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In Your Neighborhood Taste of Gathering around the tree with Maine Drømmene hjelper oss Norwegian celebrates with Nordmenn gjennom vintermørket. waffles, not champagne – Tove Karoline Knutsen Read more on page 13 Read more on page 8 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 1 January 6, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com Without peace, there is no future News Prime Minister According to NRK, at least 109 rapes were reported in the first 11 Jens Stoltenberg months of last year, with 53 ac- tual or attempted attacks in . delivers his While these figures show a dou- bling compared with 2010, the annual New Year’s average number in other major address Norwegian cities last year was three. Oslo police spokesper- son Hanne Kristin Rohde said, Off i c e o f t h e Pr i m e Mi n i s t e r “We’ll perhaps never find out the real truth regarding what the increase is due to. It’s probably a Two months ago, little Danica combination of an actual rise in was born in Manila. She is world numbers and that more women citizen number seven billion. In a dare to report them to police.” few months’ time, a baby will be (blog.norway.com/category/ born who will bring the Norwegian news) population up to five million. What will become of these two infants? Sports What kind of future awaits them? Norway’s Tom Hilde (24) fell These are the kinds of ques- and injured his spine in the final tions parents ask. These are the round of the Four Hills ski jump- ing tournament at Oberstdorf, kinds of questions parents have Germany on Dec. 30, following asked, throughout the ages and all a top jump of 131.5 meters. Hil- Photo: NRK de fell forward as he landed at See > Address, page 6 Norway’s Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg giving his annual New Year’s address on Jan. 1, 2012. a speed of around 100kmh, and cracked a vertebrae. However, according to the doctors there is Let’s play at Skogfjorden! no injury to the spinal cord. He Sharing our history will, however be out for the rest of the season. Norway’s best, Deep Sea Fishermen’s Union of the Anders Bardal placed sixth. The second round of the Four Hills Pacific celebrates its 100th anniversary tournament takes place in Gar- misch-Partenkirchen. (blog.norway.com/category/ sports)

