Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKEMIEnvironmental Microbiology1462-2912Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 200571015351546Original ArticleSpecies recognition in the truffle genus TuberC. Wedén, E. Danell and L. Tibell

Environmental Microbiology (2005) 7(10), 1535–1546 doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2005.00837.x

Species recognition in the truffle genus – the synonyms Tuber aestivum and Tuber uncinatum

Christina Wedén,1,2* Eric Danell3 and Leif Tibell1 osis with trees and shrubs such as Quercus, Tilia and 1Department of Systematic Botany, Evolutionary Biology Corylus species (Chevalier and Frochot, 1997; Olivier Centre, Uppsala University, Norbyv. 18D, Uppsala, et al., 2002). The molecular phylogeny of Tuber has been Sweden. studied repeatedly, leading to convincing morphological 2Department of Natural Sciences and Technology, Gotland characterization of all species studied, except for Tuber University, Visby, Sweden. aestivum Vittad. and T. uncinatum Chat. (Guillemaud 3Museum of Evolution, Botany Section, Uppsala et al., 1996; Gandeboeuf et al., 1997; Amicucci et al., University, Norbyv. 16, Uppsala, Sweden. 1998; Mello et al., 2000; Mello et al., 2002a; Paolocci et al., 2004). Tuber aestivum and T. uncinatum are some- times treated as different species, different varieties or as Summary synonyms (Chevalier and Frochot, 1997). It is of crucial The two morphologically similar truffles Tuber aesti- importance for conservation biology efforts, as well as for vum and T. uncinatum have caused confusion because the truffle growers and traders, to know their taxonomic T. uncinatum is regarded by different authors, as either status. a distinct species, variety, subspecies, or synonym of Vittadini described T. aestivum in 1831 (Vittadini, 1831). T. aestivum. A clarification of the relationship between In 1887 Chatin described a new species, T. uncinatum, the two truffles would help both conservation biology and thereby also amended the circumscription of T. aes- and cultivation. We aimed both to test the reliability tivum (Chatin, 1887). The new species was named T. of the only quantitative morphological character used uncinatum (lat. uncinatus = ‘hook’), due to the presence to distinguish the two taxa, i.e. the height of the spore of hooks in the spore reticulum, a key character for the reticulum, and to compare sequences of the ribosomal species. But the hooks seen by Chatin were in fact only DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. the flexible walls of the spore reticulum bending slightly at Our study included 117 fruit bodies of T. aestivum and the top (Chatin, 1887; Fischer, 1897; Chevalier et al., T. uncinatum, originating from eight European coun- 1979; Chevalier and Frochot, 1997). The gleba of T. unc- tries. The results showed that the spore reticulum inatum was, when compared with T. aestivum, claimed to height is not diagnostic. The phylogenetic analysis of possess a deeper colour; the peridium having smaller, not ITS sequences from 81 fruit bodies and an additional transversally striated facets, and it was further claimed to 32 sequences from GenBank showed that T. aestivum having a more pleasant scent and to mature later during and T. uncinatum were intermingled in one highly the year. supported (100% bootstrap) monophyletic clade, sep- The spores of T. aestivum and T. uncinatum have a arate from its sister species Tuber mesentericum. We reticulate-alveolate spore ornamentation with irregular, conclude that T. aestivum and T. uncinatum are syn- polygonal meshes numbering 3–4 (5) along the longer onyms and the species should be named T. aestivum, axis (Montecchi and Sarasini, 2000). As for the height of as the oldest name has priority. For traders, T. aesti- the spore reticulum, Vittadini did not comment on this at vum syn. T. uncinatum should be used until conformity all. Some authors have suggested that fruit bodies with a has been reached. spore reticulum height around 2 mm should be classified as T. aestivum and fruit bodies with a spore reticulum height around 4 mm as T. uncinatum (Chevalier and Fro- Introduction chot, 1997; Riousset et al., 2001). Only Mello et al. Black truffles of the ascomycete genus Tuber have a long (2002b) used the limits <4 mm for T. aestivum and >4 mm history of economic importance because they are appre- for T. uncinatum. Both methods leave a rather large group ciated as delicacies. They grow in ectomycorrhizal symbi- of fruit bodies, which have an intermediate spore reticulum height unaccounted for (Mello et al., 2002b; Paolocci et al., 2004). Fruit bodies marketed as T. aestivum or T. Received 30 November, 2004; accepted 5 April, 2005. *For corre- spondence. E-mail [email protected]; Tel. (+46) 18 471 uncinatum are, however, seldom classified microscopi- 6454; Fax (+46) 18 471 6457. cally, but rather by their scent and colour of the gleba, two

