JOURNAL Little Rock Annual Conference the Methodist Church
JOURNAL Little Rock Annual Conference The Methodist Church One Hundred and Fourth Session (NINETEENTH SESSION OF UNITED CHURCH) JUNE 5 • 9 1957 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS PRICE $1.50 J. RALPH CLAYTON, Editor LOUIS W. AVERITT 500 West Conway Editor of Statistics Benton, Arkansas 1723 Broadway Little Rock, Arkansas BISHOP PAUL E. MARTIN, D.D., LL.D. Resident Bishop of the Arkansas-Louisiana Area South Central Jurisdiction CLASS RECEIVED ON TRIAL Lewis Marlin Mulkey, Kenneth M. Goode (John Griggs Greening not present.) 4 LITTLE ROCK CONFERENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Officers II. Boards, Commissions, Commiiiees, Rolls of Conference Members 1. Boards, Commissions, Committees A. Quadrennial B. Annual C. Institutional D. Officers of Conference Organization 2. Conference Directory A. Retired Ministers B. Effective Ministers C. Ministers on Trial D. Approved Supply Pastors E. Lay Members F. Local Preachers G. Church Lay Leaders III. Daily Proceedings IV. Disciplinary Questions V. Appointments VI. Reports 1. Composite Report of District Superintendents 2. Reports of Board Commissions, and Committees VII. Memoirs VIII. Roll of Dead, Deceased Ministerial Members IX. Historical X. Miscellaneous 1. Standing Rules 2. Resolutions XI. Pastors Record 1. Ministers Service Record 2. Statistical Reports XII. Index THE METHODIST CHURCH 5 I. Officers OFFICERS OF ANNUAL CONFERENCE President-Bishop Paul E. Martin, 723 Center, Little Rock, Ark. Secretary-J. Ralph Clayton, 500 West Conway St., Benton, Ark. Statistician-Louis W. Averitt, 1723 Broadway, Little Rock, Arkansas Journal Clerk-Charles W. Richards, 1524 Pine Valley Road, Little Rock, Ark. Treasurer-Louis W. Averitt, 1723 Broadway, Little Rock, Arkansas Executive Secretary, Board of Education, Roy Fawcett, Methodist Head- quarters, 1723 Broadway, Little Rock, Arkansas.
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