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.it DECEMBER 9, 2010* A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION *WWW.NILESFIERALDSPECTATOR.COM *$2.00 ' ' THIS WEEK :-. FOOD » . ;'-t , s . e ., a w;r, - 'i M g a VQ' " t READY-TO-EAT Grocery stores make dinner a snap PAGEZ4 k ? HomeFront p. by BlockShopper House calls STh Which local residence sold, and for how much? Turn to Alan Hirsch, a fourth-grade teacher at Culver Schoo' in Nifes for the past 10 CROWD PLEASERyears, reacts after the surprise announcement that he wás one of 16 Home Front to find out teachers ¡n the Chicago area that received the Heroes in the Classroom award. PAGE 9 1 Ryan Paqelow-Sun-Times Media PAGE 17 Exandyourottions. u, ; _L OE-kTLog S1IN Start here. - .l,s NO..L>O m LSIO ABii I19fldST1IN Spring classes begin January 18, 2011. 8tpoOOOOLSIO 3c1Juû Apply and register online 5TO-DUOi wwwakton.edu Oakton Des PlainesSkokie 847.635 1700 ( CommunityCollege www.pioneerlocal.com NIL TIIUNIDIII, DECEMBER 9,2010 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICETION - NIL Www.pioneerlocal.com arico IT Et r ,-çfl,i Give your home a complete exterior makeover in less than a month. And enjoy the benefits for Dleeres pelesre decreced sed bsltt beoeeetteee, years to come. Elevations is rnady todo just that, with the best materials oc the mankel, the best prices you'll fisd, ond the vivmotvhed quality end energy standards ny our proprietdry WeatbeeEwationrv pnocoss. We'll doll all without tocching the interior, wad Enish in Ss little os four weeb ynortn the day we toasta he eewneretorogerliOypwr,Withelite archieotè. gnerssr,d star-t working? 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Llncslewood I Open Mon-Sot. n-S, Sunday by appt. mira/bis ter rho t550 Tax Credit anc000eceemlt.mvu-pcstocot.cea Napersille Honre Design ShoeroorrI 2704 Aurora ion. Neperuille Opec Moe-Set 9-h, Surdey by oppt Napetullle Horno DesiRe showroom I2764 Acrsre Ayo,. Sopor/Ile I Opelr Mas-Sot, 9-5, Sunday by appt. HOME ADDITIONS I KITCHENS BATHS BASEMENTS CUSTOM HOMES I I I EXTERIOR, MAKEOVERS I WINDOWS I DOORS I SIDING I ROOFING I PORTICOS 4-osebtermoot suatsrteedr eatvsltimetrsme otprelectectdeottoweerfleroerrdltlrrspredaetsssllsbllltw erdeetsntetwsrk lrsolosd.aesroellaor Aedsrserrsrdesslswosareplscsoertolnasss "Ne Interest or asaetees seer limited to logea nroslded by Eeerflsek vsv se epprosed staBiL eepeomsnr terme Osto traer 24to rse erorthe. rcsr% traed opeCublear to change. All seers limited tolon psrtreOrsd ho ra/sr/te, ether oondltlsss arto Ilmlsetlarre apply Ask sear Elsosrtere reprosentetlas tsr complete detelle. 4 www.pioneerlocal.com NIL' THUESDAS. SECEMBER t, 2010 Massaging Ealitor: MaG Schmign Phosset (708) 524-4433 I mvclsmito®pionvoplvcul,nont Local \ews Tills WEHRt INTERNSTI000L TOSTE CELEBRATES DI1EROITH I SChOOLS, BEARS PLOVERS SURFAItE TEACHER WITH AWARD SIIBUIRBODDITYl WEINS CRIME I BOSINESSt TONY'S FINER FOODS OPENS NEW STORE NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETING Maine Township officials not taking gangactivity lightly ByJEIINIFER JOHNSON IIghnsorgpianeerlgsaiaoet "Gangs tend to Police ond Malee Town- like dark, shady ship ofOoials aro hoping to target gang ertinityby shed. places and we want diag tome light ne the penh- to illuminate that Group effort o etetr franI poil Torbe traurlasing elanalleY in uninsarperatrd Meinn Teonship between PatA Lane aol Tetrase Piece. Meine Tomnehip Ifighwny entire area.rr Ihnen are State Rep Elaine ArAVO, ehe notAtO ta sneure the Stall, Maie, Taneohip Highway Csnnissisee, Robed Praseneess. TenteHip Cnmwissioner Robent otptraiter Carel Teseithp ant Trtieee Piece tesifent Dalle Lets! PAnte saudosO cl Meine Tulenship Pronenoososoidhahasbecn AesthosyBreeaniak in rammuninution with a ComEd repersentutine abono INVESTIGATION uddiug tdgher-wetlogr bulbs Three of the four mas ur- lo DO enisting street lights in restad mare tivisg in resi- the Reble Deine und Bobbie dences on Robin Dricr nr Lese areas. In the eastern- Den Rood. Police not assuming latest in string most Rubis Orine alloy, Speaking lv the Maine Proneceueoauidhewnsld Tnnnsship Neighborhood Health care dedicated to libe tones hum barb itncill Wntoh an Dec. t, Ogt. John of suspicious incidents is related rust the tussneehip to inatsll Otusder, of the Conk Coon. mothers, daughters, sisters and you. Ssno additlonul light poles, us ty gheritf'e Departmest'a By TRACY BRIBER tirnvr,'bed esa blech srheel soban she wan ut- badest te get in his cehinle OangUntt,euidthrrauerfinn Cs,tHbttst won obeut S-font-7 