ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS YEAR TO 31ST DECEMBER 2019 ST. PETER ON THE EAST CLIFF FOLKESTONE A parish of the under the episcopal care of the Bishop of Vicar: Fr Mark Haldon-Jones Priests: Fr David Goodburn SSC Fr Bruce Bridgewood

Website: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01303 680441

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL For the year ending 31st December 2019

ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION St Peter’s is the parish church of the East Cliff area of Folkestone and is situated in North Street. It is a parish in the in the Deanery of Elham and is under the episcopal care of the Bishop of Richborough. The correspondence address is St Peter’s Vicarage, North Street, Folkestone, CT19 6AL. The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is a body corporate (PCC Powers Measure 1956, Church Representation Rules 2017) and a charity which currently claims to be excepted from registration with the Charity Commission. MEMBERS OF THE PCC Vicar: Fr Mark Haldon-Jones was installed on 9 September by the Right Rev. , Bishop of Richborough and the Right Rev. Tim Thornton, & to the Armed Forces, Acting , following a 21 month period of interregnum. Priest: Fr David Goodburn SSC (Co-opted) Churchwardens: Dr David Wilson (Lay Chair during the period of interregnum) and Ken Greenland (ex-officio) Elected Members of the Deanery Synod: Graham Pay and Adrian Wilson Elected Members of the Laity: Tony Ciantar, Tony Edgar, Michael Fischer, Mary Hibberd, Julie Lethby & Jillian Walker. During the year Tony Edgar and Julie Lethby retired from the PCC while Michael Fischer sadly died during November. New members of the PCC were Steve Morgan and John Hendy. PCC Secretary: Michael Fischer. Upon his death, he was replaced early in 2020 by John Hendy. PCC Treasurer: Andrew Goyns appointed under the provisions of Appendix ll of the Church Representation Rules 2017 section 1(e) i & ii. Jenny Root is Beadle and Mary Hibberd is both Sacristan and in charge of the music.

1 STRUCTURE, GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT The Parochial Church Council is a corporate body established by the Church of England. The PCC operates under the Parochial Church Council Powers Measure. The method of appointment of PCC members is set out in the Church Representation Rules. At St Peter’s the membership of the PCC consists of the incumbent (vicar) the assistant priest who is co-opted, the churchwardens and members elected by those who are on the electoral roll of the church. All those who are members of the congregation are encouraged to register on the Electoral Roll and stand for election to the PCC. VICAR Following the interregnum, Prebendary Fr Mark Haldon-Jones was installed on 9 September becoming the tenth parish priest of St Peter’s, Folkestone. ASSISTANT CLERGY The parish is very thankful to Fr David Goodburn, his wife Margaret, and also to Fr Bruce Bridgewood for giving so freely of their time to St Peter’s in their retirement. CHURCHWARDENS We are grateful to our churchwardens for their continuing hard work in managing a difficult period of time both during the interregnum and also overseeing the extensive building works. VOLUNTEERS The PCC would like to thank all the volunteers who work so hard to make our church the lively and vibrant community it is. In particular we wish to mention our Churchwardens who have worked so tirelessly on our behalf, our PCC Treasurer Andrew Goyns who has looked after the church’s accounts and finances, the servers, sidesmen and lesson readers, the church cleaners and the providers of after Mass tea and coffee. Thanks go especially to Andy and Hazel Kemp for the fine food they have provided at significant church functions throughout 2019. We are also grateful to Mary Hibberd and to our organists Fr John Wight and Adrian Inscoe for their continued high level of support and standard of music. ACHIEVEMENTS AND PERFORMANCE The electoral roll is now 51. The average weekly attendance at services counted during October 2019 was 71 with Sunday attendance averaging 43. The Church sent out a card with details of the Easter, Christmas and Epiphany services and also to advertise the Blessing of The Fisheries, the unveiling of the community artworks and the arrival of Father Mark, to all the parish. Bishop Norman confirmed three adults and two children in Confirmation Services held on 4 December and 8 November. On 19 November a Requiem Mass was offered for the repose of the soul of our friend and colleague Michael Fischer. During the year there were 18 baptisms, 2 weddings and 3 funerals at St Peter’s. REVIEW OF THE YEAR The main subjects for discussion during the year’s PCC meetings included interregnum matters and especially the creation of a Parish Profile. Our relationship with the schools in the parish, our commitment to evangelise the people who live in the parish and the major repairs to the church were also considered. Since his arrival, Fr Mark has made great efforts to bring the church and its community closer together and an increase in numbers attending the Sunday Solemn Mass has already been noted. He has also cemented links with both St Peter’s and St Mary’s schools and has joined their governing bodies. A Summer Fayre in aid of church funds was held on 13 July. Our thanks to Father Tommo, Jan Hamilton and Jill Walker, for their organisation of this. On 17 September, members of the church congregation joined with others in the Diocesan branch of Forward in Faith for a day pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham.

