Congressional Record—House H3522

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Congressional Record—House H3522 H3522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 26, 2001 it over in Project Impact. We cannot The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum afford to lose it. rule XX, further proceedings on this is not present. f question will be postponed. The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- The point of no quorum is considered sent Members. RECESS withdrawn. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER The SPEAKER pro tempore. There f The SPEAKER (during the vote). The being no further requests for morning PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair would like the Members’ atten- hour debates, pursuant to clause 12, tion. The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman rule I, the House will stand in recess The Chair is advised that one column from New York (Mr. MCNULTY) come until 10 a.m. of the lights on the voting display forward and lead the House in the Accordingly (at 9 o’clock and 8 min- panel is inoperative at this moment Pledge of Allegiance. utes a.m.) the House stood in recess but that all those Members are being Mr. MCNULTY led the Pledge of Alle- until 10 a.m. recorded. Members should verify their giance as follows: f votes. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The vote was taken by electronic de- b 1000 United States of America, and to the Repub- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, vice, and there were—yeas 346 nays 45, AFTER RECESS indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. answered ‘‘present’’ 1, not voting 40, as The recess having expired, the House f follows: [Roll No. 189] was called to order at 10 a.m. WELCOME TO REVEREND LAWSON The Reverend Lawson Anderson, ANDERSON, GUEST CHAPLAIN YEAS—346 Canon Pastor, Episcopal Diocese of Ar- Abercrombie Davis, Jo Ann Horn kansas, Little Rock, Arkansas, offered (Mr. HUTCHINSON asked and was Ackerman Davis, Tom Hostettler the following prayer: given permission to address the House Akin Deal Houghton for 1 minute and to revise and extend Allen DeGette Hoyer Let us pray. Gracious God, as we pre- Andrews Delahunt Hulshof pare in the week ahead to celebrate the his remarks.) Armey DeLauro Hunter anniversary of the founding of this Re- Mr. HUTCHINSON. Mr. Speaker, it is Baca DeLay Hutchinson public, we commend this Nation to with great pleasure that I welcome Bachus DeMint Hyde Reverend Lawson Anderson to the Baker Deutsch Inslee Your merciful care. We pray that being Baldacci Diaz-Balart Isakson guided by Your providence we may live House floor and thank him for such an Baldwin Dicks Israel securely in Your peace. encouraging opening prayer. Ballenger Dingell Issa Reverend Anderson is a lifelong resi- Barcia Doggett Jackson (IL) Grant to the President of the United dent of Arkansas and thousands have Barr Dooley Jackson-Lee States, to the Members of this Con- Barrett Dreier (TX) been blessed with his compassion and gress, and to all in authority wisdom Bartlett Duncan Jefferson support in times of crisis. He is well- Barton Dunn Jenkins and strength to know and to do Your known for his wisdom, his wonderful Bass Edwards Johnson (CT) will. Fill them with the love of truth wit, and his easy manner in any situa- Becerra Ehlers Johnson (IL) and righteousness and make them ever Bentsen Ehrlich Johnson, E. B. tion. After successful careers in for- mindful of their calling to serve this Bereuter Emerson Johnson, Sam estry and banking, Lawson was called Berkley Engel Jones (NC) country in Your fear. Guide them as to the ministry and has served Epis- Berman English Jones (OH) they shape the laws for maintaining a Berry Eshoo Kanjorski copal congregations in Springdale, just and effective plan for our govern- Biggert Etheridge Keller Newport, and North Little Rock. Bilirakis Evans Kennedy (RI) ment. In his life, Lawson reflects a true Blagojevich Everett Kerns Give to all of us open minds and car- commitment to helping and encour- Blumenauer Farr Kildee ing hearts and a firm commitment to Blunt Ferguson Kilpatrick aging others; from prison ministries to the principles of freedom and tolerance Boehlert Flake Kind (WI) respite care for the elderly; from youth Boehner Fletcher King (NY) established by our Nation’s founders services to mental health; from crisis Bonilla Foley Kirk and defended by countless patriots Bono Ford Kleczka to crime prevention. throughout our history. Boswell Frank Knollenberg After 25 years of ministry, he con- Boyd Frelinghuysen Kolbe Help us to stamp out hatred and big- tinues his work. He has provided sup- Brady (TX) Frost LaFalce otry, to embrace the love and concern port and counseling to law enforcement Brown (FL) Gallegly LaHood Brown (OH) Ganske Lampson for others that You have clearly shown officials, educators, and health profes- to be Your will for all mankind. Bring Brown (SC) Gekas Langevin sionals following the tragic school Bryant Gephardt Lantos peace in our time, O Lord, and give us shootings in Jonesboro and the torna- Burr Gibbons Larson (CT) the courage to help You do it. does in Central Arkansas. Buyer Gilchrest Leach For we ask this in Your name. Amen. Callahan Gillmor Lee He has served his community, his Calvert Gilman Levin f State, and his Nation with honor and Camp Gonzalez Lewis (CA) compassion. While he reminds me that Cannon Goode Lewis (KY) THE JOURNAL Cantor Goodlatte Linder he is here today not to be praised but Capito Gordon Lofgren The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- to pray, I am honored to have him pray Capps Goss Lowey ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- with us today and to recognize the Cardin Graham Lucas (KY) ceedings and announces to the House work he has done for the people of Ar- Carson (IN) Granger Lucas (OK) his approval thereof. Carson (OK) Graves Luther kansas. Castle Green (TX) Maloney (NY) Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- f Chabot Green (WI) Manzullo nal stands approved. Chambliss Greenwood Markey Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. Speaker, pursuant THE JOURNAL Clayton Grucci Mascara Clyburn Gutierrez Matheson to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, Coble Hall (OH) Matsui agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of rule XX, the pending business is the Collins Hall (TX) McCarthy (MO) the Journal. question of the Speaker’s approval of Combest Hansen McCarthy (NY) The SPEAKER. The question is on Condit Harman McCollum the Journal of the last day’s pro- Conyers Hart McCrery the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. ceedings. Cooksey Hastings (WA) McGovern The question was taken; and the The question was taken; and the Coyne Hayes McHugh Speaker announced that the ayes ap- Speaker announced that the ayes ap- Cramer Hayworth McInnis Crenshaw Hill McIntyre peared to have it. peared to have it. Crowley Hilleary McKeon Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. Speaker, I object Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. Speaker, I object Cubin Hobson McKinney to the vote on the ground that a to the vote on the ground that a Culberson Hoeffel McNulty quorum is not present and make the quorum is not present and make the Cunningham Hoekstra Meehan Davis (CA) Holden Meek (FL) point of order that a quorum is not point of order that a quorum is not Davis (FL) Honda Meeks (NY) present. present. Davis (IL) Hooley Mica VerDate 26-JUN-2001 00:56 Jun 27, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26JN7.002 pfrm02 PsN: H26PT1 June 26, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3523 Millender- Regula Snyder OFFICE OF THE CLERK, While in the General Assembly, McDonald Rehberg Solis HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, RANDY was a leader in the Common- Miller (FL) Reyes Souder Washington, DC, June 25, 2001. Miller, Gary Reynolds Spence wealth’s drive to abolish parole and Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, Miller, George Riley Spratt enact truth-in-sentencing laws. He was The Speaker, House of Representatives, Wash- Mink Rivers Stark the chief patron of a bill that allows Mollohan Rodriguez Stearns ington, DC. Moran (KS) Roemer Stenholm DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I have the honor to teachers to enforce discipline in their Moran (VA) Rogers (KY) Strickland transmit herewith a facsimile copy of a Cer- classrooms without fear of being sued. Morella Rogers (MI) Stump tificate of Election received from the State And he led the effort to create a school Murtha Rohrabacher Sununu Board of Elections, Commonwealth of Vir- construction grants program to assist Myrick Ros-Lehtinen Tanner Nadler Ross Tauscher ginia, Mr. Linwood M. Cobbs, Chairman, in- localities with the skyrocketing costs Napolitano Rothman Tauzin dicating that, on examination of the Official of building new schools to help reduce Neal Roukema Taylor (NC) Abstracts of Votes on file in that office for classroom overcrowding. Nethercutt Royce Terry the special election held June 19, 2001, the I have known RANDY for a long time. Ney Rush Thomas Honorable J. Randy Forbes was duly elected He is good, he is honest, he is ethical, Northup Ryan (WI) Thornberry Representative in Congress for the Fourth Norwood Sandlin Thune Congressional District, Commonwealth of he is decent, he is moral. He is a very Nussle Sawyer Thurman Virginia. capable legislator. I know he will be an Obey Saxton Tiahrt outstanding addition to the United Olver Scarborough Tiberi With best wishes, I am, Ortiz Schiff Tierney Sincerely, States Congress. He has a longstanding Osborne Schrock Traficant JEFF TRANDAHL. relationship with a number of other Ose Scott Turner Members, particularly with those of us Otter Sensenbrenner Upton f Oxley Serrano Vitter from the Virginia delegation and will SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE have no trouble at all adapting to how Pascrell Sessions Walden J.
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    i I- BEFORE THE FEDERAL ELjECTlON COMMISSION In the Matter of ) Witness Subpoena to ) m 3774 The National Right to) Work Committee ) SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO SUBPOENA The National Right to Work Committee (WRTWC), hereby submits this Supplemental Response to the Subpoena ?o Produce Documents/Order to Submit Written Answers served upcln “WC in the above-referenced MUR, following the June 10,1997, decision of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in Misc. Action No. 97-0160, ordering NRWC to respond to Interrogatory No. 3 and Document Request No. 3, as modified by the Court. INTRODUCTORY COAKMENTS Intemgatory No. 3 and Document Request No. 3 relate to activities from more than four years ago. NRTWC has experienced changes in personnel over those years, and documents may no longer exist, if they ever existed. Nonetheless, “WC, with the assistance of counsel and staff, has conducted a diligent search for documents and facts, and responds on the basis of information so gathered. The Court limited the scope of Interrogatory No. 3 and Document Request No. 3 to the 1992 senatorial candidates, and the Commission, by its attorneys in discussions with “WC counsel, has further limited the scope to the 1992 general election senatorial candidates. Thus, NRTWC’s search has focused on the 1992 general election senatorial candidates. Also, the Commission and NRTWC, in briefing and in discussions between counsel, have agreed that NRTWC may redact documents to delete supporter-identitjing information from documents to be produced, and NRTWC is doing so. MTERROGATORY NO. 3 NRlwC did not engage in, or finance, in whole or in pa, “any activities relating to federal elections in October-December 1992 .
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