No. 15.

IN ASSEMBLY, FEB. 2, 1858. ...

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ADJ,UTANrrGENERAL~ STATE OF NEW-YORK, t EXECUTIVE PEPARTMENT, Albany Feb. 2, 1858. ~ To the .J1ssembly : I herewith transmit the report of the Adjutant General for the year 1851. IOHN A. KING.

lAssembly, No. Hi.] 1 [u.n.2000.J l REPORT.


To his Excellency JOHN A. KING, Commander-in-ChieJ of the military force()f the State: Sir: In pursuance of the law of Congress" establishing a uni- fOl'm militia throughout the United State!S," I have the honor to submit the following report.

Upon assuming the duties of this office, I did not find upon r' the records of the department all the information that appeared to me to be requisite to a practical knowledge of the actual situ- I ation of the military force of the State, in respect to its num- bers, equipment or discipline. As this knowledge was indispen- sable to a propel' discharge of the duties of the office, I endea- vored to obtain the same by issuing, under your sanction, a general order, of which a copy may be found in the appendix, marked (A), directing the commandants of regiments to return, upon the blanks accompanying the order, a description of' their regimental territories, the names of the officers of the field and staff, th~ number of their companies, and, under their proper letters, the names of the officers, the number of men in each, the I ' character of the arm, and the ordnance, arms and military stores in their possession. It was, of course, not to be anticipated that so much information, required from a force not constantly on duty, nor habituated to the daily routine of the soldier, should be promptly transmitted to the' department. However, it is gratifying to state that, except in a few instances, the delay in r the returns was far less than was feared, while the number of I regimental commandants who made returns quite surpassed all


expectations. Out of seventy-one regiments, there are only six from which returns have not been received, viz.: the 35th, 47th, 59th, 618t, 62d, and 63d, and of these, two have been disbanded during the past year. The information derived in pursuance of the order referred to has been made available by being incorporated in a new roster of the military force.

The plan of the one recently in use, though an improvement upon that hitherto employed, did not contain all the informa- tion desired. The new roster, however, is now complete, and is as perfect as it can be made from the returns received. Great care has been observed before entering upon it any name returned in the regimental blanks, to ascertain if such name were already upon the old roster, and if not there, then to search for it among the usual returns ·of the brigadiers, and if not found, it has not been entered.

It will be found that there are many instances where names have been unavoidably omitted, through a neglect ofthe respective colonels or brigadiers in making the proper return for the commis- sion. Happily, however, from the plan of the roster, these omissions are susceptible of correction, where the attention of the department is called to the error by a return of ~he proper general. From this official roster has been digested the one hereto an- nexed, which is believed to be sufficiently full and exact to meet the demands of the service. It will be observed, however, that the residences of the company officers have not been given, it having been found impossible to include them within the limits of the page. The enumeration of the strength of each company and the total of the regiment, as contained in the roster, are taken from these regimental returns transmitted to the department during the past summer, and furnish, perhaps, a fair estimate of the strength of the force; yet, in special instances, from some unpre- cedented increase, as will be noted with regard to the 7th Regi- ment, they may not show exactly the present regimental strength. No" 15] 5 It will be seen from the table in the roster containing a reca- pitulation of the force, that the military force of the State is divided into eight divisions, twenty-eight and sixty- seven regiments, comprising in the aggregate 16,434 officers and men, and is classified in the various arms as follows: Of the infantry arm there are 241 companies and 8,779 officers and men. Of the artillery arm there are 79 companies and 3,1R8 officers and men. Of the cavalry arm there are 41 companies and 1,712 officers and men. Of the rifle arm. there are 41 companies and 1,835 officers and men. There· are of general officers 36. Of the field officers of regiments, 190. And of the staff and non-commissioned staff, 694. :Bya comparison of this aggregate with that set forth last year in the report from this department, it will be seen that there is ,8 somewhat large diwinution, which need, however, suggest no fears for the existence of the force. In fact, though several regiments have heen disbanded by consolidation with others, the Dumber of the rank and file to day cannot be less than it was last year at this time. On the contrary if there be any difference it is one indicating an increase of the force. The total as now stated is based upon sufficiently reliable data while that published last year was, I am informed, the result of a calculation necessarily uncertain, and, as it now seems,. quite at variance with the fact. From these special regimental returns has likewise been di- gested a table of ordnance, armS and other military stores be- longing to the State and in the possession of the troops, which will be found in the appendix marked ( :B. ) By this table it appears that there are in the hands of the troops, of ordnance, arms and accoutrements, as follows: Of cannon of'the calibre of nine pounders, ...••••••.• " 4 do six pounders, .••••• " •••.•• 98 , 6 rASSEMBLY Of howitzers of the calibre of twenty-tour pounders, ..•• 15 do twelve pounders, ..•..••• 2 Of mountain howitzers, •••••...... ••••....••.••••• 4 Of ml1skets, .•...... •••...•...•..•. , •••...•..•••••• 12,031 Of rifles, ,...... 2,130 Of mllsketoons, ...•••..••••••••...•••...... •..•••• 1,042 Of pistols, ..... , ..••.•.•• , ...... •....••..•..•. 3,163 Of sabres and swords, .•..••.•••..••.•••....••••..•• 4,288 The artillery is returned to be in an excellent condition, while the muskets are for the most part reported as utterly worthless. Indeed, these special returns have been so constantly a matter of reference in the daily discharge of the duties of the office that I am at a loss to understand how the department could have been satisfactorily managed without the information which they contain. The subject which next claimed the attention of the depart- ment, after putting in train the means by which the necessary departmental information was to be obtained, was one having reference to the military commutation. Complaints of the utter and even wilful negligence of the assessors in making out the enrolments of those liable to military duty in their respective towns or wards, and of the carelessness of the civil officers in enforcing the collection of the commutation where it had been assessed, having reached the department, the idea was enter- tained that, perhaps, if the various supervisors, assessors and col- lectors throughout the State were properly apprised of their duties in this regard, and of the penalties attaching for their neglect, the cause of these complaints would in a great measure cease and the commutation fund be necessarily augmented. With this view, instructions in pursuance of section 9, of art. I, of title III, of the Militia Law, were prepared and printed in pamphlet form, a copy of which is hereto annexed marked C., and several thousands of them accompanied by a general order to regimental commandants (also annexed) were transmitted to each of such commandants for distribution to the various civil officers concerned in the collection of the commutation fund of their respective districts. r No. 15.j 7 Though this effort may not have been as successful as was de~ sired, it can hardly be said to have utterly failed of accomplish- ing some improvement, for the reports of the boards of supervi- sors show in the aggregate an increase over the enrolment of the past year, yet not of so .marked a character as to lead to the hope that the military portion of the tax to be returned next month will much exceed the limit it has heretofore reached-a result indi- cating a state of things, it must be confessed, discouraging and hopeless of relief under the present law. The quota of arms due the State from the general government for the year 1856 having been forwarded in muskets.altered from flint to percussion instead of the original percussion muskets as desired, was not accepted by the authorities of the State. Con- sequently, for the past year there were two quotas due. The one for 1856, after deducting a balance due the general govern- ment for the expense of the alterati.on of muskets in 1855 amoun- ted in muskets to, ...... •• 1,563, equal in money to $20,319 That of 1857, after deducting for transportation of the re- turned quota amounted in

muskets to, . • • . . . •• . . • • .. 1,5981\ do 20,775

1 Both quotas to, ..••.•••...• 3,161T 3 $41,094 ====

As it was no less o'Djectionable in 1857 than in 1856 to receive from the general governmeut the quotas in altered muskets, an urgent demand was again addressed to the Ordnance Depart- ment at 'tVashington for the original percussion lrm, but with- out success; however, after a somewhat lengthy correspondence, it was conceded on the part of the authorities at 'Vashington to be possible to furnish the State with two-thirds of its quota for one of the years in cadet muskets, and also to furnish the long range rifle, with sword bayonet, (commonly called the Minie rifle,) and the long range rifled musket, with Maynard primer attachment. Upon this understanding, the two quotas were drawn in the following described stores, namely: 1 8 'ASSEMBLY 1,000 cadet muskets. 60 long range rifles, sword bayonets. 960 long range rifled muskets, with Maynard primer attached. 1 artillery musketoon, sample for Adjutant General's office. 1 sapper's musketoon, with sword bayonet, for Adjutant General's office. 1 cavalry carbine, for Adjutant General's office. 1 Hall's carbine, do do 1 long range rifle, do do 1 do musket, do do 2 pairs of percussion pistols, do do 1 cavalry sabre, do do 1 horse al'tillery sabre, <.10 do 1 artillery sword, do do 1 non-com'd officer's swor~, do do 1 musician's sword, do do 6 twelve pounder bronze howitzers. 6 twelve pounder howitzer carriages, with implements and equipments. 6 twelve pounder caissons, with tools and separate parts. 24 sets of artillery harness for two wheel horses. 200 cavalry sabre belts and plates, S. N. Y. 200 artillery sword do do 800 infantry cartridge boxes and plates, S. N. Y. 800 do do belts and plates, S. N. Y. 800 waist bel t8 do do do 800 bayonet scabbards, (Frog.) 500 gunslings.

In addition to the above, there have been drawn from the government, and charged against the quota of the year 1858, the following additional stores, namely: 40 long range rifles, with sword bayonets; 100 sets long range rifle accoutrements, equiva- lent to 53)\3 muskets.

With regard to the quota for the year 1858, it is perhaps proper to say in this connection, that since the long range rifled musket has so completely supplanted the musket proper in the hands of the troops, this department has once more No. 15.] warmly urged' upon the general government the propriety of supplying for the future the original percussion arm, which, under the recommendation of the of ordnance, Colonel H. K. Craig, it has finally consented to do, and even farther, to adapt this weapon, by back-sighting and rifling, to .the use of the Minie cartridge. The State has stored in its various arsenals and in the hands of its troops a large number of exceedingly worthless weapons, a considerable proportion of which have apparently come down from the war of 1812. It was deemed advisable to collect these and from time to time to sell them, together with the dam- aged ammunition on hand, and out of the proceeds of such sales to improve the best of the remaining arms, or to purchase, under your direction, others of a more recent construction. The Com- missary General therefore received during the early part of the year the proper instructions from your Excellency, and will doubtless report to you his action in the premises. While the bulk of the small arms belonging to the State are thus worthless, it nevertheless owns a very considerable quan- tity of serviceable muskets ofqu:te recent patterns, altered from flint to percussion, and also a large quantity which have been rendered unserviceable simply by the careless manner in which they have been altered. It was suggested by Capt. J. N. Ward, an ingenious officer of the , that, by applying a cone seat to the side of the barrel, and removing the cone from the top of the barrel and tapping it'into the cone seat-by adapt- . ing the weapon to the use of the Minie cartridge, and by attach .. ing his magazine hammer to the lock, and a clasp to the bayo- net, thf>semuskets might be rendered, at an expense of $4 each, as serviceable as the most improved arm of recent invention. This magazine hammer is a method of applying the priming tap;e to the cone in a manner different from that suggested by Maynard, the inventor of the process. In Maynard's arrange .. ment, the coil chamber is in the body of the lock, directly be- low the cone; the priming paper is urged forward by dogs, which, pressing against a straight length of paper, are themselves Illoved by a connection with the hammer. It is said that there are se 10 [ASSEMBLY

rious objections to this method, in the fact that the coil ehamber being in the body of the lock, it is impossible to prevent the oil of the lock from reaching the paper, and destroying its explo- sive quality; and also, that inasmuch as the chamber being so directly beneath the cone, the discharge of one ~lobule of the fulmina ting powder might explode the balance of the coil in the chamber. With regard to the first of'these objections, there can be no doubt that if there be a redundancy of oil in the lock, some of it will reach the chamber. It may be said, however, that a weapon having the Maynard method of priming, and which has been for months in the Adjutant General's office with-' out a change of coil, has never been known to fail on trial, nor has the coil ever been exploded while in its chamber.

In Captain Ward's method the coil chamber is in the upper part of the hammer, the paper passes over a ratchet wheel, and is fed upon the cone by the movement of this wheel as it is turned in the act of cocking, by means of a rod within the ham- mer being connected with a pin fixed to the body of the lock, and playing into the ratchet of the wheel.

Whatever may be the advantages or disadvantages of these two methods of priming, it was quite apparent that for the im- provement of our State muskets, the Ward method could be strongly recommended upon the score of economy, as it required only another description of hammer to be attached to the lock, while by the Maynard plan the substitution of an entirely new lock was necessary. Your Excellency having consented to an alteration of our best muskets on the Ward principle, a contract has been entered into with Captain Ward for the alteration, in accordance with the sample deposited in this office, of such quantity of muskets as shall from time to time be turned over to him, at the rate of $4 per musket-one half of this sum to be in money, and the remainder, at the option of the State, either in money or in old unserviceable arms, at the market rates of such weapons. Twelve hundred muskets are now in his hands, undergoing the process of alteration. As soon as completed, they will be divided among some of the regiments in the city of New-York, for thorough trial. ... No. 15.] 11 Of the sum of thirteen thousand dollars received from the general government in settlement of advances for military stores, and appropriated by the Legislature for the purchase, under your Excellency's direction, of arms and ammunition, there has been • expended For 27 brass drums, (snare,) .. •• • •• • .••••.• • '1 137 maple drums, (snare,) .•••. , • • ••.... 51 bass drums, ..•.••.•••.•.•.•.•.••••• r $2,592 50 2 bugles, . • . • • .• .... •••••• ...... •.• I 20 regimental colors) ...... • ...... •• I 30 guide colors, ...•••.. • • ••...... •.• J 90 improved conical tents, (Sibley's Patent,) . 3,600 00 Extra ammunition, ...••..••.. • • . • • •.•.... 2,880 88

Making a total of • .•.. • •..•••.. • • · • • • $9,073 38 And leaving a balance unexpended of ...•...... $3,926 62 ------• With the view of procuring snare drums of the most servicea- ble character, it was thought advisable to order such as might be needed, to be made with brass shells, after the style of the French army drum .. Of this description twenty seven were made; but on discovering that they sustained so poor a compa- rison with the French drum in solidity and resonance, their further manufacture was discontinued, and maple shell drums ordered in their stead It b eminently desirable on the ground of military convenience, order and system, that the troops in some of the larger cities of the State be provided at the expense of the State, with two snare drums and one trumpet, for alterna- tion per company, to be kept like other State property when not in use habitually, in the company armory,and under the super- vision of its commanding officer. Also, that in each of such companies, three boys be enlisted, with all the rights, privileges and duties of its regular members, to be instructed in the use of these instruments; who, in addition to accompanying their re- spective companies to and from the regimental parade, where they are assembled as the field music of the regiment, will also be required to mark the step at all the company drills, and, gen- erally, be expected to take as much interest in the company as any of its members. It may be urged that this system cannot be 12 fASSEMBLY

instituted without a considerable additional tax upon the com- pany funds; but it is difficult to believe, that in the large cities there cannot be found a sufficient number of respectable and pa- triotic boys, who, for no other consideration than that of an inti- mate and pleasurable association with the command, would feel a just pride in marching as drummers at the heads of regiments which had secured for themselves an extended and honorable reputation.

The band of a regiment partakes of the n~ture of an excrescence, While the field music is essentially a part of its very existence. It is indeed indispensable to the proper manceuvre of-a regiment that the field musicians be thoroughly instructed, not only in the various military signals and calls, and in the proper beats and sounds which mark the pace, but also as to their various positions in parades of ceremony, in columns of manceuvre, and • en route. With the view of effecting the changes here contem- plated, a French army snare drum, together with the sticks, sling and apron, also, a trumpet and the French military music, which does not comprise airs or tunes, but simply beats and sounds to mark the pace, have been ordered from to serve as models for their supply by artisans of our own land, and it is hoped that soon, in the city of New-York, will be seen a properly equipped and instructed corps offield musicians.

It has been the effort of the department, as far as it was possi- ble, to encourage and sustain a proper soldierly spirit and pride throughout the military organization of the State. To this end the ordinary blanks in use among the troops have been exa- mined, and where it seemed desirable, have been either simpli- fied or entirely re-arranged, and large numbers of them have; from time to time, been transmitted to the brigadiers for distri- bution in their various commands. A limited supply of Scott's Tactics, and Cavalry Tactics, has also been procured, and, to- gether with a much larger number of Cooper's Abridged, and Hardee's Light Infantry Tactics, been similarly distributed. Some five hundred copies of the General Regulations for the army, received from the government of the United States during the year, have likewise reached the troops through the same channel. No. 15.J 13 Twen,ty companies have been organized during the year, as will appear from the table hereto annexed, marked D. Four- teen of them are of the infantry, two of the rifle, and four of the artillery arm.

There have been issued of commISSIOns to .?ffi.qer~.,of the staff, 185, and to officers of the line, 378; in all,. 563 ~ommis- sions.

The whole number of the enrolled militia, as retllrn~d to the President of the United States., is, by estimate, 350,000 men.

The following is the number of arms and equipments ordered to be issued, and the number actually issued during the past year: Ordered. Issued. Cadet muskets, ...••••..•..•...••••. ' . · .. • • 995 994 Rifle muskets, ...... ••...... •. 700 415 Ordinary percussion muskets, ...•.••.••..••• 1,097 872 Rifles, percussion} ..•••.•..•••...... •..... 115 100 Long range rifles, ...• " ...... ••••.... • • 40 Musketoons, artillery, ...... ••....••••... • .. 105 40 Musketoons, sal'pers and miners, ... • ..•.••••• 40 20 Pistols, percussion, pairs, ..•.•..•• · • • •••...• 108 62 Sabres, cavalry, .••••• • ••• 160 126 Sabres, artillery, ..•••••...•.• • • ••• • ••••• • • • 122 25 Swords., artillery, ..••.••....•...• · • . • . • • • • • 71 48

Cartridge boxes and belts,. . . . • . • •• . ••... u • 1,731 901 Bayonet scabbards, belts and plates, • .. 1,581 861 Waist belts and plates, ..••...... · • • •••.... 1,618 876 Long range rifle equipments, ...•..••.• • • . • · • 40 Cavalry sabre belts, ...... •..•.... • .. • • ... • 160 146 Artillery sabre belts, .••••••••••..••••.•••.. 25 25 Artillery sword belts, ...••.•....•••.•....•• 90 54 Holsters, paIrs, ••••..••.••••.• • • • • • ••.••••• 115 113

Snare drums, .•••. ' • , ..... J ••••••••••••••• 62 39 Bass drums, .••••••.• • • •• •••••• . • • • • • ••... • 6 Bugles, '. . . . • . . . . . · ~. . . · . · · · · ... '. ...•...... 20 17 7 Fifes, ••• _•• 0 .••••••• ' ••••••• ' •• e .••••••••••••• 16 - 14 LASSEMBLY

Ordered. Issued. Colors, ...••.•• " ..••.. """.' ...•.....•• " ...• 5 3 Cap pouches, ...... 1,466 1,108 Valises, ...... 40 Gun slings, . , ...... 1,010 144 .. Waist belts for musketoons, •••••••••••••••• OIl 20 20 - Six pounders, gun and caniage complete, ...... 8 7 I Twelve pounder howitzer and carriage complete, 2 2 Twenty-four do do do 1 1 Mountain howitzer, complete, .....•••...•...• 1 1 Caissons, ...... 5 5

During the past year the following regiments have been dis- banded, namely, the 75th regiment, by consolidation with the 9th, the 47th with the 48th, the 63d with the 64th, and the 28th with the 20th.

The military districts of the State as now existing are as follows: ~ The commandant of the is Major Genl. Charles W. Sandford, New-York. .

The territory embraced in this division consists of the city and I county of New York, and the county of Richmond. The division includes four brigades, the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th. I The first district consists of the county of Richmond and the 1st, 2d, 4th, 6th, 18th and 21st wards of the city of New-York.

The second brigade district consists of the 3d, 5th, 8th, 14th and 15th wards of the city of New-York. The third brigade dis- trict consists of the 7th, lOth, lIth, 13th and 17th wards of the city of New-York. The fourth brigade district consists of the 9th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 20th and 22d wards of the city of New- York. To the first brigade are attached the 1st, 2d, 3d, 71st and 73d regiments.

The 1st regimental district consists of the 4th ward of the city New-York. No. 15.] 15 The 2d regimental district consists of the 6th ward of the city of New-York. The 3d regimental district consists of the 1st and 2d wards of the city of New-York . • The 71st regimental district consists of the 18th and 21st wards of the city of New-York. The 73d regimental district consists of the county of Richmond. To the second brigade are attached the 4th, 5th and 6th regi- ments. The 4th regimental district consists of the 14th and 15th wards of the city of New-York. The 5th regimental district consists of the 8th ward of the city of New-York. The 6th regimental district consists of the 3d and 5th wards of the city of New-York. To the third brigade are attached the 7th, 8th, 9th and 55th regimel}ts. The 7th regimental district consists of the 7th and 10th wards of the city QfNew-York. The 8th regimental district consists of the 11th and 13th wards of the city of New-York. The 9th regimental district consists of the 17th ward of the city of New-York. To the fourth brigade are attached the 10th, I1th,12th and 69th regiments. The 10th regimental district consists of the 9th ward of the city of New-York. .. The 11th regimental district consists ot the 16th ward of' the city of New-York. The 12th regimental district consists of the 12th, 19th and 22d wards of'the city of New-York. The 69th regimental district consists of the 20th ward of the city of New-York. The commandant of the 2d division is Major Geni. Aaron Ward, Sing Sing, Westchester county. 16 fASSEMBLY

The territory embraced in this division consists of the counties of Kings, Queens, Suffolk, Westchester, Putnam, Orange and Rockland. The division includes three brigades, the 5th, 6th and 7th.

l The fifth brigade district consists of the county of Kings. • f The sixth brigade district consists of the counties of Queens and Suffolk. The seventh brigade district consists of the counties of West- chestel', Putnam, Orange and Rocklanq.. To the fifth brigade are attached the 13th, 14th, 70th and 72d regiments. The 13th regimental district consists of the 5th, 8th and 10th wards and part of the 4th ward of the city of Brooklyn. The 14th regimental district consists of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 6th and 12th wards and part of the 4th ward of the city of Brooklyn. The 70th regimental district consists of the 7th, 9th, 11th and 19th wards and part of the 16th ward of Brooklyn and the towns of Kings county. The 72d regimental district consists of the 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th and 18th wards and part of the 16th ward of the city of Brooklyn. To the sixth brigade are attached the 15th and 16th regiments. The 15th regimental district consists of the county of Queens. The 16th regimental district consists of the county of Suffolk. To the seventh brigade are attached the 17th, 18th and 19 re- giments. The 17th regimental district c£)nsists of the county of Rock- land and the towns of Eastchester, Greenburgh, Mamaroneck, New Rochelle, Pelham, White Plains, Westchester, West Farms and Yonkers in the county of' Westchester. The 18th regimental district consists of the county of Putnam and the towns of Rye, Scarsdale, Harrison, North Castle, Bedford, Poundridge, Lewisborough, Somers, Yorktown, Cortland, Mount Pleasant, Ossining and North Salem in the county of Westchester. The 19th regimental district consists of the county of Orange. No. 15. f 17 The commandant of the 3d division is Major General Sohn Tayler Cooper, Albany. The territory embraced in this division cODf~istsof the coun- ties of Dutchess, Columbia, Rensselaer, Albany, Schenectady, • Greene, Delaware, Ulster, Sullivan, Saratoga and Washington. The division includes four brigades, the 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th. The district consists of' the counties of Dutchess, Sullivan, Ulster, Columbia and Greene. The district consists of the counties of Rensse- lam', (except the towns of Greenbush and North Greenbush,) and Washington. The 11tb brigade district consists of the counties of Albany and Saratoga, and the towns of Greenbush and North Greenbush, in Rensselaer county. The district consists of the connty of Delaware. To the 8th brigade are attached the 20th and 21st regiments. The 20th regimental district consists of the counties of Ulster, Sullivan and Greene. The 21st regimental district consists of the counties of Dutch- ess and Columbia. To the lOth brigade are attached the 24th and 30th regiments. The 24th regimental district consists of the county of Rensse- . Iaer, (except the towns of Greenbush and North Greenbush.) The 30th regimental district consists of the county of Wash- ington4 To the are attached the 25th, 76th and 29th regiments. The 25th regimental district consists of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 9th and lOth wards of the city of Albany, and all the towns of Albany county except Watervliet. The 76th l'egimental district consists of the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th wards of the city of Albany, the town of Watervliet in Al- bany county, and the towns of Greenbush and North Greenbush LAssembly, No. 15AJ 2 18 [ASSEM:BLY in Rensselaer county. The 29th regimental district consists of the county of Saratoga. To the 12th brigade is attached the 27th regiment. The 27th regimental district consists of the county of Dela ... ware. • The commandant of the is Major General Orville- Clark, of Sandy Hill, Washington county. The territory embraced in this. division consists of the coun- ties of Warren, Essex, Clinton, Franklin, St. Lawrence, Jeffel'son and Lewis. The division includes three brigades-the 14th, 15th and 16th .. The district consists of the counties of Warren, Essex and Clinton. The district ~onsists of the counties of St. Law- rence and Franklin. The district consists of the connties of Jefferson and Lewis. To the-14th brigade are attached the 31st and 32d regiments .. The 31st regimental district oonsists of the counties of Warren and Essex, (except the towns of Jay and Chesterfield.) The 32d regimental district consists of theeounty of Clin- ton, and the towns of lay and Chesterfield, in Essex county.

To the 15th brigade are attached the 33d and 34th regiments .. The 33d regimental district eonsists of the county of St. Law- rence, with the exception of the towns of Massena, B:rashext Stockholm, Lawrence, Parishville, Colton, and Hopkinton.

The 34th regimental district consists of the above-named towns in St. Lawrence county, and the connty of Franklin. To the 16th brigade are attached the 35th and 36th regiments .. , The 35th regimental district consists of the towns of Alexan- dria, Clayton, Le Ray, Orleans, Philadelphia, Theresa, Brown- ville, Hounsfield, Lyme, Pamelia, Rutland, Watertown) and Cap& Vin~nt, in the county of Jefferson. No. 15.] ]9

The thirty-sixth regimen tal district consists of the remaining towns of Jefferson county, and the county of Lewis.

The commandant of the is Major General Samuel S. Burnside, Worcester, Otsego county

The territory embraced in this division consists of the coun- ties of Schenectady, Herkimer, Hamilton, Fulton, Montgomery, Schoharie, Otsego, Madison, Broome, Chenango and Tioga.

The division includes four brigades, the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th.

The seventeenth brigade district consists of the counties of ScheNectady, Fulton, Hamilton and Herkimer, except the town of Stark, and the towns of Minden, Canajoharie, St. Johnsville, Pa- latine, Mohawk and Amsterdam, in the county of Montgomery.

The eighteenth brigade district consists of the county of Scho~ harie, the towns of Root, Glen, Florida and Charleston in Montgomery county; the towns of Cherry Valley, Springfield, Richfield, Exeter, Decatur, Worcester, Westford, , Middlefield, Otsego, Hartwick and l'Iilford in Otsego county, and the town of Stark in Herkimer county.

The nineteenth brigade district consists of the county of Madison" except the towns of Sullivan and Lenox; the towns of Butternuts, Morris, Pittsfield, Edmeston, Plainfield, Burlington, New Lisbon and Laurens,in the county of Otsego; and the towns of Pitcher, Pharsalia, Plymouth, Norwich, New Hedin, Sher- burne, Columbus, .Lincklaen, Otselic and Smyrna, in the county of Chenango.

The twentieth brigade district consists of the counties of Broome and Tioga, the towns of Oneonta, Otego and Unadilla, in Otsego county, and the towns of Guilford, Bainbridge, Coventry, Oxford, Preston, Macdonough, German, Smithville and Greene, in Chenango county. To the seventeenth hrigade are attached the 26th and 38th regiments.


The twenty-sixth regimental district consists of the counties of Schenectady, Fulton and Hamilton, and the towns of Minden, Canajoharie, St. Johnsville, Palatine, Mohawk and Amsterdam, in Montgomery county. The thirty-eighth regimental district consists of the county of .. Herkimer, excepting the town of Stark. To the eighteenth brigade are attached the 39th and 40th regiments. The thirty-ninth regimental district consists of the towns of Oherry Valley, Springfield, Richfield, Exeter, Decatur ,Worcester, Westford, Mary land, Middlefield, Otsego, Hartwick and Milford, in Otsego county; the towns of Summit, Seward and Sharon, in Schoharie county, and the town of Stark in Herkimer county. The fortieth regimental district con~ists of the county of Scho- harie, (except the towns of Summit, Seward and Sharon,) and ,the towns of Root, Glen, Florida and Charleston, in Montgomery county. To the nineteenth brigade are attached the 41st and 42d regi- ments. The 41st regimental district consists of the towns of Pitcher, Pharsalia, Plymouth, Norwich, New Berlin, Sherburne and Co- lumbus in Chenango county, the towns of Butternuts, Morris, Pittsfield, Edmeston, Plainfield, Burlington, New Lisbon and Laurens in Otsego county and the town of Brookfield in Madison county. The 42d regimental district consists of the towns of Stockbridge , Smithfield, Fenner, Cazenovia, Nelson, Eaton, Madison, Hamil- ton, IJebanon, Georgetown, and De Ruyter in Madison county, and tIle towns of Lincklaen, Otselic and Smyrna in Chenango county. To the twentieth brigade are attached the 43d and 44th regi- ments. The 43d regimental distI'ict consists of the towns of Oneonta, Otego, and Unadilla in Otsego county, the towns of Guilford, Bainbridge, Coventry, Oxford, Pl'eston, Macdonough, Gel'man, Smithville and Greene in Chenango county, and the towns of Windsor, Sandford, Colesville and Conkling in Broome county. No. 15.j 21

The 44th regimental district consists of the county of. Tioga and the towns of Union, Vestal, Maine, Triangle, Barker, Lisle, Nanticoke, and Chenango in Broome county. The commandant of the is Major Genl. William • C. Brown, Syracuse. I~ The territory embraced in this division consists of the counties of Oneida, Oswego, Cayuga, Onondaga, Cortland and Tompkins. The division includes four brigades, the 21st, 22d, 23d and 24th. The twenty-first brigade district consists of the county of Oneida. The twenty-second brigade district consists of the county of Oswego. The twenty-third brigade district consists of the county of Tompkins, the towns of Elbridge and Skaneateles in Onondaga eounty and all the towns of Cayuga county. The twenty-fourth brigade district consists of the county of Cortland and the county of Onondaga, (except the towns of El- bridge and ·Skaneateles.) To the twenty-first brigade are attached the 45th, 46th and 53d regiments. The 45th regimental district consists of the towns of Brown- ville, Floyd, Marcy, Remsen, Trenton, Whitestown, Steuben, Deerfield, and the city of Utica in Oneida county. The 46th regimental district consists of the towns of Rome, Camden, Lee, Verona, Florence, Ava, Vienna, Annsville and Western in Oneida county. The 53d regimental district consists of the towns of New Hart- ford, Sangersfield, Vernon, Paris, Marshall, Kirkland, Bl'idge- water, Augusta and Westmoreland in Oneida county. To the 22d brigade is attached the '48th regiment. The 48th regimental district consists of the county of Oswego. To the 23d brigade are attached the 49th and 50th regiments. The 49th regimental district consists of the county of Cayuga and the towns of Elbridge and Skaneateles in Onondaga county. 22 [ASSEMBLY

The 50th regimental district consists of the county of Tomp- kins. To the twenty-fourth brigade are attached the 51st and 52d regiments. The 51st regimental district consists of Onondaga county,. (except the towns of Elbridge, Skaneateles, Spafford, Otisco, Tully and Fabius,) and the towns of Sullivan and Lenox in Madison county. The 52d regimental district consists of the county of Cortland and the towns of Fabius, Otisco, Tully, and Spafford in Onondaga county. The commandant of the is Major General William S. Fullerton, Sparta, Livingston county. The territory embraced in this division consists of the coun- ties of Wayne, Monroe, Ontario, Seneca, Yates, Steuben, Living- ston, Chemung, and Schuyler. The division includes two brigades-the 25th and 27th. The district consists of the counties of Monroe,. Wayne, Seneca and Schuyler. The district consists of the counties of Living- ston, Ontario, Yates, Chemung and Steuben.

To the 25th brigade are attached the 54th and 58tIl regiments. The 54th regimental district consists of the county of Monroe.

The 58th regimental district consists of the counties of Wayne, Seneca and Schuyler.

To the 27th brigade are attached the 59th and 60th regiments. The 59th regimental dist9ct consists of the counties of Living- ston, Ontario and Yates. The 60th regimental district consists of the counties of Che- l mung and Steuben. The commandant of the is Major General Nelson Randall, Buffalo. No. 15.1 23

The territory embraced in this division consists of the coun- ties of Allegany, Wyoming, Genesee, Orleans, Niagara, Erie, Cat- taraugus and Chautauque. The division includes four brigades-the 29th, 30th, 31st and .. 32d. "The 29th brigade district consists of the counties of Niagara, Genesee, Orleans·and Wyoming. The 30th brigade district consists of the counties of Allegany and Cattaraugus. The 31st brigade district consists of the city of Buffalo, and the towns of Grand Island, Tonawanda, Amherst, Clal'ence, Newstead, Chictawauga, Lancaster and Alden, in Erie cO"Q,nty. The 32d brigade district consists of the county of Ohautauque, and the towns of Aurora, Boston, Brandt, Concord, Colden, Col- lins, Evans, Eden, Hamburgh, East Hamburgh, Holland, Sar- dinia, Wales, North Collins, Marilla and West Seneca, in the r- county of Erie. To the 29th brigade are attached the 61st, 62d and 66th regi- ments. The 618t regimental district consists of the county of Wyo- ming, and the towns of Alexandria, Darien, Batavia, Bethany, Le Roy, Pavilion and Stafford, in the county of Genesee. The 62d regimental district consists of the county of Orleans, and the towns of Pembroke, Alabama, Oakville, Elba, Byron, and Bergen, in the county of Genesee. The 66th regimental district consists of the county of Niagara. To the 30th brigade is attached the 64th regiment. The 64th regimental district consists of the counties of Alle- gany and Cattaraugus. To the 31st brigade are attached the 65th and 74th regiments.

The 65th regimental district consists of the 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 12th and 13th wards of the city of Buffalo, and the towns of Chictawauga, Lancaster and Amherst, in the county of Erie. 24 [ASSEMBL l'

The 74th regimental district consists of the 1st, 2d, 8th, 9th1 10th and 11th wards of the city of Buffalo, and the towns of Clarence, Newstead, Alden, Grand Island and Tonawanda, in Erie county. To the 32d brigade are attached the 67th and 68th regiments. II The 67th regimental district consists of the towns of Aurora, Boston, Brandt, Concord, Colden, Collins, Evans, Eden, Ham- burgh, Holland, Sardinia, Wales, East Hamburgh, North Col- lins, Marilla and West Seneca, in Erie county.

The 68th regimental district consists of the county of Chau- tauque. In accordance with the provisions of the law, there should have been transmitted to this office inspection returns from twenty-eight brigades, whereas only sixteen have been received. Whether this omission to return is due to the negligence of the delinquent brigade inspectors, or to an oversight of the brigadiers in not ordering parades for inspection, I am at a loss to deter- mine. The files of the department fully attest that the omission is not peculiar to this year, and it seems to be more than probable, that if these officers were selected because of their known military capacity, conjoined with their zeal for the efficiency of the service, there would scarcely arise an occasion for remarks of this character.

The following are the names of the delinquent inspectors: Major George F. Sherman, inspector of , whereof Brig. Gen. Wm. W. Scrugham is commandant. Majol' George Vanderheyden, inspector of 10th brigade, whereof Brig. Gen. Darius Allen is commandant. Major Robert T. Johnson, inspector of 12th brigade, whereof Brig. Gen. Benj. F. Bassett is commandant.

Major Lawrence Myers,jr., inspector of 14th brigade, whereof .t Brig. Gen. Thomas S. Gray is commandant. Major Samuel P. Russell, inspector of , whereof Brig. Gen. Zadock P. Bentley is commandant. No. 15.1 25 Majol' Wm. H. McCollum, inspector of , whereof Brig. Gen. Russell W. Humphrey is commandant. Major Henry R. White, inspector of , whereof Brig. Gen. R. U. Sherman is commandant . • Major - -- inspector of 27th regiment, whereof Brig. Gen. James Wood, jr. is commandant. Major Wm. Emerson, inspector of 29th brigade, whereof Brig. Gen. Silas M. Burroughs is commandant. Major Richard Church, inspector of 30th brigade, whereof Brig. Gen Calvin T. Chamberlain,is commandant. Major Dudley Donnelly, inspector of 31st brigade, whereof Brig. Gen. Gustavus A. Scroggs is commandant. Major Hanson A. Risley, inspector of 32d brigade, whereof Brig. Gen. Aaron Riley is commandant. Those who have transmitted returns, are: Major Charles H. Smith, inspector of , whereof Bl'ig. Gen Charles B. Spicer is commandant. Major Samuel M. Alford, inspector of 2d brigade, whereof Brig. Gen. Charles Yates is commandant. Major Robert Taylor, acting inspector of 3d brigade, whereof Brig. Gen. William Hall is commandant. Major Robert Taylor, inspector of , whereof Brig. Gen. John Ewen is commandant. Major Wm. R. Brewster, inspector of , whereof Brig. Gen. H. B. Duryea is commandant. Major George L Smith, inspector of , whereof Brig. Gen. J. A. Herriman is commandant. Major George F. Von Beck, inspector of 8th brigade, whereof Brig. Gen. Henry A. Samson is commandant. Major Amasa W. Wooley, inspector of 15th brigade, whereof Brig. Gen. Schuyler F. Judd is commandant. Major Eleazer W. Lewis, inspector of 16th brigade, whereof Brig. Gen. Albert Rice is commandant. /

26 L.ASSEMBL 1" Major Anson H. Holmes, inspector of , whereof Brig. Gen. Amos H. Prescott is commandant. Major J. Van Veghten, inspector of the , whereof Brig. Gen. George E. Danforth is commandant. Major Timothy Sullivan, inspector of 22d .brigade, whereof • Bri~ .. Gen. Ransom H. Tyler is commandant. Major John S. Clarke, inspector of 23d brigade, whereof Brig. Gen. John H. Chedell is commandant. Major Charles R. Babbitt, inspector of 25th brigade, whereof Brig. Gen. Lansing B. Swan is commandant. Major Clinton F. Page, inspector of , whereof Brig. Gen. R. M. Richardson is commandant. Major Chas. W. Goddard, inspector of 11th brigade, whereot' Brig. Gen. Edward Frisby is commandant.

The consolidated returns of the brigade inspectors will be found in table E, hereto annexed.

The system known as the. commuting system, were it enforced in ttccordance with the spirit of the law, would, it can hardly be denied: provide a sufficient fund for the partial relief of our military organization, from the burthens under which it is at present struggling. While it is not desired that the force should be wholly sustained from this system, like a mercenary one, it is nevertheless consonant with reason and justice that men vol- unteering to perform a duty which all, with a few exceptions, are required by the laws of Congress to disrharge, should be at least assisted in some of their expenses, as for music, armory rent, and horses for guns, by those who are thereby relieved from such duty. To show how inadequately the system as at present administered meets this reasonable demand, reference is made to the returns of the various county treasurers of the State which furnish a statement of the sums received, and to the re- ports of the boards of auditors of the different regiments which explain the mode in which they have been disbursed. They will be found in tahles F. and G., hereto annexed. In connec- tion with this subject, it may be remarked that in many instan- ces, were the regimental fund to be devoted excl usively to de- No. 15.] 27

fraying the expense of music or the usual expenses of an armo- ry, it would be found barely to suffice, while in others it would scarcely meet, by one half, these indispensable requirements. It is, however, certain, under the best view of the case, that • the system has failed of accomplishing the end for which it was

I ¥ instituted. From the reports which constantly reach this de- partment from the military authorities, verified as they are by the returns of the county treasurers and of the clerks of the boards of supervisors, the conviction is irresistible that the re- sponsibility for the failure is in no small degree due to the per- versely negligent manner in which their duties under the mili- tary law are discharged by the assessors and collectors of the various towns of the State. In not a few of the towns the as- sessors have utterly neglected to make the. enrolment, and in many instances, where the enrolment has been made, if the number enrolled be compared with the population of the town, it cannot but appear singularly defective. It is insisted that had the assessors and collectors made more persistent efforts in the discharge of the military portion of their duties, there would not have existed against them the pre- sent almost universal complaint; yet on the other hand it may be urged that the law in the matter of exemptions, by its many and sometimes inconsistent provisions is quite as apt to mislead as it is to direct, and that though its general spirit partakes much of military stringency, still the provision authorising the de- ferring of the collection of the commutation to the second year, often defeats the efforts of the best intentioned collector, while another provision, in prescribing no penalty, though it author- izes a prosecution, absolutely prevents the enforcement of the law at his hands. In correction of these defects, it is respectfully suggested, by way of amendment to the law, that, the notice now required to ' be given to each person enrolled, that he is so enrolled, be dis- continued, and that the notice which the assessors are required to affix conspicuously in at least three places of I?ublic resort in their respective towns, answer in lieu thereof, and that the as- sessors be further required, under a penalty of fifty cents for 28 [ASSEMBLY each name omitted, to return upon the military roll, to the board of supervisors of their respective counties, the name of every person in their town, between the ages of 18 and 45 years, who is not exempt from the performance of military duty. To enable them to discharge properly this duty, it is desirable that • all the various grounds of military exemption and privilege be specified connectedly in the law, and so clearly that a misappre- hension of them shall be impossible.

It is also desirable that when the assessors shall have comple- ted their roll, they shall certify it to the board of supervisors, who shall take the same and incorporate it in the tax roll, by simply adding 50 cents to the total of tax standing against the name of every person upon such tax roll, whose name shall have been returned upon the military roll, and where there are names upon the military roll which do not appear upon the tax roll, they are to be added to the tax roll, and from each whose name is thus added, is to be collected the sum of 50 cents. The supervisors will in their warrants direct the collectors to deposit with the county treasurer, out of all moneys .collected, to the credit of the regiment in whose bounds the same has been col- lected, the sum of -- dollars, being a sum equal to 50 cents for each name returned by the assessors upon the military roll. The collectors in making their collections, will make no distinc- tion between the commutation and the tax proper, but will pro- ceed to collect the sums specified against the names of persons upon their tax rolls, in the manner in which they now collect taxes.

Where from any cause, such as the absence of property to be levied on, or the removal from the county, it is impossible to y collect the commutation, the collectors shall certify a list of the nameS of those from whom it is impossible to collect the same, to the county treasurer, to be by him transmitted to the board of supervisors, who shall include the amount uncollected in the general tax to be levied upon the property of the county during the succeeding. year, to supply the deficiency of the year then past. No. 15.] 29 From the operation of the provisions of the tenth title of the militia law in the cities of Albany and Buffalo, it is deemed to be advisable, and it is accordingly recommended, that these pro- visions be applied, with amendments, however, where experience has demonstrated their inharmonious action, generally to all the cities of the State, with the exception of those wherein the first division law is in force. The amendments that seem to be nec- essary to a proper operation of these provisions are such as shall relieve exempts from the continual harrassment of being warned to parade, to pay, or to excuse themselves at a court of appeals, and also those which shall provide for the collection of fines by marshals ,ppointed under the sanction of the county treasurer, to whom they shall be required to return all the moneys col- lected by them for fines, excepting therefrom· their fees, together with a list of the names of those from whom the same have been collected, arranged in alphabetical order, with the res- idences and with the amount collected, specified against the respective names, which list the treasurer is to publish on a ...-- given day, and for five consecutive days, and, in a notice to be appended thereto, specifying that the list contains the names of those from whom a fine has been collected, in a particular dis- trict, to request those who may have paid the fine, whose names do not appear in such list, to report the fact, and their re~iden- ces, on or before a given day, to the county treasurer, who will thereupon make out a list of the names of persons so re- porting, and transmit the same to the commandant of the regi- mental district, to enable him to investigate the conduct of the marshal in the premises. With regard to the city of New-York, the recent disturbances, which would have ended doubtless in scenes of rapine and blood- shed were it not for a recollection of the summary manner in which the Astor Place riot had been suppressed, have demon- strated to the satisfaction of all that the presence of a powerful military force is indispensable to the preservation of the lives and. the property of the citizens of that town.

The commuting system as applied in the city of New-York is scarcely adequate to the ordinary expenses of music for the di- 30 IASSEMBLY

vision, and when considered in connection with the additional expenses of the force in responding so frequently to the calls of the civil authorities, it is little better than a mockery. To pre- pare and maintain the first division for the emergencies of the future, it is considered that a sum equal to $5 per man for each .. man who has served faithfully as an officer or soldier of the di- vision during the year would, perhaps, meet the requirements of the case. I therefore do not hesitate to recommend the levy of a tax yearly upon the property of the city of New-York, equal to a sum that shall amount to $5 per man, as above set forth, to be divided by the division board of officers, after deducting the expenses of the board and of the several brigade boards, among the various regiments of the division respectively in proportion to the number of regular officers and men returned as having faithfully complied with the requireIuents of the law as to their services during the year, having a care, meanwhile, to prescribe such requirements of law as to parades for instruction and in- spection and the returns of the same, and such other provisions as shall ensure a just distribution of the funds throughout the -... division. It is recommended as necessary to the proper manreuvering and discipline of the troops of the 1st division, that the various flank companies of the division be classified into regiments of artillery, cavalry and rifles, though without a separate numerical designa- tion, it being feared that such designation for each arm would lead in a very short time to the old confused system of skeleton regiments of artillery, cavalry and rifles, scattered all over the State, with their brigades only upon paper. Th~ designation might, however, be as follows: "3d regiment New-York militia, cavalry." "4th regiment New-York militia, artillery." "5th regiment N. Y. M. rifles," &c. r

It seems to have been the intention of the framers of the mili- tary statute in permitting two flank companies of either cavalry, artillery or rifles to be attached to the eight·battalion companies of a regiment that in each regimental district of the State there should be a combination of arms at hand in case of need, though the great dependence was to be placed upon the infantry arm. No. 15.] 31 Whether such waS or was not the intention, the system appears to be a good one for the State at large, and deserves to be en- coura~ed by confining the organization, (outside of the 1st di- vision) in the artillery, cavalry and rifle arms, to flank compa- • nies as now allowed by law. It is, however, desirable that these flank companies should be I "" properly disciplined in the arms of their organization, and as thpir instruction by the commandant of the regiment to which they are attached would be perhaps too much to demand in ad- dition to his battalion duties, I would recommend a further amendment to the military law, whereby one competent officer for each of the three arms of artillery, cavalry and light infantry be appointed for each division excepting the first, as instructor of those armS respectively, with the rank of major, and be at- tached to the divIsion staff, who should have no command but at every brigade and regimental parade in the division, should be required by law to attend, and, (under the brigadier general or colonel, as the case may be, as principal iristructor,) instruct the companies corresponding with the arm they respectively re- present in a thorough knowledge of the duties of' that arm. In the city of'New-York, however, where,from the concentration of the force there are division parades and where the brigade parades are so frequent, there seems to be some reason for arranging the troops in the manner best adapted to the manceu- vres and discipline of a large force, namely, by regiments accor- ding to their various arms. The commission instituted by general orders No.7, of 13th of January, 1855, for the purpose of preparing under your appro- val regulations for the government of the military force of the State, have, after much severe labor, at length completed their work, which is now in press and will be ready for issue, it is hoped, before the middle of February. It is due to the officers composing this commission, to state that the delay in the prepa- ation of the work was occasioned by the announcement that the army regulations of 1847, in force at the time and which had been partially adapted by the cbmmissioners to the govern- ment of the State force, were undergoing revisal and amendment 32 [.ASSEMBLY

by a board of army officers at Washington, and that it was deemed prudent by these commissioners to discontinue their labors until some copies of the revised work could be procured. These were obtained in the early part of last spring, when, upon a comparison of the two works, it became apparent that the whole of the labor already performed would have to be renewed. This • has been accomplished and the work completed, including a large amount of original matter.

During the recent apprehensions of bread riots in the city of New-York, the Commissary General received a notice from the president of the MetropolItan Police Commission that there was reason to fear that the State Arsenal, situated in the Central park, would be rifled of its military stores unless guarded by a proper force, and that the limited number of policemen at his dispDsal prevented his furnishing the proper protection. The Commissary General on transmitting to you this notice, received your instructions to make a formal demand upon the president of the police commission for a force of policemen adequate to the protection of the State property, and if it could not be obtained, then to procure a special guard himself. On being refused the policemen the Commissary General hired a sufficient number of men for the purpose, and having had them SWOl'nas special policemen, placed them in the arsenal, where they remained guarding the building night and day for several days together. This has not been done without considerable expense, which has been met, however, by the advances of the Commissary General, who will himself give a more full and detailed report of his proceedings in the premises, and will doubtless request that, in the absence of any other method, this outlay be reimbursed by act of the Legislature, in which request I fully concur.

There ha\'~ebeen a variety of encampments during the past year, at Which the troops in many instances made fine displays, and gave evidence of being pervaded by a proper zeal for the efficiency of the service.

In this connection it is proper to state, in correction of an ~rror which occurred in General Orders No. 40 of 1857, wherein No. 15.] 33 the tactical management of the sham battle at the encampment of the 31st brigade is ascribed to Major General Randall and Brigadier General G. A. Scroggs, that the mana~ement of the battle was in the hands of General Scroggs alone. • While it is not doubted that some few advantages to the mili- tary force may grow out of encampments, it is; on the other hand, questionable if these advantages are not more than coun- terbalanced by the injury to the morale of the force inflicted thereby. Encampments of the regiments of our State force, as at present instructed, with the exception of some twelve or fifteen, cannot but have a disorganizing tendency, since they too fre- quently lead to and encourage dissipation, occasion illness from an exposure which is not of sufficient duration to enure one to hardship, though quite long enough to sow the seeds of fatal disease. While they are largely expensive to the State, they are ruinous to the resources of the troops, and are too frequently devoted to reviews rather than to severe military instruction. Indeed, it is to be regretted that fewer encampments, and more field parades for. instruction, are not ordered, and that a greater effort is not made to perfect a regiment in a knowledge of all the battalion rnanceuvres, and to ground its companies thoroughly in the company formations and the elementary duties of the soldier, than to attempt all the machinery of a camp without such essential knowledge. On procuring from the government of the United States the Rome arsenal and the grounds attached, as contemplated in the " Arsenal bill" of the last session of the Legislature, I would suggest to your Excellency the propriety of ordering at that spot a camp of instruction for officers. Here might be assembled for ten days or two weeks, delegations of officers from the several brigades of the State, sufficient to make up a thousand men, to be maintained there during such time at the expense of the State, as far a~ the turnishing of the ordinary army rations may go, and to be thoroughly instructed, practically and theoretically, as infantry in company formations, battalion manceuvres, evolu-

ssem. No. 151 3 34 IASSEMBLY tions of the line, and in all the detail of the machinery of a eamp. For this purpose some competent officer should be placed in eharge of the camp, with two or more assistants, who by dia- grams and in the field will instruct the assembled officers; divid- ed anew each day into companies, battalions and a brigade, • thoroughly in a complete knowledge of infantry tactics. The great advantage to be derived from this camp by the dis- semination of a practical military. knowledge throughout the various brigades, is so apparent as to need, in my jud~ment, no argument to urge upon your Excellency its importance. In pursuance of the provisions of this ...4.rsenal bill, the Arsenal in the city of New-York has been sold to the city of New-York, and the proceeds of the sale deposited in the treasury of the State. Provision has been made for the speedy erection of one in its place more eligibly located, and also for the erection of other arsenals and armories in various places named in the act . .All of which is respectfully submitted. FRED. TOWNSEND, -... Adjutant General. •


HEAD QUARTERS, ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE, ~ .lJ.lbany, February 4, 1857. 5

GENERAL ORDERS, No. 0 All commandants of regiments, on receipt of this order, will, without delay, return to the Adjutant-General's department, direct, a correct description of the territory comprising theirre- spective regimental districts; also the names of the field and staff and non-commissioned staff of their respective regiments; the names of the captains and lieutenants of the flank companies attached to the same; the character of the arm, whether of light artillery, cavalry, artillery or rifles; also the names of the cap- tains and lieutenants of the battalion companies of such regiment, and the total number of non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates of every company of such regiment, under the re- spective letter of such company; also the number and kind of ordnance, al'ms and accoutrements owned by the State in posses- sion of each of said companies, respectively. Where the various companies of any particular regiment not already been lettered, the commandant of such regiment, ia orders for such purpose, will at once assign to each of said com- • panies its proper position in the regiment, and designate the re- gimenta.lletter by which it shall thereafter be known, in accord- ance with section 18 of article 1 of title 4 of the Militia Law. The battalion companies will be lettered from .11. to H , both let- ters inclusive, and the flank companies will be lettered R. and L., respectively, in accordance with the flank to which the oom-

,., 38 IASSEMBLY pany may be or may have been assigned. The letter R. will serve to designate the right flank company, and the letter L. the left flank company.

The said return hereby required will be made to the Adjntant- General's Department, by inserting in the blanks prepared for such purpose, accompanying copies of this order, the informa- tion herein required, and forwarding the same by mail to the Department. By order of the Commander-in-Chief. FRED'K TOWNSEND, .fl.djutant- General. ---."... • ,------

APPENDIX :8, Showing the Ordnance, Arms 4"c.,in the hands of the Troops and inthe Arsenals of the State.

~ ~ 1~ I ..N ! ~ ~1 REGIMENT. .0 s: ~ § ~ ~ •• Iog ••• ~ • ..> s: .2....> .: ,.; S. :so t § I g.:.. t § .to ~ ~ G> g : ~ CI) G) ..~ .,.Q OJ ~ J-4 ,.c m ~ ~ 'C ,.c ::s I 41 .= ~ i .~ ~ .§ .~ .~ .; :e .E .; ; .... ~ .! .; ~ :e :~ 0 ______. . --.- Z 0 Io::l ~ _~ 0 Io::l 0 E-I 0 Io::l ~I~-I-==- ~ Fil'st, •...•...... •...... ••...... • ..•...... •• .••. 4 4 4 4 . •.• [. . •. . .•. ···. Second, ...... II •• , II". •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • •• ~ II'..·1· ...... ··. ~ Third, .. '"...... _...... $ •• •••• ..... •••• • • •• •••• A'.' ..... "... • ••• I ... ' •• ! • • •• • ••• ·.. Fourth,. ..•. ...• ...• ...• ..•. 151" i5 15 15····1····· ..········ .1 "" ..... ·· Fifth, , . . •• .•••.. .••• ..•. . '1 •• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• 1 • •• 'j' .. · ··. ·..·. l11~t:·~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~~;;:~~;~~~~~~~~:~~:::;;~~::::::::~:::~~~~:~~:~~~~::~~:~~:::: ·...·· Tenth, .••••...... ••••••.•. · ...... •.. .••• .•.• .••• :::: ...• .••...... •• •...... •r1.....~~:~...~~·.. Eleventh, ...••..• '•...... ••• . ••• .••. •••• •.•. ..•• .... ,... .•.• .••. .••• ..•. .•.. ..•• . .•. \.. •• •.. ·· Twelftll, " "...... I .. ,. •• • •• to •••• •••• 411 ••

Seventeenth, .. . • • • •• .•.••. ...•.. .••• .••. ...• . •...... •...••.... 1 .••• , ...••••.•••••••••••••••

Eighteenth, . . • .• .••••• .••• . . • . .. ..•• .• •• ..•• 1 1 1 1 .•.. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Nineteentll, .•••..••...•..•...... ••..•...... ••...•..••...•..... 1. • •• .••• • ...•••.•••..•••••• Twentieth, .••• ..•• ...• ..•• .••••• .••• •.•• I 1 1 .•••..•. 1 . Twenty -first, ......

TV\renty-fourth, ..•• ...... ••• .. ..•• ...• ..•. 2 2 2 2 , ••• 1 ..•..••..••..•••.•••.••••.•• Twenty-fi.fth, ...•..••.•••..••.•••.•...•.•. ' .. 1.... 4 4 4 1...... 2 2 2 2 Twenty-sIxth, • • ...... • • • •• . . . . 11 1 1 ..•. 3 1 3 . • .. . •• 1 ••• 'j' . Twenty-seventh, ...... •••..••...... •• 1.... 2 2 2 2 ..•. . •• 1.... 1 11 1 1 Twenty-ei.gl1th,liO...•..•• ..•• . ••...•. 1. . .. 3 3 3 2 ..•....•.•.....•.•...... ,.•.• Twenty-nInth, .•.... • ..••.•.••..... /. . •. .••. '" 2 2 2 ..•...••...... •...... •...•.. 1. •• Thirtieth, ••.•.•.•••...•.....•••...... •....•• 2 2 2 2 . . •• .... .••• ..•. .•.. ..•. .. I .... Thirty-first, ...•.....•••..••.... ' 11 1 1 1 ...... •• ..•• ..•. .••. ..•• ...... •....• Thirty-second, -...... 2 2 2 ...... •• .••. .••• ." . Thirty-third, .•.• .• •• . • • • . • • • . • • . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ..•. ..•• ..•...... • Thirty-fourth, ...... ,.. 4'" ;,.. •••• • ••• Thirty-fifth, t ...... '1' .. · Thirty-sixth, ..•••.....•••.•••.••..•• ,1. . .. 2 2 2 . . •• ..•• ...• .••• . •...•....• Thirty-eighth, "... . .

J ----" • ~ ~--~-----_. =

Thirty-ninth, ...•••••..•.••.••••• 2 2 2 ....

2 A ••• Fortieth, .... 00 •• 00... ••••• • ••• 2 2 ., Forty-first, ...... •.••.... 00' ••• , .... ~...... 2 2, ... Forty-second, .•. 0 ••••••••••••••• 2 2

4 4 4 • is •• Forty-third., ..• 0 •• 0 •••••••••••••• Forty-fourth,t. . .•...• o. , ••••••• ...... , ...... Forty-fifth, ...... ••.••...••. ,... 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 " ...... 2 2 2 2, ... Forty- sixth, ' ..•••. , .•...•• 0 ••••••• 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 .... Forty-eighth, .. 0 •• , o ••••• ·... 2 2 ..•. 2 2 .••• Forty -llinth,. ... •• . . . • . • .• • 0 • • • •• • •• , ••• 0 1 1 1 1 " Fiftieth, . 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• ... 4 4 4 4 .••. Fifty- first, ...•....• 0 •••• 0 •• 1 1 1 Fifty-second, . 0 .0 ••••••••• ·•••••• ·...... 2 2, ... Fifty-third, . , ..•. 0 ••••• 0 •••••••• 2 2 . . .. ,... .. 01' · . 0 2 2 2 2 ..•• .- ...... Fifty-fourth" ... 0 0 0 0 0 •••••••••• 0. J ••••••• '1' .. '1' • , • ...... ·1· • •• .••• . .•. Fifty-fifth, .••• 0 ••• 0.0 •••••• 0' 0 0 • • ••••••••••• ...... ·...... Fifty-eighth, .•...... • .. •.••• . ... ,. . .• . ... 2 2 2 2, .• , .... ,...... \ ....

Fifty-ninth, t .•• 0 •••••••••• • 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• o. , ••• '" .\ ••••.••• Sixtietll, ...• . . • • . ••• . . . • . • • • . . . . . ••• ..•• 2 2 2 2 ..•. Sixty-first,t . , . . . .• •• ...... • . . . ' ..• , :...•..•• Slxty-second,t . . • •• . • . • . . .. .••••• ...... •..•. , .

Sixty-fourth, 0 • • •• •••• 2 2 2 2 ..•.

Sixty-fifth, ••..•.•...• 0 , •••••• 0.' 4 4 4 4 , ...

Sixty sixth, ' .•••..••...... 0 •••• •••• 4 4 4 . S~xty-s~venth, .•. ' .0' •••••• 0 •••••••• 0 , •• '1.' ... ,... 1 1 1 . • 0 • '1'...... o. • •• 0 Slxty-elgl1th, ••.•• 0 0 •••••••• ' •• 0 •••••••• ·...... Sixty-ninth, . ' ~" · .. " . • • •• •••• • ••• I •••• • ••• l • • •• • ••• • • •• • ••• I •• " • B.-( CONTINUED.) 't:l ~ § 0 0 ,.cl Q< ~ I 't:l ...... I l:l ~ Q) 0 REGIMENT. s= 't:l = 0 cS~ Q<= - ~ 0 Q) oS 0;:: .Q = l:lo .Q ..... "'1 .~ 0;~ ... o§ ~ Q) .. ... 0; oS cil 'S ~ cil e 01 ~,.cl e 0;S ~.... cil "S Z 0 ;S 0 00 0 ;S 0 Eo! 0 ~ 0 Eo! 0 ;S ~ ------~------Seventieth, .... ·...... ·... ·... ·... ·... 14 14 14 10 · " ." ·...... ·... ·... ·.. , ·... ·... Seventy-first, ...• ...... ·.... ·... ·... ·...... ·... ·... ·... ·...... t ••• ...... ·...

.. " •• t .. Seventy-second, .•.• ...... ·..... ·... • •• II ·... ·...... ·... ·...... ·...... ·...... ·... ·... ·... Seventy-third, ·...... ·..... ·... ·... ·... ·...... ·... ·... ·... ·... ·...... ·... ·... ·... ·... ·... Seventy-fourth, " .. 0 ·...... ·...... ·...... ·...... ·... ·... ·...... ° ••• 1 ••• ·... ·... ·... • • III • ...... ,


I ~ i I:l REGIMENTS. .~o ~ I~ ------,------1------1---- First, ..•.•.•. " .....•.••...•....•.... 516 186 83 136 Second, . • • • . ..•••.•••••.•••. • • • • . 32 213 145 115 40 432 432 Third, ••••.•••••••••..••...• ~t •••••• ·...... "...... 520 Fourth, .. ·...... •.• 107 66 111 .. Fifth, ..•••...... •. •.....•• 36 .••• • • •• •••• . •• -I • • •• •••• •• • • • • Sixth, ..•••.•••... e •••••••••••••••••• 200 ..•. 190 .... • •• 0 • • •• • •• '1' · ...... 50 1 • lit •• i • • •• •••• • ••• 1- • •• • ••••• (II ••• G •••••••••••• 50 Seventh, ••••.•••... •••••••••••• 1 531 ········j••••

Eighth, .•••....•...... ••..••.... 1 1 396 .....•.•.••. • ••• i •••••••• [ •••• 1. . . . 231 1 1 1 Ninth, ••.•.••••••••••• 'II ••••••••••••• • • •••••••• 0 • 388 ...'1 •••••••• 16 · ..• 1. . • . 53. •...... ·..• Tenth, .o •••• ~ ••••••••••••••• e ••••••• ...... •. 40 •....• 155 . . .. \1 ...... 3 43 116 Eleventh, •. . • . . •• . .. . .••.•••...•.. • • •• • ••• 1 50 160 .... 116 ...• 48 ...•.••. 28. ... 4 40

Twelfth, 0 •••• ·.•. ..••'269...... ••. ..•. 30 .••...... •...... 30 Tbil--teenth, .•••••••..••••• a . .... 80 370 . 50 10 ...... •• 68 240 Fourteenth, .•...... ••..•...••..••.... 320 ..•. 40 343 Fifteenth, ...... •.•••...•..••..••.•.• 32 .... 100 50 50 29 75 110 50

Sixteenth, ..• 0 0 •••••••••••••••••• <- 4 200 .•...••..... 12 200 40 200 Seventeenth, ...•.... 0 •••••• 0 ••••••••• 220 •••••••••••. 40 Eighteenth, ...... •..••.•••.•••.•.• 152 .••0 50 20 40 203 40 12 162 Nineteenth, ..••.••••• 0 0 ••• 0 ••• 0 •••••• 162 . 40 B.-(CONTINUED.)

