Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2019 No. 46 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Mr. HARDER of California. Mr. called to order by the Speaker pro tem- nal stands approved. Speaker, this week, the administration pore (Mr. CARBAJAL). Mr. HARDER of California. Mr. released its proposed budget, and I am f Speaker, pursuant to clause 1, rule I, I here to share what those budget cuts demand a vote on agreeing to the actually mean for the farmers in my DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Speaker’s approval of the Journal. home, California’s Central Valley. PRO TEMPORE The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Imagine you are an almond farmer in The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- question is on the Speaker’s approval the Central Valley. Maybe your farm fore the House the following commu- of the Journal. has been a part of the family for mul- nication from the Speaker: The question was taken; and the tiple generations. Over the past 5 WASHINGTON, DC, Speaker pro tempore announced that years, you have seen your net farm in- March 14, 2019. the ayes appeared to have it. come has dropped by half, the largest I hereby appoint the Honorable SALUD O. Mr. HARDER of California. Mr. drop since the Great Depression. CARBAJAL to act as Speaker pro tempore on Speaker, I object to the vote on the Then you wake up this week and hear this day. ground that a quorum is not present that the administration, which prom- NANCY PELOSI, and make the point of order that a ised to be in your corner, wants to cut Speaker of the House of Representatives. quorum is not present. billions of dollars from programs that f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- help you and your family put food on PRAYER ant to clause 8, rule XX, further pro- tables across the country: Programs like crop insurance so if The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick ceedings on this question will be post- you lose your crops from flooding or J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: poned. from fires your farm stays afloat. Merciful God, thank You for giving The point of no quorum is considered Under this budget, crop insurance is us another day. withdrawn. f cut by $26 billion; Your care and wisdom are shown to Programs like drought relief to make us by the way You extend Your - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE up for damaged properties during arid dom into our world down to the present The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the seasons. Well, under this budget day. Your word reveals every aspect of gentleman from California (Mr. HARD- drought relief is cut by $8 billion. Your saving plan. You accomplish Your ER) come forward and lead the House in Or imagine you live in a district like designed purpose in and through the the Pledge of Allegiance. mine where water management and hearts of the faithful who respond to Mr. HARDER of California led the storage are essential. Well, under this You. Pledge of Allegiance as follows: budget, 30 percent of the Army Corps of Today, convert our minds and hearts I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Engineers’ budget is cut, putting all that we may become the great Nation United States of America, and to the Repub- those structures at risk. You hope us to be. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, f Help the Members of this people’s indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. GOOD NEWS ABOUT THE OPIOID House to seek Your presence in the f midst of their busy lives. Animate EPIDEMIC them with Your Spirit, and help them ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER (Mr. CHABOT asked and was given to perform their appointed tasks to PRO TEMPORE permission to address the House for 1 come to solutions that will redound to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The minute.) the benefit of our Nation. Chair will entertain up to five requests Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, today I May all that is done this day be for for 1-minute speeches on each side of rise to address an issue that impacts Your greater honor and glory. the aisle. all our congressional districts and com- Amen. f munities: the opioid crisis. f For years now, it seems that the only PRESIDENT TRUMP’S PROPOSED news about it has been bad news: 70,000 THE JOURNAL BUDGET overdose deaths in 2017, widespread im- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The (Mr. HARDER of California asked portation of deadly drugs like fentanyl, Chair has examined the Journal of the and was given permission to address families devastated, lives wasted. last day’s proceedings and announces the House for 1 minute and to revise But now, finally, some good news to to the House his approval thereof. and extend his remarks.) report. In my district, specifically, in

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Mar 14, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR7.000 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2722 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019 Hamilton County, we have had a 20 per- investigations and nonmaterial per- So, again, thanks to FEMA for their cent decrease in opioid deaths in the sonal information. attention to this, as well as the wild- first half of 2018. I will continue to work to release as fire situation we had in Paradise, Cali- The decline is the result of multiple many transcripts as possible. The fornia, for helping us in northern Cali- prevention efforts, a task force of first American people deserve transparency fornia. responders, law enforcement, health of- and the truth. f ficials, and community leaders all f SUPPORTING THE DREAM AND working together to tackle this deadly PRESIDENT TRUMP’S PROPOSED PROMISE ACT epidemic. Their efforts are truly saving BUDGET CUTS lives in our community. (Ms. GARCIA of Texas asked and was Most importantly, their successes (Mr. O’HALLERAN asked and was given permission to address the House can be used as a model to help save given permission to address the House for 1 minute.) thousands and thousands of lives for 1 minute.) Ms. GARCIA of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I across the country. And I can’t think Mr. O’HALLERAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to express my strong and un- of any better news than that. rise today to express my deep concerns wavering support for H.R. 5, the Dream over the proposed budget cuts made in f and Promise Act. the President’s budget and the sky- I am proud to represent the 29th Con- PRESIDENT TRUMP’S BUDGET rocketing deficits that will leave our gressional District of Texas. One of the (Mr. CARBAJAL asked and was given children and grandchildren with tril- things I am most proud of is the strong permission to address the House for 1 lions more in debt. and vibrant immigration communities minute and to revise and extend his re- While it is imperative that we rein in that reside in our district, where thou- marks.) wasteful government spending and get sands of DACA, TPS, and DED recipi- our national debt under control, we Mr. CARBAJAL. Mr. Speaker, this ents live, work, and play beside us as cannot do so at the expense of the men week the President broke his promise neighbors and colleagues. If Dreamers and women living in rural and Tribal to America’s seniors that he would not were forced to leave our district tomor- communities and our seniors. cut Medicare or Social Security bene- This budget proposal slashes trillions row, we would lose over $400 million of fits. from healthcare programs that mil- GDP. After Republicans in Congress passed lions of seniors, working families, and Our immigration policies put politics a massive tax giveaway for corpora- veterans rely on every day. Addition- over people, which often hurt our chil- tions and the wealthiest 1 percent, the ally, it would cut infrastructure pro- dren who are in constant fear of being President now wants to balance the grams and funding for critical projects separated and uprooted from the coun- budget on the backs of our seniors and in rural America and hurt farming try they call their own. This is wrong students. families. for our economy. This is wrong for our This budget cuts $2 trillion from This is not how we are going to curb communities. This is wrong for our Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Secu- spending and get our fiscal house in country. rity over the next 10 years, programs order. We need to act now to pass a bi- It is time that we pass a permanent that our seniors have paid into for dec- partisan budget that addresses the debt solution for these vital members of our ades. crisis and invests in the future of our society, which is why I urge all my col- As students face a $1 trillion student Nation. leagues to support H.R. 5. loan debt crisis, Trump’s budget pushes f affordable college further out of reach f WE HAVE GOT TO KNOW IF OUR by cutting $207 billion from student THANKING THE ADMINISTRATION PRESIDENT IS A CROOK loan programs. FOR DISASTER RELIEF IN Thankfully, Americans voted over- NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (Mr. CASTEN of Illinois asked and whelmingly last election to place a (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given was given permission to address the on this President by sending a permission to address the House for 1 House for 1 minute.) new Democratic majority to Congress, minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. CASTEN of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, and they can rest assured knowing that marks.) just last week we passed H.R. 1, the For we will not consider the President’s Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, 25 the People Act, with its worthy aim: to cruel budget cuts in this House. months ago, we saw the crisis in ensure that this government represents f Oroville, California, of the broken the voices of all Americans and not spillway at Oroville Dam, belonging to just the privileged and powerful. GOVERNMENT TRANSPARENCY the State water project. Thankfully, Now, among the many reforms in (Mr. COLLINS of Georgia asked and emergency services were able to come H.R. 1, one would require that can- was given permission to address the in and, as soon as possible, get things didates for President and Vice Presi- House for 1 minute and to revise and functioning once again for the safety of dent must disclose their tax returns. extend his remarks.) the flood control as well as the storage Giving voters personal tax information Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- and the hydroelectricity that is pro- has been a tradition of Presidents since er, I have thus far released the inter- duced there. 1973, when Richard Nixon, of all people, view transcripts of two individuals at We had much help that came from released his returns and said: ‘‘People the heart of the 2016 DOJ investiga- FEMA; and I want to say thank you to have got to know whether or not their tions controversy. Today, I am releas- the folks at FEMA, this administra- President is a crook.’’ On that issue, I ing a third. tion, and Secretary Nielsen for being agree with Mr. Nixon. As I have said before, I believe the on the spot in helping with this res- Now, that seems to be the thinking American people deserve transparency toration process. $333 million have of my home State legislature, too, and deserve to know what transpired at flowed to helping the crisis at the spill- which has been working on legislation the highest echelons of the FBI during way be restored to a working spillway. that would require any Presidential or this tumultuous time for the Bureau. Now, there are those who are clam- Vice Presidential candidate who wants Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I request the oring for even more money, but that to be on the ballot in Illinois to release link, dougcollins.house.gov/strzok be lies on the backs of the State of Cali- their tax returns. They think that the placed into the RECORD so that the fornia and the DWR for the extra people have the right to know the true American people can review the tran- money, bringing it up to $1.1 billion. character of the person who will sit in script of Peter Strzok. The State of California claims it is in the White House. Out of an abundance of caution, this a surplus situation, and it needs to pay Mr. Speaker, we have got to know if transcript has a limited number of nar- its own bills and put the money aside our President is a crook. I would like rowly tailored redactions relating only to take care of the project—not the to see the Senate take up this bill. to confidential sources and methods, other 49 States—for the nonemergency And if they are unable to follow in nonpublic information about ongoing part of the project. the great leadership of this House, I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Mar 14, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.003 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2723 hope that other States will follow the ination of ‘‘any links and/or coordination be- cial Counsel Regulations (in 1999, concerning great leadership of the State of Illi- tween the Russian government and individuals the 1993 confrontation in Waco, Texas), both the nois. associated with the campaign of President Don- interim and final reports, including findings, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ald Trump’’, ‘‘any matters that arose or may provided by the Special Counsel were released to arise directly from the investigation’’, and ‘‘any the public by the Attorney General; and BUTTERFIELD). Members are reminded other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. Whereas the allegations at the center of Spe- to refrain from engaging in personal- 600.4(a)’’; cial Counsel Mueller’s investigation strike at the ities toward the President. Whereas the Acting Attorney General ex- core of our democracy, and there is an over- f plained that he had appointed Special Counsel whelming public interest in releasing the Special Mueller because he ‘‘determined that it is in the Counsel’s report to ensure public confidence in EXPRESSING SENSE OF CONGRESS public interest . . . to . . . appoint a Special both the process and the result of the investiga- THAT THE REPORT OF SPECIAL Counsel to assume responsibility for this matter tion: Now, therefore, be it COUNSEL MUELLER SHOULD BE . . . based upon the unique circumstances, the Resolved by the House of Representatives (the MADE AVAILABLE TO THE PUB- public interest requires [him] to place this inves- Senate concurring), That Congress— LIC AND TO CONGRESS tigation under the authority of a person who ex- (1) calls for the public release of any report, ercises a degree of independence from the nor- including findings, Special Counsel Mueller pro- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, pursuant mal chain of command . . . [and that] a Special vides to the Attorney General, except to the ex- to House Resolution 208, I call up the Counsel is necessary in order for the American tent the public disclosure of any portion thereof concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 24) people to have full confidence in the outcome. is expressly prohibited by law; and expressing the sense of Congress that Our nation is grounded on the rule of law, and (2) calls for the full release to Congress of any the report of Special Counsel Mueller the public must be assured that government offi- report, including findings, Special Counsel should be made available to the public cials administer the law fairly’’; Mueller provides to the Attorney General. Whereas Special Counsel Mueller has pre- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- and to Congress, and ask for its imme- viously served in the Department of Justice as a diate consideration in the House. tleman from New York (Mr. NADLER) prosecutor, United States Attorney, and Direc- and the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. The Clerk read the title of the con- tor of the FBI under both Republican and current resolution. Democratic administrations, and his selection as COLLINS) each will control 30 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the Special Counsel elicited bipartisan praise The Chair recognizes the gentleman ant to House Resolution 208, the recognizing his reputation for competence, fair- from New York. amendments to the concurrent resolu- ness, and nonpartisanship; f tion and the preamble, printed in Whereas the Special Counsel’s investigation has thus far resulted in the public indictment of b 0915 House Report 116–17, are agreed to, and 34 individuals and 3 companies, 7 guilty pleas, GENERAL LEAVE the concurrent resolution, as amended, and 1 conviction following a jury trial; Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask is considered read. Whereas the Special Counsel Regulations pro- unanimous consent that all Members The text of the concurrent resolu- vide that ‘‘[a]t the conclusion of the Special may have 5 legislative days in which to tion, as amended, is as follows: Counsel’s work, he or she shall provide the At- revise and extend their remarks and in- H. CON. RES. 24 torney General with a confidential report ex- plaining the prosecution or declination decisions sert extraneous material on H. Con. Whereas, on January 6, 2017, the Office of the reached by the Special Counsel’’; Res. 24. Director of National Intelligence released a re- Whereas, on January 15, 2019, at his con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there port concluding that ‘‘Russian President Vladi- firmation hearing before the Senate Committee objection to the request of the gen- mir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 on the Judiciary, Attorney General William tleman from New York? aimed at the US presidential election’’, that the Barr testified ‘‘I . . . believe it is very important goal of this campaign was ‘‘to undermine public There was no objection. that the public and Congress be informed of the Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield faith in the US democratic process’’, and that results of the special counsel’s work. For that ‘‘Putin and the Russian Government developed myself such time as I may consume. reason, my goal will be to provide as much Mr. Speaker, H. Con. Res. 24 ex- a clear preference for President-elect Trump’’; transparency as I can consistent with the law’’; Whereas, on March 20, 2017, the Director of Whereas, on February 22, 2019, the chairs of presses the sense of Congress that any the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) testi- six committees of the House of Representatives report Special Counsel fied that he was authorized by the Department wrote to Attorney General Barr to inform him of delivers to the Attorney General of Justice to confirm that the FBI is inves- their expectation that he will make Special should be released to the public and to tigating whether ‘‘there was any coordination’’ Counsel Mueller’s report public ‘‘to the max- Congress. This concurrent resolution is between individuals associated with the Trump imum extent permitted by law’’; important for several reasons. presidential campaign and the Russian Govern- Whereas transparency is consistent with the ment; First, transparency is fundamental overall purpose and intent of the Special Coun- to the special counsel process, espe- Whereas part 600 of title 28, Code of Federal sel Regulations and the accompanying Depart- Regulations, as in effect on March 7, 2019 (in ment of Justice commentary, which notes the im- cially when dealing with matters of na- this resolution referred to as ‘‘Special Counsel portance of ‘‘ensur[ing] congressional and pub- tional security involving the President. Regulations’’), provides for the appointment of lic confidence in the integrity of the process’’; In January 2017, the U.S. intelligence a Special Counsel when the Attorney General or Whereas the need for transparency is most community unanimously reported that Acting Attorney General ‘‘determines that crimi- pronounced with regard to investigations that ‘‘Russian President Vladimir Putin or- nal investigation of a person or matter is war- involve the President or individuals associated dered an influence campaign in 2016 ranted and—(a) That investigation . . . by a with his campaign as the President is respon- aimed at the U.S. Presidential elec- United States Attorney’s Office or litigating Di- sible for the appointment of the senior leader- tion’’ and that ‘‘Putin and the Russian vision of the Department of Justice would ship of the Department of Justice; present a conflict of interest for the Department Whereas the Department of Justice’s United Government developed a clear pref- or other extraordinary circumstances; and (b) States Attorney’s Manual indicates that in pub- erence for President-elect Trump.’’ As That under the circumstances, it would be in lic filings and proceedings, prosecutors ‘‘should a result of the importance of this the public interest to appoint an outside Special remain sensitive to the privacy and reputation charge and the clear conflict of inter- Counsel to assume responsibility for the mat- interests of uncharged third-parties’’, that is, of est in a matter involving the Presi- ter’’; persons who the Department considers may be, dent, Robert Mueller was appointed as Whereas the Special Counsel Regulations call but are not yet criminally charged; special counsel by the Acting Attorney for any individual named as Special Counsel to Whereas this general nonstatutory policy of be a ‘‘lawyer with a reputation for integrity and sensitivity to the ‘‘interests of uncharged third- General ‘‘in order for the American impartial decision making and with appropriate parties’’ should be inapplicable to a sitting people to have full confidence in the experience to ensure that both the investigation President because the Department of Justice’s outcome.’’ will be conducted ably, expeditiously and thor- Office of Legal Counsel has previously written This is why in the only other in- oughly, and that investigative and prosecutorial that ‘‘a sitting President is constitutionally im- stance involving the appointment of a decisions will be supported by an informed un- mune from indictment and criminal prosecu- special counsel under the regulations, derstanding of the criminal law and Department tion’’; concerning the Waco tragedy, the spe- of Justice policies’’; Whereas the Department of Justice has on nu- cial counsel’s report was released in Whereas, on May 17, 2017, the Acting Attor- merous recent occasions provided investigatory full by the Attorney General. ney General appointed former FBI Director Rob- information to Congress and the public con- ert S. Mueller III to serve as Special Counsel ‘‘to cerning investigations of high-level public offi- Second, this resolution is critical be- ensure a full and thorough investigation of the cials in both pending and closed cases; cause of the many questions and criti- Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the Whereas in the only other instance where a cisms of the investigation raised by the 2016 presidential election’’, including an exam- Special Counsel was appointed under the Spe- President and his administration. It is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.004 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2724 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019 important that Congress stand up for available for a total of 21 transcribed from the 105th Congress. For the the principle of full transparency at a interviews and hearings. RECORD, I note that the following time when the President has publicly These precedents make clear the ob- Democratic Members voted against the attacked the Russian investigation ligation of the Department of Justice release of the Starr materials: Speaker more than 1,100 times and counting. to release all evidence with respect to PELOSI, Majority Whip CLYBURN, Chair- Among other things, the President has the Russian investigation. man NADLER, Chairman CUMMINGS, repeatedly referred to the investiga- A vote for this resolution will send a Chairman ENGEL, Chairman WATERS, tion as a ‘‘witch hunt’’ and called it a clear signal to both the American peo- Ms. JACKSON LEE, Mr. MARKEY, Chair ‘‘hoax,’’ ‘‘rigged,’’ and a ‘‘scam.’’ ple and to the Department of Justice LOFGREN, and Chairman NEAL, among This resolution is also needed be- that Congress believes transparency is others. cause high-ranking DOJ officials have a fundamental principle necessary to It is amazing that we have now indicated that they may not release in- ensure that government remains ac- changed our perspective on that, in formation about individuals who are countable to the public. light of a Republican in the White not indicted. Deputy Attorney General Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues on House. Rosenstein stated last month that ‘‘if both sides of the aisle to join me in Again, this resolution simply, basi- we aren’t prepared to prove our case supporting this commonsense resolu- cally, restates the regulations that are beyond a reasonable doubt in court, tion. currently in place that were written then we have no business making alle- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of under the Clinton Department of Jus- gations against American citizens.’’ my time. tice. It is going to go forward. The new This normally salutary policy must Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Attorney General has said he wants to not apply in the event the Department er, I yield myself such time as I may make as much public to the American adheres to its policy that it cannot in- consume. people as he legally can. dict a sitting President. To maintain Mr. Speaker, I intend to support this I believe in transparency. I believe that a sitting President cannot be in- resolution, but as a matter of time and that there are many other things we dicted no matter how much evidence coming through this week, I have 30 could be working on, but I am happy to there is because he is a sitting Presi- minutes, so I might as well talk about support a resolution that is actually dent, and then to withhold evidence of a resolution that is a restatement of just a restatement of the regulatory wrongdoing from Congress because the the regulation. I want to provide some burden already placed upon the Attor- President cannot be charged, is to con- background on the special counsel’s ney General. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of vert DOJ policy into the means for a regulations. Special Counsel Mueller is operating my time. coverup. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 Third, releasing the Mueller report, under a different regulatory framework minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- even in its entirety, does not absolve from the independent counsel statute fornia (Ms. WATERS), the distinguished the Department of Justice of its obliga- that gave us the Starr report. chairwoman of the Financial Services tion to provide Congress with the un- The Clinton administration Justice Committee. derlying evidence uncovered by the Department, which was led by Attor- Ms. WATERS. Mr. Speaker, I thank ney General Janet Reno, Deputy Attor- special counsel. This expectation is Chairman NADLER for yielding. well grounded in precedent set by the ney General Eric Holder, and Neal Mr. Speaker, I strongly support H. Department just in the last Congress in Katyal, drafted the special counsel reg- Con. Res. 24, which expresses the sense connection with three Republican-led ulations in effect today. They estab- of Congress that the report of Special investigations into ’s lished a regulatory framework that Counsel Robert Mueller should be emails, the dismissal of former FBI gives the Attorney General flexibility. available to the public and to Congress. Acting Director McCabe, and allega- Attorney General Barr has a few op- Special Counsel Mueller has been ap- tions of bias concerning the Russian in- tions when he receives the information pointed to ensure a full and thorough vestigation. from Mr. Mueller. He can give Congress investigation of the Russian Govern- With respect to the investigation in- the complete report or a summary, or ment’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 volving Secretary Clinton’s emails, he can simply tell Congress that the Presidential election and to examine this included the Department of Jus- Mueller investigation has concluded. any links and/or coordination between tice releasing to Congress more than The Clinton administration regula- the Russian Government and individ- 880,000 pages of documents regarding tions do not require a full report to uals associated with the campaign of the FBI’s decisionmaking, identifying Congress. However, during his con- President . to Congress the names of career offi- firmation, Attorney General Barr said He has also been appointed with the cials involved in the charging decision, he wants to be ‘‘transparent’’ with Con- authority to investigate and prosecute identifying to Congress specific court gress and the public ‘‘consistent with Federal crimes committed in the cases relied on in the charging deci- the rules and the law.’’ I have no rea- course of and with the intent to inter- sion, and making numerous DOJ and son to think Attorney General Barr fere with the investigation, including FBI personnel available to Congress for would back away from those state- perjury, obstruction of justice, destruc- transcribed interviews. ments he made before the Senate Judi- tion of evidence, and intimidation of With respect to the dismissal of ciary Committee. witnesses. former Acting Director McCabe, this Mr. Speaker, I believe he is truthful The gravity and magnitude of this in- included releasing to Congress all doc- and will be truthful to his word to vestigation, given that it goes straight uments relied on by the Office of Pro- make as much public as he possibly to the heart of our democracy and in- fessional Responsibility in making its can. volves the President of the United decision. The American people should not ex- States, requires the public release of With respect to claims of bias in the pect another Starr report. The Clinton the special counsel’s findings. Russian investigation, this included Justice Department made sure another This is an investigation that affects not only releasing to the public an oth- President would not have salacious sto- each and every American, whether it erwise classified foreign intelligence ries aired before the American people. implicates or exonerates the President. application, but also releasing to Con- Janet Reno herself testified before Therefore, it must be brought to light gress: one, all underlying documents Congress in 1999 that it was a bad idea so that the American people can see for and communications involving the for independent counsels to publish themselves the findings and determina- FISA applications; two, four memos de- final reports. tions made by an objective, impartial tailing the former FBI Director’s com- Many Members of the Democratic investigator who has a reputation for munications with the President; three, majority in Congress today voted integrity. materials pertaining to classified brief- against the public release of materials In addition, the report will provide ings involving the Trump and Clinton related to the Starr report. valuable insight and information for Presidential campaigns; and four, mak- Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD the important investigations being un- ing even more DOJ and FBI officials a narrative related to a roll call vote dertaken in the House, including the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Mar 14, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.006 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2725 investigation being conducted by the While sources at the De- Unfortunately, the Department of Committee on Financial Services on partment have attempted to publicly Justice has taken the policy position money laundering and the President’s blame for the provision that they are not going to indict a sit- finances. of this information, in fact, the Depart- ting President, which means that the Special Counsel Mueller has been ap- ment has turned over more than 880,000 only institution that can hold the propriately deliberate and discreet in pages of documents from the Clinton President accountable is Congress. If conducting this investigation. It is email investigation to Congress, all of we do not get this information, we can- clear from the manner in which the them—all of them—pursuant to con- not effectively do our jobs, we cannot special counsel has approached this in- gressional subpoenas issued after hold the President accountable, and it vestigation that he has taken it seri- James Comey was fired. They have pro- is something that the American public ously and has not conducted what duced highly sensitive records, includ- wants to see. President Trump refers to as a ‘‘witch ing FISA materials, directly related to Over 87 percent of respondents in a hunt.’’ ongoing investigations at the core of recent poll say that this report should So far, the special counsel’s inves- the special counsel’s charter. be made available to Congress and to tigation has resulted in 199 criminal To be sure, something far more seri- the American public. If the Depart- charges, 37 indictments or guilty pleas, ous than precedent is at stake. Disclo- ment of Justice does not do this, we all and five prison sentences. sure is uniquely imperative here be- need to ask: What are they trying to Whatever his prosecutorial decisions cause the special counsel reportedly is hide? may be going forward, it is in the investigating whether the President Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- public’s interest to be given full trans- himself engaged in misconduct. If the er, I continue to reserve the balance of parency into those decisions and the special counsel has indeed uncovered my time. explanations behind them. evidence of serious wrongdoing on the Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- President’s part, then that evidence minute to the gentleman from Colo- er, I reserve the balance of my time. rado (Mr. NEGUSE), a member of the Ju- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 must be furnished to Congress and ulti- diciary Committee. minutes to the gentleman from Cali- mately to the American people. Withholding the full report or under- Mr. NEGUSE. Mr. Speaker, I thank fornia (Mr. SCHIFF), the distinguished lying evidence would only heighten the chairman for his leadership and for chair of the Intelligence Committee. Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I thank concerns over a coverup or a pernicious introducing this incredibly important the gentleman from New York (Mr. or partisan double standard. resolution. The special counsel’s regulations Mr. Speaker, the investigation cur- NADLER) for yielding and for his spon- were written, above all, to ensure pub- sorship of this important legislation. I rently under way by Special Counsel lic confidence in the fair and impartial rise in strong support. Robert Mueller is incredibly impor- Special Counsel Robert Mueller was administration of justice. That charge tant: an open investigation into incred- appointed in May 2017 to oversee the would be entirely vitiated by an at- ibly serious allegations, potential ob- ongoing criminal and counterintel- tempt to cover up or conceal Special struction of justice, corruption, and ligence investigation into Russia’s in- Counsel Mueller’s findings and report, possible links of coordination between terference in the 2016 election. Over the whatever they may be and whenever President Trump’s Presidential cam- nearly 2 years since his appointment, they are finalized. paign and the Russian Government, ef- the special counsel has indicted 34 indi- Mr. Speaker, I urge Members of both forts to meddle in our democratic proc- viduals and three companies, and se- parties to join me in supporting this ess, and mislead and manipulate Amer- cured guilty pleas or convictions from resolution and to make clear that any- ican voters. eight individuals. thing less than full transparency is un- The allegations at the center of this We do not know when the special acceptable. investigation, as I said, are serious, counsel will complete his work, but The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- they are credible, and they are unprec- there are indications that it could bers are reminded to refrain from en- edented. With 37 indictments and occur in the near future. gaging in personalities toward the counting, it is of paramount impor- Notwithstanding the overwhelming President. tance that the special counsel’s report public interest in the special counsel’s Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- and the underlying evidence be made report and findings, I am deeply con- er, I reserve the balance of my time. public for the sake of transparency and cerned that Attorney General Barr Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield trust in our government. 1 may attempt to withhold Mueller’s full 1 ⁄2 minutes to the gentleman from As a nation, as a Congress, and as a report from the public and the under- California (Mr. TED LIEU), a member of Republic, we need to know all of the lying evidence from Congress and could the Judiciary Committee. facts about this investigation and what instead seek to provide only a b 0930 unfolded between players in the Presi- CliffsNotes version of the report to Mr. TED LIEU of California. Mr. dent’s campaign and Russia in 2016. We Congress. Speaker, I thank Chairman NADLER for must protect and respect the work of As this resolution makes clear, Con- his leadership. Special Counsel Mueller, and his report gress will not accept any attempt by Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this must be released, in full, for the Con- Mr. Barr or the President to bury the resolution requesting that Special gress and for the American people to report and the findings of the special Counsel Mueller’s report be made see. counsel. Withholding this information available to the public. Mr. Speaker, again, I thank the would be untenable in light of the in- There are three reasons why this chairman for introducing this resolu- tense public interest and need for must happen. tion, and I encourage my colleagues to transparency, but particularly so when First, the taxpayers paid for this re- support it. the Department has provided volumi- port. The American people funded this Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- nous production to Congress at the de- investigation. They have a right to see er, I continue to reserve the balance of mand of the previous majority, includ- the contents of the report of the inves- my time. ing sensitive FISA materials and other tigation. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 classified and law enforcement-sen- Second, internal bureaucratic De- minutes to the gentleman from Ten- sitive materials related to the Mueller partment of Justice policies do not nessee (Mr. COHEN), the distinguished investigation and the Clinton email in- apply to Congress, especially on mat- chairman of the Subcommittee on Con- vestigation. ters of national importance. stitution, Civil Rights and Civil Lib- Last year, I repeatedly warned De- And third, if we don’t get this report, erties. partment leadership that, in providing it could amount to a cover-up. Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, what we these materials to Congress, they were The United States Constitution does are discussing is one of the most im- establishing a precedent and one that not say that a sitting President cannot portant documents that will ever be they would have to live with in the fu- be indicted. There is nothing in the produced and given, potentially, to ture. They did so anyway. Constitution that would prevent that. Congress for the American people in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Mar 14, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.007 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019 our modern history: a question of rule requires Members to refrain from will understand that there should be whether or not this administration was engaging in personalities toward the nothing to hide from the American involved with the Russian Government, President. people about this investigation, a spe- our number one foreign enemy, in in- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- cial counsel’s investigation into wheth- fluencing the outcome of our Presi- er, I continue my parliamentary in- er there was interference in our elec- dential election, something tanta- quiry. tions. mount to treason. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- If my Republican colleagues have The report needs to be made public tleman will state his parliamentary in- nothing to fear from this report, if because the American people have a quiry. they are willing to stand up for the right to know. The American people, as Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. I made a Constitution, if they are willing to Ronald Reagan, to paraphrase, said: I parliamentary inquiry concerning a stand up for the American people and paid for this microphone, the American Cabinet member, not the President. I put that Constitution over party, over people paid for this report, they paid understand your advisory opinion any individual, including the one that for the special counsel, they deserve to against the President. I fully agree sits in the White House, then they, too, see the fruits of his work and whether with it. I am asking about a member of will join us in voting unanimously for or not, as Richard Nixon said, their the Cabinet. this resolution. President is a crook, they need to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The It is a big deal for the American peo- know that. Chair would advise that the rule does ple to maintain trust in our democracy Unfortunately, as I sit here listening not extend to a member of the Cabinet. and in our government. They have to to this discussion, I feel like I am Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Wow. know the results of the special coun- thrown back into a time in the 1970s— The SPEAKER pro tempore. Those sel’s report. This is, again, an Amer- I think it was 1977, somewhere around are the rules of the House. The gen- ican issue. It is about doing our con- there—in Kinshasa, Zaire, not in the tleman is advised. stitutional duty to protect our democ- Washington, D.C. capitol. It is the Mu- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Wow. racy. hammad Ali-George Foreman fight, Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for enlight- I look forward, Mr. Speaker, to hav- and the other side, the Republicans, ening us on that. It is okay, basically, ing a unanimous vote on this resolu- are playing the role of Muhammad Ali. if you impugn the integrity of a sitting tion, passing it through and making it Not the ‘‘float like a butterfly, sting member of the Cabinet. I guess we just clear that we have nothing to hide. It like a bee’’ Muhammad Ali, but the learned something new today. That is is our duty to the American people. rope-a-dope, sit back, take the encouraging. As far as Members of the Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- punches, let them swing, let them hit House, I get that it is not in the rules, er, I don’t know, maybe I need to make you, because they know that eventu- but it also shouldn’t be a part of this the talking points to the other side ally they will wear themselves out and debate. clear. I agreed on Monday that I was they know the outcome, because the This is a simple resolution. It simply voting for this. We are not opposing fix is in. restates the regulation. Don’t make it this, because it is simply a restatement There is a reason why the Attorney any more or any less than what it is. of the regulation. I know that it is General was picked by this President, That is why we are here. We are going fashionable to think that we are not. So, again, I am sorry, I could have and we will soon find out. But we need to approve this, we are going to vote maybe made the talking points more to pass this resolution and show the for it, but let’s not make it any more clear at Rules that I was voting for American people that Congress is on than what it is. Let’s continue on so we this so we could have saved extra time the side of transparency and are releas- can get a vote, everybody can go home, on some of the discussion here. ing this report and letting the Amer- and maybe we will come back and actu- Mr. Speaker, again, we will continue ican public, who paid for this report, ally vote on legislation that actually know the results of it and know what to go through this, and, at this point, I matters. will continue to reserve the balance of needs to happen to protect our democ- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time. racy and the rule of law. my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Texas bers are, again, reminded that they minutes to the distinguished gentle- (Mr. DOGGETT), the sponsor of this leg- should refrain from engaging in person- woman from Washington (Ms. alities toward the President. islation to ensure that the work of the JAYAPAL), a member of the Judiciary Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- special counsel is not suppressed and Committee. er, how about engaging in personalities will offer valuable assistance on to- Ms. JAYAPAL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in against the sitting Attorney General? day’s resolution. strong support of H. Con. Res. 24, to ex- You are saying that he was appointed Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I thank press the sense of Congress that Spe- for a reason. the chairman for his work on this. cial Counsel Mueller’s report be made Mr. Speaker, the relentless, baseless PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY available to the American people and Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- attacks on an American patriot, Rob- to Congress. We cannot impugn the in- er, a parliamentary inquiry. ert Mueller, and his team, have moved tegrity of the American people by The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- us ever so closer to a constitutional keeping this report silenced. tleman will state his parliamentary in- crisis. Just as we cannot yield to For nearly 2 years, Special Counsel quiry. Trump’s attempt to discredit this dis- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Is it not Robert Mueller and his team have in- tinguished team of legal experts, nei- also directed at the House to not also vestigated serious and credible allega- ther can we let them bury the results impugn the integrity and the character tions about obstruction of justice and of this taxpayer-funded investigation. of a sitting Cabinet member? collusion at the highest levels of our Having nothing to fear means having The SPEAKER pro tempore. At this government. To date, Mr. Speaker, the nothing to hide. Those who seek to time, the gentleman from Georgia is investigation has led to the public in- hide this report, obviously, do not be- advised that the Chair will not issue an dictment of three companies and 34 in- lieve that the truth will set them free. advisory opinion. dividuals, including the indictment of Rather, as it has for so many of Mr. Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. I wouldn’t President Trump’s former campaign Trump’s sleazy cohorts, they feel that want to do it either, Mr. Speaker. manager and personal lawyer, seven the truth will lock them up. So many The SPEAKER pro tempore. The guilty pleas, and one conviction fol- lies, so much daily deceit. Already so Chair will not offer an advisory opin- lowing a jury trial. The allegations much evidence of collusion and ob- ion. range from election interference, to struction and, from the organization’s Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Offer? Can lying to the FBI, to conspiracy to de- own former lawyer, evidence of an ap- you offer it? You said you were able to fraud the United States. parent criminal enterprise that bears offer an advisory opinion. Mr. Speaker, this should not be a Re- the name of the Trump organization. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The publican or a Democratic issue. I hope If it is a witch hunt, Mr. President, it Chair will once again advise that the that my colleagues on the other side has more witches than a Mar-a-Lago

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Mar 14, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.009 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2727 Halloween party. And your witches’ Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I in the 2016 election and whether that crime brew seems to have cast a spell over thank the chairman very much for was aided and abetted by Associates of the many Members of this Congress who yielding. Trump Campaign. find themselves locked in continuing I, too, add my appreciation to Mr. Americans have been concerned as we silence or wishy-washy efforts to ig- COLLINS’ eagerness to adhere to what I have watched a parade of colleagues and nore and bolster your floundering Pres- think is an appropriate policy that re- contemporaries of the President hauled before idency. asserts the article I authority, if you court. Today’s resolution says to President will, of the Congress. And I think it is This includes the President’s National Secu- Trump, who has shown some consistent important for my colleagues to recog- rity Advisor, his longtime confidante, his disregard for the rule of law: You can- nize that Americans are wondering. former foreign policy advisor, and yesterday not seize and secret evidence of con- They are wondering. They have heard his former campaign manager and his former duct that others need to see. Let the over and over again of Russian collu- campaign manager. taxpayers see the results of the inves- sion. They have heard the factual affir- Indeed, the future that awaits the Presi- tigation of the wrongdoing, which their mation that the Russians did interfere dent’s former campaign manager is bleak—he dollars have rightly funded. with the 2016 election and tried to is facing 7.5 years in federal prison, and today Our congressional duty is to enforce interfere with the 2018 election. There- a 16-count indictment was returned in Manhat- the borders, to be Border Patrol people, fore, it is important for them, in their tan detailing residential mortgage fraud, con- to see that this President, who is will- concern, to be informed. They are tax- spiracy and falsifying business records. ing to cross every line, every constitu- payers. We say this all the time. Indeed, most if not all of what we have tional boundary, to see that he is con- b 0945 learned about those who surround the presi- tained within the borders of the Con- dent has been because of the work of the stitution. For the rule of law to stand, And it is important to note that, Special Counsel, Robert Mueller. the administration cannot be allowed through this investigation, the Na- It is important that whatever work Mr. to sit on the special counsel’s report. tional Security Advisor and former for- Mueller has done, be shared by the American Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of the eign policy advisor and many others people. resolution. have gone to court because of Mr. This is for any number of reasons. Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Mueller. First of all, broad swaths of the American er, I continue to reserve the balance of It is indeed important to know that people want this report published. my time. we have learned much because of his The last public opinion poll conducted Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, how report, but we have not learned all. showed that 68% of Americans want this much time do I have remaining? And we must overcome Attorney Gen- Mueller report published. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- eral Barr’s hesitation, because the Next, the entire purpose of appointing a tleman from New York has 11 minutes American people have made the point. special counsel was because the president’s remaining. The point is that 68 percent of them first attorney General had to recuse himself Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- say that they would like to see this re- er, how much time do I have remain- because he was found to be less-than-truthful port. about his contacts with Kremlin officials during ing? Now, we know that it has been ban- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- the 2016 campaign, on behalf of then Can- died around that we cannot indict a didate Trump. tleman from Georgia has 261⁄2 minutes President. This is not about indicting a remaining. According to the former Acting Attorney President. But assuming, arguendo, Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 General, the Special Counsel was appointed that this regulation is correct, that minute to the gentleman from Con- in order for the American people to have full someone thinks that that is constant necticut (Mr. HIMES). confidence in the outcome of the investigation Mr. HIMES. Mr. Speaker, I thank the law and the President cannot be sub- . . . the public must be assured that govern- gentleman from New York for yielding. jected to criminal process and, there- ment officials administer the law fairly. And I also thank the ranking member. fore, cannot and should not be indicted, And thus far, Mr. Mueller’s investigation has I very much appreciate his comments it is a logical fallacy to say that be- revealed the public indictment of 34 individ- that he will support this concurrent cause he cannot be indicted by virtue uals, 3 companies, 7 guilty pleas and one 1 resolution. of his office and because it is the Jus- conviction following trial. Mr. Speaker, I will just observe, as a tice Department’s regulation not to re- Through the work done by Mr. Mueller and member of the Intelligence Committee, veal information about unindicted par- his ‘‘speaking indictments,’’ we learned that that we have seen our politics twisted ties and individuals. Russian military officials tried to wage an ac- into almost unrecognizable form by the The Justice Department cannot re- tive measures campaign. unprecedented attacks of the President veal any information or potential We know that the Russians manipulated our on the Department of Justice, on the wrongdoing by the President and not social media systems. FBI, on the investigation as a whole. reveal any information to the body They did this by turning our social media This report must see the light of day that possesses the constitutional re- platforms like Twitter and , into and must be made available to the sponsibility for holding this President rowdy and unwieldy debates that turned Amer- American public for a catharsis that accountable. icans against one another. will allow us to start with the facts, to So let us follow good policy. Even the They did this by creating fake online social understand what happened and to re- words of Attorney General Barr that media accounts and populated them on social build the faith that the American peo- recognizes that the DOJ’s purpose is to media platforms. ple did and should have in the Depart- release investigations in the public in- After infiltrating the social media accounts of ment of Justice, in the Federal Bureau terest. This is in the public interest. real Americans, these fake accounts sought to of Investigation, and in the govern- Mr. Speaker, I would suggest to all sow discord in these online communities by ment in general. that we do this in a bipartisan way to purposely exacerbating divisions within our na- Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support give to the American people what they tion and creating new ones—all with the intent of Congress, in strong, bipartisan fash- deserve and what they want. of pitting Americans against one another. ion, passing this bill so that the Amer- Mr. Speaker, as a senior member of the While they were distorting the social media ican people will understand that the Committee on Judiciary, which has oversight landscape, they were also selectively dissemi- truth will be out there and it will help of the Department of Justice, and as a Senior nating emails stolen from the Democratic Na- fix our politics. Member of the Committee on Homeland Secu- tional Committee and the campaign of Hillary Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- rity, which has oversight over our election se- Clinton with the purpose of timing the dissemi- er, I continue to reserve the balance of curity infrastructure, I rise in strong support of nation to maximize political damage on Sec- my time. H. Con. Res. 24. retary Clinton’s campaign. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 Mr. Speaker, I rise because I believe our All the while, the President was encouraging minutes to the distinguished gentle- nation will soon be at an inflection point. this behavior. woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE), For many years now, Americans have won- And, despite protestations by the President, a member of the Judiciary Committee. dered about the role of Russia’s interference this is not a witch hunt—it has yielded the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:48 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.011 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2728 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019 public indictments of 34 individuals and 3 Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- companies, 7 guilty pleas, and 1 conviction. minute to the gentleman from Mary- er, I yield myself the balance of my The American people are watching and pay- land (Mr. HOYER), the distinguished time. ing attention. majority leader. Mr. Speaker, as I said today, and it is The most recent public opinion poll shows (Mr. HOYER asked and was given interesting to me—I think this is the that a super majority of Americans—a full permission to revise and extend his re- funny part of this, because so many 68%—wants the Mueller Report made public. marks.) times we would come up here and we The Mueller Report is one unparalleled way Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, last week, retreat to our partisan sides and we in which Americans can learn this information the House passed H.R. 1, major legisla- say, I am going to be a ‘‘yes’’; you are with confidence. tion to strengthen voter access, ad- going to be a ‘‘no.’’ And, finally, we must tackle a serious issue dress the corrosive influence of dark The sad part about it is the gen- that is being discussed among elected officials money in politics, institute national tleman from Tennessee (Mr. COHEN), and the Justice Department. redistricting reform, and hold public my colleague, I said ‘‘yes’’ on Monday Over the past two years, we have been told officials accountable to higher stand- night. I said ‘‘yes’’ to the resolution on that it is Justice Department regulations that a ards of ethics and transparency. Monday night. Yet it seems like some- sitting President cannot be indicted. I will note Taking the next step, this week is how, through the process: Well, we that this principle has not been tested in court. sunshine week on the House floor. The need everybody to come together. That regulation was implemented during the House has already passed several pieces We have talked about this. It is noth- Watergate investigation, under the theory that of legislation this week to modernize ing but a restatement of the regula- the President cannot be subjected to criminal government and increase transparency, tion. process. accountability, and good governance. Attorney General Barr will follow But, assuming arguendo that this regulation They include measures aimed at shin- the regulation. He has said so. He has is correct, and the President cannot be sub- ing a light onto Russia’s malign activi- been in committee, and during his time jected to criminal process and therefore can- ties around the world and the suppres- of confirmation, he has said so. I think what we need to understand not and should not be indicted, it is a logical sion of democracy within its own bor- here, and maybe we also need to throw fallacy to say that because he cannot be in- ders. this out here, and maybe this is some- dicted by virtue of his office, and because it is The resolution we now have before us thing because I have heard a lot of my Justice Department regulation not to reveal in- expresses the sense of Congress that colleagues across the aisle talk about formation about unindicted parties and individ- the American public ought to have transparency when it comes to the in- what they believe should be in this re- uals, the Justice Department cannot reveal vestigation into Russia’s interference port. Well, maybe I have a problem and any information of potential wrongdoing by the in our elections and efforts to under- maybe a news flash to give them: What President and not reveal any information to mine our democracy. It says that the happens when it comes back and says the body that possesses the constitutional re- special counsel’s report ought to be none of this was true, the President did sponsibility for holding this president account- made public to the fullest extent of the not do anything wrong? Then the melt- able. law and that Congress should see all of down will occur. For these reasons, I rise in strong support it. I heard probably, earlier, just one of of H. Con. Res. 24, and urge my colleagues Nearly 9 in 10 Americans believe the my colleagues actually on the other to support it and urge passage so the Amer- special counsel’s report should be made side stated that the elections has ican people can learn how the 2016 election public, and we have heard that from thrown chaos into the system. No, the became a crime scene. Republicans in Congress as well. I hope reason the election has thrown chaos is Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 this will be a bipartisan vote to tell the because President Trump won and the minute to the gentlewoman from Ohio American people: You have the right to Democratic candidate didn’t know (Ms. KAPTUR). and ought to know the results of this where Wisconsin was. You all remedied Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I would report. that this time, though. The Demo- like to thank Chairman NADLER for One of my Republican colleagues, cratic candidate for President will ac- yielding. Representative MIKE TURNER from tually have been to Wisconsin by the Mr. Speaker, my call today is for full Ohio, said in February the report has election day next time. transparency, with a clear focus on the to be made public. There are other reasons to do this. sinister motives of Russia’s corrupt SUSAN COLLINS of Maine said: ‘‘The Transparency is good. leaders. Their interference in our 2016 American people deserve to know what As we go forward, my hope would be, elections has created confusion, anger, the findings are of Mr. Mueller.’’ on this issue, let’s let the report be bewilderment, and division—exactly ‘‘I believe the report should be re- given to the Attorney General. Let’s what Russia wanted. leased,’’ said Senator COLLINS. let the Attorney General do the regula- Today’s resolution calls for the De- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to tions and follow the regulations and partment of Justice to make Special join me, Mr. NADLER, Republicans, and give as much as he has said in his con- Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, along Democrats on supporting this resolu- firmation hearing: that he wants to be with any findings, available to the pub- tion and in calling for transparency. transparent, he wants to be a part, he lic to the maximum extent permitted Let’s come together in a bipartisan wants this to come out, because he un- by the law and to provide the report vote to make it clear that the Amer- derstands the questions and the tur- and its findings, in entirety, to the ican people deserve to know the full ex- moil that this has caused. Congress of the United States of Amer- tent of what Russia—of what Russia— So I have nothing to believe that this ica. has done in the objective of subverting would not be true. There is nothing So whether you have used Special and undermining our democratic insti- that has been presented here today to Counsel Mueller as a patriot con- tutions. think that it wouldn’t be true. That is ducting a nonpartisan investigation I thank the chair for bringing this what makes this resolution even more into a foreign power’s possible influ- resolution to the floor. I urge all of us amazing to me: Nothing has been pre- ence in our elections or as a witch to support it. Let’s send a unanimous sented that Mr. Barr would not do what hunt, a full accounting and public re- message to the Russians and to any the regulations say. lease of the findings is needed to heal other country or entity that would try Now, there may be more on it and ev- our political differences. to subvert our democratic elections erything else, but let’s talk about what This is not about embarrassing Presi- that that will not be tolerated. actually the resolution says, and that dent Trump. This is about closure and Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- is what it says. full disclosure. er, how much time do I have remain- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance If there was no collusion, as the ing? of my time. President has emphasized, then he The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield should want complete transparency. tleman from Georgia has 261⁄2 minutes myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, the American people de- remaining. The gentleman from New Mr. Speaker, contrary to what the serve no less. York has 6 minutes remaining. gentleman from Georgia implied a few

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:42 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR7.009 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2729 minutes ago, that we shouldn’t be standing of the electoral prospects of the two write to you to express, in the strongest pos- wasting our time on this because it main candidates. When it appeared to Mos- sible terms, our expectation that the Depart- only restates what the regulations re- cow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win ment of Justice will release to the public the quire and the Judiciary Committee the election, the Russian influence campaign report Special Counsel Mueller submits to began to focus more on undermining her fu- you—without delay and to the maximum ex- ought to be spending its time more pro- ture presidency. tent permitted by law. ductively, I simply want to say, first, Further information has come to light There also remains a significant public in- that the Democratic House majority since Election Day that, when combined terest in the full disclosure of information and the Judiciary Committee are not with Russian behavior since early November learned by the Special Counsel about the na- focused on the President to the exclu- 2016, increases our confidence in our assess- ture and scope of the Russian government’s sion of our legislative priorities. ments of Russian motivations and goals. efforts to undermine our democracy. To the In the 2 months since we organized, Moscow’s influence campaign followed a extent that the Department believes that certain aspects of the report are not suitable the Judiciary Committee has passed Russian messaging strategy that blends cov- ert intelligence operations—such as cyber for immediate public release, we ask that H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background activity—with overt efforts by Russian Gov- you provide that information to Congress, Checks Act of 2019, through the House ernment agencies, state-funded media, third- along with your reasoning for withholding and has passed H.R. 1112, the Enhanced party intermediaries, and paid social media the information from the public, in order for Background Checks Act of 2019, users or ‘‘trolls.’’ Russia, like its Soviet us to judge the appropriateness of any through the House. H.R. 1585, the Vio- predecessor, has a history of conducting cov- redactions for ourselves. We also expect that the Department will lence Against Women Reauthorization ert influence campaigns focused on US presi- dential elections that have used intelligence provide to our Committees, upon request and Act of 2019, passed through the com- consistent with applicable law, other infor- mittee. We have passed H.R. 1, the For officers and agents and press placements to disparage candidates perceived as hostile to mation and material obtained or produced by the People Act of 2019, through the the Kremlin. the Special Counsel regarding certain for- House. Russia’s intelligence services conducted eign actors and other individuals who may The Judiciary Committee has also cyber operations against targets associated have been the subject of a criminal or coun- held a hearing to begin the process of with the 2016 US presidential election, in- terintelligence investigation. This expecta- reauthorizing the Voting Rights Act cluding targets associated with both major tion is well-grounded in the precedent set by and held a hearing to examine the US political parties. the Department in recent years. In other We assess with high confidence that Rus- closed and pending high-profile cases alleg- state of competition in the healthcare ing wrongdoing by public officials, both the industry, as well as the T-Mobile- sian military intelligence (General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate or GRU) used Department and the FBI have produced sub- Sprint merger. the 2.0 persona and DCLeaks.com to stantial amounts of investigative material, We have introduced H.R. 5, the release US victim data obtained in cyber op- including classified and law enforcement Equality Act; H.R. 1327, the Never For- erations publicly and in exclusives to media sensitive information, to the House of Rep- get the Heroes: Permanent Authoriza- outlets and relayed material to WikiLeaks. resentatives. tion of September 11th Victim Com- Russian intelligence obtained and main- Finally, although we recognize the policy tained access to elements of multiple US of the Department to remain sensitive to the pensation Fund Act; and the American privacy and reputation interests of individ- Dream and Promise Act of 2019, the so- state or local electoral boards. DHS assesses that the types of systems Russian actors tar- uals who will not face criminal charges, we called Dreamers bill. feel that it is necessary to address the par- These are some of the things we have geted or compromised were not involved in vote tallying. ticular danger of withholding evidence of been doing besides looking into the Russia’s state-run propaganda machine misconduct by President Trump from the possible misconduct by the President. contributed to the influence campaign by relevant committees. If the Special Counsel has reason to believe In closing, I would like to include the serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging that the President has engaged in criminal following items in the RECORD: to Russian and international audiences. or other serious misconduct, then the Presi- First, the U.S. Intelligence Commu- We assess Moscow will apply lessons dent must be subject to accountability ei- learned from its Putin-ordered campaign nity report concluding that Vladimir ther in a court or to the Congress. But be- aimed at the US presidential election to fu- Putin ordered a misinformation cam- cause the Department has taken the position ture influence efforts worldwide, including paign directed against the 2016 Presi- that a sitting President is immune from in- against US allies and their election proc- dential election and displayed a clear dictment and prosecution, Congress could be esses. preference for then-candidate Donald the only institution currently situated to Trump. Mr. NADLER. Second, I include a act on evidence of the President’s mis- February 22, 2019, letter to the Attor- conduct. To maintain that a sitting presi- ASSESSING RUSSIAN ACTIVITIES AND ney General from six House committee dent cannot be indicted, and then to with- INTENTIONS IN RECENT US ELECTIONS chairs expressing the expectation that hold evidence of wrongdoing from Congress (January 6, 2017) the Mueller report will be made public because the President will not be charged, is KEY JUDGMENTS and that the Department will make the to convert Department policy into the means for a cover-up. The President is not above Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US underlying investigative materials presidential election represent the most re- the law. cent expression of Moscow’s longstanding de- available to committees upon request. Thank you for your consideration. sire to undermine the US-led liberal demo- CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Sincerely, cratic order, but these activities dem- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, REP. JERROLD NADLER, onstrated a significant escalation in direct- Washington, DC, February 22, 2019. Chairman, House Com- ness, level of activity, and scope of effort Hon. WILLIAM P. BARR, mittee on the Judici- compared to previous operations. Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, ary. We assess Russian President Vladimir Washington, DC. REP. ELIJAH CUMMINGS, Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 DEAR MR. ATTORNEY GENERAL: Recent re- Chairman, House Com- aimed at the US presidential election. Rus- ports suggest that Special Counsel Robert mittee on Oversight sia’s goals were to undermine public faith in Mueller may be nearing the end of his inves- and Reform. the US democratic process, denigrate Sec- tigation into ‘‘any links and/or coordination REP. ADAM SCHIFF, retary Clinton, and harm her electability between the Russian government and indi- Chairman, House Per- and potential presidency. We further assess viduals associated with the campaign of manent Select Com- Putin and the Russian Government devel- President Donald Trump’’ and other matters mittee on Intel- oped a clear preference for President-elect that may have arisen directly from the in- ligence. Trump. We have high confidence in these vestigation. As you know, Department of REP. ELIOT ENGEL, judgments. Justice regulations require that, ‘‘[a]t the Chairman, House For- We also assess Putin and the Russian Gov- conclusion of the Special Counsel’s work, he eign Affairs Com- ernment aspired to help President-elect or she shall provide the Attorney General mittee. Trump’s election chances when possible by with a confidential report explaining the REP. MAXINE WATERS, discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly prosecution or declination decisions reached Chairwoman, House contrasting her unfavorably to him. All by the Special Counsel.’’ Committee on Finan- three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA After nearly two years of investigation— cial Services. and FBI have high confidence in this judg- accompanied by two years of direct attacks REP. RICHARD NEAL, ment; NSA has moderate confidence. on the integrity of the investigation by the Chair, House Ways Moscow’s approach evolved over the course President—the public is entitled to know and Means Com- of the campaign based on Russia’s under- what the Special Counsel has found. We mittee.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:42 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.014 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2730 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019 Mr. NADLER. Third, the introduc- ture the investigation as he or she wishes standing of the criminal law and Department tion to the final report to the Deputy and to exercise independent prosecutorial of Justice policies. The Special Counsel shall Attorney General concerning the 1993 discretion to decide whether charges should be selected from outside the United States confrontation at the Mount Carmel be brought, within the context of the estab- Government. Special Counsels shall agree lished procedures of the Department. Never- that their responsibilities as Special Counsel complex. theless, it is intended that ultimate respon- shall take first precedence in their profes- INTRODUCTION sibility for the matter and how it is handled sional lives, and that it may be necessary to This Report contains the findings of the will continue to rest with the Attorney Gen- devote their full time to the investigation, Special Counsel in response to the questions eral (or the Acting Attorney General if the depending on its complexity and the stage of directed to him by Attorney General Janet Attorney General is personally recused in the investigation. Reno in Order No. 2256–99, dated September 9, the matter); thus, the regulations explicitly ‘‘(b) The Attorney General shall consult 1999. The questions pertain to the 1993 con- acknowledge the possibility of review of spe- with the Assistant Attorney General for Ad- frontation between federal law enforcement cific decisions reached by the Special Coun- ministration to ensure an appropriate meth- officials and the Branch Davidians at the Mt. sel. od of appointment, and to ensure that a Spe- Carmel complex near Waco, Texas. The Re- The regulations also remove § 0.14, setting cial Counsel undergoes an appropriate back- port is issued pursuant to Section (e) of forth procedures for Special Independent ground investigation and a detailed review of Order No. 2256–99 which provides, in relevant Counsels for members of Congress. The regu- ethics and conflicts of interest issues. A Spe- part, that the Special Counsel shall submit lations in that section have been suspended cial Counsel shall be appointed as a ‘con- ‘‘to the maximum extent possible . . . a final since April 19, 1989. 54 FR 15752. fidential employee’ as defined in 5 U.S.C. report . . . in a form that will permit public Section-by-Section Discussion 7511(b)(2)(C).’’ dissemination.’’ Section 600.1. Grounds for Appointing a Section 600.4. Jurisdiction The Office of Special Counsel has organized Special Counsel ‘‘(a) Original Jurisdiction. The jurisdiction the Report in the following format: ‘‘The Attorney General, or in cases in of a Special Counsel shall be established by (I) a description of the Issues investigated which the Attorney General is recused, the the Attorney General. The Special Counsel by the Special Counsel; Acting Attorney General, will appoint a Spe- will be provided with a specific factual state- (II) the Conclusions of the Special Counsel; cial Counsel when he or she determines that ment of the matter to be investigated. The (III) a description of the Investigative criminal investigation of a person or matter jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also Methods used by the Special Counsel; is warranted and— include the authority to investigate and (IV) a Statement of Facts relevant to the (a) That investigation or prosecution of prosecute federal crimes committed in the Special Counsel’s investigation; that person or matter by a United States At- course of, and with intent to interfere with, (V) Exhibits to the text of the Report; and torney’s Office or litigating Division of the the Special Counsel’s investigation, such as (VI) Appendices that include a narrative Department of Justice would present a con- perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction summary of the relevant beliefs and prac- flict of interest for the Department or other of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; tices of the Branch Davidians, a summary of extraordinary circumstances; and and to conduct appeals arising out of the expert findings, a chronological table of (b) That under the circumstances, it would matter being investigated and/or prosecuted. events, and the reports of experts retained be in the public interest to appoint an out- ‘‘(b) Additional Jurisdiction. If in the by the Office of Special Counsel. side Special Counsel to assume responsi- course of his or her investigation the Special Counsel concludes that additional jurisdic- Mr. NADLER. And fourth, the De- bility for the matter.’’ Section 600.2. Alternatives Available to the tion beyond that specified in his or her origi- partment of Justice commentary inter- Attorney General nal jurisdiction is necessary in order to fully preting the special counsel regulations. ‘‘When matters are brought to the atten- investigate and resolve the matters assigned, or to investigate new matters that come to DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE tion of the Attorney General that might war- light in the course of his or her investiga- Office of the Attorney General rant consideration of appointment of a Spe- tion, he or she shall consult with the Attor- 28 CFR Parts 0 and 600 cial Counsel, the Attorney General may: ney General, who will determine whether to [A.G. Order No. 2232–99] (a) Appoint a Special Counsel; include the additional matters within the Office of Special Counsel (b) Direct that an initial investigation, consisting of such factual inquiry or legal re- Special Counsel’s jurisdiction or assign them AGENCY: Department of Justice. search as the Attorney General deems appro- elsewhere.’’ ACTION: Final rule. priate, be conducted in order to better in- Discussion: SUMMARY: This order amends the Code of form the decision; or Under these regulations, it is intended that Federal Regulations to provide regulations (c) Conclude that under the circumstances a Special Counsel’s jurisdiction will be stat- concerning Attorney General appointment of of the matter, the public interest would not ed as an investigation of specific facts. The Special Counsel to investigate and, when ap- be served by removing the investigation regulations also recognize, however, that ac- propriate, to prosecute matters when the At- from the normal processes of the Depart- commodations can be made as necessary torney General concludes that extraordinary ment, and that the appropriate component of throughout the course of the investigation, circumstances exist such that the public in- the Department should handle the matter. If with the Attorney General’s approval. This terest would be served by removing a large the Attorney General reaches this conclu- provision establishes a protocol whereby degree of responsibility for a matter from sion, he or she may direct that appropriate Special Counsels are provided with an appro- the Department of Justice. These regula- steps be taken to mitigate any conflicts of priate description of the boundaries of their tions replace the procedures for appointment interest, such as recusal of particular offi- investigation, with the full recognition that of independent counsel pursuant to the Inde- cials.’’ adjustments to that jurisdiction may be re- pendent Counsel Reauthorization Act of 1994. quired. EFFECTIVE DATES: July 1, 1999. Discussion: There are occasions when the facts create Paragraph (b) establishes a single proce- FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CON- a conflict so substantial, or the exigencies of dure through which a variety of different ju- TACT: John C. Keeney, Deputy Assistant At- the situation are such that any initial inves- risdictional issues can be resolved. For ex- torney General, Criminal Division, U.S. De- tigation might taint the subsequent inves- ample, a Special Counsel assigned responsi- partment of Justice, Washington, DC 20530, tigation, so that it is appropriate for the At- bility for an alleged false statement about a (202) 514–2621. torney General to immediately appoint a government program may request additional SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Special Counsel. In other situations, some jurisdiction to investigate allegations of Background initial investigation, whether factual or misconduct with respect to the administra- The Attorney General is promulgating legal, may be appropriate to better inform tion of that program; a Special Counsel may these regulations to replace the procedures the Attorney General’s decision. This provi- conclude that investigating otherwise unre- set out in the Independent Counsel Reau- sion is intended to make it clear that a vari- lated allegations against a central witness in thorization Act of 1994. These regulations ety of approaches, even in cases that might the matter is necessary to obtain coopera- seek to strike a balance between independ- create an apparent conflict of interest, may tion; or a Special Counsel may come across ence and accountability in certain sensitive be appropriate, depending on the facts of the evidence of additional, unrelated crimes by investigations, recognizing that there is no matter. targets of his or her investigation. Rather perfect solution to the problem. The balance Section 600.3. Qualifications of the Special than leaving the issue to argument and mis- struck is one of day-to-day independence, Counsel understanding as to whether the new mat- with a Special Counsel appointed to inves- ‘‘(a) An individual named as Special Coun- ters are included within a vague category of tigate and, if appropriate, prosecute matters sel shall be a lawyer with a reputation for in- ‘‘related matters,’’ the regulations clarify when the Attorney General concludes that tegrity and impartial decisionmaking, and that the decision as to which component extraordinary circumstances exist such that with appropriate experience to ensure both would handle such new matters would be the public interest would be served by re- that the investigation will be conducted made by the Attorney General. The Special moving a large degree of responsibility for ably, expeditiously and thoroughly, and that Counsel would report such matters to the At- the matter from the Department of Justice. investigative and prosecutorial decisions torney General, and the Attorney General The Special Counsel would be free to struc- will be supported by an informed under- would decide whether to grant the Special

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:42 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.016 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2731 Counsel jurisdiction over the additional mat- fact, said that he would want to release Mr. Speaker, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote. ters. as much as possible—and we appreciate Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 15 ‘‘(c) Civil and Administrative Jurisdiction. that statement—but he and Mr. Rosen- seconds to the gentleman from Georgia If in the course of his or her investigation stein, the Deputy Attorney General, as the Special Counsel determines that admin- (Mr. COLLINS). istrative remedies, civil sanctions or other I mentioned in my opening remarks, Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- governmental action outside the criminal have both cited the Department policy er, I just want to say thank you to the justice system might be appropriate, he or not to comment on the conduct of chairman. I appreciate it. Mr. HURD she shall consult with the Attorney General someone not indicted. was on his way over here. I did my best with respect to the appropriate component That leads us to expect that a song and dance. It didn’t last long to take any necessary action. A Special misapplication of the normal Depart- enough. I am from the South. I am bad Counsel shall not have civil or administra- ment policy to a sitting President of because I can’t dance that well. So I tive authority unless specifically granted not commenting on someone who is not such jurisdiction by the Attorney General.’’ appreciate the gentleman giving him indicted, the application of that nor- that moment. Discussion: mally good policy to a sitting Presi- Paragraph (c) is intended to clarify that Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield the Special Counsel’s jurisdiction will cover dent who the Department believes can- myself such time as I may consume. only the criminal aspects of the matters not be indicted because he is a sitting Mr. Speaker, for all the reasons stat- within his or her jurisdiction, unless other President, would, in fact, greatly limit ed by all the people who spoke in favor jurisdiction is specifically granted by the At- the ability of the Department or the of this resolution, myself and everyone torney General. willingness of the Department to re- else, I urge adoption of the resolution. Section 600.5. Staff lease information in the report to the I urge everyone to vote for it. It is a ‘‘A Special Counsel may request the as- Congress and to the public. very important resolution to maintain signment of appropriate Department em- One of the reasons for this resolution ployees to assist the Special Counsel. The the rule of law in this country Department shall gather and provide the is that we want to say, no, you cannot Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Special Counsel with the names and resumes use that normally salutary policy to of my time. of appropriate personnel available for detail. convert the Department’s policy of The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time The Special Counsel may also request the de- never indicting a sitting President into for debate has expired. tail of specific employees, and the office for a coverup that you can’t comment or Pursuant to House Resolution 208, which the designated employee works shall give to the Congress information about make reasonable efforts to accommodate the the previous question is ordered on the that. concurrent resolution and preamble, as request. The Special Counsel shall assign the If you can’t indict a sitting President duties and supervise the work of such em- amended. ployees while they are assigned to the Spe- and you can’t give the information to The question is on adoption of the cial Counsel. If necessary, the Special Coun- Congress, then you are holding the concurrent resolution. sel may request that additional personnel be President above the law, and you are The question was taken; and the hired or assigned from outside the Depart- frustrating Congress’ ability to do its Speaker pro tempore announced that ment. All personnel in the Department shall job of holding an administration ac- the ayes appeared to have it. cooperate to the fullest extent possible with countable. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, on that I the Special Counsel.’’ Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the demand the yeas and nays. Discussion: gentleman from Texas (Mr. HURD). This provision, providing for the assign- The yeas and nays were ordered. ment of appropriate personnel to assist the b 1000 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Special Counsel, also includes assignment of Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I ant to clause 9 of rule XX, this 15- needed investigative resources from the Fed- thank the chairman for his indulgence. minute vote on adoption of the concur- eral Bureau of Investigation. It is antici- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this rent resolution will be followed by a 5- pated that most personnel will be Depart- resolution because I want the whole minute vote on agreeing to the Speak- ment of Justice employees provided by detail er’s approval of the Journal, if ordered. to the Special Counsel, although the regula- truth and nothing but the truth to tion provides for additional employment come to light in this matter; I want to The vote was taken by electronic de- from outside the Department when nec- know what Vladimir Putin did to our vice, and there were—yeas 420, nays 0, essary. electoral process; I want to know the answered ‘‘present’’ 4, not voting 7, as Section 600.6. Powers and Authority failures of the Obama administration follows: ‘‘Subject to the limitations in the fol- in reacting to this attack in real time; [Roll No. 125] lowing paragraphs, the Special Counsel shall I want any Americans complicit to face exercise, within the scope of his or her juris- YEAS—420 diction, the full power and independent au- severe consequences; and I want the Abraham Brooks (AL) Clyburn thority to exercise all investigative and American people to know as much as Adams Brooks (IN) Cohen prosecutorial functions of any United States they can and see as much as they can. Aderholt Brown (MD) Cole As a member of the House Permanent Aguilar Brownley (CA) Collins (GA) Attorney. Except as provided in this part, Allen Buchanan Collins (NY) the Special Counsel shall determine whether Select Committee on Intelligence, I Allred Buck Comer and to what extent to inform or consult with support the efforts and the request for Amodei Bucshon Conaway the Attorney General or others within the all information pertaining to this in- Armstrong Budd Connolly Department about the conduct of his or her Arrington Burchett Cook vestigation to be open to the public. Axne Burgess Cooper duties and responsibilities.’’ That includes all witness lists, every Section 600.7. Conduct and Accountability Babin Bustos Correa Bacon Butterfield Costa ‘‘(a) A Special Counsel shall comply with interview transcript, and every docu- ment provided. Baird Byrne Courtney the rules, regulations, procedures, practices Balderson Calvert Cox (CA) and policies of the Department of Justice. He The taxpayers paid millions for this Banks Carbajal Craig or she shall consult with appropriate offices information, and they should get to see Barr Ca´ rdenas Crawford within the Department for guidance with re- all of it and not just the assessment of Barraga´ n Carson (IN) Crenshaw spect to established practices, policies and one person. Bass Carter (GA) Crist procedures of the Department, including eth- Beatty Carter (TX) Crow This resolution should have been Bera Cartwright Cuellar ics and security regulations and procedures. broader; it should have been deeper; Bergman Case Cummings Should the Special Counsel conclude that and it should have covered everything Beyer Casten (IL) Cunningham the extraordinary circumstances of any par- Biggs Castor (FL) Curtis ticular decision would render compliance dealing with the investigation. But it Bilirakis Castro (TX) Davids (KS) with required review and approval proce- is a step in the right direction. Bishop (GA) Chabot Davidson (OH) dures by the designated Departmental com- I hope my colleagues on the other Bishop (UT) Cheney Davis (CA) ponent inappropriate, he or she may consult Blumenauer Chu, Judy Davis, Danny K. side of the aisle accept the calls for all Blunt Rochester Cicilline Davis, Rodney directly with the Attorney General.’’ the information to be made public be- Bonamici Cisneros Dean Mr. NADLER. I would also like to cause full transparency is the only way Bost Clark (MA) DeFazio say, Mr. Speaker, that one reason for to prevent future speculation. Full Boyle, Brendan Clarke (NY) DeGette F. Clay DeLauro this resolution, given the fact that Mr. transparency is the only way to pre- Brady Cline DelBene Barr, the Attorney General, has, in vent future innuendo. Brindisi Cloud Delgado

