Louisiana Law Review Volume 7 | Number 1 November 1946

Table of Contents: Subject Index

Repository Citation Table of Contents: Subject Index, 7 La. L. Rev. (1946) Available at: https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/lalrev/vol7/iss1/6

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" PAGE PAGE AGRICULTURE ABSENTEES See also Conservation presumption of death of mem- ...... :*28 ...... $35 Boards and commissions bers of armed forces -Experiment stations ...... T'30 -Livestock brand commission. :*28 ACTIONS :*29 . See also Jactitation -Louisiana seed law ...... Abandonment of suit ...... *270 -State and parish fairs ...... :*30 36 market commissions... 1*29 Abatement of actions ...... -State -Strictly personal actions ..... **37 Establishment of milk commis- -...... 107 Action to establish title to real sion ...... ::273 Produce tax .'-Petitory ...... *273 -Sweet potatoes ...... t*31 cancellation -Rescission and AIR LAW quitclaim deed ...... t*282 of See Aeronautics; Taxation Conservatory -Petition construed in favor of ALIMONY plaintiff ...... *265 Ex parte amendments of ali- Contempt mony judgments ...... 1*220 - Attorney .....s ...... **287 Game law violation APPEALS -Civil suits in name of people 1"43 Based on bill of exceptions...*313 Injunctions ...... **281 Insufficiency of evidence ...... *'314 N ullity ...... $*270 Motion to dismiss ...... 1*276 -Where prior decision has been -Appellant's failure to sign ap- ed ...... **274 * affirm peal bond ...... *0276 Real actions against! receiver. .I*263 -Deficiency of transcript ...... $*276 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW -Trial court exceeding juris- , See also Boards and Commis- diction on remand ...... t*277 sions; Constitutional Law ,:,,Due process ARSON ,-School teachers ...... *p186 Placing combustibles ...... :055, :156 Scope of administrative licens- ing power ...... *0186 ASSAULT AND BATTERY 'ADVERTISEMENTS Aggravated battery -Dangerous weapon ...... V288 Authorization to state educa- * tional institutions ...... :*105 ATTORNEYS Privileged communication with AERONAUTICS client ...... :*292 See also Transportation Rate fixing, foreign and do- AUTOMOBILES m estic ...... ti Community errand doctrine .... t*558 AGENCY "Family purpose" doctrine...,t8 .. Frauidulent transactions ...... *243 Liability of husband for wife's .. Quantum meruit accidents ...... t*588 -Transaction completed by one Minors ...... 1*245 other than agent -Liability of parents ...... t558 AGGRAVATED BATTERY Dangerous weapon AVIATION -Fist or teeth ...... *584 See Aeronautics B BAIL less Pending appeal from juvenile Permitted where sentence court judgment ...... V316 than five years ...... 1'58 LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. VII


PAGE PAGE BANKS AND BANKING BUILDING AND LOAN See also Taxation ASSOCIATIONS Authorization for I o a n s o n Authorization f o r loans on home appliances ...... $'31 home appliances ...... 1*31 Holidays -Authorization for observance BUILDING CONTRACTS of local holidays ...... :*31 Death of the undertaker ...... t'573 National banks ...... t433 Destruction of subject matter -Authorized to administer before delivery ...... t*567 charitable and educational Liability after construction ....t'569 donations ...... $*33 -Tort liability of undertaker.. t"570 Liability for non-performance BIOGRAPHY -Owner's liability ...... t*575 Dyer: Zachary Taylor (book -Undertaker's liability ...... t*577 rev.) ...... 455 Nature of the transaction Harmon: The famous case of -Redhibitory actions ...... t'565 Myra Clark Gaines (book -Sale or contract ...... t564 rev.) ...... 157 Payment for extra work ...... t*571 BLUE SKY LAW BURDEN OF PROOF See Securities Legislation Fish -- Conclusive presumption of BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS having been taken in Louisi- Reestablishment of state print- ana waters ...... t*46 ing board ...... *:108 Fish and game laws School board quorum ...... 188 -Improperly tagged nets pre- sumptive evidence of illegal BONDS use ...... P 046 Authorization to fund into bonds proceeds of motor fuel BURGLARY tax ...... :*48 In the nighttime ...... 1*290