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd

1536 C. Wedén, E. Danell and L. Tibell qualities that are naturally linked, as the darker gleba rated into ‘T. aestivum’ or ‘T. uncinatum’, but are only indicates pronounced spore maturity, and only mature called T. aestivum (‘Swedish taxon’ in Fig. 1). The mean truffles develop a scent. height of the spore reticulum did not always correspond Since Chatin (1887), authors have considered T. unci- to the initial identification and even varied within fruit bod- natum either as a subspecies of T. aestivum (Fischer, ies, making it impossible to use for separation between 1897; Lange, 1956); as a variety of T. aestivum (Hollós, the two taxa (Table 1; Fig. 1). The differences in spore 1911; Knapp, 1950; Chevalier et al., 1979; 1994; Gande- reticulum heights were clearly not diagnostic due to the boeuf et al., 1994a,b; Chevalier and Frochot, 1997; Rious- very large overlaps (Fig. 1; Table 1; Ekman and Nordin, set et al., 2001), as a form of T. aestivum (Montecchi and 1993). Sarasini, 2000) or as the same species (Hawker, 1954; The number of spores per ascus ranged from one to Ceruti, 1960; 2003; Szemere, 1965). Mello et al. (2002b) eight and varied between different fruit bodies and even and Paolocci et al. (2004) recently obtained opposing between different parts of the gleba of the same fruit body. results from molecular data using T. aestivum/T. uncina- In the fruit body TaeW065S, for example, the first sample tum. Paolocci et al. (2004) could not distinguish T. aesti- had a majority of asci containing two spores, while the vum from T. uncinatum, but instead suggested them to be second sample from another part of the gleba had mostly morphotypes, while Mello et al. (2002b) assigned them to four to five and sometimes six spores per ascus. Two asci different taxa based on their analysis. In both studies T. containing eight spores were observed in sample aestivum and T. uncinatum from a restricted number of TaeW032I. The two peridium types assigned to the two geographical sites were used. taxa (Chatin, 1887) occasionally occurred on the same No collections are listed in the protologues of T. aesti- fruit body, having one side with small facets and another vum (Vittadini, 1831) or T. uncinatum (Chatin, 1887) and side with large, transversally striated facets. no neotypification has been undertaken. Consequently, there are no types for T. aestivum and T. uncinatum. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) analysis According to Ceruti et al. (2003), a T. aestivum specimen seen by Vittadini is present in the Mattiroliano herbarium One hundred and twenty rDNA ITS sequences were anal- in Turin, Italy. This specimen may possibly be used for ysed. Of these, 34 were from fruit bodies previously deter- typification. Consequently, types have not been included mined as ‘T. aestivum’ (Italy, France, Spain, Germany and in studies trying to resolve this question (Chevalier et al., Denmark), 41 as ‘T. uncinatum’ (Italy, France, Spain and 1994; Mello et al., 2002b; Paolocci et al., 2004; A. Vizzini, Hungary), 38 as T. aestivum syn. T. uncinatum (Sweden pers. comm.). A thorough nomenclatural study of this and England), here labelled only as T. aestivum, six as T. case, including typification, is needed. mesentericum and one as T. magnatum Pico (Table 1). Of The aims of this study were to (i) investigate the reli- the 120 sequences, 32 were obtained from GenBank ability of the spore reticulum height as a character to (Table 2). distinguish T. aestivum and T. uncinatum (Chevalier and Many sequences were identical and hence excluded Frochot, 1997; Mello et al., 2002b; Paolocci et al., 2004) from the phylogenetic analysis (Table 3). The mean and (ii) make a phylogenetic analysis of ribosomal DNA intraspecific variation in the clade of the 113 T. aestivum/ sequences to clarify if these taxa were conspecific or not. T. uncinatum sequences was 0.8%, ranging from 0% For the Swedish truffle project (Wedén et al., 2001; to 3.5%. Within the Swedish T. aestivum, the dif- 2004a,b), which includes cultivation and conservation ference range was 0–0.3%, equivalent to 0–2 base pair aspects, we needed to identify the Swedish taxon/taxa. substitutions. The phylogram resulting from the parsimony analysis showed that ‘T. aestivum’ and ‘T. uncinatum’ formed a Results well-supported (100% bootstrap) monophyletic clade, dif- ferent from their sister species T. mesentericum and the Microscopic analysis outgroup T. magnatum (Fig. 2; Table 3). Sequences of ‘T. Spore reticulum heights were measured in 100 fruit bod- aestivum’ and ‘T. uncinatum’ did not form monophyletic ies of T. aestivum/T. uncinatum (Table 1). Fruit bodies from subclades, but were highly mixed (Fig. 2; Table 3). Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, Denmark and Germany were initially identified as either ‘T. aestivum’ or ‘T. unci- Discussion natum’ before we received them for this study. We could not distinguish ‘T. aestivum’ from ‘T. uncinatum’ based on The ITS region of the rDNA was chosen for this study as our spore reticulum measurements (Table 1), thus ‘T. aes- it has shown to be well suited for discriminating species tivum’ and ‘T. uncinatum’ refer to the initial identification. within Tuber (Roux et al., 1999; Mello et al., 2002b; The Swedish fruit bodies have therefore not been sepa- Paolocci et al., 2004) and many other fungi (Gardes and