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:42 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR7.003 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2732 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019 Demings Kelly (PA) Pocan Walker Webster (FL) Wittman REQUEST TO CONSIDER H.R. 962, DeSaulnier Kennedy Porter Walorski Welch Womack BORN-ALIVE ABORTION SUR- DesJarlais Khanna Posey Waltz Wenstrup Woodall Deutch Kildee Pressley Wasserman Westerman Wright VIVORS PROTECTION ACT Diaz-Balart Kilmer Price (NC) Schultz Wexton Yarmuth Mr. STEWART. Mr. Speaker, I ask Dingell Kim Quigley Waters Wild Yoho unanimous consent that the Com- Doggett Kind Raskin Watkins Williams Young Doyle, Michael King (IA) Reed Watson Coleman Wilson (FL) Zeldin mittee on the Judiciary be discharged F. King (NY) Reschenthaler Weber (TX) Wilson (SC) from further consideration of H.R. 962, Duffy Kinzinger Rice (NY) the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Pro- Duncan Kirkpatrick Rice (SC) ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—4 Dunn Krishnamoorthi Richmond Amash Gosar tection Act, and ask for its immediate Emmer Kuster (NH) Riggleman Gaetz Massie consideration in the House. Engel Kustoff (TN) Roby NOT VOTING—7 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Escobar LaHood Rodgers (WA) tleman is advised that a unanimous Eshoo LaMalfa Roe, David P. Cleaver Marshall Schweikert Espaillat Lamb Rogers (AL) Hastings McEachin consent request for the consideration Estes Lamborn Rogers (KY) Lofgren Ratcliffe of that measure would have to receive Evans Langevin Rooney (FL) clearance from the majority and the Ferguson Larsen (WA) Rose (NY) b 1030 Finkenauer Larson (CT) Rose, John W. minority floor and committee leader- Fitzpatrick Latta Rouda Messrs. BRADY and BUCK changed ships. Fleischmann Lawrence Rouzer their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ The Chair is unaware at this time of Fletcher Lawson (FL) Roy any such clearance. Therefore, the Flores Lee (CA) Roybal-Allard Mr. GAETZ changed his vote from Fortenberry Lee (NV) Ruiz ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘present.’’ Chair cannot and will not entertain Foster Lesko Ruppersberger So the concurrent resolution was that request at this time. Foxx (NC) Levin (CA) Rush agreed to. Mr. STEWART. Mr. Speaker, I urge Frankel Levin (MI) Rutherford to immediately schedule this impor- Fudge Lewis Ryan The result of the vote was announced Fulcher Lieu, Ted Sa´ nchez as above recorded. tant bill. Gabbard Lipinski Sarbanes A motion to reconsider was laid on f Gallagher Loebsack Scalise the table. Gallego Long Scanlon DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE Stated for: Garamendi Loudermilk Schakowsky (Ms. DEAN asked and was given per- Garcı´a (IL) Lowenthal Schiff Mr. CLEAVER. Mr. Speaker, I regrettably Garcia (TX) Lowey Schneider missed votes on Thursday, March 14, 2019. I mission to address the House for 1 Gianforte Lucas Schrader had intended to vote ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall vote No. minute.) Gibbs Luetkemeyer Schrier Ms. DEAN. Mr. Speaker, domestic vi- 125. Gohmert Luja´ n Scott (VA) olence is an insidious problem that af- Golden Luria Scott, Austin Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Mr. Speaker, I was ab- fects far too many people across our Gomez Lynch Scott, David sent from the House floor during today’s roll- Gonzalez (OH) Malinowski Sensenbrenner country. call vote on H. Con. Res. 24. Had I been Gonzalez (TX) Maloney, Serrano One in four women and one in seven present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall Gooden Carolyn B. Sewell (AL) men will be the victim of violence by Gottheimer Maloney, Sean Shalala No. 125. Granger Marchant Sherman an intimate partner in their lifetime. Graves (GA) Mast Sherrill f Sadly, the scourge of domestic and Graves (LA) Matsui Shimkus sexual violence affects our commu- Graves (MO) McAdams Simpson THE JOURNAL Green (TN) McBath Sires nities, our schools, our servicemem- Green (TX) McCarthy Slotkin The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- bers, and threatens the well-being of Griffith McCaul Smith (MO) ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- women, men, children, the LGBTQ Grijalva McClintock Smith (NE) community, our veterans, and others. Grothman McCollum Smith (NJ) ished business is the question on agree- Guest McGovern Smith (WA) ing to the Speaker’s approval of the But through education and legisla- Guthrie McHenry Smucker Journal, which the Chair will put de tive action like reauthorizing the Vio- Haaland McKinley Soto lence Against Women Act, or VAWA, Hagedorn McNerney Spanberger novo. Harder (CA) Meadows Spano The question is on the Speaker’s ap- we can and have made a difference. Harris Meeks Speier proval of the Journal. Since its passage 25 years ago Hartzler Meng Stanton Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- through 2012, the rate of domestic vio- Hayes Meuser Stauber lence decreased by 63 percent. From Heck Miller Stefanik nal stands approved. Hern, Kevin Mitchell Steil 1996 to 2015, the rate of women mur- Herrera Beutler Moolenaar Steube f dered by men in a single-victim/single- Hice (GA) Mooney (WV) Stevens offender incident dropped by 29 per- Higgins (LA) Moore Stewart ADJOURNMENT FROM THURSDAY, cent. Higgins (NY) Morelle Stivers MARCH 14, 2019, TO MONDAY, Hill (AR) Moulton Suozzi This week, we voted in the Judiciary Hill (CA) Mucarsel-Powell Swalwell (CA) MARCH 18, 2019 Committee to reauthorize this life-sav- Himes Mullin Takano Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I ask ing legislation. Holding Murphy Taylor Hollingsworth Nadler Thompson (CA) unanimous consent that when the I look forward to bringing VAWA to Horn, Kendra S. Napolitano Thompson (MS) House adjourns today, it adjourn to the floor so that families may be pro- Horsford Neal Thompson (PA) meet at noon on Monday, March 18, tected from the tragedy of domestic Houlahan Neguse Thornberry 2019. and sexual violence; so that young Hoyer Newhouse Timmons Hudson Norcross Tipton The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there women like my granddaughter, Au- Huffman Norman Titus objection to the request of the gen- brey, feel safe to focus on the things Huizenga Nunes Tlaib tleman from Rhode Island? that are most important, like claiming Hunter O’Halleran Tonko Hurd (TX) Ocasio-Cortez Torres (CA) There was no objection. her education, her career, and her Jackson Lee Olson Torres Small happy life ahead of her. Jayapal Omar (NM) f Mr. Speaker, I encourage my col- Jeffries Palazzo Trahan leagues to support this important leg- Johnson (GA) Pallone Trone REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER islation. Johnson (LA) Palmer Turner AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 1004 Johnson (OH) Panetta Underwood f Johnson (SD) Pappas Upton Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I ask Johnson (TX) Pascrell Van Drew unanimous consent to remove Rep- RECOGNIZING JEANNETTE RANKIN Jordan Payne Vargas resentative TOM RICE as a cosponsor DURING WOMEN’S HISTORY Joyce (OH) Pence Veasey MONTH Joyce (PA) Perlmutter Vela from H.R. 1004. Kaptur Perry Vela´ zquez The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there (Mr. GIANFORTE asked and was Katko Peters Visclosky objection to the request of the gen- given permission to address the House Keating Peterson Wagner Kelly (IL) Phillips Walberg tleman from Rhode Island? for 1 minute and to revise and extend Kelly (MS) Pingree Walden There was no objection. his remarks.)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:42 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR7.006 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2733 Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. You will not be left behind. today to recognize a trailblazing Mon- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of f tanan as we celebrate Women’s History H.R. 1695, the Community Services Month. Block Grant Reauthorization Act of BMW CREATES JOBS A fearless, principled leader, 2019. (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina Jeannette Rankin was a courageous This bill renews our Nation’s com- asked and was given permission to ad- pioneer. The daughter of a rancher and mitment to reducing poverty through dress the House for 1 minute and to re- a teacher, she was born and raised in locally driven, comprehensive ap- vise and extend his remarks.) Montana. Growing up, she helped on proaches. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. her family’s ranch and, in 1902, grad- I am proud to lead this legislation Speaker, it was reported last week that uated from what is now the University with Congresswoman BETTY MCCOL- the BMW plant in South Carolina re- of Montana. LUM. mained the top vehicle exporter in As a staunch advocate for women’s Mr. Speaker, the Community Serv- America, with more than $8.4 billion suffrage, she successfully led efforts to ices Block Grant traces its roots back worth of cars shipped to foreign coun- secure women the right to vote in Mon- more than 50 years ago to the Eco- tries. tana in 1914, 6 years before the 19th nomic Opportunity Act of 1964. This Nearly a quarter of a million cars Amendment to our Constitution was act established local committee action were exported, with the vast majority ratified. agencies to help people identify why sent from the Port of Charleston, led Four years before women could vote people were in poverty and how to ad- by State Ports Authority President throughout our Nation, Montanans dress it using public and private re- Jim Newsome. elected Jeannette Rankin to Congress. sources and partnerships. Mr. Speaker, 25 years ago, the late She was the first woman to serve in Virtually every county in America Governor Carroll Campbell recruited this body. has a community action agency. They BMW to South Carolina with export Dedicated to her guiding principles, act as a safety net for low-income indi- production of 1,400 cars a day. Produc- Jeannette Rankin is foundational to viduals and families, but, more impor- tion in 2018 was 356,749 vehicles. Montana’s and our country’s history. It tantly, they help to create opportuni- Governor Henry McMaster and Com- is my distinct honor to recognize her ties to raise people out of poverty— merce Secretary Bobby Hitt continue for her lasting contributions to our from poverty to independence. to promote an additional $600 million country during Women’s History The Community Services Block investment in Plant Spartanburg, Month. Grant is the only Federal program with which already at $10 billion is the larg- f the explicit goal of reducing poverty, est BMW plant in the world, providing regardless of its cause. Unfortunately, SHED LIGHT ON DARK MONEY 11,000 jobs. this program has not been reauthorized Thousands of additional jobs in the (Ms. SCANLON asked and was given in more than 20 years, which is unac- region have been created by suppliers permission to address the House for 1 ceptable. to the assembly facility. minute.) It is time to reauthorize the Commu- Mr. Speaker, in conclusion, God bless Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, last nity Services Block Grant, and I urge our troops, and we will never forget week the House passed H.R. 1, the For all my colleagues to cosponsor and sup- September the 11th in the global war the People Act, a sweeping voting port this bill. on terrorism. rights and government reform package f that returns the power of our democ- f racy to the American people. RISING FOR MOLLY b 1045 Since this week is Sunshine Week, I (Ms. HOULAHAN asked and was WISHING SUPREME COURT JUS- want to focus on a particular part of given permission to address the House TICE RUTH BADER GINSBURG A H.R. 1 that is designed to shine some for 1 minute.) HAPPY 86TH BIRTHDAY much-needed sunshine on the corrosive Ms. HOULAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise influence of dark money. for my Molly. (Ms. BARRAGA´ N asked and was Multiple sources reported this week I stand here on the floor of the House given permission to address the House that the President’s 2017 inaugural of Representatives as a proud mother for 1 minute and to revise and extend fund received tens of thousands of dol- of a gay daughter. her remarks.) lars in contributions from shell compa- When I was in the Air Force, we were Ms. BARRAGA´ N. Mr. Speaker, I rise nies to conceal illegal contributions taught never to leave anyone behind; today to honor Justice Ruth Bader from foreign donors. and, after the 2016 election, I listened Ginsburg and to wish her a happy 86th Think about that. Foreign agents as my daughter, my Molly, cried in my birthday this Friday. lavished tens of thousands of dollars on arms. During this Women’s History Month, the U.S. inaugural celebration so they She was scared for her community, we celebrate visionary women like Jus- could try to influence our President. the LGBTQ community. She was tice Ginsburg, whose work ethic and That is why I introduced the Inau- scared that America had left her and achievements have motivated me and gural Fund Integrity Act, which is part her community behind. many women across this country. of H.R. 1, to close loopholes in the ex- This is and was the country that I Throughout her career, Justice Gins- isting regulations, to put an end to do- served. This was the daughter that I burg has been a pioneer for gender nations by foreign nationals and cor- have raised. I was scared too. equality. As a first-year Harvard Law porations, to ban personal use of inau- When we decided, as a family, to run student, she was one of nine women in gural funds, and to require disclosure for Congress, Molly and I spoke about a 500-person class and became the first of all donations and spending by inau- her story and whether she was com- female professor to have tenure at Co- gural committees. fortable with me sharing it with our lumbia. It is hard to think of an area more in Nation. We agreed that it was impor- She would later cofound the ACLU’s need of sunshine than a shadowy slush tant. Women’s Rights Project, paving the fund rife with opportunities for govern- As a mother, an ally, and now a way for groundbreaking work around ment corruption. Member of Congress, I feel it my duty issues like pregnancy and parenting, f and my privilege to champion the education equity and equal pay. voices of those in the LGBTQ commu- Undoubtedly, Justice Ginsburg has COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK nity. set a precedent for women everywhere GRANT I am proud to cosponsor the Equality and continues to do so as a Supreme (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania Act. I do so for my daughter—my Court Justice. asked and was given permission to ad- Molly—for my community, the Penn- I wish Justice Ginsburg many more dress the House for 1 minute and to re- sylvania 6th, and for all of my fellow years of health and happiness. She vise and extend his remarks.) LGBTQ Americans. truly is an American hero.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:42 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.023 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2734 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019 COMMEMORATING DR. JOHN Victor was killed in , but Utahns know that if it was their small BARDO his murder reflects the epidemic of gun business with books so badly out of (Mr. ESTES asked and was given per- violence in my district and all around balance, they would soon be out of mission to address the House for 1 the country, especially communities of business. minute and to revise and extend his re- color. Even before Victor’s tragic pass- Our government has been living be- marks.) ing, combating gun violence in Oak- yond its means for years, and I believe Mr. ESTES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today land was a priority for his mother as a it is wrong for one generation to for- to honor the life of Wichita State Uni- city council member. ever burden generations yet to come. versity President Dr. John Bardo, who May God comfort Victor’s family as As a former mayor who had to bal- sadly passed away on March 12, 2019. In we mourn his loss. May his spirit lead ance, in bipartisan fashion, a budget his 7 years as president, Dr. Bardo’s de- and guide us in the work that we must every year, I know these choices aren’t votion to education and Wichita State do to end gun violence in his memory. easy. But it is our job to roll up our was unsurpassed as he led the univer- May Victor’s legacy live, and may he sleeves, come together, and work out a sity in a bold direction that benefited rest in peace. budget that takes serious steps toward students and the entire Wichita com- f reducing the dangerous, unsustainable levels of debt in our country. Those munity. HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE steps are not in the President’s budget. Dr. Bardo’s tenure was not his first OF CAPTAIN JAKE RINGERING job at the university. In 1975, Dr. f (Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois Bardo, then an assistant professor of asked and was given permission to ad- CONGRATULATING FIRST sociology, met his wife, Deborah. dress the House for 1 minute and to re- SERGEANT IAN MCCLURE When Dr. Bardo returned to Wichita vise and extend his remarks.) (Ms. CHENEY asked and was given State as president in 2012, he said: ‘‘We Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. permission to address the House for 1 came home . . . to reposition this uni- Speaker, I rise today to honor the life minute and to revise and extend her re- versity as a key driver of the future of and service of Captain Jake Ringering, marks.) Wichita.’’ From developing the Innova- a beloved member of the Godfrey Fire Ms. CHENEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise tion Campus and WSU Tech, to increas- Protection District who tragically lost today to congratulate First Sergeant ing online courses, research, and dorm his life in the line of duty on March 5. Ian McClure, U.S. Army, for being space, his leadership accomplished that While responding to a fire in named the 2018 Allied Command Oper- goal and set the university on a path to Bethalto, members of the Godfrey Fire ations Military Member of the Year. be a nationwide leader in education. Protection District were attempting to A 2003 graduate of East High School Last July, Dr. Bardo was invited to suppress the fire from outside when the in Cheyenne, Wyoming, First Sergeant come testify before the House Edu- building partially collapsed. Captain McClure went on to serve in the Army cation and the Workforce Committee Ringering and Firefighter Luke Warner Special Forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, about Wichita State’s leadership in in- both sustained injuries from the col- and Mali, and he is now stationed at novation. As a member of the com- lapse. NATO Special Operations headquarters mittee at the time, I will never forget Captain Ringering served as a fire- in . the pride Dr. Bardo showed for the uni- fighter for more than 18 years, begin- First Sergeant McClure was selected versity and our community. ning with the East Alton Fire Depart- for this award because of his superior I know Shockers are better off be- ment before joining the Godfrey Fire performance and professional excel- cause of his leadership, passion, and vi- Department in 2010. He was promoted lence. I am proud that General sion. to captain in May 2014. Scaparrotti recognized First Sergeant I ask my colleagues to join me in The Godfrey fire chief described him McClure’s significant contributions to praying for the Bardo family. as ‘‘gold’’ and leaving a legacy that the success of alliance operations. f will be remembered for a long time. Sergeant McClure exemplifies the Godfrey’s mayor, and my friend, Mike best that Wyoming and our country HONORING THE MEMORY OF McCormick, said his passing leaves has to offer, and I thank him for his VICTOR MCELHANEY ‘‘hard boots to fill.’’ service and his sacrifices for our free- (Ms. LEE of California asked and was Captain Ringering is survived by his dom. given permission to address the House wife and three young children. Please Again, Mr. Speaker, I am proud to for 1 minute and to revise and extend join me in keeping his family, as well congratulate First Sergeant Ian her remarks.) as the Godfrey community, in your McClure on this prestigious honor and Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I thoughts and prayers. for being a brilliant example for the rise today to honor the memory of Vic- f entire State of Wyoming. tor McElhaney, the son of my friend, f Oakland City Councilwoman Lynette OPPOSING PRESIDENT TRUMP’S McElhaney, and his father, Clarence, BUDGET PROPOSAL MAINLAND REGIONAL HIGH and to offer my deepest condolences on (Mr. MCADAMS asked and was given SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL behalf of the 13th Congressional Dis- permission to address the House for 1 STATE CHAMPIONS trict. minute.) (Mr. VAN DREW asked and was given Victor was tragically slain in a Mr. MCADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in permission to address the House for 1 senseless act of gun violence early Sun- opposition to the President’s budget minute and to revise and extend his re- day morning in Los Angeles. He was proposal, which would increase the marks.) killed in a robbery attempt while head- Federal deficit from $779 billion in 2018 Mr. VAN DREW. Mr. Speaker, thank ing home from a friend’s house. to $1.1 trillion in 2020. If the goal is to you for allowing me to honor some out- Victor was just 21 years old and a rein in deficits and debt, this budget standing members of south Jersey. The senior at the University of Southern represents epic failure. Mainland Regional High School Girls California’s Thornton School of Music, I am a public servant who takes seri- Basketball team has recently won the where he was pursuing his lifelong love ously the responsibility of spending New Jersey Group 3 State champion- of music. He was a talented drummer other people’s money. As a freshman ship. This is the first time the Main- and was often playing at jam sessions, Member of the Congress, the current land Regional High School girls bas- displaying his musical genius. deficit hole we have dug for ourselves ketball team has achieved this amaz- Victor was a son of Oakland, and his wasn’t my doing, but I was elected to ing accomplishment. passing is a loss for Oakland and the solve problems, not make them worse. These girls are the embodiment of entire East Bay community. My heart America’s $22 trillion debt is a bipar- teamwork. This win, and the hard work is heavy for Lynette and her family tisan problem. Democrats and Repub- that they have put in to achieve it, is and all those who loved and cared for licans have acted in a way that sug- about all of them, not any one indi- Victor. gests that debt doesn’t matter. But vidual. I have been told that some of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:48 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.025 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2735 them have been best friends since they ployed; 40 percent live in poverty; 26 the responsibility of securing a firearm were 7 years old. percent have been discriminated in a school. I understand how this This friendship and teamwork have against during the hiring or would drastically change the school led them to reach an amazing goal. We processes; 41 percent have been home- culture and make it feel more like a could all learn a little bit about team- less at some point; and 33 percent have prison. work, especially in this great House of been discriminated against at a place As the wife of a police officer, I un- ours, and we could learn it from these of public accommodation. derstand the training that is involved amazing young ladies. No one should have to worry about with the responsibility of owning a Congratulations to the Mainland Re- being discriminated against when plan- firearm, and I know that school dis- gional High School girls basketball ning their wedding or struggle to sim- tricts cannot manage that. I could team. Keep up the good work. We are ply get a cake. The Equality Act will never imagine explaining to a parent really proud of you. outlaw such discrimination, which is that it was my firearm that acciden- f why we should pass it as soon as pos- tally injured their child. sible. I recognize that many local school REMEMBERING THE EIGHTH ANNI- communities are still trying to decide VERSARY OF THE SYRIAN CON- f where they fall on this conversation, FLICT RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF yet I cannot overstress the point that MAYOR NANCY SHAVER (Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia asked Federal funds should not be diverted and was given permission to address (Mr. RUTHERFORD asked and was from student learning outcomes to arm the House for 1 minute.) given permission to address the House teachers. Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. Mr. for 1 minute and to revise and extend This is why, today, I have introduced Speaker, I stand here today in remem- his remarks.) a resolution to prohibit the use of Fed- brance of the eighth anniversary of the Mr. RUTHERFORD. Mr. Speaker, I eral funds to arm teachers. Syrian conflict, which resulted in the rise today to honor and recognize f tragic loss of many human lives and Mayor Nancy Shaver and her tenure of the destabilization of the entire region. dedicated service to the citizens of St. b 1100 This is all because of the dictator Augustine, Florida. A strong advocate GRAHAM CREEK BRIDGE Bashar Assad, who is unwilling to step for the Nation’s oldest city, Mayor aside and heed the Syrian people’s call Shaver recently stepped down from her (Mr. PENCE asked and was given per- for freedom. After destroying Syria, position with an admirable record of mission to address the House for 1 Assad is now attempting to attract leadership in her community. minute and to revise and extend his re- economic investment. But in addition Mayor Shaver, who previously served marks.) to killing over 400,000 Syrians of the as a teacher and businesswoman, was Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, as a mem- Muslim faith, Assad has also failed to elected to office in 2014. During her ber of the House Committee on Trans- protect the religious minority of Chris- time as mayor, she was a tireless advo- portation and Infrastructure with a tians in Syria. cate for important issues that are very strong background in the industry, I Having personally met with the Syr- unique to the city of St. Augustine. It understand the vital role freight rail ian Christians for Peace, I have heard was my honor to work with her in the plays in getting Hoosier-made and Hoo- firsthand how Assad repeatedly tar- effort to combat sea level rise to pro- sier-grown products to the market. geted Syria’s most vulnerable popu- tect our coastal economies and safe- line freight rail makes up near- lations. guard the priceless historical and cul- ly 30 percent of all freight rail, allow- Few Christians continue to live in tural features that make St. Augustine ing rural communities like those Assad’s Syria, due to brutality by pro- so special. across Indiana’s Sixth District to play Assad militias. That is why we must As mayor, she exemplified the vir- an integral role in our economy. One support the Trump administration’s tues of local government by putting such line is the Madison Railroad, isolation of the regime and its allies in citizens, not politics, first and remain- which provides exclusive access to the Tehran and Moscow. That is why the ing devoted to the northeast Florida national rail network for many Hoo- Senate must follow the House and pass community. siers in southeastern Indiana. the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection I thank Nancy Shaver for her com- The city of Madison is working to ob- Act. mitment to the city of St. Augustine tain Federal grant funding to replace the 100-year-plus Graham Creek Bridge, f and our fellow citizens, for whom she so dearly cared. I wish her and her fam- critical infrastructure that keeps the SUPPORTING THE EQUALITY ACT ily the best in their future endeavors. Madison Railroad safely operating and (Ms. HAALAND asked and was given f serving our community. permission to address the House for 1 Built in the 19th century, the current minute.) OPPOSITION TO USING FEDERAL structure poses an immediate safety Ms. HAALAND. Mr. Speaker, I rise FUNDS TO ARM TEACHERS risk and cannot accommodate heavy today in support of the Equality Act. (Mrs. HAYES asked and was given commercial freight loads. Replacement America must live up to its values, permission to address the House for 1 of this bridge will benefit southeast In- and that means treating everyone as minute.) diana by removing a potential safety equals and ending discrimination. The Mrs. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, I rise risk and creating jobs and economic Equality Act is about making sure all today to voice my opposition to the opportunity for Hoosiers. Americans, regardless of sexual ori- idea of using Federal funds to arm Mr. Speaker, we are proud of the his- entation or gender identity, can par- teachers. This issue has haunted me toric architecture throughout Indiana, ticipate in our society without fear. from the moment it was first discussed and the Graham Creek Bridge has been New Mexico is home to diverse reli- after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Ele- an iconic landmark that extends over gious and traditional communities and mentary School to more recently when the beautiful Muscatatuck River. I has stood up for its LGBTQ population it was revisited after the Parkland hope my colleagues in this Chamber for a long time. We stood up early to shooting. can join me in supporting this infra- ban the cruel practice of conversion Seventy-three percent of teachers do structure project. therapy. not want this. More than 60 percent of f The Equality Act allows us to adhere parents do not want this. And the ma- to our faiths while prohibiting harmful jority of students do not want this. RECOGNIZING RAQUEL GUERRERO and isolating acts of discrimination ex- Since 1999, in 225 incidents of school (Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois asked and perienced by too many LGBTQ Ameri- campus gun violence, armed personnel was given permission to address the cans. failed to disarm a shooter 223 times. House for 1 minute.) Consider this: 38 percent of I came to Congress from the class- Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, transgender New Mexicans are unem- room. As a teacher, I would never want during Women’s History Month, I rise

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:42 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.027 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019 to honor the life and legacy of Raquel Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I OFFICE OF THE CLERK, Guerrero, a woman who immigrated as rise to remind this House of the Demo- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, a child to Chicago’s Pilsen community cratic For the People agenda, which Washington, DC, March 14, 2019. and who dedicated her life to make it a starts with rebuilding American infra- Hon. NANCY PELOSI, better place for her family and for all The Speaker, House of Representatives, structure and creating good paying Washington, DC. families. jobs doing so. DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: I have the honor to She was instrumental in improving It includes expanding healthcare so transmit herewith a letter from Mr. Josh opportunities and demanding more re- that it is available to more and more Lawson, General Counsel, North Carolina sources and better education for the Americans, and bringing down the State Board of Elections, indicating that a mostly Latino students in my district. costs of healthcare and prescription special election has been ordered for the She understood the value of a good drugs. Ninth Congressional District of North Caro- education for children, but it extended lina. It includes cleaning up our American With best wishes, I am beyond books, and advocated for democracy and rooting out corruption healthy hot meals for students at what Sincerely, in our electoral process. CHERYL L. JOHNSON. is now known as the Pilsen Community We achieved the third one this month Enclosure. Academy, where I had my first years of with H.R. 1, the For the People Act, NORTH CAROLINA, schooling. but the other two took a serious blow STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS, She helped establish Pilsen’s annual March 13, 2019. this week when we saw the President’s Fiesta del Sol, the largest community Re Notification of Order of new election in festival in the Midwest. budget, which cuts Medicare to the Ninth Congressional District of the State Raquel was instrumental in securing tune of $1.5 trillion over the next 10 of North Carolina. funds to build the new Benito Juarez years, breaking a core promise of the Hon. CHERYL L. JOHNSON, Community Academy High School in President’s campaign, and also cuts in- Clerk of the House of Representatives, c/o Tom Pilsen, which has since provided many frastructure spending. Wickham, Parliamentarian. generations of young people with good Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to DEAR MADAM CLERK: The North Carolina public education. reject that shortsightedness in the State Board of Elections today entered a She helped found APO, the Associa- President’s budget, and let’s go ahead written Order directing a new election in our and achieve the For the People agenda. State’s Ninth Congressional District. The tion for Workers Rights, a workers’ Order, which was separately with your Of- rights group that still operates in the f fice, established the following special elec- community. tion calendar, including a primary required Raquel’s organizing efforts also re- PAYING TRIBUTE TO DAVID LEON by State law: sulted in the funding of the Rudy LOYA Primary election: May 14, 2019; Second primary (if necessary): September Lozano Library in Pilsen. (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was She was the mother of 11, but treated 10, 2019; given permission to address the House General election (if no second primary): every child in the community as a part for 1 minute.) September 10, 2019; and of her family. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I General election (if second primary): No- Mr. Speaker, we honor her during rise today to pay tribute to David Leon vember 5, 2019. Women’s History Month. Our State greatly appreciates all actions Loya. This is a young man who was full f that may be authorized by your Office to en- of life. able ongoing provision of services to resi- REMEMBERING THE HONORABLE David loved life and enjoyed some- dents within the District. LOUISE SLAUGHTER thing that many of us have partici- Sincerely, (Mr. NEWHOUSE asked and was pated in and that we see more Ameri- JOSH LAWSON, given permission to address the House cans doing across the Nation, and that General Counsel. for 1 minute.) is bicycling. He was an avid bicyclist f Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, it is and enjoyed the outdoors in Houston, EQUALITY FOR THE LGBTQ hard to believe that it has been almost Texas. COMMUNITY a year since we lost our beloved col- He was a young man with a future be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under league, the Honorable Louise Slaugh- fore him with a loving family. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- ter. He was a young man that we want to Louise always believed personal rela- pay tribute to because we know that he uary 3, 2019, the gentleman from New tionships could transcend politics. She exhibited values of love and generosity, Hampshire (Mr. PAPPAS) is recognized set an example for us all through her because of the community who came for 60 minutes as the designee of the acts of kindness, particularly with out to express their remorse and their majority leader. those of us in the other party. sadness that he lost his life while bicy- GENERAL LEAVE We bonded as members of an exclu- cling. Mr. PAPPAS. Mr. Speaker, I ask sive club, a club I wish upon no one: We understand, in tribute to him, unanimous consent that all Members those of us who have lost our spouses. recognizing that as the world changes, have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- Somehow she made me feel like I was more Americans will be riding their bi- tend their remarks and include extra- helping her through the loss of her hus- cycle. We want to make sure, in his neous material on the subject of my band when, in fact, she, being much name, that we have designed bicycle Special Order. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there smarter than I, knew that, through my paths, that in the urban areas they objection to the request of the gen- attempts to help her, she was really cover streets in a lighted way so that helping me through the loss of my wife. tleman from New Hampshire? vehicles can acknowledge those on bi- There was no objection. It was recently announced that Lou- cycles and that they can be protected. ise, the first female chair of the House Mr. PAPPAS. Mr. Speaker, there are David Leon Loya, we honor him and times in Washington that go beyond Rules Committee, would be inducted love him. In his name, Mr. Speaker, we into the National Women’s Hall of the mundane, times when you can feel will make these bicycle paths the best the pull of public sentiment and the Fame. What a deserving honor. and the most safe, and he will not have I will always appreciate my friend- weight of history, times that aren’t po- died in vain. ship with the Honorable Louise Slaugh- litical but become personal. For some To his family, my deepest sympathy. ter and will never forget the efforts she of us who serve here and for millions made to take me under her wing from f more around the country, this is one of across the political aisle. those times. COMMUNICATION FROM THE Yesterday, I was proud to join so f CLERK OF THE HOUSE many Members of this House to intro- FOR THE PEOPLE AGENDA The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. duce the Equality Act. This bill will (Mr. CARTWRIGHT asked and was TRONE) laid before the House the fol- ensure full equality under the law for given permission to address the House lowing communication from the Clerk the LGBTQ community, an essential for 1 minute.) of the House of Representatives: step, given that Americans can still be

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:10 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.029 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2737 fired or discriminated against in nearly sult, we now stand on the cusp of his- they are being dishonest, but it has 30 States. tory and of full equality, with the been amazing to me, especially since I We have made marked progress over American people and public opinion have been in Congress, how many peo- recent decades, no doubt, but full squarely behind us. ple can look you in the eye and lie. You equality for LGBTQ Americans still Mr. Speaker, as the people’s House know they are lying; they know they lies somewhere over the horizon. considers this bill, I ask my colleagues are lying; and often you can see they We are not asking for anything more a simple question: Who deserves to be don’t care. People like that are often or anything less than any other Amer- treated as a second-class citizen just able to pass polygraph tests because ican enjoys. We are asking to be treat- for being who we are? Which Members you have got to have a conscience. You ed equally, and we are asking for it of this body, which people in your dis- cannot have numbed your conscience right now. tricts, which people in your own lives to the point that you are not affected I grew up afraid about whether I deserve to be less than equal? by your own lying anymore. would be accepted by the world around Mr. Speaker, I hope this House gets Lisa Page’s presentation as she testi- me and convinced I wouldn’t be able to it right. Full equality under the law— fied was tremendously different from live a full life. This is, unfortunately, a nothing less, nothing more. It is a sim- Peter Strzok as he testified behind reality today for too many LGBTQ ple concept; it is a beautiful concept; closed doors. It was amazing to watch Americans. Too many still live in fear and it is also an American concept. that guy. Because of his answers, I of sharing their truth or telling their Mr. Speaker, for the sake of the knew he was lying. And it appeared to stories. Too many contend with injus- LGBTQ Americans today, for future me that there were no tells, that he tice because of who they are or whom generations, let’s pass H.R. 5, the just didn’t seem to be bothered by the they love. Equality Act. fact and that he could sit there and lie There is injustice when more than 4 Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance under oath. I thought perhaps he would million workers could face the risk of of my time. be a great candidate to pass a lie employment discrimination in this f detecter test when he is lying. country. But then somebody told me, actually, There is injustice when more than 2 b 1115 he failed two lie detecter tests in the million students are left without pro- ISSUES OF THE DAY FBI, but somebody like Lisa Page re- tections against bullying, harassment, moved those from his file. It is great to and roadblocks on their path to an edu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under have friends to help you out when you cation. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- do wrong and they can cover for you. There is injustice when nearly 7 mil- uary 3, 2019, the gentleman from Texas And I am being sarcastic, for friends lion Americans could be subject to dis- (Mr. GOHMERT) is recognized for 60 min- who cannot figure that out. crimination in public accommodations. utes as the designee of the minority But the article points out that There is injustice when 51⁄2 million leader. former FBI lawyer, Lisa Page, testi- Americans could be denied equal oppor- Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, as most fied: ‘‘The FBI was ordered by the tunities to secure housing or credit. Members are heading back home, I was Obama DOJ not to consider charging This is heartbreaking. This is not reminded in the elevator of someone Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in what America stands for, and we can who said: Well, you know, you guys are the handling of classified informa- do something about it. getting off this week. I have told tion.’’ We can take action to support the friends and some of the media that you It goes on and says: ‘‘Page’s testi- values and the Constitution of this Na- guys take vacations all the time. mony was perhaps the most salient evi- tion. I explained: You don’t want us in ses- dence yet that the Justice Department We can take action that will protect sion every day. Every day we are in improperly interfered with the FBI’s the safety and well-being of millions session, we pass something that could supposedly independent conclusions on and tell everyone, particularly the be law restraining you in furtherance Clinton’s criminal culpability’’—well, LGBTQ youth, that they can reach of your freedoms. stating that that came from JOHN their full potential. It is a good thing when Members of RATCLIFFE, a colleague of ours from We can take action and pass the Congress go home, as most of us do. It Texas, here in Congress. He was ques- Equality Act. is tougher for those on the West Coast, tioning her, and he says: ‘‘But when The Equality Act will end these in- but most of us go home each weekend you say advice you got from the De- justices and establish equality under during recesses or maybe a quick trip partment, you’re making it sound like the law by enshrining sexual orienta- to speak here or there just outside of it was the Department’’—talking about tion and gender identity language into the district. But it is a good thing for the Department of Justice—‘‘that told the Civil Rights Act, the Fair Housing Members of Congress to go home and to you: You’re not going to charge gross Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, hear from people back home. That is negligence because we’re the prosecu- and the Jury Selection and Services good. Anyway, sometimes the rigors at tors and we’re telling you we’re not Act. home are even more than we face here. going to—’’ We must address this at the Federal There are at least three things I want And Lisa Page interrupted and said: level. Equality and human dignity are to address today. One of them is infor- ‘‘That is correct.’’ not concepts that can be left up to the mation that has come out. Lisa Page also testified that ‘‘the States. Americans who live in Ne- I was there for a number of the depo- DOJ and FBI had multiple conversa- braska deserve the same civil rights sitions that were taken behind closed tions . . . about charging gross neg- protections as those living in my home doors of witnesses—formerly from the ligence,’’ and the DOJ decided that the State of New Hampshire. The same Justice Department, some still with term was ‘‘constitutionally vague,’’ goes for those living in Mississippi and the Justice Department—regarding which is really interesting because as a in Massachusetts. what Gregg Jarrett called ‘‘The Russia judge, as a lawyer, I tried cases in The end of discrimination can only Hoax,’’ and he documents why that which gross negligence was alleged. I begin when we protect our fellow citi- sounds like an appropriate title. am not aware of any court case ever in- zens in each and every community There is an article from dicating that gross negligence was un- across this Nation. about this by Gregg Re. This quoted constitutionally vague. Maybe there is Since Stonewall, millions of LGBTQ Lisa Page. She was an interesting wit- a case that says that. I am not aware of Americans have come out and have ness. It was interesting watching her one. told their stories. Many have done so testify. But if there were to be one from the at great personal risk, but with a great As a former judge who has tried a Supreme Court, then there would be societal benefit. tremendous number of cases in Federal massive criminal and civil judgments Coming out and living openly has court, State court, and military court, that would be due to be undone and be done more to change hearts, minds, it is interesting watching people tes- reversed because most lawyers who and laws than anything else. As a re- tify. Most you can get a little tell when have done any research, tried any

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:44 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.031 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2738 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019 cases, or done adequate reading know enough about other things, but they charging her,’’ then he decided, Okay, that the term ‘‘gross negligence’’ is not got busted being seen out in a remote maybe she shouldn’t be. unconstitutionally vague, nor is it neg- spot on the tarmac get-together while Among the texts between Lisa Page ligence. the DOJ jury was still out on what and Peter Strzok was one concerning Now, different States in the Federal they were going to do about Hillary the so-called ‘‘insurance policy.’’ Government may have slightly dif- Clinton and she had not testified. During her interview with the Judici- ferent definitions of negligence and And then we find out, actually, they ary Committee, July 2018, Page was gross negligence, but they are substan- never had her testify. They gave immu- questioned at length about the texts, tially the same. It has just never been nity to her lawyer, Cheryl Mills, and and essentially referred to the Russia a problem with constitutional vague- all these people who had direct evi- investigation, the insurance policy re- ness from the term ‘‘gross negligence.’’ dence of potential crimes. ferred to the Russia investigation, Understanding that, it would bring And the prosecutors—and I have been while explaining that officials were one to the conclusion, if Lisa Page is one. You don’t give immunity to some- proceeding with caution, concerned correct, that the prosecutors in the one without knowing what they are about the implications of the case Obama Justice Department were say- going to say. If a lawyer comes to you while not wanting to go at a total ing Hillary Clinton was grossly neg- and says, ‘‘My client wants immu- breakneck speed and risk burning ligent handling classified material but nity,’’ then you say, ‘‘Give us a proffer. sources, as they presumed Trump gross negligence is too vague so we are What is your client going to say?’’ Be- would be elected anyway. not going to charge her, then it shows cause we are not just handing out im- Further, Lisa Page confirmed inves- one of two things: the Obama DOJ had munity and then there is nothing tigators only had a paucity of evidence some of the most ignorant lawyers in worth giving immunity to get. at the start. the country working there, or the Yet the Obama Justice Department Comey, last December, similarly ac- Obama DOJ had some exceedingly dis- handed out immunity like candy to knowledged that when the FBI initi- honest lawyers working there. You anybody, it appeared, who was associ- ated its counterintelligence probe and choose. ated and had evidence of potential possible collusion between Trump cam- Going back to the article, it says: ‘‘In crimes. They could have gotten a sub- paign officials and the Russian Govern- July 2016, then-FBI Director James poena and gotten laptops of the wit- ment in July 2016, investigators, Comey’’—parenthetically, I would in- nesses, but, instead, the Obama Justice ‘‘didn’t know whether we had any- sert, another real peach—‘‘publicly an- Department said: Do you know what? thing,’’ and that, ‘‘in fact, when I was nounced at a bombshell press con- We will give you immunity not know- fired as Director in May 2017, I still ference that Clinton had been ‘ex- ing what you are going to say because didn’t know whether there was any- tremely careless’ in handling classified we really don’t want you to say any- thing to it.’’ information. . . . Federal law states thing. And that was from Comey. that gross negligence in handling the That is my interpretation, after hav- had asked, ‘‘I want to Nation’s intelligence can be punished ing read the immunity agreement. believe the path you threw out in Andy criminally with prison time or fines, And, look, the evidence you have got, McCabe’s office, that there is no way and there is no requirement that de- we just want to look, but we promise he gets elected, but I am afraid we fendants act intentionally. . . . Origi- you we will never use any of it and we can’t take the risk. It is like an insur- nally, Comey accused the former Sec- will give the stuff back. We just want ance policy in the unlikely event you retary of State of being ‘grossly neg- to look. die before you are 40.’’ And that was ligent’ ’’—using that term ‘‘grossly That is outrageous. Were these pros- the quote from the text sent from negligent’’—‘‘in handling classified in- ecutors that incompetent or were they Peter Strzok to Lisa Page in August of formation in a draft dated May 2, 2016, that dishonest? It is up to individuals 2016. but that was modified to claim that to judge for themselves. But to use a So clearly, they were talking about Clinton had merely been ‘extremely term coined by James Comey, no rea- coming up with this bogus Russia in- careless’ in a draft dated June 10, 2016.’’ sonable prosecutor would have done vestigation as an insurance policy just Comey also said: ‘‘Although there is what they did in that case. They sure in case Donald Trump got elected, then evidence of potential violations of the didn’t do it when they were trying to they could try to take him out of of- statutes regarding the handling of clas- chase down anything they possibly fice, basically, a DOJ coup for the first sified information’’—I mean, I am sure could regarding our current President, time in the history of this country. the guy from the Navy that snapped a Donald Trump. And, unfortunately, there is no few pictures on a submarine and had It was revealed last month that FBI’s George Washington around to stop this absolutely no ill intent whatsoever, top lawyer in 2016 thought Hillary Clin- attempted coup that continues today. though he apparently was acting reck- ton and her team should have imme- lessly and ended up doing prison time, diately realized they were mishandling ‘‘So, upon the opening of the cross- I am sure he would love to know that ‘‘ ‘highly classified’ information based fire hurricane investigation’’—which there was such a high standard applied on the obviously sensitive nature of was the name that these DOJ officials to Hillary Clinton while he, who put the emails’ content sent through her who have been shown to have acted to- his life on the line, ended up having to private server. And he believed’’—this tally inappropriately; that is the name do prison time for far less mens rea is the FBI’s top lawyer—‘‘that she’’— they gave the investigation into Don- than, according to Comey, what Hil- Hillary Clinton—‘‘should have been ald Trump—it goes on to say ‘‘we had a lary Clinton had. prosecuted until ‘pretty late’ in the in- number of the discussions up through ‘‘Then-Obama administration Attor- vestigation, according to a transcript and including the Director regularly in ney General Loretta Lynch was spotted of his closed-door testimony before which we were trying to find an answer meeting secretly with former President congressional committees last Octo- to the question, right, which is, is Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac as ber.’’ there somebody associated with the the probe into Hillary Clinton, which Trump campaign who is working with Lynch was overseeing, continued.’’ b 1130 the Russians in order to obtain dam- And that is pretty amazing: two And, of course, being pretty late in aging information about Hillary Clin- planes just happen to sit down and get the investigation, actually goes along ton? And given that it is August, we over to where two people can get to- with what Lisa Page said; that DOJ were very aware of the speed and sensi- gether. If it weren’t for the reporter prosecutors said, we are not charging tivity that we needed to operate who spotted a guy he thought to be Bill her. under.’’ Clinton, we would never have known And then that ties in nicely with the It is really amazing. about this. FBI lawyers saying, Okay, I thought You see, the way our justice is sup- I wonder how many DOJ officials she should have been prosecuted. But posed to work in the United States, would have lied about this if no one then it ties in, by the time the DOJ and in every State in the union, if you had spotted it. I mean, they lied lawyers/prosecutors said ‘‘we are not have probable cause to believe a crime

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:44 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.032 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2739 was committed, then you can go after the Obama DOJ was going to blow the are trying to manipulate the election, someone for that crime. door open and start spreading informa- and it is totally inappropriate. In the case of Donald Trump, his tion that people should never have had Another topic that is, I think, very campaign, and those that worked with it, making sure they got it. important, we took up in Judiciary him, they did just the opposite. They And perhaps, that explains to some Committee a bill called the Violence said, Here is Donald Trump, he has got extent how somebody like Samantha Against Women Act; it hadn’t been re- a chance of winning—though we don’t Power could have, I think it was hun- authorized in a while. And there has think he will—so let’s try to find some- dreds of American citizens’ informa- been inequality in the treatment of thing. tion unmasked. I mean, basically, they women compared to men in a number And if you go back and look, you can were running our intelligence agency of ways that needed to be addressed. find an Op Ed written by, I believe, as a political operation to go after any- And the Violence Against Women Act Bruce Ohr. And basically, it was from one that they felt like might be a po- addresses some of those. 2007 talking about Russia collusion. tential problem for a Democratic ad- But now this bill goes too far and And, of course, Donald Trump was not ministration. does damage to so many of the equality mentioned at all. And then when they Very, very alarming. gains by women over the decades. And came up with this Russia hoax inves- This article from Town Hall is really one of the problems created in the new tigation without any evidence at all, talking about the bill H.R. 1. Violence Against Women Act involves there are indications that somebody— I love the idea of making information what most people call transgender, but perhaps Brennan—had asked the Brit- more public. It was called For the Peo- the Diagnostics and Statistical Man- ish to spy on Americans so it wouldn’t ple legislation. This article says that is ual, Fifth Edition—which in many be Americans spying on Americans, really for the government. I would sub- ways the DSM–4, DSM–5—they begin to which is not supposed to happen unless mit it is really more for Democratic incorporate a great deal of politics in there is probable cause to believe they politicians. The things in there that some areas as much as they incor- have engaged in a crime or—under the would degrade our election process are porated medicine. Patriot Act—that they are conspiring phenomenal. b 1145 with a known foreign terrorist. We really ought to be going back to That is what we were sold when the paper ballots; that would be the appro- The definition or the term given in Patriot Act was reauthorized. priate thing to do, and put proper safe- DSM–5 for what is commonly called But as we have come to find out that guards on those ballots. I think it transgender is someone who suffers has been greatly loosened up by the would be a good thing to do. from gender dysphoria. That is a bit of DOJ, CIA, NSA, and they pretty much I also like RON KIND’s bill—he has a reclassification from where DSM–III go after everybody they want to. been filing ever since he has been and DSM–IV were. I found out—I had not been aware of here—that would require each person The definition they give for gender it until this week—that clear back in seeking Federal elected office to dis- dysphoria is ‘‘distress that accom- 2012, the Obama Justice Department close the identity of anyone who do- panies the incongruence between one’s made a motion to the FISA court to nates anything. You have got a $200 experienced and expressed gender and allow them to unmask information floor. And I like what RON KIND, my one’s assigned or natal gender.’’ about American citizens if—under this colleague on the other side of the aisle, Then it also defines dysphoria as a new incredibly relaxed language—it his bill he has been pushing for years, condition in which a person experi- might be of assistance to someone out- you know, whether you are a Repub- ences intense feelings of depression, side the scope that is supposed to be al- lican or Democrat, we want to elimi- discontent, and, in some cases, indiffer- lowed to see this information, if it nate this having people donate without ence to the world around them. might assist them in assessing other knowing who is donating. Some have said, well, dysphoria is information. It leaves open the possibility—and the opposite of euphoria, so it is some- Well, it doesn’t get much more vague surely, it has happened—that some- one who has difficulty dealing with the than that. And I know from having body with a lot of money could give gender with which they were born. been on the Judiciary Committee for $50, $50, $150, over and over and over. That is someone unhappy with, con- years, that until the Obama Adminis- And since you don’t have to report it, fused about, displeased with, or de- tration, I had a lot of colleagues on the who it came from, they could be vio- pressed about the gender which they other side of the aisle that were ex- lating—and criminally violating—our have. tremely concerned with privacy issues election laws. We have made so much progress over and the government gathering evidence So I hope that we will have some the years. I saw it as a felony judge. So without probable cause and the govern- cleanup of election laws, but not the often in cases involving domestic ment violating the Fourth and Fifth kind of thing that allows you to go out abuse, involving sexual assault, the Amendments. and harvest votes that didn’t happen women have not been treated fairly, Somehow during those years, I lost until after the election. and they have been demonized. Their my colleagues on the other side that We have an election day in this coun- victimization has not been properly quit being as concerned about privacy try. And to leave that election open so considered. invasions and Fourth and Fifth Amend- that you could have a Lyndon Johnson Over the years, we have gotten better ment violations, but I am not aware of style of finding votes after the fact— and our justice system has gotten bet- anybody on our Judiciary Committee whether they voted in alphabetical ter. It certainly has in Texas. that knew about this motion to just order or not—is just not a good idea. It Some people, including my old blow the door wide open. And, I think, leaves an opening for stealing elec- friend, former Congressman Ted Poe, against the wording of the law, they tions. another former felony judge from came up with a motion and got a judge We have an election day, and there Houston, saw the way women were not to sign off, apparently, to say, Okay, ought to be a cutoff; no ballots accept- always treated properly as victims of yes, you can unmask and spread infor- ed after this day, at this time. And sexual assault. mation to anybody outside the origi- don’t come bringing in a bunch of bal- Most D.A.’s offices were required to nally indicated circle, if it might help lots the next day after you find out have victim’s assistance that could them assess other information. how many ballots it is going to take to help, advise, counsel, and comfort vic- For Heaven’s sake, that is an out- overturn the election that finished the tims of sexual assault. But this Vio- rage. I couldn’t believe it when I was day before. lence Against Women Act that was reading that motion. I mean, it is third world-type activ- passed by the committee with many of And what I am saying, Mr. Speaker, ity with this election. If we heard that the Republicans voting ‘‘no’’—maybe it is not classified. It was ordered de- a dictator somewhere had put into all of us; I am not sure—it sets wom- classified back years ago. But I haven’t place some of the things in H.R. 1, we en’s rights back significantly. met anybody here in Congress that was would be outraged and say that is what I am pointing this out with a heart aware that in 2012, back at that time, a dictator does, and it is not right. You that has broken for women who I have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:38 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.034 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019 seen so abused. Sometimes it was even felt that their lives were in danger dur- shelter. Who goes to homeless shelters? harder on the women because they ing the assault. ‘The brain does not Often, very often—and I have been would end up blaming themselves. perform well for a victim during a sex- there; I have talked to them—it is There were many times when I would ual assault,’ says McCoy. She explains women who have been sexually abused. call either a woman victim or a child that this is because the ‘fight or flight’ Often, it is domestic abuse by a partner victim up because I could tell they had response kicks in. ‘Unfortunately, or a spouse or a husband. They have that mentality that ‘‘I probably de- most victims are overpowered, and nowhere else to go. They are afraid if served what I got.’’ they can do neither. They may instead they go to a friend’s home, that hus- After the trial was over, I would tell disassociate themselves from the act, band will find them. They do have to be them: You need to understand, this is and that is where the mind escapes the careful. not your fault. You didn’t deserve this. body until the assault is over.’ Right in Marshall, Texas, the inspira- This was a crime committed against ‘‘Because dissociation is common tion for Kari’s Law that we passed in you. You had nothing to do with this. among sexual assault survivors, during the last Congress, she was afraid of her It was nothing that you should have and after the event, a 2015 study looked husband. He was abusive, but she was done. It was a crime being committed into and found strong links between supposed to let him see the kids. He against you, and you were not properly dissociation and PTSD.’’ took them to a hotel room, and he protected. For that, I am sorry. It goes on to say that most people pulled her into the bathroom and beat Again, this Violence Against Women who have lived through major trauma her with his fist for many minutes. Act does not take into account what don’t develop PTSD. Unfortunately, Eventually, he took a knife and began has come to be known. As we have survivors of sexual assault and rape stabbing her over 20 times, ultimately tried to be more sensitive and caring, have particularly high chances of expe- killing her, while her young daughter and appropriately so, for female vic- riencing symptoms of the disorder. was trying to dial 911, not knowing she tims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, In fact, the overwhelming majority had to dial a prefix. and aggravated sexual assault, the of rape victims experience at least It was one event out of far too many crimes against women can be, obvi- some PTSD symptoms within just 2 events where a victim of domestic ously, committed against men and weeks. Almost a third of all women abuse, just trying to hang on and not have been. But most often, it is against continued to experience their symp- be abused further, they go to a home- women and, therefore, deserves special toms 9 months after being raped. Over- less shelter, having been abused, beat- consideration. all, more than two-thirds of all victims en, many times raped, and they think, If you go to health.com, this site has of sexual assault and rape develop at a homeless shelter, they would be information talking about female vic- stress reactions that qualify as mod- protected against triggers that would tims of sexual assault. Most people are erate or severe. make them relive the trauma of their familiar with post-traumatic stress dis- In a study published in 2005 in the aggravated rape. order, PTSD, for soldiers. But this journal ‘‘Behaviour Research and Ther- b 1200 points out: ‘‘In some ways, the trauma apy,’’ a team of British researchers ex- from sexual assault may be worse than plored the connection between un- When you talk to people who work in the trauma from combat because, nor- wanted memories in survivors of sexual those facilities, they work there be- mally, soldiers are prepared and assault and the severity of PTSD cause they care deeply about women trained for combat.’’ It points out that symptoms. The researchers found that who have been harmed. They have im- PTSD affects about 3.5 percent of U.S. assault survivors who are easily and mense hearts caring deeply. That is adults, but women are twice as likely frequently triggered by visual remind- why they are there. Yet this law will as men to have PTSD. ers of their trauma can experience a end up forcing these women to be co- For those who are not aware, there is sharp increase in their symptom’s in- habitating with biological men. a difference between men and women, tensity. Whether they are honest about feel- and these kinds of statistics bear that Then this goes—I guess it is com- ing like a woman or not, why should out. monly reported—that one out of four we pass laws that force women victims Another article from Lindsay Bur- women will be victims of sexual as- of sexual assault to be further trauma- in March of 2018 says: ‘‘For sur- sault. When you consider, if that is ac- tized? vivors of sexual assault, the odds of de- curate, those kinds of numbers, that That is not appropriate for a govern- veloping post-traumatic stress dis- you have that many women who have ment role. order, PTSD, are high: Up to 94 per- been sexually assaulted, and they go In this case from the ‘‘Toronto Sun,’’ cent,’’ and it is talking about women into a public restroom that is for a predator—who claimed to be who experience or are victims of as- women, in a confined space, having a transgender—because of his sexual sault, ‘‘experience symptoms during biological man come walking in be- crimes had been declared to be a dan- the first 2 weeks after the incident, and cause he indicates he feels like a gerous sexual offender. Let’s face it, up to 50 percent may struggle long woman that day, it can trigger those like this guy in Toronto, Canada, since term. For these survivors, day-to-day experiences of sexual assault all over you don’t have to have any overt proof, events . . . can hit especially hard. And again. Mr. Speaker, no patent proof that you like any mental health issue, PTSD Why would we do that? Women have feel like a woman, you can just say it, can be debilitating.’’ made so much progress toward equal- and people under the new Violence It also goes on to point out: ‘‘PTSD is ity. And I understand the hearts of my Against Women Act have to recognize commonly associated with combat vet- Democratic friends who wanted to it, then this will not be an isolated in- erans, but around 50 percent of PTSD allow transgenders to go in any rest- cident. cases in the U.S. develop in the after- room they feel like they should go I have seen it, I have prosecuted it, math of sexual or physical violence. into. I understand they want to help and I have sentenced it. These preda- Despite the high number, it is impor- people who are often victims of abuse tors look for any way they can to get tant to recognize that some sexual as- themselves. I get the desire to help a woman in a defensive position—a sault survivors feel ‘okay’ afterward, them, but why traumatize women when woman or a child—someone whom they and that is equally valid. it is unnecessary? can render helpless. If they will drill ‘‘ ‘Being sexually assaulted or abused We had people in the community say, holes through walls so they can spy, do is such an invasion of our body, per- well, there is no indication anybody you think they wouldn’t go to the trou- sonal space, and safety,’ says Kandee has ever been bothered by having a bio- ble of walking in? Lewis, executive director of The Posi- logical man come into a women’s rest- Because if you drill a hole and spy, tive Results Corporation. ‘People often room or private facilities for women. I Mr. Speaker, you can be arrested for can’t move past that point.’ am sure they were being sincere. They being a Peeping Tom. But if you, under ‘‘Psychotherapist Akiami McCoy, were not familiar, but they abound. the new proposed laws, simply say: ‘‘I LCSW, LCSW–C, explains that PTSD is That is why there is a lawsuit in feel like a woman today,’’ then you can more common among survivors who Fresno, California. This is a homeless go in and be a voyeur all you want to,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.036 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2741 and it opens the door to sexual devi- sports consisting of the women and the kinds of hate. Of course, they didn’t ants that should not have a door avail- men who say they are women, and it mention the kind of political hate that able to them. will end the equality, the fairness that would cause a Democrat—and if it had There is another here from ‘‘The Cou- has come to be known in Title IX and been a Republican who supported Don- rier’’ in the U.K. The mom of a super- through women’s sports and women’s ald Trump, that would have been what market sexual assault victim warns professional sports, that they will be- everybody talked about, oh, gosh, this that her attacker will strike again. come co-ed sports. It is tremendously is what Trump inspires, but since it Regarding the lawsuit from the East- unfair to women. was a Bernie Sanders supporter, I don’t ern District of California about the Now, the final thing I want to bring know of any Republican, including me, man who claimed to be transgender, up is the resolution we took up in here who has blamed BERNIE SANDERS for why would we pass a law that would regarding hate last week. The reason the criminal who shot STEVE SCALISE undo the great appropriate advances that all came about were specific com- and tried to kill my baseball friends that have occurred for women’s rights ments by a Member of the House that and colleagues. He wanted to kill them toward equality and toward not being most everyone here, not all, but most all, but that wasn’t singled out. victimized? believe were anti-Semitic. For those in In fact, when we were taking testi- I know the intention is to try to help Congress who don’t understand, anti- mony on gun crime in Judiciary, the people who have gender dysphoria, gen- Semitic comments are not criticism of majority would not even allow STEVE der confusion, from being victims so one person for something they have SCALISE to testify. Oh, well, if he they can walk into any restroom they said or done. That is not anti-Semitic, comes in and testifies, it might open want to, but it is a mistake that will even if that person happens to be Jew- the door to all kinds of other Members do far more damage to women, and it is ish. It is not. So when I criticized of Congress. just tragic to have that kind of law in- George Soros for damage I believe he Well, why don’t you just say that we cluded in the Violence Against Women has done to my country by the things will restrict the testimony from Mem- Act. that he has contributed to, by the dam- bers of Congress to those who have It was mentioned by a friend across age he has done to countries yearning been shot by somebody who hates them the aisle—and I know his motivation. to be free in Europe as he has pushed and their party? He has a big heart and he cares about them toward socialism—why would a How about that? people who are victims, and that in- billionaire push people toward social- But STEVE was not even allowed to cludes people who have gender dys- ism? come testify before our committee. phoria—but he was bragging about—ap- Because socialism means everybody That kind of thing was not mentioned parently according to what he said— is treated equally. in what was, basically, we are against that equality law was being passed yes- It is because he knows that in a So- all kinds of hate, except for that, and terday that will open the door to equal- cialist country after you eliminate the we are also not going to call out the ity for transgender across sports and middle class, what you are left with, hate that causes the hate hoaxes which education and across the board. Mr. Speaker, is a very thin veneer of a there seem to be a rash of people say- We are already seeing something that ruling class and everybody else who is ing they are the victim of some hate is just incredible. Martina Navratilova ruled over by the ruling class. That is when actually it is their hate that cre- is probably one of the top five women where socialism goes. Some billion- ated a hoax. But I have made loud and clear rep- tennis players of all time and has been aires think, oh, they will be there in etitiously, the reason I and 22 others an icon for so many tennis players, es- that tiny, little, ruling class, not un- derstanding that historically if you go voted against that resolution was be- pecially for liberal tennis players, lib- to full-bore socialism or communism, cause it did not do what it should have eral women, because she has fought so you are going to end up killing off the done, and that is, call out specific anti- for gay rights. Yet she is now being at- billionaires and taking their money. So Semitic comments. tacked because she dared to say that it is an amazing thing to see that. Now, some were bothered that I said she didn’t think that someone who is a I am also aware that even ’s de- that there is no moral equivalence be- biological man with biological advan- fense ministry has pointed out the tween the Holocaust and say the years tages over a biological woman, in most damage that George Soros has done to of slavery, the slavery that is con- cases, should be able to compete in Israel. Because I have criticized George tinuing today. I was shocked to find women’s tennis. Soros, people say: Oh, you are anti-Se- out this year that there are 40 million How is that something to beat her up mitic. slaves in the world today, more than for verbally? It is not anti-Semitic to criticize any time in history. We ought to do all How is that something to abuse her somebody for things they have done, we can to stop it. It is horrendous. It for? things they are paying for, or things What will happen to the great did so much damage to the core of this they are contributing to just because country for far too long. But there is a progress of equality for women if that they happen to be Jewish. What makes bill becomes law will be it will elimi- special hatred that the Jewish people it anti-Semitic is when you slander or have experienced that we need to stop nate women’s sports. You may occa- libel an entire race or group of people sionally have a woman who desires to when it starts. For those morons who and smear them as all having the same didn’t know, I voted against the first compete as a man who is extraordinary characteristics and belittle them as a and can win some things. The doctors anti-hate resolution. group. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance talk about the potential for greater So there was a resolution that was of my time. muscle mass, they are built differently, supposed to address specific anti-Se- f can do better in some sports than mitic remarks by a Member of Con- women can, as a general rule. And, yes, gress, and then we hear, well, there ADJOURNMENT I know there are women that could were protests because they didn’t want Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I move kick the rear of many men, including her condemned for anti-Semitic re- that the House do now adjourn. me, I know, I get that. But we are talk- marks. So it got watered down. The motion was agreed to; accord- ing about competition at the highest I printed out the copy of the resolu- ingly (at 12 o’clock and 15 minutes levels, and it is grossly unfair to allow tion as it was at 3 o’clock that after- p.m.), under its previous order, the a biological man to compete in wom- noon. I came over here ready to speak House adjourned until Monday, March en’s sports. No matter how gender against that resolution because it had 18, 2019, at noon. dysphorically confused the person is, it been so watered down, and I was told: f is unfair to the great progress of wom- well, actually, that one got pulled and en’s equality. they watered it down even further, and EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, What that bill will do if it becomes here is the new one, as of about 3:20 ETC. the law is it will bring an end to wom- that afternoon. Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive en’s sports. You will be left with main- It kept being watered down until it communications were taken from the ly men’s sports and co-ed sports—co-ed basically said that we are against all Speaker’s table and referred as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:38 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.038 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2742 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019 376. A letter from the Director, Office of tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s 393. A letter from the General Counsel, Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Insur- final rule — Air Quality Designation for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, ance Corporation, transmitting the Corpora- 2010 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Primary National transmitting the Commission’s final rule — tion’s joint final rule — Community Rein- Ambient Air Quality Standard; Arkansas; Implementation of Amended Section vestment Act Regulations (RIN: 3064-AE97) Redesignation of the Independence County 203(a)(1)(B) of the Federal Power Act [Docket received March 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Area [EPA-R06-OAR-2018-0624; FRL-9990-00- No.: RM19-4-000; Order No.: 855] received 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Region 6] received March 13, 2019, pursuant March 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Financial to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Services. Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and 377. A letter from the Director, Office of Energy and Commerce. Commerce. Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Insur- 386. A letter from the Director, Regulatory 394. A letter from the Chairman, Council of ance Corporation, transmitting the Corpora- Management Division, Environmental Pro- the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. tion’s final rule — Limited Exception for a tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s Act 22-563, ‘‘Short-Term Rental Regulation Capped Amount of Reciprocal Deposits From final rule — Approval and Promulgation of Act of 2018’’, pursuant to Public Law 93-198, Treatment as Brokered Deposits (RIN: 3064- Air Quality Implementation Plans; Mary- Sec. 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee AE89) received March 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 land; Amendment to Control of Emissions of on Oversight and Reform. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Volatile Organic Compounds from Consumer 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Fi- Products [EPA-R03-OAR-2018-0153; FRL-9990- f nancial Services. 86-Region 3] received March 13, 2019, pursu- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 378. A letter from the Director, Office of ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Insur- 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee Under clause 2 of rule XII, public ance Corporation, transmitting the Corpora- on Energy and Commerce. bills and resolutions of the following tion’s final rule — Depository Institution 387. A letter from the Director, Regulatory titles were introduced and severally re- Management Interlocks Act (RIN: 3064-AE92) Management Division, Environmental Pro- ferred, as follows: received March 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 final rule — Approval and Promulgation of By Mr. BRADY (for himself, Mr. SMITH Stat. 868); to the Committee on Financial Implementation Plans; California; South of Nebraska, Mrs. WALORSKI, Mr. Services. Coast Serious Area Plan for the 2006 PM2.5 NUNES, Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. MARCH- 379. A letter from the Senior Counsel for NAAQS; Correction [EPA-R09-OAR-2017-0490; ANT, Mr. REED, Mr. KELLY of Penn- Regulatory Affairs, Office of Financial Re- FRL-9990-89-Region 9] received March 13, sylvania, Mr. LAHOOD, Mr. search, Department of the Treasury, trans- 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public WENSTRUP, Mr. ARRINGTON, Mr. FER- mitting the Department’s final rule — Ongo- Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the GUSON, Mr. ESTES, Mr. SMUCKER, Mr. ing Data Collection of Centrally Cleared Committee on Energy and Commerce. MEUSER, Mr. TIMMONS, Mr. BANKS, Transactions in the U.S. Repurchase Agree- 388. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Mr. GIANFORTE, Mr. JOHNSON of Lou- ment Market (RIN: 1505-AC58) received Management Division, Environmental Pro- isiana, Mr. MITCHELL, and Mrs. MIL- March 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s LER): 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 final rule — Clean Air Plans; 2008 8-Hour H.R. 1753. A bill to amend part A of title IV Stat. 868); to the Committee on Financial Ozone Nonattainment Area Requirements; of the Social Security Act, and for other pur- Services. San Joaquin Valley, California; Correction poses; to the Committee on Ways and Means. 380. A letter from the PRAO Branch Chief, [EPA-R09-OAR-2018-0535; FRL-9990-90-Region By Mr. TONKO (for himself, Mr. BARR, Food and Nutrition Service, Department of 9] received March 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 Ms. TITUS, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. BLU- Agriculture, transmitting the Department’s U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. MENAUER, Mr. CA´ RDENAS, Ms. CASTOR final rule — Hiring Flexibility Under Profes- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- of Florida, Mr. KILMER, Mr. SEAN sional Standards [FNS-2017-0039] (RIN: 0584- ergy and Commerce. PATRICK MALONEY of New York, Mr. AE60) received March 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 389. A letter from the Director, Regulatory SUOZZI, Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. COHEN, Mr. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Management Division, Environmental Pro- MEEKS, Ms. DELAURO, Miss RICE of 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Edu- tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s New York, Mr. COLLINS of New York, cation and Labor. final rule — Oklahoma: Final Authorization Ms. GABBARD, Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI, 381. A letter from the Assistant General of State Hazardous Waste Management Pro- Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. Counsel for Legislation, Regulation and En- gram Revision [EPA-R06-RCA-2017-0324; WATKINS, Mrs. WALORSKI, Mr. COOK, ergy Efficiency, Office of Fossil Energy, De- FRL-9990-04-Region 6] received March 13, Mr. JOYCE of Ohio, Mr. WOODALL, Mr. partment of Energy, transmitting the De- 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public HOLLINGSWORTH, Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. partment’s final rule — SPR Standard Sales Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the CARTER of Georgia, and Mr. KATKO): Provisions (RIN: 1901-AB29) received March Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 1754. A bill to improve the integrity 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); 390. A letter from the Deputy Chief, Con- and safety of horseracing by requiring a uni- Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to sumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, form anti-doping and medication control the Committee on Energy and Commerce. Federal Communications Commission, trans- program to be developed and enforced by an 382. A letter from the Director, Regula- mitting the Commission’s final rule — Ad- independent Horseracing Anti-Doping and tions Policy and Management Staff, Depart- vanced Methods to Target and Eliminate Un- Medication Control Authority; to the Com- ment of Health and Human Services, trans- lawful Robocalls [CG Docket No.: 17-59] re- mittee on Energy and Commerce. mitting the Department’s final rule — Food ceived March 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. By Mr. ROY: Additives Permitted in Feed and Drinking 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 H.R. 1755. A bill to provide for congres- Water of Animals; Selenomethionine Hy- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and sional approval of national emergency dec- droxy Analogue [Docket No.: FDA-2015-F- Commerce. 2712] received March 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 391. A letter from the Deputy Chief, Dis- larations, and for other purposes; to the U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. ability Rights Office, Consumer and Govern- Committee on Transportation and Infra- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- mental Affairs Bureau, Federal Communica- structure, and in addition to the Committees ergy and Commerce. tions Commission, transmitting the Com- on Foreign Affairs, and Rules, for a period to 383. A letter from the Director, Regulatory mission’s final rule — Misuse of Internal be subsequently determined by the Speaker, Management Division, Environmental Pro- Protocol (IP) Captioned Telephone Service in each case for consideration of such provi- tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s [CG Docket No.: 13-24]; Telecommunications sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the final rule — Air Plan Approval; GA: Emis- Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Serv- committee concerned. sion Reduction Credits [EPA-R04-OAR-2009- ices for Individuals with Hearing and Speech By Ms. TLAIB (for herself, Mrs. DIN- 0226; FRL-9990-74-Region 4] received March Disabilities [CG Docket No.: 03-123] received GELL, Mr. COHEN, Mr. LAWSON of Flor- 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); March 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ida, Ms. PLASKETT, Ms. CLARKE of Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 New York, Mr. RICHMOND, Ms. WILSON the Committee on Energy and Commerce. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and of Florida, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Mr. 384. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Commerce. BUTTERFIELD, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Ms. Management Division, Environmental Pro- 392. A letter from the Deputy Chief, Legal OCASIO-CORTEZ, Ms. NORTON, Ms. tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s and Policy, Auctions Division, Office of Eco- PRESSLEY, Ms. OMAR, Ms. HILL of final rule — Air Plan Approval; Massachu- nomics and Analytics, Federal Communica- California, Ms. LEE of California, Ms. setts; High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes [EPA- tions Commission, transmitting the Com- ESCOBAR, Ms. JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. R01-OAR-2018-0790; FRL-9990-94-Region 1] re- mission’s fail rule — Connect America Fund GREEN of Texas, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. ceived March 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. [WC Docket No.: 10-90]; Universal Service Re- GARCI´A of Illinois, Mr. MCGOVERN, 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 form — Mobility Fund [WT Docket No.: 10- Ms. JAYAPAL, and Ms. SHALALA): Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and 208] received March 13, 2019, pursuant to 5 H.R. 1756. A bill to amend the Fair Credit Commerce. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Reporting Act to prohibit the use of con- 385. A letter from the Director, Regulatory 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- sumer reports and consumer information in Management Division, Environmental Pro- ergy and Commerce. making any determination involving auto

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insurance with respect to a consumer, and Ms. ADAMS, Ms. KELLY of Illinois, Ms. members in North Korea; to the Committee for other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- WILSON of Florida, Mr. BISHOP of on Foreign Affairs. nancial Services. Georgia, Mr. RICHMOND, Ms. MCCOL- By Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee: By Ms. UNDERWOOD (for herself and LUM, Ms. LEE of California, Ms. H.R. 1772. A bill to amend title 18, United Mr. CASTEN of Illinois): CLARKE of New York, and Mr. States Code, to penalize false communica- H.R. 1757. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- PERRY): tions to cause an emergency response, and enue Code of 1986 to increase the limitation H.R. 1765. A bill to amend title XVIII of the for other purposes; to the Committee on the on the amount individuals can deduct for Social Security Act to provide coverage Judiciary. certain State and local taxes; to the Com- under the Medicare program for FDA-ap- By Ms. SPEIER (for herself, Mr. mittee on Ways and Means. proved qualifying colorectal cancer screen- FITZPATRICK, Mr. HUFFMAN, and Mr. By Mrs. HARTZLER: ing blood-based tests, and for other purposes; DESAULNIER): H.R. 1758. A bill to provide for the retro- to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, H.R. 1773. A bill to award a Congressional active application of the mandatory increase and in addition to the Committee on Ways Gold Medal, collectively, to the women in in insurance coverage under the and Means, for a period to be subsequently the United States who joined the workforce Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance for determined by the Speaker, in each case for during World War II, providing the aircraft, members of the Armed Forces deployed to consideration of such provisions as fall with- vehicles, weaponry, ammunition and other combat theaters of operation; to the Com- in the jurisdiction of the committee con- material to win the war, that were referred mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. cerned. to as ‘‘Rosie the Riveter’’, in recognition of By Mrs. MURPHY (for herself, Mrs. By Mr. MITCHELL (for himself, Mr. their contributions to the United States and the inspiration they have provided to ensu- WALORSKI, Ms. TORRES SMALL of New KRISHNAMOORTHI, Ms. STEFANIK, and ing generations; to the Committee on Finan- Mexico, and Mr. LAHOOD): Mr. HARDER of California): H.R. 1759. A bill to amend title III of the H.R. 1766. A bill to establish a postsec- cial Services, and in addition to the Com- Social Security Act to extend reemployment ondary student data system; to the Com- mittee on House Administration, for a period services and eligibility assessments to all mittee on Education and Labor. to be subsequently determined by the Speak- claimants for unemployment compensation, By Ms. MATSUI (for herself, Mr. er, in each case for consideration of such pro- and for other purposes; to the Committee on visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the MULLIN, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Ms. Ways and Means. committee concerned. BONAMICI, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Ms. By Mr. FLORES (for himself and Mr. By Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois (for CLARKE of New York, Mr. COLE, Mr. MCNERNEY): himself, Mr. LIPINSKI, and Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. DEFA- H.R. 1760. A bill to require the Secretary of KRISHNAMOORTHI): ZIO, Mr. DESAULNIER, Mrs. DINGELL, Energy to establish and carry out a program H.R. 1774. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Mr. EMMER, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. to support the availability of HA-LEU for do- enue Code of 1986 to allow employers a credit mestic commercial use, and for other pur- GOTTHEIMER, Mr. HIGGINS of New against income tax for employees who par- poses; to the Committee on Energy and Com- York, Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Okla- ticipate in qualified apprenticeship pro- merce. homa, Mr. KATKO, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. grams; to the Committee on Ways and By Mr. GOSAR (for himself, Mr. MEAD- KING of New York, Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Means, and in addition to the Committee on ´ OWS, Mr. DESJARLAIS, Mr. GAETZ, Mr. Mr. LUJAN, Mr. LYNCH, Mr. SEAN PAT- Oversight and Reform, for a period to be sub- HICE of Georgia, Mr. BROOKS of Ala- RICK MALONEY of New York, Ms. sequently determined by the Speaker, in bama, Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. COLLINS of MCCOLLUM, Ms. MENG, Mr. PETERSON, each case for consideration of such provi- New York, Mr. STEUBE, Mr. MOONEY Miss RICE of New York, Ms. ROYBAL- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the of West Virginia, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. ALLARD, Mr. SCHRADER, Mr. SERRANO, committee concerned. KING of Iowa, Mr. CLOUD, Mr. NOR- Mr. SIRES, Mr. STAUBER, Ms. By Mr. STAUBER (for himself and Mr. MAN, Mr. GIBBS, Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. STEFANIK, Mr. TONKO, and Ms. WILD): DESAULNIER): H.R. 1767. A bill to increase the number of GRIFFITH, Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. H.R. 1775. A bill to establish a task force on States that may conduct Medicaid dem- BIGGS, Mr. MASSIE, Mr. BUDD, Mr. NOTAM improvements, and for other pur- onstration programs to improve access to GUEST, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. LAM- poses; to the Committee on Transportation community mental health services, and for BORN, Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. LAMALFA, and Infrastructure. other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Mr. DUNCAN): By Mr. BLUMENAUER (for himself and H.R. 1761. A bill to prohibit Federal fund- and Commerce. Mr. FITZPATRICK): ing of State firearm ownership databases, By Ms. MATSUI (for herself, Mr. LONG, H.R. 1776. A bill to amend the Lacey Act and for other purposes; to the Committee on Mr. LOWENTHAL, and Mr. WITTMAN): Amendments of 1981 to prohibit importation, the Judiciary. H.R. 1768. A bill to reauthorize subtitle G exportation, transportation, sale, receipt, ac- By Mr. CONNOLLY (for himself, Mr. of title VII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, quisition, and purchase in interstate or for- YOHO, Mr. BERA, Mr. BEYER, Mr. relating to diesel emissions reduction, and eign commerce, or in a manner substantially BISHOP of Georgia, Ms. BLUNT ROCH- for other purposes; to the Committee on En- affecting interstate or foreign commerce, of ESTER, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, Mr. CASE, ergy and Commerce. any live animal of any prohibited wildlife Mr. COHEN, Mr. COOPER, Ms. By Mr. WELCH (for himself, Mr. SIMP- species; to the Committee on Natural Re- DELBENE, Mr. KILMER, Mr. KIND, Mr. SON, Mr. GALLAGHER, Mr. GROTHMAN, sources. KING of New York, Mr. LONG, Mr. Ms. STEFANIK, Mr. DUFFY, Mr. COURT- By Ms. BONAMICI (for herself, Mr. MULLIN, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. RICE of NEY, Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, DEUTCH, Mr. CRIST, Mr. GRIJALVA, South Carolina, Mr. SHIMKUS, Ms. Mr. LARSEN of Washington, Mr. KIND, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Ms. NORTON, Ms. SPEIER, Mr. TAKANO, Mr. WOODALL, Ms. DELBENE, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. COHEN, Mr. and Mr. WOMACK): SCHRADER, Ms. KUSTER of New Hamp- CICILLINE, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. H.R. 1762. A bill to provide high-skilled shire, Mr. MARSHALL, Mr. REED, Mr. JAYAPAL, Mr. SWALWELL of Cali- visas for nationals of the Republic of Korea, PETERSON, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. fornia, Miss RICE of New York, Mr. and for other purposes; to the Committee on BRINDISI, Mr. GIBBS, Mr. JOYCE of MOULTON, Ms. FRANKEL, Mr. PAL- the Judiciary. Pennsylvania, Mr. TONKO, Mr. COL- LONE, Ms. HAALAND, and Mr. JOHNSON By Ms. SEWELL of Alabama (for her- LINS of New York, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, of Georgia): self, Mr. KATKO, Ms. TORRES SMALL of Mr. MITCHELL, Mr. LONG, Mr. H.R. 1777. A bill to amend the Older Ameri- New Mexico, and Mr. RODNEY DAVIS MOOLENAAR, Mr. SMUCKER, Mr. cans Act of 1965 to provide equal treatment of Illinois): NEWHOUSE, and Mr. DELGADO): of LGBT older individuals, and for other pur- H.R. 1763. A bill to amend title XVIII of the H.R. 1769. A bill to require enforcement poses; to the Committee on Education and Social Security Act to provide for the dis- against misbranded milk alternatives; to the Labor. tribution of additional residency positions, Committee on Energy and Commerce. By Mr. BRINDISI (for himself and Mr. and for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. MCCAUL (for himself, Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania): Ways and Means, and in addition to the Com- PETERSON, and Mr. CUELLAR): H.R. 1778. A bill to amend the Immigration mittee on Energy and Commerce, for a pe- H.R. 1770. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- and Nationality Act to provide a special rule riod to be subsequently determined by the enue Code of 1986 to exclude from gross in- for the period of admission of H-2A non- Speaker, in each case for consideration of come certain amounts realized on the dis- immigrants employed as dairy workers and such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- position of property raised or produced by a sheepherders, and for other purposes; to the tion of the committee concerned. student agriculturist, and for other purposes; Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition By Mr. GARAMENDI: to the Committee on Ways and Means. to the Committee on Education and Labor, H.R. 1764. A bill to amend the Federal By Ms. MENG (for herself, Mr. SHER- for a period to be subsequently determined Water Pollution Control Act with respect to MAN, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. by the Speaker, in each case for consider- permitting terms, and for other purposes; to MCGOVERN, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- the Committee on Transportation and Infra- NORTON, Mr. CISNEROS, Mr. WOODALL, risdiction of the committee concerned. structure. Ms. BASS, and Ms. GABBARD): By Ms. BROWNLEY of California: By Mr. PAYNE (for himself, Mr. H.R. 1771. A bill to require consultations on H.R. 1779. A bill to amend titles 10 and 38, MARCHANT, Ms. SEWELL of Alabama, reuniting Korean Americans with family United States Code, to authorize a person

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:38 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L14MR7.100 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2744 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019

awarded the Medal of Honor to designate an linois, Mr. PERLMUTTER, Mr. late enrollment penalty; to the Committee individual to receive the special pension DESAULNIER, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to after death, and for other purposes; to the HASTINGS, Mr. MEEKS, Ms. CLARK of the Committee on Ways and Means, for a pe- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, and in addi- Massachusetts, Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. SOTO, riod to be subsequently determined by the tion to the Committee on Armed Services, Mr. COURTNEY, Mr. SERRANO, Ms. Speaker, in each case for consideration of for a period to be subsequently determined WILSON of Florida, Mr. BERA, Mr. such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- by the Speaker, in each case for consider- GALLEGO, Ms. OCASIO-CORTEZ, Mrs. tion of the committee concerned. ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- LOWEY, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. LARSON of By Mr. HUFFMAN (for himself and Mr. risdiction of the committee concerned. Connecticut, Mr. BROWN of Maryland, PRICE of North Carolina): By Mr. BYRNE (for himself, Mr. NEAL, Mr. KILMER, Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. NOR- H.R. 1789. A bill to eliminate the discount Mr. TONKO, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. HIGGINS CROSS, Mr. RUIZ, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. for UHF television stations for purposes of of New York, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. LAWSON of Florida, the limitation on the aggregate national au- FITZPATRICK, Mr. LYNCH, Mr. MCGOV- Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Ms. FUDGE, Ms. dience reach of television broadcast stations ERN, Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- KAPTUR, Mr. KEATING, Ms. TITUS, Mr. in which a party may have a cognizable in- sylvania, and Mr. KING of New York): MCEACHIN, Mrs. HAYES, Mr. BLU- terest; to the Committee on Energy and H.R. 1780. A bill to establish the Commis- MENAUER, Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALO- Commerce. sion to study the potential creation of a Na- NEY of New York, Mr. RUSH, Mr. By Mr. KIND (for himself and Mr. tional Museum of Irish American History, AGUILAR, Mrs. CRAIG, Mr. KENNEDY, SCHWEIKERT): and for other purposes; to the Committee on Ms. MENG, Ms. UNDERWOOD, Mr. H.R. 1790. A bill to require any amounts re- Natural Resources, and in addition to the LUJA´ N, Ms. JUDY CHU of California, maining in Members’ Representational Al- Committee on House Administration, for a Mr. YARMUTH, Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI, lowances at the end of a fiscal year to be de- period to be subsequently determined by the Mr. CONNOLLY, Ms. MATSUI, Ms. SE- posited in the Treasury and used for deficit Speaker, in each case for consideration of WELL of Alabama, Mr. PANETTA, Mr. reduction or to reduce the Federal debt; to such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- RYAN, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. HIGGINS of New the Committee on House Administration. tion of the committee concerned. York, Mr. SUOZZI, Mr. BEYER, Mr. By Mr. LARSEN of Washington (for By Mr. CARTER of Georgia (for him- DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. CLAY, himself, Mr. CARTER of Texas, Mrs. self, Mr. O’HALLERAN, Mr. RICE of Mrs. MURPHY, Mr. CA´ RDENAS, Mr. RODGERS of Washington, Mr. CON- South Carolina, Mr. PANETTA, Mr. SCHNEIDER, Mrs. DAVIS of California, NOLLY, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. GIANFORTE, and Mr. WELCH): Ms. WATERS, Ms. DELBENE, and Ms. WILSON of South Carolina, and Mr. H.R. 1781. A bill to amend titles XVIII and KUSTER of New Hampshire): WITTMAN): XIX of the Social Security Act to provide H.R. 1784. A bill to allow Americans to earn H.R. 1791. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission paid sick time so that they can address their enue Code of 1986 to exempt survivor benefit and the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Ac- own health needs and the health needs of annuity plan payments from the individual cess Commission with access to certain drug their families; to the Committee on Edu- alternative minimum tax; to the Committee payment information, including certain re- cation and Labor, and in addition to the on Ways and Means. bate information; to the Committee on En- Committees on House Administration, and By Mr. LEVIN of California (for him- ergy and Commerce, and in addition to the Oversight and Reform, for a period to be sub- self, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Ms. HILL of Committee on Ways and Means, for a period sequently determined by the Speaker, in California, Mrs. LURIA, and Ms. to be subsequently determined by the Speak- each case for consideration of such provi- SPANBERGER): er, in each case for consideration of such pro- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the H.R. 1792. A bill to amend title 10, United visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. States Code, to address health, safety, and committee concerned. By Mr. GOLDEN (for himself and Mr. environmental hazards at private military By Ms. DELAURO: THOMPSON of Pennsylvania): housing units, to prohibit the payment by H.R. 1782. A bill to establish and strength- H.R. 1785. A bill to amend the Fair Labor members of the Armed Forces of deposits or en projects that defray the cost of related in- Standards Act of 1938 to exempt certain 16- other fees relating to such housing units, struction associated with pre-apprenticeship and 17-year-old individuals employed in tim- and for other purposes; to the Committee on and qualified apprenticeship programs, and ber harvesting entities or mechanized timber Armed Services. for other purposes; to the Committee on harvesting entities from child labor laws, By Mr. LEWIS (for himself, Mr. DANNY Education and Labor. and for other purposes; to the Committee on K. DAVIS of Illinois, and Ms. NORTON): By Ms. DELAURO: Education and Labor. H.R. 1793. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- H.R. 1783. A bill to provide for increased By Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto enue Code of 1986 to provide that a deduction scrutiny with respect to pesticide residues of Rico (for herself, Mr. YOUNG, Ms. equal to fair market value shall be allowed glyphosate, and for other purposes; to the VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. DUFFY, Mr. SERRANO, for charitable contributions of literary, mu- Committee on Agriculture, and in addition Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. GRIJALVA, sical, artistic, or scholarly compositions cre- to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsyl- ated by the donor; to the Committee on for a period to be subsequently determined vania, and Mr. SUOZZI): Ways and Means. by the Speaker, in each case for consider- H.R. 1786. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- By Mr. LEWIS: ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- enue Code of 1986 to repeal the limitation on H.R. 1794. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- risdiction of the committee concerned. the cover over of distilled spirits taxes to enue Code of 1986 to provide an exclusion By Ms. DELAURO (for herself, Mr. Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands and to trans- from gross income for AmeriCorps edu- SCOTT of Virginia, Ms. ADAMS, Mr. fer a portion of such cover over to the Puerto cational awards; to the Committee on Ways HECK, Mr. KHANNA, Mrs. DINGELL, Ms. Rico Conservation Trust Fund; to the Com- and Means. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Miss RICE of mittee on Ways and Means. By Mr. TED LIEU of California (for New York, Mr. SWALWELL of Cali- By Mr. HASTINGS (for himself, Mr. himself and Ms. STEFANIK): fornia, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. THOMPSON of H.R. 1795. A bill to authorize the Secretary LOWENTHAL, Ms. MOORE, Mr. PETERS, Mississippi, Ms. FRANKEL, and Mr. of Defense, upon request of the Ministry of Mr. SABLAN, Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, DEUTCH): Defense of Israel and with the concurrence of Mr. COHEN, Mr. MORELLE, Mr. POCAN, H.R. 1787. A bill to amend the Omnibus the Secretary of State, to carry out re- Ms. JAYAPAL, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to search, development, test, and evaluation ac- CARBAJAL, Ms. HAALAND, Mr. impose certain additional requirements on tivities, on a joint basis with Israel, to estab- MOULTON, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mr. applicants for COPS grants, and for other lish directed energy capabilities that address HUFFMAN, Ms. FRANKEL, Ms. PINGREE, purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- threats to the United States, deployed forces Mr. GOMEZ, Ms. SPEIER, Mr. MCGOV- ary. of the United States, or Israel, and for other ERN, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Mr. FOSTER, Ms. By Ms. HILL of California (for herself, purposes; to the Committee on Armed Serv- OMAR, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. SMITH of Mr. NADLER, Mr. GARAMENDI, Ms. ices, and in addition to the Committee on Washington, Mr. LEVIN of Michigan, NORTON, Ms. BROWNLEY of California, Foreign Affairs, for a period to be subse- Ms. WEXTON, Mr. COOPER, Ms. Mrs. TRAHAN, Mr. PERLMUTTER, Mr. quently determined by the Speaker, in each BONAMICI, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Ms. DEAN, COX of California, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, case for consideration of such provisions as Mr. CICILLINE, Mr. DEUTCH, Ms. Mr. ROUDA, Ms. LOFGREN, Ms. KUSTER fall within the jurisdiction of the committee DEGETTE, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. NAD- of New Hampshire, Ms. UNDERWOOD, concerned. LER, Mr. TONKO, Ms. GABBARD, Ms. Mr. ROSE of New York, and Mr. By Mr. MCKINLEY (for himself, Mr. NORTON, Ms. WILD, Mr. BRENDAN F. BABIN): PETERSON, Mr. STAUBER, Mr. MOONEY BOYLE of Pennsylvania, Mr. PALLONE, H.R. 1788. A bill to amend title XVIII of the of West Virginia, Mr. ARMSTRONG, Ms. ESHOO, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Ms. Social Security Act to limit the penalty for Mr. GIANFORTE, Ms. SEWELL of Ala- BROWNLEY of California, Mr. TAKANO, late enrollment under part B of the Medicare bama, and Mr. VEASEY): Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New Program to 15 percent and twice the period H.R. 1796. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- York, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. of no enrollment, and to exclude periods of enue Code of 1986 to modify the qualifying JOHNSON of Georgia, Ms. KELLY of Il- COBRA, retiree, and VA coverage from such advanced coal project credit, and for other

