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VOLUME 39, NUMBER 26 APRIL 29, 1937 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY CORNELL HOSTS OF CORNELL ALUMNI Good Places to Know ITHACA ITHACA LANG'S GARAGE MAYFLOWER UR STATIONS DINE AT GREEN STREET NEAR TIOGA GILLETTE'S CAFETERIA Ithaca's Oldest, Largest, and Best On College Avenue "A local institution devoted Where Georgia's Dog Used to Be Storage, Washing, Lubrication, Expert Repairs to community service " Air Conditioned the Year 'Round ERNEST D. BUΠON '99 JOHN L. BUTTON *25 • • CARL J. GILLETTE '28, Propr. A cordial welcome is awaiting all Cornel- INVESTMENT ADVISORY SERVICE Hans at our automobile service stations in Westchester County and southern Connecticut NEW OYSTER BAR For Individuals, Corporations, Trustees, Estates * * Double-delicious Sea Food, Steaks and Chops WILLIAM R. WIGLEY Ό7 Complete meals from 35 j* Representing a leading New York firm with a G. L. WERLY '23 President Green Lantern Tea Room 70-year record of successful investment administration 140 East State Street 602 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. WILLIAM B. HOSNER '36, Prop. BALTIMORE, MD. NEW YORK AND VICINITY WHITMAN, REQUARDT& SMITH NEW YORK AND VICINITY "Cornell Hosts" Water Supply, Sewerage, Structural, AT THE THE BALLOU PRESS Valuations of Public Utilities, Reports, Plans, and General Consulting Practice. WALDORF Printers to Lawyers EZRA B. WHITMAN, C.E. '01 John Shea '27 G. J. REQUARDT, C.E. Ό9 Henry B.Williams..'30 CHAS. A. BALLOU, Jr., '21 B. L SMITH, C.E. '14 Frederick D. Ray...'33 West Biddle Street at Charles 69 Beekman St. Tel. Beekman 3-8785 THE JOSEPH M. BASS '24 KENOSHA, WIS. WALDORF INSURANCE ASTORIA MACWHYTE COMPANY and Fire Adjusting Service for the Assured ParkAve 49thto50th NewYork Manufacturers of Wire and Wire Rope, Braided Wire 1230 Federal Trust Bldg. NEWARK, N. J. Rope Slings, Aircraft Tie Rods, Strand and Cord. Market 3-3213-4 CRYSTAL ROOM Literature furnished on request Delicious food served in an atmosphere of JESSEL S. WHYTE, M.E. '13 V.P. & GEN. MGR. refinement. 51 Chambers Street WOrth 2-2510 Luncheons from .45 R. B. WHYTE, M.E. '13, GEN. SUPT. Dinner from .65 New York, N.Y. With Music BROCKELBANK & BROCKELBANK Single Rooms or Suites $300 to $12.00 Certiίied Public Accountants WOOSTER, OHIO NEW HOTEL TOURAINE 23 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, New York City 605 Broad Street (four minutes from Wall Street) George H Brockelbank, '26 A.B. Newark, NJ. IMRE EDWARDS-DOMONKOS, *26 WILLTAM B. HOSNER '36 Mitchell 2-1737 Licensed Liίe Underwriter In Beautiful Bear Mountain Park . THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE HENRY M. DEVEREUX, M.E. '33 BEAR MOUNTAIN INN INSURANCE COMPANY Palisades Interstate Park Commission of Milwaukee, Wisconsin YACHT DESIGNER A. C. BOWDISH *26 515 College Avenue, Wooster, Ohio Manager Telephone 482 K 295 CITY ISLAND AVE. Phone Stony Point 1 for Reservations CITY ISLAND, N. Y. WASHINGTON, P. C. VIRGINIA ROLAND EATON '27 DONALD MACDONALD, INC Managing Director THEODORE K. BRANT REAL ESTATE LL.B. '97—LL.M. '98 LEASE MANAGEMENT BROKERAGE Master Patent Law, G.W.U. '08 D. S. MACDONALD, '26, Pres Cavalier Patents and Trade Marks Exclusively J. D. MACDONALD, '24, Sec. Hotel and Country Club 640 Madison Ave. Eldorado 5-4321 309-314 Victor Building VIRGINIA WHITING-PATTERSON CO., Inc. OUR 5,000 READERS WASHINGTON, P. C. Distributors oί Papers Manufacturers of Envelopes Prefer to do business with Cornellians ALLEN E. WHITING "98, President They will see your ad in our 1715 G Street, N. W. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY RICHARD S. STARK'34 Sales Representative XΛ block west State War and Navy Bldg. 386 FOURTH AVENUE TELEPHONE Write for special low yearly rates: BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON & DINNER NEW YORK CITY AShland 4-4960 BOX 575 ITHACA, N.Y RUTH CLEVES JUSTUS Ί6 ELL ALUMNI NEWS Subscription price $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July, August and September VOL. XXXIX, NO. ITHACA,NEW YORK, APRIL 1937 PRICE, I 5 CENTS GIRLS TO COME MAY 15 '39; and Phyllis Andre and Gabrielle HOLD PEACE MEETING Nine Clubs Entertain Sichel, '40. Agnes Tierney '95 spoke of Council Arranges Program Cornell as she knew it in the time of Eighty to ninety girls from secondary This year's peace meeting in Bailey Andrew D. White. schools throughout New York State are Hall, April 2.2., was sponsored and ar- The Batavia women held their meeting expected in Ithaca for the fourth annual ranged by the recently formed Campus at the Y. W. C. A. building. Girls were Cornell Day for Women on May 15. Peace Council, which brings together present from LeRoy, Albion, Corfu, They have been selected both by under- representatives of student organizations Bergen, Elba, and Batavia. Margaret graduate women and by members of the to further the