
arXiv:1311.0078v2 [math.OC] 24 Jun 2014 [email protected] [email protected] Taringoo), sscnb eue oteaayi faeulbi located equilibria on a defined of systems dynamical analysis many However, the origin. to the reduced at be stability Consequently, can origin. availabysis the transformations to equilibria coordinate shift to simplification to due significant analysis, to the leads proper in space spaces vector Euclidean attendant of the ties spaces. of fo- Euclidean application has on the evolving There, theory systems dynamical stability on of cused development the Traditionally, exampl for see literature, 23]. 18, the [16, in Lyapunov of analyzed sense extensively the been in th Stability characterizing equilibria. and of t analyzing stability is for theory tool mathematical stability Lyapunov core differen 34]. 33, dynamica or [16, equations see of differential inclusions, trajectories of solutions of as Th stability systems theory. the control in addresses topic theory important an is theory Stability many in found be [3–5]. can see systems settings, such mechanical of with Examples ge tools. 33], differential 3–5, ric of [1, application on the example requires evolve analysis for their naturally see that manifolds, dynamics Riemannian include systems Many Introduction 1 re with in functions systems dynamical Lyapunov for of theorems nonline converse properties for theorems characterizes Lyapunov and converse proposes paper This Abstract icvr rjc DP120101144. Project Discovery ⋆ e words: Key dy equili perturbed of of neighborhoods stability the normal obtain called we so functions, the Lyapunov to analysis our rpitsbitdt Automatica to submitted Preprint hswr a upre yteAsrla eerhCouncil Research addresses: Email Australian the by supported was work This oa hrceiaino ypnvfntoso Riemanni on functions Lyapunov of characterization local A [email protected] yaia ytm,Reana aiod,Goei curves Geodesic manifolds, Riemannian systems, Dynamical a lcrcladEetoi niern eatet h Uni The Department, Engineering Electronic and Electrical aznTaringoo Farzin [email protected] Yn Tan). (Ying Daa Neˇsi´c),(Dragan PtrM Dower), M. (Peter R a ee .Dower M. Peter , n odnmclsseseovn nReana aiod.Thi manifolds. Riemannian on evolving systems dynamical to (Farzin manifolds omet- aia ytm nReana manifolds. Riemannian on systems namical anal- pc oteReana itnefnto.W xedclassi extend We function. distance Riemannian the to spect has ruso imninmnfls yepoigtedrvdpr derived the employing By manifolds. Riemannian on briums tial rdnmclssesdfie nsot once Riemannian connected smooth on defined systems dynamical ar he le is e e s - l imnindsac ucin eepo h oinof stability on systems the notion dynamical apply for the and the results manifolds employ on Riemannian We on based geodesics function. manifolds dy- distance Riemannian of Riemannian on Lyapunov such systems define of we namical properties end, this local To some functions. man- prove Riemannian theo- on and Lyapunov evolving ifolds converse systems several dynamical for present rems we paper, this In Rieman- of [19]. notion see the function, employing distance by nian spaces consid- metric be can as manifolds spaces ered Riemannian metric general, compact In derived. on Lyapunois systems complete dynamical of for existence the functions [7,36], in particular, results In func- Recent Lyapunov [7,10,11,13,15,22,29,31,34,36,3 in of 26]. documented [24, are properties tions example and existence for the see concerning research, ne a of is manifolds area on evolving systems for analysis Stability inevit is theory stability the of framework traditional generalizatio the prop- a Consequently, space spaces. vector Euclidean the of erties possess necessarily not do manifolds h tblt hoypeetdi 1,1] ti hw that shown is It 16]. of [12, results in standard presented the theory of some stability equilibrium, invoke an the and of 32], space 19, to [14, tangent manifold the see on Riemannian system a dynamical on con- a equations to dynamical operator the lift vert a on evolving introduce We those to Eu- manifolds. extended Riemannian on are evolving [12,16,37] systems spaces dynamical clidean for results [2,5,8], see theory stability manifolds, the stability Riemannian on on of evolving version defined systems for a systems Using dynamical manifolds. for Riemannian functions Lyapunov of a . rgnNe Dragan , est fMlore itra 00 Australia 3010, Victoria, Melbourne, of versity ⋆ si ˇ c ´ a igTan Ying , R spromdb restricting by performed is s n ooti h existence the obtain to a 0Otbr2018 October 20 a Lyapunov cal an prisof operties manifolds able. of n 8]. w v in a normal neighborhood [19] of an equilibrium of a dy- Table 1 namical system, the constructed Lyapunov functions satisfy Symbols and Their Descriptions certain properties which can be used to analyze the stability Symbol Description and robustness of the underlying . These results are extended and applied to study perturbed dynamic M Riemannian manifold systems. Geometric features of the normal neighborhoods, X(M) space of smooth time invariant such as existence of unique length minimizing geodesics and vector fields on M their local representations enable us to closely relate the sta- X R bility results obtained for dynamical systems in Rn to those (M × ) space of smooth time varying defined on Riemannian manifolds. vector fields on M

TxM tangent space at x ∈ M In terms of exposition, Section 2 presents some mathemati- ∗ cal preliminaries needed for the subsequent analysis. Section Tx M cotangent space at x ∈ M 3 presents the main results for the existence of Lyapunov T M tangent bundle of M functions for dynamical systems evolving on Riemannian T ∗M cotangent bundle of M manifolds. These results are employed in Section 4 to derive ∂ basis tangent vectors at x ∈ M the stability of perturbed dynamical systems on Riemannian ∂xi manifolds. The paper concludes with some closing remarks dxi basis cotangent vectors at x ∈ M in Section 5. f(x,t) time-varying vector fields on M

|| · ||g Riemannian norm 2 Preliminaries || · ||e Euclidean norm || · || induced norm In this section we provide the differential geometric material which is necessary for the analysis presented in the rest of g(·, ·) Riemannian metric on M the paper. We define some of the frequently used symbols d(·, ·) Riemannian distance on M of this paper in Table 1. Φf flow associated with f T F pushforward of F