~j ~ ~ UJ ~ 'I ~o~ ~ ~~ 1:.1,.os:l. ~G> Sa) 13 UJ 's. UJ e,.o M REGIMENT. ..8 .5 ~ I ~ ~ s:l § ~ s:l ] s:l j 1 ~ ~ .8 .S ';'~ I § ~ .2 ~ § .S .s. .§ rQ to' ~ to' %1 rJi ~ ~l) ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i3 g. .S _ - ~ _~ :;j .;:: s:l I s:l d Q s:l s:l Q s:l Q tIJ ,.0 : ...... _ o ~ d I :,::::,.0 ~ d I;':; ~ _ 1i) ~ :a d ~ ~ ~ l=W ~ 0 I~ P-1 I ~ P-1 ~ \ P-1 ~ 0 0 ~ -< 0 Twentiet~~~=~~=. ='=I'=---mI~~=I=60==I==1317 Twenty-first, . . • • • .. ..•... 2 1 ..•• 901. • • . 60. . •. ...• 50. . .. 54 200

T~entY-fo.urth, ..••• " ..••.. • ••••.....•....•. 1 280 401'... , ..•...•..... \ ••. 320 .••• \. • . . 4 320 T~ enty-fifth, ..•..•..••.••.•.... '" •....•.... '1' . . . 280 . . . • 40 .•• " 50.. •. j .••• 40 4 . • • . 176


•••• 1 .... 1 .... Twenty-sixth, ...•...•..••.•.••••...... •....•..... 179 .••• 40 ..•• 1 5 .••• 31 182 T,venty-s~venth*", ...... •••. .••• ..•. .•.. ...• 127 .••••. 1 .... , ,... 64 •••. 1 ••• " • • • • 68, . • . 127 :t: Twenty-e~ghth, ..•••• ..•• 51 9 2051.... 10 10\, 21 22 116 166 Twenty-nInth, . . • • • •• .••••. •••• ..•. ..•• 1601' • •. .••. ..•. 3°1. .. 30 1 ] 60

Thirtietll. . ...••. ...•.. .•.••. ...• .••• . .... 25 130j •••••••••••• ····i···· ····1···· 81 155

Th~rty fil:st, ..••...•.••....•...... 'j' ,.. 'I! , . .. 2~01!.... , •.. j, ••.•••• , ••• , ••• , ••• , ••..••• i, • ••••.

ThIrty -second, . . . • ...... •.••. ...• ,... 233 . • . . 60. • .. •••• .••...... ••. 2 ..•. 1 293

Thirty-third" ...••....•••..... , ..•.•..•...... 1 · 504 , . .. .••• 861_ • •. 431 55 3 1, 504 Th~rty-fourth, ...... •••••.••....••••..... ,. \ '1" .. 20°1.. .. 91 I •••• I 46 I 388 Th~rty-~fth,t .•••••...•...... •••..•..•....•...... •.. '1' . .. . : . ThIrty-sIxth, ...... •.••.....•...... ••..... 1 79 160 . • •• .••• 86. • •• ..•. 65 47, 40 ~ Thirty-eighth, ...••....•.•.•.••.•••••..••..... 1. . . . 300 . . .. .••• •••• .. • .....••..••..•••.... i • • • • • • ~

Thirty·ninth, .••.•••••...... ••.•....•• 1 1318 ..•••••• 90 .•••.•••..•• 65 .••• 1 ••••••. ~

Fortieth, ..•••• .••••• . . . • . • • . •• ..•.•...... • • . 320 .••• .••• .••• 42. • .• .••• 42. _.•...• 1 320 a:: Forty-first, .••••. ..•• . ••••• ...... ••• •.•. ..•. 167 •••••. ,.. .•••.•••.•••..•.....•••••••• lOOt 167 ~ M!t • 1

Forty-se~ond, .••• , •••••.•••...••••••. j •••••••• 1 40 30 • • •• . •.• 1 50. . •. .••• ..•• •••. 26 241 70 ~ Forty-thIrd, . . . . .••••. ..•• 120...... •• .••• .••. 80...... • 40.... 401 160 ...... Forty-fourth,t ...••.•.....•....•.••.. .••. ••.• ••••.. ..•...... •...... •.. ..•• .•.. ..•. .•.••. .0'. For ty-fi.ftll, .••• . .. ..•••• .•.. . • • • •. .••. .••. 274 . . • . 75. . • • 91 13. . •. 258 1 430 ..:... Forty-sIxth, ..•.•.•••.....•••..•...••.•• ~ .... 49 80 . . •. 75.... 50...... •• ..•• 35 75 130 1 Forty-eighth, ..•• . . .. .••• . ..• .• •• . . •• ..•. ..•. ...• 134 ..•...... •...•• 1...... 9 59 FOl'ty-ninth, . . . . • . . • • . • . . . . •• . . .• ..•• ..•• ..•. ...• 201. . .. .•.. .•.. 32. . •. ..•• 40 15 23 80 F~ftieth, ...... •..•..•••.•.•..••..••.•.•..•. 120 10 ' 1 14 80 Fifty-first, ~ .•.•••..••...• 68 305 ..•...•• 100 89 50 .•.. 112 288 Fifty-second, ...•..•....•...•..••..•. . 1...... 37 . . .. 1 .... .••. . .•. \...... • .... 71

F~fty-third, ...•.. ..•• . . • • • • . • •• .••... . .•. 50 .... 1 ...... •. ? 50 40 ····1 I···· .... 1 o"e ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Fifty-fourtll, .• 2101....•• 11001 120 ...• 606056 1 205 F~fty -fi..fth,. . . •. .. . • .• .••• ...... • ...... •• ..•. 116...... ••• \...... ,...... •. .••• .,. -I ••• • • • Fifty-eightll, ..•..•..•••..•••••...•.••.... 1 .... ····1·· 1 .... 1 •••••••• 40\...... •. 40 ····1······ Fifty -nill.tll, t . • • . . .• .• • • •• . .. • . . •• . • •• ...• ..•. ..•• .. • I •••• 1 ••• '1' ...... I • • •• •••• •••• •••• •• _. • •••••

Sixtieth, ...•.•..••.•..•....•..•....•.....•.. 135 1 ..•.•••••••..••• 1 1 •••• ····1···· 441 135 1 i Sixty-first,t ....••.•••.•••.....•••. •., ..•••••..••• 1.· .. "I'..- ·1' .. 'l • • •• •••• ••• • ••. 1. • • ••• Sixty-second t, • •• • • • • .• •.•••. .••• .., ., •• 1 ••• • •• •••• •••• • •• '1" .. ·.. .. "II . Sixty-follrth, ..•.•.•••...•.. f •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 160...... 2 , • •• •••• 3 . . . . 31 160 1

S~xty-fi.fth,. • • . • •• . • • • . • •• . . • • • . •• . . •• ..• . •••.••• 1 3161. . . . 60. • .. 120\:.... i 60 60 40. . • . 217 1 40 S~xty-sIxth, 1 40 .... • "'\' .. • 8: 1 98 40 87 .••. ! 127 1

Sixty-seventh, •.••.•••••.•.•...•...... ••.••..•.• 1 200! . • •. ...• .... 431 ••• , •••• 52 3 91 243 S~xty-e~ghth,. "., ...•.••....• , .••.... ?., •••• •••• 40 ..•....•...... • 1· .. · :. 12 40 40 SIxty-nInth, . • •• . . .• . . .• . . . • • • • • . . • ...... •. ...• 296 . . • . 50...... ••• 30. . •• •••• 50 Seventieth, ...• . . •• .• • • •. ...• . • • • . . • . 1 ..••....•. ,... •.•• .... 504.... 337 24 88 ...•.. Seventy-first, ..••.•• ~. • • • . • • • . . .. •••••••..•..... 385 . . •. .... •••• .••. ..•• . ....••...... ••• \ 344 Seventy-second, .••• • • . • . • • • . • • • . • •• •. .••• ..•. 27 170 . • • • 4(). . •. •••• .••• .••• .••• ..•• .••. 230 B.-( GONTINUED.)


------,------Seventy-third, . . • • . • •• . ••• . • •• .• •• . ••. ...• •••• ...• 212 . . •• 40. • •• ..•• .... .••.• •• .••• .••• 238 Seventy-fourth,. . • • • . • •• . . •• . . •• . . . . •. .••• ...... •• 336 . . •• ..•• ....•• • 50. . .. .••• .••• .••• 286

Seventy-fifth,* .... 0 •••••• o. o •••••••••• 0" ••••••• 0 ••••••• 0 •• ' 230 . 0 o' ••• 0 •••••• 0 •••••• o •••••••••••

Seventy-sixth, .•••••.•• 0 • •• • 0 •••••••• 0 •••••••••• 0 120 . 0 •••• o' •• o' •••• 4 .....•• 0 •••• •••• 180 ------1----- fol::o. Total in hands of the troops, . ..•• .••• 4 72047 9,984 58315471 1503013 317 7252140 7161432 9,926 Q) Total in the arsenals of the State,. . ••• 12 94742 2,37812691 2841 473 65! 152 238 69 63 95 2,800

Total belonging to State, .•••..••.... wwi~~l8521,183iT62330781 469 ~l;;og 779152712,726

t Regiments disbanded since return. • ,



______, .__ · --~I----I------First, . 136 ..•. 80 .... 212 Second, . 45 120 45 210 .••. Third, . 432 .••• 432 432 864 Fourth, " " #... .. ·...... 282 . • •• 140 Fifth, ...... 'It... . . • • . . • . •. .•.• . . •• .• ·...... ,...... " ..... Sixth, " " " . 125 125 125 135 Se,renth, " . • • •• II." •••• •••• •••• • ••• Eighth, ...... 196 226 231 105 :::: ::::1:::: •••• 1 Ninth, ...... 87 50 . 60 ...... Tentll, " . 116 198 156 ...... Eleventh, •.••.•..••..••...... •••.. 40 ..••.... Twelfth, " ,. . 30 75 75 30 Thirteenth, .•••.•...•.....••••...... ~.. 238 205 208 244 Fourteenth, " . 290 290 290 370 Fifteenth, . 82 32 167 32 25 .••. Sixteenth, ....•.•.•...... ••••..•...... • 200 200 160 200 6 •••• Seventeenth, ....••...... ••••••.••....• 200 2001240 240 40 ..•• Eighteenth, . 113 153 203 203 .... / . Nineteenth, . 162 162 120 40 ..~~I:::: ...... B.-( CONTINUED.)


I I REGIMENT. ~ '"'o 8 S .el ' QUl .el' .s .a ...g~: <:> r-l 00

Twentieth, .....• 217 218 278 223 .•••• 000 Twenty-first, 0•••• 0•• 00 ••••. 00 •.•••• 000 140 90 199 200 .• 0•. 000 Twenty-fourth, ..• 00••...• 0•••••• 0•••• 0• 320 320 320 320 .. . ••• Twenty-fifth, ...•..•• ,... ..•••...... 136 176 172 206 .••••••• Twenty-sixth, .•.••. , .. _ ' .•...••...•.. 0' ].76 168 131 214 .• 0..••. Twenty-seventh, .....••... 0 00' • 0• o. • 001' •• 0o. 127 68. • • . 32 .. Twenty-eighth,* .•..• 0•••. 000 .••••• . • ••• 10 74 230 187 .

Twenty-ninth, . o •• 0••••••• '...•• 0... •••• 160 160 16uI 160 30 .•.• II ••• 1 II • •• II ••• Thirtieth, . 0•• , ••••• 0' .• 0••• 0 0...... 155 155 43 .••..• o' •••• Thirty -first, . 0••••.. 0• 0•••••••••••••• 0•• • ••• o. 240,... 0 o. 0" 0 .• 0• Thirty-second, .. 0' • 00.0 ••••.•• 0 .0 •• 0• • • 233 233' 100 142.0 ••.• 0• Thirty-third, ..••••.•.•••.••.•.. 0• •• •••• 504 504 504 504 43 0••• Thirty-fourth, ' . •• . . •• . . •• . . • . •••••• . . . . 392 433 433.... 46 ....

Thirty-fifth,t 0 ••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••• , ••••••• Thirty-sixth, ...••.•••••••••.•••.•.•.•. 0 238 236 123.... 43 .•.• Thirty-eighth, .•••••. 0•• , • • • • • •• . • • • • • • • 300 300 300 300 . Thirty-ninth, .•.. , . • . . . • • . . . • . • •• •• .... 318 318,... •••• 45 .••• . .. '1' ... Fortieth, ...•...... II...... • t:I • • • • •• •••••• •••• II.... II... 42 . II • •• II •••

Forty-first, II'. t II...... •• ...... • 67 ...... II...... ; . .., • •• II •••

,( - JI .,

Forty-second, • • • • •• •.•••• ..•••• .••••• • • 401 . 70 40 2 25\ ..• 'j' 1 •••• 1 , '1' · .. ~ ~~~~~~~;~l;:~h,t'::::~::::::::::::':.~~~:::...~~~'I.~:~..:8:::: ..:~:::: :::: ::::<:::1 :::: ::.: :::: :::: :::: ~ S Forty-~fth, •..••• .•••.• ...•..•••••.••• 375 29-1 422 224 . 44 , • •• .••• ...... ••.••..•••..•••• • • gForty-slxtl1, .•••••• ...... •••• .••• • • •• 205 130 ] 30 75 .•••••••.•••.••• ~.. . •••..••.....•••..• • ~ Forty-eighth, ..••••..• '... ..•• ...• .. •••. 99 134 134 134 ..•..••• , .•• , ....•••..••..••..•.•••..•• zForty-ninth, . ..•• ....•. .•.•...... •.. 116 185 225 129 40 ..••...•.•••...•..•• /.•.•.•••.••..••• ~ Fiftietl1, ....•• .••••• .••.•. .•...• •••••• 80 80 45 80 ... ' .•••.•.•..•....• ,.. . •••.•.•..••.••• ~Fifty-first, ...••••••••...•.••.•..•••... , 282 189 205 101 54 .•••.•••. , .••...•.•••..••.•••..•..••• wFifty-second, .... ,. ..•••• ....•. ...• . . . . 71 71 71 71 .•••••••.•••..••.. '-. .••• . .•.•••.••.• • • • Fifty-third, ...... ••. . . •• . . •• . . . • •. 40 40 , .•...•• , ••...•...••..•..•••...... ••.••• Fifty-fourth" . . . • . . •• ...•• . . . • • .. •••••• 205 203 260 2 122 ..••.••... , ••.....••...... , •••••• Fifty -fifth" . . . • ... . •...... •.• • .. ...•.. . .• ' ..•...... • .... .•.. ...• ...• ...• . ••• If;oo Fifty-eightl1, ...... •...• , . • ••. ...• 40 2 40 ..•..•...... •....•.•• '1" .. · ..;:.. Fifty-ninth,t· .••...... , .....•.•..... , ·1· \ '1' . .. ~ Sixtieth, .••...•...... 1351135 .••...... 1 "'1' ' , . Sixty-first,t· ...... •...... , ...... ••...... •..... , ..•...•...••.....••...... , ••....• Sixty-secon

S~xty-fo~lrth,. .•.• .••. ....•• 1601160 1601 80 \ , ..• , •••..••..••

SIxty-fifth, .•.•.. .••••• . . • . •• ....•. .•.• 240! 1401 40... • 831' ...... Sixty-sixth, . . . . . • •. . . . • ...... • • . . • • • • 401 80. • •• 167 40, . 1 Sixty-seventh, ..•..•..••• .. •• . . .• ...... 243 200 65 2431 52" .....•• , ....•••...... •..••.••••..•• S~xty-ei.ghth, \.... 40 181 .•• ·1· .. · , . SIxty-nInth, . ••••.. .•.• ...• ..•. 50\, 50 501 .•.• 1...... •

seve.ntieth, ...•.•. . • • • . . •• •.• • .••. ..•. 299 ' 501 2951 .

Seventy-first, ...• . . •. . . • • ...... • • • . . 344[ 348 1 348 348 .•••..••.•.•...•..•...•..•••.••...••••••

.Seventy-second, .••••• .••• . • • • • • . • • • . • • • 190 2301 2201 2201 .•••••••.•••.••• j •••••••••••••••••••••••• B.-( CONTINUED.)

i ~~-g BRASS. - "' .. cil IRON.

REGIMENT. ~.,; ~~!J i i ~I & I ~ ~ a1-g '; ~ '0 ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ a a ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ Q ~'i5. ~ cil .Q! € ,.l:l = 0 r:l 0 = 0 ,.l:l. ..c:l' .c:l. §. ~ ... 0 = 0 ]] §!!]1 ~ .i.. g§ !§ g§ ::J~ Q~ ~~ 0 .. g§ 5§ ~ cil ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; t3 .q1 Q : ~ ~ .s :: : i': ; ~; ~: ~ Seventy-third, ..•.•.•••..••••••...•.••. 1; 161 191 100=i=~----==~~= Seventy-fourth, .••• . • •• . . . . •• .• ...• . ••. 234 234 184 208 ..••.....•••.•••...•.•••.•...•••....•••• Seventy-fifth,t ...... Seventy-sixth, ..•.• . . . . • . . •• . •••• .• ••• . 140 140 180 180 ..•....•..••.•••.....•••...... ••.•.....• ------Total in hands of the troops, ..•••••..•. 9,2989259939271312473 .•..••••.•...•.•.....•....••.•...•.. Total in the arsenals of the State,. .••••. 1,331 345 507 788 312 2 1 10 2 1 1 2 5 3 --- -_._------Total belonging to State, 10,6299604989979192785 2 1 10 2 1 1 2 5 3 APPENDIX C.


Tothe s'ltpervisors, assessors and collectors of taxes in the county of ---: . An impression is generally entertained among the officers in the militia Eervice of the State, that in those regimental districts where the amount of the military tax collected does not reach the sum reasonably to be expected in such districts, the defi- cienuy is due more to an imperfect discharge of the duties im- posed by the militia law upon the collectors of taxes, the assessors of the towns in such districts, and the supervisors of the respective counties, than from any other cause. This department, assured that the law arms the officers of the militia service with authority sufficient to secure the enforcement of its provisions, has this day issued" General Orders" to the various (',ommandants of brigades and regiments throughout the State, requiring their acthre co-operation in carrying it into effect. In order that you may have timely warning of your duties, the following instructions are transmitted for your guidance, in accordance with ~ 9 of art. 1 of title 3 of the Militia Law, which reads as follows, viz : " ~ 9. The asseSsors and supervisors, in the execution of their duties herein prescribed, shall pursue the instructions which shall from time to time be transmitted to them by the Adjutant~ General." You will have a care to follow closely every step required in he following provisions of the Militia Law: F' -1


ARTICLE 1. Vf Enrolments. ~ 1. The assessors chosen in each city, village, town or ward shall annually, and at the same time they are engaged in taking the assessment or valuation of real and personal property in their respective towns or wards, include, in their assessment roll, the names of all persons in their respective assessment districts be- tween the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, liable to be enrolled by the laws of the United States; they shall prepare an additional column in said roll, which Shall be headed" military toll," and in such column, opposite the name of each person not exempt, shall insert "50;" and every copy required by law to be made of said assessment roll shall contain the additions herein specified; such assessors shall give notice to every person whom they shall embrace in their military roll that he is so enrolled; such !}()tice may be given by informing said person thereof, or by giving such information'to some person of suitable age and discretion at his place of residence or business.

~ 2. As soon as the roll is completed, the assessors shall forth- with cause notices thereof to be put up in three of the most public places in the village, city, town or ward, which notices shall set forth that the assessors have made their roll of all per- sons liable to· be enrolled according to the laws of the United States, and that the same is left with one of their number, to be designated in such notice, at some place to be specified therein, where the same may be seen and examined, by any person inter- ested therein, until some day and place to be specified in such noticf>, when the said assessors will meet to review such enrol- ment. Such review shall be made at the same time and place the said assessors review their assessment of real and personal propel'ty.

~ 3. Any person who claims that he is not liable to military duty on account of' some physical defect or bodily infirmity, or. that he is exempt from the performance of military duty by any No. 15.] 53 law of this State or of the United States, may, on or before the day specified in such notice, and not after, deliver to either of said assessors an affidavit stating such facts on which he claims to be exempt, or not liable to do military duty; such affidavit may be made before any person authorized to administer oaths, or before the assessors, or one of them, either of whom is hereby authorized to administer an oath for that purpose; and the as- sessors shall cause all such affidavits to be filed in the office of the city cr town clerk; and if any person shall swear falsely in such affidavit he shall be guilty of perju:y.

~ 4. The commandant of every military company and the fore- man of every fire company in any city, village or town in this State, shall, before the fifteenth day of June in each year, deliver to either of the assessors in each town or ward in his company district, a list containing the names of all persons belonging to their respective companies, which list shall show the town or ward in which each member of such company resides; such list shall not contain the name of any member of' such military com- pany, however, unless he is fully uniformed. ~ 5. On the day the assessors meet to review their assessment of real and personal property, they shall also determine who are exempt or not liable to do military duty, and in a column pre- pared for that purpose in such roll, opposite the name of each person not exempt, shall retain" 50," and oppo:5ite the name of each person not liable to do duty, shall insert "exempt," or "not liable," as the case may be; and op,pcRite the names of all mem- bers of uniform companies on such roll shall insert" u. c," and opposi te the names of all members of fire companies en such roll shall insert "f. c.," and against the name of any military officer in commission and liable to do duty, the title of his office; and shall also insert against the names of persons between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one years, ". minor;" but if such person will have arrived at the age of twenty-one years on or before the fifteenth day of November, following each enrolment, then the designation last above prOVided need not be made. ~ 6. Every citizen enrolled pursuant to the laws of the United States, and who shall at all times strictly cumply with the act of 54 rASSEMBLY

Congress, approved May eighth, seventeen hundred and ninety. two, which in the words following requires him to "provide himself with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints and a knapsack, a pouch, with a box therein to contain not less than twenty-four cal'tridges, suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge to contain a proper quan 1ity of powder and ball; or with a good rifle, knapsack, shot-pouch ,and powder-horn, hyenty balls suited to the bore of his rifle,and a quarter of a pound of powder, and shall appear So armed and accoutered and provided when called out to exer- cise or into service;" and who shall appear before the said asses- sors at their meeting when reviewing their enrolment in each year, and exllibit to them each and all of said arms and accoutre- ments, and make oath in due form of law that they have, bona fide, provided and continually keep the same for the purposes specified in said oot of Congress, and that they have performed at least one day's Quty under the command of the proper officer, at a regular parade in such year, shall have placed opposite to bis name, by the assessors, the words "armed and equipped;" and every person who shall swear falsely under such oath shall be deemed guilty of perjury.

~ 7. The 8aid assessors shall, at the time they shall meet to review their enrolment, make a certified list of the names of all persons 'whom they shall determine to be exempt, or not liable to do military duty. and shall immediately file the same in the office of t11eclerk of the city, town or ward in which they reside, for the future examination and guidance of the assessors of said city, town or ward.

~8. When the said roll shall be completed as aforesaid, the assessors shall sign the same, and shall attach thereto an affi- davit substantially as follows: " The undersigned, assessors of the town of , in the county of , being severally sworn, say that they have made strict and diligent enquiry to ascertain the names of all persons required to be enrolled, as liable to military duty, by the laws of the United States, residing in said town, village or ward of ; that the roll hereto annexed is, as near as No. 15.J 55

these deponents can ascertain, a correct roll of all persons residing in said town or ward, who are liable to be enrolled." The s'~id affidavit may be taken before any officer authorized by law to take affidavits, whose duty it shall be to take the same without fee or reward. ~ 9. The said assessors shall thell deliver said roll, so embodied in the assessment roll of the town or ward, to the supervisor of the town or ward, who shall deliver the same to the board of supervisors at their next annual meeting, and it shall be called the "military roll of such town or ward." And the clerk of each board of supervisors shall inform the adjutant-general of the number of persons e~rolled in each county. ~10. If any assessor shall refuse or neglect to perform any of

the duties req11ired of him by this act, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars, .to be recovered in the name of the people of the State of New- York; and if any assessor shall wilfully neglect or refuse to per- form such duties as are hereby required, he shall be ,deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; and such penalty, when paid or col- lected, shall be paid into the treasury of the county, and belong to the military fund of said regiment.. And it shall be the duty of the district attorneys of the several counties, on the complaint of any commissioned officer of the uniformed militia within the county where such district attorney resides, to prosecute any assessor or collector who shall neglector refuse to perform any of the duties required of him by this act. The costs of such prose- cution, if not collected from the delinquent, shall be a charge upon the county. ~ 11. If any assessor shall neglect, or from any cause omit to perform his duties, the other assessors, or either of them, of the city, village, town or ward, shall perform such duties, and shall certify the name of such delinquent assessor, stating the cause of such omission, to the commandant of the l'egimental district in which he resides. ~ 12. All tavern keepers, keepers of boarding houses, persons having boarders in their families, and every master and mistress of any dwelling house, and head of' quaker or shaker societies 56 [ASSEMBLY

or communities, shall, upon the application of any assessor, give information of the names of all persons residing or lodging in such house, or belonging to such society or community, liable to be enrolled, and all other proper information concerning such persons as such assessor may demand.

~ 13. If any person of whom information is required by any assessor, in order to enable him to comply with the provisions of this act, shall refuse to give such information, or shall give false information, he shall forfeit and pay ten dollars for each item of information demanded of him by any assessor and falsely stated, and the like sum for each individual name that may be refused, concealed, or falsely stated; and every person who shall refuse to give his own name and proper information when ap- plied to by any assessor, or shall give a false Dame or informa- tion, shall forfeit and pay a like sum, such penalties to be 1'e- covered in any court of competent jurisdiction, in the name of the people of the State of New-York; and it is hereby made the duty of the assessors to report the names of all persons who may incur any penalty in this section prescribed, to the commandant of the regimental district in which they reside.

ARTICLE II. Of the Assessment and Collection of Commutations. ~ 14. The board of supervisors of each county in this State, at their annual meeting, shall, in a column to be provided for that purpose in the corrected assessment and military roll, set oppo- site to the name of every person not exempt, and against which the words " armed and equipped" shall not appear, the sum of fifty cents, which sum shall be paid by such persons as commu- tation of the arms, accoutrements and exercise specified in the act of Congress approved May eighth, seventeen hundred and .- ninety-two.

~ 15. The said sum of fifty cents against every person who shall appear by the said assessment roll liable to pay the same, shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as taxes are collected in each county. And the warrants annexed .by the supervisors to the assessment rolls of the several towns No. 15.J 57 and wards shall direct the collectors to collect the amount from every person appearing by the said assessment roll liable to pay the same, in the same manner as taxes are collected, and to pay the same to the county treasurer. And where the name of any person, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one years, shall appear on the said roll, liable to pay the said commutation, the said warrant shall direct the collector to collect the same of the father, master or guardian with whom such person shall reside, or out of any property such minor may have in the city, village, town or ward, and such collector shall proceed and execute such wanant.

~ 24. The assessors shall be compensated for their services in making the enrolment required by this article, at the same rate and in like manner as they are compensated for making the an- nual assessments of property.

~ 27. If any civil or milital'y officer, other than assessors and collectors, charged with any duty under the provisions of this act, shall refuse or neglect to perform any of the duties required of him by this act, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of not less than twenty-five, nor more than fifty dollars, to be recoyered in the name of the people of the State of New-York; and if such officer shall wilfully neglect or refuse to perform such duties as hereby required, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; and it shall he the duty of the district attorney of any county within which such delinquent offender resides, upon the com- plaint of the 'commanding officer of the regiment, to prosecute the same. Any penalty incuned and paid, or collected under this section, shall be paid into the treasury of the county, and belong to the military fund of such regiment.

The assessors will remark that they are called upon to use only one book for the purpose of making both the "assessment ". roll" and the" military roll."

The names of the taxable persons upon the assessment roll, where such persons are liable to do military duty, are likewise to answer, as inscribed, for the names of the" military roll," 58 I.AsSEMBLY that is, the assessors will only make use of one set of names for both rolls. What is termed the "military roll" is simply a column ruled off, immediately adjoining and to the left of the one on the as- sessment roll headed" total tax;" such additional column should be headed" military roll."

In the column headed" military roll" the assessors will have a care to insert 50 against the name of every person inscribed on the" assessment roll" whom they may deem liable to military duty, and to inform all such persons that they are embraced in such enrolment.

Whenever the assessors shall receive affi~avits of exemption, and at the time they meet to review their assessment of real and personal property aIJ.dto hear grievances as to both the ordinary and the military tax, they will have especial care to interrogate all persons claiming exemption, closely, as to the character of their claims, and will exercise a sound discretion in determining who are and who are not liable to do military duty.

The. following sections of the militia law are their guide therein: TITLE I.

OF THE PERSONS SUBJECT TO MILITARY DUTY. ~ 1. All able bodied white male c.itizens between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, residing in this State and not ex- empted by the laws of the United States, shall be subject to military duty, excepting,

1. All persons in the army or navy of the United States. 2. Ministers and preachers of the gospel.

3. Persons who have been or hereafter shall be regularly and • I honorably discharged fl0m the army or navy of the United States, in consequence of the performance of military duty, in pursuance of any law of this State, and such firemen as are now exempted by law. No. 15.] 59 4. Commissioned officers who shall have served as such in the militia of this State, or in anyone of the United States, for the space of four years; but no officer shall be so exempt, unless by his resignation after such term of service duly accepted, or in some other lawful manner, he shall have been honorably dis- charged. 5. Every non-commissioned officer, musician, and private, of every uniform company or troop raised, or hereafter to be raised, who has or shall heTeafter uniform himself, accol'ding to the provisions of any .law of this State, and who shall have perform- ed service in such company or troop for the space of seven years .from the time of his enrolment therein, shall be exempt from military duty, except in cases of war, insurrection or invasion. ~ 2. If any member of such company or troop, who shall have been regu1arly uniformed and equiped, shall, upon his removal out of the beat of' such company or troop, or upon the disband- ment thereof, enlist into any other uniform 'company or troop, ana uniform and equip himself therefor, and serve in the same, whenever the whole time of his service in such companies or troops, computed together shall amount to seven years, he shall be exempt from military duty in like manner as if he had served for the whole period in the company or troop in which he was first enrolled. When the assessors meet to review their assessment, they win observe all the requirements contained in the foregoing "section 5, of article 1, of enrolments," for it is under this section that the clerks of the boards of supervisors are enabled to report correctly to the Adjutant-GAueral, as required by law, (tIle whole number of persons enrolled as liable to pel'furm military duty, including all members of volunteer companies and all members of fire companies,) in their respective counties, in order that the Adjutant-General may return the same to the l" Secretary of War at Washington. It is upon his return that the quota of arms is issued to the State, such arms being issued in « proportion to the number of such persons. The supervisors, in issuing their warrant for the collection of taxes, will observe and follow closely the requirements contained in the foregoing 1 I


CC secUons 14 and 15, of article II., of the assessment and collec- tion of commutations," and in their warrants direct the collec .. tors to collect the mili tary part of the tax "in pursuance of the Militia law, passed April 17, 185-1." The attention of the assessors, supervisors and collectors is particularly directed to the foregoing sections having reference to "penalties" for their neglect in the performance of the duties required by the Militia Law, with the assurance that they will be speeially enforced. FRED'K TOWNSEND, .I1djutant-General.


The commandants of brigades and regiments, except those of the first division, are hereby required to observe closely each step taken by the snpervisors, assessors and collectors in their respective .districts, in discharge of the duties required of them by the militia law, with regard to the assessment and collection of the military oommutationtax.

Should such civil officers require it, they will aid them by their advi~e and cou.nsel in reference to their duties, and will note particularly any infraction of the provisions of the militia Iaw~ rep0l'ting the same to this Department, together with the name, place of residence and office of the party so otfending, to the end that proper steps may be taken to enforce specifically the requirements of the law. By order ()f the Commander-in-Chief. FRED'K TOWNSEND, .I1dJutant- General. 11

APPENDIX D. Designating the companies organized during the year 1857.

Order of organization. Arm of oomp.ny.1 Loll" of Rogimont. Commandant. ------_._---Nnmber. ------Date. ._-- Infantry. 1=-O. 48th. Joseph Hoover. 1...... ••••••. January 5, ...... 2 ..•••••• .,...... January 5, ...... do E . 17th. Lndwig Felter. A.rtillery. F. 25th. Rodger McGraw. 4 ..•••• It •••••••••• January 20, ..••.•••.•...•.. 5 ..••••••.•..••••• January 26, .••••..•.•..•... do O. 76th. John S. Robbins. 25 ...... April 8, ...... ,...... Infantry. E. 20th. Anthony Van Bergen. 2d. Thomas Oolumb. 30 ...... ]\fay 4, .... 1.". •••••••••• e • II Rifle. G. 51st. Peter Ohneth. 47 ...... •. June 9, ••••••• II ...... Infimtry. H 44th. George H. Powers . • • • • ••• • • • • 0 fa ••••• do I 55 ...... ,... 0 •••••• June 16, 80 ..•••..••...•.... July 30, ...••...•.••..••••. do D. 26th. Oharles H. Skillin. 72d. Hermann Kal1enberg. 92 ..•.•...... ••.... August 14, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e d9 D. 124 ..•••...•...•..•• September 14, ...•.•••.••••. do E. 38th. Thaddeus B. Brooks. William B. Battin . 131 .....•• •••• $' •• ". September 21, .•••.•••..•... do D. 64th. 142 ...•.••••..••.... September 29, .•••.... ).••.. Rifle. L. 60th. Henry O. Hoffman. .. Infantry. E. 26th, William Dormady, 154 ...... 0 •••• October 10, ..•••••••• ..... 165 ..•••••.••• ..... October 16, ..••..•...•...•. Artillery. O. 21st . Matthew Kennedy. 19th. J. Newton Arnold. 178 ....•. • eo ...... December 1, ..•.•••...... • Infantry. E. do B. 66th. Luron D. 'Vilson. 182 ...... ~ •••• to December 12, ..••....••••.. 188 ...... "..... December 29, ..••.•••...•.. do C. 42d. Oliver Whipple. 24 ...••...•.•.•.... April 7, ...••.....•...••••. .A..rtillery. 25th . James McQuade. 189 ..•.•••...••...•. December 30, ..••.....•.•• Infantry. H. 20th. George F. Von Beck. APPENDIX E.-FOR 'rItE YEAR 1857. Consolidated returns of Brigade Inspectors.

"l:l i ~u Q) ~ iQ) ~ .f! t . i rti ~Q> J:l 8 J:l S ANNUAL INSPECTION. Q> ll:i 8 cs S IS! 1I3 ,..Q ~ GcS ~ ~ ~ Q)ri 'So 0 Ul Q) m't:i ~ ~ ! .,., .... d ~ .!:: ~ t Q) ""- 0 S § ~ tI.l a" ~ :a <:I .... ~ ~ ,., ~ g~ b.Q ~ "g 0 130 Q) ·s..c /I> Q) ~ :sl !l:l "l:l P- ~ .] -d .~ Q,l El d -5.2 ·C .... Q,l §IOI G ~ J:l= ru 13rtgade. Regiment Name of commanden t. P=l :< P=l r&: Ul-= 0 ,..:::j ~ Ul Ul lli ~ ------'-- - ..... ------First Brigade, •••••• ·..... Brig. Gen. Chas B. Spicer,. 1 ·... 6 ..•...... ·... ·...... 7

Whereof Major C. H. 1st, ... 001. John B. Ryer, ...•••.. 4tI ••• 21 • ... eo ·... 1 3 19 2 ·... ·... 154 200 Smith is inspector. 2d, ... 001. Henry Robinson, ..• ~• ·... ·...... 3 5 21 ·... 18 ·... 303 350 3d, .•. 001. S. B. Postley, .•••.••• ·. ·... ·.... 2 5 26 ·... ·... ·... ·... .262 295 71st, •. Co1. A. S. Vosburgh, •••••• ·. . ·... ·... 2 7 18 1 34 ·... 15 216 293 73d, •• 001. Geo. A. Osgood, .••••• ·... ·...... 2 1 16 1 17 ·... ·... 172 209 ------Total present, •••• ·..... ·...... 1 .. ... 6 10 21 100 4 90 ·... 15 1107 1354 Total absent, ..••• ·..... • ••••••• ,. ••••••••••• .II ••• .. ... 1 1 3 10 18 ·... ·... ·... 1 451 485 ------~-- --._----- .A.ggre'teof brig' de, ·..... ·... ~...... ' ..... 1 1 7 13 31 118 4 90 .. ... 16 1558 1839 ------:==: ------


Second Brigade, ..••••••••• Brig. Gen. Chas. yates,.... 1 .••• 5...... 6 ~ Whereof Major S.M. 4th, •. Col Edward Hincken, •••• .••• .••• ..•• 1 5 24 '...... •. .••• .••• 212 242 Alvord is inspec- 5th, •. Col. C. Schwarzwalder,. ••. .••• ..•• •••. 2 7 27 1 24 12 9 332 414 ~ tor. 6th, •. Co1. J. C. Pinckney,... . ••. ...• .••. ..•. 3 5 18 1 15. . •. .••. 215 257 L.7......

Total present, •••• ~. .••••. .••• •••• •••• . ••• . ••• .• •• 1 5 6 17 69 2 39 12 9 759 919 Total absent,...... •...•... 1 . 3 13 10. ••• .••• 6 2 309 344

Aggregate of brigade, . ••••• •••••••• ••. • ••• ••••.••• 1 1 5 9 30 79 2 39 18 1110681263

Third Brigade, . • • • •. . ••••. Brig. Gen. William Hall,.. 1 5.. .. .••• .••• .••• •••• ...... •• 6 Whereof Maj. Robert 7th, ... Col. Abram Duryea, •• •••• ..•. ..•. 3 13 25 1 37 16 19 722 836 Taylor was acting 8th, .. Col. George Lyons, . •• . •.• ..•• .••• .••• 2 13 21 1 19. . . • 8 274 338 inspector. 9th, •• Col. Lucius Pitkin,. .••••• •••• .•.. ..•• 2, 5 19 1 15 .••••••• 185 227 55th,.. 001. Eugene Le Gal. •••••• ~~.:..:...:..:. __ 2 __ 8 ~ __ 1~~ __ 91204260

Total present, . ••••• ...•.. .•••••••.•••••••..•••••• 1 ••• 5 9 39 83 4 89 16 36 11385 1667 Totalabsent, ..:.:.:...:._1_~ __ 2~_12~ __ X~~ 455~92 1

Aggregate of brigade, •••••. ..•••• .••• ..•••• •.•• •••• 1 1 5 11 46 100 4 90 16 4511840215.9 ======:..======--====-----===== Fourth Brigade, ...••.•.•.. Brig. Gen. John Ewen, •••• 1 ..• • 1 . ••• .••• •••• .••• .•.• . •.•.•••.•• " 2 Whereof Maj. Robert 10th, .. Gol. William Halsey,.. .••• •••• ••.• .••• 2 1 14 1 15 •• ~. .••• 159 192 Taylor is inspector. 11th, . Co1.M. M. Van Buren,. ••• •••• .••• .••• 2 8 20 1 16. ••• .••• 208 255 E.-( CONTINUED.) ~ 'do i Q;> .... l'I.l ...... ~ k ~ Q;> 53 ~ ~ o~ j;l 0 ~ -;j'"C' ANNUAL INSPECTION. G) ~ !I:i s e ~ 's a rnd G)i 0 ,.Q 'd ctl a 'biJ = j;l a 0 Q;> tD ... ~ p., .... rt.I~ 's = .... 0 j;l e ,:!:: ~ G) e s:l >= = ~ a ~ . Cl) 0 .... 8Q;>rt.I ... ~ 0<1) 10 ~ ~ <:> Q;> Q;> A Q;> .~~ G) '"'7 ~ = 'd A ...... Brigade. Regime't. Name of commandant. = '" 0 'e~ !:Ill ,~ ~ .;, ""a> ~ a cd :;l ... I:l, ... <:> Q;> =s:l §o~ blI ~ :< ~ rr; 00.. 0 104 ~ 00= 00 Z ~ ------Fourth brigade, (can 12th, · Col. J. S. Cocks, ...... ·... ·... ·... 2 5 14 ·...... 11 .... 132 164 tinned.) 69th, · Col. J. R. Ryan, .••••••••• ·... ·... ·... 3 8 12 1 17 .... 3 165 209 ------Total present, •••••• ·..... ·...... 1 ·... 1 9 22 60 3 48 11 3 664 822 Total absent, ..••••. ·..... ·...... ·... 1 3 1 6 9 ...• 1 ~ .... 360 389 ------._- Aggregate of brigade, ·..... ·...... 1 1 4 10 28 69 3 49 19 31024 1211 ------._------Fiji h .Brigade, .•.••• ·..... Brig. Gen. H. B. Duryea, .. 1 1 5 ...... ·...... 7 Whereof Maj. Wm. 13th, · Col. Abel Smith, ..••••••• ·... ·... ·... 1 9 27 1 18 .... 4 208 268 R. Brewster is In- 14th, · Col. Jesse C. Smith, ...... ·... ·... " ... 3 6 20 1 13 8 6 263 320 spector. 17th, . Col. Sam'l Graham, ..••••• ·... ·... ·." . 3 6 25 1 13 ...... 197 245 72d, •• Col. Michael Bennett, .... ·... ·... ·... 3 6 15 1 20 12 6 172 235 ------Total present, .••••. ·..... ·...... 1 1 5 10 27 87 4 64 20 16 840 1075 Total absent, ...... ·..... ·...... ·... ·... 1 2 10 16 ·... II ••• 9 ..•• 444 482 ------Aggregateof'brigade, •••••• ·...... 1 1 6 12 37 ]03 . 4 64, 29 16 1284 1507

J. I Sixth Brigade, •••••..••••• Brig. Gen. J. A. Herriman,. 1 2 ••••.•••••••••••••••.•••.•••.••• 3 ~ >Whereof Major Geo.15th, . Co1.C. A. Hamilton, ..••• .••• 3 1 8 .••• .•.• .••. 63 75? ~ L. Smith is Inspec-16th, . Co1.P. R. Jennings, •••• u •••• •••• •••• 3 1 11.... 22.... 4 109 150 ~ ~ 8 tor. ------.----.------'-- . • Total present,...... ••••. .••••. •.•••• .••• • ••• •• •• 1 2 6 2 19. •• • 22. • • • 4 172 228 ~Total absent,. •••••• ...••.. .•.•.•••••••..••.•.•...... ••..•..•••.. ,. 4 4 .••• 1 .••• 1 42 52

....,. ,/ ------~ Aggregate of brigade , .••••• ..•.•••••••••.•••• ••• ••• 1. . . . 2 6 6 23 .••• 23 .•.. 5 214 280 \...-; ======-===-- Eighth.Brigade, .•••.••••• Brig. Gen. H. A. Samson,.. 1 1 6 . . .• ..•. 8 Whereof Major G. F.20th, . Co1.Geo. W.Pratt,. . • •. •• .••. •••• .••• 3 8 21 1 18 9 11 153 224 Von Beck is Inspec- 21st, •. Co1.Joseph Wright, •••••• ..•. .••• •••• 3 5 10 .••. 19 .••• 5 103 145 tor. ------Total present,. •• ••• .•.••. •••••• . . •• . ••• . • • • . • ••• . 1 1 6 6 13 31 1 37 9 16 256 377 ~ t.;n:Totalabsent,...... ••..•.• ~ ..••...... '...... 1 •••• .••. .••• •••• .••• 91 92 Q'\ ------Aggregate of brigade, .••••. .•••..••••••••••.••••••• 1 1 6 6 14 31 1 37 9 16 347 469 ======-==-======- Tenth Brigade, . . ••• • •••• Brig. Gen. Darius Allen, .. 1 6 . • •• .••• .••• ..•• . ..•.••••••• Whereof Major Geo.24th, . Col. H. A.. Mercer, .•• " ••.•...•••..•...••.•...•••.•••..••.•••..•.•••••••• Vanderlleyden, is 30th, ...... ".. .. . e,'" Inspector. --==-=- ==== _ E.-( CONtINUED) ~ q) i! .or;; .s s:l I q) ~ ~ ~ l=op. s:l IP 8 s:l 'd IP -;j"t:S I il. 8 «l 'a ANNUAL INSPECTION. .::l 'd 8 f ~ 0 ~ IP 'bo ~ s:l a 'm ~..; ~ 50< ~ a;> I>'> .... c8 q) y i Jo< 0 e 8"'.2;l ~ is 'd IP 0 .... Jo< ~. Ie !>Il 0 ~ IP a;> IP q) 'd ~ 88: Jo< ~ "C ,~1 l:l.o Jo< I IS'" Brigade. Regimentl Name of commandant. ,~ in ~ 8 :::I,Q ~ «l §oa J.< :S 'i:: ~ ~ 0 IP'" ~ s:l ~ ~ ~ ~ f.o.l rn 0 ~ ~ Ul rn Z ~ ------Elev~nth Bn'gade, .•• ·..... Brig, Gen. Edward Frisby" 1 =1-6"·... ·... ·... ·... ·...... 7 Whereof Major Chs, 22 203 253 25th, . 001. J. W. Harcourt, .••••• ·... ·... " ... 3 10 ·... 15 ·... W. Goddard is ill- 29th, ,001. O. T. Peek,'*' ...•••••. ·.~. ·... ·... ·... ·...... ·...... ·... · ... , ...... spector. 76th, . 001. R. O. Bentley, ..••..•. ·... , .., ·... 1 6 11 ·... 15 ·... ·... 125 158 ------..------Total present, ..• "•. ·..... ·...... ·..... 1 6 4 16 33 " .. 30 ·... 328 418 I ·... ·... Total absent, ...... ·..... • ••• e" •••••• ...... ·...... 1 ·... 2 5 14 ...... ·... ·... 180 202 --- _. ------Aggregate of brigade, ·..... ·...... ·..... 1 1 6 6 21 47 ·... 30 ·... ·... 508 620 ------Fifteentl~ Brigade, .•• • •••• to. Brig. Gen. S. F. Judd, ..••• 1 1 5 ·... ·...... ·... ·... ·... ·...... 7 Whereof Major A.W. 33cl, .• 001. E. M. Holbrook, .. "•. ·... ·...... 1 6 14 ·... 5 6 ·... 134 166 Woolley is insptc- 34th, .001. S. F. Thorndike, . .... ·... · ... ·... 3 6 8 ,... 3 3 ·... 73 96 tor. ------Total present, ...••• ...... ·...... 1 1 5 4 12 22 .... 8 9 ·... 207 269 Total absent, .••••• 1 32 36 ·..... ·...... ·..... ·... ·... 2 1. ·... ·... ·... • • • • I • •• • ------Aggregate of brigade, .••••. ·...... , ·..... -1\-1 -715" 12 23 '."• . 8 -g-I~~ 239 305

_ .... ._ ...... _..,d..t .. .\ .../i'!\'i•. __ ...... __ , I

Sixteenth Brigade, ••..•••• 'IBrig. Gen. A. Rice, . . • • • • • 1 1 4. • ••.•.••.•••.•••.•• '1'...... 6 Whereof Major E. W. 35th, . Co1. '~l.H. Barbour, •••••• .•.. .••...... ••• .••• 6 . . . . 2 . • • . 1 49 58 Lewis is Inspector. 36th, . Co1. A. R. Ralph, .••••••• ...• .••. ..•• 3 4 18 1 20 .••. ' 5 195 206 ~ .:...... , Total present, . . • . •. .••••. .•••••••••••.••• •••• . • • • 1 1 4 3 4 24 1 2~.. • 6 204 270 .. Total absent, ...•• 'I. • •••• '1' . .. .. J ••• • • • ••••••••••• _ ._ •• ~.:..:..:-: _3_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Aggregate Ofbri~ade, . , " '"\" : ..... " •• , • •• • • •• · •• • 1 _ 1 4, 6 16 24 1 _22.... 6 224 305 Twenty-secon~ B.r'lgade.••••• 'IBrIg. Gen. R. H. Tyler, . . •. ..•• ..• . . •. .••. . •. ..•• .••• .••• .••. ..•. . .• Whereof MaJ. T. SuI-48th, . Co1. S. R. Beardsley,...... ••. ..•• 2 5 11 1 16.... 5 86 126 i Iivan is Inspector, - and comprises one ~ regiment. ------'----.------Total present,...... •••••• .••••. .••• ..•••. .••• .••• •••• .••• ...• 2 5 1] 1 16 .••• 5 86 126 Total absent, ..•••. .••••• •••••• .•••• . • • • • • •• . • •• .••. ..•. ..•• 1 3 2 .. . . 1 ..•• 1 29 37

1 Aggregateofbrigade, ,... 3 - 8 13._ 1 17~.. ',_ 6 1151163

1 • The return of the inspeotion of the 29th regiment not reoeived. E.-(CONTINUEl>. )

~ . ~ i ~..!c ~ "t= ~ • ~ .S rl §~ !=l " 8 Q 15 ~ a Q) '~'l:l ANNUAL INSPECTION. ~ g.. ~ ~ .... a:l ca ~ 'l:l 8a.~ ~ . 1"1 .... g tlll 0 ,.Q Ul.!=l S Q) !il ~ Ul el ~ ~ <0 !=l15 = e 8 ~. ~ , ~ ~ ~ 0 'l:l 'E ~ ~ .~= ~ gQ)~0 ~ I ca 'l:l ell 'l:l 0.. Q) c.:>,.Q Q) Q) 1 ..., ~ Brigade. Regim't.! Name of commandant. .~ od .~ 'Q) ~ S "g '~3 g: ~ g~~ ~ ~ =< P:l ~ 0018 ~ ~ ~ ~z -< S;;;;nteenth Brigade, ~ Brig. Gen. A. H. Prescott, 1 1 3 . . .. •••• . . •• 5 Whereof Major A. 26th, . Co1.John A. Barhydt,...... •••.. 3 5\ 12.... . •••.••• 145 165 H. Holmes is in-38th, . Co1.W. La Dew,...... ••. .••. .••• 3 7 14 15 ..•• 164 203 spector. ------Total present, . . •••• ...••. ...• ..•• . . •. . . . • . ••• .. •• 1 1 3 6 12 26. . . . 15. . •• .••• 309 373 Total absent, ..•.•. .••••• ..••.••• . . •. . . •• •. •• ...... •...... ••• ..•• 3 . . •• .••• .••. .••• 60 63 r Aggregate of brigade , . ••••• .••• •••• •• •• . ••• •••• . . . . 1 1 3 6 121 29. ••. 15...... • 369 436

Eighteenth Br~gade, .••••• Brig. Gen. G. E. Danforth, .•••. u ••••••••••••• \ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Whereof Major J. 40th, . Co1.E. A. Brown,.. •• .. .. .••...... 3 6 9 1 10 1. . • . 56 86 1 Van Veghten is in- spector. 39th re- • giment not insp'td. -- --' ------Total present, ....•..•••••..•••..••••..••...... • 1=.... 3 6 9 1 10 1 .... 56 86 Total absent, ..••.. ~..••••. .•••••••••••.••••• . ..•• .••. ..•• .••• ..•• 2 . . •• ..•. ..•• .••. 23 25 Aggregate of regim't, "~I' , 31 6 11 1 -10\ 11-".. I 79[111

d I 6 Z Twenty-Jourth Brig'de .••••• Brig. G'l R. M. Richardson, 1 1 4 I···· '1' . · . ~ Whereof Major C. 51st, •. Co1.Isaac T. Minard,...... , ..•• 2 4 26 1 15 5 .••• 234 287 ..... Q'( F. Paige is in- 52d, •. Co1. J. A. Carmichael, (not " ~ spector. inspected, no parade.) ---.-...... -.-- --' \--\------.-. --- Total present,...... •...... ••• ...• ...... • . 1 1 4 2 ~. 26 1 15 5 . • .. 234 293 0 Total absent, •••••.•.••...•....•..••.•••.•••.... ~I~~ __1__ 1_ ~I--l~~---':1~~~:-14 30 3 Aggregate of regim't, •• • • •• ..•• . . . • . • • • . . . • . • •. . . . . 1 1 5 36i 1 1 171__ 5 1 363 ~

Twenty-third B:igade, .••••. Brig. Gen. John H. Chedell, , I' I· \ ~~ , Whereat Maj. John 49th, . Co1. W. H. Carpenter, .... .••• ..•. 3 5 1 8,.... 2 . ••• 2 70 90

S. Clark is inspect- 1 1 or. The 50th reg't

11 was not inspected. ~-I-. ------.1--1------. ---- .- 1

Total present, . • . . •. .••••. .••••. .••.•• .•.• ...... •. . ... 1. • •. •••. 3 I 51 8 . . . . 2 • • • • 21 70 90 Total absent, ~\~1~~.-~_-21-51~1~~.:.:..: -":':":'I~ 73 136 Aggregate of regim't, 1 1· ". 3 71 13. ••• 2 11 21 163

TwentY:fifth Brigade, ••••• Brig. Gen. L. B. Swan, '" 1 I 1 I 4 1 1. • • • 6 Whereof Major 54th, . Co1. H. S. Fairchild,...... ••• ..•. .... 2 31 16 1 14...... 132 168

eha's R. Babbit is 58th, . Co1.E. U. Frost, not inspt'd, ..••.•....•...... \.•...•...•••..•..•• f •••••••

. I I I . ::;:~:::::~t~~~:~::J:;:~::'..~.I.::.:.:..~..~.::;:.:....::::::.: ..:.~:..::: ~ ~i~~~l~~I~~~~I-::: APPENDIX F. Return of County Treasurers of Commutation Fund, received and disbursed to December 1, 1857.

COUNTY TREASURERS. Amount received in I Total Amount disbursed in I Total I Onhand. Over ~_5_. _ ~5~[_1857.:-~eipts. -':'8~~6_. _,~7_. _'~~ dra~ Albany, •• .•• ••• .••••..••••• $92479 $1,255 91'1$1,115 OOi $3,295 70 $567 751$1,324 801$1,209 66 $3,102 21 $19349 .. Allegany,...... 677 65 409 20 400 0011,486 85 144 87 67 10 I,Otl7 99 1,279 ~6 206 89 .

Broome, Ibal. 290 00 110 50'1·•••• ·••••. 400 50...... ••••••••.. 1 ••••••••• 416 29...... $15 79 c.attaraugUS~ : •• .- : , 1,16450 1,16450 . i 1...... Cayuga, ..•••••••.••••••••.•••••••••..••.....••.••.. bal. 231 73'1 998 95 1,230 48...... ••. 845 58 845 581 384 90 . Chautauque, bal. 2,256 29 975 501 3,231 79. 1,154 ';'li' \. 1,154 77' 2,077 02 .. Chemung, .•.•.•••.. .••.. •• ••. • .. ••• .. ..•...••••••.••••. 271 00 271 00 146 00 119 25, 68 10 333 35...... 62 35 Chenango, •••••.•••..•.•••.•••••••..•••. .•...••.••• . ...••••.•• '1' •••••••••.••...••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• ' ••••••••••••.••••••••••••.••••••••• Clinton, .••••••.••..•••••••••••.••..•••..•.•.•.•..•. bal. 6 491 690 31 696 80 .• .•. •••• .•••.••.•. 561 34 561 34 135 46 .•••••••• Columbia, bal. 950 99 450 50 1,401 49...... 1,390 60 1,390 60 10 89 . Cortland,. 275 50 275 50 283 31 283 31 7 81 Delaware, •••• ...... ••••••••••••..•.•••...•••••••••• .••..• •. •••. .•••...••. .••••.•••. •••••••••• •••••••.•. .•••.•••.. ••••.••••• '1' ...... :t Dutchess,...... 801 50 801 50 801 50 8:n 50.... 0

Erie, - " , I' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••• _ .t: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' II ••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• Essex, . . . . •••• •••• .••• .. •• .• •• •• . •. . • ••• ...••••• ••..••••••••••. 490 70 490 70 .• •• .. • .•• ••••.••... 490 70 490 70 •••••••••.••••••••• Franklin, bal. 92 478 75 479 67 187 12 291 92 479 64 03 .. Fulton, bal. 58 00 318 001 376 001...... 376 00 376 00 .

Genesee, 686 371 686 37 1 1 686 37 686 37 . Greene,. . ••• •••• •••• .• •• . . •• • ••• . . •• .••. .••••••.•••. .•••.•••.•.. 169 57, 169 571 bal. 102 39: 290 45 392 84 .. 223 27

IIamilton, .••..•••..••••....• • .••..•....••.....•••.....•••...•.••••.....• 1 .••...•••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••.•.•••••...••..••••••••••••••••••• Herkimer, bal. 74447 554 501 1,298 971...... 1,298 9'1 . •Jefferson, •••••••••..•••••..•.•.•.••••••• /...... 765 001 765 00...... 503 50 261 50 . Kings, ...•••••••••.•••..•..•..••.••••.•••••••.....•••••.••••. 2,91484 2,91484 2,91484 2,91484 . .Lewis,...... •••. •••.•• •••..• •.•••. .•••• . ••••. bal. 106 11 475 50 581 61 .••.•• •••• ••••.• •••. ••••..•.•. 556 40 25 21 ••••••••• LiVing.ston, ••••••..•••••••••••.••••••••• '1". 702 181 '702 18,••••••••• '1" .. '102 18 702 18 .••••.••••.•••••••• Madison, ...... • .. .. •.. • ...... 525 00 525 00.. 525 00 525 00 . l\:I:onroe, 1,000 50 1,000 50...... 993 97 993 97 6 53...... r;::' Montgomery,·······.······.·,.·· ••••.•.....•••••..•. bal. 9952 9200191521 •••••.•••.•••.•••••. 10845 10845 830'7 ••••••••• I!"""" New-York, Ibal. 2,049 33 10,113 02 7,212 75 19,375 10...... 9,051 54 2,469 23 11,520 77 7,85433...... ~ Nia.!Zara,..••....••• , •••• ••• • . •••••..• '1" ,bal. 57 45 562 00 619 45 "I' 633 73 633 73· ·.... 14 28 ~ oneida"...... l:l:: Onondaga, ••••.•.•.•••.•• ,...... •.•••••• [.• •• •••• •••• ••••..•... •• ••. •••. .••••••••• .••••••••. ••••.•••.. .•••.. •• • ••., ••••• ••• •••• ••••• ~ Ontll-rio, • "...... 737 00 73'1 00 t.. .. •• .. .. 766 00 766 00 .. •• •• ••• . 29 00 ~

1 .. • 1 28 72 Orange, !.••.•••••..• i 691 691 00" 'bsl. 14 92J 6135 36 680 1 10 1 . 1.····.. ·· 001 56 Orleans, •.•••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• 1 .••••••••••. 1.•••. • •••.•. ! •••••.•••• , 3,25628 ··········i······ \.... ······1 2,755 1 500 00, ••••••••• Oswego, ..••..•••.••••••••••••••••••••• \..•..•.••••• [bal. 54 68'1 8'76 50\ 931 18...... i ~m 18! gsl 18t•• .. • .. • .. \ ..

Otsego, .•.•.•.••••••.•.••••••• ••••• .. • .. 1· • .. ·\·· 1 , \ 1 •• .. · .. 1 .. · .. · . Putnam, ••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••..•••.•.•••..••••••••••••.•••..••.. !.••...... •••.•..•...•.....•..•.•..... ·1······ \ . Queens,. . .• • • ••. •••••••••.•• • • •• • ••• •••• 254 001 22'7 50 345 501 826 50 .••••.••••.••.•••••..•••...•.. , 603 961 222 54 .••••••••

1 Rensselaer, ....•.•••••.••••••••••••••.••.••.•••••••• ·Ibal. 115 22 549 501 664 721 ..••...... ··········1 490 60 490 60\ 17 4 121.... ·· .. · Richmond, '" • , .. • .. • .. • ...... • , " '\" " , .. "\. •• .. I 1 , I,' •••••••• '1' •.•.•••• Rockland, .. 303 00 303 00\ 1.... 144 58 144, 581 158 42· .••••••••

1 St. Lawrence, ••.•.•••.•.•.••••••••.•••• ·1···.····· ••• 1...... 1,74:~ 58 1,?43 581 \...... 1,'742 01 1,742 07. 1 511· : Saratooll., ., ..•.••••••••••.••..•.•••••••• 1.... •••• •••. ...••••.•... 523 001 t!23 001.•••..•.•..••••••. ·1 ...... I 617 95\'.••••••••. I 94 9t! Schcne~tady, , , •••• 1 !bal. 20 00 128 00\ 148 00, ".... 128 50\' 128 50 19 5°1 . ~~~~~~~~~'.::::',::::::::::::::: '.:::::::::I::::::::::::I: : : : : '. : : : : :: :::::::::: .::::::::: i::::::::::\::::.::::: ::::::::: ~::::':::::::,:::::::::: I:::: :::::

•••••••••• SeneCfl, ..••.••.•.••••..•.•.••••••.••..•.•.....•••. ·Ibal. I 05 605 66\ 606 711 1·· ··· .. \ ' 416 051 190 66\ . 57 Steuben, :bal. 7 05 1,075 01, 1,082061" 1 ·.. 1,11:3 1...... 31 51 Suffolk, \bal. 4792 776 501 824421 1 I··..····.. 81751, 6 911 .. S~lllivan, ...... ••••••.•••••.•••.••...•••..••..••••.• '1' ....•...... ••...••.. ,.. . • ...... ••..•.•. • ....••...... ············1 69 08[ . TlOga, ..••••.•••••••.•.•••.••••••••.•.• ············1············ ··········1··········\··········1·········· . Tompkins, I lbal. 7416 51200 ' 58616 """, .. \ 1 714~61 •· 1 12850 1 Ulster, ••.•••.•.•.•••• , ...•...•.....•••..•••••••••• ·1 .. · ··· 878 501 878 50, · i ·.. 8,14 59 844 ;>9\ 33 91.\ .. '\V

Containing returns from the Division, Brigade, and Regimental Boards, in pursuance of the following order:

GENERAL HEAD-QUARTERS, NEW-YORK TROOPs, l .I1djutant-Gene'ral'a Office, Albany, Oct. 31st, 1857. S

GENERAL ORDERS, No. 38. The 1st division board, the 5th, the lIth, and 31st brigade boards, also the regimental boards of auditors of the various regiments of the ~ervice, by their respective presidents and sec- retaries, will, within thirty days from the date of this order report to this department, for the information of the Commander- in-Chief, the amount of commutation money drawn by such boards, respectively, from the 1st day of January, 1856, to the 31st day of October, 1857, stating the mode in which the same has been appropriated, and item by item, as far as possible, the purpose for which it has been expended. :By order of the Commander-in Chief. FRED'K TOWN~END, .I1djutant-General. Reports of Division, Brigade and Regimental Boards, of the mode in which the commutation fund has been disbursed by them respectively, in pursuance of General Orders No. 38, of 1857.

