PRESENT: Mayor David Remington in the Chair, Deputy Mayor Jeremy Mills, Councillor Ward 1 Brandt Zatterberg, Councillor Ward 2 Gary Hodson, Councillor Ward 4 Roger Cole

ABSENT: Councillor Ward 3 Mary Lou Sonneveld, Councillor Ward 5 Peter Veltheer



ADOPTION OF AGENDA RESOLUTION #I35/03: Hodson & Cole That the Agenda be adopted as presented. CARRIED.

DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof.


R.Z. 03-04 - Jackson, Unopened Fretts Lane. Part Lot 20, Conc. 5, Ward 2 Shannon Jackson, Applicant, was in attendance to speak to the Rezoning Application. She noted that she is planning to build a home on Fretts Lane which is an unmaintained road. She noted there is already one house rezoned past their property and two homes before on this road. The road is maintained to the boundary of their property. Keith Richmond noted that a legal agreement between the Town and the Jackson's is required regarding the limited municipal services available on this unmaintained road allowance. This agreement has not been received from the Municipal Solicitor to date.

RESOLUTION #I36/03: Hodson & Zatterberg That the report from the lnformation Services Planning Clerk dated April 10, 2003 regarding Rezoning Application R.Z. 03-04 Shannon & Earl Jackson, Unopened Road Allowance - Fretts Lane, Conc. 5, Part Lot 20 Ward 2 be received and further that Council hold the public meeting as advertised and approve the Rezoning Application subject to the Applicants entering into an agreement with the Town which would bind the Applicant to recognize the limited municipality's services available on the unmaintained road allowance. CARRIED.

R.Z. 03-02 - 1059820 Inc., Part of Lot 15, Conc. 5 Ward 2 There was no member of the public in attendance to speak to the application.

RESOLUTION #I37/03: Hodson & Mills That the lnformation Services Planning Clerk's Report dated April 10, 2003 regarding THIRTY-EIGHTH SESSION OF COUNCIL -APRIL 14,2003 Page 2

Rezoning Application R.Z. 03-02, 1059820 Ontario Inc., 292-304 Little Creek Road, Conc. 4 & 5, Part Lot 15, Ward 2 be received and further that rezoning application R.Z. 03-02 requesting a change from Environmental Protection to Environmental Protection Exception-I (EP-1 Site Specific) to permit the existing single dwelling houses and fulfill a condition of Land Severance 03-01 be approved. CARRIED.

Taxi Licensinq Mayor Remington asked if there were any members of the public present to speak to Council this evening regarding taxi licensing issues. No member of the public came forward.


RESOLUTION #I38/03: Mills & Cole That the minutes of the Thirty-seventh Session of Council held March 24, 2003 be adopted as presented. CARRIED.


(a) Bob Foulds - Discussion Paper #5, Part 2 Bob Foulds was in attendance to review the Draft Discussion Paper #5, Part 2 prepared by the Peer Review Team for the CWS Richmond Landfill Expansion Environment Assessment. He noted that there is a lack of information on the north end of the site. The paper included sixty-nine recommendations of which he highlighted seven.

Councillor Hodson enquired why TROW had included XCG data in Recommendation#21. Mr. Foulds will obtain further information on this question and provide it to Council.


Correspondence for lnformation RESOLUTION #I39/03: Mills & Zatterberg That the Correspondence for lnformation items dated April 14, 2003 be received. CARRIED.

Correspondence for Action

16-03 Federation of Canadian Municipalities RESOLUTION #I40103: Hodson & Zatterberg That correspondence from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities requesting the Town of Greater Napanee to join the federation at a cost of $1,689.00 be received for THIRTY-EIGHTH SESSION OF COUNCIL - APRIL 14,2003 Page 3 information due to budget limitations. CARRIED.

17-03 L&A County Riders Horse Club RESOLUTION #I41 103: Hodson & Zatterberg That correspondence from L&A County Riders Horse Club requesting that 50% of the net bar profits from their annual spring dance held April 12, 2003 at South Fredericksburgh Hall be paid to the municipality for the future sports complex and 50% to their club be received and further that the L&A County Riders Horse Club receive a grant of $1,000.00. CARRIED.

