JOURNAL OF THE SENATE -47- Wednesday, April 18, 2001


The Senate met at 10:00 a.m. and was called to order by Lieutenant Governor John H. Hager.

The Reverend Dennett Slemp, Institute of Pastoral Care, Richmond, Virginia, offered the following prayer:

Holy, mysterious, and loving God, in the midst of our business this day, help us to be centered in Your presence. Keep us mindful of the simple things we have always known in our hearts. Leadership is measured by service. Power by the ability to empower others. Justice by how we seek justice for the most vulnerable. And that our freedom is secured by enhancing the freedom of others. Oh God, lift our eyes to see more of Your vision, and open our hearts to dream more of Your dream — for the well-being and fulfillment of all people. And grant us wisdom, skill and courage to act in the light of these this day. Amen.

The roll was called and the following Senators answered to their names:

Barry, Bolling, Byrne, Chichester, Colgan, Couric, Edwards, Hanger, Hawkins, Houck, Howell, Lambert, Lucas, Marsh, Martin, Marye, Maxwell, Miller, K.G., Miller, Y.B., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Puckett, Puller, Quayle, Rerras, Reynolds, Ruff, Stolle, Stosch, Ticer, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Whipple, Williams.

A quorum was present.

After the roll call, Senators Forbes and Saslaw notified the Clerk of their presence.

On motion of Senator Colgan, the reading of the Journal was waived.

The recorded vote is as follows: YEAS--39. NAYS--0. RULE 36--0.

YEAS--Barry, Bolling, Byrne, Chichester, Colgan, Couric, Edwards, Hanger, Hawkins, Houck, Howell, Lambert, Lucas, Marsh, Martin, Marye, Maxwell, Miller, K.G., Miller, Y.B., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Puckett, Puller, Quayle, Rerras, Reynolds, Ruff, Saslaw, Stolle, Stosch, Ticer, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Whipple, Williams--39. NAYS--0. RULE 36--0.


Pursuant to the provisions of House Joint Resolution No. 1 and Senate Rule 26 (g), Senator Whipple requested and was granted unanimous consent to introduce a joint resolution; subsequently, the following was presented and laid on the Clerk’s Desk:

S.J.R. 12. Commending Rabbi Marvin Bash on his retirement. Patrons--Whipple, Howell and Ticer

At 10:15 a.m., Senator Norment moved that the Senate recess until 12:10 p.m.

The motion was agreed to. Wednesday, April 18, 2001 -48- JOURNAL OF THE SENATE


The hour of 12:10 p.m. having arrived, the Chair was resumed, the President pro tempore, Senator Chichester, presiding.

At 12:10 p.m., Senator Norment moved that the Senate recess until 3:40 p.m.

The motion was agreed to.


The hour of 3:40 p.m. having arrived, the Chair was resumed, the President presiding.

At 3:40 p.m., Senator Trumbo moved that the Senate recess until 3:45 p.m.

The motion was agreed to.

The hour of 3:45 p.m. having arrived, the Chair was resumed.


The following joint resolution, having been considered by the committee in session, was reported by Senator Trumbo from the Committee on Rules:

S.J.R. 6 (six) with substitute.


Senator Trumbo moved that the Rules be suspended and S.J.R. 6 (six) be taken up for immediate consideration, waiving the first reading of the title.

The motion was agreed to.

The recorded vote is as follows: YEAS--36. NAYS--2. RULE 36--0.

YEAS--Barry, Bolling, Chichester, Colgan, Couric, Edwards, Hanger, Hawkins, Houck, Howell, Lucas, Marsh, Martin, Marye, Maxwell, Miller, K.G., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Puckett, Puller, Quayle, Rerras, Reynolds, Ruff, Saslaw, Stolle, Stosch, Ticer, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Whipple, Williams--36. NAYS--Byrne, Miller, Y.B.--2. RULE 36--0.

S.J.R. 6 was read by title the second time.

