Innovative education and new skills to increase engagement in Science

Activity Pole 1 Isabella Van de Velde Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

3rd Transnational Project Meeting  6-7 September 2018 Centro de Formação EduFor, Mangualde Activity Pole 1 Project Management and Administration

Reporting to National Agency • coordinator reports project details, activities, final repor > Mobility Tool • coordinator reports outputs of the project > Erasmus+ Project Results Platform (

3rd Transnational Project Meeting  6-7 September 2018 Centro de Formação EduFor, Mangualde Activity Pole 1 Project Management and Administration

Erasmus+ Project Results Platform details/#project/7158dd1c-546b-4660-8927-66a8f659b4a8

3rd Transnational Project Meeting  6-7 September 2018 Centro de Formação EduFor, Mangualde Activity Pole 1 Project Management and Administration

Erasmus+ Project Results Platform details/#project/7158dd1c-546b-4660-8927-66a8f659b4a8

• Here screenshot results docs

3rd Transnational Project Meeting  6-7 September 2018 Centro de Formação EduFor, Mangualde Activity Pole 1 Project Management and Administration

Reporting to National Agency Progress report submitted & approved • due 30/03/2017 • covering period 01/09/2016 – 28/02/2017

Interim report submitted & approved • due 29/04/2018 • covering period 01/09/2016 – 28/02/2018  further pre-financing payment Final report • due within 60 days of end date 31/08/2019  payment balance of the grant

3rd Transnational Project Meeting  6-7 September 2018 Centro de Formação EduFor, Mangualde Activity Pole 1 Project Management and Administration

Reporting to National Agency Interim report evaluation

“The project is being executed largely according to plan. The website has been launched. The first outputs are already accessible and project meetings and multiplier event have been taken place. The cooperation within the partnership seems to work fine and there were only minor and small changes in the planning of the activities during the course of the project so far. Dissemination of the project is clearly a strong point of this project. Keep up the good work.”

3rd Transnational Project Meeting  6-7 September 2018 Centro de Formação EduFor, Mangualde Activity Pole 1 Project Management and Administration

Financial Management

Grant payments

• first pre-financing payment: 40% total budget = DONE • second pre-financing payment: 40% total budget = DONE • final payment: balance of the grant • final report: within 60 days after end date of project • NA to pay balance within 60 days from receiving final report

3rd Transnational Project Meeting  6-7 September 2018 Centro de Formação EduFor, Mangualde Activity Pole 1 Project Management and Administration

Financial and contractual rules Grant agreement Annex III & IV

Grant = unit contributions • Project management and implementation • Transnational project meetings • Intellectual outputs • Multiplier events • Learning and Teaching activities • Exceptional costs

3rd Transnational Project Meeting  6-7 September 2018 Centro de Formação EduFor, Mangualde Activity Pole 1 Project Management and Administration

Financial and contractual rules Grant agreement Annex III & IV

Financial reporting

• Time recording = record time in timesheets • Transnational Project Meetings = travel documents/ticket/boarding pass/invoices/etc. • Exceptional costs = invoices

3rd Transnational Project Meeting  6-7 September 2018 Centro de Formação EduFor, Mangualde Activity Pole 1 Project Management and Administration

Financial and contractual rules Grant agreement Annex III & IV Intellectual outputs BIOTALENT Projectcode: 2016-1-BE02-KA202-017356 Intellectual Outputs Lead partner Due date Proof of IO produced O1 Architecture of the e-learning platform AEM-EduFor Jan 2018 O2 Operational e-learning platform UOC Oct 2018 O3 Tutor guide/manual AEM-EduFor Oct 2018 O4 Course curriculum UOC Oct 2018 O5 Online learning component HNHM Jan 2019 O6 Attended learning component UOC May 2019 O7 Learners assessment tools UOC Oct 2018 O8 Validation Plan and Course certificates UOC DEC 2018 O9 Quality Assurance Report UOC Aug 2019 O10 Report on e-learning Best Practices UOC Feb 2017 report published O11 Blended learning model for adaptable modular biodiversity training courses AEM-EduFor June 2019

Supporting docs: • proof of intellectual output produced • proof of working days (timesheets) 3rd Transnational Project Meeting  6-7 September 2018 Centro de Formação EduFor, Mangualde Activity Pole 1 Project Management and Administration

Dissemination is important in ERASMUS+ • keep record of all your BIOTALENT dissemination activities • template has been provided

• in all communication and promotional material use Erasmus+ and EPOS logo

• BIOTALENT logo available on the project website

3rd Transnational Project Meeting  6-7 September 2018 Centro de Formação EduFor, Mangualde Activity Pole 1 Project Management and Administration

