Parish Council

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of Medstead Parish Council – Wednesday 8th July 2020. (Held virtually on Zoom platform)

Present: Cllrs. Deborah Jackson, Charles Clark, Georgy Fuzzard, Andrew Jackson, Ken Kercher, Roy Pullen, Mike (Ja) Smith & Mike (Jo) Smith. Also in attendance: Peter Baston (Parish Clerk). ACTION 20.069 OPEN SESSION i. Cllr Fuzzard asked if thanks could be passed to the owner of the Handy Stores for the support he has given the community during the Coronavirus lockdown. The Clerk will draft a letter to send. Clerk ii. Cllr Pullen thanked Cllr Mike (Ja) Smith and Mike (Jo) Smith for their help in clearing the path through the wooded area near to the pond and laying the wood scalping. iii. Cllr Pullen asked if councillors had had sight of the detail from District Councillor Ingrid Thomas on the Local Plan 3 detail where just one site had been agreed being in the Whitehill / Bordon area. iv. Cllr Mike (Jo) Smith mentioned that a vehicle has been parked on Bottom Road with someone living therein, having moved recently from Station Approach. It was suggested that EHDC Cllr Mike (Ja) Environmental Health be contacted and made aware. Smith v. Cllr Deborah Jackson also mentioned that a further vehicle has been Clerk/ Cllr parked on parish council land on the Village Green and it was agreed Deborah that a polite notice be placed on the vehicle to ask the owner to Jackson remove it from parish council land. vi. Cllr Deborah Jackson also asked if Council would be willing for her to plant the planters near to Greenstile which had previously been Cllr Deborah undertaken by a former councillor. This was agreed and funding for the Jackson plants would come from Council budget. vii. Cllr Pullen mentioned that the plots in Wield Rd had now been sold and that some work had been undertaken by the purchasers but with the caveat from EHDC enforcement that any work undertaken is at the owners’ risk. In addition a further two acre plot is shorty to be auctioned which will control the access to the other plots.



20.072 COUNCIL MINUTES i. The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 26th May 2020 were proposed as a true record by Councillor Clark seconded by Councillor Cllr Deborah Andrew Jackson and will be signed by the Chairman in due course. Jackson

ii. Matters Arising:

20.073 COMMITTEE MINUTES AND REPORTS i. Planning Committee The minutes of Planning Committee of 10th June have been circulated. Cllr Pullen reported a very quiet month again but two appeals have been lodged, the first is as expected, the proposed traveller plots on Abbey Road. Although technically within the parish of Medstead Parish Council get to comment officially as the site is less than a quarter of a mile from our boundary. This will be an informal hearing, details of which are unknown to date. The second is against the refusal of East District Council (EHDC) to allow an extra dwelling to be built next to a house in Abbey Road. This was refused last year by EHDC, taken to appeal which was rejected and then submitted again very quickly by EHDC, with the latest appeal being lodged this month, this one will be by written representation.