Definition 1 Let M be a an n dimensional manifold. A co- TxF pushforward of F at x ordinate chart on M is (U, φ), where U is an open set in M R>0 (0, ∞) and φ is a homomorphism from U to φ(U) ⊂ Rn, see [21]. R≥0 [0, ∞) C∞(M) space of smooth functions on M 2.1 Riemannian manifolds ≃ isomorphism B(x,r) metric ball centered at x with radius r Definition 2 (see [21], Chapter 3) A Riemannianmanifold Br(0) Ball with radius r in tangent spaces (M,g) is a differentiable manifold M together with a Rie- mannian metric g, where g is defined for each x ∈ M via an inner product gx : TxM × TxM → R on the tan- can be connected via a path γ ∈ P(x, y), where gent space TxM (to M at x) such that the function defined by x 7→ gx(X(x), Y (x)) is smooth for any vector fields X, Y ∈ X(M). In addition, . γ piecewise smooth, P(x, y) = γ :[a,b] → M (2.1) (i) (M,g) is n dimensional if M is n dimensional; ( γ(a)= x, γ(b)= y )

(ii) (M,g) is connected if for any x, y ∈ M, there exists

a piecewise smooth curve that connects x to y. Theorem 1 ([19], P. 94) Suppose (M,g) is an n dimen- sional connected Riemannian manifold. Then, for any x, y ∈ M, there exists a piecewise smooth path γ ∈ P(x, y) that . Note that in the special case where M = Rn, the connects x to y. Riemannian metric g is defined everywhere by gx = n i,j=1 gij (x)dxi ⊗ dxj , where ⊗ is the tensor product on The existence of connecting paths (via Theorem 1) between ∗ ∗ Tx M × Tx M, see [21]. pairs of elementsof an n dimensional connected Riemannian P manifold (M,g) facilitates the definition of a corresponding As formalized in Definition 2, connected Riemannian man- Riemannian distance. In particular, the Riemannian distance ifolds possess the property that any pair of points x, y ∈ M d : M × M → R is defined by the infimal path length

2 between any two elements of M, with One may show, for a smooth vector field f, the integral flow Φf (s,t0, ·): M → M is a local , . b see [21]. Here we assume that the vector field f is smooth d(x, y) = inf g (γ ˙ (t), γ˙ (t)) dt . (2.2) γ(t) and complete, i.e. Φf exists for all t ∈ (t0, ∞). γ∈P(x,y) a Z q . Note that in the special case where M = Rn, the Rieman- 2.3 Geodesic Curves nian distance (2.2) simplifies to d(x, y)= kx − yke. Geodesics are defined [14] as length minimizing curves on Using the definition of Riemannian distance d of (2.2), Riemannian manifolds which satisfy (M, d) defines a metric space as formalized by the follow- ing theorem. ∇γ˙ (t)γ˙ (t)=0, (2.9)

Theorem 2 ([19], P. 94) Any n dimensional connected Rie- where γ(·) is a geodesic curve on (M,g) and ∇ is the Levi- mannian manifold (M,g) defines a metric space (M, d) via Civita connection on M, see [19]. The solution of the Euler- the Riemannian distance d of (2.2). Furthermore, the in- Lagrange variational problem associated with the length duced topology of (M, d) is the same as the manifold topol- minimizing problem shows that all the geodesics on an n ogy of (M,g). dimensional Riemannian manifold (M,g) must satisfy the following system of ordinary differential equations: Next, the crucial pushforward operator is introduced. n i Definition 3 For a given smooth mapping F : M → N γ¨i(s)+ Γj,kγ˙j (s)γ ˙ k(s)=0, i =1, ..., n, (2.10) from manifold to manifold the pushforward is j,k=1 M N T F X defined as a generalization of the Jacobian of smooth maps between Euclidean spaces as follows: where n T F : TM → TN, (2.3) i 1 il ∂gjl Γj,k = g (gjl,k + gkl,j − gjk,l), gjl,k = , 2 ∂xk where l=1 X (2.11) T F : T M → T N, (2.4) x x F (x) where all the indexes i,j,k,l run from 1 up to n = dim(M) . and ij −1. Note that is the entity of the and [g ] = [gij ] gij (i, j) metric g. T F (X ) ◦ h = X (h ◦ F ), X ∈ T M,h ∈ C∞(N). x x x x x Definition 4 ([19], p. 72) The restricted exponential map is (2.5) defined by

expx : TxM → M, expx(v)= γv(1), v ∈ TxM, (2.12)

2.2 Dynamical systems on Riemannian manifolds where γv(1) is the unique maximal geodesic [19], P. 59, initiating from x with the velocity v up to one. This paper focuses on dynamical systems governed by dif- ferential equations on a connected n dimensional Rieman- Throughout, restricted exponential maps are referred to as nian manifold M. Locally these differential equations are exponential maps. An open ball of radius δ > 0 and cen- defined by (see [21]) tered at 0 ∈ T M in the tangent space at x is denoted by . x Bδ(0) = {v ∈ TxM | ||v||g < δ}. Similarly, the corre- X R x˙(t)= f(x(t),t), f ∈ (M × ), sponding closed ball is denoted by Bδ(0). Using the lo- x(0) = x0 ∈ M,t ∈ [t0,tf ]. (2.6) cal diffeomorphic property of exponential maps, the corre- sponding geodesic ball centered at x is dened as follows. The time dependent flow associated with a differentiable time dependent vector field f is a map Φf satisfying Lemma 1 ([19], Lemma 5.10) For any x ∈ M, there ex- ists a neighborhood Bδ(0) in TxM on which expx is a dif- Φf :[t0,tf ] × [t0,tf ] × M → M, feomorphism onto expx(Bδ(0)) ⊂ M. (s0,sf , x) 7→ Φf (sf ,s0, x) ∈ M, (2.7) Definition 5 ([19]) In a neighborhood of x ∈ M, where and expx is a local diffeomorphism (this neighborhood always exists by Lemma 1), a geodesic ball of radius δ > 0 is dΦf (s,s0, x) denoted by expx(Bδ(0)) ⊂ M. The corresponding closed = f(Φf (t,s0, x),t). (2.8) ds geodesic ball is denoted by exp (Bδ(0)). s=t x

3 Definition 6 For a vector space V , a star-shaped neighbor- hood of 0 ∈ V is any open set U such that if u ∈ U then αu ∈ U, α ∈ [0, 1].

