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Hardcore Computist 80 u u u u U tf.l .... ~ I: lQ ~ r:1' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ :1 0 "r1 () ..... ~ ." ~ ~ c: ~ 8' In' 0 0 0 p..'1~~ :::t o [~J ~ 0 0 C/) 00' 0 '1 ..... "8 !t Cl 8 .... ~ ~~c::tD ~ ::s el ~ ~ > Q ~ ~ ~ = () 0 In' I» • ; § ; 0 ....... '" '" O<l tf.l '" ~ ~ ..... '2 ~ =~. I: -~ O<l5' ... ~ ~ rr n~;~ ...'" CIl ~ O<l §. ~ () !!. g Jil 0 O<l ~p..a 80 COMPUTIST N .3: 0 [ ::s () i" 3 3 ::r ....... -- ~ '< '< ~ CI) e. ~I~f a, m ~ '" ~ ~ ~03- % 'Q Os-a~ .i a~ c-) i ~ ... I» (Q 3 3 a ~~ 0 § (II -C '" I!l. '" ::s o < ~ S? .::::; ~ 3~elp.. '" ... 0' ~ Canada & Mexico $7 U.S. $3.75 CD ~ --(II 0 ~ t'D tfJ ;r ......."l:l '"C rD "S!. ~ ., ........ e: p~.~~ ..... 0' =:! (ll '" rD c: ~ '"= '" l::: ~ '1 el (') - :[ 3 (ll ::I. QO ~ Ta.ble of Contents ~ "' ........ g a: l'\" E g S" ~ :i" ~. -- ........ p..(')~ (') 0 _. -- -I (I) '< ..... i:: e. p.. ::s rIl 0 ~~; (II rIl Editorial Note ....................•.......3 Jeff Hurlburt 21 Dinosaur Days v1.0 20 tf.l§~ [ - ..... S' 3 ... RDEX Contributors 23 ::q~ en Bob Igo 21 Empire 8 In' = 0 ~ til l:l '" = "1»8,. ~ rIl Most Wanted Softkeys 23 Blain Johnson 21 Fahrenheit 451 19 i:l':::(,A -I ~ :::N""""' unCI~ifieds •.••••.................•.••.23 Gary Wills 21 Fay's Word Rally 20 GATO v1.3 21 The Product Monitor Features, Notes & such: Greeting Card Maker 20 » c "-CO Reviews Add Copy II Plus file handling to Hostage 15 c moo AT Bus Design 5 your BASIC progr. See A Copy II KeefThe Thief 8 :::Dm i: Apple IIgs Hardware Reference, Plus PLUS! 7 Magic Spells v2.0 19 t.n -g m second edition 5 Magic Spells v2.1 19 t.n :E0-C Comments on the Beginner's Book .. 7 0 fn><C Countdown 4 Fonnatting 720K disks as 1.44M HD. Mickey's Crossword Puzzle Maker16 0 _. N -I Genius Mouse:GM-F302/303 5 See Holey Megabytes! 6 Monsters and Make Believe v1.1 20 :::D :::D ::Sol::l-- Logo PLUS 4 How to SAVE hexdumps as CDA's .8 Pipe Dream 8 m 0 N~ Thunderstick 4 Logging ProDOS Drives 6 Pipe Dreams 15 -t Fast Frames, Updates, Etc. The Basics ofKracking (part 7) 17 Rear Guard 17 0 ~ A Copy II Plus PLUS! 7 The Basics ofKracking (part 8) 18 Rendezvous with Rama 19 Z (X) :::D - Countdown: E-mail 6 Same or Different 20 0 m c.o Bitkeys: Teacher's Tool Kit.. 19 0 (X) - Hole 19 Talk 5 c: Holey Megabytes! 6 Teacher's Tool Kit (lIe) 20 m eN Black Magic 16 t.n oI::l- Keeping the Wiz in Wiz III 6 Guild ofThieves 16 War of the Lance 10 -t oI::l- Logging ProDOS Drives 6 Where in the USA isCannen m I Gunslinger 16 c 0 Next 7 King's Quest Series 16 Sandiego? 9 N Platinum Yanked! 7 Leisure Suit Larry 16 Windwalker OS 15 oI::l- Program Writer 6 Windwalker lIe 15 N Man Hunter: New York 16 Salute! 7 Police Quest 16 APTs: XT-AT Handbook 7 Realms ofDarkness 16 'Courses of 1990 5 Saracen 16 Space Rogue 16 'Unlimited Golf& Course Design .. 5 Sierra Boot Disks 16 Wizardry III. See Keeping the Wiz in Why Logo? 4 Silicon Dreams 16 Wiz III Vendors •••••••••••••••••.•_•••••••••••••••••••... 7 Space Quest Series 16 Ultima V 16 Playing Tips: Questions: Wizardry Series 16 Countdown 6 i, 8, 16, 17,21,22 Xyphus 16 Space Rogue 16 Answers: Softkeys: mM Softkeys: c:m.C: Edison , 21 Ancient Art of War 9 Serve and Volley 22 Groucho , 21 Battle Chess 10 Welltris 22 ~~ .... Ross A. Holmes ' 21 ....... 0" Bridge 6.0 10 - en :::D C -»I»-t E.N. Hondrick 21 Captain Blood GS 10 ~m Software recommendations "Assembler". Most of the source code in older sending source code files, and you are notusing issues is in S-C Assembler format. Ifyou use a the S-C Assembler, send them as normal text TheStarter Kitcontainsmostoftheprograms different assembler, you will have to translate files. COIVIPUTIST that you need to "Get started". In addition, we portions ofthe source code into something your recommend that you acquire the following: assembler will understand. When to include a printed letter Charles R. Haight Editor • Applesoft program editor such as "Global Don't include hardcopy (printout) unless: JeffHurlburt Reviews Program Une Editor (GPLE)". Computing checksums Dave Goforth BBS oAssembler such as "Merlin/Big Mac". a. You are writing about a bug orother printing Checksums are4-digithexadecimalnumbers oBit-copy program such as "Copy n Plus", error. which tell if you typed a program correctly and COMPUTIST is pubiished by SoftKey "Locksmith" or "Essential Data Duplicator". b. You are writing to ask for help. helpyoulocate any errors.Thereare two typesof Publishing. Address all inquiries to: ·Word-processor (such as AppleWorks). checksums: onecreated by the CHECKBINpro­ c. You are answering another readers help re­ COMPUTIST ·"COPYA", "FID" and "MUFFIN"from the gram (for machine language programs) and the quest. 