1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 413 and State of Massachusetts, in the place of John E. Mole, whose com­ the reading of so much of the J onrnal as relates to the introduction and mission expired December 20, 1885. reference of bills and joint resolutions. Charles C. Cressy, to be postmaster at Gloucester, in the county of There was no objection, and it was so ordered. Essex and State of Massachusetts, in the place of David W. Low, The Clerk then resumed and concluded the reading of the remainder whose commission expired December 20, 1885. · of the Journal, which was approved .. John H. Hamlin, to be postmaster at Eaton Rapids, in the county of Mr. NICHOLAS MULLER, a Representative-elect from the State of Eaton and State of Michigan, in the place of H. M. Hamilton, whose , appeared, qualified, and took his seat. commission expired December 20, 1885. Joseph L. Richards, to be postmaster at Buchanan, in the county of JOSEPH RA WICZ. Berrien and State of Michigan, in the place of L. P. Alexander, whose The SPEAKER laid before the Honse a letter from the Secretary of commission expired December 20, 1885. State, transmitting letters of Joseph Rawicz, consul at Francis Baasen, to be postmaster at New Ulm, in the county of Brown Warsaw, Poland, and recommending the passage of a bill granting him and State of Minnesota, in the place of Joseph Bobleter, whose com­ permission to accept certain decorations conferred by the Russian Gov­ mission expired December 15, 1885. ernment; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and . George L. Phillips, to be postmaster at Bethany, in the county of ordered to be printed. Harrison and State of :Missouri, in the place of James M. Simms, re­ ADDITIONAL MAIL-ROUTES, ETC. signed. The SPEAKER also laid before the Honse a letter from the Post­ William A. Wight, to be postmaster at Moberly, in the county of master-General, transmitting reports of mails established, of additional nan dol ph and State of Missouri, in the pla-ce of William Firth, resigned. allowances made to contractors, of curtailments in the service, of pay W. T. M:{;Qinnis, to be postmaster at Minden, in the county of Kear­ of contractors, and of all contracts for mail equipments for the fiscal year ney and State of Nebraska, in the place of John W. Gordyn, resigned. ending June 30, 1885; which was referred to the Committee on Ex­ John F. Walsh, to be postmaster at Humboldt, in the county of penditures in the Post-Office Department, and ordered to be printed. Richardson and State of Nebraska, in the place of Edgar S. Norton, re­ signed. REFERENCE OF SENATE BILLS. Arthur W. Bronson, to be postmaster at Clinton, in the county of The SPEAKER also, in accordance with the rules, laid before the Oneida and State of New York, in the place of Benjamin F. Libbey, House bills of the Senate of the following titles for reference, namely: whose commission expired December 20, 1885. A. bill (S. 126) to change the name of the National Bank of Winona; Millen T. Hill, to be postmaster at Gowanda, in the county of Catta­ which was referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency; . raugus and State of New York, in the place of B. G. Hill, resigned. A. bill (S. 471) to provide for the performance of the duties of the Calvin S. S~well, to be postmaster at Olean, in the conuty of Catta­ office of the President, in case of the removal, death, resignation, or ina­ raugus and State of New York, in the pla-ce of Wilson R. Page, whose bility of both the President and Vice-President; which was referred to commission expired December 20, 1885. the Select Committee on the Election of President and Vice-President; Julius Wasserman, to be postmaster at Amsterdam, in the county of A. bill (S. 335) to provide for protecting the interests of the United Montgomery and State of New York, in the place of William J. Kline, States in the Potomac River Flats, in the District of Columbia; which whose commission expired December 20, 1885. was referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia; and D. C. Hill, to .be postmaster at Painesville, in the county of Lake and A bill (S. 382) to authorize the Merchants' National Bank of Little State of Ohio, in the pla-ce of Jonathan F. Scofield, resigned. Rock, Ark., to change its name to the First National Bank of Little T. W. Long, to be postmaster at Cardington, in the county of Morrow Rock, A.rk.; which was referred to the Committee on Banking and Cur­ and State of Ohio, in the place of George W. Bell, resigned. rency. ·william R. Dawson, to be postmaster at Tidioute, in the county of JOINT RULES. Warren and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of James C. Long, whose The SPEAKER also laid before the House Senate resolution adopt­ commission expired December 20, 1885. ing joint rules of the two Houses; which was referred to the Commit­ A. J. Greenfield, to be postmaster at Oil City, in the county of Ve­ tee on Rules, and ordered to be printed. nango and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of Fid Bishop, whose LEAVE OF ABSENCE. commission expired December 20, 1885. Julian Field, to be postmaster at Fort Worth, in the county of Tar­ By unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted to Mr. KING rant and State of Texas, in the place of Belle :M. Burchill, whose com­ for six days and to Mr. OATES for four days, on account of important mission expired October 19, 1885. business. R. L. J emmings, to be postmaster at Marshall, in the county of Har­ WITHDRAWAL OF P APE:RS. rison and St.ate of Texas, in the place of William C. Pierce, whose com­ On motion of Mr. WHITE, of Pennsylvania,, by unanimous consent, mission expired October 24, 1885. leave was granted to withdraw from the files of the House the petition Mrs. L. S. McPherson, to be postmaster at Sherman, in the county and all papers of Mrs. James H. Reynolds, widow of James H. Rey­ of Grayson and State of Texas, in the place of John Donaldson, whose nolds, a sutler in the Seventy-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volun­ commission expired December 20, 1885. teers, no adverse report having been made thereon; and also to with­ James E. Shepard, tp be postmaster at Brenham, in the county of draw from the files of the Honse the petition and all papers in the Washington and State of Texas, in the place of John W. Hacksworth, claim of Dr. W. S. Hancock, late of the Seventy-eighth Regiment Penn­ whose commission expired December 20, 1885. sylvania Volunteers, there being no adverse report. William C. Browe, to be postmaster at Salt Lake City, in the county ORDER OF BUSINESS. of Salt Lake and Territory of Utah, in the place of John T. Lynch, The SPEAKER. Under the order of the Honse, made by unani­ whose commission expired December 20, 1885. mous consent, the Chair will now proceed to call the States and Ter­ Frederick W. Childs, to be postmaster at Brattleborough, in the ritories for the introduction and reference of bills and resolutions. county of Windham and State of Vermont, in the place of Charles H. Mansur, whose commission expired December 20, 1885. LUCIE...~ GOYAUX. Harvey M. Brown, to be postmaster at Columbus, in the county of Mr. GAY (by request) introduced a bill (H. R. 990) for the relief of Columbia and State of Wisconsin, in place of John Swarthout, whose the es-t.1.te of Lucien Goyaux; whic~ was read a first and second time, commission expired December 16, 1885. referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Joseph Osthelder, to be postmaster at Sheboygan Falls, in the county ABOLITION OF CERTAIN SHIPPING FEES, ETC. of Sheboygan and State of Wisconsin, in the place of Cha.rles A. Spen­ cer, resigned. :Mr. DINGLEY (hy Mr. REED, of :Maine) introduced a bill (H. R. 991) A. W. Weisbrod, to be postmaster at Oshkosh, in the county of Win­ to abolish certain fees for offici.a,l services to American vessels and to nebago and State of Wisconsin, in the place of Henry B. Harshaw, whose amend the laws relating to shipping commissioners, seamen, and own­ commission expired December 15, 1885. ers of ve els; which was read a :fir~ t and second time, refen·ed to the Select Committee on American Ship-building and Ship-owning Inter­ NOMINATION WITHDRAWN. ests, and ordered to be printed. John G. Lee, to be secretary of the legation of the United States at AMOS L. ALLEN. Constantinople. . Mr. DINGLEY (by Mr. REED, of Maine) also introduced a bill (H. R. 992) for the relief of Amos L. Allen; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HOMESTEAD SE'ITLID.IENTS. Mr. DINGLEY (by Mr. REED, of Maine) also-introduced a bill (H. TUESDAY, January 5, 1886. R. 993) to reserve the public lands of the United States for bona fule set­ TheHousemetat12o'clockm. PrayerbytheChaplain, Rev. W. H. tlers under the homestead laws; which was read a first and second MILBURN, D. D. time, referred to the Committee on the Public Lands. and ordered to The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of .M:onday, December 21, be printed. 1885. . DRAWBACKS. :Mr. LORE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to dispense with 1\Ir. DINGLEY (by 1\fr. REED, of Maine) also introduced a bill (H. 414 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD- HOUSE. JANUARY 5,

R. 994) to allow drawbacks on articles manufactured wholly or partly of Victor Beauboucher; which was read a :first and second time, referred of materials imported equal in amount to the duties paid on such ma­ to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed. terials when such articles are exported; which was read a first and sec­ JOHN A.· DAnLING. ond time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Mr. REED,ofMaine, alsointtoducedabill (H. R.1009) fortberelief of John A.. Darling; which was read a first and second time, referred to PRIV.A.TE LIGHTS AND BUOYS. the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. 1\Ir. DINGLEY (by l'lfr. REED, of Maine) also introduced a. bill (H. R. 995) prohibiting the establishment of private lights and private JAPA....~ESE INDEMNITY Fm~. buoys, and for other purpo es; which was read a first and second time, Mr. REED, of Maine, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1010) to amend referred to the Committee on Commm:ce, and ordered to be printed. an act entitled ".An act in relation to the J n.panese indemnity fund," EIGHT·HOUR LAW. approved February 22, 1883; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Mr. DINGLEY (by Mr. REED, of Maine) also introduced a bill (H. R. 9!>6) providing for the adjustment of accounts of laborers, workmen, GRAND TRUNK R.AILWA.Y COMPANY, CANADA. . and mechanics arising under the eight-hour law; which was reada:fi.rst l\1r. REED, ofl\Iaine, alsointroducedabill (H. R.lOll)fortherclief and second time, refe:r:red to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to of the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada; whlch was read a be printed. :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered 1\IRS. l\IA.ltY BENTO_T, to be printed. Mr. DINGLEY (by lli. REED,- of Mainel also introduced a bill (H. REPORT OF POLA.R EXPEDmo.~ TO LADY FRANKLIN BAY. R. 997) granting n. pension to Mrs. Mary Benton, widow of a. soldier o1 Mr. REED, of Maine, also introduced a r olutiou for printing 4,000 thewarof1812; which was read n. first and second time, referred to the copies, with the necessary illustrations, of the report of the international Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. polar expedition to Lady Franklin Bay, Grinnell Land, by First Lieut. EBENEEZER HAGGETT. A. W. Greely, Fifth Cavalry, , acting signal officer; Mr. DINGLEY (by Mr. REED, of Maine) also introduced a hill (H. · which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on R. 998) for the relief of Ebeneezer Haggett; which was read a first and Printing, and ordered to be printed.. second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to PENSIONS. be printed. .Mr. BOUTELLE introduced a bill (H. R. 1012) relating to pensions; PILOTAGE. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on lli. DINGLEY (by Mr. REED, of l'l1aine) also introduced a bill (H. Inv, lid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. R. 999) relating to pilotage; which was read a first and second time, re­ PUBLIC BUILDING AT HOULTON, ME. ferred to the elect Committee on American Ship-building and Ship­ l'llr. BOUTELLE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1013) to provide for owning Interests) and ordered to be printed. the erection of n. public building n.t the town of Houlton, Me.; which ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR TRAFFIC. was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Public Mr. DINGLEY (by Mr. REED, of Maine) also introduced a bill (H. Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be p.rlnted. · R. 1000) providing for a commi.ssion on the subject of the alcoholic FORT SULLIVAN MILITARY :R.ESERVATION1 EAS~ORT 1 !IE. liquor traffic; which was read a fi.rst and second time, referred to the Mr. BOUTELLE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1014) grnnting the Select Committee on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic, and ordered to be Fort Sullivan military reservation to the town of Eastport, 1\fe., 1or a printed. public park; which was _read a first and econd time, referred to the FREDERICK W. RUGGLES. Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. 1.1r. DINGLEY (by Mr. REED, of f.aine) also introduced a bill (H. BRIG OLIVE FRANCES. 1001) for tbereliefofFrederick Ruggles; which was read a :first R. W. Mr. BOUTELLE n.lso introduced a bill (H. R. 1015) for the relief of and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered War the owners and officers of the brig Olive Fmnces, and others on board said to be _printed. brig; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee SAMUEL D. BAILEY AND OTHERS. on Claims, and ordered to be printed. M.r. DINGLEY (by Mr. REED, of Maine) also introduced a bill (H. BRIDGES ACROSS THE ST. JOHN A.ND ST. FRANCIS RIVERS. R. 1002) for the relief of Samuel D. Bailey and others; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and Mr. BOUTELLE also introduced n. bill (H. R. 10!6) for the construc­ ordered to be printed. tion of bridges across the St. John and St. Francis Rivers; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Foreign Rela­ SALE OF Ili!PORTED LIQUORS. tions, n.nd ordered to be printed. · l'llr. DINGLEY (by Mr. REED, of Maine) also introduced a bill (H. RELIEF OF MEN OF THE"NAVY ETC., CHARGED WITH DESERTIO-·. R. 1003) granting the consent of Congress that State laws may apply 1 to the sale of imported distilled and fermented liquors in the same Mr. BOUTELLE also introduced a bill (H . R. 1017) to relieve certain manner as to liquors of domestic manufacture; which was read a first appointed or enlisted men of theNn.vy and :Marine Corps from the charge and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and of desertion; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ ordered to be printed. mittee on Nn.val Affairs, and ordered to be printed. COh-rv!CT LABOR. LIGHTS ON ISLAl.~DS IN 11100 EHEAD LAKE. Mr. DINGLEY (by Mr. REED, of Maine) also introduceda bill (H. 1r. BOUTELLE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1018) for the erection R. 1004) to prohibit the letting of Government work to contractors of beacon lights on the islands in l'lioosehea.d Lake; which was read a emp~ oying convict labor; which was read a first and second time, re­ first and second time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ferred to the Committee on Labor, and ordered to. be printed. ordered to be printed. UNITED ST.A.TES NOTES OF Slii.A.LL DENOMIN .A.TIONS. CAPT. RODXEY C. BARKER. Mr. DINGLEY (by l'l1r. REED, of Maine) also introduced a joint Mr. BOUTELLE n.lso introduced a bill (H. R. 1019) for the relief of resolution (H. Res. 31) requiring the printing, preparing, and issuing Capt. Rodney C. Barker; which was read a :first and second time, re­ of United States notes in small denominations insufficient amounts to ferred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. supply the public demand; which was read a first and second time, re­ WAR CLA.IliiS. ferr d t:> the Committee on Banking and Currency, and ordered to be Mr. BOUTELLE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1020) to settle and printed. · adjust the claims of any State for expenses incurred by it in defense GEORGES. HUNT & CO. of the United States; which was read a first and second time, referred Mr. REED, of Maine, introduced a bill (H. R. 1005) for the relief to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. of George S. Hunt & Co.; which was read n. first and second time, re­ E. I. SMALLS. ferred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. l'lfr. BOUTELLE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1021) granting a pen­ PIIINNEY & JACKSOX. sion to E. I. Smalls; which was read a first and second time, referred Mr. REED, ofl\Iaine, also introduced a bill(H. R.1006) for therelief to the Committee on ln'!alid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. of Phinney & Jackson; which was read a first and second time, referred 1\IA.RY E. BAKER. 'to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. . Mr. BOUTELLE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1022) granting a pen­ DUDLEY HALL & CO. sion to Mary E. Baker; which was read a first and second time, referred :Mr. REED, of Maine, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1007) for the mlief to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. of Dudley Hall & Co.; which was read a first and second time, referred THOMAS J. KNOWLES. to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BOUTELLE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1023) granting a pen- VICTOR BEA.UBOUCHER. sion to Thomas J. Knowles; which was read a first and second time, :Mr. REED, of Maine, also introduced a bill (H. R. 100"8) for the relief referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. 1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 415

AtJRELIA F. ROBBINS. State of Maine in favor of arbitration and peace; which were referred 111r. BOUTELLE also introduced a. bill (H. R.1024) granting a pen- to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. sion to Aureiia F. Robbins; which was read a first and second time, re- INDIANS. ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. MILLIKEN also presented resolutions of the Legislature of the GEORGE w. STEVEXS. State of Maine relating to United States appropriations for Indians; Mr. BOUTE:f:.LE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1025) granting arrears which were referred to the Committee on.Indian Affairs. of pension to George W. St-evens; which was read a fi.mt and second 1\IA..RYLA ND AND VIRGINIA FREE SHIP-CANAL. time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Mr. FINDLAY introduced a b111 (H. R. 1041) to prov1de for the con- printed. struction of the Maryland and Virginia Free Ship-canal as a means of PORT OF ENTRY AT MOUNT DES.E.'RT FERRY, ME. military and naval defense ::.nd for commercial pm-poses; which was Mr. MILLIKEN introduced a bill (H. R. 1026) providing for thees- read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Ra~ways tablishment of a port of entry at Mount Desert Ferry, in the town of and Canals, and ordered to be printed. Hancock, State of Maine; which was read a first and second time, re- STEA.JI.ISHIP CA ROLINE l"liiLLER. ferred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. .l\b-. FINDLAy also introduced a bill (H. R. 1042) to provide for an EXTENSION AND REPAIR OF PUBLIC BUILDING, BELFAST: ME. American register for the steamship Caroline 1\Iiller, of Baltimore, Md.; l\Ir. MILLIKEN also jntrodnced a bill (H. R. 1027) for the exten­ which was read a first and second time, referred to the Select Commit­ sion and repair of the public building at Belfast, Me.; which was read tee on American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests, and ordered to be printed. a first and second time, refened t~ the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. · ISAIAH DOWLING. EMERY S. W .A.RDWELL. Mr. FINDLAY also introduced a billlH. R. 1043) for the relief of Isaiah Dowling, retired assistaftt sur~eon, United States Navy; which Mr. MILLIKEN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1028) for the relief of was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Naval Emery S. Wardwell; which was read a first and second time, referred to Affairs, and ordered to be printed. the Committee on 111ilitary Affairs, and ordered to be printed. JOHN 111. M'CLINTOCK. JEFFERSON SAVAGE. :&fr. FINDLAY also introduced a bill (H. R. 1044) for the relief of Mr. MILLIKEN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1029) for the relief of John l\1. McClintock; which was read a first and second time. Jefferson Savage; which was read a first and second time, referred to The SPEAKER. The indorsement on this bill indicates a reference the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. . . to the Committee on Ways and Means; but under the newruleitmnst WILLIAM COLLINS. go t-o the Committee on Claims. For the guidance of members in indi­ Mr. 111ILLIKEN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1030) for the relief of eating the reference of their bills the Chair w_ill cause the Clerk to read William Collins ; which was read a :first and second time, referred to clause 7 of Rule XXI. the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. The Clerk read as follows: F. WARD. No bill for the payment or adjudication of any private claim. against the Gov­ ~LIE ernment shall be referred, except by unanimous consent, to any other tha.n tbe Jill'. MILLIKEN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1031) gra.llting a pen­ following-named committees, viz: To the Committee on Invalid Pensions , to the Committee on Pensions, to the Committee on Claims, to the Committee on sion to Willie F. Ward; which was .read a first and second time, re­ ·war Claims, to the Committee on Private Land Claims, and to the Committee ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. on Accounts. JOSIAH D. SNELL. The bill was referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be Mr. MILLIKEN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1032) granting a pen- printed. sion to Josiah B. Snell ; which was read a first and second time, referred EDMUND WOLF. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. FINDLAY also introduced a bill (H. R. 1045) for the relief of HEIRS OF WILLIAM PITCHER AND OTHERS. Edmund Wolf; whieh was read a first and second time, referred to the J\I.r. MILLIKEN also introduced a bill (R R. 1033) for the relief of Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. the heirs of William Pitcher, Axel Hayford, Samuel Otis, and George MAJOR ]fiCHAEL P . S"!\1ALL . . B. Fergusson; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Mr. FINDLAY also introduced a bill {H. R. 1046) for the relief of Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Maj. :Michael P. Small, commissary of subsistence, United States . DA TGS, BROWNELL & co. Army; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ Mr. MILLIKEN also jntroduced a bill (H. R. 1034) for the relief of mittee on l\Hlitary Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Bangs, Brownell & Co.; which was read a first and second time, referred MARY MORTIMER SEYMES. to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Ir. FINDLAY also introduced a bill (H. R. 1047) granting a pen- CONDEMNED CAST-IRON CANNON. sion to Mary Mortimer Semmes, widow ~f Commodore Alexander A. Semmes, United States Navy; which was read a first and second time, .l\Ir. MILLIKEN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1035) to donate con- referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be demned cast-iron cannon to the citizens of Waterville, Me. ; which was printed. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Military LEVI HERTZOG. Affairs, and ordered to be printed. . Mr. FINDLAY also introduced a bill (H. R. 1048) for the relief of STURGIS, LOMBARD & co. Levi Hertzocr· which was read a first and second time referred to the Mr.. MILLIKEN also intr.oduced a bill (H. R. 1036) for .the relief of Committee~~ War Claims, and ordered to be printed.' . 1 StnrgLS, Lom~>ard & Co. j .which was read a first and .second trme, referred DECLINE OF ..UIERIC.A.N COOPERAGE INTERESTS. to the Conumttee on Clarms, and ordered to be prrnted. ,. FINDLAY ub . ed h fi · t" - h" h JJ1 r. a 1so s m1tt t e o11 owrng reso1 u wn; w IC was JOHN W. KANE. . referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be Mr. MILLIKEN.also introduced a bill (H. R. 10?'7) for the reliefof printed: John W. Kane; which was read a first and second trme, referred to the . Resolved That the Committee on Ways and Means be, and it is hereby,in- Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. [ structed ~d directed to inquire into the causes of the decline of American coop- ' · erage interests, and of ~ur timber an~ shipping interests connected therewith,~ PETER M C.A.BE. 1 heretofore deyeloped m the trade w1th the Island of Cuba, and to report by btU !lfr. MILLIKEN also introduced a bill (H. R . 1038) for the relief of or otherwise. Peter McCabe; which was read a first and second time, referred to the FORECLOSURE IN THE DISTRICT. Committee on 1\Iilitary Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Mr. McCOMAS introduced a bill (H. R. 1049) to regulate the fore­ closure of mortgages and deeds of trust in the District of Colurn bia; which DONATI~N OF CONDEl\~TED CANNON. . . . was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Dis- 1\lr. MILLIKEN also mtroduced a bill (H. R. 1039) to donate con- , triet of Columbia, and ordered to be printed. demned cast-iron ca~on i? Thomas H. Marshall Post, N?. 41, Grand JOHN JOSEPH BRADSHAW. Army of the Republic; wh1ch wasreadafirstand second time, referred . . _ . . to th e Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed , Mr. McCOMAS also mtrodnced a bill (H. R. 10<>0) for the relief of