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 1535–1546 Species recognition in the truffle genus Tuber 1537 m) EMBL accession No. m 0.34; 2.5–3.50.34; AJ888082 0.48; 3.0–4.50.48; – 0.50; 3.0–4.50.50; AJ888083 0.34; 3.5–4.50.34; AJ888061 0.60; 3.5–5.00.60; AJ888049 0.57; 3.0–5.00.57; – 0.47; 3.5–5.00.47; – 0.59; 3.5–5.50.59; – 0.88; 3.5–6.50.88; AJ888129 0.79; 3.0–5.50.79; AJ888121 0.37; 4.0–5.00.37; AJ888075 0.54; 3.0–5.00.54; – 0.34; 3.5–4.50.34; – 0.50; 3.5–5.00.50; 2.5–5.00.66; 3.0–4.00.34; 2.5–4.00.48; 2.5–5.00.66; 2.5–3.50.28; 3.0–4.5 AJ888080 0.53; 2.5–4.0 AJ888089 0.52; 3.0–4.5 AJ888115 0.34; 3.0–4.5 – 0.47; 3.5–5.0 – 0.49; 3.5–5.0 AJ888116 0.57; 3.0–4.5 AJ888090 0.43; 3.5–6.0 AJ888094 0.83; 2.5–4.0 AJ888106 0.46; 2.0–4.0 AJ888107 0.57; 2.5–4.0 AJ888095 0.63; 3.5–5.5 AJ888091 0.59; 2.0–3.5 AJ888096 0.43; 2.5–4.5 AJ888092 0.69; 2.0–3.5 – 0.52; 2.5–4.0 AJ888093 0.44; 2.5–4.5 – 0.57; 3.5–4.5 AJ888117 0.41; 3.0–5.0 AJ888118 0.67; 2.5–5.0 AJ888058 0.78; 3.0–5.5 – 0.68; 2.5–4.0 – 0.49; 3.5–5.5 AJ888119 0.71; 2.5–5.0 – 0.82; 3.5–6.0 AJ888097 0.67; AJ888098 AJ888113 – AJ888114 – AJ888056 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± were analysed morphologically were (spore reticulum height) and 81 specimens genetically (ITS sequencing) in this study. T. uncinatum T. / Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118717 2000-10-05 3.15 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118716 2003-09-19 3.80 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118715 2003-09-19 3.95 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118714 2000-10-08 3.85 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118713 2003-10-10 4.05 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118712 2003-10-10 3.90 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118711 2000-10 3.85 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118710 2000-10-08 4.30 Germany, Baden-WürttembergGermany, F-118821 2003-01-04 4.60 Denmark, Aarhus F-118820 2000-11-12 4.25 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118709 2000-10-06 4.45 England, OxfordDenmark, Møn F-118822 F-118819 1999 1999-09-18 3.75 No data AJ888120 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118708 1999-09-16 4.15 France, YonneFrance, LiguriaItaly, LiguriaItaly, LiguriaItaly, LiguriaItaly, LiguriaItaly, LombardiaItaly, LombardiaItaly, LombardiaItaly, LombardiaItaly, LombardiaItaly, LombardiaItaly, F-118777 LombardiaItaly, LombardiaItaly, F-118778 MarcheItaly, F-118779 1999-09 MarcheItaly, F-118780 UmbriaItaly, 1999-11-19 F-118781 Umbria F-118783Italy, 1999-11-19 F-118782 Umbria F-118784Italy, 1999-11-19 Umbria F-118785Italy, 1999-11-19 Umbria 1999-11-22 3.95 F-118786Italy, 1999-11-19 3.60 Umbria 1999-11-22 F-118787Italy, 3.35 Umbria 1999-11-22 F-118788Italy, 3.30 Umbria 1999-11-22 F-118789Italy, 3.40 Umbria 1999-11-22 F-118790Italy, 3.85 3.05 1999-11-22 BaranyaHungary, 3.40 1999-11-22 Borsod-Abaúj-ZemplénHungary, F-118791 3.90 1999-11-22 Pest-Jász-Nagykun-SzolnokHungary, F-118792 3.85 Pest-Jász-Nagykun-SzolnokHungary, 4.25 F-118793 Jász-Nagykun-SzolnokHungary, 2002-08-02 3.90 F-118794 F-118816 YonneFrance, 2002-08-02 3.75 F-118795 F-118815 F-118817 2001-07-03 4.45 F-118796 2001-07-03 F-118797 2003-07-20 2001-07-03 F-118798 3.40 2003-07-20 F-118818 2003-07-20 2001-07-18 F-118799 2.90 2001-07-24 F-118814 F-118800 3.15 2001-07-24 F-118801 4.20 2003-07-20 3.25 2001-07-18 2.75 4.25 4.15 2003-07-20 2001-07-24 3.55 2001-07-18 3.10 3.45 3.85 3.40 F-118776 3.60 4.00 3.65 1997-09 4.65 Tuber aestivum Tuber a b b b a a a a a a b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber uncinatum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber One hundred and four specimens of One hundred and four TaeW051S TaeW050S TaeW049S TaeW048S TaeW047S TaeW046S TaeW045S TunW004F TaeW044S TaeW003D TaeW043K TaeW002S TaeW011I TaeW012I TaeW013I TaeW014I TaeW015I TaeW016I TaeW017I TaeW018I TaeW019I TaeW020I TaeW021I TunW022I TunW023I TaeW024I TaeW025I TaeW026I TaeW027I TaeW028I TaeW029I TaeW030I TaeW031I TaeW032I TaeW033I TunW034I TunW035H TunW036H TunW037H TunW038H TunW039H TunW040F TaeW041U TaeW042K Table 1. Table TaeW001S Specimen Initial identification Country of origin, region UPS No. Collection date Spore reticulum height (

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 1535–1546 1538 C. Wedén, E. Danell and L. Tibell AJ888110 m) EMBL accession No. m c 0.41; 2.5–4.00.41; – 0.76; 3.0–5.00.76; AJ888072 0,52; 2.5–4.00,52; AJ888122 0.39; 3.5–4.50.39; AJ888071 0.62; 3.0–5.00.62; AJ888086 0.48; 3.0–4.50.48; AJ888070 0.49; 3.5–5.00.49; AJ888060 0.39; 3.0–4.00.39; AJ888062 0.55; 3.0–4.50.55; – 0.55; 3.0–4.50.55; – 0.94; 3.0–6.00.94; – 0.46; 3.0–4.00.46; AJ888052 0.64; 3.0–4.50.64; AJ888069 0.25; 3.0–3.5 0.25; 0.60; 3.0–5.00.60; – 1.12; 3.5–7.01.12; AJ888068 0.53; 3.0–5.00.53; AJ888109 0.46; 3.0–4.50.46; AJ888085 0.63; 3.0–4.50.63; AJ888055 0.74; 3.0–5.50.74; AJ888074 0.59; 3.0–5.00.59; AJ888051 0.35; 3.5–4.50.35; AJ888123 0.42; 3.0–4.50.42; AJ888059 0.46; 3.5–4.50.46; AJ888050 0.57; 3.5–5.00.57; AJ888066 0.35; 3.0–4.00.35; AJ888073 0.41; 3.0–4.50.41; AJ888078 0.76; 2.5–5.00.76; – 0.41; 3.0–4.00.41; AJ888088 0.56; 3.5–5.00.56; – 0.78; 3.0–5.50.78; AJ888053 0.73; 3.0–5.50.73; AJ888087 0.35; 4.0–5.00.35; AJ888063 0.42; 3.5–5.00.42; AJ888065 0.64; 3.0–4.50.64; AJ888064 0.48; 3.0–4.50.48; AJ888084 0.71; 4.0–6.00.71; 3.5–5.00.55; 3.5–5.50.56; 3.0–4.50.42; 3.5–6.50.94; 3.0–5.0 AJ888125 0.75; 2.0–4.5 AJ888126 0.74; 2.5–4.5 – 0.63; – AJ888057 – – AJ888099 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118737 1999-09-21 3.35 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118736 2000-10-10 3.75 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118735 1999-09-19 3.60 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118734 1999-09-19 3.90 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118733 2000-10-06 4.10 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118732 2000-10-08 3.70 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118731 1999-09-20 4.25 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118730 2003-09-20 3.60 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118729 1999-09-20 3.45 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118728 2003-10-10 3.95 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118727 2002-08 4.35 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118726 1999-09-16 3.40 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118754 2003-09 3.75 Sweden, ÖlandSweden, F-118862 2000 3.38 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118725 1999-09-21 3.95 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118753 2003-11-10 4.45 Sweden, GotlandSweden, ÖlandSweden, F-118744 F-118861 1999-07-27 2000 (4.5) – no data 3.85 AJ888079 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118724 1999-09-16 3.60 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118752 2003-11-10 3.80 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118743 1999-09-19 4.40 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118723 2000-10-04 4.25 Sweden, GotlandSweden, GotlandSweden, GotlandSweden, F-118749 F-118750 F-118751 2003-11-06 2003-11-07 2003-11-07 No data No data 3.75 AJ888054 AJ888067 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118742 2000-10-06 3.70 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118722 1999-09-18 3.90 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118748 2003-11-06 4.40 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118741 2000-10-06 3.80 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118721 1999-10-11 3.85 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118747 2003-11-09 3.75 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118740 1999-09-21 3.50 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118720 2000-09-25 4.25 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118746 2003-11-09 4.40 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118739 1999-09-21 4.05 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118719 2000-06-27 4.25 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118745 2003-11-10 4.20 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118738 1999-09-21 3.75 Sweden, GotlandSweden, F-118718 2000-10-04 3.70 France, Haute-MarneFrance, Meurthe-et-MoselleFrance, Meurthe-et-MoselleFrance, MeuseFrance, MeuseFrance, YonneFrance, MeuseFrance, MeuseFrance, F-118756 MarcheItaly, F-118757 F-118755 2000-12-05 2000-12-22 No data F-118758 4.45 F-118759 4.30 F-118760 2000-11-27 F-118761 4.85 2000-12-05 F-118762 No data F-118802 200-12-05 2000-11-27 3.70 (5.5, 5.5) – no data 1991-06-27 4.00 4.65 3.40 3.35 AJ888081 a a a a a a a a a Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber uncinatum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber uncinatum Tuber cont. TaeW072S TaeW071S TaeW070S TaeW069S TaeW068S TaeW067S TaeW066S TaeW065S TaeW064S TaeW063S TaeW062S TaeW061S TunW125F TaeW060S TaeW124S TaeW107S TaeW059S TaeW123S TaeW078S TaeW106S TaeW058S TaeW122S TaeW077S TaeW057S TaeW119S TaeW120S TaeW121S TaeW076S TaeW056S TaeW118S TaeW075S TaeW055S TaeW117S TaeW074S TaeW054S TaeW116S TaeW073S TaeW053S Specimen Initial identification Country of origin, region UPS No. Collection date Spore reticulum height ( TunW126F TunW127F TunW128F TunW129F TunW131F TunW132F TunW133I TaeW115S Table 1. Table TaeW052S TunW130F

