
Estuaries Vol. 24, No. 3, p. 381–397 June 2001

Calculating Optical Water Quality Targets to Restore and Protect Submersed Aquatic Vegetation: Overcoming Problems in Partitioning the Diffuse Coefficient for Photosynthetically Active Radiation


Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, P. O. Box 28, Edgewater, Maryland 20137

ABSTRACT: Submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) is an important component of shallow water estuarine systems that has declined drastically in recent decades. SAV has particularly high requirements, and losses of SAV have, in many cases, been attributed to increased light attenuation in the water column, frequently due to coastal eutrophication. The desire to restore these valuable habitats to their historical levels has created the need for a simple but accurate manage- ment tool for translating light requirements into water quality targets capable of supporting SAV communities. A pro- cedure for calculating water quality targets for concentrations of chlorophyll and total suspended solids (TSS) is derived,

based on representing the diffuse attenuation coefficient for photosynthetically active radiation, Kd(PAR), as a linear function of contributions due to water plus colored dissolved organic (CDOM), chlorophyll, and TSS. It is

assumed that Kd(PAR) conforms to the Lambert-Beer law. Target concentrations are determined as the intersection of a line representing intended reduction of TSS and chlorophyll by management actions, with another line describing the

dependence of TSS on chlorophyll at a constant value of Kd(PAR). The validity of applying the Lambert-Beer law to

Kd(PAR) in estuarine waters was tested by comparing the performance of a linear model of Kd(PAR) with data simulated

using a more realistic model of light attenuation. The linear regression model tended to underestimate Kd(PAR) at high light attenuation, resulting in erroneous predictions of target concentrations at shallow restoration depths. The errors result more from the wide spectral bandwidth of PAR, than from irrecoverable nonlinearities in the diffuse attenuation

coefficient per se. In spite of the failure of the Lambert-Beer law applied to Kd(PAR), the variation of TSS with chlo-

rophyll at constant Kd(PAR) determined by the more mechanistic attenuation model was, nevertheless, highly linear. Use of the management tool based on intersecting lines is still possible, but coefficients in the line describing the dependence

of TSS on chlorophyll at constant Kd(PAR) must be determined empirically by application of an optical model suitably calibrated for the region of interest. An example application of the procedure to data from the Rhode River, Maryland, indicates that approximately 15% reduction in both TSS and chlorophyll concentrations, or 50% reduction in chlorophyll alone, will be needed to restore conditions for growth of SAV to levels that existed in the late 1960s.

Introduction in mesohaline and polyhaline estuaries appears to Submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) is an im- require a long-term average of about 22% of sur- portant component of coastal ecosystems. It is be- face to survive, while that in oligohaline lieved that nearly 600,000 acres of SAV covered the and tidal freshwater regions appear to require c. bottom of Chesapeake Bay in historic times, but 13% of surface irradiance (Batiuk et al. 1992; Den- catastrophic declines occurred during the 1960s nison et al. 1993; Carter et al. 2000). A wide variety and 1970s (Orth and Moore 1983). Coverage in of methods has been used to estimate the light re- recent years has increased about 70% above the quirement of SAV, but the most reliable estimates lowest areal coverage of 40,000 acres recorded in generally are determined by comparing in situ 1984. Because of the ecological importance of SAV, depth distributions of SAV with the long-term me- the Chesapeake Bay Program has set a goal to re- dian value of diffuse attenuation coefficient, store 114,000 acres of SAV throughout historically Kd(PAR), for downwelling photosynthetically active vegetated areas of the Bay by the year 2005. radiation (PAR, 400 to 700 nm). The principal factor believed to limit the distri- The diffuse attenuation coefficient is the empir- bution of SAV is the availability of light at the plant ical descriptor of the penetration of cosine-weight- surface (Duarte 1991; Dennison et al. 1993). SAV ed downwelling irradiance underwater, i.e., ϭ Ϫ Ed(Z) Ed(0)exp[ Kd(PAR)Z] (1) * Tele: 443/482-2240; fax: 443/482-2380; e-mail: ϭ [email protected]. where Ed(Z) downwelling cosine-weighted irra-

