Carpets! Opiates
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V f* Coral and State Hews. Martin Burn, returned to Augusta last week RKAT. after an ab.ence of ESTATE. nearly 25 year.. He left State News. the in Tuesday. April 20, 1886 city 1861,and went to California where ™r -THE-- In.p„rtontTr.».,^rK„nebee»»»« Pant Week. considerable Arou&took. fine job printing. money in the mine, Kecemly he thought he The A twelve year eld ion of would vi.i, ,he home following anTthe iVansfera of real e»- Mr. Hubbard Fos- Job Printing Establishment or the of ter of Thf Kennebec h„ boyhood. When he tate in Kennebec Presque Isle, had a narrow is always well prepared for doing the nicest arrived at Augus- countv, for the week end- escape A Journal ta he some days since. He was EIBHMIE WORD ABOUT work, as well as the more common branches. This was sleepy and ing Saturday. 17 given creo- SHIRT, instead of off April sote mistake and had office employs competent printers, carries a large getting by it not been for the and on t0 rtrieiy Of I-aper- stock, keeps hand the latest almost immediate attendance of a of Wedding and thathIi hami,7VCarrk'dhe binding physician ♦ .tries type. visiting cards and enve. had been taken he death would have soon resulted. * FINE READY-MADE ♦ * in stock; also a varied assortment of by stopped off CLOTHING leper dance and took the orders, programs, announcements, etc., etc. Orders next train for the Capital Be- Cumberland real) will receive prompt and careful attention. fore Dy arriving here he fell Officers McDonough and Frank of Port- asleep again and no isPZttjttKrszz land took a BT Is with little satisfaction and pride that we was carried to Hallowell woman named Hamilton to the direct attention of ice are asking *2 a ton where he got off the Holder* for their tram station Saturday night, who tried to drown and after t to our large assortment of Fine Reaoy-Maoe of many trials managed to reach herself at Franklin Clothing our the wnarf, and also cut her product. city. He took hi, wrist with a case which we up abode at the Cony knife. own manufacture are offering this season. Rhubarb is in the market, the first of the House. On the entering counting-room, he of Ppb”s'™- b‘-d Hancock. left a with ?*;u; -dTuiVi.tgV'lu season. ptckage the clerk which was Bccksport.—Our Believing, as we do, that placed ..G*•>**.—Johi* W. Hall of Albion correspondent write#. Cheap Ready-Made Clothing will in the hotel safe. to Henrv° H* April 19th : The athletic Martin.on his la°d ln China. »17S. association of the e! The Law Court will convene in the settling bill LVTewO,f.V<'Wi,,0“’ M. C. this season receive an unwonted measure of Augusta at the *• Brookins of West Seminary was organized last Wednes- attention, we have house, called fo- hi, and F«mH?JXi A.LK■t0 rJSarah 4th Wednesday in May. package pull, BroUkm^e EdJrard J- and John Franklin day, with the following officers: tng out a 850 bid “Dd president, thought the time opportune for a strong display of fine offered it in payment. ravmi r* i?nd„in Far'ninKdale, *»00. •V. Wiggin; vice president, W. M. goods. He Plke of Fa>e‘te to Board- Crawford; will be union Fast said there was 81200 man v 'f>-t'n7,oUCr-hH^rane of said Allen There Day services at in the package. Mr town, land in Fayette $40 secretary, Chase; treasurer, C. N. committee of Our best lines of Burns, is too 10 *of Higgins; W. M. Fine Business and Dress are in- the Congregational chapel. however, free with the wine to^Uiscoe'Koscoe 5[t’puhrtlrfM Plaiated ofiFMcCaualanf^ e<Ardiner arrangements, Suits Boston, land in Gardiner Crawford, Walter V. A. J. cup and was so ,jard>ner to Annie Hanscom, Torrev. inebriated one that the saw ’*»»"“? H.0r“ E. Webb of The river is tended to be an advance on anything ever shown In this Sturgis, Lambard & Co's, mill started day biddings in open at Bangor, and the boat market, up, marshal was to^R < ane Gardiner, $660 obliged place him in the Gardiner to Adaline made her first of the season to lor the season. lock- am Dudley3 ot trip Bangor and we believe will compare with yesterday morning, sa/dciticity, ilafmnt,°fland in $30t 50. favorably those made by First- up. Gardiner, last Friday.—The Cimbria w ill make her first Norero« If to Ch« "if8If«R wA?B Ee Manchester trip between and Bar Class Tailors. The Della Collins has arrived at S“‘d tOWn• “*nd “nd Bangor Harbor, Satur- Gardiner, & in buildiD«! Cony White will commence the Mancht.',er ,7M day. April 24th.