What’s inside? Photo courtesy of Concordia Language Villages News 2-3 Ke l s e y La r s o n Copy Editor Year’s resolution include trying Business 4 something new or learning a new Research & Education 5 Looking for a fun way to ring Opinion 6-7 in the New Year? Does your New See > family, page 8 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Photos: Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society Above: The crew cleans halibut. Right: Female athlete of 2011 Roots & Connections 10 Thomas Samuelson with an impressive Obituaries & Religion 11 catch on the FV Thor in the mid-1970s. Cross-country Arts & Style 12 star Marit Bjørgen In Your Neighborhood 13 De e p Se a Fi s h e r m e n ’s Un i o n Seattle, Wash. named best female Norwegian Heritage 14 athlete of the year Sports 15 Beginning this January, family, Formed in 1912, the Deep Sea friends, associates and members of Fishermen’s Union of the Pacific – $1 = NOK 5.9364 the Deep Sea Fishermen’s Union of referred to by friends as D.S.F.U. FIS Sk i updated 1/2/2012 the Pacific are celebrating its 100th – was created by workingmen on In comparison anniversary. And well they should. Seattle’s waterfront who sought Members of the International 12/2/2011 5.7911 The Deep Sea Fishermen’s Union eminently practical goals: higher Sports Press Association (AIPS) of the Pacific is the only union in wages and safer working condi- have again elected the best female 7/2/2011 5.3705 the U.S. that represents the con- Photo: Stian Broch / Oslo 2011 1/2/2011 5.8237 cerns of crewmen. See > Fishermen, page 14 Bjørgen celebrating a win at the 2011 Nor- See > Bjørgen, page 15 dic World Ski Championships. 2 • January 6, 2012 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Tusenvis isolert på Vestlandet etter julestormen Nyttårstalen 2011 I Hardanger måtte flere bolighus evakue- res som følge av ras 26. desember. Også i Hans Majestet Kong Haralds tale nyttårsaften Høyanger ble folk bedt om å forlate husene sine som følge av uværet. I tillegg er mange tusen er isolert etter uværet som herjet på Ko n g e h us e t / NRK Vestlandskysten 26. og 27. desember. Poli- tiet i fikk meldinger om ras både Mangt skal vi møte – og mangt skal vi styrken som var der når vi trengte den. på øst- og vestsiden av Sørfjorden i Har- mestre. Dagen i dag – den kan bli vår beste Hold fast hva du har, synger vi i en kjent danger. – Vi begynte ganske umiddelbart å dag. Slik lyder en strofe i en av Erik Byes salme. Overlevende ungdommer fra Utøya evakuere, opplyser operasjonsleder Morten viser. Vi mennesker har en fantastisk evne til viste oss vei videre ved sin umiddelbare Kronen i Hordaland politidistrikt til VG å takle det vi møter. bestemthet på å holde fast ved sitt engasje- Nett. På grunn av dårlig vær kunne ikke Mange ganger har jeg tenkt: Så godt at ment og sine verdier. Hold fast hva du har. Hovedredningssentralen sende helikopter, vi ikke vet på forhånd hva som skal skje oss. Statsministeren og hele vårt politiske leder- sier redningsleder Ola Vaage til VG Nett. Da spørs det om vi hadde greid å finne den skap viste oss vei ved sin verdige og sam- Dermed måtte mannskap ta seg inn ras-om- kraften som plutselig er der når noe vondt lende opptreden – og ved sin sindige beslutt- rådene til fots og med kjøretøy. rammer – og vi på et eller annet vis langsomt somhet om å holde enda sterkere fast ved (VG) må forsøke å reise oss igjen. I høst har jeg vårt åpne samfunn og demokrati. Hold fast Foto: NRK Hans Majestet Kong Haralds nyttårstale 2011 Dårlig år for Bergensbanen tenkt denne tanken oftere enn tidligere. hva du har. Redningsarbeidere og vanlige Blir vi mennesker bedre, spør mange mennesker viste vei. Viste at når det virkelig Flom, brann, ras og nødvendig arbeid har seg. Jeg velger å tro det. At krig og vold his- gjelder, trår vi til for hverandre – også om gode råd til oss alle og kanskje også til media stengt Bergensbanen i 18 døgn i 2011. Det som forvalter så mange viktige arenaer for er ny rekord. – Jeg har jobbet i jernbanen torisk sett er på retur. At vi sett gjennom år- eget liv står i fare. det offentlige ordskiftet. Jeg mener vi under- siden 1975, og kan ikke huske at vi har hatt hundrer oppfører oss bedre mot hverandre. Jeg tror på samtalen mellom mennesker. vurderer hverandre hvis vi tror at den offen- så mange og lange stengninger noe år i den At vi gjør fremgang når det gjelder men- Jeg tror det å møtes i all enkelhet til samtale tlige samtalen alltid må være hardtslående, perioden, sier Inge Hjertaas, informasjons- neskerettigheter, likestilling og beskyttelse har stor iboende kraft. Det er nok derfor vi sjef i Jernbaneverket region Vest, til Ber- av barn. Og at fremgangen har sammenheng stadig kommer tilbake til samtalen. Anti- spissformulert og underholdende. La oss i gens Tidende. Årsakene til stengningene har med økt utdanning og større vilje til å sette rasistisk senter lanserte i begynnelsen av året hvert fall ta med oss videre noe av den etter- variert, men konsekvensene blir de samme: oss inn i andres situasjon. en kampanje for at norske muslimer skulle tenksomheten og den åpenheten som preget Alternativ transport med busser må skaffes Her hjemme preger 22. juli oss fortsatt invitere norske naboer inn på en kopp te. debatten i kjølvannet av 22. juli. til veie på kort varsel, mens godstrafik- nå ved utgangen av året. De direkte berørte Tanken var at ved å bli litt bedre kjent med Jeg har ofte snakket om frivillighetens ken stanser helt opp. Siste stopp i år var i må få bearbeide sterke følelser og tungt savn hverandre forebygger vi frykt og fordommer. betydning. Om ildsjelene, bærebjelkene i forbindelse med ekstremuværet Dagmar, på sin egen måte og til sin egen tid. I denne Kampanjen grep raskt om seg. Dronningen samfunnet vårt. I år ser vi at engasjementet der tre ras stengte jernbanelinjen ved Vaks- langsomme bearbeidelsen må vi andre være og Kronprinsessen hadde et nært og godt har blitt forsterket. Og det er ungdommen dal, Evanger og Hallingskeid. Togtrafikken medmennesker. ”Når ikke lenger alle er med møte med en familie som opprinnelig kom- som fører an – både i tiden rett etter 22. juli, sto stille mellom Arna og Myrdal fra andre og bærer, blir det tyngre for oss”, sa en av mer fra Iran. De fikk oppleve at likhetene og nå når det har gått noen måneder. Ungdom, juledag og fram til 28. desember. de overlevende fra Utøya til Dagsrevyen to var mange flere enn forskjellene. Slik tror som selv sliter med å gjenerobre hverdagen (NTB) måneder etter tragedien. Her ligger det en ut- jeg det ofte vil være enten naboen kommer etter det de opplevde, stiller samtidig opp for andre. Mangt skal vi møte – og mangt skal Over natta var stranda full av død sild fordring til hver og en av oss. En utfordring fra Hønefoss eller Himalaya. Og det ulike om å vise omsorg og gi trygghet i hverdagen. behøver heller ikke skille. Samtalen med vi mestre. Hvert eneste menneske har en stor Innbyggerne på Kvænes i trodde Vi må heller ikke glemme barna. De sitter naboen over en kopp kaffe eller te vil også kraft i seg – som kan bære oss gjennom det knapt sine egne øyne på morgenen nyt- kanskje igjen med flere og sterkere inntrykk hjelpe oss til å forstå ulikhetene og verdsette vi møter i livet. Men vi klarer det ikke alene. tårsaften; på stranda lå en stor mengde, enn vi er klar over. ressursene som ligger i mangfoldet. Og alene skaI ingen måtte være om å mestre anslagsvis titalls tonn, død sild, skriver Ellers er det nok det ubegripelige ved I høst har det også vært stor oppmerk- livets største utfordringer. Nordlys. Ingen vet med sikkerhet hva som Med håp for det nye året tar vi også med er skjedd i det populære turområdet i Nor- tragedien som gjør at den fortsatt river og somhet om samtalen i det offentlige rom. den siste strofen i Erik Byes vakre vise: Da- dreisa kommune. Men ulike teorier verserer, sliter i oss alle. Vi må forsøke å forstå det Mange har oppfordret til større raushet og gen i morgen – den skal bli vår beste dag. Jeg forteller Jan-Petter Jørgensen (44), som selv som kan forstås og lære det som kan læres. mot i debatter og dialoger. Vi trenger å ut- tok massedøden i skue på stranda sammen Men ikke alt lar seg forstå. Det går en grense vikle vår evne til å lytte til våre meningsmot- ønsker dere alle et godt nytt år! med hunden Molly. – Folk forteller at noe for hvilke lærdommer vi kan trekke. Kanskje standere, til å sette oss i deres sted. Hva er det English Synopsis: Excerpts from HM King Harald’s liknende skjedde på 80-tallet, og det spekul- bør vi vente litt med å skue de lange linjene. som driver deres meninger frem? Hvor kan annual New Year’s address. For the full text, visit eres bl.a. på om elva som renner ut i havet Jeg tror mye av veien videre ligger i den vi finne felles møtepunkter? Jeg tror dette er www.kongehuset.no. bak en odde på stedet, kan ha hatt noe å si. Kanskje har fisken blitt sittende fast på langgrunna, og så dødd av ferskvannet? sier Politiet testet Jørgensen til Dagbladet. – Det er vanskelig Høyre fikk 5.000 nye medlemmer å si bastant hva som er skjedd her, men det første som falt meg inn, er at silda kan ha aldri riksalarmen Flere politiske partier opplevde god vekst blitt skremt oppover av sei, sier Jens Chris- i medlemsmassen i 2011, men ikke alle tian Holst, seniorforsker ved Havforskn- NTB ingsinstituttet i , til Dagbladet. Holst understreker at ferskvannet eller strømmene VG har tidligere omtalt at flere av PC- VG på stedet også kan ha spilt en rolle; stormen ene som skulle motta alarmvarselet, ikke en- som nylig raste; fisken kan ha blitt regelrett gang var slått på, og at flere meldinger ble Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et opplever partiet bare en tilbakegang på rundt skylt på land. sendt til gale e-post-adresser. par uker, men allerede ved utgangen av sep- 400 medlemmer. Per 22. desember var det (Dagbladet) Nå skriver Dagbladet at politiet ikke tember meldte landsstyret at det var regis- 25.423 betalende medlemmer, mot litt over hadde fått testet systemet, noe som kunne ha trert 10.000 nye medlemmer av rundt 60.000 26.000 ved forrige årsskifte. Det ferskeste Ny medlemsrekord i Turistforeningen ført til at slike feil ville blitt avdekket. Siden totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått tallet framkommer ifølge Frps partikon- Medlemstallet i Den Norske Turistforen- systemet ikke var blitt testet, var det ingen ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil tor etter at Spania-avdelingene er tatt ut av ing kom i fjor opp i 241.620, det høyeste som ante hvor dårlig det fungerte, skriver være større ved årsskiftet. statistikken og nesten 2.500 ikke-betalende noen gang. Medlemsmassen har dermed avisen. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlem- medlemmer er vasket bort. økt 13 år på rad. Men mens økningen var – Her må vi bare ta kritikk. Dette har mer i 2011 og slo sin interne målsetting med KrF sliter med fallende medlemstall, på 9.700 medlemmer fra 2009 til 2010, økte fungert for dårlig, sier fungerende politi- ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye selv om partiet fikk 903 nye medlemmer i antall medlemmer bare med beskjedne 100 direktør Vidar Refvik. medlemmer. 2011. Ved utgangen av året hadde partik- i løpet av fjoråret. – Jeg er glad så lenge – Det er flere grunner til den sterke ontoret registrert rundt 33.800 medlemmer, vi øker medlemstallet og ikke går tilbake, Systemet for riksalarm ble tatt i bruk i 2010, og Politidirektoratet sendte da ut et økningen. Det var lokalvalg i år, og det mot drøyt 34.300 året før. SV står på stedet sier Marianne Rønning i Turistforeningen. virker alltid mobiliserende og trekker nye hvil med 9.422 betalende medlemmer. Bak Foreningen har medlemmer i alle aldre, fra skriv til alle politidistriktene om å skaffe til veie en egen PC til å motta alarmmeldinger. medlemmer. Dessuten har Høyre i lengre tid dette tallet skjuler det seg vel 1.200 nye be- null til hundre år. Gjennomsnittsalderen var hatt høy oppslutning og god vind i seilene. talende, men like mange utmeldinger. i fjor 43,7 år. Oslo og omegn er den suver- Ifølge politidirektoratet ble systemet tes- Vi har merket sterkere politisk engasjement SU hadde rundt 1.500 medlemmer ved ent største medlemsforeningen med 72.688 tet denne måneden. Da fikk man et «betyde- etter 22. juli, spesielt blant de unge, sier årsskiftet, en tredel av dem vervet i forbin- medlemmer. Bergen og følger på lig bedre resultat». de neste plassene med henholdsvis 24.731 Høyres generalsekretær Lars Arne Ryssdal. delse med valget. English Synopsis: Norway’s national security alarm og 22.624 medlemmer. Fremskrittspartiet har etter egne og an- was not tested prior to the July 22 bombing and shoot- dres oppfatning hatt et tungt år, med betyde- English Synopsis: Several political parties grew in (Aftenposten) ings, and the police are taking criticism for not testing 2011, with strong numbers for Labor (Ap) and the Con- it effectively to make sure it worked. lig intern uro og et dårlig valg. Tross dette, servatives (Høyre). Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news January 6, 2012 • 3 News Duped by forgery This week on Norway.com Fake Ibsen play causes Damage from Dagmar 2011: Warmest and wettest in 100 years Winter storm brings destruction during Christmas The year 2011 has been the warmest stir among scholars and wettest year in Norway since the meteorological registrations started 111 years ago. The jump in temperature was St a ff Co m p i l a t i o n highest in Trøndelag and counties. Norwegian American Weekly The average mean temperature for the nation in 2011 was 1.9 degrees above the normal. This year it has also rained and snowed 25 A strange case of a fake Ibsen play has percent more than usual. been on the minds of those in Norway’s ar- (Norway Post) tistic community, and tested some of Nor- way’s finest literary experts. Over the next Oil industry warns against overheating few months, police from Økokrim (Norwe- The new, large finds of gas and oil on the gian National Authority for Investigation Norwegian Continental Shelf have led to and Prosecution of Economic and Environ- increased optimism in the oil industry, but mental Crime) will be combing the market the industry warns against overheating for letters and possessions connected to in the market. Statistsics Norway (SSB) playwright Henrik Ibsen. estimates that the total investments in oil and gas activity in 2012, including pipeline More than a dozen documents are al- Photo: Gunnar Sandvik / NRK transportation, will be NOK 184.6 billion; legedly forged by Norwegian scriptwriter The storm Dagmar brought a sailboat on land in Molde. and actor Geir Ove Kvalheim. Kvalheim has an increase of NOK 12.6 billion compared been charged and is scheduled to go on trial St a ff Co m p i l a t i o n with the estimates given in the previous in April. Norwegian American Weekly quarter. The main reason for the increase in investments is higher oil prices and the many The fraud was revealed when Kvalheim fields already in production on the Norwegian claimed to have discovered fragments to a Along the Norwegian coast from Sogn In Møre og Romsdal, most of the coun- Contiental Shelf. “To find a balance between previously unknown Ibsen play, “Solguden” og Fjordane to , the winter storm ty was without electricity on Dec. 26 due to the development of new finds and producing “Dagmar” wreaked havoc during the Christ- damages caused by the storm, which mea- (The Sun God). from excisting fileds will be important,” says mas holidays. Experts are calling it one of See > Ibsen, page 11 See > Dagmar, page 11 Petoro’s Kjell Pedersen. the strongest storms in 30 years. (NRK) Best film record in 36 years Memorials for With a 2011 attendance of 11,650,000 – up Fewer farms in Norway 5.7 percent on last year – Norwegian cinemas July 22 massacre delivered the largest growth of the theater Number of farms in market in Europe, according to statistics from Norwegian cinema association, Film Norway dropped by Ministry of Culture calls & Kino. For the fourth year local fare for design proposals exceeded 2.5 million admissions, to close at 1,100 holdings, or 2.4 2,855,000 to control a record 24.5 percent of percent, in 2011 the market (2010: 23.3 percent). Not since NRK selling 3.8 million tickets in 1975 – the best result in 36 years. “The increase is partly due to the strong performance of local films St a t i s t i c s No r w a y On Dec. 22, Minister of Culture Anni- – a record of 40 releases in 2011,” explained ken Huitfeldt announced there will be two head of communications Birgitte Langballe, memorials for the July 22 massacre – one in of Film & Kino. André Øvredal’s “The Troll The total utilized agricultural area in Oslo and one in Hole municipality, where Hunter” (Trolljegeren) was selected for Norway dropped by 77,000 decares to a total the Utøya camp is located. The memorials more than 45 international film festivals, of 9.98 million decares in 2011. will honor the victims, survivors, rescue followed by Marius Holst’s “King of The agricultural area in use has dropped teams and volunteers of the July 22 bombing Devil’s Island” (Kongen av Bastøy), Anne by 3.8 percent since 1999. However, a major and shootings. The names of the victims will Sewitsky’s “Happy, Happy” (Sykt lykkelig) part of this decrease is caused by the imple- be listed on at least one of the memorials. and Arild Andresen’s “The Liverpool mentation of new digital maps as from 2005. Goalie” (Keeper’n til Liverpool), which “It is important for us to spend some In the period 1999 – 2011, the area of open were programmed at 31 – 36 showcases. time before deciding on this, and we want field and gardens fell by 13 percent, while The Goalie saved a total of 13 festival prizes to involve those who have lost loved ones,” the area of meadows for mowing and pas- on the tour. “It was a year when Norwegian said Huitfelt. tures increased by 2 percent. The area of cinema also made its name around the Åse Kleveland, who served as Minister world,” concluded managing director Nina Refseth, of the Norwegian Film Institute. Photo: Pål Bugge / Innovation Norway See Farms, page 4 A farm near in county. > See > memorial, page 15 (Norwegian Film Institute) Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • January 6, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

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Norway offers EUR 7.1 billion IMF loan Fjord1 launches world’s largest gas ferry Norway says it will provide NOK 55 billion on Boknafjord (USD 9.3 billion) to the International Monetary In December, Fjord1 held a naming ceremony Fund to help heavily indebted nations avoid for MF Boknafjord, the world’s largest gas default. Norway is not part of the European ferry. The new eco-friendly ferry, delivered Union and its economy is cushioned by income by Fiskerstrand BLRT AS, will serve the Ars- from its oil and gas exports. Still, Prime Minis- vagen-Mortavika route on the Boknafjord in ter Jens Stoltenberg noted that it’s in Norway’s County, in addition to making sure interest to help European trading parties “who the Halhjem-Sandvikvåg route in Hordaland I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. are now in a difficult economic situation.’’ Eu- County now gets a spare vessel. The traffic on rozone countries have agreed to provide EUR these ferry routes has surged since Fjord1 took Scott F. Peterson 150 billion to the IMF through bilateral loans. over as operator in January 2007. The naming (206) 783-2195 Some EU countries outside the eurozone have ceremony took place at Fiskerstrand Shipyard 1713 NW Market St. also pledged to contribute. The extra IMF loans in Ålesund, with Minister of Transport and Seattle are meant to be channeled into a special fund Communications Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa. [email protected] that will invest alongside the eurozone’s own Kleppa remarked that the new ferry will give bailout fund — the European Financial Stabil- its users greater convenience in their everyday Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. ity Facility. commute: “This is a great day for travelers in Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most (Associated Press) the area.” major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. (MarketWatch) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research January 6, 2012 • 5 Research & Education Testing nasal vaccine for HIV treatment Researchers are testing a HIV vaccine developed by a Norwegian biotech company that could be administered nasally