ᮊ 2001 Estuarine Research Federation 381 382 C. L. Gallegos

ϭ diance (PAR) at depth Z, and Ed(0) downwelling For a diagnostic tool to be useful to managers, it cosine-weighted irradiance just beneath the air-wa- needs to be accessible to non-specialists, able to ter interface. Let Zmax denote the maximum depth batch-process extensive water quality data sets, and of colonization of SAV. The 22% requirement is be usable with very limited optical data. based on the observed tendency for the dimen- The simultaneous need for accuracy and ease of sionless product, ZmaxKd(PAR), to cluster around use presents potentially conflicting requirements. 1.5 (Duarte 1991; Dennison et al. 1993). Of course, Models believed to faithfully represent the pro- other factors influence the maximum depth of col- cesses of radiative transfer underwater are written onization by SAV (Koch 2001), especially light at- for monochromatic light [i.e., a complete spec- tenuation at the leaf surface by epiphytic algae and trum must be simulated to determine Kd(PAR)] attached matrix of organic detritus and inorganic and require specification of a, b, (functions of silts and clays (Twilley et al. 1985; Kemp et al. ), and the phase function 2000). Variability in the optical density of material (Mobley et al. 1993). Although extremely useful attached to the leaf surface may explain some of for research problems, such as generating empiri- the scatter in plots of Zmax against percentage of cal relationships between IOPs and AOPs (Kirk incident light availability (Dennison et al. 1993). 1984), such models are still too complex for use Adequate penetration of light through the water in the water quality management community. At column, quantified by Kd(PAR), is a necessary but the other extreme, some researchers have applied not sufficient condition for colonization by SAV. the Lambert-Beer law to the diffuse attenuation co- In order to take management action to restore efficient by modeling Kd(PAR) as a linear function conditions that permit growth of SAV, it is neces- of water quality concentrations (Lorenzen 1972; sary to know how the value of Kd(PAR) depends Smith 1982; Verduin 1982; Stefan et al. 1983). Lin- on the suspended and dissolved matter in the wa- ear representation of Kd(PAR) may meet the ease- ter. The diffuse attenuation coefficient is referred of-use criteria, but the inherent inaccuracies in do- to as an apparent optical property (AOP), because ing so are as yet unquantified (c.f., Kirk 1994). its value depends not only on the concentrations Gordon (1989) used a Monte Carlo model of an of light attenuating components in the water, but ocean-atmosphere system to examine the severity also on the angular distribution of the underwater of violation of the Lambert-Beer law by narrow light field (Morel and Smith 1982). It is affected waveband spectral irradiance in Case 1 waters, i.e., by factors in addition to water quality, e.g., surface waters in which the optical properties are gov- waves, solar incidence angle, depth, and cloud cov- erned by phytoplankton pigments and their detri- er. Optical properties that depend only on the con- tal degradation products. He demonstrated that tents of the water (i.e., that are independent of the the diffuse attenuation coefficient for narrow-band ambient light field) are referred to as inherent op- irradiance obeyed the Lambert-Beer law to a high tical properties (IOPs, Kirk 1994). degree of accuracy in Case 1 waters, provided the One goal in the field of hydrologic optics has measurements were divided by an easily calculated been to determine the relationship between AOPs distribution coefficient that corrects for the effects and IOPs (Mobley 1994). The IOPs most relevant of variation in sun angle, the relative proportion to the problem of determining water quality con- of diffuse sky irradiance, and sea state. Extension centrations suitable for restoring SAV are the ab- to Case 2 waters (in which the optical properties sorption coefficient, a, and the scattering coeffi- are substantially affected by colored dissolved or- cient, b. The absorption and scattering coefficients ganic matter (CDOM) and non-algal particulate can be expressed as the sum of contributions due matter) did not significantly increase errors as long to different optically active constituents, and the as waters with high concentrations of non-absorb- effect of each component is directly proportional ing were avoided (Gordon 1989). To ap- to its concentration: i.e., IOPs are additive and lin- ply the Lambert-Beer law to Kd(PAR) in situations ear and thus obey the Lambert-Beer law. This is useful for setting water quality management goals not true generally of AOPs, such as Kd(PAR) (Kirk requires extension of the law to broadband irra- 1994). Nevertheless, the need exists in the man- diance, and application in waters with high con- agement community for a diagnostic tool able to centrations of terrigenous suspended solids. The accurately and quantitatively attribute light atten- errors incurred by doing so require further ex- uation to the content of the water. Accuracy is amination. needed to assure that the actions taken to improve In this paper I use a series of models of decreas- water quality will result in sufficient reduction in ing complexity and increasing ease of use to ex- light attenuation to promote expansion of SAV, amine the severity of systematic errors incurred by while maintaining cost effectiveness by not dictat- applying the Lambert-Beer law to Kd(PAR), partic- ing larger reductions than are actually necessary. ularly as they relate to the determination of water Water Quality Targets for SAV 383 quality targets for restoring SAV. After a brief re- are stochastic events that occur as a result of en- view of optical models, I validate the performance counters between and absorbing and scat- of the spreadsheet-based model of Gallegos (1994) tering substances in the water. The values of the against a more realistic Monte Carlo model of ra- absorption and scattering coefficients are measures diative transfer (Kirk 1989), and use the spread- of the probability per unit distance of absorption sheet model to generate pseudo-data for estima- and scattering events. Similarly, the scattering tion of a linear regression model. Analysis of the phase function describes the probability distribu- linear regression representation indicates that a tion of relative scattering angle, given that a scat- single regression is prone to errors when used tering event has occurred. across a broad range of water quality concentra- In a series of papers, Kirk (1981, 1984, 1989) has tions. Improvements can be made by using sepa- used Monte Carlo modeling of the radiative trans- rate regressions for different target restoration fer equation to estimate approximate algebraic ex- depths, provided information about spectral spe- pressions relating various AOPs but especially dif- cific-absorption and scattering coefficients in the fuse attenuation coefficient, to the IOPs, a and b. different ranges is available. One expression that is particularly useful because of its simplicity and accuracy is Model Descriptions 1 Complete description of the equation of radia- ϭ 21ϩ ␮ /2 Kd0␮ [a G( )ab] (2) tive transfer and the models that solve it is beyond 0 the scope of this paper. It is still useful to review ␮ where 0 is the cosine of the solar zenith angle, the processes that attenuate light underwater to after accounting for refraction at the (assumed better appreciate the divergence of the different ␮ ϭ ␮ Ϫ flat) air-water interface, and G( 0)( g1 0 g2) modeling approaches that have been taken, al- is a linear function that determines the relative ef- though rigorous explanations are given in several fect of scattering on the total rate of attenuation. recent sources (Davies-Colley et al. 1993; Kirk Although entirely empirical, Eq. 2 is both highly 1994; Mobley 1994). accurate and very general, applying over a wide The equation of radiative transfer describes a range both of solar incidence angles and of b :a budget for monochromatic light within an ratios (Kirk 1984, 1994). incremental solid angle (see, e.g., Fig. 1.6 in Kirk As indicated above, a and b are functions of 1994). Photons traveling in a given direction are wavelength, which complicates calculation of lost by absorption and by being scattered in a dif- Kd(PAR) using Eq. 2. Absorption spectra of certain ferent direction. Gains of photons within a solid substances, such as CDOM, have simple spectral angle are due to scattering of photons that occurs shapes that can be described by a simple negative from all other directions into the solid angle being exponential; but the absorption spectra of water considered. The scattering phase function, which and of phytoplankton pigments are irregularly describes the probability distribution of scattering shaped and are most conveniently expressed as angles, is needed to account for the fate of scat- tabulated values. There is, therefore, no closed tered photons. Integration of the equation for an form integration of Eq. 2 over the PAR waveband incremental solid angle over all directions in 3 di- to calculate averaged K (PAR). mensions accounts for all losses of photons as d Gallegos (1994) calculated Kd(PAR) by first pre- depth increases. dicting the spectrum of diffuse attenuation coeffi- Mobley et al. (1993) compared different meth- ␭ cient, Kd( ). This was done by multiplying concen- ods of solving the radiative transfer equations and trations of optical water quality parameters by their found that 7 different models provided consistent experimentally determined specific-absorption predictions of , with Monte Carlo meth- and specific-scattering spectra to estimate a(␭) and ods suffering somewhat from statistical fluctuations b(␭), which were then substituted into Eq. 2. Then in calculated quantities at great , due by propagating the incident solar spectrum to a to the small number of surviving photons. Errors reference depth, Z, according to Eq. 1 and nu- at great optical depth are not of concern in this merically integrating over wavelength, Kd(PAR) was work, because of the emphasis here on attenuation calculated as to the 22%, or at most, the 13% penetration depth. Monte Carlo models of the radiative transfer ϭϪ1 PAR(Z) equation have the advantage that they are easy to Kd (PAR) ln (3) Z[] PAR(0) program, and the procedure is, in some respects, analogous to the natural process of attenuation The procedure is simple, fast, and easily adapted (Kirk 1994). The processes of absorption and scat- to studying the relationship of Kd(PAR) to varia- tering, which contribute to the attenuation of light, tions in optical water quality parameters, but its 384 C. L. Gallegos accuracy compared with mechanistic models of ra- diative transfer has not been determined. I refer to this simplified computational procedure as the spectrally integrated algebraic summary (SIAS) model. At the lowest level of mechanistic realism is lin- ear partitioning of the diffuse attenuation coeffi- cient for PAR (Lorenzen 1972; Smith 1982; Ver- duin 1982; Stefan et al. 1983). Such a representa- tion might be written ϭ ϩ ϩ ϩ Kd(PAR) Kw ky[CDOM] kc[Chl] ks[TSS] (4) ϭ where Kw the (supposed) attenuation due to wa- ter alone, and ky,kc, and ks are, respectively, spe- cific-attenuation coefficients (i.e., attenuation per unit concentration) of CDOM, chlorophyll, and to- Fig. 1. Illustration of a procedure for calculating water qual- tal suspended solids (TSS). Equation 4 is a state- ity targets for protection and restoration of SAV habitats. Target ment of the Lambert-Beer law applied to Kd(PAR). (open circles) concentrations relative to current median con- ditions (asterisk) are given as the intersection of lines defining Linear partitioning of Kd(PAR) into contribu- tions due to discrete factors treats the diffuse at- the minimum-light water quality requirement (bold line, Eq. 6) and one of 3 management trajectories (dotted arrows, Eq. 7). tenuation coefficient as if it were an IOP, which it is not (Kirk 1994). Doing so has several distinct advantages for management purposes. If coeffi- Ϫ ln(flr ) ϭ ϩ ϩ cients in Eq. 4 can be specified, then the percent- K(WϩDOC)k c [Chl] ks [TSS] (5) Z age contribution of each water quality constituent max to the total attenuation can be calculated simply; Equation 5 can be rearranged to express linear that is, the percent attenuation due to, e.g., chlo- combinations of [Chl] and [TSS] that just meet ϩ ϩ rophyll is given by 100·kc[Chl]/{Kw kc[Chl] the flr requirement, ϩ ky[CDOM] ks[TSS]}. Computations to this effect Ϫln(f ) Ϫ ZKϩ can help managers rank the importance of reduc- [TSS] ϭ lr max (W CDOM) ing the different attenuating components. kZsmax (6) A second advantage of applying the Lambert- Ϫ kc Beer law to Kd(PAR) is that it becomes possible to [Chl] obtain analytical expressions for combinations of ks ϭϪ water quality concentrations that will result in a which defines a line with slope kc/ks, and ϭ Ϫ Ϫ particular value of Kd(PAR) that permits survival of [Chl] 0 intercept of [ ln(f1r) ZmaxK(WϩCDOM)]/ SAV to a particular depth strata (Gallegos and ksZmax. Equation 6 thus defines a linear minimum- Moore 2000). For ease of graphical presentation light habitat requirement for SAV based on the in 2 dimensions, I assume that one component, in Lambert-Beer law. this case CDOM, is relatively minor and invariant The use of Eq. 6 for setting target water quality compared with the other 2 parameters, and that goals is illustrated schematically in Fig. 1. If the its effect can be combined with that of water to long-term median concentrations of chlorophyll yield a lumped parameter, K(WϩCDOM). The proce- and TSS fall outside the triangular region enclosed dure is fully generalizable to 3 dimensions (e.g., by the axes and Eq. 6 (i.e., the minimum-light wa- Gallegos and Kenworthy 1996), and CDOM need ter quality requirement), then chlorophyll and/or not be ignored in locations where it comprises an TSS must be reduced. Target concentrations can ϭ important contribution to attenuation. Let flr the be determined analytically by solving for the inter- light requirement for SAV growth and survival ex- section of 2 lines. Three ways of determining target pressed as a fraction of surface incident light (i.e., concentrations are illustrated in Fig. 1. Let the 0.22 for mesohaline and polyhaline species, and point defined by the existing long-term median 0.13 for oligohaline and tidal freshwater commu- concentrations of chlorophyll and TSS be denoted ϭ ␮ ␮ nities, Carter et al. 2000); and let Zmax the target ( c, s). Lines defining reduction strategies involv- protection or restoration depth for SAV. Then ing, respectively, reducing chlorophyll only, reduc- combining Eqs. 1 and 4, we can write ing TSS only, and reducing both chlorophyll and TSS are given by Water Quality Targets for SAV 385