Dissemination is important in ERASMUS+ BIOTALENT dissemination 1 Sept 2016 – 1 March 2018 CETAF 40 General Meeting, RBG Madrid, ES, 18-19/10/16 - Saturdays with scientists at NHMC, EL, 5/11/16, 19/11/16, 7/1/17, 4/2/17, 18/2/17, 18/11/17, 2/12/18, 16/12/17, 20/1/18, - Darwinian Mondays at NHMC, EL, 14/11/16, 10/11/17, 26/2/18 - Annual meeting project LIFE14/GIE/GR/000026 – LIFE NATURA THEMIS, , , 5-6/12/16 - Annual meeting project LIFE13 INF/GR/000188-LIFE Natura2000 Value Crete, NHMC, EL, 12-13/12/16 - Symposium project LIFE13 INF/GR/000188-LIFE Natura2000 Value, Gazi, Crete, 17/2/17; Faistos, Crete, 28/2/17 - Educational workshop project LIFE14/GIE/GR/000026 – LIFE NATURA THEMIS, NHMC, EL, 11/3/17 - Panhellenic Conference for Teaching of Science, UoC, Rethymnon, EL, 7-9/4/17 - CETAF 41 General Meeting, NHM Bonn, DE, 25-26/04/17 - Conference on the Educational programs offered by the Museums of the University of Crete, Cultural Centre Municipality , EL, 11/5/17 - Symposium ‘Distributed System of Scientific Collections, DiSSCo’ NHMC, EL, 12/5/17 - Educational workshop project LIFE13 INF/GR/000188-LIFE Natura2000 Value Crete, Polytechnic School, Chania, Crete, 22/5/17 - Educational workshop project LIFE13 INF/GR/000188-LIFE Natura2000 Value Crete, UoC, Irakleio, Crete, 23/5/17 - National Conference ‘LIFE Natura Themis’ NHMC, EL, 8-10/9/17 - Final conference on the good e-learning practices for schools, in the frames of EFES project, Sofia, BG, 25/9/17 - CETAF 42 General Meeting, NHMC, EL, 3-4/10/17 - Celebration 10th Anniversary of NHMC, EL, 25/11-5/12/17 - Celebration Universal Day of Mountains, NHMC, EL, 11/12/17 - BHMA Science Article, Irakleion city, local newspaper, EL, 17/12/17 - Annual meeting project LIFE13 INF/GR/000188-LIFE Natura2000 Value Crete, NHMC, EL, 17/1/18 - Annual meeting project LIFE 16NAT/GR/000575 LIFE IGIC, NHMC, EL, 17/1/18 - Workshop project Teachers4Europe, NHMC, EL, 17/1/18 - Symposium project LIFE13 INF/GR/000188-LIFE Natura2000 Value Crete, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, 1/2/18; Agia Foteini, Crete, 15/2/18; Arkalochori, Crete, 22/2/18 - Headteachers meeting, Mangualde, PT, 31/10/16 - Teachers meeting, Mangualde, PT, 19/01/17 - Erasmus+ ‘Partilha de Experiêcnias e casos de Sucesso’, Monção, PT, 20/02/17 - Sessão Informativa Erasmus+ KA1, Fornos de Algodres, PT, 23/02/17 - ProfMat2017, Viseu, PT, 11/04/17 - Headteachers meeting, Mangualde, PT, 31/10/16 - Teachers Meeting, Mangualde, PT, 19/01/17 - Compreender para Intervir, Viseu PT, 04/11/17 - M@SS Training Event, Vasto, IT, 14/11/17 - Erasmus+ Event, Vasto, IT, 17/11/17 - ClasseDojo na Educação, Mangualde, PT, 24/11/17 - Erasmus+ Sessão Informativa, Porto, PT, 05/01/18 - Erasmus+ Training Event, Madeira, PT, 22/01/18 - Visitors to EduFor ICL@B, Mangualde, PT, all time - Visitors to RBINS Educational Service, Brussels, BE, all time - XI Hungarian Conservation Biological Conference, Eger, HU, 2-5/11/17 - 4th Conference of Cryptogams, Eger HU, 30/11-1/12/17 3rd Transnational Project Meeting  6-7 September 2018 Centro de Formação EduFor, Mangualde Thank you all for contributing to the project’s success! Isabella Van de Velde RBINS Any questions? [email protected]

3rd Transnational Project Meeting  6-7 September 2018 Centro de Formação EduFor, Mangualde