THE E UROP E AN A NGLICAN B ISHOP ’ S VI E WS ON PAPAL VISIT F ROM A TV STUDIO Y OUNG ARTIST ’ S S E ASONAL GI F T C HRISTMAS CARD D E SIGNS L I fe SAV E R IN F LOR E NC E A WARD F OR PARAM E DIC A NGOLAN ADV E NTUR E G OSP E L SHARING IN L UANDA C OP E NHAG E N TW E LV E MONTHS ON E NVIRONM E NTAL R E VI E W FREE N o . 4 8 WI nter 2 0 1 0 E N COU R AGI N G Y O U N G 2 T AL ent S I N N A P L E S THE E UROP E AN A NGLICA N I T ’ S ALL A B OUT HIGH SP ee D The Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe The Rt Revd Geoffrey Rowell Bishop’s Lodge, Church Road, Worth, Crawley RH10 7RT Tel: +44 (0) 1293 883051 COMMUNICATION Fax: +44 (0) 1293 884479 Email:
[email protected] The Suffragan Bishop in Europe The Rt Revd David Hamid Postal address: Diocesan Office Tel: +44 (0) 207 898 1160 Email:
[email protected] The Diocesan Office 14 Tufton Street, London, SW1P 3QZ Tel: +44 (0) 207 898 1155 Fax: +44 (0) 207 898 1166 Email: Diocesan Secretary I am an unreformed fan of rail travel and This edition of the European Anglican Mr Adrian Mumford so it did not take me long to accept a includes personal stories – of a Good Assistant Diocesan Secretary challenge from my local English newspaper Samaritan´s life saving skills in Italy, of a Mrs Jeanne French in Spain to try the journey from London young boy´s enthusiasm for art which has Finance Officer to Tarragona by train in a day.