A Novel Equivalence Principle for Quantum Gravity Hans-Otto Carmesin

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Hans-Otto Carmesin. A Novel Equivalence Principle for Quantum Gravity. PhyDid B - Didaktik der Physik - Beiträge zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mar 2019, Aachen, . ￿hal-02511998￿

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Hans-Otto Carmesin*

*Studienseminar , Bahnhofstraße 5, 21682 Stade, Athenaeum Stade, Harsefelder Straße 40, 21680 Stade, University , Otto – Hahn – Alle 1, 28359 Bremen [email protected]

Abstract The evolution of the early universe is a challenging topic for students in research clubs or similar learning groups. Here we study sub curvature length scales. For these small lengths a novel equivalence principle becomes valid. This principle can be successfully applied to the cosmic in- flation, dark energy and dark matter. The first two applications are worked out in full detail here so that they can be directly used in a learning group.

1. Introduction 3. Observable States The universe has always been interesting to humans Physical states can only be observed, if the Heisen- (Hoskin 1999). Accordingly students like to take berg uncertainty relation is fulfilled (Heisenberg, part in astronomy clubs or they choose astrophysical 1927): projects in a research club. These interests provide Δx∙Δp ≥ ½ ∙ h {1} chances for scientific education. Here I outline a Hereby h denotes the reduced Planck constant h/2π, corresponding project, and I report about experienc- x the coordinate and p the momentum. Furthermore, es with teaching it. only a spatial physical structure r outside the 1.1. Early universe: a lab for quantum gravity Schwarzschild radius RS can be observed (Michell In the early universe, the density was very high, and 1784; Schwarzschild, 1916): so gravity was the dominating interaction. Moreo- 2 r ≥ RS = 2∙G∙m/c {2} ver, distances were very small, and so quantum Hereby G denotes the gravitational constant, m the physics is essential. Additionally, there are many mass and c the velocity of light. Consequently, only corresponding observations. So the early universe is states in the dark shaded area in figure (1) can be an ideal lab for the combination (Bronstein 1936) of observed. gravity and quantum physics. Accordingly, we introduce the concept of a region 1.2. Challenging questions without observable internal spatial structure. Such a In the early universe, there occurred a very rapid region is called elementary region ER. There are two increase of distances in the so-called era of cosmic ERs at a fixed density (see figure 1): Each mass m is inflation (Guth 1981), the dark matter (Zwicky surrounded by a ball with radius RS, and this ball is 1933) formed, and the dark energy emerged (Ein- an ER (see upper triangle in figure 1, we denote that stein 1917; Perlmutter et al. 1998; Riess et al. 2000; radius by b). For each point in space, we derive the Smoot 2007). The explanation of these phenomena best spatial resolution. Best resolution is achieved is possible in the framework of quantum gravity according to the uncertainty relation (equation 1) (Carmesin 2017, Carmesin 2018a-d, Carmesin with the equality sign and with relativistic radiation 2019). So this is an interesting actual topic for a with Δp = E/c. We express this equation in Planck research club. units (Planck 1899). So we get: 1.3. Analogies Δx = 1/(2∙E) {3} In order to obtain a smooth learning process, we In Planck units, the energy E is equal to the corre- introduce and investigate the concepts of the har- sponding mass M. Accordingly, we denote the monic oscillator and of the waves in crystals. Pro- above uncertainty by aM: gressively we develop novel concepts by using anal- 2∙a = 1/E = 1/M {4} ogies to these basic two concepts. Additionally we M use the Heisenberg uncertainty relation, the The ball with that radius aM is the other ER at the Schwarzschild radius and the Friedmann Lemaitre considered fixed density, see full triangle in figure 1. equation, FLE, as basic concepts (Carmesin 2014). When the density increases, then the two elementary regions, the b – ER and the a – ER approach each 2.Students M other in figure (1), and they merge at the smallest The present project has been tested in a research possible ER (see full circle in figure 1). Hereby the club with students in classes 9 to 12. The students radius is the Planck length LP, the energy is half the also attend an astronomy club and apply computers. Planck energy EP , the ρ density is half the Planck