18-03 Mohawks of the RESOLUTION #142/03: Cole & Zatterberg That correspondence from the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte requesting a resolution of support for Tyendinaga's request for funding from the Ministry of Transportation to complete the repaving and repair of the two bridges on York Road be received and further;

Whereas, the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte reside on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory which is adjacent to the County of Prince Edward and;

Whereas, the York Road traverses the Tyendingaga Mohawk Territory from Shannonville east ward to Highway #49, and;

Whereas, the York Road is in an advanced stage of deterioration;

And Whereas, the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte have never received equal funding for the York Road as a King's connecting link;

Whereas, the Town of Picton recognizes that the York Road receives a high volume of traffic related to tourism in the Quinte area and provides an economic tourism benefit in our jurisdiction;

Therefore be it resolved the Town of Greater Napanee hereby support the funding request of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte in their submission for funding to complete the repaving and repair of the two bridges on the York Road. CARRIED.

19-03 Greater Napanee Fire Dept. RESOLUTION #I43/03: Hodson & Cole That correspondence from the Greater Napanee Fire Dept. requesting Council to proclaim the week of May 4-1 0th as "National Emergency Preparedness Week and insert the attached proclamation in the Town's weekly column be approved. CARRIED. THIRTY-EIGHTH SESSION OF COUNCIL - APRIL 14, 2003 Page 4

20-03 L&A Community Mental Health RESOLUTION #I44103: Hodson & Zatterberg That correspondence from L&A Community Mental Health requesting the Town of Greater Napanee to proclaim the week of May 5-1 1 as "Mental Health Week" be approved. CARRIED. 2 7-03 Andrew Gonsalves RESOLUTION #I45/03: Hodson & Mills That correspondence from Andrew Gonsalves regarding a presentation to Council on the Proposed 2003 Budgetrrax Rates be received for information. CARRIED.

22-03 Communities in Bloom & Hydro One - Municipal Gateway Competition 2003 RESOLUTION #I46/03: Mills & Zatterberg That correspondence from Communities in Bloom & Hydro One regarding a Municipal Gateway Competition 2003 providing information on the Hydro One Gateway Competition be received for information. CARRIED.

23-03 Napanee Senior Citizens Club #448 RESOLUTION #147/03: Mills & Hodson That correspondence from the Napanee Senior Citizens Club #448 requesting a grant from the Town in order that they may purchase a microwave oven and stand for their Club be received and further that Council consider this request as part of the grant request process. CARRIED.

24-03 County of Hastings - Resolution Re Amalgamation RESOLUTION #148/03: Hodson & Mills That correspondence from the County of Hastings forwarding a copy of their resolution supporting the Town of in their amalgamation efforts with the Town of Greater Napanee subject to conditions be received for information. CARRIED.

25-03 Napanee Raiders Junior Hockey Club RESOLUTION #I49/03: Hodson & Cole That correspondence from the Napanee Raiders Junior Hockey Club requesting a decrease in their ice rate to that of the minor rate be received and further that their request be approved for the upcoming season. CARRIED.


Napanee BIA Minutes - Februarv 11,2003, Februarv 25, 2003 and March 11, 2003 RESOLUTION #I50103: Mills & Cole That the minutes from the Napanee BIA Meetings held February 11, 2003, February 25, THIRTY-EIGHTH SESSION OF COUNCIL - APRIL 14,2003 Page 5

2003 and March 11, 2003 be received and adopted. CARRIED.

STAFF REPORTS Clerk's Dept. Along Hwv. No. 33ILovalist Parkwav RESOLUTION #I51/03: Hodson & Zatterberg That the Deputy Clerk's Report dated April 9, 2003 regarding signing of the Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail Along Hwy. No. 33lLoyalist Parkway be received and further that the correspondence from Loyalist Township dated March 21, 2003 regarding the signing of the Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail - Hwy. No. 33lLoyalist Parkway be received and further that;

Whereas the Town of Greater Napanee is very supportive of a Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail because it provides a cycle route for the local community and acts as a major cycling system for velo tourism which benefits area businesses in and South Fredericksburgh wards as well as other areas in Greater Napanee and neighbouring Loyalist Township;

And Whereas cycle traffic on Hwy.33lLoyalist Parkway the Waterfront Trail Route has increased significantly during the past ten years;

Now Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Town of Greater Napanee requests that the Ministry of Transportation authorize the erection of Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail signage as soon as possible in 2003 along Hwy. 33 from the Glenora Ferry in Adolphustown to Coronation Blvd. and further that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation. CARRIED.

