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PRICE 20c PRVS kglstered at 'he Post Office (l3 Q Newspaper OVERSEAS 3h OORSEE As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskumoor GeregiJlreer POST FREE- POSVRY

24 DECEMBER VOL. 138] , 24DESEMBER 1976. [No. 5363

PROCLAMATION PROKLAMASiE by the State President of the van die Staatspresident van die Republic of South Africa Republiek van Suid-Afrika No. 273, 1976 No. 273, 1976 DATE OF COMING INTO OPERATION OF THE DATUM VAN· INWERKINGTREDING VAN DIE EXPROPRIATION ACT, 1975 (ACT 63 OF 1975) ONTEII;NINGSWET, 1975 (WET 63 VAN 1975) Under the powers vested in me by section 97 of the Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 97 van Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act 63 of 1975). I do· hereby die Onteieningswet, 1975 (Wet 63 van 1975), verklaar ok declare that the said Act shall come into operation on hicrby dat genoemde Wet op 1 Januarie 1977 in werking 1 January 1977. tree. Given under my Hand and the Sea] of the Republic of Gegee onder my Hand en die See] van die Republiek South Africa at Pretoria this Fourteenth day of December. van Suid-Afrika te Pretoria, op hede die Veertiende d

2 No. 5363 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 24 DECEM,QER U76 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE DEPARTEMENT VAN RNANSIES No. 2513 24 December 1976 No. 2513 24 Desember 1916 STATE TENDER BOARD STAATSTENDERRAAD In terms of the provisions of section 3 of the State Kragtens die bepalings van artikel 3 van die Wet op Tender Board Act, 1968 (Act 86 of 1968), the Minister of die Staatstenderraad, 1968 (Wet 86 van 1968), het die Finance has appointed Mr Pieter Johannes Laubscher as Minister van Finansies mnr. Pieter Johannes Laubscher a member of the State Tender Board for the period 1 vir die tydpcrk 1 Desemoor 1976 tot 30 November 1979 December 1976 to 30 November 1979. as lid van die Staatstenderraad aangestel.

No. 2516 24 December 1976 No. 2516 24 Desember 1976 Notice is hereby given that the transfer books of the Hiermee word bekendgemaak dat die oordragboeke van undermentioned Local/Internal Registered Stocks will be ondergenoemde Plaaslike /Binnelandse Geregistreerde closed from 15 January 1977 to 15 February 1977, both Effekte van 15 Januarie 1977 tot en met 15 Februarie 1917 days inclusive, and that the interest due on 15 February gesluit sal wees en dat die rente betaalbaar op 15 Februarie 1977 will be paid to the stockholders registered at the 1977 aan die effektebesitters wat op die datum van sluiting date of the closing of the transfer books: van die oordragboeke geregistreer is, betaal sal word: Local Registered Stock, 4:i Per Cent, 1982. Plaaslike Geregistreerde Effekte, 4:t Persent, ] 982. Local Registered Stock, 5 Per Cent, 1982. Plaaslike Geregistreerde Effekte, 5 Persent, 1982. Local Registered Stock, 51 Per Cent, 1982. Plaaslike Geregistreerde Effekte, 5:1: Persent, 1982. Local Registered Stock, 5~ Per Cent, 1982. Plaaslike Geregistreerde Effekte, 5f Persent, 1982. Local Registered Stock, 6 Per Cent, 1985. Plaaslike Geregistreerde Effekte, 6 Persent. 1985. Local Registered Stock, 6 Per Cent. 1991. Plaaslike Geregistreerde Effckte. 6 Persent, 1991. Local Registered Stock. 6t Per Cent. 1992. Plaaslike Geregistreerde Effekte, 6t Persent, 1992. Internal Registered Stock, 10-!- Per Cent. 1992. Binnelandse Geregistreerde Effekte, 10,! Persent, 1992.

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DEPARTEMENT VAN BINNELANDSE SAKE No. 2521 24 December 1976 No. 2521 24 Desember1976 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 ALIENS ACT, 1937 VANSVERANDERING.-BEKKER IN ENEVER CHANGE OF SURNAME.-BEKKER TO ENEVER Dit het die Staatspresident behaag om, kragtens die The State President has been pleased, under the pro­ bepalings van artike1 9 van die Wet op VreemdeUnge, visions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937) Charles William Robert Bekker 1937), to authorise Charles William Robert Bekker and en sy vrou Nola, gebore Myburgh, woonagtig te Negende­ his wife Nola, born Myburgh, residing at 53 Ninth Street, straat 53, Boksburg-Noord, te magtig om die van Enever: Boksburg North, to assume the surname of Enever. aan te neem.

No. 2522 24 December 1976 No. 2522 24 Desember 1976 ALIENS ACT, 1937 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME.-ALLISON TO PORlER VANSVERANDERING.-ALLISON IN PORTER The State President has been pleased, under the pro­ Oit het die Staatspresident behaag om, kragtens die visions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of bepalings van artikel 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge. 1937), to authorise Shaun Charles Allison. David Louis 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937), Shaun Charles Allison, David Allison, William Frederick Allison and Marlene Sharon Louis ,AUison, William Frederick Allison en Marlene Allison, residing at 169 Berg Street. Pietermartzburg, to Sharon Allison, woonagtig te Bergstraat 169, Pietermaritz­ assume the surname of Porter. burg. te magtig om die van Porter aan te neem.

No. 2523 24 December 1976 No. 2523 24 Desember 1976 ALIENS ACT, 1937 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 CHANGE OF SVRNAME.-MAU TO LUDWIG VANSVERANDERING.-MAU IN LUDWIG The State President has been pleased, under the pro­ Dit het die Staatspresident behaag om, kragtens die visions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of bepaIinge van artike1 9 van die Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937), to authorise Vernon Theodore Mau, his wife 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937) Vernon Theodore Mau, sy vrou Helene Claire, born Walker, and his children Carl Dean Helene Claire, gebore Walker, en sy kinders Carl Dean Ludwig, Lee-Ann Ludwig and Heidi Lisa Ludwig. residing Ludwig. Lee-Ann Ludwig en Heidi Lisa Ludwig, woon­ at 50 Clarisa Avenue, Morningside Manor, Sandton, P.O. agtig te Clarisalaan 50, Morningside Manor, Sandton, Pk. Rivonia. to assume the surname of Ludwig. Rivonia, te magtig om die van Ludwig aan te lleem. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


No. 2527 14 December 1976 No. 2527 24 Desember 1976 PUBLICATIONS ACI', 1974 WET OP PUBLIKASIES, 1974 PUBLICATIONS OR OBJECTS PUBLIKASIES OF VOORWERPE The Publications Appeal Board decided under section Die Appelraad oor Publikasies het kragtens artikel 14 14 of the Publications Act, 1974. that the undermentioned van die Wet op Publikasies, 1974, beslis dat die onderge­ publication is undesirable within the meaning of section noemde publikasie binne die bedoeling van artikel 47 (2) 47 (2) of the said Act, and has set aside the decision by a van genoemde Wet ongewens is, en het die beslissing van committee referred to in section 4 of the said Act that the 'n komitee bedoel in artikel 4 van genoemde Wet dat die publication is not undesirable within the meaning of the pubIikasie nie binne die bedoeling van genocmde artikel said section 47 (2): 47 (2) ongewens is nie. ter syde gestel: LIST/LYS No. P76/76

Section Entry No. . Publication or object Author or producer Artikel Inskrywing No. Publikasie of voorwerp Skrywer of voortbringer 47 (2) P75/12/80..... Dawn Comes Twice, The .•••...... ••••..... Jack Cope ...... •..••.••...... •.. (d)+(e)

No. 2529 24 December 1976 No. 2529 24 Desember 1976 PUBLICATIONS ACT, 1974 WET OP PUBLIKASIES, 1974 PUBLICATIONS OR OBJECTS PUBLIKASIES OF VOORWERPE A committee referred to in section 4 of the Publications 'n Komitee bedoel in artikel 4 van die Wet op Publi­ Act, 1974, decided under section IS (2) of the said Act on kasies, 1974, het kragtens artikel 15(2) van genoemde review that the undermentioned publication is not Wet op hersiening beslis dat die ondergenoemde publikasie undesirable within the meaning of section 47 (2) of the nie binne die bedoeling van artikel 47 (2) van genoemde said Act. The undermentioned entry in respect of the Wet ongewens is nie. Die ondergenoemde inskrywing ten publication is hereby deleted: opsigte van die publikasie word hierby geskrap:

Entry deleted Entry No. Publication or object Author or Producer Inskrywing lDskrytring No. PubJikasic of voorwerp Skrywer of voortbringer geskrap

P76!1l!147.•.. A/rkan bnage, The ...... Ezekiel Mphahlele...... In G.N.jGK. 995 of/van 29/6/62

No. 2530 24 Decembcr.1976 No. 2530 24 Desembel' 1976 PUBLICATIONS ACT. 1974 WET OP PUBLIKASIES, 1974 PROHIBITION ON POSSESSION OF PUBLICATIONS VERBOD OP BESIT VAN PUBLIKASIES A committee referred to in section 4 of the Publications 'n Komitee bedoel in artikel 4 van die Wet op Publi­ Act, 1974, which decided under section 11 (2) of the said kasies, 1974. wat kragtms artikel II (2) van genoemde Act that the undermentioned publications are undesirable Wet beslis het dat die ondergenoemde publikasies onge­ within the meaning of section 47 (2) of the said Act, has wens is binne die bedoeling van artikel 47 (2) van under section 9 (3) of the said Act, prohibited the posses­ genoemde Wet, het kragtens artikel 9 (3) van genoemde sion of the said publications. The said prohibition was Wet die besit van genoemde publikasies verbied. confirmed by the Publications Appeal Board under section Genoemde verbod is kragtens artikel 9 (5) van genoemde 9 (5) of the said Act: Wet deur die Appelraad oor Publikasies bekragtig:

Section Entry No. Publication Author or Producer Artikel Inskrywing No. Publikasie Skrywer of voortbringer 47 (2)

P76/9/21...... Liberation of Guine, The ...... ••..•.••• Basil Davidson ...... (e) P76/10/18 .... . Vow (Voice of Women)-No 1, August 1973 ...... The African National Congress (S_A.), Tanzania (e) P76/10/21. ..•. Saso-Vol. 3, No 1, March/April 1973 ...... South African Students' Organisation, Durban (e) P76/10/23A.. ; . Namibia News-Vol 5, No 8, August 1972 •...... South West Africa People's Organisation of (e) Namibia (SWAPO) P76/1O!23C... . Namibia News-Vol S, Nos 11-12, November/ South West Africa People's Organisation of (e) December t972 Namibia (SWAPO) P76/1O/23D ... . Namibia News-Vol 6, Nos 1-2, January/February South West Africa People's Organisation of (e) 1973 Namibia (SW APO) P76/1O/23E... . Namibia News---Vol 6, Nos 3-4, March/April 1973 South West Africa People's Organisation of (e) Namibia (SWAPO) P76/10/54.... . Kalalwri Post-Vol 6, Nos 9-10, September/October South West Africa People's Organisation of (e) 1973 Namibia (SW APO), London P76/10/55... .. KalahaJ'i News-Vol 6, Nos 11-12. November/ South West Afriea People's Organisation of (e) 1976 Namibia (SW APO), London P76/10/147 ... . Lenin: A Biography .... _...... ••.•••••••••• David Shub ...... ••••.•...... •••.•.. (e) P76/10/148 ... . Lenin and The Russian RevolutiOfI .•••••.•••.•.•.•. Christopher Hill ...... • (e) Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


No., 2528 24 December 1976 No. 2528 24 Desember 1976 PUBLICATIONSACf, 1974 WET OPPUBLIKASIES, 1974 PUBLICATIONS OR OBJECfS PUBLIKASIES OF VQORWERPE A committee referred to in section 4 of the Publications 'n Komitee bedoel inartikel 4 van die Wet op Publika­ Act, 1974, decided under section 11 (2) of the said Act sies, 1974, het kragtens artikel 11 (2) van genoemde Wet that the undermentioned publications or objects are beslis dat die ondergenoemde publikasies of voorwerpe undesirable within the meaning of section 47 (2) of the ongewens is binne die bedoeling Viln artikel 47 (2) van said Act: genoemde Wet: LIST/LYS No. P76/77

Section Entry No. Publication or object Author' or producer Artikel Inskrywing No. Publikasie of voorwetp Skrywer of voortbringer 47 (2) P76/11/13 ..... Corrupters, The (Rirer Falls) ...... Clayton Moore ...... (a) P76/11/So, .... Human Rights Journal-Vol IX, 2-3, 1976: Dakar International Institute of Human Rights, France (e) International Conference-Namibia and Human Rights: Past and FutuTe . , P76/11/99 ..... Up in 'Alamie's Diary . ...•••...... •••••.••••••••• John Colleton ...... •.•..•...... •.. (a) P76/1l/W8.... Corrupted Teenagers ...... Shana Rae ...... •...... (a) P76/11/118.... Me ...... •...•...... •.••.•.•••.••• Anonymous....•...... ••.... (a) P76/1l/142.... Pageant-December 1976, Vol 32, No 6...... Good Earth Corporation, New York ...... (li) P76/11/1G4...• Southern African News AgerlCY Bulletin 19/10/76,No 3 Southern Mrican News Agency, Braamfontein (e) P76/11/167.... Blac (Black literature and Arts Congress}-Vol 1, Black Literature and Arts Congress, Mowbray (e) No3 P76/lt/168.... Nieuwe Revu--Nr 31, 30 Juli 1.976 ...... De Gemustreerde Pers B.V.Amsterdam; ....•• (a) P76/11/169.... Nieuwe Revu-Nr 32, 6 Augustus 1976 ...... De GeIllustreerde Pers RV. Amsterdam...... (a) P76/11/170.... Nieuwe Revu-Nr 33,13 Augustus 1976 ...... , ..... De Geillustreerde Pers B.V.' .. , ., ...... (a) P76jl2(8...... Amateur Photographer-October 13; 1976. Vol 154, IPC Business Press Ltd., Surrey ....•. , .••.... (a) 'No 15 P76/12/9...... Photo-:-Nr 48/1976...... ••..••...... PC--':Mofierner Verlag GmbH Miinchen..••.•. (a)

No. 2524 24 December 1976 No. 2524 24 Desember .1976 ALIENS ACf, 1937 WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME.~MOlZOU TO V ANSVERANDERING.--':'MOlZOU IN MOlZOURIS , MOlZOURIS Dit het die Staats president behaag om, kragtens die The State President has been pleased, under the pro­ bepalings van artikd 9 van die Wet op Vieemdelinge. visions of section 9 of the Aliens Act, 1937 (Act 1 of 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937) John Motzou, sy vrou Basilia. 1937), to authorise John Motzou, his wife Basilia. born gebore ,Moughtouri.en sy kinders Basil Moufzouris en Moughtouri, and his children _Basil Moutzouris and Them.istoklis Motzouris, woonagtig te Jan Van Riebeeck­ Themistoklis Motzouris, residing at 12A Jan van Riebeeck weg 12A, Klerksdorp, te magtig om die van Motzouris Road, Klerksdorp, to assume the surname of Motzouris. aan teneem.

No. 2526 24 December 1976 No. 2526 24 Desember 1976 ALIENS ACf.1937 ' WET OP VREEMDELINGE. 1937 CHANGE OF SURNAME.-COHEN TO VANE-COHEN VANSVERANDERING.-COHEN IN VANE-COHEN The State President has been pleased. under the pro­ Dit het die Staatspresident behaag om, kragtens die visions of section 9 of the Aliens Act. 1937 (Act 1 of bepalinge, van artike1 9, van die Wet op Vreemdelinge. 1937), to authories Raphael Tanghum Cohen and his wife 1937 (Wet 1 van 1937) Raphael Tanghum Cohen en sy Esm6 Daphnie. borne Vane. residing at 20 River Close, vrou Esme Daphnie~ gebore Vahe, woonagtig te River Camelia Road, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria, to assume the Close 20, Cameliaweg, Lynnwoodrif. Pretoria, te magtig surname of Vane-Cohen. om die van Vane-Cohen aan te neem.

DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL EDUCATION DEPARTEMENT VAN NASIONAlE OPVOEDINC; No. 2525 24 December 1976 No. 2525 24 Desember 1976 BUREAU OF HERALDRY BURO VIR HERALDIEK NOTICE OF TIIE REGISTRATION OF A HERALDIC KENNISGEWING DAT 'N REGJSTRASIE VAN 'N REPRESENTATION HERALDIESE VOORSTELLING GEDOEN IS HERALDRY ACf, No. 18 OF 1962 HERALDIEKWET, No. 18 VAN 1962 TIle undenuentioned heraldic representation has been Ondergemelde heraldiese voorstelling is ingevolge artikel registered with the Bureau of Heraldry, Private Bag X236, 8A (5) van die Heraldiekwet, No. 18 van 1962, by die Pretoria, in tenus of section 8A (5) of the Heraldry Act, Buro vir Heraldiek, Privaatsak X236, Pretoria, geregistreer: No. 18 of 1962: H4/3/1/2446.~Die kenteken van die Kimberleyse en H4/3/1/2446.-The badge of the Kimberleyse en Noord­ Noord-Kaaplandse Geestesgesondheidsvereniging, soos by KaapJandse Geestesgesondheidsvereniging, published under Goewenuentskennisgewing 1317 van 30 Julie 1976 gepubli­ Government Notice 1317 of 30 July 1976. seer, Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

STA:ATSKOERANT, 24DESEMBER 1976 No. 5363 5 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WElfARE DEPARTEMcNT VAN VOLKSWElSVN EN AND PENSIONS PENSIOENE No. 2531 24 December 1976 No. 2531 24 Desember 1976 ASSOCIATED INSTITUTIONS PENSION PENSIOENFONDS VIR GEASSOSIEERDE FUND INRIGTINGS It is hereby notified for general information that the Hierby word vir algemene inligting beketdgemaak dat Minister of Social Welfare and Pensions has, by virtue of die Minister van Volkswelsyn en Pensioene kragtens die the powers vested in him by section 4 of the Associated bevoegdheid hom verleen by artikel 4 van die Wet op die Institutions Pension Fund Act, 1963 (Act 41 of 1963), Pensioenfonds vir Geassosiecrde Inrigtings, 1963 (Wet 41 declared the Medical University of Southem Africa, consti­ van ]963), die Mediese Universiteit van Suider-Afrika, tuted in terms of the Medical University of Southern Africa ingestel kragtens die Wet op die Mediese Universiteit van Act, 1976 (Act 78 of 1976), to be an associated institution Suider-Afrika, 1976 (Wet 78 van 1976), met ingang van with effect from 1 October 1976. 1 Oktober 1976 tot 'n geassJsieerde inrigtlng verklaar het.

DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT DEPARTEMENT VAN VERVOER No. 2511 24 December 1976 No. 2511 24 Desember 1976 PERISHABLE PRODUCTS EXPORT CONTROL WET O? DIE REELING VAN UITVOER VAN Aer, 1926 BEDERFBARE PRODUKTE, 1926 IMPOSITION OF LEVIES ON PERISHABLE HEFFINGS OP BEDERFBAREPRODUKTE PRODUCTS Kragtens artikel 12 van die Wet op Reeling van Bederf· In terms of section 12 of the Perishable Products Export . bare Produkte, 1926 (Wet 53 van 1926), soos gewysig, Control Act, 1926 (Act 53 of 1926), as amended, I, Stefanus Louwrens Muller, Minister of Transport. hereby ·le ek. Stefanus Louwrens Muller, Minister van Vervoer, impose the following levies in respect of each of the under­ hierby die volgende heffings op ten· opsigte vanelkeen mentioned perishable products, as defined in section 16 of van dieondergenoemde produkte, soos in artikel 16 van the above-mentioned Act, which may be exported from the voormelde Wet omskryf wat gedurende die kalenderjaar Republic during the calender year 1977: 1977 lIit Republiek uitgevoer mag word: Perishable product Rate 0/ levy Bederfbare produk Skaa/ van heffinff . CheeseB.utter...... •.•.•.•...... •.•••. 1 Aartappels en ander groente•..•..... Citrus fruit...... •...... •....•••••• Ander vrugle ...... •..•...... Deciduous fruit ...... ~ ...... Botter ...... •.••.•••...... Deep frozen foods ...... •••••••• Diepbevrore eetware .•••.••.••...... Eggs...... , ...... Eiers ...... •.•••..••...... Fish (including shellfish and crusta­ Kaas...... ••.•••••...... 38 cents per cubic metre up Pynappels ...... 38 sent per kubieke meter ~.,?s! ...·...... to 50 000 cubic metres vanaf 1 tot en mer SC 000 Fruit JUIces•••••••..•.•.•.••••••••• , and Sagtevrug1e ...... •.••••...... kubieke meler Meat and any product or by-product Sitrusvrugte...... : ...... •.. derived from meat, where such meat 15 cents per cubic metre Vis (met inbegrip van skulpvis en . en . from 50001 cubic metres. 15 sent per lrubieke meter product or by-product requires to seeskaaldiere) ...... vanaf 50 001 en meer be c.?!1veyed under cold storage Vleis (met inbegrip van eniie produk kubieke meter. conditions...••...... •...•. of neweproduk van vleis aCkomstig Melons..•• : .•••••....•••.•••..... waar sodanige vleis, produk of Other fruits .•••••..•...•.•.••••••. neweproduk in koelkamertoestande Pineapples...... •...... vervoer moet word) .•••.•...... Potatoes and other vegetables ...... Vrugte,appe ...... •.•••...... J Waatlemoene...... S. L. MULLER, Minister of Transport. . . S. L. MULLER, Minister van Vervoer.


NOTICE 849 OF 1976 KENNISGEWING 849 VAN 1976 DEPARTMENT OF MINES DEPARTEMENT VAN MYNWESE RESERVATION OF LAND FOR TIlE PURPOSE OF UITHOU VAN GROND VIR DIE DOEL VAN 'N A PUBLIC ROAD OPENBARE PAD The Mining Commissioner for the Mining District of Die Mynkommissaris vir die myndistrik Johannesburg Johannesburg has, in terms of section 179 (i) (b) of the het stroke grond kraglens myntitel gehou op die plase Mining Rights Act, 1967 (Act 20 of 1967), reserved for Vogelfontein 84 IR, Leeuwpoort 113 IR en Driefontein the purpose of a public road strips of land held under 85 IR, distrik Boksburg, myndistrik Johannesburg, provin­ mining title, on the farms Vogelfontein 84 JR, Leeuwpoort sie , soos aangetoon op kaarte waarvan afdrukke 113 IR and Driefontein 85 IR, District of Boksburg, onder onderskeidelik RMT Nos.· R46/73, R47/73 en Mining District of Johannesburg, Province of the Trans­ R48/73 in die Mynbriewekantoor. Johannesburg, en in die vaal, as shown on diagrams, copies of which are filed in kantoor van die Mynkommissaris, Johannesburg, b:ewaar the Mining Titles Office, Johannesburg, and in the office word, kragtens artikel 179 (1) (b) van die Wet op Myn­ of the Mining Commissioner, Johannesburg, under RMT regte, 1967 (Wet 20 van 1967), vir die doel van 'n open­ Nos. R46/73, R47/73 and R48/73 respectively. bare pad uitgehou. (24 December 1976) (24 Desember 1976) (19/5/11450) (19/5/1/450) Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


NOTICE 808 OF 1976 KENNISGBWING 808 VAN 1976 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTEMENT VAN GEMEENSKAPSBOU NOTICE OF EXPROPRIATION KENNISGEWING VAN ONTEIENING To: Aan: THE PERSONS MENTIONED IN THE SVBJOINT DIE PERSONE A A N G ED VI IN DIE ONDER~ SCHEDULE AND TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ST AANDE BY L A BEN AAN ALL E BELANG­ HEBBENDE PARTYE 1. The properties, described hereunder, of which you are, to the knowledge of the Community Development 1. Die eiendomme hierna beskryf, waarvan u na die Board. established under section 2 of the Community wete van die Gemeenskapsontwikkelingsraad ingestel by Development Act. 1966 (Act 3 of 1966), the registered artikel 2 van.die Wet op Gemeenskapsontwikkeling. 1966 owners/co-owners, are required by the said Community (Wet 3 van 1966), die geregistreerde eienaars/mede;. Development Board in order to achieve the objects for eicnaars is, word deur die genoemde Gemeenskapsont. which the Board was established. . wikkelingsraad benodig ten einde die oogmerke waarvoor 2. Whereas the Minister of Community Development die Raad ingestel is te bereik.. lu~s in terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (I) of section 2. Aangesien die Minister van Gemeenskapsbou,krag~ 38 of the said Act on 21 September 1976 approves of the tens die bepalings van paragraaf (a) van subartikel{l, expropriation of the said properties. van artikel 38 van genoemde Wet op 21 September 1976 3. Therefore. take notice that the said Community die ontciening van genoemde eiendomme goedgekeur het. Development Board hereby expropriates the said proper­ 3. Neem derhalwe. kennjs. dat genoemde Gemeenskaps~ tie~ \\lith effect from the date of service of this notice. ontwikkelingsraad genoemde eiendomme onteien vanaf 4. You are hereby requested to state the amounts die datum van besorging van hierdie kennisgewing. claimed by you for the said properties and you are further 4. V word hierby versoek am die bedrag wat u ten required to deliver. or cause to be delivered to the under­ opsigte van genoemde eiendomme eis. te noem en u moet signed within 30 days from the date of service hereof. binne 30 dae na besorging hiervan •. of binne so 'n verdere or within sucb further period as the Community Develop­ tydperk as wat die Geineenskapsontwikkelingsraad mag ment Board may allow­ toelaat, aan die ondergetekende lewer of laat lewer­ (a) a statement in writing setting forth the amounts (a) 'n skriftelike verkiaring waarin die bed rae van of compensation (if any) claimed for the immovable vergoeding (as daar is) wat u vir die onroerende eien:" properties described herein; domme hierin beskryf eis, uiteengesit word; (b) your documents of title to the immovable proper­ (b) die stukke wat u titelbewyse op die onroerend~ ties if these are in your possession or under your eiendomme, uitmaak. indien dit in u besit of onder u control; and beheer is; en (c) if the said documents are not in your possession (c) indien genoemde stukke nie in u be sit of onder or under your control, a list, signed by you, of the u beheer is nie, 'n lys deur u onderteken van genoemde said documents setting forth the registration numbers stukke, met vermelding van die registrasienommers en and dates thereof and the name and address of the datums daarvan en die naam en adres van die per­ person in whose possession or under whose control soon in wie se besit of onder wie se beheer daardie those documents are and the registration numbers and stukke is en die registrasienommers en datums van ver­ dates of mortgage bonds (if any) on the immovable bande oor die onroerende eiendomme (as daar is)eu properties and the names and addresses of the holders die name en adresse van die houers daarvan. thereof. 5. Neem verder kennis dat die eiendomsreg op die 5. Further take notice that the ownership in the onroerende eiendomme hierin beskryf, by besorging hier­ immovable properties described herein shall pass to the van oorgaan op die Raad en die Raad na verstryking van said Board upon the date of a service hereof and the 'n tydperk van minstens drie maande na die datum van Board may, after the. expiry ofa period of not less than besorging hiervan. genoemde eiendomme in besit kan three months from the date of service hereof. take pos­ neem. session of the properties. Notas.-{l) Aandag word gevestig op die bepalings van Notes.-(1) Attention is drawn to the provisions of regulasie 26 van die regulasies uitgevaardig ingevolge die regulation 26 of the regulations made under the Com­ Wet op Gemeenskapsontwikkeling. 1966 (Wet 3 van 1966). munity Development Act, 1%6 (Act 3 of 1966), and which welke regulasie soos volg lui: reads as follows: "26. Tot tyd en wyl die eienaar of enige persoon wat "26. Until such time as the owner or any person namens hom of met sy toestemming okkupeer. onroerende occupying on his behalf or with his permission, vacates eiendom wat deur die Raad onteicn is, ontruim en Iaas­ immovable property expropriated by the Board and the genoemde tocge1aat word om dit in besit te neem. moet die latter is allowed to take possession thereof the owner eienaar sorg dat die onroerende eiendom in dieseJfde toe­ shall maintain such immovable property in the same stand gehou word as waarin dit was op die datum van order and condition as it was at'the date of service of bcsorging van die kennisgewing van onteiening, en as hy the notice of expropriation, failing which the Board shall versuim om dit te doen, het die Raad die reg om die be entitled to recover from the owner the cost of restoring koste verbonde aan herstel van die eiendom in die the property to its said order and condition. Any amount oenoemde toestand. op die eienaar te verhaal. Enige thus becoming payable by the owner shall, subject to the bedrag wat die eienaar aldus moet betaal, maak. behou­ provisions of section 38 of the Act, form a first charge dens die bepalings van artikel 38 van die Wet, '0 voor­ against the amount of compensation payable in respect of keureis uit teen die vergoeding bctaalbaar tcn opsigte van such property.". die eiendom.". Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


(2) If it is the owner's intention to continue his or (2) Indien dit die eienaar se voomeme is om sy of enige any other person's occupation of the property after the ander perSO<)fl se okkupasie van die eiendom voort te sit. na verstryking van die kennisgewingtydperk van drie expiration of the three month period mentioned in para­ maande. waarna daar in paragraaf 5 van "Kennisgewing graph 5 of the "Notice of expropriation", the owner should van onteiening" verwys word, moet die eienaar, binne 30 within 30 days of the date mentioned in the aforesaid dae vanaf die datum in voonnelde kennisgewing vermeld, notice. contact the Regional Office of the Department met die Streekkantoor van die Departement van Gemeen­ of Community Development in order to make th¢ skapsbou in verbinding tree am die nodige reeliogs te necessary arrangements. tref. (3) Indien die eienaar of huidige okkupeerder okkupasie (3) Should the owner or present occupier continue to van die eiendom behou totdat daar oar die bedrag van occupy the property until such time as the amount of die vergoeding ooreengekom en dit bemal is of totdat die compensation is agreed upon and paid or the property eiendom in die naam van die Raad getransporteer is. is is registered in the Board's name. the owner shall be die eienaar vir die betaling van munisipale belastings. hef­ responsible for the payment of municipal .-ates. taxes and flngs en aDder kostes ten opsigte van die eiendom. vir die other cbarges on the property for that period. Should bctrokke tydperk. verantwoordelik. Indien die eienaar the owner fail to pay such charges the Board reserves versuim om sodanige kostes te betaal. behou die Raad to itself the right to pay and to deduct the amount from hom die reg voar om dit te betaal en van die vergoeding the compensation payable in respect of such property wat ten opsigte van die eiendom betaalbaar is. te ver~ and to terminate the owner's occupation of the property haal en om die eienaar se okkupasie van die eiendom forthwith. onverwyld te beeindig. Dated at Johannesburg this 10th day of December 1976. Gedateer te Johannesburg op bede die lOde dag van Desember 1976. L. FOUCHE, Secretary for Community Development. clo Regional Representative, Private Bag XIS, Johannes­ L. FOUCH~, Sekretaris van Gemeenskapsbou. pIa Streek­ burg. 2000. verteenwoordiger. Privaatsak XIS, lohannesburg. 2000~ SCHEDULE

Certain properties Approximate Deed of Transior Registered owner in Ennerdale North extent NO. .t Erf m2 John Deane Tilney .••.• ~ ...... 6 5353 7927/06 John Deane Tifney ...... 11 5353 7539106 John Deane Tilrrey ...... _...... 15 5353 7542/06 Baruch Borensztein ....••••••••••.••••••••••..•...... •••••••..•.•.•..• 24 2974 T6IDJ/76 Albert Borensztein ...... 24 2974 T62J)3116 Annie Sticle Pearce ...... 26 2974 7543/06 Joyce Annie Bourne; ....••••• _•••••••••••.••.•••...... ••....•.•.•.•• 46 2974 7594163 Gertrude Irene Larsen ..•••••• _••••••••••••.•.••...... •...... ••.••• 51 2974 fl663/51 Gertrude Irene Larsen ...... __ ...... 53 2974 FI663/51 Henry john Check.•...... ••••••••••••.•.•.••.•...... •.••..••...•..•. 54 2974 T13050/47 William George Cowie ..•.••••••••••••••••••...... •.••...... •. 68 2974 75J8/36 Louis Lawrence Prosch ..., ••••••••••••••••••.•...... ••.•...•.•...•.•.. 74 2974 F422/09 William Geffen ...... ••••••••.••••••••••••...... •.•...... •.. 93 2974 F753/46 William Pavey ...... •.•••••.•.••••••••••.••...... •...•.....•.•... 95 2974 1440/01 Francis Murray Mcleod...... __ ••••••••••...... ••.....•••...• 97 2974 F329/10 Robert Macneil Ker ...... ••••• _••••••••••••..•...•..••.•.•...... •..... 99 11 896 7536/06 DOlUlid Barry...... •.•••••••••••••...•••...•••.•...... 113 2974 F2006/11 Donal Moore Ba rry ...... •••••••••••••••...... •..••••..••....•...•• 113 2974 F2006/11 Fl:ederick Cornelius Barry ...... ; ...... 113 2974 F2006/U Catherine Eleonar Barry ...... •••••.•••••••••..•...... •.••....••..... 113 2974 F2006/11 Edward John Barry ...... _...... , Ii3 2974 F2006/U Henry O'Neil Barry ...... _• '"_.•.••...... ••.... 113 2974 F2006/11 Arthur David Barry ...... •••••••.•.•.•..•...... •.•...... •...•• 113 2974 F2006/11 Emma Rebecca Ford ....., ...... _.• _••••••••. , .•.•.••••.• , .....•..•.• 113 2974 F2006/11 Elsie Eveline Dora Pullin...... •.••.•.••••...... •...... • liS 5949 Tl785/54 Vernon Roger Dewberry ....•.•....•••••••....•...... •...•.••..... 115 5949 T1785/54 John William Smith ...... 115 5949 T1185/S4 James Richard Dewberry ...... •.••••••••...... ••..•. 115 5949 T1785/54 Kenneth McAlpine Burnett .....•••••••••••..•...... •...... 115 5949 T178S/54 Ernest Edward Dewberry .•..••• __ ...... 115 5949 T17S5j54 Albert Edward Dewberry .....•••••••••..•••••••.•...... •....•...... ••• 115 5949 Tl7SSIS4 Henry Joseph Dewberry ...... _...... 115 5949 TI785/54 Albert Edward Hohn.... " . , ...... •.•••.•••...... ••...... •. 117 2974 F253/fIJ Lionel Charles Gostling Tufnell .....•.•.••••••. ' ...•..•..•..•.•....•.••. 121 14871 F2213/10 Dugald MacPhail...... •....•••••.•.•...... •...... , •.. 126 2974 FS27/tO Percy John Bartholomew ..•••....•.•.•.•..•...•.••.•.•...... •.. 130 5949 FS05/10 Elizabeth Brown ...•...... , .....••••.•••••.•.••••...•..••...... ••... 140 208! FSS2S/13 Mary Cumming McLean Hoatson ...... 141 2974 F1S14/25 Edward \Valker Woollcombe ...... 148 5949 7439/07 John William Edwin Langton ...•••••...•..•••...•...... •.....•. , ... 153 2974 FS28/10 Alfred Leslie Connett...... •...•.....••••••••••••...... •.••.••...••.... 161 2974­ T6582/4S Anne Tweedie .... , ...... •.•.•••••••••••.••.••...... •.••.••.••.••. 163 2974 Fl066/09 Carl Johan Hendrik \Veber ....•...••..•••..•••••...... •..•....•..... 164 5949 F3647jOO Amelia Ann EUen Tainton...... •...••.•••••••...... •...... 165 2974 FIQ72/00 Sarah Ann Annie Kinsman ...... 165 2974 FlO72/09 Hester Christina Pienaar ...... •..•••.•••....•....•.•.•...... •...•. 166 2974 n%39/71 Alexander Ewing Keith ...... ••••• " •• , ....•...... •....•.•...... 167 2974 TI0639/71 Lionel C-11arles Gostling Tufnell ...... , ...•. " ...... 168 2974 F2213110 William Winslow ...... •••••_•...... •...... ••.•.. 170 5949 F3715/97 Mario Res...... •...... •..•.•••...... ••.•.•...... •..... 181 2974 T12627114 Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

8 No. 5363 GOVERNll,fENT GAZETTE, 24 DECEMBER 1916


Beskrywing van Gereg:streerde eienaar eiendom te Enner­ Grootte in vier Transportakte No. dale-Noord kante meter Erf John Deane Tilney ...•••••...... , ...... •.•. , , ..•...••...... 6 5353 1927/06 John Deane Tilney, ...... 11 5353 7539/OQ lohnDeane Tilney...•••.•••.•...... •..... 15 5353 7542/06 Baruch Borensztein ...... 24 2974 T6203/76 Albert Borensztein .....•.•..... " ...... •...... " ...... 24 2974 T6203/76 Annie'Sticle Pearce ....•....•...... •...... , . '...•...... 26 2974 7543/06 Joyce Annie Bourne ...... '...... 46 2974 7594/63 Gertrude Irene Larsen ...... •..•...... , ... " ...... 51 ,2974 FI663{57 Gertrude Irene Larsen ...•...... ' .. " ...... •... 53 2974 F1663/57 Henry John Check...... •...... , ...... 54 2974 T13050/47 William George Cowie ...... •... ; ... , ...... , ...... 68 2974 7538/06 L~u~s Lawre!"ce Proksch ...... •...... ,.~.•...... 74 2974 F422/09 Wilham Getlen ....•...... , , ...... , ...... 93 2974 F753j46 William Pavey ...... , ..• ; • : ...•..•... : .. , ...... , , . , , . , ...... , .. 95 2974 74W/07 Francis Murray J'l.fcLeod',., ...... , .....•.. , ... ,' ... , .. :I, .' , .•.••.••.••••. 97 2974 F329/1O Robert Macneil Ker ',' ...... •...... , •...•... , , . , . , 99 11896 7536/{)6 Donald Barry. , ....•....••.•. , ...... •.•.•...... •... , .•.•...• '. 113 21)74 F2006{1l Donal Moore Barry ...... •••..... , .....•.•••...... •.•.. 113 2974 F2006/Il Frederick Cornelius Barry ...... •...•...... , : •...... ' ...... 113 2974 F2006/11 Catherine Eleonar Barry ..•.:..•...... , •..... ~ .....•••...•.•....'...'.. 113 2974 F2006/11 Edward John Barry...... •...... •.. : ...... , ...... •..... 113 . 2974 F2006/1l Henry O'Neil Barry ...... '...... " .. ,. 113· 2974 F2006/11 Arthur,David Barry ...... 113 2974 F2006/11 . Emma Rebecca Ford.,...... •••.••...... •....•.. , 113 '. 2974 F2006/U' Elsie,Eveline DoraJhlllin..•.....•....••••...... '...... •.•...... 115 5949 Tl785/54 Vernon Roger Dewberry.....•.••...... •..•...... •.••...... •..... 115 5949 Tl785/54 John William Smith ...... •.•.•.•...... •...•...... •..... 115 5949 T1785/54 ·___-594'1.-. JaJlleS.R1chard Dewberry•. '••. ~ .•. , ...... ~ ...... '" ...... ~.__ "_ >,~ .. 115 TI7ES/54-. Kenneth McAlpine Burnett ...... •...•...... •.. , ...... 115 5949 T1785/54 Ernest Edward Dewberry., ...... •.•...... •...... , ... , . 115 5 '149 Tl785/54 Albert Edward Dewberry ...... •..•...... 115 5949 Tl785/54 Henry joseph Dewberry...... •.•...•.•. , .....•...... •...... , .... 115 5949 T1785/54 Albert Edward Hahn...... ••.•..,••...... •...... , .. 117 2974 F253/09 Lionel Charles Gostling Tufnell ...... , ...... 121 14871 F2213/Ul Dugold MacPhail ...... ••...... • , .•... 126 2974 F527/1O Percy John Bartholomew..•...... •.•.•.•...... ; .... 130 5949 F805/IO Elilaqeth Brown ...... , ...... '.•...... 140 2082 F5528/73 Mary Cumming McLean Hoatson...... 141 2974 F1514/25 Edward Walker Woollcombe ...... , ...... 148 5949 7439/09 Jobn William E

(10 December 1976)/(10 Desember 1976)

NOTICE 824 OF 1976 KENNISGEWING 824 VAN 1976 DEPARlMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTEMENT VAN'GEMEENSKAPSBOU NOTICE OF EXPROPRIATION.-DURBAN KENNISGEWING VAN ONTEIENING.-DURBAN To: Aan: DIE GEREGISTREERDE EIENAARS, SOOS AAN­ THE REGISTERED OWNERS, AS INDICATED IN GEDUI IN DIE ONDERSTAANDE BYLAE, WIE SE THE UNDERMENTIONED SCHEDULE WHOSE ADRESSE ONBEKEND IS. EN AAN ALLE BELANG· ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN. AND TO ALL HEBBENDE PARTYE OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES Geliewe kennis te neem dat- Please take notice that- Nademaal u na die wete van die Gemeenskapsont­ Whereas to the knowledge of the Community Develop­ wikkelingsraad ingestel by artikel 2 van die Wet op ment Board, established under section 2 of the Gemeenskapsontwikkeling, 1966 (Wet 3 Van 1966), die Community Development Act. ]966 (Act 3 of 1966), you geregistreerde eienaars is van sekere onroerende eien­ are the registered owners of immovable property domme gelee te Durban beskryf in die By1ae en nade­ situated in Durban described in the Schedule and maal genoemde eiendom vir genoemde Gemeenskaps­ whereas the said property is required by the said ontwikkdingsraad nodig is ten einde die oogmerke waar­ Community Development Board in order to achieve the voor die Raila ingestel is te bereik; objects for which the said Board was established: En nademaal die Minister van Gemeenskapsbou. And whereas the Minister of Community Develop­ kragtens die bepalings van paragraaf (a) van subartikel ment has in terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (l) of (1) van artikcl 38 van genoemde Wet op 29 Oktober section 38 of the said Act on 29 October 1976 1976 die onteiemng van genoemde eiend()m goedgekeur approved of the expropriation of the said properties; het; Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


Now, therefore,' take notice that the said Community . Neem derhalwe kennis dat genoemde Gemeenskaps­ Development' Board hereby expropriates the said pro­ ontwikkelingsraad .genoemde eiendom onteienvanaf die perty with effect from the date of service of this notice; datum van besorging van hierdie kennisgewing; and U word hierby versoek om die bedrag wat u ten You are hereby requested to state the amount claimed opsigte van genoemde eiendom eis, te noem en u moet by you for the said property and you are further binne 30 dae na besorging hiervan, of binne so 'n verdere required to deliver, or cause to be delivered to the tydperk as wat die Gemeenskapsontwikkelingsraad mag undersigned within 30 days from the date of service toelaat, aan die ondergetekende lewer of laat lewer­ hereof, or within such further period as the Community Development Board may allow­ (a) 'n skriftelike verklaring waarin die bed rag van vergoeding (as daar is) wat u vir die onroerende eiendom (a) a, statement, in writing, setting forth the amount hierin beskryf eis, uiteengesit word; (if any) claimed for the immovable property described herein; (b) die stukke wat u titelbewyse op die onroerende (b) your documents of title to the immovable pro­ eiendom uitmaak, indien dit in u besit of onder u perty if these are in your possession or under your beheer is; en control; and (c) indien genoemde stukke nie in u besit of onder (c) if the said documents are not in your possession or u beheer is nie, 'n lys deur u onderteken van genoemde under your control. a list, signed by you of the said stukke, met vermelding van die registrasienommers en documents setting forth the registration numbers and datums daarvan en die naam en adres van die persoon dates thereof and the names and addresses of the persons in wie se besit of O!lder wie se beheer daardie stokke in whOse possession or under whose control those is en die registrasienommers en datums. van verbl!nde documents are and the registration numbers and dates oor die onroerende eiendom (as daar is) en die name en of mortage bonds (if any) on the immovable property adresse van die houers daarvan; , and the names and addresses of the holders thereof; Neem verdere kennis dat die eiendomsreg op die Further take notice that the ownership in the immova­ onroerende eiendom· hierin beskryf, bybesorging hier­ ble property described herein shall pass to the said van oorgaan op die Raad en die Raad na verstryking Board upon the date of service hereof and the Board van 'n tydperk van minstens drie maande na die datum ni~y,after the expiry of a period of not less than three van besorging hiervan genoemde eiendom in besit kan months from the date of service hereof, take possession neem. of the said property. Gedateer te Durban op hede die 18de dag van Dated at Durban this 18th day November 1976. November 1976. L. FOUCHE, Secretary for Community Development. L. FOUCHE, Sekretaris van ,Gemeenskapsbou. . Enquiries to.-The Regional Representative, Depart­ Navrae aan.-Die Streekverteenwoordigel, J)epartement ment of Community Development, John Ross House, van Gemeenskapsbou, 10hn Rossgebou, Esplanade, Pri­ Esphmade. Private Bag X54315, Durban. vaatsak X54315, Durban 4000. SCHEDULE BYLAE

Description of Extent Registered owners property Beskrywing van Geregistreerde eienaars eiendom Grootte Remainder of Sub 15 2 042m" ... 1. Estate Late Poongava­ of Lot MB5 of the nam. Restant van Onderdeel 2042m·... 1. Boedel wyle Poongava­ farm Cato Manor 2. Estate Late Munsamy. 15 van Perseel MB5 nam. 812, situate in the City 3. Estate Late Maduray. van die plaas Cato 2. Boedel wyle Munsamy. and County of 4. Estate Late Irusamma. Manor 812, gelee te 3. Boedel wyle Maduray. Durban Province of 5. Estate Late Ponnusamy. Stad en Graafskap 4. Boedel wyle Irusamma. Natal 6. Aroomugam. van Durban, provin­ 5. Boedel wyle Ponnusamy. sie Natal 6. Aroomugam.

NOTES NOTAS 1. Atteption is drawn to the provisions of regulation 26 of the Regulation made under the Community Develop­ 1. Aandag word gevestig QP die bepalings van regulasie ment Act, 1966 (Act 3 of 1966), and which reads as 26 van die Regulasies uitgevaardig ingevolge die Wet op follows: Gemeenskapsontwikkeling, 1966 (Wet 3 van 1966), welke regulasie soos volg lui: "26. Until stich time as the owner or any person "26. Tot tyde en wyle die eienaar of euigepersoon wat occupying on his behalf or with his permission, vacates namens hom of met sy toestelJlming okkupeer, __onroer~de immovable property expropriated by the Board and the eiendom wat deur die Raad.onteien is, ontruini en laasge­ latter is allowed to take possession thereof the owner shall noemde toegelaat word om dit in besit te neem, moet die maintain. such imm.ovable property in the same ,order and eienaar sorg dat die onroerende dendom in diese1fde condition as it was at the date of service of the notice of toestand gehou word as waarin dit was op die datum van expropriation failing which the Board shall be entitled to besorging van die kennisgewing van onteiening, en as hy recover from the owner the cost of restoring the property versuim om dit te doen, bet die Raad die reg om die koste to its said order and condition. Any amount thus becoming verbonde aan die hers tel van die eiel1dom in die genoemde payable by the owner shall, subject to the provisions of toestand· op die eienaar te verhaal. Enige bedrag wat die section 38 of the Act, from a first charge against the eienaar ~ldus moetbetaal, maak behoudens die bepalings amount of compensation payable in respect of such van artikel 38 van die Wet, 'n voorkeureis uit teen die property.", vergoeding betaalbaar ten opsigte van die eiendom". 2. If it is the owners intention to continue his or any 2. Indien dit die eienaar se voomeme is om sy of enige other person's occupation of the property after the expira­ ander persoon se okkupasie van die eiendom voort te sit. tion of the three month period mentioned in paragraph 5 na verstryking van die kennisgewingtydperk van drie Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

10 No. 5363 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 DECEM.BER 1976 of the "Notice of expropriation", the owner should, within maande, waarna daar in paragraaf' 5 van die "Kennis­ 30 days of the date mentioned in the aforesaid notice, gewing van onteiening" verwys word, moo die .eienaar contact the Regional Office of the Department of mnne 30 dae vanaf die datum in voormelde kennisgewing Community Development in order to make the necessary vermeld, met die Streekkantoor van die Departement van arrangemen ts. Gemeenskapsbou in verbinding tree om die nodige reelings te tref. 3. Should the owner or present occupier continue to 3. Indien die eienaar of huidige okkupeerder okkupasie occupy the property until such time as the amount of van die eiendom behou totdat daar oor die bedrag van die compensation is agreed upon and paid or the property is vergoeding oorcengekom en dit betaal is of totdat die registered in the Board's name, the owner shall be respon­ eiendom in die naam van die Raad getransporteer is, is die sible for the payment of municipal rates, taxes and other eienaar vir die betaling van munisipale belaslings, heffings en ander kostes ten opsigte van die eiendom, vir die charges on the property for that period. Should the owner betrokke tydperk, verantwoordclik. Indien die eienaar ver­ fail to pay such charges the Board reserves to itself the suim om sodanige kostes te betaal, behou die Raad oak right to pay and to deduct the amount from the com­ die reg voor om dit te betaal en van die vergoeding wat pensation, payable in respect of such property and to ten opsigte van die eiendom betaalbaar is, te verhaal en terminate the owner's occupation of the property forthwith. om die eienaar se okkupasie van die eiendom onverwyld te beeindig. 17-24-31 17-24-31 (17 December 1976) (17 Desember 1976)

NOTICE 850 OF 1976 KENNISGEWL~G 850 VAN 1976 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL CREDIT AND DEPARTEMENT VAN LANDBOUKREDIET LAND TENURE EN GRONDBESIT STATE LAND OFFERED FOR LEASE STAA TSGROND TE HUUR AANGEBIED Applications are invited for the temporary lease of the Aansoeke om die tydelike huur van ondergenoemde following State land: Staatsgrond word ingewag: SOUTH-WEST AFRICA SUIDWES-AFRlKA The unsurveyed northern portion of Farm 466, approxi­ Die onopgemete noordelike gedeelte van Plaas 466, groot mately 5 350 hectares in eXlent. ongeveer 5 350 hektaar. Carrying capacity.-l 450 small stock units. Situate in Drakrag.-·l 450 kleinvee-eenhede. Gelc1~ in die di~trik the District of Mariental. Marienta1. The closing date for the receipt of applications is Die sluitingsdatum vir. die ontvangs van aansoeke ili 31 January 1977. Full particulars, together with the con­ 31 Januarie 1977. Volledige besonderhede, tes,ame met ditions of lease, are obtainable from the Magistrate's die verhuringsvoorwaardes, is verkrygbaar by die land­ Office, Mariental, as well as from the Chief, Department droskantoor, Mariental, asook die Hoof, Departement van of Agricultural Credit and Land Tenure (South-West Landboukrediet en Grondbesit (Tak Suidwes-Afrika), Africa Branch), Private Bag X13175, Windhoek, 9100 Privaatsak X13175, Windhoek, 9100 (telefoon 34031. bylyn (telephone 34031, extension 3). 3). (24 December 1976) (24 Desember 1976)

NOTICE 852 OF 1976 KENNISGEWING 852 VAN 1976 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE TARIFF APPLICATIONS.­ DOEANE- EN AKSYNSTARIEFAANSOEKE.-LYS LIST 41/16 , 41/76 The following applications concerning the Customs and Onderstaande aansoeke betreffende die Doeane- en Excise Tariff have been received by the Board of Trade Aksynstarief is deur die Raad van Handel en Nywerheid and Industries. Any objections to or comments on these ontvang. Enige besware teen of kommentaar op hierdie representations must be submitted to the Board of Trade vertoo moet binne ses weke na die datum van hierdie and Industries, Private Bag X342, Pretoria, 0001, within kennisgewing aan die Raad van Handel en Nywerheid, six weeks of the date of this notice: Privaatsak X342, Pretoria, 0001, gerig word: Increase in the duty on: Verhoging van die reg op: 1. Polypropylene fibres, classifiable under tariff sub­ 1. Polipropileenvesels, indeelbaar by tarielsubposte headings 56.01.50, 56.02.50 and 56.04.50, from free of 56.01.50, 56.02.50 en 56.04.50, van vry van reg tot 25 duty to 25 per cent ad valorem. [BTI Ref. T5/2/11/2fl (BI02/76).J persent ad valorem. [RHN-verw. T5/2/11/2/1 (BI02/76).] Applicant: Applikant: Fibremakers (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 12012, Jacobs, Fibremakers (pty) Limited, Posbus 12012, Jacobs, 4026. 4026. 2. Dioktieladipate, indeelbaar by tariefsubpos 29.15.90. 2. Dioctyl adipates, classifiable under tariff subheading van 10 persent ad valorem tot 20 persent ad valorem of 29.15.90, from 10 per cent ad valorem to 20 per cent 93c per kg min 80 persent van die prys v.a.b. [RHN-verw. ad valorem or 93c per kg less 80 per cent of the f.o.b. price. [BTl Ref. T5/2/6/2/7 (BI04/76).] T5/2/6/2/1 (BI04/76).] Applicant: Applikant: Nasionale Chemiese Produkte Bpk.. Posbus 284. National Chemical Products LtdA P.O. Box 284. Bedfordview. 2008, Bedfordview. 2008, Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

STAATSKOERANT, 24 DESEMBER 1976 No. 5363 If 3. Slide fasteners and parts thereof. by the substitution I 3. Skuifsluitings en onderdelc daarvan, vervang tadef­ for tariff heading 98.02 of the following: pos 98.02 deur die volgeode: -_ Rate of duty Tariff heading General MIn. 98.02 Slide fasteners and parts thereof: 98.02.10 Slide fasteners 50% or SOc per m less 8Q"/o of the f.o.b. 25% or SOc per m less 80% of the f.o.b. price price 98.02.20 Slide fastener chains or stringers; scoops or spirals of monofilament material, not mounted on tape: • 10 single 50% or 23c per rn less 80% of the f.o.b . 25% or 15c per m less 80% of the f.o.b. price price •20 double 50% or 45c per rn less 80% of the f.o.b . 25% or 30c per m less 80% of the f.o.b. price price 98.02.30 Sliders 15% or WOc per 100 less 80% of the f.o.b. price 98.02.90 Other 50% 25%

Skaal van relf Toriefpos A/gemeen M.h.n. 98.02 Skuifsluitingsen onderdele 4aamm: 98.02.10 Skuifsluitings 50% of SOC per m min 80% van die prys 25% of SOc per m min 80% van die prys v.a.b. - v.a.b. 98.02.20 Sktiifsluitinskettings of -some; haldes of spirale van monofilrnateriaal, nie op band gernonteer nie: .10 cnke! 50% of 23c per m min 80% van die prys 25% of 15c per m min 80% van die prys ~~ . ~~ .20 dubhel ~/o .of 45c per m min SO"/. van die prys' ~% t}f 30c per m min SO'Yo vaudie prys v.a.b. v.a.b. ' 98.02.30 Skuiwers 15% oflOOc per 100 min 80% van die prys v.a.b. 98.02.90 Ander 50% 2S% [BTl Ref. T5/2/20/1 (BI03/76).] [RHN-verw.. T5/2/20jl (B103/76).J. Applicant: Applikant: leI (South Africa) Ltd, P.O. Box 3231, Port Elizabeth, ICI (South Africa) Ltd. Posbus 3231, Port Elizabeth. 6000. 6000. Reduction En the duty on: Verlaging van die reg op: Cellulose acetate butyrate and cellulose acetate propio­ nate, classifiable under tariff heading 39.03, from the Sellulose·asetaatbutiraat en sellulose-asetaatpropionaat. existing rates of duty to free of duty. (BTl Ref. T5/2/1/ indeeIbaar by tariefpos 39.03, van. die bestaande skare 2/1.) van reg tot vry van reg. (RHN-verw. T5/2/1/2/1.) Applicant: Applikant: BIC (South Africa) Ltd, P.O. Box 43144, Industria, BIC (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd, Posbos 43144, Industria, 2042. 2042. Rebate of the duty on: Korling van die reg op: 1. Glass fibre wicks. classifiable under tariff subheading 1. Glasveselpitte, indeelbaar by tariefsubpos 70.20.90, 70.20.90, for the manufacture of portable liquid fuel space vir die vervaardiging van draagbare vloeibrandstofruimte· heaters of iron or steel. fitted with reflectors. [BTl Ref. verwarmers van yster of staal, met weerkaatsers toegerus. T5/2/15/2/5 (D99/76).] [RHN-verw. T5/2/15/2/5 (099/76).] Applicant: Applikant: Aladdin Industries (S.A.) (pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 47052, Greyville, 4023. Aladdin Industries (S.A.) (Pty) Ltd, Post>us 47052, Grey­ ville, 4023. 2. Heptyl, oetyl, nonyI and decyl alcohols, classifiable under tariff subheading 29.04.35, for the manufacture of 2. Heptiel-. oktiel-, Doniel- en desielalkohole, indeelbaar by tariefsubpos 29.04.35 vir die vervaardiging van hoor higher alcohol adipates. [BTl Ref. T5/2/6/2/7 (BI04/ 76).] alkoholadipate. [RHN-verw. T5/2/6/2/7 (BI04J76).] Applicant: Applikant: National Chemical Products Ltd, P.O. Box 284, Bed­ Nasionale Chemiese Produkte Bpk., Posbus 284, fordview, 2008. Bcdfordview, 2008. Withdrawal of the drawback facilities in respect of: lntrekking van die teruggawefasiliteite ten opsigte van: (a) Slide fasteners used in the manufacture of­ (a) Skuifsluitings gebruik by die vervaardiging van­ (i) clothing (item 511.07/98.02); (i) klerasie (item 511.07/98.02); (ii) foundation garments (item 511.03/93.02); and (ii) vormc!rag (item 511.0S /98.02); en (iii) tents (item 511.17/98.02); and (iii) tente (item 511.17/98.02); en (b) parts used in the manufacture of non-metal slide (b) onderdele. gebruik by die vervaardiging van nie­ fasteners (item 520.03/98.02), for export. [BTl Ref. T5/2/ metaalskuifsluitings (item 520.03/98.02). vir uitvoer. 20/1 (F41/76).] [RHN-verw. T5/2/20/1 (F41{76).] Applicant: Applikant: ICI (South Africa) Ltd, P.O. Box 3231, Port Elizabeth, ICI (South Africa) Ltd. Posbus 3231, Port Elizabeth, 6000. 6000. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


General: Algemeen: Proposal by the Secretary for' Customs and Excise, Voorstel deur dIe Sekretaris van Doeane en Aksyns. Private Bag X47, Pretoria, 0001, that the rebate provision Privaatsak X47, Pretoria, 0001, dat die kortingvoorsiening under item 311.40/51.04, which reads as follows, be by item 311.40/51.04, wat soos volg lui, ingetrek word: withdrawn: Item Tariefpos en beskrywing Mate van Item Tariff heading and description Extent of korting rebate 311.40/51.04 Weefstowwe van gefabriseerde vesels Volle reg 311.40/51.04 Woven fabrics of man-made fibres (con­ Full duty (kontinu) met waterwerende preparate tinuous) treated with water-repellent behandel, vir gebruik as buitestof by preparations, for use as outercloth in die vervaardiging van reenjasse (met . the manufacture of raincoats (in­ inbegrip van omkeertipe reenjasse), cluding reversible raincoats), jackets, baadjies gewoonlik as windjakke commonly known as windbreakers, bekend, ander boklere (met inbe· other outer garments (including trou­ grip van broeke en halfrokke) ontwerp sers and skirts), designed for use as vir gebruik as beskerming teen die protection against the elements, and elemente, en reddingsbaadjies life-jackets (BTl Ref. T5/2/11/4/1.) (RHN-verw. T5/2j11/4/1.) For List 40/76 see General Notice 813, dated 10 Kyk Algemene Kennisgewing 813 van 10 Desember December 1976. 1976 vir Lys 40/16. (24 December 1976) (24 Desember 1976)


by deur


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Buy National Savings Certificates Koop Nasionale Spaarsertifikate Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

ST.AATSKOERANT, 24 DESEMBER 1976 No. 5363 13

APPLICATIONS FOR MOTOR CARRIER CERTIFICATES !he: undermentioned applications f~r motor carrier certificates indicating firstly reference D'imber, (2) name of applicant and nature of applI~tl(:~n, (3). number and type ofvehlcIe~, (4) nature of.proposed motor carrier transportation, and (5) points between and routes 01leC or area Wlthm ~hlch the proposed motor carner transportation IS to ?e effected, are published in terms of section 13 (1) of the Motor Carrier Transportation Act, 1930 (Act 39 of 1930), as amended, and regulatIOn 5 of the Motor Carrier Transportation Regulations 1964 as amended Written representatil;>Ds, in ~up.Iicate, supporting or opposing these applications must be submitted to the address indi~ted ;ithin ten (1()\ , days from the date of thiS publIcation. 1 AANSOEKE OM MOTORT RANSPORTSERTIFIKATE Die onderstaande aansoek~ ommot~lrtransportsertifikate, met aanduiding van eerstens verwysingsnommer, (2) naam van applikant en aard :van.aansoek, (3) getal en tIpe voertUle, (4) aard van voorg~telde motortransport, en (5) plekke waartussen en roetes waaroor, of gebied waann die voo~telde vervoer ~al plaas~d, word kragtens die bep!,lings van artikel13 q.) van die Motortransportwet, 1930 (Wet 39 van 1930), soos gewysIg, en regulasle 5 van die Motorlransportregulasles, 1964, S008 gewyslg, gepubliseer. ~krirteIike v~rtoe, in d~plikaat, ter o,ndersteuning ofbestryding van hierdie aansoeke moet binne lien (10) dae vanaf die datum Val' \Uenli. pubhkasle aan die aangedUlde adres gerlg word. H/JM611/30/15-D. F. MALAN AIRPORT. (2) Jeanett S. CAPE .. TOWN-KAAPSTAD Makaluza, Langa; transfer from R. N. Sompeta. (3) One motor­ Address to which representations must be submitted: The ca~. \4) Bant~ taxi passengers and their personal 'effects. (5) (i) Secretary. Local Road Transportation Board. Private Bag X9021, Wlthm a radius of 35 km of D. F. Malan Airport Bantu taxi Cape Town. 8000. rank. (ii) Casual trips . . Adres waarheen vl?ftoe gerig moet word: Die Sekrctaris. Plaas­ A/JM611/0417-REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) Owen lIke Padvervoerraad, Privaatsak X9021, Kaapstad. 8000. Nel Construction (Pty) Ltd, Beaufort West; new application. (3) Two lorries registered in name of O. Nel, one lorry registcred H/JM611/29/3-0UDTSHOORN. (2) R.G. D. Wicomb, in name of Owen Net Construction (Ply) Ltq. (4) (a) Employees Ou~tshoOJ:n; nuwe 'aansoek. (3) Een mLtorkar. (4) Nie-Blanke (pro-forma). (5) (ra) Within the Republic of South Africa (Tran­ taxlpassaslers en hut persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Binne 'n radius skei pro-forma). (4) (b) Building equipment and material. (5) (b) v~n 35 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Oudtshoorn. (ii) Toevallige ntte. Within the Republic of South Africa (Transkei pro-forma). A/IM61l/30/3-PIKETBERG. (2) A. A. AbdoU, Worcester; ,HII~f 611/29/15-TYGERBERGSTASIE. (2) M. van Wyk, TI.ervlel; nuwe. aansoek. (3) Ben motor aangekoop te' word. (4) bykomende voe11uig mel nuwe magtiging. (3) Ben vragmotor. (4) Gebreekte klip en sand. (5) Binne 'n radius van 50 k.m vanaf Nle-B~nke taxlpassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Binne 'n radIUS van 35 km vanaf munisipale taxi staJanplek te Tygerberg­ Hoofposkantoor, Piketberg. stasie. (ii) Toevallige ritte. AjJM611/18/I-CAPE EXMPTED AREA. (2) Burlington .. AIIM611/29/1-CLANWILLIAM. (2) J. Kammies, Clanwil­ Hosiery Mills, (Pty) Ltd, Diep River; re-institution of service. (3) liam; nuwe aansoek. (3) Ben bus. (4) Nie-Blanke georganiseerde One micro-bus. (4) (a) Goods in the course of the halder's geselskappe. (5) Binnedie landdrosdistrik Ckmwilliam en vanaf in~us~ry, trad~ or business as ~osiery man~facturers. (5) (a) Clanwilliam na punte binne 'n radius van 200 km vanaf Hoof­ Wlthm a radIUS of 80 km of hiS place of Industry, trade or business at Diep River and within the Cape exempted area. (4) (b) poskantoor, Clan william en terug. Non-White female shiftworkers in the employment of the holder H/JM61l/30/1-HERMA,NUS. (2) J. A. Spandiel, Hermanus; of this motor carrier certificate (free of charge). (5) (b) Between nuwe .aansoek. (3) Een staslewa. (4) Bantoe en Nie-Blank:e taxi­ passa8lers en hut persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Binne 'n radius van their dwellings in Grassy Park, Steenberg and Retreat areas and 5p lun vanaf munisipale taxistaanplek te Hermanus. (ii) Toevallige factory premises at Diep River. Time-table: Between the' hours ntte. of OOh30 and 02hOO. Scale of charges. Free of charge. A/JM612/02/2-STEINKOPF. (2) J. A. Hollenbach, Spring­ A/JM611j26/4-LOTUS RIVER. (2) E. and A. de Feitas, bok; nuwe aansoek. (3) Ben vragmotor. (4) (a) Eie werknemers Lotus River; new application. (3) One truck registered in the name of A. de Feitas. (4) (a) Own fresh fish and salted fresh fisb. (5) tussen mY!l 'en h~) ~lekke van verblyf. (4) (b) Eie algemene (a) Within'll radius of 240 km of place of business at Lotus River. g~edere ,Vir gebruik m verband met, mynbou l!Ynde ontginde (4) (b) Own fresh fruit and fresh vegetables (not canned) and mmerale erts, myngereeae en Sondae. (ii) Vanaf Sectionweg 4, gewysigde magtiging. (3) Ben voorhaker en een leunwa. (4) Paarden Eiland na Manenberg, Heidwood en Elsiesrivier tussen Bestaande magtiging: (4) (a) Goedere. (5) (a) Tussen punte gelee die ure 20hOO en 04hOO, Maandae tot Vrydae en ernge tyd op binne die landdrosdistrik Hopefield (pro-forma). (4) (b) Meub'els Saterdae en Sondae. A/IM611/30/2-LANGA, NYANGA, GUGULETU/TRAN­ en huistrekke (pro-forma). (5) (b) Binne 'n radius van 240 km SKEI. (2) P. P. Motale; bykomende voertuie met nuwe magtiging. v!lnaf . Hoofposk!lntoor, Vreden~urg; (4) (c) Sand,. g~uis en klip vir padboudoe\emdes. (5) (c) Blnne dIe Kaapprovmsle (Transkei (3) Twee busse aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul pro-forma). (4) (d) Padboumateriaal. (5) (d) (i) Tussen die naaste persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf Langa, Nyanga en Guguletu na b'!lshalte, sP00!W~gstasie of ~y\yn en padma!cersdepot gelee binne die grens van Transkei en terug. die Kaapprovmsle (Transkel pro-forma). (Ii) Tussen die naaste A/IM611/29/9--LOERIESFONTEIN. (2) Ellis W. van der padmakersdepot en punte gelee op die pad in aanbou binne die Merwe, Loeriesfontein; bykomende voertuie met bestaande mag­ Kaapprovinsie (Transkei pro-forma). (4) (e) Water vir padbou­ tiging. (3) Ben vragmotor en een sleepwa. (4) (a) Goedere. (5) doeleindes. (5) (e) Binne 'n radius van 250 km vanaf Hoofpos­ (a) Tussen punte gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Calvinia (pro­ kantoor, Hopefield. (5) Gewysigde magtiging. (4) (f) Goedere. forma). (4) (b) Meubels en huistrekke (pro-forma). (5) (b) Binne (5) (e). Binne. die landdrosdistrik Hopefiel~ (~ro-forma). (4) (g) 'n radius van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Calvinia. (4) (c) Bona flde:lIUls- en kantoortrekke. (5) (g) (1) BInne 'n radius van Lewende hawe. (5) (c) (i) Binne 'n radius van 80 km vanaf Hoof­ 240 lun vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Hopefield. (ii) Vanaf punte binne poskantoor, Loeriesfontein, en binne die landdrosdistrik Ca!­ '~ radiu~ van 240. km vanaf :fIoofI?oskantoo~, Hopefield, na punte vinia (pro-forma). (ii) Tussen punte en veevendusies binne 'n bmne dIe Repubhek van SUld-Afnka en SUldwes-Afrika en vanaf radius van 160 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Loeriesfontein. (4) (d) punte binne die R'epubliek van Suid-Afrika en Suidwcs-Afrika na Goedere. (5) (d) Tussen punte gelee binne die landdrosdistrik punte binne 'n radius van 240 lun vanaf Hoofposkantoor Hope- Calvinia en na die punte met 'n diepte van 80 km binne die aan­ field. (Transkei pro-forma). ' grensende landdrosdistrikte slegs vir doeleindes van aflewering Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