Re s e a r c h Co u n c i l o f No r w a y

Thirty years after AIDS was first de- To strengthen the immune system scribed, there is still no effective vaccine The overall objective of the research be- against the virus. Worldwide, roughly 33 ing carried out by Bionor Pharma and Profes- million people are HIV-positive. Research- sor Kvale’s group is to develop a therapeutic ers are working to find out whether a HIV vaccine that boosts the body’s immune re- vaccine developed by a Norwegian biotech sponse to the HIV virus, reducing the viral company can be administered nasally. load (the amount of active HIV in an infected In autumn 2011 the Norwegian biotech- person’s blood). nology company Bionor Pharma reported “Only a small proportion of the world’s promising findings from one of its studies: HIV-positive people have access to treat- HIV patients who received the firm’s vaccine ment,” points out Birger Sørensen, Bionor Vacc-4x, were twice as likely to not need any Pharma’s head of vaccine development. medications for at least a year. “Our hope is that a therapeutic vaccine will be an effective treatment for HIV patients Given nasally here in the Western world and in the rest of In trials so far, the Vacc-4x vaccine has the world as well.” been administered by injection into the out- Bionor Pharma has collaborated with ermost skin layer. Now a slightly modified Professor Kvale’s research group on two pre- version of the vaccine will be tested in a re- vious studies of Vacc-4x, with funding under search project conducted at Oslo University the GLOBVAC program. Sørensen believes Hospital. the results so far make Vacc-4x a frontrunner “Vaccination by injection requires good among HIV vaccine candidates. needle technique and lots of practice; other- “If the coming studies are also success- wise the vaccine never reaches the immune ful,” says Sørensen, “we hope the vaccine cells,” explains Dag Kvale. will be on the market within a few years.” “Now we will test whether efficacy is just as good when the vaccine is given in From HIV to immune-system collapse and nasal-drop form.” AIDS “We have a very different type of im- Professor Kvale’s research group is also mune response in our mucous membranes investigating what causes HIV infection to compared to the skin, so the results may be develop over time into immune-system col- anything from no effect to somewhat differ- lapse and AIDS. Such knowledge could help ent to better than those obtained by Bionor increase vaccine efficacy. Pharma so far.” Vaccine trials to date have merely man- Professor Kvale, who conducts research aged to lower the amount of HIV virus but Full Service Agency WithPhoto: Experienced Heidi Widerø / Innovation Norway at Oslo University Hospital’s Department of not provided full control over it. The degree Norwegian Speaking Consultants! Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! Infectious Diseases, makes it clear that his of control and pace at which the virus leads information will help you make wise travel team has several years to go before they can to deteriorating health can vary widely from Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! have any definite answer as to whether the patient to patient. Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to TRAVEL & LEISURE nasal vaccine will work. Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Harmful intestinal leakage Call us for details! [email protected][email protected] High potential impact for developing Professor Kvale believes that disease Call us for details! countries mechanisms in the intestine are linked to dis- Verrazano TraVel & leisure If testing shows that a simple nasal im- ease progression. Researchers have observed 1 (718) 979-6641 munisation is effective, it could have a world- that in HIV patients there is less control over [email protected] wide impact on the treatment of HIV-positive what kinds of substances can leak out of the [email protected] Issue 2012 patients. The nasal procedure is simple and intestine into the blood, including substances low-cost, which are highly significant factors from intestinal microbes. Does your Scandinavian if vaccines are to be administered large-scale Some of the substances from dead, de- organization offer a student and in poor countries with underdeveloped composing microbes trigger powerful inflam- scholarship? Submit it to us by health care systems. matory processes which over time overload The first clinical trial of a nasal vaccine the immune system and probably accelerate Feb. 1 to be included in our will be carried out by the end of 2011. The the onset of AIDS. special Education Issue! vaccine substance Vacc-4x will be mixed In collaboration with the Biotechnology with an adjuvant developed by the Swedish Center of Oslo and Rikshospitalet University Email us [email protected] or company Eurocine Vaccines. Adjuvants are Hospital, Professor Kvale and his team have immunological agents added to vaccines to seen that common anti-inflammatory medi- call (800) 305-0217 stimulate the body’s immune response by cines called COX inhibitors can slow the in- triggering a mild inflammatory reaction. flammatory processes associated with HIV. In the trial, 18 patients will receive Vacc- “COX inhibitors may be suitable for 4x in various doses mixed with the adjuvant, HIV patients with limited access to expen- while a control group of six patients will re- sive HIV treatment, or who react poorly ceive only the adjuvant. The first objective is to such treatment,” says Professor Kvale. to find out whether the vaccine administered “They may also be a means of improving the nasally has any effect on the immune system, efficacy of vaccines.” Nordic Home Interiors and if so, which dosage is best. 620 West 58th Street (corner of 58th & Lyndale) The project receives funding under the A particularly challenging virus Minneapolis, MN 55419 Research Council of Norway’s Program for Despite the promising results from re- 612-339-0000 Global Health and Vaccination Research www.NordicHomeInteriors.com (GLOBVAC). See > Vaccine, page 7 6 • January 6, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion

< Address An opinion column about current issues in Norway From page 1 Join the conversation! over the world, in their first encounter with their newborn child. At this magic moment, On the EDGE a lifelong contract is formed. A contract of Is the American political situation a mess? love that endures all things. That is what makes it so infinitely distressing when a By Steinar Opstad, Ph.D. young person dies. No parent should have to lose a child. As I watch CNN, Norwegian TV and They bring in people as far apart as Durbin their eyes. I was happy to have credit cards Many people were deeply affected by the read newspapers, I find myself more and and Coburn to get them to sign on and then so I was not lost. events of July 22 last year. Fathers, mothers, more surprised. I see demonstrators in the they are totally ignored. I think that is a Norwegian media report an expected siblings and grandparents had to follow their New York streets, people sleeping in tents travesty.” decline in Norwegian export turnover next loved ones to their graves. It was heartbreak- to get attention for their message and when From my point of view, I think that the year because of economic problems in the ing. I have thought of the survivors and the we see a clip or two with leading U.S. poli- U.S. political center understands that the Euro zone. We know Greece is in serious bereaved every day since July 22. How are ticians, they quarrel and shout at each other country is in big trouble. I also think that trouble, Italy is fighting their debt and you coping? Why did this have to happen? like angry teenagers. What are their mes- the Republicans are not on the right track, now also Spain. As much as 50 percent of Five months on, we still need more knowl- sages? but when we look at the Democrats’ per- young people are unemployed in Spain and edge in order to understand what happened. In a situation where the financial formance, we feel that something is miss- have little hope for their future; in this situ- 2012 will bring new answers. burden is tremendous, one should think ing there too. The strong polarization in ation our own wealth is of little comfort. If First, there will be the trial of the man the message first of all should be to stand U.S. politics seems far from the foundation people in the Euro zone fail to buy Norwe- responsible for these atrocities. Then, the shoulder-to-shoulder and find solutions. to a common solution. And this is what I gian and the U.S. output, what then? We commission will give its objective and bal- No, the message seems to me to be political worry about. Europe south of Scandinavia need political leaders not riding their own anced account of the events of July 22. This mistrust and political fractionations. The is also in deep economic trouble, Japan obsessions but focusing on good solutions. means that we will have to relive those two major political parties argue for their has the world’s third largest economy, and I hope they will come forward soon. tragic events. I am confident that we will positions and to me none of them focus on the U.S. has the world’s largest economy. be able to do this, because the Norwegian finding a joint agreement. One’s political It seems like the Chinese wealth comes in Steinar Opstad, born people made history last summer. First we prestige seems to take priority. and take over the European and U.S. eco- 1941 in , Nor- were paralyzed by the bomb attack and the I wonder why they don’t spend their nomical engines. What can little Norway way, is the retired Vice shootings. Then something happened: We time defining the future in a credible way do? Even with all our money there is little President of the Confed- picked ourselves up, shook off the fear and and offer a hard, tough and realistic way to or nothing we can do in world scale. But eration of Norwegian reaffirmed our commitment to democracy. get there. They need to put the U.S. on a what if (when?) so many markets fail to Business and Industry. We demonstrated this in processions where sustainable economic recovery path at this buy our industrial output? During his career, he people carried roses and torches. In funerals, time. If they fail, it could be the end of the I have always used to think about the was an educator and churches and mosques, and as we gathered in American dream. dollar as the most reliable currency in the communicator with positions as a journal- front of TV screens. We were united as one How can the world’s largest democ- world. When I visited a country a couple ist, editor, teacher, and professor. He has a nation. At this, life’s darkest moment, people racy which has been a model for so many months ago, they hesitated to take Nor- Ph.D. and Hon. Litt. D. from the University discovered the best in themselves. This has of us outside the U.S. end up in trench war- wegian kroner because they could not sell of North Dakota. He is the author of several strengthened my faith in the goodness of hu- fare like this? them again. They also hesitated to take professional books. He is also the founder manity. In hope. And in the power that lies Warren Buffett was quoted in Norwe- U.S. dollars because of uncertain exchange of the American College of Norway in Moss, in the will of a nation. gian media saying, “They work like the rate. It came as a shock to me: people have Norway. Children were also born in Norway on devil for 10 months. They compromise. always looked at the dollar with stars in July 22. One of them was Thomas. Today, he is a happy and content little boy living in The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an . Thomas will have to live with endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. the fact that his birthday will always be asso- ciated with tragedy. We must make sure that are willing to learn from one another. That of millions of people have been freed from tend a warm thanks to all those who are in- that isn’t the whole story. We must show that we become stronger when we manage to the chains of poverty. Fewer people are dy- volved in peacebuilding operations abroad. this crisis also brought out the warmth and respect differences. That we achieve most ing because of war. More people are living in At the same time, we remember our fallen. dignity of the people of our country. Thomas when we dare to trust each other. freedom. Never before have so many people This year, I would like to send a par- and Danica will grow up on opposite sides One day, Thomas and Danica may be- chosen their leaders in free and democratic ticularly warm greeting to His Majesty King of a shared world. Our task is to show that come friends on the Facebook of the future. elections. We saw this again during the Arab Harald and Her Majesty Queen Sonja. The there is far more that unites them than divides Thomas will learn about Manila. And Danica Spring. The will of the people exposed the Royal Family have perhaps never been closer them. That we grow as individuals when we will see pictures of something completely lies of regimes and brought about change... to their people in peacetime than they were new to her: the ski jumps in Lillehammer. Another challenge facing us in the new following the events of July 22. Their pres- This is the Internet at its best. At its worst, year is the European debt crisis. At first ence and the warmth they showed gave com- the Internet enables those holding totalitar- glance, the crisis appears to be about money, fort. The King, the Queen, the Crown Prince ian views to speak freely and unchallenged but it’s really about people. Once again we and the Crown Princess. They helped to ease

