a V• II/”...a 8

- - . _ . I c.ilegARYi I .., E N K 0 — - • .. — ------.DIE - PROVINCE THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL s% ..N1• . b \ /IN Official Gaunt' _ _:Offistrnir gurrant.

1/2„;:::ig • (Registered at the Post .Of(ice as a Newspaper).. . \•V.,-,Ln! . (As fa •Nuusblad by die.Poskantoor Geregistreer)

. . . • . - . tii" - - ' , 10c' OORSEE 15c 15c , .:' ,: PRYS: S:A. PRICE S.A. 10c' OVERSEAS - - . . • . , • . .. .

• • - ' ' 16 NOVEMBER' 1977 - - 3921 221 - - , " • VOL -- , , . 16 L . . . . NOVEMBER

- • • , . (Ad ininiitrateurS-);1977. - No. 252 (Administrator's), 1977. No.. 252• , .. PROCLAMATION - . PROKLAMASIE .

Whereas 'power is vested .in me by section 2 - of the ! Nademaal bevoegdheid by artikel .2 van die Wet. op 1967) 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967) aan Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of , Opheffing van Beperkings, of verpligting dear- to alter, suspend or remove a restriction or obligation ! my verleen is om 'n beperking in of op te hef; referred to in that 'section; . i die artikel genoencto wySig, 'op' tel-skOrt ' Now therefore I do hereby, in respect of Lots 1046, So is dit dat ek, met betrekking tot Lotte 1046, - 1047•seti 2336.gelee ..in dorp, Houghton Estate, distrik 1047, and 2336 situate. in Houghton Estate Township, . - district .Johannesburg, held in terms of Deed of Trans- 'Johannesburg; :gehou • kragtens - Akte - van Transport • 3(h) fer 6147/1946 remove conditions 1(h), 1(i), 3(a), 3(g) 6147/1946 voorwaardes 1(h), 1(i), 3(a),' 3(g).. en . . . . . and 3(h). . . • ophef.

- • . Given under my Hand at - Pretoria this• 27th day of Gegee! onder my Hand te Pretoria op hede die 27ste October, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy- dag van Oktober, Eenduisend Negehonderd Seweien- ' • - • . . seven...... Sewentig. S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, , S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK,

• Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal. Administrator of the Province Transvaal. ' - ' t • " • - PB: 4-14-2-619-6 'PB. 4-14L2;619-6

. . - - , . • y — . No. 253 (Administrator's), 1977. No. 253 (AdMinistrateurs-), 1977. ' " • • , , ' . • ' ' . .. • • PROCLAMATION . PROKLAMASIE

, , .. Whereas power is vested in me by •section 2 of the Nademaal beyoegdheid by artikel 2 van die Wet. op Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of ,1967) to Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967. (Wet 84 van 1967) aan or remove a restriction or obligation re- my verleen is om ',11 beperking of verpligting in daardie alter, suspend - artikel. genoem te• wYsig, op te .skort of op te hef; ferred to in that section; , . , • • ' • • - - Nov therefore I do hereby, in respect of Holding So is dit dat ek, met betrekking tot Hoewe 23, ge 23, situate in River Park Agricultural Holdings, district lee in River Park Landbouhoewes, distrik Wreeniging, Deed of Transfer gehou kragtens Akte van Transport 16997/1965 voor- Vereeniging, held in terms of 16997/ 1 waarde (e) wysig om soos volg . te .lees: . 1965 alter condition (e). to read as follows: , "(e) Notwithstanding conditions (a) and (d) no store "(e) Notwithstanding conditions (a) and (d) no store place of business whatsoever may be opened or place of. business whatsoever may be opened or - or conducted on the holding, without the written' or conducted on the holding without the written consent of the Administrator and subject to such; consent of the Administrator and subject to such , • ' - - ! requirements as - lie! may - impose." requirements as he may. impose." . • . „ ...... ' die 16de .; Given under my Hand at Pretoria. his 16th ,day of :..,Gegee clutter .my Hand te Pretoria op hede September, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy- . dag van September, Eenduisend Negehonderd Sewe-en- . seven. sewentig. . . ' - - ''• - :' . G: S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK,. . .. S: J.NAN NEEKERK, ' - . . . - - - 1 , '. "Administrateur Nah die PrOvinsie Transvaal. Administrator of the ProvinceTrainvail. - - - ' - . .. ' • . - - - " • - ! '• . ''' •• - 4;46-2-494- 1 PE. 3 . • PB: 4-16;2-494: 3 ; „

. . , . . , •

! 254 (Administrateurs-), 1977. • No. 254 (Administrator's), 1977. . .No. . . . .


2 die op . Whereaa.poiver is• vested in me• by .section 2 of the; .i. :Nadernaal .bevoegdheid by artikel van Wet 1967) aan Removal . Of.- Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967)1 lOplreffingiv.an:Beperkings, 1967 (Wet 84 van

1 .


, I


- to alter, suspend Or remove a restriction or obligation my verleen - is om 'n beperking of verpligting in daar- referred to in that section; ' die artikel genoem to wysig, op te skort of op .to hef; , . . Now therefore I do hereby, in respect of Railway So is dit dat ek, met betrekking tot Spoorwegreserwe Reserve 243, situate in Isando Township, district Kemp- 243, gelee in die dorp Isando, distrik Kemptonpark, ton Park, held in terms of Deed of Transfer F.33064/ gehou kragtens Akte van Transport P.33064/1963, die 1963, alter the condition• on. page - 3 of . the 'said Deed voorwaarde op .bladsy :3 -van die genoemde Akte,, wysig to read as follows: om coos volg te lui: "The erf shall be entitled and subject to the following "The erf shall be entitled - and. subject to the follow- servitudes, reservations and conditions, namely:" ing servitudes, reservations and conditiohs, namely:" ' Given under my Hand at Pretoria this. 6th day of 'Gegee, onder my Hand te Pretoria op hede die 6de ' October, One thousand Nine hundred and Siventy- dag van Oktober, Eenduisend Negehonderd Sewe'-en- seven. - sewentig. S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, Administrator 'of the Province Transvaal. Administratein an die Provinsie Transvaal. ' PB. 4-14-2-648-2 PB. 4- 14-2-648-2

. . . . .

' No. 255 (Administrator's), 1977. . • • • - - No. - 255 (Administrateurs-), 1977. . .

. , • . ' . . . . • • PROCLAMATION _ PROKLAMASIE • • . • • • . . . • , .„ . • ,

1 - Whereas power is vested in the by :section 2 of .the . Nademaal bevoegdheid by artikel 2 van die Wet op Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967' (Act 84 of 1967) to : Opheffing van.Beperkings, 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967) aan alter, . suspefici.. or. remove a - restriction or obligation - My. verleen is om 'ri beperking of verpligting in daardie referred to in that section; artikel genoem te wysig, op te skort of op te her.

- • - Now therefore I do hereby,. in respect. of Erven' 550, ; :. So. is dit. dat ek, . met . betrekking tot Erwe 550, 551 551 and 566, situate in Delville Township, Registration en 566, &lee in. die 'dorp Delville, .Registrasie Afdeling Division I.R., Transvaal, remove the following condi- ; I.R., Transvaal, die volgende voorwaardes ophef: • . „ ;tions: - ' . • (1). (a). • voorwiardeS' en (b), in Akte van Transport I (1) conditions (a) (b) Transfer : ' and in Deed of T. T.8820/1975' 8820/1975; - - ! (2) voorwaarde c in Akte van Transport F.14/1941;

(2) condition c in Deed of Transfer F.14/1941; and { en , I . .

(3) conditions (b) and (c) in Deed of Transfer F. ! (3) voorwaardes (b) en (c) in Akte van Transport 12404/1967. , i F.12404/1967. • . . , .. . . ' Given under my Hand at Pretoria this 14th day of . Gegee onder my Hand te. Pretoria op hede die 14de 'October, One thousand- Nine hundred and Seventy- • van Negehonderd ' ! dag Oktober, Eenduisend Sewe-en- seven. . • . • . sewentig. * ' ' '‘ '- - ' . S.' G. J. VAN NIEKERK, S. a J. VAN NIEKERK, Administrator of the Province' Transvaal. Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal. PB. 4- 14-2-328-3 • . .PB. 4-14-2-328-3

, • . c ...... - No. 256 (Administrator's), 1977. . No. 256 (Administrateurs-),. 1977. - . . . , . . ,

. - . - • - '' - - ' " . • PROCLAMATION - - PROKLAMASIE..... - - •• • . . . . . 1 .. . . . , . . Whereas power is vested, in me by section 2 of the. Nademail bevoegdheid .by. artikel 2 van die Wet op Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967): Opheffing van BeperkingS, 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967) aan :to alter, suspend or remove a restriction obligation! my.verleen is om ' or 'n beperking of verpligting in daardie - . - - referred to in that section; I . . i artikel - genoem te wysig, op te skort of op te hef; Now therefore I. do hereby, in respect of Remaining' So is. dit dat ek, met betrekking tot 'Ge- Extent 1066, die ResterendeErf situate in Pretoria ofNorth Township, : ;cleefte van Fif 1066, gelee, in dorp Pretoria-Noord, City of Pretoria, held in terms of Deed of Transfer stad Pretoria, gehou kragtens Akte van Transport 1424/1973, remove the condition on page 2 of the said 1424/1973, die voonvaarde.op:bladsy 2 van die genoem- deed. - - de akte, ophef. Given under my Hand at Pretoria this 26th day 'of; Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria op hede die 26ste October, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy- dag van Oktober, Eenduisend Negehonderd Sewe-en- .. . . . - - seven. ! sewentig. . .. S. J. S. J. G. VAN NIEKERK, - G. VAN NIEKERK, -Administrator of the ProvinCe Transvaal.; ••; :.. . Administrateur van die .Provinsie Transvaal. I ' ' . ' . , • - . PB.. 4-14-2-10-74-1; f.t- c 1. r. PB. 4-14-2-10-74-1 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 16 NOVEMBER 1977 3745

' i No. 257 (Administrator's), 1977. No. 257 (Administrateurs-), 1977. -

b • -

1 PROCLAMATION • PROKLAMASIE - . Whereas power is vested in me by section 2 of the - Nademaal bevoegdheid by artikel 2 van die Wet op Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967) to Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967) alter, suspend or remove a restriction or obligation re- , aan my verleen is om 'n beperking of verpligting in fared to in that section; daardie artikel genoem te wysig, op te skort of op te hef; Now therefore I do hereby, in respect of Lots 622 and 624, situate in Brooklyn Township, district Preto- So is dit dat ek, met betrekking tot Lotte 622 en ria, held in terms of Deed of Transfer 11093/1956, alter 624, gelee in die dorp Brooklyn, distrik Pretoria, gehou condition 1(b) by the deletion of the following words:. kragtens Akte van Transport 11093/1956, voorwaarde 1(b) wysig deur die skrapping van die volgende woorde: "Not more than one dwelling house with the neces- sary outbuildings and appurtenances shall be erected "Not more than one dwelling house with the neces- outbuildings and appurtenances shall be erected on the said lot and the said lot shall not be subdivided." sarY on the said lot and the said lot shall not be subdivided." Given under my Hand at Pretoria this 24th day • of • • Gegee onder my Hand to Pretoria op hede die 24ste October, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy- , dag van Oktober, Eenduisend Negehonderd Sewe-en- ' seven. • sewentig. S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, ' . Administrator of the Province Transvaal. Administrateur van die Province Transvaal. 0 PB. 4-14-2-206-55 . . PB. 4- 14-2-206-55 .. ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICES ADMINISTRATEURSKENNISGEWINGS

, - . • • ' Administrator's Notice 1707 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing.1707 .16 November 1977


terms_ The Administrator hereby, in of section 101 Die Administrateur . publisear hierby ingevolge arti- of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes kel 101 van .die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur,

the by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been ap- . 1939, die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur proved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Or- horn ingevolge artikel 99 van voornoemde Ordonnan- dinance. sie goedgekeur is. The By-laws for the Regulation of Parks and Gar- Die Nerordeninge vir die Regulering van Parke en dens of the Bethal Municipality, published under Ad- Tuine van die Munisipaliteit Bethal, afgekondig by Ad- ministrator's Notice 144, dated 22 January, 1975, as ministrateursgoedkeuring 144 van 22 Januarie 1975, amended, are hereby further amended by the substitu- soos gewysig, word hierby verder gewysig deur die By- . lion for the Schedule of the following: lae deur die volgende te vervang: . . "SCHEDULE. "BYLAE.


I. Camping Sites (except as - provided in item 2). 1. Kampeerterreinc (uitgesonderd soos in item 2 be- . pad): - • . ' Per 24 . . • • • • Per 24 hrs. or - uur of • part Per, • • . • .gedeelte • i ' . . Per . . ; .. • thereof t. week ! ' •: .. • daarvan week R R R (1) Per caravan or tent (with a . - ... . - " maximum of 5 persons per caravan i (I) Per woonwa of tent (met 'n • or tent) 2,75 16,50 • niaksimum van 5 person per woon- - • wa of tent) ...:... _ ...... _ ..... 2,75 16,50 (2) Where more than 5 persons are ' I ' • house in a caravan or tent, an addi- - : (2) Waar meer as 5 persone in 'n tional charge, per person in excess of woonwa of 'n tent gehuisves word, 5 0,55 3,30 'n bykomende geld, per persoon be 5 0,55 3,30

2. Groups of not less than 15 persons connected with ! 2. Groepe van nie minder nie as 15 perSone verbon- churches, charitable and youth organisations or such. de aan kerke, liefdadigheids- en jeugorganisasies of so- 1 other groups as the Council may approve on special danige ander groepe wat die Raad by spesiale go- occasions in terms of section 27: 80% of the charges' leenthede: ingevolge. artikel 27. goedkeur: 80%. van die • - payable in terms of item 1. . .gelde betaalbaar ingevolge item 1. 3746 PROVINCIAL. GAZETTE, 16. NOVEMBER, .1977.

' 3. Angling, per Person: .• • 3. Hengel,. per Persoon. (1) Per day: (1) Per dag: 15c. 15c. -...) (2) Per week: 40c. (2) Per week: 406.

" ' ' • • " . • „ (3) -(3) Per maand:i80c.. Per mbitth:. ,80c.'' .•

• (4) .Per •year:•.R2.Th . • .(4) Pcrjaar: R2.". , •,. • •:.,:, :PB. 24-2-69:7

- Adntinistrator's• Notice 1708 • • .16 November, 19771 Administrateurskennisgewing 1708. 16.November 1977


, . - The. Administrator: herebyi, in. terms-of.Jsection :101: Die Administrateur publiseei hierby, ingevolge arti of • the 'Local Government Ordinance, 1939,ipubliThes kel 101t(iari die bidennansie by Plaaslike BeStutir, 1939, The, by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been ap- die, verordeninge hierna•iuiteengesit. wat. deur horn in- proved by him' in terms Of'seetibir 99' dr the said• Or- gevOlge. artikel, 99 van genoemde Ordonnapsie goedge- • ' • ' " dinance. - ': mn" 3- • kdui is.

The NacuUm Tank .Bylaws of the Breyten Munici- Diet.Vrikutimterikvercirdeninge van die Munisipaliteit • Pality, published 'under Administrator's. Notice 923, Breyteny. afgekoticlig by. Administrateurskennisgewing 'dated 17 December, 1958, as amended, are hereby fur- : 923t4ani -17; Desember 1958, soos gewysig, word hierby .- - I ther amended by the sUbStittition for seaticin-T 15f *Venter gewysig deurartikelt1 lietirdie volgende te ver-

• ):. vang: following: I •;1„. ; .2'$1 f

- - - • • ' "Tariffs. for :Kt keinoval of Savagi." :"Tarieisie vir die 'Veriqdering. fan Rioolwate. • 1. The. following charges shall< be payable, ;per •pre- Die..volgende gelde is •betaalbeari. per..perseel, per mises, per month: maand: (a) .Raiiway.';'Ipstieute, liotel„L,South ;African i(a)' SpoorWegiastitutif...'Ilotel, 'Suirf-Afrikaanse Polisie, 'Magistrate' Off*, , Pbst- 'Office; *Departthent of Landdroskaritoor,":;poSkaritbOr, Departeniene van Education and' business premises: Onderwys en besigheidipersele:

. .(i) For the. first 45. kl on part thereof: R6,50. dieceerste 45 kl of gedeelte daarvan: R6,50. . , . • • • (ii) Thereafter, Per U'or' Pert' thereOfi' 33e. ! goiy. Daariiy.. per' Id of gedeelte' daaryari: 33e."

• • • -• • (b) Railway Baste!: , "(b) SPOorWeghostel; • ,

(1), For the first 45 kl .or part thereof: RIO.. (i) Vir die eerste. 45 kl of gedeelte daarvan: R10. . (ii) Thereafter,',per kl or ipatt•Thereof: 33c. .1:..;! (ii). Daania,.•per k1.ofr gedeelte daarvan: 33c. ...

' (c) private Dwellings: • ,„ ; (c),; private; Woorthirise:.„ .. ] - (i) For the first fire removals, pet Iricinth or part (1) Vir did .eeitte' VYf verwyderings, per rriaand 'of 4 thereof: R3,50. gedeelte daarvan: R3,50. (ii) Thereafter, for each additional removal during (ii) Daarna, vir elke bykomende verwydering ge•

; • . the same month;•50c." , durende dieselfde amend:. •50c." PB. 2-4-2-153-49 PB. 2-4-2-153-49

• • Administrator's. Notice 1709 16 November, 1977. Administrateifrikennisgewing 1709 16 November 1977


101 The Administrator hereby. . in terins. of section. Die Administrateur publiseer .hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government 'Ordinance, '1939,-,P.OlisheP ; 101 van ditTOrdonnansie op Plaaslike Restful", 1939, die the by set fOrth hereinafter, - • -laws which havebeen ip• verordeninge uite,engesit, wat;deur horn ingevolge .arti- pioved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Or- i genoeinde goe4gekeur.js. dinance. . „ . •.„„ kel 99 van Ordermansie Die Sanitere eric•Vullisverwyderingsterief - Varit die Mii- - • • . The Sanitary and., Refuse ;Removals, :Tariff .Of 'the - Breyten Municipality, published under nimpagli..te Breyten, afgekondig By Administrateursken Administrator's - Ndtiee 1739, dated 2 October, t inisgdwingr 1739 van:2. Oktobet 1974;iwOrd. hierby inns • 1974;isz tereht7ainended•• • ' ' i• -c•;•• "1- •• • • - • "i. ' •'• " - as follOWs: , 11;Olg goWirsig:' 4 - • 1...By the subStitutionr in titemi for the ;:figure .: L.:Deur int.item 'die . syfer "R1,50'.'t detir 'die syfer • "R1,50" of the figure f'`112"..,. •„• • : "R2" te vervang. PROVINSIALE KOERANT:16 NOVEMBER 1977' 3747

• • • 2: By the substitution in item 2 - - - - 2: Deurin Rein 2 . • Li • , (a) in subitem (1)(a) for the figure "RI" of the figure (a). in .subitem ; (1)(a) die syfer "Rl" deur die syfer "R1,50"; and • - - - • • "R1,50" te vervang; en - - --

(b)...in subitem - (1)(b) for the figure_ "R1,50" of the (b)., in subitem W(b) die syfer4R.1.50" deur die syfer figure "R2". R2 te vervang. PB. 2-4-2-8149 PB. 2-4-2-81 -49

i.Administrator's'Notice 1710/ • - 16'Novembel, 1977 Administratatirkkennisgetiring 1710 '16 November 1977


' • The':AilMinistratcr lieceby, tin"' terms of section 101' , Adthirristiateur 1publiSeeritierby ingevolge artikel • of the Loe'al GOVernnient Ordinance, 11939;- read With. 101 'Van • didaardonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, section 166 of the' Road 'Pallid Ordinance, 1966, pub- geleest met' artikel 4661' van 'die 'Ordonnansie Op Pad- lishes• the' by.lavis set forth hereinafter; which hallo' bed' verkeer,i 1966; die verOrdeniitge higrna uheefigesit, wat approved by him' in' terms Of 'Section 99 'of •theefirit- • deur hom ingevolge artikel 99 'Van' .eer'sgenoemde Or-

• • e . mentioned Ordinance., . : . ,„, . donnansie goedgekeur is:, . • . . . . ,The Traffic BY-laWs and Regulations,.published km- Die yerkeer6erordeninge en" afgekondig der Administiatcir's Notice 243; dated 21 March, 1951. by Adthinistiatetirthenntsgewing 243 van 21 Maart 1951,' and Made' applicable 'meads mutandie to 'the Breyten 1 ea_nottcyfr mutandis van toenaSsing gemaak op die Mu- Municipality by Administrator's Notice 76, dated 11 nisinaliteit `Breyten by Administrateurskennisgewing 76 February, 1953, are hereby ainended by the substitu- ,van 11 Februarie 1953; word hierby gewysig deur in tion in items 7; and 8. of the Tariff.of Licence. Fees, items 7 en, van •die Tarief,van Lisensiegelde onder under Schedule A of Annexure XXV for' the figures .ifylite A"VnnAatiliangsel XXV die 'syfers "0.5 0" en "0 5 0" 7 6" "RI" respectively., onderskeideiik die te vervang. and, "p 'of, the figure "Q76" deur syfer "Rl" • N 1' • / - ' • / PB. '2-4-2-9849' ! 0! !"""" Pit. 2-4-2-9849

• Administrator's Notice 1711 16 N'ovember, 1977 .Administrateurskennisgewing 1711 16 November 1977


The Adthinistrator herebYlim. terms-.of Section :10I•• I iiie•Administrateuripubliseer hierby ingevolgearthrel - of *die op' plaaike Bestuur, "1939, the Lobel GoVernment1.0rdinance,“1939, •publishas • van Ordonnansie the by-laws 'set forth-hereinafter, 'which/ have been - ap- . Ate veibrdehingt hieraa uiteetigesii, "wat deur horn in- proved by him in terms of section 99 of the said' - gevolge artikeP 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge- • dinance. " " .• The Search Fees By-laws of the Breyten Municipality, Die Nasoekfooie Bywette van die Munisipaliteit Brey- published -under Administrator's • Notice • 53; dated sten; afgekondig by;Administrateurskennisgewing 53 van k February, 1931, are hereby amended by the substitu- 4 Februarie 1931, word hierby gewysig deur in artikel p don in section - 4 for the expression "2s4 .6d. Atwo. shit?. 4 dip uitdruldting. ;.'2s. 6th (twee siielings en ses pen- Bugs and !sixpencer: of!' 'the figure 7RIP.,: , ,niesr dein; dies syfer ?RI? te. vervang. ; •, - . ) 'PB. 2-4-2-40-49 PB. 2-4-2-40 49

Administrator's. Notice" 1712 .16 November,. 107'1; iAdininiittateuislcennisgeWing„ 1712 .16 November 1977


"• '• • • - • • • r - 2 I Did Adminiatrateur publi'seer hierby ingevOlge artikel - The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 - 1 1101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, • Government publishes of rthe• Local - Ordinance, 1939, :die V.diofaehingenliema...uiteengesit,_ _ _ wat deur horn in- the by-laws set forth hereinafter. which have been ap- . proved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Or- gevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge- dinance. - • •

The By.laws and Regulations . Relating to. Dogs. of •; Die en Regulaties lop, Honden van die Mu. . - littijwetten the Breyten Municipality, .published ririderAdministrtil 'ntsipaliteit Breyten;afgekoridig. by Administrateursken- - " - tor's Notice 274, dated 8'Sentember, '1919: as amended, ' • • kusgewmg 274 van 8 September 1919, sons gewysig, word are hereby further by the substitution in sec- amended • • • — - • hierby tiOn 4 — . . • vender gewysig deur in artikel 4 . . - . . (a) in subSectiOn (2) for M e ."R1 50" of (a)-'ineisebarlikel (2)ddia' afet "kr 50" deur die syfer ' tile.' . . r "" - - ' • ' 'figure "R3'; 'and "Kr' te1verVang; en


(b) in subsection (3) for the figure. "R250" of the •(b) in subartikel (3) die syfer "R2 50", deur die ,syfer figure "R5". . ; "R5" to vervang. ' - ' ' PB. 2+2 33-49 P13. 2-4-2-33-49


1. The Administrator hereby,.in terms of section 101: . 1. Die Administrateur. publiseer, hierby ingevolge ar-

of the Local Government Drdinance;1939; publishes .tikel 101 van die Ordonnansie • op Plaaslike Bestuur, that the Town Council of Delmas has, in terms of sec- 1939, dat die Stadsraad van Delmas die Standaardver- tion 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance,, adopted, without ;ordeninge Betreffende,Kafees, Restaurante en Eethuise, amendment the Standard By-laws Relating .to !Cafes, . .afgekondig by; Administrateurskennisgewing .492 van 27 Restaurants and Eating-houSes„published under - Admi- April 1977, ingevolge artikel 96bis(2) van genoemde nistrator's Notice 492,, dated 27 April, 1977, as by-laws . lOrdonnansie, sander wysiging aangeneem het as veror- • • made by the said Council. . • - deninge wat deur genoemde Raad opgestel is.

2. Chapters 10, 14 and 15 of the Public Health' By- I 2. Hoofstukke 10, 14 en 15 van die Publieke GesOnd- laws of the Delmas Municipality, published under Ad- 'heidsverordeninge. van, die Munisipalite.it Delmas afge-

• ministrator's' Notice 148,• dated .21 February. .1951, as Ikondig by Administrateurskennisgewing- 148 van 21 • amended, are hereby deleted. , iFelynkie 1951,; sons ..gewysig, . word hierby geskrap.

• . • • - - .•, , PB..2-4 2-22 53 ! : ,• ; PB. 2-,4-2-22-53 I

Administrator's Notice .1714. ..„ . 16 November, 1977' iAdthipiStiatinrskinnisgewitig 1714 16 November 1977' •• . . . . DELMAS e MUNICIPALITY: ADOPTION OF muflipAurtErt DELMAS: AANNAME VAN WY- AMENDMENT TO STANDARD - FOOD-HANDLING SIGING VAN STANDAARDVOEDSELHANTE- BY-LAWS. RINGSVERORDENINGE. • The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 Die Administrateur, publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government 'Ordinance,'.1939,. publishes 101. van - die. Oidonnansieob Bestuur, 1939, that the Town Council of Tielniad hai in' terms of sec- :dat die Stadsraad:van. Dolmas Inge/dike artikel 96bis(2) - tion 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance, adopted the amend- van genoemde Ordonnansie, die wysiging van die Stan- daardvoedselhanteringsverordeninge, afgekondig by. Ad- ment.e0 _the_ktandard.2.opd-handling' By-lals, published . van 30 Maart 1977,. aan- underpinistiateurskerinisgewinr378378;" dated ,30 Administrator's .Notice March, gencem het as: verordeninge *at deur genoemde' Raad 1977, as by-laws made .by Council. • t tbe .said ;opgestel is. . • , PB. 2-4-2476-53 PB. 2-4-2-176-53


hereby, The Administrator in terms of section 101 , Die Administrateur publiseer, hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes 101 van"die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur; 1939, that the Town Council of Evander has in terms of dat die Stadsraad van Evander ingevolge artikel 96bis section 96bis(2). of the' said Ordinance,' adopted the (2)' van. gedoemde Ordonnansie, die wysiging van die amendnient to the Standahl Food-handling By-laws, StandaardiOedselhanterinksverordenizige, afgekondig ' by'. published under Administrator's Notice 378, dated 30 Administrateurskennisgewing 378 van 30 Maart 1977, March, 1977, as by-laws made by the. said Council. aangeneem het as verordeninge wat deur genoemde

..; :Raad opgestel is. . • •;:.

. • t" • - PB. -154 , , : PB. 2-4-2-176-154 2-4-2470v . " • - - ' r , • Administrator's Notice 1716 16 November, '1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1716 16 November -1977


The Administrator 'hereby, in terms of 'section 101 . Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939. publishes. .101 .van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939,

the by-laws set forth hereinafterovhich have been ap- die Verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom . in-


proved by him• in terms of section 99 of The Said Or- gevolge artikel 99 -van.genoemde Ordonnansie goedge- • dinance. . .' . . . keur is. . .

. . - The 'Financial By-laws, published under Administra- -Die Finansiele Verordeningc, afgekondig by Admi tor's Notice 314, dated 8 March, 1972, and. which in. nistrateurskenniSgewing 314 van 8 Maart 1972 en wat terms of Proclamation 109 (Administrator's), 1972, read ingevolge Proklamasie 109 (Administrateurs-), 1972, ge- with section 159bis(1)(c) df the - said Ordinance became lees met artikel 159bis(1)(c) van• genoemde Ordonnan- the, by-laws of the Town Council of Evander, are here- sie, die verordeninge van die Stadsraad van Evander by amended by the 'substitution in .section 15 for the geword het, word' hierby gewysig deur in artikel 15 die figure 'RI 000" of the figure "R2 000". • syfer "R1.000" deur die syfer "R2 000" te vervang.

PB. 2-4-2-173-154 , PB. 2-4-2-173-154

' Administrator's Notice 1717 16 November, 1977 •Adininistrateurskennisgewing 1717 16 November 1977


POTCHEFSTROOM MUNICIPALITY: ELECTRICI- MUNISIPALITEIT POTCHEFSTROOM: ELEKTRI- TY BY-LAWS. . SITEITSVERORDENINGE. .. . . ' . Administrator's' Notice 732, dated 15 Tune, 1977, - is Administrateurskennisgewing 732 van 15 Junie 1977 ' hereby 'corrected as follows: • word hieity soos volg verbeter: • . . .• , . 1. By the substitution in the second line of section• 1. Deur in die tWeede reel van artikel 21(2) van die 21(2) for the word "defased" of the word "defaced". •Engelse teks die woord "defased" deur die woord "de- faced" te -vervang. 2..By the. substitution in the sixth line of item 1(10) - • die under . the heading "GENERAL" for the word 2. Deur in die sesde reel van item 1(10) onder "damend". of the word "demand". • opskrif "GENERAL" van die Engelse teks die woord "damend" deur die sword "demand" te vervang. 3. By the substitution in the fourth line of item 4(1) under the heading "ALGEMEEN" of the 3. Deur in die vierde reel van item 4(1) onder die ' text opskrif "ALGEMEEN" die woord "by" deur die woord for the Word "by" of the Word "sy". . • "sy" te'vervang. • • r PB. 2-4-2-36-'26 • • PB. 2-4-2-36-26

• . . . - . .. . • • Administrator's Notice 1718 16 November, 1977. Administrateurskennisgewing 1718 16 November 1977. EVANDER ADOPTION MUNISIPALITEIT EVANDER: AANNAME VAN, ' MUNICIPALITY: Of STANDARD WATER SUPPLY BY-LAWS. STANDAARD' WATERVOORSIENINGSVERORDE- NINGE. * • • 1: The Administrator' hereby, in terms of section • • ••• . 101 of •the Local Goverinherit Ordinance, 1939, pub- 1. Die Adininisirateur publiseer hierby ingevolge ar- 1 (l van die Ordonnansie op Bestuur, that the Town Council of Evander. has in lishestii,k3e termseBanettauurrd, dlat die Stadsraad vanEvandPelrale Plaaslike of section 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance, adopted With- Watervoorsieningsverordeninge, afgekondig by Adminis- outp amendment the Standard Water Supply By-laws, •trateurskennisgewing 21 van 5 Januarie 1977, ingevolge published under Administrator's Notice 21, .dated 5 artikel 96bis(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie sonder wy- - January, ,1977, as by-laws made by the said Council. siging aangeneem het as verordeninge wat deur ge • 'noemde Raad opgestel is. 2. The Water Supply 'By-laws, 'published under Ad- ministrator's Notice 1240, - dated 8 September, 1971, as. Administrateurskminisgewing 1240 van 8 September 109 (Ad- amended, and which in terms of Proclamation 1971, soos gewysig, en wat ingevolge Proklamasie 109 ministrator's), 1972, ,read with section 159bis(1)(c) of (Administrateurs). 1972, gelees met artikel 159bis(1)(c) the said Ordinance, became the by-laws of the Town Ivan genoemde Ordonnansie, die verordeninge van die Council of Evander are hereby 'revoked, excepting the Stadsraad van Evander geword het, word hierby her- ' • roep,.uitgesonderd die Tarief van Gelde onder Bylae 1. • Charges.under 1. ' ' Tariff of Schedule • - - . . - - - • • .. P13. 4 2 104-154. PB. 2-4-2-104-154

— • . - - -' • . • Administrator's Notice 1719 16 November, 1977• Aciniinistrateurskennisgewing 1719 16 November 1977


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel k of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, IF the by-laws set forth -hereinafter, which have been ap- die •verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom in- proved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Or- gevolge artikel 99 van genoemde. Ordonnansie goed- dinance. gekeur is: ; 3750 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 16 NOVEMBER, 1977

The Tramway By-laws of the' Johannesburg Muni- Die Verordeninge insake Tremwee van die Munisi- cipality, published under Administrator's Notice 259, .paliteit Johannesburg, afgekondig by Administrateurs- g dated 5 April, 1950, as amended, are hereby further kennisgewing 259 van 5 April 1950, soos gewysig, word amended by the substitution for section 8 of the fol- hierby 'verder gewysig deur artikel 8 deur die volgende lowing: te vervang: "Smoking. • • "Rook.

8. Smoking is prohibited in any Single-deck and on 8. Niemand mag in 'n enkeldek- of op die onderste the lower deck of any double-deck transport vehicle." dek van 'n dubbeldekpassasiersvoertuig rook nie." PB. 2-4-2-99-2 PB. 2-4-2-99-2

Administrator's Notice 1720 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1720 16 November 1977


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of the - Local Government Ordinance; 1939, publishes .101, van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, the by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been ap- die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom in- proved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Or- gevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge- • ' dinance. keur is. . •

The Drainage and Plumbing By-laws of the Johan- . Die Riolerings- en Loodgietersverordeninge van die nesburg Municipality, published under Administrator's ,Munisipaliteit Johannesburg, afgekondig by Administra- Notice 509; dated 1 August, 1962, as amended, are teurskennisgeging 509 van 1 Augustus 1962, soos ge- hereby, further amended as follows: wysig, word hierby verder soos volg gewysig:

1. By amending Schedule B as follows: 1. Deur Bylae B soos volg te wysig: • • • , (1) By. the substitution in rule 5(1).and (2)(a.). under,.: (1) Deur in reel 5(1) en (2)(a) van Deel I die nit- Part I for the expression "July 1975" of the •expres- drukking "Julie 1975" deur die uitdrukking "Januarie Sion. "January 1978". .1978" .te vervang. - (2) By the substitution in the Table under Part III : (2) Deur in die 'label onder Deel III

(a) in items 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 for the figure "15,00" (a) in items 1; 2, 3, 5, 6 en 7 die .syfer "15,00" deur of the figure "17,50"; die syfer "17,50" to vervang; • „ (b). in item 4 for the figure "7.50" of the. figure, .(b) in item 4 die syfer "7,50" deur die syfer'"8,75"' "8,75"; and . te'vervang; en

(c) in item 8. for the figures "12c" and "R7,50" of the '(c) in item 8 die syfers "12c" en "R7,50" onderskei- - . en . figures "14c" and "R8,75" respectively: delik deur die syfers "14c" "R8,75' te vervang. (3) By the substitution in Part IV - • (3) Deur in Deel IV - (a) in rule 1(b) for the expressions "7,40 t 0,040" :(a) in reel 1(b) die uitdrukkings "7,40 + 0,040" en g and "8,40 cents" of the expressions "8,80 0,046" "8,40 sent" onderskeidelik deur die uitdrukkings and "9,80 cents" respectively; • "8,80 + 0,046" en "9,80 sent" te vervang; (b) in rule 8(a) for the expression "12 cents" of the ;(b) in reel 8(a) die. uitdrukking "12 sent" deur die nit- expression "14 cents"; and drukking "14 sent" te vervang; en (c) in rule 8(b) for the expression "8,40 cents" of the '(c) in reel 8(b) die intdrukking "8,40 sent" deur die expression "9,80 cents". uitdrukking "9,80 sent" te vervang. • • . •• (4) By the substitution in item 2 of Part V for the (4) Deur in item 2 van Deel V die syfer "R43,50" figure "R43150" of the figure "R48"; . . deur die syfer "R48" te vervang.

(5), By the substitution in Part VI for the figure I (5) Deur in Deel VI die syfer "R20,15" deur die R20,15" of the figure "R23,50". • syfer "R23,56" te vervang. (6) Deur Deel die syfer deur die (6) By the substitution in Part VII for the .figure ! in VII "R9" syfer " ' ' "119" of the figure "R10,50". • ' • :"R10,50" te vervang. 2: By the substitution in the, Table under Schedule • 2..Deur in die Tabel onder Bylae C die syfers "36,40", - C for the figures "36,40", "7,25", '611,85" and "9;10", '7,25", "1,85". en "9,10", waar dit ook al voorkom, wherever they occur, of the figures "42,00", "8,50", onderskeidelik deur die syfers "42,00", "8,50", "2,25"

"2,25" and "10,50"respedtively. . . en "10,50" te vervang. The provisions in this notice contained - shall come Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat, tree op

' • • into operation oh 1 January, 1978. • • • :1 Januarie 1978 in werking. PB. 2-4-2-34-2 • PB. 2-4-2-34-2 PRCiVINS1ALEACOERANT,. 16' NOVEMBER 1977' 3751'

' - Adininistiator's/Notice 1721. . - 16November, 1977 Ailthinistrateurskennisgewing - 1721 - '16 November 1977


In terms of the provisions of sectiono165 of the Road Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 165 van die Or- Traffic .Ordinance,, 1966 (Ordinance 21. of, 1966),. the donnansie ,op Padverkeer, 1966 (Ordonnansie 21 van Administrator hereby amends the Road: Traffic Regu- 1966), wysig, die .AdininiSttateur. hierby die Padverkeers- - litiOns promulgated under' Administrator's)Notice 1052 regulasies afgekondig. by AdMinistrateurskennisgewing 28 by tater regulation of December, '1966 the insertion .. 1052 'van 28 DeseMber '1966 deur die Volgehde regulasie 86 of the following regulation: na regulasie 86 in te voeg: ' . ),. • . •.' „ . , • • Compulsory wearing 'of Safety helis. '. . :'"Verpligte dra veil veiligheidsgordels. .'

- - A6A.(1) No' person: shall after. 30 :November, 1977 . .86A.(1). Niemhnd. Meg . na 30 November 1977 'n mo- - drive on a public.road. a. metbr;vehicie.which shall, in •tolvoertitig. wat ingevolge die bepalings' van regulasie terms of:the. provisions; of 'regulation 86, .befitted with 86 van veiligheidsgordels..Vborsien moet wees op 'n safety belts or be a passenger in such vehicle if that !openbare 'n passasier in so 'n voertuig - pa.dibestuur .of driver or that passenger Occupies:a Seat which is re- 'weeanie;.thilten'illaidie bestuurder of daardie passisier quire:CI to, be fitted with a safety !belt. unless he wears ;'o sitplek okkiipeektlwat: met 'n veiligheidsgordel toe- ' the Safe'ty' belt' which has, hi terms, ;of The 'provisions .gents nioei'wees, tensy hy die' veiligheidsgordel dra wat, of the said regulation, been fitted to the 'seat - he occu- singevolge die bepalings' van gemelde regulasie, vir die pies. and . such. safety :belt is :properly adjusted and set sitplekovatillyi okkupeer, voorsien is en so *11 gordel • • - - : curelystastened; ,.. ;; . ; ;,..1) •,' ,„ :, ... i. . . -; ;behoorlik v,eratelten stewig vasgemaak, is. , . t . (2) No 'person 'Shall 'occupy - it- seat Without 'a 'safety ' (2) Niemand inag c'n sitplek Bonder 'n veiligheidsgor- • belt, . a ; motor-vehicle: contemplated , „yoorste . van 'n motorvoertuig, in r on.. the front. seat of del op ...die sitplek re- fn. regulation. 86,. -vehicle js. pperated on. a bepog...okkupper nie terwyl 'n voertuig - while. silek &t.tia.ste..86. so Public road, unless all other seats on.that. front seat, ,op 'nt. openbere,.pad„gebruilc word. tensy elle ander sit- , which are required to be are • fitted with safety belts, - .plekke op daardie voorste sitplek wat van veiligheids- occupied. ' ;gordels moet wees, geokkupeer is. • - • voorsien • • .; .- • • • tit, ! f . .. •r . • • •,. , t: ... r : .••'z"• ::. .. :•• . •. . . (3). The: driver. of ,a .motor 'vehicle contemplated in . (3).. bk.. tiestuuraez:, van, 'tv motorvoertuig in regulasie regulation 86, shall ensure that ,a passenger who is,. 86 bpoog. sien. toe dat .'n passasier wat jonger as 14 pn younger than 14, years, and who occupies .a ;seal on. tlie. 'jaar .is wat 'n sitplek , op; die.: voorste, sitplek van. front seat of that vehicle, wears the safety belt which ;daardie voertuig olcicupeer die veiligheidsgordel dra wat, haa...inriterms of the provisions of the' said regulation,' ingevolge die.bepalingst van)gpmelde regulasie, voorsien beencfitted• to the seat' Which such passenger occupies is vir; die' sitplek iwat so' 'n passasier okkupeer en dat and that that belt is' properly adjusted and securely *daardie gordel behoorlik verstel en stewig vasgemaak

fastened. is. , ' (4) The • AdministialOr .May, on tie. -wilitei:apptica:: (4) ;pie - A m 1st a eur kan op sknftel e aansoek tion by a 'persoli referred to in subregulation"(1), on 'deur 'n perstiott in subiegulasie:(1) genoeni, op die me- ' the medical gloniids. he deems, sufficient and subject, diese gronde wat 'hy voldoende ag en onderworpe aan - sodanige wat dienstig ag, to to such conditions. as he mayd.deem- expedient, exempt- voonvaardes lIST 'n persoon such person from the provisions .of that: subregulation. van die bepalinga van daardie subregulasie vrystel. - - - • • . :;•• - - - • , - _.:..... (5) Ten made n aansoeknngevolge. subregulasie (4) (5) . . . / For thepurpose .of considering an applieation• in_ - ...... 7 .. te oorweeg• $ -Ian die Admtmstrateur die ainsoeker gelas terms of subregulation (4), the °rt..' t.... .• • Administrator; may - - °-m die hillgting te werStrek en tile getuienis voor te 16 der' the applicant/to furnish the informationi:land to . - ' wat by dienstig agz.,.-- ,. submit the evidence he may deem expedient ,..! - , ,;• (6) - Die bepalirtgs . Veit subregulasie (1) is Me van toe- sithreghlatiofs uy Slitatiotapply - . ' (6) The plOyisfons:bf - . - ' - - - - , • . - passing nie op —; . —. . :- ti.t.1•1. i .. _ to i.i. it: .. - .._._ _ . _. . _ - - -. ------(a)------die bestuurder van 'n motorvoertuig terwyl by t -- (a) the driver of a motor yehicle7while he causes that . C - r_diaidie_Ivoailuig agteruit laat loop of by 'n par- - - ' , vehicle to travel backwards causes- :it = ._• '.. tiettmov.e keerPlektinTof uit That beweeg; of • ------_. - • " - . . • • . • in or out of a parking bamcir ..,'• ': __ •.... . :: - . -. .. r:-. I i . : - . - . ------..- .------: - -- - t '-(b).-remand- --wat 2-n - -sitplek in in - motorvoertuig okkii- - a person .who occupies.. a seat , in a motor (b)} ' vehicle peer terwyl voertnigAeparkeer is. - - - - daardie while that vehidle is parked. .. . . , ... (7):Imitandi wat -•14 - jaar en - Otter is en' wat die bepa- - - - (7) Any person who. is 14 years of.older who'con-: lings van stibtegtilesie (I) Of ;(2)'ocirtreo of versuim om travenes the provisions of subregulation (1). - or (2). or daaraan te voldoen en die bestuurder van - 'n motor- fails to comply therewith and the chiller Otta:inotor - brit - bepalings 'van subre- I voertniraitverSiziliv aan' die- vehicle Who fails' to Pomply..With. the proviSions Of Sali- 1 tgulasie4(3) -le' foldilenliSP han - 'it misdryf skuldig en by regulation (3), shall be guilty of .an-offence arid' iable: alculdigbevinding strafbaar met 'n boete van- hoogstens on conviction to a fine not exceeding 'RIO or,'in.defaidt R10 of, by wanbetaling, met gevangenisstraf vir 'n tyd------of payment, to imprisonment for a period not - exceed- perk van`hoogstens 10 ciao: Met dien vetstande dat 'n ing 10 days: Provided that a driver of a motor vehicle bestuurder van 'n motorvoertuig wat tot bevrediging who proves to the satisfaction of a court that he took van 'n hof bewys dat hy elle redelike stappe gedoen P all reasonable steps to prevent a contravention of sub- het om 'n oortreding van subregulasie (3) te voorkom, regulation (3), shall not be guilty of a contravention of nie aan 'n oortreding van daardie subregulasie skuldig that subregulation.". is inc.". 3752., PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 16 NOVEMBER, 1977

Administrator's Notice 1722 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1722 16 November 1977


'The 'Administrator:— • Die Administrateur: (a) Hereby declares, in terms of the provisions of sec- (a) Verklaar hierby, ingevolge die bepalings van arti-

. iions 5(2)(a), 5(2)(b), 5(1)(c) and section 3 of the kels 5(2)(a), 5(2)(b), 5(1)(c) en artikel 3 van die Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957) Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957) that:— dat:— (i) a public provincial road, with varying widths (i) 'll openbare provinsiale pad, met afwisselende of 37,78 metres to 122 metres, shall exist as breedtes van 37,78 meter tot 122 meter, as 'n ' an extension of Provincial Road P36-3 over the verlenging van Provinsiale Pad P36-3 oor die ' • - farm Leeuwkop 299 I.R., situated within the . plaas Leeuwkop 299-I.R., gelee binne die mu- , municipal area of Devon; nisipale gebied van Devon, sal bestaan;

(E) the road over the farm Leeuwkop 299-I.R., • '(ii) die pad obr die plaas Leeuwkop 299-I.R., geled situated within the municipal area of Devon, . binne die munisipale gebied van Devon, as 'n. shall exist as an extension . of road verlenging van 1059, meter . . district distrikspad 37,78 . 1059, 37,78 metres wide; ..: breed, sal bestaan;

. (W hereby closes, in terms of the provisions 'of sec- (b) sluit hierby, ingevolge die bepalings van artikel A tion 5(2)(c) • of the said Ordinance •a section of 5(2)(c) van genoemde Ordonnansie 'n gedeelte van 1 Provincial Road P36-3 over ,the said farm. . Provinsiale Pad P36-3 oor genoemde plaas. The general direction and situation of the declared Die algemene rigting en Egging van die verklaarde roads, the extent of the reserve widths 'thereof and the paaie, die omvang van die reserwebreedtes daarvan en road to be closed are shown on the subjoined sketch die pad wat gesluit word, word op bygaande sketsplan plan. aangetoon. In terms of the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikels (2) en of section 54 of the said Ordinance, it is hereby de- (3) van artikel 5A van genoemde Ordonnansie word cldred that cairns and iron pegs have been erected to hierby verklaar dat die grond wat genoemde openbare demarcate the land taken up by 'the said public roads. paaie in beslag seem met klipstapels en ysterpenne af- gemerk is. . . • E.C.R. 1339(14) date.(12 August, 1977 U.K.B. 1339(14) gedateer 2 Augustus 1977 . r ' . • . DP. 021-022-23/21/P36-3 DP. 021-022-23/21/P36-3 ,. . (7.- 4% Lttuvaitor. zpz -.I.R. • .51Z&AL/ . SCALg..„-- , Ft lw • 1: 10000. Cteriik ,- . -- • - • . 1. . 1771^3c05u.“ 12/ . . • • ,;, sari 1059 ' Q; ee , 4pAr . Pan / 40: 4;81„ - i:n3.. tip' % ai_./. • I - ,. . . > 7: - .:,...,,r.i•.• . • , ,4 . Z • „:„. . di. Nip 4189 '`,_ \ 6.4,)41 N LFC) WIZ- A i I °gals./ *.y , • DEVOM acEs. /I ../..„4. . t V E.V011/41 D. CRIS:Y*5141P. t. T.51-11P 15.OUNDATZY. D.P. 02 1 -022 - 23121 / P. 20U71 -5. • - ; • D.P. 021- C122 2b/ 22 / 1055. 1.3. . 19. , . ..„ 14 ESLL.1 IT i E-X. CO. 12MS. 1359 (141 CI. CL MITT 05. 02 . VC. 12.\ NV' S I II 0 S : ' REV E.12.t.K1C.fl NE121CLARING VAN FAD P.36-3 MET APNI5SEL- DECLARATION OF ROAD P. S6-3 WITI-I .ENDE 1312EEDTES NAM 51.78 METER TOT MINE VARYING 44113T1.15 OF 51.1a METRES -TO ' 122 METER. . 122 METRES. ; . VER.ICLARING VAN DIST2lk5PAD 1059 MET DECLARATION OF DISTRICT ROAD 1059 • • - 'N RESERWEBREEDTE VAN 3'VIB METER. Iii WITI 1 A RESERVE \MDT 1-1 OF 31:1S. METRES. , . >' FAD CESLU I T. , . I+: end 120AD CLOSED. .SESTAANDE PAAIE. • EXISTING ROADS.

1 • - , • . . . 1 - • - . .

I. . . 1 . P.BOVINSTAT..E KOERANT, 3753•

Administrator's Notice 1723 November, 1977 : Administrateprskennisgeiving. 1723 - .„•16 - November 1977 } • - CLOSING .'OEr OUTSPAN ON .THE rminiVLAK . SLUITING VAN UITSPANNINbh OF :DIE; PLAAS - - .FONTEIW.69 I.R.:.DISTRICT OF BENQNL. . 69-1.1t:.• DISTRIK BENONI. .

In. terms of the provisions, of section 55(I)(d) of .the - .Inger:lige, die ,bcpalings van artikel 55(1)(d) van die Roads OrdinaPee, 1957' (Ordifiance 22 of 1957)' the:Ad- PadordopnitliSie:7957 (Ordonnansie '22 van 1957), stud ministrator herebyeloses the -surveyed' putspaki, in St- : die Adinintstratieur" die. •60geniete iiitspatthine tent 0,8565 "ha, 'on apitiOU 61 ha, pleas, Vlaklj of'the• farm Vlakfontein:• !girt* 0,856& op ;Gedeelte. 61 „van' die 69-I.R.,'diStrict of BefiOni.: •, .1' • ' • fohtein 697I.R„• distTikBenoni; • . E.C.R; 1817,(10) dated 12 OCtoher, 1977. : „_ 12 Oktober 1977 " „U.K.B:1•817(10);gedateet• 021-022D- • . DP.. 37/3/V2A ! DP.' 021-022D737/3/V2A

Administrator's Notice 1724 16 Novelither, 1977 Administrate.urskennisgewing; 1724,, , .16.Noventber. 1977


In of section, 5(1)(d) and see- . • en terms of the, provisions Ingevolge die. bepalings vanrartilcei- 5(1)(d) artikel lion 3.: Of: the, .RoadsOrdinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 !3 van• die Padoidoimansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van of 1957) 'the Administrator hereby deviates and in- '1957) 'Vat die Adininistrateur hierby en vermeerder creases the road 'reserve width of public district road die reserwebreedte van openbare distrikspad 351 oor - - - 351,' over the 'farms Rietvlei 3754.T:, district 'Of-Belfast die' page RietVlel Belfist eri "Nooirge- and Nooitgedacht 366-LT., Schoonwater 374-1T., dacht 366-IT., Schoonwater 374-J.T., Treurfontein 373- Treurfontein 373-IT., Ramkraal 370-IT.. Welgeluk- LT., Ramkraal' 370-J Welgeluk 371-LT. en Elands- - - = 371 1'; and Elandshoek 536-J.T., district of_ Waterval- hock 536 IT„.diltrilcWatervel Boyep..__ _ rigting-thr..ligguig van die veTleggihg The genetal direction and situation' of-the deviation en van - genoemde.openbare pad ISO& die °Sang van and of the- saichpublic-roid- as well as the extent of die vermeerderingivan die resirwebreedte daervan.wrird • the; increase of the,,road reserve• width thereof is shown op bygaande sketsplan aangetoon. on the subjoined sketch plan. Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van "Subartikels 'Pi en Iu ternis of the provisions' of subsections (2). and (3) (3) van artikel .5A van genoemde Ordonnansie word of section 5A of the said Ordinance it is hereby de- hierby verklaar dot- klipstapels opgerig is om die grond, - ' dared that cairns have been:.erectedrto• denialado •the‘ wat die verlegging: ren Vetmeirdering, Van die reserWe- land taken up by the said deviation and increase of the_ • breedte van genoemde openbare distrikspad in beslag • • road reserve width of „the saick.public 'district road. neem,.af tequerk. . ;: E.C.R. 1777(51) of 5 October, 1977 U.K.R.1777(51).,van .5 Oktober 1977 •. DR 04-045-23/22/351 Vol' 4 DR 04-045-23/22/351 Vol 4 • z• ' KAALB001 ellEVREDEN 369- N001' GEDACHT - UITVOERENDE KOMITEE 7 368 JT - RAMKRAAL. 3M- o 366 - JT. BESLU1T (51) -OAD 330 • NO 1777 .• • - • , .PAD .• RIETo . /ROAD ..,.; ROAD . .‘ 35 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE D \1351 IVLSI • PPco.• / •' • - TREU11,0141P11 RESOLUTION NO 17117'•(61) , ' .373 . ' .") • .(1."'k.tibormiATER." si - '1e"i - '!''' •RKOMST.I .. 374 _ DATUM/OATS It 1977- 10 - 05 39d - JT. • , WELTS „ • '• = .VE RWVSINGS , !REFERENCE VREO 4 6.9 . • • • l• • ' . • EXISTING, • . - EL ANDSHOEK BESTAANDE PAD: , - ROAD • • • ‘• - • • ,:t •S36 7. JT. • . •• X.& 1. PAD 4GESLUIT ROAD:I:CLOSED

. , • . ••••: • • . . . . i• ! ••a: •:': 'PAD VERLE'' EN: ••••4 ROAD : DEVIATED.' •.