ii. Maintenance Committee. Chairman report. The minutes of Maintenance Committee of 27th May have been circulated. Village Green: Installation of dragons' teeth alongside Roe Downs Road on the cricket side of the Green has been completed. In addition, it had been highlighted that the “teeth” on the opposite side of Roe Downs Road will also require replacing in the next year or so and budget should be allocated in the 2021/22 financial year for this purpose. A quotation of £240.00 + VAT from Hampshire Woodlands for felling of the hawthorn tree at the rear of the Pavilion was accepted by F&GP Committee. The tree has now been removed. Clearance of the scrub around the edges of the Green has been delayed to avoid disturbing any nesting birds. The Clerk has been investigating the status of a strip of land extending south-eastwards along Roe Downs Road from the access to the Village Hall across the frontages of the first two properties. From the available evidence this was registered by the Parish Council as part of the Village Green under the Commons Registration Act, 1965, but it is not included as part of the Council's title on the Land Registry Map. Subject to any necessary further clarification, it is suggested that the Council should take steps to assert ownership of this strip of land and to apply to the Land Registry to have the relevant title map amended accordingly. There is likely to be some legal costs for this. Cemetery: The access path to the extension area has been completed and the slip rails installed to allow access for the mowing contractor. However, whilst the new path has been laid in accordance with the agreed specification, the inclusion of kerbing to match the existing path may now need to be considered to enhance the finished path and a revised estimate has been requested from the contractor to supply and install the kerbing to match the existing. Once received, this will be circulated to Council for consideration at the next Full Council meeting. An application has been made for an EHDC Councillor Grant towards part payment for the work which has been undertaken thus far. Quotations for this work have now been received and were circulated prior to the meeting. However, as not all Councillors have visited the path and viewed the proposed work, Cllr D Jackson requested that any Full Council decision be postponed until the next meeting of Full Council. The main entrance gates have been painted. The contractor reported that there is a split at the base of the left-hand post, which he suggests will worsen with time. He recommends that the Council need to consider replacing the posts. The Maintenance Committee will consider Maintenance the way forward. Committee Day Work Contractor: The Clerk is re-advertising this vacancy, with a closing date for applications of 24th July. Clerk Maintenance Committee A new member of the Committee is required to fill the existing vacancy and Cllr Mike (Jo) Smith confirmed that he would be happy to stand on this Committee. Parish Council Land. Cllr Kercher highlighted that the strip of land on Roe Downs Rd in front of the two neighbouring properties alongside the Village Hall had been identified as being included in the 1965 transfer of land to Medstead Parish Council. However, the current Land Registry Title does not include the land and the Clerk was asked to Clerk make contact with Land Registry to rectify this and get the land included on the title deed. Tree Planting. Cllr Fuzzard confirmed that a suitable native species of tree to plant on the Green to replace those felled in recent months could be a hornbeam. iii. Finance and General Purposes (F&GP) Committee a. Chairman report. F&GP have met three times since the last meeting of Full Council. (27th May and extra-ordinary meetings on 3rd and 10th June), the products of which mainly appear on the agenda for Full Council. Recommending upgrading HALC membership to enable access to additional services. This could be trialled for a year, dropping back to “Bronze” if felt more appropriate next year. To ensure that the required compliances can be met, including independent email accounts for parish councillors, F&GP agreed that the Parish Council should look at alternative web site hosts Reviewed terms for leasing out of the village green. Identifying key points for inclusion in a review of the lease of the land owned by the Parish Council. Next steps – agreement by Full Council; discussion with Village Hall Committee; writing of agreed document by a legal expert. Agreeing wording of advisory notices required to enable re-opening of playgrounds and adult gym equipment. Liaising on wording of further communications with village hall neighbour. Additional legal advice has been sort. b. Medstead Village Green Hire Agreement. The draft as presented was agreed by Council with the only issue being the identification of any by laws in place. The Clerk has contacted the Hampshire Record Office for assistance but this Office has been closed due to Covid-19. Once this Clerk detail is ascertained, the draft will be sent to Medstead Village Hall for their consideration in conjunction with their Hall hire agreement. c. Medstead Village Hall Lease Agreement. Council considered certain outstanding points which required clarification and the Clerk would Clerk amend the existing draft accordingly. A meeting of F&GP Committee F&GP with Medstead Village Hall Committee is to be established to agree the Committee existing draft and then to get the draft re-worded by a solicitor. d. Medstead Parish Council Web site / E mail. A quotation from Visionict to build a new Parish Council web site and e mail addresses was considered. This was proposed by Cllr Mike (Jo) Smith and seconded by Cllr Clark and agreed by Council. The Clerk was asked to take this Clerk forward with the company. e. Medstead Village Pond. i. Consultant. It was agreed that a health & safety consultant be engaged to discuss the issues with the various ponds owned by Cllr Deborah Medstead Parish Council. Cllr Deborah Jackson would let the Jackson / Clerk have a contact of a local consultant. Clerk

ii. Water retention. Following discussion by Council members, it was agreed that Cllr Clark would source a company to provide a Cllr Clark quotation for a pond liner for the village pond. In tandem and as a preference, Cllr Pullen with assistance from other councillors Cllr Pullen as required, would continue to source the areas where the leak(s) are occurring and take the necessary action. iii. Five Ash Pond. Cllr Mike(Jo) Smith raised the issue over drainage near to the pond at Five Ash crossroads. The Clerk had previously written to Hampshire County Council (HCC) regarding the need for the nearby ditches to be cleared and given that no Clerk response had been received, was asked to contact HCC again. iv. Cllr Deborah Jackson asked Council to confirm the given sight of the information from Sir Charles Cockburn regarding his campaign for local police resources that the name of Medstead Parish Council be removed from campaign given that the Council had not had a chance to consider the final document which had Cllr Deborah been submitted in respect of the campaign. Cllr Deborah Jackson Jackson to contact Sir Charles Cockburn.