—Rev. H. R. Heath of this was the first craft to come the building West ghe up river. ,, F. Brown of the of a wharf at their ice Garijiker.—George West place supplied pulpit at Brewer house below the GJ*rdAner t0 Charles H. Goodwin ot West Sunday, All of our garments are cut In the city Gardiner April 18th.—The term of the Latest Style from cloths thi? wetk. 4ts“lth and Sarah P. Horn ofPitts- spring village The roads have been rapidly tnnd lnn!i'er“id schools drying up 'w'ad buildings in West Gardiner, *1000 opened April 12th, with an able corps that have been The of Perfect in Fit and Thoroughly Shrunk. trimmings are the town for a few to * tv Glima“ of Monmouth to teachers in the different Style. about days past, owing the PersoiiHU, David and B.u apartments. W, Woodbury of said laud in At weather. Mr. town, Blodgett’s tannery at 12,000 same quality we have always used for custom work. warm and sunny Royal Quimby was in William u Pulsifer of Monmouth Bucksport, No man is so stout that we can- Bangor yester- w l«m,“ ?’ are tanned land iu Monmouth,*100. sheep pelts per week. Employ- terday. Oaki Un ment is °““f?of Oakland to given to about arid not no & Son received the first strawberries MarthirSI Alfred, thirty-five hands, tit him; man so lean that we Piper S. W. Lane MTinslow & Co., of said Every garment offer for sale Is of our own manufacture. spent the Sabbath in m Ontl ld,;** town, land nearly 1,600 cords of bark are annually- of the season yesterday. They were unusual- of Birmingham, Boston. iowakto Ali?eH5w’d |?\A‘ B‘ckfo,rd consumed. we cannot tit It is true we R' Klcker 01 Oakland, land in Oak him. Have the right pay the highest wages to our workmen, being un- ly ripe, and made very luscious eating. Mr landR’*«o^ Samuel Royal, Jr., miller, Ellsworth, Fred Haralen is on a to Boston PlTlHTox.-1 Me., trip and W Goodspeed of Pittston to Rich has gone into —Boston Journal. of sleeve for men with willing to employ hands at prices so much below the "living" New York tliis Of said insolvency length long for constructing the new week. Moody town, land in Pittston, *«0o; Proposals public I each ot Pittston to Frank B. Knox. Gen. dafob Flynn of said or short arms. point that we should be unable to turn out work that Is reliable building will probably be advertised for in Henry Boynton sails for next buddings in Pittston, *1350; Europe I?uV^df!'ideaih of I George Concerning the Camden railroad scheme ■ ittston to Idu E. He to ilesth of said towu, and uniform. on the other and the foundaiion laid this season. Saturday. goes and in t the Rockland Courier-Gazette : But, hand, after more than twenty June, Italy. ittston. *100; Daniel (ioud of Farmingdbie says The lime Dr. °f ltt“d manufacturers ot Camden We have sold these shirts to hun- Bolan, surgeon at the National Sol- P1,t8lon’ and buildings in are well satisfied years’ experience In the L. Sears lias been Pittston1 Hmy with Clothing Business In this City, we enjoy Curtis appointed letter diers Home, is the proposition, while the rank and file, very dangerously j|| with Libby of Sidney to Gerry Graves when dreds of customers for the vice Hollins removed. ot said ?Y'~Lloui5e,land in take into consideration the amount past special in material in carrier George Mr. pneuoiooia. town, Sidney, $300. they advantages buying the largest quantities at VASSAL BORO.—H a. Freeman of of such an would commences his duties this enry Vassalboro heavy teaming enterprise seven Sears morning Mrs. C. W. to b. Freeman of and recommend and the lowest rates. Goddard of Portland and Mrs. Josephine said town, land in Vas- remove from the streets, can but favor the years, Urrett J. |alboro, $100; Hussey of Vassalboro to It is R. M. Mills of who Weivuie of project. thought there will be little op- are at Kansas, have been stop- Appleton said town, land and build warrant them as tirst-class in Smelts running Sayward’s Mill’s in mgs in to the scheme. tit, for a Vassalboro, $3000; Almarien Wlthee oi Vas position ping few.days at Hon. A. P. Morrill’s sa boro to Believing our stock merits the attention of all buyers, we Vassalboro. Two Augusta fishermen drove Arthur D. Crawford of said town, land in On request of the Knights of Labor of and from the Vassalboro, $450; * illiam H. Cates and style departed city James C. a was durability. out to the Mills yesterday afterneon after the yesterday morning, rierce of V assalboro to Rockland, boycott recently placed on beg to tender you an Invitation to Inspect It.