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MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MSHRAC) May 6-7, 2019 THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MSHRAC) COMMITTEE MEETING May 6-7, 2019 The verbatim transcript of the Meeting of the Mine Safety and Health Research Advisory Committee (MSHRAC) Meeting held on May 6-7, 2019, 8:30 a.m. -1- MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MSHRAC) May 6-7, 2019 C O N T E N T S May 6-7, 2019 Monday, May 6, 2019 INTRODUCTION, ANNOUNCEMENTS, AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES DR. PRISCILLA NELSON NIOSH DIRECTOR’S OPENING REMARKS DR. JOHN HOWARD REPORT FROM THE ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR MINING DR. JESSICA KOGEL PITTSBURGH MINING RESEARCH DIVISION UPDATE DR. RJ MATETIC SPOKANE MINING RESEARCH DIVISION UPDATE MR. TODD RUFF MINING RESEARCH PROGRAM UPDATE—MINER ACT EXTRAMURAL RESEARCH DR. GEORGE LUXBACHER UPDATE FROM THE NATIONAL PERSONAL PROTECTIVE TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY DR. MARYANN D’ALESSANDRO UPDATE FROM THE RESPIRATORY HEALTH DIVISION DR. DAVID WEISSMAN LUNCH NIOSH RESPONSE TO NAS RECOMMENDATIONS ON MONITORING AND SAMPLING APPROACHES TO ASSESS UNDERGROUND COAL MINE DUST EXPOSURES DR. JESSICA KOGEL HEALTH ADVISORY IN THE MINING PROGRAM WORKGROUP DR. JEFFEREY BURGESS METAL MINING AUTOMATION AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES WORKGROUP REPORT AND -2- MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MSHRAC) May 6-7, 2019 DISCUSSION DR. KRAMER LUXBACHER BREAK INDUSTRIAL MINERALS MINING SECTOR—STATUS REPORT MR. ROBERT GLENN POWERED HAULAGE AND MACHINE SAFETY RESEARCH DISCUSSION AND PRIORITIZATION MS. JENNICA BELLANCA AND DR. ART MILLER ADJOURN Tuesday, May 7, 2019 CURRENT AND FUTURE CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES TO ELIMINATE RESPIRABLE DUST MR. JAY COLINET FIELD-BASED RESPIRABLE CRYSTALLINE SILICA (RCS) MONITORING APPROACH DR. EMANUELE CAUDA TRANSLATION OF HAND-ARM VIBRATION TO THE HEARING CANAL MR. WES DUBOSE GROUND CONTROL CHALLENGES IN NEVADA WEAK ROCK DR. SEAN WARREN BREAK BRIEF PROJECT UPDATES EXAMINER AND HAZARD RECOGNITION UPDATE DR. BRIANNA EITER MITIGATING FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS OF LITHIUM-ION BATTERIES MR. THOMAS DUBANIEWICZ PREVENTING SLIPS, TRIPS, AND FALLS AT SURFACE SSG MINES DR. MAHIYAR NASARWANJI -3- MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MSHRAC) May 6-7, 2019 UPDATE ON BUILT-IN-PLACE REFUGE ALTERNATIVES MR. DAVE YANTEK H&S MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS THROUGH SAFETY CLIMATE DR. EMILY HAAS PUBLIC COMMENTS WRAP-UP AND COMMITTEE DISCUSSION ON FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS AND DATES DR. PRISCILLA NELSON ADJOURN -4- MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MSHRAC) May 6-7, 2019 P A R T I C I P A N T S (alphabetically) JEFFEREY BURGESS, MD—MEMBER MELANIE CALHOUN—REPRESENTING WILLIAM FRANCART, MEMBER DALE T. DRYSDALE—MEMBER RICHARD FRAGASZY, PhD—MEMBER KRAMER DAVIS LUXBACHER, PhD—MEMBER THOMAS HARMAN—MEMBER ROBERT HORN—MEMBER JOHN HOWARD, MD—NIOSH DIRECTOR AUBREY KEITH MILLER, MD—MEMBER PRISCILLA NELSON, PhD—CHAIRPERSON JEFFREY H. WELSH—DESIGNATED FEDERAL OFFICIAL MICHAEL J. WRIGHT—MEMBER KYLE ZIMMER—MEMBER MR. KELLY BAILEY MS. JENNICA BELLANCA MR. LINK BOWERS DR. EMANUELE CAUDA MR. ANDREW CECALA MS. MARIE CHOVANEC MR. NICHOLAS CLARK MR. JAY COLINET MR. MONTY COOPER DR. MARYANN D’ALESSANDRO DR. PATRICK DEMPSEY MR. THOMAS DUBANIEWICZ MR. WES DUBOSE MR. TOM DUFFY DR. BRIANNA EITER MR. MARK ELLIS MR. ROHAN FERNANDO MS. JOSIE GASKEY MR. ED GREEN DR. EMILY HAAS MS. NOEMI HALL MR. JOHN HOMER DR. HONGWEI HSIAO DR. DOUGLAS JOHNS -5- MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MSHRAC) May 6-7, 2019 DR. JESSICA KOGEL DR. A. SCOTT LANEY DR. GEORGE LUXBACHER DR. RJ MATETIC DR. ART MILLER DR. MAHIYAR NASARWANJI MR. DREW POTTS MR. MIGUEL REYES MR. TODD RUFF MS. CHRISTINA STALNAKER DR. SEAN WARREN DR. DAVID WEISSMAN DR. DANA WILLMER MR. DAVE YANTEK -6- MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MSHRAC) May 6-7, 2019 MR. WELSH: Can everybody take their seats please? We’d like to get started. Is anyone on the conference line that can acknowledge? MS. CALHOUN: Hi, this is Melanie Calhoun and I’m with MSHA. MR. WELSH: Okay, can you hear me, Melanie? MS. CALHOUN: I can hear you. MR. WELSH: Very good. Okay, good morning. My name is Jeff Welsh, I’m the Designated Federal Officer for the MSHRAC Federal Advisory Committee. I want to welcome you to our Spring Meeting. There's a couple of items I want to go over before we get started with our meeting. First, the restrooms are just off the lobby. You can go out any of the three doors in the back of the room, head all the way to my left, and