2 SUNDAY SCHOOL The Sunday School is suspended at present. THE HOUSE OF BISHOPS’ DECLARATION ON THE MINISTRY OF BISHOPS AND PRIESTS On 1st September 2015 the parish passed the resolution under the declaration which was subsequently submitted to the Bishop of Dover who granted the petition. This means that the church will continue to look to the Bishop of Richborough for its spiritual leadership and guidance. Although this has changed the technical relationship with the Bishop of Dover, St Peter’s continues to seek to play its full part in caring for those who live or work in its parish and in the wider community of Folkestone. BISHOP NORMAN The parish is very grateful to Bishop Norman, The Bishop of Richborough, for his continued oversight, care, concern and prayers. THE SOCIETY OF ST WILFRID AND ST HILDA AND FORWARD IN FAITH St Peter's Church is part of the Society of St. Wilfrid and St. Hilda. This is a Sacramental body which ensures that Sacramental assurance remains within the Church of England through providing the traditional Order of Apostolic Succession. In Canterbury Diocese Society oversight is given through the ministry of The Bishop of Richborough. We are also a member of Forward in Faith, which is the Lay administrative and fund-raising body which supports the work of The Society. There are presently over 400 traditionalist Anglo-Catholic Parishes across England which have passed resolutions and have such arrangements. There are currently five such Parishes/groups, in the Diocese of Canterbury: Deal, St Andrew; Folkestone, St Peter; Harbledown, St Michael & All Angels (with Rough Common St Gabriel); Maidstone, St Michael & All Angels and Ramsgate, Holy Trinity. With the encouragement of Bishop Norman, we regularly support and network with the other Parishes of the Richborough family in our area, as part of which St Peter's is active in the Canterbury Branch of Forward in Faith, with Dr David Wilson, one of our Churchwardens, currently serving as Chairman. ECUMENICAL ACTIVITIES The Blessing of the Fisheries took place on The Stade with Bishop Roger Jupp (Superior-General of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament), the Town Mayor of Folkestone and other dignitaries in June. The Royal Naval Association attended the Trafalgar Day service. St Peter’s continues to work with Churches Together in Folkestone whose community carol service was once again held at the former Folkestone Harbour railway station and attended by local people from all denominations. A contribution was also made to the Folkestone Winter Shelter with the donation of Harvest Festival goods. We also supported the sponsored ‘Ride and Stride’ bike ride for Kent Churches, a MacMillan Coffee morning, Water Aid and held a Lent appeal for Aid to the Church in Need. ST PETER’S CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL Since his installation in September 2019, Fr Mark has made great and successful efforts to bring the school and church closer together. He also acts as a School Governor. Julie Lethby retired as the PCC School Governor in November. The school continues to use the church for their services. Bishop Norman attended on 8 November for the School Confirmation Mass. ST MARY’S CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY ACADEMY Fr Mark has also made close contact with St Mary’s and has visited the school, leading worship on a regular basis. He also acts as a School Governor. MARTELLO PRIMARY SCHOOL A working relationship with this new school is yet to be developed.

