1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 413 and State of Massachusetts, in the place of John E. Mole, whose com­ the reading of so much of the J onrnal as relates to the introduction and mission expired December 20, 1885. reference of bills and joint resolutions. Charles C. Cressy, to be postmaster at Gloucester, in the county of There was no objection, and it was so ordered. Essex and State of Massachusetts, in the place of David W. Low, The Clerk then resumed and concluded the reading of the remainder whose commission expired December 20, 1885. · of the Journal, which was approved .. John H. Hamlin, to be postmaster at Eaton Rapids, in the county of Mr. NICHOLAS MULLER, a Representative-elect from the State of Eaton and State of Michigan, in the place of H. M. Hamilton, whose New York, appeared, qualified, and took his seat. commission expired December 20, 1885. Joseph L. Richards, to be postmaster at Buchanan, in the county of JOSEPH RA WICZ. Berrien and State of Michigan, in the place of L. P. Alexander, whose The SPEAKER laid before the Honse a letter from the Secretary of commission expired December 20, 1885. State, transmitting letters of Joseph Rawicz, United States consul at Francis Baasen, to be postmaster at New Ulm, in the county of Brown Warsaw, Poland, and recommending the passage of a bill granting him and State of Minnesota, in the place of Joseph Bobleter, whose com­ permission to accept certain decorations conferred by the Russian Gov­ mission expired December 15, 1885. ernment; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and . George L. Phillips, to be postmaster at Bethany, in the county of ordered to be printed. Harrison and State of :Missouri, in the place of James M. Simms, re­ ADDITIONAL MAIL-ROUTES, ETC. signed. The SPEAKER also laid before the Honse a letter from the Post­ William A. Wight, to be postmaster at Moberly, in the county of master-General, transmitting reports of mails established, of additional nan dol ph and State of Missouri, in the pla-ce of William Firth, resigned. allowances made to contractors, of curtailments in the service, of pay W. T. M:{;Qinnis, to be postmaster at Minden, in the county of Kear­ of contractors, and of all contracts for mail equipments for the fiscal year ney and State of Nebraska, in the place of John W. Gordyn, resigned. ending June 30, 1885; which was referred to the Committee on Ex­ John F. Walsh, to be postmaster at Humboldt, in the county of penditures in the Post-Office Department, and ordered to be printed. Richardson and State of Nebraska, in the place of Edgar S. Norton, re­ signed. REFERENCE OF SENATE BILLS. Arthur W. Bronson, to be postmaster at Clinton, in the county of The SPEAKER also, in accordance with the rules, laid before the Oneida and State of New York, in the place of Benjamin F. Libbey, House bills of the Senate of the following titles for reference, namely: whose commission expired December 20, 1885. A. bill (S. 126) to change the name of the National Bank of Winona; Millen T. Hill, to be postmaster at Gowanda, in the county of Catta­ which was referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency; . raugus and State of New York, in the place of B. G. Hill, resigned. A. bill (S. 471) to provide for the performance of the duties of the Calvin S. S~well, to be postmaster at Olean, in the conuty of Catta­ office of the President, in case of the removal, death, resignation, or ina­ raugus and State of New York, in the pla-ce of Wilson R. Page, whose bility of both the President and Vice-President; which was referred to commission expired December 20, 1885. the Select Committee on the Election of President and Vice-President; Julius Wasserman, to be postmaster at Amsterdam, in the county of A. bill (S. 335) to provide for protecting the interests of the United Montgomery and State of New York, in the place of William J. Kline, States in the Potomac River Flats, in the District of Columbia; which whose commission expired December 20, 1885. was referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia; and D. C. Hill, to .be postmaster at Painesville, in the county of Lake and A bill (S. 382) to authorize the Merchants' National Bank of Little State of Ohio, in the pla-ce of Jonathan F. Scofield, resigned. Rock, Ark., to change its name to the First National Bank of Little T. W. Long, to be postmaster at Cardington, in the county of Morrow Rock, A.rk.; which was referred to the Committee on Banking and Cur­ and State of Ohio, in the place of George W. Bell, resigned. rency. ·william R. Dawson, to be postmaster at