TABLE 1. Formulae for coordinates of target concentrations of chlorophyll, [Chl], and suspended particulate matter, [SPM], deter- mined by intersection of Eq. 6 with Eq. 7a–c. Last column gives conditions for obtaining a positive concentration as the intersection.

Ϫln(f ) Ϫ ZKϩ ␰ϭ lr max (W CDOM); other symbols defined in text. Zmax

Management Action [Chl] [SPM] Condition ␮ ␰Ϫ ␮ s ␰ kss ␮ Յ Chlorophyll reduction only s kc ks ␰Ϫ ␰ ␮ kc [Chl] ␮ Յ SPM reduction only c c ks kc ␮␰ ␮␰ c s Projection to origin ␮ϩ ␮ ␮ϩ ␮ No restriction (kssk cc) (kssk cc) ␰ ␮ Յ ks ␮ϩ sc k ␰ k ␰ kkcs Normal projection c s and 22ϩ 22ϩ ksck ksck ␰ ␮ Ն ks ␮Ϫ sc( ) kkcc

ϭ␮ [TSS] s (7a) Quality Monitoring Program (U.S. Environmental ϭ␮ Protection Agency, www.chesapeakebay.net/data/). [Chl] c (7b) Their monitoring data include chlorophyll, dis- ␮ solved organic carbon (DOC), and total and fixed ϭ s [TSS] ␮ [Chl] (7c) suspended solids, but not turbidity. Therefore it c was necessary to modify the functions that param- A fourth reduction strategy (not shown in Fig. 1) eterize absorption by CDOM, absorption by non- can be defined which is normal to Eq. 6. The nor- algal particulate matter, and scattering by suspend- ϭ mal line has a slope ks/kc and passes through ed solids. ␮ ␮ point ( c, s); it represents the shortest distance in For lack of a more suitable measure of CDOM chlorophyll-TSS space from current conditions to in the Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Monitoring the minimum-light water quality requirement. Co- Program, a modification of Eq. 5 in Gallegos et al. ordinates defining the target concentrations deter- (1990) was used to calculate g440 from measure- ϭ mined by the intersections of Eq. 6 with Eq. 7a–c ments of DOC: g440 0.167[DOC]. To express ab- are given in Table 1. sorption by non-algal particulate matter in terms Such simplifications are useful for prioritizing of TSS, 34 absorption spectra of particulate matter management efforts, provided the calculations are captured on GF/F glass fiber filters and extracted reliable. In view of the known violation of the as- in methanol to remove phytoplankton pigments sumption of linearity for AOPs, the degree of re- were normalized to the concentration of TSS. liability of this assumption needs to be established. These were individually fit to the function I examine the magnitude of errors incurred by vi- ␭ a(d ) ϭ␴ Ϫ ␭Ϫ ϩ␴ olation of the assumption of linearity after validat- 400exp[ s(d 400)] bl (8) ing the SIAS model based on Eq. 2 (Gallegos 1994) TSS ␭ ϭ against Monte Carlo modeling of the radiative where ad( ) spectral absorption by non-algal ␴ ϭ transfer equation. particulate matter, bl the long-wave specific-ab- ␴ sorption coefficient, 400 scales the absorption am- DESCRIPTION OF DATA AND MODIFICATIONS TO plitude at short , and sd determines the SIAS MODEL ␴ ␭ rate of exponential decrease to bl. In Eq. 8, ad( ) ␴ ␴ The model of Gallegos (1994) requires specific- and TSS are measurements, and 400,sd, and bl absorption spectra of chlorophyll, CDOM, and are estimated parameters. Mean values of the es- ␴ ␴ TSS, as well as the specific-scattering coefficient of timated parameters, 400,sd, and bl, are given in TSS. Gallegos (1994) used turbidity as the measure Table 2, along with estimates of the variability ob- of scattering coefficient, and absorption coefficient served. at 440 nm measured in a spectrophotometer on Parameterization of scattering coefficient in ␮ 0.2- m filtrate (i.e., g440) as a measure of CDOM. terms of TSS is based on the observation that scat- The version of the model used in this work was tering coefficient frequently scales with turbidity modified to make it amenable to the water quality measured in (NTU) with a constant near unity data available from the Chesapeake Bay Water (Kirk 1980; Weidemann and Bannister 1986; Vant 386 C. L. Gallegos

TABLE 2. Means, standard deviations, minima, and maxima of parameters describing absorption by non-algal particulate mat- ter (Eq. 8) in the Rhode River, Maryland. Statistics are based on 34 water samples filtered onto GF/F filter and scanned in an integrating sphere interfaced to an EG&G Gamma spectral radiometer.