CARRIERS plete wife's estate ...... * 207 See also Aeronautics Segregation statutes ...... "140 CONFLICT OF LAWS Domicile in divorce cases .....10317 CHARITIES Lex loci delicti ...... $4319 See Taxation CORPORATIONS CHATTEL MORTGAGES See also Taxation See Mortgages Ostensible authority of presi- dent of corporation ...... $*257 CHILDREN -Shareholders' rights ...... :*258 See Minors -Suits against insolvent cor- porations in receivership.... 437 COMMUNITY PROPERTY See also Automobiles CONSERVATION Administration of wife's sep- See also Mines and Minerals; arate property Wild Life -Intention as to use of fruits State soil conservation commit- not a criterion ...... *588 tee ...... 1*41 Dissolution of community -Appropriation for ...... t*41 -Depreciation charges ...... 205 -Donations inter vivos ...... P*206 CONSIDERATION -Expense of separate estate. t*206 See Obligations -Parol evidence ...... $:207 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW -Post mortem salary ...... :*204 See also Carriers -Return of realty purchased with community .funds ...... t*203 Administrative board -Separate property, proof .....t*204 - Due process ...... *184 Marriage contract ...... t*203 Amending statute-act broader Use of corporate entity to de- t than title ...... V 80, ',1947] SUBJECT INDEX

- LOUISIANA LAW t ARTICLES t COMMENTS Italic figures indicate CASE NOTES PAGE Constitutionality of bill provid- -Kentucky ...... *521 ...... $527 ing free education for child- - M aine veterans killed in ac- -Maryland ...... $534 ren of ...... 1535 tion ...... $*62 -Massachusetts Michigan ...... *507 Constitutionality of law con- - of crimi- -Minnesota ...... $537 ferring jurisdiction $514 on justice of peace -Mississippi ...... nal cases $491 ...... t*43, $'48 - M issouri ...... courts $547 Mineral unitization order-up- -Montana ...... held ...... **182 -Nebraska ...... $539 -Nevada ...... $546 Salaries of judges increased during term ...... $054 -New Hampshire ...... $528 Special income tax exemption -New Jersey ...... 1530 $552 to veterans ...... t:100 -New Mexico ...... $498 Title of statute need not be -New York ...... index ...... $ 183 -North Carolina ...... $518 ...... $540 Validity of exemptions on bank -North Dakota stock ...... *92 - Ohio ...... $501 Validity of vehicle operators' - Oklahoma ...... $553 licensing statute ...... **83 - Oregon ...... $542 -Pennsylvania ...... $531 CONTINUANCES -Rhode Island ...... $510 See Criminal Law and Pioce- -South Carolina ...... $519 ; ,, dure -South Dakota ...... $541 -Tennessee ...... $522 CONTRACTS - Texas ...... $525 See also Building Contracts; ...... $551 Obligations - Utah - Vermont ...... $529 Admissibility of parol evidence $*227 $515 receipt - Virginia ...... Effect of warehouse ...... $548 ...... t*230 -Washington limiting liability -West Virginia ...... $517 Reformation to express true ...... $'228 - Wisconsin ...... $536 intent *547 by deletor of prohibi- -Wyoming ...... ,-.-Waiver of peace against assignment ..... $*229 Justice tion -Constitutionality of act con- COURTS ferring jurisdiction over vio- "I Courts of appeal lation of game laws.... $*43. $44 '-Authorization to appoint law -Jurisdiction over violation of clerks and clerical help ..... 1*53 game laws ...... :44 District courts Juvenile courts -Expenses in connection with -Payment of expenses ...... $*49 ciflcial duties ...... t*53 Municipal courts -Jurisdiction of violation of -Jurisdiction of civil suits for fishing regulation in coastal game law violation ...... :*43 w aters ...... t*46 Overruling decision-effect ..... t133 Judges Statistical survey ...... :0165, ,-Increase in salaries ...... t*54 Judicial structure CRIMINAL LAW AND -Alabama ...... $513 PROCEDURE -Arizona ...... 551 See also Appeals; Bail; In- -Arkansas ...... $523 di c t men t s; Jurisdiction; -- California ...... $495 Jury; Prescription; Verdict -- Colorado ...... *545 See names of specific crimes, -- Connecticut ...... 529 e. g., Aggravated Battery -Delaware ...... $533 Attempt - Florida ...... 1511 -Responsive verdict ...... t*127 -- Georgia ...... *520 Continuances - Idaho ...... 550 -Absent witnesses -Illinois ...... 505 - -Other party admitting tes- - Indiana ...... t536 tim ony ...... o301 - Iowa ...... 1538 -Pendency of other trials ..... 1*301 - K ansas ...... $543 Criminal damage to property LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. VII


