I have two people in my life that I need to thank profusely. First is my father; without his unconditional love and support, I would not be the person that I am today. My father’s love has been consistent and unwavering. Second is my husband Roger. Since our relationship began 10 years ago, I have been attending college. Through it all: papers, projects and class after class, Roger has been encouraging, flexible, patient and supportive. He is my best friend as well as my lover. I am truly blessed to have enduring love in my life.

I thank Dr. William Granzig for his sense of humor, instruction and inspiring ideas. I thank Dr. Granzig for showing me the tools of how to be a great sex therapist. Thank you, Dr. Granzig, for creating a program that supports human sexuality. I thank Dr. Mary Lutzo for her ability to keep me on track through positive feedback and words of encouragement. I thank Dr. Joyce Wertheimer for her unconditional support and sense of humor throughout the dissertation process.



Jennifer J. McBlaine was awarded in 1999 a bachelor degree in psychology and in

2002 was awarded a masters degree in counselor education from the University of

Central Florida, Orlando, Florida. She is a Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern and a Board Certified Clinical Sexologist. She has a private psychotherapy practice in

Sarasota, Florida where she helps others live their best lives.



The purpose of this study was to examine how the propaganda of the G-spot has influenced and affected women’s sexuality. This was done by designing a self-reported questionnaire that American women could respond to which would illicit their thoughts and feelings regarding the G-spot. The study 1) determined whether women were informed on the G-spot, 2) explained the positive and negative influences regarding the

G-spot on women’s sexuality, 3) assessed how the G-spot has redefined women’s definition of an , 4) proven the media’s influence on women’s search to locate the

G-spot, 5) compared sex experts claim that the G-spot is common in women, 6) verified how magazine articles on the G-spot affected women’s sexuality.

The population for this study was American women who were individually contacted by this researcher. Data was collected using a self-reported questionnaire totaling nineteen questions.

The self-reported questionnaire was specific to the G-spot however the summary of the findings appear to be generalized and significance minimal. It is unclear whether the G-spot has influenced women’s sexuality according to women’s perceptions; as it is quite clear that it has caused influence and discord in the world of sexuality.

A study should be done that delves deeper into questions of the how the G-spot and other sexual taboos influence female sexuality. The possible “myth” of the G-spot, the failure of movies to demonstrate clitoral stimulation as many women’s’ preferred choice for orgasm, and countless other issues that perpetuate fallacies about sexuality need to be examined. The time has come for sexology to be recognized as a “true”


science worthy of investigation and financial support by governments, universities, and the private sector.




ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...... ii VITA...... iii ABSTRACT...... iiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS...... viiviii LIST OF TABLES ...... iix LIST OF GRAPHS...... x I. INTRODUCTION...... 1 A. Background of the Problem...... 1 B. Purpose of the Study ...... 4 C. Statement of the Problem ...... 4 D. The Vagina and Definitions of Important Terms...... 5

II. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ...... 8 A. Historical Concepts of Female ...... 8 B. Literature on the G-spot...... 10

III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...... 16 A. Introduction ...... 16 B. Study Sample ...... 16 C. Study Design...... 17 D. Instrument...... 17

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...... 20 A. Research Questions...... 20 B. Demographics ...... 20 C. Responses ...... 22 D. Other Results ...... 34

V. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS...... 35 A. Introduction ...... 35 B. Summary of the Findings ...... 36 C. Limitations of the Study ...... 37 D. Implications and Recommendations ...... 38

APPENDICES...... 40 APPENDIX A ...... 40






Figure Page

1. Female Anatomy Labeling G-spot ...... 180 2. Female Reproductive System...... 181 3. Perianal muscles and female cavernous bodies…...…………….…………………..182



Table Page

1. Demographics……………………………………………………………21



Graph Page

A. Heard From…………………………………………………………………………..22

B. Publication………………………………………………………………………...... 23

C. Located G-spot……………………………………………………………………….23

D. Met Expectations………………….…………………………………………………..24

E. Felt Inadequate…………………………………………….………………………….24

F. Faked G-spot Orgasm……………………………………….………………………..25

G. Lied about Locating G-spot……………….…………………………………………26

H. Media Focus on G-spot………………………………………………………………27

I. Asked Physician………………………………………………………………………28

J. Asked Mental Health Professional……………………………………………………29

K. Importance of Locating G-spot……………………...…………………………….…30

L. Discussed with Partner…………………………..…………………………………...31

M. G-spot Surgery………………………………………..……………………………..31

N. Pressure to have G-spot Orgasm……………………..………………………………32

O. Pressure to have Clitoral Orgasm…………………………..………………………...33

P. Pressure to have Vaginal Orgasm………………………….…………………………34



A. Background of the Problem

During the past 24 years, women, physicians and sexologists have been debating over the existence of the G-spot. It began in 1982 after a new phenomenon for achieving an orgasm in women was introduced by a best selling book entitled The G-Spot and

Other Discoveries about Human Sexuality. Until its publication, it was known and understood that most women do not have an orgasm during coitus (intercourse). The majority of women need clitoral stimulation to have an orgasm. With the introduction of the G-spot, additional pressure was put on women to not only attain a vaginal orgasm but now they had to attain a G- spot orgasm. The discourse of the G-spot does not just reorganize the relative meanings of clitoral and vaginal pleasure; it posits the existence of a whole new body part. Moreover, the exception and expectation with the G-spot orgasm was it was more intense and in some women it could cause female ejaculation. Out of the twenty-seven pages from this best selling book, the ongoing debate began between physicians, sexologists and lay people in search of their own G-spot.

The G-spot is a great example of the strengths and limitations of expert sex researchers. In 1982, Alice Ladas Ed.D. a psychologist, Beverly Whipple R.N. a registered nurse and sex counselor and John Perry Ph.D. a psychologist and sexologist attributed their findings to Ernest Grafenberg who published in the International Journal of Sexology, The Role of Urethra in Female Orgasm (Appendix A). In this article written in 1950, Grafenberg discusses redefining frigidity and sexual satisfaction in women. He simply states that women can enjoy sex and have orgasms in multiple ways not just vaginally. “Innumerable erotogenic spots are distributed all over the body, from


where sexual satisfaction can be elicited; these are so many that we can almost say that there is no part of the female body which does not give sexual response, the partner has only to find the erotogenic zones” (Grafenberg, 1950).

Grafenberg does not discuss a spot in this article. Instead, he discusses a zone in the area of the urethra that could lead to an orgasm in the right coitus (intercourse) position. If a woman is sexual stimulated, the urethra begins to enlarge which enables stimulation to continue during coitus. The urethra is another erotogenic zone to be added to the long list of erotogenic zones that women possess such as breast and the external orifice of the ear (Grafenberg, 1950).

As stated in The G-Spot and other discoveries about human sexuality, “The G- spot is what specifically frees us from the either/or thinking of the past decades, for it demonstrates that there is not one genital focus of erotic arousal in women, as Masters and Johnson (with help from so many others have led us to believe. There are, instead, at least two foci-the and the g-spot-just as there are two foci in men, the penis and the prostate gland” (Ladas, Whipple, and Perry, 1982).

Whipple et al sought to challenge the past methods of the laboratory research which had shown that vaginas were insensitive. According to Whipple, Masters and

Johnson had determined the areas of maximum sexual sensitivity by probing women's vaginas with a cotton bud. Whipple thought a cotton bud might give the clitoris a nice nudge, but even an extra large cotton bud was too small to interest the average vagina

(Albury, 2003).

After Whipple et al published the results of their findings; the introduction of the

G-spot caused an uproar. Women's magazines became inundated with articles on how to


locate the G-spot. Not only were women under pressure to have vaginal orgasms but in addition they had to have a G-spot orgasm. The G-spot became compulsory and women who could not find their G-spots were obviously missing out on something, or having sex all wrong. Instead of simply providing a verification of women's sexual experiences, the publication of the G-spot provided some women with a new, scientifically proven form of sexual dysfunction (Albury, 2003).

The G spot publication led the way for a continued alphabet soup approach to female orgasm. Additional spots have now been discovered, the U spot, which is located at the opening of the urethra and the X Spot, which occurs from stimulation of the cervix.

Even though we have new and expanded information about orgasm triggers, many women are still not regularly orgasmic. They feel cheated, left out or inferior because of their low expectation of having an orgasm. Female orgasm still suffers from a double standard (Keesling, 1999).

Despite some professional resistance, the G-spot captured the public imagination.

Some feminists feared that broader ideological pressure would herald a return to vaginal orgasms in order to strengthen patriarchal sexual norms. Especially since the research reports that the G-spot orgasm was better than the clitoral orgasm. The last thing women needed was yet another sexual imperative. This was a volatile addition to the ongoing debate on female orgasm. With the discovery of a new erogenous zone; critics arose to decry the research methods, media sensationalism, and the potential for profiteering

(Irvine, 2005).

Several physicians were consulted by this researcher to get feedback from the medical community regarding the G-spot. All five physicians were gynecologists.


Amazingly, all five contradicted each other on the G-spot topic. One female physician stated that the topic “was superficial and she would not waste her time talking about it.”

Another male physician stated that “the G-spot was not there anatomically.” One male physician just stared blankly at the researcher implying he was not interested in discussing the topic. He offered no feedback or comments. To summarize the comments made by the remaining two physicians’, they stated that all women’s bodies are different and in what they felt was sexually arousing. Due to the conflicting statements, the researcher contacted the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) to find articles specifically written about the G-spot and after a thorough investigation not one article was retrieved.

B. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to examine how the propaganda of the G-spot has influenced and affected women’s sexuality. A self-reported questionnaire was designed to enable women to articulate their feelings and thoughts surrounding the G-spot.

Additionally, a thorough examination of the available literature written on the G-spot will be analyzed.

C. Statement of the Problem

The hypothesis of this study is with the discovery of the G-spot and the assertion that all women should be able to locate and have G-spot orgasms this has influenced women’s view of themselves sexually. Validation of the study will be carried out


through a self-reported questionnaire with American women, seeking to answer the following questions:

1. Are women informed on the G-spot?

2. What positive or negative influences has the G-spot had on women’s


3. Has the G-spot redefined women’s definition of an orgasm?

4. Has the media influenced women’s search to locate the G-spot?

5. Is the G-spot as common in women as some sex experts have claimed?

6. Has all the magazine articles on the G-spot affected women’s sexuality?

D. The Vagina and Definitions of Important Terms

The vagina is an internal and external organ. The hymen, uterus, cervix and ovaries are internal. The mons pubis, the labia majora, the labia minora, and the clitoral glan are external. Some woman’s clitoris is covered by hood called the prepuce. Not all vaginas are the same; the basic structure is the same however, there are varying structures between each woman for example, size, color and shape. Anatomists state that the clitoris has 8,000 nerves; twice as many as the penis.

Hilda Hutcherson discusses in her book, What Your Mother Never Told You about

Sex, “The clitoris has glans, shaft, or body, as well as crura, or legs. The shaft contains two corpora cavernosa, spongy tissue that fills with blood and increases the size of the clitoris when you become sexually stimulated. The average shaft measures 1-2 inches in length and a little over half an inch in width. But the clitoris doesn't end there. The base of the shaft attaches to the pubic bone and then divides into two crura, or legs, each


measuring between 2 and 4 inches long. The crura follow and attach to the arch of the pubic bone. Extending from the base of the clitoris and lying between the crura and the labia minora are two additional masses of tissue called the vestibular bulbs (This tissue is considered to be a part of the clitoris). The vestibular bulbs fill with blood during sexual stimulation and make the opening to the vagina smaller, increasing the gripping and hugging of the penis by the vagina” (Hutcherson, 2002).

The prostate gland is derived embryologically from the wolffian duct system, which normally atrophies during female development. The female urethra is, however, surrounded by glandular tissue. In some women these glands are organized to feed into a para-urethral duct system, running along either side of the outer part of the urethra and opening just inside the urethral meatus (Urethral Meatus is the opening into the urethra, through which urine, and fluids from the female prostate exit the body). Such structures are normally called Skene's glands after the man who described them in 1880 (Urethral glands are also known as Skene’s glands and appear near the urethral opening). In 1948, a detailed anatomical study found that these para-urethral duct systems were the exception rather than the rule. It was found that there was a considerable variability between women in the extent and location of these glands (Bancroft, 1989).

The following is a list of external and internal parts the vagina:

Vulva - External genitalia:

Labia majora (outer lips) - Outer folds of skin on each side of the opening of the vagina.

Labia minora (inner lips) - Inner folds of skin on both sides of the opening to the vagina.

Clitoris- Two small erectile bodies: the glans and the hood.


Mons pubis or mons veneris- Cushion of fatty tissue over the pubic bone. Touching leads

to sexual arousal.

Perineum- Area between the vagina and the anus.

Internal genitals:

Hymen – membrane at the entrance to the vagina.

Bartholin's glands – small glands adjacent to vaginal opening producing minimal

lubrication. Function is unknown.

Vagina – muscular orifice leading from the outside of the body to the uterus

Cervix – The narrow lower end of the uterus which protrudes into the vagina.

Uterus – Muscular organ in the female abdomen that contains and nourishes the developing embryo.

Fallopian tubes – Tubes through which an egg travels from the ovary to the uterus and where fertilization occurs.

Ovaries – from the sex gland (oviducts, female gonads, eggs) paired structure on each

side of the uterus that contain and release eggs and secrete estrogen and progesterone.



A. Historical Concepts of Female Orgasms

A brief history of female orgasms reveals radical changes in different perspectives over time. Havelock Ellis was among the first to focus attention on women’s sexuality.

He thought that women’s capacity for sexual enjoyment was comparable with that of men but differed in that the impulse was more passive, more complex and less spontaneous.

The impulse grew in strength after sexual relationships had been established, the threshold of excess was less easily reached, the sexual sphere was larger and more diffuse, there was more periodicity, and there was greater variation among women and within a single woman. Ellis pointed out that it was the diffuse nature of women’s sexuality that made courtship necessary and essential (Bullough, 1994).

In the Victorian era, orgasm was considered the cause and cure for hysteria.

During this same time, differentiated between what he called a clitoral orgasm and a vaginal orgasm. Female infants and children could masturbate by stimulating the clitoris and experience orgasmic sensations, he posited. By contrast, adult women could experience a vaginal orgasm (described as a deeper sensation) during intercourse. He felt failure to achieve vaginal orgasm in adulthood, signaled psychological immaturity due to fixation at the phallic stage of psychosexual development (Keesling, 1999).

Freud had a view that women have sexual problems due to the fact he thought the clitoris is a vestigial, rudimentary, inadequate, and inferior to the penis. Freud also been quoted as saying the clitoris is a stunted penis (Brecher, 1969).


In the 1950s, Kinsey challenged the concept of the vaginal orgasm. He felt that that the walls of the vagina were devoid of nerve endings and this caused most women to have vaginal insensitivity. He claimed that vaginal orgasm was a physiological impossibility and criticized Freud and other theorists for projecting male constructs of sexuality onto women. This inevitably led to questions about whether sexual intercourse could satisfy women sexually. He questioned the erotic merits of penetration. Kinsey viewed the clitoris as the main center of sexual response and the vagina as relatively unimportant. He noted that few women inserted fingers or objects into their vaginas when they masturbated and concluded that satisfaction from penile penetration was mainly psychological, or perhaps the result of referred sensation (Irvine, 2005).

In 1960, Masters and Johnson continued to research women’s orgasms. They discovered that there were two types of female orgasms clitoral and vaginal. Their views about orgasms replaced Freud's. Orgasm was no longer the result of mature , but a biological skill or impulse that could be taught and conditioned through behavioral modification. The research had been well received by feminists, who used it to support arguments against those who thought there was something wrong with them if they were not satisfied by heterosexual intercourse. Yet the very same research had been used to deny and negate other women's equally valid sexual experiences (Albury, 2003).

In the 1970s, the Hite report served to educate society at large about the unspoken needs of men and women and to reveal the prevalence of ignorance, specifically about the importance of recognizing women’s sexuality. Particularly revealing were words from many women regarding their need for clitoral stimulation for orgasm and the relative unimportance of vaginal orgasm which inadvertently supported Kinsey’s views


in the 1950s (Bullough, 1994).

In the early 1980s, the G-spot was introduced as a bean shaped erogenous zone in women. After the G-spot was stimulated using deep pressure, it produced an entirely different orgasm. The G-spot orgasm was distinctly different than a vaginal orgasm and a clitoral orgasm. According to the authors, the spot is equivalent to the male prostate

(Ladas, Whipple, and Perry, 1982).

B. Literature on the G-spot

For approximately twenty-five years, the clitoris has been the main focus of female sexual pleasure and orgasm. With the discovery of the G-spot in the early 1980s, a return of the concept of a vaginal orgasm was challenged. Rather than presenting in a scientific nature first, the research was clearly aimed at a mass popular market. This contradicted the usual style from the books published by orthodox medical sexologists, such as Masters and Johnson and Helen Singer Kaplan. The G-spot book was picked up by six book clubs and even contained a self-help section (Irvine, 2005).

Pioneers sex researcher Masters and Johnson, stated that studies done after the publication of G-spot were unable to find evidence supporting its existence. They felt that more research on the subject of the G-spot was needed in order to establish whether it is a distinct anatomical structure (Masters, Johnson and Kolodny, 1986).

Dr Kermit Krantz (chairman of and gynecology at the University of

Kansas Medical Center) was interviewed, in 1982, by Time magazine. The article was titled In Search of a Perfect G. Dr. Krantz’s believed people aiming for the G-spot during lovemaking were actually hitting a more general nerve area around the weak


sphincter muscle of the vagina and the cavernous tissues of the urethra. He felt that the authors’ drew a conclusion with inadequate evidence and they should not make claims without an anatomical basis (Time, 1982).

Betty Dodson stated, “Weird things began to happen sexually in the 1980s. The weirdest being men and women started digging around inside vaginas searching for some magic spot” (Dodson, 2002).

Despite the trappings of science surrounding the G-spot research, some within sexology charged that it was not scientific. Whipple and Perry had conducted extensive physiological laboratory work on more than four hundred women. Yet some reviewers insisted that the G-spot facts were not sufficiently developed to warrant such sensational publicity (Irvine, 2005).

The G-spot book was based on sparse research that even prior to publication it had been contradicted in professional journals and scientific meetings. Even with the opposition, reports of this scientific discovery appeared in numerous women's magazines, newspapers, and sex oriented magazines. The insatiability of the media for the commercial potential of sexual topics results in an endless search for news and advice.

Conversely, disconfirming evidence receives little or no publicity (Tiefer, 1995).