3 FABRIC MATTERS The repairs to the Church fabric being made through a major Scheme executed with grants from the Heritage Lottery Fund, Friends of Kent Churches and the Roger de Haan Foundation, were successfully completed early in the Year. A few snagging issues remain, principally a small drip through the fleche into the Crossing. This will be rectified once the builders have identified the cause. The basic fabric of the Church is now sound. However, during the works other fabric requirements were discovered, principally the need to replace the drainage systems around the Church; conservation requirements to internal artefacts; the need for further work to the Church floor and the refurbishment of the Sacristy. The unexpected scale of the works and associated programmes has placed a huge strain upon the current churchwardens, Dr David Wilson and Ken Greenland. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT All HLF funded projects require considerable public engagement. During 2018 an ambitious heritage enhancement and engagement programme was undertaken by the Church. The principal artworks commissioned to focus this engagement were executed by Folkestone arts company, Strange Cargo. Both the Sesquicentennial Parish Frieze in the Entrance Hallway and The Votive Fleet in the Sacred Heart Chapel, were unveiled and blessed in a packed Church by Bishop Norman of Richborough during the Mass for Corpus Christi. Both these works have attracted considerable public interest and increased visitor numbers to the Church. The Church also welcomed visitors to the annual Heritage Open Days run by the National Trust. FINANCES The church is very grateful to the Ridsdale Trustees for their very significant grant without which the church would not survive. The money received in 2018 from the estate of Peter Kimmance remains restricted. There have been discussions on some things that could be purchased using the funds but final decisions are still awaited. To date we have not spent any of this legacy money. At the end of 2019 we had a total of £80,016 in the bank. The amount still due to the parish in terms of debtors amounted to a further £2,741. The church had a deficit for the year to 31 December 2019 of £38,094.00 mainly due to the fact this includes the contribution of the parish towards to improvement works mainly funded through the Heritage Lottery Fund and other grants which will not recur. There is still some money due from the from the works as retentions for final snagging were held on production of the final invoice under each of the two schemes. These amounts have been reserved in the accounts under separate restricted funds as the monies are due to the builders when the retentions become payable. We were fortunate that Strange Cargo took on the organisation and running of our Blessing of the Fisheries celebration in June. There was a cost for this service but as we did not, at that time, have a volunteer to take on the role of organiser it was the most expedient way of ensuring that the event went ahead without difficulty. COFFEE MORNINGS Coffee and biscuits are served in church every Thursday morning from 11 to 11.45 to which all are welcome! CHURCH SERVICES Since the arrival of Fr Mark in September 2019 the pattern of services has been as follows: Morning Prayer followed by Low Mass on Monday to Saturday at 9 am, Evening Prayer at 5.30 pm on Monday to Saturday, Low Mass at 7 pm on Tuesday, Low Mass at 12 noon on Thursday. On Sunday there is a Low Mass at 8 am, Solemn (Sung) Mass at 10.30 and Evening Prayer at 6 pm. This is followed once a month by Benediction.


No progress has been made as a result of the consultations which were proposed in relation to parish boundaries in East Folkestone. We remain particularly keen to take on parochial responsibility for further areas of the town especially around the harbour and to the north of Hill Road. We will continue to maintain our orthodox Christian position, confuting the heresies of Arianism and Gnosticism. St Peter's is now part of a revised 'Group Ministry' covering East Folkestone. We have sought to play a full role in this, in terms of supporting key events at other Churches, when invited to do so. However, we continue to view the parish, rather than any other organisational structure, as central to the ministry of St Peter’s. We try and assist all those who seek to maintain the traditional balance between Parliament, Bishops and People and above all to ensure that the skills of all those who have been trained to be used in the service of the Church of England - whether paid or unpaid- are utilised to the full.


St Peter's Church was founded to proclaim to the fishermen of Folkestone, the poor and all who live on the East Cliff the good news of Jesus Christ, the only son of God - to tell them of his incarnation, his life on earth, his death, his resurrection and his Ascension and that he will come again in Glory to judge the living and the dead. This is what it continues to proclaim today and will continue to proclaim for the future. Fr Ridsdale, the first incumbent of St Peter's, was persecuted and indeed prosecuted for his Anglo Catholic beliefs. This church will continue to provide succour to all the people of Folkestone and the area round about who continue- despite adversity - to hold those beliefs.