E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 from the dark recesses of the World Wide are seeing legions of unemployed people the pain with well-chosen words. Both the (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] Web. We must respond with firmness when- in Europe. Many young people are simply King and the Queen will celebrate their 75th ever we encounter this. We must use knowl- losing faith in the future. Europe cannot al- birthdays this year. Five million Norwegians The season’s hottest item: edge to expose them for what they are. low this to happen. For us in Norway, it is will congratulate King Harald and Queen The cape! If we are to take responsibility for the a matter of safeguarding jobs and keeping Sonja during the jubliee year. future, we must speak out against extrem- mortgage interest rates low. We don’t yet On Dec. 14, I participated in the cel- ism. I urge you all to be good digital watch- know how severely affected we will be. But ebrations in honor of Roald Amundsen and dogs. Not in order to censor opinions or stifle I promise that we will take action when it is his men at the South Pole. It was a great mo- debate. We must be able to listen to views we necessary, just as we have in the past. ment. People from all over the world were find disturbing. Views that may be irritating, Without peace there is no future. Many gathered to pay tribute to the polar heroes provocative or even shocking. But we must Norwegians are engaged in peace efforts and the Norwegian flag. The notes of the argue against them, we must respond. When around the world as aid workers, mine clear- Norwegian national anthem rang out in the we say “no, you’re wrong,” we are exercis- ers or as pirate hunters off the coast of So- vast, silent expanse of whiteness. Norway ing freedom of expression in a responsible malia. They are often involved in dangerous seemed so close, even though we were so way. We already do this around the lunch missions. far away. There, at the opposite end of the table at work. Now the time has come to do Last year, Norwegian fighter pilots de- world, I saw a Norway that we can all be so on the Internet. fended the Libyan people against the bru- proud of. A country of pioneers who have In 2012, we will continue to focus on tality of the Gaddafi regime. Our personnel left their mark on history. A nation that man- the big issues: Fighting global poverty. Pro- were among the most highly trained in a aged to meet evil with good in the face of Stylish, comfortable, high quality moting peace. Combating climate change. broad-based coalition, and have since re- the brutal attacks last summer. And everyday woolen Nordic-style capes for women We owe it to future generations. These are ceived well-deserved praise from our allies. heroes who make a small country great. Let now available in store and online overwhelming tasks. It is easy to think that Norwegian troops have been engaged in Af- this be the spirit with which we shape the fu- Visit us online at we can’t make a difference. But we can. ghanistan since 2001. In 2012 we will begin ture. Happy New Year! Through hard work, laying one brick scaling down our military presence there. www.thetrollscove.com at a time, the world moves forward. In the I am very proud of what our troops have This is an excerpt from the Prime Minister’s or our shop in Waupauca, WI course of just a few years, many hundreds achieved in Afghanistan. I would like to ex- speech. Read the full text at government.no. UPDATE norwegian american weekly January 6, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Managing Editor Dear Editor, by him. No one ever figured out how they ended. Christy Olsen Field [email protected] I’ve read of some first-hand experiences managed to color the birds, but they were It was 1964 when I came to this country, from World War II in Norway among your beautiful. A whole bird for half a bread! thinking I might stay for as long as year. In Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager letters and thought maybe some of my own Our grammar school was taken over by 1965 I married a beautiful blond Norwegian Kelsey Larson [email protected] might also be of interest to some of your the Germans and classes held in the sacristy lady and we are still here, as are our children Assistant Layout Editor readers. of Kampen’s church; a damp and small, stony and grand children. Harry Svenkerud [email protected] I was five years when the Germans oc- place. My father was taken away by the Ger- Advertising cupied Norway and messed up the next five mans to do carpentry, mining and road work Godt Nytt År! (206) 441-3044 [email protected] years of my childhood. I lived in Oslo, at a for them up in the mountains. My mom was Ragnar Overby suburb called Kampen, where I was woken very scared alone with me and my six-year- Arlington, Va. Contributing Editors up at all times of the night by sirens and ev- older brother. The apartment was extremely Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. erybody had to hurry downstairs into the cel- cold during the winter with layers of ice in Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. lar and remain there until the next siren was the window sill. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. heard. Each entrance to the block I lived in When the war was over, all the tysketøs- Hei Norwegian American Weekly, Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway would lead to eight families, so there used to er (Norwegian women who cozied up with I just finished reading the final install- Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. be about 7x4 people in the cellar. One fam- the soldiers during the war) were very scared ment of the Amundsen Journal. It was a Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. ily never showed up; a daughter there gave when forcefully held head first outside their great experience to read Amundsen’s account Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. herself to the Germans and her family had apartment windows, while their hair was be- of his adventure in his own language. Thanks Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. food and no fear of the soldiers. I was told ing cut off and the street was full of cheering for doing this. And happy new year! Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. not to play with her younger brother Leif. I onlookers. Soon thereafter, all those lands- Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. hated the cellar; it was cold and white and vikere (Quislings; Traitors) moved away. Best, Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. ugly and I remember that nobody enjoyed The one near our apartment, Laila Torstens- Phil Loe Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. being there. I was told to be quiet. Upstairs, en, moved to Paris. Seattle, Wash. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. in everybody’s apartment, all windows were Outside, a humongous fire lit up the Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. David Moe Juneau, Alaska covered with black curtains so that no light sky when hundreds of black curtains were Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. could be seen from the outside. burned and liberated, happy people looked Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, In the park, outside our block, on a hill, on in amazement. We got our grammar Dear Phil, Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. the area water supply reservoir was located, school back; my father returned and so did We are so glad that you enjoyed the Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. guarded by armed German soldiers who normalcy. Roald Amundsen feature in 2011! We were Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. walked around it day and night, making I was told that I was the largest non- very fortunate to partner with the Fram Mu- Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway sure none of the Russian prisoners escaped. cesarian baby ever born in Norway (26.5 seum in Oslo to commemorate the special CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives The prisoners were digging a foxhole ditch merker; about 15.5 lbs) at Josefinegatens Nansen-Amundsen year, and the response to make its news report fair and accurate. If you around the entire reservoir. When we were kvinneklinikk, in Oslo in 1935 but, although from the Norwegian-American community have a question or comment about news coverage able to crawl slowly all the way up to the a large child during the war, I didn’t under- was wonderful. Thanks for your interest and call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for fence without being spotted and a prisoner stand much of what was going on. I mostly support! style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right was courageous enough to receive a piece remember an atmosphere of unease, hunger not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor of bread from us children, we were given a and perpetual anxiety, aside from a tremen- Happy New Year! taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and beautifully carved and colored wooden bird dous sense of relief when the war finally Editor letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions < Vaccine and complaints about the opinions expressed by quickly, making it difficult for the immune pare these to the rates among subjects who the paper’s editorials should be directed to the From page 5 publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published system to identify the new variants. receive the real vaccine. weekly except the first week of the calendar year, Perhaps a more ethical alternative would the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks cent research on therapeutic vaccines, de- of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Ethically problematic be to test the preventive vaccine as a thera- velopment of a preventive vaccine is still far Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. Testing new preventive vaccines is a peutic vaccine first – since scientists believe NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription into the future. It has proven very difficult to costly and extensive endeavour – and ethi- that many of the characteristics that a thera- Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, figure out how to prevent the HIV virus from US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. cally problematic, according to Professor peutic vaccine needs would also be valuable entering the body. Kvale. Standard procedure is testing on per- in a preventive vaccine. SINCE MAY 17, 1889: One explanation for this is that scien- sons without HIV in parts of the world with “Testing the candidate preventive vac- Formerly Norway Times tists had relatively little previous experience Western Viking & Washington Posten extremely high rates of infection. cines in a therapeutic role on HIV-positive with retroviruses, particularly when it comes Thousands of people need to be vacci- subjects would indicate far more quickly Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- to developing vaccines against them. nated. To find out quickly whether the vac- whether a candidate is likely to succeed as Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Furthermore, the HIV virus has a unique cine actually works, however, researchers a preventive vaccine – and would be far less Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven ability to make itself virtually undetectable have to track infection rates among the many problematic ethically,” concludes Professor once inside a cell. The virus can also mutate NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. subjects who receive a placebo, and com- Kvale. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • January 6, 2012 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Waffles, not champagne Norwegian christens their new planes with an unexpected twist: Norwegian waffles

Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e

At Boeing airfield in Seattle, Wash., Norway’s favorite low-cost airline celebrate the newest planes in their fleet with Norwegian waffles. They have graciously shared their recipe with us. What will you celebrate with waffles this year? Norwegian Waffles

1 tsp vanilla powdered sugar (can be omit- 3 oz margarine ted, but they taste better with it) 1 tsp baking soda if buttermilk is used (sub- 2 eggs stitute 1 tsp baking powder if regular milk 3 tsp granulated sugar is used) 2 cups buttermilk (or substitute regular Unbleached Flour until batter is thick milk) enough

Melt margerine in a cup (do not boil), and let cool. In a medium bowl, add eggs, sug- Photo courtesy of Boeing ar and vanilla sugar. With an electric mixer, combine the ingredients for 5 minutes. Add Atle Straume and Tore Kristian Jensen (pictured above) celebrate Norwegian’s new planes from Boeing the cooled margarine, buttermilk (or milk), baking soda (or baking powder if using regular with Norwegian waffles, instead of champagne. milk). Add enough flour to create a thick batter. Preheat heart-shaped waffle iron on setting 4. Add a scoop of batter to the waffle iron and bake until golden brown. Serve with jam and sour cream. Enjoy! Ed. Note: Vanilla sugar and heart-shaped waffle iron can be found in most Scandina- vian shops. Call us at (800) 305-0217 to learn where your closest Scandinavian shop is! NORDIC DELICACIES Vær så god! “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!”

6909 ird Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 www.nordicdeli.com Photo: Norwegian < family Celebrate Norway all year long. From page 1 ever, there is also a looseness to the schedule to allow for parents and kids to step away Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! Just $59 for one year. language? On the weekend of Jan. 13 – 16, from the program and be as a family,” says Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] to get started. 2012, head up North to Bemidji, Minn., and Hansen. “I think that the weekend is a great enjoy Concordia Language Village’s Family way to introduce your kids to Skogfjorden in Fun Weekend at Skogfjorden, the Norwegian preparation for a one week or two week ses- language village. “I really love introducing sion in the summer program. It is also a good new families to Skogfjorden and I especially way for a family to have a fun educational love introducing kids to the silly antics of experience together.” their parents,” says Hannah Hansen, who Skogfjorden’s Family Fun Weekend cel- has worked at the weekend for five years and ebrates the Norwegian tradition of hyttetur has served as co-leader of the event for the (cozy winter trips to the family cabin) with- past two winters. out the financial burden of travelling abroad. CLV’s Family Fun Weekends focus on It is also a great way to prepare for such a language learning in a fun immersion set- trip. “Most participants tell us that they at- ting. They are meant for kids, parents, un- tend the weekend in order for their family to cles, aunts, grandparents, cousins, and the connect with each other through a common rest of the family. In past years, there have heritage. But some families have come to get been as many as 40 participants, ages 2-80! a jump start on language before a family trip Most are from Minnesota, but families have to Norway,” Hansen says. come from other parts of the Midwest, in- The cost is $250 for adults, and $140 for cluding Iowa, North Dakota and Ohio. Each children ages 0-17. Find more information Advertise in the Weekly! member of the family chooses a Norwegian at http://clvweb.cord.edu/newsite/Programs/ name for the weekend, lives in a cozy cabin, Families/norwegian.php. Is January 13 Reasons to advertise: and focuses on developing language skills coming up too soon? Encourage language Reach over 20,000 • Affordable! $10/col inch for through fun activities. These include cook- learning in your family by signing your kids or grandkids up for one of Skogfjorden’s Norwegian-American readers B&W, $15/col inch for color ing lessons, singing, dancing, woodcarving, summer sessions. EVERY week! • Free ad design knitting, snow sculpture (pictured above!) and, if your family enjoys cross-country ski- “Our theme for this year is ‘Tradisjoner: • Best of all, support the gamle og nye,’” says Hansen (Traditions: only Norwegian-American ing, pack your skis and hit the trail. “The weekend has a schedule similar to old and new). “We consider this weekend to newspaper! the summer program with activities, specific be the first celebration in Skogfjorden's 50th language learning for different levels of abil- year. Kom og bli med!” Come and join! For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] ity, meal times and evening programs. How- norwegian american weekly January 6, 2012 • 9 travel In the land of the polar bears Svalbard image by June Jacobsen wins 2011 National Geographic photo contest

Photo: June Jacobsen This award-winning photograph was taken by subscriber June Jacobsen of Patchogue, N.Y. in Svalbard, a group of islands in the Arctic Ocean about 400 miles north of the Norwegian mainland.

