Annual Report of the Trustees of The
Public Document No. 24 FIFTY-NINTH ANNUAL EEPOET THE TRUSTEES The State Farm BRIDGEWATER, INCLUDING THE REPORTS OF THE SUPERINTENDENT AND OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, Yeab e:ndixg November 30, 1912. BOSTON: WEIGHT & POTTEE FEINTING CO., STATE PEINTEES, 18 Post Office Square. 1913. Approved by The State Board of Publication. CONTENTS. PAGE Trustees' Report, 7 Superintendent's Report, 11 Treasurer's Report, 14 Statistics, 20 Valuation, 26 Hospital Report (Prison and Almshouse), 27 Hospital Statistics (Prison and Almshouse), . .31 Hospital Report (Insane), 39 Hospital Statistics (Insane), 47 STATE FARM, BRIDGEWATER. TRUSTEES. JOHN B. TIVNAN, Chairman, Salem. PAYSON W. LYMAN, Secretary, Fall River. LEONARD HUNTRESS, M.D., Lowell. Mrs. HELEN R. SMITH, Newton. GALEN L. STONE, Brookline. JOHN W. COUGHLIN, M.D., Fall River. Mrs. NELLIE E. TALBOT, . Brookline. RESIDENT OFFICERS. HOLLIS M. BLACKSTONE, . Superintendent. HENRY J. STRANN, . Assistant Superintendent and Treasurer. J. ARTHUR TAYLOR, . Master. WALTER E. TEMPLE, . Deputy Master. ERNEST B. EMERSON, M.D., Resident Physician. BENJAMIN B. KASSON, M.D., Assistant Physician. MINOT W. GALE, M.D., Assistant Physician. ERNEST E. BACON, Farmer. WILLIAM J. TURNBULL, . Engineer. CONSULTING PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS TO THE HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT. CALVIN PRATT, M.D., Bridgewater. SAMUEL J. MIXTER, M.D., Boston. HENRY EHRLICH, M.D., Boston. WILLIAM F. KNOWLES, M.D., Boston. DANIEL FISKE JONES, M.D., Boston. ®l)e Commnntuealtl] of illa^sadjusettB. TRUSTEES' REPORT. To His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable Council. Obedient to statutory requirement, the trustees of the State Infirmary and the State Farm submit their fifty-ninth annual report as to the operation of the State Farm for the year ending Nov.
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