- •• ' • •il• •• VERBREED: 25m' •••i AND WIDENED TREUR = ;:js .12 • • - 373 • • JT. . t: • • • ;' • PAO/ROAD D.P.• 04- 0745 23•4 t2•1 351••• VOL 3

• • • •

Administrator's Notice 1725., 16 November, _19/7 Administrateurskennisgewing 1725, . 16 1977 . : November - DEVIATION AND INCREASE IN THE WIDTH OF V.RLnGuiNky EN' vr.nBirit..ar4G. VAN DISTRIKS- • • RESERVE OF - DISTRICT ROAD 726: DIS- - • • . ROAD ' • TRICT• OF LETABA. f • rAD 726: DISTRIK LETABA. In. terms of the provisions of section 5(1)(d) and sec- . •Ingevolge die bepalings, van artikel 5(1)(d) en artikel tion 3 iof The :Roads 'Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 3. van die .Padoraormansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 3754 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 16 NOVEMBER. 1977

1957) the Administrator hereby deviates and increases 1957) verla die Administrateur hierby en vermeerder the width of the road reserve of public district road die reserwebreedte van openbare distrikspad 726 na 40 726 to 40 metres over the farms Lekkergoed 160-K.T., meter oor die plase Lekkergoed 160-K.T., Archie 156- Archie 156-K.T., Square 150-K.T., Try I53-K.T., More- K.T., Square 150-K.T., Try 153-K.T., Morelag 5-K.U. lag 5-K.U. and Paul 7-K.U., district of Letaba. en Paul 7-K.U., distrik Letaba. The general direction and situation of the aforesaid Die algemene rigting en Jigging van die verlegging deviation and the extent of the increase in the width en die omvang van die vermcerdering van die reserwe- of the road reserve of the said road, is shown on the breedte van genoemde pad word op bygaande skets- subjoined sketch plan, and on Mine Reservation Plan plan en op Mynreservasie Plan RMT R4/73 wat in die RMT R4/73 which is filed in the office of the Re- kantoor van die Registrateur van Mynbriewe, Johan- gistrar of Mining Titles, Johannesburg, copies of which nesburg, geliasseer is, aangetoon. Afskrifte van genoem- are kept at the office of the Regional Officer, Pieters- de Mynreservasieplan word in die kantore van die burg and the Commissioner of Mines, Pietersburg. Streekbeampte Pietersburg en die Mynkommissaris, Pie- tersburg, bewaar. In terms •of the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of section 5A of the said Ordinance it is hereby de- Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikels (2) en genoemde dared that the land taken up by the deviation and Ordonnansie 1132erbvanvearrktiiakaerl 5Adat vdaien Odredovnenainsie. wordo widening of the road reserve of the said road, has verbrYeding van genoemdeg °pad in beslagi rneegemgingment been demarcated by means of pegs. penne afgemerk is. - E.C.R. 2072(17) dated 16 October, 1973 U.K.B. 2072(17) gedateer 16 Oktober 1973 03-034-23/22/726 DP. • ' DP. 03-034-23/22/726 , . ' I • . , • • . •• • • • fv • . •

• _....= ...... % .tv %.• , . Cis 41...... • -,/ . . . • - , . S -•° • S ..• • . . Q. i•St ' LOW TRY 153 KT 14 bRELA Er SKU PAUL 7 KU ARCHIE 156 KT SOUAURE 150 KT i 10 KT . • ' PC3- 034 - 23/2'2/726 r .K. 2072 (17) ' B. VAN 1073 -10 - 16 E.CR 2072(1.7) DATED1573 - 10'16 : VERWYSING: ' • REFERENCE: PAD VER LE EN VERBREED NA 40m...... ROAD DEVIATED AND W10E1..4E010 40 M.



In terms of the provisions of section 5(1)(c) and sec- Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 5(1)(c) en artikel tion 3 of the• Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 3 van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957) the Administrator hereby declares that a public 1957) verklaar die Administrateur hierby dat 'n open- main road, with a road reserve of 31,486 metres, shall bare grootpad, met 'n reserwebreedte van 31,486 meter, exist as an extension of Main Road 036 over the farm as 'n verlenging van Grootpad 036 oor die plaas Kro- Krokodilkop 643-K.S., district of Potgietersrus. kodillcop 643-K.S., distrik Potgietersrus, sal bestaan. The general direction and situation of the said public Die algemene rigting en - Egging van genoemde open- road and the extent of the road reserve width thereof bare pad en die omvang van die reserwebreedte daar- is shown on the appended sketch plan. van word op bygaande sketsplan aangetoon.

'In terms' of the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikels (2) en of section 5A of the said. Ordinance, it is hereby de- (3) van. artikel 5A van genoemde Ordonnansie word dared that cairns have been erected to demarcate the hierby verklaar dat die•grond wat deur genoemde open- land taken up' by the aforesaid public road. bare pad in beslag geneem word, met klipstapels afge- merk is. ' E.C.R. 1742 dated 77-10-05 U.K.B. 1742 gedateer 77- 10-05 DP. 03-033-23/22/036 . DP. 03-033 -23/22/036 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 16 NOVEMBER 1977 3755

• _ . DP03 -033- 2 3/2 2/035 I)?6 7710 -05 att.& U.KBESLUIT/ EX . CO. RES. 1742 dd Van der VERWYSING: REFERENCE' MerweekaaI R0.80 MOWED 636K5 G R.ENS MD WRXLAAR ye. /6.0 ' 4. _03.__. 31.456 m WYD 31. 456 m. WIOE '14o/it ..,,...... 0 X60 Elands i .1. •—•••• \ ISESTAAHEE PAAIE . EXISTING ROADS \ 642K

Administrator's Notice 1727 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1727 16 November 1977


In terms of the provisions of section 5(1)(d) and sec- Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 5(1)(d) en artikel Lion 3 of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 3 van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957) the Administrator hereby deviates and increases 1957) verle die Administrateur hierby en vermeerder the width of the road reserve of public road 1348 over die reserwebreedte van openbare pad 1348 oor die plase the farms Palmietfontein 8-H.P., Kareeboschkuil 10- Palmietfontein 8-H.P., Kareeboschkuil 10-H.P., Karee- H.P., Kareeboomskuil 25-H.P. and Klipkop 24-H.P., boomskuil 25-H.P. en Klipkop 24-H.P., distrik Wolma- district of Wolmaransstad, to 25 metres. ransstad, na 25 meter. The general direction and situation of the said road Die algemene rigting en ligging van genoemde pad and of the deviation as well as the extent of the in- en van die verlegging asook die omvang van die ver- crease of the width of the road reserve thereof is shown meerdering van die reserwebreedte daarvan word op on the subjoined sketch plan. bygaande sketsplan aangetoon. In terms of the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikels (2) en of section 5A of the said Ordinance it is hereby de- (3) van artikel 5A van genoemde Ordonnansie word dared that the land taken up by the deviation and the hierby verklaar dat die grond wat die verlegging en increase of the width of the road reserve of the said vermeerdering van die reserwebreedte van genoemde road has been demarcated by means of cairns. pad in beslag neem, met klipstapels afgemerk is. E.C.R. 1668(35) dated 1977-09-15 U.K.B. 1668(35) gedateer 1977-09-15 DP. 07-074-23/22/1348 DP. 07-074-23/22/1348 SYFERGAT

. • 2 H.P. • • . • id 0 \ ail HOUWATER • • • 4118 22 H.P ‘11"' 7111i L' ... / • FAL MIETFCw 1E IN • i;inso ._. .... 1#53 lir. p . . ' .: KAREEBOSCHKUIL ARE• - /CURIO? 4 . . . . :on SKUIL 24 H.P. - ., 10 H. P. . . 25 H.P. A• DR 07 - 074 - 23/22/1348


• „ . .


In terms of the provisions of section 5(1)(c) of the _ Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 5(I)(c) van die , Roads Ordinance, 1957, (Ordinance 22 of 1957) 'the Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 •van 1957) ver- 3756 •Pit.biiiNatii. GAZETTE, 16 NOW71tBER,..1977

Adihinistrator hereby declares that the sections of main klaal die Administrateur !derby dat die gedeeltes van road 036 and district road '24; as shown on the sub- grootpad 036 en distrikspad 24, soos op bygaande skets- i joined sketch plan; over • the - farnis;Nooitgedaeht :333- plan aangetoon, oor. die plase Nooitgedacht 333-J.R., J.R., Beynespoort. - 335-J.R.,, Oog van Bockenhoutshloof Beynespoort 335-J.R:, Oog van Boekenhoutskloof Alias - Alias Tweeforitein1881J.R. BoekenhotitskloOfdliff 286 Tweefontein- 288-J.R.,BoekenhoutSkloofdritt 286-J.R., J.R., De Wagentarift) '4172.1.R., Jaklcalsdthis'243-J.R., 'De 'Wraithdrift 417-J:R., Jakkaisdans...243-J.R., Harte- Hartebeestspruit 235-J.R., Enkeldoorn 21771.R., Enkel- beestsprtiit 233-1124 Enkeldoorn21-77J.R., Enkeldoorn- - - = - - doomoor 2194:R.'," tweefordein 220-.11:121; Vliklaegte .00g 2.19 JA., Tweefontein' 220-J.R., Vlaklaagte 221 ' 221-J.R. Hartebeestfootein .2247.T.R.,-.:1Gemsbokfontein- J.R., Hartebeestfentein• 224-J.R:, Gemsbokfontein 199- 199-K.12., 196-J.R., 'Mathys Zyti Loop KA., Kwaigdfotitein %196-J.R., Mathyi Zyn Loop 195- 195-J.R. and Houtenbek 194-J.R., district of Bronk- J.R. en Houtenbek '194-J.R., distrik Bronkhorstspruit ------. - - - - - .• horstspruit; shall-exist as Provincial-Road -P207-1:-- as-Provinsiale Pad P207- 1 sal bestaan. 7 . ------• - E.C.R. 395(10) dated 1 March,11977:- .•7 :- U.K.B. 395(10) gedateer I Maart 1977 DR 01-015-23/22/0361 DP. 01 -015-23/22/036 - • - 'cu. 1 1 7.1 .:.;! -. . t I /I.R.E.3... p_ ••H.:„.•:. 1....::..20 "1.....‘ I \Vell Xxiiitnui•:i

Karreelb..e: n piR). .. VatIttein - ee4•IP ) . - t •. .:77 6:.:t1 t 2. : : Mt , • ' ..:Mweelatie;ft 6 If I:. hytelietst5SUit. De Wagend4C. 286-1R -.. - ,/ 235 3R. 417 - 7R. - Enkeldcon

° 7.t- ' i'LL. Ir'•'' 11:".:cf.j'..: "..*. '•zaisida•j•R.Ps. Sybonds7 67C, Il„. iit;..;i...I;;Ci.`.At.. • - . - 3R- - • . . 511%- Do011ikleal ee., 6 Pons Anna .33;:: ., . ___....1 - ".6:i(i , .24:i..17. i Amilledecht .1.1...; .. ..•. 420 JR. :"• - •‘ . \ of :).... .12? 'AL:. 234 1R

' ' ' . • • - • - I • . . 4 - ;• 1 ontetn . ' 1 r outenbek. 4.;.1' • . .• : '._ - ...., . • • ' • : . ..• .: .• .(41.. . .1 . - • ttl:,b°11c R Kw 41''/ ''' ' . Enkeldoorn .. Tweefanteini' ! Ce"92;5../R. . / . -111..._ viatitaagte. ft „7.07 "• 1 1 • t • • C ; •• R66.• I In- ; 2!131 A 11: 17k.: ." i'• I: : 221.kn.. :;:•.% 1 f. ;Li :FP.' .. 221.1R. %.:ii.. ..hathls'Zyn Ltapa. •R ' . • -1 :..i; ... ;195'4 ...... 01/ ...::::.. •Goode !Rads --- ' - . 60)31 - • • .BOatarkOut.fioet ! l' - 2S:11:• I • '''• • /7.0 224•JR Vitschgew4096 61.21i) • I4 • • 4.1"11111.1•.‘ 1 - ' . . \ • . 'Wettest .226 - IR. . 1/2 (.: ...:......

. is . • . 4,0 001 : ' ' ' ' ' ... „;:. :. : 01:015 23 a 2103L . : f I r:.... :. .; 1 ..DO WU.: . .1 :. • rang ‘.Bes,tatinderpnale„,. ;.•,; .. : !.,!.„: 1. ... :Exithig .i... 1.!Pgaig vgrklpar as Proyinsiale pad • iti...11'; ;;or LRagslOeqlprer).0r.PrunlinCial road :c :. P207/1mit:afwisselende breedles van mest!R:pR••• *;•4/.:.,P*2.01741ciy1th varying Widths of

40 tat 180 meter 40 to 180 • • metres . ... ' ' • • \ •, . -- (101 , . , U K. BERET NO.395 VAR 1977.03.01 -- - .• , - RESOLUTION (10) ...... , EXCO. N0395 0F'1977,03.01

' - - - -- • • - - • i , .. . .,• Administrator's Notice '1732 --t, 16 NoveMber, 1977 1732 1977 Adminiitiatetirskennisgewing 16 November 4

BALFOUR - MUNICIPALITY: ADOPTION OF MXJNISIPALITEIT. 13ALFOUR: AANNAME VAN -LAWS. .. ..-,.:i . . STANDAARD RIOtERINGSVERORDENINGE. - STANDARD DRAINAGE BY i i. • BP;“.. 'T. -.• .5".:\ I : .. The Administrator:hereby, in '.terms of seclien •101 Die Administratetir pujiliseei ,hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance,. 1939,, publishes 101 van die Ordonnansie, op PlaaSlike Bestuur, 1939, [ - die Doipsraad Balfour ')lie. Standaard Riole- - 'sins_ slat Stan that the Village Council of Balfour 41a An. of - - - . ------ringsverOrdeninge, afgekondig by AcIniinistrateursken- section 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance, admited.. wink.. ..nisgewing 665 van 8 Junie 1977, ingevolgi artikel 96 - - out amendment the Standard Drainage.' Bylaws, pub: bis(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie ionder wysiging aan- 8 - verordeninge wat detir genoemde Rand lished under Administrator's Notice .665,:dated June, igeneem hete...as 1977, as by-laws made by the Said' Council.. - .:_ . opkeitel:iswi - - - - -, . PB. -2-3445 .. .. . /.. ,, Pa:2-4 2-3445 : . . 24

- - . ,t i .•.7. r: - ,.:ci Administrator's Notice 1729 16 November, 1977 - Administrateurskennisgewing 1729 16 November 1977 r j t bgliatION/AND INCREASE OF "hie 'ROAD 'it.E- ; AVEREEGGE1/416 `.•EN VERMEERbERII4O- :VA&• RE- - _ . - OF,. PUBLIC-ROADS;,:pl.STIIICT: - VAN. .OPEN.BARE PAATE: SERVE. WIDTHS .SERWEBREEDTES - - - -. OF ...... )1.::.:iws:r0C pRpr9c4 . iMtohtkHGsTsFRurt. : ,, ; . itairs?Rscr: 1 yvi - .... .: - •rc tTi::71. ' :. :. i .. J. . Y:`:!/.. 'The AdthiniStrator: Die Administrateur:.T;!.1 1

' . - ' - - • - "Ite.'211oreWdeirihieS, -in ternis 'of the. provisions of; ...1:A:.; VetWaierby,..ingevolgo die bepalings - van artikel - - • - sectioii.Q5(1)(d) `and increases') the teservermidths;:. in ; - 5(1Xd)Cen•aremieerder die exesetWebreedtes ingevolge. die PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 16 NOVEMBER - 1977 3757

terms of the provisions of section 3 of the Roads Or- bepalings van artikel 3 van die Padordonnansie, 1957 dinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957) of the following (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957) van die volgende paaie:— roads: (a) Grootpad 036 oor die plase Oog van Boekenhouts- (a) Main road 036 traversing the farms Oog van Boe- kloof Alias Tweefontein 288-J.R., Boekenhouts- kenhoutskloof Alias Tweefontein 288-J.R., Boe- kloofdrift 286-J.R., De Wagendrift 417-J.R., Jak- kenhoutskloofdrift 286-J.R., De Wagendrift 417- kalsdans 243-J.R., Hartebeestspruit 235-J.R. en En- J.R., Jakkalsdans 243-J.R., Hartebeestspruit 235- keldoorn 217-J.R., distrik Bronkhorstspruit, na af- J.R. and Enkeldoorn 217-J.R., district of Bronk- wisselende breedtes van 40 meter tot 180 meter; horispruit to varying widths of 40 metres to 180 ' (b) die Enkeldoorn metres; distrikspad 24 oor plase 217-J.R., Enkeldoornoog 219-J.R., Tweefontein 220-J.R., (b) district road 24 traversing the farms Enkeldoorn Vlaklaagte 2214.R., Hartebeestfontein 224-J.R., 217-J.R., Enkeldoornoog 2194.R., Tweefontein Gemsbokfontein 1994.R., Kwaggafontein 196-J.R., 220-J.R., Vlaklaagte 2214.R.., • Hartebeestfontein Mathys Zyn Loop 195-J.R. en Houtenbek 194- 224-J.R., Gemsbokfontein 199-J.R., Kwaggafontein • J.R., distrik Bronkhorstspruit, na afwisselende 196-.T.R., Mathys Zyri Loop 195-J.R. and Houten- breedtes van 40 meter tot 50 meter; bek 194-J.R., district of Bronkhorstspruit, to vary- ' . (c) distrikspad 1448 oor die plase Oog van Boeken- ing widths of 40 metres to 50 metres; , i :_.. houtskloof Alias Tweefohtein 2884.R. en Boeken- (c) district road 1448 traversing the farms Oog van houtskloofdrift 286-J.R. na afwisselende breedtes

Boekenhoutskloof Alias Tweefontein 288-J.R. and van 40 meter tot 130 meter; _ . Boekenhoutskloofdrift 286-J.R., to varying widths (d) 849 die of 40 metres to 130 metres; distrikspad (noord) oor plase Enkeldoorn 217-J.R., Enkeldoornoog 219-J.R. en Kameelpoort- (d) district road 849 (north) traversing the farms En- nek 2184.R., na afwisselende breedtes van. 40 me- il keldoorn 217-J.R., Enkeldoornoog 219-J.R. - and ter tot 180 meter en dat die' pad as 'n verlenging - Kameelpoortnek 218-J.R., to varying widths of 40 van grootpad 036 sal b'estaan; . metres to 180 metres and that the road shall exist - ' (e) 25 ; die Enkeldoornoog 219 as an extension of main road 036; distrikspad oor pleas C' 1.13:. na afwisselende breedtes 'van. 40. meter tot (e) district road 25 traversing the farm Enkeldoornoog . 165 meter; 219-J.R., to varying widths of 40 metres to 165 • •••• • • metres; . (f) distrikspad 670 oor. die pleas Tweefontein 220-J.R. , . . breedtes van 40 meter tot 159 me- (f) district, road 610 traversing the farm Tweefontein na afwisselende 220-J.R., to. varying - widths of 40 metres to 159 . ter; . metres. • B. Vermeerder hierby, ingevolge die bepalings van B. Hereby increases, in terms of the provisions of artikel 3 van genoemde .Ordonnansie die resenvebreed- section 3 of the said, Ordinance the "reserve widths of tes van die volgende paaie:— ' the : .." following roads: ' (a) diStrikspad 1333•,por die pleas tie Wagendrift 417- (a) district road 1333 traversing the farm De Wagen- J.R. na afwisselende breedtes van 40 meter tot 130 drift 417-J.R., to varying. widths of 40 'metres to 130 metres; meter; (b) (b) district road 849 (south) traversing the farm En- distrikspad 849 (suid) oor die pleas Enkeldoorn keldoorn 217-J.R., to varying widths of 40 metres 2174.R., na afwisselende breedtes van 40 Meter tot

to 180 metres; ' 180 meter; ' / . t. . (c) district road 867 traversing the farm' Tweefontein (c) distrikspad 867 oor die pleas Tweefontein 2204.R. 2204.R.; 'to varying widths of 40 metres to. 180 - na afwisselende • breedtes van 40 meter tot 180 metres. meter. . . . , C. Hereby closes, in terms of the prOaions of sec- C. Sluit hierby, ihgevolge die bepalings van artikel tion 5(1)(d) of the said Ordinance the section of main 5(1)(d) van genoemde Ordonnansie, die gedeelte van - road 036 over the farms Enkeldoorn 217-J.R. and Ka- grootpad 036 oor 'die plaas Enkeldoorn 217-J.R. en ' " meelpoortnek 218-J.R. . Kameelpoortnek 218-J.R. The general direction and situation of the deviation Die algemene rigting en Jigging van die verleggings and the extent of the increase of the reserve widths of en die omvang van die vermeerdering van die reserwe- the said roads as well as the road that has been closed .breedtes .van genoemde . paaie asook die pad wat ge- is shown on the subjoined sketch plan. sluit word, word op bygaande sketsplan aangetoon.

In' accordance with the provisions of - subsections (2) Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikels (2) en and (3) of section 5A of the said Ordinance it is hereby (3) van artikel 5A van genoemde Ordonnansie word declared that the land taken up by the abovementioned hierby verklaar dat die grond, wat genoemde pad- road adjustments is shown on large scale plans, which reelings in :beslag neem, aangetoon word op grootskaal- are available for inspection by interested persons at the se planne wat vir belanghebbendes ter insae sal wees office of the Regional Office; Pretoria. in die kantoor van die Streekbeampte, Pretoria.

E.C.R. 395(10) dated 1 March, 1977 U.K.B. 395(10) gedateer 1 Maart 1977 DP. 01-015-23/22/036 DP. 01-015-23/22/036 . 3758 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 18 NOVEMBER, 1977

\ GEO 46 '1/416ED 76 ? .:_..— • 35_ _ ..... - ...- ,i i 4

" .... `" - • GEO 44 REST VAN GED 4 GED 16. . .• . . 1 \

. - • . : . 2 • REST VAN GEO 6E0'16 .. ., .

- 1 PAD 036 .., • • • .• ...... • 11111111111ler • 006 2813:-JR • • • VAN 130EN:NHOUISKLOGP .

: ' . • .. • , . ' •• • • - ' REST VAN.GEO 2 • GED L2 I

• .

PAD 036 . . A ..

. .

' 1 • 006 VA.''. BOEKENHOWSKLOOF 288 JR . \ 4 • - - 1 0 6 GED 62 •...... „..,, \\N\ ‘ N • \ \ . • GED 42 v. \ 4 . - GED 7 . GED 7i GEO• 72 Tr. • .. , . • \ \ C...... ,. • ,, . • , N. • . . , . . .

DOG V '130EKENHOUTSK1.00 ..; BOEKENNOLITSISLOOFORT.'T 266 JR 288 JR .. .. . , . . .

' • ' GED 63 GED-64 GED 65 . i . ; GED 66 GED. 671 . , . . . . PAD on 68

. / DOEICENHOUTSKLOOFORIET 286 JR • .; GED 77 ! • GEO 75; • GED 76 . ' GEO 73 . .GEO 74 • • •.• ...... • 68GED 69 ,.GED 70 4.1''...... 4 , . . ' .130E8E680th L00E011.1FT 296 JR.. DE AGENDRIFT 41 ,iR Gfa• 77 •

• - - I . ... . GED 78 PAD 036 . .. 6E0 IA .. u . . ..

. • •

. • ' • AD . 0 6.1 .

- 7- • - - - - - • 7.7....(7,-;z7 :77 ii . ---_ —... - e ., - • ' ' ' " " " . re - ' ' • DE 417 AR - ''' ' • ' WAGENDRIFF. 1-133


. . - • . ., ...-- PAD 035

, _ i ' • .,•'. ... : • - - .....„ . . ,``r.

. 1 . .. • . i . . , .. .. PR 0 VINSTALE KOERANT: 16 NOVEMBER 1977 3759

- - — —


/ • 7 Sii ...--- ‘ • ivargissoragMairubeldf.( JAKKAL5N.NS 243 JR h - - -' SYBRANDSKRAAL 244 - JR /PRIHS ANNA 243 JR - -- - , , ....„...... % ...... „ .....„.. ,,. ., ,...... „...... 0. .„ .1. -1) . • r V JR ENKELDOORN 217 JR /• 3:. KAMEELPOORTNEK 218 4 = ‘ • %% t

a 0 11 a i. ... \ ... 17; pp.; . ENKELDOORN 219 JR — — - -- 4 .

' . • ?IX • 40 24

. . • . . , „ . . .


. , . . , . , ENKELDOORNrOG 219 JR TWEEFONTEIN 220 JR ... . 4.yrr- rix ri..:. . - in - i' - .j . 1/4 .'ita 24 -- - ''Pf'0‘' - , • -t- — —.' ';e" -.. „. 7 4: " f - - • P4,0

. . , .. er ..

.... _ .... ' , ..... • TWEEFONTEIN 220 JR VLAKLAAGTE 221 JR . ... . , ' ei — 2 - 1•1 PO , . . ••• : ...... , • - ' , • - - '• • ,, . i.

. , . .. FNS. ... . • - • _. . . • • . .. .• GEMSBOKFONTEIN 199 JR

' vil.Z

• • JR - : .: KWAGD...R311.TETN, 1.6 VLAXLAAG TE 221 HARTEBEEST ' . JR' rONTE:r: 224 . . .

. . . • ...... ,... , ,


' ••


AD 24

'MATHYS 2111 LOOP 195 JR



' HOUTENBEK 194 cr. cr. JR

- • DP. 01 015 -23/22/036


Administrator's Notice 1733 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1733 16 November. 1977 EDENVALE MUNICIPALITY: REVOCATION OF MUNISIPALITEIT EDENVALE: HERROEPING POUND TARIFF. VAN SKUTTARIEF.

• The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes that 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat by he has in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance ap- ingevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnan- sie sy goedkeuring geheg het aan die herroeping van proved of the revocation of the Pound Tariff of the die Skuttarief van die Munisipaliteit Edenvale, afge- published Edenvale Municipality, under Administrator's kondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 17 van 14 Ja- Notice 17, dated 14 January, 1948, as amended. nuarie 1948, mos gewysig. PB. 2-4-2-75-13 P13. 2-4-2-75- 13

• Administrator's Notice 1730 .. 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1730 16 November 1977


In terms of the provisions of section 5(2)(c) and sec- Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 5(2)(c) en artikel ' tion 3 of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 3 van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957) the Administrator hereby deviates Provincial Road 1957) verle die Administrateur hierby Provinsiale Pad - PI06- 1 over the farm Wonderboom 302-J.R., situated . P106-I oor die pleas Wonderboom 302-J.R., gelee bin within the municipal area of Pretoria, and increases the ne die munisipale gebied van Pretoria eh vermeerder road reserve width thereof to varying widths of 19 me- die reserwebreedte daarvan na afwisselende breedtes van tres to 62 metres. 19 meter tot 62 meter. The general direction and situation of the deviation Die algemene rigting en ligging van die verlegging and of the said road as well as the extent of the in- en van genoemde pad asook die omvang van die ver- crease of the road reserve width thereof is shown on meerdering van die reserwebreedte daarvan, word op the subjoined sketch plan. bygaande sketsplan aangetoon. In terms of the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikels (2) en of section 5A of the said Ordinance it is hereby de- (3) van artikel 5A van genoemde Ordonnansie word dared that the land taken up by the deviation and in- hierby verklaar dat die grond wat die verlegging en PROVLNSIALE:KOERANT, 16 NOVEMBER 1977 3761.

crease of the road reserve width of the said road is veithreding - van genoemde pad in beslag neem aange- shown on large scale plans PP8/76 which will be avail- Loon word op grootskaalse planne PP8/76, wat vir be- i able for inspection by. interested persons at the office langhebbendes ter insae Sal wees in die kantoor van die of • the Regional Officer, Koedoespoort, Pretoria, from Streekbeampte, Koedoespoort, Pretoria, vanaf datum - the date;of publication of this notice. , . van afkondiging,van hip die •kennisgewing. E.C.R. 1482 dated 23 August, 1977 . U.K.B. 1482 gedateer 23 Augustus 1977 1 01 . .. DP., . ., DP., -012723/25 _ I. 1 01-012-23/25 ...... - - .... -( w0i7 - . ri . I o37m001'JaR gn 1 - i op , ll . 1 1r11i I1:. I 0r1 LrMpa i 4 --- - 51 Bi6j . . igE:CI 19 IM17. pi11g10 1 . .. -.!F • 55 34155 . , 100 I fT I . WONDER/300M 302 JR • . .• • l' 1 IIII 11 IIIIIICAIIIII , . . . . • -:. OP CC-012- 23/r • . - • . . , ,,.. BESTAANDE PAAIE EXISTING ROADS '''' PAD VERLE EN VERBREED ROAD DEVIATED AND WIDENED . ;. 19 TO ‘.. NA AFWISSELENDE BREEDTES "'"7.`• TO ..•VARYING WIDTHS, . 19 TOT 62 METER' . 62 METRES - • . CLOSED D GESLUIT .•, . I - . %ROAD.. . PAD • ' ' ' '' ' • .. - • - UK. GESLUIT NO:1482 VAN•1977.08.23 - EXCO. RESOLUTION N01482 OF 1977.08.23 • ..—

' • - • ' • . • . .• . . ' L...... ' ' ' , • . :. '.i . : •

. 16 1977 , 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing.1731. November Administrator's. Notice.1731•.. . .••.. • . . ' . DECLARATION OF AN ACCESS ROAD OVER )TRKLARING VAN. TOEGANGSPAD OOR DIE THE FARM WITRAND 457-J.P.: DISTRICT OF PLAAS WITRAND 457-J.P.: DISTRIK /COSTER. - • • • KOSTER. • • • ...

• • . .- . Die Adminstrateur verklaar hierby, ingevolge die The Administrator hereby declares, in terms of the bepalings van artikel 48(1)(a) van die Padordonnansie, provisions of section 48(1)(a) of the Roads Ordinance, 051 (Ordonnansie. 22 van 1957) dat die bestaande pad 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957) that the road which runs wat oor die pleas Witrand 457-J.P., distrik Koster, loop - 5 • over. the farm Witrand 457-J.P., district of Koster, shall as ?'n, toegangspad, meter breed sal bestaan. . • exist as . an access road,.5 metres wide. .... '. : Die algemerie !HZ*. en ligging van • genoemde pad The general direction and situation of the 1saieroad en die omvarig• Van die reserwebreedte daarvan word

and the extent the width thereof is shown on the op bygaande sketsplan aangetoon. . ilk of .. IF subjoined sketch plan. . 'Ooreenkomstig .die.' bepalings ,van subartikels (2) en In terms of„the,proyisions of subsections (2) and (3) (3) van. - artilcel .5A "van genoemde Ordonnansie word 'section said is hereby de- of 5A-of the Ordinance it hierbV verklaai dat'•die grond wat genoemde toegangs- dared that the land taken up by the said road has . . - pad. ift beslarneen; met penne afgeinerk is. been demarcated by mean's of pegs. ' - - V . - E.C.R. 1,485 dated 23 Auguit, 1977. ._ . U.K.B. 1485 gedateer 23 Augustus 1977 :. , .,:r.' ' ' . i ' ' . .• 1 _DP. 08-082K:23/24/W/4 II:1 ! DP, 08:08215.:23/24/W/4 TL.

• • ' - - ' - - ' • . - 11 ,' •• :•• '. •••• •• ., •••".. VERMSINQ. REFERENCE: . - 1 - . H • • . 13' :„•1.... • ' - .. Ged. • . ' 13eStcaride pad."'• Existing road.' 15 • ' z • - • ' ' • WITRAND 457 J: P. . .. ; - • • abegor,gspodiverklaar Accessroad declared : Ged. 26 '15m) __ . (5m). - , - • - - - . ko... D.P 09 082 K 23 / 24/ W 4 ''te' • Rivser - I U. K BES: 1485 D/D 77 - oe - 23 , • . . - - • • • . .. •EX. 1485.. • 77 - 08 - 23 .l - bd. 25/A„ .. il •COM.;. RES...... 'DID• .

. . ,



• : - • - , - ...... , .


Administrator's Notice 1734 .16 November, •1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1734: 16 November 1977


- 1. The Adniinistrator hereby, in terms of section 101 1. Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge ar- . of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes tikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, that the Town Council of Elsburg has; in terms of sec- 1939, dat die Stadsraad van Elsburg die Standaardver- tion 96bis(2)' of the said Ordinance, idoptedt without ordeninge Bdtreffende Kafees, Restaurants en Eethui- amendment the Standard By-laws, Relating •to- Cafes, se; afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 492 van Restaurants and Eating-houses, published under Ad- 27! April 1977, ingevolge 'artikel 96bis(2) van genoem- - ministrator's Notice 492, dated '27 ;April. 1977; as by- del Ordonnansie sonder wygiging .aangeneem het as ver- .; ordeninge - Raad .opgestel is. laws made by the said Council. - - wat deur:genoemde . - - - 2. Chapter' 10 of the Public tHealthiBy-laws of the 2. Hoofstuk 10 van die Publieke GesondheldsVeror- Elsburg Municipality, published': under deninge Van; die Munisipaliteit afgekondig by - Administrator's: ElsbUrk. Notice 11, dated 12 January, 1949,- -as amended, is Administrateurskennisgewing 11 van 12 Januarie 1949, ' • hereby deleted. Isom gewysig, word hierby geskrap. - . , PB.,2-4-2-22-56 .

. „ _ '• • • • AdMinistratar's Notice' 1735 16:31oveMber, 1977 Adatinistatteurskehnisgewing 1735 16 Ncmiember.1977

ELSBURG MUNICIPALITY:" ADOPTION OF MUNISIPALITEIT ELSBURG: AANNAME VAN - AMENDMENT TO STANDARD FINANCIAL •BY. WYSIQINGn. • VAN. .7STANDAARD FINANSIELE LAWS. VERORDENINGE. - The AdministraThr hereby-, 'in" terms of section lor Die Administraleufpubliseer hierby ingevolge artikel Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes 19.1 yap_- die Ordonnansie op van Elsburg ingevolge artikel 96 that the Town Council of Elsburg has in terms of sec- "dat'die Stadsraad bis(2) yan,„genoeinde Ordonnansie, die yan tioh:96bis(2).of the said Ordinance, adopted the/amend- wysiging die : Standiact-fintinsiele Verdideninge, afgekondig by ment to the Financial By-laws, un- Standard published Administrateurskennisgewing . 439 van 6 April 1977, ad. Adininistratpr's NatiCe: 439,•, dated • 6/ Akril;•1977l, aittitieneOur diet, as. verbideriinge Wat "deur genoemde • •• '1 •:• • •' as h}i-Ilaivslmadety file said Council.' &tad **ester )! . PB. 2-4-2-173-56 PB. 24-2-173-56 "1'.:. Ill../ • :•1

' . - 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 16 November 1977 AdMinistratofs' Notice 1736 1: .16 •Ncii/eMber,' '.1736 - ERMELO' MUNICIPALITY: ADOPTION OF STAN ; MUNISIPALITEIT'F' ERMELO: AANNAME VAN

• BETREFFENDE DARD BY-LAWS RELATING- TO CAFES, RES- i STANDAARDVERORDENINGE TAURANTS:AND EATING-HOUSES. , ..;KAFEES, RESTAURANTE EN EETHUISE. , • 1.,The, Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 1. Die Administrateur publiseer.luerby ingevolge ar-

1939,1:Publighes ; 101 van die Ordpnnansie .op Plaaslike Bestuur, of the Local GoVerriment OrdinanCe, tikel . that' the 'Town. Coundil of. Ermelo' hasHin -terms 'of 1939; jdat - die Stadiraa'd Van Ernielo die 'StanclatirdVeror- section .96bis(2). of. the.said Ordinance, adopted without deninge Betreffende Kafees, Restaurante en Eeihuisd, amendment the .Standard . By-laws Relating:..to Cafes, ; zifiekondig by' Administrateurskennisgewing- 492' van' 27 Itestauranti and Eating-houies, published under Ad- April 1977,, ingevolge acrtikel 966is(2) van getioenide 27 April, 1977, as by- ' het as veror- niinistrator'S:NotiCC:492;' dated Ordonnansie: sonder,- .w3iSiging'aangeneem lawi made by the - said' Council. cleninge wat' deur Teiibeihde Raad opgestel is. 2. Chapter 10 of the Public Health By-laws of the 2. Hoofstuk 10 van die Publieke Gesondheldsveror- Ermelo Municipality, published under AdministratOrls deninge van die Munisipaliteit Ermelo, afgekondig 'by as - is Administrateurskennisgewing..1.1..yap_ 12 Januarie 1949, Notice 11, dated .12 January, 1949, 'amended, . - - soos gewysig, word hierby, geskrap. ..; hereby, deleted: - '" - • •c - ..2 -4-n2:44. n. . .PB.. 2-4;2-22:14 - _ . _ . . • ; _ . . - „. • - • . 1977 Administrator's Notice 1737 16. November, 1977" Administrateurskennisgewing 1737 16 November , FOCHVILLE MUNICIPALITY:' ADOPTION MUNISIPALITEIT' FOCHVILLE: AANNAME VAN AMENDMENT TO STANDARD FOOD-HANDLING WYSIGING VAN STANDAARDVOEDSELHANTE- BY-LAWS. RINGSVERORDENINGE.

The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes that 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, the Town Council of Fochville has in terms of section dat die Stadsraad van Fochville, ingevolge artikel 96 •


96bis(2) 'at the said 'Ordinance, adopted the -amend- bis(2) .van. - genoemde OrdonnithSie, die wysiging van die ment to the Standard Food-handling By-laws, publish- Standaardvoedselhanteringsverordeninge, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing van 30 - Maart 1977; d' under Administrator's' Notice 378,' dated. 30 Mardi'', - .378 ' ' ' aangeneem ;het as.iverordeninge .wat deur genoemde 1977; as .by-laWs ':16 by the said' Co Raad opgestel is. . PB. 24-2-176-57 I. . .PR 2-4-2-176-57

AdrniniStratOr's' Notice 1738' 16 NoVeniber,1977 AdniirristrateutSkehnisgeWing 1738 16 November 1977


":The Administrator hereby, • in teitt dr sectioii Die Adritinistrateur publiseef' hierby ingeVolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939; publishes 101.rvan ,dic, Ordonnansie Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, uiteengesit, ;wat deur horn the:bplyS. set forth. hereinafter,. which have been am die_Vet:m:41114e hierna , in- proved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordin-, • givOlge2artikel,;09 van genoemde Ordonnansie goed.

- The. Cemetery 'Tariff' of the teeuwdoorhSstad MuL • bie&giafplaastaiieflah die Munisipaliteit Leeuw- niciPality, "published under •AdMinistratoett Notice 542; doornsstad;'• afgekondig by .Administrateurskennisge- ' • 27 'July, - '1966, - as amended, is --hereby !Other wing 542 van 27 Julie 1966. soos gewysig, word !derby. • 4' • • - • pdatedamended as follows: . yerdersoosyo1g.:gewysig:, ,,. „ in' item 1(1) for:life' .1: Deur in item: 1(1) die syfer "12,00" deur die syfer Bi .the .substitizticiri ' Beare • • - • a— "12,00" of the figure'"25160": , "2500". te yervang. . „r , , By the substitution 2: Deur' irP item' 1(2)' die syfer "24,00" dour 'die syfer • q24,00" of the figde '180 (gr.% I. • . ., • "80.00". te vervang. • . - ' 3. By the substitution in item 1(3) fOr• th•e• tilde .3. „Deur 1(3) die syfer "8,00" deur die syfer - in item "8,00" of the figure.;"20 00','. 410.00" te vervang. . . .

4. By item 1(4) the : 4. 1(4) die "10,00" deur die syfer , the substitution in for figure Deur in item syfer ' " ) ' • "10,00" of' the figure "20 00'1: " • c. "20'00"td.terving. PB. -23-91 PB. 2-4-2-23-91 27472 , • • -I.) Ti „••.••.,),/ V; .1

Administrator's. Notice 1739" 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1739 16 November 1977

- ,M1)NICIEIALITY:. AMEND. LEEUWDOORNSSTAD; LEEIJIVDO,ORNSSTAD MONISIPALITEIT* WYSI- • •" MENt TO POUND TARIFF. .1 GING VAN SKUTTARIEF. ' ' n • • 7 i ..1 • The Administrator' hereby terms of sectioh '164' :Die Administrateur ,publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel. - (3)' af 'the Local GOveihment Ordinance, 1939; Ptibj: :164(3) van die Ordonnansie. op ,Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939; die lishes the regulations set forth hereinafter, which have regulasies !derma uitcengcsit, wat deur horn , inge- been made - by himliv. terms of section.'71 'of the said vole artikel' 71' Van genVeiride'bidoniansic.gemaak is.

• ' ' - Die:ISkottarief .W&' die. Munisipaliteit LeeuWdooins- , - The Pound Leeuwdoornsstad Municipa- - Tariff of the stad.afgekandig by Administrateurakennisgewing 515 lity, published under Administrator's Notice 515; dated . - soos gewysig, word hierby verder 20. -July, 1966, as amended, is hereby further amended 'van 20 Julie :1966, - - - - by the substitutioh for Item Or the following: igewysig deur item r deer die volgende te vervang:

' ' "1. Polaill FeeS. • • "1. Skuitelde. Re

- (1) Cattle, donkeys; mules . ori,horses,reach;. 3,00i "(1) Beeste,i.dortkies, 'Indic of stuk • 3,00 (2) Bulls. donkey or horse .stallions, 12 (2)Bull, of perdehingste, 12 .man- - ' ' " months and older, each _ 9;06 :de • en- oiler; 'stuk 9,00 ' (3) Sheep or goats, each 1.50, (3) Skape, of bokke, stuk 1,50

- ' - • • (4) Rams,12 months and older,!each 4,00. (4) Ramme, maande 'en ouer, stuk . 4,00

• (5) Pigs, each 300 (5) Varke, Slid( 3,00 • . . . - (6) boars, '3 months and older, each 4,00". "(6). Bete; 3' maande en oiler, stuk 4,00". P13. 2-4-2-75-91 PB. 2-4-2-75-91


Administrator's Notice 1740 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1740 16 November 1977


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 • Die' Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, the by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been am . die verordeninge hierna uitcengesit, wat deur hom in- proved by him in terms of section 99 of the said or- gevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge- dinance. keur is. The Food-handling By-laws of the Randfontein Mu- Die Voedselhanteringsverordeninge van die Munisipa- nicipality, adopted by the Council under Administra- liteit Randfontein, deur die Raad aangeneem by Ad- tor's Notice 1240, dated 8 August, 1973, as amended, ministratcurskennisgewing 1240 van 8 Augustus 1973, are hereby further amended by the substitution for soos gewysig, word hierby verder gewysig deur sub- subsection (1) of section 2 of the following: artikel (1) van artikel 2 deur die volgende te vervang: "(1)(a) No person engaged in any business or occupa- "(1)(i) Niemand wat betrokke is by enige besigheid tion involving the handling of food, shall sell, offer or of beroep wat .in verband staan met die hantering van expose for sale any food other than uncooked fruit, voedsel, mag enige voedsel, met die uitsondering van vegetables, eggs, honey, mineral waters and producer- ongekookte vrugte, groente, eiers, heuning, mineraal- wrapped ice-cream or frozen confection from premises water en fabriek-toegedraaide.roomys of bevrore lekker- or places other than fixed and licensed business pre- goed, vanaf persele of plekke wat nie gevestigde en ge- mises. . lisensieerde handelspersele is nie verkoop of te koop aanbied of uitstal nie. ' (b) Save as may be otherwise provided in these by- I laws, no person shall carry on any business or occupa- (b) Behalwe waar hierdie verordeninge anders be- enige of beroep tion involving the handling of food unless the require- paal, .mag niem. and besigheid. uitoefen van intuit nie, tensy ver- ments prescribed in the succeeding subsections are at teviastteschienhiretevrotinggende subartivoedselke s voorgeskryfte alle tye all times observed in respect of the premises on which nagekom word ten opsigte van die perseel waarop dit it is carried on." uitgeoefen word." PB. 2-4-2-176-29 PB. 2-4-2-176-29

Administrator's Notice 1741 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1741 16 November 1977

ROODEPOORT MUNICIPALITY: ADOPTION OF MUNISIPALITEIT ROODEPOORT: AANNAME STANDARD DRAINAGE BY-LAWS. VAN STANDAARD RIOLERINGSVERORDENIN- GE. • 1. The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 1. Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge an: of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes tikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, that the Town Council of Roodepoort has in terms of 1939, dat die Stadsraad van Roodepoort die Standaard section 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance, adopted without Rioleringsverordeninge, afgekondig by Administrateurs- amendment the Standard Drainage By-laws, published kennisgewing 665 van 8 Junie 1977, ingevolge artikel 96bis(2) van genocmde Ordonnansie sonder wysiging under Administrator's Notice 665, dated 8 June, 1977, aangeneem het as verordeninge wat deur genoemde as by-laws made by the said Council. Raad opgestel is. - 2. The Drainage and Plumbing By-laws of the Roo 2. Die Riolerings- en Loodgietersverordcninge van depoort Municipality, published under Administrator's die Munisipaliteit Roodepoort, afgekondig by Admi- van 1 Augustus 1962, sops Notice 509, dated 1 August, 1962, as amended, ex- nistrateurskennisgewing 509 uitgcsonderd Bylaes A tot en met C, word ccpting Schedules A to C inclusive, are hereby revoked. gewysig, hierby herroep. PB. 2-4-2-34-30 PB. 2-4-2-34-30


Administrator's Notice 1491, dated 12 October, 1977, Administrateurskennisgewing 1491 van 12 Oktober is hereby corrected as follows: 1977, word hierby soos volg verbeter:

1. By the insertion in the Afrikaans text after the 1. Deur na die uitdrukking "12 Oktober 1977" die expression "12 Oktober 1977" of the heading "MUM- opskrif "MUNISIPALITEIT RUSTENBURG: SKUT- SIPALITEIT RUSTENBURG: SKUTTARIEF.". TARIFF" in te vocg. 2. By the insertion in item 2(1) of the Afrikaans text 2. Deur in item 2(1) na die woord "elke" die uit- after the word "elke" of the expression "perd,". drukking "perd," in tc vocg. PB. 2-4-2-75-31 PB. 2-4-2-75-31 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 16 NOVEMBER 1977 3765


1. The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 I. Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge ar- • of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes tikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, that the Town Council of Standerton has in terms of 1939, dat die Stadsraad van Standerton die Standaard- section 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance, adopted without verordeninge Betreffende' Kafees, Restaurante en Eet- amendment the Standard By-laws Relating to Cafes, huise, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 492 Restaurants and Eating-houses, published under Admi- van 27 April 1977, ingevolge artikel 96bis(2) van ge- nistrator's Notice 492, dated 27 April, 1977, as by-laws noemdc ordonnansie sonder wysiging aangeneem het as made by the said Council. verordeninge wat deur genoemde Raad opgestel is. 2. Chapter 10 of the Public Health By-laws of the 2. Hoofstuk 10 van die Publieke Gesondheidsverorde- Standerton Municipality, published under Administra- ninge van die Munisipaliteit Standerton, afgekondig by tor's Notice 148, dated 21 February, 1951, as amended, Administrateurskennisgewing 148 van 21 Februarie is hereby deleted. 1951, soos gewysig, word hierby geskrap. PB. 2-4-2-22-33 PB. 2-4-2-22-33

• . . Administrator's Notice 1744 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1744 16 November 1977


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel Of 'the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes 101 van' die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, the by-laws set forfli hereinafter, which have been ap- die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom in- proved by, him in terms of section 99 of the said Or- gevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge- dinance. . keur is. The Water Supply By-laws of the Verwoerdburg Mu- Die Watervoorsieningsverordeninge van die Munisi- nicipality, published under Administrator's Notice 349, paliteit Verwoerdburg, afgekondig by Ailministrateurs- dated 20' April, 1955, as amended, are hereby further kennisgewing 349 van 20 Apri1.1955, soos gewysig, word amended by the substitution for subitem (1) of item 3 hierby verder gewysig deur subitem (1) van item 3 van of the Tariff of Charges under Schedule 1 to Chapter die Tarief van Gelde onder Bylae 1 by Hoofstuk 3 deur 3 of the following: die volgende to vervang: . , "(1) A water connection shall be installed at the cost "(1) 'n Wateraansluiting word op die eienaar of ver- of the owner or the consumer, and such cost shall be bruiker se koste geinstalleer en sodanige koste word calculated by the Council." deur die Raad bereken." • PB. 2-4-2-104-93 PB. 2-4-2-104-93

Administrator's Notice 1745 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1745 16 November 1977


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, that the Town Council of Warmbaths has in terms of . dat die Stadsraad van Warmbad ingevolge artikel 96 • section 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance, adopted the bis(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie, die wysiging van die amendment to the Standard Financial By-laws, pub- Standaard-FinansiEle Verordeninge, afgekondig by Ad- lished under Administrator's Notice 439, dated 6 April, .ministrateurskertnisgewing 439 van 6 April 1977, arm- 1977, as by-laws made by the said Council. geneem het as verordeninge wat deur genoemde Raad opgestel is. PB. 2-4-2-173-73 PB. 2-4-2-173-73


1. The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 1. Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge ar- of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes tikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, that the Town Council of Wolmaransstad has in terms 1939, dat die Stadsraad van Wolmaransstad die Stan- .3766 PROVINCIAL. GAZETTE, 16 NOVEMBER, 1977

of section 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance, adopted with daard Watervoorsieningsverordeninge afgekondig by the following amendments the Standard Water Supply Administrateurskennisgewing 21 van 5 Januarie 1977, 4 By-laws, published under Administrator's Notice 21, ingevolge •artikel 96bis(2) van' genoemde Ordonnansie dated 5 January, 1977, as by-laws made by the said met die volgende wysigings aangeneem het as verorde- Council. ninge wat deur genoemde Raad opgestel is. - (1) By the deletion in section 1 of the definition of . (I) Deur in artikel 1 die woordomskrywing van "te "treasurer". sourier" te skrap. (2) By the substitution in sections 2, 11(6); 12(I)(a) (2) Dein' in artikels 2, 11(6), 12(1)(a) en (b), (2), (4) and (b), (2), (4) and (7) and 23(3) for the word "trea- en. (7) en 23(3) (lie woord "tesourier", waar dit ook al surer", wherever it occurs, of the word "council". voorkom, deur die woord "mad" te vervang. 2. The Water Supply .By-laws of the Wolmaransstad 2. Die Watervoorsieningsverordeninge van die Muni- Municipality, published under Administrator's Notice sipaliteit Wolmaransstad, afgekondig by Administra- 236, dated 21 March, 1951, as amended, excepting the teurskennisgewing 236 van 21 Maart 1951, soos gewysig, Schedule containing the tariff, are hereby'•revoked. uitgesonderd die Bylae waarin die tarief vervat is, word hierby herroep. • PB. 2-4-2-10440 PB. 2-4-2-104-40

Administrator's Notice 1747 . 16 November,;1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1747 16 November 1977


• • • . The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government .Ordinance, 1939, publishes 101 van die•Ordonnansie op Plaaslike - Bestuur, 1939, the by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been ap die verordeninge liierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn inge- proved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Qr- volge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge- dinance, keur is. • The Electricity By-laws of the Wolmaransstad Muni- • cipality; adopted by the Council under Administrator's Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van 'die Munisipaliteit Notice 2123, dated 29 November, 1972, as amended, - Wtraotlemurasrtensstiande;wdienugr 2%3Rvaaand 2a9aniloenveemetbryiAd2rru, sons are hereby further amended by the substitution for sub gewysig, word hierby verder gewysig deur subparagrawe 2(1)(a) the paragraphs (v) and (vi) of item of Tariff of (v) en (vi)- van item 2(1Xa). van die Tarief van Gelde • ' Charges under 'the Schedule of the following: onder die Bylae deur die volgende te vervang: "(v) churches or church halls; "(v) kerke of kerksale; ' (vi) sport clubs; and (vi) sportklubs; en

.(vii) show grounds." . .(vii) skougronde." PB. 2-4-2-36-40 PB. 2-4-2-36-40 4

• Adininistrator's Notice 1748 . 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1748 16 November 1977


. • •

The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 1 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes :101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, the by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been ap- die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn Inge- by in terms of section 99 of the said Or- i volge artikel .99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge- , proved him dinance. 'keur is. • ' - The Sanitary and Refuse Removals Tariff of the , Die Sanitere eh Vullisverwyderingstarief van die Mu Zeerust Municipality, published under Administrator's nisipaliteit Zeerust, afgekondig by Administrateursken- Notice 976, dated 27 June, 1973, as amended, is hereby. .nisgewing 976 van 27 Junie 1973, loos gewysig, word further amended by the substitution in item 20) and :hierby verder gewysig deur in item 2(1) en (2) die (2) for the figures "R3" and "75c" of the figures . syfers "R3" en "75c" onderskeidelik deur die syfers - "R6" and "RI,50" respectively. . :"R6" en "R1,50" te vervang.