Definition 7 ([19], p. 76) A normal neighborhood around x ∈ M is any open neighborhood of x which is a diffeo- morphic image of a star shaped neighborhood of 0 ∈ TxM under expx map.

Definition 8 The injectivity radius of M is . i(M) = inf i(x), (2.13) x∈M where

. R i(x) = sup{r ∈ ≥0| expx is diffeomorphic onto 1 1 expx(Br(0))}. Fig. 1. S and S \ {p} (2.14) unit circle S1 ⊂ R2 in Figure 1. A local coordinate system [20] for S1 is given by the local homeomorphism ψ : S1 → R (see also Figure 1) defined by Definition 9 The metric ball with respect to on is d (M,g) ψ defined by θ 7→ (sin(θ), cos(θ)) ∈ R2, θ ∈ (0, 2π) ⊂ R1. (3.17)

. 1 B(x, r) = {y ∈ M | d(x, y) < r}. (2.15) Inthe case of theremovalofa point p from S , the Euclidean distance between points converging in S1 \{p} to p ∈ S1 from either side converges to zero. However, at the same time, the Riemannian distance converges to 2π which is the 1 The following lemma reveals a relationship between normal largest distance on S between any pair of points. neighborhoods and metric balls on (M,g). We generalize the stability notion for dynamical systems on Riemannian manifolds as follows. Lemma 2 ([32], p. 122) Given any ǫ ∈ R>0 and x ∈ M, suppose that exp is a diffeomorphism on B (0) ⊂ T M, x ǫ x Definition 10 For the time-varying dynamical system x˙ = and B(x, r) ⊂ exp B (0) for some r ∈ R . Then x ǫ >0 f(x(t),t), f ∈ X(M × R), x¯ ∈ M is an equilibrium if exp Br(0) = B(x, r). (2.16) x Φf (t,t0, x¯)=¯x, t ∈ [t0, ∞), (3.18)

where Φf is the integral flow of f defined by (2.7).

We note that Bǫ(0) is the metric ball of radius ǫ with respect Definition 11 ([2,5,8,16]) For the dynamical system to the Riemannian metric g in TxM. x˙ = f(x(t),t), f ∈ X(M × R), an equilibrium x¯ ∈ M is

3 Lyapunov Analysis on Riemannian Manifolds (i) uniformly Lyapunov stable if for any neighborhood Ux¯ of x¯ ∈ M and any initial time t0 ∈ R, there exists a neigh- We extend the notion of stability to dynamical systems borhood Wx¯ of x¯, such that evolving on Riemannian manifolds. This problem has been addressed in [1,5,27] in a geometric framework. The main ∀x0 ∈Wx¯, Φf (t,t0, x0) ∈Ux¯, ∀t ∈ [t0, ∞). motivation here is to characterize the local properties of Lya- (3.19) punov functions based upon the Riemannian distance func- tion. These properties will be of great importance in analyz- ing a range of dynamical systems evolving on manifolds. (ii) uniformly locally asymptotically stable if it is Lyapunov stable and for any t0 ∈ R, there exists Ux¯ such that It is importantto note that, dependingon the geometry of the state space of a particular dynamical system, Riemannian ∀x0 ∈Ux¯, lim Φf (t,t0, x0)=¯x, i.e. distance might be significantly different than the Euclidean t→∞ lim d(Φf (t,t0, x0), x¯)=0, t ∈ [t0, ∞). (3.20) distance of embedded manifolds. As an example consider a t→∞

4 ∗ ∗R with dxχ ∈ Tx M as per (3.25), and dtχ ∈ Tt . (iii) uniformly globally asymptotically stable if it is Lya- R punov stable and for any t0 ∈ , Definition 13 ([1,5,16]) (Lyapunov Candidate Functions) A smooth function v : M × R → R is a Lyapunov function ∀x0 ∈ M, lim Φf (t,t0, x0)=¯x, t ∈ [t0, ∞). (3.21) X R t→∞ for the time-variant vector field f ∈ (M × ) if v is locally positive definite in a neighborhood of an equilibrium x¯ for (iv) uniformly locally exponentially stable if it is locally t ∈ [t0, ∞) and Lf v is locally negative semi-definite in a asymptotically stable and for any t0 ∈ R, there exist Ux¯ and neighborhood of x¯. K, λ ∈ R>0 such that Definition 14 The time-variant sublevel set Nb,t of a pos- ∀x ∈Ux, d(Φf (t,t , x ), x¯) ≤ itive semidefinite function v : M × R → R is defined as 0 ¯ 0 0 . Kd(x0, x¯) exp(−λ(t − t0)),t ∈ [t0, ∞). (3.22) Nb,t = {x ∈ M, v(x, t) ≤ b}. By Nb,t(¯x) we denote a connected sublevel set of M containing x¯ ∈ M. (v) globally exponentially stable if it is globally asymptot- ically stable and for any t0 ∈ R, there exist K, λ ∈ R>0, The following lemma shows that there exists a connected such that, compact sublevel set of an equilibrium point of a dynamical system on a Riemannian manifold. ∀x0 ∈ M, d(Φf (t,t0, x0), x¯) ≤ Kd(x0, x¯) exp(−λ(t − t0)),t ∈ [t0, ∞). (3.23) Lemma 3 Let x¯ ∈ M and v : M × R → R denote an equilibrium and a Lyapunov function respectively for system (2.6). Then, for any neighborhood Ux¯ of x¯ and any t ∈ R, there exists b ∈ R>0, such that Nb,t(¯x) is compact, We note that the convergenceon M is defined in the topology x¯ ∈ int(Nb,t(¯x)) and Nb,t(¯x) ⊂Ux¯, where int(·) gives the induced by d which is the same as the original topology of interior of a set. M by Theorem 2.

