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(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 01610)


The Board announces that, with effect from 30 July 2021:

(1) Ms. Yang Hong has resigned as a non-executive director of the Company, and ceased to be a member of the Food Safety Committee;

(2) Dr. Cui Guiyong has resigned as a non-executive director of the Company, and ceased to be a member of the Audit Committee;

(3) Mr. Zhou Qi has resigned as a non-executive director of the Company;

(4) Mr. Ma Dewei has been appointed as a non-executive director of the Company; and

(5) Dr. Wei has been appointed as a non-executive director of the Company and a member of the Audit Committee.


The board of directors (the “Board”) of COFCO Joycome Foods Limited (the “Company”) announces that, with effect from 30 July 2021:

1. Ms. Yang Hong (“Ms. Yang”) has resigned as a non-executive director of the Company due to her other business commitments that require more of her dedication. After her resignation becomes effective, Ms. Yang would also cease to be a member of the Food Safety Committee of the Board (the “Food Safety Committee”);

2. Dr. Cui Guiyong (“Dr. Cui”) has resigned as a non-executive director of the Company due to his other business commitments that require more of his dedication. After his resignation becomes effective, Dr. Cui would also cease to be a member of the Audit Committee of the Board (the “Audit Committee”); and

3. Mr. Zhou Qi (“Mr. Zhou”) has resigned as a non-executive director of the Company due to his other business commitments that require more of his dedication. 1 Ms. Yang, Dr. Cui and Mr. Zhou have all confirmed that they have no disagreement with the Board and there are no other matters relating to their resignations that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.

The Board would like to express its sincere gratitude to Ms. Yang, Dr. Cui and Mr. Zhou for their valuable contributions to the Board and the Company during their tenure of services.


The Board is pleased to announce that, with effect from 30 July 2021, Mr. Ma Dewei (“Mr. Ma”) and Dr. Zhao Wei (“Dr. Zhao”) have been appointed as non-executive directors of the Company.


Mr. Ma Dewei (馬德偉), aged 57, started to work in July 1987 and served as the legal counsel of Beijing International Hotel, the deputy general manager of Beijing Yitong Dance Art Service Company, the director of the Cultural and Legal Affairs Department of Beijing Huaxin Law Firm, and a lawyer of Beijing Jiangchuan Law Firm. Mr. Ma joined COFCO Corporation (“COFCO”) in December 1998 and had served in various positions, including staff of the Legal and Trademark Affairs Department, general manager of the Legal Consulting Department, deputy director of the Legal Department and general manager of the Contract and Corporate Law Department, and director of the Legal Department of COFCO. He has served as the general counsel of COFCO since February 2013. He is a director of Grandjoy Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (a company listed on the (Stock Code: 000031)) since March 2019, and a director of Joy City Property Limited (a company listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Stock Code: 00207)) since October 2020.

Mr. Ma obtained a master’s degree in law from China University of Political Science and Law in July 1987.


Dr. Zhao Wei (趙瑋), aged 46, joined COFCO in April 2001 and had served in various positions, including staff of the Accounting and Taxation Division under the Finance Department, staff of the Operation and Management Division under the Finance Department, assistant to the general manager of the Operation and Management Division under the Finance Department, director, chief accountant and general manager of the Finance Department of COFCO Tunhe Sugar Co., Ltd. (中 糧屯河糖業股份有限公司, formerly known as COFCO Tunhe Co., Ltd. (中糧屯河股份有限公 司), a company listed on the (Stock Code: 600737)), leader of the IT Working Group of COFCO, etc. He has served as the director of the Information Management Department of COFCO since April 2021. Dr. Zhao holds the qualification of Certified Public Accountant in China.

Dr. Zhao obtained a doctorate in management from Central University of Finance and Economics in June 2005.

As at the date of this announcement, save as disclosed above, Mr. Ma and Dr. Zhao do not have any other relationship with any directors, senior management or substantial shareholders or controlling shareholders of the Company, and have not held any positions in the Company or any of its subsidiaries. Save as disclosed above, they have not held any directorship in any listed companies in Hong Kong or overseas in the last three years, nor do they have any other major appointments or professional qualifications. 2 According to the engagement letters entered into between the Company and Mr. Ma and Dr. Zhao, Mr. Ma and Dr. Zhao are appointed for a term of three years commencing from 30 July 2021, subject to termination by them giving the Company three months’ prior written notice. Mr. Ma and Dr. Zhao receive no remuneration from the Company. Mr. Ma and Dr. Zhao shall hold office until completion of the next general meeting of the Company following their appointments and shall then be eligible for re-election at that meeting in accordance with the memorandum and articles of association of the Company (the “Articles”). Mr. Ma and Dr. Zhao are also subject to the provisions on retirement by rotation and re-election of directors in accordance with the Articles.

As at the date of this announcement, Mr. Ma and Dr. Zhao do not have any interest in the shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company and its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong)).

Save as disclosed above, there is no other matter relating to the appointment of Mr. Ma and Dr. Zhao that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, nor is there any other information which is required to be disclosed pursuant to the requirements of Rule 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of The Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

The Board would like to express its warm welcome to Mr. Ma and Dr. Zhao for joining the Board.


The Board is pleased to announce that Dr. Zhao Wei has been appointed as a member of the Audit Committee, with effect from 30 July 2021.

By order of the Board COFCO Joycome Foods Limited Jiang Guojin Chairman and Executive Director

Beijing, PRC, 30 July 2021

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr. Jiang Guojin as the chairman of the Board and the executive director, Mr. Xu Jianong as the executive director, Mr. Ma Dewei and Dr. Zhao Wei as non-executive directors, and Mr. Fu Tingmei, Mr. Li Michael Hankin and Dr. Ju Jiandong as independent non-executive directors.