~ I~~~ ~€ b ~ ! ~ ~ ~'O t8 ~a ~ ~ ~ & ~ o 0 ~ o. S '0 ~ Q) ;~ ~ ~ J-I NUMBER OF I ~ ~ ~ dJ ~ ~ 1:l g.; § "0 ~ ; .S Q) .g Aggregate. REGIMENT. @n w ~oo§ ~S p. - a J-I ~ e ...... ~ 0 ~ s 0 'bb S ~ ~ ~ Q [ J-I e- bo·... ~

; ~ :.~ ~ ~ ~ '0 ~ -g [~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ] ';'; .;.; rtl,..Q .; 0 .; 0 = ~ '" ~ <7l .; ~ 0 0 .... s:l _-----~-:-IA.t--..:--=- _ 2:_~_-P-t-- ~_1Il .1--~.--.1------.------,-- Division board, $12130 $ 5696 $2,003 46 $319 25 $7587 $1,038 85 $4,915 69 First, 615 00 57 00 ••. . 672 00 Eecond, 461 00 '1164 53.... 625 00 (No ret.) Items selected Third, . ..-...-..... 693 44 46 75 18 25 '758 44 [from treasurer's account. Fourth, ., . •• . • .. ..••.. . .••••••..•••...••...•.•••...... • 1· • • • • • • 90 00 65 50 6 00 $464 00 .• •••• ••• . 625 50 Fifth, 625 53 (No ret·) Items selected Sixth,...... 57'1 00 62 38 16 00 639 38 [from Co. treas'rs report. Seventh, •••• • . .. .••••••• .••••• .•••.. .••••••• •••••••• .•••.••. .•••...•...... •••••• ..••••.. ..•.••••.. 340 00 (No ret.) Items, &c. Eighth, ••••••••.••••••.•••.•••.••.•...••..••••••••.•••. ,.. .••••••• '703 00 67 50 .• • .• .••••••.•.. . . . ••• . '770 50 Ninth, •...... ••••• 511 03 114 50...... 625 53 Tenth, . .. ,...... 305 00 220 00 40 00 60 53...... 625 53 (No ret.) Items, &0. Eleventh, ".... 340 00 (No ret.) Items, &0. Twelfth, ...•.•. ..•••. .••••••. . . • . •. .••••••• . ••• • ••• 625 53 . •• • •••. .•••.••••• 625 53 Thirteenth, ...... 24 00 ...... 328 50 197 12 42 16...... 162 00 '753 86 Fourteenth, -..... 354 00...... 427 50 176 87 68 65.... 225 00 1,252 02 Fifteenth, ..•... ..•.•. .••••••. ••••.• ,...... •••• No return. Sixteenth, ..•... •.•.•. .••• ••. .•.••. .••••. .•••.••• ..••••.• .••••••. .••••••••• .•.•.•.• ..•... .••••••• .••••••••. No return. Seventeenth, , No return. Eighteenth, No return. Nineteenth, ••••• 1 $242 25 25 00...... 41 9,5 24 95 25 00...... 358 45 Twentieth,...... •.•.. ...••••• ..•••. ..•••• '747 37 .•.••.•• $249 56 263 16...... ••••.••.••...... •. .••. 1,260 09 Twenty-first, No return. Twenty-fourth, .. r$2600 33 00 $2050 $2600 293 75...... 52 00 6 00 34 00...... 491 25{Cont'gt c'rt m'tlexp. $30, Twenty.fifth, ••• [ 31 50...... 305 14 39212 334 00 118 25 218 92\.... 285 00 1,684 93 flag st'fl'$26.19, trans. of Twenty-sixth,... 516 14 14.082 27 25 M 50 718 '71 tr'ps $130,sundr's $32.73. Twenty-se~enth • •••• .. •••• •••••• 66} 50...... 19 251431 25 ~.... 829 00 REPORTS OF DIVISION, &C.-( CONTINUED.) ======~ I~.~ '" U. ~ [ .._~--ir~ ~ a:l "Cl ~ 8 l1J ~ ~ • .9 ..... NUMBER OF • I 0 ~ 00 '0 0 11 ~ d .... .~ l:i ~ ~ REGIMENT. .~ ~ l:::l d s= ~ <:> d § '0 & ~ .;::.... .:~ Aggregate. ~ ~ I~g] s' ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ 8 ...... §.~ "" .s .s.s.~ ~1.8 .... ~ ~ I & S" . ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ S "Cl "Cl "Cl "'::11 "Cl "Cla:l ~ Q.. d '" "Cl "Cl .... l1J ... 0 '03 .~ 'I'~~,.Q I'~ .~0 d ~ g ~ .~ '

