Boxgrove Parish Council Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council 2 McAdam Close, Hambrook, PO18 8FG T: 01243 575094/E: [email protected]/ ______Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting Monday 13th May 2019 at 7.00pm at Boxgrove Village Hall and Community Centre

Present: Cllr H Potter Cllr Tynan Cllr Raikes Cllr Lloyd Tooze Cllr Bish Cllr Simpson Cllr Moyler Cllr Addison In attendance: The Clerk CDC – Cllr Henry Potter WSCC: Cllr Jeremy Hunt 18 Members of the Public

1. To accept the Declarations of Acceptance of Office of all councillors Accepted prior to the meeting 2. To elect the Chair of the Council and to receive the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office Cllr Addison nominated Cllr Potter; Cllr Moyler seconded, and Cllr Potter duly signed the Acceptance of Office 3. To elect the Vice-chair of the Council and to receive the Vice-chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office Cllr Tooze nominated Cllr Addison: Cllr Moyler seconded, and Cllr Addison duly signed the Acceptance of Office 4. Apologies for absence Cllr Rob Etherington and Ms Ciara Williams Estate

Item 11: The Chairman asked Cllr Jeremy Hunt WSCC to give his report here as Cllr Hunt had to attend another meeting. i. Cllr Hunt had given a detailed report on the WSCC's financial position at the February meeting and he confirmed that the Council had closed the year on budget - which was a testament to the hard work of all the staff. There will be a further £24 million of savings to come this financial year. It is also the last year of the Government Financial Settlement – and unless a decision comes through quickly the council will be moving forward blind-folded. ii. Adult social care is 40% of the council's budget so it is imperative to know how this is to be funded iii. WSCC will be continuing its Watershed initiative for another year to help with anything flood- related. iv. The WSCC crowd-funding platform has proven to be very successful and a total of £690K has been raised with a further £210K pledged by the council in CIF funding. The CIF is still available through the SCCLC for any project that sets up on the crowd-funding website. Obviously, a Parish Council is not eligible for CIF but can still use the platform. Without the platform funding for all these projects would have been so much lower. However, it has become clear that the crowd-funding platform is too complex for small tea and coffee clubs for example, so that council will be creating a micro-grant system for these smaller groups of up to around £750 v. The next South Chichester County Local Committee meeting is on 18th June vi. The A27 is now on long-term hold. The Arundel section was pulled by Highways due to the legal option – but should be back by next Spring. 11 other major road programmes have been pulled by Highways England around the country.

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vii. WSCC finished the refurbishment of the Halnaker Windmill which is sitting on land designated as an historic monument. Swallows have started nesting inside again. Cllr Hunt also congratulated Cllr Addison on the installation of the windmill trail. viii. Cllr Hunt commended the Traffic Calming Group for the outstanding work on the Boxgrove Community Highways Scheme which was unanimously agreed by WSCC. The Halnaker scheme is now ready and Cllr Hunt fully supports the scheme with its most imaginative plan. ix. Cllr Hunt and the Clerk managed earlier in the year, after an interesting meeting with the managing director of Inert, to acquire the £10,000 donation to the pavilion fund x. The Westhampnett recycling site should be re-opened by the May Bank Holiday but not for hard- core or building waste. xi. Falls and fractures amongst the elderly costs £20million a year. The simplest of things can make a huge difference and the WSCC "slipper exchange" was hugely successful. Residents could come to libraries around the county and exchange their old and often dangerous slippers for a new pair without charge. It was so successful that more dates were added. xii. All the information about WSCC campaigns can be found on the website.

xiii. Cllr Hunt thanked the meeting for all their support over the last year.

Cllr Hunt left the meeting at 7.20pm

5. To accept declarations of interest for items on the agenda Cllr L Tooze for planning application item 18. 6. To accept the Declaration of Register of Interests of all councillors The Clerk received the Register of interests 7. To accept the Declarations of acceptance of the Boxgrove Parish Council Code of Conduct and acceptance to receive information by electronic method Cllr Moyler proposed and Cllr Simpson seconded the acceptance of the Code of Conduct and all councillors signed the Acceptance to receive information by electronic methold 8. To confirm receipt of the new councillor pack by all councillors which includes Welcome letter from SALC; The Good Councillors' Guide; the six documents listed in Item 9. All councillors confirmed receipt. 9. To approve by resolution the following documents: i. Boxgrove Parish Council Financial Regulations ii. Boxgrove Parish Council Standing Orders iii. Boxgrove Parish Council Document retention schedule iv. Boxgrove Parish Council Risk Assessment v. Boxgrove Parish Council Grievance and Disciplinary/Appeal Policies vi. Boxgrove Data Protection Policy Cllr Addison proposed and Cllr Railkes seconded the approval by resolution of the six documents above. Unanimously APPROVED.