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density ρP , and that density ρ is the highest achieva- Thereby, M describes the equivalent mass of the aM ble density (see Carmesin 2017, 2018a-d, 2019). - ER, m denotes the mass of the b – ER, v describes a’(t), and E describes the curvature parameter as

follows: E = – m∙c2∙k/2 {7} 5.4. Novel equivalence principle The FLE describes curved space in general. Howev- er, the mathematically equivalent equation {6} does not include the curvature parameter explicitly. Ac- cordingly, we investigate the possible physical equivalence. Thereby, we call two systems physical- ly equivalent, if no difference can be observed. In a system consisting of two neighboring ERs, no curva- ture can be observed geometrically, since the curva- ture can only be observed with at least three ERs (Lee 1997). This corresponds to the fact that two points determine a straight line, whereas three points determine a radius of curvature. As a consequence, the curvature parameter cannot be observed geomet- Fig.1: Planck Scale: Planck units: bold face. Distance: r. rically in the microscopic part of the system. Conse- Energy: E. Circle: Planck length LP. Triangles: elementary quently, the FLE and the dynamics of equation {6} regions ER. Light shaded: observable according to uncer- are mathematically and physically equivalent at the tainty relation. Medium shaded: observable according to small length scale of the microscopic part of the Schwarzschild radius RS. Dark shaded: observable. Dash- model. dotted: fixed density. Dotted: lower fixed density. 5.5. Analogy 4. Model The microscopic part of the model includes the phe- In order to combine gravity and quantum physics, it nomenon of the curvature of space, though it is not is essential to determine the microscopic objects that included explicitly in equation {6}. Similarly, the should be described. It is natural to model the ERs motion of molecules in a gas may be described by microscopically. This is worked out next. Newtonian mechanics without an explicit force of friction, and as a result, that description provides an 5. Microscopic part of the model effective force of friction (see for instance Carmesin We model a b – ER and a neighboring aM – ER in a 2019). microscopic part of the model. Next we investigate 5.6. Quantization the properties of that model. The dynamic equation {6} is quantized by the usual 5.1. Isotropy rules of quantum physics (see Schrödinger 1926 or These two ERs are at a distance a = aM + b. That for instance Ballentine 1998). Accordingly, the ob- distance is characterized by a wave function. Since servable quantities are replaced by operators. There- gravity is very large, everything tends ‘to fall down’, by the observable quantities in equation {6} are the and so we model ground states here. Corresponding- coordinate a with the corresponding momentum p = ly, we model that distance with an isotropic wave m∙a’(t), and the variable E is identified with the function. energy according to the form of equation {6}. The 5.2. Dynamics Schrödinger equation with the operator of E de- scribes the dynamics. That quantization is uniquely According to the isotropy, we apply an isotropic determined, as there occur no products with different version of general relativity. The corresponding operators. cosmological dynamics is described by the Fried- mann Lemaitre equation, FLE (Friedmann 1922, 5.7. First method of investigation Lemaitre 1927): First we investigate solutions of the stationary 2 2 2 Schrödinger equation. In particular we determine [a’(t)/a(t)] = 8πG∙ρ/3 – k∙c /a {5} ground states first. Hereby we consider the limit of Hereby, k describes the curvature of the isotropic high density and small distances first. In that limit, space, and it is called the curvature parameter. the wave functions are Gaussian wave packets and 5.3. Mathematical equivalence the expectation value of the potential energy is a The students can easily derive that the FLE is math- harmonic potential (see Carmesin 2019). In order to ematically equivalent to the following equation: obtain a low barrier of learning, we determine ex- E = ½ ∙ m ∙ v2 – G∙M∙m/a {6} pectation values. So we investigate the harmonic oscillator first.

18 A Novel Equivalence Principle for Quantum Gravity

(Δx)2 of the ZPO presented in equation {15}. In fact, this can be observed (see figure 3).

Fig.2: A swing is an example for a harmonic oscillator.