1 Flft~-ninth 1 , ·1,.. ···· [ 1 1

~~~~~::;~t',''.::::::::::I : : : : : : : : I : : : : :. .;:::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::: :::::::: :.:::: :::::::: :::::. : : : : Sixty-seco, nd, •.• , •.•• ·1 Sixty-fourth, ..• , 'I·..· I" ". Sixty-fifth,...... 4 00 18 001...... 19 26 948 24...... 27400 ·129 47 • $89 \,0 S~xty-sixth, ..•• 12 00\ 45 001 ~ 25 41'T 50 100 00...... '1 50 47 98 · . SIxty-seventh, •. 20 00 18 OOi 57 50, 12 5t 559 01 36 Ou ••••••• 1 35 00 •••• •••• 12 25.· •• •••• •.••••••••

Sixty-eighth, 4000 1171 0012L'25 791 13 13139 I·.. ·· .. · .. Sixty-~inth, " ., j 1 I 357 00 ,.; . Seventieth, .. 85 Oil 87 00 25 15: :jj)/8 001 145 00 Seventy.first,. • [.. • I I ·1· ! ..

Seventy-second, •.••••....••..• 1 \'. . 27 25 .... 146 001 111 75 17 98i.. •.. ·.. 162 00 Seventy-thir,d, ...•.•.• 1 , , 1 .. \.. .. I .. 1 Seventy-fourth,. .. , '...... 552 001", 100 001 "1549 391'...... 200 00 Seventy-sixth, T'" "I...... 467 50 49 001 58 281108 80 ...... 133 00 1 1 .. -. _ .. _- _.. .•.. .-- 76 [ASSEMBLY

APPENDIX H. Reports from the Clerks of the Boards of Supervisors. ~ . =gj ~ -O·S <,C:l"" .-d l> .e ...... ; ..... ~ o~ os COUNTIES. rIJ·S =I-< llQo I:l° Remarks. ~ 0 ""d Cl)~ ~ ..el-< S ~ Cl) ...... ~g 3 ~ ::E ~ -----~------'- ----_._------Albany, .....•....•. 1,603 7 towns reported. Allegany, ...... •. 1,261 19 towns reported. Broome, . . . .• •.... 1,404 Cattaraugus, ..••.... 2,959 Cayuga, ...••...... ~~I3,726 Chautauque, .....• .,. 62 89 3,056 25 towns reported. Chemung, ..••.•.••• 649 Chenango, . 2,184 20 to wns reported. Clinton, ...... •.••.... "•. 3,135

Columbia, ..•.•.••. [. H ••• 1,740 Cortland, ..•.•.•.••. 1' · · .. · 646 Delaware, •...... •• ,...•.. I . '.', 1,928 Dutchess, ..••..••. _I 51 124 3,549 Erie, ...••.••...... I •••••• 2,611

Essex, ..••....•.... 1 •••••• 1,383

Franklin, ..••..•••. 1 •••••• 1,408 Fulton, ..••...•.... 1. · .... 870 Genesee,. . ..•••.... i •••••• 1,186 Greene, ....•...... 'Ii 125 1,815 Hami:ton, ..•••.•••.•••.. Made no enrol men t. HerkImer, 1... .. 2,158

Jefferson,_ .•••••.••• 1 35 13 1,364 Kin~s,.. . . . • .•.• .••• ....•. . .•• 30,765

LeWIS.,.....• 0 •• 0 • 0 0 ' N0 rep .. 0 ••••••••

Li vingston, .. 0 • • • • •• • 0 • • •• •••• 2,299 17 towns reported. 1 Madison, 0 ••••••••••••• 0.. 1,661

Monroe, 0 •••••••• 1...... 7,048 y 1 6 73 MNontygomker ..••••••, /'..•...... 84 '7 4 5712th regiment distri't ~w- or ,....•.••••..•.... 0 •• 2' 39,f i not enrolled. NIagara, . • • . . •. . ••• i ••• • •• •••. , -:t

Oneida, 1 • • • • •• •••• 3,788

Onondaga, .. 0 •••••• iNorep. . ..• 5,356:Enrolm't of last year.

Ontario, ..• 0 ••••••• / 45 251 2,380 15 towns reported, Orange, .•.•..•••••• ,...... '.. 2,535

Orleans, .....•..•••• 1 • • • • • • •• • 778

Oswego, .....•..••.. iNo.repl. O •• t 3,813 Enrolm't of last year. No. 15.] 77 APPENDIX H.-(CONTINUED.)

I s::: rn ::l~ e 0· ... 0 ~ ~ ~ ------


17 ROSTER Of the Jtlilitary F01'ceof the State of New- York.

NAME AND OFFICE. . --- D_at_e_of_co_m_IDlS_' s_io_n_. _1 __ ~~ __ IR,gim.nt Brigad'.I~1 Residence. Comrnander-in-Chiej, John A. King. I GENERAL OFFICERS. I Majors General. I

Charles 'tV. Sandford, .••• 10th May, 1837,., 6th May, 18~37,.•• 1 •••••• 1st, IN"eW-YOrkcity. Aaron Ward, ....•..•••• 1st July, 1847,. "16th Feb., 1835, J . 2d, Sing Sing. John Tayler Cooper, ...•. Ilst July, 1839, 20th Feb., 1839, .. 1 •••••• 3d, Albany. Orville Clark, .. : I~st July~ 1847,: 17th Feb., 1834, .. 'Ii •••...•....•• 4th, Sandy Hill, Washington Co. Samuel S. BurnsIde, ....• 16th AprIl, 1854, .. 122dMarch, 1854, ..••••• 5th, Worcester, Otsego Co. William C. Brown, ....• "16th :March, 1854, .18th Feb., 1851, ....••••• 6th, Syracuse. William S. ]i"ullerton, ..•• 12th April, 1855, .127th Dec., 1855, .• j •••••• 7th, Sparta, Livingston Co. Nelson RandaIl, ' ••.•••• '1st July, 1847, .•• 119th March, 1839'1•••••• 8th, Buffalo.'

Brigadiers General. I I Charles B. Spicer, .•.••.. 30th Dec., 1850,. '19th Dec., 1850, .•• , ••••• 1st, 1st, New··York city. Charles Yates, ....••.••• 1Oth Jan., 1854, .• 8th Dec., 1853, ...... ••. 2d, 1st, New-York city. William Hall, .•••••••• 18th Nov., 1844, .• 17th Oct., 1844, ... [.••• "1 3d, 1st, INew-YOrk city. John Ewell, •••••••••••• 18th Dec" 1848, .. 115th Dec., 1847, •....•.. 4th, I 1st, New-York city. Harmanus B. Duryea, ..•• \7th Oct., 1847, .•• \16th Sept., 1848, ..••••• 5th, 2d, JBrooklyn. J. Augustus Herriman, .•. 30th June, 1843, . 17th June, 1843, .. 6th, 2d, Jamaica, Queens Co. William W. Scrugham, .•. 5th May, 1855, .•. 5th'May, 1855, ... 7th, 2rl, Yonkers, Westcbester Co. Henry A. Samson, ...••• , 15th Mar. 1854, .. 15th March, 1854, .••••. 8th, 3d, Samsonville, Ulster Co., Darius Allen, ....•..•••. 5th August, 1853, 5th Aug., 1853, .. lOth, 3d, Troy. Edward Frisby; ...... •• 19th May, 1856, •. 9th May, 1856, .•..•..•. lIth, 3d, Albany. Benjamin J. Bassett, .•••. 7th Jan., 1852, .•. 1st Jan., 1852, ....•••••. 12th, 3d, Walton, Delaware Co. Thomas S. Gray, .••••••• 13th Oct., 1851, •• 2d Oct., 1851, . 14th, 4th, Warrensburgb, Warren Co. Schuyler F. Judd, .•••••• 8th April, 1854, .. 30th March, 1854, .•••• ' 15th, 4th, Ogdensburgh, St. Law. Co. Albert Rice, ...... •••••. 29th July, 1851,. '128th July, 1851, .. 16th, 4th, North Adams, Jefferson Co. Amos H. Prescott,' .•...•. ithOct., 1854,...... •• ...••. .. • 17th, 5th, Mohawk, Herkimer Co. George E Danforth, .••••• 17th April, 1854,. 13th Ayril, 1854,. 18th, 5th, lVIiddleburgh, Schoharie Co. Zadock T. Bentley, ••.••. 19th Aug" 1851, . 19th Aug., 1851,. 19th, . 5th, Morrisville, Madison Co. Ru~sell W. Humphrey, .•. 27th Oct., 1854, .. 20th Oct., 1854, .. 20th, 5th, Binghamton, Broome Co. Richard U. Sherman, •.•• 6th Jan., 1852, .•. 5th Jan., 1852, .•. 21st, 6th, Utica, Oneida Co. Ransom H Tyler, ..••••• 25th Aug., 1854, . 25th Aug., 1854, . 22d, 6th, Fulton, Oswego Co. ,John H. ChedelI, ..•.•••. 30th July, 1857, •. 30th July, 1857, .. 23d, 6th, Auburn, Cayuga Co. Robert M. Richardson, .•• 21st Aug., 1855, .. 16th Aug., 1855, . 24th, 6th, Syracuse. I~ansing B. Swan, 8th July, 1851, 16th July, 1851, .•. 25th. 7th, Rochester. James Wood, Jr., .••••••. 31st May, 1856, .. 3d May, 1856, ..•• 27th: 7th, Geneseo, Livingston Co. Silas M. Burroughs, . , , ••. 18th Feb., 1852, ... 18th Feb , 1852, .. 29th, 8th, Medina, Orleans Co. Calvin T. Chamberlain, ... '29th July, 1851, •. 15th July, 1851, .. 30th, 8th, Cuba, Allegany Co. Gustavus A. Scroggs, .•••. 20th Feb., 1854,. '118th Feb., 1854, .. 31st, 8th, Buffalo, Erie Co. Aaron Riley,., .... , ...... 18th Sept., 1854, . 18th Sept.? 1854, . 32d, 8th, East Aurora, Erie Co.

'" The names in this roster marked with an asterisk, have been added since the tables giving the aggregate of the force were made out, and do not, therefore, form a partl of that aggregate. The omission of nam~s of officers who may be serving in the force, is due to the absence of the name, or the inaccuracy of its entry upon the old roster. Errors will be corrected only on the return of a Brigadier General. ROSTER.-( CONTINUED.)

NAME AND OFFICE. Date of commission. Date of rank. Eegiment Brigade. Division. Residence. ------AIDS-DE-CAMP TO COMMAND- ER-IN-CHIEF. Colonels. Robert Le Roy, 1st Jan., 1857, .•.. 1st Jan., 1857, .••. . ...• , .••••• New-York city. Hale Kingsley, .•.•...... 1st Jan" 1857, .••• 1st Jan., 1857, ..•...... [.•.••. Albany. Bayard Van Rensselaer, •. 9th Jan., 1858~.•• 9th Jan., 1858, .•••••••• ••••..••••• Albany.


Alonzo D. Morgan, .••.•. 1st Jan., 1857, .• H 1st Jan., 1857, .••.•••••••••••..••••• Aurora, Cayuga county .

.AIDS-DE-CAMP TO GENERAL OFFICERS. Majors; Henry Tomes, .....••••• 19th Jan., 1850, .. 4th July, 1850, .•..•••.. 1st, New-York city. William M. Richards, .••. 9th Nov., 1857, •. 25th Nov., 1854, •..••.•. 1st, New-York city. George A. Brandreth, .••. 7th Dec., 1857, .•• 12th Oct., 1857, ..•••••. 2d, Sing Sing, Westchester co.. Charles R. Woodworth, •. 19th May, 1855, .• 18th April, 1855,. 2d, Yonkers, Westchester co. Albert R. Kirtland, ..•• ~. 1st Jan., 1858, .••. 1st Dec., 1857, .•..•.•.. 3d, Albany. Thaddeus W. Kendrick, .. 9th June, 1857, •. 1st Jan., 1857, ..••.••••. 3d, Albany. Jeremiah Finch, ....•.•.. 1st Aug., 1855, ... 30th July, 1855, ...••••• 4th, Sandy Hill, Washington co. Asahel Clark, ..•••.••••• 1st Aug" 1855,. Hj30th July, 1855, •..••••• 4th, Sandy Hill, Washington co. WillIam C. Bouck, 2d, ••. 127thApril, 1854,. 14th March, 1854,1."., •. 5th, IMinaville, Montgomery co. 'j;Alfred F. Ingo.ld, .••••.• ',lOth Oct., 185~, ••.7th Oct., 1857, .. 5th, Little Falls, Herkimer co. ~ Harvey BaldwIn, Jr, .••• 21st Aug., 1856, •• 18th August, 1856, .••••. 6th, 18yracuse, Onondaga co. S Frederick H. Grannis, ',' .• 13th June, 1855, . 7th June, 1855, .•.••••. 6th, Syracuse, Onondaga co. gSeth L. Lee, ..••••.••••. 8th Dec., 1857, •• 4th July, 1857, ••.••••. 7th, E. Bloomfield, Ontario co. ~ (Vacant), ..'..• •• .••• •••••. ..••.....•.•.••• .••• . • •• . . ~• •.••• ...... 7th, ZRufus L. Howard, .•••••. 30th Dec., 1852, •• 8th Dec., 1852, ...••••• 8th, Buffalo, Erie county. ? Alexander W. Harvey, .•• 28th June, 1854, .• 24th June, 1854, ...•.•. 8th, Buffalo, Erie county. ~ ?' Captains. John Lawrence, ...••.••• 26th Oct., 1854, •. 4th July, 1854, ••.••••. 1 1st, 1st, New-York city. Thomas Allcock, •••••••• 17th Nov. 1~56, .• 27th Oct., 1856, ••.•••.. 2d, 1st, New-York city. James T. Smith, .••••.••• 14th May, 1856, •. 17th Sept., 1855,..•••••• 3d, 1st, New-York city. Junius B. Stearns, .•••••• 3d August, 1857,. 26th June, 1857, .•.••••• 4th, 1st, New-York city. George C. Ball, .•••••••• 16th Dec., 1852,.. lIth Dec., 1852, •.•••••• 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings county. ~N. Shelton Mills, ••••.••• 12th March, 1849,7th Oct., 1848,.... • ••.• 6th, 2d, Jamaica, Queens county. s. Emmet Getty, .•••.••• lOth Oct., 1857, •. 1st Oct., 185?, .•..••.••. 7th, 2d, Yonkers, Westchester co. Joseph F. Davis, •••••••• 31st Oct., 1854, •• 20th March, 185!, .••••• 8th, 3d, Rondout, Ulster county. John A.. Sims, .••.•.••••. 12th Feb., 1855, •• 1st Feb., 1855, .••.••••• 10th, 3d, Troy, Rensselaer county. (No return), •••••• •••••• ..•• .. • • . • •• . • •• ...• • . • • .. . • . • •• • ••••. lIth, 3d, Samuel G. Dimmick, ..••• 27th June, 1855, •• 27th June, 1855, •.•••••• 12th, 3d, Middletown, Delaware co. Frederick O. Burhans, .•• 16th June, 1853, •• 2d Oct., 1852, •••••••••• 14th, 4th, Warrensburgh, Warren co. Edward A. Dayton, •••••• lIth July, 1854, •• 5th July, 1854, .•••••••. 15th, 4th, Madrid, St. Lawrence co. Marcus Rice, .•••.••••••• lOth Dec., 1851, •. 1st Dec., 185.1,.•••• n •• 16th, 4th, Watertown, Jefferson co. John Satterly, ...•••••••• 17th Aug., 1855, •• 14th Aug., 1855, ..••••• 17th, 5th, Litde Falls, Herkimer co. Jacob M. Snyder, .••••••. 16th Oct., 1854, •• 1st May, 1854, .•••••••• 18th, 5th, Schoharie, Schoharie co. ,.JohnS. Tillinghast, •••••• IIOthSept.,1855, •• 28thAugust,1855 •••••• 19th, 5th, Morrisville, Madison co. • ROSTER.-( CONTINUED.)

NAME AND OFFICE. Date of commission. Date of ra.nk. Re iment Brigade. Division. Residenoe. ------..------No return, "_._ . 20th, 5th, Augustus Brewer, ...... •• 25th Janu'y, 1856. 1st January, 1856..••••. 21st, 6th, 'Utica; Oneida Co. James A. Beckwith, ..•••. 12th Sept. 18571" 21st Aug., 1857, .. 22d, 6th, Oswego, Oswego Co. Edward H. Avery, •... "' 22d Sept. 1857, .. 5th Sept., 1857, •. 23d, 6th, Auburn, Cayuga Co. George A. Ostrander, ...•• 15th Aug;ust, 1857, 2Mh July, 1857, ....•••. 24th, 6th, Hubbard S. Allis, .•••.••• 29th July, 1851, .. 14th July, 1851,•• 25th, 7th, Rochester, :Monroe Co. 27th, 7th, WITfia:t~~~d~;:. : : : : : : :: li2th o~i.. is'52',: : 4tl~'J~'ly: is'52:: :: 29th, 8th, IMedina, Orleans Co. Noah P. Loveridge, ..••.. 9th Sept. 1854, ••..••...•...... • , 30th, 8th, Augustus N. Gillett, ..•••. 26th Aug. 1856, .. 20th Aug., 1856, . 31st, 8th, IBuffalo, Erie Co. William \V. Bond, ..••••. 23d July, 1855, •• ~20thJuly, 1855, .. 32d, 8th, E.Aurol'a, Chautauque Co.

ADJUTANT GEN£RAL'S DE· I PARTMENT • •l1djutant General. Brigadier General.

Frederick Townsend,> .••• 1st January, 1857, 1st January, 1857, .••••• II ", Albany.


RAL. Colonel. I Duncan Campbell, .•••••• 8th January, 1857. 8th January,1857, ••••••••••••.••.•• Albany.

__ -CC.J\.'--- _ Dit'ision Inspectors. Colonels. RobertC. \Vetmore, ...••• 28th Feb., 1840, •. 4th July, 1839,." 1st, New-York City, Marlborough Churchill. .. 9th January, 1858, 24th Dec., 1857,.. 2d, Sing Sing, Westchester. James Hendrick~ ..•••..•• 9th June, 1857, •. 1st Jan., 1857, .... 3d, Albany, R. G. Stone, ...•..••.•.. 1st August, 1855,. 30th July, 1855,•. 4th, Ballston, Saratoga county. George F. stevens, ... , .••• 10th Oct., 1857, •• 7th Oct., 1857, ... 5th, Ilion, Herkimer county. Richard F. Stevens,..•.... 23dJanu'y, 1857,. lOth Janu'y, 1857, .••••• 6th, Syracuse, Robert F. Taylor, .•••..•• 18th Dec., 1856,.. 4th July, 1856, .•. 7th, Rochester, Henry L. Lansing, ••..•.• 28th June, 1854, .. 24th June, 1854,.. 8th, Buffalo.

Brigade Inspectors. Majors. 1st, 1st, New-York City. Charles H. Smith, ..•••••• 16th Dec., 1852, .. 19th Oct., 1852, •. a:> Samuel M. Alford, ..•..•• ·tth Febru'y, 1853, 2d Febru'y, 1853,..••••• 2d, 1st, New-York City. ~ (No retllrn,). . . . • •. • • ...... ••.•..•••...•...•.•••••....••.. 3d, 1st, Robert Taylor, ..•...•.•.• 12th July, 1848, .. 12th Janu'y, 1848, ..••.. 4th, 1st, New-York City. \Villiam R. Bre\vster, ..• ~. 24th Dec., 1855,.. 21st Dec., 1855, .. 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings county. D. Halsted Weeks, ..•.... 2:3dAug., 1854, .. 13th Sept., 1854, . 6th, 2d, Jamaica, Queens county, George F. Sherman, .....• 16th Oct., 1857, .. 1st Oct., 1857,.... 7th, 2d, Cold Spring, Putnam co. George F. Von Beck, ..••• 15th June, 1853, .. 14th June, 1853,.. 8th, 3d, Rondout, Ulster county. George Vanderheyden, ...• 25th Sept., 1849, . 25th Sept., 18-i9, . 10th, 3d, Troy, Rensselaer county. Charles W. Goddard, ..••. 24th Nov., 1851,.. 22d Nov., 1851. .. 11th, 3d, Albany. Robert T. Johnson, .....•• 26th Aug., 1856, . 19th Aug., 1856, . 12th, 3d, Delhi, Delaware county. Lawrence ¥yers, Jr., ..••• 11th Sept., 1855,.. 11th Sept., 1855, . 14th, 4th, Plattsburgh, Clinton county, Amasa W. Woolley, •••••• 2d Febru'y, 1855,. 29th Janu'y, 1855, •••••• 15th; 4th, Ogdensburgh, St. Law'ce co. Eleazer W. Lewis, .••.••• 26th July, 1853, .. 15th July, 1853,.. 16th, 4th, Theresa, Jefferson county. ROSTER -(CONTINT:1ED.)

__ NAME AND~~ __ ~. Or.:':'~mi"i~I __ Dato ofrank. __ Regiment Brigade. Division. __ - __ Resid~ __ .__ . __ . Anson H. Holmes, .•••••• 29th July, 1857, •. lOth June, 1857, ..•••••• 17th, 5th, (No return), .••• .•.• .•.• ...... •• .... .••• ..•• ..•• ...• ..•. .•.••. 18th, 5th, Samuel P. Russell, .••••. 13th Oct., 1851, .. 1st Oct., 1851, . .. .••••. 19th, 5th, Hamilton, Madison county. Wm. H. McCollom, .••••. 6th June, 1855, .. 6th June, 1855, •..•.••. 20th, 5th, Bainbridge, Chenango co. Henry R. White, .•••.... 6th Oct., 1855, .•. 6th Oct., 1855,. •. ....•. 21st, 6th, Utica, Oneida county. Timothy Sullivan, ..••••. 30th May, 1857, .. 23d March, 1857, ..••••. 22d, 6th, Oswego, Oswego county. John S. Clarke, ..••.••••• 9th Dec., 1854, ••. 7th Dec., 1854, .•...•••. 23d, 6th, Auburn, Cayuga county. Clinton F. Paige, .•••.••• 15th Aug., 1857, '125th July, 1857, ••.••••• 24th, 6th, Syracuse. C.harles R. Babbitt, •••• '. 11 th Oct., 1854, •• 4th Oct., 1854,... .••••. 25th, 7th, Rochester. (No return), ..••..••.•••...•...•.•••.....•••..•••.••..•..••••. 27th, 7th, William Emerson, .•••••• 16th Nov., 1854, .. 20th Oct., 1854, •..••••. 29th, 8th, Albion, Orleans county. Rie-hard Church, .•••.••• 29th July, 1851, .. 28th July, 1851, ...••••• 30th, 8th, Hobbieville, Allegany co. Dudley Donnelly, .•..••. 20th Aug., 1852, . 3d Aug., 1852, .•..••••• 31st, 8th, Lockport, Niagara county. Hanson A Risley, ..••••• 12th Nov., 1856, .. 10th Oct., 1856, ••..•••• 32d, 8th, Dunkirk, Chautauque co. Adjutants. Lieutenants. *William F. Nisbet, .••••• 1st Jan., 1858, .•. 14th Nov., 1857, .. 1st, 1st, 1st, New-York city. Andrew V. Rea, ..•••.••• 15th Aug., 1857, . 6th July, ]857, .•• 2d, 1st, 1st, New-York city. Emanuel Lyon, ...•••••• 10th June, 1854, •• 30th May, 1854, .. 3d, 1st, 1st, New-York city. ~ J. Mansfield Davies, ..••. 24th Jan., 1857, •. 24th Oct., 1856, •• f/.l>- 4th, 2d, 1st, New-York city. f/.l lZ1 Francis Sigel, . . . .. ~...... 5th, 2d, 1st, New-York city. r:c (No return), . 6th, 2d, 1st, b' ...t'l William .A.. Pond, ..••••• 11th Feb., 1853, •. lOth July, 1852, •. 7th, 3d, 1st, New-York city. Charles Harrison, ...... 2d Oct., 1855, .••. lOth Sept., 1855, •. 8th, 3d, 1st, New-York city. ....~ Davis De Courcy, .••••••• 16th March, 1857, 1st June, 1856, .•. 9th, 3d, 1st, New-York city. C' Edward M. Dodge, ...... 12th Oct., 1855, .. 4th Oct., 1k55, ... 10th, 4th, 1st, New-York city. ~ John E. Bendix, ..•••.••• 13th Dec., 1856, .. 8th Dec., 1856, ... 11th, 4th, 1st, New-York city. William G. Ward, .••.••. 24th Feb., 1857, .. 27th Jan., 1857, •. 12th, 4th, 1st, New-York city. Elbert H. Willetts, .••••. 9th May, 1855, ..•. 1st March, 1855, •. 13th, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings county. Anthony Conk, .••••.•••. 20th Aug., 1852, . LstJune, 1852, ... 14th, 5th, 2d, East New-York. (No return), .•••..••.••• ...... ·...... 15th, 6th, 2d, Henry C..Bartlett, .•..... 17th Aug., 1855, . 26th JUly, 1855, •. 16th, I 6th, 2d, Patchogue, Suffolk county. (No return), .•••.....••• ·...... ·...... - ...... 17th, 7th, 2d, George W. Gregory, ..•••• 13th March, 1852~26th Jan., 1852, .. 18th, 7th, 2d, Carmel, Putnam county. Samuel C. Smith, .••.•... ;30th May, 1855, .. 18th Oct., 1854, .. 19th, 7th, 2d, Montgomery ,Orange co. Jacob B. Hardenburgh, .•. 12th Sept., 1857, . 20th March, 1856, 2Qth, 8th, 3d, Kingston, Ulster county. 00 J. Spencer·Van Clief, ..•.. 30th May, 1857, .. 1st Mal, 1857, .•. 21st, 8th, 3d, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess co. C' Samuel Stover, ...... •••. 22<1June, 1855, •. 1st May, 1855, .•. 24th, 10th, 3d, Troy, Rensselaer county. Jacob L. Yates, .•.•.••••• 22d Sep., 1857, ... 1st Sept., 1857, .•. 25th, 11th, 3d, Albany, (No return), ..••..••.••• ·...... • • f'I' •••••••••••• 26th, 17th, 5th, Colonel Shaver, ...... 28th Feb., 1857, •. lOth Sept., 1856, . 27th, 12th, 3d, Andes, Delaware county. Norman S. ~:Iay,...••.••. 16th Nov., 1854, . 1st May, 1854, ... 29th, 11th, 3d, Saratoga Spr'gs, Saratoga co. Charles Hughes, ..•••.••. 6th April, 1849, .. 23d March, 1849,. 30th, 10th, 3d, Sandy Hill, Washington co. Aretus Fenny, ..••••.••. 14th May, 1856, .• 28th Jan., 1856, .. 31st, 14th, 4th, Elizabethtown~ Essex co. Charles H. l\fcNieI, .•...• 28th Sept., 1857, . 20th Sept., 1857, . 32d, 14th, 4th, Plattsburgh, Clinton co. George W. Reed, ...... •. 3d Aug., 1857, ... 25th July, 1857, .. 33d, 15th, 4th, Ogdensburgh, Sf Lawr'e eo. Joseph W. Johnson, ...... 9th Sept., 1854, •. 23d August, 1854, 34th, 15th, 4th, Westville, Franklin county.

(No return), ..••.•.•.••• • If, •••• ". • ••••.••• ·...... 35th, 16th, 4th, Benjamin W. Dewey, .•. "ll0th March, 1855:20th Dec., 1854, ~. 36th, 16th, 4th, Adams, Jefferson county. ROSTER -(CONTINUED.)

__ NAME AND OFF~~_E_.__ I-=:'teof~mmiSSi~ __ Dateof~ __ RegimeDt Brigade. Division. ResidcncE'. _

George \V. Thompson, .••• 115thAug., ]857, .. 15th June, 1857, .. 38th, 17th, 5th, Herkimer, Herkimer co. James Davenport, .....•.. lOth Oct., 1857, •• 14th April, 1857, 39th, 18th, 5th, Richfield, Otsego co. John Donan, •.•••••••••. 28th July, 1855, .. 28th June, 1855; .• 40th, 18th, 5th, Minaville, Montgomery co. Chad Jenks, .•••••....•. lOth Dec., 1853, .. 1st Sept., 1853, .•. 41st, 19th, 5th, Laurens, Otsego co.

(No return,) .•.•..••.•••...••••...••.•• p •••• • • •• • • • • • ••• 42d, 19th, 5th, Cadesh B. :Maynard, .. ~. ',3d Aug., 1857, .•. 1st Feb., 1855, .•. 43d, 20th, 5th, Oxford, Chenango co. (No return,) ..••...•...... ~•. ~••...... ••...... 44th, 20th, 5th, Dexter Gilmore, ..•••.... 5th l\1arch, 1852,23d Feb., 1852, •. 45th, 21st, 6th, Oriskany, Oneida co. Jacob Hager, ...... •••••• '22d July, 1856, ... 10th June, 1856, .. 46th, 21st, 6th, Rome, Oneida co. George W. Duryea, ••.••. 19th Aug., 1856,llth July, 1856, .. 48th, 22d, 6th, Oswego, Oswego co. Henry M. Stone, ..•••.••. 9th Feb., 1857, ... 16th Jan., 1857, .. 49th, 23d, 6th, Auburn, Cayuga co. George H. Collins, .. : •••• 18th Feb., 1852, •• 11th Feb., 1852,.. 50th, 23d, 6th, Ithaca, Tompkins co. Roger \V. Pease, ••••..•. 11th May, 1857, .. 1st Aug., 1855, •. 51st, 24th, 6th, Syracuse. Ella R. Stephens, ..••..•....•....••.••••. 23d Aug., ] 852,.. 52d, 24th, 6th, Cortlandville, Cortland co. I. Edward Brusbee, .•.••• 22d Npv., 1856, •. 18th Oct., 1856,.. 53d, 21st, 6th, George W. Martin, ...••• '128th May, 1855, .. 1st May, 1855, . •• 54th, 25th, 7th, Rochester. '\Vm. J. De La Figaniere, .. 15th Aug., 18fl7,23d April, 1857, .. 55th, 3d, 1st, New-York city. Henry Hoffman, n't on ros'r . . •• . •• . . •• • •• •• .••• • • • • . . .• •• •. 58th, 25th, 7th, (No return,) ..•••• •••...... •.. . .•• . . .. .•.. . . .• •••• .. .. 59th, 27th, 7th, William W. Hayt, .•.•... 17th Aug., 1854, 15th Aug., 1854,.. 60th, 27th, 7th, Corning, Steuben co. (No return,) ...... •...... ••••••••••••••...••••• \... •••• 61st, 29th, 8th, (No return,) ....•...••..••••.•••...•.••...•..••••••..•• 62d, 29th, 8th, Walden Cooper, ..•••.••. 22d Sept., 1857, •. 25th Aug., 1857,.. 64th, 30th, 8th, Perrysburgh, Cattaraug's co. •

John B. Bohnert, 30th May, 1857,. '115th May, 185,7,•. 65th, 31st, 8th, Buffalo. George B, Wilson, ....••• 9th Nov., 1857, •. 1st Sept., 1857, •• 66th, 31st, 8th, Wilson, Niagara co. Samuel S. Reed, ....•.••. 29th Dec., 1854, .. 5th Dec., 1854,. •. 67th, 32d, 8th, E. Hamburgh, Erie co. George H. Lester, .•••••. 22d Dec., 1855, .• 17th Dec., 1855,.. 68th, 32d, 8th, Fredonia, Chautauque co. John McCasten, ....•..•• 24th June, 1854, .. 16th June, 1852, •. 69th, 4th, 1st, New-York city. John McLeer, ..•.••.•••. 13th June, 1853, .. 1st Sept., 1852,. .. 70th, , 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings co. Abraham G. Demarest, ... 8th April, 1857, .. 21st Feb., 1857, .. 71st, 1st, 1st, New-York city. HenryA. Blakesly, •.•... 1st Jan., 1858, ... 1st Nov., 1857, .•. 72d, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn. Michael P. O'Brien, ...••. 17th Nov., 1856, .. 15th Feb., 1856,.. 73d, 1st, 1st, --, Richmond co. John F. vVage, .....•... 22d Oct., 1857, .•. 13th June, 1857, .. 74th, 31st, 8th, Buffalo. Joseph B. Keith, ••••.••. 9th Nov., 1857, .•. 1st Oct., 1857, .•• 76th, 11th, 3d, Albany.

Inspector General. Brigadier General. Benjamin F. Bruce, •.•••. 1st Jan., 1857, .•. 1st Jan., 1857, .•. ,.•••...•••...•••. Lenox, Madison co.

COMMISSARY GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Commissary General. Brigadier General. J. H. 'Vard, .••... 22d Feb., 1857, .•. 22d Feb., 1855, •. . ••••. New-York city.

Assistant Commissary Gen'l. Colon€l. ' I ' Elbert Birdsall, .• ". • •. 22d Feb., 1857, •. 22d Feb., 1855, ••.••••...... INew-York city. .'>


NAME AND OFFIC~_. __ :Date of commiss~r Date of rank. Regiment Brigade. Division. Residence. --- ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF'S DE------PARTMENT. Engineer-in-Chief. Bri{(adier General. Allen Munroe, ..••.••••• 16th Sept. 1857, •• 10th May, 1857, •• ·..... ·...... Syracuse . Division Engineers. Colonels. George.W. Morrell, •••••• 19th July, 185O,•• 8th Nov., 1849, .. ·..... ·..... 1st, New~York city. Samuel Fowler, ...••.••• '18th Aug., 1851, .. 6th Aug, 1851, .•• ·,.... ·...... 2d, Port Jervis, Orange Co. ~NOreturn), .•.•••••••••.•••••.•.••.•••• ·...... ·..... ·..... 3d, No return), ...... ·...... ·..... ·..... 4th, Denton Salisbury, '" .••• 27th April, 1854,. 14th March, 1854, ·..... ·..... 5th, Westfield, Otsego Co. Henry P. Adams, .••••••• 25th March, 1854, 25th March, 1854, ·...... 6th, Syracuse. (No return), ..••.•••.••• ·...... ·.... - ...... ·.... " ·..... ] 7th, Bronson C. Rumsey, .•••• 10th Dec., 1851, •• , ••• 2d Dec., 1851.1 ·..... ·..... 8th, Buffalo. Brigade Engineers. Majors. ... John Brougham, ...••. , •• 12th May, 1851, •. 1st May, 1851, .•• ·..... 1st, 1st, New-York city. Henry P. Hubbell, .••••• 22d May, 1856, .•• 21st May, 1856, •. ·.., ... 2d, 1st, New-York city. Edward W. Sewell, > ••••• 26th Aug., 1850, •• 26th June, 1849, •• ·..... 3d, 1st, New-York city. (No retul"n), ..•• . . •• • • •• ••••.• . • •• .••••• . ••••••••••••••. ·..... 4th, 1st,

• William H. Husted, ..•••. 16th Feb., 1856, •• 1st Jan., 1856, .•. 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings Co. (No retIIrn), ..••.•.••••....•••..•••..•••..••...•..••.•.. 6th, 2d, James B. Swain, ..•••.••. 20th July, 1855, .. 18th July, 1855, •. 7th, 2d, Sing Sing, Westchester Co. Gideon E. Bushnell, ..••• 28th Sept., 1857, . 21st Sept., 1857, .. 8th, 3d, Clayville, Ulster 00. Abram Witbeck, .•••.••• 22d Sept., 1853, •• 20th Sept., 1853, . 10th, 3d, Greenbush, Rensselaer Co. (No return), ..•.•• • •• )•• ...•.. .•••.. ..•. .•••.••••. . ••••• 11th, 3d, Stephen Tibbets, .•••.••• 28th Feb., 1856, •• 1st Sept, 1856, .•• 12th, 3d, Durham, Greene 00. Walton Phelps, jr., .••••. 3d Aug., 1857, ..• 21st July, 1857, •. 14th, 4th, Glens Falls, Warren Co. William H. Andrews, .••. 23d June, 1854, •• 17th June, 1854, . 15th, 4th, Gouverneur, St. Law'ce Co. Charles G. Mixer, .•••••• loth Dec., 1851, .. 1st Dec., 1851, .•. 16th, 4th, Henderson, Jefferson Co. George M. Cleland, •••••. 29th Jan., 1857, .. 29th Jan., 1857, •..••••. 17th, 5th, Jordanville, Herkimer Co. S. Sherwood Dickerman, .. 16th Oct., 1851, .. 11stMay, 1854, .••...••. 18th, 5th, N. Blenheim, Schoharie Co. Hiran~ D. Cloyes, loth sept .., 1855, .128thAug.,1855, •. j . 19th, 5th, ,MorriSVille, Madison 00. AurelIus O. Pratt, ...•••. 12th Sept, 1857, .. 11st July, 1855, '" . 20th, 5th, James H. LedJie, .•••...• 26th March, 1856,1126thMarch, 1856, •••••• 21st, 6th, Utica, Oneida Co. . WIlliam Johnson, .•••.... 14th Dec., 1851, .. 12th Dec., 1854, ...••••. 22d, 6th, Fulton, Oswego Co. Sylvanus H. Henry, .••••. 22d Sept., 1857, .. 5th Sept., 1857, .. 23d, 6th, Auburn, Cayuga Co. (No return), ..•.....•••...... ••...... •...•.....•...... 24th, 6th, George S. Riley, 29th Nov., 1854, . 16th Nov, 1854, .. 25th, 7th, Rochester. (No return), .•••••..•.•...... •...•.••••••...•. 27th, 7th, ])avid E. E. Mix, .••••••• 28th Sept., 1855, . 28th Sept., 1855, . 29th, 8th, Batavia, Genesee Co. Hulburt E. Brown, 9th Aug., 1855, .• 15th May, 1855, .. 30th, 8th, Belfast, Allegany Co. John G. Gunther, 22d June, 1854, •• /19th June, 1854, .. 31st, 8th, Buffalo, Erie Co. Dan Pryer, 23d July, 1855, •• [20th July, 1855, •• • • • • • • L 32d, 8th, Willink, Erie Co. ROSTER.-( CONTINUED.)

__ , ~Al\1E AND_OFFICE. ~te of commission. __ Dateofrank. __ B•• lm•• ' Brigod'.IDiVia:~ ~deDc~ '_ Regi17untal Engineers. Captains. (No return,) ..•• ...•.....•.• 1st, 1st, 1st, Charles Goodwin, ...•..•. 8th April, 1856, .. 1st l\larch, 1856,.. 2d, 1st, l,st, jNeW-YOl'kCity, Sigmund Houseman, ...••. 3d :March, 1855, .. 19th Feb., 1855,. . 3d, 1st, 1st, New-York City. (No return,) <... 4th. 2d, 1st, Louis BurgH, .....••..•. 1,fHh Nov., 1854, . 20th Nov., 1854,.. 5th, 2d, 1st, INeW-YOrkCity. John M. Trimble, ..••.... 26th May, 1851, . 21st May, 1851,.. 6th, 2d, 1st, New-York City. Robert E. Launitz,_ •..... 13th Feb., 1851, .. 18th Nov., 1850,. . 7th, 3d, 1st, New-York City. Albridge Winharn, Jr., ..•. 30th Sept., 18b2, . 24th June, 1852,.. 8th, 3d, 1st, New-York City.

(No return,) ...• .•...... • ..•...... • ..•• ...... 9th, 3d, I 1st, New-York City. William O. Ewen, 29th l\farch, 1853) 16th Feb., 1853,.. 10th, 4th, I 1st, New-York City Peter Gibson, 7th Oct., 1853, 26th Aug., 1853,. 11th, 4th, 1st, !New-York City. Charles W. Hubbard, '3d Aug., 1857, 20th May, 1857, •. 12th, 4th, 1st, New-York City. Abel Smith, Jr ,....••.... 3d Aug., 1857, 7th May, 1857, ... 13th. 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings county. 'Villiam Cathcart, 8ih March, 1856, . 4th March, 1856,. 14th, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings county. (No return,) ...... •...•...... •...•...• 15th, 6th, 2d, William Z. King, •.••.... 24th Feb , 1857, .. 10th Sept., 1856,.. 16th, 6th, 2d, Greenport, Suffolk county. (No return,)...... •• ...... •.•...... •...••..•.... 17th, 7th, 2d, George F. Sherman, ....•. lIth June, 1849, .. 26th 1\1ay,1856,.. 18th, 7th, 2d, Cold Spring, Westchest'r co. > Jnelson A Boice,...... •.•...•...•..•. ..•....•..•• . • • . 19t11, 7th, 2d, ~ John:Derrenbacker, ..•••. 23d July, 1855, .•. 27th June, 1855,.. 20th, 8th, 3d, Rondout, Ulster county. tzj (No returll,). . . ..•. 21st, 8th, 3d, ~ ~ Charles S Lansing, ...••• '29th Dec., 1854, .• 27th Dec., 1854, •• 24th, 10th, 3d, Lansingburgh, Renss co. Winfield S. Hevenor, ....• 3d January, 1857, 25th June, 1857, •• 25th, 11th, 3d, Albany. jooooI Nicholas Vandebogart, ..•. 16th Oct., 1857,.. 14th Sept., 1857,.. 26th, 17th, 5th, Schenectady, Schenec'y co.. at Martin Rogers, ...•••.••. 26th Aug. 1852, .. 5th Aug., 1852, .. 27th, 12th, 3d, Walton, Delaware county. ~ George C. Parker, ...... • 16th Nov., 1854,.. 1st May, 1854...•. 29th, 11th, 3d, Saratoga Springs, Peter Billings, ....•••.... 18th Aug., 1851,.. 23d July, 1850,... 30th, 10th, 3d, Jackson, Washington co. (No retllrn,)., •.•.•••.•••...•...•..••..•....•...... ••.... 31st, 14th, 4th, I Franklin Palmer, ...... • 1st Aug., 1857, ... ll0th July, 1857, .. 32d, 14th, 4th, 'Plattsburgh, Clinton co. Arthur Davis, .....••.... 3d Aug., 1857, .. '125th July, 1857, .. 33d, 15th, 4th, Ogdensburgh, St. Law'ce co. Charles T. Hubbard, ..••• 9th Sept., 1854,... 23d Aug., 1854, .. 34th, 15th, 4th, Malone, }'ranklin co. 16th, 4th, (No retItrn,) ....•...•..•...•• o ••••••••••• i· ••••• 0 ••••••••• 35th, Judson P. Morgan, ....• 0. 12th Sept, 1857, .!31st Aug., 1857,.. 36th, 16th, 4th, N. Adams, Jefferson co. Reuben C. Petrie, 15thAug., 1857, .. 6th July, 1857, .•• 38th, 17th, 5th, ILittle Falls, Herkimer co. James E. Shelland, ....••• 9th Aug., 1854, .. 2d Aug., 1854, ... 39th, 18th, 5th, Decatur, Otsego co. (No return,), ...... •.••. ,...... •..••...... •. 40th, 18th, 5th, "Villiam A. Kellogg, ..•.. 10th Dec., 185~, .. 1st Sept., 1853, ... 4L~t, 19th, 5th, S. New Berlin, Chenango co (Not on roster,) ....••..•....•.•.•.•••...... ••..••...•..•. 42d, 19th, 5th, 20th, 5th, (No retnrn,) ...•.. 0 ••••••••• ,...... •••• • •••••••••• 43d, 5th, (No retIlrn,) ...... ••...•...... •...... o ••••••••••••••••• 44th, 20th, Henry Schrader, '11st Jan., 1858, 20th Dec., 1857, .. 45th, 21st, 6th, jUtica, Oneida county. }"rancis A. M~llison, '122d July, 1856, 10th June, 1856,.. 46th, 21st, 6th, Rome, Oneida county. George F. MeIgs, 130th1\1ay,1857, •. 28th March, 1857, 48th, 22d, 6th, Fulton, Oswego county. J. J. O\ven,....••.••• , ••• !27th Aug., 1853, . 26th Aug., 1853,. 49th, 23d, 6th, Port Byron, Cayuga county. (No return~) ...• ...... •• .....• . . .. .• .. '1" , 50th, 23d, 6th, Henry A. Barnum, !lstJan., 1858, .••• 23d Dec., 1857, . 51st, 24th, \ 6th, Syracuse. 6th, Cortlandville, Cortland co. Joseph B. Reynolds, ...•••.• o ••••••••••••• 23d Aug., 1852, .. 52d, 24th, ROSTER.-( CONTINUED.)

NAME AND OFFICE. Date of commission. Date of rank. Regiment I Brigade. Division. Residence. ------._- (No return), . ',',' , .••.•.•...•...•...•..•....•...•.•• I •••• 53d, 21st, 6th, Charles B. Hill, ..•••.••. 20th August, 1855, 12th August, 1855, 54th, 25th, 7th, Rochester. Pierre A. Gerdy, ..••.•.• lOth Oct., 1856, •. 18th July, 1856, .•. 55th, 3d, 1st, New-YOl'k city. ( No return), .••• . • . • . • •• ...... • .••• ...... • • • . . .• . ••• 58th, 25th, 7th, (No return), ....••••••••.•...•.•...... ••..••..•• ' . 59th, 27th, 7th, *Robert Olcott, .•••.••... 1st Jan., 1858, .•. 4th July, 1857, . 60th, 27th, 7th, (No l'eturn~, ..• I I "" • "" •• "' ••••••••••••••• I •••••••••••• 61st, 29th, 8th, ( No return , . I •• • • •• • • •• •• "' ••••••••••• • •••••••••••• I I • 62d, 29th, 8th, (No return, ..•...••...... •..••...... ••. 64th, 30th, 8th, William Scheu, ...•..•.•• 6th August, 1855,. lOth July, 1855, •. 65th, 31st, 8th, Buffalo, Erie co. James a l'tfcClure, ...•.• 23d Oct., 1857, ... 1st Oct., 1857, ... 66th, 31st, 8th, ILockport, Niagara co. MYl'on Deuel, 29th Dee" 1854, .. 5th Dec., 1854, "' 67th, 32d, 8th, jHambUrgh, Erie co. James E. Mayhew, .. I •••• i20th March, 1856,20th March, 1856, 68th, 32d, 8th, Jamestown, Chautauque co. James B. Kirker, . I •••••• '16th March, 1857, 12th Jan., 1857, .. 69th, 4th, 1st, rNeW-Yurk city. James T. McFarlan, .••••. 6th March, 1857,. 1st April, 1856, .. 70th, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn. James A. Van Brunt, .. "" 2d August, 1855,. 19th June, 1855, .. 71st, 1st, 1st, New-York city. Henry C. Bartlett, .•••.•• 1st Jan., 1858, .•. 1st Nov., 1857, .•. 72d, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn. (No retllrn), .•• I ••••••• I '... • • •• • ••••• "j' .. I ••••••••••• I 73d, 1st, 1st, George B. Ketchum, ..••. 22d Oct., 1857, .... 13th June, 1857, .. 74th, 31st, 8th, Buffalo, Erie co. Lewis Pillsbury, 9th Feb., 1857, .•. 1st Oct" 1857, .•• 76th, 11th, 3d, Albany. JUDGE ADVOCATE-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Judge .Jldvccate-General. Hrigadier- General. Clarence A. Seward, .•••• 1st Jan., 1857, .•• 1st Jan., 1857, .•. . ••••.•••••••••••. New-York city.

Division Ju dge-A dvocat es. Colonels. Charles Mead, .•••.••••. 9th Nov., 1857, •• 25th Jan., 1853, .. 1st, New-York city. John Fowler, Jr., ' 7th Dec., 1857, 12th Oct., 1857, •• 2d, ---, Westchester co. (No return), ..••.•••••••.•••..••.••..•••.•••...... •...•. 3d, William T. Odell, ....•.. 1st August, 1855,. 30th July, 1855, .. 4th, Ballston, Saratoga co. William H. Chase, .• 0(0.'. ;3dAugust, 1857,. Jth July, 1857, .•. 5th, Unadilla, Otsego co.

Hobart G. Paddock, r ••• 28th Dec., 1854, .. 28th Dec., 1854, •• 6th, Syracuse. Russell F. Hicks, ..•••••. 8th Dec., 1857, ... 4th July, 1857, .•. 7th, Dansville, Livingston co. Jesse C. Dann, .••••••••. 28th June, 1854, .. 24th June, 1854, .. 8th, Buffalo, Erie co.

Brigadier Judge ./Jdvocatls . .Afajors. I 1st, 1st, New-York city. (NoSi.r~~~),~~~~i~.~,.:::: I::~.~~~~.:~~.5::: .l.~~~,.:: 2d, 1st, r~~~:~:' New-York city. William H. Anthon, ..••• 126thSept., 1856, . 8th Sept., 1856, .. 3d, 1st, Henry R. Cnmmings] .. ~•. 20th August, 1856, 10th August, 1856, .•••.. 4th, 1st, New-York city. David M. Talmage, •••••. 22d Dec., 1856, .. 13th Dec., 1856, ...••••. 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings co. (No returll), ..••..••...... •...••. ~.. ..•• ...•...•...... 6th, 2d, Robert Cochrane, ..•••••• \20th July, 18..55, •• 18th July, 1855, •••••••• , 7th, 2d, White Plains, Westches'r co. Erastus Cooke, ••••.••••. 31st Oct., 1804, •• 20th March, 1854, •••••• 8th, 3d, Kingston, Ulster co. ROSTER.-( CONTINUED.)

I NAME AND OFFICE. Date of commission. Date of rank. Regiment: Brigade. Division. Residence. ------1------Isaac McConihie, ...... •. 22d Sept., 1853, .. 20th Sept., 1853, ...••••. 10th, 3d, Troy, Rensselaer co. Thomas J. Van Alstyne, .. 1st July, 1856, 19th June, 1856, 11th, 3d, Albany. James B. Olney, ...•...•. 28th Feb., 1856, . 15th Sept., 1856,.. 12th, I 3d, Prattsville, Greene co.

George Richards, .••.••. 23d July, ]853, •. 9th July, 1853, . .. ..•••. ]4th, I 4th, Warrensburgh, Warren co. William B. Goodrich, 16th May, 1854, .. 13th .April, 1854, 15th, 4th, Canton, St. Lawrence co. Andrew J. Barney, ...•••. 26th Sept., 1856, .. 8th Sept., 1856, .• .••••. 16th, 4th, Henderson, Jefferson co. Rufus W. Crain, ...••..•• 17th Aug., 1855, .. 14th Aug., 1855,.. .••••. 17th, 5th, Warren, Herkimer co. Nathan T. Hinman, ..•.•. 16th Oct., 1854, .. 1st May, 1854, '" .•..•. 18th, 5th, Schoharie, Schoharie co. David 1. Mitchell, .•.•..•. 31st M~rch, 1853; 28th March, 1853, . . ••• 19th, 5tr.., Hamilton, ~1adison co. Henry W. Boyd, ....•.... 20th Aug., 1852, .. 7th June, 1852, .. .••••. 20th, 5th, Binghamton, Broome co. Charles M. Scholefield, .... lOth Sept., 1855,28th Aug., 1855, ....•••. 1 21st, 6th, Whitesborough, Oneida co. George G. French, ..•.... 14th Dec., 1854, .. 12th Dec., 1854, .•..•••• 22d, 6th, Fulton, Oswego co. Alonzo G. Beardsley, ..... 22d Sept., 1857, .. 5th Sept., 1857, •...... 23d, 6th, 4-uburn, Cayuga co. George W. Gray, o •••• 15th Aug, 1857, .. 25th July, 1857,.. 24th, 6th, , John Thompson, Jr., 29th July, 1851, .. 14th July, 1851,.. 25th, 7th, Rochester, Monroe co. (No retllrn,) ...•• ..•• ..•• ..•••• .••••• ...... •• ..•• ..•• ...• 27th, 7th, John Graves, 12th Oct., 1852, .. 4th July, 1852,... 2flth, 8th, Medina, Orleans co. John Renwick, 9th Sept, 1854,.. ..•• . . •• . . • • .. . . 30th, 8th, Angelica, Allegany co. John S. Noyes, ...••.••••. 1st Aug.? 1857, .•• lOth June, 1857,.. 31st) 8th, Buffalo, Erie co. James M. Humphrey, ..••. 23d July, 1855, •• 20th July, 1855, .•.•••.. 32d, 8th, E. Aurora, Erie co. T

SURGEON GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Surgeon- Gen eral. Rank of Brigadier-General.

S. Oakley Vanderpoel, .... lst Jan., 1857, .•. 1st Jan., 1857, .•.••••• 0 •••••••••••• Albany.

Division Hospital Surgeons. Rank of Colonels. 1st, New-York City. Lewis A. Sayre, ...•••••• 0 12th June, 1847, .. lOth June, 1847, ...•••• Benjamin Brandreth, ..•••. 16th July"1847, •. lOth July, 1847, ....•••• 2d,Si~g Sing, Westchester co. (No return,) ...••...•..••. 0" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3d, 4th, Cambridge, Washington co. Oliver Cook, ...... •. 0. 4th Sept, 1849, .. 1st Sept., 1849, ....••••. Joseph N. Northrup, 27th April, 1854,14th March, 1854, ..•.•. 5th, Decatur, Otsego co. 6th, Syracuse. Alonzo T. Smith, ....•.•. 0 17th Aug., 1854, . 10th Aug., 1854, . Edward W. Patchin, ...•.. 8th Dec., 1857, .. 4th July, 1857, ....••••. 7th, Dansville, Livingston co. Walter Cary, .•••..•••••• 19th Feb., 1848, .. 16th Feb ,1848, •..••••. 8th, Buffalo, Erie co.

Brigade Hospital Surgeons. Rank of Majors. D. Wadsworth Wainwright,26th Oct., 1854, •. 4th July, 1854, .•..••••. 1st, 1st, New-York City. Alexander B. Mott, . .' 30th Dec., 1852, .. 1st Dec., 1852, . 2d, 1st, New-York City. Henry J. Quackenboss, 29th June, 1849, .. 20th June, 1849, ...••••. 3d, 1st, New-York City. 1st, New-York City. Henry W. B. \Voodhull, .. 2<1Jan., 1857, .••• 30th Nov., 1856, ••.••• 0. 4th, George Cochran, ...••.... 19th Nov., 1856, .. 1st Oct., 1856, . 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings co. Edward C. O'Niel, .•••.•.• 20th Sept., 1850, .. 15th Aug., 1850, ....•••. 6th, 2d, George J. Fisher, 9th Sept., 1853, .•. 1st Sept., 1853] . 7th, 2d, Sing Sing, Westchester co. Abraoom Crispell, .••••••• 31st Oct., 1854, •• 20th March, 1854, ...••. 8th, 3d, Rondout, Ulster co. ROSTER.-( CONTINUED.)

__ NAME AND OFFICE_. __ D.t~~~I__·~ateofrank. __ Regiment Brigade. Division. Rellid~ _ William H. Hegeman, .•.• 22d Sept., 1853, .. 20th Sept., 1853, . 10th, 3d, Troy, Rensselaer CO. }"rancis N. Chapin, .•.... 1st July, 1856, .•. 19th June, 1856, . 11th, 3d, Albany. (No return), .•.••• •••••. .•.••. ..•...... •.•.... .••. 12th, 3d, (No return), ..•• . • •• . • •• . • • • . . •• • . •• ...• ..•• . . .. . • . • 14tl1, 4th, Hiram N. Walker, ...•••. 3d Dec., 1855, ... :30th Nov., 1855, . 15th, 4th, Hogansburgh, Franklin Co. William Christee, 1(lth Dec., 1851, •. 1st Dec., 1851, . • • 16th, 4th, Rodman, Jefferson Co. Calvin A. Griffith, .••..•. 28th Dec., 1854, .. 28th Dec., 1854,.. 17th, 5th, Mohawk, Herkimer Co. John I. Flint, ..•.•...••• 16th Oct., 1854, .. 1st May, 1854, .•. 18th, 5th, Cobleskill, Schoharie Co. Lyman I\L Kingman, ...•. 10th June, 1853, .. 8th June, 1853,. •• 19th, 5th, Morrisville, Madison Co. (No return), ...•..••..•....•.•••..•...•• 1...... 20th, 5th,. . Thomas F. Lynch, .•••... 25th Jan., 1856, •. Ilst Jan., 1856, . .. 21st, 6th, UtIca, OneIda Co. (No return), ...... ••..••..••...•.....••. 1..... 22d, 6th, • Lansingh Briggs, ...•.••• 22d Sept., 1857, .• 5th Sept., 1857, •• 23d, 6th, Auburn, Cayuga Co. Edson P. Wright, '" •••• 29th Sept., 1855, . 17th Sept., 1855,.. 24th, 6th, Syracuse. George H. Smith, 25th July, 1851, •. lIth July 1851, .. 25th, 7th, Rochester. (No return), ..•• .••• •••• .•.• ..•• ..•• ...... •.. .••••• ..•• 27th, 7th, (No retllrn), .••• .•.• ...... • ...• .••• .•.. ..••••••.•••.... 29th, 8th, (No return), ...•....••••.•••...... ••.••• "" ..•• .••• .••• 30th, 8th, Henry C. Blanchard,. •••• .•••••••••••.••• ..•• ..•• ...• •••• 31st, 8th, John Allen, ..•• • • •• •• •• •.•••••••••••.•• .•••••••.••••••• 32d, 8th,

5 "'- 1 ...... m- 6 n .,:

Regimental Surgeons. ~ '> R~nk of Captains. ~ ~ FrederIck Roesler, ....••. 8th April, 1856, .. 2d July, 1855, 1st, 1st, 1st, New-York city. Cl S James Peckham, .•••.... 8th April, 1856, •. 1st March, 1856, •• 2d, 1st, 1st, New-York city. ..:..." O"'Charles J. Van Cort, ..••• 19th Dec., 1855, .. 5th Dec., 1855, .•. 3d, 1st, 1st, New-York city. gJacob H. Vanderveer, ..•. 29th Nov., 1854, . 18th Nov., 1854, .• 4th, 2d, 1st. New-York city. ZeN 0 return.) ..••...•...• ·...... 5th, 2d, 1st, P Charles H. Phillips, ...••. 6th March, 1856, . 27th Feb., 1856, .. 6th; 2d, 1st, New-York city. ~Timothy M. Cheeseman, •• 14th May, 1856, •• 10th Oct., 1854, .. 7th, 3d, 1st, New-York city. ..=-(No return), ...•...•.••• ·...... ·...... 8th, 3d, l~t, William O'Donnell, •••••• 23d June, 1852, .. 9th, 3d, 1st, New-York city. (No return), ..•.••.•.••. • ••••••••••. 60 •••• :~~.J~~:'.~~~~'.:::I 10th, 4th, 1st, Patrick 1. Clark, ..••••••• 28th April, 1853,. 24th Jan., 1853, •. 11th, 4th, 1st, New-York city.

Aaron P. Dalrymple, •••• 12th Rept , 1857, . 19th Aug., 1857, . 12th, 4th, 1st, New-York city. (0 ~ 'Villiam T. Leitch, .••.••• 3d August, 1857, . 8th May, 1857, ... 13th, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings co. 04 Robert H. Rhodes, ...•••. 13th July, 1855, .. 4th June, 1855,. . . 1-1th, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings co.

(No return), ...... •••••. ·... - ...... ·...... 15th, 6th, 2d, L. De 'Vitt Hall, ...•.••• 17th Aug., 1855, . 8th Aug., 1854, .• 16th, 6th, 2d, Sag Harbor, Suffolk co. William Govan, ...•••••• 1st Sept., 1851, ..• 25th Aug., 1851, .. Jl7th, 7th, 2d, Haverstraw, Rockland co. James H. Curry, ..••.••. 26th June, 1855, . 20th March, 1855, 18th, 7th, 2d, Scrub Oak. James Lowe, ...... •.•.. 30th May, 1855, .. 18th Oet., 1854, •• 19th, 7th, 2d, Newburgh, Orange co. James O. Van Hovenburgh 9th Nov., 1857, .•. 27th Aug., 1857, 20th, 8th, 3d, Kingston, Ulster co. (No return), ...•••..•••. ·...... ·...... 21st, 8th, 3d, :Matthew H. Burton, ..••. 29th Dec., 1854, .. 27th Dec., 1854, .. 24th, 10th, 3d, Troy, Rensselaer co. Jacob Van Zandt, .•.•.••• 24th May, 1855, .. 7th May, 1855, .•• 25th, 11th, 3d, Albany. James L.Van Ingen, ..••• 16th Oct., 1857, •• 14th Sept., 1857, . 26th, 17th, 5th, Schenectady, Schenec'y co. (N 0 return), •••• . . • • . • •• •••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••• 0 • 27th, 12th, 3d, ROSTER.- (CONTINUED.)

NAME AND OFFICE. Date of commission. Date of rank. Regimentl Brigade. Division. Residence. ------._------_._------John P. Rouse, .••.••.••• 22d Sept., 1857,•• 17th Sept., 1857,.. 29th, lltll, 3d, Saratoga Springs. H. S. Wilson, ...•..••..•. 10th July, 1854, •. 10th July, 185L1, •• 30th, 10th, 3d, Sandy Hill, Washington co. Austin W. Holden, ...•••• 14th May, 1856, .. 28th Jan., 1856, •. 31st, 14th, 4th, Glens Falls, Warren co. Francis J. D'Avignon, •••• 19th Sept., 1856, . 26th Aug., 1856,.. 32d, 14th, 4th, Ausable, Clinton co. John H. Benton, ...••.••• 23d June, 1854, •. 5th April, 1854,.. 33d, 15th, 4th, Ogdensburgh, St. Law'ce co. Joseph H. Smith, ...••.••• 22d , 1854, •. 9th Aug., 1854, •• 34th, 15th, 4th, Brasher Falls, St. Law'ce co. (No return,) .•..••.•••..•....•.•••••••..•...••.•••.•.•.••• 35th, 16th, 4th, Moses Piersons, .•••..••••• lOth March, 1855,20th Dec., 1854, •• 36th, 16th, 4th, A.dams,Jefferson co. John T. Sharer, ...••••••. 15th Aug., 1857,•. 6th July, 1857, ..• 38th, 17th, 5th, Little Falls, Herkimer co. George Merritt, ..•••••••• 29th Oct., 1850,.. 24th Sept., 1850,.. 39th, 18th, 5th, Cherry Valley, Otsego co. Gerrit Mattice, .••••••.••• 5th Oct., 1856, .•. 1st Oct., 1856, .•• 40th, 18th, 5th, Fultonham, Schoharie co. John P. Harris, ...•.••••• 10th Dec., 1853, •. 1st Sept., 1853, .•• 41st, 19th, 5th, S. New Berlin, Chenango co. George W. Coe, .••••••••• 8th Oct., 1853,.•• 20th Aug., 1853,.. 42d, 19th, 5th, Peterboro' Madison co. Solomon F. McFarlane, .•• 3d Aug., 1857, ... 16th June, 1857, •. 43d, 20th, 5th, Oxford, Chenango co. (No return,). .••• •••...... •• ...• .••• . •.• ..•. ...• •••• .••• 44th, 20th, 5th, Charles Rauch, .••••••••• 6th Oct., 1855,..•• 1st Sept., 1855, .. '15th, 21st, 6th, Utica, Oneida co. Jabez V. Cobb,..••••••••• 22d July, 1856, •• 10thJune, 1856, .. 46th, 21st, 6th, Rome, Oneida co. Nathaniel B. Rice, ..•••••• 6th June, 1855, .. 1st June, 1855,. •• 48th, 22d, 6th, Fulton, Oswego co. Horatio Robinson, Jr., •••• 7th March, 1853,4th March 1853,. 49th, 23d, 6th, Auburn, Cayuga co. Edward J. 1\'Iorgan,.•••••• 18th Feb., 1852,•. 11th Feb., 1852,.. 50th, 23d, 6th, Ithaca, Tompkins co. (No return,) 51st, 24th·, 6th, Judson C. Nelson, .••••••• 9th July ,1853, 29th June, 1853,.. 52d, 24th, 6th, Truxton, Cortland co. (No return,) ...... •...... •...... 53d, 21st, 6th, (

Henry H. Langworthy, ..... 13th Oct., 1851, •• 14th Aug., 1851, •• 54th, 25th, 7th, Rochester, Monroe, co. Nicholas Kammerer, •••••• 2d Jan , 1857, .•.. 23d Dec., 1856, •• 55th, 3d, 1st, New-York city. (No return,). .••• .••• .••. .••• •••• ..•• •••• ...• •••• .••• .••• 58th, 25th, 7th, (No return,). ..•.•• •••••• ..••..•••••• .••• ...• ..•• •••• ..•• 59th, 27th, 7th, Rufus H. Gilbert, .••••••• 21st August, 1855, 1st August, 1855,. 60th, 27th, 7th, Corning, Steuben co. (No return,) II... 61st, 29th, 8th,

(.No returll,) e- ••••••••••••••••••••••• eo_ •••• •••• •••• •••• 62d, 29th, 8th, (No retllrn,) ...... •••••.....•••••••.•••.••....•.....••• 64th, 30th, 8th, David Devening, Jr., .•••• 20th May, 1854, •. 12th May, 1854, •• 65th, 31st, 8th, Buffalo, Erie co. D. Fowler Bishop, ..•••••• 23dOct., 1857, .•. 1st Oct., 1857, '" 66th, 31st, 8th, Lockpurt, Niagara co. George Abbott, •••••••••• 29th Dec.·, 1854, .. 5th Dec., 1854, .•• 67th, 32d, 8th, East Hambu'rgh, Erie co. Thomas D. Strong, .•••••. 22d Dec., 1855, .. 17th Dec., 1855,.. 68th, 32d, 8th,Westfield, Chautauque co. William M. Giles, .•••.••• 18th April, 1855,9th April, 1855,.. 69th, 4th, 1st, New-York city. Thomas \Vhitehouse, ••..•• 13th July, 1855, •• 29th June, 1855, •• 70th, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings co. Frederick W. Perry,.. • •• 1st Aug., 1857, .•. 18th June, 1857,.. 71st, 1st, 1st, New-York city. H~l1ry 'V. Barron, ..•••••• 3d Aug., 1857, .•• 1st Jan., 1857,. • •• 72d, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings co. Charles F. Brueninghausen,26th Oct., 1854, •. 30th Sept., 1854,. 73d, 1st, 1st, Stapleton, Richmond co. Ira C. Whitehead, •••••••• 1st Jan , 1858, .•• 1st Nov., 1857, .•• 74th, 31st, 8th, Buffalo, Erie co. Henry A. Beekman, ~••••. 9th Nov., 1857, .•. 1st Oct., 1857, .•• 76th, 11th, 3d, Albany.

Surgeon's Mates. Rank of Lieutenants. *Francis F. Rench, .•••••. 1st Jan.,1858, •••• 2d Dec., 1857, '" 1st, tst, 1st, New-York city. John Devin, .•.•••••••••• 15th Aug., 1857, •. 2d July, 1857, .•• 2d, 1st, 1st, New-York city. John P. Finkelmeier, .•••• 7th Dec., 1857, .•. 7th Nov., 1857, •. 3d, 1st, 1st, New-York city. Henry C. Landon, .••••••• 2d April, 1857, •• 1st Jan., 1857, .•• 4th, 2d, 1st, New-York city. George Dieffenbach, 24th Feb., 1857, •• 22d Feb., 1856, •• 5th, 2d, 1st, New-York eity. ROSTER.-( CPNTINUED.)

------NAME AND OFFICE. ------Date of commission ------Date of rank. Regiment------Brigade. Dh·ision. ------Residence. (No return,) .....••...••. ·... ., ..... " ..... ·...... 6th, 2d, 1st, Edward M. Cameron, .•••• 26th Nov., 1855, .. 25th Oct, 1855, •. 7th, 3d, 1st, N"ew-York City. John Aitkin, Jr., ...••.••• 24th Feb., 1851,. 10th Feb., 1851, .• 8th, 3d, 1st, New-York City. (No return,) .••••••••••• ·... " ...... ·...... , ..... 9th, 3d, 1st, John E. Neill, ...••.••••. 25th July, 1856, .. 4th July, 1856, .•. 10th, 4th, 1st, New-York City. (No l·etUl'n,) ....•.•••...... 11th, 4th, 1st, Edward F. Arnoux, ..•..• 12th Sept., 1857, . 19th Aug., 1857, . 12th, 4th, 1st, New.York City. William 1'fIcGrouty, .•.•.• 10th Oct., 1856, .. 30th Jan., 1856, .• 13th, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings county. John G. Ro~man, ...••..•• 19th Nov., 1856". 15th Oct., 1856, .. 14th, 5th. 2d, Brooklyn, Kings county. I-i (No return,) ...... •.••••• ·...... " ...... 15th, 6th', 2d, 0' <;> (No return,) ....•..••• 00' ·...... 16th, 6th, 2d, (No return,) ..•• 0 O' •••••• ...... 17th, 7th, 2d, John Van Namee Slawson, 1st Sept., 1852 .... 14th April, 1852, . 18th, 7th, 2d, Bradford, Westchester co. (No return,) .... , ...... ·...... ·...... 19th, 7th, 2d, * L. Ford, ••••..•• 31st Dec., 1853, •• 25th Sept., 1853, 'I 20th, 8th, 3d, Windham, Greene county. (No return,) ..••• 0 •••••• ·..... '" ...... •• ...••. 21st, 8th, 3d, Thomas W. Clark, ..•.... 29th Dec., 1854, .. 27th Dec., 1854,.. 24th, 10th, 3d, Troy, Rensselaer county. David Friedlander, ..•••. 22d Sept, 1857, .. 18th Sept., 1857,. 25th, lIth, 3d, Albany.

(No return,) ....•. 0 •••••• · ...... • •••••••• 0 •• 0 ••• 26t11, 17th, 5th, (No return,) ..•...•....•...••..•.•..•..•..•••.••...•.•••. 27th, 12th, 3d, I'""""l ~ Milo J. Jennin,gs, . 0" •••• 15th Aug., 1857, .. 1st July, 1857, .•. 29th, lIth, 3d, Saratoga Springs. rn rn James M. Eddy, ...••..•• lOth July, 1854, .. 10th July, 1854, •• 30th, 10th, 3d, Greenwich, Washington co. ; (No return,) ..• 0.0 ••• 0 ••• ·...... ·...... 31st, 14th, 4th, ll:l !.C

• ) \rae (

Samuel Fitz~erald, 19th Sept, 1856,. 26th Aug., 1856,. 32d, 14th, 4th, Clintonville, Clinton co.

(No return,) 0 0 •••••••••• 0.... 33d, 15th, 4th, (No retllrn,) ....•••.. 0 0...... •...... •..•.. 34th, 15th, 4th,

(No l'eturn,) ...•...•.• 0 •••• 0 • ••• •••• •••• •••••••••••••••• 35th, 16th, 4th,

(No return,) ...••••.•...... ••...•...... •.•••.. 00... 36th, 16th, 4th, (No retllrn,) .. ~...... •...... •. ..•• ...... •..•. 38th, 17th) 5th,

Joseph M. Snyder, .••. 0 •• lOth Oct., 1857, •. 14th April, 1857,. 39th, 18th, 5th, E. Springfield, Otsego co.

(No return,) ..•••.•. 0 •••• •••••••••• ••••• •••••••••••• • ••• 40th, 18th, 5th, John W. Mathewson, ...... 18th Dec., 1856, .. !'20th Oct., 1856, .. 41st, 19th, 5th, New Berlin, Chenango co.

(No return,) .••.••.•.••...... ••... 0 •••••••••••••••••••• 42d, 19t11, 5th, Henry D. Spencer,. o ••••• 3d Aug., 1857, .•. 1st Sept., 1855,. .. ~13d, 20th, 5th, Bainbridge, Chenango co. (No return,) ~. •. ..•. . .•.• . .•. 44th, 20th, 5th, Peter C]aesgens, ....•.••. 6th Oct., 1855, 1st Sept.~ 1855,... 45th, 21st, 6th, Utica, Oneida co. Albert S. Pope, .••...... 2'2d July, 1856, 10th June, 1856, •. 46th, 21st, 6th, Rome, Oneida co. (No return,), 48th, 22d, 6th, Charles H. Smith, ..••.••• 27th Aug., 1853, .. 26th Aug., 1853,. 49th, 23d, 6th, Auburn, Cayuga county.

..(No return,) •..••..••...... 00 •••• 0 0 0 ••••••••• 0.. 50th, 23d, 6th,

(No return,) .. 00 ••• 0 •• 0 ••••••••••••••••••• 0...... 51st, 24th, 6th, Julius A. Graham, .•••••• 31st July, 1855, .. 10th Aug., 1854"1 52d, 24th, 6th,

(No return,) o ••••• ". o •••••••••••• 0 •• 0 ••• 00 •• 0 ••• 0..... 53d, 21st, 6th,

(No return,) ...••.••. 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••• I 5-1th, 25th, 7th, Ernest Caze}, ...•. 00 ..... 16th'March, 1857, 25th Feb., 1857,.. 55th, 3d, 1st, New·York City. (No return,) ..•• .••• . ••. .•• .•• •.•. 58th, 25th, 7th,

(No retllrn,) ...... •... ., 0 ••• 59th, 27th, 7th,

(No l'etllrn,) .••. 0 •• 0 • 0 • o •••••• 0 0 000 .. "'0 60th, 27th, 7th,

(No return',) f ••••••••••••••••. t ••••••• 61st, 29th, 8th,

(No return,) •.• 0" ' ••• 0 •• 0 00 ••• 0 0 0 •• o. 000';' 0 ••••• O' 00 ••• 0.. 62d; 29th, 8th, RQSTER.-(CONTINUED. )

Regimentl Brigade. Division. ------NAME AND OFFICE. Da.te of commission. ------Date of Rank. ------Residence. (No retllrn), ...... •. "...•...... 64th, 30th, 8th, ...... •.• Julius Fuchs, •••••••••••• 6th Aug., 1855, •• 10th July, 1855, •• 65th, 31st, 8th, Buffalo, Erie co. (No return), . 66th, 31st, 8th, John McBeth,. • • • •• • 29th Dec., 1854, •• 5th Dec., 1854, .•• 67th, 32d, 8th, Wales, Erie co. David M. Bemus, ..•••.••• 23d Jan., 1856,.•. 23d Jan., 1856, .. 68th, 32d, 8th, Ellery, Chautauque co. .Matthew Kehoe, ...••..•. 22d Sept., 1857,•. 20th, 1857,•• 69th, 4th, 1st, New-York city . ".( No return),...... 70th, 5th, 2d, John P. Dodge, 1st, 1857, 18th June, 1857, •. 71st, ]st, 1st, New-York city. (N0 return), . . 72d, 5th, 2d, ( No returll), _._...... 73d, 1st, 1st, (No return), .••••.• ., . 74th, 31st, 8th, ·Charles G. Stone 1st Jan., 1858, '" Dec. 23d, 1857, 76th, 11th, 3d, Albany.

QUARTER-MASTER GENERAL'S DEPARTMEN.' • Quarter-J;Ia.~ter General. Brigadier General. James L. Mitchell, ..••... 1st Jan., 1857, .•• 1st Jan., 1857, Albany.

Division Quarter-:Nlasters. Lieutenant-Colonels. Charles H. Sandford, ..••• 26th Nov., 1849,••121stNov., 1849, . 1st, New-York city. Nehemiah D. Wilkin, 19th May, 1855, •• 18th Aplil, 1855, . 2d, Brooklyn, Kings co.

