Gultural Diversity Netwodr

Action Plan

Sepfember 2000 trtrEr Gultural D ity Network


We recognise our responsibility as the biggest employer in the UK media industry and the country's most nportant cultural institution. We understand that we wield enormous influe in shaping ideas and working practices. The BBC therefore welcomes the I nch of the Cultural Diversity Network and looks fonrvard to working with fellow members in making progress on this vital issue.

As a public service broa the BBC is committed to providing programmes and services that valued by everyone. ln our 'statement of Promises to Viewers and L rS, we have committed ourselves to reflecting the UK's diversity our programmes, our services and our workforce. 'Producers' Gu nes' which all programme-makers are expected to read and observe, rline the importance of fair and accurate portrayal of Britain's diverse com unities.

The BBC has had an Equal rtunities Policy in Employment since 1983. During the 1990s Television and iadio established separate Equality Units but these were brought together in 996. ln May 2000 al! diversity activity was brought together in a new 'Di Centre' with a team of twelve working on issues across the whole diversity m: race, disability, gender and age.

ln 1990 we set ourselves a of 8o/o minority ethnic representation in the workforce which we achieved in 1 198/9. During that time we published details of our progress in each al Report and the BBC's own internal Performance Review. We have nched a number of mentoring schemes, worked with organisations Iike e African Caribbean Finance Forum and initiated many outreach program ln April 2000, the BBC's Director , Greg Dyke, announced increased targets o'f 10% in the workforce and 4% at senior management levels to be achieved by the year 2003. ln our output we are making g progress in reflecting multi-racial Britain. Specialist or targeted program include:

. Goodness Gracious Me medy sketch programme featuring Asian characters. Research shows audience is70% White. EIEIEI Blouse and Skirt - comic & sketches of UK current affairs from a Black perspective. a Pure Naughty - Black music show featuring Spice Girl Mel B a Black Britain - current affairs me for the UK Black communitY . The Faster Race, Bernie Grant ial and upcoming one on Gourtney Pine. Urban Heat - youth maga show focusing on fashion, music and entrepreneurs from a multicu perspective o Caf6 21 - youth Asian show o Mahabarrat - lndian drama sing on Hindu religious stories a Network East - Asian show focusing on entertainment, leisure and lifestyle issues

O East - current affairs for the U Asian community a Playing the Race Gard - th part documentary on race policy in the UK a Uncut Funk - Black comedy show with Black music videos a Black History Season - Luther King, Boxer Joe Louis and Jim Hendrix.

We are working hard to ensure r mainstream output incorporates diversity wherever possible and reflects dynamics of multi-racial Britain:

Current affairs - Panorama - on the murder of Black doctor Joan Francisco. Crimewatch UK devoted a number of programmes to appeal for information on the murder Black teenager Stephen Lawrence Documentary - The Koran & Kalashnikov - programme charting the development of the lslamic deen movement. Drama - EastEnders and such as hospital/medical dramas , Gasualty, Doctors, drama - Hope and Glory and factory- based drama - Clocking Off h strong Black and/or Asian characters and everyday storylines relating to r experiences. Education - BBG Bitesize - ths revision programme with Black presenter David Bromfield. Belief File Pathways of Belief from BBC Education - covering aspects of different Childrens - Pigheart Boy, a featuring a Black family whose child needs a serious heart Blue Peter and CBBG all have minority ethnic presenters. ln addition, local radio and television are opening up different aspects of diversity as by different communities around the country. Currently 16 Local Radio stations broadcast targeted Asian programmes and 11 stations cast targeted African Caribbean output. The BBC Asian Network has been a success. trtr9 Audience feedback has led us look at ways of making BBC World Service, especially the language services more accessible to different communities in this country.

Our recently published plans for igital radio include a Black music and news station aimed at young people a BBC Asian Network serving communities throughout the country. We are consulting the public on our digital proposals and would welcome f'

Our online service offers the sites:

. BBC Black History Site - rrttp: . BBC's Windrush Site - . BBC's lnto Africa Site - rutu . BBC's Reputations Site - ring Martin Luther King, Boxer Joe Louis and Jim Hendrix - nttp: . BBC Black Forum (BBF) -

Our progress towards diversity employment and portrayal has been recognised on many occasions:

Race in the Media A 2000

Television News Winner: Barnie Choudhury: BB East Midlands Today - body of work Radio News Winner: Barnie Choudhury: BB East Midlands - body of work Radio Factual Winner: Helen Lloyd: BBC Rad WM - The Century Speaks, body of work Radio Entertainment Winner: Maithreyi Nandakuma BBC Radio Bristol - Sangam Radio Drama Winner: Pauline Harris and ole Soyinka: BBC Radio 3 - Document of ldentity Radio Music Winner: BBC Radio 1 - Fabio d Children Winner: BBC Children's T, on - Sort lt! Website (UK) Winner: BBC Production: BBC e - Network Asia

4 EItrEI BT EMMA Awards 2000 'nners List Film Section Best Actress: ANGELA GRIFFIN, BBC'S HOLBY CITY Journalism Section Best Radio News Journalist: SANJIV BUTTOO, RADIO Best TV Documentary Prod : THE KORAN & THE KALASHNIKOV British Diversity Awards 999 . BBC Asian Network won a ver British Diversity Award for their coverage of the cricket World Cup o 'BBC English Regions also a Silver British Diversity Award for their progress in implementing di , as judged by readers of Neuz lmPact Journal.