Ira Reiss and Harriet Reiss stated, “Now that we know that a G-spot orgasm is possible, should we add G-spot orgasms to what is considered necessary for a fully functional female and create a new dysfunction called "G-spot anorgasmia?" Some researchers believe that women can potentially develop both coital orgasms and G-spot orgasms. But that is very different from saying that if you do not learn to develop these potentials, then your ordinary physical responses are impaired “(Reiss and Reiss, 1990).


As mentioned earlier, Kinsey concluded, partly on the basis of studies he had performed and concluded that the walls of the vagina were insensitive to touch.

Conversely, the concept of the G- spot suggests that certain parts of the vaginal wall are highly sensitive. The urethra runs close to the anterior vaginal wall between the bladder and the vulva. For some individuals, men and women, the urethra does appear to be erotically sensitive, as evidenced by the tendency for some people to sexually stimulate themselves by inserting objects into the urethra. Grafenberg found that the anterior vaginal wall is extremely sensitive to the urethra because it runs closest to the vagina

(Bancroft 1989).

In She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Pleasuring a Woman, Ian

Kerner discusses the G-spot as nothing more than part of the same system as the clitoris that is intertwining across the urethral sponge and forming a cluster. He states the urethra was designed as a ring of spongy erectile tissue and when aroused it fills with blood to protect the urethra from penetration (Kerner, 2004).

Betty Dodson pointed out the contradiction between different books as to what is what in the female sexual anatomy. In the book Our Bodies, Ourselves, they called the

G-spot the urethral sponge, and in some anatomy books the same place was identified as the Skene’s glands. In other books it is referred to as the same area as the female prostate

(Dodson, 1996).

Dr. Terence Hines, in 2001, wrote that two researchers, Crooks and Baur, did a study where they found that the G-spot has a system of glands (called Skene’s glands) and ducts that surround the urethra. Hines significant point was if the G-spot does exist it would not just be a system of glands and ducts. Usually sensitivity in a tissue comes


from nerve endings not from ducts (Hines, 2001).

Even though there has not been a study done showing the connection between

Skene’s glands and the G-spot there has been inferences that they could be one and the same. The vaginal wall has a minimum of three putative erogenous sites namely

Halban’s fascia, the urethra and the clitoral tissue while the so called G-spot/Skene’s glandular area is more of zone rather than an accentuated spot (Levin, 2003).

The G-spot has caused an upheaval all out of proportion to its bean size. It has been haled as a breakthrough to female sexuality. Some medically trained sex researchers assert that it does not exist. However, women have either discovered its orgasmic pleasures or others have given up trying to locate theirs. It is amazing that something so central to a women’s sexuality has been overlooked for centuries by clinicians and gynecologists. Some arguments attain because the G-spot cannot be seen and can only respond to deep, firm pressure that that contributed to its inability to be discovered. Others researchers ascertain that the erotic sensitivity is the entire anterior and posterior vaginal wall not just one spot (Bechtel, 1993).

Lonnie Barbach states, “An inability to achieve an orgasm for many women can cause feelings of inadequacy especially when the abnormal experience conflicts with words of the experts” (Barbach, 1975).

The urethra is one of the least important structures from the point of view of sexual stimulation for most women. Stimulation of the area just outside the urethra can be enjoyable and sexually arousing for some women, while others just find it irritating.

In most women, the urethra usually goes unnoticed until some bladder infection or infection of the urethra develops (Barbach, 1975).


Leonard Shlain stated; “Scientists and sexologists have attempted to verify

Grafenberg’s observation, but, despite a vigorous debate about the issue, there remains little scientific consensus as to the exact whereabouts or even the existence of the elusive

G-spot” (Shlain, 2003).

Shlain continued by stating, “Missing from the debate on whether the G-spot is or is not present is an explanation for why such a spot would have evolved in the first place.

Form follows function. The tip of the clitoris has crowded together in one small area over

8,000 nerve endings, making it the most concentrated collection of sensitive dendrites anywhere in the male or female body. It does not appear to have any function other than to provide its owner with pleasure. If the clitoris evolved in humans only to confer upon a women exquisite delight, what would compel Mother Nature to create a secondary pleasure center in an inaccessible region that is difficult to find and unlikely to be stimulated in the course of prosaic lovemaking”(Shlain, 2003).

The clitoral model was quickly established as normal science, and much sex research, education, and therapy has been predicated on its truth. Continued belief in the validity of the vaginal orgasm would have supported patriarchal conceptions of sex, and heterosexual intercourse could maintain its privileged status as the ultimate sex act. The growing area of sex research, however, and the increasing public dialogue about sexuality both indicated that this ideal was largely a myth; many women were not having orgasms and were dissatisfied with sex. Methodologically, the emphasis on the clitoris made sense because the organ itself was more empirically accessible. It could be seen, measured, and otherwise quantified more easily than the inner vagina (Irvine, 2005).

The notion of the G-Spot has been discredited and various researches done in


2004 have not shown an increase in the rate of orgasm during intercourse without stimulation of the clitoris. Women can be highly turned on during intercourse however being aroused usually is not the kind of stimulation that leads to orgasm (Hite 2006).



A. Introduction

Based on the review of the literature, this researcher learned the introduction of the G-spot to women’s sexuality was pivotal in returning the focus back to women having vaginal orgasm during coitus (intercourse). The researcher, a mental health counselor developed a self-reported questionnaire for American women. In order to illicit attainable responses free from misinterpretation, the questionnaire was designed in a simplified format using yes and no questions and five-point Likert scale questions.

B. Study Sample

A sample of American females were selected through word of mouth by using friends, family and colleagues to assess whether they have located their G-spot and how locating the G-spot has affected their sexuality and orgasm ability. Talking about one’s sexual practices has been known to cause uneasy feelings and over reporting of behaviors, to ensure confidentiality and responses free from judgment, the internet was used. Respondents were sent an initial email containing a cover letter requesting participation and directed to the researcher’s website (Appendix E). In addition, the respondents were asked to contact every female friend, family member or colleague to participate in the study. In the letter, they were explained the purpose of the questionnaire and were guaranteed that their responses were anonymous and confidential.

They were offered the right to withdrawal at anytime.


C. Study Design

A self-reported questionnaire was designed consisting of nineteen questions.

Questions were formulated in a vocabulary that all respondents were able to understand.

The questions were reviewed by three licensed psychotherapists who are board certified in clinical sexology to check for content validity. A website consultant was commissioned to assist the researcher in programming the G-spot Questionnaire in html code so that the hard copy form drafted by this researcher could be viewed and completed online by members of the sample (Appendix C). This modification allowed for all anonymous responses to the G-spot Questionnaire to then be e-mailed directly to the researcher. Completed questionnaires, done at the researcher’s website, went through the internet to the researcher’s private email address.

During a nine week period from June until August 2006, each potential respondent was sent an initial cover letter in an e-mail (Appendix D) which highlighted the purpose and intent of the study and requested that interested parties respond back to the researcher. Once responses were returned to the researchers via e-mail; data computation and analysis commenced.

D. Instrument

The research instrument was a two-part questionnaire. The first part focused on demographic data such as age, sex, sexual orientation, race, religious affiliation, income range and educational level. The second part of the questionnaire related to the respondents disclosure of their personal experience regarding the G-spot. Nine of the


questions asked for yes or no responses in order to identify whether they did or did not have the G-spot, felt a certain feeling or behaved in certain behavior.

These questions included:

1. Have you been able to locate your G-spot?

2. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations?

3. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate?

4. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm?

5. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or partners when

you did not?

6. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot?

7. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the G-spot?

8. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a partner?

9. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you consider

getting the surgery?

For three of the questions, a Likert scale ranging from one (1) to five (5) with one (1) being the lowest rating and five (5) being the highest rating was utilized.

These questions included:

1. On a scale of 1 to 5 has the media focused too much on the topic of the G-


2. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot has been.

3. Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm

verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm.


To elicit feedback and personal opinion some fill in the blank and open-ended questions were added:

1. The first time that you heard of the G-spot was from?

2. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot?



A. Research Questions

This section will present the findings of this study as they relate to each of the nineteen questions from the G-spot questionnaire.

B. Demographics

The total sample of friends, family and colleagues contacted by the researcher were twenty (Appendix E). Of the twenty contacted, it is estimated that each respondent had at a minimum ten additional contacts yielding potentially 200 samples. Overall, it yielded sixty-two respondents who completed the G-spot questionnaire in its entirety. This final total yielded completed G-spot questionnaires from thirty- one percent (31%) of the originally proposed sample frame (Appendix F).

The G-spot questionnaire had two separate sections. Demographic information was limited to the first section which were questions one through five. The distribution of the sample according to the various demographic characteristics is to follow (Table 1).

The age of the female respondents ranged from twenty-four to sixty-eight with the average age being forty years old. The majority of the respondents were heterosexual

(92%). (3%), bisexual (2%) and unanswered (3%) represented the rest of the respondent sample. The majority of the respondents were Caucasian (92%). African-

American (3%), Hispanic (3%) and other (2%) represented the rest of the respondent sample. The majority of the respondents’ (63%), current religious affiliation was

Christian, (5%) was other, (11%) was none, (11%) was non-denominational and (10%) were Jewish. Yearly income of the representative sample ranged from $24,000 to over


$105,000 with the average income being $65,500. The majority of the respondents’ educational levels were at the graduate level (53%). The remainder of the respondents had their bachelors (26%), some college (13%) and high school (8%).