- Chas. H. Strong, .•••••••• 1st Jan., 1858, .•• 1st Dec., 1857, .•..••••• 3d, (No return), ....••••••••. , •.•••..••..•••...••.••• , •.•.••••••••• 4th, William S. King, ...••.••. 10th Oct., 1857, •• 7th Oct., 1857, ..•..•... 5th, Ilion, Herkimer co.

(No return), f •••• '••••••. t' •••••• 6th, (No return), ..•••.•••••••...•...... •..•••.•••.•••. ~••.....••••. 7th, Andrew J. Rich, ..••..••• 3d Sept., 1853, ... 6th August, 1853, ••••.. 8th, Buffalo, Erie co.

Brigade Quarter-Masters. Captoins. Russell H.Hoadley, .••••• 29th July, 1857, •. 22d June, 1857, •• 1st, 1st, New-York city. Charles B. \Vood, .••••••• 26th July, 1856, •. 24th July, 1856, ...••••. 2d, 1st, New-York city. J. Groshon Harriot, ...•••. 9th June, 1853, .•. 15th Dec., 1851, . 3d, 1st, New-York city. (No return), ...•...... ••...•....•..•...••...•...•...•..••..•••. 4th, 1st, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings co. .... William 1. Steele, ...••.•• 9th Feb., 1857, ... 23d Dee, 1856, ....•••. ~c (No retllrn), ...••••..•••..•••..••.•.•.•••...•...... •...... 6th, 2d, J. Bryant Smith, ...••.••• 10th Oct." 1857, .. lst Oct., 1857, ....••.•. 7th, 2d, Yonkers, Westchester co. Hiram Roosa, .•.•..••.••• 31st Oct., 1854, ... 20th March, 1854, .••.•. 8th, I 3d, Rondout, Ulster co. Christopher C. Schoonmakerl29th July, 1857, .• 4th June, 1857, .••••••. lOth, 3d, Troy, Rensselaer co. Ambrose S. Gilcluist, ..... 1st July, 1856, .•• 19th June, 1856, .....•.. 11th, 3d, Albany .. Mansfield E. Peck, ....••. 31st Dec., 1853, '13oth Sept., 1853, . ' •.••. 12th, 3d, Durham, Greene co. John L. Stetson, .•••...••. 29th Nov., 1854, . 27th Nov" 1854, . , •••.. 14th, 4th, Charles S. Simpson, ..••.•• 25th July, 1855, .. 17th July, 1855, ..••••••. 15th, 4th, Hogansburgh, Franklin co. Levi J?hnson, ...... •. . • •• . •••... • •.•..•• ·1·... ·.·· ... · ...... 16th, 4th, Hezelnah Heath, ....•..•• 28th July, 1856, •. 28th July, 1856, •..••••• 17th, 5th,

Martin I Borst, .,•••...• "'" .•••••••..•• 4J •••••••••• t .. 18th, 5th, Thomas L. James, .••••••• 10th Sept., 1855, . 28th Aug., 1855, .•••••. 19th, 5th, Hamilton, Madison co. 20th, 5th, Albert C. Hyde,,. • • ••• 41414141 •••••• •••••• •••• •••• • • • • • • • • • • •• • ••••• ROSTER.-( CONTINUED.)

NAME AND OFF1CE. Date of commission. Date of rank. Division. Residence. ------Peter Cunningham, ..••• c 11th Sept., 1855,.. 20th Aug., 1855, . ..•••. 21st, 6th, Utica, Oneida county. James Doyle, .••• .••• .••• ...... • . .•...... •• .. . . .••• . ... .••••. 22d, 6th,

J. Ives Parsons, .••••.•••. 22d Sept., 1857, .. 5th Sept., 1.857,....••••. 23d, 6th, Auburn, Cayuga county 0 John G. Butler, .....••.... 10th Oct., 1857, •. 2~lth Aug., 1857,•....••. 24th, 6th, Syracuse, Onondaga co. James E. Cheney, ..••..•• 29th July, 1851, •. 14th July, 1851, ...••••• 25th, 7th, Rochester, Monroe county. (No return,) .. \ •.••. .•••.. .••••...... •••. .••••••• .. .• . .•. •••••• 27th, (No return,) ...•••...••.••.•••.•••..•...•...••••••..•••...•••••. 29th, tNo return,) ...•.••.•.••...... •••...•... < •••• •••• •••• • ••• •••••• 30th,

John Howcutt, .... o •••••• 0 2d July, 1856, .••. 20th June, 1856, •.....•. 31st, 8th, Buffalo, Erie county. William T. Wallace, .•• 0 •••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••• 0... •••••• 32d, 8th,

Regimental Quarter Masters. Lieutenants. Georp;e M. Simonson, .....• 15th Au~., 1857, . 6th July, 1857,..•. 2d, 1st, 1st, New-York city. Henry F. Simmons, ...... o. 1st Jan., 1858,.. 00 29th Dec., 1857, ... 3d, 1s\, 1st, New-York city. .A. Foster Higgins, ...• 0 ••• 9th Oct., 1855,. o. 20th Sept., 1855, . 4th, 2d, 1st, New-York city . Charles WetzeIl, ... o o •••• 0 2d April, 1857,... 16th Feb., 1857, •. 5th, 2d, 1st, New-York city. Ebenezer B. Shafer, 6th March, 1856,. 17th Nov., 1855, .. 6th, 2d, 1st, New-York city. (No retuIII1,) :)•••• "•••.....•••..•...••

Edward Schenck, ..••••••• 10t11 Oct., 1857, . 26th Aug., 1857,. 12th, 4th, 1st, New-York city. James Mooney, .....••••. 9th Nov., 1857, ..• lst Oct., 1857, .... 13th, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings county. WilHam Milf()rd, 12th Sept., 1857, . 15th June, 1857, .. 14th, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings county. Henry S. Hover,. • .• •• . . •. . ..•..... ' • . • ...... •... , . . .• . • •. 15th, 6th, 2d, Samuel A. Haynes, ....••. 17th Aug., 1855, . 27th July, 1855,.. 16th, 6th, 2d, Bridgehampton, Suffolk co. (No return,) ...••..••.•....•• '.' .• . ..• ...... • ...... •. 17th, 7th, 2d, IIarrison \Villiams, ..••••. 13th March, 1852,20th Aug., 1851,. 18th, 7th, 2d, N. Salem, Putnam county. Henry C. Copley, ..•••.... 30th May, 1855, .. 18th Oct., 1854,.. 19th, 7th, 2d, Montgomery, Orange co. John S. Griffith, ....••..•• Q3d July, 1855, ... 28th June, 1855,.. 20th, 8th, 3d, Esopus, Ulster county. Charles H. Fitchett, ..••••. 28th Feb., 1856, .. 1st Feb., 1856,... 21st, 8th, 3d, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess co. D. Chauncey Osborn, ..•.•. 19th Sept.: 1856, .. 13th Sept., 1856,. 24th, 10th, 3d, Troy, Rensselaer county. Hiram yates, ..•••...•..•. 30th May, 1857, .. 25th May, 1857, •. 25th, 11th, 3d, Albany. Cornelius Thompson, .•...• 16th Oct., 1857, .. 14th Sept., 1857,. 26th, 17th, 5th, Schenectady, Schect'y co. Rowland M. Stover, .....•. 22d Sept., 1857, •. 17th Sept., 1857,. 29th, 11th, 3d, Saratoga Springs Walter L. Fenton, lOth July, 1854, .. lOth July, 1854, .. 30th, 10th, 3d, Cambrid~e, Washington co. Duncan Moon, ..•.•••.••• 14th May, 1856, .. 28th Jan., 1856,.. 31:-t, 14th, 4th, Schroon Lake, Essex co. \Villiam Fuller, ....•..••• 19th Sept., 1856, . 26th August, 1856, 32d, 14th, 4th, Plattsburgh, Clinton co. Michael McMullen, ..••••. 23d June, 1854, .. 15th June, 1854,.. 33d, 15th, 4th, Canton, St. Lawrence co. Henry P. Field, .•..•... " 11th Aug, 1856, .. 6th Aug., 1856,... 34th, 15th, 4th, Malone, Franklin co. (No return,) ...•.••••.•••.••....•....•.....•...•....•. , •. 35t11, 16th, 4th, Jason C. Rice, ...... ••.•.. 10th March, 1855,20th Dec., 1854, •. 36th, 16th, 4th, Adams, Jefferson county. William Reynolds. Jr., .••. 15th Aug., 1857,. 15th June, 1857, .. 38th, 17th, 5th, Newport, Herkimer county. John M. 'Vaterman, 26th Aug., 1852, . 13th July, 1852, .. 39th, 18th, 5th, Decatur, Otsego county. *Mal'tin Shafer, ...... •.••• 1st Jan., 1858, .•. 30th Sept., 1857,. 40th, 18th, 5th, Cobleskill, Schoharie co. Morris C. Mead, ....••.••. 18th Dec., 1856, .. 20th Oct., 1856,.. 41st, 19th, 5th, Laurens, Otsego county. (Erroneous return,) ..••.•. _. ••• .. • • •• •• .• •• .•.• • • • • • • . • . • .. 42d, 19th, 5th, (No return,) ' " 43d, 20th, 5th, ROSTER B-( CONTINUED.)

NAME AND OFFICE. Date of commission. Date of rank. /Regiment Brigade. Division. Residence. ------I~------_

(No return,) ...••••.• 00 0.' •••••••••• o' •••••••• o. 44th; 20th, 5th, John W. Fuller, .••••.•.•. 6th Oct., 1855, '" 1st Sept., ]855, ... 45th, 21st, 6th, Utica, Oneida co. James Elwell, ...... ••. 22d July, 1856, .. 10th June, 1856, .• 46th, 21st, 6th, Rome, Oneida co. John E. Mulford, ..•••. o. ° lOth Sept., 1855, . 1st .Tuly, 1855, . o. 48th, 22d, 6th, Oswego, Oswego co. Charles R. Lord, .. 0 000 ••. 27th Aug., 1853j • 26th Aug., 1853,. 49th, 23d, 6th, Auburn, Cayuga co. (No return,) .. 0 •••••• •••• •••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••••• • 50th, 23d, 6th, Morris H. Church, .. o ••••• 8th Jan., 1856, ... 1st Sept., 1855, .. 51st, 24th, 6th, Syracuse. H. Munger, ...•••• 0 • 0" •• 31st July, 1855, .. 10th Aug., 1854,. 52d, 24th, 6th, Homer, Cortland co. (No return,) ....•..• 0 •• •• •••• • • ... •••• • • •• •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • 53d, 21st, bth, ..... Sidney A. Stevens, ..•.... lOth July, 1855, .. 5th July, 1855,. o. 54th, 25th, o 7th, Rochester. 0) .Tohn Lankota, ...• 0 •••••• 9th Nov., 1857, .. 28th July, 1857, .. 55th, 3d, 1st, .New-York city. Jackson H. Chase, ...••••• 7th Dec., 1857, 29th Aug., 1856,. 58th, 25th, 7th, Ipalmyra, Wayne co. (No return,). . . . .• . ..• o o. •••••• •••• 59th, 27th, 7th, I *Dwight Atwater, ..•••••• 1st Jan., 1858, 4th July, 1857, ..• 60th, 27th, 7th, Corning, Steuben co. (No return,) ...••••••...... •...•...••.....•••..••...•.•. , 61st, 29th, 8th, (No retnrn,) ..•••...•.•••••••••...•••...... ••••.•••...... 62d, 29th, 8th, (No return,) ..•...... ••...• ~.•• ..•• .••• ..•.•• . •.. 64th, 30th, 8th, Solomon Scheu, .•••..•••. 20th May, 1854, .• 12th May, 1854,.. 65th. 31st, 8th, Buffalo, Erie co. J. Mortimer McChesney, .•. 23d Oct., 1857, .•• lstOct., 1857, ..•• 66th, 31st, 8th, Lockport, Niagara co. Caspian R. Morrow, .•.•••. 12th Sept., 1857,. 31st Aug, 1857, . 67th, 32d, 8th, W. Aurora. Henry D. Tillinghast, ..••• 30th March, 1857,2d March, 1857, .. 68th, 32d, 8th, Fredonia, Chautauqne co. ~Iatthew O'Conner, .•••••• 18th April, 1855,. 2d April, 1855,. .• 69th, 4th, 1st, New-York city.· Gustavus Swan, .••••••••• 13th July, 1855, •. 29th June, 1855, . 70th, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings co.

.. ) •

New-YOl·kcityo) George A. Buckingham, .•• 2d Aug-, 1855,. o. 18th June, 1855, .. 71st, 1st, 1st, ~ (No return,) .••..•.• • •• ". • • ••• . 72d, 5th, 2d, ..... 1st, c:.n (No return,) . "..".0. •••••• .••••••••••••••• • •••••• " . 73d, 1st, ..:..... Franklin Ritter, ..•...•••• 22d Oct., 1857, .•. 13th June, 1857, •• 74th, 31st, 8th, Buffalo, Erie co. Bayard Van Rensselaer, .•. 9th Feb., 1857, .•. 2d January, 1857, 76th, 11th, 3d, Albany.

PAY-MASTER GENERAL'S DE- .PARTMENT. Pay-Ma~ter General. Colonel. Robert L. Johnson, .•••••. 1st Jan., 1857, .•• 1st Jan., 1857, ...... Albany.

Division Pay-Masters . .1l'lojors. Edward A. Bibby, ...••... 9th Nov., 1857, •. 25th Jan., 1853, ...••• :. 1st, .New-York city. James Dusenbury, •• "••.•. 18th July, 1840, •. 1st July, 18-10,.•..••••. 2d, Yonkers, Westchester co. Thaddeus W. Kendrick, ••. 1st Jan., 1858, .•. 1st Jan., 1858, .••.•••.. 3d, Albany. (No return,) ..• ".".. •••••. . . . ••. ...•.. . ~•. "••.. 4th, William Burch, ..•••••••. 12th Sept.~ 1857, . 15th Aug., 1857, ..•••.. 5th, Cherry Valley, Otsego co. (N0 retllrn,) . • • •• •• .••••. ••.•.. •. . ••• . • •. .•.••. .••••• •• •• ••.••. 6th, (No return,) - · · . 7th, Solon H. Lathrop, .•. "•••. 3d Sept., 1853, 6th Aug., 1853, ..•••••• 8th, Buffalo, Erie co. B1'igade Pay-Masters. Oaptains. Charles \V. Darling, •••••. 15th Nov., 1856, . 24th Oct., 1856, .•••• 0.. 1st, 1st, New-York city. J. Hobart HerI'ick, ..•••••• 8th Dec., 1857, .•• 18th Nov., 1857, . .••••• 2cl, 1st, New-York city. 1st, (No return,) o 0" ••••••• , •• • ".. 3d, ROSTER.-( CONTINUED.)

~ NAME AND OFF~ __ I D.t.or""mm;";~ __ ~frank. __ RC6i~ Brigade. Division. ~d~ _ John D. Abrams, 2d Oct., 1854, ..•• 13th Sept., ] 854,.. 4th, 1st, New-York city. St~phen H. De Bevoice, 19th Nov., 1856,. ,'5th May, 1856,. •. ..•••. 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings co. (No l'eturn,) ...••.•.•...... •...... •...••.•••..... j , •. ..•.• 6th, 2d, Henry Spratley, ....•..... 10th Oct., 1857, .. 1st Oct., 1857, '" ..•••• 7th, 2d, Morrisania, Westchester co. Edgar Russell, ..•...... 1st Jan., 1858, ... 1st Jan., 1858, '" .••••. 8th, 3d, Catskill, Greene co. John I. Thompson, .••••. 22d Sept, 1853, .. 20th Sept., 1853, ....•••. lOth, 3d, Troy, Rensselaer co.

Thomas C. Jeffers, ...••••. 22d Sept., 1857, •. 1st Aug., 1857 t ••••••• 0 lIth, 3d, Albany.

Levi F. Freeman, ...•.••. 12th Sept., 1855,. 0 12th Sept., 1855,...... 12th, 3d, (No l'eturn,) .....•••••••..•..•..•..•....•.•.•...... ••.. 14th, 4th, Orville Page, 0 ••••••••••• 16th :May, 1854, .. 13th April, 1854, •••• '0' 15th, 4th, Canton, St. Lawrence co. Jason O. Easton, . •••• .••. ...• ..•• ..•. ..•. ..•• .••••• 16th, 4th, John M. Tredway, ..•..... 29th Jan., 1857, .. 29th Jan., 1857,.. ..•••. 17th, 5th, Jordanville, Herkimer co. Thornas Elliot, '0 •••• 0 • • •••••••••• 0... '" 18th, 5th, s~erli,ng Smit,h,: 10th March, 1"853,:1st March, 1853, 0... 19th, 5th, IM~rrisvill~, Madison co. RIchard C,.EnrIght, ..•••. lIth Sept., 18;:,5,.. 16th Aug., 1855, .....••. 21st, ~th, jUtIca, OneIda co.

Robert OlIver, ..•••..•••..•••...... 0 •••••••• 0 •••• ••••• ••••• 22d, 6tl1, Geor?e W. Peck, ...••.••• 22d Sept., 1857, .. '5th Sept., 1857, ...•.••. 23d, 6th, jAuburn, Cayuga co. EdWIn V. Sumner, Jr., 10th Oct., 1857, .. 17th Aug., 1857, ...••••. 2'Hh, 6th, Syracuse, Onondaga ·co. Edward M. Smith, 29th July, 1851, .. 14th July, 1851, ...••••• 25th, 7th, Rochester, Monroe co. (No l'etnrn,) ..•••••.•••.. 0...... 27th, 7th, (No l'eturn,). ..•.•. .•.•.. .•••.• . .•...• .••. ..•... 29th, 7th, ( No returll,). . . • • • • •• . . •. ..•••. ..•. ...• ...... •..••••• 30th, 7th, William A. Bird, ..•••.••. 1st July, 1854, .•. 30th June, 1854, j 31st, 8th, Buffalo, Erie co.

Dyron D. Person,. • .0, .000 •• o ••••••••••• o. 0', 0 ••••• 000 ••• 0 •• 0000 32d, 8th,

b r i •

REGIMENTAL PAY-MASTERS. Lieut enants. Adolph Hagenlacher, 6th July, 1852, ..• 12th April, 1852, 1st, 1st, 1st, New-York city. William Wilmel'ding, 29th July, 1857, .• 22d June', 1857, .. 2d, 1st, 1st, New-York city.

William Pettit, ... eo 0 •••• 15th Aug., 1~57,.. lstJuly, 1857, ... 3d, 1st, 1st, New-York city. Francis F. Gunther, ..•••• 17th Aug., 1855,.. 19th March, 1855, 4th, 2d, 1st, New-York city. Joseph Lux, ....•...•.••. 9th Oct., 1855, .•. 2d Oct., 1855, ..•• 5th, 2d, 1st, New-York city. William A: Archer, .•.••. 6th March, 1856,. 17th Nov., 1855, .. 6th, 2d, 1st, New-York city. Benjamin F. Carpenter, ... lIth Feb., 1853,.. 19th Nov., 1852, .. 7th. 3d, 1st, New-York city. Michael H. Cushman, ..••. 2d Oct., 1855, .•• lOth Sept., 1855, .. 8th; 3d, 1st, New-York city. Edward Brenan, ...••..•• 2d Oct., 1855, .••• 8th Aug., 1855, .. 9th, 3d, 1st, New-York city. William T. "\Vood,.•••.... 14th Dec., 1855, .• 16th Nov., 1855,.. 10th, 4th, 1st, New-York city. Daniel Gillespie, ....•..•• 28th April, 1853}124thJan., 1853, .. 11th, 4th, 1st, New-York city. Joseph L. Townsend, ..•••. 22d Sept., 1857, .. 8th Sept., 1857, .. 12th, 4th, 1st, New-York city. Abner G. Buel, .•••...... 16th Dec., 1852, .• IIth Nov., 1852,.. 13th, 5th, 2d, Williamsburgh, Kings co. John Bennett, ..••...•.••. 18th Feb., 1854, .. 27th Dec., 1853, .. 14th, 5th, . 2d, Brooklyn, Kings co. William F. Bush, .••••..• 5th March, 1849,7th Nov., 1848, .. 15th, 6th, 2d, Jamaica, Queens co. Stephen B. French, ...•••. 17th Aug., 1855, . 8th Aug., 1854, .. 16th, 6th, 2d, Sag Harbor, Suffolk co. John H. Stephens,...... •• ...• .••• ..•• ..• . •••••..••••.••• 17th, 7th, 2d, James N. Howell, ..••.... 26th June, 1855,.. 20th March, 1855, 18th, 7th, 2d, Scrub Oak. Jesse Belknap, .....•..••• 30th May, 1855, .• 18th Oct., 1854, .. 19th, 7th, 2d, New Windsor, Orange co. *Peter T. Overbaugh, ..•.. 5th Dec., 1854,... 29th Nov., 1854, .. 20th, 8th, 3d, Sdugerties, Ulster co. John R. Cooper, ...•..•. 22d Jan., 1857, .•. 11stDec., 1856, ... 21st, 8th, 3d, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess co. E. Warren Payne, .•.•.••. 29th Dec., 1854, .. \27th Dec., 1854, .• 24th, 10th, 3d, Troy, Rensselaer co. (No return,) ...•....••.•.....•...••.••••••...... ••••....• 25th, 11th, 3d, James H. Ward, ..••...••. 16th Oct., 1857, .• 114thSept., 1857,.. 26th, 17th, 5th, Schenectady, Schenect'y co. (No return,). • •••• . . •• . • .• . •••.•••.•••.••• 1 •••••••••••••••• 27th, 12th, 3d, ROSTER.-( CONTINUED )

__ NAME A~D OFFI~_ ~t.:.. ofcomm~ __ Date O~ __ IR,gim"1 Bdgad •• Diehl... R"ideooo. 'Villiam A. Olmsted, ..•••.....•••.....••. 23d :March, 1857,. 29th, 11th, 3d, Saratoga Springs. James E. Cook, ...••..•. 6th June, 18-18, .. 27th May, 1848, .. 30th, 10th, 3d, N.WhiteCreek,Wash'tonco. Frederick E. Ranger, .... 14th May, 1856, .. 28th Jan., 1856,.. 3 tst, 14th, 4th, Glens Falls, Warren county •. (No return), ...••. ..•••. ..••..•• .••..•. ..••...... ••.••• 32d, 14th, 4th, David Child, 2d, ....•.••• 12th Sept., 1857, . :20thAugust, 1857, 3.3d, 15th, 4th, Ogdensburgh, St. Lawr'e co. Charles Durkee, ..•.•.... 29th July, 1854, .. 24th June, 1854, .. 34th, 15th, 4t, Malone, Franklin county. (No return), ...• .••• ...... •••. ..•• ..•••• .....• ..•• .••••• 35th, 16th, 4th, William P. Davis, ..••••• lOth March, 1855.,20th Dec., 1854, .. 36th, 16th, ,4th, Henderson, Jefferson co. Jacob G. Bellinger, •••••• 15th Aug., 1857, . 15th June, 1857, •. 38th, 17th, 5th, Herkimer, Herkimer co. Alvan B. Losee, ...••.•.. 6th Jan., 1852, .•• 1st Dec., 1851, ... 39th, 18th, 5th, Springfield, Otsego co. William H. ~itchell, •••• /5th Dec., 1856, .•. 1st Oct., 1856, .•. 40th, 18th, 5th, Fulto?ham, Schoharie co. George M. GIlbert, .••••. 18th Dec., 1856, .. 20th Oct., 1856,.. 41st, 19th, 5th, NorwIch, Chenango, co. Morris J. Blakesley, •.••• '20th June, 1855 .. 12th June, 1855, •. 42d, 19th, 5th, Peterboro,Madison co. (No return), ...•••.•••••..••...•.....•••.•••••.•••.••••• 43d, 20th, 5th, (No return), .••• ...• .••• ..•...... ••• .. . .••...•..••.••• 44th, 20th, 5th, Virgil Price, ...... •••••• 6th Oct., 1855, .•• 1st Sept., 1855, .•• 45th, 21st, 6th, Utica, Oneida county. B. Huntington Wright, 22d July, 1856, •. 10th June, 1856,.. 46th, 21st, 6th, Rome, Oneida county. John II. Oliphant, 30th May, 1857, .. 128th :March, 1857, 48th, 22d, 6th, Oswego, Oswego county. A. Braynard Sheldon, •.•• 26th July, 1856.,.. 126th July, 1856,.. 49th, 23d, 6th, Port Byron, Cayuga county. (Noretnrn), ..••..••.•••..••..••..•..••....•...... ••• 50tll, 23d, 6th, *Barney Becker, .••••.... 1st Jan., 1858, '" 23d Dec., 1857, .. 51st, 24th, 6th, Syracuse. -- Cone, .•••••••••••• 31st July, 1855, .. lOth August, 1854, 52d, 24th, 6th, Homer, Cortland county.

. • • • • •• •••••• • • •• • ••••••••• It. • • • .. 53d, 21st, 6th,

) lL • William. H. Ward, .•••••• 20th April, 1855,. lOth April, 1855,. 54th, 25th, 7th, Rochester, Monroe county. John D. Homergue, •••••• 26th Sept., 1856, . 8th July, 1856,... 55th, 3d, 1st, New-York city. 58th, 25th, 7th, (No return), ..•••• ••••. ..• . .••••••.•••.•.•••••.•••.••. 59th, 27th, 7th, Hiram R. Hess, ..•••.... 26th Feb., 1856, .. 16th August, 1855, 60th, 27th, 7th) Bath, Steub~n county. tNo return), .•..••.••••..•••..•....•..••.•••••••...•.... 618t, 29th, 8th, (No return), .•••••.•••••.•••.•••••...••...... •.••.••. 62d, 29th, 8th, Bradford Burroughs, .•••• 26th Jan., 1855, •• 26th Jan., 1855, •• 64th, 30th, 8th, Waverly, Cattaraugus co. Anthony Diebold, ..••.•. 20th May, 1854, .. 12th May, 1854, .. 65th, 31st, 8th, Buffalo, Erie county. Josiah L. Breyfogle, .••••• 23d Oct., 1857, .•• 1st Oct., 1857, .••• 66th, 31st, 8th, Lockport, Niagara county. I..ucius H. Abbott, ...•••. 8th June, 1855, •• 26th May, 1855, •• 67th, 32d, 8th, E. Hamburgh, Erie county. Thomas W. Glisson, .•••.. 22d Dec., 1855, •. 17th Dec., 1855, •• 68th, 32d, 8th, Fredonia, Chautauque co. William H. White, ••••• 19th Jan., 1854, •. 9th Jan., 1852, .•• 69th, 4th. 1st, New-York city. Matthew Clarkson, .••••• 13th July, 1855,•• 29th June, 1855?. 70th, 5th, 2d, Brooklyn, Kings county. Isaac C. Hoe, ..•.••.•••. 27th April, 1854,. 12th April, 1854,. 71st, 1st, 1st, New-York city.

(No return), ...... e. •••••.• • • •• • ••••• 72d, 5th, .2d, (No return), ...... •••.•...•••.•••..•••.....•..•••....•. 73d, 1st, 1st, Horace Wing, Jr., ..••••• 22d Oct., 18~7,.•. 13th June, 1857, .. 74th, 31st, 8th, Buffalo, Erie county. Kil~ian y. R. Lansingh, •. 9th Feb., 1857, ... 2d Jan., 1857, ...• 76th, 11th, 3d, Albany. CHAPLAINS. *

NAMES. Regiment Date of commission. Date of rank. ------Residence. (No return,) ...••••.••••.•••••.••••. 1st, t . Richard Goodwin, .•••••..••...•.••••• 2d, March 16th, 1857"Dec. 15, 1856, .•. New-York. John B. Ho\vard, ...••••..••••••••.••. 3d, June 8th, 1857, •. [May 20,1857,.... do JaIHes Ren\vick, Jr., ...•••..•••••••.... 4th, July 30th, 1846, .. IIJUly18th, 1846,.. do HeIlry L. Kayser, .•••••...••....•...•• 5th, Sept. 28, 1855, .•. Sept. 22d, 1855, . . do George Dixon, Jr., ..••.••••••••••••••. 6th, June 16, 1856, .•. IJune 10,1856,.... do George W. Brainard, .••••...•••..•••.. 7th, .•••..••.•.•.••. Aug. 6th, 1846, .. do (No retllrn,) ....•....•...•..•.•••.••. 8th, ...•...... •. . ...•...•••.....

Ohristian W. Schaeffer, .••••••••••••••. I Vth, Oct. 2d, 1855, ... c Aug 8th, 1855, .• do (No return,) ...... •.•••.••.••...••. 10th, ....•....•...... •.••....•...• William ~I. Ashfield, ...••.•••.•••...• 11th, March 19, 1855, .. March 14, 1855,. . do Chal'les C. Savage, .•..•...•...... ••••. 12th, April 18, 1855, .•. Nov. 1st, 1854,. •. do Henry Oltman, . ..•• .••• • .•..••.•••.. 13th, Nov. 9, 1857, •.•. Oct. 1st, 1857, .•. Brooklyn. George E. Taylor, .....•.•.•.••••••••. 14th, May 21st, 1853, .. May 6th, 1853,. •. do (No return,) ...•••...••..•••••••••••. 15th, . . . • ...... •.•...... ••...• Francis C. Hill, ...... •.•••.•..•..••• 16th, Aug. 17th, 1855,. July 20,1855, .•• Riverhead, SUffolkco. ( No return,) . ....•. . ••...••.••••••••. 17th, ...... Albert H. Partridge, •.•• • .•••••••••.. 18th, Sept. 1st, 1852, .•. April 14, 1852, Bedford, Westchester co. John Bro\vn, ....•.•••.•..•.••••••.••. 19th, May 30th, 1855, .. Oct. 18, 1854, ..•. Newburgh,'Orange co. Robert B. Fairbairn, .....•••.•••.•..•. 20th, Oct. 31,1854, ...• Oct. 26, 1854, ..•• Catskill, Gl'eene co. (No rtturn,) ...... ••.•••.•.•.•••..•. 21st, •. . .

do II . 24t11, .••••..•.••..••...••.....•••.... Justus Has\vell, ..••••.•••.••• , ••••••. 25th, IJan. 3d, 1857, •••• Dec. 25th, 1856, .•

, d (Noreturn,) \ 26th " . ~ do . ••• . •• • . . •• . . . • . . •• ...... 27tll; .••••...... ••. . •....•.•.••.... ~ do . . •• . . •• ...... • . . . . •. .••. 29th, ..•....•..•...•. . .••...... ••..•. S do • ••• ...... •• . . . • .••••. .••. 30th, ..••...•..•..••. . •••...... •.••. g: (10 ••••••• 6 • • • • • • • • •• ••• • •• •• 31st, .

~ do ...... 32d, ...... it ••••• !Z • do . . • . . . .• .••...... ••• . . .. 33d, .. . . .••• .••••. •. . . .c L. M. Woodruff,...... •••••• ..•.' 34th, July 25th, 1856, .. July 10, 1856, ..• Malone, Franklin co. ~(No return,) . ..•• ...... •.• ..•.•• . . .. 35th, ...... •...... •.•••..••.••• ":-Pitt Morse, .••• . ..• . •• ... .••• ..•• .. .. 36th, March, 10, 1855, . Dec. 20, 1854, ..• Henderson, Jefferson co. John W. Hammond, •.•••...... ••..•. 38th, Sept. 22, 1857, • .IAug. 31st, 1857, .. Mohawk, Herkimer co. John G. Hall, ...... •..••..•....• 39th, Oct. 29th, 1850, •. Sept. 24, 1850, .•. Cherry Valley, Otsego co. (No return,) . .• •• . . . • . . .•. ••..•..... 40tll, .•••..••.•••..•..•••.•.•.•••.•. •

do ,.e._ 41st, ~ a .• " •••• a •••• a .

do ...... 42d, ...... It ••••••• It a ••••••

do . . . ".. l •• •••••• •••••• 43d, ...... · . 00 do . . •• • .. ...•.. ...••. ...••. 44th, ...... •••...•• . .••...... ••• OI'rin W. White, ~.••••••••••••. 45th, Jan. 1st, 1858, .•. July 4th, 1857, Oriskany, Oneida co. Henry C. Vogel,.... . • •• . . •• . • •• . . . ••. 46th, July 22d, 1856, June 10, 1856, .•• Rome do (No return,) . . ••• . . . • . . • • . . • • . . . • .••. 48th, • do ...... 49th, 'a • •• • •••• •••• do . . . •. . . • ••• ...• . . • • .. •.. 50th, ...... •• ....•••. •.•...... ••.... W. Bliss Ashley, ..••..•••• " . • •• ••••. 51st, July 12th, 1853, •..July 11, 1853, ..•. Baldwinsville,Onondaga co. (No return,) ...... ••..••.••• ~. ..•• 52d, ..••••...•••..••...•.•..••...••. do , ...... "... 53d, . do ...... 54th,. . . " ...•...... Charles La Salle, ..•••.•••.. '. . ••. . • .• 55th, Jan. 2d, 1857, Dec. 23, 1856, .•• New ..York., • Chaplains are not included in the aggregate of the force. ' CHAPLAINS.-(CONTINUED. )

NAMES. Regiment Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence. ------(No return,) ...... •••...... •... 58t.h, ..•...••...... •••..••.•••.••• do ~ . 59th, ...... •.....•..•••••.••. George D. Stewart, ...••.•.•••..•..••. 60th, Feb., 2d, 1855, ...... •••. Bath, Steuben co. (No return,) ...••...••...•..•.....••. 61st, \...... do . 62d, ...... , . do ...... 64th, ..••...... •...... ••...... Otto Burger, . . • . • . . •• . . . • •. •••.. 65th, Jan. 2d, 1855, •••• Dec. 26th, 1854, .• Buffalo. Charles H. Platt} ...•...•••...•...•• ~. 66th, Sept. 1, 1852, .•.. Aug. 23d, 1852, .. Lockport. James M. Harlow, ..••••..• , .•••.••••• 67th, Dec. 29, 1854, .••. Dec. 5, 1854, ..•. Aurora, Erie co. Levi W. Norton, . . ••• . ...•••.•••.••• 68th, ~iay 5th, 1857, ... Dec. 1st, 1856, ..• Jamestown, Chautauque co. JaTnes Bagley, ...... ••.....•••..•••• 69th, April 18th, 1855,. April 10, 1855, ... New-York. Robert J . Walker, ...... •.••••• 70th, Feb. 16, 1856, Feb. 7, 1856, ...•. Brooklyn. Francis Perkins, .....•••••.•.•.•••.••• 71st, Aug. 2d, 1855, June 18, 1855, ... New-York. Henry Hill, ..•.•.•••..••.•.•..•..••• 72d, Jan. 1st, 1858, .•• N"ov.1st, 1857, .•. Brooklyn. (No return,) ....••.•.....•..••.•••..•. 73d, ,...... M. La Rue P. Thompson, ..•••...•.•••• 74th,, 1854:,.. Aug. 25th, 1854, .. Buffalo. (No return,) 76th, ...... •.••• .•.. ..•••• . ••.•••••

• -d ·.f


NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

Field Officers. . John B. Ryer, ..••••••••• Colonel, .•• Decemb'r 9, 1848, Novem'r 20, 1848, .•••.•••.... New-York city. Spencer H. Smith, ..••••• Lt. Colonel, Sept. 28, 1857,May 25, 1857,1.•••.•••.... New-York city. EdwardN. Shields, ...••. Major, ..•• Sept. 28, 1857,May 25, 1857:~.... .••• 7 New-York city.

Company Officers. I Terence Koen, ..•.•....•. Captain, ~. May 7, 1851, April 14, 1851'1 Andrew Leary, .•.•.....• 1st Lieut.,. May 7, 1851,April 14) 1851'1 Daniel McElhing, ..••..•• 2d Lieut., . May 7, 1851, April 14, 1851, *Patrick McCloghlin, .••• 2d Lieut., . January 1, 1858,Dec. 11, 1857, A, 40 43 Cavalry. *Thomas C. Devin, ..••••. Captain, .•• January 1, 1858,Nov. 22, 1857, Philip 1. Cozans, ...... •• 1st Lieut.,. January 1, 1858, Nov. 22, 1857, Fritz H. Van Dohlan, •••• 2d Lieut., . January 1, 1858, Nov. 22, 1857, John Russell, .•••...... •. 2d Lieut., . January 1, 1858, Nov. 22, 1857, B, 22 25 Cavalry. Henry Lubs, .•••....•••• Captain, .• Decem'r 16, 1852, Nov. 23, 1852, William Duing, .•.•••.••• 1st Lieut.,. January 1, 1858, Nov. 17, 1857,

Marcus W. Hall, .•••••••• 2d Lieut., •. January 1, 1858,Nov. f 17, 1857, B.-( CONTINUED.)"

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residenoe a.nd arm of service.

Francis Reiss, .....•...••. 2d Lieut., . May 12, 1857, Decem'r 18, 1856, '\.!,("1 54 58 Cavalry. Daniel Kennedy, ...••..•. Captain, ..June 30, 1852,June 14, 1852, John B. Kelly, ...•...•..•. 1st Lieut , June 13, 1851,May 7, 1851, .... John Kelly, ...... •...... 2d Lieut., . March 5, 1856,Decem'r 19, 1855, ~ James Rooney,...... ••.... 2d Lieut , . May 23, 1857,April 7, 1857, D, 46 50 Cavalry. Frederick Dickel, ..•..•• Captain, .. Nov. 20, 1851, Nov. 13, 1851, (Vacant,) ...... ••...•..•. 1st Lieut.,. " ...... ·...... do ...... , 2d Lieut., ...... • • ta: ••••••••••••• do . .. . • It ••••••• 2d Lieut , ...... ·...... E, 24 25 Cavalry. Richard Raynor, ...... Captain, ..October 8, 1856,.April 7, 1856, Alfred S. Brown, ...••..•• 1st Lieut., ' October 8, 1856, April 7, 1856, Hiram Dixon, Sr., .•.•..•• 2d Lieut., . October 8, 1856, April 7, 1856, Henry Baker,. . . . • ••• . .•• 2d Lieut., . October 8, 1856, April 7, 1856, F, 53 57 Artillery. Henry Stucke, .••.•••.... Captain, .•. April 8, 1856, Febru'y 25, 1855, ~ fA Claus H. Schloh, ..•..•••. 1st Lieut ... April 8, 1856,Febru'y 25, 1855, fA Otto Wm. Van Campen, .•. 2d Lieut., . April 8, 1856, Febru'y 25, 1855, ; tl::t William Koster, ...•••..•. 2d Lieut., . March 5, 1856, Decem'r 13, 1855, G, 50 54 Cavalry. ...t'"

" .. q

(Vacant,) Captain, ..

do.. • ••-••• '•• Cl •••••• lst Lieut.,_ ' '.•.... · , . do 2d Liellt., ' . · . do 2d Lieut., ...... · . H, do Captain, . ·...... do ,. 1st Lieut., . do 2d Lieut., . . . · . do ' 2d Lieut., _ . · . .• ...... R, d.o ••••••••••••••• Captain,- . do .. 1st Lieut., .

do '.••...... 2d Lieut., e, •••••••••••••••• do 2d Lieut., ' . · . .• ...... L,

289 319 ---- FIRST BRIGADE~SECOND REGIMENT. Field Officers, Henry Robinson, .•••••••• Colonel, .. May 12, 1857,A.pri 24,1857, ..•• ..... New-York cityJ John Clarke, ..•••.•••.••• Lt. Colonel, May 12, 1857,April 24, 1857, .••• ..... New-York city. Robert Irwin, Major, ...•. May 12, 1857, April 24, 1857, ..... 13 New-York city.

Company OlJice'fs. William Mason, Captain, •• ..••..••• •••••... ..•.•••.••••••• Tp.omas B~r~lay, ..•••••••• 1st Lieut.,. April 8, 1857,Dec. 23, 1856, William .Bruce,- 2d Lieut., ~ A, 46 49 Infantry. B.-( CONTINUED.)

.;.. =]~ ~ ~ ~~"'ai l=l g. l7JbJ:) oS a ~§~ 0 a Q NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. 0 .... ~:n8 Residenco and arm of service. ....CJ 0 0 .... ~~.:; ~ '"0-:;' ~ .;::l> ~S·!: Cl) H I=l-I ~8~ ------~- -- George Brodie, ....•.•.•.. CaptaIn, ... July 28, 1856'IJune 6, 1856, James L. Fraser, ..•••.... 1st Lieut., . June 8, 1857,.May 5, 1857, Robert Thompson, ...•.... 2d Lieut., . May 14, 1856,April 16, 1856, B. 45 48 Infantry. William H. Haslett, •••••. Captain, ... Septem'r 20, 1856, August 27, 1856, John McGuffie, .••••.••.• 1st Lieut., . Novem'r 29, 1854,Novem'r 15, 1854, James Cromie, ..••••..••• 2d Lieut., . Septi3m'r 20, 18b6,August 27, 1856, C. 30 33 Infantry. John Darrow, .•.•••..•••. Captain, ..• Febru'ry 14, 1850,January 21, 18::;0, Martin H. Duane •.•.•.••. 1st Lieut.,. William G. Tway; ...... 2d Lieut., . April 22, 1852, Febru'ry 25, 1852, D. 47 50 Infantry. Ernest Simon, ..•••••.••. Captain, .•. January 27, 1855, Decemb'r 8, 1854, Abraham Simon, ....•.... 1st Lieut.,. Septem'r 28, 1857, Septem'r 11, 1857, John Ruttscher, ...•.••••. 2d Lieut , . Septem'r 28, 1857, Septem'r 11, 1857, E. 45 48 Rifles. William 'Veinburger, ..••. Captain, ... October 13, 1855'IJu1y 23, 1855, Conrad Graf, ..••.•••..•. 1st Lieut.,. October 13, 1855,July 23, 1855, Jacob Stumph, ..•• 0 •••••• 2d Lieut., . April 8, 1857, Febru'l'y 23, 1857, F. 59 62 Rifles. Thomas Columb, .•• o ••••• Captain,. 0 • May 4, 1857, May 4, 1857, George Bohnlein, .... o •••• lst Lieut.,. May 4, 1857, May 4, 1857,

George Klug, •••• 0 0 •••••• 2d Lieut., .. May 4, 1857,May 4, 1857, G. 40 43 Rifles.

• j ad - --'-«

Joseph Lowden, .••••••••. Captain, .•. August 15, 1857, May 27, 1857, Henry I.Gracy, .•••.••••. 1st Lieut.,. August 15, 1857, May 27, 1857, Ralph Dawson, .•..•••••. 2d Lieut.,. May 14, 1856, April 16, 1856, H. 60 63 Infantry. (Vacant), ...••..••.••.•. Captain, .•. do .•....••.••••. 1stLieut.,. do .••••••••••••. 2d Lieut.,. do . . . 2d Lieut.,,, ...... •...... "...... R. do ..••.••••••••. Captain, ... do ...•..••..•... 1st Lieut ,.

do .•• 0 •••••••••• 2d Lieut.,. do 2d Lieut.,,, . . .• ...... L.

372 409 ----

FIRST BRIGADE-THIRD REGIMENT. Field officers. S. Brooke Postley, .•••.••. Colonel, ... Novem'r 23, 1847, Novem'r 10, 1847~ New-York city.

William Menck, .••• 0 •••• Lieut. Col.,Novem'r 23, 1847,Novem'r 10,1847, N"ew-York city. Walter M. Price, ...••.••• Major, .••. August 15, 1857,June 28, 1857, 11 New-York city.

Com]Jany officers. John H. Budke, ..••.••••• Captain, ... June 2,1855,May 18,1855, Anthony Hubener, .•••••. 1st Lieut.,. March 12, 1856, Novem'r 20, 1855, Jol1p)j",' ",0' •••••• 2d Lieut., .. ~Iarch 12, 1856,Novem'r 20,1855,

(Vacant); ..•••• o'~ 0 0 •••••• 2d Lieut.,.. •••• •• • • ..... • ••• ..... •••• . • • • • • •• A. 62 65 Cavalry. B.....-(CONTINUED.)

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of ra.nk. Residence and arm of service.

Andrew Beiser, ...•. ~•••• Captain, .. Decem'r 30, 1847:Dec. 9, 1847, John A. Killian, ....•.••• 1st Lieut.,. Nov. 23, 1855,October 8, 1855, George Siller, ..•••••.••• 2d Lieut., . Sept. 16, 1852,August 26, 1852, Philip Martgen, ...•.•.••. 2d Lieut , . Nov. 23, 1855,October 8, 1855, 13, 48 52 Cavalry. Henry Whithack, ••••.••• Captain, ... May 1, 1855, April 20, 1855, George W. Sauer, ..••.•.• 1st Lieut.,. July 29, 1857,June 18, 1857, Philip Weber, ..•••..•••. 2d Lieut., . July 29, 1857,June 18, 1857, (Vacant,) ..•••••.•••..•. 2d Lieut., . .••• .••• ..•• .••• .... .••.•. ....•. C, 40 43 Cavalry. John Rochner, ....•.••••• Captain, •.. June 2, 1856,April 4,1856, Jacob Morlath, ..••..•••• 1st Lieut.,. July 25,1853,July 21, 1853, Joseph Hillenbrand, ...•.. 2d Lieut., . Dec., 7, 1853, Nov. 25, 1853, (Vacant,) ..•••••••..••.. 2d Lieut., ...•.•...•.••...... •..•••.•...•• D, 40 43 Cavalry. Henry Wilson, .....••••• Captain,..•. February 9, 1856,Dec. 21, 1855, William Dick, ..••••••••• 1st Lieut.,. February 9, 1856,Dec. 21, 1855, ,.-, John Koehler, ...•..••••. 2d Lieut., . Sept. 16, 1852,May 20, 1852, ~ l1J Charles Viemeister, .••••. 2d Lieut., . April 8, 1856,March 10, 1856, E, 381 42 Cavalry. tll John Otto, ..••.•.•....•. Captain, .. Sept. 11,1855,August 16, 1855, ; ~ Louis Schlamps, .••••.••• lst Lieut.,. Sept. 11,1855,August 16, 1855, I ~ \OlS

• . ; e ( -«

~ Charles Clemens, ....••••• d Lieut., . Sept. 11, 1855:!AUgUst 16, 1855, ? (Vacant,) , .••.•..•.•.••• 2d Lieut., ...... •••••.•••...•..•..•••..• , F, 44 47 Cavalry. ..C' Peter Rosentrader, ..•..•. Captain, ..• April 27, 1854,April 14,1854, ~ Frederick W. Schmale, .•. 1st Lieut,. April 9,1855,March 29,1855, John Stillges, ..••••••..•. 2d Lieut., . April 20, 1857,AprIl 8, 1857, (Vacant,) ..•••.•••.•••• ,.2d Lieut.,.. . .•..•••...... ••... G, 51 54 Cavalry. do ..•••••.•••..•• Captain, .••.•••.... ' •••• . . •• . .., ... • ••.• • • ... · do . .••••. .••• . •. 1st Lieut.,. .••• . . •. ..•• . • •• • .•.•••

do • . . . • •. •••• . •. 2d Lieut. ,.. . .••.•••••••.•• ~ .••• ".• III • • ••••• • do ...... ••...• 2d Liell,t.,....•• ~.••..• • ..•...••..••...... H, ...... Cavalry . Henry Statlander, .•••.••• Captain: .•. May 12, 1857,April 6, 1857, Henry Kassebert, .•••.••. 1st Lieut., .. May . 12, 1857,April 6, 1857, Anthony Burdorf, .•••.••• 2d Lieut., .. June 7,1851,June 6, 1851, -.J 44 47 Cavalry...... (Vacant,) ..••••••..•..•. 2dI,ieut., ....•..•••.•. '...••.•••••..•.•....• I, l-:).... Samuel Weise, Captain, Sept. 22, 1857,Septem'r 1, 1857, Jacob Walbach, .•••.•.••. 1st Lieut.,. January 1, ~858,Nov. - 10,1857, William H. Hillman, ..•. 2d Lieut., .. January 1, 1858,Nov. 10,1857, K, 65 68 Cavalry. (Vacant,) ....•..•••••••. 2d Lieut., ...•••. • •• . • • • . ••. ..•• .• •• • •••••• - -- 432 472 I ----

SECOND BRIGADE--FOURTH REGIMENT. Field Officers. Edward Hincken,...... Colonel, .•• Feb. 8, 1854, January 24, 1854, New-York city. Daniel W. Teller, ....•••• Lt. Colonel,Septem'r 28, 1855,Sept. 6, 1855, New-York city. Nathaniel Coles, .•••••••• Major, •••• Septem'r 28, 1855,Sept. 6, 1855, .••••••• 13New-York city. E.-( CONTINUED. )

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank.

------~------_._------Company Officers. La.zarus I:saacs,...... •.••. Captain, •• Aug. 25, 1853, .. July 13, 1853, ••

Henry B. Hertz, ..•. 0 •••• 1st Lieut.,. Nov. 25, 1856, .. Sept. 13, 1856, .• Richard Rollins, ..•••.••• 2d Lieut.,. Nov. 25,1856, .. Sept. 13, 1856, •.

(Vacant,) ...... ••.•••.. 2d Lieut., ..•••••..•• 0 ••••••••••••• 0. •••••• A, 24 27 Cavalry.

Peter Hoeft,_ ..••••••.•• 0 Captain, .. July 18, 1853~.. July 11,1853, .. Thomas Scott, ..•.• o ••••• 1st Lieut., . Nov. 16, 1854, .. Oct. 12, 1854, •.

Axel Ostrom, ...•..• 0 •• 00 2d Lieut., . April 18, 1855, .. April 7, 1855, o.

H. Cook, .•••..• 0 •••••••• 2d Lieut., . .. 0 •• 0 ••• 0 •••• o. • ••• 0 • 0 • •• •••••• B, 49 53 Cavalry.

Louis F. Schafer, •..• 0 •••• Captain, .•. Sov. 25, 1856, .. Oct. 14,1856, •. David Busch, ...•.•••.... 1st Lieut, . Nov. 25, 1856, .. Oct. 14, 1856, .. Charles Scheibel, .•...... 2d Lieut., . Nov. 25, 1856, .. Oct. 14, 1856, ..

P. Scharf, ..•..• 0 •••• 0 ••• 2d Lieut., ..•••••...••...•...••. 0 • 0 •••••• o. C, 41 45 Cavalry.

John JDeihl, . 00 •• 0 •••• Captain, ... May 20, 1854, •. May 8, 1854, ..

Chas. Schaefer, ..•.•• 0 •••• Ist Lieut.,. June 23d, 1854, •. June 5, 1854, •• Ernst O. Bernet, ..•••..•. 2d Lieut., . June 8th, 1857, •• March 17, 1857, ..

Conrad Kuhn, .• 0 • 0.0 •••• 2d Lieut., .•••• o ••••••• o. o. •••• •••••• •••••• D, 74 77 Light .Artillery.

t Henry Schnorr, •••••• 00 •• Captain,. o. June 10, 1854, •• May 19,1854, .. William Trow, .••. o. o •• 1st Lieut., . May 10,1853, •. April 28,1853, .. Seibert Ungemach, .••••.•. 2d Lieut, . June 29, 1854, •. June 22, 1854, ..

Frederick Bety, ...• 0 ••••• 2d Lieut., . Aug. 9, 1856,. 0 June 26, 1856, .. E, 36 40 Light Artillery.

Henry Hays, ••••..•. 0 ••• Captain, .. May 14, 1856, •. Oct. 4, 1855, ..

(Vacant,) ... '0' ••• 0 0000 •• 1st Lieut., .. 0 •••• 0 ••••••••••••••• 0 • •• •• 0 • Robert Jephson, ...... ••. 2d Lieut., . May 14, 1856, .• Oct. 4, 1855, ..

(Vacant,) ..• 0.0 00 ••••• 2d Lieut., .....•••••. 0 •••• 0 • 0 o' 0.0 ••••• 0 ••• F, 15 17 Light Artillery •

.William H. Sterling, .• 0" Captain, ... May 14,1856,. 0 Nov. 1, 1855, ..

Chas. C. Doolittle, 0 ••• 0 ••• 1st Lieut., . May 14, 1856, 0 0 NOV. 1, 1855,. 0

John B. Peck, .... 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 2d Lieut., . May 14, 1856, .. Nov. I, 1855,. 0

(Vacant,) .....•• 0 •••••••• 2d Lieut., . ...• ...• . •.• .••. ....•••• ...• .••• G, 12 15Light Artillery.

James McMahon, •• 0 ••••• Captain, •. Dec. 14,1854, .. Dec. 1,1854, ..

Richard O'Graoy, .••..... 1st Lieut., . Feb. 24,1857,. 0 Jan. 13,1857, ••

Nicholas Shiel, 0 ••• o ••••• 2d Lieut., . June 8, 1857, •. April 7, 1857, ...

(Vacant,) .0 •••••••••••••• 2d Lieut., ...••.....•.•..••.•••..•..•••••.. H, 30 33 Light Artillery.

(Vacant,) ...... •...... Captain, •..••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••• 0 • 0 •••• do 1st Lieut.,. .•••• . ••••...... •••..••.••••.••

do .•...•••••••••. 2d Lieut., . 'I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'do .•..••..•••.••• 2d Lieut., .••••.••• "... . • •• ..•. .•.• . . • . . . .. R, do ...... ••.... Captain, •..•••••.••...... ••••.••.••••.•••

do .. 0 •••••••••••• 1st Lieut., ..••• 0 •• 00. , ••• 0 •• 0 •• o. o. 00 ••• 0 ••

do f •••••••••••••• 2d I.Jieut., ..•••••••••••....••••••••.•••.••• do ....•••.•.•.... 2d Lieut., . ,... . • •. •• ••••••••.•.••.•••.•.• L, B.-( CONTINUED.) SECOND BRIGADE-FIFTH REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission Date of rank.

--_._------Field Officers. Christian Schwarzwalder, •• !Colonel,.•• May 20, 1854, May 16, 1854, .•••..••.••. New-York city. Wiliam Henry Gunther, .•. ILt. Colonel, Janu'y 6, 1857,Decem'r 23, 1856, ..••..••.... New-York city. Ludwig Semler,~....••.••• Major,..••. Feb. 24, 1857,February ~, 1857, .••. .••• 14 New-York city. Company Officers. Dederick Westfall, ..•.•.• Captain, .•. July 6, 1852,June 28, 1852, George H. W. Neander, .•. 1st Lieut.,. Dec. ·8, 1855, Novem'r 28, 1855, John Lubs, ... , ••••••.••• 2d Lieut , . May 24, 1856, May 15, 1856, A, 62 65 Rifles. Henry Heitmann, ....•.••• Captain, ... June 20, 1849,June 13, 1849, IIerman Heitmann, ..•..•. 1st Lieut.,. A.pril 18, 1855, April 4, 1855, .-- George Kuchen, ..•••••••• 2d Lieut., . Sept. 20, 1856, August 6, 1856, B, 69 72 ~ Infantry. fR Christopher Fincke, ..••••. Captain, .•• April 17, 1856,April 4, 1856, {I;I John Tietjen, ...... •.••• 1st Lieut.,. Aug. 12, 1856July ~ 3, 1856, l:l:I Herman Konnencamp, ..••• 2d Lieut., . Aug. 12, 1856,July t"4 3, 1856, O. 46 49 Infantry. MI sa t

Frederick Grote,. 00.0 0000 Captain, ... Oct. 22, 1853,jOctober 14, 1853,

Jacob Mander, ... 0 o •• 0.0 .. 0 1st Lieut.,. Aug. 15, 1857,June 12, 1857, Rifles. Ferdinand Mayer, 000 2d Lieut., . ~J\.ug. 15, 1857,July 1, 1857, D, 89 92 Auguste Bans, Captain, .. Nov. 17, 1854, Novemb'r 8,1854,

(Vacant,) .... o ••••••• 0 ••• 1st Lieut., ...••. 00 '0' .0 ••••• ••• •• 0 ••••••••• 33 Rifles. , Frederick Michel, .. 0 0 ••• 0 2d Lieut., . Nov. 17, 1854,Novemb'r 8, 1854, E, 31

FrederickHepp'enheimer, .. Captain,. o. Jan. 30, 1856'IJanuary 24, 1856,

Auguste Altenkirch,. 0 •••• 1st Lieut.,. Jan. 30, 1856,January 241 1856, Rifles. Ernst Eisenmenger,. 00 •••• 2d Lieut., . Jan. 30, 1856,IJanuary 24, 1856, F, 56 59

John Kingslage , .• 00 ••• 0' 0 Captain, ... Nov. 19, 1855,IOctober 22, 1855,

Henry Thole, .. o. 0.0 .... 00 1st ~ieut.,. Nov. 26, 1855~\Nov~mb'r8, 1855, Henry Cordes,.....••..•.• 2d Lieut., . May 5, 1857,Aprl1 24, 1857, G, 59 62 Rifles.

Herman Lohmann, •• 0 •••• Captain, ... Dec. 16, 1856,Decem'r 13, 1852,

Henry Klinker, .. 0 0 • 0 •••• 1st Lieut ,. Dec. 8, 1855, Novem'r 29, 1855, 44 47 Rifles. Frederick Holste, ..• 0 •••• 2d Lieut., . Dec. 8, 1855,Novem'r 29, 1855, H,

Louis Burger, .. O' Capt~in, .. June 19, 1856'IJune 19, 185~,

Adam ~eber, .. 0 ••••••••• 1st ~leut.,. June 19, 1856{nne 19, 1856, Fl'ederlCk Krutlna, ...••.. 2d LIeut., . June 19, 1856,June 19, 1856, R, 32 35 Rifles.

(Vacant,) . 000 ••••••••••• Captain, 0 •• ~ 0 O' ••• 0 ••

do 0 ••• 0 0 •• 000. 1st Lieut, 00 '0' •• o 0 o .

do 2d Lieut.,_ t • • • • ••

do ..•.• 0 •• '0' •••• 2d Lieut., 0 ••••••• 0 ••• o •••••••••• 0 0.0 .. o. L, . 488 528 ---- B.-( CONTINUED.) SECOND BRIGADE-SIXTH REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank.

------Field ojJice1·s. Joseph C. Pinckney, .••••• Colonel, ... June 11, 1855,May 16, 1855, .•••..••.... New-York city. Samuel K. Zook, Lieut. Col.,June 8,1857,May 19, 1857, .....•••..•. New-York city. Milton G. Rathbun, ...•.. Major, .••• June 8,1857,May 19, 1857, .....••• 11 New-York city. Company officers. Isaac Frank, .•••.••••••• Captain, .• December 8, 1857,Novem'r 17, 1857, Julius G. Bauer, ...••.••• 1st Lieut". December 8, 1857, Novem'r 17, 1857, Adolph Birnbaund, •••••• 2d Lieut.,. December 8, 1857, Novem'r 17, 1857, A. 20 23 Infantry. Nathaniel Finck" ....••• Captain, .. June 18, 1852,May 31, 1852, George Reton, ...... ••• 1st Lieut". Septem'r 25, 1856,Septem'r 19, 1856, John ~Iedole, ...•.•.•.... 2d Lieut.,. Septem'r 25, 1856,Septem'r 19, 1856, B. 33 36 Infantry. r- Francis Grimm, .•.•••.••• Captain, .. October 7, 1853,September 5, 1853, rn~ Joseph Rolble, •••..••••• 1st Lieut.,. May 31, 1856,May 2, 1856, ;rn Peter Weirich, .••••••••• 2d Lieut.,. May 31, 1856,May 2, 1856, C. S5 \ SS/Infantry, tl:I t'4 1lIIl'

." ! I

Henry Ringhauser, .•••••• Captain, .• Decem'r 16,1852,Decem'r 13, 1852, Nicholas Miller, ...••.••. 1st Lieut.,. August 15, 1857,July 27, 1857, (Vacant,) ...•.....•••..•. 2d Lieut., ...•...... •...••••.•.•..••.• D. 57 59 Infantry. John G. Bernius, ..•••..•. Captain, •. March 12, 1856, Febru'ry 20, 1856, Matthias Miller, ..••..... 1st Lieut.,. March 12, 1856, Febru'ry 20, 1856, Isaac Frank, .•••.••...•. 2d Lieut.,. March' 12, 1856, Febru'ry 20, 1856, E. 41 44 Rifles. (Vacant), .••••••.••••••• Captain, .. do .••..••••••••. 1st Lieut.,. Frederick Keller, .•••.••• 2d Lieut.,. February 4, 1856, Decem'r 11, 1855, F. 24 25 Rifles. Sebastian Eustachi, •••••. Captain, •• December 5, 1856, Novem'r 13, 1856, Andrew Kurtz, ..••.••••• 1st Lieut.,. January 17, 1855, Decem'I' 21, 1854, George Bollman, .••••.••• 2d Lieut.,. February 4,1856,January 3, 1856, G. '26 29 Rifles. Bernard Schwartz, ..••••• Captain, •. February 19, 1855, February 5, 1855, Abraham Glauber, ..•.•.. 1st Lieut.,. March 16, 1855,March 5, 1855, Jacob Seebachel', .••••.•.. 2d Lieut.,. Decem'r 11, 1856,December 5, 1856, H. 41 44 Rifles. (Vacant), Captain, •• do 1st Lieut.,. do ••••..••.••.•• 2d Lieut.,. do ..••.....•••.. 2d Lieut.,. ...• . • •• ...... •. ..•• .•••.• •.•.•• R. Lewis H. Von Vultee, .... Captain, •• May 26, 1851, May 24, 1851, Adolph Markewitz, ..•••• 1st Lieut.,. March 7, 1855, Febru'ry 21, 1855, Alexander Katzenberg, .•• 2d Lieut.,. August 6, 1855,July 20, 1855, 2d Lieut.,. .•.••• . ••• . •• ••• .•••.••••• •••••• L. 37 40 Rifles.


NAMES. Office. 1>a.teof commission. 1>ate of rank. Residence and arm of service,

------.-..-.-~------_. __ ...... -"------,- -- --"------Field Officers. Abram Duryea, ..•.••... Colonel, •.. February 8, 1849,January 29, 1849, .•••...... •. New-York city. Marshall Lefferts, ...•.••. Lieut. Col., Sept. 30, 1852,June 14, 1852, ...•..••.... New-York city. Edgar M. Crawford, .••••. Major, ..•• May 23, 1856,May 10, 1856, ..•. 13 New-York city.

Company Officers. William P. Bensel, ..•••.. Captain, •.. January 29, 1857,Oct. 14,1856, (Vacant,) ....•...•.••••• 1st Lieut., ..•••..••...•...... •• : •••..••..•• James L. Harway, ...•.•.. 2d Lieut.,. April 14) 1857, May 28, 1856, A, 62 63 Infantry. Alexander Shaler,...... Captain, .•. June 7, 1850, March 18, 1tl50, James Harrison, ....••.••• 1st Lieut.,. Nov. 26, 1855,June 7, 1855, r--"I (Vacant,) ..•••••.•••.••• 2d Lieut., ....••••..•.••..••..••..••...... •• B, 90 92 Infantry. ~ I7.l James Price, .....•..•... Captain, ... N"ov. 16,1848,May 31,1848, I7.l tr2 John J. Wickstead, .•••••• 1st Lieut.,. Dec. 29, 1854, January 12, 1854, Is:: George W. Turnbull, ..••• 2d Lieut., .. Dec. 29, 1853,Dec. 13, 1854, C, 97 100 Infantry. tl:l ....t'I William H. Riblet, .•••.•. Captain, .•• Febu'ry 13, 1851,December 2, 1850, ji:William R. Harrison, ...•• 1st ~ieut.,. April 16, 1851, December 2, 1850, g; (Vacant,) ....•••..••.••. 2d LIeut., ...• 0 •• 0' ••••.•••••• 0 ••• 0 •••••••• D, 59 61 Infantry. S William A. Spaeight, ....• Captain, .•. October 10, 1853,August 10,1853,

O"'(Vacant,) ....•.•..•• 0 •••• 1st Lieut., ...••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••• 9"James M. McGregor, ..•••. 2d Lieut., .. October 10, 1853,January 14, 1853, E, 57 59 Infantry. zBenj. M. Nevers, Jr., ....• Captain, .•. January 16, 1849,January 2, 1849, ? William E. Vermilye, ..•. 1st Lieut.,. Novem'r 26, 1855,Septem'r 18, 1855, ~Theodore R. McIlvaine, .. 2d Lieut., . Novem'r 26, 1855,Septem'r 18, 1855, F, 92 95 Infantry.

"':"'John Monroe, .• 0 •••••••• Captain, ... April 16, 1851,March 13, 1851,

(Vacant,) ..•••.•••.••••• 1st Liellt., .•..••.• 0' •••••••••• 0 •••••.••••••• Willianl J. Williams, ..••• 2d Lieut., .. Nov. 26, 1855,Sept. 28, 1855, G, 70 72 Infantry. Henry C. Shumway, ....•. Captain, .•• Dec. 14, 1836,Oct. 13, 1836, George W. Smith, .•.•.••• 1st I...ieut.,. April 30, 1844, March 22, 1844, ~Charles W. Sy, .•••..•••. 2d LieuiA, . April 16,1851,March 18, 1851, H, 109 112 Infantry. Alexander Lytle, ...•.••• Captain, .. May 14, 1856,Decem'r 27, 1855,

Charles J. Day, .• o •••• 0 •• 1st Lieut.,. May 14, 1856,Decem'r 27,1855,

William H. Haight, •• 0 ••• 2d Lieut., . May 14, 1856,Decem'r 27, 1855, (Vacant,) ..•••••..••..•• 2dLieut., .•.•••••••••••.•••.•••••••••• ~•••• R, 44 47 Cavalry.

do Captain,. .. . : e· •••••••••• do ( lstLieut., "' . do 2d Lieut., ~ -. do . . 2d Lieut., ~ ' L, ...... 670 714 ------.-- B.-( CONTINUED.) THIRD BRIGADE-EIGHTH REGIMENT.

~ s:: ! oa NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. CJ ....o ~'"' ~Q,) ------,------" ------Field officers. " George Lyons, ...•••••••. Colonel, .. March 31, 1855,Decem'r 18, 1854, ••...... ••. New-York city. (Vacant), ...••••.....••• Lieut. Co1., Uharles Waterbury, •••••• Major, .. ~. March 31, 1855,Decem'r 18, 1855, .••. 12 New-York city.

CompanyofJicers. Cornelius J. Blauvelt, .••• Captain, •. October 16, 1857, August 18, 1857, Charles H. Burtis, ...••.. 1st Lieut., .. October 16, 1857,August 18, 1857, (Vacan t), .•..••••..•..•• 2d Lieut.,.. ..•••• .. . • • . • . •. .•.... .•.• ••• . •. A, 39 41 Infantry. Thomas Swaney, ..•.•.... Captain, .. October 16,1857,August 20, 1857, Benjamin F. Gott, .•••..•• 1st Lieut., .. October 26, 1854, October 6, 1854, 18 Infantry. (Vacant), ....•••..••.... 2d Lieut.,...... ••• .•• ...... •••..... •. B, 20 ~ l"JJ Edward Burger, ...••...• Captain, .. Febru'ry 11, 1853,January 11, 1853, l"JJ 1."'l John Bradford, ...... ••. 1st Lieut.,. July 21,1855,June 7, 1855, ~ William F. Dusenbury, ... 2d Lieut ,. Febru'ry 11, 1853,Jal1uary 11, 1853, C, 50 53 Infantry. td~ ..-:I

t • a

Edward D. Lawrence, .0 0 Captain, 00 January 19, 1854,December 6, 1853,

(Vacant), . , .0000 • 0 0 0 •••• 1st Lieut., ..

GeOl'geEdwards, ..•..• 0 o. 2d Lieut., ..January 19, 1854,Decem'r 13, 1853, D, 38 40 Infantry.

William Waterman, .•. 0 o. Captain, 00 October 2, 1855,Septern'r 11, 1855, David M. Chamberlain, . o. 1st Lieut., .. August 15, 1857,June 2, 1857,

(Vacant), ...• 0 ••• 00 •••••• 2d Lieut., ... 000 0000 00' 0 , 000 .000 0.0.00 •• 0.. E, 30 32 Infantry.

Leander Buck,.~ 0000. 0 .000 Captain, 00 October 26,1854,JulY 6, 1854,

Abraham :Mead,.0.0.0 .000 1st Lieut., .. October 26, 1854,July 6, 1854,

(Vacant), ... o. 0 0 0 0000 •••• 2d Liellt., .... 0 0 000. 0000 • 0 o •• 00' • 0 0 0 .00 •••• 0 F, 40 42 Infantry.

Robert H. Milliken, 00000. Captain, o. Decem'r 29, 1854, Novem'r 24, 1854,

Benjamin Newkirk, .0 •• 0. 1st Lieut., .. Decem'r 29, 1854,Novem'r 24, 1854,

(Vacant), ... 000 0000 .. 0 .0.0 2d Lieut., ...• 0 • 000 •••••••••• 0 0 0 •• 000 .. 0 ••• o. G, 23 25 Infantry.

Edward J. Riley, . .- 0 •• o. Captain, • 0 April 14, 1857,October 6, 1856,

Samuel Gregory, .... 0 •• 00. 1st Lieut., .. April 14, 1857,October 6, 1856,

(Vacant), ... 000 •• 0 •• 0. 000. 2d Lieut., ...• 0. 00.000 00 ... 0 •••• 0 o •• 0 o •• 0 0 0 o. H, 37 39 Infantry.

Joshua M. Varian, .•• 0 •• 0. Captain, . 0 Septem'r 16, 1847,August 12,1847,

John S. Smith, .00 •• 0 •• 00 1st Lieut., .. Septem'r 27, 1853'IJuly 28, 18~)3,

Robert Brown, ••••• 0 •••• 2d Lieut.,. Febru'ry 13, 1856,January 24, 1856,

Charles G. Cornell, •• 0.0 • 2d Lieut., .. Febru'ry 13, 1856,January 24, 1856, R, 80 84 Cavalry.

Daniel Fackner, ..• 0.0 • 0 Captain, o. April 14,1857,March 25, 1857, Jesse G. Keys, 0. 1st Lieut., .. Apl'il 14,1857,March 20,1857, Henry McDougal, ..•.•••• 2d Lieut., .. April 14, 1857,March 25, 1857,

(Vacant), .. 0 ••••••••• 00. 2d. Lieut., .. 0 •• 0 ••••••••• 000 •••••••••• o. 0 •• 0 L, 37 40 Cavalry.


(NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence ILndarm of service.

------_._------_._------Field Officers. Lucius Pitkin, ..•••••.••• Colonel, ... July 21, 1855,June 29, 1855, New-York city. P. Daniel Koelly, ....•.••• Lt. Colonel, October 26, 1854,Aug. 29, 1854, New-York city. Richard Barry, ••••.•••• f Major, .••• October 26, 1854,Aug. 29, 1854, 11 New-York city. Company Officers. (Vacant,) ...•••••••.••••. Captain,. .. .••••• ..•••• . . •. . ..•...•..•••... do 1st Lieut', ....•.••• , Ii •••••••••• do ...•...•.•••..•• 2d Lieut., . .•.• . • . • ...... • ..•• . • • • • • • • . • •• A, Charles McGuire, .••••••. Captain, •. Decem'r 29, 1854, October 25, 1854, Patrick Holden,...... • •. 1st Lieut.,. Decem'r 29, 1854, October 25, 1854, Bernard Fox, ...•..••.... 2d Lieut., . May 23,1856,June 9th,1856, B, 39 42 Infantry. Edward Kernes, ...... •.• Captain, .. October 5, 1855,June 21, 1855, James Cassidy, ..•.•••.... 1st Lieut.,. May 23, 1856'INovember 7, 1855, Cornelius Doras, ..•••.••• 2d Lieut., . May 23, 1856,November 7, 1855, C, 36 39 Infantry.

t • •

Thomas Murphy, ...... ••. Oaptain, ...... •.••.•.•.•••.••..••...... Lawrence Glynne, 1st Lieut., . August 15,1857,April 8th, 1857, (Vacant,) ...•.•..•....•• 2d Lieut., . ..•• •. ..• •. . ..•..•...... •. D, 42 44 Infantry. James Galligher, .••••...• Captain, .. Decem'r 29, 1854, Novem'r 17, 1854, Samuel Frazer, ••.•••.••. lst Lieut.,. May 23, 1856, Novem'r 15,1855, Peter Flynne, .•••••...•.. 2d Lieut., . May 23, 1856,Novem'r 15, 1855, E, 38 41 Infantry. William O. Murphy, ...•. Captain, .•. July 21st,1855,June 7, 1855, (Vacant,) 1st Lieut., ..•••..••..••...•••••.•••.....•.. AnthonyT. Vaughn, ..••. 2dLieut., ...••..••..••.••..•••..••..•..... F, 41 43 Infantry. (Vacant,) CaptaiIl, " ' '.' " . James Conroy, ..•..••••• 1st Lieut.,. May 23d,1856,June 21st, 1855, G, 30 31 Infantry. k~~~~~~~ddi'~gt~~',: :::::: ~~p~~f:,t:,. :M~l~h'"i7; '1854',F~b~~~;y 22: 'IS'54', (Vacant,) ·lst Lieut., . do '.•...... 2d Lieut., . ~ . H, 37 38 Infantry. James :M:urphy, ...... •.• Captain, ••. October 10, 1856,IOctober 10, 1856, Augustus P. Greene, .•••.. 1st Lieut.,. October 10,1856,October 10, 1856, Cornelius Horrigan, ••.... 2d Lieut., . October 10,1856,October 10, 1856, (Vacant,) ...••••••••.... 2d Lieut., ...... • . ... .•.. ...• ...... • R, 35 38 Cavalry. Felix Duffy, Captain, .. October 17, 1855, October 17, 1855, Terrence Duffy, .•••..•.•. 1st Lieut., . October 17, 1855, October 17, 1855, (Vacant,) 2d Lieut., ' ' . do , 2d Lieut.,...... L, 35 37 Artillery.


NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm or service.

------~------Field Officers. . William Halsey, ...••••... Colonel, .•. FebrUftry 4, I848,January 20, 1848, ..•. . .•. New-York city. ~Vacant,) .....••...... •• Lt. Colonel, ...•..••..••.•....••.••••...... Edward M. Dodge, ....•.. Major, .••• January 1, 1858,Sept. 7, 1857, .... 8 New~York city.

Company Otficel's. (Vacant,) Captain,...... do 1st Lieut., ....•...... Starkie Livesey" .••••..•. 2d Lieut., .. August 25, 1853,June 1, 1853, A, 1 Infantry. Peter Nickel, ...•.•••.••. Captain, •• Decem'r 14, 1855, Nov. 21, 1855, Frederick Adler, ..•••.••• 1st Lieut., .. May 14, 1856, April 10, 1856, r--p.. Daniel Otto, ..•••••••••••• 2d Lieut., .. June 8, 1857,May 15,1857, B, 28 31 Infantry. 00 rn lacob F. Fanth, ....••..•• Captain, .. August 1, 1851,June 30, 1851, l.".l IS: lacob Schneider, ..•••.••• 1st Lieut.,. Novem'r 17, 1856, Sept. 4, 1856, l:l:l tot Henry Klein, ••••.••••.•• 2d Lieut., . August 23, 1855,August 16, 1855, C, 54 57 Infantry. ~

, 9 • •

