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Download the Song Turtle for Free to Prove That Animals Are, Well, People Too 01 VOLUME 64 Big budget unhappiness Fred Penner's Place Fried chicken anyone? Canadians' global footprints are is at the U of W Will urban chicken farming detrimental to our well-being The performer talks about what give you another reason it's like to play to his fans now to hate your neighbour? news page 3 that they're all grown up arts & culture page 13 arts & culture page 8 02 The UniTer September 3, 2009 We've got your Big Smash! Productions Looking For LiStingS? Cover Image makes you pay to get out campus, community and volunteer campus covered opportunities page 6 "Saving Grace" by Michael Joyal of the horror film marathon music page 10 Part of Joyal's solo exhibition, Trinity, Galleries, theatre, dance and which opens Thurs., Sept. 12 and runs comedy page 11 until Tues., Sept. 29 at cre8ery. Film and literature page 12 campus news pages 5 & 6 arts & culture page 9 PhotograPh By cinDy Titus news UNITER STAFF ManaGinG eDitor Stacy Cardigan Smith » [email protected] Taking the abortion debate to the street BUSiness ManaGer James D. Patterson » [email protected] C h PrODUcTiOn ManaGer R i S Local group takes F Melody Morrissette » [email protected] R history OF aborTiOn i ese cOPy anD styLe eDitor on abortion every Law in canaDa n Chris Campbell » [email protected] Thursday 1892: canadian criminal code is made law, prohibiting abortion Photo eDitor Mark Reimer [email protected] as well as the distribution, ad- » vertising or sale of contracep- newS assiGnMenT eDitor eThaN CaBel tives in canada. Andrew McMonagle » [email protected] BeaT reporTer 1969: The government of newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau Cameron MacLean » [email protected] amends the criminal code to The front sidewalk of the Women’s arts anD culture eDitor allow for abortions to be per- Aaron Epp [email protected] Health Clinic (WHC), a feminist formed when a woman’s health » community-based health centre lo- is at risk, up to the discre- cOMMents eDitor cated at 419 Graham Avenue, has tion of a three-doctor panel. Andrew Tod » [email protected] become a forum for a longstanding contraceptives are legalized. Canadian debate. Listings cOOrDinator 1969-1970: abortion activist J.P. Perron [email protected] Members of the Campaign » henry Morgentaler opens an Life Coalition (CLC), a multi-de- caMPUS BeaT rePOrTer abortion clinic in Montreal, nominational pro-life group, pro- Courtney Schwegel » [email protected] directly violating the law. he is test every Thursday in front of the charged with various offenses, BeaT rePOrTer clinic. beginning a 20-year struggle Caitlin Laird » [email protected] “Our approach is that women to amend abortion policies in themselves are the best people BeaT rePOrTer canada. to make decisions on their own Ethan Cabel » [email protected] health,” said Joan Dawkins, exec- 1983: after being acquitted of BeaT rePOrTer utive director of the WHC. “And several charges, Morgentaler Samuel Swanson » [email protected] they need to be in an environment is again charged for practicing The campaign Life coalition directs women to clinics that counsel women with "post- abortions with two colleagues culture rePOrTer that is conducive to choice." abortion trauma." C. Jordan Crosthwaite [email protected] The WHC is both a centre to in Toronto. eventually the » provide counselling on unplanned case is brought to before the pregnancy options, as well as a Supreme court. it will prompt women to decide to foundly different approach to the place where women can find a ca- 1988: The Supreme court of keep their children.” counselling of pregnant women. CoNTrIBUTORS: pable midwife and register for new canada strikes down abortion The CLC believes that small pro- While the WHC will counsel mothers’ programs. law as unconstitutional. Due to tests, like the ones regularly held at women in unplanned pregnancy Brooke Dmytriw, Karlene Ooto- “Ultimately, we believe in choice this ruling, canada becomes the Women’s Health Clinic, can be options, including abortion, the Stubbs, natasha Tersigni, Melanie across a wide spectrum,” said one of few countries that do just as effective as the larger dem- Crisis Centre is committed in part Murchison, rob holt, ali Fulmyk, Dawkins. not legally restrict access to onstrations, even if the change is to helping women who suffer from Mike Duerksen, crystal Laderas, Although the clinic is ardently abortion. not immediately evident. post-abortion trauma or depres- Sam hagenlocher, Brittany Thiessen, pro-choice, abortions are per- “We get a lot of reaction out of sion, according to their website. Timothy Penner, Sagan Morrow, J. formed at undisclosed locations in people, but we don’t always see the The Centre was unavailable for williamez, chris Friesen, ryan Janz, Winnipeg. This