(pro-forma). (4) (e) Eie vars vrugte en vars groente. (5) (e) Binne A/JM611/25!7-KUILSRIVIER. (2) J. A. Thomas, Kuils­ 'n radius van 240 kIn vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Loeriesfontein. (4) rivier; bykomende magtiging. (3) Ben vragmotor. (4) Los premix. (f) Eie velle en huide. (5) (f) Binne 'n radius van 80 kIn vaoof (5) Binne 'n radius van 150 kIn vlmaf Hoofposkantoor, Kuils­ Hoofposkantoor, Loeriesfontein. (4) (g) Lewendc hawe. (5) (g) rivier. Vanaf punte binne die landdrosdistrik Calvinia na Maitland, A/JM611/24/1-REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA AND Worcester, Gouda, Klaprnuts en Paarl. (4) (h) Tougebaalde lusern. SOUTH-WEST AFRICA (2) c.I.W. (pty) Ltd, Athlone; new (5) (h) Vanaf plase in die distrik Calvinia, na Groenriviermelkery, application. (3) One mechanical horse and two trailers. (4) (a) Kalbaskraal en Vryh'eidmelkery, Kuilsrivier. (4) (i) Plat bouklip Industrial machinery for (i) Disassembling at old sites and re­ vir boudoeleindes. (5) (i) Vanaf Klompboom in die distrik Cal­ assembling at new sites; (ii) disassembling and repair at holder's vinia, na Kaapstad, Vredenburg, Vredendal, Citrusdal, Malmes­ workshop and re-assembling at original sites; and (iii) disassem­ bury en Momreesburg. (4) (j) Bakstene en sicrstene. (5) (j) Vanaf bling and repair at holder's Workshops and re-install at new site. Kaapstad, Joostenbergsteenfabriek en Steelbosch na plase in die (5) (a) Within the Republic of South Mrica and South-West distrik Calvinia. (4) (k) Kaf en hooi. (5) (k) Vanaf plase gelee Mrica (Transkei pro forina). (4) (b) Boilers, chimney stacks, binne die landdrosdistrikte Malm'esbury en Piketberg na plase constructed steet sections of buildings, conStructions and machines. gelee in die landdrosdistrik Calvinia. (4) (1) Skape. (5) (1) Vlanaf (5) (b) Within the Republic of South Africa and South-West die landdrosdistrik Calvinia, na Kimberley, Johannesburg- en Africa (Transkei pro forma)~' (4) (c) Maehiries and accessoiies. Pretoriaslagpaie sonder om op roete op- of af Ie laai. (5) (c) Within the Republic of South Africa and South-West A/JM611/23/2~EORGE. (2) J. M. Minnie, George; byko­ Africa (Transkei pro forma). . . mende magliging. (3) Een vragmotor en een leunwa. (4) Algemene A/JM611/25/6-BARRYDAu;:. (2) J. Jambo, Barrydale; nuwe goedere, dakkappe en toebehore. (5) Binne 'n radius van 80 kIn aansoek. (3) Een bakkie. (4) Nie·Blanke georganiseerde g~set~ vanaf Hoofpaskantoor, George. skappe. (5) Vanaf Barrydale na punte binne 'nradius van l00km A/JM611/26/l2-SALDANt-IA. (2) Saldanha Bus Service Ltd, vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Barrydale, en. terug. ' ., Saldanha; additional vehicle with existing authority. (3) One bus. (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects as per exist­ A/JM611/25/9-CAPEPENINSULA CARTAGE AREA~ (2) A. Dalvie, Grassy Park; new application. (3) One station-wagon. ing authority. (5) As per existing approved authority. (4) General goods. (5) Within the Cape Peninsula cartage ,area. A/JM611/22/2-REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA. (2) Redelinghuys Transport (Edms.) Bpk., Paarl; bykomende magti­ H/JM611/25/2-PORT NOLLOTH. (2) J. W. Daniels, Port ging. (3) Drie vragmotors en drie sleepwaens. (4) Vars vrugte, Nolloth; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een inotorkar. (4) Nie·Blanke taxi­ vars groente en lee houers in gebruik. (5) Binne 'n radius van passasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie·. (5) (i) Binne 'n radiusvatt 480 kIn vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Paarl, na punte binne die Repu­ 50 kIn vanaf H06fposkantoor, Port Nolloth. (ii) Toevallige bliek van Suid-Mrika en Suidwes-Afrika en vanaf punte binne die ritte. Republiek van Suid-Mrika en Suidwes-Afrika na punte binne A/JM611/25/4-HERMANUS. (2) Hermanus Parent/Teacher' 'n radius van 480 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Paarl (Transkei en Association, Hermanus; additional vehicle and additional author­ pad pro forma). ity. (3) One bus. Existing authority: (4) (a) White pupils and' HJM611/24/3-DOORNBAAI. (2) Annabel Mary Januarie, accompanying supervising staff of the High and Primary Schools, Doornbaai; nuwe aansoek, laat hernuwing. (3) Eenmotorkar. Hermanus, for sports and educational purposes. (5) (a) From Her~ (4) Nie·Blanke taxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) manus to points within a radius of 160 km of General Post Office, Binne 'n radius van 50 kIn vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Doornbaai. Hermanus, and return. Additional authority: (4) (b) Pupils daily (ii) Toevallige ritte. on their way to school at Hermanus and return. (5) (b) Between A/JM611/22/22-CAPE TOWN. (2) City Tramways Ltd, Cape Stanford and Whistling Prawn, Tirne-ta,ble: Depart Stanford Town; additional vehicles with existing authority. (3) Fourteen 07h30. Arrive Whistling Prawn, 07h15. Depart Whistling PraWn, buses. (4) Passengers, parcels and personal effects as per existing 14h05. Arrive Stanford 14h20 (on school days only). Scale of authority. (5) As per existing approved authority. charges: R20 for the first child per quarter. R15 for the second H/JM611/15/9-MOSSELBAAI. (2) M. 1. Meyer, Mosselbaai; child per quarter. RIO for any additional child. nuwe aansoek. (3) Een voertuig aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoe-, A/JM611/30/6-PRINCE ALBERT. (2) Hoerskool ZW

STAATSKOERANT, 24 DESEMBER 1976 NC). S363 15 radius van 500 km vanaf plek van besigheid te Malmesbury use in a sp::clfic residence and were originally sold with the items (pro forma), (4) (p) Werknemers (pro forma). (5) (p) Binne 'n enumerated ahove amI are convcyed simultaneously with the items radius van 500 km vanaf pick van besigheid 1e Malmesbury. enumerated above: (4) (q) Bemestingstowwe' ten beho'ewe van Sentramark, Bell­ Carpets, curtains, c!!s!,ions and other soft furnishings, floor ville. (5) (q) Vanaf Malmesbury na puntc gelee binne 'n radius mats, linoleum, upholstering materials; van 500 km vr,naf houer se plek van besigheid te Malmesbury. (b) ~Fr'eezcrs, .. fridges, stoves, ,. washing machines; (4) (r) Boerderyprodukte. (5) (r) Vanaf plase na die naaste • (cxcluding packed ships' cargo). . spoorwegstasie binne 'n radius van 500 km vanaf Rustst?-sic, (e) air-conditioners (household). cabinets (display), chandeliers, distrik Malmcsb'.Iry. (4) (5) Eie lew'ende hawc. (5) (s) Bmne dictaphones, fans. floor polishers (household), glassware, heaters, 'n radius Vim 500 km vanaf Ruststasie; distrik Malmesbury. kettles (electric). Imiiting machines, mirrors, musiC-'ll instruments (4) (t) Sand, gruis, klip en stene. (5) (t) Binne 'n radius van (string and valve), porcdainwarc, sewing machines, switchboards 500 km varraf Hoofposkantoor, Malmesbury. (4) (v) I.e\vcnde am! switch gear (electriC-'ll). toasters, vacuum cleaners; hawe ten behoewc van boere. (5) (v) Vanaf puntc binne 'n (d) own packing materials (for own use only and not be radius van 500km vanaf Rustst3Sie, distrik. Maimesbury, reg­ sold or (1rfe~'cd for sale), streeks na Klapmuts en/of Maitiandslagpale. (4) (w) Kr~almis, within a radius of 240 km of General Post Office, Ryland19. . lusern hooi tcf, kuilvoer, veemeel, kalfmeel en bemesting­ The cOllv'eyance authorised in thi" Annexure is subject to the stoww'e. (5) (w) Binne 'n radius van 500 kIn vanaf Rustsk'lsie, condition that no persons or goods be picked up OT set down in distrik Malmesbury. (4) (x) Koring in sakke. (5) (x) Val1~f the Transkei consisting of the Bantu areas as defined in section puntc binne 'n radius Vlan 500 km Yanaf Ruststasie, distnk 2 of the Tran~keian Constitution. 1963 (Act 48 of 19(3), as Malmesbury na Ruststasie. (4) (y) Val'S vrugte en vars groente amcnded, by prociamation in the Governmellt Gazelle from time en lee houers < in gebruik. (5) (y) Dione 'n radius van 500 km to time. ' vanaf Hoofpo5kantoor, RustsfJasie (pad pro forma). (4) (z) Kaf vir bemestingdoeleindes. (5) (z) Dinne 'n radius van 500 km JOHANNESBUR.G vanaf Ruststasie. (4) (aa) Doerderyprodukte. (5) (aa) Tussen Address to which representafions mttU IH! !lUbmittt!'d: The punte geiee binne 'n radius van 500 1m vanaf 'n Hoofposkantoor, Secrelary, Local Road Transporiation Board, Private &lg X12. die klnddrosdistrik van Malmesbury (pro forma). (4) (bb)Lewende /cllann.elburg 2000. . . hawe. (5) (bb) Tussen piasc binne '0 radius van 500 km vanaf Adrps wtlOrhec:n verloe gerig mOe! word: Die Sekretmu, PJag· Rmtstasie. (4) (cc) Stookwyn in renke. (5) (ee) Vl(\naf punte like Padvervoerraad. Privaalsak X12. Johann~buT" 1000. binne 'n radius van 500 kin vanaf Swartland Wynkelder, Malmes­ JM4649/A22623-WESTONARIA. (2) J0s6, F. L., Foci!ville; bury, nll K.W.V., Paarl, en na Distillers KOQperasie, Stellen­ additional authority. (3) Seven existing vehicles. (4) (a) Sand bosch. .Bykomende magtiling: (4) (dd) Landboumasjinerie. (5) and stone and gravel. (5) (a) As flU existin, authority. (4) (b) (dd) Binne 'n radius van 500 kin wnaf Hootposkantoor, Mal­ Own land, Mone and gravel for road-makiDg purposes. (5) (b) mesbury. . . From Transvaal Provincial Crushers, Libanon, to points within A/JM61lj26j9·-STEENDERG. (2) Salfred's Coach and Mini a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Westoaaria. Dm Hire (Pty) Ltd, Retreat; transfer from F. Christians. JM4651/A2262J-WESTONARIA. (~) Josl:, F, L., Fochvill~; (3) One bus. (4) (a) Non--White organised parties (pro fomla). additional vehicles with additional authority. (3) One smlI­ (5) (a) From points within the magistcrial.Distri~s .of Bellvi~le, trailer-TAU 8724 a.nd two horses':"TAU8723 and TAU 8804. Cape Simownstown and Wynberg to POlll.ts wlthm a mdlUs (4) (a) Sand and ston;:and gravel for roact-building purposes. of 160 kIn of General Post Office, Steenberg, provided that (5) (a) As per existing authority. (4) (b) Own sand, stone and. such latter points are not situated within any of the afore­ gravel for road-building purposes. (5) (b) I;'rom Trans'Ya41 mentioned Magisterial Districts, on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sun­ Provincial Cru~hen, Lib anon, to points within Ii radius of 430 days, and public holidays, sub~ ~ the condition that .the km of POit Office, Wel!>tonaria. ' return journey be commenced Within 24 hours after arrIval JM4344/AI571-ALRODE. (2) Petrocol Bpk., Alrode; nU'1oVe and that no conveyance ill undertaken between points within aansoek.(3) Eon vocrtui,g (besonderhede sal verskaf word). (4) the Magisterial Districts of Bellville, Cape, Simonstown and BantOC'lverlnemers en hul persoonlike bagasie, gratis. (5) V~f Wynberg and that on the outward journey no passengers be pick van bcsigheid, Juriestraat 72, tot in Ganfieldstraat, tot In set down' within any of tho said Magisterial Districts and that Alberton-Vereeniginghoofweg vir ongeveer chie km dan links our on the return journey no passengers be picked up within < ~ny brug tot by TokoZ3 HosteL Terug oor dieselfde roete in teen­ of .the said magisterial Districts, subject to the further conditIOn oorgestelde dgting. Tydtafel: Tussen 21hOO tot 05hOO. Tarief; that the whole or any portion of any party conveyed under this Gratis. . authority shall ronsist of persona embarking only within the JM4642/A19051-REEF CARTAGE AREA. (2) C;. F. Maas~ aforesaid Magisterial Districts. (4) ('b) Goods, aU classes. (5) burg & Song, Alberton; additional vehicle. (3) One truck-TJ (b) Within the Cape Peninsula ca.rtage area. (4) (c) Sand, stooe 86430. (4) Goods. (5) As per existing authority. and gravel. (5) (c) Within a radius of 160 btl of General Post Office, S teenb erg. JM4637/A286-Bfl,RGVLEI. (2) W. G. L Nieuwstad, Johan­ nesburg; additional Quthority. (3) One semi-trailer-TSN 19593, A/JM6lJj26/3--CAPE PENIN~A ~RTAGE ~~A. one truck-TSN 27197 and one hor_TSN 14797. (4) (a) (2) A. A. Kazie. Claremont; additiOnal vetllcle and additional Goods. (5) (3.) As per existing authority. (4) (b) Air cooled authority. (3) One truck to be purdtued. Existing authority: heat exroangeu. (5) (b) Within a radius of 480 km of Post Qffic~, (4) (a) Goods, all classes (excluding household..remoVlals). ~5) Bergvlei. (a> Within the Cape Peninsula cartage If"ea. Additional authority JM4608/A28O-JOHANN,ESBURG. (2) W. G. L. Ni!,\uWlltad, (4) (b) As per attached Annexure "R", (5) (b) As per attached Johannesburg; amended authority (interchangeability of vehicles). Annexure R. (3) One semi-trailer-TSN 19593 and one hQrsc-TSN 14797. ANNEXURE R (4) Goods. (5) As per Anilexure attached. 1. Goods. Within a radill8 of 240 kin of Geneml Post Office, ANNEXURE Rylands. (a) Goods. Within the MagiSterial Districts bf Alberton, 2. Bona fide household and office removals (including perso­ Benoni, Bok'burg, Brakpa:n, Delmas, Germiston, Johannesburg, nal effects pertaining to bona fide household and office remo­ Kempton Park, Krugersdorp, Nigel, Pretoria, Randfontein, vals). Within a radius of 240 km of General Post Office, RyJands. Rooueport, Sp;'illgs, Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging and Westonaria and within the boundaries of the farms Rooipourt 109, Goud­ (3) (a) Bathstands (baby, with drawers, comptl.ctums), beds (with vlakte-Oost 106. Oog van Wonderfontein 119 and SmaIbank or without mattresses or ladders), benches, benches (church), 353. situated in the Magisterial District ofOberholzer and benches (garden), benches (stoep), bins (household rubbish), buf­ witt,in a radius of 25 km of Church Square, Pretoria. (Reffe:l=ed fets, cabinets, cabinets (broom), cabinets (glass display), cabinets to as Reef cartage area,) Subject to the proviso that no goods (kitchen), cabinets (liquor), cabinets (record), cabinets (shoe), cases despatched in packages with a mass of less than 24 kg e,ach (and (beok), chairs, chests (bedside), chests (m'edicine), clocks (grand· despatchii!d by diverse consignors) may be conveyed -from po~ts father), cots, couches, cradies (with or without stands), cupboards situated within the municipal area of Jobannesburg to pomts (linen), desks (writing), divans, doll-houses (wendy), drawers (chest situated within the municipal area of Pretoria, or from diverse of), dressers (kitchen), headboards for ?eds, kiosks (househol~), consignors situated within the municipal ar.ea of Pretoria to kists (trousseau), lamps (household readmg and/or pedestal With points situated within the municipal area of Johannesburg. or without shades), mattresses, organs, pianos, playpens, poufs, (b) Completely assembled units of TOad-~akit:g and excavat!0n prams, pUlpits, racks (household vegetable), radiograms (with or machinery direct to or from road-construction Sites or excavatIOn without 'electric amplifiers and separate loudspeakers), record sites for bOll,a fide road-construction or excavation purposes and holders, record players, screens (fireplaee), settees. shelves (book), not fur sale. Within a radius of 480 km oj' Post Office, . stands (ash-tray), stands (haU) , stands (hou8ehold), stands (palm), (c) Transfomlers each with a mass of not less than 907 kg stands (periodical), tahles, tables (dressing), tea trolleys (house­ for direct installation at the destination. From points within the hold), walkers, warprobes, as well as the following items where Reef cartage area to points within a radius of 480 km of Post they form part of items enumerated above and are intended fUl Office, Sundra. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


(d) Only the, completely constructed sections of a wall,f1oor, Saterdae ceiling, roof or framework of a prefabricated building when, Arriveer Vertrek purpose made as an integral part of a wall, floor, ceiling, roof Carolina...... , • _. 06h)O' Barberton... , , • ...... lOh30 or framework of such a prefabricated building, together with Barberton...... " BbU carolina....., ____ •• , l7hiS the tools of trade and any material required for the erection or assembly of the components from the manufacturer's place Tarie/ of business to points situated within a radius of 240 km of 2tc per passasier per kID, Post Office, Sundra. JM4631/AI645-REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) R. 0.· (e) Individual items of earthmoving and road-making equip­ Barkhuizen, A., Kempen and R. T. Cremer, trading as Speedy's ment (with a mass of not less than 8,165 metric tons !l.nd not Mini Removals, Johannesburg; new application. (3) One combi more than 36,287 metric tons, but excluding equipment for -TG 92653. (4) (a) General goods. (5) (a) Within the Ree~ resale from construction sites, workshops and agents premises to cartage area. (4) (b) Bona fide household removals (pro fonna). construction sites and workshops, within the Republic of South (5) (b) Within the Republic of South Mricil., . ' Africa. , JM463SIA2324D-ELSBURG. (2) Lowline Carriers (Pty) Ltd, (f) Spare parts being required for the immediate bona fide Elsburg; additional vehicles., (3) Two hors:es-TEB 4762 and repairs of machinery ot mechanical installations which have TEB 4312. (4) Haulage of trailers. (5) As per Annexure T. become defective and have to be urgently repaired (excluding JM4629/A1573-ALBERTON.(2) Racy Enterprises (Pty) Ltd, delivery to any purchaser for replenishing stocks). From points within the Reef cartage arca to points within a radius of 480 trading as Hendlers Industrial t:arriers, Alberton; additional kmof. Post Office, Elsburg. vehicle. (3) Six. trucks to be advised. (4) Goods. (5) As .per (g) Metal clad distribution switchgear and transformers for existing authority. ,', ,., ....,' , ' and after air. Between points within a radius of 480 km JM4627/A8054-AI.,BER.TON. ,(2) ,Stadsniad van Alberfop. of Post Of Elsburg, and the return of such items after repair Alberton; bykomendevoertliie met, bykomende niagtiging. (3r to 'the Origin points of despatch. ' Ses busse. (4) Blanke ~lliers en hut persoonlike bagasie. (5)' (h) Defective machinery for urgent repairs and the return of Soos bestaande magtiging met bykomende magtiging (soos ~r' such items after repair to the original point of despatch. Between Bylae aapg'cheg). points within the Reef cartage area and points within a radius BRACKBNDOWNS (VOEDINGSDIENS) , a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Eisburg. (i), Tools of trade (for own use only and not for sale). Heenreis: Vertrck punt· hoek· van Andries- en Dewaalstraat.' Within the Republic of South Africa. Roete: Dcwaalstraat, Ra~ Frankelstraat, Ovcrburystraat,. (j) Employees and their personal luggage in the course of Appelgrynstraat, Hennie Albertstraat, their employment with the holder of this motor carrier certificate: Terllgreis: Roete: ~enJlie Albertstraat, Rae Frankelstni~t~ I Provided that no charge is made for such conveyance and that Dewaalstraat tot by AndriesStraat. no reasonable facilities are available for their conveyance by Tydta/el .' , rail or by means of a motor vehicle, in respect of which a BrackendowflS-Hellflie Albertsst'.,!at Hermie Albertsstraat- motor carrier certificate has been issued to authorise such con­ Brackendowfls veyance and camping equipment for use by employees and not. for sale. Within the Republic of South Mrica. Subject to the 06h35· 06h25 ' condition that no persons or goods shall be loaded or unloaded 06h55 (l6M5 in the Transkei comprising the Bantu area as prescribed in 07h30 07h20 ~on 2 of the Transkei Constitution, 1963 (Act 48 of 1963), Terminus (Redruthstraat) Qracken­ as .amended. by Proclamation from time to, time in the downs Government Gazette. 16M5 JM4588/A107i)-HOJ'lj"EYDEW. (2) David Morton Transport 17hOO (fvl) (Pty) Ltd, Honeydew; additional vehicle with additional 17h20 autho:dty. (3) Thirty-three existing semi-trailers and one truck. 18h15 (4) (a) Goods. (5) (a) As, per existing authority. (4) (b) Fresh Tarie/ vegetables on behalf of MacNab Holdings (Pty) Ltd. (5) (0) From Heidelberg to Durban. (4) (c) Quarry tiles and bricks on 20c kontant of Rl,80 per konsessievirlO ritte. behalf of Corobrick. (5) (c) Within a radius of 560 km of JM4547/Al7765-CLAYVILLE. (2) Irvin & Johnson ltd, place of business at Honeydew. Clayville; new application. 0) One bus-TLN 15034. (4) Employ­ JM4609/A21943-RANDKARWEIGEBIED. (2) P. J. Booyse, ees in the employ of Irvin &: Johnson Ltd (free of char~e). wat handel dryf as Peets Transport, Randfontein; bykomende (5) From Olifantsfontein Station to place of work at ClayvJ!l'e magtiging. (3) Ben voorspanwa·-TAY 17701 en een leunwa­ via Kempton-Pretoria Road, left into Pretoria-Johannesburg TAY 17702. (4) Sand en klip en gruis. (5) Binne die Rand· Road for 2 kmturn left into Industrial Road for 18 kin then karweigebied en landdrosdistrikte Parys en Sasolburg. turn right to Irvin & Johnson, return same route in reverse. Tariff: Free of charg<;. JM4632/A1498-RANDKARWEIGBBIED. (2) Posthumus, H. C., Benoni; nuWe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor-TA 37858 Time-table en eenleunwa-TA 21820. (4) Goedere. (5) Binne die Rand­ Depart Irvin & John- 071115 Dt!part Olifantsfonteio 151150 karweigehled. son JM4618[AI4305-BBTHAL. (2) Job Skosana, wat handel dryf Depart Olifant~fontejn 07h25 Arrive Irvin & Johnson 16h~ a, Skosanas Busdiens, Bethal; bykomende voertuie met byko­ JM46r5/A23-JOHANNE..'iBURG. (2) S.A.S. & H., Johannes­ mende magtiging. (3)'Twee busse (besonderhede moet verstrek burg; bykomcnde voertuie. (J) Twee bussC'-SAS MT 70032 en w,o,.rd), (4), Bantoepassasiers en hut persoonlike bagasie. (5) SOO$ SAS MT 70052, 68. (4) Nic'-Blanke passasiers en hul persoon· per besta:ande magtiging oor bestaande goedgekeurde roetes met like bagasie oor bestaande g6edgek'eurde rocles: (5) Soos per bykomende roete (SODS per Bylae aangeheg). ' bestaande magtiging. JOB SKOSANA-NUWE AANSOBK JM4614/A23-JOHANNESBURG. (2) SAS. & H., Johannes­ Bantoepassasiers en hut persoonlike bagasie vanaf Carolina burg; bykomende voertuie. (3) Twaalf voorspanwaens. (4) Trek na Barberton oor Town en Townlands 43, Groenvallei 40, van slcepwaens. (5) Soos per Bylae T. Paardeplwats 512, Nooitgedacht 14, Barneveld 16, Victoriaspoort JM4617/ AI5955-RANDBURG. (2) Overvaal Melkvervoer 18, Buffelspruit 22, Rietfontein 19, Goedverwacht 24, Zilverkop (Edrus.) Bpk., Randburg; bykomende voertuig. (3) Een voor­ 25, Boshoek 442, Avontuur 725, Doornpoort 724 (Badplaas), spanwa-TRG 15982. (4) Trek van sleepwaens. (5) Soos per' Keez Zyn Dooms 708, Vygeboom 619, Vriesland 620, Goede­ Bylae T. hoop 622, Koningstein 625, Wartburg 624, Lillenstein 627, JM4623/A20891-FLORIDA. (2) ConsolidatedLi~liting (Ply) Zwartkop 604, Lillenstein 627, Jambila 628, Liberton 601, Sunny­ Ltd Florida' additional vehicle with amended authonty. (3) One mead 600, Liberton 601, Sunnymead 600, Frantzinasrust 629, bus'to be a~quired. (4) White staff in, the employ of Consoli­ Middelton 630, Boerlands 631, Sunnyside 632, Kempstone 694, dated Lighting (Pty) Ltd, together with their. personal effec~s. Glengarry 652, 660, 655 en 656, Geluk 646 en 648, Alma 644, free of charge. (5) Between Sixth ~venue, FlOrIda, and .89 ~am Daisy Kopje 643, Barberton Townlands 369 en Barberton oor Reef Road. Route: From 89 Mam Reef Road turn fight mto na terminus en terug oor dieselfde roete. Springbok Road,' right into Commando Road, left into Marais­ Tydtafel bur!> Road and eontinue along through 10th Street and turn Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae right into Sixth A venue, left into Mileward, ~ood, left into Eighth Avenue, right into 10th St:eet ~nd contm~e from 10th Vertrek Arriveer Street alono Nadine Street, turn fIght mto Natalie Street, left Carolina..•• __ • • • . . .• 06h30 Barberton...... ,. 10h30 into Ruth "Street left into Sixth Avenue, Florida, left into Barberton...... 14hOO Carolina...... lahoo Kathleen Street, ;ight into Hebbard Road, left illto Main Reef Bykomende ritte SODS en wallneer benodig op versoek. Road and continue to 89 Main Reef Road. Return journey via same route reversed. Time-table: As :and when required. ' Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


JM4612!A1639-SHARPEVlLLB. (2) Nhlapo Samuel, Sharpe­ Return: As forward route in reverse to Edwards Aven'\lC, then ville; new application. (3) One combi ~o be aquired. (4) Non­ Forbes Street, Botha Street, Edwards Avenue, Main Vereeniging White organised church and sports parties and for funeral pur­ Road, Location Road and Bekkcrsdal. poses and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 80 km SERVICE 48: BEKKERSDAL-ELSBURG MINE of Post Office, Sharpeville, on weekends, public holidays. The return journey to be completed within 24 hours. Existing route, forward: As per Senice 44 to Main Johan­ JM4621!AI647-JOHANNESBURG. (2) R. H. Jacobs, Johan­ nesburg/Potch Road, then Barr:lge Road and Private Road to nesburg; new application. (3) Drie vragmotors (besonderhede Eisburg Mine. voorsiente word) en twee ligte afleweringswaens (besonderhede Return: As forward route in reverse. voorsien te word)., (4) Algem~ne goedere in terme van S.A.S. Proposed route. forward: As proposed Service 44 to Main Beste:ldienskontrak GP 15/545/2(K160). (5) Binne 'n radius van Johannesburg/Potch Road, then as per existing roule. 4,81p:n vanaf Oberholzerstasie. . Return: As per existing route to Edwards Avenue, then as JM4620/AI648-JOHANNESBURG. (2) M., Msibi. Soweto,. prpposed return route Service 44. Ot:lando; new application. (3) One trut;k: particulars to be advised. SERVICE 43: BEKKERSDAL LOCATION-LIBANON­ (4) {a) GoOds on behalf of and belonging to Bantu Qnly. (5) (a) l}OORNFONTEIN AND SERVICE 46: BEKKERSDAL Between points within a radius of 480 km of Post Office, Johan­ LOCATION-LIBANON,..-KLOOF GOLD MINE nesburg. (4) (b) Bona fide household. removals (pro forma) on Proposed amendment: Bridges Avenue to be replaced'" by behal(of and belonging to Bantu only. (5) Within a radius of 480 Km' 'of Post Office. Iohanneshurg. '. 'Nest Street. JM4613/AI64O-WESTONARL"-. (2) S. P. Bezuidenhout, Wes­ Additional authorjty: ;I'o alllepd anY')I"pu\Al in the W~tonaria tonaria; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor-TCE 13136. ;(4) Municipal Area whcn requir¢, b}i.. the' Municipal Authorities. Algemene goedere. (S)Binrie die landdrosdistrik Westonaria; JM4572, A6555-BENONI. ,(;!) ,Town Council of BenQlli, JM4599/A618.....,SANDTON. (2) Meta Makmat, Sandton; new Benoni; Additi{l:'lal"aq.thority. (3); Two,.huses-TA 38008.,and application. (3) One combi·-TSN 15295. {4r Curried peanuts- on TA 38609. (4) White, pg,nengers and. the»; personal effects. (5) behalf of A. Wadee, tradmg as Eastern Products from the latters Over existing route ;wi,t\J, aqditilmal I:oute BenoniCent,ral­ place of business at Newtown, Johannesburg direct to customers' Farr~ere via S0uthy~~t :(as per}cxurc attached), Within a radius,of 320,' km of the afore-mentiOl).ed place':af , -, C ••' ~'1±XtJ:tt~ business and in the 'reverse direction provided: (a) That such, " conveyance shall be undertaken only for the 'purpose of'replac­ ing;. damaged or, stale stock including the conveyance of the B'EN<">!:'II c.:EN:TRAL ''rO' F.ARRARMERE VIA SOUTH'\' stock so replaced back to the base from which theevehlcle in .' , 'ROAD: WHfTE SERVICE' ',' ,,. I question operated and for the purpose of supplying.,dealers who Inner terminus: Benoni Central. . , may have run short of' particular brands ofcutried peanuts with Outer terminus: Corner of Southy Road and Louis LeijjoIdt, limited quantities of·those brands to ensure continuity bf supplies Road. ' to the public. pentiingthc arrival ofsupl'lies .Gr~red thr.Qugh Outward route: Il£t;oni Central, Cranbourne Avenue, ,Tom normal channels, i.e. fLm A. Wadoe, trading as Eastern Pro­ Jon~ Sfreet, GrM North Road: Derwent 'Avenue, Ennerdale ducts. (I:t) That not mOfe than. 91 kg in all of curried, pellDuts Road,Bayley Str~r. Cambridge Street, Kei Road, Southy Road, sliall be conveyed on anyone trip. (authority as" hold: for 19751 Louis Leipoldt RoiUl, Cambridge Street, Mercury Street, Southy 76)" JM4645jAlO64-SANDTON. (2) Friedland Stores (Pty) Ltd. Road. Sandlon: additional vehicles. (3) Two trucks-TSN 22475 and Inward route: Southy,Roa,q, Louis .J'Ajpoldt Road, C'ambrrag~ TSN 22469 and three panel vans-TSN 31')095. TSN 360-096 Street, Sheridan Road, Bayley Street, Erlnerdale Road, Derwent and TSN 36181. (4) Goods. (5) As per existing authority. Avenue, Great N.orth Road, Tom Jones Street, Prince's Avenue JM4656/A3559-VEREF~IGING. (2) Vaal Transport Corpo­ to Benoni Central. ration (Pty) Ltd, Vereeniging; amended authority. (3) Four Distance; 11,4 ·,km. bti~e3, (4) Non-White pas.~ellgen; and their personal effects. (5) Fares Oller existing route/time-table,ltariff with the amendment of Children (under 12 years) routes 10-12 (Annexure, in this connection are available for Adults perl1sal at the otfice of the Local Road Transportation Board, Cash Coupon Cash CouJ!Olt " Johannesburg), c c .c' JM4658/A24276-RANDKARWEIGEBIED. (2) Wentzel, C. 15 10 10 ·1~.i L. handeldrywende as Hettj,;s Transport, Snuth Hillslbykomende t'':'' voortuig en bykomen; .. " 23v61r (4) Algemene goed;:re. (5) Dinne tiie Randkarwdgebied. . MO,luiay _10. Frilfay q Saturday .. ' ,:';,'.,'/, JM4653/A3902-STANDERTON. (2) A. S. Bhahha and C. OUI In Out In',,, t": M. Bhabha, trading as Brooklyn Bus Service. Standerton; addi­ 06h3! (sta dir.) (t7hSO OShOS" tional vehicle. (3) One bus-TD 2322. (4) Non-White passen­ 071115 08h30 08b45 " gers and their personal effects. (5) Over existing routes as per' 07h50 O81i05 ,09h20 09h3~ existing authority. 10h05 1Oh20 Hb20 llh3$. " JM4'<'26/A4700-WESTONARL.<\. (2) Greyhound Bus Lines 121125 12h40 12b20 12h3; " (Pty) Lld, Weslonaria; amended and additional authority. (3) 14h30 14h50 14h20 14h3; Twdve vehicles to be notified. (4) Non-White passengers and 16hl0 16h2S their personal effects. (5) Over existing route with amendment of 17h15 , 17h30 R\)ute~ 43D, 44 and 4811.3 per Annexure attached.' All other conditions as Per existing authority. . . . ' SERVICE 430: BEKKERSDAL LO{;ATION­ JM4S73, A6555-BENONI. (2) Town Council of Benoni, WESTONARIA: ' Benoni; additional 'lfuthority. (3) Two buses-TA 38:610 anil Exbling route, forward; Bekkersdal. Loca{ion Road,Main TA 38611. (4) White passengers and their personal effects: (1) Verci!niging Road, Edwards Avenue, Botha Street, Hoffmeyer Over existing route, with 'addition of r


Time-table m/550l, H/9883-IOHANNESBURG. (2) Jebo Moya, Kwa­ Monday to Friday Saturday Xuma; addi.klnal ve:Mcle. (3) One motor-car. (4) Bantu taxi Out In Out In paS3lelllgel's. (5) Within dle Magisterial District of Johannesburg. m5S02, H/14323-JOHANNESBURG. (2) Ephmim Cindi, 06h45 07bOO 07h30 07h45 Kwa-Xuma; additi-oool Wihicle. (3) One motor-car. (4) ,Bantu taxi 07h2O 07h40 081100 08h20 passengers. (5) Within the Magisterial l) of rohannesburg. IObOO 10h15 08h40 09hOO 12h15 12h35 Uhl5 lIh35 JH/5S08-JOHANNESBURG. (2) Cintbi6 Golo.mb4ck, Ken­ 14h30 14h50 12h00 12h20 sington; transfer from F. O'Brien Johnson (H744). (3) One molor­ 16hOO 16h20 Ubl5 13h35 c1ourod taxi pa~. (5) B'C!tween Noord­ HMO 12bOO gesig, Bosmant, Newriare, Riverlell and Western Coloured Sunday no service. Town«bip. All other conditions as per Cltisting authoriry. JH/551(i~SOWETO. (2) Sipho Obed Mudaweni, U:ctlo; new applicMion. (3) One motot"-car. (4) Bantu talli pa&seJlBCI'S. (S) JiHJ4943-TOKOZA.. ~ Magm... 'lbames Mambtana. Between points within the boundaries of Soweto. ToIroza; new appliioatioD.. (3) ODe DIIJIIIor"-oar. (4) Bantu taxi J>H/5522-JOHANNESBURG. (2) Raymond Winston Farland, passengers. (S) Within the boUlldaries at Toklxa Loeation. Dis­ fuhann~urg; new appliclation. (3) One ftlOtor-car. (4) White trict IOf A!l.bertQl1. taJli ~rs. (5) Within $hie Magisterilal District of Jto.ha.nnes­ lH/SII3-SPRING8. (%J Mdini _ ~, Kwa-'Thema; OO!"1. new awfioaUQn. (3) 0. moIIIoor-c;ar. (4) IIaontu Ilaxi paMel!gent. JH/5531-JABUL\NI LOCATION. (2) Boy Abram Nzana., (5) Between 'points wilMa' die I'll'lIrI1idpal cca of Springs. (au: to Kwa-Xuma:; new application. (3) One nrotor-w.r. (4) Dantu taxi be stationed at 23 Mihla Street, Kwa-'1'hema). passengers. (5) Within a radius of 5 km of 31 labulani Location, IHJSl34, H/13786-OERMlSTON. (l) W'dliam Nhlapo, Natal­ (but wi~ tfte bounda.ries >Of 80"''\111.0). (Oar IIio be smtioned at spruit; amended autOOrity. (3) One moOor-ear-TG 22709. (4) 37 Jabulanti. wCQtrou.) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) Between p:rims wiIIbin mUnkipal area of Genniston. (Carro be ltaltioned at 540 'I'wa~ Se:Uoo, KatIe­ POR.T ELIZABETH hong). Address to which representations must be submitted: Thl JHIS378, H/146SS---GERMISfON, (l) Ma:z.we Cai'Lina Zwaae, Secretary. Local Road 1"ratisportation Board. Private Bag X3909. XadehOiDg; ameoded au.tDority. (3) One Dal'ior-au-TG 93651. Part Elizabeth, 6056. (4) 'Bantu taxi jJ'aSSengem. (5) ltctween points wilbin ~he municipal A.dres waarhl'e1'l vertoe gerig moet word: Die Sekretaris, Naas­ area of Germisiton. (Oar ro be ~ at 2060 Nholapo SecOon, like Padvervoerraad, PriVI«Jtsak X3909, Port Elizabeth, 6056. Kaltleihong). A 1404-UITENIIAGE. (2) M. Ivy, Uitenhage; amended JH/5454, H/11227-GRASSMERiE. (2} Samuel Nhlapo, Eva­ authority (extension of area). (3) One light delivery van. (4) ton; additional veMcle. (3) One mot.or-thin a ratHEl'S of 5 km of New Brighton, Port Elizabeth. place of business whk:h is 11331 Zone 6, Diepk·loof. A1403-PORT ELIZABETH. (2) D. A. C. WeeIson, Port m/5495, H/8210-LESLIB. (2) Petrus Simel:ane. Les.Lie LIoca­ Elizabeth; new application. (3) Two mechanical horses and two tion; additional vehiole. (3) o."le motiO'f~IDJ 782, (4) Bantu semi-trailers. (4) Rough unsawn timber exclusively on behalf of taxi' passengers. (5) Between points within a radius of 30 km of Novobord Ltd. (5) From points situated within the Tzitzikama Post Office, Leslie. Forests to Port Elizabeth.: Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


AI4o.2-PORT ELIZABETII. (2) Laerskool Cunningham. Port AI409-PORT ELIZABETH. (2) V. I. Kempton-Jones, trading Elizabeth; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een If)..sitplekkombL (4) Blanke as S. & V. Contractors, Port Elizabeth; additional vehicle. (3) leerlinge en toesighoudende personeei van die Laerskool Cunning­ One trailer. (4) Fuel pumps, fuel tanks, pipes, fittings, sand, ham na sportbyeenkomste en 0pvoedkundige toere. (5) Vanaf stone, cement, advertising signs and such other accessories as plUlte binne die munisipale gebied Port Elizabeth na punte gelre are required for the proper erection and installation of fuel binne 'n radius van 240. kIn vanaf Nuwe Geregshowe, Port pumps and fuel tanks. (5) (i) From the nearest bushalt, railway Elizabeth, en terug. station, siding and/or from the nearest depot direct to erection A1399-PORT ELIZABETH. (2) H. Moosagie, Port Eliza­ sites within a radius of 400 km of New Law Courts, Port beth; new application. (3) One lorry. (4) Goods exclusively on Elizabeth. (ii) Within a radius of 240 km of New Law Courts, behalf of M. I. Moosagie and M. G. Moosagie trading as Port Elizabeth. Junction Supply Store. (5) Within the Port Elizabeth exempted M (A1827)-KLERKSDORP. (2) R. J. du Toit. Klerksdorp; area. wysiging van tariewe. (3) Een motorlcar-TY 27515 (vyf pas­ A1397-PORT ELIZABETH. (2) C. van der Touw Plant Hire sasiers). (4) Blanke taxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5)· and Repairs (Pty) Ltd, PortEltizabeth; nuwe aansoek. (3) Elf (a) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Klerks­ vII'agmotors. (4) Rotse, gruis en gesorteerde klippe vir konstruksie dorp. (b) Op toevallige ritte binne diegebied omskryfin (a) doeleindes. (5) Binne die Kaapprovinsie. na cnige punt bUlte die gebied of vanaf enige punt buile daar­ die gebied na enige punt binne daardie gebied. AI393-MIDDELBURG. K.P. (2) B.C. van Zyl, Middelburg, Kt>.;fiuwe aansoek. (3) Ben motorkar. (4) Blanke taxipassasiers. Bestaande tariewe: (a) Op 'n kilometerbasis vir enige aantal (5) Op ritte binnc 'n radius van 350. knl vanaf Poskantoor, persone tot en met vyf. (i) Basiese tadef 45c. (ii) Daarna "Ir Middelburg, K.P.·· elke vyfde van 'n k:m of gedeelte daarvan 5c. (b) Oponthoucl: Per minuut of gedeelte daarvan 5c. (c) Bagasie: (i) Vir 14 kg A1372 (a)-4}RAAFF-REINET. (2) R. E. Julies, trading as of minder per passasier kosteloos. (ii) Vir iedere bykomende Julies BUs Service, Grnaff-Reinet; additional authority. (3) One 14 kg of gcdeelte daIarvan pet passasier 5c. (d) Spoed: Waar 2l-seater bus. (4) White organised parties including White 'n drywer versoek word om met 'n·spoed van minder as 24 persons attending a funeral. (5) From points sitmited within a kIn per uur te ry, ian 'n tarief van 50 persent ho!r as die radius of 50 kill pf Post Office, Graaff-Reinet, to points within tariewe in (a) gehel word. a< radius of 320km of Post. Office, 'Graaff-Reinet, and return. Voorgestelde tarief:. (a) Op 'n kilometCrpasis vir enige ~taf A1372 (b)-GRAAFF-REINET. (2) R. E. Julies, trading ras passasiers tot en met doe.. (i) Basiese tadef, 45c. (li) ~ina Juli~s Bus Service, Graaff-Reinet; additional vehicle with oew v:ir elke 0,1250. (agtste) km of gedeelte daarvan 5c. (b)Opont­ au~hority. (3) One 6!keater bus to be acqJ,lired. (4) White houd: Per driekwart minuut of gedeelte daarvan, 5c (R4,50,.p<;r organiSed parties 'including. White persons attending a funeral. uur). (c) Bykomende vorderings: (i) Vir elke passasier meer. as (5) from points ~itllated .. within a radius ~f 50 kIl?- of Post drie, vir die hela rit, 4Oc. (ii) Eerste 10 kg bagasie per passa­ Office, Graaff-Reinet;Jo. points situated withm a radiUS of 320. sier kosteloos. Daama vir elke bykomende 10 kg bagasie per km of Post Office, Gt:,aaff-Reinet, and return. passasier of gedeelte daarvan, lOc. (iii) Fietse en kinderwaentjies, AI4oo-GRAHAMSTOWN. (2) Grahamstown MlUlioipality. JOe. Met dien verstande dat 'n drywer kan weier om .enige Grahamstown: amended authority (increase in tariffs). (3) Thir­ artikel of goedere met 'n massa van meer as 82 kg of entge­ teen buses. (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. iets waardeur sy voertuig beskadig of die voortgang daarvan (5) On. existing approved routes. belemmer lean word OJ) te laai. (d) Nagtaricf: (i) Van 18hoo tot 24hOO, een-en-'n-halwe keer gewone tarief. (il) Van .24hoo ROUTE 1 tot 06hoo, twee keer gewone tarief. (e) Sondae en pubJ.ieke Joz:\-l\b:ket Square: Distance 4,5 kIn. vakansiedae: (i) Van 1Shoo tot 24hOO. een-en-'n-halwe· leer Proposed keer gewone tanef. (0) Van 12hOO tot 06hOO, twee keer gewone tarief. ·Cf) Spoed: Waal' 'n drywer'versoek word om met 'n Existing Iftcrease Cask Ten-ride spoed van minder as 24 km per UUT te ry, kan 'n tarlef van (Cash/are) clipcard 5{) persent hQer as die tariewe III (a) gehef word. c c c c Child fare ...... 3 2 5 45 M (Ala28)-KLERKSDORP.-(2) D. W. Fourie. KJerksdorp; Adult fare ...... 5 3 8 70 wysiging van tariewe. (3) Een motorkar-TY 28990 (vyf. passa­ siers). (4) Blanke taxiipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) ROETE 2 (a) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Klerks­ Ioza··Joza (total distance 14,7 km). Round trip: Flat fare. dorp. (b) Op toevaQige ritte binne die gebied omskryf in (a) Proposed fla eruge punt buite. die.geDied of vanef enige punt buite. die gebied na enige punt blnnc daaroie gebied. . Existing Increase Cash Ten-ride (Cash/are) clipcard Bestaande tariewe: (a) Op 'n kilometerbasis vir enige aantal c c c R perSOlle tot en met vyf•. (i) Basiese tarief, 45c. (ii) Daama vir Child fare ...... ,. 3 2 5 0.,45 elke vyfde vall 'n k:m of gedeeite.ool;l.rvan 5c. (b) Oponthoud: Adult fare...... 7c (ten­ 4 11 1,00 Per minuut of ~ltedaaryan, 5c. (c) Bagasie: (i) Vir 14 kg ride clip­ of minder per passas~ kosteloos.· (li) Vir iedere bykomende card 65c) 14 kg of gedeelte ~an per passasier, 5c. (d) Spoed: .Waar 'n drywer versoek word om met 'n spoed van minder as 24 k:m AI406-BEDFORD. (2) CAJ Livestock Carriers (Pty) Ltd, per uur te ry, kan 'n tarief van 50 perseni hoC. as dietari~e Bedford; new application. (3) One mechanical hors'e and two in (a) gehef word. trailers. (4) Livestock. (5) (i) Within a radius of 100 kIn of Voorgestelde tarief: (a) 01' 'n kilometeroasis vir enige aantal· Post Office, Bedford. (ii) From points situated within the passasiers tot en met drie. (i) Basiese tarief, 45e. (ii) Daarna Magisterial Districts of Bedford, Adelaide, Alice,· Seymour, vir eike 0,1250 (agtste) km of gedeelte daarvan, 5c. (b) Opent­ Cradock, Somerset East, Pearston, Grahamstown, Graaff-Reinet, houd: Per driekwart minuut of gedeelte daarvan, 5c (R4,50 per Beaufort West, Tarkastad and Hofmeyr to the controlled markets uur). (e) Bykomende vorderings: (i) Vir elke passasier meer as at Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Kimberley, Reef, Blo'emfontein, drie, vir die hele rit, 4Oc. (ii) Eerste 10 kg bagasie per pas­ Port Elizabeth, East London and Cape Town. sasier kusteloos. DaMna vir elke bykomende 10 kg bagasie per AI407-GRAHAMSTOWN. (2) C. J. Gowar, trading as passasier of gedeeltedaarvan, lOco (iii) Fietse en kinderwaent­ Jorgensen Transport, Grahamstown; additional vehicle. (3) One jies, 30e. Met dien verstande dat 'n drywer kan weier om 6803-kg truck. (4) (a) Goods. (5) (a) Between points situated enige artikel of goedere met 'n massa van meer as 82 kg of within a radius of 50 km of Post Office, Grahamstown. (4) (b) enigeiets waardeur Sf voertuig beskadig of die voortgang daar­ Goods. (5) (b) Within the municipal area of Grabamstown. van belOOlmer nIl word op te laai. (d) Nagtarief: (i) Van (4) (e) Bona fide household removals (pro forma). (5) (c) Within 18hOO tot 241100, een-en-'n-halwe keer gewone tarie!. (it) Van a radius of 240km of Post Office. Grahamstown. 24hOO tot 06hoo, twee keer gewone tarief. (e) Sondae en pubtieke vakansiedae: (i) Van lShOO tot 24hOO, een-en-'n-halwe keer A1398-PORT ELIZABETH. (2) J. L. Ie Roux, Port Eliza­ gewone tadef. (n') Van 12h00 tot o.6hoo, twee keer gewone beth; vervanging van voertuig met 'n draevermoe wat 20 persent tarief. (f) Spoed: Waar 'n drywer versoek word om met 'n oorskry en wysiging van magtiging (uitbreiding Vlan gebied). spoed van minder as 24 km per unr te ry, kan 'n tarief van (3) Een 7256-kg-vragmotor. (4) (a) Bona fide-huistrekke (pro 50 persent hoer as die tariewe in (a) gehel word. forma). (5) (a) Binne 'n radius van 240. km vanaf Nuwe Geregs­ hof, Port mizabeth. (4) (b) Munisipale werknemers. (5) (b) M (A183 l)-KLERKSDORP. (2) F. P. Engelbrecht, Kler~s­ Vanaf munisipale depot te Buxtonlaan, Port Elizabeth, na punte dorp; wysiging van tariew.e. (3) .Een motorkar-IT .25347 (vl~r bimle die munisipale gebied Port Elizabeth waar hulle dienste passasiers). (4) Blanke taXlpassaslers en hul persoonlike bagasle. benodig word. Gewysigde magtiging (uitbreiding van gebied): (5) (a) Binne 'n radius van 50 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor. (4) (c) Goedere. (5) (c) Dinne 'n radius van 25 km vanaf Nuwe Klerksdorp. (b) Op toevallige ritte binne die gebied omskryf Geregshof, Port Elizabeth, insluitcnde die gehcel van die in (a) na eruge punt buite die gebied of vanaf enige punt bUlte munisipa.!e gcbied Uitenhage. daardie gebied na enige PlUlt binne daardie gebicd. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


Bestaande tariewe: (a) Op 'n kilometerbasis vir enige aantal Voorgesteide tarief: (a) Op 'n kilometerbasis vir enig'c aantal persone tot en met vyf. 0) Easiese tarief, 45c. (ii) Daarna vir passasiers tot en met dr'ie. (i) Basiese tarief: 45c. (il) Daarna vir elke vyfde van 'n km of gedeelte daarvan 5c. (b) Oponthoud: elke 0,1250 (agtste) km of gedeelte daarvan, 5c. (b) Oponthoud: Per minuut of ge. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


~ . ~ P597/AI538-MAFEKING, PO'lXlHBFSTROOM. (2) Western Greyhound Bus Lines (Pty) Ltd, Mafdcing; oonsolidation 'Of BLOEMFONTEIN authm:llty 00 autborise inlterohrutgelirbillty. 'Of goods trailers. (3) Address ro which representations must be submitted: Th, iEight eX> goo.ds trailers. (4) Passenger luggage an9 ~~ Secretary, Local Road Transportation 80ard, Private Bag X20579. as pJ'iCsently authorised, by ,the Local Road TransportaiUbon Boards­ Bloemfontein, 9300. of PQtchefstroom and Kirrllberley to authorise the interohange­ a:bility of gootis, ~railers. (5)W1:tihin presently authrorised areas Adres waarheen verrot! gerir: moet word: Die Sekretaris. PlatU­ and ,over all presen'tlyau!!hlOfised routes IllS approved by the Local like Padvervocrraad. Privaatsak X20579, Bloemfontein, 9300. Road Tran~po:rtatiDn Boards 'Of POItchef\9troom and Kimberley. AI819-WITSIESHOEK. (2) P. F. Vilakazi, trading as Vero­ AccOrding tD exi8<1iing time-tables and scaie 'Of charges as approved nicamike Driving Sehool, 3356 Phuthaditjaba, Witsieshoek; addi­ by Loral Rood Tra.nsportatJionBoaros of Potohefstroom and tional vehicle with new authDrity. (3) One lorry-OBW 1178. (4) 'Kimberley. Bantu learner driwrs of applicant's driving SChDOI (5) Within Wit­ . P598/AI539...... KOFFIEFONTElN. (2) De Beers Consolidated sieshoek H.omd:md. Mines Ltd, Koffief'Ontein;addi,tional authority. (3) One comhi­ OFD 812. Additional author1ty: (4) (a) White ~ and N'On-Whi1e A I 820-BETHUUE. (2) A. J. Nortie. handelende as NDrtje, employees being 'Organ.ilsed sports teams, picn,ic parties and Transport, Bethulie; nuwe aansoek. (3) < Een vragmotDr-OC 411. ohurnh gatherings (free 'Of charge). (5) (a) FrDm KDffiefDntein t'O (4) (a) Bantoe-georganiscerde gesclskappe. (5) (a) Binne 'n points within a radius of 300 km 'Of General. Post OfHce, radius van 240 km vanaf Bethulie. (4) (b) MeubeIs. sand, grDnd, Koffief'Ontein, and return. Existing au.thori,ty: (4) (b) Own stene, yster en groente. (5) Binne 'n radius van 240 km vanaf fllllPl>oyees and .their famdlies toge1'her with their persDnal effoohs Benthulie. (free ·of charge). (5) (b) .From Koffiefontein to KiITl!berley and A1829-BETHLEHEM. (2) O. Mhlambi, 3505 Bantoedorp, BloemfDntein and return. Dethlehem; nuwe aansoek. (3) Ben motor'-:-OA 6366. (4) Vyf P6OO/AI536-VRYBURG. (2)N. J.. R. King, Vorstersboop; DantDe-taxipa'isasiers. (5) Binne die land~rosdistrik Bethlehem nuwe aa.nsoek. (3) Een vragmot'Or.;....()CS 2899. (4) Landbou­ (verlrekpunt 3505 BantoedDrp, Bethlehem). implemente en plli


A 1875-BETHLEHEM. (2) P. 1. du Preez, Bethclehem; ver­ ~ tot SateI'M' vanging van voertuig en gewysigde magtiging. (3) Een vragmotor­ TBUlfreis OA 391&. (4) (a) Alle worle goedere. (5) (a) Binne 'n radius van SO kmvanaf die Hoofposkantoor, Bethlehem (pro forma) Vertrd.; Arrivee,. (4) (b) Piaas brandstoftenks en toebehore, direk na plase vir Lockshoekplaas...... 09bl0 Afsaalplaas...... 09h12 montering en oprigting sowel as aftakeling en lerugvervoer vir Afsaalplaas...... •.. 09b13 Kloofeind Kontant- 09h14 nlle olie maatskappye. (5) (b) Hinne 'n radius van tOO km vanaf winkel die Hoofposkantoor, Bethlehem. Kloofeind Kontant- 09h16 Bergplaats.. . . .• . . . .. 09hlS winkel AI876-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) Krono Trading Co. (Pty) Ltd, Bergplaats...... 09h20 Sesdelaan...... 09h22 Bloemfontein; additional authority (extension of area from 25 km). Sesdelaan...... 09h24 Negendelaan...... 09h21 (3) Five vehicles. (4) General goods on behalf of various prin­ Negendelaan...... 09h29 Kelly's View Kontant- 09h31 cipals. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of Bloemfontein. winkel Kelly's View Kontant­ 09h33 Louis Basso Construc- 09h3S A1878}-WITSIESHOEK. (2) 1. 1. Molatsi, Tsehi, Witsies­ winkel tion hoek; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor-OBW 1539. (4) Kole, Louis Basso Construc- 09h37 Brendaweg...... 09h39 hout, algemene goedere, insluitende Bantoetrekker, gruis, sand en tion padboumateriaal ten behoewe van Nie-Blallkes alleenlilc. (5) Brendaweg...... 09h41 A.A. Kontant-winkel 09b43 Dinne 'n radius van 200 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Witsieshoek. A.A. Kontant-winkel 09h4S Naders Motors...... 09h47 Naders Motors...... 09h48 IIoek van McGregor- IOb03 AI887-SENEKAL. (2) L. malele, 472 Nuwe Lokasie, Sene­ en Dewetsdorpweg kal; bykomende magtiging. (3) Ben kombi-OR 2409. (4) Nie­ Balnke sportspanne en georganiscerde groepe op naweke en Maandae tot Saterdae openbare vakansiedae. (5) Vana! Senekal na punte binne 'n Terll8f'~is radius van 300 km vanaf Senekal en terug na Senekal. Vertrek Auiveer A1888-ARLINGTON. (2) S. Mofokeng, 2C Bantoewoon­ Lockshoekplaas...... 15hlO Afsaalplaas...... 15h12 buurt, Arlington; nuwe aansoek. (3) Ben mikrobus-OO 635. (-4) AfsaaJplaas ...... •... 15M3 Kloofemd Kontant- 15hJ4 Bantoe &eorganiseerde geselskappe. (5) Vana! Arlington na ponte winkel binne 'n radius van 320 kID vanaf Arlington en terug. Kloofeind Kontant- 15h16 Bergplaats...... •.... 15h18 winkel A1880-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) A. D. Tolbaard, 1590 Opkoms­ Bergplaats..•.•...... 15h20 Sesdelaan...... 15h2! woonbuurt, Bloemfontein; bykomende magtiging. (3) ReD __ Sesdelaan.•.•••..•... lSb24 ~egendetaan .•...... 15h27 080 1241. (4) Bantoe- en Kleurlingpassasiers en hUlle peirSOOuh"ke Negendelaan...... t5h29 Kelly's View K.ontant- ISh31 bagasie en enige voedsel en drank vir hul eie ,ebruik. (5) Tussen winkel Bloemfontein en Loekshoekplaas, distrik Bloemfontein. Kelly's View Kontant­ 15h33 Louis Basso Construc- 15h35 Roete beskrywing; Vertrek vanaf hoek van McGregOl'- ea winkel tion Dewetsdorpweg weswaarts met Dcwctsdorpweg, draai links IIIel Louis Basso. Construe- 15h31 Brendaweg...... ISb39 Harveyweg, regs met 'Rbodeslaan, links met Victoriaweg eo weer tio.n Brendaweg...... 15M! A.A. Kontant-winkel 15M3 lim met Haldonweg, met boofpad na Petrusburg tot by Nllders A.A. Kontant-winkel ISMS Naders MotOl"S...... I5h41 Motors (Stop I), AA. Kontant Winkel (Stop 2), Bredaweg ~ 3). Naders Moton...... 15h48 Hoek van McGregor- I6h03 Louis Basso Conatructiou. (Stop 4), Kell's View Kontantwiabl en Dewetsdorpweg (Stop S), Negende Laan (Stop 6), Sesde Laan (Stop 7). Bera­ plaats (Stop 8), Kloofeind Kontantwinkel (Stop 9), AfsaalJlaas TorieWf: (Stop 10) en Locksboekplaas (Stop II) en ...... oor diesetfde JII.'Ide.. c R.oeIe afmnd: 21 bn. Bloemfontein na Naders Mot01'1...... • . . • . • • •. . 30 Bloemfontein na A.A. Ko.ntant-wiDkel ...... • • . • • . . • . • . . 35 Tyt/ta/el Bloemfontein naBrendaweg.. . •• • • ...... • .. 40 Bloemfontein ua Louis Basso em.ruction...... • . . . . • • . . 45 ~e tot Sa/~rdtle Bloemfontein na Kelly's View Kontant-winkel. . . • ...... 55 Heelfl'eis Bloemfontein na Negendelaan. • • ...... 6() Bloemfontein na Sesdelaan...... 65 V«trek Al'ril1eer Bloemfontein na BergpJaats...... 76 Hoek van McGregor- 08h00 Naders Moton...... 08h20 Bloemfontein na Kloofeind Kontant-winkel...... • . . . • • . . 15 en Dewetsdorpweg Bloemfontein na Afsaalplaas...... lID Naders Motars...... 08h22 A.A. Kontant-winkel 08JJ2.6 Bloemfontein na Lockshoekplaas...... • • . . 85 A.A. Kontant-winkel 08h28 Brendaweg...... 08h30 Brendaweg...... 08h32 Louis Basso Construc­ 08b34 A 1882-BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) Norse Plant Holdings (Pty) tion Ltd, Bloemfontein; additional vehicles. (3) Four lorries-4JB Louis Basso Construc­ 08b36 Kelly's Vrew Konlant­ 08h38 59()21, OB 59033, OB 59050 and OB 59065. (4) Goods as per tion winkel existing approved authority. (5) Within existing approved areas. Kelly's View Kontant- OSh40 ~~...... • 08h42 AI891~FICKSBl.JRG. (2) Costas Coccosulis, Voortrekkerstraat, winkel Ficksburg; new application. (3) On~ lorry-LC 1857. (4) (a) N~aan...•••... 08h44 Sesdelaan...... 08h47 Fruit and vegetables (not canned). (5) (a) From Ficksburg Sesdelaan...... 08h48 BergpJaau...... 08bSO Bridge to Ficksburg, Bloemfontein, lofiannesburg and Durban. BergpIaats...... •. 08h52 Kloofeind Kontant- 08hS4 (4) (b) Maize. (5) (b) From Ficksburg Slation to Ficksburg Bridge. winkel (4) (c) Umbrellas. (5) (c) From Ficksburg Bridge to. Dtuban and Kloofeind Kontant- 08h56 Afsaalplaas...... ,. OSbS7 lohanr'.esburg. (4) Cd) Building materia!. (5) (d) From Bloemfon­ winkel tein. Johannesburg and Durban to Ficksburg Bridge. Afsaalplaas. . . • . • . . .. 08h58 Lockshoekplaas...... O9bOO Al892-STEYNSRUS. (2) Isaac Nkonoane, 213 Location, Steynsrus; new application. (3) One motor-car-OOD 1142. (4) Maandae tot Salerdae FiVe Bantu taxi (5) Wilhin a radius of 50 km of Heenreis General Post Office, Steymrua., Vertrek Arriveer PIETERMARJTZSURG Hoek van McGregor- 14hOO Naders Motors...... 14h20 Address 10 which representations must be submitted: The en Dewetsdorpweg Secretary, Local Road Transportation Board. Private Bag X9015, Naders Motors ...... 14h22 A.A. Kontant-winkel 14h26 Pi('{ermaritzbul'g. 3200. A.A. Kontant-winkcl Brendaweg...... 14h28 14h30 A dres waarhecll pertoi} gerig moel word: Die Sekrctaris, Plaas­ Brendavveg...... 14M2 Louis Basso Construc- 14h34 tion Iike Padverl'oerraad, PrivaaJsak X90l5, Pietermarilzburg. 3200. Louis Basso Construc- 14h36 Kelly's View Kontant- 14h38 RAB806 (T2574)-DALTON. (2) A. :3ibisi. Denny Dalton; new tion winkel application. (3) One vehicle to be aC(luircd. (4) Dantn passengers Kelly's View Kontant- 14h40 Negendelaall...... 14M2 and their personal effects. (5) From D::nny Dalton to points winkel vvithin a radius of 50 km of Denny Dalton and return. Negendelaan...... 14h44 Sesdelaan...... 14h47 RAB807 (T2527)--NEWCASTLE. (2) Mobati E. Mazibuko, Sesdelaan...... 141148 lkrgplaats ...... • 14h50 Newcastle; new application. (3) One car to be acqu.ired. (4) Bantu Bergplaats...... 14h52 Kloofeind Kontant- 14h54 passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 5 km winkel of Vukani Restaurant to points within a radius of 50 km of Kloofeind Kontant- 14h56 Afsaalplaas ....•...•. 14h57 Vukani Restaurant and from points within a radius of 50 km of winkel Vukuni Restaurant to points within a radius of 5 km of Vukani Afsaalplaas...... 14h58 Lockshoekplaas...... 15hOO Restaurant, Shoppiag Centre, Blauwboseh and Newoastle. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


RAB808 (AP2728)-PIETERM.AlUTZBURG. (2) J. Ngcobo, RABB14 (AG2731)-ESTCOURT. (2) A. M. Ally, Estcourt; Pietennaritzburg; application for ~dditional vehicle with new application for additional authority. (3) One truck-NE U53. route. (3) One vehicle to be acquired. (4) From Mngomezulu (4) Fresh fruit and vegetables, new and used furnitur~ and School at Inanda Location to Pieteimaritzburg and return via household removals. (5) Within a radius of 240 km of Esteourt. Sokes.imbone, Ingoleletu School. 8ruynshill, Wartburg, Undol­ weni, Umgeni Bridge, Table MounMin Road and Wartburg Road RAB815 (AP2741)-GREYTOWN. (2) Simon Sithole, Ahrens; into Pictermaritzburg from the Mountain Rise side. (Time-table application for amendment of authority and amendment of time­ and scale of charges as per attached Annexure). table. (3) One bus--NUM 471. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effect..,. Existing authority: (5) (a) Bantu passengers and ANNEXURE their personal effects (excluding livestock) between Emgaga and Magistrate's Court at Mapumulo along Roads D77, 16 and 20, NGCOBO BUS SERVICE subject to the c(Jfldition that Krallskop Farm be by-passed and on journeys to Mapumulo no pa~scngers be picked up between Depart Arril'e Ahrens and Mapwnulo and on journeys from Mapumulo no Mbeka School ...... 04h45 Sokesimbone...... 04h55 passengers be set down between Mapumulo and Ahrens. Amended Sokesimbone...... 04h55 Ngoleleni...... 05hl0 authority: (5) (a) Bantu passengers and their personal effects NgoJeleni...... 05hlO Bruynshill...... 05h25 (excluding livestock) between Emgaga and Magistrate's Court at Bruynshill...... • " 05h25 Wartburg...... 05h30 Mapumulo along Roads D77. 16 and 20. (b) Organised parties Wartburg...... 05h30 Impolweni...... 05h40 (pro fonna). Within a radius of 240 km of Mgaga. (Time-table ImpolwenL ...... 05h50 Pietermaritzburg.. . . •. 06hOO Pietermaritzburg...... 10hOO Umgeni...... lOh20 as per attached Annexure.) Umgeni...... :..... 10h20 Impolweni...... 10h30 Impolweni...... 10h30 Wartburg...... 10h50 SIMON SITHOLE Wartburg...... lOh55 Bruynshill...... 11 h20 Time-table Dis- Bruynshill...... •.... I1h20 Engoleleni...... 11 h30 Depart Arrive Engoleleni. ...•.... " 11 h30 Sokesimbone...... 11h4() ance SOkesimbone...... 111150 Mbela School...... 12hOO km Mbeka School. . . . • . .. 141100 Sokesimbone...... 14h20 Ngaga...... 07h30 Mowbray...... 07h45 4,8 SOkesimbone...... •.. 14h2{) Bruynshill...... 141140 Mowbray Store ..... 07h45 Welgegund...... 08hOO 13,6 Bruynshill...... • . .. 14h45 Wartburg...... •. 15hoo Welgegund...... 08hOO Ahrens...... 08h15 4,0 Wartburg...... ]5h05 Impolweni...... • 15h25 Ahrens...... O9hOO Hermannsburg..... 09h15 5,6 Impolweni...... •.. " 15h30 Umgeni...... • 15h50 Hermannsburg...•• 09h15 hIshayasafe...... 09h20 2,4 UmgenL...... 15h55 Pietennaritzburg...... 16hoo Mshayasafe...... 09h20 lnandi Turn-off .... 09h30 4,0 Pietermaritzburg... .•. 18hOO Umgeni...... 18h20 Inadi Turn-off ..... 09h30 Sigedlane...... 09h45 5,6 Umgeni...... 18h25 Impolweni...... 18h40 Sigedlane...... 09h45 Kranskop Turn-off.. 09h55 5,6 lmpolwcnL . . . . • . . .. 18M5 Wartburg...... 19hOO Kranskop Turn-off.. 10hOO Silhole Halt...... lOhiO 5,6 Wartburg...... 19h10 BruynshilL...... " 19h35 Sithole Halt...... 10hl0 Thlliini Halt...... IOhI5 5,6 Bruynshill...... ]9h4O Sokesimbone...... 19h50 Thulini Halt ...... IOh15 Balkom Halt ...... 10h20 4,0 Sokesimbone...... 19h50 Mbeka School...... 20hOO Balkom...... IOh20 Xakaza Turn-off.... tOh30 2,4 Mapumulo Hospital 10h30 Mapumulo...... 10h45 4,0 E>;tra trip Saturday and Sunday Turn-off Depart Arrive Mapumulo...... 15hoo Mapumulo Hospital 15h15 4,0 Mbeka School...... 12hOO Pietermaritzburg...... 14hOO Turn-off Pietermaritzburg...... 15h30 Mapumulo Hospital 15h15 Xakaza Turn-off.... 15h20 2,4 MOOka School.. .. • ... 17h30 Turn-off Fares Xakaza Turn-off.... 15h20 Balkom...... 15h30 4,0 c Balkom Halt...... 15h30 Thulini ...... 15h35 4,0 Mbeka School to SOkesimbone...... 10 Thulini...... 15h35 Sithole Halt...... 15h40 5,6 Sokesimbone to Ngoleleni...... • • ...... 10 Sithole Halt ... '" .. 15h4O Kranskop Tum-oIT.. 151150 5,6 Ngoleleni to Bruynshil! ...... ; ...... 5 Kranskop Tum-off.. 15h50 Sigedlane...... 16hoo 5,6 Bruynshill to Wartburg...... • . • . •• . • ...... 10 Sigedlane...... 16h00 Inadi Turn-off...... 16h15 5,6 Wartburg to Impolweni...... 10 Inadi Turn-off...... 16h15 Mshayasafe...... 16h25 4,0 Impohveni to Umgeni...... 10 Mshayasafe...... 16b25 Hermannsburg..... 16h30 2,4 Umgeni to Pietermaritzburg...... ••.. 10 Hermannsburg..... 16h30 Ahrens...... 16h45 5,6 Ahrens...... 17h30 Welgegund.....•... 17h45 4,0 RAB809 (AG2725)-PROVINCE OF NATAL. (2) Warde.s Welgegund...... 17h45 Mowbray...... 18hOO 13,6 Transport (Pty) Ltd. Vryheid; application for additional vehicle Mowbray...... 18hOO Ngaga...... 18h15 4,8 with existing authority. (3) One truck-NV 7998. (4) Goods as granted by the Board. (5) Over areas as granted by the Board. Organised parties (pro forma) within a ra

No. 5363 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 DECR.\lIJER .1976 bezi to Nongoma and return: 1,5e per passenger/km. (b) Ceza GEWYSIODE MAGTIGlNG : to Nongoma and retarn: l,Se per passenger/km. (e) Bululwane to Mahlabatini and return: 1,5e per passenger/km. (d) Non­ ROErn 6 (P): TOPRAiN.K NA UTR.iECHTTERMINUS goma to Melmoth and return: Not le:>s than the South Mr.iean Roete omSikrywing: Vauat Toprank voor' 0,19 Icm tot by ·T.. Railway Road Motor Transport Tariff. aansluiting van. Pad 38 (nuwe Steildriftpad). IDraai regs op Pad RAB319 (AP2704)-NEWCASTLE. (2) Trans Tugel Transport 38 en voort vir 7,60 km rot by Utrecht-afdraai. J)raa,i regs op Pad (Edms.) Dpk., Newcastle; aansoek om ligging van beperking en 420 en voort vir 11,SO kin tot by Dick's iHalt-afdraai. Voort op wysiging van tydtafcl op Roet(.ls 6 (P) en 6 (G). (4) Bantoepassa­ Pad 420, verby RothmallSSY'lyn en Beoousylyn tot by T-aansluiting siers en iml persoonlike besittings. (5) Roetes 6 (p) en 6 (g): van Minnaarstraat, draai links in Minnaarstraat, regs in Voor~ Bestaandc en gr:wysigde magtiging soos per aangehegte Bylae: straat, regs in Vanrooyenstraat en voon tot by terminus, en op dieselfde roete terug. BESTAANDE :V!AGTIGING Toprank ROBle 6 (P): TOPRANK NA UTRECHTTERMlNUS 5,4 8c Utrecht-afdraai 10,6 lSc S,2 8c Dick's Halt Roete om~krywing: Vanaf Toprank voor 0,19 km tot by T­ 17,S 2Se 12,1 18e 6,9 10e Rothmanssylyn aanluiting van Pad 38 (nuwe Steildriftpad). Draai regs lOp Pad 38 22,3 3Sc 16,9 2Sc 1l,7 18c 4,8 - Berouwsylyn en voc.rt vir 7,60 km tot by Utrecht-afdraai. Draai regs op Pad 33,2 . 50e 27,8 AGe 22,6 35e IS,7 10,9 - Utrecht 420 en vomt vir 11,50 km tot by Dick's HaH-afdraai. Voort op Terminus Pad 420 verby Rothmanssylyn en BerouW\Sllyn tot by T-aanslUliting van Minnaarstraat, dr?ai links in Minnaarstraat, regs in Voor­ Vertrek Toprank Vertrek Utrecht straat, regs in Vanrooyenstraat en V(}ort tot by terminus, en op 06hOO 17hOO dieselfde mete terug. 06hOO 17hOO Beperking: Dat 01' ritt;:: na Utrecht geen passasiers opgelaai. Bykomende ritte soos en wantlecr benodig word.· word nadat die Buffelsrivier oorgcsteek is nie en op ritte vanaf Utrecht geen pJ.ssasiers afgc1aai word voordat die Buffelsrlvier RAB 820 (T2539)-NEWCASTLE. (2) D. Nkosi, Banlul bereik is nie. NewC'astie; new app:ication. (3) Two cars to be acquired. (4) Non-White passenJ!ers and their personal effects. (5)From points S,4 8e Utrecht-afdraai within a radius of S km of the supermtendent's office, Osizweni 10,6 lSc 5,2 8c Dick's Halt to points within a radius of 50 km therefrom and to points within 17,S 2Sc 12, I 18c 6,9 lOe Rothmanssyiyn the Magisterial Districts of Newcastle and Dannhauser. Vehicle 22,3 3Sc 16,9 25e 11,7 18c 4,8 - Berouwsylyn 00 be stati,oned at Makhanya's Store, Osizweni Township. 33.2 sOe 27,8 40c 22,6 3Sc IS,7 - 10,9 - Utrecht RAB 821 (T2605)-NEWCA&TLE. (2) Daniel Sithole, New­ Terminus castle; new application. (3) Vehicle to be acquired. (4) Bantu pas­ Verlrek Toprallk Verlrek Utrecht sengers and their personal effeotJS. (5) From points within S km 061100 17hoo of Post Office, Osizweni, to points within SO km of Post Office, 06hOO 171100 Osizweni. and return, the vehicle to be stati,oned· at Post Office, Osizweni.