' T • ! John Joseph Bradshaw; which was read a first and second time, re- ~OM.A.S s. H~PKIN s. ' . ferred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. J\Ir. M.I~LIK~N also .mtroduced a bill (H. R. 1040) ~or the relief of CRDITN.A.L C'.ODE FOR DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.. · Thomas S. Hopkins; whiCh was read a first and second trme, referred to . . . . . the Comm.ittee on Invalid. p. ensions and ordered to be printed I Mr. McCOMAS alsomtroduceda bill(H. R.l051) toproVIdeacrum· ' · nal code forth.e District of Columbia; which was read a first and second _ ARBITRATION _AND PEACE. time, referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia, and or- Ur. MILLIKEN also presented resolutions of the Legislature of the dered to bo printed. 416 CONGRESSIONAL- REOOR_D-HOUSE. JANUARY 5,

INSURANCE IN THE DISTRICT. Free Ship-canal; which was read a. first and second time, referred to the Mr. McCOMAS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1052) to provide for Committee on·Railways and Canals, and ordered to be printed. regulating the business of insurance in the District of ~lumbia; whi?h LABORERS AT NAVAL ACADEMY. was read a first and second time, referred to the Comnnttee on the DIS­ Mr. COMPTON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1067) for the relief of trict of Columbia, and ordered t!) be printed. ~ certain laborers, workmen, and mechanics heretofore and at present em­ WAR CLAIMS. ployed at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md.; which Mr. McCOMAS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1053) to afford further was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, relief t-o loyal citizens of States not in rebellion for property taken by and ordered to be printed. the Army of the United States; which was read a first and second time, . MRS. MARY MORTll!ER SEMMES. referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. M.r. COMPTON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1068) granting a pen· ADULTERATION. sion to Mrs. Mary Mortimer Semmes, widow of the late Commodore Mr. McCO~IAS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1054) to prevent the Alexander A.. Semmes, United States Navy; which was read a first and adulteration of food and drugs; which was read a first and second time, second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and or- referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. dered t-o be printed. / ll EIBS OF HENRY LEEF, DECEASED. POST-OFFICE SAVINGS-BANK. Mr. SHA.W introduced a hill (H. R. 1069) for the relief of the heirs Mr. McCOMAS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1055) to establish a post­ of Henry Leef, deceased, owner of the bark 111~ia Theresa, illegap.y office savings-bank as a branch of the Post-Office Department; which seized by Alexander H. Tyler, consul of the Umted States at Bah~, was rea.dafirstandsecond time, referred to the Committee on the Post­ Brazil· which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com.lllt­ Office and Post-Roads, and ordered to be printed. tee on'Claims, and ordered to be printed. POSTAL TELEGRAPH. SOPHIA CHAMBERS. Mr. McCOMAS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1056) to establish a 1\fr. COLE introduced a bill {H. R. 1070) granting a pension to So­ postal telegraphic system in the United States; which was read a first phia Chambers; which was read a first and second time, referred to the and second time, referred to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ Committ-ee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Roads, and ordered to be printed. WILLIAM B. MUSE. REDEMPTION OF TRADE-DOLLARS. Mr. COLE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1071) for the relief of the Mr. McCOMAs also introduced a bill (H. R. 1057) to authorize the heirs of William B. Muse; which w~ read a first and second time, re­ :tedemption of trade-dollars of United States coinage; which was read a ferred to the Committee on Cla.ims, and ordered to be printed. first and second time, referred to the Committee on Banking and Cur­ rency, and ordered to be printed. WILLLW WEDDINGFIELD. a R. NOXIOUS AND DANGEROUS MEDIC.Th~. Mr. COLE also introduced bill (H. 1072) to amend the act ap­ proved February 26, 1885, granting a l?ension to William Wcd~ng­ Mr. McCOMAS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1058) to prevent the use tield; which was read a firSt and second time_, referred to the Comnnttee of United States mails to advertise noxious and dangerous medicines; on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be. printed. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. E)ITLY J. FARDY. JOSEPH ROMISER. • Mr. COLE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1073) for the relief of Emily J. Fardy; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ Mr. McCOMAS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1059) to grant a pen­ mittee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. sion to Jose})h Romiser; which was read a first and second time, re­ ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. MERCHANTS AND MINERS' TRANSPORT.ATIOY COMPANY. JOHN T. WALSH. Mr. COLE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1074) for the relief of the Merchants and Miners' Transportation Company of Baltimore, Md.; Mr. McCOMAS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1060lgranting a pen­ which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on sion to John T. Walsh; which was readafirstandsecond time, referred Claims, and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. LEWIS D. BROOKS. SARAH M. SHEARER. Mr. COLE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1075) for the relief of Le~ Mr. McCOMAS also introduced a bill {H. R. 1061) for the relief of D. Brooks; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com~ Sarah M. Shearer; which was read a first and second time, referred to mittee on MilitKuy Affairs, and ordered to be printed. the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. ADDITIONAL LIFE-SAVING STATIONS. ERNEST H. WARDWELL. Mr. LO::NG introduced a bill (H. R. 1076) establishing additional Mr. McCOMAS ·also introduced a bill (H. R. 1062) for the relief of life-savinO' stations on the sea and lake coasts of the United States; Ernest H. Wardwell; which was read a first and second time, referred which w~ read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Commerce, and ordered to be print-ed. FRANCES M. LAMBERT. REPLACL'l"G UNSERVICEABLE ORDNANCE. Mr. McCOMAS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1063) for the relief of Mr. LONG also introduced a bill (H. R. 1077) for replacing unservice­ Frances .M. Lambert; which was read a first and second time, re­ able ordnance issued for the militia. of the States and Territories; which ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be 'printed. was read n. first and second time, referred to the Committee on Uilitary WILLIAM H. KRANTZ. Affairs, and ordered to be printed. :Mr. :McCOllAS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1064) granting a pen­ TENURE-OF-OFFICE ACT. sion to William H. Krantz; which was read a first and second time, re­ IYir. LO:NG also introduced a bill (II. R. 1078) to repeal the tenure-of­ ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. office act· which was read a -first and second time, referred to the Select AME.KDliE5T OF COYSTITUTION. Commi~ on Reform in the Civil Service, and ordered to he printed. Mr. McCOMAS also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 33) pro­ ANN J. EATON, ADIDNISTRATRIX. posing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States; which 111r. LONG also introduced a bill (H. R. 1079) for the relief of Ann J. was rea.d a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Ju­ Eaton, administratrix; which was read ati.rst and secon~ time, referred diciary, and ordered to b~ printed. to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be pnnted. MO~m.IENT TO FRANCIS SCOIT KEY. NATIOYAL MONUl\IE...~T, PLYMOUTH, MASS. Mr. :McCOUASalsointroducedajointresolution(H. Res. 34) provid­ . Mr. LONG also introduced a bill (H. R. 1080) in aid of the national ino- for the erection of a monument at Frederick, Md., over the grave of monument at Plymouth, Mass.; which was read a first and second time, F~, ncis Scott Key, the author of the Star-Sp:mgle~ Banner; wiD:ch was referred to the Committee on the Library, and ordered to be printed. read a first and second time, referred to the Comnnttee on the Library, ADMISSION TO FLOOR-HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. and ordered to be printed. Mr. LONG also introduced a bill (H R. 1081) to provide that the WAR CLAIMS OF MARYLAND AND VIRGINIA. principal officer of each Departme?t may occupy a scat on the flo?r of :Mr. COMPTON introduced a bill (H. R. 1065) to provide for paying the House of Representatives; which was rea~ a first ~n.d seco~d t1me, certain advances made to the United States by the States of Maryland referred to the Select Committee on Reform m the Civil Service, and and Vir!rinia· which was read a. first and second time, referred to the ordered to be printed. Committee o~ Claims, and ordered to be printed. MA.RY A. BICKERDYKE. POTOMAC AND CHESAPE.A.KE FREE SHIJ.>·C.A.NAL. :M:r. LONG al o introduced a bill (H. R. 1082) gran.tin~ a pension to · 11r. COMPTON a1so introduced a bill (H. R. 1066) to provide for l\1ary A. Bickerdyke; which was read a first and second tlm~, referred t,i_, l'relim.inary surveys and location of the Potomac and Chesapeake to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be pnnted. 1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 417

FRANCIS H. KIRMAYER. sale of the naval hospital at Chelsea, Mass.; which was readafustand Mr. LONG also introduced a bill (H. R. 1083) granting a pension to second time, referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, andordered to Francis H. Kirmayer; which was read a first and second time, referred be printed. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. JANE N. DEVEREUX. ALICE s. HOLBROOK. 1\Ir. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1100) granting a pen- 1\Ir. LONG also introduced a bill (H. R. 1084) grantin2:a pension to sion to Jane N. Devereux; which was read a first and second time, re- ~ ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Alice S. Holbrook; which was read a :first an~ second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. HORACE TRASK. ALBION S. KEITII. Ur. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1101) restoring the name of Horace Trask to the pension-roll; which was read a first and Mr. LONG also introduced a bill (H. R.1085) forthereliefof Albion second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered S. Keith, late a naval cadet in the Ullited States Navy; which was to be p:~;intcd. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, ELBRIDGE SMITH. and ordered to be printed. JOHN DOLAN. nir. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1102) granting a pen- Yr. LONG (by request) also introduced ·a bill (H. R. ) for the sion to Elbridge Smith; which was re:td a first and second time, re- 1086 ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. relief of John Dolan; which was read a first and second time, referred to tire Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. MABELLE R. BULKLEY. AGNES W. AND S.A.R.AH J. HILLS. Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1103) granting a pen­ sion to 1\Iabelle R. Bulkley; which was read a first and second time, 1\ir. LONG (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1087) for the referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. relief of Agnes W. and Sarah J. Hills; which was read a first and sec­ ond time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be ELIZABETH SULLIVAN. printed. :Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1104) granting a pen· .ANGELIA M. MANNING. sion to Elizabeth Sullivan; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid ·Pensions, and ordered to be Mr. LONG (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1088) granting printed. a pension to Angelia M. Manning; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be JULIA CASSIDY. printed. Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1105) granting a pen-· ABBY L. BURBANK. sion to Julia Cassidy; which was read a first and second time, referred Mr. LONG (by request). also introduced a bill (H. R. 1089) granting to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. a pension to AbbyL. Burbank; which was read a first and second time, MARY B. CARLL. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1106) for the relief of printed. Mary B. Carll; which was read a first and second time, referred to the C. R. SYKES AND JOHN CURREY. Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be pri..Ii.ted. Mr. LONG (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1090) to con­ A"LGUSTA M. RICHARDS. fum the title to certain lands in the Territory of Arizona to Charles P. Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1107) granting a pen­ Sykes and John Currey; which was read a first and second time, re­ sion to Augusta M. Richards; which was read a first and second time, ferred to the Committee on Private Land Claims, and ordered to be referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. printed. • LAURA A. TURNER. MARGARET COFFEE. Mr. LONG (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1091) for the Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1108) granting a pen- relief of Laura A. Turner; which was read a first and second time,.re- sion to Mar~ret Coffee; which was read a first and second time, re­ ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be prin_ted. ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. . PUBLIC BUILDING AT WORCESTER, MASS. JOHN H. BARRY. · Mr. RICE introduced a bill {H. R. 1092) for the erection of a public Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1109) granting a pen­ building at Worcester, Mass.; which was read a first and second time, sion to John H. Barry; 'which was read a first and second time, referred referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and or­ to the Committee .on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. dered to be printed. STEPHE..."i FLYNN. BRITISH BARK CHANCE. . . Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R.1110) granting a pen­ Mr. RICE (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R.1093) for there­ sion to Stephen Flynn; which was read a first and second time, referred lief of owners, officers, and crewoftheBritish bark Chance; which was to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. · CHARLES DOUGLAS. ELLA E. GffiSON. :M:r. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1111) granting a pen- Mr. RICE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1094) granting a pension to sion to Charles Douglas; which was read a first and second time, referred Ella E. Gibson; which was read a first and second time, referred to the to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and erdered to be printed. Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. JOHN PIERCE. CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY. Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1112) granting a pen- Mr. RICE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1095) authorizing the con- sion to John Pierce; which was read a fi.rstandsecond time, referred to struction of a building for the accommodation of the Congressional Li- the Committ:ee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. bra.ry~ which was read a first and second time, referred to the Commit- WALTER s. HAYNES. tee on the Library, and ordered to be print-ed. Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1113)•granting a pen- PENSIONS. sion to WalterS. Haynes; which was read a first and second time, re- Ur. LOVERING introduced a bill (H. R.1096) granting pensions for ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. services in the Army and Navy of the United States during the war of DANIEL B. JENNESS. the rebellion; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1114) granting a pen- Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. sion to Dani.el B. Jenness; which was read a first and second time, re- EIGHT-HOUR LAw. ferred. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1097) for the adjust- BETSY M. MURRAY. ment of accounts of laborers, workmen, and mechanics arising under Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1115) granting a pen- the eighirhour law; which was read a first and second time, referred to sion to Betsy M. Murray; which was read a first and second time, re­ the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. POST-OFFICE BUILDING AT LYNN, MASS • . ORPHAN CHILDREN OF DENNIS OWENS. Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1098) for the erection :Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1116) granting a pen­ of a post-office building at Lynn, :Mass.; which was read a first and sion to the orphan children of Dennis Owens; which was read a first second time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. ordered to be printed. NAVAL HOSPITAL .AT CHELSE.1, MASS. JOHN OWENS. Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R. 1099) providing for Mr. LOVERING also introduced a bill (H. R.1117) granting a pen- XVII-27 418 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 5, . sion to John Owens; which was read a first and second time, referred WILLIAM R. BOAG. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. RANNEY introduced a bill (H. R. 1131) for the relief of Will­ WAR SERVICES OF SOLDIERS NOW IN TilE ARl\'IY. iam R. Boag; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Mr. LOVERING (by request) also introduced n. bill (H·. R. 1118) to Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. recognize the war services of Union oldiers now serving in the· regular MARINE SIGNAL BOARD. Army of the United States; which was read a first and second time, re­ Ur. RANNEY also introduced a. bill (H. R.1132) to establish a board ferred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. by the name of" the Marine Signal Board of the United State , "with A U.KIFORl\1 SYSTEM OF BANKRUPTCY. a view of having adopted a code and system of marine light and fog Ur. COLLINS introduced a bill (H. R. 1119) to establish a uniform signals and regulating the same; which was read a first and second time, system of bankruptcy throughout the United States; which was read a referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and SARAH J. IIILLS. ordered to be printed. Mr. RANNEY also introduced'a bill (H. R. 1133) for the relief of Du.&DENS O.Y Al\IERICAN MERCHANT MARINE. Sarah J. Hills; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Mr. COLLINS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1120) to amend the tenth Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. section of the act to remove certain burdens on the American merchant LIGHT AND FOG SrG~A.L AT CASTLE IIILL, R. I. marine; which was read n. first and second time, referred to the Select Commit teo on American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests, and 'Air. DA. VIS introduced a bill (H. R 1134) to establish a. light and ordered to be printed. fog signal at Castle Hill, R.I.; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. _ SECTION 3013 REVISED STATUTES. Ur. COLLINS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1121) to amend section PUBLIC DUILDL. ~G AT NEW BEDFORD, 1\lASS. 3013 ofth.e Revised Statutes; which was read a first and second time, Mr. DAVIS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1135) providing for the referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. erection of a public building at New Bedford, Mass.; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings COl\f.lliSSIONERS OF ALABAM4 CLADIS. and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. to Mr. COLLINS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1122) relating the CHARLES E. BOLLES. Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered Mr. DAVIS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1136) granting a pension to be printed. to Charles E. Bolles; which was read a firat aud second time, referred EVIDENCE TO QUIET TITLES. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. .Mr. COLLINS also introduced a bill (H: R. 1123) in relation to evi­ DILLS OF . LADING dence to quiet titles; which was read a first and secon.d time, referred ~Ir. DAVIS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1137) to make bills of to the Committee on the Judiciary, -and ordered to be printed. lading conclusive evidence in certain ~'lses; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered POSTAGE OY SECON'D-CLASS MAIL !-lATTER. to be printed. Ur. COLLINS also introduced a bill (H. R.1124) regulating the rates AMEND:UENT TO THE CONST1TUTIO.Y. of postage on second-class mail matter at letter-carrier offices; which Ur. DAVIS also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 37) propos­ was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Post­ ing an amendment to the Constitution of the United State5; which was Offices and P.ost-Roads, and ordered to be printed. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judi­ RELIEF OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NEWTON, l\I.A.SS. ciary, and ordered to be printed. Mr. COLLINS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1125) for the relief of the MARY E. FILLEBROWN. First National Bank of Newton, Mass.; which was read a first andsec­ Mr. ELY introduced a bill (H. R. 113 ) to increase the pension of ond time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mary E. Fillebrown; which was read a first and second time, referred JEANETTE GUINEY. to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. COLLINS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1126) granting au in­ M. H. COLLINS. crease of pension to Jeanette Guiney; which was read a first and sec­ Mr. ELY ~ISo introduced n. bill (H. R. 1139) for the relief of M. H. ond time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, ~nd ordered to be Col~s; which was read n. first and second time, referred to the Com­ printed. · mittee on Patents, and ordered to be printed. JOHN R. FARREL. WILLIAM FIELD. Mr. COLLINS also introduced a bill (H. R.1127) for the relief of John Mr. ELY also introduced n. bill (H. R. 1140) granting a pension to R. Farrel; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com- William Field; which was read a first and second time, referred to the .....mittee on War Claims, and ordered to ·be printed. Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. C. W. 1\IERRILL. CTVIL SERVICE. 'Air. COLLINS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1128) for the relief of C. Mr. ELY also introduced a bill (H. R.1141) to regulate and improve W. Merrill.; which was read a first and second time, referred to the the civil semce of the United States; which was read a first and second Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed. time, referred to the Select Committee on Reform in the Civil Service, DANIEL J. BYRNES. and ordered to be printed. Mr. COLLINS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1129) to increase the LYDIA HADLOCK. pension of Daniel J. Byrnes; which was read a first and second time, re­ Mr. HAYDEN introduced a bill (H. R. 1142) granting a pension to ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered .to be printed. Lydia Hadlock; which was read a first and second time, referred to the STATUS OF CERTAIN MEDICAL OFFICERS, UNITED STATES AR!-IY. Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. COLLINS also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 34) defin­ DONATION OF CO~-nE~ED GUN-CARRIAGES. ing the status of certain medical officers in the Army; which was read Mr. HAYDEN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1143) authorizing the a first and second time, referred to the Committee on :Military Affairs, Secretary of War to deliver to Somerville Post, Grand Army of the Re­ and ordered to be printed. public, of Somerville, Mass., four condemned gun-~rriages, to be used AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION. for monumental purposes; which was read a first and second time, re­ Mr. COLLINS also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 35) propos­ ferred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. ing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States; which was PRIVATE LIGHTS. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, .Mr. STONE introduced a bill (H. R.1144) prohibiting the establish­ and ordered to be printed. ment of private lights, &c.; which was read a first and second time, CASTLE ISLAND, BOSTON HARBOR. referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. 'Air. COLLINS also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 36) author­ CLAIMS. izing the President of the United States to permit the occupancy of Mr. STONE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1145) to authorize the ac· Castle Island, in Boston Harbor, by the municipal authorities of Bos­ counting officers oftheTreasuryto pass upon certain claims; which was ton; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and on Public Buildings and Gounds, and ordered to be printed. ordered to be printed. ELIZABETH CALLAGHAN. l\I.A.RIA N. PARKER. Mr. COLLINS (byrequest) also introduced a bill (H. R.1130) for the Mr. STO~ also introduced a bill (H. R. 1146) granting a pension relief of Elizabeth Callaghan; which was read n. first and second time, to :Maria N. Parker; which was read a first and second time, referred referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. 1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 419