Approved by the PCC on and signed on its behalf by


Independent Examiner's reportto the trustees (PCC) of St Peter, Folkestone

I report to the trustees on my examination of the accounts of St Peter, Folkestone for the year ended 31 st December 2019. Responsibilities and basis of report

As the Parchial Church Council you are responsible for the preparation of the accounts in accordance with the requirements of the Charities Act 2011 ('the Act')

I reportin repect of my examination of the PCC's accounts carried out under section 145 of the 2011 Act and in carrying out my examination I have followed all the applicable Directions given by the Charity Commission under section 145(5)(b) of the Act. Independent Examiner's Statement

I have completed my examination, I confirm that no material matters have come to my attention in connection with the examination giving me cause to believe that in any material respect:

1) accounting records were not kept in respect of the PCC as required by section 130 of the Act; or 2) the accounts do not accord with those records; or the accounts do not comply with the applicable requirements concerning the form and 3) content of the accounts set out in the Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 other than any requirement that the accounts give a 'true and fair view' which is not a matter considered as part of an independent examination.

I have no concerns and have come across no other matters in connection with the examination to which attention should be drawn in this report in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached.


Name: David J Fotheringham Address: Halifax, West Yorkshire - I \ f') 0 Date: \ v) J 2:J \ 'l.O,J.;. Page 10

PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL OF ST PETER, FOLKESTONE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2019 The notes on pages 11 and 12 are to be read as an integral part of the accounts on this and the next page.

Unrestricted Designated Restricted Prior Year Funds funds funds Total Funds total funds Income and endowments from: Donations and legacies 55,832 42,157 97,989 412,861 Income from charitable activities 3,186 -63 3,123 1,309 Other trading activities 11- Investments 528 528 528

Total Income 59,548 -63 42,157 101,642 414,698

Expenditure on: Raising Funds 88- Expenditure on charitable activities 73,231 47 65,287 138,567 453,405 Other expenditure 1,161 1,161 7,804

Total Expenditure 74,401 47 65,287 139,736 461,209

Net income/(expenditure) resources -14,853 -110 -23,130 -38,094 -46,511

Transfers Gross transfers between funds - in 16,089 46,531 62,720 Gross transfers between funds - out -46,631 -16,089 -62,720

Other recognised gains/losses Net movement in funds -45,395 -110 7,412 -38,094 46,511

Reconciliation of Funds

Total funds brought forward 77,026 441 54,849 132,317 178,828

Total funds carried forward 31,630 330 62,261 94,223 132,317

Represented by: Unrestricted General fund 31,630 31,630 77,026 Designated: Charity Suspense Fund 63 Vicarage Suspense Fund 330 330 377 Restricted: Gas Heater Appeal Fund 200 200 180 Gospel Book Fund 105 105 - HLF-GP-13-29155 6,717 6,717 - HLF-GP-16-08188 6,518 6,518 5,939 Legacy Reserve Fund 47,629 47,629 47,629 Moving in fund 255 Organ Fund 1,035 1,035 189 Pilgrimage Fund 59 59 59 Page 11

PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL OF ST PETER, FOLKESTONE STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT 31ST DECEMBER 2019 The notes on page 12 are to be read as an integral part of the accounts on this and the next two pages.


Unrestricted Designated Restricted Total 2018 Funds Funds Funds Fixed assets Tangible Assets 716 0 0 716 - Investments 15,427 0 0 15,427 15,427 16,143 0 0 16,143 15,427 Current assets Debtors 2,741 2,741 24,753 Cash at bank and in hand 31,630 330 48,056 80,016 94,487 34,371 330 48,056 82,757 119,240

Less: Current liabilities Creditors falling due within one year 4,678 0 4,678 2,350

Net current assets 29,693 330 48,056 78,079 116,890

Total assets less current liabilities 45,836 330 48,056 94,222 132,317

Represented by: - Unrestricted: General fund 31,630 31,630 77,026 Designated: Charity suspense fund 63 Vicarage suspense fund 330 330 377 Restricted: Gas Heater Appeal Fund 200 200 180 Gospel Book Fund 105 105 - HLF-GP-13-29155 6,717 6,717 - HLF-GP-16-08188 6,518 6,518 5,939 Legacy Reserve Fund 47,629 47,629 47,629 Moving in fund 255 Organ Fund 1,034 1,034 789 Pilgrimage Fund 59 59 59 31,630 330 62,262 94,222 132,317


…...... Churchwarden Date: Page 12


1 Accounting Policies The financial statements of the PCC have been prepared in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations using the accruals basis.

