ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 02/12 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 306 - Februar 2012 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, fallenden Rezensionen sein. Viele liebe Filmfreunde! Filmverleiher scheinen derzeit ver- Rechtzeitig zum extremen Kälteein- unsichert zu sein was ihre aktuelle bruch liefern wir Ihnen einen Grund Filmware angeht. Durch die Sperr- zuhause zu bleiben und sich an den fristen soll verhindert werden, dass Ofen zu kuscheln: die neueste Aus- möglicherweise negative Kritiken gabe unseres Newsletters. Oder bereits frühzeitig die Runde ma- könnte es etwas Schöneres geben, chen. Aber keine Sorge: pünktlich als sich bei einer heissen Tasse Tee zum Ende der Sperrfrist finden Sie im gut geheizten Wohnzimmer über die entsprechenden Rezensionen im die anstehenden DVD- und Blu- Internet auf ray-Veröffentlichungen zu informie- ren? Ganz besonders freuen wir uns darüber, dass unsere Kolumni- Wie schon im vorigen Newsletter stin Anna endlich wieder mit Holly- angekündigt, arbeiten wir momen- wood sprechen kann. Ihr Diplom- tan auf Hochtouren an unserem Prüfungsstress ist erst einmal vor- Film THE GIRL WITH THE bei und so dürfen wir uns wieder THORN TATTOO. Wer sich regelmäßig über ihre ebenso witzi- schon vorab über dieses Projekt gen wie auch tiefschürfenden Aus- informieren möchte, dem haben wir einandersetzungen mit der Welt des hierfür eine spezielle Facebook- einen kleinen Filmtipp für Ihr Heim- Films freuen. Seite eingerichtet. Dort werden wir kino vom Stapel lassen: DRIVE. immer wieder Updates zum Auch wenn der Film gerade noch in Wer sich über demnächst in deut- Produktionsstatus posten und freu- deutschen Lichtspielhäusern zu se- schen Lichtspielhäusern anlaufende en uns natürlich über Ihre Kom- hen ist, gibt es bereits in den USA Filme informieren möchte, dem mentare, die Sie dort direkt einge- die DVD und Blu-ray dieses kult- empfehlen wir den Blog unseres ben können – vorausgesetzt Sie ge- verdächtigen Thrillers. Wir haben Filmspezialisten Wolfram Hanne- hören zur FB-Community. uns die DVD in unserem Heimkino mann, der auf Seite 5 beginnt. Un- angehört und waren begeistert! Die gewöhnlich dürfte allerdings die Lassen Sie uns abschließend noch Dynamik der 5.1-Tonspur wird Ihre hohe Zahl der unter eine Sperrfrist Heimkinoanlage ins Schwitzen brin- gen und bei Ihnen den Adrenalin- spiegel steigen lassen. Verspro- chen.

Ihr Laser Hotline Team

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012

The Good Old Days

Früher war alles besser. Wer hat diesen Gedanken Menge Blut und Schleim. Antichrist hingegen analy- nicht schon gehabt? Wenn die Mitbewohner Pizza mit siert, wie viel Schlechtes wir jemandem tun können, Ananas und Sardinen bestellen, will man nichts lieber wenn wir verzweifelt versuchen zu helfen. Lars von als Mutters Hachis Parmentier; wenn der Job stresst, Trier bringt seine eigenen Erfahrungen mit Depressio- sehnt man sich nach der “unbeschwerten” Schulzeit; nen ein, indem bedeutet, dass man Hilfe von außen wenn die Handys mit ihrem Internet-Schnickschnack annehmen können muss. Auch er zeigt Blut, Wunden unbedienbar werden und mit einem reden, ist die Ver- und Verstümmelungen, dennoch ist der wahre Horror suchung groß, die Zeiten heraufzubeschwören, in de- in Antichrist psychologisch. Keine Spur von dem an- nen der Postbote drei Mal am Tag kam. Auch im filmi- genehmen Gruseln aus The Fly, sondern pure Panik schen Bereich tendieren wir dazu, nur das gut zu fin- vor der nächsten Szene bestimmen diesen Film. Und den, was uns als junge Menschen geprägt hat. während The Fly mit einem Mord aus Liebe endet, verlässt uns Antichrist mit der Botschaft, Frauen seien Neulich sagte mir ein 49-jähriger Freund: “Es kommt die gefährlichsten Geschöpfe unserer Welt. eh nichts Neues mehr. Es ist alles schon einmal ge- macht worden und meistens besser, als sie es jetzt ma- “Nein, niemand kommt an Cary Grant heran! Und gute chen. Wer kommt denn heute noch an das Niveau ei- Regisseure? Gibt es auch schon lange nicht mehr!”, nes Cary Grant oder einer Ingrid Bergman heran? Kei- sagte mein Freund. Sicher war Cary Grant ein Origi- ner.” Dass wir uns seit Menschengedenken immer die- nal. Aber Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Downey Jr. und selben Geschichten erzählen, ist unbestreitbar. Schon Jamie Bell sind es auch. Ingrid Bergmans sehnsüchti- die Alten Ägypter unterhielten sich mit Gewalt, Rache, ger Blick wird für immer ihr allein gehören. Doch untreuen Ehefrauen, zerstrittenen Brüdern und auch … Meryl Streeps Empfindsamkeit, Keira Knightleys Happy Ends. Ob Zeus Blitze wirft oder Storm von den durchdringende Präsenz und Ellen Pages intelligente -Men, ist eigentlich egal. Platos Höhlen-Parabel oder Verwandlungskunst ebenso. Die Gegenwart täuscht. The Matrix – kaum ein Unterschied. Steve McQueen Überlebt aus dem goldenen Zeitalter Hollywoods ha- und Clive Owen stehen sich beim Bankraub in nichts ben nur die herausragenden Klassiker, die größten nach. Stars. Das vermittelt den Eindruck, es hätte damals Aber es geht nicht darum, ob etwas schon mal da war. nur gute Filme und tolle Schauspieler gegeben. Heute Es geht darum, wie wir alte Plots neu inszenieren und hingegen sehen wir tausende Schundfilme an uns vor- (noch wichtiger) interpretieren. und beiziehen – auch wenn wir sie nicht gucken, sind sie künden in The Fly und Antichrist beide trotzdem auf unserem Radar – und Horden von Megan davon, was passiert, wenn ein Trauma eine Beziehung Foxes, Justin Biebers und Sienna Millers, die für nichts in den Abgrund zieht. The Fly spielt mit modernen und wieder nichts berühmt und erfolgreich sind. Allein Ängsten: Genmanipulation, Gottspielen, Technik, die durch die neuen Technologien, die es einfacher ma- sowohl das Heil als auch den Tod bringen kann, der chen, Filme zu drehen und sich zu promoten, gibt es ethische Umgang mit neuer Verantwortung. Aber der exponentiell mehr Müll, den wir wahrnehmen. Wenn Film ist auch eine tragische Liebesgeschichte. Von dann noch dazukommt, dass gute Regisseure manch- zwei Menschen, die sich nicht mehr folgen können in mal fürchterliche Filme machen, schwinden die Hoff- die Welt des anderen – Orpheus und Eurydike klopfen nung und der Glaube ans Jetzt gänzlich. Mein Vater an. Das alles verpackt als Horrorfilm, komplett mit fragte mich vor einigen Jahren, welche modernen Re- schönen Frauen, explodierenden Körperteilen und jeder gisseure es in die Annalen der Filmgeschichte schaffen

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 würden. Nicht von Spielberg, Coppola oder sogar Außerdem darf man nicht vergessen, wie sehr Men- war die Rede, sondern etwa ab dem Jahr schen zwischen 15 und 25 geprägt werden von dem, 2000. Welche würden einmal studiert? Meine erste was zu ihrer Zeit läuft. Wenn man mit John Hughes’ Antwort – die ich auch meinem Freund vor kurzem Teeniefilmen groß geworden ist, wird Superbad einem entgegenbrachte – war M. Night Shyamalan. Erzählt nie einleuchten. Waren Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh oder der Mann gänzlich originelle Geschichten? Nein. Setzt die Helden der Jugend, werden Hugh er Archetypen auf völlig neue Art und Weise zusam- Jackman, Jennifer Garner und Gerard Butler nie genü- men? Ja. Shyamalan ist berühmt für seine plot twists, gen. Nicht, weil sie schlechter sind, sondern weil sie seine dunkle und dennoch hoffnungsvolle Erzählart, anders sind. Wir mögen, was uns ähnlich ist. Das, wor- seine Ruhe, die nie langweilig wird, sondern sich bis in wir uns hineinprojizieren können. In den Jahren, in zum Suspense eines steigern kann. denen wir uns selbst am meisten suchen, dienen die Signs und Devil mögen lächerliche, schlecht konstru- Stars zur Orientierungshilfe. Kommt man aus der Su- ierte Filme gewesen sein, aber das ändert nichts an che langsam raus, hat man das Gefühl, etwas von die- der herausragenden Qualität solcher Werke wie The sen Helden und denen, die sie spielten, assimiliert zu Sixth Sense oder Unbreakable. Wem vor ihm oder haben. Sie haben unsere Werte und Vorstellung der wem nach ihm ist es gelungen, die Geburt eines Super- Welt geformt. Alles, was danach kommt, ist immer ein helden und Superbösewichts so subtil, kraftvoll und bisschen fremdartig. Dabei vergessen wir völlig, dass anrührend zu erzählen? Wer in Lady in the Water nur auch wir in unserer Jugend gerne das Frühere verpönt ein Amalgam aus bereits vorhandenen Märchen sieht, haben, als staubig oder altbacken empfanden. Als 13- der hat nicht genau genug hingesehen. In einer Zeit, in jährige war The Longest Day für mich eine Qual. Der der wir – vernetzt wie nie zuvor – allein in unseren Film erschien mir endlos, überall nur Männer, Krieg Wohnungen sitzen, erzählt dieser Film nicht nur die Ge- und dann auch noch in Schwarzweiß! Mit Mitte Zwan- schichte einer wundersamen Nixe, die gerettet werden zig sah ich ihn wieder, verstand viel mehr und fand ihn muss. Das wahre Märchen, dessen Moral uns Hoff- plötzlich faszinierend. nung geben soll, ist das Zusammenspiel eines ganzen Nur wenn man nicht aufhört, sich zu bilden, weiter Fil- Hochhauses. Fremde, die sich höchstens gerüchtewei- me sieht (von heute und gestern!), hat man eine Chan- se kennen, wachsen zu Gefährten im Sinne Tolkiens ce, nicht stehenzubleiben. Es ist keine Schande, eine zusammen, um die Wasserfrau vor dem Tod zu bewah- Lieblingsepoche zu haben oder wählerisch zu sein – ren. “Ach was!”, sagte mein Freund, “ich bin noch bei schließlich hat man mit voranschreitendem Alter weni- keinem Shyamalan-Film rausgegangen und habe hinter- ger Zeit zu vergeuden. Aber es ist schändlich, an dem her weiter darüber nachgedacht!” Obwohl sich weiter Glory-Day-Syndrom gerne zu leiden. Das Heute bietet mit dem Film zu beschäftigen bis zu einem gewissen uns neue, aufregende Wege unsere Geschichten zu er- Grad etwas über Filmqualität aussagen kann, ist das zählen. Wenn George Méliès auf Avatar-Niveau hätte nur ein begrenzt brauchbares Argument, denn dieses drehen können, glauben Sie wirklich, er hätte es nicht Phänomen erscheint mir sehr subjektiv. Wir sind alle getan? Früher war nicht alles besser. Weder im Leben verschieden. Wir haben unterschiedliche Sozialisierun- noch im Film. Es war anders. gen und Interessenbereiche – beim einen bleibt etwas Anna Rudschies haften, das der andere völlig übersieht. Hinzu kommt, dass Geschmäcker sich mit der Zeit verändern. So wie wir als Kind vielleicht keinen Spargel mochten, ihn als Erwachsene aber durchaus goutieren, so gefielen uns Anna freut sich über Ihr Feedback: in unserer Jugend vielleicht Horrorfilme, für die wir [email protected] heute keinen Nerv mehr haben.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2012 Augenblick zum anderen gerät das Leben Unter den Fittichen von Regisseur Jason Moskauer Nächte und gute Menschen in der beiden aus den Fugen. Das plötzlich Reitman demonstriert sie, wie man in den Marseille abhanden gekommene Geld reisst ein tiefes Kampf zieht, um einen Mann zu erobern. Das einzige Double Feature in dieser Wo- Loch in das finanzielle Polster. Rechnungen Viel Make-Up, Maniküre, Petiküre – ja che servierte deutsche und französische können nicht mehr bezahlt werden. Genau sogar falsche Brüste sind die Tools, mit Film-Kost. an dieser Stelle jedoch erweitert der Film denen Mavis ihren Körper einsatzbereit den Blick auf die Dinge, indem er plötzlich macht. Das ganze Procedere wird von DIE VIERTE MACHT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) die Täter zeigt. Einer der beiden ist ein Jason Reitman mit genialen Montagen wie Verleih: Universal junger Mann, den Michel entlassen musste schon in UP IN THE AIR satirisch ins Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 und der sich um seine beiden wesentlich rechte Bild gerückt. Wie in fast allen seinen Regie: Dennis Gansel jüngeren Brüder kümmern muss. Einen Filmen vermischt Reitman auch dieses Mal Darsteller: Rade Serbedzija, Moritz Bleib- Vater gibt es nicht und die Mutter ist nicht wieder komische und ernste Momente und treu, Kasia Smutniak an ihren Kindern interessiert. Der Überfall schafft damit einen unterhaltsamen, aber Kinostart: 08.03.2012 war eine Verzweiflungstat. Was danach im auch nachdenklichen kleinen Film jenseits Film passiert, trägt zwar märchenhafte amerikanischer Mainstream-Ware. Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung gibt Züge, wäre jedoch durchaus möglich. Die es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film erst ab großartigen Schauspieler sorgen jedenfalls Dienstag, 24. Januar 2012 06.02.2012 auf dafür, dass die Wendung hin zum Guten Ein deutsches Doppel sehr überzeugend beim Zuschauer an- Ob sich der erste Film mit Ruhm beklek- kommt. Regisseur Robert Guédiguian er- kern wird und man im zweiten Film ein teilt uns allen mit seinem sehr gefühlvollen bisschen Türkisch lernen kann – diese SCHNEE AM KILIMANDSCHARO Film eine moralische Lektion, über die schwerwiegenden Fragen sollte das heutige (1:1.66, DD 5.1) Nachzudenken sich lohnt. Doppelprogramm beantworten. OT: Les Neiges Du Kilimandjaro Verleih: Arsenal Freitag, 20. Januar 2012 RUHM (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2011 Eine Erwachsene wird erwachsen Verleih: NFP (Warner) Regie: Robert Guédiguian Eine Komödie mit ernsten Momenten be- Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Österreich, Darsteller: Ariane Ascaride, Jean-Pierre scherte mir die letzte Pressevorführung Schweiz 2012 Darroussin, Gérard Meylan dieser Woche. Regie: Isabel Kleefeld Kinostart: 16.02.2012 Darsteller: Gennadi Vengerov, Senta YOUNG ADULT (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Berger, Heino Ferch Die Zeiten sind hart. Das bekommen auch OT: Young Adult Kinostart: 22.03.2012 Michel und Marie-Claire zu spüren, die Verleih: Paramount seit fast 20 Jahren glücklich verheiratet Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung gibt sind. Gewerkschaftler Michel obliegt es, Regie: Jason Reitman es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film erst ab mittels Los die Namen von 20 Kollegen Darsteller: Charlize Theron, Patton 12.03.2012 auf auszuwählen, die ihren Job als Hafenarbei- Oswalt, Patrick Wilson ter in Marseille verlieren werden. Selbst Kinostart: 23.02.2012 seinen eigenen Namen fügt er der Loskiste aus Solidarität hinzu – und wird tatsächlich Mit 37 Jahren hat Mavis Gary bereits ihre TÜRKISCH FÜR ANFÄNGER – DER gezogen. Jetzt kann er sich als Früh- besten Jahre hinter sich. Einst war sie be- FILM (1:2.35, DD 5.1) pensionär um die lange versprochene gehrte Autorin einer Romanreihe für Ju- Verleih: Constantin Pergola bei seinem Schwiegersohn küm- gendliche, doch die Schreibkunst hat sie Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 mern, mit den Enkelkindern am Strand verlassen und die Serie soll eingestellt wer- Regie: Bora Dagtekin spielen und sich ums Kochen kümmern, den. Auch eine Ehe hat sie bereits hinter Darsteller: Josefine Preuß, Elyas M’Barek, während seine sich Frau Tag für Tag um sich. Als sie in ihrem elektronischen Post- Anna Stieblich eine betagte Dame kümmert. Zu ihrem 20. fach eine Rundmail findet, in der ihr inzwi- Kinostart: 15.03.2012 Hochzeitstag bekommen Michel und Ma- schen verheirateter Ex-Freund Buddy stolz rie-Claire von den Kindern, Freunden und die Geburt seines Kindes mitteilt, fasst sie Als der Ferienflieger notwassern muss, Kollegen eine Reise nach Afrika zum Kili- einen Entschluss: sie will Buddy mit allen sieht sich die hübsche Lena dem Supergau mandscharo geschenkt. Doch noch bevor Mitteln zurückgewinnen. Das Ziel vor Au- ausgesetzt. Denn ausgerechnet mit dem sie die Reise antreten können, geschieht gen fährt sie von Minneapolis zurück in Deutschtürken Cem, dessen Schwester etwas, das ihr Leben von Grund auf verän- das Nest, aus dem sie stammt... Dass Yagmur und dem stotternden Griechen dern wird: beim Kartenspiel mit Freunden Mavis auch mit 37 noch längst nicht er- Costa sitzt sie jetzt auf einer einsamen werden sie brutal überfallen und um ihre wachsen ist, beweist sie mit jedem ihrer Insel mitten im Indischen Ozean fest, wäh- gesamten Ersparnisse gebracht – ein- Schritte, die sie tut. Nur weiß sie es nicht. rend ihre durchgeknallte Mutter im Nobel- schließlich der Reise. Der brutale Raub- Zumindest noch nicht. Denn die Heldin der hotel etwas mit Cems Vater beginnt... Ba- überfall bricht über den Kinozuschauer Geschichte wird im Laufe des Films eine sierend auf der gleichnamigen TV-Serie genauso gewaltig herein wie über die Prot- Entwicklung durchleben – von der nicht kommt nun also die XXL-Version in brei- agonisten selbst. Bis dahin verläuft alles nur von Teenager-Erinnerungen trunkenen, tem CinemaScope in die Kinos. Nach Sich- ruhig und beschaulich. Man arrangiert sich flippigen Frau hin zur selbstbestimmten tung der uns vom Filmverleih leider nur als mit Michels Jobverlust und versucht, das Erwachsenen. Charlize Theron spielt unfertige Fassung vorgeführten Filmversion Beste daraus zu machen. Doch von einem Mavis. Und sie tut das sehr authentisch. stelle ich mit Entsetzen fest, dass man

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog nicht einmal im Kino mehr sicher vor derlei seichter Vorabendkost ist! Hier geht es nur um möglichst frauenfeindliche Sprüche und peinliches Machogehabe. Das präsentiert Elyas M’Barek wie immer gekonnt gut, zeigt aber auch deutlich, dass sich Herr M’Barek immer nur auf dieselbe Rolle casten lässt. Schade eigentlich. Wer beim Besuch dieses Films trotzdem noch lachen kann, dem gebührt ein Ehren-Oscar.

Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2012 Verlustängste Heute gab es zwar nur eine einzige Presse- vorführung, dafür aber einen sehr unge- wöhnlichen Film.

TAKE SHELTER – EIN STURM ZIEHT AUF (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Take Shelter Verleih: Ascot Elite (24 Bilder) Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Regie: Jeff Nichols Darsteller: Michael Shannon, Jessica Chastain, Shea Whigham Kinostart: 22.03.2012

Curtis ist ein fürsorglicher und liebevoller Familienvater. Mit Ehfrau Samantha und der gemeinsamen taubstummen Tochter Hannah lebt der Bauarbeiter in einem klei- nen Häuschen irgendwo in den USA. Alles ist in Ordnung, wären da nicht die üblen Wingos Filmmusik passt hervorragend zu Schlaganfall ihrer Mutter zurück in die Alpträume, die Curtis seit ein paar Tagen den Bildern und sorgt für die richtige Stim- Heimat, wo sie sehr schnell zur Hoffnungs- quälen. Darin sieht er sich und seine Fami- mung. TAKE SHELTER ist ein ungewöhn- trägerin der unterdrückten Bevölkerung lie einem brachialen Sturm ausgesetzt. Als licher Film, der sich packend mit der Angst avanciert. Doch das Militärregime ist nicht er plötzlich auch noch alptraumhafte Hal- vor einem Verlust auseinandersetzt. geneigt, seine Macht abzugeben und stellt luzinationen hat, in der es ebenfalls um sie unter Hausarrest. Ein Arrest, der viele einen Sturm geht, beschließt er zu handeln: Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2012 Jahre dauern wird... Mit THE LADY mel- er erweitert den Schutzbunker auf seinem Hausarrest und Fussballsammelkarten det sich Frankreichs Kultfilmer Luc Besson Grundstück. Gleichzeitig begibt er sich in Eine Liebesgeschichte vor politischem Hin- wieder zurück in den Regiestuhl. Doch psychiatrische Behandlung, da bei seiner tergrund und ein Kinderfilm über Ängste politische Themen scheinen leider nicht Mutter im selben Alter paranoide Schizo- standen heute auf der Tagesordnung. seine Stärke zu sein. So gerät der Film sehr phrenie diagnostiziert wurde. Ist Curtis schnell zu einem Film über die Liebe zwi- verrückt oder hat er Vorahnungen? An die- THE LADY – EIN GETEILTES HERZ schen der Volksheldin und ihrem Oxford- ser Frage droht bald seine Ehe zu schei- (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Professor, die im Laufe der vielen Jahr auf tern... Da baut Curtis also seine Version OT: The Lady harte Proben gestellt wird. Bessons Film der Arche Noah – von allen verspottet und Verleih: Universum (Walt Disney) plätschert ohne richtige Höhepunkte dahin sehr zum Missfallen seiner Frau. Denn das Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Großbritannien und kommt erst gar nicht in Versuchung, dafür investierte Geld könnte sehr viel 2011 sich mit den politischen Hintergründen sinnvoller in eine notwendige Operation Regie: Luc Besson auseinanderzusetzen. Das aber wäre sicher- für die kleine Tochter gesteckt werden. Darsteller: David Thewlis, Michelle Yeoh, lich die wesentlich interessante Geschichte, Doch Curtis ist beharrlich. Michael William Hope zumal Suu Kyis Entlassung aus dem Haus- Shannon mimt diese Beharrlichkeit, die Kinostart: 15.03.2012 arrest erst vor wenigen Monaten erneut um irgendwo zwischen Besessenheit und die Welt ging und ihre Geschichte bei den Wahnsinn pendelt, sehr überzeugend. Auch Aung Sang Suu Kyi – ihr Schicksal ging um meisten Zuschauern äußerst präsent sein Jessica Chastain als seine Frau Samantha die ganze Welt. Als sie noch ein Kind war, dürfte. Der Film endet interessanterweise überzeugt in ihrer Rolle. Mit den Bild- und wurde ihr Vater, der oberste General von mit dem Tod von Michael Aris, der Ende Tonmitteln des Horrorfilms führt uns Re- Burma, bei einem Militärputsch getötet. Im der Neunziger Jahre an Krebs starb. Warum gisseur Jeff Nichols die Alpträume seines Exil in heiratete sie viele Jahre die zuvor freigelassene Suu Kyi danach für Protagonisten ebenso plastisch vor Augen später den Oxford-Professor Michael Aris, weitere acht Jahre unter Hausarrest gestellt wie die subtile Bedrohung, die Curtis den mit dem sie schließlich zwei Söhne hat. wurde, beantwortet Bessons Film nicht, ganzen Tag zu spüren scheint. David Ende der Achtziger Jahre führt sie der sondern geht direkt zu den Endtiteln über.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog In technischer Hinsicht gibt es bei Besson jedoch nichts zu mäkeln. Auch seine beiden Hauptdarsteller überzeugen – David Thewlis sogar mehr noch als Michelle Yeoh. Fazit: viel zu seicht.

THE LIVERPOOL GOALIE ODER: WIE MAN DIE SCHULZEIT ÜBERLEBT! (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Keeper’n Til Liverpool Verleih: Drei-Freunde (Kinostar) Land/Jahr: Norwegen 2010 Regie: Arild Andresen Darsteller: Ask von der Hagen, Susanne Boucher, Andrine Saether Kinostart: 15.03.2012

Das Einzige, was ihm von seinem Vater noch geblieben ist, sind die beiden Hand- muskeltrainer. “Wenn Du richtig zupacken kannst, dann gelingt Dir alles” war sein Spruch. Und man muss immer aufpassen. Ausgerechnet unter der Dusche ist er dann ausgerutscht und war sofort tot. Seither lebt der kleine Jo zusammen mit seiner übervorsichtigen Mutter im kleinen Häus- chen. In der Schule ist er zwar Klassen- primus, wird dafür aber von dem Muskel- paket Tom-Erik drangsaliert und muss für ihn die Hausaufgaben machen. Seine große Leidenschaft und auch die seiner Kamera- den ist das Sammeln von Fussballbildern. Das Bild vom Torwart der Mannschaft von unaufdringlich vorgetragen: man muss im Waldau, Synnøve Macody Lund Liverpool ist dabei das große Objekt der Leben auch einmal etwas wagen. So endet Kinostart: 15.03.2012 Begierde. Niemand hat es bisher bekom- denn der Film auch mit einer wunderbaren men. Aus Fussball selbst macht sich Jo Einstellung: Jo steht als Torwart im Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung gibt nichts, da dieser Sport viel zu gefährlich Fussballtor. Als der gegnerische Stürmer es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film erst zu sei. Als jedoch die hübsche Mari Lien in unaufhaltsam mit dem Ball auf das Tor einem späteren Zeitpunkt auf die Klasse kommt, ist es um Jo geschehen: zukommt, wagt Jo den entscheidenden er verliebt sich. Und alles wird sich ändern. Schritt vorwärts aus dem Tor heraus. Ob er Mit THE LIVERPOOL GOALIE liefert den Ball hält oder nicht wird man nie erfah- DON – THE KING IS BACK (1:2.35, DD Regisseur Arild Andresen den erneuten ren. Aber das ist in diesem Moment voll- 5.1 EX + 7.1) Beweis, dass richtig gute Kinderfilme fast kommen unwesentlich. THE LIVERPOOL OT: Don 2 ausschließlich aus nördlichen Ländern kom- GOALIE ist ein kleines Filmjuwel. Verleih: Rapid Eye Movies HE men. Sein Film macht einfach Spaß – nicht Land/Jahr: Indien 2011 nur Kindern, sondern gleichermaßen auch Freitag, 27. Januar 2012 Regie: Farhan Akhtar Erwachsenen. Mit tollen Regieeinfällen Krimis aus Norwegen und Indien Darsteller: Shah Rukh Khan, Priyanka gestaltet sich Andresens Film extrem kurz- Den Abschluss meiner Pressewoche bilde- Chopra, Lara Dutta weilig. Da lässt er uns direkt teilhaben an ten zwei Action-Krimis. Welchem der bei- Kinostart: 16.02.2012 Jos Gedankenspielen. Denn wann immer Jo den gebe ich wohl die höhere Wertung? vor einer Entscheidung steht, sehen wir Lesen Sie selbst. Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung gibt immer den “Worst Case” als Fallstudie im es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film erst ab Zeitraffer vor unseren Augen ablaufen. Mal HEADHUNTERS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) 12.02.2012 auf wird aus ihm ein Junkie, mal ein Fall für OT: Hodejegerne die Klapsmühle, mal wird er erschossen, Verleih: NFP (Drei-Freunde) mal landet er als Fischfutter im Fluss. Die Land/Jahr: Norwegen, Dänemark, Deutsch- Szenarien sind einfallsreich schwarz-humo- land 2011 rig, jedoch nach wie vor kindgerecht umge- Regie: Morten Tyldum setzt. Und die Botschaft des Films wird Darsteller: Aksel Hennie, Nikolaj Coster-

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Fun With Claude Happy Feet 2 Dir. Owen Stickler Dir. Dr. George Miller Animation Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2008-2009 520min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 min. Universal Music Family Warner Home Video Germany 02.04.2012 Angel Beats! - Vol. 3 Entertainment(Karussell) 10.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045423 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045254 Angel Beats! Happy Feet 2 (Blu-ray) Dir. Seiji Kishi Däumeline Epilog, Alternatives Ende, Audiokommentar, Textloser Vor- Happy Feet 2 und Abspann Hans Christian Andersen’s Thumbelina Dir. Dr. George Miller Zeichentrick 2010 125min. Dir. Don Bluth, Gary Goldman Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 min. Universum Film(Universum ) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1993 83min. Warner Home Video Germany 02.04.2012 17.02.2012 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045422 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045323 Germany 16.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045354 Herr Figo Box Bali... - Die komplette Staffel 1 (5 El Ratón Pérez / El Ratón Pérez 2 Discs) Däumeline (Blu-ray) Juan Pablo Buscarini - Dir. Andres Schaer Bali Hans Christian Andersen’s Thumbelina Trailer, Bildergalerie Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2006-2008 178min. Dir. Louis Asselin, Sorya Hocini, Inés Dir. Don Bluth, Gary Goldman 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 16.02.2012 Cachwa TV-Spots Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1993 87min. tba BestellNr.: 20045232 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006 65min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Foreign Media Group Germany(FM kids) Germany 16.03.2012 Jake und die Nimmerland Piraten 17.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045361 tba BestellNr.: 20045218 - Yo Matrosen, o hey! Jake And The Never Land Pirates Bibel Geschichten 1 Das Dschungelbuch, DVD 4 Sing Along Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009-2011 55min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011 162min. The Beginner’s Bible Universum Film(Universum Kids) Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Dir. Jean-Pierre Jacquet 24.02.2012 08.03.2012 Kinderfilm 1995 55min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045326 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045439 Universum Film(Universum Kids) 02.03.2012 FernGully - Christa und Zaks Kleiner roter Traktor 15 - Die lu- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045213 Abenteuer im Regenwald stigsten Folgen Bibel Geschichten 2 Ferngully... The Last Rainforest Little Red Tractor The Beginner’s Bible Dir. Bill Kroyer Dir. Russell Haigh, Dave Scanlon Dir. Jean-Pierre Jacquet Trailer Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2003 min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1992 73min. Kinderfilm 1995 55min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Universum Film(Universum Kids) 13.04.2012 Germany 16.03.2012 02.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045420 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045353 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045214 Der König der Löwen - Teil 1-3 (3 Bibel Geschichten 3 FernGully - Christa und Zaks Discs) The Beginner’s Bible Abenteuer im Regenwald (Blu- The Lion King Trilogy Dir. Jean-Pierre Jacquet ray) Dir. Roger Allers, Rob Minkoff, Darrell Kinderfilm 1995 78min. Ferngully... The Last Rainforest Rooney, Bradley Raymond Universum Film(Universum Kids) Dir. Bill Kroyer Zeichentrick 1994-2003 237min. 02.03.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1992 76min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045215 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 08.03.2012 Germany 16.03.2012 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045437 Bibel Geschichten 4 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045362 The Beginner’s Bible Der König der Löwen - Teil 1-3 (3 Dir. Jean-Pierre Jacquet The Garfield Show, DVD 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm 1995 78min. Garfield & Cie The Lion King Trilogy Universum Film(Universum Kids) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 55min. Dir. Roger Allers, Rob Minkoff, Darrell 02.03.2012 Universum Film(Universum Kids) Rooney, Bradley Raymond 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045216 17.02.2012 Zeichentrick 1994-2003 246min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045325 Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Bibel Geschichten 5 08.03.2012 The Beginner’s Bible Elmar Gunsch präsentiert die 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045447 Dir. Jean-Pierre Jacquet zauberhafte Märchenwelt der Ge- Kinderfilm 1995 78min. brüder Grimm (+ Audio-CD) Lucky Luke - Daisy Town / Sein Universum Film(Universum Kids) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. größter Trick (2 Discs) 02.03.2012 bellaphon records(Best Entertainment) Lucky Luke - Daisy Town / Sein größter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045217 27.01.2012 Trick 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045370 Dokumentation, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Cars 2 (Limited Edition, + Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1971-1978 150min. Sammelfiguren) Happy Feet 2 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Cars 2 Happy Feet 2 Germany 15.03.2012 Dir. John Lasseter, Brad Lewis Dir. Dr. George Miller 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045274 Featurette, Kurzfilm Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 103min. Warner Home Video Germany 02.04.2012 Madoka Magica, Episode 01-04 Walt Disney Studios Home 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045384 Maho Shojo Madoka Magica Entertainment(Disney/Pixar) 08.03.2012 Audiokommentar, Textloser Vorspann 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045436 Happy Feet 2 (Blu-ray 3D + 2D) Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2011 100min. Universum Film(Universum Anime) Claude - Alle 52 Folgen (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) 30.03.2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045417 Freundschaft The Peanuts Madoka Magica, Episode 05-08 Peantus TV-Special Film Maho Shojo Madoka Magica Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1965-2002 45min. Audiokommentar, Textloser Vorspann Warner Home Video Germany 13.04.2012 Das 10te Königreich (3 Discs) Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2011 100min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045434 Universum Film(Universum Anime) The 10th Kingdom 27.04.2012 Prinz Rama - Im Reich der My- Kimberly Williams, Scott Cohen, John 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045418 Larroquette, Dianne Wiest, Camryn Man- then und Legenden heim, Ann-Margret, Ed O’Neill, Rutger Hau- Madoka Magica, Episode 09-12 Ramayana: The Epic er, Dawnn Lewis, Hugh O’Gorman, Daniel Dir. Chetan Desai Maho Shojo Madoka Magica Lapaine, Jeremiah Birkett, Warwick Davis, Making of, Promo, Trailer, Bildergalerie Kim Thomson, Lucy Whybrow, Christopher Audiokommentar, Textloser Vorspann Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2010 98min. Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2011 100min. Crooks, Moira Lister, John Shrapnel, Jimmy KSM(NewKSM) 20.02.2012 Universum Film(Universum Anime) Nail, Timothy Bateson, Robert Hardy, Aden 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045335 25.05.2012 Gillett, William Osborne, Edward 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045419 Prinz Rama - Im Reich der My- Jewesbury, Jeffrey Wickham, Sheila Steafel, James Carroll Jordan, Deborah Max und Moritz / Struwelpeter then und Legenden (Blu-ray) Sheridan-Taylor, Katherine Hogarth, Johnny Wilhelm Busch Biographie Ramayana: The Epic Myers - Dir. David Carson, Herbert Wise Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 135min. Dir. Chetan Desai Fantasy 1999 425min. da music(Best Entertainment) 27.01.2012 Making of, Promo, Trailer, Bildergalerie Koch Media 03.02.2012 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2010 102min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045399 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045259 KSM(NewKSM) 20.02.2012 Micky Maus Wunderhaus - Alle 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045341 2 ungleiche Freunde lieben Minnie Rantanplan Je Préfère Qu’On Reste Amis Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Gérard Depardieu, Jean-Paul Rouve, Tilly Rantanplan Dir. Sherie Pollack, Rob LaDuca Mandelbrot, Lionel Abelanski, Annie Dir. Hugo Gittard Featurette Girardot, Isabelle Renauld, Yves Jacques, Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006 112min. Zeichentrick 92min. Élisabeth Vitali, Xavier de Guillebon, Valérie Universal Music Family Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Benguigui, Cassandra Harrouche - Dir. Eric Entertainment(Karussell) 10.02.2012 08.03.2012 Toledano, Olivier Nakache 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045440 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045255 Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien, Making of Komödie 2005 96min. Molly Monster - Staffel 1 / Vol. 1 TinkerBell - Feen-Trilogie (4 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 03.02.2012 (Episoden 1-9) Discs) tba BestellNr.: 20045442 Little Molly Monster Tinkerbell / Tinkerbell And The Lost Dir. Michael Ekblad, Ted Sieger Treasure / Tinkerbell And The Great Fairy 24 Stunden in seiner Gewalt Zeichentrick 2009 45min. Rescue Desperate Hours Warner Home Video Germany 13.04.2012 Dir. Bradley Raymond, Klay Hall Mickey Rourke, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Mimi 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045395 Bonus-DVD „Die großen Feenspiele“ Rogers, Lindsay Crouse, Kelly Lynch, Elias Trickfilm/Fantasy 2008-2010 235min. Koteas, David Morse, Shawnee Smith, Molly Monster - Staffel 1 / Vol. 2 Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Danny Gerard, Gerry Bamman, Matt 22.03.2012 (Episoden 10-18) McGrath, John Christopher Jones, Dean tba BestellNr.: 20045438 Norris, John Finn, Christopher Curry, Stan- Little Molly Monster ley White, Peter Crombie, Ellen Parker - Dir. Dir. Michael Ekblad, Ted Sieger Tom und Jerry: Gefiederter Spass Michael Cimino Zeichentrick 2009 45min. Tom And Jerry Thriller 1990 101min. Warner Home Video Germany 13.04.2012 Dir. Chuck Jones, Fred Quimby Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045396 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 61min. Germany(MGM/UA) 25.01.2012 Warner Home Video Germany 13.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045343 Molly Monster - Staffel 1 / Vol. 3 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045435 (Episoden 19-26) 28 Days Later (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Little Molly Monster Winnie Puuh - Honigsüße 3er Box 28 Days Later Dir. Michael Ekblad, Ted Sieger (3 Discs) Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Christopher Zeichentrick 2009 45min. Winnie Puuh / Tiggers großes Abenteuer - Eccleston, Megan Burns, Brendan Gleeson, Warner Home Video Germany 13.04.2012 Zum 10. Jubiläum / Heffalump - Ein neuer Noah Huntley, Chris Dunne, Emma Hitching, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045397 Freund für Winnie Puuh Alexander Delamere, Kim McGarrity, Luke Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. Mably, Stuart McQuarrie, Ricci Harnett, Leo Die neun Leben von Fritz the Cat Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Bill, Junior Laniyan, Ray Panthaki, Sanjay The Nine Lives Of Fritz The Cat 08.03.2012 Rambaruth, Marvin Campbell, David Schnei- Dir. Robert Taylor 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045441 der, Toby Sedgwick, Justin Hackney, Jukka Trailer Hiltunen, Bindu de Stoppani, Alex Palmer - Zeichentrick/Erotik 1973 73min. - Das Geheimnis des Dir. Danny Boyle WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.03.2012 verlorenen Königreichs / Winx Audiokommentar, Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Making 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045373 of, Musikvideo, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Animierte Storyboards Club - Das magische Abenteuer (2 Horror 2002 113min. Oscar, der Ballonfahrer - Alle 26 Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Folgen (3 Discs) Winx Club - Il Segreto Del Regno Perduto Germany 16.03.2012 Dir. Gert Ludewig, Arpad Szabo / Winx Club 3D 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045360 Trickfilm 2010-2011 312min. Dir. Iginio Straffi Universal Music Family Trickfilm/Fantasy 2007-2010 178min. 30 Minuten oder weniger Entertainment(Karussell) 10.02.2012 Universum Film(Universum Kids) 30 Minutes Or Less 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045253 02.03.2012 Jesse Eisenberg, Danny McBride, Aziz 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045416 Ansari, Nick Swardson, Michael Peña, Fred Die Peanuts: Glück ist ewige Ward, Dilshad Vadsaria, Bianca Kajlich - Dir. Ruben Fleischer

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2011 80min. Germany 16.03.2012 Koch Media 02.03.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045355 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045309 12.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045211 Alien - Die Wiedergeburt (Exten- Assassin(s) (k.J.) ded Version) (Blu-ray) Assassin(s) 30 Minuten oder weniger (Blu- Alien Resurrection Michel Serrault, Mathieu Kassovitz, Mehdi ray) Sigourney Weaver, , Winona Benoufa, Robert Gendreu, Danièle Lebrun, 30 Minutes Or Less Ryder, Dominique Pinon, Michael Wincott, François Levantal, Karim Belkhadra, Roland Jesse Eisenberg, Danny McBride, Aziz Dan Hedaya, J. E. Freeman, Brad Dourif, Marchisio, Félicité Wouassi, Nicolas Ansari, Nick Swardson, Michael Peña, Fred Raymond Cruz, Kim Flowers, Gary Boukhrief - Dir. Mathieu Kassovitz Ward, Dilshad Vadsaria, Bianca Kajlich - Dourdan, Leland Orser, Carolyn Campbell, Interviews, Making ofs, Teaser, Trailer, Wendecover Thriller 1997 128min. Dir. Ruben Fleischer Marlene Bush, David St. James, Rodney STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2011 83min. Mitchell - Dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet Germany(Arthaus) 19.04.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 2 Filmfassungen, Audiokommentar, Isolierte Tonspur, Entfal- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045300 12.04.2012 lene Szenen Science Fiction/Horror 1997 116min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045244 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment The Big Bang Theory - Die kom- 4 Tage im Mai Germany 16.03.2012 plette vierte Staffel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045359 Pavel Wenzel, Alexei Guskow, Ivan The Big Bang Theory Komödie 2010-2011 min. Shvedoff, Andrej Merzlikin, Sergei Alien 3 (Extended Version) Legostaev, Maksim Kovalevski, Grigori Warner Home Video Germany 13.04.2012 Alien 3 Dobrigin, Angelina Häntsch, Gertrud Roll, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045387 Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton, Petra Kelling, Merab Ninidze, Alexander Charles Dance, Paul McGann, Brian Glover, Held, Martin Brambach, Veit Stübner, Sylke The Big Bang Theory - Die kom- Ralph Brown, Danny Webb, Christopher Langenbeck, Julius Nitschkoff - Dir. Achim plette vierte Staffel (Blu-ray) John Fields, Holt McCallany, Lance von Borries The Big Bang Theory Henriksen - Dir. Drama 2011 min. Audiokommentar Komödie 2010-2011 min. Warner Home Video Germany(X Filme) Science Fiction/Horror 1992 139min. Warner Home Video Germany 13.04.2012 13.04.2012 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045428 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045385 Germany 16.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045356 The Big Blue - Im Rausch der Tie- Achtung Arzt! fe (Blu-ray) Annette Frier, Bernhard Schir, André Alien 3 (Extended Version) (Blu- Le Grand Bleu Röhner, Sarah Masuch, Maximilian Grill, ray) Rosanna Arquette, Jean-Marc Barr, Bruce Thomas Arnold - Dir. Rolf Silber Alien 3 Guerre-Berthelot, Jean Reno, Paul Shenar, Komödie 2010 91min. Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton, , Jean Bouise, Marc Duret, Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 24.02.2012 Charles Dance, Paul McGann, Brian Glover, Griffin Dunne, Kimberly Beck - Dir. Luc 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045223 Ralph Brown, Danny Webb, Christopher Besson Abenteuer/Drama 1987 166min. Agentin mit Herz - Die komplette John Fields, Holt McCallany, Lance Henriksen - Dir. David Fincher Concorde Home Entertainment 16.02.2012 dritteStaffel 2 Filmfassungen, Audiokommentar, Isolierte Tonspur, Entfal- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045308 Scarecrow And Mrs. King lene Szenen Kate Jackson, Bruce Boxleitner, Beverly Science Fiction/Horror 1992 145min. Bittersweet Life (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Garland, Mel Stewart, Greg Morton, Paul Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dalkomhan Insaeng Stout - Dir. Burt Brinckerhoff Germany 16.03.2012 Lee Byung-hun, Kim Yeong-cheol, Shin Abenteuer 1983 min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045358 Min-ah, Hwang Jeong-min, Kim Roe-ha, Kim Warner Home Video Germany 13.04.2012 Hae-gon, Mun Chong-hyuk, Lee Gi-yeong, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045390 Als der Fremde kam Oh Dal-su, Jin Gu - Dir. Kim Jee-woon Götz George, Dagmar Manzel, Gudrun Rit- Featurettes, Audiokommentar Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 24 + ter, Christian Redl, Aljoscha Stadelmann - Thriller/Drama 2005 min. 25 (3 Discs) Dir. Andreas Kleinert Splendid Film(Amazia Premium) 30.03.2012 Drama 2005 90min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045381 Erdogan Atalay, Tom Beck, Charlotte ZYX Music 10.02.2012 Schwab, Gottfried Vollmer, Dietmar Huhn, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045269 Bodyguard (Blu-ray) Daniela Wutte, Niels Robert Kurvin, Carina The Bodyguard Wiese, Katja Woywood - Dir. Axel Sand, Amer Kevin Costner, Gary Kemp, Whitney Hou- Heinz Dietz, Sascha Thiel, Jan Martin Amer ston, Bill Cobbs, Ralph Waite, Tomas Arana, Scharf, Holger Haase Marie Bos, Charlotte Eugène-Guibeaud, Michele Lamar Richards, Mike Starr, Chri- Action/Kriminalfilm 2008-2009 765min. Cassandra Forêt, Bianca Maria D’Amato, stopher Birt, DeVaughn Nixon - Dir. Mick Universum Film(RTL video) 10.02.2012 Harry Cleven, Jean-Michel Vovk, Delphine Jackson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045321 Brual, Bernard Marbaix - Dir. Hélène Cattet, Thriller 1992 min. Alien - Die Wiedergeburt (Exten- Bruno Forzani Warner Home Video Germany 20.04.2012 Trailer, Kurzfilme 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045424 ded Version) Thriller/Horror 2009 90min. Alien Resurrection Koch Media 02.03.2012 Breaking Bad - Die komplette Sigourney Weaver, Ron Perlman, Winona 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045287 vierte Season (4 Discs) Ryder, Dominique Pinon, Michael Wincott, Breaking Bad Dan Hedaya, J. E. Freeman, Brad Dourif, Amer (Blu-ray) Komödie/Drama min. Raymond Cruz, Kim Flowers, Gary Amer Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Dourdan, Leland Orser, Carolyn Campbell, Marie Bos, Charlotte Eugène-Guibeaud, 26.04.2012 Marlene Bush, David St. James, Rodney Cassandra Forêt, Bianca Maria D’Amato, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045208 Mitchell - Dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet Harry Cleven, Jean-Michel Vovk, Delphine 2 Filmfassungen, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Multi- Angle- Brual, Bernard Marbaix - Dir. Hélène Cattet, Checker Can - Der Eis- Segmente Bruno Forzani Science Fiction/Horror 1997 111min. Trailer, Kurzfilme Sicherheits-Check / Der Polizei- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Thriller/Horror 2009 94min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Check KSM(NewKSM) 20.02.2012 Ted Healy, Charles Winninger - Dir. Benja- Can Mansuroglu - Dir. Martin Tischner, Jo- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045333 min Stoloff hannes Honsell Trailer Komödie 1930 96min. Kinderfilm 50min. Detective K - Im Auftrag des Kö- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Universal Music Family nigs (Blu-ray) Germany 16.03.2012 Entertainment(Karussell) 17.02.2012 Jo-Seon Myeong-Tam-Jeong 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045346 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045392 Kim Myung-min, Oh Dal-su, Han Ji-min, Jae- yong Lee, Hyeon Woo, Ye Soo-Jeong, Choi Duo Infernale - Zwei Profis ohne Checker Can - Der Ozeanriesen- Moo-seong, In-gi Jeong - Dir. Kim Seok-yun Check / Der Wolkenkratzer-Check Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Plan Abenteuer/Action 2011 117min. Le Marquis Can Mansuroglu - Dir. Martin Tischner, Jo- KSM(NewKSM) 20.02.2012 Franck Dubosc, Richard Berry, Jean- hannes Honsell 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045339 Hugues Anglade, Luisa Ranieri, Sara Mar- Kinderfilm 50min. tins, Pascale Louange, Joel Torre, Fred Universal Music Family Dirty Carnival (Blu-ray) Scotland, Alain Zef - Dir. Dominique Entertainment(Karussell) 17.02.2012 Biyeolhan Geori Farrugia 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045394 Jo In-Seong, Cheon Ho-jin, Lee Bo-Yeong, Trailer Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2011 85min. Checker Can - Der Ziegen-Check / Yoon Jae-Moon, Jin Gu - Dir. Yu Ha Making of, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen Atlas Film Home Entertainment 02.03.2012 Der Pferde-Check Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2006 133min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045289 Can Mansuroglu - Dir. Martin Tischner, Jo- Splendid Film(Amazia Premium) 30.03.2012 hannes Honsell 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045342 Eagle Shadow Fist (k.J.) Kinderfilm 50min. Ding Tian Li Di Universal Music Family Dr. Dolittle 1 & 2 (2 Discs) Wong Chung, Jackie Chan, Mu Zhu - Dir. Entertainment(Karussell) 17.02.2012 Dr. Dolittle / Dr. Dolittle 2 Zhuo Wu, Mu Zhu 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045393 Trailer, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, TV- Eastern/Action 1973 86min. Spots, Musikvideo, Storyboard, Outtakes da music(Best Entertainment) 27.01.2012 Komödie 1998-2001 164min. Chuck - Doe komplette vierte 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045404 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Staffel Germany 16.03.2012 Die Einsamkeit der Primzahlen Chuck 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045207 Komödie 2010-2011 min. La Solitudine Dei Numeri Primi Warner Home Video Germany 13.04.2012 Don Camillo & Peppone Edition Alba Rohrwacher, Luca Marinelli, Isabella 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045389 Rossellini, Martina Albano, Arianna Nastro, (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Tommaso Neri, Vittorio Lomartire, Aurora CSI: Miami - Season 9.1 Don Camillo Ruffino, Giorgia Pizzio, Maurizio Donadoni, Fernandel, Roberto Sbaratto, Giorgia Senesi, Filippo CSI: Miami Bildergalerie, Trailer Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, 200. Episo- Timi - Dir. de Komödie 1952-1965 524min. Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Kriminalfilm/Drama 2011 440min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama 2010 115min. Universum Film 03.02.2012 Germany 15.03.2012 EuroVideo Bildprogramm(NFP) 05.04.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045306 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045286 tba BestellNr.: 20045220 Da Block Party 2 (k.J.) Don Juan DeMarco (Blu-ray) Die Einsamkeit der Primzahlen Da Block Party 2 Don Juan DeMarco (Blu-ray) Marlon Brando, , Faye Tommy ‘Tiny’ Lister Jr., Dan Garcia, La Solitudine Dei Numeri Primi Dunaway, Géraldine Pailhas (Doña Ana), Essence Lee, George Boyd, Gavin Lewis, Alba Rohrwacher, Luca Marinelli, Isabella Bob Dishy, Rachel Ticotin (Doña Inez), Chauvon Higgins - Dir. Frank Pinnock Rossellini, Martina Albano, Arianna Nastro, Talisa Soto (Doña Julia) - Dir. Jeremy Leven Trailer Tommaso Neri, Vittorio Lomartire, Aurora Komödie 2007 84min. Komödie 1995 min. Ruffino, Giorgia Pizzio, Maurizio Donadoni, bellaphon records(Great Movies) Warner Home Video Germany 20.04.2012 Roberto Sbaratto, Giorgia Senesi, Filippo 27.01.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045425 Timi - Dir. Saverio Costanzo 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045369 Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Die drei Musketiere Drama 2010 119min. Matt Damon Edition (3 Discs) The Three Musketeers EuroVideo Bildprogramm(NFP) 05.04.2012 Der talentierte Mr. Ripley / Good Will Oliver Reed, Raquel Welch, Michael York, tba BestellNr.: 20045247 Hunting / Dogma Christopher Lee, Richard Chamberlain, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law, , Faye Dunaway, Charlton Endstation Sehnsucht (Restaurier- Robin Williams, , Linda Heston, Geraldine Chaplin - Dir. Richard te Originalversion) (Blu-ray) Fiorentino - Dir. Anthony Minghella, Gus Lester A Streetcar Named Desire Van Sant, Kevin Smith Wendecover Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, Making of, Musikvideos, Abenteuer 1973 104min. Vivien Leigh, Marlon Brando, Kim Hunter, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Karl Malden, Rudy Bond, Nick Dennis, Peg Wendecover, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideo, Entfallene Hillias - Dir. Szenen, TV-Spots, Film-Clip Germany 01.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045240 Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Trailer, Outtakes Drama/Komödie 1997-1999 378min. Drama 1951 125min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Die drei Musketiere - Teil 1 und 2 Warner Home Video Germany 20.04.2012 Germany(Miramax) 15.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045427 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045275 (2 Discs) Les Trois Mousquetaires Erik der Wikinger Detective K - Im Auftrag des Kö- Dir. Bernard Borderie Erik The Viking nigs Abenteuer 1961 194min. Tim Robbins, Eartha Kitt, Terry Jones, Jo-Seon Myeong-Tam-Jeong STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Mickey Rooney, John Cleese, Sir Antony Kim Myung-min, Oh Dal-su, Han Ji-min, Jae- Germany 01.03.2012 Sher - Dir. Terry Jones yong Lee, Hyeon Woo, Ye Soo-Jeong, Choi 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045239 Komödie/Abenteuer 1988 89min. Moo-seong, In-gi Jeong - Dir. Kim Seok-yun AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Die Drei von der Feuerwache AG(more2c) 17.02.2012 Abenteuer/Action 2011 112min. Soup To Nuts 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045445

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

chael Mayer, Michael Damian Shilajit Majumder, Rituparna Sen - Dir. Der Fall Serrano (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Musikvideo, Kaushik Mukherjee Mort D’Un Pourri Outtakes Behind the Scenes, Berlin Episodes 1 & 2 (15 Min.), Doku- Kinderfilm/Drama 2006-2010 182min. Alain Delon, Ornella Muti, Stéphane Audran, mentation, Musikclips, Booklet Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama 2010 82min. Mireille Darc, Maurice Ronet, Michel Germany 16.03.2012 Bildstörung 24.02.2012 Aumont, Klaus Kinski, Julien Guiomar, Dani- tba BestellNr.: 20045230 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045272 el Ceccaldi, François Chaumette, Jean Bouise, Xavier Depraz, El Kebir, Henri Fluch der Karibik (Blu-ray) Gandu - Wichser (Special Edition, Virlojeux, Charles Moulin, Patrick Laplace, Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of Colette Duval, Roger Muni, Carole Lange, OmU) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Black Pearl Emile Riandreys - Dir. Georges Lautner Gandu Trailer Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Orlando Anubrata Basu, Joyraj Bhattacharya, Thriller 1977 123min. Bloom, Keira Knightley, Jack Davenport, Shilajit Majumder, Rituparna Sen - Dir. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Kevin McNally, Zoe Saldana, Jonathan Kaushik Mukherjee Classic Selection) 15.03.2012 Pryce, Treva Etienne, David Bailie, Lee Behind the Scenes, Berlin Episodes 1 & 2 (15 Min.), Doku- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045364 Arenberg, Mackenzie Crook, Trevor mentation, Musikclips, Booklet Goddard, Isaac C. Singleton Jr., Brye Drama 2010 85min. Fighter in the Wind Cooper - Dir. Gore Verbinski Bildstörung 24.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045284 Baramui Fighter Interaktives Feature, Audiokommentar Abenteuer/Fantasy 2003 143min. Yang Dong-kun, Aya Hirayama, Masaya Walt Disney Studios Home Gandu - Wichser (Special Edition, Kato, Jung Tae-woo, Jeong Du-hong - Dir. Entertainment(Disney) 08.03.2012 Yang Yun-ho OmU) (k.J.) Originaltrailer, Behind the Scenes, Biografie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045448 Gandu Action/Drama 2004 116min. Anubrata Basu, Joyraj Bhattacharya, 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 16.02.2012 Fury (4 Discs) Shilajit Majumder, Rituparna Sen - Dir. tba BestellNr.: 20045235 Fury Kaushik Mukherjee , Bobby Diamond, Willliam Behind the Scenes, Berlin Episodes 1 & 2 (15 Min.), Doku- Fire Dragon Fawcett, Ann Robinson, Lane Bradford, mentation, Musikclips, Booklet Drama 2010 82min. Mai Nei Dak Gung Dui Harlan Warde, James Seay, William Henry, Bildstörung 24.02.2012 Jackie Chan, Brigitte Lin, Jimmy Wang Yu, John Cason - Dir. Ray Nazarro, Lesley 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045271 David Tao, Yueh Sun, Jung Fang - Dir. Chu Selander, Sidney Salkow Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1955-1960 600min. Yen-ping Gangs of Glasgow Action/Eastern 1982 74min. polyband Medien GmbH 30.03.2012 Neds da music(Best Entertainment) 27.01.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045374 Conor McCarron, Gregg Forrest, Peter Mull- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045403 Gamer (Uncut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) an, Joe Szula, Martin Bell, Linda Cuthbert, The First Ride of Wyatt Earp Gamer Richard Mack, David McKay, Marcus Nash, Marianna Palka, Steven Robertson, Douglas The First Ride of Wyatt Earp Gerard Butler, Amber Valletta, Michael C. Russell - Dir. Peter Mullan Val Kilmer, Shawn Roberts, Trace Adkins, Hall, Kyra Sedgwick, Ludacris, Logan Lerman, Alison Lohman, Terry Crews, John Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie Matt Dallas, Daniel Booko, Miracle Laurie, Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 119min. Leguizamo, Milo Ventimiglia, Zoe Bell - Dir. Scott Whyte, Steven Grayhm, Wilson Bethel KSM(NewKSM) 20.02.2012 - Dir. Michael Feifer Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor Interviews mit Cast & Crew, Inside the Game: Controlling 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045334 2011 89min. Gamer, First Person Shooter: The Evolution or Red, The Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Doobie-ness Cut Trailer, Kinotrailer Gangs of Glasgow (Blu-ray) 26.04.2012 Action/Thriller 2009 94min. Neds 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045209 Universum Film 03.02.2012 Conor McCarron, Gregg Forrest, Peter Mull- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045338 an, Joe Szula, Martin Bell, Linda Cuthbert, Flesh for the Beast (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Richard Mack, David McKay, Marcus Nash, Flesh For The Beast Gamer (Uncut) (k.J.) Marianna Palka, Steven Robertson, Douglas Jane Scarlett, Sergio Jones, Clark Beasley Gamer Russell - Dir. Peter Mullan jr., Jim Coope, David Runco, Arron Clayton Gerard Butler, Amber Valletta, Michael C. Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie - Dir. Terry West Hall, Kyra Sedgwick, Ludacris, Logan Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 124min. Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Bildergalerie Lerman, Alison Lohman, Terry Crews, John KSM(NewKSM) 20.02.2012 Horror 2003 91min. Leguizamo, Milo Ventimiglia, Zoe Bell - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045340 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.02.2012 Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045280 Interviews, Featurettes, Trailer Garden State (Special Edition) Action/Thriller 2009 91min. (Blu-ray) Flesh for the Beast (k.J.) Universum Film 03.02.2012 Garden State Flesh For The Beast 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045330 Zach Braff, Sir Ian Holm, Rob Liebman, Jane Scarlett, Sergio Jones, Clark Beasley Method Man, Natalie Portman, Peter jr., Jim Coope, David Runco, Arron Clayton Gandu - Wichser (Limited Edition, Sarsgaard, Jean Smart, Ann Dowd, Denis - Dir. Terry West + Audio-CD, OmU) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) O’Hare, Michael Weston, Jim Parsons, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Bildergalerie Gandu Horror 2003 87min. Jackie Hoffman, Amy Ferguson, Ato Anubrata Basu, Joyraj Bhattacharya, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.02.2012 Essandoh, George C. Wolfe - Dir. Zach Shilajit Majumder, Rituparna Sen - Dir. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045262 Braff Kaushik Mukherjee Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Berlin Episodes 1 & 2 (15 Min.), Doku- Wendecover Flicka 1 & 2 mentation, Musikclips, Booklet Drama/Komödie 2003 102min. Flicka / Flicka 2 Drama 2010 85min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Alison Lohman, Tim McGraw, Maria Bello, Bildstörung 24.02.2012 Germany(Miramax) 01.03.2012 Ryan Kwanten, Danny Pino, Dallas Ro- 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045285 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045251 berts, Kaylee DeFer, Jeffrey Nordling, Dey Young, Nick Searcy, Buck Taylor, Tammin Gandu - Wichser (Limited Edition, Gegen alle Flaggen (Blu-ray) Sursok, Patrick Warburton, Emily Tennant, + Audio-CD, OmU) (k.J.) Against All Flags Clint Black, Ted Whittall, Reilly Dolman, Gandu Errol Flynn, , Maureen Craig Stanghetta, Dwayne Wiley - Dir. Mi- Anubrata Basu, Joyraj Bhattacharya, O’Hara, Alice Kelley, Mildred Natwick, Phil