6. Ground state of harmonic oscillator First we investigate the harmonic oscillator, as it is essential here, and as it is interesting by itself (see figure 2). The students formulate the energy term: E = p2/(2m) + ½ κ ∙ x2 {8} Fig.3: ZPO in a Cu crystal: The mean square relative displacement MSRD corresponds to the squared uncertain- Hereby, κ denotes Hooke’s constant. ty. It is a function of the absolute temperature T (sketch on 6.1. Derivation of ground state the basis of Fornasini and Grisenti 2015). The MSRD at We apply the expectation values: zero K represents the ZPO. Diamonds: experiment. 2 2 < E > = < p >/(2m) + ½ κ ∙ < x > {9} 6.3. Oscillators in crystals are coupled Here the students easily apply the mathematical The above oscillators in a crystal are coupled. This identity can be modeled by a partner swing (see figure 4). A < x2 > = < x >2 + (Δx)2, {10} partner swing exhibits two stable collective oscilla- whereby the square of the uncertainty (Δx)2 denotes tions: the two oscillators can swing with the same < (x – < x >)2 >. So they get: phase and low frequency or with opposite phase and high frequency. If more swings are coupled, then < E > = < p >2 /(2m) + ½ κ ∙ < x >2 + E {11} Q these swings can form waves that oscillate at specif- Hereby EQ is the additional quantum term: ic angular frequencies ω and corresponding energies 2 2 EQ = (Δp) /(2m) + ½ κ ∙ (Δx) {12} hω. The analogous waves in crystals are called pho- For Gaussian wave functions, the students verify nons. Can these phonons be observed? with help of a working sheet that the uncertainty relation achieves the minimal uncertainty: Δx∙Δp = ½ ∙ h {13} With it they derive (see equation {12}): 2 2 2 EQ = h /[8m(Δx) ] + ½ κ ∙ (Δx) {14} Fig.4: A partner swing: The oscillators oscillate in phase Here the students determine the quantum fluctua- at the left and with opposite phase at the right. 2 tions q = (Δx) by application of the variational 6.4. Phonons observed in crystals method. So they derive the value of q that minimizes In a rhodium crystal, different phonons have been the above term for the quantum energy EQ. So they get: observed (see figure 5). Thereby, the phonons are 2 0,5 marked on the horizontal axis, and the correspond- (Δx) = q = h /[4m κ] {15} ing ZPEs are shown at the vertical axis. The theoret- They insert this term into the above term for EQ. So ical calculations are presented by the lines and the they obtain the ground state energy of the harmonic corresponding measurements are presented by dia- oscillator: monds. The figure shows precise accordance of the

EQ = ½ ∙ h ∙ ω {16} modeled and observed ZPEs. This clearly confirms the concept of the ZPOs and ZPEs of waves. Thereby ω denotes the familiar angular frequency: Of course, there are also excited states correspond- ω = [κ/m]0.5 {17} ing to the ground states shown in figure (5). While the classical ground state energy is zero, the quantum energy is nonzero (equation {16}). Such a nonzero ground state energy is called zero-point energy, ZPE, and its oscillation is called zero-point oscillation, ZPO (see equation {15}). Our result is in full accordance with quantum theory (Ballentine 1998). But can ZPOs be observed?

6.2. ZPO observed in a crystal Fig.5: ZPEs of waves, so-called phonons, in a rhodium An atom in a crystal is at the minimum of the poten- crystal (sketch on the basis of Heid, Bohnen and Reichardt tial. That minimum can be locally approximated by a 1999). Line: theory. Diamonds: measurement. Horizontal quadratic function of the coordinate (Fornasini and axis: phonons with typical notation of solid state physics. Grisenti 2015). So it represents a harmonic oscilla- Vertical axis: ZPE in milli-eV. tor, and it should exhibit the quantum fluctuations