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:38 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L14MR7.100 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2745 purposes; to the Committee on Ways and tion of the centennial of the establishment calling for her immediate release, and for Means. of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier; to the other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign By Ms. NORTON: Committee on Financial Services. Affairs. H.R. 1797. A bill to amend title 40, United By Mr. YOUNG: By Mr. CORREA (for himself, Ms. States Code, to remove the authority of the H.R. 1806. A bill to amend the Marine BARRAGA´ N, Mr. CA´ RDENAS, Mr. CAS- National Capital Planning Commission with Mammal Protection Act of 1972 to protect TRO of Texas, Ms. CASTOR of Florida, respect to property owned by the District of the cultural practices and livelihoods of pro- Mr. CISNEROS, Mrs. DINGELL, Mr. Columbia, and for other purposes; to the ducers of Alaska Native handicrafts and fos- ESPAILLAT, Mr. FOSTER, Ms. GARCIA Committee on Oversight and Reform. silized ivory products, and for other pur- of Texas, Mr. GALLEGO, Ms. HAALAND, By Miss RICE of New York: poses; to the Committee on Natural Re- Mr. HASTINGS, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Ms. H.R. 1798. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- sources. OCASIO-CORTEZ, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. PA- enue Code of 1986 to increase the deduction By Mr. YOUNG: NETTA, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. SIRES, Mrs. allowed for student loan interest and to ex- H.R. 1807. A bill to extend the authoriza- TORRES of California, Mr. VARGAS, clude from gross income discharges of in- tion of appropriations to the Department of Mr. VELA, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Ms. NOR- come contingent or income-based student Veterans Affairs for purposes of awarding TON, Mr. SOTO, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mrs. loan indebtedness; to the Committee on grants to veterans service organizations for CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York, Ways and Means, and in addition to the Com- the transportation of highly rural veterans; Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, mittee on Education and Labor, for a period to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Ms. TITUS, Mr. NADLER, Ms. ROYBAL- to be subsequently determined by the Speak- By Mr. RATCLIFFE (for himself, Mr. ALLARD, Ms. MUCARSEL-POWELL, Ms. er, in each case for consideration of such pro- BABIN, and Mr. WRIGHT): SPEIER, Ms. TORRES SMALL of New visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the H.J. Res. 51. A joint resolution proposing a Mexico, Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois, Ms. committee concerned. balanced budget amendment to the Constitu- WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. TAKANO, By Mr. SENSENBRENNER (for him- tion of the United States; to the Committee Mr. COHEN, Mr. KHANNA, Ms. self, Mr. HURD of Texas, Mrs. BEATTY, on the Judiciary. DEGETTE, Mrs. TRAHAN, Ms. ESCOBAR, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. GALLEGO, Mr. By Mr. ROUDA: Mr. LOWENTHAL, Ms. SA´ NCHEZ, and COHEN, Mr. COOPER, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, H. Con. Res. 25. Concurrent resolution rec- Mr. RASKIN): ognizing the necessity of preserving official Mr. SWALWELL of California, Mr. H. Res. 234. A resolution recognizing the and unofficial records of meetings between COLE, Miss RICE of New York, Ms. heritage, culture, and contributions of the President of the United States and for- MOORE, Mr. CRIST, Mr. TURNER, and Latinas in the United States; to the Com- eign leaders, for the purposes of promoting Mr. PETERS): mittee on Oversight and Reform. transparency and the national security of H.R. 1799. A bill to amend the Voting By Mr. ESPAILLAT: Rights Act of 1965 to revise the criteria for the United States of America; to the Com- determining which States and political sub- mittee on Oversight and Reform. H. Res. 235. A resolution recognizing Wom- divisions are subject to section 4 of the Act, By Mr. WILLIAMS: en’s History Month and the historic con- and for other purposes; to the Committee on H. Res. 229. A resolution expressing support tributions of women to the American labor the Judiciary. for designation of the month of August as movement; to the Committee on Education By Mr. SIRES: National Destroyer Recognition Month; to and Labor. H.R. 1800. A bill to modify the minimum the Committee on Armed Services. By Mr. GROTHMAN: allocation requirement for the emergency By Mr. MCGOVERN (for himself, Mr. H. Res. 236. A resolution expressing the solutions grants program; to the Committee WILSON of South Carolina, Ms. LEE of sense of the House of Representatives that on Financial Services. California, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. welfare programs discourage marriage and By Mr. SMUCKER (for himself and Mr. POCAN, Mr. COOK, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, hurt the institution of the family in the CARBAJAL): Mrs. WAGNER, Mr. LEWIS, Mr. United States; to the Committee on Ways H.R. 1801. A bill to direct the Secretary of SCHWEIKERT, and Mr. SENSEN- and Means. Defense to develop a strategy to recruit and BRENNER): By Mr. HUFFMAN (for himself, Mr. retain mental health providers, to direct the H. Res. 230. A resolution expressing the KHANNA, Mr. THOMPSON of California, Secretaries of the military departments to sense of the House of Representatives that Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsyl- develop medication monitoring programs, the United States condemns all forms of vio- vania, Mrs. TORRES of California, Ms. and for other purposes; to the Committee on lence against children globally and recog- WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Armed Services. nizes the harmful impacts of violence Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mr. GRIJALVA, By Mr. SMUCKER (for himself, Mr. against children; to the Committee on Edu- Mrs. DINGELL, Mr. MOULTON, Mr. EMMER, and Mr. PETERSON): cation and Labor, and in addition to the SMITH of Washington, Mr. COHEN, Mr. H.R. 1802. A bill to amend title 38, United Committee on Foreign Affairs, for a period BARR, Mr. DESAULNIER, Ms. SPEIER, States Code, to authorize the Secretary of to be subsequently determined by the Speak- Mr. FITZPATRICK, Ms. TITUS, and Mr. Veterans Affairs to waive the requirement of er, in each case for consideration of such pro- SWALWELL of California): certain veterans to make copayments for visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the H. Res. 237. A resolution expressing support hospital care and medical services in the committee concerned. for designation of March 21, 2019, as ‘‘Na- case of an error by the Department of Vet- By Mrs. HAYES (for herself, Mr. SCOTT tional Rosie the Riveter Day’’; to the Com- erans Affairs, and for other purposes; to the of Virginia, Mr. NADLER, Mr. DEUTCH, mittee on Education and Labor. Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. and Ms. DELAURO): By Ms. LOFGREN (for herself, Ms. By Mr. WALDEN: H. Res. 231. A resolution keeping guns out HAALAND, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. H.R. 1803. A bill to nullify the Supple- of classrooms; to the Committee on Edu- KHANNA, Ms. NORTON, and Ms. mental Treaty Between the United States of cation and Labor, and in addition to the SPEIER): America and the Confederated Tribes and Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to H. Res. 238. A resolution recognizing the Bands of Indians of Middle Oregon, concluded be subsequently determined by the Speaker, cultural and historical significance of on November 15, 1865; to the Committee on in each case for consideration of such provi- Nowruz; to the Committee on Foreign Af- Natural Resources. sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the fairs. By Mr. WALKER (for himself and Mr. committee concerned. By Mr. RICHMOND: RICHMOND): By Mr. FOSTER (for himself, Mr. H. Res. 239. A resolution amending the H.R. 1804. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- CASTEN of Illinois, Mr. DUNN, Mr. Rules of the House of Representatives to re- enue Code of 1986 to prohibit qualified ama- GAETZ, Mr. HIMES, Ms. JACKSON LEE, move the motion to recommit; to the Com- teur sports organizations from prohibiting or Ms. JOHNSON of Texas, Ms. KAPTUR, mittee on Rules. substantially restricting the use of an ath- Mr. KILMER, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. By Ms. SPEIER (for herself, Mr. CUM- letes name, image, or likeness, and for other MCNERNEY, Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. RUSH, MINGS, Mr. MEADOWS, Miss RICE of purposes; to the Committee on Ways and Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. TONKO, Mrs. WATSON New York, Ms. NORTON, and Ms. Means. COLEMAN, and Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of TITUS): By Mr. WENSTRUP (for himself, Ms. Oklahoma): STEFANIK, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. H. Res. 232. A resolution expressing support H. Res. 240. A resolution expressing support CHABOT, Mr. KILMER, Mr. AUSTIN for designation of March 14, 2019, as ‘‘Na- for the designation of July 30, 2019, as ‘‘Na- SCOTT of Georgia, Mrs. RADEWAGEN, tional Pi Day’’; to the Committee on tional Whistleblower Appreciation Day’’; to Mr. TURNER, Mr. GAETZ, Mr. KING of Science, Space, and Technology. the Committee on Oversight and Reform. New York, Mr. MOULTON, Mrs. By Ms. SPEIER (for herself, Mr. By Mr. STEUBE (for himself, Mr. SEN- BEATTY, Mr. GONZALEZ of Ohio, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, SENBRENNER, Mr. DUNCAN, and Mr. RUTHERFORD, Mr. COLE, Ms. Mr. RASKIN, Mr. SHERMAN, and Mr. GOHMERT): GABBARD, Mr. LATTA, and Mr. HICE of DOGGETT): H. Res. 241. A resolution condemning the Georgia): H. Res. 233. A resolution condemning the anti-Semitic comments of Representative H.R. 1805. A bill to require the Secretary of Government of the for its contin- Ilhan Omar from Minnesota; to the Com- the Treasury to mint coins in commemora- ued detention of Senator Leila De Lima, mittee on the Judiciary, and in addition to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:38 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L14MR7.100 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2746 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019 the Committees on Foreign Affairs, and Eth- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1, Section 8 ics, for a period to be subsequently deter- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. WELCH: mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- Constitution of the United States, Article H.R. 1769. sideration of such provisions as fall within 1, Section 8 Congress has the power to enact this legis- the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. By Mrs. HARTZLER: lation pursuant to the following: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18: The Con- f H.R. 1758. Congress has the power to enact this legis- gress shall have Power To . . . make all MEMORIALS lation pursuant to the following: Laws which shall be necessary and proper for Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- Under clause 3 of rule XII, memorials By Mrs. MURPHY: ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- were presented and referred as follows: H.R. 1759. stitution in the Government of the United 6. The SPEAKER presented a memorial of Congress has the power to enact this legis- States, or in any Department or Officer the General Assembly of the State of New lation pursuant to the following: thereof. Jersey, relative to Assembly Resolution No. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, which grants By Mr. McCAUL: 85, urging Congress to enact the Military Congress the power to ‘‘provide for the com- H.R. 1770. Surviving Spouses Equity Act; to the Com- mon Defence and general Welfare of the Congress has the power to enact this legis- mittee on Armed Services. United States.’’ lation pursuant to the following: 7. Also, a memorial of the General Assem- By Mr. FLORES: Article 1, Section 8 bly of the State of New Jersey, relative to H.R. 1760. By Ms. MENG: Assembly Resolution No. 163, urging the Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1771. United States Congress to pass legislation to lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- automatically enroll veterans for benefits Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the Con- lation pursuant to the following: they are entitled to in the United States De- stitution of the United States. Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- partment of Veterans Affairs system; to the By Mr. GOSAR: tion [Page Hl 0170] Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. H.R. 1761. By Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee: 8. Also, a memorial of the General Assem- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1772. bly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, rel- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- ative to House Resolution No. 122, com- Ariticle 1, Section 8, Clause 18: To make all lation pursuant to the following: mending and supporting the President of the Laws which shall be necessary and proper for Under Article I, Section 8, the Necessary United States and his decision to secure our carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- and Proper Clause. Congress shall have borders by declaring a national emergency, ers, and all other Powers vested by this power to make all laws which shall be nec- and commending and thanking the men and Consitution in the Government of the United essary and proper for carrying into Execu- women of the United States Immigration States, or in any Department or Officer tion the foregoing powers and all Powers and Customs Enforcement; jointly to the thereof’’ and the Second Amendment of the vested by this Constitution in the Govern- Committees on the Judiciary, Ways and U.S. Constitution, which states that the ‘‘A ment of the United States, or in any Means, and Homeland Security. well regulated militia, being necesary to the Depattment or Officer thereof. security of a free state, the right of the peo- By Ms. SPEIER: f ple to keep and bear arms, shall not be in- H.R. 1773. PRIVATE BILLS AND fringed.’’ Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: RESOLUTIONS By Mr. CONNOLLY: H.R. 1762. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power Under clause 3 of rule XII, Congress has the power to enact this legis- granted to Congress under Article 1, Section Mr. KING of New York introduced a lation pursuant to the following: 8 of the United States Constitution. bill (H.R. 1808) for the relief of Article I, Section 8, Clause 18: To make all By Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois: H.R. 1774. Alemseghed Mussie Tesfamical; Laws which shall be necessary and proper for Congress has the power to enact this legis- which was referred to the Committee carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- lation pursuant to the following: on the Judiciary. ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of, and the stitution in the Government of the United f Sixteenth Amendment to, the United States States or in any Department or Officer Constitution. [Page H4186] CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY thereof. By Mr. STAUBER: By Ms. SEWELL of Alabama: STATEMENT H.R. 1775. H.R. 1763. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of Congress has the power to enact this legis- the Rules of the House of Representa- lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8 of the United States tives, the following statements are sub- Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- Constitution, specifically Clause 3 (related mitted regarding the specific powers tion [Page H3003] to the regulation of Commerce with foreign granted to Congress in the Constitu- By Mr. GARAMENDI: Nation, and among the several States, and H.R. 1764. tion to enact the accompanying bill or with Indian tribes). Congress has the power to enact this legis- joint resolution. By Mr. BLUMENAUER: lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. BRADY: H.R. 1776. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, Clause 3, and Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1753. Clause 18 of the U.S. Constitution Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. PAYNE: Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1765. By Ms. BONAM1C1: Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1777. States Constitution, to ‘‘provide for the com- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- mon Defence and general Welfare of the Article I Section 8 Clause 3—Congress has lation pursuant to the following: United States.’’ the ability to regulate Commerce with for- Article 1, Section 8 By Mr. TONKO: eign Nations, and among the several States, By Mr. BRINDISI: H.R. 1754. and with the Indian Tribes. H.R. 1778. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. MITCHELL: Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1766. lation pursuant to the following: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8, clause 4 provides Con- By Mr. ROY: lation pursuant to the following: gress with the power to establish a ‘‘uniform H.R. 1755. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18—to make all rule of Naturalization.’’ Congress has the power to enact this legis- Laws which shall be necessary and proper for By Ms. BROWNLEY of California: lation pursuant to the following: carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- H.R. 1779. Art. 1 § 8 ers Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Ms. TLAIB: By Ms. MATSUI: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1756. H.R. 1767. Article 1 Section 8 Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. BYRNE: lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1780. Article l, Section 8, clause 3 provides Con- clause 18 of section 8 of article I of the Congress has the power to enact this legis- gress with the power to ‘‘regulate commerce Constitution lation pursuant to the following: with foreign nations, and among the several By Ms. MATSUI: Article I, section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- states, and with the Indian tribes H.R. 1768. tion. By Ms. UNDERWOOD: Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. CARTER of Georgia: H.R. 1757. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1781.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:38 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L14MR7.100 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2747 Congress has the power to enact this legis- As described in Article 1, Section 1: ‘‘all Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: legislative powers herein granted shall be lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United vested in a Congress of the United States, Article I, section 8. States Constitution. which shall consist of a Senate and a House By Mr. WALDEN: By Ms. DELAURO: of Representatives H.R. 1803. H.R. 1782. By Mr. LEVIN of California: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1792. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 (relating to Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United lation pursuant to the following: the power of Congress to regulate commerce States Constitution and Article I, Section 8, The constitutional authority on which this with Indian Tribes). Clause 1 of the United States Constitution. bill rests is the power of Congress to make By Mr. WALKER: By Ms. DELAURO: rules for the government and regulation of H.R. 1804. H.R. 1783. the land and naval forces, as enumerated in Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8, Clause 14 of the United lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: States Constitution. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Con- U.S. Constitution, Article 1 Section 8 By Mr. LEWIS: stitution of the United States By Ms. DELAURO: H.R. 1793. By Mr. WENSTRUP: H.R. 1784. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1805. Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: This bill is enacted pursuant to the power lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United granted to Congress under Article I of the Clause 5 of Section 8 of Article I of the States Constitution and Article I, Section 8, United States Constitution and its subse- Constitution: ‘‘The Congress shall have the Clause 1 of the United States Constitution. quent amendments, and further clarified and power . . . to coin Money, regulate the Value By Mr. GOLDEN: interpreted by the Supreme Court of the thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the H.R. 1785. United States. Standard of Weights and Measures.’’ Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. LEWIS: lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. YOUNG: H.R. 1794. H.R. 1806. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Rico: This bill is enacted pursuant to the power Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 H.R. 1786. granted to Congress under Article I of the ‘‘The Congress shall have the power to reg- Congress has the power to enact this legis- United States Constitution and its subse- ulate commerce with foreign nations, and lation pursuant to the following: quent amendments, and further clarified and among several states, and with the Indian The Congress has the power to enact this interpreted by the Supreme Court of the Tribes’’ legislation pursuant to Article I, Section 8, United States. By Mr. YOUNG: Clauses 1, 3, and 18 of the U.S. Constitution, By Mr. TED LIEU of California: which provide as follows: H.R. 1795. H.R. 1807. The Congress shall have Power To lay and Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: to pay the Debts and provide for the common Article I, Section 8 Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 Defence and general Welfare of the United By Mr. MCKINLEY: The Congress shall have Power to lay and States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises H.R. 1796. collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, shall be uniform throughout the United Congress has the power to enact this legis- to pay the Debts and provide for the common States; [ . . . ] lation pursuant to the following: Defence and general Welfare of the United To regulate Commerce with foreign Na- Article 1 Section 8 States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises tions, and among the several States, and Section 8—Powers of Congress. To make shall be uniform throughout the United with the Indian Tribes; [ . . . ]—And all Laws which shall be necessary and proper States. To make all laws which shall be necessary for carrying into Execution the foregoing By Mr. KING of New York: and proper for carrying into Execution the Powers, and all other Powers vested by this H.R. 1808. foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vest- Constitution in the Government ofthe Congress has the power to enact this legis- ed by this Constitution in the Government of United States, or in any Department or Offi- lation pursuant to the following: the United States, or in any Department or cer thereof. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. Officer thereof. By Ms. NORTON: By Mr. RATCLIFFE: Moreover, the Congress has the power to H.R. 1797. H.J. Res. 51. enact this legislation pursuant to Article IV, Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Section 3, which provides, in relevant part, lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: as follows: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article V of the Constitution, which grants The Congress shall have Power to dispose lation pursuant to the following: clause 17 of Congress the authority, whenever two thirds of and make all needful Rules and Regula- section 8 of article I of the Constitution. of both Houses deem it necessary, to propose tions respecting the Territory or other Prop- By Miss RICE of New York: amendments to the Constitution. erty belonging to the United States; and H.R. 1798. nothing in this Constitution shall be so con- Congress has the power to enact this legis- f strued as to Prejudice any Claims of the lation pursuant to the following: ADDITIONAL SPONSORS United States, or of any particular State. Article I, Section VIII By Mr. HASTINGS: By Mr. SENSENBRENNER: Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 1787. H.R. 1799. were added to public bills and resolu- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- tions, as follows: lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6: Mrs. CRAIG, Mr. LYNCH, and Mr. Article I, Section 8 Fifteenth Amendment, Section 2, Section MORELLE. By Ms. HILL of California: 1: The right of citizens of the United States H.R. 95: Mrs. AXNE and Mrs. LEE of Nevada. H.R. 1788. to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the H.R. 101: Mr. POSEY. Congress has the power to enact this legis- U.S. or by any State on account of race, color, or perilous condition of servitude. H.R. 273: Mr. QUIGLEY. lation pursuant to the following: ´ Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- By Mr. SIRES: H.R. 302: Mr. GARCIA of Illinois. tion H.R. 1800. H.R. 303: Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana, Mr. HAS- By Mr. HUFFMAN: Congress has the power to enact this legis- TINGS, Mr. PAPPAS, Mr. KELLY of Mississippi, H.R. 1789. lation pursuant to the following: Mr. STEUBE, Mr. LATTA, Mr. RESCHENTHALER, Congress has the power to enact this legis- Pursuant to clause 3(d)(l) of rule XIII of Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. RIGGLEMAN, and Mr. HUD- lation pursuant to the following: the Rules of the House of Representatives, SON. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 the Committee finds the authority for this H.R. 307: Mr. LUETKEMEYER. By Mr. KIND: legislation in article I, section 8 of the Con- H.R. 444: Mrs. NAPOLITANO and Ms. LOF- H.R. 1790. stitution. GREN. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. SMUCKER: H.R. 445: Ms. GABBARD. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1801. H.R. 500: Mrs. MILLER, Mr. EMMER, Mr. Article 1, Section 8 Congress has the power to enact this legis- LEVIN of Michigan, Mr. COSTA, Mr. GONZALEZ By Mr. LARSEN of Washington: lation pursuant to the following: of Ohio, Mr. COOK, Mr. CARTER of Georgia, H.R. 1791. Article I, section 8. Mr. CALVERT, and Mr. BILIRAKIS. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. SMUCKER: H.R. 597: Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1802. H.R. 613: Ms. SLOTKIN.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR7.015 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2748 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2019

H.R. 641: Ms. HAALAND. H.R. 1232: Ms. CLARKE of New York. H.R. 1630: Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. H.R. 647: Mr. RASKIN. H.R. 1237: Ms. GABBARD. H.R. 1641: Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Ms. H.R. 656: Ms. SA´ NCHEZ. H.R. 1254: Mr. GOHMERT. SHERRILL, Mr. FITZPATRICK, and Mr. CARSON H.R. 662: Mr. FITZPATRICK. H.R. 1255: Mrs. LURIA. of Indiana. H.R. 677: Mr. CLAY. H.R. 1256: Mr. KIM. H.R. 1644: Mr. LYNCH, Mr. VISCLOSKY, Mr. H.R. 689: Mr. LOWENTHAL. H.R. 1285: Ms. NORTON. CASTRO of Texas, Mr. SUOZZI, Mr. DANNY K. H.R. 692: Mrs. LESKO. H.R. 1298: Ms. JUDY CHU of California, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Ms. SA´ NCHEZ, Miss RICE of H.R. 693: Mr. WALKER. CROW, Ms. MUCARSEL-POWELL, Ms. OMAR, and New York, Mr. SCHNEIDER, Mr. GARCI´A of Illi- H.R. 712: Ms. HILL of California and Mr. Mr. POCAN. nois, Mr. CUMMINGS, Ms. OCASIO-CORTEZ, and LAMB. H.R. 1306: Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto Ms. JUDY CHU of California. H.R. 730: Mr. GALLAGHER and Mrs. Rico. H.R. 1673: Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. HARTZLER. H.R. 1310: Mrs. AXNE. H.R. 1690: Mr. NADLER, Ms. PRESSLEY, and H.R. 741: Mr. GOSAR. H.R. 1325: Mr. KIM. Mrs. DEMINGS. H.R. 754: Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois. H.R. 1328: Ms. MENG. H.R. 1730: Mr. LATTA and Mr. MOULTON. H.R. 759: Mrs. RADEWAGEN. H.R. 1348: Mr. CARBAJAL. H.R. 1739: Mr. BUCK. H.R. 794: Ms. PRESSLEY. H.R. 1354: Ms. BASS, Mrs. BEATTY, Mr. H.R. 1748: Mr. CICILLINE, Ms. DELBENE, Mr. H.R. 816: Mrs. TRAHAN, Mr. POCAN, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER, POCAN, Miss RICE of New York, Mrs. WATSON RASKIN, and Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. BROWN of Maryland, Ms. CLARKE of New COLEMAN, Ms. MOORE, Mr. SOTO, and Mr. H.R. 838: Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas, Mr. DIAZ- York, Mr. CLAY, Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. CLYBURN, KING of New York. BALART, Mr. SUOZZI, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. CLAY, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, Mrs. H.J. Res. 2: Mr. KIND. and Mr. BUDD. DEMINGS, Mr. EVANS, Ms. FUDGE, Mr. HAS- H. Con. Res. 20: Mr. COSTA. H.R. 873: Mr. BURGESS, Mr. HARDER of Cali- TINGS, Mr. HORSFORD, Mr. JEFFRIES, MS. H. Res. 23: Ms. HILL of California, Ms. JUDY fornia, and Mr. CISNEROS. JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, HU ORELLE YAN H.R. 906: Mr. SMITH of Nebraska and Mr. C of California, Mr. M , Mr. R , Mr. LAWSON of Florida, Ms. LEE of Cali- ERRANO UFFMAN UIGLEY COOK. Mr. S , Mr. H , Mr. Q , fornia, Mr. LEWIS, Mr. MCEACHIN, Mr. MEEKS, H.R. 948: Mr. COLE. Mr. CISNEROS, Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi, Ms. MOORE, Ms. PRESSLEY, Mr. THOMPSON of H.R. 949: Mr. CLOUD. Mr. HARDER of California, Mr. STAUBER, Mr. ATSON OLEMAN H.R. 959: Mrs. WALORSKI, Mr. DESJARLAIS, Mississippi, and Mrs. W C . KEATING, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, and Ms. LARKE Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire, Mr. CON- H.R. 1379: Ms. C of New York. SEWELL of Alabama. AROLYN ALONEY NOLLY, Miss RICE of New York, Ms. WILD, and H.R. 1380: Mrs. C B. M of H. Res. 54: Ms. SEWELL of Alabama, Mr. E AULNIER Mr. GOHMERT. New York and Mr. D S . LARSON of Connecticut, Ms. BONAMICI, Mr. H.R. 960: Mrs. WALORSKI, Mr. DESJARLAIS, H.R. 1397: Mr. NORMAN and Mr. GOSAR. GOLDEN, and Mr. NEGUSE. Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire, Mr. CON- H.R. 1423: Mr. HECK. H. Res. 92: Mr. WALTZ. NOLLY, Miss RICE of New York, Ms. WILD, and H.R. 1434: Mr. BUCSHON and Mr. SPANO. H. Res. 107: Mr. KING of Iowa, Mr. WALKER, Mr. GOHMERT. H.R. 1439: Mr. MORELLE. Mr. CRENSHAW, Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana, Mr. H.R. 978: Mr. HORSFORD and Ms. WILD. H.R. 1454: Mr. CICILLINE and Mr. DOGGETT. LOUDERMILK, Mr. LATTA, Mr. ROSE of New H.R. 1002: Ms. SHALALA, Mr. LOWENTHAL, H.R. 1459: Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. York, and Mr. NORMAN. and Mr. CROW. H.R. 1473: Mr. FERGUSON. H. Res. 114: Mrs. RODGERS of Washington H.R. 1004: Mr. MEEKS and Miss RICE of New H.R. 1504: Mr. FOSTER. and Mr. COLLINS of New York. York. H.R. 1545: Mrs. HARTZLER. H. Res. 124: Mr. CLEAVER, Ms. KAPTUR, Ms. H.R. 1044: Mr. PERLMUTTER, Mr. GOMEZ, H.R. 1553: Ms. MOORE. MOORE, Mr. PASCRELL, Mr. STANTON, Mr. Mr. LEVIN of Michigan, Mr. KEATING, and Ms. H.R. 1556: Mr. KHANNA. POCAN, Ms. OMAR, Mr. BERA, Ms. UNDERWOOD, MUCARSEL-POWELL. H.R. 1573: Mr. LAMB. Mr. COURTNEY, Mr. RICHMOND, Ms. BASS, Mr. H.R. 1066: Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER. H.R. 1581: Mr. KENNEDY, Ms. JOHNSON of PERLMUTTER, Mr. SMITH of Washington, Mr. H.R. 1073: Ms. HAALAND. Texas, Mr. AGUILAR, Mr. KILDEE, Mrs. LEE of VELA, and Mr. ROUDA. H.R. 1081: Mr. HUFFMAN, Mr. Nevada, and Mr. YARMUTH. H. Res. 141: Mr. MEEKS and Mr. CICILLINE. KRISHNAMOORTHI, Ms. CLARKE of New York, H.R. 1595: Ms. MENG, Mr. CASTRO of Texas, H. Res. 173: Mr. BLUMENAUER, Ms. Mr. OLSON, and Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. MOULTON, Ms. DEAN, Ms. HAALAND, Mr. DELAURO, Mrs. TORRES of California, and Ms. H.R. 1104: Mr. LOWENTHAL and Ms. LOF- EVANS, Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire, and ROYBAL-ALLARD. GREN. Mr. KILDEE. H.R. 1117: Mr. BROWN of Maryland. H.R. 1610: Mr. LAWSON of Florida. f H.R. 1179: Mr. FITZPATRICK. H.R. 1615: Mr. KIM, Mr. PETERS, and Mr. H.R. 1185: Mr. THOMPSON of California. GOLDEN. H.R. 1195: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Ms. H.R. 1616: Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. WILSON of DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM STEFANIK, Mr. VAN DREW, Mr. STAUBER, Mr. South Carolina, and Mr. WRIGHT. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS ´ BARR, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, Miss GONZALEZ- H.R. 1622: Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. LAWSON of Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors COLO´ N of Puerto Rico, Mr. HECK, and Mr. Florida, Mr. GAETZ, Ms. MENG, Ms. ESCOBAR, were deleted from public bills and reso- SIRES. Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. STAUBER, Mr. AGUILAR, H.R. 1226: Mr. HILL of Arkansas, Mr. HOLD- and Mr. MARSHALL. lutions, as follows: ING, Mr. LAHOOD, and Mrs. WALORSKI. H.R. 1629: Mr. KEVIN HERN of Oklahoma. H.R. 1004: Mr. RICE of South Carolina.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:38 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR7.018 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2019 No. 46 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was A bill (H.R. 1) to expand Americans’ access that the 76,000 attempted illegal cross- called to order by the President pro to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big ings documented in February marked tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). money in politics, and strengthen ethics an 11-year high for that month, and, rules for public servants, and for other pur- based on CBP projections, by the mid- f poses. dle of this month—tomorrow—appre- PRAYER A bill (H.R. 1617) to direct the Director of National Intelligence to submit intelligence hensions for fiscal year 2019 will al- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- assessments of the intentions of the political ready be twice what they were in all of fered the following prayer: leadership of the Russian Federation, and for fiscal year 2017. Let us pray. other purposes. In front of the House Homeland Secu- Our Father in Heaven, we praise You Mr. MCCONNELL. In order to place rity Committee, the Secretary of for the greatness of Your faithfulness. the bills on the calendar under the pro- Homeland Security elaborated by say- Faithfully guide our lawmakers along visions of rule XIV, I object to further ing the following: ‘‘Our capacity is al- the path that leads away from pride, proceedings en bloc. ready severely strained, but these in- providing them with the humility that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- creases will overwhelm the system comes with wisdom. Lord, help them to tion having been heard, the bills will be completely.’’ remember that in the multitude of placed on the calendar. This is one of the President’s senior advisers—a Cabinet Secretary—and she counselors, there is safety. May this f knowledge prompt them to be quick to is telling Members of Congress that the listen, slow to speak, and slow to DECLARATION OF NATIONAL current situation is very much a crisis, anger. Open their hearts to Your love, EMERGENCY one that requires immediate action. Over the past 5 years, CBP has re- their minds to Your truth, and their Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, corded a 620-percent increase in appre- desires to Your guidance. Replenish later today, the Senate will vote on a hensions of family units at the U.S.- them daily with Your grace and power. resolution related to the state of emer- Mexico border. Last year’s figure We pray in Your sovereign Name. gency the President has declared on our southern border. Let me first say, I marked an alltime high. Amen. Research suggests upward of 30 per- support the President’s decision. So I f cent of women apprehended at the bor- will vote today to uphold it and reject PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE der report experiencing sexual assault this resolution of disapproval. during the journeys. Lately, a daily av- The President pro tempore led the I want to begin where this whole dis- erage of 56 individuals taken into CBP Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: cussion should begin—beyond all the custody have required emergency med- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the partisan rhetoric and denials of reality ical care. United States of America, and to the Repub- we see from our friends across the The men and women of the Border lic for which it stands, one nation under God, aisle, just the facts of the matter, and Patrol are great. They are well trained, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the facts are not at all ambiguous. they are highly skilled, and they vol- f There is a clear border security and hu- unteered for a very challenging job, but manitarian crisis on the southern bor- today they are facing challenges they RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY der of the United States of America. LEADER are not fully equipped to overcome. It was only last week that the Presi- It is no secret I take the Senate as an The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. dent’s top officials in the matter—Sec- institution extremely seriously. I take HYDE-SMITH). The majority leader is retary Nielsen and CBP Commissioner the separation of powers extremely se- recognized. McAleenan—each came before Congress riously. I take Congress’s prerogative f to once again lay all this out. over appropriations extremely seri- The man charged with protecting our ously, but—as I argued yesterday in MEASURES PLACED ON THE Nation’s borders didn’t mince words the context of the Yemen resolution— CALENDAR—H.R. 1 AND H.R. 1617 ahead of last week’s hearing. This is the Senate should not be in the busi- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, what he had to say: ‘‘The system is ness of misusing specific resolutions to I understand there are two bills at the well beyond capacity, and remains at express opinions on more general mat- desk due for a second reading en bloc. the breaking point.’’ ters. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The system is well beyond capacity President Trump has not invoked clerk will read the bills by title for the and remains at the breaking point. The some vague article II authority or sim- second time. Commissioner pointed out to our col- ply swept aside existing law, as Presi- The bill clerk read as follows: leagues on the Judiciary Committee dent Obama did to establish his DACA

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:31 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.000 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1856 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 policy. He has simply operated within scrappy son of Riverside, CA, did not As our chief spokesman, key strate- existing law—the National Emer- stroll a typical path to the corridors of gist, close adviser, team leader, mo- gencies Act of 1976—to invoke a narrow power. rale-builder, resident dog lover, heavy set of authorities to reprogram a nar- What came after high school was metal music aficionado, and happy row set of funds. work, including what I understand was warrior, Stew helped me in my office If Congress has grown uneasy with a spell as a bouncer. I am certain that through the Iraq war, the financial cri- this new law, as many have, then we position offered no useful preparation sis, seismic policy battles, nomination should amend it. If the 116th Congress at all for wrangling our distinguished debates, three different Presidents, and regrets the degree of flexibility the friends in the press corps. Then came two reelection campaigns. 94th Congress gave the Executive, the Army service, then back to school in No matter what the day brought, I 116th Congress has the ability to do Georgia, and then politics. always knew what my deputy chief of something about it. I have suggested to Our late colleague Senator Coverdell staff would bring—razor-sharp in- the chair of the Homeland Security hired Stew to represent him with his stincts, a level head, a steady hand, Committee that they examine how the constituents down in Georgia. Not long and a boatload of integrity. For more law can be updated to reflect these con- after, he asked him to relocate to than 12 years, I entrusted Stew with cerns. I hope they can report bipartisan Washington. my words, my goals, and my reputa- solutions through the regular order The way I understand it, the ink was tion, and he has never let me down. He that the full Senate can actually take barely dry on Stew’s lease, and the un- never flagged. He never slowed. Our up. packing had just started when his boss watchdog never lost a step. He is to- Let’s not lose sight of the particular tragically passed away, but Stew land- tally trustworthy, completely reliable, question that is before us later today, ed on his feet. He found his way to a and unbelievably competent—the whether the facts tell us there is truly pair of tough Texans, handling press greatest luxury a leader could have. With these characteristics, you a humanitarian and security crisis on for Senator Phil Gramm and then Sen- might think the person I am describing our southern border and whether the ator CORNYN. He became famous as the communications director who could could be a little stiff, a little stern. Senate, for some reason, feels this par- Maybe that energy would occasionally outsmart everybody and outwork ev- ticular emergency on our own border boil over into harsh words or heated erybody in a town where it is very hard does not rise to the level of the 31 other moments. But, remember, Stew is a bit to do either. national emergencies which are cur- of an unusual guy. That intensity rently in effect. That is where Stew caught my eye. As I prepared, in 2006, for the possi- doesn’t overflow into frustration or un- In my own view, these narrow ques- kindness or sharp words; instead, it bility of becoming Republican leader, I tions are not especially difficult ones overflows into generosity, good- knew we would need the most sophisti- to answer. The President is operating heartedness, and compassion. within existing law, and the crisis on cated communications shop a Senate Stew is famous around Washington our border is all too real. So I will vote leader had ever constructed, and it was for his encyclopedic memory of birth- to support the President’s decision clear Stew was the guy to build it. days, kids’ birthdays, and anniver- later today, and I encourage our col- Something else quickly became clear saries. Like clockwork, notes and leagues to do the same. too. Stew was not quite like anybody greeting cards arrive, and texts and f else any of us had ever met before. One emails roll in. What I am saying is that former colleague recalls that Stew TRIBUTE TO ‘‘STEW’’ work challenges aren’t the only thing would end a phone call with a plan al- Stew is good at keeping in perspective. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, ready formed in his mind, then push off I was reminded of that fact a few on a completely different matter, few his desk with both hands, sending his months back when Stew brought his of us can aspire to the fame and for- rolling chair rocketing backward and mother, Nancy, to visit here in the tune that are signified when a celebrity slamming into the wall behind him. Senate. For all the history Stew has is known by just one name. That high-octane crash was the official helped make, for every victory when he There is Cher; there was Prince; notification that Stew was about to has allowed himself a brief smile, his there is Madonna; and there is ‘‘Stew.’’ make something happen. ‘‘It was really colleagues aren’t sure they have ever Everybody knows Stew—not Don Stew- endearing,’’ this colleague explained, seen him happier than when he was art, certainly not Don, just Stew. ‘‘in retrospect.’’ ushering his mom around the corridors For more than 12 years, Stew has Restless energy has always been and showing her all he has built. been the larger-than-life personality Stew’s calling card. Every news story, For all Stew’s own accomplishments, patrolling the Ohio Clock corridor, every request from reporters, every we aren’t sure we have ever seen him camping out in the Press Gallery, and shift in public sentiment, Stew was lit- prouder than when he brags on his prowling the hallways of the Capitol erally on top of it all. Seven days a daughter Kylie. Lately, that has meant complex—the guy who knows every- week, almost literally 24 hours a day. her career in software engineering and thing about policy, procedure, and I was recently reminded that, in the apps she has created. Stew loves communications with the office just off Stew’s early days with me, some his family. He is loyal to his family. It the Senate floor. around the Capitol questioned whether is just our good luck that he came to Stew is one of the best known staff he was an actual person or some kind see the Senate as part of that family as members in all of Congress. It has been of automated email system our office well. my great fortune to lean heavily on had built to blast out memos and bul- My former chief of staff reminded me him every single day for more than a letins literally around the clock. of the day he brought his boys to work. decade as my communications director The instant mobile devices started to Stew loves kids, so he made a beeline, and deputy chief of staff. provide email alerts, Stew’s bat-like but one son felt a little shy. Instead of So, you can imagine, it is proving dif- sleeping habits and inexhaustible work shrugging and walking away, it some- ficult to grasp that today is the very ethic probably rendered half the alarm how occurred to Stew to say this: ‘‘Did last workday I will have Stew by my clocks in Washington completely obso- you know I could do a standing jump side. After serving so well for so long, lete. right onto that table right there?’’ One he is taking a leave—shall we say—for Questions, answers, press clippings, more time for good measure—he is greener pastures. battle plans, they would pour into kind of a unique individual. The boy So, this morning, I am exacting a lit- inboxes until after midnight, pause for was understandably perplexed, but tle revenge. I am doing the one thing I a couple of hours, and resume before then this friendly stranger crouched suspect will make my deputy chief of anyone else had even woken up, but down and leapt right up onto the table, staff’s stomach churn more than any- circadian rhythms weren’t the only with tie, dress shoes, and everything— thing else. I am actually turning the thing Stew’s presence reprogrammed. a total spectacle, just to put that spotlight on him. His energy, his careful foresight, his young man at ease and coax a smile. Now, the complete ‘‘Legend of Stew’’ patriotism, all these things were just That is not your typical Senate mo- is somewhat of a winding tale. This as infectious. ment, but that is the thing—for me and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:31 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.002 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1857 for all of Stew’s colleagues, that level Happy trails, buddy. not your typical vote on an appropria- of good cheer and concern for others f tions or authorization bill. It doesn’t really has been typical for a dozen concern a nomination or an appoint- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME years. ment. This will be a vote about the That is why his departure has trig- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under very nature of our Constitution, the gered an avalanche of tributes from the previous order, leadership time is separation of powers, and how this gov- people all over Washington and beyond, reserved. ernment functions henceforth. people—many of them junior people— f The Framers gave Congress the whom he wrote back with advice, met power of the purse in article I of the for coffee, shared some wisdom; this CONCLUSION OF MORNING Constitution. It is probably our great- sprawling family tree of men and BUSINESS est power. Now the President is claim- women who all feel that, one way or The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning ing that power for himself under a another, they owe a significant part of business is closed. guise of an emergency declaration to their success and careers to him. On f get around a Congress that repeatedly that note, I have to say I know exactly RELATING TO A NATIONAL EMER- would not authorize his demand for a how they feel. So today I have to say goodbye to an GENCY DECLARED BY THE border wall. all-star staff leader who took his job PRESIDENT ON FEBRUARY 15, The President has not justified the about as seriously as anybody you will 2019 emergency declaration. You would ever meet but who took himself far less The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under think in a moment like this, when seriously than most people you will the previous order, the Committee on there is not a war, when there is not an ever meet in the process. Professional Armed Services is discharged from fur- immediate disease, or when there is excellence and personal humility are ther consideration of H.J. Res. 46, and not a disaster—that is when we had rare virtues. Having a heavy dose of ei- the Senate will proceed to its imme- other declarations. They don’t need an ther is impressive, but only the com- diate consideration. elaboration, but this one would. But bination can explain Stew. There are The clerk will report the joint resolu- the President hasn’t done that. He sim- plenty of people in this town who tion by title. ply said he ‘‘didn’t need to do this.’’ haven’t tackled nearly the challenges The bill clerk read as follows: That is amazing, folks, my colleagues. or rubbed nearly the elbows he has, but A joint resolution (H.J. Res. 46) relating to The President said he didn’t need to do you better believe their egos dwarf his. a national emergency declared by the Presi- this, and yet he is declaring an emer- His resume looks like he belongs in dent on February 15, 2019. gency. It is a direct contradiction of fancy cocktail parties in tony neigh- There being no objection, the com- his own words. borhoods, but I am not positive Stew mittee was discharged, and the Senate Everyone here knows the truth. would even be allowed into a fancy proceeded to consider the joint resolu- Democrats and Republicans know the cocktail party. Regardless, I doubt he tion. sad truth. The President did not de- would find much time for the elite Mr. MCCONNELL. I suggest the ab- clare an emergency because there is guests; he would be too engrossed in sence of a quorum. one; he declared an emergency because conversation with the security guards, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The he lost in Congress and wants to get valet parking attendants, hospitality clerk will call the roll. around it. He is obsessed with showing staff, talking Nationals baseball and The bill clerk proceeded to call the strength. He couldn’t just abandon his everything else under the Sun with the roll. pursuit of the border wall, so he had to people who actually made the thing go. Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I trample on the Constitution to con- Never before yesterday had I seen a ask unanimous consent that the order tinue his fight. That is not how this de- large number of Capitol police officers for the quorum call be rescinded. mocracy is supposed to function. That gather to surprise a departing Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without is not how this democracy has func- staffer and send him off as if he were objection, it is so ordered. tioned. I have never seen it, where, out one of their own. That is the admira- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER of anger and out of a desire to win the tion and love that Stew has for the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The fight regardless of the consequences, a men and women who keep us safe—and Democratic leader is recognized. President would do this. vice versa. I know nothing I say today TRIBUTE TO ‘‘STEW’’ will really compete with that tribute. The President has not laid out where The only kind of man who would earn Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I he plans to divert funds from, though that sort of salute is the kind of man thank my colleague and friend from we know it is going to be from our who would prize it above and beyond Tennessee for deferring. military—from the men and women any fancy praise offered in a place like First, on Donald Stewart, I know serving us and from the things they this. Don’t get me wrong. Stew reveres Leader MCCONNELL talked about him. need. Everyone is going to miss him here in this institution, but he never once Senators who vote against this reso- the Senate. He was truly somebody seemed to covet the trappings or the lution this afternoon may be voting to whom everyone liked. He always had a power for its own sake; he just seemed gut funding for a military installation great sense of humor and a big smile. honored to serve. in their State or for a cut to military He served his boss, MITCH MCCONNELL, My colleagues and I are sad to bid pay and military pensions. How could extremely well, but he never let that farewell to the Senate staffer who they do that? made himself thoroughly famous by get in the way of being friendly and Most importantly, President Trump trying not to make himself famous. We working with the other side. He is has shown zero understanding of what are sorry to part with our tough-talk- somebody we will all miss. I enjoyed his emergency portends for the separa- ing workaholic who can’t bypass a cute my interactions with him a great deal. tion of powers in our democracy. The puppy without stopping for a good I think that is probably true of just President seems to regard the govern- scratch and a photo shoot. We will about every Member here. ment, not just the Justice Department, sorely miss our true-blue patriot who We wish Stew the best and thank him as his own personal tool to do whatever so loves this country where a kid can for serving this body so long and so he wants, whether it is in the private grow up from working odd jobs to well. sector or the public sector. We have counseling Senators and statesmen and H.J. RES. 46 never had a President like this. not lose an ounce of his character Today, Madam President, the Senate along the way. will vote on the resolution to termi- We have had lots of Presidents with Stew, we can’t quite imagine a place nate the President’s declaration of a lots of foibles, but none of them seem without you, but we are so grateful for national emergency. This is not a nor- to equate their own ego with the entire what you have made it while you were mal vote. What we are doing here functioning of the government of the here. today—this is not a normal day. It is United States, except this one.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:31 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.004 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1858 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 We can’t succumb to that. It is our Members rise above politics for the makes enduring, verifiable reforms of job here, in Congress, to limit execu- sake of fidelity to our constitutional China’s economic and trade policies, tive overreach, to defend our core pow- principles and to this great United because the odds are high that if the ers, to prevent a President—any Presi- States of America. President walks away from a weak dent—from ignoring the will of Con- In conclusion, on this issue, this is deal, he will be able to get a much bet- gress every time it fails to align with not an everyday moment. This is not ter deal down the road. the will of the President. That is what just about going along with this Presi- I yield the floor. the balance of powers is. That is what dent or that one. This is a red-letter The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- checks and balances is. That is what day in the history of how the U.S. Gov- ator from Tennessee. every one of us learned in second grade ernment functions. The judgment of H.J. RES. 46 civics class. our Founding Fathers and the judg- Mr. ALEXANDER. Madam President, All that teaching in the second grade ment of history weighs upon this vote. Tennesseans have asked me: Is there civics class seems to be lost on so TARIFFS really a crisis on the southern border? many of my Republican colleagues in Madam President, the trade negotia- Do you support President Trump’s bor- blind obeisance to this President, no tions with China are moving forward, der wall? matter what the consequences. and I continue to have concerns that And my answer to both questions is This is not an issue of the wall. It President Trump will accept a weak yes, I do. goes way beyond that. We have had our deal for the sake of a headline. Appar- I have urged the President to build fights and disputes on the wall for sev- ently, I am not alone. President the 234 miles of border wall that he eral years here. However you feel about Trump’s former top economic adviser, asked for in his January 6 letter to the our policy on the southern border and Gary Cohn, told a podcast that the Senate and to do that in the fastest however you feel about the President, President is ‘‘desperate’’ to reach a possible way, with a minimum delay Senators should vote yes on the resolu- trade deal. He also expressed deep skep- and legal challenge, by using the $5.7 tion to terminate the emergency dec- ticism that the administration would billion already approved by Congress. laration. be able to stop the Chinese from steal- But the President’s emergency dec- This resolution is about more than ing intellectual property and hold the laration to take an additional $3.6 bil- this President. It is about the Presi- Chinese accountable. lion that Congress has appropriated for dency now and on into the future. I hope Gary Cohn is wrong. The military hospitals, for barracks, and It should not be difficult for any of President, to his credit, was not des- for schools—including one in Fort my Republican colleagues to take this perate for a deal in North Korea and Campbell—is inconsistent with the vote. Conservative principles would de- stood up to Kim Jong Un and looked U.S. Constitution that I took an oath mand it, and some of the true conserv- strong for that. I hope he realizes that, to support and to defend. atives, like Mr. LEE, yesterday, under- as he negotiates with someone with Never before has a President asked stood that logic. Conservatives have al- even more consequences at stake for for funding, the Congress has not pro- ways feared an agglomeration of power the long run of America—President vided it, and then the President has in any branch of government, but par- Xi—and with a country that can do far used the National Emergencies Act of ticularly in the executive branch. The more harm to our country, ultimately, 1976 to spend the money anyway. The conservative movement has been de- in the long run. problem with this is that after a Revo- signed to reduce the powers of the Fed- Ambassador Lighthizer has said that lutionary War against a King, our Na- eral Government. That is why they are there are still major issues left to be tion’s Founders gave to Congress—a for lowering taxes so much. resolved. If that is the case, President Congress elected by the people—the All of a sudden, again, because Presi- Trump should not be pressing for a power to approve all spending so that dent Trump simply wants it, they say: quick solution. The Chinese are more the President would not have too much Let’s abandon those principles and vote desperate for a solution than we are, power. This check on the executive is a to change, fundamentally, the way the although, obviously, some harm has source of our freedom. balance of power works—shame. been created to bring the Chinese to In addition, this declaration is a dan- If conservatism today is to mean the table with tariffs. gerous precedent. Already, Democrat anything, self-branded conservatives The Chinese are desperate, and it is Presidential candidates are saying they should vote to terminate the resolu- like they are ahead in the seventh in- would declare emergencies to tear tion. Deep-seated principles like that ning, and then you say: I quit the ball down the existing border wall, to take shouldn’t take a back seat to the poli- game; I lose. away guns, to stop oil exports, to shut tics of the moment. They should not be Don’t do that, Mr. President. The down offshore drilling, and for other abandoned just because the President tariffs you have imposed, at some po- leftwing enterprises—all without the shares the same party. litical cost, have brought China to the approval of Congress. Now, let me speak from the heart to table and given us the first opportunity I believe the crisis on our southern my Republican colleagues. I know that in decades—in decades—to make the border is real. U.S. Customs and Border President Trump is extremely popular Chinese reform so they don’t take total Patrol arrested more than 66,000 illegal among Republicans for many reasons. I advantage of American workers and aliens in February of 2019—the highest know he commands the vast majority know-how. Soybean purchases and total in a single month since March of the Republican Party, and I know promises to import more American 2009. In the last 2 years alone, U.S. Im- that the President never shies away goods are not sufficient if we don’t win migration and Customs Enforcement from threatening, bullying, or publicly concrete concessions on major issues. officers have arrested 266,000 illegal castigating members of his own party If President Trump caves to China aliens in the United States with crimi- if they refuse to do what he wants. for the sake of soybean purchases, he nal records. Each week, approximately So, I realize this. It is a much more would be trading America’s future, lit- 300 Americans die from heroin difficult vote for my colleagues on the erally, for a hill of beans. We want to overdoses, of which nearly 90 percent other side of the aisle to take than for help the soybean farmers. We want to come across the southern border. those of us who are Democrats. I would help everybody else, but not at the ex- During the last 25 years, Congress ap- say to them, and I would say to every pense of the future viability of jobs and proved and President Obama, President Republican: There are times when loy- wealth in America. Clinton, President George W. Bush, and alty to America, to our Constitution, My message to President Trump is President George H. W. Bush built 654 to our principles, and to what has made the same one I mentioned to him and I miles of barrier along the 1,954-mile this country great should lead Mem- gave to him before he met with Kim southern border. In 2013, the com- bers to rise above and rise to the occa- Jong Un: Don’t back down. prehensive immigration bill that re- sion. The President should be proud that ceived 68 Senate votes, including mine, I hope and I pray that this moment is he stood up to North Korea and walked included $40 billion for border security, one of those times when Members away. He will be proud if he does the including physical barrier, and enforce- choose country over party and when same with China, unless President Xi ment. Last year, I voted with nearly

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:31 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.006 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1859 every Democrat for a bill that included zona in 2020, and to win she’ll need a coali- ing the Constitution is our first and $25 billion for border security, includ- tion of Trump voters and the President’s foremost sacred duty. ing physical barrier. skeptics. No matter how she votes she iso- The Founders built a system of So one might ask: Why is President lates potential supporters. Ditto for Cory checks and balances into our Constitu- Gardner of Colorado. tion. They made sure that the three Trump the only President not allowed And for what? The President doesn’t need to build more wall on the southern bor- to invoke a national emergency to build his branches of government exercised their der? wall along the southern border. Sen. Lamar own separate powers, and they made But in this case, as the Wall Street Alexander of Tennessee has pointed out that sure that no one branch, no one person, Journal said on March 12, ‘‘The Presi- the White House already has funds at its dis- could exercise too much power, espe- dent doesn’t need to invoke a national posal without declaring an emergency. cially over the use of taxpayer money. emergency to build his wall along the Consider: The President wants $5.7 billion The Founders gave to Congress the southern border.’’ He has the money for the wall. Congress provided $1.375 billion power of the purse, one of our most in appropriations. The President plans to tap fundamental powers. Article I, section immediately available in other ac- $601 million from a forfeiture fund at the counts already approved by Congress. Treasury Department that can be used for 9 of the Constitution could not be more Any appreciation for our structure of general law enforcement purposes. Mr. clear: ‘‘No money shall be drawn from government means that no President Trump also plans to use $2.5 billion from De- the Treasury, but in Consequence of should be able to use the National fense Department accounts that deal with Appropriations made by Law.’’ Emergencies Act to spend money that drug smuggling, though Sen. Alexander Congress holds the power to spend Congress refuses to provide. notes that the law allows him to tap up to $4 taxpayer money, not the President. It The late Justice Antonin Scalia, who billion. is our job to make sure that spending In other words, if the President moved $3.7 is revered by constitutional conserv- decisions have widespread public sup- from the Pentagon drug account, he’d reach port and are not the product of an ex- atives, put it this way for us. Justice his $5.7 billion goal without needing to pilfer Scalia said: $3.6 billion from military construction. The treme minority, much less one man or ‘‘Every tin horn dictator in the world White House noted this in a fact sheet last one woman. today, every President for life has a Bill of month but declared an emergency anyway. We all know that the President Rights. That’s not what makes us free. What The irony is that the President can’t pos- wants a wall. We just had a major de- has made us free is our Constitution. Think sibly spend all this money on wall construc- bate about border security funding. of the word ‘‘constitution,’’ it means struc- tion before the fall’s budget negotiations for The President shut down the govern- ture. That’s why America’s framers debated fiscal 2020, when he can work on winning ment for 35 days because Congress re- not the Bill of Rights, but rather the struc- more funding. fused his wall request. ture of the federal government.’’ Mr. Trump could rescind the order and say Eventually he relented, but now he Justice Scalia wrote: he’ll spend the money available under the has declared an ‘‘emergency’’ to simply law first, and reconsider if facts warrant. The genius of the American constitutional This would keep the money out of the try and take the money that he system is the dispersal of power. Once power courts. The President would also be better couldn’t get from the appropriations is centralized in one person, or one part of positioned to win the 2020 defense spending process. He said: ‘‘I didn’t need to do government, a Bill of Rights is just words on he wants if he isn’t raiding the military to this.’’ He flaunted the fact that this is paper. pay for the wall. In his budget proposal this not a real emergency. That was Justice Scalia. week, Mr. Trump asked Congress to backfill The President is testing the limits of I fault Democrats for not supporting the money he is taking from military con- Executive power. The questions before President Trump’s reasonable request struction. House Democrats have no incen- the Senate today are these: Are we for more wall on the border after 25 tive to cooperate. going to let this happen or are we The alternative is a divisive vote that Mr. years of approving physical barriers Trump is sure to lose and a bipartisan reso- going to open Pandora’s box? What and border wall for four other Presi- lution he’ll have to veto. And that’s for about article I of the Constitution? dents. That is not an excuse to ignore starters. The National Emergencies Act al- What about the 35-day government the constitutional separation of pow- lows a vote in Congress every six months shutdown? What about Presidential ers, especially when the faster way to until an emergency is terminated. Demo- budget requests? What about the Ap- build the 234 more miles of border wall crats have found a gift that will keep on giv- propriations Committee? Are we really that the President has asked for is to ing. going to let a President raid taxpayer use $5.7 billion already approved by Some Republicans are proposing fixes to money after Congress denies the re- the National Emergencies Act, which would Congress. quest? be welcome. A proposal from Mike Lee of The opposition to this power grab is I ask unanimous consent that the Utah would let the President declare an editorial from emergency as he can now, but after 30 days bipartisan, as it should be. Among the dated March 12, 2019, be printed in the Congress would have to vote to continue it. American people the numbers are over- RECORD. Republican Senators don’t want a pointless whelming. Almost 70 percent of the There being no objection, the mate- showdown with Mr. Trump, but they can’t American people oppose the President’s rial was ordered to be printed in the avoid one if the White House won’t change emergency declaration to raid tax- course. Mr. Trump should declare victory on RECORD, as follows: payer money for the wall. That is al- wall funding for this year and live to fight [From the Wall Street Journal, Mar. 12, 2019] most 70 percent. next year. My fellow Senators, it is time for the TRUMP’S EMERGENCY EXIT Mr. ALEXANDER. I yield the floor. Senate to do its job. It is time for us to HOW HE CAN DECLARE VICTORY ON WALL MONEY The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- assert our authority over the purse. It WITHOUT LOSING A VOTE ator from New Mexico. is time for us to honor our oath of of- (By The Editorial Board) Mr. UDALL. Thank you, Madam fice. Every Senator should vote yes on The Senate will vote on a resolution to President, for the recognition. It is the resolution to terminate the Presi- override President Trump’s emergency dec- great to be joined on the floor by Sen- dent’s emergency declaration. laration as early as Thursday, and rarely has ator COLLINS, who is going to speak I want to thank my cosponsors in there been a clearer case of needless self- after me to stand up for the Constitu- harm. Mr. Trump should listen to the Senate this effort. Earlier I mentioned Senator Republicans offering him a safe emergency tion, and I very much appreciate Sen- COLLINS, who is on the floor with me exit. ator LAMAR ALEXANDER’s comments and will speak after me—Senator MUR- On Tuesday Vice President Mike Pence also. He is a real student of the Con- KOWSKI, Senator SHAHEEN. Again, I met with several GOP Senators ahead of a stitution, and I respect very much the know that Senator COLLINS is on the vote on the override resolution that passed conclusion he has come up with here floor to urge us to do the right thing, the House with ease. As many as 10 to 15 today. to stand up for Congress’s authority. GOP Senators may vote to override. When each Senator is sworn into of- This vote is historic. The Constitu- Republican Senators up for re-election in fice, we take a fundamental pledge to tion’s principle of separation of powers tough states are in an impossible position. Susan Collins of Maine and Thom Tillis of support and defend the Constitution of is at stake. If the Senate enables the North Carolina are both up in 2020, and the United States. That vow that we President to hijack our power to appro- they’re voting to rebuke the President. Mar- support the Constitution dates back to priate, history will not remember us tha McSally has to fight for her seat in Ari- the very first Congress in 1789. Defend- fondly.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:03 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.007 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1860 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 This vote is not about the wisdom of of presidential power, many with the helping The opinions expressed in this commentary building a wall along the border. This hand of Congress. are his. View more opinion articles on CNN. vote is not about party. This vote is In fact, if I were the leader of the Constitu- During my 18 years as a member of Con- about whether we will let any Presi- tion’s Article II branch, I would probably de- gress—not so long ago—my colleagues and I clare an emergency and use all the tools at didn’t robotically toe the line with the Presi- dent trample on the Constitution, my disposal as well. But I am not. I am a dent. Republicans didn’t vote in lockstep whether we will sit by and let the member of the Senate, and I have grave con- with Republican presidents, not even Ronald President take away our constitutional cerns when our institution looks the other Reagan. And Democrats departed from their authority to appropriate. way at the expense of weakening Congress’s party’s president when they thought it was I rise today, hopeful that my Repub- power. the right thing to do. We took party loyalty lican colleagues will speak up. In addi- It is my responsibility to be a steward of seriously, but we gave even greater weight to tion to Senator COLLINS and Senator the Article I branch, to preserve the separa- principle. tion of powers and to curb the kind of execu- In recent decades, of course, partisanship MURKOWSKI, Senator TILLIS stated tive overreach that Congress has allowed to in the House and Senate has become far firmly in a recent opinion piece: fester for the better part of the past century. more intense, and the nation is worse as a I support Trump’s vision on border secu- I stood by that principle during the Obama result. But even now, in this hyper-partisan rity. But I would vote against the emer- administration, and I stand by it now. era, there comes a time when our elected gency. Conservatives rightfully cried foul when leaders must put country over party. Why does he say he would vote President Barack Obama used executive ac- One such moment: the ongoing debate over against the emergency declaration? Be- tion to completely bypass Congress and uni- President Donald Trump’s national emer- cause, he said, ‘‘[a]s a U.S. Senator, I laterally provide deferred action to undocu- gency declaration to fund construction of a mented adults who had knowingly violated wall on the US-Mexico border. Sometime cannot justify providing the executive the nation’s immigration laws. Some promi- soon, Republican senators will have the op- with more ways to bypass Congress.’’ nent Republicans went so far as to proclaim portunity to demonstrate—as 13 Republicans Former Governor Kasich authored an that Obama was acting more like an ‘‘em- did in the House—their love of country and opinion piece recently titled ‘‘It’s time peror’’ or ‘‘king’’ than a president. their commitment to constitutional values for Republicans in Congress to put There is no intellectual honesty in now by voting for the resolution to disapprove country over party.’’ He states: turning around and arguing that there’s an the President’s emergency declaration. In- Let’s be clear. This vote is not about the imaginary asterisk attached to executive stead of acting like they’re afraid of their situation at the border; it’s about an execu- overreach—that it’s acceptable for my party own shadows, Senate Republicans must use tive power grab and, above all, congressional but not thy party. this vote to—at long last—stand up and de- respect for the democratic process. Republicans need to realize that this will fend the Constitution. lead inevitably to regret when a Democrat I couldn’t agree more with Governor THE REAL NATIONAL EMERGENCY IS NOT AT THE once again controls the White House, cites BORDER Kasich. the precedent set by Trump, and declares his Let’s be clear. This vote is not about the Madam President, I ask unanimous or her own national emergency to advance a situation at the border; it’s about an execu- policy that couldn’t gain congressional ap- consent to have printed in the RECORD tive power grab and, above all, congressional the full pieces by Senator TILLIS and proval. This isn’t just conjecture. House Speaker respect for the democratic process. Whatever Governor Kasich. their views on the border situation—which I There being no objection, the mate- Nancy Pelosi (D–Calif.) and other prominent Democratic elected officials have already agree is serious—Republicans should oppose rial was ordered to be printed in the hinted that emergency declarations will be the President’s declaration. Standing RECORD, as follows: part of the playbook for the left, with Pelosi against the President on this issue is impor- [From , Feb. 25, 2019] musing, ‘‘just think about what a president tant not just for today, but for our future. with different values can present to the For years, Republicans decried executive I SUPPORT TRUMP’S VISION ON BORDER SECU- overreach by President Barack Obama. If we RITY. BUT I WOULD VOTE AGAINST THE American people.’’ Conservatives should take these warnings are serious about our constitutional values, EMERGENCY we can’t complain only about actions by the (By Thom Tillis) seriously. They should be thinking about whether they would accept the prospect of a other party. We have to apply consistent Thom Tillis, a Republican, is a U.S. sen- President Bernie Sanders declaring a na- principles whenever we have a president ator from North Carolina. tional emergency to implement parts of the from our own party as well. President Trump has few bigger allies than radical Green New Deal; a President Eliza- We should be especially concerned about me when it comes to supporting his vision of beth Warren declaring a national emergency President Trump’s effort to circumvent Con- 21st-century border security, encompassing a to shut down banks and take over the na- gress simply by invoking the magic word major investment in technology, personnel tion’s financial institutions; or a President ‘‘emergency.’’ If presidents can do end runs and infrastructure, including new physical Cory Booker declaring a national emergency around Congress merely by claiming ‘‘emer- barriers where they will be effective. It is a to restrict Second Amendment rights. gency,’’ then there’s almost no limit to exec- vision that will take many years and tens of Those on the left and the right who are utive authority. This would create a gravely billions of dollars to fully realize, and the making Trump’s emergency declaration a dangerous situation, not only for this presi- president can count on me to help. simple political litmus test of whether one dent but for all future presidents as well. The president is rightfully frustrated with supports or opposes the president and his Legal scholars are debating what the word Congress’s inaction regarding the humani- policies are missing the mark. This is about ‘‘emergency’’ means as it’s used in the Na- tarian and security crisis at the nation’s the separation of powers and whether Con- tional Emergencies Act, and the courts will southern border. Even though Republicans gress will support or oppose a new precedent resolve that question if Congress fails to and Democrats spent the past several dec- of executive power that will have major con- override an expected presidential veto of ades in the halls of Congress and on the cam- sequences. their resolution of disapproval. But there’s paign trail promising the American people As a U.S. senator, I cannot justify pro- no real doubt about what the word is sup- that they would work to secure U.S. borders, viding the executive with more ways to by- posed to mean. A president’s emergency pow- some of my colleagues seemingly made a po- pass Congress. As a conservative, I cannot ers are intended to be used for addressing litically calculated decision to block the endorse a precedent that I know future left- sudden or unexpected events, not just serious president’s good-faith efforts to finally get it wing presidents will exploit to advance rad- problems. Indeed, the National Emergencies done. They have regressed to the point where ical policies that will erode economic and in- Act, passed in 1976, aimed to curtail—not ex- a Democratic presidential contender such as dividual freedoms. pand—presidential discretion to declare Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.) and a possible These are the reasons I would vote in favor emergencies. candidate, former congressman Beto of the resolution disapproving of the presi- What’s also clear is how emergency dec- O’Rourke of Texas, are even entertaining the dent’s national-emergency declaration, if larations should be used: To address prob- possibility of tearing down existing physical and when it comes before the Senate. lems in ways for which there is not only a barriers. Although Trump certainly has le- general consensus, but also where the press- gitimate grievances over congressional [From CNN, Mar. 12, 2019] ing nature of the challenge requires speedy Democrats’ obstruction of border-security action without the formal and oftentimes : IT’S TIME FOR REPUBLICANS IN funding, his national emergency declaration slow process of congressional action. Noth- CONGRESS TO PUT COUNTRY OVER PARTY on Feb. 15 was not the right answer. ing about the current situation matches up From the perspective of the chief execu- (By John R. Kasich) to that standard. tive, I can understand why the president John R. Kasich is the former governor of President Trump’s emergency declaration would assert his powers with the emergency Ohio, serving from 2011 to 2019. A Repub- for border wall funding is almost the anti- declaration to implement his policy agenda. lican, he was previously a member of the thesis of that model. The problems at our After all, nearly every president in the mod- House of Representatives. He is the author of border may indeed be severe, but they are ern era has similarly pushed the boundaries ‘‘Two Paths: America Divided or United.’’ chronic. Even more significantly, there is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:31 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.009 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1861 not a consensus to pursue the President’s ap- these topics, as our system is supposed With this, I yield to Senator COLLINS, proach. To the contrary, Republicans and to work. No previous President has who, from the beginning, has worked Democrats in Congress did negotiate a com- used the National Emergency Act to with me as we have our resolution in, promise—and the President signed it into bypass the appropriations process like and we are working hard to make sure law. But then he proceeded to turn his back on the negotiation, the process and the this. Our Constitution, the rule of law, that we stand up for the Constitution. agreement by declaring a national emer- separation of powers—all of these rise I yield the floor. gency. far above the day-to-day controversies The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. That kind of unilateralism not only con- like the President’s border wall. SCOTT of Florida). The Senator from flicts with our Constitution, it amplifies the On a practical note, the President Maine. worst of our present-day politics. President wants to take real money away from Ms. COLLINS. Thank you. Trump is playing to his base, focused on poli- real military construction projects, Mr. President, later today, the Sen- tics not policy. The result of his approach is which will have a real impact on na- ate will make a significant decision more bitterness and alienation, less trust be- with implications for our constitu- tween parties and a continued loss of public tional security. These military con- struction projects have been vetted tional system of government. confidence in our government. It leaves both We will vote on a resolution to re- through years of scrutiny, through the parties—our government—far less able to do verse the President’s ill-advised na- the things the American people need and de- military, through numerous congres- tional emergency declaration that sire. I am proud to have joined with three sional committees in Congress, and funds the construction of a border wall dozen former Republican members of Con- they are projects deemed essential to using money that Congress has appro- gress to urge those Republicans currently national security—projects all across priated and the President has signed serving there to stand for our values and by the Nation, in our States, that are now standing up to the President against his into law for other purposes, such as emergency declaration. President Trump re- at risk. military construction. We have a long list of military con- mains popular within our party, but so is a I want to thank Senator UDALL, the deeply ingrained commitment to constitu- struction projects by the President. Senator from New Mexico, for working tional conservativism. Opposing your party’s Yet he has not bothered to tell us together with me. We introduced a president is never easy, but I am hopeful which projects would be cut to build companion resolution to overturn the that Republicans will vote to uphold the con- his wall. Will he raid $793 million to re- stitutional principles I know they hold dear. President’s declaration, and I commend build Camp Lejeune, NC, after the dev- Senator UDALL for his leadership. Mr. UDALL. Madam President, to get astation from Hurricane Florence? By declaring a national emergency, this wall money, the President caused Will he steal up to $800 million for the President’s action comes into di- the longest government shutdown in Navy ship maintenance to make sure rect conflict with Congress’s authority our Nation. The shutdown caused hard- that accidents like what happened to to determine the appropriation of ship for millions of Federal employees the USS McCain and USS Fitzgerald funds, a power vested in Congress by and lasting pain for thousands of Fed- never happen again? the Framers of our Constitution in ar- eral contractors, not to mention the Will he raid $125 million from my ticle I, section 9. That is why this issue millions of Americans who were denied State of New Mexico for Holloman Air is not about strengthening our border services for 35 days—services they paid Force Base to develop unmanned aerial security, a goal that I support and have for with their tax dollars. vehicles to track terrorists and for voted to advance. Rather, it is a sol- I visited with New Mexicans hurt by White Sands Missile Range to build a emn occasion involving whether this the shutdown and it was very, very badly needed information systems fa- body will stand up for its institutional painful to hear their stories. cility? prerogatives and will support the sepa- In the end, Congress decided on a bi- The answer is that we don’t know, ration of powers enshrined in our Con- partisan basis not to spend the $5.7 bil- but these critical projects in all of our stitution. lion the President demanded for his States are at risk. Throughout our history the courts wall. He got $1.3 billion. I didn’t want We each need to think about our have consistently held that ‘‘only Con- to see that much, and I wanted to see States and the people we were sent gress is empowered by the Constitution more restrictions as to specifically here to represent. I am from one of the to adopt laws directing monies to be what it was going to be spent for, but four States that border Mexico, one of spent from the U.S. treasury.’’ it was a hard-fought compromise, and a the four States that would be the most For the past 65 years, the courts have deal is a deal. directly impacted by any border wall, determined the boundary of Presi- Congress’s determination should and I am here to state there is no na- dential authority vis-a-vis Congress have ended the debate for this fiscal tional security emergency along my under the doctrine of Youngstown year, the year that we are in. State’s border with Mexico. What is Sheet & Tube, the 1952 Supreme Court Now the President is asking Congress happening at our border does not jus- case that reversed President Truman’s for $8.6 billion for the border wall next tify the use of this authority. seizure of U.S. steel companies during year. That is his prerogative, but make New Mexico’s border communities the Korean war. no mistake, it is not only Congress’s are flourishing with economic, cul- As Justice Robert Jackson explained prerogative, it is Congress’s constitu- tural, and educational activity. Border in his profoundly influential concur- tional responsibility to decide if he communities are as safe as or safer rence in that case, the question of gets that money. As the old saying than others in the interior. whether a President’s actions are con- goes, the President proposes and Con- This is not a partisan view along the stitutionally valid should be deter- gress disposes. President Trump is border. Republican WILLIAM HURD rep- mined by examining the source of the being treated no differently than all resents more than 500 miles of the President’s authority. In this concur- previous Presidents. That is how our Texas border with Mexico. He not only rence, the Justice goes through three constitutional system works—or at believes the President’s emergency scenarios in which he assesses the least how it is supposed to work. declaration is unconstitutional, but he President’s power. The President’s emergency declara- also thinks the President’s wall is ‘‘the According to Justice Jackson, when tion is an end run around Congress, most expensive and least effective way acts taken by the President are against plain and simple. If any Democratic to do border security.’’ the express or implied will of Congress, President issued an emergency declara- Again, whether you support or oppose the President’s power is at its lowest tion like this, say for climate change the border wall is not an issue. What is ebb. President Trump’s declaration or gun safety funding, Republicans in at issue is our oath to support and de- clearly falls in that category. this body would scream bloody murder fend the Constitution, whether any The President rests his declaration and vote to disapprove. President can toss Congress aside and on the National Emergencies Act, and I am on record that climate change is raid critical funds at will. that act fails to define precisely what one of the most pressing issues on our We have an opportunity to stand up constitutes an emergency. There is a planet, and I am on record that gun vi- to an unconstitutional power grab. I commonsense rule we can apply. It is a olence is a national crisis. I have voted urge everyone in this Chamber to seize five-part test that was used by the Of- for and proposed actual legislation on that opportunity. fice of Management and Budget under