• PB. 2-4-2-81-41 PB. 2-4-2-81 -41 - - - PROVINSIALE •KOERANT:16 \ NOVEMBERi1977 3767


• . The Administrator hereby, fiii terms of section 101 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, read with 101, -yan„die„Ordonnansie op Rlaaslike Bestuur, 1939, section 63 t.on .thth!Lidences OrdinanCe 1974, publishes geleeS Met 4itikel" 63 Van' die' •Oidonnansie op' Lisensies, the by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been ap- 1974, die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn . - Proved.. by him in terms of section .99.x of the lint ; ingevolge“. artikel 99 van eersgenoemde Ordwinansie mentioned Ordinance. goedgekeur is. Woordomskrywing. • • . o.: f ...... ? Definitions. i i" .. , 1.. Vir die toepassing van hierdie verordeninge, tensy 1. For the purposes of these by-laws, unless.the. con- dit tiiiidie samehang anders blyk,• beteken- - text otherwise indicates — . „ • . - - .! • : "Itad"-- - die. Stadsraad van -Zeerust - en omvat die "Cmincir means the Town 'COUnic'il'61 Zee

' • • ..pt • I •• •••. .0.. t•H• a :. •:".• i litsPekstegelde: • .. . . .1 Inspection Fees. , 2. 'emend wat ingevolge die Ordonnansie by 'n Li- 2. Any person who, in, terms of the Ordinance makes,: Iserisiersiady ingestel ingevolge'die*bepalitigs' van die Or- apPlidation to a Licensing Board,' established in terms • horn, donnansie, aansoek. ,doen t vig die uitreiking aan , ' of the provisions of. the Ordinance,ifor.the•issue to:him. ' van•,'n; nuts.' e lisensie orri 'n besiglield" hinne die muni- of tat new licence to carry on a business within thetmu- 'sipaliteit te dryf,' mdet aim' die Read die toepaslike nic,ipality, shall pay to the Council the appropriate, fee geld; in die Bylae .hierby.•voorgeskryf, vir die •inspeksie. pre§cribed in the "Schedule: hereto"for the 'inspection of van die besigheidsperseel ten opsigte waarvan sodanige, the business premises in respect of. which such applir aansoek gedoetrword, betaal en sodanige geld moet cation is made and such fee shall be paid to the Colin- - . - ' .aanbedie Raad betaal word voordat•eniget sodanige in any such is made by it: *. ..' ' cif before inspection ,speksie • uitgevoer word. I. a: tr *;tilt. ... • Yr I.' it ... .' ' ' ' ' Wheril Fees bre 'Payable. •:r.t.f : Tydstip Waarop Gelde Retaalbaar is. . di . . • - moet aan - 3., The fee payable in .of section. 2 be 3.-;Die geld betaalbapr ingeyplge .artikeld2 II terms shall 'die....gelyktydig met die indiening van die aansoek paid to the Council simultaneously with the lodging of ,Raad the .application for a new licence with the Secretary of: om !rt. nuwe lisensie• by die Sekretaris van die Lisensie- tread betaal word: Met Bien, yerstande dat die Raad, die. the Licensing Board: Provided that the Council. shall geen inspeksie, refund the fee to the applicant' if no inspection, is con: 'geld aan die applikant terugbetaal indien by 14(4); van templated in section 14(4). of the OrdinanceOs carried soor beoog artikel die Ordonnansie; •uit-

• 'gevoermord the. out.. . ,. .." . .. • Kwitansie. . • Furnishing of Receipt... . - • . - j.;,; , : ..cryporleging yon ; ,.:.., ' • - 4. remand wat ingevolge artikel 2 aanspreeklik is vir terms of section 2 is 'liable to - 4: 'Any person who in die' tietaAing van enige gelde en wat dit betaal het' 'soon pay•und has paid_ any fees specified in the, Schedule :in ,die„Bylae hierby voorgeskryf, moet van die. Raad hereto,. shall obtain from the Council a receipt therefor :'n kwitinsk daarvool verkry, en kan te eniger tyd ge- and may at any time during the year of iisnec 'ott pay- Iduceitite die jaar van •uitreiking, teen betaling van 'tit- :bedgag-van 50c, van die Raad 'a duplikaat - ment•rcif the sum of 50c, obtain from the CciutiOil aT - 'Tn. soda. nige kwitansie verldy. - duplicate of such receipt. . . Kwitansie Moet op Aanvraag Getoon word. Receipt to be Produced on Demand: " . 5 :Niemand aan wie 'n kwitansie ingevOige artikel - , hy deur -ge 5.., No person to whom a receipt has been issued in •4 uitgereilc is mag, wanncer. , 'n behoorlik terms of section 4 shall' fail to produce such receipt or- 'magtigde beampte van die Raad by sy besigheidsplek. a duplicate thereof issued in terms • of - •the.•said- section( .te eriiger tyd voor die toesta'ail van die lisensie cl artoe on. being thereto required by a duly. authorized officer 'verso& word, in gebreke bly.. om ;sodanige kwitansie of the Council at his place of busineSs at any time prior :of 'n duplikaat daarvan, uitgereik ingevolge genoemde - - . . . .. • • : t• to the granting of the licence. i . ...:•1 ,• tt artikelcte.toon .nie. . . 3768 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 16 NOVEMBER, 1977

Revocation of Ely-laws. ,. Herroeping van Verordeninge. 6. The By-laws for the Licensing of and for the 6. Die Verordeninge Insake die Lisensiering van, en 4 • Supervision, Regulation and Control • of Businesses, die Toesig oor, die Regulering van en die Scheer oor Trades, and Occupations of the Zeerust Municipality, Besighede, Bedrywe en Beroepe van die Munisipaliteit published under Administrator's Notice 129,, dated 23 Zeerust, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing March, 1949, as amended, are hereby revoked. 129 van 23 Maart 1949, soos gewysig, word hierby herroep.

. SCHEDULE. . BYLAE. INSPECTION FEES FOR BUSINESS PREMISES. INSPEKSIEGELDE VIR BESIGHEIDSPERSELE. - Trade or Occupation. Inspection Besigheid Beroep. Fee of Inspeksie- R geld R 1. Offensive trades 18,00 1. Aanstootlike bcdrywe 18,00 2. Auctioneer 15,00 2. Afslacr ...... _...... 15,00 3.. General Dealer — ••••-• — -•-• 15,00 3. Algemene Handelaar _...... _...... _ _.._ 15,00 4. Chemist and druggist - — 8,00 4. Apteker _ - 8,00 5. Baker 25,00 5. Bakker _ .._ ...... -- ..... 25,00 6. Barber or hairdresser 50 6. Barbier of Haarkapper 5,00 I . • 1 7. Funeral undertaker 8,00 . • 8,00Bcgrafnisondernemer 7. • . I 8. Eating-house keeper - 180 " 8. Eethuishouer 18,00 10. Cycle dealer • • 10,00 10. Fietshandelaar 10,00 11. Dealer in bones and used goods — — — 10,00 11. Handelaar in bene en gebruikte goedere 10,00 12. Dealer in household, patent and proprie- 12. Handelaar in huishoudelike patent- en tary medicines - 8,00 eiendomsmedisyne 8,00 13. Dealer in Vehicles 15,00 motor 13. Handelaar in motorvoertuie 15,00 14. Dealer or speculator in livestock or pro- • 14. Handelaar of spekulant in lewende hawe , .duce . 10,00 of produkte .... 10,00 15. Dealer in aerated or mineral water — ..t... 12,00 15. Handelaar in spuit- of mineraalwater 12,00 16. Dealer in fireworks 50 16. Hatidelaar hi vuurwerk 5,00 17. Commercial traveller ------4,00 17. Handelsreisiger ...... 4,00 18. Kennel or pet boarding establishment or 18. Hondehok of troeteldierlosiesinrigting of salon — 12,00 -salon . 12,00 19. Livery stable or riding school - -. _ ___ 10,00 19. Huurstal- of ryskoolhouer . 10,00 20. Cafe keeper 15,00 20. Kafechouer 15,00 21. Creche or nursery school 21: Kinderbewaarplaas of kleuterskool: (1) Half-day accommodation ...... _ - - — 20,00 (1) Halfdag-akkommodasie 20,00 (2) -day ...._ ._ __ Full accommodation ..... 30,00 (2) Heeldag-akkommodasie 30,00 22. Physical culture, health or beauty centre 15,00 22. Liggaamsontwikkeling, gesondheids- of 24. Dairy 30,00 skoonheidsentrum 15,00 25. Dairy farm 30,00 24. Melkery 30,00

- 26. Milk shop • 12,00 25. Melkplaas 30,00 . 27. Miller 25,00 26. Mclkwinkcl .. 12,00

. . 27. Mculenaar 25,00 28.. Motor garage: - • 28. Motorgaragc: (1) Sales only 18,00 (1) Slegs verkope 18,00 • ,.(2) Repairs and maintenance _ ...._ -- . 21,00 (2) Herstel- en ondcrhoudswerk 21,00 29. 1,00 Motor vehicle attendant 29. Motorvoertuigoppasser 1,00 - .._ _. _ 30. Disinfector or fumigator 8,00 3. Ontsmetter of beroker 8,00 31. Recreation ground 20,00 31. Ontspanningsterrein 20,00 PROVINSIALE ICOERAN'T, /16: NOVE3PER. 1977 3769

. ------

. : Trade or Occupation:. 4.. :. ._::. Inspection Besigheifi of Beroepty.i• .:. : Inspeksie-' Fee r eld • _ . R : '1;i1(1 ' 32. Warehouse 3Z ilakhuis. . ... • ':20,00 - -. r. .. , .. - . ' ' '( . '. I .3 . 33.. Pawnbroker ''',' l' 16,00. 31 Pandjieshoucr „ 10 00 . ' . *- - 34.'' Parkade 12;00 34 . .Parkade,,...... , ..12,00 . „, ... • • ' ' 35. Passenger transport undertaking __ _ __ 12,00 35. Passasiersvervocrondernemitig 1 :12,00

- - 36:. Mail order or other undertaking . I r .:...... ' 12;00•' .362 POs flof anderlesiellingSontlerneming •12,00 • . —• 37. Restaurant keepel• _. _ _...... _ ....„:._ ,25.00 i 3Z. Restauranthouer :. 25,00 - - - 38. . Cobbler : 10,00 qs. .Skodumiker:., , ,... .., 10,00., - - " • _LI .J. 39: Skuldinvorderaar• en opspoorder . 4,00. 39: Debt Sleet& 'and tracer,,. - d.....1r...i'. 4,00 ' ' - • • ' ' • • • • 40. Slagtei 40: Butcher . t...:..: ..:::._ 15,00 - 1500 • • • " . . • .• ••• 7 • ' • 41. ,- , 10,00 Roy Smous : , ,,$ , , , - ' ' - . .1 , I ' - '."- - • '".• 15,00 42. Special licence?: _...... l.....: ...... 1_• 15,00 41iSpeiialedlisenSie 43. Caterer 25,00 43. Spysenier - 25,00 ,

44. Straatfotograaf •• . .:.'....• . % 5,00 Street photographer '...... :...' - . - - - 5,00 j44. ; 45.. Accommodation .establishinept ;..;. -,... 45. Verblyfsonderneming:. '' '' p '••• • ' ''';•'. - :". • !. •'- - . '(1) • • • " (1)• With'•meals: , •MeFetet, 4 .' . . . I . t' tr ' • : 1 . • . - - . : . (a) beddens 30,00'... $,, su'j :, , : (a) . 14:564.1;4 .: .:: I:• . : 3040 —10: ' . - ' ' ' • ' - •'''''. • t ' • - ; (b) '51 -100`tierldens 40.00 • • - • . .'. t , (b) 51- beds 1.:...... :.: ...2.:: -H.:- : .. . :...... i. . ,- 106 " • ' '740,00:.' ' ' : ... - -, - •: ••, - 1 - - • (c).; Meer as 406' ' ...... :... 1.' - ; 5040 . • ' •" •beddeni ' - l' - •1 . - (c) Exceeding 100 'beds '....: ..f.. .: 50,00. . . , ,I ", , ; - • • • " • ' (2) • • ..'. . - • '. . ' Sonder etes: " (2) No meals: • (a) 1. 10 kamers ...... _ - .. .- 20;00 ' (a) 10 rooms ...... 20,00 I- - :.....c....” - . (b) Vir elke•bykomende 10 .kamers of gedeelte daarvan' 'n bykomende 3,00 .(b) For every additional. 10 . , . - .. . . ( .,reoms ,„ , , • - . . ..:.- - .• ;. (3): . or part 'thereof; add Iyoonitellei . $ „1 .., ,..;,::....;. . 3.00 :.. $ ' ' • ' • • ' •• . -1= .: • •.' ... :. •• . ..'• (a). 1 ...... :; ...... '(3) 'Flab: .. •10.•.wooristelle - - ..21.00

. . _ . : 1 . (b) „VII' elke.:bykornertde $10 .. (a) 10 'flats • ' . , 25,66 .. .. woenstel- . , ' - ..• • le - - • ' ' • ' of , gedeelte daarvan, 'n byko ; ' :I'• '7: - " : ' • ' ''' • (b) For every additional 10* flits or ntende • ' ''' 5,00". ;' • part thereof, add -- ....:.'...... "..:... 5;06 46. Verhuurdiens 8,00 • 46. Hiring service '.-.:. ::...... : ..... : -- ...... • 8,00 48. Verkoopsoutomaathouer 15,00 . ., ' • 48. Vending machine keeper' . .. - - __'.' 15,00 •• 49..;Vermaaklikheidsplek , 25,00

__ ':...... :„. __ - • 49. Mee of entertainment . - • ' ...:i. .25,00 - ' • ...h. 50. Visaudelaarh en -bakker 20,00'

50 Fishmonger :and .fisi? frier ; 10,00 • ' ' ' ' ' .11.. Voed4Ivervaardiger 30,00 ' •• - ' • " 51. Food manufacturer 30 '00 • • , .., • . grugte, groente en ...... , ._ .15,00 5/ plantehandelaar $ 52. and _....I - 15,00 Fruit, vegetable plant dealer/L.: 53. Wasser of droogskoonmaker . 20,00 53. or dry ...... __ .....: _ Launderer .... -cldaner - '26,00 54. 'Wassery- of droogskOonmakery ontvangs- • 54: Laundry or dry:Cleaning receiving- depot 10,00 . .10,00 ' ' - . t• . .' • . 55. Workshop .20,00. 55.. MerkswinIcel IL... •:. .. . 20,00.

1. , PB. 214-297-41 .

" Administrator's Notice 1750 ... 16 November, 1977: Administrateurskennisgewing 1750 16• November 1977


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 .Die Administrateur: publiseer hierby ingeyolge artikel - of the' Local Government :Ordinance,. 1939; read with 101 van die Ordonnansie, op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, ge- . 3770 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE. 16 NOVEMBER, 1977 ' • ------• - -

. . - Section 63 of the Licences Ordinance, 1974; publishes lees -met artikel 63 van die Ordonnansie. op Lisensies, the by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been am 1974,' die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur A proved by him in terms of section 99 of the first- horn ingevolge artikel 99 van eersgenoemde Ordon- 111 .. mentioned . . nansie goedgekeur is. Ordinance. . • . . .

'' Woordomskrywing. , Definitions. d . , • • • • I. ,Vir die toepassing van hierdie verordeninge, tensy I. For the purposes of these by-laws, •unless the con- -- .• . dEt tut die samehang anders blyk, beteken . • - . _ , „ - . . „ t, . _. , text otherwise indicates 0...... - ' "Ordonnansie" die Ordonnansle. op 'Lisensies 1974 - "Council" means the Town Council of Verwoerd- (Ordonnansie 19 van, 1974) en enige woord of uitdruk- burg and includes the Management Committee of that king die .beteken'is wat in genoemde Ordonnansie Council or any officer employed ace- het byt•thet•Comicil, daa'ram geheg word; • ing by, virtue of any power vested in the .Council in - connection with these by-laws and delegated to.' him "kaki"- die - Stadsmad. van Verwoerdburg en omvat in terms of section. 58 .of the Local - .Government.(Ad- dip Bestuurskomitee van daardie.Raad of enige beamp- and Elections) Ordinance, 1960 (Ordinance • te"deur die' Raad in diens geneem, handelende uit 'hoof- ministration ' 40 of 3160); -•• - • de•Van enige bevoegdheid wat in verband met hierdie verordeninge aan die Raad verleen is en wat ingevolge "Ordinance" means the Licences Ordinince;• 1974 artikel' 58 van die Ordonnansie - op Plaaslike Beituur (Ordinance 19 of 1974), and any word or- expression . (Admints. trasie en Verkiesings), 1960 (Ordonnansie 40 has the meaning assigned thereto in the said Ordin- • - • van 1960), aan horn gedelegeer is. • . •• _ . . midi.' .. . i• ; • . . • - ' • c • : Inspeksiegelde., Inspection Fees. • •+' • ' ' C.C./...... ! 2. 'emend wat ingevolge die Ordonnansie by 'n Li7 2. Any person who, in terms.of the Ordinance makes ' I sensieraad, ingestel Or; application to a Licensing Board, established in terms ingevolge die bepalings van' die donnansie, aansoek doen om die of the provisions of the Orinance, for the issue to 'him , uitreiking tan horn • nuwe lisensie om die of' 'a. new licence to carry on. I - business within the mu- van 'n 'n besigheid binne munisi- nicipality, shall pay to. the appropriate fee • paliteit to dryf, moet aan 'die Raad die toepaslike geld, Council .the hierby die inspeksie van prescribed in the Schedule hereto Hr the inspection , inr,clieipylae voorgeskryf,,:vir - besigheidSperseel ten opsigte wartrimn sodanige aan- of the business premises •in 'respect of- which ap- ,die - plication is made and such fee shall.. be • paid to: the stook.. gedoen word, . betrial en sodanige: geld moet aan die before any such by, it. Raad betaal word voordat enige sodanige inspeksie Council inspectionis• made. . . ' ' uitgevoer word. • • : • , • • '''' 'When Fees. are Payable. •Tydstip waarop Gelde'betaalbahr is.' 3. The fee payable in terms of section 2 shall be : 3. Die jelebdialblatit ingevolge artikel 2 moet aan paid to the Council simultaneously with the lodging of . die Raad gelyktydig met die' indiening van die aansoek thb :application for a. newhlicence with the secretary om 'n nuwe lisensie by die sekretaris van - die. Lisensie- of the Licensing, Board: Provided , that . the , Council . raad betaal word: Met dien verstande dat die Raad die shall refund the fee to ,ihe•apPlicant if no inspection, as geld aan •die applikant terugbetaal indien geed inspek- ' '14(4) Of - contemplated• in section the Ordinance, is I sie, soos beoog by .artikel 14(4) van die Ordonnansie, • ' ' "" .., . carried out: I uitgevoer Word' nie. • • ..... ' • '' ' Furnishing of Receipt.' ft • V,00rtegging von Kwitansie. , . :; 4. A11y person whO in terms Of section i' is' liable to remand wat ingevolge artike1,2 is vir ' 4. aansprceklik, paY.'aact has paid any - fees specified in the Schedule die' WWaling van' enige gelde en wat dit bent lid sons 4 • hereto, shall obtain from the :Council a receipt there - in;die•Bylae hierby voorgeskry4 meet van die Raad 'n• verkry,en to enig d gedu- kwitansie daarvoor kan cr t • - ..• Y. • for and may at any time during the year of issue, on • , . . , rende die.. - jaar van uitreiking, ''teen' ' betaling van 'n payment of the sum of 50c, obtain 'from the Connell 50c, van die Raad duplikaat, van soda- ' ' ' ' ' bedraw van 'n '' v" - • - - - • - - a duplicate of such.redeiPt:I. . nigellcwitanSie verkry. . . . .1 !. Kwitansie inoet op Aanvraag Peoont . i word. • Receipt to be Prodoccd,on Demand. , • •: . . . • 'n 5. No person to whom a receipt has been issued in .L.. Niemand. aan .wie kwitansie , ingevolge, artikel , 4 uitgereik is mag, wanneer by deur behoorlik • 'n -ge- terms'. of section 4 shall fail to produce such receipt' .. • . beam pie van 'die Raad by sy besigheidsplek to or. a - thereof issued in terms of the said sec- magtigde duplicate - - - ' eniger tyd volor dieigostean van, lisensie daartoe lion, on being thereto -required by a duly authorized versoek word, in gebteke bly om sodanige kwitansie officer of the Council at his place of business any •• - - r at • i ..,. •' • v • =.;:.. •:. . of:en duplikaat 'daarvan, uitgereik ingevolge genoemde time prior to' the granting of the licence. ' • - I .' . • Th: • t 7 . - 4. i • artikel, to toon nie. .• 1 ; ..: . . ... : . . j : , .. • , .' - . - - ." .. IT - . . ; '. ' • ! ; i -'..• i .Th. : 1i ' ' ' : ' t1 '' ' ' '. • ' - ••• - . / .t. !I / '. •Perzalties::;'' . . StrMvwe. .

- 16.;,Atiy person ,contravening Air eausing .Or allowing - •6:.:Ieniand wit. enige berialingi van hierdie verorde: ' - to be. contravened any provision of. these by-laws, shall: •nirige &atm,' Of toelait of veroOfsaak dal dit oortree be guilty of an offence and - liable on conviction to a word, is skuldig' aan.'n' misdryf - en by skuldigbevinding fine not exceeding R100 or to imprisonment not ex- sirafbaar met 'n boetc van hoogstens R100 of met ge- • - - deeding three months'. or- to both 'such - - fine and hit- vangenisstraf vir 'n tydperk van hoogstens drie mean& • ; • prisonment.: • i: .. '1 . - :.• ... :"I of-met beide sodanige lioete :en• gevangenisstrafs • '


- • - - Revocation of By laws. . . , . . Herroeping van Verordeninge. .. 7. The Regulations for the Licensing of and for the 7. Die Regulasies vir die Lisensiering van en die Supervision, Regulation and Control of Businesses, Toesig, Regotering en Beheer oor Besighede, Bedrywe Trades and Occupations of the Verwoerdburg Munici- en Beroepe van die Munisipaliteit Verwoerdburg, afge-

pality, published under Administrator's Notice . 730, kondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 730 van 27 dated . 27 September, 1950, are hereby revoked. September 1950, word hierby.herroep.


' INSPECTION FEES FOR BUSINESS ?REMISES. INSPEKSIEGELDE VIR BESIGHEIDSPERSELE. Trade or Occupation Inspection Besigheid of Beroep lnspeksie- - geld. • .. . Fee.•, - . . . R R . , - - • ' • 1. Offensive trades 20,00 I. Aanstootlike bedrywe 20,00 . ' , .. . .. 3. General dealer: 3. Algemene handelaar: . . . . .-- (1) Average value of stock up to and in- (1) Gemiddelde waarde van voorraad tot ' ' • • C o eluding R4 000 10,00. . en met R4 000 10,00

' • • (2) value (2) Gemiddelde waarde van voorraad bp Average of stock exceeding ' R4 000 up to and including RIO 000 15.00 R4 000 tot en Met RIO 000 . 15,00 (3) Average value of stock exceeding (3) Gemiddelde waarde van voorraad bo ' RIO 000 up to and including •. . • RIO 000 tot en met R100000 - . .. - 25,00 • .. .. R100 000 25,00 • •, ., • • - • ...... (4) Gemiddelde waarde van voorraad bo • (4) Average value of stock exceeding 8100000 ... . 30,00

. 000 30,00 ' • 8100 - . 4. Apteker .. - ..c,.' : .. __•• 10,00 - • ' - • 4. Chemist and druggist 10,00 • ' . 5. Bakker - 25,00 ' . 5. Baker 25,00 , 6. 'Barbie!' of haarkapper - . ...-- ..z. -... 5,00 ' ' • • 6. Barber or hairdresser " -- 5,00 • „ _ ; . , 7. Begrafnisondernemer ..:..: 10,00 • 7. Funeral undertaker : ...; 10,00: • 8.• Eethuishouer - .. ...—.... - .: :....• .4.. - ..... 25,00 . 8...... '...... _ _. Eating-house keeper 15'00 • _ 10.' Fietshandelaar . . 5,00 10. Cycle dealer • 5,00 • 11. Handelaar in bete en gebruikte goedere 20,00 11. Dealer in bones and used goods - . _ ...... 20,00 12.1 Handelaar in . huishoudelike patent- en 12. Dealer in household, patent • and pro- : eiendomsmedisyne 5,00 i pretary medicines • • . • : - . 5,00 ; 13. Handelaar in motpivoertuie ..... __ .- 20,00 13. Dealer in motor vehicles ...... __ __ _.. 20,00 14. Handelaar, of sp.elcdant in lewende hawe 14. Dealer or speculator in livestock or pro- . of produkte _ 10,00 duce 10,00 15. Handelaar in spuit- of mineraalwater __ 5,00 15. Dealer in or mineral water _. __ 5,00 aerated 16. Handelaar in vuurvierk 5,00 __ 16. Dealer in firewdrks...... 5,00 17.. Handelsreisiger 17. Commercial traveller ..... ______._ 5,00.. 18. Hondehok of troeteldierlosieshuisinrig- , 18., ,Kennel or pet boarding establishment or " salon - " 20,00 19. Hu.urstal- of ryskoolhouer ' 15,00 19. stable or riding school ..... „.... - ._ .4_ • 'Livery • Bat • : 20. Kafeehouer 25,00 20. keeper _... _... _ ..... _ _:_ _ _ •.„... 25,00 :Cafe ! 21.. -Kinderbewaarplaas of kleuterskool .._ ..... 20,00

21. nursery ..._ _. - , Creche or school ..i... 7. -- 20,00 - 22. . Liggaamsontwikkeling-, gesondheids : of

22. Physical culture, health or beauty centre 15,00 - : skoonheidsentrum 15,00

- I • 24. .,Dairy , 25,00, 24: Melkery 25,00

• • 2 . • • • 25. Dairy farm 15,00 i 25. Melkplaas• - - 15,00

., . - ' ' • • - - 26. .Milk shop lb 00 126. Melkwinkel :'" : . 10,00 . • i • • - 27.. ,Miller . 25,00, 27. ..Meulenaar . . 25,00.

28. Mcitor garage: i 28.: Motorgarage:

• . .


------S - ••• • -- • . - : • - - Trade or OcCupation ... :.. Inspection Besigheid of- Inspeksie _ Fee. geld. . . 4 . . . - ' • ..., (1) Sales only 20,00 .. ..(1) Slegs verkope 20,00 ' .; (2) RePairs' and maintenance ..._...... ; ..._ __ 25,00 (2) Herstel- ' en. onderhoudswerk 25,00 , - ' ' • - 30. pisinfector or fumigator '10,011' 30. OntSmetter of beroker 10,00

• _ 31. . 31. Recreation ground _... .7 ..._ __ _ 25,00 Ontspanningsterrein 25,00

32. Pakhuis -- ...... : . _... 20,00 32... Warehouse, ...._ _.... 33. Pandjieshouer • '..._ _ 10,00 33. _.... ___ __. ..._ , Pawnbroker ...... 10,00

34,, Parkade • ,.. 10,00. 34.,Parkade ...... 35S- P&ssasiersvervoeronclerneming ..... _ .._. 10,00 35. Passenger transport undertaking _ _ ._ 10,00 36. Pos- of ander bestellingsonderneming _.... 10,00 - 36. Mail order or other undertaking._..• __ .... 10,00 37. Restauranthouer 25,00 37. .._ _ ..... ___ -- 25,00 Restaurant keeper _..., :7 38. Skoenmaker 1,00 ' - 38.1' Cobbler ..... — .. - ...* 1,00 40. .Slagter . 20,00

- 40. Butcher ...... - — - 20,00 '4 '7..7 . .L..: - - - Spesiale lisensie 5,00 41 . Hawker . ... 10,00 442.. " • - ; • ' .. ' • ' 43. Spysenier 25,00 Special licence ..d.:- 5,00 ..' .. ' 45. Verblyfionderneming: . . 43„,, Caterer :....: ...... : 1 L.:...... :2 :...... 2.: ..... i *..:: 25,00 ,...(1) Met etes: 45:i Accommodation establishment: ' . . (a) 1 - 10 beddens 5,00 ,.. . . ,. 41,(1) With meals: ...... (b) 11 -50 beddens . 20,00 - ., ;... - (a) .1-10 beds • • - 5,00. - . ,, .. (c) 51 100 beddens 25,00 (b) 11-50. beds. - • • — ,.20,00 (d) Meer as 100 beddens ...... 30,00 - U. r. (c) 51 -100 beds . .25,00, - (2) , ' . ' • .._ •__ • ,...4.: (d) . Exceeding 100 beds ‘..... Sonder30,00 : etes: — • - (a) 1 -4 kamers . . . . , 5,00. - (2) No meals: •• (b) 5-10 ...... ; .; kamers „...... , ...... - .,- 10,00 , rooms' .._ ..._ _ _ . .. (a) 1 -4 .....• '..- 5,00 . (c) Vir elke bykomende 10 kamers (b) 10 . , 5- rooms -- 10,00 . of gedeelie 'U. - daarvani bykomen- ' ' (c) For every additional 10 looms or de - ' • 3,00 . . . ' .. • :. • • _. __ _ __ part 'thereof, add - - 3,00 (3) Woonstelle: I - . • - (3) Flats: . . . .' - . . (a) 1 10 woonstelle 20,00 (.. .

, . (a) 1 -10 flats - 20,00 , - . : . (b) Vii elke bykomende 10 woon- stelle of gedeelte daarvan, 'n by- . (b) For every additional 10 flats or . ' ' • • 5,00 - part thereof, 'add ..._ _ .•..._ ...:_ 5,00' •komende. - • ' • - - ! • 46. Verhuurdiens _ 10,00 46, . Hiring service . ._. 48: Verkoopsoutainaathouer ------15,00 48, Vending machine keeper ...... , __, _ 15,00 ... - 49.: Vermaaklikheidsplek 25,00. 49. :Place of entertainment . 25.00 ' - 50.- 'Vishandelaar en bakker 25,00 50:Fishmonger and fish frier:._ ...... _....2...... 25,00:

- ' ' - 51; Voedselvervaardiger 30,00 51. Food manufacturer ...... _... _1 .....• .'...... __: 30,00' •• ,. .• , .. en planiehandeliat _ 10,00 51 Fruit; vegetable and plant dealer _ __ ...... 10,00 . 52.: Vrugte-,. groepte-

• __ ._ _ _ • of droogskoonmaker 20,00 53. Launderer or dry-cleaner ..... — __ ..._ 2000 53:;Wasser ._ ..... r.• - - ' - - • 5ry4.. Wasse .01 droogskoonmakery Ontvangs- 54. 'Laundry or thy-cleaning receiving depot . 5,00 • -depot • • • • • 5,00 ..._ _.. __ _ _ _ - • . 55. Workshop ..... _ _ ...... : 20,00 - ' 4 551 Werkswinkel _. ...._ '__ ...... - _ _... _ _ 20,00 ' - - • : - - . - - . , PB. 2-4-2 97 116 . PB. 2 4-2-97-116 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 16 NOVEMBER.1977 3773

Administrator's Notice 1751 . 16 November,.1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1751 - •16 November. 1977


1. The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 1. Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge ar- of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes tikel 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, that the' Town Council of Verwoerdburg has, in terms 1939, dat die Stadsraad van Verwoerclburg die Stan- of section 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance, adopted with- daardverordeninge Betreffende Kafees, Restaurante en out amendment the Standard By-laws Relating to Eethuise, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing ' Cafes, Restaurants and Eating-houses, published under 492 van 27 April 1977, ingevolge artikel 96bis(2) van - Administrator's Notice 492, dated 27 April, 1977, as genoemde Ordonnansie sonder wysiging aangeneem het by-laws made by the said Council. as verordeninge wat deur genoemde Raad opgestel is.

2. Chapters 10, 14 and 15 of the Public Health By- 2. Hoofstukke 10, 14 en 15 van die Publieke Gesond- laws of the Verwoerdburg Municipality, published un- heidsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Verwoerdburg, der Administrator's Notice 148, dated 21 February, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 148 van 21 1951, as amended, are hereby deleted. Februaric 1951, soos gewysig, word hierby geskrap. PB. 2-4-2-22-93 PB. 2-4-2-22-93

Administrator's Notice 1752 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1752 16 November 1977

VERWOERDBURG MUNICIPALITY: ADOPTION MUNISIPALITEIT VERWOERDBURG: AANNAME OF AMENDMENT TO STANDARD FINANCIAL VAN WYSIGING VAN STANDAARD-FINANSIELE BY-LAWS. VERORDEN INGE. • ...... The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes 101 van Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat die Stadsraad van Verwoerdburg that the Town Council of Verwoerdburg has in terms ingevolge artikel 96bis(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie, die wysiging van of section 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance, adopted the die Standaard-finansiele Verordeninge, afgekondig by amendment to the Standard Financial By-laws, published Administrateurskennisgewing 439 van 6 April 1977, aan- under Administrator's Notice 439, dated 6 April, 1977, geneem het as verordeninge wat deur genoemde Raad . ' as by-laws made by the said Council. opgestel is.: . •• • PB. 2-4-2- 173-93 PB. 2-4-2-173-93

• Administrator's Notice 1753 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1753 16 November 1977


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 - Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes 101 van die Ordonnansie, op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, that the Town Council of Verwoerdburg has in terms dat die Stadsraad van Verwoerdbtirg ingevolge artikel of section 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance, adopted the 96bis(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie, die wysiging van. • amendment to the Standard Food-handling By-laws, die Standaardvoedselhanteringsverordeninge, afgekondig published under Administrator's Notice 378, dated 30 by Administrateurskennisgewing 378 van 30 Maart March, 1977, as by-laws made by the said Council. 1977, aangeneem het as verordeninge wat deur genoem- de Raad opgestel PB. 2-4-2-176-93 PB. 2-4-2-176-93

Administrator's Notice 1754 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1754 16 November 1977

NORTHERN JOHANNESBURG REGION AMEND- NOORDELIKE JOHANNESBURGSTREEK-WYSI- MENT SCHEME 687. GINGSKEMA 687. • The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 89(1) Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die be- of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, palings van artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps- declares that he has approved an amendment scheme, beplanning en Dorpe, '1965. dat by 'n wysigingskema being an amendment of Northern Johannesburg Region synde.'n wysiging van Noordelike - lohannesburgstreek- Town-planning Scheme, 1958,,comprising the same land dorpsaanlegskema 1958, wat uit dieselfde grond as die as included in the township of Paulshof Extension 2.. dorp Paulshbf Uitbreiding 2 bestaan, goedgekeur het. Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart 3 en die sketnaklousules van die wysigingskema - scheme are filed with the Director of Local Govern- word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaas- •

3774 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, - 16 NOVEMBER,' 1977 • . . . .

ment, Pretoria and the Clerk,.Town - Sandton• and are like • BeStuur;:- Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Sandton en open for inspection at all reasonable times. is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op redelike tye. alle II This amendment is known as Northern Johannesburg Hierdie wysiging staan.bekenci as Noordelike Johan-

Region Amendment Scheme 687. . nesburgstreek-wysigingskema 687/ . . PB. 4-9-2-116-687 PB. 4-9-2-116-687

• • . . : . , .

. - , , . • . _...... ' Administrator's Notice 1755 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1755 16'November 1977 ...... •

...... , . .. - PRETORIA AMENDMENT SCHEME 38. . ‘... . PRETORIA-W,YSIG1NGSKEMA 38. , . .

I . . • , . . . The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 89(1) Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die be- of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance,' 1965, palingnan artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps- declares that he has approved an amendthent Scheme, beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, dat. by 'ti wysigingskema being an amendment of Pretoria Town-planning syndc 'n wysiging van Pretoria-dorpsbeplanningskema Scheme :1974, comprising the same land as included in 1974, wat nit .dieselide grond as die dorp Florauna Uit- the township of Florauna Extension 2. breiding 2 bestaan, goedgekeur het.

Map .3 and the scheme 'clauses of the .amendment Kuart 3. en die - skemaklousules van die wysigingske- scheme are filed with the Director of Local Govern- ma word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van ment, Pretoria' and the Town Clerk, Pretoria and are Plaaslike Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Pretoria 4 ' open for' inspeCtion at alt. reasonable times. en is beskikbiar vir inspeksie bpalle'redelike tye. This amendment is known as Pretoria Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoria-wysiging-

• Scheme 3.8. • skema 38; • . • . .PB..4-9-2-3H-38 ,.• . ..:. - .. - •,,, ,•• .,, PB. 4-9-2-3H-38 ' • ., . „ - - - , , . ' • • • • ...... , . ., . ' Administrator's Notice 1756 16 November, 1977 AdmMistrateurskennisgewing 1756 16 November 1977

: . . , . . . .

PERI-URBAN AREAS AMENDMENT SCHEME 10. BUITESTEDELIKE . GEBEEDE-WYSIGINGSKEMA 10...... The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 89(1) • of the' Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, . Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die be- palings van die - declares that he has approved an amendment scheme, eatirtikpeol r8p9e( Onvgsn atOcidyon,nnansiseigoipngDskoerpmsa - - - Urban plan. - being .au peri Areas 'Town synPde. • amendment 'of : !n WYsigini van, Buitestedclike debiede-dorpsbe- ning Scheme. '1975, , comprising the same lind as in- as die ' - planningskema, 1975, wat uit dieselfde grond eluded in the township of Ifafi: dorp Ifafi bestaan, goedgekeur 'het.

' ' I - Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the ameiminient Kaart13 en die skemaklonSules van' die wysigingsfre- 4 schethe are filed with the Director of Local Govern- . ma word in bewaring :gehoti• dear die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur,'Pretorien die' Sekretaris, Transvaal- went, Pretoria and the'Secretaiy, TransVaal Board for : 'r die OntWilckeling van BuiteStedelike Ge the pevelopment. of Ped-Urban Areas and' are open for bseiedReaaedni Ts beskikbaar vir insneksie op alle redelike - inspection at all. reasonable times.: . . tyc. , . • . This amendment is known as „ Areas Pen-Urban ! Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Buitestedelike Ge- Amendment Scheme 10. ',biede:WysigingSkema 10...... PB. 4-9-2-111-10 . PB. 4-9-2-111-10

- . Administrator's Notice 1757 16 November,.1977 , Administrateurskennisgewing 16 - November • . 1757 1977 . 2. ..


...... , .. , . ..

- - • - - In. •terms T.of. section 69 of .the Town-planning and ; Ingevolge- artikeI 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps Townships Ordinande; 1965 (Ordinance. 25: of. 1965),- beplanning 'en - Ddrpe; 1965k(Ordormansie• 25 van 1965); - - ' the Administrator hereby declares Floramia.E:Aten.sion. verklaar' die Administrateur hierby die dorp Florauna 2 TOWnshim to' beC'an"approved township subject tb the. Uitbreiding 2 tot ''n goedgekeurde dorp onderWorpe : • • - - - "4 conditions the _Schedule hereto. . i ztam die voorwaardes uiteengesit. in die bygaande Bylae. set out in ' - . . ' ' ';1:1•` -' .:) - - - - I :II - - f) T.''' 1 •' '. ' ''' 1 •,:::1 ift'.' "•..: J• . M.4 2-2-3587 PB. 4-2-2-3587 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 16 NOVEMBER 1977 3775


..The, name of the township shall be Florauna Exten- .Die haamr van die dorp is , Florauna Ilitbreiding 2.

sion 2. . , . ' (2) Ontwerp. (2) Design. ' .3 • • Die dolt' bestaan uit erwe en _Strafe soon aangedui The township shall consist of erven and streets as op Algemene Plan L.G. A.5849/71. on General Plan S.G. indicated A.5849/71. . • - ..' '.(3). Vfriedtkiterdreitietitig en 'Strdte. (3) P.„ 'Sloth:water Drainage and Street's. (a) . Die goedgekeurde "skermi befreffende vloedwater- - (a) The approved scheme relating to stormwater drain dreiriering en' mile' tan strate moet op eie koste age and the construction of streets shall be carried uitgevoer word. deur die dorpseienaar nemens en

• •out by the township owner at her own expense ; ....slot voldoening van die plaaslike bestutit onder toe- • on behalf and to the satisfaction of the local autho- .. . sig: van 'n siviele ingenieur wat goedgekeur is deur City under the. supervison of a civil 'engineer ap- . .• die plaaililce bestuur. proved by the authority. .. local • (b) Die dorpseienaar. is aanspreeklile vii die onderhoud (b) The township owner shall be responsible for the van die Striae en bevredigende thegang tot die maintenance of the. streets and satisfactory access erwe tot tyd en wyl hierdie aanspreeklikheid deur to the erven, until such time as this responsibility • die plaaslike bestuur oorgeneem is. l• is taken over by the local authority. .' . .. (4),Begiftiging: (4) Endowment. Betaalbaar aan die Tranivrtalie Ohderwysdeparte-

meat: • ' Payable to the Transvaal Education Department: . Die die • dorpsdienair Moot krtigtens b'ePalings van The township. owner shall in terms of the provisions 62 'en. 63(1)(i)' van ' die Ordonnansie Op Dorps- of sections 62 and 63(1)(a) the Town-planning and of beplanning en Dorpe. 1965, 'n globale bedrag begifti- Townships Ordinance, 1965, pay a lump sum endow- ging aan die 'Transvitalse Onderwysdepartetneht betaal ment the Education to Transvaal Department on the op die grondwaarde van spesiale woonerwe in die dorp. land value of special residential erven of the township. a Die grootte van hierdie grond word bereken deur • The area of this land shall be calculated by multi- ' 48,08 m2. te vermenigvuldig met die petal spesiale woon- plying 48,08 in by the number of: special residential erwe in die dorp. erven in the township. Die Waarde van die grond moet bepaal word krag- The value of . the land shall .be determined in terms tens die be palings van artikel 74(3) en sodanige be- of the provisions of section 74(3) and such endowment giffiging. is betaalliaai kragten§ die bepalings van at- shall be payable in terms of the provisions of section tikel 73 ithi genoenide Ordonitansie. . 73 of the said Ordinance. . . (5) - , . . Beskikking oor Bestainide Titelvobrwaardes. . (5) Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title. Alle erwe moet, onderworpe gemaak word be- - aan All erven shell' be made subject to existing condi- staande voorwiardes en SerWitute, indica enige, met tions and servitudes, if any, including. the. reservation inbegrip van die voorbehoud van mineraleregte maar uitgesbndid:.= ' ' . hi • of rights minerals, but excluding: . .. . (a) The following servitudes whieli' do riot affeet• the (a' - Die vOlgende serwitute 'watt the die dorPsgebied township area: raak nie: . (i) "Die eiendom hieronder getransporteer is on- (i) "Die eiendom hicronder getransporteer is on- derworpe aan die reg ten gunste van die . derworpe aan die reg ten, gunste van die . t - ' ., .. 'Stadataact Van Pretoria, mit elektrisileib disc d16' : •StailstaadT Vars.Pit:brut; oin elektrisiteit Ocii die' - : .: gesegde eiendom te vervoer, - tesameCmet by- . . • gesegde .eiendem te vervoer, tesame met by- - , en _ . .komende regte onderhewig: aan.- die 4condi- : . cicomende . regte en onderhewig atm die kondi-

, sies sods Meer ten voile sal : sies sobs. sal blyk . blyk uit Notairible - - . weer.ten ,voile uit Notariele Akee' No: 267%5I-S, met hart afskrifie char- • Akte NO: 267/51-S, met kaart afskrifte claar- aan geheg, geregistreer on 2'8 Maitt49511.,; , aan geheg, geregistredf Op' 28' Maart 1951."; 3776 16 NOVEMBER, - 1977 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, ' _ ... . .

(ii) "subject to a servitude. in favour of the said . : (ii) "subject to a. servitude in favour of the said Portion 88 to erect and maintain an electric . Portion 88 to erect and maintain an electric A power line ,along, over or under the property i . - -, , power line along,• over or under the property .. • . ' I . - . hereby transferred, along, either of: hereby transferred, along, either of the ' the : :. . : 'thereof the pOints in-: boundaries thereof between the points in- i „:. r. - boundaries between . ' • - dicated by. the letter BC or A.•D on Diagram . .'..:,.".dicated by: the' - or A: D on 'Diagram - ' letter" BC A. No. annexed said Deed of . ..." annexed' to the said Deed of 2769/30 to.- the- A..No:2769/30 . - , Transfer No. 1778/1933.'1; - , .. .Transfer No. 1778/1933.7; ' • ` to -20 I (iiijt - - (iii) "subject a servitude of right of way - ;', `subjeet. to' a 'servitude of right; of way 20 Cape feet wide in favour of the 'said- fortiori 1 ji r - , Cape : feet Wide in -favour of the said Portion ' 88 (a - portion of the said Portion 2 named 1 88 (a portion. of . the said'. Portion 2 named Grafenheim of Portion A of Portion B) ; Grafenheim of Portion A of Portion B) • • of the said farm Witfontein No. '301, measur- 1 :'of the said. farm Witfontein ;No.. 301, measur- ing 5,0040 morgen, held by virtue of the . ing 5,0040 morgen, held by virtue of the said Deed of Transfer No. 1682/1945, as ! said Deed of . Transfer No. 1682/1945, as indicated by the figure Abcd on Diagram ; indicated by the figure Abcd on Diagram . - - • S.G. No. 2769/30 annexed to Deed:of Transfer 1 - :" 'S.G. No. 2769/30 annexed to Deed of Transfer No. 1778/1933."; No. 1778/1933.";

. .. . . (b) the following rights' which will not be passed on (b) die volgende regte wat nie ,aan die erwe in die to the erven•in the township: •• - .. ... _ • dory oorgedra sal word nie:" . .. -. • . ,. (i) "Entitled to .st servitude to erect and maintain • 'Or "Entttled to a servitude to erect, and maintain ; an ,electric, power line along,p over; or under an electric power line along; over or under Portion 88' (a portion of the siaiflortion 2 Portion 88 (a portion of the said Portion 2 narneeGiefertheim) of Portion A 4 named Grafenheim) of Portion A:. of Portion ! of Portion - .. - B of the said farm Witfontein No. 301, held ! - *:•-;'.. ..13 of the said cfarm Witfontein .No. 301, held • - - . . by virtue .of the said Deed. of Transfer: No. ; .. c by virtue Of. the said Deed of Transfer. No. -• • - - .of the , 1.682/1945,. -along boundaries , 1682/1945, along either of the.• boundaries i . : - ' , either 1 - - by the . thereof. .between the points indicated. by the i :. ;:• .- thereof, betWeen, ,the points indicated - - letters BC Or .Diagram S.G. No. letters BC or AD on. Diagram S.G. .No. A. ! : .... AV on A. 88 the , . said Portion 88 annexed to 3786/44 of the; said Portion annexed to . 3786/44 of ,the ..the • ' ' ' '-' ' • said Deed of 'Trnsfera No. 1682/1945."; said Deed 'of•• ; • Trailer No.'1682/1945." - • . . , . - to a right (ii) "entitled to a servitude of right of way 20 i ) 00 "entitled servitude a of way 20 ; • Cape feet wide over .the aforesaid Portion 88 - ; : Cape feet wide„ over . the :aforesaid Portion 88 along; the, line between.the.pOints indicated by along; the line between the points indicated by : ' - the letters D. on the aforesaid Diagram the letters •A D on the aforesaid Diagram : -A' S.G. No. A.3786/44."; , - - ... S.G. No. A.3786/44.7;.

I to a servitude ..to ;lay and maintain (iii) "entitled to a servitude to lay and maintain' (iii)" '.entitled a pipeline for the conduct of water over • the • a pipeline 'for the conduct' of water over 'the • . . - - . : said 'Portion 88,, along the boundary .between . said Portion 88,' along the boundary. 'between •1 - , i i- •" - ,, Abe. points indicrited•_by the letters BC on the ,.. the points indicated by the lettersBC the ' on • • ' • t, . • . .. .. Diagram No. aforesaid Diagram, No., A.3786/44.7; • aforesaid A.3786/44.". .. . • • ' • - - - : . ; i . , (6) NO/coming Voorwaardes. (6) :v.en. . Enforcement of Conditions."" I " - . 1. — • . . ; Die dorpseienaar moet1 die stigtingsvoorwstardes na- I The township owner shall observe. the conditions of koni doen te sorg dat - :en •m' riet ,die, nodige.:itappe om establishment and shall take the necessary steps_ to - , die. titelvoorwaarnes en enige ander voorwaardes opge- secure the enforcement of the conditions of title and le kragtens 62 ' artikel van Ordonriansie 25 van 1965, any other conditions imposed in terms of section 62 - ' riagelrom' word: Met' dien verstande- dat die Administra of Ordinance 25 of '1965:•Provided that the Administra- teur die bevoegdheid besii om • die. dorpseienaar .an the 'power to relieve the- township owner tor shall have i alnial.• of enigeen van die verpligtings te onthef - - en om of all or any of the obligations' and lo vest such 'obi2sosodanige verpligtings by enige ander persoon of lig- - - gations in any ,other person , or corporate body, ,: :gaam met regspersoonlikheid te laat berus...... ' . . • ' ''' - 1 - • 2; CONDITIONS' OF ; TITLE:: - - , . , 2. - • - - , WELy00EWAAEDES. : - • . - - - - I ' Die erwe Ineronder - aangedui. is oriath .vorpe aan die 'The undermentioned erven Shall`be subject to Ili& ' ' - conditions indicated, imposed by the Admiiiistrator in !voorwaardes soos miteengesit, •ropgele 'deur die -Ad: - - . ingeyolge op. Dorpsbe- ; terts of the Town planning. and Townships Ordin- inrinistrateur die ,,Ordonnansie. 1965: ance, 1965. - - • • !planning en Dorpe, ' " ' - • - - . (1) All'Erven: Ile Eriv . , • J. . (a) The erf is. saject, to acservitudc. 2.m .wide, in ,(a).. Vie erftia an`derworrie .aan 'n serwituut,.2 in breed, - - .' favour' of the docal authority, for sewerage and ! .. virfiriolerings- .en; ander: munisipale doeleindes, ten . . - . .. ; - municipal purposes, along any' two - bounda- :' gunStes fay_ die plstaslike bestuur, langs enige twee 'other, ' A - ries other •than' a street boundary,''as determined ; 'grease iiitgeianderd 'n straatgrens; .sods deur die ' - ' • authority. „ _... . 111r . . by the loCal •, bepaal. • - -' Pliaslike heal


(b) No building or other structure shall be erected (b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur. mag binne die voor- • ...within the aforesaid servitude area and no large- noemde scrwituutgebied opgerig word the en geen die so- , ' grootwortelbeme mag binne gebied van rooted trees shall be planted within the area of danige serwituut of binne n afstand van 2 m - servitude or m . ' such. within '2 thereof. .daarvangeplant word nie. • (c) ,The local authority shall be entitled to deposit '. (c) Die .plaaslilce bestuur is geregtig - om enige mate- .:TernPorarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid - - riaal wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die , Servitude such material as may be excavated by • . aanleg, onderhoud of verwydering. van sodanige - during the course. of the construction, main- • -rioolhoofpypleidings en ander werke as wat by na ' it . . teriance or removal of such sewerage mains and . goeddunke noodsaaklik ag tydelik to pleas op die other works as it in its discretion may deem grond wat aan die voornoemde serwituut grens necessary and shall further be entitled to reasonable en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot re- - .:., access:to: the. said. land for the aforesaid purpose, . delike toegang tot genoemde grond vir die veer- '• i. subject to' any damage done during the -process noemde doel; onderworpe daaraan dat die plaaslike - . - - of.. the . construction; maintenance or removal of "bestitur enige skade vergoed wat gedurende die such sewerage mains and other works being made aanleg, onderhoud 'of verwydering van sodanige good by the local authority. rioolhoofpypleidings en ander werke veroorsaak . : • • . .. word: • . - (2) 373. . , Er/ , - - , - .. - . . • , , (2) 373. . .. .„ . . .. Erf - . is subject to a servitude 3,75 m wide in The erf Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut 3,75 meter favour of the local authority along the eastern boun- breed, ten. gunste van die plaaslike bestuur langs die • IIdary thereof. , . , , oestelike grens. daarvan. .. . . • - • • t" , . . AdMiniitrater's Notice 1758 16 NoVember, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1758 16 November 1977


. .. , ' .- . , In terms of section 0 - of the Town-planning and IngeVolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnanaie op Dorps- Townships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), bpplanning eti Dorpe, 1965 (Ordennaiisie 25 van 1965), the 'Adthinistrator hereby declares Ifafi Township to be verkluar die Administrateur hierby die ' dorp Han tot 'n an approved township subject to the conditions set out . gnedgekeurde dorp. onderworpe inn die, votirwaardes in the Schedule hereto. i' - uiteetigesit in die. bygaatide - Byltte, ' • ' ' II ' - . PB. 44-24151 ". • PB. 4-2-24151 . ' ' . . . • . .' ' - ; . 'SCHEDULE.. - ...... ' - CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE- MADE 'BY IFAFI ONTWIKKELINGS (EIENDOMS) DOEN DEUR. IFAFI ONTWIKKELINGS (EDMS.) ' BEPERK UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE .BEPERK INGEVOLGE. DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE - TOWNtPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDIN- ORDONNANSIE : OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN ANCE, 1965, FOR PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH DORPE, 1965,• OM TOESTEMMING OM 'N DORP A .TOWNSHIP ON PORTION I OF THE FARM TE STIG OP GEDEELTE 1 VAN DIE PLAAS IFAFI • 457- PROVINCE TRANSVAAL, NO. 457- - ..IFAFI. N0..' 1Q.. 1Q.. PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL, TOEGE HAS BEEN GRANTED. , STAAN IS. . - . . ' . 1.' CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT.' 1. STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES.

. . . . - ' ' . - • (1) Name. ,aam. . . .' • • (1) N

• • .The' name of the township shall be Ifafi. Di&nazil nr tan die dorp is Ifafi. . • . . . . c . . . .. • ' • . „ . '(2) Design. ' (2) Ontwerp. • . ., . . - . .... ' - The townshircshall consist of erven and. streets as - Die .dorp bestaan uit erwe' en strate soos aangedui indicated ,on General Plan S.G. A.5863/76.: - . •op Algethezie Plan - L.G.'.A.5863/76. • , • • . , . . „ . . - ' '- '; . (3) Stoimwater Drainage and Street Construction. (3) Stdrinwaferdreinering- • en Straalbou: .. . r . . . (a): The. township_ owner shall on. request ,by- the local .(a) Die dorpseienaar moet op verseek.van die plaaslike - authority submit to such authority for. its. approval, - -. be.stuttr...faam sodanige.. bestuur 'n gedetailleerde - aidetalled scheme complete with plans, sections and -; .skema volledig ;met planne, deursned en spesifika- • , !ri. . specifications, prepared by a civil engineer sies,. opgestel deur siviele ingenieur wat deur die am - proved by the local, authority, for the .tollection • •.. plaaslike bestuur goedgekeur Is, vir die opgaar en • : and . disposal . of stormwater throughout. the town- . afvoer van stormwater deur die hele chirp deur . ship by means of properly constructed works and • middel van .behoorliE aangelegde werke en vir die • - for the construction. tarmacadamising, kerbing . . aan18; teermacadamisering, 'beranding en kanalise-

, and channelling of the streets therein together with . Ting•iart die•strate daarin, Sesame. met •die verskaf- '3778 PROVE4CIAL'GAZETTE, 116 NOVEMBER,' MT.