Definition 12 ([5,16]) A function χ : M → R is Proof. The proof is based on the proof given in [5], Lemma locally positive definite (positive semi-definite) in a R neighborhood of x¯ ∈ M if χ(¯x) = 0 and there 6.12. In this case we fix time t ∈ and consider v(·,t): M → R as a smooth time-invariant function. In this case, exists a neighborhood Ux¯ ⊂ M such that for all x ∈U \{x¯}, 0 <χ(x) (respectively 0 ≤ χ(x)). we apply the results of Lemma 6.12 in [5] to complete the x¯ proof. Given a smooth function χ : M → R, the Lie of χ along a time invariant vector field f ∈ X(M) is defined by . To analyze the behavior of dynamical systems on manifolds Lf χ = dχ(f), (3.24) we employ the notion of comparison functions defined in [16]. where dχ : TM → R is the differential form of χ. In any neighbourhood of x ∈ M, dχ is given locally by Definition 15 ([16]) A continuous function α : [0,b) → R n ≥0 is of class K if it is strictly increasing and α(0) = 0, ∂χ ∗ and of class K∞ if b = ∞ and limr→∞ α(r)= ∞. dχ = dxi ∈ Tx M, (3.25) ∂xi i=1 X Definition 16 ([16]) A continuous function β : [0,b) × . ∗ R → R is of class KL if for each fixed s, β(·,s) ∈ K where n = dim(M) and Tx M is the cotangent space of M ≥0 ≥0 at x, see [21]. and for each fixed r ∈ [0,b), β(r, ·) is decreasing with lims→∞ β(r, s)=0. Remark 1 For time-varying dynamical systems evolving on M, the Lie derivative of a smooth time-varying function The following theorem provides K and KL comparison χ : M × R 7→ R is defined by function bounds for trajectories of uniformly stable dynam- ical systems evolving on Riemannian manifolds. . ∂ L χ = dχ ,f(x, t) , (3.26) f(x,t) ∂t Theorem 3 Any time-varying dynamical system of the form   (2.6), evolving on a connected n dimensional Riemannian where manifold (M,g), satises the following properties:

∗ ∗R dχ = dxχ ⊕ dtχ ∈ Tx M ⊕ Tt , • If an equilibrium x¯ ∈ M is uniformly Lyapunov stable, (3.27) then there exists a class K function α and a neighborhood

5 Nx¯, such that have δ(r2) < δ(r1). Denote the associated neighborhoods r1 r2 of B(¯x, r1) and B(¯x, r2) by Wx¯ and Wx¯ respectively, see d(Φf (t,t0, x0), x¯) ≤ α(d(x0, x¯)), 3.30. Then δ(r2) <δ(r1) implies that x0 ∈ Nx¯,t ∈ [t0, ∞). (3.28) c c ∃x ∈ Wr1 , s.t. x ∈/ Wr2 , (3.32) • If x¯ is uniformly asymptotically stable then there exists a 0 x¯ 0 x¯ class KL function β and a neighborhood Nx¯, such that c c r1 where B(¯x, r1) ⊂ B(¯x, r2). However, x0 ∈ Wx¯ results in , which d(Φf (t,t0, x0), x¯) ≤ β(d(x0, x¯),t − t0), Φf (t,t0, x0) ∈ B(¯x, r1) ⊂ B(¯x, r2), t ∈ [t0, ∞) r2 x0 ∈ Nx¯,t ∈ [t0, ∞). (3.29) contradicts x0 ∈/ Wx¯ . Hence, δ(r1) ≤ δ(r2).c

Choose a ζ ∈ Kcsuch that ζ(r) ≤ δ(r), r ∈ R≥0 (this −1 Proof. Let us consider a neighborhoodUx¯ ⊂ expx¯ Bi(¯x)(0), is always possible since δ is non-decreasing), and ζ : R where i(¯x) is the injectivity radius at x¯ ∈ M and Bi(¯x)(0) ⊂ [0, supr∈[0,∞) ζ(r)) 7→ ≥0 is a K class function. Note that Tx¯M. Note that i(¯x) > 0, see Proposition 2.1.10 in [17]. In ζ is bounded by δ, hence, supr∈[0,∞) ζ(r) is bounded. Now order to prove the first assertion we note that the uniform choose . Nx¯ = expx¯ Bsupr∈[0,∞) ζ(r)(0) ⊂ expx¯ Bδ(i(¯x))(0) Lyapunov stability of x¯, implies that there exists Wx¯ ⊂ . −1 Then, r = ζ (d(x0, x¯)), x0 ∈ Nx¯, implies M, such that x0 ∈ Wx¯ results in Φf (t,t0, x0) ∈ Ux¯ for all t ∈ [t0, ∞). Hence, Wx¯ ⊆ Ux¯ ⊂ expx¯ Bi(¯x)(0) and d(x0, x¯)= ζ(r) ≤ δ(r), x0 ∈ Nx¯, (3.33) Φf (t,t0, x0) remains in a normal neighborhood of x¯.

Lemma 2 implies that exp B (0) = B(¯x, r), provided 0 < and hence, by (3.30) x¯ r . r ≤ i(¯x). Hence, for any Ux¯ = B(¯x, r), 0 0 x¯ l x¯ n Define of the initial state. In the case of M = R , these properties recover the analogous stability properties of stable/ asymp- c n r totic stable dynamical systems on R , see [16], Chapter 4. . max l | expx¯ Bl(0) ⊆ Wx¯, r ≤ i(¯x), δ(r) = i(¯x) ( max l | expx¯ Bl(0) ⊆ Wx¯ i(¯x) < r. The following theorem gives the existence of Lyapunov c (3.31) functions and also characterizes their properties for locally c asymptotically stable systems evolving on Riemannian man- Note that l ∈ R≥0. Since our argument is local, without ifolds in normal neighborhoods of equilibriums of dynam- loss of generality, we assume i(¯x) < ∞. Then for r