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7. Ground state of microscopic part 7.2. Planck units Next we apply the methods that we used for the In order to simplify the above equations, we use harmonic oscillator. So we analyze the microscopic Planck units, we use the normalized energy E = part of the model. Accordingly we get: E/(m∙c2), and we apply equation {4}. So we get: 2 -1 D – 2 < E > = < p >/(2m) – G∙M∙m ∙ < a > {18} ED,cl,G = – 1/(2∙< aM > ∙ < a > ) {28} Here we apply the identity a-1 = (a2)-0.5. Furthermore Similarly we obtain: we use the approximation < (a2)-0.5 > ≈ (< a2 >)-0.5. 2 2 2 ED,Q = D /[8m ∙(Δa) ] And again we utilize equation {10}. So we get: 2 D + (D – 2)∙(Δa) /(4∙< aM > ∙ < a > ) {29} 2 2 < E > = < p > / (2m) + (Δp) /(2m) 7.3. Quantum fluctuations 2 2 -0.5 – G∙M∙m ∙ (< a > + (Δa) ) Here we investigate the case in which small particles Here we expand in linear order in (Δa)2/< a >2. So have not yet formed. Then the distance a is approx- we obtain: imately equal to b. Again the students determine the 2 quantum fluctuations q = (Δb)2 by application of the < E > = < p > /(2m) + Ecl,G + EQ {19} variational method. So they derive the value of q Hereby E is the non-quantum gravity term cl,G that minimizes the above term for the quantum ener- E = – G∙M∙m/< a > {20} cl,G gy ED,Q. So they get: and E is the additional quantum term: 4 2 D 2 Q (Δb) = D ∙< aM >∙< b > /[2(D – 2)∙m ] {30} E = (Δp)2/(2m) + ½ G∙M∙m ∙(Δa)2/< a >3 {21} Q They insert this term into the above term for EQ. So Again we use equation {13}. So we get: they obtain the ground state quantum energy: 2 2 2 3 2 D 1/2 EQ = h /[8m∙(Δa) ] + ½ G∙M∙m ∙(Δa) /< a > {22} ED,Q = D ∙ [(D – 2) / [8∙< aM > ∙ m ∙ < b > ] {31} 7.1. Higher dimension 7.4. Density At high density, gravity is very strong and tends to Next we express the above two energies in terms of make objects very compact. Examples are white the density ρD in D dimensions. In isotropic Planck dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. Another ex- units (here the volume of a ball or hyperball is used, ample for a very compact object is a parachute: in see Carmesin 2018a-d), the volume of a ball with a D the unfolded state it is practically two dimensional radius b is V = b , and the density is the mass per and large, while in the folded state it is three dimen- volume: sional and small. This example shows that compact D ρD = m/b {32} objects can be generated by an increase of the di- The Schwarzschild radius b can be derived accord- mension. Have dimensions larger than three been ing to the concept of Michell (see Michell 1784). So observed experimentally? Yes, four dimensional one gets (Carmesin 2017, Carmesin 2019): states have been observed in two different experi- -0.5 ments that realize the four – dimensional quantum b = (2∙ ρD) {33} Hall effect (Lohse et al. 2018; Zilberberg 2018 et According to equations {4} and {32}, we derive the al.). Accordingly, we generalize our model to di- radius aM as a function of ρD. So we get: mensions D ≥ 3. For it, the potential energy term – 1 / ( D + 1 ) < aM > = (2∙ ρD) {33} E = – G∙M∙m / < a > {23} pot We express EQ (see equation {31}) in terms of ρD is replaced by the following term: by using the above three relations. So we get: D-3 D-2 ( 3 D ∙ D – D – 2 ) / ( 4 D + 4 ) Epot = – G∙ LP ∙M∙m / < a > {24} ED,Q = ρD The exponent D – 2 is a consequence of Gaussian ∙ 2 ( 3 D ∙ D – 3 D – 4 ) / ( 4 D + 4 ) ∙ D ∙ (D – 2)1 / 2 {34} gravity (Gauss 1813; Bures 2011), and the factor D-3 Analogously we derive the classical gravity term LP can be derived by using the concept of the (see equation {28}). So we obtain: Schwarzschild radius (see Carmesin 2017, Carmesin E = – ρ ( D ∙ D – D ) / ( 2 D + 2 ) 2019). With it we generalize equation {20}: D,cl,G D ( D ∙ D – 3 D – 2 ) / (2 D + 2 ) D-3 D-2 ∙ 2 {35} ED,cl,G = – G∙LP ∙M∙m/ < a > {25} 7.5. Adiabatic separation Here and in the following, we mark the dependence 2 of the energy on D by a subscript. In D dimensional The term < p > /(2m) in equation {19} describes 2 isotropic space, the uncertainty relation {13} be- the term a’(t) . So it is the basis for the quantum comes: physical generalization of the dynamics of the FLE (see Carmesin 2017, Carmesin 2018a-d). The other Δx∙Δp = ½ ∙ D ∙ h {26} two terms in equation {19} characterize the faster So the quantum term is generalized as follows: dynamics of the formation of the wave function. We 2 2 2 ED,Q = D h /[8m∙(Δa) ] call the sum of these the reduced normalized energy D-3 2 D E . So we get: + ½ ∙ (D – 2)∙G∙LP ∙M∙m∙(Δa) /< a > {27} D,loc ED,loc = ED,Q + ED,cl,G {36}

20 A Novel Equivalence Principle for Quantum Gravity

By definition we get: L = n ∙ Z {38} D D+s  D At the transition, the number of balls is invariant. So we obtain: L D = (n ∙ Z )D = nD+s {39} D D+s  D We solve for Z . So we get: D+s  D Z = ns/D {40} D+s  D 10. Dimensional horizon

