Ctmt 2004.Pdf
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A MESSAGEFROM THE CHIEF OF DEFENCERESERVES lnjust over a yearthe Cape Town N,lilitary Tattoo, following its modestbut successful birth in November 2003,has begun to growinto an eventwhich could become an iconicannual event for theMother City in tutureyears, to thebenefit not only of theSouth African National Defence Force - whichis an integralpart of thepeople it serves- but also of thelocal community, whose welfare is inextricably tied in with the growth of theCape's tourism flow. Themain theme of thisyear's tattoo is "10 Years of Democracy".Tothis end the tattoo features an act called "Unityin Diversity",whose title deliberately echoes our national motto, because it has been carelully designed to knittogether several segments of ourvery broad and diverse combined military heritage in a waywhich hasnever been done before anywhere in SouthAfrica. Theeyes of thetattoo committee remain fixed on the goal of mountinga multi-layeredtattoo. The basic layeris an evocation of theunique Cape military and cultural heritage. The second layer would showcase actsfrom the rest of SouthAfrica, and the third and broadest layer would feature acts from our neighbouring states.Africa - includingSouth Africa - is almostvirgin territory as far asthe world's great tattoos are concerned,and the organizers of theCape Town l,4ilitary Tattoo aims to changethat by showing what we cando inthis part of theglobe. Thisis not a pie-in-the-skyambition, since the "Unity in Diversity"act has already some international interest. Onemight say that the Cape Town Military Tattoo is dedicated to provingthe philosopher Pliny the Elder wascorrect when he remarkedmillennla ago that "thereis alw'ayssomething new out of Africa". Thereis alsoa strongsub-theme to the2004 tattoo. The infantry soldier, who might ride into battle but alwaysfights on foot, has been around since the dawn of ourrecorded history, but it wasonly half a century agothis year that the South African Infantry Corps was lounded and for thefirst time provlded our foot- soldierswith a spiritualand doctrjnal home. So this tattoo also celebrates the InfantrV Corps's score of "50 notout". Aswas the case last year, the 2004 Cape Town Military Tattoo is only possible because so many people have goneout ot theirway to supportit, starting with the Chief of theSouth African National Defence Force and extendingthrough the chiefs of theuniformed services, top staff officers and the Castle Control Board; and, on theground, the full-time and part-time service members who have laboured so mightily tor solonq to design,organize and prepare it, and the corporate and individual civilian well-wishers who have maoe sucn a valuablecontribution. Erochureoroduced bv: GRAYVON STEIN MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS (021)461"4826 / <A2]|)465-4531 THECAPE TOWN MILITARYTAfiOO 2OO4 TATTOO STAFF Chairman,Management Committee: Colonel Alan Nelson MMM (SouthAfrican Air Force) SSO Reserve Forces, Western Caoe ChiefExecutive: Lieutenant-Colonel Bryan Sterne MMM JCD (CapeTown Rifles [Dukes]) Reserve Force Office, Western Cape Tattoo Manager:Captain Francois Morkel (Castle Section) AsslstantTattoo Manager: W01 Saretha Slabber (Castle Section) Secretary:Mrs Elsette Musso (Reserve Force Office, Western Cape) Producer: Ma,orWillem Steenkamp MMM JCD (Cape Town Highlanders) AsslstantProducer: MaiorCharles de CruzCM JCD (Cape Town Highlanders) TattooAnnouncer: Lieutenant-ColonelLes McKenzie (Cape Town Rifles IDukes]) TattooSergeant-Major: WOt N Smythe(Army Support Base, Young's Field) Act Co-ordlnators: Lieutenant-ColonelC Maddix (3 N4edicalBattalion Group) LieutenantP Koen(9 SAlnfantry) WOIR W B BoltmanJCD (Cape Field Artillery) WOIR C BowyerJCD (Two Oceans Commando) WOII DovetonJCD (Two Oceans Commando) WOIS Jordaan(Regiment Oranjerivier) WOIL Robertson(3 N4edicalBattalion Group) WOIB M SnowballJCD (Cape Town Highlanders) WOIJ H TuckJCD (Cape Town Rjfles IDukes]) WOlc L WilliamsPMM MMM JCD (SAS Unitie) WOlJ Williams(9 SAlnfantry) WOllJ KoenJCD (Cape Town Highlanders) . Staff-SergeantA Wort JCD (Cape Town Highlanders) SergeantF P Steenkamp(9 SAInlantry) SergeantA Binedell(3 MedicalBattalion Group) SergeantColyn Brookes (late Scots Guards) Directorof Music: MaiorChrls Nicholls (SA Army Band, Cape Town) AssistantDirector of Music:LieutenantM Chandler(SA Army Band, Cape Town) TattooDrum-Major: WOlIA vanSchalkwyk (SA Army Band, Cape Town) TattooPipe-Major: WOllCharles Canning (Cape Town Hiqhlanders Drums and Pipes) LeadingDrummer: WOllC H vanRensburg (SA Army Band, Cape Town) FanfareTrumpet-MaJor: WOltN B GSwartz (SA Army Band, Cape Town) .:, l SupportStaff Commander: Lieutenant-ColonelJohan Conradie SOIReserves, Western Cape Division Publications: Lieutenant-ColonelBrad Gevser MMMJCD (Cape Town Highlanders) PersonnelOfficer: CaptainElzanne Broodryk (ArmySupport Base, Young'sField) PROGRAMME Incidentalarena music by the Bandof Regiment ufestellkeProvincie. Arrival ot VIP guests Beatingot Retreat 7. Marchesand Moppies Drummersof theSouth African Armv Band. TheSouth African Army Band, Cape Town. CapeTown. KIopseminstrel bandsmen. 