Table 1: Demographics

n=x Percentage Sex Female 62 100

Age 20-29 19 31 30-39 19 31 40-49 7 11 50-59 13 21 60-69 4 6

Sexual Orientation Heterosexual 57 92 Lesbian 2 3 Bisexual 1 2 Unanswered 2 3

Race Caucasian 57 92 African American 2 3 Hispanic 2 3 Other 1 2

Religious Affiliation Christian 39 63 Jewish 6 10 Non-Denominational 7 11 None 7 11 Other 3 5

Yearly Income $15,000-$24,000 2 3 $25,000-$34,000 10 16 $35, 000-$44,000 11 17 $45,000-$54,000 9 15 $55,000-$64,000 8 13 $65,000-$74,000 2 3 $75,000-$84,000 2 3 $85,000-$94,000 1 2 $95,000-$104,000 6 10 $105,000 and above 9 15 Unanswered 2 3

Educational Level High School Diploma or GED 5 8


Some College 8 13 Bachelors Degree 16 26 Graduate Degree 33 53

C. Responses

The second section of the G-spot questionnaire, questions six through nineteen, contained specific questions for the respondents to answer regarding the G-spot.

Question 6: The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? Forty-three percent (Graph A) reported from a friend (n=27), thirty-nine percent answered a publication (n=24), five percent stated a partner (n=3) and thirteen percent stated other


Graph A

Heard From

5% 13% Other Publication 43% A Friend 39% A Partner

In addition, they were asked to specify what publication or define what other meant (Graph B). The respondents reported Cosmopolitan Magazine (44%), an untitled magazine (23%), television (13%), and the G-spot book, playgirl, textbook, unspecified media, and Dr. Beverly Whipple each had four percent.


Graph B


The G-spot book 13% 4%4% 4% Playgirl 4% Textbook Cosmo 23% Media 44% Magazine 4% Dr. Beverly Whipple TV

Question 7: Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Fifty percent (n=31) of the respondents answered yes (Graph C). Likewise, fifty percent (n=31) of respondents answered no.

Graph C

Located G Spot

Yes 50% 50% No

Question 8: If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations?

Twenty-four respondents (77%) out of thirty-one stated that locating their G-spot met their expectations (Graph D). While seven respondents (23%) out of thirty-one stated it did not meet their expectations. 23

Graph D

Met Expectations


Yes No


Question 9: If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? Seven respondents (23%) out of thirty-one stated the inability to locate their

G-spot did make them feel inadequate (Graph E). While twenty-three respondents

(74%) out of thirty-one stated that their inability to locate their G-spot did not make them feel inadequate. One respondent (3%) of the thirty-one did not answer.

Graph E

Felt Inadequate

3% 23% Yes No Unanswered 74%

Question 10: Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Out of sixty-two respondents, forty-five percent (n=28) stated that they have faked a G-spot orgasm 24

(Graph F). Worth noting of the twenty-eight women who admitted to faking the G-spot orgasm, fifty-seven percent (n=16) of them had admitted to being able to locate their G- spot whereas forty-three percent (n=12) had not been able to locate their G-spot. While fifty-three percent (n=33) stated that they have not faked a G-spot orgasm. Two percent

(n=1) did not answer.

Graph F

Faked G-spot Orgasm


Yes 45% No 53% Unanswered

Question 11: Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or partners when you did not? Eighty-two percent (n=51) answered that they had not lied to friends or partners about locating their G-spot (Graph G). Whereas, fifteen percent (n=9) stated that they had lied to friends or partners. Three percent (n=2) did not answer. Of the nine who admitted to lying to friends or partners about locating their G-spot, five of them admitted in question seven that they had located their G-spot.


Graph G

Lied about Locating G-spot

3% 15%

Yes No Unanswered


Question 12: On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of the G-spot (One (1) being not focused)? Respondents rated the media on the G-spot topic ranging from one to five with the average being 3.2 (Graph H). Specifically, fifteen percent (n=9) gave the rating of (1), ten percent (n=6) gave the rating of (2), thirty-two percent (n=20) gave the rating of (3), twenty-nine percent (n=18) gave the rating of (4), fifteen percent (n=9) gave the rating of (5).


Graph H

Media Focus on G-spot


s 20.0 20.0 18.0


9.0 9.0 10.0 6.0 5.0 Number of Respondents of Number

0.0 12345 Likert Scale

Question 13: Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot?

Five percent (n=3) stated that they had asked a medical professional (Graph I).

Staggeringly, ninety-five percent (n=59) stated that they had not asked a medical professional. In addition, if they answered yes, they were asked to briefly explain what he/she told them. One of the three women replied; “nothing.” The second of the three women replied; “that there was not a g-spot and the topic was superficial.” The last women replied; “she said it does not exist”.


Graph I

Asked Physician


Yes No


Question 14: Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the

G-spot? As with question eight, five percent (n=3) stated that they had asked a mental health therapist (Graph J). However the majority, ninety-five percent (n=59) stated that they had not asked any mental health therapist. In addition, if they answered yes, they were asked to briefly explain what he/she told them. One of the three women replied;

“my friend is a sex therapist and she said it doesn’t exist.” The second of the three stated

“that according to the “books” there is not one.” The last women stated “asked Dr.

Granzig. He said it didn’t exist. Another therapist gave diagrams and suggested exploration.”


Graph J

Asked Mental Health Professional


Yes No


Question 15: On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate how important locating your G-spot has been (One (1) being not important). Ranging from one to five with an average of 2.5 respondents rated the importance of locating the G-spot (Graph K). Distinctively, thirty- five percent (n=22) gave the rating of (1), fifteen percent (n=9) gave the rating of (2), twenty-four percent (n=15) gave the rating of (3), fifteen percent (n=9) gave the rating of

(4), eleven percent (n=7) gave the rating of (5).


Graph K

Importance of Locating G-spot

25.0 22.0 s 20.0 15.0 15.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 7.0

5.0 Number of Respondents of Number

0.0 12345 Likert Scale

Question 16: Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a partner? Fifty-one percent (n=32) stated that they had discussed the topic with their partner on the other hand forty-seven percent (n=29) stated that they had not discussed the topic with their partner (Graph L). Two percent (n=1) did not answer the question.

Furthermore, if they answered yes, they were asked to briefly explain what was discussed. Please see the thirty-two respondents’ responses to question number sixteen found in Appendix F.


Graph L

Discussed with Partner


Yes 47% 51% No Unanswered

Question 17: If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you consider getting the surgery? Six percent (n=4) would get the G-spot augmentation surgery (Graph M). Overwhelmingly, eighty-nine percent (n=55) stated that they would not get the G-spot augmentation surgery. Five percent (n=3) did not answer the question.

Graph M

G-spot Surgery

5% 6%

Yes No Unanswered


Question 18: Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G- spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm (One (1) being no pressure). Ranging 31

from one to five respondents rated the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm an average of

2.2 (Graph N). Fifty-three percent (n=33) gave the rating of (1), two percent (n=1) gave the rating of (2), twenty-six percent (n=16) gave the rating of (3), thirteen percent (n=8) gave the rating of (4), six percent (n=4) gave the rating of (5).

Graph N

Pressure to have G-spot Orgasm

35.0 33.0

s 30.0 25.0

20.0 16.0 15.0 10.0 8.0 4.0 Number of Respondents of Number 5.0 1.0 0.0 12345 Likert Scale

Ranging from one to five respondents rated the pressure of having a clitoral orgasm an average of 2.7 (Graph O). Thirty-nine percent (n=24) gave the rating of (1), six percent (n=4) gave the rating of (2), twenty-one percent (n=13) gave the rating of (3), fifteen percent (n=9) gave the rating of (4), nineteen percent (n=12) gave the rating of (5).


Graph O

Pressure to have Clitoral Orgasm


s 24.0 25.0


15.0 13.0 12.0 9.0 10.0 4.0

Number of Respondents of Number 5.0

0.0 12345 Likert Scale

Ranging from one to five respondents rated the pressure of having a vaginal orgasm an average of 2.6 (Graph P). Distinctively, forty-five percent (n=28) gave the rating of (1), (n=0) gave the rating of (2), twenty-two percent (n=14) gave the rating of

(3), eighteen percent (n=11) gave the rating of (4), fifteen percent (n=9) gave the rating of



Graph P

Pressure to have Vaginal Orgasm

30.0 28.0 s 25.0

20.0 14.0 15.0 11.0 9.0 10.0

Number of Respondents of Number 5.0 0.0 0.0 12345 Likert Scale

The last question of the G-spot questionnaire was a fill-in-the-blank question designed to elicit feedback, perceptions and additional comments from the respondents that was not accounted for otherwise within the G-spot questionnaire. Please see the sixty-two respondents’ responses to question number nineteen found in Appendix F.

D. Other Results

Worth noting, two men responded to G-spot questionnaire. One admitted to being a homosexual and finished the questionnaire saying he was probably not the best person to answer the questionnaire. He also stated that he had asked a mental health therapist whether the G-spot existed and responded that he/she told him “it does not exist.” The second man did not provide any additional comments and rated all questions with the

Likert scale with a number “1” rating.