The amendment in the nature of a substitute proposed by the Committee on Rules was offered, having been printed separately, with its title reading as follows:

Amending House Joint Resolution No. 1 of the 2001 Reapportionment Special Session of the General Assembly of Virginia, relating to limiting legislation to be considered by such session. JOURNAL OF THE SENATE -49- Wednesday, April 18, 2001

The reading of the substitute was waived.

On motion of Senator Trumbo, the substitute was agreed to.

On motion of Senator Trumbo, the joint resolution was ordered to be engrossed and read by title the third time.

Senator Trumbo moved that the Rules be suspended and the third reading of the title of S.J.R. 6 be waived.

The motion was agreed to.

The recorded vote is as follows: YEAS--36. NAYS--2. RULE 36--0.

YEAS--Barry, Bolling, Chichester, Colgan, Couric, Edwards, Hanger, Hawkins, Houck, Howell, Lucas, Marsh, Martin, Marye, Maxwell, Miller, K.G., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Puckett, Puller, Quayle, Rerras, Reynolds, Ruff, Saslaw, Stolle, Stosch, Ticer, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Whipple, Williams--36. NAYS--Byrne, Miller, Y.B.--2. RULE 36--0.


Amending House Joint Resolution No. 1 of the 2001 Reapportionment Special Session of the General Assembly of Virginia, relating to limiting legislation to be considered by such session.

RESOLVED by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, That House Joint Resolution No. 1 of the 2001 Reapportionment Special Session of the General Assembly of Virginia be amended and reenacted as follows:

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That during the 2001 Reapportionment Special Session, summoned by proclamation of the Governor on February 24, 2001, to begin after the adjournment sine die of the 2001 Regular Session, no bill, joint resolution, or resolution other than one introduced with unanimous consent in the house of origin shall be considered except legislation relating to (i) the reapportionment of the districts of members of the House of Delegates or, the Virginia Senate, or the United States House of Representatives; (ii) election law changes needed to facilitate elections following the reapportionment of districts or needed as a result of the reapportionment of districts, judicial decisions, or requirements of or communications from the United States Department of Justice; (iii) the rules of procedure or schedule of business of the General Assembly, either of its houses, or any of its committees; (iv) a response to objections raised by the Department of Justice; (v) a response to any reapportionment development that may occur; (vi) the election of judges; or (vii) confirming appointments subject to the confirmation of the General Assembly; or (viii) appropriating funds and providing revenues for the 2000-2002 biennium shall be offered in either house during this special session.

Any legislation introduced in accordance with the provisions of (viii) shall not be considered by the house of origin after May 1, 2001, and all action on such legislation shall be completed by both houses no later than May 15, 2001.

S.J.R. 6, on motion of Senator Trumbo, was agreed to. Wednesday, April 18, 2001 -50- JOURNAL OF THE SENATE

The recorded vote is as follows: YEAS--36. NAYS--2. RULE 36--0.

YEAS--Barry, Bolling, Chichester, Colgan, Couric, Edwards, Hanger, Hawkins, Houck, Howell, Lucas, Marsh, Martin, Marye, Maxwell, Miller, K.G., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Puckett, Puller, Quayle, Rerras, Reynolds, Ruff, Saslaw, Stolle, Stosch, Ticer, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Whipple, Williams--36. NAYS--Byrne, Miller, Y.B.--2. RULE 36--0.

Senator Trumbo was ordered to inform the House of Delegates thereof.



H.B. 1 (one) was read by title the third time.

The amendment in the nature of a substitute proposed by the Committee on Privileges and Elections was offered, having been printed separately, with its title reading as follows:

A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Article 2 of Chapter 3 of Title 24.2 a section numbered 24.2-304.01, and to repeal § 24.2-304 of the Code of Virginia, relating to House of Delegates districts.

The reading of the substitute was waived.

Senator Hawkins moved that the substitute be agreed to.

The question was put on agreeing to the substitute.

The yeas and nays were called for; and, being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, the yeas and nays were ordered.

The recorded vote is as follows: YEAS--20. NAYS--17. RULE 36--0.