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.002 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1862 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 former President George Herbert Walk- fused. Even when his own party con- tary base improvements to pay for his er Bush to determine whether re- trolled both Chambers of Congress, he wall. This comes almost in the same quested funding merited an emergency could not convince enough Members week we see in the news that so much designation under our budget rules. that it was a good idea. Certainly, no- of military housing is infested by mold, Under that test, a spending request was body accepted his pledge that Mexico by rats, by asbestos, and by all these designated as an emergency only if the would pay for the wall. We all knew the other problems. Is he going to take the need for spending met a five-part test. U.S. taxpayers would have to pay for money that would make this housing It had to be necessary, sudden, urgent, it. safe for the men and women in our unforeseen, and not permanent. So instead of accepting that we are military to pay for his wall? Is he Whether one agrees with President in a democracy, and he is not a mon- going to take money from Camp Trump that more should be done to se- arch, instead of accepting that we are Lejeune that was hit by Hurricane cure our southern border—and I do in a democracy and there are two other Florence and badly damaged? I know agree with him on that goal—his deci- coequal branches of government that Camp Lejeune. When my son was in the sion to fund a border wall through a could constrain his actions, the Presi- Marines, he spent time there. Is he national emergency declaration would dent has decided to ignore the Con- going to take money from Tyndall Air never pass all of this five-part test. stitution and the will of Congress and Force base, which was flattened by Another concern I have with the go it alone. Actually, Congress alone Hurricane Michael? What about money President’s declaration is, it shifts has the power of the purse. Congress for schools for military families, like funding away from critical military having exclusive power over our gov- the school at Fort Campbell, KY, or a construction projects. We don’t know ernment spending priorities is one of child development center at Joint Base which ones. We have not been able to the most critical checks and balances Andrews in Maryland? What about es- get a list, but this could have very real in our constitutional system. sential training facilities that would national security implications. Again, Anybody who goes back and reads ensure military readiness, like a spe- I would note that the Military Con- the history of the founding of this cial operations training facility at Fort struction appropriations bill incor- country knows that the reason we are Bragg, NC—which I have visited. Con- gress chose to fund these projects over porated projects recommended by the the oldest existing democracy cur- an ineffective, wasteful wall. Congress President and his Department of De- rently in the world, is that we believed had to say, where does the money go? fense, was passed by both bodies, and in checks and balances. We felt these things to help our mili- signed into law by the President. The President, of course, could pro- tary and military families made far Let me emphasize, once again, that pose funding for whatever projects he more sense than the wall. Congress the question presented by this resolu- wants, but it is the job of Congress to used its constitutional power—let me tion is not whether you are for a border decide where to invest the American emphasize that—Congress used its con- wall or against a border wall; it is not people’s hard-earned tax dollars. In a stitutional power of the purse to set whether you believe that border secu- democracy, every President from priorities for how to invest the Amer- rity should be strengthened or whether George Washington to now is supposed ican people’s hard-earned tax dollars. to respect those decisions. After not it is sufficient; it is not whether we The President is trying to label oppo- support or oppose President Trump; getting what he wanted, this President nents of his action as weak on border rather, the question is a far more fun- has invoked the National Emergencies security or weak on crime. That is non- damental and significant one. The Act. He is stretching the powers given sense. I don’t know any Member of the question is this: Do we want the execu- to him in that act beyond all recogni- Senate, of either party, who doesn’t be- tive branch, now or in the future, to tion. He has declared a national emer- lieve in border security or is in favor of hold the power of the purse, a power gency on the southern border. crime. the Framers deliberately entrusted to We are not responding to a national Let’s see what he asked for. Instead Congress? emergency. There is no crisis on our of border security, he wanted $5.7 bil- We must stand up and defend southern border requiring such ex- lion for the wall. Congress approved a Congress’s institutional powers as the treme action. What kind of national border security package—money for Framers intended we would, even when emergency is declared only after you fencing along with technology added doing so is inconvenient or goes lose a 3-year funding fight with Mem- between the ports of entry, and addi- against the outcome we might prefer. bers of your own party? What kind of tional personnel. That is real border se- I urge my colleagues to support the national emergency is resolved by a curity, not a political stunt. Now the rulings of disapproval and our Con- vaguely defined, multiyear construc- President is saying: Thank you for stitution. tion project? The truth is clear. He is your views; thank you for following Thank you. trying to use this authority as a means your constitutional power, but I am The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- to a political end. still going to do it my way. Where is he ator from Vermont. When Congress enacted the National going to stop? Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, this is a Emergencies Act in 1976, it conveyed The fact that it is a political game debate worth happening. I appreciate certain powers to the President to use was shown when this Congress passed, the comments from my New England in the event of a true emergency that overwhelmingly, $1.6 billion for border neighbor. It is an important matter for required quick action. I remember. I security. The President threatened to us to consider. was here during the debate. There was veto that. Then after closing the gov- President Trump declared a national a Republican President. It assumed ernment for 35 days—costing the tax- emergency, citing a ‘‘crisis’’ at the that whoever sat in the Oval Office payers billions and billions of dollars southern border, but it has become would have enough respect for the of- for nothing—he signed the bill that did more and more evident he did it for one fice and the power being conveyed not not give him the $1.6 billion that he reason, to do an end run around Con- to abuse it. Those of us in the Senate, threatened to veto but that gave him gress and the Appropriations Com- at that time, felt that whether it was a $1.3 billion, and that he signed. If any- mittee, and use taxpayer money to Republican or Democratic President, body thinks this is just playing games, build a wall on the southern border they would not abuse the power. Presi- that states it. that Congress has refused to fund. dent Trump has failed that test. Over the past 2 years, we have seen For 3 years, he failed to convince Presidential emergency powers the erosion of our institutional checks Congress—a Republican-controlled should only be invoked in a true time and balances in the face of creeping Senate and a Republican-controlled of crisis. It is an abuse of power to in- authoritarianism. The time has come House—that his wall was a good idea. voke these authorities just because he for Congress and Members of the Presi- For 3 years, he requested that Congress couldn’t do what he wanted in any dent’s own party to take a stand. Con- fund his cynical campaign promise to other way. We are now seeing what he gress simply cannot afford to remain build a ‘‘big beautiful’’ wall on the would do if he had these powers. silent in the face of such an unprece- southern border, and for 3 years, the The President wants to raid money dented violation of the separation of Republican-controlled Congress re- meant for military housing and mili- powers.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:45 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.012 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1863 I understand Senator LEE has intro- death on a bridge over the Mexican self-styled resistance have compared duced a bill to reform the National border near McAllen, TX. Early reports the President to Hitler. Emergencies Act. I appreciate the suggest Rocio was caught in a shoot- These are curious, overheated claims, thought he has put into this issue. I am out between cartel gunmen and the I have to say. To be lawless, after all, certainly going to review his legisla- Mexican police, but whatever the case one must act outside the law. Yet the tion with an open mind, but make no turns out to be, Rocio has perished— President’s critics don’t even bother mistake, legislation to fix future the latest American victim of lawless- making that case, probably because abuses of this law does not address the ness at our southern border. they don’t have much of one to make. abuses we have that are happening Since last October, Border Patrol The President isn’t purporting to in- right now. His bill does not address the agents have apprehended more than voke his inherent Executive powers fact that this President is trying to do 260,000 illegal aliens at the border, under article II of our Constitution. He an end run around Congress—an end which is a surge of 90 percent—almost does not even claim to defend his con- run around Democrats and Republicans double from the previous year. For the stitutional prerogatives from legisla- alike—and is cynically using an emer- most part, these aren’t young men who tive encroachment. On the contrary, he gency declaration to fund a request on are coming for work, as has been so is only exercising the statutory au- which we had voted but of which we did often the case in the past; rather, they thority that has been delegated to him not approve. We must send a message are Central Americans who are gaming by us, by this very body—the U.S. Con- to the President that this is unaccept- our generous asylum laws. Instead of gress. More than half of the $8.1 billion able. This is not something we never running away from the Border Patrol, the President is using to build the wall voted on. We have voted on this mat- these illegal aliens run to it so they and secure the border comes from non- ter, and under the Constitution, that is can be captured and released into the emergency statutes that have been what is supposed to carry the day. country, with notice to appear in passed by Congress. The remainder I hope my Republican friends will court, which they hardly ever do. comes from an explicit delegation of take a moment to take stock of where Thanks to stupid laws and activist various powers to the President in the we are. President Trump is going to be judges, illegal aliens are even using lit- event of a national emergency, just but a moment in our Nation’s history. tle kids as legal force fields because like the one the President has declared, The Constitution controls our history being detained with minors increases which we also delegated him the au- no matter who is President. For the their odds of being held in America thority to do. I should add, the Na- sake of appeasing a man who made a rather than to be turned around and tional Emergencies Act passed nearly foolish campaign promise that was sent home. unanimously, with only five ‘‘no’’ votes never grounded in reality, will they not As a result, we see all of the horrors in the House. stand up for the institution in which of the human smuggling trade at the I am sympathetic to arguments that they serve? For the sake of appeasing a border today. Women and girls are sex- the National Emergencies Act is too President who detests any limits or ually assaulted at horrific rates. Hun- broad and gives the executive branch checks on his authority, will they for- dreds die in the desert each year of too much power. That is a reasonable ever diminish the role of Congress as a thirst and exhaustion. Infectious dis- debate to have. Believe me, Congress coequal branch of government? eases we had all but eradicated with has ceded too much power to the Exec- Now is the time for country over vaccines are appearing again in border utive for more than a century and has party. I will vote aye on the joint reso- communities. ICE health officials have expanded an administrative state that lution of disapproval, and I urge all found 236 confirmed or probable cases increasingly deprives our people of Senators to do the same. of mumps among detainees in the past having a meaningful say in their gov- I do not see any Senator who seeks year after having reported zero cases ernment, so I invite my Democratic the floor. for the previous 2 years. colleagues to reconsider the wisdom of Mr. President, is this under con- This surge of illegal aliens is swamp- this path. trolled time? ing law enforcement’s ability to do its Maybe we can also reform the EPA. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time job. ‘‘Overwhelmed’’ is the word we Perhaps we can require up-or-down is controlled equally between the pro- hear so often from agents. Border Pa- votes in Congress in order to approve ponents and opponents. trol Commissioner Kevin McAleenan big regulations so politicians around Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask says: ‘‘This is clearly both a border se- here can show some accountability for unanimous consent that the time con- curity and humanitarian crisis.’’ once. I am ready to have those debates. sumed by the quorum be equally di- The consequences of this crisis Believe me, I am ready. In the mean- vided between both sides. stretch far beyond the border. Some- time, don’t pretend we didn’t delegate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without times it stretches thousands of miles all of these powers or that it is lawless objection, it is so ordered. away. An American—1 of 192 every Mr. LEAHY. I suggest the absence of for the Executive to use the laws we day—dies of a drug overdose. The poi- a quorum. have passed just because you deplore The PRESIDING OFFICER. The son in his veins flows across the Mexi- him. clerk will call the roll. can border. A brave police officer and If you want to see lawless Executive The legislative clerk proceeded to father, Corporal Ronil Singh, of Cali- action, by the way, you can look, in- call the roll. fornia, was shot dead the day after stead, to the last administration. Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, I ask Christmas after his killer snuck into President Obama purportedly gave mil- unanimous consent that the order for the country illegally. We have failed to lions of illegal aliens legal status and the quorum call be rescinded. protect our border, as any sovereign work permits, which was in clear viola- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without nation must, and our people are dying tion of statutes that had been passed objection, it is so ordered. because of it. by this Congress. He also expressly de- Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, the Sen- The President has declared a na- fied our ban on bailout payments from ate will soon vote on the President’s tional emergency because of this crisis. the ObamaCare slush fund to big health declaration of a national emergency. Yet the administration’s sensible, long insurance companies. It is strange how We have reached a moment of crisis, overdue efforts to secure the border I don’t recall the self-styled resistance but it is not a constitutional crisis; it have been met only by howls of outrage manning the ramparts and rushing to is a crisis on the border, a crisis of from the Democratic Party and its the Ninth Circuit back then. In fact, I American sovereignty. When hundreds media wing. Judging from their reac- only recall a lot of congressional of thousands of foreigners arrive at the tion, you would think the real emer- fanboys of the President’s using the southern border and demand entry, gency was not our lawless border but pen and phone to encroach on our con- that is not migration; that is an emer- any genuine effort to secure it. The mi- stitutional prerogatives. gency and a threat to our sovereignty. nority leader called the President’s I have also heard from some Senators The stories speak for themselves. emergency declaration a ‘‘lawless act’’ who admit the President is acting law- Last Thursday, an American citizen that showed ‘‘naked contempt for the fully but who worry about the slippery named Rocio Alderete was shot to rule of law.’’ Other members of the slope of Executive power. I respect this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:45 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.013 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1864 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 view. Our system of separated powers at a worse time for our country be- ing on giving American consumers a calls on each branch to jealously pro- cause there is, indeed, a crisis at the break. tect its own powers, but one can ski to border, and we ought to be addressing What I want to talk about today goes the bottom of a slippery slope pretty it. to an issue that is hard to believe but fast. A Republican declares a national We could be spending this valuable true. A few years ago, the New York emergency today on the border. A legislative time tightening up our asy- Times reported that nearly $3 billion Democrat—or who knows these days, lum laws or cracking down on employ- worth of drugs was wasted each year. maybe a socialist—will tomorrow de- ers who exploit illegal aliens instead of These are not ordinary drugs; these are clare a gun violence emergency to con- hiring American workers or ramping cancer drugs used in chemotherapy. fiscate guns or will declare a climate up drug enforcement. Instead, we are Medicare, Medicaid, and private health change emergency to shut down coal- debating whether a crisis at our south- insurers spend billions of dollars on fired powerplants. ern border can be called an emergency. medications. Many of them are lit- I acknowledge it doesn’t take much Instead of solving a problem, we are erally thrown in the trash. How could to imagine such abuses by a future lib- trying to spin it. that possibly be? eral President, especially with the So I have a simple suggestion for my You see, for many of the most expen- gang they have running today, but that colleagues: If you are genuinely sive drugs, like new cancer treatments, is precisely what such actions would alarmed by the President’s invocation the pharmaceutical industry produces be—abuses. What the law says matters of the very emergency powers we dele- them in a one-size-fits-all container, a here. We have delegated to the Execu- gated to him, instead of furrowing your single-use vial that a physician has to tive the power to enforce the Nation’s brows and tugging your chins and from to give a treatment to a pa- immigration laws, including by an gravely citing Youngstown Sheet, let’s tient. The dosage for the patient in the emergency declaration. We have not tackle this emergency declaration by cancer therapy is based on the pa- delegated to the Executive the power making it unnecessary. Let’s get to the tient’s size and weight. The problem is to confiscate guns, to close power- root of the problem and secure our bor- that the pharmaceutical industry in- plants or any of the other common en- der once and for all. No more border sists on selling these drugs in exces- trants in the parade of horribles on the crisis, no more emergency—it is as sively large vials that contain dramati- slippery slope. That is the difference simple as that. cally more medicine than the average between lawful and lawless govern- I yield the floor. patient would need, so doctors admin- ment, and that is the case here. I suggest the absence of a quorum. ister the proper dosage and throw away Still, others claim the crisis on the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the rest. border isn’t bad enough to call a na- clerk will call the roll. Here is a graphic to illustrate what I tional emergency. Some have gone so The legislative clerk proceeded to am talking about. Here is why we are far as to deride it as a fake emergency. call the roll. wasting billions of dollars each year on cancer drugs. One size does not fit all. If killings, caravans, and cartels at the Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask This drug, Velcade—the vial size border are fake emergencies, I would unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. available is 3.5 milligrams. The patient really hate to see a genuine emergency. dose is 2.2. The amount that is left over Let’s suppose we take their claim se- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without is 1.3. Oh, you are going to recycle riously. We at least ought to compare objection, it is so ordered. that? You can’t do it. That is the end the crisis at the border to past national PRESCRIPTION DRUG COSTS of it, and it is thrown away. In 2016, emergencies to see how they all stack Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, last $300 million was wasted in this way. month, I launched a new series of floor up. Right now, there are 32 national This vial, the first one here that is speeches to recognize what is going on emergencies in effect—32 national produced, is a vial that would apply to emergencies. Among them is a national with prescription drug pricing across a person who is 6 feet 6 inches tall and emergency related to election fraud in America. weighs 250 pounds, which means our When you ask the American people Belarus. Another is in response to the linebacker Khalil Mack on the Chicago about the economic things that are on breakdown of the rule of law in Leb- Bears—God forbid he would ever need anon. A third is in response to a failed their minds, it is No. 1—the cost of pre- it—that would be his dosage size. Most coup in Burundi. scription drugs. No. 2 is, have I saved people are not as big as Chicago line- I don’t deny that those are all gen- enough money for my retirement? It backers. uine problems or that an American re- really gets to the heart of the concerns Why is Pharma sending us one vial, sponse may well be warranted—far families have every day. Each one of us take it or leave it? Because they make from it. Yet I doubt many Americans knows that the cost of prescription money. They make money when we would put them ahead of a serial viola- drugs is going up, and we also realize buy it and have to throw it away. tion of our sovereign border by mil- how vulnerable we may be as individ- Takeda Pharmaceutical sells this lions of foreigners. If the Belarusians uals if one of those drugs is a matter of drug for those who are suffering from warrant an emergency declaration, life and death. multiple myeloma and lymphoma. As I then surely Americans do, too, when I came to the floor 2 weeks ago to mentioned, it is for a person who is 6 we face a crisis at our southern border. talk about the cost of insulin. Seven feet 6 inches and weighs 250 pounds. The Democrats used to take border and a half million diabetics across Takeda made $310 million in the year security seriously, but in elite society America have seen dramatic increases 2016 off of unused Velcade that got these days, ‘‘border security’’ are bad in the cost of insulin—increases that thrown in the trash—$310 million. words, and ‘‘wall’’ is practically a four- can’t be justified because the same What makes this even more appalling letter word unless they are the walls American companies selling the same is that the pharmaceutical industry ti- that protect the rich and the powerful drugs in Canada do it for a fraction of tans actually sell the same drug in and the politically connected from a the cost. Americans pay outrageous smaller containers in other countries dangerous world. Look in the news. prices. but not in the United States. Here, we The Democrats’ newest Presidential as- Humalog, which is one of the most are forced to buy the largest container pirant, Robert Francis O’Rourke—a popular forms of insulin, costs $329 a and throw away the difference. former Congressman and failed Senate dosage in the United States. Twenty This chart shows that the same com- candidate—has gone so far as to sug- years ago, it was about $29. It has gone pany—Takeda—that makes Velcade gest the tearing down of existing bar- up in price 35 times in that 20-year pe- sells this drug not in 3.5-milligram riers at the southern border, which I riod of time. How much does the exact vials, as in the United States, but, in am sure has thrilled all of the good same drug that costs $329 in the United Europe, in 1-milligram vials. It seems people in El Paso who don’t live in a States cost in Canada? It is made by like a simple thing, doesn’t it, that you world of private planes and security de- the same company. Thirty-eight dol- would dispense this drug in a manner tails. lars. You look at that and you think so that it is not wasted? Sadly, wasting Regrettably, the Democrats’ hos- there is something wrong here. The and throwing away the drug is part of tility to border security couldn’t come pharmaceutical industry is not focus- their marketing strategy.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:45 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.015 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1865 Another Japanese company, Eisai, Blue Cross Blue Shield, based out of Instead of going to Mexico to get sells its chemotherapy drug Halaven Chicago, when I sit down with them, them to pay for the wall, as he said he only in 1-milligram vials in the United say: We spend more money on prescrip- would do over and over again, he has States but sells smaller vials—0.88 mil- tion drugs than we do on inpatient hos- now asked Congress to pay for it. He ligram—in Europe. pital care. has now asked the American taxpayer Merck’s immunotherapy drug To give you an idea, it is out of sight. to fulfill his broken promise. KEYTRUDA, which is truly a break- You can’t turn on a television set, par- By the way, that is after 2 years of through, an amazing drug—research ticularly if you are over the age of 50, having a Republican majority in the was done by taxpayers at the National without being bombarded with all Senate and a Republican majority in Institutes of Health, which led to the these drug ads, right? You have heard the House who said: We don’t want to development of this drug—they sell them over and over again. build your wall. We are not going to this drug, KEYTRUDA, only in 100-mil- The No. 1 drug being sold on tele- help you keep your promise. In fact, ligram vials in the United States but in vision today is HUMIRA. What is it you promised Mexico would pay for the 50-milligram vials in Europe. In 2016, for? psoriatic arthritis. It is serious. If wall. Go get Mexico to pay for the wall Merck made $200 million on you have that arthritis, that may be a is what the Republican Senate and the KEYTRUDA—this lifesaving drug— lifesaver for you, but it is now being Republican House said. that was thrown away. sold for that little red patch on your So he was frustrated. He said how In 2016, I asked the inspector general elbow called psoriasis. Interesting. Do frustrated he was. He went out to the of Health and Human Services about you know how much HUMIRA costs American people during the 2018 elec- this waste of taxpayers’ money. The in- each month? Five thousand dollars. tion, and the people rewarded him by spector general uncovered that Medi- I have legislation that would require electing Democrats to be the majority care spent $195 million in just 1 year on these drug companies to advertise the in the House of Representatives. 20 identified drugs for medication that cost of their drugs on television. They Then, last December, those Demo- was thrown away. That year, Takeda tell us everything else; don’t they? crats offered the President $1.3 billion received $47 million in taxpayer fund- They tell us, if you are allergic to for border security. It wasn’t for his ing for amounts of Velcade thrown in HUMIRA, don’t take HUMIRA. I have medieval wall. It is for what he now the trash. It wasn’t alone. Genentech’s never understood that warning. They calls steel slats. Instead of accepting that fact—the Rituxan, one of the most common can- tell us everything under the Sun, but cer medications, only comes in vials fact that nobody here wants to fund they never mention the price. So what that are 100 milligrams or 500 milli- the wall he said Mexico would pay for— I want to do is get the price out in grams. In 2013, Medicare wasted $10 he shut down the government for 35 front of the public, and let them know million on Rituxan that was thrown days. Then, after all the misery he in- what being perfect in a swimsuit is away. flicted, after the billions of dollars he going to cost you per month. It is for this reason that I am pre- cost our economy, to say nothing of From my point of view, there are senting my second Pharma Fleece what he did to the Federal workers, he people who need these drugs des- Award to Takeda, Eisai, Merck, and basically got exactly the same deal as perately, and we ought to try to get Genentech. Patients in America should he got before he shut down the govern- the prices within their reach. For those not face higher drug costs because ment, making the shutdown pointless, who are overusing and abusing the air- these Pharma fleecers choose to sell making the billions of dollars of lost waves of America to advertise drugs— their expensive cancer drugs in exces- wages and economic activity in Amer- to try to push doctors into writing the sively large drug vials that are nec- ica pointless, all a casualty of his in- scripts even when it is not necessary— essarily going to be wasted. ability to keep his promise that Mexico Two weeks ago, I teamed up with Re- we have to come to grips with this. If would pay for the wall and his inability publican Senator ROB PORTMAN of Ohio we don’t, we are not going to have a se- to get Republican majorities in the to introduce the REFUND Act—a sim- rious effort to reduce the cost of health House and the Senate to build his wall. ple bill that Senator PORTMAN and I insurance and the healthcare costs So having failed to get Mexico to pay have introduced, and I hope others will that face our Nation. for the wall, having failed to get a Re- join us. It says that taxpayers will only I yield the floor. publican Congress to pay for the wall, pay for the drug that is given to a pa- I suggest the absence of a quorum. he now says he is going to declare a na- tient, not for the part that is thrown The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tional emergency to pay for the wall. away. Medicare already tracks how clerk will call the roll. We should ask ourselves—we must much of this medication is being dis- The legislative clerk proceeded to ask ourselves—whether this is an ap- carded, so the REFUND Act simply re- call the roll. propriate use of emergency power. By quires Medicare to determine how Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, I ask the way, if it was an appropriate use of much was wasted and to recoup the unanimous consent that the order for emergency power, why didn’t he just money from the drug companies. We the quorum call be rescinded. declare an emergency before he shut then provide a portion of that money The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the government down for 35 days? Why back to seniors for the 20-percent coin- objection, it is so ordered. cost the economy billions and billions surance they have to pay for the drugs. H.J. RES. 46 of dollars if you can just do this by de- An important point: When Medicare Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, I want claring an emergency? The easy answer is paying for these drugs, and a lot are to congratulate the Presiding Officer for that is that it is not an emergency. being thrown away, the seniors are on being in the Senate and presiding He is only doing this now because he still paying their 20 percent, even for over the Senate. lost the negotiation. He lost his lever- the drug portion that is being thrown I come to the floor to remind us how age. He embarrassed himself by having away. So ROB PORTMAN’s bill—the one we got here. President Trump told us the longest shutdown in American his- I have introduced with him—says that over and over and over again during his tory. the money recouped from the drug campaign that Mexico would pay for This is not a national emergency. companies will go back to the benefit the wall. He said it at the beginning of This is just plan B. The President has of these seniors. Under our new bill, the campaign. He said it in the middle admitted as much as he was signing this pharma fleecing for drug vial of the campaign. He said it at the end the declaration itself—the declaration waste will soon come to an end so that of the campaign. of emergency. He said: not just the patients but our govern- He made that promise over and over I didn’t need to do this, but I’d rather do it ment will save money. again. The U.S. Congress didn’t make much faster. . . . I just want to get it done Remember the bottom line. When that promise. There is no way for Con- faster, that’s all. you ask the major health insurers gress to force Mexico to pay for the It is not an emergency. He just wants today: What is driving the cost of wall. We cannot force Mexico to pay for to get it done faster, which is aston- health insurance premiums, they say: the wall. It is not Congress’s fault. It is ishing coming from a guy who has not Senator, prescription drug pricing is the President’s fault, and it is his spent the money that Congress has al- No. 1. promise he has broken. ready appropriated for the wall. He

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:45 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.016 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1866 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 hasn’t even spent that money, and now Over the months and now stretching Most of the time, they just want money. he is saying he wants to go faster, and into years, I have been shocked at how It’s very rarely they say, ‘‘I love my house, he has to declare a national emergency the people around here who declare I love my house, it’s the greatest thing to do it. that they are constitutional conserv- ever.’’ By the way, America, you may have atives have put up with a President Here is another quote—and just for noticed that the President is also now who obviously doesn’t care about the everybody who is watching this be- saying that ‘‘much of the wall has al- rule of law, doesn’t care about the sep- cause people are going to come out on ready been fully renovated or built.’’ aration of powers—as you see here— this floor and say: Oh, no, the money ‘‘Much of the wall has already been isn’t concerned about having an inde- will not be used for it in this case—not fully renovated or built.’’ That is what pendent judiciary, and wants to threat- for a wall, not for eminent domain. your President is saying to you at the en the leading journalists of this coun- Donald Trump says: exact same time he is saying that he try, calling them fake news. We are going to need a little eminent do- needs a national emergency to build I would think this step would be one main to get that wall built, just so you un- derstand. . . . You need eminent domain, you the wall. It is preposterous. It is a joke. step too far, even for anybody in this have to take certain areas, okay? On top of everything else, he is not Chamber who supported this craziness That is the kind of language you telling the truth about that. He has not up until this point. built a mile of this wall since he has Let’s add it all up. What has it gotten would expect out of some autocrat been President of the United States, us? The President couldn’t get Mexico someplace, not in a democracy. I say to my Republican friends here even though Congress has appropriated to pay for the wall. He couldn’t get a who are going to vote with the Presi- more than $1 billion—I think about $1.7 Republican House and a Republican dent on this bill, that is what you are billion—to do it. Senate to pay for the wall. So now he When he signed the emergency dec- is violating the Constitution to steal supporting when you are voting with laration, he said that national emer- money that has been appropriated by him on this bill. I don’t know how anybody goes home gencies have ‘‘been signed many times this branch—by Congress. He is steal- and defends that. For anyone who before. It’s been signed by other presi- ing that money from the Department wants to go home and defend misappro- dents from 1977 or so; it gave the presi- of Defense, from our warfighters, and priating money that has been dedicated dents the power.’’ from the U.S. military to expropriate to the Department of Defense and to ‘‘There’s rarely been a problem’’ the private land held by American farmers our military and to take that money President said. ‘‘They sign it. Nobody and ranchers—many of whom I assume cares.’’ That is what he said. are Republicans—through eminent do- extra-constitutionally and use it to Nobody cared because those were real main. take the property of law-abiding citi- emergencies, not fake emergencies. As I have said on this floor before, if zens, I don’t understand how you de- They weren’t emergencies being de- any President tried to do that in Colo- fend it. clared by Presidents who had promised rado, there is not a person in our dele- I am not making any of this up. that Mexico would do something, and gation who would support that—steal- These are his words. By the way, it is then it didn’t happen, and now they ing our farms and ranches. no wonder he can’t get it through the had to declare an emergency. They cer- It must be said that, for a politician, people’s Representatives in Congress tainly were not cases where the Presi- he has a very unusual view about emi- because there is not a single person dent came to the Congress, including a nent domain. Here are some quotes of here who would ever admit to doing Congress of their own party, and said, I his: ‘‘I think eminent domain is won- what he is about to do and what he want to do something, and they said derful.’’ says he wants to do. What a betrayal of no. Then, they said: Well, we are going For those of you who don’t know conservative principles this is. to declare an emergency. what eminent domain is, it is when a As I said, this whole exercise itself is That has never happened before in government decides it wants a project, an admission that he has broken his American history. and your house is in the middle of promise to the American people. By the way, if we go down this road, where that project is going to go. Then, We didn’t break it, Republicans in this will not be the last time this hap- the government can use this thing the Senate. We didn’t break it, and we pens. This will happen time and again, called eminent domain to take your should not help him keep it if it is which is why every Member of the Sen- house and pay you for it. That is what going to break the Constitution. In ate should vote for this measure of dis- it is. It is rarely used because most fact, we can’t help him keep it unless approval. people don’t want the government de- somebody around here has a way of Since 1976, when Congress passed the ciding whether they can live in their persuading Mexico to build the wall or National Emergencies Act, Presidents house or on their farm or on their pay for the wall, which I don’t think have declared national emergencies 58 ranch, which—in the case of people on there is a single person here who has times. Fifty-three of those times have the border of the United States—has that kind of influence, as influential as been to do things like block the sale of been in their family for generations. all of us think we are. weapons to foreign countries or to That is why the local Congressman I don’t understand it, but it is amaz- sanction governments, like Iran and down there doesn’t want this wall ing to me why people would cash in North Korea. The four remaining cases built. I think he is a Republican. their conservative principles so cheap- were after two U.S. planes were shot But the President said: ‘‘I think emi- ly—$3.6 billion. down by Cuba, after we invaded Iraq nent domain is wonderful’’—not some- The idea that you would be willing to and desperately needed to protect crit- times essential, not a tool that is use- give up your principles in such a taw- ical infrastructure, after the outbreak ful from time to time. He said it is dry exchange should be infuriating to of swine flu, and after 9/11. ‘‘wonderful.’’ the real conservatives who I know are Failing to fulfill his promise that He said: ‘‘Eminent domain is some- in this country. Many of them live in Mexico would pay for the wall is not a thing that has to be used, usually you my State of Colorado, which is a third national emergency, and if he thinks it would say for anything that’s long, Republican, a third Independent, and a is, he should sanction himself for fail- like a road, like a pipeline, or like a third Democratic. Don’t come to our ing to keep his promise. wall, or a fence.’’ State and tell us you are taking away As I said earlier—and this should He didn’t say steel slats, but I am our houses because we don’t care about bother everybody who believes in our sure the same thing applies. them—that we will just take the system of checks and balances and who Here is another quote. This is fas- money instead for a broken promise believes in the Constitution—never has cinating. I have not met a single per- that you didn’t keep. That would not a President sought to enact a national son in Colorado who would agree with sell in Colorado. I don’t know why it emergency like this after Congress has this—not one—and I bet you there is sells in Texas. I can’t imagine that it said no. In our Constitution, Congress not a person in Mississippi or Texas or does. I don’t know how anybody could has the power of the purse. Every sin- Alabama who would agree with this support that. gle Senator should be voting to protect sentiment either. This is what the By the way, that is not even the most that. President of the United States said: important point. The most important

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:45 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.018 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1867 point is that we have ground ourselves somebody who is mostly concerned tions than any tyrant could ever come up for a 35-day government shutdown, with winning the politics of any given up with on their own. That is why they for 3 months of media cycles on this day. That is what he tries to do, and he designed the institutions the way they fight by the President on a wall that he is often very effective at it. We spend a did, and that is why they created the now says is almost fully built, while he lot of time talking about him and his checks and balances that they did. is declaring an emergency to build a priorities, unlike figuring out a plan to There is a reason no President has ever wall that hasn’t been built. counteract what China is doing or oth- done what this President is trying to While we are screwing around here to ers are doing. do. keep a broken promise that Mexico is I bet they have a great strategy in They exercise self-restraint because going to pay for the wall, this is what China and Iran. Russia is not so obvi- of what is in the Constitution and be- was going on in China. By the way, I ously good at that strategy. Actually, cause nobody on this floor would have know somebody is going to say: Hey, come to think of it, they are pretty supported him. There are many ways they have a wall. They do have a wall. good, too. If you can stay off FOX this generation of politicians—and I ac- They built it 500 years ago. That is not News, the President will not pay any cept my share of the blame. There are what they are working on today. They attention to what you are doing, so go many ways in which we have degraded took care of that medieval wall 500 do whatever it is you want to do while these institutions in our time. We have years ago. we fritter away one day after another destroyed the Senate’s responsibility Today, what they are doing is they of the American people’s time over a to advise and consent on judicial nomi- are spending $125 billion on high-speed broken promise that he never could nations and Supreme Court nomina- rail this year alone. That is $125 billion keep. tions. That has been turned into a on high-speed rail. You get on one of Unless we are prepared to be the first purely partisan exercise by this genera- those trains and you could hear a pin generation of Americans to leave less tion of American politicians. I am drop. If you go on Amtrak, which I opportunity, not more, to the people ashamed of that. I am ashamed to have take all the time—I feel grateful that coming after us, we need to do a lot been here when we did that, and I take we have it—it is less than half the better than what we are doing, and my share of the responsibility. speed, and you can’t put your Coca- part of that is to ensure that we pre- What I say to my colleagues is that Cola on the table in front of you with- serve the institutions that built this we cannot continue to degrade these out it falling over or falling on your country, like the one we are standing institutions and expect that the next neighbor. in right now. generation of Americans is going to China has spent $300 billion on new I know that among some people there look back on us with anything except roads, bridges, and ports across the is an effort to divide the government contempt. Generation after generation globe through their Belt and Road Ini- from the American people and that after generation of Americans has pre- tiative. They have bought stakes in 16 there are people here who think they served these institutions so the next different ports across Europe and the have been sent here for one purpose, generation could have the opportunity Mediterranean, some of which have which is to discredit the Federal Gov- to resolve their disagreements in these fallen into their hands because—and ernment. Chambers. We will regret it. We will re- this is part of the plan—the debt that I have a lot of problems with the Fed- gret it if we go down this road. As the majority leader said in an- the countries have put on to build the eral Government—lots of them. I was a other time: Things have a way of ports is so onerous that China gets to school superintendent before I came changing around here sooner than you own the ports. They have built the here. I have a lot of problems with think, and someday the shoe will be on longest sea bridge in the world. They what is happening to poor children who the other foot. If this Republican sets have laid over 3,700 miles of fiber optic are going to schools in our public sys- this precedent and some Democratic cable to connect Africa to Latin Amer- tem of education across the country, so President follows it, that is one more ica and, ultimately, to China. On that I am not here to defend government or step away from living in the Republic Belt and Road Initiative, they have the way it works right now. In fact, I that we all claim we cherish, from the laid their technology over that with don’t think Democrats should be the democracy we all claim we cherish, to party defending bad government. We fiber optic cables so they could extend put power in the hands of a tyrant who the surveillance society that they are should fix it where it needs to be fixed. We are talking here about our insti- may or may not represent the will of building inside of China right now, the American people. tutions. We are talking here about the while we screw around with this wall. We may never get another vote like rule of law. We are talking here about By the way, on the $3.6 billion for the this around here. This is going to be wall, here is an interesting chart. Here the Constitution that generation after the time that each of us is going to de- is how much cement China used over a generation after generation of Ameri- cide whether we are going to act to 3-year period, from 2011 to 2013. This is cans has preserved—not always per- preserve these institutions for the next what they used in 3 years, 2011 to 2013. fectly, often very imperfectly. generation or whether we are going to Every generation of Americans has I was in the Congress then. We were in continue to degrade them in our mind- the depths of the great recession dur- seen it as their obligation, their re- less partisanship and, in this case, to ing that period of time. It was 6.6 sponsibility, to at least try to live up somehow fulfill a promise the Presi- gigatons of concrete. Here is how much to the pages in our founding docu- dent never could keep. That would be a we have built in concrete in 100 years: ments, and where we failed, we got up shameful day in the U.S. Senate. 4.5 gigatons. and we tried again. This whole country I yield the floor. They used 4.5 gigatons in 3 years. is founded on the idea that we will The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. They have used dramatically more have disagreements because we live in FISCHER). The Senator from Texas. than we have used in 100 years, and we a Republic, and in a Republic, you have Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, can’t even get an infrastructure bill off disagreements. There is no King or ty- when President Trump declared a na- this floor. The White House can’t even rant to tell you what to think. That is tional emergency over the crisis along write an infrastructure bill. the reason we live in a democratic Re- our southern border, it was imme- All night, every night, on the cable, public. diately met with expressions of con- all we hear is $3.6 billion for the wall, This place here and the Chamber cern—some, in my view, illegitimate; the wall, the wall—the wall that the down the hall are part of the mecha- others, quite legitimate. President says has already been mostly nisms that were drafted into our found- As I have said in the past, I will re- built, that he is now declaring a na- ing documents for us to resolve our dis- peat again that this—what we are tional emergency to build. agreements. The Founders believed doing here today—is no one’s first The world is racing ahead of us, as I something. They had no good example choice, but it is useful to recall how we have said on this floor over and over in the past, but here is what they be- find ourselves at this point today. again, while we are getting run around lieved. They believed that out of that Of course, when it comes to funding, by one inane distraction after another. vigorous disagreement, we would cre- when it comes to appropriations, Con- It has been said that the President is ate more imaginative and durable solu- gress holds the purse. That is why,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:45 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.019 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1868 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 each year, the Congress receives the this is an emergency or they may dis- constitutional concern, as a constitu- President’s budget request for the up- agree with the way the President tional matter, which is why I am co- coming fiscal year, just as we did ear- wants to spend the money to secure the sponsoring a bill which has been intro- lier this week. border, but, clearly, the President is duced by our colleague Senator LEE Even though, in the President’s budg- using authorities the Congress has pre- which gives Congress a stronger voice et, he outlines his priorities, my expe- viously granted, not just to him but to in processes under the National Emer- rience in the Senate is that most Presi- all Presidents since 1976. gencies Act. dential budgets, while they are an ex- My father liked to remind me grow- That bill will now be referred to the pression of the President’s priorities, ing up—one of the things he always Homeland Security Committee. Chair- are dead on arrival. It then falls to us, told me is that hindsight is always 20– man JOHNSON has said he will give that in the Senate and the House, to look at 20. Our predecessors did not anticipate bill a hearing and then a markup. Then his request and to work on a com- the fights we would be having today, I would expect, at some point, that leg- promise budget and appropriations which are largely contrived and unnec- islation will make its way to the Sen- process and fund the operations of the essary. We should be working together ate floor where we will have a debate Federal Government. to solve these problems, not engaged in and a vote. This process is arduous, it is time- a zero-sum game of political brinkman- The proposal would allow the Presi- consuming, and it is often frustrating, ship. That is what brought us to where dent to maintain his statutory powers but it is the way the system is sup- we are today. to declare an emergency, but that dec- posed to work. As all Americans can I think it is appropriate to look at laration would end after 30 days unless attest, what we have seen over the last what Congress did in 1976, and in a pro- Congress affirmatively votes to extend few months looks like something very spective sort of way, ask ourselves: it. This would maintain a President’s different. The refusal of Democrats in Have we delegated too much authority ability to provide funding during na- the House and the Senate to engage in to Presidents since that time? There tional emergencies while restoring negotiations on border security fund- are literally 123 statutory authoriza- Congress’s proper authority under arti- ing led us to a 35-day government shut- tions that could be invoked under the cle I of the Constitution. I think this is down. National Emergencies Act—123 times an honest and important effort to Despite the clear message from bor- that Congress has said a President, hopefully prevent us from ending up in der security experts, despite seeing the upon the declaration of a national this predicament in the future. humanitarian crisis at the border, de- emergency, can reprogram money that The real cause of where we are today scribed by President Obama in 2014, get Congress has appropriated—123 times. is just politics—Ms. PELOSI’s deciding many times worse, our Democratic col- That was a shock not only to me but, that building any border barrier was leagues decided to play politics instead I dare say, to virtually all of our col- immoral, after Democrats and Repub- of dealing with the problem. leagues here in the Senate. licans had not made that a particularly We heard the Speaker of the House Many of these statutory grants of au- political decision in the past. In fact, it call border barriers immoral. The mi- thority are exceedingly broad. They had been bipartisan that we did sup- nority leader here in the Senate said cover everything from the military to port it as one tool in the toolbox for that there would be no additional public health to Federal pay schedules. Border Patrol, in addition to tech- money for physical barriers along the With these broad authorities already nology and personnel, some physical border. They know, just as I know, that part of the law, the emergency powers barriers. back in 2006 and 2008, the Secure Fence provision could be viewed as a fail-safe Rather than scolding the President of Act was passed with broad bipartisan for an agenda that the administra- the United States for exercising statu- support, including support from then- tion—an administration alone—is tory authority that Congress has al- Senator Barack Obama, then-Senator pushing. Let’s say, hypothetically, ready given, we should try to work to- Hillary Clinton, and Senator CHUCK that a future President decides there is gether to solve these problems rather SCHUMER, currently the Democratic a need to declare a national emergency than engaging in the kind of political leader in the Senate, who now feels over climate change. Maybe they de- brinksmanship that brings us here that this President should not get any cide this is a way to enact the Green today. We should fix—should it be the additional money to fund border secu- New Deal being pushed by some of our will of Congress—this massive delega- rity measures that the President be- colleagues across the aisle. tion of authority not just to this Presi- lieves are an important response to the Considering the potential scope and dent but to any President since 1976. crisis we see at the border. scale in which these powers could be I have to disagree with our colleague My preference would be for the nor- abused in the future and this overdele- from Colorado and others who suggest mal appropriations process to be used, gation of authority that Congress has that what is happening at the border is but when your negotiating partners done 123 times, I believe we should take not serious. By the way, I haven’t refuse to take a seat at the table, nor- a look at the National Emergencies heard any of them suggest any alter- mal goes out the window. Our col- Act, once we vote today, and have a native solutions. Perhaps instead of leagues across the aisle left the Presi- fulsome debate and discussion about Border Patrol securing the border we dent with few options to fund what he whether this is really the sort of dele- ought to have police officers at the bor- believed was so important for the Na- gation of powers that the Founding Fa- der directing traffic, waving people tion’s security, and that is what led us thers intended when they said that dis- through to their chosen destination. I to this situation. tinct separated power should be given think that would be a terrible mistake, Enter the 1976 legislation, the Na- to each branch of the government: the but that seems to be the only alter- tional Emergencies Act. What the legislative, the judicial, and the execu- native our friends across the aisle are President did is ask his lawyers to look tive branch. offering to this humanitarian crisis at what other authority, under con- It is clear that the President is oper- and emergency at the border. gressionally passed laws signed by pre- ating within the authority Congress Last month, 76,000 people illegally vious Presidents, might he have to ac- has given to him. You don’t have to crossed the border and were appre- cess additional funds, and his lawyers like it. You don’t have to agree with it, hended by U.S. Customs and Border pointed to the 1976 National Emer- but it is clear the President is oper- Protection, making this an 11-year gencies Act, which has granted Presi- ating within the authority Congress high. So rather than 76,000 people in 1 dents, since that time, broad powers to delegated to him. Rather than talking month, which our Democratic col- reprogram funding previously appro- in circles and debating that fact, I leagues don’t seem to think is a prob- priated by Congress. think our discussion should focus on lem, let’s say next month it is 150,000 This idea that somehow this is an un- the structure of emergency powers or 300,000 or 600,000. As long as we have constitutional act by this President is moving forward. this attraction for people from other simply wrong. Congress has given the I believe there is a need to rein back countries to come to the United States, President this authority. They may re- in some of the authority that Congress and if they pay the fee to the criminal gret it today or they may disagree that has delegated to presidents just as a organizations that transport them

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:45 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.021 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1869 here, they will successfully make their promised Mexico would pay for; rather, than focusing on the border security way into the United States. They are we specifically allocated these re- proposals that actually work. I was dis- going to keep coming. sources that are being talked about to appointed to hear my colleague from It is clear this problem isn’t going be used by the President for the wall to Texas accusing Democrats of not sup- away, and it is overwhelming the com- ensure that our military is ready and porting border security because, in munities along the border as well as capable and that our servicemembers fact, virtually everyone here has sup- the Federal Government’s ability to receive the support they deserve. ported significant border security pro- deal with it. The President’s attempt to cir- posals in the past, including targeted I remember what the Director of Cus- cumvent Congress by making the mili- fencing in vulnerable areas where we toms and Border Protection said. He tary pay for his border wall jeopardizes know fencing or barriers can make a said: When the Border Patrol is hand- our national security and does a dis- difference. We have supported more ing out diapers and juice boxes to chil- service to our men and women in uni- Border Patrol agents, better surveil- dren coming across the border, the form. That is why the House passed the lance and screening technologies, and drug cartels will exploit that and move legislation on the Senate floor today increased security at the ports of their poison into the United States. I and why I introduced legislation with entry. will just remind my colleagues that my colleagues in the Senate to termi- Coming from a State where we have more than 70,000 Americans died of nate the emergency declaration. a huge challenge with the opioid epi- drug overdoses last year alone. A sub- The resources Congress has provided demic, where we understand the impact stantial amount of it was synthetic support military construction projects of having cocaine and fentanyl and opioids in the form of fentanyl, but a in New Hampshire and across the coun- other drugs come across our border, I lot of it had to do with heroin that had try. Those projects often provide nec- also know the best way to interdict made its way from Mexico into the essary infrastructure improvements those drugs is through the ports of United States because 90 percent of the that enable our servicemembers to ac- entry. That is where most of them are heroin that comes into the United complish their mission. coming from. States comes from Mexico. So while Several of those projects that, I In a recent bipartisan budget agree- the Border Patrol is handing out dia- think, are potentially being reviewed ment Congress provided, I supported, pers and juice boxes, the drug cartels for being added to the list of projects along with the majority of this Senate, are moving in heroin, fentanyl, and to have money taken from are at the nearly $15 billion for Customs and Bor- methamphetamine across the border Portsmouth Naval shipyard. It is one der Protection, including $1.3 billion into our Nation and getting rich in the of the many installations that faces po- for physical infrastructure in vulner- process. tential cuts in funding if this emer- able areas along the southern border. We know border security is com- gency declaration is executed. Con- The reality at our borders is, the vast plicated, and that it is not just about gress has already approved funding for majority of drugs and contraband come security, it is about facilitating legiti- several projects at the shipyard and at through the ports of entry. They don’t mate trade, travel, and commerce. Last our public shipyards around the coun- come through the areas between the year alone, there was $300 billion worth try that support critical submarine ports of entry. of commerce that took place just at maintenance, and any disruption to In the past 2 months alone, law en- Texas ports of entry with Mexico—$300 funding of those projects could lead to forcement officials have made the larg- billion. That supports an awful lot of costly delays and to a reduction in est cocaine seizure in the past 25 years American jobs. at Newark, NJ, and the largest The terrain in the 1,200-mile border military readiness because they would fentanyl seizure ever at any port of between Texas and Mexico varies sig- derail carefully laid plans to upgrade entry in the U.S. in Arizona. Despite nificantly. What works well in one sec- aging infrastructure. Delays in projects this reality, President Trump insists tor does not work well in another. that support the shipyard’s mission on having our military bear the burden What I continue to hear from my con- threaten to exacerbate the Navy’s al- to fulfill his campaign promise. stituents, including elected officials at ready high demand for submarine His insistence that the situation at the border, is that if this is the Border maintenance and the projected sub- the border requires the military to pay Patrol telling us what they need in marine shortfall in the coming years. for his wall runs counter to what I have order to succeed to do the job we have I recently sent a letter to President heard in the Senate Armed Services asked them to do, we are all in, but if Trump and spoke with the leaders at Committee from our military leaders. this is just politics and elected officials DOD urging them to protect these im- In a recent Senate Armed Services in Washington trying to micromanage portant projects at the shipyard, but Committee hearing, General the solution along the border, we are the only way to ensure that these O’Shaughnessy, Commander of U.S. skeptical. This is what they tell me, projects move forward is to terminate and I don’t blame them. the emergency declaration. Northern Command, testified that the I think we need to take action to In addition to projects at the ship- threats to our Nation on our southern adequately fund our border security yard, the emergency declaration could border are not military in nature, and missions, and I hope our discussions in also impact New Hampshire’s National he has never advised the President that the coming months will be more pro- Guard readiness centers, which are in a border wall is necessary to support ductive than they will be this year. desperate need of modernization. A 2014 his mission. Just this morning, we I will vote against the resolution of report from the Army National Guard heard testimony at our SASC hearing disapproval today and encourage my ranked the condition of New Hamp- with Secretary Shanahan and Joint colleagues to instead ask my col- shire’s National Guard facilities 51 out Chiefs Chairman Dunford that we have leagues to focus their energy on re- of 54 States and territories. more troops on our southern border forming the legislation that got us into Our National Guard has been forced with Mexico than we have in all of Eu- this situation to begin with. to shoulder an enormous burden since rope, on Europe’s eastern border with The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Serv- Russia, and we have almost as many on ator from New Hampshire. icemembers have often faced multiple our southern border, and one-quarter Mrs. SHAHEEN. Madam President, I deployments, and they still had to re- as many as we have on the DMZ on the am here this afternoon to support the spond to national disasters at home border with North Korea. By any meas- resolution that would terminate the and to other personal crises. The New ure, North Korea and Russia pose a President’s unconstitutional emer- Hampshire National Guard can’t afford greater threat to our national security gency declaration. It is a declaration further delays to the readiness center than Mexico. It is a policy that does that would take money away from crit- improvements because of President not make sense. Yet we have more ical military construction projects to Trump’s emergency declaration. troops on the southern border now than fund a costly and ineffective border These military construction projects we do in Eastern Europe and in Syria. wall. in New Hampshire are at risk because The fact is, the men and women at Congress did not provide these funds President Trump wants to score polit- the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and at for a border wall that President Trump ical points by building a wall rather the New Hampshire National Guard

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:45 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.022 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 and men and women serving in our who are hard at work enriching our denly taken away, physically taken military across this country should not communities. away and sent back to Liberia, because be forced to sacrifice readiness for an Today, I met with several Liberians for all of them, since the early 1990s, unnecessary border wall that takes from Rhode Island. I hope my col- America has been their home. funding away from projects that this leagues similarly meet with Liberians In the years since 1989, Liberians Congress has already approved that are from their States so they can hear have become our neighbors and friends, going forward. firsthand about what would be lost if pastors, soldiers, police officers, health I urge my colleagues on both sides of these members of our communities are workers, and many more professions. the aisle to protect Congress’s con- deported. They are an important community stitutional authority and defend our Beginning with its founding in the that contributes a great deal of diver- national security by supporting the early 19th century by freed American sity and prosperity in States like resolution to terminate President slaves, our country has had deep ties Rhode Island, Minnesota, Idaho, and Trump’s emergency declaration. with Liberia. It goes without saying other places around the country. It Thank you. that when Liberians faced tragedy, would do our country no good and I yield the floor. with their country engulfed by a civil would be simply cruel to uproot these The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- war that would last from 1989 to 1997, Liberians from their families, employ- jority leader. claiming the lives of thousands, dis- ers, and communities. ORDER OF BUSINESS placing more than half the country’s Moreover, deporting these Liberians Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, population, halting food production, would be contrary to the national in- I ask unanimous consent that there be collapsing the economy, and destroying terest of the United States and desta- 90 minutes of debate, equally divided, its infrastructure, that our country bilizing to the already fragile West Af- remaining on the joint resolution. would open its arms. rican region. We must pursue all pos- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there By 1991, an estimated 14,000 Liberians sible efforts to ensure regional sta- objection? had fled to the United States. In March bility by fostering Liberia’s continuous Without objection, it is so ordered. of that year, the Attorney General post-war and post-Ebola crisis recov- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- under President Bush granted them the ery. We must also continue to build on ator from Rhode Island. opportunity to register for temporary our country’s substantial foreign pol- LIBERIAN-AMERICANS protected status, TPS. icy investments over the past years, in- Mr. REED. Madam President, I come Before the prospects for a safe return cluding U.S. bilateral assistance and to the floor today to plead on behalf of could be realized, Liberia plunged into peacekeeping investments in the re- Liberians who face the immediate a second civil war from 1999 to 2003. gion. threat of deportation from the only This horrific conflict ended with the Given Liberia’s precarious condition home many of them have known. departure from power of former Presi- and lack of resources, the sudden de- I have come to the floor many times dent Charles Taylor, who is currently portation of as many as 4,500 affected over the last two decades to highlight serving a 50-year prison sentence by people to Liberia would overburden the the plight of Liberians, who, after flee- the Special Court for Sierra Leone for country’s limited infrastructure and ing civil wars, political turmoil, eco- war crimes. ability to maintain peace and deliver nomic instability, and deadly disease, In 2014, still poverty-stricken and essential services, all the while sabo- were given the ability to stay in the struggling to recover, Liberia found taging the hopes for progress following United States and work, pay taxes, and itself plunged into an extensive out- the country’s first democratic transi- contribute to our country and local break of the Ebola virus. Ebola killed tion of power in years that occurred communities by successive Republican an estimated nearly 5,000 of the over last year. Deporting this population and Democratic administrations—that 10,000 persons in Liberia who con- would also cause Liberia economic is, until last year, when this President tracted the disease. The outbreak over- harm by curtailing crucial private sec- terminated deferred enforced depar- whelmed the country’s already fragile tor investment and socioeconomic as- tures, DED, the most recent status of- healthcare system, infrastructure, and sistance that Liberians in America fered to Liberians. I urge the President economy while exacerbating social ten- have long provided in the form of re- to reconsider his decision and reinstate sions. DED by March 31 to save Liberians Throughout these tragic conflicts mittances to their relatives in Liberia. from being forced to leave their jobs, and challenges, Liberians who fled to I again plead with the Trump admin- their families, and their homes. the United States have been granted istration to reinstate DED. Please Moreover, the Liberian community the ability to stay here either under don’t separate and uproot hundreds of deserves a long-term solution. That is TPS or DED while conditions remain Liberian-American families from their why I also urge my colleagues to take unstable in Liberia. In order to partici- jobs and homes and force them to re- up S. 456, the Liberian Refugee Immi- pate, these Liberians had to submit to turn to a country that is unrecogniz- gration Fairness Act, to end the per- vigorous vetting, pay hefty fees, and able for many of them. These Liberians petual limbo for Liberians here in the stay out of trouble with the law. are Americans in every sense of the United States and ensure our national While unable to access earned bene- word except for a piece of paper. security interest in fostering Liberia’s fits available to American citizens, While discussions continue about the recovery. This bill provides legal status these statuses at least allowed Libe- best path forward for Dreamers and and a pathway to citizenship for quali- rians to apply for work authorizations TPS, Liberians cannot wait another fying Liberians. I have introduced so they could join the workforce or month or another year. They have just similar legislation continuously since start their own businesses, pay taxes, over 2 weeks before their time may be coming to the Senate and have worked and raise families. Once again, they up. to include its key objectives in com- work, but they do not earn any of the In my view, with each year that has prehensive immigration reform bills benefits other Americans earn. passed since the first of these Liberians that passed the Senate in years gone They have found themselves and arrived, the case has grown stronger by, only to die in the House of Rep- their communities have found them to that they should have the option to ad- resentatives. be some of the most responsible, hard- just their status and remain in the I have been joined in this mission by working, and decent people we see communities where they have made countless advocates and many col- throughout our communities. Many of their homes and raised their families. leagues, including my Rhode Island these individuals have American cit- We have long since reached the point colleague, Senator SHELDON WHITE- izen children who attend American where simple justice requires that Con- HOUSE, as well as Senators KLOBUCHAR, schools and serve in our military. gress extend this option to these Libe- SMITH, DURBIN, CARDIN, VAN HOLLEN, These children have known no home rians. So in addition to urging Presi- and others. I thank them for their sup- other than America. They are Ameri- dent Trump to reinstate DED, I also port and urge the rest of our colleagues cans, and it would be a tragedy if their urge my colleagues to take up and pass to join us in supporting the Liberians parents and grandparents were sud- the Liberian Refugee Immigration

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:45 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.023 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1871 Fairness Act and put an end to uncer- dent’s tenure up until January 3, he would need to do is cannibalize other tainty for this population after decades had two Republican Houses. There were accounts to fill up that account to $2.5 of displacement. two Republican Houses and a Repub- billion to then take out. Those are the I yield the floor. lican President. Why should he be un- important funds—military construc- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- happy with the budget? He would have tion and drug interdiction—the Presi- ator from Virginia. had the ability to convince Republican dent is proposing to raid. H.J. RES. 46 majorities to do what he wanted, but I think it is important to notice this: Mr. KAINE. Madam President, I rise, he could not. So he is unhappy with The President’s emergency declaration as colleagues of mine have earlier what Congress, the appropriating is not just about tapping the budget today, to talk about the President’s branch, has put on the table. We put this year for $6.1 billion. Earlier today, emergency declaration. Before I do, I billions of dollars on the table for the in an Armed Services hearing, I asked will just say that this declaration deals border, but he is unhappy with it, and Secretary Shanahan: Doesn’t this with budgetary matters at the end of so now he is going to declare an emer- emergency declaration last until the the day, whether the President should gency. President declares it is over? If we be able to take $6.1 billion this year It raises two important questions. don’t rebut the emergency, it will not and possibly more in future years from Can a President just declare an emer- just be fiscal year 2019; it will be fiscal the Pentagon’s budget to deal with a gency every time he is unhappy that year 2020 or 2021 and beyond. It will en- nonbudgetary emergency. Congress doesn’t accept his budgetary able the President to tap a spigot into I want to acknowledge that today is proposals? Second, can the President the MILCON budget and draw out mon- the last day of my budget staffer, my use the declaration of a nonmilitary eys this year, next year, and in future right hand on all Federal budget mat- emergency to just tap a spigot into the years. So it is $6.1 billion that he is ters for the last 61⁄2 years, Ron Pentagon’s budget? That is exactly asking for this year, but unless Con- Storhaug. I am going to miss him. I what President Trump is trying to do gress asserts its article I power to say, will start there. I will miss Ron. He has in this case. no, we are the appropriators, we will done such a good job. My only good The President has declared an emer- basically be allowing the President to feeling is that he is staying right here gency that all agree is a nonmilitary tap into this fund in perpetuity, there- in the Senate and moving to work with emergency. The President said: I want by affecting important military con- the senior Senator from Maryland. to take $6.1 billion from the Pentagon’s struction priorities that would be good I want to talk about the declaration budget to deal with this emergency. for the military families and our Na- and urge my colleagues to vote to re- He wants to take $3.6 billion from tion’s defense. ject what I believe is the President’s military construction. Military con- Which military construction projects unwise use of his power to raid the struction are the funds we use to build might be compromised by the Presi- Pentagon’s budget. facilities on our military bases across dent’s use of this $6.1 billion? Is there an emergency at the border? the United States and across the world When the President declared the There is a serious issue at the border— or to rebuild facilities, like the airbase emergency, I wrote a letter to Sec- a whole series of serious issues, nega- at Tyndall or the big sections of Camp retary Shanahan on February 15 and tive but also positive. Trade happens Lejeune that were hit in hurricanes asked: Can you give us a list of the across all the borders of the country. last year. That is what the MILCON projects that will be compromised by But all the testimony before the Armed budget is supposed to do. this $6.1 billion raid on the Pentagon’s Services Committee, where I sit, says This morning, I toured Fort Belvoir budget? I have not received a response. there is no military emergency at the to visit with Army families living at That was 27 days ago. border. We heard testimony from Gen- Fort Belvoir in Fairfax County, VA. This morning, before the committee, eral O’Shaughnessy, who is the com- They shared with me atrocious stories Secretary Shanahan was asked: Why mander of what we call NORTHCOM— about the condition of the housing haven’t we received a list? If the Presi- everything in the Americas north of they are living in. These are atrocious dent wants to take $6.1 billion out of Mexico’s southern border. General stories of rodent infestation, black the Pentagon’s budget, give us a list of O’Shaughnessy said there is no mili- mold, lead, and asbestos. I drove by one the potential projects that could be af- tary emergency at the border between military house at Fort Belvoir that fected. the United States and Mexico. We had a big warning sign on the door: I wrote a letter on the 15th, and staff- heard the same testimony this morning ‘‘Poison.’’ You could not enter it be- ers have been reaching out to the Pen- from Defense Secretary Shanahan and cause of efforts at asbestos and lead re- tagon. If you do not know precisely the the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, mediation. projects, give us the universe—all un- General Dunford. So there is no mili- The families told me about the poor obligated MILCON projects on your tary emergency at the border. physical conditions of their properties. priority list that could possibly be af- Compared to other significant chal- They told me about the fact that they fected. Today, after not responding to lenges we deal with—70,000 drug over- couldn’t get a response when they were the requests, Secretary Shanahan said dose deaths a year, climate change, trying to get help. Then they told me, that he will send us a list at the end of 40,000 deaths a year from gun violence, tragically, about the illnesses of their the day: I will send you a list, basi- including both homicides and suicides, children, hospitalizations, and having cally, after you vote this afternoon. homelessness, lack of medical care, to move out of their homes and apart- The vote that we will be casting this military housing—it is hard to see why ments. One mother of a 10-year-old afternoon is about whether the Presi- the border issue would be an emer- talked about the fact that her 10-year- dent should be able to raid the Penta- gency that would rise to the top of any old daughter, because of mold in her gon’s budget for $6.1 billion. For a list. I can certainly assert this: There military housing unit, missed 45 days month, we have been asking what are much higher priorities for Vir- of school in the last school year. Her projects might be affected, and they ginians. daughter had to be absent for a quarter are now proposing to give us an answer While we could argue about whether of the school year because of the poor to the question after the vote. They it is an emergency, one thing I think is physical conditions of military hous- have had the list since the very day we pretty clear—it is inarguably a Presi- ing. asked them. They keep a list every day dential power grab. The President is The MILCON budget is there to deal about unobligated MILCON projects, unhappy with congressional appropria- with issues like these. Yet the Presi- but the service secretaries are not al- tions for the border, so he is declaring dent wants to take $3.6 billion out of lowed to share those lists with Con- an emergency to take $6.1 billion this the MILCON budget. The President gress until the Secretary of Defense al- year and possibly more in future years wants to take $2.5 billion out of the lows them to, and he is going to allow from the Pentagon’s budget. This will drug-interdiction budget within the us to see it today. establish a very dangerous precedent. Department of Defense. Press reports Everybody is voting to cannibalize First, let’s focus on the President’s suggest that account only has about the Pentagon’s budget to the tune of being unhappy. For all of this Presi- $85 million available, so what they $6.1 billion. All of the Senators should

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:45 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.024 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1872 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 be interested in what projects might be struction dollars on the Appropriations wildfires, or saving families from nat- affected in their own States that are Committee to meet the needs of the ural disasters. necessary to the Nation’s defense be- Malmstrom Air Force Base. I led a bi- In Montana, they have asked for lit- fore they vote to give the President partisan effort to deliver more than $19 tle in return. They have asked for the this power. million to construct a new Tactical Re- construction of a new aircraft apron to In conclusion, I hope, today, we will sponse Force Alert Facility. That facil- park and store the Guard’s C–130 fleet. stand up against the President’s power ity was a top priority for Malmstrom Once again, we got to work, and we se- grab. We shouldn’t let the President because the current facility is old, cured the money—$9 million—to make tap a spigot into the Pentagon’s budget laden with asbestos and lead-based sure that our C–130s would stay in good to deal with an emergency that all paint, and this has complicated efforts shape for years to come. Max Baucus have agreed is a nonmilitary emer- to secure the base’s missile sites. and I fought hard to bring those C–130s gency. We shouldn’t let him tap a spig- I also helped to secure some $14.6 mil- to Montana, which is why I am so out- ot that is not just for this budgetary lion for the construction of a missile raged that the President’s emergency year but for future fiscal years, as well, maintenance dispatch facility. This fa- declaration puts this funding at risk. I which is the effect of the vote today. cility will allow the base to more prop- know that nobody in this body takes We are the article I branch, and erly and efficiently store critical com- the decision of sending young men and under that section of the Constitution, ponents and equipment for the missile women to war lightly, but when those we set the spending priorities. Because field and to retrofit its hangar so we difficult decisions are made, we had he is unhappy with our work product, can ultimately house the replacement better deploy them with the best and the President should not be able to fleet for its Vietnam-era Hueys, which the safest equipment. overturn the spending priorities that should be replaced in the next couple of The debate today is clear: A vote we have established in our appropria- years. Unfortunately, the construction against the President’s disaster dec- tions bills and raid the Pentagon’s of these facilities and of many others laration is a vote to protect our co- budget without telling us where the around the country is at risk because equal branches of government, our sys- moneys will come from. of the President’s decision. tem of checks and balances, and our I yield the floor. More alarmingly, Malmstrom is in Constitution. A vote for the Presi- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. critical need of a weapons generation dent’s power grab is a vote for Federal CRUZ). The Senator from Montana. facility, and I have been fighting for overreach and is a violation of our oath Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, I rise to years to ensure that this project is in- of office. talk a little bit about the emergency cluded among the Air Force’s top mili- I hope my colleagues who vote for declaration by the President. It is a tary construction priorities. Just yes- this plan are on the first plane back bad idea. I think everybody in this terday, the Secretary of the Air Force home to explain to their constituents body knows it is a bad idea, and we will confirmed that the funding for the fa- why they are shirking their basic du- see how many people will vote to over- cility has been included in the fiscal ties. I hope they explain to their com- ride that bad idea. It is a bad idea for year 2020 Air Force budget request. munities—and there are many like a number of reasons. This investment represents a signifi- Great Falls, MT—why they are ripping The President says it is for this coun- cant step forward for Malmstrom Air those investments out of their towns try’s safety, but he is robbing from our Force Base, for the Air Force, and for and out of our military. I hope they ex- military to build a wall on the south- our national security. It is important plain to our future leaders why it is OK ern border. Yet, I might add, most of because this is where ICBM warheads to follow the Constitution only when it the money that we allocated in the last are maintained and stored. is expedient. fiscal year is still there—$1.3 billion— As a result of the deterioration of This disaster declaration undermines plus the $1.375 billion that was author- this facility, airmen and missileers the bipartisan work that the Repub- ized by the conference committee, must confront numerous safety and se- licans and Democrats have done to re- made up of a group of Democrats and curity challenges while carrying out build our military. It sets a dangerous Republicans from the House and the their missions every day. Yet now we precedent that, no doubt, will be Senate, which means it was passed by have to tell them that this critical abused by future Presidents, and every- both bodies. It was money that he re- project, which the Air Force has said it body in this body knows that. ceived but to which he said ‘‘I don’t desperately needs and which it does We have an option here. We have the like it’’ and declared an emergency desperately need, could very well get ability to stand with our troops and to declaration. kicked down the road and down the list stand with the Constitution and reject Look, Montana is no stranger to of priorities because the President this declaration. It is critically impor- military service. We are home to the would rather spend billions of the mili- tant if we are going to have a strong second-most veterans per capita of any tary construction money on the con- military. I think we decided in the last State in the country. Every time our struction of his wall. Congress to make investments into our Nation is in need, Montanans step up The same is true for other critical in- military that were much needed, and to the plate and answer the call to frastructure investments at now the President is pulling those dol- serve. That is why, today, I rise to Malmstrom, including a new security lars out. It is nothing short of ridicu- fight back against the President’s dec- forces compound, but the President lous. laration, for it will be shortchanging doesn’t care. He is more interested in I yield the floor. our troops in favor of a campaign robbing taxpayer funds to build an un- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- promise to build a wall that he said necessary wall on the southern border, ator from Ohio. Mexico would pay for. but Congress has rejected the Presi- GM CLOSURES The President’s plan to raid our mili- dent’s request on a bipartisan basis. Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I concur tary resources would directly hurt His defiance of that rejection comes at with the comments of my friend from Montana’s military community and its the expense of my State’s defense in- Montana. I know what this President men and women in uniform. The heart stallations. wants to potentially do to the Wright- of the Air Force’s Global Strike Com- Great Falls is also home to the Mon- Patterson Air Force Base and to the mand is located in Great Falls, MT, at tana Air National Guard. My older air bases in Springfield, in my home- Malmstrom Air Force Base. The 341st brother was in the Air Guard for 35 town of Mansfield, in Youngstown, and Missile Wing at Malmstrom is a crit- years, and I have seen their work up in Toledo in my State and so much ical component of our Nation’s nuclear close. Since we entered the Middle East more. triad. It is our great deterrent against conflict 17 years ago, this country has Last week, we got yet another clear adversaries who would do us harm. As used the Guard like never before. They illustration of whose side President President Kennedy said, it is our ace in have asked a lot of our citizen soldiers Trump is on. All week, we got news of the hole. and airmen, and they have always de- favor after favor from the Trump ad- Over the past few years, I have been livered whether that be when they were ministration in what it is doing for fighting to secure the military con- deploying to war, fighting against Wall Street. The White House looks

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:35 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.026 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1873 like a retreat for Wall Street execu- So you take a worker, you pay that Again, these aren’t rich executives tives except on the days it looks like a worker $45,000 a year, $40,000 a year, who are working. I am sure the Pre- retreat for drug company executives. the owners of the company classify siding Officer, the Senator from Texas, Wall Street banks have complained them as management, and they can most of us work well over 40 hours in to the President about the Volcker refuse to pay them for the extra 10 or these jobs. We get paid a salary; it is a rule. That is the rule that stops the big 15 hours. That is 10 or 15 hours without good salary. We shouldn’t get paid banks from taking big risks with pay or it is 10 or 15 hours away from overtime; neither should a corporate American families’ money. Wall Street family, away from raising your kids, lawyer who is working more than 40 didn’t like it, but it had passed this and the administration, of course, hours overtime, and neither should an Congress a decade ago. The rules were sided with the companies. Of course, executive nor should a doctor who being written far too slowly because of they sided with Wall Street. Of course, works more than 40 hours get over- Wall Street’s influence even during the they betrayed workers. They never time. But these are workers who are Obama years, but because Wall Street ever side with workers. making $30,000 and $35,000 and $40,000 a didn’t like it, the Trump administra- Look at Youngstown, OH, right now. year, and you classify them as manage- tion agreed to rewrite them. The Wall This President stood by while General ment, so you refuse to pay them over- Street banks complained that even the Motors closed the Chevy Cruze plant. It time. That is what this rule is about. It rewrite was not weak enough, so the had been there 53 years—Lordstown, means that millions of ordinary work- administration reportedly is going to OH, a valley of about 400,000 people. ers are not getting the pay they have water it down even further. This is 5,000 jobs. There are probably earned. Secretary Mnuchin, the Secretary of another 4,000 to 5,000 jobs for people As if the richest 1 percent aren’t the Treasury—another Wall Street guy who worked in the supply chain and doing well enough without this rule, who was appointed by this President— made components that go into the President Trump again—President announced he is going to go easier on Chevy Cruze. I asked the President per- Trump again—betrayed workers. Again shadow banks, and the Fed announced sonally—first, he didn’t even know he stood with the billionaires. Again he it would make it easier for big banks to about the plant closing when I talked stood with the largest corporations pass the annual stress test. It is like to him, even though by that time they that ship jobs overseas. this body and Senator MCCONNELL, who had laid off about half of the workers. It comes down to whose side you are is down the hall, have forgotten what Then I asked him face-to-face, and I on. Are you on Wall Street’s side? Are happened 10 years ago. It is this collec- asked him on the phone to actually you on the side of Senator MCCONNELL, tive amnesia that has worked its virus call the CEO of GM to make an appeal who responds to every special interest through this body and through the ad- to say: Instead of using your huge tax in this country that wants something ministration so that people forget what cut that you got from the White House from this Senate? Are you on their side happened 10 years ago with regard to to build more jobs overseas and to do or are you going to be on the side of our economy. stock buybacks so the executives are My wife and I live in Cleveland, OH— the American workers? getting richer, how about investing in This President came to Youngstown. ZIP Code 44105. In the first half of 2007, this General Motors plant, how about He promised to fight for American that ZIP Code had more foreclosures retooling, which this company has than any ZIP Code in the United workers. He breaks that promise damn done many times in the past? near every single day. He breaks it States. I see what happens when people I remember one of the best days, lose their homes. I think about what over and over and over. other than the birth of six of my grand- If you love this country, you fight for happens to families who have to ex- children during my last term in the the people who make it work. I wish plain it to their children, who have to Senate, during that several years—I re- President Trump would understand give away their pets, who have to move member the best day of that last term to new school districts—all the things that. was when President Obama, Secretary I yield the floor. that happen to families when their of Labor Perez, and I stood together in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- homes are foreclosed on or when they Columbus, OH, at Jeni’s ice cream, and ator from Ohio. are evicted from their apartments. Yet we announced that the Obama adminis- H.J. RES. 46 none of these executives seem to mind. tration was going to update that salary Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I am None of these executives have to have threshold on the overtime rule. If you here to talk about the vote that we those conversations. Nobody in the work extra hours, you get extra pay, will take later today on this floor re- Trump administration has to have you get time and a half under the law— garding the President’s national emer- those conversations with one’s kids. under the law the way that President The Trump administration is weak- Obama did it. gency declaration. ening the stress test. It is weakening The Obama rule would have meant From the outset of this process, I some of the capital. It is simply doing that more than 4 million Americans— have had two objectives. One is to sup- Wall Street’s bidding over and over— 130,000 people just in my State, 130,000 port the President on the crisis at the and that was just last week. Of course, people, if they work 10 hours, they get border. I believe his plan to address we know that comes after 2 years of hundreds of dollars in overtime pay. If that crisis is a good one, and we should this President’s and this Congress’s they are working 50 hours instead of 40, support it. But, second is to do it in the doing Wall Street’s bidding. they literally would get—depending on right way, without setting a dangerous To me, the one what was even more their wage, of course—at least another new precedent counter to a funda- personal was how this administration $100 in their pay. mental constitutional principle, with- decided to weaken the overtime rule. Now, because of Trump and the Sec- out tying up the needed funds for the Here is how it works. If somebody is retary of Labor in this administra- border in the courts, and without tak- making $40,000 a year and is working as tion—first because of some judges and ing funds away from important mili- a night manager at a restaurant, say, now the President—those workers tary construction projects for our or at any kind of job in which one may never got that raise. troops. manage a few people and is making Attorneys general around the coun- Unfortunately, despite a sincere ef- $35,000 or $40,000 or $45,000 a year, if the try, Republican, far-right attorneys fort by the administration as recently top people of the company give this general, including one in the Presiding as this morning to try to work with me gentleman or gentlewoman who is Officer’s State, are always glad to do and other colleagues, including the doing this job the title of management, the bidding of their corporate sponsors. Presiding Officer, we were not able to then they don’t have to pay him or her They are always glad to do the bidding agree on a path forward that addresses overtime. of billionaires. They are always glad to those concerns that I just outlined. They can work them 45, they can do the bidding of the richest 1 percent I am going to lay out in a minute work them 50, they can work them 60 in this country. They blocked it. how I think we can better achieve the hours a week and pay them not a dime Now President Trump has come up President’s goals of strengthening our of overtime—nothing. They get a sal- with a new rule that leaves most of border security without invoking the ary for 40 hours. those workers behind. national emergency and the funding he

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:35 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.028 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 seeks through that national emer- meth labs being in people’s houses and plan also recognizes that. It calls for gency. the environmental damage it caused more Border Patrol agents, more tech- First, let me repeat what I have said and the crystal meth being cooked. nology, more surveillance, more on this floor many times and said con- That is not happening much anymore. drones, more cameras, more screening sistently: I do believe we have a crisis Why? Because the pure crystal meth at our ports of entry, more technology at the border—a humanitarian crisis, a from Mexico is so much more powerful to stop this illegal flow of drugs. That trafficking crisis, a drug crisis. Accord- and less expensive; it is cheap. is also a significant part of the plan. ing to Customs and Border Protection, Law enforcement tells me that on But erecting more barriers and fenc- in February—last month—76,000 illegal the streets of Columbus, OH, pure crys- ing in key areas along the border will immigrants arrived at our southern tal meth is now plentiful and less ex- help stem the tide. It will ease the bur- border. That is an average of about pensive than marijuana—and far more den on our Border Security personnel 2,000 every day. Since October of last dangerous. Where is this coming from? and allow them to focus their resources year, we have apprehended more than It is coming from Mexico. more effectively. 268,000 people at the border. That is Even with limited resources, in fiscal It is time to listen to the experts and about a 100-percent increase over the year 2018, Customs and Border Protec- give them what they need to carry out same period last year. We have also tion seized almost a half million their important mission, but we have seen a 300-percent increase in families pounds of marijuana and 11,000 pounds to do that in the right way. arriving at the border compared to this of methamphetamine between ports of As we all learned in high school, our time last year. By the way, the vast entry. At the ports of entry, they government has a system of checks and majority of those are from three coun- seized over 1,700 pounds of fentanyl—by balances. It gives some powers to the tries in Central America. the way, that is enough to kill about 3 President; it gives some powers to Con- This is a humanitarian crisis. The billion people—1,700 pounds of fentanyl, gress. Our Constitution explicitly gives journey to the United States from three flecks of which can kill you, the U.S. Congress what is called the these so-called Northern Triangle 56,000 pounds of meth, and nearly 52,000 power of the purse. Congress, not the President, has the countries is incredibly dangerous, espe- pounds of cocaine. sole authority to determine how to cially for women and for children. They Frankly, that is the tip of the ice- spend taxpayer money, and that is ap- face violence from gangs and traf- berg. Most of it is getting through. propriate. After all, we are here to rep- fickers and hunger and dehydration in They are checking only a small per- resent the people. We are most ac- the rough terrain. Many of them arrive centage of shipments, meaning the vast countable to the taxpayers. Once we at our border traumatized, hurt, sick, majority of drugs are coming across appropriate the money for a specific and often we don’t have the resources our borders undetected. We need to do purpose, then it is the President and more. to provide for those needs. the executive branch that are respon- There is also a growing human traf- There is no question we need strong- sible for administering those programs. ficking crisis. Our lack of border secu- er border security. Again, I support the We had our spending fight here in rity allows these smugglers—human plan the President has outlined, includ- Congress. I thought we should give the smugglers—to move across the border ing the $5.7 billion the President has President the full amount of money he unchecked. Increasingly, they are tak- requested for walls and other barriers. requested for barriers, and I voted that ing advantage of these flows of individ- That $5.7 billion number, by the way, way. At the end of the day, Congress uals to traffic women and children. wasn’t just picked out of thin air. It decided to give him only some, not all, In particular, I will say the Border funds the top 10 priorities of the Cus- of the funds he requested. Patrol resources are spread thin trying toms and Border Protection Border Se- Under current law and current con- to monitor these areas that do not curity Improvement Plan. The experts gressional approval and authorities, have barriers. have given us a plan, and the Presi- without declaring a national emer- Third, this is a drug crisis. The Drug dent’s $5.7 billion simply funds what gency, President Trump can actually Enforcement Agency has said that the the experts have said. access additional funds that get him to southwest border ‘‘remains the pri- This plan, by the way, the expert’s the $5.7 billion he requested. As the mary entry point for heroin into the border security plan, has been em- Wall Street Journal said in a recent United States.’’ That is not a debatable braced by this Congress in the last two editorial opposing a national emer- point. I am told that with regard to appropriations bills. They pointed to gency, ‘‘The President doesn’t need to Ohio, where we have been devastated that plan and said: This is the path for- invoke a national emergency to build by the opioid epidemic, over 90 percent ward. These are the experts. It is not his wall along the southern border.’’ of the heroin is coming across the controversial. Declaring a national emergency to southern border. By the way, the experts have rec- access different funds sets a dangerous Fentanyl, the deadliest drug of all, ommended not that we build a wall new precedent. The use of national which comes primarily from China and from sea to shining sea—it has been emergency powers to circumvent primarily through the U.S. mail sys- mischaracterized as that—but 234 miles Congress’s explicit decision on funding tem—50 times more powerful than her- of barriers, walls, and other fencing at is unprecedented. No President has oin—is increasingly coming across the places where people cross the border ever used what is called the National southern border too. Yesterday I most frequently, primarily in the State Emergencies Act in this way. As a re- learned from Customs and Border Pro- of Texas, primarily in the urban sult, it opens the door for future Presi- tection that fentanyl seizures along areas—places where it will make the dents to implement just about any pol- the border between the ports of entry most difference. icy they want and to take funding from have increased by 400 percent between Funding for these types of barriers other areas Congress has already de- 2016 and 2018. has been included in the budget re- cided on without Congress’s approval. As we are finally beginning to make quests from previous administrations, Once a President declares an emer- progress on the opioid crisis in my of course. Previous administrations gency, he or she has access to a lot of home State of Ohio and around the have built hundreds of miles of fenc- power. Some would say nearly unlim- country, finally reducing the number ing—over 500 miles. ited power. A future President could of heroin and other opioid overdose It has also been included in appro- seize industries or could control means deaths for the first time in 8 years, we priations bills passed by Congress dur- of communication. Think of the inter- are seeing a reduction in those deaths, ing the last two appropriation cycles net. A future President may well say but crystal meth and the devastation it by both Republicans and Democrats. that climate change is a national causes is coming back—coming back Why is it that this administration emergency and use emergency authori- with a vengeance. It is more pure than can’t build the barriers that other ad- ties to implement the Green New Deal. ever, more powerful than ever, and it is ministrations have and that Congress By the way, according to a new study coming from Mexico. in the past has supported? by Douglas Holtz-Eakin at the Amer- Some of you may remember in your Of course it is not just about more ican Action Forum, the proposed poli- own communities the issue of crystal physical barriers, and the President’s cies in the Green New Deal would cost

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:35 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.030 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1875 between $51 trillion and $93 trillion bility to address significant threats to fix it, but, I said that it doesn’t mean over the next 10 years when added up our Nation’s well-being, and we want that a President can ignore Congress, together. Obviously, that is not sus- him to have that flexibility. It was substitute his own judgment for the tainable. It is an astounding price tag. critical for President Bush to act will of the people, and make up new In fact, as Senator ALEXANDER said on quickly and decisively in the days after laws on his own. That is what I said the floor earlier today, future Presi- the 9/11 attacks. But short of that type President Obama did. I believed it was dents could actually use this emer- of situation, it is imperative for the wrong then. gency authority to tear down the very President to honor Congress’s constitu- I believe the President’s use of the wall we are now constructing, and tional role to make policy and appro- national emergency declaration to ac- some Democrats running for President priate money. A national emergency cess already approved military con- have said that is what they intend to declaration is a tool to be used cau- struction project funding is wrong now. do. That is what they want to do. tiously and sparingly. That is why I co- I support his goals. President Trump is The President is using the National sponsored legislation, authored by Sen- right that we have a crisis, and I sup- Emergencies Act to take funds away ator MIKE LEE, to amend the National port his plans to secure the border, and from a particular area of spending. It is Emergencies Act to ensure that Con- he can fully fund it in a more reliable called military construction funds. gress does have more control over way. By the way, anyone who cares Only twice before have Presidents de- these decisions in the future. about getting that money to the border clared a national emergency in order to So in my view, the best resolution to build walls ought to want that cer- transfer military construction funds here is for the President to use that tainty. away from congressionally designated nearly $6 billion in funding that he has Each one of us in this body has sworn projects into other priorities. In both at his disposal to implement his plan, an oath to support and defend the Con- of those situations, we were at war, and and, then, ask Congress for additional stitution of the United States. So the Secretary of Defense transferred funding during the next appropriations today I will vote to support the dis- the funds to support the war effort, and cycle, which, by the way, begins on Oc- approval resolution that is before us. Congress did not object. Although tober 1 of this year. I know the President has the votes to there is a crisis at our southern border, This approach, again, has three dis- pursue his approach. Even if the dis- we are not in wartime, and there are tinct advantages. One, it would not set approval resolution passes, he can veto funds available to address border secu- the dangerous precedent we discussed it, and his veto will be sustained. I rity. today. Second, the funds could actually know that, but I continue to hope that The President wants to do more to get to the border because they will not the President uses the funds he has address the crisis at the border, and I be tied up in litigation. Third, it would available to him without creating a do, too, and he can do more. The Presi- fully protect important military con- bad precedent, having some of the dent has available to him enough struction projects in Ohio and around needed funds tied up in the courts, and funds, right now, to begin building all the country—including, by the way, taking money from important military the barriers he has requested without funding for the National Air and Space projects. resorting to national emergency funds. Intelligence Center, or NASIC, at the President Trump is right about the I support his using those funds to get Wright-Patterson Air Force Base; an crisis at the border, and the approach I to the full $5.7 billion he requested for automated, multipurpose machine gun outlined today would enable him to ac- barriers on the southern border. range at Camp James A. Garfield; a fire complish his policy objectives on the Here is how we could access it with- station replacement at Mansfield border and honor our Constitution. out using the national emergency. Lahm Airport; a small arms range at I yield the floor. First would be the $1.375 billion appro- Rickenbacker International Airport, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- priated by this Congress for the bar- and a main gate relocation project at ator from Maryland. riers. By the way, that is the most that Youngstown Air Reserve Station. All Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I rise in has ever been appropriated in a fiscal of those are things in the current fiscal strong opposition to President Trump’s year, ever, for the purpose of barriers. year Military Construction appropria- so-called emergency declaration of a Second, he can access, as he intends to tions bill that benefit Ohio. I am a crisis and invasion on our southern do, $601 million from the Treasury For- strong supporter and advocate for border, an attempt to misappropriate feiture Fund. He could do that without Ohio’s military facilities and our re- funds to build the President’s border a national emergency. Third, he could search institutions, and I will continue wall. The President’s actions here are access funding through the DOD to work to ensure that our key mili- an affront to the constitutional separa- counter-drug account. He has said that tary construction projects at these tion of powers, our checks and bal- he would like to access about $2.5 bil- strategic facilities can continue to ances, and the congressional power of lion from that account, but he could move forward. the purse to set appropriation levels. actually access, under our laws that we I have worked on both ends of Penn- The very nature of how President have passed here—and we have given sylvania Avenue. I have had the honor Trump decided, finally, to declare a so- him authority to access—up to $4 bil- of being a Senator and a Congressman called emergency at our southern bor- lion. This adds up, as we can see, to on this side, and I have worked for two der shows that he, too, knows that over $5.7 billion—almost $6 billion— White Houses. In fact, I was Associate there is no real national emergency at which is at the President’s disposal Counsel to President Bush 41 in his our southern border. President Trump without moving to the national emer- White House Counsel’s office. I know himself admitted, in announcing this gency that he has invoked. My hope is how hard it can be for the executive so-called emergency in the Rose Gar- that the President will take this ap- branch, the President, and Congress to den: proach. find the balance that our Founders in- I could do the wall over a longer period of I think using those funds is a better tended between the executive branch time. I didn’t need to do this, but I’d rather way to accomplish our border security and the legislative branch, but our do it much faster. goals. Precisely because the President Founders drew a clear line on at least It doesn’t sound like a national emer- does not need to declare a national one thing: Congress, closest to the peo- gency. We know that a medieval border emergency, these funds are far more ple, would have the power of the purse. wall would be a tremendously wasteful certain. The $3.6 billion the President When President Obama bypassed expenditure of resources, as opposed to takes from the military construction Congress and took executive action to smarter border security technology projects is uncertain because these create new immigration policy back in that would enhance screening at our funds are likely to be tied up in con- 2012, I spoke out. I criticized him be- ports of entry and specifically target stitutional litigation for months, prob- cause of the constitutionality issue. I transnational criminal operations ably years. By the way, the President said I agreed with President Obama smuggling contraband into the United has rightly acknowledged that. that our immigration system was— States. Under the National Emergencies Act, and, by the way, still is—broken. I The Constitution gives Congress, not Congress has given the President flexi- agreed we needed to work together to the President, the power of the purse.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:35 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.032 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1876 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 Article I, section 9, clause 7 provides purse rests with Congress. . . . If you allow a Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, dur- that ‘‘No Money shall be drawn from president to ignore Congress, it will be not ing the recent government shutdown, the Treasury but in Consequence of Ap- your authority but that of your constituents there were a lot of budget issues that propriations made by Law.’’ that is deprived of the protections of true were negotiated. It was a wide-ranging representative government. Article I, section 8, clause 1 provides bill of over 1,000 pages, when it was all that ‘‘the Congress shall have Power Let me just add that, in addition to said and done, but the most conten- To . . . provide for the common what was said in that letter, we have tious number in all of the negotiations Defence and general Welfare of the made appropriations here. We expect circled around a barrier on our south- United States.’’ those appropriations to be carried out. ern border in the highest drug traf- Additionally, the presentment clause We are the representatives of the peo- ficking corridor in the country. of the Constitution requires that the ple. In my own State of Maryland, we The President requested $5.7 billion President either approve or veto a bill, have many military construction con- to build a barrier fence in 10 locations and it does not give him the power to tracts on many of the military instal- that the Customs and Border Patrol change the text of a law or appropria- lations that could be put at jeopardy. had identified as the top 10 points of il- tion levels or to cast a line item veto Maryland is the proud home of major legal drugs entering our country. That for certain provisions. military installations, including Pax study had been requested by Congress The Supreme Court held in the line- River, Indian Head, Andrews, Fort before they fulfilled that study of iden- item veto case of ‘‘Clinton v. City of Detrick, Fort Meade, and the APG, or tifying the highest profiled drug traf- New York’’ in 1998: the Aberdeen Proving Ground. It is our ficking corridors. They brought that There is no provision in the Constitution responsibility to make those appropria- back to Congress. The President then that authorizes the President to enact, to tions. If you let this emergency power requested funding to build fencing in amend or to repeal statutes. . . . Our first go, that action could be compromised those areas of the highest trafficking President understood the text of the Pre- by the President of the United States, areas. sentment Clause as requiring that he either denying the people of this country His request was not for a 2,000-mile- ‘‘approve all the parts of a bill, or reject it in their representative government. toto.’’ long wall. It was only to replace some Let me continue the letter from our of the sections of the 650-mile-long bar- The courts have regularly upheld the former Republican colleagues. The let- authority of Congress by statute—and rier that already exists—areas that ter continues: were old and ineffective—or to put new not the President by fiat—to set fund- The second argument goes directly to the ing levels. As the Supreme Court said fencing in high drug trafficking areas. question each of you must face: how much In a highly partisan debate, Congress in Hooe v. United States, in 1910, ‘‘it is are you willing to undermine both the Con- eventually appropriated $1.375 billion for Congress, proceeding under the stitution and the Congress in order to ad- to DHS for the construction of addi- Constitution, to say what amount may vance a policy outcome that by all legiti- tional barriers. It is not even close to be drawn from the Treasury in pursuit mate means is not achievable? The current issue—a wall on our southern border—has what the President and what Customs of appropriations.’’ gone through the process put in place by the The Ninth Circuit held in United and Border Patrol said they needed to Constitution. It has been proposed by the protect the Nation and members of law States v. McIntosh, in 2016, that if the President, it has been debated by Congress, executive branch spends money in vio- enforcement. and the representatives of the people allo- During those negotiations, the Presi- lation of appropriations law, ‘‘it would cated funding at a level deemed appropriate dent announced he would declare a na- be drawing funds from the Treasury by Congress. We understand that there are tional emergency if he didn’t get the without authorization by statute, and many Members of Congress who disagree funds needed to secure the Nation. At thus violating the Appropriations with the final funding compromise reached that point, there were two options for Clause.’’ by a bipartisan group of legislators. The Supreme Court held in the Office And it was approved overwhelmingly people who don’t want the President to of Personnel Management v. Rich- by Congress. secure our border. One was to include mond, in 1990, that ‘‘any exercise of a To you, we ask this question: what will language in that appropriations bill be- power granted by the Constitution to you do when a president of another party fore it was passed to prevent the Presi- one or the other branches of Govern- uses the precedent you are establishing to dent from declaring an emergency ac- impose policies to which you are unalterably ment is limited by the valid reserva- tion and using any of the funds for opposed? There is no way around this dif- that. The second one was to wait until tion of congressional control over ficulty: what powers are ceded to a president funds in the Treasury.’’ after the bill was passed and declare a whose policies you support may also be used disapproval resolution to stop the Beyond the legal challenges in court by presidents whose policies you abhor. to the President’s emergency declara- President after the bill had already The letter then concludes: passed. tion, Congress has a responsibility to We who have served where you serve now act, as well, and rein in the President’s Those who oppose border security call on you to honor your oath of office and chose the second option—to fight the abuse of power in order to maintain the to protect the Constitution and the respon- proper separation of powers and checks sibilities it vested in Congress. We ask that President after passage, which brings and balances under our Constitution. you pass a joint resolution terminating the us to today. Former Republican Members of Con- emergency declared by the President on Feb- After signing the funding bill to re- gress recently wrote a powerful open ruary 15, 2019. open the government, to deal with the letter to the current Republican Mem- Congress should therefore take all humanitarian crisis, and the flow of il- bers of Congress on this issue. Signato- necessary action to overturn this un- legal narcotics coming into our coun- ries include former Members John Dan- lawful Presidential declaration on bor- try, the President declared a national forth, Mickey Edwards, Chuck Hagel, der security under the National Emer- emergency in two areas. He has over Jim Kolbe, Olympia Snowe, and Rich- gencies Act or other authorities. In- 100 authorities; he declared it in two. ard Lugar. Let me quote: stead of trying to raid funds that have One was this. He wanted to replace some of the National Guard members Our oath is to put the country and its Con- been designated for critical military stitution above everything, including party construction and environmental with members of the Reserve. You have politics or loyalty to a president. . . . That projects, the President should work to declare a national emergency to call is why we are coming together to urge those with Congress to enact comprehensive up the Reserve members. So his first of you who are now charged with upholding reform. request was to call up some of the Re- the authority of the first branch of govern- The Senate should vote to uphold the serves to swap out some of the Guard ment to resist efforts to surrender those Constitution and its legislative prerog- members who were already serving at powers to a president. atives, including the power of the the border. We offer two arguments against allowing a The second one was that in one of the president—any president, regardless of purse, and to cancel the President’s party—to circumvent congressional author- emergency declaration. accounts that deal with military con- ity. One is the constitutional placing of all I yield the floor. struction, if needed, he wanted to tap lawmaking power in the hands of the peo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- into some of those funds. He was also ple’s representatives. . . . The power of the ator from Oklahoma. very clear. There are four accounts