SAMUEL BROOKINGS. GRANT OF PENSIONS. Mr. STONE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1147) granting a pension to 1\Ir. CUTCHEON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1163) granting pen- · Samuel Brookings; which was read a first and second time, referred to sions to certain soldiers and sailors of the United States in the late war the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. · who have attained theageofsixty-twoyears and whoaredisabledfrom gaining a livelihood or who are dependent; which was read a first and !!ARIA E . .A. B. NOWELL. second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and or­ Mr: STONE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1148) granting a pension to dered to be printed. Maria E. A. B: Nowell; which was read a first and second time, referred MILITARY RECORD OF ORLANDO B. WILCOX. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. ·cuTCHEON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1164) to complete .ANDRE THISSELL. the military record of Orlando B. Wilcox, late of the First Mr. STONE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1149) granting a pension Michigan Volunteer Infantry and brigadier-general of volunteers, and to Andre 'l'hissell; which was read a first and second time, referred to to give him pay in accordance with his completed record; which was the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on ·war Claims, and ordered to be printed. CATHARINE E. COFFIN. INCREASE OF PENSION. Ur. STONE, of Massachusetts, also introduced .a bill (H. R. 1150) granting a pension to Catharine E. Coffin; which was read a first and Mr. CUTCHEON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1165) to increase the second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered pensions of soldiers and sailors who have suffered amputation of an to be printed. arm ora leg; which was read a. first and second time, referred to the Com­ mittee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. LIEUT. WILLIA!I P. RANDALL, UNITED STATES NAVY. CLINTON SPENCER. M:r. ALLEN introduced a bill (H. R. 1151) authorizing the Presi­ dent of the United States to appoint Lieut. William P. Randall a lieu­ Mr. CUTCHEON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1166) to increase the tenant-commander on the retired-listof the Navy; which was read a first pension of Clinton Spencer, late captain First Michigan Infintry Vol­ and second time, referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered unteers, for loss of right leg and injury to left arm; which was rean a to be printed. · first and second time, referred to the Co minittee on In valid Pensions, !fRS. ELLENS. TOLMAN. and ordered to ~e printed. Mr. ALLEN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1152) for the relief of 1\I:J;'S. JAl\IES A. BATES. Elleu S. Tolman; which was read a first and second time, referred to Mr. CUTCHEON ;u_so introduced a bill (H. R. 1167) for the relief the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. of James A. Bates, captain and lieutenant-colonel, United States Army, retired; which was read a first and second time, referred to the SPRINGFIELD PORT OF DELIVERY. Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. _ Mr. ROCKWELL introduced a bill (H. R. 1153) to establish a port WILLIAM B. ROWE. of delivery at Springfield, in the State of Massachusetts; which was Mr. CUTCHEON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1168) for the relief of read a fu-st anti second time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. William B. Rowe, late a surgeon of Company A, Ninth Michigan Vol­ unteer Cavalry; which was read a first and second time, referred to PUBLIC BUILDING, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. ROCKWELL also introduced a bill (H. R. 1154) providing for CORNEf.IUS 1\I. HADLEY. the erection of a public building at Springfield, Mass.; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings Mr. CUTCHEON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1169) for the relief of and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. Cornelius M. Hadley, late a surgeon of Company F, Ninth Michigan Volunteer Cavalry; which was read a first and second time, referred LUMBER ON THE FREE-LIST ~ to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered tQ be printed. Mr. ELDREDGE introduced a bill (H. R. 1155) to put alr kinds of PAYMENT OF BOUNTY. lumber on tbe free-list; which was read a first and second time, re­ ferred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Mr. CUTCHEON also introduced. a bill (H. R. 1170) to p:rovide for the payment of a bounty of $100 to soldiers and enlisted men in the .A.L VIRA .A. RIGGS. military service of the United States under the act of July 22, 1861 , :Mr. ELDREDGE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1156) granting back and who were discharged by reason of snrgeon,s certificate of disability pay to Alvira A. Riggs; which was read a first and second time, re­ or for promotion before the expiration of two years, and who have not '"' ferred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. received $100 bounty; which was read a first and second time, referred J. L. DIVINE. to the Committee on War Claims, and· ordered to be printed. Mr. ELDREDGE (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1157) MUSTER .AND PAY OF CERTAIN OFFICERS, ETC. granting a pension to J. L. Divine; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Mr. CUTCHEON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1171) to amend anact printed. entitled "An act to provide for the muster and pay of certain officers LOCAL INSPECTORS, MICHIGAN DISTRICT. andenlistedmenofthevolunteerforces," approved June 3, 1884; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Mr. CUTCHEON introduced a bill (H. R. 1158) to amend section Claims, and ordered to be printed. 4414 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, fixing the compen­ sation of local inspectors of hulls and boilers in the Michigan district; FRANKLIN THOMPSON. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on :Mr. CUTCHEON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1172) to remove the Commerce, and ordered'to be printed. charge of desertion from the record of Franklin Thompson, alias S. E. .ADDITIONAL LIGHT-HOUSE DISTRICT. E. Seelye; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Mr. CUTCJIEON also introduced a bill (H. R.1159) to authorize the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be p;l"inted. creation of an additional light-house district; which was read a first a:nd CAPT. EDMUND G. FECHET. s~cond time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to Mr. CUTCHEON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1173) to correct the be printed. record of Capt. Edmund G. Fechet; which was read a first and·second EMERGENCY FUND, INDIAN TRffiES. time, 1·eferred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be Mr. CUTCHEON also introduced a. bill (H. R. 1160) to create an printed. emergency fund for the benefit of Indian tribes; which was read a. ELVIRA BLISS SI{:ELDON. first and second time, referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and Mr. CUTCHEON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1174) granting a pen­ ordered to be printed. sion to Elvira Bliss Sheldon; which was read a first and second time, INCREASE OF PENSION. • referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Mr. CUTCHEON also introduced a. bill (H. R. 1161) to increase the printed. pensions of widows and orphans of soldiers and sailors, and for other MRS. HARRIET CLIFFORD. purposes; which read a first and second time, referred to the Commit­ Jl,fr. CUTCHEON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1175) to increase the tee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. pension of Mrs. Harriet Clifford; which was read a first and second , CIVIL SERVICE. time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Mr. CUTCHEON also introduced a bill (H."R. 1162) to reform the printed. civil service and to preserve the constitutional distinction between leg­ CALVIN H. FRENCH. islative and executive duties by the organization of a bureau of civil Mr. CUTCHEON (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1176) appointments; which was.read a first and second time, referred to the granting a pension to Calvin H. French; which was read a first and sec­ Select Committee on Reform in the Civil Service, and orde:::ed to be ond time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered printed. to be printed. 420 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANU4-RY 5,

'VILLIAM J. B..A.RK.ER. SAMUEL W. HAMILTON. 1tfr. CUTCHEON {by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1177) Mr. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) introduced a bill (H. R.1192) granting a pension to William J. Barker; which was was read a first and for the relief of Samuel W. Hamilton; :which was read a first and sec­ second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered ond time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be to be printed. printed. CHARLES W. RODECKER. MRS. EUNICE TRIFLER. Mr. CUTCHEON (by request) also introduced a bill (B. R.1178) for Ur. MAYBURY (by Ur. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. thereliefofCharles W. Rodecker; which was read a first and second time, 1193) for the relief of Mrs. Eunice Tripier, willow of Charles S. Trip­ referred to the Committee on 'Var Claims, and ordered to be printed. Ier, surgeon Unitecl States Army; which was read a first and second time, referred the Committee on War ·claims, and ordered be llEIRS OF CHARLES B. SMITII. to to printed. · Mr. CUTCllEON (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1179) for CLAIMS AGAINST GOVERNMENT. the relief of the heirs of Charles B. Smith, geceased; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and Mr. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON~ also introduced a bill (H. R. ordered to be printed. 1194) for the judicial finding of law and facts in cases of claims against JACOB STEED. the Government, and for other purposes; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered Mr. CUTCHEON (by request) also introduced a bill (H. ~ 1180) to be printed. · granting a pension to Jacob Steed, late a private in Company A, Third MARGARET KILROY. Regiment qf Ohio Volunteer Infantry; which was read a first and sec- Mr. ·MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. ll., :~:n:~t~1'erred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered 1195) granting a pension to Margaret Kilroy; which was read a first p · ANDREW LAFFERTY. · and second time! referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be prmted. 1\Ir. CUTCHEO~ (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1181) for FREE LUMBER. the relief of .Andrew La:tfer~y, of 1\fuskegon County, State of Michigan ; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee ou l\Ir. MAYBURY (by 1\Ir. . CARLETON) also introduced :'lo bill ( .. 1. R. Claims, and ordered to be printed. 1196) to admit lumber of all descriptions into the Territories of the United States free of customs duties; which was read a first and second MORGAN THO:u:FSON. time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be Mr. CUTCHEON (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1182) grant­ printed. ing a pension to Morgan Thompson, bte of Company H, Nineteenth Wis­ FREE SALT, LUMBER, ETC. consin Volunteers; which was·read a first and second time, referred tO Mr. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETO:N) also introduced a bill (H. R. the Committee on Inv~d Pensions, and ordered to be printed. 1197) to provide for the entry of ores of iron, lead, copper, and zinc, ALANSOY 'WOODWORTH. also of bituminous coal, salt, and lumber at all ports of the United St.1.tes free of customs duties; which wa~ read a first ansi second time, Mr. CUTCHEON (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1183) granting a pension to Alanson 'Yoodworth, late of Company G, Second referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be Michigan Cavalry; which was read a first and second time, referred to printed. the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. LEWIS ABEAR. STEPHEN GARDNER. Mr. MA.YBURY (by 1\ir. CARLETO:N) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1198) granting a pension to Louis Abear, late a private in Comp:my H. Mr. CARLETON introduced a bill (H. R. 1184) granting a pension Fifth Michigan Volunteer Cavalry; which was read a first and second to Stephen Gardner; which was read a first and second time, referred time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. printed. EID:IA H. FISH. MARGARET M1CRICKF.T.r. Mr. CARLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1185) for tl1e relief of Mr. MAYBURY (by M:r. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. Emma H. Fish; which was read a first and second time, referred to the 1199) granting a pension to Margaret McCrickett, widow of 1\IichaelJ. Committee on War Claims, and or.dered to be printed. 1\fcCrickett; which was read a first and second time, referred to the .PUBLIC BUILDING, SAINT CLAIR, MICH. Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. CARLETON also introduced a bill (H. R 1186) to provide for EMPLOYME...~T OF ALmNS AS ENGINEERS, ETC. the erection of a public building for the use of the post-office and other Government offices at the city of Saint Clair, in t)le State of Michigan; Ur. :MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETOY) also introduced a bill (IT. R. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on 1200) to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize the employment Pnblic Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. of certain "'aliens as engineers and pilots,"·approved April 17, 18i4; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on PUBLIC BUII,DING, ROMEO, MICH. Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Mr. CARLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1187) to provide for MARY HOW A.RD FARQUHAR. the erection of a public building for the use of the post-office and other Go\"ernment offices at the city of Romeo, in the State of Michigan; Mr. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on 1201) for the relief of.Mary Howard Farquhar; which was read a first Public Buildings-and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. PUBLIC BUILDING, MARINE CITY, MICH. HEIRS OF W. A. BURT. Mr. CARLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1188) to provide for Mr. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. the erection of a public building for the use of the post-office and other 1202) for the relief of the heirs of the late William A. Burt, inventor Government offices at Marine City, in the State of Michigan; which was of the solar compass adopted and used by the United States Govern­ read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Public Build­ ment in making the original survey of the public domain; which was ings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and PUBLIC BUILDING, LAPEER, li:IICH. ordered to be printed. Mr. CARLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1189) to provide for RICHARD HAWLEY & SONS. the erection of a public building for the use of the post-office and other Mr. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. Government offices at the city of Lapeer, in the State of Michigan; 1203) for the relief of Richard Hawley & Sons; which was read a first which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. be printed. SECTION 4492 REVISED STATUTES. OVERFLOWED LA.NDS IN MICHIGAN. Mr. CARLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1190) to amend sec­ 1\Ir. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. tion 4492, title 52, of the Revised Statutes of the United States; which 1204) setting apart the marsh and overflowed or shallow-water lands was re~d a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Com­ in and bordering upon Saint Clair, in the State of Michigan, for a na­ merce, and ordered to be printed. tional shooting and fishing resort or reservation; which was read a first PUBLIC BUILDING AT MOUNT CLID:IE...~S, MICH. and second time, refeqed to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. Mr. CARLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1191) to provide for the erection of a public building for the use of the post-oflice and other BRIDGE ACROSS DETROIT RIVER. Government offices at the city of Mount Clemens, in the State of Mich­ Mr. MAYBURY {by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill {H. R. igan; whichwasreada:firstandsecond time, referred to the Committee 1205) for the construction of a bridge across the west channel of the on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. Detroit River, to connect Bell Isle Park with the mainland; which was 1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 421

read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, MARIA V. BROWN. and ordered to be printed. Mr. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. LICENSE FEES. 1218) for the relief of Maria V. Brown, assignee; which was read a first Ir. MAYBURY (by 1\Ir. CARLETON) also introduced ajoint resolu­ .and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and or­ tion (H. Res. 38) requesting the Attorney-General of the United States dered to be printed. to examine and report to Congress the license fees collected in the sev­ MRS. ELIZA E. HEBERT. . eral Stn.tes aud Territories aud discriminating ~ainst non-residents; Mr. l\IAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on 1219) for the relief of Mrs. Eliza E. Hebert, widow of Jules J. Hebert, Ways and Means, aud ordered to be printed. - deceased; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ CO::'IIMERCIAL RELATIONS WITH CANADA . mittee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. .1\Ir. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETO~) also int.roduced a joint resolu­ BRIDGE ACROSS STATEN ISLAND SOUND. tion (H. Res. 39) requesting the Secretary of State to report to Con­ Mr. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. gress the action of the Government under the provisions of the act 1220) to authorize the construction of a bridge across Staten Island approved June 19, 1878, relative to commercial relations with the Do­ Sound, known as Arthur Kill, and to establish the same as a post-road; minion of Canada; which was read a first and second time, referred to which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Mr. UAYBURY(by 1\Ir. CARLETO~) also introduced a jointresolu­ tion (H. Res. 40) for renewal of commercial relations with the British UNITED STATES COURTS AT ' SAGINAW1 MICll. possessions in North America; which was read a firstand second time, 1\fr. TARSNEY (by 1\Ir. CARLETO~) introduced a bill (H. R. 1221) referred to the Committee on Foreign Afiairs, an~ ordered to be printed. to provide for holding the terms of the circuit and district courts of the United States for the eastern district of Michigan at East Saginaw, EDWAlm W. M'GI~""NIS. in said district; which was read a first and second time, referred to the :Mr. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETO~) also introduced a bill (H. R. Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. 1206) for the relief of Edward W. McGinnis; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to REPEAL OF SECTIO:N .4433 REVISED STATUTES. be printed. Mr. TARSNEY (by 1\fr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. EDWARD BYRNE. 1222) to repeal section 4458 of the Revised Statutes of the United M'r. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) introduced a bill (H. R. 1207) States; which was read a :firSt and second time, referred to the Com­ for the relief of Edward Byrne; whicb was read a first and second time, mittee on the Judiciary, and ordereq to be printed. referred to the Committee on l\Iilitary Affairs, and ordered to be printed. RELIEF OF CAPTAL~S, PILOTS, AND 1\IATES ON STEAM-VESSELS . PRIVATE LA "D CLAIM, NEW MEXICO. . Mr. TARSNEY (by 1\Ir. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. l\Ir. MAYBURY (by Ur. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1223) for the relief of captains, pilots, and mates on steam-vessels; 1208) to confirm a certain private land claim in the Territory of New which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Mexico; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ Claims, and ordered to be printed. mittee on Private Land Claim , and ordered to be printed. PUBLIC BUILDING, EAST SAGINAW, 1\IICII. MAJ. WILLIAM 1\I. 1\lAYNADIER. Mr. TARSNEY (by 1\Ir. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. Mr. UAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced -a bill (H. R. 1224) for the erection of a public building at East Saginaw, Mich.; 1209) for the relief of 1\Il-l.j. William M. 1\faynadier, a paymaster in the which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on United States Army; which was re:tcl a first and second time, referred Public Buildings and Gronnus, and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on ~laims, and ordered to be printed. EVIDENCE IN PEYSIO~ CASES. WILLIAM H. CROO.G:. 1\Ir. TARSNEY {by 1\Ir. CARLETO~) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1225) to regulate evidence in certain cases in the Pension Office of the l\Ir. .MA.YBURY {by Mr. CARLETO~) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1210) for the relief of William H. Crook; which was read a first and United States; which was read a first and second time, referred t.o the second time, referred to the Committee on Cla.im..'l, and ordered to be Committee on ln>alid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. printed. · CULTIV ATIO:N OF SUGAR. BASIL MORELAND. l\1r. O'DONNE"L introduced a bill (H. R. 1226) to repeal the duty M:r. UAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. on sugar and provide for the p:tyment of a bounty for the cultivation 1211) for the relief of Basil Moreland; which was read a first and second of sugar in the United States of America; which was read a first and time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be prrnted. second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and or­ EGBERT THOMPSON. dered to b~ printed. PUBLIC BUILDH\G JACKSON, MICH. l\Ir. :MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1 1212) for the relief of the legal representatives of Egbert Thompson; Mr. O'DONNELL also introduced a bill (H. R. 1227) to provide for deceased; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ the construction of a pnblic building at Jaekson, in the State of Michi­ mittee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. gan; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee GEORGE A. IAEGER. on Public Bnildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. Mr. l\fAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill-(H. R. HARRY B. AND GRACE A. HARRINGTON. 1213) for the relief of George A. Iaeger; which was read a first and sec­ Mr. O'DONNELL also introdnceda bill (H. R.1228) granting a pen­ ond time, referred to the Committee on War C!::.::ns, and ordered to be sion to Harry B. Harrington and Grace A. Harrington; which was read printed. a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, FRANCES DENMEAD. and ordered to be printed. - • I•Ir. MAYBURY (by 1\I.r. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. H. FREIDIAN W. HOWE. 1214) for the relief of Frances Denmea.d; which was read a first and Mr. O'DONNELL also introduced a bill (H. R.1229) granting a pen­ second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be sion to Freeman W. Howe; which was read a first and second time, re­ printed. ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. 1\IARCUS A. RENO. ELIZA CAMPBELL. Mr. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. Mr. O'DONNELL also introduced a bill (H. R. 1230) granting a pen- - 1215) for the relief of Marcus A. Reno; which was read a first and sec­ sion to Eliza Campbell; which was read a first ana second time, re­ ond time, referred to the Committee on l\ffiitary Affairs, and ordered ferred to the Commi~tee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. to be printed. 1 ELIJ All BOTTOMLEY. :MRS. MARY M INTOSH. - 1\fr. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. - Mr. O'DONNELL also introduced a bill (H. R. 1231) granting a pen­ 1216) granting an increase of pension to Mrs. Mary Mcintosh, widow sion to EHjah Bottomley; which was read a first and second time, re­ of Lieutenant Mcintosh, Seventh Cavalry, United States Army; which ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid GEORGE W. BOWKER. Pensions, and ordered to be printed. · Mr. O'DONNELL also introduced a bill (H. R. 1232) granting a pen-­ JAMES MILLINGER. sion to George W. Bowker; which was read a first and second time, re­ Mr. MAYBURY (by Mr. CARLETON) also introduced a bill (H. R. ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. 1217) for the relief of James Millinger; which was read a first and sec­ PUBLIC BUILDING AT 1\f.ABQUE'ITE, MICH. ond time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, :mel nrrlered to be !Y!r. MOFFATT introduced a bill (H. R. 1233) to increase the appro­ printed. priation for the erection of a public building at Marquette, Mich.; 422 OONGRESSION AL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 5, which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on lief of Charles R. Blair; which was rea.d a first and second time, re. Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. ferred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. DELBERT DORlfAN. EDWARD PENDERGAST. Mr. COMSTOCK introdnced a bill (H. R. 1234) for the relief of Del­ Mr. WIDTE, of Minnesota, nl o introduced a bill (H. R.1251) grant­ bert Dorman; which was read a first and second time, referred to the ing an increase of pension to Edward Pendergast; which was read a Com~ittee on Invalid Pensions, .and ordered to be printed. :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, JAMES KE:NNEY. and ordered to be printed. Mr. COMSTOCK also introduced a bill (H. R. 1235) for the :~:elief of EUGENIA. A.. SMALLEY. James Kenney; which was read a first and second time, referred to the 1Ir. WHITE, of Minnesota, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1252) grant­ Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. ing a pension to Eugenia A. Smalley and her children; which was 1 read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pen- FELIX :M KITTRICK. sions, and ordered to be printed. - Mr. COMSTOCK also introduced a bill (IT. R. 1236) providing for the payment of the claim of Felix McKittrick; which was read a first NATIONAL Bil'X OF WINONA. and second time, :referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to Mr. WHITE, of Minnesota, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1253) to be pdnted. change the name of the National Bank of Winona; which was read a PUBLIC BUILDINGS AT GRAND HAVEN, MICH. :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Banking and Cur­ rency, and ordered to be printed. Mr. COMSTOCK also introduced a bill (H. R. 1237) to provide for the erection of public buildings at Grand Haven, Mich.; which was read :MARY HOFF. a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings Mr. WHITE, of Minnesota, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1254) grant­ and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. ing a pension to Mary Hoff; which was read a firstandsecond time, re­ ferred to the Committee on In-mlid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. TIMBER-CULTURE. Mr. STRAIT introduced a bill (H. R. 1238) to run.end an act entitled ISAAC MOORE. ".A.n act to encourage the growth of .timber on the Western prairies," . Mr. WIDTE, of Minnesota, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1255) grout­ approved June 14, 1878; which wasreadafustandsecond time, referred ing a pension to Isaa-c Moore; which was read a first and second time, re­ to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. ferred to the Committee on In valid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. SETTLERS O:Y RAILROAD LANDS. JA.li:!ES HEALY. · d d ( ) 1\ir. WIDTE, of Minnesota, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1256) for the !lir. STRAIT also mtro nee a bill H. R. 1239 for the relief of set- relief of James Healy; which was read a first and second time, referred tiers on railroad lands; which was read a first and second time, re- ferred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on Claims,. and ordered to be printed. MllS. ASL.A.NG 0. STUGO. PUBLIC LANDS. Mr. STRAIT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1240) to reduce the price Mr. WIDTE, of Minnesota, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1257) grant­ of public lands within railroad limits; which was read a first and sec­ ing an increase of pension to 1\'Irs . .A.slang 0. Stngo; which was read a ond time, referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to first and second time, referred to the Committee on In-valid Pensions, and be printed. ordered to be printed. Mr. STRAIT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1241) relating to the pub­ H. K. BELDING. lic lands and to provide _for the classification and disposition of the pine­ Mr. WHIT"E, of 1\finnesota, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1258) for timber lands belonging to the public domain; which was read a first the relief of H. K. Belding; which was read a first and second ti_me, and second time, referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. ordered to be printed. A.BIGA.IL WEYMOUTH. , SWlliP LANDS IN MINNESOTA.. 1tfr. WHITE, of llfinnesota, also introduced a bill (H. R.l259) grant­ lli. STRAIT also introduced a bill (H. R.1242) for the relief of cer­ ing a pension to.A.bigail Weymouth; which was read a :first and second tain settlers on swamp lands in Minnesota; which was read a first and time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be second time, referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered printed. to be printed. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ITNNEAPOLIS, MINN• . 1\IILITIA. Mr. GILFILLAN introduced a bill (H. R. 1260) to authorize the in­ Mr. STRAIT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1243) to amend section 1661 crease of the capital stock of the First National Bank of Minneapolis, of the Revised Statutes, making an annual appropriation to provide Minn., not to exceed $2:000,000; which was read a :first and second arms for the militia; which was read a first and second time, referred time, referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency, and ordered to the Committee on the Militia, and ordered to be printed: to be printed. GEORGE STORRS. HENRY A. PAUS. Mr. STRAIT also introduced a. bill (H. R. 1244) for the relief of 1\ir. GILFILLL~ also introd~ced a bill (H. R. 1261) for the relief George Storrs; which was read a first and second time, referred to the of Henry .A.. Pans; which was read a :first and second time, referred to Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. tlie Committee o:a War Claims, and ordered to be printed.