10. Minutes - To agree and sign the minutes of the meeting of 1st April 2019 The minutes were unanimously AGREED with the addition of Cllr Tooze's Goodwood report and were duly signed by the Chairman.

11. District Councillor, & Chairman’s Annual Reports i. CDC Councillor Henry Potter Members Annual Report

a) There is still considerable concern regarding the additional Housing for the District (outside the SDNP) which is a Directive from central Government through the National Planning Policy Framework and is fast becoming a threat to the coastal plain south of the A27. As there has been no attempt to improve the

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infrastructure surrounding Chichester these additional Housing numbers are totally unacceptable and it has already been made clear since the election of May 2nd, by the opposition parties, that this must be challenged. b) The fire at the WSCC recycling centre at Westhampnett has created a serious threat to our services. Now currently accepting green waste Cllr Potter questioned wherever are residents disposing of their household waste; mattresses; old fencing; fridges and washing machines etc. Where is this stuff now going? He had heard tell that Bognor, Shripney is a disaster area and best avoided or there is Billingshurst, which is miles away. He feared that the refurbishment of the facility at Westhampnett would be a lengthy operation, with no indication from WSCC when this may take place. c) With the change in the membership of the Council the future of the Southern Gateway may be called into question. It is such a complex project, now with additional hindrances with the transfer of the Law Courts, the uncertainty of the old Boys High School, and the re-location of the Bus Station/Garage and the Royal Mail sorting centre still undecided, I can see a long drawn out process, longer than the ten years originally anticipated. d) The future of the A27 is still in the air, the congestion gets worse almost daily together with air pollution in certain places. Cllr Potter knew of one new ‘Green Party’ Member who will be campaigning on this front with strong arguments, and she will receive much support from all Parties. How this standing traffic, which causes this very poor air quality, will be dealt with is another question. e) Considering that for the past 10 years the Conservative led Council has managed its duties with all due care, the services that everyone will expect have remained unchanged. The annual Precept has been kept at acceptable levels with no increases for 5 years and for this financial year, has seen a modest increase of just £5 per annum for the average Band D householder. Investment has been made in refurbished and additional sheltered housing, and new Industrial Premises in Terminus Road bring in substantial returns helping with the Council's Budget. So, all must now look to the future of a new Council of which Cllr Potter was proud still to be a Member.

ii. Chairman's Annual Report Cllr Potter

a) "This past year has been a very busy year for Members and some volunteers whom I thank profoundly. The Village Tidy Up took place last week, a repetition of the occasion last year which brought so many welcomed comments from all and sundry. This year it coincided with the visit by WSCC grass cutters and together with our efforts the Villages look quite pristine. I understand that the grass verges in Halnaker have received similar treatment, I believe by Tinwood. b) The Traffic Calming Group and the Community Safety Partnership have achieved astounding results throughout this past year. Many of the well thought out proposals by the groups have received the deserved support by WSCC Highways, for which we thank Chris Dye and , of course, our Councillor Jeremy Hunt. Peter Gillespie has continued to provide data to the Police which has resulted in fairly regular attendance by Police Speed Camera teams on the A285 through Halnaker. Now, the Halnaker Highway Safety Scheme is ready to be submitted for WSCC approval, another great effort by those concerned. c) Cllr Paul Addison has successfully created the Windmill Trail to guide visitor/walkers from the Village by way of the extensive footpaths available, up to the landmark Halnaker Windmill. This now looks quite splendid since its refurbishment. However, it was disturbing that someone chose to force the lock on the new door to gain entry. But when will that dreadful Herris fencing be removed? Judging by the amount of this fencing now deployed at the Westhampnett recycling facility I think WSCC must be shareholders in Herris Fencing! d) The future of the Village Stores was in some doubt for a while but this appears to have been resolved and we wish the new Management well in the future but at the same time thanks must go to Jane for all her efforts. We must give the Shop the support it deserves. e) There has been a fair amount of criticism of the allegedly old and tired children’s Play Area: "it’s in the wrong place", "the features need renewing/updating", and "it’s not terribly well maintained regarding the leaves and twigs which accumulate throughout the year". Regarding this last remark, it is in the wrong place!! Under those blasted trees!

