A POA Pioneer Has Passed Away There Are Few If Any Current SFPD SFPD Current Any Few If Are There

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A POA Pioneer Has Passed Away There Are Few If Any Current SFPD SFPD Current Any Few If Are There c Official Publication Of The C SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION This Publication was Produced and Printed in California, USA ✯ Buy American ✯ Support Local Business VOLUME 46, NUMBER 11 SAN FRANCISCO, NOVEMBER 2014 www.sfpoa.org A POA Pioneer Has Passed Away the true legends of the San Francisco Police Officers Association. I have no doubt that as the retired members of the SFPOA read this article, they will each reminisce on the legacy of one of the greatest labor leaders that this Association and this city has ever seen. Lieutenant Gerald “Jerry” Crowley passed away October 5, 2014 at the age of 81. Jerry served as POA President from 1972 until 1979 during one of the most turbulent and tumultuous times in the history of the POA. This was also an equally chaotic time in the city with the Moscone/Milk assassina- tions, the Zebra Killings, the Zodiac murders, the Jonestown mass suicides, Lieutenant Gerald “Jerry” Crowley and general political upheaval in the city. His years of dedicated service to By Martin Halloran this country, this department, and to Attending the service for Jerry Crowley were POA presidents Chris Cunnie, Gary SFPOA President the membership of the POA is immea- Delagnes, Martin Halloran and Paul Chignell. surable. Three who knew Jerry well There are few if any current SFPD were Paul Chignell, Mike Hebel, and his dedicated service that appears on Jerry Crowley’s triumphs in his ten- members that were on active duty Gary Delagnes. They have co-authored pages 4 – 6 in this issue of the Journal. ure as POA President came with a lot of during the leadership tenure of one of an in-depth account of the impact of blood, sweat, and tears yet his steadfast What I know about Jerry’s legacy leadership has resonated to those who is this: have followed. Past Presidents Gerry • At a time when the POA was more D’Arcy, Al Casiato, Paul Chignell, Bob SFPOA Condolences for of a fraternal organization than Barry, Mike Keys, Al Trigueiro, Chris Two Slain Deputies a labor union, he expanded the responsibilities of the Association Cunnie, and Gary Delagnes have all By Martin Halloran, President to include administrative represen- passed along the same torch lit three I speak for all members of the San Francisco Police Officers Association tation of ALL members, especially decades ago by President Crowley. All when I express sympathy and condolences to the families and friends of as it pertained to accusations of of these past Presidents have placed two northern California Deputy Sheriffs killed by the same shooter on misconduct. our members in the most favorable Friday, October 24, 2014. position in wages, benefits, and work- • When the members were treated Sacramento County Deputy Danny Oliver, 47, was the first to be killed unfairly by the city in working ing conditions. while approaching the suspect’s vehicle to investigate a possible carjack- conditions and wages, Jerry led the Jerry’s legacy was established many ing. Deputy Oliver, a 15-year veteran of the force, left behind a wife and years ago on the streets of this city, two daughters. Association through the controver- the offices of the POA, and at the Hall Later the same day, the suspect was confronted by two Placer County sial Police/Fire Strike of 1975. of Justice. It is now up to us to keep Sheriff deputies, both of whom were hit by the suspect’s gunfire. One of • As the basic rights of law enforce- his legacy alive for current and future the deputies, 42-year-old Michael David Davis Jr., later died. Deputy Davis ment officers were being dete- was a 15-year veteran with the department. riorated throughout the State of members of the POA. In a most cruel twist of fate, Deputy Davis was killed in the line of duty California, Jerry was at the forefront Rest In Peace Jerry. You have served on the same date that his father died in the line of duty in Riverside County of establishing and implementing your country, your department, and exactly 26 years earlier. In that incident, Investigator Michael Davis, Sr. the Peace Officers Bill Of Rights your members well. died in a police helicopter crash while serving on a narcotics task force. (POBOR) that was signed into law in 1977. Slainte! Honor America’s Veterans November 11th is Veterans Day. On this important national holiday, please take the time to thank a military veteran for his or her service to our country. Join with us, the men and women of the San Francisco Police Officers Association, in honoring all of America’s military veterans, and those brave and dedicated men and women currently serving at home and abroad. Veterans Day Parade Market Street at 