PAGE PACE -Killing unregistered dogs .... t*289 of motion for new trial ..... $*58 Criminal neglect of family .... t*291 Sanity hearings Misdemeanor to administer -Discretion of trial court .... $*307 drugs to race horses ...... I*57 Scalping of admission tickets Past insanity to athletic contests ...... 1*57 -Special defense ...... t*304 Witnesses Plea of insanity -Defendant's right of compul- - Disposition ...... t*305 sory process ...... V300 Present insanity Veteran's guardianship act- -Method of raising the de- power to sell home and pur- fense ...... $*305 chase another ...... $*225 Reservation of bill of excep- tion CUSTODY OF CHILDREN -Not necessary to overruling See Divorce D DAMAGES DIVORCE Personal injuries Custody of children ...... t'221 -Effect of shrinking dollar... t580 -Illegitimates ...... $*221 -Factors to be considered in -Pendente lite ...... $*222 determining amount of Jurisdiction to grant aw ard ...... t580 -Return of former resident.. t*34 Reconciliation ...... t*219 DEPARTMENT OF Two year separation... 1*218, $p219 INSTITUTIONS -Effect of entry into armed Authorization to lease lands to forces ...... t*218 Louisiana State University... :*30 -Residence requirement- do- DESCENT AND DISTRIBUTION micile...... t219 See Wills DONATIONS See also Legatees and Lega- DISTRICT ATTORNEYS cies Authority of successor ...... t'302 Donations inter vivos Improper remarks -Manual gifts ...... $*202 -Instructions to disregard .... t*303 - -Formalities required ...... *144 E EDUCATION members of the armed Right to discharge employees forces ...... 1*90 of department of education. .*189 Burden of proof -Continuing tort-apportion- ELECTIONS m ent ...... *595 Challenge of school bonds- Parol evidence prescriptive period ...... *'188 -Admitted to disprove acquisi- Estoppel of defeated candi- tion of property during com- date ...... :' 191 m unity ...... *'207 Primary election law Privileged communication -Amendments ...... $064 -Attorney and client ...... 1*292 Registration of voters Production of evidence -Changes in requirements .... $*63 -Deposition of non- resident witness under oral examina- EMANCIPATION By marriage ...... *226 tion ...... t*268 Of minor veterans for veteran EXCEPTION benefits ...... 1* 32 See also. Pleading and Prac- tice EVIDENCE Misjoinder of parties ...... t*264 See also Burden of Proof; No cause of action ...... 1*265 Pleading and Practice -Afilrmative defense r a i s e d Admissibility of microfilm doc- by ...... t*265 um ents ...... t*113 No right of action and no Admission of acts executed by cause of action distinguish- 1947] SUBJECT INDEX


PAGE PAGE ed . .$*266 -Must be filed in limine . $*40 Ratione personae . . $*262 Want of possession in jactitory EXPROPRIATION action $*40 Expert opinion on value $*182 F FEDERAL COURTS Authority of commissioner of Jurisdiction wild life and fisheries to de- -Workmen's compensation clare closed season $*45 cases Commercial fishing regulations $*46 -- Doctrine of abstention $372 Creation of fish preserves $*45 - -Effect of state limitations Regulations concerning com- upon jurisdiction and mercial fishing or use of venue $360 seines $*44, $*45 - -Jurisdiction must be orig- Regulation of taking, process- inal, not appellate . . $355 - -Proceedings must be ju- ing and 'sale of shrimp . $*47 dicial, not administrative. $352 Statute providing closed season FISH repealed . *4"5 G GAME GOVERNOR See Wild Life Veto of Louisiana legislation of GIFTS 1946 . .T23 See Donations -House bill- 105 .*24 H