2. TheCloslng ot the Castle 8. TheSoldlers'Race TheCastle cuard. 9thSouth African Infantry. TheCape Town Rifles (Dukes) 3. Fantareand MusketSalute TheCape Town H ighlanders Trumpetersof theS0uth African Army Band, RegimentWestelike Provincie CapeTown. Membersof theSA Muzzle-Loaders' Association. 9. Tartanon the Veld TheN4assed Pipes and Drums. 4. First MusterParade TheSouth African Highland Dancers. TheSouth African Army Band, Cape Town. TheMassed Pipes and Drums: 10. Soldiersfrom the Sky TheDrums and Pipes of TheCape Town 3rdParachute Batta lion. Highlanders. ThePipes and Drums ot the1st Battalion The 11. TheKlng's.Colour Comes Home TransvaalScottish. TheCaDe Garrison Artillerv. TheAfrican Skve Pioe Band. 12. Followthe Drum 5. ContlnuatlonOrlll Dlsplay TheSouth African Army Band, Cape Town. "Unltv in Diversitv". Drummersof theSouth African Army Band, CapeTown. 13. Thetgl2 Overture NCOSand men of the9th South Atrican Infantrv. TheSouth African Army Band, Cape Town. TheSalutinq Troop, The Cape Field Artillery. 6. Saluteto the Queenof Battles SouthAfrican infantrv reo iments. 14, TheFinal Muster . \4arch-onof participants. March-onof flaq-bearersand military veterans. 'Vocalsolo: "Die Troue Kameraad". Recitation:Binyon's Prayer. TheNationa I Anthem. "Nightfall in Camp". "LightsOut" (the Lone Piper). Particlpantsmarch off. PROGRAMMENOTES BeatlngRetreat limelightas a combinedact. For those who do not know,a ln thelong-ago earlies, the end of theCasfle's working ddy was "mopp'e"is a comicsong - sometimeshumorous, sometimes a heraldedby dfummersof the qarrisonbeating their drums to littlerisqud, but always tuneful- of thetype the Klopse musicidns recallthe soldiers. To evoke the atmosphere of thosetimes, the havebeen composing and pldying since time out of mind. SouthAfrican Army 8dnd, Cape Town, has desjgned a special displayof drum-beatingbyfour of itsbandsmen, usinq old rope- TheSoldlers' Race tensiondrums without snares to recreatethe authentic sound A soldiers'obstaclerace is nothinq new... but it isnot often that of veStervear. thepertormers are carrying mortafs, amonq the infantry's most importanttools but notorious awkward weapons to manhandle TheCloslng ot the Castle ove.difficult barriers. Theclosing of theCastle has been especialy devised by the Cape Townt\,lilitary Tattoo, using the actual routine of lheearly l8th Saluteto the Intantry,the "Oueenof Battles" Centuryas a model,to givespectators an idea ol whatit feltIike Therecorded history ol the SouthAfrican infantryman goes to beinside the Castle on an evening of thedays of lonqaqo as ''rondegangers' backto at least1510, and over the centuries European and African the or nightguards ceremonially locked the fightingdoctrines qradually cross-pollinated one another and greatcreaking Van Der Stel Gate so that a thoseinside the coalescedanto something new and fearsomely effective, even in wallsmight sleep peacelully. the nuclearage. An infantrymanmight march on foot,ride a horseor go intobattle in anarmoured fighting vehicle, but he Unltyin Dlverslty alwaysfights on foot. This year it isprecisely a half-century since The"Unity in Divefsity"continuation drillact is trulv unioue, lt thefoot-soldaer cdme under the umbrelia of hisown coros. the combinesparts of the richSouth African mititary heritage, SouthAfrican Infantry Corps. The South African Infantry's extendjngover various eras and cultures, and instead of rifles symbologyremains close to its roots:a privatesoldier is addressed andbayonets its soldiers use replicas of twoancient traditional as"rifleman", the corps colours are qreen and black - thecolours weapons:the tribalassegai of variousSouth African nations, longassociated with sharpshooters - and the corps headdress andthe halberd used at theCastle in the 17th Centurv. The ontv isthe green riflemdn's beret. otherplace in the worldwhere halberds are stilldrilled with is theVatican, while the assegai is not usedas a ceremonialdrill Thc FlnalMuster weapon,in SouthAfrjca or anywhereelse. TheFinal Muster, the gathering at theend of theeveoing, isthe traditionalway in which most tattoos say goodnight to theirnew Thewar'cry at theend of theact is deeply rooted in our military friends.lt isa timeof satisfactionat a jobwell done, a timeto heritage.Originally used by Shaka's Zutus almosi 2OO years ago, remembe.the "elder brethren" who have mafched into eternity it becamepart of ourbroader heritage when South African troops anda timeto re-affirmone's loyalty to thecountry.