A. Introduction

The purpose of this study was to examine how the propaganda of the G-spot has influenced and affected women’s sexuality. This was done by designing a self-reported questionnaire that American women could respond to which would illicit their thoughts and feelings regarding the G-spot. The study 1) determined whether women were informed on the G-spot, 2) explained the positive and negative influences regarding the

G-spot on women’s sexuality, 3) assessed how the G-spot has redefined women’s definition of an orgasm, 4) proven the media’s influence on women’s search to locate the

G-spot, 5) compared sex experts claim that the G-spot is common in women, 6) verified how magazine articles on the G-spot affected women’s sexuality.

The population for this study was American women who were individually contacted by this researcher. Their participation was two fold, these women were asked to participate in the study as well as ask their female family members, friends and colleagues to volunteer to participate.

Data was collected using a self-reported questionnaire totaling nineteen questions.

It was designed with three different types of questions: yes and no, five point Likert scale and open ended questions. Respondents were directed to go to the researcher’s website and answer the questions that were written in html code. When the respondent’s completed the questionnaire, the questionnaire was then sent anonymously and confidentially to the researcher’s private email.

Data was computed using Microsoft Excel.


B. Summary of the Findings

Following the completion of the self-reported questionnaire, the data analysis provided the following answers:

1. Women learned of the G-spot either from a friend or the media namely

Cosmopolitan magazine.

2. Some women admitted to feeling inadequate about not being able to locate the

G-spot. Additionally, some admitted to lying about having done so.

3. Women felt a significant amount of pressure to have G-spot, clitoral and

vaginal orgasms. Women admitted to faking G-spot orgasms.

4. Women were divided about the relevance of locating their G-spot.

5. Not all women have been able to locate the G-spot. Women have not asked

their physicians or mental health professional about the G-spot.

6. Women thought that the media had focused too much on the G-spot.

From the literature reviewed, this researcher learned when the G-spot was introduced to the general public it caused a sensation because it was a new way to have an orgasm. It was especially of interest since it implied that women literally had a spot in their vaginas that would help induce orgasms. Considering this, the G-spot discovery was a sexual miracle that implied more women could be orgasmic during intercourse.

Women could feel whole again; having a G-spot meant having a vaginal orgasm.


Moreover, additional pressure was added for women in the bedroom because they could achieve three distinctly different orgasms: vaginal, clitoral and G-spot.

On the other hand, sex experts, sexologists and physicians were wondering how a book was published so quickly without any scientific backing. The question asked in the sex educators and sexologists’ community was how can we support this new phenomenon sweeping the nation when we do not support the findings or the method in which it was collected and then published?

C. Limitations of the Study

The study was limited to a selection bias population which began with this researcher’s female friends, family members and colleagues and ended with whom they additionally contacted to respond to the questionnaire. Participation was voluntarily verses required. The possibility of experimenter bias exists due to this researcher believing, prior to the research, that the G-spot does not exist. The self-reported questionnaire was specific to the G-spot however the summary of the findings appear to be generalized and significance minimal. It is unclear whether the G-spot has influenced women’s sexuality according to how every day women feel and think; as it is quite clear that it has caused influence and discord in the world of sexuality according to the sex experts. This researcher presupposes that the design of the self-reported questionnaire was too broad.


D. Implications and Recommendations

First, a study should be done to assess why there is inconsistency between human sexuality and anatomy books when labeling the female anatomy (see the difference between the Figures 1, 2 and 3).

Second, a study should be done that delves deeper into questions of the how the

G-spot and other sexual taboos influence female sexuality. This study’s questionnaire could contain questions such as:

1. How do you evaluate new sex information?

2. How did you first locate your G-spot alone or with a partner?

3. Are you frustrated by all the varying information regarding women’s


4. How do you know what sexuality facts to believe?

5. Do you believe that there is a G-Spot even if you have not experienced a G-

spot orgasm?

6. If locating your G-Spot was important to you what caused its importance?

7. Does it bother you when “experts” state what you should or should not be

experiencing sexually?

8. Not being able to perform a new sex phenomenon, does that cause insecurity

with your own sexuality performance or ability?

This researcher’s supports sex expert, Dr. Shere Hite, when she reminds us that sexuality still needs to be redefined for females. Movies do not show clitoral stimulation to orgasm it is implied that penetration is the woman first choice of stimulation to lead to orgasm and this continues to glorify the vagina first and foremost instead of the clitoris


(Hite, 2006).

Moreover in 2001, a new word has been added to histology terminology that clearly states females have a prostate (prostata feminina). With that new definition, it has been written that it is replacing the Skene’s and paraductal glands. What does this imply to the G-spot topic?

Lastly, it would be advantageous to do a studying between sex educators, sexologists, physicians and lay people comparing the answers. In this particular study, it would be interesting to evaluate where the discrepancies lay. What leads to such discrepancies?

Sex will perpetually be an interesting topic regardless of who one is talking with.

But as with every topic and issue, there has to be a responsibility and accountability as to how and what is being communicated.





As originally appeared in The International Journal of Sexology, February, 1950

The Role of Urethra in Female Orgasm By Ernest Grafenberg, M.D.

A rather high percentage of women do not reach the climax in sexual intercourse. The frigidity figures of different authors vary from 10-80 percent and come closer to the statistics of older sexologists. Adler (Berlin) came to the conclusion that 80 percent of women did not reach the sexual climax. Elkan guessed that 50 percent suffered from frigidity, while Kinsey found it to be 75 percent. Hardenberg's figures have a very wide range from 10 to 75 percent. Many of these statistics cannot be compared, since the various authors use different criteria. Edmund Bergler sees the condition of eupareunia only in vaginal orgasm and so his frigidity figures are naturally much higher than those based on any kind of sexual satisfaction. The restriction to the vaginal orgasm, however, does not give the true picture of female sexuality. Lack of orgasm and frigidity are not identical. Frigid women can enjoy orgasm. The lesbian is frigid in her relations to a heterosexual partner, but is completely satisfied by homosexual loveplays. A deficient orgasm need not always be associated with frigidity. Numerous women have satisfactory enjoyment in normal heterosexual intercourse, even if they do not reach the orgasm. Genuine frigidity should be spoken of only if there is no response to any partner and in all situations. A woman with only clitoris orgasm is not frigid and sometimes is even more active sexually, because she is hunting for a male partner who would help her to achieve the fulfillment of her erotic dreams and desires. Although female erotism has been discussed for many centuries or even thousands of years, the problems of female satisfaction are not yet solved. Even though female doctors (Helena Wright) participate in these discussions nowadays, "the eternal woman" is still under discussion. The solution of the problem would be better furthered, if the sexologists know exactly what they are talking about. The criteria for sexual satisfaction have first to be fixed before we make comparisons. Numerous "frigid" women enjoy thoroughly all the different phases of "necking." Should we count out all variations of sex practices which result in complete orgasm though not vaginal orgasm? Innumerable erotogenic spots are distributed allover the body, from where sexual satisfaction can be elicited; these are so many that we can almost say that there is no part of the female body which does not give sexual response, the partner has only to find the erotogenic zones. 40

It is not frigidity, if the wife does not reach orgasm in intercourse with her husband, but finds it in sexual relations with another partner. One of my patients, who married early a very much older, rich man and had two children, pestered me persistently with questions as to why she could not experience an orgasm. I explained that physically there was nothing wrong with her. Bored by the repeated discussions with her, I finally asked her, if she had tried sex relations with another male partner. No, was the answer and reflectively she left my office. The next day in the middle of the night, I was awakened by a telephone call and a familiar voice who did not give her name asked: "Doctor are you there? You are right," and hung up the receiver with a bang! I never had to answer any further sexual questions from her. In spite of abundant literature dealing with female orgasm, our knowledge of the mechanism and the localization of the final climax is insufficient. Different organs and their stimulation work as a trigger and cause an increase of the sexual "potential" up to the level where the orgasm goes off. One could suppose that the clitoris alone is involved in causing excitation, since this organ is an erotic center even before puberty, though it is aided by other erotogenic zones. Inflammations of the clitoris, especially below the prepuce, can make it so hypersensitive that it loses its ability to produce orgasm. Such changes occur by masturbation in elderly women after the menopause when the external genitals shrink and become affected by hypoesterogenism. The erotogenic power of the clitoris passes then mostly to the neighborhood of the genital organs, to the inside of the small labia or to the pubic region of the abdomen. The entrance to the rectum can also become an erotogenic center, not for anal intercourse, but for stimulation with the finger. In one of my patients vaginal orgasm was lost completely, but orgasm could be achieved with a finger in the anus and the penis in the vagina. Sometimes the breasts help the clitoris in producing erotization. Kissing the nipples, touching them with the penis, or inserting the penis between the two breasts lead to an orgasm. Cunnilingus or even insertion of the penis in the external orifice of the ear are other illustrations of the variability of the erotogenic zones in females. Some investigators of female sex behavior believe that most women cannot experience vaginal orgasm, because there are no nerves in the vaginal wall. In contrast to this statement by Kinsey, Hardenberg mentions that nerves have been demonstrated only inside the vagina in the anterior wall, proximate to the base of the clitoris. This I can confirm by my own experience of numerous women. An erotic zone always could be demonstrated on the anterior wall of the vagina along the course of the urethra. Even when there was a good response in the entire vagina, this particular area was more easily stimulated by the finger than the other areas of the vagina. Women tested this way always knew when the finger slipped from the urethra by the impairment of their sexual stimulation. During orgasm this area is pressed downwards against the finger like a small cystocele protruding into the vaginal canal. It looked as if the erotogenic part of the anterior vaginal wall tried to bring itself in closest contact with the finger. It could be found in all women, far more frequently than the spastic contractions of the levator muscles of the pelvic floor which are described as objective symptoms of the female orgasm by Levine. After the orgasm was achieved a complete relaxation of the anterior vaginal wall sets in.