␴ 2 Ϫ1 ␴ 2 Ϫ1 Ϫ1 400 (m g ) bl (m g )sd (nm ) Mean 0.24 0.0305 0.0164 Standard deviation 0.11 0.0133 0.0021 Minimum 0.096 0.0098 0.0124 Maximum 0.31 0.0621 0.0196

1990). A regression analysis of turbidity against TSS using data from the Rhode River and Chin- coteague Bay (Gallegos unpublished) was used to estimate scattering coefficient, from TSS (Fig. 2a). The modified treatment represents scattering as

␭ ϭ 550 b( ) 0.32[TSS]΂΃␭ (9) where the 550/␭ term introduces the inverse wave- length dependence suggested by Morel and Gentili (1991). In order to use the SIAS model of Gallegos (1994) with TSS as one of the optical water quality input parameters, it is important to examine the interrelationships between TSS and other inputs, so that unrealizable combinations of the 2 are not used as inputs in the model. This is especially true for chlorophyll, which is itself part of the suspend- ed particulate matter. Total suspended solids con- sist of the dry weight of all particulate matter in a sample, including clay, silt, and sand mineral par- ticles, living phytoplankton and heterotrophic Fig. 2. a) Relationship between turbidity (a surrogate for plankton, and particulate organic detritus. Cur- scattering coefficient) and total suspended solids concentration rently it is difficult to distinguish optically the ef- in Chincoteague Bay, Maryland (open circles) and the Rhode fects of mineral and non-algal particulate matter, River, Maryland (filled squares). b) Relationship between total in part due to insufficient attention paid to optical suspended solids and chlorophyll. effects of inorganic particulate matter (Mobley 1994). The similar relationships between turbidity organic matter in a sample. Upon combustion, all (scattering) and TSS in Fig. 2a occurs despite a organic matter in a sample is oxidized, leaving be- much greater contribution of phytoplankton to the hind the mineral component and ash of the or- suspended material in the Rhode River compared ganic fraction. The fraction remaining after com- with Chincoteague Bay (Fig. 2b). Phytoplankton bustion is referred to as fixed suspended solids contribute to scattering on a dry weight basis about (FSS), and the difference TSS-FSS is called total the same as inorganic suspended solids and organ- volatile suspended solids (TVSS). ic detritus. The generality of these observations is FSS and TVSS along with particulate organic car- uncertain. It is likely that relationships as precise bon (POC) have been measured at the Virginia as these would be difficult to obtain if the geo- tidal tributary and mainstem stations of the Ches- graphic extent or length of time covered were in- apeake Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program. creased, and different instruments and standards The relationship between TVSS and POC is very were employed. noisy (Fig. 3a), but on average, POC is about 30% As noted above, phytoplankton are part of the of TVSS. This estimate is within expected limits, suspended particulate load of any water sample. being larger than that of living phytoplankton TSS and chlorophyll cannot be independent be- (26%, Sverdrup et al. 1942) and lower than that cause phytoplankton contribute to the particulate of carbohydrate (37%). Because so much of POC Water Quality Targets for SAV 387

toplankton chlorophyll to TSS can be estimated as 0.04[Chl]/0.3, where the 0.04 results from the conversion of ␮gtomgchllϪ1. Thus, the line de- fined by [TSS] ϭ 0.04[Chl]/0.3 will generally be a lower bound for most observations of chlorophyll and TSS, consisting of instances when phytoplank- ton comprise nearly all of the suspended particu- late matter. When using the modified model with simulated input water quality parameters, the value of TSS used in Eqs. 5 and 6 is generated from assumed independent contributions due to FSS, non-algal volatile suspended solids, and a phytoplankton component given as above. A single set of coeffi- cients in Eqs. 5 and 6 is used to account for the optical effect of each component, though the pos- sibility exists to treat them separately, when infor- mation on the specific-absorption and scattering spectra of each component becomes available. Note also that inclusion of phytoplankton chlo- rophyll in the suspended particulate matter means that reduction in chlorophyll by management ac- tion entails a proportionate reduction in TSS by at least the amount of the dry weight of phytoplank- ton, estimated above as 0.04[Chl]/0.3. The modi- fication to target concentrations produced by in- clusion of this effect is given by Gallegos and Moore (2000).

Results and Discussion VALIDATION OF THE SIAS MODEL The Monte Carlo model used to solve the radi- ative transfer equations in this work was the non- spectral version used by Kirk (1989). Minor mod- Fig. 3. a) Concentration of total volatile suspended solids ifications were made to allow simple input of op- (TVSS) plotted against particulate organic carbon (POC) for Virginia tidal tributary stations, 1984–1996. Line shows estimate tical properties specific to the analyses undertaken of TVSS as POC/0.3. b) Relationship of POC to chlorophyll in this work. I tested my implementation of the concentration for Virginia tidal tributary stations. Lines bracket model by attempting to reproduce Kirk’s (1984) approximate contribution of phytoplankton chlorophyll to POC values for the coefficients g1 and g2 (see definition based on a range of phytoplankton carbon-to-chlorophyll ratios Ϫ of terms in Eq. 2) for the penetration of light from from (dashed line) 20 to (solid line) 80 mg C (mg chl) 1. the surface to the 1% light level. I conducted 432 runs of the model, allowing a to vary from 0.5 to is heterotrophic and detrital, it is expected that a 4mϪ1, and b to vary from 0.5 to 40 mϪ1, encom- plot of POC against phytoplankton chlorophyll will passing a range of b :a ratios from 0.5 to 20. Using ϭ display considerable scatter (Fig. 3b), but that dur- least squares estimation, I found g1 0.430 and g2 ing sudden phytoplankton blooms, phytoplankton ϭ 0.194 compared with Kirk’s values of 0.425 and ␮ ␮ might comprise the major component of carbon 0.190, respectively. G( 0) plotted against 0 for the in a sample. Carbon-to-chlorophyll ratios vary 2 sets of coefficients were virtually indistinguish- widely in phytoplankton; a line with a slope rang- able from one another (data not shown), and ing from about 20 to 80 mg C (mg chl a)Ϫ1 pro- therefore my implementation of the computer vides a lower bound of most of the points in Fig. code appears equivalent to Kirk’s (1984). 3b, a range well within physiological limits (Geider I then used the modified SIAS model to calcu- 1987). Choosing 40 mg C (mg chl a)Ϫ1 (the geo- late simulated absorption and scattering spectra metric mean of 20 and 80) as a representative C: from 400 to 700 nm at 5-nm intervals for 6 widely chlorophyll ratio, and using the 30% POC:TVSS differing water types for use in the Monte Carlo ratio of Fig. 2a, the minimum contribution of phy- model of Kirk (1989). The assumed water quality 388 C. L. Gallegos

TABLE 3. Assumed water quality concentrations used to simulate 6 absorption and scattering spectra for comparing spreadsheet model with Monte Carlo model of radiative transport. DOC ϭ dissolved organic carbon; Chl ϭ chlorophyll a, TSS ϭ total suspended solids, FSS ϭ fixed suspended solids, and HDPOC ϭ heterotrophic and detrital particulate organic carbon. TSS was calculated by equation: 0.04[Chl] ϩ HDPOC TSS ϭ FSS ϩ . 0.3

Depth DOC Chl TSS FSS HDPOC Water Type (m) (mg 1Ϫ1) (mg mϪ3) (mg 1Ϫ1) (mg 1Ϫ1) (mg 1Ϫ1) Clear coastal 7 1.75 4 4.87 3.5 0.25 Average estuarine 5 2 10 9.67 5 1 Turbid 2 3 12 48.27 40 2 Eutrophic 2 3 90 18.33 3 1 ϭ Ϫ1 CDOM stained 2 g440 8m * 4 4.87 3.5 0.25 Non-absorbing particles 2 0 0 20** 20 0 * Model was modified for CDOM-stained simulation to calculate absorption by CDOM directly from absorption coefficient of dis- solved matter at 440 nm. ** Specific scattering at 550 nm was changed from 0.31 to 0.5 m2 gϪ1 and specific absorption coefficient set to 0 at all wavelengths to simulate non-absorbing, highly scattering particles.