YEAS--Bolling, Chichester, Hanger, Hawkins, Martin, Miller, K.G., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Quayle, Rerras, Ruff, Stolle, Stosch, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Williams--20. NAYS--Byrne, Colgan, Couric, Edwards, Houck, Howell, Lucas, Marsh, Marye, Maxwell, Miller, Y.B., Puckett, Puller, Reynolds, Saslaw, Ticer, Whipple--17. RULE 36--0.

The substitute was agreed to.

Senator Miller, Y.B., offered an amendment in the nature of a substitute, having been printed separately, with its title reading as follows:

A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Article 2 of Chapter 3 of Title 24.2 a section numbered 24.2-304.01, and to repeal § 24.2-304 of the Code of Virginia, relating to House of Delegates districts.

The substitute offered by the Committee on Privileges and Elections having been agreed to, the substitute offered by Senator Miller, Y.B., was not taken up.

Senator Edwards offered the following amendments to the substitute: JOURNAL OF THE SENATE -51- Wednesday, April 18, 2001


Line 71, substitute, after Eleventh. strike the remainder of the line and all of lines 72 through 76 insert Part of the City of Roanoke, comprised of the Highland 1, Highland 2, Jefferson 1, Jefferson-Riverdale, Jefferson 2, Peters Creek, Melrose, Eureka Park, Villa Heights, Washington Heights, Westside, Raleigh Court 1, Raleigh Court 2, Raleigh Court 3, Raleigh Court 4, Raleigh Court 5, Wasena, Fishburn Park, Grandlin Court, South Roanoke 1, South Roanoke 2, Lee-Hi, and Williamson Road 3 (12)/Lincoln Terrace (16) Precincts.


Line 95, substitute, after Seventeenth. strike the remainder of the line and all of lines 96 through 101 insert Part of Botetourt County comprised of the Coyner Springs and Cloverdale Precincts; part of Roanoke County comprised of the Plantation, Burlington, Mountain View, Bonsack, Hollins, North Vinton, South Vinton, Lindenwood, Mount Pleasant, Ogden, Clearbrook, and Hunting Hills Precincts; and part of the City of Roanoke comprised of the Tinker, Williamson Road 1, Williamson Road 2, Williamson Road 4, Williamson Road 5, Williamson Road 6, Monterey, and Garden City Precincts.

On motion of Senator Edwards, the reading of the amendments was waived.

Senator Edwards moved that the amendments be agreed to.

The question was put on agreeing to the amendments.

The yeas and nays were called for; and, being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, the yeas and nays were ordered.

The recorded vote is as follows: YEAS--17. NAYS--20. RULE 36--0.

YEAS--Byrne, Colgan, Couric, Edwards, Houck, Howell, Lucas, Marsh, Marye, Maxwell, Miller, Y.B., Puckett, Puller, Reynolds, Saslaw, Ticer, Whipple--17. NAYS--Bolling, Chichester, Hanger, Hawkins, Martin, Miller, K.G., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Quayle, Rerras, Ruff, Stolle, Stosch, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Williams--20. RULE 36--0.

The amendments were rejected.

Senator Williams offered the following amendments to the substitute:


Line 22, substitute, at the beginning of the line Wednesday, April 18, 2001 -52- JOURNAL OF THE SENATE

strike the insert the amended


Line 23, substitute, at the beginning of the line insert Line Amendment Northampton Precinct Plan 175

On motion of Senator Williams, the reading of the amendments was waived.

On motion of Senator Williams, the amendments were agreed to.

The substitute with amendments was ordered to be engrossed.

H.B. 1, on motion of Senator Norment, was passed with its title.

The recorded vote is as follows: YEAS--20. NAYS--17. RULE 36--0.

YEAS--Bolling, Chichester, Hanger, Hawkins, Martin, Miller, K.G., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Quayle, Rerras, Ruff, Stolle, Stosch, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Williams--20. NAYS--Byrne, Colgan, Couric, Edwards, Houck, Howell, Lucas, Marsh, Marye, Maxwell, Miller, Y.B., Puckett, Puller, Reynolds, Saslaw, Ticer, Whipple--17. RULE 36--0.

Senator Norment was ordered to inform the House of Delegates thereof.