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:35 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.033 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1877 they would have access to. Three of For the vast majority of people, they To tell you how it has accelerated, in them don’t need an emergency declara- do see an importance in Congress work- 2 years, that is a 269-percent increase tion. Let me run through those. ing on national security and securing of fentanyl being captured between The first is the $1.375 billion Congress our borders. Then we have the argu- ports of entry. allocated in the government shutdown, ment about how serious is this. Yes, we have an emergency. Yes, we ending debate. There is no question I have had folks who have said to me: have people dying in this country due that $1.375 billion has been approved by It is really not that bad because we to overdoses from fentanyl, heroin, co- Congress. have individuals coming but not as caine, and methamphetamine, and the There is a second fund where there is high of a number as what it used to be. problem is not static. The problem is $600 million. It is in the Treasury Asset Twenty years ago, we even had more accelerating. Forfeiture Fund. That fund specifically people crossing the border illegally. Last year, we had one of the high- notes that those funds can be used for That is not the question that is in est—highest—rates of cocaine being any reason for Federal law enforce- front of us. The request from Customs picked up between ports of entry that ment. It is very clear. It has wide dis- and Border Patrol is specifically for has ever existed in our country. cretion—any use for Federal law en- the 10 areas with the highest drug traf- Last year, U.S. Customs and Border forcement. There is no legal question ficking along all of our southern bor- Patrol seized a total of 11,000 pounds of that it can be used by Customs and der. That is the request. methamphetamine coming across that Border Patrol or to do construction of The question is, Do we have an emer- border. That is the highest year ever of any kind of barrier. gency dealing with illegal drugs cross- that drug coming across our border. There is a third fund that already ex- ing our border after the Customs and Undeniably, there is an emergency. ists within the Department of Defense. Border Patrol has said to us that we The question is, Do we agree or dis- There are $4 billion set aside in this need barriers to slow down the flow of agree that when the statute says a fund, and it can be used for wide-rang- illegal drugs? Are they right or are President has the ability to do a con- ing issues dealing with counter- they wrong? struction, it means he can also con- Among those areas, right now the narcotics. There is no question the struct a barrier? I believe it does. President can act on anything dealing Rio Grande Valley sector is the highest We have those two questions. Is it an with counternarcotics with that fund. area for movement of illegal drugs emergency, and does the statutory au- crossing into our country. It is 16 per- In fact, in that fund itself, there is thority exist? specific language already included in cent of the border miles, but it is 40 Interestingly enough, there are some that—and this is up to $4 billion—say- percent of the illegal border and illegal of my friends who are adding a third drug trafficking coming in. ing it can be used for construction of question. Should the President have Last year, just in that one sector, 550 roads, fences, and installation of light- that authority? pounds of methamphetamine were ing to block drug smuggling corridors That is a different question, and I un- seized. This is not at the port of entry. across international boundaries of the derstand that question. Interestingly This is between ports of entry, in that United States. open area that doesn’t have a fence. enough, just a few hours ago, the Presi- Let me run through this. There is up There were 550 pounds of methamphet- dent of the United States tweeted out— to $4 billion the President can ask for amine seized. There were 1,500 pounds as he is infamous for doing—if Congress that he doesn’t have to ask for emer- of cocaine and 64,000 pounds of mari- wants to discuss should a President gency authority at all on. That is juana that were seized in that one sec- have this authority in the future, I am counternarcotics, counterdrug smug- tion without a fence. open to discussing that, but that is not gling. There are $600 million that have The question is, Is that an emer- pertaining to today. been allocated that the President can gency? I think that is an interesting ques- use because it deals with law enforce- Last year, 70,000 Americans died from tion we should address as a nation— ment. There is $1.375 billion that Con- overdoses from drugs that came from what and how broad should an Execu- gress also allocated. There is no legal and through Mexico—70,000. If we had tive authority be for a President—but question on any of those. any—any—issue in America where the debate we have today is plain and At the tail end of that, the White 70,000 people died, I can assure you this simple. Is it an emergency, and, under House has also said, after all three of Congress would stand up and say we current law, does the President have those funds are expended—which, by have an emergency, but, for some rea- statutory authority? the way, those three funds exceed the son, there is a dispute on whether it is My answer to both of those questions $5.7 billion the President says he important we stop the flow of illegal is yes. needs—the President’s request is, if we drugs coming from Mexico into the I hope we continue to do drug inter- go through all of those, and we are not United States. I don’t think that diction, continue to work through the able to close that section down, at should be in dispute. issues that need to be addressed, con- some future point, he wants to be able To give an example of how fast this is tinue to do recovery, and continue to to access this other fund. changing and how much of an emer- help people who are fighting through They have also made it very clear it gency this is, people would say: This addiction because we need a healthy would be past October. That would not has been going on for years. Why is it nation and also a secure Nation. even be in this fiscal year. So really different now? Just in the last 2 years, For those 10 areas that are the high- the debate about funding is next year’s between ports of entry—again, not at est drug trafficking areas in the entire issue, what is called the 2808 funding on the ports of entry but in that open area country, I hope we close those doors, military construction. where there is no barrier. Last year, and I hope we protect lives in the days That leads us again to this. An emer- our Customs and Border Patrol seized ahead. gency declaration really has two ques- 388 pounds of fentanyl. That may not I am going to choose to oppose a res- tions in it. Is it an emergency, and does sound like much, but only a couple of olution of disapproval today that says the President have statutory authority grains of it—as in a couple of grains of the President doesn’t have the author- to take this action? Those are the only sand—is enough to kill a person. ity to protect the American people. two questions on the table. Fentanyl is highly addictive and an With that, I yield the floor. Is it an emergency is in dispute. exceptionally powerful drug. It is 100 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who There are some folks who would say: I times more powerful than morphine. It yields time? don’t think what is going on at the bor- is being laced into heroin and laced If no one yields time, time will be der is an emergency. There are some into cocaine. It is a mass killer. charged equally to both sides. folks—some in this Chamber and some Last year, almost 25,000 people in the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. in the other Chamber—who want to country died from an overdose of YOUNG). The Senator from Utah. abolish ICE, dismantle a wall, and open fentanyl. Knowing it only takes two or Mr. LEE. Mr. President, significant, the borders. Thankfully, that is a small three grains to be too much to kill a the very first clause of the very first group of people who do not see our na- person, 388 pounds of it were seized be- section of the very first article of the tional security as important. tween ports of entry along our border. Constitution consists of the words ‘‘all

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:35 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.034 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1878 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 legislative Powers herein granted shall power into Washington and within gration laws. I support a biometric be vested in a Congress of the United Washington to the less-accountable entry-exit system. I support the Presi- States, which shall consist of a Senate branches of the government—that is, dent’s new ‘‘Remain in Mexico’’ policy and the House of Representatives.’’ to the other two branches that are not that would keep asylum seekers south The Founding Fathers wasted no this branch—we are governing. No, of the border while they await proc- time in getting right to the heart of that is not governing. It is ruling. essing if they come from a noncontig- the matter, which is to say that the With centralization, we empower and uous country. I support the President’s legislative powers within the Federal enrich the political and corporate calling up military Reservists to sup- Government—that is, the power to classes at the expense of the working port border agents in their dangerous make law within that Federal system— and middle classes. Centralization is and underappreciated work. would themselves be exercised only by not unity. It is surrender—surrender to I support the President’s invocation the branch of that government most exactly the kind of monarchical and of 10 USC section 284(b)(7), which un- accountable to the people at the most abusive sort of government our Found- equivocally authorizes him, in certain regular routine intervals. ing Fathers were trying to protect us instances, relevant here and present This system of government, of from. here, to authorize funding for the con- course, involved three branches—one Political elites often reassure us and struction of a fence along international that would make the law, one that reassure each other that these devi- boundaries as a means of combating would enforce the law, and one that ations from constitutional norms are the illegal international drug trade. would interpret the law. That system somehow victimless endeavors. No one I support the President’s use of up to of government relied, necessarily, and cares about the process, they insist, $601 million from the Treasury For- quite appropriately, on the fact that but the Constitution is all process. feiture Fund and $2.5 billion from the each branch of government would oper- That is the whole point is process. The 284 fund I mentioned a minute ago, and ate within its domain and would jeal- Constitution doesn’t resolve our polit- I support the administration’s work, on ously guard the powers reserved to it, ical differences. It lays out the proc- a diplomatic level, with Mexico to re- neither exceeding the powers granted esses by which we are to resolve them. duce the flow of migrants to the United it, nor accepting a diminution of those Brushing that process aside does not States. I have supported all of these powers. override our disagreement. It intensi- things in this administration, and I It is with that topic in mind that I fies them. It escalates them— have for years—during this administra- rise today, reluctantly, in support of ratcheting up our politics into an all- tion and prior to that—and I will con- the resolution before us. When I consuming war of outrage and con- tinue to support these policies. speak—and some of my colleagues tempt. An emergency declaration, in accord- might even say nag—about our con- My Democratic colleagues, some of ance with the National Emergencies stitutional framework, when I insist them, at least, would have us believe Act, in this instance, is different. The that every word, every clause, and this vote is about President Trump and White House is asserting authority to every principle does, in fact, matter, President Trump alone. It is not. It is spend money on projects and priorities that we take oaths to support and de- about much more than him. It is about in a manner not themselves directly fend the Constitution of the United much more than them. It is liberal authorized by Congress. Congress di- States—we do so, in fact, right here on elites’ cult-like zeal for centralized rectly refused a request to appropriate these very steps in this very Chamber power and their furious entitlement to the specific amount of funds we are when we start each term of office—we wielding it that has led us to this very dealing with. are dutybound to adhere both to the vote. At the end of the day, it is not the letter and to the spirit of that docu- Now, I am not sure the Democratic White House, it is not this President, it ment, and we should do everything we Party cares immensely, as an institu- is not other Presidents who are at fault can to avoid straying from it. tion, about Presidential overreach. I for this; it is, in fact, Congress. Con- When I say some of these things, I will leave that to them to decide and to gress was the institution that chose am sometimes accused by some of na- exhibit. Some simply believe that voluntarily to relinquish this power. ivete. I am told the old ‘‘Schoolhouse abuse of constitutional power should be Congress, as an institution, adopted Rock’’ version of how a bill becomes a a one-way street. and enacted legislation that was so law works in theory, sounds nice in In many instances, we have had broad as to take basically all the theory, but it is somehow passe in a Members of this body support previous guardrails off the legislative process. vast, diverse, continental nation in- Presidents of both political parties in Congress, as an institution, in 1976, cluding about 230 million people today. engaging in acts of overreach. The real adopted the National Emergencies Act I am told that given the responsibil- source of outrage here is not constitu- and said the President may declare an ities of the United States as now a tionally mandated procedure but sim- emergency with almost no standards, vast, global, and economic power and ply that we, as an institution, have and then, once a President declares an Congress’s inability to get things done, voluntarily surrendered—we have re- emergency, there are some estimated we have no choice but to accept and linquished our legislative power. 128 different provisions of law that can even encourage a system of govern- In this instance, this happens to be be looped in and made effective as a re- ment in which we are relegated to the an exercise of power in an area in sult of the declaration of that emer- backseat, to the backseat of the very which many on the other side of the gency. things we were supposed to be doing in political aisle happen to disagree. To At the time Congress did this, Con- the first place, which is passing law, make clear, a border fence—a border gress left its foot in the door, saying which is setting policy within the Fed- barrier is a policy I support whole- that Congress unilaterally could veto eral Government. heartedly and unequivocally. I agree the President’s actions by passing a This faux sophisticated analysis gets with the need to secure our border. I concurrent resolution not itself subject things exactly backward. It is the ad- agree with the President that there is to Presidential veto. For reasons hav- vocates of Executive overreach and ju- a crisis unfolding on our border endan- ing to do with a subsequent Supreme dicial supremacy who are naive. They gering men and women and children Court ruling that occurred 7 years believe that given our Nation’s size and and endangering many of those who after the enactment of the National diversity, only centralized government were most affected by the communities Emergencies Act in 1983, a case called can rise above partisan, ideological, re- who are themselves in the direct path INS v. Chadha—a case, coincidentally, gional, practical differences, and unite of these caravans. I support a border argued by my late father. If he were us behind one policy, but this function wall, and I encourage full congressional here today, perhaps I would half-jok- now strangling this city and strangling funding for it. ingly acknowledge that maybe he is in this body, toxifying our political dis- I think it is a tragedy and really some ways to blame for this. course, is directly related to this re- something of an outrage that we After the Supreme Court concluded lentless march toward centralization. haven’t done that as a Congress. I sup- in INS v. Chadha that the legislative We think, somehow, that by pulling port workplace enforcement of immi- veto was unconstitutional, Congress

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:35 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.036 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1879 went through and systematically re- So today, I come to the floor to say a prolonged and worsening security and moved, from about 450 statutes, the that I do not intend to vote for the res- humanitarian crisis on our southern legislative veto provisions, replaced olution of disapproval, and here is why. border. Lethal drugs are flooding them with resolutions of disapproval, A lot has changed over the last 3 across the border at an alarming rate. replaced them with a procedural mech- weeks—a discussion with the Vice Just last year, enough fentanyl to kill anism whereby Congress may signal its President and a number of senior ad- 88 million Americans was seized by bor- disapproval, but that disapproval is ministration officials, a lot of collabo- der patrol agents between our ports of still subject to signature or veto by the ration with my colleague from Utah. entry. We are also witnessing unprece- President. There is serious discussion about dented levels of illegal immigration This is where we have a problem be- changing the National Emergencies and are on track for the highest level cause that converts, effectively, legis- Act in a way that will have Congress of illegal immigration in more than a lative power by handing it over to the speak on emergency actions in the fu- decade. That means more human traf- Executive and then leaves the Congress ture. ficking, more forced labor, and more without an opportunity to signal how The White House has been very gra- exploitation of people along the dan- it feels about this beyond adopting a cious and I should say very patient, gerous journey to the United States. resolution of disapproval, which is given my initial position, in working Failures by Congress to adequately ad- itself subject to a Presidential veto. with us and as late as today having the dress our immigration and border secu- That is why I am concerned about President make a statement that he is rity issues have only exacerbated this this. I have concerns about this legal willing to work with us. I suspect that crisis. framework. This is not about the Presi- we will hear more from the President. Here is just a sample of the data from dent. This is not about my disagree- We also heard today from Leader our Federal authorities. The total vol- ume of illegal immigration is increas- ment with or disapproval of the Presi- MCCONNELL. I was trying to remem- ing. Illegal immigration is on pace to dent or his approach to border security ber—I don’t know whether it has been exceed the highest level in more than or his desire to build a barrier along done before—Leader MCCONNELL took 10 years. There has been a 338 percent our southern border. I think all those to the floor this morning and said that increase in family units from the things need to happen. he encourages this discussion through Northern Triangle apprehended thus This law is wrong. It is not President the regular order and working on a bi- far in fiscal year 2019 compared with Trump’s fault. It is Congress’s. We need partisan basis to move a measure for- same period in fiscal year 2018. There to change it. I look forward to working ward through the Homeland Security was 54 percent increase in unaccom- with my colleagues on both sides of the Committee and to this floor for a vote. panied minors apprehended thus far in aisle to reform the National Emer- I, for one, am going to work on that fiscal year 2019 compared with same pe- gencies Act. We need to get this done. and hopefully get consensus on a bipar- riod in fiscal year 2018. This is an issue that is neither Repub- tisan basis after the temperatures have Additionally, drug seizures are in- lican nor Democratic, neither liberal cooled and we can move on. creasing between ports of entry. In fis- nor conservative. It is simply an Amer- In the meantime, I think we have to cal year 2018, U.S. Border Patrol inter- ican issue. recognize that we have a crisis at the cepted 388 pounds of fentanyl between I yield the floor. border, with 76,000 people crossing ille- our ports of entry. That is enough to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- gally in February alone. We have nar- kill 88 million Americans; that is right, ator from North Carolina. cotics flooding our country, poisoning 88 million Americans. Fentanyl sei- Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I ask our children and adults of all ages. A zures increased 73 percent between fis- unanimous consent that I have up to 5 lot of it has to do with the porous bor- cal year 2017 and fiscal year 2018. Her- minutes to make comments on the res- der and the seemingly unending and oin seizures also increased 22 percent olution. spiraling-out-of-control crossings. between fiscal year 2017 and fiscal year The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there One of the challenges that I have to 2018. Methamphetamine seizures in- objection? communicate to my constituents, and I creased 38 percent between fiscal year Without objection, it is so ordered. am sure everyone does, is how do I rec- 2017 and fiscal year 2018. Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, a few oncile—first, I should say that my col- As I have said repeatedly, even weeks ago, I was talking with my staff, leagues on this side of the aisle who though the President is using the au- in advance of the President issuing the will vote for the resolution of dis- thority given to him by Congress, I emergency order, and I told them I approval I think to a person also recog- share my colleagues’ concerns that too wanted to put together an op-ed to nize that there is a crisis. I respect much authority has been delegated to really express two things; one, my con- them for their decision; it is just not a the executive branch. In 1976, Congress cern with the manner in which funds decision that I can take. gave the President the authority to de- were being appropriated but also that Over the course of the next few clare national emergencies, so we there is a real crisis we have to ad- months, I look forward to working shouldn’t be surprised when he seeks to dress. In fact, I am very sympathetic to with the administration to talk about use it, just as others have done. For what the President did, and the only boundaries that we are very close to this reason, I will continue working to question is how he went about doing it. getting agreement on and making pass meaningful legislation, like the I received a lot of feedback over the changes to the National Emergencies ARTICLE ONE Act, to reclaim con- past few weeks, but what it allowed me Act that will make sense. gressional power from the executive to do was to engage in a discussion The fact that this President is pre- branch and improve congressional with some of my colleagues here and pared to transfer power back to the ar- oversight of the National Emergency with the White House over the past ticle I branch—by his statements, ei- Act. I encourage my colleagues to join couple of weeks that have been very ther publicly or through his adminis- in this effort, which takes real action, productive. tration—is extraordinary. That we as opposed to symbolic show votes that My main concern with this Executive have a leader, with a Republican down don’t address the root of the problem. action is future potential abuses. I the street, willing to move this Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, the have a concern with the Executive ac- through the regular order is extraor- President often claims that he knows tion the President took, the emergency dinary. how to make deals, but when it comes order, and that is why I voiced it, but For those reasons, I will be voting to the border, he seems uninterested in I am sympathetic to what he was try- against the resolution of disapproval, a good deal, a deal to provide effective ing to do. and I encourage my colleagues to do border security, and he is hurting our I think we can view this as an oppor- the same. military in the process. This week’s tunity—I thought we could view this as Thank you. vote to repeal the President’s national an opportunity where maybe we could Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, emergency is a vote to restore sanity have a discussion about the National today, I am voting against the resolu- to our border security debate and re- Emergencies Act and potentially make tion to end the national emergency. store Congress’s constitutional power a real difference. Make no mistake: Our Nation is facing of the purse.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:35 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.037 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1880 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 We all remember Donald Trump’s istic look at whether the wall is needed eled Tyndall Air Force Base, in Flor- idea that we need a 2,000-mile concrete or if it’s simply an unnecessary quest ida. Both of them could use billions wall from sea to shining sea and his to satisfy his ego.’’ That is common right now for repairs. claim that Mexico would pay for it. He sense, but then common sense seems to I am also told that the Navy needs said it some 200 times on the campaign be in short supply in this White House. hundreds of millions of additional dol- trail and in the Oval Office. In Decem- Not only is the President declaring a lars for unexpected ship maintenance. ber, after asking and failing to receive fake emergency, but he is using that We can’t afford not to make sure our funding from Congress for this wall, crisis to take money. The President sailors are safe on deployment. The Na- the President said, ‘‘I am proud to shut has told us that he will take $6.5 billion tional Guard has 2,100 personnel on the down the government for border secu- that Congress gave to our troops and border, but it is starting to run low on rity.’’ spend it instead on a wall on the south- its pay account. Unless DOD finds $150– What followed was the 35-day Trump ern border. He is proposing to delay or 300 million this year, the Guard will shutdown, the longest government cancel $3.6 billion in military construc- have to cut short its summer trainings shutdown in U.S. history. It cost our tion projects—projects that our mili- in all 50 States to pay for this. country $11 billion, according to the tary told Congress it needed less than a My subcommittee has identified al- Congressional Budget Office. After the year ago—and divert it to his wall. most $5 billion in military priorities President finally agreed to reopen the Last Friday, Senator SCHATZ and I that need attention now, but after the government, Congress provided funding sent a letter to Acting Secretary of De- President takes $2.5 billion to pay for to the Department of Homeland Secu- fense Patrick Shanahan demanding to his border wall, which priorities will rity for smart and effective border se- know which projects have been deemed, get cut? curity measures, including technology due to political interference, as less This week, Republicans and Demo- and additional Customs personnel. We important than the President’s wall. crats in the Senate should join the did this because the President’s own There are almost 400 military projects House in rejecting the President’s administration has stated that the vast at risk. They cover 43 States, the Dis- phony emergency declaration, and the majority of lethal narcotics that cross trict of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, Senate should reject any effort by the our southern border come through and more than a dozen foreign coun- President to take money from our legal ports of entry. tries, including strong U.S. allies like troops to build the wall. But within hours of signing this bill, Japan and the . Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I President Donald Trump announced The President will have to cancel or rise today to speak on the resolution of that it wasn’t enough. The President postpone approximately 20 percent of disapproval before us that would termi- went on television to announce that he these projects for his wall. What are we nate President Trump’s phony national was declaring a national emergency talking about?—$800 million for essen- emergency. over the border, and he announced that tial training facilities like National President Trump’s national emer- he was taking $6.5 billion from our Guard Readiness Centers, simulators, gency declaration, which he attempts military to build it. and firing ranges in Alaska, Arizona, to justify using falsehoods about immi- Presidents of both parties have de- Colorado, and Montana, to name a few; gration and the Southern border, pre- clared national emergencies. Each $1.4 billion worth of maintenance-re- sents a serious threat to the separation time, it was done in response to a spe- lated projects, such as aircraft hang- of powers and the rule of law. cific crisis, in order to unlock certain ars, and vehicle maintenance shops in First I would like to speak about how statutory authorities. President Arkansas, Indiana, Missouri, Okla- there really isn’t an emergency at the George W. Bush declared a national homa, and elsewhere; $1 billion worth border, then I would like to get into emergency after the 9/11 terrorist at- of projects for medical and dental care the constitutional problems with the tacks. In the 1970s, President Carter de- facilities, schools for military families, President’s actions. clared a national emergency as it per- military barracks and dining facilities While illegal border crossings do tained to Iran. Presidents of both par- in Arizona, Missouri, Texas, and be- occur, all of the numbers refute Presi- ties have declared and updated emer- yond. dent Trump’s claim that there is a cri- gencies relating to instability in Syria. For instance, the Marine Corps needs sis at the border. Those claims simply What Presidents did in those situa- a new rifle range at Parris Island, SC. don’t hold up. tions varied—sometimes levying sanc- This base trains 20,000 new Marine re- Unauthorized border crossings have tions, sometimes seizing assets—but cruits every year. Also on the list is been at their lowest levels in years. each time, it was accepted on a bipar- new training center at Fort Bragg, NC, In 2000, border agencies reported tisan basis as necessary, legitimate, to provide top-notch training and pre- more than 1.6 million apprehensions. and in defense of our national inter- vent injuries among our special oper- In 2017, the agency reported just ests. What President Trump did was ations forces. They are using old ware- 303,916 apprehensions, one-fifth of the different. For the last 2 years, he has house right now. Are we really going to level just two decades ago. struggled to fulfill a campaign prom- tell our military that their needs are It is clear that investments in border ise, so when he didn’t get his way, he being put on hold so the President can security have worked. Those include created a fake crisis and declared a fulfill his campaign promise to build a additional border patrol agents, fenc- phony emergency. wall? I hope those aren’t our priorities. ing in urban areas, ground sensors, The good news is that the American In addition, the President also an- drones, and increased use of E-Verify. people aren’t buying it. A poll con- nounced that he would take $2.5 billion In addition, since 2014, two-thirds of ducted earlier this month by in other military funds for his wall. undocumented immigrants have come Quinnipiac University found that 66 The Pentagon tells me that they may to the United States legally but then percent of voters oppose the Presi- take some of this money from excess overstayed their visas, more than dent’s end-run around Congress and op- military pay and pensions. Meanwhile, 500,000 per year. A border wall would do pose his fake emergency declaration. each of the military services—Army, nothing to curb visa overstays. Newspapers around the country have Air Force, Navy, and Marines—have Dangerous criminals aren’t over- concluded the same thing. The Tampa met with me to discuss a long list of running our country. Bay Times editorial board said it clear- urgent, last-minute needs, but with $2.5 Immigrants commit fewer crimes ly a few days after the President’s an- billion being diverted for the wall, than native-born citizens. Data col- nouncement, ‘‘Border wall is no emer- none of those leaders were able to say lected in Texas show the arrest rate for gency.’’ In their words, ‘‘It is not a na- whether or not they would get the undocumented immigrants in 2015 was tional emergency just because Presi- funding they need. 40 percent lower than for the native- dent Donald Trump didn’t get his Last year, Hurricane Florence dam- born population. way.’’ aged 800 buildings at Camp Lejeune, Additionally, many immigrants are West Virginia’s Herald Dispatch New River, and Cherry Point, causing actually legally seeking asylum newspaper concludes much the same, $3.6 billion in damage from wind and through the process already in place. urging the President to ‘‘take a real- flood waters. A similar hurricane lev- There are often families with young

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:35 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.005 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1881 children fleeing persecution and vio- border wall that won’t stop drugs or The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lence in Central America who have a crossings is the pots of money from objection, it is so ordered. legal right to petition our government which he is drawing. Mr. SCHUMER. Thank you, Mr. for asylum. First, the White House said it would President. Under current law, they can apply for pull $2.5 billion from a counter- Today, the Senate will vote on the asylum by presenting themselves at a narcotics program that is used to sup- resolution to terminate the President’s U.S. port of entry. Unfortunately, by port international law enforcement declaration of a national emergency. focusing on a border wall instead of in- interdiction and apprehension efforts, Let me begin with a quotation. vesting in modernizing entry points, as well as to fund National Guard sup- Revelations of how power has been abused President Trump’s policies force many port for State drug law enforcement by high government officials must give rise of these families to turn themselves operations, including in California. to concern about the potential exercise, un- into Border Patrol in between ports Second, the White House said it checked by the Congress or the American would take another $3.5 billion from people, of this extraordinary power. The Na- and ask for asylum or wait for long pe- tional Emergencies Act would end this riods in Mexico in dangerous condi- military construction projects. These are programs that actually threat and ensure that the powers now in the tions. help improve our national security, hands of the Executive will be utilized only The timing of the President’s dec- in a time of genuine emergency and then and the President wants to take bil- laration also undercuts his claim that only under safeguards providing for congres- lions of dollars from them to build a this is an emergency. sional review. wall—incredible. President Trump kicked off his Pres- The long-term danger here is that Let me repeat that. ‘‘[T]he powers idential campaign nearly 4 years ago President Trump will set a precedent now in the hands of the Executive will by claiming that immigrants were that a Commander in Chief can inter- be utilized only in a time of genuine bringing drugs and crime to the United pret the Nation’s laws and the Con- emergency.’’ That is from the special States. Despite this, he decided to wait stitution any way he wants. This can’t committee report on the National until more than halfway through his be allowed to stand. Emergencies Act, which was passed term to declare his emergency and only The National Emergencies Act of 1976 decades ago. then after Congress refused to give him does allow the President to reprogram The bottom line is very simple. We the money he wanted. funds appropriated by Congress in case all know the other arguments—that If there were truly an emergency, the of a national emergency, like a hurri- this is not an emergency. The Presi- President should have declared it on cane or earthquake, but it is clear that dent himself said so. He said he didn’t day 1. He did not. the law was never intended to be used have to do this if he didn’t want to. In Trump also emphatically rejected a to explicitly overrule the will of Con- previous emergencies, it was either ap- bill that would have given him $25 bil- gress, which is how President Trump parent, like 9/11, or it was a disease or lion for a border wall in exchange for wants to use it. some other immediate disaster, and providing Dreamers a path to citizen- During the Korean war, the Supreme there was a long explanation as to why. ship. Clearly, there was no emergency Court struck down a similar attempt We have gotten no explanation as to then either. by President Truman to use emergency why this is an emergency. But the most clear statement that powers to seize privately owned steel The second reason, of course, is the there is no emergency came from mills, an action inconsistent with laws money that might be taken away from President Trump himself, who after de- passed by Congress. the military—our brave men and claring the emergency, said this in a Even if there were an emergency— women in uniform not getting the dol- Rose Garden speech: ‘‘I didn’t need to which there isn’t—President Trump lars they need—for this wall. do this, but I’d rather do it much fast- still wouldn’t have the authority to re- The third, of course, is that the er.’’ program Federal funds in this context. President couldn’t get his way through We shouldn’t judge the President’s Specifically, the statute that Presi- Congress even when we had 2 years of attempt to divert appropriated funds to dent Trump relies on, 10 U.S.C. § 2808, Republican leadership in the House, his border wall through a partisan lens, allows the President, in a national Senate, and White House, couldn’t get but rather view it as a radical depar- emergency that ‘‘requires the use of his way this time, and is now simply ture from our constitutional separa- the armed forces,’’ to spend unobli- going around Congress to declare an tion of powers. gated military construction funds for emergency. Through its appropriations clause, military construction projects ‘‘that But those reasons pale for the most the Constitution provides Congress, are necessary to support . . . use of the important reason. This is a momentous not the President, with the power of armed forces.’’ day. The balance of power that the the purse. Congress decides how to The situation at the border does not Founding Fathers put in place, so ex- spend taxpayer dollars. ‘‘require the use of the armed forces,’’ quisitely designed, has served this Na- By providing Congress with this and it is unclear how the wall would be tion extremely well for over two cen- power, our Founding Fathers imposed a ‘‘necessary to support’’ them. turies. That balance of power was in If anything, the President’s use of key check on the President, a check large part motivated by the fear of an the military at the border to enforce that President Trump is trying to do overreaching Executive. The patriots the law raises additional questions away with. had just fought King George. They under the Posse Comitatus Act, which Congress exercised its power of the knew what it was like to have an Exec- has prohibited the use of the Armed purse last month in a spending bill to utive who would go too far, and they Forces for domestic law enforcement keep the government open by including put in precautions to make sure that for well over a century. $1.35 billion for border barriers, rather In sum, President Trump is relying didn’t happen. than the $6 billion the President on an incredibly frail legal argument Today, we are being asked, in a way sought for a border wall. to justify this blatant power grab. It is that we haven’t been asked in decades, The Constitution gave the President incumbent upon Congress to hold this maybe even longer, to change that bal- two options at that point: sign the bill President accountable as he attempts ance of power. And make no mistake or veto it. President Trump tried to to seize one of our most important about it—it will set an awful precedent create a third path, saying he would powers. for the future, no matter who is Presi- sign the bill but still divert additional I urge my colleagues to support this dent. It will change it. If a President Federal dollars to the wall, his so- resolution of disapproval and cancel can invoke an emergency because he called emergency. President Trump’s phony emergency. didn’t get his way or she didn’t get her In essence, the President decided to Thank you. way, without real cause, without a real violate the Constitution so he could The PRESIDING OFFICER. The emergency, woe is our Republic in more quickly fulfill a campaign prom- Democratic leader. many ways—the ways the Founding ise to build his border wall. Mr. SCHUMER. We have 1 minute re- Fathers feared. One of the ironies of President maining, I think. I ask unanimous con- I know this is a very difficult vote for Trump’s decision to divert funds to a sent to speak in leader time. my friends on the other side of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.006 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1882 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 aisle—much more difficult than ours. Smith Udall Whitehouse The PRESIDING OFFICER. The We all know that the President is ex- Stabenow Van Hollen Wicker clerk will report the motion. Tester Warner Wyden tremely popular in the Republican Toomey Warren The legislative clerk read as follows: Party for maybe a few good reasons—I Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 27, S.J. NAYS—41 would say mostly bad, but he is. We Res. 8, a joint resolution recognizing the know that he has been vindictive, con- Barrasso Ernst McSally duty of the Federal Government to create a Blackburn Fischer Perdue Green New Deal. temptuous, calling out people who op- Boozman Gardner Risch CLOTURE MOTION pose him. So it is not an easy vote. I Braun Graham Roberts take my hat off to those Members on Burr Grassley Rounds Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Capito Hawley the other side of the aisle who have let Sasse send a cloture motion to the desk. Cassidy Hoeven Scott (FL) The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- principle rise above party, who under- Cornyn Hyde-Smith Scott (SC) Cotton Inhofe ture motion having been presented stand what the Constitution requires Shelby Cramer Isakson under rule XXII, the Chair directs the Sullivan this afternoon and have agreed to vote Crapo Johnson Thune clerk to read the motion. against this emergency. Cruz Kennedy The legislative clerk read as follows: I would plead with those others who Daines Lankford Tillis Enzi McConnell Young CLOTURE MOTION haven’t made up their minds to look at We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- this moment in history. This is not an The joint resolution (H.J. Res. 46) ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the immediate moment. You can be for the was passed. Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby wall or against the wall, you can think The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- move to bring to a close debate on the mo- that what we are doing at the southern jority leader. tion to proceed to Calendar No. 27, S.J. Res. 8, a joint resolution recognizing the duty of border is inadequate, but that issue f pales before the issue before us; that is, the Federal Government to create a Green how far an Executive can reach when EXECUTIVE SESSION New Deal. Mitch McConnell, David Perdue, John Congress does not want to do what that Boozman, Johnny Isakson, John Cor- Executive wants. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR nyn, Pat Roberts, Mike Crapo, Thom This is a crucial moment. This is a Tillis, Mike Rounds, Roger F. Wicker, moment historians will look back on. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I John Thune, Richard Burr, Steve This could be a moment that changes move to proceed to executive session to Daines, John Hoeven, John Barrasso, the fundamental balance of power in consider Calendar No. 20. James E. Risch, Roy Blunt. our government. So I would ask my The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. MCCONNELL. I withdraw the colleagues—I would really plead with question is on the motion. motion to proceed. my colleagues. I understand the poli- The motion was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tics are difficult—much harder for you The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ator has that right. than for me—but our Nation, our Con- clerk will report the nomination. f stitution, the beauty of this govern- The legislative clerk read the nomi- SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS ment demands that we rise to the occa- nation of Bridget S. Bade, of Arizona, ACT, 2019—Motion to Proceed sion this afternoon. Please join us in to be United States Circuit Judge for rejecting this emergency and keeping the Ninth Circuit. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I move to proceed to Calendar No. 15, our government with the same balance CLOTURE MOTION of power that has served us so well for H.R. 268. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The two centuries. send a cloture motion to the desk. clerk will report the motion. I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- The legislative clerk read as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ture motion having been presented Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 15, H.R. the previous order, all time has ex- under rule XXII, the Chair directs the 268, a bill making supplemental appropria- pired. clerk to read the motion. tions for the fiscal year ending September 30, The joint resolution was ordered to a The legislative clerk read as follows: 2019, and for other purposes. third reading and was read the third CLOTURE MOTION CLOTURE MOTION time. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The joint ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the send a cloture motion to the desk. resolution having been read the third Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- time, the question is, Shall the joint move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- ture motion having been presented resolution pass? nation of Bridget S. Bade, of Arizona, to be under rule XXII, the Chair directs the Mr. CARDIN. I ask for the yeas and United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth clerk to read the motion. nays. Circuit. The legislative clerk read as follows: Mitch McConnell, David Perdue, Roy CLOTURE MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Blunt, John Cornyn, Joni Ernst, We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- sufficient second? Lindsey Graham, John Boozman, Mike ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the There appears to be a sufficient sec- Rounds, Thom Tillis, Steve Daines, Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby James E. Risch, John Hoeven, Mike ond. move to bring to a close debate on the mo- Crapo, Shelley Moore Capito, John The clerk will call the roll. tion to proceed to Calendar No. 15, H.R. 268, Thune, Pat Roberts, Jerry Moran. The bill clerk called the roll. making supplemental appropriations for the The result was announced—yeas 59, f fiscal year ending September 30, 2019, and for nays 41, as follows: other purposes. LEGISLATIVE SESSION Mitch McConnell, David Perdue, John [Rollcall Vote No. 49 Leg.] Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Boozman, Johnny Isakson, John Cor- YEAS—59 move to proceed to legislative session. nyn, Pat Roberts, Mike Crapo, Thom Alexander Feinstein Moran The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Tillis, Roger F. Wicker, John Thune, Baldwin Gillibrand Murkowski Richard Burr, Steve Daines, John Bennet Harris Murphy question is on agreeing to the motion. Hoeven, James E. Risch, Roy Blunt, Blumenthal Hassan Murray The motion was agreed to. Susan M. Collins, Lisa Murkowski. Blunt Heinrich Paul Booker Hirono Peters f Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous Brown Jones Portman consent that the mandatory quorum RECOGNIZING THE DUTY OF THE Cantwell Kaine Reed calls for the cloture motions be waived. Cardin King Romney FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO CRE- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Carper Klobuchar Rosen ATE A GREEN NEW DEAL—Motion Casey Leahy Rubio objection, it is so ordered. Collins Lee Sanders to Proceed The Senator from Nebraska. Coons Manchin Schatz Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I NEBRASKA’S BOMB CYCLONE Cortez Masto Markey Schumer Duckworth Menendez Shaheen move to proceed to Calendar No. 27, Mrs. FISCHER. Mr. President, I Durbin Merkley Sinema S.J. Res. 8. would first like to address the harsh

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.039 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1883 and very inclement weather that is to nearby Walgren Lake, southwest of catch up and see how things were sweeping across the State of Nebraska. Hay Springs. going. Later that same day, Cory and My prayers are with the Nebraskans In high school, Cory was also in- his reconnaissance platoon were per- who have been affected by the dam- volved in basketball and football, forming a mission near Iskandariyah, aging storm. where he played fullback. Iraq. This particular area of Iraq saw This massive storm they are calling a Pat vividly remembers when she major combat activity and sectarian bomb cyclone has brought blizzard con- worked in the eastern part of Nebraska violence from 2003 to 2007. During ditions, hurricane force winds, and dan- one week so that Cory could attend Cory’s reconnaissance mission that gerous floods to Nebraska. Some people Tom Osborne’s Big Red Football day, his platoon came across an IED. have had to evacuate their homes. Oth- School for 3 days. This was a popular Cory and two other U.S. servicemem- ers have been working tirelessly for the football camp that many teenage boys bers were killed by that explosion. safety of their livestock. in Nebraska participated in over the On Wednesday, February 4, 2004, at I thank our emergency responders, years. the Chadron State College gymnasium, the State, and local officials who are At Hay Springs High, Cory wasn’t too more than 600 family members, friends, helping the citizens of our State during fond of actually going to school, but he and military officials gathered to cele- this time. was more than capable. He scored a 30 brate and honor the life, service, and I want all Nebraskans to know that on his ACT, and his armed services vo- sacrifice of SGT Cory Mracek. He was my office stands ready to assist you in cational aptitude battery score was eulogized by many, including his two any possible way. also exceptionally high. sisters, Stacy and Heather. He was laid to rest at the Gordon HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES After graduating from Hay Springs City Cemetery next to his grandfather. SERGEANT CORY RYAN MRACEK High School, Cory attended Chadron The funeral procession from Chadron Mr. President, I rise to continue my State College, just down the road from where he grew up. While at Chadron to Gordon was a short drive by western tributes to the current generation of Nebraska standards—46 miles. From State, Cory had a hard time finding a men and women who have lost their Chadron to Hay Springs to Rushville, good job. With his high marks on the lives in Iraq and in Afghanistan while people lined the streets to pay their re- test, Cory decided to enlist in the Ne- defending our freedom. Each of these spects, wave American flags, and salute braska Army National Guard. He grad- Nebraska heroes has a special story to Cory. tell. uated from basic training at Fort Sill, For quite some time, Cory’s parents I recall today the life and service of OK, in 1996. thought about the best way to memori- SGT Cory Mracek, who was a native of After 1 year, Cory transferred to the alize him. Eventually, Pat came up Hay Springs, NE. Active Army because it provided him with the perfect tribute: renaming the Though Cory spent most of his life in with a year-round job. Cory’s military local Chadron, NE, post office after Hay Springs, he was born in Chadron, occupation specialty was 13-bravo or Cory. Pat had previously worked at the NE. Both of his parents, Pat and Jim, cannon crewmember for artillery, and post office for 10 years, and she asked were born and raised in Nebraska as he was stationed at Fort Campbell in GEN Roger Lempke, Retired, who is well. Kentucky. now a member of my staff, how we As a young child, Cory was always Immediately after joining the Active could make this happen. trying to have a good time. He was Army, Cory was deployed to South I had the privilege of working along- often found either laughing or trying Korea for 1 year. He enjoyed his time side former U.S. Senator Mike Johanns to make others laugh. Cory talked a in Korea, and he participated in the on legislation to rename the Chadron lot, starting at age 1. Pat, his mother, tradition of the Manchu Mile, a Post Office the ‘‘Sergeant Cory Mracek fondly remembers that Cory was a cu- daunting, 24-mile march in full combat Memorial Post Office.’’ The bill was rious child, and when they would go gear across Korea’s mountainous ter- passed by Congress, and it was signed into stores, Cory would always touch rain. into law on November 2014. different items because he wanted to Cory was also involved in the honor To this day, Cory’s mother, Pat, re- know more about them. He was an guard. mains heavily involved in many vet- easygoing kid, and he loved watching In January of 2001, Cory returned eran and military organizations. She is Sesame Street on a regular basis. home to Nebraska and transitioned the president of Nebraska Gold Star Cory was close to his grandfather, back to the National Guard. Months Mothers and the cochair of the Honor and they would often go places to- later, the September 11 terrorist at- and Remember Nebraska Chapter. gether and spend time together. Both tacks changed our Nation and the Both Pat and Cory’s father, Jim, of Cory’s younger sisters, Stacy and world. The events of that fateful day would like our Nation to remember Heather, came into the world when he ignited deep patriotism within Cory. how happy Cory was. He liked to laugh, was a young child, and he had a very While he and his parents were outside have fun, and enjoy life. close relationship with both of them. their home holding up candles in mem- I join Nebraskans and Americans As is often the case with siblings, ory of the lives lost in the 9/11 attacks, across our country in saluting Cory’s willingness to serve and the sacrifices though, they sometimes quarreled. Cory told his mom that he was going to Like many kids his age, Cory was transition back to the Active Army to he and his family made to keep us free, fascinated by ‘‘Star Wars’’ and ‘‘The serve his country. and I am honored to tell his story. I yield the floor. Simpsons.’’ The original ‘‘Star Wars’’ In early 2002, Cory transitioned back I suggest the absence of a quorum. movies came out when Cory was young, to the Active Army from the Nebraska The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and he had all kinds of ‘‘Star Wars’’ National Guard. Cory then deployed to clerk will call the roll. figurines and action figures around the Korea for a second time—this time for The bill clerk proceeded to call the house. 15 months, serving near the demili- roll. Cory attended several small schools tarized zone between North and South Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask in northwest Nebraska before enrolling Korea. unanimous consent that the order for in Hay Springs High School. Around When he returned from Korea, Cory the quorum call be rescinded. the time Cory started high school, Mi- was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Divi- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. chael Jordan was changing the sport of sion at Fort Bragg and completed air- BRAUN). Without objection, it is so or- basketball all over the world. The Chi- borne school in November of 2003. dered. cago Bulls’ legend became Cory’s Shortly after, Cory received notice UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—H. CON. RES. 24 sports hero. His bedroom was covered that he was deploying to Iraq. Cory ar- Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, this with Michael Jordan posters, basket- rived in Iraq for his deployment in Jan- morning, something rather amazing ball cards, and memorabilia. uary of 2004. Pat had already sent care and wonderful happened in the House During his high school years, Cory packages over for Cory so they would of Representatives. The House of Rep- became involved in many extra- be there when he arrived. resentatives this morning passed a res- curricular activities. Fishing was one On the morning of January 27, 2004, olution expressing the sense of Con- of his favorites, and he would often go Pat instant-messaged with Cory to gress that the full report by Special

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:14 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.046 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1884 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 Counsel Robert Mueller should be made YEAS 420—Continued overwhelmingly for making the report available to the public and to Congress. Clark (MA) ...... Kildee ...... Shalala public. They have a right to see it. No The vote was 420 to 0. Not a single Clarke (NY) ...... Kilmer ...... Sherman one should stand in the way of that. In Member of the House, Democratic or Clay ...... Kim ...... Sherrill fact, in the House, no one did. The only Republican, voted no. Cline ...... Kind ...... Shimkus reason to not make this report public Cloud ...... King (IA) ...... Simpson Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Clyburn ...... King (NY) ...... Sires would be to cover up what is in it. sent that the record of the vote, includ- Cohen ...... Kinzinger ...... Slotkin What a shame that would be. ing all 190 Republicans who voted yes, Cole ...... Kirkpatrick ...... Smith (MO) The Senate should pass this resolu- Collins (GA) ...... Krishnamoorthi ...... Smith (NE) be printed in the RECORD. Collins (NY) ...... Kuster (NH) ...... Smith (NJ) tion with the same unanimity that the There being no objection, the mate- Comer ...... Kustoff (TN) ...... Smith (WA) House did. The special counsel has been rial was ordered to be printed in the Conaway ...... LaHood ...... Smucker investigating one of the greatest af- RECORD, as follows: Connolly ...... LaMalfa ...... Soto Cook ...... Lamb ...... Spanberger fronts to our democracy—the delib- FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR ROLL CALL 125 Cooper ...... Lamborn ...... Spano erate interference by a foreign power in (Democrats in roman; Republicans in italic; Correa ...... Langevin ...... Speier our elections. The American people Independents underlined) Costa ...... Larsen (WA) ...... Stanton have an undeniable right to see the re- Courtney ...... Larson (CT) ...... Stauber H. Con. Res. 24: Yea-and-Nay, 14-Mar-2019, Cox (CA) ...... Latta ...... Stefanik sults of that investigation for them- 10:30 AM. Craig ...... Lawrence ...... Steil selves, and so this resolution should Question: On Agreeing to the Resolution. Crawford ...... Lawson (FL) ...... Steube pass. Bill Title: Expressing the sense of Congress Crenshaw ...... Lee (CA) ...... Stevens Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- that the report of Special Counsel Mueller Crist ...... Lee (NV) ...... Stewart should be made available to the public and to Crow ...... Lesko ...... Stivers sent that the Senate proceed to the im- Cuellar ...... Levin (CA) ...... Suozzi Congress. mediate consideration of H. Con. Res. Cummings ...... Levin (MI) ...... Swalwell (CA) 24, expressing the sense of Congress Cunningham ...... Lewis ...... Takano Yeas Nays Pres NV Curtis ...... Lieu, Ted ...... Taylor that the report of Special Counsel Rob- Democratic ...... 230 ...... 4 Davids (KS) ...... Lipinski ...... Thompson (CA) ert Mueller be made available to the Republican ...... 190 ...... 4 3 Davidson (OH) ...... Loebsack ...... Thompson (MS) public and to Congress, which is at the Independent ...... Davis (CA) ...... Long ...... Thompson (PA) Totals ...... 420 ...... 4 7 Davis, Danny K...... Loudermilk ...... Thornberry desk; further, that the concurrent reso- Davis, Rodney ...... Lowenthal ...... Timmons lution be agreed to, the preamble be Dean ...... Lowey ...... Tipton agreed to, and the motions to recon- YEAS 420 DeFazio ...... Lucas ...... Titus DeGette ...... Luetkemeyer ...... Tlaib sider be considered made and laid upon Abraham ...... Golden ...... Ocasio-Cortez DeLauro ...... Luja´n ...... Tonko the table with no intervening action or Adams ...... Gomez ...... Olson DelBene ...... Luria ...... Torres (CA) debate. Aderholt ...... Gonzalez (OH) ...... Omar Delgado ...... Lynch ...... Torres Small (NM) The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Aguilar ...... Gonzalez (TK) ...... Palazzo Demings ...... Malinowski ...... Trahan Allen ...... Gooden ...... Pallone DeSaulnier ...... Maloney, Carolyn B...... Trone objection? Allred ...... Gottheimer ...... Palmer DesJarlais ...... Maloney, Sean ...... Turner Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, reserv- Amodei ...... Granger ...... Panetta Deutch ...... Marchant ...... Underwood ing the right to object. Armstrong ...... Graves (GA) ...... Pappas Diaz-Balart ...... Mast ...... Upton The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Arrington ...... Graves (LA) ...... Pascrell Dingell ...... Matsui ...... Van Drew Axne ...... Graves (MO) ...... Payne Doggett ...... McAdams ...... Vargas ator from South Carolina. Babin ...... Green (TN) ...... Pence Doyle, Michael F...... McBath ...... Veasey Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, I will Bacon ...... Green (TX) ...... Perlmutter Duffy ...... McCarthy ...... Vela try to be very brief as far as where I Duncan ...... McCaul ...... Vela´zquez Baird ...... Griffith ...... Perry am coming from here. Balderson ...... Grijalva ...... Peters Dunn ...... McClintock ...... Visclosky Banks ...... Grothman ...... Peterson Emmer ...... McCollum ...... Wagner We were told that Mueller may be Barr ...... Guest ...... Phillips Engel ...... McGovern ...... Walberg imminently fired. The President said Barraga´n ...... Guthrie ...... Pingree Escobar ...... McHenry ...... Walden some things that were at times dis- Bass ...... Haaland ...... Pocan Eshoo ...... McKinley ...... Walker Beatty ...... Hagedorn ...... Porter Espaillat ...... McNerney ...... Walorski turbing about the investigation. I was Bera ...... Harder (CA) ...... Posey Estes ...... Meadows ...... Waltz asked many times, let’s make sure we Bergman ...... Harris ...... Pressley Evans ...... Meeks ...... Wasserman Schultz protect Mueller and let him do his job. Beyer ...... Hartzler ...... Price (NC) Ferguson ...... Meng ...... Waters Finkenauer ...... Meuser ...... Watkins So I first introduced the Special Coun- Biggs ...... Hayes ...... Quigley Fitzpatrick ...... Miller ...... Watson Coleman Bilirakis ...... Heck ...... Raskin sel Independence Protection Act on Au- Fleischmann ...... Mitchell ...... Weber (TX) Bishop (GA) ...... Hern, Kevin ...... Reed gust 3, 2017, with Republicans and Fletcher ...... Moolenaar ...... Webster (FL) Bishop (UT) ...... Herrera Beutler ...... Reschenthaler Flores ...... Mooney (WV) ...... Welch Democrats. Blumenauer ...... Hice (GA) ...... Rice (NY) Fortenberry ...... Moore ...... Wenstrup Blunt Rochester ...... Higgins (LA) ...... Rice (SC) To my good friend from New York, I Foster ...... Morelle ...... Westerman Bonamici ...... Higgins (NY) ...... Richmond think Mueller is just about done. Foxx (NC) ...... Moulton ...... Wexton Bost ...... Hill (AR) ...... Riggleman Frankel ...... Mucarsel-Powell ...... Wild To all those who are worried about Boyle, Brendan F...... Hill (CA) ...... Roby Fudge ...... Mullin ...... Williams Mueller not being able to do his job, he Brady ...... Himes ...... Rodgers (WA) Fulcher ...... Murphy ...... Wilson (FL) has. He is about to tell us what he Brindisi ...... Holding ...... Roe, David P. Gabbard ...... Nadler ...... Wilson (SC) Brooks (AL) ...... Hollingsworth ...... Rogers (AL) Gallagher ...... Napolitano ...... Wittman found. Brooks (IN) ...... Horn, Kendra S...... Rogers (KY) Gallego ...... Neal ...... Womack There is a regulation that determines Brown (MD) ...... Horsford ...... Rooney (FL) Garamendi ...... Neguse ...... Woodall what is disclosed and how it is dis- Brownley (CA) ...... Houlahan ...... Rose (NY) Garcı´a (IL.) ...... Newhouse ...... Wright closed. I have all the confidence that Buchanan ...... Hoyer ...... Rose, John W. Garcia (TX) ...... Norcross ...... Yarmuth Buck ...... Hudson ...... Rouda Gianforte ...... Norman ...... Yoho Mr. BARR will be as transparent as pos- Bucshon ...... Huffman ...... Rouzer Gibbs ...... Nunes ...... Young sible. That regulation is specific. You Budd ...... Huizenga ...... Roy Gohmert ...... O’Halleran ...... Zeldin Burchett ...... Hunter ...... Roybal-Allard can look at it for yourself. I would like Burgess ...... Hurd (TX) ...... Ruiz to know as much as possible and share Bustos ...... Jackson Lee ...... Ruppersberger ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’ 4 it with the public. However, I have also Butterfield ...... Jayapal ...... Rush been consistent in trying to find bal- Byrne ...... Jeffries ...... Rutherford Amash ...... Gosar ance here. Calvert ...... Johnson (GA) ...... Ryan Gaetz ...... Massie Carbajal ...... Johnson (LA) ...... Sa´nchez In February of 2018, I called for a spe- Ca´rdenas ...... Johnson (OH) ...... Sarbanes cial counsel to look at the abuses, po- Carson (IN) ...... Johnson (SD) ...... Scalise NOT VOTING 7 Carter (GA) ...... Johnson (TX) ...... Scanlon tentially, by the Department of Justice and the FBI regarding the Clinton Carter (TX) ...... Jordan ...... Schakowsky Cleaver ...... Marshall ...... Schweikert Cartwright ...... Joyce (OH) ...... Schiff Hastings ...... McEachin email investigation and the handling of Case ...... Joyce (PA) ...... Schneider Lofgren ...... Ratcliffe the FISA warrant process against Mr. Casten (IL) ...... Kaptur ...... Schrader Castor (FL) ...... Katko ...... Schrier CARTER Page, someone associated with Castro (TX) ...... Keating ...... Scott (VA) Mr. SCHUMER. Now, why did every the Trump campaign. Chabot ...... Kelly (IL) ...... Scott, Austin Republican vote for this? That is be- So since 2018, I have asked a simple Cheney ...... Kelly (MS) ...... Scott, David cause there is no good reason that the thing. If this stuff about Page and Chu, Judy ...... Kelly (PA) ...... Sensenbrenner Cicilline ...... Kennedy ...... Serrano special counsel’s report should not be Strzok and Ohr doesn’t bother you, Cisneros ...... Khanna ...... Sewell (AL) made public. The American people are then that bothers me. Were there two

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:14 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.048 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1885 systems of justice in 2016—one for the lutely no idea why a Member of this don’t ask you to believe me. We let Democratic candidate and one for the body would object to this basic level of Mueller look at all things Trump re- Republican candidate, where the Re- transparency, whatever their concern lated to collusion and otherwise. Some- publican candidate’s campaign had a on other issues. body needs to look at what happened FISA warrant issued against somebody My friend from South Carolina says on the other side and find out if the associated with it based on a document the report ought to be made public. FBI and the DOJ had two systems—one that was known to be unreliable, po- Let’s not stand in the way for other supporting the person they wanted to litically charged, on four different oc- issues. He is chairman of the Judiciary win and one out to get the person they casions? That should bother every Committee. He can deal with that sepa- wanted to lose. American. rately but not block this resolution. Some of these people have been fired Rather than my telling you whether So let the American people know for lying, and it is now time to have a it happened or not, why don’t we ap- that the Republican majority in the special counsel look at all things 2016, point a Mueller-like figure to look at Senate—at least for now—is blocking a not just Trump. how the Clinton email investigation resolution that the Mueller report The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ended up the way it did, what the should be made public. I hope my ator from Alaska. tarmac meeting was all about between friend from South Carolina and all of 2019 IDITAROD Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton? my Republican colleagues take time Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I I can quickly say to my colleagues, if over the recess to thinks about this. am here on the Senate floor today to the shoe were on the other foot, if the We are going to be back here asking for talk about a sporting event—an event Republican Party hired a foreign agent consent again when the Senate is back that captures the attention of people to go to Russia to investigate dirt on in session, and my Republican col- not only in my State of Alaska but Hillary Clinton, gave it to the Justice leagues ought to think long and hard around the country and around the Department, and it was used on four before they block this resolution again. globe. I am talking about the ‘‘Last separate occasions to get a warrant I object. Great Race on Earth.’’ It is a pretty against somebody working with or as- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- fancy, big, and impressive title for sociated with the Clinton campaign, all tion is heard. what really happens—the ultimate hell would pay. Is there an objection to the original challenge with man, woman, and If a member of the Justice Depart- request? dogs—a 1,100-mile sled dog race from ment told the investigators: Before you Mr. GRAHAM. I object. Anchorage to Nome, up north. get the warrant, the person who is in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- I will share with you all a picture volved in collecting this information tion is heard. that was taken at 3:39 a.m. on Wednes- day morning, March 13. Obviously, it is hates Clinton; if there were exchanges Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, I thank the middle of the night. I know every- between an FBI agent and a Depart- Senator SCHUMER. I appreciate getting body thinks that it is always dark in ment of Justice lawyer talking about this done quickly. Alaska this time of year, but it is not. getting an insurance policy to make I will just say, there are a lot of This is at 3:39 a.m. on Wednesday, sure that Hillary Clinton is never Americans, including JIM JORDAN, who March 13. It is pitch dark. You can’t elected and how much they hated believe that what happened in 2016 with really see it in this picture, but the Trump, it would be front-page news all the Clinton email investigation and the snow is coming down. The wind is over the world. FISA warrant against Carter Page blowing. It is pretty dang cold. Tem- I don’t know what happened between showed corruption at the highest level peratures are down in the teens, but Trump and Russia, but we are about to of the government. I agree that there you have some wind blowing. So it gets find out, and we will see if there is are more than smoking guns here. There is overwhelming evidence that your attention. something there, and we will use a What you are seeing here is Front somebody outside the political system process to disclose it to the public. Street in Nome, AK. At 3:30 in the should look into. I can’t find anybody But I ask the Democratic leader to morning, the street is packed. It is much on the other side who seems to modify his request and allow my lined with hundreds of people who are give a damn about that. amendment at the desk to make a sim- cheering loudly. These are people from Mueller, I get. Mueller has been al- ple change—and every Republican will all over the country—fans, friends, and lowed to do his job. We are going to be with me, if you wonder about how family who have come from across find out what he found pretty soon, as Republicans vote in the House—that Alaska and flown into Nome. Some of much as we can, consistent with the this resolution be modified calling for them chartered an aircraft coming out law. But I am not going to give up on the Attorney General to appoint a spe- of the YK Delta. They flew into Nome, cial counsel to investigate Department the idea that we are just going to look a community of about 4,000 people, to of Justice misconduct in the handling at one problem of 2016. I have been witness this moment—to witness the of the Clinton email investigation and talking to myself for the most part; moment that Pete Kaiser, born and in the handling of the FISA warrant now I have a forum. raised in Bethel, AK, came into town process as it relates to warrants ob- I will introduce a resolution asking with eight dogs in harness and came tained on Carter Page and to publicly you to do a simple thing. Ask some- down the street to cross the finish line release the results of those investiga- body outside of politics—a special and claim victory as the 2019 Iditarod tions—be agreed to consistent with counsel—to look into how in the world champion. He was just 12 minutes law. I ask that the resolution to be the system got so off track, to use a ahead of the defending champion, Joar modified in accordance with this. document prepared by foreign agent, Leifseth Ulsom, who is originally from The PRESIDING OFFICER. Will the paid for by the Democratic Party, col- but who now lives with us in Senator so modify his request? lected in Russia, to obtain a warrant Alaska. This is probably one of the Mr. SCHUMER. Reserving the right against an American citizen that is closest Iditarod races we have in some to object, Mr. President, I am deeply garbage to this day? How in the world time. disappointed in my good friend from could the investigation get so off track Jessie Royer, of Fairbanks, a friend South Carolina. This amendment ap- that the two people in charge of it of my family and a great lady, came in pears to be a pretext for blocking this openly talked about making sure that at third place. very simple, noncontroversial resolu- there was an insurance policy against When you talk about the ‘‘Last Great tion. Four hundred-twenty Members of Trump if he won and openly espoused Race’’ of 1,100 miles across extraor- the House voted for it. Congressman support for Clinton. How do you inter- dinary terrain, Pete Kaiser took 9 JIM JORDAN, a friend of the President’s, view Clinton the way she was inter- days, 12 hours, and 38 minutes to com- voted for it. Congressman DEVIN viewed? Any American out there who plete this—9 days, 12 hours, and 38 min- NUNES, a friend of the President’s, did what Secretary Clinton did you utes. voted for it. would see in jail now. Think about how you cover 1,100 This resolution should pass the Sen- The question I want to know is, Does miles on the back of a dog sled. Typi- ate in the blink of an eye. I have abso- anybody other than me believe that? I cally, with dogs, when you are moving

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.049 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1886 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 really fast, you are moving along at This year I had an opportunity to do mous Dalzell ice hole. While she is about 10 miles an hour, but you are something I have never done before, making her way across the frozen going over some incredible terrain, and and that was to drive the tag sled of river, her sled slipped into the hole. you are doing this not just between 8 one of our four-time champions, Jeff She falls into the water, and she in- and 5, but you are running the trail King. jured her ribs and her legs. She had over the course of days and weeks. During the ceremonial start, you go been having a little bit of a struggle Here is Pete Kaiser. He has just from Anchorage to Campbell Creek along the trail, but she said she would crossed the finish line. He has his Airstrip. It is an 11-mile portion of the not have been able to get out of the hands thrown up in the air in celebra- trail. I can say that I did 1 percent of waterhole there without the help of her tion. He hugged his family. He wiped the Iditarod by driving on the back of dog team. the tears from his face. It is one of this tag sled. I didn’t have the dogs di- Then there is Linwood Fiedler, who those moments that he will always, al- rectly in front of me, but I still had to was on his way to Nikolai, and his en- ways remember. The feeling is prob- operate the brake on the sled. I still tire dog team got separated from the ably hard to fathom, but for Pete, a had to lean into the curves and still sled when his biner broke, but, fortu- young man who grew up in Western had the opportunity to experience just nately for him, there was a fellow Alaska, somebody who is often referred the majesty of the dogs in front of you musher coming up, Mats Pettersson, to as an encyclopedia of racing knowl- and the way the mushers communicate who shows up on the trail shortly after. edge, somebody who is known in his with their team. He helped him get his whole team, and community for his hard work and dedi- The Iditarod is a race like none potentially—potentially—saved the cation, somebody who has now won the other, and it is perhaps made so be- lives of these dogs. Kuskokwim 300 four times in a row—a cause of the challenge of the terrain You have trail conditions that are race qualifier for the Iditarod—and for that this race goes through. The jour- hard this year, and part of the trail, his family and his extended family who ney that led the mushers through these quite honestly, because of the warmer supported him, who cheered him along valleys and across these mountain weather we have seen, they were what the way, and for so many in the com- ranges is hard. It is challenging. The we call tusset, which is just mounds of munity of Bethel who joined together, weather is not unlike the terrain. It hard, matted grass in just kind of a who chartered an aircraft to get there was up, and it was down. We had areas bumper strip all the way going in time to see him finish and celebrate along the trail where it was raining, through. It is very hard on sleds. There this achievement, this truly is a vic- and then we had areas where we had were a couple of mushers who took 30 tory that is an accomplishment and an freezing temperatures. You had wind. hours to go through this one stretch, extraordinary highlight to a remark- You had snow. You had ice. So when and they ultimately decided enough able career. you think about how much work it is and scratched. So the excitement that comes when to get through the burled arch, it is You have the terrain. You also have you are finishing a grueling race like really a tremendous accomplishment the fact that you are going all out for this and when you and your team come to be able to say that you have com- days on end, and limited sleep has its across the line is something that you pleted this race. effect. We heard some comments from As we speak, there are still dozens really have to experience to under- Lance Mackey, who is a four-time more mushers and their teams that are stand. There is fatigue, but there is Iditarod champ. He was talking about out along that trail working to com- great excitement with the accomplish- how he was imagining things on the plete it. trail, a little bit of a hallucination, ment. You might think that this is some- It is not just the accomplishment of seeing and hearing things that aren’t thing where there is a significant prize, the musher, because the musher would there, thinking he was hearing people and that is what motivates people. still be sitting back in Willow were it Well, if you are successful and you fin- say, ‘‘Go, Lance,’’ as he was making not for these extraordinary animals, ish the Iditarod, you will be able to the run between Rohn and Nikolai. You which truly, truly live to run. They claim $1,149. Your dogs are going to eat have to do all you can to keep yourself live to do this race and others like it. up that money pretty quickly. Most of awake because you are in the back of a Nothing beats the finish here. I don’t this is so much for the love of mushing sled. have very many opportunities where I Remember, you are not sitting down. and the love of the animals. can actually be at the finish because People always ask: Well, how hard is This is not all comfy and cozy for 1,100 you never quite know when it will be. it? What kind of challenges do the miles. You are standing on the back of Usually, race winners come in between mushers encounter along the way? the sled. Oftentimes, you are running 8, 9, or 10 days. So if you are starting It is everything from encounters with along or walking along behind. You are on a Sunday, usually we finish during animals, whether it is a moose along helping your dogs move through. You the week when we are back here work- the trail—and we have seen some bad have to constantly replenish yourself ing. So I haven’t had the opportunity outcomes from that—to just physical and your dogs, and that means taking to be on that end, but I have had mul- obstructions along the trail. trail snacks and drinking nonstop. tiple opportunities—in fact, this is an Richie Diehl of Aniak ran smack into There is always a question about opportunity that I do not miss—to be a tree—literally, smack into a tree. He what everybody eats. Aliy Zirkle, who at the front end and to be at the start hit his face on the trail near Nikolai. has come in fourth, attributes her diet of the Iditarod. He said he was kind of cruising along to rolled oat bars made out of peanut So just 9 days prior, this is me and and he had his head turned. It was still butter, banana, sesame seeds, and Pete Kaiser at the start of the Iditarod. dark. He looked forward and, bam, he other things because they are easy, and He is looking pretty fresh in this pic- ran into a tree. they don’t get frozen. You have to ture. He probably didn’t look quite so He probably could have ducked if he think about things like how do I eat fresh after 9 days on the trail. noticed it, but he didn’t, and then he while I am still moving and things We gathered in downtown Anchorage was kind of knocked off. He did an all- don’t get frozen. with 52 mushers—that is how many out sprint to chase his team down and They do have an opportunity to get mushers ran this year—and all of their dove to catch his sled. He lined up the some good meals. They get wined and teams. With the rules change this year, dog team, again got everybody orga- dined, if you will, when they get to a there were 14 dogs to a team at the nized, grabbed some toilet paper, some checkpoint. When you are in a village, start. But you are in downtown An- wet wipes, and started mushing down you have the kids come out, and every- chorage, and you not only have your the trail as he wiped the bleeding off body is looking for autographs. They teams who are going to be moving you his skin. You are just not stopping. want to say hello to them. They want through the first day of the ceremonial You are not stopping for yourself. For to find out what position everybody is start but you have your other dogs. So your dogs, if your dogs are injured, you in, but they also, oftentimes, get a you have dogs, you have mushers, you absolutely stop. warm meal like a stew, but before the have people, and you have kids. It is Anja Radano of Talkeetna fell in a humans eat—before the mushers eat, like a carnival atmosphere. large hole in the ice crossing the infa- the dogs have to eat. The dogs have to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.051 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1887 be cared for. The dogs have to be taken to this race. They have been doing it good government watchdogs, and care of first because life on the trail is for years. They are a group who just media organizations have joined forces taking care of the dogs. They are mak- comes up from Florida, they cash in to observe the importance of trans- ing sure they have a warm and a com- their miles, they take leave from work, parency and freedom of information. fortable place to rest, are fed, and they and this is where they take their vaca- With transparency and freedom of in- are watered. They are checked out by tion because they realize this is such formation, there is more account- the veterinarians. an extraordinary happening. You have ability in government. As a long-time This is one thing that is pretty inter- volunteers from all over the country, champion of an open, accessible gov- esting. People think, well, you are just from Canada, and the communities ernment, I speak today in support of going into a town. A lot of these along the trails. those enduring principles. places, it is not a town. It is not like The veterinarians. There are 50 vet- Sunshine Week coincides each year you can just go to a tap and fill up erinarians along the trail because at with March 16. That is the day one of your dog bowls for water for your dogs. the checkpoints, the dogs must be the Nation’s Founding Fathers and Now, your dogs have been on the trail checked by the vets. We are going to fourth President of the United States for several hours. They are thirsty. take care of those animals and make was born. That person was James They have been eating snow along the sure—so you have veterinarians; you Madison, widely known as the Father way, but they are thirsty. They need to have dog handlers; and you have vet of the Constitution and the Bill of be hydrated. techs who come from across the Na- Rights. If you are out on the trail and you tion. They are there volunteering their From his writings in the Federalist have 14 or 15 dogs, what do you do? You time to be at this extraordinary event. Papers, it might be said that he was melt snow or you melt ice. Where is Again, the pilots who fly to drop the the architect who framed our system of the stove? Well, you have your little supplies are volunteers. They act as checks and balances. Madison believed camp stove that you have in the back race judges. They aid in the event of an all powers of the government are de- of your sled. Think about it. You are injury or a lost dog. The list goes on rived of, by, and for the people. That is sleep-deprived, you are hungry, you are and on and on in terms of those who what brings me to the floor today. tired, but you have to take care of your volunteer. Ultimately, it simply could The public has a right to know what dogs first. You put your straw down to not happen were it not for the volun- their government is doing and how bed them down. You check their feet, teers who put the extra mile in to their government is spending the tax- and you put dry booties on them. You make it happen. payers’ dollars. What is more, the melt the water. You have to then heat So today we are celebrating and ac- American people owe a debt of grati- up the dog food that has been dropped knowledging the efforts of all those tude to our fellow citizens who bravely along the way in places where you who pitched in to help, the fans who come forward, often at great profes- know your team is going to be stop- cheered on the teams throughout the sional risk, to report wrongdoing in ping. You could be working with your race, the communities that served as government. We ought to expect that dogs for a good hour before you can hosts along the way, and all the out of government employees or any even start thinking about yourself and mushers and all their teams who put fellow citizen who knows something is how you satisfy your hunger, your their hearts and put their souls into wrong. thirst, your sleep. this really tough but incredible expedi- I am here today to talk about a ray It is a pretty amazing race. Again, I tion. of sunlight coming from the Defense am just in awe of the animals. I am in We, in Alaska, are all congratulating Department. More specifically, I want awe of the mushers. I am also in awe of Pete Kaiser on his win. He is the only to alert you about the whistleblower the many, many, many, many people musher from the Yukon-Kuskokwim hotline managed by the inspector gen- who come to be volunteers for it, this Delta since the inaugural Iditarod back eral. Once in a while, good news comes race. Most people have no idea what it in 1973. He is the first Yup’ik Iditarod out of that Department. takes to pull off a race like this, but I champion in the history of the Iditarod I spend a lot of time on government am told there are more volunteers who race. He is an incredibly humble man. oversight. Congressional oversight is help us at this race than any other or- He is a great role model. He is an inspi- part of our constitutional assignment ganized race like this in the country. ration to his community, and I know to protect the power of the purse and What we have is a volunteer Air they are all exceptionally proud. to ensure that the laws we pass are Force, if you will. Those stashes of food After he won, Pete said he hoped his faithfully executed. I talked about, those don’t get there by victory would be celebrated not just by My sights are set quite often on the accident. There is no road to drive the Yup’ik people within his region but Pentagon when it comes to oversight. them by, so you have pilots who will by all Native people throughout Alas- The U.S. military is the strongest and volunteer to take whatever it is, straw ka. mightiest in the world. Our men and for bedding or big coolers and con- So, Pete, I think, we are here to tell women in uniform put their lives on tainers of food, to the various check- you that today, Alaskans in the west- the line to protect our sacred freedoms. points. They will drop them off so they ern part of the State, all over the Each of us should be fighting tooth and are pre-positioned out there, but those State, including as far away as Wash- nail to make sure that they have the guys, they are all volunteers. ington, DC, are all celebrating and rec- resources they need. I am not, however, At the banquet in Nome, at the end ognizing you and your extraordinary talking about writing blank checks; I of this week, the people who put on the canine athletes. am talking about making sure that de- banquet are volunteers not necessarily I yield the floor. fense dollars are spent wisely. from Nome but from all over the coun- I suggest the absence of a quorum. The Pentagon shoulders a strategic try. The last time I was up there, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and vital mission for America but is by went back in the kitchen to say thank clerk will call the roll. no means infallible—not by a long you to the men and women who were The legislative clerk proceeded to shot. As with almost any bureaucracy working there. They all had their little call the roll. or corporate organization, its work- nametags, and they say where they are Mr. GRASSLEY. I ask unanimous place culture dictates that each indi- from. There is a whole group who was consent that the order for the quorum vidual should go along to get along, from a little town in Florida. They had call be rescinded. and that is not how it should be. Insti- all taken a week’s vacation from their The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tutional foot-dragging at the Pen- work to come up and just be there for objection, it is so ordered. tagon, for example, has hampered ef- the Iditarod, to welcome the mushers SUNSHINE WEEK forts to root out sexual misconduct. coming in. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, we You read about it too often. A systemic I asked: What do you do here as a are celebrating an important week in bookkeeping system has plagued the volunteer? They said: We are in charge our system of self-government. This Department of Defense for decades. of rolls and butter. Ok. But this is how week is known as Sunshine Week. For Nevertheless, I keep pressing the much of a commitment they have made the last 14 years, advocacy groups, Pentagon to fix this fiscal mess. Every