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 1535–1546 Species recognition in the truffle genus Tuber 1539 ; T. mesentericum T. – – AJ888112 st or all of the spores ; Tms, Tms, ; m) EMBL accession No. m d e f T. magnatum T. ’ on the basis of our spore reticulum ’ ; Tmg, ; 0.47; 2.5–4.00.47; AJ888111 0.29; 3.5–4.0 0.29; 3.0–4.50.53; 4.0–6.00.78; 3.0–5.50.73; 3.0–4.5 AJ888077 0.63; 2.5–5.00.75; – 3.0–5.0 AJ888101 0.75; 3.0–5.50.67; 3.5–5.0 AJ888108 0.72; 3.5–5.0 AJ888127 0.54; 2.0–4.0 AJ888103 0.57; 1.5–3.5 AJ888124 0.58; 3.5–4.5 AJ888104 0.45; – 3.0–5.0 – 0.54; 2.0–2.5 – 0.27; AJ888105 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± asci thereby preventing full measurement. Fruit body Fruit full measurement. preventing asci thereby ns. T. uncinatum T. T. aestivum T. ’ and ‘ and ’ T. aestivum T. SD; range. Tae, Tae, range. SD; ± . D, German; E, Spanish; F, French; H, Hungarian, I, Italian; K, Danish specimens. K, Danish specimens. H, Hungarian, I, Italian; French; F, E, Spanish; German; D, . T. aestivum T. were also sequenced. We could not distinguish ‘ could not distinguish We also sequenced. were T. magnatum T. = 10) of 10 different four-spored asci are presented as mean four-spored 10) of 10 different = n France, VaucluseFrance, F-118773 1987-07-01 3.15 Sweden, GotlandSweden, GotlandSweden, GotlandSweden, GotlandSweden, GotlandSweden, GotlandSweden, Unknown F-118824 F-118825 F-118826 2000-10-07 F-118827 2000-10-06 F-118828 1999-09-16 F-118829 2003-08-26 2000-10-06 Not determined 1999-09-19 Not determined F-118823 Not determined Not determined Not determined 1997-11 Not determined AJ888043 AJ888044 AJ888045 Not determined AJ888046 AJ888047 AJ888048 AJ888042 Italy, MarcheItaly, Emilia-RomagnaItaly, PiemonteItaly, MarcheItaly, PiemonteItaly, Alpes-MaritimesFrance, Bouches-du-RhôneFrance, DordogneFrance, DrômeFrance, Côte d’OrFrance, F-118804 HéraultFrance, LotFrance, Var France, F-118803 F-118764 1998-10-01 F-118763 YonneFrance, F-118805 YonneFrance, 1991-06-23 F-118806 F-118807 No data 2003-03-05 VaucluseFrance, 1999-07-14 Var 3.50 France, F-118765Vieia – LeónSpain, Castilla la 1992-10-10 1999-12-25Spain, Catalunya F-118767 F-118766 3.67 Spain, Catalunya No data 1990-06-10 No dataVieiaSpain, Castilla la F-118768 (4.0) – no dataVieiaSpain, Castilla la 1997-10-25 2003-06 4.85 4.05 Spain, Castilla la Nueva F-118808 F-118769 1992-06 3.70 F-118771 F-118770 F-118772 F-118774 (3.0) – no data 1993-07-05 1991-07-05 2002-02 2003-06-15 3.80 2001-08-23 AJ888102 1991-06-25 F-118811 F-118809 F-118775 3.80 F-118812 – F-118810 No data 4.00 F-118813 AJ888100 (3.5) – no data 1993-07-05 1993-07-05 2001-06-15 4.20 4.25 1993-07-05 1993-07-05 3.10 1993-07-05 AJ888076 No data 4.07 2.65 3.80 (3.5) – no data 2.20 – – AJ888128 – a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a and one fruit body of Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber aestivum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber uncinatum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber mesentericum Tuber mesentericum Tuber mesentericum Tuber mesentericum Tuber mesentericum Tuber mesentericum Tuber Tuber uncinatum Tuber Tuber uncinatum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber aestivum Tuber uncinatum Tuber uncinatum Tuber aestivum Tuber uncinatum Tuber T. mesentericum T. . In samples TaeW041U, TaeW078S, TaeW107S, TunW134I, TaeW139F, TunW143F, TaeW152E, TunW153E, TunW154E, TaeW155E and TaeW157E mo and TaeW157E TaeW155E TunW154E, TunW153E, TaeW152E, TunW143F, TaeW139F, TunW134I, TaeW107S, TaeW078S, In . samples TaeW041U, 7. 4. T. uncinatum T. = = = 3.