S.J.R. 1 (one) was read by title the second time.

The following amendment proposed by the Committee on Privileges and Elections was offered:


Line 80, introduced, after line 79 insert Richard F. Schneider, 3020 Stony Lake Drive, Richmond, Virginia 23235, Member, effective December 17, 1998, for an unexpired term, ending June 30, 2001, to succeed William C. McAllister.

The reading of the amendment was waived.

On motion of Senator Hawkins, the amendment was agreed to.

On motion of Senator Hawkins, the joint resolution was ordered to be engrossed and read by title the third time. JOURNAL OF THE SENATE -53- Wednesday, April 18, 2001

Senator Hawkins moved that the Rules be suspended and the third reading of the title of S.J.R. 1 be waived.

The motion was agreed to.

The recorded vote is as follows: YEAS--37. NAYS--0. RULE 36--0.

YEAS--Bolling, Byrne, Chichester, Colgan, Couric, Edwards, Hanger, Hawkins, Houck, Howell, Lucas, Marsh, Martin, Marye, Maxwell, Miller, K.G., Miller, Y.B., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Puckett, Puller, Quayle, Rerras, Reynolds, Ruff, Saslaw, Stolle, Stosch, Ticer, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Whipple, Williams--37. NAYS--0. RULE 36--0.

S.J.R. 1, on motion of Senator Hawkins, was agreed to.

The recorded vote is as follows: YEAS--37. NAYS--0. RULE 36--0.

YEAS--Bolling, Byrne, Chichester, Colgan, Couric, Edwards, Hanger, Hawkins, Houck, Howell, Lucas, Marsh, Martin, Marye, Maxwell, Miller, K.G., Miller, Y.B., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Puckett, Puller, Quayle, Rerras, Reynolds, Ruff, Saslaw, Stolle, Stosch, Ticer, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Whipple, Williams--37. NAYS--0. RULE 36--0.

Senator Miller, K.G., was ordered to inform the House of Delegates thereof.


Senator Stolle stated that he was abstaining pursuant to Rule 36 on lines 247-248, but voting on S.J.R. 1 as a whole.


On motion of Senator Norment, the questions on agreeing to the House joint resolutions that follow were considered en bloc.

On motion of Senator Norment, the following House joint resolutions were taken up and agreed to en bloc by a unanimous standing vote:

H.J.R. 6 (six). H.J.R. 12 (twelve).

H.J.R. 4 (four) was taken up, as follows:


On the death of Congressman Norman Sisisky. Wednesday, April 18, 2001 -54- JOURNAL OF THE SENATE

WHEREAS, Congressman Norman Sisisky of Petersburg, a former member of the Virginia House of Delegates and representative of Virginia's Fourth Congressional District, died on March 29, 2001; and

WHEREAS, a native of and son of a Lithuanian immigrant, Norman Sisisky moved with his family to Richmond at age five, worked in his family's business, graduated from John Marshall High School, and in 1945 joined the , where he served for two years during World War II; and

WHEREAS, upon his return from service in the Navy, Norman Sisisky entered Richmond Professional Institute, and in 1949 earned a degree in business administration; and

WHEREAS, Norman Sisisky married his longtime sweetheart, Rhoda Brown, and took a position as a delivery driver with the Brown family's soft drink bottling company where he worked his way up in the firm and eventually built a successful bottling company and distributorship; and

WHEREAS, elected to the Virginia House of Delegates in 1973, Norman Sisisky served the body with distinction for five consecutive terms before pursuing office in the United States Congress in 1982; and

WHEREAS, Congressman Sisisky represented the people of the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia with distinction for 18 years as a member of the House Select Intelligence and Armed Services Committees; and

WHEREAS, in his years of service to the people of Virginia, Congressman Sisisky proved himself a tireless champion of a strong national defense and used his influence and skill as a consensus builder to advance military projects in the Fourth District and the Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, Congressman Sisisky was the first Jewish congressman to be elected from the Commonwealth of Virginia and served as a role model for all Virginians regardless of creed or political affiliation; and

WHEREAS, the very antithesis of the grandiose, publicity-seeking politician, Congressman Sisisky relied on his innate civility, his capacity for hard work, and his reputation for decency, humility and common sense to build a distinguished record of public service; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly mourn the passing of an exceptional Virginian, Congressman Norman Sisisky; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the family of Congressman Norman Sisisky as an expression of the high esteem in which his memory is held by the members of the General Assembly and the people of Virginia.