DESTAANDE MAGTIGING Cavan, verder VDort vir 1,90 km tot by afdraai van Pad 420" D;,,~\ links op Pad 420 en voort vir 6,34 km tot by Jakkalspan, ROETE 6 (G): YSKOR NOORDWERKEHEK NA UTRECHT­ voo~t vir 5,16 km tot 'by Di;;k's Halt'ilfdraai. Voort op Pad 420 TERMINUS ver:J)' Roth'::UlUs~yJyn c.n Berouwslyn tot by T-aan:;lu>iting van Minnaarstraat, dra

GEWYSIGDE MAGTIGING depot tot by Scksie 5. Vana! Scksie 5 voort vir 1,96 km tot by T-aansluiting van Pad 38 (nuwe SteiJdrif.t.pad).Draai links op ROETE 6 (G): YSKOR-NOORDWERKHEK NA UTRECHT­ Pad 38 en V(lort vir 2,17 :km tot by Cavan, verder voort vir 1,90 TERMINUS kID tot by afdraai van Pad 420. Draai links opPad 420 en voort ROETiE OMSKRYWilNG vir 6,34km tot by Jakkalspan, voort vir 5,16km tot by Dick's Halt:afdraai. Voort lOp Pad 420 verby Rotlhmanssylyn en Berouw­ Vanaf Y~kor-Noordwerkhek vocr op tecrpad vir 5,24 km tat by sylyn tot by T-aanlsuiting van Minnaarstraat, draai li\lksjn Min­ Noordwel'kepadafdraai, verder V'OON mel ongenaamde grond- en naarstraat, regs in Voonstraat, regs in Vanrooyenlltraat en V'OOrt tecrpalliie te Madadeni-Bant:oedorp, verby Trans Tugela Trans


RAB78S (APZ688)-VRYHEID. (2) Ndlela Transport (Pty) routes as granted by the Board. Attach ropy of proposed and Ltd, Vryheid; appli.oa4ion for amendmellit to tariffB. (3) Twenty existing tariffs. buses. (4) ,Bantu passengem and their personai effects. (S) Over

NDLELA TRANSPORT (PTY) LTD Fares applicofion-1976/1977 Mondlo-Vryheid via Blood Riller Station Stage Mondlo Rank 8,0 lOe 20c Nkande Hill 14,1 6,1 20c 30e lOe 15c Nqutu Cross Roads IS,4 7,4 1,3 20e 3Se lOe 15c 5c Se Xulu Shop 19,4 rt;4 S,3 4,0 25c 40c ISe 25c lOe 15c 5c lOe Kandaspunt Prison ,27,8 19,8 13,7 12,4 8,4 3Se 60c 25c 40c 20e 30e ISc 25c lOe 20e Blood River Station 42,9 34,9 28,8 27,S 23,S IS,I SSe 90c 4Sc 70e 3Se 60c 35c SSe 30e sOe 20e 3Se Seheepersnek Station 48,7 40,7 34,6 33,3 29,3 20,9 S,8 .' 65c lOOc S5c 85c 4Se 70e 40c 70e 35c 60c 25c 4Se 10. 15c Stilwater Motel S7,4 49,4 43,3 42,0 38,0 29,6 14,S 8,7 7Se 1I5c 65c lOOc S5c 90c sOe 85c 4Se 80e 3Sc {)Oc 20e .3Oe lOe. 20c Vryhoid Rank:

Children's fares Charged at half the adult single fare to the nearest Se above; Minimum Fare: 5c single.

ROUTE I A Code A B C A.-Distance between points. B.-Existing fare at I ,25c per km. C.-Proposed fare at 2,00c per km.

Ndatshane- Vryheid via Haladu and Blood Riller S~age Ndatshaqe Store 4,7 tOe lOe Ndatshane Turn Off 10 4 i 5,7 15c ' 25c ,tOe ISe Haladu Stop IS,6 10,9 5,2 20e 35c ISG 25c Se 15c Nkande Shop" 20,2 IS,S 9,8 4,6 .. 2Se" 45c 20e ·35c tOe 20e Se lOe Nqutu Cross Roads 21,S 16,8 11,1 .5,9 1,3. 30e 45c. 2Se 3Se ISe 2Se tOe lSe, » Se Xulu Shop 2S,S 20,8 . IS,1 . 9,9 ·S,3 4;0 30e SSe JOe 4Se 20e 35c ISe 20e lOe ISe Se lOe Kandasplmt Prison 33,9 29,2 23,S 18,3 13,7 12,4 8,4 4Se 70e 40c 60c 30e sOe 2Se 40c 20e 30e lSe 2Se lOe 20e Blood River $tation 49,0 44,3 38,6 33,4 28,8 27,S 23,S 15,1" 60c lOOc SSe 90c 45c 80e 40c 70e 3Se 60c 3Se -SSe 30e sOe 20c 35c SchM:persnek Station S4,8 SO,1 44,4 39,2 " 34,6 33,3 29,3 ,20,9 "S.,8 , 70e HOe 65c 105c SSe 90c sOe 80e 45c 70e 40c 70c 35c 60c ,250 4Se Ute ISc ,StilwaterMotd 63,S S8,8 S3,1 47,9 43,3 42,0 38,0 ,,29,6 14,S 8,7 80e l30e 7Se I20c 65c llOe 60c l00c SSe 90c SOc 8Se 45c sOe 3Sc 60c 2Oc' 30e lOe 20c Vryheid Rant

ROUTE I Code A BC A-Distance between points. B-Existing fare at I,25c per km. C-Proposed fare at 2,00c per km.

Stage Ndatshane Store 4,7 . lOe lOe Ndatsbane Turn Off 10,4 S,7 15c 25c lOe ISe Haladu Stop IS,6 10,9 5,2 20e 3Se ISe 2Se Sc 15c Nkande Shop 20,2 IS,S 9,8 4,6 2Se 45c 20e 35c lOe 20e 5c lOe Nqutu Cross Roads 26,3 21,6 IS,9 11,0 6,1 3Sc SSe 30e 4Se 20e 3Se ISe 2Se lOe ISe Nkande Hill 34,3 29,6 23,9 19,0 14,1 8,0 4Se 70e 40c 60c 30e SOc 25c 4Cc 20e 30e IOc 20e Mondlo Rank

Children's Fares Charged at half the adult single adult fare to the nearest Sc above. Minimum fare: Se single. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


Stage Mondlo Rank Mondlo-Vryheid via Nsengeni 3,8 5c lOe Bhckumteto 10,8 7,0 lOe 20e lOe 15c Nsengeni Stop 14,7 10,9 3,9 20e 25c 15c 20e 5c lOe Duval Flats ~5,8 22,0 15,0 11 ,1 35c 40c 30e 35c 20e 25c 15c 20e Umfolozi Bridge 27,5 23,7 16,7 12,8 1,7 35c 45c 30e 40c 20e 30e 15c 20e 5c 5c Vryheid South 31,3 27,5 20,5 16,6 5,5 3,8 40c 50e 35c 45c 25c 35c 20e 25c 5c lOe 5c lOe Vryheid Rank 32,6 28,8 21,8 17,9 6,8 5,1 1,3 40c 50e 35c 45c 30e 35c 25c 30e lOe 15c 5c lOe 5c 5c Vryheid Location 37,9 34, I 27,1 23,2 12,1 10,4 6,6 5,3 45c 60c 40e 55c 35c 45c 30e 35c 15c 20e lOe 20e lOe We 5c 10e Vryheid East (S.A.R.) Code A ROUTE 2 B C A-Distance between points. B-Existing fare at 1 ,25c per kin. C-Proposed fare at 1,5c per !un. Children's fares Charged at half the adult single fare to the nearest 5c above. Minimum fare: Sc single. Stage Mondlo Rank Mondlo-MIUolIgo farm 4,2 Sc 10e Mhlongo Farm Junction 8,0 3,8 lOc 15c 5c 10e Mhlongo Farm ChiJdren's fares Charged at half the adult single fare to the nearest 5c above. Minimum Fare: x single. Code A ROUTE 3 B C A-Distance between points. B-Existing fare at 1,25c per kIn. C-Proposed fare at 1,x per km. RAB786 (AG2681)-MATATIELE. (2) Albert Sol, Matatiele; RAB788 (AG2695)-MATATIEI..;E. (2) G. M. Monakali" application for amended authority. (3) One lorry-CCX 2046. (4) Mount Frere; new application for portion of route falling Milk and farm requisites on behalf of M. O. Laird, D. W. under the jurisdiction of this Board. (3) One panel van (17 Sohoernan, D. W. Leslie, P. F. van Straaten and S. A. Ponder. passengen). (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5) Wit,hin a radius of 32 kf of Rustfontein Fann, Matatiele. (5) From the border of !'he TronskeifMatatiele (Magadia) along unnamed road to MatUiele a distance of three km and return RAB787 (AP2687)-MATATIELE. (2) Stephenson Tantan, to the border of Matatiele and the Transkei along the same Matatiele; new application for portion of route that falls under route. On die oondition that no passengers arc to be pioked the jurisdiction of this Board. (3) One van-CCX 3279 (13 up between the TranskeifMatatiele Border on the forward passengers). (4) Bantu passenger!! and dteir personal effects. (5) journey and on the return journey no passengers be set down Frarn Malum to Matatiele and return. Attach Annexure for between Matatiele and the Transkei Border. time-table and scale of charges. Time-table Time-table S. Tantan-Mawti to Matatiele Arrive Matatiele ...... O9h45 Depart Matatieie ...... 14hOO &~ Arrive Daily except Sundays and Public Holidays. Maluti... • ...... 07hOO Golden...•..••...... 07h05 Golden..... • . . . . •. .. 07hl5 Tsenyana.•...••..... 07h20 Tariffs Tsenyana...... 07h30 Khoapa...... 07h35 Not applicable. Khoapa...... 07h45 Matatiele...... 08hOO Maart~...... 09hOO Khoapa ...•...... •.. O9h15 RAB789 (T2693)-PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) S. Xulu, Eden­ Khoapa...... O9h25 Tsenyana....•...... O9h30 dale; application for additional vehicle with new au~hority. (3) Tsenyana...... O9h40 Golden...•.••...... 09h45 Vehicle to be acquired. (4) Bantu pao>sengers and their persona! Golden...•...... •.. O9h55 Maluti...... WhOO Maluti...... 11hOO effects. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of the Berg Slreet TaXI Golden...... 11h05 Rank, Pietermaritzburg. Golden...... 11h15 Tsenyana...... 11h20 Tsenyana...... llh30 Khoapa.....••...... llh35 Khoapa...... 11h45 RAB790 (AG2701)---


Fare Structure Coupon Cash Sunday Other public holidays c c City Hall! Oribi City Hall Oribi City Hall to Open Air Swimming Baths .•••••.••. 10 10 A06hlO B06h40 A06h20 B06h40 City Hall to Oribi...... 15 20 A07h20 oo7h40 B07hOO A07h20 City HalIto Bowker Road...... 15 20 A08h20 B08h40 A07h20 B07h40 City Han to Cor. of Oribi Road and King Edward A09h20 B09h40 OO7h40 A08hOO Avenue...... 15 20 AIOh20 BI0MO A08hOO B08h20 Allh20 Bllh40 oo8h20 A08h40 Open Air Swimming Bath to Cor. of Oribi Road A12h20 BI2h40 A09hoo B09h20 and King Edward Avenue ...... 10 10 A13h20 B13h40 809h40 AI0bOO Open Air Swimming Bath to Cor. ofOribi Road and A14hOO B14h20 AI0h20 B10b40 Oribi...... 15 20 A14h40 B15hOO BllhOO Allh20 Open Air Swimming Bath to Cor. of Oribi Road and A15h20 B15h40 Al1h40 . B12hOO Bowker Road...... 15 20 Al6hOO B16h20 Bl2h20 A12b40 Cor. of Oribi Road and King Edward Avenue to A16h40 B17hOO A13hOO B13b20 cor. of Oribi Road and Oribi ...... 10 10 A17h20 B17h40 B13h40 A14hoo A18hOO B18b20 A 14h20 B14h40 Cor. of Oribi and King Edward Avenue to Cor. of A18h40 B19hOO B14h40 A15hOO Oribi Road and Bowker Road...... ••...... 15 20 A19hoo tBI9h20 A 15hOO B15h20 Children (FLAT)...... 10 10 A19h20 B19h40 B15h20 AI5h40 Distance A19h40 B20hOO AlSh40 BI6hOO A20hOO B2Oh20 Bt6hOO Al6h20 16,23 km. return. AlOh40 B21hoo A16h20 BI6h40 c Time-table A21h20 B21h40 Bl6h40 Al1hOO Al7h20 Bl7h40 As per attached Anuexure. Public holidays B18hOO AI8h20 A06h20 B06h40 A18h40 . B19hOO. A07h20 OO7h40 B19h20 AI9h40 CITY OF PIETERMARlTZBURG A08h20 OO8h40 A20h40 821hOO A09h20 B09h40 B221140 A23hOO PASSENGER TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT AIOh20 BIOh40 Al1h20 BUMO Onbi/Scottsville route Time-table A12h10 Bl2h40 Monday to Friday Saturday A13hlO BI3b40 A14h20 B141140 City Hall Oribi City Hall Oribi A15h20 Bl5h40 A06hOO B06h20 B06h4O A07hOO A16h20 B16h40 B06h40 A07hoo • A07hoo *B07h20 A17h20 Bl7h40 A18h20 B181140 B06h50 B07hlO A07hlO OO7h30 A19h10 B191140 *OO7hOO *A07h20 OO7h20 A07h40 A20h20 B20h40 A21h20 B21h40 A07hl0 OO7h30 A07h40 B08hoo B07h20 A07h40 OO8hoo A08h20 *Denotes continues via On'bi Road to Cor. of Bowker Road and B07h25 tA07h45 A08h20 . B08h40 Oribi Road. A07h30 B07h50 B08h40 A09hoo "A".-denotes via King Edward Avenue•. A07h35 tB07h55 A09hoo OO9h20 "B".-denotes via Ridge Road. OO7h40 A08hoo .BOOh20 A09h40 t-denotes Non-White. Service. A07h50 B08hl0 A09h40 B10hOO RAB792 (AG2077)--lADYSMITH. (2) D. Bailie and· A, OO8hoo A08h20 .BI0hOO A10h20 Swaneppel, trading as D.RS. Distributors., Ladysmith; new AOgh20 B08h40 AlOh20 BI0h40 appli:caltion. (3) One panel van-NKR 3756. (4) Ca) Own goods. BOOhoo A09h20 BI0h40 Al1hoo (5) (a) Within a :radius of 80 km· of place of bU5iness at Lady­ A09h40 BI0hOO Allhoo Bllh20 smith and within a radius of 80· km Qftl:te General Post OffiCe, B1Oh20 A10h40 Bllh20 AlIh40 Dundee. (4) (0) Goods on behalf of Packsure, PTetoria, Liber,ty AllhOO Bllh20 Al1h40 B12hOO JkJx and Paoking, Johannesburg, Associated Plastic, Durban, R!lbestosguttering, :lune,premix, AI4h1O B14h30 B14hoo . A14h20 sorl, rubble, crusher, stone, wooden wIndow frames, pIamic air­ B14h20 A14h40 A14h20 BI4h40 vents, eart·hernware airvents, earthernware tiles, rough uru;awn *A14h30 *B14h55 B14h40 AI5hoo timber, fencing slabs aggregate, gravel and filling. (5) (0) From points within a radius of 25 kmof Poot Office, Pietermaribioorg, B14h40 A15hOO Al5h20 Bl5h40 direct to builders and road-conostnwtion shes situated within A14h50 B15h1O Bl6hoo Al6h20 a radius of 240 Ian of Poot Office, Pietermaritmurg. (4)· (c) B15hOO AlSh20 A 16h40 B17hOO Cement, provided it is not conveyed in bulk tankers. 5 (c) AI5hl0 B15h30 B17hOO A17h20 From the nearest ra'ilway staJtioon, or railway siding or road B15h20 A15h40 A17h20 B171140 *Al5h30 *B15h55 transport service halt, whiohever is the nearer, direct to ron· B18hoo A18h20 struC$i.on sites whhin a radius of 240 km of Post Office, Pieter­ A18h40 B19hOO marit2'lburg. . B15h40 Al6hoo B19h20 A19h40 A15b50 B16hlO A20h40 B21hoo RAB794 (AG2710)-NEW AMALFI. (2) B. W. Haywood, B161100 Al6h20 B22h40 A23hOO New AmaIn; new application. (3) Vehicle 'to be acquired. (4) A16hlO B16h30 Generail goods for New Amalfi Cash Store. (5) (a) From KoOk­ B16h20 A16h40 stad to New Amalfi. (b) From Matatiele to New Amalfi. (c) AI6h30 B16h50 From Ixopo and Urnzimkulu to New Amalfi. B16h40 A17hOO RAB795 (AP2706)-DANNHAUSER. (2) M. M. Desai, Glen­ A16h50 B17h1O coe; applkabion foOr addi.tional vehiole with additional authority. *B17hl0 *A17h35 (3) Vehicle to be acquired. (4) Non-White ·passengers and i/lheir personal effe1:t'>. (5) Between A'!lIl»lil's Store situated at the A17h20 B17h40 Junction of Provincial Road 33 and Provincial Road 191, then B18hOO A18h20 alO;l1g Road 33 Qn'to Provincial Road 356 via By-Products 00 . A18h40 B19hOO Glencoe, then along CelIe Street, Black Street and Karel Landman B19h20 A19h40 Street through GlencOe rontinuing onto Provincial Road 376 to A20h40 B21hOO Dundee, then along Karel Landman Street and Victoria Street B22h40 A23hOO to the Bus Terminus, Dundee, and return along the same route. Time-table and scale of charges as per attached Annexure. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

No.S363 GOVERNMENT qAZ~TTE, 21, 1;>ECE)\1JtE"R ,1976

Depart Arrive km RAB800 (AP2712)--. (2) United Plywood and Asrnal Store.....•.• 07h30 By Products ...... 07hSO 10 Timber Industries (Natal) (Pty) I.Jtd, Gato Ridge; new appli­ By Products ...•••.. 07hSS Glencoe...... 08h20 12 cation. (3) Three buses to -be acquired. (4) Bantu employees, free 'Of oharge. (5)· (il) Between famory at Ha:iri&:ln and Glencoe..•...•••.. 08h2S Dundee...... 08h45 10 Mpumalanga T'Own.'lhip and vice versa. (b) Between fuctory at Dundee...... 12hOO Glencoe...... 12h20 10 Harrison and Nagle Darn Township and vice ven;a. (c) Between Glencoe..•.....••. 12h2S By Products...... 12hSO 12 'Our factory and Fredville Township and vice versa. By Products.••..... 12h5S Asmal Store ....•... 13h15 10 Time-table Asmal Store ...•••.• 14hOO By Products .•••••.. 141120 10 Day Afternoon Night By Products...... 14h25 Glencoe...... 14h50 12 From Arrive Arrive Depart Depart Glencoe....•...... 14h55 Dundee...... 15h15 10 Fredville...... 07h15 17h30 18hOO 03h35 Dundee•.•••.•.•..• 17hOO Glencoe...•••••••. 17h20 10 Nagle Darn...... 07h15 18hOO Glencoe..•...... 17h2S By Products ..•• , ... 17h50 12 Mpumalanga...... 07h15 17h30 18hOO By Products...... 17h55 Asmal Store ...... 18h15 10 RAB801 (AG2709)--MADADENI. (2) F. J. Siwelo, Mada­ deni; new application. (3) Vehicle to be acquired. (4) Household Single Scale 0/ Charges (Adult) furniture, CO'dl and building material. (5) Within a radius of 150 journey km of Plot 8892, BiaaU!bosch. Asmal Store to By-Products...... • ...... • .. . • ...... 20 RAB802 (T2716)--DURNACOL. (2) S. N. Naidoo, Durnac:ol; Asmal Store to Glencoe .•...... • " ...... 30 application for addItional vehicle additi,mal authority. (3) Asmal Store to Dundee. . . • • ...... • ...... • . • . . . • . . . • 40 One veMcle to be acquired. (4) Non-White pIlMeDgers and their personal effects. (5) (a) WiJI!hin a radius of SO krn 0{ the General RAB796 (AP3219)--PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) M. S. Per­ Post Office at Durnacol. (5) (b) From D.N.C. Mine, Durnaool, ral,fLoWiok; application for amendment of time-ta\lle. (3) One, to Lad)'lS!'l1ith (Natal) Provincial Hos-pital and return. . bus-NR 3137. (4) Non-White passengers and their personal RAB803 {AGP2723)--UTRECHT. (2) Welgedacht Explora­ effects. (S) From Rietvlei to 'Pietermaritzburg via Shaft on, Clan t,ion Oompany Ltd, Utre:>ht; application for ieation for n'O passengers ,be set down before the Umgeni River additional authority. (3) One bus-NR 4135. (4) Non-White Bridge at AlbeIt Falls has been reached. Time-tables, Tuesday passengers and their personal effoobs. (5) (a) Over routes as to Fridays, as per authority granted by the Board. Time·tables, per authority granted by the Board. (5) (U)'Extention from Saf:utdays and Mondays, as per attached Annexure. Vuli·Saka to Skodi Ka Shange and return via existing route to Route description: From Rietvlei to P,jeterrnaritmurg and return East Street, P,ictermaritzburg, with eXJisting restrictions. Time­ by wa.y of Mhert Falls, Shafton and Olan Syndicate subject to table as per attaohed An.nexure. . the restriction that no passengers may be pioked u.p or set Daily time-table down between ,l1he store at Olan Syndicate, and Pieterrnaritzburg. Skodi Ka Shange to Pietermaritzburg Time-table Depart Skodf Ka Shange Depart Pietermaritzburg Saturdays and Mondays 05h15 06hOO km 06h45 07h30 Depart,Rietvlei.. . . . • ...... • • ...... • • • . • . • • • • .. OSh30 0 08h30 09h30 Depart Shafton...... • . • • . • • ...... • . . . • • • • • .. 06h30 30 lIhOO 12h30 Depart Clan Syndicate...... '" 07hOO 19 l4hOO 15hOO Depart Cramond ...... 07hlS 3 16hOO 17hOO Arrive Pietermaritzburg.. • • • • . . . . • . • . . . • • . . • • • .• 07hS5 20 18hOO 19hOO Scale 0/charges R 72 Depart Pietermaritzburg for Oan Syndicate..••• , •. 08hl0 0 Skodi Ka Shange to Pieterrnaritzburg.. . . . • • . • . . . . . • • . . • . . 2S Depart Cramond...... • • ...... • . • • • • .. 08hSO 20 R Arrive Clan Syndicate...... • • .. .. •...... 09hOS 3 5 day weekly coupon ...... ~ . . 1,20 Depart Oan Syndicate...... •••• • .. .• . • ...... 09h20 0 6 day weekly coupon ...... 00 ...... 00,'" .,..... 1,44 Depart Cramond .... ~ .•..••••••• ; • ; .•.•••.•. ; •• 09h35 3 RAB80S (AG2713)--MADADENl. (2) C. Dlamini. Madadeni; Arrive Pietermaritzburg. .. • • • ...... •... 10hIS 20 new application in place of certifica,tes JlIOt renewed for 1976/77. Depart Pieterrnaritzburg. . • • • • • • • • . . . • • • . • . • . • •• 13hOO 0 (3) Two ')orries--NN 3010 Il.IIId NN 1375S. (4) (a) Goods on Depart Cramond...... • . . . .. • • • • . . . • . . • • . • .... 13h4O 20 behalf of Non-Whites. (5) (a) Within a rad,iu8 of 50 km of Arrive Clan Syndicate...... • . • . .. •• .. • • • • 13h55 3 Post Office, MadadellJi. (4) (b) Bantu hut removals. (S) ~b) Within Depart Oan Syndicate.. . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • 14h05 0 a radius of 240 km of Post Office, Mf,ldadeni. Depart Crarnond...... • . .. • • .. . . • • • • • .. • • •• •• 14h20 3 Ar,rive Pietermaritzburg...... • •• • • • • • •• . • •• ••••• 15hoo 20 PRETORIA Depart Pieterrnaritzburg. • • • • • • • • . • . • • . • • . •• • • •• 15h30 0 Depart Cramond...... • • • .. .. • • • • • •• 16hl0 20 Address /0 which representations must be submitted: Th. Depart Clan Syndicate.. . . • .... • . . • • . .. .. • • • .. .. 16h25 3 Secretary lor Trqnsport. Division of Road Transportation. Private Depart Shafton...... • . •• . .••• . . . • . . • •• • • .. 16hS5 19 Bag X193. Pretoria. 0001. Arrive Rietvlei. . • . . . . . • . • • • • • . • • • • • . • . • • • • • • • •. 17h55 30 Written representations. in fifteen fold, supporting or opposing the! undertaken within 24 hour~ or conservation areas within the Republic of South Africa and after arrival at destination, South-West Africa and return to Durban and/or Empangeni. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

• STAATSKOBR.ANT. 24 DESEMBER. 1976 No. 5363 29

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT BElANGRIKE AANKONDIGING Closing Times for Legal Notices and Government Sluitingsiye vIr WeUike· Kennisgowings en Notices Goewermentskennisgewings The closing time will remain 15hOO sharp on the Die sluitingstyd is steeds stiptelik 15hOO op die following days: volgende dae: 9 December 1976, Thursday. for the issue of Friday. 9 Desember 1976, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van 17 December 1976. Vrydag, 17 Desember 1976. 13 December 1976. Monday, for the issue of Friday, 13 Desember 1976. Maandag, vir die uitgawe van 24 December 1976. Vrydag, 24 Desember 1976. 21 December 1976, Tuesday, for the issue of Friday 31 21 Desember 1976, Dinsdag. vir d:e uitgawe van December 1976. Vrydag, 31 Desember 1976. 28 December 1976, Tuesday, for the issue of Friday, 28 Desember 1976. Dinsdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag; 7 January 1977. 7 J anuarie 1977. Late notices· will be pUblisbed:in the. subsequent issue. Laat kenoisgewings . sal in die daaropvolgendeuitgawe geplaas word.

AGROPLANTAE AGROPLANTAE . This publication is a continuation of the South . Hierdie pUblikasie is 'n voortsetting van. die Suid- . Aftican Journal of Agricultural Science VoL 1 toll, Mrikaanse Tydskrifvir Landbouwelenskap Jaargang 1 19S8-1968~ana deals with Agronomy, Eccilogy,Agros­ tot' 11, 1958-1968 enbevat artikelS' dor Akkerbou, tology, Genetics, Agricultural Botany, Landscape Ekologie, qrasku~sle.~, 9en.etik~, Land:bouplan~kun~e. Mana~ement. Herbicides, Plant Physiology, Plant Landskapbestuur,. Qr,ikrUldnuddels"Plantfislologle, .~. Production and Technology~ Pomology, Horticulture, Plantproduksie en -tegnologie, Pomologie, Tuinbou, . . Pasture Science and Vit.icuJ.ture. Four' parts of the Weiding en Wynbou Vier dele van die tydskrif'word . ,journal are published anooaUy. ., .. per ja~ gepu bliseer., . . Contributions of scientific merit on agricultural .Verdi~~stelike landboukundige bydraes van oor­ research are invited for t>ublication in this journaL . spronklike wetenskaplike navorsing worq vir piasing in Directions for the pr~paratlonof such contributionS are hierwe tydskrif vef"!'elkom. V oarskrifte ~ d~e, opstel . obtainable from: the Director. ~cultural Information, van sulke bydraes IS verkrygbaar van dIe Direkteur, Private Bag XI44, Pretoria, to wnom all commuwca­ Landbou-inligting, Privaatsak XI44, Pretoria, aan wie . tions in conneCtion with the jounialshould be addressed. ook aile navrae in verband met die tydskrif gerlg tuoet ... word. The journal is obtainable front the above-mentioned address at 50 cents per copy or R2 per annum, post free Die tydskrif is verkrygbaar van bogenoemde adres (foreign 60 cents per copy or R2,40 per annum). teen 50 sent per eksemplaar of R2per jaar, posvry (buitelands 60 sent per eksemplaar ofR2,40 per jaar). ------~------~

MEMOIRS OF THE BOTAN­ MEMOIRS VAN DIE BOTA­ ICAL . SURVEY OF SOUTH. NIESE OPNAME VAN SUm­ AFRICA AFRIKA Die memoirs is individuele verhandelings, gewoonlik The memoirs are individual treatises usually of an ekologies van aard, maar soms handel dit oor taksonow ecological nature, but sometimes taxonomic or con­ miese of ekonomiese-plantkundige onderwerpe. Nege­ cerned with economic botany. Thirty-nine numbers en-dertig nommers is reeds gepubliseer waarvan have been published, some ofwhich are out of print sommige uit druk is. Obtainable from the Director, Division of Agricul­ Verkrygbaar van die Direkteur, Mdeling Landbou­ tural Information, Private Bag XI44, Pretoria. inligting, Privaatsak XI44, Pretoria. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

31 No. 5363 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 DECfllBER 1976



Subscription Rates: Local-R20 per annum Intekengeld: Plaaslik-R20 per jaar Overseas-RlS per annum Oorsee-R2S per jaar CONDITIONS FOR THE PUBLICATION OF VOORWAARDES VIR DIE PUBLIKASIE VAN LEGAL NOTICES WETLIKE KENNISGEWINGS Closing times for the acceptance of notices S.'uilingslye vir die aanname van kennisgewings 1. The Government Gazette is published every week on Friday, 1. Die Staalskoeraflt word weeldiks op Vrydag gepubliseer and the closing time for the acceptance of notices which have en die sluitingstyd vir die aanname van kennisgcwings wat op to appear in the Government Gazette on any particular Friday, 'n bepaalde Vrydag in die Slaatskoerant moet verskyn, is IShOO is 15hOO on the preceding Friday. Should any Friday coincide op die voorafgaande Vrydag. Indien enige Vrydag saamval met with a public holiday, the date of publication of the Government 'n openbare vakansiedag verskyn die Staatskaer(1l1t op '11 datum. Gazette and the closing time for the acceptance of notices will en is. die sluitingstye vir die aanname van kennisgewin,s 100S be published in the Government Gazette, from time to time. van tyd tot tyd in die SllIIltrkouant hepaal. . 2. (1) Copy of notices received after closing time will be held 2. (I) Kopie van kennilgewings wat na sluitingstyd ontvan& over for publication in the next Government Gazette. word, sal oorgehou word 1'k plasing in die eersvolgende Staats­ kaertmt. • (.2) Amendments or changes' in copy of notices cannot be (2) Wysigings van of veranderings in die kopie van tennis­ undertaken unless instructions are received before l2hOO on gewings kan nie onderneem word nie tensy opdragte daarvoor Tuesdays. onlvang is voor l2hOO o~ Din_e. (3) Copy of notices for publication cannot be accepted o'JCr 0) Kopie van kenmsgcwings vir publikasie kan nie oor die the telephone. teleCoon aangeneem word ni.e. Approval ()f notices Goedkeuring van kennisgewingl 3. itAy notices than legal notices are su~ to the 3. Kennisgewings, beba!we wetlike kenniscewin!!'S, is ·onder­ aJ!i'roval of The Govemment Printer, who may refuse acceptance worpe aan die goedkeuring van Die Staatsdmkker wat tan weier or further publication of any notice. om enige kennisgewing un til neem of veeder te publiseer. The Govemment :eri'flter indemnified atllfnst liobilily Vrywarillg vaIL Dit: St4IJIsilniuer tun aall$preeklikheid 4. The Government Printer will assume no liability in respect 4. Die Staatsdrukkcr aa~vaar r;cen amspreekHkheid vir­ of­ (l) enige vertragi., ),y." publi~asie 'ftIl 'n kennisgewm& (1) any delay in the publication ora notice or publication of vir die publikasie daanan op 'n ander datum as d. de11( of such notice on any date other than that stipulated by die adverteerder bepaal; the advertiser; , (2) die foutiewe· Hegjfihsie van 'n baDisaew~ of die (2) erroneous clUllification of Ii notice, or the plaeCmeftt pbsing daarvan on4er "a uder afdeline of opsin! as die: of ,udl notH:e in any leCltion or uncler any headina other afdeling of opskrif wat dear die advertecider tlangedui 11;.• than the section or heading stipulated by the ad'VCttiser; (l) cnige redigeriaa. henienin,. weglatial, tiPOltaflese foute (3) any editin.. revision, omission, typographical «rOIl or of foute wat weens doww of onduidcmb topic mag ootstaaJ\. crran resulting from faint or indi9tinCt eopy. Aal'fspredlikhl!id Litlbility 0/ .dverti'lu· Villi.""""" 5. Die adverteerder .... -.,reetlik .aehou vir coile abde-­ S. Advertisers will be held liable for any compensation and vergoeding en koste wat ...... q uit coi&e .aksie wat 1INeM CCIIb arising from any action which may Dc jIHtituted against die publikasie van 'n lcaDispwing teen Die Staatsdruklcr iD­ The Government Printer in consequence of the publication of- any gestel mal word. nonee. Kopie Copy 6. Die topie van k...... iDp moet siess op een kant va.. 6. Copy of noti~ must be tYped on one ,ide of the paper die papier getik wees _ ....Die deel VUl emge begeleidende only aad may not constitute part of. any covering letter O£ brief of dokument uit~.· . document. 7. Do un die ko... wei van die bnnisgewing, moet dio 7. At the top of any copy, and IliCt well apart from the vo!gende aangedui word: notice, the following must be stated: (1) Die aard van die kennisgewing; (1) The kind of notice; (2) die opskrif waar()Jldcr die kennisgewing geplaas moet word; (2) the heading llllder which the notice is to appear, (3)· die tarief (bv. "'Vasto ta.rief". of "Woordetal-farief') wat (3) the rate (e.g. "Fixed tariff rate", or "Word count rate") op die kennisgewing va toepassing is, en die k.oste verbonde; applicable to the notice, and the cost of publication. aan die plasing daarva!l. S. All proper names and surnames must be clearly legible, 8. Aile eiename en familiename moet duidelik leesbaar wees. surnames- being underlined or typed, in capital letters. In the en familiename moet oadcrstreep of in hoofletters getik: word.· event of a name being incorrectly printed as a result of indistinct Indien 'n naam verkeerd gedmk word as gevolg van onduidelilce writing, the notice will be republished only upon payment of skrif, sal die kennisgewing all~n na betaling van die kostc the cost of a new insertion. van 'n nuwe plasing weer ppubliseer word. Payment of cost Betalig van koste 9. No notice will be accepted for publication unless the cost 9. Geen kennisgewing word vir publikasie aanvaar nie tensy of the insertion(s) is prepaid by way of uncantelled :revenue die koste van die plasing(lI) daarvan vooruit betaal is deut stamps. middel van ongekanselleerde inkomsteseels. . 10. (1). The cost of a notice must be calculated by the 10. (1) Die koste van 'A kennisgewing moet deur die advu. advertiser in accordance with­ teerder berekcn word in ooreenstemming met­ (a) the list. of fixed tariff rates; or )' (a) die Jys van vaste tariewe; of (b) where the fixed tariff rate does not apply, the word (b) indien die vaste tariewe nie van toepassing is nie, die count rate. woordetal-taricwe. • . (2) Where there is any doubt about the cost of publication (2) In gevalle van twyfel oor die koste verbondc aan die of a notice, and in the case of copy in excess of 1 600 words, an plasing van 'n kennisgewing en in die geval van kopic met meer enquiry, accompanied by the relevant copy, should be addressed as 1 600 woorde, moet 'n navraag, vergesel van die hetrokke to the Advertising Section, Government Printing Works, Private kopie, voor publikasie aan die Advertensie-afdeling, Staatsdruk.­ Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001, before publication. kery, Privaatsak X85, Pretoria, 0001, gerig word. 11. Uncancelled revenue stamps representing the correct 11. Ongekanselleerde inkomstesecls wat die iqiste bedrag van amount of the cost of publication of a: notice, or the total of die koste van 'n kennisgewing of die totaal van die kosto Villl the cost of publication of more than one notice must be meerdere kelmisgewings ve.rDlenwoordig, moet op die kopic, vorm affixed to the copy, form or document, the cove'ring letter, of dokument, die begeleideru1e brief, bestelling, of lys van items order, or list of items. geplak word. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


12.. Overpaymeots,resuiting fl'9IIimflcalculation on. the part of 12. Oorbetalings op grond van 'n foutiewe berekening van die the advertiser of the cost of puhlication of a notIce will not koste verbonde aan die plasing van 'n kennisgewing deur die be refunded, llBlesi the advertiser furnishes adequate reasons adverteerder word nie terugbetaal nie lensy die adverteerder why such :miscalculation occurred. IrJ. the event of underpay­ voldoende redes aantoon waarom 'n foutiewe berell.ening gemaat ments, . thediffereru:e will be recovered from the advertiser, and is. In die geval van onderbetaJings sal die verskil van die adver­ the notices will not be published until such time as the full teerder verhaal word en geen plasing sal geskied voordat die cost of such publication has beea duly paid in uncanceUed v')lle. koste verbond::: aan die plasing van die kennisgewing(s) l'e\"enue stamps. deur middel van ongekallselJeerde inkomsteseels betaal is nie. 13. The Government Printer reserves the right to levy an 13. Die Staatsdcukker behou hom die reg vool' om ~n by­ additional charge in cases where DOtkes, the cost of which komende bed rag te hef in. gevalle waar kennisgewings, waarvan haa been calculated in accordance with the list of fixed tariff die koste in ooreenstemming met die Iys van vaste tariewe berebm rates. are subsequently found to' be excessively lengthy or to word, later uitermatig lank blyk te wees of buitensporige of contain overmuch or. complicated tabulation. ingewikkelde tabelwerk bevat. PrQ{)1 01 publication Bewys van publikasie 14. Copies of the Government Goutte which may be required 14. Eksemplare van die .Staatskoerant wat ,nodig mag wees as proof of· publication· may· be ordered from The Government ter bewys van publikasie van 'n kennisgewing lean teell, lOc, Printer at 20e per copy, payment to be effected by way of in die vorm van ongekanselleerde inkomsteseels, per eksemplaar uncanoeUed revenue stamps. The Government Printer will van Die Staatsdrukker bestel word. Geen aansoreeldikheid word assume no li;lbility for any failure Ie post such Government aanvaar vir die versuim om sodanige Staatsko(mint(e) te pos of vir Gazette(s) or for any delay in dispatdting it/them. vertraging in die versending daarvan nie.

Please, acquaint yourself thoroughly with the "Conditions for Public.ation" of legal notices in. the GovemmentGazette? as. well as the new tariffs In connection therewith

Maak uself asseblief deeglik vertroud met die "'Voorwaardes vir Publikasie" van wetlike kennisgewings in die Staats­ koerant, asook met die nuwe tariewe wat daarmee in verband staan Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


LIST OF FIXED TARIFF RATES LYS VAN VASTE TARfEWE Standardised Notices Gestandaardiseerde Kennirg2wings Rate per Tarie/PD'. insertion pfasinll R R Administration of Estates Acts Notices: Forms J 297, Aktes: Verlore Dokumente...... 6,00 J 295, J 193, J 187...... 2,00 'Besigheidskennisgewings...... •• • •• . . • .• . • . .•••.• 5,00 Business Notices ...... 5,00 Boedelwettekennisgewings: Vorms J 297, J 295, J 193 Butchers' Notices .. , ....•••....•••••••••••••••••••• 5,00 en J.l~7...... 2,00 Change of Name (four insertions) ...... 25,00 Derdeparty-assuransie-eise om Skadevergoeding .••...• 2,50 Deeds: Lost Documents ...... , .....•...••...... " .• 6,00 Insolvensiewet- en Maatskappywettekennisgewings: J 28, Insolvency Act and Company Acts Notices: J 28, J 29, J 29. Vorms 1 tot 9 ...... 4,00 Forms 1 to 9...... 4,00 Naamsverandering (vier plasings) ••.••••••.••••••.••• 25,00 Lost Life Insurance Policies., ..•...••.•..•. , ..••..• 2,00 Naturalisasiekennisgewings (insluitende 'n herdruk vir Naturalisation Notices (including- a reprint for the die adverteerder} •..•••.•••••••••.....•••••.•••.• 2,00 advertiser), . , ...•...... •...••..••••••••••••. 2,00 Onopgeeiste Geld,-slegs in die buitengewone Staats­ Slum Qearance Court Notices ...... 4,00 koerant. sluitingsdatum IS Januarie (per inskrywing Third Party Insurance Claims for Compensation ..••• 2,50 van "naam, adres en bedrag")...... 0,80 Unclaimed Moneys-only in the extraordinary Govern- Slagterskennisgewings...... 5,00 m~nt Gazette, closing date 15 January (per entry of Siumopruimingshofkennisgewings...... 4,00 "name, address and amount")...... 0,80 Veri ore Lewensversekeringspolisse••••••••••••••••••• 200 Non-standardised Notices Nie-gestandoardiseerde Kennisgewings Company Notices: Dranklisensie-kennisgewings : Short notices to shareholders of meetings, resolutions, In die buitengewt;me Staatskoerant, sluitingsdatum voluntary windings-up; closing of transfer or 1 September ...... 7,00 members' registers and/or declaration of dividend •• 11,00 In die gewone Staalskoerant, afdeling "Algemeen" 9,00 Decla~tion of dividend with profit statements, inclu­ Geregtelike en ander Openbare Verkope: ding notes, .. , .•..••...... •..••.••.•..•..•• 25,00 Long notices, transfers, changes with respect to shares Geregtelike verkope ...... 18,00 or capital, redemptions, resolutions, voluntary liqui­ Open bare veilings, verkope en tenders: dations .. , •.•...... •.....•..••••••..• 37,00 Tot 75 woorde....••••••••• ; ••...••••••••••••• 6,00 76 tot 250 woorde ...... 15,00 Liquidators' and other Appointees' Notices .••••••••• 7,00 251 tot 350 woorde ...... 23,00 Liquor Licence Notices, Handelsmerke in Suidwes-Afrika .....•...... •.•••.•• 11,00 In the extraordinary Government Gazelle, closing date Likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes se kennisgewings .. 7,00 1 September...... 7,00 Maatskappykennisgewings: Inthe ordinary Govermnent Gazette, section "General" 9,00 Kort kennisgewings aan aandeelhouers van vergade­ Orders of the Court: rings, besluite, vrywillige likwidasies, ens.; sluiting Supersessions and discharge of petitions.... • •• . •• • 7,00 van oordrag- of lederegisters en/of verklaring van Provisional and final liquidations, sequestrations, dividende...••....•••.••••...... , , ....•••.• ,.. 11,00 rehabilitations, etc ...... ,...... 14,00 Verklaring van dividende met profytestate, notas Reductions or changes in capital, mergers, offer of ingesluit .... " ..••.•••••.• : .• ,. , .. , ',. .. ••.•.• 25,00 compromise... ,., ...... •... ,. ' .. ,.. 37,00 Lang kennisgewings, oordragte, veranderings met ludical managements, curator bonis and similar . betrekking tot aandele of kapitaal, aflossinSS, and extensive rules nisi",...... 37,00 besluite, vrywillige likwidasies...... 37,00 Sales in execution and other public sales: Orders van die Hof: Sales in execution...... 18,00 Tersydestellings en afwysings van petisies ...... 7,00 Public auctions, sales and tenders: Voorlopige en finale Iikwidasies, sekwestrasies. her­ Up to 75 words 6 00 instellings, ens ...... , ••.•...... , ... " ... ,,'. 14,00 ....•. ••••••••.•••••••• ...... , Verlagings of veranderings in kapitaal, samesmeitings, 76 to 250 words...... 15,00 b d k'kk' 37 00 251 to 350 words 23 00 aan 0 van s I mg...... " ...... , , . • • • . . • • • •• •• • • • • • • • •• •• • • • ., Geregtelike besture, kurator bonis en soortgeiyke en Trade marks in South-West Africa...... 11,00 uitgebreide bevele nisi...... ,.,., ••...• ,.... 37,00 General.-For notices which do not belong under headings with A/gemeel1.-Vir kennisgewings wat nie onder opskrifte met vasto fixed tariff rates and which comprise 1 600 or less words, the rates tariewe ressorteer oie en wat 1 600 of minder woorde beslaan, moot .of the word count table must be used. In cases where notices run to die tabel van woordetal-tariewe gebruik word. In gevalle waar kenni~4 more than 1 600 words, or in cases where doubt exists about the cost gewings 1 600 woorde oorskry, of in gevalle waar twyrel bestaan of an extensive notice, the copy must be sent in before pUblication omtrent die koste van 'n lang kennisgewing, moet die kopie vooraf as prescribed in par, 10 (2) of the Conditions. ingestuur word soos in die Voorwaanks, par. 10 (2), voorgeskryf. WORD COUNT TABLE/WOORDETAL-TABEL •

Number of words in copy Aantal woorde in kopie

1- tOO... "" ...... , ...... ~ ...... I' ...... ~~i= 150...... 200." ...... ~ ...... ~~~= ~50, .....•..•••••••••••••••••••••••••.•. ~'•.••••••••• 301- 00...••...••••••.•.••••••••••••••.•.••.•.••••••••• 351- ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~i: ~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 551- ,6()()...... n!: !~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~5I- ...... , ...... 8~l= 850 ..•••.•••••••••••••••••••••••.••.••.••.••••••••• 901- ~O ...... 951-1 ~50, ...••••.••••.•.•••••••.•.••••...•..•••..••••••• 1 001-1 000 ...... 1 30'-1 300 ...•••••..••.•••••••••••...•.•••.••••...•.•••..• • 600...... Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

STAATSKOERANT, 24 DESEMBER 1976 No. 5363 BUSINESS NOTICES-BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ALIENATION, SALES, CHANGES OFPARTNERSHIP~ NAME, ADDRESS, ETC. Notice is hereby given in.terms ofsection 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intendoa· etalienation of businesses and/or goodwin, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from tbe last publication of relevant advertisements, and of actions, circumstances or conditions pertaining to businesses or parties or debtors, as mentioned therein. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Townsbip or district, division, county; (2) seller, trader, partner· ship; (3) business or trade, Idnd,.name and/or style, and the address at which carried on; (4) purpose and inlent (alienation, sale, abandon­ ment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditioDs, and date !>r perlodof time if other than 30 days; (5) purchaser,.new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or con.tracting party~ (6) business and address, if otber than under 0); notes, comment; (7) advertIser and/or agent, address and date.· . . VERVREEMDING, VE.RKOPE, VERANDERINGS VAN VENNOOTSKAP, NAAM, ADRES, ENS. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet; No. 24 van 1936, aan belanghebbendo partye,en skuldeisers van voorgenome vervreemding van J,esigbede en/of k1andisie, goedere ofeiendom wat 'n deel vorm van besighede, na 'n tYdperk van 3() dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van betrokke advertensies, en van abies, omstandigbede of voorwaardes wat 01' besigbede of partye of skuldeoaars, soos daarin genoem, betrekldng het. . . Die iruigting word, waar van toe passing. verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) verkoper, handelaar, ~nnoOfskap; (3) besigheid of bandel. soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedry(; (4) doel en voomeme (~rvreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of adresverandering,naamverandering. kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes.· en datum of tydperk Indien anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid_ adees, indien ander as onder (3); opmerkings, kOmIDentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum. . TRANSVAAL JOHANNESBURG.-{2) Three Colour Restaurant (Pty) Ltd. (3) Pizza bar, restaurant and take-away foods, Gino's Pizza WADEVILLE.-{2) Wolfgang Schneider and Rainer Franz. Parlour, 114a Nedbank Plaza, corner of Twist and PretC/ritis' (3) Wadeville Can!een, c/o Consolidated Glass Works, Wade­ Streets, Hillbrow, Johannesburg. (4) Sale. (5) Ugo Gramegna ville, Tv!. (4). Dissolution of Partnership. (5) Rainer Franz. and Dante Gramcgna. (6)-. (7) Lebos Reid & Banchetti, Attor­ (6)--. (7) Gerald Horwitz & Partners, Attorneys, Fifth Floor, neys for the Seller, First Floor, Medlaw Chambers, 113 Van Century Insurance Buildings, corner of Kruis and Market Streets, Riebeeck Avenue, P.O. Box 31, Edenvale. Johannesburg, 7/12/16. ROODEPOORT.-{2) Alexandre Jooaquim and Jose Ma.nuel JOHANNESBURG.-{2) John Allen. (3) Oskop BUltohery, 8 Joaquim. (3) Fruiterers, New Delarey Fruiterers, 650 Ontdekkers West street, Greymonlt, District of Jobann'eSburg. (4) Sale. (5) Road, Delarey, Roodepoort, Tv!. (4) Change of partnership. Anronio Pereira da SilVIa. (6)-. (7) .s. J. Tannenbaum, Gold­ (5) Ricardo Goncalves Pita. (6)-. (7) H. Miller, Ackermann & IItein & Holtmann, Attorneys for the Parties, Permanent Build­ Bronstein, P.O. Box 9095, Johannesburg, 8/12/16. ingls, Goldman Street, F1ol'ida, 1112176. CARLETONVIlLE.-(2)· Andries Everhardus Griindling. (3) ALBERTOR-{2) Bmmanuel Geor·ge Mart;s. (3) Snappy Carletonville Fisheries. 8 Amethyst Street, Carletonville. (4) Sale. Snacks, 28 Hend.rik Potgieter Street, A~berton. (4) Sale. (5) (5) Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger. (6)-. (7) Fleischack Stephen Kakavelakis. (6}--. (7) G. N. Dracatos, Attorney for Freysen Holton & Wadge, Volkskas Buildings, P.O. Box 140, the Parties, J 18 Maju'ba Centre, 93 Voortreldcer Road, P.O. Box Carletonville, 17/12/16. . 50057, New Redruth. KRUGERSDORP.-(2) Swan Hotel (Pty) Ltd. (3) The Swan MIDDELBURG.-(2) Jaoobils Johannes Bens"h. (3) SoUlthern Holel 33 Ockerse Street, Krugersdorp, and The Swan Hotel Fruit and Vegetable, JeppesttaaJI: 45, MiddeIburg. Tv!. (4) Ver­ Off-Sales comer of Human and Rissik Streets, Krugersdorp. koop. (5) Daniel Johannes de Jonge. (6)-. (7) Brandmuller, (4) Sale: (5) Wynand Johannes Pretorius. (6)-. (7) PhilliJ?S & Mamis & E15. Prokureurs vir die Koper, Markstraat 22d, ~­ Osmond, Attorneys for Purchaser, P.O. Box 168, Krugersuorp, bus 59, Middel.burg, 3/12/16. 10/12/76. SPRINGS.-{2) Petersfield Plmrmaey (Pty) Ltd. (3) PeteI1S­ field Pharmacy, 47 Kruger Street, Peter>sfield, Sprin~. (4) Aliena­ KRUGERSDORP.-{2) Gcrt Johannes Grobler. (3) Vlakplaas tion. (5) Petrus Jacobus Piooaa.'!'. (6)-. (7) Charles Shennan, Kontantwinkel. (4) Verkoop. (5) Pieter Hendrik Schalk van Levin & Prosser, Attorneys fur the Seller, First Floor, Rand der Merwe. (6)-. (7) Jan van Deventer, Posbus 21 t, Rand­ Centre, Foul"bh Street, P.O. Box 886, Springs, 3/12/16. fontein. JOHANNESBURG.-{2) Paterson's Catering (Johannesburg) JOHANNESBURG.-(2) Gumshoe Properties (Pty) Ltd. (3) (Pty) Ltd. (3) Apetito, corner of Frederick and Smal Streets, Kings Ransom Dry Cleaners, 49 King George Street, Joubert Johannesburg. (4) Sale. (5) Theunis Daniel Botha. (6)-. (7) Park, Johannesburg. (4) Sale. (5) Yumsin Investments (Pty) Ltd. Moss-Morris" Attorneys for SeHer, Third Floor, Meischke's Build­ (6)-. (7) Solon Phitidis & Company, Attorneys, Seventh Floor, ings, 42 Harrison Street, Johannesburg. .. . 15 Anderson Street, Johannesburg, 8/12/16. GERMISTON.-(2) Manuel Goncalves da Sierra. (3) Coimbra Care and Fish and Chips, 234d Raihmy Street. Germiston. (4) Sale. (5) Joao Da Cruz Faustino. (6)-. (7) Daleski & CAPE-KAAP Edelstein, Attorneys for the Parties, 10th Floor, Security Build­ TAUNG.-(2) E. D. Hendry. (3) R. A. Peach & Co.: ~aUllg. ings, 95 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. C (4) Verkoop. (5) T. T. M.0kg~ro. (6)-. (7) Lubbe, Cdhers & JOHANNESBURG.-(2) Nicos Stylianou. (3) De Luxe Ser­ Van Tonder, Proiru.reurs Vlf dIe Partye, 'Ibm Naudestraat, pos­ vice Station, Stands 1577, 1580 and 15S1, being 159 Jules bus 12, Hartswater. Street, Jeppestown, Johannesburg. (4) .Sale. (5) Germano Justo Catanino. (6)-.(7) Jack Levitan, Attorney for the Parties, 512 PATERSON.-{2)-. (3) Kafee, Main Road ~afee,. Patc:rs~n. Loveday House, Marshall and Loveday Streets, Johannesburg. (4) Vervreemding. (5) Pieter Daniel Coet~, n mInder]arl~e behoorlik bygestaan deur Sf vader en natuurhke voog Jan Da!11e1 FLORIDA.-(2) Hariklia Dimopoulos. (3) Joe's Food Centre, Coetzee. (6)-. (7) Delport & Delport, Posbus 3125, Port ElIza­ 1 Louis Street, Discovery, Florida, Tvl (4) Sale. (5) Gerasimos beth, 9/12/76. Kavallieratos. (6)-. (7) Richard L. Abrahams, Attorney, 409 North State, 99 Market Street, P.O. Box 6665, Johannesburg, 2000. NATAL RANDBURG.-{2) South African Druggists Ltd. (3) Rand­ burg Pharmacy, Randburg Plaza, Hendrik Verwoerd Drive, Fern­ DURBAN.-{2) Basil Fostera'S. (3) Stephen'lS Take-Away, .151 dale; Randburg. (4) Sale. (5) Christiaan Frederik Beyers Fourie. UmbHo Rood, Durbrul. (4) sale. (5) Dems Mdohael Gallagher. (6)-. (7) Joffe & Kobrin, First Floor, Kelhoff, 112 Pritchard (6)-. (7) Angel & Restom, P.O. Box 585, Durban. Street, Johannesburg. WATERBOSCH.-(2) VisaIatcheamal Subban. (3) Sprinz JOHANNESBURG.-(2) Sarah Leah Bates. (3) Plasticware, Trading Store Sub A of Sub 8 of Sub M of Waterbosch 1276. 231 Hendrik Verwoerd Drive, Randburg. (4) Sale, upon fulfil­ (4) Sale. (5~. (6)-. (7) Laurie C. Smith & Co., 22 Jackson ment of conditions precedent. (5) Brian Gerald Jutan.(6)-. Street, P,O. Box 46, Stanger, 8/12/76. (7) David Hirson & Kallmeyer, P.O. Box 8214, Johannesburg, 9/12/76. O.F.S.-OV.S. SPRINGS.-(2) Patricia Matthews. (3) Hairdressers. The Gol­ den Comb, 79 Third Street, Springs. (4) Sale. (5) Philip Carel MARQUARD.-(2) Margaretha Helena PeIser. (3) Ster Kafe'e, Hendrik Weber. (6)-. (7) Ivan Davies Theunissen & Partners, Err "67 Vanderwattstraat 14, Marquard. (4) Verkoop. (5) Gregory 11th Floor, Santam Buildings, Fifth Avenue, Springs, 9/12/76. Yi";go~. (6)-: (7) J. A. Naude, Posbus 5, Marquard, 1/12/16. 54911-2 5363-2 Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