2 Scope of Accounts The accounts only include monitory transactions, assets and liabilities that are measurable by value Income as recognised when the PCC becomes entitled to the resources, it is more likely than not Liabilities are recognised where it is more likely than not that there is a legal or constructive obligation committing the PCC to pay out resources and the amount can be measured with reasonable certainty.

3 Statement of Assets and Liabilities There being no book value available for fixtures, fittings or furnishings of the church, most having been in place for a substantial period of time and in many cases donated. The only assets listed are the balances at bank, investments on the CCLA/CBF Church of England Deposit Fund, the net valuation of the photocopier for the church office and debtors being income as defined above which had not been received at 31st December 2019. There was no unlodged cash at 31st December 2019.

Liabilities are those amounts defined above which remained unpaid at 31st December 2019.

4 Tax Recoverable The taxation claims on gift aid are handled by the Diocesan office. Claims lodged up to and including 31st October 2019 have been included. Other receipts that are gift aided are not inculded until a claim is submitted.

5 Movement in Restricted & other funds Brought Carried forward Income Expenditure Transfers forward HLF-GP-13-29155 0 0 0 6,717 6,717 HLF-GP-16-08188 5,939 42,137 65,287 23,729 6,518 Legacy reserve fund 47,629 0 0 0 47,629 Gas heater appeal fund 180 20 0 0 200 Gospel book fund 0 0 0 105 105 Organ fund 786 0 0 248 1,034 Moving in fund 255 0 255 0 0 Pilgrimage fund 59 0 0 0 59 54,848 42,157 65,542 30,799 62,262 General fund 77,026 59,547 74,401 (30,542) 31,630 Charity Suspense fund 63 (63) 0 0 0 Vicarage Suspense fund 377 0 47 0 330 132,314 101,641 139,990 257 94,222 6 Investments The market value of investments at 31st December 2019 was £22948 compared to £20,901 at 31st December 2018.

7 Vicarage expenditure The final balance of expenditure on the vicarage during the interregnum amounted to £377 after refunds on utilities. A decision with regard collection of this amount has not yet been taken. It should be noted that costs incurred relating to the vicarage garden have not been included as these are a church expense. During an interregnum the PCC is resposible for maintenance of any clergy property gardens. Page 13 PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL OF ST PETER, FOLKESTONE INCOME & EXPEDITURE REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER 2019 This page does not form part of the formal accounts but is provided for information

Unrestricted Designated Restricted Total 2018 funds funds funds 2019 Income and endowments Donations and legacies 0101 - Gift Aid - Bank 13,700 — — 13,700 13,217 0110 - Gift Aid - Envelopes 2,290 — — 2,290 1,260 0201 - Other planned giving 570 — — 570 2,467 0301 - Open plate collections 1,848 — — 1,848 1,433 0302 - Open plate collections GASDS 0——0 7,170 0303iliibl - CAF Donations received NO GA 670 — — 670 — 0304 - Open plate collections - Baptism 209 — — 209 230 0305 - Open plate collections - Funeral 375 — — 375 13 0306 - Open plate collections - ————27 0410W ddi - Giving through church boxes 140 — — 140 — 0411 - Votive candle sales through 147 — — 147 — 0550bN0GA - Donations appeals etc 273 — — 273 — 0551 - Recurring donations (Gift AId 5,740 — — 5,740 6,784 0552Eli ibl - Recurring ) donations No GA 27,345 — — 27,345 21,704 0553 - Non-recurring donations (GA 50 — 20 70 150 0554Eli ibl - Non-recurring ) donations No GA 440 — — 440 1,288 0555 - Donation for church flowers GA 270 — — 270 — 0556Eli ibl - Donations for church flowers No 20 — — 20 — 0601GA - Tax recoverable on Gift Aid 1,740 — — 1,740 5,387 0701 - Legacies ———— 47,629 0801 - Recurring grants — — 32,137 32,137 289,097 08A1 - Non-recurring one-off grants — — 10,000 10,000 15,000

