Extensions of Remarks
2162 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 23, 1982 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IT'S HARD TO BELIEVE-BUT I wish to bring to the attention of Optimas sell for $147.50, at least $60 below IT'S TRUE: THE U.S. ARMY my colleagues Mr. Morgan's article the Remingtons and Olivettis produced in BUYS COMMUNIST-MADE TYPE from the February 8, 1982, edition of Brazil and imported into the United States. Except for small numbers made for WRITERS the Washington Post, as well as a No export, the production of manual typewrit vember 22, 1981, letter to the Presi ers in the United States ended several years dent from Mr. Arnold Morse, market ago when most users converted to electric HON. JOHN LeBOUTILLIER ing manager, Morse Typewriter Co., models. Manual typewriters are now made OF NEW YORK Inc. primarily in Brazil, East Germany, Poland, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I think that through this article, as Hungary and Bulgaria. Tuesday, February 23, 1982 well as from Mr. Morse's concise and Royal manuals, for example, are made in informative letter, the absurdity and Hungary. e Mr. LEBOUTILLIER. Mr. Speaker, wrongness of this situation will Optima is imported by International my colleagues might have missed a become readily apparent. Typewriter Exchange of Chicago. For the page 1 story that appeared in the Feb last several years its competitor, the Morse ruary 8, 1982, edition of the Washing [From the Washington Post, Feb. 8, 19821 Typewriter Co. of Queens, N.Y., has been ton Post entitled, "East Germany Has EAST GERMANY HAS KEY ROLE IN fighting the optima invasion in the halls of Key Role in Pentagon's Paperwork," PENTAGON'S PAPERWORK Congress and federal agencies.
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