the ladies’ room is the closest and then on the other side of the lobby is the men’s room. In case of an emergency, you can go out the lobby door or in the hallway immediately to the right, there's another door that you can go out, and we’ll meet in the lower level parking lot out front. I want to mention our plans for lunch. There will be two food trucks that will be in the parking lot just off the lobby. One is Ash & Kris Kitchen, which is Mediterranean, and the second one is a Vagabond Taco Truck. I also wanted to mention that we will be audio recording this meeting like we have for the last couple of years, and that is for putting together our transcript of the meeting. Brian up front is our audio man that is taking care of that. I’d like to welcome two new members to MSHRAC. One of them is here, Tom Harman. I’d like to welcome you to MSHRAC. Welcome. Tom is the Senior Director, Safety and Health, with the National Mining Association, and he replaces Bruce Watzman on MSHRAC. The other new person, Robert Horn, he is a partner with Husch Blackwell, and he replaces Marifran Mattson. Robert is in the area, and I thought he’d be here by now, but we’ll be expecting him shortly. I also wanted to mention that for this meeting only, Melanie Calhoun will be the MSHA ex officio official rep. Bill Francart could not make this meeting, so we officially made Melanie his replacement, and she will be able to participate and vote, and she is on the telephone. The other thing I wanted to mention, that the MSHRAC members participating in this meeting must be free from any conflicts of interest. Members must self- declare if there's any conflicts that may arise during the meeting, and recuse themselves from any discussion related to that conflict, and abstain from any voting for that particular matter. I will now do the roll call, to confirm a quorum, which is eight members. Ron Bowersox is in DC, could not make it. Jeff Burgess? DR. BURGESS: Here. MR. WELSH: Melanie Calhoun? -7- MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MSHRAC) May 6-7, 2019 MS. CALHOUN: Here. MR. WELSH: Dale Drysdale? MR. DRYSDALE: Here. MR. WELSH: Richard Fragaszy? DR. FRAGASZY: Here. MR. WELSH: Tom Harman? MR. HARMAN: Here. MR. WELSH: Robert Horn is not here yet. Stacy Kramer could not make it. Kray Luxbacher? DR. LUXBACHER: Here. MR. WELSH: Aubrey Miller? DR. MILLER: Here. MR. WELSH: Priscilla Nelson? DR. NELSON: Here. MR. WELSH: Mike Wright will be here later this morning, and Kyle Zimmer? MR. ZIMMER: Here. MR. WELSH: I declare we do have a quorum, so this is an official MSHRAC FACA meeting. I will now turn it over to Priscilla Nelson, our Chair, to officially conduct the meeting. INTRODUCTION, ANNOUNCEMENTS, APPROVAL OF MINUTES DR. NELSON: Thank you very much, Jeffrey, and welcome, everyone. We have a really interesting agenda today and I’m very excited about it, with the National Academy Dust Committee report and the response of NIOSH to that, and then Kray’s working group on metal mining, and Jeff, we get an update of the Health Advisory working group. So really proactive kind of activities by the MSHRAC. This is super. So our first order of business is the minutes from our November meeting that was nicely hosted in Arizona. Did everyone have a chance to look at the minutes? Are there any changes, any corrections or additions to those minutes? Then may I have a motion to approve the minutes? PARTICIPANT: Motion to approve. DR. NELSON: Second? PARTICIPANT: Second. DR. NELSON: Motion is approved and seconded. All those in favor say aye. PARTICIPANTS: Aye. DR. NELSON: Those opposed, nay. Okay, the minutes are approved, and we thank you very much. So, we are set to embark upon the agenda, and our first presentation is John Howard. NIOSH DIRECTOR’S OPENING REMARKS DR. HOWARD: Yes, I am. Can you hear me okay? DR. NELSON: Yes, we can, John. How are you doing? DR. NELSON: Well, thank you, very well, and thank you very much for allowing me these few -8- MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MSHRAC) May 6-7, 2019 minutes to update you. First of all, I want to welcome all the new members and hope they enjoy their experience, and to say thanks to all of you for taking time away from your very busy schedules to participate in offering advice to us for our mining programs, so thank you very much. The Budget is still early for FY20, but we do have House Appropriations subcommittee work that was accomplished last week, and right now, we have an additional $10 million in our budget proposed by the subcommittee, so we’ll see how that plays out. I emphasize, it’s a long process—and hopefully by the October 1 deadline, they will have a Budget that’s for FY20. I just wanted to update you on two issues that I thought maybe you might be interested in.