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.053 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1888 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 dollar lost to waste, fraud, and abuse is This sends a very unsubtle signal to U.S. Senator will continue shining the a dollar that could be put to better use whistleblowers: Blow the whistle at spotlight on waste, fraud, and abuse at for our men and women in uniform for your own risk. When the top dogs who the Pentagon—and, of course, else- better housing, as just one example. dish out retribution go unpunished, where—and I will continue advocating I learned long ago that one of the and some are even promoted, the mes- for whistleblowers with every tool at best ways to expose wrongdoing is by sage to the rank and file is loud and my disposal. listening to whistleblowers. Whistle- clear: Blow the whistle at your own As an Iowa farmer, I know what a blowers are the ones who have their risk. load of manure smells like. I am also noses and ears to the ground day in and Nearly 2 years ago, I came to the very aware of why farmers make hay day out. They are patriots doing their floor of the Senate to sound the alarm when the sun shines, and that is a very job in reporting wrongdoing. These pa- on this very subject. At that time I good lesson for good government. Sun- triots know the difference between shared statistics from a 2016 IG report. shine helps hold government account- right and wrong. So when their good It listed 406 hotline cases that had been able to the American people, and that conscience compels them to come for- open for more than 2 years. Nobody is is why we celebrate Sunshine Week ward, we should hear them out, and we in a hurry to do anything about wrong- this week and every year now for, I need to encourage others to do the doing in the Defense Department when think, 14 years—because Sunshine same. things like that can accumulate. More Week promotes openness and trans- Whistleblowers within the Defense than half of those 406 cases—246 cases parency in government. That is why the Congress passed the Department help weed out improper to be exact—had been open for more Physician Payments Sunshine Act in payments, procurements, fraud, and than 1,000 days, and some had been 2010. This law establishes a mandatory other unethical schemes and mis- lying around for 4 years. So back when national disclosure program in which behaviors that come at taxpayers’ ex- I gave that speech a couple of years drug and medical device manufacturers pense and the expense of military pre- ago, I noted that the IG’s office wasn’t report payments to prescribers in paredness. moving the needle, despite increases in teaching hospitals. However, it appears As cofounder and cochairman of the personnel and money in the IG’s office. that some parties may not be dis- Whistleblower Protection Caucus, I The workforce-to-workload ratio was lead efforts from Capitol Hill to closing this information. mismatched. Cases were adding up, and That is why, in addition to what I strengthen protections and raise the corrosive workplace culture within told you about overseeing things in the awareness for what is often an uphill the IG was a festering sore. Allegations Defense Department, it is necessary to battle for whistleblowers. In the rigid of tampering with investigations and call out HHS and CMS to be forth- command of the U.S. military, the ci- whitewashing cases were tarnishing coming about whether opportunities vilian workforce and uniformed mem- the reputation of the premier whistle- exist for us to work together to bers of the military are trained to fol- blower oversight unit at the Pentagon. strengthen the law where all these low protocol and to respect the chain Congressional watchdogs, like myself, things aren’t being reported as they of command. Instead of receiving a pat should not have to watch the Pentagon should be. Sunshine is the best dis- on the back for exposing wrongdoing, watchdogs to keep oversight on track. infectant. too many of these whistleblowers face As I said, there is some good news. FREE TRADE retribution and reprisal. I often say Things seemed to turn the corner when Mr. President, lastly, I would like to they are treated like skunks at a pic- Acting Inspector General Fine recog- talk about free trade for a minute. I nic. nized the antics of a bureaucracy run am calling on the administration to That brings me to the DOD whistle- amuck. promptly remove the section 232 tariffs blower hotline, a vital conduit for I am glad to see a ray of sunlight on steel and aluminum imports from whistleblower complaints. Once again, coming from the IG’s office. However, Canada and Mexico. This will help there is some good news about DOD we still aren’t out of the woods. clear the path for the United States- and whistleblowers and trying to im- I want to thank those in the IG’s of- Mexico-Canadian Agreement to be rati- prove things there in a November IG fice who are toiling to reduce this hot- fied in all three countries. These tariffs report. It shows the huge backlog of line backlog; however, the DOD needs and their retaliation are having a nega- tips has been reduced. You could say to step up and face the music. DOD tive impact on Americans. The United that it is a glimmer of hope in an oth- needs to own these failures in letting States-Mexico-Canada Agreement is erwise swamp of secrecy. retaliators off the hook. supposed to be a free-trade agreement, You see, the report also exposes the Failing to hold these folks account- but we don’t have free trade with these bad news. The playbook of Federal au- able is a huge slap in the face to those tariffs in place. thority—defend, delay, and deny—is in the Department who are performing As chairman of the Committee on Fi- alive and kicking. From fiscal years their responsibilities every day with nance, I look forward to helping the 2013 to 2018, the Office of the Inspector dedication and excellence, being patri- President with this important task. General found the number of reports otic people, blowing the whistle, and And a little bit of advice for the Presi- tripled. It also showed the number of pointing out waste, fraud, and abuse. dent would come this way: I think he reprisal complaints doubled. It also happens to be a slap in the imposed tariffs on Mexican and Cana- The report found that 350 Defense De- face of the taxpayers. It is telling these dian steel and aluminum because he partment officials, most of them in the patriotic whistleblowers: Thanks but didn’t think they were going to nego- branches of the Armed Forces, retali- no thanks. Feel free to disclose your tiate and said that is why he put the ated against and sought to intimidate report, but we may press the mute but- tariffs on. Obviously they negotiated in 195 whistleblowers. I can’t speak about ton after processing the claim. good faith because the President said 195 cases, but I will bet, in many cases, Make no mistake about it—the hot- he has a very good agreement. I happen many higher-ups in the chain of com- line becomes meaningless if whistle- to agree that he has a very good agree- mand would be embarrassed, and that blowers lack confidence in the system. ment. So wouldn’t you think, then, is why it wasn’t reported, and that is They will stop calling and stop report- that the tariffs ought to come off? why these folks were retaliated ing waste, fraud, and abuse. Somebody down at the White House against. This tells me also that higher- My advice to Inspector General Fine recently told me: Well, you can’t ups who are accused of retaliating is this: Put some mustard on it, and conflate the tariffs on aluminum and against whistleblowers are going add some hot sauce while you are at it. steel with the USMCA agreement. unpunished. Get down to the brass tacks, and rec- Well, don’t tell me you can’t conflate Consider, about 85 percent of the peo- ommend disciplinary action against them when you conflate them when ple who reported wrongdoing and faced those who retaliate against patriotic you say to the other side: If you don’t professional punishment or personal people pointing out waste, fraud, and negotiate, we are going to put these embarrassment are still waiting for abuse. tariffs on. any remedy according to this inspector In closing, I would like to share a tip I think there is a clear path to get- general report. with the Department of Defense. This ting this done.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.056 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1889 The President is concerned about the be the limited role of the Federal Gov- stock operations must be inspected by transshipment of steel from China, ernment in our lives. the DEQ to determine if a waste con- through Canada, into the United I want to address Nebraskans di- trol facility construction permit is re- States, which obviously wouldn’t be rectly, and I want to analyze a few de- quired. Our producers also need a na- fair. They are concerned, as well, about tails that are part of this resolution’s tional pollutant discharge elimination surges in exports to the United States. attack on rural America, which is an system permit if their livestock facil- I think he would find Prime Minister attack on Nebraska because our ity has the potential to discharge into Trudeau very open to receiving assur- State’s economy and the well-being of surface waters. ances that if the House of Commons in all Nebraska families is reliant on a As I said, Nebraska is the Beef State, Canada moves ahead with approval of strong agricultural economy. but we are also the Cornhuskers, and it, these tariffs would go off. At the One section of the resolution speaks the two go hand-in-hand. Nebraska is a same time, I think they will get assur- to our Nation’s agriculture sector. top producer of corn, and that corn is ances from the Canadian Government Properly managing our environment is fed to livestock and establishes Ne- that they will make sure trans- important, and Nebraska’s agricultural braska as the No. 1 cattle on feed State shipment from China, through Canada, producers who feed and fuel our world in the Nation. Our producers do this to the United States won’t happen and know better than anyone about con- while conserving our natural re- that surges in exports won’t happen as servation and stewardship. This is a se- sources—our land and our water. well. rious issue, and it deserves a serious Consider this: The Omaha-based If we can get the Canadian Govern- and a sensible approach. Lindsay Corporation recently devel- ment to approve this agreement, it The early fact sheets that came out oped a tool that connects to the center seems to me it is going to be a lot easi- describing the Green New Deal offered pivot irrigation system and remotely er to get through the Congress of the mind-boggling proposals, like elimi- controls the water based on the irriga- United States. And I think that just as nating cows. This idea was so ridicu- tion prescription for each individual soon as Mexico changes some labor lous that the Democrats balked and field. The company estimated that laws they promised they would change distanced themselves from this con- since the tool was launched, it has to make labor more fair and less unfair cept. In fact, while the Nebraska saved over 21 billion gallons of water, to the American worker, I think the Democratic Party announced their sup- over 34 million kilowatt hours of en- Mexican Senate will approve this port for the Green New Deal, Nebras- ergy, and over 57 million pounds of car- agreement. But time is a factor here ka’s Democratic Party chairman re- bon dioxide emissions globally. Nebraska also has a unique system of because Canada has to get this all done cently apologized to fellow Nebraskans 23 natural resources districts. The dis- before they adjourn in June for their for the anti-agriculture ideas that are tricts are managed by locally elected October elections. included in it. boards. The boards have tax levy au- It seems to me that when the Presi- Tom Vilsack, a former Iowa Gov- thority to support conservation efforts dent says he has a good agreement— ernor and former Secretary of Agri- tailored to each of the district’s unique and there is a certain amount of anx- culture in the Obama administration, needs. Through this process, we regu- iety out there about all these trade ne- was spot-on with his comments about late our groundwater more than any gotiations that are going on—we could the greatness of American agriculture other State, and it is an effective use get this thing settled pretty fast and during a congressional hearing in 2016. because our local communities are the reduce that anxiety, and we could He pointed this out: ones in control. No other State in the make sure we enhance our economy Every one of us that’s not a farmer, is not country has this advanced form of more than the fine policies of this a farmer because we have farmers. We dele- ground and surface water management. President, through taxes and through gate the responsibility of feeding our fami- lies to a relatively small percentage of this Because of the adoption of more effi- deregulation, have already improved cient irrigation systems by our corn the economy and keep it growing. country. Eighty-five percent of what’s grown in this country, it’s raised by 2- to 300,000 and soybean producers, water applied I would ask the President to consider people. It is an incredible freedom that we in three natural resources districts in moving this as fast as he can and get take for granted . . . and rather than being Nebraska has decreased significantly, off of this business of negotiating trade criticized, we ought to be celebrating these conserving our water. and tariffs for quotas because that is people . . . and we don’t do it enough. Nebraska’s producers also take good not much better for the United States I could not agree more. Nebraska care of our soil. Our natural resources and not much better even for the Cana- farmers and ranchers feed a hungry districts can require landowners to dians, and it isn’t going to satisfy the world. Our soybeans, dairy, wheat, manage soil erosion on their land and Canadians that they can move ahead pork, eggs, and potatoes reach family connect them with cost-sharing pro- before their election. dinner tables around the globe. grams to help implement effective soil I yield the floor. Nebraska is known as the Beef State. management practices. The use of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- We are the No. 1 exporter of beef in the planned grazing on our ranches—my ator from Nebraska. Nation. In 2017, Nebraska exported well family’s ranch included—improves the THE GREEN NEW DEAL over $1 billion in beef products. Our amount and the diversity of grass Mrs. FISCHER. Mr. President, Demo- beef producers are known around the available to cattle, and cattle improve crats have put forward proposals claim- globe as the best at what they do. the overall health of that rangeland. ing that it is the duty of the Federal Here are some facts. The Natural Resources and Conserva- Government to create a so-called Green Fact: According to a recent USDA re- tion Service estimated that soil ero- New Deal. port, beef production accounts for only sion and planned or, as some call it, ro- My colleagues have listed a variety 3.3 percent of all greenhouse gas emis- tational grazing practices have saved of goals, like net-zero greenhouse gas sions in the United States. over $80 million in annual damages emissions within a decade, good jobs Fact: According to a Smithsonian ar- from flooding or erosion. Additionally, for all, and a sustainable environment ticle published in 2016, wetlands ac- with the adoption of no-till farming and infrastructure, but they haven’t count for nearly 22 percent of global practices in row crop production, com- proposed any specific policy changes or methane emissions. I would suggest to bined with cover crops like millet and a roadmap of how to reach these goals. you that no one wants to eliminate rye, we have vastly improved the The reason for that is clear. As the res- wetlands. health of our soil. olution’s authors have said, these pro- Nebraska ag producers care for our The bottom line is this: Ag producers posals would require a massive Federal land and our water, and our cattle pro- are conservationists who utilize proven Government takeover and reorganiza- ducers already have elevated levels of practices to manage our land and water tion of our country as a whole. We are water regulations. For example, our resources. learning that what it would take to ac- feedlots must maintain a livestock As more facts have come out, we complish these goals is unrealistic. We waste control facility permit from the have learned that the cost alone of the should call the Green New Deal exactly Nebraska Department of Environ- Green New Deal is astounding. One es- what it is—an attack on what should mental Quality. Existing and new live- timate by the American Action Forum

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.057 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1890 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 found that if the deal were fully en- Yet the Green New Deal is a far cry Over the years, Democrats and Re- acted, it would cost anywhere from $51 from a commonsense proposal. The call publicans alike have understood the trillion to $93 trillion over the next 10 to replace every combustion engine importance of maintaining the vitality years—$93 trillion. That is a staggering wouldn’t just hurt our Nation’s infra- of the Great Lakes. That is why, in expense that our families, our busi- structure; it would mean scrapping our 2004, President George W. Bush signed nesses, and our economy simply cannot personal cars and the commercial an Executive order to promote a Great afford. trucking industry. It would mean Lakes regional collaboration. One of the main goals of the Green eradicating planes and air travel alto- Then, in 2010, President Obama built New Deal is a mandate to move our gether. Don’t forget that we are a Na- on his predecessor’s leadership. In his country to 100 percent renewable en- tion of vastness. Light rail is not fea- very first budget request, President ergy and achieve carbon neutrality sible. It is not feasible in many parts of Obama called for the funding for what within the next decade. The American our country, and people in sparsely would later be known as the Great Action Forum’s estimate warns that populated areas have a right to receive Lakes Restoration Initiative. The households would shoulder this weight services, participate in commerce, and GLRI today remains a bipartisan suc- with up to a nearly $4,000 increase in have transportation options that meet cess story because it provides a plat- their yearly electric bills, and if our their unique needs. form for Federal Agencies and States country relied on foreign energy, those In closing, as the activists continue to come together to address the biggest rates would skyrocket even higher. to push their wish lists, I am going to threats to our lakes. Higher electricity bills are a concern continue to focus on addressing those Let me give you a few examples of for me, and they are a concern for Ne- regulations that make life difficult for the positive impact that the GLRI has braska families, but my colleagues families and businesses in Nebraska. had in my home State of Michigan. across the aisle don’t seem fazed. Re- Excessive regulations cause our ag pro- In Deer Lake, near Ishpeming in the call that in 2009, former President ducers to focus on mountains of paper- Upper Peninsula, GLRI funds were used Obama said he was willing to have the work instead of on ways to innovate to successfully eliminate mercury run- average household pay nearly $1,600 per and implement new practices so they off that had contaminated local wild- year to reduce carbon emissions by 15 can continue being good stewards of life. Over just a few years, these funds percent. Hard-working families said our land. The key to finding realistic were used to restore the natural habi- then that they could not afford that. solutions in addressing carbon dioxide tat, and as a result, Deer Lake was no So how can people now afford up to emissions lies in the hands of Amer- longer considered a Federal area of spending $4,000 a year? ica’s innovators, not in the heavy hand concern. Attempting to move to all renewable of the Federal Government through an Thanks to the support of the GLRI, energy would also mean shutting down economic takeover. sufficient improvements were made to every nuclear, coal, and natural gas In moving forward, I am going to prevent runoff at the Gloede Drain in plant. According to some estimates, work on updating the aging infrastruc- the Clinton Township of Macomb Coun- this would cost Nebraskans and the ture that our citizens rely on in their ty, reducing flooding and soil erosion American people $7 trillion by 2030. If everyday lives. I am going to fight for in an area that many Michiganders call we eliminated the use of natural re- policies that will help to promote eco- home. sources like gas, oil, and coal produc- nomic growth and help families across In Detroit, 30 steel mills, oil refin- tion, the United States would rely on this country provide for their loved eries, chemical manufacturers, and other countries to supply our energy. ones, and I will continue to highlight other plants discharged pollutants into The United States leads all G20 coun- the good work our farmers and ranch- the Detroit River for decades. However, tries with the best record of carbon di- ers are doing to protect our air, water, with the implementation of $89 million oxide emissions reduction in recent land, and wildlife. worth of GLRI waterway cleanup years. From 2005 to 2017, the United I yield the floor. projects, the water quality has im- States reduced carbon dioxide emis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- proved, and Detroit now has a thriving sions by 862 million tons—a 14-percent ator from Michigan. and vibrant downtown RiverWalk that cut. Comparatively, in the same time- THE GREAT LAKES has become an economic engine for frame, increased its carbon emis- Mr. PETERS. Mr. President, I rise to small businesses. sions by 1.3 billion tons, and China speak on the need to vigorously protect There is no question the GLRI is a raised its emissions by 4 billion tons— the Great Lakes. proven success and has been vital to a 70-percent increase. Though China is The Great Lakes are a vital natural Michigan’s environment and to Michi- moving toward plants with higher effi- resource not only for my home State of gan’s economy. Yet, despite this suc- ciency, China already accounts for Michigan but for the entire Nation. In cess, President Trump, once again, is nearly half of the global coal consump- addition to providing drinking water willing to risk the health, safety, and tion. for nearly 40 million people, the Great vitality of one of the world’s largest The Green New Deal misses a crucial Lakes serve as an economic engine for freshwater systems by proposing a 90- point: The United States is already our entire country. This freshwater percent cut—yes, a 90-percent cut—to making voluntary changes to lead the system is associated with adding near- the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. world in reducing carbon dioxide emis- ly $6 trillion to the U.S. GDP while Unfortunately, this is not the first sions. A line from the 16-page resolu- supporting millions of jobs. It accounts time. Since taking office, President tion reads that the Green New Deal for more than 50 percent of all U.S.-Ca- Trump has tried to eliminate the fund- would include ‘‘overhauling transpor- nadian border trade and facilitates the ing to the Great Lakes Restoration Ini- tation systems in the United States to shipping of over 200 million tons of tiative each and every year he has been remove pollution and greenhouse gas cargo every year. in office, and each and every year, Con- emissions.’’ But ask Michiganders what the Great gress has united in a bipartisan way to A background document released by Lakes mean to them, and they will tell ensure that this critical program re- the Green New Deal’s author called for you that they are a great deal more mains funded. a plan to build out high-speed rail and than simply a source of commerce; the Let me be clear. Slashing GLRI fund- replace every combustion engine vehi- Great Lakes literally define our State. ing would have an immediate and cata- cle at a scale where air travel stops be- They not only define our borders but strophic impact on the future of the coming necessary. As chairman of the who we are among the States. We are, Great Lakes and on both the nearly 10 Senate Commerce Committee’s Trans- in fact, the Great Lakes State. We love million Michiganders whom I represent portation and Safety Subcommittee, I to spend our summers on or near the as well as our entire country. welcome all commonsense, bipartisan lakes and, in the process, form the fam- I again ask my Senate colleagues for proposals to improve our infrastruc- ily memories that we hold for a life- their support. The Great Lakes are not ture so that we can provide the safe time. It is no exaggeration to say that just a Michigan priority; they are not and efficient movement of our people for Michiganders, the Great Lakes are just a regional priority—they are truly and our goods. part of who we are. It is in our DNA. a national priority. Fully funding the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.059 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1891 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative order; and that any statements relat- that no further motions be in order; should never be a partisan issue—it is ing to the nominations be printed in and that any statements relating to simply the right thing to do—and, to- the RECORD. the nomination be printed in the gether, we can protect the Great Lakes The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without RECORD. for this generation and future genera- objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tions to come. The question is, Will the Senate ad- objection, it is so ordered. I yield the floor. vise and consent to the Althen, The question is, Will the Senate ad- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Rajkovich, and Traynor nominations vise and consent to the Washington jority leader. en bloc? nomination? f The nominations were confirmed en The nomination was confirmed. bloc. EXECUTIVE SESSION f f EXECUTIVE CALENDAR EXECUTIVE CALENDAR EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ate proceed to the en bloc consider- ate proceed to the en bloc consider- ation of the following nominations: Ex- ate proceed to executive session for the ation of the following nominations: Ex- consideration of Calendar No. 67; that ecutive Calendar Nos. 63, 64 and 66. ecutive Calendar Nos. 91 and 96. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the nomination be confirmed; that the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without motion to reconsider be considered objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. The clerk will report the nomina- made and laid upon the table with no The clerk will report the nomina- intervening action or debate; that no tions en bloc. tions en bloc. The legislative clerk read the nomi- further motions be in order; that any The legislative clerk read the nomi- statements related to the nomination nations of Janice Miriam Hellreich, of nations of Rodney Hood, of North Caro- Hawaii, to be a Member of the Board of be printed in the RECORD; and that the lina, to be a Member of the National Directors of the Corporation for Public President be immediately notified of Credit Union Administration Board for the Senate’s action. Broadcasting for a term expiring Janu- a term expiring August 2, 2023, and ary 31, 2024; Robert A. Mandell, of Flor- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Todd M. Harper, of Virginia, to be a objection, it is so ordered. ida, to be a Member of the Board of Di- Member of the National Credit Union rectors of the Corporation for Public The nomination considered and con- Administration Board for a term expir- firmed is as follows: Broadcasting for a term expiring Janu- ing April 10, 2021. ary 31, 2022; and Bruce M. Ramer, of IN THE COAST GUARD Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to California, to be a Member of the Board The following named officer for appoint- consider the nominations en bloc. of Directors of the Corporation for ment in the United States Coast Guard Re- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I serve to the grade indicated under title 10, Public Broadcasting for a term expir- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ing January 31, 2024. U.S.C., section 12203(a): ate vote on the nominations en bloc To be captain Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to with no intervening action or debate; consider the nominations en bloc. Alexander C. Foos that if confirmed, the motions to re- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I f consider be considered made and laid ask unanimous consent that the Sen- upon the table en bloc; that the Presi- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR ate vote on the nominations en bloc dent be immediately notified of the with no intervening action or debate; Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Senate’s action; that no further mo- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- that if confirmed, the motions to re- tions be in order; and that any state- consider be considered made and laid ate proceed to the en bloc consider- ments relating to the nominations be ation of the following nominations: Ex- upon the table en bloc; that the Presi- printed in the RECORD. dent be immediately notified of the ecutive Calendar Nos. 97, 104, and 106. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Senate’s action; that no further mo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. tions be in order; and that any state- objection, it is so ordered. The question is, Will the Senate ad- ments relating to the nominations be The clerk will report the nomina- vise and consent to the Hood and Har- printed in the RECORD. tions en bloc. per nominations en bloc? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The legislative clerk read the nomi- The nominations were confirmed en objection, it is so ordered. nations of William I. Althen, of Vir- bloc. The question is, Will the Senate ad- ginia, to be a Member of the Federal f Mine Safety and Health Review Com- vise and consent to the Hellreich, mission for a term of six years expiring EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Mandell, and Ramer nominations en bloc? August 30, 2024. (Reappointment); Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Marco M. Rajkovich, Jr., of Kentucky, ask unanimous consent that the Sen- The nominations were confirmed en to be a Member of the Federal Mine ate proceed to the consideration of the bloc. Safety and Health Review Commission following nomination: Executive Cal- f for a term of six years expiring August endar No. 59. LEGISLATIVE SESSION 30, 2024; and Arthur R. Traynor III, of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the District of Columbia, to be a Mem- objection, it is so ordered. ber of the Federal Mine Safety and The clerk will report the nomination. MORNING BUSINESS Health Review Commission for a term The legislative clerk read the nomi- expiring August 30, 2022. nation of Donald W. Washington, of Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I There being no objection, the Senate Texas, to be Director of the United ask unanimous consent that the Sen- proceeded to consider the nominations States Marshals Service. ate proceed to legislative session for a en bloc. Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to period of morning business, with Sen- Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous consider the nomination. ators permitted to speak for up to 10 consent that the Senate vote on the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I minutes each. nominations en bloc with no inter- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without vening action or debate; that if con- ate vote on the nomination with no in- objection, it is so ordered. firmed, the motions to reconsider be tervening action or debate; that if con- f considered made and laid upon the firmed, the motion to reconsider be table en bloc; that the President be im- considered made and laid upon the TRIBUTE TO CLIFF KELLEY mediately notified of the Senate’s ac- table; that the President be imme- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, in 1963, tion; that no further motions be in diately notified of the Senate’s action; Leonard and Phil Chess, brothers and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.060 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1892 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 owners of the legendary Chess Records, lates that, in the Senate, the notifica- Personnel (AAVP–7A1) Reliability, Avail- bought WHFC-AM 1450 with the goal of tion of proposed sales shall be sent to ability, Maintainability/Rebuilt to Standard promoting their company. They re- the chairman of the Senate Foreign (RAM/RS); two (2) Assault Amphibious Vehi- named the station WVON—Voice of the Relations Committee. cles, Command (AAVC–7A 1) Reliability, In keeping with the committee’s in- Availability, Maintainability/Rebuilt to Negro. This tiny station with just 1,000 Standard (RAM/RS); and one (1) Assault Am- watts of power became a broadcast hit, tention to see that relevant informa- phibious Vehicle, Recovery (AAVR–7A1) Re- giving a voice to marginalized commu- tion is available to the full Senate, I liability, Availability, Maintainability/Re- nities in the Chicagoland area. Much of ask unanimous consent to have printed built to Standard (RAM/RS). Also included their airwaves were filled with music, in the RECORD the notifications which are Enhanced Armor Applique Kits (EAAK), but politics wasn’t far behind. have been received. If the cover letter spare and repair parts, tools and test equip- WVON hosted legends like Robert references a classified annex, then such ment, technical data and publications, train- Kennedy, Jackie Robinson, and Rev- annex is available to all Senators in ing and training material, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics sup- erend Martin Luther King. King used the office of the Foreign Relations Committee, room SD–423. port services, and other related elements of this station as his bully pulpit to orga- logistics and program support. The total es- nize around housing and job discrimi- There being no objection, the mate- rial was ordered to be printed in the timated program cost is $107 million. nation. It was Reverend Jesse Jackson This proposed sale will support the foreign that called into the station to report of RECORD, as follows: policy and national security of the United King’s assassination. When riots hap- DEFENSE SECURITY States by improving the security of a NATO pened on Chicago’s West Side, it was COOPERATION AGENCY, ally which is an important force for political Arlington, VA. the disc jockeys of WVON that went stability and economic progress in Europe. It Hon. JAMES E. RISCH, is vital to the U.S. national interest to assist out with loudspeakers on trucks to Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, Spain in developing and maintaining a calm things down. WVON is a station U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. strong and ready self-defense capability. of history and eventually became more DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- The proposed addition of these eleven (11) than the Voice of the Negro, it became porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of vehicles to Spain’s fleet will afford more the Voice of the Nation. the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, flexibility and maintain Spain’s expedi- For the last 25 years, my friend Cliff we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. tionary capability to counter regional 19–04 concerning the Navy’s proposed Let- threats and continue to enhance stability in Kelley has been a true voice of the Na- ter(s) of Offer and Acceptance to the Govern- tion as host on WVON. He has been the the region. Spain currently operates 19 As- ment of Spain for defense articles and serv- sault Amphibious Vehicles (AAVs) and is ‘‘Governor of Talk Radio’’ and formed ices estimated to cost $107 million. After this proficient at using them to their fullest ca- a bond with listeners that is rare. At letter is delivered to your office, we plan to pability. Spain will have no difficulty ab- the end of this month, he will be step- issue a news release to notify the public of sorbing these additional vehicles. ping down from his daily show, but he this proposed sale. The proposed sale of this equipment will will continue hosting his weekly Amer- Sincerely, not alter the basic military balance in the CHARLES W. HOOPER, region. ican Heroes show for veterans. Cliff Lieutenant General, USA, Director. will serve as a community ambassador The principal contractor will be BAE Sys- TRANSMITTAL NO. 19–04 tems, York, Pennsylvania, and Anniston, and a regular fill-in host. Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Alabama. There are no known offset agree- Cliff is a native of Chicago’s South Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the ments proposed in connection with this po- Side and a graduate of Englewood High Arms Export Control Act, as amended tential sale. School, Roosevelt University, and John (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of Implementation of this proposed sale will Marshall Law School. Before hosting Spain. not require the assignment of any additional his show, Cliff served 16 years as a (ii) Total Estimated Value: U.S. Government or contractor representa- former 20th Ward Chicago alderman. Major Defense Equipment* $89.6 million. tive in Spain. Other $17.4 million. He championed racial equality, was an There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- Total $107.0 million. fense readiness as a result of this proposed elected school board member, and a (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- sale. pioneer for LGBTQ rights. He fought tities of Articles or Services under Consider- TRANSMITTAL NO. 19–04 for LGBTQ rights long before it was ation for Purchase: popular. Major Defense Equipment (MDE): Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Eight (8) Assault Amphibious Vehicles, Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Cliff continued as a voice of con- Personnel (AAVP–7A1) Reliability, Avail- Arms Export Control Act science and community as well as a ability, Maintainability/Rebuilt to Standard Annex Item No. vii radio personality. He covered stories (RAM/RS). that weren’t in the papers. His show Two (2) Assault Amphibious Vehicles, (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: Command (AAVC–7A1) Reliability, Avail- 1. The vulnerability to countermeasure in- helped launch countless people’s ca- formation for Assault Amphibious Vehicles reers, including Senators, Governors, ability, Maintainability/Rebuilt to Standard (RAM/RS). is considered classified SECRET. congressmen, business leaders, and a One (1) Assault Amphibious Vehicle, Re- 2. If a technologically advanced adversary President. A former colleague you may covery (AAVR–7A1) Reliability, Availability, were to obtain knowledge of the hardware remember guest hosted his show quite Maintainability/Rebuilt to Standard (RAM/ and software elements, the information a few times when Cliff went on vaca- RS). could be used to develop countermeasures or tion. He was a State Senator at the Non-MDE: Also included are Enhanced equivalent systems which might reduce sys- Armor Applique Kits (EAAK), spare and re- tem effectiveness or be used in the develop- time, but Barack Obama always had pair parts, tools and test equipment, tech- ment of a system with similar or advanced time for Cliff’s show as a guest or a nical data and publications, training and capabilities. host. training material, U.S. Government and con- 3. A determination has been made that the Luckily for us, Cliff’s voice is still tractor technical and logistics support serv- Government of Spain can provide substan- going to be heard today. We honor ices, and other related elements of logistics tially the same degree of protection for the Cliff’s decades of daily radio work, but and program support. sensitive technology being released as the we know that, as long as there are bat- (iv) Military Department: Navy (SP–P– U,S. Government. This sale is necessary in LHO). tles for justice to be waged, Cliff Kelley furtherance of the U.S. foreign policy and (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None. national security objectives outlined in the will lead the fight. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Of- Policy Justification. f fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. 4. All defense articles and services listed in (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained ARMS SALES NOTIFICATION this transmittal have been authorized for re- in the Defense Article or Defense Services lease and export to the Government of Spain. Mr. RISCH. Mr. President, section Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex. (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: f 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act March 14, 2019. NOMINATION OF GENERAL JOHN requires that Congress receive prior no- *As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms tification of certain proposed arms Export Control Act. ABIZAID sales as defined by that statute. Upon POLICY JUSTIFICATION Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I such notification, the Congress has 30 Spain—Assault Amphibious Vehicles come to the floor to correct the record calendar days during which the sale The Government of Spain has requested to concerning statements the Senate ma- may be reviewed. The provision stipu- buy eight (8) Assault Amphibious Vehicles, jority leader made yesterday morning,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:14 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.012 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1893 in which he claimed that GEN John Trump political nominees is largely Armed Forces ‘‘coordinate’’ the activi- Abizaid’s nomination to be Ambassador due to poor vetting by this administra- ties of foreign forces. Arguably, ena- to Saudi Arabia ‘‘is being held up.’’ tion. When the President nominates bling Saudi forces to target specific Allow me to ease the majority lead- and renominates individuals with re- sites in Yemen could constitute ‘‘co- er’s concerns. Far from being ‘‘held straining orders for threats of violence, ordination’’ under the War Powers defi- up,’’ the Foreign Relations Committee, who engaged in incidents that should, nition. with my full support, has been ex- frankly, mean they never should have Why is this important? It is impor- tremely diligent in taking up General been nominated, or made material tant, first, to preserve the scope of ap- Abizaid’s nomination; he appeared on omissions, sometimes on a repeated plication of the War Powers Resolu- the very first committee nominations basis, in their nomination materials, tion, which the Congress enacted to hearing of the 116th Congress, and his the Foreign Relations Committee must rein in the power of the executive nomination is advancing through the do our due diligence on behalf of the branch to make war anywhere under regular committee process expedi- American people. Someone has to. My any circumstances. tiously. I look forward to his approval staff and I have had to spend signifi- Second, the more direct assistance by the committee and, hopefully, a cant additional time on vetting be- U.S. Armed Forces provide to the speedy confirmation. As with all nomi- cause of the White House’s negligence Saudi-led coalition, the closer they are nees, his final confirmation is under or incompetence. associated with the actions of those the control of the majority leader. The United States and our allies con- countries. That could lead to shared li- I am concerned that the majority tinue to face tremendous challenges ability in those activities if and when leader has an inaccurate view of the around the world. We must continue to those activities lead, inadvertently or nominations situation facing the For- lead on the international stage and otherwise, to atrocities on the ground eign Relations Committee. He stated work in collaboration with inter- in Yemen. yesterday that ‘‘if we want to solve national partners to achieve our shared Again, I do not believe that it was problems in the Middle East, through security goals, but to have our dip- the intention of the author of this diplomacy, we’ll need to confirm dip- lomats in place, they must be nomi- amendment to create the legal space lomats.’’ Unfortunately, we cannot nated in a timely fashion and vetted for this to occur. I would advise the De- confirm diplomats that we do not have. properly. Despite the majority leader’s partment of Defense and the appro- It took 23 months before the Trump confusion on this issue, that is the real priate intelligence agencies to be mind- administration bothered to nominate hold-up here. ful of this issue and be cautious about what intelligence information is shared General Abizaid, leaving a gaping hole f in our diplomatic posture to Saudi Ara- and for what purposes it is used. bia and the region. It is possible that S.J. RES. 7 f this failure of leadership is the result Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I H.R. 269 of the President believing that his son- rise to express a concern over the Mr. BRAUN. Mr. President, I ask in-law, Jared Kushner, is capable of Rubio amendment to the Sanders-Lee unanimous consent that the following doing this job from the White House. joint resolution, S.J. Res. 7, which was Regardless of the reason, Saudi Ara- passed by voice vote in yesterday’s de- letter be printed in the CONGRESSIONAL bia is not an isolated example. It took bate. RECORD. There being no objection, the mate- even longer, over 2 years, before the The Rubio amendment attempts to rial was ordered to be printed in the Trump administration nominated a make clear that nothing in the joint RECORD, as follows: candidate to be U.S. Ambassador to resolution is intended or may be inter- Turkey. We are now 26 months into the preted to affect any intelligence or U.S. SENATE, Trump administration, and we still counterintelligence activity or inves- March 14, 2019. Hon. MITCH MCCONNELL, lack ambassadorial nominees to crit- tigations relating to threats in or from Senate Majority Leader, ical countries like Egypt, Pakistan, Yemen, which involves the collection, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. and our close ally, Jordan. This failure analysis, or sharing of intelligence DEAR LEADER MCCONNELL, I am requesting is a reckless abdication of a constitu- with any coalition partner. to be consulted before the Senate enters into tional responsibility that is essential I do not believe that it was the inten- any unanimous consent agreements or time to projecting American power abroad. tion of the authors of S.J. Res. 7 to re- limitations regarding H.R. 269, the Over-the- There is only one person responsible strict these intelligence activities per Counter Drug Safety, Innovation, and Re- form Act. I further request that this legisla- for this failure: President Trump; yet se. I believe it was Senator RUBIO’s in- tion not be incorporated into any larger leg- the majority leader appears to be curi- tention to make sure that that legiti- islative vehicles that the Senate as a whole ously oblivious to that fact. mate intelligence activities, as speci- may consider until the concerns I describe Let me be clear: When the committee fied, were not affected. below are fully addressed. has received nominations, we have However, my concern springs from This legislation streamlines the outdated worked with efficiency and diligence to the full implications of what ‘‘sharing over-the-counter (OTC) drug approval proc- vet and advance those nominations. I intelligence’’ means. I assume it is ess at the U.S. Food and Drug Administra- have devoted my time and staff re- meant to share useful intelligence the tion (FDA)—a process originally developed in 1972. Specifically, the legislation allows sources to ensure this because of my United States may acquire about the the FDA to approve OTC versions of pre- strong belief that the State Depart- intentions, activities, characteristics, scription drugs administratively, rather ment, USAID, and other foreign affairs and other information about, for exam- than going through the lengthy notice-and agencies must be appropriately staffed. ple, the Houthis or Al Qaeda in the comment-rulemaking procedures under the We cannot promote our foreign policy, Arabian Peninsula. That is entirely ap- Administrative Procedure Act. The legisla- protect American citizens, and advo- propriate. tion also encourages more innovation and in- cate for American businesses without a But if the intelligence being shared is vestment in the OTC space by providing an robust diplomatic corps. In the 115th actually information that allows Saudi 18-month market-exclusively component that rewards a return on investment for new Congress, the committee reported 169 Arabia or other members of the Saudi- OTC drugs. The 18-month market exclusivity nominations. I reject any assertion led coalition to specifically target and period is crucial to creating a thriving OTC that we have not done our part to en- conduct military operations, such as drug market; however, H.R. 269 does not con- sure that the State Department is ap- airstrikes, against specific sites in tain adequate oversight mechanisms to en- propriately staffed. Yemen, then that would get perilously sure that this exclusivity provision is not All too often, however, the com- close to the U.S. being directly in- abused by some OTC drug manufacturers mittee has received nominations late volved in hostilities in Yemen, includ- after the reforms of H.R. 269 are imple- mented by the FDA. or not at all. ing under the War Powers Resolution. Although the legislation encourages more There is, unfortunately, there is an- Section 8 of the War Powers Resolu- innovation and investment in the OTC space, other severe problem that we cannot tion considers U.S. Armed Forces to be it does not include any conditions under ignore with regard to this administra- ‘‘introduced into hostilities’’ if, among which an OTC drug manufacturer would for- tion’s nominees. Delays in advancing other activities, members of the U.S. feit eligibility for the 18-month exclusivity

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.013 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 period. For example, there is no ‘‘failure to Get Involved in Opportunities for Na- look toward the future, searching for market’’ provision for OTC drug approvals in tional Service, or LEGION, Act, which even more effective options that will the legislation similar to the provisions ap- would enable the American Legion to benefit our planet and its people. plying to generic drugs under Hatch-Waxman establish its own membership criteria Though there is still more progress to to prevent OTC drug manufacturers, who can otherwise enter the market, from refraining instead of requiring an act of Congress be made, FuelCell Energy stands at the to do so (a practice called exclusivity park- to change eligibility requirements. In forefront of past innovation and future ing). this legislation, we recognize the possibility. Anti-competitive behavior—like exclu- American Legion ‘‘provides invaluable Devoted to creating energy solutions sivity parking—has disrupted the generic services to its members and supports that will make it easier for more and drug industry. In fact, exclusivity parking the community of veterans who sac- more industries to use clean power, has become common in the context of patent rificed in service of the United States,’’ FuelCell Energy is a positive model for litigation settlement agreements where pro- and it ‘‘has aided, assisted, and com- modernization and advancement in this prietary drug manufacturers pay generic forted the families of the men and drug manufacturers to delay entering the vital field. I applaud the accomplish- market, allowing proprietary drug manufac- women who were called to serve or vol- ments of FuelCell Energy’s visionary turers to charge higher prices for long peri- unteered to serve . . .’’ leaders and highly skilled and dedi- ods of time (i.e. pay-for-delay settlements). I join many others across our coun- cated workers and hope my colleagues The Federal Trade Commission has esti- try, including local posts, in recog- will join me in congratulating FuelCell mated that this behavior costs consumers nizing the American Legion’s century Energy on 50 years of excellence.∑ $3.5 billion per year as a result of higher of representation of American vet- f brand-name drug prices. And even though erans. In Idaho alone, there are ap- the process for obtaining OTC drug approval proximately 9,750 Idaho members of the REMEMBERING EUBA HARRIS- under H.R. 269 is more straightforward than American Legion as of 2018. WINTON that for obtaining market approval for a ge- Thank you to the American Legion ∑ Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, today neric drugs—anti-competitive behavior (e.g., and its membership for your out- exclusivity parking) may creep into the OTC I wish to recognize the contributions of drug space if Congress fails to include suffi- standing service to our country and Euba Harris-Winton to Fort Smith and cient oversight mechanisms in the legisla- America’s veterans. Congratulations the State of Arkansas. She passed tion to ensure adequate accountability and on 100 years of achievements on their away on Monday, March 11, at the age effective competition. behalf. I look forward to our continued of 95 and leaves behind a large, loving Modernizing the OTC drug approval proc- work ahead to ensure veterans have ac- family and countless Arkansans whom ess under H.R. 269 will benefit consumers and cess to the highest quality services she helped and inspired throughout her advance the public health; however, H.R. 269 worthy of their remarkable dedication life. as currently drafted does not give the FDA to our Nation. the necessary oversight tools to ensure ac- Euba was born on June 26, 1923, to countability in the OTC space. Including a f Rev. Daniel Haven Edward Harris and ‘‘failure to launch’’ provision in H.R. 269— ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Martha T. Hill Harris in Cotton Plant, that is, a mechanism that gives an OTC drug AR. Her school years were spent in manufacturer a reasonable amount of time Fort Smith where she attended Howard to bring an FDA approved OTC product to 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF FUELCELL Elementary School and Lincoln High market—will protect the incentive to inno- ENERGY School. After attending Westark Com- vate and invest, while also providing ade- quate accountability. Indeed, to ensure effec- ∑ Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, munity College and Philander Smith tive competition in the OTC space, Congress today I wish to recognize FuelCell En- College, she returned to Fort Smith to must provide the FDA with the necessary ergy as it celebrates 50 years of dedica- raise a family with her husband, Ells- oversight tools to prevent abuse of the OTC tion to the research and delivery of worth Daniel Winton. They had 10 chil- regulatory approval process under the re- clean, affordable fuel cell solutions. dren: five girls and five boys. forms of H.R. 269. Founded in 1969 by Dr. Bernard Baker She was a devout member of the Thank you for protecting my rights as a as the Energy Research Corporation, United Methodist Church, and her Senator to weigh in on this legislation, the company has grown exponentially great faith and passion for service led which has not gone through regular order her to become the executive director of during my time as a member of the Com- over the past half century. Starting as mittee to which this legislation has been re- a highly regarded research company fo- the Mallalieu Community Development ferred to in the 116th congress. cused on electrochemical battery and Center in 1970. The center’s mission Sincerely, fuel cell technologies, FuelCell Energy was to strengthen the outreach min- MIKE BRAUN, is now a worldwide leader in its field. istry of the church. As part of that United States Senator. The Danbury, CT, based company mission, she worked on efforts to fight f provides efficient commercial fuel cell poverty, improve substandard housing, solutions for the supply, recovery, and increase educational opportunities, and RECOGNIZING THE AMERICAN storage of energy. Fifty years of tire- personally provide help to anyone who LEGION less commitment, diligent effort, and asked. She led the organization for 25 Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, I con- creative innovation has resulted in years and improved the lives of count- gratulate the American Legion on its SureSource power plants located in less Arkansans in the process. 100-year anniversary. three continents. These power plants Throughout her life, she met with On March 15, 1919, the first American have produced over 8.7 million mega- leaders at all levels of government to Legion caucus was held. Later that watt-hours of ultraclean power. advocate for others and served on nu- year, Congress established the Amer- FuelCell Energy invests its work in merous boards and councils. In an arti- ican Legion as a federally chartered all steps of the process: recognizing a cle in the Lincoln Echo several years corporation with purposes that include need, developing a solution, and then ago, Bennie Mae Ware Gunn remarked ‘‘to cement the ties and comradeship implementing a solution in an eco- that, ‘‘Euba is known and respected for born of service; and to consecrate the nomic and sustainable manner. The being both relentless and resourceful in efforts of its members to mutual help- breadth of their successes and the crit- her pursuit of justice and opportunities fulness and service to their country.’’ ical level of forward progress in the for others. However, she is also known The original membership to the Amer- realm of clean energy are truly impres- for her sensitivity and compassion.’’ ican Legion was extended to those who sive. Thanks to their remarkable ef- That is certainly true of my experi- served in the Armed Forces during forts, FuelCell Energy enables univer- ence with her and that of so many oth- World War I, which had ended a few sities, commercial enterprises, govern- ers she influenced or helped over the months before the organization was ment entities, and other industries the years. I was honored to know Mrs. started. Over the past 100 years, its opportunity to make clean choices in a Euba and will personally miss her ex- membership has grown to nearly 2 mil- more affordable and accessible way ample, kindness, advice, and willing- lion, with more than 12,000 posts. than ever before. ness to help others. I recently joined fellow Senators in As they mark this important anni- She was a rare individual who never cosponsoring S. 504, the Let Everyone versary, the company continues to stopped fighting to improve the world

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.021 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1895 around her and was an inspiration to us zly and Lady Bears basketball teams has gone on to win 10 State champion- all. I know her legacy lives on through earned the highest achievement pos- ships, as well as winning Class AA her extended family and in every per- sible in our State. To do so in the same coach of the year twice. son she touched with her compassion, year is an even greater testament to Ivanna Fritz, from eastern Montana, strength, and wisdom.∑ the dedication and passion of the play- fell in love with speech and debate in f ers, coaches, student body, administra- college, which she took as a require- tors, and the fans of these terrific ment for a communication degree. Ms. RECOGNIZING NORTHSIDE HIGH teams. Fritz then went on to coach high SCHOOL’S DUAL BASKETBALL Congratulations again to the Grizzly school speech in debate, joining the STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS and Lady Bears squads on this tremen- Flathead coaching staff in 1995, until ∑ Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I rise dous accomplishment, and I look for- taking up a teaching position at Gla- today to recognize and congratulate ward to celebrating with them, cier High School in 2007, where she my alma mater, Northside High School Northside High School, and the Fort teaches and coaches today. Ivanna has in Fort Smith, AR, on winning 6A Smith community in the near future.∑ won a total of 13 State championships, State championships in both boys and f along with winning Class AA coach of girls basketball this year. the year. The high school basketball season TRIBUTE TO COURTNEY NOBLE I congratulate Sean O’Donnell and was as exciting as ever in the Natural ∑ Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, today I Ivanna Fritz, for their remarkable State, but folks in my hometown of wish to honor a great Ohioan, Courtney journey of 20 years of teaching and Fort Smith were especially enthusi- Noble, for her heroic actions this past coaching in Flathead County. I look astic when tournament time came December. forward to seeing their continued suc- around because both the boys’ and Ms. Noble works as a direct support cess.∑ girls’ teams had advanced to professional for New Avenues To Inde- f postseason play. Both squads have won pendence, Inc.—NATI—in Mentor, OH. multiple State titles, and the fans were NATI is a social service organization TRIBUTE TO DR. CURTIS JONES, eager to add another this season. that provides support and aid for peo- JR. Both the boys’ and girls’ teams ad- ple with disabilities and special needs ∑ Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, today I vanced through their respective tour- in the greater Cleveland area. wish to congratulate one of my con- naments and made it to the finals, On the morning of December 20, 2018, stituents, Dr. Curtis Jones, Jr., on overcoming challenges from talented Ms. Noble was the only one on duty being named the 2019 National Super- teams from across Arkansas. The while tending to three male residents intendent of the Year. Dr. Jones is an championship games were incredibly in the Heisley group home. As she was outstanding public servant, and I am competitive, and each came down to helping the residents get ready for honored to commend him in the Senate the wire. their day, she heard popping and crack- today. The Lady Bears faced off against ling and sounds coming from the ga- A native of Barnesville, GA, Dr. Bentonville in their State title game. rage. When she opened the garage door, Jones is the son of a schoolteacher and Led by Jersey Wolfenbarger’s 21-point she discovered that a fire had started a preacher. Prior to becoming an edu- effort, including the game-winning bas- and was rapidly growing out of control. cator himself, Dr. Jones graduated ket as time expired, the team ended Without hesitation, Ms. Noble sprang from the U.S. Military Academy at the contest on a 7–0 run to claim the into action. She immediately evacu- West Point and served over 20 years in school’s seventh girls basketball State ated all three residents from the house, the Army, retiring as lieutenant colo- championship since 1999. Each of those one of whom was in a wheelchair. nel. Upon retirement from the Army, titles was won under the direction of Throughout the whole situation, Ms. Dr. Jones began his career in education coach Rickey Smith. The team ended Noble’s biggest concern was the safety as a JROTC instructor before becoming the season ranked 17th in the Nation in and well-being of her residents. Even as a high school principal, assistant su- USA Today’s high school rankings. her car was engulfed in flames, she perintendent, and later superintendent Not to be outdone, the Northside calmly escorted the three men to safe- of Griffin-Spalding County Schools. Grizzlies boys’ team also had a memo- ty at a nearby child daycare center and Dr. Jones joined his current school rable championship game that included called 911. district, Bibb County Schools, as super- a half-court basket to end the first Thank you, Courtney Noble, for your intendent in 2015. Under Dr. Jones’ half. Facing off against Bryant High courageous actions and for all the work leadership, the school district has been School, Northside led for most of the you do as a caregiver. It is because of completely turned around, and the contest. After Bryant tied the game your quick thinking and fearlessness graduation rate has increased by more late in the fourth quarter, Northside that three Ohioans are alive today. I than 20 percent. Dr. Jones has brought came up with a three-point basket and am sure that my Senate colleagues will the Macon-Bibb County community to- held onto the lead until the end of reg- join me in honoring Ms. Courtney gether for a common cause, and it has ulation. Junior center Jaylen Williams’ Noble for her exemplary acts.∑ been a joy to see the school district’s play—he scored 20 points and grabbed f progress as a result of his leadership 16 rebounds—earned him the MVP des- and service to those students. TRIBUTE TO SEAN O’DONNELL ignation. The championship was the Throughout this entire process, Dr. AND IVANNA FRITZ 11th in school history. The Grizzlies Jones has repeatedly recognized the were led by coach Eric Burnett who be- ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, this teachers, principals, and students in lieved his team was built for a good run week I have the distinct honor of rec- his school district for their contribu- in the tournament because of the dif- ognizing Sean O’Donnell and Ivanna tion to this award. He has also attrib- ficulty of its nonconference schedule. Fritz of Flathead County for their re- uted his success to the love and sup- This was their third consecutive cham- cent induction into the Montana Fo- port of his family. Dr. Jones has truly pionship game appearance, having won rensic Educations Association Coaches made his State and country proud, and a championship in 2017 as well. Hall of Fame. I congratulate him and his family on Needless to say, it was a very special Sean O’Donnell, a lifelong Montanan this high honor.∑ day in Hot Springs, where the title has spent the majority of his life in f games were played, and in the Fort Kalispell, MT. Mr. O’Donnell attended Smith community, as each team Carrol College in Helena, MT, and it TRIBUTE TO RICK BLOCKER brought home State championships in was here that Sean fell in love with ∑ Mr. PETERS. Mr. President, today I the same year for the second time since coaching high school speech and de- wish to honor a lifelong champion of 2007. bate. After graduation, he went back to the American labor movement, Mr. As a former Northside Grizzly and Kalispell to teach and went on to join Rick Blocker, president of the Metro someone with family roots in Fort the Flathead coaching staff in 1992. Detroit AFL-CIO, on the occasion of Smith, I am proud that both the Griz- Over the past 22 years, Mr. O’Donnell his retirement. As a member of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.019 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 U.S. Senate, it is both my privilege and H.R. 1617. An act to direct the Director of money in politics, and strengthen ethics honor to recognize Mr. Blocker for his National Intelligence to submit intelligence rules for public servants, and for other pur- lifetime of service and contributions assessments of the intentions of the political poses. that have strengthened our community leadership of the Russian Federation, and for H.R. 1617. An act to direct the Director of other purposes. National Intelligence to submit intelligence and State. f assessments of the intentions of the political Rick Blocker has been a tireless ad- leadership of the Russian Federation, and for vocate for his brothers and sisters in MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT other purposes. labor throughout his career. From 1987 Messages from the President of the f to 2013, he served as the secretary- United States were communicated to EXECUTIVE AND OTHER treasurer and executive assistant to the Senate by Ms. Ridgway, one of his COMMUNICATIONS the president of the United Food and secretaries. Commercial Workers, UFCW, Local f The following communications were Union 876 in Madison Heights, MI. In laid before the Senate, together with this role, he was responsible for man- EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED accompanying papers, reports, and doc- aging the finances and expenditures of As in executive session the Presiding uments, and were referred as indicated: the over 19,000 members of Local 876. Officer laid before the Senate messages EC–589. A communication from the Admin- Rick also served as a trustee for the from the President of the United istrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Michigan UFCW Unions and Employers States submitting sundry nominations Department of Agriculture, transmitting, Health and Welfare Fund where he which were referred to the appropriate pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled maintained membership services, committees. ‘‘Reauthorization of Dairy Forward Pricing’’ helped develop community programs, (The messages received today are ((7 CFR Part 1145) (Docket No. AMS–DA–18– and assisted in contract negotiations. 0097)) received in the Office of the President printed at the end of the Senate of the Senate on March 13, 2019; to the Com- Since 2013, Rick has served as presi- proceedings.) mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- dent of the Metro-Detroit AFL-CIO. f estry. The Metro Detroit AFL-CIO is com- EC–590. A communication from the Admin- prised of approximately 120 affiliated MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE istrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, labor organizations that represent At 10:15 a.m., a message from the Department of Agriculture, transmitting, nearly 70,000 members. In this capac- House of Representatives, delivered by pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ity, Rick serves as the lead voice of Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- ‘‘Processed Raspberry Promotion, Research, these affiliates and members to the nounced that pursuant to 22 U.S.C. and Information Order; Termination of As- sessments’’ ((7 CFR Part 1208) (Docket No. public and the State AFL-CIO, rep- 2761, and the order of the House of Jan- AMS–SC–18–0093)) received in the Office of resenting the interests of working peo- uary 3, 2019, the Speaker appoints the the President of the Senate on March 13, ple throughout the region. Through his following Member on the part of the 2019; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- work, Rick continually advocates for House of Representatives to the Brit- trition, and Forestry. economic and social justice and the ish-American Interparliamentary EC–591. A communication from the Admin- betterment of workers lives, not just in Group: Mr. HOLDING of North Carolina. istrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, metro Detroit, but across the State of The message also announced that Department of Agriculture, transmitting, Michigan. pursuant to 36 U.S.C. 2302, and the pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Mango Promotion, Research, and Informa- Rick has spent his career and life in order of the House of January 3, 2019, tion Order; Amendment to Include Frozen support of his community, organized the Speaker appoints the following Mangos’’ ((7 CFR Part 1206) (Docket No. labor, civil rights, and faith. Through- Members on the part of the House of AMS–SC–17–0002)) received in the Office of out his life, he has been involved with Representatives to the United States the President of the Senate on March 13, many organizations, including the Holocaust Memorial Council: Mr. 2019; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- Trade Union Leadership Council, the ZELDIN of New York and Mr. KUSTOFF trition, and Forestry. Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, the of Tennessee. EC–592. A communication from the Under Coalition of Labor Women, is a found- Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Sustainment), transmitting, pursuant to ing member of the Change to Win Fed- At 1:09 p.m., a message from the House of Representatives, delivered by law, the biennial report to Congress on stra- eration, a life member of the NAACP, tegic and critical materials requirements for and a trustee and executive director of Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, the National Defense Stockpile (OSS–2019– New Bethel Baptist Church in Detroit. announced that the House has agreed 0207); to the Committee on Armed Services. Rick also serves on Detroit Mayor to the following concurrent resolution, EC–593. A communication from the Senior Mike Duggan’s Mayor’s Workforce De- in which it requests the concurrence of Counsel for Regulatory Affairs, Office of Fi- velopment Board, with the mission to the Senate: nancial Research, Department of the Treas- strive toward successful delivery of H. Con. Res. 24. Concurrent resolution ex- ury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Ongoing Data Collec- workforce programs across the city of pressing the sense of Congress that the re- port of Special Counsel Mueller should be tion of Centrally Cleared Transactions in the Detroit. United States Repurchase Agreement Mar- Rick has spent his career in service made available to the public and to Con- gress. ket’’ (RIN1505–AC58) received in the Office of to others, his community, and his the President of the Senate on March 12, brother and sisters in labor. I ask my ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED 2019; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, colleagues to join me today in hon- At 3:32 p.m., a message from the and Urban Affairs. oring my friend, Mr. Rick Blocker, for House of Representatives, delivered by EC–594. A communication from the Assist- his leadership in furthering the causes Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, ant General Counsel for Legislation, Office of Fossil Energy, Department of Energy, of the organized labor movement and announced that the Speaker has signed the following enrolled joint resolution: transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of for his many other contributions to the a rule entitled ‘‘SPR Standard Sales Provi- H.J. Res. 46. Joint resolution relating to a metro Detroit region. I wish Rick and sions’’ (RIN1901–AB29) received in the Office national emergency declared by the Presi- his family health and happiness in the of the President of the Senate on March 13, dent on February 15, 2019. years ahead.∑ 2019; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- The joint resolution was subse- ural Resources. f quently signed by the President pro EC–595. A communication from the Direc- MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ON MARCH 13, 2019 f ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- The following bills were read the first MEASURES PLACED ON THE titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Georgia; Emission time: CALENDAR Reduction Credits’’ (FRL No. 9990–74–Region H.R. 1. An act to expand Americans’ access 4) received in the Office of the President of to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big The following bills were read the sec- the Senate on March 13, 2019; to the Com- money in politics, and strengthen ethics ond time, and placed on the calendar: mittee on Environment and Public Works. rules for public servants, and for other pur- H.R. 1. An act to expand Americans’ access EC–596. A communication from the Direc- poses. to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big tor of the Regulatory Management Division,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.026 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1897 Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- a rule entitled ‘‘Endangered and Threatened of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Wildlife and Plants; Removing Deseret ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Se- titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Massachusetts: Milkvetch (Astragalus Deserticus) From the curity Zone; Corpus Christi Ship Channel, High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes’’ (FRL No. Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Corpus Christi, TX’’ ((RIN1625–AA87) (Docket 9990–94–Region 1) received in the Office of the Plants’’ (RIN1018–BB41) received in the Office No. USCG–2019–0128)) received in the Office of President of the Senate on March 13, 2019; to of the President of the Senate on March 13, the President of the Senate on March 13, the Committee on Environment and Public 2019; to the Committee on Environment and 2019; to the Committee on Commerce, Works. Public Works. Science, and Transportation. EC–597. A communication from the Direc- EC–605. A communication from the Acting EC–614. A communication from the Attor- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Chief of the Branch of Domestic Listing, ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Se- titled ‘‘Air Quality Designation for the 2010 report of a rule entitled ‘‘Endangered and curity Zone; Firestone Grand Prix of St. Pe- Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Primary National Am- Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened tersburg, St. Petersburg, Florida’’ ((RIN1625– bient Air Quality Standard; Arkansas’ Re- Species Status for the Candy Darter’’ AA00) (Docket No. USCG–2019–0050)) received designation of the Independence County (RIN1018–BC44) received in the Office of the in the Office of the President of the Senate Area’’ (FRL No. 9990–00–Region 6) received in President of the Senate on March 13, 2019; to on March 13, 2019; to the Committee on Com- the Office of the President of the Senate on the Committee on Environment and Public merce, Science, and Transportation. March 13, 2019; to the Committee on Environ- Works. EC–615. A communication from the Attor- ment and Public Works. EC–606. A communication from the Assist- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department EC–598. A communication from the Direc- ant Secretary for Legislation, Department of of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- Health and Human Services, transmitting, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Se- pursuant to law, an annual report on mining Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- curity Zone; Chicago Harbor, Navy Pier activities as required by the Mine Improve- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Southwest, Chicago, IL’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) ment and New Emergency Response Act of titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air (Docket No. USCG–2018–0713)) received in the 2006; to the Committee on Health, Education, Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; Office of the President of the Senate on Amendment to Control of Emissions of Vola- Labor, and Pensions. EC–607. A communication from the Execu- March 13, 2019; to the Committee on Com- tile Organic Compounds from Consumer merce, Science, and Transportation. Products’’ (FRL No. 9990–86–Region 3) re- tive Director, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, EC–616. A communication from the Attor- ceived in the Office of the President of the ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department Senate on March 13, 2019; to the Committee the Commission’s fiscal year 2017 FAIR Act inventory; to the Committee on Homeland of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- on Environment and Public Works. ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Se- EC–599. A communication from the Direc- Security and Governmental Affairs. EC–608. A communication from the Assist- curity Zone; Cumberland River, Kentucky’’ tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ant Director of Regulation Policy and Man- ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. USCG–2019– Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- agement, Department of Veterans Affairs, 0127)) received in the Office of the President ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of of the Senate on March 13, 2019; to the Com- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- a rule entitled ‘‘Loan Guaranty: Revisions to mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- mentation Plans; California; South Coast Se- VA-Guaranteed or Insured Cash-out Home tation. rious Area Plan for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS Refinance Loans’’ (RIN2900–AQ42) received EC–617. A communication from the Attor- Correction’’ (FRL No. 9990–89–Region 9) re- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department ceived in the Office of the President of the fice of the President of the Senate on March of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- Senate on March 13, 2019; to the Committee 8, 2019; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Se- on Environment and Public Works. fairs. curity Zone; Oregon Inlet, Dare County, NC’’ EC–600. A communication from the Direc- EC–609. A communication from the Attor- ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. USCG–2018– tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department 1065)) received in the Office of the President Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- of the Senate on March 13, 2019; to the Com- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- titled ‘‘Clean Air Plans; 2008 8-Hour Ozone ‘‘Navigation and Navigable Waters; Tech- tation. Nonattainment Area Requirements; San Joa- nical, Organizational, and Conforming EC–618. A communication from the Attor- quin Valley, California; Correction’’ (FRL Amendments’’ ((33 CFR Parts 100, 110, 147 and ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department No. 9990–90–Region 9) received in the Office of 165) (Docket No. USCG–2018–1049)) received in of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- the President of the Senate on March 13, the Office of the President of the Senate on ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Se- 2019; to the Committee on Environment and March 13, 2019; to the Committee on Com- curity Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Port Public Works. merce, Science, and Transportation. Gibson, MS’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. EC–601. A communication from the Direc- EC–610. A communication from the Attor- USCG–2019–0126)) received in the Office of the tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department President of the Senate on March 13, 2019; to Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- the Committee on Commerce, Science, and ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Re- Transportation. titled ‘‘Oklahoma: Final Authorization of moval of Regulated Navigation Areas, Safety State Hazardous Waste Management Pro- Zone, Security Zones, and Special Local f grams Revision’’ (FRL No. 9990–04–Region 6) Regulations Within District 7’’ ((33 CFR PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS received in the Office of the President of the Parts 100 and 165) (Docket No. USCG–2018– Senate on March 13, 2019; to the Committee 0231)) received in the Office of the President The following petition or memorial on Environment and Public Works. of the Senate on March 13, 2019; to the Com- was laid before the Senate and was re- EC–602. A communication from the Acting mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- ferred or ordered to lie on the table as Chief of the Branch of Domestic Listing, tation. indicated: Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the EC–611. A communication from the Attor- Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department POM–15. A petition from a citizen of the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Endangered and of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- State of Texas relative to constitutional Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened ant to law, the report of a rule entitled conventions; to the Committee on the Judi- Species Status for Trispot Darter’’ (RIN1018– ‘‘Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Mill ciary. BC16) received in the Office of the President Basin, Brooklyn, NY’’ ((RIN1625–AA09) f of the Senate on March 13, 2019; to the Com- (Docket No. USCG–2018–1032)) received in the mittee on Environment and Public Works. Office of the President of the Senate on REPORTS OF COMMITTEES EC–603. A communication from the Chief of March 13, 2019; to the Committee on Com- The following reports of committees the Branch of Domestic Listing, Fish and merce, Science, and Transportation. Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, EC–612. A communication from the Attor- were submitted: transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department By Mr. BARRASSO, from the Committee a rule entitled ‘‘Endangered and Threatened of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- on Environment and Public Works: Wildlife and Plants; Listing the Scarlet ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Spe- Report to accompany S. 94, A bill to amend Macaw’’ (RIN1018–BC81) received in the Of- cial Local Regulation; Gulfport Grand Prix, the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration fice of the President of the Senate on March Boca Ciego Bay, Gulfport, FL’’ ((RIN1625– Act to facilitate the establishment of addi- 13, 2019; to the Committee on Environment AA08) (Docket No. USCG–2019–0059)) received tional or expanded public target ranges in and Public Works. in the Office of the President of the Senate certain States (Rept. No. 116–8). EC–604. A communication from the Chief of on March 13, 2019; to the Committee on Com- Report to accompany S. 310, A bill to the Branch of Domestic Listing, Fish and merce, Science, and Transportation. amend the Neotropical Migratory Bird Con- Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, EC–613. A communication from the Attor- servation Act to reauthorize the Act (Rept. transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department No. 116–9).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.027 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND S. 803. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- services, and for other purposes; to the Com- JOINT RESOLUTIONS enue Code of 1986 to restore incentives for in- mittee on Finance. vestments in qualified improvement prop- By Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself, Mr. The following bills and joint resolu- erty; to the Committee on Finance. CARDIN, Mr. TESTER, Mr. CASEY, Ms. tions were introduced, read the first By Mr. SULLIVAN (for himself and Ms. COLLINS, Mr. BURR, Mr. SULLIVAN, and second times by unanimous con- MURKOWSKI): Ms. HASSAN, Mr. JONES, and Mr. sent, and referred as indicated: S. 804. A bill to amend the Marine Mammal WYDEN): By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Mr. Protection Act of 1972 to protect the cultural S. 815. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- enue Code of 1986 to allow a refundable tax RISCH, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. CRAPO, Ms. practices and livelihoods of producers of credit against income tax for the purchase of STABENOW, and Mr. KING): Alaska Native handicrafts and fossilized S. 792. A bill to require enforcement ivory products, and for other purposes; to the qualified access technology for the blind; to against misbranded milk alternatives; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and the Committee on Finance. Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Transportation. By Mr. CASSIDY (for himself, Mr. KEN- Pensions. By Mr. TESTER (for himself, Mr. BOOZ- NEDY, and Mr. RUBIO): S. 816. A bill to amend the Natural Gas Act By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and MAN, Mr. BROWN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, to expedite approval of exports of small vol- Ms. COLLINS): Ms. STABENOW, Ms. HARRIS, Ms. WAR- umes of natural gas, and for other purposes; S. 793. A bill to establish and strengthen REN, Mr. WYDEN, and Mrs. SHAHEEN): to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- projects that defray the cost of related in- S. 805. A bill to amend title 38, United sources. struction associated with pre-apprenticeship States Code, to improve the processing of By Mr. CRAPO (for himself, Mr. COR- and apprenticeship programs, and for other veterans benefits by the Department of Vet- NYN, Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. RISCH, Mr. purposes; to the Committee on Health, Edu- erans Affairs, to limit the authority of the BOOZMAN, Mr. ROUNDS, Mrs. HYDE- cation, Labor, and Pensions. Secretary of Veterans Affairs to recover SMITH, Mrs. FISCHER, Mr. MORAN, Mr. By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: overpayments made by the Department and S. 794. A bill for the relief of Jose Alberto other amounts owed by veterans to the TILLIS, Mr. SULLIVAN, Ms. ERNST, and Martinez Moreno, Micaela Lopez Martinez, United States, to improve the due process Mr. INHOFE): S. 817. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- and Adilene Martinez; to the Committee on accorded veterans with respect to such re- enue Code of 1986 to remove silencers from the Judiciary. covery, and for other purposes; to the Com- mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. the definition of firearms, and for other pur- By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: poses; to the Committee on Finance. S. 795. A bill for the relief of Alfredo By Mr. KENNEDY: By Mr. RISCH (for himself and Mr. Plascencia Lopez; to the Committee on the S. 806. A bill to prohibit the collection of data or information generated on the inter- KING): Judiciary. S. 818. A bill to exempt certain 16- and 17- net; to the Committee on Commerce, By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: year-old individuals employed in logging op- S. 796. A bill for the relief of Ruben Mkoian Science, and Transportation. erations from child labor laws; to the Com- and Asmik Karapetian; to the Committee on By Ms. ERNST (for herself, Mr. mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and the Judiciary. LANKFORD, and Mr. PAUL): Pensions. By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: S. 807. A bill to require recipients of Fed- By Mr. MORAN (for himself and Mr. S. 797. A bill for the relief of Shirley eral funds to disclose information relating to SCHATZ): Constantino Tan; to the Committee on the programs, projects, or activities carried out S. 819. A bill to modernize the reporting re- Judiciary. using the Federal funds; to the Committee quirement under the Telephone Consumer By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Protection Act of 1991; to the Committee on S. 798. A bill for the relief of Esidronio fairs. Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Arreola-Saucedo, Maria Elena Cobian By Mr. PETERS (for himself, Mr. COR- By Mr. CORNYN (for himself, Mrs. Arreola, Nayely Arreola Carlos, and Cindy NYN, and Ms. STABENOW): FEINSTEIN, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. Jael Arreola; to the Committee on the Judi- S. 808. A bill to ensure that certain inci- BLUMENTHAL, Ms. ERNST, Ms. ciary. dents involving a covered employee that are MCSALLY, Mr. BURR, Mr. LEAHY, Ms. By Mr. WARNER (for himself and Mr. reported to the title IX coordinator at an eli- KLOBUCHAR, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. KENNEDY): gible institution of higher education have HAWLEY, Mr. CRAPO, and Mr. SCOTT of S. 799. A bill to amend the Securities Ex- been reviewed by the president of the insti- change Act of 1934 to clarify that the Secu- South Carolina): tution and not less than 1 additional member S. 820. A bill to strengthen programs au- rity and Exchange Commission may seek of the institution’s board of trustees, and for thorized under the Debbie Smith Act of 2004; disgorgement and restitution as a result of a other purposes; to the Committee on Health, to the Committee on the Judiciary. violation of the securities laws, to establish Education, Labor, and Pensions. By Mr. CRAMER (for himself and Mr. the statute of limitations for disgorgement By Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for himself, KENNEDY): and equitable actions brought by the Com- Ms. WARREN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, and Ms. S. 821. A bill to amend the Federal Reserve mission, and for other purposes; to the Com- BALDWIN): Act to prohibit certain member banks from mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- S. 809. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- using discount window lending programs, fairs. enue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against and for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. CASSIDY (for himself, Ms. income tax for qualified conservation con- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. WARREN, Mr. SCOTT of South Caro- tributions which include National Scenic By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. lina, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Ms. ERNST, Trails; to the Committee on Finance. GRASSLEY, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, and Mr. Mr. KAINE, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. MURPHY, By Mr. WICKER: BLUMENTHAL): Mr. CORNYN, Mr. JONES, Mr. GARD- S. 810. A bill to clarify the authority of the S. 822. A bill to permit the televising of Su- NER, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. ROBERTS, Ms. Administrator of the National Oceanic and preme Court proceedings; to the Committee BALDWIN, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. ROMNEY, Atmospheric Administration with respect to on the Judiciary. Mr. BROWN, and Mr. PERDUE): post-storm assessments, and for other pur- By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Ms. KLO- S. 800. A bill to establish a postsecondary poses; to the Committee on Commerce, BUCHAR, and Mr. VAN HOLLEN): student data system; to the Committee on Science, and Transportation. S. 823. A bill to require information shar- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. By Mr. RUBIO: ing with respect to the ownership of election By Ms. CORTEZ MASTO (for herself, S. 811. A bill to provide for additional sup- service providers; to the Committee on Rules Mr. CORNYN, Mr. CARPER, and Mr. plemental appropriations for the fiscal year and Administration. CASSIDY): ending September 30, 2019, for border secu- By Ms. STABENOW (for herself, Mr. S. 801. A bill to amend titles XVIII and XIX rity and disaster relief; to the Committee on BLUNT, Mr. SCHUMER, Ms. ERNST, Mr. of the Social Security Act to provide the Appropriations. WYDEN, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. WHITE- Medicare Payment Advisory Commission By Mr. MENENDEZ: HOUSE, Mr. SULLIVAN, Ms. KLO- and the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Ac- S. 812. A bill to modify the minimum allo- BUCHAR, and Mr. TILLIS): cess Commission with access to certain drug cation requirement for the emergency solu- S. 824. A bill to increase the number of payment information, including certain re- tions grants program; to the Committee on States that may conduct Medicaid dem- bate information; to the Committee on Fi- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. onstration programs to improve access to nance. By Ms. HIRONO (for herself and Mr. community mental health services; to the By Mr. DAINES: SCHATZ): Committee on Finance. S. 802. A bill to amend part A of title IV of S. 813. A bill for the relief of Vichai Sae By Mr. VAN HOLLEN (for himself, Ms. the Social Security Act , and for other pur- Tung (also known as Chai Chaowasaree); to COLLINS, Mr. CARDIN, and Mr. RUBIO): poses; to the Committee on Finance. the Committee on the Judiciary. S. 825. A bill to amend the Help America By Mr. TOOMEY (for himself, Mr. By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself and Ms. Vote Act of 2002 to require all States to take JONES, Mr. KING, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. COLLINS): steps to ensure domestic ownership and con- PORTMAN, Mr. ROBERTS, Mrs. SHA- S. 814. A bill to amend title XVIII of the trol of election service providers, and for HEEN, Mr. THUNE, Ms. SINEMA, and Social Security Act to improve access to dia- other purposes; to the Committee on Rules Ms. MCSALLY): betes outpatient self-management training and Administration.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.034 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1899 By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself, Ms. the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to newborn By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. CANTWELL, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. children; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- REED, and Mr. WARNER): MARKEY, and Ms. DUCKWORTH): fairs. S. 845. A bill to establish as United States S. 826. A bill to require the Secretary of By Mr. ROBERTS (for himself, Mr. policy that, pending confirmation of the Transportation to modify the final rule re- CARDIN, Mr. CRAPO, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Russian Federation’s continued compliance lating to flightcrew member duty and rest and Mr. PERDUE): with the New START Treaty, the United requirements for passenger operations of air S. 836. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- States should extend the Treaty through carriers to apply to all-cargo operations of enue Code of 1986 to clarify the retirement 2026; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. air carriers, and for other purposes; to the income account rules relating to church con- By Mr. CORNYN (for himself, Ms. Committee on Commerce, Science, and trolled organizations; to the Committee on BALDWIN, Mr. CRAPO, and Mr. Transportation. Finance. BROWN): By Mr. WHITEHOUSE (for himself, Mr. By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and S. 846. A bill to amend title 49, United DURBIN, Mr. MENENDEZ, Ms. STABE- Mr. TILLIS): States Code, to limit certain rolling stock NOW, and Mr. MARKEY): S. 837. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- procurements, and for other purposes; to the S. 827. A bill to designate certain National enue Code of 1986 to decrease the distance Committee on Commerce, Science, and Forest System land and certain public land away from home required for a member of a Transportation. under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the reserve component of the Armed Forces to be By Mr. BLUNT (for himself and Mr. Interior in the States of Idaho, Montana, Or- eligible for the above-the-line deduction for SCHATZ): egon, Washington, and Wyoming as wilder- travel expenses; to the Committee on Fi- S. 847. A bill to prohibit certain entities ness, wild and scenic rivers, wildland recov- nance. from using facial recognition technology to ery areas, and biological connecting cor- By Mr. WARNER (for himself and Ms. identify or track an end user without obtain- ridors, and for other purposes; to the Com- COLLINS): ing the affirmative consent of the end user, mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. S. 838. A bill to protect integrity, fairness, and for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. BOOKER (for himself, Mr. and objectivity in decisions regarding access Commerce, Science, and Transportation. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. to classified information, and for other pur- By Ms. HARRIS: MENENDEZ, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. WAR- poses; to the Select Committee on Intel- S. 848. A bill to establish digital services in REN, Mr. SANDERS, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. ligence. State and local governments, and for other CARDIN, Mr. MARKEY, and Mrs. GILLI- By Mr. KAINE (for himself, Mr. purposes; to the Committee on Homeland Se- BRAND): PORTMAN, Ms. BALDWIN, Ms. KLO- curity and Governmental Affairs. S. 828. A bill to amend the Outer Conti- BUCHAR, Mrs. CAPITO, Ms. HASSAN, By Mr. CRAMER (for himself and Mrs. nental Shelf Lands Act to prohibit oil-, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. GILLIBRAND): gas-, and methane hydrate-related seismic BROWN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, and Mr. S. 849. A bill to provide for the inclusion on activities in the North Atlantic, Mid-Atlan- CARDIN): the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall of the tic, South Atlantic, and Straits of Florida S. 839. A bill to extend Federal Pell Grant names of the lost crew members of the U.S.S. planning areas of the outer Continental eligibility of certain short-term programs; to Frank E. Evans killed on June 3, 1969; to the Shelf, and for other purposes; to the Com- the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, Committee on Energy and Natural Re- mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. and Pensions. sources. By Mr. WHITEHOUSE: By Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Ms. By Mr. SULLIVAN: S. 829. A bill to amend title XI of the So- BALDWIN, Mr. BENNET, Mr. S. 850. A bill to extend the authorization of cial Security Act to award cooperative BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. appropriations to the Department of Vet- agreements to improve care for individuals BROWN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. CARDIN, erans Affairs for purposes of awarding grants with advanced illnesses, and for other pur- Mr. CASEY, Mr. COONS, Ms. CORTEZ to veterans service organizations for the poses; to the Committee on Finance. MASTO, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. DURBIN, transportation of highly rural veterans; to By Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for herself and Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. HARRIS, Ms. the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Mr. TOOMEY): HASSAN, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. KAINE, Mr. By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Ms. S. 830. A bill to amend the Federal Work- KING, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. MARKEY, WARREN, Mr. SCHATZ, Mrs. GILLI- Study program to permit institutions of Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. BRAND, Mr. BROWN, and Mr. higher education to use their Federal work- MURPHY, Mr. PETERS, Mr. REED, Mr. BLUMENTHAL): study allocations for full-time, off-campus SANDERS, Mr. SCHATZ, Ms. SMITH, Mr. S. 851. A bill to direct the Secretary of cooperative education and work-based learn- UDALL, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. WAR- Labor to issue an occupational safety and ing; to the Committee on Health, Education, REN, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, and Mr. health standard that requires covered em- Labor, and Pensions. WYDEN): ployers within the health care and social S. 840. A bill to allow Americans to earn By Mr. JOHNSON (for himself, Ms. service industries to develop and implement paid sick time so that they can address their BALDWIN, Mr. BARRASSO, and Mr. a comprehensive workplace violence preven- own health needs and the health needs of ENZI): tion plan, and for other purposes; to the S. 831. A bill to direct the Secretary of the their families; to the Committee on Health, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Interior to reissue final rules relating to list- Education, Labor, and Pensions. Pensions. ing the gray wolf in the Western Great Lakes By Mr. WARNER (for himself, Mr. By Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina (for and Wyoming under the Endangered Species KAINE, Ms. COLLINS, Ms. HIRONO, and himself, Mr. CASEY, Mr. RUBIO, and Act of 1973; to the Committee on Environ- Mr. VAN HOLLEN): Mr. ISAKSON): ment and Public Works. S. 841. A bill to enhance the ability of Fed- S. 852. A bill to provide for the consider- By Mr. MERKLEY (for himself and Mr. eral agencies to deliver relocation manage- ation of a definition of anti-Semitism for the WYDEN): ment services to the Federal Government, enforcement of Federal antidiscrimination S. 832. A bill to nullify the Supplemental and for other purposes; to the Committee on laws concerning education programs or ac- Treaty Between the United States of Amer- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- tivities; to the Committee on Health, Edu- ica and the Confederated Tribes and Bands of fairs. cation, Labor, and Pensions. Indians of Middle Oregon, concluded on No- By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself, Mrs. vember 15, 1865; to the Committee on Indian CAPITO, Mr. MANCHIN, and Mr. f Affairs. HOEVEN): By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself, Mr. S. 842. A bill to improve the mapping of SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND BROWN, and Mrs. FISCHER): wireless broadband coverage; to the Com- SENATE RESOLUTIONS S. 833. A bill to amend the Employee Re- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- The following concurrent resolutions tirement Income Security Act of 1974 and the tation. and Senate resolutions were read, and Internal Revenue Code of 1986 with respect to By Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. referred (or acted upon), as indicated: participant votes on the suspension of bene- BLUNT, and Ms. HIRONO): fits under multiemployer plans in critical S. 843. A bill to provide high-skilled non- By Mr. MERKLEY (for himself and Mr. and declining status; to the Committee on immigrant visas for nationals of the Repub- DURBIN): Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. lic of Korea, and for other purposes; to the S. Res. 109. A resolution expressing the By Mr. BROWN: Committee on the Judiciary. sense of the Senate on the March 31, 2019, S. 834. A bill to amend the Public Health By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself, Mr. presidential election in Ukraine; to the Com- Service Act to enhance the national strategy LEE, Mr. DURBIN, and Mr. GRASSLEY): mittee on Foreign Relations. for combating and eliminating tuberculosis, S. 844. A bill to allow for expedited ap- By Mr. MURPHY (for himself, Mr. and for other purposes; to the Committee on proval of generic prescription drugs and tem- BLUMENTHAL, and Mrs. MURRAY): Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. porary importation of prescription drugs in S. Res. 110. A resolution keeping guns out By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and the case of marginally competitive drug of classrooms; to the Committee on Health, Mr. TILLIS): markets and drug shortages; to the Com- Education, Labor, and Pensions. S. 835. A bill to amend title 38, United mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and By Ms. CORTEZ MASTO (for herself, States Code, to improve the care provided by Pensions. Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Ms.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:14 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.036 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1900 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 HARRIS, Ms. WARREN, Mr. MARKEY, ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS crease the per-country numerical limi- Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. UDALL, Ms. KLO- S. 105 tation for family-sponsored immi- BUCHAR, Ms. SMITH, Mr. BENNET, Ms. grants, and for other purposes. ROSEN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. SANDERS, At the request of Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. BROWN, Mr. COONS, Mr. REED, Mr. the name of the Senator from Indiana S. 436 BOOKER, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. VAN (Mr. BRAUN) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mr. VAN HOLLEN, HOLLEN, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. CARDIN, of S. 105, a bill to amend title X of the the name of the Senator from Mary- Ms. HIRONO, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. Public Health Service Act to prohibit land (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a co- DURBIN, Ms. STABENOW, Mrs. MUR- family planning grants from being sponsor of S. 436, a bill to amend title RAY, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, awarded to any entity that performs 49, United States Code, to require the Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. WYDEN, and Mr. KAINE): abortions, and for other purposes. development of public transportation operations safety risk reduction pro- S. Res. 111. A resolution recognizing the S. 151 heritage, culture, and contributions of At the request of Mr. THUNE, the grams, and for other purposes. Latinas in the United States; to the Com- names of the Senator from Nebraska S. 506 mittee on the Judiciary. (Mrs. FISCHER) and the Senator from At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the By Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself, Mr. Arizona (Ms. SINEMA) were added as co- name of the Senator from Rhode Island CARDIN, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. MERKLEY, sponsors of S. 151, a bill to deter crimi- (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) was added as a co- Mr. INHOFE, Mr. COONS, Ms. COLLINS, nal robocall violations and improve en- Mr. DURBIN, Mr. SULLIVAN, and Mrs. sponsor of S. 506, a bill to support forcement of section 227(b) of the Com- SHAHEEN): State, Tribal, and local efforts to re- munications Act of 1934, and for other S. Res. 112. A resolution expressing the move access to firearms from individ- sense of the Senate that the United States purposes. uals who are a danger to themselves or condemns all forms of violence against chil- S. 164 others pursuant to court orders for this dren globally and recognizes the harmful im- At the request of Mr. DAINES, the purpose. pacts of violence against children; to the names of the Senator from New Mexico S. 514 Committee on Foreign Relations. (Mr. UDALL) and the Senator from Mis- By Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. At the request of Mr. BOOZMAN, the sissippi (Mr. WICKER) were added as co- name of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. CASEY, and Ms. HASSAN): sponsors of S. 164, a bill to amend title S. Res. 113. A resolution designating March SULLIVAN) was added as a cosponsor of 10, United States Code, to remove the S. 514, a bill to amend title 38, United 25, 2019, as ‘‘National Cerebral Palsy Aware- prohibition on eligibility for TRICARE ness Day’’; considered and agreed to. States Code, to improve the benefits By Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mrs. SHA- Reserve Select of members of the re- and services provided by the Depart- HEEN, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. COONS, and serve components of the Armed Forces ment of Veterans Affairs to women vet- Mr. ISAKSON): who are eligible to enroll in a health erans, and for other purposes. benefits plan under chapter 89 of title S. Res. 114. A resolution expressing support S. 521 for the designation of March 21, 2019, as ‘‘Na- 5, United States Code. At the request of Mr. BROWN, the tional Rosie the Riveter Day’’; considered S. 210 names of the Senator from New Mexico and agreed to. At the request of Mr. HOEVEN, the (Mr. UDALL), the Senator from Rhode By Mr. COTTON (for himself and Ms. name of the Senator from North Da- DUCKWORTH): Island (Mr. REED), the Senator from kota (Mr. CRAMER) was added as a co- Maine (Mr. KING) and the Senator from S. Res. 115. A resolution recognizing the sponsor of S. 210, a bill to amend the REALTORS Land Institute on the occasion Vermont (Mr. SANDERS) were added as Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010 and of its 75th anniversary; to the Committee on cosponsors of S. 521, a bill to amend the Indian Law Enforcement Reform the Judiciary. title II of the Social Security Act to re- Act to provide for advancement in pub- By Ms. STABENOW: peal the Government pension offset and lic safety services to Indian commu- S. Res. 116. A resolution supporting the windfall elimination provisions. goals and ideals of Social Work Month and nities, and for other purposes. S. 546 World Social Work Day on March 19, 2019; to S. 317 At the request of Mr. GARDNER, the the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the and Pensions. name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. name of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. By Mr. CASEY (for himself and Mr. MORAN) was added as a cosponsor of S. COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. ISAKSON): 317, a bill to amend title XIX of the So- 546, a bill to extend authorization for S. Res. 117. A resolution designating March cial Security Act to provide States the September 11th Victim Compensa- 22, 2019, as ‘‘National Rehabilitation Coun- with the option of providing coordi- tion Fund of 2001 through fiscal year selors Appreciation Day’’; to the Committee 2090, and for other purposes. on the Judiciary. nated care for children with complex By Ms. WARREN (for herself, Mr. medical conditions through a health S. 548 CRUZ, Mr. JONES, Mr. DAINES, Mr. home. At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the MURPHY, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. VAN HOL- S. 342 names of the Senator from Maine (Ms. LEN, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, At the request of Mr. YOUNG, the COLLINS) and the Senator from Penn- Mr. PERDUE, Mr. KAINE, Mr. RUBIO, name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. sylvania (Mr. CASEY) were added as co- Ms. HIRONO, Mr. WICKER, Ms. HASSAN, sponsors of S. 548, a bill to reauthorize Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. PETERS, Mr. BRAUN) was added as a cosponsor of S. the Money Follows the Person Dem- YOUNG, Mr. WARNER, Mr. HAWLEY, 342, a bill to reauthorize title VI of the Mr. MARKEY, Mr. ROUNDS, and Ms. Higher Education Act of 1965 in order onstration Program. MURKOWSKI): to improve and encourage innovation S. 590 S. Res. 118. A resolution recognizing the in international education, and for At the request of Mr. COONS, the importance of paying tribute to those indi- other purposes. name of the Senator from New Jersey viduals who have faithfully served and re- S. 380 (Mr. MENENDEZ) was added as a cospon- tired from the Armed Forces of the United At the request of Mr. JOHNSON, the sor of S. 590, a bill to award Congres- States, designating April 18, 2019, as ‘‘Mili- sional Gold Medals to Katherine John- tary Retiree Appreciation Day’’, and encour- name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. aging the people of the United States to CRUZ) was added as a cosponsor of S. son and Dr. Christine Darden, to post- honor the past and continued service of mili- 380, a bill to increase access to agency humously award Congressional Gold tary retirees to their local communities and guidance documents. Medals to Dorothy Vaughan and Mary the United States; to the Committee on the S. 386 Jackson, and to award a Congressional Judiciary. At the request of Mr. LEE, the name Gold Medal to honor all of the women By Mr. BROWN (for himself and Mr. who contributed to the success of the SULLIVAN): of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. BRAUN) was added as a cosponsor of S. National Aeronautics and Space Ad- S. Res. 119. A resolution supporting the ministration during the Space Race. goals of World Tuberculosis Day to raise 386, a bill to amend the Immigration awareness about tuberculosis; to the Com- and Nationality Act to eliminate the S. 622 mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and per-country numerical limitation for At the request of Mr. JONES, the Pensions. employment-based immigrants, to in- name of the Senator from Hawaii (Ms.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:14 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.038 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1901 HIRONO) was added as a cosponsor of S. title 36, United States Code, to require migration relief legislation to provide 622, a bill to amend title 10, United that the POW/MIA flag be displayed on lawful permanent resident status to States Code, to repeal the requirement all days that the flag of the United Adilene Martinez, who is originally for reduction of survivor annuities States is displayed on certain Federal from Mexico but has been living in under the Survivor Benefit Plan by property. California for over 20 years. I believe veterans’ dependency and indemnity S. 716 she merits Congress’ special consider- compensation, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the ation for this extraordinary form of re- S. 631 name of the Senator from Massachu- lief. At the request of Mr. CARPER, the setts (Mr. MARKEY) was added as a co- Adilene, age 30, was brought to the name of the Senator from New Jersey sponsor of S. 716, a bill to impose sanc- United States by her parents Jose (Mr. MENENDEZ) was added as a cospon- tions under the Global Magnitsky Alberto Martinez Moreno and Micaela sor of S. 631, a bill to provide for the Human Rights Accountability Act to Lopez Martinez. When Jose came to the admission of the State of Washington, combat corruption, money laundering, United States from Mexico, he began D.C. into the Union. and impunity in Guatemala, and for working as a busboy in restaurants in , California. In 1990, he S. 638 other purposes. started working as a cook at Palio At the request of Mr. CARPER, the S. 726 D’Asti, an award-winning Italian res- name of the Senator from Massachu- At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the taurant in San Francisco. setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- name of the Senator from Connecticut Jose and his wife, Micaela, call San sponsor of S. 638, a bill to require the (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- Francisco home. Micaela is a home- Administrator of the Environmental sponsor of S. 726, a bill to amend the maker and part-time housekeeper. Protection Agency to designate per- Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act They have three daughters, two of and polyfluoroalkyl substances as haz- to ensure the safety of cosmetics. whom are United States citizens. Their ardous substances under the Com- S. 753 oldest daughter, Adilene, is undocu- prehensive Environmental Response, At the request of Mr. BROWN, the mented and is currently working at the Compensation, Liability Act of 1980, name of the Senator from Oklahoma San Francisco Opera House. Adilene at- and for other purposes. (Mr. LANKFORD) was added as a cospon- tempted to legalize her status through sor of S. 753, a bill to amend title XVIII S. 642 several channels with her family, but of the Social Security Act to count a At the request of Mr. ALEXANDER, the the current green card backlog for rel- period of receipt of outpatient observa- names of the Senator from Florida (Mr. atives from Mexico is very long. tion services in a hospital toward satis- SCOTT) and the Senator from North Da- In 2002, the Martinez family applied fying the 3-day inpatient hospital re- kota (Mr. CRAMER) were added as co- for political asylum. Their application quirement for coverage of skilled nurs- sponsors of S. 642, a bill to award a was denied. An immigration judge de- ing facility services under Medicare. Congressional Gold Medal to Master nied their subsequent application for Sergeant Rodrick ‘‘Roddie’’ Edmonds S. 764 cancellation of removal. The Martinez in recognition of his heroic actions At the request of Mr. LEE, the name family has become an integral part of during World War II. of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. ISAK- their community in California. They S. 666 SON) was added as a cosponsor of S. 764, are active in their faith community. a bill to provide for congressional ap- At the request of Mr. BENNET, the They volunteer with community-based name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. proval of national emergency declara- organizations and are, in turn, sup- tions, and for other purposes. BROWN) was added as a cosponsor of S. ported by their community. When I 666, a bill to require the Secretary of S. RES. 99 first introduced this bill, I received Labor to award grants to organizations At the request of Mr. PETERS, the dozens of letters of support from their for the provision of transition assist- names of the Senator from New York fellow parishioners, teachers, and ance to members and former members (Mr. SCHUMER), the Senator from Wash- members of their community. of the Armed Forces who are separated, ington (Mrs. MURRAY), the Senator The Martinez family truly exempli- retired, or discharged from the Armed from Connecticut (Mr. MURPHY), the fies the American dream. Jose worked Forces, and spouses of such members, Senator from Nevada (Ms. CORTEZ his way through the restaurant indus- and for other purposes. MASTO) and the Senator from Massa- try to become a chef and an indispen- chusetts (Mr. MARKEY) were added as S. 668 sable employee at a renowned res- cosponsors of S. Res. 99, a resolution At the request of Mr. BROWN, the taurant. With great dedication, expressing the sense of the Senate that names of the Senator from Missouri Micaela has worked hard to raise three Congress should take all appropriate (Mr. BLUNT) and the Senator from daughters who are advancing their edu- measures to ensure that the United Washington (Ms. CANTWELL) were cation and look forward to continuing States Postal Service remains an inde- added as cosponsors of S. 668, a bill to the pursuit of their goals. pendent establishment of the Federal amend title XVIII of the Social Secu- I believe that Adilene’s continued Government and is not subject to pri- rity Act to waive coinsurance under presence in the United States would vatization. Medicare for colorectal cancer screen- allow them to continue making signifi- ing tests, regardless of whether thera- S. RES. 100 cant contributions to their community peutic intervention is required during At the request of Mr. UDALL, the in California. I ask my colleagues to the screening. name of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. support this private bill. SULLIVAN) was added as a cosponsor of Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- S. 679 S. Res. 100, a resolution recognizing the sent that the text of the bill be printed At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the heritage, culture, and contributions of in the RECORD. names of the Senator from New Jersey American Indian, Alaska Native, and There being no objection, the text of (Mr. BOOKER) and the Senator from Native Hawaiian women in the United the bill was ordered to be printed in West Virginia (Mrs. CAPITO) were added States. the RECORD, as follows: as cosponsors of S. 679, a bill to exempt S. 794 from the calculation of monthly in- f STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- come certain benefit paid by the De- resentatives of the United States of America in partment of Veterans Affairs and the BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS Congress assembled, Department of Defense. By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: SECTION 1. PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS FOR S. 693 S. 794. A bill for the relief of Jose JOSE ALBERTO MARTINEZ MORENO, At the request of Ms. WARREN, the MICAELA LOPEZ MARTINEZ, AND Alberto Martinez Moreno, Micaela ADILENE MARTINEZ. names of the Senator from Florida (Mr. Lopez Martinez, and Adilene Martinez; (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding sub- RUBIO) and the Senator from New to the Committee on the Judiciary. sections (a) and (b) of section 201 of the Im- Hampshire (Ms. HASSAN) were added as Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, migration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. cosponsors of S. 693, a bill to amend today I am reintroducing private im- 1151), Jose Alberto Martinez Moreno, Micaela

