A Few. Rivera'sresponsibilities
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byILENESlTlN cants, Davies explained that each Senior Staff Writer department that wishes to hire a Faculty hiring and retention new lecturermust submit a plan for was the topic ofthe fourth meeting attracting women and people of in the series of discussions spon- color. sored by Vice President of Arts, Davies then explained the poli- Sciences, and Technology Me1 cies concerning the “short list,” Bernstein in the Hillel Center on which is the group of people who Monday evening. are considered serious contend- Margery Davies, director ofthe ers for the interview. Office of Diversity Education and “On this short list form, they Development, Ioannis Miaoulis, have to provide the demographics hired, only two have left. Administrators respond to student concerns during Monday’s “Retention [of faculty] is the dean ofEngineering, Susan Ernst, ofbothgender andraceofthe total meeting. dean of Natural and Social Sci- applicant pool,” Davies said. greatest concern. Sometimes we ences, and Leila Fawaz, dean of “Let’s say that you have a total lose people because we do not act faculty wants ... I hope that the these publications. Has that hap- Humanities and Arts, were all applicantpoolof50womenand50 quickly enough. When you hear deans have some idea of what the pened?’ Hill asked. present to explain how professors men, [and] then let’s say you have someone is going on the market, faculty wants and why they are Davies said this has not been and lecturers are hired. They also a short list consisting of20 people you must act more aggressively,” leaving; for students to figure it done and some action should be responded to any questions or with one woman on it. If I saw a Fawaz said. out seems ridiculous,” Levey said. taken to that effect. concerns that arose during the disproportion like that I would ask Fawaz also asked the students Levey asked about the role of “We should be doing that; the meeting. immediately how can you explain for suggestions to lure faculty to students in hiring. individual departments so often The panel was allocated 15 min- that so few women made it on to Medford. “I am wondering at what point reach out to the particular cau- utes for initial comments. your short list. There may be a “Perhaps the students can help in the hiring do we involve stu- cuses,” Davies said. “Faculty hiring is not a matter proper explanation for that and us and tell us how we can make dents, and ifwe don’t involve stu- After the meeting, Hill com- of the department saying, gee, we there may be times when they must Tufts more attractive to the fac- dents, why don’t we involve stu- mented on the proceeding, “As need to have more faculty mem- go back and review their overall ulty,” Fawaz said. dents?’ Levey asked. always, it was nice to be able to talk bers, let’s hire additionalpeople,” short list.” Freshman Tufts Community Another student expounded to the administration and policy Davies said. “We are doing better. Hiring is Union (TCU) senatorJesse Levey won the auestion by adding, makers at the University. And in Ta insure that departments the first step and the most impor- questioned Fawaz. “How do [s&dents]voice the need that respect, the meeting was nec- reach a diverse group of appli- tant step,” Davies addzd. -- A ‘‘I don’t 4 know what the for [a] diverse faculty, and how essarily successful. I was disap- canwe convince the faculty and pointed to find that in the five administration to use these needs years since the LGB Issues Task Latino groups unite for changeU and concerns in hiring new fac- Force issued its report, the people by BENJAMIN GEDAN tional strife of Latino immigrants in the empowering of the Latino ulty?’ responsible for implementing Daily Editorial Board in their search for opportunity in community. The most important Davies responded by saying many of the recommendations TheLatinocommunity isamix- the United States and will encour- goal, Rivera said, is Latino unity. “Each department has its own in- have failed at the most basic level. ture of students whose countries age union and understanding be- “Sometimes those little tiny dif- ternal decision ofhow faculty hir- However, Mrs. Davies did appear and cultures are unique and dis- tween the many diverse Hispanic ferences, like our origin differ- ing decisions are made ... Some upbeat and open to the possibility parate, and these cultures have origins present.” ences, divide us and having a departments have students sitting of following the guidelinesas they struggledto forge acohesive pres- In addition to the new profes- Latino culture course is a way to on their committees, but I do not exist now.” ence on the Tufts campus. In re- sor and curriculum modification, understand our history better and know of any students who had a Hill added, “I certainly hope cent times, a student forum and a the resolution also