COMPANY NOTICES-MAATSKAPPYKEN NISGEWI NGS TR.ANSVAAL INTERNATIONAL COMPUTERS EQUIPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION (SOUTH AFRICA) LTD AFC INVESTMENTS LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) DECLARATION OF PREFERENCE DIVIDEND 62 DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND Notice is hereby given that Preference Share Dividend 62 at Notice is hereby given that Ord.inary Dividend 14 of 6c per the rate of 5f per eent per annum for the three months ending share has been declared payable to' holders registered in the books 31 December 1976, has b<''en declared payable to holders of of the Company at the close of bus.iness on 24 December 1976. preference shares registered in the books of the Company at the dose of business on 24 December 1976. For this purpose, the ordinary share register of the Company wit! be closed from 25 December 1976 to 31 December 1916, both The dividend has been declared in South African currency days inclusive. and becomes due on 3 January 1977. Warrants will be posted from both the transfer office, Johannesburg, and the London Dividend warrants will be posted to shareholders on or about office on or about 7 January 1977. 14 January 1976. The di'l'idend has been declared subject to the usual conditions Non-Resident Shareholders' Tax will be deducted from the which can be inspected at both the transfer and London offices wvidends of shareholders, whose registered addresses are outside of the Company. By Order of the Board.-African Finance Cor­ the Republic of South Africa.. By order of the Board.~K.. B. poration Ltd, Secretari~<;, per T. K. Savage. Registered office: Davies, Secretary, Hill Samuel Registrars (S.A.) Ud, P.O. Box 86 Main Street, Johannesburg. Transfer office: AFC Registrars 62318, Marshalltown. 7 Jl2j76. Ltd, Eighth Floor, Hollard Place, 71 Fox Street, Johannesburg, 8f12f76. DELSWA LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) TOLLGATE HOLDINGS LTD DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) Notice is hereby given that Ordinary Dividend 57 of 12,5c per ORDINARY DIVIDEND 39 share has been declared payable to holders registered in the Notice is hereby given that an Interim Dividend of lOc per boob of the Company at the close of business on 24 December share (l976-8,5c per share) has been declared payable on or 1976. about 28 February 1977, to all ordinary shareholders registered For this purpose, the ordinary shareregister of the Company in the boots of the Company at the close of business on 31 will be closed from 2S December 1976 to 2 January 1977, both December 1976. days inclusive. The ordinary share transfer books and register of members, both Dividend warrants will be posted to shareholders O'n or about in Johannesburg and London, will be dosed from 1 January 14 January 1977. 1971 to 7 January 1977, both dates inclusive. Non-Resident Shareholders' Tax win be deducted from the divi· Non-Resident Shareholders' Tax of 15 per cent wiJI be deducted dend of shareholders, whose registered addresses are outside the by the Company from dividends Pftyable to shareholders whose Republic of South Africa. By Order of the Board.-A. Laird­ addresses in the register of members are outside the Republic. Smith, Director, Hill Samuel Registrars (S.A.) Ltd, P.O. Box By Order of the Board.-N. Blackshaw, Secretary. Transfer 62318, Marshalltown, 8/12/76. Office: Syfrets-UAL Registrars (Pty) Ltd, Main Central, Ninth Floor, corner of and Main Streets, Johannesburg; P.O JAFF-DELSWA INVESTMENTS LTD Box 61178, Marshalltown, 8/12/76. (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND FEDERALE MYNBOU BPK. Notice is hereby given that Ordinary Di'l'idend 17 of 2,5c per CLOSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS AND share has been declared payable to holders registered in the books REGISTER OF MEMBERS of the Company at the close of business on 24 December 1976. Notice is hereby given that the transfer books and registers For this purpose, the ordinary share register of the Company of members will be closed from 18 December 1976 to 31 Decem­ will be closed from 25 December 1976 to 2 January 1977, both ber 1976, both days inclusive, for the purpose of payment of days inclusive. dividends on ordinary and preference shares.-P. J. Schoombie, Secretary. Registered office: General Mining Buildings, 6 Hollard Dividend warrants will be posted to shareholders on or about Street, Johannesburg, 2001; P.O. Box 61819, Marshalltown, Tvl, 14 January 1m. 2107. Transfer office: Consolidated Share Registrars Ltd, 62 Non-Resident Shareholders' Tax will be deducted from the clivi. Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001; P.O. Box 61051, Marshall­ dividends of shareholders, whose registered addresses are out· town, Tvl, 2107. side the Republic of South Africa. By Order of the Board.­ Smith, Director, Hill Samuel Registrars (S.A.) Ltd. P.O. Box FEDERALE MYNBOU BPK. 62318, Man.halltown. 8/12176. SLUITING VAN AANDELE- BN OORDRAGREGISTERS THE TRUMP CORPORATION LTD Kennis geskied hiermee dat die aandele· 'en oordragregisters (Incorporated in \.he Republic of South Africa) vanaf 18 Desember 1976 tot en met 31 Desember 1976, gesluit sal word 'l'ir die doel '\'an die belating van divide.nde op gewone NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS en voorkeuraaude1e.-P. J. Schoombie,. Sekretaris. Geregistreerde kantoor: General Mininggebou, HoHardstraat 6, lohannesburg. MA" 13 PER CENT CUMULATIVE REDEEMABLE 2001; Posbus 61819, Marshalltown, Tvl., 2107. Oordragkantoor: CONVERTIBLE P.RF.FEltENCE SHAR.ES Consolidated Share Registrars Bpk., Marshallstruat 62, Johannes­ burg, 2001; Posbus 61051, Marshalltown, TvL. 2107. Notiee is hereby Jiven that a dividend of 3,89c per share bas been declared on the "A" 13 Per Cent Cumulative Redeem­ able Con'l'ertible Preference Shares for the period 13 September KEISKAMA INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD 1976 (date of scheme becoming operative) to 31 December 1976. Thill dividend is payable to shareholders registered in the boob Notice is hereby given in terms of section 356 (2) (b) of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended. that, at an extraordinary of the Company at the close of business on 31 December 1976. general meeting of shareholders of the Company heJd on Ii For purposes thereof the "A" 13 Per Cent Cumulative Redeem· December 1976, the following special resolution was duly passed: able Convertible Preference Share Transfer Registers will be (1) That the CAJmpany be wound up voluntary. closed for the period 2A December 1976 to 31 December 1976, (2) That Colin Sidney Wewege be and is hereby appointed Dividend warrants will be posted to shareholder! on or about liquidator for the purpose of winding up the affairs, and dis­ 31 December 1976. Non-Resident Shareholders' Tax will be trJbuting the assets of the Company. deducted fmm the dividends of shareholders whose registered (3) That the remuneration of the liquidator be fixed at R400. addresses are outside the Republic of South Africa. By Order (4) That no security be required to be furnished by the liqui­ of the Baard.-Trump Consolidated Investments (Pty) Ud. Secre­ dator. taries, per A. R. Cohen. Transfer Secretaries: The Trust Accept~ ing Bank Ltd, 56 Eloff Street, P.O. Box 9597, Johannesburg. C. S. Wewege, Liquidator, 11 Frank. Street. Robertsham, Johan­ Registered address: 10th Floof, The Stock Exchange, Hollard nesburg. Street, Johannesburg. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


SAND CONSOLIDATED INVESTMENTS LTD QUINTETTE (PT¥) LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) MINUTES OF A GENERAL MEETING (Directors: N. O. Sand, E. L. Sand, J. N. J. Richter~ ON n NOVEMBER 1976 N. Werksman) It was resolved as special resolutions­ NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS 1. that the Company be and it is hereby wound up as a Notice is hereby given that the Fifty-Seventh Annual General member's voluntary winding up in terms of section 349 (b) Meeting of shareholders of the Company will be held in the of the Companies Act, 1973; Boardroom, 14th Floor, Sandglen Towers, 160 Main Street, 2. that Lewis Klopper be and is hereby appointed liquida­ Johannesburg, on 31 December 1976 at l1hOO, for the following tor; purposes, namely: 3. that the liquidator be exempted from furnishing .security L To receive and consider the annual financial statements for to the Master of the Supreme Court for the due performanre the year ended 30 June 1976, including the directors' report and of his duties as provided by section 375 (1) of the Cam­ the report of the auditors hereon. panies Act; 2. To elect directors in place of Messrs J. N. J. Richter and 4. that the liquidators fees be fixed at R250; and N. Werksman who retire in accordance with the articles of 5. that upon the dissolution of the Company the liquidator association but, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election. be and is hereby authorised and directed in terms of section 3. To consider and, if thought fit, to pass, with or without 422 (I) (b) of the Companies Act, 1973, to destroy the books modification, the following ordinary resolution: and recoros of the Company. That the unissued shares of the Company be placed at the CHAMDOR 181 (PTY) LTD disposal and under the control of the directors of the Company and that the directOIll be and they are hereby authorised and CREDITORS VOLUNTARY WINDING UP empowered to allot or issue such shares to such person or Notice is hereby given that in terms of section 349 {b) of persons and on such tenns and conditions as they may deem the Companies Act, 1973, it was resolved on 7 December 1976, fit. by special resolution that the Company be wound up volnntarily. Further that such authority shall be valid only untll the next Nortrustees (pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 5483, Johannesburg, 2000, 7/12/ annual general meeting of the Company unless varied or revoked 76. by any general meeting prior to such annual general meeting. 4. To transact such other business as may be transacted at an PLASCON-EVANS PAINTS LTD annual general meeting. NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF 5f PER CENT CUMULATIVE A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled . PREFERENCE SHARES to appoint one or more proxies to attend and speak and on a PREFERENCE DIVIDEND 63 poll vote in his stead. A proxy need not be 11. member of the Notice is hereby given that for the purpose cl payment of Company. the above dividend at the raJe of it per cent per aonwn ( Proxy forms, in order to be valid, must be lodged at the per share), the preference share transfer register will be closed registered office of the Company. at least 48 hours before the from 25 December 1976 to 3 January 1977, both days inclusive. commencement of the meeting. By Order of the Board.-H. P. G. M. Klaassen, Secretary. Trans­ The tm.nsler books and register of members of the Company fer Secretaries, Rand Registrars Ltd, Devonshire 49 will be closed from 22 December 1976 to 31 lJe<:ember 1976, JorrillSell Street, BraamfoD.tcill, 2001, 8/12/7(,. both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.-J. N. J. Riehm. Secfttary. Rcpteml office: 14th Floor, Sandglcn Towers, 160 RAND SELECTION CORPORATION LTD Main Street, Johannesburg;. 6/12176. NOTICE TO MEMBERS K. 8£ L TIMBERS LTD CLOSING OF TllANSFER REGISTERS AND (Incorporated in the ltcpublic of South Africa) REGiSTERS OF MEMBERS (Directors: N. O. Sand, E. L. Sand, I. N. 1. Richter, For the purposes of the aanaal general meeting of members N. Werksman) of the corporation and, a seneral meeting of members of the corporation, both of which are to be held at 44 Main Street. NOTICE ro SHAltEHOLD~ Johannesburg, on Friday, 21 lanuary 1977, the transfer regis­ Notice is hereby given that the Fortieth Annual General ters and registers of membea of the corporation will be closed Meeting of Shareholders of the Company will be held in the from 15 lanuary 1971 to 2t lunary 1977. both days inclusive. Boardroom. 14th Floor, Sandglen Towers, 160 Main Street, By Order of the Board.-Anglo American Corporation of South Johannesburg, on 31 December 1976 at lOhOO, for the following Africa Ltd, Secretaries, per P. J. Eustace, SeniQr Divisional purposes, namely: l)ecretary. Registered office: 44 Main Street, Johannesburg. lOOt; 1. To receive and consider the annual financial statements for P.O. Box 61587, Marshalltown, 2107. Transfer secretaries: Om· the year ended 30 June 1976, ~lnding the directors' report and IIOlidated Share Re~istran Ltd" 62 Marshall Street. Johannesburg, the report of the auditors thereon. 2001; P.O. Box 61{)Sl, MarsbaUtoWll, 2101, 20} 12/76. 2. To elect a director in place of E. L. Sand who retires "y rotation, but he is eligIoic and offers hlmseH for re-election. VINMOROD INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD. in voluntary 3. To consider and, if thought fit, to pass, with or without liquidation (No. 69/15915) modification, the fonowing ordinary resolution: Notice is hereby given in terms of section 356 (2) (b) of the That the unissued shares of the Company be placed at the Companies Act, 1973, that tbe foUowing special resolutions were disposal and under the control of the directors of the Company adopted at a meeting of the shareholders of the Company held and that the directors be and they hereby are authorised and on 27 October 1976: empowered to allot or issue such shares to such person or persons and on such terms and conditions as they may deem (I) That the Company be wound up voluntarily as a member's fit. voluntarily winding up. (2) That Charles Frederick Simmons, 13th Floor, His Further that such authority shall be valid only until the next Majesty's Buildings, Johannesburg, be appointed liquidator for annual general mecting of the Company unless varied or revoked the purpose of such winding up. by any general meeting prior to such annual general meeting. 4. To transact such other business as may be transacted at an e. F. Simmons, LiquidatQr Elect, P.O. Box 1684, Johannesburg. annual general meeting. A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled ¥ENDORBEE INVESTMENTS (PTy) LTD, in voluntary to appoint one or more proxies to attend and speak and on a liquidation (No. 69fl6573) poll vote in his stead. A proxy need not be a member of the Notice is hereby given in terms of section 356 (2) (b) of the Company. Companies Act, 1973, that the following special resolutions were Proxy fonns, inorocr to be valid, must be lQdged at the adopted at a meeting of the shareholders of the Company held registered office of the Company at least 48 homs on 27 October 1976: before the commencement of the meeting. (1) That the Company be wonnd up voluntarily as a member's The transfer books and register of members of the Company voluntaril~' winding up. will be closed from 23 December 1976 to 31 December 1976, (1.) That Charles Frederick Simm0ns, 13th Floor, His both days inclusive. By Order of the Boaro.--Sand Consolidated Majesty's Buildings, Johannesburg, be appointed liquidator for the Investments Ltd, Secretaries, per J. N. J. Richter, 14th Floor, purpose of such winding up. Sandglen Towers., 160 Main Street, P.O. Box 5162, Iohannes­ C. F. Simmons, Liquidators Elect, P.O. Box 1684, Johannes­ burg, 2000, 6/12/76. burg. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


GLENBEE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in voluntary TWINS PHARMACEUTICAL HOLDINGS LTD liquidation (No. 69/16295) (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) Notice is hereby given in terms of section 356 (2) (b) of the PREFERENCE DIVIDEND J5 Companies Act, 1973, that the f0110wing special resolutions were Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of 6t (six adopted at a meeting of the shareholders of the Company held and a half) per cent per annum has been decl'ared by the Board on 27 October 1976. on the M Per Cent CUll1ulative Preference Share for the period (I) That the Company be wound up voluntarily as a members' I July 1976 to 31 December 1976, payable to all preference voluntarily winding up. Shareholders registered in the books of the Company at the (2) That Charles Frederick Simmons,. 13th Floor, His 'close of business on 24 December 1976. The dividend is declared Majesty's Buildings, Johannesburg, be appomted liquidator for in the currency of the Repubiic of South Africa and dividend the purpose of such winding I!p. cheques in payment will be posted on or about 24 January 1977. C. F. Simmons, Liquidator Elect, P.O. Box 1684, Johannesburg. The Company will deduct Non-Resident Shareholders' Tax of 15 per cent from dividends payable to shareholders whose TEEZEEBEE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in voluntary addresses ill the share register are outside the Republic of South liquidation (No. 69/18272) Africa. By Order of the Board.-U. L. Frittelli, Secretary. Trans­ fer secretaries: Financial Administrators (Pty) Ltd, Fifth Floor, Notice is hereby given in terms of section 356 (2) (b) of the Atkinson House, 24 Eloff Street, Johannesburg, 2001, 13/12/76. Companies Act, 1973, that the following special resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the shareholders of the Company held on 27 October 1976: THE CEMENTATION COMPANY (AFRICA) LTD (I) That the Company be wound up voluntarily as a members' (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) voluntarily winding up. CLOSING OF REGISTER OF MEMBERS (2) That Charles Frederick Simmons, 13th Floor, His Majesty's ORDINARY DIVIDEND 53 Buildings, Johannesburg, be appointed liquidator for the purpose of such winding up. Notice is hereby given that in connection with the declaration of Dividend 53 the register of members will be closed from C. F. Simmons, Liquidator Elect, P.O. Box 1684, Johannesburg. 28 December 1976 to 7 January 1977, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.-Gold Fields of South Africa Ltd, Secreta­ ries, per J. N. Chemaly. Registered office: Gold Fields Buildings, KANHYM INVESTMENTS LTD 75 Fox Street, Johannesburg, 2001, 8/12/76. The transfer books and register of members of the Company will be closed from 3 to 7 January 1977, inclusive.-Union Corpo­ THE CEMENTATION COMPANY (AFRICA) LTD. ration Ltd, Secretaries, per P. Hurst.. Union Corporation (InC'Jrporated in the Republic of South Africa) Buildings, 74/78 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001; P.O. Box CLOSING OF REOISTER OF PREFERENCE· 613S7, Marshalltown, 2107,10/12/76. SHAREHOLDERS PREFERENCE DIVIDEND 11 UNION CORPORATION GROUP Notice is hereby given that in connection with the declaration The transfer books and registers of members of the under­ of Dividend 11, the register of preference shareholders will be mentioned Companies will be closed during the period 3 to 7 closed from 3 to 12 January 1971, both· days inclusive. By January 1977, both days inclusive: Order of the Board.-Gold Fields of South Africa Ltd, Secreta­ ries, .per J. N, Cbemaly.. Registered office: Gold Fields Buildings, Marievale Consolidated Mines Ltd. 75 Fox Street, Jobannesburg, 2001, 8/12/76. The Grootvlei Proprietary Mines tid. ,GENERAL MlNING GROUP Union Corporation Ltd, Companies Department, per P. Hurst, Union Corporation Buildings, 74/78 Marshall Srreei, Johannes­ CLOSING OF REGISTERS OF MEMBERS burg, 2001; P.O. Box 61357, Marshalltown, 2107, lO/12/76. Notice is hereby given that the registers of members of the under­ mentioned companies will·be closed during the .periods stated below for the purpose of payment of dividends to shareholders registered STEIN BROS HOLDINGS LTD on the dates stated. below: (Incorporated iIi the Republic of South Africa) lAst day Register 0/ DEBEN1URE INTEREST PAYMENT 1 tl) register members closed Ordinary shares... •. •.. . . . • 17/12/76 18/12/76-31/12/76 Notice is hereby given that· debenture interest for the period Preference shares...... • 24/12/76 25/12/76-1/1/77 from 15 September 1976 to 31 December 1976, at the rate of Alpha Free State Holdings Ltd; Alpha Dunswart Beleggings Ltd; 13,5 per cent per annum on the Company's debentures, will Buffeisfontein Gold Mining Co. Ltd; Dunswart Iron and Steel Works be paid to debenture holders registered on 24 December 1976. Ltd; Msauli Ashes Ltd; Natal ArrunoniumCollieries (1946) Ltd; Interest warrants will be posted to debenture holders on or Sontrust Ltd; Stilfontein Gold Mining Co. Ltd; The Clydesdale about 30 December 1976. The debenture transfer register will (Transvaal) Collieries Ltd; The GriqriaJand Exploration and Finance not close and tax on interest payable to Non-Resident Debenture Co. Ltd; The Standard Brass Iron and Steel Foundries Ud; West Holders will be deducted in accordance with the Income Tax Rand Consolidated Mines Ltd. Act, 1%2, as amended. By Order of the Boa'l'd.-R. G. Brown, Dy Order of the Board.-General Mining and Finance Corporation Secretary. Transfer secretaries: Financial Administrators (pty) Ltd, R. A. Wilson, Secretary, 2 December 19'16. Ltd, Fifth Floor. Atkinson House, 24 Eloff Street, Johannesburg, 2001; P.O. Box 7269, Johannesburg, 2000. GENERAL MINING-GROEP ALEX LIPWORTH LTD SLUITING VAN LEDEREGISTERS (Incorporated in the Republic of Soutb Africa) Kennis geskied hiermee dat die lederegister van die ondergenoomde PREFERENCE DIVIDEND 64 . maatskappy gedurende die aangeduide tydperk gesluit sal wees vir doen van betaling van dividende aan aandeelhouers geregistreer Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of 6 (six) op die genoemde datums: percent per annum has been declared by the Board on the Laasle dag Lederegislers 6 Per Cent Cumulative Preference Shares for the period 1 July vir registrasie gesluit 1976 to 31 December 1976, payable to all preference shareholders Gewone aandele...... 17/12/76 18/12/76-31/12/76 registered in the books of the Company at the close of business Voorkeuraandele...... 24/12/76 25/12/76-7/1/77 on 24 December 1976. The dividend is declared in the currency Alpha Free State Holdings Bpk.; Alpha Dunswart Beleggings Bpk.; of the Republic of South Africa and dividend cheques in pay­ Buffelsfontein Gold Mining Maatskappy Bpk.; Dunswart Iron and ment will be posted on or about 24 January 1977. Steel Work Bpk.; Msauli Asbes Bpk.; Natal Ammonium Collieries The Company will deduct Non-Resident Shareholders' Tax of (1946) Bpk.; Sentrust Bpk.; Stilfontein Gold Mining Maatskappy IS per cent from dividends payable to shareholders whose Bpk.; The Clydesdale (Transvaal) Collieries Bpk.; The Griqllaland addresses in the share register are outside the Republic of South Exploration and Finance Maatskappy Bpk.; The Standard Brass Africa. By Order of the Board.-U. L. Frittelli, Secretary. Trans­ Iron and Steel Foundries Bpk.; West Rand Consolidated Mines Bpk. fer secretaries: Financial Administrators (Pty) Ltd, Fifth Floor, In Opdrag van die direksie.-General Mining and Finance-korpo­ Atkinson House, 24 Eloff Street, Johannesburg, 2001. 13/12/76. rasie Bpk., R. A. Wilson, Sekretaris, 2 Desember 1976. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


CAPE-KAAP NEWTONS SPORTLAND (PTY) LTD SOKOLICH PROPERTIES(PTY) LTD, in voluntary Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of shareholders liquidation held on 6 Dllcember 1976 in Durban, passed a special resolution that the Company be wound up voluntarily as a member's winding NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO WIND UP up. VOLUNTARILY It was also resolved that Brian Rulten be appointed liquidator and that he be exempted from furnishing security for the due Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 356 (2) (b) of the performance of his duties.-B. Rulten, c/o Syfrets Trust and Companies Act, 1973, that at an extraordinary general meeting Executor, S.A. Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Dilrban, 4000. of shareholders of the Company held on the 30th day of November 1976, the Shareholders passed a special resolution to wind up the Company by way of members' voluntary winding LYVIA PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD (Registration 63/3443) up, and that Stephen Greenlees Bax, for The Bax Partnership, Notice of voluntary winding up of Lyvia Properties (Pty) Ltd, Eighth Floor, Trust Bank Centre, North Street, East London, Registration 63/3443. The following resolution was passed by the be appointed liquidator of the Company. Company in a general meeting on 1 December 1976: That the Company be wound up voluntarily in terms of section Dated at East London this 7th day of December 1976. 349 (b) of the Companies Act 197 J. Lyvia Properties (Ply) Ltd, Secretary, P.O. Box 1869, Durban, 4000,6/12/76. EVEREADY SOUTH AFRICA LTD (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) [Directors: R. G. Allin (Chairman and Managing Director), J. M. EVANS & REID SA LTD Young! H. A. Parnell, J. A. C. McIntosh, M. H. Johnson, Notice is hereby given that the following resolutions were B. C. Ralph*] passed pursuant to section 350 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, * British at an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Com­ pany held for the purpose at Durban on 16 November 1976: DIVIDEND NOTICE (1) That the Company be wound up voluntarily in terms of Notice is hereby given that an Interim Dividend of 3,5c per section 349 (b) of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended. share has been declared in respect of the year ending 28 February (2) That Richard King Baker of 1922, 320 West Street, Dur­ ban, be appointed liquidator of. the Company and further that 1977, payable on 11 February 1977, to shareholders registered in in terms of section 371 (1) he shall not be required to furnish the books of the Company as at close of business on 7 January security to the Master of the Supreme Court or any other autho­ 1977. rity for the due performance of his duties. (3) That the liquidator be authorised to destroy all books and The share transfer books and share registers will be closed papers of the Company and of its winding up on the expiry' of from 8 to 16 January 1977, both days inclusive. six months from the date of dissolution of the Company. In terms of the Inoome Tax Act, 1962, Non-Resident Share­ N. B. Page, Secretary, 7/12176. hQlders' Tax Qf 15 per cent will be deducted from dividends pay­ able to shareholders whose addresses in the share registers are out­ side the Republic of South Africa. O.F.S.-O.V.S. Dividend warrants will be posted on 11 February 1977. By Order of the Board.-P. J. Hopper, Seer-etary, Eveready Road, STED BETISMA BELEGGINGS (EDMS.) BPK. P.O. Box 3191, Port Elizabeth, 9/12/76. KENNISGEWING VAN VRYWILLIGE LIKWIDASIE DEURLEDE ([In terme van artikel 356 (2) (b) van die'Maatskappywet, NATAL 1973, soos gewysig) IDGHOAK INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in voluntary Op 'n algemene vergadering van die Maatskappy gehou op liquidation 6 Desember 1976, is die volgende besluite geneem: Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 352 (b) of the Com­ (I) Dat die Maatskappy vrywillig gelikwideer word. panies Act, 1973, as amended, that at a general meeting of share­ (2) Dat Johannes Frederik Zietsman betioem word as likwida­ holders of the Company, held on 26 November 1976, the share­ teur. holders passed a special resolution to wind up the Company (3) Dat die Meester .. van die Hooggeregshof versoek word om by way of members' voluntary winding up and that W. S. M. die likwidateur vry te stel van sekerheidstelling in terme van Redpath, Dundee House, Aiken Street, Port Shepstone, be artikel 350 (1)(c) van die Wet. appointed liquidator of the Company.-S. O. Basson.& Co., P.O. Box 2, Port Shepstone, 4240, 3/12/76.. J. F. Zietsman, Likwidateur, Hoofstraat Z7, Posbus 31, Villiers.

LIQUIDATORS' AND OTHER APPOINTEES' NOTICES LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS Notices by liquidators and other appointees such as executors, judicial managers, trustees, curators or tutors, of appointments, meetings, accounts, claims, leave of absence, releases, etc. Kennisgewings deur likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes sooseksekuteurs, geregtelike bestuurders, trustees, kurators ofvoogde, van IW)o Iltellings, vergaderings, rekeninge, eise, verlor, vrystellings, ens.

Company's property has been expropriated, it be wound 'up CAPE-KAAP voluntarily, as a member's winding up -and that, Windsor Jacobs, 68/11418-M.AIN STREET CONCORDE INVESTMENTS Chartered Accountant (S. A.), Second Floor, Havilland House, (PTY) LTD, voluntary winding up.-Be advised that the above 41 Havelock Street, Port Elizabeth, be appointed as liquidator Company resolved by special resolution on 8 December 1976, of the Company.-Windsor Jacobs, P.O. Box 12050, Centrahil, and in temls of section 349 of the Companies Act that, as the Port Elizabeth, 6006. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

38 No. 5363 GOVER~MENT GAZETfE, 24 DECEMBER 1976 DEEDS: LOST DOCUMENTS Notice is hereby given in tenns ofthe Deeds Registry Act, No. 47 of 1937, that the following applicants intend applying for a certified copy of the document(s) named and that ail persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby requested to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the place mentioned within three weeks (and within five weeks in the case of S.W.A.) from the last publication of the notice. The information is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) document(s) in question with number and date: (3) passed by; (4) in favour of (and in case of bonds, the amount); (5) in respect of certain (description, number, situation, extent and/or further details); (6) applicant and/or his agent with address and datc; (7) objections to be lodged with the Registrar of Deeds at. AKTES: VERlORE DOKU MENTE K eon is wurd hiermee gep:~e ingevolge die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, No.47 van 1937, datdievolgendeapplikantevoornemens is omaansoek te doen vir 'n gesertifiseenie afskrif van die geuoemde dokument ee) en dat aile persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige aGkrifbeswaar maak hiermee versoek word om dit skriftelik in Ie dien by die Registrateur van Aktes te genoemde plek, binne drie wele (en binne vyf weke in die geval van S.W.A.) na die laaste publikasie van die kennisgewing. . Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (l) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afde!ing, county; (2) onderbawige dokument(e) met nommer en' datum; (3) gegee deur; (4) ten gunste van (en in gevalle van verbande, die bedrag); (5) ten opsigte van sekere (beskrywing, nommer, ligging, grootte en/of verdere besonderhede); (6) applikant en/of sy agent met adres en datum; (7) besware in te dien by die Registrateut van Ak les teo TRANSVAAL PAARL.-(2) Transportakte 15036, geda·teer 27/10/61. (3)-. (4) Johannes Gcrh:ardus Steenkamp, gcoore op 9/9/04. (5) Seker STANDERTON.-(2) Akte van Tran;,piort 33591/1946, gedalteer stuk gelee in die Munisipalitmt en Afdding van Paarl, 30/10/46. (3)-. (4) Johanr.a Christina Vorster, gehore Rheeder synde 1349, Paarl, grOat 335, Paari, 2/12/76. (7) Ka::.pstad. Johannes Vorster (non 'n weduwee). (5) Resterende gedeelte van PINELANDS.-(2) Deed of Transfer 15287, dated 11/10/50. Ed 36,. gelee in die dorp:;geb-ied Standerton, Regi,stmsieafdeling (3) Pinelands Development Company Ltd. (4) Ernest Sidney IS, T,,'I., groot 1 807 vierkante meter. (6) Vorster & Prinsloo, White. (5) Certain land situate in the MunidpaHty of Pinclands, Applikant se Prolmreurs, Vanderstelgebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pre­ Cape D:vis-ion, being Erf 165,6, Pinelands, meas'uing 818 square toria, 9/12/76. (7) Pretoria. metres. (6) Findlay & Tait, 140 St George's S~reet, Cape Town, POTGIETERSRUS.-(2) Transportak·te 18431/1%2, geregi­ 3/12/76. (7) Cape T"Own. streer op 30/8/62. (3) Petrus Prinsloo. (4) Wi)helmina Jacoba GORDONIA.-(2) van Verband 9577/1970, geda­ Prinsloo, gcbore Verma:ak op 3(}/7/14, weduwee. (5) Gedeelte 1 teer 15/5/70. (3) Lambertus Jacobus Theron, gebore op 18/2/ van die plaa'S Tygerpad 633, Registrasieafdel~ng KS, Tvl., groot 38. (4) Andries Daniel Neethling, gebore op 4/9/34, R6000. (5) 545,1543 hek-taar. (6) E. K. Fleischhauer, Hocb!;tetterhuis 27, Persele 31 en 34 (gedeeltes van Perseel 22), Paardeneiland en Andriesstraat 280, Pre.roria, 3/12/76. (7) Pretoria. Drifteiland, afdcling Gordonia, groot 5,551 g hektaar en 5,4839 GROENKLOOF.-(2) {'.-a.nceIIaHon of Sewnd Bond 23672/ hektaar. (6) Joubert Blaauw & Le Roux, Pro;wreurs vir Verband­ 1959, dated 27/10/59. (3) Panos Tokalon, born on 23/4/27. (4) houer, Voortrekkerstraat 27, Posbus 159, Ka:wmas, 8870, 23/11/ Douglas Thomas Lewis, born on 16/6/15, R20oo. (5) Etf 255, 76. (7) Kaapstad. situa.te in the Township "Of GroonkIoof, Rcgistra-tioo Div,ision JR, KENILWORTH.-(2) Deed of Transfer 4250, dated 1313/64. Tvl, measuring 2709 square m-eltres. (G) Klag:;bruns, Attorneys (3)-. (4) Violet Edith Frost, born Andrews on 25/1.' 1889, widow. fur Applicant, P.O. B:ox 294, Pr~toria, 0001. (7) Pretoria. (5) Certain piece of land situate at Kenilworth in the City of KOSTER.-(2) Verbandakte 33558/63. (3) John Christopher Cape Town, Cap'c Division, being Erf 65039, Cape Town at Philps, gebore op 13/11/30. (4) AbdusSalaarn Ahmed, R2000. Kenilworlh in Gibson Township, measuring 1 248 square metres. (5) Gedeelte 0 van Gedeelte A van die oostelike helftc van die (6) Mallinick Ress Richman & Co., Seventh Floor, House, plaas Kleinfontein 463, Registrasieafdeling JP, Tvl., groot 234 Hans Strijdom Avenue, Cape Town. (7) Cape Town. vierkante roede. (6) Van der Merwe & Jooste, Posbus 51, Koster, PAARL.-(2) Mortgage Bond 4529, dated 26/2176. (3) Jacob 8/12/76. (7) Pretoria. Johannes van Niekerk, born on 30/5/53. (4) The Wellington RUSTENBURG.-(2) Akte van Transport 51528/1969, gedateer Board of Executors Ltd. (5) Certain piece of land situate in 2/12/69. (3) Anda:lia (Edms.) Bpk. (4) Maria Johanna Gouws, the Division of Paarl, being Portion 5 (portion of Portion getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere met Ernst Hendrik Gonws. 2) of Farm 518, measuring 20,8095 hectares. (6) Philip Sarem­ (5) Gedeelte 53. ('n gedeeltc van Gedeelte 43) van die plaas bock & Attorneys for Applicant, 17 Church Street, P.O. Boekenhoudtfontein 260, Registrasieafdeling JQ, Tvl., groot Box 30, 6/12/76. (7) Cape Town. 21,413 3 hektaar. (6) G. 1. Smith & Van der Watt, Posbus 98, P/>,ARL.-(2) Deed of Transfer 38360, dated 5/12/75. (3)-. Krugersdorp, 1740, 9/12/76. (7) Pretoria. (4) Jacob Johannes van Niekerk. born on 30/5/53. (5) Certain OBSERVATORY.-(2) Kansellasie van Verbandakte B22042/ piece of land situate in the Division of Par..r!, being Portion 5 74, gedateer 18/10/14. (3) Luciana Agost;rra Alessandrello, gebore (portion of Portion 2) of Farm 518. measm:ins 20,8095 hectares. Vallino op 24/10/45, gctroud met Mario Luigi Alessandrello in (6) Philip Sarembock & Lewis, Attorneys for Applicant, 17 Church !tam!, welke huwelik beheer word deur die wette van gemelde Street, P.O. Box 30, Wellington, 6/12/76. (7) C~,pe Town. land. (4) Rand Bank Bpk., No. 57/149, R200oo. (5) Erf 233, VRYBURG.-(2) Transportakte 1693/1974, gedateer 1l/1li74. Observatory-uitbreidingdorpsgebied, Regi&trasieafdeling lR, Tv]., (3) Lourens Petrus Koekemoer, gcbo,;: op 25/3/22. (4) groot 3286 vierkantc meter. (6) Sutherland Van der Westhuizen Johannes Gideon Francios Stol5. gebore op 11/12/44. (5) Seker & Oppennan, Vierde Verdieping, Longs Bankgebou, hoek van Erf 2765, Vryburg, ge1ee in die Vrybnrg.:1nrps-uitbreiding 13, Rissik- en Breestraat, Johannesburg, 1O/12{76. (7) Registrateur in die ,Munisipaliteit van Vryburg. afdeling VrYJurg, groot 1061 van Randdorp!l, Johannesburg. vierkante meter. (6) Du, Vivit;rs & Kie" Markstraat 136, BALFOUR.-(2) Deed of Transfer 24336/73, dated 31/7{73. Posbus 23, Vryburg. (7) Vryburg. (3) Manfred Karel Franz Gothe, born' on 10/3/28. (4) Erich HUMANSDORP.-(2) TranRportaktc 1%12. gedatcer 5/10/45. Arnold van den Hecver, born on 13/4/52. (5) Erf 1653, Township (3)-. (4) Jacobus Johannes Smith, gebon:: 17/12/1900. (5) of Balfour, Registration Division JR, Tvl, measuring 2885 square Seker een-dfde aanded in seker stuk erfpaf,g~()"d, metres. (6) Charles Shennan, Levin & Prosser, Applicant's Attor­ gelee in die afdeling Humansdorp, die plans Lot Q, neys, Suite 4, Rand Centre, Fourth and f'ifth Streets, P.O. Box gedeeltc van die plaas Onverwacht of (nou beskryf as 886, Springs, 9/12/76. (7) Pretoria. Gedeelte 13 van die plwas Onverwacht 12), groot 70,090 0 hek­ taar. (6) D, P. de Klerk & Van Gend, Prckurenrs, Posbus 1857, CAPE-KAAP Kaapstad, 8000, 8/12/76. (7) Kaapstad. HUMAl'ISDORP.-(2) Transportakte 115:)7, gedatcer 12/8/58. PlNELANDS.-(2) Deed of Tram;fer 11015, dated 6;8/56. (3)-. (4) Jacobus Johannes Smith, gebort:! op 17/12/1900. (5) (3) Pinel"lnciJs Development {';()mpany Ltd. (4) Mervyn Keith du Sekere een-v}"fde aandeel in seker stuk Opr::;!1efte erfpaggrond, Plessis, born on 3/10/18. (5) Certain piece of land situate in gelee in die afdeling Humansdorp, synde dl~ 1'ba8 Lot Q, gedeelte the Muni:cipality of p,j,nelands, Cape Division, being Erf 1822, van die olaas Onverwacht of Cambria (nG:: h:'K:ryf as G('dee!te Pinelands, 8250 square feet. (6) Fair.bridge Arderne 13 van ~iie plaas Onverwacht 12), groat iOJ19() 0 hektaai. (6) & l;awtl{)n, 46 St Street, Oape Town. (7) Cape T{)wn. D. P. de lO~rk & Van Gend, Prokureurs, POribus 1857, Kemp­ MAFEKING.-(2)Deed of Tran!lfer %4/43. (3) Estate late stad, S()OO, 1/12/76. (7) Kaapstad, Sundel Gordon. (4) Archibald Gordon, born on 17/7/1898. (5) Cet1tain one-fifth lIhare in remaining e'{tent 'of Erf 215 (fOT­ merIy a portion of Freehold Erf 10), situate ,in the Munio:pality NATAL of Ml!l.fek'ing. Division oC Ma;feking, mea'suring 1 435 sqmre PIETERMARITZBURG.-(2) Deed of Tr:msfer 7392[196t, metr68. (6) Fraenkel & Aekerman, Applicant's Attorneys, P.O. dated 18/10161. (3)-. t4) Harkishan bern on 29/2/20. (5) Box 53, Mafeking, 7/12/76. (7) Vryburg. (a) A one-half share in and to remainder Subdivision 1 of G Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

srAATSKOERANT, 24 DESEMBER 1976 No. 5363 39 of Lot 46, Longmarket Street, situate in the City and County of Pietennaritzburg, Province of Natal, in extent: 15 square mctres. O.F.S.-OV.S. (b) A one-half share in and to remainder of Subdivision G of VIUOENSKROON.-(2) Sertifikaat van Mineraleregte 87MR/ Lot 46, Longmarket Street, situate in the City and County of 1967, geregistreer op 31/10/67. (3)-,-. (4) Adriaan Judith Keeve, Pietermaritzburg, Province of Natal, in extent 470 square metres. gebore Geldenhuys op 28/11/33, gehuud buite gemeenskap van (6) Venn Nemeth & Hart, Applicants' Attorneys, 17 Buchanan goedere met Jan Harm Keeve. (5) Een-derde aandeel van aIle Street, P.O. Box 600, Pietermaritzburg. (7) Pieterrnaritzburg. regte tot goud, diamante en edelgesteentes (uitgesluit steenkool) EDENDALE.-(2) GoHateraI Mortg>a:ge Bond 4768/1961, dJat.ed in op en onder Onderverdding 2 van die gekonsolidderde plaas 8/8/61. (3) RCUIben Tlolakele Caluza. (4) Bantu Investment Cor­ Tweepunt 14, geld; in die distrik Viljoenskroon, groot 294,1436 poratJion of South Africa Ltd, R8400. (5) Lot 345 of the farm hektaar (343,412 3 morg). (6) Naude & Naude, Prokureurs vir Edendale 775, situate in 1100 County of Pietermaritzburg, Province Appiikant, Sanlamgcbou, Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 153, Bloem-' of NUtI, in extent 3 rood 33 perches (386'9 square metres). (6) fontein, 6/12/16. (7) Bloemfontein. Bale Greene & Morcom, Attorneys. 28 Qb.a.ncery Lane, P.O. SMITHFIELD.-(2) Akte van Transport 4062/1968, geregi­ Box 126, Pietcrmaritzburg, 6/12/76. (7) PidJeImaritzburg. streer op 27/8/68. (3)-,-. (4) Sarel Da~id Theron, gebor~ ~p PIETBRMARITZBURG and KUP 'RIVER.-(2) Deed of 16/10/1896. (5) Sekere Erf 279, gelee In du? dorp en dlstrik Transfer 2&76/1939, daoted 9/6/39. (3) Reuben Tolakele Caluza. Smithfield, groot 4 461 vierkante meter (312 v1erkat;tte roe~e, 72 (4)-,-. (5) (a) Lot 346 of the fann Edendale 775, situate in the vierkante voet). (6) Naude & Naude, Prokureurs Vif Applikant, County of Pietermaritzburg, Province of Natal, in extent 1 acre 2 Sanlamgebou, Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein, 81 roods 9 perches (6297 square metres). (b) Lot III, No. 5544, 12/76. (7) Bloemfontein. situate in the County of Klip River, Province of Natal, in extent CLOCOLAN.-(2) NotariiHe Akte Vdn Sessie van Vruggebruik 3 roods 31,14 perches (3822 square metres). (6) Bale Greene &. 523S/196I, geregistreer op 13/9/61. (3) Die ~el van wyle Fre· Morcom, Attorneys, 28 Chaneery Lane, P.O. Box 126, Pieter­ derik Jacobus Nel, No. 1016/60. (4) Oltba,nna Johanna Nel, maritzburg, 7/12/76. (1) Pietermaritzburg. gebore ScrflOMein op 6/8/V6, weduwee. (5) (6) Sekere gedeeJte KLIP RIVER.-(2) CoiIlateral MOItgIIIe Bond 8054/1963, dMed bekend as J.P.N. 108 van die plaas Annex Clifton 408, gelclS in 11/9/63. (3) Reooen Tolakele Calum. (4) Bantu Investment Oor­ die doistrik Clocolan, groot 40 rnorg (34,261 3 hek.taar). ~b) Sckere poration of South Africa Ltd, R5600. (5) Lot 345 of the fann gedeelte bekend as NelsJ.'mt 409 van die plaas Cl,j,ft(;>ll 336, Edendale 775, s-~tu.ail:e in 00Unty of Pietermaritzburg, Pro­ gelee in di.;: disb'ik Clooolan, groat 513 morge, 3i5 vlerkan~ vince of Natal, in extent 3 roods 33 perches (3869 square roede (439,8506 hektaar). (6) Nllllde & Naude, Prokureurs YU' metres). (6) Bale Greene &. Morcom, 28 Otancery Lane, P.O. Applikant, Sanlamgebou, Maitlandl'itraat 71, Poobus 153, BfIoem­ Box (7) 126, Pietermarilzburg, 6112/76. I".ietennaritro;.:rg. fontein, 2/12/76. (7) Bloemfontein. DURBAN.-(2) I),':ed of Tl'IIII1sfer 4004/1952, dated 23/5/52. (3) Johannes Michael Von HeIsOmgeu Brink, acting under and BLOE:\fFONTBIN.-(2) Kansellasie van AMe van Vetbaad by virtue ofa re90lu~ passed OIl ,18/1/37 by the directOl.'ll of 668j 1930, geregis.treer op 20/2/30. (?) Die ,trustees van, die ~­ the Clennont Township (Ply) IMI. (4) Mafh Amos4e 'Radebe, biers CIun van Bfoemfontein. (4) Ole Stadsraad van die MUDlSl­ born during 1&97. (5) Erf 3514, "IOwnShip of Clermont, paliteit van Bloemfontein, RH)OOO. (5) AI die reg, tiM en aan­ sitwte in the Public Health Area. of Oennont, and in th¢ Pine­ spraak van die Rambolers Club in en tot sek:er HuurlrontIak mwn Regi-onal Water Supply A.n:a, QJuoty of Durban, Province 9753, geregistreer op 12/5/V6, ~o-r seker stu~ ffTood bekend .A'f. of Natal, in extent 902 square metres. (Q) C. C. C. Raulstone The Ramblers 1930, geleein die stad en dilSltnk Bloem£ontetn, &. Ge)'Set:, P.O. Box 536. Pietermaritzb'lq. 8/12/76. (7) Pieter· groot 5,890 1 hektaar. (6) Van de Wall &. Vennote, Posbus 260, maritm.urg. BkJemfontein, 3/12/76. (7) Bloemf'Outein.

ORDERS OF THE COURT-ORDERS VAN DIE HOF 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons con­ TRANSVAAL eerned to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on Saak M2689176 2S January 1977, at IOhOO, why the said Respondent Compaay IN DIB HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN sum-AFRIKA should not be placed under final winding-up order; (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent Company at its registered office and be published forthwith Voor Sy Bdele ReateI' Myburgh once in the Government Gazette and in a Johannesburg daily Pretoria, die 7de dag van Jlesembor 1976 newspaper. By the Court.-D. F. Joubert, Assistant Registrar. In die saak tussen PEAK ADMINISl'RATION (EDMS.) BPK., Applicant, en ERF TIEN TIEN QUEENSWOOD (EDMS.) Case 10135/16 (PH212) BPK., geregistree~de hoofkantoor te Whistlctreelaan 1265, Queens­ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOurR AFRICA wood, Pretoria, Respondent (Witwatersrand Local Division) Na aanhoor van advokaat Oaniels., namens die Applikant, en Before the Honourable Mr Justice McEwan na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en ander stukke Johannesburg, the 16th day of November 1976 afgelewer; Word Gelas: In the matter of the application of MORRIS LURIE, Applicant, in re PHORMIUM PRODUCTS (PTy) LTO, Respondent 1. Oat die Respondent Maatskappy bieIby in vooriopige lik­ widasie geplaas word; Having heard Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the 2. Oat 'n bevel nisi uitgereik word wat aile belanghebbendes notice of motion and the other documents filed of record; oproep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie Hof aan te voer, The Court Grants an Order: om 10hOO, 01' 25 Januarie 1977, waarom die Respondent Maat­ (a) Directing in terms of section 73 (6) of the Companies skappy nie onder finale likwidasie geplaas sal word nie; Act of 1973, that the registration of the name, memorandum of 3. Oat betekening van hierdie bevel nisi geskied aan die Res­ association and articles of association of Phormium Products pondent Maatskappy by sy geregistreerde bntoor en onverwvld (Pty) Ltd, be restored, subject to compliance by the Company gepubliseer word eenmaalin elk van die Staatskoerall( 'en with the requirement~ set out in the report by the Registrar of Pretoria News-nuusblad. Deur die Hof.-I. F. R. du Preez, Companies; Assistent-griffier. (b) Directing assets which belonged to Phonnium Products (pty) Ltd before its deregistration be revested in the Company IN THE SUPREMB COURT OF soum AFRICA insofar as these assets have become bOlla VQC(Ultia; (Witwatersrand Local Division) (c) Directing the Company at its own expense to cause one Before the Honourable Mr Justice F. S. Steyn publication of this Order to be effected within one month of today once in each of the Government Gazette and a Johannes­ Johannesburg, the 28th day of September 1976 burg daily newspaper. By Order of the Court-D. F. Joubert, In the matter between PETERHOUSE LTD, Applicant, and Assistant Registrar. PHOTOPOST (PTY) LTD, having its registered offices at Second CAPE-KAAP Floor, Southern House, 30 Rissik Street, Johannesburg, Respon­ dent IN THE SUPREMB COURT OF soum AFRICA Having heard Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division) application; In the matter between ATHANASIOS DASKALAKIS, Appli­ It is Ordered: cant, and CHRISTOS CONGAS, Respondent I. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is Notice is hereby given. that the provisional order of sequestra­ hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands tion granted in this case on the 30th day of- June 1976, by tbe of the Master; Supreme Court of South Africa (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


Division), has been superseded and the petition discharged by Respondent, ASHKAY INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, Sixth Res­ Order of the said Court, dated the 19th day of November pondent, POPATLALL KARA (PTY) LTD, Seventh Respon­ 1976.-K. L Wattrus, Master of the Supreme Court, Master's dent, KARA HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD, Eighth Respondent, DUN­ Office, Cape Town. PROP INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, Ninth Respondent, MADRINA INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD; Tenth Respondent, IN DrE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUlD·AFRIKA PRINLAND PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD, Eleventh Respondent, (Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsi;l\e Afdeling) GREYPINE HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD, Twelfth Respondent, FLORIN HEIGHTS (PTY) LTD, Thirteenth, Respondent, DESA­ In die saak tussen ATHANASIOS DASKALAKIS, Applicant, KAR INVESTMENTS (PTy) LTD, Fourteenth Respondent, en CHRISTOS CONGAS, Verweerdcr ROSLYN HEIGHTS (PTy) LTD, Fifthteenth Responde1!t, Kennis gcskied hiermee dat die voorlopige bevel van sekwes­ SHARON KEYS (PTY) LTD, Sixteenth Respondent, PRINCE­ trasie uitgereik in hierdie geval op die 30sle dag van JWlie 1976, BOND PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD, Seventeenth Respondent deur die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Kaap die Goeie Hoop registered head offices at clo Naicker & Company, First Floor, Provinsiale Afdeling) tersyde is, en die aansoek ontslaan 108 Victoria Street, Durban is deur 'n Bevel van die ges Hooggeregshof, gedateer die Upon the motion of Mr Friedman S,C., within Mr Levinsohn, 19de dag van November 197 .-K. J. Wattrus, Meester van COWlsel for the Applicant, and upon reading the notice of die Hooggeregshof, Meesterskantoor, Kaapstad. motion and the other documents filed of record; It is Ordered: NATAL 1. That The Kathorian Trading Company (Pty) Ltd, K.ara Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd, PQpatlall's (Pty) Ltd, Peekay Sarrie House Case M1221 {76 (Ply) Ltd, Popatlall's, Sarrie Boutique (Ply) Ltd, Ashkay Invest~ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA ments (Pty) Ltd, Popatlall Kara (Pty) Ltd, Kara Holdings (Pty) (Durban and Coast Local Division) Ltd, Danprop Investmeats (Pty) Ltd, Madrina Investments (Pty) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Shearer Ltd, Prinland Properties (Pty) Ltd, Greypine Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Florin Heights (Pty) Ltd, Desakar Investments (Ply) Ltd, DuI'ban, Friday, 5 November 1976 Roslyn Heights (Pty) Ltd, Sharon Keys (Pty) Ltd, Princebond In the matter between DAVID ALBERT SAMUEL LOWE Properties (Pty) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as The Responpents) (N.O.), ,Applicant, and MARCHGROVE PUBLISHING COM­ and all other interested persons, be and they are hereby called PANY (PTY) LTD, reg,istercd officelS wt c/o B. Alleson & upon to show cause, if any, before the Durban and Coast Oompany, Fourth Floor, Agency House, Umgeni RO'ad, Durban, Local Division of the Supreme Court of South Africa, held Respondent at Durban on Friday, the 4th day of February 1977, why an Upon. the motion of Mr Chadwick, Counsel for the Appli­ order should not be made placing the Respondents Wlder judi· cant, and upon reading the notice of motion and the other cial management in terms of section 427 of Act 61 of 1973, and documents filed of record; why that Order should not be made with and subject to the following directions, namely: It is Ordered: (a) That the Respondents shall be under the management, 1. Thall. Marchgrove Publishing ()aJ::npany (Pty) Ltd, and all subject to the supervisions of this Court, of a final judicial other interested persons be and they are hereby called upon to manager or final judicial managers, to be appointed in terms of show cause, if any, before the Supreme Court of South Africa section 431 of the said Act, and that the directors and other (Durban and Coast Local Division), sitting at Durban, on 3 persons vested with the management, at.the date of the making December 1976, at lOhOO, why the Respondent Company should of the Order be divested thereof; OIOt be WIOund up; (b) That upon the grant of the Order the final judicial mana· 2. That this order &hall operate as an order provisionally ger or final judicial managers ptoCeed forthwith to take over wind'ing up the Respondent Cvmpany; the management of the Respondents and shall thereafter carry 3. 'I1hat this Order and a copy of the Application be ,served out the duties referred to in section 433 of the said Act, and the fort!hwi!th on the Respondent Company at it'S registered office duties imposed upon a final judicial manager by other provi­ and :tlha,t the Order be published on orbefiore the 26th day of sions of the said Act; November 1976, once in the Government Gazette and once in a (c) That upon the grant of the ,Order the provisional judicial da1ly neWispaper pubHSJhed and circulating in Natal. By Order,of manager shall hand over all matters and account to the final the Oount,-D. J. P. Scholtz, Assistant RegJistrar. ' judicial manager or final judicial managers; (d) That the rate of remuneration of the final judicial manager Case 1\11221{76 or final judicial managers shaH be such amount as may be fixed by the '\taster of the Supreme Court, Natal Provincial DiVIsion; IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (e) That while the Respondents are under judicial management, (DUman 'and Ooast Local Division) all actions and the execution of all writs, summonses and other BdQre the Hc.!lOurable Mr Ju&tice Kriek processes against the Respondents be stayed and not be' pro­ Duman, Friday, 3 December 1976 ceeded with without the leave of the Court first obtained; (f) That the final judicial manager or final judicial managers In the matter between DAVID ALBERT SAMCEL LOWE shall have the power to raise money in any way for the proper (N.O.), Applicant, and MAROHGROVE PUBLISHING COM­ conduct of the Respondent's affairs in terms and subject to the PANY (PTY) LTD, regi'Steroo offiCe at c/o B. AIleron & C'A)fl1­ provisions of section 432 (3) (c) read with sectiort 435 (1) (a) pany, Fourth Floor, Agency House, Umgeni House, Umgeni of the said Act. R-oad, Durban, Respondent . (g) That in terms of section 439 (2) of the said Act, the Upon the motIon 'Of Mr Ohadwick, Counsel for ~he Applicant, provisions of section 414, 415 and 416 shall apply in the said and upon reading illhe provisilOnal winding up order issued out judicial management; of this Court on 5 November 1976; 2, That this Order operate as a provisional judicial management It ios Ordered: order with and subject to the directions set out' in subpara­ graphs (a), (b), (d), (e), (f) and (g) of paragraph 1 hereof with 1. 1'hat the afore-said rule nisi be and is hereby extended to 7 January 1977; the following modifications thereto: 2. That the Order be publi~hed on or before 31 December (i) In each of such subparagraphs the substitution for the 1976, once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily words "final judicial manager" or "Final judicial managers" newspaper published and circula1ing in NataL By Order of the of the words "provisional judicial manager"; Court.-F. G. Vos, Registrar. (ii) In subpRragraph (a), the substitution for "section 431" of "section 429"; (iii) In subparagraph (b), the substitution for "section 433" Saak M1356f76 of "section 430" and the substitution for the word "final" IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA where it last appears therein of the word "provisional". (Durban and Coast Local Division) (iv) In each subpaffl~raph (e) and (\1) of the insertion before Before the Honourable Mr Jnstice hmes (Judge President) the worn "hdicial" of the word "provisional". (v) I'll s;lbparagraph (f), the substitution for "section 432 (3) (in chambers) (c)" of the "section 428 (2) (c)"; Durban, Monday, 6/12/76 3. That this order be ;;erved forthwith on the Respondenl~ at I'll the matter between DHIRAJLI\L JETHA K A R A. Appli­ their re;>istered head offices at clo Naicker & Company, First cant, and THE KATHORIAN TRADING CO. (PTY) LTD, Floor, J08 Victoria Street, Durban, and be puhlished once in .the First Respondent, KARA WHOLESALERS (PTY) LTD, Second Government Gazette and twice at an interval of not less than Respondent. POPATLALL'S (PTY) LTD, Third Resp"ndent, three. nor more than 10 days in a dailv newspaper published PEEKAY SARRIE HOUSE (PTY) LTD, Fourth Re'f)nn

SfAATSKOERANT,24 DESEMBER 1976 No. 5363 4i

Case M1315/76 . Case MI224/76 IN THESUPREME COURT OF SOlITII AFRICA IN THE S.UPREME COURT OF soum .AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) (Durban and Coast Local Division) Before the HonQurable Mr Justice Kriek Before the Honourable Mr Justice Fannin Durban, Friday, 3 December 1976 Durban, Friday, 26 November 1976 In the matter between M. J. ENSOR (N.O.), Appli~ant, and In the matter between ISHWARLALL RAMKISUN DULLAY, HOMES HANDY HOUSE (PTy) LTI), registered office at Applicant, andCASA ENTERTAINMENTS (PTY) LTD,a company duly registered and carrying on business as Cinema Second Floor, N.B.S. Buildinp, 300 Smith Street, Durban, Res­ ~~~ . Operators at Flamingo Avenue, Albersville, Port Shepstone, Natal, Respondent . Upon the motion of Mr Chadwick, Counsel for .the Appli­ cant, and upon reading the provisional winding-up order issued . Upon the motion of Mr Mitchell,Counsel for the Applicant, out of this Court on 5 November 1976; and upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record; It is Ordered: IUs O.dered: 1. That the aforesaid rule nisi be and it is hereby extended 1. That Casa Entertainments (Pty) Ltd, and all other interested to 14 January 1977; persons be and they are hereby called upon to show cause, if 2. That the order be published on or before 31 December any, before the Supreme Court of South Africa (Durban and 1976, once in. the Government Gazette and once in a daily Coast Local Division), sitting at Durban on 14 January 1977, newspaper published and circulating in Durban. By Order of the at lOhOO, why the Respondent Company should not be wound Court.-F. G. Vos, Registrar. up; Case M1224/76 2. That this Order shall operate as an order provisionally winding up the Respondent Company; IN TIlE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division) 3. That this Order and a copy of the application be served forthwith on the Respondent Company at its registered office Before the Honourable Mr Justice Sheerer and that the Order be published on or before ~he 24th day Durban, Friday, 5 November 1976 of December 1976, once in the Government Gazette and once in In the matter' between M.J. ENSOR (N.O.), Applicant, and a daily newspaper published in DUrban and circulating in Natal. HOMES HANDY HOUSE (PTY) LTD, registered office at By Order of the Court.-F. G. Vos, Registrar. Second Floor, N.B.S. Buildings, 300 Smith Street, Durban, Res­ pondent Case M1335/76 Upon the motion of Mr Chadwick, Counsel for the Applicant, and upon reading the Notice of motion and the other docnments IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA filed of record; (Durban and Coast Local Division) It is Ordered: Before the Honourable Mr Justice Leon (in chambers) 1. That Homes Handy House (Ply) Ltd, and all other interested persons be and they are hereby called upon to show cause, if Durban, Wednesday, 1 December 1976 any, before the Supreme Court of South Africa (Durban and Coast Local Division), sitting at Durban on 3 December 1976, In the matter between FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT COR­ at lOhOO., why the Respon~nt Company should not be wound PORATION OF SOUTH AFRICA LTD, Applicant, and up; INTERNATIONAL FISHING CORPORATION (PTY) LTD, 2. That this Order shall operate as an order provisionally registered office at 17/18 Victoria Embankment, Durban, Res­ winding up the Respondent Company; pondent 3. That this Order and a copy of the application be served Upon the motion of Mr Gordon, Counsel for the Applicant, forthwith on the Respondent Company at its registered office and upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents and that the Order be pUblished on or before 26 November filed of record; 1976, once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily news­ It is Ordered: paper published and. circulating in Durban. By Order of the Court.-D. J. P. Scholtz, Assistant Registrar. 1. That International Fishing Corporation (pty) Ltd, which is hereinafter referred to as the Respondent, and all other interested S.W.A. persons be and they are hereby called upon to show cause, if IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA any, before· this Court on Friday the 7th day of January 1977, (South-West Africa DiviSiion) at Whoo, or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard why the Respondent Company should not be wound up; In the maf1er hetween RUDOLF SCHUS1IBR LTD, Applicant. and SCHANI FRANZ, who car.ried on business as a building 2. That this Order operate as an order provisiona!ly winding­ oontractor under the name and &tVle of Sohani Franz Building up the Respondent Company; Contractor, Klein Windhoek Road, Windhoek, Respondent. 3. That this Order be served forthwith upon the Respondent Notice is herehy given that the provisional order granted in at its registered office, 17/18 Victoria Embankment, Durban, this case on the 22nd day of June 1976, by the Supreme Court and that the order be published on or before the 24th day of of South Afrioa (South-West Africa DiviJ5li.on) bas· been super­ December 1976, once in the Government Gazette and once in a seded and petition discharged by Order of the said Court, dated daily newspaper published and in Durban. By Order the 3rd day of December 1976.-J. H. du Lange, Master of the of the Court.-D; J. P. Scholtz, Assistant Registrar. Supreme Oourt, Windhoek, 7/12/76.

