PAGE TWENTY FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1970 p , ? : - IHanrlfpater ifwalii Average Difly Net Preen Run Ff'5 •’ The Weather Ww The Wn.vm edc Bhded .^bout Town Shbwen,. thunderstornu like PSlice La ^Democrats Have 113 Lead ly today, higb around 80. Show fitudenta o< the Wemer Piano, 15,610 ers ending late tonight. Mootr Oisan and Vocal afudio, accbm- Alter Canvass of Voters ' ly sunny Sunday, highest in the panted bp their inatrucfor, Mrs. Edward B. W> Maneheater— A City o f ViUage Charm upper 70s to low 80s. Karen W. Pearl, wiU attend the school St. was rested-yesier-ster For the first time in town In the year interval Demo- Berkritlre ICuaic Festival at . - / x — , VOL, LXXXIX, NO. 239 day on a ^^re-arrest warrant history, an up-to-date revised crats gained 242 voters, and Re- (SIXTEEN PAGES — TV SECllON) Tanglewood, Lenox. Maas., to- / oa m,.. MANCHES'TER, (XINN., SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1970 AdrertUM: oa U) PRICE TEN CENTS morrow. They wUl hear the charging himim with breach of list of registered voters shows m B M t o n ^ p h o n y Orch^tra in p ea ce,^ e U to appear in court Democrats ieading RepubUcans, S lr r a r O ^ m ^ ^ e d le a ^ Hartford. with a majority of 118. The fig- in the same voting districts in 1968 AM X HARDTOP. 343. Aulo.. ^*nrtan planning to attend will wim t r> fT oa f m were released this week which they held the majority d O D c m m o H S .
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