OUR TOWN Made Public
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COMBINING The -Summit Herald, Summit Record, Summit Press and ~ Summit News-Guide OFFICIAL Official Newspaper of City and Subscription $2.00 a Year County. Published Thursday A. M, by The Summit Publishing Co., 357 Telephone Summit 6-6300 Springfield Avenue. Entered at the € Mailed in conformity with P. O. D. Post Office, Summit, N. J., aa 2nf Order No. 19687. EBALD Class Matter. 55th Year. No. 4 FRED L. PALMER, Editor & Publisher THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1943 J. EDWIN CARTER, Business Mgr. & Publisher 5 CENTS It. Mitchell Spadone, CITED BY PRESIDENT TWO YOUTHFUL ADMIRERS OF JEWELRY BOUND FOR SOUTH PACIFIC Selectee List Air Corps Pilot, OUR TOWN Made Public Killed in Solomons ^VRITE TO SERVICE MEN By Draft Board First Lieut Mitchell S, Spadone, Selective Service Board .No. 1, 21 21, of Summit, Army Air Corps Letters from home and friends act as a tonic to men in the i Maple street, made public this week pilot, was killed during the winter armed services, and to women too. They do much to help morale. j the names of registrants accepted in the Solomon. Islands' area fol- They bring cheer to persons who have been torn from their j for the Army and Navy following lowing enemy action, it was a.n- , $i Bounced this week by the War De- home surroundings and planted in an entirely different en- I their physical examination and in- partment. His- parents,,_ Major vironment. |(luetioii in Newark, June ;'tl. Amedee Spadone, of the Chemical Those accepted for the Army Warfare Department and now sta- What letters from home folks mean to the boys who have were inducted and transferred to tioned in Washington and Mrs. left is set forth forcefully in an incident involving Summit High the Enlisted Reserve Corps. These Spadone, of Wolfeboro, N. H., lived School students. Soon after the enlistment of one of the students, men have been ('ailed to active duty p for many years In Summit until re his classmates in his English class wrote him a class letter, each and will report to the local board at cent years when they moved to New 10 a. m., Wednesday, July 14, at Hampshire. one contributing a paragraph and signing his name. He received Summit High School. After being Lieut. Spadone graduated from this letter while at Sampson Naval Training Station. His reply checked, members' of this con- Hill School and attended Wesleyan was thought-provoking. One paragraph follows: •tingent. will proceed by bus to New- University. He Is also survived by "I received your letter Monday afternoon. Your letter gave ark, thence by train to Fort Dt\. /; a sister, Miss Estelle Spadone, of me a funny feeling—not because of the contents of the letter, Summit registrants included in ' Wolfeboro, who graduated this tins group for the Army are the year from Kent Place Schooi, 8GT. JAMES RYAN, son of.Mhfc but because of the different names that appeared after each and Mrs. William J. Ryan, of 3.V paragraph. I won't go into it, but someday soon, a lot of you following: Summit, and two brothers, Captain Donald R. Atwater, 128 Ashland Amedee Spadone, Jr., assigned "to Beechwood road, Is one of a boys will find out what mail from home means. I can't com- bomber crew stationed afrn V. 8. road; William Baker, 3 hwins duty" with the infantryand Donald plain myself, but some of the men here have received only one place; Gordon G. Bensley, SO Bed- .,** Spadone, of Wolfeboro.1 " ' heavy bomber base, somewhere In India, recently cited In the or two letters since we began training. At first, they were dis- ford road; William A. Biehler, 48 name of! the President of the appointed, but now they have put a shell around their feelings, Division avenue; Walter A. Carlson, United States—"for outstanding and they act very bitter when friends or home are mentioned." 72 Division, avenue; Erie. Cliemni- Gvil Air Patrol perfornuince of duty in action tius, 86 Kim street; Francis W. during the period January 14 to, Soldiers and sailors have full schedules, and they may not Connelly, 454 Springfield avenue; March 1, 1942," from the Dntdi write as often as the home folks would like. But whether they John E. Daluto, 16 Gates avenue;. t Calls for Gliders; Indies to Java. do or not, parents and friends of soldiers, sailors, marines and Hueng Foo, Eng, 11 Union place; those in the various women's services, should write regularly Edward W. Frankosky, 5H River Radio Unit Ready road; Samuel E. Jones, Jr., 147 Treasure Hunt to those in the, war forces. Letters should be. cheerful and Summit avenue. : Lopal Civil Air Patrol develop- Monday at the Beechwood Hotel, gossipy, giving little, items of news about persons and places Richard A. Lawrence, GO