AGUAS ANDINAS S.A. Registration in the Securities Registry N° 346 LEGAL PROSPECTUS FOR ISSUE OF BONDS BY SERIES OF NAME OF BEARER RENDERED FOR 30 YEARS ISSUANCE OF SERIES Y, Z, and AA BONDS First placement under the bond series registered in the Securities Registry N°777 dated March 3, 2014 Second placement under the bond series registered in the Securities Registry N°806 dated April 6, 2015 Santiago, December 2015 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Participating Intermediaries This prospectus has been prepared by Aguas Andinas SA, hereinafter "Aguas Andinas," the "Company," the "Society," the "Corporation" or the "Issuer," with the advice of BBVA Financial Advisors S.A. Responsibility legend THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF SECURITIES AND INSURANCE ISSUES NO STATEMENT AS TO THE QUALITY OF THE SECURITIES OFFERED AS INVESTMENT. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS PROESPECTUS IS THE EXCLUSIVE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ISSUER, AND OF THE BROKERS THAT HAVE PARITICPATED IN ITS ELABORATION. THE INVESTOR MUST ASSESS THE FEASIBILITY OF ACQUIRING THESE SECURITIES, BEARING IN MIND THAT THE ONLY PERSON OR PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PAYMENT OF DOCUENTS ARE THE ISSUER AND THOSE WHICH ARE OBLIGATED TO IT.” Prospectus Date December 2015. 2 1.0 ISSUER IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Name or trade name Aguas Andinas S.A. 1.2 Alternate name None 1.3 Tax Identification Number 61.808.000-5 1.4 Securities Registry Inscription N° 0346, of September 13, 1989 1.5 Address Presidente Balmaceda Avenue N° 1398, Santiago, Chile 1.6 Telephone (56 2) 2688 1000 1.7 Fax (56 2) 225692309 1.8 Electronic address Website: Email:
[email protected] 3 2.0 BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OF THE CORPORATION 2.0 Historical overview The company has its origins in 1861, when the Agua Potable de Santiago Company was founded, which built the first tanks to store water in 1865.