conditions are given in Table 3, and the simulated of fraction of irradiance penetrating to particular diffuse attenuation spectra are shown in Fig. 4a. depths of interest. The principal limitation in such Scattering spectra were simulated according to Eq. predictions is, therefore, the accuracy of the spe- 8 using values of TSS given in Table 3. For each cific-absorption and scattering spectra, and not the simulated water type a Monte Carlo simulation simplifications inherent in the use of Eq. 2 and with each of 61 combinations of absorption and numerical integration over wavelength to calculate scattering coefficient was performed, covering the Kd(PAR) from a and b. from 400 to 700 nm in 5-nm in- crements. From these, reference spectral diffuse at- ASSESSMENT OF NONLINEARITY IN Kd(PAR) ␭ tenuation coefficients, Kd( ), were calculated from Gordon (1989) demonstrated that, after apply- the log-linear decrease in number of photons with ing a simple factor to correct for solar incidence depth. These were compared with values calculat- angle, diffuse sky irradiance, and surface waves, ␭ ed in the SIAS model according to Eq. 2. The num- narrow-band Kd( ) obeys the Lambert-Beer law in ber of photons remaining at the bottom of the wa- Case 1 waters to a high degree of accuracy. To what ter column (corrected for the cosine of the direc- extent can the same be said of broadband tion of propagation) was summed, and the log- Kd(PAR), particularly in Case 2 waters? I addressed transformed sum was used to calculate the average this question by using the spreadsheet implemen- ϭ {Kd(PAR)} over the water column as {Kd(PAR)} tation of Eqs. 2 and 3 together with a software Ϫ(1/Z)ln(# of photons remaining/# of photons package (Crystal Ball) that permits assignment of introduced), analogous to Eq. 3 (Fig. 4b). These random distributions to values in spreadsheets, in reference {Kd(PAR)} values were compared with this case, the concentrations of DOC, chlorophyll, values calculated in the SIAS model after numeri- and TSS. This procedure generated pseudo data cal integration of the spectrum and application of for assessment of nonlinearity, with the only error Eq. 3. in simulated Kd being that expected on the basis ␭ Both Kd( ) calculated in the SIAS model and of Fig. 4b. Input distributions for the water quality {Kd(PAR)} calculated by numerical integration data were based on an analysis of data from the agreed very well with the reference values calcu- Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Monitoring Pro- lated by full Monte Carlo simulation of the radia- gram, their station 3.3C (Fig. 5). This station is in tive transfer equations (Fig. 4b). This degree of the mesohaline zone and is the closest mainstem agreement is a direct result of the empirical accu- station to the Rhode River, Maryland, the location racy of Eq. 2 in summarizing the outcome of the where the optical model of Gallegos (1994) was radiative transfer process. In the SIAS model, none calibrated. This procedure produced a close match of the information about the angular distribution between simulated and observed water quality dis- of the underwater light field is retained, as it is tributions (Fig. 5a–c) as well as the dependent var- with the Monte Carlo simulation. Nevertheless, Fig. iable, Kd(PAR) (Fig. 5d). The simulated water qual- 4b indicates that the SIAS model is an accurate ity input values therefore represent a realistic Case tool for translating information on concentrations 2 scenario, and the simulated Kd contain the full of optical water quality parameters into estimates nonlinear dependence inherent in Eqs. 2 and 3, Water Quality Targets for SAV 389

␭ uating nonlinearity in narrow band Kd( ) and in Kd(PAR). I chose 555 nm as the wavelength for comparing narrow band Kd with Kd(PAR) because, in Case 2 waters, the minimum attenuation occurs in the green portion of the spectrum. This results from the competing effects of absorption by CDOM and by TSS in the blue, and by chlorophyll and water itself in the red regions of the spectrum. Kd(555) therefore tends to be lower than Kd(PAR), but is nevertheless a close approximation of Kd(PAR) in these simulations (Fig. 6) and is a suitable wave- length for isolating the effects of Case 2 water qual- ity conditions from those due to consideration of broadband (i.e., PAR) irradiance. The correction for the geometry of the under- water light field employed by Gordon (1989) in- cluded terms for the angle of incidence of the di- rect solar beam, the relative proportion of diffuse sky versus direct sun irradiance, and wind-driven gravity waves. Because the Monte Carlo model of Kirk (1984) and the algebraic summary equations derived from it (Eq. 2) do not include diffuse sky irradiance or the effects of surface waves, Gordon’s (1989) correction factor for the diffuse attenuation coefficients simulated in this work reduces to cor- rection for the angle of incidence of the direct so- lar beam, and is equivalent to multiplication of Kd by the cosine of the refracted solar incidence an- ␮ gle, 0. The utility of this correction factor to re- store linearity between simulated diffuse attenua- tion coefficients and water quality concentrations was determined for both narrow and broadband irradiance. Fig. 4. a) Simulated spectra of diffuse attenuation coeffi- Performance of the Regression cient associated with water types with water quality conditions given in Table 3: bold solid line ϭ clear coastal waters; bold Coefficients of determinations of linear regres- dashed line ϭ non-absorbing particles; thin dashed line ϭ av- sions between simulated diffuse attenuation coef- erage estuarine; dotted ϭ eutrophic; dot-dashed ϭ turbid; thin ficients (with and without correction for solar in- solid ϭ CDOM dominated. b) Values of spectral diffuse atten- uation coefficient (squares) and K (PAR) (circles) calculated by cidence angle) and water quality concentrations d Ͼ 2 modified spreadsheet model compared with full simulation of varied from c. 0.96 to 0.99 (Table 4). The r was the radiative transport equations by Monte Carlo model. lowest for Kd(PAR) uncorrected for solar incidence ␮ angle, and highest for 0Kd(555). Multiplication by ␮ 0 was effective at reducing the standard errors of the regression to about half their values without without variability due to imprecise measurements correction (Table 4). The standard errors of the or to changing optical properties. regression are about 6% of the simulated mean for To assess nonlinearity I evaluated the regression Kd, and about 3–4% of the simulated means for of K against simulated concentrations of DOC, ␮ d 0Kd. chlorophyll, and TSS, examined the dependence Residuals of the regressions increased in mag- of specific-attenuation coefficients on input water nitude as a function of the simulated value for both quality concentrations, and quantified the magni- narrow band Kd(555) and broadband Kd(PAR) tude of errors in estimated target water quality con- (Fig. 7). Positive and negative residuals were fairly centrations. We can isolate issues relating to appli- symmetrically distributed throughout the simulat- cation of the Lambert-Beer law to Kd in Case 2 ed range for narrow band irradiance (Fig. 7a,b). waters from those involving application of the law Correction for solar incidence angle reduced the to broadband irradiance (PAR) by separately eval- magnitude of maximal residuals from about 14% 390 C. L. Gallegos

Fig. 5. Distributions of simulated (squares, solid line) and observed (circles, dashed line) water quality variables at Chesapeake

Bay mainstem station 3.3C: a) dissolved organic carbon (DOC); b) chlorophyll a; c) total suspended solids (TSS); and d) Kd(PAR). Simulated DOC, chlorophyll, and TSS were used as inputs to the spreadsheet model, and Kd(PAR) is the output.

of simulated values (Fig. 7a) to about 8% (Fig. 7b). The magnitude of maximal residuals was similar between narrow band and broadband Kd (cf., Fig. 7a,c). Correction of broadband Kd for solar inci- dence angle produced a smaller reduction in mag- nitude of residuals than for narrow band irradi- ance (cf., Fig. 7c,d). Some positive correlation be- tween residual and simulated values was present in all regressions, though it was substantially reduced by correction for solar incidence angle, and more so for Kd(PAR) than for Kd(555).