• • the provision of such retaining walls as may be • fing van sodanige keermure as wat. die plaaslike

,..considered. necessary by the local authority. Fur- , • bestuur troclig ag, vir goedkeuring v.00rle..Verder thermore, the scheme shall d indicate the route and moet doe skema die mete en, helling aandui deur • gradient by 'which each erf 'gains •access. to the middel wadvan elke erftoegang tot die aangren- - street on which it abuts: '•, . sende straat "verkrY. • • • , (b). The township, .owner shall immediately • after the . (b) dorpseienaar moeConmiddellik nadal die"skema scheme has been approved by the local authority i del* die plaaslike bestuur gbedgekeui is, die'llcema carry out the. scheme. at its own; eipense on - behalf orei& koite namens en tot bevrediging 'van die and .to - the, Satisfaction of the local authority. un- Olaaslikebestuur, toesig 'siviele inge- - der the supervision of a' 'civil.. engineer:approved deur goe'dgeteur, uit- • ,,by . the; local authority. . • . . • • • • • • • • 4 • 1 • to iespnesible the is shje owner :shall be for: ! (c)f.Die.,dorpseienaar verantwoordelik. vir. die instand- - • :.!Ppigitertanep the skigets to.. the satisfaction. of van.. die4 strated. tot bevrediging van die - the. 031' authority until the streets have - _been plaaslike bestuur • totdat. die "strate ooreenkomstig out subklorisuld..(b) gebou:is. di * - d; as set• stibelanse ! .eonstrktecl ; • ••; ty I •:t t; " (4) Disposal of Exeistingj Conditions Of (4) Beskikking oar Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes. All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions Alle erwe moet onderWorpe 'gemaak word aan be- ' and servitudes, if any, • in,clinling the reservation of staande voorwaardes en serwitute, as dear is, met inbe- Kights, to minerals, tmt . - • griplVan die vciorbehbud van die' regte op dminerale, • • ' • maarrnitgesonderd d:. d; " (a). the following rights .din, respect of the Remainder.

of Portion 1 of the farm Hartebeestpoort• 4824.Q . (a) die volgende regte ten. gpsjgteyalt die Restant van - - which will not' be pasted halo the erven in the ; Gedeelte 1 van die plais Hallebeestpoort 482-J.Q. township: . , d, wat. nje Ran erwe oorgedra clAc in die .dorp, sal. word nie• (i) "Gezegd gedeelte gemerkt "H" van het noor- • getnelde (*Os. ,•• (i);"Gezegd gedeelte•gemerkt "H" kan; bet knoor- ' „deli% Gedeelte van. 'root 24;0942 hektaar tezameti met gedeelte gemerkt ; delijk Gedeelte van gemelde plaats, groot "7" van het, noordelijk • , jiektaar. tezamen met gedeelM.gemerkt " " Gedeelte van semelde ••' ' ' 20942' " "' " .24 "'a het ipoorde - "d van .gente plaats. scoot .1071"'"hektaar, igetransperteer., ; ,..van"h 11 Gedeelte, paragraaf is, gerechtigd , groot hektaar, getransporteerd ender , licervan, ; „.plaats. d‘1,10,71. , gerechtigct in ,1 gqiiIck; delen, tot; het water O•d0 4.01 ill 4e i 9P4Ar .paragraat 'hiervan. ' " ' •'Engelbiechis Loop, bp,:het ReStecrend Gedeilte, gelijke delen, tot het water dnit cle:.darA. int de < , van, gedeelte van'het "rzuid:oostelijk Gedeelte !(:, .{.4rigelbrechts Loop op het Resteerend Gedeelte van gemelde plaats groot als zoodanig 253,6249 van gedeelte van het zuid-oostelijk Gedeelte hektaar, getransporteerd aan Johan. Hendrik • ' van gemelde plaMs,,gropttals zoodanig 253,6249 Schoeman en zds anderen onder Acte van : hektaar getransporteerd 'aan Johan Hendrik

Transport, No. 2347/1911 en hebben het recht ; zes, (Act; , van • Schoeman en anderen; „onder •",) "getiogd water. Vervoeren'‘door•middel' talrirde hebben het SO( •',',/:Tic4spOrt,'' • No..`2341/1911 c;':thatil•bestaancld watervOM; Van af geieg•de • to yervbereti 'door middel van de ''.1 gczegd Walser ..tNett gdiegde 'Resteetend .Ge'deelte. van het mild: • gezegde dam ' thanS beStaMide watervoor van at onitelijk _Gedeelte. van geMelde plaits; .•geided Gedeelte Van, het znid- . Resteelend. Gedeeltd van)het nOordelijk Gedeel- ' •./ociStelijk, 'Gedeelle 'Van gemettletplaals,, gezegcl. tottLop.gemelde gedeelten• gemerkt ”H"' , Resteerend Gedeelte,,' van het rthordelijk Ge- ' • ' ' • - • • ; ": • •''' • • I 'I'dedlte tot oP gernelde getteolten gemerkt' "H"' III • • " , • • , en "J". (ii) "Gezegd Resterend Gthdeelte van het noordelijk (ii) Gedpelte. yam gemelde, pleats is serechtigd tot ,6-19.ezegd:Resterend Gedeeltelinrhet noordelijk het' recht Ivan ee'n' Watervooi komende van af Gedeelte van gemeldi plaafs is gerechtigd tot de dam in de Krokodilrivier op gedeelte ge- het recht van eep, waterwoor" komende van af merkt "B" van. gemelde• plaats groat 10,2784 • de dam in de Krokodilrivier op gedeelte ge- hektaar getranspmmerd,.aan, de, gezegdeljehan merkk.ttlr. van. gemeldo pleats .groot. 10;2784 Hendrik Schoethan en - zes ander — en onder hektaar getransporteerd aan de gezegde Johan — Acte van Transport. No. 2347/1911 en loopen- Hendrik Schoemartjen (zes ander en onder de aan de oostekarif Van de Krokodilrivier . Acte van Transpo'rt No. 2347/1911 en loopende ,;,over,.. gedeelte van_ het zuidroosteltik. Gedeelte ; 'oostekant vain dehKiokodittivier over van gemelde.. plaats, - 495,2397f hektaar;.. gededte2; tad - het ..zttidicioStelijki‘ Gedeelte • Van. geregistreerd ten name van Johannes Petrus gemelde plaats, groot 495,2397 hektaar gere- ten..•papre dn. Toil.; onder Aste..,van Transport No. 4114/ • ,,„„.gistreprd van Johannes Petrus:du 1908; gedeelte gemerkt "B" van het noorde- • Toitonder Acte van Transport No. 4114/1908, 'van. het: noordelijk • GC- Gedeelte. van gemelde• plaats; groot 26,6953. ';::.; 'gedeelte'gemerkt :"B" -

; . - vref; : hektaar; 'getransporteerd aan F- neirm Sehoe- rdeeltdvVarii gemelde plaats, groat 26;6953" hek- - ,. jongedochter;; onder. Adte -Van Transport gotianstorteerdt.aan man, - Fraricirm.Sehoeman No.:2343/19111, gedeelte geletterd: N - 0 P - Flentedcichtert onciee•Acte dVan - Transport;' No. ' ": • - - :tr P 'van r. vamSedeelte/gemerkt '"E"' van het noordelijk -'1.234371911; gedeeftelf- geletterd. M N 0 Gedeelte van genelde.plaats, groot 23,8744 hek- ' ,• 7.1;i ;'•gedeeltd..gernerkt.; F9"van het' noordelijk Ge- '• taar, getransporteerd: an Karel •Pieterl.derard gemelde - plaats,"sreoti 23;8744r.hek- ...Schoen:rail; dionder, -Ade. Van. - Transport; -No. I tamirgetransPortherd •aan, Karel) Pieter Gerard - - ' • ;2338119.11: tote op het Resterende: Gedeelte Nan l clibr i J;SchOemari;:flander:1•Acte ; van! transportr•No. - I


. - : r ] .• het noordelijk :Gedeelte 'van gemelde plaats - z - 2338/1911 -Mt op' heiltesterthde Gecteelle van welke servituut is omschreven in Acte van_Ser- • .•!:; - het.. noordelijk Gedeelte van gemelde plaats

vituut No. " • - 1 1234.•• ' ; ...... welke servituut is, omschreven in Acte van Ser- . . - vaunt' No. 1234. (iii) /"Gezegd Resteerend bedeelte•vairlet- ndOrde- I ' • - - Wk. Gedeelte. van gemelde plaats (waarvan het • • (iii) "Gezegd•Resteerend Gedeelte van het noorde- ' ; " lij1c gemelde plaats (waarvan .. ,, eigendom ., hiermee getransporteerd 'n deel :: 1 Gedeelte van het

. . tezamen met het .Resteerend Gedeelte . getransporteerd'n deel . ; vormt) .. ..1. eingendoin ,,.hiermee , van gedeelte van het zuid-westelijk Gedeelte Want) tezamen met her ltestearend Gedeelte van gemelde plaatS great all'iodaiiige 240310 van' gadeelle 'van het zilid-miestelijk Gedeelte • :• „. . , hektaar„getransporteerd aan de gezegde Johan' •••• :..yap .gpmelde plaats groot als sodanige 246;9310

getransporteerd , de gezegde Hendrik. Schoeman ,en zes anderen onder. Acte i ri Li:vs thektaar aan Johan ' -. Hendrik Schoerpan zes. gilder Acte ,,, . van Transport No.. 2348/1911.. het Resterende :.:...- en anderen • , . j• gedeelte I --,... yAn ;Transport Not. 2348/1911i. het ' van. het :zuid-westelijk Gedeelte• van Resterende • i „ . gemelde.plaats, groot.als:zodanig. 326.2645 hek- , . Gedeelte,!van, fiet zuitl7westelijk Gedeelte., van i • ; , ,. . taar,, getransporteerd aan de, gezegde.. Johan i . . .• ... genial& plants,..groot, als zodanig 326,2645 hek- - . Hendrik, Schoeman •en zes andermonder:Acte • ! :... . taar .getransporteerd, aan de gezegde ,.Johan , , van .Transport No.: (2348/1911 .het Resteerend .1 . ..•.i, Hendrik Sehoerhan, en.: zes ancieren • onder ., ' ._.. het Acte.,Gedeelta van gedeelte , van _het: zuid-oostelijk i..van, Transport. No. 2348/1911 Resteerend 1 - •., . dedeeite.,van .gemelde .plaats,_ groot als. zooda- „ f. .„ 'Gerleelte van. gedeelie van het zuid opstelijk - ,.,„ nig 253i6249, hektaar, gedeelte gemerkt '"A" A:0 ; :dedeelip,yan gemeide plaats; gro,ot.als zpodanig ' , , ., ,van het zuid:oostelijk Gedeelta....vam.gemelde '• !..•...). 254;00. hektaar gedeelte gemerkt "A" van

- plaits groat 10,2784 hektaar, gedeelte gemerkt . het zuid-oostelijk Gedeelte van gemeida .plaats groot gedeelte gemerkt , "B" van gemelde plaats, groot 10,2784 hek- 10,2784 hektaar, "B" .•#, . tear, 'getransporteerd • • '• •r- Vail- geirield8 -Pltiats; grout 10,2784 hektaar ge- 1 den. de *.geitgde 'Johan ' ' ', •.:' ...•iratiaporteer& aan de, gezegde Hendrik Sehteman .en zes' andererisbnder Acte . Johan Hendrik ' ' • ; .1 van Transport gerechtigd 7"; 'Selibbiffin en le§ .• andelen onder Acte van - No.1'2347/1,911, OM :.1.• ' tot' een. date - warden gerintakt in de'Kro- Traitipdref' Nd. 2341/1911 Zit gerechtigd tot - . kodilrivier op een pleats te worden gekozen een dam te worden gemaalct in de Krokodil . '' ' - , cp.•gatieelte !van de eigertdomsplaata Welge- .. t•trivier ap.ten.plaatsi.te wotden gekozen on ge- • de eigendomsolaats ,. gund No. 481, gelegen in het district Pretoria, deelte van Welgegund No. • wijk) Xfbkodilrivier,' groat .1182,4425' hektaar .!. . . ,;481..gelagen in, het district, Pretoria; wijk Kro- ' • voieger dereiistreerd ten SO van; t iv . . .. .•• ;,kodilrivier, • groot 11.82,4425 hektaar vroeger - Beckett and Company Limited' onder' Acta ; getegistreerd ten, name, van T. W. Beckett and No. i Company Limited onder Ante van Transport, van Transport, 6323/1909 en .hebbelt het , ' een te gezegd ge- No. en hebbeii het recut den 'Water- recht watervoor maken' over 6323/1909 deelte van WelgegUnd op'-de. gedeelten voor te maken over gezegd gedeelte tdt , van .Wel- op de voormeld of een watervoor te maken over ge- ; gegund tot gedeelten Voorineld of een • - zegd gedeelte van Welgegund tot aan een wa- a watervoor to maketi ^oVer gezegd gedeelte van tervoor of dam op' eeni•stuk 'grond' hooge'r op: Welgegund tot aan een watervoor of dam op ' • de en. een stuk grond hooger bygelegenhen de ge- gelegen aan gezegde1Crokodilrivier- door middel 'Van' tulk watervcior het water" to leiden • zegde Krokodilriyier •en, door middel van zulk van of zulke dam of watervoor het tip. de ge- ; watervoor het water te leiden van of zulke dam deelten van Hartebeestpoort voormeld. . of watervoor .het dii dd gedeelten tan Harte- . beestpoort voormeld. - , - • . • ) De eigenaar Van gezegde gedeelte van Wel- '. ..'• . . . . D gegund zal indien de dam op gezegd gedeelte ! De .eigennar.van. gezegde gedeelte van Welge- gund zal indien de dam op gezegd gedeelte van . , . r. van Welgegund gebouwd wordt, hareeht heb- i • ' seilem;i• : • .• ,,,, .., , .: .. Welgegund gegebouwdyvordt, het recht hebben ben er op te rcieien en ....,. • , ee . ,itidi en' en stilen. . othe • . (iv) "De eigenaar van gezegd Resteerend Gedeelte ' - van het noordelijk Gedeelte van gemelde plaats (iv) "De eigenaar van gezegd Resteereiith•bedeelte ' ' (waarvan het eigeridoM hiermede getranspor- van het noordelijk Gedeelte van gemelde plaats 1 teer dee] . .vormt);. is (waarvan het. ;eigendoin hiermede getranspor- 'n gereehtigd tezanien. Met I - anderen..om een darn to bouwen en een wa- teer 'n deel vormt), is gerechtigd tezamen met , ' anderen om een..dcuri; te bouwen en een. water- tervoor le maken' ob .het 'Resteetend .Gedeelte.Gedeelte.1. . ' voor te maken op het Resteerend Gedeelte van van NO: &strict Pre- I . de' praats•Welgemin'd 481. - i. - 1 -•• • ' i• toria,' groot its zulks 1132,8349' hektaar 'zoy de pliers Welgegund 'No. 481; district Pretoria, 1 . - - - F - als meer ten volle blijken" zal nit I'Notariele ! : : .7:.gloOti.als bill:S.1132,8349 hektaar zoalS meer - • . . . .4...f; - ten •yelle•hlijkery zal Ate No. ' Acte No, 101/1912-S , gedateerd 25 April;. 1 uit Notariele

• S 1912.". 1 101/1912- gedateerd 25 April 1912." (b) the following right in respect of the Remaining•Ex- 1(b); die. volgende reg ten oosigte van, die. Resterende tent of Portion 3 of the farm Hartebeestpoort: 482- 1 ,ii...Ogdeelt e, van:; Gedeelte 3 van die. •plaas. Harte-

which will not be passed on to the erven in : .j*:sipoOrt.482-7.Q. Wat.nie,aan,die cum in die dorp J.Q. - • ' • ' • '• the' township; • .• . '• • . '. • . sal word nie: ..., •, oOrtedri n : " - • "And further soecially entitled to the full and ex- 1 .1`And 'further:. specially entitled to the full and elusive right to the existing darn water and water- ; exclusiveiright to the existing darn water and water- II° furrow in the . Jonkmansspruit . or ZWartspruit furrow. in the Jonkmansspruit or Zwartspruit si- '1:1 . situate on the Remaining Extent (measuringas. such - tuatecinothe.:RemainingtXtent (icieastiring as. such heetates5) - - "1.12,7724. of the' farm 'Syferfontein NO: 112/7724} liedtareS) of the farth"SyferfontehiNd. 241,


• ' 24; district Brits, with the right of access to the district Brits, with the right of access to the furrow ' - • : furrow and dam to .'repair .same. On condition and dam to repair same. On condition however 4 however that the owners' of the aforementioned that the owners of the aforementioned Remaining Remaining Extent of the farm Syferfontein shall . • Extent of the farm Syferfontein shall not be answer- ' not be 'answerable any damage, - which may be •• able. for any damage, which may be occasioned by for' ' ' occasioned by their cattle to the said lastmentioned their cattle to ' the said last:mentioned dam and dam and furrow,. all of which is more fully set furrow,: all of which is mole fully set out in Deed out in Deed of Transfer, No. • 1959/1905." of:Transfer'... No. 1959/1905." (c) the following right in respect of the Remaining ' (c) die' volgende reg ten opsigte van die 'Resterende - Portion of 'the farm Syferfontein 483-J.Q. which Gedeelte van • die pleas Syferfontein 483-J.Q. wat • - . Will not be passed on to the erven in the township: . nie aan die erwe. in 'die dorp oorgedra sal word nie: ' ' "De eigenaar van het Resteerend Gedeelte der ge- • "De eigenaar van het Resteerend Gedeelte der ge- melde pliats, groot als een , zulks honderd en twaalf , melde.plaats, groot als zulks een honderd en twaalf - komma sewe sewe twee vier hektaar (Waarvan het , komMa sewe sewe twee vier hektaar (waarvan het - eigendozn hiermede getransporteerd 'n del vormt), - . eigendom hiermede getransporteerd 'n deel vormt), ' is gerechtigd tezam'eriMet anderen om' een dam te is terechtigd rtelamen met anderen om een dam te ' . bouweit en een watervobr te maken op het Res- bouweit en een watervoor te maken op het Res- - teerend' de pleats Gedeelte van Welgegund No. ' teerend Gedeelte van de-plaats Welgegund No. 481, district Pretoria, groot ' 481, als zulks 1132,8349 hek- ' district Pretoria, groot als zulks 1132,8349 hektaar taar zooals meer ten Voile blijken zal uit Notarieele zooals meer• ten voile blijken zal 'uit Notarieele ' • ' Acte No. 101/1912-S." Acte No:101/1912-S." . ' •• - • (d) the • servitude • registered under Notarial Deed of • (d),• die ;serwituut geregistreer kragiens liotariele Akte I Seryitude.1C.3043/77-S 'in favour of the Transvaal Nan. Serwituut ,K.3043/77-S ten' gunste :van die Board for the Development .of Peri-Urban Areas - . Transvaalse Read .vir die Ontwikkeling van Suite- , which affects Ervez 442 and 443 only: • • .... stedelike ,Geblede wat slegs Erwe 442 en 443 raak. •• . .. . (5) Erven for State and Municipal Purposes. , (5) Enve.vir Statics- en Munisipale Doeleindes. . .

• life darpseietiaar•• Moet op eie koste•die volgende erwe The township owner shall at its own expense have the . algemeop dt•e soon ne 'plan aangetoon ail' die bevoegde following erven as shown on the general plan trans- owerhede oordra:" " • ferred to the proper authotities: • • (a)' Vir'Staatsdoeleindes: " • . , (a) For State purposes: - • • . • • • . (i). Algemeen: . .• . ... ;416. 1 (i) General: Erf 416. : 'Err • ' - (u)Ondenvysi ' • • . . . Erf 441. , (ii) Educational: Erf 441. .

: (b) Vir munisipale doeleindes: (b) For municipal purposes: , . ' t(i) Algemeen:. Erwe 132, 417 en 431. (1). General: Erven 132, 417 and 431. . 445 tot 452. • • (ii).Parke: Erwe (ii) . Parks: Erven 445 to 452. • Nakoming van Vereistes van die Beherende Gesag (6) the(6)Requirements Control- .• . Enforcement of of the Betreffende Padreserwes. ling Authority_ Regarding Road Reserves. ' I ;Die' diorpseienaar moot die Direkteur; Transvaalse • The township oWnei shall satisfy - the Director, Trans- Paaiedepartement; tevrecle stel betreffende die nakoming van sy vial Roads Department, regarding the enforcement of voorwaardes. . ' - . • . his .conditions...... , . . (7) 'Bcgiftiging. , .. ... , . . , - (7) Endowment. - Betaalbaar eau' die.plaaslike bestuur: . , . • ' dorpgeienaar.. ingevolge Payable to the local authority: Die' meet die bepalings van • . 4610 63(1) van die Ordonnansie op .Dorpsbeplanning The township owner shall in. terms of the provisions en Dorpe.- 1965, as begiftiging aan die plaaslike bestuur of section 63(1) of the Town-planning and - Townships .b.edme geld betaaltgelykstaande met . Ordinance, .1965,. :pay to the' local authority, as endow- (ail% van die grondwaarde van erwe in die dorp, ment sums of money equal to welke bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur aangewend - (a) 1% of the' land Value of erven in the township; - word vir die verkryging van grond vir 'n ' ...moet ' - I ' - 'which amount shall be used by the local authority .stOrtingsteirein;` ',. - • .. .. - - for the accuisition of land for a depositing - site; (b) I% van die grondwaarde van erwe: in die •dorp (b) 1% of the land value of erven in the township, i welke bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur aangewend which amount shall -be used by the local authority • Moe. word vir die verkryging van grand vir 'n be- ""'" for the acquisition of land for a cemetery. • - - • graafplaa.S. :Such endowment shall be paid, in accordance .with Sodanige begiftiging moet ooreenkomstig die bepalings I the provisions of section. 74 of the said Ordinance. van ariikal 74,van genoemde Ordonnansie betaal word. PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 16 NOVEMBER 1977 3781

• • (8) Restriction of the Disposal of Ed. - l• (8) Beperking op Vervreemding van Erf. IIThe township owner shall not dispose of Erf 444 to Die dorpseienaar mag nie Erf 444 aan edge persoon any person or corporate body other than the State of liggaam met regspersoonlikheid anders as die Staat without first having given written notice to the Director vervreem nie voordat hy die Direkteur, Transvaalse of the Transvaal Works Deparment of such intention Werkedepartement, skriftelik in kennis gestel het van and giving hint first refusal for a period of 6 months sodanige voorneme en die eerste opsie vir 'n tydperk to purchase the said erf at a mice not higher than that van 6 maande aan horn gegee het om die genoemde erf • at which it is proposed to dispose thereof to such per- aan te koop teen 'n prys wat nie hoer is as die prys son ,or corporate body. waarvoor dit die voorneme is om die erf aan sodanige persoon of liggaam met regspersoonlikheid te vervreem (9) Demolition of Buildings. nie.

The township owner shall at its own expense cause (9) Sloping van Geboue. all buildings situated within the building line reserves, Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste alle geboue gegee side spaces or over 'common boundaries to be demolish- binne boulynreserwes, kantruimtes of oor gemeenskap- ed to the satisfaction of the local authority, when re- like Irense laat sloop tot bevrediging van die plaaslike quired by the local authority to do so. begunr wanner die plaaslike bestuur dit vereis.

. . (10) Restriction on Transfer of Erven. (10) Beperking op Oordrag van Enve. The township owner shall not transfer any erf in the Die dorpseienaar mag nie enige erf in die dorp oor- until such time as a servitude of right of way dra nie tot tyd en wyl 'n serwituut van reg van weg ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur oor die Restant p'townshipin favour of . the .local authority over the Remainder of the farm Ifafi 457-J.Q. has been registered to pro- van die pleas Ifafi 457-J.Q. geregistreer is om toegang vide for access to the township to the satisfaction of tot die dorp te verleen tot bevrediging van die plaaslike . ' the local authority. . bestuur. (11). Nakoming van Voonvaardes. (11) Enforcement of Conditions. Die dorpseienaar moet die stigtingsvoorwaardes na- The township owner shall observe the conditions of kom en die nodige stappe doen om te sorg dat die titel- establishment and shall take the necessary steps to voorwaardes en enige ander voorwaardes opgele krag- secure the enforcement of the conditions of title and tens artikel 62 van Ordonnansie 25 van 1965 nagekom any other conditions imposed in terms of section 62 of word: Met dien verstande dat die Administrateur die . Ordinance 25 of 1965: Provided that the Administrator bevoegdheid besit om die dorpseienaar van almal of shall have the power to relieve the township owner of enigeen van die verpligtings te onthef en om sodanige all or any of the obligations and to vest such obligations verpligtings by enige ander persoon of liggaam met regs- in any other person or corporate body. • persoonlikheid te laat berus.


All erven with the exception of those mentioned in Alle erwe met uitsondering van die genoem in Klou- Clause 1(5) hereof shall be subject to the conditions sule 1(5) hiervan is onderworpe aan die voorwaardes hereinafter set forth, imposed by the Administrator hierna genoem, opgelO deur die Adminiitrateur kragtens ilunder the provisions of The Town-planning and Town- die bepalings van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning ships Ordinance, 1965. en Dorpe, 1965: . . (1) The erf is subject to a servitude, '2 ni wide, in (I) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut, 2 m favour of the local authority, for sewerage and other breed, vir riolerings- en' ander munisipale doeleindes, municipal Purposes, along any two boundaries other ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee grense uitgcsonderd 'n straatgrens, soos deur die pleas- than a street boundary as determined by the local e bestuur bepaal. a uthortiy.

Geen gebou . of ander struktuur mag binne r (2) No building or other(2) shall be erected die structure voornoemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen within the aforesaid servitude area and .no large-rooted grootwortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige trees shall be planted within the area of such servitude serwituut of binne 'n afstand van .2 m daarvan geplant or within 2'm thereof. • word nie.

(3) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit (3) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige mate- temporarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid ser- riaal wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, vitude such material as may be excavated by it during onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpyp- the course of the construction, maintenance or removal leidings en ander werke 'as wat hy na goeddunke nood- of such sewerage mains and other works as. it in its saaklik ag tydelik - te pleas op die grond wat aan die discretion may deem necessary and shall further be voornoemde senvituut grens en voorts is die plaaslike to reasonable access to the said land for the bestuur geregtig tot redelikc toegang tot genoemde aforesaid purpose, subject to any damage done during grond vir die voornoemde doel; onderworpe daaraan dat hpentitledthe process of the construction, maintenance or removal die plaaslike bestuur enige skade vergoed wat gedurende of such sewerage mains and other works being made die aanleg, onderhoud ' of verwydering van sodanige good by the local authority. rioolhoofpypleidings en ander werke veroorsaak word. 3782 PAQATThichkry GAZETTE,: 16 !NOVEMBER; 1977.

• Administrator's Notice 1759 . 16 November. 1977 Administruteprskeardsgewipg 1759 16 .November 1977

. • • • . DECLA1.ATION ,OF APPROVED .TOWNSHIP. .y*448.Mq GOEDGEKEURDE In terms of section 69 of the. Tewplanninig and .Iagevolge 4641 69. van die "Ordonnansie op Dorps- TownshipS' Ordinance. 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965);:the befthinning .pn Dorpe; 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), Adthimstratol hereby' declares Paulshof Extension 2 Verklaar. die 4dministrateur ihierhy die dorp Paulshof Township to be an apPrOVed township subject to 04. Ijithijeidj14.2 tor'n thedgekettide dorp onderworpe aan • eonditkons Ft,* , in flip. lierece. die voorwaardes uiteengesit in die. bygaande By/ae. . pi . . 4-2-24152 PR 4-2-2-4152 -:. • SCHEDULE. BYLAE.



. . • .•,., (1) Naomi . The township be name the ' Paulshof Exten- • ' ' " — sion 2. „ Die naam van die dorp is Paulshof Uitbreiding 2. • ' - . . • • . (2) Design. • (V Ontwerp van die Dorp The township 'shall. consist' of erven as indicated on nit soos aangedui 'op 'Alger • • ' 111Die:dorP'beittian erwe • '11..* - " " "• General•PlanS.G. A.1888/76. niene Plarr L:62 A:1888/76.

• • • • . .• ••„•:.... (3) Begiftiging, ; .•

. • • (a) Payable to the local authority:' • #1 !...*. 1" (45 •Ileth•athaarian Plitaslil bestuur: - The township owners shall.pay, to thelqpaLautliOr . Die dorpseienattirmoet as begiftigin,g aan die plaas- ity as endowment sums of money equal to 15% like bestuur bedrae geld betaal gelykstaande met of the land, value of .erven in the township, which 15% van. die :grondwaarde .van. erwe in die dorp, amount sliall'be used by the local authority for the welke bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur aangewend - ,construction, of. streets arth/or stnrinwater draip4ge ' r• •": ' • :.* trthM.wordairdie..bou van, state en/of stormwater- in township'; t:' : . , . , in,of paid in ' .Such endowment shall. be accordance with: begiftiging moet.00reenkomstir die bepa- the othViiiops, of ;seetjon, 'qf . ;van 74 1965. ' • 91thkariFic artikel van. Ordennansie.25 van 1065:' betaal word. a •.• , , , r. Payable the (p) to Transvaal Education, Department. (19 139taalhaar as die Transvaalse.. Onderwysdeparte-

- • • . • , The township: owners shall. pay. an endowment for , .1 , .

eduCational purposes{ ta.:the .13irector; Transvaal .,:-,f.Di%jdorpseiejaars moet 'n, begiftiging vir onderwysT • ...Education 'Department.: The amount of suck•ent. . docle.indes ;pan Transvaalse Onderivysdeparter dowment shall be equal to the land:value of sfiecial. betaal:' Die 'bedrag van sodanige begiftiging residential land in the vicinity of the township, the moct gelykstaande wees aan die grondwaarde van I ; .spesiale Tmcgonc.nvp, in die pingewing. van die dorp, ' ' ettent.af15;86 4112 whichby. the shall number. oftlierdeermifieiltyflat tinitX which' multiplying dart be I . matte, wearyanbereken. moet word deur 15,86 erected4n the townihip,.and for thisrpurpose• each: tittevertherngVuldig,met die getal'wOonsteleenhede / - flat unit. shall be: considered as tieing 99,1, m2 in - I gebOu 'ken 'Nitord. Elke woonstel- extent. eenheid moet beskou word avgroot 99,1 m2:

• - j77 . The: value of the land: shall. be•'detennined in terms i .:pie wairde. Van die krOnd:wordi bepaal kragtens'die the oft section' 74(3):' of. the :Town-. - of: provisions. ! - van“artikel. 74(3) van die Otdonnansie op • - - _ planning andt.Townships Ordinance,1965, and/ such) I ;r. Dorpsb.efdanninven Dorpe, 1965, en sodanige be- endoWment shall - be payable in terms. of - the •pi-Orl betailbaarilragtens die' bepalingss van visions 73:rof - ;":i aitike1t:135:vare gen'oemde.Ordonnansie. of section the' said.OrdInance. I

• - "•••1 - •:(4) Diqfrosai'erEkistflig g Oor Bestaatide Titthoonvaardes. . conditioni; I tr(4): BeskiMiti. • • • erven, shall be made .subject,ro, existing; cond t • onderworpe gemaak. .word All - oe" aan' be- 111 and. servitudes, . if any. including the resepation of st6andn.v,o,orwpardes..en seriwituie; as. daar is, met lithe- • rinhtsithrningralS. . . 1;;A:.erwgrip vandie voorbehoud van die. regte minerale: ' ...


` ; - ' \ r!, :.::::(5). Erven for Municiped•Purposes: :• i• J. i: • . - (5)'• Eiive vir Munisipale iDoeleindes: , •

111 Ervep.7 ant1,8„ as general plan shall be , ' - shown...on. the .Erwe- 7. en; 8 ,soos opl die •algemene plan. aangetoon, transferred to the 1661 authority' by and at the expense met deur en op koste van die dorpseienaars aan die as - • of the township owners parks. plaaslike, bestuur as parke oorgedra , . word......

' - ' (6)' . ; : ' Enforceinent . of Conditions`: (6) Rakoming, van-Yoorwaardes.

• - - The township. owners shall •obsCrve Ihc Conditions of - - die - - HDietidOrtiseiengart MOM , itiglingiyoonvaard iii establishment and. shall take;..the. necessary •stepvto se' -dee',nadigt siejipe "cioen'bme sort dat dies,elcurethe enforcement of the' conditions of titre and any Itonteln - voorwaardes opielg -kiagtens Voeiv..yarileken- etiige andel other :conditions impoied' I in :terms : of section :62 .of aitikel 62 Van Ordmibansie '25 van 19.55Iiagekoni word: Ordinance :25 of. 1965: Provided that the AdminiStratot Met dien verstande dat die Administrateur die beVdegcl= shall have .the power to the township relieve- - owners .of held besit.,omi;die dorpseienaars van almakof enigeen all 'or any of the'ribtigations Vest . and to 510h ohligatiOns . •:eni;.om sodanige. verplig- - - van. die) verpligtings te onthef _ in anr.4ther Pers'Onl:Or;.CoimOrpejlibtlytl:f:"*. ...,:." i . tings .bye'enige: ander .persoon of. liggaam met regsper- • - .. - „ . . .. ._.. - . - .. - : ... . soonlikheid:te laat berus. '::. . .• ;2.. CON .:.DI .PPION.‘S OF TITLE. t ' 2.' TITELVOOkWAARDE'S.' ' erven those mentioned in elaige.1(6):shall All except. , _..,,: be `subject' to the following conditions imposed by the - - - - Alle erwe hAialwe die in Klousule• 1(6) genoem, is Administrator under the 'provisidas of the Town-plan- . onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaardes, opgel8 deur . . fling and, Townships Ordinance, 1965. . die.' Administrateuri kragtens-die bepalingS van die . Or= (a) The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m wide, in donnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965: 1 o for, 'sewerage' and' , favour: /of'; the; localH authority; (A)' life irfil'Obkle-iiverp'ellaii."'n,rserWii'nut, 2 in' bi'Qea; other municipal purposes; along, any two boundaries • vir riolerings.ven •ander niunisipale doeleindes, ten other than a street boundary as determined by the gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee - - • • ' f' 'i,10,cali.4111941ty,•,, i :: •I?. st i ••• • • • •:. ..; i 'Pit"- straaigresis) soos' deur die iv ..i; irenie'uitgeSonderde• •• • .. . " ' ' " 1 • i r• ''' .I 1... I Pk b t rb -WI. • - (b) NO:ilinilditigi''oit .. •pnast other:Structure' Shall' be' erected ., Unur ;epee - - e.:s ThVithirti 'the. aforesaid serVittideLatea tand' no.laiseJ ko)•'• - .elen:iebetiiqt,aint‘i.s/triuktuur', mag binne die vocir- .I. 1 ' • • rOoted -&as shall- ben Planfed withity thc.area of : - ' ' - noemde serwitnitgebied•• opgerig "1 - - *.' t. ;•,— •''' i i 's • • ' • word. Me en Been such' 'servi'tude 2. ni 'thereof: . - •ortwithirr - - • - . : . ;... b' die gebied van .spdanige .;..).). i:. 1 .:I...' ,....• r; lc...... :. 1.... 1 groptworielbome• ma 1 - - yan„I'•rn ,claarvan. ge- . (q),, Thealocal authority:shall be .entitled.to.deposit:tern- 1 ei.!..serWittnit of binne;'it tafstand,, ; - • • - - ; :.. 1: • • r, ; :‘, :,• . , e porarily..On the rland 'adjoining. the. aforesaid err .:..;111.ankwPFd :Piep ...*,!:.12 1 - ... ''.Vituti6"such material' as:.thar be;*excavitetkliy it' . (c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig OmIldilige inateriaal during the course of the coriitritetion, maintenance; ;:...fwat.,dettr.hom uitgegrawe, word tydens die, aagleg, tirr .dr rezrioval df.such sekverage•maihs and•other works ,;,.. • ion dfrpoudt of, venytiveirinkg avanwastoda inigae crlodolhonofe- ' ' ' its"diSeiretibri. may deern. f ' 'Pi k' ' '''. 'A it' in neeestattind shall' - nPgattiiitfiskl'ill al*dri'ke'ty e i rte p ?aas '''hYcPop die"le grongrandddliwat r: .i. aan dieutioornoemde. serwituut 'grens en ' • is. "'hiriber be 'entitled- 0 reasonable 'icdess ‘tO •the' said *Mils land for'tihid aforesaid' purposes, 'subject Co any' die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang genohnide lerend' die doel; on- •,"41rimage:done 'during the' process•.of the cOnttitic- '.'''''tof vir voornoeinde , • rpe d'at di.e.Plriaslike..beatubt enfge . sewerage 4.erwo,... „ tion,, or removal of such • maintenance .. snot vergoeOitna:panwet gedurende aanleg, onderhoud - - die. mains ant o'ther works• being .jmade good by the of verwyderina van kdardie rfoolhoofpypleidings I local authority. en ,, ander werke veroorsaalc mord. . • • ,,,,, .. ! .

- • . 1 • 1760 . • - .16.- November, 1977 Administrateuratennisgewing 4760; 16 NovembNovember'1977 Administrator's Notice • •... ••. ... . ,. •

. I - • .' • !:.!':. ,. MiTTS. i)..ME1‘1PIYIEN.T!,§CklgMg; 1138.,,..; ;1 xi: .„ .BRITSAVYSIGINGSKEMA 11381 . - - ; - - - - - • - • 1 . . - ,• •;• •;., ;. ..„. . t ; . ‘: ;;••••1 ..1.:H..;0 i .. 1.• ; ,,„ .,.,,1 .•.. A .. . t: 1 u• .. 'in. 36(1) i - IA. As3here.by•• notified.; in terms of ;section of..the I Hietty.:wordtooreenkomstig ,die; bepalings van artikel - - Towninanningwatid . ToWnshipi Ordinance, 1965, _that. 36(14. yen .dic JOrdonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en. I the 7 Administrator''- bus''' approved' !the '•Atnendmene -of 'Dorpe„ 1905..,661teAd .geniaali . dat die Administrateur - -dorpiaan1egikema 1, 1958 ger 1, 1958 y the rezoning of' gofidgeketir Tt cd,at, prys Brits Town4planninirScheme- • • • • ., . , , •• - 7 • '• • • ' "fir .4 '". • U wSrSig mord 'deur Ate ihersonering' van. Enve 857 enj 858, ;and .858.;:prits,Joy:rnship; front. '.`Iiistity-: - Erven 857 dorpfaritsflan ”Institusioneer tot "Algemene. Besig- . - - tional" to "deperal .Business", ,with a densitynot,"One, ; heid" met.lw,digtheid van .`..Een.:woonhuis. per erf'' on- . dwelling per erf" subject to certain conditions. i derworpe aan sekere voorwaardes. • •

,3 amendment_ t Map :and the ;scheme , clauses. of„ the ICaart,3 _en ilie.skemaktousules van die wysigingskema scheme are' filed: - with the Director of `Local .Gveriii. i word in' b6W&ring' geliOU deur' die Ditekteur van Pleas; - • nient; Prethila anel the lovin 'Cierk;,Brits and are' open' like Bekttiuty.Pretoria. en" di& Stadsklerk, - Brits' en is ' -- " for inspection Ut 'all: reaSothbld tithes. - J'• . ;•:! • • •'1 ' beskikbaar virinspeicsi&on_alle redelike tye.

This amendinent is. known •as Brits Amendment. Sche- • .illierdie .Wysiging'staambekend . as - Brits-Wysigingskeina me ..y :. ...: ...:• • 1/38. 11/38. ; • , fy - • - ,;, , C P.' T... ; :3; . . _ . Pa 4-9-2-10-38 PB. 4-9-2-10-38 3784 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 16 NOVEMBER, 1977

Administrator:s Notice. 1761 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1761 16 November 1977


It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(I) of the Hicrby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en the .Administrator has 'approved the Amendment of Dorpc, 1965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur Johannesburg Town-planning Scheme 2, 1947 by the goedgekeur het dat Johannesburg-dorpsaanlegskema 2, rezoning 'of the Remaining Extent and Portion 2 of Lot 1947 gewysig word deur die hersonering van die Res- 223, Graighall Township from "General Business" to terende Gcdeelte en Gedeelte 2 van Lot 223, dorp "General Residential" with a density of "One dwelling Graighall, van "Algemene Besigheid" tot "Algemene per err. Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per erf".

• Map 3 .and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema scheme' are filed with the Director of Local Govern- word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaas- nient, Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Johannesburg and like Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Johannesburg are open for inspection at all reasonable times. en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye.

This amendment is known as Johannesburg Amend- Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Johannesburg-wysi- ment Scheme 2/105. gingskema 2/105. • PB. 4-9-2-2-105-2 • PB. 4-9-2-2-105-2

Administrator's.'Notice 1762 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1762 16 November 1977


•It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the Hierby word oorecnkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en the has the Administrator approved Amendment of . Dorpe, 1965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur Northern Johannesburg Region Town-planning Scheme, goedgekeur het dat Noordelike Johannesburgstreek- 1958 by the rezoning of .Erf 426, Northdiff Extension dorpsaanlegskema, 1958 gewysig word deur die herso- 2. Township, from' Public .Open Space" to "Special" nering van Erf 426, dorp Northcliff Uitbreiding 2, van permitting a 'scout hall, a sports 'and recreation club "Publieke Opruimte" tot "Spesiaal" vir 'n padvinder- and ancillary buildings and public open space, subject • saal; 'n sport- en ontsnanningsklub en geboue wat ver- to certain conditions. . band hou daarmee, en openbare oop 'nitrate, onderworpe aan 'sekere Map 3 and the Scheme clauses of the amendment voorwaardes. scheme are filed with the Director of Local Govern- Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema ment, Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Johannesburg and word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaas- Johannesburg arc open. for inspection at all reasonable times. like Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. This amendment is known as Northern Johannesburg Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Noordelike Johan- Region - • . Amendment Scheme 631. nesburgstreek-wysigingskthma 631. PB. 4-9-2-212-631 PB. 4.9-2-212-631 41

Administrator's Notice 1763 16 November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1763 16 November 1977


It is hereby notified in terms 'of section 36(1) of the Hierby word ooreenkornstig die bepalings van artikel Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that 36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en the Administrator has approved the Amendment of Dorpe, 1965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur Pretoria Town-planning Scheme, 1974 by the rezoning goedgekeur bet dat Pretoria-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974 gewysig word deur die hersonering van Erf 540, of Erf 540, Waterkloof Ridge Township, from "Special Waterkloof Ridge, van "Spesiale Woon" met 'n Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per err digtheid van "Een woonhuis per erf" tot "Spesiale to "Special 'Residential" with a density of "One dwel- Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 2 000 ling per 2 000 ni= ", subject to certain conditions. m2", onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes.

Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema sclieme..are filed with the Director of Local Govern- word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaas- mcnt, Pretoria. and the Town Clerk, Pretoria and arc - like. Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Pretoria en is open for inspection at all reasonable times. bcskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye.

This amendment is known as Pretoria Amendment Hierdie -wysiging staan bekcnd as Pretoria-wysiging- Scheme 346. skema 346. . PB. 4-9-2-311-346 PB. 4-9-2-311-346 PROVINSTALE'ACOERANT,ULNOVEMBFRI1.977 3785 _....._ ___....

• • ; 1977_ - Administrator's' Notice' 1764.. 16 November, Administrateurskennisgewint 1764.... 16 November 1977


Administrator's Notice 1620 dated 26 October, .1977; ,Administrateurskennisgewing 1620 gedateey 26 - is hereby corrected by the* insertion la paragraph. 1, of berf;1977, word, hierby yerbeter.deur.in,paragraaf ..1; die the words '"Malvern Township." after.. the:.expression woorde t,!dorrifiMalvern"..na 'clieyuitdrukking."Erf 5167. "Erf 516" in the sixth and seventh lines.::. :: in die:liesdeen - sernde reels in te.yoeg.;,•; PB. 4-9-2-2-854 Pb. 4-9-2-2-854

AdminiStrator's 'Notice '1765 •••' • 16. November, 1977' Achninistratenrskennisgewing ; November .1972 ROODEPOORT-MARAISBURG .AMENDMENT. ROODEPOORT-MARAISBURG-WYSIGINOSKEMA

. . SCHEME 1/296. , 1/296.

. • , It is hereby notified lin terms of section.•36(1)•of the Hierby word kin'kenkomStig 'die bepalings.VIn artikel - en Town-planning' and. TOwnships' Ordinance;. 1965,. that 16(1) van die fOrdothianeie OP` tDorpshePlaiining , the 'Administrator has approved'the:. Amendment - of DOrpe, .;1965 geinaardat ' die Administrateur ROodepoort-Maraisburg Town4danzilhglScheme.:1, 1946 goedgekeut het - tidal ''ROodepoorf-Mataisburg-dolPSaanj - - - - • bY the rezoning* of Erf 305; :Florida North Extension 5 legskenti'l Firi 1946 gewysig word 'delir die' herSonering 0 • - - - - Township, frOm '•"Special Resideritialv with: - a *density van Erf"305;' doip Florida North' Uitbreiding 5;'•van of "One dwelling per erf" to "Special Residentiarmith. "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis a "Spesiale .Woon"ntet i'n‘digtheid van "Een density of "One, dwelling per .10 090 s9. ft.". per erf" tot woonhuis per 10000 vk. vt. :'.. . , ' • '•) Map , . - 7 . 3 ..and the .scheme clausespf • the; amendment .• filed ;with'. the c,'Kaart."3 seri die ikemaklousules van die .wysigingskema scliente.:are Ditectortor.LoCal.GOvern- • - *Ord in' bewaring gehou :deur die rDirekteur van Plana: meat, Pretoria. and.. the' Town...Clerk, •Roodepoort . and - '•• . like . Bestutir, • Pretoria en die Stadsklerki: Roodepdort are open for inspection at all reasonable iimes.' - en is 'beskikbaar; Vir inspeksie op alle redelike% tye. • - 4 ill .110. This amendment' is .known .as Aoodepoori-Maraisburg Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Roddepoort-Marlis- • • • • Amendment Scheme 1/296. • r ..• burg-wysigingskema, 1/296. • ' '

• PB. 4-9-2.30-296 PB. 4-9-2-30.296

Administrator's Notice 1766 - 16 NoveMber, -1977 Administrateurskennisgewing .1766 16 .Novemberr197/ *


The Administrator hereby,. in terms of section - 101.of Die' AdininiStrateur..publiieer 'hiCrbY irigevOlge artikel - the Local GOvernMent Ordinance, - 1939; read with sec- ; 101 van die .Ordonnansie .opiPlaaslike Bestuur,''1939, gelees met artikel van. die..ordonnansie op Lisensies, tion 63' of the Licences Ordinance, 7974, PtibliShe the, 164 uiteengesit, wat dear hom by-laWs set forth hereinaftet:,' h ,haVe been "apito.ved. 1974, die verordeninge hierna „ mgevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goed- by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance. . gekeur is:

• ; . Pr oorgorpkrywing. , ;• , , ..„ Definitigps.t.. •.. • . . . 1. In these by-laws, unlessthe: context' otherwise1. In lierdie VerordOninge, tensy,plt samehang ' ' ' ' indieates' - Anders blyk. betaken —

- "Council" means the Village Council Of 'Delimit'. and' "Ordonnansie" die Ordonnansie.•.op 'Lisensles, 1974. 7(Ordonnansie 19 van ); enie woord of includes the management ,committee of that Council or king het die betekenis19w74enat gengoemde Ordonuitdruk-nansie any officer employed by the' Council, acting by virtue daaraan geheg 'word;

of any - • • power eyested the Council; in connection_ with . . in. aa e ; orpsraad van 'Balfour en omvat die be- these by-laws and delegated to him in term section - Is'4 stuurskomit-ete van daardie Read of enige beampte deur 58 of the•Local Government (Administration and Elec- . : die' Rawl> in diens geneem, handelende nit hoofde van - - tioils) Ordinance, 1960 (Ordinance 40 of 1960); j enigb' bevoegdheid.wat in verband 'met hierdie verorde- ! ninge2aan dieRaad verleen is en wat ingevolge artikel "Ordinance" means the Licences Ordinance, 1974 58 ,van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur (Admi- (Oidinance 19 of 1974); and any" word or expiession has ; nistrasie en Verkiesings), 1960 (OrdOnnansie 40 'van the meaning assigned thereto in the said Ordinance..' 1960),.aan hom gedelegeer is. , • 3786 PROVINCIAL' GAZETTE, '16 NOVEMBER,' 1977 ------• . . . .

. ' , - - 1.1, • ' ' • 1'1 • Inspection Fees. ". .. , .. . . Inspeksiegelde. . . 2.(1), Any person who, in terms of the Ordinance 2.(1) Iemand wat ,ingevolge die Ordonnansie by 'n I makes application to a Licensing Board, established in Lisensieraad, ingestel ingthvolge die bepalings van die , terms of the provisions of the Ordinance, for the issue Ordonnansie, aansoek, ripen vir die uitreiking aan horn to him of 'a'new licence to carry on a business within van 'n nuwe liiehsie 'OM 'n bisigheid - binne' die munisi- the municipality, shall pay to the Council the am paliteit to dryf, moet aan die Raad die toepaslike geld, ProPriate fee'' prescribed in the ,Schedule hereto for the in die Bylae hie*. voorgeskryf, vir die inspeksie van inspection 'of the business. premises in respect of which die besigheidsperseel ten opsigte wairvan sodanige aan- such. application 'is made and such - foe 'shall be paid to soek gedoen Word,• betatil en sodanige geld moot aan the Council befote any such inspection is made by it. die Raad betaal iwbrd' voordat' enige sodanige inspeksic nitgevoet word. (2) The fee referred to in subsection (1) shall be - - - - levied and shall be payable in respect of each type of (2) Die geld waarna in subartikel (1) verwys word, . licence PaPplied for, even 'if 'only one business premise word gelief . en. is. betaalbaar • ten ,opsigte van elke. tipe is to be inspected. lisensie waarom aansoek gedoen word, selfs al moet , ' " 1 ' • .• ' ' siege eiti beaigheidsperseel geinspekteer *rd. ' When Fees'IAre Payable. . . • Tydstip Waarop Golde Betaalbaar is.

p ,3.1 The. fee payable in terms of• section 2 shall. be paid .., 3; Die .geld• betaalbaar ingevolge. artikel 2 moet aan to the,;Council simultaneously the lodging of the with die' Raad gelyktydig. met die indiening •van die aansoek application for a. new licence with .the - Secretary of the om !it nuwe lisensie by .die Sekretarie van die Lisensie- Licensing,.Board: Ppovided Shall refund that the Council mad betaal. word: Met dien .verstande day die Raad die the fee to the applicant no inspection,ns: contemplated if geld aan.die applikantterugbetaal indien geen inspeksie, in section. 14(4) , the, Ordinance, is out. of, carried soos• beoog. in-artikel 14(4) van die Ordonnarisie,. uit- 4 • . ' • - • • . . - ••• gevoer word. nie; I:, . . , ' P . , • • !,:. I . ' , ••:. Furnishing of Receipt. . . . • ,. ' Voorlegging van Kwitansie. - • - ; - .. 4. Any person who in terms of section 2 is liable 'to ' ' ..i. .„ •df:• pay and. has .paid any fees specified in the Schedule 4. Ieniatid watingevolge. artikel '2 aanspreeklik is vir hereto, shall obtain. from the. Council a receipt therefor die befaling Van !ante. gel& en wat dit 'betaal het' soos and may at anytime during the year of issue, on' pay- in die Bylae hierby'"voorgeskryf, irioet. van die Raad 'n ment of the.sum of 50c, obtain from- the Council a kwitansie daarvoor verkry, en kan teieniger tyd gedu-. rende uitreiking, teen betiling van be- duplicate of such receipt. , • die, jaar van 'n . , . • drag warr•50e,..vaii) dielltaad Itr•duplikaat van' sodanige • • Receipt to be Produced on Demand. kwitansie verkry. . 5. No person ter whoth a receipt has been issued in Kwitansie Moet op .Aanvraag Getoon word. terms of section 4 shall fail to produce such receipt or .5. Niemand aan wie 'n kwitansie ingevolge artikel - 4 a iltiplicate.ihereof issued. in terms: of the said section; ; tiitgereik' is mag, wanneer hy"deur 'it behOOrlik-gentag- on being thereto required by a duly authorized officer i tigde beampte van die Raad by sy besigheidsplek to of the Council' at his place of business at any time prior • i ' eniger tyd vcior die toestaan. van' die lisensie daitrtoe • to .the granting of the licence.• . , . . . " versoek word; •in. gebreke .bly ,om sodanige kwitansie of '• I . .., , ., ; ' ' 'n dimlikaat da'arvaff,'' uifgereik ingevolge genoemde s ' ' ' . ' . • . ,' : ;" ; c • •• ; • • . • ( Penalties.' ': • 'NI I . : '.' . , artikel, Ite toonIMe. 1 :,. , . p ' 6. Any person who contravenes any provisions of Strafbebaling. - i I by-laws, be guilty of an ,offence and liable, . these shall . 6)''Iemand wat enige van die bepalings van hierdie my conviction,. to - a fine not. exceeding R50 or,in default verordeningc oortree, is aan. !n. misdryf . skuldig. en by of -payment,. to' imprisonment' for a Period not exceeding. skuldigbevinding met. 'n strafbanr, , boete van hoogstens 1 R50 of, byWanbetaling, geyangenisitraf vir tyd- . met ' '11. . . i perk tian hoogstenS 50 dae. • . , • 1 ' Revocation of By-laws. 1 Herroeping van Verordeninge. 7. The By-laws for the' Licensing of and for the ! 7. Die Verordeninge' vir 'die Lisensiering van en die Supervision, Regulation Control of Businesses, and I Toesig oor, die Regulering van en 'die Beheer oor Besig- Trades "and 'occupations of the lialfOur' Municipality, I hede, Bediyive 'en Beroepe van die Munisipaliteit Bal- published under Administrator's Notice 45Z dated 14 1 ' four, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewhig 452 June, 1950,nre !hereby revoked: • • . . van• 14, Junie J950, word hierby herroep. . , • - - I . . , ., . . .. , ' ! . . , , /' •' ' • SCHEDULE - BYLAE. . • . - . . 1 . . ,

INSPECTION .FEES. FOR :BUSINESS; PREMISES. I INSPEKSIEGELDE VIR BESIOHE1DSPERSELE. . ... , - • ; • . . ' . Inspection.. . • P. Inspeksie= ' i • • • ' - ' p• p . Trades and Occupations . Fee .1 Besigizede• en. Beroept . . geld . i , , . • • . . , R . It • . . . , , . .. ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' - : - .. '' • I. Offensive.,. trades , 19,00 1. Aanstootlike bedrywe 19 00 q . " ' ' 2. Auctioneer 13,00 2. Afslaer . • • PROVINSXALE KOERANT, 16 NOVEMBER 1977 3787

I . . - • Inspection . Inspeksie-

Trades and Occupations. . . Fee . .. Besighede .eit Bitoefie . geld - . - D - R . - ... R. • 3„ General Dealer: •3. Algemene Handelaar: . . • ' „ . (1) Average vaipe. of stock not - (1) Gemiddelde Urea:ale van voorraad exceeding , ' ' • ' . • . . R4 000 _...... _ ...... _ ....: ...-...'2._ — 16,00 - hoogstens R4000 :.• 16,00' ' - 1'. 1; (2) For each additional R50 000 of stock, (2) Vir dice - bykomende R50 000 aan In i add ...3,00 „_ . i waarde van voorraad, 'n bykomende ,3,00

- . • . . Chemist, and druggist • 800. 4. Apteker . 8,00 4: : , ' ' _ 5.. "Baker . 25;00. 5, Bakker 25 00

. 6.. 7,00 6. Barber or hairdresser . 7,00 . Barbier of haarkapper 1_7 ...... 1 ...:. __ — __ 7. Begrafnisondernemer 8,00 7. Funeral undertaker .:... — :._:;••..8,00. I ....i. : ,., , . ..,.