6 1 neighborhood around x¯), such that there exists a KL func- n 2 2 where d(x(t0), x¯) = i=1 zi (t0) = ||z(t0)||e = tion β, which satisfies ||z(t0)||g. The last equality is due to the fact that in normal coordinates of x¯, the RiemannianP metric is given by d(Φf (t,t0, x0), x¯) ≤ β(d(x0, x¯),t − t0), x(t )= x ∈ N ,t ∈ [t , ∞). (3.35) 0 0 x¯ 0 ∂ ∂ g , = δ + O(r2), (3.40) ∂x ∂x ij Assume ||Txf(·,t)|| is uniformly bounded with respect to t  i j  on Nx¯, where ||.|| is the norm of the boundedlinear operator Tf : TM → TTM as per Definition 3. Then, for some where r is the distance and δ is the Kronecker delta, see n ij Ux¯ ⊂ Ux¯ , for all x(t0)= x0 ∈ Ux¯, there exist a Lyapunov ∂ ∂ [32], Chapter 5. Hence, gx¯( ∂x , ∂x )= δij and ||z(t0)||e = candidate function w : M ×R → R≥0 and α1, α2, α3, α4 ∈ i j ||z(t0)||g. Therefore, we have K, such that for all x ∈Ux¯ and t ∈ [t0, ∞),

(i): α1 (d(x, x¯)) ≤ w(x, t) ≤ α2 (d(x, x¯)) , ||z(t)||g ≤ β(||z(t0)||g,t − t0), L (ii): f(x,t)w ≤−α3 (d(x, x¯)) , z(t0)= z0 ∈ Bǫ(0) ⊂ Tx¯M. (3.41) (iii): ||Txw|| ≤ α4 (d(x, x¯)) , (3.36)

The uniform boundedness of Txf(·,t) with respect to t to- where d(·, ·) is the Riemannian metric, L is the Lie derivative ˆ gether with (3.37) and smoothness of −1 imply that ∂f and T w : TM → T R ≃ R × R is the pushforward of w. exp ∂z is uniformly bounded on Bǫ(0) ∈ Tx¯M. Hence, we can ap- ply Theorem 4.16 of [16] to demonstrate the existence of a Lyapunov function v : Tx¯M × R → R, satisfying Proof. By employing Lemma 1, consider expx¯ Bǫ(0) ⊂ M, 0 < ǫ, such that expx¯ is a diffeomorphism onto its image, then expx¯ is invertible and the inverse map is denoted (i): α1(||z||g) ≤ v(z,t) ≤ α2(||z||g), −1 by exp : M → Tx¯M. By Theorem2 the inducedtopology L x¯ (ii): fˆ z,t v ≤−α3(||z||g), of the distance function d is the same as the originaltopology ( ) ∂ of M and by Lemma 2 the metric balls and geodesic balls (iii): |Tzv( )|≤ α4(||z||g), (3.42) are identical. Hence, without loss of generality, we assume ∂z Nx¯ = expx¯ Bǫ(0), where expx¯ is a diffeomorphism onto expx¯ Bmax{ǫ,β(ǫ,0)}(0). where z ∈ Tx¯M,t ∈ [t0, ∞). Since expx¯ is a local dif- feomorphism by Lemma 1, for x ∈ Nx¯, we have x = −1 Since expx¯ is a diffeomorphism onto expx¯ Bǫ(0), then for expx¯ ◦ expx¯ x. Hence, by [21], Lemma 3.5 any x ∈ expx¯ Bǫ(0), there exists z ∈ Tx¯M such that x = −1 expx¯ z, or equivalently z = expx¯ x. Let us call the operator −1 −1 Id = Tx expx ◦ exp = T −1 expx ◦Tx exp ,(3.43) −1 ¯ x¯ expx¯ x ¯ x¯ expx¯ the geodesic lift. The time variation of z, as long as x stays in expx¯ Bǫ(0), is given by  where Id is the identity map and T is the pushforward as −1 −1 per Definition 3. This shows z˙(t)= Tx expx¯ (f(x, t)) = Texpx¯ z expx¯ (f(expx¯ z,t)) . = fˆ(z,t), −1 (3.37) −1 Tx expx = T −1 expx . (3.44) ¯ expx¯ x ¯   where z˙(t) ∈ Tz(t)Tx¯M ≃ Tx¯M. We note that the equilib- rium x¯ of f(x, t) changes to z =0 ∈ Tx¯M for the dynam- The Lie derivative of with respect to ˆ is locally given by n v f ical equations in z coordinates. In the case M = R , we (3.26) as follows have

Rn ∂ ∂ x = expx¯ z =x ¯ + z ∈ . (3.38) L v = dv( , fˆ(z,t)) = d v( )+ d v(fˆ(z,t)). fˆ(z,t) ∂t t ∂t z (3.45)

For any x(t0) ∈ expx¯ Bǫ(0), we have x(t0) = expx¯ z(t0) for some z(t0) ∈ Bǫ(0). Now let us consider the geodesic ∂ ˆ . Since v is a scalar-valued function then dv( ∂t , f(z,t)) = curve γ : [0, 1] → M, γ(τ) = exp τz(t ). Employing the x¯ 0 T v( ∂ , fˆ(z,t)) = T v( ∂ )+ T (fˆ(z,t)). Employing exp , results of [19], Proposition 5.11, in the normal coordinates ∂t t ∂t z x¯ we define the following function on M: of x,¯ we have

. −1 γ(τ) = (τz1(t0), ..., τzn(t0)), (3.39) vˆ(x, t) = v(expx¯ x, t), x ∈ expx¯ Bǫ(0). (3.46)