2nd Periodicals postage paid at San Francisco, #882-320) (USPS CA Sunday, November 9, 2014 11:00 AM Page 2 POA Journal November 2014 Minutes of the October 15, 2014 SFPOA Board Meeting* 1. President Martin Halloran called 7. Bob Guinan (ret.) made a presen- 10. President’s Message. President Hal- to discuss several topics. This the meeting to order at 12:03 tation and financial request on loran made a motion for the meet- included complaint jurisdiction hours. behalf of the Cable Car Challenge. ing to be adjourned in memory of issues related to DGO 2.04, “Blue” 2. Sergeant at Arms Val Kirwan (SA) This event raises money for the past POA President Gerald Crowley folder admonishment concerns of led the board in the Pledge of Al- Make-A-Wish Foundation. This (ret.) and Jack Gleeson (ret.) who the POA and conduct of represen- legiance. year’s challenge will be Saturday, both passed away recently. The tatives concerns of OCC, lack of 3. SA Kirwan asked for a moment December 7. The POA has donated motion received a second from administrative hearings granted by of silence for police officers and up to $5,000 to sponsor teams from Representative Yulanda Williams OCC, and moving interview times military personnel killed in the a variety of stations/assignments. (Richmond) and Jesus Pena (North- without member consent. line of duty. 8. Representatives from the Com- ern). It passed unanimously by 13. The POA has met with the City voice vote. 4. New board representatives were memorative Badge Foundation several times on “Paperless” pay- sworn in. Harold Vance swore in made a presentation regarding a 11. President Halloran informed the roll. Firefighters Local 798 and the Mario Busalacchi (Traffic); Par- Memorial Wall project for officers board that he received a letter of POA are the last two unions in the liamentarian Mike Hebel swore who died in the line of duty. They protest from Jose Pubill (Traffic City who are still meeting with the in Crispin Jones and James Trail are asking the POA to support the Company) regarding the recent City on this. (Ingleside); Parliamentarian Mike project. All board representatives special election for board positions. 14. City Attorney Dennis Herrera has Hebel swore in Thomas Harvey received the proposal and cost pro- Pubill was present at the meeting filed an appeal with the State Su- (Investigations). jections via e-mail from President and explained his concerns about preme Court requesting review of Halloran. the voting process. President Hal- 5. Secretary Mike Nevin conducted a recent “Brady” decision. loran explained that Pubill’s protest roll call. 9. Representative Jesus Pena (North- 15. Financial Requests. Representative ern) made a motion to approve letter would be presented to the 6. President Halloran presented a Steve Landi (Traffic) made a motion the September 2014 minutes. The Elections Committee per the by- recognition plaque to Risa Tom. to donate $5,000 for the Cable Car motion received a second from laws. A discussion followed. Risa works in the Police Commis- Challenge. The motion received a Representative Yulanda Williams 12. The POA recently met with the sion office and has been a valued second from Jesus Pena (Northern). (Richmond). The motion passed OCC Director Joyce Hicks and Department employee for 26 years. The motion passed unanimously unanimously by voice vote. Assistant Director Erick Baltazar by voice vote. 16. Vice President’s message. None 17. Treasurer’s report. Treasurer Joe Board of Directors Meeting Roll Call Valdez passed out the monthly expense report. Wednesday, October 15, 2014 18. New Business. Representative Matt President Martin Halloran P Co. G Chris Breen P Lobre (Northern) suggested the Vice President Tony Montoya E Yulanda Williams P POA should keep a log of all De- Secretary Michael Nevin P Co. H Crispin Jones P partment “No Discretionary Days James Trail P Treasurer Joseph Valdez P Off” Memos. Co. I Michael Ferraresi P Sergeant-At-Arms Val Kirwan P 19. Representative John Evans (Admin/ Jody Kato P Headqrt) addressed some concerns Editor Ray Shine E Co. J Kevin Lyons E he had regarding a recent OIS and Co. A Ed Carew P Joe McCloskey E an investigative procedure. John Van Koll E Co. K Mario Busalacchi P 20. Representative Michael Ferraresi Co. B Danny Miller P Steve Landi P (Taraval) asked if holiday staffing Louis Wong P Hdqtr. John Evans P would continue to have maximum Co. C Gerald Lyons P Raphael Rockwell E staffing levels. The POA has not Chris Schaffer P been informed of any change to Tactical Brent Bradford P this. Co. D Scott Edwards E Mark Madsen E Greg Stechschulte P 21. Representative Matt Mason (In- Invest. Thomas Harvey P vestigations) suggested that rep- Co. E Matt Lobre P Matt Mason P Jesus Peña P resentatives use golf tournaments Airport Reynaldo Serrano E or other POA-sponsored events as Co.

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