Erotogenic zones in the female urethra are sometimes the cause of urethral onanism. I have seen two girls who had stimulated themselves with hair pins in their urethra. The blunt part of the old fashioned hair pin was introduced into the urethra and moved forwards and backwards. During the ecstasy of the orgasm the girls lost control of the pin which went into the bladder. Both girls felt ashamed and tried to hide the incident from their mothers until a huge bladder stone had developed around the pin as center. One stone was removed by supra-pubic, and the other by vaginal, cystotomy. A third hair pin entered the bladder and before the bladder was inflamed, it was angled out via the urethra. Since the old hairpins are no more in use, pencils are used for urethral onanism. They are longer than the hairpins and do not glide into the bladder so easily, though they cause a painful urethritis. Urethral onanism may happen in men as well. I saw a patient with a rifle bullet which glided into his bladder. He had played with it while he was lonesome on duty on New Years Eve. Analogous to the male urethra, the female urethra also seems to be surrounded by erectile tissues like the corpora cavernosa. In the course of sexual stimulation, the female urethra begins to enlarge and can be felt easily. It swells out greatly at the end of orgasm. The most stimulating part is located at the posterior urethra, where it arises from the neck of the bladder. Sometimes patients of clinics complain that their sexual feelings were impaired by the diaphragm pessary. In such cases the orgastic capacity was restored by the use of the plastic cervical cap, which does not cover the erotogenic zone of the anterior vaginal wall. Such complaints occurred more frequently in Europe than here in the U. S. A., and was one of the reasons for giving preference to the cervical cap over the diaphragm pessary. Frigidity after hysterectomy may happen, if the erotogenic zone of the anterior vaginal wall was removed at the time of the operation. The vaginal wall is preserved best by the abdominal subtotal hysterectomy, less by the total hysterectomy and least by vaginal hysterectomy when always large parts of the vagina are removed. That is the cause of vaginal frigidity after vaginal hysterectomy observed by LeMon Clark. The uterus or the cervix uteri takes no part in producing orgasm, even though Havelock Ellis speaks of the sucking in of sperm by the cervix into the uterus. The non-existence of the uterine suction power was proved by a simple experiment, in which a plastic cervical cap was filled with a contrast oil (radiopac) and fitted over the cervix. The cap was left in for the whole interval between two menstrual periods. These women had frequent sexual relations with satisfying orgasm. Repeated X- ray pictures taken during the time when the cap was covering the cervix, never showed any of the contrast medium inside the cervix or in the body of the uterus. The whole contrast medium was always in the cap. The glands around the vaginal orifice, especially the large Bartholin glands, have a lubricating effect. Therefore they are located at the entrance of the vagina and produce their mucus at the beginning of the sexual relations and not synchronously with the orgasm. Sometimes the mucus is produced so abundantly and makes the vulva slippery, that the female partner is inclined to compare it with the ejaculation of the male. Occasionally the production of fluids is so profuse that a large towel has to be spread under the woman to prevent the bed sheets getting soiled. This convulsory expulsion of fluids occurs always at the acme of the orgasm and simultaneously with it. If there is the


opportunity to observe the orgasm of such women, one can see that large quantities of a clear transparent fluid are expelled not from the vulva, but out of the urethra in gushes. At first I thought that the bladder sphincter had become defective by the intensity of the orgasm. Involuntary expulsion or urine is reported in sex literature. In the cases observed by us, the fluid was examined and it had no urinary character. I am inclined to believe that "urine" reported to be expelled during female orgasm is not urine, but only secretions of the intraurethral glands correlated with the erotogenic zone along the urethra in the anterior vaginal wall. Moreover the profuse secretions coming out with the orgasm have no lubricating significance, otherwise they would be produced at the beginning of intercourse and not at the peak of orgasm. The intensity of the orgasm is dependent on the area from which it is elicited. Mostly, cunnilingus leads to a more complete orgasm and (consequent) relaxation. The deeper the relaxation after intercourse the higher is the peak of the orgasm followed by depression and hence the students' joke: Post coitum omne animal triste est. The higher the climax the quicker is the reloading of the sexual potential. Other somatic factors help to sexually stimulate the female partner. As was mentioned there is no spot in the female body, from which sexual desire could not be aroused. Some women have greater sexual desire at the ovulation time while others at the time of the menstrual period. It may be that during menstruation the sexual tension is higher, because the danger of unwanted pregnancy is lessened. The woman-on-top posture is more stimulating as the erotogenic parts come in contact better. The angle which is formed by the erected penis and the male abdomen has a great influence on the female orgasm. These mere somatic causes are often overshadowed by psychic factors, even the commonest automatic reflexes produce sexual reactions. It is possible to cause an orgasm merely by using some stimulating sentence. Such a reaction follows the laws of the unconditioned reflexes. The erotogenic zone on the anterior wall of the vagina can be understood only from a comparison with the phylogenetic ancestry. In the most commonly adopted position, where "the lady does lay on her back," the penis does not reach the urethral part of the vaginal wall, unless the angle of the erected male organ is very steep or if the anterior vagina is directed towards the penis as by putting the legs of the female over the shoulders of her partner. The contact is very close, when the intercourse is performed more hestiarum or a la vache i.e. a posteriori. LeMon Clark is right when he mentions that we were designed as quadrupeds. Therefore, intercourse from the back of the woman is the most natural one. This can be performed either in the side-to-side posture with the male partner behind, or better still with the woman in Sims', knee-elbow or shoulder position, the husband standing in front of the bed. The female genitals have to be higher than the other parts of her body. The stimulating effect of this kind of intercourse must not be explained away as LeMon Clark does by the melodious movements of the testicles like a knocker on the clitoris, but is merely caused by the direct thrust of the penis towards the urethral erotic zone. Certain it is that this area in the anterior vaginal wall is a primary erotic zone, perhaps more important than the clitoris, which got its erotic supremacy only in the age of necking.


The erotising effect of coitus a posteriori is very great, as only in this position the most stimulating parts of both partners are brought in closest contact i.e., clitoris and anterior vaginal wall of the wife and the sensitive parts of the glans penis. This short paper will, I hope, show that the anterior wall of the vagina along the urethra is the seat of a distinct erotogenic zone and has to be taken into account more in the treatment of female sexual deficiency.


Adler, The Frigidity of the Female Sex, Berlin, 1913

E1kan, The Evolution of Female Orgastic Ability -- A Biological Survey, Int. J. Sexo1, Vol. II, No. 21 LeMon, Clark, The Orgasm Problem in Women, Int. J. Sexol, Vol. ll, No.4 and Vol. ill, No.1 Hardenberg, The Psychology of Feminine Sex Experience, Int. J. Sexol, Vol. II, No.4 Kinsey, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male Bergler, Frigidity, Misconceptions and Facts, Marriage Hygiene, Vol. I, No. Helena Wright, A Contribution to the Orgasm Problem in Women, Marriage Hygiene, Vol.. I, No.3 Lena Levine, A Criterion for Orgasm in the Female, Marriage Hygiene, Vol.. I, No.3




1. Age:


Sexual Orientation:

2. Race

1. African American 2. Asian 3. Caucasian 4. Hispanic 5. Native American 6. Other

3. Religious Affiliation

1. Christian 2. Jewish 3. Non Denominational 4. Other:______5. None

4. Yearly income

1. $15,000-$24,000 2. $25,000-$34,000 3. $35,000-$44,000 4. $45,000-$54,000 5. $55,000-$64,000 6. $65,000-$74,000 7. $75,000-$84,000 8. $85-000-$94,000 9. $95,000-$104,000 10. $105,000 and above

5. Educational Level 1. High School Diploma or GED 2. Some College 3. Bachelors Degree 4. Graduate Degree


5. Other:

6. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from?

1. From a friend 2. From a partner 3. From a book (please name the book)______4. Other:______

7. Have you been able to locate your G-spot?

1. Yes 2. No

8. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations?

1. Yes 2. No

9. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate?

1. Yes 2. No

10. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? 1. Yes 2. No

11. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or partners when you did not? 1. Yes 2. No

12. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of the G-spot? (1 being not focused, 3 being neutral and 5 being much focused)

1 2 3 4 5

13. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot?

1. Yes


2. No

If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

14. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the G-spot? 1. Yes 2. No

If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

15. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot has been. (1 being not important, 3 being neutral and 5 being very important) 1 2 3 4 5

16. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a partner?

1. Yes 2. No If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

17. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you consider getting the surgery?

1. Yes 2. No

18. Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm:

(1 being no pressure, 3 being neutral and 5 being a lot of pressure)


1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5



1 2 3 4 5

19. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:




Click on the link to Questionnaire Highlight the answers and click submit (See below)









Dear Participant,

Thank you for your interest in my doctoral dissertation. You are being asked to participate in a research project which will further the understanding of women’s sexuality pertaining to the G-spot. I am very interested in your responses to the brief G-spot Questionnaire found at Your participation in this study should take no longer than five to ten minutes. Your individual responses to the G-spot Questionnaire found at will remain completely anonymous and confidential. Please complete the G-spot Questionnaire found at by August 1st, 2006. Completion of the G-spot Questionnaire found at will serve as your informed consent to participate in this research study. There are no foreseeable physical or psychological risks involved in participating in this study and there will be no compensation or reimbursement for your participation. Please understand that your participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw from this study at any time. If you would like further information about your rights as a research participant, you may contact the Institutional Review Board at the American Academy of Clinical Sexologists at Maimonides University, P.O. Box 1166, Winter Park, FL 32790. You may also contact me directly at the numbers provided below. Simply click any of the links above to begin. Once at the Sex Therapy Sarasota home page, click Questionnaire on the bottom left of the page. Please complete all questions in the questionnaire to best of your ability. Thank you, in advance, for your kind consideration and your participation. It is greatly appreciated!