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Tully, John Anderson - Dir. George , , Naya - Dir. Miklós Jancsó Sherman Rivera, , Harry Shum jr., Trailer, Bildergalerie Bildergalerie, Trailer Mike O´Malley, Criss Darren, Iqbal Theba - Erotik 1974 100min. Abenteuer 1952 80min. Dir. Brad Falchuk, Ryan Murphy, Bradley AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Donau Koch Media 02.03.2012 Buecker, Alfonso Gomez-Rejon, Eric Stoltz, Film) 16.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045311 Carol Banker tba BestellNr.: 20045415 Making of, Featurettes Die geheimnisvolle Fremde Komödie 2010-2011 min. Gunfighter Revenge The Woman In The Fifth Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Il Mio West Kristin Scott Thomas, Ethan Hawke, Joanna Germany 30.03.2012 Leonardo Pieraccioni, Harvey Keitel, David Kulig - Dir. Pawel Pawlikowski 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045349 Bowie, Sandrine Holt, Alessia Marcuzzi, Making of Jim van der Woude, Yudii Mercredi, Mich- Thriller 2010 82min. Greetings to the Devil elle Gomez, Kwame Kwei Armah, Stephen Universum Film 06.04.2012 Saluda Al Diablo De Mi Parte Jenn, Rosalind Knight, Jimmy Gardner, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045329 Edgar Ramirez, Carolina Gómez, Ricardo Jessica James - Dir. Giovanni Veronesi Vélez, Salvador de Solar, Patrick Delmas, Trailer, Bildergalerie The Gingko Bed / The Legend of María Luna Beltrán, Arnold Cantillo, Albi De Western 1998 82min. Gingko (2 Discs, Special Edition) Abreu, Santiago Quintero, Simón Rivera - da music(Great Movies) 27.01.2012 Unhaeng Namu Chimdae / Dan Jeok Bi Dir. Juan Felipe Orozco 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045402 Yeon Su: Eunhaengnamu Chimdae 2 Thriller/Drama 2011 87min. Making of, Videoclip, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Senator Home Entertainment 24.02.2012 Hannas Entscheidung Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045327 Christine Neubauer, Edgar Selge, August Fantasy/Action 1996-2001 205min. Schmölzer, Elisabeth Orth, Branko 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 16.02.2012 Greetings to the Devil (Blu-ray) Samarovski, Petra Morzé, Sebastian tba BestellNr.: 20045234 Saluda Al Diablo De Mi Parte Bezzel, Pamina Grünsteidl, Simon Morzé, Peter Faerber, Karl Fischer, Klaus Girl from the Eye (Blu-ray) Edgar Ramirez, Carolina Gómez, Ricardo Vélez, Salvador de Solar, Patrick Delmas, Ofczarek, Daniel White - Dir. Friedemann (k.J.) María Luna Beltrán, Arnold Cantillo, Albi De Fromm The Girl From The Naked Eye Abreu, Santiago Quintero, Simón Rivera - Drama 2011 90min. Jason Yee, Samantha Streets, Gary Dir. Juan Felipe Orozco polyband Medien GmbH(ARD Video) Stretch, Dominique Swain, Ron Yuan, Thriller/Drama 2011 90min. 10.03.2012 Wilson Jermaine Heredia, Sasha Grey, Senator Home Entertainment 24.02.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045365 Jerry Ying - Dir. David Ren 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045336 Trailer Happy New Year Action/Thriller 2011 83min. Der große Aufstand New Year’s Eve Koch Media 03.02.2012 The Great Sioux Uprising Halle Berry, Jessica Biel, Jon Bon Jovi, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045279 Jeff Chandler, Faith Domergue, Lyle Bett- Abigail Breslin, Ludacris, , Josh Duhamel, Zac Efron, Hector Elizondo, Girl from the Naked Eye (k.J.) ger, Peter Whitney, Walter Sande, John War Eagle - Dir. Katherine Heigl, Ashton Kutcher, Seth Mey- The Girl From The Naked Eye Western 1953 77min. ers, , , Jason Yee, Samantha Streets, Gary Koch Media 03.02.2012 Michelle Pfeiffer, Til Schweiger, Hilary Stretch, Dominique Swain, Ron Yuan, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045263 Swank, Sofía Vergara - Dir. Garry Marshall Wilson Jermaine Heredia, Sasha Grey, Komödie/Lovestory 2011 min. Jerry Ying - Dir. David Ren Der große Crash - Margin Call Warner Home Video Germany 10.04.2012 Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045383 Action/Thriller 2011 80min. Margin Call Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Irons, Koch Media 03.02.2012 Happy New Year (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045258 Zachary Quinto, Penn Badgley, Simon Baker, Mary McDonnell, Demi Moore, Stan- New Year’s Eve Glaube, Blut und Vaterland ley Tucci, Aasif Mandvi, Ashley Williams, Halle Berry, Jessica Biel, Jon Bon Jovi, Abigail Breslin, Ludacris, Robert De Niro, There Be Dragons Susan Blackwell, Maria Dizzia, Jimmy Josh Duhamel, Zac Efron, Hector Elizondo, Charlie Cox, Wes Bentley, Dougray Scott, Palumbo, Al Sapienza, Peter Y. Kim - Dir. Katherine Heigl, Ashton Kutcher, Seth Mey- Unax Ugalde, Olga Kurylenko, Pablo J.C. Chandor ers, Lea Michele, Sarah Jessica Parker, Lapadula, Golshifteh Farahani, Rusty Interviews, Trailer Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 102min. Michelle Pfeiffer, Til Schweiger, Hilary Lemorande - Dir. Roland Joffé Koch Media 24.02.2012 Swank, Sofía Vergara - Dir. Garry Marshall Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 122min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045264 Komödie/Lovestory 2011 min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 24.04.2012 Warner Home Video Germany 10.04.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045237 Der große Crash - Margin Call 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045421 (Blu-ray) Glaube, Blut und Vaterland (Blu- Hautnah - Die Methode Hill: Mör- ray) Margin Call Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Irons, derisches Trauma There Be Dragons Zachary Quinto, Penn Badgley, Simon Wire In The Blood: Prayer Of The Bone Charlie Cox, Wes Bentley, Dougray Scott, Baker, Mary McDonnell, Demi Moore, Stan- Robson Green, Naima Imani Lett, Merrille Unax Ugalde, Olga Kurylenko, Pablo ley Tucci, Aasif Mandvi, Ashley Williams, McCommas, Drew Waters, Brad Hawkins, Lapadula, Golshifteh Farahani, Rusty Susan Blackwell, Maria Dizzia, Jimmy Dell Johnson, Ryan Rutledge, Julio Cesar Lemorande - Dir. Roland Joffé Palumbo, Al Sapienza, Peter Y. Kim - Dir. Cedillo, Tom Nowicki, Jennifer Griffin, Ri- Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 126min. J.C. Chandor chard Dillard - Dir. Declan O’Dwyer Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 24.04.2012 Interviews, Trailer Kriminalfilm 2008 87min. tba BestellNr.: 20045249 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 106min. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 24.02.2012 Koch Media 24.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045221 - Season 2.2 (3 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045281 Glee Haven - Die komplette zweite , , Jessalyn Die große Orgie (k.J.) Staffel (4 Discs) Gilsig, , Patrick Gallagher, Lea Vizi Privati, Pubbliche Virtu Haven Michele, , , Lajos Balázsovits, Pamela Villoresi, Teresa Emily Rose, Lucas Bryant, Eric Balfour, , Kevin McHale, , Ann Savoy, Laura Betti, Franco Branciaroli

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Richard Donat, John Dunsworth, Nicholas Shyloh Oostwald, Colin McGurk, Will Harris Discs) Campbell, Stephen McHattie, Vinessa - Dir. Andrew Niccol Helene Luise Doppler, Armin Marewski, Antoine, Mary-Colin Chisholm, Glen Featurette, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer, BD-Live Pamela Knaack - Dir. Igor Hartmann Science Fiction/Thriller 2011 109min. Lefchak, Michelle Monteith, Kathleen Kinderfilm 2008-2009 352min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Munroe, Adam Copeland, Jason Priestley, justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Germany 30.03.2012 Maurice Dean Wint, Brad Armitage - Dir. 09.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045357 T.W. Peacocke, Lee Rose, Tim Southam 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045408 Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Interview Thriller/Mystery 2011 598min. Jesus von Nazareth (4 Discs) (Blu- Der Landarzt - Staffel 16 (3 Discs) WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) ray) Walter Plathe, Sabine Bach, Heinz Reincke, 30.03.2012 Jesus Of Nazareth Gerhard Olschewski, Eva Kryll, Thomas 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045375 Robert Powell, Anne Bancroft, Ernest Balou Martin, Thorsten Nindel, Ulrich Borgnine, Claudia Cardinale, Valentina Heartland - Paradies für Pferde, Bähnk, Jacqueline Svilarov, Manou Cortese, , James Earl Lubowski, Karina Thayenthal, Nynne Staffel 2, Teil (3 Discs) Jones, Stacy Keach, Tony Lo Bianco, Bugat, Till Demtrøder, Gerd Silberbauer, Heartland James Mason, Ian McShane, Sir Laurence Franziska Troegner, Luise Bähr, Andreas Amber Marshall, Michelle Morgan, Shaun Olivier, Donald Pleasence, Christopher Bisowski, Eva-Maria Bauer, Karin Thaler, Johnston, Chris Potter, Graham Wardle, Plummer, Anthony Quinn, Fernando Rey, Sir Edith Behleit, Victoria Sturm, Hans Georg Nathaniel Arcand, Jessica Amlee, Cindy Ralph Richardson, , Sir Peter Panczak, Daniela Hoffmann, Klaus Gehrke, Busby, Greta Onieogou, Kerry James - Dir. Ustinov, Michael York, Olivia Hussey, Cyril Eckhardt Bogda, Gerd Grasse, Janina Dean Bennett, Steve Dimarco Cusack, Sir Ian Holm, Yorgo Voyagis, Ian Uhse, Andrea Popadic, Ulrich Gebauer, Drama/Familie 2007-2008 405min. Bannen, Marina Berti, Regina Bianchi, Lee Konstantin Graudus, Svea Timander, Katrin Koch Media 23.03.2012 Montague, Renato Rascel, Oliver Tobias, Pollitt, Enrique Keil, Julian Paeth - Dir. Wolf- 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045298 Norman Bowler, Robert Beatty - Dir. Franco gang Münstermann, Hans Werner Zeffirelli Drama/Komödie 2006 660min. Heartland - Paradies für Pferde, Drama 1977 382min. Universum Film (ZDF Video) 17.02.2012 Staffel 2, Teil 1 (3 Discs) Koch Media 02.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045324 Heartland 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045312 Amber Marshall, Michelle Morgan, Shaun Laurel & Hardy - In der Fremden- Johnston, Chris Potter, Graham Wardle, Jesus von Nazareth (4 DVDs) legion Jesus Of Nazareth Nathaniel Arcand, Jessica Amlee, Cindy The Flying Deuces Robert Powell, Anne Bancroft, Ernest Busby, Greta Onieogou, Kerry James - Dir. Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Jean Parker, Borgnine, Claudia Cardinale, Valentina Dean Bennett, Steve Dimarco Reginald Gardiner, Charles Middleton - Dir. Cortese, James Farentino, James Earl Drama/Familie 2007-2008 405min. A. Edward Sutherland Koch Media 23.03.2012 Jones, Stacy Keach, Tony Lo Bianco, Bildergalerie 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045297 James Mason, Ian McShane, Sir Laurence Komödie 1939 69min. Olivier, Donald Pleasence, Christopher da music(Best Entertainment) 27.01.2012 Heidi - TV-Serien Komplettbox Plummer, Anthony Quinn, Fernando Rey, Sir 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045400 Katia Polletin, Katharina Böhm, Stefan Ralph Richardson, Rod Steiger, Sir Peter Arpagaus, René Deltgen, Herbert Tiede, Ustinov, Michael York, Olivia Hussey, Cyril Legend of the Evil Lake Lisa Hellwig - Dir. Tony Flaadt, Joachim Cusack, Sir Ian Holm, Yorgo Voyagis, Ian Cheon Nyeon Ho Hess Bannen, Marina Berti, Regina Bianchi, Lee Jeong Jun-ho, Kim Hyo-jin, Kim Hye-ri, Choi Kinderfilm 1978 676min. Montague, Renato Rascel, Oliver Tobias, Weon-seok, Lee Han-gal, Kang Shin-il, Ho Universum Film(Universum Kids) Norman Bowler, Robert Beatty - Dir. Franco San, Jeong Joo-Hwan - Dir. Lee Kwang- 02.03.2012 Zeffirelli hoon 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045305 Drama 1977 382min. Making of, Originaltrailer, Teaser, TV-Spots, Storyboard, Koch Media 02.03.2012 Bildergalerie Im Spessart sind die Geister los 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045290 Action/Fantasy 2003 87min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 16.02.2012 Annette Frier, Pasquale Aleardi, Michael tba BestellNr.: 20045236 Kessler, Andreas Schmidt, Alexander Kaminey - Ungleiche Brüder Kaminey Hörbe, Thomas Heinze, Sonja Gerhardt, Legende Tobias Kulzer, Judith Hoersch, Uli Krohm, Shahid Kapur, Priyanka Chopra, Debesh Legend Paulina Schläger - Dir. Holger Haase Mukherjee, Shivkumar Subramaniam, Carlos Tom Cruise, Mia Sara, Tim Curry, David Komödie/Fantasy 2009 91min. Paca, Eric Santos, Amole Gupte, Patricia Bennent, Alice Playten, Billy Barty, Cork Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 24.02.2012 Bull, Welket - Dir. Vishal Bhardwaj Hubbert, Kiran Shah, Peter O’Farrell, Anna- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045225 Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer Drama/Kriminalfilm 2009 129min. belle Lanyon, Robert Picardo, Tina Martin, In Time - Deine Zeit läuft ab Rapid Eye Movies HE 23.03.2012 Ian Longmuire, Mike Crane - Dir. Ridley 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045443 Scott In Time Trailer Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Das karmesinrote Blütenblatt (2 Fantasy 1985 90min. Murphy, Vincent Kartheiser, Olivia Wilde, Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Alex Pettyfer, Johnny Galecki, Matt Bomer, Germany 16.03.2012 The Crimson Petal And The White Shyloh Oostwald, Colin McGurk, Will Harris 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045352 - Dir. Andrew Niccol Romola Garai, Chris O’Dowd, Gillian Science Fiction/Thriller 2011 105min. Anderson, Amanda Hale, Shirley Legende (Blu-ray) Henderson, Katie Lyons, Eleanor Yates, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Legend Elizabeth Berrington, Richard E. Grant, Tom Germany 30.03.2012 Tom Cruise, Mia Sara, Tim Curry, David 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045344 Georgeson, Mark Gatiss - Dir. Marc Munden Interviews, Entfallene Szenen Bennent, Alice Playten, Billy Barty, Cork Hubbert, Kiran Shah, Peter O’Farrell, Anna- In Time - Deine Zeit läuft ab ( + Drama 2011 236min. polyband Medien GmbH 30.03.2012 belle Lanyon, Robert Picardo, Tina Martin, DVD, inkl. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045368 Ian Longmuire, Mike Crane - Dir. Ridley In Time Scott Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Katrin und die Welt der Tiere - Trailer, 2 Filmversionen Fantasy 1985 94min. Murphy, Vincent Kartheiser, Olivia Wilde, Die komplette zweite Staffel (3 Alex Pettyfer, Johnny Galecki, Matt Bomer, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Germany 16.03.2012 Polanski, Danny Boyle, Marc Forster Fantasy/Abenteuer 270min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045363 Featurettes, Interviews, Bildergalerie, Behind the Scenes, polyband Medien GmbH 30.03.2012 Trailer, TV-Spots, Wendecover, Audiokommentar 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045378 Der letzte Bulle - Staffel 1 & 2 (6 Thriller 1994-2010 308min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Mondbasis Alpha 1 - Season 1 (3 Discs) Germany(Arthaus) 15.03.2012 Henning Baum, Floriane Daniel, Maximilian 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045273 Discs) Grill, Proschat Madani Space 1999 Kriminalfilm 1210min. Mean Streets - Hexenkessel , Barbara Bain, , Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Mean Streets Nick Tate, Zienia Merton Division(Spassgesellschaft) 17.02.2012 Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, David Featurettes Science Fiction 1975-1976 600min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045398 Proval, Amy Robinson, Richard Romanus, Intergroove Media(Sunrise Entertainment) Robert Carradine - Dir. 24.02.2012 Lichtblau - Neues Leben Mexiko Drama 1973 106min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045256 Annette Frier, Michael Lott, Elena Uhlig, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Fabienne Elaine Hollwege, Roberto Guerra, AG(more2c) 17.02.2012 Mondbasis Alpha 1 - Season 1 (3 Marcelo Molina, Jeremias Koschorz, Siri 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045444 Nase - Dir. Uwe Janson Discs) (Blu-ray) Komödie 2010 91min. Mean Streets - Hexenkessel (Blu- Space 1999 Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 24.02.2012 ray) Martin Landau, Barbara Bain, Barry Morse, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045224 Nick Tate, Zienia Merton Mean Streets Featurettes Inga Lindström Collection 11 (3 Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, David Science Fiction 1975-1976 600min. Proval, Amy Robinson, Richard Romanus, Discs) Intergroove Media(Sunrise Entertainment) Robert Carradine - Dir. Martin Scorsese 24.02.2012 Zwei Ärzte und die Liebe / Prinzessin des Drama 1973 110min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045277 Herzens / Millionäre küsst man nicht AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Michaela May, Michael Mendl, Elzemarieke AG(more2c) 17.02.2012 Musa - The Warrior and the de Vos, Rufus Beck, Marleen Lohse, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045451 Patrick Rapold, Gedeon Burkhard, Carin C. Princess of the Desert (2 Discs, Tietze, Finja Martens - Dir. Peter Weissflog, Meeting Evil Special Edition) Ulli Baumann, Dirk Regel Meeting Evil Musa Drama 2010 270min. Samuel L. Jackson, Leslie Bibb, Luke Ahn Sung-kee, Jung Woo-Sung, Ju Jin-mo, Universum Film(ZDF Video) 10.02.2012 Wilson, Peyton List, , Muse Zhang Ziyi, Rongguang Yu, Park Jung-hak, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045322 Watson, Jillian Batherson, J.D. Evermore - Park Yong-woo, Lee Du-il, Yu Hae-jin, Jung Dir. Chris Fisher Suk-yong, Han Yeong-mok - Dir. Kim Sung- The Lonesome Fighter Thriller/Drama 2011 85min. Su No Blood - No Surrender Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Trailer, Booklet, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Max Alvarado, Janice Jurado, Brandy Soundtrack, Originaltrailer, Bildergalerie 26.04.2012 Historienfilm/Action 2001 155min. Ayala, Ernie Ortega - Dir. Rudi Dominguez 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045210 Bildergalerie, Werbetrailer 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 16.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045233 Action/Komödie 1986 90min. Jean-Pierre Melville - Arthaus Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) 17.02.2012 Close-Up (3 Discs) Die Musketiere - Einer für alle, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045229 Der Teufel mit der weißen Weste / Armee alle für einen (2 Discs) im Schatten / Vier im roten Kreis Die Drei Musketiere / Die Vier Musketiere Luther - Staffel 2 (2 Discs) Jean-Paul Belmondo, Serge Reggiani, Jean Richard Chamberlain, Oliver Reed, Faye Luther Desailly, Lino Ventura, Simone Signoret, Dunaway, Christopher Lee Kriminalfilm 2010 200min. Paul Meurisse, Alain Delon, Yves Montand, Abenteuer 1973-1974 205min. polyband Medien GmbH 12.03.2012 Gian Maria Volonté - Dir. Jean-Pierre STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045366 Melville Germany 01.03.2012 Intro, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045242 Luther - Staffel 2 (2 Discs) (Blu- Kriegsfilm/Kriminalfilm 1962-1970 375min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Die Musketiere - Einer für alle, ray) Germany(Arthaus) 01.03.2012 Luther 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045241 alle für einen (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 2010 200min. Die Drei Musketiere / Die Vier Musketiere polyband Medien GmbH 12.03.2012 Men Behind the Sun - The Richard Chamberlain, Oliver Reed, Faye 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045380 Historical Edition (k.J.) Dunaway, Christopher Lee Abenteuer 1973-1974 214min. Hei Tai Yang 731 Ein Mann geht seinen Weg STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Wang Gang, Tie Long Jin, Hsu Gou, Zhe F.I.S.T. Germany 01.03.2012 Quan, Zhao Hua Mei, Andrew Yu, Run Sylvester Stallone, Rod Steiger, Peter 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045252 Shen Wang, Dai Yao Wu - Dir. Tun Fei Mou Boyle, Melinda Dillon, David Huffman, Tony Trailer Lo Bianco, Kevin Conway, Cassie Yates, Action/Drama 1988 97min. Die Nacht der Jäger Peter Donat, Henry Wilcoxon - Dir. Norman Musketier Media(8-Films) 30.03.2012 Jägarna 2 Jewison 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045377 Rolf Lassgård, Peter Stormare, Kim Drama 1978 125min. Tjernström, Annika Nordin, Lo Kauppi, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Merlin - Die neuen Abenteuer, Jesper Barkselius (Åström), Eero Milonoff, Germany(MGM/UA) 25.01.2012 Vol. 8 (3 Discs) Johan Paulsen, Juho Milonoff, Tove Olsson, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045350 Jonas Hedlund, Ellenor Lindgren, Yngve Merlin Dahlberg - Dir. Kjell Sundvall Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Richard Ewan McGregor Edition (3 Discs) Trailer Wilson, Anthony Head, Angel Coulby, Katie Der Ghostwriter / Stay / Kleine Morde un- Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 120min. McGrath, Eve Myles, Michelle Ryan, Emilia ter Freunden Atlas Film Home Entertainment 23.03.2012 Fox, Tom Ellis - Dir. Ed Fraiman, James Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan, Kim 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045295 Hawes, Jeremy Webb, Dave Moore, Stuart Cattrall, Kerry Fox, Christopher Eccleston, Orme Die Nacht der Jäger (Blu-ray) Naomi Watts, Ryan Gosling - Dir. Roman Making of, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes

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Jägarna 2 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045313 ICESTORM Entertainment 06.02.2012 Rolf Lassgård, Peter Stormare, Kim tba BestellNr.: 20045351 Tjernström, Annika Nordin, Lo Kauppi, The Nines Jesper Barkselius (Åström), Eero Milonoff, The Nines One Tree Hill - Die komplette Johan Paulsen, Juho Milonoff, Tove Olsson, Ryan Reynolds, Hope Davis, Melissa achte Staffel Jonas Hedlund, Ellenor Lindgren, Yngve McCarthy, Elle Fanning, Dahlia Salem, Sean One Tree Hill Dahlberg - Dir. Kjell Sundvall Andrews, Greg Baine, Nicholas Garren - James Lafferty, Chad Michael Murray, Trailer Dir. John August Hilarie Burton, Sophia Bush, Bethany Joy Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 125min. Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurette, Galeotti, Paul Johansson, Moira Kelly, Barry Atlas Film Home Entertainment 23.03.2012 Kurzfilm „God“ Corbin, Barbara Alyn Woods, Lee Norris, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045316 Thriller/Mystery 2007 96min. Koch Media 23.03.2012 Craig Sheffer, Danneel Harris, Antwon NAM - Dienst in Vietnam - Staffel 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045294 Tanner, Bevin Prince, Brett Claywell, Bryan Greenberg - Dir. Gregory Prange, Thomas 2.1 (4 Discs) The Nines (Blu-ray) J. Wright, Billy Dickson, John Mallory Tour Of Duty The Nines Asher, Paul Johansson, Bethany Rooney, Terence Knox Ryan Reynolds, Hope Davis, Melissa David Carson, Mark Schwahn Kriegsfilm/Drama 1987-1990 630min. McCarthy, Elle Fanning, Dahlia Salem, Sean Drama min. Mammut Home Entertainment 23.03.2012 Andrews, Greg Baine, Nicholas Garren - Warner Home Video Germany 13.04.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045301 Dir. John August 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045388 Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurette, NAM - Dienst in Vietnam - Staffel Kurzfilm „God“ Pirates of the Caribbean - Am 2.2 (4 Discs) Thriller/Mystery 2007 100min. Ende der Welt (Blu-ray) Koch Media 23.03.2012 Tour Of Duty Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045314 Terence Knox Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Kriegsfilm/Drama 1987-1990 630min. Nomad - The Warrior Knightley, Geoffrey Rush, Stellan Mammut Home Entertainment 23.03.2012 Skarsgård, Bill Nighy, Chow Yun-Fat, Jack Nomad 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045302 Davenport, Kevin McNally, Jonathan Pryce, Kuno Becker, Jay Hernandez, Jason Scott Naomie Harris, Tom Hollander, Lee Lee, Mark Dacascos, Dilnaz Akhmadieva, Near Dark - Die Nacht hat ihren Arenberg, Mackenzie Crook, Keith Ri- Azis Beyshinaliev, Archie Kao, Ron Yuan - Preis (k.J.) chards, David Bailie, David Schofield, Mar- Dir. Sergej Bodrow, Ivan Passer, Talgat Near Dark tin Klebba, Reggie Lee, Vanessa Branch, Temenov Adrian Pasdar, Jenny Wright, Lance Trailer Lauren Maher - Dir. Gore Verbinski Henriksen, Bill Paxton, Jenette Goldstein, Abenteuer/Action 2005 107min. Outtakes Abenteuer/Fantasy 2007 168min. Tim Thomerson - Dir. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 16.02.2012 Walt Disney Studios Home Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer, tba BestellNr.: 20045231 Wendecover Entertainment(Disney) 08.03.2012 Horror 1987 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045450 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Norwegian Ninja Germany 15.03.2012 Kommandor Treholt & Ninjatroppen Pirates of the Caribbean - Fluch 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045293 Mads Ousdal, Jon Øigarden, Trond-Viggo Torgersen, Linn Stokke, Amund Maarud, der Karibik 2 (Blu-ray) Nie mehr ohne dich Martinus Grimstad Olsen, Øyvind V. Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest My Last Day Without You Kjeksrud (Øystein Fjellberg), Henrik Horge, Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Ken Duken, Nicole Beharie, Reg E. Cathey, Dean Erik Andersen, Kristoffer Jørgensen Knightley, Stellan Skarsgård, Bill Nighy, Marlene Forte, Marlene Forte, Robert (Tromsø), Terje Strømdahl, Emil Johnsen, Jack Davenport, Jonathan Pryce, Kevin Clohessy, Sharon Wilkins, Francis Per-Erik Holmquist Lie, Emil Stang Lund, McNally, Naomie Harris, Tom Hollander, Lee Benhamou, Amari Rose Leigh, Maxx Dag Eliassen - Dir. Thomas Cappelen Arenberg, Mackenzie Crook, David Bailie, Brawer, Lawrence Saint-Victor - Dir. Ste- Malling David Schofield, Martin Klebba - Dir. Gore fan C. Schaefer Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Interviews, Musikvideo, Trailer, Bildergalerien Verbinski Making of, Musikvideo Action/Komödie 2010 80min. Komödie/Drama 2011 89min. Spiel, Audiokommentar Koch Media 02.03.2012 Abenteuer/Fantasy 2006 150min. Falcom Investment AG 24.04.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045288 Walt Disney Studios Home tba BestellNr.: 20045238 Entertainment(Disney) 08.03.2012 Nie mehr ohne dich (Blu-ray) Norwegian Ninja (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045449 Kommandor Treholt & Ninjatroppen My Last Day Without You Mads Ousdal, Jon Øigarden, Trond-Viggo Primeval: Rückkehr der Urzeit- Ken Duken, Nicole Beharie, Reg E. Cathey, Torgersen, Linn Stokke, Amund Maarud, Marlene Forte, Marlene Forte, Robert monster - Die komplette vierte Martinus Grimstad Olsen, Øyvind V. Clohessy, Sharon Wilkins, Francis Staffel (4 Discs) Kjeksrud (Øystein Fjellberg), Henrik Horge, Benhamou, Amari Rose Leigh, Maxx Primeval Dean Erik Andersen, Kristoffer Jørgensen Brawer, Lawrence Saint-Victor - Dir. Ste- Douglas Henshall, Lucy Brown, Andrew (Tromsø), Terje Strømdahl, Emil Johnsen, fan C. Schaefer Lee Potts, Hannah Spearritt, Juliet Aubrey, Per-Erik Holmquist Lie, Emil Stang Lund, Making of, Musikvideo James Murray, Ben Miller, Mark Wakeling, Dag Eliassen - Dir. Thomas Cappelen Komödie/Drama 2011 93min. Jake Curran, James Bradshaw - Dir. Jamie Falcom Investment AG 24.04.2012 Malling Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Interviews, Musikvideo, Payne, Cilla Ware tba BestellNr.: 20045250 Trailer, Bildergalerien Making of Action/Komödie 2010 83min. Science Fiction/Abenteuer 585min. Nikita (Blu-ray) Koch Media 02.03.2012 polyband Medien GmbH 30.03.2012 Nikita 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045310 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045379 Anne Parillaud, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Tchéky Karyo, Jeanne Moreau, Jean Reno, Oh - diese ‘lieben’ Verwandten! Primeval: Rückkehr der Urzeit- Jean Bouise - Dir. Luc Besson Joe Stöckel, Paul Heidemann, Erika von monster - Die komplette vierte Making of, Interviews, Featurettes, Wendecover Thellmann, Franz Marischka, Trude Action/Thriller 1989-1990 117min. Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Hesterberg - Dir. Joe Stöckel STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Primeval Bildergalerie, Trailer Douglas Henshall, Lucy Brown, Andrew Germany 15.03.2012 Komödie 1955 94min.

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Lee Potts, Hannah Spearritt, Juliet Aubrey, Audiokommentar, Making of George A. Romero Presents - Action/Drama 2009 79min. James Murray, Ben Miller, Mark Wakeling, Deadtime Stories, Volume 2 (k.J.) Jake Curran, James Bradshaw - Dir. Jamie Splendid Film 30.03.2012 Deadtime Stories 2 Payne, Cilla Ware 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045430 Making of Barret Hackney, John Romualdi, Sam Science Fiction/Abenteuer 585min. The Return of the Living Dead Redford - Dir. Matt Walsh, Jeff Monahan, polyband Medien GmbH 30.03.2012 The Return Of The Living Dead Michael Fischa 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045382 Clu Gulager, James Karen, Don Calfa, Thom Horror/Episodenfilm 2010 101min. Mathews, Linnea Quigley, John Philbin, MIG Film 05.04.2012 The Prisoner - Freiheit ist nur Beverly Randolph - Dir. Dan O’Bannon tba BestellNr.: 20045222 eine Illusion (3 Discs) Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Isolierte Tonspur, Trailer Mickey Rourke Edition (3 Discs) The Prisoner Horror 1984 87min. (k.J.) James Caviezel, Sir Ian McKellen, Ruth Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Angel / Sin City / The Wrestler Wilson, Hayley Atwell, Lennie James, Jamie Germany(MGM/UA) 16.03.2012 Mickey Rourke, Lisa Bonet, Robert De Niro, Campbell Bower, John Whitely, Jeffrey R. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045348 Smith, Jessica Haines, Rachael Blake, Jessica Alba, Bruce Willis, Evan Rachel Vincent Regan, David Butler, Warrick Grier, Robin Hood - Staffel 1, Teil 1 (2 Wood, Marisa Tomei - Dir. Sir Alan Parker, Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller, Darren James Cunigham, Leila Henriques, Renate Discs) (Blu-ray) Stuurman, Sara Stewart, Hanlé Barnard, Aronofsky Robin Hood Isabella Calthorpe, Will Kemp - Dir. Nick Diverse Jonas Armstrong, Gordon Kennedy, Sam Thriller/Drama 1987-2008 332min. Hurran Troughton STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Thriller/Mystery 2009 277min. Abenteuer 2006 315min. Germany(Miramax) 15.03.2012 Koch Media 24.02.2012 polyband Medien GmbH 30.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045276 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045219 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045431 Die Rückkehr des schwarzen The Prisoner - Freiheit ist nur Robin Hood - Staffel 1, Teil 1 (3 eine Illusion (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Buddha Discs) Sebastian Koch, Fu Chong, He Yu, Fu Yi The Prisoner Robin Hood Luo, Wei Qi Ming, Wolf-Dietrich Berg, Hans- James Caviezel, Sir Ian McKellen, Ruth Jonas Armstrong, Gordon Kennedy, Sam Peter Hallwachs, Hu Rong Hua, Chen Jian, Wilson, Hayley Atwell, Lennie James, Jamie Troughton Li Ji Wen, Yang Qi Chang, Sophie von Kes- Campbell Bower, John Whitely, Jeffrey R. Abenteuer 2006 315min. sel, Tao You, Alexander Held, Joseph Smith, Jessica Haines, Rachael Blake, polyband Medien GmbH 30.03.2012 Hannesschläger, Stefan Born, Esther Vincent Regan, David Butler, Warrick Grier, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045409 Haussmann, David Enkelmann, Ronald Eich- James Cunigham, Leila Henriques, Renate horn - Dir. Ronald Eichhorn Stuurman, Sara Stewart, Hanlé Barnard, Roller Girl Thriller 2000 101min. Isabella Calthorpe, Will Kemp - Dir. Nick Whip It! FilmConfect Home Entertainment Hurran Ellen Page, Marcia Gay Harden, Eulala 16.02.2012 Thriller/Mystery 2009 277min. Scheel, Daniel Stern, Drew Barrymore, Alia 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045332 Koch Media 24.02.2012 Shawkat, Landon Pigg, Kristen Wiig, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045246 Juliette Lewis, Eve, Zoe Bell, Ari Graynor, Running Man / RoboCop 4 Law & R.I.F. - Ich werde dich finden Jimmy Fallon, Andrew Wilson, Sarah Habel, Order (2 Discs) (k.J.) Shannon Eagen, Edward Austin Austin, R.I.F. (Recherches Dans L’Intérêt Des Running Man / Robocop Mary Callaghan Lynch - Dir. Drew Familles) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Richard Eden Barrymore Yvan Attal, Pascal Elbé, Talid Ariss, Armelle Science Fiction/Action 1987-1994 174min. Alternativer Anfang, Entfallene Szenen Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Deutsch, Agnès Blanchot, Valentina Cervi, Komödie/Drama 2009 106min. 24.02.2012 Eric Ruf, Pascal Elso, Carlo Brandt, Anne Senator Home Entertainment 03.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045260 Charrier, Aladin Reibel, Jean-Gilles Barbier, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045307 Jean-Pierre Rochette - Dir. Franck Mancuso Making of, Trailer Roller Girl (Blu-ray) Scarred - Narben des Todes Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 86min. Scarred Whip It! Atlas Film Home Entertainment 23.03.2012 Hannah Leigh, Julian Berlin, Jonny Mack, Ellen Page, Marcia Gay Harden, Eulala 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045296 Charity Shea, Maxine Bahns, David Austin, Scheel, Daniel Stern, Drew Barrymore, Alia George Williams, Pia Scott - Dir. Jon Shawkat, Landon Pigg, Kristen Wiig, R.I.F. - Ich werde dich finden Hoffman, Dave Rock Juliette Lewis, Eve, Zoe Bell, Ari Graynor, (Blu-ray) Bildergalerie Jimmy Fallon, Andrew Wilson, Sarah Habel, Horror/Thriller 2004 83min. R.I.F. (Recherches Dans L’Intérêt Des Shannon Eagen, Edward Austin Austin, bellaphon records(Great Movies) Familles) Mary Callaghan Lynch - Dir. Drew 27.01.2012 Yvan Attal, Pascal Elbé, Talid Ariss, Armelle Barrymore 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045371 Deutsch, Agnès Blanchot, Valentina Cervi, Alternativer Anfang, Entfallene Szenen Eric Ruf, Pascal Elso, Carlo Brandt, Anne Komödie/Drama 2009 110min. Der Schlitzer von Charrier, Aladin Reibel, Jean-Gilles Barbier, Senator Home Entertainment 03.02.2012 The Lodger Jean-Pierre Rochette - Dir. Franck Mancuso 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045320 Making of, Trailer Merle Oberon, , Laird Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 87min. George A. Romero Presents - Cregar, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Sara Allgood, Aubrey Mather, Queenie Leonard, Atlas Film Home Entertainment 23.03.2012 Deadtime Stories, Volume 2 (Blu- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045317 Doris Lloyd, David Clyde, Helena Pickard - ray) (k.J.) Dir. John Brahm Rampage - Rache ist unbarmher- Deadtime Stories 2 Trailer, Featurette, Bildergalerie Kriminalfilm 1944 80min. zig (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Barret Hackney, John Romualdi, Sam Redford - Dir. Matt Walsh, Jeff Monahan, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.02.2012 Rampage Michael Fischa 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045266 Brendan Fletcher, Shaun Sipos, Lynda Horror/Episodenfilm 2010 106min. Boyd, Robert Clarke, Katey Grace, Michael MIG Film 05.04.2012 Schloss des Schreckens Paré, Malcolm Stewart, Brent Hodge - Dir. tba BestellNr.: 20045248 The Innocents Dr. Uwe Boll Deborah Kerr, Michael Redgrave, Peter

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Wyngarde, Megs Jenkins, Martin Stephens, Lord, Anthony ‘Treach’ Criss, Lawrence Ein Sommersandtraum Pamela Franklin - Dir. Turner - Dir. Keoni Waxman, Don E. Der Sandmann Trailer, Bildergalerie, Hörspiel FauntLeRoy Fabian Krüger, Irene Brügger, Beat Horror 1961 96min. BD-Live, Featurette, Bildergalerie, Making of, Trailer, Schlatter, Florine Deplazes, Siegfried Capelight Pictures 16.03.2012 Wendecover Terpoorten, Kaspar Weiss, Michel 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045270 Action/Thriller 2005-2009 278min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Gammenthaler, Urs Jucker - Dir. Peter Luisi Germany 15.03.2012 Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Tailer Schloss des Schreckens (Blu-ray) Komödie/Fantasy 2011 88min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045315 The Innocents good!movies(Neue Visionen) 17.02.2012 Deborah Kerr, Michael Redgrave, Peter 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045331 Wyngarde, Megs Jenkins, Martin Stephens, Shadow Creature Pamela Franklin - Dir. Jack Clayton Shadow Creature Stormy Monday Shane Minor, Dennis Keefe, Scott Heim, Intro, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Trailer, Hörspiel, Stormy Monday Audiokommentar John Hunt, Fred Armstrong, Magilla Schaus Melanie Griffith, Tommy Lee Jones, Sean Horror 1961 99min. - Dir. James Gribbins Bean, Sting - Dir. Mike Figgis Capelight Pictures 16.03.2012 Horror/Komödie 1995 93min. Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1987 89min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045283 bellaphon records(Great Movies) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 27.01.2012 AG(more2c) 17.02.2012 Schneewittchen & The Three 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045372 Stooges 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045446 Snow White And Shanghai Stormy Monday (Blu-ray) Dir. Walter Lang, Frank Tashlin Shanghai Stormy Monday Trailer John Cusack, Li Gong, Chow Yun-Fat, Da- Melanie Griffith, Tommy Lee Jones, Sean Komödie 1961 103min. vid Morse, Franka Potente, Ken Watanabe, Bean, Sting - Dir. Mike Figgis Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Rinko Kikuchi, Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1987 93min. Germany 16.03.2012 Benedict Wong, Hugh Bonneville - Dir. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045347 Mikael Håfström Interviews AG(more2c) 17.02.2012 Die schönsten Abenteuerfilme für Drama 2010 100min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045452 Senator Home Entertainment 24.02.2012 Jungs (2 Discs) Straw Dogs - Wer Gewalt sät Die Geheime Festung / Die Schrubber- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045328 Straw Dogs gang James Marsden, Kate Bosworth, Alexander Abenteuer 182min. Shanghai (Blu-ray) Skarsgård, Dominic Purcell, Laz Alonso, Koch Media 02.03.2012 Shanghai Willa Holland, James Woods, Rhys Coiro, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045291 John Cusack, Li Gong, Chow Yun-Fat, Da- vid Morse, Franka Potente, Ken Watanabe, Billy Lush - Dir. Rod Lurie Die schönsten Ferienfilme für Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Rinko Kikuchi, Thriller/Drama 2011 106min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Mädchen Benedict Wong, Hugh Bonneville - Dir. Mikael Håfström 12.04.2012 Der chaotische Elterntausch / Maddy tanzt Interviews 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045212 auf dem Mond Drama 2010 104min. Abenteuer 181min. Senator Home Entertainment 24.02.2012 Straw Dogs - Wer Gewalt sät Koch Media 02.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045337 (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045292 Straw Dogs Shoot Out - Abrechnung in Gun Die Sophie Schütt Edition (5 James Marsden, Kate Bosworth, Alexander Hill Skarsgård, Dominic Purcell, Laz Alonso, Discs) Shoot Out Willa Holland, James Woods, Rhys Coiro, Claudia - Das Mädchen von Kasse 1 / Gregory Peck, Pat Quinn, Robert F. Lyons, Billy Lush - Dir. Rod Lurie Gefühlte XXS - Vollschlank & frisch ver- Susan Tyrrell, Jeff Corey, James Gregory, Thriller/Drama 2011 110min. liebt / Traumprinz in Farbe / Wie angelt Rita Gam, Dawn Lyn, Pepe Serna, John Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) man sich seine Chefin / Himmel über Au- Davis Chandler, Paul Fix - Dir. Henry 12.04.2012 stralien Hathaway 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045245 Sophie Schütt Western 1971 91min. Komödie/Drama 375min. Koch Media 03.02.2012 Superman: Die Spielfilm Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 24.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045261 Collection 1978-2006 (5 Discs) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045228 Die Silicon Valley Story (Blu-ray) Superman Collection Der Schwarze Hengst / Der Pirates Of Silicon Valley Fantasy/Science Fiction 1978-2006 min. Schwarze Hengst kehrt zurück (2 Noah Wyle, Anthony Michael Hall, Joey Warner Home Video Germany 20.04.2012 Slotnick - Dir. Martyn Burke Discs) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045426 The Black Stallion / The Black Stallion Komödie/Drama 1999 min. Returns Warner Home Video Germany 13.04.2012 Tom Sawyer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045386 Kelly Reno, Mickey Rooney, Teri Garr, Louis Hofmann, Leon Seidel, Heike Vincent Spano, Ferdy Mayne - Dir. Carroll Sirga - Die Löwin Makatsch, Benno Fürmann, Joachim Król, Ballard, Robert Dalva Peter Lohmeyer, Hinnerk Schönemann, L’ Enfant Lion Abenteuer/Drama 1979-1983 210min. Andreas Warmbrunn, Magali Greif - Dir. Mathurin Sinze, Sophie-Veronique Tagbe, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Hermine Huntgeburth Souleyman Koly, Were Were Liking, Salif Germany(MGM/UA) 16.03.2012 Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2011 105min. Keita, Jean-Rene de Fleurieu, Michel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045206 Majestic Filmverleih 27.04.2012 Boccara - Dir. Patrick Grandperret 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045303 Steven Seagal - Troublemaker Wendecover Abenteuer 1996 80min. Collection (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Tom Sawyer (Blu-ray) A Dangerous Man / Mercenary for Justice / Germany 15.03.2012 Louis Hofmann, Leon Seidel, Heike Today You Die 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045299 Makatsch, Benno Fürmann, Joachim Król, Steven Seagal, Marlaina Mah, Witali Peter Lohmeyer, Hinnerk Schönemann, Krawtschenko, Luke Goss, Jacqueline Andreas Warmbrunn, Magali Greif - Dir.

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Hermine Huntgeburth 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045282 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2011 109min. Germany 16.03.2012 Majestic Filmverleih 27.04.2012 Die vier Musketiere der Königin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045345 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045318 The Four Musketeers Oliver Reed, Raquel Welch, Michael York, Die Zeit, die uns noch bleibt Tsunami - Das Leben danach Richard Chamberlain, Frank Finlay, Christo- And When Did You Last See Your Father? Veronica Ferres, Hans-Werner Meyer, pher Lee, Faye Dunaway, Jean-Pierre , , Juliet Roeland Wiesnekker, Noah Hartung, Lenny Cassel, Geraldine Chaplin, Simon Ward, Stevenson, Gina McKee, Sarah Lancashire, Den Dooven, Nicole Marischka, Joram Charlton Heston, Roy Kinnear - Dir. Richard Elaine Cassidy, Claire Skinner, Carey Voelklein, Michael Sideris, Herbert Trattnig, Lester Mulligan - Dir. Anand Tucker Irene Rindje, Nikol Voigtländer - Dir. Christi- Wendecover Entfallene Szenen, Trailer ne Hartmann Abenteuer 1974 102min. Drama 2007 88min. Drama 2011 105min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Atlas Film Home Entertainment 03.02.2012 Edel Germany(Aviator) 17.02.2012 Germany 01.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045257 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045227 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045243 Die Zeit, die uns noch bleibt (Blu- Türkisch für Anfänger - Folge 01- Die Wache - Staffel 1, Folgen 1- ray) 06 13 (3 Discs) And When Did You Last See Your Father? Pegah Ferydoni, Adnan Maral, Elyas Hans Heinz Moser, Axel Pape, Siegfried Jim Broadbent, Colin Firth, Juliet M’Barek, Josefine Preuß, Emil Reinke, Anna Kernen, Daniel Hajdu, Michael Zittel, Bernd Stevenson, Gina McKee, Sarah Lancashire, Stieblich, Axel Schreiber - Dir. Edzard E. Jäger van Boxen, Holger Kunkel, Elaine Cassidy, Claire Skinner, Carey Onneken, Oliver Schmitz Béatrice Bergner, Gernot Schmidt, Hans Mulligan - Dir. Anand Tucker Audiokommentar Heller, Karsten Dörr, Francesco Pahlevan, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Komödie 2005 150min. Beate Finckh, Mogens von Gadow, Matthi- Drama 2007 92min. Universum Film(TV-Formate) 02.03.2012 as Haase, Lutz Reichert, Carmen Plate, Atlas Film Home Entertainment 03.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045391 Birge Schade, Michael Breitsprecher, Anja 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045278 Freese, Martina Mank, Harald Kempe, Jana Ben Turpin’s Slapstick Hits Hora, Uwe Kockisch, Alexander Virgolini, Die Zirkusprinzessin Ben Turpin Irmelin Beringer, Eva Maron, Aram van de Ingeborg Hallstein, Rudolf Schock, Isy Kurzfilm 60min. Rest, Nik Neureiter, Karin Schröder, Dana Oren, Peter Karner, Jane Tilden, Ernst da music(Great Movies) 27.01.2012 Geissler, Daniel Hartwig, Eva-Maria Straka, Waldbrunn, Harry Hardt, Ernst Fritz 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045401 Mike Reichenbach, Patrick Bach, Tanya Fürbringer - Dir. Manfred R. Köhler Neufeldt, Alexander Kiersch, Andrea Musikfilm 1969 111min. Unser Charly - Die komplette 13. Suwa, Ingo Brosch, Caroline Grothgar, Arthaus Musik 06.02.2012 Staffel (3 Discs) Leon Boden, Anne Sarah Hartung, Christian 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045367 Spitzl, Mirco Wallraf, Meike Gottschalk, Ralf Lindermann, Saskia Valencia, Franzis- Zum Stanglwirt - Vol. 3, Folge 11- ka Heyder, Gary Bestla, Regina Lemnitz, Mark Keller Katja Giammona, Brigitte Böttrich, Wayne Kriminalfilm 1993-2003 607min. 15 Carpendale, Karin Thaler, Frank Behnke, Edel Germany(Aviator) 24.02.2012 Peter Steiner Mike Zobrys - Dir. Monika Zinnenberg, Carl 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045376 Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1993 Lang, Christoph Klünker 124min. Komödie 2007 555min. in Farbe WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.03.2012 Edel Germany(Aviator) 24.02.2012 Feuerwasser und frische Blüten / Der ge- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045413 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045226 heimnisvolle Reiter / Winde der Wildnis John Wayne Zum Stanglwirt - Vol. 4, Folge 16- Vampirfürst - Lord of the Dead Western 1935-1936 165min. 20 (k.J.) da music(Great Movies) 27.01.2012 Peter Steiner 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045406 Cold Hearts Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1993 124min. Marisa Ryan, Amy Jo Johnson - Dir. Robert The Winds of War - Der Feuers- A. Masciantonio WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.03.2012 Horror 1999 89min. turm (5 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045414 da music(Great Movies) 27.01.2012 The Winds Of War 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045405 , Ali MacGraw - Dir. Dan Zurück in die Zukunft (Jahr100 Curtis Edition) Ein verhängnisvoller Sommer Making of, Interviews Drama/Kriegsfilm 1983 720min. The Mysteries Of Pittsburgh Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea polyband Medien GmbH 30.03.2012 Jon Foster, Sienna Miller, Peter Sarsgaard, Thompson, Thomas F. Wilson, Claudia 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045412 Nick Nolte, Mena Suvari, Patrick Jordan, Wells, Crispin Glover - Dir. Robert Marc Macaulay, Mark Tierno - Dir. Rawson Wings of Freedom Zemeckis Marshall Thurber Komödie/Science Fiction 1985 111min. W.B. Blue And The Beaner Trailer Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) David Hasselhoff, Tony Brubaker, Linda Drama 2008 90min. 15.03.2012 Blair, John Vernon, Charlie Brill - Dir. Max Atlas Film Home Entertainment 24.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045304 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045265 Kleven Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Alternative Szene Zurück in die Zukunft (Jahr100 Ein verhängnisvoller Sommer Action 1989 82min. Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Edition) (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) 24.02.2012 Back To The Future The Mysteries Of Pittsburgh 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045267 Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Jon Foster, Sienna Miller, Peter Sarsgaard, Thompson, Thomas F. Wilson, Claudia Nick Nolte, Mena Suvari, Patrick Jordan, Zahnfee auf Bewährung 2 Wells, Crispin Glover - Dir. Robert Marc Macaulay, Mark Tierno - Dir. Rawson Tooth Fairy 2 Zemeckis Marshall Thurber Larry the Cable Guy, David Mackey - Dir. Komödie/Science Fiction 1985 116min. Trailer Alex Zamm Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Drama 2008 93min. Featurettes 15.03.2012 Atlas Film Home Entertainment 24.02.2012 Komödie/Familie 2012 86min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045319

LASER HOTLINE Seite 20 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045410 Zwei treue Gefährten Special Interest The Red Fury Cocaine Bandits 2 Wendy Lynne, William Jordan, Katherine Pecados De Mi Padre Cannon, Calvin Bartlett, Juan Gonzalez, Auf der anderen Seite der Lein- Dir. Nicolas Entel Alan Hale Jr. - Dir. Lyman D. Dayton wand - 100 Jahre Moviemento Dokumentarfilm 2009 90min. Bonusfilm:: Bärenherz Tom Tykwer, Blixa Bargeld, Wieland Speck, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 31.01.2012 Drama 1984 100min. Claus Boje, Detlev Buck, Sylke Enders, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045411 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Rosa von Praunheim, Ingrid Schwibbe, 24.02.2012 Elser Maxwell, Manfred Salzgeber, Benja- Cocaine Bandits 2 (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045268 min Reding - Dir. Bernd Sobolla Pecados De Mi Padre Dokumentarfilm 2009 82min. Dir. Nicolas Entel Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Dokumentarfilm 2009 93min. GmbH & Co. KG 27.01.2012 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 31.01.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045432

LASER HOTLINE Seite 21 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

lived to speak of it. Any witnesses-beautiful woman or stray Ten years ago, the development of the revolutionary Infinite cat-become just collateral damage, part of the job. And now Stratos powered exoskeleton changed the world’s balance of Golgo 13 is back with some of his most heartless cases ever. power overnight. Unfortunately, while the distribution of IS Animation The targets this time? Accident survivors turned mindless systems to every nation on Earth has ushered in a new era of terrorists. A disgraced politician’s mistress. A Trump-like peace, the fact that only women have thus far been able to Beyblade: Fierce Battle - The CEO. Ocean pirates with a sniper of their own. And in the the Stratos systems has sent the relationship between strangest assignment of all time, Golgo is hired to take out an the XX and XY-chromosomed halves of the human race into a Movie 1800 Romanée-Monts Luisants. (Yes, he’s going to kill a spiraling tailspin! So when fifteen-year-old Ichika Orimura is The Ultimate Showdown. From the wildly popular toy, bottle of wine.) Solve the puzzles-if you can-in the most suddenly discovered to be the first male with the ability to Beyblade, comes an all-new, action-packed, feature-length mysterious, action-packed shoot-’em-up ever! control an IS, whatever plans he might have had for his own movie, Beyblade: Fierce Battle. Immediately after winning the Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, future are tossed out the window even as he’s thrown to the National Championships, Tyson is challenged by a mysterious Action, Adventure 2009 S 300min. wolves and enrolled at the otherwise entirely female Infinite boy named Daichi, who is determined to become the next Stratos Academy by order of the Japanese government! It’s Beyblading champion. But when they battle, their Beyblades Section23 Films 24.04.2012 One Boy Vs. All the Girls as Ichika get taken for a ride on awaken ancient dark forces that take human form and become 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108008 some serious heavy metal in Infinite Stratos - The Complete the evil Shadow-Bladers who vow to destroy mankind! Now Collection! it’s up to Tyson and the Bladebreakers to defeat the Shadow- Anime, Action, Foreign, International TV, Bladers before they carry out their destructive plan. Will they The Head: The Complete Series Japanese, Science Fiction 2011 S 325min. succeed...or is this the end of the Bladebreakers? Exploding This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using with eye-popping animation, thrilling Baybattle sequences and a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Section23 Films 10.04.2012 a heart-stopping final showdown, Beyblade: Fierce Battle is a Jim (The Head) is an animated mutant super-hero with an 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107973 must-have for any Beyblade fan. insanely large cranium. A freak encounter left him with a Anime 2005 71min. problem. A big one: he’s got an alien named Roy living inside Jake And The Never Land Echo Bridge Home Entertainment his oversized dome. Plus, he’s got the added headache of having to deal with an impending invasion of Earth by a Pirates: Peter Pan Returns (DVD 03.04.2012 fiendish army of evil parasitic aliens. Jim and Roy are 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107693 feverishly assembling the Anti-Invasion Machine, whose five + Digital Copy Combo) pieces have been scattered throughout the world. Will Jim Yay hey! The most famous Never Land hero of all time is back! and his skull-dwelling companion have the skill to save the Before you can say, „I Can Fly!“ — Peter Pan returns to lead Blade Of Kings Earth? Only The Head knows. Jake And The Never Land Pirates on their first-ever full- Jaycee Chan, Charlene Choi, Gillian Chung, Thrillers, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, MTV, length adventure. During a game of „catch-me-if-you-can,“ Science Fiction, Alien Invasions, Aliens Peter Pan’s mischievous shadow slips away...and winds up in Donnie Yen, Daniel Wu, Edison Chen the clutches of that sneaky snook, Captain Hook! Now it’s up AKA: Twins Effect 2. In the mythical land of Huadu, Charcoal 1994 276min. to Jake, Izzy, Cubby — and YOU — to help Peter rescue his Head, a humble boy born to rule an empire must undertake his MTV MOD 17.01.2012 shadow. Then, enjoy more excitement with five Jake And The journey to claim his throne. It is an epic action adventure 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108078 Never and Pirates adventures, including a DVD premiere. combining romance, fantasy, comedy and cutting edge Hong Awash with happy thoughts, swashbuckling action, new songs Kong style martial artistry. and never-ending fun, Peter Pan Returns proves good Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, Hello Kitty Triple Pack can do great things when they work together! Japanese, Action, Adventure 2004 106min. Includes: Hello Kitty Goes To The Movies. Hello Kitty Saves Adventure, Disney, Family, Fantasy, Music, Well Go USA 06.03.2012 The Day. Hello Kitty Plays Pretend. Pirates, Preschool, Swashbucklers 2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108011 Animated Animals, Anime, Boxed Sets, 169min. Family, Foreign, Japanese min. Disney / Buena Vista 03.04.2012 Blade Of Kings (Blu-ray + DVD MGM / UA 18.01.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108160 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107860 Combo) (Blu-ray) LEGO: Ninjago - Masters Of Jaycee Chan, Charlene Choi, Gillian Chung, Hello Kitty: Growing Up With Donnie Yen, Daniel Wu, Edison Chen Spinjitzu AKA: Twins Effect 2. In the mythical land of Huadu, Charcoal Hello Kitty - Volume 1 Masters of Spinjitzu: a new force to save the world! The Head, a humble boy born to rule an empire must undertake his Anime, Family, Foreign, Japanese, world of Ninjago is in terrible danger. An army of skeletons journey to claim his throne. It is an epic action adventure has invaded from the underworld, under the command of the combining romance, fantasy, comedy and cutting edge Hong Animated Animals 45min. evil Lord Garmadon. Their goal: capture the Four Weapons of Kong style martial artistry. E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 Spinjitzu, artifacts so powerful it is said no one being can Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107868 wield them all at once. Now Garmadon’s brother, the heroic Sensei Wu, must gather four young men and train them in the Anime, Action, Adventure 2004 106min. ways of the ancient art of Spinjitzu. These four - Kai, Jay, Well Go USA 06.03.2012 Hello Kitty: Growing Up With Zane and Cole - must become ninja and stand against the dark 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108064 power of Garmadon and his evil skeleton army. If they fail, the Hello Kitty - Volume 2 four weapons will be lost and Ninjago doomed forever. Anime, Family, Foreign, Japanese, Ninjas, Computer Animation, Family min. Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo: The Animated Animals min. Warner Bros. 27.03.2012 Complete Series - Part 1 E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108171 Anime, , Foreign, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107869 Japanese min. : The Complete Series E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 Infinite Stratos: The Complete This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108086 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In Collection the murky alleyways of , homeless Maxx Yukana Nogami huddles in his box and dreams of crushing evil villains. But Dinosaur (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) Ten years ago, the development of the revolutionary Infinite when he bursts into the colorful netherworld of the Outback, , Ossie Davis, D.B. Stratos powered exoskeleton changed the world’s balance of The Maxx is a hero, in full purple splendor. His friend Julie, a power overnight. Unfortunately, while the distribution of IS freelance social worker, thinks the Maxx’s alternate universe Sweeney, Della Reese, Hayden Panettiere, systems to every nation on Earth has ushered in a new era of is just an escape from the harsh reality of New York-not Julianna Margulies, Billy West, Max Casella, peace, the fact that only women have thus far been able to realizing that she, too, roams the Outback as the Jungle pilot the Stratos systems has sent the relationship between Queen. Join The Maxx for deliciously demonic adventures in Samuel E. Wright both worlds, as he scours streets and jungles in search of the Travel 65 million years into the past and experience the age of the XX and XY-chromosomed halves of the human race into a spiraling tailspin! So when fifteen-year-old Ichika Orimura is link between his two realities. Will he be able to find the the dinosaurs in mind-blowing Blu-ray high definition. connection before it’s too late? Dinosaur, Disney’s landmark special effects spectacular, suddenly discovered to be the first male with the ability to makes an evolutionary leap through the revolutionary new control an IS, whatever plans he might have had for his own Thrillers, Based On Comic Book, MTV, Blu-ray technology. For the first time ever, witness the film’s future are tossed out the window even as he’s thrown to the Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action, dazzling meteor storm and all of Aladar’s breathtaking battles wolves and enrolled at the otherwise entirely female Infinite Adventure 1995 FF 178min. in brilliant 1080p. Prepare for a stunning auditory experience Stratos Academy by order of the Japanese government! It’s with 5.1 48kHz, 24-bit uncompressed sound - from the One Boy Vs. All the Girls as Ichika get taken for a ride on MTV MOD 17.01.2012 thundering footsteps of the deadly carnotaurs to the smallest some serious heavy metal in Infinite Stratos - The Complete 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108080 leaf blowing in the breeze. You’ve never experienced Collection! Dinosaur like this. Go beyond everyday entertainment with Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Blu-ray High Definition. Science Fiction, Action 2011 S 325min. Mia And The Migoo Computer Animation, Dinosaurs, Disney, Section23 Films 10.04.2012 James Woods, Whoopi Goldberg, Wallace Family 2000 min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107956 Shawn, , John DiMaggio Disney / Buena Vista 08.02.2011 Environmental, Family, Magic, Adventure 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108251 Infinite Stratos: The Complete 2008 91min. E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 Golgo 13: Collection 3 Collection (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107870 He never misses his target. No one has ever seen him kill and Yukana Nogami