TABLE 4. Regression statistics for linear regressions of simu-

lated diffuse attenuation coefficients for narrow band, Kd(555), and broadband, Kd(PAR), against water quality concentrations. Data were simulated using spreadsheet model with water quality concentrations drawn from random distributions given in Fig. ϭ Ϫ1 ϭ 5. Definitions of symbols given in text. Units: KW m ;ky 2 Ϫ1 ϭ 2 Ϫ1 ϭ 2 Ϫ1 2 m (g DOC) ;kc m (mg chl a) ;ks m (g TSS) .r (dimensionless) is the coefficient of determination; SE (mϪ1)is ␮ the standard error of regression; and 0 (dimensionless) is the Fig. 6. Plot of simulated values of diffuse attenuation coef- cosine (relative to zenith) of refracted solar incidence angle. ficient (squares) for narrow-band irradiance at 555 nm, Dependent 2 [Kd(555)], against simulated diffuse attenuation coefficient for Variable KW ky kc ks r SE ϭ broadband irradiance, Kd(PAR); solid line line of equality. Kd(555) 0.0796 0.0554 0.0121 0.0795 0.9745 0.0574 The close correspondence between the two indicate that 555 ␮ K (555) 0.0665 0.0461 0.0103 0.0621 0.9911 0.0275 nm is a suitable wavelength for isolating effects of broadband 0 d Kd(PAR) 0.3315 0.0507 0.0122 0.0778 0.9617 0.0725 versus narrow band irradiance from those relating to Case 2 ␮ K (PAR) 0.2693 0.0429 0.0105 0.0644 0.9815 0.0408 waters on violation of the Lambert-Beer law. 0 d Water Quality Targets for SAV 391

Fig. 7. Residuals of diffuse attenuation coefficient predicted by linear regression plotted against simulated value: (a) narrow band irradiance (555 nm); (b) narrow band irradiance, corrected for solar incidence angle; (c) broadband irradiance, PAR; and (d) broadband irradiance, corrected for solar incidence angle. Dotted reference lines are 14% of simulated value in (a) and (c), and 8% in (b) and (d). r is the correlation coefficient between residual and simulated value. Coefficients of regressions are given in Table 4.

Data Dependence of Specific-Attenuation Coefficients fecting regression coefficients of Kd against water Keeping in mind that the simulations are free of quality concentrations. Water quality at the north- observational errors and that the optical properties ernmost station, CB2.2, is dominated by freshwater of CDOM, phytoplankton, and TSS are assumed to flow of the Susquehanna River, and therefore has be invariant, the specific-attenuation coefficients, the highest concentrations of TSS and, due to calculated as above (Table 4) by linear regression washout, the lowest concentrations of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll concentrations peak at the mesoha- of simulated Kd against water quality concentra- tions would be the same for any simulated set of line station, CB3.3C, and decline down estuary data if the process were truly linear. The depen- (Fig. 8b). Concentrations of TSS are minimal at dence of calculated specific-attenuation coeffi- the southernmost Maryland station, CB5.2, where- cients on the particular range of water quality con- as concentrations of TSS at the York River (Virgin- centrations used in the simulation gives one indi- ia) polyhaline segment (YRKPH) showed more riv- cation of the severity of potential errors incurred erine characteristics, resembling the upper bay by wrongly applying the Lambert-Beer law to Kd. CB2.2 (Fig. 8c). Specific-attenuation coefficients were deter- For all locations, coefficients of determination of mined from data simulated to match water quality the regressions used to determine specific-attenu- conditions along a north-to-south transect in main- ation coefficients were lowest for Kd(PAR) than for stem Chesapeake Bay (Fig. 8). Water quality data any of the other quantities considered, and ranged were obtained from the Chesapeake Bay Program from 0.87 to 0.98 (Table 5). Data characteristic of website, http://www.chesapeakebay.net/data/. station CB5.2 produced the lowest r2 (Table 5), Concentrations of DOC differed only slightly due primarily to the low values and narrow range among stations (Fig. 8a), whereas distributions of of TSS concentrations (Fig. 8b). The most variable chlorophyll (Fig. 8b) and TSS (Fig. 8c) showed coefficient was the intercept, Kw, with values rang- marked differences that might be capable of af- ing from 0.33 to 0.55 mϪ1. The lowest occurred for 392 C. L. Gallegos

(mg chl a)Ϫ1 (Table 5). The lowest value was pro- duced by data characteristic CB3.3C, the station with the largest mean and widest range of chloro- phyll concentrations. Errors in Estimated Water Quality Targets Variability in the specific-attenuation coefficients for PAR calculated from simulated error-free data gives cause to doubt whether the Lambert-Beer law can be applied reliably to PAR. This is important because it is measurements of PAR that are avail- able to managers for determining water quality tar- gets for SAV restoration. Noting that Eq. 6 is in- tended to describe the relationship between TSS and chlorophyll that maintains Kd(PAR) at a con- stant value, we can compare the linear represen- tation with a set of ordered pairs of TSS and chlo- rophyll that maintain a constant Kd(PAR) deter- mined numerically in the nonlinear SIAS model (Fig. 9a). For generating the numerically deter- ␮ mined curves in Fig. 9a, the values of DOC and 0 were held constant at their mean values, and the solver routine in the spreadsheet software was used to obtain the value of TSS that gave the required Kd(PAR) for an array of assumed values of chlo- rophyll concentrations. Curves obtained in this way do not depend on application of the Lambert-Beer law, and require no a priori assumption about the shape of the minimum-light water quality require- ment. Two observations are apparent in this compari- son. First, the minimum light requirements deter- mined by the linear regressions differ substantially from those determined by numerical solution of the SIAS model (Fig. 9a). Minimum light require- ments determined by linear regression are too lax for the 0.5-m and 1.0-m restoration depths, but in- distinguishable for the 2-m restoration depths. This pattern results from failure of the Lambert- Beer law, as seen by the tendency of the linear re- Ͻ gression to overestimate Kd(PAR) at Kd(PAR) 1 Ϫ1 Ͼ m , and to underestimate at Kd(PAR) about 1.5 mϪ1 (Fig. 7c). Second, even though the Lambert- Beer law has failed when applied across the com- Fig. 8. distributions for optically important water plete range of Kd(PAR), curves of constant quality parameters along a transect of stations in Chesapeake K (PAR) determined by numerical solution in the Bay, chosen to represent a range of salinity zones: CB2.2 ϭ d northern bay, oligohaline; CB3.3C ϭ Chesapeake Bay Bridge, SIAS model (the bold lines in Fig. 9a) are never- mesohaline; CB5.2 ϭ Maryland-Virginia border, mesohaline; theless highly linear. This near linearity is main- YRKPH ϭ Mouth of York River, Virginia, polyhaline. Distribu- tained, in the case of the 0.5-m restoration depth, tions are for (a) dissolved organic carbon (DOC), (b) phyto- over a wide range of chlorophyll and TSS concen- plankton chlorophyll, and (c) total suspended solids (TSS). trations (Fig. 9a). If we select the previously simulated data, in ␮ data with distributions resembling station CB5.2, which [DOC] and 0 were allowed to vary, for a Ͻ and the highest for YRKPH and CB2.2, the 2 sta- narrow range of Kd(PAR) such that 1.492 Ͻ tions with the highest simulated concentrations of Kd(PAR) 1.537 (i.e., percent of incident light at TSS (Fig. 8c). Also highly variable was the coeffi- 1 m between 21.5 and 22.5), the points demon- 2 cient kc, which ranged from 0.0122 to 0.0187 m strate scatter about the empirically determined Water Quality Targets for SAV 393

TABLE 5. Specific-attenuation coefficients determined from data simulated to match statistical distributions along a north-to-south transect along the mainstem Chesapeake Bay. Coefficients were estimated by linear regression of diffuse attenuation coefficient for ϭ PAR, Kd(PAR), against simulated concentrations of DOC (ky), chlorophyll (kc), and TSS (ks). KW intercept of the regression. Units; ϭ 2 Ϫ1 ϭ 2 Ϫ1 ϭ 2 Ϫ1 ϭ Ϫ1 2 ϭ ϭ ky m (g DOC) ;kc m (mg chl a) ;ks m (g TSS) ; and KW m .r coefficient of determination; SE standard error of regression.