Transfer of Land - Allen RESOLUTION #I52103: Mills & Zatterberg That the Clerk Administrator's Report dated April 9, 2003 regarding Transfer of Land - Allen be received and further that Part 5 of Plan 29R2162 be transferred to Lori Allen for $1 .OO and further that all associated costs of this transfer be the responsibility of Mrs. Allen and further that the Town is not interested in selling Second Street or Lot A. CARRIED.

Treasurv Dept. Development Charge Fund Transfer RESOLUTION #I53/03: Hodson & Cole That the Deputy Treasurer's Report dated April 8, 2003 regarding Development Charge Fund Transfer be received and further that Council authorize the transfer of $14,663.34 from the North Fredericksburgh reserve fund to the Development Charges bank account. CARRIED. THIRTY-EIGHTH SESSION OF COUNCIL - APRIL 14,2003 Page 6


A By-law to Amend Zoninn Bv-law No. 02-22, Part of Lot 20. Conc. 5. Ward 2 RESOLUTION #I54/03: Mills & Cole That a By-law to Amend Zoning By-law No. 02-22, for property located at Part of Lot 20, Conc. 5, Ward 2 to allow the construction of a single detached dwelling house on the existing parcel located along Fretts Lane be numbered 03-22, read a first time and brought to the floor for discussion. CARRIED.

A Bv-law to Amend Zonin~By-law No. 02-22, Part of Lot 15, Conc. 5, Ward 2 RESOLUTION #I55/03: Mills & Hodson Whereas as Part of the review of the draft by-law, the Conservation Authority advised that it did not object to the proposed zoning provided a setback from the high water mark is specified as a minimum of 24 metres;

And Whereas Council agrees that the By-law should recognize the standards as per the Conservation Authority review;

Now Therefore the Council having considered the matter hereby determines that the change in the by-law to recognize the Conservation Authority's standard is minor and that Council hereby determines that the giving of further notice is not required. CARRIED.

RESOLUTION #I56/03: Hodson & Cole That a By-law to Amend Zoning By-law No. 02-22, Part of Lot 15, Conc. 5, Ward, 2 to implement the condition of approval attached to Severance Application L.S. 03-01 as conditionally approved by the Committee of Adjustment be numbered 03-23, read a first time and brought to the floor for discussion. CARRIED.

RESOLUTION #I57/03: Mills & Hodson That By-law No. 03-23 be read a second time and finally passed and that the Mayor and the Clerk sign the same and affix thereto the seal of the Corporation. CARRIED.


RESOLUTION #I58/03: Mills & Zatterberg That Staff prepare a report for the next Regular Session of Council regarding the licencing of restaurant patios. CARRIED.

CLOSED SESSION RESOLUTION #I59/03: Hodson & Mills That Council resolve itself into Closed Session in order to discuss a legal matter, a property matter and personnel issues. CARRIED. THIRTY-EIGHTH SESSION OF COUNCIL - APRIL 14,2003 Page 7

RESOLUTION #I60103: Mills & Zatterberg That Council rise and report from Closed Session and further that all recommendations made within Closed Session be hereby adopted. CARRIED.

CONFIRMATION OF PROCEEDINGS BY-LAW RESOLUTION #I61 103: Mills & Zatterberg That By-law No. 03-24 being a by-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council at its Meeting held April 14, 2003 be read a first and second time and finally passed and that the Mayor and the Clerk sign the same and affix thereto the seal of the Corporation. CARRIED.

RESOLUTION #I62/03: Mills & Hodson That Council hold a Special Session on April 17, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. to give final reading to Zoning By-law No. 03-22.


RESOLUTION #163103: Cole & Mills That the meeting be hereby adjourned at 9:35 p.m. CARRIED.