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 22 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Mia And The Migoo (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 06.03.2012 Warner Bros. MOD 04.10.2011 James Woods, Whoopi Goldberg, Wallace 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108175 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107918 Shawn, Matthew Modine, John DiMaggio Environmental, Family, Magic, Adventure Rover Dangerfield Someday’s Dreamers: The 2008 91min. Ronnie Schell, Rodney Dangerfield Complete Collection E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 You know the voice, the mannerisms, the red necktie. And you know you’ll laugh. Rover Dangerfield, written by Rodney Mona Marshall, Kari Wahlgren 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107887 Dangerfield and featuring his inimitable voice talents, is a When can flunking a spelling test cause major problems? cartoon fan’s best friend. The makers of The Brave Little When you’re learning how to use magic, of course! And that’s Motto To Love-Ru: The Complete Toaster team with the comedy legend for this tuneful, all-family exactly the situation fifteen-year-old Yume Kikuchi finds treat about a brave little dog whose every move and joke is herself in when she travels to Tokyo to begin her Collection purest Rodney, captured as the funnyman was filmed apprenticeship as a licensed magic user. Unfortunately, recording his lines so the animators could recreate his Yume’s a country girl in the big city for the first time and there The insanity that began when a very naked (and very female) are a lot of new-fangled ideas to get used to. Like her new alien teleported into Rito Yuki’s bathtub (while he was in it) uproarious personality. We meet Rover in Las Vegas, living the good life of a high-rolling hound. But - win some, lose mentor, Oyamada, turning out to be a man instead of the continues. And even though Princess Lala has finally started expected woman! Add to that the fact that Yume’s not really to admit her true feelings for the young man she’s inexplicably some - he’s transplanted to a farm where he gets the barnyard blues. Soon he has new friends and adventures, setting up very confident about her abilities to achieve her goal of a engaged to marry (as a result of what happened in said magic license and she might just jinx herself into failing! It bathtub and Develuke customs,) her sometimes erratic and begging the question of whether the pooch will be truly happy in his new home. Find out by calling Rover over. will take a lot of helping hands from her equally challenged technology and the snags and snarls of intergalatic politics fellow students and even more aid from her teachers if she’s and intrigue are still causing major problems. That Comedy, Family, Animated Animals 1991 going to succeed, but in the end, the most important lesson transporter? Yeah, it still has the nasty habit of leaving the 74min. she’ll learn may not even be about spellcasting. The process clothes behind. Alien bounty hunters? Yep, even more of them Warner Bros. MOD 07.12.2010 of growing up and discovering what lies inside your own and they’re even more devious. Add body switches, alien heart is the most wonderful magic of all in Someday’s skunks, a bathroom that changes size and shape, the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107791 Dreamers - The Complete Collection. inevitable sleepover that you just know it’s going to go horribly, horribly wrong (spoiler: it does.) Worst of all, Adventure, Anime, Drama, Fantasy, there’s Valentine’s Day, and even in space you’ll be able to Scooby-Doo!: 13 Spooky Tales Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Magic hear Rito scream! Love takes a quantum shift into the wrong From Around The World 2003 S 300min. gear and the star brakes are broken in the extra-special, extra-crazy extraterrestrial romance to end them all, Motto To Nobody vacations like Scooby-Doo and the gang. This is arm- Section23 Films 17.04.2012 Love-Ru - The Complete Collection!!! scare travel at its very best! And with 13 hair-raising 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107960 vacation destinations on two DVDs, that’s hours of family fun. Aliens, Anime, Foreign, International TV, Get ready to get shipwrecked in the Bermuda Triangle with Japanese, Science Fiction, Space 2010 S scary skeleton scuba divers and chased through the canals of The Space Kidettes / Young 300min. Venice by the Ghostly Gondolier, who even kidnaps Daphne! Hop aboard a haunted Aztec barge, but not before Scooby- Samson Section23 Films 03.04.2012 Doo wows a vengeful god with his best Mexican hat dance - Q: What do pint-sized space travelers and a teenage science 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107949 to say nothing of his airplane cha-cha over the headhunter- buff have in common? A: Loyal dogs, a calling to protect the happy jungles of Brazil. Along the way you can bet the planet (and beyond) from evil and they shared a half-hour Mystery Inc. gang will get to the bottom of each mystery with Saturday Morning TV time slot of animated fun! Space Pippi Longstocking: Pippi’s High plenty of „zoinks!“ (the same in every language), plenty of Kidettes and Young Samson kicks off with the adventures of Sea Adventures hijinks, and a whole lot of international cuisine - leaning Scooter, Jenny, Snoopy and Countdown - the Space Kidettes - tower of pizza anyone? and their puppy Pupstar. Operating from their space capsule- Captain Longstocking docks in the village to pick up Pippi and Animated Animals, Comedy, Family, Mystery turned-clubhouse, they protect the galaxy from the bumbling take her with him to the South Seas. Annika and Tommy are Captain Skyhook. The second half of the show is devoted to given permission to go along and they all set sail for 286min. Samson, a teen with a big brain, magical bracelets and a dog adventure on the high seas. Unbeknownst to the Captain and Warner Bros. 15.05.2012 Goliath who transforms into a lion when it comes time to crew, Thunder Karlson and Bloom are castaways yet again in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107808 thwart the diabolical plans of mad scientists. This action- search of their fortunes. Unfortunately, they get very seasick packed 4-Disc Collection includes All 20 Episodes of our and the fortune is not as easy to access as they had hoped. resourceful heroes up against space pirates, molemen, Family, High Seas, Adventure 2008 88min. Shaun The Sheep: Sheer monster asteroids and more! Phase 4 Films 13.03.2012 Madness Family, Science Fiction, Space min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108158 Sheep & Pigs & Aliens, Oh My!. It’s madness in the meadow Warner Bros. MOD 19.04.2011 with Shaun The Sheep and his flock of mischievous 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107965 Pokemon Collection (Blu-ray) merrymakers! Shaun expertly stops the pigs from running amuck and turning the farm into a porky paradise. He amuses Japanese, Anime 330min. his friends when he falls head over hoof for a beautiful Speed Buggy: The Complete Echo Bridge Home Entertainment stranger, and demonstrates what happens when curiosity gets Series the sheep after a hot air balloon lands and causes mayhem in 03.04.2012 the meadow... From the farm, to outer space and everywhere Arlene Golonka, Mel Blanc, Alan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107840 in between, Shaun and his barnyard buddies know how to Oppenheimer have a woolly good time! Sheepless Nights Cat Got Your Don’t let the sputter and cough fool you: Speed Buggy is one Polyphonica Crimson S: The Brain Pig Trouble Two’s Company What’s Up Dog Party fast-wheelin’ hero who always saves the day! Designed by Animals master mechanic Tinker and his friends Debbie and Mark, Complete Collection British, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Speedy can bolt, zoom, fly, dig, swim, and float his way to the To bring law and order you need police, to make music you Stop Motion Animation, Animated Animals finish line for racing thrills you won’t believe. In this 4-Disc, need musicians, and to make the former using the latter, you 2011 FF S 45min. 16-Episode Complete Series Collection, Speedy and the gang need a Dantist! Ever since he was visited by a mysterious zip around the world, collecting winner’s trophies and fighting spirit as a boy, Phoron’s wanted to become one of the elite Lionsgate 17.04.2012 diabolical criminals, including Dr. Kloog who plans to build an battle bards who watch over the continent of Polyphonica. Yet 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108127 army of slave cars, or Professors Krishna and Digby who use even though he’s mastered the basic skills for singing the an invisibility potion to steal ancient treasures. Speedy’s Commandia spells and operating a One-Man Orchestra, he’s daring adventures abound with diamond thieves in Africa, a been unable to summon the required spirit companion because Silverhawks: Season One - crazed pirate who intends to take over the oceans and a of a promise he made to that first spirit: to sing only for her. Volume Two civilization of Amazon women with a mind-control machine, But that silence is shattered and Phoron’s musical plus more evil villains that only Speedy can outwit. Take your meanderings are over when his supernatural partner suddenly Partly Metal, Partly Real And All Heroes! The space-age family on a ride they’ll never forget with Speed Buggy! returns, intent on finalizing the ‘contract’ they made twelve successors to the ThunderCats are back, in this long Auto Racing, Family, Racing, Sports min. years ago! Which would be great except for one thing: she’s anticipated second volume full of sci-fi cyber heroics. Warner Bros. MOD 25.02.2011 not just any spirit, but the dreaded Corticarte, the Crimson Animated by the same production company that handled Annihilator! But what the heck, sometimes you just you just ThunderCats and featuring many of the same voice actors, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107966 have to grit your teeth and duet! Get ready for a musical SilverHawks pits a team of cybernetically enhanced heroes partnership with more than its share of discord and a against interstellar crime lord Mon*Star and his minions. New Spot And His Grandparents Go To distinctly martial beat in Polyphonica Crimson S! SilverHawks Condor, Moonstryker, and Flashback (a SilverHawk from the future!) join the fight alongside The Carnival Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Commander Stargazer, Quicksilver and company in this 33 Japanese 2009 S 300min. episode, 4-Disc collection. Eye Of Infinity Smiley Gotbucks Spot, the star of Eric Hill’s beloved children’s books, is Section23 Films 03.04.2012 Melodia’s Siren Song Tally-Hawk Returns Undercover A bringing his delightful half-hour Grandparents special to DVD Piece Of The Action Flashback Super Birds The Blue Door just in time for Grandparents Day! It’s a wonderful day for 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107952 The Star Of Bedlam The Illusionist The Bounty Hunter Re- Spot. He is spending the day with Grandma and Grandpa and turns The Chase Switch Junkyard Dog Window In Time they are taking him to the carnival! And there’s an extra Robot Chicken: Star Wars (3 Gangwar (Part I) Gangwar (Part II) Sneak Attack (Part I) special surprise in store. Spot and his friends get to ride in Sneak Attack (Part II) Moon*Star The Diamond Stick-Pin the carnival parade on an actual fire engine! But when the Pack) Burnout Battle Cruiser Small World Match-Up Stargazer’s float with the carnival’s band gets a flat tire, who will save Refit The Invisible Destroyer The Harder They Fall Uncle the day? Find out in this marvelous 30-minute adventure! Comedy, Dark Comedy, Science Fiction, Rattler Zeek’s Power Airshow Animated Animals, BBC, British, Family, Star Wars, Stop Motion Animation, Adult Family, Science Fiction, Action, Adventure Foreign, International TV, Preschool min. Swim 1008min. 1986 min. BBC Home Video 24.04.2012

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 23 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108189 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108151 School, Martial Arts 1784min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment The Super Hero Squad Show: Thornberrys: Season 17.04.2012 The Infinity Gauntlet - Volume 3 Two, Part Two 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107783 Michael Dorn, Wayne Knight, Jane Lynch, Prepare for a smashing good time as you travel around the world with the Thornberry family in Season 2! Eliza 3-Film Original Family Classics Katee Sackhoff, Adam West, , Thornberry’s parents, Nigel and Marianne, have a knack for George Takei, James Marsters, Ty Burrell, nature; they produce the award-winning nature show, „Nigel Beverly Garland, Olivia de Havilland, Alan Jim Parsons Thornberry’s Animal World.“ And Eliza has a secret- she was Ladd, Aldo Ray, David Ladd, James With Galactus defeated and Dr. Doom moping behind bars, given the magical ability to talk to animals! Together with her Whitmore Jr., Dewey Martin, Stewart Peter- Super Hero City is finally safe - that is, until Thanos goes in family and best friend, a surprisingly sophisticated sen search of the powerful Infinity Gauntlet! Although they are chimpanzee named Darwin, Eliza devotes her life to helping without their comrade-in-laughter, Silver Surfer, the Super animals and protecting nature. Two DVDs packed with Western, Adventure, Classics, Drama, Hero Squad - Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Wolverine and Falcon - incredible wild adventures will have you laughing along with Family min. must once again come together to take on any villainy that the Thornberrys’ comic antics and cheering for victory with Echo Bridge Home Entertainment threatens the peace and safety of the Marvel universe. every episode! Featuring the hilarious guest voice talents of Ty Burrell Adventure, Animated Animals, Family, 03.04.2012 (Modern Family), Michael Dorn (: The Next Genera- 253min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107729 tion), Mark Hamill (Star Wars), Wayne Knight (Jurassic Park), Jane Lynch (Glee), James Marsters (Buffy The Vampi- Shout Factory 24.04.2012 re Slayer), John O’Hurley (), Jim Parsons (The Big 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107698 4 Movie Marathon: Crime Thriller Bang Theory), Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica), George Collection Takei (Star Trek), Adam West (Family Guy) and Stan -The Man- Lee! The Wild (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu- New Jersey Drive. Empire:This powerful, gripping action- thriller features John Leguizamo in a riveting performance the Based On Comic Book, Fantasy, ray) Times. Mobsters. Carlito’s Way: Rise to Superheroes, Action, Adventure 140min. Janeane Garofalo, , Kiefer Power:From the producer of Scarface and Carlito’s Way Shout Factory 17.04.2012 comes the action thriller Carlito’s Way: Rise to Power. Jay Sutherland, Eddie Izzard, Jim Belushi, Ri- Hernandez (Friday Night Lights), Mario Van Peebles (Ali), 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107694 chard Kind, Greg Cipes, Colin Hay Luis Guzman (Carlito’s Way) and Sean Combs (Monster’s You’ll roar with laughter as Disney uncages this hip and Ball. Superman: Red Son - Motion Co- hilarious comedy on Blu-ray’s high definition disc. Now the Thieves, Thrillers, Boxed Sets, Crime, Dra- hysterical adventure the New York Daily News calls „truly ma min. mics Collection infectious“ is wilder than ever in this stunning new format! This collection includes animated adaptations of the When an outrageous band of furry friends escape from the Universal Studios 13.03.2012 Superman: Red Son comic book, bundled into twelve episodes city zoo, they discover that New York City is the biggest, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107673 that place Superman and his nefarious villains in the Soviet craziest jungle of all. Feast your eyes upon the ferociously Union instead of the . This Motion Comics funny animal antics in spectacular 1080p, while you heed the Series mixes alternate versions of DC super-heroes and call of The Wild’s bonus features, hysterical bloopers and 4 Movie Marathon: Family villains with alternate-reality versions of real political figures blunders, deleted scenes and more in fierce 5.1 48 kHz, 24-bit Comedy Collection such as Joseph Stalin and John F. Kennedy, spanning the uncompressed audio. Harness the power of Blu-ray High years 1950-2000. Definition to captivate and entertain your whole family! Pure Luck. King Ralph. Ghost Dad. For Richer or Poorer. Based On Comic Book, Superheroes, Ac- Disney, Family, Jungle, Animated Animals Road Trips, Science Fiction, Boxed Sets, tion 2009 78min. 2006 min. Comedy, Family min. Warner Bros. MOD 22.01.2010 Disney / Buena Vista 08.02.2011 Universal Studios 13.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108053 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108255 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107670

Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron Wing Commander Academy: The 4 Movie Marathon: James - The Complete Series Complete Series Stewart Western Collection Barry Gordon, Tress MacNeille, Gary Mark Hamill Bend of the River. The Far Country. Night Passage. The Rare The adventures of a group of space cadets on the Terran Breed. Owens, Charles Adler carrier Tiger’s Claw in the war against the Kilrathi. Western, Boxed Sets, Classics min. Deadly bacteria! Doomsday devices! Robotic spiders! Sound like a big budget sci-fi thriller? Nope. Even better. It’s the 5- Family, Science Fiction, Adventure 1996 Universal Studios 13.03.2012 Disc, 26-Episode Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - The 286min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107678 Complete Series Collection. Chance Furlong and Jake Millennium Entertainment 29.05.2012 Clawson appear to be ordinary junkyard auto mechanics until trouble occurs in Megakat City. In a flash they fly their high- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107674 4 Movie Marathon: Romantic tech Turbokat toward danger as T-Bone and Razor: the Swat Comedy Collection Kats. The city is run by the power-hungry Commander Feral and his militant team of Megakat Enforcers. Jake and Chance About a Boy: (Notting Hill, Bridget Jones’s Diary) were once Enforcers but Feral demoted them to working in the is simply brilliant in this comedy hit the critics are hailing as scrap yard, where the Swat Kats were born. They take on any „Hilarious!“ (Premiere. Intolerable Cruelty:It’s comic gold as kind of menace from the undead sorcerer Pastmaster to Film two of Hollywood’s most dazzling stars , George Clooney and lobster-like alien warlord Mutilor. The hardware-heavy Academy Award-winner Catherine Zeta-Jones - light up the action never stops in this animated fan-favorite from Hanna- 1313: Billy The Kid screen in Intolerable Cruelty, a hilarious romantic comedy Barbera Studios that’s fur-flying fun! about men, women, and everything that can go wrong between A wounded Billy The Kid staggers into the remote and mostly them. Sparks fly when brilliant divorce attorney Miles Family, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, deserted Western town of Hell’s Heart to recuperate - but Massey (Clooney) meets his match in the beautiful but Action, Aliens 528min. soon realizes he’s pinned down in a trap. The townspeople ruthless Marylin Rexroth (Zeta-Jones). From Academy Warner Bros. MOD 14.12.2010 have been systematically stalked by a tribe of fearful Award-winning directors Joel Coen and Ethan Coen (Fargo; supernatural entities, the Manitou, who now want Billy’s as O Brother, Where Art Thou?. The Wedding Date: Debra 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108095 their special trophy kill. Messing (TV’s Will & Grace) shines in this hilarious Western, Horror, Horror Series min. romantic comedy about the surprising road to finding true Tennessee Tuxedo And His Tales: love. Kat Ellis (Messing) is determined to attend her younger Music Video Distribution 01.06.2012 sister’s wedding with a date. Rather than face the ridicule of Complete Collection 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108248 her family and in order to show up her ex-fiance, she resorts Tennessee, a wise-cracking penguin, and his dimwitted pal to the Yellow Pages to find a last-minute escort, Nick (Dermot Chumley resided in the Megalopolis Zoo, where they were 20 Film Movies For The Mancave Mulroney, My Best Friend’s Wedding). His dashing good constantly scheming against zookeeper Stanley Livingston looks and and his assistant Flunky in an attempt to raise the quality of Woody Harrelson, Christina Ricci, Holly Romance, Boxed Sets, Comedy min. zoo life. Their projects required the assistance of their Hunter, Jamie Kennedy, Jared Leto, Jay Universal Studios 13.03.2012 educated friend, Phineas J. Whoopee (voiced by Larry Storch) and his 3-D BB (a three-dimensional blackboard). We Mohr, Jack Noseworthy, Christina 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107680 have assembled this collection from the available elements to Applegate, Tara Reid, Jennifer Blanc, mirror the original run of Tennessee Tuxedo And His Tales on Jackie Chan, Robin Williams, Ben Affleck, 6 Film Fast Action (Blu-ray) CBS for its first season, including the additional cartoons The Hunter and The King And Odie. Since much of Season Two Liev Schreiber, Chris Rock, Gary Busey, Al Pacino, , Viggo Mortensen, and Three included Jay Ward cartoons, unavailable to us, we Rob Schneider, Ashton Kutcher, Jerry Sein- Gary Sinise, Jude Law, Matt Dillon, Lou have included the remaining episodes of Tennessee Tuxedo feld, Chuck Norris, Lorenzo Lamas, Chris and added additional cartoons of Tooter The Turtle and Diamond Phillips, Rupert Everett, Faye Klondike Kat, all on DVD for the first time, to fill out this Klein, Fred Durst, Phillip Rhee, Rick Jordan, Dunaway, Kim Basinger, Tea Leoni, Kevin collection of animated classics. Jason Field Spacey, Colin Farrell Animated Animals, Comedy, Family min. Mystery, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Action, Science Shout Factory 06.03.2012 Comedy, Crime, Documentary, Drama, High Fiction, Thieves, Thrillers 573min.

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Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Elejalde, Emma Vilarasau, Danny Trejo, Dan 17.04.2012 Byrd, Marc Blucas, Scott Michaels Absentia 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107842 Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Spanish, Thril- Courtney Bell, Katie Parker, Doug Jones, lers, Action, Adventure, Crime, Devils And Dave Levine 6 Film High Powered Action Vol. Demons, Documentary, Drama, Fantasy, Tricia’s husband has been missing for seven years. Her 1 (Blu-ray) Foreign, Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Horror younger sister Callie comes to live with her as the pressure 794min. mounts to finally declare him ‘dead in absentia.’ As Tricia sifts Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen, Mark Wahl- through the wreckage and tries to move on with her life, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment berg, Dolph Lundgren, Charlize Theron, Callie finds herself drawn to an ominous tunnel near the 10.04.2012 house. As she begins to link it to other mysterious Jackie Chan, Sean Bean, Jeff Daniels, Chri- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107767 disappearances, she comes to the realization that his stian Bale, , presumed death might be anything but ‘natural.’ Soon it Comedy, Crime, Drama, Action, Romance, becomes clear that the ghostly force at work in the tunnel 8 Film Midnight Horror Collection might have set its sights on Callie and Tricia too. Science Fiction, Thrillers 1992 590min. Thrillers, Ghosts, Horror 2011 Ltbx 16x9 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Vol. 10 DD 5.1 91min. 17.04.2012 Viggo Mortensen, Edward Furlong, Romy Phase 4 Films 13.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107843 Windsor, Leonor Varela, Robin , 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108157 Christopher Walken, Gary Busey, Eric 6 Film Masters Of Terror Vol. 2 Stoltz, Tiffany Shepis, Jeffrey Donovan, Absolution Michael Weiss, Tim Young, Gary Slayton (Blu-ray) Andrew Keir, Richard Burton, Dominic Possession, Thrillers, Boxed Sets, Devils Christina Ricci, Anna Paquin, Rose Guard And Demons, Drama, Ghosts, Horror McGowan, Lena Olin, Ashley Laurence, A catholic priest and students at a boys boarding school - a 715min. Agnes Bruckner, Ben Affleck, Liev Schrei- true story that is a gripping mystery. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Mystery, Religion/Spirituality, Drama 1981 ber, Paul Rudd, Donald Pleasence, Jesse 10.04.2012 89min. Eisenberg, Dean Winters, Jonathan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107754 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Jackson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107875 Devils And Demons, Horror, Horror Series, Serial Killers 545min. 8 Film Midnight Horror Collection Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Vol. 13 Affair In Monte Carlo 17.04.2012 Stacia Crawford, Richard Lynch, Guy Leo Genn, Richard Todd, Peter Jones, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107844 Rolfe, Lanny Poffo, Billy St. John, Robert Merle Oberon Ideally set in Monte Carlo, a compulsive gambler stumbles Beemer towards losing everything when Merle Oberon decides to 6-Film Family Fantasy Adventure Murder Mysteries, Thrillers, Werewolves, save him from himself. The story has a narrator. Alfre Woodard, Ian McKellen, Aaron Eck- Action, Comedy, Haunted Houses, Horror Romance, Drama, Gamblers, Gambling 1953 hart, Jason James Richter, Queen Latifah, 724min. 64min. Brittany Murphy, Glenn Close, Kevin Smith, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Sam Neill, Jack Black, James Belushi, John 10.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107877 Reardon, Regis Philbin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107755 Family, Fantasy, Magic, Action, Adventure Africa Screams 590min. 8 Movie Family Pack Lou Costello, Bud Abbott Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Jennifer Tilly, Emma Roberts, Joseph The laughs are wild when Abbott & Costello go on safari! Bud and Lou are a pair of mild-mannered bookworms who pose as 03.04.2012 Cross, Anya Benton , Ellen Barkin, Lauren big game hunters and travel deep into the African jungle in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107742 Eckstrom, Dean Cain, Gabriel Byrne, Ri- search of a rare gorilla. But what’s really at stake is a secret chard Kind, Joe Piscopo, Doug Stone, diamond mine. Along the way they’ll tangle with lions, cannibals, criminals, and, of course, wild apes! Their 6-Film Heat On The Street Timothy Reifsnyder, John Achorn accomplices include the lovely Hillary Brooke (who later , Forest Whitaker, Sports, Action, Adventure, Baseball, Dra- appeared on their TV series) and Three Stooges co-horts , Lou Diamond Phillips, ma, Family, Horses 726min. Shemp Howard and Joe Besser. Plus, cameos from real-life Echo Bridge Home Entertainment lion-tamer Clyde Beatty and big-game tracker Frank Buck. Lori Petty, James Farentino, Danny Glover, Adventure, Comedy 1949 79min. 03.04.2012 Richard Harris, LL Cool J, Omar Epps, Mi- American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107749 chael Boatman 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107879 Serial Killers, TV Movies, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 8 Movie Spaghetti Western Pack Alice In Wonderland (Blu-ray + 1984 611min. Bud Spencer, , Teresa Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Gimpera, Lee Van Cleef, Mario Brega, DVD) (Blu-ray) 10.04.2012 William Berger, Gregg Palmer, Richard Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107746 Wyler, Sydne , Joe Bugner, Piero Hathaway, Mia Wasikowska, Michael Trombetta, Warren Vanders Sheen, Crispin Glover Tumble down the rabbit hole with Alice for a fantastical new 8 Film Masters Of Terror Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Adventure, adventure from Walt Disney Pictures and Tim Burton. Inviting Collection Comedy, Drama, Foreign 762min. and magical, Alice In Wonderland is an imaginative new twist Echo Bridge Home Entertainment on one of the most beloved stories of all time. Alice (Mia Jamie Lee Curtis, Roy Scheider, Jason 10.04.2012 Wasikowska), now 19 years old, returns to the whimsical London, Jason Scott Lee, James Duval, world she first entered as a child and embarks on a journey to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107761 discover her true destiny. This Wonderland is a world beyond Lisa Zane, Christian Walker, Brittany your imagination and unlike anything you’ve seen before. The Murphy, Kristen Bell, Jennifer Beals, Katee extraordinary characters you’ve loved come to life richer and Sackhoff, Erin Marie Hogan, Christopher Abraham Lincoln more colorful than ever. There’s the Mad Hatter (Johnny Walken, William Hickey, Shane Van Dyke, Helen Freeman, Walter Huston Depp), the White Queen (Anne Hathaway), the Red Queen In a series of episodic vignettes, pioneer director D.W. (Helena Bonham Carter), the White Rabbit (Michael Sheen) Paul Le Mat, Michael Fairman Griffith (Birth of a Nation) explores the life and turbulent and more. A triumphant cinematic experience - Alice In Serial Killers, Vampires, Devils And times of the 16th President of the United States. Historically Wonderland is an incredible feast for your eyes, ears and Demons, Ghosts, Horror 705min. accurate and to the point, the film explores the birth, loves heart that will captivate audiences of all sizes. Family, Fantasy, Academy Award Winners, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment and tragic presidency of Abe Lincoln. Credited with the skillful use of a moving camera, it was also Griffith’s first Adventure 2010 min. 10.04.2012 non-silent film. Disney / Buena Vista 29.03.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107752 Politics, War, American Civil War, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108250 Americana, Biopics, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1930 90min. 8 Film Masters Of Terror Vol. 1 American Mobster: Miami Dennis Hopper, Keira Knightley, Thora American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Birch, Denise Crosby, Laura Regan, Karra 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107873 Shakedown

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Frank Stallone, Robert Miano Angel And The Badman 1 contains the episodes Moses Receives the Ten Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama 2011 Commandments and Moses’ Great Escape. John Wayne, , Bruce Cabot, Religion/Spirituality, Family 40min. 90min. Harry Carey Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 E1 Entertainment 13.03.2012 Quite possibly the most unique and „high-brow“ Western that 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108216 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107820 John Wayne ever starred in, this was also the first one he made in the role of producer, after the studio set him up with his own production company. When Wayne’s character, Quirt Awesome Bible Adventures Vol. 2 American Pie (Blu-ray + DVD + Evans, is wounded outside the home of a Quaker family, he is taken in and nursed back to health, with particular attention Awesome Bible Adventures are exciting Bible stories of faith, Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) paid to him by their sheltered yet attractive daughter. Evans is action and redempetion told in a style that makes them perfect You’ll never look at warm apple pie the same way again! enticed by the family’s pacifist ways, but his outlaw past soon for kids of all ages. Each story features a broadcast quality American Pie takes a hysterical look at the goal of four catches up with him. Great performances by Wayne and Gail production and an important lesson that will will show „unlucky in love“ high school friends who make the ultimate Russel, as well as Harry Carey, Bruce Cabot and Paul Hurst. viewers how to apply the teachings to their own lives. Volume pact: lose their virginity by prom night. As they try to Western, Classics, Drama 1947 99min. 2 contains the episodes Jesus’ Amazing Miracles and David’s manipulate their way into the...hearts of some of their Mighty Battle. classmates, their plans often backfire with hilarity. One fails American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Religion/Spirituality, Family 2011 40min. to score with the sexy foreign exchange student and then 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107882 Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 makes a last ditch effort with a band member who has an interesting way with her flute, while another is so desperate 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108218 he actually hires someone to give him a „reputation.“ Follow Angel On My Shoulder the raging hormones of four teenage boys and their girls as Anne Baxter, , Onslow Awesome Bible Adventures Vol. 3 they gear up for the most important night of their lives...the prom? Sit back and enjoy a piece of America’s #1 comedy hit! Stevens, Awesome Bible Adventures are exciting Bible stories of faith, On the death of a gangster he goes to „hell“ where he enters action and redempetion told in a style that makes them perfect Sexy Comedies, Comedy, High School min. into an arrangement for his return to earth as a respected for kids of all ages. Each story features a broadcast quality Universal Studios 13.03.2012 Judge. His motives of revenge fade away. production and an important lesson that will will show 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107724 Science Fiction, Classics, Drama, Fantasy viewers how to apply the teachings to their own lives. Volume 3 contains the episodes Noah’s Incredible Voyage and 1946 90min. Joshua’s Awesome Victory. American Pie 2 (Blu-ray + DVD + American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Religion/Spirituality, Family 2011 40min. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107883 Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 Here’s the pie you couldn’t see in theaters! This special 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108220 unrated edition of American Pie 2 is the comedy hit you’ll want Arthur And The Invisibles 2 & 3: to watch again and again! The characters you love are back! One year after the prom-night misadventures immortalized in The New Minimoy Adventures Awesome Bible Adventures Vol. 4 American Pie, the entire gang has reunited for the summer. Lou Reed, , Selena Gomez, Awesome Bible Adventures are exciting Bible stories of faith, Now, an innocent-looking beach house will be transformed action and redempetion told in a style that makes them perfect into the ultimate party central. Five guys will discover the Stacy Ferguson, Snoop Dogg, Freddie for kids of all ages. Each story features a broadcast quality powerful bonds of friendship...and Super Glue. Five girls will Highmore, Jimmy Fallon production and an important lesson that will will show explore the mysteries of love...and the Rule of Three. And Join swords with Arthur and enter the underground world of viewers how to apply the teachings to their own lives. Volume from late-night band camp encounters to some very the Invisibles with two new movie adventures where danger 4 contains the episodes Samson’s Super Strength and God accommodating next-door neighbors, this will be one summer lurks, giant insects invade, and the evil wizard, Maltazard, Destroys The Tower of Babel. vacation none of them will ever forget! must be defeated. Arthur 2: The Revenge of Maltazard. Arthur Religion/Spirituality, Family 2011 40min. Sexy Comedies, Comedy min. 3: The War of Two Worlds. Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 Computer Animation, Family, Fantasy, Universal Studios 13.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108221 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107725 Adventure, Animated Feature Films 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 194min. Awesome Bible Adventures Vol. 5 American Pie Presents: Unrated 20th Century Fox 22.03.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108119 Awesome Bible Adventures are exciting Bible stories of faith, 4-Play Pack action and redempetion told in a style that makes them perfect for kids of all ages. Each story features a broadcast quality Sexy Comedies, Boxed Sets, Comedy, High Arthur And The Invisibles 2 & 3: production and an important lesson that will will show School min. viewers how to apply the teachings to their own lives. Volume The New Minimoy Adventures 5 contains the episodes Escape From The Fiery Furnace and Universal Studios 13.03.2012 Lot’s Amazing Adventure. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107689 (Blu-ray) Religion/Spirituality, Family 2011 40min. Lou Reed, Mia Farrow, Selena Gomez, Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 American Pie: Unrated 3-Movie Stacy Ferguson, Snoop Dogg, Freddie 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108222 Party Pack Highmore, Jimmy Fallon Join swords with Arthur and enter the underground world of Sexy Comedies, Boxed Sets, Comedy min. the Invisibles with two new movie adventures where danger Baby Geniuses / Superbabies: Universal Studios 13.03.2012 lurks, giant insects invade, and the evil wizard, Maltazard, Baby Geniuses 2 (Double Fea- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107688 must be defeated. Arthur 2: The Revenge of Maltazard. Arthur 3: The War of Two Worlds. ture) Computer Animation, Family, Fantasy, Kathleen Turner, Christopher Lloyd, Jon American Reel Adventure, Animated Feature Films 2010 Voight, , Dom DeLuise, Scott Mariel Hemingway, David Carradine 194min. Baio David Carradine (Kill Bill, Bound for Glory), Michael 20th Century Fox 22.03.2011 Dr. Elena Kinder (Kathleen Turner) is out to dominate the Maloney and Mariel Hemingway (Manhattan, Deconstructing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108147 world. Two-year-old Sly is the only person in her way. Dr. Harry) come together in this satirical buddy drama set in the Kinder and her partner in crime, Dr. Heep (Christopher dizzying whirl of fame at the heights of the music business. Lloyd), have a covert research lab dedicated to cracking the Music, Country, Drama 2003 100min. As You Like It code to a secret baby language. When Sly escapes from the Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 lab, he joins his twin brother Whit in an effort to expose the Laurence Olivier, Elisabeth Bergner nefarious plot. Raised by his uncle (Peter MacNicol), who 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108184 In this original, and still the best, film version of William cares for special children, Whit is naive to the ways of the Shakespeare’s classic pastoral comedy, Sir Laurence Olivier world, and is quickly captured by Dr. Kinder. Mistaken for American Wedding (Blu-ray + stars as Orlando while Elisabeth Bergner is Rosalind, his Whit, Sly is taken back to his uncle, where he rallies the secret admirer who disguises herself as a boy in order to stay other foster babies into a Super commando rescue squad to DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) near to him. Nearly all of the actors involved had performed invade the secret lab in an effort to squash Dr. Kinder’s evil the work on stage previously, adding to the stellar overall You’re on the guest list - for this uproarious comedy hit plot. In this high-adventure sequel to the smash-hit Baby performance. A particular highlight is Olivier’s magnificent Geniuses the baby geniuses find themselves at the center of a packed with exclusive Pie-style features! The American Pie delivery of the famous „All the world’s a stage...“ monologue. gang returns to wreak havoc with a new rite of passage when nefarious scheme led by powerful media mogul Bill Biscane Jim (Jason Biggs) and Michelle (Alyson Hannigan) decide to Romance, Shakespeare, Classics, Comedy, (Jon Voight). Joining the babies in their battle against evil is get married! Of course, Stifler (Seann William Scott) will be Drama 1936 96min. a legendary baby named Kahuna. Part ultra-cool spy, part there (bridesmaids!) and, more importantly, will throw the American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 superhero, Kahuna joins babies Archie, Finkleman, Alex and ultimate bachelor party (strippers!). So RSVP for the ultimate Rosita in a race against time to stop the villain American Wedding experience, in this hilariously hot, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107901 Comedy, Double Features, Family 183min. frantically funny, final chapter of the unforgettable American Image Ent. 28.02.2012 Pie saga! Awesome Bible Adventures Vol. 1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108207 Comedy, Romance, Sexy Comedies min. Awesome Bible Adventures are exciting Bible stories of faith, Universal Studios 13.03.2012 action and redempetion told in a style that makes them perfect 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107726 for kids of all ages. Each story features a broadcast quality Battle Of The Worlds production and an important lesson that will will show Bill Carter, Maya Brent, Claude Rains, Um- viewers how to apply the teachings to their own lives. Volume berto Orsini

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Earth is threatened by an asteroid and flying saucers. explore the darker sides of love and sexuality. Includes the where fur trappers and hunters go up against a family of Science Fiction, Space, Alien Invasions, film festival hits Spring (Dir. Hong Khaou), Remission (Dir. winter Yeti intent on saving their land! And rounding out this Greg Ivan Smith), Winner Takes All (Dir. Camille Carida), trilogy of terror is Legend of Bigfoot, as a lone hunter Aliens, Meteors / Asteroids 1961 84min. Promise (Lalo Vasquez), Video Night (Dir. Jim Hansen and searching for the elusive beast in the Northwest. Gear up for American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Jack Plotnick), Communication (Dir. Christopher Banks). these down-home Sasquatch cinema classics! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107902 Short Film Collections, Drama, Gay / Triple Feature, Horror, Monsters 2012 Lesbian Interest 2012 90min. 230min. Beast From Haunted Cave Breaking Glass Pictures 06.03.2012 Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 Sheila Noonan, Frank Wolff, Michael Forest 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108166 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108206 Criminals flee into the wilderness after a heist. They are chased by a monster spider, which is released in the Black Butterfly Boys On The Run explosion. Sports, Tragedies, African Americans, Dra- Tanishi (Kanzunobu Mineta) is a socially awkward 29-year- Horror, Monsters 1959 99min. old virgin who refills vending machines for a living. But things American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 ma, High School 2010 95min. change when he meets Chiharu, a pretty co-worker who 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107903 E1 Entertainment 13.03.2012 (gulp) might actually be attracted to him. Unfortunately, he has 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107784 competition for Chiharu’s affection from a handsome rival vending machine salesman! Beat The Devil Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Japanese 2010 Peter Lorre, Gina Lollobrigida, Jennifer Black Cobra II Ltbx S 114min. Jones, Humphrey Bogart Fred Williamson, Emma Hoagland, Nicholas Allegro Entertainment 28.02.2012 When a steamer needs to be repaired, six people are stranded Hammond 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108226 en route to Africa where they are secretly trying to buy land cop Robert Malone (Fred Williamson) finds himself with uranium deposits. in The Philippines, ostensibly to learn the techniques of Romance, Drama 1954 89min. Interpol. Before he exits the Manila airport, his wallet is Broadway Limited stolen by a pickpocket. Malone endures a testy relationship American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 with his new colleague Kevin McCall while evidence Victor McLaglen, Patsy Kelly, Zasu Pitts 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107904 surrounding the stolen wallet pulls both of them deeper and A confusion concerning a baby on a train that is all part of a deeper into a web of intrigue. publicity stunt. However the engineer thinks it might be Thrillers, Action, Cops, Drama, Foreign, kidnapped; and there are more misunderstandings. Behave Yourself Comedy 1942 75min. Italian 1990 95min. Farley Granger, Shelley Winters American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 A well-meaning husband adopts a stray pet for his wife’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107988 anniversary present, but when it turns out the dog is on the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107907 lam from the mob, it spells four-legged trouble! With a trail of murders behind it, this clever canine is now the cops’ only Blue Steel The Broken Tower lead to a gang of Hollywood counterfeiters. Farley Granger James Franco, Michael Shannon and a young Shelley Winters star in this hilarious tale of John Wayne, Eleanor Hunt, Robert Biography, Biopics, Drama, Gay / Lesbian „puppy“ love. Bradbury, Robert Bradbury Comedy, Drama 1943 80min. A US Marshall learns of a plot to steal a huge amount of gold. Interest 2011 110min. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Thieves, Western, Action 1934 54min. E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107905 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107872 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107908 Bellissima Buck Privates (Blu-ray + DVD) Romance, Drama, Foreign, Italian 1951 Bounce (Blu-ray) Classics, Comedy, Army min. 111min. Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Affleck, Tony Universal Studios 17.04.2012 E1 Entertainment 13.03.2012 Goldwyn, Jennifer Grey, Natasha 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107664 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107816 Henstridge, Caroline Aaron, David Dorfman, Edward Edwards A Bucket Of Blood The Robert Benchley Miniatures Sometimes love requires a simple twist of fate.. Academy Dick Miller, Brian Desmond Hurst, Anthony Award® winners Ben Affleck (1997, Best Original Collection Screenplay, Good Will Hunting) and Gwenyth Paltrow (1998, Carbone Robert Benchley Best Actress, Shakespeare In Love) light up the screen as A waiter at a beatnik cafe wants to fit in with the artistic two strangers who find love amid tragedy. Buddy Amaral patrons. When he accidentally kills his landlady’s cat and From the pages of Vanity Fair and The New Yorker to a seat covers the body in plaster to hide his mistake, it turns him into among the wits at the Algonquin Round Table to movie screens (Affleck) is a smooth-talking, skirt-chasing ad exec who is enjoying his high-powered career. Then, a sudden twist of a successful artist and part of the cafe group. He continues nationwide, Robert Benchley cut quite the funny figure. And making „art“ this way and begins to use human forms. There never more so than in the short subject series the humorist fate changes everything and leads him into the life of Abby Janello (Paltrow). Also starring Tony Goldwyn (The are underlying messages of race, slavery, attitudes and made at MGM from 1935 to 1944, gathered here in a complete perception. - and completely uproarious - 3-Disc Collection of 30 Mechanic, Law & Order: Criminal Intent) and Natasha Theatrical Shorts. The writer adopted a common-man persona Henstridge (The Whole Nine Yards), Bounce is an endearing Dark Comedy, Horror 1959 65min. to investigate and comment on the challenges of daily living story about finding love in the unexpected. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 and scored the first time out: his debut short How to Sleep Drama, Romance 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DTS 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107758 won an Academy Award. And whether trying to figure income 106min. taxes, enjoy a movie, train a dog, take a nap or tackle many Lionsgate 10.04.2012 other daunting situations, the beloved comic master’s foibles Bulldog Drummond Comes Back have always delighted and influenced generations of funnymen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107971 and -women who followed. E.E. Clive, J. Carrol Naish, Helen Freeman, John Barrymore, Reginald Denny, John Short Film Collections, Comedy 267min. Bowery Blitzkrieg Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 Howard, John Sutton Huntz Hall, Leo Gorcey, Keye Luke, Bobby 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107771 Iconic British detective Hugh „Bulldog“ Drummond (John Jordan, Warren Hull Howard) betrays the advice of his Scotland Yard associate, When a promising young boxer (Huntz Hall) is barred from Colonel Neilsen (John Barrymore), to track down a Betsy Ross competing in the Golden Gloves championship, his buddy murderous couple that has kidnapped his fiancé. A longtime Mugs (Leo Gorcey) takes his place and convinces the public favorite on both radio and film, H.C. „Sapper“ McNeile’s Alice Brady he intends to throw the fight. But it’s all a ruse for a crooked „Bulldog“ character was regularly cited as a major influence Biography depicting Betsy Ross and her life. gambler and his pals who are trying to turn the good kids bad. by the likes of James Bond creator Ian Fleming and countless War, American Revolution, Americana, This is the sixth installment in the fabled East Side Kids others within the spy/detective realm. This is yet another series, featuring several former actors from The Dead End vintage thriller based on Sapper’s novel The Female Of The Biopics, Drama, Historical / Period Piece Species. 1917 58min. Kids gang. Sports, Boxing, Comedy 1941 60min. Mystery, Thrillers, Detectives 1937 57min. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107906 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107987 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107989

Big Elmo Fun Box Of Bigfoot: Hillbillies Vs. Calendar Girl Puppets, Sesame Street min. Sasquatch (Triple Feature) Gail Patrick, Jane Frazee, William Marshall Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 This Republic musical focuses on a New York City boarding 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107867 It’s rednecks vs. Bigfoot and three times the flesh-tearing house in which reside aspiring actors, dancers and artists thrills - all for one low price! First up in this hairy and scary trying to make it big. A songwriter becomes upset when his collection is the vintage classic The Barbaric Beast of Boggy girlfriend becomes the model for an artist living next door. Black Briefs Creek as a poor family is stalked by the beast in rural Arkan- This title features several musical numbers performed by Jane sas. Then, to cool things down a bit is Capture of Bigfoot, A collection of six award-winning, gay-themed short films that Frazee, William Marshall, Janet Martin and Kenny Baker.

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Musical, Romance 1947 88min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108002 Lee, Michael Coles, William Franklyn American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Count Dracula is developing a deadly strain of the plague and plans to release it with his fellow conspirators in London. Dr. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107994 Cheerleaders Beach Party Van Helsing challenges him. Four amorous cheerleaders set out to save their ailing college Vampires, Dracula, Horror 1974 87min. Call Me Fitz: The Complete Se- football team by huddling up on the beach with the rival team...and scoring. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 cond Season Music, Cheerleaders, Comedy 1978 85min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108124 Tracy Dawson, Jason Priestley American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Canadian, Comedy, Foreign, On The Job 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108003 Cowboys And Indians 2011 300min. In this action-packed Western, a former cavalry officer is called back into action to rescue a beautiful maiden from the E1 Entertainment 13.03.2012 Child Bride clutches of a band of renegade black Claw Indians lead by a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107878 Shirley Mills, Bob Bollinger frightening medicine man, with the fat of the frontier hanging in Schoolteacher in a rural community campaigns to stop the the balance. Career Girl practice of older men marrying young, underage girls. Western, Action, Adventure, Family 2011 Teachers, Drama 1938 62min. 86min. Frances Langford, Edward Norris Becoming a star on Broadway is not as easy at it seems for American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Screen Media Films 24.04.2012 Joan. The competition for roles is intense and her boyfriend 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108116 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108085 does not want her on the stage. Musical 1944 67min. Citizen Kane: Ultimate Collector’s Crew 2 Crew American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Kate Nauta, Jeannine Kaspar, Jordan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107997 Edition / The Magnificent Ambersons (2 Pack) (Blu-ray) Bridges Inspired by true events. Lucas Santoro longs for more in his Casablanca: 70th Anniversary Orson Welles, Dorothy Comingore, Anne life than what his small town has to offer. After joining a break Baxter, Ray Collins, , George dancing troupe and traveling the world, he finds himself torn Edition (Blu-ray) between his family, his girlfriend, and the life he knows for the Coulouris, Agnes Moorehead chance to do something more. Luca struggles to choose Ingrid Bergman, Humphrey Bogart, Paul Orson Welles’ masterwork (#1 in the American Film Henreid, Peter Lorre, Conrad Veidt, Sydney between his love for dancing and the love of his life. Institute’s list of Best American Movies) dazzles anew in a Music, Romance, Dancing, Drama 2011 DD Greenstreet, Claude Rains superb 70th-anniversary digital transfer. It’s grand Casablanca. Winner of three Academy Awards including Best entertainment, sharply acted (starting many of Welles’ 5.1 95min. Picture, Casablanca marks its 70th anniversary as a beloved Mercury Players on the road to thriving film careers) and Lionsgate 17.04.2012 favorite with so many bonuses that no matter how often you’ve directed with inspired visual flair. Chronicling the stormy life 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108123 seen it, this beautiful 70th Anniversary (Limited and of an influential publishing tycoon, this Best Original Numbered) Edition looks like yet another beginning of a Screenplay Academy Award winner (1941) is rooted in themes beautiful friendship with an unforgettable classic. of power, corruption, vanity - the American Dream lost in the A Crime mystery of a dying man’s last word: „Rosebud.“ Plus The Classics, Drama, , Academy Award Magnificent Ambersons on DVD. Emmanuelle Beart, Harvey Keitel, Norman Winners, AFI Top 100, National Film Classics, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Reedus, Patrick Collins, Joe Grifasi, Clem Registry, Romance 1943 102min. 2 Packs, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top Cheung, Warner Bros. 27.03.2012 100, National Film Registry, Rocky Vincent’s life is on hold until he finds his wife’s killer. Alice, 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107723 his neighbor, is convinced she can make him happy. She Relationships min. decides to invent a culprit, so that Vincent can find revenge Warner Bros. 31.01.2012 and leave the past behind. But there is no ideal culprit and no Caught Inside 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108203 perfect crime... In search of paradise of young surfers set sail to a remote Revenge, Romance, Thrillers, Action, spot off the Australian shore hoping to experience the ultimate Clancy Street Boys Crime, Drama 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 98min. waves. As they get further from shore though, the isolation Phase 4 Films 27.03.2012 and pressure pushes one of them over the edge - leading to Huntz Hall, Leo Gorcey violent outbursts and a deadly fight for survival. Featuring When Mugs McGinnis (Leo Gorcey) finds out his rich Uncle 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108159 stunning surf footage and a hot, young case, Caught Inside, Pete (Noah Beery, Sr.) is coming to New York, he becomes will entertain audiences as they sit nervously on the edge of desperate to scramble his friends together to pose as his D.O.A. their seats. brothers and sisters. If the generous uncle were to discover Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Australian, that Mugs’ mom only really has one kid, he’d almost certainly Beverly Garland, Pamela Britton, Lynn Foreign 2010 93min. stop sending her money to help support her seven imaginary Baggett, Luther Adler Screen Media Films 10.04.2012 children! Yet another laugh-filled classic from East Side Kids One of the great film noir classics of all time. When a series! businessman shows up at the San Francisco police 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108083 Troubled Youth, Comedy, Drama, station to report a murder, the police captain asks him who Friendships, Gangs 1943 65min. was murdered. His reply? „I was.“ So begins the tangled tale CB Hustlers of man who is poisoned at a dark jazz club and, with only American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 hours left to live, is determined to find out who poisoned him, John F. Goff, John Alderman 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108118 and why. Noir legend Rudolph Mate’ directs and Edmond Truck drivers help each other avoid the police by creating O’Brien stars in this haunting thriller that was often copied roadblocks and communicating on their CB radios. (and even re-made in the 80s) but never bettered! A man is Road Trips, Comedy, Drama 1976 85min. Classic Westerns Collection told he has only a week to live after doctors found he is Brian Keith, Sterling Hayden, Eve Miller, suffering from a deadly luminous toxin with no antidote. He American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 had gone to San Francisco to party before getting married, but 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108000 Jane Russel, Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, it turns into a quest to find who did it to him.“ Gene Autry, Chill Wills, Jack Beutel Mystery, Drama, Film Noir 1950 83min. Chained For Life Romance, Classics, Comedy, Crime, Drama, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Western 677min. Daisy Hilton, Violet Hilton, mario laval 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108126 A Siamese twin kills the husband who left her. The courts Echo Bridge Home Entertainment have to decide if she is convicted of murder. And, can they 03.04.2012 Daesepo Naughty Girls punish her sister, who had nothing to do with the crime? 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107748 Based on the internet comic strip Multi-Cell Girl, Daesepo Classics, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Naughty Girls follows the adventures of a group of students in Issues 1952 70min. Cocaine Fiends one seriously bizarre high school. One of the craziest, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 funniest comedy/musicals to come out of Korea in recent Sheila Bromley, Noel Madison, Dean 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108001 history, this is a big-budget cult film that mocks and Benton, Lois January transforms typical high school clichés. A drug dealer on the run from the law meets an innocent young Musical, Comedy, Foreign, High School, Charade girl and her brother, and turns them into „cocaine fiends“. Korean 2006 Ltbx S 103min. Cary Grant, , Walter Matt- Substance Abuse, Drama 1935 68min. Allegro Entertainment 28.02.2012 hau, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108223 Romance, suspense and a confusion of identities in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108121 when a woman is being chased by several men in search of a fortune they believe her husband (who is dead) had stolen. Dalziel & Pascoe: Season Five She does not know about the fortune or where it is hidden. Count Dracula And His Vampire Warren Clarke, Colin Buchanan Mystery, Romance, Thrillers, Classics, Bride Series five of the hugely popular drama Dalziel & Pascoe Comedy 1963 113min. Peter Cushing, Freddie Jones, Christopher features four new powerful storylines for the gritty crime American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 investigators DS Andy Dalziel and DI Peter Pascoe. Dalziel