SALES IN EXECUTION AND OTHER PUBLIC SALES GEREGTELIKE EN ANDER OPENBARE VERKOPE Saak 5744/76 Voorwaardes v!In verkoping IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK KEMPTON 1. Die eiendom !lal verkoop word sonder rererwe aan die TE PARK, GEHOU KEMPTON PARK hoogs.te hiei!r en sal IOnde.rworpe wees aan die terme en V'OOl'­ In die saak tussen UNITED BOUVERENIGING, Eiser, en waardes van die Landdroshowcwet en reels daaronder gepro­ WILLEl\f ERNST NAUDE MARAIS, Verweerder klameer en van die terme van. die titelaktes, in so ver dit van Ingevolge 'n vonnis toegestaan in die Landdroshof en 'n lasbrief toepassing mag woos. in eksekusie, gedateer 23 September 1976, ui'tgereik d'eUT die 2. Die volgende verbeteliings op die ciendom word aangekoodig Hof te Kcmptonpark, sal die vo\gcnde eiendom verkoop word maar geen walal'borg in verband daarmec word.verskaf me: dour die Gercgsblode voor die Landdroshof te Longstl"aat, Kemp­ Standplaas met woonhuis gebou van stene onder 'n tei!ldak t'OD Park aan die hoogste bicer op Vryd'ag, 28 Januarie 1977, bestaande uit sitkamer, eetkamer, kombu is. drie slaapkamers en om 11'hOO: I} 'badkamers. Erf 192, Olenmarais dorpsgcbid, Regis~rasieafdeling IR, Tvl., Gewone buitcgebl()ue bestaande uit motorhuis en bediende­ synde Beukes"trarut 36, Glenmarais, Kempt,onpark. kalmer. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


3. Tenne.-Die k'lJopprys sal betaalbaar wees synde 10 persent Case 8803/75 daarvan ()p die dag van verkoping aan die Geregsbode en die In the matter between SOUTH AFRICAN PERMA. blalans, te&ame met rente daarop vanaf datum van verkoping NENT RUiLDING SOCIETY, Plaintiff, GERHARDUS MAR· tot datum van registrasie van transport teen 'n rentekoers van THINUS MARITZ BOTHA, Defendant 11 'perrent per jaar sal Dinne 30 dae aan die Geregsbooe betaal word of gedek word deur 'n goedgekeurde bank- of oougenoot­ In execution of a judgment of the Supreme wurt of South skapwaarborg. Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned suit, a sale without reserve will be held elsembe:r 1976, om IOhOO, op word vanaf datum van verkoping. die voorwaardes wat nou ter insae I@ by die Adjunk-balju se kall'/Jooor en wat deur hom gelees sal 'WOrd voo


The following information is furnished re the improvements Deputy Sheriff, 11 Dieperink Street, Roodepoort, on Friday, thongh in this respect nothing is guaranteed: ' the 14th day of January 1977, at IOhOO, of the undermentioned A north-facing house under iron roof comprising lounge property of the Defendant on the conditions to be read out by kitchen, three bedrooms and bathroom as also servant's quarter~ the autcioneer at the time of the sale and which conditions may and garage. be inspected at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Roodepoort, prior to the sale (short description of property, its situation Terms.-Ten per cent of the purchase price and 2t per cent and street number, if any): auctioneer's charges (minimum R20) in cash on the day of the sal~, .the ba~ance against transfer to be secured by a bank or Certain Erf 335, situate in the Township of Quellerina Exten­ bUlldmg SOCiety or other accepteble guarantee to be furnished sion 1, District of Roodepoort, being 47 Kompas Crescent, within 14 days from the date of sale. Quellerina Extension 1, District of Roodepoort, measuring 1 689 (one thousand six hundred and eighty-nine) square metres. Dated 29 November 1976.-Savage Jooste & Adams, Plain­ tiff's Attorneys, 210 Permanent Buildings Paul Kruger Street, The following information is furnished re the improvements, Pretoria. ' though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: A vacant stand. Case 2540/76 Terms.-Ten per cent of the purchase price and 2;; per IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR TIlE DISTRICT OF cent auctione'er's charges (minimum R20) in cash on the day of ALBERTON, HELD AT ALBERTON the sale, the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank In the matter between ALLIED BUILDING SOCIETY Plain­ or building society or ohter acceptable guarantee to be furnished tiff, and BENJAMIN GERLACH, Defendant ' within 14 days from the date of sale. In pursuance of a judgement in the Court of the Magistrate Dated at Johannesburg this 30th day of November 1976.­ of Albc:rton and ~vrit ~f execution, .dated 20.July 1976, the pro­ E. F. K. Tucker, Plaintiff's Attorneys, Permanent Building!, 75 perty listed' herem will. be sold ID executIOn on Friday, 14 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. Ja.nuary 1977, at 10hOO, III front o~ the Magistrat'e's Court, Van Rlebeeck Avenue, Alberton, to the highest bidder: Case 7560/75 Erf 647, Roodekop Township, Registration Division IR Tvl situate on lO4 Nerine Road, Leondale, measuring 805 squar~ IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF metres. ROODEPOORT, HELD AT ROODEPOORT The Judgment Creditor described the improvements on the In the matter between SOUTH AFRICAN PERMANENT property as set out hereunder, but no warranties are .. iven in BUILDING SOCIETY,' Plaintiff, and JOHANNES PETRUS respect thereof: e GRIESEL, Defendant In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the' Magistrate . Improveme;1fs.-:-Detached single-storey dwelling consisting of five rooms With kltch;;n and bathrooms. Constructed of brick of Roodepoort and writ of execution, dated the 19th day of H December 1975, the following property will be sold in execution with !l-n iron roof. Outbuildings: Garage, servant's room and w.c. on Friday, the 21st day of January 1977, at 10hOO at the Mes­ of bnck under iron. senger of the Court's Office, Dieperink Street, Roodepoort. to Terms.-The purchase price shall be paid as to ten (10) per the highest bidder, viz: cent there~f o.n the day of the sale and t.he unpaid balance, together wtth mterst thereon to date of registration of transfer Certain Erf 14, situate in the Township of L~dhaven, District at the rate of 11 per cent per annum within fourteen (14) of Roodepoort, known as 48 South Road, Lindhaven. upon which is erected a detached dwelling of brick walls under days shall be paid or s~ured by a bank or building society guarantee. tile roof, said to contain four rooms, k.itchen. 'two bathrooms an laundry, two garages and the usual outbuildings· in regard to The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior which, however, nothing is guaranteed. to the sale, may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the COurt, Alberton.-Hans J. Moolman lOS K.G. Centre, 50 Terms.-R500 (five hundled rand) cash at the time of the Van Riebeeck Avenue, Alberton. ' sale and the balance against registration of transfer to be secured by an approved banker's or building society's guarantee to be Case 3485/76 delivered within twenty-one (21) days thereafter. IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF The conditions of sale may be inspected during office hours ALBERTON, HELD AT ALBERTON at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Dieperink Street, Roodepoort.-Van Jaarsveld, Vickers & Rootenberg, Plaintiff's In the matter between ALLIED BUILDING SOCIETY Plain­ Attorneys, Fmt Floor, Merlin House, 51 Van Wyk Street, Roode­ . tiff, and FRANCIS EGNER, Defendant ' poort. In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of Atberton and writ of execution, dated 6 August 1976, the property listed herein win be sold in execution on Friday, 14 Saak 5587176 January 1977, at 10hOO, in front of the Magistrate's Court, Van In die saak tussen GREATER SERVICES (PTY) LTD, Eiser, Riebeeck Avenue, Alberton, to the highest bidder: en RAYMOND FERDINAND ROTHWELL, Verweerder Erf 1346 Roodekop Township, Registration Division JR, TvI, Ter uitwinning van 'n vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van Suid­ situate on 19, Gladiolus Road, Leondale, measuring 1 194 square Afrika (Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeling) in· bogemelde saak, metres. sal 'n verkoping met 'n reserweprys van Rli 860 gchou word ten The Judgment Creditor described the improvements on the kantore van die Adjunk-balJu, Eerste Verdieping, Delvers property as set out hereunder, but no warranties are given in Square, hoek van Delvers- en Kerkstraat, Johannesburg, op respect thereof: Dinsdag, die llde dag van Januarie 1977, om llhOO, van die Improvements.~Attached single-storey dwelling consisting of ondervermelde eiendom van die Verweerder op die voorwaardes five rooms with kitchen and two bathrooms. Constructed of wat deur die venduafslaer gelees sal word ten tye van die ver­ brick with an iron roof. o.utbuildings: Garage, servant's room, koping en welke voorwaardes by die kantore van die Adjunk­ coal shed and W.c. of brick with an iron roof. bal.iu, Johannesburg, voor die verkoping tel' insae salle: ' Terms.-The purchase price shall be paid as to ten (10) per Erf 1436, dorpsgebied Turffontein, Registrasieafdeling IR, cent thereon the day of the sale and the unpaid balance, Tv!., groot 495 (vierhonderd vyf-en-negentig) vierkante meter, together with interest thereon to date of registration of transfer bekend as Stantonstraat 66, Turffontein, Johannesburg. at the rate of 11 per cent per annum within fourteen (14) days Die volgende inligting word verskaf insake verbeteringe, alhoe­ shall be paid to secured by a ban,.\: or building society guarantee. wei geen waarborg in verb and daarmee gegee kan word rue: The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior to Woonhuis onder sinkdak bestaande uit sitkamer, eetkamer, the sate, may be inspected at the office of the Messenger of the drie slaapkamers, badkamer, kombuis, waskamer, sowel as Court, Alberton.-Hans J. Moolman, 108 K.G. Centre. 50 Van bediendekamers. Riebeeck A venue, Alberton. Terme.-Tien persent van die koopprys en 2! persent afslaersgelde (minimum R20) in kontant op die dag van die Casc 2047/76 verkoping en die baJans teen registrasie van transport. Ten In the matter I,etwecn SOUTH AFRICAN PERMANENT opsigte van die balans moet 'n bank- of bougenootskap- of BUILDING SOCIETY, Plaintiff, and WINITO BELEGGINGS ander aanneembare waarborg binne 14 dae vanaf datum van (EDMS.) BPK., Defendant verkoping verskaf word. In execution of a iudgment of the Supreme Court of South Geuateer 15 November 1976.-Broomberg, Graff & Korb, Eiser Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned se Prokureur, Vyfde Verdieping, Swisscohuis, Rissikstraat 7, Pos­ suit, a sale without reserve will be held at the offices of the bus 6800, Johannesburg. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


Saak 2250176 Case 5963/74 IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK BRAKPAN, In the matter between EUGENIA WAI FONG SING, born GEHOU TE BRAKPAN Owakee, Plaintiff, and RONALD LOO YEN SING, Defendant P. I. BADENHORST, Eiser, en Mev. E. E. PRETORIUS, In execution of a judgment of the Supreme Court of South Verweerder Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned Kcnnis word hiermee gegce van 'n eksekusieverkoping op 27 suit, a sale with a reserve price of R6 100 will be held at the Januarie 1977, om I1hOO, te Landdroskantoor, Benoni, van: offices of the Deputy Sheriff, First Floor, Delver's Square, cor­ ner of Delver's and Kerk Streets, Johannesburg, on Tuesday, the Erf 2436, met woonhuis en buitegehoue, gelce tc Tweede Laan 11th day of January 1977, at llhOO, of the undermenHoned 14, in die dorpsgebied Northmead, Benoni. property of the Defendant on the conditions to be read out by Die ciendom sal verkoop word met 'n rcserwe van R5000 the auctioneer at the time of the sale and which conditions may aan die hoogste biedcr. be inspected at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Johannesburg, Terme.-l0 persen! konfant en 'n banhvaarborg vir die balans prior to the sale: binne 14 dae.-P. J. 3adenhorst, Athlonelaan 22, Posbus 160, Lot 254, Kensington Township, Registration Division IR, Tvl, Dalvicw. Brakpan, 1540. measuring 357 square metrcs, and the general said township therein referred to held under Deed of Transfer T21816/74, Case 3374176 dated the 5th day of September 1974, and specially subject to certain servitudes appearing in the said D


Tf!!ms.-Ten per cent of the purchase price and 2t per cent Case 850176 auctioneer's charges (minimum R20) in cash on the day of the IN THE MAGTSTRATE!S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF sale, the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or KUlLS RIVER, HELD AT KUlLS RIVER building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within 14 days from the date of sale. Tn the matter between PRUDENTIAL EQUITY BUILDING SOCIETY, Plaintiff, and WILLEM JOHANNES VISAGIE, Dated 9 December 1976.-Webber, Wentzel & Company, Plain­ Defendant tiff's Attorneys, First Floor. Fedmis, corner of West and Mar­ shall Streets, P.O. Box 61771, Marshalltown, JO'hannesburg. In pursuance of a warrant of executiO'n, dated 5 Octeber 1976, the undermcntioned fixed property will be SO'ld by public auction at the prup;;:rty on Wednesday, the 19th day of January NO'tice in terms O'f sectiO'n 34 of Act 24 O'f 1936, M amended. 1977, at 12hOO, ccnsisting of a house situate at 641 Forest Avenue, Notice is hereby given that ART CAOE AND WIRE INDUS­ Eerste River and described as follows: TRIES (P'IY) LTD, 14 Viljoen Stred, Lorentzville, Johannes­ Certain piece of redeemed quitrent land being Erf 641, a burg, intend disposing O'f certain :m.aclltinery and equipment to' portion of Erf 132, Berste River, situate in the Berste River CO'rnelius Andries JacO'bus Nel upon ex.piratiO'n of the period Local Area, Administrative District of SteUenbosch, measuring stipulated in tlu: above-mentiDned sectiDn.-Trakman & Sweidan, seven hundred and twenty (720) square metres, held under Deed AttDrneys fO'r Seller, Seventh FIO'er, Ingram's CO'rner, Twist of Transfer 2351, dated 6 February 1976. Street, Hillbrow, IO'hannesburg. Conditions of sale CAPE-KAAP I. The sale will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Saak 163176 Magistrates' Courts Act, No. 32 of 1944, as amended and of the title deed far as same are applicable. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK CERES, 2. The property will be sold voetstoots to the highest bidder. GEHOU TE CERES 3. The sale will be subject to further conditions which will be read out immediately prior to the sale. The. full conditiO'ns In die saak tussen S.A. PERMANENTE BOUVERENIGING, of sale may be·inspected at the offices of the undersigned.­ VO'nnisskuldeiser, en B. D. HECTOR, VO'nnisskuldenaar Movsowitz &. Kahn, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Bellville Centre, Ter uitvO'ering van 'n uitspraak in die landdroshof, Ceres, in 109 V oertrekker Road, Bellville. bO'genO'emde saak, sal 'n veiling van die vD!gende onrO'erende eiendO'm gehO'u werd ep Saterdag, 22 Ianuane 1977 em IOhOQ Case lO52fJ/76 by die eiendDm self, naamiik Arumstraat, Ceres: IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR 'IHE DISTRICT OF Seker stuk grond, gelee in Ceres dO'rp. Uitbreiding 16. in die PORT ELIZABETH, HELD AT PORT ELIZABETH munisipaliteit en afdeling van Ceres synde Erf 2536. Ceres, In the matter between ALLIED BUILDING SOCIETY, Plain­ groet vyfhenderd nege-en-dertig (539) vierkante meter, gehDU tiff, and PIETER BAREND BOSHOFP. Defendant deur die Verweerder ingevolge Transportakte 6287, gedateer 21 Maart 1972. In pursuance of a judgment in the Magistrate's CDurt Df Yeilingsvoorwtulfdu Port Elizabeth ami writ of execution, dated the 3rd day of November 1976, the following property will be sold in execu­ . 1. Die veiling is O'nderwerpe aan die voorwaardes en bepalinge tiO'n on Friday, the 21st day of January 1977, at 14h15. at the van die Wet op LanddrDshowe, NO'. 32 van 1944, seO's gewysig, front of the New Law Courts, Port Elizabeth, to' the highest die eiendem WDrd voetstoots verkDDp, onderwerpe aan die bidder: voO'rwaardes van die bestaande titelbeWYII. Die heogste bieder sal die kO'per wees, enderwerpe aan die bapaUnge van Artikel 66 Certain piece O'f land situate in Algea Park Township. in van bO'genoemde wet. the municipality Df the City O'f Port Elizabeth, Division of 2. Een-tiende (l/IOde) van die koepprys moet kDntant of deur Port Elizabeth, being Erf 339, Algoa Park, measuring seven llliddel van 'n. bankgewaarmerkte tjek hetaal word onmiddelik thousand twO' hundred and fDrty-six (7 246) square feet, situate nadat die eiendDm as verkoop vedJaar is en die res van die at 10 HDve Crescent, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth_ koopprys tesame met rente daarDp teen die heersende bDU­ The property is sold subject to the provisiens of tbe Group vereenigingskoers, moet .teen registrasie van oordrag betaal word Areas Act and in particular to the pre-emptive right of tbe en binne veertien (14) dae. na die veilingsdatum deur middel Community Development· Board and lO per cent of the purchase van 'n bank- Df bougenoO'tskapwaarborg 08tvang word. price is payable in cash at the time of sale and the balance 3. Die aandag word gevestlg op die bllpalings van die Groeps­ against registration of transfer to the purchaser, to be secured gebiedewet, No. 36 van 1966, 8DOS gewyaig, asook die Gemeen­ by an acceptable guarantee to' be furnished to the seller on skapsontwikkelingswet, No.3 van 1966, I0OI gewysig, en dit is demand. die kDper se plig em die nedige bewys of permit te verkry The conditions of sale may be inspected during Dffice bours wat sodanige keper in staat sal stel om die eiendem te bekom, at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Harmony Buildings, binne veertien (14) dae na die veilingsdatum. Market Street,. North End, Port Elizabeth.-McWilliams & En onderworpe aan meer voorwaardes, wat tydens die veiling Elliott, Plaintiff's Attorneys, Allied Buildings, Main Street, Port voorgele sal word en wat ter insae ·le by die bntoor van die Elizabeth. Geregsbode en by die kantoor van die ondergenoelllde afslaers.­ Hauptfleisch & Hauptfleisch, Prak ureurs vir Vonnisskuldeiser, Saak 7~3/76 Veortrekkerstraat, Ceres. IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK KAAPSTAD, GEHOU TE KAAPSTAD Case 203/15 In die saak tusseD SA.B. HOLDINGS (EDMS.) BPK., Eiser, IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOil 'IHE DISTRTCT OF en BENJAMIN ASSUR, Verween1er PORT ELIZABETH, HELD AT POIlT E.J..IZABETH Ter uitvoering van 'n uitspraak van die LanddroshDf vir die In the matter between WESTERN BANK LTD, EXecUtiDn distrik Kaapstad, sal die eiendom bieronder vermeld,. per ope~­ Creditor, and D. N. JOUBERT, Execution Debtor bare veiling verkoop word te Turnerstraat 7, Scottsv~Ile, Kraal­ In pursuance Df a judgment of the Magistrate's Court of fentein, op Dinsdag, 18 Januarie 1977, om 10hOO, ep dle volgende Port Elizabeth and a warrant of execution, dated 26 March voorwaardes: 1976, the property listed hereunder will he sold in execution 1. DieeiendO'm wDrd voetstO'ots verkoDp aan die hoogste on 21 January 1977, at 14hl5 at the front entrance of the bieer kragtens die Wet O'p Magistraatshowe, No. 32/1944, soos New Law Courts, North End, Port Elizabeth, to the highest gewysig, en die regulasies daaronder uitgevaardig; bidder without reserve, subject to the conditions of sale which 2. 10 persent van die kO'oPPrys sal betaalbaar wees op die may be inspected at the effices of the Messenger of the Ceurt, dag van verkoping en die res, waarvoor 'n bank- ef bougenoot­ Port Elizabeth Seuth. Street address: 5 Bailey Street, Charlo, Port skapwaarberg gegee moet word, indien gevra, betaalbaar teen Elizabeth: registrasie van transport. Certain piece ef redeemed quitrent land situate in Charlo 3. Die kO'per sal verantwoO'rdelik wees vir aile koste van Extension 2, in the municipality of the City of Port Elizabeth, registrasie van transport, aIle agterstallige belastings en gelde, en Division of Port Elizabeth, being Erf 281, Charlo, measuring ander koste. 1 249 square metres. 4. Besit sal onderworpe wees aan bestaande buurkontrakte, Dated at Port Elizabeth this 8th day of December 1976.­ indien enige, gegee word op die datum van verkDping. Kaplan Bernstein Solemons & Blumberg, Attorneys for Execu­ 5. Die eiendom is in 'n geproklameerde gebied gelee en tion Creditor, Suite 1. Seventh Floor, Constantia Centre, 444 die bepalings van die Groepsgebiedewet 77/1957, soes gewysig, Main Street, Port Elizabeth. en Wet 69 van 1955 is van toepassing. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


Die voHedige voorwaardcs van verkoping Ie ler insae by die the purchase price together with interest thereon at the ruling afslaer en by die GeregsbJde te Bellville. building society rate to be paid against registration of transfer, Verweerder.-Benjamin A:;.~ur. and received within fourteen (14) days after the date of sale by a bank or building society guarantee. Eiendom.-Tumerstraat 7, Scottsville, Kraaifon!ein. 3. Attention is drawn to the provisions of the Group Areas Sekere stuk grond, synde Erf 4272, gedcelte van Erf 374, Act, No. 36 of 1966, as amended, and also the Community Kraaifontein, gelee in die munisipaliteit van Kraaifontein, Admi­ Development Act, No. 3 of 1966, as amended, and the onus nistratiewe distrik Paar!, groot vier hondered ses-en-negentig shall be on the purchaser to obtain the necessary proof or permit (496) vierkante meter, gchou kragtens Transportakte 42093{74. enabling such purchaser to acquire the property, within fourteen Die eiendom bestaan L1it 'n woonhuis en motorafdak te Tur­ (14) days of the date of sale. nerSlraat 7, Scottsville, Kraaifontein, in die nie-blanke area. And subject to furtheI conditions which will be read out at Vir volledigebesonderhede, raadpleeg die afslaer.-Du Plessis, the time of the sale and which may be inspected at the offices Kriel & Veldtman, Prokureurs vir Eisel', Derde Verdieping, of the Messenger of the Court at Wynberg and at the offices Saambougebou, Voortrekkerweg 219, Parow. H. 1. Kriel, Afslaer, of the undermentioned auctioneers.-Zoutendyk & Drand (Pty) Saambougebou, Voortrekkerweg 219, Parow. Ltd, 1001 Guardian Buildings, Adderley Street, Cape Town. A bond will be available to an approved purchaser.-HeIOld Case 3164{75 Gie & Broadhead, Attorneys for Judgment Creditor, 8 Darling Street, Cape Town_ IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF GOODWOOD, HELD AT PORT ELIZABETH Case 8249j76 In the matter between W. JURGENS & SON, Plaintiff, and IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF R. E. LEPPAN, Defendant WYNBERG, HELD AT WYNBERG In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate In the matter between SOUTH AFRICAN PERMANENT of Goodwood, dated the 4th day of June 1975 and the warrant BUILDING SOCIETY, Judgment Creditor, and HENRY THO­ of execution, dated the 12th day of June 1975, the fonowing MAS BAATJES, Judgment Debtor property will be sold in execution, without reserve, to the highest bidder en the 4th day of February 1917, at 14h15, at the front In execution of the judgment of the Magistrate's Court of entrance of the New Law Courts, North End, Port Elizabeth: Wynberg in the above matter, a sale will be held on Friday, the 7th day of January 1977, at 1OhOO, at Hen Lor, off Second Ce.rtain piece of abolished quitrent land situate in Lorraine Avenue, Lotus River, Cape of the following immovable pro­ Township Enension 16, in the munidpality and Division of perty: Port Elizabeth, being Ed L077, Lorraine. With house and usual outbuildings erected thereon, measuring one thousand six hundred Certain piece of land being Portion <) of Lots 111 and 112, and thirty-six (l 636) square metres, held by the Defendant under Lotus River Estate, situate in tbe local area of Grassy Park, Deed of Transfer 27952, dated the lst day of October 1970, Cape Division (now known as Erf 2119, Grassy Park at Lotus situate at 42 De Gaulle Street, Goldwater, PorI Elizabeth. River), measuring 626 (six hundred and twenty-six) square metres, held by the Defendant by Deed of Transfer 27762/1968, dated TCl'ms alld conditions 28 November 1968. 1. Terms.-The pmchase price shall be paid as to 10 (len) per Also known as Hen Lor, off Second Avenue, Lotus River, centum thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance Cape and comprising: within fourteen (14) days shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society guarantee. A detached single-storey dwelling consisting of four rooms 2. Conditions of sale.-The full conditions of sale may be with a kitchen, pantry and bathroom. The dwelling is constmcted inspected prior to the date of the sale at the offices of the of brick and has a tile roof. There is also an outside garage. Messenger of the Court, Port Elizabeth South. The property is bordered by a three-foot h;g~l. brick wan in front with the remaining three sides having a wire mesh fence. The said conditions of sale will be read out by the Messenger The water and electrical services are municipal. The sewerage of the Court immediately prior to the sale. leads into a .septic soak-away. The prcpcrty is in a Coloured Dated at Port Elimbeth this 8th dav of December 1976.­ group area. Kerbel & Bonnan, Plaintiffs Attorneys, 'Second Floor, President Conditions of sale Centre, 562 Main Street North End, Port Elizabeth. 1. The sale is subjeCt to the terms. and conditions of the Magistrates' Courts Act,., No. 32 of 1944. the property being Case 13336/75 sold voetstoots and as it stands and subject to the conditions IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DlSTRICr OF of the e){j~iing title dced•. The highe:lt bidder shall be the pur­ WYNBERG, HELD AT WYNBERG chaser, subject to the provisions of section 66 of the abov!! Act. In the matter between SOUTH AFR[CAN PERMANENT 2. One-tenth (l/lOth) of the purchase price shall be paid in BUILDING SOCIETY, Judgment Creditor, and FRANK cash or by means of a bank-marked cheque and immediately JAMES ANDERSON, Judgment Debtor after the property is declared to be sold and the balance of In execution of the of the Magistrate's Comt of the purchase price together with interest thereon at the mling Wynberg in the above a sale will be held on Friday, the building society rate to be paid against registration of transfer, 7th day of January 1977, 12hOO, at Charlotte Ann, Salem and received within fourteen (14) days after the date of sale Road, Sauers Township, Steenberg, of the following immovable by a bank or building society guarantee. property: 3. Attenti':)fl is drawn to the provisions of the Group Areas Act, No. 36 of 1966, as amended, and also the Community Certain piece of land being Erf 84099, Cape Town at Development Act, No. 3 of 1966, as amended, and the onus Retreat in Retreat Township Extension 9, situate in the City shall be on the purchaser to obtain the necessary proof or of Cape Town, Cape Division, measuring 548 (five hundred permit enabling such purchaser to acquire the property, within and forty-eight) square metres, held by the Defendant by Deed fourteen (14) days of the date of sale. of Transfer 37999, dated 8 November 1974. And subilXt to further conditions which will be read at Also known as Charlotte Ann, Salem Road, Sauers Town­ the time of the sale and which may be inspected at the ship, Stecnberg and comprising: of the Messenger of the Court at 'Wynberg, and at the offices of the undermentioned auctioneers.-Paramount Auctioneers S,A. A single-storey detached dwelling consisting of four rooms, (Pty) Ltd, Guardian Building~, Adderley Street, Cape Town. a kitchen, pantry and bathroom. There is a garage attached to the dwelling. The walls of the building are constructed of brick A bond will be available to an approved pnrchaser.-Herold and it is under a tile roof. The property is fenced by a brick Gle & Brofldhead, Attorneys for Judgment Creditor, 8 Darling wall. The electricity, water and sewerage services are municipal. Street, Cape Town. The property is situated in a Coloured group area. Case 11043/76 Conditions of sale IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA L The sale is subject to the terms and conditions of the (South Eastern Cape Local Division) Magistrates' Courts Act, No. 32 of 1944, the properly being In the n>atter between SOUTH AFRICAN PERMAMENT s01d voetstoots and as it stands and &1Jbiect to the conditions BUILm~,'G SOCIETY, Plaintiff, and GIDEON JACOBUS of the existing title deed. The highest bidder shall be the pur­ VAN DER MERWE, Defendant chaser, sllbject to the provisions of section 66 of Li}e above Act. 2. One-tenth (1 I10th) of the purchase price shall be paid in In execCll;on of a judgment of the Suprer:Jc Court of South cash or by means of a bank-marked cheque and immediatelv Africa (South Eastern Cape Local Division), d:~'ed the 19th day after the property is declared to be sold and the balance of of October 1976, a sale by public auction will be held in front Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

STAATSKOERANT,24 DESEMBER 1976 No. 5363 of the New Law Courts, Main Street. Port Elizabeth. on Friday, Conditions of sale 14 January 1977, at 14h15, of the following immovable property. L The sale is subject to the terms and conditions of the known as 45 Chudleigh Road, Algoa Park. Port ElizabeXh, in Magistrates' Courts Act, No. 32 of 1944, as amended, the pro­ pursuance of an attachment in execution on 27 October 1976: perty being sold voetst()OiS and as it stands, subject to thecondi­ Certain piece of land being Ed 707, Algoa Park, in the Algoa tions of the existing title deed. The highest bidder shall be the Park Township Extension 2, situate in the Municipality of the purchaser, subject to the provisions of section 66 of the above City of Port Elizabeth, Division of Port Elizabeth, measuring six act. . hundred and fifty-six (656) square metres. 2. One-tenth (l/lOth) of the purchase price shall b'e paid in The following improvements are situate on the property, cash upnn means of a bank-marked cheque immediately aft~r the although in this respect nothing is guaranteed: property is declared to be sold, and the balance of the purchase price, together with interest thereon at the ruling building society (a) Brick dwelling-house. rate, to be paid against registration of transfer, and secured (b) Outbuildings. within fourteen (14) days after the date of sale by a bank or The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior building socIety guarantee. to the sale, are lying for inspection at the office of the Deputy 3. Attention is drawn to the provisions of the Group Areas Sheriff at Harmonie Buildin~, 14 Market Street, North End, Port Act, No. 36 of 1966, and also Act 3 of 1966. The property is Elizabeth. situate within a proclaimed Colour~ group area. TtVmS.-lO per cent of the purchase price and 2t per cent And subject to further conditions which will be read out at the Deputy Sheriff's (auctioneer's) charges in cash on the day of time of the sale, and which may be inspected at the offices of the sale, the balance against transfer to be l!eCU!ed by a bank or Messenger of the Court, Wynberg. building society guarantee, to be approved of by Plaintiff's attorneys, to be furnished to the Deputy Sheriff within twenty.. Dated at Cape Tow{l,-GaUoon Reef & Co., Attorneys for one (21) days of the date of the sale. Judgment Creditor, Volkskas Buildings, 134 Adderley Street, Cape Town. Dated at Port Elizabeth this 16th day (If November 1976.­ Pagden, Christian. Ifanley & Parkin, Plaintiff's Attorneys, New­ ton Park Office, 298 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth. Case 18747/76 IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COlJRT FOR mE DISTRICT OF Case 1801/76 PORT ELIZABETH, HELD AT PORT ELIZABETH IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUIH AFRICA In th'e m3tier between THE MUNIC1PALITY OF TI-ffl CITY (South Eastern Cape Local Division) OF PORT ELIZABETH, Plaintiff, and P. B. BOSHOFF, Defen­ In the matter between SOurH AFRICAN PERMAMENT dant BUILDING SOCIETY, Plaintiff, and JESAIA JEREMIA VAN In pursuance of a judgment in the Magistrate's Court of Port ROOYEN, Defendant Blimbeth, and writ of eJ!:ocution, dated 20 October 1976, the In execution of a judgment of the Suprane Court of South following property will be sold in execution on Friday, 21 Africa (South Eastern Cape Local Divivision), dated the 17th January 1977. at 14h15, at the front of the New Law Courts, day of August 1976, a sale by public aOOion will be held in Port Elizabeth, to the highest bidder: front of the New Law Courts, Main Street, Port Elizabet.h, on Friday, 14 January 1977, at 14hlS, (If the foRowing immovable Certain piece of landsituare in Algoa Park Township, in the property, known as 23 Whyteleiaf Drive. Alaoa Park, Port Eliza­ Municipality of the City of Port Elizabeth, Division of Port Eliza­ beth, in pursuance of an attachment in execution on 15 October beth, being Erf 339. Algoa. Park, measuring 7 246 square felet, 1976: situate at 10 Hove Crescent, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth. C~rtain piece of land situate in the Municipality and Division The property is sold subject to the provisions of the Group of Port Elizabeth, being Ed 168. Algoa Park. measuring 432 (four Areas Act and in particulars to the pre-emptive right of the hundred and thirty-two) square metres. Community Development Board and 10 per cent of the purchase price is payable in ca~h at the time of sale and the balance The following improvemenm are situate on the property, against registration of transfer to the purchaser, to be secured by although in this respect nothing is guaranteed: an aeceptable guar.mtee to be furnished to the seller on demand. A brick dwelling-house.. The conditions of sale may be inspected during offiee hours The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior to at the office of the Messenger (}f the Court, First Floor, Har­ the sale, are lying for inspection at the office of the Deputy monie Buildings, Market Street. N<'rtn End, Port Elizabetb.­ Sheriff at Harmonie Buildings, 14 Market Street, North End, Port R. T. McWilliams, for McWilliams & Elliott, Plaintiff's Attorneys, Elizabeth. Amed Buildings, Main Street. Port Elizabeth. Terms.-IO per cent of the price and 2t per cent Case 10014/76 Deputy Sheriff's (auction~r's) charges in cash on the day of sale, the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR TIlE DISTRICT OF bUilding society guarantee, to be approved of by Plaintiff's PORT ELIZABETH, HELD AT .PORT ELIZABETII attorneys, to be furnished to the Deputy Sheriff within twenty­ one (21) days from the date of the sale. In the matter between THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE CITY OF PORT ELIZABETH, Plaintiff, and D. J. STRYDOM, Dated at Port Elizabeth this 16th day of November 1976.­ Defendant, Christian, Hanley & Parkin, Plaintiff's Attorneys, Newton Park Office, 298 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth. In pursuance of a judgment in the Magistrate's Court of Port Elizabeth, and writ of execution, dated 30 June 1976, the follow­ ing property will be sold in execution on Friday, 21 Januaty c.'lse 20433/15 19i7, at 14h15, at the front of the New Law Courts, Port Eliza­ IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR mE DISTRICT OF beth, to the highest bidder: WYNBERG, HELD AT WYNBERG Certain land situate in the Municipality of the City of Port In the mattcr lietwecn WESTERN BANK LID, Execution Cre­ Elizabeth, Division of Port Elizabcth, being Erf 770, Algoa Park. ditor, and C. D. ABRAHAMS, Execution Debtor in Algoa Park Township Extension 2, measuring six thouS/lnd and forty-five (6045) square fcet, situate at 3 Cedrus Street, In exeeution of tbe judgment of the Magistrate's Court at Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth. Wynberg, in the ab'we matter, a sale will be held on Friday, the 14th day of January 1977, at 12hOO, on the spot of the The property is sold subjeet to the provisions .of the Group following immovable property: Areas Act and 1n particulars to the pre-emtpive right of the Community Development Board and 10 per cent of the purchase Certain freehold land, situate in the Municipality of Cape price is payable in cash at the time of sale and the balance Town, Cape Divivi&ion. being Erf 75076, portion of Erf 74603, against registration of transfer to the purchaser, to be secmed Cape Town, at Southfield in Golf Estat'e, measuring 549 (five by an acceptable guarantee to be furnished to the seller on hundred and forty-nine) square metres, held by the Judgment demand. Debtor by Deed of Transfer 1830, dated 28 January 1974. The conditions of sale may be inspected during office hour~ The above property' is situate at and known as 87 Fourth at the office of the Messenger of the Court, First Floor, Har­ Avenue, Fairways, and comprises of a single dwelling under monie Buildings, Market Street, North End, Port Elizabeth,­ tiled roof consisting of lounge, kitchen, toilet, bathroom and R. T. McWilliams, for McWilliams & Elliott, Plaintiff's Attor­ three bedrooms. neys, Allied Buildings, Main Street, Port Elizabeth. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


Case 5642/76) reserve price will be held at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF 369 Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg, on the 8th day of January GOODWOOD, HELD AT GOODWOOD 1977, at IOhOO, subject to the conditions which may be inspected at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff and which will be read out In the matter between TRUST BUILDING SOCIETY, Plaintiff, by him before the commencement of the sale of the property of and JOHAN VAN BLERK, Defendant the Second Defendant. In execution of a judgment of the above Honourable Court granted on 25 August 1976, the property listed below will be The property which it is proposed to sell, is: sold by the Messenger of the Court, Goodwood. the sale to be Subdivision 1462 of 1304 of the farm Northdale, situate in the held at the hereinafter mentioned premises on Wednesday, 26 City and County of Pietermaritzburg, Province of Natal, in extent January 1977, at lOh30: 465 square metres, held under Deed of Transfer 17509/1973. Certain piece of land situate in the Municipality of Goodwood. The postal address of the said property is 29 Silver Road, Pietcr­ in the Cape Division, being Erf 7480, Goodwood, also known as maritzburg. 1 Cambridge Street, Vrijzee, mea~uring four hundred and ninety­ The following information is given relating to the said pro­ five (495) square metres, held under Deed of T!"ansfer 32495/ perty but the information given hereunder does not constitute a 1972, dated 15 December 1972. guarantee. The property consists of a private dwelling and ancil­ Bloomberg & Company, P.O, Box 725, Cape Town, lary outbuildings. The property, shall be sold -subject to the terms and conditions Case H055/76 which may be inspected at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, but IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA which briefly are; (South Eastern Cape Local Division) Ten (10) per cent of the purchase price and auction costs In the matter between WESTERN BANK LTD, PlaintHf, and must be paid in·cash on the day of the sale, and the balance E. J. WELSH, First Defendant, and C. J, WELSH, Sccond becomes payable upon registration of transfer which must be Defendant secured by a guarantee from a bank or building society or other In execution of a judgment of the Supreme Court of South guarantee which is acceptable to the Deputy Sheriff, which mu:,t Africa (South Eastern. Cape Local Division) in the above­ be furnished within.1O days after the date of the sale. mentioned suit, a sale will be held in front of the New Law Dated at Pietermaritzburg this 9th day of Novemb'er 1976.­ Courts, Port Elizab'eth, on the 28th day of January 1977, at 14hl5, Leslie Weinberg & Co., Plaintiffs' Attorneys, Second Floor, Main of the undermentioned property of the Defendant on the con­ City Buildings, 206 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg. ditions to be read out by the auctioneer at the time of the sale, and which conditions may be inspected at the offices of the Saak 1898/76 Deputy Sheriff of Port Elizabeth, prior to the sale: IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA Certain redeemed quitrent land situate in the Municipality of (Natalse Provinsiale Afdeling) the City of Port Elizabeth, being Erf 668, Cotswold, in Cotswold In die saak tussen LILLY MINA BURGER, gebore Ringelmann, Township Extension 2, measuring I 006 square metres. Eiseres, en WlLLEM PETRUS BURGER, Verweerder Terms.-Ten per cent of the purchase price and two and a Ingevolge 'n uitspraak in die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, half per cent auctioneer's charges in cash on the day of the sale, (Natalse Provinsiale AIdeling), Pietermaritzburg, en lasbrief tot the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building eksekusie, gedateer die 13de dag van Augustus 1976, sal die society or other acceptable !!Harantee to be furnished to the volgende vaste eiendom op Maandag, die 24ste dag van Januarie Deputy Sheriff within seven (7) days from the date of the sale 1977, om IOhoo op die trappies van die Landdroshof, New -Burman, Blumberg & Saks, Plaintiff's Attorneys, Security Place, Hanover, aan die hoogste bieder verkoop word: corner of Market and Hancock Streets, Port Elizaheth. A. Restant van Onderverdeling 5 van die pJaas Sorgenfrei 13739, gelee in die county Pietermaritzburg, provinsie Natal, Case 16447/76 groot vyf-en-tagtig komma agt ses sewe hul (85,8670) hektaar; IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF en PORT ELIZABETH. HELD AT PORT ELIZABETH B. (i) Restant van ,Onderverdeling Bvan die plaas Overtone In the matter between HENDRIK GERT LOUW VAN NIE­ 2031, gelee in die county Umvoti, provinsie Natal, groot een­ KERK, Plaintiff, and WILLIAM LAURIE WAIT, Defendant en-negentig komma een vyf agt nul (91,1580) hektaar; en In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of (ii) Onderverdeling C van Onderverdeling Z van Onderverde­ Port Elizabeth, dated the 25th day of August 1976, and the ling B van die plaas Mount Elias 1327, gelec in die county warrant of execution, dated the 31st day of Angust 1976, the Umvoti, provinsle :Natal. groot nege-en-negentig komma sewe following property will be sold in execution, without reserve, to drie vier drie (99,734 3}hektaar, en the highest bidder on the 4th day of February 1977, at 14h15, (iii) Onderverdeling C van Onderverdeling A van die plaas at the front entrance of the New Law Courts, North End, Port Mount Elias 1327, gelee in die county Umvoti, provinsie Natal, ELizabeth: groot elf komma viervyf nul agt (11,4508) hektaar. Certain piece of land being Erf 2099, Walmer, situate in Wal­ Die volgende inligting word verskaf maar word nie gewaar­ mer Township Extension 2, in the Municipality and Division of borg nie: Port Elizabeth, with house and usual outl;luildings erected there­ (a) Ten opsigte van die eiendom hierbo beskryf onder para­ on, measuring one thousand five hundred and sixty-one (l 561) graaf A is daar die volgende verbeterings, naamlik: square metres, held by the Defendant under Deed. of Transfer 19098, dated 23 July 1973, situate at 2 Sixbt Avenlle, Walmer, (0 'n Woning in redelike goeie toestand; Port Elizabeth. (ii) 'n stoorkamer; Terms and conditions (iii) 'n opstal; (iv) 'n kalfhok; 1. Terms.-The purchase price shall be paid as to 10 (ten) (v) 'n mel.kery; per centum thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid (vi) 'n veespuit; balance within fourteen (14) days shall be paid or secured by a (vii) aTbe:derswoning; bank or building society guarantee. (viii) claar is tans 54 hektaar suikerriet gevestig op hierdie 2. Conditions of sale.-The full conditions of sale may be eiendomme asook plus minus 11 hektaar denneboom en plus­ inspected prior to the date of the sale at the of[ces· of the minus 18 hektaar watte!. Messenger of the Court, Port Elizabeth South. Die eiendom grens aan die dorpsgebied Wartbur~ en 'n klein The said conditions of sale will be read out by the Messenger r.edeelte daarvan is binne die dorpsgronde van die Wartburg of the Court immediately prior to the sale. Gesondheidskomitee. Dated at Port Elizabeth this 8th day of Decemher 1976.­ (b) Die eiendomme genoem hierbo onder paragrawe B (D, Kerbel & Borman, Plaintiff's Attorneys, SeondFloor, Pre,ident B (ii) en B (iii) is onbehoud maar daar is die volgende daarop Centre, 562 Main Street, North End, Port Elizabeth. gevestig: NATAL (i) Plus-minus 81 hektaar suikerriet; Case 143/75 (ii) 29 hektaar bome. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA Verkoop- en betaalvoorwaardes.-Die ci.endom sal verkoop (Natal Provincial Division) word aan die hoogste bieder op die voorwaardes so os neergele In the matter between SEEDAT, PILLAY. SEEDAT & CO., in die vcorwaardes van verkoping wat gesien kan word bv die Plaintiff, and G. S. NAIDOO, First Defendant, and LOGA­ kantoor van cEe Adjunk-balju of Prokureurs van Eiser, Picter­ NATHAN NAIDOO, Second Defendant maritzburg. Pursuant to a warrant of execution issued in the Supreme Couct Gedateer te Pietermaritzbuf1! hienlie 8ste dag van Desember of South Africa (Natal Provincial Division), dated 4 October 1976, 1976.-A. J. L Geyser, vir C.C.c. Raulstone & Geyser, Proku­ in the above-mentioned case, a sale by public auction with a reurs viT die Eiser, GaUweylaan II, Pietermaritzburg, Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

STAATSKOERANT, 24 DESEMBER 1976 No. 5363 of'

Case I3()/76 Saak 294/74 IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF . Ter uitvoering van uisprake van die Landdroshof vir die dis­ WEENEN, HELD AT WEENEN tik Bloemfontein, gehou te Blgemfontein, in die eersgenoemdc In the matter between JACOBA ELIZABETH HIRSHORN, drie sake en ter uitvoering van die uitspraak van die Land­ Plaintiff, and RUPLAL GANGAI, Dofcndant droshof vir die distrik Aliwal-Noord, in die laasgenoemde saak In pursuance of a judgment of the above Court, dated 11 sal 'n verkoping sonder voorbehoud by die Peetlaan-ingang November 1976, the immovable property described hereunder van die Landdroshof te Bloemfontein om lOhOO, op Vrydag will be sold in execution at llhOO, on Wednesday, the 12th day 21 Ianuarie 1977, gehou word op voorwaardes wat ten tye va~ of January 1977, at the Magistrate's Court, Bell Street, Grey­ die verkoping deur die afslaer voorgelees sal word, van die town: volgende eiendom van die Verweerder, naamlik: Subdivision A of Lot 454, Greytown Township, situate in the Sekere Onderverdeling 36 van die plaas -Suid 1853, Borough of Greytown, County of Umvoti, Province of Natal, in gelee in die plaaslike gebied Bloemsprnit, distrik Bloemfontein, extent four thousand and forty-seven (4047) square metres. groot 29,5487 hektaar, gehou kragtens Akte van Transport 9389/ Although nothing is guaranteed in this regard, the following 74. are reported to be improvements on the property: Die volgende inligting word verstrek maar rue gewaarborg Buildings consisting of a cinema, two shops, toilet facilities, rue, naamlik: . projector room and store room. Verbeterings bestaande uit 'n woonhuis en buitegeboue. The buildings have not been completed but have reached an Terme.-l0 pe.rsent van die koopsom is betaalbaar in kontant advanced stage of completion and the seats have b'een installed onmiddellik na die veiling, die balans is betaalbaar teen registra­ in the cinema. sie van transport en moet verseker word denr 'n bank- of bon­ genootskapwaarborg binne 21

CHANGE OF NAME-NAAMSVERANDERING THE ALIENS ACT. 1937. The undermentioned notices of intention to apply to the State President to assume a different surname are published in terms of sectten , of Act 1 of 1937. Any person who objects to the assumption of the said surname should lodge his/her objection, in writing, stating full' reasons therefor, to the Magistrate mentioned in the relevant notice. ' . TIle information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Full names and surname of applicant(s), and whether minor(s); (2) residential address; (3) busmess carried on, or occupation; (4) if an application in respect of children under 10 years, the name{s); (5) the surname to be assumed; (6) the reasons therefor; (7) the name(s) previously borne, if other than under (1) or (4), respectively; (8) the names of wife and children. if included in the application; (9) assisted. if so, by; objections to be lodged with the Magistrate of. WET OP VREEMDELINGE, 1937 Die onderstaande kennisgewings van voorneme om by die Staatspresident aansoek te doen om 'n ander van aan te neem, word ingevolge artikel 9 van Wet 1 van 1937 vir algemene inligting gepubliseer. Enigeen wat daarteen beswaar het dat die genoemde van aangene~m wont. moet sy/haar beswaar met vermelding van redes daarvan so gou moontlik skriftelik by die Landdros genoem in die betrokke kennisgewing, indien. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Applikant{e) se volle Jlame en van, en of minderjarige(s); (2) woonadres; (3) besigheid of beroep; (4) indien 'n aansoek ten opsigte van kinders onder 10jaar, die naam (name); (5), die van wat aangeneem word; (6) die redes daarvoor; (1) die naam (name) voorheen gedra indien anders as onder (1) of (4), respektiewelik; (8) die name van vrou ell kinders indien by die aansoek ingesluit; (9) bygestaan. indien so, deur; besware in te dien by die Landdros teo TRANSVAAL PENTZ, Carolina Anna. (2) 202 Kenmauval Flat, 567 Schoe· man Stteet, Arcadia, Pretoria. {3}-. (4) Natasha Cassandra KEMERTGOGLU, Timotheus Evangelos. (2) 84 World's View, Magalhaes. (5) Pentz. (6) I am the mother of the child and I do 30 Prospect Road, Berea 2198. (3) Assistant technical manager. not intend marrying,the father of ih'e child. The father of the (4).- (5) Kemert. (6) My present surname is complicated and impractical. (7)-. (8) Wife, Dorothy Marjorie. (9) Johannes­ child, being an immigrant, is in'll. position to leave the country burg. with the child as long as the child bears his surname. (7)-. (8)-. 10-17-24.31 (9) Pretoria. 17-24"31-7 Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


LOO ruIN, Ting Pok. (2) 7 Magnet Street, Kensington, 2191, John Cornelus in die geboorteregister, maar is verander na Johannesburg. (3) Steve's TV and Radio Serviee. (4)-. (5) Loo. Joseph soos ek ged,oop en nog. altyd bekend was. (8) Vrou. (6) My farther, who is not too fammar with Engl'ish, wrongly Katrina Wilhelmina, kind, losefene Rachel. (9) Swellendam. reported part of his own name as my surname. I have always 3-10-17·24 used the name Lao and not Loo Tuin as registered on my birth ALLIE, Hoosain. (2) 83 Plettenberg Road, Rylands, Athlene. certificate. Furthermore, all my educational reports, diplomas and (3) Attorney with Frank Fabian, Burleigh House, Barrack Street, certificates as well as my legal documents for business and per­ Cape Town. (4)-. (5) Mohamed. (6) 1 have always been known S(:mal identification. bear the first names Ting Pok and surname by that surname to everyone and all my documents except the Loo. (7) Ting Loo Pok Loo Tuin. (8)-. (9) Johannesburg. birth certificate and identity card bear the surname Mohamed. 3-10-17-24 (7)-. (8)-. (9) Wynberg. KANJI, ChaganlaJ. (2) 30 17th Street, Pageview, Johan­ 17·24-31-7 nesburg. (3) Spice shop, under the style of D. B. Modi & Sons. TAYLOR, GiHian ltose, prev,iously Raptenoocll, born Taylor. (4)-. (5) Modi. (6) My family and I are known in all social and (2) 6 Ancoor Way, Swartkops, Port Elizabelth. (3) Typist. (4) business circles as Modi. It is our famil¥ name. My children Shelly Rautenbaeh. (5) Taylor. (6) Shelly Rautenbach's father are all registered with the surname of Modi. My banking account was diivof':ed from me on 16/4/74 when I was granted cUlStody and income tax return are all operated under the surname of and SIOle guardianship of my said daugh


LES MARAIS.-(2) Abram Carel van Wyk en Roelof Jacobus MALAMULELE.-(2) Hlengani John Mashaba. (3) New appli­ Johannes van Wyk, vennote. (3) Oordrag van eiendomsreg, klein­ cation, re~ail butcher. (4) Ntlhaveni D, Malamulele. (5)-. (6) handelslagter. (4) Winkels 55 en 56, Ravesentrum, Erf 110, General r.1anager, P.O. Box 1357, Pretoria, 30 days. Paul Krugerstraat 651, Les Marais, Pretoria. (5) Margaret Made­ lene Enslin. (6) Hoofbestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 14 dae. CAPE - KAAP LAMBTON.-(2) Karoo Vleisbeurs Bpk. (3) Oordrag van eiendomsreg, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Checkers Stores, Erwe 43i44, WYNBERG.-(2) Ameair Kahn. (3) Nuwe aanooek, klein­ Sewende Laan en Annastraat, Lambton, Germi\Ston. (5) Fresh handelslagter. (4) Op die hoek van Lanrl!sdowneweg. (5)--. (6) Meat Supply Company. (6) T0.kbestuurder, Posbus 4357, Johan­ Takbesltuurder, Po&bus 96, Maitland, 30 dae. nesburg, 14 dae. ELSIE'S RIVIER.-(2) Mymoena Hassein. {3) Transfer of Q\Wler­ BENONl.-(2) Karoo Vleisbeurs Bpk. (3) Oordrag van eien­ ship, retail butcher. (4) 3 18th Street, Bsies River. {5) Ebrahim domsreg, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Checkers Stores, Erwe 1321 en Osman. (6) Bran(,h Manager, P.O. Box 96, Mlritland, 14 days. 1322, Princesslaan 55, Benoni. (5) Rand Cold Storage and MOSSELBAAI.-(2) Willem Johannes Muller. (3) Oordrag Supply Co. (6) Takbestuurder, Posbus 4357, Johannesburg, 14 van eiendomsreg, kleinbandelslagter. (4) Robbie Scholtzstraat, dae. Mosselbaai. Erf 2437. (5) J. Siddle & Kie., Worcester (Edms.) BRYANSTON-UITBREIDING 7.-(2) Karoo Vleisbeurs Bpk. Bpk, (6) HlOofbestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 14 dae. (3) Oordrag van eiendomsreg, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Checkers Stores, Erwe 3128, 3149 en 3127, Ballyclar.erylaan, BryanstQn­ NATAL uitbreiding 7, Sandton. (5) Full House Corporation (Pty) Ltd. (6) Takbestuurder, Posbus 4357, Johannesburg, 14 dae. KWA MASHU.-(2) Napoleon Phalani Mthiyane. (3) New ROSEBANK.-(2) Karoo Vleisbeurs Bpk. (3) Oordrag van applicatilOn, whlOlesale butcher {manufacturer of factory meat eiendomsreg, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Greatermans Stores, Perseel products. (4) BllOl Kwa Mashu Bantu Township, P.O. Kwa 8, hoek van Tyrwhittlaan en Oxfordweg, Rosebank, Johannesburg. (5) Rand Cold Storage and Supply Co. Ltd. (6) Takbestuurder, Mashu, 4360. (5)-. (6) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 2246, Durban, Posbus 4357, Johannesburg, 14 dae. 4000, 14/30 days.

GENERAL-ALGEMEEN CAPE-KAAP Geliewe voorts ook kennis te neem OOt enlge belangbebbende party 0;/' partye walt meen dat hulle geraak wthin 30 days BERGGANS, Cape.Town Official 350272, of the gross tonnage the date of pU'bHcation cf this notice by ~odging the original and 63.19 tons, netto· tonnage 43,78 tons, hereto owned by F. S. four copies thereof with the Registrar at Cape ToWn a.nd !lit the SMIT, Lyons Street, Suider Paarl, H. D. GROENEWALDT, same time to serve a copy thereof on the Applicant or 1'1ls ratlJor· Klein Street, Gansba.a.i. and P. J. L.GROENEWALDT, Barnard neys. Any interested party who fails within the said period of Street. Gansbaai. . 30 days to file or serve any or notice shall, ai,ter the laIpSie of seven days aiter the expiry lO'f the said period of 30 For pennission to change he~', name to CHRI~IE SUE and days, without further IJOItIice be barred from so fiJdng or serving to have the ship registered in the' new name at the port of Cape any su 'h pleading or IlJotice. Town as owned by OOSKUS BELEGGINGS. Further takerrotice iliat a rrotke of set down stating the Wne Any objections to the proposed change of names must be senl and date of the hearing will be serv:ed on all parties who file their tlO the Secretary for Transport, Pretoria, within 30 days for the exception. plea .or coumerelaim as provided above, but :thlt no appearance of this notice.~. J. Vermeulen, 33 Beach Road, such notice wHj be served on any party woo omits 110 tHe such GansbaaL exceptio.n, pIca or counterclll!im. S.W.A. Saak. WIO/I976 THE PATENl"S, DESIGNS. TRADE MARKS AND COpy­ IN DIE KMPSB. WATERROF RIGHT PROCLAMATION, No. 17 OF 1923 Insake die aansoek van die MUNISIPALImIT GEORGE vir veclof inl!:cvolge artikd 11 van Wet 54 van 1956, soos gewysig, om APPLICATION TO AMEND SPECIFICATION water van die open bare stroom bekend as die Swartrivier vir THAGARD TECHNOLOGY COMPANY, 2712 Kelvin stedelike doeleindell lOp oewer en nie-oewer g:l!OOd: van genoemde Avenue, Irvine, State of California, United States of America. rivicr te gc:brudk seeks leave tlO a:J:llIend by way of correction andlor disclaimcr Hierbv word kennisgegee dat bovermelde aansoek ingedien is and/or explanation the Specification of Letters Patents 75{99 by di0 Kaapse Watel'hlGfte Kaapstarl, en dat dit in die Landdros­ for "Fluid-wall reactors and their utilization in high temperature hof te Geor~.e verhoor sal woro Qm 'n uur en op 'In datum walt chemical reaction processes". met die Re~istmteur gercel sa:1 word. Afskrifte van die gemelde A copy of the original specification, showing in red the pro­ aansock is vir insae beskikbaar by die kantoor van die Stadsklerk. posed amendment, is now open to public inspection at the Patent w-n die munisipatiteit George tc YorkstraJatum van hierdie pubEkasie. Africa. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

52 No. 5363 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 24 DECEMBER 1976 APPLICATIONS FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKS IN SOUTH..WEST AFRICA (Applications accepted in terms of Act 48 of 1973) Any person who has grounds for objection to any of the following trade marks may, within the prescribed time, lodge Notice of Opi>osi. tion on.form SM 6 contained in the Second Schedule to the Trade Marks Rules in South-West Africa, 1973. The prescribed time is two months afler the date of advertisement. This period may on application be extended by the Registrar. Formal opposition should not be lodged until after notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his application before the expense of preparing the Notice of Opposition is incurred. Failing such notice to the applicant an opponent may not succeed in obtaining an order for costs. "B" preceding the number indicates Part B of the Trade Mark Register. REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS FOR SOUTH-\VEST AFRICA AANSOEKE OM REGISTRASIE VAN HANDELSMERKE IN SUIDWES~ AFRIKA (Aansoeke aangeneem ingevoige Wet 48 van 1973) Enigiemand wat beswaar het leen enige van die onderstaande handelsmerke kan, binne die voorgeskrewe tydperk, op vormSM 6, vervat in die Tweede Bylae van die Handelsmerkregulasies in Suidwes-Afrika, 1973, Kennisgewing van Beswaar indien. Die voorgeskrewe tydperk is twee maande na die datum van advertensie. Hierdie tydperk kan op aansoek deur die Registrateur verleng word. Formele beswaar moet nie ingedien word voordat die applikant om registrasie per brief van die beswaar in kennis gestel is nie, ten einde hom in die geleentheid te stel om sy aansoek terug te trek voordat onkoste in verband met die opstel van 'n Kennisgewing van Beswaar aange· gaan word. By gebreke van so 'n kennisgewing aan dic applikant, kan koste teen die beswaarmaker uitgewys word. "B" voor die nommer dui aan Deel B van die Handelsmerkregister. REGISTRATEUR VAN HANDELSMERKE VIR SUIDWES-AFRIKA CLASS 32 277 Park Avenue, New York, New Yorj(: IQQ17,United States of' America. Address for service: Messrs Adams & Adams, Masada. B75/0559 (SW A), in Class 32: Lemon JUiceS, in natural, con· Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria. centrated or reconstituted form, in the name of Borden Inc., a corporation organised under the laws of the State of New DAY MAKER Jersey, 277 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017, United Applicants admit that registration of thistrac,1e mark shall not States of America. Address for service: Messrs Adams & Adams, debar other persons from the 'bona fide descriptive use, in the Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria. ordinary course of trade of the word "Day" or of the word REALEMON "Maker". Applicants admit that registration of this trade mark shall not Filed 21 October 1975. debar other persons from the bona fide descriptive use, in the ordinary course of trade, of the word "Real". CLASS 6 Filed 21 October 1975. 76/008 (SWA), in Class 6: Welded steel wire mesh lllal1ufac­ tured in rolls or strips for reinforcing walls constructed in coursed CLASS 6 masonry such as brickwork, stone and precast concrete blocks, 76/006 (SWA) , in Class 6: Steel mesh in sheet form, made of in the name of The British Reinforced Concrete Engineering Co. wire or rods, used for constructional, partitioning, or protective Limited, also trading as The B.R.C. Engineering Company, a purposes, in the name of The British Reinforced Concrete Engin· British company, Lichfield Road, Stafford, England. Aildress for eering Co. Limited, also trading as The B.R.C.· Engineering service: Messrs Adams & Adams, Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger. Company, a British company, Lichfield Road, Stafford, England. Street, Pretoria. Address for service: Messrs Adams & Adams, Masada Buildings, BRICKFORCE Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria. Filed 6 January 1976. WELDMESH CLASS 16 Associated with No. 76/001 (SWA). 76/0010 (SWA), in Class 16: Paper and paper articles, printed Filed 61anuary 1976. matter, newspapers, periodicals, 60oks, including f'mancial and commercial printed matter, joUrnals, newsletters,reports, forms; CLASS 6 stationery; photographs, cardboar!'\s and cardbOard articles; instructional and teaching material (other than apparatus): in the 76/001 (SWA), in Cass 6: Screens, parUtioIlll, guards, frames, name of Security Pacific Corporation, a corporation organised sieves, seatings, all made of welded steel wire, in the name of under the laws of the Stateo! Delaware, 333 South Hope Street, The British Reinforced Concrete Engineering Co. Limited, also Los Angeles, California, United States of America. Address for trading as The B.R.C. Engineering Company, a British company, service: Messrs Adams & Adams; Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger Licbfield Road, Stafford, England. Address for service: Messrs Street, Pretoria. . Adams & Adams, Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria.

Registration of this trade mark shall give. no right to the exclusive use of the letter. "S" separately and apart from the mark. Filed 6 January 1976.

Associated with No. 76/006 (SWA). a..ASS 9 76/0073 (SWA), in Class 9: Electronic data processing and Filed 6 January 1976. computing apparatus; tabulating machines; accounting machines; calculating machines; apparatus for recording, analysing, inter­ CLASS 32 preting or classifying information; apparatus for examining, 75/0558 (SWA), in Class 32: Beer, ale and porter: mineral and sorting, arranging and collating record cards, forms and papers; aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; syrups and other magnetic recording apparatus and magnetic recording tape. both preparations for making beverages; in the name of Dorden Inc., being for use in conjunction with data processinf! apparatus; a corporation organised under the laws of the State of New Jersey, parts for aU the aforesaid apparatus; in the name of International Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


Computers Limited, a British compil.ny,' ICL HouSe.' Putney, CLASS 16 London. SW 15 ISW, England. Address for service: Messrs 76/0074 (SW A), in Class 16: Paper and paper articles; card. Adams & Adams, Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria. board and cardboard articles; printed matter; office reqnisites ICL (other than furniture); paper tape; record cards; ribbons for Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the printing; type; cliches; all the aforesaid goods being for use in exclusive use of the letters "I", "C" and ''L'' each separately and conjunction with data processing apparatus; in the name of Inter­ apart from the mark. national Computers Limited, a British company. ICL House, Associated with No. 76/0074 (SWA). Putney, London, SWI5 ISW. England. Address for service: Messrs Adams & Adams, Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, Filed 12 February 1976. Pretoria. ICL CLASS 4 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the 7.6/166 (SWA), in Class 4: Industrial oils and greases (other exclusive use of the letters "I", "C'. and "L" each separately and than edible oils and fats and essential oils); lubricants; dust apart from the mark. laying and absorbing compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) Associated with No. 76jOO75 (SWA). and illuminants; candles, tapers, nightlights and wicks; in the name of Compagnie Francaise des Petroles, a societ6 anonyme Filed 12 February 1976. organised under the laws of France, 5, rue Michel-Ange, 75016 PariS, France. Address for service: Messrs Adams & Adams, CLASS 37 Masada Bnildings, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria. 76/0075 (SWA), in Class 37: Advice, training and assistanc,e in connection with the installation, maintenance and repair of data processing equipment, in the name of International Computers Limited, a British company, ICL House, Putney, London, SW15 ISW, England. Address for service: Messrs Adams & Adams, Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria. ICL Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters "I", "C" and "L" each separately and apart from the mark. Associated with No. 76/0076 (SWA). The mark is partly constituted by the choice and arrangement Filed 12 February 1976. of the colours red, white, blue and orange as shown on the representation of the mark affixed to the form ofapplication. CLASS 4 Associated with Nos. 7270/65 (SWA) .and 6752/64 (~WA). 76/199 (SWA), in Class 4: Industrial oils and greases (other Section 24 (I) (b) application. than edible oils and fats and essential oils); lubricants; dust laying F:iled 7 April 1976. and absorbing compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles, tapers, nightlights and wicks; in the name of CLASS 36 Compagnie Francaise des Petroles. a societe anonyme organised under the laws of France, 5, rue Michel-Ange, 75016 Paris,' 76/0095 (SWA), in Class 36: Financial and credit services France. Address for service:· Messrs Adams & Adams, Masada including transfer of funds,.in, the name of Interbank Card Asso­ Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria. ciation, a corporation organised under the laws of the State of Delaware, 110 East 59th Street, New York, New York 10022, TOTAL RUBIA United States of America. Address for service: Me'!I8rs Adams & Associated with No. 76/166 (SWA). Adams, Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria. Section 24 (1) (b) applicatIon. Filed 26 April 1976. CLASS 42 76/0076 (SWA), in Class 42: Advice, training and assistance in connection with the use, programming and installation of data processing equipment, in the name of Ip.ternational Computers Limited, a British company, ICL House, Putney, London, SW15 ISW, England. Address for service: Messrs Adams & Adams, Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria. ICL The mark is limited to the colours orange and yellow as shown Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the on the representation of the mark affixed to the form of applica­ exclusive use of the letters "1", "C" and "L" each separately and ~n. ' apart for the mark. Associated with No. 74/0688 (SWA). Associated with No. 76/0073 (SWA). Filed 24 February 1976, .. Filed 12 February 1976.

Buy National Savings Certificates

Koop Nasionale Spaarsertifikate

------Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

No. 5363 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 24 DECEMBER 1976 ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACTS NOTICES BOEDElWETfEKEN NISGEWINGS Fonn/Vorm J 297 ELECTION OF EXECUTORS. CURATORS AND TUTORS The estates of the persons mentioned below being unrepresented. interested parties are hereby given notice by Masters of the Supreme Court of Soutb Africa, that meetings will be held in the several estates at the places, dates and times specified, for the purpose of selecting some person or persons for approval by the respective Masters, as fit and proper to be appointed by them as exeeutors, curators or tutors, as the case may be, indicating the particulars as follows: Estate number, surname and christian names or deceased, and occupation; date or death; place, date and time of meeting. . Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Ma~'lStrate. N.B.-Items indicated by an asterisk (*) on the left-hand side denote the election of a tutor or curator; otherwise an exeeutor IS to bo elected, VERKIESING VAN EKSEKUTEURS, KURATORS EN VOOGDE Aangesien die boedels van die persone hieronder vermeld nie verteeuwoordig is nie word hierby deur Meesters van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika aan belanghebbendes kennis ~ee dat byeenkomste ten opsigte van die verskillende beedels op die pletke, datums en tye vermeld, gehou sal word, met die doel om 'n persoon of persone Ie Ides vir goedkeuring deur die onderskeie Meesfers as geskik en bekwaam om deur hulle aangestel te word as eksekuteurs, kurators of voogde, na gelang van ornstandighede. met aanduiding van die besonderhede in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam en voorname van oorlede persoon, en beroep; datum van oorlye; plek, datum en tyd van byeenkoms. In 'n plek waarin 'n kantoor van 'n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou en in ander plekke voor die Landdros. L.W.-ltems aan die linkerkant met 'n sterretjie (*) gemerk, dui aan die verkiesing van 'n voog orkurator; andersins word 'n eksekuteur geldes. CAPE-KAAP 13865/76-MATHIE, Petro, huisvrou. 14/10/75. Johannes., 7134/76-BECKMANN, Edward Albert, student. 13/11/-. Dou­ burg, 7/1/77, 09hOO. glas, 7/1/17, 09hOO. 13695/16--RUSSELL, Robert John Morrison, sales 'engineer, 7724167-BARON, Matthew, fisherman. 23/1/65. Cape Town, 2R/9/16. Johannesburg, 711/17, 09hOO. 11/1/77, 1Oh30. 9595/76-BEZUIDENHOUT. Johanna Susanna Elizabeth 7222/76--SNYMAN, Cyril, motor trimmer. 14/11(13. Good­ Aletta Christina, housewife. '26/4/76. Germistun, 7 {l/77, 09h30. wood, 26/1/77, 09hOO. 1892/58-VAN ZYL, Christiaan Jacobus. pensioen;uis. 29/4/58. 12956/76-BEZUIDENHOUT, Johanna Wilhelmina, Albertinia, 5/l /17. 1OhOO. . huisvrou. 27 /l0/76. Middelburg, 7 fl/77, IOhOO. 90402-PARKER, Omar Ismail, general dealer. 19/1/44. Cape B966/76--DOHERTY, Winifred Phyllis, housewife. 27/11 /16­ Town, 4/1/77, IOh30. Johannesburg, 7/1 {77, 09hOO. 7153116--SAMPSON, Harry Isaac, pensioner. 10/11/76. Purl, 13986 /16-SAMSON, John. electrician. 27 fl/76. Springs. 7/1/ 7/1/76, MhOO. 77, 10hOO. 7213176-FESIER, Sylvia David John, clerk. 21 fl 1/16. Cape Town. 4/1/76, lOb30. 13616j76--VAN DER MERWE, Madge Jessie, huiS'O·rou. 25{ 4623/52--SEHOU, Adolph Pieter Paul, tetired. 22/8/52. 10/16. Amersfoort, 7/1/17, IOhOO. Montagu, 6/1/16, lOhOO. 13994/76-SMALE, Abraham, operator. 30/1/16. Johannes­ 7201/16-HUNT, William Henry, retired. 23/11/16. Cape burg, 7fl /17, O9hOO. Town, 4/1/77. 10h30. 7141/76-GROBBELAAR, Rachel Petronella, huisvrou. 31/10/ 13840/16-COLEMAN. William Roland, mechanic. 31/10/76. 76. Malmesbury, 5/1/77, 101100. JohannesbUfJ!, 711/77. 09hOO. 7519/67-RYAN, Quinee, optometrist. 6/12/63, Cape Town, 13l!64176-MASSEY, Nora Mary, housewife. 13/11/16. Preto­ 4/1/77. IOh30. ria, 6/1/77, O9hOO. 2878/63-VAN ZIJL, Johannes WiIlem, pensioner. 25/6/63. 13855/76-DE KLERK, Marie, huisvrou. 1/8/16. G roblersd aI, Adelaide. 6/1/77, 10hOO. 7/1/77, IOhOO. 7168/76--ANDERSON. Nelson, wood and coal merchant. 2tJ/ 10/76. Cape Town, 4/1/77, IOh30. 14041/16-DU RAND, Lukas Petrus Jacobus, pensioenaris. 24/ 11/16. Brits, 7/1/17, 10b00. 72f8/76--KENNEDY, Grant Simpson, military pensioner. 4/ 11/76. Cape Town, 4/1/17, 101130. 13904/76--BILLINGS, George, upholsterer. 29/10/76. Boks., burg, 7/l/77, 1OhOO. 7226176--STEENKAMP, Johannes Paulus, boer. 13/11/16. Calvinia, 26/1/77, 10hOO. ORANGE FREE STATE-ORANJE-VRYSTAAT 7136/76 - BENN, Catharina Paulina, housewife. 9/11/76. 2414/76--0LWAGEN, Anna Margarietha, huisvrou. 11/11/ George, 7/1/77, IOhOO. 76. Vrede, 511/77, 10bOO. 5327/16--WILKINSON, Maria Alberta, gebore Brand, huis­ 2410/76-ENGELBRECHf, Cornelius Johannes, timmerman, vrou. 28/8/76. Grabouw, 20/1/77, IOhOO. 18/11/16. Odendaalsl1ls, 3/1/71, IOhOO. 4507 j76--WILKINSON, Nicolaas Johannes, pensioenaris. 20/ 2319/76--JANSE, Jacqueline, voorh~n Oertel, ~ebore De Vil­ 7/16. Grabouw, 20/1/77, IOhOO. liers, huisvrou. 21/6/75. Bloemfontein, 31/12/16, 10hoo. 7717/67-CAMPHER, Hester, gebore Cup.ido, huisvrou. 16/ 2393 j76-LOTTER, Susara Johanna, huisVTou. 12/11/76_ 1/49. Wynberg, 4/1/17, 09hOO. Vrcdc, 12/1/17, 10hOO. 2799/16--STEENKAMP, Catharina Helena. gebore Steen­ 2415/76--SCOTT, Gesina Dorothea. !!cbore Potgieter, huisvrou. kamp, huisvrou. 19/4/16. Calvinia, 26/1/77, IOhOO. 16/11/16. Bloemfontein, 31/12/16, IOhOO. 6477 /16-JACOBY, Gordon Watt, trawlerman. 12/10/16. Cape 2417 /16-JOHNSON, Arthur Robert, chargehand electrician. Town, 4/1/77, IOh30. 3/11/76. Welkom, 12/1/77, lOhOO. 7245/16-LOUW, J aeoba Elizabeth, huisVTOU. 21/11 /16. Paar!, 7/1/77, 09hOO. NORTHERN CAPE - NOORD-KAAP 7195/76-KOTZE, Izak Jacobus, polisiesersant. 25/11/16. Clan­ 343/76-NEWMAN, John Alben, tuinier. 19/4/16. Kimberley. william, 10/1/77, 10hOO. 1111/17, 10hOO. 7135/16-CAMPHER, Frederick, builder. 22/11/16. George, 1030i76-DANSE, Wilfred, loodgietcr. 29/11/15. ICmberlcy, 7/1/77, 10hOO, Landdros, Caledon. 11/1/17, 1OhOO. 6685 j76-MARAIS, Susanna Freda, Invalide, 29/10/16. 1098/16-LE ROUX, Margaretha Johanna, huisvrou. 29/111 Caledon, 711/77, lOhOO. 76. Vryburg, 13/1/77, 10hOO. 4089/16--VAN DYK, Frederick Johan Stadler, retired. 16112/ 1l06/16-VAN LOGGERENBERG. Lourens Rasmus, telcfo­ 75. Cape Town, 4/1/77, 10h30. nis. 22/11/76. Phillipstown, 12/1/17, lOhOO. TRANSVAAL SOUTH-WEST AFRICA - SUlDWES-AFRII


CURATORS AND TUTORS: MASTERS' NOTICES In terms or section 15 or Ad 66 of 1965 aotioe is It..:Rby gi~n of a.ppointmeIlts of persom as curators or tutors Dy Masten. ..of... having aIIIIed iD their respectiw: rapacity. The information is given in thefollo1ring order: Number ofmatter; penon under curatorship., or miDOl", and address; name aacI.we. ofauator or tutor; whether appointmeot 01" «ase in c pacity, and date; Master of the Supreme Court. KURATORS EN VOOGDE: MEESTERS SE KENNISGEWINGS

Ingevolge artikel 75 van Wet (iI6 VaD 1965 word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling vanpersoneas kurators ofvoolde dew: Meest.ers. of' 'fan We beeindiging van aa.nstcItings in sodanige boedanigbede. Die inligting word verstrek is die volgorde: Nommec van saak; personn onderkuratele. of minderjarige, en adres; naam en adres Y8II brator of voog; of aanstelling of beCindigins daarvan, en datum; Meester van die Hooggeregshof. CAPE-KAAP ORANGE fREE STATE-ORANJE-VRYSTAAT 548f76-ALLMAN, Cyril Edward. Curator/TutQf, Francis 551 {76-CORNELIUS, Hendrina Cornelia, gebQre Hoffman.. David Glaum, for Cape Trustees and Executors Ltd, 6 Church Kumtor Bonis, Francois Bertram Coetzer, Posbus 170. Theunis­ Square, Cape Town. Appointment, 23/11/76. Cape Town. sen, 9410. Appointment, 2/12/76. TRANSVAAL 818/66-SCHOEMAN, Anna Petronella, Witrandinrigting, Pot.. 10352/76-ZELI.ERHOFF, Gerrit Arnoldus, Sterkfontein Hos­ chefstroom. KuratorIVoog, Maria Elizabeth van Aswegen, Rie­ pital, Krugersdorp. Curator/Tutor, Bertha Pencharz:, 21 Kent Road, Dunkeld West, Johannesburg. Business: 222 Yorkshire kerstraat 8, Ontdekkersheuwel, Roodepoort, 1725. Aanstelling, 24/. House, 104 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001. Postal addrcss: 11/76. Bloemfontein. P.O. Box 1147, Johannesburg, 2000. Appointment, 11 /11/76.