33821 East OrvDle Road DOS 3.3 System Master disk. Eatonville, W A 98328·9590 othercreatedby the CHECKSOFTprogram (for d. You are writing about your subscription or (206) 832-3055 Super lOB and Controllers BASIC programs). Both are on the "Starter Kit". sending an order for back issues or software. oCOMPUTISTdoes NOTpurchase editorial Ifyourchecksumsdonotmatchthepublished Bugs, requests for help and answers to re­ This powerful deprolection utility (in the checksumsthen thelinewherethefirst checksum material.Theentire editorial contentconsists COMPUTIST Starter Kit) and its various Con­ quests for help arebumpedto the head,ofthe line of information submitted to COMPUTIST differs is incorrect. trollers are used in many softkeys. (It is also on and go in the verynext issue. All otherletters are for publication in the shared interests of ali each Super lOB Collection disk.) CHECKSOFT instructions: Install Check­ printed in the order that we receive them. COMPUTISTs. soft (BRUN CHECKSOFT) then LOAD your oUnsolicitedmaterial (manuscripts, letters to Reset into the Monitor program. Press & to get the checksums. Correct Writing to get help the editor, softkeys, A.P.T.s, playing tips, the program line where the checksums fIrst dif­ questions, etc.) are assumed to be submitted Softkeys occasionallyrequiretheuserto stop When writing to request help, be sure to fer. as letters-to-the-RDEX-editorforpublication the execution of a copy-protected program and include ALL relevent information. The more with all and exclusive rights belonging to directlyentertheApple'ssystem monitor. Check CHECKBIN instructions: Enter the monitor information you include, the easier it is to find a COMPUTIST. the following list to see what hardware you will (CALL -151), install Checkbin atsomeoutofthe solution. There's an old saying that goes "A oEntire contents copyright 1990 by SoftKey need to obtain this ability. way place (BRUN CHECKBIN, A$6000), and properly framed question includes 90% of the Publishing.Allrightsreserved.Copyingdone Laser 128: Your ROM includes a forced thenLOADyourprogram. Getthechecksumsby answer". for other than personal or internal reference jump to the monitor. Press ctrl return reset. typing the Starting address, a period and the (withoutexpress written permission from the How to get mail Applen+, lie, compatibles: 1) Place aninte­ Ending address ofthe fIle followed by a ctrl Y. publisher) is prohibited. ger BASIC ROM card in one of the Apple slots. SSSS.EEEE etrl Y If you are interested in receiving mail from •TheSoftKeyPublishing assumesnoliability or responsibility for the products advertised 2)Useanon-maskableinterrupt(NMI)cardsuch Correctthe lines where thechecksums differ. other readers, be sure that we have a current in this newsletter. Although we are usually as Replay or Wildcard. address. If you use a pen name and want to pretty much in agreement, any opinions Apple n+, compatibles: 1) Install an F8 Writing to the RDEX editor receivemail, weneed to have your address. Our ROM with a modified reset-vector on the com­ readers privacy is important, so we will notprint expressed by the authors are not necessarily RDEX (are-decks) stands for: Reader's Data those ofCOMPUTIST magazine or SoftKey puter'smotherboardas detailed in the"Modified your address unless you specifically say too. EXchange. We print what you write. When you Publishing. ROM's" article (COMPUTIST #6 or Book Of send in articles, softkeys, APTs, etc., you are Softkeysill)orthe"DuaIROM's"article(COM­ How to write to RDEX authors SUBSCRIPTIONS: Rates (for g issues): submittingthemforfreepublicationinthismaga­ PUTIST #19). U.S $24 Canada/Mexico .. $34 zine. RDEX does notpurchase submissions nor When writing to one of the RDEX authors. Apple /le,llc: Install a modifiedCDROM on U.S. 1st Class .. $34 Other Foreign ..... $54 do we verify data submitted bY readers. If you Write your letter and seal it in an envelope. Put the computer's motherboard that changes the discover anyerrors, pleaseletusknow so thatwe your return address, the authors name (as it oSubscriptions are sold by number of issues open-apple ctrl reset vector to point to the moni­ appearsinRDEX) andthecorrectpostageonthe and not by month or year. An 8 issue may inform our other readers. tor. (This will void an Apple lie warranty since envelope. Put this envelopeintoanother and send subscription means that you will recieve 8 Remember that your letters or parts of them you must open tM case to install it.) it to RDEX. We will put the correct address on issues before you need to renew. It's when maybeusedinRDEXevenifnotaddressedto the Apple Ilgs: Ifyou have the 2.x ROM, there is _you will receive each issue that we're a little RDEX editor. 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