The space enclosed by the actual light horizon rlh was smaller at earlier times according to the FLE. At the density ρD=3,c = 0.0476, the corresponding vol- ume consisted of 2301 ERs. If we analyze the dynam- ics backwards in time, then we realize that these ERs were folded to higher dimensions, and ultimately

Fig.6: Energy ED,loc as a function of the scaled density ρD there were two ERs in each dimensional direction at for dimensions 3 (solid line), 4 (dotted), 5 (dashdotted), 6 the dimension 301. This dimension is called the (dashed) and 7 (densely dotted). Arrows: dimensional dimensional horizon Dmax. So we get: transitions at critical densities ρD,c. Dmax = 301 {41} 8. Dimensional transitions 11. Time evolution According to the variational method, the energy ED The whole time evolution from the dimensional (see equations {34} – {36}) is minimized by varia- horizon until today can be calculated. For it we de- tion of the dimension D. The students achieve this rived the dynamics at the transition by using Fermi’s graphically (see figure 6) and numerically (Sprenger golden rule (Carmesin 2018a-d, Carmesin 2019). 2018). As a result, three dimensional space is stable The elaboration of this is not in the scope of the at densities below ρD=3,c = 0.0476. In the course of present report. However, we summarize the results the expansion of the universe, the density decreased of that time evolution here. The evolution of the according to the FLE. Accordingly, when that densi- radius is shown in figure (5). That time evolution is ty was reached, then there occurred a transition from based on three numerical inputs only (see Carmesin five dimensional to three dimensional space. Simi- 2017, Carmesin 2018a-d, Carmesin 2019): the three larly, five dimensional space formed from six di- universal constants G, c and h. Moreover, that time mensional space at the critical density ρD=5,c = 0.053. evolution solves problems of the cosmic inflation: horizon problem, flatness problem, reheating prob- lem, fine-tuning problem (see Carmesin 2017, Car- mesin 2018a-d, Carmesin 2019).

Fig.7: Enlargement illustrated by an analogy: Each mag- netic ball corresponds to an ER. A dimensional transition from D = 3 to D = 2 is modeled. Note, the smallest possi- ble dimension achieved by the present model is 3 (see Carmesin 2018a-d, Carmesin 2019).

9. Enlargement At a dimensional transition from a higher dimension D+s to a lower dimension D, the space is enlarged Fig.8: Time evolution of the actual light horizon (see by a factor Z . This factor is derived by using a Carmesin 2018a-d, Carmesin 2019): Triangle: today. D+s  D cubic or hypercubic model (see figure 7). At dimen- Cross: density of radiation was equal to density of matter. sion D+s, there are n balls at an edge. Here we use Square: first quarks formed. Full circle: three dimensional space formed. Other circles: other dimensional transitions. the diameter as the unit. So we obtain the length LD+s of that edge: Derived enlargement factor is in accordance to observa- tions (Guth 1981; Broy 2016). LD+s = n {37}