The reading of the joint resolution was waived.

H.J.R. 4, on motion of Senator Norment, was agreed to by a unanimous standing vote.

H.J.R. 5 (five) was taken up, as follows:


On the death of Raymond R. “Andy” Guest, Jr. JOURNAL OF THE SENATE -55- Wednesday, April 18, 2001

WHEREAS, Raymond R. “Andy” Guest, Jr., a 28-year veteran of the House of Delegates and one of Virginia's most effective and respected legislators, died on April 2, 2001; and

WHEREAS, a 1964 graduate of Yale University and a veteran of service in the Marine Corps, Andy Guest was a banker and farmer by profession and a public servant by choice; and

WHEREAS, Andy Guest represented the citizens of his House District from 1972 through his retirement in 2000; and

WHEREAS, a Republican delegate at a time when Republicans were few in number in the General Assembly, Andy Guest was nonetheless a respected and influential member, due largely to his unquestioned integrity and his unique ability to build consensus with the majority party; and

WHEREAS, the Republican floor leader in the House of Delegates from 1986 through 1991, Andy Guest served as cochairman of the House Committee on Conservation and Natural Resources during his final General Assembly session in 1999; and

WHEREAS, a devoted defender of the environment, Andy Guest was recognized and honored by the establishment of the Andy Guest Shenandoah River State Park near Front Royal; and

WHEREAS, Andy Guest earned the respect and affection of his constituents and of citizens across the Commonwealth for his courageous battle against cancer, a battle he fought successfully during the 1994 Session and from which he returned to serve effectively for another five sessions; and

WHEREAS, a man blessed with an innate dignity and sense of honor, Andy Guest was known and respected and will be long remembered for his common sense approach to governing, for his willingness to trust the intelligence of Virginia's citizens, for the respect he earned from members on both sides of the aisle, and for his strength, courage, dedication, and wisdom; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly note with great sadness the loss of one of its finest members, Delegate Raymond R. “Andy” Guest, Jr.; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Mary Scott Guest as an expression of the high regard in which the memory of Andy Guest is held by the members of the General Assembly and the people of Virginia.

The reading of the joint resolution was waived.

H.J.R. 5, on motion of Senator Norment, was agreed to by a unanimous standing vote.


On motion of Senator Norment, the questions on agreeing to the House joint resolutions that follow were considered en bloc.

On motion of Senator Norment, the following House joint resolutions were taken up and agreed to en bloc:

H.J.R. 7 (seven). H.J.R. 8 (eight). H.J.R. 9 (nine). H.J.R. 10 (ten). Wednesday, April 18, 2001 -56- JOURNAL OF THE SENATE

H.J.R. 11 (eleven). H.J.R. 13 (thirteen). H.J.R. 14 (fourteen). H.J.R. 15 (fifteen).

S.J.R. 12 (twelve) was taken up.

The reading of the joint resolution was waived.

S.J.R. 12, on motion of Senator Whipple, was ordered to be engrossed and was agreed to.

Senator Whipple was ordered to inform the House of Delegates thereof.


A message was received from the House of Delegates by Delegate Griffith, who informed the Senate that the House had passed S.B. 1 (one) with a substitute with amendments; in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate.


S.B. 1 (one) was taken up with the amendment in the nature of a substitute with amendments proposed by the House of Delegates, the title of the substitute, printed separately, and amendments being as follows:

A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 24.2-303.1, and to repeal § 24.2-303 of the Code of Virginia, relating to senatorial districts.