Ju n e Ja c o bs e n Patchogue, N.Y.

From the National Geographic Expe- of making their own weather and I’d noticed A Piece of Norway in America ditions website: “Our 2011 Expeditions the ribbons of clouds circling this one. We Photo Contest results are in! The grand prize started up the hillside, and many years ago winner, chosen by a panel of National Geo- I’d learned to check the view we’re leaving graphic photographers, was June Jacobsen of behind. Not a hard call in this environment. Patchogue, New York. June snapped this in- I turned and saw the striking lighting and credible shot on our Land of the Polar Bears grabbed a few shots while the hikers were expedition.” still in the view. Since this is polar bear country, the crew The story behind the image on the ship’s bridge keep a binocular’s eye In 2009 I traveled south to the Ice Con- on the terrain. Down the were a mama tinent of Antarctica aboard Hurtigruten’s and her cub, specks to us, but nothing to play luxurious MV FRAM, and wrote about the with. Our guide was called on his walkie voyage in part one of my book, “Above and talkie and we make a u-turn for the zodiacs Below the Circles.” Half a year later I vis- on the shoreline. ited the other end of the globe – the Svalbard For the prize in the photo contest, my archipelago in arctic Norway. And while the daughter and I are headed to Galápagos Is- polar bears are the main attraction, the pris- lands for a 10-day expedition aboard the Na- Photo courtesy of Flickr tine and icy land and seascapes that create tional Geographic Endeavor ship. the background for this majestic creature are Part one of my book, “Above and Be- Minnekirken equally mesmerizing and beautiful to experi- low the Circles,” is available for purchase on Chicago, Illinois ence and capture in photographs. blurb.com. You may also view a large por- It was the last day of the trip and one tion of the book on the website. I am cur- more chance to walk the tundra on Spitsber- rently working on Part Two: “Svalbard, Land gen. Tundra – it sounds so cold and barren. of the Ice Bear.” The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church, Minnekirken, offers the best venue in Instead, this polar desert landscape supports For more information about June, visit Chicago for Norwegians and all Scandinavians to gather and celebrate Norwegian a community of flora and fauna, from the tiny www.junejacobsen.com. To see the other traditions. This vibrant church community offers services in Norwegian and English. For more information, call (773) 252-7335 or visit www.minnekirken.org. poppies and saxifrages to arctic foxes and photo contest entries, visit www.national- Minnekirken, 2614 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 reindeer, as well as many species of birds. geographicexpeditions.com/photocontest/ I enjoy the longer hikes, so our zodiac was winners/2011. Share your favorite piece of Norway in America! first off that morning. Mountains have a way Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] 10 • January 6, 2012 norwegian american weekly roots & connections

Norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week No r w e g i a n 101 Language practice with Heidi Håvan Grosch After Christmas... (Etter jul...) Everyone knows that Norwegian life is seeped in Christmas tradi- tions (juletradisjoner). Little Christmas Eve (23. desember/lille juleaf- ten) many set up their Christmas trees (setter opp juletrær) and watch the black-and-white TV classic, Dinner for One, (Grevinnen og hov- mesteren) a few minutes after 9 p.m. (en liten stund etter kl 2100). One year NRK, the national television station, aired this 15-minute comedy sketch a few minutes before 9 p.m. and they had so many calls protest- ing the early showing that it rivaled (konkurrerte med) our recent butter crisis (smørkrisen). Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (julaften og 1. juledag/første juledag) are family days with many, at least in our area, feasting on ribs, (ribbe), flat meatballs (medisterkaker) and Christmas sausage (julepølse) along with red cabbage and sauerkraut (rødkål og surkål), boiled potatoes (kokte poteter), lingonberries (tyttebær), flatbread (flat- brød), boiled prunes (svisker), and of course Aquavit, with cloudberry cream (multekrem) for dessert (til dessert). The second Christmas day (26. desember, 2. juledag/andre juledag) entertaining is still kept pretty close to home and it is a red day (røde dager), or national holiday. That means stores are closed (butikker er stengt). But the third Christmas day (3. juledag/tredje juledag) watch out! (se opp!) Stores are packed with people returning or exchanging (re- turnerer eller bytter) Christmas gifts, taking advantage of after Christ- mas sales (etterjulssalg) or drinking coffee at a local café. Many like myself like to buy a few Christmas things on sale for next year – who wouldn’t at 50 – 75% off (50 – 75% rabatt)! But buyers beware… (vær forsiktig…) As my mother and I discovered last season (forrige jul) all the Christmas goodies get packed away very quickly so you have to Photo: Solveig Lee shop right away (handle med en gang). The occasion was Daughters of Norway Ester Moe lodge’s annual Norskfest at South Whidbey High School on Whidbey Island, Wash., on Nov. 12. Karla Gilbert performed at the event, and sang an special tribute to her mother, Sandy Stewart Gilbert, and was ac- companied by her father Bill Gilbert on the drumbs and Randly Bradley on the accordion. Gilbert is a 2006 graduate of California State University at Chico with a degree in musi- Godt Nyttår! Happy New Year! cal theater. She has performed in several professional musicals, such as “Cats,” “Hello, Dolly!” and “Oklahoma.” Her repertoire includes old favorites and Norwegian songs to honor her heritage. Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. with David Moe

Thorstein Veblen Lowell Gregerson Columbus MN Norwegian-American economist and sociologist 10. januar Robert A. Svendsen Seattle WA Carl J. Aas Duluth MN Thorstein Veblen was born July working toward the goal of becoming Andrew Stangeland Paullina IA 30, 1857 in Cato, Wis., to Norwegian a part of the “leisure class.” Robert Anderson Benson MN immigrant parents. He received his He wrote several books during 11. januar B.A. degree from Carleton College, his career. “The Theory of the Leisure 6. januar Northfield, Minn., in 1880 and his Class” (1899, 1953, 1959), “The The- Tor Virding Vancouver BC Can Lynn Sove Maxson Des Plaines IL Bjørn Bjørnsen Plentywood MT Ph.D from Yale University in 1884. ory of Business Enterprise” (1904, Bjørg Sørum Rognstad Brumunddal Norway Hilda Braaten San Diego CA Carl Ofstun Soldiers Grove WI From 1892 to 1906 he taught politi- 1965), “The Instinct of Workman- Olga Hauge Seattle WA Hjalmer Christenson Wahpeton ND cal economics at the University of ship” (1914, 1964), “Imperial Ger- Martha Johanson Seattle WA Lars Sollie Camano Island WA Chicago, at Stanford University from many and the Industrial Revolution” Marianne Warry Leif Herskedal San Bruno CA West Vancouver BC Can 1906 to 1909, the University of Mis- (1915, 1964), “The Higher Learning Carl Bell Madison WI Johanna Fossan Hegra Norway Lucian E Soltvedt Bloomington MN souri from 1911 to 1918 and was on in America” (1918, 1957), “Absentee Lillian Bølstad Oviedo FL the staff of the New School for So- Ownership and Business Enterprise Becky McCreadie Bothell WA Wenche Krohn Kristiansen New Canaan CT cial Research in New York City from in Recent Times” (1923, 1967), “Es- Novia Chellstopr Werno Elkhart IN Odd Askilsrud Renton WA 12. januar 1919 to 1926, when he retired. says in our Changing Order” (1934, 7. januar Thorstein was an economist and 1964), and “The Place of Science in Raymond Nereng Blair WI Clara Asmus Binford ND Malla Ofstun Soldiers Grove WI Harry Jackson Whitehall WI sociologist who described society as Modern Civilization” (1918, 1961). Gerald Sime Duluth MN Dag Blomdal Calgary Alberta Can being divided into a “leisure class” There have been several books Otto A. Ofjord Titusville FL Connie Ronning Stanwood WA that owned business enterprises and written about him and many articles 8. januar an “industrious class” that produced in the “Quarterly Journal of Econom- Thora Arneson Chicago IL goods. Unlike Karl Marx, however, ics” and other publications. He died Sidney Christenson LaPuente CA Want to see your birthday in the he did not advocate the overthrow of Aug. 3, 1929, the year of the stock Levern Larson Kasson MN Norwegian American Weekly? the “leisure class,” but believed the market crash. Åsta Aarnes Dordal Riverside CA “industrious class” strived to climb In our present day, it would be Dorothy Johnsen Hardee Issaquah WA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ up to the “leisure class.” His theories good for all of us to read the writings Karen Lee Kleimspehn Minneapolis MN norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at gave the working class a purpose in of Thorstein Veblen. 9. januar least one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed life, that of accomplishment, always Olaf Rodegaard Norway away? Please notify us. Karen Ann Rende Redwood City CA norwegian american weekly January 6, 2012 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Louis Kristianson September 10, 1929 – November 23, 2011 New Year’s Resolutions Louis Kristianson, 82, of Lake Carmel, Lodge 36. He is survived by his two daugh- N.Y., passed away Nov. 23, 2011. Mr. Kris- ters; Ginni McByrne and Carol Kristianson, I quit making new years resolutions grace of God. He believed that it was tianson was born Sept. 10, 1929, to Paul and three grandchildren; James McByrne, Kevin several years ago when I realized how precisely when we were feeling the most Selma (Aulie) Kristianson in Pittsburgh, Pa. McByrne, Krista Bobcock and two wonder- seldom I was able to actually do what I helpless and vulnerable that God steps On June 6, 1953 he married Mary Bey in the ful great-grandchildren; Kevin McByrne, Jr. resolved to do. In fact, I often found my- in to lift us up with the powers of divine Bronx, N.Y. In 1963, they moved to Carmel, and Kailey McByrne. He is predeceased by self doing the opposite thing or quitting Grace and Love. Making and then keep- N.Y. and before that they resided in Flush- his beloved wife Mary. A service was held something for only a very short time. ing New Years resolutions certainly has ing, N.Y. Mr. Kristianson worked as a Drafts- Nov. 29, 2011, at Cargain Funeral Home in Back in the 70’s the singer / songwriter its benefits. Anytime we can resolve to man/Artist for IBM in Yorktown, N.Y. Louis Carmel, N.Y. Roger Miller had a song entitled, “I’m do the right thing for ourselves or others was an active member in the Mason Croton so anything a man can’t quit.” In the and then actually do it, we are making the song he catalogues all the things he has world a better place. The problem does tried to quit in his life with little or no not come in the keeping of resolutions, Axel John Torget success. His words described, more or rather, it comes when we fail and can’t less perfectly, my own experiences with do the good that we desire to do. When November 10, 1921 – December 26, 2011 new years resolutions. The Apostle Paul this happens we need to remember that knew well how our human nature often long ago God in Jesus Christ resolved to Axel John Torget was born in Vik, Nor- hansen in 1948. Axel fished commercially for works against our doing the right thing. save us from our sins, and that no failure way on Nov. 10, 1921. He passed away peace- salmon and halibut in the summer. He drove In his letter to the Romans he says, “For of ours can ever change that. Fortunately fully on Dec. 26, 2011, in Seattle, Wash. He oil truck delivering home heating fuel in the I do not do the good I want, but the evil for us God keeps all resolutions. is survived by his loving wife Marian, sister winter. Axel and Marian loved to dance and I do not want is what I do.” For Paul the Betty Abbey; son Craig (Joan) and daughter belonged to several dance clubs. Traveling to answer to this situation was not trying Godt Nyttår! Happy New Year! Janis (David) Harsila; four grandchildren: Norway and Australia and many family va- harder but relying more fully upon the Scott (Brittany) and Katie Harsila and Amy cations on Maui and Lopez Island were high- and Michael Torget. He cherished holding lights of his life. Axel was a generous per- Axel Harsila, his first great-grandchild, in son, loved his family and always had a great his arms. Axel immigrated to the U.S. with sense of humor. As anyone who worked with Funeral Home his parents, Gerth and Jenny and older broth- him knew, he was a hard worker. Most of all er Magnus when he was 18 months old. He he lived for his family. He enriched the lives SOlie and Crematory grew up in Ballard and graduated from Bal- of everyone he knew. Axel had many great Honoring • Caring • Serving lard High School in 1940. During World War friends, enjoyed a full life and will be missed II, he served as an Army Master Sergeant in by all of us. There will be no service at his re- 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 North Africa and Italy. After release from the quest, but a reception will be held Jan. 14 at 1 army he entered the University of Washing- p.m. at Anthony’s Restaurant at Shilshole. ton on the G.I. Bill. He married Marian Jo- LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Sales and Service < dagmar From page 3 Christmas in Trondheim, rather than con- tinuing on their scheduled trip to Bergen. sured up to 200.9 kmph at Ona lighthouse, Also in Trøndelag there were blocked before the instruments suddenly collapsed roads and railroads, and the roof of a large Dec. 25. sports hall was blown off. Police warned the public to stay indoors, The strong winds also affected areas in Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK and many went to their basements when the southeastern Norway, and there are many re- phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 storm was at its worst. Flying sheds and ter- ports of blown down trees blocking streets races smashed in windows of several homes. and breaking power lines even as far south The Home Guard has been called in to assist as Oslo. the administration. Residents in Sogn og Fordane and Møre og Romsdal were without telephone or elec- [email protected] Many roads are blocked by large blown 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 down trees, and traffic both at land and sea is tricity for days. At the time of press, Prime at a standstill, with ferries and ships remain- Minister Jens Stoltenberg was scheduled to ing in harbor, including the coastal cruise- visit the region to survey the damage. liners Hurtigruten. One death is reported as a result of the This is also the case in the counties storm. Norwegian insurance companies re- Has your family changed over the years? of Trøndelag, Nordland and Troms. Hur- ceived over 7,600 claims for storm damages, Your benefi ciaries may have changed, too. tigruten’s “Kong Harald” and “Trollfjord” the highest since the violent winter storm of Make sure this information is up-to-date. To get started, talk to your fi nancial representative today! with around 400 passengers onboard spent 1992.