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12. Model of the vacuum mation (see figure 1). Here we use this approxima- The vacuum has a density (Einstein 1917; Perlmutter tion, for more precise calculations see (Carmesin et al. 1998; Riess et al. 2000; Smoot 2007). This is 2018b-c, Carmesin 2019). Correspondingly, the modeled in this section. The model has been intro- energy of a single mode was: duced in three different manners earlier (see Carme- Ev (Dmax) = ½ {42} sin 2018a-d, Carmesin 2019). Here we introduce the Moreover, the scaled length of that mode was: model by developing an analogy to the phonons. L (D ) = 1; V = LD = 1 {43} Additionally we work out limitations of that analo- max gy. At each dimension D, gravitational waves exhibit D modes of directions of propagation and n = D – 1 12.1. Waves p modes of transverse polarization. However, the The density ρv of the vacuum is a property of space, maximal possible scaled density is ½, and at the properties of space are dominated by gravity (see scaled length L = 1, the scaled density cannot be Einstein 1915), and gravity should be generated by smaller than ½ (see figure 1). So the scaled density quantized gravitational waves in a quantum field is ½. Correspondingly, this density is an average or theory. Also a phonon is a quantized wave. So there linear combination of the single modes, and the is an analogy. averaged density is ½: 12.2. Ground state < ρv > (Dmax) = ½; np = D – 1 {44} The density ρv of the vacuum exists even without 12.7. Relativistic EZPOs any additional excitation. So ρ should be the density v The EZPOs are fully relativistic. So they propagate of a ZPO of a gravitational wave. Analogously, the at the velocity of light. Accordingly, many EZPOs phonons in figure (5) are ZPOs of waves. propagate through the length L = 1 at Dmax. Corre- 12.3. Microscopic objects spondingly, the occupation number of the EZPOs The atoms exist together with the phonons, and the need not be one like in the case of phonons. Instead atoms are the basic oscillators that form the waves. the occupation number of the EZPO is determined Analogously, the ERs form microscopic objects that by the time evolution starting at Dmax. exist together with the quantized gravitational 12.8. EZPOs at a dimensional transition waves. Thereby the ERs are the basis of the space At a dimensional transition from dimension D+s to a dimensions at which the waves form. dimension D, the length is enlarged by the factor 12.4. Boundary Z : D+s  D Each phonon is within the boundaries of its crystal, L (D) = L (D+s) ∙ ZD+s D {45} and these boundaries determine the longest wave  This enlarged length is available for the EZPOs, so length of the phonons. Analogously, the quantized the wavelength increases by that factor. Analogous- gravitational waves, that can have any influence ly, the longest wavelength of the phonons in a crys- upon us, are within the light horizon r , and the lh tal increases by a factor Z, if the size of the crystal longest wave length is determined by r . There is a lh increases by that factor. So the EZPO experiences a difference here: there are waves and wavelengths redshift, and its ZPE decreases correspondingly. So even beyond the light horizon. the energy of a single mode is as follows: 12.5. Surrounding versus evolving structure Ev (D) = Ev (D+s) / ZD+s D {46} The phonon exists in a stable crystal, and the crystal  Moreover, the number n of transverse polarization exists in a stable space. Both structures have formed p modes is reduced to D – 1: before the phonon can form. In particular, the oscil- lators of the phonon form in the potential that is np = D – 1 {47} formed by the crystal. Altogether a phonon forms in The energy of the directions of propagation is not a structure that has formed before. lost, as the waves can propagate into a lower dimen-

In contrast, the density ρv of the vacuum forms the sional structure (see figure 9). space. There are only two structures in which the ZPO can form: The dimension D is formed accord- ing to the dimensional transitions based on the den- sity of the ERs, and the light horizon is the boundary of causal influence upon us. So ρv is based on ZPOs that evolve in the course of time. These ZPOs are called evolving ZPOs, EZPOs. 12.6. Origin of EZPOs within light horizon The EZPOs within the light horizon formed at the time of the dimensional horizon, as the earliest ob- Fig.9: Propagation of waves at the ear: The three dimen- servable waves formed at that time. At Dmax, the sional waves (loosely dotted) propagate into the effective- ly one dimensional auditory canal, without loss of energy. scaled density was ρD ≈ ½ in a very good approxi-