20.074 MEDSTEAD PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRMAN REPORT ➢ Liaising with the Clerk regarding day to day issues within the Parish. ➢ With the Clerk and other councillors, responding to communications to the Parish Council (including questions submitted through the website, the neighbours to the village hall and other residents). ➢ Continuing to monitor the “closed” playground and gym equipment on the green. Despite being taped up to prevent use, it is sad to report that the paintwork on the newly painted swings has been damaged by those intent in flouting the Government rulings. ➢ The playgrounds and gym equipment were reopened on 4th July. Advisory signage has been placed on pieces of equipment which points to the detailed information on notice boards. ➢ Medstead Covid-19 Support group has currently been put on hold. With permission, volunteer contact details are being held in case of a further outbreak. ➢ Letter relating to proposed cut in funding for police offers for the Alton Rural area (Sir Charles Cockburn). As instructed by Council, I acknowledged the support of MPC. Despite Sir Charles’ original letter indicating that the final draft would be circulated before being sent off, this was not the case.

20.075 MEDSTEAD PARISH CLERK REPORT ➢ 2019/20 Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) submitted to external auditor (PKF Littlejohn) and report awaited. Favourable report already received from internal Auditor with no issues identified. ➢ Have undertaken frequent updates in respect of the new Coronavirus legislation. Signs displayed on the Green to regarding the re-opening of the play equipment. ➢ In conjunction with the Chair, further correspondence undertaken with the neighbours of adjoining property regarding the boundary fence issues. ➢ Dragons teeth installation now completed on Green (Roe Downs Rd.). ➢ Dealt with an incident where the Cemetery contractor had inadvertently strimmed across a grave removing foliage. Out of pocket settlement agreed between grave owner and contractor. ➢ Hawthorn tree now removed by Hampshire Woodlands behind sports pavilion. ➢ Undertaken work on Village Green hire agreement and also the Village Hall lease. ➢ Scrub clearance of Green will occur shortly which has been delayed to prevent the wildlife being unduly affected during the nesting season. ➢ Work on the new entrance to cemetery extension and repair/painting to existing cemetery gates completed by Homes & Gardens. Decision to be taken by Council as to whether the edging is required on the path extension. Grant application submitted to EHDC Councillor (Cllr May) for £750 in this respect. ➢ Sourcing quotes for RPii inspection of play area in 2020. ➢ Re advertising the Day Work Contractor contract shortly. ➢ Dealt with several queries about footpath access issues in the parish. Cemetery Activity 1 interment 1 grant of burial rights transfer. 1 memorial (second inscription) Village Green Booking(s) Manor colts U9 football – Awaiting confirmation of booking Manor colts U10 football - Wednesday evenings 6pm to 7pm for September 2020 Medstead Fete (bar) – 11th July Medstead C of E (Controlled) Primary School Year 6 leavers – 22nd July

20.076 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR REPORT The report from the District Councillors included the following points: ➢ Cllr Tennyson’s outlined the work and organisations opening again after the lockdown restrictions and the work of the Medstead Covd19, Alton Covid19 Mutual Aid and Community Support Groups. ➢ In addition, she highlighted the Hampshire County Council survey on walking and cycling, where EHDC are considering widening footways, in particular on high streets to help social distancing, considering measures to restrict traffic and installing temporary cycle lanes/parking. ➢ She further highlighted the work of the EHDC Climate and Environment committee regarding tree planting and also the responsibility of HCC verge cutting in respect of wild flower retention where several complaints had been received from residents.

20.077 CORRESPONDENCE i. Letter of thanks from Citizens Advice Bureau Grant. This was noted by Council. ii. Code of Conduct Consultation 2020. This was supported by Council and the Clerk was asked to compete the notify online consultation Clerk questionnaire. iii. National Citizen Service (NCS) Project. It was considered that the NCS be contacted to see if a project on litter picking in the parish would be considered. 20.078 FINANCIAL MATTERS i. To receive and approve the income and expenditure report (below) for May and June 2020. Cllr Kercher raised an anomaly on the Council’s business reserve account for June 2020 which the Clerk would review Clerk and advise Council. Subject to this being addressed, these were proposed by Cllr Mike (Ja) Smith, seconded by Cllr Roy Pullen and agreed by Council. May 2020

June 2020

ii. To receive and approve the bank reconciliation(s) as at 31st May and 30th June 2020. These were signed by Cllr Andrew Jackson (May) and will be reviewed by Cllr Mike (Jo) Smith (June) after the Cllr Mike (Jo) meeting. These was proposed by Cllr Ken Kercher, seconded by Cllr Smith Roy Pullen and agreed by Council.