fact prompts the tion issue. The CLC approaches result… you can kill babies all you comment before press time. antoinette Dycksman, Kelsey clifford, Campaign Life Coalition to pro- this goal from various angles, from want, but the doctors are not God “We can live in the world to- test at locations aligned with a pro- the endorsement of specific fed- and they don’t necessarily know gether but we cannot stand on James culleton, cindy Titus, Bill Beso, choice ideology. eral politicians to small pickets and what will happen,” said Florence any mutual ground,” said WHC's will Gibson, Scott van Slyck “They keep the abortion clinic a larger demonstrations. The CLC Bouchard, a protester and member Dawkins. “I think these are very secret,” said Maria Slykerman, the conducted their last large protest in of the CLC, who opposes counsel- black and white issues.” president of the CLC’s Manitoba front of the Women’s Hospital, as ling older women to abort because “I don’t think so,” said CLC's The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland chapter. “It’s pretty darn sneaky… part of their 40 Days for Life cam- of possible complications. Slykerman, when asked whether Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership abortion is paid for out of tax pay- paign earlier this year. Among the pamphlets and pro-choice and pro-life people can based organization in which students and community er’s money, they’re killing babies “We fast, pray and do out- publications handed out during coexist. members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www. with our money.” reach for 40 days, from 8 a.m. to their weekly picket, the CLC re- “One believes in evil and one be-, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter The CLC is a national orga- 8 p.m., to change abortion policies fers women to the pro-life Crisis lieves in good…you can’t kill inno- is a member of the canadian University Press and nization with several provincial in Canada,” said Slykerman. “We Pregnancy Centre, located at 650 cent human beings and see eye to campus Plus Media Services. chapters, each working to bring don’t always know how far reaching Broadway. eye. It’s impossible.” SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND Canada’s attention to the abor- it is; only God knows… hopefully The Crisis Centre practices a pro- PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@, or the relevant section editor. Deadline for submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before publication. Deadline for advertisements is BY COURTNEY SCHWEGEL noon Friday, six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves the right to refuse to print submitted Q: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF CAMPAIGN LIFE COALition’s straTEGIES material. The Uniter will not print submissions that OF DEMONSTRAting in front of the Women’s HEALTH CLINIC? are homophobic, misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. CONtACt US » Joan Hay Charlotte Burrough General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Community helper, Third year student, statistics Advertising: 204.786.9790 Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre “I don’t think that they are editors: 204.786.9497 “Since they don’t perform abor- going to get very far by doing Fax: 204.783.7080 tions (at the Women’s Health that because people are still e-mail: [email protected] Clinic on Graham Avenue) going to want abortions. It is Web: I don’t know if it’s proper or if just going to make people feel it’s even relevant. To me there uncomfortable.” LOCAtION » room ORM14 are probably more constructive University of Winnipeg things they could do.” 515 portage Avenue Winnipeg, manitoba r3b 2e9 Terence Fuller Vince Thompson Christine Neale Film technician Second year student, psychology/ Administrative assistant, “Obviously everybody has the statistics Salvation Army rights to their own opinions… “It bugs the piss out of me.” “I have mixed feelings about it. Mouseland Press Board of directors: but it’s ridiculous trying to I think we need to protect the Michael rac (chair), Shawn coates, courtney dictate others’ lives, especially eyes of living children. I have Berthelette, clayton winter, Devin King, alex when they are going through seen some pro-life campaigns Freedman, Shannon Sampert, rob nay, Brian hard times.” with the grossest pictures.” Gagnon, Meg McGimpsey, Kelly ross (UwSa representative). For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] NEws 03 September 3, 2009 The UniTer happy Canadians leave large eco-footprint local The cost of overpaying for our well-being News Briefs CaITlIN laIrd compiled by BeaT reporTer haPPiLy ever aFTer? andrew McMonagle Some of Happy Planet Index's con- recreation FaciLitieS siderations and findings: get a BooSt We Canadians are a jovial bunch.
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