Development Control Committee Burnley Town Hall
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DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE BURNLEY TOWN HALL 30/06/2016 at 6.30 p.m. Members of the public may ask a question, make a statement, or present a petition relating to any matter within the remit of the Committee. Notice in writing of the subject matter must be given to the Head of the Chief Executive’s Office by 5.00pm three days before the meeting. Forms can be obtained for this purpose from the reception desk at Burnley Town Hall, Manchester Road or the Contact Centre, Parker Lane, Burnley or from the web at A G E N D A 1. Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. 2. Minutes To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the last meeting held on 2nd June 2016 available at 3. Additional Items of Business To determine whether there are any additional items of business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair decides should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. 4. Declaration of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the provision of the Code of Conduct and/or indicate if S106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them. 5. Exclusion of the Public To determine during which items, if any, the public are to be excluded from the meeting. PUBLIC ITEMS 6. List of Deposited Plans and Applications (i) APP/2015/0466 - 19 Athol Street North, Burnley - Proposed erection of shop/dwelling (ii) APP/2016/0021- Land Former WM Blythe Chemicals, Manchester Road Hapton -Proposed erection of 202no. houses with associated access, open space and landscaping 7. Decisions taken under the Scheme of Delegation To receive for information a list of delegated decisions from 23rd May to 19th June 2016. MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEE Charlie Briggs Lubna Khan Frank Cant (Vice Chair) Liz Monk Trish Ellis Neil Mottershead Sue Graham Mark Payne John Harbour Tom Porter Tony Harrison David Roper Marcus Johnstone Asif Raja Arif Khan (Chair) Cosima Towneley PUBLISHED: 22nd June 2016 BURNLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE REPORTS ON PLANNING APPLICATIONS Photograph McCoy Wynne Part I: Applications brought for Committee consideration 30th June 2016 Housing and Development DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 30th June 2016 INDEX App No Description Location Recommendation Page No APP/2015/0466 Proposed erection 19 Athol Street Recommended for 1 of shop/dwelling North, Burnley Delegation APP/2016/0021 Proposed erection Land Former Recommended for 9 of 202no. houses WM Blythe Approval with associated Chemicals, access, open space Manchester and landscaping Road Hapton Application Recommended for Delegation APP/2015/0466 Trinity Ward Full Planning Application Proposed erection of shop/dwelling 19 ATHOL STREET NORTH, BURNLEY Background: The site is a vacant plot of land (site of 19 Athol Street North which was demolished) at the end of a terraced row of houses. Permission was refused in 2005 for the erection of a shop on the site; at that time the land was allocated as open space on the Neighbourhood Action Plan for South West Burnley (this no longer applies). An objection has been received. The application is recommended for delegation as an amended plan is awaited (window not shown on the Tay Street elevation plan). Relevant Policies: Burnley Local Plan Second Review CF12 - Local and village shops GP1 - Development within the Urban Boundary GP3 - Design and Quality GP5 - Access for All TM15 - Car parking standards H9 – Regenerating deprived urban areas and neighbourhoods E25 – Shop fronts H12 – Non-residential uses in residential areas H3 – Quality and design in new housing development Article 35 Statement The application as submitted was generally in accordance with local plan policies, however there were negotiations required as the scheme did not provide for a reasonable degree of privacy/outlook for residents at the rear/side and the design was not acceptable. Following discussions with the applicant amendments have been made and the proposals are now acceptable. Site History: 90/1040 – proposed 2-storey extension to 19 Athol Street North– refused 91/0458 – proposed 2-storey extension to 19 Athol Street North – granted 05/1080 – proposed erection of shop on site of 19 Athol Street North– refused Consultation Responses: Highway Authority – It is unclear what the nature of the shop is intended to be (food/non-food retail), however taking into account the availability of on-street customer parking along Tay Street I would raise no objection to the proposal on highway grounds. Environmental Health – Suggest that conditions in respect of construction hours and sound proofing are added if the application is approved. Neighbouring residents – One letter objecting to the application for the following reasons: the proposal would cause significant increase in noise and disturbance; would cause increased traffic and highway safety issues and cause a danger to nearby schools; increase in refuse and limited space for storage of bins. The Coal Authority – The Coal Authority has no objection to the proposed development. However, further more detailed considerations of ground conditions and/or foundation design may be required as part of any subsequent building regulations application. The potential exists for unrecorded mine workings to be present within coalfield areas. In the interests of public safety, therefore The Coal Authority recommend that, should planning permission be granted for this proposal, that an Informative Note is added to the decision notice stating that if unexpected coal mining features are encountered during development then they should be reported to The Coal Authority. Planning and Environmental Considerations: The site is located in a predominantly residential area and is located at the end of a row of terraced houses; it is a cleared site opposite the Sure Start Centre on Tay Street. The proposal involves the erection of a shop with living accommodation above consisting of a shop, garage/store and WC on the ground floor, 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen and bathroom on the 1st floor and a bedroom, on-suite and store room on the 2nd floor in the roof space. The main planning considerations are design/materials, privacy/outlook, residential amenity, highway issues and refuse storage. Design/materials The proposed building would fill the whole of the site, being 2-storey with a single- storey section at the rear adjacent to no.19 Athol Street North. On the elevation onto Tay Street would be the main shop front and with a garage door to the right hand side. On the elevation onto Athol Street North would be a shop window to the right hand side. No doors are proposed on the Athol Street North elevation. The windows on the Athol Street North elevation line in with the existing windows in the terraced row, the shop window on this elevation, although it is a double window it is in line with existing ground floor windows and is split into two to give a vertical emphasis. The shop front on the elevation to Tay Street consists of a central doorway with double windows to either side; although the shop front is not of a traditional design the shop windows are split into two to give a vertical emphasis and the shop front is considered to be acceptable in this location. Athol Street North site proposed for the shop/dwelling Sure Start Centre There is a bedroom window missing from the plan on the Tay Street elevation; it is shown on the room layout plan but not on the elevation plan below. An amended plan is therefore awaited (see below). approx. position of window (amended plan awaited) The proposed materials are re-constituted stone for the Athol Street North and Tay Street elevations with render on the rear elevation. It is considered that the Athol Street North and Tay Street elevation should be built in natural stone to match the existing terraced row; render would be acceptable on the rear. No details have been submitted for the roof materials; blue slate would be required to match the existing terrace. A condition would be required in order to ensure that matching stone for the elevations and matching roof slate are used for the development as artificial equivalents would not be acceptable given that the shop/dwelling will be attached to the existing terrace. Providing that the materials for the Athol Street North and Tay Street elevations are natural stone and blue slate used for the roof the proposals are considered to be acceptable in terms of design and materials. site proposed for the shop/dwelling Privacy/outlook The original proposals consisted of the whole of the property being 2-storey with windows on the rear elevation opposite dwellings at the rear. The proposals have now been amended taking into account outlook and privacy issues for the dwellings at the rear/side. There are no windows proposed now on the rear elevation and there is a single storey section now directly adjacent to the rear of no.19 Athol Street North so that privacy and outlook are no longer an issue for these properties. There was previously a dwelling on the site which was demolished. The property on the opposite side of Athol Street North (no.20) did previously therefore have a building opposite it. The proposed building would be in the same position and would have a shop window on the ground floor and two bedroom windows on the 1st floor. On the opposite side of Tay Street is the Sure Start building which provides community services. Privacy and outlook for occupiers of nearby properties are now considered to be acceptable. application site residential properties at the rear of the site Residential amenity The main shop front and doorway are located on the Tay Street elevation and are not facing any residential properties; noise and disturbance should therefore be minimal for the adjacent dwellings.