Line 20, substitute, after for strike Senate Bill 1 (LD 8745476) insert enrolled Senate Bill 1


Line 122, substitute, after Appomattox, strike Buckingham,


Line 124, substitute, after Precincts insert and part of the Temperance Precinct


Line 125, substitute, after Precincts; JOURNAL OF THE SENATE -57- Wednesday, April 18, 2001

insert part of Buckingham County comprised of the New Canton, White Hall, Curdsville, New Store, Maysville, Wrights, Slate River, and Gold Hill Precincts;


Line 173, substitute, after Precincts insert and part of the Temperance Precinct


Line 187, substitute, after Precincts; strike part of Amherst County comprised of the Temperance Precinct insert part of Buckingham County comprised of the Glenmore Precinct


Line 212, substitute, after Precincts; strike the remainder of line 212, all of line 213, and through Precinct; on line 214 insert part of Fairfax County comprised of the Mount Eagle, Belle Haven, Belleview, Huntington, Marlan, and Grosvenor Precincts and parts of the Groveton and Hayfield 406/Woodlawn 412/Fairfield 413 Precincts;


Line 251, substitute, after Thirty-sixth. strike the remainder of line 251, all of lines 252 and 253, and through Precinct; on line 254 insert Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Virginia Hills, Villages, Bucknell, Fort Hunt, Hollin Hall, Kirkside, Sherwood, Stratford, Waynewood, Westgate, Whitman, Woodley, Gunston, Belvoir, and Pohick Run Precincts and parts of the Groveton and Hayfield 406/Woodlawn 412/Fairfield 413 Precincts;

On motion of Senator Hawkins, the substitute with amendments was agreed to.

The recorded vote is as follows: YEAS--20. NAYS--14. RULE 36--0.

YEAS--Bolling, Chichester, Hanger, Hawkins, Martin, Miller, K.G., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Quayle, Rerras, Ruff, Stolle, Stosch, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Williams--20. NAYS--Byrne, Colgan, Couric, Edwards, Houck, Howell, Lucas, Marsh, Maxwell, Miller, Y.B., Puckett, Reynolds, Saslaw, Whipple--14. RULE 36--0. Wednesday, April 18, 2001 -58- JOURNAL OF THE SENATE


Senator Stolle moved to reconsider the vote by which the Senate agreed to the substitute with amendments proposed by the House of Delegates to S.B. 1 (one).

The motion was agreed to.

The recorded vote is as follows: YEAS--35. NAYS--0. RULE 36--0.

YEAS--Bolling, Byrne, Chichester, Colgan, Couric, Edwards, Hanger, Hawkins, Houck, Howell, Lucas, Marsh, Martin, Maxwell, Miller, K.G., Miller, Y.B., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Puckett, Quayle, Rerras, Reynolds, Ruff, Saslaw, Stolle, Stosch, Ticer, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Whipple, Williams--35. NAYS--0. RULE 36--0.

On motion of Senator Norment, the substitute with amendments was agreed to.

The recorded vote is as follows: YEAS--20. NAYS--15. RULE 36--0.

YEAS--Bolling, Chichester, Hanger, Hawkins, Martin, Miller, K.G., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Quayle, Rerras, Ruff, Stolle, Stosch, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Williams--20. NAYS--Byrne, Colgan, Couric, Edwards, Houck, Howell, Lucas, Marsh, Maxwell, Miller, Y.B., Puckett, Reynolds, Saslaw, Ticer, Whipple--15. RULE 36--0.

Senator Miller, K.G., was ordered to inform the House of Delegates thereof.


A message was received from the House of Delegates by Delegate Griffith, who informed the Senate that the House had passed S.B. 2 (two) with substitute; in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate.


S.B. 2 (two) was taken up with the amendment in the nature of a substitute proposed by the House of Delegates, and printed separately, the title reading as follows:

A BILL to amend and reenact § 15.2-3226 of the Code of Virginia, relating to elections of council members following annexation.

On motion of Senator Quayle, the substitute was agreed to.

The recorded vote is as follows: YEAS--35. NAYS--0. RULE 36--0.