Au?;ustus M. Eastman, .••• ICaptain,... Dp-cem'r 19, 1853,October 22, 1853,1 (Vacant,) ...•..••...••••• 1st Lieut.,. .••• . •• . •••...... ••...•...... lohn Roderick, ..•.•••..•• 2d Lieut., .. January 27, 1855,January 22, 1855, D, 2 Infantry. .fohn Kennedy, ..•.•••.••• Captain, .. Sept. 11, 1855,August 9, 1855, lohn Donahue, ..•••..•••. 1st Lieut.,. August 8, 1854,June 29, 1854, lames Gallagher, ...••.••• 2d Lieut., . Sept. 11, 1855,August 9, 1855, E, 41 44 Infantry. (Vacant,) ...•••••..•..... Captain,. •• ..•.•• . • •• •••••. . •••.•••.•••.••• do ...... 1st Lieut., · . do .••.•••••..•.•. 2d Lieut., . ..•••• .•••.. •.•• ...••• . . . • . . . . •. F, Infantry. Samuel T. Webster, .•..••. Captain, •. October 7, 1853~Sept. 19, 1853, .fohn H. Whitmore, .••.••. 1st Lieut", October 7, 1853,Sept. 19, 1853, loseph St. Clair, ....•••••• 2d Lieut, .. June 8, 1857,May 18, 1857, G, 3 Infantry. Solomon Spiegelberg, .....• Captain, ... May 14, 1856,:March 17, 1856, Louis Nolte, ...••.•••.••• 1st Lieut, .. January 2, 1857, October 20, 1856, IVlartinTieken" , .•....••• 2d Lieut.,. May 14, 1856, March 17, 1856, H, 32 35 Infantry. lacob Raynor, ....•••.•• • Captain, .••..••.. •• , .•...... ••.. • • ... • . • •. Henry Wilson, 1st Lieut.,. Feb'y 26, 1856, Feb'y 18, 1856, lames H. Brown,. , .•..••• 2d Lieut" . April 18, 1855,March 23, 1855, (Vacant,) .....•.•••.••••• 2d Lieut., . ..••.. .••... ..••.••..•••.••. R, 43 46 Artillery.

d() ••• II ••••••••••• Captain,. . · . · · ...... do 1st Li"eut., ....•.. · •. · . do . " 2d Liellt., · ...... do .•••••.••.••••• 2d Lieut., .••••.•••.•••.••. ,... . • •• . • •• . • .• L, 198 227 ====- 13.-( CONTINUED.) FOURTH BRIGADE-ELEVENTH REGIMENT. ~ S'g~ t=.. ~ gd...,.... s:l Po ~ ;~bll "" oS S- Q gS'= NAMES. Office. Date of commission. 0 Date of rank. Q .... Residence and arm of .... 0 ;~.S servioe • 0 (I,) EEl IE! .; ....'" 00"" oS...,'"' ""~ (J) '1:: 3~~ H P-l ~aPo ------Field VfJicers. ------Michael M. Van Buren, .•• Colonel, ... March 8, 1854,February 1, 1854, .... ·... ·... New-Yurk city. Horner Bostwick, .••••••• Lt. Colonel, April 14, 1854, April 3, 1854, .... ·... ·... New-York city. Stephen R. Pinckney, .•••• Major, •••. January 16, 1857,Decem'r 19, 1856, ...... ·... 14 New-York city. Company Officers. (Vacant,) ..•••••.••••••• Captain, •• ·...... ,. ... ·...... do . . . . . •• ...... 1st Lieut.,. ·...... • •••••••••••• :I •• do ...... 2d Lieut., . ·...... " .... ·...... A, ·... ·... Infantry. John C. Helme, ....•••••• Captain, .•. May 19, 1848, May 19, 1848, William H. Van Valer, .•• 1st Lieut.,. Dec. 16, 1852, Decem'r 29, 1852, Higbee Carpenter, ••••.••• 2d Lieut., .. January 2, 1857,Decem'r 12, 1856, B, 40 43 Infantry. (Vacant,) ....••••••••••• Captain, ... ·...... " ...... do ...... 1st Lieut.,. ·...... " ...... do ...... 2d Lieut., ..•••••••••••.•• , 41 ••••••••••••••• C, ·... ·... • 4

(Vacant,) . • •• • . Captain,. . " • •• ..• •• ..•• ...... •• .... do , - 1st Lieut .., ....•...... " . do 2d Lieut., . , · . D, ...... Thomas S. Murphy, •••••. Captain, •• June 19, 1848,June 9, 1848, Thomas Clark, __..1st Lieut.,. May 19, 1855, April 5, 1855, (Vacant,) 2d Lieut., . E, 35 37 Infantry. James Brady" .•..•.••••• Captain, .•. February 7, 1851,Decem'r 24, 1850, William O. Conner, •••••• 1st Lieut.,. Decem'r 16, 1852,Nov. 16, 1852, (Vacant,) 2d Lieut.,. ' . F, 40 42 Infantry. Henry Lux, ...••••••.•.. Captain, •. June 8, 1857,February 3, 1857, Christian Briel, .••••••• :. 1st Lieut.,. June 8,1857,March 19,1857, Charles Hartang, 2d Lieut., . June 8, 1857, March 19, 1857, G, 45 48 Rifles. Andrew Lutz, Captain, July 25,1856,June 10, 1856,

Conrad Py, 0 •• 1st Lieut.,. Dec. 13, 1856, Nov. 25, 1856, John Fackner, 2d Lieut., . Dec. 13, 1856,Nov. 25, 1856, H, 35 38 Rifles. "Bernard Reily, Captain, .•. August 20, 1856,July 25, 1856, James McGuire, ...•.•.... 1st Lieut.,. August 20, 1856,July 25, 1856, Daniel Gallagher, 2d Lieut., . August 20, 1856,July 25, 1856, (Vacant,) , 2d Liellt., ..•.•• " •••••• .•.. ..•... R, 28 31 Cavalry. do Captain,. .. \. ". · · · . do , 1st Lieut.,_ . do ...... •.••. 2<1Lieut.,.. .••• . • •• . . dc) ...... • 2d Lieut.; "...... L, 223 253 -~------B.-( CONTINUED.) FOURTH BRIGADE-T'VELFTH REGIMENT. ---n: l't:l • ~ l:l §~~ ~ l:l.,j~ ~ ~ ::IbD ~ S'" 0 ~s:? a Q NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. 0 g rn~] Q .... Residence and arm of servioe. 0 !:So ...... 0 o ES ... ll) o~ $.0 ....'" ~ ~

, ~ ...... _------l A "II

William Fowler, ..•••..•• Captain, •• March 28, 1853,March 22, 1853, I John D. Ottwell, ..•••..•• 1st Lieut., . Novem'r 17, 1856, Septem'r 22, 1856, Charles Whitlock, ••••.••• 2d Lieut.,. May 24, 1856,Decem'r 27, 1855, D, 38 41 Infantry. (Vacant), .••••••••••..•. Captain, •. do ..••••••.••••. 1st Lieut.,. do ..••••••.••••• 2d Lieut.,. .••• •••• •••• .••• .••• •••• .•••••• E, .•••..•• Infantry. do .•••••••••..•. Captain, •. do .•••.•••••.••. 1st Lieut.,. do ••••••••..•... 2d Lieut., ..•••..••.•••••••.••..••••••••••• F, ..•. Infantry. James A. Boyle, .•••..•.•. Captain, •• Novem'r 14, 1855,October 9, 1855, Frederick T. Locke, .•.•. 1st Lieut.,. May 30, 1857,May 4, 1857, John T. Smith, ..•••..•••. 2d Lieut.,. Novem'r 14, 1855, October 9, 1855, G, 33 36 Infantry. Horatio T. Liftchild, ..... Captain, •. August 3, 1857.June 24, 1857, (Vacant), .••••.•••..•••• 1st Lieut.,. Joseph Wallack, ...••.••• 2d Lieut.,. August 3,1857,June 24, 1857, H, 24 26 Infantry,

(Vacant), ..•••.•.....••. Captain, 0< do ...•.•••....•. 1st IJeut.,. do .•••..••....•. 2d Lieut.,. do ..••.•.••...•. 2d Lieut., ...... ••..••..... 0...... •. R, Louis Heitkamp, ...••..•. Captain, .. Decem'r 13, 1856, December 4, 1856, Adolph Doble, ..•...... 1st Lieut.,. May 14, 1856,April 28, 1856, Charles Nickel, ..•.••••.. 2d Lieut.,. May 14, 1856,April 28, 1856, Michael Topf, .•••• ' ••• 2d Lieut.,. •••• . • •• . • • • .••. ...• . • •• . ••• •• •• L, 67 71 Rifles. B.-(CONTINUED.) .. FIFTH BRIGADE-THIRTEENTH REGIMENT . ~ ~ a~!l:i § § g~~ ~ ~ § ~~ 8 c~'Q NAMES. 0 ~ .... l:l Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. (;> .... ca F IS": Residence and arm of service. 0 °0'" ,... CD'" !fl"O~ ~ ~ o ~ oil ..CD .::. z.!·~ ~ ~8~ ------~ ._- Field Officers. ------Abel Smith, .....•.•••••. Colonel, ..April 18, 1848, March 31, 1848, Williamsb'gh,Kings co John J. Wiseman, ...•.••• Lt. Colonel, April 30, 1853, February 4, 1853, Brooklyn, Kings co. Robert B. Clark, ..•••.••. Major, •••• March 6, 1857, Februa'y 17, 1857, 11Brooklyn, Kings co. Company Officers. Abram AJlen, .•••••••.••• Captain, .•. May 11, 1857, April 7, 1857, John Sullivan, ....••••••. 1st Lieut.,. May 11, 1857, April 7, 1857, John C. Dudley, ....•.... 2d Lieut., ~May 11, 1857, April 7, 1857, 10hn B. Stow, .•••..••.••• 2d Lieut. ,. May 11, 1857: April 8, 1857, A, 56 60Artillery. Oliver Cotter, ....•••.••• Captain, .•. March 6, 1857, Februar:r 13,1857, Robert McIntyre, ...... 1st Lieut., . July 16, 1855, July 16, 1855, James L. Wilson, ...... 2d Lieut., . Jnly 16, 1855, July 16, 1855, Henry M. Lee, ..•••••.••• 2d Lient.,. Novemb'r29, 1856, June 9, 1856, B, 32 36 Artillery. Joseph S. Morgan,...... Captain, ..May 27, 1856, May 27, 1856, George W. Bissell, ..•..•. 1st Lieut.,...... ~...... Abram V. B. Bush, ..••••• 2d Lieut., . May 27, 1856,May 27, 1856, (Vacant,) .••••••.•••..•• 2d Lieut., .••••.•••••••.•• 0 •••••••••••••••• C, 32 35 Artillery.

r • , •

John L. White, •••••• 0 ••• Captain,. 00 May 27, 1856, May 27, 1856,

Marcus A. Hedges, . 000 ••• 1st Lieut.,. May 27, 1856, May 27, 1856,

Augustus J. Warren, . 0 ••• 2d Lieut., . May 27, 1856,May 27, 1856,

George W. Sammis, 0 ••• 00 2d Lieut., . May 27, 1856,May 27, 1856, D, 35 39 Artillery.

Benjamin G. Edmunds, .. 0 Captain, • 0 March 28, 1853,January 21, 1853,

Nicholas R. Schenck, . 00 •• 1st Lieut., .. October 10, 1856, February 25, 1850,

Thomas Y. Baker,. 0 o •• 0 •• 2d Lieut., . Novem'r 29, 1856,January 8, 1856,

(Vacant,) .. 000 .000 •••••• 2d Lieut., ..•••. 000 ••••• 000 •••• 000. 00.0 0... E, 39 42 Artillery. do Ca,ptaill, .....•...... •...... •.... do 1st Lieut., .

Samuel Cross, .• 0' ••••• 00. 2d Lieut., . August 20, 1852, June 28, 1852,

1 (Vacant,) .••..••.••• 0 ••• 2d Lie 1t., . . .••. 0 ••• 0 ••• 0 o' • 0 0 •• 0 ••• 0 0 • 0 • •• F, 22 23 Artillery.

Hugo Pfersdorff,. .0 •• 00. Captain, . 0 May 9, 1855,May 9, 1855,

Max Brown, .. 000 ••••• 00. 1st Lieut., .. 0" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

(V~caIlt,) ...• 0 •••••••••• j2d I..Jieut.,... o •• 0 ••••••••••••••••• 0 0 ••••••• Frederick Eckbold, .. 0.' .2d Lieut., . October 10,1856,January 27, 1856, G, 41 45 Artillery. Richard V. W. Thorne, Jr., Captain, •. February 9, 1857,Decemb'r 10, 1856, William J. Bicknell, .•••.. 1st Lieut.,. Decem'r 24,] 855, October 5, 1855, Evan Mo Johnson, ...•.••• 2d I.Jieut., . April 14,1857,March 13, 1857,

James B. Titus, 00 .0 •••••• 2d Lieut., . Decem'r 24,1855,October 5, 1855, R, 30 34 Light artillery. Charles Bethon, .. 0' .0 •••• Captain, •. April 22, 1854, March 14, 1854,

Adam Platte, .. 0 ••• o •• 00' 1st Lieut.,. April 22, 1854, March 14, 1854, Jacob R:ueger, .. : .• 0. "0 'j2d L~eut., . May 19,1855, Novem:r 1,1854, Theophl1us Koh1mg, ...• rd Lieut., . March 6, 1857, Novem r 1, 1856, L, 50 54Rifle. 337 379 B.-( CONTINUED.) FIFTH BRIGADE-FOURTEENTH REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------• Field Officers. Jesse C. Smith, .•••...... Colonel,..•. June 23,1852,May 7, 1852, .....••...•. Brooklyn, Kings co. Alfred M. Wood, ..••.... Lt. Colonel, Dec. 22, 1856, Novem'r 28, 1856, . ••• • ••.••• Brooklyn, Kings co. Francis A. Paddock, ..... Major, .••. Dec. 22, 1856,Novem'r 28, 1856, .• •. ..•. 12 Brooklyn, Kings co. Company Officers. Horace A. Sprague, ...••. Captain, •. May 26, 1848, Nov. 16, 1847, William H. De Bevoise, .•• 1st Lieut,. May 26,1855,April 27, 1855, Cha's Philip, ...•.. , •.•• , 2d Lieut., . May 6, 1854,A.pril 14, 1854, A, 83 86 Infantry. Adam Schepper, ..•••..•• Captain, •• June 22, 1848,June 2, 1848, Jacob Weber, ..••••••.••• 1st Lieut.,. Nov. 9,1857,Sept. 23, 1857, John G. Reither, ..•.•. 00' 2d Lieut.,. Nov. 9, 1857,Sept. 23,1857: B, 62 65 Infantry. John A. Saal,. 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 • 000 Captain,. 0 • March 6, 1857,Feb. 13, 1857, ~ fIJ (Vacant,) .. 0000.·. 0 o •• 000 1st Liellt., .. 000 • 00' 00' ••• 0 •• 0 0 0 •••• 00' 00 • 'm t."'.l Jacob Becker, 0 o. o ••••••• 2d Lieut., . Dec. 20, 1853,Sept. 13, 1853, C, 31 34 Is: In.fantry. tD ~t'4

, • W,a , __ ...._- " _ u _

William H. McNary,. 0" 0 Captain, ... April 24, 1856,.A.pril 7, 1856,

Cha's F. Baldwin, .•••. o' 0 1st Lieut.,. Jan. 1, 1858,July 13, 1857, James Reilly, .•••.••••..•• 2d Lieut., . May 11, 1857,April ] 3, 1857, D, 45 48 Infantry.

James Carolan, .0 •• 0 ••••• Captain, .• 0 Dec. 22, 1856,Nov. 25, 1856,

Thomas Maloney, ••••.. 0 0 1st Lieut., March 15, 1856,Feb. 19, 1856,

John Maloney, •.•••• 00.0 2d Lieut" .. Dec. 16, 1852,June 30, 1852, E, 27 30 Infantry.

Thomas McCarty,. 0 •••• 0 • Captain, .•. Aug. 20, 1852,June 28, 1852,

Landon Lennon, .••••... 0 1st Lieut.,. April 14, 1857,March 30, 1857,

Patrick H. Lennon, 0 ••••• 2d Lieut., . March 15, 1856,Jan. 7, 1856, F, 35 38 Infantry. Daniel Bradley,.... ••••. Captain, ... May 22, 1856,May 22, 1856,

(Vacan!,) ..•••••..•• 0 ••• 1st Lieut., .. 0" ••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••• William H. McOomb, ..•. 2d Lieut., . May 22, 1856, May 22, 1856, G, 23 25 Infantry. Charles F. Baldwin, •••••. Captain, ... Feb. 16, 1856,Feb. 16, 1856, John Vliet, .•••••...•.... 1st Lieut.,. August 18, 1856,June 25, 1856, David W. Emmons, 2d Lieut., .. Feb. 16, 1856, Feb. 16, 1856, H, 20 23 Infantry. William Mo Burnett, ..••. Captain, ... Dec. 20, 1850,Oct. 15, 1850, David Myers, ..••.. o' •••• 1st Lieut.,. Sept. 12,1857,July 30,1857, Dominicus Snediker, ...•• 2d Lieut., .. Sept. 12, 1857,July 30, 1857,

(Vacant,) ....•.. 0 ••••••• 2d Lieut., , ...... ••••• 0 •••• • •••• R, 26 29 Artillery.

Anthony P. Beadle, .•• 0 •• Oaptain, March 5, 1851,Dec. 10,1850,

Lewis Altenbrl).ndt, 0 •••• 0 1st Lieut.,. April 24, 1856,March 27, 1856,

John Straus, ....•..••. 0 •• 2d Lieut., .. Nov. 29,1856,July 25, 1856, L, 32 35 Rifles. 384 425 B -(CONTINUED.) SIXTH BRIGADE-FIFTEENTH REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank.

--~------_._-- Field Officers. Charles N. Hamilton, ...•• Colonel, ... Febru'y 16, 1852,Febru'y 18, 1852, .•••.....••. Flushing, Queens co. William A. Mitchell, ...•• Lt. Colonel, Febru'y 27, 1855,October 17, 1854, ..•.•••..••• N. Hempst'd, Queens co John Rickey, .•.•..••.••• Major, .••• Febru'y 27, 1855,October 17, 1854,.... 6 Flushing, Queens co.

Company Officers. George BRowe, ..•••..•• Captain, .•• June' 7, 1850,Janu'ry 29, 1849, Henry H. Peck, ..•...•••• 1st Lieut.,. June 7, 1850, Novem'r 7, 1849, Henry S. Bartow, •••.••• 2d Lieut., .. JIlne 7, 1850,Novem'r 'I, 1849, A, 43 46 Rifles. (Vacant,) .• ~••..•.•••••• Captain, .••.•••.•••.•••..••.•••.•••.•••..•• Edwin Collins, ..•• • .••. 1st Lieut., . June 9, 1853,Febru'y 28, 1853, Martin Willis, .•••.••••. 2d Lient ,.. June 9, 1853, Febru'y 28, 1853, B, 23 25 Rifles. ~ ••• fI.l George C. McKee: '..••.••• Captain7 March 10, 1856, March 10, 1856, «f.l Ezra W. Conklin, ••••.••• 1st Lieut.,. March 10, 1856,March 10, 1856, ~ b1 Charles J. Gale, .••••••••• 2d Lieut., . March 10, 1856, March 10, 1856, C, 20 23Infantry. t" t<

t . , « I ...,. 1 .-

(Vacant,) ....•...•.••••. Captain, .•• ' .•...... •.••••• Z :' b: do ..•••. 1st Lieut.,. ~ ~ do •••••• 2d Lieut. ,.. D, .?' S do •• •. Captain,. • . ~ :do .• _••. 1st Lieut.,. '

do ...... • , .. 1st Lieut,.. " 0 ~ ~ ~ do 2d Lieut., to ••••••••• H, 0' cThomas L. Robertson, ..•. Captain, .•• Febru'y ~21, 1853,Novem'r 18, 1852, (Vacant,) 1st Lieut.,. do 2d Lieut., . do 2d Lieut.,. R, 40 41 Artillery. do ..•••••••••••. Captain, -- do •••.••..••.••• 1st Lieut.,. do .••••••.••••. 2d Lieut., .. do .•.•••.•••.••• 2d Lieut., .. L, 126 141 ==\ B.-( CONTINUED.) SIXTH BRIGADE-SIXTEENTH REGIMENT . . 1"0 • ~ l:ll:l~ l:l 8

d ------' -_._'- ( ... ..

John S. Havens, ...••...• Captain, ... February 1, 1856,February 1, 1856, (Vacant), ..•••.•.••..... 1st Lieut , ...• 0 ••• 0 •• 0 0 ••••••• 0 .000 ••••••• I Ellis Smith, ...••...•..•. 2d Lieut.,. FebruaI'y 1,1856,February 1, 1856, D, 36 38 jInfantry.

John W. Raynor, ...• 0 •••• Captain, •. August 15,1857,July 31, 1857,

Charles M. Jennings, ..• 0' 1st Lieut.,. August 15, 1857,July 31, 1857, Daniel A. Griffin, ..••.... 2d Lieqt.,. August 15,1857,Ju]y 31, 1853, E, 34 37 Infantry.

(Vacant), ....•..••• 0 •••• Captain, o ••••••••••• 0 ••• 0' •• 0 o. 0 ••••••••••

do 1st Lieut., I•••••• c •••••.•••••••• 41 ••••••• Walter Elliott, .•••...••. 2d Lieut.,. Septem'r 16, 1852,September 1, 1852, F, .... Infantry. George W. Lyon, ..••..•• Captain, o. August 18, 1851, August 2, 1850, Silas S. Horton, .....••••• 1st Lieut.,. July 30, 1855, May 17, 1852, William D. Corey, ..••.... 2d Lieut.,. July 30, 1855,April 16, 1855, G, 35 38 Infantry.

(Vacant), 0 •••••••• 0. Captain, ...• o ••••••••••••••• o. • • • • •• • •••• do ".1st Lieut.,_ . do , 2d Lieut", · . H, ...... Infantry . do '. Captain, ...... •...... · · · do " 1st Lieut., · · · . do ,2d Lieut.,_ , ~ do 2dLieut., a'.' • • • • • • •• . • •• R,

do Captain, · .' ..,. · · . ~ · · I do \ 1st Lieut., . do · . 2d Lieut.,. . . I

do 2d Lieut., II' ,... L,


~ d"8!t:i $:l Oc:lOil ~ c:l $:l Po. =rn-;; Oil Po. E! =bSJ 0 .;S= S C) NAMBS. OOiee. Date of CommilJsion. 0 ~ yj'C) Date of rank. C) .... ., ~ l:l Residence and arm or service. .... 0 !S ., .... 0 ... o!s ~ .25 o!$ '"' c:l ~ l> ~ 8~

... « .., i ... y,

Edward W. Christy, .••••. Captain, May 1, 1855,iMay 1, 1855 Abram S. Greene, ...... •. 1st Lieut., May 1,1855,I,May 1,1855, \ Andrew J.King, er 2d Lieut., May 1, 1855,May 1, 1855, D, 32 35 Infantry. Ludwig Felter, •••••••••. Captain, January 5, 1857,IJanuary 5, 1857, Louis Koehler, .•...... 1st Lieut.,Augllst 3, 1857,June 8, 1857, John Begelspachel', .•.•.•. 2d Lieut., August 3, 1857,IJune 8, 1857, E, 32 35 Infantry.

(Vacant), ..•••.•••••••.• Captain, ...... It ••• do . 1st Lieut., .•••...•••.•••••.•••.•••.•••.•.. do .. ~ '" . 2d Lieut., .•.• ...... • .....••.. •.•••.••. F, do . Captain, ...... \

do . 1sdtLL~eutt".•••••.....•.••.•••••.••.• •••••. G I do , ...... 2 - leu.,...... , do ", . Captain, .•.••...... •...••..•..••..... do . 1stLieut., .••...... •..•... 1 . do " . 2d Lieut., ...... ••• . . •. .••...... • . .. II, ~ Charles M. O'Blennis, ..•. Captain, Septem'r 10, 1855"August 18, 1855, I John A. Campbell, . 1st Lieut., !septem'r 10, 1855, August 18, 1855, John M. Baker, .••••.••.. 2d Lieut., Septem'r 10, 1855,August 18, 1855, *Henry Palmer, ••...... 2d Lieut., IJanuary 1, 1858, Septem'r 19, 1857, R, 25 28 Cavalry. (Vacant), . .. .• . ••• . .•.. Captain, ...... " . do , . 1st Lieut., ". do . 2d Lieut., ~...... L,

175 198 ==== B.-(CONTINUED.) SEVENTH BRIGADE-EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT . . a~~ ~ ~ ~§~~ ~i §oi~ NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. ~ ~~.S Residence and arm of servicE'. .... ~ otE!"' o t1J ~~!

~.e ~t""" -"":~.~.;:: ~ ~ ~Sp.. -- Field officer-s.------I------_------.... Ol James Ryder, ••••••.••••• Colonel, July 30,1851'IJUlY 20, 1851, South East, Putnam co. o John H. Hyatt, Lt ..Col., February 6, 1852,January -31, 1852,1 Cort.landt, Westch'r co. E. Lockwood Close, •. ' .. Major, February 6,1852"January 31, 1852, ..•. 14 N. Salem, Westch'r co.

Company Officers. I (Vacant,) ....••••••..... Captain, " """ . do ...•...... 1st Lieut., ". do . 2d Lieut.,...... •• ...... •• ...... • . •. A, do . Captain,.. ..•••• ...•.. . . do . 1st Lieut., . . • • • . ••. . . do . 2d Lieut., "...... B, Hickson Covert, ..••••••• Captain, . March 7, 1854, February 1, 1854, Emerick Crawford, . 1st Lieut.,August 3, 1855, August 1, 1855,

John L. Knapp, ••.•...••• 2d Lieut., March 6, 1856, January 21, 1856, c, .... I' ••• IInfantry.

.... F

Alfred Nuskey, . 0 • 0 • 0 •••• Captain, IIJune 23, 1854, May 25, 1854"1 1st Lieut.,April 17,1856,April 1,1856, John A. Aitchison" 0 0 •••• 2d Lieut.,.April 17, 1856, April 1, 1856, D, 36 36 Infantry, William H. Tillotson" .•• 0 Captain, ...... " . (Vacant,) ., . 0 • 0 0 ••• 0 0 • ~ 0 •

0 0 •••• 00 •• 0 •• 00 ••• ~ 0 • 0 •• do ...•. 00 ••• '000 1st Lieut., . o' ...•. do . 2d Lieut., ..••••...... o•.... 00' 0 •• o•. 0 0 0 E, Captain, •. Decem'r 8~ 1855, Novem'r 20, 1855, Colin Tolmie, .. 00 ••• 0 .00.

0000. '0' 000 ... 0.0 .- •• 0 •••••••• (Vacant,) 0 •••• 0. 0 1st Lieut., .••• 2d -Lieut., August 3, 1857, Decem'r 19, 1855, F, 34 36 Infantry, William H. Heustis, .0 ••••

Jackson P. Ballard, .. 0 0 0 0 Captain, . October 10,1851,Septem'r 6, 1851,

0 0 ••••••• 0 • • •• •• 0 0 • 0 0" • (Vacant,) .. 0 ., • 00' •••••• 1st Lieut., .. o' ..... 20 21 Infantry. do . 2d Lieut" .. o •••••••• 0 .0.0 ' •• 0 •••• , •• 0 • ~ •• G, do . Captain, .. 00 • 0 • 0 , ••• , • 0 ••• 0 ••••••••••••

do , , 00 •••• 1st Lieut., ...... •...•.. , .. 0 •••• '-' ••••• '1 do *' . ~~p~~t~t" j~~l;~;Y 0 • '185'8',iO~t~b~;'i2: 'IS'57', H, Abraham H. Lord, .. 0 ••• 0 i: John lIalsted, , .• 0 0 • 0 •••• 1st Lieut.,Septem'r 10, 1855,IAugust 13, 1855,\ i Bennett Gilbert, ...... , 0 • .1~~.5.,~~~~uoS:•• ~~~ol~.5.5:1R, 36 39lArtillel'y .. (Vacant,) , . 0 o' 0 0 o. ~~tl:~~~:~~~:~~'.r.~~: Captain, Novem'r 23, 1854,Novem'r 23, 1854, I Daniel Mo Hyatt, 0 0 • 0 • 0

Lewis Leavens, .0 ••••••• 1st Lieut.,.June 26, 1855, May 31, 1855, 2d Lieut., June 26,1855,May 31, 1855, L, Joseph T. Rikernan, ..•.. 0 0 ~1~Rifles, 164 187 =1= B.-( CONTINUED.) SEVENTH BRIGADE-NINETEENTH REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

--._------~----_._------. ------Field Officers. Stephen C. Parmenter, ..... Colonel, .•.• , ..•.•••...•...•..•...••...... Newburgh, Orange co. Adam Lilburn, .•••.••..• Lt. Co1., Septem'r 11, 1854,August 28, 1854, .••• . ... Newburgh, Orange co. William R. Brown, ..••••. Major, Septem'r 11, 1854, August 28, 1854, .••. 11 Newburgh, Orange co.

Company Officers. Frederick Decker, .•••••• Captain, Nov. 14, 1854,Nov. 14, 1854, Frederick Kimball, •.•••. 1st Lieut., Nov. 14, 1854, Nov. 14, 1854, Isaac Smith, ..•••.••.•• ., 2d Lieut.,...... • . . •. ..•• . . •• . . • . . • •• A, 32 35 Infantry. lames H. Norton, ..•. .• •• Captain, . Horace St. John, ...... ••• 1st Lieut., ...•.•.•...... •...•...•..•• Henry Rivenburgh, .•.••• 2d Lieut., . •... .• •• . . . • ...... •• ...... • . . .. B, 32 35 Infantry. lames W. Wilkin,.... .•.• Captain, Dee. 30, 1854,Dec. 30,1854, 10nathan M. Morrison,.... 1st Lieut , Dec. 30, 1854,Dec. 30, 1854, ,Jonathan N. Miller, ••.... 2d Lieut.,Dec. 30, 1854,Dec. 30, 1854, C, 29, 32lInfantry .

• es· . .,( F , •

z Robert D. Kemp, ••••.... Captain, Nov. 23, 1855,Nov. 23,1855, ? Geeorge M. Van Nort, •••• 1st Lieut., Nov. 23, 1855, Nov. 23, 1855, I ...... Isaac Wood, Jr., . 2d Lieut.,Nov. 23, 1855,Nov. 23, 1855, D, 34 37lInfantry. ?' I. Newton Arnold, .•••..•• Captain, Dec. 1, 1857 ec. 1, 1857) Wilson Bruyn,...... 1st Lieut.,Dec. I,I857,Dec. 1, 1857, Erwin G. Fowler, ...•.••• 2d Lieut.,Dec. 1,1857,Dec. 1,1857, E, 45 48 Infantry. (Vacant,) . Captain, Ii •• •••• • •••••••••••••• • do . 1st Lieut., ·

do II ••••••• 2d Lieut., .•••. , .• . . •...... • . . .• F, . do . Captain, ......

do II ••••••••• 1st Lieut., ..••...... •...... do ••••...... 2d Lieut., . . .• ...• ...... ••• ...... G, ••.•.••• do ~ .. Captain, ..••..•...•...•...... do . 1st Lieut., ...... •••..•...... • . · •.. • • . do ....•...... 2d Lieut., ..••...... • ~I •••••••• · ••••••• H, .... William C. Brewster, .... Captain, May 29, 1855,Oct. 10, 1854, David Jagger, ....•..•••. 1st Lieut., May 29, 1855, Oct. 10, 1854, Hugh Milligan, .•••...... 2d Lieut., May 29, 1855, Oct. 10, 1854, (Vacant,) ...•....••.... 2d Lieut.,...... •• ...... • • . . .. R, 32 s"lcavalry. do . Captain, ...... •.....•••....

do . 1st Lieut., II . do . 2d Lieut., 0...... do . 2d Lieut., ...... • '. . . •• . . •...... L, .

• •


NA.MES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank.

------._------Field Officers. George W. Pratt,. . . . • . . .. Colonel, Septem'r 12, 1857,Febru'y 19, 1852, .... • • o. Kingston, Ulster co. Hiram Schoonmaker, Lt. Col., May 19) 1855, May 19, 1855,1..•. . ... Rondout, Ulster co. Theodore B. Gates,... 0 ••• 0 Major, May 19, 1H55,May 19, 1855, .. 0 • 10 do 5 Non-commission'd staff. Company Office s. Jon. B. Webster, ...••.... Captain, Novem'r 11, 1852,Novem'l' 10, 1852, Geol'geW. Mead,Jr.; .•• o .. 1st Lieut., October 7, 1853,Septem'r 3-, 1853, George H. Martin) .....• o. 2d Lieut., Septem'r 28, 1855, Septem'l' 28, 1855, A, 46 49 Infantry. TeunisH.Hallenbeck, ..•. Captain, Septem'rl1,1854,Sertem'r 3,1854, JacobB. Hardenbergh,. 0.. 1st Lieut.,Septem'r 14, 1857,August 14, 1857, Cornelius J. Houghtaling.. 2d Lieut., Septem'r 14, 1857,.A,.ugust 14, 1857, B, 32 35 Infantry. John P. Derenbacker, .• 0" Captain, July 18, 1855,July 6, 1855,

John Kline, ....• 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 •• 1st Lieut., March 31, 1855, March 13, 1855,

Peter Claire, .. 00. •••• • • •• 2d Lieut., Septem'r 14, 1857, August 18, 1857, C, 44 47 Infantry .

h L • 1 • c- ,- ~

~ John B. Davis, ...•..••.... Caphin,IAugust 4, 1855, August 4, 1855,1 ;; Cornelius B. Bishop, .•.••• 1st Lieut.,IAugust 4, 1855, August 4, 1855, ..... August 4, 1855, D, 2s1 31 Infantry. Ol Davis Winne, ..••..•..... 2d Lieut.,\AUgUst 4, IS55, --.....J Samuel Penniman, ...... Captain, Septem'r 20, 1856, August 30, 1856, Infantry, and 7 sappers John P. DewItt, .•••...••. 1st Lieut'rptem'r 20, IS56, August 30, 1856, and miners. Henry Mick, ....•...... 2d Lieut.,Septem'r 20, 1856, August 30, 1856, E. 29 32 P. J. Flynn, ...... Captain, March 30, 1857, Janu'ry 17, 1857, (Vacant,) ..•••.•••.•.. • . 1st L~eut"I""" ...•.•..•. ...' ...... John Murray, ...... 2d LlCut"IMarch 30, 1857, January 15, 1857, Patrick Kenney, .•...... 2d Lieut."July 26, 1853, July 26, 1853, F, 42 45 Infantry. Anthony Van Bergen, ...... Captain, April 8, 1857, April 8, 1857, John F. Ahrens" ...... 1st Lieut., April 8, 1857, April 8, 1857, 8, 1857, April 8, 1857, G, 35 38 Infantry. J. Andrew Weiler, ..••..•. 2d Lieut., April ...... Decem'r 30, 1857, Decem'r 30, 1857, ~ George F. Von Beck, ...... Captain, ~ Adam Metzger, ..••...... 1st Lieut., Decem'r 30, 1857, Decem'r 30, 1857, John Henkel, •.•••...... 2d Lieut., Decem'r 30, 1857, Decem'r 30, 1857, B, 32 35lInfantry. Bez. Pettit, ...••.•...... Captain, August 9, 1856,July 5, 1856, Platt J. Rowley, ...••...•. 1st Lieut., August 9, 1856,July 5, 1856, George Bushnell, ...•••.•. 2d Lieut., August 9, 1856, July 5, 1856, 2d Lieut., August 9, 1856, July 5, 1856, R, 51 55 Light Artillery. George Wheeler, ...... -- -- 339 382 =,~ B-( CONTINUED. ) EIGHTH 13RIGADE-TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence anti arm of service.

------_._------Field Officers. Joseph Wright, ..•••• ..•. Colonel, Sept. 26, 1854, Sept. 14, 1854, .•••..••..•. Poughkeepsie, Dutchess co. James G. Hillis, . . . . • . • •• Lt. Col., Nov. 9, 1857,Sept. 1, 1857, ...... Poughkeepsie, Dutchess co. Ambrose Wager, ...••.... Major., Jan. 22, 1857,Jan. 7, 1857, ..•. 6 Rhinebeck, Dutchess co. Company Officers. William J. McAnnnlty, ..• Captain, Dec. 29, 1854, Dec. 29, 1854'1 James McDermott, .•••••• ] st Lieut., Nov. : 9, 1857, Oct. 20, 1857, John Howard, ..•••....•. 2d Lieut., Nov. 9, 1857, Oct. ~o, 1857, Patrick McCarthy, ..••••• 2d J.Jieut., Nov. 9, 1857, Oct 20, 1857, A, 30 34 Artillery. John Doherty, ..•••.••••• Captain, Jan. 1, 1858, Dec. 21, 1857, Lawrence McCan, .•••.••• 1st Lieut.,IJan. 1, 1858, Dec. 21, 1857, Michael McCluskey, .••••• 2d Lieut., Dec. 27, 1854, Dec. 27, 1854, (Vacant,) ...••..•.•...•• 2d Lieut., ...•...•...•...... 13, 36 39 Arti IIe1'y. ~ l1J Matthew Kennedy, ..••••. Captain, Oct. 16, 1857, Oct 16, 1857, l1J t".l William Muldoney, t ••••• 1st Lieut., Oct. 16, 1857, Oct. 16, 1857, l:( t:D Andrew Keyes, .•••..•.•• 2d Lieut, Oct. 16, 1857,.oct. 16, 1857, t:"t C, 44 47 Artillery. ~

'--- . t c . i 1

Abram Ashley, Jr., . 0 0 0 0 0 Captain, April 16, 1855,March 21, 1855,

Jared Best,. 0.000 .000 .0 •• 1st Lieut.,April 16, 1855, March 21, 1855, Henry M. Wetherbee, . 0.' 2d Lieut.,April 16, 1855,March 21, 1855, D, 43 46 Artillery.

(Vacant,) • 0 ••• 0 • 0 ••••• 0 2d Lieut., .••..• 0 •••• 0 • 0 ••• 0 0 •••••••••

do "'... Captain, III •• • •••••••••••••

- do .. ~ 0- • • •• 1st Lieut., .•.... It ••••.•••••••••••••••••

do ... 00. 000 ••• o. 2d Lieut., . 0 0 0 o ••• 0 0 .0.0 • 0 000 •••••••••

do 00' •••• 000 .000 2d Lieut., . 00 •••• 000 ., o •• 00 •• 000 .00... E, .

do . 0 • 0 •••• o •• 0 •• Captain, ...... 0 • • • 0 0 ••• 0 ••• 0 0 •

do ...... 1st Lieut., II ••••• t' •• do ...... 2d Lieut., " ...

do ...... 2d Lieu till' • • • • •• •••• • •• , <# • • • • • • F, .... it ••• do ...... Captain, ......

do . 0 • 0 0 0 •• o. 000. 1st Liellt., . 00 •••• ;; •••••••••• 0 0 ••••••••

do ...... 2d Lieut., '" \:;)i.,) t •••.•

do ...... 2d Lieut.~ . • •••• ....•. ...• . . .. G, Ill ••••••• do ...... Captain, ......

do .0.000 •• 0 0 •• 00 1st Lieut., ..•. o •••••••••••••••••• 0 •••• do ...... 2d Lieut., , . do ...... 2d Lieut., ~...... H, , '.

Daniel H. Turner, ... 0 00' Captain, July 29, 1857,July 8, 1857,

Edgar S. Jennings, ..•••• 0 1st Lieut.,July 29, 1857,July 8, 1857,

Reuben Tanner,. 0 •••• 0 000 2d Lieut.,July 29, 1857,July 8, 1857,

(Vacant,) .. 0 o. o •••••• 00. 2d Lieut., ... 0 • 0.. •• • ••• 00' 0 0 ...... R, 45 48 Lt. Artillery. B.-( CONTINUED.) EIGHTH BRIGADE-TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT.-(COSTINUED.)

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------Francis J. Muller,. • •• •••. Captain, . Feb. 28, 1856,Feb. !'-', 1856, (Vacant,) . .••• •••••• .••• 1st Lieut., ••••••...... •.•••.•••...• Francis Heinsterbeck, .••• 2d Lieut.,March 10, 1856,Feb. 28, 1856, L, 33 35 Rifles.


TENTH BRIG.ADE-TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. Field Officers. Henry .A. Mercer, ••••••.. Colonel, Sept. 18, 1854,Aug. 27, 1853, Lansingburgh, Renssel'r co. George Brust, ..••.•.•.••• Lt. Co1., Sept. 18, 1854,Aug. 27, 1853, . Brunswick, Rensselaer co. John H. Burns, .••.•...•• Major, Sept. 18, 1854,.Aug. 27, 1853, .••• 11Troy, Rensselaer county.

Company Officers. Joseph B. Carr, .•.••. •••• Captain, Oct. 26, 1854,Sept. 15, 1854, Peter Donnelly, .•••••••. 1st Lieu 1., Oct. 26, 1854,Sept. 22, 1854, Dominick Ganley,.. •••••• 2d Lieut., Oct. 26, 1854,Sept. 22, 1854, A, 25 28lInfantry. , • ..

E. H. Virgil, Captain, August 2, 1855, Aug. 2, 1855, !::Z ...... ? (Vacant,) ...... 1st Lieut . • ••••••••• "' •• 4 ·...... 0' do ...... 2d Lieut., • ...... !' ...... ·...... ~...... B, 25 26!rnfantry. Thomas F. Evers, •••••••. Captain, Dec. 7,1857, Nov. 10, 1857, ~ ,John Kelly, ....•.•••.••. 1st Lieut., Aug. 3, 1857, June 17, J857, H ugh Brady, .••••• . ••••. 2d Lieut., Aug. 3, 1857, Jan. 14, 1857, C, 25 28 rnfantry. Sidney Wright, ..••.••••• Captain, .. Oct. 31, 1851, Sept. 20, 1851, (Vacant,) .••..••..•••••. 1st Lieut., ·...... • .... I .... ·...... l , do ·...... , ...... 2d Lieut , ...... ·.... , ...... DJ 25 26 Infantry. . do ...... Captain, . .. • • • ...... , ... A .. ·...... do ·...... 1st Lieut., ·...... do , ...... f) ...... 2d Lieut., ...... ·...... ,...... E, Infantry.

do ...... Captain, • .... Q ...... " ...... ,...... do ·...... 1st Lieut., ·...... " ...... ·...... I ...... en -~ do ...... 2d Lieut., ...... , .... • ...... I ...... F,

do • .. ., .. It ...... Captain, ...... {.....

...... to •••••• do ·...... 1st Lieut., • •••••••••••• 4' do ·...... 2d Lieut., ·..... " ...... ·...... G, do • •••••• $ •••••• Captain, ·...... • •••• 4' ...... do ·...... 1st Lieut., ·...... _...... - .. ·-1 do ·...... 2d Lieut., 'II •••• ...... ·...... H,

Sidney W. Park, ....••.•. Captain, . Nov. 12J 1856, Sept. 29, 1856, James A. Cross, ••••••.••• 1st Lieut., Nov. 12, 1856, Sept. 29, 1856, William Davis, •...•...••• 2d Lieut., Dec. 30, 1852'IJuly 27, 1852, Walter S. Kipp, .••••••••• 2d Lieut., Nov. 12, 1856,Sept. 29, 1856, R, 25 29lArtillery. B.-( CONTINUED.) TENTH BRIGADE-TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT.-(CONTINUED.)

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------,------Henry Hilke, ..•••.•••••. Captain, Sep. 12~ 1857, Aug. 12, 1857, Charles Waldheim, .•••••• 1st Lieut., Sept 12, 1857,Aug. 12, 1857,

(Vacant), ..•••••••••. 0 •• 2d Lieut., .•••....••• 00 •••••••••••••••

do ..••.•• 0 ••••• 2d Lieut., .••..•...•.....•• 0 ••• , •••••• L, 25 27 Rifles.


John W. Harcourt, .••• 0 o. Colonel, May 31,1856,May 26, 1856, ..•.••••.••• Albany.

Evert J. Lansing, .•••.•• 0 Lieut. Col.Feb. 24, 1857,Feb. 10,1857, ..•. 0 •••••• 1 Albany. Michael K. Bryan, .•.••••• Major, May 30,1857,May 11, 1857, ..•..••• 10 Albany.

Company officers. William T. Wooley, .••••. Captain, Aug. 15, 1857,June 2, 1857, Charles Richardson, •••••• 1st Lieut., Nov. 9, 1857,Oct. 6, 1857, George Stackhouse, ...... 2d Lieut., Aug. 15, 1857,June 9, 1857, John Pochin, .•• 0 •••••••• 2d Lieut, Jan. 29, 1857,Jan. 20, 1857, A. 31 35 Artillery.

ht (Vacant), .•••••• o ••• 000. Captain, • 0 000 •• 000 .0 ••• 00 00' 0000 O· • 0

~ do ••.••• o. • • • ••• 1st Lieut., ••••••• 0 0 •• 0" •••••••• 0 ••••• ~ do ...... 2dLieut., ...... ••...... ~

S do •••••••••••••• 2d Lieut., .•••• ••••••• 0 ••••••••• o. . . .. :8, .0.0 •••• Artillery. g:James McCrossen, •••••••• Captain, Aug. 15,1857,June 15, 1857,

::: John Crough, .•• 0 .0.0 .0 •• 1st Lieut., April 5, 1856, March 17, 1856, ~John Gray, .•••.•••.••••. 2d Lieut., April 5, 1856, March 17, 185~,

• Joseph P. Morgan, .0 ••• 0. 2d Lieut., Feb. 9,1857,Jan. 26, 1857, C, 46 50 Artillery. ~John Arts, ...•..••.••••• Captain, Dec. 16, 1852,Oct, 14, 1852, ":"'Chri~topher Hess, •••••••• 1st Lieut., Feh. 24, 1857, Dec. 8,1856,

Peter Kempf, ..•• 0.00 0)" 2d Lieut., Feb. 24, 1857, Dec. 8, 1856, Charles ~chiffeldecker, ..•• 2d Lieut., Feh. 24, 1857,Feh. - 1857, D, 59 63 Artillery. David W. Shanks, .••••••. Captain, Feb. 9, 1857,Jan. 30, 1857, ...... James Dodds, •••••••••••• 1st Lieut., May 31, 1856, May 22, 1856, en .....rhomas Henry, •••••••••• 2d Lieut., Aug. 15, 1857,Aug. .4, 1857, (Vacant), ..•.• ~•••.••••. 2d Lieut., ..••• ','" .•••.••• ,'" •.•...•.. E, .21 24 Artillery. - Rodger McGraw, ..••••••• Captain, Jan. 20, 1857,.fan. 12,1857, l\Hchael D. McGraw, .•••• 1st Lieut., Jan. 20, 1857,Jan. 12, 1857, Michael H. Kennelly, ..•. 2d Lieut., Jan. 20, 1857,Jan. 12, 1857, Edward O'Keefl'e, •.•.•.• 2d Lieut., Jan. 20, 1857,Jan. 13, 1857, F, 40 44 Artillery.

(Vacant), .••••••••• 0. 0" Captain, ••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• do 1st Lieut., .••••••••••••••••••••••••••• do ...... • 2d Lieut., . d't} ••• •• .-.. •••• ..2d--L-ieut., ••-•••• '••••.•• -."- -.-.-.'-.-.--.e...... G, B.-( CONTINUED.) ELEVENTH RRIGADE-TWENTY-FJFTH REGIMENT.-(CoNTINuED.)

NAMES. Office. Date of commil!8ion. Date of rank. Relidence and arm of lervice.

------(Vacant,) ...... • ...... Captain, ...•...... •...... do ...... 1st Lieut., . do 2d Lieut., ...•..•..•...... , ~ . do ...... 2d Lieut., "...... H, George Swarzman, ...••••. Captain, Aug. 15, 1857,June 2, 1857, Stephen Schreiber ., •••••• 1st Lieut., Dec. 1, 1857, Nov. 16,1857, Philip Mork, .••••••••••• 2d Lieut., Dec. 1, 1857,Nov. 16, 1857, George Schneider, .••••••• 2d Lieut., Aug. 15, 1857,June 2, 1857, R, 27 31 Cavalry. Patrick H. Griffin,.. •••• •• Captain, April 15, 1853,Feb. 23, 1853, John Evers,.. . • . • • • . •• ••• 1st I~ieut., April 15, 1853, Feb. 23, 1853, Henry Mulholland,. •.•• ••• 2d Lieut., April 15, 1853,Feb. 23, 1853, James Swift,. •••••• •••••• 2d Lieut., March 10, 1856, Feb. 18, 1856, L, 68 72Light artillery.

292 32!J ----

I • d .I.. n - '- i ..... r \ (

SEVENTEENTH BRIGADE-TWENTY-SIXTHREGlMENT. Field Officers. John A. Barllydt, .••.••• '. Colonel, Sept. 10, 1857,Sept. 10, 1857, Schenectady. (Vacant,)...... •••••• •••• Lt. Co1., ...... "' . William H. young,...... Major, Feb. 21, 1857, Feb. 21, 1857, 6 Company Officers. John Fritschy,. ••••.••••. Captain, Dec. 30, 1853, Dec. 12, 1853, Henry Boss, .••••.••••••• I st Lieut., May 15, 1856, April 9, 1856, Frederick· Bechtel, ...••... 2d Lieut., May 15, 1856,April 9, 1856, A, 33 36 Infantry. James G.Fraser, ••••••••• Captain, Aug. 1, 1857,June 29, 1857, Daniel Cameron, .•••••••• 1st Lieut., Aug. 17, 1855, Aug. 10, 1855, Peter C. McInty re, ••••.••• 2d Lieut., Aug. 1, 1857, June 29, 1857, B, 51 54Infantry. ~ Philip Relyea, ..••••••••• Captain, July 25, 1856, June 27, 1856~ Cl.· John H. Richardson, ..•••• 1st Lieut., July 25, 1856, June 27, 1856, ~ John }"rame,.•..•••.••••• 2d Lieut., July 25, 1856,June 27, 1856, C, 28 31 Rifles. Charles H. Skillin, ...... Captain, Aug. 15, 1857, July 30, 1857, Jacob J. Radcliff, .•••••••• 1st J.~ieut.,Aug. 15, 1857,July 30, 1857, John M. Vanderveer, •••••• 2d Lieut., Aug. 15, 1857,July 30, 1857 D, 29 32 Infantry. William Dormady, .••••••. Captain, Oct. 10, 1857, Oct. 10, 1857, (Vacant ,) .•.•••••••••••• 1st Lieut., ·...... ·...... do .. I ••••••••••• 2d Lieut., ·...... E, 32 33 Infantry. do Captain, ...... ·...., ...... ·...... " ... do .•.t ••••• I •••••• 1st Lieut., ·..... ~...... ·...... do ...... 2d Lieut., •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• F, I B~~ (A,)l(TINtT~1). ) SEVENTEENTH BRIG ADE-TWENTY --SIXTH REGIMENT .~( CONTINUED.)

~ ~ NAMES. OlBoe. Date of oommiuion. Date ohank. ~ Rell1denee and arm of .ervioe. ....o ~~ J ------.-.-- ---,----. - ---_. -.-.. ------...... -,~.-..-.....--... (Vacant,) .••••••••••••• Captain, .••••• I,' •••••••••••••••••••• do ••••••..••..•. 1st Lieut., . do ••••••..••.••. 2d Lieut.,...... •..•..•... G, do ••••.•.•..•••. Captain, .•••.•••••••••.• '••••••••••.• do ••••••••••.••• 1st Lieut., .•••••••••.••...•••••••••••• do .••••...••..•. 2d Liellt.,...... •...... •...... H, ..••.... Timothy W. Miller, ••••• Captain, Sept. 4, 1855,Sept. 4, 1855, Charles J. Fox, .••••••••• 1st Lieut.~ Sept. 4, 1855, Sept. 4, 1855; David Pool, Jr., ..••..•. 2d Lieut.,Sept. 4,1855,Sept. 4, 1855, Nathan J. Burton, ..••.••. 2d Lieut., May 11, 1857, April 30, 1857, R, 41 45 Artillery. William H. Banker, .••••. Captain, Nov. 17, 1856, Nov. 14, 1856, William V. Horsfa.ll, ..••. 1st Lieut., Feb. 14, 1855, Dec. 16, 1854, 2d Lieut., Nov. 17, 1856, Nov. 14, 1856, ~ John C. Barhytit, .••••••• ~ Addison Warner, •••••••. 2d Lieut, Nov. 17, 1856,Nov. 14, 1856, L, 31 35 Artillel'y. {IJ ---- {IJ 245 272 ~ ~ ~.~ ...

.( , I .. - .L. .' J i i P \

TWELFTH J3RIGADE-TWENTY-SEVENTII REGIMENT. Field Officers. Samuel F. Miller ..••••.•. Colonel, July 16, 1855,June 29, 1855, ..•••••••••• Franklin, Delaware co. James Oliver, . .. .••• •.•. Lt. Co1., July 16, 1855,June 29,1855; ..•...•..••• Andes, Delaware co. Charles A. Edgerton, .••• :Major, July 16, 1855,June 29, 1855, . . •• .••• 8 Delhi, Delaware co.

Company Officers.

(Vacant,) . Captain, .•••.•• " •••••• t •••••••••• ( •• do .•••• ~ .•••. ' . 1st Liellt, ..••••••••.••..•••.•••••.•• -. do ..•.•..•.•..•. 2d Lieut., ..••••.•••..•....•.••••••••• A, ...... do •••• .:•••.••••. Ca,ptain, ••••••••••••••.•••••••• 0 •••• do " •••.••• 1st Liellt., .•••••...•..••.•••• e •••••••• ., do ...•.••• c;..:g ] ~CI1 3s~ H It ~8~ ------'------Noah H. Phillips, ••••••• 4 Captain, March 9, 1857, Aug. 23, 1856, George G. Donnelly, •••••. 1st Lieut., March 9, 1857, Aug. 23, 1856, John W. Walter, .•••••••• 2d Lieut., March 9, 1857, Aug. 23, 1856, G, 34 37 Infantry. (Vacant), ..••••••••••••. Captain, ·...... ·...... do •••••••••••••. 1st Lieut., ...... ·...... do ·...... 2d Lieut., ·...... ·...... H, do ·...... ,..... Captain, ·...... ·...... do ·...... 1st Lieut., ·...... ·...... do ·...... 2il Lieut., ·...... ·...... do ·...... 2d Lieut., ·...... ·...... R, 32 32 Artillery. Elihu Osterhout, .••••.••. Captain, Aug. 9, 1856, Feb. 1, 1856: William Fisher, .••••••••• 1st Lieut., Aug. 9, 1856, Feb. 1, 1856, WilliHm Hymer, ..••••••• 2d Lieut., Aug. 9, 1856, Feb. 1, 1856, (Vacant), ...... 2d Lieut., ·...... • •••••••••• J •• L, 43 46 Artillery. ---- 211 230 = --

I ! I , • ... , -I . i • •

ELEVENTH BRIGADE-TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT. P:eld Officers. I . Calvin T. Pfek, •••••••••• C~]one], Jan. 20, 1854,Sept. 17, 1853, •••••••••••• Ballston Spa! Saratoga co. (Vacant), . •• • ••• •••• • ••• LIeut. Co]•.•••••.••••.••..••••••••••...•••.••..••• Saratoga SprIllgs. Alonzo F. Blown, ...••••. Major, .•••••••.••••. March 23, 1857, •••• .••• 13 Saratoga Springs.

Company Officers. Sep. 1, 1855, Alonzo Welsh, •• 41 ••••••• Captain, Dec. 17, 1855, William A. Johnson, .•••. 1st Lieut., Dec. 17, 1855,Sep. 1, 1855, GeorgAL. Ames, .•••••••• 2d Lieut., Dec. 17,1855, Sep. 1, 1855, A, 39 42 Infantry. Daniel S. Latham, .•.••••• Captain, Sept. 12, 1857, Aug. 19, 1857 George W. Hazard, ..••••• 1st Lieut., Sept. 12, 1857, Aug. 19, 1857, Ambrose B. Hathorne, .••. 2d Lieut., Sept. 12, 1857, Aug. 19,1857, B, 18 21 Infantry. ~ 23, 1857, (h Benjamin Viele, .....•.••. Captain, Aug. 15, 1857, April -1 Joseph Rodgers, ...•••.••• 1st Lieut., Aug. 15, 1857, April 23, 1857, ""VesleyHerson, .••••.•.•• 2d Lieut., Aug. 15, 1857, April 23, 1857, C, 31 34 Infantry. Theodore Partello, .••...• Captain, Nov. 14, 1855,Oct. 8, 1855, (Vacant), '" •••••••••.•• 1st Lieut, ·...... ·...... Nelson Swan, ..••••••.... 2d Lieut., Sep. 12, 1857, Aug. 7, 18571 D, 18 20 Infantry. Almon Birch, .•••••••.... Captain, May 26, 1851,June 14, 1850, • ••••••• e ••••• (Vacant), .••..••••••.••• 1st Lieut , • ••••• It •••• It •• do ...... ~.. 2d Lieut., ·...... III ••••••••••••• E, 6 7 do ...... Captain, ·...... ·...... William McHittrick, ...•• 1st Lieut., July 30, 1851,July 9, 1851, (Vacant), '" ••••.•• .... 2d Lieut., ·...... to •••••• ; •••••• F, 17 18 Infantry. 13.-( CONTINUED. ) , ELEVENTH BRIGADE-TWENTY -NINTH REGIMENT.-( CONTINUED.) . . . .~ ...... ' . ..:. ,,~~ s:I ..:. IllS 8;i: ~ Po Po ...a~ a m "'''i) NAMES. a 8 ~ l: s: Office. Date of commission. Date or rank. 8 .... C.I ~ .... 0 Residence and arm or senico. -... StStG ...0 ~IlQ °o~ ~ s.t C) 'i:: /:l.c ~8t ------~ -- (Vacant,) ...... Captain, ·...... ·...... do ·...... 1st Lieut., ·...... ·.... , ...... do ·...' ...... 2d Lieut., ·...... ·...... G, do ·...... Captain, ·...... ·...... do ·,...... 1st Lieut.~ -...... ·...... do ·...... 2d Lieut., ·...... ·...... II, Nelson Hart, ...... Captain, July 12, 1849, May 20, 1849,

(Vacant,) ••••••••• 'I ••••• 1st Lieut., \Villiam H. Southard, .... 2d Lieut., M;;··20; i85;i,lii;; "·2; ·185;;. *James Nelson, ...... , 2d Lieut., May 20, 1850'IMay 2, 1850, R, 40 42 Cavalry. Miles T. Bliven, ...... Captain, Oct. 2, 1854(Ug• 5, 1854, James H. Hodgman, ...•.. 1st Lieut., Oct. 2, 1854, Aug. 5, 1854, :6enjamin I~.Weed, .•••••. 2d Lieut., Oct. 2, 1854, Aug. 5, 1854, James M. Cole, •••••••••• 2d Lieut. Dec. 17, 1855,June 15, 1855, L, 36 40 Artillery. -- -- -205 ---237

• , • t . • •-(

TENTH BRIGADE-THIRTIETH REGIMENT. Field Officers. \ John S. Croeker, .••••.•• ' Colonel, .•. May 16, 1848,May 6,18l8, N. White Creek, Wash. co. N. Bennet l\iIilliman, .•••.• Lieut. Col.,July 6, 1850,June 3, 1850, ISandy Hill, Wash. county. John :Mc Kie, Jr., ••.••••. Major, .••• July 6, 1850,June 3, 1850, 14N.W.Creek, Wash. co. Company Officers. Alvin Fish, ...... ••..•••. Captain, •• March 1, 1853,Sept. 18, 1852, Christopher M. Bailey, .••• 1st Lieut.,. March 1, 1853,Sept. 18,1852, James 'N. Ashton, ...•..•• 2d Lieut.,. March 1, 1853,Sept. 18, 1852, .A, 14 17 Infantry. Erastus Elsworth, •••••••. Captain, •. Sept. 12, 1857,July 18, 1857, William Paterson, ...••••• 1st Lieut.,. Sept. 12, 1857,IJuly 18, 1857, "Villiam McClintock, .•••. 2d _Li~ut.,. Sept. 12, 1857,!JUIY 18, 1857, B, 25 28 Infantry. Dorastus B. Park, .•••.••• CaptaIn, •. May 20, 1850, Dec. 8, 1849, ,.... 0') William H. Lakin, ..•.••• 1st Lieut.,. May 20, 1850,!Dec. 8, 1849, co Abbott Barker, 2d Lieut.,.IMay 20, 1850,Dec. 8,18i9" C, 31 6ilnfantry. Bushrod "V. Sherwood, .•. Captain, ..'IDee. 20, 1850, 10,1850, I- Fisher A. S]oughton, ..••. 1st Lieut.,. Dec. 20, 1850, 10, 1850, Edward P. Morgan, .•.••. 2d Lieut.,. July 30, 1851"June 14, 1850, D, I 4 Infantry. John Norto~, ...•.•••.••., .• June 26, 1849,\May 25, 1849, Charles E. Nood, ...•.... 1st I.leut.,. June 26, 1849,1\1ay 25,1849, Alonzo N01'ton, 2d Lieut.,...... • . . • • . . . . • . • •. . . .. E, 2 5 Infantry. Ge(i)rge \V. Clark, \Captain, •. March 1, 1853, Sept. 25, 1852, Charles D. Culver, ..••••• 18t Lieut.,. March 1, 18;')3,Sept. 25, 1852, (Vacant,) .....•...... 2d Lieut., ..•••.•••••.....•.•.....•.... F, 30 32 Infantry. Hobert Patterson, Jr., ..... Captain, .. Oct. 31, 1853,Oct. 28,1853, John A. Ledgerwood, ..••. 1st L~eut.,. Oct. 31, 1853'IOet. 28, 1853, Thomas Ledgerwood, .•••• 2d Lieut.,. Oct. 31, 1853, Oct. 28, 1853, G, t4 37 Infantry. IJ.-( CONTINUED.) TENTH BRIGADE-THIRTIETH REGIMENT.-(CONTINUED.)

NAMES. Offioe. Da.te of commission. Da.te of ra.nk.

------.,------"-- Charles Chapin, ••••••.••. Captain, .•• April 6, 1849, March 14, 1849, (Vacant,) ...••.••••••••• lst Lieut., ..•••.•••...... •.•••..••..•• Paschal P. Gaylord, .••••. 2d Lieut.,. 26, 1850,Jan. 1, 1850, H, 33 35 Infantry. David E. Pollock, .••••••• Captain, •.. Sept. 12, 1857,Aug. 21, 1857, Loomis M. Wilson, .•••••• 1st Lieut., .. Sept. 12, 1857, Aug. 21, 1857, Henry Noble, .••.•••••••• 2d Lieut., .. Sept. 12, 1857, Aug. 21, 1857,

(VC1cant,)...••....•••••• 2d Lieut., ...•••••..••...... •.•••••.•.. R, 10 13ICavalry.: William P. Robertson, •••• Captain, ... Aug. 18,1851,IJuly 23,1850, 'Villiam B. Newton, •••••• 1st Lieut,. Nov.. 3d, 18:-J),ISept. 20,1851, William Eldridge, .•••.••. 2d I.ieut.,. Feb. 21, 1855,IAug. 5, 1854, r--t (Vacant,) .••••.•••••••.• 2d Lieut., .••••••.•••••.•.•••••••••.••• L, 40 43 Artillery. ~ tn ---- fIJ~ 167 234 s: tl:l t"" ---'- oot:

.( ___ h • E • , •

. FOURTEENTH :BRIGADE-THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT. Field O/ficers. \ \. Jolln L. MerrIam, .••••••• Colonel, ... Jan. 18, 1856,Jan. 8, 1856, ••••••••..•• LewIs, Essex co. Samuel T. Richards, •••••. Lt. Colonel, Aug. 15,1857,July 22, 1857, .••.••••.••• Warrensburgh, 'Varren co. Martin F. Nicholson, .•••• Major, •••• Aug. 15,1857,July 22, 1857, .••. • 7 Elizabethtown, Essex co.

Company Officers. (Vacant,) ..•.•.•.••••••• Captain, .••.•••••.•••. • •..•••••••••••• , William T. Livingston, .•• 1st Lieut., . Sept. 24, 1856,Aug. 2, 1856, John S. Todd, .•.•••••••. 2d Lieut, . Sept. 21, 1856,Aug. 2, 1856, A, 30 32 Infantry. "Villiam D. Ross, •••••••• Captain, .. Sept. 24, 1856,July 2, 1856, OI'lando vVhitney, .•••.••• 1st Lieut.,. June 10, 1854, May 20, 1854, Belden Paskall, ..••• , .••• 2d Lieut., . Oct. 16, 1856, July 2, 1856, B, 28 31 Infantry. ... James E. Lindsey, .•••..•., ... \April 22, 185~'IIApril 8, 185~, ...-.J Jacob Parmenter, .••••••. 1st Lieut., 'INov. 15, 1853"Aug. 27, 1853, 32. Infantry. (Vacant,) ..•••••.•.•.••• ?d Li~ut., .\ .....•...•.... 1 ••• : •••••••••• 1 C, 30 I Leander Mead, ••••..... 'ICapt~lll, • 'IIune 23, 1856,!APrll 22, 1856,1 1 Charl~s Reynolds, ...•.•. 'IIst L~eut., .IJune ~3, 185~, June 14, 1856,1 Francis D May, ...••..•• :2d LIeut., . June 23,1856,\JUne 14, 1856,1 D, 35 38 Infantry. Elbridge G. Hall, ...•..•. Oaptain, •. Sept. 12, 1857, Aug. 8, 1857,i Amos L. Sargents, ..••••. 1st L.ieut.,. Sept. 12, 1857'IAug. 8, 1857'1 (Vacant,) ....••..•••••••• 2d LI~ut., .\ ..••••..••...... ••...•.•.. \ E, 32 34 Infantry. \Valter Phelps, Jr., .•••••. Captam, . 'jJUlY 20,1855,July 20, 1855,1\ Calvin B. Sprague, ..••••. 1st L.ieut.,. June 13, 1856,!May 19, 1856'1 (Vacant,) .•••..••••••••. Zd LIeut., .1•••••••••••••• 1•••••••••••••• l F, 40 42 Infantry. B.-( CONTINUED.) FOURTEENTH BRIGADE-THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------_·----·I------,-~------'_- _ (Vacant,) · ••••.•••.•..•. Captain, " . do ••••.•••..•••. 1st Lieut.,. · . do ••••••.••• 2d Lieut., . G, do • ••••• Captain, " . do •.•••• 1st J...ieut.,. . . do • ••••• 2d Lieut., .. H, do · ••••. Captain: ... do ••••.••••••••• 1st Lieut., .. · . ""do • •••••••••••••• 2d Lieut., .. It. do • ••••••.•••.... 2d Lieut., .. R, do Cartain, .•• . . do 1st Lieut.,. do 2d Lieut., .. do 2d Lieut., .. · . L, 195 216

.. .. • •

FOURTEENTH BRIGADE-THIRTY-SECOND' :R~G~M~NT. ~ . Field Officers. ! .... Horace Nels~n, .•..••.•.• Colonel, .• 'IAug. 14, 1856, Aug. 1, 1856, . • •• .••• • ••• Plattsburgh, Clinton co. ~ Abram W. Kmgsland, ..••• Lt. Colonel"Oct. 18, 1855,Oct. 18, 1855, .•••..•...•• Denamora, Clinton co. John W. Hubbell, •••.•••• Major, ..••• Dec. 16, 1852, Dec. 2, 1852, .••• .••• 12 Peru, Clinton co. Company Officers. (Vaeant,) ..•••.•••.•••• ~Captain, .••.•••.••.••••••.•••••••••.••. do ..•••••.••••••• 1st Lieut., ..••••.••••••••.•••••••••..•• do . .••••• .•.• .., 2d Lieut , . .••• •••• •••••. ••••.•••.••.•. A, Jedediah Bliss, .•••••••.• ~Oaptain, ..• Sept. 29, 1856"Sept. 22, 1856, James R. Page, .•...•.•.• 1st Lieut., . March 30, '1857 'IAng. 11, 1855, Michael Murnan, ....•.••. 2d Li~ut., . Sept. 29, 1856, Sept. 22, 1856, B, 27 30 Infantry. (Vacant,) ....••••••••••• \oaptall1, ...••••••...•.•• ~ ••••••••••.••. do . • • • • • • • ..•• . . . . 1st Lien t. ,. . •.• • • • • •• •••• .••••• . .•• • • •• ~

do ...••••••••.•.. \2d. Lieut., ..•••.•• , • • • •• . • • j •••• • • • • •• C, ~ do .•.••..• , .•.•• ·ICaptain, ....•••.•••. • • • •. . •••.••••..... do ..•.••..•••.••• 1st LieIlt.,. \.••• • • ••.••.•..•••..•••••••. do ....•.••••• ~••• 2d Lieut"'1 , ••••. D, Charles Carreau, ..•.•.••• Oaptain,. oo,Aug. 1, 1857,IJune 15, 1857" Amable F. Z. Lefebre, •.•.. 1st Lieut.,. Aug. 1, 1857,June 15, 1857,1 Ge.ol'~eSt Antoine ',2d Li~ut., .. An,g. 1, 1857,Jun~ 15, 1857, E, 26 29 Infantry. WIlham P. Lawrence, \Captaln., .•• May 2U, 1854,Aprll 12, 1854, 1 Le'wis Chamberlain, ••••• 'Ilst Lieut.,. May 20, 1854, April 12, 1854, George D. Hinman, .....•. 2d Lieut., .. May 20, 1854, April 12, 1854, F, 27 30 Infantry. (Vacant,) .•••••••••••.•• Captain, ••. . •••. • ., • . • • •. . ••••••••••••. do .. If. ••• • • •• • •• 1st Lieut., ..••.•••••• •••..•.•.•••.• • • •. do ••••••••••••••• 2d Lieut., ...•••••.•••..••.••••••• • • •••• G, B.-(CONTINUED.) FOURTEENTH DRIG ADE-THIRTY -SECOND REGIMENT .-( CONTTliUED.)

• NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Da.te of rank. Residence aDd arm or service.

------_._------"----._------.._~ (Vacant,) .•••••••••••••• CaptaIn, .•..•••••••••••••.••• ".•••••••••

do ..••••••••••... 1st Lieut., ..•••••.••••••.• '•••.•••••••• I do ...••.••••••••. 2d Lieut.,. .••.•••••. • ••. ..•••••••••••. H. Reuben Lezotte, .••••••.• ) Captain, .•. May 20, 1854,Feb. 9, 18fH, John A. Wait, 1st Lieut., . May 11, 1857, April 18, 1857, (Vacant,) ...•••••••••••. 2d Lieut., ..•.•••••••••••.•••••••••.••. do .••••••••••.••• 2d Lieut., . ...• .••••• . . •• . •••.•••.••••. R, 28 30 Artillery. James Heron, .••••••••••• Captain, .•• May 11, 1857,April ~1, 1857, James Clark, 1st Lieut.,. May" 20, 1854,Jan. 19, 1854, John Smith, .••••.••••••. 2d Lieut., . Jan. 24, I857,Dec. 24, 1856, L, 33 36 Rifles. ~ fI1 ---- fI1 141 167 ~ b:l t'I ---- N'&

.( .1. _---'-"O •.... .-...... ,~ __ .. ,

FIFTEENTH BRIGADE-THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT. ~ Field Officers. \ .... Edwin M. Holbrook, ...•• Colonel, ••• April 9, 1854,April 10, 1854, .•••.••••• 0. Ogdensburg11, St. Lawr'e co. ~ William Stephenson, .•••• Lieut. Col., Dec. 5, 1855,INov. 27, 1855, .•••..••.••• Russell, St. Lawrence co.

*J. Wilmott Smith, ••. 00 •• Major, 0 ••• Jan. 10, 1858,Jan. 8, 1858, .•••.•• 0 10 Ogdensburgh, St. Lawr'e co.

Company Officers. (Vacant), .•••••••••••••• Captain,,, ...... •••••. do ••••••.•••.••• ·1st Lieut.,. . •• .:.... •• • • •• . ••••••• ~••••• do ••••••••••.••• 2d Lieut., ..•••••• '"•• ....•• • •• .• • • . • •• .• A, do Captain, ..•.• a...... •...•.. do ..••.•••.••••. 1st Lieut., .

do ..••...•••..•• 2d Lieut., ....•.•..••..••. 0 •••• 0. • • •• •• B, ~ ..:J James C. Hanna, .... 0 •••• Captain, •• ~"eb. 8, 1856, Dec. 15, 1855: Q\ Robert Scott, .•••..••..•• 1st Lieut.,. Feb. 8, 18 ~j6,IDec. 15, 1855, Infantry. Patrick Harper, .• 0 ••••• 0 oj2d Li.eut.,. Feb. 8" 1856,IDec. 15, 1855 I C, 30 33

Charles R. Brundage,. 0 ••• Captam, •. IJuly 2o, 1854,\July 19, 1854'1

Orson M..Foot~ .•••••••• 0 !st I.J~eut., .!JUlY 28,1855,IJuly 24, 1855, 47 'Infantry 0 Myron H. LevIns, .••• 0 ••• 2d Ll~nt" 'IJuly 28, 18~5, July 24, 1855'1 D, 44

Charles Murray, .•• 00 .0 •• Captam, .•. Nov. 17, 18a6,Nov. 1,1856'1 :Benjamin R. Clark, .••••• 1st Lieut, . Nov. 17, 1856, Nov. 1, 1856, • A. Stiles Rawson, .•••.••• 2d Lieut., . Nov. 17, 1856, Nov. 1, 1856, E, 33 36 Infantry .

(Vacant), . 0 •••••• 0 •••••• \Captain, ....•••. 00 •• 0' 0 • 0 ' ••• 00 •••••• 00 do •••••••••••••• 1st Lieut.,_ .•••..••• [ •••• "•••••••.•••••

do 000 •• 0.0 •• 0 0 •• 12dLieut., .. 0 ••• 0 ••• 0 •••••••• 000 •••• 0 •• 1 F, B.-(CONTINUED. ) FIFTEENTH BRIGADE-THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT.-( CONTINUED.)

• NAMES. Office. Da.te of cOIDmission. Date of rank • Residenoe and arm 0'£ service.

------(Vacant), Captain, . _ "...... ••. do 1st Liellt., .

do ••••.•••.....• 2d Lieut., ..•• I ••• I • • • • •• • • •••• I • • • • •• G,

David Day, 2d, .•••• I • ",. Captain, ... Aug. 3,1857,June 23,1857. Charles L. Howard, .•• "" 1st Lieut.,. Sept. 3, 1853,July 9, 1853,

John Snyder, . 1.1 •••••••• 2d Lieut., . Aug. 3, 1857,June 23, 1857, H, 29 32 Infantry. ('Vacant), ...... •...... Captain, . do 1st Lieut.,. ...• ...... do . . .. . 2d Lieut., .

do .• I I •• I I I. I I I I 2d Lieut.,.. .•. . •.. I I I •••••• I I I I I I I • I ", R,

Daniel F. Waid, . I I I. I ••• Captain, .. I I Sept. 12, 1857,Aug. 25, 1857,

John Pooler, • I I I I I 1.1.1. 1st Lieut.,. March 19, 1~55,Feb. 1, 1855,

IAeviN. Smith, .•••• I I • I. "/'ld LieuL, . March 19, 1855, Feb. 1, 1855,

(Vacant), .•••• I •••••••• I 2d Lieut., . .••• • I. I ••••• _! I •• I I "' I •• I "' L, 37 40 Cavalry.

173 198 I -.-...-...------

.( - • 1 •

> FIFTEENTH BRIGADE.-THiRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. i Field Officers. I !3 Samuel C. F. Thorndike, •. Colonel, ... June 10, 1854, May 22, 1854, .••• .••. Molone, Franklin county. ~ Amos W. Cushman, •••••. Lt. Colonel, Sept. 9,1854,Aug. 21, 1854, ...• ..•• Westville, Franklin county. ? Francis D. Flanders, .••••. Major, .••• Sept. 9,1854,Aug. 21, 1854, ..•• .••• 11 Malone, Franklin county ...... ?: Company Officers. (Vacant,) ..••••••..••..•• Captain, .••.•• , ••..••.•.•...•••••.•.••. do 1st Lieut., " ., .,· · . do· ..• ~•..•••••••• 2dLieut.,· A, . Elnathan H. Nobles, ...••. Captain, •. Sept. 19, 1854,. Sept.. 2d, 1854, (Vacant,) .••••••.•••.••• lst Lieut., ..•••••.....•••.•.•...•.•..•. ....Leonard Berry, ••••••.... 2d Lieut., . Sept. 19, 1854,Sept. 2, 1854, B, 7 8 Infantry. ~ James B. Pelsue, ...••.... Captain, .•. March 3u, 1857,Feb. 21, 1857, (Vacant,) ..•••••...•.... 1st Lieut.,. •••••• .••• .... . •••.••••••••• do .•••••••••••••• 2d Lieut., . .••••• .••• . ••• ..•••. .••• ••. C, 45 46 Infantry. A. K. Rowell, .•••••.••••. Captain, .•. Nov. 12, 1856, Oct. 20, 1856, William Morgan, .••••.••• 1st Lieut.,. Nov. 12, 1856,Oct., 20, 1856, Pomroy Williams, .•••.••• 2d Lieut., . Nov. 12, 1856,Oct. 20, 1856, D, 16 19Infantry. Cla:udius Hutchins, .••.••• Captain, .•. Nov. 15, 1855,Sept. 15, 1854, Harrison Burke, ..••••••• 1st Lieut.,. Sept. 16, 1852,Sept. 4, 1852, Isaac Shaw, .•••.•••.••• 2d Lieut., . Sept. 9,1854,July 29, 1854, E, 20 23 Infantry.

(Vacant,) .••••.•••••• "0 Captain, ••.••• • · • • o ••••••• 0 •••••••• 0 ••

do ...•..••...... 1st Lieut ..,. f •••••• ' ••••••••••••••••••••