calls for an come together basically to create final vote.” thatthiscoming fall wewillbeable Senate resolution have begun to increase in the size of the Latino astrongercommunity.That’s what Davies also mentioned that to see some progress made on unite the varied voices and thrust Center. The Task Force on Race we’re searching for,” Riverasaid. departments are encouraged to bullet-pointnumber three from the Latino issues into the public eye. empkasizedthe importance ofthe Freshman Daniela Fontecilla communicate with students dur- Task Force’s report, and I am opti- Working behind the scenes and culture houses in enhancing the also values Latinounity. Fontecilla ing the hiring process. mistic that that will be the case so in the forefront of most Latino lives of minority students. The was born in Venezuela and al- The panel did not seem to have long as the administration is functions is MerneysaRivera, the Latino Center, the resolution though her family has since immi- an answer to the question raised pushed in that direction.” Latino Culture Representative to states, is currently “unacceptable grated to the United States, a byjunior Ralan Hill. He said, “Point Other students voiced con- theTufts CommunityUnion(TCU) for any community.” strong Latino community was a three of the task force report on cerns about the disproportionate Senate. It is her task to represent The resolution also gives spe- prerequisite of any university she lesbian, gay, and bisexual issues ratio of faculty to students within every Latino group on campus: cific recommendations for new researched. states employment opportunities particular minority groups. Mexican Americans, Puerto techniques for recruiting Latino “[The cohesiveness of the should explicitly invite lesbians, “I noticed that the ratio of ten- Ricans, and Cubans, to name only students. The National Hispanic Latino community] was a huge gay men, and bisexual people to ured Asian-American faculty to a few. Rivera’sresponsibilities are Institute, according to the resolu- factor. It was very important to me apply for faculty and staff posi- students is much lower the other how involved Latinos were,” many, but the freshman from tion, produces a college registry tions. groups. I was wondering if you . Puerto Rico approaches her job service to be used by qualified Fontecilla said. “In order to reach the largest were aware of this fact?’ asked with optimism and energy. Latino applicants. Tufts, Rivera Nevertheless, Fontecilla does possible audience, hiring and re- junior Susan Chan. “There wasn’t a Hispanic cul- said, refuses to pay the $1,000 fee not participate in many Latino ac- cruitment should be advertised in This question was answered ture rep. for the last two semesters to participate in the service. tivities. She is not amember ofthe national and regional gay media by Dean Miaoulis,who referred to because culture representatives “For the first time we’re pre- Hispanic American Society nor and newsletters of appropriate the improvements in the ratio be- don’t have a vote and a lot of senting a resolution to the Senate does she frequent the Latino Cen- professional caucuses, in addition tween women faculty and women people thought that not a lot could for four tangible points. We’re to mainstream publications. The be accomplished. But basically, . basically saying these concerns see LATINOS, page 18 task force provided an index of see FACULTY, page 14 despite not having a vote, I think have been going on for a long time a lot can be accomplished. We and they’ve been stated in the have a speaker in the Senate that Task Force on Race and it is time to can voice our opinions, pass a take a stand toward things that resolution, [and] keep the Senate should have been accomplished a aware of all the activities that are while ago and unfortunately they going on,” Rivera said. haven’t been accomplished yet. Riverahas already exercised her It’s basically a little push, a re- I power as a non-voting senator. minder,” Rivera said. She established the framework for TCU Senate Vice President a Senate resolution on Latino life Vivek Ramgopal believestheSen- that addresses four major goals of ate resolution will bolster the the Latino community. The new Latino movement. legislation extensively quotes the “With this resolution,the Latino general findings of the “Task community wants to emphasize b Force on Race” and applies the their desire to make changes on recammendations to various the campus. Having an improved Latino concerns. Latino Center,culture courses, and The Senate resolution demands recruiting from this community is the hiring of a permanent faculty something that the University memberto teach a course in Latino should have already had. Unfor- culture and serve as “a role model tunately, it takes constant persis- andlinktotheLatinocommunity.” tence from students to move this The proposed course “encom- along,” Ramgopal said.