YEAS--Bolling, Byrne, Chichester, Couric, Edwards, Hanger, Hawkins, Houck, Howell, Lucas, Marsh, Martin, Maxwell, Miller, K.G., Miller, Y.B., Mims, Newman, Norment, Potts, Puckett, Puller, JOURNAL OF THE SENATE -59- Wednesday, April 18, 2001

Quayle, Rerras, Reynolds, Ruff, Saslaw, Stolle, Stosch, Ticer, Trumbo, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Whipple, Williams--35. NAYS--0. RULE 36--0.

Senator Quayle was ordered to inform the House of Delegates thereof.


A message was received from the House of Delegates by Delegate Griffith, who informed the Senate that the House had agreed to the substitute with amendments proposed by the Senate to H.B. 1 (one).


The following communication was received and read:

In the House of Delegates April 18, 2001


H.J.R. 16. Commending Leslie P. Fryar.

H.J.R. 17. Commending the League of Women Voters of Falls Church on their 50th anniversary.

H.J.R. 18. Commending the George Mason High School boys’ basketball team.

H.J.R. 19. Commending the Falls Church News-Press.

H.J.R. 20. On the death of Cliffodean Boyd Hudson.

H.J.R. 21. Commending the Pirates, Hampton University’s 2001 men’s basketball team.

H.J.R. 22. On the death of Clyde Williams.

H.J.R. 23. On the death of Frederick Stanley Herring.

H.J.R. 24. On the death of Major Frederick V. Watkins, III.

H.J.R. 25. On the death of Elaine Carol Stanton Joyce.

H.J.R. 26. Commending the International Organization for Freedom to Support the Non-Violent Movement for Human Rights in Vietnam for their continued struggle in support of human rights in Vietnam.

H.J.R. 27. Commending the Martinsville High School boys’ basketball team.

H.J.R. 28. On the death of Billy Osbourne Hill.

H.J.R. 29. Commending Dr. Addie Bates Wilson. Wednesday, April 18, 2001 -60- JOURNAL OF THE SENATE


S.J.R. 2. Commending the George Wythe High School girls’ volleyball team.

S.J.R. 3. Commending the Council High School boys’ basketball team.

S.J.R. 4. Commending the Grundy High School wrestling team.

S.J.R. 5. Commending the Mary Washington College debate team.

S.J.R. 7. On the death of Kenneth F. Bradley.

S.J.R. 8. Commending the Salem High School boys’ basketball team.

S.J.R. 9. Commending Sister Eymard Gallagher.

S.J.R. 10. On the death of Clyde L. Williams, Sr.

S.J.R. 11. Commending the Martinsville High School boys’ basketball team.

S.J.R. 12. Commending Rabbi Marvin Bash on his retirement.


/s/ Bruce F. Jamerson Clerk, House of Delegate

The House joint resolutions, communicated as agreed to by the House of Delegates, were laid on the Clerk’s Desk under Senate Rule 26 (g) as follows:

H.J.R. 16, H.J.R. 17, H.J.R. 18, H.J.R. 19, H.J.R. 20, H.J.R. 21, H.J.R. 22, H.J.R. 23, H.J.R. 24, H.J.R. 25, H.J.R. 26, H.J.R. 27, H.J.R. 28, and H.J.R. 29.


The President of the Senate as required by Article IV, Section 11, of the Constitution, on the date recorded below, signed the following bills that had been passed by both houses and duly enrolled:

April 18, 2001

H.B. 1. An Act to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Article 2 of Chapter 3 of Title 24.2 a section numbered 24.2-304.01, and to repeal § 24.2-304 of the Code of Virginia, relating to House of Delegates districts.

S.B. 1. An Act to amend the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 24.2-303.1, and to repeal § 24.2-303 of the Code of Virginia, relating to senatorial districts.

S.B. 2. An Act to amend and reenact § 15.2-3226 of the Code of Virginia, relating to elections of council members following annexation. JOURNAL OF THE SENATE -61- Wednesday, April 18, 2001

On motion of Senator Norment, the Senate recessed to reconvene, pursuant to House Joint Resolution No. 905 of the 2001 Regular Session, on Thursday, April 26, 2001, at 7:00 p.m.

John H. Hager President of the Senate

Susan Clarke Schaar Clerk of the Senate