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It was originally constructed where it is because most of the young children who might have used it lived in the housing nearby. These have all grown up now and few children from Boxgrove are seen using the play area these days. Children’s Play Area features are dreadfully expensive and to do what many people have suggested would cost in the region of £20,000. To move it elsewhere with new equipment, about £50,000! Let me give an example of costs: the swivel at the head of the chains on the Tyre Swing costs over £400 and the safety inspectors recommend it be replaced every 5 years. Another £300 to fit it. I have fitted the two replacements so far for nothing! Because I can! So more thought needs to go into this future provision. I will add, in support of its position, the Police do like children’s Play areas to be overlooked; this helps to prevent crime involving children. I would also appreciate someone else stepping forward as the Play Area Warden responsible for simple regular inspections. I’ve been doing it since its inception. Once again I thank Stuart Power for his regular care of the litter bin within the Play Area. f) We have witnessed a substantial amount of Planning Applications in the Parish and we appreciate the Community Infrastructure Levy funding which has come our way. This will allow the Parish Council to improve the infrastructure in the Parish. If you have any ideas, please discuss this with a Councillor or bring it to the Parish Council. Such a shame our Neighbourhood Plan has been delayed by one reason after another; had it been made within a reasonable schedule, the CIL receipts would have been much more. I think I have said enough so I will finish with my sincere thanks to everyone connected with this Parish for your support over the past year."

It was agreed that a letter of thanks should be sent to Tinwood for the work they do keeping the verges and grass cut around the vineyards.

Action Clerk

Cllr Potter went on to say that he had been to the exhibition given by Southern Water on how their new pipeline from Bishop Luffa to Tangmere is to be installed – which will pick up the sewerage of all the developments in its route. Work will be started at Tangmere and they will go westwards from there. Cllr Potter went on to say that the Madgewick Park development will have its sewage tankered out (160) paid for by Southern Water. 12. Goodwood Estate report – no report

13. DOGS ON BOXGROVE RECREATION GROUND The Chairman said that the Council had intervened as quickly as possible and had done all that they could do with reference to the specific incidents that had been reported to the council. A Community Protection order has been issued and the Boxgrove and Tangmere recreation grounds are out of bounds to the person in question and his dogs, restricted to two in number at any one time, and they must always be on a lead. A member of the public said that they were not convinced that there hadn't been provocation in the event that had been reported, and that her own large dog had been previously attacked by the same much smaller one.

Cllr Tooze said that two incidents had been reported to him. Whilst he appreciated that action needed to be taken, he wanted to stress that it is up to the owner to be responsible for their dog.

The clerk stressed that owners are responsible for their animals. If ever they have the slightest doubt about the viability of letting their dog off the lead in an area where there are children and other dogs, then they should not let them off the lead. The same goes for the removal of the dog waste – this is the owner's responsibility and it is a fineable offence not to clean up after your dog. Untreated dog waste can cause blindness in small children and should be removed immediately. Dog waste can now be put in ANY waste bin – not just dog waste bins. If

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proof is available to show that someone has not picked up their dog's waste then this person could be issued with a fine.

The Parish Council's remit is very limited in the area of out of control dogs and all members of the public should report incidences to the Dog Warden at Council.

14. Election of Councillors to the following bodies: i. Chichester District Association Local Councils (CDALC) (meetings are held two or three times a year and items for the agenda are proposed by local Parish Councils). Cllr Moyler proposed Cllr Tooze; seconded by Cllr Potter.

ii. Association of Local Councils (WSALC) (A voting position and the councillor must be nominated to be able to vote)

Cllr Moyler proposed Cllr Potter; seconded by Cllr Addison

iii. South Chichester County Local Committee (SCCLC) Cllr Potter proposed Cllr Addison; seconded by Cllr Moyler

iv. Lavant Valley Partnership Has not met for over a year – no appointment made

v. Goodwood Aerodrome/Goodwood Motor racing committee Cllr Simpson proposed Cllr Tooze; seconded by Cllr Addison

vi. Boxgrove Village Hall trustee There were no nominations for this role at this time.

vii. Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Cllr Moyler proposed Cllr Bish; seconded by Cllr Addison viii. Boxgrove Traffic Calming Group Cllr Potter proposed Cllr Addison; seconded by Cllr Tynan.