7 Then the Lie derivative of vˆ along f at state x and time t is subset of a normal neighborhood on an n dimensional Rie- mannian manifold (M,g). Assume ||Txf(·,t)|| is uniformly ∂ bounded, where ||.|| is the norm of the linear operator Tf : Lf(x,t)vˆ = dtvˆ( )+ Txvˆ(f(x, t)) n ∂t TM → TTM. Then, for some Ux¯ ⊂Ux¯ , for all x(t0) ∈Ux¯, there exist a Lyapunov function R R and ∂ −1 v : M × → ≥0 = dtvˆ( )+ Tzv Tx exp ◦Tz exp (fˆ(z,t)) R ∂t x¯ x¯ λ1, λ2, λ3, λ4 ∈ >0, such that for all x ∈Ux¯ ∂  −1  2 2 = dtvˆ( )+ Tzv Tx exp ◦ (i): λ d (x, x¯) ≤ v(x, t) ≤ λ d (x, x¯), ∂t x¯ 1 2 L 2 ˆ (ii): f(x,t)v ≤−λ3d (x, x¯), Texp−1 x expx¯(f(z,t)) x¯ (iii): ||Txv|| ≤ λ4d(x, x¯). (3.51) ∂  = d vˆ( )+ T v fˆ(z,t) by employing (3.44) t ∂t z ∂   Proof. Following the proof of Theorem 4, we employ the = dtv( )+ Tzv fˆ(z,t) by employing (3.46) −1 ∂t geodesic lift operator z = expx¯ x in a normal neighbor- L hood of x¯. Hence, we obtain the local = fˆ(z,t)v.   (3.47) of 0 ∈ Tx¯M, for the dynamical system z˙(t) = fˆ(z,t) = −1 ∂ T z exp (f(exp z,t)) as per the proof of Theorem 4. The same argument applies to T vˆ( ) and shows that expx¯ x¯ x¯ x ∂x The rest of the proof parallels the proof of Theorem 4 and the results of [16], Theorem 4.14. ∂ ∂ T vˆ( )= T v( ). (3.48) x ∂x z ∂z We note that by employing the normal coordinates used in the proof of Theorem 4, we have d(Φf (t,t0, x(t0)), x¯) ≤ As shown before we have d(x(t), x¯) = ||z(t)|| , hence, by g Kd(x(t0), x¯) exp(−λ(t − t0)) implies (3.42), vˆ locally satisfies (3.36). ||z(t)||g ≤ K exp(−λ(t − t0))||z(t0)||g which is required in the proof of Theorem 4.14 in [16]. Since the function constructed above is defined locally, it remains to extend the domain of its definition to M. For The Lyapunovfunctionsin Theorems4 and 5 are constructed , compactness of and smoothness δ ∈ (0,ǫ) Bδ(0) ⊂ Tx¯M in a normal neighborhood of an equilibrium where expx of expx¯ together imply that expx¯ Bδ(0) ⊂ expx¯ Bǫ(0) is a is a local diffeomorphism. Hence, the properties derived compact set in M. Choose a bump function ψ ∈ C∞(M), in Theorems 4 and 5 hold locally and the corresponding such that ψ ≡ 1 on exp B (0) and suppψ ⊂ exp B (0), neighborhoods are restricted by the injectivity radius of the . x¯ δ x¯ ǫ where suppψ = {x ∈ M s.t. ψ(x) 6=0}, for the definition equilibrium. Depending on the geometric features of M, of bump functions see [21]. As shown in [21], Proposition the injectivity radius of a particular point might be very 2.26, such bump functions always exist. Hence, we consider small. In this section we construct Lyapunov functions on . . R R Ux¯ = expx¯ Bδ(0) and w = ψ × vˆ : M × → . The Lie a compact subset of a local chart of an equilibrium of a derivative of w is given by dynamical system on M by scaling the Riemannian and Euclidean metrics. This is also a local method since we are Lf(x,t)w = Lf(x,t)ψ · vˆ = ψLf(x,t)vˆ +ˆvLf(x,t)ψ, (3.49) restricted to work within a local coordinate system. However, in some cases, it may provide much larger neighborhood on where on Ux¯ we have which Theorems 4 and 5 hold. Theorem 6 Let x¯ be an equilibrium for the dynamical sys- Lf(x,t)w = Lf(x,t)v.ˆ (3.50) tem (2.6) on a coordinate chart (U, φ) of x¯ as per Definition ∂ ∂ 1, such that there exists a KL function β, which satisfies Same argument shows that on Ux¯, Txw( ∂x ) = Txv( ∂x ), which completes the proof for the Lyapunov function w. d(Φf (t,t0, x0), x¯) ≤ β(d(x0, x¯),t − t0), x(t0)= x0 ∈ U. (3.52) Note that properties (ii) and (iii) are essential to obtain the Assume ||T f(·,t)|| is uniformly bounded with respect to t robustness results for perturbed dynamical systems, see [16], x on U, where ||.|| is the norm of the linear operator Tf(x, t): Chapters 9,10,11. The following theorem strengthens the hy- TM → TTM. Then, for some U ⊂ U, for all x(t ) = potheses of Theorem 3 to local exponential stability and de- x¯ 0 x ∈U , there exist a Lyapunov function w : M ×R → R rives the local properties of Lyapunov functions in a normal 0 x¯ ≥0 and α , α , α , α ∈ K, such that for all x ∈U neighborhood of equilibriums. 1 2 3 4 x¯

(i): α1 (d(x, x¯)) ≤ w(x, t) ≤ α2 (d(x, x¯)) , Theorem 5 Let x¯ be a uniformly exponentially stable equi- n n (ii): Lf(x,t)w ≤−α3 (d(x, x¯)) , librium of the dynamical system (2.6) on Nx¯ ⊂ Ux (Ux ¯ ¯ (3.53) is a normal neighborhood around x¯), where Nx¯ denotes a (iii): ||Txw|| ≤ α4 (d(x, x¯)) .