= 5. Initial identification of fruit bodies by Dr Gérard Chevalier, INRA Clermont-Ferrand, France. INRA Clermont-Ferrand, Chevalier, Dr Gérard Initial identification of fruit bodies by n n Initial identification of fruit bodies by Dr Sergio Arcioni, Istituto di Genetica Vegetale Sez. Perugia, CNR, Italy. Perugia, Sez. Vegetale Dr Sergio Arcioni, Istituto di Genetica Initial identification of fruit bodies by n n TaeW150F TunW136I TunW138I TaeW139F TunW142F TunW143F TaeW145F TaeW146F TunW148F TaeW149F TaeW151F TaeW152E TaeW157E SpecimenTunW135I Initial identification Country of origin, region UPS No. Collection date Spore reticulum height ( TunW154E TmsW005 TmsW088 TmsW091 TmsW094 TmsW095 TmsW096 TmgW085 TunW134I a. b. c. TunW137I TaeW140F TaeW141F TaeW144F TunW147F TunW153E TaeW155E TunW156E d. e. f. Six fruit bodies of measurements above, hence the 49 Swedish (S) and one English (U) fruit bodies are all listed only as hence the 49 Swedish measurements above, vouchers are deposited at the Uppsala herbarium (UPS). EMBL (GenBank) accession numbers are listed for the 88 sequenced specime are listed for EMBL (GenBank) accession numbers are deposited at the Uppsala herbarium (UPS). vouchers Spore reticulum height measurements from spores ( spores had been released from TaeW146F and TaeW140F TunW136I, TunW129F, In samples full measurement. preventing immature, were Tun, Tun,

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 1535–1546 1540 C. Wedén, E. Danell and L. Tibell needed to study the Öland population. Sequences of 7 Swedish, Danish and German fruit bodies were found in the same subclade, although mixed with sequences from m) 6 m other parts of Europe, hence making it impossible to point 5 at the origin of the Swedish population. As truffle spores are known to be spread mainly by animal vectors (Trappe

m height ( 4 u l et al., 2001), the number of central and southern Euro- u 3 pean fruit bodies with ITS sequences identical to those of the Swedish fruit bodies, suggest random parallel evolu-

pore retic 2 tion of a small number of base pairs, rather than recent S long distance distribution from a common origin (Table 3; 1 Fig. 2). The ITS variation may also be a remnant that evolved before colonization of northern Europe by T. aes- Swedish taxon T. aestivum T. uncinatum tivum (Pamilo and Nei, 1988). Fig. 1. Box plot of spore reticulum heights (mm) illustrating medians, Our morphological analysis clearly illustrate that spore first and third quartiles, range and extreme values (). Forty-five fruit reticulum height is not diagnostic. It displays a continuum, bodies of Tuber aestivum syn. T. uncinatum from Sweden: ‘Swedish taxon’ (450 measurements). Thirty fruit bodies of ‘T. aestivum’ (300 neither suited for the discrimination between species nor measurements) and 25 fruit bodies of ‘T. uncinatum’ (250 measure- suited for varieties or morphotypes (Table 1; Fig. 1). ments) sensu Gérard Chevalier (INRA Clermont-Ferrand, France) and Paolocci and colleagues (2004) argued that the height of Sergio Arcioni (Istituto di Genetica Vegetale Sez. Perugia, CNR, Italy).