FIRST NATIONAL BilTK OF SHAKOPEE, MINN. JOHN COOK.. lli. STRAIT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1245) to authorize the in­ 1\ir. GILFILLAN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1262) for the relief of crease ofthe capital stock of the First N a tiona! Bank of Shakopee, Minn. ; the estate of John Cook; which was read a first and second time, re­ which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on ferred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Banking and Currency, and ordered to be printed. JARED D. WHEELOCK• SIOUX WAR, MINNESOTA. .Mr. GILFILLAN (by request) also introduced :t bill (H. R. 126:3) 1\fr. STRAIT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1246) for the relief of cit­ granting a pension to Jared D. Wheelock; which was read a :first and izens who were engaged in the suppression of the Sioux Indian war in second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered Minnesota in 1862; which was read a first and second time, referred to to be printed. the Committee on Pensions, and_ ordered to be printed. GEORGE F. ROBERTS. "ISABELLA H. SiLVEY. Mr. GILFILLAN also introduced a bill (H. R.1264) for the relief of George F. Roberts, administrator of the estate of William B. Thayer, 1\ir. STRAIT also introduced a bill (H. R, 1247) granting an increase deceased, surviving partner of Thayer Brothers, and others; which was of pension to Isabella H. Silvey; which was read a :first and second read a :first and second time, referred to the CommitU.>e on Claims, and time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. ordered to be printed. MARY :M. TA.YL0R. JAMES D. WOOD. Mr. STRAIT also introduced a bill (H. R.l:MS) forthereliefofMary 1\Ir. GILFILLAN also introduced a bill (H. R.l265) for the relief of :U. Tn.ylor; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Com- James D. Wood; which was read a first and second time, referred to the mittee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. l'IIA.RGARET T. RYA.N. :MESSAGE FRD:\I THE PRESIDENT. Mr. STRAIT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1249) for the relief of Mar­ Amessageinwritingwasreceivedfrom thePresident, by Mr. PRUDEN, garet T. Ryan; which was read a first and second time, referred to the one of his secretaries, announcing that the President had approved and Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. signed, Decembe:r21, 1885, joint resolution (H. Res. 2) to pay the officers CHARLES R. BLAIR. and employes of the Senate and House of Representatives their respectiv-e Mr. WHITE, of Minnesota, introduced a bill (H. R. 1250) for there- salaries for the month of December, 1885, on the 21st day of said mont.h, 1886. CONGRESSIONAL REOQRD-HOUSE. 423 and that he had approved and signed, December 26, 1885, joint resolu- second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered tion (H. Res. 1) authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to use a por- to be printed.. tion of the Interior fund to fit up rooms for the Commissioner of Patents. WILLIAM L. SLOAN. EXTENSION OF FREE LIST. l\fr. WAKEFIELD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1282) granting a pen· Mr. NELSON introduced a bill (H. R. 1266) to place hemp, manila, sion to William L. Sloan; which was read a :first and second time, re­ sisal grass, and all thread, twine, rope, and cordage from the same on ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. the free list; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the CHARLES D. HATCH. Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Mr. WAKEFIELD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1283) granting a pen­ LIGHT-HOUSE, TWO H.A.B.BORS, MINN. sion to Charles D. Hatch; which was read a first and second time, referred Mr. NELSON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1267) relating to the con­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and orde1·ed to be printed. struction of alight-house at Two Harbors, Minn.; which was read a :first OFFICERS' ACCOUNTS. and second time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered l\fr. WAKEFIELDalsointroduceda bill (H. R. 1284) tocontiune the to be printed. act to authorize the settlement of the accounts of officers of the Army PUBLIC BUILDING, DULUTH, :MINN. and Navy; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Com­ l\fr. NELSON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1268) to provide for the mittee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. construction of a public building in the city of Duluth, Minn. ; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Public ELI WEBB. Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. l\fr. WAKEFIELD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1285) for the relief of Eli Webb; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the RED LAKE INDIAN RESERVATION. Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. NELSON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1269) in relation to the ANGELINE BRm1AGHIN. Red Lake Indian reservation, Minnesota; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered Mr. WAKEFIELD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1286) gmnting a to be printed. pension to Angeline Bromaghin, of Janesville, .Minn. ; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invali-d Pensions, DAM ACRO S THE MISSISSIPPI. and ordered to be printed. Mr. NELSON also inh:oduced a bill (H. R. 1270) to authorize the Mississippi Water Power and Boot;n Company, of Brainerd, Minn., to GULF AND SHIP ISLAND RAILROAD. co_nstruct a dam across the Mississippi River; which was read a :first Mr. BARKSDALE introduced a bill (H. R. 1287) to extend the time and second time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered for building the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad in the St:l.te of Mi55is­ to be printed. sippi, and continuing the land grant for t.he same; which was raa(l a NORTHERN JUDICIAL DISTRICT, MINNESOTA. first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. Mr. NELSON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1271) to establish the northern judicial district of Minnesota; which was read a first and sec­ COINAGE OF STANDARD SILVER DOLLARS. ond time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to Mr. BARKSDALE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1288) to remove the be printed. restrictions on the coinage of the standard silver dollar imposed by BASIL H. BEAULEIU. the act of February 28, 1878, and to coin the same on the same condi­ Mr. NELSON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1272) to refer the claim tions prescribed foi gold; whicli. was read a first and second time, re­ of Basil H. Beauleiu and others to the Court of Claims for adjustment; ferred to the Committee ou Coinage, Weights, and Measures, and or­ which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on dered to be printed. Claims, and ordered to be printed. UNPAID WAR TAXE'). S.llfUEL J. BROWN. Mr. BARKSDALE alsointroduceda bill (H. R. 1289) to prevent the unpaid war tn:es under the act of August 5, 1861, and acts amenda­ Mr. NELSON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1273) for the relief of tory thereof from being held as set-off.s against the States having claims Samuel J. Brown; which was read a :first and second ti~e, referred to against the General Government; which was read a first aud second the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. time, referred to the Committee on the J ndiciary, and ordered to be JAMES L. KASSON. printed. Mr. NELSON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1274) granting a pension MEXICAN WAR PENSIONS. to James L. Kasson; which was read a :first and second time, referred l\fr. BARKSDALE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1290) granting pen­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. sions to the soldiers and sailors Df the Mexican war; which :vas read WILLIAM TURv:ILLE. a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and or­ dered to be printed. :M:r. NELSON also introduced a biU (H. R. 1275) granting a pension to William Turville; which was read a :first and second time, referred C.L.AIMS AGAINST THE UNITED STATES. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BARKSDALE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1291) to repeal sec­ JOHN WADDAMS. tion 4 of an act approved l\1arch 3, 1883, providing for and limiting the inveatigation of claims 3nowainst the United States by the Court of Mr. WAKEFIELD introduced a bill (H. R. 1276) *for the relief of Claims; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ John W addams; which was read a first and second time, refen-ed to the mittee on Claims, and ordered to be pri:uted. Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. MRS. KATE MILLER. JOHANNA RABERLE. Mr. BARKSDALE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1292) granting a Mr. WAKEFIELD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1277) for the relief pension to :Mrs. Kate Miller, widow of Joseph H. Miller; which was of Johanna Raberle; which was read a first and second time, referred read a :first aud second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. sions, and ordered to be printed. .ANN BIRD. JOHN CLEARY. Mr. WAKEFIELD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1278) granting a 1\{r. BARKSDALE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1293) for the relief of pension to Ann Bird for services as nurse during the late war; which John Cleary; which was read a first and second time, referred to the was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Pensions, and ordered to be printed. BENJAMIN F. JONES. DARIUS M. SEAMAN. ltfr. BARKSDALE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1294) for the relief Mr. WAKEFIELD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1279) granting a of Benjamin F. Jones; which was read a :first and second time, referred pension to Darius M. Seaman; which was read a :first .and second time, to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. WILLIAM EV.ANS. FERRY ACROSS THE MISSOURI RIVER. :Mr. BARKSDALE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1295) for the relief Mr. WAKEFIELD also introdnced a bill (H. R. 1280) to auiliurize of William Evans; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and·ordered to be printed. FrankW. Hunt to erect and maintain a.ferryacrossthe Missouri River at the military reservation of Fort Buford, Dak.; which was read a first JOHN L. LAKE, JR. and second time, referred to the Committee on Military .A.ff.airs, and or­ Mr. BARKSDALE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1296) for the relief dered to be printed. of John L. Lake, jr.; which was read a :first and second time, referred JOHANNA PAUL AND .ANNA KABERL.A.. to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. WAKEFIELD also introduced a bill (H. R.1281) granting a pen­ CORRESPONDENCE QF W. VAN MURRAY. sion to Johanna. Paul and .Anna Kaberla; which was read a first and Mr. BARKSDALE also submitted a resolution to inqnire into the 424 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 5,

expediency of pnrcha,sing the diplomatic correspondence of William L. B. F. CHiliPION. Van .Murray for the use of the Congressional Library; which was re- Mr. SINGLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1313) for the relief of ferred to the Committee on the Library. _ L. B. F. Champion; which was read a :firSt and second time, referred to CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY. the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. SINGLETO~ introduced a bill (H. R. 1297) authorizing the W. H. WALLACE, ADMINISTRATOR. construction of a building for the accommodation of the Congressional Mr. SINGLETON also introduced a bill (H. R.1314) for the relief of Library; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ W. H. Walla-ce, administrator; which was read a first and second time, mittee on the Library, and ordered to be printed. referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. SINGLETON. I want unanimous consent that the diagram ac­ companying the bill and showing the proposed location be printed FR.Al\-rrrLIN SESSIOYS. with it. Mr. SINGLETON also introdnced a bill (H. R.1315) for the relief of There was no objection, and it was so ordered. Franklin Sessions; which was read a first and secoud time, referred to -the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. EXPEXSE OF PUBLIC PRL~TING, ETC. Mr. SINGLETON also introduced a bill (H. R.1298) to reduce the ex­ RUTll SUIDIERS, ADMINISTRATRIX. pense of the public binding and printing, and for other purposes; which Mr. SINGLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1316) for the relief of was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Print­ Ruth Summers, administmtrix; which was read a first and seeond time, ing, and ordered to be printed. referred to the 9ommitteeon War Claims, and ordered to be printed. L. B. F. CHAMPION. GEORGE C. -HARPER. Mr. SINGLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1299) for the relief Mr. SINGLETO~ also introduced a bill (H. R. 1317) for the relief of L. B. F. Champion; which was read a first and second time, referred of George C. Harper; which was rea.d a first an:l second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on War Claims, and.ordered to b3 printed. PASCHAL D. HAMMACK. ALEXANDER P. STEWART. Mr. SINGLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1300) for the relief Mr. MORGAN introduced a bill (H. R. 1318) for the relief of Alex­ of Paschal D. Hammack; which was read a first and second time, re­ ander P. Stewart from disabilities imposed by the fourteenth amend· ferred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. ment to the Constitution; which was read a first and second time, ,re­ ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. llELEN LOGGINS. ROBERT D. FORT. Mr. SINGLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1301) for the relief of Mr. MORGAN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1319) to increl.Se the Helen Loggins, administratrix; which was read a firstand second time, pension of Robert D. Fort; which was read a first and second time, re­ referred t'l the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. ferred to the Committee on Pensiom, and ordered to be printed. WILEY A. PULLL~. SARAH D. HERROD. Mr. SINGLETO~ also introduced a bill (H. R. 1302) for the relief Mr. MORGAN (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1320) for of Wiley A. -Pullin; which was read a first and second time, refened to the relief of Sarah D. Herrod; which was :read a first and second time, the Committee on 'Var Claims, and ordered to be printed: referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. SAMUEL HERD. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Mr. SINGLETON also introduced·a bill (H. 1303) for the relief R.' Mr. ALLEN (by Mr. MoRGAN) introduced a bill (H. R. 1321) to of Samuel Herd; which was read a first and second time, referred to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the col­ tl,le Committee on 'Vnr Claims, and ordered to be printed. leges established in the seveml States under the provisions of the act CHARLES G. GILMER. approved July 2, 1882, and of acts supplementary thereto; which was Mr. SINGLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1304) for the relief read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on .Agriculture, of Charles G. Gilmer; which was read a first and second time, referred and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed . . FRANCIS KILLEEN. WILLIAi! F. HARALSON. Mr. :MORGAN (by request) introduced a bill (H. R. 1322) to :rhce Ur; SINGLETON also intiOdnced a bill (H. R. 1305) for the relief the name of Francis Killeen on the pension-roll; which was read a of William F. Haralson; which w::t.S read a first and second time, re­ first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, ferred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. and ordered to be printeJ. MARGARET CHAMPION. WILLIAM KILLEEN. , Mr. SINGLETO~ also introduced a bill (H. R. 1306) for the relief M:r. MORGAN (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1323) to of Margaret Champion; which was read a first and second time, re­ place the name of William Killeen on the pension-roll; which was read ferred to the Committee on War C!aims, and ordered to be printed. a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and or­ dered to be printed. JULIA A. THOMAS, AD~IINISTRATRIX. ESTATE OF JOIL~ C. .THO:YPSO.N 1 DECEASED. Mr. SINGLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1307) for the relief Mr. MORGAN (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1324) for of Julia A. Thomas, administrnt;rix of Josh G. Greer, deceased; which the relief of the estate of John C. Thompson, deceased; which was read was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and or­ , Claims, and ordered to be printed. dered to be printed. TUR~R BABBITT. THOMAS D. FRENCH. 1\Ir. SINGLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1308) for the relief Mr. CATCHINGS introduced a bill (H. R. 1325) for the relief of of Turner Babbitt; which was read a first and second time, referred to Thomas D. French, of Vicksburg, Miss. ; which was read a first and the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. second time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be CHARLES H. JOHNSON. printed. MRS. ROWENA CLARKE. Mr. SINGLETON also introduced a bill(H.R.1309) for the reliefof Mr. CATCHINGS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1326) for the relief Charles H. Johnson; which was read a first and second time, referred of Mrs. Rowena Clarke, of Mississippi; which was read a first and sec­ to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. ond time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be T. J. DENSON, ADM1NISl?tATOR. printed. Mr. SINGLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1310) for the relief of LOUISA 0. LOVELL AND OTHERS. T. J. Denson, administrator of the estate of George W. McCabe; which Mr. CATCHINGS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1327) for the relief of was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Louisa 0. Lovell and others; which was read a first and second time, Claims, and ordered to be printed. referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. ISAAC llARALSOY. PUBLIC BUILDING AT VICKSBURG, MISS. Mr. SINGLETON also introdu~d a bill (H. R.1311) for the relief' of Mr. CATCHINGS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1328) to provide a Isaac Haralson; which was read a first and second time, referred to the building for-the use of the United States courts, post-office, customs Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. offices, and internal-revenue office at Vicksburg, Miss.; which was read FRANCES E. GIBSO.N. a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Public Bnildings and Grounds, and ordered to b~ printed. Mr. SFNGLETON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1312) for the relief of the legal representatives of Frances E. Gibson; which was read a first HEIRS OF HARPER P. HUNT, DECEASED. aDd second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered Mr. CATCHINGS also introduced a bill (II. R. 1329) for the reli~f of to be printed. the heirs of Harper P. Hunt, deceased; which wns read a first and sec- 1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 425

ond time, referred to the Committee on War Claitns, and ordered to be second time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. printed. MARTIN TAYLOR. ALEXANDEr.. EVANS. Mr. CATC"HINGS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1330) granting a pen- Mr. DOCKERY also introduced n. bill (H. R. 1347) granting a pen- sion to Martin Taylor; which wasreadafirst and second time, referred sion to Alexander Evans·; which was read a first and second time, re­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensic-::s, and ordered to be printed. ferred· to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. MADELEINE VINTON DAHLGREN. PERNETTA HENDLEY. Mr. VAN EATON introduced a bill (H. R. 1331) for the relief of Mr. DOCKERY also introduced a bill (H. R. 1348) for the relief of Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren, widow of the late Rear-Admiral John A. Pernetta Hendley; which was read a first and second time, referred to Dahlgren, United States Navy, and administratrix of his estate; which the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. was read a first and second time, referred to the Committe?. on Claims, WILLIAM R. PRICE. and ordered to be printed. Mr. DOCKERY also introduced a bill (H. R. 1349) for the relief of JULIA A. ;NUTT. William R. Price; which was read a first and second time, referred to Mr. VAN EATON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1332) for the relief the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. · of Julia A. Nntt, widow and executrix of Haller Nutt, deceased; which HEIRS OF J. J. GALTNEY DECEASED. was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War 1 Claims, and ordered be printed. Mr. DOCKERY also introduced a bill (H. R. 1350) for the relief of to the heirs of J. J. Galtney, deceased; which was read a first and second MARY M. ST. JOHN. time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be Mr. VAN EATON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1333) for the relief of printed. MaryM . .St. John; which was re.o't<.l a first and second time, referred to ANDREW J. FULLER. the Committee on Invalid. Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. DOCKERY also introduced a bill (H. R. 1351) to restore to the JANE JONES. pension-roll the name of Andrew J. Fuller; which was read a first and Mr. VAN EATON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1334) for the relief second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, ancl or­ of Jane Jones; which was read a first and second time, referred to the dered to be printed. Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. ISAA C CHENOWETIT. JACOB UASSIER. Mr. DOCKERY also introduced a bill (H. R. 1352) granting a pen- Mr. vAN EATON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1335) for the relief of sion to Isaac Chenoweth; which was read a first and second time, re­ Jacob ~1assier; which was read a first and second time, referred to the ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. COMIDTTEE CLERKS. BRIDGE OVE:& BAYOU BARNARD, MISS. :Mr. DOCKERY also submitted the following resolution; which wa.s Mr. VAN EATON also introdueed a bill (H. R. 133.6) to authorize the referred to the Conu~.ittee on Accounts: Resolved, That the Committ-ee on Accounts be, and it is hereby, authorized and construction of a bridge over Bay~u Rtmard, in the State of Mississippi; di1·ected to designate the committees which, in the judgment of the said com­ which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on mit tee, should be allowed clerks for the present Congress under the legislative, Commerce, and ordered to be printed. judicial, and executive appropriation bill for the year ending June 3:>, 1886, and repm·t to the House without delay for its action thereon. . . PROTESTANT ORPIIA~ ASYLU)I, N.ATCITEZ, ·ruiSS. Mr. VAN EATON also introduced a bill (H. R. 1337) for the relief of JOITN HOW, INDIAN AGENT. the Protestant Orphan Asylum of Natchez, in lhe State of Mississippi; Mr. DOCKERY also· introduced a bill (H. R. 1353) for the relief of which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the estate of John How, Indian agent, an

THOllAS N. LOYD. provide for the holding of the terms of the district and circuit courts of the United States at Nebraska City Nebr.; which was read a first lt!r. STONE, of Missouri (by request), also introduced a bill (H. R. 1 1386) granting a pension to Thomas N. Loyd; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and or­ and second time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered dered to be printed. to be printed. • JUDICIAL DISTRICTS IN NEBRASKA. SAMUEL CONES. 11r. WEAVER, of Nebraska, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1403} to Mr. STONE, of Missouri, a!so introduced a bill (H. R. 1387) for the divide the State of Nebraska into two judicial districts; .which was read relief of Samuel Cones; which was read a first and second time, referred a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the .Judiciary, and to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. ordered to be printed. HARMON CO:l\i""LEY. FILING OF TRANSCRIPTS OF JUDGME~S IN UNITED STATES COURTS. Mr. STONE, of Missouri, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1388) forthe Mr. WEAVERJ of Nebrask..1., also introduced a bill (H. R. 1404) relief of Harmon Conley; which was read a first and second time, re­ requiring transcripts of judgments obtained in the United States courts ferred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. to be filed with county officers having charge of judgment records in certain cases; which was rea-d a first and second time, referred to tlle ACCOUNTS OF ARMY OFFICERS. Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. :l!Ir. WADE mtroduced a bill (H. R. 1389) to provide for the settle­ ANDREW M. JORDON. ment of the accounts of officers of the Army who served during the war of the rebellion; which was read a first and second time, referred to 1\Ir. WEAVER, of Nebraska, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1405) the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. granting a pension to Andrew M. Jordon; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and or­ J. J. GIDEON. dered to be printed. Mr. WADE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1390) for the relief of .J . .J. SUIMONS W. HARDEN. Gideon; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ 1\Ir. WEA.VER , of Nebraska, also introduced- a bill (H. R. 1406) mittee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. granting a pension to Simmons W. Harden; which was read a first and PUBLIC BUILDING AT SPRINGFIELD, 1\IO. second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, an~ or­ dered to be printed. Mr. WADE also introduced a bill (H. ll. 1391) to provide for the EXTENSION OF PROVISIONS OF ACT OF JUNE 10 1880. erection of a public building in Springfield, Mo. ; which was read a first 1 and second time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Mr. WEA.VER, of Nebraska, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1407) to Grounds, and ordered to be printed. extend the provisions of the act of .J nne 10, 1880, entitled ''An act to S. S. ROBINSON. amend the statutes in relation to the immediate transportation of du­ tiable goods, and for other purposes,'' to the port of Omaha, State of Mr. WADE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1392) to restore the name Nebraska; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ of S. S. Robinson, late of the Sixteenth United States Infantry, to the mittee on Ways and 1\Ieans, and ordered to be printed.. Army, and place him on the retired-list; which was read a first and second time~ referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered WALTER NELSON. to be printed. 1\lr. WEAVER, of Nebraska, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1408) for LE~ KOONTZ. . the relief of Walter Nelson; which was read a first and second time, re­ Mr. WADE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1393) for the relief of Levi ferred to the Committee on Private Land Claims, and or(lered t-o be Koontz; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ printed. mittee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. JEREMIAH BUFFINGTON. . W. B. ADCOCK. 1\Ir. WEA.VER, of Nebraska, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1409) granting a pension to .Jeremiah Buffington; which was read a first and Mr. WADE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1394) for the relief of W.· second time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, a!ld ordered t-o be B. Adcock; which wa.sreadafirst aJldsecond time, referred to theCom­ printed. l!littee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. PACIFIC RAILROAD . . V. L. WIGGINS. Mr. WEAVER, of Nebraska, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1410) de­ Mr. WADE also intr~,>duced a bill (H. R. ~395) to pension V. L. Wig­ claring the time the costs of surveying, selecting, and conveying should gins, late private of Company F, Fourth illinois Cavalry Volunteers; have been paid by the railroad company under the Pacific railroad which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on acts, and for other purposes; which was read a first and second time, Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. referred to the Committee on Pacific Railroads, and ordered to be printed. ~IARTIN KIRK. BRIDGE ACROSS THE MISSOURI NEAR NEBRASKA CITY. Mr. W ~DE also introduced a bill (H. R. 139R) for the relief of Mar­ Mr. WEAVER, of Nebraska, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1411) to tin Kirk: late private in Company E, Eighth Regiment Uissouri Cav­ amend an act authorizing the collStrnction of a bridge across the Mis­ alry Volunteers; which wa.s rea-d a first and second time, referred to souri River opposite toorwithin the corporate limits of Nebraska City, the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Nebraska, approved .June 4,1872; which was read a first and second BENNmT D. BAILEY. time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Mr. WADE also introduced a bill (H. R. 1397) for the relief of Ben­ INSTRUCTIONS TO .JURIES IN UNITED STATES COunTS. nett D. Bailey, First Arkansas Cavalry Volunteers; which wa.s read a Mr. WEAVER, of Nebraska, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1412) to first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and provide tbat judges of the United States circuit and district courts shall ordered to be printed. reduce their instructions to juries to writing in all States wherein by SiLAS S. WHITE. the laws thereof State judges are required so to do; which was read a Mr. WEA.VER, of Nebraska, introduced a bill (H. R. 1398) to grnnt first and second time, referred to the Committee on the .Judiciary, and a :pension to Silas S. White; which was read a .first and second time, ordered to be_printed. . referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be RELIEF OF S:ETTLERS ON THE PUBLIC DOMAIN 1 NEBRASKA. printed. Mr. LAIRD introduced a bill (H. R. 1413) for the relief of settlers PHEBE MARTIN. and purchasers of lands on the publie domain in the States of Nebraska :Mr. WEAVER, of Nebraska, also introduced a bill (H. · R. 1399) and Kansas; which was read a first and second time, referred to the granting a pension to Phebe Martin; which was read a first and second Committee on Claims, a;td ordered to be printed. time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be FORF EITURE OF LANDS FOR RAILOAD AND TELEGRAPH LINES. printed. :l!Ir. R. ALBERT COTTO:N. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. 1414) forfeiting to the United States all lands heretofore granted by Congress in aid of the construc­ Mr. WEA.VER, of Nebraska, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1400) to tion of railroad or telegraph lines upon which the cost of surveying, relieve Albert Cotton from the charge of desertion; which was read a selecting, and conveying have not been paid, as required by law; which first and second time, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Pub­ and ordere~ to be printed. lic Lands, and ordered to be printed. PUBLIC DUILDING AT BEATRICE, NEBR. AOQUISITION OF PROPERTY BY ALIENS. 1\fr. WEA. VER, of Nebraska, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1401) for . Mr. LAIRD introduced a bill (H. R. 1415) to prevent the acquisition the erection of a public building at the city of Beatrice, Nebr.; which of property by aliens, and for other purposes; which was-read a first was read a :first and second ti.rD.e, referred to the Committee on Public and seconu time, referred to the Committee on the .Judiciary, and or­ Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. dered to be printed. UNITED ST.ATES COURTS AT NEBRASKA CITY. GEORGE S. COl\ISTOCK. 1\lr. WEA.VER, of Nebraska, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1402) to 1\Ir. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R.1416) for the relief of George .428 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE.- JANUARY 5, •