Employment and ing - Objectives To obtain a comprehensive re of ethnic minority employment in UK Broadcasting ; establish industry ards for the collection and publication of Ethnic Monitoring data that will proper comparisons, target setting and performance monitoring ; best practice in ethnic minority recruitment and retention; and to set achi ble employment targets for ethnic minority employment at senior executive

To encourage the major i to adopt and reflect cultural diversity in their employment and progra s. CDN will undertake to hold a series of seminars aimed at sensitisi the Managing Directors of the major independents.

BBG Response . We are already committed achieving overall minority ethnic employment levels of 10o/o by 2003. ln ition we shall double the number of senior managers to 4o/o. However, the public broadcaster for the British lsles we must acknowledge regi differences in minority ethnic population throughout the Nations and ions and adjust our ambitions accordingly in both directions to reflect communities they serve. o With the reorganisation of recruitment services we will adopt a more proactive and creative to reaching out to different communities. A new Recruitment AgencY play an important role in helping us achieve our targets.

5 ETETEI Other initiatives will include: o Wndsor FellowshiP The BBC will continue to closely with the Windsor Fellowship to identify the ethnic minoritY nt of tomorrow. This programme targets Black undergraduates and ives them valuable work placements and vocational training. Last ' 4 Fellows completed 6 weeks summer placements in: Radio 1, Sch rduling, Birmingham News & Current Affairs and Broadcast and P tion in . 3 Fellows were placed in Production areas: Children ; BBC Bristol and Documentaries and Education. . BBG Mentor Profect This is a pan-BBC Project in its 8th year. tt runs for 20 weeks and 3 involves 14 young PeoPle West London undertaking study sessions, week work placements and ical projects. . Gareers Fairs: T MinoriQr Ethnic Talent We shall build on our links with organisations such as the African Caribbean Finance Forum \CFF), an Anglo-American forum of BIack professionals committed promoting the entry, development and advancement of African bbean professionals into business. We will also be working closelY with Nationat Mentoring Consortium (NMC), the largest mentoring organisati in Britain and Europe. . Nations and Regions There are a number of local itiatives taking place throughout the Nations and Regions. BBC Englis Regions will appoint a Diversity Adviser specialising in emPloYment ssues alongside the Diversity Output Editor who focuses on programmi . Duties will include marketing employmdnt opportunities in our 39 Radio stations and 11 Regional Centres to different communities. BBC lreland, Scotland and Wales will look at initiatives that are for their demographics.

We also recognise the need support the training and development of minority ethnic staff to them to progress through the organisation.

Current and future schemes i . Mentoring And Programme This 12 month programme talented staff and seeks to integrate diversity into management . Of the 30 mentees recruited 16% were from ethnic minorities. Mentees are matched with a senior mentor and study groups. To date of the mentees have been promoted or have taken on greater resPonsi in their current roles.


. Targeted Development I ;hemes We will explore appropriate ethods of developing experienced minority ethnic staff to enable them to lmpete for senior positions within the BBC.

Talent - Obiective There is cross industry consens rs that we need to establish a database of ethnic minority talent which will t e an essential tool, a reference point and a way of taking away the excuse - ' don't know where to find the talent".

BBG Response

The BBC acknowledges the valu a of accurate and up-to-date databases. We recognise the need for sPecific ir itiatives to tackle Iack of opportunity in those parts of our industry where fret rlance employment is the norm. We would welcome and support anY Projec t the Cuttural Diversity Network proposes in this area.

. ln Drama we are considerin I ways to influence employment patterns of skilled minority ethnic workers especially those in the technical grades. We will examine possible entry Pc nts into the industry. . We will renew our efforts to fil d new minority talent via our successful New Writing lnitiative. ln Partict lar, we will seek out more diverse script readers and editors, . BBC Scotland's Migrations irnarl r^rriferc with links Scotland will be rePeated f ' 2OOO101. The previous scheme in 1997 attracted 16 particiPants of w om 7 went onto pursue writing for television and film. o We will continue to seek ou and support schemes like the Royal Court Young Writers' Programme

Gasting and Portral tdl - Objective

To modernise the PortraYal of t thnic minorities in mainstream programming from factual, documentary, ente tainment, comedy, drama, sports, news and current affairs. TodaY it would s rcm odd not to see women on our television screens in all our Programmes So must we aim for racial diversity. What appears on the screen has a ht Ee impact on the perceptions of society as a whole. ln many mainstream Prr grammes, Black and Asian actors are only hired when the scriPt indicates tl ris rather than being considered for non-race- specific roles.