15. Election of Chair for: i. Boxgrove Planning Committee Cllr Tooze proposed Cllr Bish; seconded by Cllr Moyler ii. Boxgrove Rangers (to include footpaths) Cllr Simpson proposed Cllr Addison; seconded by Cllr Moyler iii. Boxgrove Playground Committee Cllr Potter proposed Cllr Moyer; seconded by Cllr Tooze iv. Sussex Pathwatch (SDNP) Cllr Potter proposed Cllr Addison; seconded by Cllr Simpson

16. To approve the following Terms of Reference: i. Boxgrove Traffic Calming Group Cllr Tynan proposed approving the ToR; seconded by Cllr Potter; unanimously APPROVED ii. Boxgrove Rangers Cllr Moyler proposed approving the ToR; seconded by Cllr Tynan: unanimously APPROVED

Cllr Addison explained a little of the role of the Boxgrove Rangers – they are a voluntary group led by the Parish Council, who have undergone Maintenance Task Manager training with WSCC on the safe use of power tools. They have also looked at risk assessments and Health and Safety.

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Their aim is to clear footpaths; clear vegetation; put up bus shelters – anything that they can turn their hands to! They are insured by WSCC on the highways and by the Parish Council within the Parish. Anyone wishing to join should contact Cllr Addison. 17. Clerk’s Report i. Annual Governance Statement – approval by resolution The Clerk read out the AGS which councillors had previously received. Cllr Potter proposed approving the AGS; seconded by Cllr Tynan and unanimously APPROVED ii. Auditor’s report The councillors had received and read the report iii. Annual Return – approval by resolution Cllr Potter proposed approving the full audit; seconded by Cllr Addison and unanimously APPROVED iv. Appointment of internal auditor for 2019 – 20 Cllr Moyler proposed R Hall and Associates; seconded by Cllr Addison and unanimously APPROVED v. Payments for consideration – £8.47 for Rangers' Training day; £12.80 for plants; £175 for PROW trimming; £100 donation to CAB; £100 donation to Lifecentre were all added to the payments for consideration. The payments were unanimously APPROVED vi. Correspondence received FROM CONCERNING ACTION SSALC Annual Police Meeting 29th May – are there any Any questions to clerk before questions the Parish would like to put to the 27th May Chief Superintendent? Cricket Club In 2022 Boxgrove CC will be celebrating 400 Ideas welcome! years of "creket" in Boxgrove. Only four years away and they would like this to be celebrated by whole village St Wilfrid's Clerk has been contacted by SW who would like Possible link up with Lavant – to present the newly completed Dream Project to clerk to investigate local residents. SDNP election The election of West Sussex reps on the SDNPA Cllr Potter is the elected of officers – two members will be appointed. representative of CDC. No Parish Councillors will stand. Donations The clerk had received requests for donations to Cllr Tynan proposed £100 for Citizen's Advice bureau and LifeCentre which CAB and Cllr Simpson supports victims of rape and sexual abuse * seconded. Cllr Potter proposed £100 for Life centre and Cllr Simpson seconded. The council unanimously AGREED to donate £100 to each organisation. Clerk GDPR and VAT returns. There is further work Clerk to keep investigating the needed to be done to make this council fully options compliant with GDPR. The use of council gmail addresses is not acceptable (but is slightly better than councillors using their own addresses). The Clerk is investigating the options. On top of that a recent advice (Making Tax Digital) has said that by 2021 this council will be required to keep all their records digitally and submit VAT returns directly from the software. If an accounting package is used it must be updated to

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cope with MTD. All of which incurs further financial burdens on councils. Boxgrove A report was submitted by David Leah with an Neighbourhood update (attached). Plan Mr Leah welcomed the new council on behalf of the NP working group. He said that after much deliberation CDC had deemed the undertaking of the Strategic Environment Assessment necessary and were doing that. Thankfully no cost will come to the Parish. It is all about Bats and making sure that no development interferes with their flight path to and from the Cocking tunnels. There are lots of regular sightings in Boxgrove. This will soon be coming to an end and then the plan will go back to the examiner and hopefully to public referendum before the year end. The status of the plan is that it must dovetail with the CDC Local Plan – and Boxgrove NP does not take into account the further 50 homes which have been suggested for Boxgrove. But this plan is made up of the hopes and desires of local residents and for the PC it will be a strategic plan. It is available on the Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan website: • There is allocation in the PC budget of £250 for making donations