< Ibsen From page 3 After that, a group of booksellers worked with the Norway’s national library Jørgen Cappelen of Cappelens booksell- to investigate the works. At first, the Norwe- ers was suspicious of Kvalheim when he was gian police refused to take up the case. It was approached to buy the fragment of “The Sun only in 2008 that their economic crimes unit God.” decided to investigate, bringing in experts “We just didn’t recognize the signature who judged that at least 13 items, sold by of Ibsen,” Cappelen said. Kvalheim, leading to Kvalheim’s indictment Other documents connected to author at the end of November.

Kvalheim, who failed to respond to a Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Knut Hamsun were also sold by Kvalheim for Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. a large sum of money, including eight docu- Norwegian newspaper’s requests to com- Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY ments to Norway’s national library for NOK ment on the accusations, faces up to six years • NOT GUARANTEED BY THRIVENT FINANCIAL BANK • MAY LOSE VALUE in prison if found guilty. 695,000 (approximately USD 108,000). 27082NAWB N12-11 Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 201103947 12 • January 6, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Making resolutions Calendar of Events Larrie Wanberg establishes three resolutions What’s going on in your neighborhood? for 2012 with a strong Nordic connection

California tickets are required for this popular event, Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner which costs $18 per adult and $5 for chil- January 21 dren 10 years and younger. There are seat- Santa Rosa, Calif. ings at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. Being served are Join Sons of Norway Freya Lodge for their lutefisk with a choice of melted butter or annual Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner. The white sauce, roasted pork, boiled potatoes, traditional Norwegian menu will include peas and carrots, lefse, Norwegian-style the very famous Lutefisk, as well as delec- cookies and other baked goods, coffee and table meatballs in brown gravy and all the more. Aquavit will be served at the cash trimmings, lefse, almond cake and coffee. . Send a check made out to the Sons of Admission: $22 for adult members, $25 Norway to Gwen Knighton, 2156 Marston for adult non-members, $6 for kids 6 – 14. Mills Court, Henderson, NV 89044. Please Mail paid reservations to Sons of Norway include your name, phone number and – Lutefisk Dinner, P.O. Box 6558, Santa whether you want the 3 p.m. or 6 p.m. seat- Rosa, CA 95406. For more information, ing. Purchase your tickets by Jan. 20. Visit call (707) 579-1080 or visit online at www. us at www.VegasViking.com. freyalodge.org. New York Illinois Regional Modernism: Symposium on Early Modern Nordic Art Norge Ski Club 2012 Winter Tournament Photo: Larrie Wanberg February 11 January 28 – 29 My family tree dates back to the mid-1300s. My mother hand drew six family generations on a 30-foot New York, N.Y. Fox River Grove, Ill. scroll of butcher paper over countless winter months. Today with tech tools, I can hold my family’s The program, Regional Modernism: New visual heritage in one hand. In a rare span of family history, my grandmother was born when Jackson Norge Ski Club’s January tournament Art in Scandinavia, 1880-1912, will offer was president, married when Lincoln was president and died when Wilson was president. My dad was (International 5-Hills and Junior National audiences an in-depth look at the art, his- born when his mother was 50, and he lived into his 100th year. Championship Qualifier) will take place tory, and cultural relations of the Scandina- Jan. 28 – 29. The club plans on hosting four vian countries during the dynamic decades international teams who will be competing La r r i e Wa n b e r g of the early 20th century. Presenters will against elite Jumpers from the U.S. in the Grand Forks, N.D. explore the ways in which the distinct, re- 4th stop of the 5-Hills Tour. For questions gional modernism of the Nordic countries call Tricia Fisk at (815) 455-6061 or email communicated with the rest of continental [email protected]. In place of my abundant resolutions in collective talent, capitalizing on the tech Europe at the turn-of-the-century and how previous years, I’m posting three bold, quite tools of a family Web-portal. The concept is Colorado it came to influence North America’s own modern artists following their exposure to different resolutions in 2012 to achieve the more one invests in time or talent, the Barneløpet 2012 the 1912 Exhibition of Scandinavian Art. Franklin’s timeworn advice – healthy, more tangible value is credited in shares February 25 For more information, call (212) 779-3587 wealthy and wise. (like a mini virtual credit union). Achieving Granby, Colo. or visit www.scandinaviahouse.org. I have practiced Ben Franklin’s advice prosperity, a more relative term than mea- Save the date! Sons of Norway District 6 for a lifetime about “Early to rise makes a surement in dollars, means everyone in the is proudly inviting all youth cross country Pennsylvania man…” Well, at least one of the three. May- family tree has a shareholder certificate to skiers to attend this family event in Colo- Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner be this year, I can add healthy / wealthy to learn, earn and lead. Instant communication rado. Barneløpet is a non-competitive ski January 20 my goals. And the goals are linked to Nordic and sharing stories are core values of the co- event modeled after similar events in Nor- Lancaster, Pa. traditions that can benefit my extended fam- op. Some partial funding could be available way. Every skier finished a winner and re- Norwegian Celebration of Lutefisk made ily. for down payments on personal investments ceives a medal. Course are offered as 1K, by Sons of Norway Bondelandet Lodge #3- Personally, I’ve gotten wiser by “early by youth. A grand idea worth pursuing. 2.5K and 5K. The event is open to non- 612 members, along with all of the Norwe- to rise” because with a mid-day nap, I can members as well. gian foods to go along with the Lutefisk! make two days out of one – more time to Resolution 3: Community Development Minnesota Cost: $15 per person for the best food ever. study and learn and practice – and still watch Wise – “It takes a village” to generate Join us Jan. 20 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Thomas David Letterman or the late news. In 2012, collective wisdom and pass on knowledge Family Fun Weekend at Skogfjorden Church, 301 St. Thomas Rd., Lancaster, I’ll adhere to Ben’s advice and get to bed to youth to enable them to grow, thrive January 13 – 16 PA 17601. Call (717) 569-1747 or email earlier. and lead. “Thriving” is the bridging word. Bemidji, Minn. [email protected] for reservations. Norwegian Family Fun Weekends are What I’ve concluded is to make three Educationally, understanding the new-age geared towards learning together and bond- resolutions – targeted at personal develop- meaning of “thriving” is vital for communi- Washington ment, family development and community ties to grow and lead: “Thriving is the uni- ing over and culture. Author Eric Dregni visits Puget Sound Each member of your family will choose a development. fied synthesis of existing pieces of research January 13 – 14 that has emerged as a lens through which to Norwegian name for the weekend and fo- Seattle, Wash. Resolution 1: Personal Development view research, theory, and practice in the cus on language development, enjoy activi- Author Eric Dregni will be in the Puget Healthy – Learn more about self and field of youth development,” according to ties, and have free time to spend together. Sound region in January for book events Invite grandparents, cousins, aunts and for his newest book, “Vikings in the Attic: heritage, know something about everyone Wikipedia ... engaging youth in community uncles for an unforgettable international In Search of Nordic America.” In Vikings in my family tree – up-three and down- development shapes its future. family reunion! As with all of our Norwe- in the Attic, Eric Dregni tracks down and three generations, as this is a large part of gian programs, comfortable lodging within explores the significant—often bizarre— my identity. This intention is fresh (beyond So, maybe in New Year, I can post my Skogfjorden and delicious homemade cui- historic sites, tales, and traditions of Scan- lose weight, more exercise and better nutri- abundant resolutions on a blog, friends and sine are part of our trademark full-immer- dinavia’s peculiar colony in the Midwest. tion). The resolution makes sense because family can follow me on Twitter, score can sion setting. Cost: $265 per adult, $140 per Dregni reveals the little-known tales that the knowledge includes genetic health in be kept on Facebook, exchange fresh ideas child 0 – 17 years. Call (800) 222-4750 or lie beneath the surface of Nordic America one’s DNA. Equally important to health of by keeping in touch on LinkedIn, and sim- visit http://clvweb.cord.edu. and proves by example why generations mind-body-spirit is generational stories of plify complex relationships in plans or prob- of Scandinavian-Americans have come to the journey of immigrant ancestors, where lems with visual understanding on Vue. And Nevada love and cherish these tales and traditions they came from, how they got to where they if I keep my intentions through 2012, attain- Vegas Viking Lutefisk Dinner so dearly. Visit with Eric at Pacific Luther- were going, and the character they devel- ing three out of three, with some modified January 28 an University’s bookstore at 6 p.m. on Jan. oped in following their dreams. Especially goals (including going to bed before David Boulder City, Nev. 13 (call 253-535-7665), Nordic Heritage important is that families know the “mean- Letterman), then Benjamin will have a true The Vegas Viking Lodge is hosting its Museum in Seattle at 2 p.m. on Jan. 14 (call ing” or origin of their family name and the believer. I will have a happy and thriving 13th annual lutefisk dinner in the Las Ve- 206-789-5707) or Liberty Bay Bookstore gas suburb of Boulder City, Nev. Advance places where ancestors left their footprints New Year, so will my extended family scat- in Poulsbo at 6 p.m. (360-779-5909). in their lifespan. tered across America and an e-community of Norwegian relatives. Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Resolution 2: Family Development For it is a Viking’s nature to keep ex- to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! Wealthy – Create a “Family Co-op” in ploring, discovering, building settlements, Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. the Nordic tradition – formally and legally and creating communities. – toward a goal of “sharing the wealth” of norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us January 6, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood Traditions and friendship Klubben and Lucia Maine Nordmenn build memories with Julefest Scandinavian women’s club celebrates heritage and friendship in Hartford, Conn.

