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June 26, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 11889 Weldon (FL) Whitfield Woolsey Mr. FORBES appeared at the bar of valedictorian of his 1974 graduating Weldon (PA) Wilson Wynn Wexler Wolf Young (FL) the House and took the oath of office, class at Randolph-Macon College. He as follows: and his wife of 22 years, Shirley, live in NAYS—45 Do you solemnly swear that you will Chesapeake, Virginia. They have four Aderholt Kelly Sanchez support and defend the Constitution of children. Baird Kennedy (MN) Schaffer Bishop Kingston Stupak the United States against all enemies, Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to wel- Bonior Kucinich Sweeney foreign and domestic; that you will come RANDY to the United States Con- Borski Latham Taylor (MS) bear true faith and allegiance to the gress. Joining us today are Senator Brady (PA) Lewis (GA) Thompson (CA) same; that you take this obligation JOHN W. WARNER and Senator GEORGE Capuano LoBiondo Thompson (MS) Costello McDermott Udall (CO) freely, without any mental reservation ALLEN. I, along with my other col- DeFazio Menendez Udall (NM) or purpose of evasion, and that you will leagues from Virginia and across the Filner Moore Vela´ zquez well and faithfully discharge the duties country, look forward to working with Gutknecht Oberstar Visclosky Hastings (FL) Pallone Waters of the office on which you are about to you. Hefley Peterson (MN) Weller enter. So help you God. f Hilliard Ramstad Wicker The SPEAKER. Congratulations, you Holt Sabo Wu are now a Member of the 107th Con- EXPRESSING GRATITUDE ON ELECTION TO CONGRESS ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—1 gress. Tancredo f (Mr. FORBES asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 NOT VOTING—40 WELCOMING THE HONORABLE J. minute and to revise and extend his re- Boucher Istook Putnam RANDY FORBES TO THE HOUSE marks.) Burton John Roybal-Allard OF REPRESENTATIVES Clay Kaptur Ryun (KS) Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, I can Clement Largent Sanders (Mr. WOLF asked and was given per- think of no honor greater than the Cox Larsen (WA) Schakowsky mission to address the House for 1 privilege of joining the men and women Crane LaTourette Slaughter Cummings Lipinski minute and to revise and extend his re- of this body for whom I have such great Smith (MI) marks.) respect. I want to personally thank Doolittle Maloney (CT) Toomey Doyle Owens Towns Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, it is my you, the congressional leadership, and Fattah Payne Waxman pleasure to welcome the newest Mem- those men and women on both sides of Fossella Pelosi Weiner Herger Platts ber of the House, RANDY FORBES, of the aisle who have been so gracious in Hinchey Price (NC) Young (AK) Chesapeake, Virginia. assisting us in our quick transition to Hinojosa Pryce (OH) RANDY won a hard-fought battle to this new office. b 1031 represent the Fourth District of Vir- Mr. Speaker, I am also aware that I ginia, which was represented by our So the Journal was approved. will benefit greatly by standing on the former colleague and very, very good The result of the vote was announced shoulders of a great legislator, Norman friend, Norman Sisisky, for the last 18 as above recorded. Sisisky, who worked tirelessly for his Stated for: years. constituents for over 18 years. Since he RANDY comes to Congress with a Mr. MALONEY of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, is no longer with us, and I cannot strong legislative background. He has today I was unavoidably detained and missed thank him personally, I would like to served in the Virginia General Assem- rollcall vote No. 189. Had I been present, I thank his family and his staff for the bly since 1990, first as a member of the would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 189. service his office has provided over the House of Delegates, then as a State years. f senator since 1997. He held leadership Mr. Speaker, I also want to thank all COMMUNICATION FROM THE positions in both bodies. the people of the Fourth Congressional CLERK OF THE HOUSE RANDY also has served as the chair- District for giving me their trust and The SPEAKER laid before the House man of the Republican Party of Vir- confidence. I particularly want to the following communication from the ginia. He had tremendous success re- thank my wife, Shirley, my children, Clerk of the House of Representatives: cruiting candidates and is credited family, friends and supporters for all with helping Republicans take control OFFICE OF THE CLERK, their help. I promise to each of you HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, of the Virginia House of Delegates for that I will give all my energy, all my Washington, DC, June 25, 2001. the first time in modern history. ability, and all my passion to rep- Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, While in the General Assembly, resenting the ideals of this Congress The Speaker, House of Representatives, Wash- RANDY was a leader in the Common- and of fulfilling the hopes, dreams and ington, DC. wealth’s drive to abolish parole and needs of the people of the Fourth Con- DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I have the honor to enact truth-in-sentencing laws. He was gressional District of Virginia. transmit herewith a facsimile copy of a Cer- the chief patron of a bill that allows tificate of Election received from the State Mr. Speaker, last but certainly not Board of Elections, Commonwealth of Vir- teachers to enforce discipline in their least, I am grateful to the Lord for giv- ginia, Mr. Linwood M. Cobbs, Chairman, in- classrooms without fear of being sued. ing me the wonderful gift of living in dicating that, on examination of the Official And he led the effort to create a school the greatest Nation on the face of the Abstracts of Votes on file in that office for construction grants program to assist earth. I will continue to pray that God the special election held June 19, 2001, the localities with the skyrocketing costs will give me the wisdom and strength Honorable J. Randy Forbes was duly elected of building new schools to help reduce to serve the men and women of the Representative in Congress for the Fourth classroom overcrowding. fourth district and that He will con- Congressional District, Commonwealth of I have known RANDY for a long time. Virginia. tinue to bless this great Nation. With best wishes, I am, He is good, he is honest, he is ethical, f he is decent, he is moral. He is a very Sincerely, REPUBLICANS TRIUMPH IN AN- JEFF TRANDAHL. capable legislator. I know he will be an NUAL CONGRESSIONAL BASE- f outstanding addition to the United States Congress. He has a longstanding BALL GAME SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE relationship with a number of other (Mr. OXLEY asked and was given J. RANDY FORBES, OF VIRGINIA, Members, particularly with those of us permission to address the House for 1 AS A MEMBER OF THE HOUSE from the Virginia delegation and will minute and to revise and extend his re- The SPEAKER. Will the Member- have no trouble at all adapting to how marks.) elect and the Members of the Virginia things are done here in Congress. Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, today is delegation present themselves in the RANDY earned his law degree from the day of bragging rights for the con- well. the University of Virginia and was the gressional baseball game. I am proud to VerDate Aug 31 2005 14:21 Feb 22, 2007 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\H26JN1.000 H26JN1 rmajette on PROD1PC67 with BOUND RECORD.