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 28 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA is less than pleased to discover that a young girl who was MPI 03.04.2012 make contact with Quentin through an I-Ching trance but kidnapped and murdered 19 years ago has reappeared alive instead finds he has traveled back in time almost 100 years and well. During his efforts to disprove her identity, she dies 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108037 when Quentin first lived. In 1897, Barnabas is a vampire once for a second time, almost taking the truth with her. When a again and introduces himself at Collinwood as a cousin from series of strange tragedies beset the Harlesdon Hunt, Dalziel : DVD Collection 11 England. He meets governess Rachel Drummond and is recognizes that they are not unconnected „accidents“ at all. Is amazed by her resemblance to his lost love Josette. A it the work of saboteurs? Denise Nickerson, Joan Bennett, Kathryn suspicious Quentin enlists sorcerer Evan Hanley to raise a BBC, British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Leigh Scott, , Clarice Blackburn, spirit to combat Barnabas, resulting in the appearance of the vengeful witch Angelique. Magda the gypsy warns Quentin Foreign, International TV, Mystery 2000 Alexandra Moltke, Louis Edmonds, Nancy that 380min. Barrett, David Selby, , David Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- BBC Home Video 06.03.2012 Henesy, Grayson Hall, Thayer David, Joel ra 1966 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107803 Crothers, Roger Davis, Don Briscoe, MPI 03.04.2012 Humbert Allen Astredo, Robert Rodan 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108041 Damon And Pythias Contains 40 complete episodes plus bonus interviews on 4 discs.. With its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and Don Burnett, Guy Williams supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows become one of the most Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 14 Pythias, a liberal Athenian who believes all men are brothers, popular daytime series of all time. Since first airing on ABC- is condemned to death by Dionysus, the tyrant of Syracuse, TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned the reputation as John Karlen, Terry Crawford, Joan who finds this view dangerous. However, Dionysus allows being one of the most unusual and enduring programs in Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara Parker, Pythias to return to Athens to visit his ailing wife with the television history. The character of , a guilt- Clarice Blackburn, Marie Wallace, Diana understanding he will then come back to face his punishment. ridden 175 year old vampire, brought the show tremendous Damon, a friend of Pythias, volunteers to be a hostage to success. Julia Hoffman discovers wound marks on Barnabas’ Millay, Louis Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, Da- guarantee Pythias’ return. Dionysius doesn’t expect Pythias neck and realizes he is under the control of a vampire. Roger vid Selby, Jonathan Frid, David Henesy, to keep his end of the bargain, thus exposing the falsity of his Collins attempts to prevent Victoria Winters from marrying Grayson Hall, , Roger Davis, Don beliefs, but Pythias proves to be a man of his word. Jeff Clark after he dreams the wedding will bring doom to her. Briscoe, Humbert Allen Astredo Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, After Chris Jennings arrives in Collinsport to investigate the death of his brother, a werewolf attacks a barmaid at the Blue The original television cult classic. With its alluring tales of Historical / Period Piece 1962 99min. Whale tavern. David Collins and Amy Jennings explore the gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 closed-off section of Collinwood, where they discover a became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108128 disconnected old telephone and the mysterious spirit of Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows Quentin Collins. Convinced that the mansion is b has earned the reputation as being one of the most unusual Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- and enduring programs in television history. The character of Dangerous Dames Collection Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old vampire, ra 2004 min. brought the show tremendous success. In, 1897, Quentin Angela Lansbury, , MPI 03.04.2012 Collins and Magda the gypsy discover the mysterious urn Lizabeth Scott, Leslie Brooks which contains the flames of life for Laura Collins, an immortal 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108038 Phoenix. Jenny Collins, Quentin’s insane wife, escapes from Boxed Sets, Classics min. her basement cell at Collinwood and attempts to kill Quentin. Allegro Entertainment 08.09.2009 Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 12 Magda, Jenny’s sister, places a curse of Quentin which 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108235 causes him to turn into a werewolf during a full moon. Jamison John Karlen, Denise Nickerson, Terry Collins finds Barnabas’ coffin in the Old House basement and Crawford, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh reveals the discovery to his father Edward. Carl Collins Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 1 returns from Atlantic City with a showgirl and mentalist named Scott, Lara Parker, Clarice Blackburn, Alex- Pansy Faye. She uses her psychic abilities during a séance John Karlen, Mitchell Ryan, Joan Bennett, andra Moltke, Carolyn Groves, Louis to help determine the fate of servant Dirk Wilkins, w Kathryn Leigh Scott, Dana Elcar, Clarice Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, David Selby, Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- Blackburn, Alexandra Moltke, Louis Jonathan Frid, David Henesy, Grayson Hall, ra 2004 min. Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, Jonathan Frid, Thayer David, Abe Vigoda, Joel Crothers, MPI 03.04.2012 David Henesy, Joel Crothers, David Ford, Roger Davis, Don Briscoe 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108043 Dennis Patrick, Robert Gerringer Contains 40 complete episodes plus bonus interviews on 4 The Original Television Cult Classic.. With its alluring tales discs.. With its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows became one of the most Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 15 became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. popular daytime series of all time. Since first airing on ABC John Karlen, Denise Nickerson, Terry Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned the reputation as has earned the reputation of being one of the most unusual and being one of the most unusual and enduring programs in Crawford, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh enduring programs in television history. The character of television history. The character of Barnabas Collins, a guilt- Scott, Lara Parker, Clarice Blackburn, Don- Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden, 175 year-old vampire, ridden 175 year old vampire, brought the show tremendous na McKechnie, Diana Davilla, Kay Frye, brought the show tremendous success. Released from a success. When Barnabas sees a mysterious photograph with chained coffin after nearly 200 years, Barnabas Collins a silhouette of Victoria Winters hanging from the gallows, he Louis Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, David arrives at the Collinwood estate claiming to be a relative from decides he must go back in time to the year 1796 to save her. Selby, Jonathan Frid, David Henesy, England. Although noticing Barnabas’ resemblance to his He attempts to change the course of history, but his efforts are Grayson Hall, Thayer David, Jerry Lacy, „ancestor“ in the foyer portrait, the Collins family does not threatened with the appearance of Angelique the witch, and realize he is the same Barnabas that lived at Collinwood in once again Barnabas finds he is a victim of the vampire curse. Roger Davis, Alex Stevens, Don Briscoe, the 18th century. As Barnabas moves into the Old House on In 1969, Carolyn Stoddard invites Chris Jennings to move into Humbert Allen Astredo, Michael Stroka the property, those around him are unaware of the horrors that the caretaker’s cottage on the Collinwood estate, unaware Four disc boxed set includes 40 hair-raising episodes!. With will soon follow. Contains 40 complete, spine-tingling that Chris is harboring a dark and deadly secret. In the its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, episodes. woods, Carolyn is attacked by a werewolf. Magg Dark Shadows became one of the most popular daytime series Vampires, Boxed Sets, Cult Film / TV, Hor- Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- of all time. Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned the reputation as being one of the most ror, 1966 900min. ra 2004 min. unusual and enduring programs in television history. The MPI 03.04.2012 MPI 03.04.2012 character of Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107995 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108040 vampire, brought the show tremendous success. In the year 1897, Magda the gypsy hopes to end the werewolf curse she placed on Quentin Collins. She revels to Barnabas Collins Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 10 Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 13 that she has gained possession of the magical hand of Count With its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural John Karlen, Denise Nickerson, Terry Petofi. After the Collins family learns that Barnabas is a intrigue, Dark Shadows became one of the most popular vampire, he is forced into hiding. Scheming to gain control of daytime series of all time. Since first airing on ABC-TV from Crawford, Joan Bennett, Lisa Richardson, the Collins wealth, Gregory Trask and Evan Hanley plot to 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned the reputation as being Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara Parker, Marie drive matriarch Judith Collins insane by taunting her with the one of the most unusual and enduring programs in television Wallace, Diana Millay, Isabella Hoopes, spirit of Minerva Trask. Quentin enlists the aid of Angelique history. The character of Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 the witch to retrieve Petofi’s hand from a mysterious stranger year-old vampire, brought the show tremendous success. Louis Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, David named Aristede. Once his identity is discovered, Petofi brings Barnabas Collins decides that Maggie Evans must serve as Selby, Jonathan Frid, David Henesy, artist Charles Delaware Tate to Col the life force in the bizarre experiment he and Dr. Julia Grayson Hall, Thayer David, Jerry Lacy, Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- Hoffman plan to conduct in the hope of creating a mate for ra 1966 min. Adam. Maggie begins to remember how Barnabas kidnapped Roger Davis, Don Briscoe, Humbert Allen her months before and attempted to make her his bride. As a Astredo MPI 03.04.2012 vampire, Angelique attacks Barnabas and places him under The Original Television Cult Classic. With its alluring tales 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108044 her supernatural control. Haunted by the fear of being buried of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows alive, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard tells her brother Roger became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. Collins that she plans to construct a special mausoleum. Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 16 Victoria Winters reveals to Elizabeth that she and Jeff Clark has earned the reputation as being one of the most unusual Denise Nickerson, Terry Crawford, Kathryn will soon marry. Even informs Jeff they have both lived before and enduring programs in television history. The character of as lovers in the 1790s. Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old vampire, Leigh Scott, Lara Parker, Donna Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- brought the show tremendous success. As a result of being McKechnie, Deborah Loomis, Karen Lynn, ra 1966 min. possessed by the ghost of Quentin Collins, David Collins Louis Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, David falls into a coma and hovers near death. Barnabas attempts to Selby, Jonathan Frid, David Henesy,

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Grayson Hall, Thayer David, Jerry Lacy, when he realizes that the Leviathans want to claim the soul of McEwen, George Strus Roger Davis, Don Briscoe, Michael Stroka, his daughter Carolyn due to an agreement he made when she With its alluring tales of gothic mystery and supernatural was a child. He discovers that the young boy living at the intrigue, Dark Shadows became one of the most popular Henry Baker, Paul Mitchell antique shop is a member of the other-worldly race. Dr. Julia daytime series of all time. Since first airing on ABC-TV from The original television cult classic. With its alluring tales of Hoffman’s investigations to find a cure for Chris Jennings’ 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned the reputation of the most Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows werewolf curse lead her to the eld unusual and enduring programs in television history. The became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- character of Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows ra 2005 min. vampire, brought the show tremendous success. In The has earned the reputation as being one of the most unusual mysterious world of parallel time, Barnabas is once again a and enduring programs in television history. The character of MPI 03.04.2012 vampire. Writer William H. Loomis discovers Barnabas’ Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old vampire, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108049 secret and traps him inside chained coffin. Young Daniel brought the show tremendous success. In 1897, Quentin Collins becomes convinced that his deceased mother named Collins and servant Beth Chavez attempt to rescue Barnabas Angelique is coming back. Quentin Collins is stunned when Collins from a chained coffin where he has been imprisoned Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 19 Alexis Stokes, Angelique’s identical twin sister, arrives. by the devious Count Petofi. King Johnny Ramano arrives in John Karlen, Denise Nickerson, Joan Sabrina Stuart convinces everyone at Collinwood to Collinsport with a gang of gypsies, seeking revenge against participate in a séance to contact Angelique’s spirit. She Magda for stealing the magical hand of Petofi. Artist Charles Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara Parker, believes that someone at the séance murdered her. The ghost Delaware Tate sees Amanda Harris and is surprised to Lisa Richards, Marie Wallace, Louis of Dameon Edwards starts haunting the mansion. Scientist recognize her as the fantasy woman he has painted. Quentin Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, David Selby, Cyrus Longworth continues his laboratory experiments to is shocked to discover from a possessed Jamison Collins that separate the good and evil in man. Upon drinking a potion, he Quentin’s ghost is menacing Collinwood in the 20th century, Jonathan Frid, David Henesy, Grayson Hall, transforms into the sinist causing David Collins to hover near death. Charity Trask Roger Davis, Don Briscoe, Christopher finds Barnabas’ hiding place and plans to destroy the vampire. Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- Hop Pennock, Humbert Allen Astredo, Michael ra 2005 min. Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- Stroka, Christopher Bernau, Ed Riley, MPI 03.04.2012 ra 1966 min. Geoffrey Scott 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108051 The Original Television Cult Classic. With its alluring tales MPI 03.04.2012 of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108045 became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 21 Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-1971, Dark Shadows has earned the reputation as being one of the most unusual Denise Nickerson, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 17 and enduring programs in television history. The character of Leigh Scott, Lara Parker, Clarice Blackburn, Denise Nickerson, Terry Crawford, Joan Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old vampire, Lisa Richards, Donna Wandrey, Elizabeth brought the show tremendous success. At the altar of the Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara Parker, Leviathans, Barnabas Collins is attacked by a bat and is Eis, Louis Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, David Lisa Richards, Marie Wallace, Donna again a victim of the vampire curse. Dr. Julia Hoffman hopes Selby, Jonathan Frid, David Henesy, McKechnie, Louis Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, to cure Barnabas by resuming her medical treatment of him Grayson Hall, Thayer David, Christopher through a series of injections. But Barnabas is unable to David Selby, Jonathan Frid, David Henesy, resist biting a new victim. Warlock Nicholas Blair returns and Pennock, Michael Stroka, Brian Sturdivant, Grayson Hall, Thayer David, Jerry Lacy, Angelique learns that both he and her husband, Sky Rumson, Colin Hamilton Roger Davis, Don Briscoe, Humbert Allen are aiding the Leviathans. Jealous of Barnabas’ affection for The original television cult classic. With its alluring tales of Maggie Evans, Angelique casts a spell to make Quentin Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows Astredo, Michael Stroka, John Harkins, Collins and Maggie fall in love. Leviathan leader Jeb Hawkes became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. Dennis Patrick, Christopher Bernau, summons an army of zombies to kidnap Julia, hoping she can Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966 - 1971, Dark Timothy Gordon make him human. Sabrina Stuart tries to protect he Shadows has earned the reputation as being one of the most Another 14 Hours Of Terror!. With its alluring tales of Gothic Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- unusual and enduring programs in television history. The mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows became one ra 1969 min. character of Barnabus Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old of the most popular daytime series of all time. Since first vampire, brought the show tremendous success. In the strange airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned MPI 03.04.2012 and terrifying world of 1970 parallel time, Angelique the witch the reputation as being one of the most unusual and enduring 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108050 torments Maggie Collins with her supernatural powers, programs in television history. The character of Barnabas causing Maggie to fear her husband, Quentin. Angelique Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old vampire, brought the show reveals her true identity to her father, Timothy Stokes, and tremendous success. In 1897, Judith Collins is released from Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 2 warns housekeeper Julia Hoffman that the vampire, Barnabus the sanitarium and returns to Collinwood, where Gregory John Karlen, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Collins, must be destroyed. John Yaeger, the evil alter-ego of Trask, hoping to seize control of the Collins family wealth, scientist Cyrus Longworth, kidnaps Maggie. Barnabus plans her murder. Evan Hanley conducts a ceremony to Scott, Dana Elcar, Clarice Blackburn, Alex- returns to Collinwood in regular time to notify Dr. Julia reunite Quentin Collins’ mind with his body, which has been andra Moltke, Sharon Smyth, Louis Hoffman of the perils occurring in parallel time, where her taken over by Count Petofi. Secretly cured of his vampirism, Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, Jonathan Frid, counterpart discovers Barnabas’ coffin and makes plans to Barnabas Collins reappears, claiming to be a British relative. stake him. Longing to discover who she is, Barnabus initiates Mesmerized by Josette’s portrait, Lady Kitty Hampshire David Henesy, Grayson Hall, Joel Crothers, an exp begins to believe she is Barnabas’ lost love. When Kitty David Ford, Anthony George, Dennis Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- vanishes, Barnabas follows her back to the year 1796. He is Patrick, Robert Gerringer, Michael Hadge, ra 1970 min. chosen against his will to become the human leader of the Leviathans, an ancient race from another world. Th House Jameson MPI 03.04.2012 The Original Television Cult Classic.. With its alluring tales 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108052 Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows ra min. became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. MPI 03.04.2012 Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 22 has earned the reputation of being one of the most unusual and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108047 enduring programs in television history. The character of John Karlen, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden, 175 year-old vampire, Scott, Kate Jackson, Donna Wandrey, Nan- Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 18 brought the show tremendous success. Barnabas locks the cy Barrett, David Selby, Jonathan Frid, kidnapped Maggie Evans in an Old House basement cell, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara hoping she will submit to becoming the recreation of his lost David Henesy, Grayson Hall, Thayer David, Parker, Marsha Mason, Lisa Richards, Ma- love, Josette. A strange young girl in old-fashioned clothing Christopher Pennock, James Storm, Kathy appears to Maggie and, later, to handy man Willie Loomis, Cody, Ronald Dawson, Don Crabtree, Cliff rie Wallace, Donna McKechnie, Camilla who informs Barnabas she claims to live at the Old House. As Ashland, Lisa Ross, Louis Edmonds, Nancy Elizabeth Collins Stoddard prepares to marry a blackmailer Cudney Barrett, David Selby, Jonathan Frid, David Jason McGuire, she reveals a dark secret to governess The Original Cult Classic.. With its alluring tales of Gothic Victoria Winters. Posing as a historian, Dr. Julia Hoffman mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows became one Henesy, Grayson Hall, Thayer David, arrives at Collinwood to investigate Maggie’s disappearance. of the most popular daytime series of all time. Since first Kenneth McMillan, Roger Davis, Don airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned Vampires, Boxed Sets, Cult Film / TV, Hor- the reputation of being one of the most unusual and enduring Briscoe, Christopher Pennock, John ror, Soap Opera 1966 min. programs in television history. The character of Barnabas Harkins, Dennis Patrick, Emory Bass, MPI 03.04.2012 Collins, a guilt-ridden, 175 year-old vampire, brought the Ronald Dawson, Ed Riley, Geoffrey Scott, show tremendous success. In the year 1995, Barnabas and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107996 Dr. Julia Hoffman wonder what has happened to the Collins Brian Sturdivant, David Jay, Michael family when they find the Collinwood estate abandoned and in Maitland, Sho Onodera Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 20 ruins. They learn that both Carolyn Stoddard and Quentin The original television cult classic! Contains 40 Complete Collins have gone insane. Barnabas witnesses the ghost of Episodes plus Bonus Interviews on 4 DVD’s!. With its John Karlen, Denise Nickerson, Joan Gerard Stiles and realizes that Julia is under the spirit’s alluring tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara Parker, power. In 1970, the ghost of Daphne Harridge, a nineteenth Dark Shadows became one of the most popular daytime series century governess, appears to Quentin, who locates her diary of all time. Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Lisa Richards, Elizabeth Eis, Paula in . Barnabas is stunned when he meets Shadows has earned the reputation as being one of the most Laurence, Louis Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, astrologist Sebastian Shaw’s assistant, Roxanne Drew, who unusual and enduring programs in television history. The David Selby, Jonathan Frid, David Henesy, is identical to the Roxanne that Barnabas knew in parallel character of Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old time. When Julia discovers fang marks of Maggie Evans’ vampire, brought the show tremendous success. While driving Grayson Hall, Jerry Lacy, Christopher neck, Barnab in the Collinsport village, Barnabas Collins accidentally hits Pennock, Michael Stroka, John Harkins, Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- a stranger in the road. He recognizes that the man is identical Donald Briscoe, Jered Holmes, Ken to Quentin Collins from 1897. Paul Stoddard becomes frantic ra 1966 min.

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MPI 03.04.2012 unusual and enduring programs in television history. The programs in television history. The character of Barnabas character of Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old Collins, a guilt-ridden 175-year-old vampire, brought the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108054 vampire, brought the show tremendous success. At show tremendous success. Barnabas’ secret is threatened by Collinwood in the year 1840, Daphne Harridge describes David Collins’ curiosity. Anxious to become human again, Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 23 strange occurrences she viewed in a room in the east wing. Barnabas orders Dr. Julia Hoffman to accelerate her Dr. Julia Hoffman warns her to beware of the parallel time treatments to cure him, but the experiment backfires, causing John Karlen, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh band she has witnessed. Barnabas begs Angelique to use her Barnabas to age rapidly and assume the appearance of a 200- Scott, Lara Parker, Kate Jackson, Clarice powers to help save Quentin Collins from being executed for year-old man. during a séance at Collinwood to contact the practicing witchcraft. Using Quentin’s stairway through time, spirit of Barnabas’ young sister Sarah, Victoria Winters Blackburn, Virginia Vestoff, Donna Barnabas, Julia and Professor Stokes travel back to the mysteriously disappears and finds that she has traveled back Wandrey, Louis Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, future. In 1841 parallel time, Bramwell Collins insists that in time to the year 1795. David Selby, Jonathan Frid, David Henesy, Catherine Harridge marry him instead of Morgan Collins. As Vampires, Boxed Sets, Cult Film / TV, Hor- the family’s oldest son, Morgan is placed in charge of the Grayson Hall, Thayer David, Jerry Lacy, dreaded lottery, where ror, Soap Opera 1971 900min. Christopher Pennock, James Storm, Michael Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- MPI 03.04.2012 Stroka, Kathy Cody, Michael McGuire ra 2006 min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107999 The Original Television Cult Classic. With its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows MPI 03.04.2012 became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108058 Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 5 Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara has earned the reputation as being one of the most unusual and enduring programs in television history. The character of Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 26 Parker, Clarice Blackburn, Alexandra Molt- Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old vampire, Contains The Final 19 Episodes Plus Hours Of Special Bonus ke, Louis Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, brought the show tremendous success. In 1970, Daphne Materials On 4 Discs!. With its alluring tales of Gothic Jonathan Frid, David Henesy, Grayson Hall, Harridge pleads with the evil ghost of Gerard Stiles, begging mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows became one him to spare the children at Collinwood from harm. Dr. Julia of the most popular daytime series of all time. Since first Joel Crothers, Jerry Lacy, David Ford, Hoffman and Willie Loomis discover the identity of the vampire airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned Anthony George that has been attacking Maggie Evans. Sebastian Shaw the reputation as being one of the most unusual and enduring The original television cult classic. With its alluring tales of declares that Gerard’s ghost will take over Collinwood. programs in television history. The character of Barnabas Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows Using the stairway through time, Julia escapes to the year Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old vampire, brought the show became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. 1840 and anxiously awaits Barnabus Collins to join her, tremendous success. In 1841 parallel time, Daphne Harridge Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows posing as his sister. Desmond Collins shows servant Ben becomes suicidal at the thought of losing Bramwell Collins to has earned the reputation as being one of the most unusual Stokes the mysterious and magical head of Judah Zachery. her sister Catherine. James Forsythe’s spirit reveals why he and enduring programs in television history. The character of Lamar Trask enlists psychic Leticia Faye to use her powers cursed the Collinses in 1680. The ghost of Brutus Collins Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old vampire, to find out the fate of his father, Reverend Trask, who traps Morgan Collins and Julia Collins in a secret corridor at brought the show tremendous success. In 1795, the beautiful disappeared in 179 Collinwood where they find two mummified bodies. After and jealous witch Angelique attempts to destroy Baranabas’ Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- marrying Kendrick Young, Melanie Collins becomes insane. romance with his fiancé, Josette DuPress. She enslaves Morgan is enraged to learn Catherine and Bramwell have Collins family servant Ben Stokes to assist her evil plans. ra min. resumed their romance. As crises continue to surround them, Abigail Collins and Natalie DuPress find evidence they MPI 03.04.2012 the Collins family struggle to survive, hoping to finally end the believe proves Victoria Winters is a witch. The family moves 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108056 curse that has brought so much sorrow. This DVD set into the newly-built Collinwood mansion and the fanatical Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- witch-hunting Reverend Trask is summoned to exorcise the ra 1971 min. Old House. A vengeful Angelique places a vampire curse on Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 24 Barnabas. Contains 40 complete episodes on 4 discs. MPI 03.04.2012 John Karlen, Terry Crawford, Joan Vampires, Boxed Sets, Cult Film / TV, Hor- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108059 Bennett, Lara Parker, Kate Jackson, Virgi- ror, Soap Opera 1971 900min. nia Vestoff, Donna Wandrey, Elizabeth Eis, MPI 03.04.2012 Kathleen Cody, Louis Edmonds, Nancy Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 3 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108031 Barrett, David Selby, Jonathan Frid, John Karlen, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Grayson Hall, Thayer David, Jerry Lacy, Scott, Dana Elcar, Clarice Blackburn, Alex- Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 6 Christopher Pennock, James Storm, andra Moltke, Sharon Smyth, Louis Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara Humbert Allen Astredo, Michael Stroka, Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, Jonathan Frid, Parker, Clarice Blackburn, Sharon Smyth, George Lindsey, Tom Happer David Henesy, Grayson Hall, Joel Crothers, Anita Bolster, Leslie Barrett, Vala Clifton, The Original Television Cult Classic. With its alluring tales David Ford, Anthony George, Robert Ger- Jane Draper, Elaine Hyman, Louis Edmonds, of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows ringer, Daniel Keyes Nancy Barrett, Jonathan Frid, David became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. The Original Television Cult Classic. . With its alluring tales Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows Henesy, Grayson Hall, Joel Crothers, Jerry has earned the reputation as being one of the most unusual became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. Lacy, Roger Davis, Craig Slocum, David and enduring programs in television history. The character of Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows Barnabas Collins, a guild-ridden 175 year-old vampire, Thayer, Alexander Moltke, Dan Morgan has earned the reputation of being one of the most unusual and The original television cult classic. With its alluring tales of brought the show tremendous success. At Collinwood in the enduring programs in television history. The character of year 1840, governess Daphne Harridge finds a letter from her Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden, 175 year-old vampire, became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. absent sister warning her stay away from Quentin Collins. brought the show tremendous success. Dr. Julia Hoffman Roxanne Drew rises as a vampire. Lamar Trash discovers Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows promises Barnabas that his secret is safe if he will allow her has earned the reputation as being one of the most unusual Quentin’s laboratory and proclaims that he will be placed on to conduct experiments to cure him of his vampirism. Jealous trial for her witchcraft, Barnabas and Desmond Collins vow to and enduring programs in television history. The character of of Victoria Winters’ engagement to Burke Devlin, Barnabas Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old vampire, save Quentin from being executed. Gabriel Collins plots to plans revenge against Burke, who becomes suspicious of revise his father Daniel’s will so that he and Edith Collins brought the show tremendous success. In 1795, Barnabas Barnabas and begins to investigate him. While trying to hide Collins has risen as a vampire and begs family servant Ben will inherit the entire family fortune. After reading servant Ben from Barnabas, David Collins becomes trapped in the secret Stokes’ diary from 1795, Trash finds the skeleton of his father Stokes to drive a stake through his heart. Using her room of the Collins Mausoleum. The frightened boy pleads supernatural powers, Angelique tricks Josette Collins into bricked up in the Old House basement and plans revenge on with the ghost of Sarah Collins to rescue him. Barnabas Barnabas. Angelique realizes that Barnabas’ cl going to Widows’ Hill, where Josette sees a horrifying vision realizes that David may hold the key to finding his late of her future should she become Barnabas’ bride. Naomi Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- sister’s spirit. Collins attempts to prevent the unscrupulous Nathan Forbes ra min. Vampires, Boxed Sets, Cult Film / TV, Hor- from reconciling with Millicent Collins. Reverend Trask MPI 03.04.2012 ror, Soap Opera 1967 840min. persuades Nathan to testify against Victoria Winters, who is 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108057 MPI 03.04.2012 on trial for witchcraft. Barnabas vows revenge against Trask. Vampires, Boxed Sets, Cult Film / TV, Hor- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107998 ror, Soap Opera 1968 840min. Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 25 MPI 03.04.2012 John Karlen, Terry Crawford, Joan Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 4 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108032 Bennett, Lara Parker, Kate Jackson, Virgi- Dorrie Kavanaugh, Joan Bennett, Kathryn nia Vestoff, Lee Beery, Mary Cooper, Louis Leigh Scott, Lara Parker, Clarice Blackburn, Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 7 Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, David Selby, Alexandra Moltke, Sharon Smyth, Louis John Karlen, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Jonathan Frid, Grayson Hall, Thayer David, Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, Jonathan Frid, Scott, Lara Parker, Clarice Blackburn, Alex- Jerry Lacy, Christopher Pennock, James David Henesy, Grayson Hall, Joel Crothers, andra Moltke, Addison Powell, Louis Storm, Kathy Cody, David Hurst, Keith Jerry Lacy, David Ford, Anthony George, Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, Jonathan Frid, Prentice Robert Gerringer, Angus Cairns, Peter David Henesy, Grayson Hall, Joel Crothers, Dark telling us something true: Beware. Murphy, William Shust, Peter Turgeon Anything can happen.“ - The New Yorker. With its alluring Includes episodes 331-371. With its alluring tales of Gothic Jerry Lacy, Roger Davis, Robert Rodan, tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows became one Craig Slocum, David Thayer Shadows became one of the most popular daytime series of all of the most popular daytime series of all time. Since first The Original Television Cult Classic. With its alluring tales time. Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows Shadows has earned the reputation as being one of the most the reputation as being one of the most unusual and enduring became one of the most popular daytime series of all time.

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Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows Joseph Julian, Frank Schofield Dark Shadows: The Beginning - has earned the reputation as being one of the most unusual With its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural and enduring programs in television history. The character of intrigue, Dark Shadows became one of the most popular DVD Collection 4 Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old vampire, daytime series of all time. Since first airing on ABC-TV from Mitchell Ryan, John Connell, Joan Bennett, brought the show tremendous success. In 1975, after being 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned the reputation as being convicted of witchcraft, Victoria Winters waits to be hung at one of the most unusual and enduring programs in Kathryn Leigh Scott, Dana Elcar, Clarice the gallows. Peter Bradford vows they’ll be together again broadcasting history. The character of Barnabas Collins, a Blackburn, Alexandra Moltke, Diana Millay, someday. In 1968, Victoria reappears during a séance at guilt-ridden, 175-year-old vampire, brought the show Louis Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, David Collinwood and Barnabas fears that she has learned his tremendous success. Now, for the first time on DVD, MPI secret from her time in the past. After he and Victoria are presents the spooky series’ rare, early episodes before the Henesy, Thayer David, Joel Crothers, David hospitalized following a car accident, Barnabas is stunned arrival of Barnabas. Victoria Winters’ mysterious journey Ford, Frank Schofield, Conard Fowkes, when the mysterious Dr. Lang enables him to see daylight for begins as her train arrives in Collinsport, a small and stormy Hugh Franklin the first time in nearly 200 years. The doctor offers Barnabas fishing village on the coast of Maine. An orphan in search of hope that he may be permanently cured through a bizarre With its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural her identity, Victoria is befriended by a stranger named Burke intrigue, Dark Shadows (1966-71, ABC-TV) became one of experiment. Roger Collins surprises the family by introducing Devlin. At the eerie Collinwood mansion, Victoria meets his new wife Cassandra, whom Barnabas realizes is act the most popular daytime series of all time. The character of reclusive matriarch Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, her aloof Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden, 175-year-old vampire, Vampires, Boxed Sets, Cult Film / TV, Hor- brother Roger Collins, his troubled ten-year-old son David, brought the show tremendous success. Now, for the first time ror, Soap Opera 1966 840min. and Elizabeth’s rebellious teenage daughter Carolyn. Collins on DVD, MPI presents the spooky series’ rare, early MPI 03.04.2012 fishing fleet manager Bill Malloy informs Elizabeth that Burke episodes before Barnabas. When Victoria Winters searches wants to take everything the Collinses own as revenge for the Old House for David Collins, she is abducted and held 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108033 being sen captive by Matthew Morgan, the Collinses’ fugitive caretaker Vampires, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Soap who is hiding following the death of family friend Bill Malloy. Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 8 Opera 890min. A massive search is held to find Victoria. An angry and jealous Joe Haskell fights with Burke Devlin after he catches Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara MPI 03.04.2012 Carolyn Stoddard, his girlfriend, with Burke in his room at the Parker, Louis Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107889 Collinsport Inn. A mysterious woman visits the diner and asks waitress Maggie Evans about the Collins family. The ghost of Jonathan Frid, Joel Crothers, Trevor David Josette Collins appears to Matthew and attempts to protect The original television cult classic.. With its alluring tales of Dark Shadows: The Beginning - Victoria. Sam Evans reveals to a stunned Roger Collins that Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows DVD Collection 2 Roger’s estranged wife, Laura, has returned. Sam begins to became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. paint a bizarre portrait of a woman surrounded by fl Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows Mitchell Ryan, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh has earned the reputation as being one of the most unusual Vampires, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Soap and enduring programs in television history. The character of Scott, Dana Elcar, Clarice Blackburn, Alex- Opera 2008 810min. Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old vampire, andra Moltke, Nancy Barrett, Thayer David, MPI 03.04.2012 brought the show tremendous success. Hoping to free himself Joel Crothers, David Ford, Frank Schofield 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107991 and the entire Collins family of Angelique the witch’s evil With its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural schemes, Barnabas hires artist Sam Evans to age her portrait, intrigue, Dark Shadows became one of the most popular causing Angelique to rapidly age into a 200-year-old woman. daytime series of all time. Since first airing on ABC-TV from Dark Shadows: The Beginning - The ghost of Reverend Trask appears at the Old House to 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned the reputation as being seek vengeance against Barnabas for the tragedies in one of the most unusual and enduring programs in DVD Collection 5 Collinsport of 1795. Professor Stokes questions Victoria broadcasting history. The character of Barnabas Collins, a Mitchell Ryan, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Winters about her trip back in time and what she knows about guilt-ridden, 175-year-old vampire, brought the show Angelique. A mysterious stranger named Nicholas Blair tremendous success. Now, for the first time on DVD, MPI Scott, Clarice Blackburn, Alexandra Moltke, arrives at Collinwood and claims to be the brother of presents the spooky series’ rare, early episodes before the Diana Millay, Louis Edmonds, Nancy Cassandra Collins (alias Angelique). arrival of Barnabas. Collinwood’s surly caretaker Mathew Barrett, David Henesy, Joel Crothers, David Vampires, Boxed Sets, Cult Film / TV, Hor- Morgan informs Victoria Winters that he believes the ghost of Ford, Conard Fowkes ror, Soap Opera 2003 840min. Josette Collins and other sprits inhabit the estate. In an attempt to settle the controversy surrounding the manslaughter With its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural MPI 03.04.2012 case that sent Burke Devlin to prison, Collins Fishing Fleet intrigue, Dark Shadows (1966-71, ABC-TV) became one of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108034 Manager Bill Malloy sets up a private meeting for himself, the most popular daytime series of all time. The character of Roger Collins, Same Evans and Burke. Elizabeth Collins Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden, 175-year-old vampire, Stoddard confides to Victoria some of the legends involving brought the show tremendous success. Now, for the first time Dark Shadows: DVD Collection 9 Collinwood and Widow’s Hill. Carolyn Stoddard and Victoria on DVD, MPI presents the spooky series’ rare, early spot a body floating at the bottom of the cliff and Victoria soon episodes before Barnabas. Victoria Winters and Frank John Karlen, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Garner anxiously search for clues to Laura Collins’ strange Scott, Lara Parker, Clarice Blackburn, Alex- experien Vampires, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Soap origins and are led to a series of bizarre discoveries. andra Moltke, Addison Powell, Louis Elizabeth Collins Stoddard orders Laura to leave Collinwood, Opera 810min. Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, Jonathan Frid, but Laura secretly visits Elizabeth while she sleeps and MPI 03.04.2012 places her in a trance. Laura warns Victoria that she will take David Henesy, Grayson Hall, Thayer David, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107984 control of her son, David Collins, but becomes frightened Joel Crothers, Roger Davis, Don Briscoe, when the ghost of Josette Collins appears to her. Against Humbert Allen Astredo, Robert Rodan, Roger Collins’ wishes, a psychic investigator, Dr. Peter Dark Shadows: The Beginning - Guthrie, is called in to examine the strange occurrences at Craig Slocum Collinwood and a seance is held. Victoria and Guthrie learn The Original Television Cult Classic. With its alluring tales DVD Collection 3 that the body of a dead woman identified as Laura has of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows Mitchell Ryan, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh disappeared from the morgue in Phoenix, Arizona. became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. Vampires, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Soap Scott, Dana Elcar, Clarice Blackburn, Alex- Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows Opera 1967 min. has earned the reputation as being one of the most unusual andra Moltke, Nancy Bennett, Louis MPI 03.04.2012 and enduring programs in television history. The character of Edmonds, David Henesy, Thayer David, Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden 175 year-old vampire, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107992 brought the show tremendous success. Fearing for Victoria Joel Crothers, David Ford, Frank Schofield, Winters’ safety, Barnabas Collins forces her to reveal her Conard Fowkes, Hugh Franklin nightmare resulting from Angelique’s frightening dream curse, With its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural Dark Shadows: The Beginning - which threatens to make Barnabas once again a creature of intrigue, Dark Shadows (1966-71, ABC-TV) became one of DVD Collection 6 the night. The man-made monster Adam kidnaps Victoria in an the most popular daytime series of all time. The character of attempt to force Barnabas an Julia Hoffman to create a mate Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden, 175-year-old vampire, Mitchell Ryan, Joan Bennett, Louis for him. Warlock Nicholas Blair causes Angelique Hoffman to brought the show tremendous success. Now, for the first time create a mate for him. Warlock Nicholas Blair causes Edmonds, Nancy Barrett on DVD, MPI presents the spooky series’ rare, early With its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural Angelique to age and warns that he’ll destroy her unless she episodes before Barnabas. Victoria Winters assures Carolyn returns the vampire curse to Barnabas. Nicholas becomes intrigue, Dark Shadows (1966-71, ABC-TV) became one of Stoddard that her loyalties lie with the Collins family, not with the most popular daytime series of all time. The character of infatuated with Maggie Evans and causes her boyfriend to be Burke Devlin. Victoria makes a startling discovery near the the victim of a vampire attack. After ailing handyman T Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden, 175-year-old vampire, ocean. David Collins visits Burke at the Collinsport Inn and brought the show tremendous success. Now, for the first time Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- insists his father is a murderer. Burke makes an offer to on DVD, MPI presents the spooky series’ rare, early ra 1966 840min. Elizabeth Collins Stoddard to buy Collinwood. Roger Collins episodes before Barnabas. Dr. Peter Guthrie and Joe Haskell MPI 03.04.2012 frantically searches to recover evidence that may incriminate break into Laura Murdoch Stockbridge’s crypt at Eagle Hill him. Annoyed with Carolyn, Joe Haskell begins to turn his Cemetery. David Collins informs Victoria Winters that he 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108035 affections toward Maggie Evans. David leads Victoria to the wants to go away with his mother, Laura. Guthrie arranges to closed-off section of Collinwood, where she is stunned by the conduct a seance at the Old House to contact Josette Collins’ Dark Shadows: The Beginning - appearance of a ghost. Caretaker Matthew Morgan tries to ghost. Victoria makes a bizarre discovery that leads her to dissuade Mrs. Johnson from coming to work at Collinwood. In believe David’s life is in jeopardy after Laura summons him to DVD Collection 1 Bangor, Victoria meets lawyers Richard and Frank Gar an abandoned fishing shack. Victoria sees Elizabeth Collins Vampires, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Soap Mitchell Ryan, Joan Bennett, Kathryn Leigh Stoddard coming from the mysterious locked room in the Opera 2007 min. Collinwood basement. A nervous Elizabeth is shocked when Scott, Alexandra Moltke, Elizabeth Wilson, MPI 03.04.2012 Jason McGuire, a devious friend of her missing husband’s, Louis Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, David arrives in town unexpectedly. He reminids Elizabeth of an old 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107985 Henesy, Joel Crothers, George Mitchell, secret that they share. Jason and his traveling companion, a Drama, Horror, Mystery, Soap Opera 1967 Mark Allen, Conrad Bain, Michael Currie,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 32 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA min. Murino, Stephen McHattie he always seems to be „a mile away“ whenever a crime is committed! O’Day has his work cut out for him, keeping the MPI 03.04.2012 Thrillers, Horror 2011 90min. kids on the right side of the law while also fending off 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107993 E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 Mileaway’s hoods. Ironically, none of the actors who made up 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107881 the eventual East Side Kids gang would appear until the next film in the series. Day Of The Panther Troubled Youth, Comedy, Drama, Jim Richardson, John Stanton, Edward : Carnival Of Monsters Friendships, Gangs 1940 60min. John Stazak - Special Edition American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 An undercover agent in goes after a drug lord of a the gang who killed his partner. He is a martial arts expert Katy Manning, Jon Pertwee 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108140 who learned his skills from the Panther Clan of China. The Doctor has promised Jo a holiday on Metebelis 3, but the TARDIS materializes not on the famous blue planet, but in the Revenge, Action, Australian, Foreign, cargo hold of the SS Bernice, sailing to India in 1926. Despite Sam Elliott Triple Feature Martial Arts 1988 66min. all appearances, the Doctor insists that they are no longer on , Donald Moffat, Claudia American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Earth, but Jo’s not convinced, at least not until a sea dinosaur attacks the ship! Millions of miles from Earth, a traveling Christian, Susan Dey, Sam Elliott, Nick Stahl 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108129 showman named Vorg and his lovely assistant have arrived on Native American, TV Movies, Western, Inter Minor to bring a little sunshine into the humdrum lives of Biopics, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Delinquent Daughters the Minorian officials and functionaries. The dilapidated device they’ve brought looks rather unpromising until Vorg Historical / Period Piece 350min. June Carlson explains that the entertainment the Scope offers is live- it Echo Bridge Home Entertainment A town is shocked when a high school girl commits suicide. A holds actual, miniaturized, living creatures kidnapped from 03.04.2012 reporter and a cop team up to investigate and find out exactly every corner of the universe. There are Cybermen, Ogrons what is going on among the youth of the town. and even a party of rare Tellurians aboard a quaint steamship. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107731 Troubled Youth, Crime, Drama 1944 74min. Time Travel, BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Mon- Escort Girl 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108130 sters, Science Fiction 1973 min. Betty Compson, Margaret Marquis BBC Home Video 10.04.2012 A pair of nightclub owners run a string of escort bureaus where men pay for the „companionship“ of young women. The Delta 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108161 district attorney sends an undercover agent to infiltrate the Lili Monori, Sandor Gaspar bureaux. New auteur Kornél Mundruczó follows in the aesthetic Doctor Who: The Daemons Comedy, Cult Film / TV 1941 65min. footsteps of Hungary’s acclaimed Bela Tarr with this lushly American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 photographed drama set along the Danube. Mihail (Felix Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning, Richard Frank- Lajko) returns to his mother’s village after years of absence lin, Nicholas Courtney, Roger Delgado 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108141 to discover he has a grown half sister, Fauna (Orsi Toth). The Doctor and Jo travel to Devil’s End village to probe the Mihail has ambitions to rebuild his father’s house and support centuries-old secret of the Devil’s Hump, a mysterious burial Eternally Yours himself through fishing. When he moves to an island that once mound. belonged to his family, Fauna tags along, eager to escape her Time Travel, BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, David Niven, , Billy Burke, brutish father. What should be an idyllic existence is Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Science Hugh Herbert disrupted by the small minds of petty villagers. Shot in the When a clergyman’s daughter (Loretta Young) is swept off her delta region of the famed Danube River, Delta is provocative Fiction 1971 100min. feet by a debonair magician (David Niven), her life becomes a yet gentle, brutal yet beautiful. Winner of the Fipresci Prize BBC Home Video 10.04.2012 sudden whirlwind of travel, excitement and death-defying and nominated for the Golden Palm at Cannes. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108162 feats. But when the magic wears off, she attempts a Art House, Crime, Drama, Foreign, disappearing act of her own. Nominated for an Oscar for its Hungarian 2008 92min. lively musical score, this charming romantic comedy comes Don’t Look In The Basement with a healthy side-order of adventure. The film’s climax also Facets Video 27.03.2012 features some wonderful location footage shot at the 1939 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108154 Rosie Holotik World’s Fair in New York! A mental hospital with a secret and a story of a murder by the patients unsettles the new nurse. Religion/Spirituality, Romance, Comedy Dementia 13 Mystery, Drama, Horror, Mental Illness 1973 1939 89min. Patrick MaGee, Luana Anders, William 89min. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Campbell American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108142 John Haloran has a heart attack. His wife Louise won’t get 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108139 any of the inheritance from his mother’s estate if he is dead, Evel Knievel so she forges a letter from him to convince his family he’s in NY on business to ensure a cut of the inheritance. His sister The Dragon Lives Again Sue Lyon, George Hamilton had also drowned and the family enacts a morbid ritual in The Strangest Martial Arts Movie Ever Made!. Everyone’s Hamilton starred in this biography of the man who jumps over remembrance. favorite martial artist „Bruce“ winds up fighting for his life and cars with a motorcycle. Classics, Cult Film / TV, Horror 1963 75min. soul in hell against an evil Warlord intent on making him Sports, Biography, Biopics, Cult Film / TV, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 mincemeat - and he has recruited some of the 1970s most Extreme Sports 1971 88min. iconic B-movie characters to help dispatch the great one. But 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108131 when that won’t do the trick, he uses monsters, mummies and American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 beautiful women to get the little dragon at any cost - simply 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108143 Vs. Cueball the most bizarre horror/ karate movie ever made! Action, Comedy, Martial Arts 1977 82min. Anne Jeffreys, Rita Corday, Ian Keith, Everyday Sunshine: The Story Of Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 Morgan Conway, Dick Wessel Fishbone A crime thriller based on the comic strip. Dick Tracy is up 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108209 against an ex-con Cueball, who is stealing gems and Tim Robbins, Mike Watt, Branford Marsalis, murdering people. Dukes Of Hazzard: The Complete Gwen Stefani, Flea, George Clinton, Mystery, Action, Based On A Comic Strip, Eugene Hutz, Les Claypool, Lev Anderson, Crime, Detectives 1946 62min. First Season Chris Metzler, Lev Anderson, Chris Metzler, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Catherine Bach, John Schneider, James Lev Anderson, Chris Metzler, Fishbone 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108137 Best, Denver Pyle, Sorrell Booke, Waylon Narrated by , Everyday Sunshine charts Jennings, Ben Cooper, Thomas Wopat the turbulent history of the pioneering all-Black rock band Join Luke and Bo Duke—a couple of good old boys—and their Fishbone. Formed on the streets of South Central LA in the Dick Tracy: Detective cousin Daisy Duke as they stay just ahead of the sheriff in 1980s, Fishbone rose to become one of the most original their souped-up 1969 Dodge Charger, The General Lee, and bands of the past 25 years-their influence discernible in many Jane Greer, Anne Jeffreys, Mike Mazurki, of today’s biggest pop acts. But just as they seemed on the Morgan Conway have fun thwarting the plots of the corrupt county boss. Action, CBS, Chases, Comedy 1979 min. verge of conquering the world, the band imploded. A crime thriller based on a comic strip. Dick Tracy is up Music, Punk, Punk Rock, Ska, African Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 against a series of murders and all the victims have no ties to Americans, Documentary 2010 Ltbx S one another. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108163 Mystery, Thrillers, Based On A Comic Strip, 107min. Cinema Guild 21.02.2012 Crime, Detectives 1945 61min. East Side Kids American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108117 Joyce Bryant, Leon Ames, Dennis Moore, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108138 Hal E. Chester Exit Strategy In this debut from the East Side Kids, the gang team up with Die Police Detective O’Day (Leon Ames) to help get Danny’s Kevin Hart brother, „Knuckles“, off a murder charge. But they’ll have to Evicted from his apartment, James has to move in with his Elias Koteas, Emily Hampshire, Caterina catch the real killer, a gang leader called „Mileaway“ because girlfriend of 3 months. He quickly discovers that she’s

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA everything he never wanted in a woman. His only option is to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108165 old neighborhood. A cult favorite ( pays get her to break up with him — but still let him sleep on the tribute to it in his film Reservoir Dogs, via the line „You’re couch. under arrest, Suga“), this movie also served as the pilot for a Romance, Comedy 2011 90min. Funeral For An Assassin short-lived ABC television series of the same name. Collectors will not want to be without this one! An African- Millennium Entertainment 01.05.2012 Vic Morrow American woman hired by the LAPD works as an undercover 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107672 Into South Africa with a backdrop of gold mines and operative in a case against a major drug ring. She proves she townships, comes an assassin. has the brains and the looks to bring down the bad guys. Crime, Drama 1977 92min. Fear In The Night Action, Blaxploitation, Cops, Cult Film / TV American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 1974 74min. Ann Doran, Kay Scott, DeForest Kelley, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108190 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Paul Kelly A meek and mild bank teller awakens one morning from a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108191 disturbing dream in which he has killed a man, only to find that Funeral Home his dream may well have been real. Was he sleepwalking? Lesleh Donaldson, Barry Morse Glorifying The American Girl Was he hypnotized? The suspense never lets up in this film The 1980s retro horror classic! Young and easily frightened noir original (later remade as „Nightmare“ with Edward G. 16-year old Heather is called to stay with her grandmother in Mary Eaton, Helen Morgan, Rudy Vallee, Robinson), as the story unravels to reveal an eerie tale of the hopes of helping her turn an old funeral home into a bed- Eddie Cantor murder and mind control. Stars a young Deforest Kelley (later and-breakfast. But strange happenings and unexplained In this star-studded musical, an aspiring dancer (Mary Eaton) of Star Trek fame) in his feature film debut. murders around the home quickly make this vacation spot a travels to New York City, leaving her home town and Mystery, Film Noir 1947 72min. „dead-and-breakfast“ - with no answers as to who or what is boyfriend behind to pursue her dreams. Set against a American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 causing all the death. Well-executed gloomy thriller in the backdrop of the famous Ziegfeld Follies (our heroine does 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108144 Hitchcock vein. eventually score a coveted role as a Revue girl), the film Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers, Hor- features songs by Irving Berlin, rousing dance numbers, and ror, Mental Illness 1981 93min. numerous celebrity cameos, including Rudy Vallee, Helen Femme Fatales Collection Morgan, comedian Eddie Cantor, Johnny Weissmuller and Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 even Florenz Ziegfeld himself! Ava Gardner, Loretta Young, Joan 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108211 Musical, Comedy, Drama 1929 87min. Fontaine, Hedy Lamarr American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 6 Classic films on 2 DVDs!. A small town girl (Gardner) returns home as a glamorous femme fatale and ignites a deadly Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108192 love triangle between a small-time hood (Raft, B&W) and an Renowned comic book artist Joann Sfar’s Gainsbourg: A unsavory nightclub owner (McLaglen). An alluring tourist Heroic Life is a completely original take on one of France’s Go For Broke (Lamarr) steals the heart of an infamous master thief (Boyer), greatest mavericks, the illustrious and infamous singer- but puts his life at risk when his mistress betrays him to the songwriter, Serge Gainsbourg (Cèsar winner Eric Van Johnson, Lane Nakano, George Miki French authorities. Nominated for four Academy Awards Elmosnino). Starting with his childhood in Nazi-occupied Starring Van Johnson, this is the story of the Japanese including Best Actor and Best Cinematography! A gorgeous, Paris, Sfar follows him all the way to pop superstardom as he Americans who formed the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in hard-partying fashion editor (Lamarr), headed for a nervous romances many of the era’s most beautiful women, including 1943 and served in Italy and France in WWII. breakdown, gets a makeover with a new identity and a new Juliette Greco, Brigitte Bardot and Jane Birkin. Employing a War, World War II, Drama 1951 90min. love (O’Keefe), but ends up as a murder suspect when her witty surrealistic style and a soundtrack of the musician’s past returns to haunt her. A tantalizing Jezebel (Lamarr), greatest hits. Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life is a quintessential American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 abused by her alcoholic father, takes lustful revenge on the time capsule to ’60s Paris. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108193 men who love her until a touring evangelist reveals her evil Music, Biopics, Drama, Foreign, French ways. A neurotic husband (Sullivan) believes his luscious wife (Young) is having a steamy affair with the family 122min. Grand Duel physician and plots to frame her for his own murder! A high- Music Box Films 06.03.2012 Lee Van Cleef, Horst Frank class call girl’s (Towers) transformation to respectabili 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108238 Also known as Il Grande Duello, this classic Spaghetti Boxed Sets, Classics, Femme Fatales 2009 Western features Lee van Cleef in the role of a tough, gun- FF 529min. Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life (Blu- slinging sheriff out to defend a young cowboy accused of Allegro Entertainment 08.09.2009 murder. Dressed in characteristic all-black, he must fend off ray) the avenging Saxon brothers (who, naturally, drape 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108231 themselves entirely in white). Action-packed with wild shoot- Renowned comic book artist Joann Sfar’s Gainsbourg: A outs, riotous chase scenes and a fantastic score by composer Heroic Life is a completely original take on one of France’s Luis Enrique Bacalov (who would later be enlisted by Flight Of The Lost Balloon greatest mavericks, the illustrious and infamous singer- longtime fan Quentin Tarantino to create film music for his Marshall Thompson, Mala Powers, Douglas songwriter, Serge Gainsbourg (Cèsar winner Eric work), this gritty gem remains a favorite among fans of the Elmosnino). Starting with his childhood in Nazi-occupied genre. Kennedy Paris, Sfar follows him all the way to pop superstardom as he A professor plots a course through Africa too find a lost romances many of the era’s most beautiful women, including Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Foreign, explorer. But a local villain has other plans for the professor. Juliette Greco, Brigitte Bardot and Jane Birkin. Employing a Italian 1972 98min. Adventure 1961 91min. witty surrealistic style and a soundtrack of the musician’s American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 greatest hits. Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life is a quintessential American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 time capsule to ’60s Paris. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108195 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108145 Music, Biopics, Drama, Foreign, French min. Grimm’s Fairy Tales The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air: The Music Box Films 06.03.2012 Malcolm McDowell, Joan Collins, Jeff Complete First Season 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108249 Bridges, Ned Beatty Will Smith, Tatyana Ali, Karyn Parsons, Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy 193min. James Avery, Joseph Marcell, Alfonso The Ricky Gervais Show: The E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 Ribeiro Complete Second Season 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107909 Will Smith stars as a teenager from inner city Philadelphia Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, Karl who’s sent to California to live in with his wealthy relatives The Gruesome Death Of Tommy in the hopes that they will „straighten him out and teach him Pilkington some good old-fashioned values,“ but Will soon takes his What do comic superstar Ricky Gervais and Stephen Pistol rightful place as The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air. Merchant have in common besides creating side-splitting Tommy Pistol Comedy, NBC 1990 587min. television? They’re both obsessed with Karl Pilkington! Serious hilarity continues in the second year of this animated In this outrageously gore-y horror romp, Tommy Pistol is a Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 comedy series, as these clever conversationalists grapple struggling actor whose career has hit rock bottom. After 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108164 with such weighty topics as the decline of gadgets, Karl’s dozing off in the midst of using a penis pump, Tommy finds kidney stones and the most bizarre film idea ever. Episodes himself in a fantasy world where he pursues bloody also include readings from Karl’s Diary, original poetry and vengeance against those who’ve put him down - but when he Full House: The Complete First strange nature facts. This 3-Disc Set contains all 13 wildly wakes from his dream, he may have to face his own gruesome Season twisted Series Two Episodes. Don’t miss the shocking season death. finale when Ricky and Stephen coax a groundbreaking Revenge, Fantasy, Horror 2010 91min. Bob Saget, Candace Cameron, Ashley reaction from Karl! Breaking Glass Pictures 06.03.2012 Olsen, Jodie Sweetin, John Stamos, Dave Comedy, HBO 2011 494min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107938 Coulier Warner Bros. MOD 08.11.2011 Full House, the ever-popular family-friendly about a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107747 recent widower (Bob Saget) who takes over raising his three Gruppo Di Famiglia In Un Interno daughters with the help of his wife’s brother (John Stamos) (Conversation Piece) and his best friend (Dave Coulier), is finally coming to DVD! Get Christie Love Silvana Mangano, , Helmut The series launched the careers of Mary-Kate and Ashley Harry Guardino, Teresa Graves, Louise Olsen. Berger ABC, Comedy, Family 1987 min. Sorel, Paul Stevens In this classic slice of 1970s blaxploitation, Teresa Graves Romance, Drama, Foreign, Italian 1974 Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 plays a sassy undercover cop out to bust a drug ring in her 131min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 34 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

E1 Entertainment 13.03.2012 Sherry Miller, Alex Carter, Corbin Bernsen, changed more than Heidi. Because of her cosmetic surgeries, Heidi has to endure the disapproval of her mother and friends. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107911 Chris Potter, Tim Dutton And a year into their marriage, Spencer is more distant from TV Movies, Drama, Romance 373min. his family and friends than ever before. The Hills may be Halloween: Resurrection (Blu-ray) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment coming to an end but it’s not over until it’s over, and the end is 10.03.2009 just beginning. Jamie Lee Curtis, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Fashion, Friendships, Mockumentary, MTV, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107649 Katee Sackhoff, Tyra Banks, Bianca Reality 2010 Ltbx 16x9 311min. Kajlich, Lorena Gale, Daisy McCrakin, Ryan MTV MOD 17.01.2012 Merriman, Sean Patrick Thomas, Luke A Heavenly Vintage 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108079 Kirby, Busta Rhymes, Billy Kay Vera Farmiga, Jeremie Renier, Gaspard Evil finds its way home.. Original Halloween star Jamie Lee Ulliel His Girl Friday Curtis (You Again) is back and joined by Busta Rhymes and From the acclaimed director of Whale Rider and North Tyra Banks in the terrifying Halloween: Resurrection, another Country comes the story of a young winemaker who rises to Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, Helen Mack, installment in the electrifying horror film series. The reality prominence through the unlikely guidance of a mysterious Ralph Bellamy, Gene Lockhart programmers at DangerTainment (Rhymes, Banks) have angel. His talents make him the object of desire of a beautiful selected Rudy (Sean Patrick Thomas, The Fountain), Bill Adapted from the stage play by Ben Hecht this comedy baroness who tempts him to stray from his loving wife and involves a reporter who was once married to Walter (Cary (Thomas Ian Nicholas, American Pie) and a group of thrill- children. Featuring inspired performances from Academy seeking teenagers to spend one fun-filled night in the Grant). She has decided the job is too stressful and to marry Award nominees Vera Fermiga and Keisha Castle-Hughes. A someone else. Walter intercedes with his particular brand of childhood home of serial killer Michael Meyers. But the Heavenly Vintage is a beautiful and sensual tale about planned live broadcast turns deadly when their evening of confusion and comedy. crafting the perfect vintage. National Film Registry, Romance, AFI Top excitement becomes a night of horror as Michael himself Romance, Fantasy, Historical / Period Piece decides to crash the party. 100, Classics, Comedy 1940 min. 2009 126min. Horror, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2002 min. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Screen Media Films 17.04.2012 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108199 17.04.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108082 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107838 The Heir Apparent: Largo Winch Honeymoon In Bali Fred MacMurray, Madeleine Carroll Happy Go Lovely Kristin Scott Thomas, Melanie Thierry, Karel On a visit to New York City, Willie (Fred MacMurray) falls David Niven, Cesar Romero, Vera Ellen Roden, Tomer Sisley for a pretty businesswoman (Madeleine Carroll) who is, This highly- entertaining British-made musical is at once When billionaire financier Nerio Winch ( Miki Manojlovic) is unfortunately, more interested in running her successful Fifth stylish and funny. Vera-Ellen, one of the era’s finest dancers, murdered, his second in command (Kristin Scott Thomas) must Avenue shop than falling in love. But after an encounter with a stars as an aspiring chorus girl who is elevated to the lead locate his only heir - a heretofore unknown adopted son, fortune teller, she suddenly finds herself pursuing the man role in a musical after its unwitting director (played perfectly Largo (Tomer Sisley). But first Largo - a twentysomething back on his home turf, in exotic Bali. This is a wonderful by Cesar Romero) believes her to have a millionaire suitor adventurer - must overcome an onslaught of drug traffickers, romantic comedy with a splash of great musical performances, who he hopes will rescue his fledgling production from assassins, corporate raiders and double-dealing insiders to to boot! financial ruin. David Niven is dashing in his role as the suitor fulfill his destiny in this twisty, fast-paced corporate thriller. Romance, Comedy 1939 101min. in question, while the musical numbers are a joy. The film Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Foreign, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 itself is set against the backdrop of Scotland’s famed French 103min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108200 Edinburgh Festival. Music Box Films 27.03.2012 Music, Musical, Comedy 1951 95min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108240 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 House On Haunted Hill 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108196 Vincent Price, Elisha Cook Jr., Carol Ohm- Hell Town art, Carolyn Craig, Richard Long, Alan The Hard Times Of RJ Berger: John Wayne, Marsha Hunt, Craig James Marshal Wayne has to prove he is responsible to win the heart of Judy A playboy hosts a party at a haunted house. Five people are Season 1 and outwit the saloon owner. invited for a prize of $10,000 if they stay the night. The house Beth Littleford, Amber Lancaster, Kara Western 1937 55min. is full of ghosts and murders and they are locked in. Taitz, Larry Poindexter, Jareb Dauplaise, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Thrillers, Drama, Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Paul Iacono, Marlon Young, Jayson Blair 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108197 Horror 1959 75min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Here Comes Trouble 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108201 The Hard Times Of RJ Berger. Comedy, Friendships, High School, MTV Joe Sawyer, William Tracy, Emory Parnell A burlesque queen is blackmailing a newspaper publisher House Party Collection Vol. 2 2010 Ltbx 16x9 264min. who sends one of his reporters to talk to her. A girl is MTV MOD 16.01.2012 murdered and the reporter, publisher and publisher’s daughter Kirsten Dunst, , Marlon 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108074 are all suspects. Wayans, Keenen Ivory Wayans, Shawn Comedy 1948 55min. Wayans, Shawn Hatosy, Ben Foster The Hard Times Of RJ Berger: American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Romance, Comedy, Crime, High School 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108198 1996 277min. Season 2 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Beth Littleford, Larry Poindexter, Jareb High Powered Action 10.04.2012 Dauplaise, Paul Iacono, Marlon Young, Johnny Depp, Catherine McCormack, Sean 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107732 Jayson Blair This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Bean, Christian Bale, Ashton Kutcher, Dani- a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. el Craig, James Van Der Beek In Too Deep (Blu-ray) The Hard Times Of RJ Berger. Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Stanley Tucci, Pam Grier, Nia Long, LL Cool Comedy, Friendships, High School, MTV Science Fiction, Western 1995 424min. J, Omar Epps 2011 Ltbx 16x9 290min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment He didn’t know how far he’d have to go.. Hip-hop legend LL MTV MOD 17.01.2012 Cool J (Deep Blue Sea, Halloween: H20) is teamed with hot 10.04.2012 stars Omar Epps (The Wood, Scream 2) and Nia Long (Boiler 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108075 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107733 Room, Big Momma’s House) in a gritty crime drama about a dedicated young cop who goes undercover to take down a Harlequin Collector’s Set Vol. 2 ruthless gangster! Officer Jeff Cole (Epps) is given a The Hills: Season Six dangerous mission: infiltrate the syndicate of „God“ (LL Cool Cynthia Geary, Nick Manusco, Kelly Audrina Patridge, Kristin Cavallari, Lauren J), the charismatic and deadly crime lord who rules the city’s Rowan, Dyan Cannon, Patsy Kensit, Joely streets! But as Cole sinks deeper and deeper into God’s Conrad, Heidi Montag, Whitney Port, Brody crew, he begins to get in over his head... until the line that Collins, Simon MacCorkindale, David Jenner, Spencer Pratt separates his true identity from his street persona begins to Beecroft This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using disappear! Also featuring Stanley Tucci (Shall We Dance? , TV Movies, Drama, Romance 370min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In The Terminal) and Pam Grier (Jackie Brown), this action- the final season of The Hills, Kristin, Audrina and Heidi learn packed story unfolds with a power you’ll find intensely Echo Bridge Home Entertainment that the people they love the most are the hardest to hold on entertaining! 10.03.2009 to. Kristin’s summer romance with Justin is fading, but she Cops, Crime, Drama, Gangs, Thrillers 1999 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107648 never really let Brody off the hook, and before they know it they go from friends to friends with benefits. But Brody isn’t 95min. looking to settle down, and soon he meets a new girl. Audrina Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Harlequin Collector’s Vol. 3 finds a fresh start when she starts dating her old friend, 17.04.2012 Ryan. But no matter how many times she swears him off, Leslie Hope, Polly Shannon, Paula Abdul, Justin is never really out of Audrina’s life. No one has 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107837