• . I 8. Eating-house keeper - . 18,00 8. Eethuishouer 18,00 . 9.1gycle.dealer ...._ — -.....-. - ...‘..:...1.4i -....2_...... 11,00 9 Fietshandelaar 11,00

10.1 Dealer in bones. and used goods ' _....:.•_. ___, 11,00 10.: ;Handelaar in bene en gebruikte goedere 11,00 1 ..77:

.and, . 11* . Handelaar in huishoudelike, patent- . en I household, 'patent pro-) 1 1.11Dialer in '• - ' prietary medicines 8,00 eiendomsmedisyne ...... 12 ....1.. - .. .-.1 8,00 • • • • ' ''1 p12.flipealer in motor vehicles 15.00 112. Handelaar in motorvoertuie 15,00 . . . . 113: Hindelaar• of spekulant in leivehde1lialie 13. Dealer or speculator in ' livestock or. pro- ' ' - " ' " ' • • - ; . . . . - .2 1‘.11 . 8,00 duce . - 7 8,00 1 of produkte, - .. , - ...... , - 14. Dealer in aerated or mineral water — -- 11,00 Handelaar in' spuit of mineraidwatet __ 11,00 114. _... 15 fireworks .. 5,00 115. Handelaar in vuurwerk ._...... :14.;:.:; 5,00 .1..,Dealer in -

1 • - . • 16. Commercial 4,00 i 16.`'Handelsreisiger L. - .L 4,00 traveller . • 1 • - • ; 17. trdeteldieilosiesinrigting Of 17. Kennel'. or pet boarding . establishment or Hondehok All' ' _ _ ._:. -L... :.:...... !...: ...:..... 12,00 I'Xalon . — .12,00 ''salon ...... - - • • • 1 1 • • ..: - - 18. Huurstat of ryskoolhouer 10,00 18.' 'Livery stable or riding. school —.. .._ ...... '4000 • i

• ' 1.1 • 19/4Cafeehouer —.- ...at. •.. - - - -- :...... 15;00 19.'Ca..fe keeper' .. - . - '15;00 • - . . a .; - • • ., 1 ;• „20.• Kinderbewaarplaas. of kleuterskook .,., ,.. ; ; :.'

20. Creche or Nursery School: • • 1 (1) Halfdag-akkommodasie ...... _ .—. 21,00 , ..A • (I) v:._. ... 21,00' . Half day accommodation ...... L.: Heeldag-akkommodasie 32,00 - (2) ' 1. (2) Full-day accommodation 2. --.H..:.: 32,00 • • . - .21. Liggaamsonewikkeling-, gesOiidlieids- of • • • 21. culture, healiiit"oli heiiity 'centre :13,00 skOonheidsentrum...4. a._ .... : ....;...... _...... ; 13;00 • Physical 1 . 1 ' . ' ' ' - ' 22. hairy 26,00 22. ;•Melkery - 26,00

• - •• ' ' '1 1.1' 1' 1 23. i.Dairy farm - ,17.00 :23., Melkplaas ,. 17,00 ;24. 11,00 24. I Milk shop 11,00 Melkwinkel . _ . • - 25,00 125. Meulenagr. 25,00 25...Miller.. ; • ' - ' - - ' - • 26. Motor Garage: 126. Motorgarage: . : - • - - • • • . '2(1)• Sales. only. - 1i7;001,. ! /(1).•,•Slegs.verkope . , , , ..L...... rip.

...... 1 21,00 (2), Repairs,an4.,maintenance. ,.._ __ r...... 21,00 . ...,(2), ..Herstel en. onderhoudswerk .

• • - 27:1 Motor vehicle attendant _ .._...... __- _'_. '1;00. . ..2...... ;:-... ..f. •••••;; 1,00 .1J . ... 12,7...Moior voertuigoppassen ,...„ • • 28. Disinfector or fumigator ._. ..._ L. _ _ 8,00 128. Ontsmetter of beroker" 8,00

' ...._ :_ __ - 29! 'Recreation. ground ...... 2.. — 20,001 /29.: Ontspanningsterrein - . .. . : . 20,.'00 - - - • '' ' - ' ' - 11 ' .! • ' 30, NVarehouse 19,00 301 Pitkliiiis 1900' ' ' ' " - 1. , '1'1' , -- 11'.11 : :. r - - : • _, - • 3 P.;;PaWnbroker 1113. 8,00.1 31. :Pandjieshoitere: ... - L ...8,011 ...... • • . - ...... _ 32., Parkade 12,00 pt.: Parkadei . 12,03( ' • • • i .. 1. 337. 'Bassengew transport: undertaking...... „ __, ._ )2;00.. 1331.14siasiersveripoerdn'derneinirig2 T. '12400) - '' 34:.;./'Mad-order or other untielia*g....:..).....2.t...'11;00; Ros; aiiclett;. bpSieillUksbUdernem1ng.'• ..... 11;00; , .. . of ...... ,.. - _ _-- 134. 35. Restaurant keeper _ ...:: __...... : ..:._:•!..18,001.. f 135. Restauranthouer 3788 Pit:OVLNCIALr GAZETTE,:lt -NOVEMBER, 1977.

„ . - - - Inspection ... :i. ... - • - - Inspeksie- ; ' - • - . Trades and Occupations '• • ' . - : - Fee •••3"; Besighede.en.Beroepe - • geld

• R :1R - . • , • I . - _ _ • 36. Cobbler ...... '11,00 36. Skoenmaker 11,00 . " 37.t...Debt collector and tt!.: .. .. _...... „— 4,00 37. en opipoorder 4,00 tracer .4.... „Skaldinvordelaat ,

: t • - 38. , Butcher t. r . . 38. . 11,00 4... 11.00 Slagter,,5 . .r. i.... ._.,. i . : , ' - .. 'in - '. ` :: :• " ' ' '-'1.1 ' 39:1 Hawker' ' 7,00 39.u1Smous : • 7,00

" - - - - . ' • 40:'Sliecial licence '15;00 40P8Pesiale lisensie • - 15,00

• • - .. - 41.fr'Caterer :. 22,00 41. “Spysenier 22,00 • 0 I ' - • - ''" '' ' • 42.' Street photographer '15,00° 42." Siraatfotograaf . 5,00. - a 2'."'ir'f'1- 11 • .. . ..43.kecommodationestablishnent:: 4 4Verblysonernemnd g: , .. • - - .• •:.•••.:!C•1 : t"I(i)• With meals:. 1(1) Met etes: •

I 11.1 `- ' - - t (a) 1.50 beds ...... :. _ .....111...."30.,00 (a) 1-50 beddens . 30,00

• ' ' • - - • - - ' " - 5 - - 1 C • • (b) 50400' beds. ..'.... 37,001 '.1 (b) 50-100 beddens 37,00

i; • Exceeding' (c)'' Meer. ... ti.... C'eY itid•tibilt ::;,..i.p..:Sonder..1:::::..: 48,00 as 100 beddens...... 1... - -- 48,00 . etes: (2) p); No meals: ; . „,, .; i: il.;..4...;:• ;„ ;...;; ; . ' • • (a) 1-10 kamers ... .. — 19,00 I (4109. rooms -...... 41.L 7 . 19,00,., .' uo • ' • cit.:), (b) 10 (b) For. every additional 10 .roOths torl't ; Vir elke bykomende kamers of . gedeelte daarvan, 3,00 ,to 1; part thereof add .. , , . bykomende Tr: 7.i ...... 7.7 .300.: ‘• r.i: , ,'n Woonitelle: . • t• 1 (3) Flats: . _...... iT:... ii ../. :.i.. .; i gip) ' (a) 1:10 wdoristelle — — ...... -I.. - .: ...: 21,00 ; 1 - —,.._ . : . • (a) 10 flats „...... ; -- .,....- .:- .4.00 ‘. , ' • • , .. (b) bykomende 10 Woonitelle (b), For every. • 10 flats or Virelki .additional . : ; • . ... of.gedeeltedlaarvanit'n hylcomen- , , tu •.+ parCtheregf, add . ..„. -, ..i. „ ,.. 500, . . . : t...... 1. de . — ... . ,5,00 , 44. t itHiring .service • , 8,00 . •'44.eiVerhuurdiens - - - 45.1Nending machine keeper ..... - ... — ...“- t..“1..n14,00 : i j45.0.Verkoopsoutomaathouer . . 14,00 . ' 46. Place of entertainment:._...... :.._•:.;M tti-1 -. - 23,00 A': :46. Vermaaklikheidsplek . 23,00 " ' - • 47. Fishmonger and fishilier 1:1../..21.-.... ::.!:. Li.* 13;60 en -bakker . 13,00 47•vz.. 1:.Vishandelaar. 48. . 48. Food manufacturer . ..; — 27,00 . yoedselvervaardiger.,...,r... - . 27,00 :49. 12,00 49.11Fiait, vegetable and plant dealer 1.-:• -141:il.litt12,00 cpyrygteilirent en, plantehandelaar .... 0. • 50' Wasser en droogskoonmaker - - - - - ('1...... L...... 19,00'launderer. 50. or dry cleaner .....• — ...... S 119,00 '- rr. "; rt..ji.. • - 51..,W.assery- of droogskoonmakery-ontvangs- 411 •• - . ' 51. Laundry or dry-cleaning receiving depot ....:F" 1,00 _...... _. __ ...._ , "depot .._ — , _ .. _ ..... _ ..:...• 7,00 t . - ' • • • 52. Workshop 21,00 .52. 'Werkswinkel • . 21,00 . - . - • - PB:"2-4-2`97.45 4 PB. 2-4L2-97-45


Adaizilitrator's Notice 1767 - - - - 161November; '1977 :Adniinistrateurakennisgewing 1767 16. November 1977 ' • - ,.t: - • - rt:.?.!! J.-.. .-.1 titi..i.... . c..• .„: i - . LEEUWDOORNSSTAD MUNICIPALITY: AMEND- •MUNtSIPALITEIT L:EET5WilibORNSSTAD WYSI- MENT TO SANITARY AND-REFUSE 'REMOVALS; :GING: VAN. SANITERE -EN. VULLISVERWYDE- - t 1 TARIFF• I - - - r . . . •,:: ; . r..). RINGSTARIEF. ev. .91- :.: ..1:1:: ; 'VIM Tice:Administrator hereby, in terms'/of Sectiori:101 Of: ' DiokAdniinistrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel -

- the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes, the. 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, by-laWs set forth' hereinafter, Which have beeit'apProveir ;die tirerordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deurloni live- by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance..; • 1volget tartikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie, goedge- _ - keur is. - . . . The;•Sanitary and. Refuse Removals .Tariff . the ot. f.: ...... , ...... • mtere en Vullisverwyderingstanef van die Mu- Municipality...published upder .Admit Leeuwdoonnstad nispiitliteit -Leettwdoornistad; afgekondig.W Ad jib:a.' 5, nistrator's Notice; 40ed 7 January? 12.70,a.s:am6ttled,.- rteurskennisgewine5 van 7 Januarie 1970, sons gewysig, is hereby 'further aMendedibk aendibiliteilf 2 Of' the word ]herby verdet geW9Sig"detir item 2 van die Tarief ------vi::•: .' ...1....i. .:: 2::: TatiffrOf Charges as follows: , vad'ifelde sons .volg to wysig: i . : 2:. PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 1S 'NOVEMBER 1977 3789

.1. By the substitution in subitem (1) for the figure 1. Deur in subitem (1) die syfer "1,00" deur die syfer . of the figure "1,60". "1,60" te vervang. . D"1,00" 2. By the substitution in subitem (2) for the figure 2. Deur in subitem (2) die syfer "4.00" deur die syfer . "7,00" to vervang. "4.00" of the figure "7,00". . . 3. By the insertion after subitem (2) of the follow- 3. Deur na subitem (2) die volgende in te voeg: ing: "(3) Vir die verwydering van huishoudelike "(3) For the removal of domestic refuse vullis vanaf die Bantoewoongebied en Muni- from the Bantu residential area and Municipal sipale Departemente, een keer per week, per Departments, once per week, per standard con- standaardhouer, per inaand ,of gedeelte daar- .. • tainer, per month or part thereof ...... - - ... 1,00." van 1,00."

4. By the substitution for the expression "(3) Re- • 4. Deur in die Engels° Wks (lie. uitdrukking "(3) Re- - moval and Disposal of Dead Animals.", which appears moval and Disposal of Dead Animals.", wat net na die immediately after the existing subitem (2), of the follow- bestaande subitem (2) verskyn, deur die volgende te ver- ing: yang: . . "3. Removal and Disposal of Dead Animals." "3. RetnoVal and Disposal of Dead Animals." PB. 2-4-2-81 -91 PB. 2-4-2-81 -91 . .

• . . Administrator's Notice 1768 16 November, 1977 AdminiStrateurskennisgewing 1768 16 November 1977 , .. . LEEUWDOORNSSTAD MUNICIPALITY: AMEND- MUNISIPAL1TEIT LEEUWDOORNSSTAD: WYSI- - D MENT TO WATER SUPPLY BY-LAWS. : GING VAN WATERVOORSIENINGSVERORDE r iNINGE. ' "

' ' • The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of , . . - the local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the Die AdittiniStiateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved 101 van die Ordonnansie on Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, vat deur horn ingevolge , by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance. ' artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. The Water Supply Regulations of the Leeuwdoorns- stad Municipality, published under Administrator's Die Watervoorsieningsregulasies van die Munisipaliteit afgekondig by Administrateursken- I Notice 147, dated 5 March, 1958 as amended, are hereby ' wordnisgewing 147 Leeuwdoornsstad,van 5 Maart 1958; soos gewysig, further amended by amending iterii 1 of the Tariff of hierby verder gewysig, deur item. 1 van die Tarief van

Charges as follows: . * Gelde soos volg to wysig: . . , .

1. By the substitution in subitem (2)(a) for the figure , 1. Deur in subitem (2)(a) die ,syfer "RI" deur die syfer "R1,20" te vervang. ' - "RI" of the figure "R1,20". . : 2. Deur paragraaf (b) van subitem (2) deur die vol- 2. By the substitution for paragraph (b) of subitem . gende to vervang: - • (2) of the following: ' "(b) Waar sodanige opgemete erf, gedeelte van 'n erf, "(b) Where such surveyed erf, portion of an erf, stand • . . bouperseel of stuk grand grater as 1 000 m2 is: or lot exceeds 1 000 m2: For each 100 m2 or part Vir elke 100 the of gedeelte daarvan bo 1 000 re: excess 1 000 m2: 10c: thereof in of 10c: . . • • . . Provided that the charges payable in terms of this item . Met dien verstande dat. geen heffing ingevolge hierdie shall not exceed R30 per month." item betaalbaar, R30 per maand oorskry nie. ' _ PB. 24-2- 104-91 • P13. 2-4-2-104-91 .. - . . „ 1 Administrator's Notice 1769 16 November,.1977 ,Administrateurskennisgewing 1769 . 16 November 1977


• The Administrator hereby in terms of section 101 of . Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the .101 van. die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die' by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved werordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur limn ingeVolge by him in terms of section 99 of the said OrdinanCe. iartikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is.

- Sewerage Systems and Die Verordeninge op . Rioleringstelsels Vakuum- The Vacuum Tank Removals 1 en By-laws die. .Munisipaliteit Leeuwdoorns- . itetnkvd, erwyderibvanydm.n.sA trateurskennisgewing 6 van under Administrator'sof. the Leeuwdoornsstad Notice 6, Municipality,dated January, published .1970, T ; s7nnjaafgekondiguariel 9.7, .soos gewysig, word hierby verder ge- - as amended, are hereby further amended by amending wysig, deur die Tarief van Gelde onder die Bylae sods 1 the Tariff of Charges as follows: !volg te - wysig: 3790 PROVDMIAL. GAZETTE; 'IW NOVEMBER,! 1977"

1.: By the substitution in items .1 andt2 for the figure • - .lc Deur in items d en'2 die syfer "R.2" deur die syfer - "12.2" of the figure "R2,60". ••. ..:. : • [ ;.! "R2,60" te vervang.

' • 2. By the addition after item) of the followinfititem: na item '3 'die Volgende.itenir by te voeg: "4. Municipal Departments: Per 4,5 kl or part there- "4. 11, Munisipale Departemente: Per 4,5 kl of gedeelte ' • • "' • 1. • 1 . •,'••••1. 11. t' - 0; •' ' ‘•• of: R2." 1 daarimh:112."' • PB. - -91 PB. 2-4-2-15391 2+2 153 I • •

- . '' • ' - Administrator's Notice 1770 16 November, 1977 I AdministrateutskenidigeWingt 1770' '•:16. Noveiiiber 1977


The Administrator hereby, in terms of, section 101. of Die Admiinillateur, publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the .Ldcall Government'Ordinance, 1939; publishes 'the101 .van. die Ordonriansie op Plaaslike bestimr, 1939, die - - by-laws set forth hereinafter; which have been approved : verordeninge hierna uiteengesit; wat deur hom ingevolge

in terms of section 99 of the said I artikel 99 van genoemde goedgekeur is. by ,him Ordinance. Ordonnansie • • . , The Electricity By-laws of the Leeuwdoornsstad Mu- Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit jtaad aangeneem - • `adOpted under lAclininiStial Leeuwdoornsstad,: deur .briAdmi •.bi` the': COlinCil • • . . nistrateurskemusgewing. 23,49 Ivan. 27 Desember...1972, I as &head- tot 'a:Notice• 2349; datedi'if Deeenlber;• 1972; soos gewysig, word hierby verder gewysig deur item 19 ed, are hereby further amended by amending item 19 yan.die,Tatiqf van„Gelde. cinder. die Bylac. soos.volgi te • . of, the • Charges underi the•Schedule; as follows:Wysig:.:. , , :Tariff of ' • ' ,,, , I • - t. BY 'the Substitutleri-th'siibitein (2)(85 lat tho'figuie' I 1 L.. Deur. in. subiteni• '(2)(a) die syfer "Rl" deur. die: "Rl'of•the 'figure "R120":- • '" e•'•••'" • syfer.711t1;207 te, vervang. • • ; Deur .paragraal (b) 'die •vol- 2. BY the substitution for paragraph (b) of subitem - 2.:• van subitem (2)' deur • • '• . " • '• • '' gende..te,,yervang: , „,, • (2y of the •'".: ; • • "(bY.Waar godanige opgertiete•erf;.•'gedeelte•vin''n'erf, "(6)Wheresticui, uryeyed erf, por t'ion.o1 an f• stand. I ": , , bouperseeLof stuk grond. groter as' 1 000 m2'.is: orbit exceeds 11000 m2: For each 100An2•orpart: elke 100 m2 of gedeelte 1000 - '•' " Vir daarvamb,o m?:. thereof in excess of 1 000 m2 ':'10e:" • 10c:

• „ , , Providedithet? the; charges' payable thi.;. item I Mei't•iiied'ieratancle) ciat Pgidn'theffing ingevolge hierdie fern's 'oftI • l't " •' shall not exceed R30 per month:"' ! item betaalbaar, R30 per nutria toorskiy Me." - , ,; .,;:,;,,„ !..;, ;,/....PB: 24436 91 , •.: ;„ ..; „,r 2-4-2-36-.91

.;„ . •

Administrator's••Notice. 17.71 .1.:•105•November,.•1977 Adminigleatehrskenriisgbiving 1171' 16 November 1977 •• • ,t4 r:•)I I:1 I ;•11 e" .1! ORKNEY MUNICIPALITY: AMENDMENT TO IMUNLSIPALITE1T ORKNEY: WYSIGING VAN RE- . DOG AND.DOGIJLICENSIINIGLREGULA'TIONSi GUIiASIE:S OP! FIONDE1.ENI ITITAFIICING• VAN HONDELISENSIESI.:': r•• ••• • • r ! rhe Administratochereby;virr terms - of section 101 of _ Local publishes the hierby ingevolge artikel the Government Ordinance, 1939, Die Administrateurdi publiseer byllaWS •set• forth Hereinafter; - Which liaYe blien/aPtirritied. :die viVearoardelngei hoinehmaansuieiteoeling.Pesisvilikaet. dBeurestuhuorm.: 11913; - ' by him, in terms: of section (99, Ordinance. .,1 !gad ;•99 yam genoemde .0tdonnansie•••goe'dge- of the/said Ivolge• ' - • • • ; " I: .•;1.1 • • "ICIS - •(.7 . :• The Dog'.' and Regulations .the • Orkney Municipality, published under Chapter VIII of I Die Regulisiel op Honde en die Uitreiking van Hon- 378, 1942, !delisp&sies .y.an Munisipaliteit. Orlmey,„afgekondig • • 30 '4eptember; Administrator's• Notice, • • • ••• • - dated :• - onder Ilbtifstuk VIII van' AninistrateuiSkeinusgewing arcfrliemby. furtheri.amended .by: the( rei.: - - • as:.amencled. :37/0 vaniSbEStpternbel 1942. sO es' gewYSig.' Word liierbY numbering 4.section 45 to; r_ead.,15(1)fland„the insertion.. iverdeptgawysigt deur! artikel •15''teyh'ernonimerl -15(1)'

• affer:subsection_(1)..of thefollOwing: . •• Ina subartiket (10idie•volgende irbtervoeg: :.• r.i ••

persOnThhalktakeiiiddior- have- tealloWitly t(2)... Niemand' maglinfliond watinie dog av place;''asr defined in st'aiibriLrof JoI.kopptienrigeleirword plek, ionisicryf artikel . „van • die gt• dOnnansie • op.)? laaslikei. L'Obal(PGOVerraneiiinOrdinarieb;"1939,- a .3.. T. ijkiminc:3139;neem hdjofitbelatit:idat - • • ...... •••• •. coain ona leash.. . , •me. : • P134...2+2.337.90.: .• .f.:••LP-11. -2 -412L3.3199'

• . -


. 1 Administrator's Notice 1772 .. 16 -November, 1977 Administrateurskennisgewing 1772. 16 November 1977


. The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local. Government Ordinance, 1939, - publishes the 101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die • by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been:approved verordeninge hierna niteengesit.. wat dear horn ingevolge by him in terms of section 99 of. the said Ordinance. artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnanlie goedgekeur is. The Town Hall By-laws Of the Piet Retief Munici- Die Stadhuisverordeningle 'van' die Munisipaliteit Piet pality, published under Administrator's Notice 945, Retief, afgekondig, by Administiateurskennisgewing 945 dated 12 October,'1955,. as amended, are - hereby further . van 12 Oktober 1955, sops gewysig, Word hierby verder amended as follows: .. • soos volg gewysig: 1 . • 1 1. By the deletion in section'' of the definition• ' of ' .. • • • . - ' ' I - 1 . 'I.' beiitin artikel '1 "dag" "(tar and "night"!'' • die'WoordciiiiSkryWitig vari . :r. • . en "nag" to skrap. - . 1 2. By the substitution for Schedule :B of thelollow ing: 2. Deur Bylae B dearciiel'ibligende'tel;fervang:'



- - - - Stadsgal. - - - • - • . - - - . 1. Town Hall .... .1. - . (Including the loggia and kitchen for refreshments (Met inbegrip. van sysaal en .kontbuis vir verversings - : • - cr only and the cloak400m)..•. . . . alleen en kleedkameri). / i: - Per day Per dag • • • - - - • • - • - • • • • _ (00h00 to 24h00) . -- -- - • - (00h00 tot 24h00) or part thereof of gedeelte ' - '(' R 1. • :., - ; : . . daarvan (1) Dances, Weddings, Receptions and ' R • . *. (DiDanse. Tropes, . . pioscope Performances , - . 50,00 1 . ,Ontvorigste' en ,, , • ' - . • Rolprenlycrtonings. .„• ) ;1. . 50,00 (2) Publio Meetings: - - ; • t • (2) Publieke Vergaderings: • - • • (a) Non political 10,00 . ' ' ' '1 .. . ' ' (a)1 1:.. ' • 1; . • • • NieLoltieke. . ' 1000 (b) Political 20,00 - - : ..11 P..€ ••1' .' • : - ! . (b) Politieke • 20,00 (3) , Theatrical Performances and Con- ...... cot's:: . • :(3) • Toneelopvoirings en Konserte: •

' ' ' • (a) Professionals 50,00 (a) elers Beroepsp . t . 50,00 ------• • - - • - - . . . ' ' ' ' (b) Amateurs • ! • 20,00 (b) Amiteurs • 20,00' • • •1 • • 1 I (4) Bazaars, So'cidts,' Exhibitions and (4) Bazaars, Gesellighede, Uitstal- - ' __ Any Other Purposes 20,00 . lings en Enige Ander Doeleindes 20,00

' - • • ; - . (5) Long Term Letting: . . (5)-Langterrnynverh'uringr .. c - Indoor SpOrts such .as' badminton,' table tennis and rBinnemtturse scion•soos phiimbal,.tafelterinis en derg-• - similar sports practices on as many evenings per .Week like. sportoeferiinge op Seveel:aande per week en ontier and' subject as to 'stilcti other the Council ! weirPe'aart iodanige anderyporWlarcies' wat die Raad conditionCas ' '

determines by resolution, .provided is not i bybeiluif bapaal;niits` iiie vir ander doel- . . the' town hall die •stacliaal - ' - reparedi per evening: . . eiddes'benodig wotd nig,.Pbeataid: for' Othetpurposes, Ai. a , ."

. (6) rebate - charges 'n Korting 50% gelde ingevolge sub- A of 50% on the in terms otsub- 1 (§) van op die items (1) to (5) inclusive shall be granted to charitable, ; - eri•Met'(5)‘Weict aan liefdadigheidS. gods- ' ilera.t Thc:fot' ' '' ' • - • "1 religious. and eduCational institutions: 1 dienitigi: ea 'opinedkandige inSiansies(ciegeStaan.

. - • , i • - - - -• •• 2.: Loggia.... I .•'- "•e'•• 1 2. Sysaal.

' • - • - ' - • - - • + . 1 - : c r , :;' ATneluding kitchen). . .. ; .ii bnit: in. : (Met.inbegrip; van kombai§). . • - •i Charge's payable for- the use - of the Loggia-11Sn 15( "I'Gefiftlietdalliiik Vii diaigebruikvait• die Sysaal bedra 1 ' half the_ appropriate charges. contemplated. M. -item:4.'1i ; helfte van dieziettlialike :game s'obs in'- iterri.l'beotig.' -


. 3. Kitchen Utensils. . 3. Kombuisgereedskap.

. Use of kitchen utensils, per occasion: R5. Gebruik van kombuisgereedskup, per geleentheid: R5. 111

4. Crockery and Cutlery. 4. breekgoed en Tafelgereedskap. . • (1) Use of crockery, per dozen: I5c. (I) Gebruik van breekgoed, per dosyn: 15c. . . (2) Use of cutlery, per dozen: 10c. (2) Gebruik van tafelgereedskap, per dosyn: 10c.

- - 5. Piano's. . 5. Klaviere. • . (1) Grand piano, per occasion: RIO. . (1) Vleuelklavier, per geleentheid: RIO.

(2) Upright piano: . (2) Staanklavier: (a) Educational, religious and charitable purposes: Free (a) Opiroedkundige, godsdienstige en liefdadigheidsdoel- of charge. eindes: Gratis. (b) Other purposes, per occasion: R5. (b)• Ander doeleindes, per geleentheid: R5.

6. Deposit. 6. beposito.

A deposit of R30 shall be payable in respect of all 'n Deposito van R30 is betaulbaar ten opsigte van all° A bookings of the town hall. The said deposit shall only besprekings van die'stadsaal, welke deposito slegs terug- 11 by refundable on receipt of a clearance certificate, betaalbaar is na uitreiking van 'n uitklaringsertifikaat, issued by the Clerk of the Council." ttitgereik deur die Klerk van die Read." - r ' PB. 2 4-2-94-25 PB. 2-4-2-94-25


. .

.. • • • NOTICE 465 OF 1977. KENNISGEWING 465 VAN 1977.


Applications are hereby invited for the conveyance Aansoeke word gevra vir die venter van skoolkin- of school children as set out in the subjoined schedule. ders soos in die onderstaande skeclule uitcengesit.

• Tariff . Tarter Description Number per ' ' School Beskrywing Getal per Afstand Skool- of school- Distance Board leer- skool- road 4 pupils day .. , lingo dag Kempton Park- 57 1132,62 14,5 km Kemp- Kemptonpark- 57 832,62 14,5 km Bredell (1977 ton Park Bredell (1977 Kemp- model model tonpark bus) bus) ' Applications must be submitted in duplicate on the Aansoeke moet op die voorgeskrewe vorms T.O.D. prescribed forms T.E.D. 111(a), placed in sealed en- 111(a) in duplikaat, gedoen en in verseelde koeverte velopes marked: "Conveyance of School Children" and geplaas word met die woord "Aansoek: Vervoer van also bear the description of service as stated in column Skoolkinders, asook die beskrywing van die diens soos one above: be addressed to the Secretary of Vcrineld in kolom eon hierbo daarop. Aansoeke meet the School. ' Board concerned, and must be in his hinds not later .awn 'die Sekretaris van die betrokke Skoolraad gerig than eleven o'clock on the 2nd day of December, 1977. word en moet horn the later as elfuur op die 2de dag • • . . : van Desember 1977 bereik nie. - - Full particulars as well as the necessary application . , .

forms T.E.D. 111(a) and contract forms T.E.D. 108A . Voile besonderhede sowel as die nodige aansoekvorms are obtainable from the Secretary of the School Board, T.O.D. 111(a) en kontrakvornis T.O.D. 108A is by die Kempton Park. • Skoolraadsekretaris, Kemptonpark verkrygbaar.

The Transvaal Education Department does not bind . _Die Transvaalse Onderwysdepartement verbind hom itself to accept any application, nor will it assign any , nie om enige aansoek aan te neem nie of enige rede 4 - ' reason for the rejection of any application. • vir die afwysing van 'n aansoek te verstrek nie. PROVINSIALE'KOERANT, 16'NOVEMBER:1977 ;3793

- 1977. ,. NOTICE .469 OF .1977. , _ KENNISGEWING 469 VAN

• ' : ; :d . . .. . En! .•• - 11 .NELSPIWIT AMENDMENT' SCHEME• /31' NELSPRUIT-WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/31.

• •'' It' is hereby notified in 'terms of iection• -46 led the - ''1:fierby word (ooreenkomstig !die bepalings van artikel TOWn-Olanning 'and“ TawrishipS 46 yan'AK.DidOrdianSie:'Op DOrnibajilarining en Dorpe, amended) that application has been made by The owner 1965; (soos geWySig) bekend gemaak dat die Mr. Mi E;Van"Sehoor; C/o The Totin - Clerk,•1Pla Box, mnr. M. J. van Schoor, P/a Die Stadsklerk, Posbus.45, - 45; Nelspruit, for the''ainendinent of NelsProit ToWn- Nelspruit" aansoek' gedoen het;•oin:Nelipruikorpsaan- 1949 by rezoning a part - herSonering van 'n planning. Scheme 1, of Erf 1Silienta" 1,:194k.teWYSig. deur:die 379,I.Sonheuwel...Township... from "Park" to "Special heel Sonheuwel, van ",Park" tot - Residential" with a density 'Of "One 'dwelling perErr. ; "SpeSiale• Woortn•imer idigtheid 'Van tEen•woonhuis per Err The amendment will be known as Nelspruit AmendT, ment Scheme 1/31. Further particulars of the scheine Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk.. Nelspruit-wysigingskema 1/31..genoem_ sal word) .18 in Nelspruit and at the office of the Director of Local die kantoor van die Direkteurgyan: Plaaslike .Bestuur, Government,. ,Room 13206A, Provincial 134ilding; Pre- ; ;Kameri13206A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pre- . torius Street, Pretoria. toria en.in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk yan Nelspruit - p Any objection oi .rePresentations in regard to application shall be submitted -lo the Directonof Local' r.Enige. beswaar of yell* teen die aarisoekAan te eniger; tyd binne ert..tydperk welt; g. die da- Government, in at the 'above•addrigkOi'Private. van 4 Wan writinr • • • Surn; van hierdie kennisgewing aan die ?Direkteur van Bag X437, Pretoria, arld' the Town, Clerk;;P,O.,BO1 4_5;.` Plaaslike Bestuur „by ..boyerrThelde t.adres of :Privaatsak Nelspruit at any time 'Witliiiinai•Pelird of 4 ikeicirotif ..X437, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 45, Nelspruit the date of this notice. •;1r. • skriftelik voorgele word. E.. UYS, E. UYS, 1 ' l "4 - - • - ijf• , ;;,:.,! I t• 1 Director .of 'Local Government Direkteur van PlaasliketBestuur: Pretoria, 9 November. -19774 • '1 Pretoria; Novemb.er,1977.;1 I - PBA 49.-2-22a1 I t P13; 049 24242

NOTICE 470 OF 1977. i KENNISGEWING 470 VAN 1977.


• It is hereby notified::•in terms„ollsectipti 46 of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town-planning and Townihips Ordinance; 1965, (as 46 van die Ordonnansie op Do'rpsbeplanning en Dorpe, amended) that application has been made by the owner 1965, (seos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar Messrs. Wilkop Motor Engineering Company (Pro- mnre. Wilkop Motor Engineering Company (Pro- prietary) Limited, C/o Messrs. De Wet and Partners, prietary) Limited, P/a mnre. De Wet en Vennote, P.O. Box 1504, Klerksdorp for the amendment of Posbus 1504, Klerksdorp aansoek gedoen het om Klerks- Klerksdorp Town-planning Scheme 1, 1947 by rezoning dorp-dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1947 te wysig deur die her- Erf 1597, situated on Irene Street, Klerksdorp Extension sonering van Erf 1597, geled .aan Irenestraat, dorp 8 Township from "Special Residential" to "Special" Klerksdorp Uitbreiding 9 van "Spesiale Woon" tot for detached or attached dwelling units. "Spesiaal" vir losstaande of aaneengeskakelde woon- eenhede. The amendment will be known as Klerksdorp Amend- ment Scheme 111. Further particulars of the Scheme Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Klerksdorp-wysigingskema 111 genoem sal word) 18 in Klerksdorp and at the office of the Director of Local die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Government, Room 13206A, Provincial Building, Pre- Kamer B206A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pre- torius Street, Pretoria. toria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van 'Clerks- dorp ter insae. Any objection or representations in regard to the application shall be submitted to the Director of Local Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te Government, in writing at the above address or Private eniger tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewmg ana die Direkteur van Pleas- Bag X437, Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 99, Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Klerksdorp at any time within a period of 4 weeks' Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 99, Klerksdorp skrif- from the date of this notice. tea voorgele word. E. UYS, E. UYS, Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. Pretoria; 9 November, 1977. Pretoria, 9 November 1977. PB. 49-2-17-111 PB. 4-9-2-17-111 3794 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 16 NOVEMBER,, 1977

• : 58(8)(a) the NOTICE 476 OF 1977. In terms of section of said Ordinance any person who wishes to object to the granting of the applications or who is desirous of being heard or of 4 PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIPS. making representations in the matter, shall communi- cate in writing with the Director of Local Govern- It is hereby notified in terms of section 58(8)(a) of ment. Such communication shall be received by the the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, Director. not later than eight weeks from the date of application has been made permission to estab- such first publication in the Gaze/le,, that that for ' Provincial lish the townships mentioned in the accompanying is 9 November, 1977. • Annexure. .,All objections, must be lodged in duplicate, and ad- The applications together with the relevant plans, dressed to the Director of Local Government, Private documents and information, are open for inspection Bag .X437.' Pretoria. • • . - 1 . ' at the office of the Director, Room B206A,.2nd Floor, ; . F. UYS. Block B, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, . Director of Local Government. for a period of eight weeks from 9 November, 1977. Pretoria, 9 November,. 1977.

. . ANNEXURE: - ' . , •

• (a) Name •• - of Township . and - Number of Erven Description 'of Land • • "Situation • Reference Number (b) .Owner(s)

• . • • (a) Morningside Special Portion 566 (a por- South of and abuts PB. 4.2-2-5828 I Extension 109. Residential : I tion of Portion..119) .Portion 387 of the - (b) Runnymede General of the farm Zandfon farm Zandfontein . Properties -Limited. 'Residential ": 3 tein No. 42-Llt, dis- No. 42-I.R. West of trict of Johannes- and abuts Woodburn ' burg. Road. . . . (a) NorthWeld ; Special Holding 13, Golden North-east of and PB. 4.2-2-5790 Extension 9. Residential : 1 Harvest Agricultural abuts First Avenue. '.• • (b) : 1 Holdings dis- North-west of and •HonSeman - Special I.Q.. Securities (Pty.) Parks : 1 trict Randburg. abuts Holding 14. Ltd. • • . ,. . . , , . . ., (a) Chloorkop Commercial : 2 Remaining Extent of North-west of and PB. 4-2-2-5859 20. Portion 57 of the abuts on Portion 39 Extension ' ' (b) Frankipile • farm Klipfontein'No. and . south-west of • . Properties (Trans- 12-LR., district of and abuts on Portion vaal) (Pty.) Ltd. Kempton Park. 58, both of the farm ' , • • Klipfontein No. 12- ' ' , ' . . I.R. - • • - . . • . - , . . .. ' • - • • • - . . I . • . •• - - • ...... • • . . • . - „ . . „ ......

• .

, . . . . • . . . . . , . . . ••. , ...... • • . . . . , ...... : . . . . • . . • .. . • . . • • .. . • ...... • . • .. . . ,.... . •• c• ...... •• , " .._.. , ..,. • . ... •

...... , . I • • ., ......


KENNISGEWING 476 VAN 1977. Ingevolge artikel 58(8)(a) van die genoemde Ordon- . - • nansie, moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die 111 • VOORGESTELDE STIGT1NG VAN DORPE. toeStaan van die aansoeke of wat beger1g is om in die saak gehoor te word of vertoe te rig, die Direkteur Ingevolge artikel 58(8)(a) van die Ordonnansie - op skriftelik in kennis stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet Me, later me as agt weke van die datum van sodanige Derpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965, hiermee be word mute publikisie in die Provinsiale Koerant, naamlik kend gemaak dat aansoek gedoen is om toestemming 9 November 1977, deur..,die Direkteur van Plaaslike om die dorpc gemeld in meegaande Bylac te stig. Bestuur ontvang ,word. . •. - Die„ aansoeke met die betrokke planne, dokumente Alle•besware meet in' duplo ingedien word en gong word aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike BeStuut, - en inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direk- Prlvaat X437, Pretoria.' sakteur,Kamer B206A, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale E. UYS, Gebob, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. • weke vanaf 9 November 1977. Pretoria, 9 November 1977. . .

. , , . . • ' . • • - . . BYLAE. ••. '• ' . ,. , . • • .

(a) Naam van Dorp . - ' en Aantal Erwe Beskrywing van . . Ligging Verwysingsnommer (b) Eienaar(s), • Grond • . I I

. . ' 1 (a) Morningside Spesiale Woon : 1 Gedeelte 566 ('n ge- Suid van en grens PB. 4-2-2-5828 Uitbreiding 109. Algemene deelte van Gedeelte aan Gedeelte 387 (b) Runnymede Woon : 3 119) van die' van die • plaas pleas •Zand- . Properties.Limited. . . . Zandfontein NO. 42- . . • fontein No. 424.12. LR., distrik Johan- We's van en grans nesburg. aan WootIburnstraat.

• (a) Northwold • Spesiale Woon : 1 Hoewe 13, Golden Noordoos . van en PB. 4-2-2-5790 , • Uitbreiding 9. Spesiaal : 1 Harvest Landbouhoe- grens aan . FirstWeg.

• • (b) Hoisseman .• • Park : 1 wes, distrik Noordwes van en ' I.Q.. . Securities (Pty.) Randburg. grens aan Hoewe 14. • Ltd. • . ..

(a) 'Chloorkop' ... Kommersieel : 2 Restant van Gedeel- Noordwes vari en PB. 4-2-2-5859 • Uitbreiding 20. • • te 57 van die plaas grens' aan Gedeelte • (b). Frankipile •'.... Klipfontein No. • 12- 39 en suidwes van en Properties (Trans- .. LR., distrik Kemp- grens aan Gedeelte vaal) .(Edms.) Bpk. tonpark. •• • 58, albei van die

• - . , plaas Klipfontein No. 12-I.R. . , - „, • •• . . . . . - . .

• . . : . .• . .

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• - . . , .. .• ,, • • . , . . . - — • - . , ...... • • , .,. , . . . ' • . . . . .

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• - i • • • . •• • • . . . . . ' • . • • , 3796 PROVINCIAL OAZETTE,•16„NOVEIIIBER; 1977 .

NOTICE 471; OF,1:1977. . . : KENNISGEWING 471 1977./.


' • The Director of Local .Governinentahereby igives ine- j pie.1Direkteur Nam Plaaslike iBestuur , gee hierby _ ken- tice II terms of seetioni 311ot- the' Town-Planning and :ms.kragtens artikel 31..yan die Ordonnansie op ,Dorps-; Townships 'OrdinanCe; 1965 (Ordinance i'25 'Of ".1965); Dorpe, 1965 (Orcinnonsie 25 van 1965), that the city Council'0E' Johannesburg lag subilnittedtaK :dot StadsCaScti van 'Johannesburg 'n voorlopige Skema.' interim scheme, which is an amendtherit sehethe, to `wit • .wat 'n: - WYSighigikema: te' %vete; die -JohanneSburg- the om die - Johannesburg Amendment: Scheme, 1/948, to amend ,wysigingskema 1/948 voorgele . het. .betrokke thp reletant;tOwn-Plannieg:ieheme in operation,,'S wit,. Olortglaeplaniaingkenia to Wetting, te wete,, die'Johan- 1 the''Johanhesbfirg Town-planning Scheme.I .1946A/ ne:sbiirg-dorpkianlegskenia .1; 1946 te WYSig.' • T • ' - The':afoitsaid interim scheme includes the following: Die voornoentde vocniapgi skenia sluit die yoigende din: • (1) The rezoning of a portion; of Lot ..27; a portion; of Lot 8, a portion of Lot 9, a portion of Lot 842, a (1) Die hersonering van 'n deel van Lot 27, 'n deel part of Portion I of Lot 842, a portion of Lot 179, ; vani Lot 8, 'n deel van Lot 9, 'n deel van Lot 842, 'n portion of Lot 180, a portion of Lot 843 and Lot 181, deel van Gedeelte 1 van Lot 842, 'n deel van Lot 179, Lot_.843__en _181, Parktown.. Township,_from "Special Residential"._ . .'n deel van Lot.180, 'n deeLvan Lot "Educational", subject to certain conditions; dorp Parktown van "Spesiale Woon':' tot 1- `Opypedkun7.. dig" !ondirworpe aanrsekere voerwaardes. (2) The rezoning. of Lot 831, 'Parktow; Toim'ship• I front "Public Road" to "Educational", subject tp cr. Diiheropneyjng_vort Lot .831...dosp.ParktOW11.Yan tarn conditiots. "Openbare Pad" tot "Opvoedkundig" onderworpe aan d ' , sekere vdorwaardes.;'s jr,'• • The aforesaid interinirjthene. inspection • - isuteen :150r1.- at the office of the Director'''orLocal Goveriniiint, Die' yoornoernde voorlopigeiskema' is : yir inSPelksie Room B206A, Provincial`. 3gilding; .1pretoriusAtreel,• 'Tbeskiktiddr"op die kaincicii van die piKelcfeilt van Elaai- Pretoria and at the Offibe•of the' TOWn 'petit of; the: Bgtimr, Kamer B206A, Provinsiale Gebou; Preto- • • '''• - . Stads- City Council of Johannesburg.'; 1 'Iiiiisstrodt1 Pretoria en van die Stadsklerk van die ;11:'. r :31 raidlicift Johannesburg. Where in terms of section 32 of the afOresaid. Or- I - dinance,' any' owner or; occupier ofr immovable. property'. Waat,. kkagtensi die.bePalings van artiket 32 man viaor- and any local authotityj .1ta* the :right..td Inoemde ctdonnansie, enige eienaar ofobesitter 'van on- objection or to ?roerende diendom en enige .plaaslike bestuurildie reg makeirepresentationvin .reapeet.of the! ' said interim scheme, such .owner or occupier or local thetiom*".zi beswaar in te dien vertaLte rig.iniverband authority shall submit 'such objection or may ,make such met ,sodanige voorlopige skemao moet sodanige beswaar representations in wi'iting to the Director. of Local of sodanige verto8 binne vier !weke vanaf die eerste GOVernment,; at the above address or Private 03agtX437,:.. publikasie Cyan: hierdie lkennisgewing in die. Provinsiale Pretoria, within a period 'of.:four weeks from the date • Koetant• Skriftelik aan die Direkteur harhPliaslike:Be- of the first publication:of Ihis.notice in. the' Plovincial • stutiribY ibogemelde adres of Piivaatsak X437,. Pretoria • c ;1 ! ;'' ;:).`. Gazette. I in .Voorgelo Word. -1 r. th ;E.: • j • I . ,•.E4 uys, UYS,; I.-Director:Of Cocal government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. Pretoria, 9 November; 1977. Pretoria,'9 November 1977. PB. 4-9-2-2-948 PB. 4-9-2-2-948

NOTICE 472 OF 1977. KENNISGEWING 472 VAN 1977.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, (as 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, amended) that application has been made by the owner 1965, (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar Messrs. Northern Homes (Pty.) Ltd., 29 O'Brian Ave- mnre. Northern Homes (Pty.) Ltd., O'Brianlaan 29, nue, Northcliff Extension 3 for the amendment of Northcliff Uitbreiding 3 aansoek gedoen het om Rand- Randburg Town-planning Scheme, 1976 by rezoning burg-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1976 te wysig deur die her- Erf 26, situated on Susan Street, Strijdompark Town- sonering van Erf 26, gelee aan Susanstraat, dorp Strij- ship from "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwel- dompark van "Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van ling per Erf" to "Industrial 1". • "Een woonhuis per Er?' tot "Nywerheid 1".

The amendment will be known as Randburg Amend- Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat ment Scheme 117. Further particulars of the Scheme Randburg-wysigingskema 117 genoem sal word) 18 in are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, • Randburg and at the office of the Director of Local Kamer B206A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pre- Government, Room B206A, Provincial Building, Pre- toria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Rand- torius Street, Pretoria. burg ter insae. • Any objection or representations in regard to the Enige beswaar of verta teen die aansoek kan te application shall be submitted to the Director of Local eniger tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum PROVINS1ALE KOERANT, 16 NOVEMBER 1977 3797

- Government, in writing at the. above address or Private van..hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaas- Bag•X437, Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, Private Bag .Bice Beituur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, 1, Randburg at any time within .a period of 4 weeks Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Privaatsak 1, Randburg from the date of this notice. voorgel8 word. .skriftelik . . . . E. UYS, : E. UYS, Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. , . - Pretoria; 9 November, 1977. .'Pretoria, 9 November 1977. PB. 4-9-2-132H-117 PB. 4-9-2- 13211-117

, . , . . .. NOTICE 473 OF 1977. KENNISGEWING 473 VAN 1977.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (as 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dor- amended) that application has been made by the owner, pe, 1965, (sacs gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar, Mrs. E. Brenkel, C/o. Messrs. S. Sacks and Company, mev. E:- .Brenkel, P/a. mire. S. Sacks and Company, P.O. Box 946, Vanderbijlpark for the amendment of Posbus 946, Vanderbijlpark aansoek gedoen het om Vanderbijlpark Town-planning Scheine 1, 1961 by re- Vanderbijlpark-dorpsaanlegskema I, 1961 te wysig deur zoning Erf 114, situated on Beethoven and Mozart die hersonering van Erf 114, gele8 aan Beethoven- en Streets; Vanderbijlpark South-west 5 Township from Mozartstraat, •dorP Vanderbijlpark Suidwes 5 van "Spe- n "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwelling siale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per p per Ed" to "Special Residential" with a density of Erf". tot "Spesiale met 'n digtheid van "Een . Woon" "One dwelling per 2 000 m21." . • woonhuis per 2 000 m2". •

' The amendment will be known as Vanderbijlpark Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema . Amendment Scheme 64. Further particulars of the (wat Vanderbijlpark-wysigingskema 64 genoem sal Scheme are open for inspection at the 'office of .the word) le in die kantoor van' die Direkteur van Pleas- Town Clerk, Vanderbijlpark and at the office of the like Bestuur, Kamer B206A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pre- Director of Local Government, Room B206A, Provin- toriusstraat, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stads- cial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. klerk van Vanderbijlpark ter insae. Any objection or representations in regard to the Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te application shall be submitted to' the Director of Ldcal. eniger tyd binne "n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die da- Governm'ent, in writing at the above address or Pri- • ' turn van hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van vate Bag X437, Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak Box 3, Vanderbijlpark at any time within a period of • X437, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 3, Vander- - 4 weeks from the date of this notice. bijlpark skriftelik voorgele word. E UYS, '' E. UYS, ' • Director of Local Government. . Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. Pretoria, 9 November, 1977. Pretoria, 9 November 1977. • 4-9-2-34-64 . .. PB. 4-9-2-34-64 . PB. -- —

NOTICE 474 OF 1977. KENNISGEWING 474 VAN 1977. III ' PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME 555. PRETORIASTREEK-WYSIGINGSKEMA 555. , . . . It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, (as '46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, t amended) that application has been made by the owner, '1965, (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar, Mr. J. J. Griessel, C/o. Mr. G. M. Laurens, P.O. Box mnr. J. J. Griessel, P/a. mnr. G. M. Lourens, Posbus 14301, Lyttelton, Verwoerdburg for the amendment of 14301, Lyttelton, Verwoerdburg aansoek gedoen het om

, Pretoria Region Town-planning Scheme 1960 by re- Pretoriastreek-dOrpsaanlegskema 1960 te wysig deur die zoning Err 1091, situated on Selborne Avenue and hersonering van Erf 1091, gelee op die hock van Sel- Maitland Avenue, Lyttelton Manor Extension 1 Town- en Maitlandlaan, dorp Lyttelton Manor Uit- ':bornelaan ship from "Special Residential" with a density of "One bidding 1 van "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van dwelling per Erf" to "Special Residential" with a den- "Een woonhuis per. Erf" tot "Spesiale Woon" met 'n ' sity of "One dwelling per 1 500 m2". digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 1 500 m2".

The amendment will be known as Pretoria Region . Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema. Amendment Scheme 555. Further particulars of the (wat Pretoriastreek-wysigingskema 555 genoem sal Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the word) le in die krintocTr van die Direkteur van Plaas- Town Clerk, Verwoerdburg and at the office of the like Bestuur, Kamer B206A, Provinsiale Gebou, Preto- Director of Local Government, Room B206A, Provirc riusstraat, Pretoria en .in die kantoor van die Stads- cial'Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. 'klerk van Verwoerdburg ter insae. iAny objection or representations in regard to the . Enige beswaar of verto8 teen die aansoek kan te application shall be submitted to the Director of -Local eniger tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die -

I Government, in writing at the. above address or Private . datum van hierdie. kennisgewing aali die Direkteur van 3798 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE,_ 16 NOVEMBER; 1977

Bag X437, Pretoria,' and the .Town Clerk, P.O. Box Plaaslike-Bestuur by bovermelde adres of . Privaatsak 14013;. Verwoeidburg at ;any time within'a period .of 4 X437,•_iPretoria. en die. Stadsklerk, Posbus 14013, Ver‘ g m weeleS• froth the date! of _dila : nritice.. : . wderdburg .skriftellic voorgele .word...... - - ' , • • .• .- .:. E. UYS, '.. , E. UYS, . .t— • Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. ' Pretoria, 9 November, 1977. : ; 'Pretoria; 9 Notember 1977.

- .. - . . .., P13. 4-9-2-93 555 . PS. 4-9-2-93-555.