S. Comstock;· which wa..<~ read a first and second time, referred to the PUBLIC BUILDING AT HASTINGS, NEDR. Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1434) for the erection of a JAMES BAINTER. public building at Hastings, Nebr.; which was read a first and second Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1417) for the relief of James time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and Bainter; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ ordered to be printed. mittee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed. GEORGE S. FISHER. HENRY MARTIN. Mr. LAIRD also introduced 'a bill (H: R. 1435) to reimburse George Mr. LAIRD a1so introduced a bill (H. R.1418) for the relief of Henry S. Fisher for losses sustained by fire in Japan, November 26, 1866; :Martin; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on mittee on Private Land Claims, and ordered to be printed. Claims, and ordered to be printed. IXFA..."\TTRY BRANCH OF TllE ARl\IY. 1\IOSES FULLINGTON. l\Ir. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1419) granting a pension Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1436) to increase the effi­ ciency of the infantry brnnch of the Army; which was read a first and to l\Ioses Fullington; which was read a firs~ and second time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed . . second time, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to he printed. WESLEY 1\IONTGOMERY. BRANCH SOLDIE~' llO!\.IE. Mr. LA.IRDalsointroduced a bill (H. R. 1420) fortherelief ofWes­ Mr. LAIRD aiso introduced a bill (H. R. 1437) to authorize the lo­ ley Montgomery; which was read a first and second time, referred to cation of a branch home for Yoluntecr disabled soldiers in either of the the Committee on Private Land Claims, and ordered to be printed. States of Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska~ Colorado or Dakota Terri tory, STEPJ:IEN C. JIIO).TROE. and for other purposes; which was read a fir.:;t and second time, re­ Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill {H. R. 1421) to rerate the pension ferred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. of Stephen C. Monroe; which was read a first and second time, referred LDIITATION OF .ARREARS OF PEXSIONS. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Ur. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1438) to remove the lim­ JUDG)IENTS IN UNITED STATEs COURTS. itation in the payment of arrears of pensions; which was read a first 1\Ir. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1422) requiring transcripts and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and of judgments obtained in United States courts to be filed with county ordered to be printed. · officers having charge of judgment records in certain cases; which was DANIEL III' ALPIN. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judi­ Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1439) for the relief of Da.n­ ciary, and ordered to be printed. iel McAlpin; which wns re..'l.d a first and second time, refer.red to the PROOF IN PENSION CASES. Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. LAIRfi also introduced a bill (H. .R. 1423) regulating the proof JOHN BENSON. required in certain pension cases, and for other purposes; which wns Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1440) granting a pension read a fir.:;t and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pen- to John Benson; which was read a first and second time, referred to the sions, and ordered to be printed. · Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. JOHN ll. WHITAKER. EDW.ARD IIlLL. Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1424) for the relief of John n. Whitaker, guardian; which was read a first apd second time, re­ Mr. LAIR~ also introduced a bill (H. R. 1441) granting increase of ferred totbe Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. pension to Edward Hill, late of the Sixteenth Michig:m Volunteer In­ fantry; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ DELIA G. WEBBER. mittee on Invalid_Pensions, and ordered to be printed. 1\Ir. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1425) granting a pension to Delia G. Webber; which was read a first and second time, referred TWO NEW CA. V ALRY REGIMENTS. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. LAIRD also introduced a joint resolution (II. Res. 41) author­ P ATSEY JACKSON. izing the President of the United States to raise two regiments of vol­ unteer cavalry in the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona to sup­ Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R.1426) granting a pension to press Indian hostilities therein; which was read a first and second time, Patsey Jackson, widow ~f the late James S. J ~kson, brigadier-general, referred -to the Committee on Military .Affairs, and ordered to be United States Volunteers; which was read a first and, second time, re­ printed. ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered be printed. to AGRICULTURAL LANDS. OFFICERS OF VOLUNTEER .ARMY. 1\lr. LAIRD also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 42) requeSt­ Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1427) for the relief of cer­ ing the Commissioner of the General Land Office to furnish certain in­ tain officers of the volunteer army, and for other purposes; which was formation to Congress concerning the suspension of the issuance of pat­ read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, ents to lands taken by settlers thereon pursuant to law, and requiring and ordered to be printed. that officer to pass to patent all agricultural lands taken pursuant to BENJAMIN F. POPE. law against which no contest is pending or agains~ which no specific Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1428) to confirm the title charge is proved or pending; which was referred to the Committee on of Benjamin F. Pope to his office of assistant surgeon in the Army of the Public Lands. the United States; which was read a first and second time, referred to LAND-GRANT RAILROADS. the Committee on 1\filitary .Affairs, and ordered to be printea. :Mr. LAIRD also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 43) directing UNITED STATES COURTS IN NEBRASKA. the-Secretary of the Interior to require all land-grant railroads to file a Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1429) to provide for the release of lands covered by the terms of their grants before taking other holding of a term of the district and circuit courts of the United States 1'lnds in lieu thereof, and for other purposes; which was read a first and at Hastings, Nebr.; which was read a fu""St and flecond time, referred to second time, referred to the Committee on the Pnblic Lands, and or­ the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. dered to be printed. EDWARD W. M'GINNIS. DAVID STONECYPHER. Mr. LAIRD also introduced a. bill (H. R.1430) for the relief of David Mr. LAIRD (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1442) for the Stonecypher; which was read a first and second time, referred to the relief of Edward 'N. McGinnis; which was read a first and second time, Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. . referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. PAY OF HOSPITAL STEWARDS. GEORGE A. IAEGER. 1\'Ir. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1431) to equalize the pay Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R.1443) for the relief of George of hospital stewards of the Army with that of other officers of like rank; A.. Iaeger; which was read a first and second time, referred to the which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. War Claims, and ordered to be printed. · EDWARD BYRNE. WILLIAM H. TIBBITS. Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1444) for the relief of Ed­ Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1432) for the relief of W. ward Byrne; which was read a first and second time, referred to the H. Tibbits; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Committee on Private Land Claims, ~nd ordered to be printed. MRS. MARY M 7INTOSH. CHARLES H. HOLT. ~Ir. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1445) granting an increase Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 143:n for the relief of of pension to 1\lrs. 1\Iary Mcintosh; which was 1·ead. a first and second Charles H. HoU; which was read· a first and second time, referred to time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be the Committee on Invalid PensioM, and ordered to be printed. printed. 1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 429

FRANCIS DENI\IEAD. ADDIE L. MACOllBER. Mr. LAIRD also introduced a bill (H. R. 1446) for the relief of Francis Mr. GALLINGER (by Mr. HAYNES) also introduced a bill (H. R. Den mead; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Com­ 1462) granting a pension to Addie L. Macomber; which was read a :first mittee on Private Land Claims, and ordered to be printed. and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and MARCUS A. RE}fO. ordered to be printed. DANIEL MARCY. :Ur. LArRD also introduced a bill (H. -R.1447) for the relief of Mar­ cus A. Reno; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Mr. HAYNES introduced a bill (H. R.1463) directing the Secretary Committee on MilitarY Affairs, and ordered to be printed. of the Treasury to refund moneywrongfullypaid for duties on imports by Daniel Marcy; which wa.s read a :first and second time, referred to ADDITIONAL LAND OFFICES. the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. DORSEY introduced a bill (H. R. 1448) to establish two addi­ D.A. VID WEBSTER. tional land offices in the State of Nebraska; which was read a :first and Mr. HAYNES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1464) for the relief of second time, referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered David Webster; which wa.s read a :first and second time, referred totbe to l'e printed. Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. HE~RY B. JAY. TELBGRAPH OPERATORS DURING THE WAR. Mr. DORSEY also introduced a bill (H. R. 1449) to remove the charge of desertion from military record of Henry B. Jayi which was read a Mr. HAYNES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1465) for the relief of tele­ first and second time, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, graph operators during the war; which was read a :first and second time, and ordered to be printed. referred to ~e Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. CllARLES B. SIGNOR. RICHARD WOOD. Mr. DORSEY also introduced a bill (H. R. 1450) !or the relief of Mr. HAYNES also introduced a bill (H. R.1466) regulating there­ Charles B. Signor; which was read a :first and second time, referred to tired pay and allowances to Richard Wood, United States Marine Corps; the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committtee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. OTTO SCHITTLER. PUBLIC BUILDING, DOVER, N. H. Mr. DORSEY also introduced a bill (H. R. 1451) granting a pension to Otto Scbittler, late assistant surgeon One hundred and twenty-p.inth Mr. HAYNES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1467) to provide for the Pennsyhania Volunteer Infantry; which was read a :first and second erection of a public building in the city of Dover, in the State of New time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Hampshire; which was read a :first and second time, referred totheCom- . printed. · mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. D. 0. ADKINSON. JOHN P. DAVIS. Mr. WOODBURN introduced a bill (H. R. 1452) for the relief of D. Mr. ~YNES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1468) increasing the pen­ 0. Adkinson, postmaster of Virginia City, Nev.; which was re.ad a :first sion of John P. Davis; which wa.s read. a :first and second time, referred and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. be printed. . - LOIS HOLT. JOliN ll. KINKEAD Al-4"'D "OTHERS. Mr. HAYNES also introduced a bill (H. R.1469) granting a pension 1\fr. WOODBURN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1453) referring to to Lois Holt; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the the Court of Claims for adjudication the claims of John H. Kinkead, Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Samuel Sussman, and Charles 0. Wood; which was read a first and JOHN E. LITTLE. second time, referred to the Commtttee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. HAYNES also introduced a bill (H. :R. 1470) granting a pension ELECTION OF SEN ATORS. to John E. Little; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. GALLINGER (by Mr. HAYNES) introduced .a. bill (H. R. 1454) to amend section 14 of the Revised Statutes of the United States con­ .ANDREW J. HILL. cerning the election of Senators; which was read a :first and second time, Mr. HAYNES also introduced a bill (H. R.1471) increasing the pen· referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. sion of Andrew J.· Hill; which was read a :first and second time, re­ LYSANDER II. CARROLL. ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. GALLINGER (by Mr. HAYNES) also introduced a bill· (H. R. MARY MURPHY. 1455) for the relief of Lysander H. Carroll; which was read a first and Mr. HAYNES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1472) granting a pension second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be tQ Mary Murphy; which was read a :first and second time, referred to printed. the Corqmittee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. LYDIA A. N"ELSON. MARY CARR. Mr. GALLINGER (by Mr. HAYNES) also introduced a bill (H. R. · Mr. HAYNES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1473) granting a pension 1456) granting a pension to Lydia. A.. Nelson; whichwasreada:firstand to Mary Carr; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, a.nd ordered Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. to be printed. MARY G. COLBY . EDWARD B. IIOLT. Mr. HAYNES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1474) granting a pension Mr. GALLINGER (by Mr. HAYNES) al~ introduced a bill (H. R. to Mary G. Colby; which was read a :first and second time, referred to 1457) granting an increase of pension to Edward B. Holt; which was the COmmittee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. MARGARET FLAHERTY. . Mr. HAYNES also introduced a. bill (H. R.1475) granting a pension NATHANIEL W. DAVIS. to Margaret Flaherty; which WW? read a :first _and second time, referred :Mr. GALLINGER (by Mr. HAYNES) also introduced a bill (H. R. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. 1458) granting a pension to Nathaniel W. Davis; which was read a :first JOSEPH H. ADAMS. \ and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. HAYNES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1478) granting a. pension M. LOUISE BUTLER. · to Joseph H. Adams; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. 1t!r. GALLINGER (by Mr. HAYNES) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1459) granting an increase of pension to M. Louise Butler; which was FRAUDULENT ENTRIES ON PUBLIC DO:HAIN. \ read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Mr• .McADOOintroduceda bill (H. R.1477) to prevent fraudulent en­ sions, and ordered to be printed. tries on the public domain and to preserve the same for actual settlers CHARLES H. ORDWAY. in good faith; which was read a. :first and second time, referred to the Com­ :Mr. GALLINGER (by Mr. HAYNES) also introduced a bill (H. R. mittee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. 1460) granting an increaseofpension to Charles H. Ordway; which was VOTEBS AND OFFICERS IN TERRITORIES. read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Mr. McADOO also introduced a bill (H. R. 1478) to prevent certain sions, and ordered to be printed. persons from voting at elections or holding office in the Territories of the LISETrA W. SPAULDING. United States; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Mr. GALLINGER (by Mr. HAYNES) 8Jso introduced a. bill (H. R. Committee on the Territories, and ordered~ be printed. 1461) granting a pension to Lisetta W. Spaulding; which was read·a ALIENS ON PUBLIC LANDS. :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, Mr. McADOO al~o introduced a bill (H. R. 1479) to pre,ent aliens and ordered to be printed. . other than lwna fide settlers from owning or leasing OI using for gra~ 430 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 5, ' ing purposes lands in the Territories of the United States; which was ·which was read a first and second -time, referred to the Committee on read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Public Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Lands, and ordered to be printed. CHARGES AGAINST PERSO:NS IN THE CIVIL SERVICE• .JOSEPH E. MOORE. Mr. BUCIIANA.N also introduced a bill (H. R. 1494) to afford per- . Mr. McADOO also introduced a bill (H. R. 1480) for the relief of sons in the civil service of the United States an opportunity to inspect Joseph E. Moore; which was read a first and second time, referred to charges which may be filed against them and to reply thereto, and for tho Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. other purposes; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Select Committee on Reform in the Civil Service, -and ordered to be ANN LOCKWOOD. printed. · Mr. McADOO also introduced a bill (H. R. 1481) for the relief of DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Ann Lockwood; 'Yhich was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and or<1ered to be printed. 1.Ir. BUCHANAN also introduced a bill (H. R. 149/i) creating a De­ partment of Agriculture; which was read a first and second time, re­ SURVIVORS OF THE CtnffiERLAND. ferred to the Committee on Agriculture, and ordered to be printed. Mr. McADOO also introduced a. bill (H. R. 1482) to provide suita­ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. ble meda,ls for the survivors of the officers and crew of the United States Mr. BUCHANAN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1496) to establish ag­ sloop-of-war Cumberland; w.hich was read a first and second time, re­ ricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges estab­ ferred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed. lished in the several States under the provisions of an act approved July ELECTION OF .PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. 2, 1862, and of the acts supplementary thereto; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Agriculture, and ordered Mr. McADOO also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 44) pro­ to be printed. po ing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States for uni­ formity as to the day for choosing Presidential electors, and forbidding RETIREMEl"'"""T AND RECOINAGE OF THE TRADE-DOLLAR. . the voting for any other officers s..we Representatives in Congress at 1.Ir. BUCHANAN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1497) for the retire­ said election of President and Vice-President; which was read a :firSt ment and recoinage of the trade-dollar; which was read a first ::md sec­ and second time, referred to the Select Committee on the Election of ond time, referred totheCommitteeonCoinage, Weights, and Measures, President and Vice-President, and ordered to be printed. and ordet·ed to be printed. PUBLIC BUILDING AT PATERSON, N. J. RELlEF OF NAVAL RECRUITS FROM THE CHARGE OF DESERTION. 1Ir. PHELPS introduced a bill (H. R. 1483) for the erection of a Mr. BUCHANAN also introduced a bill (H. R.1498) extending.the public building in Paterson, N. J.; which was read a first and second provisions and benefi.tsoftheactapprovedAugust 7,1882, entitled 'An time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and act to relieve certain soldiers of the late war from desertion," to cer­ ordered to be printed. tain naval recruits serving in the said war; which was read a first and HANNAH STEVENTON. second time, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. 1tfr. PHELPS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1484) to place on the pen­ sion-roll the name of Hannah Steventon.; which was read a first and sec­ .AJIIENDMENT OF SECTION 4718 REVISED STATUTES. ond time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered 1.Ir. BUCHANAN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1499) to amend sec­ to be printed. tion 4718 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and for other MRS. A. B. ALEXANDER. purposes; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ 1.Ir. PHELPS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1485) for the relief of mittee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mrs. A. B. Alexander; which was read a first and second time, referred CHANGING NAME OF THE PORT OF LAMBERTON. to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BUCHANAN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1500) changing the BATTLEFIELDS OF THE REVOLUTION. name of the port of Lamberton, in the district of Bru·lington, N. J., to t~e port of Trenton, in said district; which was read a first and sec­ Mr. PHELPS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1486) to encourage soci­ ond timet referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be eties of the vicinage to erect monuments on the few important battle­ printed. fields of the Revolution yet unmarked; which was I'ead a first and sec­ WJLirAM DALTON. ond time, referred to the Committee on the Library, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BUCHANAN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1501) referring the claim of William Dalton tothe Court of Claims; which was read a first WASHINGTON'S HEADQUARTERS AT MORRISTOWN, N • .J. and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered Mr. PHELPS also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 45) to en­ to be printed. large and improve Washington's headquarters, at Morristown, N. J.; WILBUR F. COGSWELL. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Mr. BUCHANAN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1502) for fue relief· the Library, and ordered to be printed. of Wilbur F. ·cogswell, late assistant engineer, United States Navy; PROTECTION OF FISHERIES. which was read a. first and second time, referred to the Committee on Mr. HIRES introduced a bill (H. R. 1487) for the protection of fish­ Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed. eries on the Atlantic coast; which was read a first and second time, re­ GEORGE T. DUDLEY. ferred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BUCHANAN also introduced a. bill· (H. R. 1503) for the relief PUBLIC BUILDING, CAMDEN, N • .J. of George T. Dudley; which was read a first and second time, referred Mr. HIRES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1488)·for the erection of a to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. public building at Camden, N. J.; which was read a first and second .JOHN W. ROSE. time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and 1\Ir. BUCHANAN also U+troduced a bill (H. R. 1504) granting a. pen­ ordered to be printed. sion to John W. Rose; which was read a first and second time, referred HENRY .R. PIERSON. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. HIRES also introduced a bill (H. R. 14.89) granting a pension to WILLIAM DERMODY. Henry R. Pierson; which was read a first and second time, 1·eferred to Mr. BUCHANAN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1505) granting a pen- the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. sion to William Dermody; which was read a first and second time, re- .AMY STANTON. ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. 1\Ir. HIRES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1490) for the reliefof Amy .JAllfES M'Al\~-y. Stanton; :which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com- :Mr. BUCHANAN also introduced a bill (H. R. 1506) granting a pen- mittee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. . sionto James McAnny; which was read afi.rstandsecond time, referred .JOSEPH CURRIDE N. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. HIRES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1491) for the relief of Joseph ADJUDICATION OF PENSION CLA IMS. Cnrriden; which was read a first alid second time, referred to the Com- M:r. BUCHANAN also submitted the following resolution; which mittee on War Claims. and ordered to be printed. was referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions: .JAMES BUTLER. Resolved, That the Committee on Inva lid Pensions be, and theya.rehereby, in­ Mr. HIRES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1492) granting a pension Ftructed to inq uire into the causes of the great delay in the adjudication of claims for invalid p ensions ; that they h a ve power to send for persons and papers, and to James Butler; which was read a first and second time, referred to to report by bill or otherwise. the Comm.ittee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. DRAWB. ACKS ON SliGAR. REPE AL OF INTERNAL-REVENUE TAXES ON TOBACCO. ?tlr. BUCHANAN also submitted the following resolution; which Mr. BUCHANAN introduced a bill (H. R. 1493) repealing the inter­ was referred to the Committee ori Ways and Means: nal-revenue taxes upon tobacco and the· various manufactures thereof; Be it resolved, That the Secr e tary of the Treas ury be, and is hereby, directed tG 1886. CONGREBSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 431 forward to this House a statement of the amount of raw sugars imported since ing from the Hudson River to the Delaware River; which was read a July1, 1883, the total amount and average rate of duty paid thereon, and a. state­ first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ment of the total amount of drawbacks refunded upon refined sugars exported since said date and the average rate per pound of such drawbacks, and a state­ ordered to be printed. ment of the regulations adopted for determining the rate per pound of such drawbacks, and also a statement showing the average rate of such dra.wbaclts SALE OF ~EW YO'R.K POST-OFFICE SITE. refunded prior to the date when the tariff revision act of 1883 went into effect, Mr. HEWITT also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 46) confer­ together with copies of all communications on file in his Department in relation to drawbacks on sugar and filed since July 1, 1883. ring jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to consider and determine the equitable interest of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New OLIVER VAN BILLIARD. York in the money realized by the sale of the post-office site in the city Mr. PIDCOCK introduced a bill (H. R. 1507) for the relief of Oliver of New York; which was read a first · and second time, referred to the Van Billiard; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. . MARY F. BLAKE. MARCUS A HAMILTON. M:.r. PIDCOCK also introduced a bill (H. R. 1508) for the relief of Mr. HEWITT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1520) granting an in~ ?!Iarcus A. Hamilton; which was read a first and second time, referred crease of pension to Mary F. Blake; which was read a fust and second to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. WILLIAM P. VAN GORDEN. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY FOR ARMY PURPOSES. Mr. PIDCOCK also introduced a bill (H. R. 1509) for the relief of William P. VanGorden; which was read afirstandsecond time, referred Mr. HEWITT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1521) making an appro­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. priation for the purchase of the old Produce Exchange· building, and t-he site bounded by Whitehall, Pearl, Moore, and Water streets, New PEARL BUTTONS. York city, and for other purposes; which was read a first and second Mr. LEHLBACH introduced a bill (H. R. 1510) to amend the cos­ time, referred to the Committee on Pu.blic Bu.ildings and Grounds, and toms-revenue laws relative to pearl buttons; which was read a first and ordered to be printed. second time, referred to the· Committee on Ways and Means, and or­ RICHARD OULAHAN. dered to be printed. Mr. HEWITT also. introdu.ced a bill (H. R. .1522) for the relief of SIDNEY R. SMITH. Richard Oulahan, late first lieutenant of the One hundred and sixty­ 1t'fr. LEHLBACH also introduced a bill (H. R. 1511) for the relief of fourtli Regiment New York Volunteers; which was read afirst andsec­ Sidney R. Smith; which was read a first and second time, referred to ond time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ord~red to be printed. the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. OVERVALUATION OF AUSTRIAN FLORIN. SUSAN C. MANDEVILLE. Mr. LEHLBACH also introduced a bill (H. R. 1512) granting arrears Mr. HEWITT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1523) to refu.nd excessive of pension and pension to Susan C. Mandeville; which was read a first duties caused by extra.ord:inary overvaluation of the Austrian florin in and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid PensionsJ and the year 1878; which was read a first and second time. ordered to be printed. The SPEAKER pro tempore. This bill under the new rules will go to the Committee on Claims. CO.ITENTION BETWEEN UNITED STATES .AND MEXICO. Mr. HEWITT. The Chair is of co ruse well informed1 but at the same Mr. HEWITT introduced a bill (H. R. 1513) to carry into effect a time this matMr was submitted to the House by the State Department, convention between the United States of America. and Mexico signed and originally went to the Committee on Foreign .Affairs, and was then on the 20th day of January, 1883; which was read a :first and second transferred to the Committee on Ways and Means on the ground that time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be it affected the valuation of the Austrian florin,. which was a matter in printed. which the Committee on Ways and Means was concerned and not the UNIFORM STANDARD OF VALUE. Committee on Foreign .Affairs. It will sound in the repayment of an ~Ir. HEWITT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1514) to secure a uniform amount of money if it is allowed. · standard of value; which was read a :first and second time, referred to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clerk will !ead the new rule the Committee on Banking and Cu.rrency, and ordered to be printed. under which the bill goes to the Committee on Claims. PURCHASE OF FOREIGN-BUILT SHIPS. The Clerk read as follows: 7. No bill for the payment or adjudica.ti~n of any private claim againSt the Mr. HEWITT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1515) amendatory of title Government shall be referred, except by unanimous consent, to any other than 48 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, so as to authorize the the following-named committees, viz: To the Committee on Invalid Pensions, purchase of foreign-built ships by citizens of the United States for use to the Committee on Pensions, to the Committee on Claims, to the Committee on War Claims, to the Committee on Private Land Claims, and to the Commit­ in the foreign-carrying trade; which was read a :first and second time, tee on Accounts. referred to the Committee un Commerce, and ordered to be printed. ?!Ir. HEWITT. This is a bill to refund some $40,000-- WIDOW OF COIDIANDER T. A. M. CRAVEN. The SPEAKER pro te'tnpore. Under the terms of the new rule it Mr. HEWITT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1516) to jncrease the pen­ must go to the Committee on Claims. sion of the widow of the late Commander T. A.M. Craven; which was Mr. HEWITT. I think it should be a case of unanimous consent. read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there obje((tion to the reference of sions, and ordered to be printed. · the bill to the Committee on Foreign .Affairs? - GIFTS TO THE FRENCH BE...""\TEVOLENT SOCIETY. There was no objection, and the bill was referred to the Committee Mr. HEWITT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1517) to admit free of on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed. duty gifts to the French Benevolent Society of New York; which was . PORT CHARGES. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Mr. HEWITT also introduced a bill (H. R.1524) making appropri~ Means, and ordered to be printed. · tions for the purchase of the work entitled ''Port charges and 1·equire­ .A. A. LOW & BROTHERS. ments on vessels in the various ports oftheworl4, with tables of moneys, !11r. HEWITT a.lso introduced a bill (H. R. 151H) for the relief of A. weights, iJ.nd measures of all nations, and a telegraphic code for masters, A. Low & Brothers; which was read a first and second time. owners, and ship-brokers, by Theodore Hunter and Jarvis Patten," The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. SPRINGER). This bill will be re­ for the use of United States consuls that are stationed at seaports, and, ferred to the Committee on Claims, not to the Committee on Ways and through said consuls, for consultation of American ship-masters Visiting Means as.indicated by the indorsement. those ports; which was read a first and second time. Mr. HEWITT. Itis a bill relating to the national debt. It provides The SPEAKER pro tempQTe. That bill seems to appropriate money. for the payment of a missing bond; anq under the practice of the House _ Mr. HEWITT. It should go to the Committee on Commerce or the and the well settled rule (I do not think the new rule applies to the Committee on Appropriations. case) all questions relating to the national debt should go the Committee The SPEAKER pro tempQTe. The Chair is of the opinion _that it on Ways and Means. The bill has been twice favorably reported to the should go to the Committee on Appropriations. House from that committee. Mr. HEWITT. That is my own view. The SPEAKER p1·o tempore. The Chair is of opinion that it must go The bill was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to the Committee on Claims, unless it be otherwise referred by unan­ to be printed. imous consent. :h""EW YORK, LAKE ERIE .AND WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY. The bill was referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be Mr. HEWITT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1525) for the relief of printed. the New York, Lake E.rie and Western Railioad Company; which was BOUNDARY BETWEEN NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY. read a first and second time. Mr. HEWITT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1519) to approve and Mr. HEWITT. It arises out ofpost-office questions, but will involve confirm the agreement entered into by the States of New York and the payment of money, and I suppose will have to go to the C«lmmittee New Jersey concerning the boundary line between said States extend- on Claims under the new rules. 432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 5,