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21st-century woman, the potential for an old-fashioned modern Randolph Scott stars as Hawkeye, a colonial frontier scout romance ignites. Also starring Breckin Meyer (Franklin & who becomes a reluctant hero when he is assigned to escort The Inheritance Bash, Garfield) and Liev Schreiber (Salt), Kate & Leopold is the forts former commander’s two daughters safely through Meredith Baxter, Thomas Gibson, Tom Conti „a delightful charmer“ () and a timeless Indian territory. Many dangers lurk in the wilderness, The Inheritance centers on an innocent young woman’s love story. particularly a bloodthirsty Huron warrior named Magua who struggle to make sense of her position within the Hamilton Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Time Travel is on their tail and ready to attack. household and in society, and the love she feels for her 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DTS 123min. Native American, Classics, Historical / patrons, as well as for a young man she can never marry. Lionsgate 10.04.2012 Period Piece 1936 92min. TV Movies, Drama, Historical / Period 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107972 Hen’s Tooth 10.04.2012 Piece, Romance 1997 93min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107792 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment The Kate Logan Affair 17.01.2012 Left & Loose In The Lot 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107647 Alexis Bledel, Laurent Lucas, Serge Houde Thrillers, Cops, Detectives, Drama 2010 Action, Comedy, Crime 2011 93min. Music Video Distribution 21.02.2012 Ivory 85min. E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107653 Martin Landau, Peter Stormare Step inside one of the most competitive conservatories in the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107874 world, where the allure of fame, money, and the pressure to Let The Bullets Fly achieve a concert career push a group of young pianists to Keeping Up With The Steins Xiaogang Feng, Pu Miao, Carina Lau, the brink - testing friendship, love, and their sense of community. Andreas Goodman, desperately needing success Daryl Hannah, Garry Marshall, Doris Ro- Barbie Tung, Albert Lee on the competition circuit, heads to Oberlin to study with Olga berts, Jami Gertz, Jeremy Piven, Daryl Set in China during the warring 1920s, notorious bandit chief Primakova - herself a major competition winner - who he Zhang descends upon a remote provincial town posing as its thinks will bring him that success. The experiences he finds Sabara, Larry Miller, Cheryl Hines, Richard new mayor, an identity that he had hijacked from Old Tang, there will change him forever. Benjamin himself a small-time imposter. Hell-bent on making a fast buck, Music, Piano, Romance, Drama 2010 A Comedy About Coming Of Age... And Surviving It.. All Zhang soon meets his match in the tyrannical local gentry hilarity breaks loose in this heartwarming coming-of-age Huang as a deadly battle of wit and brutality ensues. 102min. comedy when three generations collide in a crazy family Western, Action, Chinese, Comedy, Crime, Passion River 03.04.2012 reunion... and then begin to see that they are much more alike Foreign 2010 132min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107788 than they’d originally thought! Providing nonstop laughs in the tradition of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Keeping Up With The Well Go USA 24.04.2012 Steins stars Jeremy Piven (TV’s Entourage), Jami Gertz (Ally 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108017 Jeremy Fink And The Meaning Of McBeal), Daryl Hannah (Kill Bill) and Garry Marshall (A League Of Their Own). Also starring (TV’s Life ), Cheryl Hines (TV’s Curb Your Let The Bullets Fly (Blu-ray + Mira Sorvino, Joe Pantoliano, Betsy Brandt, Enthusiasm) and Larry Miller (The Princess Diaries). DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Comedy 2006 min. Ryan Simpkins, Mike Starr, David Thornton, Xiaogang Feng, Pu Miao, Carina Lau, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Michael Urie Barbie Tung, Albert Lee A month before his 13th birthday, Jeremy Fink receives a 17.04.2012 Set in China during the warring 1920s, notorious bandit chief mysterious wooden box in the mail with the words „The 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107699 Zhang descends upon a remote provincial town posing as its Meaning of Life - for Jeremy Fink to open on his 13th new mayor, an identity that he had hijacked from Old Tang, birthday.“ It has four locks, but the keys are lost. In order to himself a small-time imposter. Hell-bent on making a fast buck, find out what secrets lie within the box it’s up to Jeremy and Nicole Kidman 4 Film Collection Zhang soon meets his match in the tyrannical local gentry his best friend Lizzy to use their imaginations to search high Huang as a deadly battle of wit and brutality ensues. and low throughout Manhattan for clues. Their adventure Nicole Kidman, Natalie Portman, Philip takes them from flea markets to science museums meeting Seymour Hoffman, Renee Zellweger, Jude Chinese, Comedy, Crime, Foreign, Action, wacky and interesting characters along the way. Each Law, Aaron Eckhart, Lauren Bacall, Alakina Western 2010 132min. encounter unlocks a clue to bring them closer to finding out Well Go USA 24.04.2012 the contents of the box and ultimately discovering the greatest Mann, Patricia Clarkson, Dianne Wiest, secret of them all! Based on the beloved book by Wendy Eileen Atkins, Kathy Baker, Sandra Oh, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108067 Mass. Blair Brown, Fionnula Flanagan, Tammy Mystery, Adventure, Family 2011 min. Blanchard, Harriet Andersson, Donald Let The Bullets Fly: Collector’s Phase 4 Films 06.03.2012 Sutherland, James Caan, Brendan Gleeson, Edition 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108156 Ray Winstone, Giancarlo Esposito, Philip Xiaogang Feng, Pu Miao, Carina Lau, Baker Hall, Giovanni Ribisi, Paul Bettany, Barbie Tung, Albert Lee Judge John Deed: Season Five Christopher Eccleston, , Ben Set in China during the warring 1920s, notorious bandit chief Martin Shaw Gazzara, Jack White, James Bentley Zhang descends upon a remote provincial town posing as its Judge John Deed faces more tough decisions in and out of the Includes: Cold Mountain. Nominated for 7 Academy Awards®, new mayor, an identity that he had hijacked from Old Tang, courtroom in the fifth season of the dramatic series. For Judge this „stunning“ (Newsweek) wartime romantic drama directed himself a small-time imposter. Hell-bent on making a fast buck, John Deed, following the letter of the law can be tricky when by Anthony Minghella (The English Patient) stars heavy Zhang soon meets his match in the tyrannical local gentry the courtroom is clouded with conspiracy, heartbreak and hitters Nicole Kidman, Renée Zellweger, Jude Law, Donald Huang as a deadly battle of wit and brutality ensues. scandal. A passion for doing right often leaves Deed at odds Sutherland, and Natalie Portman. At Western, Action, Chinese, Comedy, Crime, with his colleagues, family and lovers. Is all fair in the pursuit the dawn of the Civil War, the men of Cold Mountain, North Foreign 2010 132min. of justice? Controversial cases, pressure from high places, Carolina, rush to join the Confederate Army. Ada (Kidman) family problems and a broken heart, the eponymous judge has has vowed to wait for Inman (Law), but as the war drags on Well Go USA 24.04.2012 them all in the fifth season. In the courtroom, Deed presides and letters go unanswered, she must find the will to survive. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108018 over a murder that threatens to unmask the corruption of the At war’s end, hearts will be dashed, dreams fulfilled and the prison service while the case of an animal rights activist strength of the human spirit tested, but not broken. Rabbit accused of murdering a scientist brings him into direct conflict Hole. This is the extraordinary story of Becca and Howie. Let The Bullets Fly: Collector’s with his equally strong-willed daughter. Away from the walls Eight months ago, they had a picture-perfect life with their Edition (Blu-ray) of justice, Deed’s relationship with Jo Mills deteriorates young son. Now, they are posing as normal in the wake of an when her former lover returns out of the blue. What will it enormous loss; blindly looking for footing in a sea of new Xiaogang Feng, Pu Miao, Carina Lau, take for justice to be served - in and out of the courtroom? emotions. This is the remarkably moving journey of a couple Barbie Tung, Albert Lee BBC, British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Inter- finding their way back to love. The Others. Academy Award® Set in China during the warring 1920s, notorious bandit chief national TV, Lawyers / Legal Issues, winner Nicole Kidman (The Hours, Moulin Rouge!) delivers Zhang descends upon a remote provincial town posing as its an utterly unforgettable performance in this chilling and new mayor, an identity that he had hijacked from Old Tang, Mystery 2006 356min. Mystery, Romance, Thrillers, War, Academy himself a small-time imposter. Hell-bent on making a fast buck, BBC Home Video 06.03.2012 Award Winners, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Zhang soon meets his match in the tyrannical local gentry 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107805 American Civil War, Art House, Cult Film / Huang as a deadly battle of wit and brutality ensues. Chinese, Comedy, Crime, Foreign, Action, TV, Drama, Haunted Houses, Historical / Western 2010 132min. Kate & Leopold: The Director’s Period Piece DD 5.1 524min. Well Go USA 24.04.2012 Lionsgate 03.04.2012 Cut (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108069 Meg Ryan, Hugh Jackman, Breckin Meyer, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107817 , Spalding Gray, Natasha Level Up Lyonne, Charlotte Ayanna, Liev Schreiber, The Last Of The Mohicans Gaelan Connell Josh Stamberg Binnie Barnes, Randolph Scott, Bruce TV Movies, Cartoon Network, Comedy, Meg Ryan (You’ve Got Mail) and Hugh Jackman (Real Steel, Cabot X-Men) come together as star-crossed lovers who discover This action-packed 1936 adaptation of James Fenimore Fantasy 2011 90min. that passion and chivalry never go out of style. When a rip in Cooper’s classic adventure nove is set in 1757 at the siege of Warner Bros. 01.05.2012 time brings together a charming 19th-century bachelor and a Fort William Henry during the French and Indian War. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107799

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Dennis Hopper, Jason Scott Lee, Julianne 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107645 Lords Of The Street (Blu-ray) Moore, Laura Regan, Emma Vilarasau, Chri- DMX, Kris Kristofferson, Kane, Abel, Ameer stopher Walken, Danny Glover, Danny The Muppets (Blu-ray + DVD Com- Baraka Trejo, Stacy Keach, Donald Pleasence, bo) (Blu-ray) Ryan Phillippe Justice Has A Price. Post Hurricane Katrina New Orleans - a Amy Adams, Chris Cooper, Jason Segel place seething with extreme violence fueled by a crime wave Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, gone out of control. Brutal Mexican drug lord Santiago Muppet domination continues with a hilarious new movie from Rodriguez busts out of jail with the help of his uncle, the head Vampires, Action, Adventure, Devils And Walt Disney Studios. Jason Segel, Academy Award(R) of the Catalina Cartel. But his escape is not for free. he must Demons, Documentary, Drama, Fantasy, nominee Amy Adams (Best Performance By An Actress In a pay his uncle with the $15 million his beautiful girlfriend hid Horror, Horror Series 1992 1259min. Supporting Role, Junebug, 2005, Doubt, 2008, The Fighter, after he was arrested. Unfortunately, getting the money back 2010) and Academy Award winner Chris Cooper (Best Per- won’t be so easy. Standing in the fugitive’s way is a cop Echo Bridge Home Entertainment formance By An Actor In A Supporting Role, Adaptation, 2002) looking to put him back in jail (Kris Kristofferson) and a 17.04.2012 join everyone’s favorite Muppets and an all-star celebrity legendary hit man (DMX) out for revenge on Santiago for 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107782 cast in a comic adventure for the whole family. While on causing the death of his niece. The only question is who will vacation in Los Angeles, Walter, the world’s biggest Muppet find him first - death or justice? fan, his brother Gary, and friend Mary uncover the diabolical Material Girls (Blu-ray) plot of a greedy oil millionaire to destroy the Muppet Theater. Crime, Action, Revenge 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD Now, the Muppet-loving trio must reunite Kermit, Miss Piggy, 5.1 82min. Anjelica Huston, , Haylie Duff, Fozzie Bear and their friends to stage the greatest Muppet Phase 4 Films 27.03.2012 Brent Spiner, Lukas Haas, Maria Conchita telethon ever and save their beloved theater. The gang is back together again in a must-own movie full of irresistible 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108202 Alonso music and family fun. Bring home the biggest Muppet They lost a fortune but got a life.. Sisters Tanzie and Ava adventure ever on Disney Blu-ray and DVD! (Hilary and Haylie Duff) have it all - designer clothes to The Magnificent Ambersons wear, hunky guys to date and millions of dollars to spend. Comedy, Disney, Drama, Family, Action, Anne Baxter, Dolores Costello, Agnes Their life has been one big party since inheriting their dad’s Adventure, Muppets, Musical, Puppets cosmetics company... but the party ends when a product 2011 103min. Moorehead, Joseph Cotten, , Ri- scandal leaves the celebutantes without a penny to their chard Bennett name. It’s a hilarious riches-to-rags tale as the girls go from Disney / Buena Vista 20.03.2012 The magnificent Orson Welles directed this brilliant, moving maximum fun to minimum wage. Co-starring Anjelica Huston 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107722 portrayal of an aristocratic American family in what many and Lukas Haas, Material Girls proves that laughter is critics consider a masterpiece equal to Citizen Kane. Based always in fashion. on a novel by Booth Tarkington, the drama begins in the 1870s Comedy, Family 2006 98min. The Muppets (Blu-ray + DVD+ Di- when the Amberson family is at the height of its wealth and gital Copy + Soundtrack prestige. But the day arrives when all the Ambersons are MGM / UA 29.03.2011 stunned by the truth of their financial ruin. As Aunt Fanny, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107884 Download Card) (Blu-ray) Agnes Moorehead received Best Actress honors from the New York Film Critics Circle. Amy Adams, Chris Cooper, Jason Segel Meet The Browns: Season 5 Muppet domination continues with a hilarious new movie from Romance, Drama, Historical / Period Piece Walt Disney Studios. Jason Segel, Academy Award nominee 1942 88min. Tamela Mann, Denise Boutte, Lamman Amy Adams (Best Performance By An Actress In a Supporting Warner Bros. 31.01.2012 Rucker, David Mann Role, Junebug, 2005, Doubt, 2008, The Fighter, 2010) and The Browns keep the laughter coming! Every time the front Academy Award winner Chris Cooper (Best Performance By 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108167 door opens, expect the unexpected. Mr. Brown and his clan An Actor In A Supporting Role, Adaptation, 2002) join will surprise you, delight you and have you rolling on the everyone’s favorite Muppets and an all-star celebrity cast in Malevolent floor. But beware: before you know it, you’ll be speaking a comic adventure for the whole family. While on vacation in Brownese! Los Angeles, Walter, the world’s biggest Muppet fan, his Lou Diamond Phillips, Kari Wuhrer, Gwen African Americans, Comedy, Drama, Family brother Gary, and friend Mary uncover the diabolical plot of a McGee, Steven Bauer, Edoardo Ballerini 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 440min. greedy oil millionaire to destroy the Muppet Theater. Now, the The set up. The betrayal. Vengeance is coming.. This intense Muppet-loving trio must reunite Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie action thriller sends Lou Diamond Phillips (Courage Under Lionsgate 17.04.2012 Bear and their friends to stage the greatest Muppet telethon Fire) racing to clear his name when he’s framed for a series 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108125 ever and save their beloved theater. The gang is back of murders he did not commit! A maverick cop under routine together again in a must-own movie full of irresistible music investigation for a job-related shooting, Jack (Phillips) finds and family fun. Bring home the biggest Muppet adventure ever himself being set up as the prime suspect in an escalating The Mummy Trilogy on Disney Blu-ray and DVD! killing spree! Sliding deeper into trouble and with few clues to Embark on the ultimate action adventure that spans continents Comedy, Disney, Drama, Family, Action, go on, Jack desperately teams with an exotic dancer (Kari and centuries in the spectacular Mummy Trilogy: The Mummy Adventure, Muppets, Musical, Puppets Wuhrer-Eight Legged Freaks) who may hold the secret to the 2-Disc Deluxe Edition, The Mummy Returns 2-Disc Deluxe motive behind this mystery. With time running out, Jack must Edition and The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Warrior 2-Disc 2011 103min. do whatever it takes to put all the pieces together and prove Deluxe Edition! Follow the exhilarating journeys and exploits Disney / Buena Vista 20.03.2012 his innocence before the real killer pulls off the perfect crime! of daring explorer Rick O’Connell (Brendan Fraser) and his 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107721 Serial Killers, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 2002 family as they combat the evil undead from the dusty tombs of min. Egypt to the hidden catacombs of China. Filled with amazing special effects, breathtaking battles and thrilling bonus The Muppets (DVD + Soundtrack Echo Bridge Home Entertainment features, it’s a passport to spellbinding entertainment you can 17.04.2012 watch again and again! Download Card) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107697 Mummies, Triple Feature, Action, Amy Adams, Chris Cooper, Jason Segel Adventure, Ancient China, Ancient Egypt, Muppet domination continues with a hilarious new movie from Boxed Sets, Fantasy, Martial Arts min. Walt Disney Studios. Jason Segel, Academy Award nominee Mamma Mia! The Movie / It’s Amy Adams (Best Performance By An Actress In a Supporting Universal Studios 13.03.2012 Role, Junebug, 2005, Doubt, 2008, The Fighter, 2010) and Complicated Double Feature 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107668 Academy Award winner Chris Cooper (Best Performance By Mamma Mia! The Movie. Sophie has just one wish to make her An Actor In A Supporting Role, Adaptation, 2002) join wedding perfect: to have her father walk her down the aisle. everyone’s favorite Muppets and an all-star celebrity cast in Now she just has to find out who he is. Join the music, The Muppets a comic adventure for the whole family. While on vacation in laughter and fun of the irresistibly charming Mamma Mia! The Los Angeles, Walter, the world’s biggest Muppet fan, his Movie. Academy Award® winner Meryl Streep leads an all- Amy Adams, Chris Cooper, Jason Segel brother Gary, and friend Mary uncover the diabolical plot of a star cast, including Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth and Amanda Muppet domination continues with a hilarious new movie from greedy oil millionaire to destroy the Muppet Theater. Now, the Seyfried, in this musical celebration of mothers, daughters Walt Disney Studios. Jason Segel, Academy Award nominee Muppet-loving trio must reunite Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie and fathers, and true loves lost and new ones found. Based on Amy Adams (Best Performance By An Actress In a Supporting Bear and their friends to stage the greatest Muppet telethon the smash Broadway hit and filled with the ABBA songs you Role, Junebug, 2005, Doubt, 2008, The Fighter, 2010) and ever and save their beloved theater. The gang is back know and love, it’s the feel-good experience that will have Academy Award winner Chris Cooper (Best Performance By together again in a must-own movie full of irresistible music you singing and dancing all over again. It’s Complicated. Two- An Actor In A Supporting Role, Adaptation, 2002) join and family fun. Bring home the biggest Muppet adventure ever time Academy Award® winner Meryl Streep, Steve Martin and everyone’s favorite Muppets and an all-star celebrity cast in on Disney Blu-ray and DVD! Alec Baldwin star in this hilarious look at marriage, divorce a comic adventure for the whole family. While on vacation in Muppets, Musical, Puppets, Action, and everything in between. Jane (Streep) has three grown Los Angeles, Walter, the world’s biggest Muppet fan, his kids, a thriving Santa Barbara bakery and an amicable brother Gary, and friend Mary uncover the diabolical plot of a Adventure, Comedy, Disney, Drama, Family relationship with her ex-husband, Jake (Baldwin). Now, a greedy oil millionaire to destroy the Muppet Theater. Now, the 2011 103min. decade after their divorce, an innocent dinner between Jane Muppet-loving trio must reunite Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie Disney / Buena Vista 20.03.2012 and Jake turns into the unimaginable - an affair. Caught in the Bear and their friends to stage the greatest Muppet telethon middle of their rekindled romance are Jake’s young wif ever and save their beloved theater. The gang is back 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107646 together again in a must-own movie full of irresistible music Musical, Romance, Comedy, Double Fea- and family fun. Bring home the biggest Muppet adventure ever tures min. on Disney Blu-ray and DVD! Museum Of Wonders Universal Studios 03.04.2012 Muppets, Musical, Puppets, Action, When the beautiful dancer Salome learns that the dwarf circus owner Marcel has just received an inheritance, she 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107665 Adventure, Comedy, Disney, Drama, Family marries the lovesick, diminutive performer, all the while 2011 103min. planning to steal his fortune and run off with her lover, strong Masters Of Terror Vol. 1 Disney / Buena Vista 20.03.2012 man Sansone. When Marcel and fellow performers discover her evil plan, they band together to carry out a brutal revenge.

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Revenge, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, On The Job, Preston, Greta Scacchi, Jeremy Northam, Italian 2010 99min. Showtime, Substance Abuse 2011 Ltbx Jennifer Grey, Judi Dench, Christina Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 16x9 DTS 334min. Applegate, Toni Collette, Candice Bergen, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108214 Lionsgate 21.02.2012 Natasha Henstridge, Imelda Staunton, Ben 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108060 Affleck, Tom Wilkinson, Alan Cumming, Rob Mystery Science Theater 3000: Lowe, Mark Ruffalo, Joseph Fiennes, XXIII The Odds James Cosmo, Edward Edwards, Nicholas Much like the country that spawned it, Mystery Science Tyler Johnson Boulton Theater 3000 is a melting pot. In every imaginable genre, Joel, Betting on high school sports by day and spending late nights Includes: Shakespeare In Love. Love is the only inspiration in Mike and their robot pals Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot have at speakeasy-style casinos, for this group of teenagers, this witty, sexy smash starring Oscar winner Gwyneth seen the promise of cinema mutilated by mediocrity. Nowhere underground gambling is life. However, as they stakes get Paltrow among an all-star Academy Award®-winning cast is this highfalutin concept more hilariously exemplified than in higher, and a regular turns up dead, one high school senior including Judi Dench, Geoffrey Rush, Colin Firth and Ben this 23rd collection of episodes from the beloved cult comedy will find himself in way over his head as he searches for the Affleck. When Will Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) needs television series. You want a Western? It’s here. Space truth. With unrelenting twists and turns The Odds is one passionate inspiration to break a bad case of writer’s block, a adventure? Look no further. We’ll even throw in a failed tv thriller that will have audiences guessing until all the cards secret romance with the beautiful Lady Viola (Paltrow) starts pilot and a barely coherent science fiction-horror-thriller. All have been dealt. the words flowing like never before! There are just two things genres are treated with equal disrespect by the luckless crew Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Crime, he’ll have to learn about his new love: not only is she of the Satellite of Love. They pledge allegiance only to funny, promised to marry someone else, she’s successfully with justice - SoL style—for all. Gamblers, Gambling, High School 2011 impersonating a man in order to play the lead in Will’s latest 92min. production! Triumphant winner of 7 Academy Awards® Comedy, Comedy Central, Cult Film / TV, including Best Picture, Shakespeare In Love is „a visual Science Fiction 360min. Screen Media Films 03.04.2012 treat“ (San Francisco Chronicle) that will leave you hungry Shout Factory 27.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108084 for more. Emma. This delightfully fun and lighthearted comedy is based on Jane Austen’s classic novel. Dazzling Gweneth 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108152 Paltrow (Shakespeare In Love, Iron Man) shines as Emma- a One Tree Hill: The Complete mischievous young beauty who sets up her single friends. National Treasure 2: Book Of Ninth Season Funny thing is... she’s not very good at it! So when Emma tries to find a man Secrets (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) Lee Norris, Sophia Bush, Bethany Joy Romance, Shakespeare, Actor / Actress Jon Voight, Ed Harris, Helen Mirren, Bruce Galeotti, Paul Johansson, James Lafferty Box Sets, Comedy, Drama DD 5.1 436min. Greenwood, Diane Kruger, Nicolas Cage, The CW, Drama, Romance, Soap Opera Lionsgate 03.04.2012 Harvey Keitel, Justin Bartha 2011 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107809 Join Nicolas Cage on a heart-pounding adventure that will Warner Bros. 10.04.2012 have you on the edge of your seat in a race to find the Lost 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107807 City of Gold - an adventure even more rousing and powerful Paradise For Three / Miracles For on Disney Blu-ray. National Treasure: Book Of Secrets takes Sale (Double Feature) you on a globe-trotting quest full of adrenaline-pumping twists Operation Condor 2: The Armour and turns - all leading to the final clue in a mysterious and Robert Young, Mary Astor, Florence Rice, highly guarded book containing centuries of secrets. But Of The Gods (Blu-ray) Frank Morgan there’s only one way to find it - Ben Gates must kidnap the Jackie Chan, Rosamund Kwan, Lola Forna, Robert Young’s low-key manner is powerfully effective in President. Packed with fast-paced action and crackling Alan Tam, John Ladalski, Bozidar Smiljanic, films like Three Comrades and Crossfire, but Young’s fine humor, National Treasure: Book Of Secrets. talents are perhaps best served by films showcasing his Family, Action, Adventure, Americana, Ken Boyle, Boris Gregoric affable ease - like these lighthearted Golden Era works. In Mystery, Thrillers 2007 min. This fast, entertaining adventure - directed by and starring Paradise For Three’s tale of mistaken and hidden identities, the world’s favorite action superstar, Jackie Chan - is the Young is a flat-broke jobseeker whose jingle-contest entry Disney / Buena Vista 08.02.2011 must-see prequel to the crowd pleasing hit Operation Condor! wins him a stay at an Alpine ski resort. There, he’s treated 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108253 Jackie is back and hotter than ever as a hard-hitting fortune like royalty because the staff thinks he’s a slumming hunter whose ex-girlfriend is kidnapped and held for ransom millionaire. Young next is an illusionist who offers Miracles by an evil cult. Then, things really kick into high gear when For Sale, a playful whodunit from director Tod Browning National Treasure: Collector’s her fiancée, an old friend of Jack’s, turns to him for help in (Dracula, Freaks) that has him using conjuror’s skills to help Edition (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) finding and delivering the kidnapper’s lone demand: the unmask a killer. Young’s frequent co-star Florence Rice, priceless Armor of The God. Performing his own death- daughter of sports scribe Grantland Rice, is the charming Nicolas Cage, Christopher Plummer, Jon defying stunts, there’s no stopping Jackie as he - with the love interest in both films. help of a sexy woman and a hilarious sidekick - attacks his Voight, Diane Kruger, Sean Bean, Harvey mission with a lethal mix of pulse-pounding action and Romance, Comedy, Double Features, Drama Keitel, Justin Bartha sidesplitting humor. 149min. From Jerry Bruckheimer (Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy) Classics, Cult Film / TV, Martial Arts, Action Warner Bros. MOD 04.03.2011 and director Jon Turtletaub (Phenomenon) comes the ultimate quest for National Treasure. Academy Award winner Nicolas 1987 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107773 Cage(Best Actor, Leaving Las Vegas, 1995) stars in this Echo Bridge Home Entertainment thrilling adventure that’s more exciting than ever on Disney 17.04.2012 The Plunderers Blu-ray Disc. Obsessed since childhood with finding the legendary Knights Templar treasure, Benjamin Franklin Gates 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107836 Marsha Hunt, Dolores Hart, John Saxon, (Cage) tries to decipher ancient riddles that will lead him to Jay C. Flippen, Jeff Chandler it. Now in a race against time, Gates discovers he must steal Original Family Classics the Declaration of Independence to prevent this landmark Western, Cowboy 1960 94min. document - and a key clue to the mysterious treasure - from , Jaimz Woolvett, Lassie, Olivia Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 falling into the hands of a ruthless enemy (Sean Bean, The de Havilland, Katherine Cannon, Richard 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107654 Lord Of The Rings trilogy). Hang on tight and plunge headlong into heart-pounding chases and explosive special Boone, Paul Kelly, Burl Ives, , effects presented in the jaw dropping clarity of high definition David Ladd, Stewart Petersen, William Jor- Plymouth Adventure with spectacularly enhanced audio quality. Get closer to the dan, Art Smith edge of your seat and experience this high stakes crime caper Van Johnson, Barry Jones, Gene Tierney, as never before with Disney Blu-ray - Magic in High Definiti- Western, Action, Adventure, Drama 681min. Spencer Tracy, Leo Genn on. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Romance, Adventure, Drama, High Seas, Family, Action, Adventure, Americana, 17.04.2012 Historical / Period Piece 1952 105min. Mystery, Thrillers 2004 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107734 Warner Bros. MOD 09.11.2010 Disney / Buena Vista 08.02.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107655 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108252 Our Gang Darla Hood, , Spanky Politics Nurse Jackie: Season Three (Blu- McFarland, Alfalfa Switzer Marie Dressler, Karen Morley, William ray) Comedy 487min. Bakewell, Roscoe Ates Edie Falco, Peter Facinelli, Anna Deavere Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Politics, Romance, Comedy, girl power, Smith, Merritt Wever, Eve Best, Paul Schul- 03.04.2012 Independent Women 1931 73min. ze 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107728 Warner Bros. MOD 31.07.2009 High & Mighty. The Showtime® hit series Nurse Jackie ended 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107656 season two with the ugly truth closing in on super-nurse Gwyneth Paltrow 4 Film Jackie Peyton. Jackie’s best friend and husband put the pieces together about her pill-popping ways and confronted Collection Possessed her about her addiction. But if the people in her life think one little intervention is going to stop her, they don’t know Jackie. Gwyneth Paltrow, Colin Firth, Mike Myers, Clark Gable, Skeets Gallagher, Joan The great white liar returns for another hilarious season of 12 Geoffrey Rush, Tony Goldwyn, Kelly Crawford, Wallace Ford, Frank Conroy episodes on 3 discs.

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On The Job, Romance, Drama 1931 76min. Prince), your heart and funnybone truly receive the royal Devils And Demons, Horror, Horror Series Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 treatment. 344min. Odd Couples, Romance, Classics, Drama 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107658 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 1957 117min. 03.04.2012 Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107841 The Possessed 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108173 James Farentino, Diana Scarwid, Joan Hackett, Claudette Nevins, Ann Princess O’Rourke PT-109 Dusenberry, Harrison Ford, Eugene Roche Cliff Robertson, James Gregory, Ty Hardin, Olivia de Havilland, Jane Wyman, Charles TV Movies, Devils And Demons, Horror, Grant Williams, Robert Culp Coburn, Jack Carson, Possession, Religion/Spirituality 1977 Navy, War, World War II, Drama, High Seas, Romance, Comedy 1943 94min. 76min. Military 1963 140min. Warner Bros. MOD 09.06.2009 Warner Bros. MOD 05.03.2010 Warner Bros. MOD 10.05.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107667 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107657 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107682

The Power Princess Tales The Purple Gang Jennifer Beals, Liza Minnelli, Pam Dawber, Earl Holliman, Suzanne Pleshette, George Elaine Edwards, Jody Lawrence, Barry Leslie Ann Warren Hamilton, Richard Carlson, Yvonne De Car- The Dancing Princesses The Princess And The Pea Sullivan, Robert Blake lo Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy 203min. Crime, Drama, Gangs 1959 85min. Science Fiction, Thrillers 1968 108min. E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 Warner Bros. MOD 06.09.2011 Warner Bros. MOD 29.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107910 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107683 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107659 The Prisoner Of Zenda Purple Hearts Pretty Baby Lewis Stone, Ramon Novarro Cheryl Ladd, Annie McEnroe, Paul Betsy Drake, Zachary Scott, William Romance, Swashbucklers, Adventure 1922 McCrane, Ken Wahl, Stephen Lee Frawley, Edmund Gwenn, Dennis Morgan In the carnage and cruelty of Vietnam, Navy surgeon Don 113min. Jardian learned he had to move fast to deal with black Romance, Comedy 1950 92min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 marketeers who control vital supplies - and even faster to Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107669 stitch together a shrapnel-riddled combatant. But he couldn’t 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107660 foresee the emotional crossfire he and nurse Deborah Solomon experience as their romance - and the war’s dangers Private Lives - heighten. Ken Wahl (Wiseguy) and Cheryl Ladd (Charlie’s Pretty Maids All In A Row Angels) star in director Sidney J. Furie’s vivid and moving Una Merkel, Jean Hersholt, Norma Shearer, Purple Hearts, a Vietnam War drama of love and courage Roddy McDowall, Telly Savalas, Angie Reginald Denny, Robert Montgomery showcasing fine performances and authentic Philippines- Dickinson, Rock Hudson, John David Rocky Relationships, Romance, Comedy, filmed recreations of the hell-on-earth that was Vietnam. In Carson Drama 1931 84min. love and war, their story makes for an exciting powerful film Thrillers, Comedy, Crime, High School 1971 about a conflict in which there were no easy answers. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Vietnam War, War, Drama 1984 116min. 91min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107671 Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Warner Bros. MOD 12.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107684 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107661 The Prize Diane Baker, Elke Sommer, Micheline Presle, Pride Of The Marines Quality Street , Edward G. Robinson Fay Bainter, , Cora Eleanor Parker, Rosemary DeCamp, John Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 1963 Witherspoon, Franchot Tone, Eric Blore Garfield, Dane Clark, John Ridgely 134min. A woman can change a lot in 10 years. Or, in the case of Romance, War, World War II, Marines, Mili- Warner Bros. MOD 05.07.2011 Phoebe, change even more in a day. After her beau Dr. Gray tary 1945 119min. returns home from a decade in the Napoleonic Wars, he’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107676 disappointed that faithful Phoebe appears worn and Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 unattractive. So Phoebe transforms her looks and poses as 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107662 The Prizefighter And The Lady carefree, younger Livvy. Dr. Gray, unaware of the ruse, is smitten. And about to discover that the person he truly loves Myrna Loy, Walter Huston, Max Baer, Primo is Phoebe. Katharine Hepburn, her voice a youthful flutter and The Priest’s Wife Carnera, Jack Dempsey her hair a mass of ringlets, teams with her Alice Adams Sophia Loren, , director for this droll screen version of Romance, Sports, Boxing, Comedy, Crime James M. Barrie’s play. Also among the denizens of Quality , Jacques Stany 1933 102min. Street: Franchot Tone, Fay Bainter, Eric Blore and unbilled Religion/Spirituality, Romance, Comedy, Warner Bros. MOD 03.06.2011 Joan Fontaine. Foreign, Italian 1971 103min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107677 Romance, Comedy, Drama 1937 83min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2010 Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107663 Probe 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107685 Burgess Meredith, Elke Sommer, Lilia Skala, Primrose Path Angel Tompkins, Leslie Stevens, Leslie Quantrill’s Raiders Henry Travers, Marjorie Rambeau, Ginger Stevens, Russ Mayberry Gale Robbins, Diane Brewster, Leo Gor- Rogers, Joel McCrea, Miles Mander TV Movies, Detectives, Science Fiction don, Steve Cochran Romance, Drama 1940 93min. It’s 1863 and the tide of the Civil War is starting to turn when 1972 100min. Alan Westcott arrives in the strife-torn Missouri-Kansas Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 Warner Bros. MOD 17.06.2011 border area on a mission for the Confederacy. The mission: 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107666 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107679 find elusive guerrilla William Clarke Quantrill and deliver orders that he and his horse-backed irregulars are to attack the Union arsenal in Lawrence. But meeting Quantrill may The Prince And The Showgirl Promises In The Dark give Westcott second thoughts about the mission. Steve Laurence Olivier, Marilyn Monroe, Sybil Cochran (White Heat) portrays Westcott. And veteran screen , Marsha Mason, Kathleen Bel- heavy Leo Gordon (Maverick) is the notorious Quantrill. Thorndike ler, Michael Brandon, Ned Beatty When a dazzling American showgirl captures the monocled War, Western, Action, American Civil War eye of an imperious European monarch, it’s clear proof Drama 1979 118min. 1958 68min. opposites attract. And who could be more attractive opposites Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 than luminous Marilyn Monroe and suave Laurence Olivier 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107681 (who also produced and directed) as The Prince and the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107686 Showgirl? He’s Prince Regent of Carpathia, an arrogant stuffed shirt visiting London for the 1911 coronation of King The Prophecy Collection (Blu-ray) Queen Of Outer Space George V. She’s Elsie Marina of Milwaukee, short on social graces but long on common sense, in London as a third- Viggo Mortensen, Jason London, Jason Zsa Zsa Gabor, Lisa Davis, Laurie Mitchell, blonde-from-the-left Gaiety Girl. Their liaison is an eye- Scott Lee, Kari Wuhrer, Virginia Madsen, Eric Fleming opener - and soon gets hazy as to who’s seducing whom. Christopher Walken, Eric Stoltz, Vincent Breaking news from space! The bad: an intrepid captain and With Olivier’s style, Monroe’s radiance and the wit of his men have landed on a planet where males are outlawed. Terence Rattigan’s script (adapting his play The Sleeping Spano

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The good: some women there are eager to break the law! peaceful world has been shattered. A military installation has ambition and rage. „I will be Russia!“ he proclaims. History Queen Of Outer Space is a milestone of movie camp. Eric accidentally dumped a fatal dose of experimental nerve gas shows he would not. But this movie shows he would not be Fleming plays the granite-jawed leader who shares with his over Logan’s Wyoming ranch and dropped a veil of secrecy forgotten. crew the crime of maleness. That’s just the start of their over the „incident.“ With no one to turn to for help, Logan Royalty, Drama, Historical / Period Piece troubles. The man-hating Venusian Queen (Laurie Mitchell) becomes both judge...and executioner. Playing Logan, George aims to destroy Earth once a Beta Disintegrator is C. Scott stars both before and behind the camera in this 1932 121min. operational. But a gossamer-gowned scientist (Zsa Zsa blistering thriller also featuring strong performances from Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Gabor) and her curvy cohorts eye the men, and they like what veteran actors Richard Basehart and , as 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107708 they see. This Bijou bauble has sets, costumes and effects well as a young Martin Sheen as a cool, manipulative medical from Flight To Mars, Forbidden Planet and World Without specialist whose specialty is deception. Rage, said the Los End. Have fun spotting them! Botchino! Angeles Times, „really is enraged - a powerhouse polemic Razorback Science Fiction, Space, Adventure, against the kind of military-industrial shenanigans which Bill Kerr, Gregory Harrison, Chris Fantasy 1958 80min. makes the fiction so appallingly close to the truth.“ Revenge, Tragedies, Drama, Military 1972 Haywood, Arkie Whiteley Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 100min. It’s no cute koala munching eucalyptus leaves. It’s a rhino- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107687 sized denizen of the Outback that can turn you into a blood- Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 feast. Out of a wasteland of beauty and death comes 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107703 Razorback, tensely directed by Russell Mulcahy Quentin Durward (Highlander) and ominously shot by Dean Semler (the Mad Kay Kendall, Robert Taylor, Robert Morley, Max cinematographer who won an Academy Award for The Rain People Dances With Wolves). Gregory Harrison plays a naïve George Cole American arriving down under to look for his missing wife. During the reign of 15th century France’s King Louis XI, a Robert Duvall, Shirley Knight, James Caan, Unequipped for the rough landscape and unprepared for the young Scottish man is sent by his English Lord to woo a Tom Aldredge horrors lurking within, he is soon battling to survive. Amid the French lady on his behalf. The plan goes awry when the Unsure of herself, two months pregnant and feeling trapped, hanging carcasses of the Pet Pak cannery, he confronts the young man falls in love with her. Starring Robert Taylor Natalie Ravenna leaves her sleeping husband a note and monstrous creature while a conveyor belt inches man and (Ivanhoe, Magnificent Obsession), Kay Kendall (Genevieve) drives away from her Long Island home one rainy morning to beast toward razor-sharp blades that will make pet food out of and Oscar-nominee Robert Morley (Marie Antoinette, Beat find herself. Natalie is the heroine of ’s one - or both. the Devil). Produced by Academy Award-recipient Pandro S. intensely moving The Rain People. Ahead of its time from both Thrillers, Horror, Killer Animals 1984 95min. Berman (Ivanhoe, Top Hat, Father Of The Bride). Based on filmmaking and feminist points of view, the film took Coppola the classic novel by Sir Walter Scott. and his eight-vehicle crew through 18 sattes, lending this Warner Bros. MOD 18.09.2009 Romance, Royalty, Action, Adventure, poignant tale a realistic rootless tone. On board were three 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107709 actors who brought a searing truth to the project: Shirley Historical / Period Piece 1955 103min. Knight as Natalie and future stars of The Godfather James Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Caan and Robert Duvall as the lonely men who bring Ready, Willing And Able 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107675 tenderness and tragedy Natalie’s way. What they and Ruby Keeler, Louise Fazenda, Allen Coppola brought our way is a movie that still touches us a generation later. Jenkins, Ross Alexander, Lee Dixon Rabbit Run American Jane Clarke (Ruby Keeler) is Ready, Willing And Drama, Marriage Woes 1969 101min. Able to pass herself off as a London musical star with the Carrie Snodgress, Anjanette Comer, James Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 same name if it lands her on Broadway. Clue #1 that she isn’t Caan, Jack Albertson 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107704 that Jane Clarke: She can dance, but only a devoted, tone- Oscar and Golden Globe-nominee James Caan (Misery, The deaf mother could say she can sing. Clue #2: Up pops the Godfather) stars as a one-time basketball star who finds the other Jane Clarke herself (Wini Shaw, who wowed fans with realities of life are tougher than those on the playing field. Rampage Lullaby of Broadway in Gold Diggers Of 1935). Pure Golden Based on the brilliant novel by John Updike and featuring a Robert Mitchum, Jack Hawkins Blues Band, Era fun! Musical, Romance, Comedy 1937 93min. superb supporting cast. Co-starring Oscar and Emmy-winner Elsa Martinelli, Sabu Jack Albertson (Chico And The Man), Arthur Hill (The Warner Bros. MOD 17.07.2009 Champ), Oscar-nominee Carrie Snodgrass (Diary of a Mad synopsis World-renowned big game trapper Harry Stanton Housewife), and Ken Kercheval (Dallas). (Robert Mitchum) is commissioned by a German zoo to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107710 capture The Enchantress; a mythical Malaysian beast Sports, Basketball, Drama 1970 90min. purported to be half-tiger/half-leopard, and finds himself Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2010 teamed with the venerable but aging hunter Otto Abbott (Jack A Real American Hero 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107700 Hawkins) and his seductive young mistress Anna (Elsa , Forrest Tucker, Brian Martinelli). Tensions soar when Abbott discovers the younger Stanton has his sights set on Anna and ? in a fit of rage and Kerwin Rabies paranoia ? goes on a rampage before moving in for the kill. A sheriff’s authority is challenged by a woman and a friend Death is the law of the jungle in this steamy action-adventure, who use the blue laws to their advantage. He also can bring Lior Ashkenazi, Ania Bukstein where survival demands keeping your eye on the prize. to bear some old laws. A psychotic serial killer on the loose in the woods crosses TV Movies, Crime, Drama 1978 94min. paths with a group of unsuspecting teenagers. Soon people Adventure, Hunting 1963 98min. are dying one by one... but the bad guy isn’t who you think. Warner Bros. MOD 16.04.2010 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Turning genre conventions on their head with a smart script 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107705 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107760 and plenty of unexpected scares, Rabies is a surprising debut worthy of its mantle as Israel’s first-ever slasher horror film. Serial Killers, Slasher, Foreign, Horror, Rancho Notorious Reckless Israeli 2010 94min. Arthur Kennedy, Marlene Dietrich, Gloria Daryl Hannah, Dan Hedaya, Lois Smith, Image Ent. 28.02.2012 Henry, William Frawley, Mel Ferrer Aidan Quinn, Adam Baldwin, Cliff De 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108210 Bandits, gunslingers - they know they can find refuge at the Young, Kenneth McMillan remote outpost of the lawless called Chuck-a-Luck. There, in Teenager Johnny Rourke (Aidan Quinn) is reckless. Born on exchange for a 10% cut of any loot, former barroom belle Altar the wrong side of the tracks, he breaks the law and girls’ The Rack Keane (Marlene Dietrich) serves as den mother to a Wild hearts with equal cool. Cheerleader Tracey Prescott (Daryl West den of thieves. Among the newcomers at the rancho: Hannah) is reckless too. She dumps her conventional life and Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, Paul Vern Haskell (Arthur Kennedy), who poses as an outlaw in boring boyfriend to follow Johnny wherever his dangerous Newman, Wendell Corey hopes of smoking out the desperado who killed his fiancée. In path leads. Set to a driving rock score, Reckless captures Wounded and weakened in Korean prison camps, GIs descend his third and final Western, Fritz Lang unsaddles the genre to three talents at the start of their careers. The film marks from the plane that returned them to U.S. soil. It is a time of create a tempestuous cult favorite swapping expansive Quinn’s (Legends Of The Fall) film debut, showcases Hannah tearful family reunions. A time of uncertainty about how to help exteriors for roiling psychological interiors. Critics have one month before she made a Splash with and traumatized men. And a time of reckoning: Capt. Edward W. likened the film and its theme of a man twisted by vengeance features a screenplay by Chris Columbus, whose Gremlins Hall Jr., a silver-star hero and ex-POW, faces trial for to a Lang film of a wholly different genre: film noir’s The Big and The Goonies soon stormed the box office. collaboration with the enemy. Paul Newman’s richly complex Heat. Romance, Comedy, Drama, High School portrayal of Hall sets the tone of acting excellence found Revenge, Western, Drama 1952 89min. throughout The Rack. How much can a POW be expected to 1984 90min. endure before breaking? Should his own past and emotional Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 Warner Bros. MOD 18.09.2009 vulnerabilities be weighed against the miltary’s policy of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107706 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107711 name, rank and serial number? The issues remain timelessly relevant in this probing courtroom drama adapted from a Rod Serling teleplay. Rasputin And The Empress Reckless Prison, War, Drama, Korean War 1956 Ethel Barrymore, Diana Wynard, Lionel William Powell, Jean Harlow, , 100min. Barrymore, John Barrymore, Ralph Morgan Franchot Tone, Ted Healy Warner Bros. MOD 05.07.2011 The year after the all-star Grand Hotel, brothers John and By 1935, every movie fan in the world knew Jean Harlow as 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107702 Lionel Barrymore teamed again in Rasputin and the Empress. both a blonde bombshell and a delightful comedienne. To Joining them in a sumptuous and stirring tale about the often- expand her range, the studio gave her a dramatic role in called Mad Monk who held a powerful - perhaps hypnotic - Reckless ? and Harlow was a hit. She plays musical star Rage sway over World War I-era Russian royalty was the third Mona Leslie, the bride of a champagne-stewed blueblood. member of the American stage’s Royal Family: Ethel When he blows his brains out, Mona is suspected of his Martin Sheen, George C. Scott, Richard Barrymore, making this the lone feature with all three thespian murder, igniting media frenzy. The film is also notable for its Basehart, Barnard Hughes, Nicolas Beauvy siblings. Intercut with footage from the actual era, the film Jerome Kern-Oscar Hammerstein title tune (Harlow, whose His son is dead. He is dying. Overnight, Dan Logan’s burns with intrigue, betrayal, rivalry and the renowned trio’s considerable skills didn’t extend beyond acting, was dubbed talents. Lionel has the plum role of Rasputin, seething with

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 40 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA and body doubled in the musical numbers), plus a cast that of deft badinage. misses a dose of an emotion includes Franchot Tone, Rosalind Russell, and as a hotshot Romance, Comedy 1958 94min. Double Features, French, Action, Science promoter, William Powell, who would become the last love of Harlow’s tragically short life. Warner Bros. MOD 04.03.2011 Fiction 2002 min. Musical, Romance, Comedy, Drama 1935 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107717 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 97min. 03.04.2012 Warner Bros. MOD 25.10.2011 Rembetiko 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107839 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107712 Sotiria Leonardou, Nikos Kalogeropoulos, Michalis Maniatis Return Of The Bad Men The Red Lily This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Anne Jeffreys, Jacqueline White, Randolph a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Enid Bennett, Rosita Marstini, Ramon This unique and fascinating drama from Greece uses a heart- Scott, Robert Ryan, Jack Natteford, Nat Novarro, Mitchell Lewis wrenching story to explore rembetika music, a form of urban Holt, Ray Enright For the film fan making the case that silents were truly golden, blues that was popular among the lower classes and social The Oklahoma Land Rush means free land - and a cadre of The Red Lily is a color that serves them well. Hue plays an outcasts through much of the 20th century. Greek actress outlaws amassed to prey on the newly prosperous territory. important part in this „black-and-white“ classic, using sepia, Sotiria Leonardou, who also coscripted, stars as Marika, a Perhaps the vilest of these lurking bad men is the shoot-first red and orange to convey a complexity of mood and emotion. rembetika singer whose family immigrated to Greece from Sundance Kid (Robert Ryan). Vance knows there’s no room in After the death of her father, Marise La Noue (Enid Bennett) Smyrna after the Turks pillaged the city in 1922. The family’s the wide-open spaces for cold-blooded killers like the Kid, can find no safe haven, so she runs off to Paris with Jean hard life in the slums of Piraeas provides a colorful backdrop and he’ll shoot holes in any contrary notion. He’ll bring peace Leonnec, the mayor’s son (Ramon Novarro). Seeking a better to explain the origins and meaning of rembetiko. Marika’s rise and justice to the prairie. life in Paris, Jean and Marise plan to meet at a specific time as a singer parallels the political history of Greece, Western, Cowboy 1948 90min. and place. When circumstances intervene, the two lovers connecting the times to the music. Her life is full of torment, Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 miss their rendezvous, never reunite and are destined to lead and her pain is evident in her singing. Often compared to separate lives that become more and more degrading. Marise American blues, rembetiko is a passionate style of music that 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107719 turns to prostitution and Jean succumbs to the delightful expresses the history and depth of a lost culture. Rembetiko debauchery of a thief named Bo-Bo ( in one of offers a glimpse into that culture through the turbulent story Return Of The Frontiersman his earliest roles). Heartthrob Navarro and delicate Bennett and the haunting original soundtrack by Stavros Xarhakos. make a magical combination in this deeply moving tale of fate, Music, Rembetika, Balkans, Drama, Foreign, Julie London, Rory Calhoun, Jack Holt, Fred tragedy and redemption. Greek 1983 FF 150min. Clark, Gordon MacRae Romance, Silent Film, Drama 1924 81min. Facets Video 27.03.2012 The law is the law. No exceptions. So Sheriff Sam Barrett Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 saddles up a deputized posse and rides in pursuit of an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108155 accused outlaw: his son Logan. Meanwhile, Logan is on the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107713 run, living by his wits and attempting to clear his name of Remember The Titans (Blu-ray + murder. Justice rides hard in Return of the Frontiersman, a The Red Mill shoot-’em-up filled with horseback chases, raging gun battles DVD) (Blu-ray) and men who know how to take - and deliver - a swift sock to Louise Fazenda, Marion Davies, George Denzel Washington, Nicole Parker, Will Pat- the jaw. Gordon MacRae plays Logan, heading a cast that Siegmann, Owen Moore, Karl Dane includes Rory Calhoun and Julie London. MacRae adds a Silent movies relied upon facial exaggeration, and few faces ton, Donald Faison couple tunes for good measure. And when he offers London a could top those of multitalented Marion Davies, showcased Academy Award winner Denzel Washington (2001: Training buggy ride at picture’s end, it’s hard not to recall the „surrey from slapstick to heartbreak to horror in The Red Mill, deftly Day - Best Actor; 1989: Glory - Best Supporting Actor) with a fringe on top“ that awaited MacRae in the smash directed by William Goodrich, alias Fatty Arbuckle. Like shines in Remember The Titans - now more stirring and musical Oklahoma! Cinderella, barmaid Tina (Davies) toils under her villainous uplifting than ever on Blu-ray disc. Based on real events, this Western 1950 74min. boss at a small-town tavern, where she scrubs floors by remarkable story celebrates how a town torn apart by friction Warner Bros. MOD 30.10.2009 strapping brushes to her skates and keeps a pet mouse inside and mistrust comes together in triumphant harmony. After a wooden shoe. Hope and love’s promise beckon in the leading his team to fifteen winning seasons, football coach Bill 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107737 handsome form of Dennis (Owen Moore), until he falls in love Yoast (Will Patton) is demoted and replaced by Herman with Tina’s girlfriend Gretchen (Louise Faenda), shackled in Boone (Washington). How these two men overcome their A Return To Salem’s Lot a looming pre-arranged marriage. Davies herself lobbied for differences and turn a group of hostile young men into Arbuckle, blackballed because of an earlier scandal - but as champions is a remarkable portrait of courage and Samuel Fuller, Evelyn Keyes, Michael it turns out, an excellent choice for embellishing the hilarious perseverance. Watch the action unfold play-by-play in the astounding visual clarity of high definition, while you thrill to Moriarty, Andrew Duggan comedy bits and the ensuing tragic scenes at the climax inside In a certain New England town, it’s hard to keep the undead the haunted mill. the roaring of the crowds and experience the full impact of every sack with spectacularly enhanced audio. You and your down. It’s shocking story continues courtesy of Larry Cohen, Romance, Silent Film, Comedy 1927 74min. family will never forget the Titans in Blu-ray High Definition! a maestro of cinematic horror (the It’s Alive trilogy) and Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 writer of police-action thrillers (Best Seller, Maniac Cop), Drama, Family, Football, Sports 2000 min. tapping into his senses of the macabre as well as satire in a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107714 Disney / Buena Vista 29.03.2011 clever chiller based on characters created by Stephen King. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108254 Joining in to bedevil and terrify are Michael Moriarty as an Reducing anthropologist asked to write a „bible“ for the town’s ghastly group, Andrew Duggan as the leader of the town folk Marie Dressler, Anita Page, Lucien Remote Control (including June Havoc and Evelyn Keyes) who hide their Littlefield Mary Doran, Charles King, John Miljan, blood-feasting bent behind sweet exteriors and filmmaker It’s all aboard for comedy as down-and-out Marie Truffle Samuel Fuller in a rare on-screen role as a vampire hunter. (Marie Dressler) and her rambunctious brood take the train William Haines For mortals who occasionally like to go to the devil - and from South Bend to sophisticated Manhattan. There, Marie Thieves, Caper, Comedy, Crime 1930 65min. come back - A Return to Salem’s Lot is one terrific terror trip. gets a job in the slimming spa owned by her successful sister Warner Bros. MOD 03.09.2010 Stephen King, Vampires, Horror 1987 (frequent Dressler co-star Polly Moran) and untangles the 101min. romantic knots created by four headstrong young lovers. From 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107718 snappy start to warm Thanksgiving Day finish, Reducing is a Warner Bros. MOD 18.06.2010 delight as Dressler wrestles with the indignities visited upon Renaissance / Equilibrium (Doub- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107738 a large woman in a small upper berth, explores the mysteries of electric reducing belts or dumps Sis in a mudbath. Enjoy the le Feature) (Blu-ray) Rhapsody unmatched screen charisma that made this decidedly Ian Holm, William Fichtner, Emily Watson, unglamorous actress Hollywood’s #1 star in the early 1930s. Elizabeth Taylor, , Louis Kevork Malikyan, Catherine McCormack, Thanksgiving, Comedy, Drama, Holidays Calhern, John Ericson 1931 77min. Romola Garai, Sean Bean, Christian Bale, Elizabeth Taylor strives for sweet harmony as a privileged Warner Bros. MOD 31.07.2009 Jonathan Pryce, Daniel Craig, Taye Diggs, young woman who must choose between the two musicians 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107716 Mathew Harbour she loves. She first falls for a devoted violinist (Vittorio Dare to enter a bold vision of the future in the tradition of Gassman) and follows him when he goes off to musical studies Blade Runner and Sin City - drenched with state-of-the-art abroad. There, she also meets a talented pianist (John The Reluctant Debutante animation and a gripping story. It’s 2054 Paris and the city Ericson) who tries to play the initially uninterested lady into lives in the shadow of corporate giant Avalon, which sells the his heart. As events and emotions unfold, the inevitable Kay Kendall, Rex Harrison, Angela irresistible promise of „ageless beauty.“ The sudden conflict arises: which man does she truly love, which one is Lansbury, Sandra Dee, John Saxon kidnapping of a gifted young scientist draws a tough-as-nails better for her - and could both be the same person? Smoothly It’s social season in London, and amid the swirl of coming-out cop into a twisted underworld of corporate espionage, genetic directed by musical movie maestro Charles Vidor, filmed in balls the aristocratic Broadbents (real-life marrieds Rex research and organized crime. Featuring the stellar voice such romantic locales as Paris, Zurich, St. Moritz and Rome Harrison and Kay Kendall) are intent on giving their Ameri- talents of Daniel Craig (Defiance), Jonathan Pryce (G. I. Joe: and showcasing vibrant renditions of Tchaikovsky, can-educated 17-year-old daughter Jane (Sandra Dee) the The Rise Of Cobra) and Ian Holm (The Aviator). Delivering Rachmaninoff and Beethoven concertos, Rhapsody is a right entry into society and a proper upper-class beau. One awesome high-tech action in the power-packed style of The moving and melodic treat. complication: flighty Mabel Claremont (Angela Lansbury) is Matrix and Minority Report, Equilibrium stars Christian Bale Music, Piano, Romance, Violin, Classical eager to match that same beau with her daughter. And another: (The Fighter) and Taye Diggs (TV’s Private Practice) in a Music 1954 115min. Jane, of course, has her own ideas about these matters - and thrilling look at a future where the only crime is being human. an eye for a guy (John Saxon) who’s a drummer in the dance In an attempt to end wars and maintain peace, mankind has Warner Bros. MOD 04.09.2009 band. Comedy is in season for The Reluctant Debutante, a outlawed the things that trigger emotion-literature, music and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107740 rib-tickler of societal foibles and follies given spirited art. To uphold the law, a special breed of police is assigned to direction by Vincente Minnelli and featuring a full dance card eliminate all transgressors. But when the top enforcer (Bale)