8 Proof. For the coordinate chart (U, φ), we have φ : M → As Be(R, 0) is a convex set, the line connecting x and x¯ is n −1 R . By definition, φ is a homeomorphism to an open set entirely in φ (Be(R, 0)). Hence, in Rn, see [20]. Without loss of generality, we assume . φ(¯x)=(0, ..., 0),otherwisewe can considerthe map η(x) = b b φ(x) − φ(¯x), where η is also a homeomorphism by defini- c1d(x, x¯) ≤ c1 ||γ˙ (s)||gds ≤ ||γ˙ (s)||eds tion. Denote Za Za = ||x − x¯||e. (3.59) . −1 R = max r, s.t. Be(r, 0) ⊂ φ(U), φ Be(r, 0) ⊂ U, Therefore, for x =Φf (t,t0, x0), we have r ∈ R>0,   (3.54) 1 n where Be(r, 0) is the Euclidean ball of radius r. In R , ||x − x¯||e ≤ d(Φf (t,t0, x0), x¯) ≤ β(d(x0, x¯),t − t0) c2 Be(r, 0) is a compact set and since φ is a homeomorphism 1 −1 ≤ β( ||x − x¯||e,t − t0). (3.60) then, φ Be(r, 0) ⊂ M is a compact set. By (3.52),there c1 exists Wx¯⊂ M, such that for all x0 ∈ Wx¯, Φ(t,t0, x0) ∈ −1 1 . R Hence, ||x − x¯||e ≤ c2β( ||x − x¯||e,t − t0) = βˆ(||x − φ (Be( , 0)). c1 x¯||e,t − t0). Replace the Riemannian metric ||·||g by the Euclideanmetric −1 −1 The Euclidan induced norm of is defined by || · ||e on φ Be(R, 0) . Since φ Be(R, 0) is com- Txf(x, t) pact, there exists c ,c ∈ R , such that [19]  1 2  >0   ||T f(x, t)(X)|| ||T f(x, t)|| = sup x e x e ||X|| c1||X||g ≤ ||X||e ≤ c2||X||g, X∈TxM,X6=0 e −1 c2||Txf(x, t)(X)||g X ∈ TxM, x ∈ φ Be(R, 0) . (3.55) ≤ sup X∈T M,X6=0 c1||X||g   x c1 Since the state trajectory is contained in φ−1 (B (R, 0)), by ≤ ||Txf(x, t)||g. (3.61) e c replacing the Riemannian metric with the Euclidean one, the 2 state trajectory will be bounded in B (R, 0). By employing e Hence, boundedness of implies the bounded- (3.55), the Euclidean distance function is bounded by the ||Txf(·,t)||g ness of . We apply the results of [16], Theorem Riemannian one as follows. Consider any piecewise smooth ||Txf(·,t)||e 4.16 to the dynamical system evolving on M, where ||·|| is curve γ :[a,b] → M connecting x ∈ φ−1(B (R, 0)) and g e replaced by || · || . Therefore, there exist a Lyapunov func- x¯, such that γ(a) = x and γ(b)=x ¯. If γ belongs to e tion v and functions α1, α2, α3, α4 ∈ K, such that −1 φ Be(R, 0) ⊂ M, then   (i): α1(||x||e) ≤ v(x, t) ≤ α2(||x||e), b b (ii): Lf(x,t)v ≤−α3(||x||e), ||x − x¯||e ≤ ||γ˙ (s)||eds ≤ c2 ||γ˙ (s)||gds, (3.56) (iii): ||Txv||e ≤ α4(||x||e), x ∈ Be(R, 0), (3.62) Za Za where ||x − x¯||e is the Euclidean distance between x and where ||x||e = ||x − x¯||e. As a result of the scaling the −1 Riemannian and Euclidean norms, we have x¯. In case γ does not entirely belong to φ Be(R, 0) , then there exists a time t ∈ [a,b], such that γ(s) ∈ −1 (i): α1(c1d(x, x¯)) ≤ v(x, t) ≤ α2(c2d(x, x¯)), φ (Se(R, 0)) ,s ∈ [a,t] and ||x − γ(t)||e = R, (ii): Lf(x,t)v ≤−α3(c1d(x, x¯)), where Se(R, 0) = {x | ||x||e = R}. Hence, since −1 R c2 x ∈ φ (Be( , 0)), we have (iii): ||Txv|| ≤ α4(c2d(x, x¯)). (3.63) c1 t t ||x − x¯||e ≤ R ≤ ||γ˙ (s)||eds ≤ c2 ||γ˙ (s)||gds Followingthe last part of the proofof Theorem4, the domain a a of the definition of v can be extendedto M, which completes bZ Z the proof for Ux¯ = Wx¯. ≤ c2 ||γ˙ (s)||gds. (3.57) Za

Therefore, for any piecewise smooth γ, ||x − x¯||e ≤ 4 Stability of Perturbed Dynamical Systems b c2 a ||γ˙ (s)||gds. Taking the infimum over all γ, (2.2) implies that The properties of the constructed Lyapunov functions in R Theorems 4 and 5 are employed to obtain the robust stabil- ||x − x¯||e ≤ c2d(x, x¯). (3.58) ity results for perturbed dynamical systems on Riemannian

9 manifolds. Consider the following perturbed dynamical sys- tem on (M,g). operator dw : TxM → R. Hence, for sufficiently small δ, L we have f+hw < 0, x ∈ Nb,t0 (¯x) (M −Wx¯). There- x˙(t)= f(x, t)+ h(x, t),f,h ∈ X(M × R). (4.64) fore, the state trajectory Φf+h(·,t0, x0) stays in Ux¯ for all T x0 ∈ int(Nb,t0 (¯x)). The term h can be considered as a perturbation of the nom- inal system f. As stated in [9,16,25], stability results for Without loss of generality, assume Ux¯ = expx¯ Br2 (0), r2 < (4.64) can be obtained based on technical assumptions on i(¯x). Then, by the results of Theorem 4, the variation of w the stability of the nominal system f and boundedness of h. along f + h is then given by