HIGHWAYS HOLIDAYS Authorization to use mineral Saturday as legal holiday t*270 royalties for hard surfaced HOMICIDE roads $*42 Attempt as responsive verdict t*127 I

ILLEGITIMACY See Crtminal Latv and Proce- See also Workmen's Compen- dure s tson INSURANCE Proof of paternal fltiation . $*224 See also Taxation Accident occurring out o f IMMOVABLES state . $*261 By destination Companies -Venetian. blinds . 429 -Examination of financial condition by state officials. . t*70 INDEMNITY -Protection of corporate See also Torts name . ... t70 Necessity of prior judgment -Restrictions on Insuring resi- against claimants . *592 dents of a reciprocal state . T*69 Right of master against ser- Disability as the result of in- vant .592 sanity . . . $.261 INDICTMENTS Fire and marine Short form indictments -Creation of regulatory com- -Necessity to comply with re- mission . $*70 quisite . . $*299 Forfeiture of policies . $*67 -Where crime may be com- Health and accident policies mitted in several different -Allotment of funds for man- . t'72 ways $*296 agement and benefits Industrial and service insur- INJUNCTION ance Preliminary injunction -Reductions permitted $*72 -Effect of no cause or no Industrial, life and accident right of action thereon . *196 policies INSANE PERSONS -Right of company to levy LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. V


PAGE PA( additional assessments... 71 Persons ...... *'2( Mutual companies INTERDICTS -Filing of compensation for Private sales of property ...... t* agents with Louisiana insur- Recognition of foreign guardian *"q ance commission ...... 071 -Right to hearing on question INTERSTATE COMMERCE of rates ...... *71 See Aeronautics; Carriers J JACTITATION ejectment action ...... t*27 Lack of possession as defense -Legality of local acsessment. *27 -Must be filed in limine litis. *"40 Original -Ratione personae ...... **26: JUDGES Ratione materiae ...... **26; See Courts Real actions against receiver..$*M2 Supervisory ...... $*27. JUDGMENTS Supreme court in criminal ap- Default ...... t*270 peals ...... $'31£ JUDICIAL SALES Limited to questions of Appointment of appraisers .... *39 law ...... tp 314, t*315 Sheriff's commission ...... $091 -Questions of law ...... *315 Tax sales -Notice required ...... 1*180 See Stare Decisis -Peremption of attack . 179 JURY JURISDICTION Challenge for cause See also Criminal Law and -Prior acquaintance with de- Procedure; Federal Courts; fendant ...... $ 302 Pleading and Practice -Prospective jurors present in Appellate previous trial ...... t*301 -Jurisdictional amount ...... 10274 Coercion by trial judge toward -Jurisdictional amount in speedy verdict ...... t*307 L LABOR LAW tiguous tracts ...... 1*211 Firemen and policemen ...... t*78 LEGAL EDUCATION Gregory; Labor and the Law Schweinburg: Law training in (book rev.) ...... 601 continental Europe (book Labor disputes affecting unem- rev.) ...... 160 ployment compensation ...... *76 Minors and women ...... :... $077 LEGATEES AND LEGACIES Rhyne: Labor unions and the Conjoint ...... 138 municipal employe law (book LEGISLATION rev.) ...... t.. 453 See also Government Veto of House Bill 105 ...... t*24 Determination of local or gen- LABOR UNIONS eral law ...... 183 See Labor Law LEGITIMATION LANDLORD AND TENANT By marriage of natural par- ents ...... *'225 See Torts LAW SCHOOL LEVEES AND FLOOD CONTROL Authority of levee board to E ditorial ...... 123 locate levee ...... t"189