18. Report on planning applications Planning number Address Detail Closing Date land to rear and side new dwelling 15th May BX/19/00665/FUL 16 Crouchcross Lane and replacement garage Sunnyside Cottage A285 Erection of single storey front 15th May Redvins Road to Tinwood Lane extension and erection of detached BX/19/00876/DOM Halnaker Boxgrove annexe. BX/19/00665/FUL Cllr Lloyd Tooze had declared an interest in this application as it is his own property. Questions were invited from the Councillors before Cllr Tooze was asked to leave the room. Cllr Addison asked about the double garage at the rear of the property – where will the parking be for the new property? The existing garage will be demolished and the current parking at the front of the property is sufficient for 3 cars. Cllr Addison asked about the comment that was online from a neighbour. Cllr Tooze said that he had spoken to her as she was worried by the sight-lines. He had explained and shown her the drawings and she had appeared happy with that and had no further concerns. However, she will not alter her comment on the planning portal. Cllr Tooze left the room. Cllr Bish explained that the access was straightforward, and the design low key and rather simplistic. He also said that CDC does not require measurements on its planning applications, nor does it insist on a measure bar. He said that the cycling provision was there, and the car parking. Even if CDC refused this permission he felt that it would be passed on appeal. NO OBJECTION was unanimously AGREED by the council. Cllr Tooze rejoined the meeting.

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BX/19/00876/DOM Cllr Bish said that this property was in the Conservation area and was therefore subject to an Article 4 directive. Although the property is not listed it is a Heritage Asset and has an historic wall running up the side. Cllr Addison thought it was strange and that the application contradicted several policies in the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. For example, there should be an appropriate crown for the roof. Cllr Bish felt that the design was inappropriate for an extension in a conservation area and would be damaging to the historic wall. On top of this the application is linked to a large detached annexe – the proportions of which seem to be all wrong. It might be more sensible to split these applications. It was unanimously AGREED to ask for an extension until the 3rd June meeting so that a proper site visit can be arranged by councillors. Action Clerk

BX/19/01152/DOM A late addition to the agenda Cllr Bish said that he wasn't quite sure what the application was for! It concerns the addition of a toilet and a flue to an already constructed log cabin – was this a retrospective application? It was agreed to write to the case officer and ask for further clarification. Action Clerk

19. Boxgrove Community Shop The clerk had received an update from the newly formed Boxgrove Community Shop Committee which she read out:

"Following the initial meeting with public in the village hall, a committee has now been established and a wider support group with experts in various fields to work on the development of the community shop project. Since the committee was formed, Jane has decided to sell the lease on the shop to Craig for 3/5 years. This has changed the plans and timescales originally set by the committee.

Our Vision: To ensure there is a community shop that is accessible and encompasses the heart of the village – a place where everyone feels welcome and is able to buy essential items, Our Aim: To provide a shop within Boxgrove for the foreseeable future.

What we have been doing: • Learning about the setting up of village shops – meeting with Plunkett representative and Mick Foote from Fittleworth. • Visiting various community shops and looking at how these are run: size; shop offer; café offer; viability. • Joined the Plunkett organisation (with the support of the PC) • Given that the current arrangement will change at some point, we are considering possible future locations for the shop, from the current shop location to the vicinity of the village hall to provide a greater community hub. • Looking at different business models for running a village shop

Next steps • Feasibility Study to include suitable location for shop. This will include consulting with the various stakeholders to establish what the options and constraints are with a number of sites in the village. • Consulting with the public through survey including how far people would want to travel to a village shop, and what products they would want to purchase. • Meet with Craig and establish his intention to support the community shop model. He currently runs 2 community shops in Slindon and Kirdford.

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• Form as a Community Interest Company so that committee can begin fundraising, and consider community share options.