The followingtheoremgivesthe stability of (4.64),where the Lf+hw = Lf w + Lhw ≤−α3(d(x, x¯)) + Lhw nominal system is locally uniformly asymptotically stable. = −α3(d(x, x¯)) + dw(h(x, t)) = −α (d(x, x¯)) + T w(h(x, t)) Theorem 7 Let x¯ be an equilibrium of dynamical system 3 x (2.6), which is locally uniformly asymptotically stable on a ≤−α3(d(x, x¯)) + ||Txw|| · ||h(x, t)||g normal neighborhood Nx¯. Assume the perturbed dynami- ≤−α3(d(x, x¯)) + δα4(d(x, x¯)) cal system (4.64) is complete and the Riemannian norm of ≤−(1 − θ)α3(d(x, x¯)) − θα3(d(x, x¯)) X R the perturbation h ∈ (M × ) is bounded on Nx¯, i.e. +δα4(d(x, x¯)) ≤−(1 − θ)α3(d(x, x¯)), ||h(x, t)||g ≤ δ, x ∈ Nx¯,t ∈ [t0, ∞). Then, for sufficiently −1 δα4(r1) small δ, there exists a neighborhood Ux¯ and a function if α3 ( ) ≤ d(x, x¯) ≤ r2, (4.68) ρ ∈ K, such that θ

α3(r2) where r1 < r2, 0 <θ< 1 and δ ≤ θ . lim sup d(Φf+h(t,t0, x0), x¯) ≤ ρ(δ), x0 ∈ Ux¯. (4.65) α4(r1) t→∞

. −1 δα4(r1) Define η = α2(α3 ( θ )), then {x ∈ M | d(x, x¯) ≤ −1 δα4(r1) Proof. Following the proof of Theorem 4, there exists Ux¯ ⊂ α3 ( θ )} ⊂ Nt,η = {x ∈ M| w(x, t) ≤ η} ⊂ Nx¯, such that (3.36) holds for a Lyapunov function w. First {x ∈ M| α1(d(x, x¯)) ≤ η}. Hence, solutions initial- we show that the neighborhood Ux¯ in Theorem 4 can be ized in {x ∈ M | d(x, x¯) ≤ α−1( δα4(r1) )} remain shrunk, such that Φ (·,t , x ) ∈ U provided x ∈ U . 3 θ f+h 0 0 x¯ 0 x¯ in {x ∈ M| α1(d(x, x¯)) ≤ η} since w˙ < 0 for By Lemma 3 there exists Nb,t0 (¯x) and α3 ∈ K, such that −1 δα4(r1) x ∈ Nt,η −{x ∈ M | d(x, x¯) ≤ α3 ( θ )}. This proves

Lf+hw = Lf w + Lhw ≤−α3(d(x, x¯)) + Lhw, δα4(r1) x ∈ int(Nb,t (¯x)). (4.66) −1 −1 0 lim sup d(Φf+h(t,t0, x0), x¯) ≤ α1 α3 t→∞ θ .    By the Shrinking Lemma [20] there exists a precompact = ρ(δ), (4.69) neighborhood Wx¯, such that, Wx¯ ⊂ int(Nb,t0 (¯x)) ⊂ δα r Nb,t0 (¯x), see [20]. Hence, M − Wx¯ is a closed set and . −1 4( 1) for any x0 ∈ Ux¯ = {x ∈ M | d(x, x¯) < α3 ( θ )} Nb,t0 (¯x) (M −Wx¯) is a compact set (closed subsets of int(Nb,t0 (ˆx)). compact sets are compact). The continuity of α3 and d(·, x¯) T T together with the compactness of Nb,t0 (¯x) (M − Wx¯) imply the existence of the following parameter M, T In the following theorem we strengthen the uniform asymp- . M = sup −α3(d(x, x¯)) < 0. (4.67) totic stability to the uniform exponential stability for the

x∈Nb,t0 (¯x) (M−Wx¯) nominal system x˙ = f(x, t). It will be shown that the state trajectory of the perturbed system stays close to the equilib- T rium of the nominal system when some specific conditions Note that α3 ∈ K, x ∈ Nb,t (¯x) (M −Wx¯) and since 0 are satisfied. Wx¯ is a neighborhood of x¯ then d(x, x¯) > 0, x ∈ TM Nb,t0 (¯x) (M − Wx¯). Therefore, < 0. Using (3.26) implies that Lhw = dw(h) ≤ ||dw|| · ||h||g ≤ δ||dw||, Theorem 8 Let x¯ be an equilibrium of (2.6), which is lo- where ||dwT || is the induced norm of the linear operator cally uniformly exponentially stable on a normal neigh- dw : TM → R. The smoothness of w and compact- borhood Ux¯. Assume the nominal and perturbed dynami- ness of Nb,t0 (¯x) together imply ||dw|| < ∞. It is im- cal systems are both complete and the Riemannian norm portant to note that ||dw|| is closely related to ||T w|| of the perturbation h ∈ X(M × R) is bounded on Ux¯, i.e. through the component of the Riemannian metric g. As is ||h(x, t)||g ≤ δ, x ∈Ux¯,t ∈ [t0, ∞). Also assume ||f||g and shown by Theorem 4, ||Txw|| ≤ α4(d(x, x¯)). Hence, the ||Tf|| are uniformly bounded with respect to t on compact smoothness of M and compactness of Nb,t0 (¯x) imply that subsets of M, where Tf : TM → TTM as per Definition ||dw|| < ∞. Note that ||dw|| is the norm of the linear 3. Then, for sufficiently small δ, there exists positive con-

10 stants ζ,γ and k, such that 5 Conclusion

d(Φf+h(t,t0, x0), x¯) ≤ k exp(−γ(t − t0))d(x0, x¯)+ ζδ. In this paper we have presented the stability results for dy- (4.70) namical systems evolving on Riemannian manifolds. We have obtained converseLyapunovtheorems for nonlineardy- namical systems defined on smooth connected Riemannian Proof. By Theorem 5 there exists a Lyapunov candi- manifolds and have characterized properties of Lyapunov functions with respect to the Riemannian distance function. date function v which satisfies (3.51). Hence, following the proof of Theorem 7, there exists a connected com- The results are given by using the geometrical concepts such as normal neighborhoods, injectivity radius and bump func- pact sublevel set of v, such that N (¯x) ⊂ U , where b,t0 x¯ tions on Riemannian manifolds. Φf+h(t,t0, xˆ0) ∈ Nb,t0 (¯x), xˆ0 ∈ int(Nb,t0 (¯x)),t ∈

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