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.042 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1902 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 Lopez Martinez, and Adilene Martinez shall The Plascencias’ lawyer refused to tion and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1255) as of each be eligible for issuance of an immigrant return their calls or otherwise commu- the date of the enactment of this Act. visa or for adjustment of status to that of an nicate with them in any way. He also (c) APPLICATION AND PAYMENT OF FEES.— alien lawfully admitted for permanent resi- Subsections (a) and (b) shall apply only if the dence upon filing an application for issuance failed to forward crucial immigration application for issuance of immigrant visas of an immigrant visa under section 204 of documents. Because of the poor rep- or the application for adjustment of status such Act (8 U.S.C. 1154) or for adjustment of resentation they received, Alfredo only are filed with appropriate fees within two status to lawful permanent resident. became aware that they had been or- years after the date of the enactment of this (b) ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS.—If Jose dered to leave the United States 15 Act. Alberto Martinez Moreno, Micaela Lopez days prior to his scheduled deporta- (d) REDUCTION OF IMMIGRANT VISA NUM- Martinez, or Adilene Martinez enters the tion. BERS.—Upon the granting of immigrant visas United States before the filing deadline spec- Alfredo was shocked to learn of his or permanent residence to Alfredo ified in subsection (c), Jose Alberto Martinez Plascencia Lopez, the Secretary of State Moreno, Micaela Lopez Martinez, or Adilene attorney’s malfeasance, but he acted shall instruct the proper officer to reduce by Martinez shall be considered to have entered quickly to secure legitimate counsel one, during the current or next following fis- and remained lawfully in the United States and filed the appropriate paperwork to cal year— and shall be eligible for adjustment of status delay his deportation and determine if (1) the total number of immigrant visas under section 245 of the Immigration and Na- any other legal action could be taken. that are made available to natives of the tionality Act (8 U.S.C. 1255) as of the date of Together, Alfredo and Maria have country of birth of Alfredo Plascencia Lopez the enactment of this Act. used their professional successes, with under section 203(a) of the Immigration and (c) APPLICATION AND PAYMENT OF FEES.— the assistance of private bills, to real- Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(a)); or Subsections (a) and (b) shall apply only if the (2) if applicable, the total number of immi- applications for issuance of immigrant visas ize many of the goals dreamed of by all grant visas that are made available to na- or the applications for adjustment of status Americans. They have worked hard, tives of the country of birth of Alfredo are filed with appropriate fees not later than and saved up to buy their home. Plascencia Lopez under section 202(e) of that two years after the date of the enactment of Their oldest child, Christina, is 28 Act (8 U.S.C. 1152(e)). this Act. years old and is currently a paralegal. (e) PAYGO.—The budgetary effects of this (d) REDUCTION OF IMMIGRANT VISA NUM- Erika, age 24, serves in the United Act, for the purpose of complying with the BERS.—Upon the granting of immigrant visas Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall or permanent resident status to Jose Alberto States Air Force and hopes to one day become a police officer. Danny, age 24, be determined by reference to the latest Martinez Moreno, Micaela Lopez Martinez, statement titled ‘‘Budgetary Effects of and Adilene Martinez, the Secretary of State currently attends the University of PAYGO Legislation’’ for this Act, submitted shall instruct the proper officer to reduce by California and volunteers at his local for printing in the Congressional Record by three, during the current or next following homeless shelter in the soup kitchen. the Chairman of the Senate Budget Com- fiscal year— Daisy, age 17, and Juan Pablo, age 13, mittee, provided that such statement has (1) the total number of immigrant visas are all in school and plan on attending been submitted prior to the vote on passage. that are made available to natives of the country of birth of Jose Alberto Martinez college. Moreno, Micaela Lopez Martinez, and Allowing Alfredo to remain in the By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: Adilene Martinez under section 203(a) of the United States is necessary to enable S. 796. A bill for the relief of Ruben Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. his family to continue thriving in the Mkoian and Asmik Karapetian; to the 1153(a)); or United States. His children are dedi- Committee on the Judiciary. (2) if applicable, the total number of immi- cated to pursuing their education and Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I grant visas that are made available to na- being productive members of their rise to reintroduce private relief legis- tives of the country of birth of Jose Alberto community. I do not believe that lation in the 116th Congress on behalf Martinez Moreno, Micaela Lopez Martinez, Alfredo should be separated from his of Ruben Mkoian and Asmik and Adilene Martinez under section 202(e) of Karapetian. The Mkoian family has such Act (8 U.S.C. 1152(e)). family. I am reintroducing this legisla- (e) PAYGO.—The budgetary effects of this tion to protect the best interest of been living in Fresno, California, for Act, for the purpose of complying with the Alfredo’s U.S. citizen children and his over 20 years. I continue to believe this Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall wife, who is a lawful permanent resi- family deserves Congress’ special con- be determined by reference to the latest dent. I believe that Alfredo will con- sideration for such an extraordinary statement titled ‘‘Budgetary Effects of tinue to make positive contributions to form of relief as a private bill. PAYGO Legislation’’ for this Act, submitted his community in California and this The Mkoian family is originally from for printing in the Congressional Record by Armenia. They decided to leave Arme- the Chairman of the Senate Budget Com- country. I respectfully ask my col- mittee, provided that such statement has leagues to support this bill. nia for the United States in the early been submitted prior to the vote on passage. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- 1990s, following several incidents in sent that the text of the bill be printed which the family experienced harass- By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: in the RECORD. ment, vandalism and threats to their S. 795. A bill for the relief of Alfredo There being no objection, the text of well-being. Plascencia Lopez; to the Committee on the bill was ordered to be printed in In Armenia, Ruben worked as a po- the Judiciary. the RECORD, as follows: lice sergeant on vehicle licensing. At Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I S. 795 one point, he was offered a bribe to reg- rise today to offer legislation to pro- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ister stolen vehicles, which he refused vide lawful permanent residence status resentatives of the United States of America in and reported to his superior, the police to Alfredo Plascencia Lopez, a Mexican Congress assembled, chief. He later learned that a co-worker national who lives in the San Bruno SECTION 1. PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS FOR had registered the vehicles at the re- area of California. ALFREDO PLASCENCIA LOPEZ. quest of the same chief. I offer legislation on his behalf be- (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding sub- After Ruben reported the bribe offer cause I believe that, without it, this sections (a) and (b) of section 201 of the Im- to illegally register vehicles and said hardworking man, wife who is a lawful migration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. he’d call the police, his family store 1151), Alfredo Plascencia Lopez shall be eligi- was vandalized and he received threat- permanent resident, and children ble for the issuance of an immigrant visa or would face extreme hardship. His chil- for adjustment of status to that of an alien ening phone calls telling him to keep dren would either face separation from lawfully admitted for permanent residence quiet. A bottle of gasoline was thrown their father or be forced to leave the upon filing an application for issuance of an into his family’s residence, burning it only country they know and give up immigrant visa under section 204 of that Act to the ground. In April 1992, several the education they are pursuing in the (8 U.S.C. 1154) or for adjustment of status to men entered the family store and as- United States. lawful permanent resident. saulted Ruben, hospitalizing him for 22 Alfredo and his wife, Maria, have (b) ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS.—If Alfredo days. been in the United States for over 20 Plascencia Lopez enters the United States Ruben, Asmik, and their son Arthur, before the filing deadline specified in sub- years. They worked for years to adjust section (c), Alfredo Plascencia Lopez shall be who was 3 years old at the time, left their status through appropriate legal considered to have entered and remained Armenia and entered the United States channels, but poor legal representation lawfully and shall be eligible for adjustment on visitor visas. They applied for polit- ruined their opportunities. of status under section 245 of the Immigra- ical asylum that same year on the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.045 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1903 grounds that they would be subject to (c) APPLICATION AND PAYMENT OF FEES.— Ms. Tan never received notice that physical attacks if returned to Arme- Subsections (a) and (b) shall apply only if the the Board of Immigration Appeals nia. It took 16 years for their case to be application for the issuance of an immigrant granted her voluntary departure. Her finalized, with the Ninth Circuit Court visa or the application for adjustment of sta- attorney moved offices, did not receive tus is filed with appropriate fees not later of Appeals denying their asylum case than two years after the date of the enact- the order, and ultimately never in- in January 2008. ment of this Act. formed her of the order. As a result, At this time, Ruben and Asmik have (d) REDUCTION OF IMMIGRANT VISA NUM- Ms. Tan did not depart the United exhausted every option to obtain immi- BERS.—Upon granting an immigrant visa or States and the grant of voluntary de- gration relief in the United States. It permanent resident status to Ruben Mkoian parture automatically led to a removal would be a terrible shame to remove and Asmik Karapetian, the Secretary of order. She learned about the deporta- this family from the United States and State shall instruct the proper officer to re- tion order for the first time on January duce by two, during the current or next fol- to separate them from their son Arsen, 28, 2009, when Immigration and Cus- who is 20 years old and a U.S. citizen. lowing fiscal year— (1) the total number of immigrant visas toms Enforcement agents took her into The Mkoians have worked hard to that are made available to natives of the immigration custody. build a place for their family in Cali- country of birth of Ruben Mkoian and Asmik Because of her attorney’s negligent fornia and are an integral part of their Karapetian under section 203(a) of the Immi- actions, Ms. Tan was denied the oppor- community. gration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. tunity to present her case in immigra- The family attends St. Paul Arme- 1153(a)); or tion proceedings. She later filed a com- nian Apostolic Church in Fresno. They (2) if applicable, the total number of immi- plaint with the State Bar of California do charity work to send medical equip- grant visas that are made available to na- against her former attorney. She is not tives of the country of birth of Ruben ment to Armenia. Ruben works as a the first person to file such a com- driver for Uber. He previously worked Mkoian and Asmik Karapetian under section 202(e) of such Act (8 U.S.C. 1152(e)). plaint against this attorney. as a manager at a car wash in Fresno (e) PAYGO.—The budgetary effects of this On February 4, 2015, Ms. Tan’s and as a truck driver for a California Act, for the purpose of complying with the spouse, Jay, a U.S. Citizen, filed an ap- trucking company that described him Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall proved spousal petition on her behalf. as ‘‘trustworthy,’’ ‘‘knowledgeable,’’ be determined by reference to the latest On August 20, 2015, U.S. Citizenship and and an asset to the company. Asmik statement titled ‘‘Budgetary Effects of Immigration Services denied her appli- has worked as a medical assistant the PAYGO Legislation’’ for this Act, submitted cation due to the fact that she still had past 6 years at the Fresno Shield Med- for printing in the Congressional Record by the Chairman of the Senate Budget Com- a final order or removal. Ms. Tan must ical Center. go back to the immigration court and Reflecting their contributions to mittee, provided that such statement has been submitted prior to the vote on passage. ask for the court to terminate her case their community, Representatives and then reapply for her green card. George Radanovich (R–CA) and JIM By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: Ms. Tan is now again facing the threat COSTA (D–CA) strongly supported this S. 797. A bill for the relief of Shirley of deportation while she seeks to close family’s ability to remain in the Constantino Tan; to the Committee on her case before an immigration court. United States. When I first introduced the Judiciary. In addition to the hardship that a private bill for the Mkoian family, I Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, would come to Ms. Tan if she is de- received more than 200 letters of sup- today I am reintroducing a bill for the ported, her deportation would cause se- port and dozens of calls of support from private relief of Shirley Constantino rious hardship to her two United friends and community members, at- Tan. Ms. Tan is a Filipina national liv- States citizen children, Jashley and testing to the positive impact that this ing in Pacifica, California. She is the Joriene. family has had in Fresno, California. proud mother of 20-year-old U.S. cit- Joriene is a junior at Stanford Uni- I believe that this case warrants our izen twin boys, Jashley and Joriene, versity and is pre-Med, majoring in compassion. I respectfully ask my col- and the spouse of Jay Mercado, a natu- Human Biology. In addition to his leagues to support this private legisla- ralized U.S. citizen. studies, Joriene is involved in Stan- tion on behalf of the Mkoian family. I believe Ms. Tan merits Congress’ Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- ford’s Pilipino-American Student sent that the text of the bill be printed special consideration for this extraor- Union. Jashley is a junior at Chapman dinary form of relief because her re- in the RECORD. University, majoring in Business Ad- There being no objection, the text of moval from the United States would ministration. Ms. Tan no longer runs the bill was ordered to be printed in cause undue hardship for her and her her in-home daycare and is a home- the RECORD, as follows: family. She faces deportation to the maker. S. 796 Philippines, which would separate her If Ms. Tan were forced to leave the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- from her family and jeopardize her United States, her family has expressed resentatives of the United States of America in safety. that they would go with her to the Congress assembled, Ms. Tan experienced horrific violence Philippines or try to find a third coun- SECTION 1. PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS FOR in the Philippines before she left to try where the entire family could relo- RUBEN MKOIAN AND ASMIK come to the United States. When she cate. This would mean that Jashley KARAPETIAN. was only 14 years old, her cousin mur- and Joriene would have to leave behind (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding sub- dered her mother and her sister and sections (a) and (b) of section 201 of the Im- their education and the only home migration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. shot Shirley in the head. While the they know in the United States. 1151), Ruben Mkoian and Asmik Karapetian cousin who committed the murders was I do not believe it is in our Nation’s shall each be eligible for the issuance of an eventually prosecuted, he received a best interest to force this family, with immigrant visa or for adjustment of status short jail sentence. Fearing for her two United States citizen children, to to that of an alien lawfully admitted for per- safety, Ms. Tan fled the Philippines make the choice between being sepa- manent residence upon filing an application just before her cousin was due to be re- rated and relocating to a country for issuance of an immigrant visa under sec- leased from jail. She entered the where they may face safety concerns or tion 204 of such Act (8 U.S.C. 1154) or for ad- justment of status to lawful permanent resi- United States legally on a visitor’s visa other serious hardships. dent. in 1989. Ms. Tan and her family are involved (b) ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS.—If Ruben Ms. Tan’s current deportation order in their community in Pacifica and Mkoian or Asmik Karapetian enters the is the result of negligent counsel. She own their own home. The family at- United States before the filing deadline spec- applied for asylum in 1995. While her tends Good Shepherd Catholic Church, ified in subsection (c), Ruben Mkoian or case appeal was pending at the Board volunteering at the church and the Asmik Karapetian, as appropriate, shall be of Immigration Appeals, her attorney Mother Theresa of Calcutta’s Daugh- considered to have entered and remained failed to submit a brief to support her ters of Charity. Ms. Tan has the sup- lawfully in the United States and shall be el- igible for adjustment of status under section case. As a result, the case was dis- port of dozens of members of her com- 245 of the Immigration and Nationality Act missed, and the Board of Immigration munity who have shared with me the (8 U.S.C. 1255) as of the date of the enact- Appeals granted Shirley voluntary de- family’s spirit of commitment to their ment of this Act. parture from the United States. community.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.058 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1904 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 Enactment of the legislation I am in- Arreola, Nayely Arreola Carlos, and Fresno Pacific University saw in troducing on behalf of Ms. Tan today Cindy Jael Arreola. The Arreolas are Nayely, a young person who will be- will enable this entire family to con- Mexican nationals living in the Fresno come exemplary of all that is good in tinue their lives in California and area of California. the American dream.’’ make positive contributions to their Esidronio and Maria Elena have lived In high school, Nayely was a member community. Mr. President, I ask my in the United States for over 20 years. of Advancement Via Individual Deter- colleagues to support this private bill. Two of their 5 children, Nayely and mination, AVID, college preparatory I ask unanimous consent that a copy Cindy also stand to benefit from this program in which students commit to of the bill be included in the RECORD. legislation. The other 3 Arreola chil- determining their own futures through There being no objection, the text of dren, Robert, age 27, Daniel, age 22, and attaining a college degree. Nayely was the bill was ordered to be printed in Saray, age 22, are United States citi- also President of the Key Club, a com- the RECORD, as follows: zens. The story of the Arreola family is munity service organization. Perhaps S. 797 compelling and I believe they merit the greatest hardship to Nayely’s U.S. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Congress’ special consideration for citizen husband and child, if she were resentatives of the United States of America in such an extraordinary form of relief as forced to return to Mexico, would be Congress assembled, a private bill. her lost opportunity to realize her SECTION 1. PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS FOR The Arreolas are facing deportation dreams and contribute further to her SHIRLEY CONSTANTINO TAN. in part because of grievous errors com- community and to this country. (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding sub- mitted by their previous counsel, who Nayely’s sister, Cindy, is also mar- sections (a) and (b) of section 201 of the Im- has since been disbarred. In fact, the ried and has a 7-year-old daughter and migration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. attorney’s conduct was so egregious a 5-year-old son. Neither Nayely nor 1151), Shirley Constantino Tan shall be eligi- ble for issuance of an immigrant visa or for that it compelled an immigration Cindy is eligible to automatically ad- adjustment of status to that of an alien law- judge to write to the Executive Office just their status based on their mar- fully admitted for permanent residence upon of Immigration Review seeking the at- riages because of their initial unlawful filing an application for issuance of an immi- torney’s disbarment for his actions in entry. grant visa under section 204 of such Act (8 his clients’ immigration cases. The Arreolas also have other family U.S.C. 1154) or for adjustment of status to Esidronio came to the United States who are United States citizens or law- lawful permanent resident. in 1986 and was an agricultural migrant ful permanent residents of this coun- (b) ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS.—If Shirley worker in the fields of California for try. Maria Elena has 3 brothers who are Constantino Tan enters the United States several years. As a migrant worker at American citizens, and Esidronio has a before the filing deadline specified in sub- section (c), she shall be considered to have that time, he would have been eligible sister who is an American citizen. They entered and remained lawfully and shall be for permanent residence through the have no immediate family in Mexico. eligible for adjustment of status under sec- Seasonal Agricultural Workers (SAW) According to immigration authori- tion 245 of the Immigration and Nationality program, had he known about it. ties, this family has never had any Act (8 U.S.C. 1255) as of the date of the enact- Maria Elena was living in the United problems with law enforcement. I am ment of this Act. States at the time she became preg- told that they have filed their taxes for (c) APPLICATION AND PAYMENT OF FEES.— nant with her daughter Cindy. She re- every year from 1990 to the present. Subsections (a) and (b) shall apply only if the turned to Mexico to give birth because They have always worked hard to sup- application for issuance of an immigrant visa or the application for adjustment of sta- she wanted to avoid any immigration port themselves. tus is filed with appropriate fees within two issues. As I mentioned, Esidronio was pre- years after the date of the enactment of this Because of the length of time that viously employed as a farm worker, but Act. the Arreolas were in the United States, now has his own business in California (d) REDUCTION OF IMMIGRANT VISA NUM- it is likely that they would have quali- repairing electronics. His business has BER.—Upon the granting of an immigrant fied for suspension of deportation, been successful enough to enable him visa or permanent residence to Shirley which would have allowed them to re- to purchase a home for his family. He Constantino Tan, the Secretary of State main in the United States legally. and his wife are active in their church shall instruct the proper officer to reduce by one, during the current or next following fis- However, the poor legal representation community and in their children’s edu- cal year— they received foreclosed this oppor- cation. (1) the total number of immigrant visas tunity. It is clear to me that this family has that are made available to natives of the One of the most compelling reasons embraced the American dream. Enact- country of birth of Shirley Constantino Tan for my introduction of this private bill ment of the legislation I have reintro- under section 203(a) of the Immigration and is the devastating impact the deporta- duced today will enable the Arreolas to Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(a)); or tion of Esidronio and Maria Elena continue to make significant contribu- (2) if applicable, the total number of immi- would have on their children–3 of whom tions to their community as well as the grant visas that are made available to na- are American citizens—and the other 2 United States. I ask my colleagues to tives of the country of birth of Shirley Constantino Tan under section 202(e) of such who have lived in the United States support this private bill. Act (8 U.S.C. 1152(e)). since they were toddlers. America is Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- (e) PAYGO.—The budgetary effects of this the only country the Arreola children sent that the text of the bill be printed Act, for the purpose of complying with the have ever known. in the RECORD. Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall Nayely, the oldest, was the first in There being no objection, the text of be determined by reference to the latest her family to graduate from high the bill was ordered to be printed in statement titled ‘‘Budgetary Effects of school and the first to graduate col- the RECORD, as follows: PAYGO Legislation’’ for this Act, submitted lege. She recently received her Masters S. 798 for printing in the Congressional Record by the Chairman of the Senate Budget Com- in Business Administration from Fres- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- mittee, provided that such statement has no Pacific University, a regionally resentatives of the United States of America in been submitted prior to the vote on passage. ranked university, and now works in Congress assembled, the admissions office. Nayely is mar- SECTION 1. PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS FOR By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: ried and has a young son named Elijah ESIDRONIO ARREOLA-SAUCEDO, MARIA ELENA COBIAN ARREOLA, S. 798. A bill for the relief of Ace Carlos. NAYELY ARREOLA CARLOS, AND Esidronio Arreola-Saucedo, Maria At a young age, Nayely demonstrated CINDY JAEL ARREOLA. Elena Cobian Arreola, Nayely Arreola a strong commitment to the ideals of (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding sub- Carlos, and Cindy Jael Arreola; to the citizenship in her adopted country. She sections (a) and (b) of section 201 of the Im- Committee on the Judiciary. worked hard to achieve her full poten- migration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, tial both through her academic endeav- 1151), Esidronio Arreola-Saucedo, Maria Elena Cobian Arreola, Nayely Arreola Car- today, I offer private immigration re- ors and community service. As the As- los, and Cindy Jael Arreola shall each be eli- lief legislation to provide lawful per- sociate Dean of Enrollment Services at gible for issuance of an immigrant visa or for manent resident status to Esidronio Fresno Pacific University States in a adjustment of status to that of an alien law- Arreola-Saucedo, Maria Elena Cobian letter of support, ‘‘[T]he leaders of fully admitted for permanent residence upon

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.053 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1905 filing an application for issuance of an immi- Court unless the Court decides, by a vote of gible job training programs are defined grant visa under section 204 of such Act (8 the majority of justices, that allowing such as those providing at least 150 clock U.S.C. 1154) or for adjustment of status to coverage in a particular case would con- hours of instruction time over a min- lawful permanent resident. stitute a violation of the due process rights imum of 8 weeks. Eligible job training (b) ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS.—If Esidronio of 1 or more of the parties before the Arreola-Saucedo, Maria Elena Cobian Court.’’. programs must also provide students Arreola, Nayely Arreola Carlos, and Cindy (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The chapter with licenses, certifications, or creden- Jael Arreola enter the United States before analysis for chapter 45 of title 28, United tials that meet the hiring requirements the filing deadline specified in subsection (c), States Code, is amended by inserting at the of multiple employers in the field for Esidronio Arreola-Saucedo, Maria Elena end the following: which the job training is offered. Cobian Arreola, Nayely Arreola Carlos, and ‘‘678. Televising Supreme Court pro- The JOBS Act also ensures that stu- Cindy Jael Arreola shall be considered to ceedings.’’. dents enrolling in Pell-eligible short- have entered and remained lawfully in the United States and shall be eligible for ad- term programs are earning high-qual- By Mr. KAINE (for himself, Mr. ity postsecondary credentials by re- justment of status under section 245 of the PORTMAN, Ms. BALDWIN, Ms. Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. quiring that the credentials meet the KLOBUCHAR, Mrs. CAPITO, Ms. 1255) as of the date of the enactment of this standards of the Workforce Innovation Act. HASSAN, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. and Opportunity Act, are recognized by (c) APPLICATION AND PAYMENT OF FEES.— GARDNER, Mr. BROWN, Mrs. industry or sector partnerships, and Subsections (a) and (b) shall apply only if the GILLIBRAND, and Mr. CARDIN): align with the skill needs of industries applications for issuance of immigrant visas S. 839. A bill to extend Federal Pell in States or local economies. Job train- or the applications for adjustment of status Grant eligibility of certain short-term ing programs under this Act must also are filed with appropriate fees not later than programs; to the Committee on Health, two years after the date of the enactment of be evaluated by an accreditor and the Education, Labor, and Pensions. State workforce board for quality and this Act. Mr. KAINE. Mr. President. In today’s (d) REDUCTION OF IMMIGRANT VISA NUM- outcomes. The Virginia Community BERS.—Upon the granting of immigrant visas economy, approximately 80 percent of College System has identified approxi- or permanent residence to Esidronio Arreola- jobs require some form of postsec- mately 50 programs that would benefit Saucedo, Maria Elena Cobian Arreola, ondary education or training beyond from the JOBS Act including in the Nayely Arreola Carlos, and Cindy Jael the high school level. The National fields of manufacturing, architecture/ Arreola, the Secretary of State shall in- Skills Coalition estimates that nearly struct the proper officer to reduce by four, construction, energy, health care, in- half of all job openings between now formation technology, transportation, during the current or next following fiscal and 2022 will be middle skill jobs that year— and business management and adminis- (1) the total number of immigrant visas require post high school training, but tration. that are made available to natives of the not a four-year degree. While the num- The JOBS Act is a commonsense, bi- country of birth of Esidronio Arreola- ber of students pursing postsecondary partisan bill that would help workers Saucedo, Maria Elena Cobian Arreola, education is growing, the supply of and employers succeed in today’s econ- Nayely Arreola Carlos, and Cindy Jael skilled workers still falls short of in- omy. As Congress works to reauthorize Arreola under section 203(a) of the Immigra- dustry demand. According to the Bu- tion and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(a)); or the Higher Education Act, I am hopeful reau of Labor and Statistics 7.3 million that my colleagues will join me in ad- (2) if applicable, the total number of immi- U.S. jobs are currently vacant in part grant visas that are made available to na- vocating for Pell Grants to be made tives of the country of birth of Esidronio because of a shortage of qualified available to individuals enrolling in Arreola-Saucedo, Maria Elena Cobian workers. high-quality, short-term training pro- Arreola, Nayely Arreola Carlos, and Cindy Our Federal higher education policy grams that lead to industry-recognized Jael Arreola under section 202(e) of such Act must be modernized to meet the needs credentials and good paying jobs. (8 U.S.C. 1152(e)). of students and employers. Under cur- (e) PAYGO.—The budgetary effects of this rent law, Pell Grants—needs-based f Act, for the purpose of complying with the grants for low-income and working stu- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall dents—can only be awarded to students be determined by reference to the latest statement titled ‘‘Budgetary Effects of attending programs that are over 600 PAYGO Legislation’’ for this Act, submitted clock hours or at least 15 weeks in SENATE RESOLUTION 109—EX- for printing in the Congressional Record by length. These grants cannot be used to PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE the Chairman of the Senate Budget Com- offset the cost of targeted, short-term SENATE ON THE MARCH 31, 2019, mittee, provided that such statement has training programs offered at commu- PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN been submitted prior to the vote on passage. nity and technical colleges that help UKRAINE students obtain employer-recognized By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. Mr. MERKLEY (for himself and Mr. credentials. When it comes to higher DURBIN) submitted the following reso- GRASSLEY, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, and education, Federal policies need to sup- lution; which was referred to the Com- Mr. BLUMENTHAL): port the demands of the changing labor S. 822. A bill to permit the televising mittee on Foreign Relations: market by increasing access to career of Supreme Court proceedings; to the S. RES. 109 pathways that align with industry de- Committee on the Judiciary. Whereas the Senate agrees with Senate mand. According to the Georgetown Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask Resolution 78, 115th Congress, introduced by University Center on Education and unanimous consent that the text of the Senators Menendez and Graham, which ex- the Workforce, shorter-term edu- pressed the sense of the Senate recognizing 3 bill be printed in the RECORD. cational investments pay off—the aver- years of Russian military aggression in There being no objection, the text of age postsecondary certificate holder Ukraine; the bill was ordered to be printed in has 30 percent higher lifetime earnings Whereas the Senate concurs with Senate the RECORD, as follows: than individuals with only a high Resolution 27, 116th Congress, introduced by S. 822 school diploma. Senators Johnson and Durbin, which calls for a prompt multinational freedom of navi- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Today, I am pleased to introduce resentatives of the United States of America in gation operation in the Black Sea and urges with my colleague, Senator PORTMAN, Congress assembled, the cancellation of the Nord Stream 2 pipe- the Jumpstart Our Businesses by Sup- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. line; This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Cameras in porting Students or JOBS Act. The Whereas the Senate endorses H.R. 596, the Courtroom Act’’. JOBS Act would close the skills gap by 116th Congress, introduced by Representa- extending Pell Grant eligibility to tives Connolly and Chabot, which affirms SEC. 2. AMENDMENT TO TITLE 28. that it is the policy of the United States not (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 45 of title 28, high-quality, short-term job training programs offered at community col- to recognize the de jure or de facto sov- United States Code, is amended by inserting ereignty of the Russian Federation over Cri- at the end the following: leges and other public institutions, so mea, its airspace, or its territorial waters; ‘‘§ 678. Televising Supreme Court proceedings workers can afford the instruction they Whereas the Senate reaffirms the impor- ‘‘The Supreme Court shall permit tele- need to be successful in today’s job tance of the Ukraine Freedom Support Act vision coverage of all open sessions of the market. Under the legislation, Pell-eli- of 2014 (Public Law 113–272; 128 Stat. 2952),

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.056 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1906 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 which authorized increased security and eco- such part] may be used for the provision to HEINRICH, Mr. UDALL, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, nomic assistance for Ukraine; any person of a firearm or training in the use Ms. SMITH, Mr. BENNET, Ms. ROSEN, Ms. Whereas the Senate welcomes resolutions of a firearm.’’; CANTWELL, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. BROWN, of Congress, such as House Resolution 202, Whereas section 4102 of the Elementary Mr. COONS, Mr. REED, Mr. BOOKER, Mrs. 115th Congress, sponsored by Representative and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 Delaney, which reaffirmed the commitment U.S.C. 7113), as added by section 4101 of the FEINSTEIN, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. MUR- of the United States to the North Atlantic Every Student Succeeds Act (Public Law PHY, Mr. CARDIN, Ms. HIRONO, Ms. Treaty Organization; 114–95; 129 Stat. 1970), defines drug and vio- DUCKWORTH, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. STABE- Whereas the Senate notes the upcoming lence prevention in schools as including the NOW, Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. March 31, 2019, presidential election in ‘‘creation . . . of a school environment that WHITEHOUSE, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. CASEY, Ukraine and the importance of a free and is free of weapons’’; Mr. WYDEN, and Mr. KAINE) submitted fair election to sustaining the principles and Whereas existing research demonstrates the following resolution; which was re- dreams of the 2014 Maidan Revolution; that training or arming school personnel ferred to the Committee on the Judici- Whereas the Senate expresses concern that with firearms will not make schools safer; the Government of the Russian Federation Whereas an analysis by the Federal Bureau ary: will continue to interfere in the election of Investigation of active shooters between S. RES. 111 process and voting in the March 31, 2019, 2000 and 2013 found that trained law enforce- Whereas the United States celebrates Na- presidential election in Ukraine; and ment suffered casualties in 21 of the 45 inci- tional Women’s History Month every March Whereas the Senate agrees with former dents in which officers engaged the shooter to recognize and honor the achievements of United States Ambassador to the Russian to end the threat; women throughout the history of the United Federation Michael McFaul that ‘‘Russian Whereas a survey of gun violence on school States; President Vladimir Putin is waging a global campuses showed that out of 225 incidents of Whereas there are nearly 28,000,000 Latinas ideological war against Western liberal, gun violence between 1999 and 2018, trained living in the United States; democratic values. It has been underway for armed personnel or school resource officers Whereas 1 in 6 women in the United States many years, and it extends from his own im- failed to disarm an active shooter 223 times; is a Latina; mediate neighborhood to Western Europe Whereas proposed and existing programs to Whereas Latinas have helped shape the his- and, of course, the United States, where he train or arm school personnel with firearms tory of the United States since its inception; intervened in the U.S. presidential election require significantly less training than law Whereas Latinas contribute to the society in 2016. The front line of this ideological war enforcement officers receive; of the United States through working in between Putinism and democracy, however, Whereas research demonstrates that in- many industries, including business, edu- remains Ukraine.’’: Now, therefore, be it creased gun access and possession are not as- cation, science and technology, medicine, en- Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate sociated with protection from violence and a gineering, mathematics, literature and the that— greater prevalence of guns increases the arts, the military, agriculture, hospitality, (1) the United States Government does not likelihood of gun violence; and public service at every level of govern- prefer any particular candidate in the March Whereas a greater prevalence of guns in ment; 31, 2019, presidential election in Ukraine and schools creates undue risk of students gain- Whereas Latinas come from diverse cul- seeks only a transparent and democratic ing unauthorized access to firearms and the tures across North America, Central Amer- election that reflects the will of the people potential for unintentional shootings and ica, South America, and the Caribbean, and of Ukraine; school staff using guns in situations that do Afro-Latinas face disparities in recognition; (2) the United States Government will con- not warrant lethal force; Whereas Latinas are dedicated public serv- tinue to support democracy and good govern- Whereas students of color, students with ants, holding posts at the highest levels of ance in Ukraine, including anti-corruption disabilities, and other vulnerable groups the Federal Government, including the Su- initiatives, an independent media, and ef- would experience a disparate impact of pro- preme Court of the United States, Cabinet- forts to strengthen the rule of law, to sup- grams that arm school personnel as those level positions, the United States Senate, port the ideals of the revolution of dignity of students are disproportionately disciplined and the United States House of Representa- Ukraine; and arrested; tives; (3) the United States should continue to Whereas heightened policing within public Whereas Latinas make up an estimated 16 work with allies to provide additional capac- school spaces decreases a student’s sense of percent of women in the Armed Forces, and ity building and technical support in order safety and the associated anticipation of vio- the first Latina to become a general in the to deter Russian efforts to disrupt voting or lence leads to increased anxiety, fear, and Marine Corps reached that rank in 2006; undermine the legitimacy of the results of depression; Whereas Latinas are breaking the glass the presidential election in Ukraine; and Whereas 73 percent of teachers in the ceiling in the science, technology, engineer- (4) not later than 90 days after the date on United States do not want to carry guns in ing, and mathematics fields, with the first which this resolution is agreed to, the Presi- school and 58 percent say arming personnel Latina to travel into space doing so during a dent should provide a briefing to Congress— would make schools less safe, according to a 9-day Space Shuttle Discovery mission in (A) assessing the scope and scale of Rus- Gallup poll from March 2018; 1993; sian interference in the presidential cam- Whereas the majority of parents of school- Whereas Latinas own nearly 2,000,000 busi- paign in Ukraine and vote tabulation on aged children oppose arming school per- nesses, and 1 in 6 women-owned companies in election day; and sonnel, according to surveys; the United States is owned by a Latina; (B) assessing the future course of United Whereas, as of March 2019, there is no evi- Whereas Latina activists have led the fight States–Ukrainian relations under whichever dence supporting the value of arming school for civil rights, including labor rights, candidate is declared the winner of the presi- personnel; LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, and racial dential election. Whereas the broad consensus among par- equality; f ticipants in the listening tour for the final Whereas Latinas create award-winning art report of the Federal Commission on School SENATE RESOLUTION 110—KEEP- and are recipients of Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Safety released in December 2018 was dis- and Tony awards; ING GUNS OUT OF CLASSROOMS agreement with programs that would arm Whereas Latina singers and songwriters, Mr. MURPHY (for himself, Mr. school personnel, according to transcripts; like Selena, also known as the of BLUMENTHAL, and Mrs. MURRAY) sub- and Tejano music, and Celia Cruz, also known as mitted the following resolution; which Whereas, in that final report, the Depart- the Queen of Salsa, have made lasting and ment of Education endorsed the use of Fed- significant contributions to music through- was referred to the Committee on eral funds to train personnel to use firearms: Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- out the world; Now, therefore, be it Whereas Latinas serve in the medical pro- sions: Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate fession, and the first female and first His- S. RES. 110 that Federal funds shall not be used to train panic Surgeon General of the United States Whereas Congress has consistently made or arm school personnel with firearms. was appointed in 1990; clear that it is unlawful for Federal funds to f Whereas Latinas are paid just 53 cents for be used for training or arming school per- every dollar paid to White, non-Hispanic sonnel with firearms; SENATE RESOLUTION 111—RECOG- men; Whereas Congress passed the STOP School NIZING THE HERITAGE, CUL- Whereas, in the face of societal obstacles, Violence Act of 2018 (title V of division S of TURE, AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF including unequal pay, disparities in edu- Public Law 115–141) in response to the shoot- LATINAS IN THE UNITED cation, health care needs, and civil rights ing in Parkland, Florida, and amended part STATES struggles, Latinas continue to break through AA of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and thrive; and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10551 Ms. CORTEZ MASTO (for herself, Mr. Whereas the United States should continue et seq.) to specify that ‘‘No amounts pro- MENENDEZ, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Ms. HAR- to invest in the future of Latinas to address vided as a grant [for school security under RIS, Ms. WARREN, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. the barriers they face; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.061 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1907

Whereas, by 2060, Latinas will represent 1⁄3 (1) quadrupled in the Central African Re- responding to violence against children and of the female population of the United public; youth: Now, therefore, be it States: Now, therefore, be it (2) doubled in the Democratic Republic of Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate Resolved, That the Senate— the Congo; and that the United States— (1) celebrates and honors the successes of (3) persisted at alarming levels in Somalia, (1) condemns all forms of violence against Latinas and the contributions they have South Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, and children and youth globally, including phys- made and continue to make to the United Yemen; ical, mental, and sexual violence, neglect, States; and Whereas more than 10,000 children were abuse, maltreatment, and exploitation; (2) recognizes the changes that are still to killed or maimed in 2017 in armed conflict; (2) recognizes— be made to ensure that Latinas can realize Whereas the risks of online abuse and ex- (A) the harmful impact that violence their full potential as equal members of soci- ploitation of children is constantly growing, against children and youth has on the ety. with the National Center for Missing and Ex- healthy development of children; and f ploited Children reviewing cases involving (B) the harmful economic impact of vio- 25,000,000 child sexual abuse images in 2015, lence against children and youth; and SENATE RESOLUTION 112—EX- up from 450,000 in 2004; (3) should— PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE Whereas unaddressed exposure to violence (A) develop and implement a comprehen- SENATE THAT THE UNITED disrupts the development of critical brain ar- sive and coordinated strategy built on evi- STATES CONDEMNS ALL FORMS chitecture and other organ structures, leav- dence-based practices, including the tech- OF VIOLENCE AGAINST CHIL- ing children at lifelong risk of disease and nical package called ‘‘INSPIRE: Seven Strat- DREN GLOBALLY AND RECOG- reduced potential; egies for Ending Violence against Children’’ NIZES THE HARMFUL IMPACTS Whereas studies show toxic stress relating put forth by the World Health Organization; and OF VIOLENCE AGAINST CHIL- to exposure to violent or dangerous environ- ments becomes damaging to learning, behav- (B) adopt common metrics and indicators DREN ior, and health across a lifespan; to monitor progress across Federal agencies Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself, Mr. Whereas violence against children can lead to prevent, address, and end violence against CARDIN, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. to negative health consequences, including children and youth globally. INHOFE, Mr. COONS, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. injury, noncommunicable and communicable f DURBIN, Mr. SULLIVAN, and Mrs. SHA- diseases, and poor maternal and child health outcomes; HEEN) submitted the following resolu- SENATE RESOLUTION 113—DESIG- Whereas all forms of violence in childhood NATING MARCH 25, 2019, AS ‘‘NA- tion; which was referred to the Com- have a significant negative impact on edu- mittee on Foreign Relations: TIONAL CEREBRAL PALSY cational outcomes, including school attend- AWARENESS DAY’’ S. RES. 112 ance and drop-out rates, and can further Whereas violence against children can take limit access to the physical, mental health, Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. many forms, including sexual violence, phys- psychosocial and cognitive protections that CASEY, and Ms. HASSAN) submitted the ical violence, emotional violence, abuse, ne- safe educational settings provide; following resolution; which was consid- glect, and exploitation; Whereas decades of behavioral and social ered and agreed to: Whereas, each year, more than 1,000,000,000 science research have demonstrated that S. RES. 113 children worldwide are exposed to violence; building adaptive capacities, known as resil- Whereas, each year, the global economic ience, through stable and committed rela- Whereas a group of permanent disorders of impact of physical, psychological, and sexual tionships with a supportive caregiver or the development of movement and posture violence against children is estimated to be other adult can lessen the harmful develop- that are attributed to nonprogressive dis- as high as $7,000,000,000,000, which is 8 per- mental effects of violence in children and turbances that occur in the developing brain cent of global gross domestic product (re- youth; is referred to as ‘‘cerebral palsy’’; ferred to in this preamble as ‘‘global GDP’’); Whereas, according to the Organisation for Whereas cerebral palsy, the most common Whereas, around the world, an estimated 1 Economic Co-operation and Development, motor disability in children, is caused by in 3 adolescent girls between 15 and 19 years the United States invests 0.5 percent of offi- damage to 1 or more specific areas of the de- of age, or 84,000,000 girls, have been victims cial development assistance in programs veloping brain, which usually occurs during of emotional, physical, or sexual violence, that are designed to prevent and address vio- fetal development before, during, or after which is often perpetrated by individuals the lence against children and youth; birth; girls know; Whereas the United States, in coordination Whereas the majority of children who have Whereas 1 in 5 girls in the developing world with public-private partnerships and other cerebral palsy are born with cerebral palsy, is said to be married before reaching 18 years organizations, has endorsed the technical but cerebral palsy may be undetected for of age and, of those girls, an estimated 1 in package called ‘‘INSPIRE: Seven Strategies months or years; 9 is said to be married before reaching 15 for Ending Violence against Children’’ (re- Whereas 75 percent of individuals with cer- years of age; ferred to in this preamble as ‘‘INSPIRE’’) ebral palsy also have 1 or more develop- Whereas, according to the United Nations put forth by the World Health Organization, mental disabilities, including epilepsy, intel- Children’s Fund (commonly known as with substantial technical input from the lectual disability, autism, visual impair- ‘‘UNICEF’’), if current child marriage rates United States Government, including from ment, or blindness; continue, 120,000,000 girls, an average of the Centers for Disease Control and United Whereas, according to information re- 12,000,000 girls a year, will be married before State Agency for International Develop- leased by the Centers for Disease Control and their 18th birthday over the next decade; ment; Prevention— Whereas 246,000,000 boys and girls experi- Whereas INSPIRE contains 7 evidence- (1) the prevalence of cerebral palsy is not ence school-related gender-based violence based strategies to end violence against chil- changing over time; and each year; dren that include— (2) an estimated 1 in 323 children has cere- Whereas children with disabilities report- (1) implementing and enforcing relevant bral palsy; edly are 3 to 4 times more likely to experi- laws; Whereas approximately 764,000 individuals ence physical or sexual violence; (2) addressing harmful gender and other so- in the United States are affected by cerebral Whereas tens of millions of children living cial norms; palsy; outside of family care, including those living (3) creating and sustaining safe commu- Whereas, although there is no cure for cer- on the streets, working away from home, and nities; ebral palsy, treatment often improves the in residential care, are particularly vulner- (4) supporting parents and caregivers; capabilities of a child with cerebral palsy; able to violence and abuse; (5) improving household economic security Whereas scientists and researchers are Whereas an estimated 152,000,000 children to reduce violence in the home; hopeful for breakthroughs in cerebral palsy are involved in child labor and 4,300,000 chil- (6) improving access to health services, so- research; dren are subject to forced labor, including in cial welfare, and criminal justice support; Whereas researchers across the United situations of trafficking; and States conduct important research projects Whereas nearly half of the 68,500,000 indi- (7) ensuring safe school environments that involving cerebral palsy; and viduals who are currently displaced by con- provide gender-equitable education and so- Whereas the Senate can raise awareness of flict and war around the world are children cial-emotional learning and life skills cerebral palsy in the public and the medical and displacement exposes those children to trainings; and community: Now, therefore, be it increased risk of exploitation, violence, and Whereas the United States Agency for Resolved, That the Senate— abuse; International Development, the Department (1) designates March 25, 2019, as ‘‘National Whereas, according to the United Nations, of State, the Department of Labor, the De- Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day’’; and from 2016 to 2017, verified cases of child re- partment of Homeland Security, and the De- (2) encourages each individual in the cruitment, including forcible recruitment, partment of Health and Human Services United States to become better informed and participation in armed conflict— each play a critical role in preventing and about and aware of cerebral palsy.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.063 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1908 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 SENATE RESOLUTION 114—EX- Whereas the REALTORS® Land Institute establishment of a minimum wage and social PRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE is comprised of members who subscribe to a safety net programs that ameliorate poverty DESIGNATION OF MARCH 21, 2019, strict code of ethics and to just and equi- and hunger; and AS ‘‘NATIONAL ROSIE THE RIV- table principles in real estate transactions; Whereas social workers stand ready to help Whereas the REALTORS® Land Institute the society of the United States address cur- ETER DAY’’ encourages continuing education and re- rent pressing issues, including equal rights Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mrs. SHA- wards members who complete an extensive for all, the need for improved availability of HEEN, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. COONS, and Mr. education program and service to the land health care and mental health services, im- ISAKSON) submitted the following reso- industry with a national designation of Ac- migration reform, voting rights, and the en- lution; which was considered and credited Land Consultant (commonly known vironmental impact of global warming: Now, as ‘‘ALC’’); and therefore, be it agreed to: Whereas the REALTORS® Land Institute Resolved, That the Senate— S. RES. 114 is a national professional trade association, (1) supports the goals and ideals of Social Whereas National Rosie the Riveter Day is dedicated to advancing the effective use of Work Month and World Social Work Day on a collective national effort to raise aware- the most precious commodity in the United March 19, 2019; ness of the more than 18,000,000 women in the States, land: Now, therefore, be it (2) acknowledges the diligent efforts of in- civilian labor force during World War II; Resolved, That the Senate— dividuals and groups that promote the im- Whereas the people of the United States (1) recognizes the REALTORS® Land Insti- portance of social work and observe Social have chosen to honor women workers who tute on the occasion of its 75th anniversary; Work Month and World Social Work Day; contributed from the home front during and (3) encourages individuals to engage in ap- World War II; (2) respectfully requests that the Secretary propriate ceremonies and activities to pro- Whereas those women left their homes to of the Senate transmit a copy of this resolu- mote further awareness of the life-changing work or volunteer full-time in factories, tion to the REALTORS® Land Institute. roles that social workers play; and farms, shipyards, airplane factories, banks, f (4) recognizes with gratitude the contribu- and other institutions in support of the tions of the millions of caring individuals Armed Forces overseas; SENATE RESOLUTION 116—SUP- who have chosen to serve their communities Whereas those women worked with the PORTING THE GOALS AND through social work. United Service Organizations and the Amer- IDEALS OF SOCIAL WORK MONTH f ican Red Cross, drove trucks, riveted air- AND WORLD SOCIAL WORK DAY plane parts, collected critical materials, ON MARCH 19, 2019 SENATE RESOLUTION 117—DESIG- rolled bandages, and served on rationing NATING MARCH 22, 2019, AS ‘‘NA- Ms. STABENOW submitted the fol- boards; TIONAL REHABILITATION COUN- lowing resolution; which was referred Whereas it is fitting and proper to recog- SELORS APPRECIATION DAY’’ nize and preserve the history and legacy of to the Committee on Health, Edu- working women, including volunteer women, cation, Labor, and Pensions: Mr. CASEY (for himself and Mr. during World War II to promote cooperation S. RES. 116 ISAKSON) submitted the following reso- and fellowship among those women and their Whereas the social work profession is dedi- lution; which was referred to the Com- descendants; cated to enhancing well-being and helping mittee on the Judiciary: Whereas those women and their descend- meet the basic needs of all people, especially S. RES. 117 ants wish to further the advancement of pa- those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and liv- triotic ideas, excellence in the workplace, Whereas rehabilitation counselors support ing in poverty; individuals with disabilities by— and loyalty to the United States; and Whereas, in 2019, the theme of Social Work Whereas March 21, 2019, during Women’s (1) conducting assessments; Month, ‘‘Elevate Social Work’’, embodies the (2) providing counseling; History Month, is an appropriate day to des- need to recognize the extraordinary con- (3) supporting families; and ignate as ‘‘National Rosie the Riveter Day’’: tributions of the profession to the society of (4) assisting in the development of individ- Now, therefore, be it the United States; ualized plans for employment for individuals Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas the social work profession is ex- (1) supports the designation of March 21, with disabilities who are in need of rehabili- pected to grow faster than average over the tation; 2019 as ‘‘National Rosie the Riveter Day’’; next 7 years, with more than 682,000 people and Whereas the purpose of professional orga- expected to be employed as social workers by nizations for rehabilitation counseling and (2) acknowledges the important role played 2026; by women during World War II. education is to promote the improvement of Whereas social workers elevate and em- rehabilitation services available to individ- f power people, giving them the ability to uals with disabilities through— SENATE RESOLUTION 115—RECOG- solve problems, cope with personal road- (1) quality education for counselors; and blocks, and get the resources they need to NIZING THE REALTORS LAND IN- (2) rehabilitation research; succeed; Whereas various professional organizations STITUTE ON THE OCCASION OF Whereas the social work profession is deep- have vigorously advocated for up-to-date ITS 75TH ANNIVERSARY ly woven into the society of the United education and training and the maintenance Mr. COTTON (for himself and Ms. States, with social workers active in govern- of professional standards in the field of reha- DUCKWORTH) submitted the following ment, schools, universities, social service bilitation counseling and education, includ- resolution; which was referred to the agencies, communities, corporations, the ing— military, and health care and mental health Committee on the Judiciary: (1) the National Rehabilitation Associa- care settings; tion; S. RES. 115 Whereas social workers are the largest (2) the Rehabilitation Counselors and Edu- Whereas, in 1944, the REALTORS® Land group of providers of mental health services cators Association; Institute was founded by 20 land specialists in the United States, and the Department of (3) the National Council on Rehabilitation who met at the Drake Hotel in Chicago, Illi- Veterans Affairs is one of the largest em- Education; nois, to establish a national organization ployers of social workers who hold advanced (4) the National Rehabilitation Counseling that would provide education, information, degrees; Association; marketing opportunities, and broker net- Whereas social workers travel across the (5) the American Rehabilitation Coun- working to enhance the ability of their mem- United States and the world to help people in seling Association; bers to conduct business as recognized pro- crisis, helping them overcome issues such as (6) the Commission on Rehabilitation fessional land use specialists and, through death and grief, epidemics, environmental Counselor Certification; collective action, preserve private property pollution, and natural disasters such as (7) the Council of State Administrators of rights; wildfires, hurricanes, and floods; Vocational Rehabilitation; and Whereas, as of 2019, the REALTORS® Land Whereas social workers have been at the (8) the Council on Rehabilitation Edu- Institute has been an affiliate of the Na- forefront of social justice for decades, push- cation; tional Association of REALTORS® for 75 ing for equal rights for women, African Whereas, in March of 1983, the president of years; Americans, Latinos, people who are disabled, the National Council on Rehabilitation Edu- Whereas, in 2019, the REALTORS® Land people who are LGBTQ, and various ethnic, cation testified before the Subcommittee on Institute celebrates 75 years of serving land cultural, and religious groups; Select Education of the Committee on Edu- owners, users, and realtors throughout the Whereas, for more than a century, the so- cation and Labor of the House of Representa- United States and Canada; cial work profession has been on the cutting tives and was instrumental in bringing to Whereas the members of the REALTORS® edge of helping to create changes to make the attention of Congress the need for quali- Land Institute have developed international the society of the United States a better fied rehabilitation counselors; and marketing capabilities and networks place to live, including expanded voting Whereas credentialed rehabilitation coun- throughout the world; rights, improved workplace safety, and the selors provide a higher quality of service to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.063 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1909 individuals in need of rehabilitation, and the festation of the desire of the retirees to con- ficult and expensive to treat, especially development of an accreditation system for tinue their selfless acts of volunteering and among patients with HIV and acquired im- rehabilitation counselors supports the con- their lifelong service to the United States: mune deficiency syndrome (commonly re- tinued education of rehabilitation coun- Now, therefore, be it ferred to as ‘‘AIDS’’); selors: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas, according to the 2018 WHO Global Resolved, That the Senate— (1) designates April 18, 2019, as ‘‘Military Tuberculosis Report, in 2017, 127 countries (1) designates March 22, 2019, as ‘‘National Retiree Appreciation Day’’; and reported at least one case of XDR-TB; Rehabilitation Counselors Appreciation (2) encourages the people of the United Whereas, in 2017, the Centers for Disease Day’’; and States to honor the past and continued serv- Control and Prevention estimated that the (2) commends— ice of military retirees to their local commu- cost of treating a single patient with MDR- (A) rehabilitation counselors for their nities and the United States through appro- TB in the United States averaged $164,000, dedication and hard work in providing coun- priate ceremonies and other activities. and the average cost of treating a patient seling to individuals with disabilities who with XDR-TB was even higher at $526,000, are in need of rehabilitation; and f compared with $19,000 to treat a patient with (B) professional organizations for their ef- SENATE RESOLUTION 119—SUP- drug-susceptible TB; Whereas MDR-TB and XDR-TB cases in the forts in assisting individuals with disabil- PORTING THE GOALS OF WORLD ities who are in need of rehabilitation. United States between 2005 and 2007 collec- TUBERCULOSIS DAY TO RAISE tively cost the health care system an esti- f AWARENESS ABOUT TUBER- mated $53,000,000, according to an analysis by SENATE RESOLUTION 118—RECOG- CULOSIS the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- NIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF Mr. BROWN (for himself and Mr. tion; Whereas the Centers for Disease Control PAYING TRIBUTE TO THOSE IN- SULLIVAN) submitted the following res- DIVIDUALS WHO HAVE FAITH- and Prevention estimates that costs result- olution; which was referred to the ing from all forms of TB in the United States FULLY SERVED AND RETIRED Committee on Health, Education, totaled more than $460,000,000 in 2017; FROM THE ARMED FORCES OF Labor, and Pensions: Whereas, in a 2000 report, the Institute of THE UNITED STATES, DESIG- S. RES. 119 Medicine found that a decrease in TB control NATING APRIL 18, 2019, AS ‘‘MILI- funding and the spread of HIV and AIDS 1 TARY RETIREE APPRECIATION Whereas ⁄4 of the population of the world caused a resurgence of TB in the late 1980s is infected with the tuberculosis bacterium DAY’’, AND ENCOURAGING THE and early 1990s; (commonly referred to as ‘‘TB’’); Whereas a total of 9,105 TB cases were re- PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES Whereas the World Health Organization TO HONOR THE PAST AND CON- ported in the United States in 2017, rep- (commonly referred to as the ‘‘WHO’’) esti- resenting all 50 States and the District of Co- TINUED SERVICE OF MILITARY mates that 10,000,000 people developed TB in lumbia, and up to 13,000,000 people in the RETIREES TO THEIR LOCAL COM- 2017, nine percent of whom were also infected United States are estimated to be living with MUNITIES AND THE UNITED with the human immunodeficiency virus latent TB infection; STATES (commonly referred to as ‘‘HIV’’); Whereas 75 percent of States have reported Whereas, in 2017, TB killed an estimated an increase in the proportion of complex Ms. WARREN (for herself, Mr. CRUZ, 1,600,000 people, causing more deaths world- cases of TB in recent years due to factors Mr. JONES, Mr. DAINES, Mr. MURPHY, wide than any other single infectious agent; such as homelessness, HIV infection, drug re- Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. Whereas 2⁄3 of new TB infections in 2017 oc- sistance, substance abuse, refugee status, TILLIS, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. PERDUE, curred in India, China, Indonesia, the Phil- and other factors; Mr. KAINE, Mr. RUBIO, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. ippines, Pakistan, , Bangladesh, and Whereas the rate of TB disease in African South Africa; WICKER, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. SULLIVAN, Americans is eight times higher than the Whereas TB is a leading killer of people in- Mr. PETERS, Mr. YOUNG, Mr. WARNER, rate in White non-Hispanic Americans, and fected with HIV, and 300,000 people with HIV significant disparities exist among other mi- Mr. HAWLEY, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. ROUNDS, died of TB in 2017; norities in the United States, including Na- and Ms. MURKOWSKI) submitted the fol- Whereas additional vulnerable populations tive Americans and Alaska Natives, Asian lowing resolution; which was referred at high risk for developing TB include preg- Americans, and Hispanic Americans, with 86 to the Committee on the Judiciary: nant women and newborns; percent of all reported TB cases in the S. RES. 118 Whereas TB is one of the six leading causes United States in 2016 occurring in racial or of death among adult women between the Whereas there are approximately 2,000,000 ethnic minorities; ages of 15 and 49 in low-income countries, retirees of the Armed Forces of the United Whereas, globally in 2017, an estimated and women with TB can face stigma, dis- States who have earned their retirement 1,000,000 children developed TB and 230,000 crimination, and in some settings through career service, a service-connected children died of TB; ostracization by their families and commu- disability, or both; Whereas smoking greatly increases the nities; Whereas military retirees show an risks of contracting TB and TB recurrence Whereas the global TB epidemic and the unrivaled dedication to service, having faith- and impairs the response to treatment; spread of drug-resistant TB present a per- fully served their country and dedicated Whereas diabetes is a major risk factor for sistent public health threat to the United TB, and people with diabetes are more likely much of their lives knowing that at any mo- States because the disease does not recognize to develop TB and have a higher risk of ment they could be sent anywhere in the borders; death due to TB; world and possibly asked to make the ulti- Whereas antibiotic-resistant pathogens are Whereas bedaquiline is an antibiotic that mate sacrifice to protect and defend the na- a growing problem worldwide, and drug-re- boosts an MDR-TB patient’s chance of sur- tional security of the United States; sistant TB can occur when the drugs used to vival from approximately 50 percent to as Whereas military retirees, through their treat TB are misused or mismanaged; much as 80 percent, and through a public-pri- perseverance and dedication— (1) have proven to be leaders who are resil- Whereas studies have demonstrated direct vate partnership, the United States Agency ient, focused, disciplined, well-trained, and person-to-person transmission of drug-resist- for International Development (commonly well-educated; and ant TB; referred to as ‘‘USAID’’) provided approxi- (2) bring the best qualities of citizenship in Whereas multi-drug resistant TB (com- mately 30,000 treatments in 110 countries the United States to lifelong service within monly referred to as ‘‘MDR-TB’’) is caused from 2015 through the end of February 2018; their national and local communities as de- by bacteria with resistance to rifampin and Whereas Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, a TB pendable, responsible citizens and neighbors; isoniazid, the two most potent treatments vaccine that is known as ‘‘BCG’’, provides Whereas the qualities of a military retiree for TB infection; some protection to infants and young chil- often result in positive contributions to— Whereas, according to the 2018 WHO Global dren but has had little epidemiologic impact (1) the civilian workforce, as experienced Tuberculosis Report, in 2017 an estimated 3.5 on TB worldwide; and knowledgeable employees; percent of all new TB cases and 18 percent of Whereas there is a critical need for new (2) local educational institutions, as teach- previously treated cases were MDR-TB or drugs, diagnostics, and vaccines for control- ers, counselors, and coaches; rifampin-resistant TB; ling the global TB epidemic; (3) local government, as elected public Whereas, in 2017, an estimated 558,000 peo- Whereas, in September 2018, the United Na- servants; and ple around the world developed MDR-TB or tions held the first high-level meeting on TB (4) communities, as dedicated and effective rifampin-resistant TB, yet only approxi- in which 120 countries, including the United volunteers; mately 25 percent of those individuals have States, signed a political declaration com- Whereas the dedication and focus of mili- been identified and treated; mitting to accelerating the TB response, in- tary retirees helps strengthen and stabilize Whereas extensively drug-resistant TB cluding by increasing funding for TB control local communities; and (commonly referred to as ‘‘XDR-TB’’) is a programs and research and development ef- Whereas the contributions of military re- rare type of TB that is resistant to nearly all forts, with the goal of reaching all affected tirees to their communities are the mani- medicines, and therefore can be very dif- people with TB prevention and care;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.065 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1910 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 Whereas the enactment of the Tom Lantos AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND (11) On February 15, 2019, the President an- and Henry J. Hyde United States Global PROPOSED nounced the Treasury Forfeiture Fund would Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, provide to U.S. Customs and Border Protec- and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008 SA 200. Mr. TOOMEY (for himself and Mr. tion $601,000,000 for physical barriers along (Public Law 110–293; 122 Stat. 2918), and the ALEXANDER) submitted an amendment in- the southern border under the authority of Comprehensive Tuberculosis Elimination tended to be proposed by him to the joint section 9705 of title 31, United States Code, resolution H.J. Res. 46, relating to a national Act of 2008 (Public Law 110–392; 122 Stat. 4195) which established the Fund and allows the emergency declared by the President on Feb- provided a historic United States commit- Secretary of the Treasury to provide monies ruary 15, 2019; which was ordered to lie on ment to the global eradication of TB, includ- from the Fund for use ‘‘in connection with the table. ing a commitment to treat 4,500,000 TB pa- the law enforcement activities of any Fed- tients and 90,000 MDR-TB patients between f eral agency’’. 2009 and 2013 and to provide additional treat- TEXT OF AMENDMENTS (12) On February 15, 2019, the President an- ment through coordinated multilateral ef- nounced that Department of Defense funds forts; SA 200. Mr. TOOMEY (for himself and would be made available from the Depart- Whereas USAID— Mr. ALEXANDER) submitted an amend- ment’s Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug (A) provides technical assistance to 22 ment intended to be proposed by him Activities account for physical barriers countries highly burdened by TB to build to the joint resolution H.J. Res. 46, re- along the southern border under the author- self-reliance and support the adoption of lating to a national emergency de- ity of section 284 of title 10, United States state-of-the-art TB-related technologies; clared by the President on February 15, Code, which authorizes the Secretary of De- (B) supports the development of new di- 2019; which was ordered to lie on the fense to ‘‘provide support for the agnostic and treatment tools; and table; as follows: counterdrug activities or activities to (C) supports research to develop new vac- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- counter transnational organized crime of cines and other new methods to combat lowing: any other department or agency of the Fed- TB; SEC. ll. FINDINGS. eral Government’’, including for the Whereas, in 2018, USAID launched— Congress makes the following findings: ‘‘[c]onstruction of roads and fences and in- (A) a new business model entitled ‘‘Glob- (1) Fentanyl and fentanyl analogues were stallation of lighting to block drug smug- al Accelerator to End Tuberculosis’’ to ac- responsible for more than 28,400 overdose gling corridors across international bound- celerate progress and build self-reliance deaths in the United States in 2017, accord- aries of the United States’’. with respect to TB prevention and treat- ing to the National Institute of Drug Abuse. (13) Section 8005 of division A of the De- ment; and (2) According to the Department of Home- partment of Defense and Labor, Health and (B) a new mechanism to directly support land Security, U.S. Customs and Border Pro- Human Services, and Education Appropria- local organizations in priority countries; tection has reported that fentanyl smuggling tions Act, 2019 (Public Law 115–245) permits Whereas TB incidence in the countries that between ports of entry at the southern bor- the Secretary of Defense to transfer up to receive bilateral TB funding from the United der of the United States more than doubled $4,000,000,000 of funds to other accounts, in- States through USAID has decreased by from fiscal year 2017 to fiscal year 2018. cluding the Department of Defense’s Drug nearly 1⁄4 since 2000; (3) According to the Department of Home- Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities ac- Whereas, according the Copenhagen Con- land Security, in the past 5 years, U.S. Cus- count, provided that ‘‘such action is nec- sensus Center, TB prevention programs re- toms and Border Protection has seen a 620 essary in the national interest’’. turn $56 for each dollar invested, which is percent increase in families—or those posing (14) The sum of the amounts described in one of the highest returns on investment of as families—apprehended at the border, with paragraphs (10) through (13) is $5,976,000,000, any health intervention; fiscal year 2018 being the highest on record an amount in excess of the $5,700,000,000 Whereas the Centers for Disease Control for family apprehensions at the border. sought by the President for 234 miles of and Prevention, partnering with other enti- (4) The journey to the southern border for physical barriers along the southern border ties of the United States and individual women and children traveling from Central in the request described in paragraph (9). States and territories, directs the national America is fraught with incredible danger, (15) On June 27, 2013, the Senate agreed to TB elimination program, coordinates TB sur- including increased risk of violence and sex- the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, veillance, technical assistance, and preven- ual abuse from gangs and coyotes. and Immigration Modernization Act (S. 744, tion activities, and helps to support the de- (5) The bipartisan Secure Fence Act of 2006 113th Congress), which was introduced by velopment of new diagnostic, treatment, and (Public Law 109–367; 120 Stat. 2638) was Senator Charles E. Schumer (Democrat of prevention tools to combat TB; signed into law on October 26, 2006, and man- New York), and included the following con- Whereas the National Institutes of Health, dated that the Department of Homeland Se- gressional finding: ‘‘As a Nation, we have the through its many institutes and centers, curity achieve and maintain operational right and responsibility to make our borders plays the leading role in basic and clinical control of the international land border, safe, to establish clear and just rules for research on the identification, treatment, using physical infrastructure as well as seeking citizenship, to control the flow of and prevention of TB; other means, to ensure ‘‘the prevention of all legal immigration, and to eliminate illegal Whereas the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, unlawful entries into the United States, in- immigration, which in some cases has be- Tuberculosis, and Malaria (commonly re- cluding entries by terrorists, other unlawful come a threat to our national security.’’. ferred to as the ‘‘Global Fund’’), to which the aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, f United States is a top financial donor, pro- and other contraband’’. vides more than 65 percent of all inter- (6) Over the past 25 years, the United NOTICE OF INTENT TO OBJECT TO national financing for TB programs; States Government has constructed 654 miles PROCEEDING Whereas, to date, Global Fund-supported of physical barriers on the southern border. I, Senator MIKE BRAUN, intend to ob- programs have detected and treated more (7) The Department of Homeland Security ject to proceeding to H.R. 269, a bill to than 17,400,000 cases of TB; and is only seeking to expand the physical bar- Whereas March 24, 2019, is World Tuber- rier on the southern border in operationally reauthorize certain programs under the culosis Day, a day that commemorates the necessary locations, not to build a physical Public Health Service Act and the Fed- date in 1882 on which Dr. Robert Koch an- barrier for all 1,954 miles of the southern bor- eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act nounced his discovery of Mycobacterium tu- der. with respect to public health security berculosis, the bacteria that causes TB: Now, (8) U.S. Customs and Border Protection has and all-hazards preparedness and re- therefore, be it identified 17 high priority locations on the sponse, to clarify the regulatory frame- Resolved, That the Senate— southern border where there is a current work with respect to certain non- (1) supports the goals of World Tuber- operational need for physical barriers. prescription drugs that are marketed culosis Day to raise awareness about tuber- (9) On January 6, 2019, the President re- culosis; quested that Congress appropriate without an approved drug application, (2) commends the progress of tuberculosis $5,700,000,000 for the construction of approxi- and for other purposes, dated March 14, elimination efforts by entities that include mately 234 miles of new physical barriers to 2019 for the following reasons as stated the United States Agency for International fully fund the top 10 high priority locations in the RECORD. Development, the Centers for Disease Con- identified by U.S. Customs and Border Pro- f trol and Prevention, the National Institutes tection. of Health, the World Health Organization, (10) On February 15, 2019, the Consolidated AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuber- Appropriations Act, 2019 (Public Law 116–6) MEET culosis, and Malaria; and was signed into law, providing the Depart- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I have 6 (3) reaffirms the commitment to strength- ment of Homeland Security with en the United States leadership and effec- $1,375,000,000 for ‘‘the construction of pri- requests for committees to meet during tiveness of the global response to tuber- mary pedestrian fencing, including levee pe- today’s session of the Senate. They culosis with the goal of ending the tuber- destrian fencing, in the Rio Grande Valley have the approval of the Majority and culosis epidemic. Sector’’. Minority leaders.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.065 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1911 Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- DESIGNATION OF MARCH 21, 2019, objection, it is so ordered. ate, the following committees are au- AS ‘‘NATIONAL ROSIE THE RIV- The Senator from Alaska is recog- thorized to meet during today’s session ETER DAY’’ nized. of the Senate: Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I f COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES ask unanimous consent that the Sen- TRIBUTE TO PETER KAISER The Committee on Armed Services is ate proceed to the immediate consider- authorized to meet during the session Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, it is ation of S. Res. 114, submitted earlier that time of day on the Senate floor of the Senate on Thursday, March 14, today. 2019, at 9:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing. when I get to recognize someone spe- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The cial from my State, someone we refer COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN clerk will report the resolution by to as the Alaskan of the Week, some- AFFAIRS title. one who makes our great State of Alas- The Committee on Banking, Housing, The legislative clerk read as follows: and Urban Affairs is authorized to ka, in my opinion, the best and most A resolution (S. Res. 114) expressing sup- meet during the session of the Senate unique State in the country. I know it port for the designation of March 21, 2019, as is the pages’ favorite speech of the on Thursday, March 14, 2019, at 10 a.m., ‘‘National Rosie the Riveter Day.’’ week as well. I don’t think you are to conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Finan- There being no objection, the Senate going to be disappointed with this one, cial stability oversight council proceeded to consider the resolution. the young men and women here work- nonbank designation.’’ Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ing as pages. COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL further ask unanimous consent that Now, some may take issue with the RESOURCES the resolution be agreed to, the pre- claim of the most unique State in the The Committee on Energy and Nat- amble be agreed to, and the motions to Union, but consider this: Right now we ural Resources is authorized to meet reconsider be considered made and laid have teams of mushers and their dogs during the session of the Senate on upon the table with no intervening ac- that are barreling 900 miles across the Thursday, March 14, 2019, at 10 a.m., to tion or debate. State of Alaska toward the city of conduct a hearing. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Nome in some of the harshest condi- COMMITTEE ON FINANCE objection, it is so ordered. tions and some of the most difficult The Committee on Finance is author- The resolution (S. Res. 114) was and rugged terrain on the planet Earth. ized to meet during the session of the agreed to. The Iditarod—the ‘‘Last Great Race on Senate on Thursday, March 14, 2019, at The preamble was agreed to. Earth’’—is still under way in Alaska. 10:15 a.m., to conduct a hearing enti- (The resolution, with its preamble, is Right now, mushers, literally as we tled ‘‘The President’s Fiscal year 2020 printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- speak, are rolling in to Nome today, to- budget.’’ mitted Resolutions.’’) morrow, and in the next few days. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE We salute all of the mushers and f The Committee on Finance is author- their dogs, the athletes—these dogs are ized to meet during the session of the ORDERS FOR FRIDAY, MARCH 15, great athletes—for their hard work. We Senate on Thursday, March 14, 2019, at 2019, THROUGH MONDAY, MARCH are particularly proud this year. For 1:30 p.m., to conduct a hearing entitled 25, 2019 the first time in history, three ‘‘The President’s Fiscal year 2020 budg- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I women—Page Drobyn, Jessie Royer, et.’’ ask unanimous consent that when the and Aliy Zirkle—are among the top ten SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE Senate completes its business today, it finishers in the Iditarod. Like all races, there is a winner, and The Select Committee on Intel- adjourn to then convene for pro forma our Alaskan of the Week—we see a ligence is authorized to meet during sessions only, with no business being great picture of him and his dogs the session of the Senate on Thursday, conducted, on the following dates and here—is the winner. After 9 days, 12 March 14, 2019, at 2 p.m., to conduct a times and that following each pro hours, 39 minutes, and 6 seconds on the closed hearing. forma session, the Senate adjourn until trail, at 3:39 a.m., yesterday morning, f the next pro forma session: Friday, in Nome, AK, Bethel resident Peter March 15, 2019, at 11 a.m.; Tuesday, NATIONAL CEREBRAL PALSY Kaiser crossed the finish line in Nome March 19, 2019, at 9:30 a.m.; Thursday, AWARENESS DAY to win this year’s Iditarod. March 21, 2019, at 2:10 p.m. I further ask Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I This win is also historic for a number that when the Senate adjourns on ask unanimous consent that the Sen- of reasons. Pete is the first person from Thursday, March 21, 2019, it next con- ate proceed to the consideration of S. Bethel, AK, to win the race. He is the vene at 3 p.m., Monday, March 25, 2019, Res. 113, submitted earlier today. fifth Alaska Native to win and the first and that following the prayer and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Alaskan of Yupik descent to take the pledge, the morning hour be deemed clerk will report the resolution by title. expired, the Journal of proceedings be title. A crowd was there waiting for him. It The legislative clerk read as follows: approved to date, and the time for the seemed like half the town of Bethel two leaders be reserved for their use A resolution (S. Res. 113) designating was there waiting for him. As he March 25, 2019, as ‘‘National Cerebral Palsy later in the day, morning business be crossed the finish line, they were Awareness Day.’’ closed, and the Senate proceed to exec- chanting: Way to go, Pete. Way to go, There being no objection, the Senate utive session and resume consideration Pete. Alaska Native dancers performed. proceeded to consider the resolution. of the Bade nomination; finally, that There were hugs and tears of joy all Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I notwithstanding the provisions of rule around. His wife Bethany was there. ask unanimous consent that the reso- XXII, the cloture motions filed during Their two children, Ari Joseph and lution be agreed to, the preamble be today’s session ripen at 5:30 p.m., Mon- daughter Aylee, were also there. agreed to, and the motions to recon- day, March 25, 2019. This is also exciting because of the sider be considered made and laid upon The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without race’s historic roots. Before I talk the table with no intervening action or objection, it is so ordered. more about Pete, for a little bit, let me debate. f take you back to a remarkable piece of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without history that happened in Nome, AK, in ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT objection, it is so ordered. 1925, when diphtheria serum was des- The resolution (S. Res. 113) was Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if perately needed in Nome for several agreed to. there is no further business to come be- very sick children. The preamble was agreed to. fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- It was 1925, in Alaska, and the near- (The resolution, with its preamble, is sent that it stand adjourned under the est batch of serum was 1,000 miles away printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- previous order, following the remarks in Anchorage. There weren’t—and, un- mitted Resolutions.’’) of Senator SULLIVAN. fortunately, there still aren’t—any