cause. University classes Buckland '38 spoke. The Schenectady Cornell Women's Clubs. were suspended for an hour, and the party was addressed by Barbara Clark Guests will be entertained in the wo- auditorium was half filled. '39; and the one given by the Western men's dormitories. On Saturday morning Dr. R. F. Jenny, former Army chaplain Connecticut women in Bridgeport, by they will be taken on a tour of the now pastor of the Park Central Presby- Mary Bent '37. Campus by undergraduate women, and terian Church in Syracuse and self-styled A tea was given April 16 by the Cornell those who wish will have an opportunity "pacigerant," pleaded for a "crusade of Women's Club of Cortland. Mary Dick- to interview representatives from the peace" that should make the world "fit son '38 and Mrs. Osborn were both pres- Faculties of the various Colleges. In the for men and women to live in," and ent and spoke to the girls of Cornell afternoon a tea for the guests will be held labelled his hearers as being "too re- affairs. in Willard Straight, and in the evening spectable" and "lacking in dyed-in-the- an informal party is being planned in the INDIANA CLUB ELECTS wool conviction." Professor Henry W. Balch Hall recreation room. At a meeting of the Cornell Club of Edgerton Ίo, Law, speaking on "Stu- The Women's Cornell Day Committee Indiana held on March 10 at the Colum- dents and War," prophesied another war, is headed by Mrs. Claude M. Bigelow bia Club in Indianapolis, Otto N. saying: "The old-fashioned ideas of na- (Lucile Wyman) 'Z3, 91 Homer Ave., Frenzel, Jr. '19 was elected president of tional interests and prestige make dis- Cortland. Its Ithaca members are Mrs. the Club, succeeding Herbert I. John- armament impossible." Pointing out that R. C. Osborn (Agda Swenson) 'xo, Olive stone '2.6 who moved to Mobile, Ala. "a country" is made up of individual Northup Snyder 'xx, Dean E. Louise recently. John F. Modrall '34 was re- persons and is not of itself a living thing, Fitch, Ruth E. Davis '17, Mrs. John B. elected secretary and R. Ralston Jones '15 he advised students to "look over the Grace (Anna Fielden) Ίo, and Marion was elected treasurer. next war carefully and disregard per- F. Bean '37, chairman of the under- suasive propaganda." graduate committee. CORNELL CLUB LIBRARIAN John M. Batten '37, president of the During and since the spring recess ten Student Council, presided, and Patricia Cornell Women's Clubs have entertained S. Prescott '38 of Sandy Creek, Austin preparatory and high school girls who H. Kiplinger '39 of Arlington, Va., and might be interested in entering the Uni- Frederick J. Rarig '37 of Minneapolis, versity. A committee of the Federation Minn, advocated the cause of peace and of Cornell Women's Clubs, headed by urged individual support by writing to Mrs. Edwin Knauss (Dorothy Pond) Ί8, legislators in the interests of anti-war arranged for undergraduate women active bills. in Campus affairs to address these meet- The Campus Peace Council, the forma- ings and the speakers were chosen by tion of which we announced recently, is Miss Bean. composed of representatives of some On April 4 the Cornell Women's Club twenty-eight undergraduate organiza- of Washington, D. C. gave a tea at the tions. These include the Student Council, home of Gladys Fielding '34. Marian Interfraternity Council, Independent As- Myers '38 was the speaker. The New sociation, men's and women's cabinets York Club held its tea at the Barbizon of CURW and five denominational stu- Hotel April 11. Mrs. Thomas Louden dent groups, the Cornell Daily Sun and (Elizabeth Valentine) '02. was chairman, Areopagus, Officers Club of the ROTC, and Edith Gardner '36 of Richmond Hill the Poets' Club, the International Rela- spoke for the undergraduates. tions Club, American Student Union, Simultaneous meetings were held April Young Communists' League, Young 10 by the Cornell Women's Clubs of Peoples' Socialist League, Telluride As- Philadelphia, Rochester, Buffalo, Batavia, DR. HENRY P. DEFOREST '84 reads the sociation, and three sororities (Alpha Western Connecticut, and Schenectady. ALUMNI NEWS in the library of the Cor- Epsilon Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Sigma The Buffalo meeting took place at the nell Club of New York. Librarian of the Delta Tau) and two fraternities (Sigma home of Mrs. George Crofts (Frances Club since it moved into its present Chi and Theta Delta Chi). Its executive Johnson) '05, and Mary Tillinghast '36 quarters in 192.3, Dr. deForest has built committee is composed of Rose E. Smith spoke. At the Rochester home of Dorothy up the Club library from forty-eight '38 of Jackson Heights, chairman, Kip- J. Sullivan '35 color films of Campus books to more than 4,000 volumes. Most linger, Rarig, Frederick H. Bullen '38 activities were shown and Elizabeth of these were gifts from alumni solicited of Pueblo, Col., John S.