Sincerely, Jennifer

Jennifer McBlaine, MA Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern Board Certified Clinical Sexologist

[email protected] (941) 961-3400




Hello Girlfriends~ The questionnaire created for my dissertation is now complete. To assure utter confidentiality and anonymity, it has been created so that there will be no way to clearly identify you if you decide to complete the questionnaire. Simply see the cover letter below. Thank you to those who had committed to assisting me in this process and thank you in advance for those brave souls who might be more interested and motivated now that it is completely anonymous (even to me). PLEASE pass this e-mail on to all female friends and family who you think may be interested. All the best, Jennifer

June 2006

Dear Participant,

Thank you for your interest in my doctoral dissertation. You are being asked to participate in a research project which will further the understanding of women’s sexuality pertaining to the G-spot. I am very interested in your responses to the brief G-spot Questionnaire found at Your participation in this study should take no longer than five to ten minutes. Your individual responses to the G-spot Questionnaire found at will remain completely anonymous and confidential. Please complete the G-spot Questionnaire found at by August 1st, 2006. Completion of the G-spot Questionnaire found at will serve as your informed consent to participate in this research study. There are no foreseeable physical or psychological risks involved in participating in this study and there will be no compensation or reimbursement for your participation. Please understand that your participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw from this study at any time. If you would like further information about your rights as a research participant, you may contact the Institutional Review Board at the American Academy of Clinical Sexologists at Maimonides University, P.O. Box 1166, Winter Park, FL 32790. You may also contact me directly at the numbers provided below. Simply click any of the links above to begin. Once at the Sex Therapy Sarasota home page, click G-spot Questionnaire on the bottom left of the page. Please complete all questions in the questionnaire to best of your ability. Thank you, in advance, for your kind consideration and your participation. It is greatly appreciated!

Sincerely, Jennifer

Jennifer McBlaine, MA 56

Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern Board Certified Clinical Sexologist [email protected] (941) 961-3400




1. Age: 28 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Hispanic 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $45,000- 6. Yearly Income: $54,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? other 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 2 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner?


19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: He wanted to know more information on it. Where it was located? If it’s a “real” area in a woman or not.

20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 2 21c Vaginal: 5 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 25 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian 6. Yearly Income: Graduate 7. Educational Level: degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Cosmo 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel Yes inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or Yes partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 2 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot


orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 4 21b.Clitoral: 3 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 51 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian Non- 5. Religious affiliation: Denominational $105,000 and 6. Yearly Income: above Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? Other 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? No 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 1 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm? 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 26 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $25,000- 6. Yearly Income: $34,000 Bachelors 7. Educational Level: degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 4 21b.Clitoral: 3 21c Vaginal: 5 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 38 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Jewish $105,000 and 6. Yearly Income: above Graduate 7. Educational Level: degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? No 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 5 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: Location, sensitivity, what pressure of touch feels good


20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 2 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: What is G-spot augmentation? For question above I’ve only ever had clitoral orgasm (and I think your questionnaire assumes that all women have experienced three different categories of orgasm…probably not so.


1. Age: 37 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Jewish $105,000 and 6. Yearly Income: above Graduate 7. Educational Level: degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 2 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: We discussed the location of the G-spot and if it existed. We even explored sexually together to see if we could locate it out of curiosity


and due to my PhD studies and the controversy of whether the G-spot exists. We did not locate and exact locate although there are areas that more sensitive.

20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery: Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm? 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 2 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: I feel there is invalid information regarding the infamous G-spot. As far as pressure for orgasm, I selected neutral for the G-spot because I find it does not exist. I selected neutral for the vaginal orgasm as well because I find when I orgasm through intercourse it always involves clitoral stimulation.


1. Age: 38 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: none $45,000- 6. Yearly Income: $54,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication The G-spot 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: book 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 5 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the

G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

I have had men ask me about a G-spot, did I have one, where is it, etc. I


told him it’s an urban legend and I don’t believe in it. As we learned in sex school, it is a dropped urethra. 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: I think it doesn’t exist and its all media hyped.


1. Age: 58 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $55,000- 6. Yearly Income: $64,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication Probably a 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: magazine 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot: No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain?

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the Yes G-spot: 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain? Asked Dr. Granzig. He said it did not exist. Another therapist gave diagrams and suggested exploration. 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 4 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner?


19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

Exploration and stimulation with partner. Interesting effects. 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot

orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: By G-spot orgasm, do you mean female ejaculation? If so, I’m a gusher rather than a squirter. I tend to be orgasmic and my partners haven’t pressured me about specific kinds of orgasms or how they are achieved. Different positions simply stimulate different areas. While there is controversy over what and where the G-spot is, I answered these questions according to the detailed descriptions in the Good Vibrations Guide to the G-spot, identifying it as the ridge area on the back-side of the urethral sponge, which can be felt by pressing on the front side of the vaginal wall. My experience is that even men, who are familiar with the term, don’t really have a clue as to where it is supposed to be or what it feels like unless specifically guided.


1. Age: 51 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $55,000- 6. Yearly Income: $64,000 7. Educational Level: Some college 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the Yes G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

That according to the “books” there is not one 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 5 21c Vaginal: 4 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 39 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian Non- 5. Religious affiliation: denominational $55,000- 6. Yearly Income: $64,000 7. Educational Level: Some college 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or Yes partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 3 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 32 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $35,000- 6. Yearly Income: $44,000 Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 3 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 26 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $35,000- 6. Yearly Income: $44,000 Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication Women’s 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: magazine 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 4 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 28 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $25,000- 6. Yearly Income: $34,000 Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Cosmopolitan 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 1 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 24 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: None $25,000- 6. Yearly Income: $34,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 2 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No


consider getting the surgery: Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm? 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 4 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: I have had no problem having clitoral orgasms, however I have had a lot less vaginal orgasms and have never experienced an orgasm from my G-spot that I am aware of. I find this interesting because I am a pretty sexual person and am open to trying things however have not experienced this.


1. Age: 28 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Hispanic 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $45,000- 6. Yearly Income: $54,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you Yes


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 4 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 28 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $25,000- 6. Yearly Income: $34,000 Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? Other 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify:

It was in school 5th grade sex ed 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 1 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 2 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

That it’s hard for me to have an orgasm


20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 5 21b.Clitoral: 3 21c Vaginal: 5 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 24 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Catholic $25,000- 6. Yearly Income: $34,000 Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 1 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 2 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 3 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 27 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $25,000- 6. Yearly Income: $34,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 31 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $55,000- 6. Yearly Income: $64,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: School textbook 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or Yes partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 2 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 5 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

It wasn’t really made a big deal of, more that it exists. The actual


attention to please me or hit that spot wasn’t really an issue. I would just vocally tell my partner they were doing a good job. My partner asked about it and felt that women have more sensitive spots than males. He thought that males only have one sensitive spot (penis) and that it was cool women could be turned on be several different spots. I feel it is different for everyone-according to their bodies, but also emotional experiences connected to sex. 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 4 21b.Clitoral: 4 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 34 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $95,000- 6. Yearly Income: $104,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Partner 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or Yes partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you Yes


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 5 21c Vaginal: 4 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 35 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $55,000- 6. Yearly Income: $64,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication Cosmopolitan 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Magazine 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 5 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: location 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 29 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $95,000- 6. Yearly Income: $104,000 Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Cosmo 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel Yes inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or Yes partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 5 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

My partner has tried to show me where he thinks it is supposed to be.


And he has requested that I find it. 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 5 21b.Clitoral: 5 21c Vaginal: 5 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 41 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $45,000- 6. Yearly Income: $54,000 7. Educational Level: Some College 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 1 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 5 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 35 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: None $25,000- 6. Yearly Income: $34,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or Yes partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 2 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 4 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

We’ve discussed differences between clitoral and G-spot stimulation


and orgasm and have explored ways to achieve both. 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 4 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 26 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $45,000- 6. Yearly Income: $54,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel Yes inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 1 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 4 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 34 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $95,000- 6. Yearly Income: $104,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 4 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 3 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 59 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Lesbian 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $45,000- 6. Yearly Income: $54,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 5 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 4 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 4 21b.Clitoral: 4 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 32 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $105,000 and 6. Yearly Income: above Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or Yes partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

More in conversation on the level of importance rather than in relation


to our sex life. 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 5 21b.Clitoral: 4 21c Vaginal: 5 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 29 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $75,000- 6. Yearly Income: $84,000 Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication Cosmo/Chick 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Mag 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? No 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 4 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

Guys typically ask how you feel about it and what it means to you


during your sexual relations. 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 5 21c Vaginal: 4 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: It’s not a huge deal to me. I have found other orgasms have a greater ROI for me ☺


1. Age: 34 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $55,000- 6. Yearly Income: $64,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree Television, I 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? think 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel Yes inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 4 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 4 21b.Clitoral: 5 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: I think there is a lot to the discussion about the G-spot being affiliated with the position of the urethra.