20.079 S106/CIL FUNDED PROJECTS i. Village Hall Car Park Extension. Cllr Pullen reported that the recent rain has been very welcome, although far too late, but the car park has greened up very well considering. It is now ready to be handed over once the new lease for the village hall is sorted. A few native plants are needed at the far end and once the weather settles to something like ‘normal’ they can be planted. The new laurel hedge has in the main survived the extreme weather thanks to copious amounts of water being applied and my thanks to Cllr Deborah Jackson and her assistant for taking this duty over for the recent weeks. Cllr Deborah Jackson further reported that since the last meeting of Full Council, further communications have taken place with the neighbour to the village hall. All Councillors confirmed that they had received copies of all correspondence are that they were fully aware of the situation. Medstead Parish Council, having confirmed its original offer and requesting acceptance by 31st May, on 29th May, received a letter accepting the offer of an ex gratia payment. It now appears that whilst the monetary value was acceptable, the terms of the ex gratia offer (as recommended by the Council’s legal advisor) were not and the neighbours wished to include a clause that countermanded the basis upon which the ex gratia payment was being offered. A final deadline of 10th July 2020 has been made for accepting the Council’s offer and terms. However, in the absence of a signed receipt being agreed from the neighbours and with legal guidance being received from HCC lawyers, approval was unanimously given by Council to withdraw the ex Cllr Deborah gratia offer of £700 after 10th July deadline. Cllr Deborah Jackson would Jackson draft a letter to the neighbouring property owners accordingly. It was agreed that the barriers around the new car park extension be removed after a grass cut of the area, which Cllr Pullen agreed to Cllr Pullen undertake in the next week. An HCC “walkers only” sign which had been found, would be attached to the existing finger post at the rear of the car park extension.

ii. Medstead Village Green. Cllr Kercher reported that no further work is planned until the autumn, when it is intended to implant another dose of nematodes. iii. Medstead Parish Office. Cllr Pullen reported that this project has progressed a little, with two estimates as detailed below, expected shortly. Once received, Council can then make the decision on how we go about the next stage as there are several options. Option 1 – traditional build with detailed drawings, specifications, etc and going out to a full tender after appropriate advertising of tendering on government web site Pros – tenders come back in and are very much a like for like situation Cons – more initial work by MPC and Alan Fuzzard and some cost in getting foundations designed, etc. We have to make decisions on things like electrical layout, much earlier. A longer build time, more disruption to car park. Option 2 – A timber framed, pre-constructed building from a garden room specialist. Again, this has to go out to tender but could be a ‘design and build’ type package requiring basic layout and brief specification. Pros –. A much shorter build time and less disruption to car park. We get a fully finished job that we can ‘move into’ on the day it is handed over. Should be less shrinkage, etc than with traditional build. Less detailing, etc to be done by us; yes, we have to make decisions/approve proposals, etc but far simpler than coming up with the idea/layout in the first place. Possibly better insulated + cheaper running costs. Less MPC supervision time on site. Greener than traditional construction. Cons - when tenders come back in there are more and differing details to consider. Over 40/50 years may not be as valuable as a traditional build.

20.080 MEDSTEAD PARISH COUNCIL POLICY The following documents were circulated prior to the meeting. Grave Diggers Regulations Cemetery Regulations Vexatious Policy Expenses Policy Cllr Deborah Jackson raised the issue over wooden crosses being allowed to remain for a period exceeding the twelve months as shown in the policy. This was agreed and the policy would be amended accordingly. A small amendment Clerk is also required to the Expenses policy where the Clerk’s working allowance should state £13 per month rather than £11 per month. This would be amended. With these amendments, all four policies were proposed to be adopted by Cllr Ken Kercher, seconded by Cllr Roy Pullen and agreed by Council.

20.081 MEDSTEAD PARISH COUNCIL MEETING DATES 2021 These dates were agreed and would be displayed on the Parish Council web site Clerk and notice boards.

20.082 SPEEDWATCH Cllr Mike (Jo) Smith reported that no further news from the police as to when Speedwatch activities can restart.

20.068 COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES i. Medstead Sports Club - Cllr Ken Kercher reported the Tennis Club is continuing to make limited use of their courts, but members of the Bowls Club are not yet using their Green. The badminton and table tennis club clubs may soon be able to commence activities with the possibility that the Village Hall can open at some time in July. Cricket activities are restricted to limited net practice and the politicians seem strangely reluctant to allow resumption of recreational match play. Cllr Kercher then reported that cricket matches can now commence but with restrictions in place. ii. Allotments: Cllr Mike (Ja) Smith reported that the Medstead Allotment Association (MAA) had originally been established as an unincorporated association and following guidance from the National Allotment Society, this has now been amended to now be a cooperative organisation thereby providing indemnity to the named representatives of MAA.

There were no further matters to discuss and the meeting was closed at 9.30pm.

Signed Chairman ……………………………………………………………..