Tidioute, in the county of JOINT RULES. Warren and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of James C. Long, whose The SPEAKER also laid before the House Senate resolution adopt­ commission expired December 20, 1885. ing joint rules of the two Houses; which was referred to the Commit­ A. J. Greenfield, to be postmaster at Oil City, in the county of Ve­ tee on Rules, and ordered to be printed. nango and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of Fid Bishop, whose LEAVE OF ABSENCE. commission expired December 20, 1885. Julian Field, to be postmaster at Fort Worth, in the county of Tar­ By unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted to Mr. KING rant and State of Texas, in the place of Belle :M. Burchill, whose com­ for six days and to Mr. OATES for four days, on account of important mission expired October 19, 1885. business. R. L. J emmings, to be postmaster at Marshall, in the county of Har­ WITHDRAWAL OF P APE:RS. rison and St.ate of Texas, in the place of William C. Pierce, whose com­ On motion of Mr. WHITE, of Pennsylvania,, by unanimous consent, mission expired October 24, 1885. leave was granted to withdraw from the files of the House the petition Mrs. L. S. McPherson, to be postmaster at Sherman, in the county and all papers of Mrs. James H. Reynolds, widow of James H. Rey­ of Grayson and State of Texas, in the place of John Donaldson, whose nolds, a sutler in the Seventy-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volun­ commission expired December 20, 1885. teers, no adverse report having been made thereon; and also to with­ James E. Shepard, tp be postmaster at Brenham, in the county of draw from the files of the Honse the petition and all papers in the Washington and State of Texas, in the place of John W. Hacksworth, claim of Dr. W. S. Hancock, late of the Seventy-eighth Regiment Penn­ whose commission expired December 20, 1885. sylvania Volunteers, there being no adverse report. William C. Browe, to be postmaster at Salt Lake City, in the county ORDER OF BUSINESS. of Salt Lake and Territory of Utah, in the place of John T. Lynch, The SPEAKER. Under the order of the Honse, made by unani­ whose commission expired December 20, 1885. mous consent, the Chair will now proceed to call the States and Ter­ Frederick W. Childs, to be postmaster at Brattleborough, in the ritories for the introduction and reference of bills and resolutions. county of Windham and State of Vermont, in the place of Charles H. Mansur, whose commission expired December 20, 1885. LUCIE...~ GOYAUX. Harvey M. Brown, to be postmaster at Columbus, in the county of Mr. GAY (by request) introduced a bill (H. R. 990) for the relief of Columbia and State of Wisconsin, in place of John Swarthout, whose the es-t.1.te of Lucien Goyaux; whic~ was read a first and second time, commission expired December 16, 1885. referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Joseph Osthelder, to be postmaster at Sheboygan Falls, in the county ABOLITION OF CERTAIN SHIPPING FEES, ETC. of Sheboygan and State of Wisconsin, in the place of Cha.rles A. Spen­ cer, resigned. :Mr. DINGLEY (hy Mr. REED, of :Maine) introduced a bill (H. R. 991) A. W. Weisbrod, to be postmaster at Oshkosh, in the county of Win­ to abolish certain fees for offici.a,l services to American vessels and to nebago and State of Wisconsin, in the place of Henry B. Harshaw, whose amend the laws relating to shipping commissioners, seamen, and own­ commission expired December 15, 1885. ers of ve els; which was read a :fir~ t and second time, refen·ed to the Select Committee on American Ship-building and Ship-owning Inter­ NOMINATION WITHDRAWN. ests, and ordered to be printed. John G. Lee, to be secretary of the legation of the United States at AMOS L. ALLEN. Constantinople. Mr. DINGLEY (by Mr. REED, of Maine) also introduced a bill (H. R. 992) for the relief of Amos L. Allen; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HOMESTEAD SE'ITLID.IENTS. Mr. DINGLEY (by Mr. REED, of Maine) also-introduced a bill (H. TUESDAY, January 5, 1886. R. 993) to reserve the public lands of the United States for bona fule set­ TheHousemetat12o'clockm. PrayerbytheChaplain, Rev. W. H. tlers under the homestead laws; which was read a first and second MILBURN, D. D. time, referred to the Committee on the Public Lands. and ordered to The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of .M:onday, December 21, be printed. 1885. DRAWBACKS. :Mr. LORE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to dispense with 1\Ir.
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