25.02.09 Mins
BURNLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL BURNLEY TOWN HALL Wednesday, 25th February 2009 PRESENT MEMBERS Her Worshipful The Mayor (Councillor Ida Carmichael) in the Chair; Councillors Frank Ashworth, Howard Baker, Bill Bennett, Gordon Birtwistle, Justin Birtwistle, Charlie Briggs, Lynne Briggs, Bill Brindle, Charles Bullas, Frank Cant, Julie Cooper, Derek Dawson, Peter Doyle, Gary Frayling, Roger Frost, Jonathan Gilbert, John Harbour, Allen Harris, David Heginbotham, Karen Heseltine, Michael Heys, Anne Kelly, Arif Khan, Wajid Khan, Anthony Lambert, Margaret Lishman, Maureen McCaffrey, Peter McCann, Malik Mohammed, Elizabeth Monk, Darren Reynolds, Paul Reynolds, Martin Smith, Len Starr, Jeff Sumner, David Thomson, Cosima Towneley, Linda White and Sharon Wilkinson. OFFICERS Steve Rumbelow - Chief Executive David Brown - Director of Environment Mick Cartledge - Director of Community Services Nick Aves - Director of Resources Mike Cook - Director of Regeneration and Housing David Wilcock - Head of People and Law Phil Moore - Head of Finance Tom Forshaw - Head of Chief Executive’s Office Ruth Wynn - Democracy Manager Jeremy Richards - Communications Officer David Bristow - Deputy Mayor’s Officer Eric Dickinson Democracy Officer 87. Minutes RESOLVED The Minutes of the meeting of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on the 11th February 2008 were confirmed and signed by the Chair. 88. Mayor’s Communication Her Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor Ida Carmichael indicated that she had received a request from Councillor Jonathan Gilbert for permission to address the Council on a matter of condolence. Full Council 25th February 2009 Page 1 of 11 Councillor Jonathan Gilbert addressed the Council on behalf of the Conservative Group to extend condolences, thoughts and prayers to David Cameron MP and his family on the death of their son Ivan.
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