LEASE LICENSES See also Torts Operators of motor vehicles t'82 Interpretation of mineral leases ...... **211 LIENS AND PRIVILEGES Joint mineral lease ...... $"211 Building liens -Effect of drilling on non-con- -General contractors ...... *236 1947] SUBJECT INDEX


PAG E PAGE ning and zoning at the local -O wners ...... $*236 $234 level ...... :'325 -Recordation ...... $*347 rights ...... $*234 -Area outside city limits ..... -Sub-contractors' - Master plan ...... $*331 Drilling contracts ordinance ...... P341 ...... *450 -Zoning .- Laborer's lien on well Issuance of building permits -Owner's obligation to secure *450 pending action of zoning coni- contractor's bond ...... $ 192 for drill- m ission Furnisher of materials Letting of contracts contracts ...... T216 ing -Non-conformance with adver- Hypothecary actions ...... t*238 tised proposal ...... $*195 -Third possessors commis- ...... t*232 Municipal planning Judicial sureties ...... T*326 materialmen in sion Laborers and and equipment requir- building contracts... *34 -Staff private ed ...... t*328 Laborer or furnisher of mate- Paving assessments rials in repair or construc- tion ...... t*33 -Rental ground ...... $*197 M ovables ...... t*33 Unauthorized contracts ...... $P193 Oil, gas and water wells LEGISLATION 1946 of statutes .... *449 LOUISIANA -Interpretation See also specific topics, e.g., Rank of federal tax liens ..... 1*178 Rank of mortgages relative to Agriculture; Labor Law; tax liens ...... t*237 Taxation Rank of state tax liens ...... tp177 Civil code and related matters V32 Scale-down agreements in fed- • Civil procedure ...... t*36 eral farm mortgages ...... 1*236 Constitutional amendments ... *48 Criminal law and procedure... $055 GOVERNMENT LOCAL Education ...... *59 Administrative aspects of plan- M School board -authorized to MANDATE grant mineral leases ...... :*42 See Agency " State mineral board-authoriz- MARRIAGE ed to grant mineral leases... P*42 Divorce See also MINORS Capacity of minors to marry- age ...... *442 See also Automobiles; Emani- minimum cipation; Schools Minors to celebrants .... tP217 Capacity to marry-minimum -Prohibition *442 Proof by general reputation.. .t217 age ...... Private sale of property ...... P*41 MASTER AND SERVANT Recognition of foreign guard- See Indemnity ian ...... t*41 MECHANICS' LIENS MORTGAGES See Recordation Chattel -Removal from parish of re- MINERAL RIGHTS cordation-effect ...... *150 See Mines and Minerals; Pre- scription MOTOR FUEL TAXES See Taxation MINES AND MINERALS See also Constitutional Law; MOTOR VEHICLES Lease; Taxation See also Automobiles Compulsory pooling- constitu- General licensing of operators. $*82 tionality ...... P 215 MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS Damages for Illegal entry ..... 1:216 Authorized to acquire property Right of usufructuary to roy- for certain commercial activ- alties from oil wells ...... 2*208 ity ...... P*50 Royalties derived from miner- als extracted beyond three MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT mile limit in coastal waters. P*49 See also Local Government LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. VII


PACE PACE NATURAL OBLIGATIONS NEGROES See Obligations See Carriers NOTARIES NAVIGABLE WATERS Admission requirements for See Property City of ...... P*90 0 OBLIGATIONS -Sufficiency as consideration. "445 See also Building Contracts; Offer-duration and revocabil- Contracts ity ...... *147 Moral obligation ...... *445 OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE Natural obligations See Obligations P PARISHES Deposition under oral examina- See also Taxation tion of non-resident wit- Authorization to assume debts nesses ...... ; ...... t*268 of road drainage, levee and Exception of no cause of action school districts ...... :150 -Affirmative defenses ...... 433 Authorized to acquire property Exception to jurisdiction for certain commercial ac- -Violation of game - regula- tivity ...... $*50 tions ...... $*43 East Baton Rouge authorized Injunctions ...... t*281 to adopt plans for self gov- Jurisdiction ernm ent ...... 1*50 -Ratione materiae ...... t*263 Jurisdiction ratione materiae PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS et personae Authority to incur debt to ac- -Suits against insolvent cor- quire land ...... t*50 porations in receivership ... 4.7 Misjoinder of parties ...... $*264 PARTITION *597 Supervisory jurisdiction and Litigious rights ...... procedure ...... 1*277 PARTNERSHIP Trial Indicia of partnership -Consolidation of cases for -Intent of parties ...... $*259 trial ...... t*269 PENSIONS PRESCRIPTION Louisiana legislation, 1946. *87 Assessments, suits against ..... '15. Continuing tort PILOTS -Burden of apportionment .... *595 Louisiana legislation ...... t*85 -Burden of proof ...... 1*253 Mineral rights PLEADING AND PRACTICE -Acquirendi prescription of See also Actions; Appeals; ten years ...... $*214 Criminal Law and Proce- Negation (lure; Evidence; Excep- -By void indictment ...... t*295 tions; Federal Courts;Juris- -Defendant absent from state.1*29.i diction State patent ...... $*2t0 Abandonment of action ...... $*271 Actions against receiver to an- PRESUMPTION nul mineral lease ...... t*263 See Burden of Proof Action to establish title to real estate PRINCIPAL AND AGENT - Petitory ...... t*273 See Agency Answer PRIVILEGES -Amendment ...... I*267 See Liens and Privileges Conservatory ...... **279 Contempt PROCEDURE -Attorney held for contempt.**287 See Pleadingand Practice 1947] SUBJECT INDEX


PAGE PAGE PROPERTY State patent *241 See also Immovables; Prf screption, Taxation PUBLIC OFFICERS Flood control Salary raises -Erosion .*240 -Legislation of 1946. .$*103 Homesteading *$'242 Navigable waters .$*243 PUBLIC SALES -Burden of proof. .$*243 See Judictal Sales

RECORDATION Attempt .. .**312 Mortgaged chattel -Homicide cases. .$*311 -Removal from parish of re- Verdict of inappropriate lesser cordation-effect *150 offense .1*309 REDHIBITORY VICES RETIREMENT See Building Contracts See Pensions RESPONSIVE VERDICT RIGHT OF WAY See also Verdict See Torts

SALES SLAVES See also Building Contracts Effect of the Dred Scott de- Litigious rights cision $398 -Litigious redemption STARE DECISIS SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL Overruling decision - effect. t*133 DISTRICTS Patterns of the law, old and See also Administrative Law, new M115 Boards and Commissions Minors STATE AND PARISH FAIRS -Compulsory attendance of mi- See Agrsculture nors emancipated by marri- age .. •$*226 STATES SECURITIES LEGISLATION See also Workmen's Compen- Blue sky law of 1940. **32 sation Authorization to sue $*51, $*52, T*108 SEIZURE AND SALE See Fish SUBSTITUTIONS See Wills SEPARATION OF BED AND BOARD SUCCESSIONS See Divorce Harmon. The famous case of Myra Clark Gaines (book SEVERANCE TAXES 157 See Taxation rev.) SLANDER OF TITLE SUCCESSIONS AND DESCENT See Jactitation See Wills T TAXATION Corporation franchise tax. **94 See also Bonds, Judicial Estate tax Sales -Validity under federal inter- Authority of collector of reve- nal revenue code. .4*176 nue to adopt regulations. •$*174 Exemption of aircraft and Bank stock t*92 equipment .. *51 Charities Exemption of new manufac- -Constitutional exemption .*172 turing establishments. V51 Collection of ad valorem taxes Exemption of oil well equip- on movables .$*460 ment .4173 LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. VII


PAGE Homestead exemption to vet- ing ...... 1:480 erans of World War II. '51 Tax sale Income taxes -Defective advertisement ..... $*470 -Louisiana legislation of 1946. $*99 -Defective notice ...... 1*468 License taxes Veterans -additional personal -Insurance companies ...... t*70 exemption ...... $*100 Motor fuels -Louisiana legislation of 1946. **95 TEACHERS TENURE ACT Parishes authorized to levy See Administrative Law acreage tax to promote for- TORTS estry practice ...... $*49 Continuing tort Property devoted to charitable -Burden of proof as to appor- ...... "152 undertaking tionment of damages ...... 1*595 Property tax collection Damages -Administration of adjudicat- -Cost of repair ...... t'251 ed property ...... t"474 Highly dangerous activities .... 1*250 -Prescription for tax sale an- Lessor's liability for personal I*464 nulment suits ...... injuries - Redemption ...... I'462 -Effect of tenant's assumption -Redemption of adjudicated of responsibility to repair.. .t*413 property ...... *472 -French law ...... t407 -Reforms -Lessor's duty to repair ...... t'406 - -Tax reforms as a legisla- -Owner's liability to third per- tive function ...... $*479 sons ...... -Registry of payment with '412 -- Reasonable time to correct act of sale ...... t*479 t Property tax collection system.t*459 defects ...... 408 -Tenant's contributory negli- Reforms gence ...... 4 11 -Deferred payments ...... *"483 -Tenant's duty to make re- -Installment method of pay- pairs ...... t'408 ment ...... '482 Master and servant -Jackson county plan ...... t*487 - Indemnity ...... 1*255 -Notice to taxpayer ...... T*482 Railroads -Personal liability of proper- -Fencing laws ...... ty owners ...... *484 1*249 - Tax liens ...... t 485 Traffic and transportation -Tax receiverships ...... t$485 -Obstructions ...... t*247 -Unified collection ...... *0484 -Right of way ...... t*246 Refund of overpayments-pro- Trespass cedure ...... **91 -Geophysical tests ...... :'252 Severance taxes ...... $*97 -Gas injected Into earth ...... t*180 TRANSPORTATION Suits to recover taxes See also Aeronautics -Payment under protest pre- Air transportation requisite ...... :0179 -Future policy ...... t393 Sweet potato shipping tax ..... t'31 -Rates of compensation for Tax collection by local govern- the carriage of mail ...... t378 ments -Fiscal agency statute ...... *480 TRIAL -Revenue anticipation borrow- Consolidation of cases ...... t'269

USUFRUCT -Liquidation ...... t-208 See also Mines and Minerals Sale o f property burdened Bank stock w ith ...... 1'203

VERICT See also Absentees; Taxation See also Responsive* Verdict Emancipation of minor veter- Erroneous ...... 1*312 ans for veterans' benefits.... t*32 Responsive Free college education of child- - Attem pt ...... 1*127 ren of veterans killed in ac- VETERANS AFFAIRS tion or as result of service.. t*62 1947] SUBJECT INDEX xvii


PACE PAGE WILD LIFE WORDS AND PHRASES Hunting regulations $*43 usage ani custom. *147 Reports required for op erators of cold storage plantss. t43 WORKMEN S COMPENSATION Unlawful possession after close See also Federal Courts **43 Automobile of open season. -Operator 1*418 WILLS -Passenger t*418 See also Legatees and Lega- -Persons employed in close proximity to t*418 Gies Commercial establishments Collation .$*201 ap- Illegitimates having small mechanical -Persons interposed .*198 pliances t*426 *l98 $*201 Concubines .. .$'256 Insanity t*423 Interpretation 1 *199 Farmers Mystic wills -Employees in proximity of motor vehicles t*424 -Manner of sealing. .$*201 Grocery and department stores Particular legacies -nonhazardous businesses. t*427 -Stock dividends 3I *200 Illegitimates .$*256 Substitutions t*199 Louisiana act-applicable to Uncertainty of date. .$*198 hazardous employments only t*416 Procedure against the state. .*111 WITNESSES Skilled workmen .$*257 See Criminal Law andd Pro- WRITS cedure See Procedure and Practice


ART. NO. PAGE ART. NO. 2 289, 585, 587 56 8 293 60 24 292 61 27 127, 128, 129, 131, 311 67 42 444 90 54 55, 56


ART. NO. PAGE ART. NO. SEC. NO. 1700 1235 1578


SEC. NO. PAGE SEC. NO. 992 129 2686 et seq. 1053 128, 130 2712 et seq.