Rdse- y ments of the week disclose' that the the annual Fourth of July Treasure in which those to whom the letters are sent are interested. Do wood road; Philip Lock wood, Sv., ' Summit Squadron is appealing for Hunt was held in the morning, the not burden and depress the readers with home troubles and 28 Cedric road; Rocco J. Lolatle,. prize going to Miss Mary R. Dou- 1 Chestnut, avenue; Carmen K primary gliders for use ..in connec- woes. •..!.. tipn with its training program and nell. In the afternoon putting con- Monaco, 23 Walnut street; Martin Morale is a vital thing in the conduct of a war. Let us that ,lt is ready to proceed with ac- test, Maurice Leavitt was the prize IS. Monroe, 21 Franklin place; winner. The day's activities con- tive radio transmission work in repeat, parents and friends can do much toward keeping" the .: James R. Moore, 17 Canoe Hrook cluded with games in the evening morale of the men and women in the service high by sending parkway; James F. O'Grady. It Ply- %• conjunction with approved War with prizes being awarded. them newsy, breezy letters—often'.' mouth road; John J. O'Toole,-4} Emergency Radio Service. IDeForest avenue; Victor J. llosnto, Although the Army* Air Forces, HOME CANNER'S GUIDE j 7 Cedar street; Salvadore S. Saler- under whose command. Civil Air jno, 465 Springfield avenue; Daniel Patrol now functions, has set ma-Mrs. Hawes Heads Just a note about this week's canning supplement. There's |J. Southerly, 42 Maple street and chinery into operation making it a wealth of information contained in the six-page section all The Misses Mary Janet I'nbrerii, left and Jjjin Forbes, rlphf, spotted n rontiiinr-r of junk jewelry | Robert D. Zenker, 74 Blackburn * possible for local units to obtain j road. Army gliders, the Summit Squad- New Recruitment devoted to the how's and wherefore's of a subject important to at Miss Nellie's Shop, Saturday and the result is pictured above. The A. W. V. S. has condiiclcd for (lie i Those who were accepted for tho ron whtfch 1B. headed by U. J a'il hotl^tfives today. The information has been gathered from past month a campaign to accumulate costume jewels for the soldiers in the South Pacific to use to barter with the natives. Mrs. (Jurdner I'. Wilson, In charge of the drive, announces that !I2 pounds Of | Navy left, about 6 a. m. yesterday g. Smith is making an appeal'tor we hope it will prove useful as a guide and private <,-wn«^ti to,.' o'»i>|t^ite Ilid- Drive For Women Jewelry has been collected to date. I'ontttlners are located at .Fnuujtkins, .lllss >'ellle's Shop, British ; by bus reporting at the Newark f Mrs. Jtytign HavreR.of. Colt road^fe ference purposes. ••.-.-.••>,• -. •• ---*•• ,"• • Wur.Relief .'Society Heiidquarters arid Sears Roebuck.& To. ' HY-raUi—Kronisc!! jPojjtoffice from which place it is ers far'the'diiMUfdn". Thuse'are re- in charge of recruitment driver for'"*" believed a large number were ship- quired for primary training nilo" es- women in war work at Eastern ped to Newport, R. I., Naval Tniiit- pecially so In conjunction vMth theAircraft Division of General Mo- VICTORY GARDENERS CAP Cadet training program". ling Station, and Camp Peary, Va., tors, Linden, announces* a three Fiirnitufe Dealer Puttie Is Reminded fed Cross Chapter()0 A.W.S. Spotters [.for their preliminary training. Any Victory gardener having Prior to the wftr a number of months' course in engineering for j The Navy group includes the fol- gliders were privately owned in women -at Rutgers University to a surplus of produce that he this area and nave alndq gone into To dive Its Support lowing from Summit: start July 19. Buys Building would like to dispose of where Institutes Program Receive Diplomas John D. Blades, 22 Colt road; storage. If any of these owners are It will be greatly appreciated willing to have their gliders fcsed This course Includes mathe- William Drumniond, 17 Ualtusrol by CAP it is suggested that they matics, mechanics, metallurgy, ma- For Future Growth To Service Committee and not go to waste, please Of Water Safety ion place; John J. Fagan, 17 Beaitvoir terials, " drafting and blue print bring II to Mrs. James Gross's avenue; Patrick Fitzgerald, 11 Ma- communicate with H. E. Roden- Harry W. Doyle, who has been Two weeks ago Friday a letter A water safety program was in- Sixty spotters of the observation reading. It is hoped to accept was sent out by the Summit Com- office, 7 Union place, between ple street; Theodore \V. Hawes, Jr., baugh, 15 Norwood •avenue, Sum- in the furniture business in Sum- stituted this week by Summit Chap- post, of the Aircraft Warning- twenty-five women for this course mit for the past three years, haa mittee for Men in Service request- the hours of i) a.