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The Rich Are Always With Us a jalapeño hotbed of Axis spies. The agents intend to use a Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 fiesta radio show to send a coded message, a scheme that may Bette Davis, Ruth Chatterton, George be scrambled silly when stumblebums Doc and Wishy stumble 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108227 Brent, John Miljan onto it. Bud Abbott and Lou Costello play the inept duo in this The richest woman in the world (Ruth Chatterton) has musical comedy that - from riffing on the word „pekinese“ to Roadracers (Blu-ray) everything money can buy. But with her heart torn between Lou’s hunger-fueled food mirage (tastes like chicken!) to his her faithless husband and an ardent writer (George Brent), loopy spin within an oversized washing machine - has the Salma Hayek, David Arquette, William she can’t have the one thing every woman wants: happiness. famed funnymen fracturing any situation into goofy glee. Sadler, Kevin McCarthy, Boti Bliss, Gina Herbert Hoover was still President and the Depression was Enjoy! Mari, Tammy Brady Conrad, Karen Landry, Musical, War, World War II, Comedy 1942 at its most depressing when this delicious wallow in uptown John Hawkes, Jason Wiles, Lance Legault, romance hit the Bijou, featuring an electric performance by 91min. young Bette Davis as a society girl also enamored of the Tommy Nix, Mark Lowenthal writer. This wasn’t the end of Davis’ relationship with Brent. Warner Bros. MOD 16.05.2011 Spy Kids and Desperado, delivers more action-packed thrills They would make 11 films together, including Jezebel and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107756 with Roadracers! It’s the wild story of a rockin’ rebel (David Dark Victory. It wasn’t the end of the Chatterton-Brent Arquette, Scream) racing through life with a fast car, a loud relationship, either: the on-screen lovers married soon after guitar, and a sexy girlfriend (Salma Hayek, From Dusk Till the film opened. Riptide Dawn). But when a confrontation ends with deadly threats, Romance, Comedy, Drama, Marriage Woes Herbert Marshall, Norma Shearer, Robert this young rebel finds himself speeding head-on towards a showdown that will settle the score for good! With hot stars 1932 71min. Montgomery and an energetic style all its own, Roadracers. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 Can an Insect Man and a Lady Sky Bug find happiness together? Impeccably mannered Lord Philip Rexford and Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Romance, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107745 vivacious American socialite Mary think so. They meet garbed Action, TV Movies 1994 min. as anthropods on their way to a costume ball, skip the soirée Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Rich, Young And Pretty and fall in love. Soon, Mary becomes Lady Rexford, and the former party girl mends her ways - until she runs into an old 17.04.2012 Jane Powell, Danielle Darrieux, Wendell flame in Cannes. Several cocktails later, something almost 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107835 Corey, Vic Damone, Fernando Lamas happens. But Philip doesn’t believe the almost. Norma The prairie meets Paree when a Texas rancher (Wendell Shearer, Robert Montgomery and Herbert Marshall each take Rockin’ With Judy Jetson Corey) brings his daughter Liz (Jane Powell) to the City of one side of a love triangle in this glossy romantic comedy Light. There’s a lot for a Lone Star gal to experience: romance directed with panache by Edmund Goulding (Grand Hotel, Despite father George’s disapproval, Judy Jetson is totally with a handsome young Frenchman (film-debuting Vic Dark Victory). Enriching the love-among-the-rich fun: Mrs. into Sky Rocker, the biggest intergalactic rock star around. Damone). Chic fashion (songbird Liz is decked out in some Patrick Campbell, for decades the belle of the London stage, When the teen icon announces a surprise concert, Judy mighty fine feathers). And finding her long-lost mother as jaunty Aunt Hetty. writes a super awesome song and sends it to him. And - oops (Danielle Darrieux), a glamorous chanteuse who may still be Romance, Drama 1934 94min. - the song is accidentally switched with an evil magic carrying a torch for Liz’s dad even though she’s won the heart Warner Bros. MOD 08.10.2010 message from music-hating witch Felonia . Bummer for of her nightclub-act partner (Fernando Lamas). With plenty of Judy! Then Felonia goes one diabolical step further: she songs and dance to help the mood along, will each Jacques 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107763 kidnaps Sky Rocker. What a buzz kill - but don’t freak out find his Jill? Mais oui, pardner! yet! Judy and her friends - along with brother Elroy, family dog Astro and music-loving aliens named Zoomies - set out to Musical, Romance, Comedy 1951 95min. The Rise And Fall Of Legs Dia- save Sky themselves. Is Judy Jetson the coolest Space Age Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 mond teenage cartoon star ever? With songs like Gleep Gorp, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107743 Jupiter Jump, Rockin’ Round the Galaxy, Shootin’ Star and Elaine Stewart, Ray Danton Surfin’ in Space, the feature-length animated Rockin’ with Jack Diamond had the moves. Some were on the dance floor, Judy Jetson is a tunefully fun blast not to be surpassed! Ride Vaquero! where he earned the nickname Legs. Others were in the TV Movies, Comedy, Family, Music, Science streets of New York, where he built a criminal empire in the Anthony Quinn, Ava Gardner, Howard Roaring ’20s - and was the target of so many gangland Fiction 92min. Keel, Robert Taylor, Kurt Kasznar shootouts he was also dubbed the Clay Pigeon. Made when Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 Vicious outlaw Jose Esqueda (Anthony Quinn) lives by what the popularity of TV’s The Untouchables swept the land, this 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107775 he calls the law of the bullet, terrorizing ranchers in post- taut thriller directed by veteran Budd Boetticher (The Civil War Texas. At his side is his longtime enforcer and Bullfighter And The Lady, Seven Men From Now) tells its true gunman, his adopted brother Rio (Robert Taylor). But Rio’s story with style, nerve and machine-gun pacing. Handsome Romance allegiance, already wavering, may change for good after he Ray Danton plays Legs, a man so fearless and opportunistic meets recently arrived rancher King Cameron (Howard you’d swear drain cleaner pumps through his veins. Great Greta Garbo, Florence Lake, Lewis Stone, Keel)...and after he finds that King’s stunning bride (Ava character players and rising hopefuls (such as Dyan Cannon Elliott Nugent, Gavin Gordon Gardner) is drawn to him. In the same year as this brooding, as mob „pigeon“ Dixie) adds to the terrific pleasures of this As an Italian opera diva, Greta Garbo is luminous, haunting, brawling tale of the West, versatile star Robert Taylor would throwback to classic Warner Bros. 1930s gangster sagas. It’s desirable, mysterious and transcendentally lovely. No wonder be seen in other virile roles as a man of the sea in All The one scorching ride. she personifies romance for both an aging millionaire (Lewis Brothers Were Valiant and as valorous Lancelot in Knights of Thieves, Crime, Historical / Period Piece Stone) and a boyish rector (Gavin Gordon) caught in the the Round Table. John Farrow (also busy that year seeing tortured throes of a forbidden love. Garbo followed up her action with Botany Bay, Plunder Under The Sun and the 1960 101min. smash talkie debut Anna Christie with this tale of a woman especially impactful Hondo) directs. Warner Bros. MOD 06.09.2011 whose tender relationship with the younger clergyman is Western 1953 90min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107768 crushed by her remorse over her illicit affair with the wealthy roué. Suffused with glamour and ardent emotion, Romance Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 earned a Best Actress Academy Award® nomination* for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107751 The Rise And Rise Of Michael Garbo and a Best Director nod for Clarence Brown, who guided his leading lady in several classic pictures, including Rimmer Anna Christie and Anna Karenina. Rio Rita Ronald Fraser, Vanessa Howard, John Romance, Drama 1930 76min. Dorothy Lee, Bebe Daniels, John Boles, Cleese, Denholm Elliott, Peter Cook, Arthur Warner Bros. MOD 25.02.2011 Bert Wheeler, Robert Woolsey Lowe 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107778 Ziegfeld made ‘em big. So the film version of his Rio Rita The Rise And Rise Of Michael Rimmer is comedy and comedy, matched the showman’s grandeur with a musical that adhered a quirky skewering of sex, the advertsing business, media, to the source and earned kudos as „one of the best of the politics, the clergy, ale and you name it and featuring a motley The Romance Of Rosy Ridge [Talkie Era’s] Broadway adaptations“ (Ethan Mordden, The array of talents - we’ll name them: Bedazzled and Beyond The Hollywood Musical). Bebe Daniels (often a Harold Lloyd co- Dean Stockwell, Van Johnson, Janet Leigh, Fringe. Marshall Thompson, Charles Dingle, Selena star) plays Rita, wooed by a singing Texas Ranger (John Politics, British, Comedy, Foreign 1970 Boles) who suspects her brother may be a notorious bandito. Royle, Meanwhile, a lawyer tries to arrange a divorce for a client 102min. Vacationing at a ski resort, retired screen diva Norma who has (oops) two wives. Put the storylines together Warner Bros. MOD 06.05.2011 Shearer noticed a picture of pretty Jeanette Morrison. In no (somehow), add the wow of two-strip Technicolor for the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107765 time Jeanette had a screen test, a new name - Janet Leigh - lengthy finale aboard a pirate river barge, include lavish sets and the lead opposite heartthrob Van Johnson in The and the guffaws provided by Bert Wheeler and Robert Romance of Rosy Ridge. Coltish, wide-eyed and talented, Woolsey (reprising their stage roles) and Rio Rita was ready The Ritual Leigh was the ideal choice to play a coltish, wide-eyed beauty to ? and did ? pack audiences in! Serial killer Wayne Montgomery was inadvertently „outed“ in in this poignant love story set in the post-Civil War Ozarks, Musical, Romance, Western 1929 102min. December 2006, after DNA evidence linked him and his wife where folks are still divided blue versus gray. When an ex- Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 Andrea to a series of brutal unsolved murders in the small soldier (Johnson) comes to the troubled town wearing military 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107753 town of Claymont, Delaware - as well as the disappearance of britches so faded no one can tell the original color, he gets their own daughter Monica. However, Andrea was the only the locals all riled up - especially when he courts the one arrested. Authorities were unable to locate Wayne, who daughter (Leigh) of an ex-Johnny Reb (Thomas Mitchell) who Rio Rita had simply vanished. Recently discovered footage recorded reckons the newcomer may be a damned Yankee! Romance, War, American Civil War, Kathryn Grayson, Lou Costello, Bud by Wayne in 2007 details his activities in the months following his wife’s arrest - adjusting to his life as a fugitive Comedy, Drama 1947 109min. Abbott, John Carroll and beginning a twisted relationship with a teenage hustler It’s fiesta time in Vista Del Rio, and that means much musical named Jared, whom Wayne has selected to groom as a Warner Bros. MOD 09.08.2011 celebration. It’s also a time of global war. So, in the updated successor. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107779 plot of this exuberant World War II-era remake of the 1929 Serial Killers, Cult Film / TV, Horror 2010 Wheeler and Woolsey romp, that means little Vista Del Rio is 114min.

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Romantic Comedy Collector’s Set thinking. Maybe they can make a dollar or two by wagering squeegees, the two friends have a lot of work ahead. And a lot that no one at the rodeo can stay atop him either. Place your of heart to see themselves through. Charisma Carpenter, Dorie Barton, Dyana bets as filmmaker Burt Kennedy matches the warmth of his two Drama, Friendships 1993 108min. Ortelli, Scott Bakula, Kelly Brook stars with an unadorned ease that makes this modern Western as welcome as a get-together with old friends at a Sunday Warner Bros. MOD 16.07.2010 Romance, Boxed Sets, Comedy 388min. social. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107811 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Western, Comedy, Cowboy, Horses 1965 01.12.2009 85min. Sally 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107651 Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 Pert Kelton, Joe E. Brown, T. Roy Barnes 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107790 From waitress to Broadway star! In her first of only three Room For One More films, 1920s Broadway sensation Marilyn Miller recreates one of her greatest stage hits in Sally, a lavish, heart-on-its- Cary Grant, Betsy Drake, Lurene Tuttle, Rules Of Engagement: The sleeve Cinderella story (punctuated with some color John Ridgely, Randy Stuart Complete Fifth Season sequences) that showcases Miller’s beauty and lyrical Screen legend Cary Grant and Betsy Drake (who were in real dancing. Also featured: Jerome Kern and Buddy De Sylva’s life husband and wife) star in a heartwarming comedy about a Bianca Kajlich, Megyn Price, Patrick Look for the Silver Lining, the evergreen so associated with couple with three children who decide that three is definitely Warburton, David Spade, Oliver Hudson, Miller that it became the title of her 1949 biopic starring June not enough. The comic complications of adopting a few new Haver. Haver wasn’t the only Hollywood notable to play family members enliven this vastly enjoyable family film. Adhir Kalyan Miller. Judy Garland took the role in 1946’s Till the Clouds Comedy, Family 1952 98min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Roll By, giving her own standout interpretation of three Kern a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. standards introduced in Miller shows: Who?, Sunny and of Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 TV’s funniest cast is back and better than ever in the course, Look for the Silver Lining. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107781 hilarious fifth season of Rules Of Engagement. Married couple Audrey (Megyn Price) and Jeff (Patrick Warburton) Musical 1929 101min. run into surprising hurdles while attempting to have a baby Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 Rosalie via a surrogate. Meanwhile, Adam (Oliver Hudson) and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107812 Jennifer (Bianca Kajlich) are still planning their wedding - Edna May Oliver, Eleanor Powell, Frank with a little help from Timmy (Adhir Kalyan). Eternal bad boy Morgan, Ray Bolger, Nelson Eddy Russell (David Spade) continues his shenanigans as a single Santiago Nelson Eddy’s rich baritone, Eleanor Powell’s astonishing guy on the prowl, but may have finally met his match. Guest footwork and songs by Cole Porter - what more could a stars include Sara Rue, Jaime Pressly, Joan Collins, and Rossana Podesta, Alan Ladd, Lloyd Nolan, musical fan wish for? Wrapped in a deliciously preposterous Criss Angel. Newly remastered. Chill Wills story concerning a Balkan princess, a West Point football CBS, Comedy, Marriage Woes, Rocky Alan Ladd delivers the goods in an explosive tale of hero, a daring solo flight across the Atlantic, court intrigue revolution and greed, directed by action ace Gordon Douglas. and star-crossed romance, Rosalie lured huge film audiences Relationships, Romance 2010 Ltbx 16x9 S Desperate for arms in their fight against Spain, Cuban with its knockout blend of top cast (including future The 559min. partisans agree to double the price if American gunrunner Wizard Of Oz co-stars Ray Bolger and Frank Morgan) and SPHE MOD 07.02.2012 Cash Adams (Ladd) smuggles a boatload of weapons to their magnificent music. Eddy sings two evergreen Porter songs: Santiago hideout. Forced into an uneasy alliance with an old the haunting In the Still of the Night and the title tune, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108071 enemy (Lloyd Nolan) and a sexy freedom fighter (Helen of reprised to feature Powell at her most dazzling in a number Troy’s Rossana Podesta), Adams must battle his way through that defines spectacle: a 60-acre, 27-camera, 2000-people Saadia naval blockades, dense jungles and heavily guarded passes paragon of screen-filling wow. to convey the munitions to a remote mountain outpost where Musical, Drama 1937 123min. Cornel Wilde, , Rita Gam, Mel the rebels and payment await. Shot on a specially-built jungle Ferrer, Cyril Cusack set still in use today (currently the site of True Blood’s Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 Merlotte’s Bar & Grill), Santiago is Ladd at his two-fisted 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107786 Drama 1953 82min. best: cynical, cool and tough as nails. Warner Bros. MOD 01.10.2010 Adventure, Jungle 1956 92min. Rose Marie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107793 Warner Bros. MOD 01.10.2010 Howard Keel, Bert Lahr, Marjorie Main, Ann 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107814 Blyth, Joan Taylor, Fernando Lamas Safe In Hell Musical fans, we’re calling you, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo! Howard Dorothy Mackaill, Victor Varconi, John Saratoga Trunk Keel and Ann Blyth (who would later team for Kismet) play Wray, Ralf Harolde, Donald Cook Ingrid Bergman, , Flora stalwart Mountie and backwoods hellion in this grand color Gilda (Dorothy Mackaill) thought she had fallen as far as a and CinemaScope version of the beloved operetta. Filmed woman could fall when she got a call telling her a client was Robson, John Warburton largely on location in the Canadian Rockies, Rose Marie requesting her „services.“ But when the client turns out to be Beautiful Clio Dulaine arrives in her New Orleans birthplace combines a charming tale of a tomboy becoming a lady with the man responsible for her fall from grace, Gilda flies into a with one goal: to exact revenge on her father’s family, who two love triangles, a murder mystery, settler-vs.-Indian strife murderous rage. Taking it on the lam, Gilda finds shelter in the exiled Clio and her mother to Paris years earlier. There she and glorious music, including four of the original stage arms of a sailor boyfriend (Donald Cook) who smuggles her to meets Texas gambler Clint Maroon, who is also looking for production’s tunes: Rose Marie, The Indian Love Call, The sanctuary and safety, or so he thinks. In reality he has booked revenge. He aims to bring down the railroad baron who ruined Mounties and in a knockout production number staged by her a bridal suite in hell. Too long imprisoned by obscurity, his father. These two schemers are made for each other ? but , Totem Tom Tom. Another highlight: Bert Safe in Hell is released at last. This pre-code crime classic, it takes them scrapping and sparring through an epic story of Lahr’s comic turn warbling The Mountie Who Never Got His touted at the time as „Not For Children,“ is frank, startling and blackmail, lies, scandal, high finance and sudden disaster Man. arresting, as gripping today as it was eight decades ago. before they finally come together. Gary Cooper and Ingrid Musical, Native Americans, Romance, We- Directed by William A. Wellman, Safe In Hell is full of terrors Bergman, the stars of For Whom the Bell Tolls, reteam for a and delights, including the most striking ensemble seen this lush, lavish romance based on the bestseller by Edna Ferber stern, Adventure, Comedy 1954 104min. (Cimarron, Giant). Big stars, big story - that’s Saratoga Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2011 side of Freaks and a truly twisted stunner of a finale. Crime, Drama 1931 73min. Trunk. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107787 Romance, Drama, Gamblers 1945 135min. Warner Bros. MOD 08.11.2011 Warner Bros. MOD 17.07.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107797 Roughly Speaking 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107815 Rosalind Russell, Jean Sullivan, Jack Saint Joan Carson, Donald Woods, Robert Hutton Savage Messiah Richard Widmark, John Gielgud, Richard Multiple Oscar-nominee and Golden Globe-winner Rosalind Helen Mirren, Dorothy Tutin, Michael Todd, Felix Aylmer, Anton Walbrook Russell (Auntie Mame, His Girl Friday) and Jack Carson Gough, Scott Antony (Cat On A Hot Tin Roof) star in this moving comedy about a War, Biopics, Drama, Historical / Period wife who must raise her famliy when her husband goes off on The Music Lovers. Mahler. Valentino.. wild moneymaking schemes. Directed by Oscar-winner Piece, Independent Women 1957 110min. Biopics, British, Drama, Foreign 1972 Michael Curtiz (Casablanca). Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2010 103min. Rocky Relationships, Comedy, Drama, Inde- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107798 Warner Bros. MOD 27.05.2011 pendent Women 1945 117min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107821 Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 The Saint Of Fort Washington 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107789 Ving Rhames, Matt Dillon, Nina Siemaszko, Say It With Songs Danny Glover, Rick Aviles Marian Nixon, Al Jolson, Holmes Herbert The Rounders Friendship. It’s there for the good times. It’s invaluable for the The movie is titled Say It with Songs, but the Warner brothers Henry Fonda, Hope Holiday, Glenn Ford, bad times. Jerry and Matthew have each other to rely on as said it with cash, paying star Al Jolson a then-whopping they cope on New York City’s mean streets. They also have a $500,000 in hopes of luring his many fans to the picture Chill Wills dream: to work their way back into the mainstream. Danny palaces. The result is a tear duct-opening tale about radio What do you call a cowboy with his brains kicked out? A Glover and Matt Dillon give finely etched portrayals of life on singer Joe Lane, who takes a swing at the slimeball who made bronc rider. Ben Jones and Howdy Lewis, heaven help them, society’s fringe in this moving tale of friendship directed by a pass at his wife - and accidentally kills him. Imprisoned, Joe are bronc riders. Glenn Ford and Henry Fonda portray the Tim Hunter (Tex, River’s Edge). Glover, who prepared for his belts out tunes from behind bars and dreams of his wife and pair who are cowboy enough to do just about any job, except role by going incognito as a „street person,“ is Jerry, a man son (Davey Lee, who climbed upon Jolson’s knee in The for the one at hand. That job: Saddle a clever, ornery, blaze- who did everything right but was blindsided by fate. Dillon is Singing Fool). Joe finally gets out...but more heartache faced roan named Old Fooler and make him as gentle as a Matthew, who slipped through a crack in the bureaucratic awaits. The De Sylva-Brown-Henderson songwriting team milk-pen calf. Can’t be done - and that gets the cowpokes to system and onto the streets. Equipped with buckets and that crafted Sonny Boy for The Singing Fool provides here

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 43 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA another sentimental salute to paternal devotion, Little Pal. does not remember searches desperately for him. Starring a 1952 83min. Musical, Prison 1929 95min. then-unknown Montgomery Clift in his movie debut, directed in a near-documentary style by and filmed in Warner Bros. MOD 01.10.2010 Warner Bros. MOD 04.09.2009 the ragged, rubble-strewn skeleton of Nuremberg, The Search 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107858 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107822 vividly captures the horrifying human cost of war. This milestone of filmmaking won two 1948 Academy Awards®: Best Motion Picture Story and a special award to Ivan Jandl The Sell-Out Scaramouche for his haunting performance as the lost child. Richard Widmark, Oliver Reed, Sam Julia Swayne Gordon, Lewis Stone, Ramon War, World War II, Drama, Holocaust 1948 Wanamaker, Gayle Hunnicutt, Vladek Novarro, Lloyd Ingraham 104min. Sheybal Romance, Silent Film, Drama, Historical / Warner Bros. MOD 30.10.2009 As far as the CIA and the KGB are concerned, the only good Period Piece 1923 124min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107852 ex-spy is a dead one. After all, who knows what sensitive information an old spook may divulge? So in a chilling example Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 of Cold War cooperation, the rivals strike a bargain to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107823 Second Sight liquidate ex-agents either side wants offed. Next on their list: Gabriel Lee, an American agent who defected to the East, then Bronson Pinchot, Bess Armstrong, John decided to switch sides again. Lee’s only hope of survival is Randolph Scott: The Warner Ar- Larroquette, John Schuck, Stuart Pankin, the aid of another former spy, his aging mentor in the chives Classics Collection James Tolkan dangerous game of espionage ? and the husband of Lee’s one- Four-time Emmy Award-winner (The John time flame. Richard Widmark, Oliver Reed and Gayle Randolph Scott Larroquette Show, Richie Rich) and Bronson Pinchot (Perfect Hunnicutt star in a complex cat-and-mouse thriller packed No major Hollywood stars were more identified with the Strangers, The First Wives Club) star as a private with double-crosses, conflicted motives and car-chasing, Western than Randolph Scott. With more than half of his 100 investigator and a super-psychic who operate a paranormal bomb-blasting action. film output firmly „in the saddle,“ Randolph Scott presided detective agency in this wild comedy. When the pair is Drama 1976 88min. over the Western’s growth from kiddie matinee to mature enlisted to solve the kidnapping of the Cardinal of Boston, the Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 drama. Sheriff Mark Rowley (Scott) takes on a band of case takes a bizarre twist as the normally cooperative spirit outlaws while searching for his missing brother. Scott takes world runs amok. From a screenplay by Tom Schulman (Dead 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107859 the badge of lawman Bat Masterson in this sagebrush saga of Poets Society, Honey, I Shrunk The Kids), and co-starring peace and justice. U.S. Marshal Vance Cordrell faces down Bess Armstrong (My So-Called Life) and Stuart Pankin (Fatal The Sergeant the Youngers, Wild Bill Doolin, Sundance Kid and more while Attraction). trying to restore order. Scott is a man with a mission, building Rod Steiger, Ludmila Mikael, John Phillip a railroad through the lawless land between Carson City and Mystery, Science Fiction, Comedy, Virginia City, Nevada. Budd Boetticher and Randolph Scott’s Detectives 1989 83min. Law, Frank Latimore, Elliott Sullivan Westerns changed the genre forever, paving the way for Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2010 Master Sergeant Albert Callan (Rod Steiger) is one tough G.I. Eastwood and Leone. During World War II, he killed an enemy soldier with his bare 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107853 hands. Now in postwar France, he wrests control of his army Western, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed post away from an ineffective superior. But another Sergeant Sets, Classics, Collections, Drama, Holly- Callan lives behind the snarl and the stare: a man wood Legends 430min. The Secret Bride overwhelmed by his repressed attraction to a handsome young Barbara Stanwyck, Glenda Farrell, Warren private (John Phillip Law). In this insightful exploration of Warner Bros. MOD 22.11.2011 homosexuality made in an era of widespread intolerance, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107707 William, Grant Mitchell, Arthur Byron Steiger (The Pawnbroker, In The Heat Of The Night) gives a Shhhh. Don’t spill the beans about beautiful Ruth Vincent stunning performance - one both volcanic and nuanced - that (Barbara Stanwyck), the governor’s daughter. Don’t reveal illuminates Callan’s tragic, tormenting battle with his true Scruples that she’s the secret bride of the DA who’s investigating her nature. father on a bribery charge, or he might be yanked off the case Kim Cattrall, Lindsay Wagner, Connie before he can find evidence to clear Dad’s name. And don’t let War, World War II, Army, Drama, Gay / Stevens, Barry Bostwick, Nick Mancuso, on that Ruth is risking her lovely neck to do some sleuthing Lesbian Interest, Military 1968 108min. Robert Reed, Efrem Zimbalist Jr. on her own! Draped in furs and dripping with mystery, Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Armed with beauty, passion and ambition, an extraordinary Stanwyck is every inch a cinema queen in this crisply paced 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107861 woman enters - and conquers - a glittering realm of combination of whodunit, courtroom drama and political unimaginable wealth, jetset glamour and expensive sins in this thriller. (The Life Of Emile Zola) directs, and scintillating adaptation of Judith Krantz’s first novel. Billy two standouts in memorable ’30s films costar: Warren William Seven Minutes In Heaven Ikehorn (The Bionic Woman Emmy- Award winner Lindsay (the Perry Mason series) and Glenda Farrell (the Torchy Wagner) caters to society’s high-fashion fantasies at Blane series). Jennifer Connelly, Maddie Corman, Alan Scruples, Beverly Hills’ most opulent boutique. But sinister Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1934 Boyce, Byron Thames, Michael Zaslow figures from Billy’s golden present and scarlet past threaten 64min. Natalie, Jeff and Polly share a big problem: being 15 years her prosperous empire. Barry Bostwick, Kim Cattrall, Connie old. But they also share a lot of laughs because they have Stevens and two legendary screen beauties - France’s Warner Bros. MOD 16.11.2010 each other. This wry, lump-in-the-throat comedy is Marie-France Pisier and Hollywood’s Gene Tierney - co-star 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107855 immediately recognizable by anyone who’s survived, or is in this deliciously seductive saga. surviving, growing up. Runaway Jeff (Byron Thames) moves Drama, Romance, Soap Opera 1980 See Here, Private Hargrove in with Natalie (future Academy Award® winner* Jennifer 279min. Connelly) on a friends-only basis while her dad is away - and Donna Reed, Keenan Wynn, Robert Walker, moves in on her budding relationship with a swell-headed Warner Bros. MOD 05.03.2010 Grant Mitchell high school hero (Alan Boyce). Meanwhile, Polly (Maddie 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107824 Corman) flips over a big-league ballplayer (Billy Wirth) who Romance, War, Comedy 1944 101min. got to second base with her one ardent afternoon. She carries Warner Bros. MOD 24.06.2011 a torch while he carries on with a full roster of groupies. The Sea Hawk These situations cross, crisscross and double-cross 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107856 delightfully, thanks to the talents of an energetic young cast, Enid Bennett, Wallace Beery, Lloyd the deftness of the comedy and the truth of the characters. Hughes, Marc McDermott, Milton Sills See You In The Morning Give Seven Minutes In Heaven your time. Galleon slaves strain against the oars...warships blast Romance, Comedy, Drama, Friendships Alice Krige, Farrah Fawcett, Jeff Bridges, cannonades of death...and one of the great seafaring 1986 88min. swashbucklers of the Silent Era (presented with added music) Lukas Haas, Frances Sternhagen, David Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2010 sails anew on DVD. Milton Sills, a stalwart silent-movie actor Dukes, Drew Barrymore, Theodore Bikel sure to be better known today if not for his untimely death, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107862 plays the gentleman pirate - The Sea Hawk - who escapes the Romance, Drama 119min. treachery of a dastardly sea dog (Wallace Beery) and Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 becomes the scourge of Spain’s navy. Two-time Academy Seven Sweethearts Award® winner* Frank Lloyd helms the excitement, hewing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107857 closer to the Sabatini novel than would the later Errol Flynn Van Heflin, Kathryn Grayson, Marsha Hunt, movie, using full-sized ships during filming and finding his sea The Sellout Peggy Moran, Cecilia Parker, S.K. Sakall legs years before guiding 1935’s Oscar®-winning Best Love blooms for a New York reporter (Van Heflin) during a Picture Mutiny on the Bounty. Walter Pidgeon, Audrey Totter, Paula small-town tulip festival when the youngest of the seven Van Pirates, Romance, Silent Film, Raymond, Thomas Gomez, John Hodiak Maaster daughters (Kathryn Grayson) captures his heart. But Swashbucklers, Adventure, Drama, High Respected newspaperman Haven D. Allridge (Walter Papa Van Maaster (S.Z. Sakall) insists his girls get married Pidgeon) goes after the vicious petty Napoleon who holds a chronologically. And since the snooty oldest daughter doesn’t Seas 1924 124min. small town in his corrupt grasp. In the midst of his campaign to even have a suitor, the other six - all of whom have admirers - Warner Bros. MOD 31.07.2009 expose the crook, Allridge suddenly skips town. Is he a may have a long wait for the altar! Director Frank Borzage 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107851 sellout, or has his crusade led him into a sinister trap? This (The Mortal Storm, 1932’s A Farewell To Arms) brings his bare-knuckle crime drama features a superb in-the-know and master-of-romance touch to all the lovesick complications in-the-noir cast that includes John Hodiak, Karl Malden, seven sweethearts and their beaus can create. Music buoys The Search Cameron Mitchell, Everett Sloane, Thomas Gomez, and as a the merriment along, including the oompah-pah-and-dance- sloe-eyed chantootsie who ends up battered and behind bars, filled festival and Grayson adorning several numbers with her Jarmila Novotna, Aline MacMahon, film noir icon Audrey Totter. Like the honest newshounds and silvery soprano. Montgomery Clift, Wendell Corey lawmen who inhabit it, The Sellout doesn’t miss a thing: the Musical, Romance 1942 98min. In post-World War II Germany, a small boy who survived film ends with a nifty courtroom-thriller sequence. Warner Bros. MOD 09.08.2011 Auschwitz wanders alone - feral, mute and terrified. He finds Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues a makeshift home with a big-hearted GI, while the mother he 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107863

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Bainter, Joan Crawford, Margaret Sullavan The Seventh Cross The Sheepman When Joan Crawford saw The Shining Hour on stage, she pleaded with the studio to let her spread her acting wings in Jessica Tandy, Spencer Tracy, Agnes Shirley MacLaine, Mickey Shaughnessy, the film version. She got her wish, playing a New York siren Moorehead, Hume Cronyn, Signe Hasso Edgar Buchanan, Glenn Ford, Leslie who marries a prosperous farmer () and Somewhere in Nazi Germany there is a concentration camp. Nielsen moves to Wisconsin. There she is drawn to his handsome And in that camp, there are seven crosses, one for each of the brother (Robert Young), even as she befriends the brother’s If there’s one word in Powder Valley’s cattle country that selfless wife (Margaret Sullavan, Crawford’s choice for the men who dared to escape. One by one, the Gestapo hunts the makes the locals’ jaws clench and trigger-fingers twitch, here seven down, and returns them to the crosses. And death. Until role). The passionate triangle plays out in the best tradition of it is: sheep. But easygoing Jason Sweet won a trainload of classic screen melodrama: glossy and chic, but resonant with there is but one cross left. And one man left trying to escape sheep in a poker game and he aims to graze them. And rolling, it. Fred Zinnemann (High Noon) directs Spencer Tracy at the honest emotion. And the movie’s heart-stopping climax with green Powder Valley looks like the perfect place. In the year Crawford battling flames to rescue Sullavan from certain head of a terrifically talented ensemble that includes such he was named the top male box-office draw, Glenn Ford notables as Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy (their first death in a house fire is, both literally and figuratively, strapped on his sidearm and his sense of humor to portray incendiary filmmaking. appearance together), Ray Collins, Signe Hasso and Agnes Jason. George Marshall, who showed how the West was fun Moorehead. This tense, terse and gripping war-time thriller in Destry Rides Again, directs Ford, Shirley MacLaine, Romance, Drama 1938 76min. both plumbs the depths of human depravity and soars to the Leslie Nielsen (as the villain) and more familiar talents in a Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 heights of human charity and sacrifice, as one man’s journey tale that combines genre sendups with showdown heroics. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107896 through hell restores his faith in mankind. The Sheepman: Smile when you say that, pardner! War, World War II, Chases, Drama, Western, Comedy 1958 85min. Holocaust 1944 110min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 Ship Ahoy Warner Bros. MOD 22.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107893 Bert Lahr, Eleanor Powell, Red Skelton, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107864 William Post Jr. Shergar (Blu-ray) Musical, Romance, Comedy, High Seas 1942 95min. Shaft: The TV Movie Collection Ian Holm, Mickey Rourke, David Warner, Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 Richard Roundtree Andrew Connolly He’s the coolest private detective around, caught up in all the Based on the true story of Shergar, Ireland’s most decorated 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107897 hottest cases. Can you dig it? Richard Roundtree portrays thoroughbred and perhaps the greatest racehorse of all time, streetsmart Harlem sleuth John Shaft, reprising the film role who was kidnapped by IRA terrorists and held for a $2 million Shipmates Forever he played in three trend-setting movies of the early 1970s ransom. Terrorists Gavin O’Rourke (Mickey Rourke) and (and would revisit in the 2000 Shaft remake starring Samuel L. Dermot Concannon kidnap Shergar and steal him away to a Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell, Lewis Stone, Jackson). In these seven episodes that each ran in a 90- remote farm. Unbeknownst to the kidnappers, a young teenage Ross Alexander, Eddie Acuff minute timeslot, Shaft likes his women chic, his cars fast and runaway named Kevin lives in the hayloft of the farm. When his clothes expensive ? and takes the fight to mob lowlifes, The story, much of it filmed in Annapolis at the historic United Shergar’s owners refuse to pay the ransom, it is up to Kevin, States Naval Academy, involves a midshipman (Powell) who’d scumballs and vigilantes who prey upon Shaft’s pals and the orphaned son of a jockey who himself dreams of becoming other decent, everyday people. And, yes, it just wouldn’t be rather be a crooner than a sailor and a dance instructor a great rider, to rescue Shergar. With the help of a kindly old (Keeler) who’d rather not chart a life’s course with a navy Shaft without the signature theme music of Isaac Hayes. stable hand (Ian Holm) and his granddaughter, Kevin embarks That’s here, too. Right on! After someone takes out a defense man. Time and circumstance (including danger at sea during a on a desperate ride, staying only steps ahead of the training cruise) will change all that. attorney and his recently acquitted client, Shaft takes the kidnappers and the authorities. As Kevin races Shergar case. Framed for murder, Shaft has to take it on the run - toward the Cliffs of Mohar, he faces a monumental decision Musical, Navy, High Seas, Military 1935 straight to the red light district! Can he keep his mind on that will change his life forever! 109min. focused on finding the true killer? Shaft searched for proof of life while acting as a middleman for a banker and the British, Drama, Foreign, Horses, Terrorism Warner Bros. MOD 17.07.2009 kidnappers who snatched his wife. It’s Shaft versus the thin 1999 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107898 blue line as he takes on corruption in th Gaiam Americas 03.04.2012 TV Movies, Action, Blaxploitation, Cult Film / 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107845 The Shopworn Angel TV, Detectives 518min. Walter Pidgeon, Nat Pendleton, Margaret Warner Bros. MOD 28.10.2011 She’s Back On Broadway Sullavan, Hattie McDaniel, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107865 Virginia Mayo, Patrice Wymore, Gene Nel- The chemistry that Margaret Sullavan and James Stewart son, Frank Lovejoy, Steve Cochran would lift to exquisite heights in The Shop Around The Corner Shattered Innocence is on earlier display in this tender romance scripted by Waldo There’s big ballyhoo on Broadway: Catherine Terris is back, Salt (Midnight Cowboy, Coming Home). Sullavan portrays Melinda Dillon, Jonna Lee, Kris Kamm, Ben thinking a Great White Way smasheroo will spark her Daisy Heath, a Broadway songbird who knows too much Frank, Dennis Howard, John Pleshette declining movie career. The musical she’ll headline is a about life. Texas doughboy Bill Pettigrew (Stewart) knows razzle-dazzler of warbling and wooing called Breakfast In little, except that he’ll soon be shipped overseas to the World A small-town girl with big-city dreams, 18-year-old Pauleen Bed. An eager, talented cast is rehearsed and ready for some Anderson (Jonna Lee) arrives in Hollywood, where the blue- War I trenches. And that he’s been crazy in love with Daisy snappy showmanship. But the director, Catherine’s old flame, ever since they shared a taxi. Increasingly charmed by Bill’s eyed blonde hopes to launch a high-paying modeling career. is in a snit. He still loves her. And he’s sure that once the Beginning with topless photos but soon making the move into heartfelt devotion and hoping to give him something to look rave reviews and box-office receipts roll in, she’ll depart for forward to while he’s risking death over there, Daisy agrees hardcore porn, Pauleen becomes one of the biggest names in Hollywood, just as she did six years earlier. Virginia Mayo is the business. But success has its price, as her struggles with to marry him. But there’s something about her Bill doesn’t the lovely she of She’s Back On Broadway, a back stager that know.... guilt, drugs and her family’s shame slowly drive the young co-stars ever-reliable song-and-dance man Gene Nelson. woman toward the edge. Inspired by true events and co- Don’t miss the trumpet-and-tap specialty by Condos and Romance, War, World War I, Drama 1938 starring Melinda Dillon as Pauleen’s disapproving mother and Brandow. Zowie! 85min. John Pleshette as her lover/would-be protector, Shattered Innocence pulls no punches in its depiction of a troubled girl’s Musical, Romance 1953 95min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 hard choices. With compelling performances and balanced Warner Bros. MOD 02.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107899 direction by Sandor Stern, it compares favorably with 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107894 similarly themed movies like Star 80 and Boogie Nights. Troubled Youth, TV Movies, Drama, Show Business Substance Abuse 1988 94min. She’s Working Her Way Through Joan Davis, Nancy Kelly, Constance Moore, Warner Bros. MOD 02.07.2011 College George Murphy, Eddie Cantor, Donald 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107891 Ronald Reagan, Virginia Mayo, Phyllis Douglas Show business can be burlesque or vaudeville, the Ziegfeld Thaxter, Gene Nelson, Don Defore Follies or smoky dives where a fella sings for drinks. In Show She Let other coeds wait tables or shelve library books. Business, it’s all of ‘em! Eddie Cantor, George Murphy, Joan Burlesque queen Hot-Garters Gertie is working her way Davis and Constance Ford star in a star-crossed story of Peter Cushing, Ursula Andress, Rosenda through college one article of clothing at a time! Virginia Mayo stardom as small-timers who aim for the big their Monteros, John Richardson, Bernard and Ronald Reagan headline this rollicking campus musical careers and in love. Some make it. Some don’t (at least not Cribbins comedy based on the stage and screen classic The Male until just before the final credits). The song list of evergreens Animal. Hoping to leave the daily bump ‘n’ grind behind, includes Dinah, Making Whoopee, Alabamy Bound and as a She has waited 2000 years for her lover to be reborn - the gorgeous Gertie (Mayo) enrolls at Midwest State, where she lover dead by her own hand! Luscious Ursula Andress stars recurring motif that weaves the story together, the heartfelt It proceeds to complicate the lives of a handsome theater arts Had to Be You. Cantor produced, basing the film partly on his in H. Rider Haggard’s classic tale of an ageless love professor (Reagan), Midwest’s star quarterback (Gene goddess, ruler of a magnificent lost mountain realm, who own climb to fame and proving that 35 years in show biz had Nelson) and jealous rival „Poison“ Ivy Williams (Patrice taught him exactly how to sell a song, get a laugh or wring a discovers the reincarnation of her beloved in a handsome Wymore). It takes a smash-hit student musical, featuring tunes English adventurer (John Richardson). Promising riches and tear. by Sammy Cahn and Vernon Duke, to put everything right. Musical, Romance, Comedy 1944 92min. her seductive self, she lures him through countless perils into Musical, Romance, 1952 the Desert of Lost Souls, the Mountains of the Moon and a Warner Bros. MOD 03.09.2010 85min. pillar of fire that grants eternal life. Famed horror team Peter 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107900 Cushing and Christopher Lee co-star in this imaginative story Warner Bros. MOD 02.04.2010 of danger and desire. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107895 Romance, Adventure, Fantasy 1965 Show Girl In Hollywood 106min. The Shining Hour Blanche Sweet, Alice White, Jack Mulhall, Warner Bros. MOD 18.09.2009 John Miljan, Ford Sterling 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107892 Robert Young, Melvyn Douglas, Fay

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Musical, Comedy, Drama 1930 80min. Musical). ry Travers, Beulah Bondi, Jane Bryan, Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 Musical, Drama 1928 105min. Donald Crisp, Alan Hale, Errol Flynn, Dick 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107913 Warner Bros. MOD 04.09.2009 Foran, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107923 Romance, Drama, Historical / Period Piece Show Of Shows 1938 99min. John Barrymore, H.B. Warner, Frank Fay, The Singing Kid Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 Hobart Bosworth Sybil Jason, Beverly Roberts, Lyle Talbot, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107935 Now hear this. The studio that gave the cinema its voice Edward Everett Horton, Al Jolson offered 1929 audiences a chance to see and hear multiple Al Jolson’s a kid at heart with a heart full of song in this Sit Tight silent-screen favorites for the first time in a gaudy, grandiose backstage tale of a knock-’em-dead star who loses his voice music-comedy-novelty revue that also included Talkie stars, and fortune, finds recovery and romance during a country Claudia Dell, Winnie Lightner, Joe E. Brown, Broadway luminaries and of course, Rin-Tin-Tin. Frank Fay respite, and returns to Broadway to knock ‘em dead again. Paul Gregory hosts a jamboree that, among its 70+ stars, features Jolson launches the film with a medley of his greatest hits. A movie musical about...wrestling? Turns out the public grew bicyclers, boxing champ Georges Carpentier, chorines in Great as well are the comedic crooning of The Yacht Club weary of musicals while Sit Tight was made, so most of the terpsichore kickery, sister acts, Myrna Loy in two-strip Boys quartet, a Hi-Di-Ho romp by legendary bandman Cab tunes were jettisoned prior to release. What remains is a Technicolor as an exotic Far East beauty, John Barrymore in Calloway and Edward Everett Horton and Allen Jenkins wrestling comedy filled with plenty of pre-Code friskiness. a Shakespearean soliloquy (adding an on-screen voice to his lending witty comedy support. Best of all is Jolson’s combo Athletic funnyman Joe E. Brown plays Jojo Mullins, who has legendary profile for the first time) and Winnie Lightner My Mammy/I Love to Sing-a number that struts from rehearsal an eye for the ladies although his heart belongs to the famously warbling the joys of „Singing In The Bathtub.“ onto the city sidewalks and builds into a gotta-dance street manager (Winnie Lightner) of the health club where he works. Watch, rinse, repeat! scene where every Mr. and Ms. John Q. Public loves to Eager to show the ring prowess he learned by Musical 1929 128min. sway-a and dance-a. correspondence, Jojo gets his chance in a big-time match. Warner Bros. MOD 22.01.2010 Musical, Romance, Drama 1936 85min. Paul Gregory and Claudia Dell (rumored to be the model for Warner Bros. MOD 04.09.2009 Columbia Pictures logo) play the subplot’s young lovebirds in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107914 this energetic comedy that’s one of nearly 50 films directed by 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107925 Lloyd Bacon in the 1930s. Sidewalks Of New York Musical, Sports, Comedy 1931 74min. Anita Page, , Cliff Edwards The Singing Nun Warner Bros. MOD 16.07.2010 Immortal film clown Buster Keaton (The General, Our Debbie Reynolds, Katharine Ross, Agnes 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107937 Hospitality, etc.) ignites a big city free-for-all in this riotous Moorehead, Ricardo Montalban, Greer „talkie“ costarring Anita Page (The Broadway Melody) and Cliff Edwards (Girl Of The Golden West). In a hilariously Garson, Chad Everett, Ed Sullivan The Sitter hapless attempt to collect the on one of his inner city Debbie Reynolds (Singin’ In The Rain, Mother) stars in this inspirational true story of a Belgian nun who writes a song for , Ari Graynor, Jonah Hill tenements, wealthy uptown landlord Harmon (Keaton) is Need a sitter?. Jonah Hill rides out one outrageously wild mobbed by unruly street urchins. But when he sets his eyes a motherless boy. Through the help of kindly priest, Ricardo Montalban (TV’s Fantasy Island, Star Trek: The Wrath Of night in this hilarious comedy from the director of Pineapple on Margie (Page), the beautiful older sister of a young tough Express. Suburban slacker Noah (Hill) is watching a named Clipper, Harmon forgets all about his rent money. Khan, she goes on to becomes an international pop sensation. With Oscar-winner Greer Garson (Mrs. Miniver, , neighbor’s kids when he gets a booty call from his horny Smitten by Margie, and suddenly imbued with the spirit of girlfriend in the city. To hook up with her, Noah takes to the philanthropy, Harmon commences a sidesplitting campaign to Mr. Chips), Oscar-nominee Agnes Moorehead (TV’s Bewitched, Citizen Kane), Chad Everett (TV’s Medical streets, but his urban adventure spins out of control as he „reform“ Clipper and the rest of the street kids. Harmon and finds himself on the run from a maniacal druglord. Raunchy his faithful valet Poggle (Edwards) pull out all the stops to Center), Oscar-nominee Katherine Ross (The Graduate, TV’s The Colbys) and the undisputed king of television variety laughs and insane action - it’s all in a night’s work for The lure the kids off the streets - and simultaneously foil the Sitter. scheme of a local crook who also has designs on Margie. One shows, Ed Sullivan. Nominated for an Academy Award for of Keaton’s earliest ventures into sound film, Sidewalks Of Best Original Score. Comedy 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 82min. New York brims with the comedian’s trademark acrobatic Music, Religion/Spirituality, Comedy, Drama 20th Century Fox 20.03.2012 antics and nonstop slapstick pandemonium. 1966 97min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108132 Troubled Youth, Comedy, Crime 1931 Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 74min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107927 The Sitter (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. MOD 18.11.2011 Sam Rockwell, Ari Graynor, Jonah Hill 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107916 The Single Standard Need a sitter?. Jonah Hill rides out one outrageously wild Greta Garbo, Dorothy Sebastian, Johnny night in this hilarious comedy from the director of Pineapple The Sin Of Madelon Claudet Express. Suburban slacker Noah (Hill) is watching a Mack Brown, Nils Asther, Lane Chandler neighbor’s kids when he gets a booty call from his horny Robert Young, Helen Hayes, Jean Hersholt, For a number of generations, men have done as they please - girlfriend in the city. To hook up with her, Noah takes to the Marie Prevost, Lewis Stone, Neil Hamilton, and women have done as men pleased. Not so for San Fran- streets, but his urban adventure spins out of control as he cisco socialite Arden Stuart (Greta Garbo). To be fulfilled, finds himself on the run from a maniacal druglord. Raunchy Cliff Edwards she wants the freedom men have to take - or leave - love laughs and insane action - it’s all in a night’s work for The Prison, Drama 1931 75min. where they find it. So she embarks on a sensual seafaring Sitter. Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 odyssey with a boxer-turned-artist who declares, „There are Comedy 2011 Ltbx DTS 82min. many theories about love, but only one answer: equality and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107920 perfect freedom.“ But can any woman be free without paying a 20th Century Fox 20.03.2012 terrible price? In this daring late silent, the divine Garbo is 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108149 The Frank Sinatra Film ideally cast playing a character in many ways like herself: unconventional, independent, desired. And look for an in-joke Collection Garbo fans will love - the name of the yacht is All Alone. Red Skelton Whistling Collection Frank Sinatra Romance, Silent Film, Drama 1929 71min. Red Skelton Singer. Actor. Superstar. Legend. Academy Award winner Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Whistling In The Dark [Disc 1]. What was true then is true Frank Sinatra, known to his legions of fans as „ol’ blue eyes,“ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107929 today when Red unleashes live-wire goofiness as the Fox, a remains a true Hollywood icon. Available together for the first radio sleuth kidnapped by crooks wanting him to devise a time in this collectible DVD set are ten signature films, perfect murder. The result? Perfect chaos! Whistling In Dixie spanning the heart of Sinatra’s acting career. From a toe- The Sins Of Rachel Cade [Disc 2] plunges Red (and Whistling trilogy co-stars Ann tapping musical to gripping dramas to thrilling action- Rutherford and Rags Ragland) into a magnolias-and-mayhem adventures, these movies capture the phenomenal range and , Woody Strode, Angie mystery about Confederate treasure. In Whistling In Brooklyn. talent of this acclaimed performer. Dickinson, Slapstick, Classics, Collections, Comedy Boxed Sets, Classics, Drama S min. It’s 1939, and World War II begins its carnage. But deep in 239min. the Belgian Congo, nurse Rachel Cade goes about the daily, 20th Century Fox 03.04.2012 desperate business of saving lives, barely touched by the Warner Bros. MOD 16.07.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108133 world outside. Then an RAF pilot crash lands near the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107715 hospital, bringing with him the urgency of war...and a love that will change Rachel’s life forever. Three exciting stars - The Singing Fool Angie Dickinson (Point Blank), Peter Finch (Network) and Betty Bronson, Josephine Dunn, Al Jolson, seven-time James Bond Roger Moore - headline an exotic Henry Jones, Susan Clark, Neva Patterson, drama scripted by (Becket). Of equal note is Reed Howes, Arthur Housman the extraordinary supporting cast, including Woody Strode, Brenda Sykes, Edward Asner, James After the The Jazz Singer, movie fans and Hollywood honchos Juano Hernandez, Rafer Johnson and Scatman Crothers. Garner, Andrew Duggan, Lou Gossett Jr. knew what they wanted: more songs, more sentiment...more Al Powerful performances and powerful storytelling infuse this Posing as master and slave, likable swindlers Quincy (James Jolson. So The Jazz Singer star became The Singing Fool in film with a timeless relevance. Garner) and Jason (Lou Gossett) ride into backwater prairie the heartfelt rags-to-riches-to-rags saga of Al Stone, a Romance, Drama 1961 124min. towns in 1875. And after Quincy intones and Jason moans, singing waiter who becomes a sensation, then loses Jason is sold to the highest bidder. Quincy later springs him everything when his two-timing wife walks out - and takes Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 loose and they split town, split the cash and head down the Al’s beloved little boy with her. Along the way, Jolson belts 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107931 road to the next sucker. It’s an effective scam for these smart out It All Depends on You, Sittin’ on Top of the World and and nimble schemers - until they cross paths with an equally Sonny Boy, the tearjerker that became the star’s signature clever con woman (Susan Clark) and an irate former customer song. Audiences ate it up. „Until the arrival in 1939 of Gone The Sisters (Edward Asner). „What could have so easily been the most With The Wind, the most financially successful sound picture tasteless picture of the year turns out to be one of the in Hollywood’s history was The Singing Fool (The Hollywood Bette Davis, Ian Hunter, Anita Louise, Hen-

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MOD 18.12.2009 Jason London, John Schneider, Danielle 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107942 Chuchran, Brittany Wiscombe, Shawn Car- Skins: Season 1 ter Jesse Carere, Britne Oldford, Rachel Small Town Girl Survival Is Everything. People disappear every year out in the snow—but this year, something is adding to the body Thevenard, Eleanor Zichy, Daniel Flaherty, Farley Granger, Jane Powell, Robert Keith, count. Jim (John Schneider) and his research team study the Ron Mustafa, James Newman Billie Burke, Ann Miller, S.Z. Sakall, Bobby Canadian Lynx every year. This year, he has to take his This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Van rebelling 16 year-old daughter Emmy with him. But the lynx a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Sentenced to 30 days cooling his heels in the Duck Creek are missing. As Jim and his team try to find why, something Skins is a wild ride through the lives of a group of high school cooler for speeding, Manhattan playboy Rick Belrow stalks them—a predator no prey can escape. friends stumbling through the mine field of adolescence... and Livingston (Farley Granger) decides he doesn’t like anything Science Fiction, Thrillers, Wilderness, Ac- stepping on most of the mines as they go. We’ll meet Tony; about small towns...until he meets small town girl Cindy tion, Adventure, Drama, Monsters 2011 good looking, witty, manipulative - he wants everything, and Kimbell (Jane Powell). The stars make charming lovers, but usually gets it. Then there’s his girlfriend Michelle; gorgeous the film belongs to Busby Berkeley, whose inspired dance Ltbx 90min. and clever, just not clever enough to realize Tony may not be direction guides some of the most famed moments in movie- SunWorld Pictures 04.10.2011 the right one for her. And maybe the right one is actually musical history: I’ve Got to Hear That Beat, with Ann Miller 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108115 Tony’s best friend, Stanley. He’s everything Tony isn’t, and whirling her fabulous legs around a floor of disembodied that might end up being a good thing. Of course, Stanley is hands playing musical instruments, and human-pogo stick stuck in a pretend relationship with Cadie, possibly the most Bobby Van’s jaw-dropping, gravity-defying hop through town The Snow Devils dysfunctional girl ever to attend a high school... or maybe to the tune of Take Me to Broadway. that’s all just another thing she’s faking. You’ll love Chris Ombretta Colli, Jack Stuart because, well, everyone does. No drug is too obscure for him Musical, Romance 1953 92min. Big, hairy and very scary. When a Himalayan weather station to try, and no sexual mountain too high for him to climb. Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 is smashed to smithereens by creatures who leave super- Complicating everyone’s life is the infamous Tea. She likes 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107943 sized footprints, suspicion falls on Abominable Snowmen. A girls. And girls like her. What more is there to figure out... heroic expedition braves snow-whipped precipices and right? And let’s not discovers the dreaded humanoids. But wait - these are Drama, Friendships, High School, MTV, The Smart Set extraterrestrial yetis who zipped in from outer space to conquer Earth by melting the polar ice caps with high-energy Romance 2011 512min. Jack Holt, William Haines, Hobart Bosworth proton fields. Will mankind be global-warmed into surrender? MTV MOD 17.01.2012 Arrogant aristocrat Tommy Van Buren (William Haines) calls Antonio Margheriti (aka Anthony Dawson) of The Wild, Wild 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108076 himself „America’s gift to polo,“ while his female fans think Planet and War Of The Planets fame directs this cult-classic he’s the most gorgeous creature on four legs. All except for freakfest that’s a Big Foot tangled up in a shoestring f/x plucky Polly (Alice Day), who responds to his amorous budget. Skirts Ahoy! advances by running him off the road! And now that Tommy’s replaced her father on the squad, Polly has even more reason Science Fiction, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Keefe Brasselle, Vivian Blaine, Esther to loathe the pompous brute - although after an evening’s Drama, Foreign, Italian 1967 78min. Williams, Joan Evans, Barry Sullivan dancing and dalliance, even she yields to the champ’s charms. Warner Bros. MOD 13.09.2011 Three women, three different situations: Whitney (Williams), But when Tommy’s alcohol-fueled antics get him tossed from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107947 a rich girl who leaves her groom at the altar; Una (Vivian the team, he’ll have to stop horsing around to win the interna- Blaine), a shopgirl whose desire to marry is continually tional series, his beloved pinto Pronto and the heart of young thwarted by the duty assignments of her sailor boyfriend; Polly. Join silent era superstar William Haines as he scores So Fine Mary Kate (Joan Evans), who was left at the altar by a one of his greatest goals in this exciting, elegant comedy. It’s hesitant fiancé. Soon, all three women report for induction at the smart thing to do. Fred Gwynne, Richard Kiel, Mariangela the Great Lakes Naval Training Station and end up roommates. Silent Film, Sports, Comedy 1928 80min. Melato, Jack Warden What follows is a frothy and fun musical buoyed by a chipper Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Sexy Comedies, Comedy 1981 90min. cast and seven tunes by Ralph Blane and Harry Warren. Skirts Ahoy! features two swim numbers with Williams and a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107944 Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 star turn by Debbie Reynolds and Bobby Van, who sparkle in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107948 a special song-and-dance routine to „Oh By Jingo!“ Ahoy, Smart Woman indeed! Musical, Navy, Comedy, girl power, Military , Barry Sullivan, James So Goes My Love 1952 109min. Gleason, Brian Aherne Myrna Loy, , Rhys Williams, Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2009 The D.A. has taken a bullet and attorney Paula Rogers Bobby Driscoll, Richard Gaines (Constance Bennett) has taken the case, defending the Don Ameche, renowned for his portrayal of the telephone’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107940 shooter who has a history of racketeering and blackmail. inventor in The Story Of Alexander Graham Bell, here plays Opposing Rogers is special prosecutor Robert Larrimore another prolific inventor: Hiram Stevens Maxim, whose many Slightly Dangerous (Brian Aherne), who recently proposed marriage to her. Will creations include a machine gun, a mousetrap, the curling iron his feelings for her compromise his efforts? „You can’t and various manufacturing mechanisms. The film is a love Robert Young, Eugene Pallette, Lana Tur- compromise with truth,“ Larrimore declares. This polished story, with Myrna Loy portraying Maxim’s bride, who sought melodrama is rife with elements typical of the era’s „woman’s wealth but found love. It is a growing-up story, with Bobby ner, Dame May Whitty, Walter Brennan picture:“ a female in a man’s world; a suave male lead; When working girl Peggy Evans of humdrum Hotchkiss Falls Driscoll playing Maxim’s son. And it is a affectionate sumptuous sets; ample amounts of romance, menace and evocation of time and place based on the son’s popular gets a makeover, she does more than change from prim mystery and for good measure, a surprising courtroom brunette to racy blonde. She gets a whole new life, leaving remembrance A Genius in the Family and filmed during the era revelation about Rogers’ past. Court is in session for an of the comparably nostalgic Life With Father, I Remember behind what everyone thinks is a suicide note and resurfacing intriguingly Smart Woman. in New York City, where she passes herself off as Carole Mama and Stars In My Crown. Memory warmly endures in So Burden, the long-lost amnesiac child of a millionaire. But Romance, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues Goes My Love. Peggy’s boss, accused of driving her to suicide and despera- 1948 93min. Romance, Comedy, Drama 1946 88min. te to prove his innocence, is on her trail. For cover, he says Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 Warner Bros. MOD 03.06.2010 he is Peggy’s beloved hubby. and Robert Young circle, collide, and ultimately clinch amid the merry mix-ups of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107945 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107950 the romantic comedy Slightly Dangerous. Adding to the classic fun: an aces cast of Walter Brennan, Dame May Smile Jenny, You’re Dead So Long Letty Whitty and more! Romance, Comedy 1943 94min. David Janssen, , Andrea Charlotte Greenwood, Patsy Ruth Miller, Warner Bros. MOD 20.08.2010 Marcovicci, , John Grant Withers, Claude Gillingwater 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107941 Anderson Let’s swap wives...perfectly innocently, of course! Wiseacre Harry Orwell has been retired from the force ever since he Letty Robbins switches places with the demure wife-next- caught a bullet that lodged inoperably in his back. But that door to impress her conventional (and rich) Uncle Claude ? Slither doesn’t mean the man called Harry O is out of the action. setting wives, husbands, uncles and various hanger-ons into Moonlighting as a private sleuth, fighting off daily back pain a merry spin. Charlotte Greenwood, a full six feet (most of it Sally Kellerman, Louise Lasser, James and typically traveling by public bus instead of his own car legs) of comic talent and eccentric dance expertise, makes Caan, , Allen Garfield („It gives a man a chance to think“), he’s on the trail of the her movie debut by bringing her Broadway musical hit to the Now here’s a movie with as many zany people and events as lowlife who murdered his pal’s son-in-law. It won’t be the screen ? and scoring another hit with Bijou audiences a road map has destinations. Yes, it happens to be a road only time the killer strikes before Harry closes in. David everywhere. Perhaps best known as Aunt Eller in the film movie and on its zigzag route involving the search for a Janssen (The Fugitive) portrays dogged detective Harry in version of Oklahoma!, Greenwood enjoyed six decades of tucked-away stash of cash, you’ll find a house blown to the telefilm that was the second of two pilots preceding his success in vaudeville and on stage and screen. Romping kingdom come; a pill-popping, short-shorted wanderer packing memorable Harry O series. Among the highlights: young Jodie through her signature role of Letty, she shows exactly why heat (Sally Kellerman); amiable ne’er-do-wells (James Caan, Foster as Liberty, the wise-beyond-her-years homeless waif she was so long a fan favorite. Peter Boyle) looking to do better as they steer a muscle car Harry befriends. Musical, Comedy 1929 64min. towing a silver Airsteam (with Louise Lasser inside) - plus TV Movies, Crime, Detectives, Drama 1974 Warner Bros. MOD 22.01.2010 trailing villains in ominous black vans, a diner stick-up, beach

