No.F.16 (3Jl2019-Com-L/SC/Agri, Islamabad, the 28Th 0Ctober, 2019 NOTIEE
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IMMEDIATE BY SPECTAL MESSENGER/UMS NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT No.F.16 (3Jl2019-Com-l/SC/Agri, Islamabad, the 28th 0ctober, 2019 NOTIEE 6a meeting of the Soecial Commiftee on Agricultural Products will be held on 4th Ngyenbef 2019 at 2:00 pm in Committee Room No. 2, Parliament House, lslamabad to discuss the following agenda: i. ConJirmation of the Minutes ofthe Previous Meeting; ii. Availability and Pricing Trend of Various Fertilizer Products Particularly Urea and DAP; iii. Any other item with permission of the Choir. 2. The Honourable Members are requested to make it convenient to attendAe the meeting. (wAsrM GoHAR) Secretary Committee 8051-9103103 051-9221106[Fax) 1. Mr, Asad Qaiser, Speaker, Natlonal Assembly of Pakistan Chairman 2. Dr, Fehmida Mirza, Minister for lnter-Provincial Coordination Member 3. Sahibzada Muhammad Mehboob Sultan, Minister for National Member Food Security and Research 4. Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Khan, Minister for Aviation Diyision Member 5. Syed Fakhar Imam Member 6. Mr. Asad Umar Member 7. Mr. Riaz Fatyana Member 8. Makhdoom Zain Hussain Qureshi Member 9. Engr. Usman Khan Tarakai Member 10. Mr. Sher Akbar Khan Member 11. Mr. Imran Khattak Member 12. Mr. Muhammad Sana Ullah Khan Masti Khel Member 13. Malik Muhammad Ehsan Ullah Tiwana Member 14, Mr, Muhammad Farooq Azam Malik Member 15. Mr. Faiz Ullah Member 16. Mr. Mujahid Ali Memher 17. Mr. Fazal Muhammad Khan Member 18. Mir Khan Muhammad Jamali Member 19. Mrl Rai Muhammad Murtaza lqbal Member 20. Mr. Zahoor Hussain Qureshi Member 21. Ms. Shandana Gulzar Khan Member 22. Mr, Khalid Hussain Magsi Member 23. Rao Muhammad Aimal Khan Member 24. Chaudhry Iftikhar Nazir Member 25. Mr. Saiid Mehdi Member 26. Syed Naveed Qamar Member 27. Nawab Muhammad YousufTalpur Member 28. Syed Javed Ali Shah Jillani Member 29. Rana Muhammad Qasim Noon Member 30. Ms. Nafeesa lnayatullah Khan Khattak Member 31, Mehar Ghulam Muhammad Lali Member No.r.16 (3)/2019-com-l/SC/A8ri Islamabad, th: 28" O.tob0r, 2019 For infornetion and necessary action wltlr reference to agenda:. 1. Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Adviser to Prime Minister on Finance and Revenue, Islamabad, witf the requost to attend the meeting. 2. Mr. Abdul Razak Dawood, Adviser to Prime Minister on Commerce, Textile, lndustli€s & Pro(l,rction and Investment, Islamabad, with the request to attend the meeting. 3. Mr. Omar Ayub Khan, Minister for Energy (PeFoleum Division), Islamabad, with the request to attend the meeting, 4. Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Islamabad, with t]le request to attend the meeting. 5. Secretary, M/o Industries & Production, Islamabad, with the request to attend the meeting. 6. Secretary, M/o National Food Security and Research, Islamabad, with the request to attend th{} meeting, 7. Secretary, M/o Energy (Petroleum Division), Islamabad, witl the request to attend the meeting. 8. Secr€tary, Agriculture Department KP, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhrva, Peshawar, with the request to attend t})e meeting. 9. Secretary Agriculture Department of Puniab, Government of Punjab, Lahorg with the r,-'quest to attend the meeting. 10. Chief, National Fertilizer Development Centre, (NDFCJ M/o National Food Security and Research, Islanrabad, with the request to submit 50 copies of the brief on the subject for onward transmission to the Memcers of the Committee and attend the meeting. 11. Deputy Chief, National Fertilizer Development Centre, (NDFC) M/o National Food Security anc Research, Islamabad, with the request to attend the meetinS. 12. CEO/Chrirman/MD, Engro Fertilizers Limited, 7th & 8th Floor, Harbor Front Building, Marine tlrive, Block 4, CIifton, lGrachi, witi the request to attend the meeting. 13. CEO/Chairman/MD, Fauii Fertilizer Company Limited, 156, Demand Road, Rawalpindi, with i:he request to attend the meeting. 14. CEO/Chalrman/MD, Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited,73, Harley Street, Rawalpindi, with the rcquest to attend the meeting, 15. CEO/Chalrman/MD, Fatima 6roup, Fatima Group Eertilizer Company Ltd., E-110, Khayabane-e-)inn:h, Lahorc Cantt Lahore, with the request to attend the meeting. 16, CEO/Chalrman/MD, Fatimafert Limited,35-A Shahrah-e-Abdul Hameed Bin Baadees, Emprels Road, Lahore with the request to attend the meeting. 