2 Station KW ky kc ks r SE CB2.2 0.5483 0.0370 0.0187 0.0756 0.9595 0.1567 CB3.3C 0.3315 0.0507 0.0122 0.0778 0.9617 0.0725 CB5.2 0.3347 0.0504 0.0167 0.0954 0.8720 0.0970 YRKPH 0.5338 0.0503 0.0141 0.0737 0.9803 0.1800 Mean 0.4371 0.0471 0.0154 0.0806 Std. dev. 0.1202 0.0067 0.0029 0.0100 c.v. (%) 27.5 14.3 18.5 12.4

line, but the additional variability reveals no sys- Eq. 6 was derived) was in question from the outset. tematic nonlinearity (Fig. 9b, circles). Most of the The value of Eq. 6 lies more in suggesting a poten- points selected in this way fall below the line de- tially useful approach than it does in providing a termined by application of the regression (Fig. 9b, mechanistic representation of the attenuation pro- thin line). Selecting for a narrow range of cess. The SIAS model was shown here to be highly ␮ 0Kd(PAR) (Fig. 9b, squares) indicates that much consistent with a fully mechanistic model of radi- of the variability may be reduced by correction for ative transfer (Fig. 4). Therefore the minimum the angle of incidence. The remaining scatter light water quality requirements generated from it about the numerically-estimated minimum light re- should be as reliable as the specific-absorption and quirement line is due to variability of DOC, and is scattering spectra upon which it is based. Optical non-systematic about the line established using the properties of the particulate material may be ex- mean concentration. pected to vary with the source of the material, with An attempt to select data from the Chesapeake spatial variations due to changing influence of Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program (their sta- freshwater versus marine particulates accounting tion 3.3C) for a similarly narrow range of Kd(PAR) for large, persistent differences in coefficients be- ␾ yielded 4 observations out of 180 records over a tween regions. Coefficients S0 and for both the 10-yr period (Fig. 9b, plus signs). The observed 22% (mesohaline and polyhaline communities) data are both too sparse and too noisy to be useful and the 13% (oligohaline and tidal freshwater for establishing minimum-light water quality re- communities) light requirements are given in Ta- quirements in Chesapeake Bay. The source of the ble 6. Until a more comprehensive spatial analysis noise in observed data will be examined elsewhere. of optical properties is done, these coefficients Failure of the Lambert-Beer law to apply to must be based on the SIAS model calibrated for Kd(PAR) in Case 2 waters does not automatically the Rhode River, Maryland, a tributary in the me- invalidate the approach for obtaining SAV water sohaline zone of Chesapeake Bay. Determination quality targets outlined in Fig. 1. It does indicate of regionally customized coefficients has been that the minimum-light water quality requirements identified as a high priority for restoration of SAV must be obtained empirically by separate applica- in the Chesapeake region (Moore et al. 2000). A tion of an optical model for each restoration depth spreadsheet for performing the calculations using and fractional light requirement, rather than by coefficients determined here (Table 6) is available application of a single regression equation. The re- at www.chesapeakebay.net/cims/. vised procedure consists of estimating a slope, ␾ AN EXAMPLE APPLICATION (Zmax), and intercept, S0(Zmax), in a linear relation between TSS and chlorophyll analogous to Eq. 6, The Rhode River estuary, a tributary embayment ϭ Ϫ␾ i.e., [TSS] S0(Zmax) (Zmax)[Chl]. The slope on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay in Mary- and intercept are estimated from the ‘data’ used land, once had an abundant community of SAV to generate each of the bold lines in Fig. 9a. (Southwick and Pine 1975) that disappeared Note that the coefficients in the regression de- through the decade of the 1970s. Specific-absorp- pend explicitly on the restoration depth, and no tion and scattering spectra used in the SIAS model longer depend explicitly on a unique set of specif- for calculating Kd(PAR) from water quality mea- ic-attenuation coefficients presumed to apply to all surements were based on measurements in this sys- potential restoration depths (i.e., Eq. 6). This is tem (Gallegos et al. 1990; Gallegos 1994). not necessarily a disadvantage, since the applica- Concentrations of suspended solids and phyto- bility of the Lambert-Beer law (Eq. 4, from which plankton chlorophyll have been monitored regu- 394 C. L. Gallegos

␾ TABLE 6. Slope, , and intercept, S0, in the regression of total suspended solids against chlorophyll concentration, that pro- duce lines of constant diffuse attenuation coefficient, for meet- ing minimum light habitat requirements for growth of sub- mersed aquatic vegetation to depths of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 m: ϭ Ϫ␾ [TSS] S0 [Chl]. Regression coefficients were determined as a linear fit to pairs of chlorophyll and suspended solids con- centrations determined by numerical solution of the spread- ϭ sheet model of diffuse attenuation coefficient. Units of S0 g TSS mϪ3; ␾ϭg TSS (mg chl a)Ϫ1. Thirteen percent light re- quirements are for tidal fresh and oligohaline areas; 22% light requirements are for mesohaline and polyhaline areas.

13% Light Requirement 22% Light Requirement ␾ ␾ Zmax S0 S0 0.5 m 41.054 0.1810 27.791 0.1874 1.0 m 17.949 0.1830 11.540 0.1905 2.0 m 6.595 0.1800 3.611 0.1908

larly since 1986. Annual growing season (April–Oc- tober) medians of chlorophyll and TSS from 1986– 1998 are plotted in relation to the 1 m minimum- light requirement line (Table 6) in Fig. 10. Ten of the 13 annual medians fail to meet the minimum- light requirement for growth to 1 m, as does the ␮ ϭ Ϫ3 long-term median, given by c 23.43 mg Chl m ␮ ϭ Ϫ3 and s 9.84 g m TSS (Fig. 10, asterisk). The target concentrations, calculated by substituting the values for the long-term medians into the for- mula in Table 7 for projection to origin, are 20.1

Fig. 9. a) Comparison of minimum-light water quality re- quirements calculated by (thin lines) application of Eq. 6 (de- rived by applying the Lambert-Beer law to the diffuse attenua- tion coefficient for PAR) with those calculated by numerical solution in the spreadsheet optical model, which does not re- quire the assumption of the Lambert-Beer law. Numbers near lines give target restoration depths. Dotted line is approximate contribution of phytoplankton chlorophyll to total suspended solids (TSS). b) Effect of variability in simulated solar incidence angle and concentration of DOC on estimation of minimum- light water quality requirements for SAV growth to 1 m: open circles are concentrations of chlorophyll and TSS selected from Յ Յ the simulated data such that 1.492 Kd(PAR) 1.537; filled Յ ␮ Յ squares are concentrations selected such that 1.238 0Kd ␮ ϭ 1.276 (i.e., median 0 0.83). Correction for solar incidence angle reduces scatter about empirically calculated minimum- Fig. 10. Application of the water quality target estimation light water quality requirement. Data from the Chesapeake Bay procedure to data from the Rhode River, Maryland. Minimum- Program (CBP) Water Quality Monitoring Program from station light water quality requirement (bold line) was calculated em- 3.3C selected for the same range of K d (plus signs) yielded 4 pirically from the spectrally integrated model of diffuse atten- observations, illustrating the difficulty in attempting to establish uation. Target concentrations (open circles) of chlorophyll a such limits from measured data. Bold and thin lines as in (a) and total suspended solids (TSS) are calculated as the intercept are for 1 m restoration depth. Dotted line as in (a). of the minimum-light water quality requirement with manage- ment options (thin lines) that would reduce (horizontal line) chlorophyll only or (diagonal line) chlorophyll and TSS from their current long term median concentrations (asterisk). An- nual median concentrations (plus signs) are determined on data selected for SAV growing season; April through October. Water Quality Targets for SAV 395

TABLE 7. Formulae for coordinates of target concentrations of chlorophyll, [Chl], and total suspended solids, [TSS], determined by intersection of Eq. 7a–c with the linear fit to empirically determined pairs of [Chl] and [TSS] that meet SAV minimum light ϭ Ϫ␾ requirement using nonlinear optical model. Equation for the minimum light requirement is [TSS] S0(Zmax) [Chl], where a ␾ separate estimate of intercept [S0(Zmax)] and slope [ (Zmax)] are required for each restoration depth, Zmax. Dependence of coefficients ␮ on Zmax is omitted in the table for clarity. Last column gives conditions for obtaining a positive concentration as the intersection. s ϭ ␮ ϭ median concentration of TSS; c median concentration of chlorophyll a.