Ir e n e Le v i n Be r m a n Bloomfield, Conn.

In Norway it is not uncommon to start a club with your girl friends, normally called “klubben.” This is as natural as skiing, skat- ing and eating waffles. When I moved to the U.S, I never ex- pected that I would be fortunate enough to be part of one. However, when we settled in Hartford, Conn., in 1969, I was approached by a group of native Scandinavian young women who had established a club. One of Photo: Don Johnson them realized that we had attended the same Elsa Berrien and her St. Lucia court pass out pepperkaker at Maine Nordmenn's Julefest Dec. 10. high school in Oslo, and before I had a chance to say “gjetost,” I was invited to join them. I El e a n o r Fr o i l a n d An d r e w s was “in heaven” attending the first meeting. Wells, Maine The table was set with flowers and beauti- ful dishes and when the hostess served reker Sons of Norway Maine Nordmenn #3- megrøt, riskrem, julekake, krumkake, and (small freshwater shrimp) in large quantities, 664 gathered for their annual Julefest on vafler med tyttebær. After dinner, Elsa Ber- I had to pinch my arm. I had come “home.” Photo courtesy of Irene Berman Dec. 10 at the Sky-Hy Convention Center rien was crowned St. Lucia and she and her The group was three years old but within a Celebrating St. Lucia with traditional song and in Topsham, Maine. With great anticipa- court passed through the audience handing few years it grew to 10 members. costumes was part of the holiday festivities for the tion, guests entered the spacious hall with Scandinavian women’s club in Hartford, Conn. Another Swede was “allowed” in, as tables decorated for Christmas, lights twin- See > Julefest, page 15 was a woman from in addition to kling on the Juletre, ladies dressed in color- two more Norwegians. Since those days we to give a speech for the men, and a man to ful bunads, men in Norwegian sweaters, and have met once a month. Some of the partici- provide the equivalent to the women. At the Warren Johnson playing background music pants came and went, but the club remained. end of the meal a designated guest expressed of “Jeg er så glad hver julekveld,” “Glade Through the years we have evolved as an ex- gratitude to the chefs. jul,” “Johan på Snippen,” and other favor- tended family. We held each others hands And virtually nothing has changes ite Norwegian Christmas songs on his ac- through life cycle events, such as the birth in these 40 years. Sadly our Norwegian cordion. Members and guests browsed and of children, dealing with uncommunicative brother/role model has passed away, but his placed bids on Silent Auction items ranging in-laws and on occasion the challenge of rules for social behavior have remained. The from ski boots to Porsgrund china. Peter different religions. We greeted each other’s menu likewise: We start with sursild, herring Vatne from Norumbega lodge sold a variety visiting parents and relatives, and held each with mustard sauce and Janson’s Tempta- of Norwegian cheeses and Freia chocolate close when we had to face the loss of the tion. There is gravlaks with dill sauce, all of bars, and Charles Kaufmann, director of older generation in Scandinavia, feeling very which are accompanied by potatoes and cu- Portland’s Longfellow Chorus, showed pre- far away. cumber salad. Thereafter, on new plates, we views and sold tickets to the March 3 – 5, We celebrated the 17th of May, but the have meatballs, sausages, ham, red or white 2012, performance of “Scenes from the Saga big event was always the annual Christmas cabbage, a Finnish turnip casserole, beets, of St. Olaf” with Norwegian guest violinists party with our spouses, and occasionally a pickles, lingonberries and homemade bread. Arve Tellefsen and Henning Kraggerud. few friends who were deemed to be worthy, Home-baked cookies and marzipan cake Before dinner, the lodge’s 2012 offi- i.e. had some Scandinavian connection! We, constitute dessert. Grab bag gifts are given cers were installed by Zone 2 Director, Judi the charter members, the women, did all the out by Santa. Naturally aquavit with beer Mack. A julebord of kjøttboller, smørbrød, Photo: Dave Selleck cooking. Everyone had a specialty and we chasers was served. The sound of Helan Går homemade breads, Jarlsberg cheese, dev- Maine Nordmenn President Carolyn Browne, her didn’t hold back. and other Scandinavian drinking songs can iled eggs, and a variety of salads was fol- son Peter and granddaughter Alice admire the Our Finnish member was married to be heard! lowed by favorite desserts including røm- Juletre at the annual Julefest. a Norwegian man, who provided us with a This year a surprise was in store for us. large bonus, as opposed to the rest of us who The Swedish hostess had arranged for her only had American spouses. This man was two adorable little granddaughters to show strong, outspoken and steeped in Norwe- up during the cocktail hour. Dressed in long gian customs. Quickly and with formality he white gowns, they carried wreaths with can- “converted” the unexpected American men dles resting on their beautiful long blonde The Mission ChurCh of ParaMus to his Norwegian set of standards, teaching hair as well as in their hands, while the Lucia 128 N Farview Avenue — Paramus, New Jersey 07652 them his rules of behavior attributed to Nor- song resonated throughout the house. There Tel: (201) 265-1156 — www.themissionchurch.org wegian gentlemen on social occasions. No wasn’t a dry eye. one ever challenged his standards – they all The table was set in the formal dining Rev. Thomas Hjembo, Pastor obeyed and the rest is history. room with Christmas china passed down The holiday party always took place from her parents’ home in . Seated at in December rotating each year from home predetermined places, according to the tradi- to home... A Master of Ceremony was ap- tions, we ate and drank, laughed and giggled pointed to keep the occasional “uncivilized as always and exchanged memories going JuletrefestSaturday, January 14 at 5 p.m. Americans” in place; a woman was assigned back so many years. Pastor Thomas Hjembo speaking

Godt Nyttår! Happy New Year! Caroling around the Christmas Tree Refreshments — Everyone Welcome! from the Norwegian American Weekly “O Magnify the Lord With Me and Let Us Exalt His Name Together” Psalm 34:3 14 • January 6, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner

The boys from Vangen:

Written by Leif Halse Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual Norwegian/English serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