do .•••.••••••••. 2d Lieut., . . •••• 0 •••••••• •••• • • •• • • • • •• F, .••.. ••. Infantry. B.-( CONTINUED.) FIFTEENTH BRIGADE-THIRTY -FOURTH REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------. ------Vacant, ..•••••••••.•.••.• Captain, ..•....•..•••.•••....•.••..•... do .•••.•.•.•...•• lst Lieut., ..••••...•...... •.•.....•..•. do •.••.•••...•..• 2d Lieut., .•• . •••• • • . • . . .. .••• . . .. G, ...... do ..••...•...•.. Captain, •...... ••..•••. . •.••....•.... do .•••..••.••••• 1st Lieut.,.. •..••. •••.••...... •..... do ••••••••...••. 2d Lieut., .•. . • •. . ..•• . . •. . •••..••••..... H, ...... • Hirm Cartwright, ..••..•• Captain, ., Ang. 3, 1854,July 28, 1854, Hiram S. Berry, .••••..•. 1st Lieut., .•Aug. 3, 1854,July 28, 1854, Daniel S. Coanley, 2d Lieut., . Sept. 19, 1854,Sept. 2, 1854, Nathan Beeman, ....•..•. 2d Lieut., . Sept. 19, 1854, Sept. 2, 1854, R, 36 40 Cavalry. (Vacant,) Captain, .. ..•• ...• ...... •.•...... •.

do e.lst Lieut., I .•••••••••••••••• do .•••..••.•••.. 2d Lieut., ....•...••...... ••.••••..... ~ do ••••.••••••••• 2d Lie1lt., .••••••.•••..•..•.•..••...... L, .... • ., & .. ~ 112 fIJ 12~1147 ~ ~ ~

• t : SIXTEENTH BRIGADE-THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. Field Officers. Wm. H. Barber, ..••.•••• Colonel, ... Feb. 21, 1857,Feb. 21, ]857, .••.••.•.••• Le Ray, Jefferson county. Wm. C. Brown, •••••••••• Lt. Colonel, Feb. 21, 1854,Feb. 6, 1854, .•••.•••..•• Watertown, Jefferson co. lamesA. Pierce, ..••••••• Major, .••• Jan. 6, 1852,June 5, 1852, .••. •••• 9Le Ray, Jefferson co. Company Officers. E. M. Camp, Captain, •. July 29,1857,June 29, 1857, A, 36 37 Infantry. John Lacy, •••••••••••••• Captain, .•• June 8, 1853,Feb. 1, 1853, B, 38 39 Infantry. Austin Rorr, ••••••••.••• Captain, .. Sept. 26, 1856, Aug. 9, 1856, L, 32' 33 Rifle. ---"-- 106 118 ---- B.-( CONTINUED.) SIXTEENTH BRIGADE-THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.

NAMES. Oftice. Date of commission. Da.te of rank. Residence and a.rm of service.

Field Officers. .... Albert R. Ralph, .•••.••. Colonel, •. Dec. 29, 1854, Dec. 20, 1854, ...... •.. Rodman, Jefferson county. 00 o Luther B. Jenkins, •••.••• Lt. Colonel, Dec. 29, 1854, Dec. 20, 1854,. o ••••••••• Mannsville, Jefferson co. , Caleb Henderson, Major, ...•. Dec. 29, 1854,Dec. 20, 1854, . .•. ...• 10 S. Champion, Jefferson co.

Company Officers. Judson P. Morgan, .•••••• Captain, •• ..•. . . . . •••••. . •••.••......

(Vacant), ..•••.•••...••• 1st Lieut., ... 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• George E. Smith, •.••.•.. 2d Lieut., . Sept. 13, 1854,Aug. 19, 1854, A, 13 15 Infantry. Chester Weaver, ..•••.••• Captain, •. Sept. 4,1851,Aug. 23, 1851, (Vacant), ..•••...••••••• 1st Lieut., ...•••••.•..•••.•.••.••.•.•.. George H. Warner, .•••••• 2d Lieut., . Sept. 4, 1851,Aug. 23, 1851, B, 27 29 Infantry.

(Vacant), ...... • Captain, .. "',' ...•..... to •••••••••••••• do 1st Lieut., ..~ ..••••.•••.••..••. "..••.••••.

do ...... •. 2d Lieut., " -'. ' IJ .,.,', ••• '. • •• C,

t • • • c •

Edward P. Salisbury, ..... Captain, •• Dec. 29, 1854,Sept. 2,1854,. (Vacant), .••••..•••••••. 1st Lieut., .•••••.....•.•...... ••••.••• do ..•..••••••.•• 2d Lieut., . ..•• •....•••...... •. D, 20 21 Infantry.

do ...... Captain,...... tl ., ••••••••• do ••...... 1st Lieut.,_ ..•...... , .. do 2d Lieut., ...... E, Sanford Hazen, .•••.•••.. Captain, ... Aug. 4, 1851,Sept. 21, 1850, Alonzo W. Sylvester, ...•. 1st Lieut.,. Aug. 15, 1856,Aug. 9, 1856, William P. Wright, .••••. 2d Lieut., .. Aug. 15, 1856,Aug. 9, 1856, F, 35 38 Infantry. (Vacant), Captain, . do 1st Liellt.,...... do ~ 2d Lieut.,. - c. ••••••• G, do Captain, ' . do ...... •...... 1st Lieut., ' .. do 2d Lieut., ,.._ . H, -CD William N. Angle, .•••••• Captain, .. Aug. 15, 1856,Aug. 9, 1856, - Chester Colborn, .••••.••• 1st Lieut.,. Aug. 15, 1856,Aug. 9, 1856, Samuel H. Wadsworth, .•• 2d Lieut., . Aug. 15, 1856,Aug. 9, 1856, Stephen Hurd, ...••••••• 2d Lieut., . Aug. 15, 1856,Aug. 9, 1856, R, 36 40 Cavalry. John C. Tift, ••••••••.•.. Captain, .•• July 13, 1854, Feb. 25, 1854, A. R. Brown, ..•••••.... 1st Lieut.,. July 13, 1854, Feb. 25, 1854, P. A. Clarke, ..••.•••.•.. 2d Lieut., . July 13, 1854, Feb. 25, 185/:1:, (Vacant), ...••••••.•••.. 2d Lieut., . ••••.• ..•• •••• .••• .•.• .••... L, 36 39 Artillery. 167 192 B.-( CONTINUED. ) SEVENTEENTH BRIGADE-THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of oommission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------._------Field Officers. William La Dew, .••• •••• Colonel, .•. May 5,1857,April 16, 1857, ...... •...•• Graysville, Herkimer co. James A. Suiter, ..•••..•• Lt. Colonel, May 5, 1857,April 16, 1857, .•••...... • Herkimer, Herkimer co. Enoch Brown, ...•••••••• Major, •••• Jan. 29, 1857,Jan. 15, 1857, .••. 9Columbia, Herkimer co. Company Officers. John F. Hosch, ..••..•.•. Captain, .•. Not on roster, . Charlm' T. West, ...••.... 1st Lieut ,. do ...••••.••••..•• H. M. Bliss,. . • ••• • ••••• 2d Lieut., . do ...•••.•...... A, 40 43 Infantry. Charles H. Batchelder, .••• Captain, .. July 29, 1857, May 16, 1857, Henry H. Bellinger, .••••• 1st Lieut., Oct. 18, 1855, Sept. 18, 1855, Charles Smith, 2d Lieut., . July 29,1857,May 16, 1857, B, 35 38 Infantry...... , Ezra D. Beckwith, •••.•• ~Captain, •• April 8, 1857, March 19, 1857, > (Vacant,) ..•••.•••.••••• 1st Lieut., ...••.•••••.•.....•••.•••.... III Ira C. B. Chesebro, 2d Lieut., . April 8, 1857,March 19, 1857, C, 36 38 Infantry. i ~ loll

L --- ..... ~ Jacob Conner, ...••...... Captain, .•. Oct. 1, 1855, Sept. 21, 1855, z ? (Vacant,) .•.••••.•••.... 1st Lieut., ...••.•.•.•.••..•.•...•..... · ,.... JohnH .. Miller, ..•••..•• 2d Lieut., . Oct. 1,1855,Sept. 21, 1855, D, 32 34 Infantry. ~ John Beverly, Captain, •. Sept. 12, 185,7!Aug. 21, 1857, John G. Gilliland, .....•• 1st Lieut.,. Sept. 12,185,7: Aug. 21, 1857, John H. Fralick, ....•.... 2d Lieut., . Sept. 12, 1857, Aug. 21, 1857, E, 32 35 Infantry. James M. Coppernoll, .' •• Captain, .•. May 23, 1857, May 11, 1857, Judson P. Legg, ...••.•• , 1st Lieut.,. May 23, 1857, May 11, 1857, William Nicholas, .••• ,... 2d Lieut., .. Feb. 28, 1857, Nov. 13, 1857,

(Vacant,) ...•..•.. ~•..•• 2d Lieut., .....•...• 0 • • •• •••• • • • • • • • • •• F, 36 39 Infantry.

do CaptaJn, •...•• III • •• • •• • •••••••• '" •• ~ . do .....••••.•.•...•• 1st Lieut.,. . • . . .• . •.•...••••..•••.... · do ..•...•.•••.•.• 2d Lieut., . . . •...... •...... G, ...... 00 do .•.•••• c·· It •••••• c Captain., • • • . •. e" " ••••• -~ do .....•...••.... 1st Lieut., ....•...... •.•...... do ...... ••...• 2d Lieut., ...... ••...•. ..•. 1-1, do ....•.•••.••••. Captain,. •. . • • • . . . • .• . ...••...... •

do ....• __.••..• '.•. 1st Lieut.,. . Ii ••••••• to • • •••• do ...••..•••••••• 2d Lieut., . ..• ...... •.•.•• '" . do . . . .• • 2d Lieut., . . . . • . • . . •. ..••.. . . •• . . •. R, e- • •• .. •••

do t ••••••••••••• Captain,...... •• .... 8 • " ..... • • •• ~ .... do .....•...... •. 1stLieut., ...... ••..•.•.... 6.···· do ..••• eo ••••••••• 2<1Lieut. ,.. ..•• . . •. • . • . .. L, 211 236 ------B.-(CONTINUED. ) EIGHTEENTH BRIGADE-THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT.

NA.MES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service..

------~------_._- Field Officers. I Iohn D. Shaul, .•••••••••. Colonel, .•. Sept. 20, 1850, Aug. 29, 1850, .•••.•••...• E. Springfield, Otsego co. lames E. Dewey,. ..•• '" Lt. Colonel, Oct. 10, 1857, Sept. 1, 1857, ...• . .• Cherry Valley, Otsego co. Myron I.Hubbard, ...•..•. Major, .••• Oct. 10, 1857,Sept. 1, 1857, .•.• 12 Westford, Otsego county. Company OlJicers. (Vacant,) ..••••••••••..•• Captain, .•.••••.•••••••••.•••..••.••••• do .• .••••••••••• 1st Lieut., ..•••.•••.•••• '..•••.•••••.••• do .••.• "•••••.••• 2d Lieut.,.. ..•• .•....••.. •••.•••.••••. A, Charles Parsons, .••••.••• Captain, •• Dec. 16, 1852, Sept. 11, 1852, (Vacant,) . •••• •••••• • •• 1st Lieut.,.. ..••.. ..•. • •...••....••.••. ..- do ..••••.•••••••• 2d Lieut., .•.•••..••••..• , ..•..•...... •• B, 30 31 Rifles. ~ Ql lohn N. Herdman, .••.•.. Captain, .. Oct. 16, 1854,Jan. 1'7, 1854, fI.I Robert G. Walrath, .••.••• 1st Lieut.,. Oct. 16, 1854,Jan. 17, 1854, ~ (Vacant,) •••••..•••••••• 2d Lieut., . .••• . . .• .••••• .••.. . .••.••• 15 ~ C, 17 Rifles. 0<

t w • a 1

1acob C. Rathbone,, Oct. 22, 1853'ISept. 24, 1853, oz Ira Howland, .•••.•••.... 1st LIeut.,. July 12, 1849,Aug. 119, 1848, Isaac Tucker, ..••..••..•• 2d Lieut., . Oct. 22, 1853, Sept. 24, 1853, D, 25 28 Rifles. (Vacant,) ...•••...••••• , , Captain, .•....•...... ••...•••...... ••. do 1st Lieut.,. . " . do . .. . 2d Lieut., ...... E, 30 30 B. F. Wheeler, ..•••....•. Captain, •. Dec. 16, 1856,Oct. 14, 1856, William M. Welden, ••..•. 1st Lieut, Dec. 16, 1806,Oct. 14, 1856, George Knapp, 2d Lieut., . Dec. 10, 1855, S6pt. 22, 1855, F, 25 28 Rifles. ,Vacant,) ...••.•••..•••. Captain, .. . ••....•... • .. . ••. · • •• • • • • • . do 1st Lieut:.,. .••• . • ...... •• . •••..... • . do •.••.•••.••••• 2dLieut., ...... •...... G, 6 6 Rifles. do ~ Captain,. .. "... . " · . 00 do .',' lst Lieut.,~ .•.• ~..• 'I •...... -Ol bamuel F. Brown, 2d Lieut., . Oct. 7, 1853,Sept. 13, 1853, H, 30 31 Rifles. Daniel Wheeler, ....•...•. Captain, '" • ....•...••...... •.. (Vacant,) .....•..• , .••••• Ist:Lieut ...... •...•.•.••...••. · · .,. do . " 2d Lieut., · . do ..••...••..•.•. 2d Lieut., ...... •..•.•. R, 34 351 Ca,alry. George S. Cain, Captain, Nov. 9, 1857,Sept. 19, 1857, 10hn Fox,_ .... eo •••••••• 1st Lieut.,. Nov. 9, 1857, Sept. 19, 1857, John E. Atkins., ... , .••... 2d Lieut.,. Nov. 9, 1857,Sept. 19, 1857, (Vacant,) ..•.••••..••.••• 2d Lieut , ...... •...•.•. ...• ...... •.. L, 32 35 Artillery. B.-( CONTINUED.) EIGHTEENTH BRIGADE-FORTIETH REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------_._------_._------Field Officers. Elias .A.. Brown, ..•••.••. Colonel, ... July 24, 1854,Jan. 28, 1854, ••••...... •. Minaville, Montgomery co. Edmund D. A.tchison, ..•• Lt. Colonel, Dec. 5, 1856, Oct. 1, 1856, ..•...••..•• Middleburgh, Schoharie co. Cornelius Murphy, ..••••. Major, ••.• Dec. 5, 1856, Oct. 1, 1856, . . • . 8 Fultonham, Schoharie co. Company Officers. George W .. Ellis, ..•••.••• Captain, .•. July 24,1854,May 27, 1854, (Vacant), ..•••.••••••••. 1st Lieut., ...••..•• , •••••..•••••••..•.. do ••••..••..•••• 2d Lieut. ,.. •••• . . •• .••••• .••• • • •• • • • • •. A, 13 14 Infantry. William H. Granby, ••.••• Captain, ... Oct. 16, 1854,Aug. 12, 1854, Lewis R. Baker, .••.•••••• 1st Lieut.,. Oct. 16, 1854,Aug. 12, 1854, William G. Martin, .•••••. 2d Lieut ,.. Oct. 16, 1854,Aug. 12, 1854, B, f> 1 4 Infantry. f/l f/l '*'Geol'g;eG. Mattice, .••••. Captain;>.•. Jan. 1,1858,Sept. 30, 1857, l"J IS: :Hi..A,brahamHoos, ••••.•.•. lst Lieut., .••••••.•••••••.•••••••.••••. b:l :IfoJohnW. Coons, 2d Lieut.,. Jan. 1, 1858, Sept. 30, 1857, C, 55 55 Infantry. ~I:"f

~. ____ ..L_.... I1111111 ...... J1 _ mrr • c • •

Oscar Pierson, " ..••... "•• ICaptain, .• "IDee. 5, 1856, Oct. 1, 1856, Hiram A. Blodgett, .• "•• ,. 1st Lieut.,. July 29, 1857,Oet. 1, 1856, Thompson Efner, .••••.•.. 2d Li~ut., .[Dec. 5,1856,Oct. 1, 1856, D, 15 18 Infantry. (Vacant), ...••.•••.••••• CaptaIn, ••.•.•• " ...•.•••...• "•..••.•..•. do .....•••.••• ". 1st Lieut., ...... •••.••....•..••....•. do . ". • •••.••••. 2d Lieut., . .••• • . • • •. ...• ..•• . • •• ...... E,

do Captain,. .. oil . do .•••.•••.•.••. 1st Lieut., ...... •••..•...... do . . •• . • •• .0 .••. 2d Lieut., . .••• . . •• .•..•...... ••...... F,

do iii ••••• -Captaill,...... oil ••• •••• •••••• do 1st Lieut., " 11'''' • • • • • •• •• do 2d Lieut., ..••••.••.••••...••..•• " . . .. G, John J. Johnson, ..••••.•• Captain, ... Oct. 10, 1851,Sept. 20, 1851, .... ····1 (Vacant), ....•.... "" •••. 1st Lieut., .. """ ..•• "...... •.•.. I do .•.••••. "•.... 2d Lieut., . .•.• . . . • . • ...... • • ...... II, 1 IInfan try. George S. Stanton, ..••••• Captain, ••. May 14, 1849, .. • ...... •• ·1 Abraham L. Vroman, ....• 1st Lieut.,. June 11, 1849,Sept. 26, 1848,1 Merriman G. Preston, ..••• 2d Lieut., . Oct. 16, 1854,Sept. 26, 1854,l (Vacant), ..•.••..•.•.... 2d Lieut., . ...• . .•• .. .. •. ..•• .. , ..•... 1 R 24 27 Cavalry. do .•••..•••••••• Captain, .. .••• . . •. •••••• . • .....• \ do .•••..••.••••. \lst Lieut., ...•...... •..•..•••..•....•.. do ...... 2d Lieut., . oil...... • . . • . •. • .••...... do ..••....•••••. 2d Lieut., ...... ••.• "•••...•..••... " .. L, 55 55 Artillery. 163 182 1== B.-( CONTINUED.) NINETEENTH BRIGADE-FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and ann of service.

------1------~ , _ Field Officers. Chester Card, ...•...... Colonel, ... ~ept. 10, 1855,Aug. 27, 1855, ...... •...•• Pittsfield, Otsego c.ounty. Delos W. Dunbar, .••••••• Lt. Colonel, Sept. 10, 1855,Aug. 27, 1855, .•••.••....• New Lisbon, Otsego county. Israel Hubbell, •...•..... Major, .••• Sept. 10, 1855,Aug. 27, 1855, .••• 13Burlington, Otsego county. Company Officers •. Burlington Button, ..••••• Captain, •. Oct. 8, 1853, Sept. 28, 1853, Benjamin W. Foster, .••..• 1st Lieut.,. March 14, 1856,Sept. 8, 1855, Daniel W. Fisher,...... • 2d Lieut., . March 14, 1856,Sept. 8, 1855, A, 2'1 30Infantry. (Vacant,) ..•.•• 0 •••••••• Captain, .

do ••••.•••.•.••. 1st Lieut., ....•. 0 r 0 ••••••••••••••••••••

do ••••• 0 •••••••• 2d Lieut., .....•.•• 0 • • • • •• •••••• •••• •••• B, William L Simonds, .•... CaptaIn, •.. Nov. 16, 1854,Aug. 12, 1854, Ransford Whitman, ..••••. 1st Lieut.,. Jan'y 3, 1857,Nov. 13, 1856, Orson Mitchell, .••••••••• 2d Lieut., .lan'y 3, 1857, Nov. 13, 1856, C, 30 33Infantry. • • •

(Vacant,) ...•••••••.••••. Captain, •••••••..•••••...•••.•••••.••• do . . •• ...... • . 1st Lieut.,. . · .. .. . · · · do 2dLieut.,...... D, ·...... Delos N. Brown, •...... Captain, •. Oct. 8, 1853, Aug. 10, 1853, Daniel Johnson, ...••••••• lst Lieut.,. Nov. 16,1854,April 8, 1854, (Vacant,) ..•••.•••..•.•. 2d Lieut., ....•..... '. •• ...... •• .••••. E, 25 27 Infantry. Avery T. Gates, Captain, •. Dec. 18, 1856,Nov. 8, 1850, Oliver B. York, •••••.••• 1st Lieut.,. Dee. 18, 1856,Nov. 8, 1856, 36 39Infantry. Samuel C. Belyea, ... to ... 2d Lieut.,. Dec. 18, 1856,Nov. "8, 1856, F, Vacant, ..•••.•••.•• "•.••• Oaptain, ••.•••••..•• · ..•..••...... •••. do 1st Lieut.,. . -, .. ' · .,' .. · . · · · . do 2d Lieut.,_ G, ·...... Wayne Bullock, ...••..•• Captain, •• Dec. 31, 1853, Oct. 6, 1853, Alfred L. White, 1st Lieut.,. Dee 15, 1855,Oct. 13, 1855, Lorenzo N. Beers, .....••. 2d Lieut.,. Dec. 15, 1855,Oct. 13, 1855, H, 24" 27 Infantry. lames Tyrrel, ..•••••.••• Captain, ." Dec. 22, 1856,Dec. 22, 1856, Calvin G. Lee, ..••••••••• 1st lJeut.,. Dee. 22, 1856,Dee. 22, 1856, Truman S. Card, ...••..•• 2d Lieut.,. Dec. 22, 1856,Dec. 22, 1856, Eugene Sherwood, ....••• 2d Lieut.,. Dee. 22, 1856,Dec. 22, 1856, R 43 47 Artillery. (Vacant,) .••..•••.••.... Captain, •. . · . • • . • •• .. . .••••..••. • .. do 1st Lieut.,...... do 2d Lieut.,. . · · .. . · . · . · .. do 2d Lieut~,. .••• ...... • . . • • . •• • .. L, ·...... 185 216 ==== B.-( CONTINUED.) NINETEENTH BRIGADE-FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------~------._------~ield ()~cers. Thomas F. Petrie, .. 0 0 00 0 0 Colonel, .. May 18, 1853, May 17, 1853, .....• o•...• Peterboro, Madison co. James Whitford, .••••.... Lt. Colonel, Oct. 13, 1851, Oct. 1, 1851,.. • • o. 0 • 0 •• De Ruyter, Madison co. Albert S. Norton, .•.••••. Major, •• 0 • Dec. 15, 1855, Nov. 28, 1855, ...... •. 11 Norrisville, Madison co. Company ()fficers. I

Riley Preston, ...• 0" 0" 0 Captain, ..• Aug. 16,1849,July 31, 1849,

(Vacant),.o, • 0 ••• 0 •••• , o' 1st Lieut., ... o••.••. 0 •• 0 0 •• o' .000 00 •••• Perry Walcott, 000 ••••••• 2d Lieut., . March 6,1856,Feb. 11, 1856, A, 35 37 Infanh·y. William H. Kinney, .... 0" Captain, ... Jan. 23, 1856, Dec. 29, 1855, Ira H. Fleming, .•• o•.... 1st Lieut.,. Aug. 16, 1856,Aug. 7, 1856, Joseph Hithcock, .... 00 •• 2d Lieut., . Aug. 16, 1856,Aug. 7, 1856, B, 40 43 Infantry. Oliver Whipple, ..•••.••• Captain, .•. Dec. 29, 1857, Dec. 29, 1857, ~ l1J Seneca Lake, .•••..••. n.lst Lieut ... Dec. 29, 1857,Dec. 29,1857, l1J I Oliver H. P. Salsbury, .... 2d Lieut.,. Dec. 29, 1857,IDec. 29, 1857'1 C, 45 48 Infantry. ~ tD ~t"'l ----,-

(Vacant), ...•••••...•.••• Captain, ,.. (Vacant), ...•.•...•••.••• 1st Lieut ... (Vacant), .. . . . • • • . ••• 2d Lieut., .. D, (Vacant), .. . . • • • . . Captain, .. (Vacant,) 1st Lieut., .. . . (Vacant,) ••••.•••.••. 2d Lieut., ...•••••..••..•. E,

(Vacant,) ..•••.•• 0 •••••• Oaptain, ..

(Vacant,) ...• 0 •• 0 0 •••••• 1st Lieut., ..

(Vacant,) . •• .• 0 0 •••• 2d Lieut., .. F,

(Vacant,) ..••.•••.••••• 0 • Oaptain, •.

(Vacant,) ...•• 0 •••••••••• 1st Lieut., .. vacant,) 2d Lieut.,..

Vacant,) ..••.••.• 0 0 •••• Captain, •. ~Vacant), •••••. 1st Lieut., .. (Vacant), .. "0 •• 0 0 ••• 0" 2d Lieut., .. H,

(Vacant), .•• 0 • o •••• 0 •••• Captain, .. Moses Bicknell, .• o ••••••• 1st Lieut., .. May 24, 1852, May 24, 1852,

Henry Runkel, .•• 0" 2d Lieut., . May 24, 1852, May 24, 1852,

(Vacant,) ...••..• 0 •••• 00 2d Lieut., .. R, 30 3Z Artillery.

(Vacant,) .••..• 0 •••• Captain, •. (Vacant,) •••• 1st Lieut., .. (Vacant,) .•.. 2d Lieut., .. (Vacant,) •••• 2d Lieut., ...• A, •••••• L, 150 171 ==== B.-(CONTINUED.) FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT-TWENTIETH BRIGADE.

NAMES. Office. Date of commiBBion. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------1------.------_ Field Officers. John B. Wheeler, ..•••.... Colonel, .. March 10, 1855,Feb. 20, 1855, .•..•••.••. Oxford, Chenango county. Seymour L. Judd, .•••..•• Lieut. Co1.,March~10, 1855,Feb. 24, 1855, ...... •....• Windsor, Broome county. Eli R. Lyon: ••....•••••• Major, .••• Aug. 3, 1857,June 29, 1857, ..•• ..•. 9 Bainbridge, Chenango co.

Company Officers. Edward M. Osborn, ....••. Captain, •. June 27, 1855, April 21, 1855, Freeborn S. youngs, .••••. 1st Lieut., .. June 27, 18b5, April 21, 1855, Frederick B. McNeill, .... 2d Lieut., .. June 27, 1855, April 21, 1855, A, 38 41 Infantry. Geo. W. Knight, .•••••••. Captain, .. Sept. 12, 1857, July 19, 1857, Philander Loomis, ..••...• 1st Lieut., . Sept. July 19, 1857, 12, 1857) ~ Thomas J. Hyde, ....•.••• 2d Lieut., .. Sept. 12, 1857, July 19, 1857, B, 42 45 Infantry. ~ fIJ William N. Sage, ...••..•• Captain, .. June 27, 1855, April 2, 1855, fIJ Whitman Dusenbury .•••• 1st Lieut., .. June 27, 1855, April 2, 1855, ! Sydney D. Stoddard, ..••.. 2d Lieut ,.. June 27, 1855, April 2, 1855, C, 24 27 Infantry. t"" ..c

) •• t , •

(Vacant,) ...... •...• Captain, ...... •...... •••...... •.... , t;: do •.••..••••.••• lst ~ieut., ..•.•....•...... •...... ~ do ...•..••.••••. 2d LIeut., . ...•.. ..•• ...... D, S do ...•. • ••. · Capta~n,.•...... ••. ~...••••...... •. ~ do 1st LIeut., ...., g do . . •• •• . ••..•• 2d Lieut., ....••• 0 0 0.... •.•. •.•• E, Z do · · . Captain,...... o do •.••.•••.••••• 1st Lieut., ....••.. ( ••.... 0 •••••••••••••

~ do ••••...•...••. 2d Lieut., ...... •...... 0 ••••••• 0 F, ~ do Captain,...... do .•.•...... •• , 1st Lieut.,. ...••. ...• . .. .0 ••••••• ~ •• o.

do ...•.•••....•• 2d Lieut., ...... ••...... 0 •••• •• •• G,

do III •••••• , •••••• Captain,...... do 1st Lieut.,. ..! .

~ do ..••..••...... 2d Liellt., 0 •• • • • • • • •• •••••• •••• • • •• H.

~Joseph Juliand,2d, o Captain, .•. June 27,1855,June 23,1855, Orville S. Hill, .•.•••..•• 1st Lieut.,. Aug. 3, 1857,Aug. 2, 1856, Dwight C. Scott, 2d Lieut., .. Aug. 3, 1857,Aug. 2, 1856, Whitman M. Newton, ...•. 2d Lieut., .. June 27,1855,June 23, 1855, R, 42 46[cavalry. William H. Benedict, ...•• Captain, ... Feb. 6, 1855,Sept. 1,1853, Henry ..H. Calkins, ••...••• 1st Lieut.,. Feb. 6,1855,Sept. 1, 1853, George Williams, ....•..•. 3d Lieut., .. Feb. 6, 1855,Sept. ], 1853, (Vacant,) ...•••.•••...... 2d Lieut.,.. ...• ...... ••. ..•.•• ...... L, 23 26 Artillery. 169 194 ---- B.-( CONTINUED.) TWENTIETH BRIGADE-FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT.-(CONTINUED.) ======:=====r======;===::======::======--=---=

NAMES. ~Oflice. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------~------~------Field VlJicers. Nathaniel W. Davis, ...•.. Colonel, .••. Sept. 3, 1853)July 2, 1853, . .... Owego, Tioga county. William Ross, ..•••.•.... Lt. Colonel, Sept. 3, 1853,July 2, 1853, . . ••. Vestal, Broome county. George H. Fairchild, ..••• Major, ••••. Sept 28, 1857,Sept. 28, 1857, ..•. 3 Waverly, Tioga county.

Company officers. George H. Powers, .•••••• Captain, •• Aug. 3, 1857,June 16, 1857, James Partridge, .••••..•• 1st Lieut ,. Nov. 9, 1857,July 21, 1857, Edward W. Atwater, ..••• 2d Lieut., . Nov. 9, 1857,July 21, 1857, A, 32 35 Infantry. 32 38

--( • TWENTY-FIRST BRIGADE-FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. oz Field officers. I Jeremiah Palmer, ...••••• Colonel, •• Dec. 1,1855,Nov. 16, 1855, ..•..•••..•• Oriskany, Oneida eounty.

Charles A. Johnson, ••• 00. Lieut. Co1.,Oct. 8, 1856,Sept. 21, 1856, .. o. . ••• Utica, Oneida county. Israel J. Gray, ...••.••••• Major, u.' Aug. 23, 1855,Aug. 16, 1855, .... 13 "Vhitesboro, Oneida county.

Company officers. John Flanagan, ...•.••••• Captain, •• Nov. 15, 1855,Nov. 1, 1855,

John McGuire, .•. 00 •••••• 1st Lieut.,. July 11, 1855,Nov. 9,1854,

Patrick White, •• 00.0 •••• 2d Lieut., . Oct. 27, 1853,Sept. 5, 1853,1A, 50 53 \rnfantry, Richard H. Richardson, .•• Captain, .. Aug. 4, 1855, Aug. 4, 1855, 0. James K. Baker, ....•. 1st Lieut.,. Dec. 1, 1855, Oct. 22, 1855, \ B. F. S. Monroe, . '0" •• o. 2d Lieut, .. Dec. 1, 1855,Oct. 22, 1855, B, 41 44 Infantry. ~ 0000 •• ~ Martin Neejer, •• o. Captain, •• March 17, 1857,Aug. 11,1856, ~ William Betts, .. 0 •••••• ' .• 1st L.ieut.,. March 17, 1857'IAUg. 11, 1856, Gilbert Hays, . 0 • 0 •••••• 0. 2d Lieut., . Nov. 15, 1855, Oct. 29, 1855, C, 42 45 Infantry.

Anthony Brendle, .•• 0 ••• Captain, •. Jan. 17, 1856,Jan. 17, 1856, Joseph Smith, ..• 0' ••• '0' 1st Lieut.,. March 27, 1856,Feb. 5, 1856,

Christian Binder, .•• 0 •• 00 2d Lieut.,. Jan. 17, 1856,Jan. 17, 1856, D, 40 43 Infantry.

(Vacant), .••••..•••••••• Captain, ••.•• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••

do 1st Lieut.,_ . e- •••

do " 2d Lieut.,_ 41 ••••••••••••• OIl ••••••••••••• E, William E. Clark, .•••••• Captain, .. March 6,1851,Feb. 22, 1851, Owen E. Owens, ...••.••• 1st Lieut.,. Sept. 15,1851,May 10,1851, Weleome Vincent, ..••.... 2d Lieut.,. Feb. 14, 1850,Jan. 15, 1850, F, 31 34 Infantry. B.-( CONTINUED.) TWENTY-FIRST BRIGADE-FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT.-(CONTINUED.)

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------_._------._------(Vacant), ..•••..••..•.•. Captain, ...••.••...... •.•..•...••.. - do .•••...••.•••• 1st Lieut., ..•••.•••...••...••.••...••.. do •.••...•.••••• 2d Lieut.,. .••. .••• . . . • .. ..•• . . . . . •. • .. G, do ..••..•••••••. Captain,. •. ..• ..••...... •...... •.. do ..••.•••.••••. 1st Liellt.,. ..•• . . •• . • . • .• . •••.•.•..••.. do .•.•.•••.•.••. 2d Lieut., ...... •• ...... •••. .••• . • .. H, Francis X. Myers, .••••••• Captain, ... Feb. 26, 1853,Sept. 25, 1853, Louis Michael, ..••.••••. 1st I..ieut.,. Sept. 6,1855,Nov. 16, 1853, Alfred Stone, •••••..•••• 2d Lieut., . Feb. 6,1855,Nov. 16, 1853, William Sharpe, ...••..•• 2d Lieut., . June 25, 1856,Juue 4, 1856, R 57 61 Artillery. Frederick Harrer, ...... •• Captain, •. June 10, 1854,March 20, 1854, John Brand, .•.••...... 1st Lieut.,. Jan. 1, 1858, Nov. 2, 1857, John Burkhart, .•••...... 2d Lieut., . Jan. 1,1858,Dec. 8, 1857, L, 75 78 Rifle.

336 371

_____ , ...... --J t • TWENTY-FIRST ERIGADE.-FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. Field Officers. Richard G. Savery, .•..••• Colonel, .. Oct. 1,1855, ... Oct. 1, 1855, ..•...... Rome, Oneida county, . William J. Riggs, .....•••• Lt. Colonel, Nov. 24, 1856, . Nov. 24, 1856, ..•..•••.... Rome, Oneida county, . (Vacant,) ....•••..••.• o. Major, ...... •..••...•..•.•.••..•..•.. 13

Company Officers. Alonzo McDaniels, ....• '•. Captain, •. Oct. 12,1854, .. Aug. 16, 1854, Reuben W. West, .•••.••• 1st Lieut.,. Oct. 12, 1854, .. Aug. 16, 1854, William Harden, ..••.••• 2d Lieut., . Not Oll roster,.. ...••• ..•• . . .. A, 35 38 Infantry. (Vacant,) .••••.•••.••••• Captain,. .. .••• . . . • . . • . •...... ••..... do ...... •...... 1stLieut., ...... ••.•...... • do ..••...... ••.. 2d Lieut., . ..•. . • .• . • •• .. .. .• B, do ., Captain, ill... . . •. . '". do 1st Lieut., . do ...... •..•• 2d Lieut.,. .•.••• ...• . . •• ..•• . . . . . • • . .. C, do .4" ••••••• Captain,...... do 1st Lieut., . do 2d Lieut., ...... D, do Captain, "'.. do ...... •...... 1st Lieut, ':;, . do 2d Lieut.,.. .. E,

do a, •••••••• Captain, , . do ...... •...... 1st Lieut, , . do 2d Lieut., . ,...... • ...... F, B.-( CONTINUED.) TWENTY-FIRST BRIGADE-FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.-(CONTINUED.)

NAMES. Offioe. Date of oommission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of 6ervice.

---~------_._------Vacant, Captain,.o...... d·o • • •• • •••••••• 1st Lieut.,...... do 2d Lieut.,...... G, ..... <:0 do Captain, " . 00 0.0 ...... • 1st Lieut., , .. do 2d Lieut., ...... H, Daniel Smith, jr., ..•••••• Captain, .. Sept. 16, 1852,July 31, 1852, Abraham D. Sanford, ...•. 1st Lieut.,. Sept. 10,1855,July 31, ]855, Nathon J. Haswell, ....••• 2d Lieut" . Sept. 10,1855,July 31, 1855, (Vacant,) .••••••••••.••• 2d' Lieut.,...... • • . • • ...... •• •• ..•. R, 30 33 Artillery, Julius Smith, ...... •... Captain, .. July 11, 1855,June 18, 1855, Daniel Roth, .•••..••.••. 1st Lieut.,. July 11, 1855,Ju!le 18, 1855,

Christian Ohnmacht, ....• 2d Lieut.,. Sept. 26, 1853,July 30, 1853, I (Vacant,) .•.•. : .•.•••... 2d Lieut., . ..•...... •. . . •. 1" 65/ 68:Rifles. -1-1 130/ 152/

.._-----_...... _----- • Z $' TWENTY-SECOND BRIGADE-FORTY·EIGHTH REGIMENT. Field Officers. Samuel R. Beardsley, ...•• Colonel, •. Oct. 12, 1854,Oct. 12, 1854, .•..••..... Oswego, Oswego co. John W. Judson,. ..• . .•• Lt.Oolonel, Oct. 27, 1854, ....•...... ••...•..••• Oswego, Oswego co. George Grosvenor, ..•..•. l\1ajor, .••• May 30, 1857, March 23, 1857, .•.• ..•. 10Fulton, Oswego co.

Company Officers. Albert Taylor, ..•....•••• Captain, ..• July 22, 1854,July 19, 1854, Joseph C. Kenyon, .••..•• 1st Lieut., .. Oct. 23, 1857, Sept. 28, 1857, Henry Sandhovel, ...... •• 2d Lieut., . Oct. 23, 1857,Sept. 28, 1857, A, 32 35 Infantry. Edward S. Cook, ....•..•• Captain, .. Dec. 28, 1854, Dec. 28, 1854, Elias A. Fitch, ..••.••••• 1st. Lieut.,June 6, 1855, Dec. 28, 1854, ...... 29 31 Infantry. ~ *Charles L. Spencer, ...•• 2d Lieut., . Jan. 1,1858,May 1, 1856, B, ~ Joseph Hoover, ....••..• Uaptain, .•. Jan, 5,1857,Jan. 5,1857, Joseph Shalkenbach, ..... 1st Lieut.,. Jan. 5, 1857,Jan. 5, 1857, George Wafter, .•..••. , .• 2d Lieut ... Jan. 5, 1857,Jan. 5, 1857, C, 29 32 Infantry. (Vacant), ....•••.•.•. , .. Captain, .•.•••••.•••. •••.•••. • • · ... ••• do '" 1st Lieut., · ...... do .•••..••...•.. 2d Liel1t., ..•••.•...•..•..•••.•••..•••. D, ...... do Captain, •••••••.••.•.....•••..••...... do 1st Lieut., · · . E, ...... do t •• ' 2d Lieut.,- -...... do •• • •.• • ...••• Captain, .....••••.....•.•..••..• • .

do e. e.' •••••••• 1 st Lieut,...... · . · .. do ...... • 2d Lieut.,- · · . F, .. .. 1 .... B.-( CONTINUED.) TWENTY-SECOND BRIGADE~FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT.-(CONTINUED.)

LNAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of . service.

------_._------(Vacant), .••••••••••.• :. Captain, ....•••.•.....••....•.....•.... do ....•...... ~ 1st Lieut., . do .••••••.•...... 2d Lieut.,_ '.. .. G' do Captaill, ...... do ...... •...... 1st Lieut.,...... do 2d Lieut .., . H, . Timothy Sullivan, ..••••. Captain, .•• Feb. 5,1855,Jan. 20, 1855, Hiram Duryea, ••••...••. 1st Lieut.,. Feb. 5,1855,Jan. 20, 1855, Francis C. Miller, .•.•.... 2d Lieut., . Feb. 5, 1855,Jan. 20, 1855, (Vacant,) .....••..••.•.• 2d Lieut., . .••• . . •• .• .••. ..•••...... ••. R, 42 45 Artillery.

do Captain, ...... to... . t do , ..•...... 1st Lieut.,_ " .

do, tie 2d Lieut.,_ . .. It ••••••••• do 2d Lieut.,...... L,

---- I 132 153i

I 3 Q ;

TWENTY-THIRD BRIGADE-FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT. Field officers. William H. Carpenter, .••• Colonel, May 29,1856,May 27, 1856, ..•...... •. Auburn, Cayuga county. John B. Richardson, .••••• Lt. Co1, May 29,1856,May 27, 1856, .••...... ••• Auburn, Cayuga county. Nicholas B. S. Eldred,.... Major, March 18, 1856, March 14, 1856, ...... 9Auburn, Cayuga county.

Company officers. Thaddeus B. Barber, ... Captain, June 13, 1856, June 11, 1856, Charles B. Parsons, ..... , 1st Lieut., Aug. 3, 1857, May 30, 1857, Edwin Downer, .....•.••• 2d Lieut" June 13, 1856, June 11, 18~6, A, 34 37 Infantry. Solomon Giles, .. " ... " ... Captain, Oct. 16, 1850, Aug. 12, 1850, John B. Kinne, ...•• " ... 1st Lieut., Oct. 16, 1850, Aug. 12, 1850, Infantry. Oliver L. Combs, ...... 2d Lieut., Oct. 21, 1854, Aug. 19, 1853, B, 35 38 l-O John O'Neill, .•••.•••.••• Captain, April 20, 1857, March 27, 1857, -.0 Luke Brannick, ...•••.••• 1st I.Jieut., Sept. 28, 1857, Aug. 21, 1857, William BoyIe, ••.•••..•. 2d Lieut., Sept. 28, 1857, Sept. 11,1857, C, 3 Infantry. John A. Dodge, .•.....••• Captain, April 2, 1855, April 2, ] 855, Cha's H. Stewart, .•••.••• 1st Lieut., June 2, 1855, May 14, 1855, Isaac Snyder, ..••.•••.••• 2d Lieut., April 2, 1855, April 2, 1855, D, 46 49 Infantry.

lVacant,) ...... •.•••.... Captain, t ••••• " ••• " •• 0 " ..... " ... " ... do " " . " ... " ... " ... 1st Lieut., . " ...... " . " . " ... do " ••••••• 0 ••••••• 2d Lieut., " ... " .." ..... " . " " ..~." .... " " " " E, .... " ... do " .. " ... " ...... Captain, ~... " " .... , .. " " ..... " .... " " . " do ...... " ... " ... 1st Lieut., . " " .. " " .". " ...... " ... do ...... " ... " ... 2d Lieut., ...... •..•• " ...... " ... F, " .." " ..... B.-(CONTINUED.) TWENTY -THIRD BRIGADE-FORTY -NINTH REGIMENT .-( CONTINUED.)

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

(Vacant), 00 .000 .0000. Captain, .• 0 • 0 0 •••• 00.. .000 •••• o. 0 .00

do If' •••• 1st Lieut. . ,...... , I .

do . 2d Lieut., .0' 0 ••• 0 ••••• 0 • 00.. ..00 0 • •• G,

do •.••... 0 •••• ° Captain, " t. ..

do ...... •. 0 ••• ° 1st Lieut., " .

do " . 2d Li~ut., , .•••• ~ ..• 0 '.0 ••••••••• 0 • 0 0 • H, "... "... George W. Brown, . 0 0 0 ' 0 ° CaptaIn, ° o,.Feb. 9, 1857,/Jan. 12, 1857,

Antoine E. Robinson, ... 0 ° 1st Lieut.,Feb. 9, 1857,Jan. 12, 1857,

Henry R. Lindsley, . 0 • 0 • ° 2d Lieut , Aug. 3, 1857,!Jan. 27, 1857,

Ebenezer B. Belcher, .. 00. 2d Lieut., Feb. 9, 1857'IJan. 12, 1857, R, 27 31 Artillery.

Isaac V. Howland, ..• 0 0 •• Captain, July 6, 1854,July 6, 1854,/

William Bell, Jr.,G.• 0 ••• 0 ° 1st Lieut., Aug. 18, 1856, Aug. 12, 1856,

James B. Robertson, ° •• 00 • 2d Lieut., Aug. 18, 1856,Aug. 12, 1856,1 r----, Henry Van Middleworth, .. 2d Lieut., Aug. 18, 1856,Aug. 12, 1856,! L, 33 37 Cavalry. p... r:nUJ -- -- t:t1 ~ 175 204 b:l I ---- ~t'"

D tz 1 & p ;

TWENTY-THIRD· BRIGADE-FIFTIETH REGIMENT. Field Officers. ,I Harvey A. Dowe, . · ..•.• · Colonel, Feb. 26, 1856 Fcb. 20, 1856, Ithaca, Tomdkins county. Heury D. Bartz, ..••...•• ,' Lt. Col., Sept. 28, 1857,Sept. 28, 1857, Ulysses, Tompkins county. (Vacant,) . Major, . Company Officers. Philip J. Partonheimer, .•. Captain, Dec. 15, 1851, Dec. 4, 1851, Leander R. King, ...•..•. 1st Lieut., Aug. 15, 1856, May 28, 1856, A,· 40 Infantry. Charles F. Blood, ..••... · 2d Lieut.~ 15, 1856, May 28, 1855, 37 (Vacant,) ...... •...••. Captain, ...... · '. · . do · · . 1st Liellt., . • •• . . .• .. . . •. . .••..••...... do . 2d Lieut., ...•.....••••...... ••...... B, do " . Captain, .• .• ...... •...... t¢ 1st Lieut., .•. , . .•• .. . , . I 0 do · . (J:) do . 2d Lieut., . . •...... • . C, I Stephen Clough, • . Captain, Sept. 28, 1857,Sept. 21, 1857, Andrew J. Pease, ....•... • 1st Lieut.,July 2,1856,\JUne 7, 1856, Eleazer B. Halsey, ....••. 2d Lieut., Sept, 28, 1857, Sept. 21, 1857, D, 36 391rhranryo (Vacant,) ...•..•....•.... Captain, ...... • ....•. . .••...... •. do .. 1st Lieut., ...•...... •....•...... •.. 2d Lieut., · .....•...... E, do 4o . do · . Captain, ...... •...... · 1st Lieut., ~...•...... do 411 ••• do ~· . 2d Lieut., . . .• . . .• . • . . •. ..• . . D, do · Captain, ...•..... · • • •. . ..•.....•..•. do · .. 1st Lieut., .•.•...... •...... do ". · . 2d Lieut.' "...... · · .. · . F, B.-( CONTINUED.) TWENTY -THIRD BRIGA.DE- FIFTIETH REGIMENT .-( COISTINUED.)

NAMES. Offioe. Date of oommission Date of rank. Residence an,j arm of servioe.

------_._- (Vacant,) Captain, do 1st Lieut., do 2d Lieut, H do Captain, do 1st Lieut., .••••• do 2d Lieut., do 2d Lieut., R, do Captain, .... do 1st Lieut., do ...... *' ••••• 2d Lieut, do 2d Lieut" L,

73 83 ---- TWE~TY-FOURTH BRIGADE-FIFTY-FIRST REGIMENT. oz Field Officers. .... J. Dean Hawley, .••...•.. Colonel} •• Jan. 1, 1858,Dec. 9, 1857, .••.••••.•.. Syracuse, Onondaga county. ~ Ezra L. Walrath, ••..•... Lieut. Col.,Jan. 1, 1858, Dec. 9, 1857, ...... • Syracuse, Onondaga county. B. Franklin Curtis, ..••••• Major, .... April 4, 1856,Jan. 1, 1856, . • •• .••• 7 Canestota, :Madison eounty.

Company Officers. J. Mosher Brower, ..••••• Captain, .•. Dec. 8, 1857,Nov. 5,1857, (Vacant,) .••.•••••.••••• 1st Liellt., ....•..••.•••....•....•..•••.

do 2d Liellt.,...... It ••••••• A, 37 38 Infantry. Jacob Brand, •••••••••••• Captain, .. June 8, 1857,March 4, 1857, Abram Gileher, .••• , .•••• 1st Lieut ,. June 8, 1857,March 4, 1857, Jacob Grasman; ••••••.••. 2d Lieut.,. June 8,1857,March 4, 1857, B, 38 41 Infantx·y. to John Radigan, ..•..••.• ~. Captain, •. Nov. 14, 1855,Aug. 13, 1855, 0 Dennis Driscoll, ..•••.•.• 1st Lieut.,. Feb. 26, 1856,Jan. 1, 1856, 0'( Martin Hogan, .••••••.••• 2d Lieut.,. Feb. 26, 1856,Jan. 1, 1856, C, 39 42 Infantry. Charles L. Chandler, •••••. Captain, ... May 11, 1857,June 16, 1856, * John F.Pease, .•••••.••• lst Lieut ,.Jan. 1, 1858,Nov. 23,1857, Joseph E. Masters, .•••••• 2d Lieut.,. Jan. 1, 1858, Nov. 23, 1857, D, 43 45 Infantry. (Vacant~) ....•••.•••..•• Captain, .• .••• . . . • • •• ••. . .•..•••...... do ••.•••.•••..•. 1st Lieut., ...••...... •...... •.•...... do 2d Lieut., . E, Matthias Berry, Captain, .• Sept. 11, 1855,Sept. 11,1855, Robert Ellis, .•••..••.••• 1st Lieut.,. Sept. 11, 1855, Sept. 11, 1855, Marshall R. Dyer, ...•.••• 2d Lieut.,. Sept. 11, 1855, Sept. 11, 1855, F, 18 21 Infantry. 13 .-( CONTINUED.)


NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

Joseph C. Irish, •••••••••• Captain, •. June 24, 1853,:May 31, 1853,

(Vacant,) ...•••••••••. ',' 1st Lieut., ..•••.•••..•••..• 0 •• 0" 0 •••••

do ...•..••.. 0 ••• 2d Liel\.t.,...... •..••••. .•••...... ••.. G, 30 31 Infantry. Peter Ohneth, .•••.•••.••• Captain, •. June 9,1857:June 9, 1857, John Listman, ...... ••• 1st Lieut.,. ,Tune 9, 1857, rune 9, 1857,

Frederick Schug, •.•••• o. 2d Lieut.,. June 9,1857,June 9,1857, H, 37 40 Infantry. James L. Graham, .•••.••• Captain, ••. Aug. 15,1857,July 9, 1857, Silas Titus, ••••••..•••••• 1st Lieut.,. Aug. 15,1857'IJUlY 9, 1857, David Stewart, •••.••.••• Zd Lieut.,. Aug. 15, 1857,July 9, 1857, John F. Moschel, .••••••. 2d Lieut.,. Aug. 17, 1857,July 9,1857, R, 26 30 Cavalry. John Schnauber, ...•.••• Captain, .•. May 11,1857,April 17,1857, Jacob Schmeer, ••••.••••• 1st Lieut.,. May 11,1857,April 17,1857, Paul 13irchmeyer, .•.•.••. 2d Lieut.,. May 11,1857,April 17,1857, John Hirsch, •.••..••.... 2d Lieut.,. May 12,1857"Aprll 17,1857, L. 34 38 Artillery.

300 333 D- ,

TWENTY-FOURTH BRIGADE-FIFTY-SECOND REGIMENT. Z ? Field Officers. I I-' James C. Carmichael, .. 000 Colonel, Feb. 16, 1857,Jan. 26, 1857:.. 000 •• 00 •••• \Cortland village, Cortl'dco. ~

James C. Pomeroy, 0000 Lt. Co1., Aug. 15,1857,July 4, 1857, jCortland village, Cortl'd co.

William P. Beck, o. 0 0 •• 00 Major., Aug. 15,1857,July 4, 1857, 00 9 Syracuse.

Company Office; s.

William Henderson,. 000 o. Captain, Dec. 11, 185I,Dec. 6, 1851,

o. 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 0 • o •••••••• 0 •••••• (Vacant), 0 0000 ••• 0 o. 1st Lieut., 34 do . 2d Lieut., .•.. o. 000 ••• o ••• 0" • 0 0 0 •••• 0 0 A, 35 do . Captain, 0 0 0 0 o •• 0 0 0 •• o' • 0 o •••• 0 •••• 0 0

Henry Warfield, .. 0 •• 000 1st Lieut., Sept. 1, 1852, Aug. 30, 1852,

0 •• 0 ••••••••• 0 .0 •••••• 00 ~ • 31 35 Lewis E. Hitchcock,. 0 •• 0 0 2d Lieut., .• B, ~ 0 0 0 0 •• 0 0 • • •• • ••••••• o ••••• 0 (Vacant), . o •• 0.0 00 •••• o. Captain, .• -1 do . 1st Lieut., .0.0 ••••••• 0. • • o •• 0 ••• 0 •• 0. do .• . . 2d Lieut, .•. 0 •••• 00 • 0 ••• 0 0 ••••• 0 ••• o. C, do . Captain, .0.00 ••• 00 •• o' ••••••••• 0 .00. do . 1st Lieut., .. 0 0 o •• 0 o •• 00. ,. 0 •• 0.0 •• 0.0.

do t .•••••• 2d Lieut" . 0 • 0 •••• 0 • 0 0 0 0 • 0 o ••• 0 ••• 0. D, do . Captain, ...... ,. - ~.. do . 1st Lieut., . do . 2d Lieut., 000000 .0 •••••••• 00 ••••••• 00' E, do . Captain, .• 0 0 O' • 0 • 0 ••• , •• 0 • 0 0 ••• 0 •• 0 0 do . IstLieut., .00 0 •••• 0 0 .00 ••• 0 •• 0.0.0 0 ••• 1 do . 2d Lieut, .• 0 0 •••• 0 0 • 0 O' •• 0 0 • 0 •••••• 0.1 :E', B.-(CONTINUED.) TWENTY-FOURTH BRIGADE-FIFTY-SECOND REGIMENT.-(CoNTINuED.)

si NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. o ....<::> Residence anI} arm of service. o~ :§ Cl> ------H do ·... ·... ill ••• ·. Captain, ·..... ·...... ·...... do 1st Lieut., ·... ·...·..... ·...... ·... ·... • ••• ill • do ·... ·... II ••••• 2d Lieut., ·...... ·... ·.... G, do ...... ·... . Captain, ,...... ·... ·...... do · • •• III · ... ·..... 1st Lieut., ·...... ,. .·... ·. do ·...·... ·...·. 2d Lieut., ·...... ·... ·... ·...·. H, do ·.... ·... ·... ·. Captain, · ..... ·...·... ·...·...... ·. do ·... ·... ·...·. 1st Lieut., ·..... ·...... ·. do ·...... ·...·. 2d Lieut., ...... ·...... ·...... ·... ·. do ·... ·... 't •• ·. 2d Lieut., ·..... ·... ·... ·... ·... ·...·. R, do ·... ·... tIo ••••• Captain, ·..... · ... ·... ·...... ·... do IstLieut., ·. ·... ·.. ·...·...... ·... ·... · " ...... ·. do . 2d Lieut., " ." ·...... ·...... ·... ·... " .. " ..·. do 2d Lieut., ...... • 00. ·. .·...·...·. " ...... ·... ·. L, 65 79 D » t 2

TWENTY-FIRST BRIGADE-FIFTY-THIRD REGI~rENT ...-, >- Pield Ofjicers. i Isaac Lafayette Addington, Colonel, Aug. 6, 1855, Aug. 6, 1855, .... Paris, Oneida county. S Alfred S. Taylor, .••••.••. Lt. Co1., Oct. 1, 1855, Sept. 24, 1855, .... Clinton, Oneida county. Z(Vacant), ..•.•...••••••• Major,- • ••••• * ••• ·...... ~.. 3 ? Company Officers. "",,(Vacant,) ...... ·...... Captain, ·...... , Ot do 1st Lieut., '- ·...... ·...... do 2d Lieut., A, do ·.... Captain, ••

do • •• CI 1st Lieut., do 2d Lieut., B, do ·...... Captain, ·..... do ·...... 1st Lieut., .;:..""" do 2d Lieut., C, do ·..... ·...... Captain, . do 1st Lieut., ·... do 2d Lieut., D, do Captain, . ..." do 1st Lieut., do 2d Lieut., E, do Captain, •• do 1st Lieut., .... do 2d Lieut., F, do ·...... Captain, • it •••• do ·... 1st Lieut., ·.~.,. do 2d Lieut., ...... G, B.-( CONTINUED.) TWENTY -FIRST BRIGADE-FIFTY -THIRD REGIMENT .-( CONTINUED.)

NAMES. Offioe. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

----,------'------(Vacant,) . . . .• .. •• •• . . .. Captain, . • •• .••...•.•.••.

do ...... 1st Lieut., "' It ••• do ...... 2d Lieut., ...... H, Porter J. Horner, .•• i •••• Captain, March 6,1857,Jan. 8, 1853, Byron S. Catlin, .•••••..•• 1st Lieut.,Nov. 15, 1855,Nov. 15, 1855, Clark H. Sanford, ••..•••. 2d Lieut., Oct. 10, 1S57,Aug. 15, 1857, William P. Slocum, ....••. 2d Lieut., Nuv. 15,1855, N"ov. 15, 1855, R, 38 42 Artillery. (Vacant,) . • . . . • ••• .••••. Captain, ...•..••• '•...... •.... do ..••..•• ' . . . .. 1st Lieut., ...... ••...... , •.... do . . •• . • •• ...... 2d Lieut., ...... •...... ••.... do . . •• . . •• .. . . •. 2d Lieut., .••••. ,...... •• ...... L, 38 45 === • • • " 1

z TWENTY-FIFTH BRIGADE-.]i'IFTY-FOURTH REGIMENT .. o Field Officers. 1 Harrison S. Fairchild, •••• Colonel, July 8, 1851,July 6, 1851, ...•••••..•• Rochester. James T. Griffin, ...••..•• Lt. Co1., April 19,1856,April 7, 1856, ...... •..•. Rochester. Truman T. Morse,.... •.•. Major, Apl'il 19, 1856,April 7, 1856, ..•• ...• 8'Rochester.

Company Officers. (Vacant,) ..•• , ..•• . . •• •. Captain, .••••••.••• ' . •. . •.••....•..•• do '.' . .. 1st Lieut., . do ...... 2d Lieut.,...... A,

do $' Capt?, . .. . -...... , ..•... it •• II .

do "...... 1st Liellt., ...... 'II ••••••• do . . • • . . . • .. •••• 2d Lieut., ..• 0...... B, 40 40 Infantry. ~ Delon M. Dewey, ••••..•. Captain, Feb. 4,1856,June 25, 1856, .....- Robert F. Taylor,...... •• 1st Lieut., Feb. 4, 1856,June 25, 1856, Warren Westcott, .....•.• 2d Lieut.,Feb. 4,1856,June 25, 1856, C, 45 45 Infantry. Louis Ernest, . • . ••. .••••. Captain, Nov. 25, 1856,Oct. 29, 1856, lorenz Sellinger, ...••.••• 1st Lieut.,Nov. 25, 1856,Oct. 29, H)56, Francis A. Adelman, ..•.• 2d Lieut., Nov. 25,1856,Oct 29,1856, D, 51 541 Infantry. Gilbert S. Jennings, .••••• Captain, Dec. 31, 1853,Aug. 6, 1853, (Vacant,) •...... • .••• .••• 1st Lieut., ..••••••..•.•....••..•••.... do ...... 2d Lieut., ~ . E, 36 37 Infantry. do ...... • . . . .. Ca.ptain, ...... do ...... 1st Lieut., .

do ".. 2d Lieut., If •••••••• F, •••• I •. ' ., B.-(CONTINUED.) TWENTY-FIFTH BRIG.A.DE-FIFTY-FOURTH REGIMENT.-(CONTINUED.)

~ ='g~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ P. ::I tlIJ P. S .;s= s g ~ w-CS NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. 8 .... <) ~ I:l Residence and arm of l!ervice. .... 0 ~@.: 3 ~~ I ....i ~..... ~c.>P. (Vac~nt,)·-.-. ~~~=caPt~~~~== ~~~~~I------'I_------.- do . • • • •• .••• . • •. 1st LIeut., ~. • • . • •• ...... •• . •... 1

do .••.••..••.••• 2d Lieut., ...•...•...... ~....•.. 1 G, ..••.••. do . . . . •. ...• . • •• Captain, ..••.•••...... •••...... '1 do . . . • . . •. .•.••. 1st .Lieut., . . .• . .•..••....••..••...... do . • •• . . •• . . . • .. 2d Lieut., ..••.•.•..•...... •...... i H, ..•..... Nathaniel Thompson, ..... Captain, J\1arch30, 1857,Mal'ch 10, 1857,! Elihu B. Collins, ..••.•• 0 1st Lieut., March 30, 1857, March 10, 1857,! James McElroy, . .. .• .••• 2d Lieut., Feb. 4, 1856,Jan. 2,2,1856,1 Reuben Bloss,...... ••• 2d Lieut.,March 30, 1857,March 10, 1857,1R, 47 51 Artillery.

James Brackett, .•• 0 ••• 0.. Captain, Dec. 4, 1854,Sept. 19, 1854,1 (Vacant,) . . ••• . .•• .•.••. 1st Lieut., ..••.....•••...... •...... • Isaac W. Hobbie, .• 00.... 2d Lieut., Dec. 4, 185!, Sept. 19, 1854,

George H. Lewis, .•••.•• 0 2d Lieut.,Dec. 4,1854,!JUlY 22,1854, L, _~~ICavalrY, 256 275 ==-=

1 THIRD BRIGADE-FIFTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. Field OjficeTs. I Eugene Le Gal; ...•...••. Colonel, March 16, 1857,Feb. 25,1857,.... . •.. New-York c~ty. Nicholas B. La Bau, ...••. Lieut. Co1.March 16, 1857,Feb. 25, 1857, . ... INew-York CIty. Louis J. Le Clerc, ...•.... Major, April 14, 1857,Mal'eh 24, 1857, 13 New-York city.

Company Officers. John S. Pfanmuller, ..••.. Captain, Aug 15, 1857, May 18, 1857, Edward J. Deraismes, •••• 1st Lieut., Aug. 15, 1857, April 16, 1857, Pietro Pia, .•••••••...... 2d Lieut., Oct. 10, 1856, July 31, 1856,

(Vacant), ...••..••.•.••. 2d Lieut., • • • • 4; ...... • ••••• 4 ••••••• A, '54 56 Artillery . Joseph H Johnson, .•..••. Captain, Feb. 20, 1852, Dec. 10~ 1851, Lewis W. Phillips, ...•••. 1st Lieut .. June 2, 1855, May 8, 1855, 2d Lieut.; Nov. 9, 1857, June 17,1857, to George W. Carpenter, .... ~ (Vacant), ...•...••.....• 2d Lieut., ·...... ·...... B 40 43 Artillery. Charles Mercier, ....•.•• Captain, Nov. 9, 1857, July 22, 1857,

(Vacant), ..•••..••.•.... 1st Lieut., · ...... • ...... $ • a Amedee Vignot, • • ••. • .•. 2d Lieut., Nov. 9, 1857, July 22, 1857, (Vacant), . . • •• . .. . ••... 2d Lieut., ·...... ·...... C, 51 53 Artillery. Honore Goulet, .•. • ...•.. Captain, Dec. 29, 1854, Dec. 26, 1854,1 Edward Bonnier, ...••.••. 1st Lieut., N"ov. 9, 1857, June 18, 1857, (Vacant), ..•••.•••.•• • •. 2d Lieut., ·...... ·...... do . 2d Lieut., • ••••• " ••• IIlI ••• ·...... D, 47 49 Artillery. Louis Thourot, •.••••...• Captain, Oct. 10, 1856, June 27, 1856, Louis F. Glackmeyer, •••• 1st Lieut., Dec. 29, 1855, Dec. 26, 1855, Auguste Ferran, .••••.••• 2d Lieut" Nov. 9, 1857, June 1, 1857, (Vacant), . .• •. • ...•.••. 2d I....ieut ...,...... ".. E, 37 40 ,Artillery. B.-(CONTINUED.)


NAMES. Offioe. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residenoe and arm of service.

------William Atterbury, .•.... Captain, . Nov. 9,1857,June 5, 1857,

(Vacant), .•••.•••. 0 0 0 00' 1st Lieut., .00 ••• 0 0 • 00' •••• 0 0 ••••• 0 ., o.

Antoine Longett, ..• o •• 000 2d Lieut., Nov. 9,1857,June 5, 1857,

(Vacant), . 0 o ••••••• o. 0" 2d Lieut.,. 0 o •• "0 •• 0 0 o •• 000 .. o...... F, 23 25 Artillery.

William H. Hallick,. 0 •••• Captain, June 8, 1857,May 5, 1857,

Edward L. Stone, o. 0 o' •• 1st Lieut.,June 8, 1857, May 5, 1857,

(Vacant), . .••• o. 0 •••• •• 2d Lieut., 0 •• 00 •••••••• 00 •• o' • 0 o' o.

do ••••. o' ••••• o. 2d Lieut., 0 •••••• 0 •••• 0 0 0 •••••••• o' G, 40 42 Al'tillery.

do ,.. Captain, 'I •••••• 'II ••••• do ...... 1st Lieut , •••• _ , ...... do ...... 2d Lieut., .

do ..••. 0 • 0 00 000. 2d Liellt.,. 0 00 • 0 ••••••••••• 0 .0' • • • • • •• H, ...•.... Artillery.

Edward Vine-ent, 0 ••• 00.. Captain, .. 0 •• 00 •• 0 • 0 o •• 00' •• o ••••• o.

Charles A. Stet50n, .. o. 0 o. 1st Lieut., ... 0 •• 0 •• o ••••• 0 ••••• 0 •• 0 •••

David D. Hart, • 0" • 0 0 ••• 2d Lieut., Aug. 16,1849,June 25, 1849,

(Vacant), .• 0 • 0 o •• 0 o. 0000 2d Lieut.,. 0 0 0 •• 0 0 00 •• o •• 0 •••• 0 0 •••• o. R, 60 63 Artillery. --- Henry L. Robert, .••••••• Captain, .•• July 12,1852,June 11, 1852, Louis Billon, ••••.•••.••. 1st Lieut., . July 12, 1852,June 11, 1852, (Vacant), .•••••••••••••• 2d Lieut., ..••• · · • • .. • •••.••• · . •• •• •• •• do .•••••.•••.•.• 2d Lieut., . •••• . • •• • •• • •• .•.• ..•• . . •• •. L, 30 32 Rifles. 382 416 ---- B-( CONTINUED.) TWENTY-FIFTH BRIGADE-FIFTY-EIGHTH REGIl\iENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------_._------_._------Field officers. E. O. Frost, ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Colonel, June 26, 1849,May 24, 1849, ...... •. Catherine, Schuyler co. John B. Murrey, . 0000 0000 Lt. 001., ...... L. F. S. Viele, ... 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 • Major, 11 Company officers.

(Vacant,) ... 0 •••• 0 • 0 0 • 0 • Captain, .• 0

do .0.0 000 •• 0000. 1st Lieut.,. do . 0 0 0 •••• 0 •• 0 0 0 2d Lieut. ,.. A., do .• o. 0 0 0 •• 0 •••• Captain, ... do .. 0 •• 0 0 •••.••• 1st Lieut.,. do .. 0 0 ••••••• 0 •• 2d Lieut., .. B, do .• 0 • o •• 0 0 0 ••• 0 Captain, ...

do .•••..• 0 •• 0 ••• 1st Lieut.,. do . 0 ••••• 0 • 0 •••• 2d Lieut., .. . . C, A ,

.•••.••••. Captain, ~ (Vacant), ...... ? do ·...... '" 1st Lieut.,...... C' do ·..... 2d Lieut., . D, ~ do ·..... Captain, .•. do ·...... 1st Lieut, .. do ·...... 2d Lieut., . E, do ....Captain, .•. do ·.... - ...... 1st Lieut.,.

do ·.." ..2d Lieut.,:. F, do ·...... Captain, - - do ·...... 1st Lieut.,. do ...... 2d Lieut., .. G, Captain, do ·...... ·..... ~ do 1st Lieut., ....~ do , ..... 2d Lieut., H, do ·..... Captain, ·..... do ·..... 1st Lieut.,. ·....." do •••• 6 2d Lieut., . do ·..... 2d Lieut.,. R, do ·..... Captain, ·..... do ·..... 1st Lieut ,. do .•• a •• 2d Lieut., . do ..... 2d Lieut., .. L, -- -- II -- --- B.-( CONTINUED.) TWENTY-SEVENTH BRIGADE-FIFTY-NINTH REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of Jank. Residence and arm of service.

------~------~eld ()tncers. Timothy B. Grant,.... •.•. Colonel, July 28, 1856,July 15, 1856j •••• . .•. N. Dansville, Livings'n co. James Conley,. • • . . . . • •. •• Lt. Co1., July 28, 1856,July 15, 1856...... ••. Penn Yan, Yates county. John E. Bean, •• . • •• • •• •• Major, July 28, 1856,July 15, 1856, .••• 3 Geneva, Ontario county.

3 --,.------• ,

TWENTY-SEVENTH BRIGADE-SIXTIETH REGIMENT. Field Officers. Rob't E. Van Valkenburgh, Colonel, Oct. 14, 1852, Oct. 13, 1852, ...... ••..•• Bath, Steuben county. Levi C. Whiting,. . . • • . • •• Lt. Col., Dec. 14, 1854, Nov. 29, 1852, ...... ••.... Bath, Steuben county. William Smith,...... • • •• Major, Dec. 1,1852,Nov. 29, 1852, • • •. ...• 9Howard, Steuben county.

Company Officers. Richard TowIe, ..••..•.•• Captain, Dec. 12, 1855, Aug. 4, 1855, Thomas B. Rice, .••••...• 1st Lieut., Dec. 12, 1855, Aug. 29, 1855, Hosea Goff, . . • •• . •••.. • . 2d Lieut., May 20, 1854, Sept. 17, 1853, A, 32 351 Infantry. Michael Stafford, ...••..•• Captain, June 24, 1853,lune 2, 1853, Edward Fitzpatrick, 1st Lieut., June 24, 1853,June 2, 1853, .... 35 Infantry. ~ Edward Monaghan, .•.••. 2d Lieut., June 24, 1853,June 2, 1853, B, 32 ~- Francis N. Chaphe, •.••••• Captain, May 29, 1855, May 3, 1855, Jonathan S. Eelknap, ..... 1st Lieut., Dec. 12, 1855, June 6, 1855, 1 A. W. Creamer, .•••• " ••• 2d Lieut., Dec. 12, 1855, June 6, 1855, C, 35 38 Infantry. James Kniskern, ..•••..•• Captain, Aug. 18, 1856, Aug. 18, 1856, Nirom M. Crane, ..•••.••• 1st Lieut., Aug. 18, 1856, Aug. 18, 1856, James A. Wilkie, •.••..•. 2d Lieut., Aug. 18, 1856, Aug. 18, 1856, D, 36 39 Infantry. (Vacant,) ·...... Captain, ·...... ·...... do ·...... 1st Lieut., ·...... · -...... do ·...... " ... 2d Lieut., ·...... ·...... E, .... do ·...... Captain, ·...... ·...... do ·...... 1st Lieut., ·...... ·.... , ...... • •• & .... do ·...... " ...... 2d Lieut., .•••...... ·...... F, B.-( CONTINUED.) TWENTY-SEVENTH BRIG ADE-SIXTIET II REGIMENT .-( CONTINU ED.)

NAMES. Office. Date of Oommi."sion. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------(Vacant,) , , • , ., .,' •. , , • Captain, ..••. , .•. , .• , .. ,., , . , •..••.. do ..•.•.. , , • , , •• 1st Lieut., .. , ••• " •• , , ., .", . , _, . , , • , . do . 2d Lieut., .• , •...• , •.. , ... , ••...• , ..• , G, do . Captain, . , ••.••. , , • , ,. .."" ""' . , . , do . 1st Lieut., , , ,. , ••••.. ,., , •••• , , •.•.... do .._ . 2d Liellt., ..•. ".. , ...... •.••...• , . II, ., .

do . Captain, ' 4. .. do . 1st Lieut., ...•.••. " , ,., •....•.. , •. do , .. 2d Lieut.,I., ••. , • , •..••..• ,." ,." ..•. do _ . R, .. , ..... Henry C. Hoffman, ..• , ••• ~~p~fn~t·'ls;Pt." 29: '18'5"7,S~pt:"29: 018'5'7', William M. Gregg,. , ••••• 1st Lieut.,ISept. 29, 1857,Sept. 29, 1857, Ed ward Covell, , , , • , , •••• 2d Lieut., Sept. 29, 1857,Sept. 29, 1857, (Vacant,) . ' ••• " ., ••.•• , .---, 2d Lieut., .. " ." .. 0 • , •••• 0 , •••••••• 0 L, 54 57 Rifles. ~ rJ), rJ), ---- l"'J 189 213 ~ t"4 --= wJ

• • • " I

TWENTY-NINTH BRIGADE·-SIXTY-FIRST REGI1\IENT. Field Officers. 6, 1852, .....••..... Colesville, Wyoming co. John B. Folsom, ...••••• 0 Colonel, .•. July 12, 1852,July Robert L. Stevens, .•••••• Lt. Colonel,July 16, 1853,July 9, 1853, ...•...•.••• Attica, Wyoming county. 7, 1856, ..•. 3, Wyoming county. Wm. W. Patterson, . 0 0 0 0 0 Major, .• 0. May ]4, 1856,May

Company Officers.

(No return,) ..• 0 ••••••••• (No return) .0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••• TWENTY-NINTH BRIGADE-SIXTY-SECOND REGI1\IENT. Field Officers. Peter Saxe, ••••.•••• , .... Colonel, .•• Oct. 12, 1852: Sept. 17, 1852, ..•..••...•• Yates, Orleans county, Robert L. Hill, .••••••••• Lt. Colonel, Oct 12, 1852, Sept. 17, 1852, ..••...•...• Medina, Orleans county. Thomas F. Sprague, .••••• Major, ..••• July 19, 1852,July 8, 1852, ...... •• 3 Murray, Orleans <.-onnty.

Company Officers.

(No return,) to ill • • •• •••••• "... It • • .. • • •• ••• CI. •••• • • • Q •••• B.-(CON I INUED.) THIRTIETH :BRIGADE-SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

--_._-._------.------Field Officers.

Thomas J. Parker, 0 •••• 0 o. Colonel, Dec. 16, 1852, Dec. 16, 1852, .....• 00 • • 'IGo~anda., Cattaraugus eo. Daniel G. Bingham, 00000. Lt. Co1., July 16, 1853,July 8, 1853, ° oiEllIcottvl1le,Cattaraugus co. Enos C. Brooks, .... o. 000. Major, July 16, 1853,July 9, 1853, 00. 9,Olean) Cattaraugus co. 1 Company Officers.

Corodon C. Rugg, . 0 •• 0 ••• Captain, Sept. 12, 1857, Aug. 29, 1857, Marvin F. Crandall,. 0 •••• 1st Lieut, Sept. 10, 1853, Sept 10, 1853, Henry W. Johnson,. 00 •• o. 2d Lieut., Aug. 9, 1855, May 30, 1855, A, 35 38 Infantry. Timothy .A.. C. Everett, .. 0 • Captain, Nov. 21, 1856, Nov. 21, 1856, Henry L. Jones,. o. 0 •• 0 •• ° 1st Lieut., Nov. 21, 1856, Nov. 21, 1856, David T. Wiggins, .• 0 0 • 0 •• 2d Lieut., Nov. 21, 1856, Nov. 21, 1856, 34 37 Infantry. ~. B, 00 Julius B. Maltbie,. 0 •••• 0 • Captain, Sept. 00 10, 1853, Sept. 10, 1853, t:z:j Alanson L.Dudley ., 0 ••• 0 • 1st Lieut., April 22, 1854, March 30, 1854, ~ 0:: Jacob Slingerland,. 0 o' 00 •• 2d Lient.,April 29, 1854, April 29, 1854, C, 40 t'1 43 Infantry. 0<

• • r

William B. Battin, .....••. Captain, •. Sept. 22, 1857 Sept. 21, 1857, John N. Semen, •...••..•• 1st Litut.,.Sept. 22, 1857,Sept. 21,1857, F. Phillips, .•..••••••.••. 2d Lieut.,. Sept. 22, 1857,Sept. 21, 1857, D, 32 35 Infantry. Joseph L. Savage, .•••.••• Captain, .. April 22, 1854,March 30, 1854, John K. Comstock, .•••••. 1st Lieut.,. Jan. 26, 1855,Jan. 26,1855, Samuel R Homer, .•.•.••. 2d Lieut.,. Jan. 26, 1855,Jan. 26, 1855, E, 34 37 Infantry. (Vacant,). . • ...... •••• Captain,...... •.. do ' lstLieut., ' . do .....•.... " 2d Lieut., - · . F, do ...•...... ••. Captain, ...••••.. · • . do 1st Lieut., " . do .•••.•••.•.••. 2d Lieut., ..•••..••...... ••.•....•.... G, do Captain, - · · .