22 A Novel Equivalence Principle for Quantum Gravity

-127 12.9. Why is there no short-wave EZPO? today = 6.41 ∙ 10 (Planck 2018). Thereby the scale factor k caused a decrease of the energy of In a crystal, each atom oscillates around a fixed Dmax  D=3 position in the crystal. As a consequence, each wave radiation according to the redshift by the factor 1/k and an increase of the volume by the of coupled oscillators (each phonon) in a crystal is Dmax  D=3 factor (k )3. So the density decreased by the related to the periodic fixed positions of its atomic Dmax  D=3 factor 1/(k )4. So we get the scale factor: oscillators. As a result, there are many modes of Dmax  D=3 harmonic oscillators and of phonons, and each such k = (ρ / ρ )1/4 = 2.97 ∙ 1031 {51} Dmax  D=3 Dmax r, today mode has its own ZPO and the corresponding ZPE. By definition, the original length L = 1 at Dmax in- In contrast, the EZPOs are fully relativistic and creased to the scaled light horizon rlh by the two propagating with full freedom. So there occur no factors: the enlargement factor ZDmax D=3 and the such fixed points with fixed potentials, and there is  scale factor kDmax D=3. So we get: no corresponding additional EZPO with a shorter  r = k ∙ Z {52} wavelength and corresponding smaller EZPE than lh Dmax  D=3 Dmax  D=3 We solve this equation for Z : that presented in equation {46}. Dmax  D=3 Z = r / k = 8.69 ∙ 1029 {53} Note that any ZPO that forms later can be distin- Dmax  D=3 lh Dmax  D=3 guished from the EZPOs of the vacuum density. We calculate the density of the vacuum by using 12.10. EZPOs at D = 3 equation {49} and by inserting equation {53}, and <ρ > = ½ (see equation {44}), as well as D = 301 At three dimensions, the energy of a single mode is v max (see equation {41}). So we get: (see equations {42} and {46}): -123 < ρv > = 5.84 ∙ 10 {54} Ev (D=3) = 0.5/ ZDmax D=3 {47}  The observed scaled density of the vacuum is The length and volume of an EZPO are (see equa- (Planck 2018): tions {43} and {45}): -123 ρv,obs = 4.78 ∙ 10 {55} L(D=3) = ZDmax D=3 ;  The difference between the modeled and the ob- V(D=3) = Z 3 {48} Dmax  D=3 served density amounts to 22 %. This accordance is 12.11. Density of EZPOs at D = 3 already good, as that density varies by 123 orders of The scaled density of a mode is the scaled energy magnitude, and it can be improved as follows. divided by the scaled length. The average scaled density experienced an additional decrease by the 13. Outlook: polychromatic vacuum factor (D – 1)/(Dmax – 1), according to the loss of In section 12 the density of the vacuum has been transverse modes (see equation {44}). So we get: modeled with one EZPO and one corresponding EZPE only. However, in the course of the expansion < ρv > (D=3) = 2∙Ev(D=3)/[ V(D=3)∙(Dmax – 1)] of space, the dimensional horizon varies slightly. As We insert equations {46} and {48}. So we obtain: a consequence the forming EZPOs vary slightly in < ρv > (D=3) the course of time. So the actual vacuum is a mixture = 2∙< ρ > (D )/[ Z 4 ∙ (D – 1)] {49} of EZPOs, so it is a polychromatic vacuum. The v max Dmax  D=3 max This equation describes the density of the vacuum at average density of the actual polychromatic vacuum is (see Carmesin 2018a-d, Carmesin 2019): the time tf of the formation of three dimensional -123 space. How does that density ρv evolve after that < ρv,polychromatic > = 4.7426 ∙ 10 {56} time tf? This amounts to a difference between the modeled 12.12. EZPOs during expansion via FLE and the observed density of 0.038 % only. At times after t , the EZPOs do not change, as there f 14. Outlook: dark matter is no physical basis for a change of the EZPO, and since the invariance with respect to time is a defin- In order to see the scope of the present approach, it ing criterion for the vacuum density. is mentioned here that the dark matter is obtained as a particular local minimum of the energy term ED,loc As a consequence, the expansion of space is a result (see equations {34} - {36}). of an increase of the number of EZPOs. Thereby, the number of EZPOs increases according to the FLE 15. Experience with teaching (see Carmesin 2018a-d, Carmesin 2019 for details). The students were especially interested in the topic 12.13. Calculation of the vacuum density and attended many additional meetings. They per- The density of the vacuum can easily be calculated. formed related observations at our school observato- The light horizon is (see Planck 2018; Gott et al. ry (see Helmcke et al. 2018). It was possible to per- 2005): form the method of problem solving in these lessons. Thereby we made transparent the goal, planned the r = 4.16 ∙ 1025 m or r = 2.58 ∙ 1061 {50} lh lh solution in the plenum, solved it in groups and pre- The space expanded (according to the FLE) from the sented the results in the plenum. Hereby the micro- time of Dmax at the scaled density (of radiation) ρDmax scopic part of the model including cosmic inflation = 0.5 until today at the scaled density of radiation ρr,