Photo: Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society < Fishermen From page 1 halibut in the late 1970s. With many more vessels fishing for halibut, fishing time for PÅ SPORET ON THE TRAIL tions. the Union men quickly decreased. Denne gangen tør ikke lensmanns- This time the sheriff’s deputy doesn’t Those early days brought several strikes Longline fishermen suffered according- betjenten å tale med Skjorhagen mannen dare to talk with the Skjorhagen man alone. between D.S.F.U. and the boat owners, who ly from the lack of regulation. Though the aleine. Martin hadde vært så sinna og fæl sist, Martin had been so terribly mad last time, so formed their own organization in 1914 called establishment of the 200-mile limit finally så betjenten kvier seg nå. Derfor går de inn the deputy dreads the visit. Then they drop in the Fishing Vessel Owners Association. allowed the U.S. to control the amount of på Bakken og spør Sterk-Ola om han vil bli at Bakken and ask Strong-Ola if he will ac- Though their relationship began with con- fish caught in the North Pacific, thus permit- med dem. Jo, han vil nok gjerne være med company them. Sure, it sounds like he wants flict, these two organizations soon formed a ting the fisheries to be conserved, the annual på revefangst, han, høres det ut til. Sterk-Ola to come along “fox-hunting.” Strong-Ola unique labor and management relationship wages for both crewmen and boat owners Bakken knegger godslig. Bakken chuckles good-naturedly. that has lasted 98 years. were steadily dropping. The only good news De kommer så langt at de ser fram til They go just far enough so they get a D.S.F.U. was one of the first organiza- was that fishermen from the U.S. reclaimed view of Skjorhagen. They stop there and con- Skjorhagen. Der stanser de og rådslår om tions to blaze new trails in fishery conser- the sablefish quota, which had been taken for hvordan de skal gå fram. De blir enige om fer about how to proceed. They agree that vation. Working hard to support the creation years by Japan. This was done to a great ex- at Sterk-Ola skal gå til baksida av huset og Strong-Ola should go behind the house and of the International Pacific Halibut Com- tent by boats manned by D.S.F.U. crews. stå vakt der, mens lensmannsbetjenten og stand guard there while the sheriff’s deputy mission in the 1920s, D.S.F.U. and other in- In 1989 a new opportunity called In- «Vangsgutane» går inn og snakker med Sk- and the Vangen boys go and talk to the Sk- terested groups, such as the Vessel Owners, jorhagen luringen. De må regne med at kan- jorhagen trickster. They have to consider the dividual Fishing Quotas (IFQs) arrived on created a self-regulating system called Limit skje Troll vil varsle at de nærmer seg husa. fact that Troll might alert them that they are the scene. The idea was simple in principle: Martin Skjorhagen får se at betjenten og approaching the house. and Layup in the 1930s. Agreed upon by the the right to fish would be controlled by how «Vangsgutane» kommer opp mot husa. Han Martin Skjorhagen catches sight of the interested parties with no more regulation much poundage you held. This poundage skjønner straks hva som er på ferde. Men han deputy and the Vangen boys coming up to the than a handshake, Limit and Layup allowed could be bought and sold, and how much murrer til Larris noe om at de nok ikke skal house. He realizes right away what is happen- a boat to catch 3,500 pounds per crewman. you would get depended on how much your treffe han heime denne gangen. Larris holder ing. He mutters to Larris that they won’t find Though this agreement led to some rather boat delivered from 1984 to 1990. utkikk, og i det samme Martin hører dem him at home this time. Larris keeps a lookout, large crews, it stabilized the price of halibut, Today the Deep Sea Fishermen’s Union komme inn, stikker han ut gjennom bakdøra. and at the same time Martin hears them com- encouraged conservation, and ensured em- of the Pacific continues the hard work of Han har tenkt å lure seg bort fra huset mens ing in, he slips out the back door. He thought ployment for union members. fighting for the rights of crewmen working de er inne. he would sneak away from the house while Union fishermen went on to risk their the waters of the North Pacific. In 2002, af- they were inside. lives during World War II by catching fish ter being petitioned by crab fishermen, the Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods – Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen like Soupfin shark that had livers rich in vi- Union offered crewmen on crab boats the 3.NAW.Legend.22Dec2011_Layout 1 12/22/11 11:35 PM Page 1 tamins A and D. These vitamins were criti- opportunity to create their own lobbying Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. cal for the night vision of bomber crews and force under the banner of D.S.F.U. When www.astrimyastri.com long-haul convoy drivers. It was during this North Pacific crab changed to IFQs in 2005, time that 10 crewmen and Captain Louis D.S.F.U. ensured that a loan program was in Legend of Siljatjern Seter: Holm of the F.V. Helgeland disappeared in Life, love and faith on place to help crewmen secure the financial a Norwegian mountain dairy the Gulf of Alaska with all hands lost. means to purchase quota. D.S.F.U. is cur- By Gunlaug Nøkland In the 1950s, to provide employment and rently lobbying to bring a more balanced • Bilingual English Norwegian text conserve the fishery, a new lay up was cre- view of their concerns to the North Pacific • 6”x9”, hardcover, 448 pages, SALE ated where boats would fish a week and then Fishery Management Council. 1/2 price • Recipes & pictures of old seter life • Was $29.95, now only $14.95 lay up in port for a week. D.S.F.U. worked For 100 years, the Deep Sea Fisher- • Plus FREE shipping in USA with other participants in the industry to cre- men’s Union of the Pacific has labored on Legend of Siljatjern Seter tells the story of ate the Halibut Production Control Board. behalf of its crewmen. Through good times Mette agreeing to take a summer job as a Again, a gentlemen’s agreement between the and bad, D.S.F.U. has constantly fought for budeie (dairy maid) on an old-fashioned concerned parties was all that was needed to demonstration dairy called Siljatjern (Silja’s higher wages and safer working conditions. pond) Seter. Here in this book, you can ex- put this new lay up plan into effect. Of course there’s been a strike here and there perience life as your ancestors lived in Nor- Though this attempt by D.S.F.U. to along the way, but D.S.F.U. has, aside from way before they immigrated to America. self-regulate their industry worked for many its work on behalf of its members, been a Call — send a check — or order from website Made in America! years, the agreement eventually fell victim powerful lobbying force for the protection to a Federal policy of giving “underutilized” and conservation of its fisheries for 100 Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com fishing quota to foreign countries. In 1962 Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 years. 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] the Bering Sea was opened to the predations Do you have photos, memories, memo- of foreign trawling and longline fleets. Ris- rabilia or names of relatives associated with Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates ing immediately to the occasion to protest D.S.F.U.? The union would appreciate hear- in North America were the Halibut Fishermen’s Wives Asso- ing from you! For more information, call Organization of the Week ciation – also called Fishermen’s Wives – (206) 783-2922 or visit www.dsfu.org. montreal, Québec which soon became the most powerful sin- Norwegian Society gle lobbying force in the U.S. Led by a force of Texas Consul General of nature Fern Molvik, who was the wife of union crewman Gus Molvik, the Fisher- Bosque County Chapter Richard W. Pound Royal Norwegian Consulate General men’s Wives helped create sister fishermen’s For more information, contact Ste 4000, 1155 René Levesque Blvd. W wives groups all the way up and down the Joyce Grimland David Montreal, Quebec, H3B 3V2 Northwest coast. Financial Secretary Telephone : (514) 874-9087 The establishment of the 200-mile 24037 Wood Hollow, WB-136 Telefax : (514) 397-3063 limit was a hard-fought victory but too late Whitney, TX 76634 E-mail: [email protected] to save the lay up agreement established in To read the full-length article, go to For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, the 1950s. Salmon fishing was failing, and http://blog.norway.com/2011/12/29/shar- visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations salmon boats of all kinds started fishing for ing-our-history. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports January 6, 2012 • 15 sports Northug in classic form Jump for joy in Illinois with Norge Ski Club’s annual ski jumping tournament a dramatic finish in Oberstdorf, Germany

Fa s t e r Sk i e r

Four down, five to go, and an epic battle is developing in the men’s 2012 . Over the course of the four events thus far, only 1.1 seconds separate (SUI) form leader Petter Northug (NOR). Northug took his second stage victory of the Tour, but Cologna actually closed the gap due a strong showing in the intermediate sprints in the men’s 20km skiathlon in Ober- stdorf, Germany. Despite the large climbs, and the chal- lenges of the bonus sprints, set on top of the largest hill, no one could attempt a break away. As is often the case in men’s World Cup mass starts, it was a race of attrition, ski- Photo: FasterSkier ers gradually falling off the pace and slipping Petter Northug hitting one of the skate preems in Photo courtesy of Ken Nordan out of contention. Oberstdorf, Germany. Norge Ski Club’s annual ski jump tournament draws a crowd every year to watch athletes from several countries make the impressive leaps off the mountain. Northug, who is looking to build a lead prior to the final climb, has been unable to mances by teammates Kristian Tettli Ren- shake Cologna at any point. They have kept nemo and Niklas Dryhaug. The two men, out Ke n No r d a n a careful watch on each other throughout the of the race for the overall, were tasked with Batavia, Ill. early stages of the Tour, and both men appear assisting Northug. in peak form. The bonus seconds provided “They all had a job and that was to help Norge Ski Club in Fox River Grove, Ill., The jumpers participating this year interesting drama in a race that often comes Petter, and that is what they did and it paid is busy preparing for its January 2012 tour- from Team Norway will be: returning jump- down to the final kilometer. off,” said Norwegian coach Trond Nystad. nament. The International 5-Hills and Junior er Stian Tillung from Lillehammerhop, Stig Skiers with ground to make up, Mar- “Take seconds, give him an easy track if they National Championship Qualifier will take Morten Fredheim from Team CBA, Lars cus Hellner, Lukas Bauer, and Alex Harvey, had a chance. Protect him and help him to place on Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 28 and Enger from Hernes Il and Henning Saug Lie. among others, were looking to close the gap move forward in the field.” 29, 2012 at 12 p.m. This will be the 107th Bring your kids and watch the youngsters at the intermediate sprints, while the leaders Northug acknowledged their help, point- annual tournament and is scheduled to have jump the small hills, and then see potential made sure they would not be losing ground. ing to that and his good skis as the difference jumpers from four international teams in- future Olympic stars take on the K70 hill. With bonus seconds awarded to the top- in the race. Known for his ridiculous finish- cluding Norway, Finland, Germany and Po- So come out early with your chairs and cow 10, there were plenty of opportunities to at- ing kick in long races, Northug would not be land. They will be competing against elite bell, then enjoy an afternoon of fun that re- tack, if only briefly. denied. Riding a tight line on the corner into Jumpers from the U.S. in the 4th stop of the minds me of a college football tailgate party. Northug did not participate in the early the stadium, he overtook first Hellner, then 5-Hills Tour. Also, highly ranked U.S. Ju- Admission includes both days: $15 at the sprints on the classic leg as he did not feel Cologna, and finally Maxim Vylegzhanin nior Jumpers from the Central and Eastern gate, $10 in advance, children 12 and under very good. He opted to conserve his energy (RUS), to claim victory. Divisions will be vying for an opportunity to free. Free parking. Food and warm bever- for the skate, and the strategy paid off. He “The last downhill is terrible when your participate in the Junior National Champion- ages are available. Visit www.norgeskiclub. got his act together, and came back to nearly legs feel like a ton,” Northug said of the fi- ships scheduled to take place at the Olympic com for more details. match Cologna’s total of 49 bonus seconds, nal run to the finish. “You don’t have a good Jump Facility in Park City, Utah, in March. ultimately coming up four short. feeling in the downhill, but it is the same for Northug benefited from strong perfor- everyone.”b The Scandinavian Hour < memorials Celebrating over 50 years on the air! From page 3 proposals are to be submitted by April 1. “There are many different dimensions KKNW – 1150 AM of Culture from 1990 to 1996, will lead the to this project because the victims come project’s steering committee. The committee from all over the country, representing many Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST will bring representatives from government different cultural, ethnic and belief-related Streaming live on the internet at: ministries, the Labor Youth Party (AUF), the backgrounds,” said Kleveland. national support group for July 22, and those At the time of press, the time frame and www.1150kknw.com involved in the government quarter. Design budgets were not decided. Sons of Norway Building, B-20 1455 W. Lake Street < Julefest Norway Art the Juletre singing “Oh jul med din glede” (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 From page 13 and “Rudoph the Red Nosed Reindeer.” Fi- nally, the aquavit was brought out, and full of www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] out pepperkaker to the guests. Santa Claus good food and good cheer, everyone toasted By appointment please arrived with gifts for the children, and the re- one another with “God Jul,” “Godt Nytt År,” sults of the Silent Auction were announced. and “Takk for det gamle.” As the afternoon came to a close, members Godt Nyttår from the Maine Nordmenn! and guests joined hands and danced around 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] < Bjørgen The female vote was a close race pitting From page 1 the many-time world champion Marit Bjør- Featuring great Nordic products and male athlete of the year. In the female gen against the double world athletics cham- category, Norwegian cross-country skier pion Kenyan Vivian Cheruiyot. Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments Marit Bjørgen was chosen as the best of 2011 The Norwegian star of the FIS Nordic Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats World Ski Championships collected four by 379 journalists drawn from 82 countries, and more! while on the men’s side, Serbian tennis play- gold medals and a silver last March on her er Novak Djokovic won the vote. home snow in Oslo and won the AIPS vote by just 10 votes at 576 ahead of Cheruyoit. Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com TRAVEL IN STYLE YOUR STYLE BUSINESS, ECONOMY EXTRA OR ECONOMY

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