do \I ••••••••• 1st Lieut.,- eo." ••••••••••••••••••• f ••• • do .••••..••.••••. 2d Lieut., .....•...... H, Samuel W. Johnson, Captain; Feb. 19, 1855,Feb. 19, 1855, George W. Baillet, .. _ 1st Lieut., .. Feb. 19,18"15.Feb. 19, 1855, Stephen B. Seward, ..•...• 2d Lieut.,_. Feb. 19, 1855,Feb. 19, 1855, Constant S Trevitt, .....•. 2d Lieut., •. June 8,1857,June 11, 1856, R, 33 37 Artillery. (Vacant,) ...••.•••••.... Captain,... .••• . . .• .••• .. ..•...... •.• do 1st Lieut., · do ..••..••..•••. 2d Lieut.,: ....••..... - .....•.....•..... do ..••.....••••• 2d Lieut.,_ ....•.••• ~• . . .. L, 208 236 B.-( CONTINUED.) THIRTY-FIRST BRIGADE-SIXTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. ~ S'"g~ ~ § 8 o:~ ~ a §§~ NAMES. Office. 8 g ~~] Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of 8 ~ F~.9 service. ~ !~~fi ~ : 3~·t ------1-----.- __- -~ ~ 8Sp.. ' _ Field Officers. Jacob Krettner, .••• •••••. Colonel, April 3, 185,1,March 20, 1854, ...•... , .••. Buffalo. Francis Fischer, ..•••.••• Lieut. Co1.Sept. 28, 1855,Au~. 21, 1855,1...... •• /Buffalo. Michael Wiederick, .••••• Major, Dec. 22, 1855,Dec. 10, 1855, ...... • 15 ,Buffalo.

Company Officers. 10seph Weter, ...••.••••• Captain, Aug. 6, 1855, July 21, 1855, George Gaetz, .•.••.••••. 1st Lieut.) Dec. 4, 1855, Oct. 6, 1855~ Alois Hafner, ...••.••••. 2d Lieut., At;tg. 6, 1855, July 21, 1855, A, 31 34 Infantry. (Vacant,) .••..••••••.••• Captain, ·...... ·...... do ...... " ...... 1st Lieut., ·...... ·.... , ...... do • • •••••• It •••••• 2d • •••• l ...... Lieut., • ••••• 11 '.1 ••••• B, ~ fI.l Thomas Merigan, ...... Captain, March 6, 1856, March 6, 1856, !7J to1 John J. Dolan, ..•••.••••• 1st Lieut., March 6, 1856, March 6, 1856, t== t:I:I James Mooney, ...... 2d Lieut.,March 6, 1856,March 6, 1856, C, I tot 30 33 Infantx·y. ~

• __LlooL----_---..._-• (Vacant,) .•.••••.••••••• Captain, •..•••••..••.•••.•••••.•••••.. ~ do ....•...•.•... 1st J..J~eut.,...... •..•••.••. ~ do ...... ••.... 2d LIeut.,. ...•...... • ...... D, S John Wolf, ...•••.•.•.••• Captain, •. Feb. 16, 1853,Aug. 9, 1852, g:Matthias Wolf, ••...... •• 1st Lieut.,. Oct. 13, 1855,Sept. 15,1855, ~ John C. Zacher, 2<1Lieut.,. Oct 13, 1855,Sept.. 15, 1855, E. 26 29\Infantry, ZWilliam Berens, ...••..•• Captain, ... Feb. 12, 1856,Feb. 1, 1856,

? John A. Lipp, .•...• 0 •••• 1st Lieut.,. Feb. 16, 1853,Aug. 9, 1852,

~Henry Ritchler, ... 00 •• o' 2d Lieut.,. Feb. 21, 1856,Feb. 8,1856, F, 27 30 IInfantry

~Henry Erb, '" o' .0' 0 •••• Captain, .. Aug. 1,1854,July 12, 1854, Casper Retel, ...... ••..•. 1st Lieut.,. Sept. 9, 1854,July 26, 1854,

Philip Nothnagel, .•• 0 .00. 2d Lieut., . Sept. 9,1854,July 26, 1854, G, 24 27 IInfantry.

Michael Danner, .••••.. 0 •• Captain, ... Oct. 13, 1855,Sept. 22; 1855, ~John Irlbacher, ...•..•••• 1st Lieut.,. Sept. 28, 1855 Aug. 31, 1855, OlChristian Schuster, ..•••.. 2d Lieut., . March 21, 1855,Feb. 20, 1855, R, 38 41 Infantry. John Ordner, Captain, .. Sept. 22, 1857,Aug. 11, 1857,

Henry Acton, .. 00 •••••••• 1st Lieut., . Sept. 22, 1857,Aug. 11, 1857,

John F. Kammann,: •.. 00. 2d Lieut., . Sept. 22, 1857,Aug. 11, 1857, 37 Cavalry. John Longhurst, ..• 0 0 •••• 2d Lieuto,Sept. 24,1853,May 27, 1853, R, 33

George Seyfang, .. 0 ••••• 0 Captain, •. Sept. 22, 1857,Aug. 14, 1857, "LorenzGillig ...•••...••• 1st Lieut.,. Jan. 28, 1856,Dec. 21, 1855, John G. Pfeffen, ....••• o' 2d Lieut., . Sept. 26, 1856,Sept. 13, 1854, Martin Schenkelberger, ... 2d Lieut., . Jan. 28, 1856,Dec. 21, 1855, L, 56 60 Artillery. 265 306 ··1= B.-(CONTINUED.) THIRTY-FIRST BRIGADE-SIXTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.

~ NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. i Residence and arm of service. ....o ~'"' Cl) ------·-~I------~ H Field Officers. Elisha D. Shuler, ...•.... Colonel, May 30, 1857,Apl.'i1 17, 1857, ..•...••.... Lockport, Niagara county. Dudley Donnelly, ..••...• Lieut. Col.Oct. 23, 1857,Sept. 12,1857, ..•• . .•. Lockport, Niagara county. Peter Greiner, .••••.•..•• Major, April 30, 1852, Aug. 2, 1851, . ••• .•.. 9 Wheatfield, Niagara county.

Company Officers. (Vacant,) ....•••••..•••. Captain, . . • ...... " .

do .... It ••••••••• 1st Lieut., ...•...•.•.... ••••.. •••.... I do ..•..••...••• 2d Lieut., .•••••..••.••• ..•••. . . •. . ••• A, 33 36Infantry. Luron D. Wilson, ..••..•. Captain, Dec. 1~, 1857,Dec. 12, 1857, S. B. Miller, ..•••••••••• 1st Lieut., Dec. 12, 1857,Dec. 12, 1857, George B. Eggleston, ...•• 2d Lieut., Dec. 12, 1857,Dec. 12, 1857, B, 41 44 Infantry. (Vacant,) .....••..•••.... Captain, .•••...•••.••....•...... •.. do 1st Lieut., ...... •.••.•..•••...... •... do 2d Lieut., ~ , , 'll. •• C, . ') .

• ------.- -,

(Vacant,) ...... Captain, · . do 1st Lieut., · . do 2d Lieut., D, do ...... Captain, do 1st Lieut., do 2d Lieut., .... E, ...... do Captain, do 1st Lieut., .•••.•.•.. ( ...

do ••• 0 2d Lieut., F, do Captain, , . do 1st Lieut., do 2d Lieut., G, do Captain,

do . 1st Lieut, • •••••• III •••••• do . 2d Lieut., H, Benjamin H. Fletcher, ..•• Captain, Oct. 1, 1856; Oct. 1, 1856, Henry D. Oakley, .••••.•• 1st Lieut., Oct. 23, 1857,Oct. 5, 1857, George R. Kefjp, .•••••••. 2d Lieut., Oct. 23, 1857,Oct. 5, 1857, Marion H. Webber, •••••• 2d Lieut., Oct. 23, 1857,Oct. 5, 1857, R, 36 40 Cavalry. (Vacant,) ••.•••••••• Captain, do 1st Lieut., do ...... 2d Lieut., do 2d Lieut., ••••• L, 110 129 B.-(CONTINUED.) THIRTY-SECOND BRIGADE-SIXTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT.

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------_._--._- Field Officers. Chauncey Abbott, ...•..•• Colonel, .. Dec. 14, 1854'IOct. 25, 1854, ..••..•...•. E. Hamburgh, Erie county. Houghton S. Clough, ..••• Lt. Colonel, Dec. 14, 1854,Oct. 25, 1854, ...... •..... Holland, Erie county. John A. Case, ..•••••..•• Major, .... Dec. 14, 1854,IOct. 25, 1854, . . •. ..•. 10 Holland, Erie county.

Company Officers. James W. Belay, ...••..•• Captain, . Dec. 14, 1854, May 18, 1854, T. Grosvenor Grannis, ..•• IRt Lieut.,Oct. 26, 1852, Oct. 26, 1852, Horace Holmes, .•••.••• ~ 2d Lieut., Oct. 26, 1852, Oct. 26, 1852, A, 29 32 Infantry. Bicley K. Buxton, .•••..•• Captain, •• May 3, 1854, March 2, 1854, Markus Schurnt, ..•.•..•• 1st Lieut.,May 3, 1854, March 2, 1854, ,...... , Daniel Titus, ..••••....•. 2d Lieut.,May 3, 1854, March 2, 1854, B, 38 41 Infantry. ~ w. William H. Candee, .••••• Captain, . May f3, 1854, March 2, 1854, w. Ira Ayer, Jr., .•••...•..•. 1st Lieut.,June 8, 1855, May 26, 1855, ~ t:C Charles S. Clarke,... . ••• 2d Lieut.,May 3, 1854, March 2, 1854, C, 27 30 Infantry. t'l -<

, '.. ------,

Myron Stilwell, .•..••••• Captain, •• Dec. 28, 1854, Dec. 28, 1854, Benjamin Baker, ...... ••• 1st Lieut.,. Dec. 28, 1854, Dec. 28, 1854, Isaac E. 'Vebster, ...•..•. 2d Lieut.,. Sept. 12, 1857,June 3, 1856, D, 28 31 Infantry. Alonzo C. Ashmftn,. ..•••. Captain, .• Sept. 16, 1854,Sept. 16, 1854, John McEwen, ..•••••.••• 1st Lieut.,. Sept. 16, 1854,Sept. 16, 1854, (Vacant,) ...••..••.••••. 2d Lieut.,. .••.•. . . •• ., ...•...• . .•.. E, 14 16 Infantry.

do ~ lit Captain, .. . Ii...... · do ....•...... ttlstLieut., . do 2d Lieut.,. . . .. , · · . · F, .... ·... do 'Captain, ,...... · · · .. .. do 1st, Lieut.,...... · ..

do Ill ••••• 2d Lieut.,. :.0 ••••••••••••••• '11 .• « ••••••• ~ G, .... ·... do Captain, '...... do 1st Lieut., . do 'U 2d Lieut., . H, .... ·... Lemuel Blackman, .•••••. Captain, .•. Dec. 29, 1854, Nov. 4, 1854, George Barto, ...••.•.•.. 1st Lieut.,. Dec. 29, 1854,Nov. 4, 1854, Addison Haskell, ..••.•• ' 2d Lieut., . Dec. 29, 1854,Nov. 4, 1854, (Vacant,) ...••...... • 2d Lieut., ....•••••.•••••..•.•••..••.... R) 43 45 Cavalry. De Witt C. Corbyn, .....•. Captain, .•. March 31, 1853, Feb. 3, 1853, John P.Bartlett, ...••.••• !Ist Lieut.,. March 31, 1853,Feb. 3, 1853, Deloss D. Darrow, ..••...• 2d Lieut., . April 18, 1855,Nov. 18, 1854, William Mean, ...... • 2d Lieut., . April 18, 1855,Nov. 18, 1854, L, 39 43 Artillery.


NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

Field Officers. David S. Forbes, ..•..•.•. Colonel, .•• Dec. 1,1855,Dec. 1, 1855, ...•...... • Fredonia, Chautauque co. Henry A Prendergast, ...• Lt. Colonel, Dec. 1, 1855,Dec. 1, 1855, .•••..•..... Ripley, Chautauque co. Charles Kennedy, ...••...• Major, .••• Dec. 1, 1855, Dec. 1, 1855, .••• 10Fredenia, Chautauque co

Company Officers. I Charles E. Barclay, ..••••• Captain, ... Sept. 18, 1855,Sept. 18, 1855, Henry N. Marsh, ....•...• 1st Lieut.,. Sept. 18, 1855,Sept. 18, 1855, Lemuel B. Webster, .••••• 2d Lieut., .. Sept. 18, 1855,Sept. 18, 1845, A, 48 51Infantry. James M. Brown, ...••..•. Captain, •• March 3, 1856,March 3, 1856, *Charles L. Jeffords, .•..•. 1st Lieut., .. Jan. 1, 1858,Aug. 6, 1857, *Selden E. Marvin, ...... • 2d Lieut., .. Jan. 1,1858,Aug. 6, 1857, B, 43 44 Infantry. Jared R. Babcock, .•.••••• Captain, .. March 30, 1857,March 2,1857, Rollin D. Rockwell, •••••• 1st Lieut.,. July 22, 1856,July 22, 1856, Augustus A. Comstock, ... 2d Lieut., . May 5, 1857,Dec. 30, 1856, C, 40 43 Infantry.

I --_.--"'- ..... • 1If.

George M. Goff,....•••••• Captain, ... IJuly 22,1856,July 22, 1856, z William O. Stevens, ...••• 1st Lieut.,. July 22,1856,July 22, 1856, ? J. Otto Green, ..••••••.... 2d Lieut., . July 22,1856,July 22, 1856, D, 40 43 Infantry.

(Vacant), Captain, J

do 1st Lieut., ..•• C • •• • •••• do .•••.•••.••••• 2d Lieut., . .••• . • • • . • ...... •• . . •• . • • . .. E, Illfantry. do ....•.•••.••.• Captain, ' .

do .•••...... •. 1st Lieut, "...... ••.• e . do ..••••••••.... 2d Liellt., F, Infantry. do . . •. • •..•••• Captain, •...... •..••••...••.•••••••••

do ••••..••.••••• 1st Lieut., .••••• a.a . do .•••.•••..•••. 2dLieut., . •••• . • •• . . . . •. ...• . • •• . • • • • . F, do ...•...•••..•• Captain, ....•••...•...•...... ••..••• do .•••.•••.••••• 1st Lieut., .••••••.•....•..•.•..•••..••• do ..••.••••.•••• 2d Lieut., . .••• . . • • . . . • ...... •• ..•.•. H, do ....••..••.••• Captain, .••...•..•.....•..••..•••...... do ..•...••••..•. 1st Lieut .. : .•••..••.....•.•••.• • •...••. do .•••.•.•.••••• 2d Lieut., . do .•.•••••••.••• 2d Lieut., . ..•• . • . • . • . • •. ..•• .•••.. . . •• R,

do t •••• Captain, ~. do •.eeGOa eeeoo ••• lst Lieut., ..•.•...•...... •.. do •• •• •• •••• • •• 2d Lieut.,_ ~ .•.•...•. ;;. • •. .. . do ••••• = •••••••• 2d Lieu-t , . . . •• . . • • •• . • • . . . .. L, 171 191 ---- B.-(CONTINYED. ) FOURTH BRIGADE-SIXTY-NINTH REGIMENT.

==-oa::======.======;=====~======O-=~ cccc==

NAMES. Office. Date of oommission. Date of rank. Residence and arID of service.

------_._------_._---._------Field Officers. James R. Ryan, •.••••.••• Oolonel, ... April 18, 1855, March 23, 1855, .....••..... New-York city. Edward Butler, .•••..•••. Lt. Colonel, May 14, 1856,March 3, 1856, ..•. . ..• New-York city. Robert Nugent, .•••.••••. Major, .••• June 6,1854,May 23, 1852, ...•.••• 14 New-York city.

Company Officers. lVfichael Corcoran, ...•..•• Captain, .•. June 24, 1854, May 29, 18:2, Hugh C. Flood, ..•.•••••. 1st Lieut ,. Nov. 14, 1855, Oct. 8, 1855, John McKeon, ...•• \ ...... 2d Lieut., . June 20, 1853, June 6, 1853, A, 72 73 Infantry. Thomas Lynch, ..••.•.•.. Oaptain, •. March 9, 1857, Jan. 12, 1857, (Vacant,) ....•..•••••••• 1st Lieut., ...... r-'"I do ...... 2d Lieut., ...... B, 37 38 Infantry. >00 00 Oaptain, .. March 9, 1857, Jan. 26, 1857, t.:<:l John Burke, ..•••••••..•• ~ James Cavanagh, .••••.••• 1st Lieut., . .June 8, 1857, March 9, 1857, tl:l t"4 John Rowen, •.••••.••••. 2d Lieut., . June 8, 1857, March 9, 1857, C, 24 27 Infantry. ><

.~ , f • ?n ,- o au f

George Tobin, ...••.•••• ' Oaptain, ..• Oct. 14, 1952, sept. 21, 1852,

(Vacant,) .••••••.•••.••• 1st Lieut., ...••• 0 •• 0 •• 0 •• ~ •••• 0 •••••••• D, 28 29 Infantry. do .. lilt 2dLiouC., ..•••••..••. · ••...... · · . • . l\Iaurice Keating, . ~_....• Capta~n, o. July 25, 1856,July 2, 1856,

Patrick J{plly, ••• 0& •••••• 1st LIeut.,. March 9,1857,Jan. 16, 1857, Infantry .. Ric.hal'd P. King, ...•.••• 2d Lieut., . June 24, 1851,June 14, 1852, E, 42 45

~Vacant,) .••.•••...•.•• 0 Captain, .••. 0.... • • •• • • ... •••• • •••• 00. John T. Scullen, .••••..•. lst Lieut.,. April 3, 1855,March 21,1855, George Collins, ..•••••.•• 2d Lieut., . April 3, 1855,March 21, 1855, F, 21 23 Infantry. William Malone, ..•••.... Captain, ... March 9, 1857,Jan. 28, 1857, John Cornan, •••••••••••• 1st Lieut.,. March 9, 1857,Jan. 28, 1857, John Julien, ..••.• , .••••• 2d Lieut., . March 9,1857,Jan. 28, 1857, G, 32 35 Infantry.

(Vacant), ...• 0 •• ~ ••••••• Captain, ..• , 0 •••• ·'·· ••••••••••••••

do IP lstLieut., . H, ••• 110 do .••..•••.••••. 2d Lieut., .1' •••••• • ••• 0 ••••••••••• 0 • • • • ....

do . 0 ••• 0 ••• 0 •• • • Captain,. 0 • r. 0 •• • • ••••••••••••••••••• • 0 •

do ..••...•....•. 1st Lieut. '·1' · · .... · 0 • • • • • • o •• 0 •• do ...... •..•••• 0 2d Lieut., .. 0 • •••••• • ••••• 0 •• • 0 .0 •• • •• • 25 25 Cavalry. do ...... •....•• 2d Lieut., ..•••••.•••.••..•••• 0 •• 0. • • •• R HenryH. Condon, ••••.... Captain, .. iMarch 9, 1857,Feb. 10,1857, William Butler, ..••...••. 1st L!eut., .ltMay 14, 1856,March 11, 1856, 39 41 Rifles. (Vacant,) ...•• 0 •••••• 0. 2d LIeut., ., .•• 0 ••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••• L, I 13.-( CONTINUED.) FIF'fH BRIGADE-SEVENTIETH REGIMENT.

'oI<3ll:i ~ S.nte ~ ~l=l 8i3"i: ~l=l s:t ~ .. S- o ~~ 0 l=l~'O 8 0 ~~ l=l NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. 0 Co> Residence and arm of service. ....0 FiS·: ....0 00'" Q;) ij:l'd~ '" o ~ ~ ~'"' 1a ~.~.~ Q;) .~ H ~ ~8p. ------~- -- ,-- Field Officers. Samuel Graham, ..•••..•• Colonel, ... Dec. 4, 1854, Sept. 15, 1854, ·... II ••• .... Brooklyn, Kings county. John J. Dillon, ...... Lt. Colonel, Nov. 9, 1857, Aug. 18, 1857, ·...... Brooklyn, Kings county. Arthur Wellwood, .••.••• Major, .•.• April 22, 1854, June 21, 1853, ·...... 10 Brooklyn, Kings county. Company Officers. Caspar Urban, ....•.••••. Captain, ..Sept . 16, 1852, May 3, 1852, Christopher Steers, ..••••. 1st Lieut.,. Feb . 16, 1856, Oct. 9, 1855, .Francis C. Grunning, ...•. 2d Lieut., . Feb. 16, 1856, Oct. 9, 1855, Hermal.l Mathias, .•.•.••• 2d Lieut.,. Feb. 16, 1856,Jan. 25, 1856, A, 51 55 Artillery". ~vacant), .••••.••• " _.•, .••.•••••.••••..•.•••.•.••••••• Vacant), ..•••...•..•••. let T-lleut.,..•.••..•••.•.•...•...... •... Jeremiah Herlihy, ..•••••• 2d Lieut., .. J111y 13, 1855,July 3, 1855, (Vacant,) ..•••••••••..•• 2d Lieut., ..•••••.•...•••••••.••••••••• B 13 14 Artillery.

< t .. ~ ---(,. •

Samuel G. Johnson, •.••. Captain, .< •••••••••••••• Nov. 14,1854, Robert J. Irwin, ..•••..•. 1st Lieut., ..•••••...•...• Nov. 14,1854, Peter Farrell, ..••••..••• 2d Lieut.,. Dec. 20, 1855,Aug. 10, 18M>,

(Vacant), ..•••.•.•••.••• 2d Lieut., .•.•.••.. 0 ••• 00 •• 0 ••• 0.0 ••••• C, 28 31 Artillery.

Anthony Walter, ..•• 0 ••• Captain, 00 Sept. 16, 1852,Sept. 16, 1852, George Pfab, .•••••.••••• 1st Lieut.,. April 24,1856,April 3, 1856, Michael Deutschel, ..•••. 2d Lieut.,. Feb. 16, 1856,Feb. 7, 1856,

(Vacant,) .0 ••••• o. 0: •••• 2d Lieut., ..•••.••• 0.00 •••••••••• 0. 0 •• 0 D, 35 38 Artillery.

William J. Cropsey, .••••• Captain, • 0 April 24, 1856,April 15, 1856,

John W. Duryea, .•• 0 •••• 1st Lieut.,. Feb. 20, 1852,Dec. 1,1851,

Winant W. Bennett, .•••• 0 2d Lieut.,. Feb. 20, 1852,Dec. 1, 1851,

John Bragaw, 0 •••••••••• 0 2d Lieut.,. Sept. 9,1854,Dec. 1, 1851, E, 30 34 Artill el'Y. Robert Smith, Captain, .. Nov. 9,1857,Aug. 15, 1857, Thomas Byrne, .0 ..•....• 1st Lieut.,. April 4, 1855, April 4, 1855,

Charles O'Neil, ••.... 0 •• 2d Lieut.,. April 4, 1855,April 4, 1855, (Vacant,) 2d Lieut., ..• eo ••••••••••••••••••••••• F, 17 20 Artillery. Christopher G. Taffe, ...•• Captain, .. May 19,1855,April 17, 1855, Ross McMahon, ...•...••• 1st Lieut.,. Oct. 14, 1852,May 6, 1852, Benjamin Correll, .....••. 2d Lieut.,. Oct. 14, 1852,May 20, 1852,

(Vacant,) 0 2d Lieut., G, 26 30 Artillery. John H. Gans, ...••...•.. Captain, •.. July 10, 1852,April 28, 1852, Frederick C. Batterman, .. 1st Lieut.,. April 22, 1854,June 21, 1853, Francis Lauzer, ....•..•• 2d Lieut., April 22, 1854,June 21, 1853, William Boch, ...... •. 2d Lieut.,. Feb. 16, 1856,Jan. 14, 1856" H, 40 44 Artillery. B.-( CONTINUED.) FIFTH BRIGADE-SEVENTIETH REGIMENT.-(CONTINUED.)

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------_. ------Elisha D. Taft, .••••••••• Captain, .• .••• •• •••• .... . ••.•....•..•• John W. Hadfield, ..••••• 1st Lieut.,. Sept. 10, 1853,Aug. 16,1853, John W. Hanford, _.•..••• 2d Lieut., May 19; 1855,April 17, 1855, (Vacant), .••••.•••••.••• 2d Lieut.,_ ..••..••••.•••.•••••.••..••• R, 33 36 Artillery.

do . . • •• • Captaip., .. .•.• . • • • • • . • •.• • ••••••• tit •••••

do t •••••••• : •••• 1st Lieut., ...... •..•.••...• 0 . do ...•....••..•. 2d Lieut.,.. .••••• . • •• • • •• . •••••••.••••• do ..••• "•...•..•• 2d ·Lieut., ..•••..•.••••••...•..••.••••• L,

273 312 (.

FIRST BRIGADE-SEVENTY-FIRST REGIMENT. Field Officers. 3, 1852, •• 0 0 •• 00 .000 New-York city. Abram S. Vosburgh,. 0.0 •• Colonel, .•. Aug. 2, 1852,July *Daniel Butterfield, ..•••. Lt. Colonel, Dec. 7, 1857, Nov. 18, 1857, .• 0 ••••••• 00 New-York city. David D. Blauvelt, Jr., ... Major, ..•. Dec. 7,1857,Nov. 18, 1857, .000 .000 13 New-York city.

"Company Officers. R. Wells Kenyon, .•• , : ••• Captain, ... Sept 20, 1856,Aug. 20, 1856, Thomas A. Miller; ..•..•. 1st Lieut.,. April 14,1857,April 2, 1857, Asa H. Furguson, ..•...•. 2d Lieut., . March 31, 1855, Feb. 13,1855, A, 36 39 Infantry. George W. Wheeler, .••••• Captain, .. Jan. 1, 1858,Dec. 7, 1857, John Bogart, .•••..••.••• 1st Lieut.,. April 27, 1854,Feb. 8, 1854, 34 36 Infantry. (Vacant,) ..•• 0 ••• 0 ••• 0 0.' 2d Liel1t., .. 0.00 •••• 0 •••••• 00 •• ,...... B, to 0:1 William J. Coles, •• 0 ••••• Captain, .•. July 29,1857,May 25,1857, ..::I Henry J. Rich,. , ••••••••. 1st Lieut.,. July 29, 1857;May 25, 1857, James R. Quick, ...••..•• 2d Lieut., . Oct. 6, 1855, Sept. 13, 1855, C, 43 46 Infantry. David C. Muschutt, .•••.. Oaptain, ... March 5, 1856,Feb. 25, 1855, George H. Stowe, .••••••• 1st Lieut.,. Dec. 23, 1856,Nov. 17,1856, 32 34 Infantry. (Vacant,) ..•..••. , 0 0 •••• 2d Lieut., . .•••...... •• •••• .••... D, Henry F. Metzler, ...•.... Captain, ... Jan. 15, 1857, Nov. 27) 1856, Benjamin L. Trafford, ..... 1st Lieut.,. Dec. 23, 1856, Dec. 11, 1856, Joshua Youngs, .•••.•.•.. 2d Lieut., . Dec. 23, 1856,Dec. 11,1856, E, 34 37 Infantry. George W. B. Tompkins, .. Oaptain, •• Sept. 20, 1856, Aug. 23, 1856'1 Lyman A. Bunce, 1st Lieut.,. June 2,1855,April 23, 1855, A. Hamilton Pride, .•.... t2d Lieut., . Sept. 20, 1856'IAug. 23, 1856, F, 39 42 Infantry. B.-( CONTINUED.) FIRST BRIGADE-SEVENTY- FIRST REGIMENT .-( CONTINUED.)

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

------._------A.lexander P. Kinnan,., •. Captain, •• March 9, 1857,Feb. 24, 1857, William H. Sperling, ..••• 1st Lieut.,. April 14, 1857, March 24, 1857, (Vacant), ...... ••.••••• 2d Lieut., ..•••••...•..••...•..• , • ... .. G, 30 32 Infantry. Asa F. Miller, ...••..•••• Captain, ... March 5, 1856,Feb. 19, 1855, Washington P. Moore, .••• 1st Lieut.,. Oct. 14, 1852,Sept. 27, 1852, Geo. W. Bloomfield, ...... 2d Lieut., . March 5, 1856,Feb. 19, 1855, H, 52 55 Infantry. (Vacant), ..•••.••••••••. Captain, .••.•••..••••.....•.•••.•••.••• do , ....•••..•.•. 1st Lieut., ..•••..••.•...... •.•..•••..•• do . • • ••• •.•• . .• 2d Lieut., . ..•• . . . • • ...... ••••••••..•• do ••.••..•• '" ••• 2d Lieut., . .••• . . •• • ...... •• ....••... R, do •...••.••.••• Captain,. •• ...• . • • • ...... •.•..•••..•. do 1st Lieut., .

do 2d Lieut.,_ t • •• •••• ••••• • ••• do ...•.•••.••••• 2d Lieut., . ..•• .••• ••...... • .• .• .••••. L, ...... 300 334 ===

.. FIFTH BRIG.ADE-SEVENTY·SECOND REGIMENT. ~ield OJOlcers. Michael Bennett, ...... ••. Colonel, ... Nov. 19, 1856,0ct. 17,1856, .••..•••.••• Brooklyn, Kings county. Edward Burns, .•••.•..••. Lt. Colonel, Dec. 22, 1856,Dec. 5, 1856, .••..•••.•.. Brooklyn, Kings county. James W. Drake, ...••.... Major, •••• Sept. 12, 1857,Aug. 17, 1857,.... 4 Brooklyn, Kings county. Company Officers. L. G. Theodore Bruer, ..••• Captain, .•• Oct. 10,1856,July 17,1856. *Peter IIanson, •••••..••. 1st Lieut.,. Jan 1, 1858, March 9, 1857, *Samuel Wandelt, .•••..•. 2d Lieut., .. Jan. 1, 1858,March 9, 1857, A, 40 41 Infantry. (Vacant,) ...••...•.••••• , Captain, ...••••••.••...... ••••.••..••. do ..•.•...... •. 1st Lieut., ....•••••..••••.•••••..•.••.• do . .. . 2d Liellt.,.. . .. , ; · , « •••. B, Thomas H. Clynes, .••.•.. Captain~... Dec. 20, 1855,Sept. 13, 1855, toO Bernard McCarron, ..••••. 1st Lieut.,. Dec. 20, 1855,Sept. 13, 1855, Co>:i~ Francis McWade, .•••..•. 2d Lieut.,. March 6, 1857,Jan. 20, 1857, C, 43 45 Infantry. *Herman Kallenbel'g, ...•• Captain, ... Aug. 15, 1857,Aug. 14, 1857, *Henry Traub, ....•..•.•• 1st Lieut.,. Aug. 15, 1857,Aug. 14, 1857, "Lewis Redenback, .•..... 2d Lieut., . Aug. 15, 1857,Aug. 14, 1857, D, Infantry. Jeremiah Fruin, ....•...•• Captain, •. Feb. 9, 1857,Dec. 18, 1856, Thomas O'Brien, .•...•.•• 1st Lieut.,. Feb. 9, 1857,Dec. 28, 1856, 36Infantry. (Vaca:nt,)..••••...... ••. 2d Lieut., ..•.•.•••...•.....••••..•••. I E, 34

do .. Captain, f • • •• • •••••••

do I ••• 1st Lieut., ..••• I I .••••••••••••••••••••• I Nicholas Masterton" ••••.. 2<1Lieut., .. Dec. 20, 1855~Jall. 7, 1855, F, 13 14 Infantry. James Campbell) ..•••..•. Captain, .. April 24, 1856'IAPril 8, 1856, (Vacant,)...... ••.•. • •• 1st Lieut., ...••...... ••..•••••••••.... do ...•...••.••••. 2d Lieut., ..••.•...•...•....•..••.. • •.. G, 28 29 Infantry. :B.-(GONTINUED.) FIFTH BRIGADE-SEVENTY-SECOND REGIMENT.-(CONTINUED.)

NAMES. Office. Date of commission. Date of rank. Residence and arm of service.

(Vacant,) ...... •.•••.... Captain',..•....••...... • , ...•••..••.••• do ...••..••..• '... 1st Liellt., .....•..•••...... ••••••..•. do ....•...•.••••• 2d Lieut., . ...• . . . • ...... • •• ...... H, Charles Kiehl, .•••..•••.. Captain, ... Sept. 16,1852,May 26,1852, Joseph R. Merkert, .••••.. 1st Lieut., . Sept. 16, 1852, May 26, 1852, Lorenz Leopold, .•••.•••. 2d Lieut., ...••••..••.•••.•••..•...... (Vacant,) .••••••.•••..•• 2d Lieut., R, 35 38 Artillery. Henry'Villss, ..••..••••. Captain, April 24, 1856,Jan. 16, 1856, William Fischer, ...•.•••. 1st Lieut Dec. 4, 1854,Sept. 12, 1854, George Heimroth" .....•. 2d Lieut.,. Nov. 19, 1856,May 12, 1856, L, 50 53 Rifles. ------...... -


£3 George A. Osgood, •.•.... Colonel, .. Dec. 27, 1854,Deo. 15, 1854, ••••.•• 0 •• 0 Stapleton, Richmond Co.

~George W. McLean; .• 00. Lt. Colonel, Dec. 27, 1854, Dec. 15, 1854, . 0 o •• 0 00 00 •• New-York city.

~ Francis S. Jones, ..•••. 000 Major, ... 0 • Dec. 27, 1854,De6. 15, 1854, .0...... 5 New-York city. .... ~ Company Officers.

Emanuel Kappas, ..••. o. Captain, ••..••••• e •• 4 •••••••• 0 . Frederick Hagernan, ...•• 1st Lieut.,. • •..••••..••.•••.••••.

Philip Bender, .•.••.••••. 2d Lieut., 6 ••••••••••••••••••• 0.. A, 38 41 Infantry,

Edward Blake, ..• 0 •••••• Oaptain, •...• 0 0 ••••••• 00 ••••••• 00.0 •• 0 John H. Porter, ...••••••• 1st Lieut.,. Feb. 18, 1856,})ec. 4, 1855, ~ Frederick Lentlng; .••.••• 2d Lieut., . Feb. 18, 1855,Dec. 4, 1855, B, 20 23 Infantry. t"'"

~*George W. Wheeler, .••• Captain, 00 March 3, 1855,Feb. 2, 1855, John R. Smith, .0 ..••.• 0. 1st Lieut.,. Nov. 14, 1854,Nov. 14, 1854, Francisco Bianchi, elr.;.• o. 2d Lieut., . Nov. 14, 1854, Nov. 14, 1854, C, 16 18 Artillery. William Corry, •••.••.••• Captain, o. Feb. 18, 1856,Feb. 1, 1856,

James McCormick, .•••• 00 1st Lieut.,. Feb. 18, 1856,Feb. 1, 1856, Dennis McCarty, ..• o' •• 0. 2d Lieut., . Feb. 18, 1856,Feb. 1, 1856, D, 47 50 Infantry.

Alexander Maxwell, •. 0 •• Captain, .. Dec. 23, 1856, May 21, 1856,

George L. Quirk,. 0 •••• 0 0 1st Lieut.,. Dec. 23, 1856, May 21, 1856,

John McDowell, .. 0 •••••• 2d Lieut., . Dec. 23, 1856,Sept. 12, 1856, E, 27 30 Infantry.

James Cole, ....•.•••.•• 0 Captain, .. Aug, 15,1857,April 27,1857, James A.nketell, .••••• 0'. 1st Lieut.,. 15, 1857,April 27, 185?,

Jacob Van Pelt., •••••. 0.0 2d Lieut., . 15, 1857,April 27, 185'1, F, 30 33 Artill ery .

j B...... -(CONTINUED.)


i =olcliJ:i ~ o • d I:l ~ g, l:l~1: l:lo S .. S~ 0 S u ~ m-1 NAMES. Office. Da.te of colJlmissioll. Date of ra.nk. S .... ~t .... Re.idence a!ld arm of service. ~ 0 IS ij3 .,j' ....i ""Q) ca ~':l .... <11 S .... CD .:= I-:t &:: ~8!!. ~~~~-e- ~~--..-- ---~...... --~ ------....-~~~--. -.--.--- (Vacant,) -!I"." •• ·.,... Captain, ·. ·... ·...... ·..... ·...·... do ·...... ·...... 1st Lieut., .. ,,,.·...·..... ·..... ·... ·... do ·..... ·,..·... 2d Lieut., •. ·,..·... ·..... ·.~ - ·... ·... G, .... ·... do Captain, .. ·... ·... ·.. ·... ,.... ·..... • • ! • do ·..... ·. · ·... • Of t ••• ·.,.·... 1st Lieut., ·....,..·,.... ·..... · ·... do , ...... • • 0 • ·,..2d Lieut., .. ·...... ·...., · , ·... H, ' ·... do .. ... • • , • 't • • , 9 ••••• Captain, ,, .,·...·..... ·...... ,.... do ·,...... -.. ·,,... 1st Lieut., . ·..,·... ·..... ·.....·,.... ., do ·....,..·." ... 2d Lieut., ·...·...·,.... ·...,.·...... do , 1 ...... ·.,... 2d Lie .lt., ·...·" ..·..... ·..... ·...... R, .... ·.." Auguste Meyer, o • , • Captain, ..... • • ·... ,.. • •••• a- ·...,.·..- ·... John Balzer, ..••.•••..•. 1st Lieut., .. ·...·... ·... ., • • tI _ •• ·... ·... William Hilderbrandt, .••• 2d Lieut ,.. Dec. 23, 1856, April 8, 1856, L, 29 32 Ri:tles, ~ --- I 207 232 ----

------=---~...... - -

THIRTY..FIRST BRIGADE.-SEVENTY-FOURTII REGIMENT. Field 0ffi~(rs. Watson A. Fox, .•••.••••• Colonel, ... Dec. 9, 1856,Dec. 6, 1856, .•••.••...•• Buffalo.

Harvey M. Mixer, .••••••• Lt. Colonel, Dec. 9, 1856,Dec. 6, 1856, ..•• 0 ••••••• Buffalo. Charles Rosseel, •.••.••••• Major, ..•. Dec. 9, 1856,Dec. 6, 1856, _• •• •••• 13Buffalo. Company Officers. obert Cottier, ..••••...•• Captain, ... May 21,1855,May 21,1855, John Peterson, .. , .•••.••• 1st Lieut., .jMay 21, 1855, May 21, 1855, John F. Wage, .•••••••••• 2d Lieut., .[May 21, 1855, May 21, 1855, A, 17 '20 Infantry. Charles J. Allen, ...••.••• Captain, ... Nov. 12, 1856,Nov. 12, 1856, James A. Jewell, ..•••..•. 1st Lieut.,. April 14, 1857,Jan. 5, 1857, Elihu J. Faxon, .•.•••.••• 2d Lieut., .. April 14, 1857,Jan. 5, 1857, B, 36 39Infantry. William F. Rogers, .•••••. Captain, ... July 27,1854,July 27, 1854, ~ Edmund R. P. Shirley, .... 1st Lieut.,. Dec. 4, 1855, Dec. 3, 1855, ~ Chester W. Sternbergh, .••• 2d Lieut., . Dec. 4, 1855, Dec. 3, 1855 C, 35 38lInfantry. ~ Daniel D. Bidwell, Captain, :June 17,1854,June 17,1854, George W. Johnson, 1st Lieut.,.IJune 17,1854,Jnne 17, 1854~ H~nry M. G~ylord,....•••. 2d Li~ut., .. Oct. 16, 1857,Sept. 20, 1857,1D, 55 58Infantry. MIchael BaIley, ...••••••• CaptaIn, .. Feb. 23, 1856,Feb. 23, 1856,1 Francis Gavan, ..•••...... 1st Lieut.,. Feb. 23, 1856,Feb. 23, 1856,1 John McManus,. 0" •••••• 2d Lieut., . Dec. 9, 1856,Nov. 27, 1856,1E, 38 41 Infantry. William H. Drew, ..•.•••• Captain, .•• Aug. 12,1854, Aug. 12, 1854'1 (Vacant), ... o ••••••••••• 1st Lieut., ...••.•••••.•••.•••••••.•..•.

do .•••.•.•.••••. 2d Liellt., ....•.•••••••••.••• o •••••••• 01 F, Infantry.

do Captain, ., 0 ••

do Jo 1st Liellt., ., _j do 2d Lieut., ...... ••...... r G, B.__(CONTINUED.) THIRTY ·FIRST BRIGADE-...SEVENTY -FOURTH REGIMENT ...---(CONTINUED.)

NA.MES. Office. Date of oommission. Date of rank. Residenoe and arm of service.

-----.------_·----·1------_ -_ .__-....-~ ...... _. _ Vacant, . • ••••••.•• Captain, •• do · .••.•.... 1st Lieut.,. do · •••..•••. 2d Lieut., . · . do · •••..••.••••. Captain, .•• · . H, do · •••.••••••••• 1st Lieut.,. do ••••••••..•••. 2d Lieut., . .'... do · •••••••..•... Captain, .•• R, do ••••.•••.•••.. 1st Lieut.,. · . do .•••..••.••••. 2d Lieut.,. do ••••..•••.•••• 2d Lieut... do ••••.•••.••••• 2d Lieut., L, 181 209

f m .'II , • 3 S •• a • j •

ELEVENTH BRIGADE-SEVENTY ..SIXTIt REGIMENT. Field Officers. Richard C. Bentley, •••••• Colonel, .. Jan. 19, 1857,Jan. 1; 1857, ••••...... •• Albany. (Vacant,) ..•••••.••••••. Lieut. Col., •• . . •• •• •• . . .. •.•• . •• • • . ..• •. . .••••••.••• j. Owen Moore, ••••••.••• Major, .••• April 8; 1857,Jan. 20,1857,..... ••• 8 Albany.

Company Officers. Michael Savin, ••••••.••• Captain, ••. July 30, 1855,June 15, 1855, Thomas Brickley, ..••.••. 1st Lieut.,. July 30, 1855,June 15, 1855, Peter Devine, .•••••••••.• 2d Lieut., . Oct. 2, 1854, Sept. 26, 1854, Timothy Lyon, ••• , ••..•. 2d Lieut.,. July 30, 1855,June 15, 1855, A, 42 46 Artillery. James Manton, ••••••.•.• Captain, •• Feb. 20, 1854,Feb. 18, 1854, John W. Hartness, ..••••• 1st Lieut.,. Oct. 21, 1853,Sept. 29, 1853,

(vac.ant,) .••...•.•••.••• 2d Lieut., ..•••••••••...•..••...•...... 1 do ..•..••••••••. 2d Lieut., . ..•• .• •. . •• . .. ..••..•. . . • . .. B, ..•.•••• Artillery. John S. Robbins, ..•.•..•. Captain, .•• Jan. 26, 1857,Jan. 26, 1857'1· I John W. Felthouse, 1st Lieut.,. Jan 26, 1857,Jan. 26, 1857, William H. Brainard, ..•.• 2d Lieut , . Jan. 26, 1857,Jan. 26, 1857, Alexander "v. Worden, .•. 2d Lieut., .. April 8,1857,Feb .. 10, 1857; C, 28 32 \A.rtillery.

(Vacant,) ••••••.•••..•. Captain,. .. . •••.•.•••..••..••••.•••.. lit •

do . ,..••.• • ••..••• 1st Lieut., ..•.•••..••.....•••••• t ••••••

do .•••••••••••••• 2d Lieut., ..••••••••• II ••••••••••• 111 •••••

do .••••••••••• 0 ••• :2d Lieut.,_ .•.••••.•••..••.••••••••..• '.. D,

do .•••••••••••••. Captaill,. •• ...... •••• •••• . ••• to •••••••••

do ..••••..••• "••. 1st Lieut.,_ •• . •••••••••.•••••••• It •••• do ..• -•••••••••••• 2d -Lieut., .

do ..••••.•••••••• 2d Lieut .••.••• t •••••••• , •••••••• -. •• • • •• E, B.-(CONTINUEU. )

ELEVENTH BRIG ADE~SEVE NTY-SIXTH REGIMENT .-( CONTINUED.) .. . . . "..•...... ~ ~ 'g\lS ocj~ .,;. 1=1 • l1li ~ l ;ll.O l:I.o El 8 3 "El~ NAMES. Office. Date of oommission. Date of rank. 3 .... ~ l1li"1 Residence and arm of servioe. .... 0 0 II!I eS'"OOrn ll> '"' ~ 'd~ ~'" l>- ~ "S·:: ll> 'C ~ Pot ~g~ ----~------._------_.-.. _._-~.---. -.- (Vacant), ..•.•...•.••... Captain, •..•••••.•.•.••..•••.•••..•••. do .•••.•••.••.•. 1st Lieut., ...••.••••.•••..• '••..••..•••• do •••••.••••.••• 2d Lieut., ..•••••••••••...•••...•.•••. ~ do ...•.•...••••. 2dLieut., F, .•••...• do .••••••••••••• Captain,_ •..•.•.•••.•••••••••.••••••••.

do .•••••••.•.••. 1st Liellt4,_ .• ,e •• ,I •••••••• ' •••••••••• " ••••

do ••••.••• tI ••••• 2d Lieut.,_ ••••••.•••..... '••••••••• I .•••

do .•••••.• ft ••••• 2d Lieut., ..•••.••••••••.••••••••••.... G, .••..••• do . • •• . •• . ..••• Captain, .. .••••. . • . . . • •• . .••••...•...• do .•••..••..••.. 1st Lieut ,_ ' •••••....•.••.•.•••.•••.•.• do 2d Lieut.,. ..•••• . . •• . . do .•••.....••••• 2d Lieut., . .• ••• • • • • . • . •. ;...... •• H, .•.• . ..• Teunis Van Vechten, Jr., •. Captain, •• Jan. 3,1857,Aug. 28, 1856, William R. Whitney, ••.•. 1st Lieut.,. Aug. 28, 1856,Aug. 28, 1856, William E. Blake, .••••••• 2d Lieut.,. Aug: 28, 1856, Aug. 28, 1856, "Charles E. Davis, .•••••• 2d Lie'Ut., . Jan. 1,1858,De,c. 22, 1857, R, 6a 66 Light artille!'y.

• I.. _ c t % ,

William P. Paff, .•••••••• Captain, ••. Oct. 6,1855,June 18, 1855, John Zimmerman, •••••••. 1st Lieut.,. April 14, 1854,March 21, 1854, Fred'k Andes, .•••••••••. 2d Lieut.,. April 14, 1854, March 21, 1854, (Vacant,) ..•••••••••••••• 2d Lieut.,. •••••••• •••• •• .••. • . •• •• • ••• L, 52 55 Rifles. 185 207 RECAPITULATION OF THE :MILITARY FORCE OF THE STATE.

131~ )"":' I ,:.. 1 Q)I '" "" ""' IiiIlil l! ~ i § E . ~I~ • § .~ • .....:..... 1'0 I·~ • ~ 100 ~ I ::s • ~ :; ~ ~~ • • " • d "';;'..f! 10 ~ -;'. :9 •• ,... (I) I~ s:; co 0 ~ • ;;; .2:l ""' t - ""'~ 1'-' ~ - ""' t:l :; ell ';.s I ... 1'- .... ~ :.::: .!! t ~~. ~ I~~~...:gj:';; :gl~ ~ .I'~I~I'-' I'~!~ ~ 's ~ ~ .zl· ...... , '" .:: ..... = ';j~I's:sM to .... lll).", rn rJJ ...... = :> .... '1 M[ n to ... lll) ~ _ Q) ;? ~ ~ ... s'" ~ Q) ..;:l .. "l:l[ rJJ .... I .. l"l:l ~ I 0 rJJ t:l·...1.. ..s ' ::1.- .. ::s I~ ~ ::s ::s :l ....1.. ..s = I·... .. Q) I·... I 0 .... 'd W rJJ ~ ~ 0 ~ - I-. ------~~::I::I~le:.::::,::.::~::I~'::i~:~~~i;:.~~~~,~~i::.::ee::.::~H ~ ~.-':-~_~_..::.- -< l:l:l

Ge~eraloffieers, .; •..•.•••..•. 828 .. 1 ••.•• , ·,1 "J," ··i··i , ":.,'." 36 Adjutant-General s department, .. .. 1111 82553 ' /.. " ...•...... ,...... ··1···· -...... •. .••. ..•• ..•. ..•... 88

Inspec.tor-General's department, " •• 1 •• " •• 1 '1," ,." " " " ...•.. ~ " ...... •. . 1

Commissary-Gen's ~epartment, " 1 1 .. 1 •• /" j 1...... •. •. •. .. .. •... •••• . .•. ••. .•. 2

Department 0'£ Engmeers,. . 1: 52347 ", " 1 " . '1" ...... '16 1 Judge-Advocate's department, " " /.. /1 725 '" .1 - ..•.•.•• " •• " .. •.•• .••. •••. •••••. 33 Medical department, " " ' 1 '1215229 •• : " •...... ••. ••.. .••. .•.. 110 1 Quarter-Master'sdepartment, ' ...... •.•. 1 •••• 1 •••••••••••••••••• 1 52351...... • .•.. •••• .... •••••. 80

I •••• 1 I ...... •••• •••• •••• •••• P~ymaster·s departme~t, : ' ·.1 - 1 5215°1 77·CamptoCom.-ln-Chlef, " " 1 .. ··1·· 'j" •• ,•••••••••• 2.. .••. .••. •••• .••. .••••. 40 Military Sec. to Com.-in_Chief, .. " .. " " " •..•.. /•..... " " •.•. " " ••.. I.. ...• ..••.. 2

Aids-de-Camp to Gen. Officers, " ...... • " " .. '.....• ,...•....••.. " •... 1 •• " " •••••••• 40 . . .• .. .••• .•.. ..•. •••••. ] 67 Regiments, I· "1" 676162···· ....•... 184[...... 374 241 Companies of Infantry,...... • i •••••• " " •• •• •• 226 190 191.... 8,172 8, 'T79 79 Companies of Artillery, •••••.••..••....• " .. " •. "1" "j" "1" ...... 72 70 101 .••• 2,945 3,188 41 Companies of Cavalry,.. •••• " •... " " .. " .• ...... •. •. .. .• " .. .. •. •. •. •. "··r·•. •• .. •. •• .. •. •. .. 38 36 56. . •• 1,582 1, '112 41 Companies of Rifles, .••••••• " " •..••••.•..••.•. " •.•.•.•.•...••.•.••.•...•.•...... •.•. " •• 39 35 37 ..•• 1,724 1,835

Grand Aggregate, •..•••••• 81281118125 53111111[5j23l47111~:25172152 2911"51;15111"5;2150143676162 3'751331 3851841~ 1(1,434 350,000


GENERAL ORDERS, No.3. In pursuance of sec. 18 of art. 1 of title IV. of the Militia Law, it is hereby ordered, that the letters respectively desig- nating the companies of the various regiments @fthe service, as assigned in the roster of officers, to which this order is annexed, . be observed and retained by regimental commandants as the let- ters by which their companies shall hereafter be respectively designated. :By order of the Commander-in-Chief. FRED'K TOWNSEND, .I1djulant-Gene1·al .

• APPENDIX. Table of Military Districts.

Name of commandant. Includes Includes regiments. Description of district. brigades. ------_. ------Division. 1st, ...... • Charles W. Sandford, .. 1st, 2d, 3d 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th,: .•. The city and county of New-York, and 4th. 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and the county of Richmond. 1Dth, 11th, 12th, 55th, 69th, 71st and 73d. Brigade. 1st, .••. Charles B. Spicer, ..••.•••...•• 1st, 2d, 3d, 71st and •••• The county of Richmond, and the 1st, 73d. 2d, 4th, 6th, 18th and 21st wardsof the city of New-York.

Regiment. 1st,1ohn B. Ryer, ...... ••...... 7 The 4th ward of the city of New-York. 2d, Henry Robinson,...... ••. . . 7 The 6th ward of the city of New-York. 3d, S. Brooke Postley,.... .••• . . . •. . ...••••..••.•••...• 9 The 1st and 2d wards of the city of New-York. i= 71st,Abram S. Vosburgh, ••••••..••..•••••••••••.•••.... 8 The 18th and 21st wards of the city fJl of New-York. i 73d, George .A.. Osgood,.... .•••. . • •• • •••••••••••.•••.••• 7 The county of Richmond. b:I t" loll

1 ~-_._-----~ .., p • ~ a

Brigade. 2d, .••• Charles Yates, ...••••..•••.•••• 4th, 5th and 6th, .••••.••• The 3d, 5th, 8th, 14th and 15th wards of the city of New-York.

Regiment. 4th,EdwardHincken,. .•.. .•••. ..•. ..•• ...• •.•• .... .••• 8 The 14th and 15th wards of the city of New-York. 5th, Chris. Schwarzwalder,...... •• . • • • . •• • . • •• . . . . 9 The 8th ward of the city of New- York. 6th,Joseph C. Pinckney,...... • . ..•. ..•• ..•• ..•. . ••• ..•• 9 The 3d and 5th wards of' the city of New-York.

BTigade. 3d, ..•. William Hall, ...••••...... ••. 7th, 8th, 9th and 55th, ..•• The 7th, 10th, 11th, 13th and 17th wards of the city of New-York.

Regiment. 7th, Abram Duryea,. . . • • •• .•••.•••• .••• . . •• .., •.••.... 9 The 7th and 10th wards of the city of New-York. 8th, George Lyons,. . • . . . •. ...•. . • •• ...• . ••• . • • • . . • . . . .. 10 The 11th and 13th wards of the city of New-York. 9th,Lucius Pitkin,.. •••••• .•..•. •••• 9 The 17th ward of the city of New- York. 55th'EUI gene Le Gal,.. • . . .. .•••. .••...... • • .. .. •• . • • . • . 9

j Brigade. 4th, .••. IJohn Ewen, ..••..••••••••..... 10th, lIth, 12th and .••• The 9th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 20th and I 69th. 22d wards of the city of New-York .


.~ Name of commandant. Includes Includes regiments. Description of district. :E brigades. --A ----1------__, . .... _ Re!(iment. 1st 10th 10th William Halsey, ...... ••..••. . ...•••..•...••...• 9 IThe 9th ward of the city of New-York. 11th Michael M. Van Buren, .•• , ... ~..•••...••. 0 ••••••••• 6 liThe 16th ward of the city of New- York.

0 ••••• 12thJohn S. Cocks, .••••••.•• ...... - . 6 IThe 12th, 19th and 22d wards of the I city of New-York.

69th James R. Ryan, .••••..•••...•• II ••••••••••••••••••• 9 :The 20th ward of the city of New- i York. Division. 2d, .•••..•• Aaron Ward, .•••.••• 5th, 6th & 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, .••. The counties of Kings, Queens, Suf- 7th. 17th, 18th, 19th, 70th folk, Westchester, Putnam, Orange and 72d. and Rockland.

Brigade. 5thj •••• Harmanus B. Duryea, .•• 0 ••••• 13th, 14th, 70th and ..•• The county of Kings. 72d. Regiment. F 1'3th Abel Smith, . 9 The 5th, 8th and 10th wards, and part ~ of the 4th ward of the city of ~ Brooklyn. ..

II''. t .....

14th Jesse C. Smith,. 0.0 ••• . . IOThe 1st, 2d, 3d, 6th and 12th wards and part of the 4th ward of the city of Brooklyn. 70th Samuel Graham, . 0 •••• ...... 9 The 7th, 9th, 11th and 19th wards and part of. the 16th ward of the city of Brooklyn, and the towns of Kings county.

72d, Michael Bennett, .. 0 • 0 •• 0 •••• 0 0 • 0 •••••••••••••••••• 7 The 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th and 18th watds, and part of the 16th ward of the city of Brooklyn,


6th, 0 ••• J. Augustus Herriman, .•••. 0 ••• 15th and 16th, ..• o ••• 0 •• 0. The counties of Queens and Suffolk.


15th Charles A. HamiJton, ... 0 0 •••••• 000 ••••••• 0 •••••••• 4 The county of Queens.

16th Philander R. Jennings, .•••. 0 • •• • ••••••••••••••••••• 5 The county of Suffolk.


7th, .•• o William W. Scrugham, . 0.0 ••••• 17th, 18th and 19th, .••. 0" The Counties of Westchester, Putnam, ~ Rockland and Orange. Regiment.

17th Ed ward Pye, .•• 0 • 0 0 o •• 00 •••••••• o ••• 0 0 • 00' • 0 0 •• 000 6 The county of Rockland and the towns of Eastchester, Greenburgh,Mamaro-: neck, New Rochelle, Pelham, White Plains,Westchester, West Fal'ms and Yonkers, in the co. of Westchester. APPENDIX.-( CONTINUED.)

Name of commandant. Includes Includes regiments. Description of district. brigades. ------._.I---.--_._-~-- _ Regiment. 2d, 7th 18th James Ryder, •••• .. •• ...... 6 The county of Putnam, and the towns of Rye, Scarsdale, Harrison, North- castle, Bedford, Poundridge, Lewis- boro', Somers, Yorktown, Cortland, Mount Pleasant, Ossining and North Salem, in the county of Westchestel'. 19th Stephen C. Parmenter, . • • • . . . •• •••••• ..•.•. ••• • ••• 6 The county of Orange.

Division. 3d, John Taylor Cooper, .. 8th, 10th,20th, 21st, 24th, 25th, .••• The counties of Dutchess, Columbia, 11th and 27th,29th, 30th and Rensselaer, A.lbany, Rchenectady, 12th. 76th. Greene, Delaware, Ulster, Sullivan, Saratoga and Washington.

Brigade. 8th ..•. Henry A. Samson, .•••.•••.•••• 20th and 21st, . •• • • •• . ••• The counties of Dutchess, Sullivan, Ulster, Columbia and Greene.

6 • « •

Regiment. ~ 20th George W. Pratt, ..•••••••.••••.••••••••••....• 12 The counties of Ulster, Sullivan and Greene. ~ 21st Joseph Wright, ..••••...... 5 The connties of Dutchess and Colum- ~ bia. Brigade. 10th .••• Darius Allen, .....• , •.•••.•..• 24th and 30th, .•••.•. . • .. The county of Rensselaer, (except the towns of Greenbush and North Greenbush,) and the county of Washington.

Regiment. 24th Henry A. Mercer, .••• ..•• ...... ••••• • • • • •• . ..•.... 6 The county of Rensselaer, (except the towns of Greenbush and North Greenbush. ) 30t n S. Crocker, • .•. 10 The county of Washington. Brigade. _ 11 th Edward Frisby, ...•.. . .••..••• 25th, 29th and 76th, The counties of Albany and Saratoga, and the towns of Greenbush and North Greenbush, in Rensselaer co.

Regiment. 25th John W. Harcourt, . .. .•.•...... •• .. •• •••••• •••••. 7 The 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 9th and 10th wards of the city of Albany, and aU the towns of Albany county except Watervliet.


• I o,a ...... :i s:l C) s:l za- C) .~ 8 Name of commandant. Includes Includes regiments. ! g ~ :::I Cl) Description of district. .~ 1 ·bil ....-IC+-t.,... C) brigades. A ~ ~ ~Os:l ------H-_.------Regiment. 3d, 11th 76th Richard C. Bentley, ...... 5 The 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th wards in the city of Albany, the town of Water- vliet in Albany county, and the towns of Greenbush and N. Green- bush in Rensselaer county. 29th Calvin T. Peek, •••••• ·...... •••••••••••••••••• 0 • 7 The county of Saratoga. Brigade. 12th ... .Benjamin F. Bassett, •. ·...... 27th, ...... The county of Delaware. Regiment. 27th Samuel F. Miller, ..•• ·...... • •••••• t ...... 6 The county of Delaware.

Division. 4th, ...... Orville Clarke" •••••• 14th, 15th 31st, 32d, 33d, 34th, .... The counties of Warren, Essex, Clin- and 16th, 35th and 36th. ton, Franklin, St. Lawrence, Jeffer- son and Lewis .

. I _ • - , • a »

Brigade. 14th •••• Thomas S. Gray, ..••...••••••. 31st and 32d, .••••...... The counties of Warren, Essex and Clinton.

Regiment. 31st, Jolin L. Merriam, ...... 6 The counties of Warl'en and Essex (ex- cept the towns of Jay and Chester- field) . 32d, Horace Nelson, .••.•• ...... 5 The county of Clinton and the towns of Jay and Chesterfield in Essex co.

Brigade. 15th .••• Sylvester F. Judd, ..•.•.••....• 33d and 34th, ..••.•••..•• The counties of St. I.awrence and Franklin.

Regiment. 33d, Edwin M. Holbrook, •....•....•.•••...•.•••..•..••. 5 The county .of. St. Lawrence, except the towns of Massena, Brasher,Stock- holm, Lawrence, Parishville, Colton and Hopkinton. 34th Sam'l C. F. Thorndike, .•.•..•••..••••.•••..••...... 5 The county of' Fr:mklin, and the towns of Massena, Brasher, Stockholm, Lawrence, Parishville, Colton and Hopkinton, in St. Lawrencelcounty.

Brigade. 16th •••• Albert Rice, ..•••••••.•••.•••• 35th and 36th, .....•..•.• The counties of Jefferson and Lewis. 1"'IIl


• I ZP-<:> = ~'" ",8 ~ .; I:l ~ ~g~ Description of District. .s S Name of commandant. Includes Inoludes regiments. d ~ ln ...... C+-4 ...... •f:: ·biJ brigades. ~Ol:l :e 4) A ~ p:; H ------Regiment.

4th, 16th 35th William H. Barber, .•• ...... 'I ••••••••••••••••••• 3 The towns of Alexandria, Clayton, Le Ray, Orleans, Philadelphia, The- resa, Brownville, Houndsfield,Lyme, Pamelia, Rutland, Watertown and Cave Vincent, in the county of Jef- ferson. 36th Albert R. Ralph, ...•...... 6 The county of Lewis and the towns 0f Adams, Antwerp, Champion, Ellis- burgh, Henderson, Lorraine, Rod- man, Wilna and Worth, in Jefferson county. Division. 5th, ...... Samuel S. Burnside ..•• 17th, 18th, 26th, 38th~ 39th, 40th, .... The counties of Schenectady, Herki- 19th and 41st, 42d, 43d and mer, Hamilton, Fulton, Montgome- 20th. 44th. ry, Schoharie, Otsego, Madison, Broome, Chenango and Tioga.

• s , • •

I Brigade. l 17th •••• Amos H. Prescott, ..•. ..•...••• 26th and 38th, ..••.•••.... The counties of Schenectady, Fulton, Hamilton and Herkimer, (except the ~ town of Stark,) and the towns of Minden, Canajoharie, St. Johnsville, Palatine, Mohawk and Amsterdam, in Montgomery county.

Regiment. 26t h John A. Barhydt,. . . .• ..••. • • •• ..•••••. .•••• . .•••. 7 The counties of Schenectady, Fulton and Hamilton, and the towns of Minden, Canajoharie, St. Johnsville, I Palatine, Mohawk, and Amsterdam, I in Montgomery county. 38th William La Dew ..•..• 1 ...... " . 6 The county of Herkimer, except the town of Stark.

Brigade. 18th .••• IGeorge E. Danforth, .•..••..... 39th and 40th, .•••••••.•.• The county of Schoharie, the towns of I I Root, Glen, Florida and Charleston, in Montgomery county; the towns of Cherry Valley, Springfield, Rich- field, Exeter, Decatur, Worcester, Westford, Maryland, Middlefield, Otsego) Hartwick and Milford, in Ot~~egocounty, and the town of Stark, in Herkimer county. APPENDIX.-( CONTINUED.)

Name of commandant. Includes Includes regiments. Description of district. brigades' ------_.------Regiment. 5th 18th 39 th John D. Shaul, .•••••..•••.••••.•....••••••..••.•.• S The towns of Cherry Valley, Spring- field, Richfield, Exeter, Decatur, Worcester, Westford, Maryland, Middlefield, Otsego, Hartwick and Milford, in Otsego county; the towns of Summit, Seward and Sharon, 'in Schoharie county; and the town of Stark, in Herkimer county.

40 th Elias A. Brown, •••••• • • • • • • •• • ••••••••••••••••• 4 • 7 The county of Schoharie, (except the towns of Summit, Seward and Sha- ron, and the towns of Root, Glen, Florida and Charleston, in Mont- gomery county.

Brigade. 19th .••• Zadock T. Bentley, .••••••...•• 41st and 42d, •••••••• , ••. The county of Madison, (except the towns of Sullivan and Lenox,) the town~ of Butternuts, Morris, Pitts- field, Edmeston, Plainfield, Burling- ton, New Lisbon and Laurens, in

j , . \ • •• ..,

Otsego county; and the towns of ~ Pitcher, Pharsalia, Plymouth, Nor- wich, New Berlin, Sherbune, Colum- ~ bus, Lincklaen, Otselic and Smyrna, ...:.... in Chenango county.

Regiment, 41st, Chester Card, •••••••..•••..•••••••••••••••..•••••• 6 The towns of Pitcher, Pharsalia, Plymouth, Norwich, New Berlin, Sherburne and Columbus, in Che- nango county; the towns of Butter- nuts, Morris, Pittsfield, Edmeston, Plainfield, Burlington, New Lisbon and Laurens, in Otsego county; and the town of Brookfield in Madison county.

Regiment. 42d, Thomas F. Petrie, • • •• ••••. • • •• .••••• .••••. .••• •••. 4 The towns of Stockbridge, Smithfield, Fenner, Cazenovia, Nelson, Eaton, l\ladison, Hamilton, Lebanon, Georgetown and De Ruy~er, in Ma- dison county; and the towns of Lincklaen, Otselic and Smyrna, in Chenango county. APPENDIX.-( CONTINUED.)

• I Od m Z>=>. t12 l=l Q) ~ '" S '" <:.; 0 • "0 "0<'>", d Name of commandant. Includes Includes regiments. ::l ..., Description of district. :E .§ ..-~ ..... ~ .~ 'oil brigades. Q) ~ 0;:: A ~ ~ ..... ------Brigade . 5th, 20th ....Russell P. Humphrey,. ·...... 43d and 44th, .•••.••• .. . The counties of Broome and Tioga, th e towns of Oneonta, Otego and Unadil la, in Otsego county, and the town s of Guilford, Bainbridge, Coventr y, Oxford, Preston, McDonough, Ge f- man, Smithville and Greene, in Ch e- nango county. I Regiment. 43d John B. Wheeler, .•••. ·...... ••••• , ••••• t •••••••• 5 The towns of Oneonta, Otego and Un a- dUla, in Otsego county, the towns of GUilford, BaiL1bridge, Coventry, 0x- ford, Preston, McDonough, Genna n, Smithville and Greene, in Chenang o county, and the towns of "Vindso r, Sandford, Colesville and Conklin, in Broome county. 44th Nathaniel W. Davis, •• ·...... ~...... 1 Th~ county of Tioga and the towns Union, Vestal, Maine, Triangle, Bal kel', Lisle, Nanticoke and Chenang in Broome count y

I of • i • • •


6th, ..• 0 • 0.0 vVilliam C. Brown, .•. 21st, 22d,45th, 46th, 48th, 49th, ..•• The counties of Oneida, Oswego, Ca- 23d and 50th, 51st, 52d and yuga, Onondaga, Cortland and Tomp- 24th, 53d. kins.


21st, .••• Richard U. Sherman, •• 0 •••••••• 45th, 46th and 53d, .••. 0 •• The county of Oneida.


45th Jeremiah Palmer,. 0 ••••••••• 0 •••••• 0... •••••• •••••• 7 The towns of Boonville, Floyd, Marcy, Remsen, Trenton, Whitestown, Steu- ben, Deerfield, and the city of' Utica in Oneida connty. 46thRichard G. Savery, ...... •...... •••••...•. o. ••• •••• 3 The towns of Rome, Camden, Lee, Ve- rona, Florence, A va, Vielma, Anns- ville and Western, in Oneida county. 53d, Isaac L. F. Addington, . • • • . . . •• .••••• • • •• . . . . • . .••• 1 The towns of New Hartford, Sangers- field, Vernon, Paris, Marshal, Kirk- land, Bridgewater, Augusta and Westmoreland, in Oneida county.

Brigade. 22d, .••• Ransom H. Tyler, .•••••••••••• 48th, .••••••••••••••.••. The county of Oswego.


48 th Samuel" R. :Beardsley,. 0 ••• 0 • • •• • ••••• 0 ••••••••••••• 4 The county of Oswego. APPENDIX.-( CONTINUED.)

:Name or commandant. Includes Includes regiments. Description of district. brigades •

. ------. ------Brigade. 6th, 23d, .••• John H. ChedeIl, .••••••••..•.. 49th and 50th, . •• • • • • . .. The counties of Cayuga and Tomp- kins, and the towns of Elbridge and Skaneateles, in Onondaga county.

Regiment. 49th William H. Carpenter, .•••..••...... 6 The county of Cayuga and the towns of Elbridge and Skaneateles, in On- ondaga county. 50th Harvey A. Dowe, ••••.•••..•• ' •••••••••••••••••••• 2 The county of Tompkins.

Brigade. 24th .••. Robert M. Richardson, ..•••.•••• 51st and 52d, ••••••••.••• The c0unty of Cortland and the coun- ty of Onondaga, (except the towns of Elbridge and Skaneateles.)

Regiment. 51st, Isaac T. Minard, .•••••.•••.••• " ••••••.•••••••••.••• 9 The towns of Sullivan and Lenox, in Madison county, and the county of . Onondaga, except the towns of

I • • • t • o

. Elbridge, Skaneateles, Spafford, ~ Otisco, Tulley and Fabius. 52d,James C. Carmichael, .•.•••..•••..•••..••••••••••••• 2 The county of Cortland and the towns ~ of Fabius, Otisco, Tully and Spaf- ..:...., ford, in Onondaga county.

Div'ision. 7th, ••••.••. Wiliam S. Fullerton, .• 25th and 54th, 58th, 59th and .••• The counties of Wayne, Monroe, On- 27th, 60th. tario, Seneca, Yates, Steuben, Liv- ingston, Chemung and Schuyler.

Brigade. 25th ..•. Lansing B. Swan, .••..••••.•••• 54th and 58th, .••••••.••• The counties of Wayne, Monroe, Seneca and Schuyler.

Regiment. 54th Harrison S. Fairchild" ...... 6 The county of Monroe. 58th E. C. :Frost, ...... , . . .•• The counties of Wayne, Seneca and Schuyler.

Brigade. 27th .•.. James Wood, Jr., .••••.•••..••. 59th and 60th, .••.••..••• Livingston, Ontario, Yates, Chemung and Steuben.

Regiment. 59thlTimothY B. Grant, ..••.•••..••• . . . '" ••••••..••.••••.•• The counties of Livingston, Ontario and Yates. A.PPENDIX.-( CONTINUED.)

Name of commandant. Includes Includes regiments. Description of district. brigades. ------Regiment. 8th 27th 60th R.B. Van Valkenburgh,...... •• .•.••• •••••• ...• ..•. 5 The counties of Chemung and Steuben.

Division. 8th ••••..•• Nelson Randall, •••••. 29th,30th,61st, 62d, 64th, 65th, ..•• The counties of Allegany, 'Vyoming, 3 J st and 66th, 67th, 68th and Genesee, Orleans, Niagara, Erie, 32d. 74th. Cattaraugus and Chautauque.

Brigade. 29st ..•• Silas M Burroughs, ...•••..••. 61st, 62d and 66th, The counties of Niagara, Genesee, Or- leans and Wyoming.

Regiment . 61st John B. Folsom, ...•..•••..••• ...... • • • The county of Wyoming, and the towns of Alexandria, Darien, Bata- via, Bethany, Le Roy, Pavillion and j Stafford, in Genesee county. ~ 62d Peter Saxe,.... . • • ••• . .••...•• ...... •• The county of Orleans, and the towns 00 of Pembroke, Alabama, Oakville, ; Elba, Byron and Bergen, in Genesee tl::l county. ~

• • L 66 th Elisha D. Shuler,. . . •• .••• . • • •• .••••• .••••• • • •• . • • • 3 The county of Niagara.

Brigade. ~ 30th .... Calvin T. Chamberlain, .•••..••• 64th, ..•.••••.••..••.••• The counties of Allegany and Catta- -... rauguS.

Regiment. 6 The counties of Allegany and Catta- 64th Thomas J. Parker, ..••..• 0· •••••••••••••••••••••••• raugus.

Brigade. 31st ...• Gustavus A. Scroggs, •....•..•.• 65th and 74th, ..•••••..•• The city of Buffalo and the towns of Grand Island, Tonawanda, Amherst~ Clarence, Newstead, Chictawauga, Lancaster and .Alden, in Erie co.

Regiment. 8 The 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 12th and 65 t11Jacob Krettnel', ..• 0 • •• ••••• •••• •••••• • •••••••••••• 13th wardS of the city of Buffalo, and the towns of Chictawauga, Lan- caster and Amherst, in Erie county.

• II •••• 6 The 1st, 2d, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th 74th Watson A. Fox, •••• o •••••••••• wards of the city of Buffalo, and the towns of Clarence, Newstead, Alden, Grand Island and Tonawanda, in Erie connty. APPENDIX.-(CONTINUED. )

Name of commandant. Includes Includes regiments. :bellcription of district. brigades. ------'------_._------..,-----,--._------Brigade. 8th, 32d, ..•• Aaron Riley, .•••..•• . ..•.•••. 67th and 68th, •••••• . ••• The county of Chautauque and the towns of Aurora, Boston, Brandt, Concord, Colden, Collins, North Collins,Evans, Eden, Hamhurgh, East Hamburgh, Holland, Sardinia, Wales, Marilla and West Seneca, in Erie county.

Regiment. 67th Chauncey .Abbott, ••••.•.•.••••.•••••••••.•••••.••• 7 The towns of Aurora, :Boston, Brandt, Concord, Colden, Collins, North Col- lins, Evans, Eden, Hamburgh, Hol- land, Sardinia, Wales, East Ham- burgh, Marilla and West Seneca, in Erie county. = 66th David S. Forbes, ..•••...•..••..•••.•••...••••••••• 4 The county of Chautauque.


John A. King, Commander-in-Chiei, Albany. Fredel'iek Townsend, Adjutant-Genelal, Albany. Duncan Campbell, Assistant Adjutant-General, Albany. Benjamin ;F. Bruce, Inspector-General, Lenox .. J. H. Hobart "Vard" Commissary-General, New-York. Allen Munroe, Engineer-in-Chief, Syracuse. Clarence A. Seward, Judge-Advocate-General,. New-York. S. Oakley Vanderpool, Surgeon-General, Albany. James L. Mitchell, Quarter-Master-General, Albany. Robert L. Johnson, Paymaster-Gene-ral, Albany. Robert Le Roy, Aid-de-Camp, New-York. Hale Kingsley, Aid-de-Camp, Albany. Bayard Van Rensselaer, Aid-de-Camp, Albany. Alonzo D. Morgan, Military Secretary, Aurora. ,