Bibliography on Jeremiah P.W
Bibliography on Jeremiah P.W. Ferris, Jr. Ackroyd, P.R., “Aspects of the Jeremiah Tradition,” Indian Journal of Theology 20 (1971), 1-12. ________. "The Book of Jeremiah--Some Recent Studies," JSOT 28 (1984), 47-59. ________. "Historians and Prophets," SEA 33 (1968), 18-54. ________. Exile and Restoration: A Study of Hebrew Thought of the Sixth Century. OTL; London: SCM, 1968. Aitken, K.T., "The Oracles Against Babylon in Jeremiah 50-51: Structures and Perspectives," TB 35 (1984), 25-63. Althann, R., "Jeremiah iv 11-12: Stichometry, Parallelism, and Translation," VT 28 (1978), 385-391. Anderson, B.W., "`The Lord Has Created Something New,'--A Stylistic Study of Jer 31:15-22," CBQ 40/4 (1978), 463-478. Anderson, J.S., "The Metonymical Curse as Propaganda in the Book of Jeremiah," BBR 8 (1998), 1-13. Applegate, J., "The Fate of Zedekiah: Redactional Debate in the Book of Jeremiah, Part I," VT 48 (1998), 137-60. Part II: VT 48 (1998), 301-308. ________. "`Peace, Peace, when there is no Peace': Redactional Integration of Prophecy of Peace into the Judgement of Jeremiah," in A.H.W. Curtis and T. Romer, eds. The Book of Jeremiah and Its Reception. Leuven: Leuven University Press/Peeters, 1997:51-90. Auld, A.G., "Counting Sheep, Sins and Sour Grapes: The Primacy of the Primary History?" in A.S. Hunter and P.R. Davies, eds. Sense and Sensitivity. JSOTSup 348; London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002: 63-72. ________. “Prophets and Prophecy in Jeremiah and Kings,” ZAW 96/1 (1984): 66-82. ________. "Prophets Through the Looking Glass," JSOT 27 (1983), 3-23.
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