- - • •__ - - . - - .. 475 1977. KENNISGEWING 475 VAN 1977. NOTICE OF . .,,

JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/1017. 1 JOHANNESBURG-WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/1017. . •' - . . . - , - • . • . . .;• . .r./ : . . . , •:1; . h) : ', .. , , It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the i Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings-van artikel Town.plarming • and Townships Ordinance,. 1965,, (as 46 van die Ordonnansie ,op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, amended) that application has, been made by the owner, .1965, (sees geyvysig). bekend gemaak dat die eienaar, Messrs. Nedlin EuildingS..(Proprietary).Limited. •C/o., 'anis. Medlin Buildings (Proprietary) Limited, P/a. mnre. Davey, 3243, Johan- Messrs. Dent; Course and. Davey,, P,O.• Box 3243, Jo- : Uppti.,Cotirse and Posbus - hannesburg for the Amendment of Johannesburg Town.% nesburg aansoek gedoen• het om Joharinesburg-dorpsaan. planning Scheme:1; 1946 by rezoning Remaining Extent - legskema .1, 1946 te•wysig deur die hersonering van. of Lot 249, situated on Fourth Avenue, Linden Town- 'Restart van Lot 249, gelee„ aan Vierdelaan, dorp Lin- ship, • from "general Evilness" •to "General 13.esiden- • den van.."Algemene Besigheid" 'tot "Algemene Woon",. • .• - - • . • tial" subject to certain conditions. . l• ...... ondetttorps. aan , sekere voorwaardel. ; ' ' ' ' The Ainehdment Will be know.n AS raantresburg Verdere" besmiderhede van hierdie 'wysigingskema' 4 Amendment Scheme 1/1017. Further Particulars of the '(wat Johannesburg-wysigingskema 1/1017' genoem sal • ' Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the word) le. in, diekantoor van, die Direkteur • van Pleas- Town • Clerk. Johannesburg and at the office of the like Bestuur., .Kamer ,B204A, Proviniiale, Gebou, Pre- - die. Stads- Director - of 1 4941 Government, Room $2064. .Provio- toriusstraat, fieteriven in ;cue kantoor 'van • • • ciallivilding; Pretorius.•Stmet, pretoria. ...• . .. klerktvan lehannesburg ter Misc. . . - ' 'Any dkjeCtiOnI or repitientatiOns in regard 'to' the'. Bate beiweair of:'tertoe"' teen die annioek kan to application shall be Sithinitted to the'birettbr 'of Local / eniger tyd binne 'rt. tVdperk 'tan 4 weke varier die dtt Government, in writing at the above address or Private I turn van• hierdie kennisgewing raan die Direkteur van Bag X437.. Pretoria, the - Box Bestuur: by bovelmelde adres of Privaatsak and Town Clerk.: P.O. i Plaaslike 1049. :Johannesburg at any 'time Withigia. period of 4 1)(437;;Rretoria en, die Stadsklerk, Posbus 1049,1 Johan- ' • . • ; . -; word. . weeks from the 4ate of this. notice. ; . nOStiurg:Skfiftelik,..voorgele ,, , • - • • • . . . E. UVSi. : . • 0..:•:.• ; . E. WS, Director: of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur:: Pretoria, '9 November, 1977. Pretoria, 9 November 1977. • ' • PB. 4-9-2-2-1017 • - • • • PB. 4-9-2-2-1017

' ' ' 1 . • . • • . . P . . - . - 'NOTICE_ _ 468 OP 1977. • . .. : ... .: KENNISGEWING.468 VAN 1977...... 1

.13QCKMAKEReS. LICENCE.. . I BEROEPSWEDDERSLISENSIE. 4 I, Snyrnert Malan of. 62 Michael Street, Oakdene, i a. SnYMan Wan van Miuhaelstraat 62, Oakdene; ! Johannesburg gee Johannesburg do hereby give notice ihat it is my Mien- hiermee kennisidat ek van vooriteme tion to apply to the.; Bookmaker's Licensing by die Transvaalse lemepswedderslisensiekomitee Transvaal aaenisnsoek,tedoom, orn :n sertilikaat•waarby die uitreiking Cominittee for a certificate authorizing the issue. of a: van 'ti 'berowsweddersliseasier ingevolge Oidonnansie 26 beekritaket's lieence in terms. otOrdinance 26 of 1925.. van 1925 'gemagtig word. ' Any person object• to the granting 'of - who, wishes: to , .•Iederen wat. beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van such a' certificate.. or: ho wishes to lay, before the.Com- • so husertifikaat of wat enige feit of inligting in verband mittee any fact or information in connection therew_ith,. , daarmee aan die Komitee, wil voorle, kan dit skriftelik - may do so in • writing to. the Secretary of the Transvaal. aan .die Sekretaris van, die Transvaalse Beroepswedders- Bookmaker's Licessinecommittee, Private Bag X64,- :Jignsielcomitee, Privatsak X64, Pretoria, doen on horn ' to reach. him on or before 30 -November, 1977. .op.30 November 1977 to bereik. Iedere soda' Pretoria. Atm of - Every such person is - required to state ,bis - full nitme;. ' nige persoon moet sy voile naam, beroep en posadres : occupation and postal address. . verstrek.

. . . . , , • . • . - ' - - - - - ; ••. • 41 . q) - • ..s!." - .NOTICE 478 6111977. ••• . 1 .:KENNISGEWING .478 VAN 1977. -

- 1973: OKOONNANSIE OP DIE VERDELING VAN DIVISION OF LAND' ORDINANCE; APPLI:. . , ; GROND. 1973: AANSOEK• OM DIE' VERDELING. CATION FOR THE DIVISION OF LAND. VAN GROND. _ .• . . . 4 In.accordance with the cprovisiont of. section 7(I)tbf: ' • Ooteenkumstig die bepalings van. artikel 7(1) van die the.Division-Of Land Ordinance, 1973 (Ordinance 19.ef. , Ordciniiansie op die Verdeling van Grond, 1973 (Or- - , - PROVEN81AL% %OMANI, 16 NOVEMBER. 1977' 3799

_ . . , . 1973) notice is hereby given••thai 'I - have" received an !donnansie 19 van' 1973j` word hierbY 'bekend gemaak application in terms of the provisions of section 5 of .dat ek 'n aansoek ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 5 p • the' said Ordinance from the' ()inner . Stefanus Andrias van •ienciemde Ordomiansie van 'die eienbar Stephanus du Buisson in respect of ;the area of land, namely 'Andrias du Buisson ten opsigte van die gebied grond, te • Holding 11, Waterkloof Agricultural Holdings, district , wete tHoewe 11,....Waterkloof LandbouhoeWesi distrik

. • - - . , . . r• : r••• .r . •• ., ' r• .. Pretoria. , ,:...... , .. ,., . ., .. Pretoriapontvang :heti. .hr. :. • • •• • • SuCh„application together with the relevant plaits and: .Sodanige aansoek,,, tesame met,. die betrokke planne information is open. for inspeefion. at .the office of the; i ewinligting ,is yik.inspeksie beskikbaar by. die kantoor Directkof Lobal,.GOVernment, Ream B306,,provineial. .van, die Direktenr ,yan PlaastikerBestuur, Kamer 8306,. Baildirtg, Street; Pretoria; for a Pretirms ' period.of 601 ;Provinsiale Gebon.;.pretorius,straat, Pretoria, vir "it tyd- . clayi..frorn date the" .firs(,' publication'. heredf perk. van 60 vanaf,. die eerste Ipubli- thi of . ' in ; dae die .datum van - - afizeita„ .j ,kasie..Iiieryag , the:`ProV7nciol ,;; ;„,; ; ,': , : in.:die .Provinsiale. Koerant. •.. ! - - 0 .. Any, person•Whe wishes' to 'object to' the granting 'Of' *Van : Iedereen wat- beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan appllcation„or desirous of making repre- I - of..wat begerig is om vertoe te rig, moet such - who. is die .aiitsoek, sentatibris •in the matter; Shall ',notify the in, die Dieekteut kkiiftelik vansy(redes binne,ge- . Director daarvan ' writing of his reasons therefor within the said- period .noemde tydperk van 60 dae in kennia stel. of 60 days. - • . . E. UYS, E. UYS, . - `• -- . . i• ' • ' ": - '' '. ; I .• .1 Director of• Local GOyernment. van Plaaslike'Bestuur, - ''Direkteur' ' - • c % '" 2 .16 d: - - - , ' c Pretoria, November, 1977.• Jo* , 16 NaveMber' ' 1977. :. !Pretork' ' - ' ' • • ' I- •(!' ' ' ''' 'Ilt r. 7: '. '. - -697(II): .PB:i4-1374 ; -:•1 . , ';„ PB. 44314-697(11)'

' NOTICE 479 OF 1977. KENNISGEWING 479 VAN 1977. • ' • ' ' • • • C . '. ?“' !“ :,.; •• ), •••• ,,. ; .t..• ;.i. 1.. .. ! i.. , t .. '.'. .. ‘: • 'KENNISGEWINQ - i! WI:Kt BOOKMAKER'S, LICENCE,„:, . ;.': H .BEROEPSWEDDERSLISEN

• I, Richard Henry .Flynn of 247, . Adrian Street, - . - Ek;• -kichard'Ilenry• van' FlynnSandOVitt:ExtenSiOn'•24',Sandtoa. d6 'hereby give notice F Adrianstraar• 247. that it is my intention to apply' io the 'Tranivaal•Book; .Sandown Uitbreiding 24i• Sandton' gee hiettnee kern* - - maker's Litensing Committee for a certificate authoriz- : dat :ek •Valf voorneme is om by die Transvaalse Be ' roepswedderslisensiekomitee!aansoelc, te doen om .'n ser- ing the issue of a bookmaker's licence ,in.terms' of.* Or- . . - • waarby uitreiking dinance 26 of 1925. lifikaat die avn In lberoepswedders- • • - • . • ,..I „ ...... 1 ,.., , .. .„: ; . lisensie ingevolge. Ordonnansie 26 van 1925 gemagtig - ' . . • - • • .... I .. ; , ... i I . , . Any person. who wishes :to pbject to %the: granting of wad. .. ., - ; „ ' such a certificate, 'on:who wishes ito lay before the Iedereen wat beswaar wil maak tan die .tdestaati • Committee. itutyc.:f3pt.....o.E.. information,. in. .connection vanIcso. 'n tsertilikaat . of 'wat enige, felt of .inligting: in - therewith; may 'ido iso .inf writing to - „the'Secretary of. ; yerband daarmee aan : die Komitee wil vOor18,. tan dit skriftelik).aan the Transvaal Bookmaker's Licensing Colinittee, Pri; ;die Sekretaris. van die Transvaalse . Be- • , ' . , ., .. . . ,., ... i. roeplutedderslisensiekomitee, Privaatsak. X64, • Pretoria, vale 'Big X64, pd:cirlae.li tci:' i•each 'him .on 9r. heforb;s7, doen ontthom..vooroof op .7 _December 4977 te' bereik.• b.). December; '1077.' Every such' person is required' I Iedere sodanige persoon , moet sy voile naam, beroep • ' I - 1 1 ' ' state“hiS . la& name/ occupation and. postal* address.! en pcisiidrevverstrek. ''. .".17* ''' • .iln: '. • .' , • :••••••: -

- - - NOTICE 480 OF 1977: .. KENNISGEWING 480 VAN 1977.


Notice 447 of 1977, which., appeared in the Provin- Kennisgewing 447. van 1977. wet. in • die Provinsiale cial Gazette of 26 October, 1977 is hereby amended Koerant van 26 Oktober 1977 verskyn het word hier- by the deletion, of the last paragraph, and ,the substity- - by' gewysig deur die skrapping van die laaste paragriaf •. . - non the folloWing:. - 1 ..therefor..f .. •,. ;•; • : • - • en•idie ttervanginrdaarvan die volgencle:— • - - - - ' ' ' - • ' " . '' • met • - (2) The. amendment of 4he • Johitimesburg 'Town= . ' ::' LP • • 1 - . planning scheme by the - rezoning of Portions 225 'and' :(2) Die wysiging van die Johannesburg‘dorpsaanleg- 226 (portion Of. 'Portion '71) of• the -farm • fanglaigte skema. detir die terSOnering . van Gedeeltes 225 en 226. • i 224 from road'Servitude to "Special" for a public: ga- (gedeelte van .Gedeelte 71) r van. •die plaas 'Langlaagte rage and• the 'rezoning of Erf' 155 ands "the' northern' 1224 wan ipadserwitute i tot .I'Spesitial" ivir 'n opehbare Portion oft& 156 Piarlshoop Eitensioa ir:TOwnshiP igarageien die hersonerilig .vaniErf 155 'en die noorde from `"Special' Residentiarto "Speciall'• for a -gain& like Gedeelte• -van Erf) 156,..idorp. Paarlshoop Uitbrei-

• arid the 'rezoning Of the Southern 'Portion of .Erf 156 I ding. I. van l'Spesiale Moon"; tot :"Spesiaal' vir 'n gara- ; 2. ge! en Idie thersoncringfivanAie. suidelike Gedeelte van and Ekren 157 to' 162c Paarlshoop Extension '1 •Town- • ship front "Special Residential". to ''General Residen- Erf 156 en •Erwe...157 tot. .1.62• Paarlshoop Uitbreiding ' - - • • • - ' ' - - - i • " • • ... : tial'. • : - '• ! :. ... 11.! van; "SpeSiale.. Woon". tot; "Algemene Woon". ' - ' ' '' ; • ' r' • ' . , ; , •, ' •• - ' - 11 -'• 1 • : .... I '. ` .• PB: 4-14121999-1j ; '.. PB. 44472-999-1' ' ' - ‘ . 1 - p• .1 1 ' j • •• - -2 •1 : . r„1 di : 4-14 -999-2 ' 4- 14-2-999-2 • ' , • • i • ..."....'; ' i• ; .. " - s . i i' = •I .1 !• 54-15-2-21 -224-6i I . •.:1 ... i' 4-15-2 21-224-6 3800 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 16 NOVEMBER, 1977 . _

• NOTICE 481 OF 1977. . . KENNISGEWING 481 VAN 1977.

. . REMOVAL, OF RESTRICTIONS. ACT 84 OF 1961. WET - OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS 84 VAN 4 • • . • . • 1967. It•isi hereby. notified in terms of section 3(6) .of the. . . above Act that the undermentioned .'applications - have Ingevolge artikel 3(6) van bostaande Wet word hier- been received by the Director of Local Government mee kennis gegee dat onderstaande aansoeke deur die and. are. Open to inspection at Room B206A, Provincial • Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ontvang is'en ter insae Building, 'Pretorits Street, Pretoria and at the office Id by Kamer 13266A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, of'relevant local 'authority. Any"objections, with. 'Pretoria en in 'die 'kantoor van die betrokke plaaslike - kill reasons •therefdr, Should be lodged in writing with ry .owerheid.Enige beswaa1, met volledige redes daaocir,' the - Director •of Local Government, at the above moet' skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, address or Private Bag' X437, Pretoria; on or before? by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria,' in- 14 December, 1977. gedien word op 14 Desember .1977. " - - of voor • . E. INS, - br • Director of Local Government . Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. ' Pretoria, 16 1977. . • November, •Pretoria,,, 16 November 1977. • • • • .• . ' Colin Thomas Miller for: Colin Thomas Miller vir: y t •••• . • .(1):The amendment of ,the conditions of title of Lots (.1) Die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Lotte 274 and' 275 Kempton Park' EXtension Township, dis- f274 en 275 dorp Kemptonpark Uitbreiding, distrik triet. Kempton Park in order to permit open and cover- Kemptonpark, ten einde oop en onderdak parkering in- ed parkinCineluding - a parking garage and ancillary tsluitende 'n parkeergarage en verwante gebruike toe uses. :te teat. 4 - - (2) The aniendment Of the Kempton Park Town- (2) Die wysiging van die Keifiptonpark-dorpsaanleg- planning.,Scheme by the rezoning of Lots 274, and 27,5 skema deur die hersonering van Lotte 274 en 275 dorp Kenipton .Paik 'Extension Township from "Special Re- Kemptolipark Uitbreiding van "Spesiale Woon" tot sidentiar to "Special" for the abovenamed uses. "Spesiaal" vir die bogenoemde gebruike.

This amendment scheme will be •known as .Kempton Die sal bekend Ethan as Kempton- . - .wysigingskema Park„Arnendment Scheme 1/133. •.••. park-wysigingskeina• 1 /133— • - • PB. 4 14-2-6464 . „ PB. 4-14-2-646-1 . •• , ' Anne Gretchin Robinsbn•for:' , Anne Gretchen Robinson vir: . • JO The amendment of the conditions bf title of Erf (I) Die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Erf 732, Forest Town Township, Registration Division I.R., .732, dorp • Forest Town, Registrasie Afdeling I.R., Transvaal in order to subdivide the erf. , Transvaal ten einde die erf onder te verdeel.

(2) The •ardendment of the Johannesburg ToWn-plan- : (2) Die' wysiging van die Johannesburg-dorpsaanleg- ning Scheme by the rezoning of Erf 732, Forest Town. skema deur die 'hersonering van Erf 732 dorp Forest ToWnship. fromi"Special Residential' with •a density of 'Town, van "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een "One. dWelling' per - err to "Special Residential" with woonhuis per err' tot "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digt- ' a density. of 'One 'dwelling per 15 000 sq. ft.". • heid Van "Ben woonhuis per 15 000 vk..vt.". 'This amendment scheme will be !mow. as Johannei- Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Johannes- burg Amendment Scheme 1/1018. burg-wysigingskema 1/1018. PB. 4.14-2-500-17

NOTICE 482 OF 1977. KENNISGEWING 482 VAN 1977.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Hierby word oofeenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, -1965; (as 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dor- amended) that application has been made by the owners, pe, 1965, ;(soon gewysig), bekend gemaak dat die eie- Lady N. Usher,/ Mr.. E.' E. C. Woods, Mrs. B. G. 'D. naars,,Lady N. Usher, mu. E. E. C. Woods, mev. B. Nilsson, G:. Mackeurtan; Mr. P. H. -iKoopman, mnr. J. G. Mackeurtan, mnr. P. H. - Messrs. Twinbute ...Properties (Proprietary) Limited, - 1Koopman, mnrc. Twinbrite Properties (Proprietary) Li- Mrs. M. GVS. Geel,; - Messrs. North Road House (Pro= mited, mev. M. G. S. Geel, mnre. North Road House prietary) Limited' and•Messrs.,Rail- Rapid Transit Cor- (Proprietary) Limited en mnre. Rail Rapid Transit Cor- pbration (Proprietary)-Liinited; C/o. Messrs. A- Rosen. .poration (Proprietary): Limited, P/a. mnre. A. Rosen - and - Partners, .1705Trust.Bank Centre, 56 Hoff Street, Teri Vennote, Trust Bank - Sentrum 1705, Eloffstraat 56, Johannesburg; for the amendment-of Northern• Johan- Johannesburg, • aansoek gedoen het om Noordelike Jo- nesburg Region •1Town:planning Scheme, 1958, by re; hannesburgstreek-dorpsaanlegskema, 1958, te wysig zoning the Remaining Extent of Portion I •of Lot 4, deur die hersonering van die Resterende Gedeelte van a Portion 2, of Lot 4, Portion 4 of Lot 4, Portion 5 of Gedeelte 1 wan Lot 4, Gedeelte 2 van Lot 4, Gedeelte Lot. 4, Remaining Extent of Portion 6 of Lot 4, Re- 4 van Lot - 4, Gedeelte 5 van Lot 4, Resterende Ge- maining:Extent of Portion 7 of Lot 4, Portion 9 (a por- dcelte van. Gedtelte 6 van Lot 4, Resterende Gedeelte • '

PRO MINSTALE, .frcOpt....4 &IT. .16: NQ.ValBER. 11:97,7; 3801.

- tio.n of Portion . I) ,of Lot 4, Portion •:10.„(a pottioniof van Gedeelte-"7 van iLot„4. .Gedeelte .9.01 gerieelte.vnat - Portion 6). of tot.:41and"Rdmaining • Extent.:ofi/Lot ;4;1 1Gedeelte „1):;van,gLot 4,.„Qedealte - .10. „cu. gedeelteirvarc a ' • . W sitUated bn Nortnt - Strdet • and Main'. Street; Saiulown1 Gedeelte 6) ....v_an .Lot,;y4 en „ Itcstcrende„ Qedeelte.•„van:. • . • , , ; ..; Lot 4, gelee • - ., : - .„1. .„...•:..: - ..... aag.Northatraat.. pp Igainstraat.. dorp. atir. 'Fownship, from — down, van — (I) - (Portirni - 4, of • Let2:0 n:. - ' 0) lig - "Special' '1.e?ideritial" (Gedeelie 11.'Spesiale'Wbon" Met. • - - - ' - - ‘41.tvtihr 4);',4. ' ' - with a "oge dwallifig per '6;000 iii1"yind - density. *.Of 'n: '..iligtheid"1.4an'''"Een WohnhbiS per 6000.1 pi:" en , ' ' (2) (Remaining Extent:of iPortibn 1 of Lot:4, Portion; .C(2) (Residrendei decleblre' van. Gedeelte .1 •Vari•Lot - 4',: ;Lot. - . 2• of Lot-4;'•Portioril5 *of 4, Remaining ExtenrOf :Gedeelte'12 van.:LOt: 4,' Gedeelte 57van hot 4, Iteste- Portion 6 of Lot 4, Remainirig2Extent!of. Portion - 7: of rende Gedeelte van: Gedeelte 6 van - LOr 4:' Resterende , Lot 4; Portion 9 (a portion of Portion 1) of Lot 4, Gedeelle van Gedeelte 7 van Lot 4, Gedeelte 9 ('n - . - (10..(a 6) . Portion !Anion .of.:Portiiih of Lot 4 and the ] gedeelte van sGedeelte 1) Van( Lot 4, Gedeelte 10 ('n Remaining Extent of Lot 4). • "Special/Residential"; !gedeelte van Gedeelte 6) van Lot•4 .eir dig Resterenrie. With - 'a I density 'of "One dwelling per 4 000 m2" !Gedeellevait1tot 4)— "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid ,

all to "Special" Use Zone VI, for shops, market ! . places, offices; Thanks, building ‘.socipties,..:post offices, almal tot "Spesiaal" Gebruikstreak t VI, vir winkels, insurance companies, stockbrokers' premises, professio- .markpleinc, kantore, banke, bouverenigings, poskanto- nal - suites, „ -storerooms and.. storage ',areas?! warehouses, re, versekeringsmaatskappye,. 'aandelemakelaarsypersele, institutions, places 'of amusement and' swimintng pools, • profession& kamers, stoorkamers en opbergingsplekke, places of instruction. piac9s. of iptiklip worship,, public !pakhuisen „cintigtings, vcrnmaklikheidsplekkc Jen swem- parking- gat:ages? ari.as,':griragpg and taxi siands,i;:tisk. ibiddens,.:onderrigPlckke, pleklde. vir.6peribarergbdsdielis-i dential buildings and hotels, Ogle lilitils,Aildr6n'S pl4y. i oefenitig, openbare - sarageS parkeergebiede . garages. en - • and' dieP1:pijirpes of. Yefteiliinent aljdtponfee ', stainplekke. yir)tap,,,?voodgebOue.:en). holeile,.:geieljigy ' pareas and . : titineti,. inaOdr1 otadder, restaurants,• 'and'.. with' the, . heidsale al..Crechei .verversings- .• , . . .•„n ..... 1; ...... - 1 kindersnieltoireine .. consent : of ,theiocal;authority „and suhjept," to eom plelike.cn„kankctbakkerye. onderslaktestautante. en npa7. pliz(nk with the ,provisions, Ot, 'cl4iii&fl of the,10)onic. lugEe#auraote.. en; met die .. toestenpning. van. die piaast • . en. , bakeries. laUndracitles„' dry:cleaning establishments ' like, besting.• ,tontlerheWig tam' ,nakorning, ;Arid? - die.,steama presses, subject iib' eektain ; cariditiO44 :1'7 .ibePalings van Klousule 17 van die' Skema.;.bakkerye,

•• wasserytjies droogskoonmaaklokale met stoomperse, . '...... The amendment be known• .as • . • will• ,) . .!.;. „ Northern-. .Johnn-... • ' ... ' u...... i .... J.:. .: 14. - ...v. ••.: ... onderworpevaan : sekere voorwearaea.:.” : ..n . nes6urg !Region par: ...... ! . „...... Ai4nciment ScliOne 10.38....F.iiithei ... 7 14. ' I. ri _IL. . ...:. ,V,etilete- • oculars of the. Scheme -are open; fOr inspection. at the obegenderhede van 1 liTtl,i6 .Wrigiligskema - (igat":NOordelike,., .Jdhatmesburgstreek-wysigingskema office cif..thet Townl:ClerkptStiridton' and :at. theiroffice ' „I .. 1038 gthoeni.sil.4bii1) .16 in die' kjailoor, van, die Di- or the bit:enter' DPI:ball GoVefarnint,; Room -13206A, rekteur van' Pla'islike "Bestmir, 'Chimer 820.6A, Provin- PrpyincialyBuilding.. pretorius...Sttect,:il.ttoria...; .b. . ; :sialel9ebou...Prejoriusstraat; Pretoria en, In .die„kantoor • ' • •- • • • - - r 1- • .1. . rt .. •.; . r In I t. - , .van ,die ter ..t. •ri • Stadsklerk,ivan„5andton• • • insae.• ..:::.. ::•• :•. . . - . l'Any 'pojecitoti?, or representations'. in regard' , to the. . '... ,. ., . , : ' - - : E. get • ret 1 "shall be. isUbmitted to the hi besiaa.r,' I, Vier' ib, 9" kin ie; application " •1 Director• of Local:• ' ouf - teen' :die. a n s oe,' . chigoe ?id .113irint seltydPerk. Vin 4 'weke vanif ''did Government, in. writing at: the. above :address or Private. . daluin'fan"liferdfet kennisgetVinItiaif ille ,bit!okteiii %%an' Bag Pretoria and the Town Cleric, P.O. ;Sox ' ' ' X437, Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde itdreS. of Privaaisnk 7.8001,. any time 4 weeks Sandton at within a. periodyof. X437„ Pretoria Pretoria, en d.ie„Stadskletic,. Ppsbui inool. Sand- . . hem. ihe:dite. of this. notice . , .; ..„.: 1...... :... f t6n ,sicriflaik ypotgeie Nyoro..1.:;;..„ .. .. „ ......

- - ;•... .. : -;.• - .:•1 ...... :DirectOr.of 'Local:Government: ..:z ri I .F ; „ ..• Direkteuri.van :plaas1Pce Bestuur.: - • . - I • - - Pretoria, 16 N,ovember..•1977.„ „..) , _ ,.2.:. . : : ; Prptoriai 16,November 1977.7 n. i . ; . : .(1? :, -.• PB., '4-9-2-116;103a, i . .;../ .PB. 4-9-2-110038.

' ' ' - - - NOTICE 483 'OP 1977. • - . KENNISGEWING'483 VAN, 1977.

• - - - .:.J01 ...... JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/952. - .._' IANNEq13URG.W.Y$IGINGSKEMA 41952.- ' Hierby word van It is herefiy:' 'notified ciii terini (fencing' 46 of the ogreenkpipstig die ibepalings artikel • 46 van die Ordonnansie op Town-planning and . Townships Ordinance, ,1965„ ,(as, Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, - aMended) that application has seen inade:by the ciivnei, 1965, .(soos sgewysig) bekenckgemaak .'clat . die . eienaar,' Messrs. Crown Crushers' Estates' (Proprietary) Limited mnre. Crown Crushers Estates :(Proprietary) Limited en Rand, Mines - arid: ,Crown Mines .Limited,. CJ o., ;Messrs. . Crown Mines Limited, mnre. Rand Mines Pro- - - P/a. , , •. . Properties,' p9....46;.?7. crown ines,'Mi. the amend-- ...... , • - Posbus -27 Crown Mines aansoek.ge oen et . - . *ties • • • • of planning .$Cheme ri•j; ; ; •*; •1 •• ..; • 1 i ••• ' ment Johannesbing ;Town 1. 1946i : .1 '.: i I 1 j ; - I in respect . - -dor sir' anle skema 1 1946- le Wysi „of , ;Elven' 406. , and 407„" situated, On..Piess Johannesburg, „. p.... ,.. , • . .. . g. . 0:111 .f.. .. - Avenue.. Selby Extension. 13 Township 6y,,Khe .de1etiork ten;cipsigie cyan (Erwe 406 en 407,7;g:ice., aan Presslaan? . - - • - - • of the words :•"on : the eif7 i, in.; 'condition .(0. of, An dorpi.Selby Uitbrciding ;113 deur . die: skrapping ;van die! . • - - nexur,o, E.211, to! ; jOhannesburg:, ArrtFridment Schcine. WOordreeoriglieltif" vOcirivaa Ede' (0 van Bylae E:2111. . " in - ' - " . ' - 1/776' '''' I '.' •• :: • ' ''' '' • • • I '''•' ":'• tOliJOhicineigligl-wYsigingsiceniall./776:: .. be known, as ,Johannesburg The amendment'' will Yerdere. besonderhede.1 van Nordic wysigingskema (!vat.J - urg-wymendrndnt AScheme 1/952. Further particulars ofthe. ohannes1 sigingsgenia 1/952 : genoein sal, 3802 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 16 NOVEMBER, 1977

Scheme are open for inspection at the office of the word) 18 in die' kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaas- Town Clerk Johannesburg and at the office of the like Bestuur,. Kamer 11206A,. Provinsiale Gebou, Preto- Director of Local Government, Room B206A, Provin- riusstraat, Pretoria, en in die kantoor van die Stads- cial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. klerk van Johannesburg ter insae. Any objection or representations in regard to the Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te application shall be submitted to the Director of Local eniger tyd binne tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die da- Government, in writing at' the above address or Pri- turn van hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van vate Bag X437, Pretoria and the Town Clerk, P.O. Plaaslike 'Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak Box 1049, Johannesburg at any time within a period of X437, Pretoria, en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 1049, Johan - 4 weeks from the date of this notice. nesburg, skriftclik voorgela word. E. UYS, E. UYS, .

. . Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. Pretoria, 16 November, 1977. Pretoria, 16 NoVember 1977. PB. 4-9-2-2-952 . PB. 4-9-2-2-952

NOTICE 484 OF 1977. KENNISGEWING 484 VAN 1977.


• It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Hierby word'onreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, (as 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, amended) that application has been made by the owner, 1965, (soos gewysig). bekend gemaak dat die eienaar, Messrs. Rand Cold Storage and Supply Company Limi- mnre. Rand .Cold Storage Supply Company Limited, ted, C/o'. Messrs.' Ivan Davies, Theunissen and Part- P/a. mnre: ban Davies, Theunissen en Vennote, Pos- ners, .P.O. Box 16, Springs for the amendment of bus 16, Springs aansoek gedoen het om Springs-dorps- Springs Town-planning Scheme 1, 1948 by the addition aanlegskema I, 1948 te wysig deur die byvoeging van of a further sub-clause (d) after sin:clause (c) to Clause .'n verdere sub-klousule (d) na sub-klousuie (c) tot Klou- 23 which reads as follows: sule 23 wat as volg lees: "(d) Notwithstanding' anything contained in the pre- "(d)' Ongeag enige bepalings in die voorgaande Klou- ceding clauses the buildings on Freehold Erven • sules'mag die geboue op Vrypag Erwe 1601, 1602, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605 and 1607, Springs 1603, 1604, 1605 en 1607, Springs Uitbreiding, Extension, may cover 90% of the area of the site 90% van die terreinoppervlakte beslaan op voor- provided that the erven be consolidated." waarde dat die erwe gekonsolideer word." • The amendment will be known as Springs Amend- Verdere beSonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat meat Scheme 1/124. Further particulars of the scheme Springs-wysigingskema 1/124 genoem sal 'word) 18 in are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Springs and at the office. of the Director of Local Kamer B206A, Provinsiale Gebou,•Pretoriusstraat, Pre- Government, Room B206A, Provincial Building, Pre- toria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Springs torius Street, Pretoria. ter insac. Any Objection or representations in regard to the Enid beswaar of Vertoe teen die aansoek kan te application shall be submitted to the Director of Local eniger tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 woke vanaf die da- Government, in writing at the above address or Private turn van hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Bag X437, Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box Plaaslike BeStuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak 4 45, Springs at any time within a period of 4 weeks X437, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 45, Springi from the date of this notice. skriftelik voorgele word. E. UYS, E. UYS, .Director of Local Government. Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. Pretoria, 16 November, 1977. Pretoria, 16 November 1977: PB. 4-9-2-32-124 PB. 4-9-2-32-124

NOTICE 485 OF 1977. • KENNISGEWING 485 VAN 1977. -WYSI- NORTHERN JOHANNESBURG REGION AMEND- NOORDELIKE JOHANNESBURGSTREEK • GINGSKEMA 1033. • • , MENT SCHEME 1033. Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, (as 1965, (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat' die eienaar, amended) that application has been made by the owner, mnr. P. Winckelmann, P/a. mnr. W. Heinrich, Posbus Mr. P. Winckelmann, C/o. Mr. W. Helmrich, P.O. 7, Johannesburg aansoek gedoen het om Noordelike Box 7, Johannesburg for the amendment of Northern Johannesburgstreek-dorpsaanlegskerna, 1958 te wysig Johannesburg. Region Town-planning Scheme, 1958, by deur die hersonering van Lot 1078, gelee aan St. James- rezoning Lot 1078, situated on St. James Crescent, singe!, dorp Bryanston van "Spesiale Woon" met 'n Bryanston Township from "Special Residential" with a digtheid van "Een woonhuis ner Erf" tot "Spesiale density of "One dwelling per Err' to "Special Residen- Woon" met 'n 'digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 4 000 tial" 'With a density of "One dwelling per 4 000 m2". m2". PROVINSIALE•KOERANT, 16 NOVEMBER 1977 3803

The amendment will be known as Northern Johan- Verderetesonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat IIInesburg Region Amendment Scheme 1033. Further par- Noordelike Johannesburgstreek-wysigingskema 1033 ge- dealers of the scheme are open for inspection at the noem sal word) le in die kantoor van die Direkteur office of the Town Clerk, Smitten and at the office van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer 13206A, Provinsiale Ge- of the Director of Local Government, Room B206A, bou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in' die, kantoor van die Provincial Building, Pretorius, Street, Pretoria. Stadsklerk van Sandton ter insae.

' Any objection or - representations in regard to the Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek - kan to application shall be submitted to the Director of Local eniger tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die da- • Govetnment, in Writing 'at the abOve address or Pri- tum van hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van vate Bag X437, Pietoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak Box 78001, Sandton at any time within a period of 4 X437, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 78001, Sand- weeks from the date of this notice. ton skriftelik voorgela word. - • • . • E. UYS, . E..UYS,

, • . . . Director of Local Government. . . - . Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. Pretoria, 16 November, 1977. • Pretoria, 16 November 1977. PB. 4-9-2-116-1033 PB. 4-9-2-116-1033 ' • : . 1 . . . . . • , .. .

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, '3804 .;PfifirfNCIAL tAZETTE,16'NOVEM13ER;i1977

- _ - .TENDERS.. H . - ; TENDERS

- ' ...',0•T.el;,...- Tenders previously. published; and •where the dos- - renders watt•yoorheen gepcbliseer . is; en waarvan hale passed, pet ,lbeen. repeated in ate .1/etstroke is nie, word niC in _trig ;. dates, - - notoiat- ' ,heve - .dief.aluiting tlatum ,, nog . ' this Teli‘defs are publiTheltr 3-V weeks be- 'k2ennisgewing nier word normaal- "b606. notrildly. herhaal ,Tenders ' • 'IL ' • 1 fore the closing date. ' k' IL weg 3-5 Wadi veiOr. •die.sluithigsdatnin gepitbliseer.

- Thn. tu! • • . :3 .•• • . ;.r): • ..:17RANSVAALSE jrikOW.WSIALE.. 1nriRANS.VAAL:'PRbYl.NOCAL 1:. ; • - • 1'..t ii 1.1 • . ...•ADMINISTRASIE.; " " • I I • • •*". " - !tE ' I I. VI' . t j.'1' " ' rk j:,1 f " • „ TENDERS:" TENDERS. 3 • • . •,,, . I . Tender's :Ere invited for the following services Tenders bir die volgende dienste voorrade verkope - / / / supplies /I; sales! ((Unless. otherwise indicated in the I word ningetvagv.p(Tensrdit. in! die uiteensetting enders description tenders are for sripplies): • •.! Lb. • aangegee word, word tenders' ;vir :voorrade.bedoel)::

Description of Service Closing Date Tender No. Beskrywing van Diens Sluitingsdatum P.F.T. 19/77 Printing and Supply of Subsistence and Transport Claim Forms (TAS 809)/Druk en verskaf van Reis- en Verblyfkoste Eisvorms (TAS 809) 13/1/1978 P.F.T. 20/77 Steel book shelves for Library Services/Staalboekralthe vir Biblioteekdienste - 13/1/1978 W.F.T.B. 1/78 Derdepoort Road Construction Camp L: Installation of overhead distribution lines and high tension connection/Derdepoort-padkonstrulcsiekamp L: Installering van oor- hoofse, distribusielyne en hoogspanningsaansluiting. Item 3002/74 20/1t1978 I W.F.T.B. 2/78 Heidelberg Road Depot: Electrical installation/Heidelberg-paddepot: Elektriese instal- lasle. Item 3004/71 20/1/1978 W.F.T.B. 3/78 'Provincial Fishery Institute, Lydenburg: Supply of a system for the filtration and re- circulation of hatchery-water/Provinsiale Vissery-instituut, Lydenburg: Lowering van 'n stelsel vir die filtrasie en hersirkulasie van broeihuiswater. Item 4008/71 20/1/1978 W.F.T.B. 4/78 Laerskool Malelane: Erection of four class-rooms/Oprigting van vier klasicamers. Item 1118/78 20/1/1978 W.F.T.B. 5/78 Laerskool Nooltgedacht: Erection of six class-rooms/Oprigting van ses klaskamers. Item 1115/76 20/1/1978

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a • • . . . . — • - • .• • • • • • .. PRO VINSTA:LE KOERANT. 10 NOVEMBER 1977 3805 . .

IMPORTANT NOTES. BELANGR1KE OPMERKINGS. I. The relative tender documents including the Adminis- I. Die betrokke tenderdokumente, met inbegrip 'van die amp- tration's official tender forms, are obtainable on application telike tendervorms van die Adrninistrasie, in op aanvraag by from the relative address indicated below. Such documents die onderstaande adresse verkrygbanr. Sodanige dokumente as- and any tender/contract conditions not embodied in the mede enige tenderikontrakvoorwaardes war nic in die tenderdo- tender documents are also available for inspection at the kumente opgencem is nie, is ook by die genoemde, adres vir said address: inspeksie verkrygbaar: • Building, Office in New Provincial 'Tender Kantoor in Nuwe Provinsiale Tender Postal address, Pretoria Posadrcs te Gebou, Pretoria Ref. Pretoria Room I Phone Kamer Verdie- Foon Block Floor sing_Pretoria sing Blok I No. !Pretoria - No. I I ping Pretoria

' . HA 1 & Director of A740 A 7 I 48-9260 HA 1 & Direkteur van A740 , . A .7 48-9260 HA 2 Hospital Ser- HA 2 Hospitail- vices, Private dienste, Psi- - - ' . vaatsak X221. Bag X221. . . , ' HO Director of A728 ' A 7 48-9205 HB Direkteuri van A728 48-9205 Hospital Ser- • • I Hospitaal- vices, Private dienste, Pri- • - . . • Bag X221. . • vaatsak X221. HC Director of A728 A 7 48-9206 HC Direkteur van • A728 A .1 484206 Hospital Ser- Hospitaal- • . vices, 'Private . . dienste, Pri; • . . . Bag X221. - vaatsak X22I. • ' HD Director of A730 A 7 48-0354 HD Dirokteur . van A7-30 A 7 48-0354 1 - - Hospitaal- . • Hospital Ser " , I dienste, Pri- • . . vices. Private ' Bag X221. vaatsak X221.„. . • . . PFT Provincial Se- A1119 A II 48-0924 PFT Provinsiale A1119 A 11 • 48-0924 . . 11• cretary (Pur- . Sekrmaris ' • . • ' • . . . • . chases and (Aankope en ' " . ' Supplies) Pri- i Voorrade),.: . . : ' - . vats Bag X64...... Privaatsak • 0 1 ' X64. '1 ... . . RFT Director, Trans- D307 D 3 48-0530 • vaal Roads RFT DirektDirekteur;, D307 D . , 3 . . . 484530 Department, Transvaalse ' ' . . Private Bag . Paaiedepar- ' ' ' . . . . • X197. cement, Pri- . TED Director, Trans- A490 A 4 48-9231 vaatsak X197. - vaal Educe- . 48-9437 TOD • Direkteur; A490 A 4. -• 48-9231 . . . A489 • - • Transvaalse A489 ' 48-9437 tion Depart ' • ment. Private .. • Onderwys- ...., . . . . Bag X76: . departement, ' Privaatsak WFT Director, C112 C 1 48-0675 Transvaal • X76. • • Department , . WFT Direkteur, C112 C t 48-0675 of Works, . • • Transvaalse . Private Bag - ' Werkedepar. .

, X7.28. tement, Pn- vaatsak X228. WFTB Director, E105 E l 48-0306 ' . . • Transvaal WETS Direkteur, . BIOS ' .' E• . i . 48-0306 ' ' Department Transvaalse ' • ' . . Works, Werkedepar- . 1 . of • . Private Bag . . tement, Pri- ' ' • . • X228. vaatsak X228. • . . • • 2. The Administration is not bound to accept the lowest. or 2. Die Administraiie is nic daartoe verplig om -die. laagste of any tender and reserves the right to accept a portion of a enige tender aan te neem Me en behou horn die reg vizor om

tender. 'n gedeelte van 'n tender aan te neem. • . 3. 'In the case of each W.F.T.B. tender the tenderer must pay 3. In die geval van •iedere W.F.T.B.-tender mod die tenderaar a deposit of 'R4 before he will be supplied with the lender 'n deposit° van R4 'stort alvorens hy van die tenderdokumente documents. Such deposit must be in the form of cash, a bank voorsien sal word. Sodanige deposito moat in kontantgeld wees, initialled cheque. or a department standing deposit receipt 'n tjek dcur die bank geparafecriof 'n departementele legorder (RIO). The said deposit will be refunded if a boon fide tender kwitansie (RIO). Genoemde depositobedrag sal terugbetaal word is received from the tenderer or if the tender documents in- as 'n bona fide-inskrywing van die tendcraar ontvang word of eluding plans, specifications and bills of quantities are returned as die tenderdokumente, met inbegrip van planne, spesifikasies by the tenderer within 14 days after the closing date ,of the en hoeveelheidslyste, binne 14 dae na die sluitingsdatum van die tender to the relative address shown in note I above. tenderaar baruggestuur. word na die betrokke adres in opmerking 4. All tenders must be submitted on the Administration's I hierbo aangetoon. official tender forms. 4. Alle tenders .moet, op die amptelike tendervorm van die Administrasie voorgete word. ••• • , 5. Each tender must be submitted in a separate sealed enve- . ledere inskrywhig mpet.in 'n afsonderlike .verseelde koevert lope addressed to the Chairman, Transvaal Provincial Tender 5. ingedien word, geadresseer aan die Voorsitter, Die Transvaalse Board, P.O. Box 1040, 'Pretoria, and must be clearly super- Provinsiale Tenderraad, Posbus 1040, 'Pretoria, en meet duidelik scribed to show the tenderer's name and address, as well as van die opskrif voorsien wees ten .einde. die tenderaar 6C naam the nuniber, description and closing date of the tender. Tenders em adres aan te asook die nommer, beskrywing en slui- must be in the hands of the Chairman by moo on the toon, closing date indicated above.9. tin°sdatum van dte'tender. Inskrywings meet teen 11h00 op die •. sluitingsdatum hierbo aangetoon,' in.die Voorsitter se'hande wees, - '6. If tenders are delivered by hand, they Must be deposited 6. Indian inskrywings per hand ingedien word, moet hulle in the Formal Tender Box at the Enquiry Office in the foyer teen mat , sluitingsdatum in die Formic Tenderbus of the New Provincial Building, at the Pretorius Street maul geplaas weesetv die 'navraagkantoor in die voorportail van* die entrance (near Bosman Street corner), Pretoria, by 11h00 on by hoofingang nuwe Provinsiale Gebou die aan. Pretoritthstiaat • closing ' the sekane (Baby die hock van 'Bosmanstraat), 'Pretoria. .. . 6 date.die . . C. Grunow, Chairman, Transvaal C. Grunow, Voorsitter,. Transvaalse Provitiiiale Tenderraad, W. ' Provincial Tender Board; W. ' Pretoria, 2 November, 1977. - Pretoria. 2 November 19M - 3806 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 16 NOVEMBER,: 1977.. _ • . • . _

. , ..

• . . I •. ,Noticests ces .1Ig. e.. Ai atso r. i ti e. .,. Local. Plaastihe Bestisirerstiennisgestings. • . . -

. • . . .., . . ,. . •

1 • - . . . TOWN COUNCIL OF BENONI. CITY OF 'JOHANNESBURG. 1 1 Hierdie ontwerpskema• bevat die vol- . , . gen de vo orstel: TRIENNIAL VALUATION 'ROLL,OLL, 1977/ PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO JO- Om 'die indeling van Verenigde Ed HANNESBURG TOWN-PLANNING 80 , AND INTERIM VALUATION 817 (vroeer Erwe 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 en SCHEME 1. 1946 (AMENDMENT ROLLS 1974/77. - 59), Parktown, naamlik .Junctionlaan . SCHEMP 1/997). 1. . . 7, 9 en 11 en •Ridgeweg 12 14 3,,5, 18, en 20 spesiale 10,oel hereby given the - The City Council Johannesburg 16 van woond Notice is that of te, has prepared a - des verander na spesiale doelein des Triennial Valuation Roll for 1977/80 draft amendment Mown- waarby inunisipale and Interim Valuation Rolls for planning scheme to be known as Johan- doeleindes en met 1974/ die Raad se - 77 referred to in Municipal Notice No. nesburg Amendment Scheme 1/997. ohn hur godplekke vergunning,'Readopenbare kantore..ch - 58 of 1977 and Notice No. 76 of 1977, vir sw.ens This draft scheme contains the fel- oefeninge plekke van onderrig, gesel- has been completed and certified in ' lowing. proposal; ligheidsale, inrigtings, spesiale geboue, accordance with the provisions of the - Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, .To 'rezone Consolidated Lot 817 (for- en sport of ontspanningsklubs toege- merly Lots 54 55• 56,57,58 and 59) last kan word. No. 20 of 1933. as amended and that being . , same will become fixed and 'binding on Parktown, being. Numbers 1. 3. 5. 7, Die naaste }cruising is die van and 11 and - all parties concerned who . shall not li, Junction Avenue Num Queensweg en Junctionlaan. en 10, 12, 14, Ridge 4 within one month from date of the .16. 18 and 20 n• bring Roadmle' from Special Residential to Spe- 41 skema mee dat die Raad first publication of this notice. i.e. 9th . . municipal - .. die vier woonhuise vir kantoordoelein- November, appeal against the de- ci a/ for purposes and, men 1977. of - des kan verhuur. totdat die terein vir Sion of the Valuation Court in the offices. dwell munisipale doeleindes niet inbogrip van consenthouses- ' the.sseCsouncil, manner provided in the said Ordinance. - - plces of instruction, touerale hall's,, paddoeleihdes en parkeenen ty geriewe social in. • By ' order of the 'President of the stitutions, special buildings and sports ontwikkel word. Court. • or recreation clubs. Besonderhede van' hierdie skema le ' Burgersentrum, W. SMITH, The nearest intersection is Queens ter insae in Kamer 715, Clerk of the Valuation Court. Road and Junction Avenue. Johannesburg, vir tn tydperk van vier weke vanaf die datum van hierdie ken- The effect of.this scheme is to enable Municipal Offices, .. n isgewing naamlik 9 November 1977. . Council to lease the four dwelling- Elston Avenue. the Enige okkupant van vaste Benoni. houses for office purposes until the site Mauer of , eiendom binne die gebled van die bo- . is developed for municipal purposes in- 9 November, 1977. ' dorpsbeplanningskema of bin- Notice No. 105 of 1977. eluding road purposes and park-and- gemelde ride facilities.• nee 2 km van• die grens daarvan bet die ' reg om teen die skema beswaar to • ' • Particulars of this scheme are open maak of om vertoe ten opsigte daarvan for inspection at Room 715. Civic to rig en indien by dit wil doen, meet 'Centre,. Braamfontein, Johannesburg. by die plaaslike bestuur binne vier Weise STADSRAAD VAN BENONI. for a period of four weeks from the vanaf die eerste publikasie 'van hierdie date of the first publication of this kennisgewing, naamlik 9 November 1977 DRIEJAARLIKSE, WAARDERINGSLYS notice,. which is. .9 November, 1977. skriftelik in kennis stel en vermeld of TUSS DI - by deur die .bestuur gehoor 1977/80 EN 'SE WAAR ' Any ownei or occupier of immovable plaaslike • • DERINGSLYSTE 1974/77. property situated within the area to wil word of me. , which the abovenamed draft scheme ap- 'S. D. MARSHALL, • - boundary Klerk 'van ICennis geskied hiefby dat die Dne- li•lies or within 2 km of the die Raad. 4 jaarlikse Waarderingslys thereof may in writing lodge any ob- Burgersentrum, ' viz' 1977/80 jection - . . . en tussentydse Waarderingslyste vir with or may make any repre Braamfontein, sentations . Johannesburg. 1974/77 waarna in Munisipale Kennis- to the abovenamed local authority in respect of such draft 9 November 1977. gewing No. 58 van 1977 en - - Kennisge: wingverwys word, vol- scheme within four weeks of the first 1130 9 16 No. 76 van 1977 • gesertifiseer .00reenkomstig of Allis notice, which is 9 • tool en is ublicatio may diet b van die Plaaslike Be- November..THE odging1977, and he when TRANSVAAL 'BOARD FOR DE- lodging any such objection or ,making . stuursbelastingordonnansie ' No. 20 van in writing OF PERLURBAN 1933, soos gewysig en dat. die gemelderepresentationsAREAS.such request Waarderingslyste van toepassing en that he be,heard by the local authority. bindend sal wees op alle belanghebben- . - - • S. D. MARSHALL, PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ' de partye wat nie binne een maand 'Clerk of the Council.. MALELAVE TOWN-PLANNING vanaf die datum van die eerste publi- Civic Centre.. SCHEME: AMENDMENT SCHEME ' • • - • . kasie van hierdie kennisgewing, nl. 9 Braamfontein, . . . NO. 1/23. - Johannesburg. • November 1977, teen die thitspraak van' The Transvaal Board for the Dove; 9 November, . ' die Waarderingshof appelleer nie op 1977. . lopment of Peri-Urban Areas has pre- - - ' die wyse soos in die .genoemde Ordon - • • ' , . pared a draft amendment scheme • - nansie thermal.. • • . ., as Amendment Scheme No. 1/23. _ . known ' . . - . Op gesag. van die - -: : - die President van SAD JOHANNESBURG. . This draft amendment scheme con Hof. • - ...... tains the following proposala: - • _ . W. SMITH, . VOORGESTELDE WYSIGHVG VAN i . r:ne m—am1 ane •Town-plannipg Sche- Klerk van .die Waarderingshof. DIE JOHANNESBURGSE DORPSAAN- , - - - me, 1972, .approved by virtue of Ad - :• LEGSKEMA NO. 1. 1946 (WYSIGMer• mi...strator's.ni 92, • • - Proclamation No. MunisipaIe Kantore, - - SICEMA. .119_97).. . .. 2. -1, dated .24 May, 1973. is hereby. further Elstonlaan, ' ., - - - Johannesburg .arne.nded and altered in the following Bendni. „ . ,, , Die . Stadsraad van at.