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR6.068 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1912 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 14, 2019 roads between Nome and Anchorage. and he has run every Iditarod since Congratulations, again, to you and As a matter of fact, Alaska has almost 2010, placing fifth three different times. your wonderful, hard-working dogs on 200 communities that don’t have any This year, he won it all. He took the being the 2019 Iditarod champ, and con- roads connecting them to other places. gold. gratulations for being our Alaskan of There were no commercial airlines This was not an easy year on the the Week. back then. The nearest train station to trail. In 2017, it was one of the coldest I yield the floor. Nome was roughly 700 miles away. So, Iditarods on record. Most of the trail in the winter, people traveled mostly most of the time out there was 30, 40, f by dog sled. or maybe even 50 below zero. It was On the night of January 27, 1925, very cold, very dark. This year, inter- ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 11 A.M. musher ‘‘Wild Bill’’ Shannon tied a 20- estingly, was one of the warmest. The TOMORROW pound package of serum wrapped in lack of snow in some areas presented The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- protective fur around his sled. He and challenges. One area of the trail—al- ate stands adjourned until 11 a.m. to- his nine dogs started the hundreds-of- most 80 miles, on what we call tussocks morrow. miles journey—the ‘‘Great Race of or rolling tundra—was in many areas Thereupon, the Senate, at 5:01 p.m., Mercy’’ it was called back then—across without snow. It was like mushing over adjourned until Friday, March 15, 2019, the frozen Alaska land. The entire Na- bowling balls, said Pete after he won. at 11 a.m. tion was watching. This was reported But he kept his cool and ran a stra- in newspapers all across America. tegic, determined race, and, impor- f Wild Bill went for some time. Miles tantly, he knew the area. While other NOMINATIONS later, he met up with another racer and mushers trained in the more urban another team of dogs, and this relay of areas, he stuck with rural Alaska, Executive nominations received by dog mushers carrying the serum for the where the trail really gets rough, and the Senate: sick kids in Nome continued until the he knew how to handle it. MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE CORPORATION lifesaving serum reached Nome 5 days He husbanded his strength and the MICHAEL O. JOHANNS, OF NEBRASKA, TO BE A MEMBER later—pretty remarkable. power of his dogs to maneuver into po- OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE CORPORATION FOR A TERM OF TWO YEARS. The original race, as I mentioned, in sition on the Bering Sea coast toward (REAPPOINTMENT) 1925, began to be reenacted, with some the end of the race. It was there, as DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY twists, in 1973. There were no relays other teams faltered, that he charged TROY D. EDGAR, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE CHIEF FINAN- and just one musher and his dogs run- to victory, besting a good friend of his CIAL OFFICER, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, ning the whole route. It continues by just minutes, one of the closest fin- VICE CHARLES H. FULGHUM. today in honor of that lifesaving mis- ishes in Iditarod history. PRIVACY AND CIVIL LIBERTIES OVERSIGHT sion that happened—and saved the Yesterday I got to call Pete to con- BOARD kids, by the way—in Nome almost a gratulate him. He said at the end, dog- EDWARD W. FELTEN, OF NEW JERSEY, TO BE A MEM- century ago. tired, that it was all a blur. They don’t BER OF THE PRIVACY AND CIVIL LIBERTIES OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR A TERM EXPIRING JANUARY 29, 2025. (RE- What a race it is. The mushers face sleep much—for almost 9 days. APPOINTMENT) frostbite, howling winds, and blizzards. Speaking of dogs, he said that his They risk getting lost in the great champion dogs were eating a lot right f Alaskan wilderness. In fact, they risk now and getting a well-deserved rest. their lives along the way. You can see some of those beautiful CONFIRMATIONS Entering the race at all requires dogs, who by the way, love to run. Executive nominations confirmed by fierce determination, but winning the They love to run. the Senate March 14, 2019: race, like Peter Kaiser just did, re- In Alaska, our Iditarod winners are DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE quires even more than determination. like rock stars. They become very fa- DONALD W. WASHINGTON, OF TEXAS, TO BE DIRECTOR It requires years of grueling training, mous overnight. Pete will be no dif- OF THE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE. it requires guts, and it requires an ferent. He will be an inspiration to so CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING Alaskan-sized heart. That is what Pete many, partly because of his hometown JANICE MIRIAM HELLREICH, OF HAWAII, TO BE A MEM- Kaiser has. and his humble roots. BER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORA- Myron Angstman, another longtime TION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING FOR A TERM EXPIRING Let me tell you a little about Pete, JANUARY 31, 2024. our Alaskan of the Week and our 2019 musher and Pete’s hero, said that most ROBERT A. MANDELL, OF FLORIDA, TO BE A MEMBER local mushers aren’t sponsored. He OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION Iditarod champ. FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING FOR A TERM EXPIRING JAN- He is 31 years old. He was born and said: ‘‘They’re not wealthy and they UARY 31, 2022. raised in Bethel, and he traces his don’t have a family kennel already es- BRUCE M. RAMER, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION mushing roots back to his great-grand- tablished.’’ But Pete’s success will in- FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING FOR A TERM EXPIRING JAN- father, who came into the country as a spire others. UARY 31, 2024. gold miner and made extended trips Pete agrees. When a reporter asked IN THE COAST GUARD with his dog team from the interior him what his victory means for his COAST GUARD NOMINATION OF ALEXANDER C. FOOS, part of the State to Bristol Bay. His community and for smaller towns in TO BE CAPTAIN. great-grandfather met and married a Alaska, he said that it ‘‘shows that NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION beautiful Yupik woman who had been somebody’’ from out in the rural parts RODNEY HOOD, OF NORTH CAROLINA, TO BE A MEMBER of the State ‘‘can have a dream and put OF THE NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION raised in an orphanage, and that was BOARD FOR A TERM EXPIRING AUGUST 2, 2023. his great-grandmother. it all together and work hard and TODD M. HARPER, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE A MEMBER OF He grew up with dogs. He and his sis- things can happen like this.’’ Those are THE NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION BOARD FOR A TERM EXPIRING APRIL 10, 2021. ter loved mushing. When Pete was in inspiring words, and I am sure we will FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW college, he decided he really wanted to see new generations of mushers heed- COMMISSION know everything about dogs that he ing Pete’s call and jumping into the WILLIAM I. ALTHEN, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE A MEMBER OF could, and that passion turned into dog field as a result of his example and his THE FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW COM- mushing full time in the great State of success. MISSION FOR A TERM OF SIX YEARS EXPIRING AUGUST 30, 2024. Alaska. According to him, that Thank you, Pete, for reminding all of MARCO M. RAJKOVICH, JR., OF KENTUCKY, TO BE A mushing, that determination, and that us that with enough hard work, grit, MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW COMMISSION FOR A TERM OF SIX YEARS EXPIR- hard work gave his life focus and pur- guts, and determination, any kid from ING AUGUST 30, 2024. pose. any small town or any village can fol- ARTHUR R. TRAYNOR III, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUM- BIA, TO BE A MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL MINE SAFETY Pete has won another race, Bethel’s low their dreams and make them a re- AND HEALTH REVIEW COMMISSION FOR A TERM EXPIR- Kuskokwim 300, four times in a row, ality. ING AUGUST 30, 2022.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\G14MR6.065 S14MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E307 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

DIVIDED FAMILIES and short-sighted. Recently, I had the pleas- for leading efforts to encourage economic REUNIFICATION ACT ure of speaking with Irma Flores. Irma is a growth, revitalize their community, and protect community engagement specialist for the city its future. HON. GRACE MENG of Somerville, Massachusetts, where she as- Concerned about the decreasing population OF NEW YORK sists the Spanish-speaking community. She of rural America, Winnett ACES (Agricultural IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lives in Haverhill, in my District, with her and Community Enhancement and Sustain- Thursday, March 14, 2019 daughter, who goes to school at UMass Bos- ability) formed in 2016 to strengthen its com- ton. Her son graduated from Suffolk University munity so that future generations will live, Ms. MENG. Madam Speaker, I rise today to with degrees in International Relations and work, and raise their families there. announce the introduction of my Divided Fami- Political Science. Irma, herself, studied Inter- The group’s first program to take off was lies Reunification Act, and to raise the voices national Relations in her native country at the Winnett Beef in the School, which serves lo- of families who have been separated for dec- University of El Salvador. However, she and cally-raised beef to the local K–12 school sys- ades both across the DMZ and across the Pa- her kids fled to the United States 18 years ago tem. Led by local producer Charlie Ahlgren, cific Ocean. because of a devastating earthquake. area ranchers made a three-year commitment The division of the Korean Peninsula into For nearly two decades, the United States to donate beef, about four cows per year, to South and North Korea separated millions of has been Irma’s home and her children’s the program. Other volunteers helped cut and Koreans from their family members. While home. The people of Somerville depend upon deliver the fresh product. Within three months, there have been some agreed upon reunions her; and she is a beloved part of the Haverhill the program had successfully launched, sav- between South and North Koreans, for Korean community. ing money for the schools to use on other Americans there is no pathway for such re- It is estimated that there are more than education priorities. unions. Many of these Americans are in their 12,000 people living in the Commonwealth of Winnett ACES is also leading a revitalization 70s–90s, and time is of the essence to be re- Massachusetts with Temporary Protected Sta- project to build a community center. Land has united with their families. tus—half of whom are from El Salvador. How- been donated, and grant money awarded to I am proud to introduce the Divided Families ever, people like Irma have had their lives up- design the center, which will accommodate Reunification Act, which requires the Secretary ended by the callousness of the Administra- 300 people. of State or a designee to consult with officials tion’s policy. Another project, known as grass banking, is in South Korea on potential opportunities to If Irma’s story isn’t persuasive enough for underway after a feasibility study produced the reunite Korean American families with family Congress to act, consider the fact that the law, program’s guidelines. Local ranchers and members in North Korea. This bill will also re- despite the Administration’s claim, does not landowners lease their lands for summer graz- quire the Special Envoy on North Korean require her return. That’s because we have ing in exchange for conservation work. Seven Human Rights to submit a report on the op- the power to permit extensions if these resi- individuals will each graze 100 or more cattle portunities for video reunions between Korean dents are unable to return in safety. when the program launches this spring. Americans and family members in North The United States does not—and should These projects are a few of the inventive Korea. not—return people to disaster areas or approaches Winnett ACES is taking to Thank you to my colleagues, Chairman warzones. In January, our State Department strengthen its community. BRAD SHERMAN, Rep. KAREN BASS, Rep. BAR- renewed its travel advisory to El Salvador. The Madam Speaker, for their innovative efforts BARA LEE, Rep. JAMES P. MCGOVERN, Rep. warning reads: ‘‘Violent crime, such as mur- to bolster their community’s future, I recognize JAN SCHAKOWSKY, Rep. ELEANOR HOLMES der, assault, rape, and armed robbery, is com- the members of Winnett ACES for their spirit NORTON, Rep. GILBERT CISNEROS, Rep. ROB mon. Gang activity, such as extortion, violent of Montana. WOODALL, and Rep. TULSI GABBARD for sup- street crime, and narcotics and arms traf- porting this bipartisan legislation. f ficking, is widespread.’’ These are not condi- f tions under which families should be forced to HONORING THE LIFE OF TRISH MORRIS-YAMBA DREAM AND PROMISE ACT return. But if the legal argument is not persuasive HON. LORI TRAHAN either, consider the fact that TPS holders con- HON. DONALD M. PAYNE, JR. OF MASSACHUSETTS tribute nearly $650 million to the Common- OF NEW JERSEY wealth’s economy. One analysis found that if IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Salvadoran, Honduran, and Haitian workers Thursday, March 14, 2019 Thursday, March 14, 2019 with TPS were removed from the labor force, Mrs. TRAHAN. Madam Speaker, I rise today the United States would lose $164 billion in Mr. PAYNE. Madam Speaker, I ask my col- to urge this Congress to provide permanent gross domestic product over the next decade. leagues to join me in honoring a life well lived. relief to the Dreamers, Deferred Enforcement Again, Madam Speaker, this is cruel, unnec- Trish Morris-Yamba was an early childhood Departure, and Temporary Protected Status essary and shortsighted policy. This Congress education visionary from South Orange, New holders whose lives have been turned upside should approve the Dream and Promise Act, Jersey. She passed away peacefully on March down by the Administration. We must pass which provides a permanent fix for Dreamers, 8, 2019. H.R. 6, the Dream and Promise Act, without DACA, and TPS recipients without delay, so Ms. Morris-Yamba was called to serve chil- delay. that people like Irma and her family can re- dren and community at a young age. When Fourteen months ago, the Department of main safely here as members of our commu- she was in college, she established a campus Homeland Security announced that it was nities. child care center for adult students. After com- ending TPS for nearly 200,000 Salvadorans in f pleting her master’s degree, she opened the the United States. The Department’s decision CHEN School and served as founding presi- about Salvadorans’ TPS was just the latest in RECOGNIZING WINNETT ACES dent of Newark, New Jersey’s Early Childhood a string of such announcements since the fall Coalition. Over the years, Ms. Morris-Yamba of 2017—which also threaten Sudanese, Hai- HON. GREG GIANFORTE served as president of the board of trustees at tian, and Nicaraguan immigrants. Families OF MONTANA the Newark Public Library, a trustee of the have been living in a state of fear and uncer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES New Jersey Performing Arts Center Women’s tainty for a year and a half, and for no good Board Association, a board member for New- reason. Thursday, March 14, 2019 ark Emergency Services for Families, and ex- Madam Speaker, I’d like to explain why this Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I rise ecutive director of Newark Day Center and the is not only cruel policy, but also unnecessary today to honor the members of Winnett ACES Greater Newark Fresh Air Fund, among other

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:33 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K14MR8.001 E14MRPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 14, 2019 roles. Ms. Morris-Yamba was the epitome of a HONORING SYLVIA S. BANKS 2011. Mr. Taylor helped make a small-town community servant, and the thousands of lives band competitive with some of largest bands she touched are grateful for her visionary HON. LISA BLUNT ROCHESTER across the state, marching in several national leadership. OF DELAWARE parades such as the Lion’s International Pa- Ms. Morris-Yamba will be forever remem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rade in New York and the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. bered for her belief that society must serve the Thursday, March 14, 2019 total child. She had a love of learning and a Mr. Taylor’s service to the community ex- Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER. Madam Speak- passion for passing knowledge along to future tended beyond his role as a teacher and band er, today I rise to honor a friend, a colleague, director. He taught Bible school at Graves Me- generations. Throughout Newark, Essex a confidant, and a great Delawarean on the morial Presbyterian Church for twenty years County, and all of New Jersey, countless chil- occasion of her semi-retirement. Sylvia Banks and coached baseball and football at the Clin- dren grew into civic-minded adults because of has served as my State Director since I was ton Recreation Department for fifteen years. Ms. Morris-Yamba’s work. first sworn in as Delaware’s member of Con- Not only has he dedicated his life to serving Trish Morris-Yamba was an active member gress. While new members have a host of dif- his community and youth, he also served in of Alpha Kappa Alpha, a member of Bethany ficult decisions to make when assuming office, the United States Air Force where he was a Baptist Church in Newark, a loving wife, moth- naming Sylvia as the leader of my team was drum major for the marching band. er, grandmother, and aunt. I ask that my col- by far my easiest. From her extensive experi- Edward Taylor and many others just like leagues join me to celebrate Ms. Morris- ence as the Manager of Corporate Contribu- him brought liberty to millions throughout the Yamba and to honor her legacy. tions Program at the DuPont Company, to her world during a very dark time of world-history, work as a founding trustee of the Metropolitan and he is one of the giants of his time who f Wilmington Urban League, Sylvia’s resume made America great by doing his part day in even before this job was long and impressive. and day out to influence the lives around him HONORING MR. JOHN ALFIREVICH It’s why I had to convince Sylvia to end her and serving our country every step of the way. FOR BEING NAMED THE 2019 much-deserved retirement early to come and Congratulations to Mr. Taylor on 90 great TIME DEALER OF YEAR join my team. But it wasn’t just her experience years. May God continue to bless him. that made Sylvia a must-have. Her wise coun- Madam Speaker, I include in the RECORD sel had served me well personally for years the proclamation of the mayor of Clinton. HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI and anyone who has spent any amount of ‘‘EDWARD W. TAYLOR DAY’’ OF ILLINOIS time with her can testify to her calming, as- HAPPY 90TH BIRTHDAY sured presence and her incredibly sharp Whereas, family and friends will come to- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sense of humor. gether at Coharie Country Club, 101 Coharie Luckily for me, and for my whole team, Syl- Thursday, March 14, 2019 Lane, Clinton, NC, on this day, Saturday, via’s sense of public service won the day, and February 9, 2019, and celebrate the life of Mr. LIPINSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise today we made a deal that she would serve as State MR. EDWARD W. TAYLOR; and Whereas, February 12, 2019, will mark the to congratulate Mr. John Alfirevich of Apple Director for 1 year. Well, Madam Speaker, 2 years and some months later, I’m happy to 90th birthday of this outstanding man of Chevrolet in Tinley Park for being named the Clinton, Sampson County, North Carolina; 2019 TIME Dealer of the Year. It is an honor say that I got the better end of that bargain. and to recognize not only a successful business- Sylvia is now trying retirement again after fail- Whereas, Mr. Edward W. Taylor was born man, but someone who has demonstrated a ing the first time. Lucky for all of us, I man- February 12, 1929 in Roanoke Rapids, North longstanding commitment to our community. aged to strike another deal with Sylvia. She Carolina; and will be staying on the team part-time as a Whereas, he has been blesed throughout The TIME Dealer of the Year award was Senior Advisor, meaning for all of us, her wise the years and others have been blessed by created in 1970 by TIME magazine in partner- counsel will never be more than a phone call him in many ways. He has contributed much ship with Ally Financial and the National Auto- away. For her end of the deal, Sylvia will now to the City of Clinton and surrounding areas mobile Dealers Association. It is an award as a band director at Clinton High School for have more time for her most important job; 36 years that won titles at the state and na- honoring new-car dealers in the United States mother, grandmother, and golfer. for exceptional performance and distinguished tional levels in some of the most prestigious Sylvia Banks has left a lasting mark on my events; and community service. This year, Mr. Alfirevich office and our State of Delaware, setting a Whereas, his name is known throughout was selected from 51 nominees out of more very high bar, both professionally and person- the land: he led Clinton High School bands than 16,000 franchised dealers throughout the ally for which we can all strive. I am eternally that marched the Lion’s Club Parade in New country. Criteria for the TIME award include grateful for her work. York, Atlanta, and New Orleans and won events at the Cherry Blossom Festival in sales record, customer and employee satisfac- f tion, and service to the community. Washington, DC; the Dogwood Festival in IN HONOR OF EDWARD WINFIELD Knoxville, TN; and the Apple Blossom Fes- Mr. Alfirevich began his career in the car TAYLOR tival in Winchester, VA; and business at the age of 12 at Bob Motl Chev- Whereas, he also served as choir director at rolet in Chicago, the company that would later Graves Memorial Presbyterian Church for become Apple Chevrolet. From there, he con- HON. DAVID ROUZER several years. tinued his journey, working in every depart- OF NORTH CAROLINA Now, therefore, I, Lew Starling, Mayor of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the City of Clinton, North Carolina, do ex- ment, eventually coming to own the dealership tend good wishes and hereby proclaim this along with his father. Mr. Alfirevich credits his Thursday, March 14, 2019 day, Saturday, February 9, 2019, as: ‘‘ED- dealership’s success to its emphasis on hon- Mr. ROUZER. Madam Speaker, it is an WARD W. TAYLOR DAY’’. esty and transparency in every transaction. honor to bring to the attention of this distin- In Witness Whereof, I do hereunto set my His integrity also guides his philanthropic en- hand and seal of said City of Clinton, this guished body Mr. Edward Winfield Taylor of deavors. In 2015, he served as the chairman the 9th day of February, 2019. Clinton, North Carolina, who recently cele- LEW STARLING, of First Look for Charity, a fundraising celebra- brated his 90th birthday. Mr. Taylor is a dedi- tion held before the Chicago Auto Show, rais- Mayor. cated community leader in Sampson County f ing $3 million to benefit Chicago-area char- and in commemoration of Mr. Taylor’s out- ities. Further, under his leadership, Apple standing achievements and service to the REMEMBERING PATRICIA HOWARD Chevrolet made charitable contributions to al- community, Mayor Lew Starling of Clinton pro- most 100 organizations in 2018. claimed Saturday, February 9, 2019, as ‘‘Ed- HON. STEVE COHEN As the 2019 TIME Dealer of the Year, Mr. ward W. Taylor Day.’’ OF TENNESSEE Alfirevich is recognized for his integrity, dedi- This is a well-deserved honor. Mr. Taylor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cation, and service. Madam Speaker, I ask my helped shape countless lives during his 36- colleagues to join me in recognizing Mr. year tenure as an admired teacher and band Thursday, March 14, 2019 Alfirevich. He is well deserving of this award director at Clinton High School. He even went Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, I rise today and I am proud to represent such a talented on to earn induction into the North Carolina to pay a special tribute to a great woman of and charitable businessman. Bandmasters Association Hall of Fame in Memphis, Patricia Claxton Howard, a staunch

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:33 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K14MR8.004 E14MRPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E309 advocate of women’s rights and girls’ em- onstrates how to persevere through trials and HONORING JOHN DAVIS powerment. Mrs. Howard had a lengthy Mem- use an experience to help others. I am hon- phis lineage—one of her uncles played in ored to recognize Brittany’s story today. HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS W.C. Handy’s band and her parents had a OF WASHINGTON hair styling shop and a tire repair business on f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES opposite sides of Chelsea Avenue. After grad- Thursday, March 14, 2019 uating as the salutatorian of her Manassas REMEMBERING REP. LOUISE High School class, she was admitted to South- SLAUGHTER Mrs. RODGERS of Washington. Madam western at Memphis, an early African Amer- Speaker, I rise today to honor the career of ican pioneer integrating what is now Rhodes John Davis. John served as the Military and College. It was as a sociology major at South- HON. STENY H. HOYER Veterans Liaison for Washington’s Fifth Con- western that she got involved with an embry- gressional District for the last 4 years, though onic Girls Club of Memphis as a work-study OF MARYLAND his service to our country spans over 40 project, an association that lasted more than IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years. 50 years during which she rose to become its When you hear about John’s family’s past President and CEO. She also served as the Thursday, March 14, 2019 perhaps it is no surprise that he too followed regional director of Girls Inc., and on the in their great footsteps of service to this na- Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, this House board of the national organization. Mrs. How- tion. ard also served as the executive director of suffered a tremendous loss a year ago. Louise Did you know he can trace his family’s his- the Memphis Center of Reproductive Health Slaughter was not just a Congresswoman and tory back almost 200 years? And throughout and on the board of the Memphis Regional Rules Committee Chair and Ranking Member. that history, members of John’s family line Planned Parenthood. Mrs. Howard was in- She was a respected colleague and a dear have fought in almost every major battle in- ducted into the Memphis Chapter of The friend. She and I served together for more cluding most of the major battles here in the Links, Inc., in 1987 and served over the years than thirty years in this House, and I will al- United States, from the Revolutionary War all as its vice president, president and financial ways remember her for her tenacity, her con- the way up to the Gulf War. secretary. Always active in her community, fidence, and her determination to make the John continued his family’s legacy by serv- Mrs. Howard was on the Memphis and Shelby American Dream attainable for everyone in ing as a crew chief on a C–130 for the United County Collaborative for American Humanities; this country. States Air Force during the war in Vietnam. the Community Forum; the Work Force Invest- He served tours in Korea, Japan and Israel Louise’s drive to fight for better conditions and all around the United States. John was ment Agency; the Coalition of 100 Black for working people in New York and in our Women; and the Blue Ridge Institute for Com- the original ‘‘rocket man,’’ working in ICBM country can be traced to her childhood. The munity Services Executives in the Southeast. missile units as a combat crew member, plan- daughter of a blacksmith from a Kentucky coal She was also a member of Leadership Mem- ner and maintenance officer. mining town, she grew up with a thorough un- phis ’86. In 2017, she received the Girls Inc. During his service, John was awarded the of Memphis SMART Award. She received the derstanding of the challenges faced by those Lance P. Sijan Award, recognizing individuals Black Students Association Alumni of the Year working hard and trying to make it in America. who have demonstrated the highest qualities Award from Rhodes in 2004, the 1999 Pin- Those experiences shaped her as a legislator of leadership in their jobs and lives. John con- nacle Leadership Award from Youth United in her adopted home of upstate New York, tinues to be a leader in his service for his Way, the Thomas W. Briggs Community Serv- where she fought to ensure that communities brothers and sisters in the armed forces. From ice Award, the 1997 Mertie Buckman Mentor had safe drinking water, clean air, and eco- helping the widow of a veteran facing eviction Award from the Women’s Foundation and the nomic opportunities. due to a filing error stay in her home to stay- 1992 Women of Achievement Vision Award. I In Congress, Louise dedicated herself to ing late in the night to hear from 29 veterans want to extend my sincere condolences to her these same causes while promoting human who walked into our office in Colville to ensure their voices were heard, John led with a spirit husband of 48 years, Aubrey; her son Adrian; rights and freedom abroad. We served to- her extended family and her many loving of service. gether on the Helsinki Commission at the end John spent more than 14 years assisting friends. She led an exemplary life and will be of the Cold War, and I fondly recall traveling missed. our Veterans who were homeless through the with her to the former Soviet Union, where we f VA Homeless Programs as well as working as shared the experience of meeting with leaders a mental health professional, serving as a HONORING BRITTANY WELSH’S and citizens of the newly independent states senior clinician on the Involuntary Treatment SENIOR PROJECT yearning to embrace American-style demo- Team. His passion to help our veterans con- cratic institutions. I got to know her late hus- tinues to this day. Each year hundreds of vet- HON. ELAINE G. LURIA band Bob on those journeys and remember erans reach out to my office as their last hope, OF VIRGINIA him fondly as well. and when they called John was there, ready IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Back home, Louise made a difference for to fight for them, and get them the care and Thursday, March 14, 2019 our country in Congress, serving as the Chair- help they earned. Forty years of faithful, diligent service to this Mrs. LURIA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to woman and Ranking Member of the Rules nation deserves to be recognized, and I am so honor and recognize Brittany Welsh, a senior Committee. In that position, she helped shape honored to be able to do so in this way. To at First Colonial High School. Brittany is an nearly every piece of legislation passed when my friend John Davis, I can never say thank example of true perseverance and dedication, Democrats held the Majority from 2007 to you enough for all you have done for Eastern and I am honored to share her story. 2011, including the Recovery Act, Affordable Washington veterans, for my office, and for Brittany Welsh recently underwent surgery Care Act, Dodd-Frank, and student loan re- America. His retirement is well deserved. to have one of her kidneys removed due to an forms. Working Americans owe Louise issue causing high blood pressure. At such a Slaughter a debt of gratitude for being their f young age, Brittany persevered through health champion and fighting so hard over the years HONORING THE LIFE OF CON- complications and used her experience to help on their behalf. GRESSWOMAN LOUISE SLAUGH- others. Brittany dedicated her senior project to TER raising awareness of the need for organ dona- As we remember Louise, let us remember tions. She decided to fundraise for Lifenet, a her for the courage she displayed, for her in- HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO provider of transplant solutions. Brittany’s defatigable nature, and for her wisdom and OF CONNECTICUT project will include an acoustic concert by a wit. I join with my colleagues in marking the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES well-known local band, educational speakers, one-year anniversary of her passing, and I ex- and speakers who have received an organ do- tend once more my condolences to her family. Thursday, March 14, 2019 nation. Her senior project will not only raise I thank Rep. TONKO for leading the House’s Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, I rise to awareness, but will also provide much-needed tribute, and I thank Rep. MORELLE for con- honor the late Congresswoman Louise funds for organ donations. tinuing his predecessor’s commitment to out- Slaughter. Brittany is an example to all of us that organ standing service for the people of New York’s Today, Democrats are in the Majority. donations can save lives. She also dem- Twenty-Fifth District. Twenty-eight women are leading committees

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:33 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.002 E14MRPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 14, 2019 or subcommittees. And, the issues that Louise I emerged from both encounters with greater gotiate project labor agreements. Thousands championed are moving. We are proud to pick resolve to mend the world, Tikkun Olam, of residential units in Contra Costa County up the torch that she left. turning blemishes into blessings. Who can benefited from his efforts to ensure that all remain untouched gazing at the casket of I commit to you, Louise, to fight for antibiotic brutally murdered 14–year-old Emmett Till workers earn a living wage and benefits. resistant research, for equal pay for equal and the photo of his agonizing mother, the Bob has also been a leader in collaborating work—she was the chair of rules when we only exhibit we are forbidden to photograph with community organizations to encourage passed Lily Ledbetter—for ethics in govern- that we should focus uninterruptedly? environmental responsibility in development, ment with regards to Supreme Court justices, We were guided by an incredible docent and has promoted workforce training through and for trade agreements that work for work- telling the story of proud Africans forcibly his role as the chair of the Local’s Joint Ap- and so cruelly separated from their rich ing people. Louise and I fought against prenticeship Training Committee. NAFTA and the TPP. roots and brought to America—those who made it through the terrifying Middle Pas- After a long career of fighting for working Each of those priorities were Louise’s. Now, sage—and brought here to be violated of all people, Bob is now retiring. Please join me in they are at the forefront of our agenda. that is sacred. Both they as slaves and Eu- congratulating Mr. Robert Sewell for a life of This is Louise Slaughter’s majority. We miss rope’s Jews were deemed sub-human. The hard work and service, and in wishing him her voice in the Congress, but we are moving former ones by colonial powers and a new luck in his next chapter. forward with a positive agenda for the people. America promising to advance liberty’s And it is because of her. cause, and the latter ones by a Germany re- f We miss Louise. We love her. And, we garded the world’s most civilized nation. The thank her. vital Jewish and African American partner- ship during the Civil Rights Movement of the INTRODUCTION OF THE NATIONAL f 1960s, needs to be revitalized in the context CAPITAL PLANNING COMMISSION of a wider coalition to move America for- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOME RECOGNIZING RABBI ISRAEL ward. RULE ACT ZOBERMAN’S ARTICLE I wish that both museums could be con- nected by a bridge or a tunnel to visualize HON. ELAINE G. LURIA their inseparable bond. Recently heroic HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON French Father Patrick Desbois had a memo- OF VIRGINIA rable presentation in Virginia Beach. He is OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES renowned for documenting unknown Nazi IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 14, 2019 massacres with local collaboration in occu- pied lands during WWII along with ISIS’s Thursday, March 14, 2019 Mrs. LURIA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to mass crimes in Iraq. He shares a stunning recognize Rabbi Israel Zoberman and include statement in his unsettling book, In Broad Ms. NORTON. Madam Speaker, today, I in- in the RECORD this article, Learning a Shared Daylight, that applies as well to the inhu- troduce the National Capital Planning Com- History of Sorrow: mane treatment of African Americans, ‘‘I mission District of Columbia Home Rule Act. On February 22, 2019, George Washington’s feel a mounting disgust for our species. The This bill would remove the authority of the Na- birthday, during Black History Month, I was sort of nausea that makes you want to quit tional Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) to privileged to travel to the Smithsonian Na- the human race.’’ But we dare not quit the review or approve the development of District tional Museum of African American History human race. Great strides have taken place of Columbia-owned land. This bill would also though progress is an arduous work in the and Culture, close to the Washington Monu- remove the requirement that the Mayor of the ment on the inspiring National Mall of our making. The large number of visitors at the museum, particularly the many students, is District get NCPC’s approval before selling nation’s capital. I was in good company for D.C.-owned real estate, and would allow D.C. the long-awaited tour organized by the Vir- a hopeful sign. We dare not despair of past ginia Beach Human Rights Commission. The and present pain, for that only serves the agencies to transfer jurisdiction over District- 44 passengers on the bus included members of hateful aggressor, while indifference, as Eli owned land among themselves without the Commission, of which I am a grateful Wiesel taught us, only enables evildoers to NCPC’s approval. succeed. member, representation of the Virginia Under federal law, the development of Dis- Beach City Council and the Mayor’s office We need better tools to fight the scourge and resurgence of all forms of hatred, big- trict-owned public buildings, including the loca- along with the Virginia Beach Police Depart- tion, height, bulk, number of stories and size ment, students and staff of the Virginia otry and discrimination. Democracies are at Beach City Public Schools as well as leaders risk of backsliding, as was the case in Ger- of such buildings, in the ‘‘central area’’ is sub- of the African American Culture Center of many, and require eternal vigilance. ject to NCPC approval. The District is required A precious teachable window is open to us Virginia Beach. What an impressive array of to consult with NCPC on its buildings outside following trying circumstances, as we cele- civic commitment! the central area, but NCPC has only advisory brate this year the 400th Anniversary of Vir- As a family member of the Holocaust’s sur- ginia with its dark shadows and shining authority in those areas. The central area is viving remnant of European Jewry. I knew lights. Let us pledge, one diverse but united defined by the concurrent action of NCPC and ahead of the searing visit of the tragic bond family, to rise together higher and higher. the D.C. Council, and currently consists of the between the African American experience Downtown and Shaw Urban Renewal Areas. and the destruction of European Jewry, of f This authority is unnecessary, as shown by the binding bond among all affected by infec- RETIREMENT OF ROBERT SEWELL tious racial, religious, ethnic, national and the virtual absence of its use to disapprove gender hatred seeking to demean, dehuman- sales or development. This latent authority of ize and demonize the ‘other’. There is an un- HON. MARK DeSAULNIER the federal government should not be able to mistakable thread connecting the 2015 mur- OF CALIFORNIA slow or block the development of District- der of 9 Black members at Emanuel African IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES owned land, or add to the cost of develop- Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston S.C., with the gunning down of 11 Jewish Thursday, March 14, 2019 ment. The District is not a federal agency, and should not be treated any differently by federal worshippers at a Sabbath service in Pitts- Mr. DESAULNIER. Madam Speaker, I rise law than other local jurisdictions, where local burg’s Tree of Life Synagogue in 2018; be- today to recognize the service of a longtime development proceeds without federal inter- tween the historical lynchings of Blacks and area union leader, Mr. Robert Sewell, and to the 2017 White Supremacist mayhem in Char- ference. wish him well in his retirement. lottesville, Virginia, resulting in a murder, NCPC consists of 12 members, three ap- with the dreaded shouts of ‘‘Jews will not re- Bob is a second-generation plumber, and place us!’’ still ringing in our ears. Vitriolic like his father before him, a proud union mem- pointed by the President, two appointed by the anti-Semitism is precipitously on the rise in ber. After beginning his career as an appren- Mayor, the Mayor, the Chair of the D.C. Coun- the United States and Europe. tice with Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 159 cil, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary The imposing structure of the African in 1979, Bob has remained a member for of Defense, the Administrator of General Serv- American Museum stands within sight of the nearly 40 years, serving as an officer and a ices, and the Chairs of the Senate Homeland U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. I recalled prominent member of union leadership. Security and Governmental Affairs Committee my first visit there and the subsequent ones, In 2002, Bob was elected as the union’s Fi- and the House Oversight and Reform Com- when I felt the overcoming sense of uncon- mittee. trollable loss. It was the same sensation of nancial Secretary Treasurer and has served being assaulted to the core of my humanity as its Business Manager since 2016. Among This bill is one more important step to in- that I experienced traveling the challenging many other responsibilities, Bob led the Local crease home rule for the District, and I urge halls of the African American Museum. Yet, in partnering with other regional unions to ne- my colleagues to support this bill.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:33 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.006 E14MRPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E311 HONORING OHEF SHOLOM HONORING MIKE POULSON for their excellent emergency response during TEMPLE’S 175TH ANNIVERSARY an emergency on September 1, 2018, in HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS Ocean View, Norfolk, Virginia. HON. ELAINE G. LURIA OF WASHINGTON Each lifeguard recognized the situation and OF VIRGINIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES responded promptly with the proper treatment the injured swimmer needed. They met the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 14, 2019 proper protocol and fulfilled the action plans Thursday, March 14, 2019 Mrs. RODGERS of Washington. Madam required for an emergency. Mrs. LURIA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Speaker, I rise today to honor Mike Poulson’s Because of their exceptional and rapid re- honor and recognize Ohef Sholom Temple’s career and service to Washington’s Fifth Con- sponse, these lifeguards received the 2018 Dr. 175th anniversary. Ohef Sholom Temple is a gressional District as Senior Policy Advisor fo- Frank Pia Lifesaving Award from the Virginia strong light in the Norfolk community. The fact cusing on Agriculture and Natural Resources. Lifeguard Association Annual Aquatic Manage- that Ohef Sholom has provided a spiritual Mike’s experience with farming extends ment Symposium. This is a great honor. home across many generations throughout its back to his family settling in the Columbia I am sincerely thankful that Virginia has life- 175-year history clearly shows the Temple’s Basin of Washington State after his father guards like them to watch over and guard our importance to the community. Ohef Sholom went through the very detailed process of eli- Commonwealth. I am confident our beaches Temple stays true to its mission and works for gibility to purchase land in the Connell area. are a safer place because of their presence. the betterment and welfare of Norfolk. After graduating from Connell High School, f Since Ohef Sholom was established in 1844 Mike enlisted in the Army National Guard be- REMEMBERING JOHN KILZER and is the largest and oldest Reform Jewish cause, in his words, ‘‘he just assumed that ev- congregation in Hampton Roads, it has been erybody pulled a stint in the military.’’ In 1965, a welcoming and open community to all peo- Mike bought some farmland of his own in a HON. STEVE COHEN ple. The words written above the sanctuary unit close to his family unit and started to build OF TENNESSEE doors ring true: ‘‘My house shall be called a his own home. In the mid 1980s, Mike was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES house of prayer for all peoples. ‘‘ elected Vice President of the Washington Thursday, March 14, 2019 I am proud to honor and recognize Ohef State Farm Bureau, a position he took on Sholom for this important milestone. I know even while farming full time. Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, I rise today Norfolk and Hampton Roads are better be- Mike ventured outside of farming in the to remember my friend John Kilzer, a man cause of Ohef Sholom Temple’s leadership, 1990s when he began consulting on public who embodied the very essence of Memphis congregation, and good work. policy and environmental issues. Mike had a as a Memphis State basketball player, tal- ented musician and songwriter and Methodist f way of being able to communicate complex, and often controversial, environmental issues minister specializing in recovery from addic- PERSONAL EXPLANATION to the public. I had the fortune of meeting him tion. John died Tuesday night at 62. Born in during my time in the Washington State House Jackson, Tennessee, he spent most of his life HON. NEAL P. DUNN and came to have a deep respect for his un- in Memphis. An All-American high school bas- ketball player, he came to the then-Memphis OF FLORIDA derstanding of these issues which affected State Tigers roster as a good outside shooter IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many in my district. A few short months after I was elected to the U.S. House of Represent- and a scrapper. A chance encounter with leg- Thursday, March 14, 2019 atives, Mike leased out his farmland and endary Stax guitar player Mabon ‘‘Teenie’’ Mr. DUNN. Madam Speaker, I regret that joined my staff—becoming the longest serving Hodges in a Memphis State dorm room led to due to the funeral services for Seaman First member on my team until his retirement on his serious study of guitar playing and a song- Class Earl Paul Baum. I was forced to travel February 28, 2019. writing career. He went on to become an back to my district and miss the vote on Mike has many significant accomplishments English Literature professor at his alma mater amendments and final passage of H.R. 1. in his career including: developing solutions and also received a master’s degree in divinity Had I been present, I would have voted nay for Columbia Basin water shortages; speaking from the Memphis Theological Seminary in on Roll Call No. 115; nay on Roll Call No. out against the harmful impacts of the Waters 2006 and a Ph.D. from Middlesex University in 116; yea on Roll Call No. 117; and nay on of the United States regulation; combatting the Britain in 2010. John’s evident lyrical skill with Roll Call No. 118. recent falling numbers of our wheat and co- poetic storytelling resulted in two early albums f ordinating an effort to find long-term solutions produced by David Geffen—the roots-rock with the Washington Grain Commission and 1988 ‘‘Memory in the Making’’ and the 1991 CONCERNS REGARDING H. RES. 183 Washington State University; and bringing the ‘‘Busman’s Holiday’’—and appearances on A to Z project to fruition on the Colville Na- MTV. His ‘‘Seven’’ was produced by Grammy HON. TRENT KELLY tional Forest—which is a national model for re- Award winner Matt Ross-Spang. More re- OF MISSISSIPPI storing the health of our forests. In the words cently, his 2014 ‘‘Hide Away’’ marked the re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Derek Sandison, Director for the Wash- turn of an artist at the height of his powers, an album graced with such all-star talent as Kirk Thursday, March 14, 2019 ington State Department of Agriculture ‘‘Mike has the ability to sort through rhetoric around Whalum on saxophone; Hold Steady’s Sid Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, complex issues to get to the core facts and Selvidge, Alvin Youngblood Hart and Stax’s I rise today to express my concern regarding quickly get to the right side of the issues.’’ Bobby Manuel on guitar; North Mississippi All H. Res. 183, Condemning anti-Semitism as I am grateful for his friendship, advice, and Stars Luther Dickinson on mandolin, Rick Steff hateful expressions of intolerance that are most importantly, service to Eastern Wash- on keyboards and Greg Murrow on drums. contradictory to the values and aspirations that ington over the past 15 years. I wish Mike well When I learned of his death this morning, I define the people of the United States and in his retirement. played John’s ‘‘Until We’re All Free,’’ which condemning anti-Muslim discrimination and Whalum co-wrote and plays on, and I want to f bigotry against minorities as hateful expres- hear ‘‘Sleeping in the Rain’’ again tonight. sions of intolerance that are contrary to the HONORING THE CITY OF NORFOLK Some of John’s songs were recorded by such values and aspirations of the United States. LIFEGUARDS FOR THEIR EXCEL- artists as Roseanne Cash (‘‘Green, Yellow This resolution fails to condemn a specific act LENT EMERGENCY RESPONSE and Red’’), Maria Muldaur, Dobie Gray and perpetrated by one of my colleagues, there- Trace Atkins. His most recent album, ‘‘Scars,’’ fore rendering this resolution pointless. By HON. ELAINE G. LURIA came out in January, and he was scheduled broadly condemning every act of hatred, we OF VIRGINIA to play the Beale Street Music Festival in May. condemn nothing. My colleagues consumed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES John will be remembered in Memphis for his hours on the floor of the House of Represent- weekly Friday night recovery ministry at St. atives to debate a commonsense sentiment in- Thursday, March 14, 2019 John’s United Methodist Church that he called stead of passing meaningful policy to better Mrs. LURIA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to ‘‘The Way,’’ begun in 2010. John was beset the lives of Americans and condemning the honor and recognize Lifeguard Lieutenants by the demon of alcohol and knew the inside specific statement of antisemitism made by a Courtney Hutchens and Madeline Solano and of jails but did a lot of good for a lot of people Member of the House of Representatives. Lifeguards Beatty Barnes and Robert Warren with his exceptional talents. As one admirer

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:33 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.010 E14MRPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 14, 2019 said today, his recovery is now complete. He financial literacy and career awareness oppor- CONGRESSIONAL TEACHERS will be missed. tunities in their communities. AWARDS IN FLORIDA’S 16TH f CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT f IN HONOR OF THE VIRGINIA BANK- HON. VERN BUCHANAN ERS ASSOCIATION BANK DAY HONORING CONGRESSWOMAN OF FLORIDA SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM LOUISE SLAUGHTER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. JENNIFER WEXTON Thursday, March 14, 2019 OF VIRGINIA HON. NORMA J. TORRES Mr. BUCHANAN. Madam Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA today in recognition of outstanding public school teachers in Florida’s 16th Congres- Thursday, March 14, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sional District. Ms. WEXTON. Madam Speaker, I include in Thursday, March 14, 2019 I was once told that children are 25 percent the RECORD the following proclamation. of the population, but they are 100 percent of Whereas, the Virginia Bankers Association Mrs. TORRES of California. Madam Speak- the future. conducts an annual Bank Day Scholarship er, I rise today to honor Congresswoman And it’s true. The education of a child is an Program throughout the Commonwealth, held Slaughter’s legacy and the impact she made investment, not only in that student, but in the on the third Tuesday in March, to provide the throughout her decades of dedicated public future of our country. opportunity for young Virginians to better un- service. Therefore, I established the Congressional derstand the vital role of banks and the finan- She was a friend and an invaluable mentor, Teacher Awards to honor educators for their cial services industry in the Commonwealth; especially during my first term in Congress. ability to teach and inspire students. An independent panel has chosen the fol- and She paved the way for every woman in the lowing teachers from Manatee and Sarasota Whereas, the Virginia Bankers Association House by becoming the first Chairwoman of counties for Florida’s 16th District 2019 Con- organizes Bank Day as a means of involving the Rules Committee—the same committee I gressional Teacher Award for their accom- high school students and banks in the Com- now serve on. monwealth in this endeavor to identify poten- plishments as educators: tial future career opportunities available in the She spearheaded the passage of the Afford- Marissa Dobbert for her accomplishments banking sector; and able Care Act, one of the most consequential as a 7th Grade Math Teacher at Sarasota Mili- Whereas, since every citizen benefits from a pieces of legislation in recent history. tary Academy Prep; basic understanding of the economic system Congresswoman Slaughter was also a Elizabeth Harris for her accomplishments as and the wide variety of banking industry ca- fierce and fearless champion for women. a 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Interventionist at reer opportunities available to students upon She co-authored the Violence Against Myakka City Elementary School; graduating, it is appropriate that the industry Women Act and founded and co-chaired the Chris King for his accomplishments as a works closely with the Virginia education com- Pro-Choice Caucus—which to this day, con- 6th–9th Grade Special Education Teacher at munity to promote personal finance and eco- tinues to be on the frontlines of protecting Haile Middle School; nomic education; and women’s reproductive rights. Kate Kramer for her accomplishments as an Whereas, Bank Day allows seniors from Vir- English as a Second Language Teacher at As we near the anniversary of her passing, Fruitville Elementary School; ginia high schools to shadow bankers in their I can’t help but to be reminded of her unparal- communities for a day to learn about banking Kari McMillan for her accomplishments as a leled leadership. She’s left a void in the House Math Teacher at Palmetto High School; operations, financial services and products, that is hard to fill. potential career opportunities in banking, and Ashlee Middleton for her accomplishments the vital role banks play in their community But her memory lives on inside these halls, as an 11th and 12th Grade English and Read- and with their customers; and and it inspires each of us to keep up the fight ing Teacher at Sarasota High School; Whereas, the Virginia Bankers Association to better the lives of all Americans. Nancy Miller for her accomplishments as a and Virginia banks have reached more than I am grateful for the opportunity to have 3rd Grade Teacher at Ballard Elementary 2,000 high school students through this pro- served alongside her. School; Kymberli Rivers for her accomplishments as gram since 2012; and a Literature and English Teacher at Manatee Whereas, participating students write essays f High School; on the topic, ‘‘What did you learn on Bank Day Maria Underhill for her accomplishments as that will help you manage your financial future RECOGNIZING THE THIRTEENTH an 8th Grade Reading Teacher at Braden and what did you learn about how banks sup- ANNUAL TASTE OF INDIA 2019 River Middle School. port their communities,’’ to help students con- On behalf of the people of Florida’s 16th sider their own personal financial decision- HON. ELAINE G. LURIA District, I congratulate each of these out- making; and standing teachers and offer my sincere appre- OF VIRGINIA Whereas, thirteen scholarships totaling ciation for their service and dedication. $26,000 are awarded annually based on the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES merits of the essays to assist winners pursue f their higher education endeavors; and Thursday, March 14, 2019 CELEBRATING THE GROUP 3 Whereas, the Virginia Bankers Association, Mrs. LURIA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to STATE CHAMPION MOORESTOWN through their Education Foundation, has recognize the Thirteenth Annual Taste of India HIGH SCHOOL QUAKERS BOYS’ awarded a total of $137,000 in scholarships to 2019. This is a very special event which oc- BASKETBALL TEAM 66 Virginia high school students since 2012, curs annually in Norfolk, Virginia. helping to defray the cost of higher education HON. ANDY KIM tuition for future leaders continuing their edu- The Hampton Roads region is lucky to have such an active Asian Indian community. The OF NEW JERSEY cation and career preparation: Now, therefore, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be it Hampton Roads Asian Indian community con- Resolved That the House of Representa- sists of wonderful people who make our region Thursday, March 14, 2019 tives— a better place. Mr. KIM. Madam Speaker, I rise today to 1) Commends the Virginia Bankers Associa- The annual Taste of India event has been celebrate the Moorestown High School Quak- tion for their valuable contribution to the eco- an amazing success and has hosted local, ers boys’ basketball team, who on Sunday nomic education of the youth of the Common- state, and federal officials. Taste of India pro- won the Group 3 State Championship for the wealth; vides all Hampton Roads residents with a val- first time in 60 years. 2) Honors the Virginia banks that participate uable cultural, political, and educational expe- Led by 2018 Burlington County Coach of in the annual Bank Day Scholarship Program; rience. Taste of India is crucial for Hampton the Year, Shawn Anstey, and a strong roster and Roads’ awareness, education, and enjoyment. from starters to reserves, the Quakers showed 3) Encourages banks to continue to support This event will continue to thrive for many incredible teamwork and perseverance all sea- the Bank Day Scholarship Program and other generations to come. son. From clutch shooting, to diving for loose

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:33 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.015 E14MRPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E313 balls and making hustle plays, the team’s bal- lation, Portraits from a Place of Grace. This Irwin Marine has had a storied century-long ance and focus helped them play through a beautiful and thought-provoking artwork will be history. Pioneers in the recreation industry, the tough schedule to bring home the school’s first installed at the future home of the African Irwin family has never stopped innovating. state championship since 1959. American Cultural Center of Virginia Beach. After founding Irwin Marine in 1919, Jim Irwin, In the State Final, Moorestown’s strong fun- The African American Cultural Center Sr. later went on to buy the Weirs Music Hall damentals and a focus on doing the little (AACC) worked hard over the last year to in 1924, where he used the connections he things right helped propel them to victory: they make this happen. Staff partnered with Rich- developed from his time serving with a Navy shot well from the free-throw line late in the ard Hollant, a renowned artist, on a series of band in World War I to draw top acts to Lake game to secure the title. The Quakers played portraits and interviews with Virginia Beach’s Winnipesaukee, such as Duke Ellington and through pressure in the final to finish the sea- 14 historically African American neighbor- the Dorsey Brothers. Since its distinguished son on a 14-game winning streak, ending the hoods. early days, Irwin Marine has continued to year at 27–5. The installation features people and stories maintain a stellar reputation as a trusted name I’m proud to be able to celebrate the suc- that capture the community’s history. I com- in the boating industry. Today, Irwin Marine cess of some of the talented student-athletes mend the community for taking the next step has three locations in the Lakes Region and from my district in New Jersey. I want to con- in building the African American Cultural Cen- was recently named the twelfth-best boat deal- gratulate Coach Anstey and the Moorestown ter of Virginia Beach. er in North America by Boating Industry Maga- boys on their tremendous season and wish Recognizing the important contributions of zine; thanks to their extensive supply and them luck in the Tournament of Champions. African Americans to the history, development, deep commitment to customer service. f and success of our region is vital to appre- On behalf of my constituents in New Hamp- ciating the journey in building our community. shire’s First Congressional District, I want to INTRODUCTION OF THE COREY The vivid visual representation and poignant JONES ACT congratulate everyone at Irwin Marine on an audio interviews will promote, preserve, and exciting anniversary. I hope that they celebrate celebrate the inspiring pioneers of our commu- this exciting achievement by taking a cruise HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS nity. around Lake Winnipesaukee and wish them OF FLORIDA f the best of luck in their next 100 years of busi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ness. I thank them for all that they do to make INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION Thursday, March 14, 2019 the Granite State such a wonderful place to RECOGNIZING THE HERITAGE, work, live, and play. Mr. HASTINGS. Madam Speaker, I rise CULTURE, AND CONTRIBUTIONS today to introduce the Corey Jones Act, which OF LATINAS IN THE UNITED is named after a young man who was taken STATES f from us far too soon under circumstances far HONORING DR. AMELIA ROSS-HAM- too tragic and preventable to be allowed to HON. J. LUIS CORREA MOND FOR HER CAREER AND happen again. SERVICE TO HAMPTON ROADS During the early hours of October 18, 2015, OF CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY Corey Jones of Lake Worth, Florida, was shot IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and killed by Nouman Raja, a plainclothes po- Thursday, March 14, 2019 lice officer operating an unmarked vehicle. Mr. CORREA. Madam Speaker, one in six Corey was legally and peacefully pulled to the HON. ELAINE G. LURIA women in the United States is a Latina. There side of the road awaiting roadside assistance OF VIRGINIA are currently nearly twenty-eight million His- when he was approached by Mr. Raja. Corey panic women living in the United States. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES had no reason to believe that the person in Latinas have been part of our nation’s fabric plainclothes and driving an unmarked vehicle Thursday, March 14, 2019 from the start. They contribute to our nation was a law enforcement officer. This uncer- through their work in business, education, tainty and confusion ultimately led to a tragedy Mrs. LURIA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to science and technology, engineering, mathe- that could have been easily avoided. honor and recognize Dr. Amelia Ross-Ham- matics, literature and the arts, the military, and After Corey’s tragic death, I met with mem- mond for her tremendous career and service public service at every level of the govern- bers of his family as well as officials from in the Hampton Roads area. ment. Many have overcome a unique set of Palm Beach County. We discussed the ur- challenges and have paved their own paths to Dr. Ross-Hammond recently retired from gency of addressing the issue of plainclothes success. During National Women’s History Norfolk State University where she taught officers in unmarked vehicles engaging in rou- Month, I want to honor the millions of Latinas music and was the director of service-learning tine traffic stops. I promised that I would work who have contributed to our nation. and civic engagement. Not only has Dr. Ross- to promote safer policing practices in our com- Hammond been dedicated to her work as a munities and the Corey Jones Act helps to ac- Therefore, I am reintroducing a resolution recognizing the heritage, culture, and contribu- professor, but she has been a renowned pub- complish this goal. lic servant. She has served on various coun- Madam Speaker, Nouman Raja, the officer tions of Latinas in the United States. This res- olution will recognize their contributions to cils and boards such as the Virginia Beach involved in the tragic shooting death of Corey Community Development Corporation Board, Jones, was recently found guilty of man- American society and further celebrates those who have inspired the next generation. the City’s Diversity and Inclusion Forums, and slaughter and attempted murder. In an effort the Mayor’s African American Roundtable— to ensure that this tragedy does not happen to f just to name a few. other families, I respectfully ask my colleagues RECOGNIZING THE 100TH to lend their support to this important bill. Dr. Ross-Hammond received awards for her ANNIVERSARY OF IRWIN MARINE service to the Hampton Roads community f such as the Urban League of South Hampton HONORING THE UNVEILING CERE- HON. CHRIS PAPPAS Roads Young Professionals Award for Com- munity Service. She was also the 2016 Hon- MONY FOR THE PORTRAITS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE oree for the Norfolk State University Music De- FROM A PLACE OF GRACE PUB- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LIC ART INSTALLATION partment’s Spring Gala. Thursday, March 14, 2019 Dr. Ross-Hammond’s dedication to strength- HON. ELAINE G. LURIA Mr. PAPPAS. Madam Speaker, I rise today ening bonds among people of different racial, OF VIRGINIA to recognize Irwin Marine, an institution on ethnic, and religious backgrounds is truly in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lake Winnipesaukee, who is celebrating its spiring. I am proud to honor and recognize Dr. 100th year in business. Since its founding in Ross-Hammond’s leadership and the role she Thursday, March 14, 2019 1919 by Jim Irwin, Sr., Irwin Marine has al- plays in making our community a better place. Mrs. LURIA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to ways remained a pillar of the Lakes Region Hampton Roads has significantly benefited honor and recognize the new public art instal- community. from her presence.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:33 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.020 E14MRPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 14, 2019 KEVIN CHARLES MURRAY, 2019 IN- immediate and decisive response action lit- usual heroism and extraordinary skill or re- DIANAPOLIS IRISH CITIZEN OF erally helped save the life of his sister. sourcefulness in saving or attempting to save THE YEAR This Saturday, March 16, 2019, Adam will life at extreme risk to self.’’ That sounds like be honored at a Court of Honor by his fellow Adam to me. HON. ANDRE´ CARSON scouts of Boy Scout Troop 87, members from Today it is my honor to make Adam’s her- the Veterans of Foreign War who host Troop OF INDIANA oism and extraordinary act a permanent part 87, friends, and family. We will be proud and of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES humble to present him with a U.S. flag, flown In an age of fictional movie action heroes Thursday, March 14, 2019 over the U.S. Capitol in his honor. and comic book superheroes, this Saturday a Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Madam Speaker, I Madam Speaker, Adam was only 10, when real-life action hero will be the star. If Adam rise today to congratulate the 2019 Indianap- he acted without regard to his own safety as were in the military our nation would be look- olis Irish Citizen of the Year, Kevin Charles he fought off a loose Bullmastiff dog that was ing to bestow one of its highest medals for his charging to attack his younger sister, Rachel, Murray. valor. Well done, Adam, well done. then age 7, in the family’s backyard in 2015. Kevin has long been active in the Indianap- Though Adam sustained severe injuries from olis Irish community. In 1981, he co-founded f the powerful dog, his actions enabled his sis- the Indianapolis St. Patrick’s Day Parade and ter to escape and his brother, Tyler, to run for HONORING DR. MICHAEL G. DAN- the Celtic Cross Committee in 1990. His in- help. Truly, Adam and Tyler’s teamwork to IELS FOR HIS CAREER AND volvement in events and advocacy for the Indi- protect their little sister prevented what could SERVICE TO THE HAMPTON anapolis Irish community are too long to list, have been a tragedy. Adam was rushed to ROADS COMMUNITY which is why this accolade is so long overdue. Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital— In addition to his work in the Irish commu- Hamilton. He lost a lot of blood and needed HON. ELAINE G. LURIA nity, Kevin has worked diligently as an attor- 200 stitches and months to recover. ney in our city for 40 years. He has used his Adam’s exceptional actions went largely un- OF VIRGINIA passion, community connections and edu- reported in the news and were not well known IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cation to work at all levels of Indiana govern- outside his immediate family and community. Thursday, March 14, 2019 ment and politics. He served under former That changed when he was a guest of the Governor Joe Kernan, Lt. Governor Kathy Sunshine Foundation Mercer County Chap- Mrs. LURIA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Davis, as the Senate Parliamentarian, and ter’s 2018 Operation Dreamlift that takes chil- honor and recognize Dr. Michael G. Daniels most recently, under the three Marion County dren to Disney World. Trentonian reporter L.A. for his tremendous career and service in the Sheriffs, Sheriff Frank Anderson, Sheriff John Parker happened to be on that flight, met Hampton Roads area. Layton and Sheriff Kerry J. Forestal. Adam and heard Adam’s story. In a column Dr. Daniels is a true academic with bach- Kevin’s contributions will be felt in Marion detailing the dog attack and Adam’s actions, elor’s and master’s degrees in Business Man- County for generations to come. I am thankful L.A. Parker—my fellow Trenton State College agement and Administration, and a doctoral to consider Kevin a friend, congratulate him on alumnus, quoted Adam as saying ‘‘Yes, I was degree in Ministry. Not only is Dr. Daniels an this achievement, and look forward to his con- afraid really afraid. But I had to save my sis- academic, but he is a true public servant. Dr. tinued work in our city and state. ter.’’ Daniels is dedicated to serving and leading f Adam is a student at Reynolds Middle Enoch Baptist Church, a congregation of ap- School in Hamilton, N.J. I’ve had the pleasure proximately 1,200. HONORING BOY SCOUT ADAM to meet Adam’s father, Peter Pietras, who with Dr. Daniels has received various honors for PIETRAS his wife, Lisa Pitoniak-Pietras, and family and his commitment to service in Hampton Roads. friends, are immensely proud of Adam. Adam, He received honors from the Virginia Beach HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH whose outstanding love for his sister shows he Chapter of the NAACP for his community OF NEW JERSEY puts other people first, has a bright future. service and the Virginia Beach Civil Rights IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Adam was honored by Hamilton Mayor Kelly Commission for advocating for the rights of Yaede with a proclamation as an example of residents. Thursday, March 14, 2019 a model citizen, and by the Boy Scouts of Dr. Daniels’ dedication to strengthening Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Madam Speaker, America with its highest national award for life- bonds among people of different racial, ethnic, I rise today to call attention to the true story saving and meritorious action, the Honor and religious backgrounds is truly inspiring. I of Adam Pietras, a Boy Scout from my home Medal With Crossed Palms. Given only for am proud to honor and recognize Dr. Daniels’ town of Hamilton, N.J. in the Fourth Congres- outstanding and unusual acts that dem- leadership and the role he plays in making our sional District. onstrate unusual heroism, skill, or bravery and community a better place. Adam’s remarkable courage—without any reflect Scouting ideals, the medal is only pre- Hampton Roads has significantly benefited concern for his own personal safety—and his sented to Scouts who have ‘‘demonstrated un- from his presence.

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HIGHLIGHTS Senate passed H.J. Res. 46, National Emergency Declaration. Senate nomination of Bridget S. Bade, of Arizona, to be Chamber Action United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit. Routine Proceedings, pages S1855–S1912 Page S1882 Measures Introduced: Sixty-one bills and eleven Prior to the consideration of this measure, Senate resolutions were introduced, as follows: S. 792–852, took the following action: and S. Res. 109–119. Pages S1898–S1900 Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to Legisla- tive Session. Page S1882 Measures Reported: Report to accompany S. 94, to amend the Pitt- Supplemental Appropriations Act—Cloture: Sen- man-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act to facilitate ate began consideration of the motion to proceed to the establishment of additional or expanded public consideration of H.R. 268, making supplemental ap- target ranges in certain States. (S. Rept. No. 116–8) propriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, Report to accompany S. 310, to amend the 2019. Pages S1882–91 Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act to re- A motion was entered to close further debate on authorize the Act. (S. Rept. No. 116–9) Page S1897 the motion to proceed to consideration of the joint resolution, and, in accordance with the provisions of Measures Passed: Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, a National Emergency Declaration: By 59 yeas to vote on cloture will occur upon disposition of S.J. 41 nays (Vote No. 49), Senate passed H.J. Res. 46, Res. 8, Green New Deal. Page S1882 relating to a national emergency declared by the Pro Forma Sessions—Agreement: A unanimous- President on February 15, 2019. Pages S1857–82 consent agreement was reached providing that the National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day: Senate Senate adjourn, to then convene for pro forma ses- agreed to S. Res. 113, designating March 25, 2019, sions only, with no business being conducted on the as ‘‘National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day’’. following dates and times, and that following each Page S1911 pro forma session, the Senate adjourn until the next National Rosie the Riveter Day: Senate agreed to pro forma session: Friday, March 15, 2019, at 11 a.m.; Tuesday, March 19, 2019, at 9:30 a.m.; Thurs- S. Res. 114, expressing support for the designation day, March 21, 2019, at 2:10 p.m.; and that when of March 21, 2019, as ‘‘National Rosie the Riveter the Senate adjourns on Thursday, March 21, 2019, Day’’. Page S1911 it next convene at 3 p.m., on Monday, March 25, Measures Considered: 2019. Page S1911 Green New Deal—Cloture: Senate began consider- Bade Nomination—Cloture: Senate began consid- ation of the motion to proceed to consideration of eration of the nomination of Bridget S. Bade, of Ari- S.J. Res. 8, recognizing the duty of the Federal Gov- zona, to be United States Circuit Judge for the ernment to create a Green New Deal. Page S1882 Ninth Circuit. Page S1882 A motion was entered to close further debate on A motion was entered to close further debate on the motion to proceed to consideration of the joint the nomination, and, in accordance with the provi- resolution, and, in accordance with the provisions of sions of Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, a Senate, and pursuant to the unanimous-consent vote on cloture will occur upon disposition of the agreement of Thursday, March 14, 2019, a vote on D270

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:23 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D14MR9.REC D14MRPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D271 cloture will occur at 5:30 p.m., on Monday, March Edward W. Felten, of New Jersey, to be a Mem- 25, 2019. Page S1911 ber of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Prior to the consideration of this nomination, Sen- Board for a term expiring January 29, 2025. ate took the following action: Page S1912 Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to Execu- Messages from the House: Page S1896 tive Session to consider the nomination. Page S1882 Measures Placed on the Calendar: Page S1896 A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- viding that at approximately 3 p.m., on Monday, Executive Communications: Pages S1896–97 March 25, 2019, Senate resume consideration of the Petitions and Memorials: Page S1897 nomination; and that notwithstanding the provisions Additional Cosponsors: Pages S1900–01 of Rule XXII, the motions to invoke cloture filed on Thursday, March 14, 2019, ripen at 5:30 p.m., on Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: Monday, March 25, 2019. Page S1911 Pages S1901–10 Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- Additional Statements: Pages S1894–96 lowing nominations: Amendments Submitted: Page S1910 Rodney Hood, of North Carolina, to be a Member Notices of Intent: Page S1910 of the National Credit Union Administration Board for a term expiring August 2, 2023. Authorities for Committees to Meet: Janice Miriam Hellreich, of Hawaii, to be a Mem- Pages S1910–11 ber of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Record Votes: One record vote was taken today. Public Broadcasting for a term expiring January 31, (Total—49) Page S1882 2024. Adjournment: Senate convened at 10 a.m. and ad- Robert A. Mandell, of Florida, to be a Member of journed at 5:01 p.m., until 11 a.m. on Friday, the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public March 15, 2019. (For Senate’s program, see the re- Broadcasting for a term expiring January 31, 2022. marks of the Majority Leader in today’s Record on Bruce M. Ramer, of California, to be a Member page S1911.) of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Pub- lic Broadcasting for a term expiring January 31, 2024. Committee Meetings William I. Althen, of Virginia, to be a Member (Committees not listed did not meet) of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Com- mission for a term of six years expiring August 30, EBOLA OUTBREAK IN THE DEMOCRATIC 2024. REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Marco M. Rajkovich, Jr., of Kentucky, to be a Member of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Re- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Depart- view Commission for a term of six years expiring ments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and August 30, 2024. Education, and Related Agencies concluded a hear- Arthur R. Traynor III, of the District of Colum- ing to examine the Ebola outbreak in the Demo- bia, to be a Member of the Federal Mine Safety and cratic Republic of the Congo and other emerging Health Review Commission for a term expiring Au- health threats, after receiving testimony from Robert gust 30, 2022. Kadlec, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Re- Donald W. Washington, of Texas, to be Director sponse, Robert R. Redfield, Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Anthony S. of the United States Marshals Service. Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and In- Todd M. Harper, of Virginia, to be a Member of fectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, all the National Credit Union Administration Board for of the Department of Health and Human Services; a term expiring April 10, 2021. and Rear Admiral R. T. Ziemer, USN (Ret.), Acting A routine list in the Coast Guard. Page S1891 Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Democracy, Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, United States lowing nominations: Agency for International Development. Michael O. Johanns, of Nebraska, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Millennium Chal- DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION REQUEST AND lenge Corporation for a term of two years. FUTURE YEARS DEFENSE PROGRAM Troy D. Edgar, of California, to be Chief Financial Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded a Officer, Department of Homeland Security. hearing to examine the Department of Defense

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budget posture in review of the Defense Authoriza- Fosburgh, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partner- tion Request for fiscal year 2020 and the Future ship, Washington, D.C.; Daniel Kirkwood, Juneau Years Defense Program, after receiving testimony Economic Development Council, Juneau, Alaska; Jef- from Patrick M. Shanahan, Acting Secretary, General frey Todd Lusk, Hatfield McCoy Regional Recre- Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., USMC, Chairman of the ation Authority, Man, West Virginia; Sandra F. Joint Chiefs of Staff, and David L. Norquist, Under Mitchell, Idaho Recreation Council, Boise; and Secretary (Comptroller), all of the Department of De- Thomas C. O’Keefe, American Whitewater, Seattle, fense. Washington. FINANCIAL STABILITY OVERSIGHT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN COUNCIL SERVICES BUDGET Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Committee on Finance: Committee concluded a hearing Committee concluded a hearing to examine Financial to examine the President’s proposed budget request Stability Oversight Council nonbank designations, for fiscal year 2020 for the Department of Health including S. 603, to amend the Financial Stability Act of 2010 to require the Financial Stability Over- and Human Services, after receiving testimony from sight Council to consider alternative approaches be- Alex M. Azar II, Secretary of Health and Human fore determining that a U.S. nonbank financial com- Services. pany shall be supervised by the Board of Governors DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY BUDGET of the Federal Reserve System, after receiving testi- mony from Douglas Holtz-Eakin, American Action Committee on Finance: Committee concluded a hearing Forum, Arlington, Virginia; Paul Schott Stevens, In- to examine the President’s proposed budget request vestment Company Institute, Washington, D.C.; and for fiscal year 2020 for the Department of the Treas- Jeremy C. Kress, University of Michigan Ross School ury, after receiving testimony from Steven T. of Business, Ann Arbor. Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury. OUTDOOR RECREATION BUSINESS MEETING Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Committee Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee met in concluded a hearing to examine opportunities to im- closed session to consider pending intelligence mat- prove access, infrastructure, and permitting for out- ters. door recreation, after receiving testimony from Whit Committee recessed subject to the call. h House of Representatives House agreed to H. Con. Res. 24, expressing the Chamber Action sense of Congress that the report of Special Counsel Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 55 pub- Mueller should be made available to the public and lic bills, H.R. 1753–1807; 1 private bill, H.R. to Congress, by a yea-and-nay vote of 420 yeas with 1808; and 15 resolutions, H.J. Res. 51; H. Con. none voting ‘‘nay’’ and four answering ‘‘present’’, Res. 25; and H. Res. 229–241 were introduced. Roll No. 125. Pages H2723–32 Pages H2742–46 Pursuant to the Rule, the amendments to the con- Additional Cosponsors: Pages H2747–48 current resolution and the preamble printed in H. Rept. 116–17 shall be considered as adopted. Reports Filed: There were no reports filed today. Page H2723 Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein she H. Res. 208, the rule providing for consideration appointed Representative Carbajal to act as Speaker of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 24) was pro tempore for today. Page H2721 agreed to yesterday, March 13th. Journal: The House agreed to the Speaker’s approval Meeting Hour: Agreed by unanimous consent that of the Journal by voice vote. Pages H2721, H2732 when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet Expressing the sense of Congress that the report at 12 noon on Monday, March 18th. Page H2732 of Special Counsel Mueller should be made Communication from the Clerk—Ninth Congres- available to the public and to Congress: The sional District of North Carolina: Read a letter

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:23 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D14MR9.REC D14MRPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST March 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D273 from the Clerk wherein she transmitted to the MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES House a facsimile copy of a letter received from Mr. Committee on Foreign Affairs: Full Committee held a Josh Lawson, General Counsel, North Carolina State markup on H.R. 920, the ‘‘Venezuela Arms Restric- Board of Elections, indicating that a special election tion Act’’; H.R. 854, the ‘‘Humanitarian Assistance has been ordered for the Ninth Congressional Dis- to the Venezuelan People Act of 2019’’; H.R. 1477, trict of North Carolina. Page H2736 to assess and mitigate threats posed by Russian-Ven- Quorum Calls—Votes: One yea-and-nay vote de- ezuelan security cooperation and for other purposes; veloped during the proceedings of today and appears and H.R. 1616, the ‘‘European Energy Security and on pages H2731–32. There were no quorum calls. Diversification Act of 2019’’. H.R. 920, H.R. 854, Adjournment: The House met at 9 a.m. and ad- H.R. 1477, and H.R. 1616 were ordered reported, journed at 12:15 p.m. as amended. UNMASKING THE HIDDEN CRISIS OF MURDERED AND MISSING INDIGENOUS Committee Meetings WOMEN (MMIW): EXPLORING SOLUTIONS DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE FISCAL TO END THE CYCLE OF VIOLENCE YEAR 2020 BUDGET REQUEST FOR Committee on Natural Resources: Subcommittee for In- SEAPOWER AND PROJECTION FORCES digenous Peoples of the United States held a hearing Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on entitled ‘‘Unmasking the Hidden Crisis of Murdered Seapower and Projection Forces held a hearing enti- and Missing Indigenous Women (MMIW): Explor- tled ‘‘Department of the Air Force Fiscal Year 2020 ing Solutions to End the Cycle of Violence’’. Testi- Budget Request for Seapower and Projection Forces’’. mony was heard from public witnesses. Testimony was heard from William Roper, Assistant HEARING WITH COMMERCE SECRETARY Secretary of Air Force for Acquisition, Technology WILBUR L. ROSS, JR. and Logistics, Department of the Air Force; and Committee on Oversight and Reform: Full Committee Lieutenant General Timothy G. Fay, Deputy Chief held a hearing entitled ‘‘Hearing with Commerce of Staff for Strategy, Integration, and Requirements Secretary Wilbur L. Ross, Jr.’’. Testimony was heard (A5), Department of the Air Force. from Wilbur L. Ross, Secretary, Department of Commerce. MEMBERS DAY HEARING: COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR THE PRESIDENT’S FISCAL YEAR 2020 Committee on Education and Labor: Full Committee BUDGET PROPOSAL WITH U.S. SECRETARY held a hearing entitled ‘‘Members Day Hearing: OF THE TREASURY STEVEN MNUCHIN Committee on Education and Labor’’. Testimony was Committee on Ways and Means: Full Committee held heard from Chairman Waters, and Representatives a hearing entitled ‘‘The President’s Fiscal Year 2020 Thompson of Pennsylvania, Soto, and Mitchell. Budget Proposal with U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin’’. Testimony was heard from Steven ENHANCING VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY TO Mnuchin, Secretary, Department of the Treasury. PREVENT DRUNK DRIVING Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Joint Meetings Consumer Protection and Commerce held a hearing No joint committee meetings were held. entitled ‘‘Enhancing Vehicle Technology to Prevent Drunk Driving’’. Testimony was heard from public f witnesses. COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2019 PUTTING INVESTORS FIRST? EXAMINING THE SEC’S BEST INTEREST RULE (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on In- Senate vestor Protection, Entrepreneurship, and Capital No meetings/hearings scheduled. Markets held a hearing entitled ‘‘Putting Investors First? Examining the SEC’s Best Interest Rule’’. Tes- House timony was heard from public witnesses. No hearings are scheduled.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 11 a.m., Friday, March 15 12 noon, Monday, March 18

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Friday: Senate will meet in a pro forma Program for Monday: House will meet in Pro Forma session. session at 12 noon.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Gianforte, Greg, Mont., E307 Norton, Eleanor Holmes, The District of Columbia, Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E313 E310 Blunt Rochester, Lisa, Del., E308 Hoyer, Steny H., Md., E309 Pappas, Chris, N.H., E313 Buchanan, Vern, Fla., E312 Kelly, Trent, Miss., E311 Payne, Donald M., Jr., N.J., E307 ´ Carson, Andre, Ind., E314 Kim, Andy, N.J., E312 Rouzer, David, N.C., E308 Cohen, Steve, Tenn., E308, E311 Lipinski, Daniel, Ill., E308 Smith, Christopher H., N.J., E314 Correa, J. Luis, Calif., E313 Luria, Elaine G., Va., E309, E310, E311, E311, E312, DeLauro, Rosa L., Conn., E309 E313, E313, E314 Torres, Norma J., Calif., E312 DeSaulnier, Mark, Calif., E310 McMorris Rodgers, Cathy, Wash., E309, E311 Trahan, Lori, Mass., E307 Dunn, Neal P., Fla., E311 Meng, Grace, N.Y., E307 Wexton, Jennifer, Va., E312

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VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:23 Mar 15, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0664 Sfmt 0664 E:\CR\FM\D14MR9.REC D14MRPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST