Electronic Transcript Info & Instructions Accepts Electronic Institution Instructions Transcripts? Official electronic transcripts accepted from the following agencies only: Parchment Exchange, National BYU/Ensign Yes Clearinghouse, Escript Safe, Naviance. High School transcripts are not required to complete application until a student has Been admitted. Mail to: Brigham Young University A-41 ASB Provo, UT. 84602 Dixie State University YES Email electronic transcripts to:
[email protected]. Salt Lake Community College YES Email electronic transcripts to:
[email protected]. By Email:
[email protected] By Fax: 435.283.7157 By Mail: Admissions Office Snow College YES Snow College 150 College Ave Ephraim, UT 84627 SUU will accept electronic transcript through: Parchment or SENDedu Secure Document Upload: https://my.suu.edu/secure/upload/adminfo Email:
[email protected] Mail: Southern Utah University YES Southern Utah University ATTN: Admissions Office 351 W University Blvd. Cedar City, UT 84721 Electronic transcripts: Official transcripts may be submitted through Common Application, Credential Solutions, eScip-Safe, National Student Clearinghouse, Parchment/Naviance or Scoir. If prompted to include a recipient email address, please use
[email protected]. The Common App will prompt an applicant to add their high school counselor as a recommender, which will trigger an email notification to the counselor instructing them to suBmit an electronic transcript through the Common App portal (free of charge). By mail or in-person: Paper transcripts can Be mailed directly from the high school or Brought in an envelope University of Utah YES sealed By the high school to the following address. The University of Utah Office of Admissions 201 South 1460 East, Room 250s Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Due to COVID-19, we recommend that students use an approved electronic service or mail in official transcripts.