All persons having claims against tbe estates mentioned below are hereby called upon .to lodge their claims with the executors ~ cerned, within 30 days (or otherwise as indicated) calculated from the date of publication hereof. The information is given in the following order: Estate number, slIrname and christian names, date of birth, identity number, last address, date of death; surviving spouse's names. . surname, date of birth and identity Dumber; name and address of executor or authorised agent, period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than 30 days. KENN1SG£WING AAN KREDrrEURE IN BESTORWE BOEDELS Aile persone wat Yorderinge het teen die boedels hieronder vermeld, word hierby versoek om hul vordcrings by die betrokke ekselcuteun . en binne 'n tydperk van 30 dae (of andersins soos aangedui) gereken vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan in te lewer. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Boedeloommer, familienaam en voorname, geboortedatum, persoonsnommer, laaste adres, datum oorlede; nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familiena-m, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; naam en adres van eksekuteurs of gemagtigde agent, tydped: toegelaat vir iewering van vorderings indien mILlers fLY 30 dae. CAPE-KAAP 7023/76-LAUBSCHER, Maria Magdalena, gcbore Warnick., 7031/76-··HODGKINS, Mary Evelyn (Avetyn or Eveline or 5/9/18, 1809050029001, Pentzstraat 86, Wellington, 13/IlJ76; Evlyn); born Gordon, 22/6/1899, 022265178W, 26 Kinkleway Pieter Adriaan Laubscher. Die Weilingtonse Ekselruteurskamer Close, Newland!!, 8/lt/76. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd Bpk., Posbus I, Wellington. registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 54, Cape 7017/76-HULSCHER, Peter Willmm Jacobus, 1/6134, Kloaf­ Town. straat 2, Malmesbury, 6/9(76; Suzanne Minnie Hulscher, VOOf­ heen Foster, gcbore Bcster, 19/2/30. Boland Bank: Bpk., posbus 7021/76-HODGKINS, Alb'ert Frederick, 1511/1897, 022275 16, Malmesbury. 177W, 26 Kinkleway Close, Newlands, 8/11 /76. The Standard 5546!76-VAN RENSBURG, Cornelia Dorothea, 12/9/05, 125 Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered cominercial bank), Trustee Branch, 127498 W, Hoofstraat, Bonnievale, 12/8/76. Santam Bank Bpk., P.O. Box 54, Cape Town. Posbus 62, Robertson. 6385/76-VAN HANSEN, Stephanus Andries, 11/4/84, 040411 5617/76-MAREE, Christiaan Johannes, 23/5/1892, 080501 5005·00..5, 80 Surrey Street, Goodwood, 5/10/76. The Standard 895 W, Herrnonweg 7, Riebeekkasteel, 4/9/76; Beatrix Hendrina Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, Maree, gebore Van der Westhuizen, 13/3/04, 080 501896 W. P.O. Box 54, Cape Town. Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 16, Malmesbury. 7057t76-TINNER, Max, 21/11/22, 22H21-5016-10-7, 7 4397 j76-SCHOEMAN, Wouter Pieter, 24f12J09, Stik:land Utreeht Street, Monte Vista, Cape Town, 2/11/76. The Standard Hospital, Bellville, 7 J7 /76. Pocock & Bailey, 117 Church Street, Bank (If S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trust~e Branch, P.O. Box 58, Oudtshoorn. P.O. Box 54, Cape Town.. 7079/76-LE KAY, Ulrich Charles, 15/8/12, M3679547K, Pearlweg 30, Bridgton, Oudtshoom, 10111 /76; Janetta Cathe~ine 6954I76-SMITH, Mary Elizabeth. 1/9/05, 050901-0020-00-6, Ie Kay, gebore Wicomb, 717/15, ffl3679548K. Pocock &. Bailey, Cui Mohr, Oakley Road, RondebOllCh. 7/11/76. The Standard Kerk-straat 117. Posbus 58, Oudtshoorn. Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, 4885f76-ESSEL, Rudolf Hans, 1915/14, C1491244, Kouw­ P.O. Box 54, Cape Town. aouw, 'Waboomskraal. dhirik George, 7/6/76. Luria Eli:t.ab'eth 5014j76-FltANKLIN, Eunice, 3/3/1883, 019599447W, 20/8/ Esset, pIa Pocock & Bailey, Posbus 58, Oudtshoom. 76. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd. (registered commercial


6868/76-CUPIDO, Levi Robert, 22/2/13, 022596040, Bal­ 3703/76-SCHWEIGER, Barbara, 6/2/17, Carew Lodge, Carew moral, William Arendseweg, Penlynlandgoed, Athlone, 10/10/76; Road, Northwood, MiddleseX; United Kingdom, 21/12/75. Bisset. Samh Maria Cupido, gebore Visser, 28/5/17. Hermanus Johannes Boehmke & McBlain, 140 St George's Street, Cape Town. FoW1ie, Takbestuurder, Santam Ballk Bpk., Posbus 653, Kaapstad. 6424/76-SACHS, Klara, 20/3/1892, 022299362; Highlands 6796/76-BURRIDGE, Marlene Myrna, 22/7/35, Hemsley & House, Oranjezicht, Cape Town, 21/10/76. Arthur E. Abrahams Green }>ark Hotel, Hof Street, Cape Town, 25/10/76. Rushmere, & Gross, 54 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town. Noach & Partners, First Floor, Allicd Buildings, Main Street, 2874/75-ABRAHAMS, John, 15/1/30, 014757220K, 160 Port Elizabeth. Seventh Street, Elsie's River, 8/5/75; Yoelan Lorraine Abrahams, 6317/76-VAN TONDER, Douw Gerbrand, 7/12/09, 022970 born Africa. Scher, Webner & Co., 135 Voortrekker Road, 412 W, Blinde Oumanstehuis, Kerkstraat 124, Worcester, 16/10/ Goodwood. 76. Volkskas BjJk. (geregistreerd'e handelsbank), Boedel- en 5745/76-JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Laura, 16/12/09, 091 Trustafdeling, Adderleystraat 134, Posbus 3981, Kaap3tad. 2160013 00 5 W. Searlestraat 26, Blanco, distrik George, 1013/75. 4486/76-MINERS, Maria Margrietha '(Magrieta), voorheen McGregor & Dissel Courtemystraat 21, Posbus 91, George. Carlson, gebore Kotze, 30/12/1895, 050-148614W, weduwee, 050­ 6830/76-VAN HEERDEN, Andries Petrus Rudolf, 3/11/07, 148614W, Huis Zenobia du Toit, Heidelberg, 29/6/76. Boland 07 1103 5011 008, Maranelwoonstelle 208a, Haarlemstraat, Strand, Bank Bpk., Posbus 3, Heidelberg. 22/10/76; Helena Wilhelmina van Heerd'en, 27/9/21, 042/971 6593/76~Samegestelde boedcl BOSHOFF, Susanna Magdalena, 764. Francois Roux & Van Dyk, Hoofstraat 21, Moorreesburg. gebore Botha, 9/9/03, 118960078 W; Adam, 15/2/1896, 960215 6519/76-DE JAGER, Susanna Jacomina, 24/2/24, 111-883 5001005, Seesigwoonstelle 201a, Strand, 10/10/76. Volkskas Bpk. 193 Tehuis Die Ou Meuie, Kerkstraat, Riversdal, 22/10/76. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedcl- en Trustafdeling, Adderley­ Hofmeyr & Seun, Posbus 16, Riversdal. straat 134, Posbus 3981, Kaapstad. 5456/76-O'MALLEY, Alfred, 29/5/21, 115290 344 K, 6 Pluto 6603/76-Samegestelde boedcl BOSHOFF, Adam, 15/2/1896, Way, Ocean View, 6/6/76. Guthrie & Rushton, 102 Fish Hoek 9602155001005; Susanna Magdoalena, gebore BDtha, 9/9/03. 118 Centre, Main Road, Fish Hoek. 960078 W, Seesigwoonstelie 201a, Strand, 10/10/76. Volkskas Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en TrustafdcIing, Adder­ leystraat 134, Posbus39 81, Kaapstad. TRANSVAAL 6967/76-BRITZ, Cornelis Jacob, 22/7 /20, 2007225052003 W, 11762/76-HIRST, Kirsten Frederikka, 17/11/28, 2811170014 Kortfontein, Riversdal, 27/10/7G; Augusta Antonia Britz, gebore 00 3 88 Eugenia Road, Primrose Hill, Germiston, 1/9/76. The Tome, 20/7/24, 2407200033 004. Hofmeyr & Seun, Posbus 16, Stan'dard Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Riversdal. Branch, P.O. Box 933, Johannesburg. 6009/76-BLEWETI, Ayesha Amanda Jane (Amanda Aipher), 9363/76-WURM, Karl, 2/4/1894,. 331356495 W, 404 Su~ning 30/3/51, 117932027, 21 Ashford Road, Parkwood, Johannesburg, Hill. 18 Koch Street, Johannesburg, 30/6/76. Goldman Judm & 29/6/76. J. C. Louw, Du Plessis & Partners, 11 Woolworths Werricr, P.O. Box 1300, Johannesburg. Arcade, Main Street, Somerset West. 12542/75-KROGMAN, Andries. Fe~dinand, 1~ /}2/1891,. 366 6766/76-WITTHOEFFT, Peter Ernst, 19/9/01, 0109105001 240673, Springs, 24/3/75. Andrew Slebnts, pIa PhIlip D. Wnght, OO2-W, Middelburg, Kuilsrivier, 31/10/76. Marais, Pienaar & Posbus 126, Harrismith. Vennote, Vanriebeeckweg 51, Kuilsrivier. 11113/76-PEPLER, Annie Catherine, gebore VosJoo, 2/10/ 6948/76-LOUW, Jan Johannes, 5/7/23, 2307055041005, 27. 963000422, McCalloughsingel 3, Strubenvale, Spnngs, 18/8/ Breekmuur, Koringberg, distrik Moorreesburg, 2/11/76; Anna 76; Berry Tielman Pepler, 14/8/24, 957002682. Santam Bank Van Zyl Louw. gebore Basson, 20/12/28. Volkskas Bpk. (geregi­ Bpk., Posbus 834, Springs. streerde handelsbank), Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Adderleystraat 12411/76-BUTT, Martin Christopher, 14/7/37,214039881,42 134, Posbus 3981, Kaapstad. Alexandra Avenue, Graighall, Johannesburg, 8!}0/76. Ole Trust 3569/76-LEWIS, Jack, 9/5/47, 022865695K, Parkdeneweg 107, Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdehng, Trust Bank­ Ravensmead, 14/8/75; Erica Margaret Lewis, gebore Wakefield, sent rum, Eloffstraat, Posbus 7694, Johannesburg. 26/3/48, 4803260017010. P. 1. Booysen & Horn, Alliedgebou, 13098/76-PIETERSE. Gideon, 17/12/23, 331 631981W, Swart­ Voortrekkerweg 154, Posbus 55, Parow. straat 42b, Oudorp, Klerksdorp, 10/9/76; Marth.a Magdalena 6950/76-ROELOFSE, Marthinus Christoffel, 16/11/12, 121116­ Elizabeth Pi'eterse, 19/7/28. The Trust Bank of Africa Ltd, Trust 5005-002, Myrtleweg 8, Heatherlands, George, 22/10/76; Martha and Estates Deparlment, Trust Bank Centre, Eloff Street, P.O. Magrietha Roelofse, 9/9/12, 120909-0011-044. Volkskas Bpk. Box 7694. Johanncsburg. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Adderley­ 12143/76-VRIELING, Katharina, 22/4/13, 130422002710, straat 134, Posbus 3981, Kaapstad. Costa Brava 2, Princesslaan, Windsorpark, 6/9/76. The TIllst 6915/76-SCHNEKENBURGER, Max, 13/11/1899, 096753 Bank of Africa Ltd, Trust and Estat~s Department, Trust Bank 141 W, Weliingtonweg 43, Durbanviile, 24/10/76. Volkskas Bpk. Centre Eloff Street, P.O. Box 7694, Johannesburg. (geregistreerd..: handelsbank),. Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Addedey­ 13860/76-LOUW. Jacobus Coenmad, 13/8/20,2098135013002, straat 134, Posbus 3981. Kaapstad. . Bulhoek. Pk. Moedwil, 13 /11 /76; Martha Oathanna Johanna 6917/76-VAN HOOGSTRATEN, Eric Gordon, 6/4/03, 030 Louw. Die Standard Bank van S.A. Brk.. (geregistreerde handels­ 4065012003 W, Orchid Havcn, The Valley Walk, Constantia, bank), Trustcetak. Posbus 1330, Pretoria. 3/11/76. Reilly Reilly & Tucker, P.O. Box 3126, Capc Town. 13432/76-RABIE, Wouda Carolina, 24/10;03, 0310~4 0003 6659/76/ASR /G-TERBLANCHE, Petrus Botha. 7/8/1895, 00 7 Tamowoonstel 2 Kotzestraat 239, SunnYSide, Pretona. 11/ 950807/5003/00/7, Ouetehuis, Karatara, distrik Knysna, 27/10/76. 11 r}6. Die StandardB,ank van S.A. Bpk. (geregistreerde handels­ Duvenage Keyser & Jonck, Posbus 104, Oudtshoorn. bank). Trusteetak, Posbus 1330, Pretona. .. 6459/76-VAN DER MERWE, Gabriel Erasmus, 10/11/11, 13569/76-VAN ASWEGEN, Magdalena Francma,geb~re 1111105016004, Happy Valley, P.O. La Motte, 25{10/76; Louisa Dunn, 11/4/1893,930411 0OO2!lOO, Mimosalaan 46, Proklamasle· Maria van der Merwe, born Theunissen. Syfrets Trust Company heuwel, Pretoria, 7/11/76. Die Standard Bank Vlan S.A. B~k. Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Cape Town. (geregistreerde handelsbank), Trusteetak, Posbus 1330, Pretona. 5478/76-McKAIG, John Andrew, 25/4/27, 404 137 193, 7 14079/76-VAN DER SPUY, Peter Gysbert, 11/6/~891, 910611 Jacht Street, Sun Valley, Fish Hoek, 3/8/76. John S. Inee & 5004 00 0, King's Highweg 408, Lynnwood, Pretona, 2/1:;/76; Wood, 705 Eagle House, Lower Burg Street, Cape Town. Sophia Margaretha Johanna van der Spuy, 11 /8 /}892, 9_0811 2364/76-ABRAHAMS, Jerome, 25/12/1893, 022/503170 M, 57 0001 005. Die Standard Bank van S.A. (gereglstreerde han­ Russell Street, Cape Town, 25/4/76. T. H. Snitcher, Cohen & ~pk. delsbank), Truste'etak, Posbus 1330, Pretona. Snitcher, 140 St George's Street, Cape Town. 12660/76-TURNBULL, Pauline Graham, 2/10/23, 231002 3166/76-EVERTS, Nicolaas Fortuin, 15/4/30, 23 Epping 0045002, 48 Eighth Street, Lower Houghton, Johannesburg, 22/ Avenue, Epping, 9/12/75. Chas. Barnett, Barnett & De Beer, 97 Victoria Road, Woodstock. 10/76. Webber. Wentzel & Co., P.O. Box 61771, Marshalltown. 6713/76-BRIERCLIFFE, Rupert, 27/1/1889, Road Town, Tor­ 6714/76-VAN DER BYL, Helen May, 12/5/01, 068392042, & Constantia, 19/10/76. Dichmont &. Dichmont, P.O. Box 469, Cape tola. British Virgin Islands, 2/12/75. Webber, Wentzel Co., Town. First Floor, Fedmis House, corner of \Vcst and Marshall Streets, 6122/76-GARIFALLIDIS, Jacques Garl, 12/6/12, 120612/ Johannesburg. 5037/00/4, 7 Kloof Ridge, Bennington Road, Tamboerskloof, 4556/76-ROESTORFF, Ernst Phillippus Jacobus. Bertha Pen­ Cape Town, 8/10/76. Syfrets Trust Company Ltd, 24 Wale Street, charz, 222 Yorkshire House, 104 Marshall Street, P.O. Box 1147, Cape Town. Johannesburg. . 7170/76-D'ARCY, Bernard Thomas, 29(4/19, 17 Vygie Street, 7449/76-GANI, Hawa. Tayob & Cassnn, P.O. Box 3279, Bellair, Bellville, 9/11/76. Syfrets Trust Company Ltd, 24 Wale Pretoria. Street, Cape Town. . 12891/7G-HIRSCHMANN, Rachel, 375210709W, widow, 77 5417 /76-EBERBACH, David Clifford, 12/11/37, 022 210916, VOOitrekker Street, Pietersburg, 14/10/76. Werksmans, P.O. Box 56 Princess Street, Clarcmont, 14/3/76. Pincus, Matz & Feinberg, 61113, Marshalltown. Maynard House, Maynard Road, \Vynberg. 11466/76-IVEY, Valara Roberts, 17/11/1899,9911170009004, 1835/61-JOELSON, David Max, 19 fl2/11, 1 Belvedere Road, 21 Hathorn Avenue, Maryvale, Jo~mm~sburg, 23/6/76. Edward Muizenberg, 6/5/61. Fuller, Moore & Son, N.B.S. Buildings, Nathan, Friedland. Mansell & LeWIS, Fltth Floor, Innes Cham­ Greenmarket Square, Cape Town. bers, 84 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


13474f76-MARX, Hendrik Christiaan, 23/5/12, 120523/5032/ 5829176-WILKINS, Fredrika Johanna Catharina, 14/4/1894, 00/4, 9 Thibault Street, Roosevelt Park, Johannesburg, 9/1Of76; 9404140004008, TweedyParkouetehuis, Voortrekkerweg, Brak­ Dorothy May Marx, 3f7 /14, 140703/0029/00/9. Syfrets Trust pan, 2G/4f76. Hammerschlag Frank Stoloff & Gishen, P.O. Box and Executor S.A. Ltd, P.O. Box 7419, Johannesburg. 351, Springs. 13479f76--NIEDERHOFER, Johann, 23/10/05, 248-036018, 12 13296,176-VISAGIE, Rudolf Gerhardus, 18/11/1899, 991118 Ninth Avenue, Parkto"vn North, Johannesburg, 5/11 f76. Syfrets 5004 008, Erf 27, Tautestmat, , 4/11 f76. Barclays­ Trust and Executor South Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 7419, Johannes­ Nasionale Bank Bpk. (geI'egistreerde handelsbank), Trusteeafde­ burg. . ling, Laeveldtak, PosbUs 600, Nelspruit. 12431f76-LESTER, John, 26/2/05, 0502265009006, 20 Fifth 13241/76-MARITZ, Hester Jacoba Isabella, voorheenBeukes, Avenue, Edendale, Edenvale, 5/10f76. Syfrets Trust and Executor gebore De Jager, 16/1/1890, 321603909, weduwee, Kampstraat South Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 7419,Johannesburg. 720, Clairmont, Pretoria, 8/11/76. G. F. Botha & Van Dyk, 12796f76--CHARAD, Jack Colin, 3f7 /41, C489114843, 49 Trustgebou, J oubertstraat, Posbus 41, Erme!o. Earlswold Way, Saxonwold, Johannesburjl;, 5/1Of76. Kahn, Oshry 13394/76-DE JAGER, Magdalena Catharina Petronella, 4/ & Ellis, Second Floor, Protea Assurance Buildings, 94 Commis­ 11/1894, S.A.V.F.-ouetehuis, Ventcrsdorp. 27/10/76. D. Jonck, sioner Street, P.O. Box 78, Johannesburg. vir Volkskas Bpk. (gercgistreerde handelsbank), Bo'edelafdeling, 4049f76-MENICANTI, Giorgio Francesco Luigi. 23/4/22, Kommissarisstraat 48, Posbus 970, Klerksdorp. 956055694, 26 Hope Road, Mountain View, 9/3f76. Regenbaum 13111!7G-DE VILLIERS, Pieter Cornelius, 9/10/08, 081009 Rapcport Fanrroff, 1001 North State, 99 Market Street, Johannes­ 5011 005, Plot 9, Vyfhock-Suid, Potchefstroom, 27/10 f76; Fran~ burg. cirra Hendrina Jacoba de Villiers, gebore Schutte, 10/6/05, 354~ 13231 (76--"GOVIND. Kalan, 1913, 800/020951.5535 Protea 858829W. Thiel, Theron & Le· Grangc,Octrongebou, Lombard­ Avenue, Lenasia, 3/11f76; Dankor (Dhankor) Kalan Govind, straat, potchefstroom. .' ' . 1920. A. K.Mia, P.O. Box 62033; Marshalltown.~. .' 13384f76-FERREIRA, GeTt Thomas, 27!7 /30, '3007275008 12707 f76-BRITTAIN, William Edison, 1/lOflts99, 007973934 003, Riverbank, Posbus 49, Louw's Creek, distrik Barberton, W, Jocelyn Residential Hotel, corner of Claim and Leyds Streets, 26/10/76; Elizabeth Johanna Petronella Ferreira, gebore Oden­ Hillbrow, 18/8/76. Nedbank Ltd, Trust Department, P.O. Box daal, 22/3/37, 3703220007005. Sanek Ekse~uteurskamer Bpk., 7419. Johannesburg. . Eerste Verdieping, Sanlamgebo:u, hoek van Pretorius-en Andries­ 13415 f76'-:'NKOSI, Lena, during 1889, 1539164, 114 15th straat, Posbus 4697, Pretoria. . , Avenue. Alexandra Township, Johannesburg, 20/9f76.· Rom & 13699/76----5MITH, Daniel Nicolaas, 30/6/18, 1806305002'00 7, Rom, 503/5 Locarno House, 20 LovcdayStreet, Johannesburg. Highveldweg 2~, Uitbreiding 4, Kempton Park 28/10/1976. Volks­ 12548f76-MANTEL, Catherina JohannaCato, 23/9/1897, 970 kas Beperk (geregistreerde handelsbank) Bocdcl- en Trustafdeling, 9230011 006, 111 Aston Villa, St Andrews Street, Birdhaven, Posbns 383, Pretot'ilL . . Johannesburg,d5/10f76. S. G. Chilvers, P.O. Box 75001, Garden 12243;75-BUCHNER, DougJas Malcolm. 19/1/23,360921268 View. Doristraat 22, Johannesburg. 11/10;75; Marie Buchner, gebore 1549f76-FAJERMAN, Chaja. Kahn. Oshry & Ellis, Second Mare, 360921269. Mnre Eloff Mare & Kie. Posbus 102, Floor, Protea Assurance Buildings, 94 Commissioner Street, Sannieshof 2760. Johannesburg. 13575 f76--BUYS, Steph!lOUS Bernardus, 3/7/06, 0607035002 4555 f76-VAN ROOYEN, Johannes. Kahn, Oshry & Ellis, 007, Paardeplaas. Hartbeesfontein, 27 II 0 f76; Johanna Christina 'Second Floor, Pmtea Assurance Buildings, 94 Commissioner Buys, 24/5/11, 1105240002002. Nedbank Bpk., Posbus 1830, Street, Johannesburg. Pretoria, 12882f76-FOULGER. Maggie, 2/12/(j2, 021202004009, Siesta 9244/76-SILLERY, Anthony, 19/4/03, 24 Walton Street, Cottages, P.O. Box 650, Vanderbijlpark, 25/10f76. Barclays Oxford, England, 5/3 f76. Syfrets Trust and Executor South National Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Reef Trustee Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 1830, Pretoria. ' Branch, P.O. Box 8000, Johannesburg. 13353f76-TOLMAY, Izak Zirk,113/19, 3?G911950, 6 Ch~is­ 12779f76-THOMAS, Susannah, 14/3/02, 020314001) 008, jan 'D~wetstraat, Duncanville, 7 /l1n6; Ehzabeth Cathanna South African Red Cro~s Old Age Home, Springs, 12/10/76. Paulina Tolmay, 26/1/28. Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 801, Ver­ Barclays Nationial Bank Ltd (registered commercial bank), Reef '. Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 8000, Johannesburg. 4111/76--JOHNSON, Robert. George,. 1/9/47, 2116160?9~, 13339f76-MILLS, William Frank (Valentine), 26/10/02, 021 Lewisham Hotel, Posbus 28, LUlpaardsvlel, 30/1f76. G. J. Smfth 026-50(}5~00-2, 26 Victoria Court, Daisy Street, Rosettenville, & Van der Watt, Posbus 98, Krugersdorp. Johannesburg, 25/10f76. The Standard Bank {If S,A. Ltd (regis­ 12837 /7~VANNIEKERK, John Dirk, 25/8/02, 020815 5~8 tered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, Library Gardens Cham­ 004, Fulhamweg 78, Brixton, Johannesburg. 6/10/76; Mana bers, President Street, P.O. Box 933, Johannesburg. Magdalena Magrieta van Niekerk, 15 f7 /06, 0607150027003. 9528/76-BONIFACE, Florence, 1884, Struisbulthawe, Springs, The Standard Bank. of S.A. Ltd (registt


12773/76-SHIMMTN, James Roderick, 3/8/1894, 30 Orchard NATAL Meadow, Chagfl'rJ. Devon, England, 8/2/76. Syfrets Trust and 5524(76--RAMRUITEN, 4/12/11, 800/435179/A, Sikeni, Executor South Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 1830, Pretona. Glendale, 13/10/16. Laurie C. Smith & Co., 22 Jackson Street, 8851/76-VAN tHEKERK, Abraham Adriaan Jacobus, 27/9/ P.O. Box 46, Stanger. 24, 243-342842, Wllterval 306> distrik Rustenburg, 5/7/76. Van 5483/76--BREYTENBACH, Matthys (Mathys) Izak (Isaac); Velden-Duffey, Privaatsak 82082, Rustenburg. 15/9/12, 1209150009005, Rustverwacht, distrik Utrecht, 5/11 /16, 9470/76-ERASMUS, Hermanus Johannes, 22/6/09, 09062,250 Shawe & Bosman, Posbus 13, Utrecht. 11 004, wewenaar, Tweede Laan 3, Marble Hall, 4/7 /76. G. J, 2803/16-S00KDHEO, Rajmath, during 1899, 52 St Bruno de Swardt, P08bus 330, Marble Hall. Street, Newcastle, 14/9f7 5; Sookdeye, 800408593 A. Anderson 11697/76--PAUL. Raymond Vietor, 1/5/15, 15050 15032003, 7 & Edmonds, P.O. Box 36, Newcastle. Celeste Crescent, Discovery Extension 6, Roodepoort, 12/9/76. 11400/16-MOSTERT, Dorothea Maria, 19/6/1894,.404116167 Merret & Berkowitz. P.O. Box 4239, Durban. W, Adventhaven, Heidelberg, 20/9/16. Barclays NatIOnal Bank 8098/76--MENACHEMSON, Esther. Roy A. Krowitz, 98 Ltd (registered commercial bank), TfU8tee Branch, P.O. Box Security Buildings, 95 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg; P.O. 3409. Durban. Box 61402, Marshalltown. 5600/76--CHAPMAN, Arthur Edgar, 11/10/1898. 981011 5008 13263/76-CARR, Petronella DanieUna Magdalena, gebore 008 230 St Thomas Road, Durban, 15/11/76. The Standard Schoeman, 21/8/DS. 335 068355 W, Kerkstraat 15, Krugersdorp, Bank of South AfdCli Ltd (registered commercial bank:), Trustee 30/10/76, C. Eloff, vir Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 6160, Johan­ Branch. P.O. Rox 2743, Durban. nesburg. 5604/76-HILL Rowland Richard George, 19/8/24, 240819 CELLIERS He:'manU8 Jacobus. 5/6/23, 2306055047004, 5005007. 14 Vo~rtrekker Street, Pinetown, 29/10/76; Elnaul.'a Betsie Verwo~rdouetchuis, Conradrylaan, Bla.irgowrie, Randburg, Hill born Strydom, 12/2/23, 226017414. The Standard Bank 12/11/76; Stoffelina Jacoba Celliers, gebore Van Staden, 15/ of South Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee 9124, 335704546 W. C. Eloff, vir Santam Bank: Bpk., Posbus Branch, P.O. Box 2743, Durban. 6160, Johannesburg. 5543{76--HAYfER, Gerald Eric John, 30/4/23, 230430-5002­ 12473/76--KROGH, Carolina Susanna Jac:omina, 31/5{20, 20 00-2 15 Waterhouse Road, Bluff, Durban, 29/10/76; Doreen 05310003006, Walterlaan 62, Waverley, Pretoria, 20/10/16; Gertrude Hayter, 9/12/36, 361209-0015-00-2. 'The Standard Bank Paul Jacobus Kn.\gh, 23/1/20, 2001235002009. H. P. Krogh of South Africa Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2743, Durban. ,. De Wet, Poshl1s 979, Pretoria. 5555/76--FARRER, Frank Howard, 29/1/1878, 211447798 13404/16--LIEBENBERG, Catharina Elma, 28/5/21, 210528 W 2 Norfolk Broads Norfolk Road, Durban, 1/11 /76. Barc1ays 0009 007, Plot 67, Haastraal, Potchefstroom. 1~ /11/76. V ~lksk31S N~tional Bank Ltd (r~ered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, Bpk. (geregistreerde handelsbank),, Kommlssans­ P.O. Box 3409. Durban. stmat 48, Posbus 970. Klerksdorp. 5475/76--KHAN, Dawad, -/1/08, 800/450200 A, HOllse 423, 10955/76-BRONKHORST, Johannes, 9/11/49, 491109-5.06~­ Road 1101, Durban, 1/11 /16; Hahma, 713/14, 800/419979. Lyne 00-8, Huis 23, Klippoortje, distrik: Witbank, 13/9/76; Mar) & Collins, P.O. Box 635, Durban. Bronkhorst, 29/3/39, 390329-0021-10-6. Van Heerden & Manus, 5487/76--FOWLER, John Frederick William, 20/6/1890, 211 Sanlamgebou, Posbus 6, Witbank. 665044, TaCta House, Prince Street, Durban, 16/11/76. Clark 12898/16--JANSEN, Frederick Johannes, 4/5/02, 335701.167, ,. Robbins, P.O. Box 1338, Durban. Richmondstraat 69, Krugersdorp, 21/10{16; Susanna Dlrkie 4719/76--HART, Mary Hodges (Hodgen), 2/4/1893, 93042 Jansen 335701168. Vo!kskas Bpk. (geregistt'ecrde handelsbank). 0003007 14 Beechcroft Avenue, Marlborough Park, Durban, Boedeiafdeling (Suiu-Tv1.), Posbus 2953, Pretoria. 27/9/76. 'Goldby, Compton & MacKelvie, P.O. Box 1473. 13740/76-ELS, Stefanus Johannes Jacobus, 26/2/34, 340226 Durban. 5026000, Plot 173, Honeyvale, Pretoria, 8/11/76; Pi~ternella 5598/76--ATKINSON, William George, 23/1/06, 060 123 SO 16 His, 27/5/25, 3505270020006. Valksw Bpk. (gereglstreer~e 008, 65 Hedge Row, Brighton Beach, Durban, 7/11/16. Vesta bandelsbank) Bocdelafdeling (Noord-Tvl.), Posbus 1730, Pretona. 12333/7~NORTJE, Andries Johannes JOUbert, 8/4/11, 11M Atkinson, c/o Wartski, Greenberg & Partners, P.O. Box 2188. 08 SOlI 004, Doncasterweg 16, Ferryvale, Nigel, 9/10/76; Johanna Durban. Christina Nortje, 3/11/17.340730109. Santam Bank Bpk., Pos­ 4518/76--HARTLEY, Nora Gertrude, 2/1/10, 2114447SO, 21 Raeton, South Beach Avenue, South Booch, ~lJ1'ban, 29/8/7~. bus 834, Springs. Security Executor and Trust Company Ltd, EIghth Floor, Hill 13382/76--ENGELBRECHT, Dorothea Petronella, 100930 00 Samuel House, Field Street, Durban. 01 005 Barendstraat 58, Randgate, Randfontein, 27/10/16; 4035n6-FURSTENBERG, Roelaf Abram, 22/1/21, 305765 lohan~es Augustus Engelbrecht 0507145001008. Volkskas Bpk. 352 4' Arcadia 15 Percy Osborne Road, Durban, 20/8/76. (geregistreerde handelsbank), B~edelafdeling. Commissionerstraat Lea'ndy Laroqu~ & Partners, Fifth Floor, JBS Buildings, 78 48, Posbus 970, Klcrksdorp. Field Street, Durban. 13391/16-GROBLER, Anna Lucia, 339723408 W. lOA, 5613/76--THOMSON, Janet Strang, 2/3/1890, 902513 225, MO()ibank, Potchefstroom, 5/11/76. Volkskas Bpk. (gereglstreerde Buchanan Park Goodwin Drive, Durban, 9/11/16. Barclays bandelsbank), Boedelafdeling, Commissionerst.raat 48, Posbus 970, National Bank' Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Klerksdorp. Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban. 13357/76-VREY, Andries Petrus, 16/9/11, 110916501700,3, 5588/16--RAMNARIN, 2ilO/21, 800!404374A, 292 Avoca Freyaweg 42, Valhalla. Pretoria, 18/19/16; Sasanna Machtllt Road, Durban, 16/9/76; Ravathee, .1/7/30, 8.00/327470 A. Burne Vrey, 4/7/17,1707040006008. Die TfU8t Bank: VRn Afrika Bpk., & Burne, Ninth Floor, Trident Bmldmgs, Field Street, Durban. Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Esselenstraat 113, Posbns 27029, Sunny­ 5477/76-VERDON, Phyllis Mary, 27/7/07, ,!,0722 0004 00 6; side. 32 Abelia Street, Graniham Park, Empangem, Zululand,. 8/ 13303/76--VAN ZYL, Ernest, 6/9/31, 380527 5008 000, Ray­ straat 13, Annlin, Pretoria, 18/9/76; Lavina Catbarina van Zyl, 11/76. Stocken & McClean, Plowright House, 7-9 Plownght Lane, Durban. 6/9/31, 3109060005005. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Tr~lst­ 5307/76-VAIRY. Hannah Reed Adamson, 10/5/1888, 348 en Boedelafdelin1!. Esselenstraat 113, Posbns 27029, Sunnyside. 7921'1 OW, 26 Rhodes Crescent, Red::;liff, Rbodesia,. 24/9/16. 12925/76--0PPERMAN, Roelf Stephanus Jacobus, ~2/11/24, The Standard. Bank of S.A. Ltd (regIstered commerCIal bank), 270908 941W, Benoni City 104, Harrisonstraat, Benom, 17/10/ 76; CorneIra Opperman, gebore Geyer, 2/7/33, 004 936 6&8, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 917, Pietennaritzburg. .. Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 834, Springs. 2667/76--NARAIDU~ Daniel, 16/.9/42, .800 4164.51, Tagore ViI1a~e, Durnacol, 2/5176; Dhanpathle Damel Naraldu, 516/43, 11609!76--DOBSON, Stanley ~ichard, 9/4/24, 2:t-04095028 00 9 Dolomiteweg 62, CarletonvI1le, 18/9/16; Adelalde Dane­ 800 294674. Acutt & Worthington, P.O. Box 42, Dundee. lina'Dobson, 10/4/21, 210406001900 5. Van Wyk de Vries, 2786/16--LUTCHMAN, Vasantharai, 20/11/45, .800247397, Malan & Steyn, Posbus 5892, Johannesburg. 2 Bulwer Street, Dundee, 23/l0/15. Acutt & Worthlllgton, P.O. 13399/76-KLEYNHANS, Daniel Johannes: 10/2/10, 10021.0 Box 42, Dundee. 5015 007, Jorissonstraat 561, Sunnyside, Pretona, 9111 /76; !dana 5627/16--GILPIN, Margarette Olive, 30/1/28, 2450477624, Handy Kleynhans, 28/3/13, 1303280015 006. BarcJ,~~·s-.NaslOnale 35 Northfield Colliery, Glencoe, 6/11 /16. Acutt & Wo>rthlllgton, Bank Bpk. (geregisl reerde handelsbank), Trusteeawelmg, Wes­ P.O. Box 42, Dundee. Tv1.-trusteetak, Poshus 1365, Pretoria. 13554/76-RENKIN, Adam Johannes, 24/10/01, 0110245010 5288/76-TYTHERLEIGH, Alice Mildred, born Knowles, 13/ 001, Buffeldoornweg 63, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp, 14/11 (16. 2/04, 04021300100"vD, 189 Northway, Durban North, 15/10/76; Volkskas 8pk., (geregistreerde handelsbank), Boedelafdelmg, Arthur Thomas Tytherleigh, W/2/1900, 000 2205 005008. Good­ Comrnissionerstraat 48, Posbus 970, Klerksdorp. rickes, 24th Floor, 320 West Street, Durban. 9351/76--SWART, Petrus Jacobus Johannes, 5/~/09, 090805 5671/76-SARTORIUS, Frederick, 2517/25, 2507255041107, 5003002 Witkoppie 373, Daleside, 1/1/16; Stoffehna Johanna 555 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg, 27/11/76. Barclays Swart, gebore Steyn, 6/1/15, 469451741. Nolte Wiid & Steyn, National Bank (registered commercial bank), TfU8tee Branch, Posbus 83, Verceniging. P.O. Box 381, Pietermartizburg. 9823/76---SHONGWE, Albert, gedurende 1915, ID19251, Stand­ 4973/16--WISE Ruth Isabel, 13/6/13, 1306040004004, Wind­ plaas 19, Bantoew()onbuurt, 23/3/16; Msila Anna Shongwe. sor on Sea Flats, iO/l() /16; Melville Wise, 2/2/11. Trevor Rogers Msila Anna Shongwe, Standplaas 19. Balfour-Bantoewoonbuurt. & Partners, 51 Aiken Street, P.O. Box. 528, Port Shepstone. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


5608/76-NEL, Elizabetb Aletta, 4/2/1891, 227019442 W, 2lO2/76-VAN SCHALKWYK, Ockert Dirk J<:cobus, 7/2/05, Davey Simpson Flats, Pine Street Greytown, 28/lO176. The 050207 5001 003,. Vanriebeeckstraat, Fauresmi':il, 10 110 /76; Anna Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd (registered rommercial bank), Trustee Jacoba van Schalkwyk, gebore Strauss, 25/2i06. 060226 ()()01 008. Branch, P.O. Box 917, Pieterrnaritzburg. Leo C. J. Kruger, pIa Olivier, & Havenga, Posb!JS I, Fauresmith. 2004/76-MARITZ, Gerhardus Marthinus, 3/11/1898, 981 103 5008003; P.O. Fawnleas, 1/5/76; Helena Elizabeth Maritz. NORTHERN CAPE - NOORD-!{AAP J. Leslie Smith & Co., Fifth Floor, Prudential Equity House 258 1070/76-MoNICOL, Eric Edward, 18/8/()2, 020818501000 5, Longmark'et Street, Pietermaritzburg. 3 Crewe's Hotel, Carrington Street, Mafeking, 12/7/76, Barclay;:; 5529/76-COLLEY, Edith, 8/12/1888, 211628147 W, Sunny­ Natronal Bank Ltd (registered rommercial bank), Trustee Branoh, side Purk Home, Pietermaritzburg, 19/11 /76. George Wi'ough­ P.O. Box 3409, Durban. ton Boyes, P.O. Box 76, Pictermaritzburg. 1089/76-MEYER, William Charles, 10/10/1398, 066 ~31 329K, 5557/76-LAGERWALL, Edith Annie, 17/5/1890,900517000 3 Pearl Str~t, Kimberley, 13/11/76. ElIioH f,laris Wilmans & 1002, Mutual Haven, East Street, Durban, 9/11 /76. Syfrets Turst Hay, P.O. Box 179, Kimberley. and Executor S.A. Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Durban. 753f76-GREEN, Aliee Emily, 17/411886, %0417000900 5, 5542/76-GASKON, Alfred John, 30/4/10, 1004305005002 111 Green Street, Kimberley, 19/8/76.. H. J. M. Holdt, Syfrets W, Flat 2, Oasa Alva, 206 South RiJge Road, Durban, 6/11/76. Trust and Executor (Northern Cape) Ltd, c/o Syfrets Trust Co. Palmers Trust InveGtmcnts and Estate Administrators Ltd, P.O. Ltd, 24 \\'ale Street, Cape Town. Box 135, Durban. 13268/76-DREYER, Jeanetta Catharina, gebore Grob­ 5541/76-FREEMANTLE, Eileen Dorothy, 13/11/11, 111113 ler voorheen Smith, 8/9/1889, 8909080001005, Haneyballlaan 002100 3 W, 204 Glenardle Road, Brighton Beach, Durban, 29/ 123, Florida, 28/10/76. Wessels, De Kock & Van Rooyen. PaS­ 10176. Palmers Trust Investments and Estate Administrators Ltd, bus 82, Vryburg. P.O. Box 135, Durbfm. 1079f76-BWM, Anna Magaretba, 29/5/lO, 1005290001005, 4762176-GORDON, Violet Gladys, 24/11/1881, 211642951, Jennystraat 28, De Aar, 14/11176. Joseph & Van RensiJurg, Hoof­ 46 Jhines Road, Durban, 17/9/76. Ian P. Gordon CA (S.A.), straat 29, PosiJus 139, De Aar. 11 Lukin Road, Durban. 1052176-KIET·H. Joel, .6/5/1~, 066 137826 K, 9.virgo Street, 4972/76-UNDERWOOD, Katherina Margaretha, 22/4/29, Ritchie, 21/9/76; Magdalme Kieth. Frank Horwitz & Hugo, 3311405024, 11 Mountain Rise, Carrinj!:ton Heights, Durban, 11/ P.O. Iklx 169, Kimberley, . 10/76; Ivor Lewis Underwood. Shepstone & Wylie, P.O. Box 1088/76-HARTMANN, Stephanus Eliza, 8/7/01, 010708 5006 205. Durban. 008, Vrystraat 9, Vryburg, .21/8/76; Aletta Eliz®eth Johanna . 5620/76-WARNER; Trevor John, 26/3/18, 331517070W, Ad Hartmann, gcbore Net Wessels, De Kock & Van Rooyen, Posbus Astra, Groenekloof Road, Hilton, 22/11/76; Rose Marguerite 82, Vryburg. Warner, 10/1/27, 331517071 W. Shepstone & Wylie, P.O. Box 1297, l'ietermaritzhurg. EASTERN CAPE - OOS-KAAP ORANGE FREE STATE-ORANJE-VRYSTAAT 3319/76/3-SCHROEDER, Bernard Daniel Marais, 24/4/1888, 880424 5002008 20 Blaine Street King William's Town, 16/111 2046/76-CRONJE, Andreas Stephanus, 29/12/11, 111229 76.. Robertson Wiley It King, P.O. Box 55, King William's Town. 50()~\ 00 9, Piereestraat 87, Heilbron, 3/10/76. Johann van Rooy 2854/76/2-DANIEL, Fredericka, 16/2/1895, 101.253317~ 55 Botha, Albatrosgebou, Joubertstraat 17, Posbus 868, Vereeniging. Havelock Street, Port Elizabeth, 4/10/76. Joubert, Galpm & Searle, 2081j76-VAN DEN. BERG, Louis, 20/12/19, 1912205026 Natal Buildings, 30 Main Street, Port Elizabeth. 00.3, Dr. Clarkstraat 22, Rethlehem, 1O/I~176; Johanna Isabella 2772/76/2-NEL, Maria Aletta, 26/911892, 101272918, Link­ Du Preez van den Berg, gebore Van Nlckerk, 19{5/21, 210519 weg 4, Bramhope, Port Elizabeth, 22/5/76. J. 1.. du PlesSiS, 0014006. B. P..du Plessis & Seun, Louw:straat 28c, Posbus 563, Bestuurder, Santam Bank Bpk., Santamgeb;;u, Hoofstraat 140, Bethlehem. Posbus 290, Port Elizabeth. 2030/76-FOUCHE, Marthinus Jaeobus Van Staden, 21/2/39, 3305/76-SCOTT, Martha Susana, geborl:l Van Rensburg, 3302215018000, Josiasstrl!at 3, Odendaalsrus, 9/9/76. Smit & 2S/1/13, 1401584l1W. Huis 2, Nasionalepll.dkamp,,Despatch, 161 Vermaak, Posbus 99, Od,c:ndaaIsrus. 10(76; William Marthinus Scott. J. L. du PleSSIS, Bestuurder, 1664/76-POWELL, Jo~eph Martinus, 5/1/09, 0901055027006, Santam flank Bpk., Santamgebou, Hoofstraat 140, Posbus 290, Peeterstraat 6, Sasolbmg, 7/8/76; Stephanus J(.)hannes Gerhar­ Port Elizabeth. . dus Sasannus Powell, 5/3/13. Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 801, 2632/76/2-MINNE, Ignatius Petrus, IB/7/14, 101194762W, Vcreeniging. • Middelstraat 30, Noordeinde, Port Elizabeth, 1/9/76; Eugene 2096 n6-TIBSHRAEXY, Johnny As


3164/76/2-DUVOISIN, Marie, 27/8/1888, 174-567761 W, 2983/75/1-GOUWS. Marthlnus Cornelius (Cornelius), 2/1{ Fairlands Home for Aged, East London, 6/11/76. David L. Rus­ 16, 133-187309W, 49 President Reitz Street, Despatch, 22/6/75; sell & Lindsay, P.O. Box 1092, East London. Helena Catherina Gouws, born Deysel, 11/7/33, 330711 00 1804/76/2-FERREIRA, Gert Thomas, 30/1/21, 0430/031/ 25000. Ivan Wilke & Weiss, Room 420, Forth Floor, Goldenrnile 07/0, Hitchings Post, St Albans, Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth, Centre, Port Elizabeth. . 9/6/76; Adriana Katerina Ferreira, gebore Kleinhans, 20/12/46, 101/520987. Van der Linde, Kemp & Greyvenstein, Posbus 754, 3036/76/2-FELIX, George, 23/2/12, 101 299900 K, 25 Rabie Port Elizabeth. Street, Korsten, Port Elizabeth, 3/10/76; Ellen Rachel Felix; 31l0/76/l-STROEBEL, Hendrik Johannes, 1/9/02, 020901 29/6/33, 01868071 K. Pagden, Christian, Hanley & Parkin, P.O., 5011 00 7, Walking Street, Hankey, 12/10/76; Magdalena Jocina Box 132, Port Elizabeth. Stroebel, gebore Strauss, 22/6/05, 0506220015008. Malan & Van 3274/76/2-DANIELL, Arthur Gordon, 6/7/1890, 9307065007 Eeden, Posbus 18, Hankey. 007, Paterson, 6/11/76. The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd 2757f76/3-SUMMERTON, Violet, 25/12/1899,786635, Cherry (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 329, Orchard, Hogsback, 2£J/9f76. The Standard Bank of South Africa Port Elizabeth. Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 996, East London. 3182f76/2-BALLARD, Benjamin, 20/8/24, 2408205003000, 3275/76/1-FORDHAM, Calvin Osborn (Osborne), 15f7/07, 17 Grenfell Road, Cambridge, East London, 1/11/76. Touyz & 0707155017007,43 Alfred Street, Stutterheim, 18/11f76; Gert­ Sapire, Nedbank Chambers, Oxford Street, East London. rude Martha Fordham, born Buchler, 30/1/08, 080 1300008 00 1. 3226f76/2-VAN DER WALT, Hester Elizabeth, 28/11/04, The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd (registered commercial 0409280004006, Bo·Rietpoort, Steynsburg, 30/10/76. Frank Rous­ bank), Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 9%, East London. seau & Kie., Flemmerstraat 12, Posbus 7, Steynsburg. 3295/76/1-VAN HEERDEN, Rudolph Philippus 24/6/05,050 6245001009, 8 Princess Drive, Beacon Bay, East LOndon, 18/111 2931/76-ABBEY, Catherine Booth, formerly Estment, born 76; Alice van Heerden, born Allan, 034 904207 W. The Standard Hayes, 10/9/1893, 128-150184 W, 66 Frere Street, Cradock, 27/9/ Bank of South Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee 76. Metcalf & Company, Allied Buildings, P.O. Box 64, Cradock. Branch, P.O. Box 996, East London. 3130f76/1-RICE, Agnes Ellen, 6/8/1886, 101317295W, 3185f76/1-PITT, George Charles, 18/10/1893,034856439,46 Nazareth House, Park Drive, Port Elizabeth, 'lB/I0f76. J{)ubert, Beach Road, East London, 7/11/76; Frances Merrington Pitt, Galpin & Searle, Natal Buildings, 30 Main Street, Port Elizabeth. born Howell, 061217 0007 00 I. F. W. Cooper & Rein, 7 Buxton Street, East London. SPARKS. Leslie Bevis, 25/9/1887, 4203OG843W, 1 Richmond 3238/76/3-DU PLESSIS, Henning Vorster, 11/8/08, 080811 Court, St Matthew's Road, East London, 14/11/76. Barolays 5001 006, Rarnsayweg 2, Baysville, Oos~Londen, 15/11 f76; Ceci­ National Bank Ltd, TI1.I&tee Branch, P.O. Box 1537, Easi London. lia Doreen du Plessis, 13/6/17, 170613 0027 00 7. Stephanus J:ohannes du Plessis, Tomstraat 27, Potchefstroom. ilEATH, Florence Ruth, born Ph-iHips, 25/6/1890, 9006250003 3049f76/3-C00K. Tylumay Ramasammy, 11/1/26, 800026 00 9, Carlton Hotel, 25 Inverleith Terrace, East London, 30/11/76, 851 A, spinster, 21 Molteno Street, Uitenhage, 19/9f76. Sellick & Barclays Natrianal Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1537; McIntyre, P.O. Box 94, Uitenhage. East London. 3233/76/1-JONES, David Wynn Gordon, 14/10/1894, 941014 1934/76/2~KAPP, Gladys Emmarentia Ann, born Ackerman, 5002004, 4 Victoria Street, Uitenhage, 29/10/76. The Standard 12/11/48, 139391329, 2 Falmouth Road, Panmure, East London, Bank of South Africa Ltd (registered commercial bank), Trustee 29/1/76; Wessel William Kapp, 068406422. Man;ha:ll & Kaplan, Branch, P.O. Box 329, Port Elizabeth. Louston House, 36 Union Street, East London.

Form/Vorm J IS7 LIQUIDATION AND DIS"rRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, rmless olherwise slaled) in the estates specified below win be open for the inspection of all per90DII interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer Ifspecially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters conoernedduring the specified period, tbe executors will proceed to make pay.. ments in accordance with the accounts. The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname, christian name(s), identity number, last address, description of account other than first and final ; if deceased was married in community of property tbe surviving spouse's names, surname and identity number; period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days), Magistrate's Office. LlKWIDASIE- EN DISTRIBUSIEREKENINGS IN BESTORWE BOEDELS WAT TER INSAE L! Ingevolge artikel 35 (5) van Wet 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie- en distribusierekenings (eersfe en finale, tensy andel'S vermeld) in die hoed. hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende "n tydperk van 21 dae (of korter of langer indie" spesiaai v6nneld) vanaf geme\de datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, as elit litter is, ter insae Ie van aDe persone wat daarby belang bet. . . Indien binne genoe.mde tydperk geen besware

stAATSKOERANT, 24 DESEMBER 1976 No. 5363 61

4765/16'-'-VAN DER SCHYFF, Michiel Ft'ederik, 980308/ 4270/16/1C-KEYTER, Picter Bernardus, 140129 5(}16 009, S004/00/8,Hillstraat 106, Mosselbaai; Hester Salomina van der Avontuur, distrik Uniondale (Uniondale).-Pocock & Bailey, Schyff, voorheen Oosthuizen, gebore Meyer, 120509/0023/00/1 Uniondale. (Mosselbaai).~choltz, }>Iauw & Kie., Mosselbaai. 4182/16-JORDAAN, Johannes Jonathan, 120521-5004-00-7, 4049/16-DE JAGER, Maria Magdalena, gebore Du Toit, 110 Voortrekkerstraat, Porterville; Anna Elizabeth Jordaan, gebore 87546GW, Nuwerustehuis, Worcester (Worcester).-Die Standard Du Toit, 161120-0001-00-9 (Porterville).-Volkskas, Kaapstad. Bank, Paar!' 5854f76-ROSSOUW, Ellgeia Magrietha, gcbore Mouton, 260 1061/16-MULLER, Johannes Christoffel, 0005305001 009, 820040002, Plantasiestraat, Caledon (Caledon).-Volkskas, Kaap­ Fraserburg, Aanvullende (Fraserburg).-Die Standard Bank, stad. P'aarl. 5817f76-GOUWS, Marthinus Albertus, 1007i9-5018-00-1, 3343/16-CRONJE, Maria Magdalena, 111893230W, Huis Jan Joubertina; Elizabeth Johanna Gouws, 989376 (Joubertina).­ Lange, Riversdal (Riversdal).-Die Standard Bank, Paar!' Volkskas. Kaapstad. 5151/76-MALGAS, Carel Jacobus, 007867492, Louwville, 6094/14-KILIAN, Jacobus Nicolaas, 347988l44W, Stander­ 1012, Vredenburg; Doreen Maria Ma1gas, vo?rheen Jansen, straat 22, George, Verbeterde Eerste en Finale; Anna Elizabeth gebore Maruping (Vredenburg).-Swemmer & Levm, Vredenburg. Kilian, gebore Waiters, 3479!:18145W (George).-Volkskas, 5789/16/6C-KELLERMAN (Kelleman), Georg Petrus, 011 Kaapstad. 228 5012 004, Dutoitstraat 29, Porterville; Elizab~th Francina 1924/76-MINNAAR, Maria Jacoba Magdalena, gebore Catharina Kellermann, 0908070018001 (Portervlile).-Santam Jooste, 2202150020006, l\Iareestraat 11, Bellville, Supplemen­ Bank. Porterville. tere (Bellville).-Volkskas, Kaapstad. . 6961f75-MARAIS, Aletta Catharina, gebore Theron, Barnett­ 6068j76/4C-NIMB, Willem Carel (Karel) Johannes Frederik, straat 45a, Tuine, Kaapstad.-Marais, Pienaar & Vennote, Bell­ 100794251 W, Koegelenbergstraat, Laaiplek; Delia Johanna Jacoba ville. Nimb, gebore Thiart, 100794252W (Laaiplek).-Volkskas, Kaap­ 5409/13/5B-MORRIS, Clara Kathleen, born Hartogh, 117­ stad. 917751-K, 13 Stockenstroom Street, Halfway, Strand, Amended 2720/16/2B-DE GOEDE, Stephan us Willem, 0144 61157 W, (Strand).-Morkel & De Villiers, Somerset West. Vyfde Laan 69, Bellville (Bellville).-Volkskas, Kaapstad. 5614/16/4B-DE KOCK" Magdalena Carolina, gebore Koorts, S306/15-HOPELEY, Jacobus Johannes, 5702075015004, Kla­ 080490459 W Aandskemering, M8Ilmesbury (Malmesbury).­ wer Hotel, Hoofweg, Klawer (Vredendal).-P. W. Hoffman, Boland Bank: Malmesbury. . Heidelber!!. " , 5180/16-VOGTS, Eleanor Jean, 115/108177W, Fish Hoek. 3S/16-HALVORSEN, Edward Malcom. 022422961W, Pine­ (Simonstown).-Faitbridge Ardetne & Lawton, Cape Town. lock, Brink Street, Hout Bay, Second and Final (Wynberg).-:­ 5115/15-COGGER, Alan, 968-0107-89, Brackenfell· (Kuils Fairbridge, Arderne & Lawton, Cape Town. River).-Fairbridge Arderne & Lawton, Cape Town. 2595/16/5B-CALLICHY, Nancy Shirley, born Martin, 101 4115/15-NOVEMBER, Peter Daniel, 022/356943, Athlone 173426W, divorcee, 116 Racecourse Road, Kenwyn, District of (Wynberg).-Fairbridge Arderne &' Lawton, Cape Town. Wynberg (Wynberg),-Fairbridge, Arderne & Lawton, Cape 5813/15-CLAYTON, Leslie Thomas, 962/013738, 32 Broad~ Town. . way, Strand' (Somerset West).-Syfret, Godlont~n & Low, Cape 5008/16-RESTBIER, Johanna Aletta Maria, 9709090010007 Town. ... W, Piet Rietiefstraat, Malmesl;uty .(Malmesbury).-H. A. Groene­ 215/16-RAPP, Otto Eugen, 022 452~87 W, 2 Fith Street,Kl~n­ waldt & Schoeman, M~mesbury. mond; Luise Lotte Rapp (Caledon).-Blsset,Boe~ke & McBlam, 6160/16-CONRADIE, Dina ~aria Magdalena, 112990 101 Cape Town. . . . .' , ' W, Elmlaan 18, Robertson (Robertson).-Santam Bank, Robert­ 3642/16-MARTIN, Marion Shaw, 022-60S426W, 102 Wel­ son. . verdiend, Rouwlcoop Road" Rondebosch (Wynberg).-Webber, '5738/16-ELLIS. Gideon Jacobvs,073-447568. Koninginstraat Wentzel & Co" Marshalltown. ' 3332176-LE SUEUR, Aileen Grace Stanford, 0141549098, 62; Ladismith (Ladismith).-Blyth: & Coetzee.'Ladismith. . " 7029/'15=JONKER,.Jakobm Petrus" 981001!i004008, Hoop.. Blenheim, Marlborough ·Park, Bath Road. Claremont (Wynberg). straat 66, Oudtshoorn; Mary. Anne Margareth (Margaret) Jonker, -Graeme Dale Kuys, Cecil Kilpin & Ca;, Cape Town. . 1136/16/B-PURCELL, Brendan Joseph, 967012495W, bache­ gebore Young, 0609250003009 (Oudtshoorn).-'-Pocock & Bailey, lor), Lennox' Residential Hotel, Mill Street, Gardens.-John S. Oudtshoorn. 3042/16-LANGENHOVEN, Pieter Guillaume, 110925 SOO8 In.ce & Wood, Cape Town. ' 00 3, Kerkstraat 86, Ladismith; Helena: Catharina Langenhoven, 1131/16-PETERS, Visvalin~am, 800036973 I, ~abel Road, gebore Van Schalkwyk, 073442603 W (Ladismith).-Boland Rylands Estate, Athlone; Beathce Peters, born· DaVIS, 022 839245 Bank. Ladismith. (Wynberg).-The Board of Exeeutors, Cape Town. 2674/16-BASSETT, Helena Deborah, formetly Watson, born 2667/16-VAN SCHALKWYK, Hugo, 341014-5010-00-3, Uit­ Bonthuys, 014505285W, 43 Wellington Road, Vasco (Good­ zig, Posbus 91, Williston (Williston).--&nit, VI ok & Kie.i Beaufort wood).-Tennant & Company. Cape Town. Wes. 1834/16-CARSTENS, JohaIines" Chris!iaan, 053238639W, 6447/75-ROWLAND, Roger Anthony, 1'97 9974~7 W, 22 AgtsteLaan 10, Hooikraal, Moorreesburg; Aletta Gerbrechta Roderick Way, Constantia (Wynberg and Port Ehzabeth).­ Magdalena Carstens, gebore Niehaus, 053238640W (Moorrees­ Silberbauers, Cape Town. burg).-Santam Bank, Mootreesburg. .' 7570/67-FAROA, Petrus, New


4417 /76-CILLJERS, Jacob Daniel, 014508040 W, Burenstmat 4989/74-WILLEMSE, Henrietta Cornelia, 445-176455W. 7, Parow-Oos; Eduard Wium CiUiers, gebore Mostert, 111897 Marinahof 28, Duke of Kentstraat, Tweede en Finale (Krugers. 083 W (Parow).-Mev. Eduard Wium Cilliers, Parow-Oos. dorp).-Die Trust Bank, Johannesburg. 5426j76-LAMBRECHTS, Hugo Amos, 0411065015009W, 6702176-VAN EEDEN, Joseph Francois, 1012135006009. Demeul, Citrusdal; Aletta Sophia Wilhelmina Lambrechts (Clan­ Jeugdstraat 65, Potchefstroom; Johanna Helena Josiena van wiliiam).- G. J. Stone, Citrusdal. Eeden, 130916000 7005 (potchefstroom).-Die Trust Bank, Johan" 5373/76-STEMMET, Martha Elizabeth, gebore Stipp, 031015 nesbum:. 0019001, Piet RetieCstraat 30, Robertson (Robertson).-Muller, 10576/75-GRESSE, Willem Adriaan H.endrik, 1007205006 Baard & Conradie. Robertson. 004, Avonalhof 212, VandermcrWestraat 7, Hillbrow, Johannes.. 40019/A-VAN DER VYVER, Willem Jacobus COUlQ:is, Een­ burg; Johanna Catharina Gresse, 1905110010 005 (JohanneS'" zaamhcid, distrik Robertson, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale burgl.-Die Trust Bank, Johannesburg. (Rob.ertson).-Muller, Baard & Conradie, Robertson. 1988175-SNYMAN, Hendrikus Daniel, 20041250010081, Lin.. 4031/76I1C-VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Daniel Nicolaas, dastraat 4, Lambton, Germiston, Tweede en Finale (Germiston). 080/516717, Huis 5, Gouda; Martha Gertruida Helena van der -Die Trust Bank, Johannesburg. Westhuizen, gebore Mouton, 080/516718W (Tulbagh).-Santam 473j76-WOLFAARDT, Pieter Hermias Cornelius, 354489 Bank, Porterville. . 605, Feddlerstraat 34, Randfontein (Randfontein).-Die Trust 5303/70/B-VAN DER WESTHUJZEN, Christiaan Christof­ Bank, Johannesburg. ' fel, 100/789005, Waterkantstraat 4, Porterville; Susanna Hester 5907 j75-MAKOBE, William Boy. Fourth and Final; Lydia Helena van der \Vesthuizen, gebore Kellerman, 1912070005009 Letumile Makobe born Maleka.-TIie Standard Bank, Pretoria. (Portervi!lc).-Santam Bank, Porterville. 1l044/76-NORRIS, Mercia Hazel, %7000733, Gqweta, Dis­ 4564176/4C-KELLERMAN, Gysbert Daniel, 3302065004 001, trict of Pilgrim's Rest (Pilgrim's Rest).-The Standard Bank, Kerkstraat 3, Porterville {Porterville).-Santam Bank, Porterville. Pretoria. 3040176-HEINRICH, Ivan Leonard (Leonard Gilbert), 022 1945/76/C-VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, J.oha.-nnes J~kobus 623702K, 31 Fifth Street, Elsie's River; Lena Margaret Heinrich, Marthinus, 460219501800 6, plus Roodewal, dlstnk Pelgnmsrus; born Fraser, 014539151 (Goodwood).-Bill Tolken, Bresler &: Anna Elizabeth van der Westhuizen (Pelgrimsrus).-Die Standard Fourie, Bellville. Bank, Pretoria. 3570/76-DE LEEUW, Susara (Sesara) Jacoha, gebore Langen­ 5971 j76-VAN ROOYEN, 'Pieter Willem Adriaan, 070916500 hoven, 049-195727W, Nuwestraat, Pofadder (Stellenbosch).-Clu­ 7002, Gemsbokspruit, Pl'.. Mooketsi; Martha Ma.ria Magdalena ver & Markotter, Stellenbosch. van Rooyen (Letaba).-Die Standard Bank, Pretona. 6178/76/4C-MULLER, Edith, gebore Davids, 1 18-980175K; 4328j76-HINGSTON. Alfred Ernest, 331187174 W, 8 Dur­ weduwee, Bloekomlaan 29, Idasvallei, Stellenbosch (Stellenbosch). ham Street, Sydenham, JohaJmesburJ!: (Johannesburg).-V. J; -Cluver & Markotter, Stellenbosch. Pamensky, Vallet &: Kavnat, Johannesburg. 969/76-HENDRICKSE, Malcolm Henry John, I 18-944515K, , 344176-DADABHAY, Mahomed Ismail, 800/003614, Caro­ Rustenburgweg 28, Idasvallei, Stellenbosch; Gladys Hendrickse, lina (Carolina).-J. N. Bhana; Ferreirastown, Johannesburg. !!ebore Williams, 118-950813K (Stellenbosch).-Cluver & Mar­ 981lj76-PEPPERCORN, Owen,331 S27162W, 46 Yestor kotter, Stellenbosch. Road, Hill Extension, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg. TRANSVAAL 9677/76-POTGIETE1!-. Katie Susan, 35164.289W, Harley­ At tbe office of the Master, PRETORIA, and also of the stmat 232, Pietersburg (PII~tersbQl'&).-Nedbank, Plctersburg. magistrate of the district when stated in. parentheses. 8598j76-VAN NIEKERK, Johannes Jacobus, 1101245021006. By die bntoGr van die Meester, PRETORIA, en ook van die Annabaf 3, NoordSLraat, KlerkJ,dQrp; Abram Jacobus van Nie­ landdros van die dislrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld werd. kerk, gebore Roux, 1303030028 002 (Klerksdorp).-Van Staden & Engeia, Stilfontein. 5836/75/A-HEYMANN, Louise Maria, 115-266647W 5458/76-SWANEPOEL, Marp.ret, 357 88177~ W, S~a~sdorp Murambi Residt;ntial Ho,me, 9 Wellington Avenue, Wynberg 31a, Randfontein; Lukas Swanepoel (RandfoJltclfl).-PhIlhps &: (Wynberg).-Lapm & LaPIll, Pretoria. Osmond, Krugersdorp. 7l84/76-PASQUALINI, Hertha, 331552511, Bramley Old 2858/76-MOLLETI, Jobanaes Jacobus, 0402105006009, Ven­ Age Home, Linden Road, Bramley, Johannesburg (Johannes­ tersdorp (Ventersdorp).-Die Scntrale Eksekuteurskamer. burg).-Van Huisteyn, Duthie &: Saner, Johannesburg. Pretoria. 4961/76-LlPINSKI, Edward, 0502025009007, 44 RusteD­ 2250j76--BRONKHORST. Helena Gertruida, 375202671, burg, 67 Fortesque Road, YeoviIle, Johannesburg (Johannes­ Mopaniestraat 340, Marble Hall; Marthinus Johannes Bronkhorst,. oUfl!:l.-Brian Feinstein, Johannesburg. 1601245035005 (GroblersdaI).-Volbkas, Pretoria. 8575j76-KILROE, Jane, 360 918 582 W, S3 Pandora Road, 3834j74/C-PR.INSLOO. Joachim Johannes, Vermootenstraat Kensington, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-The Standard Bank, S4 Bethal Supplement!nl. Eorste en Finale; Anna Catharina Johannesburg. Prlnsloo, 356266242 (Bethal).-Die Trust Bank, Sunnyside. 9728!76-KELVIN, Alcon Julian, 331-230254W, 24 Kings 9234/76-DE LA POR.T, WilbeJmina Frederica, 0911030003 Norton, Berea, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-The Standard 006, Rinastraat 3S, East Lynn, Pretoria.-Die Trust Bank, Sunny~ Bank, Johannesburg. side. 12284/76-BILSE, ALice May, 331-287620W, 4 Nettleton 5418/76-DE JAGER, Ellen. 1506230016003, Florenceweg 44, Road, Oriel, Bedfordview, Supplementary (Germiston). Bedfordview; Barend Lourens Petrus de Jager, 0811215021007. 2908j75-SILCOCK, Robert Edward, 90552171SW, 14 West (Johannesburg),-Die Trust Bank, Snnnyside. Street, East Town, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Van Hul­ Bertha, steyn Duthie & Saner, Johannesburg. 2461/76/B-REA, Elspeth 365127 935W, 22 Wanderer 8095/76-McGILLIVRAY, Marjorie Miller, 100613-0017-003, Road, Se1court, Springs (Springs).-Charles Sherman, Levin &; 54 King Street, Irene.-R. N. Edelstein, V. d. Walt & Co., Prosser, Springs. Pretoria. 7874-WHEELER, Stephen Johannes, 200 505 5007 006, Helam: Il32/76/C-BOSHOFF, Eva, 120129003006, Pintsettiaweg 11, Myn, Pk. Swartruggens; Johanna. Adriana Wheeler,. 4508140010 Primrose Hills, Germiston (Germiston).-Hans J. Moolman, 008 (Swartruggens).-Barclays-NaslOnale Bank, Pretona. Alberton. 1641/76-GUYE, Desmond Charles, 003919522, 3 Lyster Cre­ 4767/76-BUNT, Jan Dirk, 7045011100, Hoofr.ifweg 41, scent, Randpark Ridge Extension 7, Randburg, First (Randburg), Princess, distrik Roodepoort; Johanna Egberdina Bunt, gebore -llarclays National Bank, Pretoria. Tenhove, 101 110938W (Roodepoort).-J. Gus Ackerman, 1651/76--GUYE, Verona, 3S6109182W, 3 Lyster Crescent, Roodepoort. Randpark Ridge Extension 7, Randburg, First (Randhurg).­ 9768j76-BEBB, David George, 070517-5025-00-0, 109 Riviera Barclays National Bank, Pretoria. Court, 137 Woburn Avenue, Benoni; Doreen Amy Bebb, 071 2892/65/C-SPEAKMAN, Ernest, England and Wales.­ 207·0018-00-7 (Benoni).-Lovell, Miller & Dreyer, Benoni. Syfrets Trust and Executor, Pretoria. 11876/75-BREYTENDACH, Wessel Lourens, Strydomstraat 4692/76-VAN DE KAMP, Arno!dus Franciscus, 050301~ 49, Debruinpark, Ernlelo (Ennelo).-Jackson & Joubert, Ermelo. 5019-00-6, Montedawoonstelle 33, Hamiltonstraat, Arcadia, Pre.. 2156176-LAMONT, Jessie, 860101 0003009, Block A5, toria: Cornelia Berendina van de Kamp, 090313-0016-0D4.-Ned.. Queenshaven, South Hills, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-T. W. bank, Pretoria. A. Koller & Company, Simonstown. 10815/75-BECKER, Wilhelmina Michelina, 3307170010009. 8972175-BOTHA, Charles Arnet, 5008075014 009, Erica­ Springbokstraat, Dendron,-Nedbank, Dendron. straat 47, Carletonville; Hester Loretba Elizabeth BOLila, 354829 10835/75-VON GRASZOUW, Derich Rex, 654107154, Sena­ 491 (Carletonville).-Die Trust Bank, Johannesburg. tor Markslaan 47a, Vcreeniging, Supplementere (Vereeniging).-M 4602j76-DE MEYER, Smartryk Petrus Hendrik Kemp, 354 Santam Bank, Vereeniging. 857253, Kolbestraat 7, Potchefstroom; Amelia Norma de Meyer. 10602/76-SCHELL, Johan Eduard Christoffel, 110329·5025 gebore De Zotti, 354857176 (Potchefstroom).-Die Trust Bank, 002, Koningin Wilhelminalaan 96, Muckleneuk, PretOlia, Eerste. Johannesburg. -Nedbank, Pretoria. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