Management Action [Chl] [SPM] Condition Ϫ␮ S0s ␮ ␮ Յ Chlorophyll reduction only ␾ s s S0 ␮ Ϫ␾␮ ␮ Յ S0 SPM reduction only c S0 c c ␾ ␮ ␮ S0c S0s Projection to origin ␾␮ ϩ ␮ ␾␮ ϩ ␮ No restrictions cs cs ␮ Յ 1 ␮ϩ sc0␾ S ␾S Ϫ␾␮ϩ␮ S ϩ␾␮2 Ϫ␾␮ Normal projection sc 0sc and ϩ␾2 ϩ␾2 1 1 1 ␮ Ն (␾␮ Ϫ S) sc0␾2

mg chl mϪ3 and 8.4 g TSS mϪ3 (Fig. 10 circle). Summary and Conclusions Managers would need to consider the relative con- A simplified procedure for calculating mini- trollability of chlorophyll (via nutrient reductions) mum-light water quality goals for protection and versus TSS, much of which comes from in situ re- restoration of SAV is presented, based on applica- suspension. A target based on chlorophyll reduc- tion of the Lambert-Beer law to the diffuse atten- ϭ Ϫ3 tion only, given by [Chl] 12.66 mg m , [TSS] uation coefficient for downwelling photosyntheti- ϭ 9.84 g mϪ3, may be the more attainable target cally active radiation, Kd(PAR). The applicability of (Fig. 10). the Lambert-Beer law in Case 2 waters in general While it is true that SAV integrates environmen- and to PAR in particular was investigated using a tal conditions (Dennison et al. 1993), short-term simple spectrally integrated algebraic summary events can also affect growth and survival of SAV. (SIAS) model of diffuse attenuation based on the For example, Moore et al. (1997) documented the equation of Kirk (1984, Eq. 2). The SIAS model impact of a month-long turbidity pulse on the de- was shown to predict values of diffuse attenuation mise of transplanted eelgrass beds at an upriver coefficient for both spectral irradiance and PAR site in the York River, Virginia. The losses occurred that agreed very well with those determined by even though annual median daily attenuation co- Monte Carlo simulation of the radiative transfer efficients were not statistically different from those equations (Fig. 4). at a downriver site where the turbidity pulse was The SIAS model was used to simulate spectral not as evident and grasses survived. Two similar and broadband diffuse attenuation coefficients in events are identifiable in the Rhode River data Case 2 waters with conditions typical of mesohaline (Fig. 10). A late spring freshet in 1989 (Gallegos mainstem Chesapeake Bay (Fig. 5). With applica- et al. 1992) caused high growing season chloro- tion of the simple correction for geometry of the phyll concentrations (median Ͼ 45 mg mϪ3), and underwater light field proposed by Gordon the spring storm of March 1993 produced near re- (1989), diffuse attenuation coefficient obeyed the cord flows of the Susquehanna River and high sus- Lambert-Beer to within about 8% (Fig. 7b,d). pended solids concentrations (median TSS Ͼ 17 g Without correction, errors associated with estimat- Ϫ3 m ). It is possible that the calculation of water ing Kd from a linear regression on water quality quality concentrations from measured data needs concentrations were about 14% for narrow and

to be weighted for timing in relation to critical broadband Kd (Fig. 7a,c). Errors in estimated growth stages. Duration of low-light events may Kd(PAR) varied asymmetrically, resulting in mostly also be a factor (Moore et al. 1997 and references overestimates at low Kd(PAR) and underestimates therein). The weights assigned to different time at intermediate and high Kd(PAR) (Fig. 7c). The periods would vary with the growth characteristics tendency toward asymmetric errors caused the cal- of different SAV species, but procedures for cal- culated minimum-light water quality lines (lines of

culating water quality targets from suitably weight- constant Kd(PAR) as a function of TSS and chlo- ed averages would remain unchanged. rophyll) to diverge from those determined by nu- 396 C. L. Gallegos merical solution of the SIAS model (Fig. 9a). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Pro- These errors in calculated minimum-light water gram, Annapolis, Maryland. CARTER, V., N. B. RYBICKI,J.M.LANDWEHR, AND M. NAYLOR. quality criteria were a direct result of failure of 2000. Light requirements for SAV survival and growth, p. 4– Kd(PAR) to obey the Lambert-Beer law. 15. In R. A. Batiuk, P. Bergstrom, W. M. Kemp, E. Koch, L. In spite of the failure of Kd(PAR) to conform to Murray, J. C. Stevenson, R. Bartleson, V. Carter, N. B. Rybicki, the Lambert-Beer law across a wide range of K , J. M. Landwehr, C. Gallegos, L. Karrh, M. Naylor, D. Wilcox, d K. A. Moore, S. Ailstock, and M. Teichberg (eds.), Chesa- the numerically determined minimum-light water peake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Water Quality and quality targets were linear to a very high degree Habitat-based Requirements and Restoration Targets: A Sec- (Fig. 9). Even though Kd(PAR) is not a linear func- ond Technical Synthesis. U.S. Environmental Protection tion of the optical water quality concentrations, at Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, Maryland. constant K , the covariation of TSS and chlorophyll DAVIES-COLLEY, R. J., W. N. VANT, AND D. G. SMITH. 1993. Colour d and Clarity of Natural Waters. Ellis Horwood, Chichester. is very nearly linear (Fig. 9). The procedure of de- DENNISON, W. C., R. J. ORTH,K.A.MOORE,J.C.STEVENSON,V. termining water quality goals from the intersection CARTER,S.KOLLAR,P.W.BERGSTROM, AND R. A. BATIUK. 1993. of lines describing the variation of water quality Assessing water quality with submersed aquatic vegetation. 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Teichberg (eds.), Chesa- supplying the code for his Monte Carlo model and to Richard peake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Water Quality and Batiuk for his leadership of the SAV Technical Synthesis-2 au- Habitat-based Requirements and Restoration Targets: A Sec- thorship team. ond Technical Synthesis. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, Maryland. LITERATURE CITED KIRK, J. T. O. 1980. Relationship between nephelometric turbid- ity and scattering coefficients in certain Australian waters. BATIUK, R. A., R. J. ORTH,K.A.MOORE,W.C.DENNISON,J.C. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 31:1–12. STEVENSON,L.STAVER,V.CARTER,N.RYBICKI,R.E.HICKMAN, KIRK, J. T. O. 1981. Monte Carlo study of the nature of the S. KOLLAR,S.BIEBER,P.HEASLY, AND P. B ERGSTROM. 1992. underwater light field in, and the relationships between op- Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Habitat Re- tical properties of, turbid, yellow waters. 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