17. CEO/Chalrman/MD, Pak-Arab Fertilizer [Pvt.) Ltd., Eeco 110, New Supper Town, Main Bulaverd Defence Road, Lahore,rvith the request to attend the meeting. 18. CEo/Chairman/MD, Agritech Limited, IsmailAiwan-i-Science, Off Shahrah-e-Roorni, Main Ferozpur Rrud, Lahore, witi the request to attend the meeting. 19. CEO/Chalrman/MD, Jaffar Brothers Pvt Ltd.,26-D,2nd Floor, Kashmir Plaza, Blue Area, lslamabad, wit.}l the request to attend the meetinB. 20. CEO/Chairman/MD, Suraj Fertilizer Industries (PvtJ Ltd.40-Lawrence Road, Lahore, with the request to.rttend the meeting. 21. CEO/Chaltman/MD, Lyallpur Chemicals, 18tr,, 3'd Floor, Shan Arcade, New Garden Town, Ba'ket Market, Lahore, with the request to attend the meetinC. 22, CEO/Chalrman/MD, Reliance Commodities, E-!,10, Khayaban-e-linnah, Lahore CantL, rvith the request to attend the meeting. 23. CEO/Chairman/MD, Suncrop Pesticides, 1"t Floor, Abdullah Centre L.M.O Multan, with the r(:quest to 3ttend the meeting. 24. CEO/Chalrman/MD, Premium Petroleum, Pvt. Ltd., , l't Floor, Abdullah Centre L.M.O Multan, with the :equest to attend the meeting. 25. CEO/Chairman/MD, Safi Chemicals & Fertilizers Pvt Ltd., i617-LMQ, Road, Multan, with the r(rquest to attend the meeting. 26. CEO/Chairman/MD, Pacific Chartering & Trading Pvt Ltd., Pacifice Place C-17, Bloc k-2 Kahkishan, Cliftor, Karachi, with the request to attend the meetinS. 27. CEO/Chalrman/MD, Agven, Pvt. Ltd.,214,2"d Floor, Park Towers Office Wing, Block-S, Cliftor, Karachr, with the request to attend the meeting. 28. CEO/Chairman/MD, United Agro Chemicals, 112, 1s Floor, Progressive Plaza, Beaumont Roarl, lbrachi, with the request to attend the meeting. 29. CEO/Chairman/MD, Cha'*la International old Rally Brothers Buildin8 Opposite National Bank of Pakisran Head 0fhce, Talpur Road, Karachi, with the request to attend the meeting. For informetion. coordination and necessarv action respectively to facilitate the holdhls of the-subiect meeting:- 1.. Director General (lTJ, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad with the request to arrange Multirnedia projector, place Notice on website and also SMS to Committee Members. 3 No.F.16 (3)/2019-com-l/sc/Agrl lslamabad, the 28h October,2019 z. Director [Media), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad, with the request to arrange the media coverage etc. of the meeting and ensure transmission of Press Release to the Media. 3. Director General (Admn/Financel, National Assembly Secretariag Islamabad. 4. Chief Cameraman, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 5. Librarian, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 6. Medical Superintendent, Federal Government Poly CIinic Hospital, Islamabad, through In-charge Dispensary, Parliament House, Islamabad. 7. Deputy Superintendent of Police (Security), Parliament House, Islamabad. 8. Drawing and Disbursing Officer, National Assembly Secreta at, Islamabad. 9. Sergeant-at-Arms, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 10 Engineer In-charge, Communications Unit, National Assembly/Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. 11 Director, CDA, Parliament House, Islamabad, to do needful throu8h all the concerned relating to Civil, Electrical and other works. 72 Annunciation Cell, National Assembly Secretariat, lslamabad. Resource Centre, Parliament Lodges, Islamabad. For information to: 1. Joint Secretary (l-/A-ll), Prime Minister's Omce, Islamabad. 2. Accountant General Pakistan Revenues, lslamabad. 3. Secretary to Honourable Speaker, National Assembly ofPakistan, Islamabad. 4. Director to Deputy Speaker, National Assembly of Pakistan, tslamabad. 5. Sr. P.S to Chiefwhip, Parliament House, Islamabad. 6. Director to Leader ofthe Opposition, National Assembly of Pakistan, Islamabad. 7. Sr. P.S to Secretary National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. B. Director Staffto Secretary, Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. 9. AP.S to Special Secretary (PAC/Parliamentary Commiftees), National Assembly Secretariat, tslamabad 10. P.S to Additional Secretary (Com), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 11. Sr. P,S to Additional Secretary (Admn), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 12. A.P.S to Joint Secretaries [C-1, C-ll & C-lll), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 13. Committee Branches-l & Il, Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. Copy also forwarded for information to:- 1. Honourable Attorney General for Pakistan, Islamabad Secretary Committee.