7 trtr8 BBG Response . Drama Guidelines are now in place n all drama series, particularly EastEnders, Casualty and Holby City. T programmes have to reach minimum targets of 10% minority eth representation in guest and starring roles. We will actively seek ta writers and performers from different backgrounds to support our brts in this area. o BBG DiversiQr Database We have already built a Database which provides a central resource of potential p contributors with either a minority or specialist interest on mai issues or expertise in a minority or .specialist field. The Database is an on-going project and currently has 4000 individuals registered as butors with a third of all contributors coming from ethnic minorities. . Portrayal ll[onitoring We will devise methods for racking the portrayal and representation of diverse groups which are to each programme genre. We believe that monitoring fulfils important functions. The first is to amass a credible body of diversity ta, which the BBC can use to gauge its progress towards better of diversity. The second is to raise awareness around these issues. . Diversityr within & commissioning processes We intend to shift the em to incorporate diversity as part of the programme planning instead of the programme review process. Both in-house and indepe t productions will be required to produce evidence of diversity in on talent including contributors, subject matter, Iocation, audience m e-up and production effort. Attention will be focused on the top ten p mes in each department.

Sensitising the - Objectives

To sensitise the Broadcasters their Boards to the Network Executives, Controllers and Commissioning itors so that they call for diversity in content and employment. Ultimately, have to take responsibility and lead in bringing about this change from appointment of non-executive directors to the Boards to the senior mana

To encourage the major inde ents to adopt and reflect cultural diversity in their employment and program ;. CDN will undertake to hold a series of seminars aimed at sensitisi the Managing Directors of the major ETtrEI BBG Response o We will continue our prog of equipping all our staff with an understanding of the importa of diversity. A practical understanding of cultural and social diversity be included in all our training, both skills- based and people-based should become a key competency for all our programme makers. ln lar we should make sure our staff are sensitised with regard to faiths. o We intend including di awareness in our recruitment and appraisal processes as a key compe for all programme makers.

. Our recruitment, training development processes will be continuously ' reviewed to determine wh they discriminate either directly or indirectly against minority ethnic als.

. Delivering diversity will be a key responsibility for senior managers and not simply a function of Human Resources or specialist units. . We will be looking at ways incorporating'Managing Diversity' into the key competencies against all managers are appraised.

Different parts of the BBC anising initiatives designed to meet their specific needs: o News will be running a ' ty Roadshow' around the country to deepen understanding of diversity i and to widen the debate on how to reflect the changing face of Britai An estimated two thousand'journalists are expected to attend.

. BBC Wales recently organ a diversity awareness session for the Broadcasting Council of W and is organising a similar session for senior managers.

o BBG English Regions run ular workshops for journalists to help them sharpen their coverage of d communities especially in the big cities.

o BBC South has organised fact-finding visits for managers to different places of worship. Other will follow their example.

o BBG Online is organising rkshops on how best to sbrve the African Caribbean community fol on from the award winning Network Asia site.

I trtrEt Gommunications - bjective

Through a series of events to ra the profile of multicultural issues. Agreed that "events" would be defined any co-ordinated initiatives, which would raise the proflle of the CDN's ai and objectives. ldeally, these would cover a range of projects both on and off and be planned, as far as possible, to be part of a well-marketed across a time period under an agreed "brand strapline".

BBG Response

The BBC welcomes events whi promote cultural diversity throughout the media industry. We are active m bers of Business in the Community's 'Race for Opportunity' and actively te in the CRE's 'Leadership Challenge'. We are also among the sponsors the RIMA awards.

Other initiatives we have been l

Oval House Theatre Black Asians Professional Day - linking BBC staff with 14-16 year old ethn minority pupils

Glasgow Multicultural Y festival

BBG Opening Up Road -Manchester, London, Bristol and Cardiff.

We would like to see greater ustry co-operation in outreach work particularly at times of the feast days and festivals for different religious groups and calendar like 'Black History Month'.

BBC Marketing and Commu ns are planning a series of workshops to raise awareness amongst staff ensure that diversity is reflected in our marketing and press campaigns.

Monitoring and - Objectives

Monitoring of the key objectives by CDN and its agreed plan of action is vital to ensure that real change ,es place in our industry. ln this respect the DCMS has agreed to audit and m tor progress.

The industry is awash with resea looking at employment levels, programme contents, viewing patterns, yal of ethnic minority communities. The industry urgently needs to all existing research, analyse and draw out key directions to underpin the obj ives of the Cultural Diversity Network.

10 ETtrEI BBG Response

. As part of the Cultural Network, the BBC will monitor this action plan and report on an annual

Our intention is to schedule monitoring of our programmes to raise awareness and inform our on progress.

The BBC is happy to consi collaborating on new industry wide research regarding audiences and mes on a project by project basis.