The SPEAKER pro tempore. · Yes·; and not to the Committee on the the Mississippi River from New Orleans, La., to Cairo, ill., and inci­ Post-Office and Post-Roads. dentally to reclaim and protect the valley lands of the Mississippi River The bill was referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be and tributaries from overflow without levees; which was read a first printed. . ~d second time, referred to the Committee on the Levees ann Improve­ THOMAS THACHEB •. ment of the Mississippi River, and ordered to be printed. Mr. HEWITT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1526) for the relief of SALE OF UNITED STATES I,ANDS, WALL ABOUT B.A. Y. Thomas Thacher; which was read ·a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. .Mr. BLISS introduced a bill (H. R. 1539) providing for the sale of the navy-yard and Unit-ed States naval hospital land on and near RETA.IJ, DEALERS IN FERMENTED LIQUORS. Wallabout Bay, in the city of Brooklyn, N. Y.; also providing for the Mr. HEWITT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1527) to amend para­ sale of a portion of said land to the city of Brooklyn for market pur­ graph 5 of section 3244 of the Revised Statutes; which was read a first poses; which was read a first andsecoun time, referred to the Commit­ and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and tee on Naval.Affahs, and ordered to be printed. ordered to be printed. . APPOINTMENTS ..L~D PROMOTIONS, l\IARINE CORPS. WITHDRAWAL OF MERCHANDISE. _!Ir. BLISS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1540) to regulate appoint­ Mr. HEWITT also introduced a bill (H. R. 15:>.8) to amend certain ments and promotions in the staff of the Marine Corps; which was read sections of the Revised Statutes relating to the assessment of duties on a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Naval .Affairs, and withdrawals of merchandise from warehouse; which was read a first and ordered to be printed. second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and or- dered to be prfuted. · DAVID L. BRAINARD AND OTHERS. PUBLIC BUILDING, HUDSON, N. Y. Mr. BLISS also introduced a bill (H. R. 15U)for thereliefof David L. Brainard and others, non-commissioned officers and privates of the Mr. KETCHAM introduced a bill (H. R. 1529) for the erection of a Greely Arctk expedition; which was rean a :firat and secmid time, re­ public building at Hudson, N. Y.; which was read a first and second ferred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be pr;inted. time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. · R~UND OF CERTAIN CLADIS OF PORT WARDENS. MERCHANTS' NATIO~AL D.J..NK, POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. Mr. BLISS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1542) in relation tO refund~ Mr. KETCHAM also introduced a bill (H. R. 1530) for the relief of ing certain sums claimed by port wardens; which was read a first and the Merchants' National Bank of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair is of opinion that the proper printed. reference of this bill is. to the Committee on Claims. MARGARET KEA.RNS. Mr. WILKINS. This bill has been before the Committee on Bank­ Mr. BLISS also introduced a bill. (H. R. 1543) grantb:tg a pension to ing and Currency heretofore, and that would seem to be the proper ref­ Margaret Kearns; which was read a first and second time, referred to erence now. the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. The SPEAKER pro tempore. · It appears to be a claim, and under the EXTENSION OF LETTERS PATENT. new rule must go to the Committee on Claims. . Mr. BLISS also introduced a bUl (IT. R. 1544) authorizing William Mr. WILKINS. It is not a claim of such a nature as would require Lewis and William H. Lewis to make application to the Commissioner ita reference to that committee. I do not understand that the rule is of Patents for the extension of their patent for new and useful photo­ changed in this particular. It is not a claim against the Government. graphic plate-holders; which was read a first and second time, referred The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair understands this, however, to the Committee on Patents, and ordered to be printed. to be the issue of a claim. Mr. WILKINS. But it is not such a claim as the rule contemplates. EDWAim HA.RT. The bill was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee Mr. BLISS also introduced a bill (H. . R. 154~) to increase the pen­ on Banking and Currency, and ordered to be printed. sion of the widow of the late Naval Constructor Edward Hart; which · was read a first -and second time, 'referred to the Committee on· Invalid W. II. GIFFORD. Pensio~, and ordered to be printed. · Mr. KETCHAM also introduced a bill (H. R. 1531) granting a pen­ sion toW. H. Gifford; which was read a first and second time, referred FRANCIS H. ELLISON. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BLISS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1546) for the relief of Francis H. Ellison; which was read a first and second time; referred to the NEWTON A. CALKINS. Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. KETCHAM also introduced a bill (H. R. 1532) granting an in­ crease ofpension to Newton A. Calkins; which wasread a firstandsec­ EDWABD B • . LANSING. ond time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered Mr. BLISS also introduced a bill (H. R. 1547) for the relief of Ed­ to be printed. ward B. Lansing; which-was read a first and second time, refe:rred to . REOPENING DECISION COURT OF

ceased; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com- Nathaniel Taylor; which was read a first and second time, referred to mittee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. HARRIET P. BLAKE. PU:ID..IC BUILDING, NEWBURG, N. Y. Mr. JOHNSON, of New York, also introduced a -bill (H. R. 1555) Mr. BEACH also introduced a bill (H. R. 1569) for the erection of a for the relief of Harriet P. Blake; which was read a first and second public building at Newburg, N. Y.; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee oninvalidPensions, and ordered to be time, referred tO the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and printed. · · • ordered to be printed. JACOB MAYER. SPECIAL LEGISLATIOY AND LEGISLATION 0~ APPROPRIATION BILI.S. Mr. JOHNSON, of New York, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1556) Mr. BEACH also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 47) proposing granting a pension to Jacob Mayer; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Ifivalid Pensions, and ordered to.be an amendment to the Constitution of the United States so as to l)re­ printed. vent special legislation and prohibit legislation on appropriation bills; which wa8 read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on DA YID W. JONES. the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BURLEIGH (by :Mr. JOHNSON, of New York) introduced a bill (H. R. 1557) for the relief of David W. Jones; which was read a first CONSTITUTIOYAL LIMITATIO~ ON CLAIMS AGAINST TIIE UNITED and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to STATES. be printed. Mr. BEACH also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 48) proposing FRANCIS DANIELS. an amendment to the Constitution of the United States so as to raise Mr. BURLEIGH (by Mr. JoHNSON, of New York) also introduced a statute of limitation upon claims agamst the Government; which was a bill (H. R. 1558) for the relief of Francis Daniels; which was read reaP. a first and second time, referred to th'e Committee on the Judiciary, a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. and ordered to be printed. A VETO ON SEPARATE ITE)IS IN APPROPRIATION BILLS. FORDYCE FOSTER. Ur. BEACH also introduced a joint resolution {H. Res. 49) proposing Mr. BURLEIGH (by Mr. JOHNSON, of New York) i».troduced a bill an amendment to the Constitution of the United States so as to give (H.' R. 1559) for the relief of Fordyce Foster; which was read a first the President power to veto one or more items in appropriation bills; and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the ordered to be printed. Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. EVALINE A. WHITE. UNIFORM MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE LAWS. Mr. BURLEIGH {by Mr. JOHNSON, of New York) introduced a bill · Mr. BEACH also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 50) proposing · (H. R.1560) for the relief of Evaline A. White; which was read a first an amendment to the Constitution of the United States so as to estab­ and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and lish uniform laws on the subject of marriage and divorce; which was ordered to be printed. . read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, REFUND OF DUTIES. nod ordered to be printed. Mr. BEACH introduced a bill (H. R.1561) to refund duties upon goods AGAINST LOkNING THE PUBLIC CREDIT. on shipboard when thetariifactofMarch 3,1883, went into effect; which was read a first and second time. Ur. BE4CH also introduced a joint resolution (H. Res. 51) proposing Mr. BEACH. I ask that this bill be referred to the Committee on an amendment to the Constitution of the United States so as to pre­ Ways and Means. vent the giving or loaning of the public property or credit in aid of pri­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair thinks it should go to the vate or corporate enterp_rise; which was read a first and second time, re­ Committee on Claims. ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BEACH. A similni bill went to the Committee on Ways and PUDLIC BUILDING, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Means in the last Congress. Mr. BAKER introduced a bill (H. R. 1570) to increase the appro­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. The rule has been changed since then, priation for the erection of a public building at Rochester, N. ~·; which and the Chair, having examined this bill, finds that clearly it should go was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Public to the Committee on Claims. It is a bill for the payment of money-lor Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. the refunding of taxes alleged to have been illegally paid. Mr. BEACH, If that is the proper reference I have no objection. TITLE TO CERTAIN LANDS ON SAGINAW BAY, MICH. The bill was referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be Mr. BAKER also introduced a bill (H. R. 1571) to quiet and confirm printed. the title to certain lands on Saginaw Bay, in the State of Michigan; PREFERENCE FOR SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Mr. BEACH also introduced a bill (H. R. 1562) to amend section the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. 1754 of the Revised Statutes so as to give honorably discharged soldiers INTERSTATE-CO:\!MERCE C01\illiSSIOY. and sailors a preference in public appointments; which was read a first Mr. BAKER also introduced a bill (H. R. 1572) to create an inter­ and second time, referred to the Committee on Reform in the Civil Serv­ state-commerce commission and to regulate its powers and duties; ice, and ordered to be printed. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on NATIONAL BANKS. Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BEACH also introduced a bill (H. R. 1563) authorizing the Comp­ BUREAU OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. I • troller of the Currency to change the names or locations of national Mr. BAKER also introduced a bill (H. R. 1573) providing for the es­ banks and to increase the capital stock thereof; w~ch was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency, tablishment of a bureau of public documents; which was read a first and ordered to be printed. and second time, referred to the Committee on the Library, and ordered to be printed. · PHEBE SAUNDERS. SARAH L. BRAGG. Mr. BEACH also introduced a bill (H. R. 1564) granting a pension ~Ir. BAKER also introcl~ced a bill (H. R. 1574) granting a pension to Phebe Saunders; which was read a first and second time, referred to Sarah L. Bragg; which was read a first and second time, referred to to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. JOHN WALLER. EJ... IZA.BETII KAHLER. Mr. BEACH also introduced a bill (H. R. 1565) to reimburse John Waller, late postmaster at Monticello, N. Y., for moneys expended in Mr. BAKER also introduced a bill (H. R. 1575) granting a pension carrying the mails; which was read a first and second time, referred to to Elizabeth Kahler; which was read a first and second time, referred the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. EDGAR BRODHEAD. THOMAS ALLCOCK. Mr. BEACH also introduced a bill {H. R. 1566) for the relief of .Edgar Mr. BAKER also introduced a bill (H. R. 1576) granting an increase Brodhead; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Com­ of pension to Thomas Allcock; which was read a first and second time, mittee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed. referred to the Committee on- Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be PHILIP JACOBS. printed. ERIE AND OSWEGO CA..."" ALS. Mr. REACH also· introduced a bill (H. R. 1567) granting a pension tl) Philip Jacobs; which was read a first and second time, referred to Mr. WEBER (by Mr. BAKER) introduced a bill (H. R. 1577) for the t.he Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. permanent improvement of the Erie and Oswego Canals and to. secure the freedom of the same to the commerce of the United States; which NATHANIEL TAYLOR. was Tead a:firstandsecond time, referred to the Committee on Railways Mr. BEACTI also introduced a bill (H. R. 1568) granting a pension to and Canals, and ordered to be printed. XVII- 28 434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 5,

PENSIONS TO DEPENDENT PARENTS. should go to the Committee on Ways and l\Ieans or to the Committee on Mr. WEBER (by Mr. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R.1578) re­ the Judiciary. lating to claims for pensions by dependent parents; which was read a The SPEAKER pro tempore. It does not relate to the amount of first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid.Pensions, duty to be paid, but only to the manner of payment-the currency in and ordered to be printed. which payment shall be paid. The Chair thinks it should go to the AMY A. LEWIS. Committee on Banking and Currency. Mr. ADAMS, of New York. I think it should properly go to the Ju­ :Mr. WEBER (by l\Ir. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1~79) diciarv Committee. for the relief of Amy A. Lewis; which was read a :first and second time, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The jurisdiction of the Judiciary Com­ referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. mitteeis general, while that of the Committee on Banking and Currency . E1ll1LY :B. BAKER. is special. . Mr. WEBER (by l\Ir. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1580) The bill was referred to the Committee on Bank-ing and Currency, and i<>r the relief of Emily B. Baker; which was read a first an:d second ordered to be printed. time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be REGISTRATIO~ OF STE.A.MSHIPS. printed. · Mr. ADAMS, of New York, also introduced a bill (H. R. 15!>5) to au­ JANE PENLEY. thorize the registration of certain steamships as vessels of the United Mr. WEBER (by l\1r. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1581) States; which was read a first and seconcl time, referred to the Commit­ for the relief of Jane Penley; which was read a first and second time, tee on Commerce, and orde1·ed to be printed. referred· to the Committee on .Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. · · LIABILITY OF VESSEL-OWNERS. ELEANOR C. B.A..N{}HAM. l\Ir. ADAl\I , of New York, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1596) to Mr. WEBER (by l\Ir. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1582) ·amend section 42 9 of the Revised Statutes of the United States rela­ for the relief of Eleanor C. Bangham; which was read a first and sec­ tive to the limitation of the liability of the owners of vessels; which ond time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered vmsread a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, to be printed. and ordered to ~e printed. NICHOLAS J. CAMPBELL. ADXINISTRATION OF OATHS DY NOTARIES PUBLIC. Mr. WEBER (by l\fr. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1583) Mr. ADAMS, of New York, ·also introduced a bill (H. R. 1597) to for the relief of Nicholas J. Campbell; which was read a first and sec­ amend section 2805 of the Revised Statutes. of the United States, so as ond time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to allow oaths. to be administere(l by notaries public; which was read a to be printed. first and econd time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and . MRS. AURELIA C. RICHARDSON. ordered to be printed. Mr. WEBER (byJ\.Ir. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R.1584) for DANIEL W. LEE & CO. the relief of Mrs. Aurelia C. Richardson; which was read a first and l\Ir. ADAMS, of New York, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1598) for second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered the relief of Daniel W. Lee & Co.; which was read a first and second to be printed. time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. 1\IA.RGARET COLBATH. BANKRUPTCY. Mr. WEBER (by Mr. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1585) for. 1\Ir. ADAMS, of New York, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1599) to the relief of Mrs. Margaret Colbath; which was read a first and second establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States; time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on printed. the Judiciary, aml ordered to be printed. WILLIA.1I KINNEY. 1\IO~--uMEl'.""r TO GENERAL GRANT. Mr. WEBER (by Mr. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R.1586) for the relief of William Kinney; which was read a first and second time, Mr. DOWDNEY introduced a bill (H. R. 1600) for the erection and referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. completion of a monument to the memory of the late General Ulysses S. Grant in the city of New York; which was read a first and second !IRS. CHARLOTTE A. STEWART • • time. l\II. WEBER (by Mr. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1587) for The SPEAKER pro tempore. This bill will be referr.ed to the .Com- , the relief of Mrs. Charlotte A. Stewart; which was read a first and sec­ mittee on the Library. ond time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered Mr. DOWDNEY. I prefer that it go to the Committee on Military to be printed. · .A..ffairs. I ask ~nanimous consent for that reference. WILLIAM W. BUSH. There being no objection, the bill was referred to the Committee on Mr. WEBER (by Mr. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1588) for Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. the relief of William W. Bush; which was read a first and second time, BRIDG"E ACROSS STATEN ISLAND SOUND. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BELl\IONT introduced a bill (H. R.1601) to authorize the con­ NXWTO~ 0. BAKER. struction of a bridge across the Staten Island Sound, known as Arthur Mr. WEBER (by Mr. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1589) for Kill, and to establish the same as a post-road; which was read a first the relief of Newton 0. Baker; which was read a first and second time, re­ and second time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and orclered to be printed. to be printed. YACHTS. TD\IOTHY PAIGE. l\:Ir. BELMONT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1602) amending theRe­ Mr. WEBER (by Mr. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1590) vised Statutes relating to yachts; which was read a first and secon.d fOT therelie(ofTimothyPaige; which was read a firstand second time, time, referred to the Select Committee on American Ship-building and referred.totheCommitteeoninvalidPensions, and ordered to be printed. Ship-owning Interests, and ordered to be printed.

