Class-Ten Subject: BGS Revision Chapter-2( TheIndependent ) Knowledge based (A -Type question):- 1.Which party was achieved absolute majority in the national and provincial election in 1970? 2. When did Yahia Khan postpone the session of the national assembly? 3. Which organization gave to the title "Bangabandhu"? 4. What is Ganajuddha? 5. When and where did Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman deliver the historic oration? 6. When did Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman declare the Independence of Bangladesh? 7. When did "" begin? 8. Where was Bangabandhu secretly taken away? 9. What is Operation Searchlight? 10. What inspiration did the Bengalese get from the speech of the 7th March? 11. When did the fifteenth amendment of the constitution held? 12. Who proclaimed the declaration again on behalf of Bangabandhu? 13. Who secretly left Dhaka on 25th ? 14. When did the government form? 15.When did the Mujibnagar government take oath? 16. Who was the Commander in chief of the liberation war? 17. When didBangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahmanarrest? 18. Who gave the order to attack the innocent people? 19. On which date did Yahia Khan call for the session of the national assembly? 20. How many members were in the advisory committee of the Mujibnagar Government? 21. How was the Mujibnagar Government formed? 22. How many ministries and divisions were in it? 23. How many Bangladesh missions were established by Mujibnagar Government? 24. How many sectors and forces were in the Liberation War? 25. Who was the chief Commandant in the Liberation war? 26. Who designed the blue print name' Operation Search light'? 27. Where was the declaration of Independence broadcasted? 28. When were the intellectuals killed? 29. When did government declare Birangona as freedom fighter? 30. Who was appointed as a special envoy during the liberation war? 31.Write the name of some anti- parties of the liberation war. 32. How many times Bangabandhu had spent in prison as a political detainee. 33. When did recognize Bangladesh as a independence country? 34. How many Pakistani Army were surrendered? 35. Which country gave the veto against the proposal of USA at the United Nations during the liberation? 36. Who arranged the concert and where? 37. Write the name of the concert. 38. George Harrison was the citizen of which country? 39. When Bangabandhu returned from to Dhaka? 40.When did Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman as the President of the country proclaim a temporary constitution order? 41.When did Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as the President of the country proclaim Gonoparishad order? 42. When was A Draft -Constitution Formulation Committee formed? 43. How many members were in Draft Constitution Committee? 44. When the first general election was held? 45. What is second revolution? 46. How many countries recognized Bangladesh as an Independent country within a very short time? 47.When did Indian troops left Bangladesh? 48. When Bangladesh got membership of UN? 49. In which organization did Bangladesh become a member n 1972? 50. Which organization was awarded Bangabandhu as the Julio Kurri Prize? 51. When the constitution was adopted and enforced? 52. How many times the constitution had amended? 53. What is the declaration of the constitution? 54. What was an ordinance that declared by Khondokar Mostak Ahmed? 55. Who took initiatives to establish SAARC? 56. When was the reconstruction of democracy introduced? 57. When was the caretaker government bill passed? 58. Which organization recognized 21st February as "International Mother Language Day"? Comprehension based (B-Type Question),Application based (C-type Question),Higher ability based (D- type Question):-

1. Explain the formation and functions of Mujibnagar Government. 2. Analyze the importance of Mujibnagar Government in conducting the liberation war and raising a global voice. 3.MujibnagarGovernment was like the heart of the liberation war. Explain. 4. Describe the significance of the oration of 7th March. 5. Evaluate 7th March speech as the directive to the Bangladesh Liberation. 6. Give a description about the mass killing of 25th March. 7. Explain the role of the student, women, professional, in the Liberation War. 8. Why is the country deeply indebted to the freedom fighters for their sacrifices? 9. How did Soviet Union and the socialist countries support the Liberation War. 10. Describe the role of Mass media in the liberation War. 11. Role of India in the liberation War. 12. What did Bangabandhu do in relation to the reconstruction of Bangladesh in the aftermath of the War? 13. What was the condition of Bangladesh after the Liberation war. 14. Analyze the activities of Ganoparishad. 15. Bangladesh in the International community. 16. Formation and the characteristics of the constitution. 17. ‘On August 15, 1975 a brutal and heinous murder took place in the National life of Bengalies.’ Analyze. 18. Explain the heinous killing of the national leaders in jail. 19. Analyze the steps of withdrawal of by General . 20. Describe the election and formation of political party. 21. What is meant by ‘The Indemnity Ordinance’? 22. Mass movement and reconstruction of 1990.