1. Age: 58 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian Non- 5. Religious affiliation: denominational $105,000 and 6. Yearly Income: above Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 1 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 38 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Men 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $85,000- 6. Yearly Income: $94,000 7. Educational Level: Some College 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? No 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel Yes inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? Yes 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

My friend is a sex therapist and she said it doesn’t exist. 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the Yes G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

Same as above. 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

That fact that is really doesn’t exist. 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you Yes


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 3 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 41 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $35,000- 6. Yearly Income: $44,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 2 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 4 21c Vaginal: 4 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 37 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $35,000- 6. Yearly Income: $44,000 High School 7. Educational Level: Diploma or GED 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication Cosmo 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Magazine 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 5 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain?

The importance of finding it and having a great orgasm.


20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 5 21c Vaginal: 4 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: Is there only one G-spot in women? Reaching the G-spot on your own can be quite a challenge.


1. Age: 29 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual African 4. Race: American 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $35,000- 6. Yearly Income: $44,000 7. Educational Level: Some college 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 1 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

How he could hit it. 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 36 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual African 4. Race: American 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $65,000- 6. Yearly Income: $74,000 Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: He would ask if he did it right…and I’d always reply YES! He’s very experienced and knows what he’s doing.


20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: I wasn’t aware there was a difference between the G, clit and vaginal orgasm! I have so many simultaneously…..


1. Age: 55 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Jewish $45,000- 6. Yearly Income: $54,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 5 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

To concentrate on the spot! 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm? 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 28 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Lesbian 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Eckankar $25,000- 6. Yearly Income: $34,000 Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? No 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

Just in terms of what we liked and didn’t. 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 4 21c Vaginal: 5 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 36 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: None $55,000- 6. Yearly Income: $64,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication Cosmo 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Magazine 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel Yes inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 5 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? Yes 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain:

That there was not a G-spot and the topic was superficial. 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

The general topic nothing specific.


20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 3 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 28 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $95,000- 6. Yearly Income: $104,000 Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? No 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 5 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 5 21c Vaginal: 5 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:

I think it is a part of a woman’s body that men just do not understand.


1. Age: 51 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: None $15,000- 6. Yearly Income: $24,000 High School 7. Educational Level: Diploma 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? Other 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 1 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 4 21b.Clitoral: 2 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 68 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $95,000- 6. Yearly Income: $104,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 5 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: I have always been very responsive and have not given much thought to the G-spot because my sexual partners have provided a satisfactory experience until my partner of 16 years who has not been able to function sexually and this has left me very frustrated and unfulfilled. I have had to take care of my sexual needs by self-stimulation.


1. Age: 57 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Hetero 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $35,000- 6. Yearly Income: $44,000 7. Educational Level: Some College 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot


orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 43 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Jewish $75,000- 6. Yearly Income: $84,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Television 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? No 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: I have discussed with my husband but have only had one orgasm with intercourse. Oral stimulation is how I orgasm. 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 3 21c Vaginal: 4 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: I have had little to no interest in the G-spot only because I am unable to find pleasure that way. Manual stimulation is OK but prefer oral. I have had one vaginal orgasm which is stronger than clitoral and have never experienced G-spot pleasure.


1. Age: 48 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: New Thought $105,000 and 6. Yearly Income: above Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 4 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: Where it was located, how he could best participate with me in its stimulation, etc. 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you Yes


consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 4 21c Vaginal: 4 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 37 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $35,000- 6. Yearly Income: $44,000 7. Educational Level: Some College 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Playgirl 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? No 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel Yes inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 5 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? Yes 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: Nothing 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 4 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot


orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 5 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: I realize that there is a focus in the media about this but the whole sexual experience is so much more important. I am not built in a way that that part of my body can be easily stimulated and no man I know wants to feel like sex is a do it yourselfers plumbing nightmare. So, my partner and I do all sorts of other exploring without placing any emphasis on that aspect.


1. Age: 35 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $55,000- 6. Yearly Income: $64,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Magazine 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 5 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 3 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 60 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $95,000- 6. Yearly Income: $104,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? Other Dr. Beverly 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Whipple 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 4 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

When it has felt good and what position


20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: Would be interested in seeing how many women “gush” when G-spot is stimulated


1. Age: 56 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Jewish $105,000 and 6. Yearly Income: above Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: magazine 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 4 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 4 21b.Clitoral: 5 21c Vaginal: 4 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 61 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: H 4. Race: Other Non- 5. Religious affiliation: Denominational $105,000 and 6. Yearly Income: above Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Media, TV 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? No 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: He asked what I thought about it and I told him “Not much. I’m not too impressed.”


20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 5 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: This question is invalid for those who have never had vaginal and G- spot orgasms because it asks for a comparison using the word “verses.” I have only had a clitoral orgasms, have faked but never had vaginal orgasms and do not know how to compare these.


1. Age: 49 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $65,000- 6. Yearly Income: $74,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Magazine 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 2 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 2 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

That it is a sensitive area near the vagina and clitoris 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 2 21b.Clitoral: 5 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 47 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Buddhist $45,000- 6. Yearly Income: $54,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? Other 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Media, unsure 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 2 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: Found it indirectly, realized that area was pleasurable basically without planning


20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 4 21c Vaginal: 5 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: It is nice to have it, especially since just thrusting doesn’t usually lead to orgasm.


1. Age: 51 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Hetero 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $45,000- 6. Yearly Income: $54,000 Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? Cosmopolitan 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or Yes partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 5 21c Vaginal: 4 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 59 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $35,000- 6. Yearly Income: $44,000 Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? Other 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 2 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: Location…discussion of what was read about it and what one could expect if it were to function.


20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm: 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 3 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 29 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: 4. Race: Caucasian Non- 5. Religious affiliation: Denominational $35,000- 6. Yearly Income: $44,000 Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Partner 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm? 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 3 21c Vaginal: 3 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 61 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian $25,000- 6. Yearly Income: $34,000 7. Educational Level: Some College 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication Geez, I don’t 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: remember. 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 5 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm? 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 58 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Christian 6. Yearly Income: Bachelors 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot


orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm? 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 62 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Hetero 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: Jewish $105,000 and 6. Yearly Income: above Graduate 7. Educational Level: Degree 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Friend 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? No 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel No inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 3 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

It is fun looking for it, isn’t it Darling? 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm? 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 36 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian Non- 5. Religious affiliation: Denominational $15,000 - 6. Yearly Income: $24,000 High School 7. Educational Level: Diploma or GED 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Cosmopolitan 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or Yes partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 2 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 1 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

Make use of it


20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm? 21a. G-spot: 3 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot: No


1. Age: 53 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: None $35,000 - 6. Yearly Income: $44,000 High School 7. Educational Level: Diploma or GED 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Partner 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? Yes 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? Yes 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 5 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 3 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a No partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain: 20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery?


Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm? 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 1 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:


1. Age: 24 2. Sex: Female 3. Sexual Orientation: Straight 4. Race: Caucasian 5. Religious affiliation: None $35,000 - 6. Yearly Income: $44,000 High School 7. Educational Level: Diploma or GED 8. The first time that you heard of the G-Spot was from? A Publication 9. If from a Publication or Other please specify: Cosmopolitan 10. Have you been able to locate your G-spot? Yes 11. If yes, did locating your G-spot live up to your expectations? No 12. If no, has not being able to locate your G-spot made you feel inadequate? 13. Have you ever faked having a G-spot orgasm? No 14. Have you ever admitted that you found your G-spot to friends or No partners when you did not? 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, has the media focused too much on the topic of 4 the G-spot? 16. Have you ever asked a medical professional about the G-spot? No 16a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 17. Have you ever asked any type of mental health therapist about the No G-spot? 17a. If yes, what did he/she tell you please briefly explain: 18. On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate how important locating your G-spot 2 has been? 19. Has the topic of the G-spot ever been discussed between you and a Yes partner? 19a. If yes, what was discussed please briefly explain:

We discussed where it was located


20. If it was available to you to do G-spot augmentation would you No consider getting the surgery? Please rate on a scale between 1 and 5 the pressure of having a G-spot orgasm verses a clitoral or vaginal orgasm? 21a. G-spot: 1 21b.Clitoral: 5 21c Vaginal: 1 22. Any additional thoughts or feelings regarding the G-spot:



Female Anatomy Labeling G-spot

Reprinted from Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, Retrieved July 12, 2006



Female Reproductive System



Perianal muscles and female cavernous bodies

Figure 2 and 3 Reprinted from Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2002. China: TAJ Books LTD.



Albury, Kath. 2003. Yes Means Yes: Getting Explicit About Heterosex. Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin.

Bancroft, John. 1989. Human Sexuality and its Problems. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Book on-line. Available from Questia, Internet. Accessed 22 March 2006.

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This dissertation submitted by Jennifer J. McBlaine has been read and approved by three faculty members of the American Academy of Clinical Sexologists at

Maimonides University.

The final copies have been examined by the Dissertation Committee and the signatures which appear here verify the fact that any necessary changes have been incorporated and that the dissertation is now given the final approval with reference to content, form and mechanical accuracy.

The dissertation is therefore accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Signature Date

______Mary Lutzo, Ph.D., FAACS Advisor and Committee Chair

Joyce Wertheimer, Ph.D. Committee Member

William Granzig, Ph.D., MPH, FAACS Committee Member