JAMES MURRAY. DUTY 0~ WORKS OF ART. Mr. WEBER (by l\Ir. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1591) Mr. BELMONT' also introduced a bill (H. R. 1603) to abolish the dis­ for the relief of James Murray; which wasreadafirstandsecondtime, criminating duty on works of art the production of American and of referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. foreign artists; which was read a first and second time, re1erred to the SARAH A. VAUGHN. Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. l\Ir. WEBER (by Mr. BAKER) also introduced abill (H. R. 1592) for 1\I.RS. L. 1\I. PHELPS. the relief of Sarah A. Vaughn; which was read a first and second time, l\1r. BELMONT also introduced a bill (H. R. 1604) for the relief of referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mrs. L. M. Phelps, widow ofHon. S. L. Phelps, late United States min­ SARAH MANZ. ister to Peru; which was rean a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. ~Ir. WEBER (by l\Ir. BAKER) also introduced a bill (H. R. 1593) for the relief of Sarah Manz; which was read a first and second time, GEORGE BR.A.l'.'"DRETH. referred to the Committeeon:Lnvalid Pensions, audordered to be printed. Mr. STAHLNJ~CKER (by request) introduced a bill (H. R. 1605) for PAYMENT OF DUTIES ON IMPORTS. the relief of George Brandreth, special administrator; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and or­ l\Ir. ADAMS, of New York, introduced a bill (H. R. 1594) to allow dered to be printed. all duties on imports to be paid by certified check on any national bank duly organized und~r the laws of the United States; which was read a PUBLIC BUILDING AT YONKERS, N. Y. first and second time. l\Ir. STAHLNECKER also introduced a bill (H. R. 1606) for the Mr. ADAMS, of New York. I am in some doubt whether this bill erection of a public building at Yonkers, N.Y.; which was read a first 1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. 435 and second time; referred to the Committee on Public Buildings. and list, description, or other representation between residents of the sev· Grounds, and ordered to be printed. eral States and Territories; which was read ;l> first and second time, ELIZA.llETH FLEJIING ·AND OTHERS. referre:d to the Commi~ on Commerce, and· ordered to be printed. Mr. FELIX CA111PBELL introduced a bill (H. oR. 1607) for the relief PB.ISO~ LABOR. of Elizabeth Fleming, Frances E. Robinson, and Margaret Johnston; Mr. JAMES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1622) to prohibit :my offi.- which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on cer, agent, orservantoftheGoverilmentof the United States of America Claims, and ordered to be printed. · · from hiring or contracting out the labor of prisoners incarcerated for PUBLIC BUILDING AT BROOKLYN, N. Y. violating the laws of the Government of the United States of America; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Mr. FELIX CAMPBELLalsointroducedabill {H. R.1608)toamend Labor, and ordered to be printed. an act entitled "An act for the erection of a public building at Brook­ lyn, N.Y.," approved June12, 1882; which was read a first and second JESSE H. STRICKLAND. time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and 11Ir. JAMES also introduced a bill {H. R. 1623) to muster Jesse H. ordered to be printed. Strickland as colonel of cavalry into the service of the United States, THOMAS SHANNON. and to pay him for his services from January 30, 1863, to March 31, l!fr. FELIX CAMPBELL also introduced a bill {H. R. 1690) grant­ 1864, inclusive; which was reJid a first and second time, referred to the ing a pension to Thomas Shannon; which was read a first and second Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. time, 1·eferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be CATHARINE BAUR. printed. Mr. JA...\:IES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1624) for the extension of FRANCIS L. DALLON. letters patent to Catharine Baur, widow of Julius Baur; which was l!fr. FELIX CAl!IPBELL also introduced a bill (H. R. 1610) for read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Patents, and the relief of Francis L. Dallon; which was read a first and second time, ordered to be printed. · referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. FRANCIS M 1 NEIL ' POTTER. REVENUE TAXATION. Mr. JAMES alsointroducedabill(H. R.1G25) forthereliefof Francis l!Ir. FELU CA:l!IPBELL also introduced a bill (H. R. 1611) to McNeil Potter; which was read a first and second time, referred to the amend section 4 of the act entitled ''An act to reduce· internal-revei:me Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. taxation, and for other purposes," approved 11Iarch 3, 1883; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and SOLm\IOY SPITZER. Ueans, and ordered to be printed. · 11fr. JAMES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1626) for the relief of the HEIRS OF AUGUSTINE DE YTURBIDE. heirs of the late Solomon Spitzer; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr.· FELIX CA111PBELL also introduced a bill (H. R. 1612) to au­ thorize the United St:'l.tes district court for the northen1 district of Cali­ ANNIE BAGLEY. fornia to proceed in the case of the executors and heirs of Augustine Yr. JAUES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1627) granting a pension de Yturbide, deceased, appellants, against the United States, appellees, to Annie Bagley; which was read a. first and second time, referred to and hear and determine the same on its merits; which was read a first the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be prin tefl. - MESSAGE FROM THE SEl(ATE. STEAM-BOILER L'\SPECTOR FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. A message from the Senate, by Mr. McCooK, its Secretary, an­ nounced thattheSehatehad passed a bill ofthefollowing title, in which Mr. FELIX CAMPBE:1.L also introduced a bill (H. R. 1613) to concurrence of·the House of Representatives was requested, namely: amend an act creating the office of steam-boiler inspector.for the Dis­ A bill (S. 602) to legalize the election of the Territorial Legislative trict of Columbia; which was read a fu:st and second time, referred to Assembly of Wyoming. . the Committee on the District of Columbia, and ordered to be printed. Also, that the Senate had passed a concurrent resolution tendering BANKRUPT LAW. the thanks of Congress to the governor and the people of the State of l!fr. FELIX Cil1PBELL also introduced a bill (H. R.1614) to repeal Ohio for the statue of James A. Garfield and accepting the same; in chapter 160 of the laws of 1878,, entitled •'An act to repeal the bankrupt which the concurrence of the House of Representatives was requested. law," approved June 7, 1878; which was read a first and second time, CONTINENTAL FIRE INSURANCE AND OTHER COMPANIES. referred to the Committee. on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. Mr. JAMES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1628) for the reliefofthe COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUl\IBIA. · Continental Fire Insurance Company, the Eagle Fire Insurance Com­ Mr. FELIX CAUPBELL also introduced a bill (H. R. 1615) to re· pany, the City Fire Insurance Company, and the Commercial Mutual lieve 'commercial travelers from license tax in the District of Colum­ Fire Insurance Company, aU of ; the Western National bia; which was read~ first and second time, referred to the Committee Bank, the MercOO.nts' National Bank, and the Uaryland Fire Insur­ on the District of Columbia, and ordered to be printed. ance Company, of Baltimore, Md.; which was read a first and second time. JAMES A. WHALEN. Mr. JAMES. This bill has for its object authority and directing Mr. FELIX CAMPBELL also introduced a bill.(H. R. 1616) for the the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to open np some refunding ac­ relief of James A. Whalen; which was read a first and second time, re­ counts where double taxes have been paid by these parties, and should ferred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. go to the Committee on Ways and Means. · GEORGE H. LAURENCE. The SP~AKERpro tempore. But under the new rule all such sub­ Mr. FELIX CA11fPBELL also introduced a bill (H. R. 1617) forthe jects must be referred to the Committee on Claims. relief of George H. Laurence; which was read a first and second time, 11fr. JAMES. It seems to me that as it

JAMES M. WILLBUR. to Julia Stokes; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Mr. MAHONEY also 4ttroduced a bill (H. R. 1632) for.the relief of Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. James M. Willbur; which was read a first and second time, referred to . ELIZABETH AURAND. the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. SPRIGGS als<) introduced a bill (H. R. 1648) for the relief of THOMAS H. L~WRENCE. Elizabeth Aurand; which was read a first and second time, referred to Mr. MAHONEY also introduced a bill (H. R. 1633) for the relief of the Committee on ~valid P.ensions, and ordered to be printed. Thomas H. Lawrence; which was read a first and second time, referred PH

by the failure of said company; which was read a first and second time, WILSO:N RICE. referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. JOHNSTON: of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. RESTAlJRA..."YTS, ETC., IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1704) for the relief ofWil on Rice; which was read a first and second Mr. O'HARAalsointroduceda bill(H. R.1690)regulatingrestaurants time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be and other public places in the District of Columbia, and for .other pur­ printed. poses; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee •w. P. PAYNE. on the District of Columbia, and ordered to be printed. Mr. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1705) for the relief of W. P. Payne; which wa read a first and second EDWA.&D H. BARt-.lJl\I AND l'tiARY A. RUSSELL time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to :Mr. O'HARA also introduced a bill (H. R. 1691) for the relief of Ed­ be printed. wardH. BarnumandMary A. Russell; which wasreada:fustandsecond MARY TOWYS~""D. time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. ~Ir. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. FUJTh--rFOLD MERCER. 1706) to grant arrears ofpension to Mary Townsend; which was read a :Mr. O'HARA also introduced a bill (H. R. 1692) .for the relief of first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, Furnifold Mercer; which was read a first and second time, referred to and ordered to be printed. the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. ELIJAH P. HEX LEY. WILLIAM L, PALMER. Mr. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1707) granting a pension to Elijah P. Hell ley; which was read a first Mr. O'HARA also introduced a bill (H. R. 1693) for the relief of and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions and William L. Palmer; which was read a first and second time, referred ordered to be printed. . ' to the Committee .on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. JO~ 1\.IIKGUS. JOII..8" D. THO.&~TE. lilr. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. "R. b. O'HARA also introduced a bill (H. R. 1G94) for the relief of John 1708) for the relief of John Mingus; which was read a first and second D. Thorne; which was read a,. first and second time, referred to the time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and order«:d to be printed. Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. 1\IRS. HETTY MARTIN. GARRETT C. 1\IOYE.- Mr. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. Ur. O'HARA. also introduced a bill (H. R. 1695) granting a pension 1709) for the relief of Mrs. Hetty Martin, and to adjust the account of to Garrett C. Moye; which was read a first and second time, referred the late J. G. Martin, assistant quartermaster, United States Army; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. REAPPRAISEMIDfT OF TRANSPORT BOAT PLANTER. T. J. PAYNE. Mr. O'HARA also introduced a bill (H. R. 1696) authorizing a re­ appraisement of the steam transport boat Planter, captured by Robert :l'tlr. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. Smalls, and for a distribution of proceeds thereof; which was read a 1710) for the relief ofT. J. Payne; which was read a first and second first and second time. time, referred to the Committee on :Military Affairs, and ordered to be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The reference indicated on the back printed. . of this bill is the Committee pn Naval Affairs, and under the rules of GEORGE C. HAYNIE. the last House this bill was so referred. But by the new rules the bill Mr. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. properly goes to the Committee on War Claims, as it provides for are­ 1711) for the relief of George C. Haynie; which was read a first and sec­ appraisement with the view to the payment of a large amount claimed ond time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered by the party. to be printed. J\1r. O'HARA. I ask unanimous consent that the bill go to the Com­ ABOLITION OF FEES, ETC. mittee on Naval Affairs. Mr. COWLF..S introduced a bill (H. R. 1712) to abolish fees and per­ There being no objection the bill was so referred, and was ordered to quisites of United States district attorneys, marshals, clerks, commis­ be printed. si<»:lers, and deputy marshals, and provide salaries for the same; which PUBLIC BUILDING AT ASHEVILLE, N.C. was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Expendi­ Mr. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, introduced a bill (H. R. 1697) tures in the Department of Justice, and ordered to be printed. · to provide for the erection of a public building at Asheville, N. C.; BRANDY FRO:\! FRUIT. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. Mr. COWLES also introduced a bill (H. R. 1713) to allow the free distillation of brandy from fruit; which was read a fust and second PENSIONS. time, referred to the Committee on Ways andMeans, and ordered to be Mr. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. ·printed. · 1698) granting pensions to oldiers of the Mexican war; which was read ABOLmO:N OF INTERNAL-REVENUE SYSTE:\L a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and or­ Mr. COWLES also introduced a bill (H. R.l714) to abolish the in­ dered to be printed. ternal-revenue system and repeal the tax on distilled spirits; which was SALT FREE OF DUTY. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Mr. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. Means, and ordered to be printed. 1699) to admit salt free of duty; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and :Means, and ordered to ABOLITION OF nrTERNAL-REVENUE FEES, ETC. be printed. 1\Ir. COWLES also introduced a bill (H. R.1715) to provide salaries REPEAL OF INTERNAL-REVENUE ACTS. for collectors of internal revenue and repeal the laws allowing fees, Mr. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. commissions, and allowances to the same; which was read a first and 1700) to repeal the internal-revenue act and acts amendatory thereof; second time, referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Treas­ ury Department, and ordered to be printed. which was read a first and second t.ime1 referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. JO EPH C. HOGAN. ANSON B. SAMS. Mr. COX introduced a bill (H. R. 17HI) for the relief of Joseph C. ~Ir. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. Hogan; which was read a :fil'st and second time, referred to the Com­ 1701) granting a pension to Anson B. Sams, of Madison County, North mittee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Carolina, and to place his name on the pension-roll; which was read a MILITIA. first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, Mr. COX also introduced a bill (H. R. 1117) for the special and uni­ and ordered to be printed. · form instruction of State militia; which was read a first and second time, DANIEL LUCAS. referred to the Committee on t.he Militia, and ordered to be printed. Mr. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill {H. R. · COMPENSATION OF l't!ARSHALS AND DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. 1702) granting arrears of pension and increase to Daniel Lucas; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Mr. COX also introduced a bill (H. R. 1718) fixing the compensation . Pensions, and ordered to be printed. of United States marshals and district attorneys; which was read a first JOSEPH WILLIAMS. and second time, referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Justice: and ordered to be printed. Mr. JOHNSTON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1703) granting a pension to Joseph Williams; which was read a first INTERNAL-REVENUE. TAX ON SPIRITS. and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and Mr. COX also introduced a bill (H. R. 171fl) to change the tnethods ordered t.o be printed. of collecting the intern.'\1-revenue tax on spirits; which was read a first

• 1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 439 and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and . DUTY ON SALT. ordered to be printed. Mr. REID, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1735) to REPEAL OF INTERNAL-REVE~UE LAWS. admit the importation of ·salt free of duty; which was read a first and l\1r. REID, of North Carolina, introduced a bill (H. R. 1720) to repeal second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and or· the laws known as the internal-revenue laws; which was read a :first and dered to be printed. second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and or­ DUTY ON SI'EEL RAILS. dered to be printed. Mr. REID, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1736) to TAX UPON TOBA,CCO, ETC. reduce tha import duty on steel rails; which wa.s read a :first and sec­ l\Ir. REID, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R.1721) to ond time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered repeal the law imposing an internal-revenue tax upon tobacco and upon to be printed. . spirits distilled from fruits, and for other purposes; which was read a ORDER OF BUSINESS. :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. 1\fr. DONHAM. Mr. Spe::tker, I desire to inquire whether it was not understood that the introduction of bills should go on to-day and TAX 0~ FRUIT SPIRITS. from day to day hereafter until all the States and Territories shall l\Ir. REID, of Nort)J. Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1722) to have been called? abolish the internal-revenue tax upon spirits distilled from apples, The SPEAKER p1·o tempm·e (1\Ir. SPRINGER in the chair); The Chair peaches, or other fruits; which was read a first and second time, referred is informed that such was the order. If there is doubt the Chair will to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. cause the order to be read again. DESTRUCTIO~ OF ILLICIT STILLS. ?tlr. DUNHAM. There being no doubt that under the order this l\Ir. REID, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1723) to business can go on to-morrow, and the clerks having now as much as abolish the statute allowing seizing officers to destroy forfeited-stills and they can possibly do to get up the record to-night, I move that the dist illing apparatus, and requiring such officers to remove the forfeited House adjourn. · property to a place of safe storage; which was read a :first and second The SPEAKE.R pro tempm·e. The Chair is informed that the order time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to is a continuing one, and that the call of States will be proceeded with be printed. after a{)j ournment to-day when the House again meets. wish DISTILLERIES OF TEN GALLONS OR LESS. Mr. ANDERSON, of Kansas. I to make an inquiry ofthe Chair as to whether the order will be continued so as to allow gentlemen who Mr. REID, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. 1724) to were unavoidably .absent when their States were called to introduce allow whisky distilleries of ten gallons or less production per day to be bills for reference after the call of States shall have been concluded? operated as now provided by law 1or the operation of brandy distilleries; The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair can only state that such has which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on been the custom. .After the call of States is concluded it has always Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. been the custom heretoforetopermitgentlemen, whowereabsentwhen PUBLIC BUILDING, WIXSTO:Y ·SALEM, N. C. their States were called to introduce bills for reference. Mr. REID, of North Carolina, hlso introduced a bill (H. R. 1725) Ur. .ANDERSON, of Kansas. I ask unanimous consent that that be for the erection of a public building at Winston-Salem, N. C.; which made a part of the order. was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Public The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Kansas asks unan­ Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. imous consent that at the conclusion of the call of States and Territories for the introduction of bills gentlemen who were absent when their . .AID TO Cointroduced a bill (H. R.l732) for Miller, for a pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions.: the relief of the heirs of Lieut. John F. Stewart; which was read a first Also, petition of Thomas B. M3o

United States arsenal at Pittsburgh, Pa., September 17. 1862, for re- Also, a· bill making an appropriation for continuing work on thejet­ lief-to the same committee. ' ties in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina., to be immediately available­ By 11Ir. BINGHAM: Resolution of the se~ect and common councils to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. of Philadelphia, Pa., relative to the establishment of a nautical school Also, a bill making an appropriation for the preservation and con­ at the port of Philadelphia-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. tinuation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other Also, resolutions of the Grocers and Importers' Exchange of Phil­ purposes-to the same committee. . adelphia, Pa., asking an extension of the "United States Signal Service AJso,·petition of banks, bankers, merchants, and business men of in the interests of commerce n,nd agriculture-to the Committee on Charleston, S. C., praying the immediate repeal of the law requiring .Agriculture. the coinage of not less than two· millions of silver per month-to the By Mr. BLANCHARD: Memorial of the .America.n Public _Hen,lth Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures . .Association and of the Board of Health of the United States for the .Also, concurrent resolution of the Legislature of South Carolina, appointment of a commission to investigate the declared discovery of favoring repeal of 10 per cent. tax on circulation of banks chartered inoculn,tion of yellow fever and the protection afforded against that under State laws-to the Committee on Ways and :Means. disease-to the Committee on Commerce. Also, petition of William R. Herron, of Charleston, S.C., for payment By. Ur. BOUND: PetitionofWilHamH. Weaver, ofHarrisburg, Pa., of services as superintendent of custom-house property in that city­ ]ate postmaster at J'!Iarysville, Pa., for the passage of a law granting to the Committee on Claims. him redress for the illegal sale of his property by office~ of the United By .Mr. DUNN: Papers in the claims for the relief of Mary E. White­ States-to the Committee on Claims. head, Nannie C. Metzger, and Henry C. and 1\Iinnie E. Clements, heirs .Also, petition of citizens of Lebanon, Pa., praying that a pension be of .Alexander G. Clements, deceased; of Thom.as A. Moore, of Osceola; granted to Elizabeth Light, widow of Elias R. Light, captain of Com­ of Robert E. Hale, of Lee County; ofElis Diamond, of Phillips County; pany B, One hundred and seventy-third Regiment Pennsylvania Vol­ of Benjamin F. Wallace, of Poplar Grove; and of Elizabeth B. Higgins, unteers-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Joel Higgins, and Brand Higgins, of Phi1lips County; of Jame.~ M. By 11Ir. BOUTELLE": Papers relating to the "claim of Ella J. Small, Barker, of .Arkansas County, .Arkansas-to the Committee on War for a pension-to the same committee. Claims. By 1\Ir. BRADY: Copies of Senate and House reports of the Forty­ By :Mr. ELDREDGE: .Application of Mrs. Aloisa A. Riggs for back fourth, Forty-fifth, and Forty-seventh Congresses in favor of L. Madison pay on account of death of her son, William D. Riggs, of second com­ Day-to the Committee on Claims. pany of Twenty-se>enth Michigan Volunteers-to the Committee on By Mr. W. C. P. BRECKINIUDGE: Petit~on of H. 0. Maraman, for Invalid Pensions. payment of stores and supplies furnished United States troops-to the By Mr. E£Y: Petition of John L. Brown and others, for the relief of Committee on War Claims. Chaplain Charles 11-1. Blake-to the Committee on Uilitary Affairs. By 1\Ir. W. W. BROWN: Memorial of the Grocers and Importers' By Mr. ERMENTROUT: Petition of Henry R. Anthony and 500 Exchange, of Philadelphia, praying for the extension of the United others, soldiers of the late war, asking relief-to the Committee on P.ub­ States Signal Service-to the Committee on Military Affairs. lic Lands. By Mr. CALDWELL: Papers relating to the claims of Joseph Rym­ .Also, petition of citizens of Berks County, Pennsylvania, praying arki~wisez; of John Bradley; of Sallie Burch, administratrix of .Ander­ that a, pension be granted to Mahlon Weston and Mary Ann Weston­ son Burch, ·deceased; of D. W. and Mina, H. Glassie and Joseph C. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Nash; of .A. H. Buchanan; and of John L. McMillan, executor of Dr. By Mr. EV.ANS: Petition of Mrs. Mary Kerr, for a pension-to the B. N. Carter, deceased-severally to the Committee on War Claims. same committee. Also, papers relating to the claims of J. H . .Adams and of W . .A. By Mr. EVERHART: Petition of Joseph G. Cummins, late post­ and Adelicia Cheatham-severally to the CommHtee on Claims. master at Media, Pa,., for relief--:to the Committee on the Post-Office and By Mr. CATCHINGS: Papers relating to the claim of Celia A. Grove, Post-Roads. for suppli:es-to the Committee on War Claims. . By Mr. FINDLAY: Petition of Frederick C. 1\Iiller, owner of steam­ Also, papers relating to claim of Hester F. N eeley-to the same com­ ship Caroline Miller, for the passage of a law giving the said vessel an mittee. American register-to the Committee on Commerce. Also, papers relating to claim of.Ann Worthington-tothesamecom- Also, petition of veterans of the late war, for the relief of the widow mittee. . of Wesley Hartlove-to the Committee on War Claims. Also, a bill to :infprove and preserve the harbor of Greenville, 1\Iiss.­ .Also, memorial of Isaac Dewling, retired, assistant surgeon of the to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. United States Navy, for relief-to the Committee on Naval .Affairs . .Also, petitions of William D. Wilson, of Vicksburg; of Thomas S. Also, resolutions of the Tobacco Board of Trade of Baltimore, concern­ Redd, of Washington County, and of A. Undetwood, of Bolivar County, ing an increase of the duty on leaf-tobacco-to the Committee on Ways Mississippi-to the Committee on War Claims. and Means . .Also, petition of R. S. and G. W. Woodbury, of Issaquena County, By ]\fr. FORNEY:- Papers relating to claim of Napoleon B. Leeth, .Mississippi, for reference of their claim to the Court of Claims-to the of Broom town, Ala.-;-to the Committee on War Claims. same committee. .Also, papers relating to claim of George Wester, of Cherokee County, By Mr. COLLINS:. Petition of the Metropolitan Steamship Com­ .Alabama.-to the same committee. pany and 27 other steam..o;hip lines and marine ii:J.surance companies, Also, papers relating to claim of Clara, widow of James Pinkston, of 1or an appropriation for the removal of the '' Upper Middle Shoal,'' in Cherokee County, Alabama.-to the same committee. Boston (Mass.) Harbor-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. .Also, papers relating to claim of Francis .A. Harwell, of Cherokee Also, petition of John Storer Cobb and 165 others, citizens of Massa­ County, Alabama.-to the same Committee. chusetts, for the repeal of the act of July 12, 1876, commonly known Also, papers relating to claim of Robert A. Clark, of .Alabama-to as the "Comstock act"-to the Committee on the Judiciary. the same committee. .Also, petition of Jacob Weber and 185 others, seamen, sailing from . Also, papers relating to claim of John Rolater, of Alabama-to the ports in the United States, for the repeal of section 10 of the act ap­ same committee. • proved June 26, 1884, known as the "Dingley shipping act"-to the .Also, papers relating to claim of Rhoda Ewing, of .Alabama.-to the Committee on American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. same committee. By 1\Ir. CURTIN: Petition of James Millinger, for relief-to the .Also, papers relating to claim of John Edwards, of Alabama-to the Committee on War Claims. same committee. Also, petition of Hiram J. Steinbarger, late private Compa,ny K, Also, petition of Susan E. Scroggins, of Cherokee County, .Alabama, One hundred and thirty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, that charge of for reference of the claim of Leaey Kirk, of .Alabama, to the Court of desertion against him be removed-to the Committee on Uilitary .Af­ Claims-to the same committee. • fairs. · Also, petition of William Drew, of Cherokee County, Alabama, for By Mr. DAVIS: Remonstrances of fishermen, owners of fishing ves­ reference of his claim to the Comt of Claims-to the same committee. sels, and others interested in the fishing business, of Chatham, of Or­ Also, petition of Malinda Angle, of Cherokee County, Alabama, for leans, of Wellfleet, of Truro, of Sandwich, and of Provincetown, Mass., reference of h~ claim to the Court of Claims-to the same committee. against the appointment of an international fisheries commission-to Also, papers relating to claim of John Helms, of Alabama.-to the the Committee .on Foreign Affairs. - same committee. · .Also, petition of Charles G. Rodman, in favor of an amendment to the By Mr. GIFFORD: Petition of .A. H. Noyes, for an additional jus­ act granting arrears of pension-to the Committee onlnvalidPensions. tice of the supreme comt of Dakpta, to be assigned to North Dakota­ Also, petition of citizen_s of Dukes County, Massachusetts, for the to the Committee on the Judiciary. improvement of the harbor at Mennamsha-to the Committee on Riv­ · Also, petition of the settlers on the Fort Randall military reservation, ers and Harbors. for relief-to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. DIBBLE: Memorial of the ChamberofCommerceofthe city By Jtlr. GILFILLAN: Petition and papers relating to the claim of of Charleston, S. C., asking the building of a new revenue cutter, to be George F. Roberts, for relief-to the Committee on Ways and Means. ­ stationed at Charleston, S. C., for South Atlantic service, in place of By Mr. GLASS: A protest of citizens of Gates, Tenn., against further United States rev~nue cutter McCollough, now unseaworthy, and in appropriations for the improvement of the South Fork of the_ Forked £nor of Signal Service-to the Committee on Ways and Mea~. Deer River-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. 1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 441·