Donations and legacies Totals 55,832 — 42,157 97,989 412,861 Income from charitable activities 0901 - Other funds generated — (63) — (63) — 0911 - Remembrance book entries 35 — — 35 — 0912 - Summer Fayre 843 — — 843 — 0914 - Other events 239 — — 239 — 0915 - Income from refreshents 200 — — 200 — 1101 - Fees for Occasional Offices 1,868 — — 1,868 1,309

Income from charitable activities 3,186 (63) — 3,123 1,309 Other trading activities 1220 - Bookstall sales - fund raising 1 — — 1—

Other trading activities Totals 1——1— Investments 1020 - Bank and building society 528 — — 528 528 i Investments Totals 528 — — 528 528

Income and endowments 59,548 (63) 42,157 101,642 414,698

I&E Report Unrestricted Designated Restricted Total 2018 funds funds funds 2019 Expenditure Page 14 Raising funds 1730 - Costs of fetes & other events 8 — — 8—

Raising funds Totals 8——8— Expenditure on charitable activities 1910 - Ministry parish share etc 31,712 — — 31,712 30,516 2001 - Assistant staff costs 4,000 — — 4,000 4,000 2101 - Working expenses of incumbent 47 — — 47 — 2102 - Costs of travel 488 — — 488 618 2130 - Parsonage house expenses 539 93 — 632 — 2150 - Vicar's telephone 700 — — 700 746 2201 - Parish training and mission — — — —20 2202 - Blessing of the fisheries 3,281 — — 3,281 2,127 2203 - Outreach work (including parish 5,549 — 19,998 25,548 42,000 2204Fi - )Parish Mailings 1,634 — — 1,634 — 2205 - Anniversary Cards for Baptisms 52 — — 52 — 2206 - Outreach work with School(s) 114 — — 114 — 2301 - Church running - insurance 3,954 — — 3,954 2,320 2311 - Church office - copier rental 479 — — 479 353 2312 - Church office - Equipment 446 — — 446 — 2313 - Church Office - Heat Light & 120 — — 120 — 2320P - Organ/piano (40%) tuning & repairs 422 — — 422 4,784 2330 - Church maintenance 1,919 — — 1,919 1,158 2331 - Cleaning 26 — — 26 530 2332 - Accessibility costs — — — — 190 2340 - Upkeep of services - Altar 1,133 — — 1,133 1,092 Sli2341 - Fees paid out for Occasional 720 — — 720 — Offi2342 - Church Flowers 907 — — 907 564 2343 - Refreshments — — — — 194 2345 - Upkeep of Services - Service 75 — — 75 — bkl2346 - Upkeep of services - Vestments 290 — — 290 106 2350hd - Upkeep of churchyard 912 — — 912 — 2360 - Administration 669 — — 669 467 2361 - Subscriptions & Advertising 640 — — 640 497 2362 - Maintenance of Remembrance 63 — — 63 — 2363Rd - Stationery 36 — — 36 163 2364 - Books etc. 76 — — 76 222 2365 - Real Chocolate (Advent & easter 315 — — 315 — 2366) - Course booklets/leaflets 101 — — 101 — 2367 - Postage etc 61 — — 61 463 2368 - General printing — — — — 397 2380 - Organists for Services 1,700 — — 1,700 2,030 2401 - Church running - electric 1,440 (45) — 1,394 2,525 2410 - Church running - gas 1,303 — — 1,303 1,044 2420 - Church running - water 151 — — 151 235 2440 - Church running - heating and 300 — — 300 — 2520li h i - General Repairs/Renewals 6,232 — — 6,232 1,918 2521 - General Expenditure 207 — 750 957 61 2701 - Church major repairs - structure 407 — 44,538 44,946 352,053

Expenditure on charitable 73,231 47 65,287 138,567 453,405 Other expenditure 2601 - Governance costs 300 — — 300 — 2602 ii/dif- Professional & Consultancy Fees 622 — — 622 7,804 2603 - Depreciation 238 — — 238 —

Other expenditure Totals 1,161 — — 1,161 7,804

Expenditure Grand totals 74,401 47 65,287 139,736 461,209 There may be minor discrepancies in the totals if the pence are not being shown

I&E Report