1938!76-SCHOEMAN, Gideon Johannes Hendrikus, 280114 7007j76-SMITH, Doris Evelyn, born Manning, 331 516618W, "5031.00 0, Plot 66, Louis Rus, Vanderbijlpark; Johanna Susanna 18 Glenesk Court, Donnelly Street, Kenilworth, Johannesburg Blizabeth Schoeman, 320201 001500 5 (Vanderbijlparl:).-Santam (Johannesburg).-Barc]ays Nadonal Bank, Johannesburg. Bank, Vereeniging. 9925/75-HARTSLIEF, Elizabeth Catharina Johanna, 360913 1923/16-MAREB, Jacobus Engelbrecht, 210608 5034 00 0, 538 W, Macwilliamstraat 130, Venterspost (Wcstonaria).-Barclays Dottweg 6, Glenanda-Noord, Johannesburg; Maria Coenradina National Bank, Johannesburg. Maree, geh<>re Reinecke (Johannesburg).-Van Wyk de Vries, 13000/75-D'ASCENZO, Adeline Raffaela Graziella, 902550 Malan & Steyn, Johannesburg. 377, 1 Church Street, Boksburg (Boksburg).-BarcIays National 8315/16-CATO, Myrtle Florence, 331411626W, lOde Laan Bank, Johannesburg. 71, Mayfair, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Van Wyk de Vries, 10674f75-SAK, Roselyn (Roslyn) Denice, 33141721 W, 301 Malan & Steyn, Johannesburg. Park Avenue, corner of Third and Second Avenues, Killarney, 5163/76-BOTHA, Christiaan Frederick, 07109 5026 005, Oli· Johannesburg, Supplementary (Johanncsburg).-Regellbaum, fantskop, distrik Thabazimbi; Cornelia Maria Elizabeth Botha, Rapep:lrt Fanaroff & Partners, Johannesburg. gebore Koekemoer, 1105170008003 (Thabazimbi).-Coetzee, 9280j76-COHEN, Mitchell, 2403225003007, 18 Gladys Street, Brink & Van der Merwe, Rustenburg. Cyrildene, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Harry Goss, Johan· 9058/76-JEAN-JACQUES, Antoine Emile, 435723685W, nesburg. Daudestraat 10, Vanderbijlpark (Vanderbijlpark).-Santam Bank, 4021/76-KAPLAN, Salome, 331637207, 19 Main Avenue, Vereeniging. Riviera, Johannesburg.-Moss·Morris, Johannesburg. 1305/16-COETZEE, Anna Margaretha, 970812/0003/00/8, 1O.518/76-JONES, John Clifford, 331421961, 17 Pollak Road, Haleylaan 11, Parkhill Gardens, Germiston (G'ermiston).-Ned­ Selection Park, Springs (Springs).-Barclays National Bank, bank, Johannesburg. Johannesbarg. 2354j76-BLOM, Henricus, 000731 tOO9 006, 394 Ulundi Ave­ 5725 j 76-ROSEVEARE, Catherine, 331-141038W, 4 Dundalk nue, Mountain View, Pretoria; Maria Jacoba Blom, born Oos­ Avenue, Parktown, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Alex Aiken terwyk.-Sapirstein, Shapiro & Pokroy, Pretoria. &. Carter, Johannesburg. 632/76-ESTERHUIZEN, Christoffel Johannes, 335-663540, 5338/76--MACKAY, Amy Bartholomey, 635146815, Plot 94, Charlesstraat 118, New~ands, Verbeterde Eerste en Finale; Welgedacht; Ernest Sydney MacKay, 1310295016002 (Springs). Susanna Zagryja Esterhuizen, 335-663541W (Johannesburg).­ -Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg. Mev. S. Z. Esferhuizen, Newlands. 1025/15/B-UYS, Dirk Comelis, 1506175012009, Sarel Cilliers­ 9360j76-VILJOEN, Johanna Maria, 9503230001004, Pon­ straat 52a, Volksrust; Dina Johanna Uys, gebore Van der Merwe, gola; Jaeobus Johannes Viljoen, 881017500300 7 (Pongola).­ 4684475!l2 W (Volksrust).-Theron & Neethling, Memel. Barclays National Bank, Pietermaritzburg. 5354/76-RE, Luigi. 9906085001104. 44 Seventh Avenue, 8768 (76-KEULDER, Christoffel Johannes, 440517 :S011 00 3, Edenvale; Paolina Luigia Re (Germiston).-Reuwen Brodi & Chiswickstraat 21, Brixton, Johannesburg {Johanncsburg).-Van Schoonees, Edenvale. Wyk de Vries, Malan & Steyn, Johannesburg. 2621/76-VAN ZYL, Petrus Zacharias, 9911055002009, 1190S(75-DU TOIT, Hendrik Schalk, 3110095013 003, Sable Sybrand Vanniekerkstraat 81, Amalia; Anna Cecilia van Zyl, Single 13, Leeuhof, Vereeniging (Vereeniging).-Van Wyk de. gebore Du Plessis, 3642550 W (Schweizer-Reneke).-De Kock & Vries, Malan &. Steyn, Johannesburg. Duffey, Schweizer-Reneke. 2112/76-HAMMOND, Hester Maria, 331 317273 W, Agste 3336/16-VAN ASWEGEN, Johan Gotlieb Lu~1, 1012145009 La.a.n 272, Bezuidenhout Valley, Johannesburg, Eerste; Samuel 00 1, Perseel 41, Pk. Oorneem (Groblersdal).-Herman Grobler Henry Hammond, 331 317272 W (Jobannesburg).-Van Wyk de & Dixon, Groblersdal. Vries, Malan & Steyn, Johannesburg•. 5519/76-LOUW; Eugene Anton, 540729500300 0, Keatslaan 9071 (76-OPPERMAN, Solomon Ignatius, 31110 5012, SarcI 50, Witbank (Witbank},-5antam Bank, Witbank. Ci1liersstraat 27b, Paul Krugeroord, Springs; Maria Magdalena 11139/16-BRATOSE, Adalaide Marjorie, 2604180017003, 2 van Vuuren. 331548042 (Springs).----C. Venter, Springs. Kits Kort, St Aubyns Road, New Redruth, Alberton (Alberton). 6144 /16-NORVAL, Archibald Jacobus, 040211/5012/00/5, 5774/16-BADENHORST, Stephana (Stephi=) Johanna Hen­ Plot 12 Geduld, Meyerton: Leah Magdalena Norval, gebore drina, gebore Knoetze, 050603 0001 007, DeClercqstraat, Bel­ Botha, '0702010022003 (Meyerton).-Barclays National Bank, fast (Belfast).-Victor D. Weimar & Seum;, Belfast. Johannesburg. 2946/15-ERASMUS, Gerhardus Petrus Johann·es, 370946520, 34(7~MORGAN, Patrick (patrick Joseph), 331279938W, 33 Fransinastraat 138, Eloffsdal, Pretoria; Jacoba Petronella Aletta Onyx Street, Kensington, Johannesburg; Patricia Eileen Morgan, Catharina Erasmus. 331279939W.-Svfrets Trust and Executor, Johannesburg. 4740j76-BOTHMA, Jacobus Stephanus, 9511245005001, Josef 9155/76-RABINOVITZ, Raymond, 263 Selbome Avenue, Bosmanstraat 601, Silverton, Pretoria.-Couzyn, Hertzog &' Bulawayo, Rhodesia (Johannesburg)..-Edward Nathan, Friedland Horak Ingelyf. Pretoria. Mansell & Lewis, Johannesburg. 11642{75-THERON, Johanna Maria Susara, 310 545709 W, 10280/75-MILLER, Christopher Gerish Fraser, 117928822W, Rusoordouetchuis, Brits (Brits).-P. P. Theron, Pretoria. 5 Constantia Crown Oaks Village, Heyneke Road, Sunset Acres 1247/15-MACLEOD. Susanna EliZAbeth, 8810020001008, Bxtension 1: Sandton, Second and Final Liquidation and Dis· Kafferskraalplotte 8a, Klerksdorp, Gewysigde (Klerksdorp).­ tn'bution (Randburg).-Nedbank, Johannesburg. M. E. Rood & Brady, Klerksdorp. 6884/76-WOOD, Stanley Preston. 360-928486, 11 Rosamond 6672/76-JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Paul Stephanus, 940527 Street, Florida Extension (Roodepoort).-A. H. Rees, Johannes­ 5001 008, McIntyrestra:at 8. Brits; Margaretha Cornelia Janse burg. van Rensburg (Britll).-Smuts, Ras & Pretorius, Brits. 2982/76-PIMSTEIN, Alan Mart" 5711105050006, 41 Clarke 8560/76-HARRIS, Herbert Edward Webber, 0311295Ot5 Avenue, St Andrews, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-J. Blieden, 00 I, 1 Beta Road, Germiston; Pearl Daphne Harris, 324-834693W Johannesburg. (Germiston).-Brammer, Orr & Ross, Germiston. 843 (76-FOURIE, Nellie Johanna, 331-197450W, 230 Per­ 5S80/16-KUHN, Johannes Albertus, 0705055006 005, Booy­ simmon Street, Malvern Johamlesburg; Coenraad Petrus Fourie, senstraat. Dendron; Elizabeth Barendina, 0612170009007 331-197448W (Johannesburg).-C. L Buric, Marshalltown. (Pietersburg).-Dendron. 2865/76-FICK, Elfriede, 0.0762356/693, 12 Bostoerie Street, J2095/16-5MIT, Nicolaas Lefras, 2312175016002, Kowie­ Van Riebeeck Park, KemptoJl Pad: (Edenvale).-Bowens, Johan­ stmat 18, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging; Mona Muriel Smit, 260630 nesburg. 0014000 (Vereeniging).-Volkskas, Klerksborp. 3712!76-CORNELlUS, Joan Valerie, 331-487122W, 56 Jen­ 5917 j76-BRITTAN, Graham Thomas, 4010145022104, Ger­ nifer Lane, Sunningdale, JobaDDesburg (Johannesburg).-M. J. miston (GermistOll).-Prinsl{IQ, Coetzee &. Terblanche, Germis­ Cornelius, Johannesburg. ton; '350/76-PRETORIUS, Gerhardus Redolph, 050730-5014-007, 12451(75-GORDON, Leslie Iaac, 0608165011 008,905 Africa Tweedieparkwoonstelle 48, Brakpan; Hendrika Christina Catha­ House, Rissik Street, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-L. I. Gor· tina Pretorius, voorheen Momoorg, v{lQrheen Oosthuizen, voor­ don, Johannesburg. heen Van Niekerk, voorhecn Pretorius, gebore Janse van Vuuren, 6582(76-PINTAR, Maud Alice, 331-357523W, 1006 Federated 140123-001()..OO-O (Brakpan).-Ivan Davies, Theunissen &. Ven­ Place, O'Reilly Road, Berea, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).­ oote, Springs. Webber Wentzel &. Co., Johannesburg. 581 (76-CRONJE, Jan Petrus, 5 LancasterwoonsteIle, Devil­ 1563j76-SPEARS, Margaret Irene, 331-204484, 70 Iris Road, liersstraat, Vereeniging (Vereeniging).-Brian McLoughlan & Norwood, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Webber Wentzel &. Porter, Vereeniging. Company, Johannesburg. 6642{76-PR1NSLOO, Marthinus Johannes, 0406265001 004, 9492j76-VAN DER LITH, Alma Edith, 331 344624W, Marvin Agtste Straat 116a, Boksburg ..Noord; Christina Johanna Prinsloo, Court, President and Bella Vista Roads, Turf Club, Johannes­ 331361245 (Boksburg).-Malherbe, Rigg & RanweU, Boksburg. burg (Johannesburg).-BarcIays National Bank, Johannesburg. 6939{75-BERGH, Gideon Johannes, 1101175027007, Diep­ 1015j76/C-BAK, Harry, 3203135031000,59 Clovelle Road, knit, L'eeudoringstad, distrik Wolmaransstad, Aanvullende; Greenside, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-A. Arlar. Johannes­ Catharina Aletta Bergh, gebore Meyer, 060706 0007 004 (Wol­ buq. maransstad),-Volkskas, Klerksdorp. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


... 7601/65-ANDREWS, Lewis George, 21 1548406W, De Vil­ 4704J76--ASLETI, Henry, 331478071W, la Seventh Ave-­ liers Street, Barberton, Supplementary (Barberton).-Metboard nue, Maraisburg, District of Koodepoort; DQrothea Sophia Aslett. (Natal), Durban. born Hutchison, 360 942 230W (Roodepoort)_-'-l11ux:rnan & Part.. 7857/76-SMITH, Thomas Martin Minns, 360922795, 9 Green ners, Roodepoort. Street, Florida (Roodepoort).-Van Jaarsveld, Vickers & Rooten­ 1216/76-BOTHA,Pieter BarendFrancois,343747926, Susan berg, Roodepoort. Strydomhuis, Gordonstraat, Colbyn, Pretoria; GertiUida Chris­ 1803/76-DE MEYER, Mattheus Gerhardus, 2007155033007, tina Botha, 343747927.-Volkskas, Pretoria. Mariepskop, distrik Pelgrimsrus (Graskop).-Volkskas, Pretoria. 10882/76--DU . PREEZ, Andries Petrus Jacobus, 000518500 3698J76-ROUX, Susara Maria Magdalena Elizabeth, 377981 3000, Northdene 151, Brakpan (Brakpan).-Volkskas, Pretoria. 7l2W, weduwee, Allenbystl'aat 47, Witbank (Witbank).-Volkskas; 7854/76--:-RITKY, Franz, 9409275003105, 24 Maree Street, Pretoria. Pietersburg (Pietersburg).-Nebex, Pietersburg. 11995/75-ROUX, Pieter Antonie Johannes, 1105195008004, 11788/76-NAGEL, Martha Magdalena Johanna Maria., Allenbystraat 47, Witbank (Witbank).:-Volkskas, Pretpria. 040221 0006 00 1, Gerrit Maritz1313.ll 43, Dalview, Brakpan (Brak­ . 2692/75-GROVE, Machiel Nicolaas, 957000563W, pIaas pan),-Leon Maartens, Johannesburg. . Ruiterskuil, distrik Standerton, Derde en Finale (Standerton).­ . 5359/76--SMlT, Christiaan Jacobus, 240901502100 0, Jan Vol:kskas, Pretoria. Vanriebeecklaan 160, StiIfcmein; Maria Magdalena Smit, voor­ 12423/75:-STRYDOM, Johanna Alida Elizabeth, 356169 heen Viviers, gebore Otte, 357 579097 (Klerksdorp);-Kredietbank, S68W, Joubertstraat 37, Middelburg (Middelburg).-Volkskas, Johannesburg. . Pretoria. . 9230/76--DE OLIVEIRA, Jeremia AUret, 356140893, 154 12053/75-DE KOCK, Cecilia Jacoba, gebore Roos, 324 875603 Adler Street, Pretoria West; Jose Rodrigues de Oliveira; 356 W, Vaalstraat 6, Lambton; Germiston, Aanvullende ~rste en 140892.-8idney P. FrankIm, Johannesburg. .. : Finale;. Hendrik Jozephus de Kock, 324875602 W (Germlston).­ 313/76-sTEYN,·Anna.Johanna, 020723-0007-00-8, 4 Tramway Santam Bank, Johannesburg. Street. Turffontein, Johannesburg; since deceased Eduard Chris-. 10908/76--DE VILLIERS, Elizabeth Margaret, 06110600112 tian Kriel Steyn, 970719-5008-00-9 (Johannesburg).-Van Hul­ 006, 4 Winchester Court, Popestraat, Bellevue-Oos, Johannes­ steyn Duthie & Saner, Johannesburg. burg; David Daniel de VilHers (Johannesburg)_-Security Exe­ 8212J76-:-LEIBBRANDT, Percival Fred, 9601205001007, 335, cutor and Trust Co., Johannesburg. Pine Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg (Randburg).-Barclays 5128J76--BARNARD, Maria Elizabeth Susanne Barnard, 1005 National Bank, JohannesbUrg. 170001 00 0, Sammreweg 20, Dellville, Germiston; Hendrik 1428/76-VAN DER VLIET, Arendina, 260725.0026.10.1, Van­ Stephanus Barnard, 100719500] 00 7 (Germiston).-Santam Bank, abrahamsonweg 27, Witfield; Johann'es Hermanu! wn der Vliet, Johannesburg. 270310.5040.10.6 (Boksburg).-Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Johannes­ 10874/76--MARAIS, Johannes Jacobus, 941205500500 I, burg. Nooitgedacht, Plot 53, Orkney (Klerksdorp).-Kredietbank, 3833/74-NEL, Hendrik Gerhardus, 356349231, Hans Van­ Johannesburg. rensburgstraat 58, Naboomspruit, Eerste en Finale (Naboomspruit). 6427/76--SALES, Herbert Edmund, 335-696940, HlLdeystraat -Peens, Smit & Oe!ofse, Naboomspruit. 3, Vanderbijlpark; Catharina Johanna. Sales, 335~696941 (Vander­ 6t52/76--PIENAAR, lzak Johannes, 2908185015007, Bergsig­ bijlpark).-Bank van Johannesburg, Marshalltown. laan 8, Waterval-Boven (Waterval-Boven).-Barclays-Nasionale 907/75-JANSEN, William Eric, 331-055160, 172 Risi Avenue, Bank, Nelspruit. . linmeyer, Johannesburg, Supplementary; Myrl. Mary Jansen, 2507/76--'-TAUTE, Hendrina Cecilia, 360937808, Machado-. 331-055161 (Johannesburg).-Securily Executor and Trust Co., dorp, distrik Belfast (Belfrast).-Barclays·Nasionalc Bank, Nel­ Johannesburg. spruit. .' .9871 /75-MACK, Florence Margery, Strickland Lodge, Kings­ 13283/75--COETZEE, Jacobus Johannes, 440418504200 9, ley Fairbridge Street, Umtali, Rhodesia.-8ecurity Executor and Doornkloof, Pk. Maanhaarrand; Magrietha Louisa Maria Coet­ Trust Co., Johannesburg. zee, gebore Pieterse, 49062' 0037005 (Kiugersdorp).-J. B. 11l41/76-BOTHMA, Ellen Mary Susan, 331391502 W, Mey­ Hugo & Cronje, Krugersdorp. erstraat 36, Triomf, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).-Santam 284/76-LIEBENBERG, Aletta Sopbia, gebore Joubert, 034 Johannesburg. 822381W, Susan Strydomte!tuis, Gordonstraat, Colbyn, Pretoria_ 4859/76--'-SOCHER, Adolf Siegfried, 4411305013 00 0, Doring­ -Douglas & Botha, Pretona. spruit, Pk. Hekpoort; Maria Magdalena Socher (Krugersdorp).­ 9485/74-McGREGOR, James William Henry, 305735 586W, Sanlam Bank, Johannesburg. 33 Struben Street, Rynfield, Benoni (Benoni).-1. Slomowitz & 9330J76--PENNEL, Walter Paterson, 331621529 W, onge­ Stein. Benoni.. , troud, Railwaystraat 23, Mayfair, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).:­ 7732/73-8ENEKAL, Lowe Julius, 456418943, Plot 17, Berg­ Santam Bank, Johannesburg. rylaan, Derdepoort, Pretoria..-Nebex Eksekuteurskamer en Trust­ 13217/76--DE BEER, Elsie Catharina, gebore Cloete, 270219 rnaatskappy, Pretoria. 0010 00 8, Paul Krugerstraat 106, South Crest, Alberton; Abraham 4482/76--JOUBERT,Maria Elizabeth, 9611170002005, Jou­ Jacobus de Beer, 261109503000 5 (Alberton).-Santam Bank, b'ertinawoonstelle 6, Fitzgeraldstnaat, Belfast (Belfast).-Barclays Johannesburg. National Bank, Nelspruit. . 8765/75-ADAMS, Jacobus Johannes Nicolas, 435379022, 405 4659/76-=-GERMISHUIZEN, Jan Wilhelm, 324835620, Ecrste Manhattan Court, Plein Street, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).­ Straat 63a, Boksburg-Noord; ~izabelh Ann Germishuizen, 191031 Security Executor and Trust Co., Johannesburg_ 003000 1 (Boksburg).-M. Nowitz, Boksburg. . , 7562/76--SPIES. Abraham Gerhardus, 220301 5035007, 6424/76--:-REYNEKE, Johanna Elizabeth, gebore Meyer, geskei, Derde Laan 94, Fountainebleau, Randburg.-S. J_ Preto~ weduwee, 343741006W, Boomstraat 68, Zeerust. (Zeerust).­ rius, Birchleigh. Van der Merwe & Calitz, Zeerust. 9242/76-SCHUTIE, Louisa Alice, 960308 0005 004, . Eerste 13075/75-PIETERS, Lourens Erasmus, 1404275036005, 13 Straat 45, Fochville (Fochville).-Volkskas, Klerksdorp_ Carnation Road, Primrose, Gerrnirton; Iris Pieters, 2312220018 11731 J76-BOTHA, Maria Johanna, 1406150029005, Ruben­ 00 3 (Germiston).-8chumann. V. d. Heever & Viljoen, Kempton straat 63, Mindalore, distrik Krugersdorp; Pieter Barendse Park. Botha,1211 175038001 (Krugersdorp).-Volkskas, Klerksdorp. %08}76-KELLERMAN; Barend Jacobus Olivier, 378216 12525/16--'-ERASMUS, Johanna Catharin~ 314575-816 W; 779 W, Brakvlei, Posbus 81, Wolrnaransstad; Ella Maria Keller­ Racklaan 18, Waterval-Boven; Johannes Jurie Erasmus, 13101~ man, 1702180011009 (Wolmaransstad).-Volkskas, Klerksdorp. 5009-009 (Waterval-Boven).-M. J. Mills, Machadodorp. : 1089176-MARAIS, Elizabeth Johanna Sophia Maria., 354 836514W, Vierde Siraat 98, Boksburg-Noord (Boksburg).-Cuy­ NATAL ler Gresse & Venter, Roodepoort. At the office of the Master, PIETERMARITZBURG, and also 7812/76--KELLAR, Wesley Underwood, 891007 5005 001, % of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. Kellar Road, Barberton (Barberton).-Barclays National Bant, By die kantoor van die Meester, PIETERMARITZBURG, en Nelspruit. ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakiel gemeld word. 2868j76--NELL, Johannes Jacobus, 33t-492212W, 6 Austin Street, Stilfontein; Susara Maria Nell, formerly Nezar, bom 3720/76--NAIDOO, Karupayee, 800/406879A, 8 Bulwer Byleveld,t, 007699955 W (Klerksdorp).-Fluxman & Partners, Street, Dundee (Dundee).-8. C. Ebrahim & Co., Dundee. Roodepoort. 1151/76--018B, Phyllis Helen, 211 547133, 730 Musgrave 10804f76-DE SWARDT, Martha Maria Jacoba, 0712310003 Road, Durban (Durban).-BMclays National Bank, Durban. . 009, Devilliersstraat 11, Turffontein, Johannesburg; Jacobus 4311f76-HAMPSON, Horace Edward, 907/5312~8, 3 Ingram Jonannes de Swardt, 9611155005007 (Johannesburg).-Volkskas, Man.sions, Amanzimtoti (Durban).-Barclays National Bank, Pretoria. Durban. 460/68-GREENMAN, Minnie, 261/070895W, 301 Russell 3882/75-DHANAKOTl: 800 459194 A, Road 201, ~Iouse 340, Square, Hillbrow Street, Berea, Johannesburg, Supplementary Bayview, Chatsworth (Pinetown).-T. M. MaharaJ & Co., (Johannesburg).-Daneman & Horwitz, Johannesburg. Durhan. 5363...... 2 Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

-.-. $1'AATSK:OERANT,24DBSEMBERI976 , . No. 5363

17 {76/<1:B;-STEYN, Linda (Linda}' Jennifer". -211486227, 53 4330P'-THOMPSON, Doreen Olive, 2008030024005, 1208 Meadow· Road, Mayville, Durbam died simultaneously Kenneth, Bishopsgate, Smith Street,· Durban (Durban).-Syfrets Trust and Philip Steyn, 211 486249C (Durban).-Higgs, Henderson & Executor, Durban.·· . Coetzer, Durban...... 3335/76-'-TOMS, Adelaide Mary, 331-221093W, 505 Tenbury, 2416{7()-MERR,ICK, Caroline Bertha patricia, 231037760W, 30 Erskine Terrace, South Beach, Durban (Durban).-The 351 Hugh Dent Drive, Salt ROl:k; Leslie Ernest Merrick, 101282 Standard Bank, Durban. . 793W (Stanger).-Barclays National Bank, Durban. . 1186{76-FRAYNE. Alexander Berestford Forrest (Alexander 4057 {76-MACKAY, Hilda, 490905 0017 00 1; 32 Oaklands Beresford Forest), 117929172 W, 38 Sutton Road, Pietermaritz­ Avenue, Hillcrest (Durban).-Cox Yeats & Partners, Durban. burg.-Syfrets Trust and Executor, Durban. · 4B01{75-QUINE, Lawrence Godfrey, 0906285002QOO, Marine 2093 {76-WOOD, Herbert Talbot, 0901711-5002-00-6, 2 Barce­ Drive, Park Rynie; Marguerite Edith Quine, 211467835 W lona, 199 Playfair Road, North Beach, Durban (Durban).-The (Durban).-J. L. Quine, Hillcrest. Standard Bank, Durban. 5254{75-WHITIAKER, Douglas, 0608035014 000, Palm 2201/76-DREW, David Thomas, 211 616032, 86 Oriel Road, Beach, South Coast (Port Shepstone).-Barc1ays National Bank, Bluff, Durban (Durban).-The Standard Bank, Durban. Durban. 4173/76-VAN HULLEBUSCH, Leon, Bredene, Zandheuvel­ 4455/76-GREENHEAD, Gideon George, 130905, King's laan, Belgium; Martha van Hullebusch (Durban).-The Standard View, P.O. Ifafa Beach, South Coast; Ivy Helen Patricia Green­ Bank, Durban. head, 2210030009016 (Scottburgh).-BarclaysNational Bank, 3578/16.:-BOUWER, Henry Douglas, 890727-5001-00-4, Durban. Glamis Nursing Home, Florida Rood, Durban (Durban).-The 18 {76-'-STEYN. Kenneth Philip, 211486249C, 53 Meadow Standard Bank, Durban. R"ad, Mayville, Durban; died simultaneously Lynda (Linda) Jen­ 2239/76-VENTER, Theimis Jacobus, 2910175008000 W, 5 · iIlift:r Steyn, 211 486227 (Durban).-'-Higgs, Henderson & Coetzer, Colleen Court, School Road, Wentworth, Durban; Elizabeth Dutban. Johanna Mara Jacomina Ventt:r, 3107240004002 (Durban).- 3104{76-VENKETSAMY (Venketsamy Moonsamy and V. Syfrets Trust and Executor, Durban. "" MltOltien), 800{475156A. widower, 44 Sialkot Crescent, Mere­ 3988/76/4C-ELLAMMA, 800393693A, House I, Road 328, bAnk, Durban (Durban).-Seedat Pillay Seedat & Company, Westcliff, Chatsworth (Pinetown}.-Leandy Laroque & Partners, ·DYrban. Durban. 375S{62-SPRINGORUM, Valerie Marie, Mposa, Zululand 4681 {76-PETERS, Blanche, 365/124250, 36 Shortland (Empangeni).-Campbell & Craig, Durban. Avenue, Hillcrest Park, Hillcrest (Durban}.-Meurnann & White, 4460{76-MUNSAMY, 800{359881 A, 29 Firozepore Road, Durban. Merebank, Durban; Valliammal, 800 {351984 A (Durban).-G. S. 3234/16---COHEN, Boris, 9'70512500800 8, 22 Kingsway Naidu, Durban. House, 111 West Street, Durban (Durban).-J. H. Nicolson 2422/76-REYNEKE, Doris Kathleen, 022 107990W, Tafta, Stiller & Geshen, Durban. Prince Street, Durban (Durban).-Shepstone & Wylie, Durban. 3677/76-BUTLER. June Carol, B1350439W, 4 Uba Road, 1562{76-HODGE, Norman George, llO126 5022 009W, 15 Maidstone; Vere Malachy Milton Butler, 2711065005001 (Veru­ . Montclair Road, Montclair, Durban; Amy Grace Hodge, 150 lam).-Rodney Rindel, Verulam. 5170025008W (Durban).-Shepstone & Wylie, Durban. 2180j76-PALTU, 800/361305A, 7 Alwar Road, Merebank, 3190/76/lC-FOWLES, Margaret Clara, 090512002500 2W, Durban; Dupati, 800!244646A (Durban).-M. C. M.oodliar & · 38 High Road, Overport, Durban (Durban).-Shepstone & Wylie, Basil Chocklingum, Durban. Durban. 3593/16-BREEDS, Lewis Burt, 211-505863, 713 The Gables, 3995/76-WADE, Evelyn Henry, 245048293, 27 Burns Road, Victoria Embankment, Durban (Durban).-Brett, Wills, Chap­ Pietermaritzburg.-J. Leslie Smith & Co., Pietermaritzburg. man, Dyer & Partners, Durban. 2229/76-BATE, George, 9705265006002, 29 Arcadia, Peace 4434/76-S0MERSET, Gwendoline Mary, 246010427W, 2 Haven Place, Bluff, Durban; Gertrude Violet Bate (Durban).­ Knelsby Avenue, Hillcrest (Durban).-BarcIays National Bank, Goodrickes, Durban. Durban. 2578/76-SCHMIDT, Marie Martha, 0303160009005, Broad­ 549/16-LEVY, Arnold, 2102195003001, 267 Villa Serena, 367 way Mansions 22, UmbiIoweg 34, Durban; Johannes Schmidt, Peninsula Road, Oxnard, United States of America (Durban). · 1803015018001 (Durban).-Britz & Bonamour, Durban. -Britz & Bonamour, Durban. 2211/76-MATIHYSEN, Wilhelm Matthys, 110616-5018-00-7, 3790j76/4C-LINFORD, Kathleen Mary Ward, 2460 I6392W, Wesstraat 7, Pietermaritzburg; Petronella Elizabeth Matthysen, Bill Buchanan Park, Goodwin Drive, Durban (Durban).-Lcandy 370402-00 18-00-2.-Boland Bank,Pietcrmaritzburg. Laroque & Partners, Durban. 4349/76-GIBBON, Jessie Elizabeth, 257056281, Garfield Nurs­ 5236/15-FARROW, Hazel Evelyn, 211 505879W, 46 Observa­ ing Home, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final Fiduciary (Durban). tory Court, 229 Currie Road, Durban (Durban).-Driman' & -Barclays National Bank, Pietermaritzburg. Simoni, Durban. 564/76 {2A--JOHNSTON, Noel Hawthorn, 181218503700 6, 2202{76-DENNIS, Robert Henry, 231060212W, A Florida Umlioni Read, Umtentweni, Amended First and Final (Port Keys, 336 Musgrave Road, Durban; Valerie lORa Lilian Dennis, m,ep!!tO'pe).-Barclays National Bank, Pietermaritzburg. 231 060213W (Duroan).-Driman & Simoni, Durban. 1630176-LOMBARD, Amonie Christoffel, 400120-5003-00-1, 1322/16-LUMSDEN, Laura Alice Isobel, 211 685 235W, 12a MOitar.. Camp, Ladysmith, First (Ladysmith).-Barclays National Southgate, Erskine Terrace, Durban (Durban).-A. R. Gostelow, Banlt. Pietermaritzbur!l;. Northdene. 28 I /76-NARAYANAMAH, .800 409822 A, .House 464. Old 1812/14-RAMSAMY, Ruthunsamy,. 800/445631 A, 76 Rus­ Rkhmond Road, Mariannhill·(Pinetown).-Shaw & Co., Pieter­ swn Street, Verulam, Supplementary; Muniamma Ramsamy, 800/ maritzburg. 461490 A (Verulam).-Thorpe & Hands, DUrban. I 692 I76-MARSHALL, Charles, 964017702, 125 McKenzie 291/16-BHIMSEN (Bhinisen Ranlrethan and Bhimsen), 800/ Street, Dundee (Dundee). . 448562A, Esenembe, Lower Tugela (Stailger).-Pat Naidoo & 371/76-NELSON, Graeme Andrew, 211415900W, 1517 John Co., Stanger. Ross House, Esplanade, Durban (Durban).-Mooney Ford & 2779/16-SIEPMAN, Maria Magdatena Elizabeth,957-015796 Partners, Durban. W, 30 10th Avenue, Orange Grove, Johannesburg; Johannes 502/74-SANTUCCI, Nazzareno Domenico, Pinetown, Massed GysbertusSiepman, 957-015795 W (Johannesburg).-The Standard Estate First and Final (Pinetown).-McClung,· Goudge & Bank, Pietermaritzburg. . Mustard, Pinetown. 5281/75--0'CONNOR, Michael Kevin, 560607 5068 006, 11 Eugene Marais Road, Pietermaritzburg.-'Leslie Simon & Com­


ORANGE FREE STATE-ORANJE-VRYSTAAT 146/76--VAN ZYL, Frans William Andries, 2909115042004, Groenpuntgevangenis, Sasolburg; Catharina Margaretha van Zyl, At the office of the Master, BLOEMFONTEIN, and also of 48 tot8 0030 007 (Sasolburg).--8antam Bank, Vereeniging. the magistrate of the district when stated in parentbeses. 1306/76-HERBST, Jacobus Oostewald, 201207 5007008, Phi· By die bnloor van die Meester, BLOEMFONTEIN en ook lipstraat 52, Kroonstad.-Du Randt &. Louw, Kr()()nstad; van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tusse~ bakies 463j76--LE ROUX, Christian Rudolph, 1609085007, Congo­ lemeld word. straat 6, Doorn, Welkom; Aletta Johanna1e' Roux, 365146 .1l99/76-VAN ZYL, Geneva, born Draycott, 9512210002007, 829W (Theunissen).-F. B. Coetzer, Theunissen. wIdow, De Molen, Clarens (Bethlehem).-E. J. P. Smit, Bethle­ 1407 f75-VAN ROOYEN, Gabriel Johannes StephanUII, hem. 150527 5008 008, Brandwacht, Pk. Zastron, Gewysigde (Zastron). 1537/76-BREEDT, Justunus Cornelus Jacobus, 160523-5012­ -Malherbe, Saayman &. Vermaak, Zastron. 00-7, Adren Rarrisbottomstraat 11, Bloemfontein; Susara Jacoba 1729/76-LAUBSCHER. Daniel Johannes, 0508295008009, Snyman Breedt, gebore Venter, 421-313 133 W.-Barclays­ Vandernierwestraat, Edenville.-Nedbank, Pretoria. Nasionale Bank, Bloemfontein. 1198f76--REDELINGHUYS, Helgaard Marthinus, 211/432728 NORTHERN CAPE - NOORD·KAAP W, StaatswoonsteUe 80, Virginia; Agnes· Dorothy Redelinghuys, At the office of the Master, KIMBERLEY, and also of tho born Crawford, 211/432729W (Virginia).-Barclays National magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. Bank. Bloemfontein. By die kantoor van die Meester, KIMBERLEY, en ook Van die 1934/76--VAN NIEKERK, Gert Petrus Munnich, 3711165015 landdros van die distrik wanneeT dit tussen hakies gemeld word. 00 8, Oranjestraat 32, Bethulie (Bethulie).-Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Bloemfontein. 650176-ROBINS, Rubye, born Isaacs, 066 ro7621W, 16 Mil· 941/76-VAN DEVENTER, Michael (Machiel), 435745355, ner Street, Kimberley.-Lezard, .Edmeades &. Du Plessis, Kim­ Soeterus 32, Kroonstad; Gertruida Dorethea Susanna '\lan berley. .. . Deventer, gebore Labuschagne (Odendaalsrus).-8mit & Ver­ 136/16-FRASER, Hugh Alexander, 066125863 W, 44 Aris­ maak, Odendaalsrus. totle Avenue, Kimberley; Edna Winifred Fraser, born Heubner, 246/75fC:-NEL, Gabriel Daniel, 1008135009001, Die Kara­ 330211 002000 2.-Duncan & Rothman, Kimberley. vaanpark, Zastron; Elsie Margaretha Nel, gebore Swanepoel, 761 /76-HAYWARD, Petrus Paulus Albertus, 980929500900 13050004008 (Zastron).-Malherbe, Saayman & Vermaak, Zas­ 0, Lourensbeen, ditrik Vryburg (Vryburg).-Wessels, De Kock tron. & Van Rooyen, Vryburg. ' 1310/76-CLUTIERBUCK, Gordon, Fontein Hotel, corner of 716/76-GOUSSARD, Phillippus Gerhardus Cornelius, 970222 Zastron and Markgraaff Streets, Bloemfontein.-Bloemfontcin 5004 00 3, Gideon Scheepersstraat 212, Jan Kempdorp; Ger­ Board of Executors and Trust Company, Bloemfontein. truida Martha Danielia Goussard, gebore De Kock, 1443~1 818/76-PRETORlUS, Sarel Johannes, 061102 5013 008, Rosa­ 024 W (Hartswater).-Volkskas, Kimberley. . rum, distrik Bloemfontein; Louisa Hendrina Maria Magdalena 220/75-KILROE, William Wallace, 940212-5001-00-7, Farm Pretorius, gebore Van der Walt,080920 009003.-Barclays­ Springfield, P.O. Warrenton, District and Division of Warrenton, Nasionale Bank, Bloemfontein. Supplementary First and Final (Warrenton).-GriqualandWest 288/76-GRIESSEL, Alfred Victor. 014486054 W. 129 Waver­ Trust Company, Kimberley. ley Road, B1oemfontein.-Naude,Thompson &. Du Bruyn, 643 /76-JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Martha Magdalena, gebore Kroonstad. Nel, 473-462-378, Andersonweg, Kimberley (Excelsior).-Volks­ 825/76--G00SEN, Johannes Christoffel, 10409265013 00 5, kas. Bloemfontein. Jansensstraat 54, Welkom; Helena Aletta Goosen, gebore Fer­ 815175B-VAN DER WALT, Di~derick Johannes, 070438750, reira, 1803100018007 (Welkom).-Volkskas, Bloemfontein. wewenaar, Springbokstraat 7, Seodin Ku.ruman (Kuruman).­ 1729/76-LAUBSCHER, Daniel Johannes, 0508295008009, W. I. Duvenhage.& Kie., Kuruman. Vandermerwestraat, Edenville; Cornelia Catharina Swart.-Ned­ . 22068--FRAENKEL, Percival Andrew, 079 482420 W, Con­ bank, Pretoria. naught Street. Mafeking, Fourth (Mafeking).-Fraenkel & Acker­ . 1579/76-RADEMEYER, Christiaan Albrecht, 9709195009 man, Mafeking. 00 3, Badenhorststraat 13, Kroonstad; Susanna Salomina Rade­ 220/68-FRAENKEL, Pereival Andrew, 079482420 W, Con­ meyer, gebore Kriel, 452407809 (Kroonstad).-G. P. Botha, naught Street, Mafeking, Third (Mafeking).-Fraenkel & Acker­ Yazbek & Jooste, Kroonstad. man, Mafcking. ' 1403/76-STEYN, Christoffel Jacobus, 9501265005007, Plot 790/76-GILL, Leslie Joseph, 066 101912 W,. widower, Bel­ 54, Shannon, distrik Bloemfontein.-Schoeman & Smith, Bethulie. grave Lodge, Kimberley.-Duncan & Rothman, KImberley. 2/76-WESSELS, Johannes Mattheus, 190323503600 5, Three 608/76-VAN ROOYEN, Cornelius Melville, 054254 (024), 32 Hills, Bloemfontein.-McIntyre & Van derPost; Bloemfontein. Otto Street, Kimberley; Valerie Maria van Rooyen, born KooP­ 1630j75-DAVEL. Christina Johanna Doulina (Dawelina), 901 man.-Hertog, Moult, Horn, Kriel & Co., Kimberley. . . . 0020002002, Silwerkroonouetehuis, Kroonstad (Kroonstad).­ 633/76-DU TOIT, Jan Stephanus Hendrik, 3411205021 00 5, J. C. L. Botha & A. Richter, Viljoenskroon. Foggitlaan 5, Kimberley; Maria Alida du Toit, gebore Pretoriug, 1105/76-BOTHA, LourellllRasmus, 8306235001008, Meriba, 3707020010 00 2 (Kimberley).-Die Standard Bank, Kimberley. distrik Kroonstad (Kroonstad).-Naude, Thompson & Du Bruyn, 1070/76-McNICOL. Eric Edward, 020818501000 5, 3 Crewe's Kroonstad. Hotel, C'AlIrington Street, Mafeking (Mafeking).-cBarclays 1781/75-:-CONRADIE, Anna Catharina Petronella, 93062(j/ National Bank, Durban. 008/00{0, Hendrikstraat 1, Winburg (Winburg).-Victor Kotze & Smit, Winburg. EASTERN CAPE - OOS-KAAP 1473/76-LE ROUX, Jacobus Petrus, 901210 5002006, Schil­ At the office of the Master, GRAHAMSTOWN, and also' of baehstraat 14a, Parys; Heilbrecbt Elizabeth Alida Ie Rous, gebore the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. Van den Berg, 0307100004000 (Parys).-Volkskas, Bloemfon­ By die kantoor van die Meester, GRAHAMSTAD, en ook van tein. die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tUllsen hakies gemeld 1011/76--BRlTS, ChriNian (Christiaan) Hendrik Jacobus, 191 106 5021 00 5, Derde Straa!, Tweespruit; Letizia Elia Brits, gebore word. Beltrandi, 2506160008003 (Excelsior).-Vnlkskas, Bloemfontein. 1553176/1-GEER, Ivan Redford (Reford), 034-902-74OW, 8 1443/76-CONRADIE, Gert Marthinus, 130209 5014 00 6, ScottRoa.d, Eallt lion


'209/76/:3--own).~rancois beth. Esterhuizen, Oos-Londen. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


2S17!76/3-BOSCH, Dorothy May, 040521-006·004, 48 Frere 305S{75!3'-HARTMAN, Jan Philip 9801235004001, De ltoad, VinceIl't, East London (East London).-David L. Russell Duine, P.O. Thornhill; Emi:ly Toel1ien Hartman, formelly Krog­ & Lindsay, East Lo.IUI.on. s[;heepers, born Ferreira, 101 308366W (Hankey).-Calvin James 684/76f2B-TONNESEN, Mary Adelaide, born Christi.e, 151 Magn1.llSiOn, ,Port Elizabeth. . 0310002008, 21 Elliott Street, Kokstad; Vivian Arentz Tonnesen, 090709 5003 006 (Kokstad).-Bardays National Bank, Pieterma­ SOUTH-WEST AFRICA - SUIDWES-AFRIKA ritzburg. At the office of the Master, WINDHOEK, and also of the· 2382f76f2-GENOWER, William Charles. 0401085017002, 5 n1fl"istratc of the d:strict when stated in parentheses. Bishop Street, Uilenimge (Uitenhage).-B;lrolays National Bank, By die kantoor van die Meester, WINDHOEK, en ook van die Port mizabeth. landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word. 1890,'76/3-ELLJOIT. D;mgias Rogers, 940913 5003006, 31 Sports, Port Alfred, Supplementary Liquidation and Dis­ 374/76-MOLLER, Magrieta Johanna Sofia, 270419000600 2, tribution; Mary Emma, born Pike, 9101280004 00 0 (Port Okahandja (Okahandja).-Die Standard Bank, Windhoek. Alfred),-Barolays National Bank, Port Elizabeth. 82/i6/2--BUTTERS, Eric Robin, 2010205021006, Bloemlhof. 419/76-1(OK, Andries Matthys, 9612075002108, Anderson­ District of Somerset East (Somerset East).-Joubert, Galpin & straat 4, Grootfontein; Martha Maria Kok (Grootfontein).-Die learle, Port Elizaheth. Standard Bank, Windhoek. INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANIES ACTS NOTICES INSOLVENSIEWET- EN MAATSKAPPYWETTE-KEN NISGEWI NGS Form/Vorm J 28 ESTATES OR COMPANIES SEQUESTRATED OR WOUND UP PROVISIONALLY Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, add section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given by the, Masters of the Supreme Court that the estates or companies mentioned ~Iow have b:een sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court. ' The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of eState/company; date uj)On which and division of court by which order made and upon the application of. BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE WAT VOORLOOPIG GESEKWESTREER OF GELlKWIDEER IS Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby deur die Meester'S van die Hooggeregshofkennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld vooriopig op las van genoemde Hofgesekwestreer of gelikwideer is. . Die besonderhede wordverstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy: datum waarop en afdeling van hof waardeur ordergemaak is en op die aansoek van. :. . . . K39/76-'ISWANA FURNISHERS (PTY) LTD. 7!12/76,C537/76-DE KOCK, Cornelius Johanne!, ti1ading as Wood. Noord-Kaapse Provinsiale. Steele Brothers (Pty) Ltd. cOr Enterprises at DistHlery Road, Wellington. 30/11{76, Cape BI64{76-VAN DER WEST:HUIZEN, Daniel Frederick, 'n Of Good Hope Provincial. Walter's Service Station (pty) Ltd, volwasse manl,j,ke pefSiOon van Sandvetpersele 20, Virginia, C509/76-RAHBEENl, M~hamed Ganief, Kismet Park, Vry­ O.V.S., en tanswerkloos. 2/12/76, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale. bur.g, C,P. 17/.11/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Kenneth Johannes Frederick BekeL Oppel. .. C497/76-KENWAY MOTORS (PTY) LTD, registered offices C498{76-A. A. SMIT BELEGGING (CONSTANTIA) at .c/o Gross, Hendler & Abrahams; SixOh Fioor, State House, (EDMS.) BPK., geregistreerde kantore te, pIa Theron' van. der Rose Street, Cape Town. 10/11/76, Ca'pe of Good Hope Pro­ Poel, Saambou-Nasi.onalegebou, Kasteelstraat, Kaapst~. 111 vincia:l. Ebmhini Osmam SilJaboodien. 11/16, Kaa'P die, Goeie Hooppr'Ovinsiale: Saambou-Nasionale C527/76-AZURITE PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD, registered' . ..' . . .. ' office at 10 Lower Burg Street, CaPe Town. 25/11/76, Cape C526/76-RING ROAD lNViESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, reg>is­ 'Of Good Hope Provincial. Atbert Henthorne Olver . and Rael tered office at 10 Lower Burg Street, Cape Town. 25/1 f /76, Gordon in their capacities as provisiqnal trustees in the insolvent Cape of Good HOPe Provinciat Rael, G'Ordon and Albert Hen­ estate 'Of Abra:ham, Isaac & J,oseph Schwartz. thorne Olver. C488/76-L.J.M. CAPlE INTERIORS (PTY) LTD, registered C516176-MAEROSE (PTY) LTD, registered ~f£iee· at c/o office at Eighth' Floor, Eagle HoUse, Lower Burg Street, Cape A..T. Braude, Gorden·.& Co., BafCllaW ,Bank Buildings, Plein Town. 12/11/76, Cape .of Good Hope Provincial.' R.alph Mill· Street, Cape Town. 18/11/76, Cape of .Good Hope Provincial. man N.O. Francis Donnis Duncan. ..

Form/Vorm J 29 FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS, CONTRIBUTORIES. MEMBERS O.R DEBENTlJ.RE-.HOLI)ERS OF SEQUESTRATED ESTATES. COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP OR PLACED UNDER PROVISIONAL JUDICIAL MANAGEMENT . . . . The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed Under sequestration, being wound up or having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the Supreme Court of SouthAmea, Masters of the Supreme Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) 'Of the Insolvency Act. 1936, sections 119 (3), 125(1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 35(0), 364 (1) and 429 of the Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, me'1lbers or del:l~nture-holders af lhe said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof ofclaims against the estates or companies, the election of trustees, liquidators or judicial managers or managers or provisional judicial managers or for the purposes referred to in sections 364 or 431 of Act 61 of 1973, as the ease may be. . The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description.of estate/company; date of the provisional and date of the final 'Order, and division of court by which order made, and date, hour and place of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere theywUl be held before the Magistrate. EERSTE BYEENKOMSTE VAN SKULDEISERS. KONTRIBUANTE. LEDE OFSKULDBRIEFHOUERS VAN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS, MAATSKAPPYE IN LlKWIDASIE OF ONDER VOORLOPIGE GEREGTELIKE BESTUUR Nademaal die bocdels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika gesekwestreer. gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en 196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikeis 356 (I), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat 'n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die bewys van eise teen die boedels of maatsKappye, die verkiesing van kurators, Iikwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of bestuurders of voorl'Opige geregtelike bestuurders, 'Of vir die dodeindes bedoel in artikels 364 of 431 van \Vet 61 van 1973, na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedei/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en afdeling van hof waardeur. order gemaak is, en datum, uur ell plek van byeenkoms. In 'n plek waarin 'n kantoor van 'n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

STMTSKO~Rt\NT, 24 nESEMBER 1976 No. S3~3

. BI55/7.6-:-BOTHA, Martha Magrieth;;t.,. gebore Feneira, .. 'n C:445/76-WESTLAND, Jan, tradiI)g as Jan Westland Plumb­ volwasse blanke vroulikepersoon, getroud buite. gemeenskap ing Incorporating Cape Alterations and Renovations,\ B204 Erne­ van goedere met Stephen Louis ClarenCe_ Botha, met maritale raId ene, Aliwal Road, Wynberg. 9/11/76-30/11/76, Cape of mag uitgesluit van JacCoetzerstraat 14, Winburg, Oranje-Vrystaat. Good Hope ProvinciaL 6/1/77, 09hOO. Wynberg. 11/11/76-2/12/76, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale. 7/1/77, llhOO, C5ODf76-0NVERWACHT MOTORS (PTY) LTD, registered Winburg. office at Santam Bliildings. 91 High Street, Oudtshoorn. 11/ C413/76-LEVY, Lesley, Brooklyn Auto Spares, 137 Koeberg 11/76-2/12/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 5/1/77, 10hOO, Road, Brooklyn, Cape. 21/9/76-26/11/76, Cape of Good Hope Oudtshoorn. Privincial. 7/1/77, lOhOO, Cape Town. C481/76-SIMONSBERG SLAGTERY (EDMS.) BPK., gere­ C480(76-THE HOUSE OF CARLOK (PTY) LTD, regis­ gistreerde kantoor te Helshoogteweg 4, Idasvallei, Stellenbosch. tered office at Duitcnkloof Centre, 4 Kloof Street, Cape Town. 2/11/7.6-30/11/76 Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. 5/1/77, 28/1O/76-17/l1/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 7/1/77, 10hOO, Stellenbosch. . . . IOhOO, Cape TOVii1. C362/76-SINGH, Sham, trading as Olympic Construction at C498/76-A. A. SMn BELEGGlNG (CONSTANTIA) 46 College Road, Gatesville, Athione. 2/9/76-25/11 /76, Cape (EDMS.) BPK., geregistreerde kantore te pta Theron van der of Good Hope Provincial. 6! 1 /77, 09hOO, Wynberg. Pocl. Saambou Nasiona!e-gebou, Kasteelstraat, Kaapstad. 11/ C492/76-0UDTSHOORN CENTRAL GARAGE (EDMS.) 11 17f-2/12/76, Kaap die Gocie Hoop Provinsiale. 7/1/77, BP~" gerc:gistreerde kantore te pIa Alwyn Burger & Kie., WhO:>, Kaapstad. Sanlamgebou, Hoogstraat, Oudtshoorn, 10/11/76-1/12/76, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. 5/1/77, IOhOO, Oudtshoorn. C489j76-RESNJK, Jean Marcia, born Pozel, married out C484/76--MITTADEX' (PTY) LTD, registered office at Ned­ of community· of prope:-ty to Edward Resnik, trading as The bank Foreshore, Cape Town. 9/11/76-30/11/76, Cape of Good Red Robot, 138 Buitckant Slreet, Cape Town. 5/11i76-26/ Hope Provincial. 7/1/77, !OhOO, Cape Town. 11 /76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 7/1/77, lOhOD, Cape K35/76-MOTORTRANT (EDMS.) BPK" Vallei Motors. 29/ Town. 10176--3/12/76, Noord"Kaapse. 13/] /77, 10hOO, Vryburg. C436!76-THERMORNE INSULATION (CAPE) (PTY) B156/76-WOLMARANS, Gerhardus Philippus, 'n blanke LTD, registered cffic,~ at c/o Sebba Gordon & Willis & Co., kafee eiehaar, handcldrywend as Wollies Kafee te Vanheerden­ Protea Buildings, 102 SI George's Street, Cape Town. 3/11176­ straat, Theunissen, en ook handeldrywend as Hanlouw Kafee 26/11/76, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 7 fI /77, 10hOO, Cape te Piel Retiefstraat, Theunissen, Oranje-Vrystaat. 11/11/76-2/12/ Town. 76, Oranje-Vrystaatse ProvinsiaJe. 5/1 {77, 10hOO, Theunissen. . . C487/76-CARR, Joan Cecilia, born Kellett, formerly Vietri, C396 j76-ARCHIBALD, Ernest Martin. trading as Kassels­ married out of community .of property, ~s The Shoe viei. Paint and Hardware Co., and as L & M ~uilders; 'at P.O. Inn, 4 The King's C;:;.ntre, Regent Road, Sea Point. 2/11/76­ Buildings, Kasselsvlei Road, Bellville, and residing at 7 Provi­ 2/12/76, Cape. of Good Hope Provincial. 7/1/71, IOhOO, Cape dent Court, Provident Street, Parow. 3/11/76-24/11/76, Cape Town. of Good Hope Provincial. 5/1/77, 09hOO, Goodwood.

Form/Vorm 1 APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES AND LIQUIDATORS AND PROOF OF CLAIMS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BeING WOUND UP - . Pursuant to sections 40(3),56(3) and 77 oftheInsolvency Act, 1936, sections 129, 179 and 182 ofthe Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay theii delbts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated.' . . Meetings of creditors or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for pr.oof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees' or liquidators' reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sakor recovery of any parts 'Of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. '. . The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; name and address of trustee or liquidator and date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be dono forthwith. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's Office, will be held before the Master; elsewbere they will be held before the Magistrate. AANSTELLING VAN KURATORS EN LlKWIDATEURS EN BEWYS VAN VORDERINGS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LlKWIDASIE . Ingevolge artikels 40 (3),56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926 en artikels­ 339, 366, 375 (5) (b) eri 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of lik widateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die geval, endat persone wat enigiets aan die hoodels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde, tensy anders vermeld, onmiddelik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal. . -­ .. Byeenkornste van sXuldeisers of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word op die datums, ure en plekke bier· onder vermeld vir die bev.'YS van vorderings teen die boedels ofmaatskappye, virdie ontvangs van die verslae VJln die kuratorS of likwidatenrs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of Iikwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of opvordering van gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer daarvan. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuJd betaal moet word, indien dit me onmiddellik moet geskied nie. . . In 'n plekwaarin 'n kantoor van 'nMeester is, word die byeenkoDls voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor.die Landdros gehou. EI21/76-DIEPGROND, Evert, a painter of 5 Derby Road, BI17 /76-SNYDERS,. Hendrik WiIlem, Deigrano, Kafferrivier, Berea, East London; Kenneth Norman Paterson, Ninth Floor, di5trik Bloemfontein; G. F. Wessels, Posbils 760, Bloemfontein. Trust Bank Centre, North Street, P.O. Box 963; East London. 5/1/77, 101100, Bloemfontein. 14/1/77. 09hOO, East London. . B115/76-MEYER, Izak Marthinus Nicolaas, wat handel EI22/76/2~SENDE, Rudolph S., NU 1, 2695, Mdantsane; gedrvf het as 1M Radios te Elizabethstraat 24b, Bloemfontein; Kenneth Norman Paterson, Ninth Floor, Trust Bank Centre, G. F. Wessels, Posbus 760, Bloemfontein. 5/1/77, 10hOO, Bloem­ North Street, P.O:lJox 963, East London. 14/1/77, 09hOO, East London. fontein. N314/76-HOWELLS, Karl David; K. D. Krumm, c/o Sable T1239/76-HAASBROEK, J. F.; J. F. Carstens, pia Sekuriteit Tmstees, P.O. Box 4478, Durban, 4000. 3/2/77, IOhOO, Howick. Eksekuteurs en Trustmaatskappy Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria. 21/1/77, 10hoo,Potchefstroom. NI24/75-DCEAN AGENCIES (NATAL) (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; K. D. Krumm, c/o Sable Trustees, P.O. Box 4478, B48 f76-LEONARD, Gerhardus Dirk; Phillippus Petrus van Durban, 4000. 3/2/77, lOhOO, Port Shepstone. der Mcrwe, c/o Israel & Sackstein, P.O. Box 256, Bloemfontein. N338/76-GREETHAM ENTERPRISES (PTY) LTD, in 5/1/77, 11 hoo, Heilbron. liquidation; J. S. Evans, c/o Metboard (Natal) Ltd, P.O. Box 74f76/2-LINTON GRANGE CONFECTIONERS (PTY) 3912, Durban. 20/1/17, tohOa, Durban. LTD, in liquidation; Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl and N257/76-CHESTER ROAD PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD, in Kenneth Nonnan Paterson. c/o Syfrets Trust and Executor S.A. liquidation; J. S. Evans, c/o Metboard (Natal) Ltd, P.O. Box Ltd, 94 Main Street, Port . Elizabeth. 7/1/77, 14hOO, Port Eliza­ 3912, Durban. 20/1/77, IOhoo, Durban. beth. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


El05/76/1--8PORTSHAVEN (PTy) LTD, in liquidation; TllI0/76-COLLINS, Samuel Fred; C. F. Simmons, P.O. Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl, clo Syfrets Trust and Executor Box 1684, Johannesburg, 2000. 19/1 /77, 09hOO, Johannesburg. S.A. Ltd, 94 Main Street, Port Elizabeth. 7/1/77, 14hOO, Port N283f76-LAKSON SUPPLffiRS (PTY) LTD, in liquida­ Elizabeth. tion; K. D. Krumm, c/o Sable Trustees; Third Floor, Harbour EI07/76/3-ANTONIADES, Andreas, formerly trading as El View, 47 Victoria Embankment, Durban. 13/1/77, IOhoo, Grey­ Greco Restaurant; Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl, c/o Syfrets town. Trust and Executor S.A. Ltd, 94 Main Street, Port Elizabeth. N316/75-PAREKH, R. V.; K. D. Krumm, c/o Sable Trus­ 711/77, 14hOO, Port Elizabeth. tees, P.O. Box 4478, Durban, 4000. 27/1/77, 10hOO, Durban. C408f76-FALSE BAY BUILDING AND DECORATING EI03f76/1-WINTERMAN, Bertie; Basil Kenneth Spengler CO. (PTY) LTD; A. M. Rennie, c/o Thibault Trust (Cape) van Zyl, c/o Syfrets Trust and Executor S.A. Ltd, 94 Main (Ply) Ltd, P.O. Box 1767, Cape Town, 8000. 14/1/77, 1OhOO, Street, Port Elizabeth. 7/1/77, 14hOO, Port Elizabeth. Cape Town.

Form/Vorm 2 MEETING OF CREDITORS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held in the ~ue$trated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, indicating the number ofestate/company; the name and description of estate/company; the date, hour and place of meeting and the purpose of meeting. . . Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. BYEENKOMS VAN SKULDEISERS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LI KWI DASI E . Ingevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973,·word hierby kennis gegee dat 'n byeenkoms van skuldeisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in Iikwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word met aanduiding van die nommer van boede1!maatskappy; die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; die datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en die doe! van byeenkoms. In·'n plek waarin 'n kantoor van 'n Meester is, word die byeenkorns voor die Meester en in anderplekke voor die Landdros sehou. BI61/75-REYNECKE, Petrus Albertus, handelende as Rio E73/75/ lA-MANDY, M. M. 7/1/77, 14hOO, Port Elizabeth. Rita Babamodes, woonagtig te Bohemiahalt, distrik Bloemfontein. For proof of ~ebt.. . 5/1/77, IOhOO, .Bloemfontein. Bewys van verdere else. NI21/74-MAK..J\RAJ, D. S. 14/1/77, 10hOO, Pieterttlaritz.burg, Tl220/76-WAY EAST GARAGE (PTy) LTD. 5/1/77, 09hOO, Further proof of claims. Johannesburg. (a) Proof of claIms. (b) To pass resolutions. (c) C277/75-HERMANJOHL (PTy) LTD. 14/1/77, 10bOO, Cape Interrogate certain parties. Town. Further proof of claims. N54/75-VENTER, Jan Louis Ras, residing at Fern Street, C67/69-PARKER, A. G., trading as the Gaines Discount Shelly Beach, Natal. 6(1/77, 1OhOO, Port Shepstone. Proof of House. 7/1/77, 10hOO, Gape Town. Further proof of claim. claims. C481/75-PRINS, Mrs A. M., trading· as Settlers Discount C518/75-HELDESTROOM PLASE (EDMS.) BPK., in liqui­ Furnishers. 14/1/77, IOhOO, Cape Town. Further proof of claims. dation, with registered office at c/o Allen & Botha, 304 Main E70/76-SIMONSBERG ONTWIKKELINGS (EDMS.) BPK., Street, Paad, C.P. 7/1/77, 1OhOO, Cape Town. For proof of in liquidation, having its registered office and carrying on business claims. at Fourth Floor, Saambou-Nasionale Buildings, 520 Main Street, C508/75-PALLETT, George Leslie Henry, Tannenbaum, 3 Port Elizabeth. 7/1/76, 14hOO, Port Elizabeth. Further proof of Nassau Avenue, Parel Valle.i, Somerset West, C.P. 7/1/77, claims. IOhOO, Cape Town. For proof of claims. T909/76-CARLILE, J. A. 11/1/77, 0%30, Lydenburg. Fur.; C367/75-TRANSCONTINENTAL DISTRIBUTORS (WOR­ tiber proof of claims. CESTER) (EDMS.) BPK., in liquidation, trading as Astronomic. E53f76/I-EASr CAPE PLANT HIRE (PTY) LTD, in 7/1/77, tohOO, Cape Town. For proof of claims. liquida~ion, trading at 'J Grace Crescent, Ueacon Bay, Ba&t Lon­ Tl053/76-VAN DER MAST, Johannes WiIhelmus Otto. 191 don, with registered office at 7 Lawrence Street, Central Hill, 1 /17, 09hoo, Johannesburg. Proof of claims. Port ELizabeth. 7/1/76, 14hOO, Port Elizabeth. Further proof of T23I/76-TRANSCOR (PTY) LTD. 12/1/71, 10bOO, Brak· claims. pan. (a) Proof of claims. (b) To pass resolutions. (c) To interrogate C43/76-KRAMAH (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 7/1/77, certain parties. 101100, Cape ToWIl- For proof of debt.