23 Carmesin was treated in 18 lessons of 90 min each, while in 17. Literature seven lessons we arrived at the model of the vacuum Ballentine, Leslie (1998): Quantum Mechanics. density, and in 14 lessons we modeled the dark mat- London and Singapore: World Scientific Pub- ter. In all lessons the students actively developed lishing. their ‘process related competences’ of ‘problem Bronstein, Matvei, P. (1936): Quantentheorie solving’ and ‘modeling’ (Kultusministerium, 2017). schwacher Gravitationsfelder. Phys. Z. Sowje- By such problem solving, the students practice a tunion, 9, pp. 140-157. particularly efficient method for learning (Hattie, Broy, Benedict Johannes (2016): Inflation and effec- 2009). When the students investigate the model, then tive Shift Symmetries. : University they apply the essential hypothetic deductive method Hamburg. Thesis. (Kircher, 2001; Popper 1974). Furthermore the stu- Bures, Martin (2011): Quantum Physics with Extra dents developed challenging ‘content related compe- Dimensions. Brno: Masaryk University, Thesis. tences’ in astronomy, physics and mathematics. Carmesin, Hans-Otto and Carmesin, Ellen (2014): Some students developed projects about these topics How Old is the Universe? PhyDid B, and won prizes at Jugend forscht competitions. The ISSN 2191-379X. students appreciated that the whole project is con- Carmesin, Hans-Otto (2017): Vom Big Bang bis ceptually only based on the combination of general heute mit Gravitation – Model for the Dynam- relativity and quantum physics, and it is numerically ics of Space. Berlin: Verlag Dr. Köster. based on three inputs only: the three universal con- Carmesin, Hans-Otto (May 2018a): Entstehung stants G, c and h. All students presented the project dunkler Materie durch Gravitation - Model for in public astronomy evenings in the assembly hall of the Dynamics of Space and the Emergence of our school. Thereby also a Socratic dialogue was Dark Matter. Berlin: Verlag Dr. Köster. used (see Carmesin 2018c). The assembly hall was Carmesin, Hans-Otto (July 2018b): Entstehung filled with guests and many visitors discussed the dunkler Energie durch Quantengravitation - topic with the students during the break. Universal Model for the Dynamics of Space, Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Berlin: Verlag 16. Discussion Dr. Köster. The essence of the combination of general relativity Carmesin, Hans-Otto (November 2018c): Entste- and quantum physics is worked out here: According hung der Raumzeit durch Quantengravitation – to the uncertainty relation and to the Schwarzschild Theory for the Emergence of Space, Dark Mat- radius, there are elementary regions without observ- ter, Dark Energy and Space-Time. Berlin: Ver- able internal structure, and on the small length scale lag Dr. Köster. of two such regions, we arrive at a sub curvature Carmesin, Hans-Otto (2018d): A Model for the length scale. This is characterized by the novel Dynamics of Space - Expedition to the Early equivalence principle. Universe. PhyDid B Internet Journal, pp. = 1-9. In order to derive the consequences of that principle, Carmesin, Hans-Otto (July 2019): Die Grund- a simple analogous structure is used here: the har- schwingungen des Universums - The Cosmic monic oscillator and coupled harmonic oscillators. Unification. Berlin: Verlag Dr. Köster. With it, three fundamental results can be obtained: Einstein, Albert (1915): Die Feldgleichungen der the era of cosmic inflation, the dark energy and the Gravitation. Sitzungsberichte der Preuss. Aka- dark matter can be explained. The first two results demie der Wissenschaften, pp. 844-847. are worked out in full detail here, so the project can Einstein, Albert (1917): Kosmologische Betrachtun- directly be applied in a learning group. gen zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. Sit- The present approach provides a smooth learning zungsberichte der Preuss. Akademie der Wis- process with the following features: The process is senschaften, pp. 142-152. based on the two fundamental theories general rela- Fornasini, P.; Grisenti, R. (2015): On EXAFS Debye tivity and quantum physics only. The process is - Waller factor and recent advances. Journal of based on three numerical inputs only: the universal Sychrotron Radiation, 22, pp. 1242-1257. constants G, c and h, and it arrives at a precise ac- Friedmann, Alexander (1922): Über die Krümmung cordance with observations. The analogy based des Raumes. Z. f. Physik, 10, 377-386. learning process proposed here has three mile Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1813): Theoria attractionis stones, the equivalence principle, the harmonic os- corporum sphaeroidicorum ellipticorum homo- geneorum – methoda novo tractata. Societ. Reg. cillator and its transfer to the energy term ED,loc (see eq. {36}), as well as coupled harmonic oscillators Scient. Tradita. 1-24. and the transfer to the vacuum density or dark ener- Gott, Richard J.; Juric, Mario; Schlegel, David; gy. Thereby, the two analogies integrate the new Hoyle, Fiona; Vogeley, Michael; Tegmark, knowledge into existing knowledge, and correspond- Max; Bahcal, Neta and Brinkmann, Jon (2005): ingly, a very high learning efficiency is achieved A Map of the Universe. The Astrophysical (see Hattie 2009). Journal, 624, pp. 463-484.

24 A Novel Equivalence Principle for Quantum Gravity

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