The Interesting Transition of Third-Person Pronouns from the Old English to the Present Forms
The Interesting Transition of Third-Person Pronouns from the Old English to the Present Forms 三人称代名詞の興味深い形態上の変遷 SATO Tetsuzo* 摘 要 古英語期の三人称代名詞の語頭は, 性, 格, 数に関わらず全てh であった. 現代英語のそれと比較すると, 中性単 数のh は消失し, 単数女性主格はsh に代わり, 複数はth に代わったことがわかる. 古英語期に整然と使用されてい たものが, 中英語期, 現代英語期への時代の変遷と共に変化していった過程は興味深いものがある. またその変遷 過程の一時期の古形と新形が混在している状況下で, 絶妙な意味合いの違いをそれぞれの形に付与して, 筋の展 開に奥行きの深さを与えている作品も生まれた. 本論では, 三人称代名詞における語頭の変遷過程を説明し, その 後で, 中英語期の中盤に書かれたHavelok the Dane (デーン人ハヴェロック) に現れる三人称単数女性主格形と三 人称複数主格形をつぶさに観察することで, その妙技の一端を確認したい. Keyword Old English forms, third-person pronouns, Havelok the Dane CONTENTS Introduction Chapter I A General View of the Changing Forms of the Third-Person Pronouns Chapter II Sentences and Phrases Containing “She” and “They” in Havelok the Dane Chapter III Consideration of the Lists Conclusion Notes References Introduction Due to this state of linguistic confusion, in the districts where these dialects were spoken there may have been All the third-person pronouns in Old English (OE) a strong motive for using sh-forms as the singular began with an initial letter h. As a result of the phonetic feminine nominative and th-forms as the plural development of various dialects between late OE and nominative. With regard to the former group, the early Middle English (ME), the third-person pronoun Peterborough Chronicle for the year 1140 provides our nominatives with the initial h, except the singular neuter first evidence of the form with the initial /∫/-sound, scæ, 1) hit (which lost its initial h between the 12th and 15th in ME. In Havelok the Dane, written in the North East centuries in Standard English), became almost or wholly Midland dialect about 150 years later than the Chronicle, identical in form. the more developed forms of scho, * -55- sho, sche, and she appeared.
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