•• manner: d - - 9 November .1977. . ; . , 'n. ontwerpwysigingsdorpsaanlegskema • Kennisgewing No. 105 van '1977. . . wat sal Wy: . .I. Clause 1.37 by .the;•addition :of the " ,opgestel bekend staan..as,. 1 - "1/267-prjq.. sigin'pdanisbeplanningsketha 1.997. ((Wowing proviso: v:.••. -„•.;2. • ,...„ .. • ...•


''CH ' Provided •thatA dwelling:houses in teurspiiiklamasie" Na: 92; gedateer" 24 7 OF . " ' '' • ' COUNCIL • ' • - TOWN ".11 . " ' Sabiepark•• holiday township may con sere volg ge- 'Y 2 1073:•Werd•• hierinee• - sist of separate' or attached units sub. Mm . ..1 • •:.: . PETITION FOR THE." PROCLAMA- • sig .eit verander . • Ill wY• . - - • : 'PION OF: THE. WIDENING OF A . ject to the following conditions: . - • • ••• - • ' - • - - • • - ':.• PUBLIC ROAD.' •. (1) 'All - buildings 'to be erected an the • 1.31 denr die.hyvci eking : ••• erf be encircled by inusb be'eble.to • Nofice is hereby given ' - ' van die' volgende 'IroorbehimdsVenalingi in terms of ! . •a• circle•with a• radius of 25 in. . . „ • the' ieViSions 5 . -' of section -. , . - fi).Merilieii of the Local - • verstande- dat Woonliulse• - - (2) 'The dwelling is ,.. . - .. . Authorities Road Ordinance No. ' house restricted td ti 44' of ',a maximum of "five separate units in. Sabiepark 'yoke:I:sled:0 .meg bestaan 1904, as amended, that the Town Court- - s rd._ which a; communal' unit uit loistaande of aanmekaargeskakelde ell of Witbank has petitioned the Ad- includes` ' containing a - - ministrator to proclaim the widening of kitchen.': . eenhede 'enderwonm,ean,; die, volgende . the road described . In the., afinexuie as ." — • • • . (3) Not one of the units. excluding the voorwaardes: n ' '. : %. .,' t ' ' , • a public road.' . • • communal. unit.May contain a - .I!. •:. .: • t. r .i .1 .. . 1 (1). Alle - , Copies and : kitchen. gehene .wat pli ,d1e.ierf cmge- of the petition, the accom - - ' . rig. gaan..weid. meet. in, In ,gelned ponying plan be open for hispec- 14) Each unit -excluding the 'communal • will' - igeplaas -Word .wat _ oinshill,. tan tion at the office of the Clerk' of the unit, is restricted to a maximum - - Word' ma' 'ft frical Council, Municipal Offices.' Witbank, of •2 , Met /47streat ' . ,. ,2 bathrooms., 1• - crams end . van 25 m. . during normal office hours. - (5) For the purpose hereof • - • — • - - • the. main - parties who wish to - object , building ,shall; consist of. the. core, (3) Die. wiionhuis word bendri lot interested • - against: the 'of 'the widen- unit' Mgether , with one 'or hoogstefis vyf sodanige losstaande nroelamation .. •. eenhede •etaMe : met.t•i.gemeen. ing of the proposed road; Must 'submit more of the other units. objections in /writing:, In duplicate, ... skaplike• eenheid wet - die trOmbuis such (6) ,Two, or units maybe - - ,.) to the Director of Local. Government, u more • linked :: ;meet bevati . ..„.• :...... 'to one so Mined, - • - - • anothei end• it it ...• . , . . Private Bag; X437 Pretoria, and to the ,'" Mast, the' building uitge- ' " on.,• (3). Geeneen Ivan die •ienhede, undersigned. not !later than Wednesday, I'. be: indicated"11•• •1- •I• • . .. plans ,_ - . i... sonderd die gemeenskaplike een- 31st:.•Becember, '1977. . . . ' outbuildings held. mag 'n •; :. : (7).Ne. , an/or iervant ken:buts bey*. ale ..d. D:1B. STEYN, quarters, may be wittuni a . . Tqwn situated . . Clerk. (4) Elke eenheid, .i. , distance. of 20* in. from any boon; uitgesonderd. die get Mdbiapal offices,' • meenskaplike word b'eperk • dory:of.:the. erf. . , :. . ' • eenheid •, , • 12 Mate Bag 7205, tot .1i makaimuth van 2 'vertrekker•• " ' ' I l'• '••• •• •' (8) The total coverage' of ell buildings 1: . Witbank. '• 1035. . '‘'`• ' ' ' • • ' on the j erf ;may , not . exceed: .7}% t. . : .,, •,of the area of ,the pit , .,.„ , ,,. (5) Vir •die•toepassingthieryan• sal die 9.Necientlipri197. '1'....;," hoofgeboi: bestaan uit die geineen- Notice No..69/1977.' • • •! • height :of : buildings. may . • • the • - • -• • ' -. • ' . . (9); The . .;';r i• ' . ••• 7 .‘ 'Mot exceed three' storeys. :: •• •.. alcaplikeireenheid: tesanie met.men ' ' "ANNTEXUAt. - • • of meet van dm sander eenhede. . . .. Particulars of this scheme are 'open (a) A. widening of the existing First - "1 ' '' for !inspection at the. Board's. Head Of (6) Thee !of :me'er eenhede mag met '," .... 1. • Phillips ' mekaar.geskakel word, en' indlen •I AVenue••ti.' ficei !Room. B501;: IL 'B. Build: 'A - . road m', wide namely the ' ' ; 6.58 ' ing, '320 Bosman Pretoria and dit geskakel Word meet :clit. as so. • 'Street. widening of . they existing ,• First • • • a tlanig ••op'' •.. aangetoon • its Branch 'Office. at':.Malelane for ' bouplanne „ 9. 78, 79, 102, - - • ' 'Avenue. over Poitioris . •.•• . •': .• .. t: : .• • ' :1" • - period of four weeks frcinf the date of word: ' ". •• - 108 and- 121.• ot the farm Zeekoewaz I - - • • - •• 'J.:, (...: .• 1. the.' first publication of this notice - : -1. .. •...... ••• . . . ; (7). Zen.: huitegeboue en/of he:het:de- ter 31144 . .. Is 9th November. 1977. • which the - (b) widening existing : •Icamera. /ag, nader..as. 20- in van k of the Adele - - e The Board will consider whether. or ,- . , • ;.:..;.enige •grens2Vin' .die. erf; gelei .wees :•.. ..•5treet :. ; , ; ; not the Scheme should be adopted. i ''. • • • * i A road 13 m wide namely. the • occupier - . - ..„...... •.• „ . • Any owner or ..... , eXisting of riitntovable .'wfdening, St the 1, Adele property within the area of'' the - cp. Die. totale dekking yen. alit gebque . over 5 above ' Street Portion ' farm - die ef 'the mentioned Town planning' 'Scheme "or „op oil ;meg .nm. 71% van 'diP 3114.5. .; , ; Reelmilatar _boundary - within two km of the thereof r•.:1:1. °PRPF9Pkie. Mil dfd:;Prf 9 Prsii9' PIP; '(e) .A.1widening.. Of the existing Haar- has the right to object to the scheme . • • (91• Die •IhOogte!, van.' geboUe mag nie 0 ( - lent :Street ,.. . or to_ make in, respect . - •• . representations ' verdlepings cierskry '1 : . A'. , 8: rn. wide namely the - hie. road: 1to driel • ••••• • • and• he •• thereof if he wishes trek s .0 .. -• . ,' ... ,' widening, of the.. existing Haarlem shall within four weeks of the first 16 • Besonclerhede van .hierdie skema „ , .Street over Portion, 55 of the farm publication of „this, notice which is the se - ' • ter: insae,b,,die Raid Hooficanteor: i Zeekoe!.vater alt4,.S. . 9th November; :1977. inform. the; Board H...B.; PhillipsgebOu, Bosi (ii) of the 'existing Adriaan writing objection or repre• Kamer 'ESL -A widening in of Such ManStraat 320; Pretoria en: sy Takkati• Street — sentation and shall state, whether or toor, sir .'n tydpetk van: vier - • • ' Malelene. - •• 1: . A road !•6 m wide namelyy the not he wishes' to be' heard by the vine( datum - . ' • " Van Ale eerste ;publi • ' ' 11 '''' (1 '1" ... welat. ' - widening of the existing Adriaan Board:. '' van ,hieinle, ltenniagoviing. namn•-, - - - -. kasie • . • • " •:.i : : • — .Street over Portions 3!and•36 of the .J. 'J. 'Iii BESTER•• . lik , ., . - 1 •• • :9.November 4977.. !•J•' farm Zeekoewater. 3114.5. . . - • ' ' ' ' " ' ' 7 "" Read sal die skema- oorweeg en ; P.O. Bei 1341,' . Die c01 ; aangeneem. moet .• • : besluit of dit word.... STAHSRAAD VAN,' WITBANK. ' 0' Novemberr.,1977: :„. - ' • - - - - • 0. - Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van - Nettie ' VERSOEKSICRIF VTR DIE PROKLA NO..140/1977., '..1,.. I:. : :.. vaste . gabled .. Mendom .binnei die MERINO VAN•,VERBREDING VAN 'N • • van saanlegskama of . . . die bogemeide doni . , ; - ' PAD.' . - - - OPENBARE die grens het . ., , __Th binne. 2ikm van - daarvan . TRANSVAAL:RE' RAAD V.IR HIE'ONT- die reg oni teen - die size= besivaaete 1. Eenhis Skied hierniee ingeirolge•die maak of om verfoe ten opsigte daarvan bepalingS,,v.ari 5 die "Local WIRIKELING '.VAN BUITESTEDELIKE- " irtikel- van GEBIEDE. I te rig - en-indien.thy dit doe,n -meet Authorities Read Ordinance" NS. 44 ' ••• •wil. by die Rand .binne ilermeke van die vari•"1904, - sods gewysig, dat die Stads- VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING • :VAN - -Witbank, Sy - eerste.:publikasiervan. hierdielrennisge , Mad van Edele die Admi• DlEa. MALELANE-DORPSAANLEGSEk.- wing, .naamlik 9 November nistrateur van Transvaal versoek het • 1977Tskrif- • MA: WYSIGINGSKOMA 1/23. ! telik cyan tscidanige• beswaar of vertoe om die verbreding van die pad wat in - - die bylaag omskryf Word, tot' openhare - in kennis stel en-vermeld• of. hi! dein:• ' die - ' •.' Die Transvaalse' .Raid vir Ontwik - - . pad ". . - .• die Road gelioor•:IR word• of-nig I te proklameet.• keliiig van Gehiede het .die . . ••;• . , Buitestedelike - ' • ... - .*.' - entwernwysigingskema opgestel " i. . Afskrifte van die versoekskrif en van 'n wat ".•• :. ::!... • 2:3. •...fic*.,•,„.. •1 1 - • if • - - -1•111 •"-'• -", .: die plan wat. daarby eangeheg 16 bekend sal staan as Wysigingskema :.• Pa.41.11S.‘.... is. - . 1/ - - •. „ . •, a ;,1r• i!: - 7- c": I .:: .9 -7:;• - i.•?eig!ttii9': gedurende game kantoorure Mr insae 23. - : - • , •"• • : - - PoSbus:1341;•.!. io• i• - i: ai. ; 0 . in die - kantoor van die Klerk - van; die ontwerpwysigingskerna - - - - Hierdie h4vat isrdtoria.;.. ...: „.;.._: .c.: . ..• „ •;„,.j Raad, MuriisipalO .Kantoor, Withank. • • - - die volgende . .• • - voorstelle::. . W;Novenibeia977. -. :.• ,r '. . . Enige belanghebbende wat teen die - - - - - •• ( - • "Die Malelane clorpsaanlegskema; ;Kennisgewing No. 140/1977. • proklamering :van: die verbreding- Van - " 1972,• goedgekeur kragtens Administra . a P.: •.1::: . - .• ...: .1 .. 11319- 16 die voorgestclde pad. wil enter. meet . .


I sy .beswaar. skriftelik en in tweevoud Plaaslike Bestuur No. 17 van 1939, soos die nuwe biblioteek van 'ormedkundige by die Difekteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, gewysig, dat die Stadsraad van - voorne- en kultuurorganisasies mitt so 'n orga- Privaatsak' X437:' Pretoria, en by die me is om op aanbevoling van die Pro- nisasie :nit met 'n winsoogmerk funk- ondergetekende indien nie later me as vinsiale •Biblioteek en Museumdiens bo- sioneer nie... a Woensdag, 21 Desember 1977. genoemde verordeninge te .wysig om Die. voorgestelde wysigings le. ter in- die betaling . J. D. B. STEYN, v.00rsioning_ te maak vir sae; in, die kantoor • van die Klerk van ' - ' - - Stadsklerk. van 'n bedrag van 10 sent vir die nit die Read, Munisipale Kantore, Bethal reiking • duplikaat Bewys van Munisipale KantOor,. . van. 'n en skriftelike vertoe oor en/of besware Lidinaatskap sodanige bewys Privaatsak /205; . . . wanneer teen die voorgestelde, wysigings,' moet ' ' ' pleas . . deur 'n lid-rerloor word; in van Witbank. • . die 'Stadsklerk, Posbui 3„ Bethal binne • . • " . die huidigt 9 sent. 1035. . . . 14 dae na publikasie van - . • . ' hierdie, ken 9'November 1977. - Afslirifte' van 'die yborgestelde• insi: nisgewing berei'k. ' ' ' Kennisgewing No. 69/1977. . . ging is ter insae in die kantoor van 16 NoVember . Munisipale 1977: '.. . • die Klerk van die Raad, . BYLAAG. Kennisgewing No. 51/10/77: '. • Kantorej.Elstonlaan. vir 'n tyd- - (a) 'n Verbreding van, die bestaande1142 Benoni 16 . „ ' perk van.veertien (14) dae vanaf datum • .. - Eerstelaan — - • van publikasie hiervari in die Piovin •„.• 1; ..„ . „ - ' • 'n 'Pad 6,55 in wyd naamlik 'n ver siale Koerant. - - II' I MUNICIPALITY OF CARLETONVILLE. breding van die bestaande Eerste • . . . - Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die : . „ - • ; loan oor Gedeeltes 9, 78, 79, 102, - • . voorgestelde wysiging . wit aanteken - .•.. • 108 en 121 van die pleas Zeekoe- . sodanige. beswaar by PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF' LI- moet slcriftelik ' - " water 3114.S. • - BRARY BY LAWS. .' die -ondergetekende 'indien binne veer . (b) 'n Verbreding• •van die Beitaande - . . ' tien dae vanaf die publikasiedatum . ' ' Adelastrait — ' • - • van hierdie •kennisgewing in die Pro- ,, Notice: is hereby given. in .terms of 'n Pail 1.3 in wyd naamlik 'n ver. vinsiale Koerant. . the. Provisions of • section ;96 of the Lo- ' • • '' ' - . . R - PETERS, breding van die bestaande, Adela ' .1. , NY cal GoVerriment Ordinance No. 17 of '' Stadsklerk. - straat oor Gedeelte 5 van die pleas '1939. ' , " as amended, that ,it is the inten Zeekbeviater 3114.3. Munisipale Kanto'ke, ' tion of the Town Council of Carleton! Benoni. • ' ' villerto amend the Library By-laws by (c) n Verbreding van die, bestaande 16 1977..i, • increasing payable respect • November the fee' in Haarlemstraat — .„ . ' , . I - 4 . Kennisgewing• NO:. 107 van 1977: of the issue of a duplicate certificate - ... ' • 'n Pad 8 wyd •ln . - ' • ' m naamlik ver . 1141 16 of membership to 10e. - • . breding van die - . bestaande Haar - - - The' prepbsed amendment lie for in lemstraat oor Gedeelte •55. van die , ..“' - • • • spection'at pleas Zeekoewater: 3114.S../. • T.0.,WN. COUNCIL, OF Bpliff_AL., the Office of the Clerk of ; Council,• 'Municipal • the Offices, Halite (d) 'n Verbreding van• die bestaande AMENDMENT • OF -: LIBRARY BY- ' ' • '- Street, Carletonville, during . office : - .• • Adriaanstraat — . LAWS. . • . • hours...... •• il 'n Phd 6 m' wyd naamlik 'n ye.) • hereby given 'In of "Any perfon..who wishes to 'object - :.Notice is terms to breding van die bestaande. Adhaan the provisions .of section 96• of the Lo- the ..proposed; amendment must. lodge straat. oar Gedeeltes' 3 'en 86 van cal Government :Ordinance' No. 17 of his objection in writing; with the un- die pleas • Zeekoewater 3114.S. - ' • 1939; as amended, that the Town Coun dersigned not later than Thursday, 1st • 1- - 116—h....° ' 13" proposes amending the Standard Li- . .' .. . . cil December:1977:I' '. - •1 i r brary.. By-laws published under Admi ::.r t :. s. F. DE ,LANCE( i 7 ' •TOWN COUNCIL OF BENONI. . nittrator's, Notice 218 of 23 March, 1966 . - Town Clerk. made applicable' on 'Bethaf by Ad • . - and Municipal' Offices,} - . .' • - ' ' •' LAWS. ministrator's Notice 799 of 19' October, • • AMENDMENT.• . TO LIBRARY BY P.O. Box 3, ... 1 .. by increasing hereliy. 'given 1966 the of the amount . • •Notice is in terms of Carletonville., , ., .. , . ., ,., Payable for .a duplicate, membership section .98 .of the, Local Government Or- 16 November, 1977.„ . card. from !Pine" to'."ten" and - • dinance, No. 17''of '1939. as amended, cents Notice No. • , „ •,.. , provision - 44/1977..ci that the Town Council proposes to to make to rent the ,audito .: ' Library to • ' •••• —_ • ..„ amend the abovementianed bit-laws, on rium in the new educational . • • • •• • organisations , the recommendation 'of the •Previncial and cultural whereosuch , Library, and Museum' Service: to' pro- organisations 11as not been established for of gain or profit IVILINISIPALITEIT CARLETONVIILE" I vide for the payment of an amount • • - of ' the ,purpose ' 10 cents' for issuing a duplicate Proof The propOSed lanieniltnenti are open 1..1. - of Membership when such proof is lost inspection ,Office .‘•VOORGE8TELDE WYSIGING '. ' for. at the of the ' V.AN by a member,•Instead of the resent 9 Clerk of the Connell. Municipal:Offices; '. BIBISIOTEEICyEBORDENINGB. 4 ' . .. . . • • and' written' representations , • cents.• '•Bethal .. . Copies about 'or - objections to the 'proposed geskied .hiermee ingevolge •of the proposed amendment - .1.1Cennis die will be open for inspection' in' the of- amendments must , reach . the Town bepalings van artlkel 96 van die Ordon- fide 'of-the Clerk of the Council. Muni- Clerk, P.O. Box 3, Bethel 'within two nansie.fop . Plaaslike Bestuur, No. 17 cipal OfficES, ' Elston Avenue, Benoni, weeks after publication of this notice. van 1939; sons gewysig, dat die Stads- ' ' '• for a period of fourteen (14) days from 16 November, - .1977. :' : raad van Carletonville van. voorneme is , - - •• - the date of - publication hereof in the Notice 'No. 51/10/77. •. •. om die Biblloteekverordeninge to wysig Provincial Gazette. deur die bedrag betaalbaar ten - opsigte. - • • • :: van die uitreiking van - ,'n- duplikaat 'be- Any' Perion who is desirous of re- . . , 10c verhoog. objection - ' w's van lidmaatskao na te . eorditig his to the proposed STATISRAAD VAN •BETHAL - ' amendment ' must lodge such objection •' .. • Die voorgestelde wysigings le ter in- - in writing with the undersigned within WYSIGING , VAN BIBLIOTEEKVER sae. in. die kantoor van .die Klerk. van - Raad; - fourteen days after publication of .this '„ . . die Munisipale Kantoor, Halite .. ORDENINGE..' I ' " - notice• - Provincial (Gazette. • . - street, Carletonville, gedurende kantoor- in the : : - ' 'geskied,-Iiieimee Inge " • - ure. . • ,•TeniiisgeWing, - • ..F. W. PETERS; : • - Yolge• die bepalings van artlkel 96' van : • •:" . -Enige .Persorit wat teen die voorge: Town Clerk. die Ordonnansie op-Plaaslike Bestuur . - - wisiging maak, Municipal Offices, . • . beswaar wil • • 17 van 1939; sons geviysig, dat die 'sterna • No: — - . - • : - - Benoni. -. .• ' :•• - moet sy beswaar skriftelik' by die on - Is em • die - StedSraad van 'veornemens • 161.: 1977. • :. •.. : eninge, a - dergetekende nie later _nie as ' ' Stan'daard; lrbl'x tote elcveroid f indien • - - • : , otNovember.oero7 of 1977. I -•. : - - 1 Desember 1977. . , gekon'l' ig '1. y AdinItsti rateurskennisge ;Do.nderdag; - - ; .. .. J. DEIANGE, ming.218-van 23Maart 1966 en van toe .. . F. ' ' • . Bethal by Adminis- , , . passing gemaak on . Stadsklerk.• STADSRAAD . VAN BENONI... ,..• - .Munisipale Kantoor, trateurskennisgewing 799 van 19 Okto . ' te wysig be: ;Posbus 3, ber 1966 deur die •bedrat . . , WYSIGING . VAN 'BIBLIOTEEKVER-- • 'n duplikaat bewys van lid- taalbaar vir ICarletonville . - - ORDENINGE. , . , • •' .. . maatskap van "negen hettien". sent te' 16 November 1977. .Kennisgewing geskied hierby ingevol- verhoog en em: Noorsiening te - maak Kennisgewing No: 44/1977. q • •• - ge artikel 96 .van die Ordonnansie op vir die verhuur van die ouditorium in . :• . :' 1145 16 PROVINSIALE:KODRANV1Z ;NOVEMBER 1977 3809

OF; COLIGNY. days. from date of. -plib- of:the :perk, Ea 5468, for 'creche •pur- VILLAGE.' COUNCIL within fourteen ' • ' ' -- . • '- ii.".; -- • • T- ; • •• . lication of this notice. •• poses. ;" - • . • - -. ' . AMEND)4NT ITO .13y4..Aws. . ::. t. -: .1..S: VAN 'ONSELEN; IThese. erVen are situated on Nirvana ' Town Clerk: Drive, - Zebra 'Street, Oryx Street. and . - . ' - It. • is hereby :notified in. terms(' of Civic..Gentre, :...... • : .„ „.. „. Nyala Avenue, rand the nearest inter • 96 pto• . . section: is ;Zebra and. Oryx 'Streets. section .of the •Lacall.Government Or: Ros..55,.. :: .. ... v • :• ! - dinance, the Village - , . . - •;." • - • 1.939:0•that hcouna Evander ..• • : - - i .•' r '"Particulars 'of thiS 'scheme are open • cil. intends. ta amend the r:Fire. Departr 2280; ... .. ,. • ...... ,.. •• • 44'lh' •'!" I inspectien at Room 715, 7th Floor, - • cnr By by.; increasing-the .Tariff Telephone:1231.. ' - - ';'• ment laws. - " • i• •„. Johennes5 • - CiVic*Centre, Braamfontein. - • • • - . Charges: .; - . - .. 16, Noyeniber, • - '• ; of :. ...: .• 1977. :0 - •'... '.. Iiiii.1, for a period 'of four weeks from • - • - ' Copies of the proposed'. amendment Notice No: 29/77- . .• . .s• :: : the 'publication of this - - - the"clnle 'of first • . ; . are open' for `inspection at they - Conn- .i, • .7. I.l. : 1.. hotice,"Which is 16:Noveinher .1977. . • : - . - cil'S ''a period of fourteen 4 .. '4 I ' office for •,. .. •: • 14 • ;Any .owner.or geeupieY of einneoilable days - publication here- , from the..date••of . 'STADSRAAD EVANDER- ; area to • VAN property situated • within the ' •r • ' . of. .P. si• IV ••' • ...•r• :1: 1.. 'r ,r...t which the . abovenamed draft scheme ' . ledge 'troy. (A„ 11.1.0, applies or 2 kmof the boundary • Ally,AA„R_DINGwVLANI • 0,..L.TrAxIE:,:within' An/Rebell. Wha' ideOiee'len . nr" - • • • - may 'in" Writing lodge any ob objectiont against:, the' said •.amendmeht . . - t'h'ereof may make any 'repre- shall .do, so irt.:rwriting to the .Iiewn ,KENNISGEWING IN -TERME. VAN Jection with or Clerk publV sentations to the City Council of Johan- , within.; fettrtden.elats faltei: ARTIKEL - .66 VAN .DIE ORDONNAN- cation - nesburg in respect of such draft scheme of .ithis:notiee.,in• ' ' the' ' • " " Provincial STE: ' OP, PLAASLEKE.- BF.STUUR.• - - NO. - •: . weeks of the first publics Gaiette. - ): „ ., 1 within. four ' VAN 1939.- , • •...5. - - H. A. LAMBRECHTS: '7" . - '.' .thig 'notice. which.is 16 Novem ' . tio.n.'.6f •,, e• '. '•' 'i. 11 - - - ""17. Town Clerk. CRi6,61taileVie? fin 'cipsigte.'Siah rioal ber, 1677, and he may when lodging •• •• •" i i' dienSte - tipe. ireibridkers any such. objection or !making such re- Munieijial' Offices," r 2; ". vitz'virakele 'P.O. 31;•d! ; fi 0: • . :1- k'deur'ille 'Van Evander aan. presentations request in writing that he Box . .1 . rt• I'l •" ' 'I " T ]: : Coligny: , vaar. Voorlegking• en .:afkondiging be' heard by the' Cannel vir • - i 2725. •"" ••• 'StadskaadSy - Administrateur; - • ; 11•I'• f - 1 :'''•• deur• Eddld; `die S: D. MARSHALL. • • . !November, .. • ' • ' • - • 16 1977.. In. e :: van.' W:tarieWe is ta:Insae Clerk of the Council. - - 1:Afskritte' ‘.-. Notice No. 2207. ..„ .„:, : "•":1 Civic Centre' • •• - u • " ' in :die •.kantoei•Yalt. die Klerk van'die , : '1! ''' ' '••' ''' ': (Ki: . . .. , ' ', Riad.:.Buirgerientrhm, 'Bolegnaweg. Breemfontein. 5.. : „re. ' 4I' '" 1" - '• ' met- 22),.Diander,..vii veertiep. dae na Johannesburg.. - .. h.. 1 "" 141 14"4' • .1 .1' '••• • 1" 16 , ; . verskyiniig•Vatt,hierdie keiniisgswing 'In November, 1977. 7.. „ : DORPSRAAD VANt COLIGNWI.P r, die' Pievinsiale'Keerane ' ' " ' —• - • • • • • ' - :Enige persoon wet be- :.. . . , .. e,.:: . : WySIGING bdswaareteen. ::1 1 V4N VERORDENINGE. geneemile•fverercleninge'). wit.. aanteken: . - -• sy.:,beswaar. skriftelit ;by die . JOHANNESBURG. . moet• STAD -• ' • Daar word ingevolge, artikel 96. van 55, '" :."I' I. • ' • ' 1 Stadsklerk, Posbus -Evanderi.indien• die Ordonnansie op •PlaislIke Bestuur, . VOuRGESTELDEe WYSIGING VAN b.d' trine44.dae na Nen kyning van hier le - 1939, bekend. gemaak dat die..Derperaad kennisgewing. ,.- DIE' 'SUIDELUCE: JOHANNESBURG van voorneme is om die :. -DORPSAANLEGSICEMA,-. 1962 Biand.weer: J. 5:VAN ONSELEN; :: STREEK- afdelingsverordeninge te wysig 'dent' ; . •(WYSIGINGSKEATS 126): ....: .„ Stadsklerk: • ' . •Ir . ' die Tarief van •' ' Gelde .te,,yettocig...... I . : • ' -- 'I - ' • Burgersentrum, " tillle Stadsraa van, .Torhannes13urg het ii" • Voorgestelda •wysi:" - ; •• Afskrifte van.: die: Posbus 55, . • 0 • • n ,war bekend - ontwerpakenia , oRgestel ging le ter insae by die Eaad se kan Evander.v. : : die --- -- _ , •- - — • ' -- --- " . ell stun. as , Wtstgingskeina ••1261van' tour- vir 'n' tydperk Nan -veertiett 'dae 2280: Stildelike lohinnesburgstreelkInrpsatin• - ' .; .. met die publi 2231. • • . ingang,, yan. datum. van ' ' Telefoon legskeme. • 21' - ' • •• • '; • : kasie hlervan.' 1977.;' ••.• ' . .: a.: : 7 .. ::.. ... 16 •Noientbet •.; - ' - IlieidIe OeVat'''dia• Vol Enige persoon wain teen ;die mysiging Kennisgewing - swy7. Ontweins15erita No • ) •••• fr. r • • 'I.,: •r •' r geode voorstelle: beswaar wit aanteken, meet dit skiff- :' • • - • 14' • i. • • 1145:16 .„ 4. .. ''Van - l'Il•,•.Die.indeling- van ,'n gedeelte 'by' dip Istadsklerk•elben veer ' ' ! MIKE *fie •• . '1' - Ultbrelding, 5 .'• weird. tied. dae na die' datum van .:publikatie .a . . •* Ert .5465, Ldnasia . , J ' • 1( rsoesiale doeleindes vir 'ii creche hiervan. in cue. Offisielt ,, 9r.r, .O. F, JOHANNESBURG;' van ' Noetant' " ' .Iirati :' ' ' ,4.: 1 - 'ill • • , °f .itlaittge ander gebrinke wat pep'. did Plovinsie :Ttansvnal./ . • L' i •:: 4.“. -:... ' •••I PROPOSEu. AMENDMENT•TO•''' lane meg' word 'en nth .sodanige voor: . ; H. ,, , ,f A. LAMBRECHTS; ', 'SOUTHERN JOHANNESBURG' nil'''. waardes orideiheiiii nag woes wat did - • - Stadskkerk:' 'LION' TOWN PLANNING SCHEME;'• Adininistrateur na. oorleg: met - die Dor. Kentaro, ' ' Munisipale . . ' ' 111 ' *1982 (AMENDMENT SCHEME •126). • peraad ::en 'die' 'Plaaslike'i Bestuur :nag - 11 '" : •: • ; • • ; • . " - • • Posbits 81,: - " ' I':• •- . • r" •• • . r." It'l. - • • . • ; . : ...... neerle.. naHopcnbare oop :rulmte veran : •:. .1., ; ...... *I...... ,. Coligny;', .1::. r . . • 'Mb City •Council of Johannesburg ,Jerre: '. A . . . '.• 2 , : - ' . .• : . has prepared . a to be 1 „ :. . draff•xeheme ,'s• 'Muting' van 'n gedeelte van 16' November '1977. . ' ;Die - • . known "as Southern Johannesburg 'Ite' 41 1 • : g , KeithisgcPving•No. 22/77:. . • ' Erf „O968 . L.enema Ctbi rei'din 5 word - •.:. • •• ' ' A - ed ""t'S h '126" • gedeelte • .... :.: '5. : . 114416 •;12n 1119n 'Pe!' I -c?9.9• ::. : - 'I' 'van. oPenbare. oop ruimte en 'n - . - ., , ,, ...... • - - .word van spesiale doe • .. ' This draft meheme• contains the fol .van •Erf,•. 5465, • - - - ' •;' •••, . • ' , •• :•• •: ,.. ', .• lowing:propoialls:: , : .,: •:, :1: .. .eindes, vir 'n creche' of sodanige ander, • ' - .tbegelaat mag..word en TOWN COUNCIL OF EVANDElt. '11.,Te'rezone - Part of Erf •5465, Lena‘i• Igelirtilkeat - onderhewig i'' !sia Extension 5 Townshipifrom 'Special dark'sedanige Voorwaardp., s - - die 'Administrateur na' ADOPTION OF SEWERAGE 'TARIFFS: permitting.a creche. or such .other pur ' - - weest. r eread en dm pleas :Ii01. - NOTICE IN, TERMS .OF SECTION 96 :poses .as :may be -permitted and...spbjeet. rt'D' . irkri eb es,Hiteuur..thagcl' Pneerle, na spesiale OF THE LOCAL. GOVRNMENT OR- to, such conditions. as may be: Imposed: , e.. - - 7'n creche verander. DINANCE, NO. 17' OF,1939. ,• by the Administratonciafter.• reference idaeleinies'ynr ' I". "• - - ••• • - - •n to. the Townships Board- ,the local , Die rsiteme bring' mee dat die, inde The Town Council. of Eviiider 'las: 'authority, Open' ling: van die bestaande ' to Public n Spice.'„ , creetieterrein, adopted sewerage tariffi far. sewerage' f;.25'..fro.r he Bart of Erf 5468, Timm; 'Erf 5465 na parkdoeleindes, verander services types 'of- consumers en •dat die indeling. van 'n gedeel- to various 'sia Extension, 5 Township.' from • Public: word for submission to promulgation by - te van die park, Ert 5468, na crèche- and Open - pace arid part of Ed ;5465 from the Honourable, the Administrator. verander_word. .doeleindes'Special permitting a creche or.. such CojiieS of the tariffs are. open .:for in- other -purposes- as may be permitted Hierdie .erwe, is ..gelee in, ,Nirvana - - spectiop at the. :office of- the glerk.- of and. subject, to such conditions as may .rylaan, ZebraStraat, OiySstraat 'en Nya the Council, Civic :Centre, bologna Road be imposed by the Administrator-after Jalaan. en•die - naaste kruising is Zebra- . - - - - - (Room 22). Evander,' for a period of reference to the Townships Hearth:arid en: •Oryitstradt; :„.. . I. , • '. ... - - fourteen .rleys. after publication hereof the local authority, to Special to; per ; 'inesOnderherie•i Tan Iderdie skema le • - - • . ' the Gazette. . . a creche. ' " in; . Provincial• t mit • ter insae in •Kamer 715, Sewende Ver- Ahy person desirous 'Of objecting to.. The effect of the scheme is to rezone dieping, Burgersentrum, Braamfontein, • . the tariffs shall. do so •iewriting.tcc the existing creche site, Erf 5465 to"Shannesburg vir 'n tydperk van vier - -,r the Town Clerk, P:O. Box 55, Evander - Park purposes, and to-rrezdne - portion - •Weke' Venal' die datum. wcarop - hierdie 3810 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 16 NOVEMBER; 1977.

kennisgewing die eerste keer gepubli- salcstaan as Johannesburg 'se Wysiging- -DORPSRAAD .VAN LEANDRA. seer word, naamlik 16 November 1977. skema 1/1014. . - ., • . BOU- Enige eienaar of okkupant van vaste hierdie 'ontwerpskema bevat die vol- AANITW: eiendom binne.die gebied van die boge- gende voorstel: EvEVRAILItTNANDAARDING a melde dorpsaanlegskema of binne 2 kin Die indeling van Sandring• • word hieity. ingevolge artikel van grens• daarvan Erf 495. Dear' die het die reg om ham, 3 nr2 groot, word verander van 96. van': die Ordonnangle op Plaaslike teen, die skema beswaar te maak of .om openbare straat na algemene besigheids. BestUur. .1939, bekend gemaak dat die vertoe ten opsigte daarvan, te rig en doeleindes onderworpe demean dat 'die Raad•woornemens is oin die Standaard by . iridien dit wil doen, meet hy, die oppervlakte van die terrein by die. toe- Bouverordeninge, afgekondig onder'Ad- Stadsraad . van'. Johannesburg : hinne laatbare omvang van Erf 223. Sandring: ministrateurskennisgewing 1993 van 7 vier weke ;vanaf die. eerste publikasie ham, waarme dit verenlg gaan word, November.11.974,• soos gewysig, met uit- van hierdie. kennisgewing. naamlik 16 - buite rekening gelaat word. sondering van Bylae . 2 Aanhangsel VII November 1977, skriftelik in kennis - - grens gelee te• •aanvaar.. en, tegelykertyd die Een Stel etrvermeld 6f by •deur die Raad Erf 495 aan Erf 223 wit - - vormige. 'Bouverordeninge en Regula gehoor .• . is te t Elizabethlain' 27; '29 en•131.1. San- wil word of rue.... , afgekondig by - • saes '"- ' - ' Administrateursken •• dringham. - • • • • • . it. - ;. . . ••• ...• , April . s: nisgewing S. D. MAASHALL, , . . 372 van 16 1969, soos Die naaste kruising Elizabethlaah ' Klerk van die Riad. is yap crgepassing op., die . Munisipaliteit • en - . Annestraat. asook regulasies van Burgersentrum, .. . van Leslie, die beu • • - • . Braamfontein,, •, . •. . ,Besmideniede veil ,hienlie. eieme le dieu,Eendracht tesondheiriskomitee af .. gekondig..1 b AdMinistrateurskenziisge- Johannesburg. . : , ter insae qii iKanier 715. Se.wende Ver; . wing 20 van 13 'Jarman° 1937; te - 16 November 1977. . . dieping, Burgersentrum, Braanifontein, her Johannesburg. rocp. . . • • i , •• .. Mctjalperk van vier d . .". • ::. ', 1146•16-23 vii r : i weke vanaf .diesdatunt waarop ihierdie Afskrifte - vaii die voorgestelde veror- kennisgewine die gepubli- • • - eeiste. keer deninge le ter insae by . die •Kantoor "CITY'10 .3011ANNESBURG: seer word,, ,naamlik 16 November 1977: van die Raad vir 'n tydperk van: veer- PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO •40- Enige .eienaar of okkupant van vaste tien dae vanaf die datum van publika- - EANNESBURG TOWN-PLANNING eiendom binne die gebied• van. die boge• sie hiervan. . . zippatE 1, 1946 ,(AMENDMENT melde dorpsaaniegskerna .of binne 2 km Enige persoon vial: beswaar Wit 'aan- SCHEME 1/1014). , ,.. . van die grenS. deepen' het' die. reg ,oM teken teen die aanname van' hierdie teen die skema beswaarcte 'mak 010M verordeninge,' word versoek out soda- The City Council of Johannesburg yerta. ten .opsigte ' - rig ' • a demi•an . te , en nige'beswaar skriftelik binne 14 dae has prepared a draft,, scheme' to be iridien. dit .wil • doen, meet 'by, die vanaf publikasledatum van hierdie ken- known as Johannesburg 'Amendment Stadsraibyd van Johannesburg blunt nisgewing'im die I ._ Vier Provinsiale: Koerant Scheme 1/1014. . woke vanaf die' eerste publikasir van aan die Stadsklerk te rig. - hierdie .kennisgeiving;. naamlik - ' - 16 'No •• This draft scheme contains the fol ' ,:' "r ' '''' : 11K," •• vember 1977, skriftelikiliv tennis GYM: VAN' NI lowing . stel proposal: H .. I ' - - o y'deur, idle Bead boor . , - . Stadsklerk.• • • f'h. ., , ge, „.:• .. :.,.. .,: 1.. To rezone Erf 495, Sandringham. in en. vermeld • „ - - - ••• . • ' • 7 • wi word of rm.., Munimpale Kantor°. girl .. ' • ilia 8 from' Public Street to I. r . :- . - ••S. D. MARSHALL. Leandra.•••••,:: '. ,' . ,. , ... Geneial:TfueinesS subject 16 the area ' 1' • van 1, • •• • . die Read: Poelitie.,259.a'"' ;', ,' n"..,,:, '.' bf' the site not being :taken into ac- . • nurgersentrum;.. • Klerk: Leslie i count when calculating' the Permissible ' Braamfontein 2265. ;.• • ; bulk on Erf Sandringham with '' . 1: _223, Johannesburg). 16 November 1977. 1 is to be •-consolidated. • • which it • • :.' r' ..': Keimisgewing ::. 26 November 1977. ' No.: 23/1977.• • - ' 1'1 ' I . • .1 ' • Erf. 495 'abuts on.'Erf 223 which is 1147. .1623 . 2148- 16 29, and 31 . „.. situatedilat Nos. 27, Elizabeth ). . Avenue. ,. .' ."'' r VILLAGE COUNCIL. OF '- TOWN oFithwuristiad.. - .t. Sandringham intersection; is LEAhTDRAi The. Elizabeth Township.. • • nearesCOUNCIL / . .. Avenue and Anne Street... , . 1977/78. , ,.. , ADOPTION OF STANDARD B DIt4G: IN.TERT,M VALUATION ROLL; ,Particulars of this are open - - ' - - - scheme 'BY-LAWS. Notice. is hereby; given' in. terms . of inspection 715, for at. Reoth 7th. Flom. • the. - 'given section .11.4 of local Authorities Civic ;Centre.' Braamfontein,, Johannes Notice.. is•Mereby in .terms of Rating NO. that burg. 'for Ordinance 20 of .1933. a period,'.61 four week's from section 96 of the Local Government the interim valuation roll! for 1977/78 the date of .the first publidation of this Ordinance, 19,39.•. that. the. Council In- of all.,property. situate .in the munici- notice,. which is. 16 November, 1977. tends adopting the, Standard 'Building palarea:of Lichtenburg has been corn- By- • - • Any• owner. or•occupler •of immovable laws,.. publisHed. under Administra Meted.' ". ' *Notice 1993 of 7 1974, property: situated within the' area of tors November. This roll will become fixed and bind- I which• the abavenamed draft. scheme as amended, with the exception of - 'ingupon allparties concerned who applies or within 2 km of the boundary Schedule, 2 Appendix, VII, and to; re the) yoke the Building By-laws. and. Regula- shall not withing one month from thereof .may in writing. lodge any ob- date of the first publication of this jection with ..or may make .any 'repro- tions published under Administrator's ' notice (16th sentations to the. City Council .of Johan- Notice 372. dated 16 April, 1969' applic- in the 13rovIncial .gazette. able to the Municipality of Leslie,, as November, 1977) appeal against the de- mo within four weeks of the first. pub.; said - • - Eendracht Health Committee publithed manner 3rescribed in the Ordin Heenan. of this notice, which is 16 No . - • • ' • ' '1977, he may under 20 dated .ance.:,, c. 2 .. : • ..-: • • vember„ and when, - Administrator's- ,Netice ' - : - . • ing any such objecticin or making ladtsuc 13 January,.:1337. :.• By order of the- President of the - '• - • - .. •. . representations request'. in, writing .that '.Copiee.'of the Proposed •by_layss are .Valuation Gourt,. ..., ' by ripen •frie inspection - Fat .1' he be heard the' Council. . „ . .. the offices' of /1.',1-2 '44., J. VAN DER VYVER. , • : . 'the 'Council period' of days as' i' ,:.1 . fora 14 : Clerk 'of the Valuation Court, .- S: Di MARSHALL, - of ,the. from publication publication hereof.'• Clerk Council.Municipal' date of Offices, ' • .'" • • Civic Centre, , ;. 'Any ,person, who' wishes to 'object ito Lichtenburg. Braanifontein,r. . - adoption Of the said by-laws, must' '16 Writ/or:Ober, 1977. .. -.. the' . . - Johannesburg. , . . so in• writing' within 14 ',days . . - ,,.;:„ ' „ „ tlo 'after Notice' No. 29/1977...... • publication 16 .,. • 1, .' date Of: of this notice in . .. „ NoveMber, 1377._ '„..... p. 1 .;:;. . - 1....- ' ' ' - - - ' • 'A' ;' the Provincial Gazette 'to the under: . " ... , signed. ' , • - • . .. • -• • • '.. STADSRAAD..VAN, LICHTENBTJRG: : C• • • • If• VAN• MEICERIC'. • • • • :.- • ' . I , 'STAD JOHANNESBURG. .. - ' • ' - I Town• : '.' ' - Clerk:. , wAminAsiEtYS,. • • iruSSKITTYDSE- jAry8td.md.• 'VAN Uunicipal pificei," • •' vooicESTEthe • . • , . • . , . 1977/78. • , - • . . DORMAN_ teandra. .... - 'DIE JOHANNESBURGSE ' . Kennisgewmg .geslued hiermee Inge- LEGSKEMA' NO.. 1. 1946' (WYSIGING- PD. Box 200•' ' ' . ' • '' • '' '• •SKEMA 1/1014)..: . ; . Leslie. :volge die bepalings vaii• artikel 14 van .. l• .: ;die Plaaslike Bestuurs Belastingordon- vary ' ' Die Stadsraad . Johannesburg het '16 November, 1977. .- . .. Inansie:No:. 20 van 1933, dat die tussen- • . • 'n ontwerpskeina ; .opgestel.. wat bekend. Notice No..23/1977: .. : . t. !tycl.se. waardasielys van 1977/78• van alle PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 16 NOVEMBER 1977 3811 . . . _ • -

belasbare eiendom in die munisipale hours for delivery of carcasses from LYDENBURG MUNICIPALITY. gebied van Lichtenburg voltooi is. Mondays to Fridays. - AMENDMENT TO POUND TARIFF. Die tussentydse waardasielys is nou C. J. VAN ROOYEN, • - - bindend op alle belanghebbende perso . Town Clerk. It is hereby notified in terms of sec ne wat nie binne een mound vanaf da- Municipal Offices, tion 96 of the Local Government Or- • - tum van eerste publikasie (16 Novem Louis Trichardt. . dinance, 1939, that the Lydenburg Mu ber 1977) van voornoemde kennisge- 16 November, 1977. nicipality intends to amend its pound wing in die Provinsiale Koerant teen Notice No. 23/1977. tariff. . die beslissing van die Waardasiehof The general purport of this amend- , wyse appellees nie, op die sons in die _ ment is to increase the pound tariff. Ordonnansie voorgeskryf word. MUNISIPALITEIT VAN LOUIS TRI CRARDT. Copies of these amendments are open Op las van die President van die for inspection at the office of the Town Waardasiehof, VERORDENINGE. Clerk, Municipal Building, Viljoen a B. J. VAN DER VYVER, - Street. Lydenburg and objections to the In terme van die bepalings van aril lodged IClerk van die Waardasiehof. Plaas- amendments, if any, must be in kel 96 van die Ordonnansie op writing Clerk, Munisipale Kantore, • Bestuur ('17/1939) word kennis with the Town P.O. Box like 01, Lydenburg on Thursday, Lichtenberg. gegee dat die Stadsraad van Louis Tri- before or 1 December, 1977. 16 November 1977. chardt voornemens is om, onderhewig Kennisgewing No. 29/1977. aan die goedkeuring van die Adminis- . J. 1M. A. DE BEER, - • . 1149 16 trateur, die volgende verordeninge of Town Clerk. te kondig of te wysig. Municipal Offices, voorgestelde - P.O. Box LOUIS TRIOHARDT MUNICIPALITY. Afskrifte van die ver 61. ordeninge/wysigings kan in die kan- Lydenburg. . 13) 16 November, 1977. - toot van die Stadsraad (Kamer BY LAWS. gedurende kantoorure nagesien word Notice No. 52/1977. vir 'n tydperk van 14 dae vanaf publi- Notice is given in terms of the pro- - kasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die , visions of section 96 of the Local Go- Provinsiale Koerant. NISIPALITEIT LYDENBURG. vernment Ordinance (No. 17/1939) that - pp the Town Council of Louis Trichardt Besware teen die voorgestelde ver MTJ: ordeninge/wysigings, indien enige, 'WYSIGING VAN SKUTTARIEF. intends promulgating/amending, sub• , - moet skriftelik by ondergetekende in- jest to .the approval of the Administra Daar,• word hierby ingevolge artikel gedien op . tor, •the following by-laws. word voor of 30 November 96. van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike 1977. by- BeStuur,' 1939, bekend gemaak dat die Copies of the proposed laws/ - amendments may be inspected in the 1. Voorgestelde Verordeninge Betref Stadsraad van Lydenburg voornemens - • fende die Aanhou van Pluimvee. is oat sy skuttarief te wysig. offices of the Town Council (Room ' l 13) for a period of 14 days from the Die doel van die verordeninge Is om Die algemene strekking van hierdie date of the advertisement in the Pro - die aanhou van pluimvee te beheer en wysiging is om te - ' die skuttarief ver . vincial Gazette. te reguleer. lioog. . Objections to the proposed by-laws/ 2. lifelkverordeninge. Afskrifte van hierdie verhogings le any, must be lodged In • - amendments, if ,Die doel van die verordeninge is om in insae by die kantoor van die Stads writing with the undersigned on or be- die lewering en verspreiding van melk klerk, Munisipale Gebou. Viljoenstraat, fore 80 November, 1977. en melkprodukte te reguleer. Lydenburg, en besware teen die voor- • - gestelde wysiging, indien enige. moet 1.• Proposed By-laws for Keeping ' 3. Poultry. Rioleringsverordeninge. vocir of op Donderdag, 1 Desember 1977 Die aannarhe van Staridaard Riole- skrIftelik ingedien die Stads- proposed by-laws word by, The purpose of the ringsverordeninge soos afgekondig on- klerk, Posbus 61, Lydenburg. is to control and regulate .the keeping der Adminlstrateurskennisgewing No. J. M. A. DE BEER, of poultry., • junie beoog. . 665 van 8 1977 word Stadsklerk. 2. Milk By-laws. ' - 4. Dorpsgronde- en Dlpbakverorde Kantoor van die Stadsklerk, The purpose of the proposed by-laws ninge. • Posbus 61, is to control and regulate the delivery ! Die Dipbakverordeninge sal herroep Lydenburg. and milk pro- distribution of milk and word en die enkele toepaslike artlkels 16 November 1977. duets. daarvan sal opgeneem word In die KennisgewingNo. 52/ 1977. 3. Drainage By-laws. - 16 III Dorpsgrondeverordeninge. i N51 The purpose is to adopt the Standard 5. Elektrisiteitsvoorsieningsverorde- Drainage By-laws as promulgated un- ninge.. TOWN COUNCIL OF ORKNEY. der Administrator's Notice No. 665 , Voorsiening word gemaak vir. die op BY-LAWS. dated 8 June. 1977. aanspreeklikheid vir heraansluiUngs- AMENDMENT 4. Townlands and Dipping Tank By- fOoie onder sekere omstandighede. Notice is hereby given in terms of laws. 'n Hefting vir meteraflesings op 'n section 96 of the Local Government Or- The existing Dipping Tank By-laws verbruiker se versoek en by wisseling dinance, 1939, as amended, that the will be repealed and the various sec- van verbruikers word ook beoog. Town Council of Orkney intends - - tions still applicable will be incorpo Brandleerierordeninge. • 1. To amend the Sanitary and Re- - 6. . rated in the Townlands By laws. - .'n Gewysigde brief vir die lewering fuse Removals Tariff, published under 5. Electricity Supply By-laws. van brandweerdienste word voorgestel. Administrator's Notice 10, dated 4 Ja- nuary, 1967, as amended, by increasing Provision is made for liability for 7. Abattoirverordeninge. nightsoil reconnection fees under certain cir- the tariff for the removal of Voorsiening. word gemaak vir ver- and urine, - per pail, from dwelling cumstances. A charge for special meter - - - ngte opening van 'n grootboekreke 113 - readings at the request of the consumer • houses 'to per pail per month Fling vir persone wat gereeld meer as and change - (R0,45 per pail at present). when consumers is visual drie ,beeseenhede -per maand laat slag of the ed amendment ised. • en deposito of waarborg om sul- „Copies propos vir 'n be open inspection between 6. Fire Brigade By-laws. ke slagtings te dek. Voorsiening word will for the hours 08h00 and 17h00 on Mondays vi_ ook gemaak vir aflewering van vleis An amendment of the tariffs is - to Fridays inclusive at Room 124, Mu- - tussen bepaalde tire Maandae tot Vry sualised. , niciPal• Buildings, Patmore Road, Ork: dae. - 7. Abattoir By-laws. ney, for fourteen days from the date C. J. VAN ROOYEN, the The opening of ledger accounts Stadsklerk. of publication of this notice in guarantee depo- Munisipale Official Gazette of the Province covered by a bank or Kantore, • is compulsory users of Transvaal. . sit made for Louis Trichardt. - " - the abattoir who regularly slaughter 16 November 1977. 'Any person who desires to record his more than three bovine units per Kennisgewing No. 23/4977. ' or. her objection •to the proposed month. Provision, is made for regular . . ‘• 1150- 16 arnendmeht, -must do so. in writing to ,


- reach the undersigned within 14 (four the - - from mentioned •• no teen) 'days after the. date' publication date.- should TEANSVAALSE. RAAD VIR DIE ONT. of objections be reedited_ - .• WIICICEIANC; VAN of this notice. in the Official. Gazette Of - BUITESTEDELIKE , J. A. BOTES, • . • , , . the Province however not . • GERIEDE. Transvaal, ' ' Town Clerk. later •.' . . than..4iDecemberiP1977.•- - • Civic Centre, • WAARDERINGSLYS VIR % ' • ' VERSKEIE "f. '', . - '. • • .. .. I J: J. F. VAN.SCHOOR, Pietersburg. .PLAASIAICE..GEBIEDSICOMITEES. 16 November, 1977. - ' town,' Clerk. • t". - - - • . . . Kennisgewing geskied hiermee. inge. Municipal:Buildings, - . . . ' • , . volie die; bepalings, van.-artikel 14 Patmore :. van. Road, ' - - • Orkney.' ./' - • . • • • die.' •Plasslike Bestuur Belastingordon . ., - 1933; - 26201:' • . " nansie; Oat file. algemene waarde . • ringslyste yir .die gebiede, van; die Pleas- 16 .November. 1977. . • MUNISIPALITEIT:.PIETERSBURG. Notice No; 4//1977 like GebierlsItcynithes, sons, hipronger . . . aalieddil volfooi en' gesertifiseer is. en. . . . ROETES VIR PUBLIEKE VOERTUIE. dat dit yasgestel en bindpith gemaak , : - . - - .,, , sal op - ' ' were; betrokke partye wat - ' .. ; . . • alle - , . nier veer' 19 Describer - • Hiennee word-ingevolgedle bepalings, .. . 4977 teen die be • is issing STADSEAAD VAN, ORKNEY.. vanThilike/.65bis • vaM'die OrOonnansfe van die Waarderingshof, op,.die. - Yse soon in die genoemde Ordonnansie. •w . • UP:Pleaklike Restuur, '1939, . . - - &Muds yge, • - - oorgeskryL aeappelleer gee dif Mito SteJac - • het. me.. naam-• dart: vaif Pietersliurg..T„. .. c„ . . WYSIGIN,G VAN , VERORDENINGE. 'n .•beSliiit geneerif het waarby' did' be: 'ft. — : staande 'EOM'S; . vir nubllekklwielteie ILLrA.AS. - Kennis geskied izigevolge. (busse) vasgestel Word... LIKE GEBIEDSKOMITEES hiermee.. - ' - • . , Chrissicsmeer, De Deur, Emma, Half- die bepalings van artikel 96 van- die' . 1 Ordonnansie op • BeStrairi Aiskrifte- Ilan': hierdie lresluli.' le gei .way: HaiyeithirrKlijiriviertallei,. Plaaslike elide" die,, gewcine ;Parksig, Rosslyn, , - 1939, soon gewysig, thir. die Stadsrifacli :dui kantothture, Mr' the Visch van Orkney van voorrietrie,'is ". Verkeersblefeling"''man::. die. 'Stadsradd,. !kuil en Zaaiwater. . '. citir• - Meters • Kamer, 192. Burgethentrum, , . Alleenlik 'n persoon, wat in - 1. Die &anthem. en. Vullisverwyde- bthi. '.ter. Mt. 9/De; die Wear ringstarief, afgekondig by Administra• 'ins* Vildet. (Jeri:Apical' in Vert:Med met 'n beswaar seMber 1977:'' tot 'Avelke,' datu4. skiff'. - teursicenniSgeWing. 107.1van. 4 iJandatie deur die bndergatekende dein. Horn ingedien Versify:if; het en wet./ 1967, thlike besware vardp'Relyk gdeoel. deur' die:waarde. i soos,' gewySig. verdet te• wYSi8 enthang.liali VOtthIndien'teenliethiciti;b holt IIII . die / deur tarter mr.' the .verwydering gel/leas' op eilfge elliMOM deur lora be. ' ontirafik word die Se. be. - van Remit en. emmer,. van tree'. die Hicad• Sib' Of ,geokktinegn .6f. op' keddeltep dear- urir49.4 Per - woonn(riset- 4mt,op•dtvggpieldq.. • -..r. datum' in werki.pg.' :van' Aferdeelt•sdes. in ilfdy ibeizeo'g tk'Verhoor•. ' • ne. R9 ,Iner"ent.; erne mer. mean& (tans. . ; 1. -' geregtig om • appet mete' teken.then; per R0,45- per em , J. A. BOTES,i mer). • • bolissin Hof. • ' lie varkedie ' ' ' ' • "" "• 4. . • - Afskrifte van. turgereentriim• ' ' ' • DP gesig van die' die. Veer' gesthlde;Wyst.- - ' 't ' * ' President.,"•• ' yaw! dip.. gin g - WaarderingShofP li le van' Maadag„tot. en V,ry •Pieterslitte •• - ".11 met i• . .. ' : . P ' • ion. '. .• ""! i'' •ri - T.• G.. ; . . NIENABER. ' ddetithsetinvdthn me '081100"tott'1700. 16493tigie:,,r-:„ ki - - . • ''' yeertiefil clik`link; 'ilahar die .clituin • 11e3 -113 j ICIerk van. die WaarderingShtif. 1341, waaropthierdle kennisgewing in die —.4 - .. • sPosbus 11 • •. ' ' . • •. Offisiele. KberantI'vairf dip' Provinsie .. !...... : rketeriai ''P • .• - .. - TrahsthaliVerskym te .1Camer •TRANSVAALI - 124Muth/ HciARD.4nE01%;THE.A01E91. • sinalei:Gebrinc.Patmorewe/L7Orkney,.thr! I•OgliiMr : . . • . - ••• ;•• - '• ' [ .r611,Nkemliery 1,17c . 1..O.Po!Mglivn'wtii*I•cw.nnt- Kennfigewing . imam i : t. .... : . . m7147/1977; .._. r . '' r•''. ' ' ' ; • . . . .. 1.154.18- 26 - - - • 41Witientrwateen dth.y0Orgestelde,wy, . - - • - • , VALUATION,' ROLLS...FORii.VARIOUS sliMg„beswear,Wil. sy, - aantekeri," Meet • AEA . • ' bogwahr Mime:14 • ''•LcicAll. " ooliiNKEARF.• ' " '' (ireertion)rd'ae na' die ': . - , : TOWN.,„cOuNciLi OE RUSTENEURG. datum kennisgewing .., . ; waarce•Iiierthe In Nbtiee.: is Afereby kiven..in. accordance. die OfflaiereKobrint van die ProvIn- ST OF BY-LAWS RELAT- . sierl Ttithvial verskyn, skriftelik, maar 'With the. piovisions.citsection /4 otthe: 4 G TO PLACES OF - •Sisrp:"ml RECREATION' in elk geval nie,laterybletfras .l. Lipsky , Authorities, Rating. Ordirtance, AND THE TOWNLANDS.t:' ' • - • . • • ' ber 1977, by die Local/3331tharthe'' General Valuation- Rolla; '.1 ...... i :, - .. r. •. . • • ondirgetekenrIewint, - the areasgeneralthe E dien. for .... undermentkined•• Ie.is oherebi• notgled. in. of ' ------terve lee ./dearAi, eathrrimIttees' hayelieen cprm ,tI 6. op • Or. J. J. F. VAN SCHOOE. - on.2.9 flot the•t'th:G""Q.Y..FIlmAllI'?t. ro rt. Metedr andt,' deitiffed 'Mid' thartifflidif dinan'ee, 19311[ 1hat the CounclI intends. 4i.4#1t.t9' 611g amending the By- Munisipale Gebou, shallutiddonfe.'fiithill"andnbliidirir 1aws Relating..- to • - -- • . • ' : . . upon all parties ditheeinelPaliOrShalniof paces of Recreatiorl and the VandalNods Patmoreweg; ' a here: appealeth -before :. 19.. December; in:. °teen Pto. Maker. prevision ., Orkney. , for the , • , ... - 1977 against the decision of the Valuer: :hiring but; of rcutlery: at ;thth Kloof: Holi-. . 2620 - - " I • - ' • Hopi Conft in,. the manner. prescribed daY.Resott. •••••• . 16 • November.. 1977.• . . 1' . in the saudiCainance, namely... . Copiesf Kennisgewing••No. 41/1977. • the amendment.' are open I -., - , - - - • i - ' ., ..• thrtinsnectieniatithe Officmhf Ole Clerk COI:My/TEE of the Council, a period days - Ii0CAL AREA for of 14 . - . - ' 1 pes. O6or, kificrasp Halfway. House, .fitomcth_ted deate,fofl.publieetien...hereof.... - • PIETERSBURG. -MUNICIPALITY. - Hazyview. Klipi: .River. Valley. •Laka. ‘1I .Any person. who desires - to: object to.. . - , . . . , . . . . Chrissie, gruel:. amendments, : do so .1n. ParksrgthItessipf. - Vangypdrif,". '' must! _ • anth Zaaliv,iter. limiting - - •" .. - . teethe;; undermentioned. within.. , - .Pv c.; 9i6 .'" rfri •. ROUTES • 14 days : FOR••'• PUBLIC"1 • ii- VEHICbES..V 1•L• -• • - h' 11, from. the,. date . p.unlieption lischkuilAPY• person .w. ft aPP9.4.T.e...)...9ci f 9E.PirIli%1 -of • • • h' reof •• . . in 'Ilie,,Proyinethr Gazette.:• . ob. „ . . - . . . ValuatiOn-Cburf int mirsuance;. °fon- ir,r .in .... •. . is hereby, given, lit_ terins, Notice of 'jection logged hill' fid . . • vv. the., nniVisions; of 19 wlic. 141i. , ?'.. ERASMUS.. by 'The . . . - . sectionl.65bit: ofc the 'hhiiielf ",:gkgrIdirecr valife.;Planed ,._ ,. , Town'. Clerk., - ' - . Local Government.. Ordinance; 1939, . .• '• that tripoffc.any owned roit'occupied. 4.11Q. . .• . . the Town - 'irAiliertt . . Council of 'Plateraburg has , .• , . . behificiii. onortiOiii tii&eoriciliiideif terqiiirq. , . . taken, a resolufion..whereby, routes• for as.'ecifitthithlatedoin Member': 1977: Public, thigeles .'(thiseaj keetidii°801W is'"erti• 16'. ' :" - l• haVe.lbeeri.de," ' titled: thirlifileiftagainit Ethe'edeeiglori;- Of Notice No. 88/1977. '' - ''' - - 1 ''''''. -r .] "1 - 1111nr. - v. ternilirod.:". . •theiValtfatieif.• Court. I . Copies ., • - - • " of this.resOlution. are available !By,. orger, of. the- - president. of .the." 1 i for,inspection . ' during; the. normal; office. flialiration 'Ciitift:— V ISTADSRAAD VAN RUSTENHURG; - - 1 houthl.M, the.. Council's Traffic] Depart . f• - - - . - • I • i -.1 .9 T. C..NIENABER, - i ment; Room: 102, Civic 'Centre, .Pietera• ... VAN :Clerk of the' Valuation Court. WSIGING VERO.,,RD_ENINGEi burg, :Until Friday, 9 December, 19771. - °Er 13ETRElatabit TOT ONTSPAn ; • , ,._ _rVo. Box /1 - . . 1341. .!' - NINnPAEKgEwP'EN DIE` Objections against the - - ooRgs\ resolution 'must rretoria. '. • - . be lodgeth.in. writing. with - . . _1 . thei under. 0001 .... • '"..• ./ GlIONHE. ' signed . not - .. later than. the mentioned• 16 November, 1977i .. .• i , .! . ... date. Dear word. hierbydingevolge artikel 96... The. resolution Will. take. effectias. N,Micefeloi 147/1977 van.irdiev:Orthennansie . op. niasiike ;Be. '

1 3814. ...• PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 16 .NOVEMBER„. 1977 • - .