By Mr. D. B. HENDERSON: Petition from citizens of Dubuque, Also, papers relating to claim of George ·W. Miffi.eton, of Monroe Iowa, for the rest9ration of Janet E. B. Smith to the pension-roll-to County, Mississippi-to the ·same committee. the Committee on Invalid Pensions. . Also, petition of Edmond :Morrow, of Benton County, Mississippi, By 1\Ir. HEWITT: Petition of F. A. P. Barnard and others, in favor for compensation for property ·taken-to the same committee. of changing the name of the United States Naval Observatory-to the Also, petition of Jeremiah H. Morgan, of Benton County, Missis­ Committee on Naval Affairs. sippi, for compensation for stores taken-to the same committee. By Mr. HERMAN: Petition of Louis Belfils, for relief on account of Also,· petition of Emmet Y. Parham, of Benton Coimty, Mississippi, property destroyed on the Isthmus of Panalllar-'to the Committee on for compensation for stores taken-to the same committee. Foreign Affairs. Also, papers relating to claim of Willis J. Moran, of Benton County, Also, petition of Christine Edson, widow n.nd personal representative Mississippi-to the same committee. of John Geisel, deceased-to the Committee on Indian Affairs. . Also, papers relating to claim of Joseph N. Moran, of Benton County, Also, petitions of John A. Dean and 130 others, of Coquille city, Mississippi-to the same committee. . and of George Bennett and 26 others, of Coos County, Oregon, for ad­ Also, papers relating to claim of Daniel T. Saunders, of Benton ditional appropria.tions to continuejetty now in colll'Se of construction County, Mississippi-to the same committee. at mouth of Coquille River, Oregon-to the Committee on Rivers and Also, papers relating to claim of C. 0. Spencer, of Benton County, Harbors. Mississippi-to the same committee. . Also, petition of Board of Trade -of Portland city, Oreg., for appro­ Also, papers relating to claim of FrancisWave-tothe same commit­ priation to continue works of improvement now in progress on Colum­ tee. bia River-to same committee. Also, petition of E. Partee ~nd others, of Tate County, Mississippi, Also, petition froin settlers on Slnslaw River, Oregon, in mas'> meet­ for national aid to education-to .the Committee on Education. ing assembled, for aid in improving Sluslaw Bay-to same committee. By Mr. NELSON, a bill providing for an examination and survey of By Mr. HI'IT: Petition of80 citizens, tobacco-growers of Jo. Daviess the Red River of the North, from Moorhead to Fergus Falls-to the County, Illinois, for legislation protecting tobacco-growers-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. · Committee on Ways and Means. · . Also, a bill for the examination and survey of the Red Lake River, By Mr. HOLMAN: Papers in claim of Emanuel Mason-to the Com­ Minnesota, from Grand Forks to Red Lake Falls-to the same com­ mittee on Claims. mittee. By Mr. IRION: Papers relating to the claim of Alfred Duplantier­ Also, petition of Farmers' Alliance, of Grant County, Minnesota, to the Committee on War Claims. asking that manila and sisal grass be placed on the free-list-to the By :Mr. J AllES: Memorial of Garrett Erkson, for the improvement Committee on Ways and Means. of navigation on the Mississippi River-to the Committee on Rivers By Mr. CHARLES O'NEILL: Memorial of JohnA. Wagner, asking and Harbors. for relief-to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. LANHAM: Papers relating to claim of Daniel Murphy-to Also, petition of Elizabeth J. Clampitt, for a pension-to the Com­ the Committee on Claims. mittee on Invalid Pensions. Also, papers relating to claim of V. F. Gorvissen-to the same com­ Also, petition of Mrs. Rebecca Marchant, for a pension-to the same mittee. committee. · By J.\.Ir. LEHLBACH: Petition of the pearl-button manufacturers By Mr. PEEL: Petition of William Bryant, of Huntsville, Ark., to of the United States, for an increase of duties on pearl buttons-to the have his claim for property taken by the United States Army refened Committee on Ways and :Means. to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. · By Mr. LIBBEY: Papers in claim of William H. Crook, for relief­ By Mr. PHELPS: Joint resolution of the St.."tte ofNew Jersey, rela­ to the Committee on Claims. tive tO' penal colonization in Alaska-to the Committee on the Terri­ By Mr. ST. MARTIN: Papers relating to the claim of G. Alexander tories. - Ramsay-to the same committee. By Mr. PETERS: Resolution of association of ex-soldiers who have By Mr. MAYBURY: Petition of Saral:\ D. Tomlinson, for a pension- lost a leg or an arm, asking for increase of pension to soldiers so d_isa­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. · bled-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By 1\fr. McCOMAS: Petition and resolutions of Tobacco Board of Also, affidavit of D. McArthur in support of claim-to the Commit­ Trade of Baltimore-to the Committee on Ways and Means. tee on War Claims. By Mr. McKENNA: Resolution of BoardofTradeofSacramento, Cal­ Also, papers referring to claim of David McKinney-to the Commit­ ifornia, to extend to January 1, 1888, the time when shalll..'l.pse to the tee on Pensions. Government the unconfirmed portion of the land grant to the California Also, affidavit of Angust Weide, in support of his claim for arrears and Oregon Railroad Company-to the Committee on the Public Lands. ofpension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. McRAE: Petition of John B. Watson and 21 others, citizens Also, resolutions of Prairie Grove Post, No. 124, G. A. R., Kansas of Bradley County, Arkansas, urging national aid to public schools-to Center, Kansas, in regard to pensions-to the same committee. the Committee on Education .. Also, affidavit in support of increase of pension for Thomas G. Bar· By l\Ir. MERRIMAN: Petition of cigar manufacturers of New York ton-to the same committee. city, for the amendment of section 3387 of the United States Revised Also, affidavit in the claim of John Banks-to the Committee on War Statutes:relating to cigar manufacturers' bonds-to the Committee on Claims. Ways and Means. . Also, petitionofHon. G. D. Thomas and600 others, citizens of South· By Mr. 1\'llLLER: Petition of E.-L. Lee, son and heir of Thoma·s H. ern Kansas, for a military post at Kiowa, Kans.-to the Committee on Lee, asking reference of claim to Court of Claims-to Committee on Military Affairs. · War Claims. Also, letter of Hon. J. C. Black, Commissioner of Pensions, stating By Mr. MILLS: Paper relating to the claim of H. F. Durham-to that a pension was granted to Rebecca Burch-to the Committee on the Committee on Claims. Pensions. By Mr. MITCHELL: Petition of Charles Waterhouse, for relief-to Also, papers relating to the claim of Henry Higmer-to the Commit-­ the Committee on ·War Claims. tee on Claims. Also, papers in claim of Thomas Butler-to the Committee on Inva­ Also, petitions of Governor John A. Martin and other State officials lid Pensions. of Kansas and of citizens-of Comanche County, Kansas, for military By Mr. MOFFATT: A bill to provide for the construction of a new post on Kansas border near New Kiowa-to the Committee on Military lock in Saint Mary's Falls Canal and the continuance of work in the Affairs. ·' Hay Lake Channel of Saint Mary's River-to the Committee on Rivers By Mr. PETTIBONE: Petitions of Furney Jones; of Sallie A. Trn­ and Harbors. grate; of A. l\1. Cloud, administrator of Benjamin F. Cloud, and G. W. By Mr. MORGAN: Petition of H. L. Hawkins, for bounty-to the M:ugraves, administrator of Absalom Robinson, of Claiborne County, Committee on War Claims. Tennessee, that their several claims be referred to the Court of Claims­ Also, papers relating to claim of Allen E. Anderson, of Claiborne to the Committee on War ClaiplS. County, Mississippi-to the same committee. By Mr. ROBERTSON: Petition of the trustees of the town of Bloom­ Also, papers relating to claim of Henry J. Byers, of Panola County, field, and the trustees of the Bloomfield Lodge No. 57, A. Y. M., for Mississippi-to the same committee. relief--to the same committee. Also, papers relating to claim of J. W- Cansey, of Alcorn County, By Mr. ROGERS: Papers relating to public building atFortSmitb, Missi..o;sippi-to the same committee. Ark.-to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Also, petition of Mrs. R. C. A. Falconer, ofClark County, Mississippi, Also, papers relating to claim of Lucy A. Lee-to the Committee on for compensation for cotton-to the same committee. War Claims~ Also, papers relating to claim of John A. Gwin, of Marshall County, Also, papers relating to claim of W. N. Burns-to same committee. Mississippi-1:<> the same committee. . Also, papers relating io the claims of James H. Hamiltori and of Also, petition of William P. !vie, of Benton Connty, Mississippi, Pryor N. Lea-to the same ·committee. for compensation for stores taken-to the same committee. Also, papers relating to the claims of Zeb W.ard, of F. E. Folsom, Also, papers relating to the claim of James H. Knox, of Marshall and of James Clifford-to the Committee on Claims. County, Mississippi-to the same committee. Also, memorial of the merchants of Little Rock, Ark., touching the


fisheries along the Canadian border-to the Committee on Ways and By Mr. PETERS: Of citizens of Galva and of citizens of Harper Means. County, Kansas. .Also, petition of John P. Holloway and others, praying that cer~in By 1\Ir. LANHAM: Of citizens of Texas. license fees paid by them to the United States Government be refunded By Mr. RYAN: Of citizens ofKansas. .to them-to the same committee. By l\1r. J. B. WEAVER: Of citizens of Washington Territory; of .Also, papers in the claim of Bishop E. Fitzgerald, of Little Rock, citizens of Pennsylvania; of Calhoun County, Texas; of citizens of .Ark.-to the Committee on War Claims. Illinois; of citizens of Kansas; of citizens of Ohio; of citizens of Iowa; By ~Ir. SPRINGER: Paper relating to claim of Jacob Lucas-to the of citizens of Wisconsin; of citizens of Missouri; of citizens of Oregon; Committee on Claims. of citizens of l\Iassachusetts; of citizens of West Virginia; of citizens of Also, papers relating to claim of Frederick Klor-to the Committee New Jersey; of citizens of New York; of citizens of l\Iichig:m. on War Claims. B:y l\Ir. WILSON: Of citizens of Marion County, West V:uginia. By Mr. E. F. STONE: Petition of citizens of Gloucester, :Mass., for a survey of their harbor-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. By ~Ir. W. J. STONE, of Missouri: Resolutions of 0. P. Morton Post, No. 14, Department of Missouri, G. A. R., of Joplin, Mo., for the pas­ SENATE. sage of the amended Mexican pension bill which was pending in the Forty-eighth Congress-to the Committee on Pensions. WEDNESDAY, January 6, 1886. .Also, petition of Harmon Conley, of Joplin, Mo., for relief-to the Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. E. D. H~TLEY, D. D. Committee on War Claims. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. By l\Ir. STORlvi: Memorial of the Grocers and Importers' Exchange, of Philadelphia, Pa., for the e..'l:tension of the Signal Service-to the EXECUTIVE COMMUXICATIO:NS. Committee on :Military Affairs. The PRESIDENT priJ tempore laid before g~e Senate a. communication By Mr. SWINBURNE: Petition of 1\Irs. lt!argaret Kempf, for in­ from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in compliance with section 3663 crease of pension-to·the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of the Revised Statutes, plans and estimates for the construction of a · By l\Ir. J.ltf. TAYLOR: PapersrelatingtotheclaimsofE. A. French; permanent wharf at Fort Monroe, Va. of A. Thompson, administTator of JohnN. Barnett; of John A. Barnes; The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The communication, with the ac­ of E. A. Collins, administrator of W. P. Collins; of John Deaton; of companying papers, except the maps, will he printed. The question of Alfred Gardner; of J. G. McFarlane; of Louisa Meriweather; of John the printing of maps has usually been referred to the Committee on B. Inman; of John Willett; of JerreR. Wright, administrator of Nancy Printing. That course will be taken if there be no objection. Wright; of Isaiah Sweat; of .Archibald Thomas, and of William R. The PRESID&'IT' pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication Collier-to the Committee on War Claims. from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in compliance with section By l\1r. Z.!.CH. TAYLOR: Petition of business men of Memphis, · 3663 of the ReTI.sed Statutes, plans and estimates for the construction Tenn., praying for the suspension of coinage of silver-to the Commit- of a school building and ·bar~acks at Fort Leavenworth, Kans. tee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. · The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair calls the attention of the Also, petition of merchants of Memphis, Tenu., for the abolition of Senate to the fact that this communication is accompanied by a number duties on ::fish-to the Committee on Ways and Means. of maps, the printing of which probably would delay the printing of By lli. THROCKMORTON: Petition of citizens of Bowie, Tex., ask­ the communication a long time. Therefore the question of printing the ing national aid for education-to the Committee on Education. maps will be referred to the Committee on Printing if there be no ob­ By Mr. TOWNSHEND: Petition of G. I. Georgeand62 others, ex-sol­ jection, and the communication wil.J, be referted to the Committee on diers, of Illinois, for the passage of a law allowing persons entitled to l\Iilitarv Affairs. pen ions to draw arrears of pensions from date of discharge-to the The PRESIDENT p1·o tempore laid before the Senate a communication Committee on Invalid Pensions. from the Secretary of War, recommending provision for comfortable By Mr. TUCKER: Petition of 1\Irs. :Marion Twiggs ~eyers and co­ quarters for the keeper of the Yorktown Monument; which was referred heirs of D. E. Twiggs, for relief-to the Committee on War Claims. · to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. By Mr. VAN EATON: Petition of Julia. A. Nutt, widow and execu­ S. S. BROWN'. trix of Haller Nutt, deceased, for relief-to the same committee. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair lays before the Senate a .Also, petition of ltf. V. Dahlgren, widow of the late Rear-Admiral communication from the Postmaster-General in reply to a resolution of Dahlgren-to Committee on Claims. December 8, 1885, in regard to S. S. Brown, of Maine, procuring there­ By l\Ir. T. B. WARD: Two petitions ofcitizensofTiptonand Hamil­ moval and appointment of postmasters in that State. What disposition ton Counties, Indiana, praying that a pension of $8 a month be gJ:a.nted shall be made of the communication? It will be read if it is desired. all soldiers ·and sailors who served a period of 3ixty days in the Army to l\fr. HALE. I should like to have the communication of the Post­ or Navy of the United States in the late war-to the Committee on In­ vnlid Pensions. master-General read. The list that accompanies it need not be read. · Then I wish to call the attention of the Sen.1.te for a few moments to the Also, petition of Morton Post, No.1, G. A. R., for the enactment of subject. a law granting pensions~to soldiers and sailors for service in the late The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The communication will be read. war-to the same committee. The- Chief Clerk read as follows: By 111r. WILLIAM WARNER: A bill making ail appropriation to Po· T-OFFICE DEPARTME.IT, continue the improvement of the M:issouri River-to the Committee on OFFICE OF THE Po T.MASTER-GENERAL, Rivers and Harbors. December 2 , 1835. To the Senate of the United States: Also, peti~ion of Lydia A. McGill, administmtrix of John C. 1\IcGill, I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, on the 11th day of December in­ decE-ased, for balance due on contract with Commissary Department stant, of an attested copy of the following resolution of the Senate, namely: for beef furnished the .Army in 1862-to the Committee on War Claims. "IN THE SENJ.TE OF THE UNITED STATES, By lli. A. J. WEAVER: Petition of Phebe Martin, for a pension-to "Decembe1· 9, 1885. the Committee on Invalid Pensions. · "Whereas it is alleged that S. S. Brown, a citizen of the-State of Maine, has AI o, petition for the relief of Albert Cotton from the charge of de­ been largely instrumental in procuring the removal of certain postma ter in said State and the appointment of other persons to serve in their stead; and sertion-to the Committee on l\filitary Affairs. "Whereas it is further alleged that said Brown has written to parties whose appointment he has p1·ocured as aforesaid letters in form and sub ta.n.ce like the The following petitions, praying Congress to place the coinage of sil­ following, to wit: "'WASHINGTON, D. c.,--, 1885. ver upon an equality with gold; that there be issued coin certificates "' DEAB Sm: I have secured your appointment as po tmaster at yom.· place. of one, two, and five dollars, the same being made alegal tender; that. Your papers will be sent in a day or two. If you feel like sending o. small sum one and two dollar legal-tender notes be i ued, and that the public to help defray the expense of attending to our Mn.ine matters you IIlllY do so. " ' My mail comes to the above address. debt be paid as rapidly as possible by applying for this purpose the idle "'Respectfully, yours, surplus now in the Treasury, were presented and severally referred to "'S. S. BROWN.' the Committee on Coinage, Weights, anl'l Measures. "Therefore, . "Re.solved, That the Postmaster-General be, and is hereby, directed to furnish to By l'llr. BRUl\IM: Of citizens of Georgia. the Senate a list of the po t-offi.ces in Maine and the names of the person re­ By Mr. COMSTOCK: Of citizens of Ionia County, ltfichigan. moved and of those appointed po tmasters of the same where the said S. S. By 1\Ir. CONGER: Of citizens of Woodward, Iowa. Brown has favorably recommended the ame or indor ed l>he applications there­ for. By Mr. DOCKERY: Of citizens of Harrison County, Missouri. "Attest: By Mr. ELDREDGE: Of citizens of Litchfield, Hillsdale County, "Al\SON G. Me OOK, .Michigan. "Secretary." By Mr. J. T. JOHNSON: Of citizens of Fountain County and of And in response thereto to state that the said Brown indorsed the several pe­ titions of numerous citizens for the removal of the postmasters at East Vassal­ Montgomery County, Indiana. . borough and North Vienna, in Kennebec County; at Naples, in Cumberland By Mr. O'DONNELL· Of citizens of Quincy, Branch County, and of County, and at. Torth Shapleigh, in York County, in the State of 1\I&ine, and in citizens of Battle Creek, :Michigan. . no other case discoverable after careful examination or known to any officer of the J?epartment; but that all removals in that State during my incumbency of By Mr. PERKINS: Of citizens of Elk and Chautauqua Counties, of this office were ba ed upon special representations by citizens of the respective citizens of Labette County, and of Crawford County, Kansas. localities, including the fow· above named; and also that;, in point of fact, af-