Questions for PC: • The possibility of becoming a sub-committee of the PC (shop is in the Neighbourhood Plan) • We would appreciate being a regular item on the PC agenda so we can keep the PC informed and seek guidance and advice if required. • Consider if the new shop could include an upgrade on the playground"

The clerk asked about the link to an upgrade on the play area? The advice that the group has received is that since communities linked up their village shop to a play area, income has more than doubled. People come to the play area, buy a coffee and then can sit outside and watch the children play in a safe environment. The Clerk asked why the group wanted to be a sub-committee of the Parish Council? Martha Pusey, (Chairwoman of the Shop Committee) said that being linked to the Parish Council would give the group more credibility and enable them to engage in more fundraising. The shop is mentioned in the Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan which is a PC initiative, and the endorsement of the PC can open doors. Having the support of the PC can help the group move forward. The Clerk was concerned about the PC linking itself to an essentially commercial activity and the PC being financially implicated. Having a slot on the monthly agenda was not a problem. Cllr Potter proposed that the committee come back to the July meeting (seven weeks away) to give the council an update on any progress. Cllr Addison said that it was important to get momentum on this and for the group to be endorsed. Mr Ollie Wyatt ( a shop committee member) said that it was easy for people in projects like this to back off and having PC endorsement would help keep the project going. Cllr Simpson said that in fact there were two issues here. Currently the lease has been sold for 2/3 years – but that the new owner could find himself having to leave before that time – so something had to be in place if that happened. But also the shop had to be supported during this interim period. There was also the possibility of the owner selling the lease outright which would mean that the shop would need a new home sooner rather than later. Even before the lease was sold the issue of parking was the biggest obstacle to the success of the shop.

The Council generally felt that it would be beneficial for the committee to be endorsed by the PC but agreed to Cllr Potter's suggestion that the Committee return on 1st July with a further update.

20. Agenda items for next meeting New Homes Bonus – agreement for items to go on application form Traffic calming question session and approval of Community Highways Scheme for Halnaker. Pavilion – lease and conditions

21. Date of next meeting 3rd June 2019 at 7pm

There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was declared closed at 9.30 pm. Signed: ______Dated: ______Cllr Henry Potter - Chairman

Boxgrove Parish Council Financial Statement Meeting 13th May 2019

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Balances on accounts Current account £ 61,279.50 uncleared cheques £ 50.00 Total £ 61,229.50

Received since last meeting cdc precept £ 16,276.00 lpc bluefish £ 32.50 cil £ 15,000.00 £ 31,308.50

Paid since last meeting

clerk's salary £ 540.19 percy woodcock £ 100.00 council running costs £ 204.03 loan reapayment (pwlb) £ 3,393.19 salc training day £ 54.00 dog/litter bin emptying £ 1,253.00 wsalc/nalc annual subs £ 306.82 pavilion rates £ 63.10 storm tree-work in playground £ 140.00 hedge trimming £ 175.00 computer repair £ 65.00 p addison materials £ 23.40 g koffeeman £ 100.00

total £ 6,417.73

Payments for consideration

percy woodcock £ 100.00 clerk's salary £ 557.00 sse £ 42.54 pavilion rates £ 60.00 Boxgrove Parish Council Annual Meeting Minutes 13th May 2019 Page 10

rs hall and assoc auditors £ 300.00 westcotec sid battery £ 105.00 lcr subs £ 17.00 bvh room hire £ 31.00 drayton décor final bill £ 17,484.00

total £ 18,696.54

Bank reconcilation for 13th May 2019

bank accounts as of 9th May 2019

£ current account 61,279.50 £ unpaid St John ambulance cheque 50.00 £ total 61,229.50

£ opening balance 1st April 2019 36,431.27 £ add receipts in the year 31,308.50 £ less payments in the year 6,510.27 £ Balance 61,229.50

less £ reserve @ 50% of annual precept of £32552 16,276.00

£ Total 16,276.00

less ring-fenced funds

£ neighbourhood plan 3,978.60 £ CIL (pavilion) 1,505.52 Boxgrove Parish Council Annual Meeting Minutes 13th May 2019 Page 11

£ cricket pavilion extension 19,799.79 £ CIL traffic calming 1,477.80 £ traffic calming 1,500.00 £ capital replacement fund 1,000.00

£ Total 29,261.71

£ total available funds (less ring fenced and reserve) Total 15,691.79

Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan Update May 2019

Since the last update we have now received more information from Chichester DC Planning dept about the progress of our plan. They have now clarified that despite finding that our plan has sufficient mitigation measures, in accordance with their legal advice they would have to carry out a Strategic Environmental Assessment anyway. This is about the possible affects that any development in the parish will have on the flight of bats from the Singleton and Cocking abandoned railway tunnels. Fortunately, there will be no direct cost for Boxgrove Parish in doing this work. Hopefully we are now only weeks away from the examiner being able to get on with his work and give us the necessary feedback for us to finalise our Plan. The Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan and all the supporting documentation can be viewed on the dedicated website. David Leah Chair, Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan Team 13 May 2019

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