Page 36 WRBA Territorial News, Volume 7, Issue 1 WRBA Territorial News, Volume 7, Issue 1 Page 1 THE BUTTON CALENDAR PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Oregon Spring Workshop. March 14. Tualatin Elks Lodge. Best wishes to each of you for a safe, peaceful, productive 2009 filled with Button Bazaar (presented by laughter, love, and buttons that warm your Sacramento Button Club) February heart. Make memories you can treasure in 28, Saturday. 10AM—5PM. Carmi- the years to come! The WRBA button world chael Park Community Club House, lost dear members this year and we shall 5750 Grant Avenue, Carmichael CA. Donation $2. Contact Faye treasure the memories we made with them. Wolfe (916) 489-1785 Speaking of treasure, this issue
[email protected] contains our 2008 financial reports. The careful management and hard work of Colorado Button Show. April 17-19. 9am-4pm. WRBA leaders contributes to our stability. Oregon State Button Show, April 29 -May 2. “Buttons . The Stories They To best manage WRBA finances, our Tell” Keizer Renaissance Inn, Keizer OR. Exit 260B on I-5 Highway. (800) Treasurer shall open two bank CDs with funds not needed until our 2010 299-7221 WRBA convention. California State Button Society. May 22-24. “Celebrating the Art of But- The WRBA Board recently completed action on 3 items. tons” Holiday Inn Sacramento North, East I-80. (916) 338-5800. (1) The 10-tray limit on competitive trays has been removed. Idaho State Button Show. June 4-6. “Rainbow of Shells” Best Western (2) We adopted a policy that membership information will not be shared, Hotel, Caldwell ID.