4 TITE EVEXTXG STXK, D'. V,, TTETRSDAY, T)ECE?\rBEE 24, 1925. CHURCHES TO HOLD | 'I CHRISTMAS MUSIC Christmas Carols JfoWmihtothetrme IN SERVICES Old-Time - CHURCHES MANY - 1 THE £I . g Christmas to Be Observed Additional Programs Are An- These Exact Reproductions of Early Sixteenth Century Manu- & in nounced for Tonight Tonight and Tomorrow w script Originals Are Reproduced in The Star Through and * - All Parts of Capital. Tomorrow. * s. the Courtesy of “Art and Archeology.” M i fcsvffim / Vujy«u\aMW to thyboby is Schape. by Christmas day 'will be observed {* W year, a chylb ui%i-born, jgobtosiei be the tyme. following is a list «.f several • - In 'J’IIK most of tlie churches of the city. | eal churches which die] will be i not have «oine of the churches services f&L” sovyn tullay fullaylytilrhylb, myn At Cathedral services in the regular page devoted to that at tomorrow with purpose will open 7 a.m. , in last Saturday’s issue. These Morning prayer al was for-lorn, bere smerte, llolv Communion. owyn churches are announcing 10 a.m. and there will i here their be at will' held ' music for special at mid- a festival service, holy communion celebrations be be the shalt thou the sharp night tonight or at 6:30 a.tu. and sermon by Canon Lobeck at 11 m Kyngfs So blesStb tyme; sufferin and 11 3foio tomorrow: a.m. Evening prayer wiil be held at €he 4:30 o'clock. H)§ ‘Uhe faberof hevenc his owyn spere to the herte? LUTHER PLACE ML.MOICIAL. ' A carol service will be held at ll:o0 I)arleian Ctme of Jjemy Vtt Tomorrow at 6:30 in the morning a o'clock tonight at St. Columbus' sonehesent, trombone choir will play the Christ- C hurch, with festival celebration and Soblessibbethetyme; mas carols from the church tower. At hnlv communion. 7 o'clock the choir will render: Pre- Midnight service will he held at St. tjiskyngbom cleymyn lude, "Pastorale,” hy Guilniant; "W© Church, for to iwllaylullaylytilchylb Seen Stephen's Episcopal with fayre Have His Star.” by Clare nTfc holy communion tomorrow at 7:30 tory, "Gesu Bambino,” hy Yon. “There a.m., and again with a sermon at SobleSSib be the tvitie: happis the be-falfe Were Shepherds,” by Vincent soprano by 10:30 a.m. - solo Mrs. Caroline ju>--- Episcopal Church, Baldwin: At St. James’ lude, Hallelujah Chorus.” Handel. Sun- held at mid- in a clone mayhyn ourlcrh £)ow to Christmas services will be ©ffthc&to, as yp may See, “Fill shalt thou sufferin day at li o’clock, prelude, "Largo © at 30 night, with exercises tomorrow 7 Maestoso.” by Guilmant: “Sing, f> Ye and 9:30 a.m. cum. ‘Sspkc hym thatevorshulfipbe uiaS brynke ezyi anb galle: Heavens.” by Tours; "There Were ‘ i-lyyht Shepherds.” by Services at St. John's. Vincent; positmie Two Grand Chorus. Christmas day services will be ob- rani son UsfortoSavynau'th al his myght, Jjoblessib be the Lafayette ryghf- a tyme served at St. John's Church. by CHAPEL OF THE EPIPHANV at 8 a.m., holy ’ Square, with com- eve, holy >on. fwllay.ltullay; chylb,7 syna Christmas carol service at 11:3d munion and an address and com- Utoeanbkyngpanbknyght-a So blessib be the tyme, lytil p.m.— munion at 11 a.m. Church, Prelude—Meditation At St. Mary's Catholic ' Von r.'¦ i high mass with albe-forn, Violin. Violoncello Ha-a and Oreai there be . will solemn All a dene maybyn Processional Hymn. No. 72—Adettc Fidetw • midnight. of ourlorh at Rev. Charles an orchestra K ' J. will be the jhdt ju((i?rirt Carol*— ' ‘ ’ Trinkaus celebrant: Rev. thou the The Firet Shaughnessy. deacon, 1. Noel Traditional fJerald and Rev. i-born *-• fr“”a Lo. How a Rose (>th < entury• i 1 Jordan, subdeacon. Rev. Dr. j Cum home ageyne to me, * l,. Shiloh Church will hold re syght Irullayffullay;lytilchylb, myn i nlrht Clear” Willis morning at o’clock 7 pray you), Offertory—Sonrano services tomorrow 5 1 solo. “Holv Nirht.’’Adam with a special sermon by the pastor, thou not (Master Thomas Kelley > anbTßan ... nyokt flrt 6ob in ; sevenfold Amen Dr. Waldron, and music. ysyniiyrs : kr ¦ morrow at 7 a.m. and the pastor will uivlle-a on the robe? blessib be the tyme. jharpist: L. E. Manolev. <*lhht: ('harlc.- Jso organist 1 is choirmaster. preach a special sermon. g'rrstemas anb yonge the*moWdhp i GoOKins and Midnight the chylb ST. PAUL’S—ROCK CREEK. Mass Planned. So blessib be tyme d&lyssibbe * Midnight mass will be observed at Three special Christmas service t the Holy Redeemer Church and there