Bruns, 1993), and even for species pairs (Johannesson Table 2. Thirty-two GenBank sequences were included in this study. et al., 1999; Ryman et al., 2003). The ITS region, how- Number Taxon GenBank accession No. ever, is not phylogenetically informative enough for popu- lation studies within a species (Fig. 2; Table 3; Wedén TunA779I Tuber uncinatum AF516779 TaeA781I Tuber aestivum AF516781 et al., 2004b). Problems related to use of ITS for species TaeA782I Tuber aestivum AF516782 recognition have been discussed by, e.g. Álvarez and TaeA783I Tuber aestivum AF516783 Wendel (2003), but could not be suspected in this case, TaeA784I Tuber aestivum AF516784 TaeA785I Tuber aestivum AF516785 due to the absence of support for a separation between TaeA786I Tuber aestivum AF516786 ‘T. aestivum’ and ‘T. uncinatum’. The small variation in the TaeA787I Tuber aestivum AF516787 ITS sequence among ‘T. aestivum’ and ‘T. uncinatum’ TaeA788I Tuber aestivum AF516788 TaeA789I Tuber aestivum AF516789 specimens neither corresponded to spore reticulum TunA790I Tuber uncinatum AF516790 height, nor to any other known morphological, chemical TunA791I Tuber uncinatum AF516791 or ecological character. Both Johannesson and col- TunA792I Tuber uncinatum AF516792 TaeA036I Tuber aestivum AF226036 leagues (1999) and Ryman and colleagues (2003) sepa- TunA037I Tuber uncinatum AY226037 rated closely related species, formerly considered as one TunA038I Tuber uncinatum AY226038 species, by analyses of the ITS region. They also found TunA039F Tuber uncinatum AY226039 TunA041I Tuber uncinatum AY226041 morphological key characters corresponding to the dis- TunA042I Tuber uncinatum AY226042 tinct clades, representing different mycorrhizal host pref- TunB509X Tuber uncinatum AF132509 erences. In our analysis T. aestivum/T. uncinatum form TunV199I Tuber uncinatum AJ492199 TunV201I Tuber uncinatum AJ492201 one clade and we found no morphological differences. TunV202I Tuber uncinatum AJ492202 This is in contrast to the conclusion of Mello and col- TunV203I Tuber uncinatum AJ492203 leagues (2002b), suggesting a difference between the two TunV205I Tuber uncinatum AJ492205 TunV206I Tuber uncinatum AJ492206 taxa, based on comparison of sequenced ITS. When com- TunV207I Tuber uncinatum AJ492207 paring more specimens using RFLP of ITS, they could not TunV208I Tuber uncinatum AJ492208 separate ‘T. aestivum’ and ‘T. uncinatum’ (Mello et al., TunV209I Tuber uncinatum AJ492209 TunV210I Tuber uncinatum AJ492210 2002b). Possibly, their findings from the ITS sequencing TaeV215F Tuber aestivum AJ492215 analysis resulted from the small number of selected spec- TaeV216E Tuber aestivum AJ492216 imens, mainly from one site in Italy, and the exclusion of Numbers in the first column refer to the number used in the phyloge- all morphologically intermediate specimens (Mello et al., netic analyses (Fig. 2): Tae, T. aestivum; Tun, T. uncinatum; A, 2002b). sequence published by Paolocci et al. (2004); B, sequence published The two fruit bodies from the island of Öland, Sweden, by Roux et al. (1999); V, sequence published by Mello et al. (2002b); the three numbers correspond to the last three numbers of the Gen- shared a single base substitution not present in any other Bank accession number; the last letter indicate country of origin: fruit body, but more fruit bodies and other methods are France (F), Italy (I), Spain (E) and unknown (X).

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 1535–1546 Species recognition in the truffle genus Tuber 1541 ’. Swedish ’. T. uncinatum T. ’ or ‘ or ’ T. aestivum T. TaeW056S TaeW057S TaeW060S TaeW064S TaeW065S TaeW066S TaeW068S TaeW070S TaeW072S TaeW075S TaeW076S TaeW077S TaeW078S TaeW115S TaeW116S TaeW118S TaeW119S TaeW120S TaeW122S TaeW123S TaeW124S cimens listed below them. Fruit bodies sequenced in this study Fruit them. cimens listed below sequences of specimens in column 3 (TaeW029I) and column 8 sequences of specimens in column 3 (TaeW029I) . French (F), Italian (I), Hungarian (H) and Spanish (E) specimens are classified as either ‘ as either (F), Italian (I), Hungarian (H) and Spanish (E) specimens are classified French . T. uncinatum T. . ; Tun, Tun, ; T. aestivum T. Tuber aestivum Tuber TaeW025ITunW034ITunW035H TunA790I TunA037I TunA791I TunA038I TunA792I TunW133I TunW136I TunW138I TaeW140F TaeW144F TunW147F TunW156E TunV205I TunA779I TaeA782I TaeA783I TaeA784I TaeA785I TaeA786I TaeW011ITaeW017I TaeW029ITaeW020ITaeW021I TunW040FTunW022I TunW036H TunW129FTunW023I TunW130F TunW038H TunW135I TunW143F TunA039F TunA042I TaeW047S TaeW049S TaeW106S TaeW019I TunA041I TaeW149F TaeW141F TunV201I TaeW048S TaeW051S TaeW053S TaeW058S TaeW067S TaeW055S TaeW073S TaeW074S Fruit bodies with identical ITS sequences. Fruit (S) specimens are recorded only as Table 3. Table 2: Sequence in Fig. Identical sequences: TaeW016I TunW004F TunV203I TaeA781I TaeW018I TaeA788I TaeW002S TaeW052S TaeW107S TaeW157E Specimens in bold face are included in the parsimony analysis (Fig. 2) and are 100% identical in their ITS sequences to the spe analysis (Fig. are included in the parsimony Specimens in bold face Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 2. Table V) are listed in 1 and sequences obtained from GenBank (A or Table (W) are listed in Tae, are identical. (TaeW047S)

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 1535–1546 1542 C. Wedén, E. Danell and L. Tibell

Fig. 2. One of the most parsimonious trees [317 steps; consistency index (CI) = 0.9338; retention index (RI) = 0.9707] found in the anal- ysis of the ITS sequences representing Tuber aestivum (Tae), T. uncinatum (Tun) and the their sister species T. mesentericum (Tms). Tuber magnatum (Tmg) is included as an outgroup. The German (D), Spanish (E), French (F), Hun- garian (H), Italian (I), Danish (K) and unknown (X) specimens were determined previous to our study to either ‘T. aestivum’ or ‘T. uncinatum’. The Swedish (S) and the English (U) speci- mens are all named T. aestivum, as we found it impossible to distinguish between T. aestivum and T. uncinatum based on our spore reticulum measurements (Table 1). The capital letter in the middle of the specimen number indicate the origin of the sequence: W = sequences obtained in this study (Table 1); A, B and V = GenBank sequences (Table 2). Identical sequences are excluded and listed in Table 3. Numbers in brackets indicate the number of identical sequences (Table 3). Tuber aestivum and T. uncinatum, sensu Gérard Chevalier (INRA Clermont-Ferrand, France), Sergio Arcioni (Istituto di Genetica Vegetale, Sez. Perugia, CNR, Italy) (Mello et al., 2002b; Paolocci et al., 2004) have identical sequences and the same identical sequence may also ori- gin from several different countries. Bootstrap percentages > 50 are indicated above branches. Branches present in the strict con- sensus tree are indicated with bold lines. Branch lengths are proportional to number of changes. Tuber aestivum and T. uncinatum are mixed in a well-supported monophyletic clade (bootstrap = 100).

the spore ornamentation is phenotypic, tending to be early, but incompletely and without developing the char- higher in more humid, semi-shaded conditions favourable acteristic taste and scent. When hunting for truffles today for fruit body development. in Vittadini’s old truffle grounds, the truffles found have Due to its wide habitat range (Chevalier and Frochot, been identified as ‘T. uncinatum’ (Montecchi and Borelli, 1997; Wedén et al., 2004a), T. aestivum may also grow in 1990), which indicate that Vittadini’s concept of T. aesti- conditions less favourable for the development of scent. vum included Chatin’s ‘T. uncinatum’. Tuber aestivum in southern Europe, occurring in the same Our microscopical analysis showed the importance of regions as the xerophilic T. melanosporum Vittad., often describing a reproducible method for recording measure- exhibits a relatively weak scent (Chevalier, 1979). Weakly ments, and sufficient sampling for statistical analysis scented T. aestivum fruit bodies also occur during dry when describing morphological traits, enabling compari- years or during the summer months. Our preliminary field sons between studies. For molecular data it is important observations in Sweden suggest that fruit bodies close to to indicate the mode of sequence alignment for accurate the soil surface during hot and dry summers may mature reproduction.