105-fvot- tegedlpuppmcevbed by n Nov 5 whUe she woo nailing Pr onessaan neid he was gangandtha prononce in Oho Y, In h,n 405, sneering oli eons drining eh! seven snith for abus. opprourhed by Cook Coun- ersaandgung-rrimeaofS- AMnineEastniigh0rhonlblurb er derb clothing und u dent un the donc The girl Devis said NO os incastige- As a woman, your health needs change chroughout your lite, and Advocate Lutheran ty Sheriff's Polina Deputy mm mly vn 'wtolligenne Owns student wan upprnaohed by hnningustnrlcyhniid. leid pn!ine Ibas Ihe acbjtct toro WI!! be tulkisgwith the Cmdr. Anthony Braeeuink multiple iunn-usfnrremrnl u mule Der. Out the nerone Polire buse been petmuting grabbed her by the elm and ocher poller departments General 1-lospitel is committed to keeping you healthy a lever y point along the way. ubsut the gang actidSy in the efundes, os neu er vilinass of Golf und Llrennwond in the uree fur the putt fenn pound hrr ta the vehinle.end determining whelher That's why our women's services are so comprehensive, from coring ton hïgh-eisk sraa and Iba dim lighting to nambut gang enmity. Hitan, the laaest of srvrraldnye tu look for suspicious The sabjart drone swny thn imeidents ara mtated, bot that helps perpetuate it. "The hay thing tata pst r ement suspiaientisoidents nrhivies. ufler the girl hegen toys!t. at this time he neid there's mothers end bobiac in our advanced Lovai Ill periestal facility and leading the hohe "Gangs land tu like dccl,, thsse guys ewey fsr a tong is the urea. Os Orlobor und Nevomber Aneth en sosp,'nmesa inci- ou evidence thot they m'e re. against breast cancer, to offering minlinolly invasive options for a variety of women's thudy plunm and we mast to time,"Otendrrsaid. AbontO:4tn.m.uMuine thorn seem u few other eus- dent sses reparlad by n 14- ieted. illnminata that entire aren," Bot OlunderandBrneenL Rust High Dnhont stvdrstpinioon incidente innelning yeu,'-ald girl whe leid Perk Davis said 0mb ecopla of surgeries end munir mere. In other words, whatever in takes tu wake a healthier ynu. Brsaaniabsaid. ah outed that Mutua Town- nos ut abus stop when the students theo necarred inRidge pobre thecuvesweeks ugo is Nibs, al Irlaif Processano was plaicg ship hua not enperinscad iba was upprourhad by u male Parh Ridge, Hiles und soin- begun ta 1000sv her nlosvly Road and Doe Road, a girt to meet with a CumEd rep. rxtest of gang cintrera thatnba allegedly eshed her,rurpomeled Meise Tonno- anche get 022e Paru bceleid police that u man mo- 'usentatine this mesh. acaro Chinugu neighbor- "Whut time durs the hua ship. ubout 0:40 p.m. Nun. IO uttioned to ash her for infer- The densely popoluted hoods dv. coma?" Thr student raporl- "Thereb not enough loto,'- Ockton Slerot and Deewahns. Devin said ehe did Advocate Robin Orine subdininien and Citineno whb nest tore- ed that ha moved hie hand mutins te soy itthey'rr mr- Road. The nun ulbegedly foi. the right Ihing and walked + a4acent Dee Rood neighbor- poro islurmatino oboutdrug Luwurd her maclb os tIbelaced nr unrelated," acid boned her unti! ,hr pretend- away und entered a stnme. Lutheran General Hospital hood are erras whace gang undgongnutisily nanoatins wen ubovu to oece,' it when Hiles Peltre SM. Tom Seuls. edle moho a phone cull co She then ealied hrn oust te members ara banns to con- anonymous tip linr enleb- somenan punning by suid, "Wo don't want Io muse a hen nel! phone, uS which pink hem up. Police said Ihr Lutheran General Children's Hospital gregate and engage in cdw- lishedby the Cads Cnnnlp "Don't do it; D'li rail the po-punir, botos the coma lime point it drove uncap The van mas enited hi n mur end ShrdlS'a Pulire, Oluoder seid, live." we wont pemrcte und leecic was reportediy"fudrd" binenoibed ido odiffemenlslore lerpiring medicine. Choeging liner. 'mol sottvtty, euch an the scie nf drags, gangrovc'aitmant The number is 17H01 OHS- Pu lice said ssmrunaisa era tu tall their kids tobo nilh Oho tide soisdoms osti cant te Ihr ebro she nesb und physirut cintrera. 4743, mini non was rapurtedlyrereful us utwoyn. They two rear nindowe nosrmedinto. Donis said they consid- On Nnv. O,a DO-pear-old Celte mill br received by meilingot eneorby ges sta-shouldn't be geing tu neid- will, domI sape. er the innidesl suspicions amemkerufthrdeperlmest tien und picked ap the sus- cinc when semeuse mottuos Other rerenL incidents in- but out oc attcmptrd ebdan- Ta find e physician, oisit advenetwhealth.sswfluth or T.800.3.AOyH7CATE 11.000.323.A6221 II 1776 West Dampnter StreetIlPerk ElidAn, IL mas mee stabbed oud 020- year-old mon neat bouton belwern H um, and 5p.m.