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45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107951 Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Outbreak). Directed by Franklin J. Schaffner (Patton), Sphinx bristles with peril and shines with the eye-dazzling landmarks 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107959 of ancient Egypt - as well as a close up look at the lavish So This Is College treasures of Tutankhamen, filmed with special permission. A Son Of The Gods determined young anthropologist (Down) has come across a Sally Stark, Robert Montgomery, Elliott clue leading to a long-forgotten royal tomb. And pays no mind Nugent, Cliff Edwards E. Alyn Warren, Constance Bennett, Ri- to the notion that Egypt’s last undiscovered treasure may Calculus? Nah. Chem? No way. Russian Lit? Oh, please. chard Barthelmess, Anders Randolf, carry a curse - and perhaps that there may be some black College in 1929, in Hollywood at least, was all about girls, marketeers eager to sustain the illusion of such a a football and girls! Robert Montgomery graduates summa cum Claude King fashion as terrifying as any scary ancient legend. laughter in this rah-rah musical, playing a football star who The clash of East and West, of tolerance and bigotry, of man Mystery, Thrillers, Adventure, Ancient lets a devious coed come between himself and his buddy and woman play out in this vivid early Talkie. Richard (Elliott Nugent). Actual USC-Stanford game footage provides Barthelmess portrays Sam Lee, a Chinese-American who, Egypt 1981 117min. much of the gridiron action. And the two young actors would stung by racial slurs, leaves his wealthy father’s New York Warner Bros. MOD 16.04.2010 go on to first-string careers: Montgomery as one of the top home to make his own way in Europe. There he falls for a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107968 leading men of the Golden Age and Nugent as a successful beauty (Constance Bennett) who proves beauty is only skin playwright (The Male Animal) and director (The Male Animal, deep when she discovers Sam’s heritage and vents her fury in My Favorite Brunette). a shocking, not-to-be-missed scene of pure racial hatred. A Spitfire bold look at intolerance that helped secure Warner Bros. Musical, Sports, College Life, Comedy, Dra- studio’s reputation for social-conscience filmmaking, Son of Robert Young, Katharine Hepburn, Martha ma, Football 1929 98min. the Gods was also a reprise of sorts for Barthelmess: He Sleeper, Ralph Bellamy Warner Bros. MOD 02.04.2010 played a Chinese opposite Lillian Gish in D.W. Griffith’s Katharine Hepburn portrayed everything from queens to a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107953 famed Broken Blossoms. Chinese peasant in her splendid career, but her most unusual Romance, Drama 1930 93min. role may just be Trigger Hicks in Spitfire. The elegant, Warner Bros. MOD 19.03.2010 cultured Hepburn plays an ornery, rock-chuckin’ mountain gal So This Is Love who finds God - and a knack for faith healing - in a pack of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107961 stolen Bible cards. But when she exercises her self-declared Kathryn Grayson, Rosemary DeCamp, Joan miraculous powers on a sick baby, the local folks figure Weldon, Walter Abel, Merv Griffin Song Of Love Trigger is a force of supernatural evil. Two fine leading men, Forget her string of Brodawy successes. Forget even the Robert Young and Ralph Bellamy, lend skilled support in a flowers-and-candlelight ardor of handsome bachelors. Katharine Hepburn, Robert Walker, Paul picture that’s Hepburn’s all the way: „After the story of There’s only one great passion in Grace Moore’s life: to star Henreid, Leo G. Carroll, Henry Daniell Spitfire is forgotten, memories of Miss Hepburn’s performance at New York’s Metropolitan Opera House. Flowing with The music, composed long ago, still speaks to us. It reaches will remain“ (The Times (London)). songs popularized by Moore and excerpts from three classic out to tell us of profound struggles and great genius, of aching Religion/Spirituality, Drama 1934 87min. operas, So This Is Love is a polished gem about how the setbacks and glorious triumphs, of three people whose names, Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 stage and screen star (a Best Actress Oscar nominee for like their music, echo across the years: Clara Wieck, Robert 1934’s One Night Of Love) sang her dream into reality. It’s a Schumann and Johannes Brahms. The intertwined lives of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107969 perfect match of star and role: Kathryn Grayson (Show Boat, three musical legends form A Song Of Love, a sumptuously Kiss Me Kate), who also had an enduring ambition to perform produced and skillfully played biopic set to 11 musical pieces Splintered on the operatic stage, portrays Moore. A colorful supporting that include Schumann’s poignant Arabeske, Brahms’ tender cast plays the Who’s Who roles of other show-biz greats, and Lullaby and the Mephisto Waltz of Franz Liszt. Katharine Holly Weston, Jonathan Readwin, Sacha in only his second movie is an entertainer who’d score big on Hepburn portrays renowned pianist Wieck, married to the home screen: Merv Griffin. Dhawan, Stephen Walters troubled Schumann (Paul Henreid) yet romantically admired Somewhere prowling in the darkest corner of a desolate, Music, Musical, Opera, Biopics 1953 by Brahms (Robert Walker). And virtuoso pianist Artur abandoned building on the edge of a wilderness is a 101min. Rubenstein ghosts the recorded pieces that the stars, in a dangerous animal. It’s a human animal that lives by the rules Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 deft display of acting prowess, seem to play on screen. Bravo of the wild, where survival is the only concern. This creature to all! of the night uses cunning and instinct to hunt and kill for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107954 Romance, Drama 1947 115min. pleasure. He has no qualms about his actions; he lives by his Warner Bros. MOD 08.10.2010 desires and he’ll take what he wants. So Well Remembered 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107962 Thrillers, Wilderness, British, Foreign, Hor- Martha Scott, Patricia Roc, Trevor Howard, ror 2010 85min. , Richard Carlson Souls For Sale Well Go USA 20.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108015 Mystery, Romance, Drama, Marriage Woes Mae Busch, Richard Dix, Frank Mayo 1947 114min. Romance, Comedy, Drama 1923 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 17.09.2010 Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Splintered (Blu-ray + DVD Com- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107955 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107963 bo) (Blu-ray) Holly Weston, Jonathan Readwin, Sacha Soldier In The Rain Southland: The Complete Second Dhawan, Stephen Walters Steve McQueen, Jackie Gleason, Tuesday Season - Uncensored Somewhere prowling in the darkest corner of a desolate, Weld, Tony Bill, Tom Poston abandoned building on the edge of a wilderness is a Regina King, Shawn Hatosy, Ben dangerous animal. It’s a human animal that lives by the rules Army, Comedy, Drama, Military 1963 88min. McKenzie, Michael Cudlitz of the wild, where survival is the only concern. This creature Warner Bros. MOD 09.06.2009 of the night uses cunning and instinct to hunt and kill for Sometimes you see things as a cop nobody should see.“ The pleasure. He has no qualms about his actions; he lives by his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107957 men and women of a stand-up LAPD unit see plenty of things desires and he’ll take what he wants. nobody should see: murder, rape, drugs, gang warfare, mis- sing kids, blighted neighborhoods, blighted lives - all the British, Foreign, Horror, Thrillers, Some Mother’s Son violence and fear a big city can breed. Sometimes the cops Wilderness 2010 85min. Helen Mirren, Fionnula Flanagan, David triumph. Sometimes they don’t. And sometimes the poison they Well Go USA 20.03.2012 live with on the job comes home with them. The acclaimed Lynch , Aidan Gillen series Southland has garnered a devoted fan base. Discover - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108065 Surrounded by the conflict in Northern Ireland, Kathleen or rediscover - why with this 2-Disc Set of All 6 Explosive Quigley has managed to stay clear of it, devoting herself to Season Two Episodes. Police action hits hard in Southland. Split Second her three children. Yet in a single moment, the war claims her Cops, Crime, Drama 2010 min. as one of its living victims. Kathleen is caught in an Alexis Smith, Jan Sterling, Stephen McNally, Warner Bros. MOD 12.07.2011 inescapable political crossfire when her son, actively Keith Andes, Arthur Hunnicutt involved with the IRA, is jailed by the British. Academy Award 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107964 winner* Helen Mirren (The Queen) portrays Kathleen in a Five travelers sweat it out at gunpoint in an abandoned mining powerful drama of courage and love from the makers of In the town in the Nevada desert. A killer escaped from the pen Name of the Father. Kathleen’s sudden involvement in the Speedway holds them, intending to scram after a doc tends to his conflict brings her into contact with Annie (Fionnula wounded accomplice. Like The Petrified Forest and Key Flanagan), the mother of another imprisoned youth. Together, Anita Page, John Miljan, Ernest Torrence, Largo, Split Second’s tale of captives and captors lets the the two women form an intense bond as they confront a William Haines, Karl Dane sweat drip, the tension build, the dialogue zing and when the shattering dilemma: honor their sons’ belief or intervene to occasion calls, the fists and bullets fly. Meanwhile, the clock Racing, Romance, Sports, Auto Racing, is ticking: the mining town is practically ground zero for an A- save their lives. Drama 1929 76min. Prison, Drama, Foreign, Irish 1996 112min. bomb test slated to unleash its mushroom cloud in just a few Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 hours. Musical-star-turned-film-noir-hero Dick Powell makes Warner Bros. MOD 06.05.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107967 his taut and tough directorial debut, guiding Stephen McNally, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107958 Alexis Smith and Jan Sterling in this split-second suspense thriller. Thrillers, Film Noir, Hostage Crisis 1953 Somewhere I’ll Find You Sphinx Frank Langella, John Gielgud, Maurice 85min. Clark Gable, Lana Turner, Reginald Owen, Ronet Warner Bros. MOD 26.02.2010 Robert Sterling Lesley-Anne Down (Upstairs Downstairs), Frank Langella 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107970 Romance, War, World War II, Drama 1942 (Frost/Nixon) and John Gielgud (Arthur) star in this occult- 108min. tinged thriller based on the best seller by Robin Cook (Coma,

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Sporting Blood Romance, Drama, Horses 1947 97min. falls in love with the daughter of the old man’s fiercest rival— only to end up coming to everyone’s rescue in the movie’s Clark Gable, Madge Evans, Marie Prevost, Warner Bros. MOD 01.02.2011 heroic ending. Contains one of the most famous (and Ernest Torrence, Lew Cody 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107979 dangerous) scenes in silent film history—that of Keaton Sporting Blood is a key work in Clark Gable’s 1931 leap to escaping the crush of a collapsing building when he happens stardom, a film in which he plays a race-fixing underworld A Star Is Born to stand in the same exact spot as the window frame. gambler who rediscovers his inner decency. It marks the first Silent Film, Adventure, Classics, Comedy time Gable tops a cast list, although the future Hollywood , Janet Gaynor, Adolphe 1928 70min. King doesn’t appear until midway in the film’s story. Even Menjou American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 more, it „proved [Gable] could carry a picture to profitability Janet Gaynor plays a would-be starlet who goes to Holly- without a top female star“ (John Eames, The MGM Story. wood to break into the movies. She earns a living as a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107990 Racing, Romance, Sports, Drama, waitress and meets an actor and they marry. When her career Gamblers, Gambling, Horses 1931 82min. takes off his begins to fail. Steel Drama, Film About Film 1937 111min. Warner Bros. MOD 06.09.2011 Judd Nelson, Annabeth Gish, Irma P. Hall, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107975 Richard Roundtree, Kenneth Johnson, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107871 Quincy Jones, Joel Simon, Kenneth Spring Fever Johnson Joan Crawford, William Haines, George The Stars Fell On Henrietta Basketball superstar Shaquille O’Neal (Kazaan) sheds his hi- Robert Duvall, Brian Dennehy, Frances tops for a dazzling suit of battle armor as the latest and Fawcett greatest DC Comics superhero to wage war on crime. When Another of William Haines’ sports-oriented vehicles, Spring Fisher, Lexi Randall, Aidan Quinn evil scientist Judd Nelson (Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back, Fever casts the star as lowly shipping clerk Jack Kelly. Texas 1935. It’s a time of boomtowns or bust for oil The Breakfast Club) begins selling top-secret weapons to Falling in love with heiress Allie Monte (a young Joan wildcatters and, time and again, derby-topped Mr. Cox has LA’s street gangs, former military researcher Shaq joins Crawford), Jack bluffs his way into Allie’s country club, come out flat busted. No worries. Mr. Cox has a mule-headed forces with a brilliant electronics expert to build an invincible posing as a champion golfer. By the time he realizes that Allie optimism. He’s sure as the sunrise that near the town of suit of armor. Layered in his magnetic metal sheath and armed loves him for himself, Jack is inextricably committed to Henrietta on a cotton farm that raises more dust than bolls, with his own hi-tech weaponry, Shaq transforms into his representing the club at a $10,000 golf tournament. Based on a there’s black gold beneath the barren sod. From Clint mythic alter-ego, „Steel.“ From a secret command center, Steel play by Vincent Lawrence, Spring Fever proved beneficial not Eastwood’s production company, The Stars Fell On Henrietta sets out on a high-powered silver motorcycle to confront only to the ascending stardom of Bill Haines, but also to the is a sweet-natured tale of hope and redemption. As Mr. Cox, Nelson and rid the city of crime. Co-starring Annabeth Gish burgeoning career of Joan Crawford. The film was remade Robert Duvall adds another acclaimed expert performance to (Double Jeopardy, Nixon) and the original urban crime- and slightly musicalized in 1930 as Love In The Rough. his gallery of great roles. And Aidan Quinn, Frances Fisher fighter, Richard Roundtree (Shaft, Seven). Directed by Romance, Sports, Golf 1927 78min. and Brian Dennehy shine as Lone Star denizens not so much multiple Emmy-winner Kenneth Johnson (TV’s Incredible swayed as gradually infected by Mr. Cox’s unflagging will. Hulk, TV’s V). Produced by Oscar, Emmy and Grammy- Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Sweep up the stardust spread by this warm and winning movie 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107976 winning producer/composer/performer, Quincy Jones. and you may well be too. Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1995 Crime, Gangs, Military 1997 97min. 109min. The Squall Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 Warner Bros. MOD 17.09.2010 Loretta Young, Zasu Pitts, Richard Tucker 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107983 The Squall,“ Myrna Loy noted about the string of exotic 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107980 mantraps she portrayed before The Thin Man made her film’s savviest, sexiest perfect wife. Here she is Nubi, a flashing- Stars In My Crown Stolen Holiday eyed Gypsy who insinuates herself into the household of Ian Hunter, , Alison Skipworth, prosperous farmer Josef Lajos (Richard Tucker). Just for the Dean Stockwell, Ellen Drew, Alan Hale, Joel Claude Rains, Casey Robinson, Michael wicked fun of it, Nubi seduces her way up the chain of power, McCrea, Lewis Stone from servant to Lajos’s son to Lajos himself, sowing jealousy Curtiz and conflict in a once-tranquil home. As directed by Alexander Folks in Walsburg may want to pay heed to the brace of pistols holstered onto Josiah Gray’s hips. In time, they may It’s 1936 Paris and every femme with a de rigueur sense of Korda (The Private Life Of Henry VIII, That Hamilton Woman), high fashion wears the creations of Maison Picot, the design The Squall. want to pay even more heed to the Bible in his hand. Gray (Joel McCrea) is the newly arrived parson in the woodsy house that’s so chic, so trendy...and so very much a house of Revenge, Drama 1929 105min. post-Civil War Tennessee town. And the true test of his cards. It’s secretly used by financial flimflammer Stefan Orloff Warner Bros. MOD 03.06.2011 strength will come when, during his greatest and most as entry to the highest level of society, a level from which he 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107977 dangerous challenge, he sets aside his six-shooters and and elegant Nicole Picot are destined to take a very hard fall. relies on his faith. McCrea brings a quiet resolve to this As Picot, star Kay Francis finds a perfect role for her touching tale burnished through the recall of the pastor’s trademark blend of ’30s sophistication and couture. And as The Squeeze impressionable nephew (Dean Stockwell). Based on the novel Orloff, impeccable Claude Rains marks the first of his 10 by Joe David Brown (who would later provide the source feature films with legendary Warner director Michael Curtiz. Edward Fox, David Hemmings, Carol White, novel for Paper Moon), Stars In My Crown shines with a To echo a line from the most famous Rains-Curtiz Stacy Keach, Stephen Boyd powerful, simple dignity. collaboration, Stolen Holiday is the beginning of a beautiful Scotland Yard’s Jim Naboth (Stacy Keach) battled the bottle Religion/Spirituality, Western, Drama 1950 screen friendship. Romance, Drama 1937 80min. instead of London’s seedy underworld and lost. But he finds 89min. one chance to get out of life’s gutter when the mob kidnaps his Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 ex-wife in a ruthless $1-million ransom scheme. Director 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107986 Michael Apted tightens The Squeeze into a penetrating study 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107981 of people under stress - and a walloping bloody, sexy detective caper in the mold of great British gangland thrillers A Stolen Life like Get Carter and The Long Good Friday. He packs it with Start The Revolution Without Me Bette Davis, Glenn Ford, Walter Brennan, on-edge performances, starting with Keach (TV’s Mike Donald Sutherland, Gene Wilder, Billie Hammer) as the hard-drinking cop who’s no match for both Charlie Ruggles, Dane Clark booze and sadistic hoods - but is determined to free his ex. Whitelaw, Hugh Griffith, Jack MacGowran Co-starring are Edward Fox (The Day Of The Jackal), David Produced and directed by comedy veteran Bud Yorkin, Start Drama 1946 109min. Hemmings (Blow-Up), Stephen Boyd (Ben Hur’s chariot- the Revolution Without Me broke ground for a comedy Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 racing villain) and, as the desperate kidnap victim who uses revolution. It takes the tumultuous „let them eat cake“ days of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108004 her sexuality as a weapon against her captors, lovely Carol the French Revolution and gives everyone a figurative pie in White. the face. Two sets of twins are mismatched at birth so that British, Crime, Drama, Foreign 1977 104min. years later, each set will have one Gene Wilder and one The Story Of Mankind Donald Sutherland. One set grows up to be aristocratic Warner Bros. MOD 06.05.2011 swashbucklers; the other set are peasants. In a hilarious Dennis Hopper, Vincent Price, Cesar 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107978 fluke of fate, they crisscross across classes. In the years Romero, Peter Lorre, Harpo Marx, Chico following Start the Revolution Without Me, Woody Allen, Mel Marx, Hedy Lamarr, Marie Wilson, John Brooks and the Abrahams/Zucker/Zucker team would all Stallion Road create madcap comedy masterpieces. A lineup like that must Carradine, Agnes Moorehead, Charles Ronald Reagan, Alexis Smith, Peggy have had a tremendous Start. Coburn, Groucho Marx, Ronald Colman, Knudsen, Zachary Scott Comedy, Historical / Period Piece 1970 Cedrick Hardwicke Outdoorsy California rancher-politician Ronald Reagan 89min. Here is the most far-out courtroom thriller you’ll ever see. seems right at home playing outdoorsy California rancher- Warner Bros. MOD 25.10.2011 The setting is outer space, the defendant is all of us and the veterinarian Larry Hanrahan in this action-filled melodrama issue is whether we should be allowed to survive. Defending scripted by Stephen Longstreet from his novel. Always 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107982 counsel, the Spirit of Man (Ronald Colman), says yes. impressive astride a horse, Reagan spends plenty of time in Prosecuting counsel, the Devil (Vincent Price), says no. And the saddle as Larry contends with the attentions of two Steamboat Bill, Jr. each presents historical evidence in vignettes that feature beautiful women (Alexis Smith and Peggy Knudsen), the Hedy Lamarr as Joan of Arc, Dennis Hopper as Napoleon, romantic rivalry provided by his writer pal (Zachary Scott), Buster Keaton, Tom Lewis, Marion Byron, Harpo Marx as Isaac Newton, plus Groucho, Chico, Virginia and the terrors of an anthrax outbreak that threatens local Mayo, Peter Lorre, Charles Coburn, Agnes Moorehead ? 25 Ernest Torrence, Tom McGuire stars in all! Produced, directed and co-written by livestock and Larry himself when he contracts the dread Buster Keaton plays the whimpy son of ‘Steamboat Bill’ disease. Among the visual highlights: an exciting horse- (The Poseidon Adventure), this uncommon curio is Colman’s Canfield, a salty tugboat captain, in this silent classic. The final film and the last time the three Marx Brothers appeared jumping contest and magnificent location shooting in the younger Bill spends most of his time trying to live up to his Sierra Madre range. in the same movie. father’s tough expectations. Then, to make matters worse, he Science Fiction, Space, Drama, Fantasy,

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Lawyers / Legal Issues 1957 100min. Richard Cromwell, , Leslie he changes his mind when he discovers his true feelings for his wife. Outstanding cast includes Oscar-winner Olivia De Warner Bros. MOD 04.09.2009 Fenton, Lee Tracy, Guy Kibbee Havilland (Gone With The Wind, The Adventures Of Robin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108005 In the naughty, bawdy years before the Production Code, Hood) and Rita Hayworth (Gilda, You’ll Never Get Rich). filmmakers turned the camera lens toward sin and its more entertaining consequences. The Strange Love Of Molly Romance, Comedy 1941 97min. The Story Of Three Loves Louvain is a first-rate example of Hollywood’s pre-Code love Warner Bros. MOD 18.09.2009 affair with third-rate dames and the louses who mistreat them. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108020 Kirk Douglas, Farley Granger, Leslie Caron, Featuring early-Talkie stars Ann Dvorak and Lee Tracy and Ethel Barrymore, Pier Angeli crisply directed by Michael Curtiz (whose later credits A marvelous romance is a treat. Three marvelous romances in include The Adventures Of Robin Hood and Casablanca), the Street Of Women one film is an indulgence no fan should miss. Featuring some film follows the misfortunes of an unwed mother who gets of the biggest stars of the 50s, The Story Of Three Loves mixed up with a wealthy seducer, a thief, a cynical Kay Francis, Gloria Stuart, Marjorie explores relationships - from the whimsical to the dramatic - newshound, a devoted bellhop, a sleazy dancehall, gun- Gateson, Roland Young, Alan Dinehart recalled by passengers aboard a sleek ocean liner. In the blazing crime and plenty of heartache. The moral: sin doesn’t Kay Francis’ wide, beautiful eyes were made for reflecting first story, an impresario (James Mason) loses his heart to a pay...except at the box office. suffering and they do so gallantly in this pre-Code story of the lovely ballerina (Moira Shearer) with tragic results. Next, an Crime, Drama 1932 73min. bitter fruits of adultery. Francis stars as couturier Natalie elderly enchantress (Ethel Barrymore) uses magic to help a Upton, who finds happiness in the arms of a married naive governess (Leslie Caron) find romance. Finally, a Warner Bros. MOD 22.01.2010 man...until her kid brother comes to town. He and the daughter trapeze artist (Kirk Douglas) who was responsible for the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108012 of Natalie’s lover are engaged and the young couple demand death of his last partner trains a new one (Pier Angeli), a that the scandalous affair end - now! This is Francis’ movie beautiful woman with a mysterious past. Three loves, three all the way, but at least one member of the cast deserves reasons to stay in tonight. Strange New World special mention. Pretty Gloria Stuart, making her screen debut Music, Romance, Anthologies, Drama 1953 Reb Brown, , John Saxon, in Street Of Women as the disapproving daughter, would be nominated for a Best Supporting Actress Oscar® 66 years 122min. Martine Beswick, James Olson, Ford later for her portrayal of the elderly Rose DeWitt Bukater in Warner Bros. MOD 04.09.2009 Rainey Titanic. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108006 Cult icon John Saxon (Enter The Dragon) battles clones, Romance, Drama 1932 59min. barbarians, beasts and more in this startling sci-fi adventure based on concepts developed by Gene Roddenberry, the Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 The Story Of Will Rogers visionary creator of Star Trek. After 180 years in a cryogenic 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108022 freeze, a trio of astronauts returns to Earth, only to find giant Slim Pickens, Carl Benton Reid, Jane asteroids have devastated the planet. Roaming across Wyman, Eve Miller, James Gleason America’s vast wastelands, they encounter weird new cities, Strictly Dynamite With Will Rogers Jr. as his dad, Jane Wyman as Betty strange civilizations and bizarre descendants of Earth’s Marian Nixon, Lupe Velez, Jimmy Durante, Rogers and heaps of homespun warmth, there’s plenty to like distant past. Co-written by Academy Award® winner* Walon about this biography of the „Poet Lariat“ who never met a man Green (The Wild Bunch), Strange New World features foxy Norman Foster, William Gargan he didn’t like. From its lead performance to its storyline based film femmes Martine Beswick (Thunderball), Catherine Bach Moxie Slaight is on the air, teaming with his lovely partner to on Betty’s reminiscences to its fond direction by Michael (The Dukes Of Hazzard) and 1974 Playmate of the Year send jokes and tunes into the living rooms of mainstream USA. Curtiz (a polo-playing buddy of Rogers), the movie has an Cynthia Wood (Apocalypse Now) in an otherworldly thriller But America is tuning out. Moxie needs a fresh gag writer to authenticity befitting this most authentic of American heroes. where Earth itself is the final frontier. spark his radio show...and an opportunistic agent sets Moxie Humorist, vaudevillian, film star, journalist, aviation buff, TV Movies, Apocalyptic Future, Science up with a hot new penman. And where does this creative champion of the common man and more, Rogers crammed a lot scribe find his material? From the well-thumbed pages of old of living into his 56 years. And The Story Of Will Rogers, Fiction, Space 1975 100min. joke books! Jimmy Durante delivers plenty of Moxie and featuring Slim Pickens, Eddie Cantor, James Gleason, Mary Warner Bros. MOD 02.07.2010 future Mexican Spitfire series star Lupe Velez is his cohort in Wickes and Jay Silverheels, turns it all into a lot of movie. this free-wheeling sendup of the era’s radio days. It’s not the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108013 most crazy-boned of Durante’s films (that honor perhaps goes Biography, Biopics, Comedy, Drama 1952 to Hollywood Party), but it does have the star’s signature 109min. Stranger On The Third Floor malaprops, Eugene Pallette as cowboy crooner Sourwood Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2010 Sam and Schnozzola’s Hot Patatta. Hotcha! Peter Lorre, Elisha Cook Jr., John McGuire Comedy 1934 71min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108007 Critics and fans agree: Stranger On The Third Floor is the little B picture that launched one of the greatest movements in Warner Bros. MOD 03.05.2011 Stranded cinema history: film noir. Peter Lorre plays the eerie title role 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108024 in this once-neglected gem about a reporter (John McGuire) Kay Francis, Patricia Ellis, George Brent, whose testimony sentences a small-time loser (Elisha Cook Robert Barrat, Donald Woods Jr.) to the electric chair for murder. When the reporter himself The Student Prince A world of girders and cable - that’s where Mack Hale works, is fingered in a second murder, he realizes both crimes are Betta St. John, Ann Blyth, Louis Calhern, supervising the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge. In its the work of a furtive stranger - but will anyone believe him? Edmund Gwenn, S.Z. Sakall, Edmund Pur- shadow is a world of hopes and fears. That’s where Lynn All the shadowy, shivery, angled angst of German Palmer works, aiding travelers stranded in an unforgiving city Expressionism is here, married to the hard-boiled moral dom, John Ericson during the depths of the Depression. In this fast-paced ambiguity that marks the genre. The highlight: a suspense- Prince Karl is in love - with a barmaid! The ways of the heart romantic drama directed by two-time Academy Award® and-sweat-drenched dream sequence that jolted 1940 clash with the mandates of state-arranged marriage in this winner* Frank Borzage, Kay Francis and George Brent audiences into an exciting new way of looking at the movies. regal Hollywood adaptation of the operetta by Sigmund Rom- portray a young couple threatened by gangsters eager to Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Lawyers / Legal berg, the composer whose life was the subject of the biopic muscle in on the construction payroll. The plot is crisp but Issues 1940 64min. Deep In My Heart. Edmund Purdom, lip-synching the rich Stranded is equally engaging as a snapshot of time and place singing of tenor Mario Lanza, portrays the on-screen Karl and as Lynn does her best for an unwed mother, a destitute boy, Warner Bros. MOD 21.09.2010 Ann Blyth, who starred opposite Lanza in The Great Caruso, four giggling mail-order brides and more bewildered folks 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108014 is the Heidelberg sweetheart the prince meets during what is grateful for her helping hand. supposed to be a final revelry before his royal wedding. On The Job, Romance, Drama 1935 72min. Hermes Pan, choreographer of many Astaire-Rogers classics, The Stranger Within brings Oktoberfest joy to the staging of several numbers. And Warner Bros. MOD 24.09.2010 Nehemiah Persoff, Barbara Eden, Joyce let’s drink, drink, drink to a supporting cast that’s particularly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108009 regal: Louis Calhern, Edmund Gwenn, John Williams, S.Z. Van Patten, George Grizzard, David Doyle Sakall and Betta St. John. Cheers! Who is the father of Ann Collins’ baby? Her husband had a Musical, Romance, Royalty 1954 min. Strange Interlude vasectomy years ago. And Ann hasn’t been with another man. Even more mysterious: as the baby grows inside her, Ann Warner Bros. MOD 11.10.2011 Clark Gable, Robert Young, Norma Shearer, begins to change. She is beset by strange illnesses, pours 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108025 Ralph Morgan, Alexander Kirkland tablespoons of salt on her food, turns the thermostat to 50 Norma Shearer and Clark Gable, who provided potent screen degrees, speed-reads academic tomes. But much bigger chemistry in 1931’s A Free Soul, smolder again in the 1932 shocks are yet to come. Barbara Eden (I Dream Of Jeannie) The Subject Was Roses film version of Eugene O’Neill’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play, stars in this hypnotic, swiftly paced blend of horror and sci-fi Martin Sheen, Patricia Neal, Jack Albertson a compelling and complex drama of jealousy, grief, madness, from Richard Matheson, the popular and prolific writer who A lovely gesture - a bouquet of roses - from husband to wife lust and love. Shearer plays a woman haunted by the death of also penned the novel I Am Legend and several notable The becomes the catalyst for a clash of long-repressed emotion in her sweetheart and by her father’s unnatural obsession. She Twilight Zone scripts. the movie adaptation of the Tony - and Pulitzer Prize®- marries a man she doesn’t love - and has a child through an TV Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction 1974 winning stage hit The Subject Was Roses. Martin Sheen, as adulterous liaison with a handsome doctor (Gable), a secret 74min. the son home from war, and Jack Albertson, Academy Award they keep throughout their lives. The play’s famed soliloquies, winner* as Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal of the in which the characters express their thoughts to the Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 distant father, both appeared in the Broadway version, where audience, made a transition to celluloid as voiceovers, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108016 Albertson had already captured a Tony Award for his powerful lending a bold, experimental quality to the production. work. Patricia Neal plays the third side of the family triangle Romance, Drama 1932 109min. in a moving performance that earned her a Best Actress Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Oscar® nomination* and marked her triumphant return to the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108010 Olivia de Havilland, Rita Hayworth, Alan screen after a debilitating series of strokes. Hale, James Cagney, Jack Carson Drama, Marriage Woes 1968 107min. Oscar-winner James Cagney (Yankee Doodle Dandy, White Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 The Strange Love Of Molly Heat) stars as a dentist in turn-of-the-century Brooklyn who 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108026 Louvain marries out of spite when his childhood sweetheart is betrothed to his rival. Believing he married the wrong woman,

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Suicide Fleet Ralph Bellamy reprises his dynamic, Tony-winning stage rates them, Helga seeks refuge with circus folk, then is portrayal of the future President and Greer Garson is his forced to trade her body for survival in an uncaring world. Ginger Rogers, Robert Armstrong, James devoted, warbly-voiced wife Eleanor. Both are uncannily true Using the name Susan Lenox, the fallen woman rises high, all Gleason, William Boyd in their roles and acclaim followed: Garson earned Golden the way to a Manhattan penthouse. Her heart remains with Who’s that girl waving a semaphore message of „I Love You“ Globe and National Board of Review Best Actress Awards as Rodney. But Rodney, sickened by the path Helga has taken, to a destroyer as it departs New York for World War I? It’s well as one of the movie’s four Oscar nominations.* With finds solace in the bottle. This intense pre-Code romance is Sally, the Coney Island saltwater-taffy girl. Each of the exteriors filmed at Campobello and Hyde Park and interiors propelled by the incomparable star power of two of the sailors - especially pals and romantic rivals Baltimore Clark, staged on uncanny duplications of the real-life Roosevelt greatest icons in Hollywood history - Greta Garbo and Clark Dutch Herman and Skeets O’Reilly - hopes the message is for homes, Sunrise At Campobello shines eloquently and Gable in their only screen pairing - as the ill-fated lovers. No him. But rivalries end where warfare begins. The pals are movingly. film fan should miss it. soon assigned to the crew of a merchant ship posing as a Presidents, Biography, Biopics, Drama Romance, Drama 1931 76min. German communications boat. The mission: rendezvous with 1960 144min. Warner Bros. MOD 25.02.2011 U-boat captains and learn their plan of attack. Bill Boyd, Robert Armstrong and James Gleason play the three friends. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108088 And who’s that girl? It’s captivating 20-year-old Ginger 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108042 Rogers, two years before she and Fred Astaire would go Susan Slept Here Flying Down To Rio. War, World War I, Comedy, Drama, High The Super Cops Debbie Reynolds, Anne Francis, Glenda Seas 1931 87min. Pat Hingle, Ron Leibman, Shelia Frazier, Farrell, Alvy Moore, Dick Powell Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 David Selby Screenwriter Mark Christopher gets a Christmas present that Better cool your jets, all you Bed-Stuy dealers, operators and isn’t on his Santa list: a 17-year-old delinquent named Susan, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108027 lowlifes: the heat that will take you down is on the street. The deposited in his bachelor pad by a cop pal who doesn’t want Super Cops zippily chronicles the crime-busting adventures to see the kid spend Christmas behind bars. Touched by Summer Holiday of David Greenberg and Robert Hantz, the unorthodox police Susan’s plight, Mark decides there’s only one way to keep duo „who became known, not always fondly, as Batman and her out of juvie: marry her in name only and get an annulment Gloria DeHaven, Jackie Jenkins, Mickey Robin,“ writes Vincent Canby in his review in The New York when she comes of age. But after a Vegas elopement, Susan Times. „The nicknames define the comic-book style of the isn’t so sure she wants to be the ex-Mrs. Christopher. Dick Rooney, Walter Huston, Frank Morgan Powell (in his last film role before devoting himself to a Two artists who know all about translating America into film,“ Canby adds, a film directed by renowned Life photojournalist and Shaft filmmaker Gordon Parks and amped hugely successful TV career) and Debbie Reynolds play the Americana - Arthur Freed, who produced Meet Me In St. (maybe) mismatched couple in a big-hearted romantic comedy Louis, and , who directed the original by enthusiastic performances from leads Ron Leibman and David Selby. The real-life Greenberg and Hantz appear in the from animator-turned-director Frank Tashlin that makes merry Broadway production of Oklahoma! - work some turn-of-the- use of its Yuletide setting. century magic again with Summer Holiday. This Technicolor®- film in news footage and in bit roles. glorious version of Eugene O’Neill’s beloved coming-of-age Comedy, Cops, Crime, Drama 1974 90min. Odd Couples, Troubled Youth, Christmas, play Ah, Wilderness! boasts Harry Warren/Ralph Blane tunes Warner Bros. MOD 28.10.2011 Comedy, Drama, Holidays 1954 98min. as spirited as the 4th of July. The splendid cast is headed by Warner Bros. MOD 09.11.2010 Mickey Rooney (who played the youngest brother in 1935’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108048 Ah, Wilderness!) as a lad from a warm, eccentric family who 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108089 graduates from high school and into Life, complete with grand Surviving Picasso ideas, chorus girls and his first beer. The Stanley Steamer is Suspense waiting. Hop in! Anthony Hopkins, Julianne Moore, Nata- Musical, Romance, Historical / Period Piece scha McElhone, Joss Ackland, Dennis Eugene Pallette, Bonita Granville, Barry 1948 93min. Boutsikaris Sullivan, Albert Dekker Warner Bros. MOD 03.09.2010 Canvas, color, metal, ceramics. The century’s leading artist Let other movie ice queens skate into happily-ever-after. commanded them all. But what about the legendary Pablo Belita straps on her blades for the noir-on-ice thriller 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108028 Picasso’s other great passion? Was romance also dominated Suspense, a torrid tale of an ice-show star who commits by his genius? Academy Award® winner* Anthony Hopkins adultery for the man she loves ? and of the man who commits Sunday In New York gives a full-throttle performance as the acclaimed artist in this murder for her. Frank Tuttle (This Gun For Hire, The Glass masterful movie told from the viewpoint of Picasso’s longtime Key) directs; Barry Sullivan co-stars. Belita’s career was Cliff Robertson, Jane Fonda, Rod Taylor, mistress (Natascha McElhone in a luminous film debut) and exceptional, even by Hollywood standards. A 12-year-old Robert Culp, Jo Morrow mother of his children Claude and Paloma. Director James sensation at the 1936 Winter Olympics, the British-born Ivory, producer Ismail Merchant and writer Ruth Prawer beauty made several films in the 1940s that showcased her Before she became a great star and a two-time Academy dazzling skating skills. But her artistry was not limited to the Award® winner,* Jane Fonda was a screen ingénue who sent Jhabvala reteam with Hopkins for the first time since The Remains of the Day in this lusty, sweeping saga. Joined by rink. Also an accomplished ballerina, she worked with Gene a string of bubbly romantic comedies soaring, including this Kelly in 1956’s Invitation To The Dance. charmer from the prolific pen of Norman Krasna (Bachelor producer David L. Wolper (Roots), they draw from a vivid Mother, The Devil And Miss Jones). Fonda portrays a filmmaking palette to create an intimate, insightful tale of Romance, Drama, Film Noir 1946 101min. virginal miss blessed with long limbs and a knockout profile genius, beauty and obsession. Warner Bros. MOD 16.10.2009 who runs off from her fiancé (Robert Culp) to the swingin’ pad Rocky Relationships, Romance, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108090 of her brother (Cliff Robertson) and then into the arms of a Unauthorized Biographies, Biography, guy she meets on the 5th Avenue bus (Rod Taylor) - all the Biopics, Drama, Historical / Period Piece while trying to decide if she’ll say „yes“ before she says „I The Swan 1996 125min. do.“ Filmed on location, Sunday in New York is a fun, , Grace Kelly, Agnes sophisticated romp set to a hip Peter Nero score that features Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2010 Moorehead, Louis Jourdan, Jessie Royce Mel Torme singing the title tune. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108055 Romance, Comedy 1963 105min. Landis Warner Bros. MOD 25.03.2011 Grace Kelly is gloriously, glamorously regal in this retelling Susan And God of Ferenc Molnar’s romantic fable about a shy princess 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108029 whose head tells her to wed a worldly Crown Prince (Alec Fredric March, Joan Crawford, Ruth Guinness), but whose heart is drawn to a dashing commoner Sunny Hussey, Rita Hayworth, Nigel Bruce, Bruce (Louis Jourdan). Garbed in dreamy Helen Rose gowns, Cabot, John Carroll surrounded by Mittel-European opulence, the leading lady Joe Donahue, O.P. Heggie Wealthy, impulsive Susan Trexel undergoes a religious dances, duels, flirts, falls in love and makes even the most To be near the fella she loves, an English bareback rider dons conversion, one undoubtedly destined to last as long as this jaded moviegoer want to believe in fairy tales. And just to dungarees and cap to pass as a boy, stows away to America, season’s hemline length. But in the meantime, Susan insists prove that fairy tales can come true, Kelly became a real-life gets caught, marries someone else...and finally ends up in the everyone around her - including her neglected husband and princess as The Swan went into release, marrying Prince warm embrace of her beloved. Such fluffy foolishness is the child - alter their lives (and loves) to conform to her latest Rainier of Monaco in a magnificent royal wedding that plot of Sunny, the Broadway smash brought to screen life by whim. A sterling cast highlights this witty comedy-drama: Joan captured the world’s imagination. the irresistible Marilyn Miller, recreating her stage success Crawford, Fredric March, Ruth Hussey, Nigel Bruce, John Romance, Royalty, Comedy, Drama 1956 in the title role. The sparkling Jerome Kern-Oscar Hammer- Carroll and a pre-stardom Rita Hayworth. For Crawford, 104min. stein II-Otto Harbach score includes Who? and the title tune. Susan and God (headlined on Broadway by the formidable And the lovely Miller socks ‘em over with her winning voice, Gertrude Lawrence) was her chance to play a more nuanced Warner Bros. MOD 26.10.2010 exhilarating dancing skills and infectious good cheer. If this part than her typical shopgirl-makes-good characters. As she 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108092 is your first encounter with Marilyn Miller, prepare to be a famously declared to studio brass in her campaign to win the fan. role of Susan, „I’d play Wally Beery’s grandmother if it’s a Musical, Marriage Woes 1930 78min. good part.“ It is! Sweet Hostage Warner Bros. MOD 26.02.2010 Religion/Spirituality, Comedy, Drama 1940 Martin Sheen, Linda Blair, Jeanne Cooper, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108036 117min. Bert Remsen, Lee de Broux Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 Stranded when her truck breaks down, 17-year-old Doris Mae (Linda Blair) accepts a ride from Leonard Hatch (Martin Sunrise At Campobello 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108087 Sheen), unaware he’s an escaped mental patient. Held against Jean Hagen, Ralph Bellamy, Hume Cronyn, her will, Doris Mae is taken to Leonard’s ramshackle hideout, Susan Lenox (Her Fall And Rise) a cabin nestled deep within the woods. Frightened at first, Greer Garson she soon finds her captor to be a kind and caring soul. So He led America’s battles against the Depression and the Axis Clark Gable, Greta Garbo, Jean Hersholt, with time running out and the police closing in, Doris Mae powers - and won. But first Franklin Delano Roosevelt fought must make a decision: return to her safe existence or run off a personal battle against polio that would either destroy him - Alan Hale, John Miljan Helga, a poor farm girl, runs off from the lecherous brute who with a misunderstood man. A 1976 Golden Globe® nominee as or arm him for greatness. This powerful film of Dore Schary’s Best Television Movie, Sweet Hostage is an unforgettable long-running play is an intimate, admiring profile in courage. means to marry her and lands in the arms of a charming neighbor, engineer Rodney Spencer. When misfortune sepa- tale of passion and fate, adapted from Nathaniel Benchley’s

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Cochran Swordfighting, Action, Chinese, Foreign, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108097 This is why they ground out as much as 90 miles a day, why Martial Arts 89min. they stopped only so supply lines could catch up, why they Well Go USA 24.04.2012 went muzzle to hellfire muzzle with the Panzer 88s. The Sweet Kitty Bellairs ironbellies of the 3rd Armored Division have at last reached 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108023 the enemy’s homeland. They know they’ll somehow cross the Walter Pidgeon, June Collyer, Claudia Dell, Dragon’s Teeth of the Siegfried Line - and into a fierce tank/ Ernest Torrence Symphony Of Six Million artillery battle. After capturing the heroic Normandy invasion In 1793, Kitty Bellairs rides into the English seaside resort of in Breakthrough, director Louis Seiler (Guadalcanal Diary) Bath...and into a whirlwind of romance with a bashful lord and Irene Dunne, Ricardo Cortez, Gregory Rat- and producer Brian Foy reteamed for this fighting tale of GIs a dashing highwayman. Add duels, disguises, a kidnapping, a off, Noel Madison spearheading the World War II push across France. Young jealous husband, a bounty of saucy tunes and a confectioner’s Fannie Hurst was one of the most popular authors of the first screen talents and actual wartime footage combine in this shop of white powdered wigs and Kitty has all the adventure a half of the 20th century, producing a stream of romantic tales saga of thundering tanks and determined Yanks, from a story pretty and flirtatious miss could hope for. Claudia Dell (the rich with heartbreak and sacrifice - elements that transferred by the master of war movie realism, Samuel Fuller (The Big model for the first Columbia Pictures logo) and Walter splendidly to the screen. Hollywood turned her works into the Red One). Pidgeon headline this frothy operetta. Originally shot in color, three-hanky hits Back Street, Imitation Of Life, Humoresque War, World War II, Action, Drama 1951 Sweet Kitty Bellairs now exists only in black and white, and this tender melodrama, notable for its fine cast and vibrant 90min. relying on its sparkling cast, story and songs for vividness. depiction of immigrant life in New York’s teeming Lower East Tally Ho! for stylish Early Talkie Era fun. Side. Symphony Of Six Million follows a young Jewish doctor Warner Bros. MOD 19.03.2010 Musical, Romance, Historical / Period Piece (Ricardo Cortez) who turns his back on his ghetto upbringing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108113 1930 63min. — and on his crippled sweetheart (Irene Dunne) — to make his fortune as a Park Avenue surgeon. Then tragedy strikes, Warner Bros. MOD 02.04.2010 forcing him to examine his life and rediscover his better self. Tarzan And The Great River 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108099 (My Man Godfrey, Stage Door) directs. Diana Millay, , Mike Henry, Rafer Tragedies, Drama 1932 94min. Johnson Sweet November Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1967 88min. Sandy Dennis, Sandy Baron, Theodore 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108107 Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2010 Bikel, Anthony Newley, Burr DeBenning 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108114 Businessman Charlie Blake is wound as tightly as the The System wristwatch he slavishly obeys. He’s all „hurry, hurry, ding, ding,“ free-spirited Brooklynite Sara Deever says. He’s also Joan Weldon, Frank Lovejoy, Robert Arthur, Tarzan And The Jungle Boy perfect for her next human salvage project. She’ll welcome Paul Picerni, Don Beddoe Mike Henry, Rafer Johnson, Steve Bond, Charlie into her romantic life for one month - and one only. After a frightened teenager is cut down by police bullets Then, Mr. November must step aside for Mr. December. during a botched heist, a reporter investigates. The story Ron Gans Charlie and Sara share the life-altering power of love in the leads him to prominent businessman John E. Merrick (Frank Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1968 min. witty and wistful Sweet November, from Summer Of ’42 author Lovejoy), the secret boss of the gambling ring that had the Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2010 Herman Raucher and remade 33 years later (with Keanu youth ensnared in a web of wrong-way bets. And now Reeves and Charlize Theron). Anthony Newley plays the Merrick’s carefully constructed world of family, upscale 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108213 increasingly unwound and smitten Charlie. And Academy neighborhoods, country clubs and community respect begins Award winner* Sandy Dennis is Sara, whose Man-of-the- to crumble around him. In this canny thriller, Lovejoy, the Tarzan And The Lost Safari Month parade - sexually libertine on the surface - has a granite-jawed leading man in such ’50s gems of paranoia as deeper, more heartrending resonance. The Hitch-Hiker and Shack Out On 101, takes his tough-guy Betta St. John, Gordon Scott, Robert Romance, Drama 1968 114min. persona and gives it a gutsy twist, creating an unusual and Beatty, Yolande Donlan provocative crime-caper protagonist: the crook with a Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 conscience. Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1957 86min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108101 Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Gamblers, Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 Gambling 1953 90min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108215 Sweethearts Warner Bros. MOD 22.10.2010 Jeanette MacDonald, Florence Rice, Frank 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108108 Tarzan And The She-Devil Morgan, Ray Bolger, Nelson Eddy Joyce MacKenzie, Monique Van Vooren, Broadway’s Gwen Marlowe and Ernest Lane are sweethearts, Talk Of Angels Raymond Burr, Lex Barker, Tom Conway onstage as stars of Victor Herbert’s operetta and offstage as happily marrieds. Then Hollywood beckons, and their fretful Frances McDormand, Franco Nero, Vincent Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1953 75min. stage producer puts the kibosh on any Tinseltown plans by Perez, Polly Walker, Rossy de Palma, Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 trumping up a romantic triangle that sets the lovebirds feuding. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108217 The 24-karat Golden Age singing team of Jeanette MacDonald Penelope Cruz, Marisa Paredes, Ariadna and Nelson Eddy headlines a lavish, gossamer-weight box Gil, Anita Reeves, Ruth McCabe, Veronica office smash glittering with songs that showcase their superb Duffy, Britta Smith, Francisco Rabal Tarzan And The Slave Girl voices. Director W. S. Van Dyke II provides sophistication, Some Passions Cross All Boundaries.. Talk of Angels - Hurd Hatfield, Vanessa Brown, Lex Barker, the Dorothy Parker-Alan Campbell script provides rapier wit starring Polly Walker (Enchanted April, Emma) Vincent Perez and the Oscar®-winning cinematography* provides proof the (Queen of the Damned, I Dreamed of Africa), Penelope Cruz Robert Alda, Anthony Caruso ravishing, red-haired MacDonald was born for Technicolor®. (Vanilla Sky) and Academy Award winner Frances Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1950 74min. Musical, Film About Film 1938 114min. McDormand (Fargo, Best Actress, 1996; Almost Famous. Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 Warner Bros. MOD 12.07.2011 Romance, War, Drama 1998 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108219 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108105 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 17.04.2012 Tarzan And The Trappers 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107696 Swing Parade Of 1946 Leslie Bradley, Maurice Marsac, Rickie , Moe Howard, Curly Howard, Sorensen, Eve Brent, Gordon Scott Gale Storm, Phil Regan The Tall Target Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1958 70min. Musical, Comedy 1946 74min. Ruby Dee, Marshall Thompson, Paula Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 Raymond, Dick Powell, Adolphe Menjou 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108225 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108106 Former police officer John Kennedy doesn’t have a ticket, but he’s determined to stay aboard the overnight train rolling from New York to Washington DC. He’s convinced that someone - Tarzan And The Valley Of Gold Sword Masters: Duel Of Fist or some ones - among the passengers intends to kill newly Nancy Kovack, Mike Henry, Don Megowan, The greatest duel of the Kung Fu masters, their fingers are elected President Abraham Lincoln when the train stops in swift daggers, slashing flesh with cat-like speed. Baltimore. The true-life Baltimore Plot provides the inspiration David Opatoshu for this Hollywood thriller directed with film noir overtones by Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1966 90min. Swordfighting, Action, Chinese, Foreign, Anthony Mann and possessing a real feel for the powder-keg Martial Arts 113min. political atmosphere of 1861. Dick Powell (Murder, My Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2010 Well Go USA 24.04.2012 Sweet) portrays Kennedy with appropriate grit, sifting through 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108229 layers of duplicity and confronting escalating dangers as the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108021 Night Express rumbles toward destination...or assassination. Presidents, Conspiracies, Crime, Drama, The Tarzan Collection: Starring Sword Masters: Swordsman And Historical / Period Piece 1951 78min. Gordon Scott

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Sean Connery, Gordon Scott slaughter them for their hides. When we first meet the Ape- Tea And Sympathy Gordon Scott’s literate, intelligent Tarzan (much as Edgar Man in Tarzan’s Hidden Jungle, he’s swimming in the river ? Rice Burroughs intended) is regarded as one of the best. a fitting introduction for Gordon Scott, the muscular new Leif Erickson, Deborah Kerr, Edward Complete collection. Gordon Scott makes his debut as Tarzan screen Tarzan who was discovered while working as a Andrews, John Kerr takes on a team of hunters posing as a film crew. Tarzan’s lifeguard at a Las Vegas resort. Zippy, a favorite on numerous Homosexuality was a taboo subject in 1956 Hollywood. So it first color film sees him helping stranded high-society ’50s TV shows, portrays Cheetah. And the sense of jungle was a challenge for screenwriter Robert Anderson to adapt travelers. Tarzan takes on poachers and plunderers in this love you may detect between Scott and co-star Vera Miles is his hit Broadway play about a sensitive prepschooler called film culled together from three episodes of an intended TV the real deal. They became an off-screen Mr. and Mrs. „sister boy“ by his peers, and the lovely housemaster’s wife series. Tarzan is captured by a witch doctor looking for the Romance, Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1955 who realizes she must offer more than tea and sympathy to heart of a lion ? or a jungle lord - for a tribal ceremony. 72min. help the boy prove his manhood. The frankness may be muted Considered one of the best of all of Tarzan’s film exploits, but the power remains in this stellar film. Under Vincente Greatest Adventure also features Sean Connery as the Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 Minnelli’s direction, Deborah Kerr and John Kerr reprise villain! Scott’s final swing as Tarzan includes a climactic 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108239 their Broadway roles as older woman and younger man in brawl with Jock Mahoney, the next actor to play Tarzan. poignant performances that reveal the compassion and the Adventure, Boxed Sets, Drama, Jungle min. Tarzan’s Magic Fountain torment of being human. Their stage costar Leif Erickson joins Warner Bros. MOD 22.11.2011 them in counterpoint as the emotionally clenched housemaster. Evelyn Ankers, Brenda Joyce, Albert Drama 1956 122min. 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108230 Dekker, Lex Barker, Charles Drake Warner Bros. MOD 04.03.2011 Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1949 73min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108247 The Tarzan Collection: Starring Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 Lex Barker 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108241 La Terra Trema Lex Barker Drama, Foreign, Italian 1948 160min. Faced with the task of donning the Tarzan mantle after Johnny Tarzan’s Peril Weissmuller stepped down, Lex Barker bore it well. No E1 Entertainment 13.03.2012 longer overshadowed by Weissmuller, Barker’s Tarzan films Virginia Huston, George Macready, Lex 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107818 are ready to swing their way to a much deserved rediscovery. Barker, Douglas Fowley, Glenn Anders In the first of his Tarzan films, Barker must keep greedy outsiders from discovering a magical Fountain of Youth. A Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1951 78min. The Three Musketeers 3D: (Blu- vanishing tribe seeks to repopulate its numbers by kidnapping Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 ray 3D) (Blu-ray) women- among those kidnapped: Tarzan’s Jane! The arrival of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108242 gunrunners in the jungle can mean only one thing for Tarzan: The young hero D’Artagnan (Logan Lerman) and three of trouble, and plenty of it! English jewel thieves dupe Tarzan France’s most elite warriors battle their way across Europe into being their guide. In his final Tarzan film, Barker must Tarzan’s Savage Fury to save king and country from a conspiracy led by deadly rely on his elephant friends to battle ivory hunters that assassin Milady (Milla Jovovich) & the Duke of Buckingham enslave tribesmen. Dorothy Hart, Patric Knowles, Lex Barker (Orlando Bloom). A modern update to Alexander Dumas’ Adventure, Boxed Sets, Drama, Jungle min. Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1952 81min. classic story, The Three Musketeers is an explosive action Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 adventure that’s fun & entertaining for the whole family. Warner Bros. MOD 22.11.2011 Swashbucklers, 3D, Action, Adventure, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108243 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108232 Drama, Historical / Period Piece 2011 min. Summit Entertainment 13.03.2012 Tarzan Goes To India Tarzan’s Three Challenges 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108062 Jai, Leo Gordon, Jock Mahoney, Mark Dana Woody Strode, Jock Mahoney, Earl Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1962 88min. Cameron The Three Musketeers Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2010 Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1963 92min. The young hero D’Artagnan (Logan Lerman) and three of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108233 Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2010 France’s most elite warriors battle their way across Europe 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108244 to save king and country from a conspiracy led by deadly assassin Milady (Milla Jovovich) & the Duke of Buckingham Tarzan The Magnificent (Orlando Bloom). A modern update to Alexander Dumas’ Betta St. John, John Carradine, Lionel Task Force classic story, The Three Musketeers is an explosive action Julie London, Jane Wyatt, Gary Cooper, adventure that’s fun & entertaining for the whole family. Jeffries, Jock Mahoney, Gordon Scott Swashbucklers, Action, Adventure, Drama, Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1960 82min. Walter Brennan, Wayne Morris To trace the history of naval aviation and the development of Historical / Period Piece 2011 min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 the aircraft carrier, writer/director Delmer Daves expertly Summit Entertainment 13.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108234 weaves drama with documentary. The resulting film superbly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107974 captures both the human story and the real, harrowing experience of war. Told in flashback, Task Force stars Gary Tarzan’s Fight For Life Cooper in a wide-ranging performance taking him from brash The Three Musketeers (Blu-ray) Rickie Sorensen, Eve Brent, Gordon Scott, young aviator to command of an aircraft carrier. Also on deck The young hero D’Artagnan (Logan Lerman) and three of James Edwards are Walter Brennan as a veteran navy sea dog and Jane France’s most elite warriors battle their way across Europe Wyatt as Cooper’s valiant, uncomplaining wife. The movie’s to save king and country from a conspiracy led by deadly Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1958 86min. other star attraction is actual World War II combat footage assassin Milady (Milla Jovovich) & the Duke of Buckingham Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 putting you in the middle of the chaos of a carrier deck strewn (Orlando Bloom). A modern update to Alexander Dumas’ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108236 with flaming wrecks or the nail-biting tension of a ship’s radar classic story, The Three Musketeers is an explosive action room. In all cases, the effect is gut-wrenching, the images adventure that’s fun & entertaining for the whole family. unforgettable. Swashbucklers, Drama, Historical / Period Navy, War, Aerial Action, Drama 1949 Tarzan’s Greatest Adventure Piece, Action, Adventure 2011 min. 116min. Sean Connery, , Gordon Summit Entertainment 13.03.2012 Warner Bros. MOD 17.07.2009 Scott 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108061 The mighty Lord of the Apes (Gordon Scott) is on a deadly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108245 trail. He’s determined to find the diamond hunters (including Anthony Quayle and Sean Connery) who brought terror and The Tattooed Stranger Titanic (Blu-ray) death to a peaceful village. But as much as Tarzan is a Barbara Stanwyck, Audrey Dalton, Clifton tracker and avenger, he’s also a protector. An irresponsible John Miles, Patricia Barry gadfly from the so-called civilized world intrudes on his quest Cops swarm a Central Park crime scene where a cold corpse Webb, Robert Wagner, Thelma Ritter, Brian and Tarzan knows he cannot leave her to fend for herself. sits in a hot car. The victim is a Jane Doe, shotgunned Aherne Tarzan’s Greatest Adventure is widely applauded as one of elsewhere and driven to the park in the stolen sedan. Veteran The 1953 classic film takes us onboard the ill-fated ship, the the best and most grownup films in the entire film annals of the cop Corrigan (Walter Kinsella) and Tobin (John Miles), a Titanic as she sets sail on her maiden voyage. Barbara jungle lord’s exploits. It’s „a superior action yarn shot on university-trained rookie Corrigan dismisses as „Louis Pa- Stanwyck stars as Julia Sturges, an unhappily married woman location in Africa, more adult than most of its predecessors. steur,“ are charged with finding both whodunit and who the uncomfortable with life among the British upper crust so she Tarzan has a much expanded vocabulary“ (Leonard Maltin’s victim is. And from a tattoo on the victim’s arm to sand-packed takes her two children and boards the Titanic for America. Movie Guide). shotgun casings that defy ballistics analysis to a blade of a Her husband Richard (Clifton Webb) also arranges passage Adventure, Drama, Jungle 1959 88min. rare type of grass found in the car, the cops pull a case on the doomed luxury liner in order to let him have custody of Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 together. Science of the era does a ridealong with our their two children. Their problems soon seem minor when the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108237 detective heroes in this trim yet event-packed B-movie police ship hits an iceberg. procedural directed by Edward J. Montagne, producer of the Classics, Disasters, Drama, Historical / Man Against Crime TV series. Period Piece, Academy Award Winners Mystery, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Film Tarzan’s Hidden Jungle 1953 FF M 98min. Noir 1950 64min. Vera Miles, Jack Elam, Gordon Scott, Peter 20th Century Fox 03.04.2012 Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 Van Eyck, Charles E. Fredericks 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107886 Posing as a film crew, a team of illegal hunters enters the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108246 teeming animal sanctuary of the Sukulu tribe. Their plan: drive the elephants, rhinos and lions out of the sacred land and Track 29