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 1535–1546 Species recognition in the truffle genus Tuber 1543

Internal transcribed spacer sequences did not discrim- Hungary (representing five sites in four counties), two from inate between the two alleged taxa (Fig. 2). The height of Denmark (from two different islands), one from England and the spore reticulum was not diagnostic (Fig. 1), neither one from Germany. For the Swedish material, two fruit bodies from each site were selected, choosing the two specimens were the closely linked characters of colour of the gleba, collected as early and as late as possible during the season season of maturity, scent and taste (Table 1; Paolocci (Table 1). This was done in order to investigate seasonal et al., 2004). The morphology and size of the peridium differences in mature fruit bodies, because T. aestivum is said facets may vary even on the same fruit body. Because no to mature earlier in the season. French, Spanish and Hun- stable characters differentiate the alleged two taxa, there garian fruit bodies were kindly supplied and identified as is no basis for suspecting that the two names represent either ‘T. aestivum’ or ‘T. uncinatum’ by Dr Gérard Chevalier, two varieties. It is possible that organoleptic properties are INRA Clermont-Ferrand, France. Italian fruit bodies were kindly supplied and determined to either ‘T. aestivum’ or ‘T. a constant character and a taxon exists with mature uncinatum’ by Dr Sergio Arcioni, Istituto di Genetica Vegetale spores devoid of scent (Chevalier et al., 1994). If that Sez. Perugia, CNR, Italy and Dr Gérard Chevalier. Danish, taxon would be genetically distinct from T. aestivum it English and German fruit body samples were kindly supplied would deserve recognition, but it is not congruent with by Dr Christian Lange, The Copenhagen Botanical Museum, Chatin’s description of T. uncinatum. We thus conclude Dr Andy Taylor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, that as traditionally used, ‘T. aestivum’ and ‘T. uncinatum’ and Dr Michael Pfaff, University of Lund respectively. are the same species. Therefore, the distinction between T. aestivum and T. uncinatum on the French truffle market Morphological analysis is really a matter of product quality and not a difference between species. It is important that truffle consumers The only quantifiable morphological character suggested to and traders know the correct definitions to avoid misun- separate T. aestivum from T. uncinatum is height of the spore derstandings and fraud. The marketing of immature reticulum (Chevalier et al., 1979; Chevalier and Frochot, 1997; Riousset et al., 2001; Mello et al., 2002b; Paolocci (scentless) truffles should be banned as it would other- et al., 2004). The spore reticulum can be measured in differ- wise encourage digging to find immature truffles. Mature ent ways, but this is rarely described. Chevalier and col- truffles are found by their pronounced scent, leading the leagues (1979) described a method where the length of the truffle hunter to the exact location of the truffle by, e.g. a spore is measured including and excluding the spore reticu- trained truffle dog. Hence, digging ‘blindly’ for immature lum. The spore reticulum height is then calculated by dividing truffles could damage natural truffières and adjacent flora. the difference between these two measurements by two. It is Because T. aestivum is an older, valid name than is T. not always possible to measure the spore reticulum at the two ends of the oval spore due to the orientation of the spore uncinatum for the same species, the former name has reticulum or the spore itself in the plane of the microscope priority according to the International Code of Botanical slide, i.e. to avoid optical measurement errors. The literature Nomenclature (Greuter, 2000). However, either the names does not indicate how many measurements are needed per Tuber gulosorum Wiggers:Fr. or T. albidum Fr. might have fruit body for species determination. Reported spore mea- priority over T. aestivum Vittad. (Trappe, 2001). No types surements might vary due to maturity, the fruit body being have been designated for T. gulosorum or T. albidum, fresh or dried, microscopic slide solvent (e.g. water, ethanol, however, and their identity is uncertain. Neither name has lactic acid), number of spores per ascus, and number of spores measured. We used this method: dried fruit body been used for over a century, whereas the name T. aes- material (gleba) was transferred to a microscope slide and tivum has been in common, international use in both sci- rehydrated by adding a drop of 70% ethanol and after 5 min ence and commerce since Vittadini coined it in 1831. A a drop of distilled water. After 30 min the rehydrated gleba proposal to the International Botanical Congress to con- was squashed with the side of a razor blade to make the serve T. aestivum over T. gulosorum and T. albidum would preparation as thin as possible to enable correct measure- be in order. ment of the reticuli. Finally, a microscope glass coverslip was applied tightly over the preparation. The spores were viewed in a Leitz Laborlux K microscope with a ¥100 objective. A camera lucida (drawing tube) was used, giving the on-paper Experimental procedures magnification of ¥2000. By this means the spore reticulum Selection of fruit body material height could be measured with an ordinary ruler, where 1 mm was equivalent to 0.5 mm in the slide preparation. To avoid The 117 dried ‘T. aestivum’ and ‘T. uncinatum’ fruit bodies optical errors, the focus was readjusted for each measure- from eight European countries analysed in this study ment to ensure that the spore reticulum being measured was (Table 1) are deposited at the Uppsala herbarium (UPS). Of in the same plane as the microscope slide. these, 49 originated from Sweden (representing 28 different The following four fruit bodies were first examined: sites on the island of Gotland and one site on the island of TaeW026I (three tissue samples), TaeW032I (two samples), Öland), 23 from France (representing 20 sites in 13 counties), TaeW065S (three samples) and TaeW115S (four samples). 30 from Italy (representing 10 sites from six regions), six from Each sample was taken from different parts of the gleba. Two Spain (representing six sites from four regions), five from to five spore reticulum heights were measured for each spore