Porm/Vorm 3 EXTENSION OF TIME WITHIN WHICH TO LODGE LIQUIDATION ACCOUNTS AND PLANS OF DISTRIBUTION OR CONTRIBU1"ION IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING. WOUND UP Pursuant to section 109 (I) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 135 (1) (c) of the Companies Act, 1926, notice is hereby given that after the expiration of a period of 14 days as from the date of publication hereof, it is the intention of the trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, of the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, to apply to the respective Masters for an ex­ tension of time, as specified below, within which to lodge liquidation aecounts and plans of distribution or contribution. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; Dame and date of appointment of trustee or liquidator; date when account due; period of extension required and to which Master application will be made. VERLENGING VAN TERMYN VIR INDIENING VAN LIKWIDASIE-. DISTRIBUSIE- OF KONTRI· BUSIEREKENINGS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LlKWIDASIE Ingevolge artikel 109 (l) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel135 (1) (c) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, word hierby kennis gegee dat kurators of likwidateurs van die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld voornemens is om na adoop van 'D termyn van 14 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, die betrokke Meestcrs om 'n vertengiog van die termyne hieronder genoem, vir die indiening van likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings te versoek. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; naam en datum van aanstelling van kurator oflikwidateur; datum waarop rekening il1gedicn moe! word; termyn van verlangde verlenging en by watter Meester aansoek gedoen sal word. '1'369f76-PEYPER, Jacobus Johannes; Ivor Lance10t van Tl451/75-REDGE INTERPRISES (EDIvIS.) BPK., in likwi­ Dlggelen, 14/6/76. 14/12/16. Four month:s,Pretoria. dasie; A. J. Hes:sels, 7/5/76. 7/11/76. Drie maande. T339/76-NlENABtER, J. J.; A J. Hesscls, 24/5/16. 24/11/. T247 /76~ROUSSEAU, Andre Johan; Ivor Lancelot van Digge­ 76. Ses ma:ande. ' len, 21/6/76. 21/12/76. F,our months, Pretoria. N65/75-TRANSMAGALIES TRANSPORT NATAL (PTY) KI6/16-UPINGTON MINERAL WATER FACTORY LTD, in liquidation; Brian Rulten, 20/3/75. 3/12/76. 3/6/77. (PTY) LTD, in Hquidation; .iEric B. Levy, 29/6/16. 29/12/76. T725/73-D.S.D. HOLDINGS (AFRICA) (PI'¥) LTD, in liqui­ Nine mon.ths, Kimberley. dation; L. D. Droker, 15/8j74. 30/12/76. Six months, Pretoria. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

SfAATSKOERANT, 24 DESEMBER 1976 No. 5363 71

T510/76-MELAMED, S.A.; L. D. Druker, 5/7/76. 5/1/77. Nl12/76-MICKLEBURGH, D. M.; B. Rutten, 30/6/76. lU/ Six months, Pretoria. 12/16. Three months, Pietennaritzburg. T786/75-8CHRODER, E. H.; L. D. Druker, 7/10/75. 30/12/ C2390-D. P. HARTLEY (PI¥) LTD; L. Maister, Nine 76. Six months, Pretoda. months from 25/9/16. Cape Town. T608/76-CALITZ, late Johannes Hermanus; L. D. DrUker, 28/ 6/76. 28/12/76. Six months, Pretoria. CI61/16-8TEYN, Mrs M. E., trading as Interdek Home CI87/11/A-8MITH, Wilhelm Franciscus; J. J. Rousseau, 20/ Furnishers; A. M. Rennie, 7/1/16. Six months from 7/ I/77. 9/11. 26/11/76. One year. Cape Town. Tl38/76---BERMAN, L.; C. F. Simmons, 17/5/76. 17/11/76. Tl86/76---KRUGER, J. P.; L. Klopper, 14/6(76. 14/12(76. Ses Six months, Pretoria. maande, Pretoria. E35/76/I-KOEN, Anton, Raltikealwoonstelle 5, Ou Kaapweg, Tl070/15-MATANLIE BELANGE (EDMS.) BPK.; L. Klop­ Port Elizabeth; Kenneth Norman Paterson, 11/6/76. 11/12/76. per, 23/12/15.31/12/16. Ses maande, Pretoria. Four months, Grahamstown. NllS(76---VAN DER SCHYFF, B. J. P.; B. Rutten, 17/6(76. E21/75/I-HOLTZHAUSEN, R. W. E.; L. Klopper, 8/6/75. 17/12/76. Three months, Pietermari~ 18/12/76. Ses maande, Grahamstad.

Form/Vorm4 LIQUIDATION ACCOUNTS AND PLANS OF DISTRIBUTION OR CONTRIBUTION IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to section 108 (2) ofthe Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) ofthe Companies Act, 1926, and section 406 (3) or the CO!l1panies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that t~ liquidation account and plans of distribution or contribution in the est~tesor the compan~s men­ tioned below will lie open for iospeetion by creditors or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the MagIstrates stated therem, for a period of 14 days, or for such a period as stated therein. from the date mentioned below. or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later date. The particulars are given ill the fonowiag order: Number of estate/company; name and description ofestate/company; description of account; account for inspection at Master"s aDd Magistrate's Office, date (if later than date of publication hereof), period (if longer thaD 14 days). LlKWIDASIE-. DISTRIBUSIE- OF KONTRIBUSIEREKENINGS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LlKWIDASIE Ingevolge artikel108 (2) van die IDSOM:nsiewct, 1936, arnel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet. 1926, en artikel 406 (3) van die Maat­ sli::appywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gcgee dat die tikwidasie-. distribusio- or kontribusiereteningS in die boedels of die maatskappye, ~ gelang van die geval hieronder verme1d, ter imae \laD skuldeisers orkontrlbuante sal U! 01' die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daan.. genoem, gedurende 'n tydperlc \laD 14 _, of die tydperk WIlt daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laaste is. Die besonderhede word W£Strek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedei/maalllkappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maalllkappy; ooskrywing van rekening; rekenins ter iasae by Meester- en Landdroskantoor, datum (indien later as publikasiedatum), tydperk (indieo !anger as 14 dae). EI29/13/3A-INGELI INVEsrMENTS (PTY) LTD, in N51/72/1-8IDAREL SHIPPERS (PTY) LID, in liquidation. liquidation, with registered office at 63 Main Street. Kokstad, Sixth Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. C.P. Supplementary Fifth and Final Liquidation and Distribu­ T261/76---DANBURRY INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in tion. Grahamstown, Koks1iad. voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Dimi­ T303/14-MOZART LAMPS (PTY) LID. in liquidation. bution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribut·ion. TI287/15-THE RED STOCKING OF CRAIGHALL (PT¥) Pretoria, Johannesburg. LTD, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribu­ T163/76jB-8MlT, Sophia Irene, res~ at Kangbelane tion. Pretoria, Johannesburg. Estate, HaplmanskraaL First and Final Liquidat1on. Pretoria. C215/15/B-WELDON FARMS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. C150/76/5B-CONSTANTIA GARAGE (PT¥) LTD. in Second Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Cape Town. voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribu­ ESO/7S/3A-HOTEL FLORENCE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. tion. Cape Town. First Liquidation and Distribution. Graharnstown, East London. T673/16-GLYNNAUSDEN (PT¥) LTD, in voluntary liqui­ N150/76-NKANDLA SUPPLY STORE (PTY) LTD, mem­ dation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 17/12116. bers voluntary winding up. First and Final Liquidation and Pretoria, Johannesburg. Distribution. Pietetmaritzburg, Eshowe. C388f74-CAPE PROPERTY DEVELOPERS (PT¥) LID. 2506/73-CLARKE. John .Hubert, who was married in: terms in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, of the laws of England to Margaret Germaine Clarke., born Wynberg. Hughes born on 27/6/27. First and Final. Cape Town, Wyo­ T652f75-TALJAARD, Petrus Johannes. Second Liquidation berg. and Distribution. Pretoria, Cullinan. NI46/73/3A-IMPALA FERRY SERVICES (PTY) LID, in T424/16/A-KAYNESSE (PTy) LID. in voluntary liquida­ liquidation. Fourth Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritz· tion. First and Final liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, burg, Durban. Johannesburg. T644/75-BOTHA BELEGGINGS (PTY) LTD, in liquida­ C266/72/A--ESTERHUIZEN. Barend Johannes, Eric Louw­ tion. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. straat 186, Beaufort-Wes. Vyfde Likwidasie. E23/16/I-WILLIAMS, Tommy Philip. First and Final Liqui­ N202i75-STOTT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (PTY) dation and Distribution. Grahamstown, Port Elizabeth. LTD, in liquidation. Provisional Judicial Managers and First Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. N21/75/IA-ROnSCO (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. Second 5625--GAFNEY, N. J. Sixteenth and Final Liquidation and Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. Distribution. Pietermaritzburg. EI28/75/3-SMIT, C. C. Second Liquidation and Distribu­ Tl564/75-R.U.RE. (PTY) LID, in liquidation. First and tion. Grahamstown, Po.rt Elizabeth. Final Liquidation. Pretoria, Kempton Park. N243/15-8EMICOMP ENGINEERING (PTY) LID, in T359/74-FRANSVILLE INVESTMENT COMPANY (PTY) liquiootion. Second and Fiual Liquidation and Distribution. Pieter­ LTD, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distri­ maritzburg, Pinetown. bution. Pretoria, Witbank. C318/75-AHMED, A., trading as A.A. Supermarket. First T1342f74-VISSER. F. A. First and Final liquidation and and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Worcester. Distribution and Contribution. Pretoria, Vanderbijlpark. CI47/7O-KIRSTEN. C. M. Second Supplementary Liquida­ T804/73/A-DE SOUZA, Jose. First and Final liquidation tion and Distribution. Cape Town, Ceres. and Distribution. Pretoria, Krugersdorp. C1l7/15-AUTOTRIO (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, with regis­ T1084/75-HAMADS INVESTMENTS LTD, in voluntary tered office at 13 School Street, Vredenburg. Third and Final liquidation. First and Final liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Vredenburg. Johannesburg. N36/16-BURBURY MOTOR WORKS (PTY) LID, under EI07f73/3-HITGEROUX (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, which voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distri... traded as general dealers at Willowmore, under the style of bution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. Die Kontant WinkeL First and Final Liquidation and Distribu­ T330/76/B-ERFWOOD INVESTMENTS (EDMS.) BPI{., tion. Grahamstown, Graaff-Reinet. Eente Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


Porm/Vorm5 PAYMENT Of DIVIDENDS AND COLLECTION Of CONTRIBUTIONS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUN..D UP The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up, as tho case may be, mentioned bclow having been confirmed on the date therein mentioned, notice is hereby given. pursuant to section 113 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends are in the course ofpayment or contributions are in the course ofcollection in. the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at· the address mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: Name ofestate/company; name arid description ofestate/company; datewhen account confirmed; whetber a dividend is being paid or contribution being collected, or both, and name and address of trustee or liquidator. UITKEER VAN DIVIDENDE EN INSAMELING VAN KONTRIBUSIES IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDElSOf MAATSKAPPYE iN LIKWIDASIE Nademaal die Iikwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwcstreerde boedels of maatskappye in Iikwidasie. na geJang van die geval, hieronder vermeid. op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 ( i ) van die Ins.ol­ vensiewet, 1936,artikel 139 (2) van die ]V!aatskappywet, 1926, en artikel409 (2) van die Maatskappywet,1973, kenrns geg,;c dat uitbetahng van dividende of insamc!ing van kontribu5ies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder ui(eengesit en dat elke kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hierondergenoem aan die kurator of Hkwidaleur moet bemal. Die besonderhede word verslrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedei/maa!skappy; datum waarop rekening bckragtig is; of 'n dividend uitgekeer of 'n kontribusie ingevorder word, of beide, en naam en adresc van kural6r of Iikwidateur. . . .

C372/75-ENGINE FINANCE PLAN, in voluntary Cl11 f75-FAULMAN, W. J. 8/l2!76. Preferent and concur­ liquidation. 26/11/16. A distribution is being awarded to con­ rent dividend being paid. Brian W. Smith, cio H. Nathan Trust tributories. K. H. P. Block, P.O. Box 823, Cape Town.. (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4205, Cape Town. '. . . N233/14-MOONSAMY PADAYACHEE ENTERPRISES Tl399/72-NATIONAL POLYMERS (NATAL) (PTY) LTD. (PTY) LTD, in liquid:ltion. 29/11/76. Dividend is being paid. 2/12/16. Contribution being collected and dividend being paid. F. A. Krause, P.O. Box 282, Pietermaritzburg. 3200 .. V. H. Neumann, P.O. Box 799, Welkom, and J. H. Vivicrs, N208/16/4A"':'-HARMILLE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in P.O. Box 745, Pretoria. voluntary liquidation. Dividend being paid. A. L. Norden, P.O. T323/73-:-DE LANGE, J. H., bocdel w:lrd geadrainistreer Box 234, Durban, 4000. . kragtens dle Boerebystandwet, No. 48 van 1935, soos gewysig. T904/15-BUDGET DESIGNS (PTy) LTD, in liquidation. 25/11/16. Geen. F. A. Jonker, vir F. A. lonker & Vennote, 3/12/76. Dividend. P. D. Alexander, P.O. Box 5483, Johannes­ Posbus 221, Lichtenburg. . burg, 2000 N306114-A. GRANTS CARTAGE CONTRACTORS (PTy) T1291 f74-KOTZE, S R. 30/11 /16. Dividend. D. J. Strauss, LTD, in liquidation. 29/11/76. Dividend being paid. G. M. N. c/o Nortrustees (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 5483, Johannesburg, 2000. Vmen, c/o Macaulay & Riddeil, P.O. Box 107 Ladysmith C291/13/A-:-KAPLAN, Michael Henry David. lOil1/76. 3370. ' , Dividend being paid. M. C. Lancaster and M. T. East, c/o . E~4/?5/~-CRES~ENT HOME FURNISHERS (PTY) LTD, Syfrets Trust Co. Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8001. m liqUIdatIOn, tradmg at 26 DlI;on Street "nd with registcr:,:d C425 j74lA-HOFSTRA, TeUe Hendrik. 23/11f76. Dividend office at Fifth Floor, Allied Buildings. Buxtca Street, Ea::;t Lon­ being paid. M. T. East, 24 Wale Street, Gape Town, 8001. don. 2/12f76. Equalising dividends aid SCC:lled and cor.currcnt N37/76/4A-COLLINS BROTHERS (PTY) LTD, nnder awards being paid. Dennis Maiherbc and Ashby Kirk, Eighth voluntary liquidation. 26/11/16. Dividend being paid. D. R. D. Floor, Trust Bank C.:nire, North Street. PO. Box 102, East White, c/o Garlieke & Bousfield, P.O: Box 223, Durban, 400(t London. ,. . K32/73lA-PHILLIPS, J. (E), shopkeeper and contractor, E129f74/3-VENTRESS ENTERPRISES (PTY) LTD, in li:.Jui­ Victoria West. 25/11 /76.. Divid.ends being paid. C. A. Bis, 22 dation, manufacturers of bricks at Gonubie and with registlircd Church Square, Graaff-Reinet. , office at .Fifth Floor, Allied B!.\ildings, 7 Bemon Street, EHst C463/75/A-RODGERS, Aifred John, Nasionale Boekwinkels London. 2/12/76. Concurrent ,wlllrd being p:<;u. Kenneth No.mnn Bpk., 386 Voortrekker Road, Elsie's River, Cape. 2/12/76. Con, Paterson, Ninth· Flcor, Trust Bank· Cenlre, North Street, P.O. tribution being collected. Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson Box 963, East Londeu. House, 47 Strand Street, Cape Town. C359f75-MARITZ, Gysbert Jacohnc, director of C556f7516B~FREDAVE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in resident at I Andrag Street, Welgem,)cd, Bellville, CPo voluntary liquidation. 30/11/76. Dividend being paid. Neville Preferent and secured awards oniy. P. T. C. Thorne, Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47 Strand Street, Cape Town. Trustees and Ex.ecutors Ltd, 6 Church Square, Cape Town. C34/73/4A-MILLWAY MOTORS (PTY) LTD, in liquida­ T13l3j15-GENERAL ELECTROPLATIT,lG (PTY) LTD. 25/ tiOI\. 3/12/76. Concurrent dividend being paid, Jean Jacques 11 /76. Preferent only. Johline Steyn, P.O. !:lox ·~123, Johannes­ Rousseau, Atkinson House, 47 Strand Street, Cape TO'l>TI. burg. C301/73/1A-EDWARDS, M. 2/12/76. DiVIdend being paid. B133/75-CALITZ, Johannes :Matt!;ClJ5 Nd 3il:!/76. Uitbeta­ Neville Ralph Rubinstein, 47 Strand Street, Cape Town, 8001. ling van dividende. J. J. Mlrce, PosbuR 123, Virginia. . . E72/75/2-HUNT, D. M. 2/12/76. No dividend is beine; paid. 5625-GAFNEY, N. J. 23/12/75. Dividend being paid. W. E. Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl, c/o SyIrets Trust and Executor Dunne, P.O. Box 1699; Pietermarit.~:rrp" 3200. S.A. Ltd. 94 Main Street, POli Elizabeth. C20}75-BURGER, F. W. P. 18/11 /76. Dividend bdng p::tid. E42f74/2-RAIT HANDELAARS (EDMS.) BPK., in liquida­ J. R. Glanviile, c/o Cape Trustees and Exccut,)[S Ltd, 6 Church tion. 1/12/76. A dividend is being paid. John Richard Glanville, Square, Cape Town. c/o Syfrets Trust and Executor S.A. Ltd, 94 Main Street, Port T243f76-TOMOR INVESTMENTS (PTY). LTD. in E(!'l,da­ Elizalieth. tion. 3/12/76. Contribution levied. L. D. Dr::kcr, c/o The Druker Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 9251, Johunaesburg. T696/75-FREDA ENTERPRISES (PTY) LTD, in liquida­ tion. 29/11f76. Dividend being paid. C. F. Simmons, P.O. Box T1295 j14-0LIVIER, S. A. P. 30/11/76. Dividende is uitge­ 1684, Johannesburg. keer. A. J. Hesse\s, pIa Sekuriteit Eksekuleurs en Trustmaatsk1ppy E4/67/2-LOUW, Jacobus Andries, a general dealer, carrying Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria. on business at MuHer Street, Barkly East. 1/12f76. Preferent Tl532j15-~JULNOR ESTATES (PTY) LTD. 30111;76. Divi­ award being paid. Kenneth Norman Paterson, Ninth Floor, dend is being paid. N. D. Carman, c/o Bell, Dewar & Han, P.O. Trust Bank Centre, North Street, P.O. Box 963, East London. Box 61680, Marshalltown, 2107. E155/74/1-E.C.H. EXPORTERS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. C279/13-NEVILLE ERIKSEN (BDMS.) BPK., in Iikwidasie. 2/12/76. A dividend is being paid. Basil Kenneth Spengler van 1/12/76. Dividende uitgekeer. E. Ie Roux, Posbus 96, Ka<>psiad. Zyl, c/o Syfrets Trust and Executor S.A. Ltd, 94 Main Street, C354/74-COERTZEN, . F. Gc 6/1'2;76. Preforent divkknd Port Elizabeth. being and contribution being cnlle,cted. Ian L. Re~.'i and EI75/75/1A-BERGMAN, Andre. 2/12/76. Award to secured Brian W. Smith, c/o H. Nathan Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box creditors only. Basil Kennetb Spengler van Zyl, c/o SyfretS 4205, Oape Town. . Trust and Executor S.A. Ltd, 94 Main Street, Port Elizabeth. NI22/75-IPAHLA TRANSPORT (PTY) LTD, in liquida­ TI045f75-LANDSBERG, J. H. 14/12/76. Neither. TvI. D. tion. 25/11 /7G. Dividend b'eing paid. K. D. K r:'mm. P.O. Box Blaha, c/o Desolaat (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2109, Pretoria. 4478,Durban, 4000. . T747/74-CHAMBERLAIN, J. J. 30/11 /76. Dividends being N153/76-LOT 599 LA LUCIA INVESniII:rHS (PTY) LTD. paid. Ivor La!1celot van Diggelen, for Limvaal Trustees, .P.O. 26/11/76. No award is being nude. I. G. L:!rkan, 24 Richards Box 3548, Pretoria. Road, Durban. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

STAATSKOERANT, 24 DE8EMBER 1976 No. 5363 73

N299/75-THE PULL-IN (pTY) LTD. 15/10/76. No award C395/72-CHATZIDIMITRIOU, P., and J. Paltoglou. 19/11{ is being made. S. Robson, Amersham,'1:I Fairview Road, Kloof, 76. Neither. D. J. Rennie, for Thibault Trust (Cape) C (Pty) Ltd, 3600. P.O. Box.lUj7, CapeTown, 8000.· . .

Form/Vonn6 APPLICATION FOR REHABILITATION Pursuant to BeCtion 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below WIll apply for their rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth opposite their respective names, indicating number of estate; full name and description of insolvent (including his identity number and date of birth) and place of business or residence; date when estate sequestnited; division of Supreme Court to which and date and time on which application will be made; ground or application. . AANSOEK OM REHABIlJTASI~ lngevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat dieinsolvente persone hieronder gcnoem om hoi rehabilitasieaansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin teenoor hulle onderskeie name aangedui is, met aanduiding van nommer van boedel; volle naam en beskrywing van insolvent (met inbegrip van 5Y perSOOllsnommeren geboortedatum) . en plek van besigheid of woonplek; datum waarop boedel gesekwestreer is; afdeling van HooggercgShof waarby en datum en tyd wanneet aansoekgedoen sal word; rede van aansoek. . Tl12/72-KROG, Petrus Johannes, 1811/47,470118-5021-00-2, EI04/72/2-VOLLWEILER, Klaus Karl, 13/1/41,963057492, Unisonwoonstelle 409, Vlokstraat, Sunnyside, Pretoria. 29/2/72. formerly 112d· Mackay Street, Port Elizabeth, and now resid"ent Transvaalse Provinsiale. 4/2/77. Artikel 124 (2) van die.Insolven­ at 17 Rotterdam Street, Kabega Park, ..Port Elizabeth. 519/72. siewet. South-Eastern Cape Local. 15/2/77, IOhOO. Section 124 (2) (a) of T8~5/72-MATHIOS, Dimitrios, 11/10/33, 961054262W, 6 Act 24 of 1936. Apollo Avenue, Empangeni. 18/7/72. Transvaal Provincial. 8/21 77, lOh30. Section 124 (2) (a) and section 125 (5).', . T173/72-VAN NffiKERK, Oerrit Hendrik, werknemer van CI21/7o-JOUBERT, Daniel HermaI).us, 10/11/15, 161110- die Stadsraad, Pietersburg, tans woonagtig t-e Marestraat 3; Pieters­ 5Q06c00-4, Visagiestraat 164, Parowvallei. 24/6/70. Kaapse Provin­ burg. 1/2/72. TransvaalseProvinsiale; 1/2j77, lOhOO. Artikel 124 siate. 9/2/77, IOh30. Meer as vier jaar .011. se~westfasie het verloop en meer as 12 maande na bekragtigillg van Finale Likwidasie en (2) (a) van die Insolven5iewet 24, soos gewysig, van 1936. Twaalf Distribusierekening ill terme van artikel 124 (2) (a) van Wet 24 maande het vertoop vanaf bekragtiging van die trustee se'eerste van 1936. . likwidasie en distribusierekening. .

Form/Vorm 7 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES Notice'is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees' accounts in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and docu­ ments in their possession relating to the said estates (except those which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from the date of this notice. The are given in the following order: Number ofestate; name and description of estate; date of sequestration order; division oi the Supr.:::me Court by which order made; date of confirmation of final account. KENNISGEWING VAN KURATORS Aangesien 'n tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtiging van die finale kuratorsrekenings in die boedels hieronder genocfll, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedeLs ingevolge artikel155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, aile boeke en sn,kke in ludle besit wat betrekking op daardie lloedels het (behalwe die wat by die Meesters ingedien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die vol,gorde: Nommer van boedel; naam en beskrywing van.boedel; datum van sekwestrasie-­ b<'vel; afdeling van Hooggeregsilof waardeur bevel gegee is; datum van bekra&tiging van tiDaie rebning, en naam en adres van kurator.,

C28/72~JOUBERT, P. G. 26/1/12. Cape Provincial, 13/8i75. C40/68-EFSA INVESTMENT CORPORATION. 19/2/68. G. D. Kotze, clo Cape Trustees and Executors Ltd, P.O. Box Cape Provincia!; F. D. Glaum, c/o Cape Trustees and 2276, Cape Town. . .. 28/8/70. C11845-SYANEPOEL,'J. P. L. 27/2/65. Cape ProvinciaL, 24/ Executors Ltd, P.O, },lox 2276. Cape Town. 11/72. A. de V. Joubert, c/o Cape Trustees and Executors Ltd, P.O. Box 2276, Cape Town .

. f"orm/Vorm 9 NOTICES OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR'S ESTATE I n terms ofsection 4 (1) ofthe Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given by a petitioner ofhis making an application to the Supreme Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of surrender previously made and upon having received the Master's consent, in tenos of sec­ tion 7 of the Act. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, occupation and address, style of partnership or firm, and names and addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of Supreme Court and date and time ofapplication, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master's consent; (3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for fourteen days, the Master's Office where lying and. if so, the Magistrate's Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, and date. KENNISGEWINGS VAN OORGAWE VAN 'N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL Ingevolge artikel4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936,soos gewysig, word hierby deur'n versoeker kennis gegee van sy aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor lean word, om aanname van die oorgawe van sy boedel; of van dieintrekking van 'n sodanige vroeere kennisgewillg van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester so toestemming, ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres, styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of 'n aansoek, die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van 'n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanafwanneer sy vermoestaat ter insae salle vir veertieD dae, die Meester se kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit salle; (4) die prokureur van die aansoeker, en datum. VAN DER MERWE, Joachim Carel Stephan us. handeldry­ ATKINSON, William Anthony, 3009035051-10-9, garage pro­ wend as Helderberg Kafee, woonagtig te Woonste1 2D, Somerset prietor, 26 Battery Road, Ladysmith, trading as Premier Motors, Hotel, Somerset-Wes. (2) Aansdck, Kaap die Goeic Hoopse Pro­ 92 Lyell Street, Ladysmith. (2) Application, Natal Provincial, vinsiaie, 19/1/76, lOh30, (3) 24/12/76; Kaapstad. Somerset-Wes. 14/1/77, 10hOO. (3) 24/12/76, Pietermaritzburg, Ladysmith. Cecil (4) Murray & Du Toit, Murray's Chambers, Hoofweg, Posbus Nathan, Bcattie & Company, Ground Floor, Main City Build­ 32, Strand. ings, Longmarket Street, P,O. Box 68, Pietermaritzburg, 10/12/76. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


I DE JAGER, Andries Louwrens, moteibestuurder, Andrews : Motel, Phalaborwa. (2) Aansoek, Transvaalse ProvinsiaIe, 18/1/ m. lOhOO. (3) 24/12/16; Pretoria, Phalaborwa. (4) Ferreira & Nortje, Posbus 121, Witbank, 1/12/16.

! LOST LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES V~RLORE LEWENSVERSEKERINGSPOLISSE Porm/Vonn VL Section 64. Act 17 of 1943 hereby.given that evidenee o~ t!'e loss 0': d4?Structioo oftIu: policies IDCl!tioned below, has been submitted to the insurers, and any pers0!1 m possess!~!1 ofany of these POliCies, orclalmmg to have any mterest therem, should communicate immediately by registered'post with the msurers. FaIlmg. any s~ch communication, certified copies of the pojicies (which shall be the sole evidence of the contract) win be ISS ned to the owners Itt terms of the regulations framed under the Aet. . . The particul~rs are given in the fonowms order: Name and address of insurer; policy number, date of policy and sum insured' lifo msured; owner, if othec than Insured. • , Artikel 64, Wet'D van 1943 • Kef!nisgewing. geskj~ hiemi~ dat ~s :ran dje v~rlies of vemietiging van die poli~ bieronder venneld, aan die vcrseIteraars .,tewer IS, en emgeen \Va t l,n beS1t van etll~ van ~er~e pohsse IS, of aanspraak maak dat hy eruge belang daarin bet. moet onmiddellik per .aange­ te~ende pos met dl<: ~ In verbindU18 tree. By gebreke aan sodanige mededeling sal gewaartnerlcte afskrifte van polisse (wat die CIlIgste, bewys van die kOlltrak _I we.:s) ~ die cienaars uitgereik word ingevolg.e die regulasies seprolIlulgeer onder die Wet. Die besond~rhede ~ ver.ltret In die voJgocde: Naam en adros van versekeraar; polisnommcr. datum van polis eo ~rsekerde bedl1ll' Icwe verseker; etenaaf. indieD aUdec as vaseIIierdc. • Atlantiese en Continentale AsslUansie Maatskappy van Suid­ Ned-Equity Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 290, JohannesbJU! Afrika Bpk., Posbus 5813, JohWinesburg, 2000 300850--14/6/11, R91%,42. STRYOOM, Jan Harm; Cynthia 702897-1/1/10, Rlooo. TYALX, Therecia Nom'khubiso. Avril Strydom. 711592-1/5{7l, Rl 000. FRASER, Jessie Hannah. 4f1739-113(l0, R18584. SAMOLS, Evan Jack; Hymee Israel 722239-1 {8/12, R 1 000. MADZffiE, Bethuel Avhapfani Samols. . 723791-1/11/72, Rl 000. SIBEKO, Elizabeth Thandi. 421969-26/4/68, R2000. TOUYZ, Chemach Tommi; Western 724005-1/12/72, R2000. DEI IONGH, Johannes Mathys. Bank Ltd. 73t034-1/1/i3, R2ooo. NORT$, LeOll. Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, P.O. Box 4755. Johan­ 135019-1/10/13, R3ooo. NORTJE, Leon. nesburg 731931-1/5/73, Rl 300. MAZEJ3UKO. Qangeso John. 14814f17-6/l0/61, R4000. DARHSON, M. T. 734174-1/10/13, R1500. HAIMBILI, Israel. 751124-1/12/75, R15 000. OELOFSE, Christoffel Rudolf. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 66, Cape Town The Colonial MUlual Life Assi4rance Society Ud, P.O. Box 2811064-418/15, R4880. LIEBENBERG, J. A. c., AD515. 73, Cape Town, flOOD . 2811506-11/2/15, R8 000. HATTINGH, H. J., ADSI5. 675fl69-1/1/53, R2000. FORTE, Nicesio. 1156135-22111/55, R221,40. JANSE VAN RENSBURG, A. C., 1397196-31/5/68, 51 993. T1BTJENS, Klaus. ADSI5. 654919-1/5/50, R600. CRUSIt, David.; Peter George Mor­ 1400448-13{5/58, R62. STEMMET, J. W., AD5t5. 1935239-2/2/65, RIO 000. MH, S. J. (S. J. Mjali), ADSI5. chester Cruse. I 1535903-1/8/62, R6520. DE LANGE, Stephanus Iacobus Jr.; 1962995-23/6/65, R1161. NORTIER, P. P., AD506; A. M. G. Stephanus Jacobus de Lange Sr. Nortier. 1584183-1/1/15, R2 000. VAN STRAATEN, Johannes Machiel 1514551-28/1/59, R2 000. BROWN, G. I., AD506. Hattingh; Maria Magdalena Susanna van Straaten. 1328850-6/12/12. R702. HOLLICK, P. G. W., AD506. 1584181-1/1/15, R8000. VAN STRAATBN. Maria Magda­ 2535961-·13/12/12. R1500. mCKES, s. B., ADS06; S. B. lena Susanna. : Juckes and Western Bank Ltd respectively. 1517431-1/11/14, R3010. THERON, Suzanne Marie. 1%1404-16/6/65, R2 000. DU TOIT, G. F ..J, AD506. 2092758-12/7 167, R2 000. DU TOIT, O. F. J., AD506. Guarantee Life Assurance. Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 4562, Johannesburg 2686464-1/2114, R3 270. CAMPBELL. R. 1. AD51f). 950101-1/10/15, Rl 340. RADLEY, Mechiel Johannes. 2923878-5/12/15, Rl 000. SIKUTSHWA, R. M., AD519. 58078-1/8/56, R2 000. IJE ROQX, Catharina Maria. 1407109-3/6/58, R5816. VAN ROOYEN, M. A., AD519; 700423-1/3/72, RIO 000. KOK,iTrevor Noel. J. A. van Rooyen. I Liberty Life Association of Africa Ltd, Posha 10499, Johl.l1lllO­ 2943251-9/2/16. R3 460. CILLIERS, P. C. J., AD519. burg, 2000 ' 1536154-23/10/59, R2658. LEBOELA, M. T., AD519; J. M. 3585069(sl)-I/3/56, RIO 000. ILate RICKETTS, E. G. J. Leboela. 3110851(sl)-26/6/11, R3 000. ~ate LAWRENCE, W. J. P. 1780637-8/10162, R3560. LEBOELA, M. R., ADS 19; J. M. 230450-28/5/10, R12 941. KANNEMEYER, G. N. Leboela. 1002495(81)-15/5/13, RlOOOO.KHOTU, N.; H. Khotu. 2124685-12/1/68, RlOOO. MAINE, D. C., ADS18; A. G. 1002496(51)-15/5/13, RlOOOO. KHOTIJ, Z.; H. Khotu. Maine. 6504320-21/2/69, R63000. TAITZ, A D. 2181843-17/12/68, R900,30. BOSCH, D. M. AD518; J. C. 3586697-1/5/56, R4000. MASI!LOLOGU, T. M. Bosch. 9004298-1/4/75-RI6686. HEPrLEWHITE. W. 2458241-1/4/12, R3 000. NIEUWOUDT, M. J., AD518. 633355-1/6172, R7 500. DIXON, R. W. 2546147-112/73, Rl 581. WREN. D. C., AD518. 650lt29-1/9/65, RIO 000. WILMOT, R. S. 2178009--14/10{74, R2 3B3. ROBINSON, P. V., AD518. 9022919-1/11175. R7 161. VAN'DEVENTER, C. J. 1851560-31/10l63, R201. PHAROE, A. M., AD513; J. A; 90«<)630--1/9/15, R50000. WILLIS, P.A Pharoe. 9040631-1/9/75. R50000. WIT,US, P. A. 1653165-11/3/61, Rl 000. NAUDE, late J. P., AD513.; E. F, 221510--1/2/70, R250000. WlLtIS, 1. M. C.; p. A Willis.. Naude. 23986-1/5/10, R8000. SAMOLS, H. I. 1688931-15/8/61, R7960. NGCOBO, late R. A. V., AD513; 8000358-1/3/15. R13160. SAMOLS. H. I. estat'e late R. A. V. Ngcobo. 3129118 (SL)-5/6/67, RIO 000. ;FRIEDLAND, B. 1259616-22/11/56, R2000. MARCOW, L. G., ADSI3. 3136220 (SL)---3/2j68, R5000. R;HAN, M. 746167-22/6/50. R1 000. VAN JAARSVELD, C. F., AD513. 3113858 (SL)-26/lOjl1, R1000.iKHAN, 1. 1495636-2/6/59. R2330. GLADWIN, R. G., AD510: M. Y. National Mutual Life Association' of Australasia Ltd, P.O. Box Gladwin. 666, Cape Town . 2146196-9/5/68. Rl000. BARNARD, H. F., AD520; D. J. 1014054-16/8/60, R3100. YAN1<.ELOWITZ, I. A. Barnard. 1036645-1/11/11, R5000. HARRIS, D. D. 2526791-8111172, R3 250. DE MEUTER, L. E., AD520. 544158---4/2/38, R600. HOLDSWORTH, L D. 2591425-28/6/13, Rl260. MAREE, T., ADS20. 7001042-:-15/8/55, Rl%. SINGl-1, R. G.: J. K. Singh. 1029381-1/8{76, R2000. STANSFIELD, D. 2631589-23/8/13, R3 500. COl'-.TRAD, F. C., AD520. 7032205-16/4/69, R150. LE ROUX, D. J.; N. C. Ie Roux. 1786338--6/11/62, R500. CORTS, C. C., AD521. 1034531-1j9/10, R6000. FRANCEY. J. R. 884549-21/8/52, R900. BOTHA, G., AD521. 7033336--1/1/10, RIO 000. BHANJEE, M. 554123-11/1/46, R6OO. WATERFALL. P., AD52!. 598438-30/9/54, RI200. ROSS.iW. A.; J. M. Ross. 1039802-112/13, R3885. MACLEAN, Y. S. 2342001~-18/12/10, RI045. MACKRILL, K. F., AD521. 7018481-16/10/62, R2000. HAilT, G. I. Kilian, R. B. Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


853766-27/3/52, R2000. VENNlKER, J. A. A. R., AD521. 1494938x2-1/2/71, Rl 000. VAN ZYL, A. M. E. 812883-19/7/51, R2000. VENNIKER, J. A. A. R" AD521. 1777119x7-1/9/73, R1 000. LIEBENBERG, P. J. M. 1794221-31/12/62, R92. ROOS, P. S., AD523. 1408181x4-1/3/70, R4000. BASSON, S. H. 2423079-12/11/71, R2000. VAN DER WALT, S. J., AD523. 197421Ox5--1/12/75, R15 000. BOOYSEN, J. C.; J. H. Coetzerj 2990236-11/6/76, R5000. MUNSTERMANN, W., AD523. 3216432x9--1/11/75, R4 000. LUNDIE, H. J. 1059700--17/11/54, R21 680. BEAL-PRESTON,M., AD523. 3247947x9-1/8/76, R3 112. JOHNSON-ROBSON, D, 2833356-31/3/75, R2 309. MNGXALI, L. N., AD523. 3295741x7-1/9/76, R5 000. OLIVIER, 1. F. 1528538-21/9/59, R1414. mPPENAAR; J. F., AD529; M. S. I. 841037-1/5/60, R2000. OOSTIlUIZEN, L.1. Dippenaar. 909495x4-1/5161, R14 400. PIENAAR, 1. S. K. 2709820-10/4/74, R1407. FORD, M. J. R., AD529. 1227678x8-1/1/67, RIO 000. MoLLER, M. A. 2522741-24/10/72, R2000. VAN DER MERWE, P. M., 1427962x4-1/6/10, Rl 000. VAN PLETZEN, A. M. AD529. 1929471x9--1/4/75, RlOOOO. DU PLOOY, 1. M., op 1. M. 2627978-,-14/8/73, R1 000. NDLABA, I. N., AD529. 86835-1/6137, R2 000. KELLERMAN, H. P. M. 275268-23/11/33, R500. CHIDDY,.L. L J., AD529. 532157x5-1/8/53, Rl000. BENADE, 1. M.; H. S. Benadc, 340607-28/1/37, R1 000. CHIDDY, L. L. J., AD529. 871157x4-1/l0/60, R2472. OLMESDAHL, D. S. M. 340603-28/1>137, RI 000. CHIDDY, L. L. J., AD529. 164556IxO-l/1172, Rl 000. BENADE, B. 340609-28/1/37, R1 000. CHIDDY, L. L. J,AD529. 3248716x7-1/6/16, R15 000. MAHARAJ, D. 340610-28/1/37, R800. CHlDDY, L. L. J., AD529. 999588x7-1/6/63, R2000. DE SWARDT, P. W. 2242077-1/10169, R2000. VAN ROOYEN, I. M. Jr, AD524; 1029300x9--1/1/64. R1 000. DE SWARDT, P. W. I, M. van Rooyen Sr. 1430684x9--113/10, R4000. OPPERMAN, P. J.; M. J. Opper" 1562431-29/2/60, R2 256. POTGIETER, M.H., AD524. man. 1412252-18/6/58,.R1 008. ROODT, E. R., AD524. 1629016x5-1/3/72, R3009. MARATHANE, M. M. 3001798-19/7/16, R3776. MOELETSI, D., AD524; P. Moe­ 3249707x5-1/3/76, R2 291. CLAASSEN, 1. J. letsi. The SA. Trade Union Assurance Society Ltd. Tradulla Centret 2554940-7/3/73, R2 771. VAN RENEN, B. B., AD524. 118 Jorissell Street, Braam/oll/ein, Johannesburg, 2001 1025916-26/6/54, Rl 000. NANKIVELL, I., AD528. 534909--1/3/71, R3000. SWANEPOEL, Eben. 2501863-11/8/72, R1 000. STAPELBERG, D., AD528. 551837-1/9/72, R3 000. MARITZ, Erasmus Smit. 2471578-1/6/72, RlO000. NOCKY, K. D., AD528; I. Nocky. 559637-1/9n4, R3 000; MARITZ, Erasmus Smit. 2332713-11/11/70, RI 000. DOMINGO, T. B., AD528. 938259--1/8/71, R1 029. HONEYMAN, Peter Robert. 2156583-27/6/68, R4000. ENGELBRECHT, J. P., AD528. 545015-1/6/13, R17 000. VAN .WYK, Jan Hendrik. 2412641-8/10/11, R4ooo. MEYER, M. D., ADS27. 577096-1/6/15, R4000. REINHARDT, Jacob Duvenage. 2375293-13/5/71, R3 000. WHITTLE, F. K., ADS27. 584613.....:1/5/76. RIO 060. RAOEMEYER, Thomas Ignatius. 2008115-11/3/66, R445. CORNELIUS, A., AD527. 1973777-19/8/65, RIO 000. UTERMARK, W. B., AD527. The Somhern Life Association. GreatWes/erforo, Rondebosch. 1356853-20/11/57, Rl 000. VERMAAK, F. A. and G. C., 7700 AD527. 589099-25/5/61, R1200. STRELITZ, S. Saniam, Posbus 1, Sanlamhof, 7532 611739-17/10/62,R2000; MOTILAL (T. MotHaI). 1159751x5-1/8/65, R11100. NEL, J. J. 626620-20/9/63. R6000. SWANEPOEL, Mrs C. C., born 1459388x3-1/7/70, R4 000. SADIE, J. M.; E. Sadie. Myburgh; J. A. Swanepoel. 1793877xO-l/9/13, R13 2S0.CONRADIE, P. J. 717665-19/4/71-35000. HOLERT, G. J. 1850862x2-1/5f74, RIO 000. EFSTATHlOU, E. 721242-9/1/71, Rl 644. HANSEN, N. M. 1907909x4-1/11/14, R4 011. DE BEER, E. J. 725278·3-24/11/11, R8 000. MEYER, E. 1389266x6-1/12/69, R955. VAN DER MERWE, F. G. P. R, 729000-4-12/4/72, R2740. SPEEDING, P. R. 1851418x2-1/2f75, R4 105. BARNARD, F. 746326·8-21/5/73, R4 286. FOURIE, B. J. 1880362x7-1/8/74, R2290. NORTJE, B. B. 926672-2-31/8/76, R2913. LUBBE, Mrs M. F., born Rudolpn. 3197811x6-1/8/76, R5 488. HERRMANN, O. E. The Standard General Insurance CompallY Ltd, p.o. Box 4352i 3298137x5-1/8/76, R2000. HERRMANN, A. W. Johannesburg, 2000 . 950740xl-1/S/62, Rl 000. LAUBSCHER, G. J. 810411-1/6/13, R1S OOO/R7 500. CHAMBERS, D. M. 951118x9-1/1/62, R2052. SWANEPOEL, J. C. 510788-1/2/72, Rl 000. LESENYEHO, K. S. 1606524x5-1/5/72, R3 000. KAHTS, L. J.; J. Kahts. 715233-1/9/75, R5 000/.&15 000. SMITH, C. J. 3230772xO-I/1O/15, R3 200. SCHOLlZ, J. C. 713467-1/3/14, R30000..BECKER, F. G. 3268985x3-1/5/76, R2000. SCHULTZ, E. H. 810068-1/7/72, R12000. FRIEDLAND, B.; C. W. Friedland. 687790--1/5157, Rl200. LOUW, J. H. H. 800101-116/70, R11972/RI764/RI4426. FRIEDLAND, B. 962626x8-1/9/62, Rl 000. VAN NIEKERK, P.D. 5911095x9-1/11/59, R400. WITBOOI, Rose Mary. 1388848x2-1/12/69, R4000. ROOS,P. G. 6108092x9:-1 18/61, R180. MKWANE, Elsie. 1388849xO-1/1/70, RlOOO. ROOS, J. C. 6808419xO-l/8/68, R700. MAZIBUKO, Philip Ernest. 1577467x2-1/5/72, R3 000. VERMEULEN, S. M. 7002657x3-11l0j70, R7 000. NIEUWOUDT, Gert Nico. 11 12402xl-1/5/65, R2 382. PIETERSE, G. J. J., op D. 6904072x8-1/1/69, R5000. VAN .DER LINDE, Gerhardus 1112403x9-1/5/65, R2 382. PIETERSE, G. 1. J., op D. Wilhelmus. 1301076x4-1/4/68, Rl 000. SCHOLTZ, P. F, 6705818xO-l15167, R487.;NYOKONG; John Eric.

FormjVorm D-I 136 NATURALISATION NOTICES NATURAllSASIEKENNISGEWINGS Notice is hereby given by the undermentioned persons that they intend to apply to the Minister of the Interior in terms of section 10 of ~he s,outh African Citizenship Act, 1949, for certificates of naturalisation as South African citizens, indicating name, occupation, and residentIal address . . Ken!lis word hierby deur die onde.rverI?~lde perso~e gegee dat hulle van voorneme is om, ooreenkomstig artikel 10 van die Wet op Smd·Afnkaanse Burgerskap, 1949, by die MInISter van Bmnelandse Sake aansoek te doen om sertifikate van naturalisasie as Suid-Afrikaanse burgers, met aanduiding van naam, beroep, en woonadres. TAFFARA. Mario, shopowner/winkeleienaar, 8 Marion Court/ LOBJiG, Elfriede Milda, ohiropodist/chiropodis, 25 12th/12de -hof, Gus Street/'straat, Jeppestown, Johannesburg, Tvl. Avenue/l:.aa.n, Northmead, Benoni, Tvt HELEY, Mabel Kathleen, housewife/huisvrou, 457 Strydom INGLE, John, security guaro/sekwitei:tswag, 8 Red'Ming Drive! Street/'straat, Schoemansville, 0216, Tvl. -la:an. Western H"rNs, Port ElizabeVh, 6001, C.P·/K.P. HELEY, Frederick Thomas, bricklayer Ibouwerker, 457 Stry­ MOOSBAUiER, Adolf, sales manager, commercia!l vehicles! dom Street/·straat, Schoemansville, 0216, Tvl. verkoopsbestuurder, :handelsvoertuie, 25 .A:stor Road/-weg, Kleve.. FOURIE, Avril Hazel Valerie, assistant nurse/assistent ver­ hHl ipuk, Sandton, 2145, P.O. B-ox/Posbus 70083, Bryanston. pleegster, 196 Muller Street/·straat, Peerless Park, Kraaifontein. 2021, Tvl. 7570, C.P./K.P. GRAHAM, Paul Duncan, service engineer/diensingeni.eur, 34 COETZEE, Liesa10ttla Sasha, office assistant/kantoorassistent, St Joseph's Road/·straat, Plumstead, Cape/Kaap. 102 Marianhill Road/-weg, Ashley, Pinetown, Natal. WALTER, Jorg Peter, lecturer/iektor. 39 David Fourie Street! HATFLELD, Kenneth Gordon, quantity surveyor/boureke" -straat, Bloemfontein, O.F.S.IO.V.S. naar, 10 Prospect Road/·weg, Pinetown, Natal. DUVAL, Joseph Erwin, motor mechanic, 38 Main Road, KORCK, Shirley Vivian, !bousewife/huisvrou, 18 Apollo Malvern, Natal. Avenue/ ~laan, Kildare, !Empangeni, Zulu:l.and / Z

76 No. 5363 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 24 PecEMBER 1976

REED, Peter Keith, stUdent, 8 Elamboyant Avenue/-laan, Ton­ SMITH, Shirley Gmce, nee Bmio'ker, bousewife/shopkeeper" gaM, 4400, Natal.i huisvroa/winke}ier, 19 Falcon Gresoeml-eingel, atase Valley, MARTIN, Robina Jane, ho~wife/huiSVI'ou, 10 Leighton Pietermal1itzburg, N Mal. Place, 32 Leighton Street/-straat, Pietermalitzburg, Natal. MARTIN, Tyson, retirerl/a'fg~rec, 10 Leighton Place, 32 SIiIASZNY, Lajos Karoly. mediad doctor, 36 Sandown Park. Leighton Str~/-straat, Pietermarit~burg, Natal. . Rivonia Road, &ndown, 21%, Johanne&burg, Tvt

Form/Vorm MVA I THIRD PA~TY INSURANCE CLAIMS FOR COMPENSATION Compulsory Motor Vehicfe Insurance Act, 1972 (Act 56 of 1972) DERDEPARTY-ASSURANSIE-EISE OM SKADEVERGOEDING Wet op Verptigte Motorvoertuigversekering, 1m (Wet 56 van 1m) NOTICE BY AUTHORISED INSURER OF AGREEMENT CONTEMPLATED IN SECTION 26 OF THE ACT The authorised insurer nam~ in the Schedule hereto, hereby gives notice in terms of section 26 (4) of the Act­ (a) that be has entered ihto an agreement Contemplated in section 26 (3) (c) to make a payment in I1CSpect of a claim for compen­ sation under section 21 of the said Act, which compensation could, if the said insUI1CT vvere liable for payment-thereof, have included costs in respect of the accommodation of the person named in the Schedule bereto in a hospital or a nursing horne or of any treatment of or service rendered or gO(!lds supplied to that person; and . . . (b) that, in terms of se4tion 26 (4) of the Act, the said insurer shall not be obliged to pay any amount in respect of such costs . to any person who pr0vide4 the accommodation or treatment or rendered the service or supplied the goods who has not lodged a claim, in writing, with the said insUI1Cr prior to the expiration of a period of 60 days after the date of this notice. The pamculars are given' in. ~ folio. order, under the name and address of the I1Cgistered company:· Name ofperson(s) injured . or killed; claim number; date ~ place of accident; name of hospital, nursing home or place where treated (if known) . . KENNISGEWING DeUR BEVOEGDE VERSEKERAAR VAN OOREENKOMS BEDOELIN ARTIKEL 26 VAN DIE WET Die bevoegde versekeraar ~oem in die Bylae hiervan, gee hierby ooreenkomstig artikel 26 (4) van die Wet kennis­ (a) dat hy 'n ooreenkorrls !IOOS in artikel 26 (3) (c) bedoel, aangegaan bet om 'n bedrag te betaa! ten opsigte van 'n cis om skade­ vergoeding ooreenlcomstig artikel 21 van genoemde Wet, :oaamlik vergoeding wat, indien genoemde versekeraar vir die betaling daarvan aanspreeklik sou ~s bet, koste ten opsigte van die akkommodasie, in 'n hospitaal of verpleeginrigting, van die persoon in die Bylae hiervan genoem, of ten opsigte van enige behaodeling van of diens geiewer of goedel1C verskaf aan daardie persoon, kon insluit; en . (b) dat genoemde versekeraar Die ooreenkomstig artikel 26 (4) van die Wet verplig is nie om enige bedrag ten opsigte van sodanige koste te betaaJ aan enigeen Wat die akkommodasie of behandeling verskaf of die diens gelewer of die goedere verskaf het en wat nie 'n skriftelike eiS voor die verstryking van 'n 1ydperk van 60 dae na die datum van biecdie kennisgewing by ge.noernde versekeraar ingedien bet Die. • Die besonderhede word veriStrek in dievoIgorde•. onder die naam. en adres van die geregistrcerdemaatskappy:Naamvanpersoon! persone beseer of gedood; eisnomrner; datum en plek van ongeIuk;. naam van hospitaal, verpleeginrigting of plek waar behandcl (indien bekend~ . A.A. Mutual Insurance Associatio~ Ltd, P.O. Box 9595, Johan­ Federated Employers' Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 666, nesburg, :woo Johannesburg BLACKMORE, Miss Louise Anne. Oaim 5/6/70277, Mari­ SUPBRFAIN, Miss £lyce Rank Hospital. . Avenue, Johannesburg. Ned-Equity Insurance Company Ltd, P.O. Box 290, Johanlles­ MAJAMANE, Simon (Simon M~jaman or Simon Majamana). 'burg' Olillim 7/6/13123., J. Hilango. 28/5t67, Motloung Section, Natal­ MOTEPE, Christina. Claim MVA 4/00582. 2/3/74, Crutse spruit. Na.ta1spruit Hospital i . Street, Wh~te City, Ja.f1avu, Johannesburg. BaJJagwanath Hospital, VAN DER MERWE, loachixr Johannes Hendrik. Claim THEOPHlLOU, AohiJtlas. Claim MVA. 3/0034. U/5f72, S12 4/6/70537, Pitco Ltd. 24/4J74, 10l!h and Van ZylStreets, New­ Highway, Wesel Bridge, Sunnyrock, Gcrmiston. iEd~vale HQs­ pita\. lands, Johanneshurg. J. G. StrijdomlHospital. Minister of Police, c/o Divisional Commissioner of Police, rnOMPSON, Edward lohn Henry. Clatim 4/6/30249, M. Private Bag 6020, Port Elizabeth .' Kyriacou. 19/4/74, comer of JOll'bel't and Power Streets, Ger­ SOGAYISE, Zwelenkosi. 152281N /8' (1). 19/10/73, miston. Military Hospital, V


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Prys ~lO G Buiteland R12,50 Verkrygbaat by Die Staatsdrukker, Pretoria en Kaapstad Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


For purposes of reference, all froclamations and Government AlleProklamasies en Goewennentskennisgewings gepubliseer, ~.~tius published. are included in the weekly index. "ord vir verwysingsdoeleindes iD die "eeklikse iDboudseJpg8". ingesluit. CONTENTS INHOUD Page Gazelle No, Bladsy Staat~ No. No. No. N koerant o. No. PROCLA'\,lATlO~S PROKLAMASIES R. 265. Withdrawal of Proclamation R. 113 of 5 May 1972 ...... 5361 R.265. Intrekking van Proklamasie R. 113 van 5 Mei 1972 ...... '" ...... 5361 R. 266. Withdrawal of Proclamation R. 115 of 5 R. 266. Intrekking van Proklamasie R. 115 van 5 May 1972 ...... 5361 Mei 1972 ...... 5361 R. 267. Population Registration and Identity Docu­ R.267. Die Wysigingswet op Bevolkingsregistrasie ments Amendment Act, 1973 ...... 2 5361 en Identiteitsdokumente, 1973 ...... 2 5361 273. Act 63 of 1975: Date of coming into 273. Wet 63 van 1975: Datum van inwerking­ operation of the Expropriation Act ...... 5363 treding varr die Onteieningswet ...... 5363 GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL NOTICES GOEWERMENTS- EN ALGEl\lENE KENNISGEWINGS Agricultural Credit and Land Tenure, Department of Arbeid, Departement van General Notice Goewermentl'kennisgewings 850. State land offered for lease ...... '" ... 10 5363 R.2468. Wet op die Reeling van Bantoe-arbeids­ Agricultural Economics and Marketing, Department of verhoudinge, 1973: Stuwadoorsbedryf: Order ...... ?1 5361 Government Notices R.2469. Wet op Nywerheidsversoening, 1956: R.2497. Act 47 of 1970: Wine and spirit control Beddegoednywerheid, Tv1.: Wysiging van regulations: Amendment ...... 78 5361 Hoofooreenkoms ...... '" 55 5361 R.2505. Act 59 of 1968: Regulations relating to the R.2470. Wet op. Nywerheidsversoening, 1956: grading of fresh clingstone peaches for Beddegoednywerheid, Tv!,: Verlenging van canning ...... 2 5361 geldigheidsduur van Hoofooreenkoms ... 55 5361 R.2471. Wet op Nywerheidsversoening, 1956: R.2506. Act 59 of 1%8: Regulations relating to the Meubelnywerheid, Tv!.: Wysiging Van grading of fresh pears ...... 4 5361 HoofooreenkOIhs ...... ;...... 59 5361 Bantu Administration and Developl1}ent, Department of R.2472. Wet op Nywerheidsversoening, 1956: . Meubelnywerheid, Tvl.: Verlenging van Government Notice geldigheidsduur van Hoofooreenkoms ... 59 5361 2515. Act 32 of 1944: Establishment of the R.2473. Wet op Vakleerlinge, 1944: Metaalnywer­ Bophuthatswana East Regional Division heid: Leervoorwaardes ...... 67 5361 and Regional Court ...... 5363 R.2474. Wet op Vakleerlinge, 1944: Metaalnywer­ heid ...... ,.. 68 5361 Coloured, Rehoboth and Nama Relations, Department of R.2475. Wet op Vakleerlinge, 1944: Metaalnywer­ heid ...... ,...... 69 5361 Government Notice R.2496. Wet op Nywerheidsversoening, 1956: R.2478. Act 56 of 1976: Regulations in connection Meubelnywerheid, Oranje-Vrystaat: Wysi­ with the registration of voters ...... '" ... 7 5361 ging van Hoofooreenkoms ...... 69 5361 Commerce, Department of Bantoe-administrasie en -ontwikkeling, Departement van Government Notices Goewcrmentskellnisgewing R.2482. Act 76 of 1973: Measuring Units and 2515. Wet 32 van 1944: Instelling van die Bophu­ National Measuring Standards Act ...... 45 5361 thatswana-Oos-stniekafdeling en Streekhof 5363 R.2510. Act 65 of 1976: Financial Relations Act 46 5361 Rinnelandse Sake, Departenient van General Notices Goewermclltskennisgewings R.2479. Wet 37 van 1973: Wysiging van regulasies 830. Act 61 of 1973: Notices in terms 'Of the . uitgevaardig kragtens die Wet op Maat­ Companies Act ...... , ...... 5362 skaplike Pensioene ...... 49 5361 831. Act 61 of 1973: Companies struck off the R.2480. Wet 33 van 1960: Wysiging van regulasies register ...... 6 5362 uitgevaardig kragtens die Kinderwet ...... 50 5361 Community Development, Department of 2521. Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937: Vansver­ andering: Bekker in Enever ...... 2 5363 General Notices 2522. Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937: Vansver­ 808. Act 3 of 1966: Notice of expropriation 6 5363 andering: Allison in Porter ...... 2 5363 2523. Wet op Vreemdc1inge, 1937: Vansver­ 824. Act 3 of 1966: Notice of expropriation 8 5363 andering: Mau in Ludwig ...... 2 5363 Customs and Excise, D~partment of 2524. Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937: Vansver- andering: Motzou in Motzouris ' ...... 4 5363 Government N olice 2526. Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937: Vansver­ R.2487. Customs and Excise Act, 1%4: Amendment andering: Cohen in Vane-Cohen ... ,.; ..... 4 5363 of Schedule 6 tNo. 6/71) ...... 46 5361 2527. Wet op Publikasies, 1974: Ongewenste publikasies: Lys P76/76 ...... :...... 3 5363 Finance, Department or 2528. Wet op Publikasies, 1974: Ong·ewenste publikasies: Lys P76/77 ...... 4 5363 Government Notices 2529. Wet op Publikasies, 1974: Ongewenste 2513. Act 86 of 1968: Appointment as member: publikasies ...... , ... .., ... 3 5363 State Tender Board '" ...... 2 5363 2530. Wet op Pub1ikasies, 1974: Ongewenste 2516. Local/Internal Registered Stocks ...... , 2 5363 publikasies ...... 3 5363 IndustrieS, Department of Doeane en Aksyns, Departement van Government Notices Goewermentskennisgewillg R.2487. Doeane­ en Aksynswet, 1964: Wysiging R.2507. Act 58 of 1973: Sea Fisheries Act ... '" 47 5361 van Bylae 6 (No. 6/71) ...... 46 5361 R.2508. Act 58 of 1973: Levy on fish ...... 48 5361 Finansies, Depadement van R.2509. Act 44 of 1944: Fishing Ihdustry Develop­ ment Act ... '" ...... 49 5361 Goewennentskellnisgewillgs 2513. Wet 86 van 1968: Aanstelling as lid: General Notice Staatstenderraad ...... '" ...... 2 5363 852. Customs and Excise Tariff applications: 2516. Plaaslike/Binnelandse Geregistreerde List 41/76 ...... 10 5363 Effekte ...... 2 5363 Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


No. Page Gazette BladYy Staats,. No. No. No. No. koerant No. Interior, Deparlme.t of G emeenskapsbou. Deparfementyan Government Notices Algemene KennisgelVings R.2479. Act 37 of 1973: Amendment of regulations 808. Wet 3 van 1966: Kennisgewing van made under the Social Pensions Act '" ... 49 5361 onteiening '" ...... 6 5363 R.2480. Act 33 of 1960: Amendment of regulations 824. Wet 3 van 1966: Kennisgewing van made under the Children's Act ...... 50 5361 onteiening ...... 8 5363 2521. Aliens Act, 1937: Change of surname: Handel, Departement van Bekker to Enever ...... 2 5363 2522. Aliens Act, 1937: Change of surname: Goewermentskennisgewings Allison t() Porter ...... 2 5363 R.2482. Wet 76 van 1973: Wet op Meeteenhede en 2523. Aliens Act, 1937: Change of surname: Mau Nasionale Meetstandaarde ...... '" 45 5361 to Ludwig '" ...... 2 5363 R.251O. Wet 65 van 1976: Wet op Finansiele Ver­ houdings ...... 46 5361 2524. Aliens Act, 1937: Change of surname: Motzou to Motzouris ...... 4 5363 Algemene Kennisgewings 2526. Aliens Act, 1937: Change of surname: 830. Wet 61 van 1973: Kennisgewings ingevolge Cohen to Vane-Cohen ...... 4 5363 die Maatskappywet ...... '" 5362 2527. Publications Act, 1974: Undesirable publi­ 831. Wet 61 van 1973: Maatskappye geskrap van cations: List P76/76 ...... 3 5363 register ...... 6 5362 2528. Publications Act, 1974: Undesirable publi­ Justisie, Departement van cations: List P76/77 ...... 4 5363 Goewermentskennisgewings 2529. Pu~lications Act, 1974: Undesirable publi­ catIons ...... 3 5363 R.2476. Wet 59 van 1959: Wet op die Hooggeregs­ hof ... '" ...... 50 5361 2530. Pu~lications Act, 1974: Undesirable publi­ catIons ...... , ...... 3 5363 R.2477. Wet 59 van 1959: Wet op die Hooggeregs­ hof ...... 51 5361 Justice, Department of Kleurling-, Rehoboth- en Namabetrekkinge, Departement van Government Notices Goewermentskennisgewing R.2476. Act 59 of 1959: The Supreme Court Act 50 5361 R.2478. Wet 56 van 1976: Regulasies in verband R.2477. Act 59 of 1959: The Supreme Court Act '" 51 5361 met die registrasie van kiesers ...... 7 5361 Labour, Department of Landbou-ekonomie en -bemarking, Departement yan Government Notices Goewermentskennisgewil1gs R.2468. Bantu Labour Relations Regulation Act, R.2497. Wet 47 van 1970: Regulasies vir die beheer 1973: Stevedoring Trade: Order ...... 51 5361 oor wyn en spiritus: Wysiging ...... 78 5361 R.2469. Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956: Bedding R.2505. Wet 59 van 1968: Regulasies met betrekking t~t .die gradering van vars taaipitperskes Manufacturing Industry, Tvl: Amendment 5361 of Main Agreement , ...... 55 5361 vir mmaak ... '" ...... 2 R.2506. Wet 59 van 1968: Regulasies met betrekking R.2470. Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956: Bedding tot die gradering van vars pere ...... 4 5361 Manufacturing Industry, Tvl: Extension of period of operation of Main Agreement 55 5361 Landboukrediet en Grondbesit, Departement van R.2471. Industrial Conciliation Ac( 1956: Furniture Algemene Kel1nisgewing Manufacturing Industry, Tvl: Amendment 850. Staatsgrond te huur aangebied 10 5363 of Main Agreement ."...... 59 5361 R.2472. Industrial Conciliation Act. 1956: Furniture Mynwese, Departement van Manufacturing Industry, Tvl: Extension of period of operation of Main Agreement ... 59 5361 Aigemene Kel1nisgewing 849. Wet 20 van 1967: Uithou van grond vir R.2473. Apprenticeship Act, 1944: Metal Industry: 5 5363 C

Amended closing times for legal notices Gewysigde sluitingstye vir wetlike kennis­ and Government notices .•• ...... •. ••. 29 5363 gewings en Goewermentskennisgewings 29 5363 Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


Page Bladay No._ No. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS WEnllm ADVERTENSIES . General Conditions and Rates ...... 32 Algemene V oorwaardes en Tariewe ." 32

Admimstration of Estates Acts Notices... 54 Aktes: VerlOre Dokumente 38 Business Notices ...... ~...... 33 Algemeen...... , ....,. 51 Butchers' Notices ...... 50 Besigheidskennisgewings ...... 33 Change of Name ....;...... '" ...... 49 Boedelwettekennisgewmgs...... 54 Companies Notices ...... 34 Derdeparty-assuransie-eise ...... 76 Geregtelike en Openbare Verkope ...... 41 Deeds: Lost Documents ...... 38 52 . General...... 51 Handelsmerke in S.W.A. .. , ...... Insolvency Acts and Companies Acts Insolvensiewet- en Maatskappywette­ Notices ...... 68 kennisgewings ...... 68 Liquidators' Notices ...... 37 ,Likwidasiekennisgewings ...... 37 Lost Life Insurance Policies ...... 74 Maatskappykennisgewings .;...... 34 Naturalisation Notices ...... 75 Naamsveranderings ...... '" ••. 49 Orders of the Court .. ; ...... ;.. '" ... 39 N aturalisasiekennisgewings .. , ...... •.. 75 Sales in Execution and Public Sales ...... 41 Orders van die Hof ...... '" 39 Third Party Insurance Claims ...... 76 Slagterskennisgewings ... '...... -...... 50 Trademarks in S.W.A. -...... 52 VerIore Lewensversekeringspolisse .. . 74

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