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Gary Oldman, Theresa Russell, Sandra filled with the growing-up lessons and love he receives from John-Boy enters Boatwright University. Jason takes his big father John, mother Olivia, Grandma, Grandpa and all the rest brother’s place as head kid wrangler for the Walton brood Bernhard, Christopher Lloyd of . while finding his own identity in music. John and Olivia George Harrison’s Handmade Films presents TRACK 29, CBS, Drama, Family, Historical / Period celebrate 20 years of marriage. Grandpa and Grandma leave starring Gary Oldman (Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy, Sid And home (and return). But one thing can never change: the Nancy), Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future, Taxi), and Piece 1972 1249min. powerful family bond that keeps the Waltons united. In this 5- Theresa Russell (Wild Things). Distraught and dreamy Linda Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 disc set containing all 24 Season 3 episodes, the Waltons Henry (Russell) is unhappy with her sexless, childless 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108178 experience situations unique to the Depression, including a marriage to surgeon Henry Henry (Lloyd). Desperate for a dance marathon and the construction of Blue Ridge Park. But diversion, she is captivated when Martin (Oldman) suddenly mostly they face the age-old issues of family: holding children drops in on Linda claiming to be the child she gave up for The Waltons: The Complete close and letting them go, doing without and making do. adoption after a teenage pregnancy. They spend time together Topical yet timeless, of its era yet forever true. That’s Season trying to find a bond, but strange behaviors and bizarre Fourth Season 3 of The Waltons. events indicate that things aren’t as they seem. Is Martin really the son she gave up for adoption at birth or just figment , Ellen Corby, , CBS, Drama, Family, Historical / Period of her imagination? Michael Learned, Ralph White Piece 1974 min. Thrillers, Drama, Marriage Woes 1988 It’s 1936: Hitler and Mussolini threaten the world, King Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 Edward gives up the English throne for love, Gangbusters is 90min. on the radio, a movie crew hires John-Boy as a scriptwriter, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108183 Image Ent. 21.02.2012 Mary Ellen applies to nursing school, Jim-Bob discovers a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107849 shocking fact about his birth and a fire drives the Waltons A Warrior’s Heart from their home. Events large and small, far off and near touch the lives of all 11 Waltons, from Grandpa down to little Kellan Lutz, Ashley Greene, Gabrielle A View From The Top Elizabeth. They bring tests, tears and triumphs...and bring the Anwar, Adam Beach, Chord Overstreet Gwyneth Paltrow, Mike Myers, Kelly closely knit Waltons even closer together. In the twilight of their youth... her love gave him the courage CBS, Drama, Family, Historical / Period Preston, Christina Applegate, Candice Ber- to win.. Twilight. Piece 1975 1233min. Sports, Action, Drama, Family 2011 Ltbx DD gen, Stacey Dash, Rob Lowe, Jon Polito, Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 5.1 95min. Marc Blucas, Mark Ruffalo Academy Award®-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow (Shake- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108185 Allegro Entertainment 07.02.2012 speare In Love, Best Actress, 1998) stars in this hilarious 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108212 comedy hit about a small-town girl who’s about to get a taste The Waltons: The Complete Se- of the big-time world! No one thought Donna (Paltrow) would go very far. But when she sets her sights on becoming a first- cond Season West Side Story (Blu-ray) class international flight attendant, Donna throws caution to Will Geer, Ellen Corby, Ralph Waite, Richard Natalie Wood, Rita Moreno, Richard Beymer the wind and takes off in pursuit of her dream! The ride is A love affair is fated for tragedy amidst the vicious rivalry of anything but smooth, however, and Donna’s laugh-packed Thomas, Michael Learned two street gangs - the Jets and the Sharks. When Jets journey of a lifetime is rocked by more turbulence than she A year has gone by on Walton’s Mountain. The Depression member Tony (Richard Beymer) falls for Maria (Natalie bargained for! Also starring Christina Applegate (TV’s has deepened, but so have the love and respect that hold the Wood), the sister of the Sharks leader, it’s more than these Married With Children), Rob Lowe (Austin Powers Trilogy, Waltons together. Share good times and hard times with two warring gangs can handle. And as mounting tensions rise, Tommy Boy), Kelly Preston (What A Girl Wants, Jerry America’s favorite family in this 5-disc set featuring all 24 a battle to the death ensues and innocent blood is shed in a Maguire) and Candice Bergen (Sweet Home , Miss Year-Two Episodes - including The Thanksgiving Story, a heartbreaking finale. Congeniality), this charmingly funny treat will send your poignant movie-length tale that won an Emmy Award for Best spirits soaring! Writing in Drama (Series). This is the year John-Boy Classics, Drama, Academy Award Winners, On The Job, Romance, Comedy 2003 Ltbx graduates from high school and delivers a baby, the year Musical, National Film Registry, Romance, Mary Ellen falls in love, the year John and Olivia finally take Shakespeare, Troubled Youth 1961 Ltbx DD 5.1 87min. their honeymoon, and the year Grandma and Grandpa separate Lionsgate 03.04.2012 (well, maybe just until tempers cool). Make yourself at home! DD 4.0 153min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107933 CBS, Drama, Family, Historical / Period MGM / UA 03.04.2012 Piece 1973 1248min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108148 La Visita (The Visitor) Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 Sandra Milo, Francois Perier 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108181 Won Ton Baby Romance, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Italian Debbie Rochon, Gunnar Hansen, Suzi 1963 115min. The Waltons: The Complete Lorraine, Lou Martini Jr. Over thirty years ago, former brothel owner, Rachel „Madam“ E1 Entertainment 13.03.2012 Seventh Season Won Ton found herself involved with one of the wildest clients 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107912 Kami Cotler, Ellen Corby, Mary Beth to ever enter her establishment. The drug-filled night leaves the Madam pregnant, but with no desire to let the child go, she McDonough, Ralph Waite, Eric Scott, Mi- soon quits the pandering business for a „cleaner“ lifestyle. The Waltons: The Complete Fifth chael Learned, David W. Harper, Jon However, social scorn becomes the least of her concerns Season Walmsley when she is faced with a greater challenge: her daughter, Lily, has a parasitic twin growing in her belly. When the fetus Will Geer, Ellen Corby, Richard Thomas, CBS, Drama, Family, Historical / Period is removed, it is not only alive, it’s mutated umbilical cord Michael Learned, Ralph White Piece 1978 min. soon leads the way to mischievous and, ultimately, flesh- Front-page news! The Blue Ridge Chronicle hits the streets, Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 eating, gore-filled antics. with publisher John-Boy Walton covering everything from a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108188 Comedy, Horror 2010 95min. local break-in (Ben is among the suspects) to his eyewitness Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 account of the crash of the Hindenburg. And, in a story filled 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108228 with surprises and a ceremony filled with beauty, Mary Ellen The Waltons: The Complete Sixth becomes the first Walton child to marry. More adventures await, including Jason’s job in a honkytonk, Grandma’s set-to Season Wound with the minister, and an exciting, heartwarming Christmas Will Geer, Ellen Corby, Richard Thomas, episode that’s sure to become a holiday favorite with your A supernatural horror film that explores the dark worlds of family. And along the way old friends return, new friends Michael Learned, Ralph White mental illness, incest, revenge and death. Susan is a troubled arrive and the family bedrock of love endures in this 5-Disc, It’s a big year for welcomes on Walton’s Mountain. Welcome woman who gave her daughter Tanya up for dead after she 24-Episode Season-5 Set of one of television’s most enduring back to John-Boy, visiting from New York, and Grandma, was abused by her father. Now, years later, Tanya is back series. finally home from the hospital. And welcome to the family for from the dead to confront and possess Susan with all her Mary Ellen and Curt’s baby boy John Curtis. But all that joy deepest fears and desires, sending Susan into a state of CBS, Drama, Family, Historical / Period is set against the tragedy of events in the outside world. As madness and gore filled retribution. Piece 1976 1213min. the fall of 1939 turns into the spring of 1940, war rages in Revenge, Fantasy, Horror 2010 77min. Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 Europe... and the Waltons are soon caught in its chilling grasp. Curt is called up for duty. Soldiers train on Walton Breaking Glass Pictures 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108186 property. The first local enlistee dies. British children flee 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107936 Blitz for the safety of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The Depres- The Waltons: The Complete First sion is ending... but even tougher times lie ahead. CBS, Drama, Family, Historical / Period Young, Violent, Dangerous Season Piece 1977 1300min. Tomas Milian, Eleonora Giorgi Ellen Corby, Richard Thomas, Michael Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Learned, Will Greer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108187 Foreign, Italian 1976 96min. They built their home on the timeless mountain that bears their E1 Entertainment 13.03.2012 name. They built their lives on even stronger stuff: the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107819 bedrock of family. This 5-disc set features all 24 Year-One The Waltons: The Complete Third episodes of the beloved series that ran 9 years and won 5 Emmy Awards its inaugural year, including Outstanding Season Renee Zellweger 4 Film Drama Series. Richard Thomas plays the key role of John- Will Geer, Ellen Corby, Ralph Waite, Richard Boy Walton, a youth on the verge of manhood during the Great Collection Depression and a fledgling writer whose observations are Thomas, Michael Learned Change comes to Walton’s Mountain. Scholarship winner Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth, Richard Gere,

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Natalie Portman, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Classic Album Under Review Jude Law, Hugh Grant, Embeth Davidtz, The Circus Princess They have come to epitomise Rock ‘n’ Roll with glorious Nicole Kidman, Queen Latifah, Lucy Liu, excesses and captivating showmanship that assures that Opera, Performing Arts 111min. Guns N’ Roses will forever be thought of as one of the Eileen Atkins, Gemma Jones, Shirley Naxos 28.02.2012 world’s most iconic bands. It was with the release of their Henderson, Siobhan Fallon, Mya Harrison, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107736 albums Use Your Illusion I & II - now more than 20 years ago - Donald Sutherland, Brendan Gleeson, Jim that the band cemented their place in musical history, Broadbent, John C. Reilly, Ray Winstone, becoming the first group ever to occupy the top two positions The Clash: Music Masters on the Billboard 200 chart. This two DVD documentary set is J.K. Simmons, Giovanni Ribisi, Taye Diggs, the definitive review of those record breaking albums, whilst Harry Connick Jr., Frances Conroy, Robert Collection also providing an unparalleled insight into the band Small, Dominic West, Jack White Concerts, Music, Punk, Punk Rock min. themselves. Includes: Bridget Jones’s Diary. Renee Zellweger stars in the E1 Entertainment 28.02.2012 Documentary, Hard Rock, Music 2011 „cheerful, cheeky“ (Los Angeles Times) comedy based on the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108104 145min. international best-selling book. Bridget Jones is a busy Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 journalist and a „singleton“ lost amid a sea of „smug-marrieds“ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108172 in London. After vowing to abandon her many vices, Bridget Coldplay: New Dimensions turns over a new page by channeling her opinions and Having emerged from humble beginnings to become one of the insecurities in a journal that becomes a hilarious chronicle of biggest bands in the world, with a level of acclaim presently Human Nature Sings Motown: her misadventures. Soon, Bridget finds herself stuck in the only matched by the likes of U2 and Radiohead, Coldplay are sights of not one, but two men: her dashing boss Daniel (Hugh nothing short of a phenomenon. This two disc set both Featuring Smokey Robinson Grant), who thrives on bad behavior; and the brooding Mark documents and celebrates the first 10 years of Coldplay’s Concerts, Motown, Music, Pop Music, Pop (Colin Firth), who she despises but somehow can’t get away career. With a wealth of rare performance and interview from. From the creators of Four Weddings And A Funeral and footage, Coldplay - New Dimensions offers the viewer a close Vocal min. Notting Hill, Bridget Jones’s Diary spawned two smashing up and personal experience rarely obtained with acts of such Universal - Music 06.03.2012 sequels and earned Zellweger an Academy Award® magnitude. nomination for Best Actress. Chicago. Winner of 6 academy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108150 Awards® Chicago is a dazzling spectacle cheered by Documentary, Music 2011 112min. audiences and critics alike! At a time when crimes of passion Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 Hvorostovsky In Moscow result in celebrity headlines, nightclub sensation Velma Kelly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108170 (Zeta-Jones) and spotlight seeking Roxie Hart (Zellweger) Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Orche- both f stral 58min. Music, Musical, Romance, War, Academy The Coronation Of Poppea Naxos 28.02.2012 Award Winners, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Ballet, Opera, Performing Arts 180min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107759 American Civil War, Comedy, Drama, Naxos 28.02.2012 Historical / Period Piece, Independent 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107766 Iron Butterfly: The Lost Women, Lawyers / Legal Issues Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 462min. The Coronation Of Poppea (Blu- Broadcasts Concerts, Music, Psychedelic 2011 23min. Lionsgate 03.04.2012 ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107888 E1 Entertainment 13.03.2012 Opera, Performing Arts, Ballet 180min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107921 Naxos 28.02.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107832 The Jettisoundz Promo Years Formed in 1982, the Jettisoundz video label documented the Music Dance Theatre Of Harlem progressive and post punk rock scene in the UK during those genre jumping, heady days. This DVD collects almost three Ballet, Performing Arts 120min. hours of promotional videos from Hawkwind, Roy Harper & ATL’s Finest Hip Hop: T.I. & Naxos 28.02.2012 Jimmy Page, Alien Sex Fiend, Robyn Hitchcock, Psychic TV, Outkast 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107730 Michelle Shocked, Toy Dolls, Xentrix, Jazz Butcher and more. The rap industry has crowned its newest King of the south: Music, Progressive Rock 2011 197min. T.I. His heart-warming story will move just about anyone. He Degradead: Live At The Wacked Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 stays far from being your norm rapper by bringing new flavor 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108182 to the rap game. Outkast went beyond Hip-Hop and And Beyond hypnotized the whole world with their new style of music. A Concerts, Death Metal, Heavy Metal, Music couple of Outkasts from Hotlanta (), Big Boi and Dre, The King Of Limbs: Live From whose taste and style stand apart from everyone else. Their min. name speaks for itself, individualism. E1 Entertainment 28.02.2012 The Basement Unauthorized Biographies, Documentary, Tracklisting: Bloom The Daily Mail Feral Little by Little 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108098 Codex Separator Lotus Flower Staircase Morning Mr. Music, Rap 2011 120min. Magpie Give Up the Ghost Supercollider (bonus track) Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 Faure: Requiem Alternative, Concerts, Music min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108168 Choral Music, Classical Music, Music Tickertape / Sandbag 27.01.2012 99min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108081 Barenboim: Piano Concertos Naxos 28.02.2012 Classical Music, Concerts, Piano 91min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107750 The King Of Limbs: Live From Naxos 28.02.2012 The Basement (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107727 Fellini, Jazz & Co. Tracklisting: Bloom The Daily Mail Feral Little by Little Classical Music, Jazz, Music, Orchestral Codex Separator Lotus Flower Staircase Morning Mr. Barenboim: Piano Concertos Magpie Give Up the Ghost Supercollider (bonus track) 105min. Alternative, Concerts, Music min. (Blu-ray) Naxos 28.02.2012 Tickertape / Sandbag 27.01.2012 Classical Music, Concerts, Piano 91min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107762 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108146 Naxos 28.02.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107825 Fellini, Jazz & Co. (Blu-ray) The Kinks: Set Me Free The Classical Music, Jazz, Music, Orchestral Ultimate Review Boston Symphony Orchestra: 105min. Concerts, Music, Pop Metal min. Naxos 28.02.2012 Charles Munch (Handel - Mozart) E1 Entertainment 28.02.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107831 Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 62min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108094 Naxos 28.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107772 The Gift Band: Live At The Union Carlos Kleiber: Traces To Chapel Nowhere (Blu-ray) Boston Symphony Orchestra: Concerts, Folk, Music 2011 60min. Brigitte Fassbaender, Placido Domingo, Otto E1 Entertainment 13.03.2012 Erich Leinsdorf Schenk, Michael Gielen, Manfred Honeck, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107924 Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 57min. Carlos Kleiber Naxos 28.02.2012 Classical Music, Documentary, Music 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107774 Guns N’ Roses: Use Your Illusion -

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72min. Arts, Plays On Stage 188min. The Smiths: DVD Collector’s Box Naxos 28.02.2012 Naxos 28.02.2012 A grey shadow was cast across the British landscape during 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107826 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107829 the 1980s, as the political elite sought to condemn a nation from within.In 1982 however, salvation came from young Manchester band The Smiths, and a song writing partnership Lady Gaga Presents: The Monster Mozart: Die Zauberflote that would go on to rival the finest. Their career was tragically short-lived, and just four albums later, in 1987, they Ball Tour At Madison Square Gar- Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing acrimoniously split. Their legacy was already assured den (Blu-ray) Arts 172min. however, and to this day they remain one of the most iconic Naxos 28.02.2012 groups of all time. The Smiths - DVD Collector’s Box - is the Dance In The Dark Glitter and Grease Just Dance Beautiful, ultimate visual celebration of this most glorious of bands. Dirty, Rich The Fame Lovegame Boys Boys Boys Money 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107780 Honey Telephone Speechless You and I So Happy I Could Die British, Documentary, Music, Punk Rock Monster Teeth Alejandro Poker Face Paparazzi Bad Romance 2012 203min. Mozart: Die Zauberflote (Blu-ray) Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 Concerts, Music, Pop Music 2011 min. Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108176 Universal - Music 21.02.2012 Arts 172min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108063 Naxos 28.02.2012 Soulful Music Greatest: Kirk 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107834 Led Zeppelin: Music Milestones - Franklin & John Legend Daniel O’Donnell: Live From Kirk Franklin, John Legend The IV Album This DVD features the story of this incredibly talented John Documentary, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Nashville - Volume 2 Legend, who, at just 28 years of age, has taken the world by storm. With five Grammy awards, two studio albums; this Music min. Concerts, Country, Foreign, Irish, Music, amazing musician is living up to his name. A composer, singer, E1 Entertainment 28.02.2012 PBS 2011 75min. and song-writer. Kirk Franklin’s story is a testimony how one 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108096 E1 Entertainment 13.03.2012 can go from good to bad, then back to being righteous. This DVD deeply explores the progressions of his life and the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107928 lives of those around him. Legacy: Amadeus Quartet Unauthorized Biographies, Documentary, Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 75min. Oscar Peterson’s Easter Suite Music, Soul 2011 120min. Naxos 28.02.2012 Jazz, Music 50min. Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107769 Naxos 28.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108169 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107735 Los Heroes Del Norte Tribute To Jerome Robbins Comedy, Foreign, Mexican, Music, Pink Floyd: Music Milestones - Ballet, Dancing, Performing Arts 111min. Romance 2010 min. Atom Heart Mother Naxos 28.02.2012 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 24.04.2012 Concerts, Music, Progressive Rock, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107741 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107691 Psychedelic min. E1 Entertainment 28.02.2012 Tribute To Jerome Robbins (Blu- Lynyrd Skynyrd: Same Old Blues 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108102 ray) - Live In London 1975 Dancing, Performing Arts, Ballet 111min. Very rare live performance, broadcast in 1975 in London. Giacomo Puccini: La Boheme Naxos 28.02.2012 Limited edition, UK Import! Track Listing I Ain’t The One Call Me The Breeze I Got The Same Old Blues Every Mothers Son Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Opera, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107828 Sweet Home Alabama Freebird Performing Arts 117min. Concerts, Southern Rock 2012 41min. Naxos 28.02.2012 Ulver: The Norwegian National Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107777 Opera 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108179 Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music, Pop Music Giacomo Puccini: La Boheme min. Manfred Mann’s Earth Band: An- (Blu-ray) E1 Entertainment 31.01.2012 gel Station In Moscow Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Opera, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108091 Concerts, Music min. Performing Arts 117min. E1 Entertainment 28.02.2012 Naxos 28.02.2012 Giuseppe Verdi: Aida 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108093 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107833 Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Arts 151min. John Martyn: One World One Rolling Stones: Music Milestones Naxos 28.02.2012 John - Get Yer Ya Ya’s Out 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107739 Concerts, Folk Rock, Music min. Blues, Concerts min. E1 Entertainment 28.02.2012 E1 Entertainment 28.02.2012 Giuseppe Verdi: Aida (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108100 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108103 Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Arts 151min. Freddie Mercury: Holding Back Rossini: La Gazza Ladra (Blu-ray) Naxos 28.02.2012 The Years Classical Music, Music, Opera 201min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107827 Documentary, Glam Rock, Hard Rock, Music Naxos 28.02.2012 2011 67min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107830 Antonio Vivaldi: Orlando Furioso E1 Entertainment 13.03.2012 Opera, Performing Arts 190min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107922 Sing-A-Long: Beatlesongs Naxos 28.02.2012 The Beatles have written and performed many of the greatest 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107776 pop songs in the history of music. These are songs that are Mozart: Die Entfuhrung Aus Dem known and loved around the world and listened to by millions Serail daily. But what if you want to share this love of The Fab Four Il Volo: Il Volo Takes Flight - Live with your little ones while they learn to read and speak From The Opera House Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing English in a fun and stimulating manner? Where do you start? Arts, Plays On Stage 188min. Enjoy „Sing-A-Long: Beatlesongs“ with your children or Concerts, Music, Opera, Pop Music min. friends with visually compelling classic animation and music Universal - Music 28.02.2012 Naxos 28.02.2012 written by the Beatles that will capture the imagination and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107744 attention of every viewer. Does not include actual Beatles 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108194 performances. Mozart: Die Entfuhrung Aus Dem Brit Pop, Music 2011 60min. Woodstock Days: Compilation Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 Excellent Woodstock compilation feat. Janis Joplin, Johnny Serail (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108177 Winter, Creedence Clearwater Revival and others. Plus Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Photo Gallery, Stories and many more.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 56 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Classics, Concerts, Music 2012 68min. experience in a lifetime. Glacier Pilot: Don Sheldon. Many of today’s glacier pilots were inspired by one man: Don Sheldon. Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 In Glacier Pilot: Don Sheldon, follow Sheldon’s career from Discover Planet Ocean (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108180 his arrival in Alaska to his rise to preeminence among an elite The mystery & beauty beyond us...Planet Earth is a pulsating subset of daring Alaskan bush pilots. Hear from the people orb of vibrant life; a cosmic wonder dominated by nearly 71% who knew him and flew with him, and watch footage of water. Our oceans represent miles and miles of mystery below Yo Gabba Gabba: Super Spy! Sheldon in action. Denali Flyers. Every year, hundreds of our feet and worlds of wonder beyond our comprehension. As Join the Gabba Land gang as they become super spies, climbers and adventurers make their way to Talkeetna, Alas- land-dwellers we have engineered ships to cross them, sailed uncover mysteries, explore DJ Lance’s house and more in ka, in order to be flown to the base of Mount McKinley by boats to harvest them and sanctioned experts to explore them. these move-along, groove-along musical episodes! some of the most skilled pilots i Still, we’ve yet to tap the true essence of our oceans or Music, Nickelodeon 2012 96min. Wilderness, Documentary, Environmental, understand the extraordinary life it has sparked since time began. Discover the ocean life, wild life, cultures, climate and Nickelodeon 17.04.2012 PBS 60min. the ocean’s effect on the „Great River,“ or current, that 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108135 Topics Entertainment 03.04.2012 circulates in the North Pacific Ocean attracting people to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108030 Costa Rica, the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, the United States and Canada. Get a glimpse of the people who depend on the Neil Young: The Wrecking Ball ocean, the creatures it shelters and the surprises it continues Concerts, Country Rock, Experimental Cardio & Strength Interval Circuit to reveal. Rock, Folk Rock, Hard Rock, Music 2011 This calorie blasting workout is comprised of 3 (20 min) Documentary 2010 720min. circuit intervals, that allow you to focus on cardio, weight- Gaiam Americas 03.04.2012 79min. training and abs. Each containing fun, easy-to-follow, unique E1 Entertainment 13.03.2012 moves that will build your cardio endurance, strengthen/tone 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107846 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107926 every major muscle group. Fitness, Health 2010 69min. Discovering Ohio Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 Simply Spectacular Places To See In The Buckeye State. Go 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108205 on a sightseeing tour of some of the most unique and interesting places in the state of Ohio. Discover the Special Interest entrepreneurial spirit of the Ohio population from the past and Chicago By Boat present and find out how the Buckeye State cherishes the old, The Best Way To Tour The Windy City. It’s the only way to the new and even the old new. In Discovering Ohio, meet a 50/50 Cardio And Weights see Chicago: By boat! Travel from the farthest reaches of the duo that could arguably be called the states most famous industrial scenic forks of the North Branch to the river’s residents: the Wright Brothers. Then meet a unique and The program includes 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of talented artist, and find out how long it took him to paint a barn weights. Each cardio and weight section is further broken up surprising origin with Chicago expert and tour guide Geoffrey Baer in this film previously enjoyed on public television. in each county 88 total for the Ohio Centennial celebration. into smaller sub-sections so you can easily focus on specific Theres also the Guggisberg family, creators of the original target areas when you’re pressed for time. There are 3 Explore the historic neighborhoods, the amazing architecture and the colorful characters that make up Chicago’s rich past baby Swiss cheese, and the Longaberger Basket Company different levels of intensity for every move. If you start getting headquarters, also the worlds largest basket building. fatigued, simply start following Level 1 or Level 2, and if you as the river winds through the heart of the city and suburbs. Along the way, see dramatic river-edge residential Lehman’s, which makes old things out of new materials, need to take that intensity up a notch, just turn your attention attracts customers from major Hollywood studios to the people to Level 3! architecture, including Donald Trumps’ condo/hotel tower. Plus, tour beautiful river-walks, parks and more places of Holmes County, one of the largest Amish communities in Fitness, Health 2010 69min. perfect for strolling, boating and even fishing. Filled with America. Plus, visit the Pro Football League Hall of Fame, the Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 wonderful stories and breathtaking views, get ready for an U.S. Air Force Museum and Cedar Point Amusement Park. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108204 incredible journey through Chicago By Boat. Sports, Documentary, PBS 50min. Documentary, PBS 120min. Topics Entertainment 03.04.2012 After Mein Kampf Topics Entertainment 03.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108153 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108174 Herbert Lom, Peter Ustinov, Robert Beatty By combining actual footage with film re-enactments, this film Rob Dyrdek’s Fantasy Factory: offers both a documentary and fictional account of the life of Cold War Season Three Adolf Hitler, from his childhood in Vienna, through the rise of CNN’s Cold War is a sweeping look at nearly five decades of the Third Reich, to his final act of suicide in the waning days global history - a crystallization of a massive, three-year-long Rob Dyrdek, Torey Pudwill, Travis Barker, of World War II. The film also provides considerable, and effort helmed by award-winning documentarian Jeremy Isaacs Pharrell Williams, Laird Hamilton, Ryan often shocking, detail of the atrocities enacted by the Nazi (The World At War). Isaacs’ team shot more than 1,000 hours regime under Hitler’s command. Sheckler of original footage and gathered archival footage from all over This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using War, World War II, Biography, Documentary the world to include historically important — and often a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. 1940 43min. emotionally stunning — images, many never before seen by an The insanity continues for skateboarding legend and business American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 international audience. Honored with the prestigious 1998 mogul, Rob Dyrdek, inside the walls of his continually George Foster Peabody Award, CNN’s landmark series Cold evolving canvas of creativity known as The Fantasy Factory. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107880 War is the only major documentary on the subject. In the most ridiculous season yet, Rob invents the world’s War, Documentary min. first skateboarding car, jumps out of a five-story building, Bugz Warner Bros. 08.05.2012 attempts to get towed onto a big wave in Kauai with the help of Laird Hamilton, and tries to make the world’s most expensive ...from a bugs eye view and personal. Bugz. Bugz is 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107801 grilled cheese. Rob continues his tradition of discovering new educational but your kids don’t have to know. The Bugz. alter egos, adding to his repertoire an infomercial-fitness- Bugs, Family 1996 min. Conquest Of Everest expert named Barry Bright and a stylish eighty-year-old man Echo Bridge Home Entertainment named Stan. As always, along for the ride is Rob’s young The first successful attempt of the ascent of Everest was in cousin and protégé, Chris „Drama“ Pfaff, who now finds 03.04.2012 1953. The British team was lead by John Hunt but it was himself in a sleek new office atop the concrete skate plaza, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107695 Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay a Rob’s painfully awkward skate tech, Scott „Big Cat“ Pfaff, the Sherpa from Nepal as part of that British Expedition that cute, rapping receptionist, Chanel, and Rob’s constantly reached the summit. cautious manager, Jeremy. With special guest appearances by Burzynski Adventure, Documentary, Mountain Chad Ochocinco, Travis Barker, Ryan Sheckle Burzynski is the compelling story of a pioneering medical Climbing 1953 78min. Extreme Sports, MTV, Reality, doctor and PhD biochemist who has discovered the genetic mechanism to cure most human cancers. This timely, eye- American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Skateboarding, Sports 2011 FF 300min. opening documentary takes the audience through the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108122 MTV MOD 16.01.2012 treacherous, yet victorious, 14-year journey that both Dr. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108073 Burzynski and his patients have had to endure in order to obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of Antineoplastons - Dancing With The Stars: Cardio resulting in the largest and most convoluted defeat against the Dance For Weight Loss Rob Dyrdek’s Fantasy Factory: Food and Drug Administration in American history. Directed by Eric Merola, Burzynski. Kym Johnson Season Two Documentary, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2011 Exercise Routines Adapted From ABC’s Hit Show. Dance Rob Dyrdek, John Mayer, Travis Barker, Yourself Slim...No Partner Needed! You’ve seen celebrities 118min. shed pounds on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars and now its Steve Berra, Jeremy Larner Passion River 10.04.2012 your turn! Join . Join professional dancers Kym Johnson and This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107785 Bark Ballas for Cardio Dance For Weight Loss. Start dancing a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. your way to a lean body with these three easy-to-follow The fantasy continues for skateboarding legend Rob Dyrdek routines based on the fat-burning moves from the show. Learn and his crew as they return for another quirky season of The Bush Pilots: Denali Flyers the basic dance steps in the Warm-Up and then really burn chaos and laughter at the Fantasy Factory. Packed with guest stars and even more action, Season Two is the Fantasy Experience the thrill of flying with Alaska’s glacier pilots.. At some calories with the sexy Samba, hip-shaking Salsa and high-energy Swing! Cardio Dance for Weight Loss. Factory at a whole new level. Along with Rob for the insane 20,300 feet above sea level, Denali - or Mount McKinley - is journeys are his cousin Drama, his naysaying manager, the tallest mountain in North America and a highly coveted Dancing, Fitness, Health, Instructional 2012 Jeremy, the „rapping receptionist“ Chanel, and Rob’s summit by climbers from around the world. In order to get Ltbx 16x9 S 55min. awkward, injury-prone skate coach, Big Cat. This season, the there, however, they need help from an elite group of pilots. In Lionsgate 06.03.2012 ridiculousness reaches new levels as Rob purchases and The Bush Pilots: Denali Flyers, see two films that previously then jockeys his own racehorse, teams up with musician John aired on public television and meet these pilots whose day-to- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108046 Mayer to write an apology song for Rob’s Mom, races day jobs are filled with more adventure than most people

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 57 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA alongside Ken Block in a miniature rally car, and triumphantly BBC Home Video 17.04.2012 dissects the Third Reich with a keen analyti returns to the stage as Bobby Light with a little help from Boxed Sets, Documentary, Military, War, Travis Barker at a Blink-182 show. As always, the biggest 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107885 and most obscure dreams become reality from within his World War II 2010 410min. headquarters - a fully skate-able, 25,000- square-foot Functional Fitness: Arthritis First Run Features 17.04.2012 warehouse in downtown Los Angeles known as Rob Dyrdek’s 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107934 Fantasy Factory. Water Therapy With Suzanne Extreme Sports, MTV, Reality, Andrews Skateboarding, Sports 2010 FF 176min. Houston: Remember When If you or someone you know or love suffers from aching An exciting journey back to the city during the 1930’s, 40’s MTV MOD 16.01.2012 painful joints...if you find it difficult to get out of bed in the and 50’s. Remember when you spent hot Saturday afternoons 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108072 morning and make it through your day...if you want to dance, at the Loews, Lincoln or Uptown theaters watching Clark run, play golf, or just enjoy life like you used to, then the Gable, Jean Harlow and Charles Laughton? Remember when Functional Fitness Arthritis Water Therapy DVD with you heard your first jazz tune in the Third Ward s Eldorado ESPN Films 30 For 30: The House Suzanne Andrews is for you! This program features water Club? Houston: Remember When, previously seen on public Of Steinbrenner therapy that incorporates targeted therapeutic exercise to television and narrated by retired KHOU-TV anchor Steve bring joint pain relief and ease muscle tension. Water therapy Smith, takes you back to the 1930 s, 40s and 50s. Revisit the Love them or hate them, the Yankees remain the most supports your body and is gentler on your joints when stretc- theaters in the days of silent film when orchestras played successful team in American sports history. Behind George M. hing, improving your flexibility and your joint range of motion. along with the movies, and meet O.P. DeWalt, Jr., whose Steinbrenner, a man who with his passing in July 2010 proved Water therapy is also a safe way to build fitness, especially if father was the first African American to own and operate a to be as iconic to the team as its pinstripes, the Yankees you’re older or have acute arthritis pain. This specially downtown movie theater, the Lincoln. Then, remember when restored their storied sports stature with 7 World designed DVD features six segments to focus attention on Roy Rogers and Gene Autry entertained fans during the rodeo Championships. Through all the ups and downs of his reign, your neck, shoulders, back, hips, knees, and hands. With its era in the Sam Houston Coliseum? How about when the „The Boss“ managed to link the legends and legacy of Yankees stress releasing spa atmosphere, Functional Fitness Arthritis Houston Symphony played background music for wrestling past to Yankees present. An essential part of that Water Therapy with Suzanne Andrews is truly the most matche accomplishment included the demolition of the old Yankee beautiful water therapy DVD you’ve ever seen. Two levels of Stadium to the construction of the new one, and the handover intensity are provided to give you a choice of doing the Documentary, PBS 90min. of ownership from George himself to his heirs, led by his beginner or advanced version. The DVD also inc Topics Entertainment 03.04.2012 youngest son, Hal. Two time Oscar winning filmmaker Barbara Fitness, Health 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108039 Kopple documents this historic moment of transition for the team, the family and its fans from the final day at the old BayView Entertainment 10.04.2012 Yankee Stadium, to the opening of the new Stadium, and from 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107802 I Ain’t Scared Of You: A Tribute passage of the George Steinbrenner era to the Hal Stein- brenner era, all of which was magnificently capped off with To Bernie Mac the Yankees’ 27th World Championship. Garbo The Spy Bernie Mac, Cameron Diaz, Andy Garcia, Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major The Allies called him Garbo. The Nazis dubbed him Alaric. Both sides in World War II were sure Juan Pujol Garcia was , , Joe Torry, League Baseball 75min. their man. In reality, Pujol was a double agent - and his final Angela Bassett, Zoe Saldana, Kellita Smith, ESPN (TM) 13.03.2012 allegiance was to the Allies. From the comfort of Lisbon, Camille Winbush, Samuel L. Jackson, Chris 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108112 Garbo fed false information to the Nazis and fabricated a network of phantom agents across Europe. Although he never Rock, Don Cheadle, Anthony Anderson, fired a single shot, Garbo helped to save thousands of lives, Tom Arnold, Cedric The Entertainer, Mike ESPN Films: The Dotted Line most notably by misinforming the Germans about the timing and Epps, D.L. Hughley, Bill Bellamy, Ali LeRoi In today’s world of lockouts and labor talks, agents are the location of D-Day. In his inexhaustible imagination he even I Ain’t Scared Of You: A Tribute To Bernie Mac. This film ultimate backroom operators. When there is a high-stakes went so far as to secure death benefits from the Nazis for an traces Bernie Mac’s unique performance style and tireless contract negotiation between millionaire players and imaginary agent’s nonexistent widow. In this documentary pursuit of comedy that broke through barriers to make him an billionaire owners, you can bet in the center of it, is a top- thriller, director Edmon Roch (producer of Alejandro American Icon. I Ain’t Scared Of You features exclusive notch sports agent. Featuring interviews with super agents González Iñárritu’s Biutiful) artfully interweaves propaganda footage of early, never-before-seen performances, courtesy of David Falk, Peter Greenberg, as well upcoming agent Eugene footage, interviews with intelligence experts and key players Bernie Mac’s friends and family, in addition to his better- Lee, director Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) sets his in Garbo’s life (as well as with Garbo himself), and clips from known work, such as the Kings of Comedy Tour, The Bernie sights on the ultra-competitive world of this fascinating and Hollywood films to conjure forgotten and living memories, Mac Show and several of his feature films. Featuring Anthony complex industry. heroes and spies, secrets and lies. Anderson, Tom Arnold, Angela Bassett, Bill Bellamy, Cedric Sports, Documentary 60min. World War II, Biography, Documentary 2009 the Entertainer, Don Cheadle, Cameron Diaz, Mike Epps, 93min. Andy Garcia, D.L. Hughley, Warren Hutcherson, Samuel L. ESPN (TM) 28.02.2012 Jackson, Ali LeRoi, Je’niece McCullough, Rhonda 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108110 First Run Features 17.04.2012 McCullough, Carl Reiner, Chris Rock, Zoe Saldana, Kellita 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107932 Smith, Steven Soderbergh, Joe Torry, and Camille Winbush Frozen Planet Biography, Comedy, Documentary 2011 From BBC Earth and Alastair Fothergill, Executive Producer Great Cars: AC Cobra 61min. of Planet Earth and The Blue Planet: Seas Of Life, Frozen Documentary, Educational 138min. Image Ent. 21.02.2012 Planet is the epic tale of two disappearing wildernesses. The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107848 Arctic and Antarctic remain the greatest wildernesses on E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 Earth. The scale and beauty of the scenery and the sheer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107915 power of the elements - the weather, the rough ocean and the IMAX: Born To Be Wild ice - is unmatched anywhere else on our planet. Many of the Great Cars: BMW Born to be loved. Born to be free.. Narrated by Academy- most spectacular landscapes, charismatic animals and their Award® winner Morgan Freeman, Born To Be Wild 3D is an behavior have never been recorded before. Filmed with the Documentary, Educational 84min. inspiring story of love, dedication and the remarkable bond same breathtaking camera techniques as Planet Earth and E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 between humans and animals. This film documents orphaned Life, Frozen Planet tells the compelling story of animals such orangutans and elephants and the extraordinary people who as the wandering albatross, the adelie penguin and the polar 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107917 rescue and raise them-saving endangered species one life at bear, and paints a portrait that will take your breath away, at a time. Stunningly captured in IMAX 3D, Born To Be Wild 3D a moment when, melting fast, the frozen regions of our planet Great Cars: Mini Cooper is a heartwarming adventure transporting moviegoers into the may soon be changed forever. lush rainforests of Borneo with world-renowned primatologist Wilderness, BBC, British, Foreign, Interna- Documentary, Educational 39min. Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas, and across the rugged Kenyan tional TV 300min. E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 savannah with celebrated elephant authority Dame Daphne M. Sheldrick, as they and their teams rescue, rehabilitate and BBC Home Video 17.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107919 return these incredible animals back to the wild. Born To Be 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107866 Wild 3D. The Hitler Chronicles: Collector’s Documentary, IMAX 2011 min. Frozen Planet (Blu-ray) Edition Warner Bros. 17.04.2012 From BBC Earth and Alastair Fothergill, Executive Producer This new collector’s edition box set features the following 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108019 of Planet Earth and The Blue Planet: Seas Of Life, Frozen four riveting documentaries about Adolf Hitler and the rise Planet is the epic tale of two disappearing wildernesses. The and fall of the Third Reich: Featuring never-before-seen film IMAX: Born To Be Wild (Blu-ray + Arctic and Antarctic remain the greatest wildernesses on footage of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime, this spectacular Earth. The scale and beauty of the scenery and the sheer film shows the inner workings of the Third Reich and DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) power of the elements - the weather, the rough ocean and the illuminates the Nazi aesthetic in art, architecture and popular ice - is unmatched anywhere else on our planet. Many of the Born to be loved. Born to be free.. Narrated by Academy- culture. More than any other documents, it is the personal Award® winner Morgan Freeman, Born To Be Wild 3D is an most spectacular landscapes, charismatic animals and their private letters written by the German people to Adolf Hitler behavior have never been recorded before. Filmed with the inspiring story of love, dedication and the remarkable bond that provide the most intimate details of the Third Reich. A between humans and animals. This film documents orphaned same breathtaking camera techniques as Planet Earth and treasure of more than 100,000 such letters was recently Life, Frozen Planet tells the compelling story of animals such orangutans and elephants and the extraordinary people who found, hidden in a secret Russian archive. The uncensored rescue and raise them-saving endangered species one life at as the wandering albatross, the adelie penguin and the polar letters, which include declarations of loyalty, love letters and bear, and paints a portrait that will take your breath away, at a time. Stunningly captured in IMAX 3D, Born To Be Wild 3D the occasional words of protest, reveal the true feelings of the is a heartwarming adventure transporting moviegoers into the a moment when, melting fast, the frozen regions of our planet German people - their hopes, longings and fears. How did a may soon be changed forever. lush rainforests of Borneo with world-renowned primatologist rabble-rouser from Austria rise to become Germany’s Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas, and across the rugged Kenyan Wilderness, British, Foreign, International messianic Führer? Why did Germans from all walks of life savannah with celebrated elephant authority Dame Daphne M. TV, BBC 300min. embrace the Nazi philosophy and willingly follow Hitler into a Sheldrick, as they and their teams rescue, rehabilitate and titanic conflict and utter destruction? This stunning film

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 58 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA return these incredible animals back to the wild. Born To Be Gaiam Americas 10.04.2012 closer to us than we ever imagined. Ace underwater Wild 3D. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107847 cameramen Doug Allan and Didier Noirot embark on a quest to Documentary, IMAX 2011 min. film the most amazing stories of whales and dolphins across Warner Bros. 17.04.2012 the ocean world. Teaming up with the world’s top cetacean Man Vs. Wild: Top 25 Man Mo- scientists, they uncover new insights into the lives of these 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108068 extraordinary animals that will redefine how we see them ments forever. IMAX: Born To Be Wild 3D (Blu- Bear Grylls 150min. BBC Home Video 06.03.2012 ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Discovery Channel, Documentary 2010 215min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107890 Copy) (Blu-ray) Gaiam Americas 17.04.2012 Born to be loved. Born to be free.. Narrated by Academy- Patton Oswalt: Finest Hour Award® winner Morgan Freeman, Born To Be Wild 3D is an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107806 inspiring story of love, dedication and the remarkable bond Patton Oswalt between humans and animals. This film documents orphaned Sebastian Maniscalco: What’s A 20-year veteran of the stand-up comedy scene with multiple orangutans and elephants and the extraordinary people who critically acclaimed DVDs, albums, tours and various acting rescue and raise them-saving endangered species one life at Wrong With People? and voiceover roles under his belt, Patton Oswalt has become a time. Stunningly captured in IMAX 3D, Born To Be Wild 3D ubiquitous in the world of stand-up. In his fourth (and Grammy is a heartwarming adventure transporting moviegoers into the Sebastian Maniscalco Nominated) full-length special, Patton covers a range of lush rainforests of Borneo with world-renowned primatologist Comedy, Showtime 2011 65min. topics from how hipsters make the Spam museum sad, the Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas, and across the rugged Kenyan E1 Entertainment 27.03.2012 greatness of sweatpants and revisits his attack on KFC savannah with celebrated elephant authority Dame Daphne M. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107876 Famous Bowls. Sheldrick, as they and their teams rescue, rehabilitate and Comedy, Showtime 2012 68min. return these incredible animals back to the wild. Born To Be Comedy Central 24.04.2012 Wild 3D. Jillian Michaels: Frontside / Documentary, IMAX 2011 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108136 Warner Bros. 17.04.2012 Backside Combo 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108066 Jillian Michaels Over Hawai’i (Blu-ray + DVD Fitness, Health 97min. Combo) (Blu-ray) Gaiam Americas 06.03.2012 Ernie Kovacs: The ABC Specials Rare Views Of The Beautiful Hawaiian Islands In High 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107813 Definition. Feel the Spirit of Aloha in this celebration of the Ernie Kovacs beautiful Hawaiian Islands. Blending breathtaking scenery Before his untimely death at the age of 42, television pioneer with fascinating insights, Over Hawai’i reveals the Ernie Kovacs left us with a sublime body of comedy work Angie Miller: Core & Strength Fu- remarkable diversity of America’s 50th state. Soar over some whose influence can be seen on everything from Monty sion of the most spectacular places on Earth, and see them from Python to SNL and David Letterman. He made eight TV perspectives you never thought possible while you relax to specials for ABC in 1961, the final year of his life, and they Angie Miller the traditional music of the islands in Over Hawai’i. In Over show Kovacs at the peak of his creative experimentation with Angie Miller delivers the ultimate total body workout! This Hawai’i, explore the Big Island and hover above erupting the medium, featuring many of his comic masterpieces and time-efficient strength training program uses continuous craters at Volcanoes National Park; watch steam iconic set pieces. Five of these programs are presented here movement and innovative exercises to sculpt and define your billow and orange lava flow across charred rock. Glide over in complete uncut form, along with many of his celebrated - muscles. You’ll increase your strength and endurance, Mauis Haleakala National Park and discover the diversity of and delightfully offbeat - commercials for Dutch Masters challenge your balance and coordination, and reap Hawaiian landscapes: rugged mountain ridges, lush valleys, cigars. cardiovascular rewards. Fat burning, and functional, it’s the deserts and rain forests. Island-hop to Lanai for spectacular ABC, Comedy 145min. perfect way to reshape your body and achieve a leaner beaches; then it s on to Molokai, where you will stare straight Shout Factory 17.04.2012 physique. Angie’s non-stop energy and encouraging style will down a towering waterfall. Visit Pearl Harbor from above and motivate you. Her attention to form and upbeat instruction will the memorial sites before exploring the rest of Oahu. Kauai is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107690 inspire you. Get ready to boost your metabolism and break the perfect way to end your tour, with the breathtaking through plateaus! Look out skinny jeans, here you come. Core Cathedrals on the Na Pali Coast, and much more! A Mag Jo Koy: & Strength Fusion is a challenging program that will give you Wilderness, Environmental, PBS 2011 the tools you need to achieve a stronger, fitter you! You can Jo Koy do the entire workout or chose various options to meet your 55min. Jo Koy’s star continues to rise in his second feature-length, exercise needs. Topics Entertainment 06.03.2012 uncensored stand-up special, Lights Out, filmed at the Alex Fitness, Health 68min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108070 Theatre in Glendale California. Infectiously funny and painfully honest, Jo hits on such topics as the joys and BayView Entertainment 03.04.2012 struggles of fatherhood, growing up with strong and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107795 Progressive Power Yoga: opinionated Filipino women, sleep apnea, and role playing. If you don’t already know Jo from his stand-up or regular Pregnancy roundtable appearances on Chelsea Lately, it’s time that you Angie Miller: Strength & Cardio The phenomenal advantages of practicing yoga during do. Ting ting! Experience - Crave Results pregnancy are well-documented. Its many benefits help Comedy 2012 60min. pregnant women maintain optimal health, minimize Angie Miller complications, create calmness, foster deep mental Comedy Central 03.04.2012 You crave a night out, a relaxing vacation, or a day off work, preparedness for birth, and provide quick post-natal 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108134 but you’d trade it all for the ultimate craving: that head turning recoveries. Acclaimed instructor Mark Blanchard created the body you’ve always wanted. Angie can’t guarantee that Progressive Power Yoga for Pregnancy DVD with one woman vacation, but with Angie Miller’s Crave Results workout DVD in each trimester, including his wife Elizabeth in her second The Man Nobody Knew: In she can help shape, sculpt, and sweat your way to a new you! trimester and her OB Gynecologist, Joie Russo, who was in Search Of My Father, CIA Level: intermediate; Equipment required: Dumbbells, her third trimester while taping this series. The woman shown resistance band (optional), step (optional). in her first trimester is doing yoga for the first time! This DVD Spymaster William Colby Fitness, Health 63min. was made for the woman who wants to stay fit, active, and As powerful and riveting as a John Le Carre thriller, The Man BayView Entertainment 03.04.2012 prevent enormous weight gain during pregnancy. The 60- Nobody Knew uncovers the hidden life of legendary CIA minute routine Mark created will not only help teach expectant spymaster William Colby. The consummate American soldier- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107794 mothers to prepare mentally for pregnancy and birth, but will spy, Colby took on the government’s dirtiest assignments also provide them with a stronger, higher-energy pregnancy without question - until the day he defied presidential orders National Geographic: Secrets Of workout to safely keep their bodies in the best possible and revealed to Congress the CIA’s „family jewels“ - their condition and make it easier for them to get their shape back darkest, deepest secrets. Told by his son Carl Colby and The Titanic - Anniversary Edition post-pregnancy. Consider the myriad benefits of this featuring a who’s who of the intelligence community as well as pregnancy workout over all top journalists and writers, Colby’s story unmasks the lies, High Seas, National Geographic min. Yoga, Fitness, Health 60min. myths, truths, sacrifices and causalities of a covert spy. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 10.04.2012 BayView Entertainment 10.04.2012 War, Biography, Documentary 2011 104min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107692 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107800 First Run Features 17.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107930 National Geographic: Ultimate Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Nature Collection Robert Ripley Man V. Food Nation: Season 1 National Geographic min. Welcome to the Believe It or Not Hall of Curiosity. Here you’ll Adam Richman Vivendi Visual Entertainment 24.04.2012 find a woman reciting 200+ words in 24 seconds, the world’s Adam Richman has scoured the country, competing in smallest book (a 5/16" x 1/8" tome of the Rubaiyat), a 6-year- America’s most compelling food challenges. He’s fought, he’s 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107701 old lifting 200 pounds, a man-eating tree, a duck teaching conquered, and he’s been conquered. Now, Adam is recruiting chickens to swim, a two-headed turtle, a man with a suit made local talent to take on their beloved hometown challenges. Is it Ocean Giants (Blu-ray + DVD of Confederate currency and much, much more. You may not for the glory? Is it for the honor? Adam and his Man V. Food believe all you see. But you will be entertained. A little more Nation are doing it for the love of the game, as they work Combo) (Blu-ray) than a decade after Robert L. Ripley put pen to paper and captured the imaginations of readers everywhere, he brought together to defeat these edible „ beasts“ and celebrate the Dolphins and whales may appear to be totally alien to us. But community that created them. his knack for finding the unusual to moviehouses with these with their mental ability, group communication and the recent 24 Theatrical Shorts that are part travelogue, part human 2011 602min. discovery that dolphins have individual names, they are

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 59 Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA interest, part history, part fanciful, all Ripley - believe it or Collection not! It happened a century ago - the greatest vessel ever created, Documentary, Short Film Collections the RMS Titanic, sank to the bottom of the north Atlantic. 192min. Dead were 1500 people. Lost was the era’s greatest Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 manifestation of man’s genius and hubris. Born was the legend and mystery of Titanic. Uncover the mysteries of the tragic Telefonische 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107757 voyage, and be a part of all that led to this momentous Bestellannahme: disaster. Includes: Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Discovery Channel, Documentary 2011 The Rise And Fall Of The Third Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 220min. Reich Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Gaiam Americas 03.04.2012 Here is the incredible story of how an Austrian paper-hanger Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr rose from total obscurity to become the absolute master of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107804 German people ? the definitive pictorial record of the Nazi demagogue who unleashed his private madness on the world. Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Based on William L. Shirer’s monumental best-seller, this Sharon Twombly: Zero To Sixty - und Feiertags (Baden- award-winning program exposes the blackest chapter in the Low Impact With Weights history of mankind. To present the true facts, ten researchers Württemberg) bleibt unser spent over twenty years uncovering government documents Zero to Sixty Low Impact with Weights. Throughout the Verkauf geschlossen. and actual Nazi film footage. Many of Hitler’s close workout, basic low impact cardio choreography is associates are interviewed, and there are riveting scenes of supplemented with light and heavy weights to strengthen and his road to power, his lightning war and the sadistic cruelties sculpt the body while burning fat at the same time. Cardio/light of his elite SS corps. Most fascinating of all is the eerie weight and stationary/heavy weight intervals are spaced charisma of Adolf Hitler himself, inaugurating a new age of throughout the workout to further focus on fat burning and barbarism - preaching his doctrine of the master race, streamlining. A bonus abdominal section rounds out the ordering the murder of his political opponents and igniting the workout. Equipment needed: one light set and one heavy set of baser passions of the nation he led into hell. hand-held weights. War, World War II, Documentary 1968 Fitness, Health 68min. 154min. BayView Entertainment 03.04.2012 Warner Bros. MOD 22.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107796 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107764 UFC 137 & 138 (Double Feature) The Sea Around Us Sports, Sports Entertainment, UFC, Double The Poseidon Adventure, The Towering Inferno. Features, Mixed Martial Arts min. Documentary, Environmental, High Seas Starz / Anchor Bay 24.01.2012 1953 61min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107720 Warner Bros. MOD 22.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107850 Visions Of Abolition: From Newsletter 02/12 (Nr. 306) Critical Resistance To A New Way ISSN 1610-2606 Special Forces: War In The Of Life Credits Shadows Angela Davis, Andrea Smith Redaktion: Special Forces are tasked with six primary missions: Part I, Breaking down the Prison Industrial Complex weaves Wolfram Hannemann unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special together the voices of women caught in the criminal justice Design & Layout: reconnaissance, direct action, hostage rescue, and counter- system and leading scholars of prison abolition, examining the terrorism. This set profiles the most exclusive elite forces in racial and gendered violence of the prison system. (39 mins) Wolfram Hannemann the world from the USA’s Navy Seals to the UK’s Royal Part II, Abolition: Past, Present, and Future documents the Assistenz: Marine Commandos. History Of The Navy Seals Navy Seals recent history of the prison abolition movement through the Team 6 Training Special Ops In Afghanistan French Foreign organizing efforts of Critical Resistance and explores the Beate Hannemann Legion Special Air Service Spetnaz Golani Green Berets meaning of abolitionist politics.(48 mins). Interviews include: Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Asian Special Forces Royal Marine Commandos Ghurkas Melissa Burch, Susan Burton, Angela Davis, Ruth Wilson Britain’s Secret Warriors South Africa’s Elite Forces Drug Gilmore, Dylan Rodríguez, and Andrea Smith Anna Rudschies Busters Documentary 2012 92min. War, War In The Middle East, Documentary, © (2012) by Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 Marines, Military, Navy, Special Forces LASER HOTLINE 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108224 684min. ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt Madacy 21.02.2012 nur in Verbindung mit einem 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107650 Wars Against Saddam: The Rise „Persönlichen Import- And Fall Of The Madman Of The service“-Vertrag und be- Tale Of The Navajos Middle East inhaltet den Warenpreis A severe drought threatens Navajo herdsmen living on the After Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, the United Nations parched 1949 Utah-Arizona border. But two intrepid friends - intervened with a stern resolution warning Iraq to withdraw or sowie alle anfallenden one Navajo, one the son of a white trader - hear of hidden United States and UN forces would drive them out. Iraq Importkosten inkl. unserer pastureland offering abundant water somewhere beyond the refused, and Operation Desert Storm began. In 100 hours the red cliffs. So they set off to find it in an adventure that will American-led coalition destroyed the world’s fourth largest Vermittlungsprovision. demand plenty of trail smarts from the two young heroes, all army. It was one of the most successful assaults in modern * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und the while bringing them and viewers to a fuller understanding warfare. But after four days, the fighting stopped and Saddam of mystical Navajo links to the natural world. The film’s eye- was left in power. Following the terrorist attacks of Septem- das doppelte D-Symbol dazzling vistas match the adventure. Settings for this ber 11, 2001, the United States government declared a „Global sind Warenzeichen der narrated, 52-minute Technicolor® movie include the War on Terrorism“. In 2003, Iraq became a second front in the spectacular spires and canyons of what Western fans know war on terrorism with Operation Iraqi Freedom. Once again Dolby Laboratories Inc. as Country: Monument Valley, lensed in nine Ford the American and Allied forces made quick work of the Iraqi Der NEWSLETTER ist die films. army and toppled Saddam. Even after President Bush declared offizielle Informationsbro- Documentary 1949 52min. „Mission Accomplished,“ for seven more years, Americans died in Iraq. With the complete assistance of the U.S. Armed schüre für Kunden der Fir- Warner Bros. MOD 22.10.2010 Forces, interviews with government officials, dozens of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108109 veterans and active duty personnel, and exclusive video shot ma LASER HOTLINE. by the combat personnel, this is the most complete story of Alle in diesem Mailing ent- those operations in Iraq as well as Hussein’s U.S.- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- : Season 1 War, War In The Middle East, Documentary, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using dukten, die im Ausland ver- a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In Gulf War, Military 450min. 16 And Pregnant, they were moms-to-be. Now, follow Farrah, Madacy 21.02.2012 öffentlicht werden, stellen Maci, Amber, and Catelynn as they face the challenges of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107652 kein Verkaufsangebot dar, their first year of motherhood. sondern dienen nur zur Family, MTV, Reality 2009 462min. MTV MOD 17.01.2012 Information. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108077 LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Titanic: 100th Anniversary Dolby Merchandise Händler

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 60