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 1535–1546 1544 C. Wedén, E. Danell and L. Tibell in a four-spored ascus. Such spores were measured until a DNA was purified with Multiscreen PCR (Millipore, Billerica) stable mean for a tissue sample was achieved. The means and eluted in 35 ml of distilled water. Sequencing was carried from different tissue samples were compared. This resulted out with the primers ITS5 and ITS4. After an initial denatur- in up to 233 spore reticulum height measurements from 78 ation of 1 min at 96∞C, the sequencing reaction ran for 30 measured spores in 20 asci in each tissue sample. The focus cycles (10 s at 96∞C, 5 s at 50∞C, 4 min at 60∞C) using was adjusted so that the reticuli could be measured in the the ABI PRISM BigDye v. 3.1 labelling method (Perkin- plane of the microscope slide, thereby having a readily visible Elmer). Contigs were assembled in Bioedit (http://www. base and top and not being subject to any three-dimensional optic length errors or be mistaken with the length of the alveolar wall. The reticulum was measured in a 90∞ angle from the outer spore wall. Measurements were taken adja- Multiple sequence alignments, gap coding and parsimony cent to an alveolar wall node (where three alveolar walls analysis meet), as the node structure is sturdier and less prone to fold Another 32 GenBank sequences from fruit bodies morpho- over. Only fully mature spores (i.e. not colourless spores) in logically determined as ‘T. aestivum’ or ‘T. uncinatum’ were intact asci were measured. included in the study (Table 2). Multiple sequences were The extensive measurements of the four fruit bodies above aligned manually in Se-Al (Rambaut, 1996) placing indels in showed a variation of the height of the spore reticulum positions that minimized the number of substitutions within between different tissue samples within one fruit body, an aligned region, under the premises that indels and sub- between different asci in the same sample, between spores stitutions had equal weight (Oxelman et al., 1997; Andreasen in the same ascus and within the same spore. The following et al., 1999; Långström and Oxelman, 2003). The aligned compromise was chosen. One tissue sample was taken from data matrix is available from the corresponding author on the gleba of each of 117 fruit bodies. The spore reticulum request. Gap coding was performed in the program was measured once on one spore in an ascus containing four GAPCODER (J. Healy and N.D. Young, 2004; http:// spores. This was repeated in 10 asci, resulting in a total of, implementing 10 measurements of the reticulum height for each fruit body the simple gap coding method described by Simmons and (Table 1). Ochoterena (2000). Maximum parsimony analyses of the ITS region matrices were performed in PAUP* version 4.0b10 for Statistical analysis of morphological data Macintosh™ (Swofford, 2002), with a heuristic search strat- egy having four random addition sequence replicates and Mean values, standard deviation with an n-1 weighting and TBR branch swapping. The analysis was run with the MUL- range were calculated for each fruit body (Table 1). Comput- TREES option off, because the high similarity between the ing was performed in S-PLUS 2000 (Mathsoft, 1999). Each sequences otherwise generated so many trees that it was taxon was represented by 25 fruit body specimens. Only fruit impossible to compute, the only difference between the trees bodies with 10 measurements were included. being rearrangements within the end nodes. Maximum parsimony bootstrap analyses for the identification of well- supported monophyletic groups was performed with full heu- DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing ristics in PAUP* with random addition of 1000 replicates, TBR branch swapping, MULTREES option off and random addi- Total DNA was extracted from dried fruit body material tion of sequences with four replicates. A tree was constructed (gleba) of T. aestivum, T. uncinatum, T. mesentericum and T. both to show whether or not morphologically determined ‘T. magnatum using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Basel) aestivum’ and ‘T. uncinatum’ specimens from central and according to the manufacturer’s manual. DNA was precipi- southern Europe would separate in distinct clades and to tated in 30 ml of supplied buffer. Polymerase chain reaction study where the Swedish specimens would be distributed (PCR) amplification was conducted with the primers ITS1f among the foreign specimens. (Gardes and Bruns, 1993) and LR1new (AGGAAAAGAAACC AAC) to specifically amplify the fungal ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2 regions of the ribosomal nuclear DNA. Each 45 ml of PCR Acknowledgements reaction contained 0.8 mM dNTP, 5.5% glycerol, 1.5 mM

MgCl2, 0.5 mM of each of the primers ITS1f and LR1new, Gérard Chevalier and Sergio Arcioni are greatly acknowl- 0.2 m TAQ polymerase (ABGene, Epsom) and 22.5 ml of DNA edged for providing determined fruit body material for this diluted 1:10 in distilled water. After an initial denaturation at study. Ovidiu Constantinescu, Gérard Chevalier, Svengunnar 95∞C for 4 min, the PCR (Eppendorf Mastercycler personal, Ryman, Stefan Ekman, Sunniva Aagaard and Mikael Thol- Hamburg) was run for 35 cycles (1 min 94∞C, 1 min 54∞C, lesson have contributed their expertise to the spore measure- 45 s 72∞C with a 0.4 s cycle-1 extension at 72∞C) followed by ment study, as have Nahid Heidari, Elisabeth Långström, a final synthesis at 72∞ for 5 min. Some samples which did Magnus Popp, Bengt Oxelman and Cajsa Anderson with not yield visible PCR products, or only very faint PCR prod- molecular analyses. We also thank Bertil Widbom at Gotland ucts after electrophoresis, were successfully amplified in a University for valuable support. This study was financed by subsequent nested PCR, using the primers ITS5 (Vilgalys, the Municipality of Gotland, the European Agriculture Guid- 2001) and ITS4 (White et al., 1990) and parameters as ance and Guarantee Fund under the Objective 5b Gotland described above. Polymerase chain reaction products were Programme, the European Regional Development Fund diluted 1:200 before being used in the nested PCR. Amplified under the Objective 2 Islands Programme, the Gotland

© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 1535–1546 Species recognition in the truffle genus Tuber 1545

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© 2005 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 1535–1546