Texas Architect No Battle at All Suppose We Gave a War and Nobody Came
Contents Editorial 3 Official Publication of The Texas Society of Architects The 64th Leglslature 8 TSA is the orficial organization of the re,a, Region of A due~· 1 1'\'I' 1·11·w of 1m111· of the action the American Institute of ArchitccL, at tlw .\lat,• C11111tol 1h11 11•.1.11011: t'llergy. tr111111w1 t11ti1111, l1111t!-111111111g1•1111•11t, Des Taylor ....................... Editor-in-Chief Larry Paul Fuller ........•. ....... Managing Editor r111·i11111111,•111, 1/11 hi11·,·t1 11•x11t111t11111, and Ray Reece ..................... Associate Editor /111(//1/(' \(/II( 11111•1 , John t.a,h • . ........... Advcn,s,ng Director l1111c• I) Pfluger, AIA ........ Editorial Consultant Capltol Committees ........... 21 Who 111 11·1•, 11•/1•ph11J11', 111 111111• 11/,11111 II hat Jun Mqcr1 < l11111i1u01 8ol>h, Fnl7 M.11,11111.,J,n,1 fa,}. M1tchell Sun, Shade & Suds .. .. ..... 22 I•, I. ( 11yw,1t lfrill) 0t1<'J!U A place of warmth and wood by the l'c, I. l>rrnn•n Jun l'Uugcr river Concho where people can bring their hollow legs. T~.ros lorchunt ,, pubh,hed '" ume, yearly by the Tcxa, Society of Archucm. 800 Perry Brooh Bu1ld1ng. 121 East 8th Street. Ausun. Texas 78701 Subscnplion price i> 25 Acres of Home ........ ... 24 SS.00 per year for addresses within the continental Unued How to build an award-winning States. cxcepung Hawaii and Alaska. apartment complex for the young adult Eduorial contributions. correspondence. and adven,sing market 011 a hillside in north Dallas. matenal invited by the editor Usually. no payment will be made forarucles. Pubhshcr gives pcm1M1on for reproduc tion of all or pan of edotorinl mntenal hercrn.
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