. . ' - - 1VIUNISIPALITEIT DUIVELSKLOOF. . TOWN COUNCIL OF. POTGIETERS Roodepoort intends amending the: By- RUS. laws • Relating to Licences and - Business WYSIGING, AANNAME EN HER Control,' published under Administra- ROEPING ANN VERORDENINGE. .AMFNDMENT TO STANDARD LI- toes Notice - No. 67. dated- 27 January, ' - •• - • - BRARY BY LAWS.. - • 1954, as amended. , general „purport Ingevolge artikel 96 van die Orden ,. - I. . .. •. - ' - of the ,is,to the effect nansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, '1939. word - is hereby' that:The It amendmentsolifiedin terms of sec January, bekend gemaak:dat die Read! lion 96 of the :Local Government Or= (a) With effect from 1 1978 - dog licences only van' voornemens is mu die volgende dinance, 1939; .that the Town Council' will be issued .and verordeninge 'aan te neem, te wysig of Potgietersrus .proposes to amend the' • no..licence discs; te herroep: - • en/of Standard Library 13y-laWs of the Pot .(h) the' liCence fees for bicycles will ...I 1. Wysiging van Standaard Finansiele gletersrus Municipality, published un- be 'stayed as - from 1 September, - . . Vetordeninge soos afgekondig bY Ad der. Administrator's 'Notice No. 820 1977;. , ministrateurskennisgewing 927 van 1. dated 26 October, 1966. (c),- the tariff for the weigh-bridge to • November 1967 soos gewysig. ' '1' • The general purport of this amend- ' Abe increased to. RI per vehicle. 1 2. Aanname van Standaard Verorde- ment is to provide for an - adjustment' "'copiest a •the proposed amendments ninge betreffende Kafees, Restourante to the existing. library fines as sped- - ' , will lie for inspection , in the office of en Eethuise sees' afgekondig by Admi- fled. • the during • Town Clerk nistrateurskennisgewing 492 van' 27. normal' office Copies of this amendment are • open hours a period of 14 days as from April 1977. - • for:- • to' inspection at: the 'office of the Clerk tlidriate of publication hereof. Any,per- 3. Wysiging van die Publieke 'Ge- of the Council foi• a period - of fourteen son who desires to record his objection sondheidsverordeninge soos afgekondig (14) days - from ,the•date of publication' to such amendments shall do so in ' • by Administrateurskennisgewing - - ' No hereof. , , • ., writing to the Town Clerk within four- 148 van 21 Februarie 1951, soos gewy- - ' ' - - - • teen days after the date of publication . . Any . person who desires td record sig. • u`s,,_„„,e.`" - - , _ „ _ his" objection - to the said• amendment - . . . 4. Herroeping en . van die Sanitere must do so in writing to the under- J. S. DU TOIT, afgekon- • • Vullisverwyderingstariewe saes - • • i• mentioned within 14 days after •the ' Town. Clerk. dig by Administrateurskennisgewing date of publication of thismotice in the 16 November, 1977. No. 1896 van 24 September 1975. . . Notice No. 89/1977.., Provincial gazette. .• As 5. - _ „ Aanname van die Rio - • • Standaard ••C. Pi B. MATTHEUS:. leringsverordeninge soos afgekondig by. - II • • STAD ROODEPOORT. Administrateurskennisgewing 1\1 ' Town Clerk. —e• 665'•Town Council, van 8 Junle 1977. • • • , P.0.*Box 34,"' .WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE. Die algemene strekking van hierdie Potgietersrus. . wysiging„ aanname en/of herroeping is • Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 96 0600 - soos volg: • p .' ! van die Ordonnansie o Plaaslike Be , 16 November, 1977...... stuur No. 17 van soos gewysig, L Standaard, Finansiele Verordeninge: Notice No. 54/1977. 1939. • word bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad ' • O. artikel 15 to wysig sodat die • Van Roodepoort van voorneme .is om die .grensbedrag waarvoor goedere' die Read . t . ! Verordeninge Betreffende Ligensies en dim.v. kwotasiee kan aankoop. sander - Besighede' STADSRAAD VAN. . .POTGIETERSRUS. Heiner 'oor afgekondig by am. tenders te vra van "R1 000", na AdmInistrateurskennisgewing No:•67 van • "R2 000" verhoog . word. WY8IGING. VAN STANDAARDBIBLIO;• 27 Januarie f1954, scrim gewysig verder - TEEKVERORDENINGE. to wysig: Die' algemene strekling..Van 2. , Standaard Verordeninge . betre.ffen . . .. - •• de Kafees, Restourante en Eethuise: . die wysigings Is tot effek dat: Dair word hierby ingevolge attikelIdie . ' Om 'n meer eenvormige beleid, soos 96 van die . Ordonnansle op Plaaslike; 1978Met •(a)•ingang van 1 Jantiarle slegs Sy - Bestuur, 1939; .bekend gemaak die; , hondelisensiekwitansies en versoek..cleur Edele die Administra dat ' teur to liandhaat Stadsraad van Potgietersrus van voor- ' nie meet lisensiepladjies uitgereik • • nemens is pm die Standaardbiblioteek- sal word limp, 3. Publieke Gesondlieidsveretdetunge: verordentrige van toepassing 0 die, (h) lisensiegelde tar fietse vanaf 1 Sep- Om Hoofstuk 10 van die verordeninge Stadsraad van Potgietersrus, afgekondig 1977 - tember nie meer gehef word wat handel oor Restourante en Teeka by AdministrateurskennisgewIng 820, nie; mers to heiroep. •• ' - : van 26 October 1966, to wysig * • ...... (c) die weegbrugtarief na R1'per voer- A. Sanitere, en Vullisverwyderingsta- • ;Die, algemene strekking , van hierdie tuig verhoog word. riewe: om aan te . wysiging'. is biblioteekboetes Afskrifte van die voorgestelde wysi- Om voorsiening to mask vir 'n ver- Pas by die' verhogings soos"deur die dings - Departemerit - sal vir 'n tydperk van veertien hoging van'die Sanitere .en Vullisver van Bibliciteek- en Mu - • • dae vane .datum van publikasie' bier wyderingstariewe. seumdienste berme] . a . - . van gedurende normale kantoorure in 5. Standaard Rioleringsverordeninge: Afskrifte van hierelie. wysiging le ter by die kantoor van die Klerk van did kantotir van'die Stadsklerner insae - insae - le en enige nersoon wet heswaar Om did Standaard Rioleringsverorde - - teen ninge nos afgekondig deur Sy Edele die Raad likr 'n tydperk van 14 die van sodanige wysiging wil, aanteken, moet - of die datum van publikasie hiervan. eat_ skriftelik - by die 'Stadsklerk. doen die Administrateur te aanvaar , . ten ein •I vaneenvormigheid de in Transvaal te be- Enige persoon wat heswaar teen •ge. binne veertien dae na.— die 'datum werkstellig noemde Wysiging • publikasie . en die bestaande tariewe by. wens aan te teken,. Iriervan' '' die betrokke verordening in te voeg. . mod' dit skriftelik tbinne 14 dae na. J. S. DU. TOIT, datum van publikasie van hierdie ' van hierdie wysigings • - Stadsklerk.' • Afsktifte en/of. die - 16 November 1977. kennisgewing in' die Provinsiale . Roe verordeninge 1.0 ter insae by die kan- , - rant, by die ondergetekende Kennisgewing No. toot van die ondergetekende tyd- doen. 89/1977:• . vir in . - 1160- 16 perk Van 14 dae vanaf die datum • .0: F. B. ardirrimus, van . - . . • . • hierdie kennisgewing. ' Stadsklerk. • ' - - ' ' Stadsraad, • ". .• Enige persoon wat heswaar teen die TOWN. COUNCIL OF,. BETILAL. . Posbus 34, • - • wysiging, aanname herroeping - en/of • - • AMENDMENT TO ' Potgietersrus. • , BYLAWS. van die genoemde verordeninge . wens 0600 . aan te' teken moet sit skriftelik binne • . ' - Notice is hereby given in terms of - 16.Now ber 19774, - 14 dae na datum publikasie 96 - - - van van Kennisgewing No. 54/1977. ' section of the Local 'Government Or hidrdie kennisgewing in die Proiinsiale - •• dinance, 1939, - 1159- 16 that the Town Couneil.in Koerant, by die ondergetekende indien. . . tends to amend the folloWing by-laws:— • • 1. Regulations. . Stadsklerk. - • Leave CITY OF ROODEPOORT. • Munisipale Kantore, • . • . r - . .• .2. Fire. Brigade' By- , laws. - Posbus 35. . - - - 4 AMENDMENT TO BY LAWS. 'The general purport of the amend - , Duivelskloof. ... — are as follows : 0835. , Notice is given in terms of the provi. ments Telefoon: 3246. sions of section 96 of the Local Govern- (a) Leave Regulations:

. 16 November 1977. , ment 'No. 17 of 1939, as To revoke the Leave Regulations, - Ordinance . . 1156 16 amended, that the City Council of . seeing that the Council accepted

• - 'LL6T `•104tuaAPIS 9T 9T L9IT 9T- 9S11 • •91•g8 :allot/hap/ ' . 'LL/LZ 'ON 21RA192SplUaN '0N 'LL6T/68 - ftulma9sP.P0M t£80 'QAT lActrUaiWN lat • LLOI aaclum.t0h1 91 , . •jootesiangui • . '08t0 •ganqua;snu. '9E x011 'O'cl TeIllo•leAl 'sltuIPPIS . 'saacJJO redrawing •gt suqso,:l •slaapispe;s. '8aaiD uritoa. 'atou.P31 apillsruni.c. '611111SVua '1' 'AL . 'allareD IER11,1^ .. .• . • • - 'llialTlePeTS - - toop alp Aq Um aq; ur aanou sill; jo uorpaqqnd iiau NVA s 31.1anspels ;wea ',L'Ivii,A r „.„ -3031 alelsupt9•Id 0IP gqrAagsqUI°31 jeo aluP nil& sicPP DI 0111112w P,augis ill arPaapun - - o; • "os - pouf •uaop .aPAL0.'t larpaarq ueri arseeliqud ueri up;ef; am gunwm ut opi -92.tapuo alp Aq ipeaaam r..... - - apputitaid lull au. ... pps jo• augitt; Nllautaus ill) put./ smut 4 aq; iroweaoriar ag/pite alp ur tre/u_aur- arsetpnd ;emu • • ' arp tua.ImucuYi rim gurgistA aprapagaoon uorldope 'paw puaure au of uollaarcio audit( Strialmnis up }sow uaNal a; fi , any ;lab; aeumsaq pm uoosaad aglua . sui paoaaa o; gaES'aprOtrA1 uos.recT•Ativ "wee• straw: agtuttapaolan aprasalmori . : -- t ua'a;- leefisaq awn uoosaad agua "aatu3a"ist ip o a a. uolj' 1 -nd j. uuIuP ueri ump eu•ueeriri aaaerp aftts sAup e liallapt arsuutiqud ueri am - T.T Jo poraad. los paugrsaapin : usurp.- r__ d_ uaadpAa lc aprpers alp ueri aagjo aq; le USA asp Td USA 3(10 A..1 .ipt .peg 'paw alp am Jo tropladsur an; node 9 lc I 11 igamaa3ppipooA „..... ,.,r.::- USA I0.01W31. alp at at aa; 91 uurB!s are sme1411. Pa 10/pue 1 -1U1SAI - - - TIT 1.0!;c3'0A0.1 - 'Om ,;;Qfp _ . AA arlialsailsoon alp twri jlaNsgy u, uoildOpe is;uaiupuatue asacnijp sargoa uoOlue;t. am_ Sq•ausur aal al 0 - I - 1. opupptranq atp USA a _ Ion. iturusavp.;,. 1 21sAm al "paulaauoa sritufAq. aq; gut wis - ur swan 1 pAlannq alp ua goomrari a; °maraviaudi -Ispca eta ;uautapans - puu •al suA sputa no; grsAnt a; aguruapao.raripus ur agutweap guquegaa unojtun.e raw al ama.patsiu,,a1LP I:1%Z Lawpeas alp sr pueaspe;s Aanocl punsuead. lainueit gupapacios arp URA '2upainal leo suaulauaoort uppretu al aapio hr aole.wsruppli 011T - atp pi) Auenag Puauaq '6E61 1,1101sPg ' - af. alp' jallatraeeti aaaSipae.puels. Sa (q) . arquanouoll sm sq p,apgittupaa sy stiSel , 021110aRld do' 161311E11110N° 'alP nra, 96 -Ag aq; - i !Era :aaainNas agetuela paupueas ;dope . jraewre agioriagur itcpani pant- • • • • pi.. I • V Imo? 3 aa aoo aaacraq. (a) .!'• , " .•. ;a; S.101011/ wed 'au' ' :smer-Aq aavureaa paupwels '9. • • - • - tuo agutuaThrolari . mauftliNaa • I ''''' sr' - - { - raquant• USA 9U13130.11S auatu•gici• aw.c. nouainvygv4is NVA a. , ONIDISA/W 'sITIn 1 .,., • sleriOulau asnlau pus &Japans Supsixo I quaa,u ' . : .*DITITEINahl.Sfill. NVA apploact• CIVVI1SCIVIS atfl at OSEOXOUI !lc' 10J Oa.: :al top 'kg • 'LOT °Veinier s. wen :

:sin.iitt- icom Pulmagsitine'xisnalenstuitupv. . a - ' ' splootual/ pus ffroucialaBTe• - • Sobs" 'agittitariadaeri; esnJau . aaslauss 'T? I..Cct - . • - •: .I ' • ••• • • L . ..- 1 'oN oogoN •: - -sauwaisstoomavem• v...igepugig. aka. 019. 'LL61/68 . ostuoou ' . 91 • • 'LL6I 'IocluloAolll 1 Ira nupau ea,r. pus sweangsau. tprrit 2PTIttep. oy lanqua;sn1/ uee as . , . smer-Sq 'DTI; Jo' ca ' learclaa, el I mono• .0Ainousioanied. , aaildep la . ., ,. , . 'HITE WWII, ...uko- sy.suo•.!* 11•1013 ublP.1.4. 1":'*i.•4q11.1, 1 - 11:4'. . 311Ing40:8 aoon ilea. e was _ pesappps: '2 'EL ,„,- -all . P A . .A1 iie4. . SfillISVIla- ' - 0)j14. ! !spur/Load ay;' guzpy an; qg 2?P .9'9Ral ."6.13J. ‘43:11119%5 *mosso airleanouoli 414:11.474anrk logiId 60 acsuenuop.x.0: a;p Ue..A96, laXII, it!! aarloty spa jo qopeauqnd lo.napp. aa' se XarrocT urzomtn8 e trupput by . ... .:1...... z.. lo aatonazior alumajg paom' slap uno ' sinuar' !auk luo41 ti' unmin' flan. .0 'wool. - pus 'swap I • • ay; a; ffunym os op ;snuff :sasno4 2uraea slusainsasa'a . "' tn• want -puma p9sodnid 0; n01100;010 of Sumter 'sriterAt paepueas •t . Ny/.1 aPININNVir atm sill totsumaalio•uan paoaaa saa!sop Taap.ual .10; uturaa.poqwtt . ol Rio uosaan Aiw uoweionb ' - • •aVallITIVAI• NVA CWV1IFQVIS , 'Sq 'pasetiaand aq “. -•.• . . goaaat!notrnoo uo env Ault; ______. spoog Tjap.fAt JO; ..000 za„ IR „aao . uonearmul. ;o app aql mai; sap 30 It: • • ;0 ;wary'aq; jo gursebiour atr; aol'apt& IROT.T0.13,• IRIIng0.'PIll. Jo, alp ' ''LL/LZ 'oN aarloN - IPJ ii:T0TO •oad o; aapxo Tn. gr uokpas puatut 0,1." 'Lai 11acktuanoN 91 .10 aowo. sly' le uoppaclig! 1.TOI uado ST smuttg plaueulipaepuelS *ono ITUatnpUntRe paSOdn.n!' 8q; ;off Adoa y i • •stnequuntyi ' :SAt0f10; SE . 'Plus' JP saw!' mil PIIKIIP. PTIP . 1St X011 ticl uorpaoriaa ao/pue uOrldOpe, `spat6.1 ;SIE111). 010. aSaa1aW a; aapap. in smEi sr 4S0313.30 led!opium ump,r. Ramp, - pue7w3 'spa 30 . frAEI, mil em. cu. sPu.92141. ..19cuna,.Iglialg..„.. .. i OU,p, ; 1.311a13 UM01. : 1 , illaunoo may an; lag; '6861 '03ueull310 , 'LL61 atIVPA 'EWE NVA 'S 'aunt I' 1111.9n1RaPILP.0.. Mort 0111 JP 96 upfloas IPS 999 'oN opllf.N. erloIellsPb 'allozeD " go 'swan u! p.aJillou Sang PaleP se; . prauptom ay; joaaaq uoneaqtartd. s! II mituPY nPlin P!/?Ingligact smeTICEL"''' • ' ur °pp woi; snap 'IliglIm. 02ePlela PIEPP8.281 agli J° u911.49PY .g Jo kl PPIals•loP . TAIN'I - . 1 un .in. anon. aa, , , n*. Twat In 'ale mu -A.w rirtvii mmorao• Imawcuonw QL6T tia(11:49.1c.TPS TITtZ PaleP - -•7' .. • iagpor . • isliwy smyfiq, paspdoad acil cn. I 9691 '9N 001101s1 9.29101411;1111pV 10.9.9Th - 'pars° 04 oqm uoglald. ApV. paiegintuoacr sy,'. sjjrri.ej. sreriowati asuj., . . .. ianslin ...... I 'outiamaasawao aromnoo luau - i . all puy AleUtps atu Jo, uotpb..o..p..)1. 't. . 1 j Jo app. off;j, situp: ;.1;oaljoaiRp•ottiPanderaer illodi: I l'aPuatuu su ‘1961 ‘LIEtuclaa Istpuquaum 'peou. aavp.ryooA isaaTI 1,9tff•STI . • Q 2 ;Sri.'papp, git..."oN aatioN sdaolealsru i___ • siutiyi 1 pop saraunop p uorpadsur /261/88 GN 0 urma papVintuoail- .su, awl ao; Imp/ aapun, sintrecgi ivado • ' aq ant satepAq asaul Jo saadoo . . ''LL6T. aactufaX014 '9T glivail 0;140,3 043"39. Tualutiuounic t: I ' . t•ganqua;snt, Uaarmas uppia. Soy_ sagaiqa. ' 'LL6T. 'Ita. (TV .. - - IsIMPelS . • . lull 04 pus aalekt Jo• azoneirt.a.naa., . . . TETLZ PalaP Z617 '0N 03110N sruqualslu!u' I.IpRups„ up. ;wawa. ato. asrpaepuels - (q)I - - aapun. papginueoad -gtat lama '01 1 ismesvirg T se. sasnotl . , , Ai, PV. , - . . '• • pa puu. speanulsaa isaJuj o;., guriela..1 i puu :saaput 1 - - •uaop, aptta4a;aglap sfirver.sa_ p/upuE4s ;pc uotinopv. Tuppod asn aq; - ail Zr. Jo °letups.. o4;•(e) 1.ua aq:. Aq il'ueaao,B apisurAcia alp tw ' 'papuatur se 'L9.6T saaquionox :ate Igtirmagsrutrau aquary tzekaisuqqqna USA I !Mg - , 1ST PaleP ilg6: .olg' aallalsr si"lulls'u'ill1 i 'SAW: - asain Jo podand Fiona au". tunlOp alp su aup' tT auulq. Nirauraus -pv aapun pa2effintunat!se -Ag• r. . k .: ink. pour ualtapeO aptuaou stet PP 'iL6T' maim!Is, g Jo 16 'ON 0311°N usm. 2u!!!s/Cno -uour3.paePuo35 alt; ;o wauipnauni 'T. - ;sflolealslutuIPV ..a !coal: aunmsaq pm uoosaad a2paa ' 19PrTu• PaleUITT1T1 - - - - gulatorioj aq; oad ph:pug§ (q) , arse;upqnd URA tunpp p :smor.ki. read ' se. stet 611m "uesiattr , ei* Tien -aa 10 ;dope, spnaute a; spua;ur 1131.11100 !sikutkg (s). rum asp to ;padpa U. apt pees atp iNaw sunilied- - - • - Mil 15114, 'PoPueute se '6561' "aaueurNO ._' 'USA 4.zam. alp twit aoopee alp Aq ass :sAtufSq gurritopj. wqa ;dope - luatturaariop aq; 'Jo • I la; gurgtsArit. alp. !saes 96. uonaas • - ur al weri alTlaUsIV. uogualul. alp Jo 51. stuecituagm lo jo mamba ur uarip.; 1 •paom. anuipari • - Aqaaarq. sr .taapaiiq llaunon limey alp - ue4 .01 4543.'6E61 'a3uEuTP 10 - e pop' alp tit talagpa pp_ . . kuaunuaao9. ['nog a-T44 J9 95 1101130s 'SAINTA£1 NOLLVOOA atQua./ al 2.1quatsaoon aoosieup. apuip. ual 40 'Jo su!aal u! uaAIP; .1".1a.tt sk aagoN. sap - - - - • . aa apuOigSdaaa. alp au (INV: Nou...aoav.' 'Imattamaprst ailick. . aviet4. , - . ,. _ . - - - - s2Innupdswo. ;in. auppinnactlaw , a2.uni SAMI Ail JO: -NOlidOUV ! rapJacap. asp- two st. suatualgook. ppm. • • •goolunaigna. do LtnvamiNfill •swayaiplym, ad flompopLiai24. !um. ;ep are. etuO. pua.11act_ 16E61. 'annla

._ • EISC L1.61. Baum/lox ST 11.NVITN031, WIVISIslIAOITcl . .


- - - - the Standard Service regulations as STADSRAAD VAN BETITAL. .1 .:;- Om die yerlofverordeninge te her - - - . published in the Government Ga , Men; aangesien" die mad besluit het September, die standaarddiensvoorwaardes . zette of 2 1977, for all WYSIGING VAN VERORDDNINGE. om its personnel. • . ..: .. ; ,. : afgekondig in die Staatskoerant van . op 2 September 1977, alle personnel - - • (lb) Fire Brigade By, laws: • • • Kennis geskied hierrnee ingevcdge ar- .• ' •• ••• • - Mil ;toepassing 'te •Inaalc: - - • - - . (increase) ; I I •• ; To,., amend the: tariff: likl:t96 van Ordonnansie 17 van 11939 : . .: • .. - .. ••• - I .: .:': , ... Brigade services.: - redered for Fire dat rdie . Stadsraad van:Noernemens is Afskrifte van die wysigings le ter in - • Copies • of the • amendmenti are( open om- die:. volgende Verordeningerte. wy- say. in die • kantoor van die Klerk: - van - ' for inspection at the office of the. Clerk six:— c•• - , - die Read, Munisipale Kantor& : Bethal . • . v ;of, the Council, Municipal Offices, - . . vir 'n tydperk van..14;dae• na publikasie •;" ; '' - - • ' Bethal.for a period of 14 days after the ;12, Brandweerverordeninge. ..s., hiervan. . •.. : - ; • . .1 ; ' ' ' publication';hereof. • • - 2. Verlofverordeninge...,. Enige peisoon aan - . - viailbeiwainvens . Any person who wishes to lodge a .. te. thken teen die norgestelde wysiging. - - - 1 complaint, against proposed amend . Die Algemene Strekldng van. die Ver - the -- ; . by die Stadsklerk, Pos- - ;is ; moet•rdit• doen writing ordeninge is soon volg:7- _ - ments should ,do scr..in to the bus a, Bethal, binne 14 - dae na publika- Town Clerk, P.O. Box 3 Bethal Within i - • - • sia. vanchierdie kennisgewing.:. . days publication of, (a) Brandweerverordeninge: :. . -.1 ... 14 after the i.his - • '..._1 " • . - - - 'Om die tarief van gelde vir .brand notice. . ' - 1977: • • • • ,,I 16c•wovember .. • . :, : : •!•.weerdienste te wysig '(verhoog). - Kennisgewing No. . - 16. November, 1977. 53/11/77.: • • . . (b) Verlofverordeninge: - ...... - 16 Notice No. 53/11/77.. , •. .. 1161 • ••• .

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. . , . . - . . . . • . . . • . :. 1 • ...... I\_ • 43816 •PROVVCIAL •GAMETTE, `1.6 :NOVEMBER, 1977

. _ ...... '; • • - 1' - ' hi ''':. • T S. 1114 • FCcONTEN, • • . WO' Ulti

. - ::::'',' -`:;) •:::''. ::: Proclamations Proklamasies II . .• '• ..- 252. Ainendmentl, of .Title .Conditions' of Mitten 252. Wysiging man., Titelvooriaardes van Erwe 1046, 1047 and 2336, Naughton Estete Mown- :. ; . .. 1046, 1047 en, 2336, .thirp HOUghton Estate, it :. ( ship; (district Ofthannesthirg __ - (:_ ___ 3743 distrik...thhanne.sburg 3743 - ,:253.• :Ainendment• of Title Conditions Of-Holding '253. Wy6iging• van 'Titelvoorwaardes, van Hoewe . '.d - +"23. :River Park Agricultural HOldings. dis- 23, River Park:Landhouhciewes, distrik Ver- - • ' • ; ; r...:.(trict•Vereettiging ._...1...... _ .._...._ _ 3743 . eeniging . . 3743 254. Amendment of Title Conditions' Of Railway "254. Wysiging, van 'Titelvoorwaardes van Speer- Servitute 243, Township. district .• dorp thando ' weg .Serwituut 243. Isan'do, 'distrik ';` . • _ _.. _ ' '71/Cezpptdn'4Paik :..... 3743 KemptonPark ... 3743 • - .25. •Winendment of ',Title of .Erven . - - - . 255. WySiging: van Tildthoonvaardes van' tiive :' :1550; 451 '556, DelvilleCo township, district - ' 'rid " ' ' ' - 550, chirp /Ger ' • '551 en 556. Melville, distrik :Germiston : 3744 - ' . 3744 256. Amendment '61''Title tonditionS Of the Re- miston - - maining Extent - 256. Wysiging Van Tifelvoorwairdes 'van die Res of Erf ,1066, .Pretorla '.North - • • 1066, dorp - Township,,City Of Pretoria _.. J...... ::::...... • 3744 terende Gedeelte van Erf Pre -Noord, Stad Pretoria .. 3744 , " 257, Amendinent df 'Title'tonditiOns -cif Lots 622 - •thd 624, Brooklyn Township, diktrict Pre- - 257. Wysigingtoys van Titelvoorwaardes 'van Lotte toria . 3745 622 en 624, dorp Brooklyn, distrik Pretoria 3745

Administrator's Notices Administrateurskennisgewings 1707. Bethal Municipality: Amendment to By-laws 1707. Munisipaliteit Bethal: Wysiging van Veror- for the Regulation of Parks and Gardens - 3745 deninge vir die Regulering van Parke en Breyten Municipality: - Tuine 3745 1708. ' Amendment to Va cuum Tank By-laws 3746 1708. 'Munisipaliteit Breyten: Wysiging van Va- 1709. Breyten Municipality: Amendment to Sa- kuumtenkverordeninge 3748 4 nitary and Refuse Removals Tariff -- . 3746 1709. 'Munisipaliteit Breyten: Wysiging van Sani- . 1710. Breyten Municipality: Amendment to Traffic tore en VullisVerwyderingstarief 3746 By-laws and Regulations - ..... - ... - 3747 1710. Munisipaliteit Breyten: Wysiging van Ver- 1711. Breyten'Alunicipality: Amendment to rea__rch keersverordeninge en Regulasies 3747 - Fees By-laws ... -. .._ - ...._- _- __ ... 3747 1711. Munisipaliteit Breyten: Wysiging van Na 1712. Breyten Municipality: Amendment to By- soekfooie Bywette _.. _...... _ _- - ...- .._ 3747 laws and Regulations Relating to Dogs - 3747 1712. Munisipaliteit Breyten: Wysiging van By- • 1713. Delmas Municipality: Adoption of Standard wette en Regulasies op Hondo --. ..._ -- -.4 9747 By-laws' Relating to Cafés, Restaurants and 1713. Munisipaliteit Dames: Aanname van Stan- Eating-hduses - __....._.. ._ .._ _. -- - 3748 daardverordeninge Betreffende Kafees. Res- 1714. Delmas Municipality: Adoption Amend- taurante en Eethuise 3748 ment to Standard Food-handling By-laws _ 3748 1714. Munisipaliteit Delmas: Aanname van WY- 1715. Evander Municipality: Adoption of Amend- siging van Standaardvoedselhanteringsver- ment to Standard Food-handling By-laws - - 3748 ordenlnge _ _ _..... -...- - _- - .. 3748 1716. Evander Municipalit- Amendment to Fl- 1715. 'Munisipaliteit Evander: vari l'iry- - fl nancial By-laws - _.. --..- - ... -. 3748 siging van Standaardvoedselhanteringsveror • ' 1717. Municipality: N-o- . deninge 3748 Potchefstroom Correction ' tice: Electricity By-laws - -_„.._ .-- __3749 1716. Munisipaliteit Evander: Wysiging van Fl- 1718. Evander 'Municipality: Adoption- of Standard nansigle Verordeninge 3748 Water Supply By-laws -...- .._ . -- ..- 3749 1717. Munisipaliteit Potchefstroom; KennisgewIng 1719. Johannesburg Municipality: Amendment to van Verbetering: Elektrisiteitsverordeningo 3749 Tramway By-laws -- - -- 3749 1718. 'Munisipaliteit Evander: Aanname van Stan- 1720. Johannesburg Municipality: Amendment to daard Watervoorsieningstorordeninge .._. _... 3749 Drainage and Plumbing By-laws - . - - _ 3750 1719. Munisiphliteit Johannesburg: Wysiging van ..._ _...... _.. 1721. Road Traffic Ordinance, 1966 (Ordinance 21 Verordeninge insake Tremwee 3749 ' of 1066): Amendment of Road Traffic Re• 1720. Munisipaliteit Johannesburg: Wysiging van gulations ...... _...... -.. -- __ 3751 Riolerings. en Loodgietersverordeninge ...•- 3750 1722. Declaration and Closing of public roads 1721. Ordonnansie op Padverkeer, 1966 (Ordon. a within the Municipal area of Devon - _ 3752 nansie 21 van 1986): Wysiging van Padver- 1723. Closing of outspan on the farm Vlakfontein keersregulasies ..... - 3751 1722. Verklaring en Mulling van openbare pame 69 -a: District of Benoni ._...... _ _ _ _... 3753 Munisipale gebied .._.. Widening Road binne die van Devon 3752 1724. Deviation and of District Muffing van uitspanning op die pleas Vthk- Belfast and Waterval-Boven 3753 1723. 351, districts of fontein 69-I.R.: Distrik Benoni _ _ __ . 3753 1725. 'Deviation and increase in the width of road 1724. Verlegging en verbreding van Distrikspad reserve of District Road 726: District of Le- 351, distrikte Belfast en Waterval-Boven _. 3753 taba _ 3753 1725. Verlegging en verbreding van Distrikspad 1726. Declaration of a public road over the farm 726: Distrik Letalia 3753 Krakodilkop 6434CS.: District of Potgieters- 1726. Verklaring van 'n openbare pad oor die I - - rub 3754 pleas Krokodilkop 643 KS.: Distrik Potgie . 1727. Deviation and widening of public road: Dis- tersrus 3754 trict of Wolmaransstad .._. _ _ .._ _ 3755 1727. Verlegging en verbreding van openbare pad: Distrik _. _... .._ ..._ .._. 3755 a section of Slain Road 036 Wohnaransstad 1728. Declaration of 172S. Verklaring van gedeelte van Grootpad • and Road 24 as Provincial Road 'n District 036 en Distrikspad 24 tot Provinsiale Pad P207-1: District of Bronkhorstspruit _:. _ 3755 P207-1: Distrik Bronldiorstspruit _ _ 3755 1729. Deviation and increase of the road reserve 1729. Verlegging en vermeerdering van reserwe- widths op public roads: District of Bronk- breedtes van openbare paaie: Distrik Bronk- _:_ _._ _ _ .._ ___ _ .._ 3756 horstspruit 3756 1730. Deviation and widening of Provincial Road 1730. Verlegging en verbreding van Provinsiale P106-1: District of Pretoria _ _ ._. _. 3760 Pad P106-1: Distrik Pretoria 3760 1731. Declaration of an access road over the farm 1731. Verklaring van toegangspad oor die pleas _.. - Witrand 457-J.P.: District of Koster - 3761 , Witrand 457 J.P.: Distrik Roster 3761 1732. Balfour ,Municipality: Adoption of Standard 1732. Munisipaliteit Balfour: Aanname van Stan- - • Drainage By laws . 3756 daard Rioleringsverordeninge .. 3756 1733. Edenvale Municipality: Revocation of Pound 1733. 'Munisipaliteit Edenvale: Herroeping van Tariff 3760 Skuttarief .. 3760 . .

• . • . . - PROVINSIALK KOEKAIIIT.i. '15:NONEMBER .1977i 3817.i......

• 1734. Elsburg.Municipality: Adoption of Standard 1734. Munisipaliteit: Elsburg: Artnname van Stan; • . - By-laws. Relating to 'Cafes. Restaurants JIM. . daardverordeningei Betreffende..Kafees,;:Res.- - Eating houses taurante en Eethaise :. ...". 1 ... .: 3762 II ...... " 1735. Elshurg Municipality: Adoption, M. -Amen-a; 1735. Munisipaliteith Elsburg:- Aanname- - van -'Wy- - ment to Standard FinancialiBy-laws...... __ 3762 . siging van, Standaark.Finansillje Verordeq 1736. Ermelo Municipality: Adoption of Standard ninge 3762 , By-laws Relating and 1736. Munisipaliteit Ermelo; van Stan- to Cafes,„Itestaurants - Aanname Eating-houses'_'_ :_ L.__ ...... :.__ .1_:' ...._ ...._ ..._ 3762 daardverordeninge B'etreffendetKafeeS Res- - 1737. Foehville Munieipality: Adoption, of AMP*: tanrantet en.Eethuisth.- ,. - .., - ; - „ ...._„.•-., 3762. - - . -, 3762 ; Mitnisipaliteit I , ment to 'Standard FoodMandlinnY laws._. 1737. Footman riAadnalne I Van1WY- Municipality: , siging van • 1731. Leenrdoornsstacl• Amendment Standaanivoedielhantenngsy.eior-• ..• deninge _. .. _ . . . to Cemetery 3763 •i ..... 3762 ' - - 1739; LecuwdoornsstaTaciiff.Modielpahty,:,. Amendment.. 173&; Munisipaliteit . :Wysiging.; .1 . Leeuwdoornsstad: ' • ..______. to 'Pound Tarifi...... 3763. . van Begralfplaestailef,:....,,,.._ • 37§3 ' 1740, Randfontein Munielpality: Amendment.. to; 1731: - Itfunisipaiitet.t Lieuw.d0OrnSstadf.! Wysiging. ...• - _ _ • . . .. van , ...... , Food handlingiBsrclaws - - -- - 3764 Slcuttanef- „....„..„ 3783. 1741..;. Roodepoort MuniciPilityi: •Adop-tionl ofr.Stan,- 17,411.. Munisipaliteit. Itandfahteiiff: WYsigingtVan: - • dard Drainage. By, laws _ ...._ . „. _ _. 3764 Voedselhanteringsyarordeninge...... _:...._i. 376i Rustenbusg 1741. ... 1742. MuniMpality,:. pound -Tcriff:. Munisipaliteith..Readopeort:, •Aandizile.••.:Vim.. COrrecgom Notiee; . 3764 StandaatdiRicileringsverlirdeninge.:._ . -... - . 3764 - 1743.• - StandertonuMUniciPality: •Adontioni.of.Stan, 1741;i Munbipaliteit.:4Rustenbuxgh Skuttariel:t Kent _I.. ._ darde.By-laws Relating to ;Cafeso Restaurants, • nisgeytong van Verbetering ;__ _.. 3764_ 1 - ''' andEatinghouses:, .,.., __ ...... _...... _ __ 3765 1743., cliffinisipaliteit` aAannarne: veer. • Standerton: - 1744. Verwoerdburg Itiiinicipality. Amendment,: .to Kafees, ' - • - Stanclaardverordemrige: r.Beireffende' '' t • .-- •,: - ..- Water Supply By-laws ... 3765 ReatauranteZerc-Eethuise•• 3765' 1741 Warmlislits Munielpallty:.. Adoption,; Of: 17442.14unisipaliteit Verwoerdburg:• WYsiging inn' • - • . AmenOrOint to Standard FinanCial By- laws„ 3765 Watervoinsieningsverordeninger ... 3765. 1746. Wohneransatak. Municipalityk Adoption Or 1745t.. Munisipaliteit Numbed ;I: Aanname van. Wy:;.• ,, Supply Bylaws _... _ ...- 3765 - . Standard Witer - siging„ yank Staiidaard tinansiole,' ' ' '• • ' • - • - - Verorde.7- :.' . ninge 3765 Wolmaransstddi Nittplcipal.ity;: Amendment;. .. - :7i 7 - • D1747. to Electrieity By laws .- . - _ ...... , 3766 1746.:.Munisip.aliteit Wolmaransstad:,Aarindnie van`', ' - - - 1748;„ Zeerust MupieiPalitY: • Adlendment„to; Sank.. Standaard Waternooilieningsverorderiinge r. 3765' , tary and Refuse ReplovAls21V.1M - _.....„... 3766. 17.471.. Munisipaliteitt.Virolmarmisstath: Wysiging!,san'e. - L.. Zeerust.Municipality;•Byllaws.for the.tevlie - Elektr.b4eitsvesorcleningev.... n.4;4.4- ... 4...... , 3766, 1741' '''' MiiiiiStpaittelt Zeerust; - W.sigi ing. of. Fees. Relating. to the Inspection. of::: 17484::' n0r.iy_a"P siOnlit.-. __ ...... _ Any Business Premises as contemplated, in., tere en VidlieverwYcleringstarial - .. - 3766 • - • . 1749.. Munisipaliteit Zeerust: Verordeninge VW:diet' section 14(4) of the Licences Ordinance; . 3767 ...Heffing van 'Gelde.Met, Betrekking, die,. 1974 ''..- - Jot - Inspeksie van Eritge 'BedigheldsperseaL sods. 1750. Verwoerdburg Municipality: ;By laws for the betlog by artikel 14(4). van die Ordonnansie Levying of Fees Relating to the Inspection _ op Lbensies. 1974 ...... - . . - _. 3767 • of Any Business Premises as contemplated Munisipaliteit Verwoerdburg: Verordeninge Ordinance, 1750. in section 14(4) of the Licences vir die Hefting van Gelde met Betrekking 3769 Enige Besigheidsper- ' tot die Inspeksie van 1751. Verwoerdburg Municipality: Adoption of seel soos beoog by artikel 14(4) van die Or- - By 'Relating to Cafes, Res- . ..._ _... Standard laws donnansie op Lisensies. '1974 . . - ..- 3769 ; taurants and Eatingshouses ___- - _ 3773 1751. Munisipaliteit Verwoerdburg: Aanname van 1752. Verwoerdburg illfunicIpality: Adoption of Standaardverordeninge Betreffende Kafees, - _... . __ _ . Amendment to Standard Financial •By laws 3773 Restaurante en Eethuise ..- - 3773 175& Verwoerdburg Municipality: Adoption of • 1752. Munisipaliteit Verwoerdburg: Aannime van .. Amendment to Standard FoodMandling By- Wysiging_ van_ Standaard-finansidle Veror- : deninge . . 3773 laws ..- . - _ ..... _ 3773 - ....' - - - Johannesburg Region - Munisipaliteit Verwoerdburg: Aanname van• 1754. Northern Amendment 1753.3Wysiging van Standaardvoedselhanterings- verordeninge 3773 1755. Pretoria Amendment Scheme 38 - . -- - 3774 1754. Noordelike Johannesburgstreek-wysigingske- 1756. Peri-Urban Amendment Scheme 10 - - - 3774 ma 687 - 3773 .._ 1757. Florauna Extension 2: Declaration of Ap- 1755. Pretoria-wySigingskema 38 - ... -- ...... _ 3774 0 ._- 1756. Buitestedelike Gebiede-wysigingskeina 10 _ 3774 proved Township ... -- - ...- ..- - 3774 1757. Florauna Uitbreiding 2: Verklaring tot Goed- 1758. Ifafi Township: Declaration of Approved _. ...._ .._ _ gekeurde Dorn . ..._ - - 3774 1758. Dorp Ifafi: 'Verklaring tot Goedgekeurde 1759.' Paulshof Extension 2: Declaration of Ap- Do 3777 • proved Township _... _.. __. _ _ _ _ 3782 Paulshof Ultbreiding 2: Verklaring tot Geed- ._ __ 1759. A 1760. Brits Amendment Scheme 1/38 3783 gekeurde Dorp 3782 - 1761. Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 2/105 _ 3784 1760. Brits wysigingskema 1/38 3783 ...._ __ 1762. Northern Johannesburg Region Amendnient 1761. Jobannesburg-wysigingskema 2/105 ...... 3784 1762. Noordelike Johannesburgstreek-wysigingske- • 1763. Pretoria Amendment Scheme 346 _ 3784 ma 691 3784 - 1764. Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1/854 - 3785 1763. Pretoria wysigingskema 946 3784 - .._ ._.. 1765. RoodepoortMaraisburg Amendment Scheme 1764. Johannesburg wysigingskema 1/854 3785 1765. Roodepoort-Maraisburgwysigingskema 1/296 3785 1766. Balfour Municipality: By-laws for the Levy- 1766. Munisipaliteit Balfour: Verordeninge vir die ing of Fees Relating to the Inspection of Heffing van Gelde met Betrekking tot die Any Business Premises as contemplated in Inspeksie van Enige Besigheidsperseel .soos section 14(4) of the Licences Ordinance. beoog by artikel 14(4) van die Ordonnansie / op Lisensies. 1974 3785 • 1767. -Leeuwdoornsstad 'Municipality: Amendment 1767. Munisipaliteit Leeuwdoornsstad: Wysiging to Sanitary and Refuse Removals Tariff _ 3788 van Sanitere en Vullisverwyderingstarief _... 3788 l 1768. Leeuwdoornsstad Municipality: Amendment 1768. Munisipaliteit Leeuwdoornsstad: Wysiging to Water Supply By-laws van Watervoorsieningsverordeninge ...._ _. ..._ 3789 1769. Leeuwdoornsstad Municipality: Amendment 1769. Munisipaliteit Leeuwdoornsstad: Wysiging - op • Systems.. Tank. . . , , valid Verordeninge. Illioleringstelsels„en . to Selterane. anc1;3 Vacniun • - - - • - .._ ___ ..._ _. _..._ '_....•379.9 Vammtenkverwyderings :;_. t.... :.: .' ...... _ . laws; .. - ',37tik. 3789SerdevalS .BY pip . 1770. Leeuwdocirnsstad Municipality: Amendment •"' 1771' Munisipaliteit Leeuvidoornsstid$ 'Wysiging to Electricity By-laws .- - __ _ -- 3790 van Elektrisiteitsverordeninge 3790

• -.- ....„ 38181. PROVINCIAli- GAZETTE;16I NOVEMBER; 1977- 't

' 1771. Orkney. Municipality: .Amendment 'to' Dog .:. 1771. Munisipaliteit OrkneY: Wysiging van Regula- -- andThig:: Licensing Regulations ...... : .2_ _ - 3790 sibs .onillonde en die Uitreiking van Honde .... • lisensies 3790 1 - I 1772. Piet; Reid*, Municipality : Amendment to . . 1772. Munisipaliteit Piet Retief: Wysiging van • - - ToWn .Hall By-laws..1...... - ...... •_...• - - - .. 3791 - • t. Stadhuisverordeninge . • • 3791 - • ' • - . . ' ° . " . • ,• ' . •l. A p ' ' " t General.NoticS:. • Algernon° Kennisgewings; • . ., 465.. Application - --1 bin ilkluiting ,Van vet.- ' to enter into Contract 'for bah 465. Airisdek, kentrak' vir - - 'r'' - - - • . veyancei of -sehetil bhildien .1. r.L. cam .7....: ta. 3792 voertan'skoolkinders "t 3792 468. BOokniaker's 'Licence:. 3: Malan 1_ 'L. _.'I.:_ 3798 468. Bdokmakerslisedie: S. Malan • 3798 . 1 - 4691 Nelspruit Amendment Scheme 1/31 __I.:L.- 3793.. 469). Nelspr.uit wysigingskema 1/31 3793 . - - 470. Klerksdorp Ainendnient,Scheme 111 ...... :.:. ..:... 3793 470. Kldricadetp ivysigingskerna 111 ...... 3793 - '._: -wysigingkema • 471:• 'Johannesburg- Amendment Scheme 1/948 3796 , 471. Johannesburg 1/948 3796 ; - ' 472. Romani 1 g Amendment Scheme 117 ..._ ._.. 2_ 3796 Randburgtwysigingskerna 117.. 3796 - 47/. 473.• Vanderbijlpark Amendment Sch'eine. 64 :.:.:. 3797 473F Vanderbijlpark-wysigingskema 64 _ ...... 3797 ' .._.• ._ 474. ::.... 474. Pretbria:Ainendment :Scheine 555 ...... - 3797' Pretorlastreek4ysigymokema 555 .....L. 3797 475.•• Johannesburg Amendment Schede 4/1017 ...... 3798 475: Johannesburg-wysigingskema "...... 3798 ' ' 1/1017 476.. Proposed - Establishment •of Townships:;.; 1) • • '' 476. Vciorgistelde' Stigting. van Dorpe: 1) Morn- . - I ' • -•' • - ' 1 - Morningside 'ExtenSion 109;',2) •Northieold'• . ingside .Uitbreiding 109; 2) Northwold2 Uit- - 1 .‘ Extension 9;• 3) 'Chloorkop Extension 20 - 3794. breiding9; 3).‘Chlootkop Uitbreiding 20 ... 3795 .. ' - 478: Division of .Land Ordinance,: 1973. Ajiplica- 478, Ordennanste: on' die' Verdeling van Grond; ' • ••• Verdeling yaw Grond tion for' tag division __ _...:- .2..__ _;.'... 3798 1973 - Aansoek om die 3798 . . ..„ ofland, . .. - 479. KenniagewingtaBeroepswedderslisensie: Mnr. . 479..; Notice: Bookmaker's Lieence:... Mr:, R. .11. • • • . R.H. Flynn 3799 3799 480. KennisgetVing / van' 'Verbetering; Kennisge: _ . ' ' •" 480.: Notice of Correction: Notice 447 of 1977 3799. .. wing'447 van 197/ 3799 481. Retrieval, of'Rektridtions Mt 84 of 1967 . -- 3800 t 481. 'Wet opitOpheffifig"yan,tBeperkings 84 van - " 482. Ncithern Johannesburg Region' Amendment, ". 1967 - . 3800 482. Johan'nesburgstreek-wysigings;ce- • a . .. 3800. . . "'Scheme.1038 , se ..• 1111 -.Neerdelike1038Ina .. 3800 e• 4/942.:....:;; 3801 483.: Jcih'anneibu:Ti .Arifebdin eiit Schcm 483. Johannesbuirg:Wysigingskerna MO 3801 484. Springs Amendment •Scheme ...l....°_ . 3802'. .._. 1/124 - 484: Springs-wysigingskerna.11124 ...... •. ....- 3802 - ' 485; Northern Johannesburg' Regloil `Amendment', 485. Noordeliket Johannesburgstreek-wyslgingske- . - ' ' ..."'. - • • : • 417L._ :.._ .ag - , ..'' .1 , Scheme"1033" ..i.i...... :.. 2....1.:. 38Of dm 1033..t• 3802 ' ' - - . Tenders •:....:.'...... :::.%.2.: __ ::.:. -.S. c...... 1._ .:....:1.2.:.: 3804 Tenders} 3804 '' . ..1...... ,...... -..._.„, 3806 'Plaaslike gs . 3806 Notioa.bi.14641:;Audorities - ' ' ' ...:} In t Bestourskennis,..c.::'.. 'i: 01( gewin: • • •

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[ • ' . ' [ i IC19.e7;i'l 'X' / : • •• theyTransvaal Printed- r'fbr 1Prnyincial..Addmistration, I Gedrilk..virddit Transvaalie Pr6Finsiale Administrasie, Pth., by. Hoofstadpers Bepetk, R0'. ttbic.'422, Pretoria. Pta., radar lioofstadpers ,Beperk, Posbus' 422 Pretoria.. - - - . - - i.g. - o.', r. .•;,.1,! ..i..vsl 7. :Lc I..: :. :..: ;,.: _ ...... _ ..• . . .